Re: Indexed properties

2001-07-25 Thread James Howe

At 02:23 PM 7/25/2001 -0400, you wrote:


Hi.  Currently you have to use my changed tags...but it looks like they 
will be
in the nightly build by the end of the week.

You can get them at, and I
attached some example source code to a previous message which was just
mentioned, if you want to look at that.



I have a couple of questions about your mods.  At our site we are using a 
different set of modifications, posted by some other Struts user which 
seems to accomplish the same thing as your mods.  The major difference 
seems to be that yours requires an additional attribute to specify that the 
particular input field is to use an indexed property accessor.  I'm curious 
as to why you made this choice?  The mods we are using automatically use an 
indexed accessor if the input field is contained inside of an iterate 
tag.  Do you have an example of when you would have an input field inside 
of an iterate tag when you wouldn't want to use an indexed property 
name?  (I'm not trying to argue with your decision, just trying to get a 
better understanding of your thoughts).  The other issue, which we just 
came across today, with the other indexed property mod, is that it would 
fail to work correctly if you had iterators inside of iterators.  We had a 
case where we used an iterator to access a collection of beans, and then 
iterated over the contents of each of the beans.  The resultant HTML needed 
to look like this to work correctly:

input type=text name=firstTable[n].secondTable[m].propertyName

Will your mods handle nested iterators correctly?

Finally, are your mods going to be part of the official build, or are they 
included in some sort of user supplied extensions?  I missed the original 
discussion about your modifications.

James W. Howe   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Allen Creek Software, Inc.  pgpkey:
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Re: Indexed properties

2001-07-25 Thread James Howe

At 05:20 PM 7/25/2001 -0400, you wrote:

Hi James,

Thanks for your note - made me think a bit!

Would be interested in knowing more about the other indexed tags that were
posted and you are using.  I know either Jeff Trent or Martin Cooper had
produced some tags which had a different name ie IndexedXXXTag.

I believe the mods we have are based on those posted by Niall 
Pemberton.  In those mods, a handful of HTML tags had their doStartTag() 
method modified to be changed from:

results.append( name=\);


results.append( name=\);

where propertyName() was implemented like this:

protected String propertyName() {
 IterateTag iterateTag = (IterateTag) findAncestorWithClass(this, 
 return iterateTag == null
 : iterateTag.getProperty() + [ + 
iterateTag.getIndex() + ]. +;

In the original mods that we had, the getProperty method of IterateTag 
simply returned the property field value.  I modified it to invoke a 
propertyName() method whose implementation is the same as that given 
above.  This allows for a recursive buildup of indexed property fields when 
an HTML tag is included inside of any number of nested iterate tags.

James W. Howe   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Allen Creek Software, Inc.  pgpkey:
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Running Tomcat+Struts w/o internet connection

2001-06-22 Thread James Howe

We are trying to run Tomcat + Struts to run our web application without an 
external internet connection.  We are running into a problem because our 
struts-config.xml has an external reference to the struts-config DTD.  What 
is the proper way to modify struts-config.xml to reference a locally 
defined DTD and where would that file normally reside in a standard Tomcat 


Accessing session attributes

2001-06-14 Thread James Howe

This is probably a stupid question, but here it goes.  I have a handful of 
string values that I'm storing in the session object.  These values aren't 
associated with any bean (actually, in a sense the session object is the 
bean).  I have a couple of places where I need to display these values in a 
form.  I want to use the html:text tag, but I don't know what I need to 
specify.  Let me give an example.  Suppose I have a String value stored in 
the session by the name of filter.  How would I get the filter value to 
display in a form text field?


Editing tabular data

2001-05-14 Thread James Howe

I'm currently in the process of coding a Struts-based JSP page which will 
let my user edit a table of values.  I started out by creating a read-only 
display of values  using the logic:iterate tag and bean:write tags.  The 
object associated with the iterate tag answers a collection of beans and I 
have several bean:write tags which are used to display the properties of 
the bean.  It looks something like this:

logic:iterate id=bean name=beanCollector property=beanCollection
td width=70bean:write name=bean property=prop1 filter=false//td
td width=70bean:write name=bean property=prop2 filter=false//td
[ more attributes ...]

I'm now somewhat at a loss as to how to construct a screen which will let 
the user update any and all fields in the table and save them.  Can anybody 
provide and example of how I might go about building a page which can edit 
a table of information?


Usage of include or forward in Action definition

2001-05-03 Thread James Howe

Could someone explain a little more about when you would want to use either 
the include or forward attributes of the action tag (used in 
struts-config.xml) instead of the type attribute?  An example or two 
would go a long way to clarifying when and why someone might want to use 
either include or forward.


RE: Returning from a form page

2001-05-01 Thread James Howe

Thanks for the tip.  I had considered doing something like that but somehow 
convinced myself that it probably wouldn't work before even giving it a try.

At 02:42 PM 4/30/2001 -0700, you wrote:
If you hard code a parameter into the href or page attribute of 
html:link, it is smart enough to know how to append the other
parameters contained in your parameter map.  For example if your page 
value is /, and your parameter map contains
the pairs param1=abc and param2=def, html:link will correctly form the URL:

-Original Message-
From: James Howe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 11:44 AM
Subject: Returning from a form apge

In our web application, we have two pages from which a user can access a
third page.  From the third page (which is form to fill out and save), the
user either saves or cancels their action, and the user is returned to the
page from which they originally started.  However, the third page has no
knowledge about where it came from so it doesn't no who to forward to when
its action is complete. [...]

James W. Howe   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Allen Creek Software, Inc.  pgpkey:
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Returning from a form apge

2001-04-30 Thread James Howe

In our web application, we have two pages from which a user can access a 
third page.  From the third page (which is form to fill out and save), the 
user either saves or cancels their action, and the user is returned to the 
page from which they originally started.  However, the third page has no 
knowledge about where it came from so it doesn't no who to forward to when 
its action is complete.

I'm not sure how best to handle this situation.  One option would be to use 
a parameter on the link to the third page with a value indicating the page 
to return to.  However, I'm using an html:link tag which is passing other 
object related parameters on to the third screen (the form uses this 
information to populate itself).  What I would like to do is get the 
parameters from the object and then append another parameter which 
indicates the page to return to but I can't do that and use the link 
tag.  I'm toying with the idea of building a custom link tag which also 
takes a return attribute.  This tag would put the return information in 
the parameter list that gets generated.  Before I do that, however, I'm 
wondering what other ways people have used to address this sort of problem? 
(I assume that I'm not the only person to have encoutered this situation)

Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated.


Re: Required vs. optional name attribute

2001-04-23 Thread James Howe

At 10:00 PM 4/22/2001 -0700, you wrote:

On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, James Howe wrote:

  I apologize in advance if this topic has come up before, but ...
  I'm building a Struts JSP page containing a form.  I've noticed that the
  HTML tags typically do not require the specification of a name attribute
  in order to retrieve property values from a bean.  If the name isn't
  specified, the property value is retrieved from the bean associated with
  the form.  However, logic tags require the use of the name attribute in
  order to retrieve a property.  [...]

The HTML-oriented tags that allow you to default the name attribute can
*only* be used within an html:form tag -- they are not useful in any
other context.

The logic tags (and the bean tags as well) are general purpose tools,
useful either inside or outside a form.  It would be technically feasible
to do what you suggest, but IMHO it would be very confusing to have the
same tag do two different things depending on whether you nested it or


I understand your point.  How about if there were a new tag in Struts 
called defaultName (or something similar).  In the defaultName tag, you 
could identify a bean which automatically be referred to by all other tags 
unless a different bean name attribute were specified on a tag.  This would 
let you include common code and the common code wouldn't have to know the 
name of the bean from which it got its value unless it wanted to.

James W. Howe   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Allen Creek Software, Inc.  pgpkey:
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Required vs. optional name attribute

2001-04-18 Thread James Howe

I apologize in advance if this topic has come up before, but ...

I'm building a Struts JSP page containing a form.  I've noticed that the 
HTML tags typically do not require the specification of a "name" attribute 
in order to retrieve property values from a bean.  If the name isn't 
specified, the property value is retrieved from the bean associated with 
the form.  However, logic tags require the use of the name attribute in 
order to retrieve a property.  Isn't there some way that the logic tags 
could look to see if there is a bean "in scope" and use that bean to 
retrieve property values from if no name attribute is specified?  The 
problem I have is this, I have a portion of a form which is common to more 
than one form.  I would like to factor out the common stuff into an include 
file of some sort.  However, the common stuff makes use of a logic tag 
(notEqual).  I can't factor out this code because I have to explicitly 
reference a specific bean name in order for this code to work.  However, my 
various forms have different bean names associated with them.  It's not a 
terribly big deal, but it seems as if the name attribute shouldn't have to 
be required if some sort of "default" bean is available for the page.


Feature request

2001-04-18 Thread James Howe

I'm using the bean:write tag to add parameters to a dynamically generated 
URL used by some javascript on my JSP page.  The problem with bean:write 
is that it doesn't URL encode the result.  In general, this is probably a 
good thing.  However, there are times when it would be nice to have the 
value encoded.  Would it be possible to add an additional optional tag to 
WriteTag which would indicate whether the result was to be URLEncoded?  The 
default would be false which would not require any changes in current 
code.  Also, if there is an alternative way to get this functionality, 
please let me know.  Unfortunately I can't use the "link" tag in this 

Basically I have a line in my file which looks like this:

input type="button" ... onClick="self.location="'bean:write 

In other words, I'm building up the parameters to the location URL based on 
property values in a particular bean.


Where are Struts messages found?

2001-04-11 Thread James Howe

I'm working with Struts and I'm trying to build an error page for my JSP 
application.   In looking at the Struts tag code I see statements which 
look like this:

throw new JspException(messages.getMessage("getter.bean", beanName)));  

which looks like it should be populating the exception with some useful 
information.  However, when I execute this code in a debugger, the message 
assigned to the Exception is null because there is no message with the name 
"getter.bean".  Where would I find definitions for messages such as 
"getter.bean", "optionsTag.iterator", etc?

Re: Where are Struts messages found?

2001-04-11 Thread James Howe

Nevermind.  I found them in places like 
org/apache/struts/util/  I'm running Tomcat/Struts 
from within VisualAge and I hadn't properly imported the Struts resources 
and I was missing these properties files.

At 11:33 AM 4/11/2001 -0400, you wrote:
I'm working with Struts and I'm trying to build an error page for my JSP 
application.   In looking at the Struts tag code I see statements which 
look like this:

throw new JspException(messages.getMessage("getter.bean", beanName)));

which looks like it should be populating the exception with some useful 
information.  However, when I execute this code in a debugger, the message 
assigned to the Exception is null because there is no message with the 
name "getter.bean".  Where would I find definitions for messages such as 
"getter.bean", "optionsTag.iterator", etc?

James W. Howe   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Allen Creek Software, Inc.  pgpkey:
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Re: Performance of struts

2001-03-19 Thread James Howe

If Tomcat's performance is pretty awful, what are some JSP implementations 
(commercial or otherwise) that are particularly good?

At 12:10 PM 3/19/2001 -0800, you wrote:

Struts based apps (or any app that uses custom tags heavily) are going to
be significantly impacted by the quality of the JSP implementation in your
container.  Which version are you using?  (NOTE:  Tomcat's performance
w.r.t. JSP pages is pretty awful, for example).


Craig McClanahan

James W. Howe   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Allen Creek Software, Inc.  pgpkey:
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Tips needed

2001-02-28 Thread James Howe

The company I work for wants to create a web version of an existing 
application.  We have created a static web site which we are using as the 
prototype for the real thing.  We now need to make the site active.  Can 
anyone offer any tips on good ways to convert a static web site into a 
Struts application?


Re: Base tag question

2001-02-27 Thread James Howe

At 05:35 PM 2/26/2001 -0800, you wrote:
James Howe wrote:

  Is there some reason why the base tag defined in the HTML tag library
  doesn't let you specify the optional target attribute?  I'm working with a
  frames based web application and I need to use both the href and target
  attributes.  I know I could subclass the custom base tag, but before I do,
  I was wondering if there was any particular reason why the standard Struts
  base tag does let the user specify the target.

I prefer not to support attributes that aren't in the official HTML 4.01
specs, and this is one of those.  You're welcome to support it yourself
in a subclass, however.



I thought target was part of the spec.  In looking at the spec on, the following page specifically mentions the target attribute:

However, the DTD does not mention the target attribute so I'm a bit 
confused.  Perhaps target will be superceded by a style-sheet 
specification?  If you don't want to change the base tag implementation I 
will just plan on creating my own subclass.


James W. Howe   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Allen Creek Software, Inc.  pgpkey:
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Base tag question

2001-02-26 Thread James Howe

Is there some reason why the base tag defined in the HTML tag library 
doesn't let you specify the optional target attribute?  I'm working with a 
frames based web application and I need to use both the href and target 
attributes.  I know I could subclass the custom base tag, but before I do, 
I was wondering if there was any particular reason why the standard Struts 
base tag does let the user specify the target.


Struts and Frames

2001-02-14 Thread James Howe

I'm working to build a web based application using Struts.  Currently we 
have a mocked-up prototype which uses frames (iframes in particular) to 
control what gets displayed on the screen.  In general the format of our or 
pages consists of three frames:

Top (header/navigation stuff)
Main (the thing the user is currently doing)

I've tried to "strutsifiy" this prototype but I haven't quite figured out 
the best way to handle things.  The one thing I did was convert the footer 
from "footer.html" to "footer.jsp".  This lets me dynamically change the 
content of the footer.  This seems to work.  I then tried to modify the 
main body.  I started by making the main body point to my "" 
action.  This worked fine.  The screen came up and my logon stuff was in 
the middle frame.  However, once the user logged on, my middle pane went 
blank.  In my config, I had the logon page forward to my success action, 
but my success action never displayed.  Is there anything special I need to 
do to make my struts application usable in a framed environment?


A couple more frames (and non-frames) questions

2001-02-14 Thread James Howe

I have a couple more questions regarding Struts and frames as well as a 
question concerning web site organization.

I was able to get my frames-based Struts application to sort of work after 
adding the "target" property to my logon form.  This leads to my next 
question.  My current page has the Navigation frame, the body frame and the 
footer frame.  I had made my footer a jsp which was design to display 
information based on who the user logged in as.  Before the user logs in, 
the foot is basically blank.  I present the logon screen.  Once the user 
logs on, I want to display a new page in the body frame, but I also want 
the footer to update.  Unfortunately, it appears that when the logon form 
finishes transferring to the "success" page, only the body frame 
updates.  (Not that this should be too surprising).  My question is, how 
can I get the footer frame to update as well?  Can I programatically get 
other frames to update when an action occurs?  Or do I just need to 
restructure how my page works?

Related to the above, the current structure of my web application has some 
pages at the root level and some in subdirectories.  For example, my 
logon.jsp is in the root, but the jsp and html associated with the success 
action exists in a subdirectory.  When I logged into my application, I was 
able to most of the contents of my next page to display, but not 
everything.  I also had to tweak some of the paths in my html.  For 
example, previously I had a reference to a style sheet as 
"../style.css".  When the page was displayed, the style was not 
applied.  If I changed the reference to "style.css", the style was 
correctly applied.However, my page also referenced an html file for one 
of its frames.  This page never appeared, and no error was displayed 
either.  I'm sort of confused as to where the system thinks it is after 
performing a forward action.  I'm sure I could get everything to work if I 
just put it all in the root directory, but I'm not sure that's what I want 
to do.  Can anyone offer any suggestions on good ways to organize Struts 

Thanks again.

Re: which development tool to use?

2001-02-06 Thread James Howe

We also use VAJ 3.5 with Tomcat and Struts.  It's nice to be able to 
develop, run, and debug within the same environment.  Since the generated 
JSP code is part of the IDE, it's a simple matter to put breakpoints in the 
generated JSP if necessary.

At 11:24 PM 2/5/2001 +0100, you wrote:
I use VAJ 3.5 with Tomcat and struts.

works perfectly can debug throught the jsp's (not really jsp's but the
generated servlets)
Can change code on the fly without restarting anything.


James W. Howe   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Allen Creek Software, Inc.  pgpkey:
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Is request shared across a redirect?

2001-01-31 Thread James Howe

I have two JSP pages which I want to have share a bean.  In the first JSP 
page I do something like this:

jsp:useBean id="bean" scope="request" class="package.BeanClass"/
jsp:setProperty name="bean" property="prop" value='Some Value'/
logic:redirect href="foo.jsp"/

In "foo.jsp", I have code which looks like this:

logic:notPresent name="bean" scope="request"
h3Message not available/h3
logic:present name="bean" scope="request"
jsp:useBean id="bean" scope="request" class="package.BeanClass"/
h3bean:write name="bean" property="prop" filter="true"//h3

When I invoke the first page, I make the transition to the second page, but 
the bean property is never found.  I've debugged the code and it appears 
that the request object used by the second page does not have the attribute 
defined by the first page.  I guess I thought that objects put into the 
request scope were maintained across a redirection.  Was I wrong or am I 
just doing something stupid?


Re: Is request shared across a redirect?

2001-01-31 Thread James Howe

Certainly makes sense.  I was able to change to using forward and now I'm 
getting the results I expected.  Thanks!

At 02:51 PM 1/31/2001 -0500, you wrote:
Requests are not preserved over a redirect because this generates a redirect
response back to the browser. The browser responds by requesting the URL 
in the redirect response.

Request and response objects are preserved over forward because this is 
to the webserver.

-- Jason

James Howe wrote:
  I have two JSP pages which I want to have share a bean.  In the first JSP
  page I do something like this:
  jsp:useBean id="bean" scope="request" class="package.BeanClass"/
  jsp:setProperty name="bean" property="prop" value='Some Value'/
  logic:redirect href="foo.jsp"/
  In "foo.jsp", I have code which looks like this:
  logic:notPresent name="bean" scope="request"
  h3Message not available/h3
  logic:present name="bean" scope="request"
  jsp:useBean id="bean" scope="request" class="package.BeanClass"/
  h3bean:write name="bean" property="prop" filter="true"//h3
  When I invoke the first page, I make the transition to the second page, but
  the bean property is never found.  I've debugged the code and it appears
  that the request object used by the second page does not have the attribute
  defined by the first page.  I guess I thought that objects put into the
  request scope were maintained across a redirection.  Was I wrong or am I
  just doing something stupid?

James W. Howe   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Allen Creek Software, Inc.  pgpkey:
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Initializing a Struts application

2001-01-08 Thread James Howe

I'm a little confused about how to best initialize some application scope 
information in a Struts application.  For example, I need to configure a 
handful of IP addresses which my beans need to talk to.  I might do 
something like this in a configuration file:


My question is where to put this information.  If I were writing a normal 
servlet application I would probably define this in the init 
operation.  One option I've considered is to subclass from ActionServlet 
and add my own custom initialization tags which I can use in my web.xml 
file.  What I'm trying to figure out is how to best initialize a set of 
application scope variables for my struts application.  Any suggestions 
would be appreciated.


Possibly Stupid Question

2001-01-05 Thread James Howe

I want to generate a link tag for a page which takes three parameters.  The 
values of the parameter come from a bean which is available to the 
page.  The end result should look something like this:

a href=""Link/a

The values for val1, val2 and val3 come from a bean which happens to be the 
current bean for an iterate tag.  In other words, I'm going to have a table 
of items and each cell in the table is going to have unique values for the 

What is the easiest way to do this using struts?  I've used the form:link 
tag before, but I think I can only pass one parameter with this tag.  I've 
tried using snippets of java code ("%= bean.getFoo() %" for example) but 
this code ended up being quite verbose because I had to cast "bean" to the 
proper type before I could call "getFoo()".  I'm thinking there must be a 
cleaner way to handle this situation.  The only other way I've thought 
about would be to have the bean answer an "optionsString" as one of its 
properties, but I would rather not have that code in my bean.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Possibly Stupid Question

2001-01-05 Thread James Howe

I want to generate a link tag for a page which takes three parameters.  The 
values of the parameter come from a bean which is available to the 
page.  The end result should look something like this:

a href=""Link/a

The values for val1, val2 and val3 come from a bean which happens to be the 
current bean for an iterate tag.  In other words, I'm going to have a table 
of items and each cell in the table is going to have unique values for the 

What is the easiest way to do this using struts?  I've used the form:link 
tag before, but I think I can only pass one parameter with this tag.  I've 
tried using snippets of java code ("%= bean.getFoo() %" for example) but 
this code ended up being quite verbose because I had to cast "bean" to the 
proper type before I could call "getFoo()".  I'm thinking there must be a 
cleaner way to handle this situation.  The only other way I've thought 
about would be to have the bean answer an "optionsString" as one of its 
properties, but I would rather not have that code in my bean.

Thanks for any suggestions. 

New version confusion

2001-01-04 Thread James Howe

I downloaded the nightly build of 01/03/2001 and I'm now having a problem 
with some of my JSP pages.  Previously I was using a nightly build from 
12/15/2000. For example, I'm now getting the message:

Since tag handler class org.apache.struts.taglib.form.LinkTag does not 
implement BodyTag, it can't return BodyTag.EVAL_BODY_TAG

I'm assuming that I've either not updated all the various bits correctly, 
or there has been a change in one or more of the tags that I need to 
account for.  Can anyone offer any help?


Re: New version confusion

2001-01-04 Thread James Howe

At 05:34 PM 1/4/2001 +0100, you wrote:
  Since tag handler class org.apache.struts.taglib.form.LinkTag does not
  implement BodyTag, it can't return BodyTag.EVAL_BODY_TAG
  I'm assuming that I've either not updated all the various bits correctly,
  or there has been a change in one or more of the tags that I need to
  account for.  Can anyone offer any help?

Remove all your working dirs of tomcat (or whatever you use)
the JSP files need to be generated again.
That solved at my place the same problem.


Thanks.  That did the trick.
James W. Howe   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Allen Creek Software, Inc.  pgpkey:
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Page Forwarding Question

2000-12-20 Thread James Howe

In my action classes I have code which checks to see if a user has logged 
on.  If not, the code forwards to the logon page (e.g. 
servlet.findForward("logon")).  However this doesn't fully accomplish what 
I would like.  If a user attempts to reference a page which requires a 
login, I would like to forward to the login page and, once the user has 
authenticated, proceed back to the page to which the user was going in the 
first place.  In other words, I would like to forward to the logon screen, 
but give it a parameter which it uses to tell it which page follows the 
logon.Can anyone suggest a simple way to accomplish this?
