Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Adding Media Folder

2018-04-15 Thread kappclark

I was able to move it to an existing media folder directory, and
scanning is plm is if I wished to move it to a higher
directory ...

i.e. from /storage/mp3/Opera to /storage/Opera

Not a huge issue since everything scans ok etc.., I just see no errors
etc which may explain why I cannot add an additional media folder...
strictly for organizational purposes here ... the sw functions just
fine, unless I wish to create a NEW media folder ...

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Squeezes lose connection to picoreplayer for 1-2 seconds

2018-04-15 Thread sologuy

I searched this forum for similar topic, but found none... maybe I used
wrong keywords?

Have been running picoreplayer for many months.  Very happy with it.

Last month I noticed the clock on SQBX booms would flip to"can't
connect" message and then back to clock. When playing more than one SQBX
device synced I also get dropoffs now. 

Nothing changed in installation or devices. Running picoreplayer on pi3
and Ethernet. SQBX devices all WiFi.  Am in apartment. 

Are there logs I can examine to see connection errors? If so, for SQBX
devices, where located? For picoreplayer, where located?

Thanks much!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] macOS update - Players Fail to Connect to LMS

2018-04-15 Thread mherger

Would you mind sharing your full server.log with us (link to the .zip
version can be found in Settings/Information). - if it's too large
to attach here.

Michael - Spotty, MusicArtistInfo

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] macOS update - Players Fail to Connect to LMS

2018-04-15 Thread AlbyG

Man in a van wrote: 
> Some suggestions from here may help
> Ronnie

Thank you Ronnie,

I had tried each of these, but I gave them another shot. Still doesn't

Thanks however for the advice.


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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Forbidden: settings/index.html

2018-04-15 Thread Michael Herger

But when on the same network, why would you use the proxy? Sounds like
solving a problem where there‘s none?

I agree that using a proxy is not the most logical thing in this case. I
use this setup because I want to have the same url scheme for all my web
applications, both those that are available on the internet, and those
that are only available on my internal network. And nowadays browsers
start complaining if a site is not secure while other sites on the same
domain are.

Ok, it might make sense under very specific circumstances. I hope you 
protect access from the outside with a password or something?

Feel free to provide a patch for the xff header support. I lack the 
resources to work on this for a valid, but really exotic use case.


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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Forbidden: settings/index.html

2018-04-15 Thread Michael Herger

What else did you expect from a Network Specialist?

Django - respect and manners are something I expect from everyone. No 
matter whether network specialist (all lower case), accountant or music 
lover. Unfortunately you all too often lack these. Please stop lecturing 
others while hardly ever being helpful. Thanks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Forbidden: settings/index.html

2018-04-15 Thread DJanGo

vco1 wrote: 
>  And nowadays browsers start complaining if a site is not secure while
> other sites on the same domain are.

Thats a whole different story about certificates and has nothing to do
with that topic. LMS didnt use https for internal things, only external

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Forbidden: settings/index.html

2018-04-15 Thread DJanGo

vco1 wrote: 
> What an unexpected, strange and rather hostile answer to a sincere
> technical question.
> .
What else did you expect from a Network Specialist?
You wouldnt believe what kind of things i had to solve that are made by
my colleges who should know it better?

Networking looks easy is easy (if you really know the rules) but isnt.
for everyone.

LMS supports logfiles to help - xyz isnt helpful here...
Technical enough?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Forbidden: settings/index.html

2018-04-15 Thread vco1

DJanGo wrote: 
> wrong thinking...
> eg 11.11.11. is a public IP
> writing these lines without adding some helpful information tolds me -
> you didnt want any help.
> bye

What an unexpected, strange and rather hostile answer to a sincere
technical question.

By reading the thread before posting my initial question I understood I
am not the only one who has some issues getting this new functionality
to work on his environment. I hoped for some assistance here, in getting
it to work within my network setup.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Forbidden: settings/index.html

2018-04-15 Thread DJanGo

vco1 wrote: 
> Good to know. I don't think it makes much of a difference if x.y.z is
> 192.168.0 or 11.11.11..

wrong thinking...
eg 11.11.11. is a public IP

writing these lines without adding some helpful information tolds me -
you didnt want any help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Pi3B+, Pi3B and MYSQL

2018-04-15 Thread dagadog

JerryS wrote: 
> Hi,
> Sorry I missed your post, hence the delay in replying.
> To make a couple of disclaimers, firstly I am no LMS or MYSQL expert and
> have no experience other than running MYSQL on localhost (the same
> computer LMS is installed on).  I should also say that I am not the most
> organised person when it comes to documenting installation procedures, I
> tend to 'google on the go' and hope for the best.
> However, I can tell you that LMS 7.9.1 - 1521438894 is running nicely
> with MariaDB-9+deb9ui on my pi3B+
> My install notes are as follows (for what they are worth)
> 1.  Install MariaDB
> 2.  I tried to add perl support (apt-get install libbd-mysql-perl but
> this was evidently installed already with MariaDB)
> 3.  Create database slimserver and add user to priviledges (slimserver,
> host any, no password '') (In phpMyAdmin mine looks like this username
> slimserver hostname localhost password no global priviledges USAGE Grant
> No)
> 4. Set himemory off in Web browser
> (Settings/Advanced/Performance/Database Memory Config = Normal)
> 5.  STOP LMS (sudo service logitechmediaserver stop)
> 6. edit server.prefs in var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs as follows:-
> dbhighmem: 0
> dbpassword: ''
> dbsource: dbi:mysql:hostname=;port=3306;database=slimserver
> dbtype: MySQL
> dbusername: slimserver
> (I presume, but don't know, that dbsource is the place to specify the
> url of the db location if not on local host, IP address maybe?)
> 7.  Start LMS
> Jerry

Thanks for the above. It almost worked. I too am not an expert.

When I restarted LMS, the tables were all created


mysql> show tables;
  | Tables_in_slimserver |
  | albums   |
  | comments |
  | contributor_album|
  | contributor_track|
  | contributors |
  | dbix_migration   |
  | genre_track  |
  | genres   |
  | metainformation  |
  | playlist_track   |
  | pluginversion|
  | progress |
  | rescans  |
  | scanned_files|
  | tracks   |
  | tracks_persistent|
  | unreadable_tracks|
  | years|
  18 rows in set (0.00 sec)

LMS was apparently running, but I couldn't access the GUI in a browser.
MySQL was definitely doing something, and there were a lot of writes to
the volume containing the database, but no reads from the volume
containing the music files (i.e. no sign of bulk reads). The tables
remain empty. What seems to be happening is that the tracks table is
being deleted and recreated.

The relevant part of my server.prefs file is below:


  dbhighmem: '0'
  dbjournalsize: 50
  dbpassword: xxx
  dbsource: dbi:mysql:database=slimserver
  dbtype: MySQL
  dbusername: slimserver

I've switched back to SQLite for the moment. Any ideas what I missed?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Forbidden: settings/index.html

2018-04-15 Thread vco1

DJanGo wrote: 
> Hi,
> hiding private ips here in case of "need help" is a little bit over the
> top and not helping anyone.
> using placeholder like  x.y.z.1 or x.y.z.50 only make a little bit of
> sense when x;y and z are always "whatever"
> basically you describing something like i am using a reverse proxy and
> one system thats in the same network like the proxy cant connect,
> That means:
> The proxy isnt configured the right way.
> Without know the setup/config its a unsolvalbe issue. xyz didnt help and
> xyz isnt needed fpr private adresses !.
> (These lines told me something - you wouldnt like to read)
Good to know. I don't think it makes much of a difference if x.y.z is
192.168.0 or 11.11.11.
Thankfully the proxy is configured correctly, otherwise I'd have great
difficulties in accessing my web apps. ;-) It's just that the latest
release of LMS is not playing nicely in this setup. And I was hoping to
get some advice or suggestions here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Forbidden: settings/index.html

2018-04-15 Thread vco1

mherger wrote: 
> But when on the same network, why would you use the proxy? Sounds like
> solving a problem where there‘s none?
I agree that using a proxy is not the most logical thing in this case. I
use this setup because I want to have the same url scheme for all my web
applications, both those that are available on the internet, and those
that are only available on my internal network. And nowadays browsers
start complaining if a site is not secure while other sites on the same
domain are.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Playlist Artwork - where does LMS find it ?

2018-04-15 Thread DJanGo

mherger wrote: 
> Fix your tags. Make sure all tracks have correct album information.
> -- 
> Michael

There is a plugin from Michael called something like musicartistinfo
using that plugin there is a easy way to show all media without or with
small artwork.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Forbidden: settings/index.html

2018-04-15 Thread DJanGo

vco1 wrote: 
> The error that I get in the logfile is
> > 

  >   > Web::HTTP::generateHTTPResponse (981) Access to settings pages is 
restricted to the local network or localhost: x.y.z.1 -> x.y.z.50

> > 


hiding private ips here in case of "need help" is a little bit over the
top and not helping anyone.

using placeholder like  x.y.z.1 or x.y.z.50 only make a little bit of
sense when x;y and z are always "whatever"
basically you describing something like i am using a reverse proxy and
one system thats in the same network like the proxy cant connect,

That means:
The proxy isnt configured the right way.
Without know the setup/config its a unsolvalbe issue. xyz didnt help and
xyz isnt needed fpr private adresses !.
(These lines told me something - you wouldnt like to read)

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Forbidden: settings/index.html

2018-04-15 Thread mherger

vco1 wrote: 
> .1 is the gateway and the box on which the reverse proxy runs. I'm
> accessing LMS from different ip's. In this case it was .20. The .50 in
> my logfile is the server LMS is running on.
> Actually, I think it should work if LMS took the X-FORWARDED-FOR header
> set by the reverse proxy into consideration. Kind of like this (which is
> not my code as I'm not very fluent in Perl):
> > 

  >   > $ip = $ENV{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'} || $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};

> > 

But when on the same network, why would you use the proxy? Sounds like
solving a problem where there‘s none?

And no, using that header would fix anything. It would only disable the
security check. It doesn’t tell LMS that the connection comes from a
safe place.

Michael - Spotty, MusicArtistInfo

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