RE: Pls help me in configuring common logger

2004-03-26 Thread Van Riper, Mike

I can point you in the right direction, but, I don't have time to spell
everything out for you. I think you need to do some work on your own reading
the commons logging docs. You need to  understand the commons logging
package and how to configure it to use log4j or the native logging
facilities in JDK 1.4. When I mentioned the simple logger, I was referring
to this implementation of org.apache.commons.logging.Log:


If you are using the commons logging package, it has a properties file you
can use to specify which Log interface implementation to use. I could be
wrong, but, when this file is not provided my experience has been that it
will automatically detect the presence of a properly configured log4j and
instantiate a org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger. If a properly
configured log4j is not detected, it will default back to the SimpleLog

Good Luck, Van

> -Original Message-
> From: sougata [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 4:12 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Pls help me in configuring common logger
> Hi Van
> I am not using simple logger.I am using apache's  commons 
> logger.Pls le me
> know how to do it
> Thanks
> Sougata
> -Original Message-
> From: Van Riper, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 12:38 PM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: Pls help me in configuring common logger
> > -Original Message-
> > From: sougata [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 9:15 PM
> > To: Struts Users Mailing List
> > Subject: Pls help me in configuring common logger
> >
> >
> > Hi Guys
> > I am facing a problem in configuration apaches common logger using
> > weblogic8.1.I want to send all my log message to a perticular
> > file.I am
> > using Common logger for my logging message.How to configure
> > Pls let me know
> The simple logger that is included in the commons logging 
> package doesn't
> support logging to a file, just to the console. You need to 
> understand that
> it is primarily intended to provide the common logging API (the simple
> logger is included just to get you started) and then you 
> configure it to use
> whatever logging facility under the covers that you want to. 
> Most people use
> log4j, but, you could also use the native logging support in 
> JDK 1.4 or
> greater.
> I recommend configuring to use log4j. I also recommend taking 
> the time to
> read the short intro manual to log4j found here:
> I recently posted the contents of a simple log4j 
> configuration file that
> does have an example of the necessary configuration to write 
> log messages
> both to the console and to file. Check the list archives for 
> a recent post
> on logging by me. I use this setup with Tomcat and Weblogic. The one
> configuration difference I found is that Weblogic doesn't 
> like relative file
> paths for location of log files and Tomcat handles that just fine.
> Good luck, Van
> Mike "Van" Riper
> Silicon Valley Struts User Group
> P.S. You can either remove the commons logging properties 
> file or explicitly
> configure it to use log4j. As long as you setup log4j properly in your
> runtime environment, the commons logging logic will use it by 
> default unless
> you have a commons logging properties file that explicitly specifies a
> different logger implementation.
> > Thanks
> > Sougata
> -
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RE: Pls help me in configuring common logger

2004-03-25 Thread Van Riper, Mike
> -Original Message-
> From: sougata [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 9:15 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Pls help me in configuring common logger
> Hi Guys
> I am facing a problem in configuration apaches common logger using
> weblogic8.1.I want to send all my log message to a perticular 
> file.I am
> using Common logger for my logging message.How to configure 
> Pls let me know

The simple logger that is included in the commons logging package doesn't
support logging to a file, just to the console. You need to understand that
it is primarily intended to provide the common logging API (the simple
logger is included just to get you started) and then you configure it to use
whatever logging facility under the covers that you want to. Most people use
log4j, but, you could also use the native logging support in JDK 1.4 or

I recommend configuring to use log4j. I also recommend taking the time to
read the short intro manual to log4j found here:

I recently posted the contents of a simple log4j configuration file that
does have an example of the necessary configuration to write log messages
both to the console and to file. Check the list archives for a recent post
on logging by me. I use this setup with Tomcat and Weblogic. The one
configuration difference I found is that Weblogic doesn't like relative file
paths for location of log files and Tomcat handles that just fine.

Good luck, Van

Mike "Van" Riper
Silicon Valley Struts User Group

P.S. You can either remove the commons logging properties file or explicitly
configure it to use log4j. As long as you setup log4j properly in your
runtime environment, the commons logging logic will use it by default unless
you have a commons logging properties file that explicitly specifies a
different logger implementation.
> Thanks
> Sougata

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RE: Questions about debug and info messages

2004-03-23 Thread Van Riper, Mike

If you are using log4j, then you can configure it with a properties file. As
an example (minus some of my project specific settings), here is a simple
log4j configuration file that establishes a rolling log file. Notice near
the bottom where I set the struts and commons packages to the WARN log
level. This suppresses the INFO and DEBUG log messages for these packages.

# Usage: Specifies the configuration properties for log4j.
# Notes: This properties file should be placed somewhere
#inside the WEB-INF/classes directory.

# Create two appenders, one called stdout and the other called rolling
log4j.rootLogger=WARN, stdout, rolling

# Configure the stdout appender to go to the Console

#  Configure the stdout appender to use the PatternLayout

# Pattern to output the caller's file name and line number.
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p [%t] (%F:%L) - %m%n

# Configure the rolling appender to be a RollingFileAppender

# Configure the name of the logout for the rolling appender
# For Tomcat:
# log4j.appender.rolling.File=../logs/app-rolling.log
# For Weblogic:

# Set up the maximum size of the rolling log file

# Keep two backup files of the rolling appender

# Configure the Layout pattern and conversion pattern for the rolling
log4j.appender.rolling.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} - %p %c - %m%n

# Set Struts/Commons log level


Of course, you have to configure your installation to read the properties
file. The simplest way is to include it inside the war at the root of your
class package structure where it gets picked up by default. However, you can
explicitly point to a properties file outside the war using command line
arguments to the JVM startup command for your servlet container. This is how
we have it setup for our production webapps so that we can reconfigure the
logging options without having to redeploy the war file again. See the log4j
docs for more information:

Hope this helps, Van

Mike "Van" Riper
Silicon Valley Struts User Group

> -Original Message-
> From: Eric Hodges [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 12:28 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Questions about debug and info messages
> Thanks for the advice, but I'm using log4j.  The API doc you 
> to which you
> linked doesn't offer much help.  I hacked a solution by 
> setting the message
> level on the struts logger to "warning" in one of my 
> servlet's init method,
> but surely there's a configuration setting (like a parameter 
> to the Action
> servlet?) that will set the message level.
> -Original Message-
> From: Pady Srinivasan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 8:21 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Questions about debug and info messages
> If you are using  JDK 1.4 and not using log4j, then look in
> JAVA_HOME/jre/lib for a file called Set 
> the .level to
> OFF. The levels in descending order are: SEVERE (highest 
> CONFIG FINE FINER FINEST (lowest value) In addition there is 
> a level OFF
> that can be used to turn off logging, and a level ALL that 
> can be used to
> enable logging of all messages.
> I haven't used log4j. Here is the struts docs:
> ns/logging/pac
> kage-summary.html#package_description
> Thanks
> -- pady
> -Original Message-
> From: Eric Hodges [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 10:36 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List (E-mail)
> Subject: Questions about debug and info messages
> We have a torrent of debug and info messages coming out of 
> struts.  I can't
> find any documentation about how to turn them off.  Two questions:
> 1. How do I turn off debug and info level messages?
> 2. Where is that documented?
> Thanks,
> Eric Hodges

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RE: [OT] 3/18 Struts Tiles Talk by Rick Hightower at VeriSign

2004-03-18 Thread Van Riper, Mike
> -Original Message-
> From: Benz Lim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 2:11 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: [OT] 3/18 Struts Tiles Talk by Rick Hightower at VeriSign
> Will there meeting be video stream (stream cast) for other user?


I wish that I could say yes, but, the answer is no. I don't have a volunteer
to do this and I don't have the bandwidth to deal with it myself. I still
hope to have a streaming video available for Craig's talk from last
November, but, that is taking the volunteer involved longer to get into a
compressed format that would be reasonable for hosting on his personal web
site. This is the main reason why that earlier talk video is still not
available online.

Sorry, Van

Mike "Van" Riper
Silicon Valley Struts User Group

> Best Regards,
> Benz Lim
> -Original Message-
> ...

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RE: Why is it so difficult to unsubscribe?

2004-03-14 Thread Van Riper, Mike

Did you get any replies to your unsubscribe emails? It is a two step
process. You have to follow the instructions in the unsubscribe confirmation
email to complete the process. As I recall, you simply need to reply to the
confirmation email to make it stick. This is to prevent someone from
spoofing your email address to send commands to the mailing list server. I
recently (less than one week ago) converted my subscription from digest mode
to regular mode which involved unsubscribing from the digest mode and had no
problems doing so.

Good luck, Van

Mike "Van" Riper
Silicon Valley Struts User Group

> -Original Message-
> From: Kenneth Kalmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 8:30 PM
> Subject: Why is it so difficult to unsubscribe?
> Guys
> I've been trying to get my name off the stuts user digest for 
> more than
> a week now! How difficult can this be? For a foundation as big as
> Apache, something as simple as a mailing list must be nothing 
> to manage.
> Admins: [EMAIL PROTECTED] must be removed from this list with
> immediate effect. I've contacted you several times over, even 
> sent mail
> to the ASF directly. Now I'm publishing this in the main list 
> to let the
> people know that you and your mailing systems are very incompetant.
> Thanks for all the info on the list, but our roads part now.
> Cheerz
> --
> Kenneth Kalmer
> "The great thing about a computer notebook is that no matter how much
> you stuff into it, it doesn't get bigger or heavier"
> Bill Gates

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[OT] 3/18 Struts Tiles Talk by Rick Hightower at VeriSign

2004-03-12 Thread Van Riper, Mike
The Silicon Valley Struts User Group has a meeting next Thursday evening at
VeriSign in Mountain View. Our meetings are always free and open to the
general public. A speaker that is flying in for the Software Development
conference next week has agreed to speak to our group while he is in town.
Rick Hightower is the CTO of ArcMind  and one of
the co-authors of Professional Jakarta Struts.

If you would like to learn about the Tiles framework in Struts 1.1, this
would be an excellent talk to attend. The full meeting announcement can be
found online here:

To get an idea of what will be covered in this talk, you could look at an
online tutorial previously created by Rick that is available at the IBM
developerWorks web site:

Finally, I do need to know how many people to expect for planning purposes.
I arrange the room differently depending upon the expected turnout. If you
are going to attend this talk, please RSVP with me by noon on the day of the

Thanks, Van

Mike "Van" Riper
Silicon Valley Struts User Group

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[OT] Rick Hightower on Thursday, March 18th in Mountain View, CA

2004-03-01 Thread Van Riper, Mike
Rick Hightower will be presenting at the March 18th meeting of the Silicon
Valley Struts User Group. We are still working out the final details, but,
it looks like Rick will make a presentation on the Tiles framework. A
partial meeting announcement is already on the web. It will be updated soon
with the full talk details. Here it is:

That's all folks,
  Mike Van Riper
  Silicon Valley Struts User BOF

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RE: Question on Frames within Tiles

2004-02-08 Thread Van Riper, Mike

You can't insert a frameset document inside of a DIV element in the middle
of a regular HTML page. The fact that this is not working has nothing to do
with Tiles. It is simply invalid HTML. You can nest frameset documents, but,
you would still need to reference the nested frameset document as the SRC
attribute for a frame in an outer frameset document.

In case it might help, here is a brief explanation of how tiles and
framesets are successfully used together in the webapp that I am currently
working on.

I use framesets with tiles in a limited fashion. The bulk of my current
application doesn't require the use of frames, but, I need to use them to
integrate a third party solution as if it were a part of our application. I
do this by displaying the responses from their server in a frame where the
body content tile would normally be for a regular page.

I have a separate master layout tile definition for normal pages and a
different master layout tile definition for frameset pages. The master
layout tile definition for the frameset pages has a PATH attribute that
refers to a frameset document.

The tricky part is that the SRC attribute in your frame definitions within
the frameset have to make a separate request. Obviously, you can't have a
tile attribute referring to another tile to insert at that point. Plus, I do
everything through action mappings with no direct JSP references client
side. So, this means that I end up with a lot of cookie cutter action
mappings for the various frames that then simply forward to the tile
definition for each frame.

I was able to at least get some code reuse by inserting the same tiles for
menus, footer, etc... into a page tile for each frame. For example,
inserting the same menu tile into the header frame of the frameset as I use
to insert the menu into the master page layout for the rest of the regular

There is probably a more elegant solution, but, I haven't invested much time
or energy into this because I only need to use it for this one special case.
So, I wouldn't necessarily emulate what I have done. However, you clearly
can mix the use of framesets with Tiles.

Hope this helps, Van

Mike Van Riper
Silicon Valley Struts User Group

> -Original Message-
> From: Mutreja, Shitij [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 10:08 AM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: REPOST: Question on Frames within Tiles
> Any suggestions please. Am desperate at this point. Can 
> framesets even be
> loaded from tiles?
> -Original Message-
> From: Mutreja, Shitij [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 2:16 PM
> Subject: Question on Frames within Tiles
> Is there a good place/article/sample code  to check out, for mixing
> framesets and tiles. The App that I am working on seems to 
> need to use both.
> Basically, we have to display content such that there are 2 
> frames, the left
> one showing some text, while the right one accepts user 
> input. Both these
> also need to be scrollable separately.
> My intention is to somehow include these frames within a Body 
> tile. The
> other issue is that there is also a footer tile, which might 
> need to include
> a frameset. The reason being the the control buttons need to always be
> visible(without having to scroll to view them).
> Here is what i tried:
> Layout used for the Body:
> quiz actually has a value in the tile-defs that points to the
> quizcontent.jsp shown below:
> The problem with this is that the "/practicequizzes/quiz.jsp" is never
> actually sourced and I just see nothing in the body tile.
> Thanks,
> Shitij Mutreja
> Shitij Mutreja
> The College Board
> 11911 Freedom Drive, Suite 300
> Reston, VA 20190
> 571.262.5701 (Phone)
> 703.707.5596 (Fax)

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RE: Problems Redirecting To Input Page After Vaildation Fails

2004-01-27 Thread Van Riper, Mike

When all else fails, cut and paste. :-)

Seriously, I don't know of a way to make the "input" value dynamic. I wish
it could be done like tile definitions with one action mapping extending
another, but, I know that is not supported. So, the simplest solution is to
have two separate action mappings for the one action class that supports
both adds and updates like so:



You still get code reuse of your action class, but, you have to duplicate
the action mapping specification.

If you want to avoid duplicating the action mapping, the other way to go is
to have a single JSP that supports both adds and updates with conditional
logic in the JSP based on a "mode" parameter which indicates whether it is
being used for an add or an update.

- Van

Mike Van Riper

P.S. You don't need to specify both "name" and "attribute" values in your
action mappings unless you want to store the form under a different name at
request/session scope than the form configuration name. What you have done
doesn't hurt anything, it is just not necessary to specify an "attribute"
value unless the value specified for it is different than the "name" value.

> -Original Message-
> From: Ciaran Hanley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 10:57 AM
> To: Struts User Mailing List
> Subject: Problems Redirecting To Input Page After Vaildation Fails
> Hello can anybody help me with this problem I'm having please?
> I am using the same action to perform two functions
>  type="ie.sentenial.application.actions.ClientAction"
> name="clientForm"
> scope="request"
> input="/pages/addClient.jsp" 
> attribute="clientForm" >
> This is called as follows from 2 different forms:
>  onsubmit="return validateClientForm(this)">
> and 
>  onsubmit="return validateClientForm(this)">
> The problem is that because I have
> input="/pages/addClient.jsp"  
> ...that when a validation fails while doing an update it is directed
> back to the addClient.jsp rather than the updateClient.jsp
> As far as I know the input field will not take dynamic 
> values. I am not
> sure how to resolve this problem. I need to be directed back to the
> correct page when validations fail
> Thanks
> Ciaran

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RE: RT expr value in custom tag

2003-12-05 Thread Van Riper, Mike

What you are trying to do doesn't really require the JSTL expression
language. All you need to do is specify that runtime expressions are to be
evaluated for the "parameter" attribute of your custom tag in your TLD file.
If you were to look at any of the TLD files that come with Struts, you would
see plenty of examples of this. For example, here is the  tag TLD
definition that enables runtime expression evaluation for both the "target"
and the "server" optional attributes for the tag:


Runtime expression evaluation is what allows you to evaluate Java
expressions inside of <%= ...%> for your custom tag parameters. If you use
the JSTL expression language (EL), you don't use the Java expression tag.
They are two separate ways to refer to dynamic content for custom tag
attributes. To use the JSTL EL, you have to build your custom tag such that
it has EL support in it. If you really want to go that route, I haven't done
that yet myself. So, I can't help you with that. However, you can look at
how the contributed taglib (html-el) that extends the HTML taglib of Struts
1.1 to add EL support for the parameters of the Struts HTML custom tags does
just that.

Also, your example used the <%= ...%> tag correctly for a custom tag
parameter. However, many people initially stumble on getting this to work
correctly even when runtime expression evaluation is enabled because they
try to define only part of the custome tag attribute with the tag. For it to
work even when properly enabled for the attribute in the TLD, you have to
define the entire contents of the custom tag attribute value to be the <%=
...%> Java expression. If there is static content you want to include as
part of the attribute value, you typically use string operations inside the
JSP expression to concatenate and build up the final attribute value merging
your dynamic and static data.

Hope this helps, Van

Mike Van Riper
Silicon Valley Struts User Group
mail: mike.vanriper at

> -Original Message-
> From: Eric SCHULTZ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 7:54 AM
> Subject: RT expr value in custom tag
> Good morning...
> I'm trying to write my own custom tag library for Struts.  
> I've had some
> initial success, but now I'm having some trouble.
> I want to set an attribute value from the value of a bean 
> get.  But what I
> end up with in my tag is JSP code, not the value in the bean.
> I.e.: 
> is not translated.
> How do I get the result of UserSessionBean.getInputMode() in 
> my tag?  Do I
> need to implement Expression Language?  Is there already a 
> utility class
> somewhere in Struts 1.1 that would evaluate something like
> ${UserSessionBean.inputMode} for me?
> Thanks.

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RE: No Keys Loaded For Validation

2003-11-26 Thread Van Riper, Mike
> -Original Message-
> A really strange thing also is that if I copy the:
>   registration.validation.missingCurrentCustomer=Please 
> indicate if
> you are a current customer.
> into my default resource bundle, all messages display properly.
> Anyone have any idea what is going on?

Since there is no way right now to specify the bundle for the message
resource lookup, the default resource bundle is always used for these
message resource lookups in the commons-validator packaged with the Struts
1.1 release. I'm not certain, but, one way around this in Struts 1.1 could
be the use of modules. I do use multiple resource files, but, I don't use
modules as of yet. I'm not suggesting you convert something to use modules
just for this, but, you would have a separate default bundle for each module
in that case. If that did work though, it would mean that you would have to
replicate the common error message resources to the default bundle for each
module. Which is the flip side of the same problem given the inability to
specify the bundle for validations right now.

What you really want is the bundle attribute in your validation elements
that specify keys for message resources. I wouldn't be surprised if adding
the ability to specify the bundle optionally when specifying message
resources in your validation.xml is on the near future roadmap for the
validation framework. I do know this issue has been raised before.

Cheers, Van

P.S. Heck, I'd even be willing to work on this particular feature myself in
the commons-validator. I took great care in setting up my last project with
separate config files and resource files for individual sections of the app
only to find out that all validation messages had to go in the one default
resource file for the app. :-(

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[OT] Slides from Craig's Struts/JSF Talk

2003-11-09 Thread Van Riper, Mike
The slides from Craig McClanahan's recent Struts/JSF talk are now available

The talk was captured on digital video too. However, it may be several weeks
before the video is available online. I'll send another announcement when
the video is accessible online.

That's all folks, Van

Mike Van Riper
Silicon Valley Struts User Group

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RE: [ANN] Struts and JavaServer Faces talk by Craig McClanahan on 11/5

2003-10-22 Thread Van Riper, Mike
> -Original Message-
> From: Ruth, Brice [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 12:31 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [ANN] Struts and JavaServer Faces talk by Craig 
> McClanahan
> on 11/5
> Any chance that someone could setup a DV camera, record the 
> presentation, then post it somewhere as a small Quicktime movie? That 
> would be excellent, too.

I found a volunteer to record Craig's talk with a DV camera as you
suggested. Assuming Craig gives us his permission to record the talk, we'll
do that and make it available online afterwards.

FYI, Van

> Van Riper, Mike wrote:
> >>-Original Message-
> >>From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 7:20 PM
> >>To: Struts Users Mailing List
> >>Subject: Re: [ANN] Struts and JavaServer Faces talk by Craig 
> >>McClanahan
> >>on 11/ 5
> >>
> >>
> >>Ruth, Brice wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>Any chance of getting a webcast setup for this? For those 
> of us not 
> >>>fortunate enough to be local to the 'Valley? :)
> >>>
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>You'll have to ask Van about broadcast facilities :-),
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I'll look into this, but, it will most likely not be 
> happening. At my day
> >job, I am on the critical path for completing and shipping a 
> new product
> >right now. So, it is not going to happen unless they have 
> the facilities
> >required for this at Netscape *and* I can find a volunteer 
> with more free
> >time than myself to set it up.
> >
> >Sorry, Van
> >
> >  
> >
> >>but I do plan to 
> >>make my slides available after the talk.
> >>
> >>Craig
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>Van Riper, Mike wrote:
> >>>
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>>>The next meeting of the Silicon Valley Struts User BOF 
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>will be held at
> >>
> >>
> >>>>Netscape in Mountain View on Wednesday, November 5th. Craig 
> >>>>McClanahan, a
> >>>>senior staff engineer for Sun Microsystems, will make a 
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>presentation 
> >>
> >>
> >>>>on this
> >>>>topic:
> >>>>
> >>>>Struts and JavaServer Faces -- Competition or Coexistence?
> >>>>
> >>>>Craig is uniquely qualified to give this talk, because he 
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>is both the
> >>
> >>
> >>>>original creator of the Struts Framework and 
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>co-specification lead for
> >>
> >>
> >>>>JavaServer Faces (JSR-127). You will find the full announcement 
> >>>>including
> >>>>directions to Netscape here:
> >>>>
> >>>><>
> >>>>(Please note the change of venue from
> >>>>VeriSign to Netscape for November)
> >>>>
> >>>>This meeting is being co-hosted by the Silicon Valley Java 
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>User Group
> >>
> >>
> >>>>(SVJUG) and the Java SIG of the East Bay I.T. Group 
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>(eBIG). Special 
> >>
> >>
> >>>>thanks
> >>>>goes to SVJUG President Venki Seshaadri for arranging the meeting 
> >>>>space at
> >>>>Netscape.
> >>>>
> >>>>SVJUG <>
> >>>>eBIG <>
> >>>>
> >>>>That's all folks, Van
> >>>>
> >>>>Mike Van Riper
> >>>>mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>
> -
> >>
> >>
> >>>>To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>>For additional commands, e-mail: 
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>
> >>
> >>>> 
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >-
> >To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >  
> >
> -- 
> Brice D. Ruth
> Sr. IT Analyst
> Fiskars Brands, Inc.

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RE: [ANN] Struts and JavaServer Faces talk by Craig McClanahan on 11/ 5

2003-10-22 Thread Van Riper, Mike
> -Original Message-
> From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 7:20 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [ANN] Struts and JavaServer Faces talk by Craig 
> McClanahan
> on 11/ 5
> Ruth, Brice wrote:
> > Any chance of getting a webcast setup for this? For those of us not 
> > fortunate enough to be local to the 'Valley? :)
> >
> You'll have to ask Van about broadcast facilities :-),

I'll look into this, but, it will most likely not be happening. At my day
job, I am on the critical path for completing and shipping a new product
right now. So, it is not going to happen unless they have the facilities
required for this at Netscape *and* I can find a volunteer with more free
time than myself to set it up.

Sorry, Van

> but I do plan to 
> make my slides available after the talk.
> Craig
> > Van Riper, Mike wrote:
> >
> >> The next meeting of the Silicon Valley Struts User BOF 
> will be held at
> >> Netscape in Mountain View on Wednesday, November 5th. Craig 
> >> McClanahan, a
> >> senior staff engineer for Sun Microsystems, will make a 
> presentation 
> >> on this
> >> topic:
> >>
> >> Struts and JavaServer Faces -- Competition or Coexistence?
> >>
> >> Craig is uniquely qualified to give this talk, because he 
> is both the
> >> original creator of the Struts Framework and 
> co-specification lead for
> >> JavaServer Faces (JSR-127). You will find the full announcement 
> >> including
> >> directions to Netscape here:
> >>
> >> <>
> >> (Please note the change of venue from
> >> VeriSign to Netscape for November)
> >>
> >> This meeting is being co-hosted by the Silicon Valley Java 
> User Group
> >> (SVJUG) and the Java SIG of the East Bay I.T. Group 
> (eBIG). Special 
> >> thanks
> >> goes to SVJUG President Venki Seshaadri for arranging the meeting 
> >> space at
> >> Netscape.
> >>
> >> SVJUG <>
> >> eBIG <>
> >>
> >> That's all folks, Van
> >>
> >> Mike Van Riper
> >> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> 
> -
> >> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> For additional commands, e-mail: 
> >>
> >>  
> >>
> >

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[ANN] Struts and JavaServer Faces talk by Craig McClanahan on 11/ 5

2003-10-21 Thread Van Riper, Mike
The next meeting of the Silicon Valley Struts User BOF will be held at
Netscape in Mountain View on Wednesday, November 5th. Craig McClanahan, a
senior staff engineer for Sun Microsystems, will make a presentation on this

Struts and JavaServer Faces -- Competition or Coexistence?

Craig is uniquely qualified to give this talk, because he is both the
original creator of the Struts Framework and co-specification lead for
JavaServer Faces (JSR-127). You will find the full announcement including
directions to Netscape here:

(Please note the change of venue from
VeriSign to Netscape for November)

This meeting is being co-hosted by the Silicon Valley Java User Group
(SVJUG) and the Java SIG of the East Bay I.T. Group (eBIG). Special thanks
goes to SVJUG President Venki Seshaadri for arranging the meeting space at


That's all folks, Van

Mike Van Riper

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RE: Tools for Testing

2003-10-09 Thread Van Riper, Mike
> -Original Message-
> Though, my favorite approach is to do conventional unit 
> testing of the 
> business objects, and then use Canoo WebTest 
> on the front end.

I think you meant:


It looks interesting, thanks for the info.

Cheers, Van

Mike Van Riper

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[OT] Introduction to JDO by Ron Hitchens: 6:30pm on October 1st i n Mountain View

2003-09-18 Thread Van Riper, Mike
The next meeting of the Silicon Valley Struts User BOF will be held at
VeriSign in Mountain View on Wednesday, October 1st. You must arrive between
6:30 and 7:00pm to register with VeriSign security as a guest. Ron Hitchens,
a Bay Area computer consultant, will present an introduction to JDO. The
Java Data Objects (JDO) API is a standard interface-based Java model
abstraction of persistence, developed as Java Specification Request 12 under
the auspices of the Java Community Process. Please refer to the online
announcement for further details and directions to the meeting site:

It is important that I get an accurate headcount in advance for meeting
facility planning purposes. So, please RSVP for the meeting by sending an
email to me with "Struts User October Meeting" as the subject.

Thanks, Van

Mike Van Riper

P.S. The slides and example source code from last month's presentation
(i.e., Introduction to Hibernate by Norman Klein) are available for download

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RE: Evil characters causing mischief in textarea and value attrib ute contents

2003-09-18 Thread Van Riper, Mike
Not 100% certain, but, I believe the default for the HTML form property tags
was to *not* filter (i.e., filter="false") in Struts 1.0 and that was
changed to default to do filtering (i.e., filter="true") in Struts 1.1. I am
certain that the default for 1.1 is to do filtering.

Original post did not say which version of Struts was being used. If my
recollection of 1.0 behavior is correct, then that could explain the
difference in behavior described here for similar JSP logic. In that case,
you simply need to explicitly set filtering on in all your Struts 1.0
 form property tags.

The filter utility function (can't recall from memory the class
name/package, but, check the source for the  tags to find where it
is defined in Struts sources) converts the quote character and less-than and
greater-than characters to their character entity equivalents.

FYI, Van

Mike Van Riper

> -Original Message-
> From: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 4:38 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Evil characters causing mischief in textarea and value
> attribute contents
> Hi Andrew,
> I thought, man, you don't know that? Hahaha - and then I realised I 
> don't know either.
> I just checked my app to make sure it's not happening to me too, and 
> it's not. I have stuff like ""snowflake"" in the database and it gets 
> encoded automatically into
> value="a html-busting "character""
> via . Presumably  is the same.
> If you have  you can add filter="true".
> Adam
> On 09/18/2003 12:36 PM Andrew Hill wrote:
> > We have some screens that allow users to edit some stuff 
> stored in the db,
> > and some of this stuff includes such characters as " or \ 
> or whatever, and
> > also some of them have xml tags as there contents.
> > 
> > When rendering such fields we are hitting some problems.
> > ie: if the value is something like:
> > my cats name is "snowflake"
> > 
> > we end up with:
> > 
> > 
> > ...which of course is not very good.
> > 
> > Another one is textareas containing !
> > 
> > Whats the technique for handling this nicely?
> > Obviously I need to escape these somehow. What do I need to 
> consider?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> struts 1.1 + tomcat 4.1.27 + java 1.4.2
> Linux 2.4.20 RH9

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RE: logic forward problem

2003-09-11 Thread Van Riper, Mike
> -Original Message-
> From: David G Friedman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 8:18 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: logic forward problem
> Your path looks like a tile.  I wrote about this
> problem a week or two ago and you should've been
> able to find it in the archives of this group.
> It is documented on the logic forward tag as:
> Note: forwarding to Tiles definitions is not
> supported from this tag. You should forward to
> them from an Action subclass.

Doing what the documentation suggests would work, but, it is not necessary
to do the forward from an Action subclass. You can define an action mapping
that your global forward points to that directly forwards to the tile
definition without having to invoke an action class. This does work. I do
this for the welcome JSP of my current webapp that needs to forward to the
initial webapp tile definition like so:


  <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>






The "page.welcome" reference is a tiles definition reference. Granted, it is
annoying to have to define the global-forward/action pairing to make this
work. However, this is much simpler than going to the trouble of defining an
action subclass just to do this where you would still need to define an
action mapping anyway.

FYI, Van

Mike Van Riper

> Regards,
> David
> -Original Message-
> From: koen boutsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 11:12 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: logic forward problem
> Hi
> I want to send my user to a .jsp page and immediately send him to
> the next, without having to click anything on the intermediate page,
> or even without having to see this page.
> I tried with :
> I know this works when you put a global forward in the struts-config
> with as forward the target jsp.
> I have to use a definition where I want to send my user to, and
> when I put the definition as a forward in the global forwards, I get a
> pageNotFound error.
> This is my global forward
>  path="isisLayout.organisations.overview"/>
> Does someone know what I can do ?
> Thanks
> Koen

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RE: Struts User September Meeting -> RE: Introduction to Hibernate by Norman Klein

2003-08-27 Thread Van Riper, Mike
> -Original Message-
> From: Bill Chmura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 4:16 PM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: Struts User September Meeting -> RE: [ANNOUNCE] 
> Introduction to
> Hibernate by Norman Klein: 6:30pm on September 3rd in Mountain View
> Maybe the powerpoint (uggg) slides can be posted online after...
> Something would be cool because I am just starting to Eye hibernate as
> an option

I can't promise this yet, but, I am going to ask the presenter to provide
both slides and an example war (including sources) that embodies what is
presented in the talk. This is what was done for our recent Intro to Struts

If I can get this from the presenter, I'll post it as an update to the
online meeting announcement after the meeting next week.

FYI, Van

Mike Van Riper

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RE: How to set charset UTF-8

2003-08-21 Thread Van Riper, Mike
> I added the following to test what encoding my Struts app is using
> <%  
>response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");
> %>
> But it still print out the "ISO-8859-1", why?  How can I set 
> the contentType to "text/html; charset=UTF-8"

This is just a hunch, but, I suspect you can't change the character encoding
after you have started writing content to the stream. In that case, your
best bet is to do this at the very top of the JSP page:

 <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>

Also, there is another consideration if you are using Tiles. Again this is
just a hunch, but, I suspect that you would have to have that directive as
the first line of your Tiles master layout template JSP. The concept
mentioned above for a single page applies to a Tiles page generated
dynamically from multiple JSPs all writing to the same response stream.

We ran into something like this using the Struts template custom tags with
Struts 1.0 back in 2001. We were correctly setting the character encoding
using the page directive on individual content JSPs, but, had left it off
our master page layout template JSP. So, it never took until we tracked that
down. Duh!

Hope this helps, Van

Mike Van Riper

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[ANNOUNCE] Introduction to Hibernate by Norman Klein: 6:30pm on September 3rd in Mountain View

2003-08-20 Thread Van Riper, Mike
The next meeting of the Silicon Valley Struts User BOF is scheduled to take
place at VeriSign in Mountain View on Wednesday, September 3rd. You must
arrive between 6:30 and 7:00pm to register with VeriSign security as a
guest. Norman Klein, an independent software consultant, will present an
introduction to Hibernate. Hibernate is an open source data persistence
framework. Please refer to the online announcement for the details and
directions to the meeting site:

It is important that I get an accurate headcount in advance for meeting
facility planning purposes. So, please RSVP for the meeting by sending an
email to me with "Struts User September Meeting" as the subject.

Thanks, Van

Mike Van Riper

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Starting point for a little test app (was: Suggestions for Calendar Popup taglib?)

2003-08-18 Thread Van Riper, Mike
> In working on this, I've come up with a couple of things that 
> would be very
> handy to have:
> 1) A simple "dummy" struts app which would be ready for me to 
> plugin my
> taglib to test. I know that creating a little app won't take 
> long, but a
> nice little starting point would be convenient.

For an Intro to Struts seminar at my work, I extricated the struts-example
webapp sources from the full source release for Struts 1.1. You would have
to configure one "" file with the location of the external
jars required to build the webapp. This is mostly just the ones in the
Struts 1.1 binary release plus the servlet API jar. However, I added logging
support for a rolling log file using log4j. So, you would have to provide
the location of your own local copy of the log4j jar file too (or change the
build file).

Also, I did "tweak" the sources slightly to make it a better example of
using multiple struts-config and message resource files for my own purposes.
Other than that, it is pretty much the same mail reader example that ships
with Struts 1.1. The zip file is just under 100K in size.

If that sounds interesting, please send email directly to me requesting the
zip file at:


FYI, Van

Mike Van Riper

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RE: using modules versus simply using multiple struts-config files

2003-08-14 Thread Van Riper, Mike
> -Original Message-
> From: Van Riper, Mike 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 5:55 PM
> To: List Struts-User (E-mail)
> Subject: using modules versus simply using multiple 
> struts-config files
> I did search the archives and there is information about 
> using multiple
> config files and separately about using full-blown modules 
> too. There may
> have been a comparison of the two approaches somewhere in the 
> archives too,
> but, I was not able to find it. Thus, my reason for posting 
> this to the
> group.
> I'm setting up the webapp infrastructure for a new project. 
> This is the
> first opportunity I have to use the new module support in 
> Struts 1.1. As I
> am investigating it, it seems like the new capability to 
> specify multiple
> struts-config files in your default module configuration in 
> the web.xml file
> gets you most of the modularity advantages that multiple 
> modules provide.
> Sure, you do get to leave the module leading subdirectory out 
> of your action
> mapping definitions when you define separate modules in 
> web.xml for each
> struts-config file. Other than that, I'm not seeing the 
> advantages of using
> full-blown modules when I could just setup separate 
> struts-config files for
> each logical module. On the flip side, you have to deal with properly
> switching between modules when you use modules. Also, every 
> request must go
> through an action mapping to use modules.
> Right now, I'm leaning towards setting up separate 
> struts-config files for
> each logical module and simply specifying them as a comma 
> separated list in
> the default module configuration in my web.xml. This is a 
> relatively small
> webapp which can be logically partitioned in to about 5 
> areas. Also, there
> will be three of us working in parallel on a tight schedule. 
> So, it seems to
> me that I get the modularity benefits without the module 
> restrictions by
> simply setting up separate struts-config files.
> Before going too far down this path, I was interested in any 
> feedback from
> others on the list about this approach. Am I missing 
> something about the
> differences between these two approaches?

I love talking to myself. ;-)

I know that setting it up with separate modules in web.xml can be made to
work, but, I've also seen recent postings about difficulties using tiles and
difficulties switching between modules by other module newbies. I'd rather
not have to deal with that myself let alone training the other Struts
newbies on my current tightly scheduled project. So, I guess I'll go ahead
with my current plan to use multiple struts-config files associated with one
entry in my web.xml file. The way I'll be setting it up makes it easy to
switch to true separate module definitions later on anyway. Each logical
module will already have its own subdirectory below the web root.

Based on other suggestions I've seen, I'll have a default struts-config file
for shared configuration of plug-ins (e.g., tiles), global forwards,
controller, etc... In addition, a separate struts-config file for each
logical module.

> - Van
> Mike Van Riper

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RE: using modules versus simply using multiple struts-config file s

2003-08-14 Thread Van Riper, Mike
> -Original Message-
> From: Bailey, Shane C. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 12:02 PM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: using modules versus simply using multiple struts-config
> file s
> Very interesting. I didn't know you could now have multiple 
> struts-configs
> and no modules.  
> The two problems I had with using modules was (at first) the switching
> between them as mentioned. I never took to the SwitchAction 
> so I use global
> forwards which do my module prefixes for me.  And second, having to
> duplicate my (commonly used) messages in each modules 
> resource file (this
> problem is more of a problem of "why can't I inherit them" 
> than anything
> else.
> It seems like multi configs with no modules solves problem 1. 
>  I take it
> that you will still have problem 2.  But I did see a post 
> recently about
> someone who made a code change so that resource files could inherit.

My current plan is to have the default resource file contain common
resources shared by all my modules (here I use "module" to refer to a
subdirectory of my web root that has its own separate struts-config file for
action mappings, form beans and anything else specific to that subsection of
the webapp) and then have a separate resource file associated by module name
with each specific module. A person working logically in only one module
would access their module-specific resources using the module name and any
common resources in the default manner that doesn't require specifying the
name associated with the resource file in the struts-config file
configuration for it.

I am planning to have one struts-config for common configuration and a
separate struts-config for each major subsection of my webapp. The common
resource file configuration goes in the common struts-config file. The
resource file specific to each subsection of the webapp would be configured
in the separate struts-config file for that subsection. I think this is
where one of the differences in my approach comes in. I believe each module
can have its own default resource file configuration that can be different
when modules are configured separately in the web.xml file. Since I don't
use separate web.xml entries, I can only have one common default resource
file configured across all my logical modules.

This just means that for most resources, I will be specifying the module
resources file by its associated configuration name as a parameter to my
resource file property lookups. Since there will be a direct one-to-one
mapping between each subsection of the webapp and the resource file specific
to that subsection, I think this will be something that will be easy to
remember. For example, a logical "report" module would specify the "report"
bundle in  tag instances that used the "report" module
resource file like so:


I am inferring this from the main Struts 1.1 example application where an
"alternate" resource file is accessed like so in logon.jsp:


I think you should be able to do the inverse of this when using separate
module configurations. For your module related property lookups, you could
use the default resource file configured for that module. For the common
ones that you wanted to use across all modules, you would have a
configuration entry for the default resource file in each module
struts-config file and make that your alternate resource file for the
module. So, for you it would be the property lookup of a shared resource
that would need to supply the bundle attribute to the  tag.
Assuming you used "common" as the key for your shared properties, your
lookups in the common resource file would be the ones that needed to supply
the bundle attribute:


This isn't as transparent as a patch to Struts that supports inheriting
common properties into the default resource file for each module, but, it
would allow reuse of common properties across multiple modules. At least,
this is my understanding of how it could work. I haven't tried modules yet.
So, I can't be certain of that.

> Sadly, since I am using modules, I can't think of any 
> advantages of modules
> if you can have multiple struts config, tiles def and 
> resource files and no
> modules. 
> -Original Message-
> From: Van Riper, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 2:02 PM
> To: List Struts-User (E-mail)
> Subject: RE: using modules versus simply using multiple 
> struts-config files
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Van Riper, Mike 
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 5:55 PM
> > To: List Struts-User (E-mail)
> > Subject: using modules versus simply using multiple 
> > struts-config files
> > 

using modules versus simply using multiple struts-config files

2003-08-14 Thread Van Riper, Mike
I did search the archives and there is information about using multiple
config files and separately about using full-blown modules too. There may
have been a comparison of the two approaches somewhere in the archives too,
but, I was not able to find it. Thus, my reason for posting this to the

I'm setting up the webapp infrastructure for a new project. This is the
first opportunity I have to use the new module support in Struts 1.1. As I
am investigating it, it seems like the new capability to specify multiple
struts-config files in your default module configuration in the web.xml file
gets you most of the modularity advantages that multiple modules provide.

Sure, you do get to leave the module leading subdirectory out of your action
mapping definitions when you define separate modules in web.xml for each
struts-config file. Other than that, I'm not seeing the advantages of using
full-blown modules when I could just setup separate struts-config files for
each logical module. On the flip side, you have to deal with properly
switching between modules when you use modules. Also, every request must go
through an action mapping to use modules.

Right now, I'm leaning towards setting up separate struts-config files for
each logical module and simply specifying them as a comma separated list in
the default module configuration in my web.xml. This is a relatively small
webapp which can be logically partitioned in to about 5 areas. Also, there
will be three of us working in parallel on a tight schedule. So, it seems to
me that I get the modularity benefits without the module restrictions by
simply setting up separate struts-config files.

Before going too far down this path, I was interested in any feedback from
others on the list about this approach. Am I missing something about the
differences between these two approaches?

- Van

Mike Van Riper

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RE: using modules versus simply using multiple struts-config files

2003-08-14 Thread Van Riper, Mike
> -Original Message-
> From: Bailey, Shane C. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 3:01 PM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: using modules versus simply using multiple struts-config
> files
> I think if you are going to use messages like that then one 
> place you may
> run into problems is with the Validator.  I can't remember if 
> not all or
> none of the elements in the Validator (which had the "key" 
> attribute) didn't
> have a "bundle" attribute (so I don't know how it would 
> determine which
> bundle to look up and I can't imagine it goes through every one
> automatically).  At least I ran into a problem when I first 
> started using
> Validator and attempting something similar.
> If you are not using Validator (or it works differently now 
> or I just was
> not using it right) then disregard, of course.

I do plan to use Validator and you are right. I just checked and the commons
version of validator that shipped with Struts 1.1 doesn't allow for the
"bundle" attribute. Coincidentally, it appears that the DTD (and I assume
the related source code too) in the commons validator project were updated
within the last week to add the "bundle" attribute. So, I could probably
pick this change up in a recent nightly build of the commons-validator.jar.
Unfortunately, I can't use nightly builds of anything in my project. It was
hard enough for me to get approval to use the 1.1-b2 release of Struts for a
project last year. It worked out great by the way. WebApp has performed
flawlessly in production since December of last year. I'm not even going to
try to get approval to use an open source nightly build. :-(

Which leads me to my next question. Are there plans for an official release
of an updated commons validator module that could be used with Struts 1.1
where I'd be able to use the "bundle" attribute any time soon? I'm not
expecting an answer to that question on this list. I think there is a
separate commons-user list or some such thing like that where I will have to
direct that question. In the meantime, I'll have to put all my field name
prompts and any validation messages in the default resource file.

This was exactly the kind of info I was looking for.

Thanks, Van
> -Original Message-
> From: Van Riper, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 5:55 PM
> Subject: RE: using modules versus simply using multiple 
> struts-config file s
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Bailey, Shane C. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 12:02 PM
> > To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> > Subject: RE: using modules versus simply using multiple 
> struts-config
> > file s
> > 
> > Very interesting. I didn't know you could now have multiple 
> > struts-configs
> > and no modules.  
> > 
> > The two problems I had with using modules was (at first) 
> the switching
> > between them as mentioned. I never took to the SwitchAction 
> > so I use global
> > forwards which do my module prefixes for me.  And second, having to
> > duplicate my (commonly used) messages in each modules 
> > resource file (this
> > problem is more of a problem of "why can't I inherit them" 
> > than anything
> > else.
> > 
> > It seems like multi configs with no modules solves problem 1. 
> >  I take it
> > that you will still have problem 2.  But I did see a post 
> > recently about
> > someone who made a code change so that resource files could inherit.
> My current plan is to have the default resource file contain common
> resources shared by all my modules (here I use "module" to refer to a
> subdirectory of my web root that has its own separate 
> struts-config file for
> action mappings, form beans and anything else specific to 
> that subsection of
> the webapp) and then have a separate resource file associated 
> by module name
> with each specific module. A person working logically in only 
> one module
> would access their module-specific resources using the module 
> name and any
> common resources in the default manner that doesn't require 
> specifying the
> name associated with the resource file in the struts-config file
> configuration for it.
> I am planning to have one struts-config for common configuration and a
> separate struts-config for each major subsection of my 
> webapp. The common
> resource file configuration goes in the common struts-config file. The
> resource file specific

Reminder: August 6th meeting at 6:30pm in Mountain View, RSVP requested

2003-08-14 Thread Van Riper, Mike
The next meeting of the Silicon Valley Struts User BOF is being held at
VeriSign in Mountain View on Wednesday, August 6th. You must arrive between
6:30 and 7:00pm to register with VeriSign security as a guest. Sylvain
Gibassier, a BEA dev2dev Senior Software Engineer, will present an
introduction to Struts for Java developers with little or no prior Struts
experience. Please refer to the online announcement for the details and
directions to the meeting site:

As usual, this meeting is free and open to the public. However, it is
important that I get an accurate headcount in advance for meeting facility
planning purposes. If you have not done so already, please RSVP for the
meeting by sending an email to me with "Struts User August Meeting" as the

Thanks, Van

Mike Van Riper

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RE: Struts Validator-nextreleasewhen (was validwhen)

2003-08-14 Thread Van Riper, Mike
> -Original Message-
> From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 11:01 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Struts Validator-nextreleasewhen (was validwhen)
> > I suspect that not too much has changed since the version 
> that shipped
> > with
> > Struts 1.1. 
> A great deal of internal cleanup has happened in 
> commons-validator since
> its 1.0.2 release as well as new features and a more extensible 
> definition.  I think Rob Leland is planning on getting a 1.1 
> release out
> soon.
> David

Cool! My company won't let me ship with nightly builds, but, I'd be glad to
test release candidates for an upcoming release against my webapp. If the
timing was right, I might even be able to include the new release in my
current project before it gets deployed. That won't be happening until the
November/December timeframe.

Thanks, Van

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RE: Struts Validator-nextreleasewhen (was validwhen)

2003-08-14 Thread Van Riper, Mike
With great trepidation, I must inquire as to the likelihood of a next
release of the commons-validator in the near term future. (ducking for cover
now as the flames telling me to read the Apache release process policy on
the web site are fired off in my direction ;-)).

Seriously, I did look in the bug database already. If my search was setup
correctly, I only saw 5 open bugs against Validator (amazingly low number
given that it is supposed to be "crap") and they were all categorized as
enhancement requests.

I suspect that not too much has changed since the version that shipped with
Struts 1.1. So, you may not want to push out a new release at this time.
However, it is unfortunate that the ability to modularize development of
larger apps with multiple struts-config files and multiple application
resource files is pretty much there in the Struts 1.1 release except for
mutliple resource files support in Validator. Since it looks like the
support for "bundle" attributes was added at least at the "arg" level, a dot
release now of just the commons-validator would make it possible to use
multiple resource files to some degree with the Validator in a Struts 1.1

I'm not looking for a fixed date commitment. I realize it is all volunteer
efforts on this stuff that can't be held to any particular schedule. I'll
totally understand if there are no plans to move towards a dot release of
Validator anytime soon, but, I am curious as to whether plans to move
towards a dot release are imminent or not even on the horizon.


Mike Van Riper

> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Raeburn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 8:41 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Struts Validator-validwhen
> It's not in Struts 1.1 but it's available in the nightly 
> build and will be
> in the next release.
> Steve
> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: August 14, 2003 8:32 AM
> > Subject: Struts Validator-validwhen
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> > The struts Validator
> > 'validwhen' I could not find anywhere in struts,even though it was
> > mensioned
> > in documentation.
> > If it is available  Could  anybody please help me where 
> exactly it is
> > available?
> > Thanks,
> > Shailaja
> >
> >   -- A . S . C . A . P.--
> > This message, including any attachments, is intended solely 
> for the person
> > or entity to which it is addressed and may contain 
> information that is
> > legally privileged, confidential or otherwise protected 
> from disclosure.
> > If you are not the intended recipient, please contact sender
> > immediately by
> > reply email and destroy all copies.

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RE: Button labels and DispatchActions mix?

2003-08-09 Thread Van Riper, Mike
Actually, I think the least amount of work (assuming you don't object to
adding a small amount of trivial JavaScript logic to the JSP page) is to
change your  to an  and then add an onclick
JavaScript event handler that sets a hidden form field with the desired
submit action value before submitting the form. You can even embed the event
handler logic directly in the HTML button definitions like so:



This should work even with two separate forms being used in the same JSP for
the two identically named buttons. Of course, you would then need two
instances of the  tag to include the "action" property in the
two separate HTML forms.

Note: I haven't tested this exact code snippet above. So, there could be
some minor typo in it. However, I have used this technique successfully in
the past.

Cheers, Van

Mike Van Riper

> -Original Message-
> From: Alex Shneyderman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 6:12 AM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: Button labels and DispatchActions mix?
> I guees if you want to assign the meaning to your form based on the
> context where you placed it, it might make some sence. 
> Todor, you can probably create another action and extend it from your
> original action, where you would override getKeyMethodMap (). 
> This will
> probably the least amount of work.
> HTH,
> Alex.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Paul McCulloch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 9:06 AM
> > To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> > Subject: RE: Button labels and DispatchActions mix?
> > 
> > I'm not sure I understand you. Why would you want multple buttons,
> with
> > the
> > same label doing different things? Surely this would just 
> confuse the
> > user?
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Todor Sergueev Petkov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: 07 August 2003 13:58
> > To: Struts Users Mailing List
> > Subject: Re: Button labels and DispatchActions mix?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Even DispatchLookupAction doesn't work if you want to use the same
> label
> > eg. buttons.reset or
> > for two different buttons useing the same Action...
> > 
> > Paul McCulloch wrote:
> > >
> > > I believe that the solution is to use a 
> DispatchLookupAction rather
> than
> > a
> > > dispatch action. See p226 in Struts in Action for a description.
> > >
> > > Paul
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Rohit Aeron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: 07 August 2003 13:27
> > > To: Struts Users Mailing List
> > > Subject: RE: Button labels and DispatchActions mix?
> > >
> > > Its better you use javascript
> > > There you can append your action also with submit value
> > >
> > > Eg:
> > >
> > > Document..action=""+"";
> > >
> > > Regards
> > > Rohit
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Todor Sergueev Petkov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 5:49 PM
> > > To: Struts Users Mailing List
> > > Subject: Re: Button labels and DispatchActions mix?
> > >
> > > It works with the button label But I have two Search 
> buttons on
> the
> > > same page both labeled
> > > search.button.reset but they perform two different actions. So I
> need a
> > > way to distinguish which was pressed
> > > inside my DispatchAction
> > >
> > > Rohit Aeron wrote:
> > > >
> > > > This will work ..
> > > >
> > > >  > > > value="" >
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: Todor Sergueev Petkov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 5:29 PM
> > > > To: Struts Users Mailing List
> > > > Subject: Button labels and DispatchActions mix?
> > > >
> > > > Hello people,
> > > >
> > > > I have the following code :
> > > >
> > > >  
> > > >  
> > > >  
> > > >
> > > > What I am trying to do is have a Dispatch Action
> > > > so that when this button is pressed the request is 
> something like
> > > >
> > > > But I don't want my button to have the resetg title on 
> it. I want
> it
> > to
> > > > have the search.button.reset title from ApplicationResources
> bundle
> > > > on it. It seems tha Struts html tag library mixes the two. Is
> there a
> > > > way out of this?
> > > >
> > > > Thanks
> > > >
> > > >
> -
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> hereby
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> > > communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
> > > communication in error, please erase all copies of

[OT] SF Bay Area Struts Intro (Free)

2003-07-25 Thread Van Riper, Mike
Hi everyone,

I lead the Silicon Valley Struts User Group and we're having a "Intro 
to Struts" presentation being done by Sylvain Gibassier, a senior software
engineer at BEA.

If you will be in the San Francisco Bay Area and are interested in learning
more about Struts, consider coming to this presentation. It's on August 6th,

and you can get more info here:

No product demo, just an introduction to Struts.

FYI, Van

Mike Van Riper

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International Struts Meetup Day

2003-07-23 Thread Van Riper, Mike
When I was looking into starting a Silicon Valley Struts User Group back in
March, I put in a proposal to for a new topic area for Struts.
Meetups happen at local cafes (and other places) in 586 cities across 43
countries. When I didn't hear back from them after a few weeks, I went ahead
on my own to get the Silicon Valley group up and running. Well, it turns out
that they did accept my proposal and were just slow in getting around to it.

I no longer need what they provide now that the Silicon Valley Struts User
Group is up and running. However, I thought that people in other areas that
do not yet have a local user group to participate in might find this

The Meetup folks have established the 3rd Thursday of every month as an
International Struts Meetup Day. You can register your interest in
participating with other Struts Users from your local area and participate
in an online vote for the local bar or restaurant where you will meet. See for details!

That's all folks, Van

Mike Van Riper

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[ANNOUNCE] Struts-Silicon-Valley July 2nd meeting in Mountain View

2003-06-29 Thread Van Riper, Mike
The next Silicon Valley Struts User Group meeting is happening this week in
Mountain View at 7pm on Wednesday, July 2nd. A demonstration of Exadel
Struts Studio, by Igor Shabalov, will show why you need more than just a
Java IDE to be a productive Struts User. This event is free and open to the
public. Please refer to the online announcement for the details and
directions to the meeting site:

It is important that I get an accurate headcount in advance for meeting
facility planning purposes and for determining how much pizza and soft
drinks to order. So, please do RSVP in advance per the instructions in the
online announcement. I'll make sure that the facilities and food are
adequate for all that RSVP by noon on the day of the event.

Thanks, Van

Mike Van Riper

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July 2nd meeting at 7pm in Mountain View

2003-06-18 Thread Van Riper, Mike
We had a nice turnout for the Struts User gathering in San Francisco last
week. It was good to see several of our group members in attendance.

Our next meeting is scheduled to take place in Mountain View at 7pm on
Wednesday, July 2nd. A demonstration of Exadel Struts Studio, by Igor
Shabalov, will show why you need more than just a Java IDE to be a
productive Struts User. Please refer to the online announcement for the
details and directions to the meeting site:

It is important that I get an accurate headcount in advance for meeting
facility planning purposes and for determining how much pizza and soft
drinks to order. So, please do RSVP in advance per the instructions in the
online announcement. I'll make sure that the facilities and food are
adequate for all that RSVP by noon on the day of the event.

Thanks, Van

Mike Van Riper

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RE: PHP version of Struts

2003-06-12 Thread Van Riper, Mike
Wow! A lot of discussion about this in less than 24 hours. I'm still
catching up and haven't read all the messages yet. So, I apologize if
someone else already addressed what I am about to say.

First of all, I am neither for or against this initiative personally. I have
not done any PHP development myself and probably never will. Still, I
thought this would be interesting to the person asking the original question
about PHP and Struts. Secondly, the initial thrust for a reference
implementation is around PHP because of the wide adoption of PHP as a web
page scripting language. However, my best understanding of the brief
announcements I have seen at JavaOne suggest the real focus is opening up
web page development to any reasonable web page scripting language out there
with PHP as the initial proof of concept. Personally, I wouldn't get hung up
on whether PHP is a good fit with Struts or not. The real take home message
is they are taking a serious look at better support for the commonly used
scripting languages out there today for web page development.

- Van

Mike Van Riper

> -Original Message-
> From: Van Riper, Mike 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 4:05 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: PHP version of Struts
> At JavaOne this week one of the announcements about future 
> plans was for
> scripting language support, specifically in the context of 
> web pages, that
> will focus initially on PHP support. It was suggested that an initial
> reference implementation of this would provide PHP support in a future
> release of Tomcat. This is at the early JSR stage now. So, it 
> would not be
> of much use any time soon. Still, it seemed worth mentioning 
> in the context
> of this discussion. The JSR for this is JSR-223, Scripting 
> Pages in Java Web
> Applications:
> FYI, Van
> Mike Van Riper
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Brandon Goodin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 3:30 PM
> > To: Struts Users Mailing List
> > Subject: RE: PHP version of Struts
> > 
> > 
> > It's PHP... what do you think?
> > 
> > Brandon Goodin 
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Lai, Kenny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 4:22 PM
> > To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> > Subject: RE: PHP version of Struts
> > 
> > 
> > the question is, is it as good as struts
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Brandon Goodin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 6:22 PM
> > To: Struts User List
> > Subject: PHP version of Struts
> > 
> > 
> > Would you use it?
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Brandon Goodin 
> > 
> > 
> -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> > 
> > 
> -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > 
> > 

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RE: PHP version of Struts

2003-06-11 Thread Van Riper, Mike
At JavaOne this week one of the announcements about future plans was for
scripting language support, specifically in the context of web pages, that
will focus initially on PHP support. It was suggested that an initial
reference implementation of this would provide PHP support in a future
release of Tomcat. This is at the early JSR stage now. So, it would not be
of much use any time soon. Still, it seemed worth mentioning in the context
of this discussion. The JSR for this is JSR-223, Scripting Pages in Java Web

FYI, Van

Mike Van Riper

> -Original Message-
> From: Brandon Goodin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 3:30 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: PHP version of Struts
> It's PHP... what do you think?
> Brandon Goodin 
> -Original Message-
> From: Lai, Kenny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 4:22 PM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: PHP version of Struts
> the question is, is it as good as struts
> -Original Message-
> From: Brandon Goodin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 6:22 PM
> To: Struts User List
> Subject: PHP version of Struts
> Would you use it?
> Brandon Goodin 
> -
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> -
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RE: Right way to extends Action

2003-04-01 Thread Van Riper, Mike
> -Original Message-
> From: V. Cekvenich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 5:58 PM
> Subject: Re: Right way to extends Action
> > 
> > What about DispatchAction and LookupDispatchAction? Anyone 
> have a good
> > solution for reuse of common action logic across these 
> multiple action base
> > classes provided by Struts?
> > 
> I wrote my own dispatch:
> WEB-INF/src/war/org/apache/scaffoldingLib/base/
> .V

I think this is the strategy I will be going with myself. Since we have the
source of these helper actions, I think it is cleaner to have common action
logic in one base action class of my own and then extend all my application
actions from this one base action class. I'm good at cut/paste. So, it is
easy to create my own versions from Struts sources for the helper classes
that extend from my own base action class. :-)

Still, that means I need to track changes made in these helper actions as
Struts improves over time. I would hate to miss out on any
refinements/improvements made over subsequent releases. Which is why I was
wondering if there was a better way that I am missing.


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RE: Right way to extends Action

2003-03-31 Thread Van Riper, Mike
> -Original Message-
> From: Xavier Saint-Denis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 4:21 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Right way to extends Action
> Hi,
> In our application we use a similar concept :
> - we have a class like this :
> public abstract class BaseAction extends Action

What about DispatchAction and LookupDispatchAction? Anyone have a good
solution for reuse of common action logic across these multiple action base
classes provided by Struts?

> In this class :
> - we added some usefull field like a logger an a pointer to a 
> singleton that
> retains application's data
> protected Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());
> protected static final Infos infos = Infos.getInstance();
> - We change the modifier of the execute Method so as to be 
> sure nobody use
> it directly:
> public final ActionForward execute(ActionMapping 
> _mapping, ActionForm
> _form, HttpServletRequest _req, HttpServletResponse _res) 
> throws Exception {
> - In this method we check the user session and log in information
> - At the end of this method we call
> return executeAction(_mapping, _form, _req, _res);
> - This method "executeAction" is defined as this :
> public abstract ActionForward executeAction(ActionMapping 
> _mapping,
> ActionForm _form, HttpServletRequest _req, 
> HttpServletResponse _res) throws
> Exception;
> - So when we create a new action, we extend BaseAction and 
> implement the
> abstract method executeAction
> This way, we have automatic user login check, and a logger at 
> disposition.
> regards,
> Xavier
> - Original Message -
> From: "niksa_os" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 1:45 PM
> Subject: Right way to extends Action
> I want all my Actions to extend BaseAction.
> In BaseAction I want to check user session and to put some 
> data in it, if
> that data doesn't exist.
> Is it good way:
> public class SomeAction extends BaseAction {
>   public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping,
> ActionForm form,
> HttpServletRequest request,
> HttpServletResponse response ) {
>   super.execute( mapping,form, request, response);
>   OK, proceed ...
> public class BaseAction extends BaseAction {
>   public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping,
> ActionForm form,
> HttpServletRequest request,
> HttpServletResponse response ) {
>   if (userSession is wrong) {
> -try   -- put data in session
> -catch -- return mapping.findForward("wrongSession");}
>   else return null;  //everything is OK
> What you think about this way and is there better way to 
> extend Action?
> Thanks.

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[ANN] struts-silicon-valley meeting on April 2nd in Palo Alto

2003-03-26 Thread Van Riper, Mike
The inaugural meeting of the Silicon Valley Struts user group will be a
dinner meeting at 7:30pm on Wednesday, April 2nd, in Palo Alto at Jing Jing:

Please send your RSVPs directly to me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> by noon on
April 2nd. I have participated in several group meals at this restaurant and
the food is excellent. There are also plenty of vegetarian options to choose
from. I hope you can join us.

Please come prepared to discuss group logistics going forward. For starters:

1. What topics you would like to see covered at future meetings.
2. Any suggestions you have with respect to potential speakers or meeting
venues. If you have contacts that might help us with lining up suggested
speakers or meeting venues, that would be even better.
3. Of course, we will take some time to find out a bit about each other and
our own experiences with Struts too.

That's all folks,
  Mike "Van" Riper

P.S. If you would like to get future struts-silicon-valley announcements,
you can join our mailing list here:

P.P.S. Yes, they do serve beer at Jing Jing unless your name is Mark
Galbreath. Just seeing who actually reads to the end of this message. ;-)

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[ANNOUNCE] struts-silicon-valley

2003-03-14 Thread Van Riper, Mike
I have received several responses from others interested in starting a local
Struts user group in Silicon Valley. So, I went ahead and setup a mailing
list for the user group. Based on initial responses, I'm leaning towards an
initial meeting location somewhere in the vicinity of Palo Alto. If you
would like to be one of the founding members of the group, please join the
mailing list soon. I plan to use the mailing list to make plans with other
founding members for an initial group meeting. You can join the group here:

Given the high volume of traffic on this list, I'm going to wait a week to
give people (that don't monitor the struts-user list on a daily basis) a
chance to read and respond to this message. After that, I'll initiate the
planning discussion for the first group meeting using the new
struts-silicon-valley list. Realistically, the first meeting will probably
be scheduled for sometime in April.

That's all folks,
  Mike Van Riper

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RE: [struts-atlanta]

2003-03-12 Thread Van Riper, Mike
I am envious every time I see one of these postings for the Struts user
group in Atlanta. Anyone interested in helping me start a Struts user group
in silicon valley? If so, please contact me. If there is enough interest, I
will setup a mailing list for the group and we can start planning an initial
user group meeting.

  Mike Van Riper

P.S. I'm a Struts developer at VeriSign in Mountain View. I work on
enterprise webapps for VeriSign's security services.

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RE: [OT] Learning Curve Management or Confusions of a Newbie

2003-03-07 Thread Van Riper, Mike
I think the Java Tutorial "trail" approach would be a good fit for this:

For example, there already is a "Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing" trail:

Similar to this in concept, there could be a "Building a webapp with Struts"
trail. Granted, this may not belong in the "reallybigindex" maintained by
Sun because Struts is under the Apache umbrella. However, it might be time
to setup a "reallybigindex" for an online Apache Tutorial comprised of
trails similar to the way trails are used in Sun's online Java Tutorial.

Specifically with respect to learning Struts though, there is already a
significant amount of online learning material to be found directly or
indirectly from here:

Still, I do see the value in having trails that organize some of the online
information in various trails to follow through this wealth of information.
I'm not sure how to go about initiating such a project at Apache, but, I am
willing to volunteer some time to contribute to the creation of a "Building
a webapp with Struts" trail. Does anyone else think this would be a good
idea? Anyone else interested in volunteering some time to build a Struts
trail? If there is enough interest, I would be glad to setup a separate
mailing list for further discussion among interested volunteers on creation
of this trail.

  Mike Van Riper

> -Original Message-
> From: Simon Kelly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 1:01 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [OT] Learning Curve Management or Confusions of a Newbie
> Jeff you are not alone in this.  I've been at this for six 
> months and have
> gone through pretty much the same set of problems.  The thing 
> with what you
> are suggesting (and this is only my opinion) is, "Who will do 
> it *AND* look
> after it?".  The trouble is (and I have found this through 
> searching the
> net) the shear volume of papers, documents, examples and 
> postings (150+ per
> day) that would have to be referenced and collected to make 
> this of any use
> to people.  And I have to say, I DO NOT want the job :-)
> Cheers
> Simon
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jeff Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 9:05 AM
> Subject: [OT] Learning Curve Management or Confusions of a Newbie
> I have to confess, I'm a newbie. I've been a C/C++ programmer 
> for 20 years,
> but after dinking around for a few months with ASP, VBScript, 
> PHP and a few
> other technologies, I decided that Java was the language to 
> build my web
> apps in.
> A month ago I was completely cold. Didn't know the first 
> thing about any of
> this stuff. But I knew I wanted to learn it, so off I went, 
> marching into
> the high weeds. First I had to learn Java. Then came servlets 
> and JSPs and
> Tomcat. And along that path I also had to absorb Ant. And 
> JUnit. And Log4J.
> And then there was a bunch of time lost exploring 
> NetBeans/Eclipse/WebSphere
> before settling on JEdit as my environment of choice.
> Then came Struts, and all the various taglibs. An experiment 
> with Cayenne.
> And Cactus. And god-knows what else I've explored.
> And through it all, I am continually amazed at the strength 
> and breadth of
> the resources and support available. And equally frustrated 
> by it. I can
> never remember where I saw a particular bit of information. So when I
> finally learn enough to understand what Ted was talking about in his
> monograph on Connection Pooling, I can't remember where I saw it.
> And when I want to learn enough about EJBs to figure out if I 
> need to care
> about them, or if they are relevant to my planned project, I 
> have to wade
> through another day of voluminous coverage before I have 
> enough of a handle
> on what they are to make some intelligent guesses about where 
> to look next.
> My point is that I believe the Apache/Java/Struts/... 
> universe is quickly
> reaching a point where its very breadth is becoming a barrier 
> to entry for
> people who don't have a couple of months to devote to bootstrapping
> themselves.
> Is there any thought being given to creating a higher-level resource
> interface that could serve as a single point of reference for 
> all things
> Apache? (I realize that "all things java" would be going way 
> too far.) As a
> simple solution, if every document in the Apache 
> infrastructure had a meta
> tag that listed the questions answered by the document, then a very
> powerful, automated FAQ could be maintained. And such a 
> system would make it
> much easier (I believe) to find things quickly than simply 
> searching the
> site for key words.
> This may not be the best (or only) solution, but I do believe 
> that for all

RE: FW: Validation DTD bug? (impacts my use of Struts Console)

2002-12-16 Thread Van Riper, Mike

I never received any feedback, but, they did address this problem in the
just announced release of the 1.0.1 version of the Commons Validator. The
DTD in this version has the following DOCTYPE specification:";>

And the ELEMENT definition in the DTD for field elements has been changed to


Until a future release of your tool that supports this new version of the
Commons Validator, I can continue to hand edit my validation.xml files
directly. My main concern was that the DTD allow for the necessary field
validation definitions going forward and this has been dealt with. So, I'm a
happy camper now. It would have been nice for someone to let me know they
were taking care of it when I asked though. Oh well.

  Mike Van Riper

> -Original Message-
> From: James Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 12:48 PM
> To: Van Riper, Mike
> Subject: RE: FW: Validation DTD bug? (impacts my use of 
> Struts Console)
> Actually, I think this message is best targeted at the
> Commons Validator lists.  I think you're right about
> the DTD, but haven't fully looked into it.  If you get
> feedback from the Commons lists let me know.
> -james
> --- "Van Riper, Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > I'm guessing your Validator config file issue is
> > > similar.
> > 
> > I don't think it is. The DOCTYPE in that case was
> > already using the 1.1
> > versioning like so:
> > 
> >>"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD
> > Validation Configuration 1.1//EN"
> >   
> >
> "";>
> > 
> > I believe this has more to do with the original
> > issue I posted on the
> > struts-user list. My validation.xml file doesn't
> > validate successfully
> > against this DTD requirement:
> > 
> >> arg3?, var* )>
> > 
> > because when you use both the minlength and
> > maxlength validations on a
> > single field, you end up with more than one 
> > element inside the field
> > element definition like so:
> > 
> >> depends="minlength,maxlength">
> > 
> >  > key="${var:minlength}" resource="false"/>
> >  > key="${var:maxlength}" resource="false"/>
> > 
> >   minlength
> >   5
> > 
> > 
> >   maxlength
> >   10
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > Unless the  is defined separately for
> > minlength and maxlength
> > validations, it is not possible to generate the
> > correct validation error
> > message with the appropriate minlength or maxlength
> > value inserted in the
> > error message. This is why I suggested that the DTD
> > needed to change like
> > so:
> > 
> >> arg3*, var* )>
> > 
> > This way, you are allowed to specify different
> >  values for
> > substitution in the error message when different
> > validation rules are
> > violated. I realize this is a validation DTD issue
> > and not a Struts Console
> > issue. However, it is preventing me from using the
> > Struts Console in the
> > recommended fashion with validation turned on and I
> > do believe this is a
> > validator DTD bug.
> > 
> > I've already changed my local copy of the DTD so I
> > can validate against it
> > in my IDE, IntelliJ. However, this doesn't help me
> > when I try to use the
> > Struts Console on my validation.xml file. I'm
> > surprised that I didn't get a
> > single response when I posted this on the
> > struts-user list before. Should I
> > have posted this on the struts-dev list instead?
> > 
> > - Mike Van Riper
> > 
> > P.S. James, Thanks again for your help correcting my
> > DOCTYPE specification
> > for tile definitions. I am able to edit tile
> > definitions now using your tool
> > without leaving the comfort of my Java IDE. :-)
> > 
> __
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Validation DTD bug?

2002-12-06 Thread Van Riper, Mike
Before submitting a bug report on this, I wanted to verify that I am doing
this correctly. This isn't causing any real runtime problems at this point.
I just discovered the problem when I turned on DTD validation in my IDE. I
am working with the 1.1-b2 release, but, I checked and the same problem
exists in the 20021206 nightly build. The validation_1_1.dtd file has the
following element definition for "field" elements:


Shouldn't this be:


Unless I am missing something, the DTD should allow for multiple definitions
of each subelement in a "field" element definition. As an example of why
this is so, I have a validation definition for a field that has both minimum
and maximum length validations specified. The error messages for both of
these validations want to insert the number for the minimum or maximum
length as the "arg1" value. So, I need more than one "arg1" definition
inside the 'field" definition. The example from my working application is:






This example from my code only requires multiple "arg1" definitions, but,
the same principle applies to the other "arg" fields. Similarly, I could
contrive an example that would require multiple definitions for "msg". The
convention in the examples provided with the release always reserve "arg0"
for the display name of the field. So, I suppose you could make an argument
for not needing support for multiple "arg0" elements. Still, the DTD
probably shouldn't rely on that convention.

- Mike Van Riper

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RE: Tiles and parameters...

2002-11-29 Thread Van Riper, Mike
Oops! Forgot to reply to the mailing list too.

ListUsersAction is my code. I do nothing with the request parameters
required by the  tags to support table sorting. This is why I
assumed it would work for you too. I have no idea why it doesn't work for

As Cedric Dumoulin, *the* developer of Tiles, mentioned in a separate
response, the only obvious reason it would not work is in the event of
redirecting rather than forwarding. Based on your initial response, I'm sure
you know that though. So, that is probably not it.

In my case, it worked both with Tomcat 4.0.3 for early development testing
and with Weblogic 6.1 (with service pack 3) in our production environment.
Definitely whacky stuff. Sorry that I couldn't be more help.

- Van

> -Original Message-
> From: Craig Tataryn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 7:01 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Tiles and parameters...
> Whacky whacky stuff.  Are you completely sure that 
> ListUsersAction isn't
> doing a request.setAttribute for the order and sort 
> parameters it recieves?
> Is this  taglib custom?   I don't see you passing it 
> the order and
> sort parameters through it's attributes, meaning that it is 
> getting them
> from some other source (session)?  Perhaps ListUserAction is 
> somehow priming
> the display:table tag...
> Craig.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Van Riper, Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'Craig Tataryn'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 1:03 AM
> Subject: RE: Tiles and parameters...
> > Craig,
> >
> > Yes, I am relatively new to Tiles. This is my first major 
> project using it
> > and we make extensive use of Tiles in our webapp. We also use the
> > taglib and take advantage of its column sorting support. 
> Sorting of table
> > data is handled automatically by this taglib using request 
> parameters and
> it
> > works fine in our webapp. For example, the default display 
> of our user
> list
> > is sorted in ascending order based on the values in the 4th 
> column (zero
> > based sort offset in example below) of the listing like so:
> >
> >   /portal/admin/users/list.dbm?order=asc&sort=3
> >
> > This will trigger the following action mapping in our 
> struts-config.xml
> > file:
> >
> >>  type="">
> > 
> >   
> >
> > And the following tile definitions are interpreted when the 
> "success"
> > forward is used:
> >
> >extends="portal.admin.users"
> >
> > 
> > 
> >   
> >
> >> extends="portal.body.admin.users" >
> > 
> >   
> >
> > And the list.jsp usings the  taglib tags:
> >
> >> property="users" scope="session"
> > requestURI='<%=request.getContextPath() +
> > "/portal/admin/users/list.dbm"%>'>
> >
> > ...
> >
> >   
> >
> > In the layout JSP that ultimately includes the 
> "bodyContent" value above,
> we
> > are using:
> >
> >   
> >
> > which is comparable to the example that you suggest I try. So, I can
> > honestly say that I have tried it and it works. :-)
> >
> > Without rummaging through the  taglib source, the traversal
> through
> > action mapping to action with forward to the tile definition that
> ultimately
> > displays our master page layout containing the leaf listing 
> JSP is working
> > to control sorting. So, the request parameters are getting 
> through to the
> > leaf listing JSP. Otherwise, the  tags wouldn't be 
> responding to
> > the request parameter settings that control how to sort the 
> list contents.
> >
> > We are working with the version of Tiles integrated in 
> Struts 1.1-b2.
> Maybe
> > you are working with a different version of Struts/Tiles. 
> If so, that
> might
> > explain why something similar isn't working for you. In any case, it
> sounds
> > like you have a workaround for now.
> >
> > - Van
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Craig Tataryn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 9:59 AM
> > > Subject: Re: Tiles and parameters...
> > >
> > >
> > > You must be new to Tiles :)  It doesn&#x

RE: Tiles and parameters...

2002-11-27 Thread Van Riper, Mike

Yes, I am relatively new to Tiles. This is my first major project using it
and we make extensive use of Tiles in our webapp. We also use the 
taglib and take advantage of its column sorting support. Sorting of table
data is handled automatically by this taglib using request parameters and it
works fine in our webapp. For example, the default display of our user list
is sorted in ascending order based on the values in the 4th column (zero
based sort offset in example below) of the listing like so:


This will trigger the following action mapping in our struts-config.xml



And the following tile definitions are interpreted when the "success"
forward is used:





And the list.jsp usings the  taglib tags:




In the layout JSP that ultimately includes the "bodyContent" value above, we
are using:


which is comparable to the example that you suggest I try. So, I can
honestly say that I have tried it and it works. :-)

Without rummaging through the  taglib source, the traversal through
action mapping to action with forward to the tile definition that ultimately
displays our master page layout containing the leaf listing JSP is working
to control sorting. So, the request parameters are getting through to the
leaf listing JSP. Otherwise, the  tags wouldn't be responding to
the request parameter settings that control how to sort the list contents.

We are working with the version of Tiles integrated in Struts 1.1-b2. Maybe
you are working with a different version of Struts/Tiles. If so, that might
explain why something similar isn't working for you. In any case, it sounds
like you have a workaround for now.

- Van

> -Original Message-
> From: Craig Tataryn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 9:59 AM
> Subject: Re: Tiles and parameters...
> You must be new to Tiles :)  It doesn't seem to work.  
> Try it for
> yourself, make yourself a controller called MyController who's success
> forward, forwards to a tiles template called "tiles.template".
> The tiles template can looks something like this:
> Your mainlayout.jsp would look something like this:
> In page1.jsp put the following:
> <%=request.getParameter("param1")%>
> Call your controller like so:
> You will get the error: "bean param1 not found within scope".
> However, I found a solution.  In MyController, I simply use
> request.getParameter("param1") and then take that value and 
> place it back in
> using request.setAttribute.  Tiles or Struts does not seem to 
> preserve the
> request parameters from the original call for the Tiles which 
> are being
> forwarded to, so you have to do it manually (which might make sense?).
> Craig.
> P.S. I have read the specs :)
> - Original Message -
> From: "Van Riper, Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'Craig Tataryn'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 11:42 AM
> Subject: RE: Tiles and parameters...
> > Unless I'm missing something here, you simply use:
> >
> >   request.getParameter("fieldid");
> >
> > in scriptlet code in any of your leaf JSPs to access this request
> parameter.
> > You can also use   in conjunction with this to 
> define a bean
> at
> > the top of your page for use as a bean reference in other 
> Struts tags
> within
> > your JSP pages. You must be new to JSP development. I 
> recommend taking a
> > look at the JSP spec. In particular, section 2.8 of the JSP 
> 1.1 spec lists
> > the implicit objects available to all JSP pages.
> >
> > Good Luck,
> >   Mike "Van" Riper
> >   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Craig Tataryn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 5:03 AM
> > > Subject: Re: Tiles and parameters...
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Anyone have any suggestions?
> > >
> > > >From: "Craig Tataryn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List"
> > > >Subject: Tiles and parameters...
> > > >Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 00:39:23 -0600
> > > >
> > > >I am using a tiles

RE: Tiles and parameters...

2002-11-26 Thread Van Riper, Mike
Unless I'm missing something here, you simply use:


in scriptlet code in any of your leaf JSPs to access this request parameter.
You can also use   in conjunction with this to define a bean at
the top of your page for use as a bean reference in other Struts tags within
your JSP pages. You must be new to JSP development. I recommend taking a
look at the JSP spec. In particular, section 2.8 of the JSP 1.1 spec lists
the implicit objects available to all JSP pages.

Good Luck,
  Mike "Van" Riper

> -Original Message-
> From: Craig Tataryn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 5:03 AM
> Subject: Re: Tiles and parameters...
> Anyone have any suggestions?
> >From: "Craig Tataryn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
> >Subject: Tiles and parameters...
> >Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 00:39:23 -0600
> >
> >I am using a tiles for a project where I have the following scenario:
> >
> >Forecast for Field 1
> >
> >The action for, simply does some data extraction 
> and then 
> >returns a forward to a tiles def which displays this data.
> >
> >Here is what the existing tiles def looks like:
> >
> >
> >   
> >   
> >
> >
> >However, each of these jsp pages really should be passed the fieldid 
> >parameter that the Forecast action was passed.
> >
> >Is there anyway to get my Forecast action to pass this 
> fieldid parameter to 
> >the pages setup in the tiles def it is going to forward to?  
> Or is there 
> >any other technique you might suggest as a workaround (don't 
> particularly 
> >want to throw things in the session as I want the fieldid to 
> be at the 
> >request level so users can see forecasts for different 
> fields at the same 
> >time).
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Craig.
> >Craig W. Tataryn
> >Programmer/Analyst
> >Compuware
> >
> >_
> >MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE* 
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >To unsubscribe, e-mail:   
> >
> >For additional commands, e-mail: 
> >
> Craig W. Tataryn
> Programmer/Analyst
> Compuware
> _
> Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*  

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RE: Struts Validator / dynamically enabling/disabling

2002-10-30 Thread Van Riper, Mike
I tend to use the DispatchAction mechanism for forms that are used to do
create/update/delete of objects. The pattern I have fallen into is having
"cancel" be another one of the dispatch methods in this case. I have
validation turned on for the form, but, conditionally disable the validation
both on the client-side and on the server-side based upon the setting of the
dispatch method.

It is actually quite easy to do for the client-side implementation. You
already have to explicitly provide the onSubmit event handler for the form
anyway. No one is forcing you to call the JavaScript function generated by
the  tag. So, I have my own JavaScript function that
conditionally calls the validateYourFormNameHere() function based on the
setting of the dispatch method. An example of mine looks like this:

  function handleFormValidation(form) {
result = true;

if (form.dispatchMethod.value == "save") {
  result = validateModifyUserForm(form);

return result;

On the server-side, this does require a form class where you can put the
conditional logic in your validate() form function override. However, this
doesn't prevent me from using DynaForms for the tedious getters and setters.
It just means I have to extend the flavor of DynaForm I am using depending
on whether action-based or form-based validation is being used. In the form
class, you only override the validate function and conditionally call the
super.validate() based upon the setting of the dispatch method in the form.
You can still define all the form properties in your Struts configuration

I'm not thrilled with this approach, but, it does work within the current
architecture to make the validation somewhat dynamic without being overly
complex. Your mileage may vary. :-)

- Mike Van Riper

P.S. Having the "cancel" method in the same DispatchAction subclass that
handles creates/updates/deletes has worked nicely for workflows that are
multiple steps too. I tend to use session scope beans in that case both for
the form and for related workflow data. So, I can have common logic for
releasing session scope resources for the workflow in one common action for

> -Original Message-
> From: Thomas Delnoij [mailto:t.delnoij@;]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 6:58 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Struts Validator / dynamically enabling/disabling
> Hi.
> I am using the Struts Validator in conjunction with a 
> ValidatorForm. My html
> form has two submit buttons, one for saving without 
> validation, another one
> with validation.
> Is it possible to dynamically switch on and of the validator 
> depending on
> which button is pressed?
> I could of course dynamically set the action attribute of the 
> form tag,
> using JavaScript. But I don't want to depend on JavaScript 
> being switched
> on/off in the clients browser.
> Another possibility, that didn't convince me up intil now, is 
> writing a
> custom validate method, that checks for the value of the 
> clicked button.
> This method could be called before every other validate 
> method and return
> false in the case no validation is necessary and an empty ActionErrors
> Object to make the framework assume everything is OK. Would this work?
> Any suggestions?
> Thomas Delnoij
> Internet Engineer
> IMN - SSE Baarn
> Mobile: +31 6 144 300 14

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RE: [OT][FRIDAY] brain types

2002-10-08 Thread Van Riper, Mike

True credit goes to Carl Jung. He came up with the 4 dimensions and the two
poles for each dimension. Kiersey & Bates get the credit for marketing a
relatively simple test that people can take to get a reasonable
approximation of their personality type in this system.

Oops! I'm sorry, this is supposed to be a humorous [FRIDAY] thread. I'm
behind on my email and didn't see this until Tuesday. My bad. ;-)

- Van

> -Original Message-
> From: Brad Rhoads [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 9:38 AM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: [OT][FRIDAY] brain types
> They ripped off Kiersey & Bates and don't even seem to give 
> them credit!
> See
> 033749305/sr=8
> -2/ref=sr_8_2/002-7896442-4256040?v=glance&n=507846
> However, this is a great assesment. I've used it with a 
> number of groups
> over the years. Most people find that the description of 
> their personality
> is very accurate. It certainly helped me understand myself a 
> lot better.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Dan Cancro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 11:27 AM
> > Subject: [OT][FRIDAY] brain types
> >
> >
> > What types of brains do Struts users have?
> >
> >
> >
> > Mine's an ISTJ type
> >
> > --
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > 
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> > 
> >

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RE: set a value from a form to a form

2002-09-11 Thread Van Riper, Mike

One way is to use the  tag in addition to whatever you are
doing to display the uneditable form data. It works like all the other form
tags. So, all you have to do is set the "property" attribute to match the
name of the uneditable form property and it should work. This is the Struts
custom tag equivalent for specifying  directly in

If you do decide to use an HTML form element to display the uneditable value
and set the "disabled" attribute on it, you will want to also include a
 element for the same property. From my own experimenting on
this, I found that the value for my disabled text input fields were not
being submitted with the form. Adding the hidden form element for the same
property does preserve any incoming form data when the form is submitted.

- Van

> -Original Message-
> From: Michael Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 4:14 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: set a value from a form to a form
> I have a form object that populates html fields. The problem 
> is, I want to display some of the form data and have it 
> uneditable. When I submit the form loses all the data that is 
> not in an html:.. tag.
> I've tried...
>  property="userRole" scope="request" toScope="request"/>
> but this doesnt seem to work
> thanks,
> Mike

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RE: Cross Site Scripting (XSS) issues with Struts 1.1-b2?

2002-09-09 Thread Van Riper, Mike

Some additional information, from reviewing the Struts 1.1-b2 source code,
is interspersed below.

> -Original Message-
> From: Van Riper, Mike 
> Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2002 9:29 PM
> To: List Struts-User (E-mail)
> Subject: Cross Site Scripting (XSS) issues with Struts 1.1-b2?
> If you are not familiar with what I mean by cross site 
> scripting (XSS), here
> are two links with information about it:
> According to the first FAQ above, some of the things that 
> should be done to
> protect your web application are:
> "Never trust user input and always filter metacharacters. 
> This will
> eliminate the majority of XSS attacks. Converting < and > to 
> < and >
> is also suggested when it comes to script output. Remember 
> XSS holes can be
> damaging and costly to your business if abused. Often attackers will
> disclose these holes to the public, which can erode customer 
> and public
> confidence in the security and privacy of your organization's site.
> Filtering < and > alone will not solve all cross site 
> scripting attacks and
> it is suggested you also attempt to filter out ( and ) by 
> translating them
> to ( and ), and also # and & by translating them to 
> # (#) and
> & (&)."

According to the Struts 1.1-b2 source code for ResponseUtils.filter(), it
only converts "<", ">", "&" and """ to the equivalent character entity
references. Is the excerpt from the online XSS FAQ above mistaken, or is it
necessary to filter for "(", ")" and "#" too?

> I saw some old discussions on the Struts-Dev list about 
> default behavior in
> the  custom tag. Checking recent documentation, 
> the default
> behavior is to do this sort of filtering/conversion now for 
> .
> So, that particular aspect is covered as long as I don't 
> explicitly set the
> "filter" attribute to "false" in my  tags.
> I didn't see any discussion of how Struts processes request 
> parameters when
> auto-populating form beans. Is similar filtering/conversion 
> being done there
> as well?

I found in the 1.1-b2 source download that ResponseUtils.filter() is being
called in all the  taglib tags that populate form fields with text
values. Actually, it is called in for the text tags which
extend from it and additionally in a few other tags that don't extend from
it (e.g., So, it doesn't matter so much whether the
request parameters are filtered/converted when populating form beans because
on the way back out to populate the form field values in the JSPs it will
happen automatically as long as I am using the Struts  custom tags.

FYI, ResponseUtils.filter() is the same method called in  when
the "filter" attribute is not explicitly set to "false".

> Are there any other aspects of this particular 
> security issue that
> I need to be concerned about while developing my web 
> application with Struts
> 1.1-b2?

Assuming the filtering of "<", ">", "&" and """ and converting them to the
equivalent character entity references is sufficient, it looks like the XSS
vulnerability is being handled in the Struts custom tags by the usage of

> - Mike Van Riper
>   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Mike Van Riper 

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Cross Site Scripting (XSS) issues with Struts 1.1-b2?

2002-09-08 Thread Van Riper, Mike

If you are not familiar with what I mean by cross site scripting (XSS), here
are two links with information about it:

According to the first FAQ above, some of the things that should be done to
protect your web application are:

"Never trust user input and always filter metacharacters. This will
eliminate the majority of XSS attacks. Converting < and > to < and >
is also suggested when it comes to script output. Remember XSS holes can be
damaging and costly to your business if abused. Often attackers will
disclose these holes to the public, which can erode customer and public
confidence in the security and privacy of your organization's site.
Filtering < and > alone will not solve all cross site scripting attacks and
it is suggested you also attempt to filter out ( and ) by translating them
to ( and ), and also # and & by translating them to # (#) and
& (&)."

I saw some old discussions on the Struts-Dev list about default behavior in
the  custom tag. Checking recent documentation, the default
behavior is to do this sort of filtering/conversion now for .
So, that particular aspect is covered as long as I don't explicitly set the
"filter" attribute to "false" in my  tags.

I didn't see any discussion of how Struts processes request parameters when
auto-populating form beans. Is similar filtering/conversion being done there
as well? Are there any other aspects of this particular security issue that
I need to be concerned about while developing my web application with Struts

- Mike Van Riper

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RE: Multiple ApplicationResource Properties file with Struts

2002-09-05 Thread Van Riper, Mike

> -Original Message-
> From: Declan O'Shanahan (CAPE)
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 4:31 AM
> Subject: Multiple ApplicationResource Properties file with Struts
> Hi there,
> I have searched the list for information on multiple message resources
> properties files with Struts1-1b2. I have looked at the dtd for the
> struts-config.xml
> ( 
> and it says
> that there can be multiple message-resources elements. Yet 
> when I include a
> second message-resources element in the struts-config.xml the 
> application
> does not recognoise the new values.
> Does struts1.1b2 support multiple message resources 
> properties files? Any
> hints or help on this would be appreciated.

Yes. I'm using multiple resource properties files with 1.1b2. You must
specify a "key" attribute in all but your default message-resources
elements. In order to pull messages from non-default properties files, you
have to specify this key attribute of the message-resources element as the
"bundle" attribute of the  tags you are using in your JSP
pages. If you have this in your struts-config file:


You would insert messages from the specified properties file like this:


At least, this is how I am doing it and it is working for me. Struts does
the lookup in your default properties file when no "bundle" attribute is
specified in your  tag.

> Regards,
> Declan O'Shanahan

  Mike Van Riper

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RE: iterate question

2002-09-04 Thread Van Riper, Mike

Of course, I immediately found an example for handling dynamic nesting as
soon as I posted that I hadn't. Figures. There are some example projects
that use the  custom tags in the resource section of the Jakarta
Struts site. One of them uses a relatively simple trick (once you have seen
it, it seems simple :-)) with dynamic inclusion of a JSP to handle node
data. You will find it on this page:

It is the one called "Tree (dynamic nested fun)". Duh.

- Mike Van Riper

> -Original Message-
> From: Van Riper, Mike 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 3:21 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: iterate question
> I have a similar need to the one expressed by Kirby. I have 
> not used the nested extension, but, I have read through the 
> online primer. I saw nothing there that would indicate it 
> would handle *dynamic* tree structures. Yes, you can use the 
> nesting custom tags to any depth you want. Yes, you don't 
> need to know in advance how many items there are in a 
> collection at a particular level. However, it looks like you 
> need to know in advance what depth to go to. When the tree is 
> being generated dynamically and the depth can not be known in 
> advance, I don't see how to use the nesting extension to handle it.
> I hope that I am wrong about that because I'd love to just 
> use the nesting extension rather than write something on my 
> own. If the nesting extension can handle this situation, 
> please point me to the right part of the docs or an existing 
> example that will help me figure that out.
> Assuming I am right and the nesting extension doesn't handle 
> what I need yet, my sense is there might be a way to enhance 
> the nesting extension to handle this for recursive 
> structures. For example, consider a Node object that had some 
> instance data and a collection of child Node objects and a 
> getChildNodes() method. What if  took an 
> additional parameter which was recurseProperty="childNodes"? 
> It should be possible to implement tail recursion in the 
> implementation of  that would repeat the 
> execution of the body of the  tag with the 
> new collection being the one returned from the 
> getChildNodes() call on the current node. This would do a 
> depth first recursion of nodes outputting the same 
> information for each node. Assuming there is a way to get 
> depth information, I could use that information in the body 
> of my  and dynamically reflect that in the 
> formatting of the nodes for display too.
> Of course, it is not that simple. There would be intermediate 
> state to maintain and correctly return to and continue on 
> from for each time a recursion to another level happened. The 
> nesting extension does quite a bit already and this may not 
> be the best way to solve my recursive structure handling 
> problem. Then again, maybe it would make sense. I thought it 
> was at least worth sharing the idea.
> - Mike Van Riper
>   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Sri Sankaran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 11:29 AM
> > To: Struts Users Mailing List
> > Subject: RE: iterate question
> > 
> > 
> > Look at the nested extension @ 
> >  It is exactly 
> > for this purpose.
> > 
> > It is included as part of Struts 1.1.x
> > 
> > Sri
> > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Kirby Vandivort [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> > > Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 12:13 PM
> > > Subject: iterate question
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Hello,
> > > 
> > > I'm new to struts, so please bear with me.  I'm in the early 
> > > stages of converting something to the struts framework and 
> > > I've run into a situation that I'm not sure how to handle.
> > > 
> > > I want to make a page that, as an example, looks like:
> > > 
> > >   - message 1
> > >   - message 2
> > > * re: message 2
> > >   + re: re: message 2
> > > * re: message 2
> > > * re: message 2
> > >   - message 3
> > > 
> > > 
> > > etc.  So, I'm going to pass a collection to the jsp page, and 
> > > the collection might contain collections.  There can be any 
> > > level of nesting.  
> > > 
> > > This seems like a common case, but I haven't found a way to 

RE: iterate question

2002-09-04 Thread Van Riper, Mike

I have a similar need to the one expressed by Kirby. I have not used the
nested extension, but, I have read through the online primer. I saw nothing
there that would indicate it would handle *dynamic* tree structures. Yes,
you can use the nesting custom tags to any depth you want. Yes, you don't
need to know in advance how many items there are in a collection at a
particular level. However, it looks like you need to know in advance what
depth to go to. When the tree is being generated dynamically and the depth
can not be known in advance, I don't see how to use the nesting extension to
handle it.

I hope that I am wrong about that because I'd love to just use the nesting
extension rather than write something on my own. If the nesting extension
can handle this situation, please point me to the right part of the docs or
an existing example that will help me figure that out.

Assuming I am right and the nesting extension doesn't handle what I need
yet, my sense is there might be a way to enhance the nesting extension to
handle this for recursive structures. For example, consider a Node object
that had some instance data and a collection of child Node objects and a
getChildNodes() method. What if  took an additional
parameter which was recurseProperty="childNodes"? It should be possible to
implement tail recursion in the implementation of  that
would repeat the execution of the body of the  tag with the
new collection being the one returned from the getChildNodes() call on the
current node. This would do a depth first recursion of nodes outputting the
same information for each node. Assuming there is a way to get depth
information, I could use that information in the body of my 
and dynamically reflect that in the formatting of the nodes for display too.

Of course, it is not that simple. There would be intermediate state to
maintain and correctly return to and continue on from for each time a
recursion to another level happened. The nesting extension does quite a bit
already and this may not be the best way to solve my recursive structure
handling problem. Then again, maybe it would make sense. I thought it was at
least worth sharing the idea.

- Mike Van Riper

> -Original Message-
> From: Sri Sankaran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 11:29 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: iterate question
> Look at the nested extension @ 
>  It is exactly 
> for this purpose.
> It is included as part of Struts 1.1.x
> Sri
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Kirby Vandivort [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 12:13 PM
> > Subject: iterate question
> > 
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I'm new to struts, so please bear with me.  I'm in the early 
> > stages of converting something to the struts framework and 
> > I've run into a situation that I'm not sure how to handle.
> > 
> > I want to make a page that, as an example, looks like:
> > 
> >   - message 1
> >   - message 2
> > * re: message 2
> >   + re: re: message 2
> > * re: message 2
> > * re: message 2
> >   - message 3
> > 
> > 
> > etc.  So, I'm going to pass a collection to the jsp page, and 
> > the collection might contain collections.  There can be any 
> > level of nesting.  
> > 
> > This seems like a common case, but I haven't found a way to 
> > do it using the struts tags as of yet.  It really needs some 
> > sort of recursive solution since you don't know how many 
> > levels you will need to go down, and the presentation is 
> > something that clearly shouldn't be done on the business 
> > side, so any help or guidance that you have would be appreciated.
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > 
> > -- 
> > 
> > Kirby Vandivort  Theoretical Biophysics Group
> > Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  3051 Beckman Institute
> > of Illinois
> > Phone: (217) 244-5711405 N. Mathews Ave
> > Fax  : (217) 244-6078Urbana, IL  61801, USA
> > 
> > --
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:   
> > For 
> > additional commands, 
> > e-mail: 
> > 
> > 

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RE: Placing a Scriptlet inside

2002-09-03 Thread Van Riper, Mike

I believe support for this depends upon whether the custom tag is configured
in the tag library descriptor file to support runtime expressions for the
attribute in question. I just looked at the struts-bean.tld for B2 and the
key attribute of the message tag has the rtexprvalue set to true. So, it
should support this sort of thing. I believe the docs for the various Struts
custom tags also state whether runtime expressions are supported for
particular tag attributes. However, the tag library descriptor information
is used by the JSP engine. So, you can definitely count on that information
whether the docs say it is so or not.

FYI, Van

> -Original Message-
> From: Lister, Tom (ANTS) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 5:30 AM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: Placing a Scriptlet inside 
> I'm sure we've done this recently along the lines of e.g.
> :-)
> Tom Lister
> * 020 7612 3030
> -Original Message-
> From: Sudhir S. Shetty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 03 September 2002 13:31
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Placing a Scriptlet inside 
> Hi Everybody,
> Is it possible to place a scriptlet 
> inside the key
> attribute for the  tag?
> TIA,
> Sudhir
> --
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RE: Why failed?

2002-08-20 Thread Van Riper, Mike

I had 
this same symptom when trying to use client-side validation with deprecated form 
of plug-in specification for the Validator plug-in. If you are using separate 
property elements to specify multiple xml files for your validator plugin, you 
need to use a single set-property with plural property name of "pathnames" and 
the multiple files comma separated in the value field. In my installation, the 
correct configuration looks like this:

because you are having similar symptoms, it doesn't necessarily mean it is being 
caused by the same problem. Still, it is worth checking your plug-in 
configuration to make sure you aren't using the deprecated form with separate 
set-property elements.
Mike Van Riper

  -Original Message-From: Kwang-Shi Shu 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 1:06 
  PMTo: Kwang-Shi Shu; Struts Users Mailing ListSubject: 
  Why  failed?
    I am 
  running the "struts-validator/jsRegistration.jsp" from Tomcat 4.0.4 with 
  Struts 1.1-b1 on IE5 from Windows XP.
  The screen shows the "// End -->" as 
  (Please see 
  When I clicked the "Save" button, I 
  got (Please see 
  When I viewed the source code vis "View 
  Source", I notice that 
  ===beginning of 
  excerpt ==
  //  End 
  ==end of 
  There is no 
   tag. Apparently something is wrong.
  Could somebody 
  explain this and show me how to work around this problem?

Description: application/pkcs7-signature

RE: validator plugin

2002-08-19 Thread Van Riper, Mike


I ran into this problem myself and the online review chapters of Chuck
Cavaness' Struts book provided the answer. According to the chapter on the
Struts Validator,

"There was some confusion in one of the earlier beta releases for the
Validator that used multiple set-property elements. That is no long
supported and you should use a single set-property element that specifies
multiple Validator resource files, separated by a comma. Also notice that
the property value is the plural *pathnames*."

Your example code indicates you are using the deprecated form with separate
set-property elements. Try this instead:


Assuming you are working with the latest beta release or a recent nightly
build, this should help.

Good luck,
  Mike "Van" Riper

-Original Message-
From: Michael Delamere [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2002 2:01 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: validator plugin


I´m having problems using the validator plugin.  When leaving fields blank,
I expect struts to take me back to the registration form.  I copied most of
the code from an example and read the chapter concening this topic in the
orreilly book.

For some reason though it appears that nothing is happening!  Well, I added
my own version of the validation mehod in my form bean just to see if it
goes in there at all and it does.  However the ActionErrors is always empty.

 public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest
request) {
  ActionErrors errors = super.validate(mapping, request);

  System.out.println("VALIDATING!!" + errors.size());  // this always
returns 0
  return errors;
Here are my entries in my struts-config.xml:



I´ve rechecked the files about 10 times and I just don´t seems to be able to
get it to work.

Another question I have is, when validation is false, do I get redirected
back to the form automatically or do I have to specify this in the Action
class using:

return mapping.findForward("registrationForm"); ?

Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated,



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