[Biofuel] Fw: Scientific Research Ignored By The Medical Industry

2009-07-23 Thread Kirk McLoren

I think the sentence below is key:
Dr. Rath’s research further revealed that once the body stores 1.1 pounds of 
these aminos per 150 pounds body weight, NO DISEASE will spread through the 
body. That means it can stop the spread of virus. This protocol was used for 
HIV research and it proved just that. It stopped the spread of HIV as well as 
any other viruses, in fact all viruses.
BtW when you go to google books just enter vaccines as search. There are oodles 
of books that display all the text as they are older. In this case they are the 
ones you want as there was extensive debate in England re Jenner. Lots of great 
statistics and observations.


Scientific Research Ignored By The Medical Industry Still Remains Undisputed
Filed Under Cancer, Natural Healing, Natural Solutions, Nutrition, Organic, Sea 
By Emjae Johnson
Research that is “undisputed” is evidence that is accepted as truth. Have you 
ever wondered why undisputed scientific research that was excellent enough to 
be awarded the NOBEL Prize has never been used, even ignored by the medical 

Cause of Cancer Discovered Over 70 Years Ago
Cancer is now the number one killer among all diseases in the U.S. Experts tell 
us that 1 in 3 will get some form of cancer. The medical industry has little to 
offer the cancer patient in the way of effective treatments, in fact, they have 
been offering the same three treatments for more than 40 years, chemotherapy, 
radiation and surgical removal.
Even so, rarely will you hear a doctor reveal to their patients the truth about 
cancer treatment survival rates. They most likely will not do so because they 
are so very low. The National Cancer Institute has stated that the survival 
rate for Chemotherapy is less than 5.9% and Radiation treatments less than 
12.8%. These are startling statistics but yet, generally, no other treatments 
are offered to the Cancer patient. I cannot speak for anyone else but when I 
went to school less that 13% was considered a failing grade!
It is a fact that over 75 years ago, Dr. Otto Warburg discovered the cause of 
Cancer was due to a lack of oxygen at the cellular level causing a low pH 
(acidity) at the cellular level and was awarded the NOBEL prize TWICE for his 
research. It seems logical that if this research is true, that our pH, or 
oxygen level, should be tested on a regular basis by our medical professionals. 
If keeping a high oxygen level in our bodies will help keep cancer from forming 
in our bodies why are we not being educated by the medical industry to do so? 
It would truly only be a matter of some dietary changes and lifestyle 
recommendations. It is hard to say what the benefit is to not informing the 
public of this research.
Additionally, two more scientific minds, Dr. Keith Brewer and H.E. Sartori, 
built upon the research of Dr. Otto Warburg and found that raising a cell’s 
oxygen or pH to 8.0 creates an environment that a cancer cell cannot survive 
in. In other words, a cancer cell thrives in an arena of low oxygen, sort of 
like the carp that live in polluted ponds. Once the cell’s oxygen is raised the 
cancer cell does not feel at home anymore to the point that it dies. It seems 
that the answer to surviving cancer is to raise your body’s pH, or oxygen level.
[It should be stated here that H.E. Sartori was imprisoned for twenty-five 
years for claiming he had a cure for cancer. He now resides overseas and 
continues his research on cancer.]
Mineral Ascorbates: Effect on Heart Disease and Diabetes
Dr. Linus Pauling, another NOBEL Prize winner, discovered that the human body 
needs ascorbates and no longer produces its own (nutrients which cost only 
pennies a day to use.) These ascorbates are essential for healing and restoring 
our connective tissue, that would be the glue that holds us together. Without 
ascorbates you could say we are pretty much all falling apart.
Further, Dr. Linus Pauling with the help of Dr. Mathias Rath discovered that 
only 3 grams a day of mineral ascorbates were sufficient to prevent heart 
disease, the #2 killer.
Ascorbates have been shown to help diabetes. At the famous Stanford University 
Med School in California, diabetic Dr. Dice found that by taking ascorbates on 
a regular basis he could reduce his requirement for insulin by 2.5 units for 
each additional gram of ascorbate he took . By the 23rd day of this regimen he 
was taking 11 grams of ascorbates daily and his insulin requirement had dropped 
from 32 units to only 5 units per day.
Spread of All Viruses & Arteriosclerotic Build-up Halted with Addition of Two 
Amino Acids
Doctors Rath and Pauling also expanded on the work of other Nobelists, Brown 
and Goldstein for yet another solution - that two amino acids, L-Lysine and 
L-Proline taken with mineral ascorbates prevents the arteriosclerotic build-up 
and even reverse it. There is nothing else know to man that will do this.
Dr. Rath’s research further revealed that once the bo

[Biofuel] free energy solved

2009-04-01 Thread Kirk McLoren
I solved the Bessler wheel. Free energy is a reality.
BTW not an April 1 joke.
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[Biofuel] crosspost [Longevity] Irradiated Foods Cause Severe Neurological Damage

2009-04-01 Thread Kirk McLoren

Irradiated Foods Cause Severe Neurological Damage
Wednesday, April 01, 2009 by: Sherry Baker, Health Sciences Editor

(NaturalNews) In a study just published in the Proceedings of the National 
Academy of Sciences, scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison 
(UW-Madison) report on cats developing severe neurological symptoms due to a 
degradation of myelin, the fatty insulator of nerve fibers called axons. 
Because myelin facilitates the conduction of nerve signals, when it is lost 
or damaged there can be impairment of sensation, movement, thinking and 
other functions, depending on what particular nerves are affected. This loss 
of myelin is found in several disorders of the central nervous system in 
humans -- the best known being multiple sclerosis (MS).

So what caused the cats to develop neurological problems? Although the 
researchers' statement to the media practically buries the fact, a close 
read shows the animals were fine until fed irradiated food. What's more, 
when they were taken off the irradiated diet, the animals' nervous systems 
began healing.

The new study took place when the researchers were faced with reports of a 
mysterious illness in pregnant cats. A commercial company had been testing 
various diets on the animals to see how the food impacted growth and 
development in the felines. The food used, it turns out, had been 
irradiated. Irradiation, which is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug 
Administration (FDA) for many human as well as animal foods, involves 
exposing foods briefly to a radiant energy source such as gamma rays or 
electron beams in order to kill bacteria.

Some of the cats eating the irradiated cat food exhibited very severe 
neurological symptoms, including movement disorders, vision loss and even 
paralysis. "After being on the diet for three to four months, the pregnant 
cats started to develop progressive neurological disease," said Ian Duncan, 
a professor of medical sciences at the UW-Madison School of Veterinary 
Medicine and an authority on demyelinating diseases, in a statement to the 

The sick cats were shown to have widely distributed the very severe 
demyelization of the central nervous system. Their neurological symptoms 
were very much like those seen in people with MS and other demyelization 
disorders. When the felines were taken off the irradiated foods, they began 
to recover slowly. However, according to Dr. Duncan, the restored myelin 
sheaths were no longer as thick as normal myelin sheaths.

The finding is important, the scientists concluded in their study, because 
it shows the central nervous system retains the ability to reestablish 
myelin -- so strategies that could be developed to spur the growth of new 
myelin sheaths anywhere nerves themselves are preserved could be a possible 
therapy for treating a host of severe neurological diseases in humans. "The 
key thing is that it absolutely confirms the notion that remyelinating 
strategies are clinically important," Duncan stated.

Curiously, although the scientists' related their findings to possible human 
applications, they were quick to dismiss a possible connection between 
people, irradiated food and health risk. "We think it is extremely unlikely 
that (irradiated food) could become a human health problem," Duncan 
explained in the media statement. "We think it is species specific."

However, not everyone agrees irradiated food is fine for humans or animals. 
According to the Center for Food Safety, studies have shown irradiation 
produces volatile toxic chemicals such as benzene and toluene, which are 
known or suspected to cause cancer and birth defects. A 2001 study found an 
association between colon tumors and 2-alkylcyclobutanones (2-ACB's), a new 
chemical compound detected only in foods that have been irradiated.

For more information:

About the author
Sherry Baker is a widely published writer whose work has appeared in 
Newsweek, Health, the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Yoga Journal, 
Optometry, Atlanta, Arthritis Today, Natural Healing Newsletter, OMNI, 
UCLA's "Healthy Years" newsletter, Mount Sinai School of Medicine's "Focus 
on Health Aging" newsletter, the Cleveland Clinic's "Men's Health Advisor" 
newsletter and many others.

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[Biofuel] List

2009-04-01 Thread Kirk McLoren
Been away from the internet for a while. Is the list really this quiet, 1 post 
in March?
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[Biofuel] alternative to vaccines

2008-10-10 Thread Kirk McLoren
Perhaps if people knew there are substances to cure flu and other viruses (pox 
et cetera) vaccination would lose its charm.
  fascinating presentation
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Re: [Biofuel] what the bailout is really about

2008-10-01 Thread Kirk McLoren
No foreign banker left behind? 
  It would do more to restore confidence if it actually provided relief to non 
bankers. It is again corporate welfare under the guise of public welfare. 
Privatise the profits and socialize the costs. Ever wonder why the DOW forges 
on whilst Amex tanks? Perhaps it has something to do with the Fed Reserve Bank 
of New york purchasing stocks - but not Amex stocks
  Only the New York Times thought it newsworthy just as they were the only 
paper to refer to the FBI connection to the first twin towers attempted bombing.
  Its all a fraud.

Jon Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Mhm.  Surprisingly, what it's really REALLY about is an attempt to restore 
investor confidence and get the market back on its feet as a result.  Now then. 
 Aren't we glad it got defeated?

--- On Wed, 10/1/08, Kirk McLoren wrote:
From: Kirk McLoren 
Subject: [Biofuel] what the bailout is really about
To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, October 1, 2008, 6:24 PM

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[Biofuel] what the bailout is really about

2008-10-01 Thread Kirk McLoren
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[Biofuel] GALLAWAY

2008-09-11 Thread Kirk McLoren







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[Biofuel] America's Most Endangered Foods

2008-09-04 Thread Kirk McLoren
   "America's Most Endangered Foods" from MSN.

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Re: [Biofuel] Eureka! Cliff experiment pulls plug on 300 year old lawof physics

2008-09-03 Thread Kirk McLoren
capillary transport is not pumped by atmospheric pressure.
  I dont understand why this is a new discovery.

Thomas Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>This explains how trees can raise water to their tops beyond the 32 feet
>limit said an ecstatic Mr Fletcher. He believes that the discovery also 
>suggests a
> mechanism by which all life on earth has evolved from the ground."

The generally accepted theory explaining the movement of water in 
plants is The Cohesion-Tension Theory. The movement of water to heights of 
20 meters to the tops of oak trees and even 125 meters to the tops of tall 
redwoods is a solar powered event.
Water is a polar molecule. The positively charged hydrogens of one water 
molecule are attracted to the negatively charged oxygen of neighboring water 
molecules. The cohesion resulting from these attractions is so great that 
the tensile strength in a thin column of water can be as much as 140Kg per 
square cm. (2000Lbs per square inch). This means that a negative pressure of 
140Kg per square cm is required to pull the column apart.
Water loss (transpiration) powers water movement through plants. As 
water evaporates from a leaf, water from tracheids and vessels moves into 
the leaf. They, in turn are linked to others, forming a long, continuous 
stream of water reaching all the way down into the root hairs, and even into 
the surrounding soil. Increase transpiration ---> increase water uptake and 
the rate of water movement in plants.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 1:17 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] Eureka! Cliff experiment pulls plug on 300 year old lawof 

> Eureka!
> Cliff experiment pulls plug on 300 year old law of physics
> _http://www3.sympatico.ca/slavek.krepelka/exper/EUREKA.gif_
> (http://www3.sympatico.ca/slavek.krepelka/exper/EUREKA.gif)
> A Revolutionary breakthrough claimed by a Paignton man is to be
> investigated by top scientists. Ideas man Andrew K Fletcher claims he has 
> disproved a
> fundamental law of
> physics dating back to the 17th century. And impressed by the historic
> experiment at Overgang cliff, Brixham, to raise water 78 feet without the 
> support
> of any artificial aids,
> John Hunt, Senior forestry Officer for Devon and Somerset who witnessed 
> the
> experiment's success last Friday said: 'It was quite impressive.
> The rule that water will only rise 32 feet under atmospheric pressure 
> when
> in a column was effectively disproved."
> But Mr Hunt explained that he is a professional forester not a scientist 
> and
> a report on the experiment would be sent to the Forestry commission 's 
> Alice
> Holt Research Station,
> near Farnham in Surrey, for further investigation. Mr Fletcher's 
> experiment
> involves a long water filled plastic tube, strung up the cliffside with 
> both
> open ends placed in two filled demijohns. A small amount of a salt 
> solution
> is added at the top of the tube before it is completely filled with 
> water,
> this acts as a liquid pulley says Mr Fletcher, lifting water from one 
> demijohn
> to the other, thereby disproving Torriceli's 17th century law.
> This explains how trees can raise water to their tops beyond the 32 feet
> limit."
> said an ecstatic Mr Fletcher. He believes that the discovery also 
> suggests a
> mechanism by which all life on earth has evolved from the ground.
> The Experiment at Brixham Overgang Cliffs where water flowed vertical up 
> a
> single 6 mm bore tubing using 10 mils of salt solution, demonstrating 
> that a
> tiny amount of denser solution can lift effortlessly many thousands of 
> times it
> ’s own volume in water without any artificial aids, demonstrating clearly 
> a
> non living physical cause of bulk flow in plants trees, animals and 
> humans.
> The 10 metre limit for lifting water clearly needs some serious revision. 
> View
> The Historic Event on Youtube as it unfolded all those years ago and ask 
> why
> has this important discovery been ignored for so long.
> _http://www.metacafe.com/watch/786493/water_flowing_up_a_cliff_to_24_metres_wi
> th_no_pump_experimen/#_
> (http://www.metacafe.com/watch/786493/water_flowing_up_a_cliff_to_24_metres_with_no_pump_experimen/#)
> Online experiment details:
> _http://www.the-tree.org.uk/TreeTalk/3Spring2003/Gravity/gravity1.htm_
> (http://www.the-tree.org.uk/TreeTalk/3Spring2003/Gravity/gravity1.htm)
> _http://www.myspace.com/inclined_bed_therapy_
> (http://www.myspace.com/inclined_bed_therapy)
> Andrew K Fletcher
> Online Theory with Gif animation:
> _http://www.the-tree.org.uk/TreeTalk/3Spring2003/Gravity/gravity1.htm_
> (http://www.the-tree.org.uk/TreeTalk/3Spring2003/Gravity/gravity1.htm)
> Medical Physics Newsletter publications:
> _http://groups.iop.org/ME/archive_newsletter2002010.htm_
> (http://groups.iop.org/ME/archive_newsletter2002010.htm)
> _http://groups.iop.org/ME/archive_newsletter2003014.htm_
> (http://groups.iop.or

[Biofuel] bitter cold and lots of snow on the way for 08-09

2008-09-02 Thread Kirk McLoren
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[Biofuel] Dutch believe Iran about to be attacked

2008-09-02 Thread Kirk McLoren


  According to a leading newspaper published in the Netherlands, the Dutch 
intelligence agency recently recalled operatives from Iran in response to 
information that a United States attack on the Islamic Republic is "imminent."  



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Re: [Biofuel] T. Boone Pickens wants your water

2008-09-01 Thread Kirk McLoren
How do you maintain a positive attitude in life? This world is so full of 
greedy manipulative people it gets me down.

Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

T. Boone Pickens wants your water

By Timothy P. Carney
Examiner Columnist | 8/21/08 7:10 PM

Texas oil billionaire T. Boone Pickens is about to make a killing by 
selling water he doesn't own. As he does it, it will be praised as a 
planet-friendly wind project. After he pulls it off, the media will 
deride it as craven capitalism. In truth, it is one the most 
audacious examples of politics for profit, showing how big government 
helps the biggest business steal from the rest of us. The plotline 
behind Pickens' water-and-wind scheme is almost too rich to believe. 
If it were a movie script, reviewers would dismiss it as over-the-top.

The basic story amounts to this: Pickens, thanks to favors from state 
lawmakers whose campaigns he funded, has created a new government 
whose only voters are two of his employers; this has empowered 
Pickens to more cheaply pump water from an aquifer and, by use of 
eminent domain, seize land across 11 counties in order to pipe the 
water to Dallas. To win environmentalist approval of this hardly 
"sustainable" practice, he has piggybacked this water project onto a 
windmill project pitched as an alternative to oil.

Pickens' scheme is a perfect demonstration of why it's worth asking 
cui bono - who benefits - from regulatory and environmental 
initiatives. Last week, this column pointed out that Pickens, before 
his current lobbying blitz for increased federal support of wind 
power, built the largest wind farm in the world.

I received dozens of responses from environmentalists and Pickens 
fans objecting to my implication that Pickens' profit from expanding 
wind subsidies ought to cast suspicion on his call for more wind 
subsidies. "Why should I care if someone's getting rich?" was the 
general gist, "windmills are good, and we need more of them."

This objection is grounded in a good instinct: The profit motive, far 
from being evil, is the driving force behind most of our society's 
advances. But, especially when it comes to government plans involving 
your tax dollars, asking cui bono helps us unearth less desirable 
aspects of the scheme.

Amid all the hype Pickens' windmill plan has gotten, the interesting 
part - the water part - has been mostly ignored, except for an 
excellent Business Week story by Susan Berfield and a column by Steve 

Roberts County, Texas, sits atop the Ogallala Aquifer, a huge 
underground reservoir that stretches all the way to South Dakota. 
It's in Roberts County that T. Boone Pickens set aside eight acres 
from his ranch for drilling deep into the aquifer.

Then he turned this parcel into a town, basically, with only two 
eligible voters - both of whom were his employees. (This required a 
change in Texas law in 2007 - a change facilitated no doubt by his 
$1.2 million in campaign contributions to Texas legislators in 2006).
Then there was an election in this district, in which both voters 
voted to make this 8-acre municipality a special fresh-water district.

Pickens' wholly owned government entity now can issue tax-free bonds 
(meaning he can borrow at a serious discount) and use the power of 
eminent domain to pressure landowners to sell - or to take their land 
if they hold out. The eminent domain power is key to building the 
pipeline that will run this water down to the Dallas area, where 
Pickens hopes to sell the water. If your land lies in the path of his 
proposed pipeline, you got a letter explaining that T. Boone wants to 
buy a stretch of your land - and explaining that he can use eminent 
domain if you resist. If this begins to sound too cutthroat to the 
public, Pickens just reminds journalists and politicians that 
following this water pipeline will be the transmission cables for 
Pickens' mammoth wind farm.

Are you really going to side with some greedy holdout ranchers over 
the future of green power? Sure enough, the Sierra Club is now 
rallying behind this whole scheme.

Nobody owns the aquifer - that would be too capitalist, of course - 
but in Texas, whoever has the water beneath his land can pump as much 
as he wants. The limits on this are usually pumping capacity (which 
requires money) and ability to sell it (which requires, among other 
things, pipelines). Pickens has cleared those hurdles, and now he can 
drain the aquifer faster than anyone ever before, future generations 
and other water users be damned.

This is why, when presented with some big government program, it's 
worthwhile to ask who's getting rich - because you may find something 
interesting when you look below the surface.

Examiner Columnist Timothy P. Carney is editor of the Evans-Novak 
Political Report. His Examiner Column appears on Fridays.


Re: [Biofuel] Damage . . .

2008-08-31 Thread Kirk McLoren

Kirk McLoren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  No they wontcontinue to grow. Immature 
corn is a delicacy. The bottom half of the ear should have something.
If someone did something like that to me they would have bad luck.
Take care

robert and benita wrote:
Hello everyone!

It's been a strange season for gardening, with extended periods of 
cool weather, a LOT of rain and very few hot days. While we were in 
Quebec, our garden exploded with growth and I returned two weeks ago to 
find maize plants already towering over my head. The person who looked 
after our house said that the weather had finally turned warm, but as of 
Friday the maize looked like it still needed a couple of weeks to ripen 
in hot weather.

But last night, someone went into our garden and trampled our maize 
plants. Many of the stems have been broken and all that effort I put 
into growing a good crop for my family, our neighbors and friends now 
lies on the ground. We harvested some of the cobs, but they're really 
not ready. Have any of you experienced something like this before? 
Will the cobs continue to ripen if we just leave them on the trampled 
stalks? (I think not, but at this point, what else can I do?)

Any advice would be appreciated. I'm pretty discouraged right now.

robert luis rabello
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Re: [Biofuel] Damage . . .

2008-08-31 Thread Kirk McLoren
No they wontcontinue to grow. Immature corn is a delicacy. The bottom half of 
the ear should have something.
  If someone did something like that to me they would have bad luck.
  Take care

robert and benita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hello everyone!

It's been a strange season for gardening, with extended periods of 
cool weather, a LOT of rain and very few hot days. While we were in 
Quebec, our garden exploded with growth and I returned two weeks ago to 
find maize plants already towering over my head. The person who looked 
after our house said that the weather had finally turned warm, but as of 
Friday the maize looked like it still needed a couple of weeks to ripen 
in hot weather.

But last night, someone went into our garden and trampled our maize 
plants. Many of the stems have been broken and all that effort I put 
into growing a good crop for my family, our neighbors and friends now 
lies on the ground. We harvested some of the cobs, but they're really 
not ready. Have any of you experienced something like this before? 
Will the cobs continue to ripen if we just leave them on the trampled 
stalks? (I think not, but at this point, what else can I do?)

Any advice would be appreciated. I'm pretty discouraged right now.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
"The Long Journey"
New Adventure for Your Mind

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[Biofuel] Jonathan Swift quote

2008-08-25 Thread Kirk McLoren

  For in reason, all government without the consent of the governed is the very 
definition of slavery. 
  -Jonathan Swift, satirist (1667-1745) 
  Understatement of the day: We have a lot of work to do to restore our 
Constitution &  get our country back into the hands of "we the people."
  Washington DC seems to be completely detached from the idea that they're 
there to serve and enhance public good. Examples abound:
  forced vaccinations
  routinely spying on all citizens
  huge corporate bailouts
  war or threat of war on all who disagree with Washington
  neglect of infrastructure
  corporate tax cuts
  weakening of environmental protection
  totally insufficient healthcare of military returning from mid-East wars
  irradiation of food
  sludge & pesticides used on crops
  aerial spraying of populated areas
  rigged elections
  extremely expensive healthcare plus total emphasis on drugs for all ailments
  media used as propaganda tool
  no bid contracts
  huge prison population (#1 in the world)
  ad infinitum

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[Biofuel] In Germany, ruddy-cheeked farmers achieve (green) energy independence]

2008-08-22 Thread Kirk McLoren


Part of the "energy crisis" is simply big corporations wanting to keep their 
monopoly on energy production. Here's a good case in point of what could be 
happening across the US IF the powers that be were really interested in solving 
the "energy crisis." 

In Germany, ruddy-cheeked farmers achieve (green) energy independence
Freiamt residents produce 17 percent more electricity than they use, boosting 
their bottom line and proving that green isn’t just for geeky idealists.
By Mariah Blake| Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor/August 21, 2008 


Freiamt, Germany

Dawn was just breaking over the Black Forest when Helga Schneider climbed out 
of bed, tugged on her overalls and thick brown galoshes, and trudged out to the 
cow pen. She herded a dozen head into a tiled alcove strewn with straw and 
manure, and began fixing rubber hoses to swollen udders.

Within minutes, milk was snaking through a maze of tubes to a copper-plated box 
the size of a cinder block, where the warmth was siphoned off and stored for 
heating everything from the Schneider’s bath water to their home.

Many residents of this farming village have also found creative ways to harvest 
energy, be it turning manure into biofuel or installing turbines in the local 
creek. Thanks to their ingenuity, Freiamt is not only energy independent, but 
produces 17 percent more power than20it uses.

It’s a feat that defies conventional ideas about energy – that big 
companies are key to a secure supply, that renewable sources can only meet a 
fraction of society’s needs, that green energy is the d omain of liberals and 

“We’re talking about a village of traditional farmers, and yet they’re 
changing ideas about what is possible,” says Josef Pesch, CEO of FESA, a firm 
that develops community renewable-energy projects. “When it comes to 
renewables, Freiamt is a model for communities far and wide.”

Last year, the village generated 14.3 million kilowatt hours of electricity, or 
2.1 million more than it used. That’s enough to power 600 additional German 
homes. For locals, who make their living mainly from tourism and agriculture, 
the turn toward green energy was less about big ideals than finding new income 
streams that wouldn’t harm the soil and forests.

“We’re no eco-rebels,” says Mayor Hannelore Reinbold-Mench. “We’re 
simply a community making a living off the land and all it has to offer.”

The idea first came in the late 1990s, when a group of investors from Hamburg 
started approaching farmers in Freiamt about leasing land for a wind farm.

Locals weren’t keen on outsiders harvesting their natural bounty. But a small 
group led by Ernst Leimer, who now heads the town’s wind energy association, 
began planting wind-measuring masts at promising sites. They also started 
holding town hall meetings in the hopes of rallying locals to build the project 

When word of the plan began filtering through the community, some residents 
protested, saying the windmills would=2 0blemish the landscape and hurt tourism.

But as data from the masts rolled in, people began to grasp the financial 
potential, and support for the project grew. Eventually, as many as 1,000 of 
Freiamt’s 4,300 residents were showing up for information sessions. When the 
group began soliciting funds in mid-2001, it took only eight weeks to round up 
the $2.3 million down payment on two 400-foot-tall windmills. All of the money 
came from local investors.

“Lots of people know they can do something for the environment, but they 
don’t,” says Mr. Leimer. “Our community took action. We did something for 
the environment and something for the next generation. At the same time, we did 
something for ourselves.”

The turbines were finally built in fall 2001. The next year, they churned out 
enough electricity to power about 1,600 German homes. Within two years, 
investors were getting a 10 percent annual return – thanks to Germany’s 
feed-in tariff law, which requires electricity-grid operators to buy renewable 
energy at a premium rate. The idea is to foster small-scale production of green 

By 2003, Leimer’s group was laying plans for a third wind turb ine and eight 
photovoltaic solar-power generators. But when they started hunting for roof 
space to lease for solar panels, something curious happened. “People said, 
‘It’s my roof. Why should I lease it to someone else rather than build my 
own solar-power system?’” reca lls Ms. Reinbold-Mench.

Before long, solar panels began cropping up on crumbling barns and old 
farmhouses all over town. Some residents also started venturing into other 

Today, Freiamt has four windmills, around 250 rooftop solar systems generating 
heat and electricity, and a handfu

Re: [Biofuel] Meet the Economist Who Thinks We're Doomed

2008-08-18 Thread Kirk McLoren
I am amazed it has lasted as long as it has. How many of us would be in crises 
after a year of unemployment? The US, due to "free trade" has moved its 
manufacturing elsewhere - lock stock and barrel. Manufacturing is our "job" - 
our income. We4 keep spending yet have nothing to exchange. Small wonder the 
dollar is becoming toilet paper.

Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Meet the Economist Who Thinks We're Doomed

By Stephen Mihm, The New York Times

Posted on August 18, 2008, Printed on August 18, 2008


On Sept. 7, 2006, Nouriel Roubini, an economics professor at New York 
University, stood before an audience of economists at the 
International Monetary Fund and announced that a crisis was brewing. 
In the coming months and years, he warned, the United States was 
likely to face a once-in-a-lifetime housing bust, an oil shock, 
sharply declining consumer confidence and, ultimately, a deep 
recession. He laid out a bleak sequence of events: homeowners 
defaulting on mortgages, trillions of dollars of mortgage-backed 
securities unraveling worldwide and the global financial system 
shuddering to a halt. These developments, he went on, could cripple 
or destroy hedge funds, investment banks and other major financial 
institutions like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
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[Biofuel] Organic Similac: Formula for obesity

2008-08-07 Thread Kirk McLoren


This shows the disregard of people, starting at an early age, by most 
of our corporate leaders. It is their "profits before people" belief system 
that distorts all of their behaviors into something inhumane. Corporations need 
to be regulated but too many of our politicians have been accepting their money 
and feel obliged to let the marketplace guide corporate decisions. This is 
  out to be a total disaster. The FDA, whose mission is to protect and promote 
public health, has abdicated their responsibility. This article is just one 
example out of hundreds of failures. 
  (www.NaturalNews.com) Most mothers know that breast milk is best for baby, 
but there are some people who, perhaps for health reasons, need to find a safe 
alternative. In many instances, these moms look for an organic infant formula 
and are willing to pay top dollar to give their babies the best possible 
nutrition. Sadly, just because an infant formula is given the "organic" label 
doesn't necessarily mean that it is healthy.

For example, a recent article in The New York Times revealed that the organic 
version of Similac infant formula is sweetened with cane sugar (sucrose) and is 
much sweeter than other infant formulas. While all infant formulas have some 
added sugars to aid in the digestion of proteins, other organic products use 
sugars like organic lactose, which is presumably a better match for what's 
found in breast milk and doesn't have the sweetness of sucrose. Most 
health-conscious readers are probably shaking their heads and thinking that it 
is nothing short of insanity to be adding sugar to baby formula when the U.S. 
is in the middle of an obesity epidemic. Were pediatricians actually consulted 
about what was put into this formula? Or was the product designed primarily by 
food chemists like the ones that create fast food strawberry milkshakes? [I 
think it was designed by bean counters.]

According to a list of frequently asked questions on the FDA website, the FDA 
currently does not approve infant formula before it can be marketed. The FDA 
does require that infant formula contain minimum amounts of certain nutrients, 
and it does provide upper limits for some nutrients. Certain nutrients that are 
required to be included in any infant formula are protein, fat, linoleic acid, 
vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin 
(vitamin B2), vitamin B6, vitamin B12, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, 
vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, 
iodine, sodium, potassium and chloride. If cow's milk is not used for the 
formula, then biotin, choline and inositol must be included.

Any substance that is generally recognized as safe may be used in infant 
formula in the United States. For now, that means that sugar can be used in 
baby formula in the U.S., and there is absolutely no upper limit to the amount 
of sugar that can be dumped into it. Europe, on the other hand, in light of the 
childhood obesity epidemic, has banned all sucrose from baby formula products 
beginning in 2009.

According to the The New York Times article, Dr. Benjamin Caballero, director 
of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, doesn't think sucrose 
belongs in infant formula, either. Dr. Caballero believes that feeding children 
sweet things encourages them to eat more. He explains that babies and children 
generally prefer sweeter foods and will eat more of them than foods that aren't 
as sweet.

While having babies eat more might be of interest to food corporations, parents 
need to be concerned with the health of their children. Concerns about obesity 
aren't the only problem with putting sugar in baby formula. If a baby's teeth 
are constantly exposed to sugar, this could result in tooth decay.

Clearly, finding a safe infant formula is a daunting task. According to The 
Breastfeeding Task Force of Greater Los Angeles, there are many risks 
associated with using infant formula instead of breast milk. For example, 
formula feeding is responsible for up to 26% of insulin dependent diabetes 
mellitus in children. Middle-ear infections are three to four times more common 
in children who are fed infant formula, and children who are fed infant formula 
are also much more likely to be hospitalized due to bacterial infections. In 
addition to the health risks, some studies have shown that formula-fed babies 
don't do as well on intelligence tests as breast-fed babies.

Moreover, sugar isn't the only undesirable thing turning up in infant formula. 
An NPR report indicates that certain formulas enhanced with omega-3 fatty acids 
may actually pose a health risk. Other reports warn about Bisphenol-A turning 
up in infant formulations. What is a new

[Biofuel] crosspost [no-forced-vaccination] GM surprise in the cereal box

2008-08-03 Thread Kirk McLoren
Monsanto is out of control. They are a public menace.

Ingrid Blank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The same atrocities have no doubt been committed in the United States as
well from the very moment the clearly scientifically-illiterate HW Bush
senior issued an Executive Order in 1992 proclaiming GM plants (soya, corn)
to be “substantially equivalent” to its traditional counterparts and
therefore not needing any special health safety study or testing.The concept
of substantial equivalence the biotech lobby keeps harping on is by no means
based on evidence-based science, but was coined by scientifically illiterate
lawyers of the biotech industry, in particular Michael Taylor of Monsanto.
Ethical scientists and researchers, including my own daughter who is a
genetic researcher herself refute the validity of the substantial
equivalence principle and consider it the biggest farce and fraud ever
committed in the science field. Not one single double-blind,randomized,
controlled HUMAN safety study has ever been conducted providing scientific
evidence that GMOs are fit and safe for human (and animal) consumption!
Monsanto and the other biotech mafiosi are not in the least concerned about
the safety of their genetically engineered concoctions, as once so aptly
expressed by Phil Angell, Monsanto’s director of corporate communications
“ Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food. Our
interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring it’s safety is
the FDA’s job” .
The FDA, supposedly established to protect peoples’ health, and other
regulatory bodies such as EPA blindly adopted this ill-begotten ruling,
which, however, is not surprising given the amply documented corrupt
symbiosis between the FDA and pharma and biotech companies. And anyone
involved in the GM debacle, as I have been for the past ten years, is well
aware of the meanwhile legendary revolving door at the FDA, the best example
of which was the approval of aspartame and Monsanto’s rBGH drug, which was
approved against the advice and conscience of the FDA’s own scientists
thanks to the moles planted in the FDA by Monsanto, such as Michael Taylor
mentioned above. The wording of the approval, i.e. “the risks to animals and
humans is MANAGEABLE” goes down in history as the most appalling case of
total disregard to human health by the very agency that is supposed to
protect the latter and is the first time ever that a veterinary drug had
been approved for human consumption because the risk was considered
manageable. Of course, it will be “manageable”, namely by the
billion-dollar cancer industry, given the fact that according to independent
researchers, scientists and physicians NOT bought and funded by bio-tech
companies rBGH may cause colon, prostrate and breast cancer. Think of all
the wonderful blockbuster drugs that will subsequently be invented and
approved by FDA “scientists” who have financial stakes in the very drug or
biotech companies whose drug they blindly approve and unleash on the
unsuspecting public and – oops – too bad when such drugs then kill 70,000
people in the U.S. alone as happened in Merck’s Vioxx case. In addition to
the scientifically nonsensical ramblings of the FDA and the extremely
well-remunerated spin doctors of biotech companies, i.e. that genetically
engineered foods are "substantially equivalent" to their traditional
counterparts, they also repeat ad nauseum that genetic engineering has been
done for more than thousand years, although even a primary school pupil
could tell you the difference between conventional hybridization and genetic
engineering, which entails the insertion of antibiotic-resistant marker
genes, viral promoters and foreign proteins never before consumed by mankind
and not found in crops produced through normal means of hybridization.
The most dangerous viral promoter used in genetic engineering is the
cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), closely related to the Hepatitis B and HIV
virus (see my article pasted below). South Africans are currently fighting
the release of a genetically modified potato concoction, which again
contains the Bt gene (you will find the latter also in Nestle baby
products!), the cauliflower mosaic virus and every cell of that potato from
hell contains the antibiotic KANAMYCIN which crosses the placenta and
produces detectable serium levels in the fetus!!! There have been several
reports of total irreversible bilateral congenital deafness in children
whose mothers received that drug during pregnancy and kanamycin has been
classified by the manufacturer as pregnancy risk category D. It also enters
breast milk! And in South Africa (and no doubt in the United States as well
since the SA project was financed by Michigan State University and UNAID -
go figure!) they put that drug in a bloody potato to be consumed by millions
of people (and then they wonder about the sharp rise in multi-drug resistant
tuberculosis cases and other multi-drug resistant

[Biofuel] A few of you will not like this.

2008-08-02 Thread Kirk McLoren
This is the prosecutor that nailed Charles Manson


Thanks to Bud Deraps. IMO, VB did give a speech that shows there is 
still hope that justice might be forthcoming.

  The Terrible Reality"

  Bush Guilty Of Murder
  Must Watch 6 Minute Video
  Vincent Bugliosi's opening statements during the House Judiciary Committee 
hearing on the constitutional limits of executive power. 


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[Biofuel] Simple windmill

2008-08-01 Thread Kirk McLoren
You dont infringe on a patent if you build only for yourself.
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[Biofuel] Fwd: IRS will now know your credit card purchases

2008-07-26 Thread Kirk McLoren


  IRS will now know your credit card purchases   Posted by: "Jim Lynn" 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   lynngroup   Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:35 pm (PDT)   The provision 
is tucked away on page 615 of the
631-page housing bill filed last week by Sen.
Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.), chairman of the
Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban
Affairs, and ranking member Sen. Richard Shelby


If passed this bill violates our privacy rights
like nothing before. We are witnessing the history
of when Americans lost their freedom.


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[Biofuel] Fwd: RE: [no-forced-vaccination] Rhesus Macaque mtDNA injected into humans via oral polio vaccine?

2008-07-19 Thread Kirk McLoren
  Monsanto and its morons could kill us all.


Add to these ingredients all the garbage we breathe every day (check 
out the recent information about Morgellon's posted by Ralph) and the potion 
becomes extremely toxic to man and beast; to say nothing of our water and food 
sources. ~~Ruth/REU

  -Original Message- 
From: Ingrid Blank 
Sent: Jul 19, 2008 12:06 AM 
Subject: RE: [no-forced-vaccination] Rhesus Macaque mtDNA injected into humans 
via oral polio vaccine? 

Amanda, vaccines are only part of the mix. Foreign DNA is introduced into
your body on a daily basis through hundreds of thousands of food products
containing genetically modified organisms. Genetic engineering requires
viral promoters which in most cases are inserted in naked form (without
their viral coat)and thus have recombination "hotspots", meaning plant virus
DNA is taken up by human cells and as studies in mice have shown end up in
cells of fetuses.

Add to that the many brain scramblers declared safe by the Fraud and Drug
Administration and the Mengele clones of the World Health Organization, such
as aspartame, sodium benzoate in soft drinks,etc. The latter, according to
Professor Peter Piper, has the ability to "cause severe damage to DNA in the
mitochondria to the point that they totally inactivate it: they knock it out

"The mitochondria consumes the oxygen to give you energy and if you damage
it - as happens in a number if diseased states - then the cell starts to
malfunction very seriously. And there is a whole array of diseases that are
now being tied to damage to this DNA - Parkinson's and quite a lot of
neuro-degenerative diseases, but above all the whole process of ageing."



Hi NFV buddies,

I am so excited and I think you all are the only people who may share
my excitement. I am trying to find proof that the mitochondrial
diseases we see are due to long term (cross-generational) effects of
vaccination. After all, it really hasn't been that long since
vaccines like polio have been introduced to our human species. I am
not saying all disease is to be blamed on vaccines, but that perhaps
some of these genetic mutations that scientists blame on random
evolution (which I don't believe in, I'd call it scientific
perversion)are actually due to the introduction of foreign DNA into
our human gene pool.


For example, the above research article identifies human mutations
for OTC and PKU (mitochodrial metabolic diseases) and their
similarities with normal Rhesus Macaque DNA. Well, I found the below
article which seems to confirm that nuclear mitochondria DNA is
identifiable in some oral polio vaccines:


Please check it out and tell me if you think I'm nuts.


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[Biofuel] electric car energy storage solved?

2008-07-12 Thread Kirk McLoren

   EEStor Capacitors- "This could change everything" by Lloyd 
Alter, Toronto on 03. 6.06  Science & Technology (alternative energy)   
  digg_url = 
  digg_skin = 'compact'; 
  Tyler Hamilton of the Toronto Star and website Clean Break has been digging 
around a very secretive company. Asking them for information they said: "EEStor 
is not making public statements at present time," company co-founder and chief 
executive Richard Weir replied when the Toronto Star requested an interview via 
email. "EEStor would also like to have you and your paper not publish any 
articles about our company and the Toronto Star is certainly not authorized to 
publish this response." which of course he published instantly in Canada's 
biggest newspaper, BoingBoing style. . What they are doing in Austin with their 
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers money is developing a "parallel plate 
capacitor with barium titanate as the dielectric" or hypercapacitor as John 
recently coined. Says Tyler: "BusinessWeek reported an interesting comment from 
Kleiner's John Doerr, who recently spoke at a California event where tech VCs 
gather to make their predictions for the year. Doerr
 reportedly referred to an investment in an energy storage company he declined 
to name, calling it Kleiner's "Highest-risk, highest-reward" investment." 
Tyler's source describes it: (warning: if you continue reading you have to eat 
this post)
The batteries fully charge in minutes as opposed to hours.
  * Whereas with lead acid batteries you might get lucky to have 500 to 700 
recharge cycles, the EEStor technology has been tested up to a million cycles 
with no material degradation.
  * EEStor's technology could be used in more than low-speed electric vehicles. 
The company envisions using it for full-speed pure electric vehicles, 
hybrid-electrics (including plug-ins), military applications, backup power and 
even large-scale utility storage for intermittent renewable power sources such 
as wind and solar.
  * Because it's a solid state battery rather than a chemical battery, such 
being the case for lithium ion technology, there would be no overheating and 
thus safety concerns with using it in a vehicle.
  * Finally, with volume manufacturing it's expected to be cost-competitive 
with lead-acid technology.
  "It's the holy grail of battery technology," said my source. "It means you 
could do a highway capable electric city car that would recharge in three or 
four minutes and drive you from Toronto to Montreal. Consumers wouldn't notice 
the difference from driving an electric car versus a gas-powered car."
  From his Star article: 
  Energy storage has long been the bottleneck for innovation, holding back new 
energy-sucking features in mobile devices and preventing everything from the 
electric car to renewable power systems from reaching their full potential. 
Build a radically better battery at lower cost, experts say, and the world we 
know will be forever transformed.
  "There's been nothing big or disruptive, and we're due for it," says Nicholas 
Parker, chairman of the Cleantech Venture Network, which tracks investment in 
so-called clean technologies. He says energy storage is one of the hottest 
areas for venture capital funding right now. "Right across the board, better 
energy storage is essential."
  Among EEStor's claims is that its "electrical energy storage unit" could pack 
nearly 10 times the energy punch of a lead-acid battery of similar weight and, 
under mass production, would cost half as much.
  It also says its technology more than doubles the energy density of 
lithium-ion batteries in most portable computer and mobile gadgets today, but 
could be produced at one-eighth the cost.
  If that's not impressive enough, EEStor says its energy storage technology is 
"not explosive, corrosive, or hazardous" like lead-acid and most lithium-ion 
systems, and will outlast the life of any commercial product it powers. It can 
also absorb energy quickly, meaning a small electric car containing a 
17-kilowatt-hour system could be fully charged in four to six minutes versus 
hours for other battery technologies, the company claims.
  According to patent documents obtained by the Star, EEStor's invention will 
do no less than "replace the electrochemical battery" where it's already used 
in hybrid and electric vehicles, power tools, electronic gadgets and renewable 
energy systems, from solar-powered homes to grid-connected wind farms.
  "If everything they say is true, then that's pretty amazing," says MacMurray 
Whale, an energy analyst at Sprott Securities a

[Biofuel] Texas law requires computer repairmen to be licensed private investigators

2008-07-11 Thread Kirk McLoren


Big Brother is expanding his empire. This fits right in with US 
Custom's search of your laptop's hard drive as you enter the U$A. Our privacy 
  are steadily being eroded. 
  Some mail programs keep a copy of what you send. Be sure to disable that 
  New Texas law requires computer repairmen to be licensed private 
investigators. In future, technicians may be required to examine your hard disk 
and report to the government - to find terrorists, of course.
CW33 Posted 2008 July 5 (Cached)

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[Biofuel] solar cooling

2008-07-09 Thread Kirk McLoren
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[Biofuel] Chinese Fish Farms Full of Toxic Chemicals

2008-07-09 Thread Kirk McLoren


Chinese Fish Farms Full of Toxic Chemicals 
Wednesday, July 09, 2008 by: David Gutierrez 

(NaturalNews) Contamination of water supplies and illegal use of veterinary 
drugs has led to the severe contamination of Chinese fish farms, with 
potentially serious health consequences for those who eat the fish.

China produces 70 percent of the world's farmed fish, and since the 1980s has 
become the biggest seafood exporter in the world. Yet this growth has only 
exacerbated the pollution problems already facing China's water sources. The 
high density of fish farms in regions like the Fuqing Province in the south has 
led to the discharge of huge quantities of wastewater into already compromised 

"Our waters here are filthy," said Ye Chao, an eel and shrimp farmer from 
Fuqing. "There are simply too many aquaculture farms in this area. They're all 
discharging water here, fouling up other farms."

The Chinese government has declared more than half of the rivers in the country 
too polluted to drink from. Many sections of Fuqing's major waterway, the Long 
River, have been declared too toxic for any use.

Pollution of river and coastal waters comes from rapidly growing industries 
that are discharging pesticides, oil, mercury, lead, copper and agricultural 
runoff. This pollution has caused massive die-offs at fish farms, leading 
farmers to illegally mix veterinary drugs into their ponds to try and keep 
their fish alive. According to farmers who eventually abandoned such practices, 
not using drugs led to an immediate 30 percent increase in fish mortality.

Beyond the health risks to the fish themselves, pollution causes the 
accumulation of toxic substances in the bodies of the fish, which poses a 
health risk to people who eat them.

"There are heavy metals, mercury and flame retardants in fish samples we've 
tested," said Ming Hung Wong, a biology at Hong Kong Baptist University.

Wang Wu, a professor from the Shanghai Fisheries University, attributes the 
problem to unbridled growth. "For 50 years, we've blindly emphasized economic 
growth," he said. "The only pursuit has been GDP, and now we can see that the 
water turns dirty and the seafood gets dangerous."

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Soy is making kids 'gay'

2008-07-08 Thread Kirk McLoren
In the US we dont get 6 months mothers leave like the rest of you. Sad but true.

Zeke Yewdall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Uh, isn't mother's milk kind of 
designed for infants to drink? Why we would
feed them cows milk or liquid derived from legumes is a little beyond me.

On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 4:38 PM, Kirk McLoren wrote:

> Sadly not a rumor. Notice body builders use soy only as isolate. They tend
> to be more informed than the general public.
> http://www.healingdaily.com/detoxification-diet/soy.htm
> Health-conscious Americans believe in the benefits of tofu, infant formula
> and other food products made from soybeans and soy extract. But their
> assumption is now being called into question by Jill Schneider, associate
> professor of biological sciences at Lehigh University in Bethlehem,
> Pennsylvania.
> In a study of hamsters completed under Schneider's direction, it was
> recently found that a component of soy beans - isoflavones - significantly
> accelerated the onset of puberty in the rodents.
> Lots of other bad side effects referred to in article
> Kirk
> Andy Karpay wrote:
> Don't know anything about the subject. However, I'll bet "dollars to
> donuts" that this 'rumor' was started by someone associated with the meat
> industry, a lobbyist, or Karl Rove himself.
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> no
> shi
> Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 12:55 PM
> To: sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Soy is making kids 'gay'
> I see no lack of fertility (or 'gayness' )with the
> Asian population and soy is used everywhere in Asia.
> But if it is proven to be "feminizing" then all the
> more reason to just use it as diesel fuel and not eat
> it!
> ns
> --- Kirk McLoren wrote:
> > Not if it is my grandchildren - and I assume you
> > would share this re your own. Since this is an
> > established medical fact the continuance of approval
> > for soy formula sort of tips their hand doesnt it?
> > Yes- I believe soy is being used for population
> > control.
> > This was posted to encourage the avoidance of a
> > toxic food being sold as a health food. Without your
> > health you have nothing.
> > As for testosterone needed by males it most
> > certainly is and I suspect by females as well.
> > DHEA supplementation has done wonders for me.
> > Anyone over 40 should investigate it. By 60 your
> > natural production is woefully inadequate. So to
> > ingest an antaganon to testosterone is very very
> > bad.
> > Kirk
> >
> > Zeke Yewdall wrote:
> > Given the population pressures the world is facing
> > (or least the developed
> > world with our extravagant lifestyle), wouldn't this
> > be a good thing?
> >
> > On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 11:39 PM, Kirk McLoren wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=39253
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Soy is making kids 'gay'
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > >
> > > Posted: December 12, 2006
> > > 1:00 am Eastern
> > >
> > > (c) 2008
> > >
> > > Read all of Rutz's columns on soy for the whole
> > story:
> > >
> > > Soy is making kids 'gay'
> > > The trouble with soy - part 2
> > > The trouble with soy - part 3
> > > The trouble with soy - part 4
> > > The trouble with soy - part 5
> > > The trouble with soy - part 6
> > >
> > > There's a slow poison out there that's severely
> > damaging our children and
> > > threatening to tear apart our culture. The ironic
> > part is, it's a "health
> > > food," one of our most popular.
> > >
> > > Now, I'm a health-food guy, a fanatic who seldom
> > allows anything into his
> > > kitchen unless it's organic. I state my bias here
> > just so you'll know I'm
> > > not anti-health food.
> > >
> > > The dangerous food I'm speaking of is soy. Soybean
> > products are feminizing,
> > > and they're all over the place. You can hardly
> > escape them anymore.
> > >
> > > I have nothing against

Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Soy is making kids 'gay'

2008-07-08 Thread Kirk McLoren
Sadly not a rumor. Notice body builders use soy only as isolate. They tend to 
be more informed than the general public.
  Health-conscious Americans believe in the benefits of tofu, infant formula 
and other food products made from soybeans and soy extract. But their 
assumption is now being called into question by Jill Schneider, associate 
professor of biological sciences at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, 
  In a study of hamsters completed under Schneider's direction, it was recently 
found that a component of soy beans - isoflavones - significantly accelerated 
the onset of puberty in the rodents. 
  Lots of other bad side effects referred to in article
Andy Karpay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Don't know anything about the subject. However, I'll bet "dollars to
donuts" that this 'rumor' was started by someone associated with the meat
industry, a lobbyist, or Karl Rove himself. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of no
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 12:55 PM
To: sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Soy is making kids 'gay'

I see no lack of fertility (or 'gayness' )with the
Asian population and soy is used everywhere in Asia.

But if it is proven to be "feminizing" then all the
more reason to just use it as diesel fuel and not eat

--- Kirk McLoren wrote:

> Not if it is my grandchildren - and I assume you
> would share this re your own. Since this is an
> established medical fact the continuance of approval
> for soy formula sort of tips their hand doesnt it?
> Yes- I believe soy is being used for population
> control.
> This was posted to encourage the avoidance of a
> toxic food being sold as a health food. Without your
> health you have nothing.
> As for testosterone needed by males it most
> certainly is and I suspect by females as well.
> DHEA supplementation has done wonders for me.
> Anyone over 40 should investigate it. By 60 your
> natural production is woefully inadequate. So to
> ingest an antaganon to testosterone is very very
> bad. 
> Kirk
> Zeke Yewdall wrote:
> Given the population pressures the world is facing
> (or least the developed
> world with our extravagant lifestyle), wouldn't this
> be a good thing?
> On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 11:39 PM, Kirk McLoren wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Soy is making kids 'gay'
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

> >
> > Posted: December 12, 2006
> > 1:00 am Eastern
> >
> > (c) 2008
> >
> > Read all of Rutz's columns on soy for the whole
> story:
> >
> > Soy is making kids 'gay'
> > The trouble with soy - part 2
> > The trouble with soy - part 3
> > The trouble with soy - part 4
> > The trouble with soy - part 5
> > The trouble with soy - part 6
> >
> > There's a slow poison out there that's severely
> damaging our children and
> > threatening to tear apart our culture. The ironic
> part is, it's a "health
> > food," one of our most popular.
> >
> > Now, I'm a health-food guy, a fanatic who seldom
> allows anything into his
> > kitchen unless it's organic. I state my bias here
> just so you'll know I'm
> > not anti-health food.
> >
> > The dangerous food I'm speaking of is soy. Soybean
> products are feminizing,
> > and they're all over the place. You can hardly
> escape them anymore.
> >
> > I have nothing against an occasional soy snack.
> Soy is nutritious and
> > contains lots of good things. Unfortunately, when
> you eat or drink a lot of
> > soy stuff, you're also getting substantial
> quantities of estrogens.
> >
> > Estrogens are female hormones. If you're a woman,
> you're flooding your
> > system with a substance it can't handle in
> surplus. If you're a man, you're
> > suppressing your masculinity and stimulating your
> "female side," physically
> > and mentally.
> >
> > In fetal development, the default is being female.
> All humans (even in old
> > age) tend toward femininity. The main thing that
> keeps men from diverging
> > into the female pattern is testosterone, and
> testosterone is suppressed by
> > an excess of estrogen.
> >

Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Re: Fw: Soy is making kids 'gay'

2008-07-08 Thread Kirk McLoren
I remember reading about a child in India exhibiting menses.
  I think she was 3
  Soy formula was named as the culprit.

Walker Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Research and citations here: 

Jon Pierce wrote: Yeah, that's what i always say! I love gay people, they 
(largely) don't add to our staggering numbers. But in any case this seems to go 
a ways toward explaining things. A few issues though:
-how accurate is the claim that "the equivalent of five birth control pills a 
day" is going in to your baby? I notice there's not actually any research 
*cited*, just referenced.
-going in to that equation, what part of the soy bean is put in to the formula, 
and does it contain estrogen?
-and finally, we've apparently known for ages that soy has estrogen in it (as a 
guy, I just learned this after Googling soy and coming up with Luna bars). So 
why the new research and "newsworthy" conclusion? If i knew that I was feeding 
my kid something that had gender-specific hormones in it, I wouldn't be feeding 
that to my kid much longer.

--- On Tue, 7/8/08, Zeke Yewdall wrote:
From: Zeke Yewdall 
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Soy is making kids 'gay'
To: sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
Date: Tuesday, July 8, 2008, 8:11 AM

Given the population pressures the world is facing (or least the developed
world with our extravagant lifestyle), wouldn't this be a good thing?

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 11:39 PM, Kirk McLoren 

> http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=39253
> Soy is making kids 'gay'

> Posted: December 12, 2006
> 1:00 am Eastern
> (c) 2008
> Read all of Rutz's columns on soy for the whole story:
> Soy is making kids 'gay'
> The trouble with soy - part 2
> The trouble with soy - part 3
> The trouble with soy - part 4
> The trouble with soy - part 5
> The trouble with soy - part 6
> There's a slow poison out there that's severely damaging our
children and
> threatening to tear apart our culture. The ironic part is, it's a
> food," one of our most popular.
> Now, I'm a health-food guy, a fanatic who seldom allows anything into
> kitchen unless it's organic. I state my bias here just so you'll
know I'm
> not anti-health food.
> The dangerous food I'm speaking of is soy. Soybean products are
> and they're all over the place. You can hardly escape them anymore.
> I have nothing against an occasional soy snack. Soy is nutritious and
> contains lots of good things. Unfortunately, when you eat or drink a lot
> soy stuff, you're also getting substantial quantities of estrogens.
> Estrogens are female hormones. If you're a woman, you're flooding
> system with a substance it can't handle in surplus. If you're a
man, you're
> suppressing your masculinity and stimulating your "female side,"
> and mentally.
> In fetal development, the default is being female. All humans (even in old
> age) tend toward femininity. The main thing that keeps men from diverging
> into the female pattern is testosterone, and testosterone is suppressed by
> an excess of estrogen.
> If you're a grownup, you're already developed, and you're able
to fight off
> some of the damaging effects of soy. Babies aren't so fortunate.
Research is
> now showing that when you feed your baby soy formula, you're giving
him or
> her the equivalent of five birth control pills a day. A baby's
> system just can't cope with that kind of massive assault, so some
damage is
> inevitable. At the extreme, the damage can be fatal.
> Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the
> penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality. That's why most of the
> (not socio-spiritual) blame for today's rise in homosexuality must
fall upon
> the rise in soy formula and other soy products. (Most babies are
> during some part of their infancy, and one-fourth of them are getting soy
> milk!) Homosexuals often argue that their homosexuality is inborn because
> can't remember a time when I wasn't homosexual." No,
homosexuality is always
> deviant. But now many of them can truthfully say that they can't
remember a
> time when excess estrogen wasn't influencing them.
> Doctors used to hope soy would reduce hot flashes, prevent cancer and
> disease, and save millio

Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Soy is making kids 'gay'

2008-07-08 Thread Kirk McLoren
Not if it is my grandchildren - and I assume you would share this re your own. 
Since this is an established medical fact the continuance of approval for soy 
formula sort of tips their hand doesnt it? Yes- I believe soy is being used for 
population control.
  This was posted to encourage the avoidance of a toxic food being sold as a 
health food. Without your health you have nothing.
  As for testosterone needed by males it most certainly is and I suspect by 
females as well.
  DHEA supplementation has done wonders for me. Anyone over 40 should 
investigate it. By 60 your natural production is woefully inadequate. So to 
ingest an antaganon to testosterone is very very bad. 

Zeke Yewdall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Given the population pressures the world is facing (or least the developed
world with our extravagant lifestyle), wouldn't this be a good thing?

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 11:39 PM, Kirk McLoren wrote:

> http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=39253
> Soy is making kids 'gay'
> Posted: December 12, 2006
> 1:00 am Eastern
> (c) 2008
> Read all of Rutz's columns on soy for the whole story:
> Soy is making kids 'gay'
> The trouble with soy - part 2
> The trouble with soy - part 3
> The trouble with soy - part 4
> The trouble with soy - part 5
> The trouble with soy - part 6
> There's a slow poison out there that's severely damaging our children and
> threatening to tear apart our culture. The ironic part is, it's a "health
> food," one of our most popular.
> Now, I'm a health-food guy, a fanatic who seldom allows anything into his
> kitchen unless it's organic. I state my bias here just so you'll know I'm
> not anti-health food.
> The dangerous food I'm speaking of is soy. Soybean products are feminizing,
> and they're all over the place. You can hardly escape them anymore.
> I have nothing against an occasional soy snack. Soy is nutritious and
> contains lots of good things. Unfortunately, when you eat or drink a lot of
> soy stuff, you're also getting substantial quantities of estrogens.
> Estrogens are female hormones. If you're a woman, you're flooding your
> system with a substance it can't handle in surplus. If you're a man, you're
> suppressing your masculinity and stimulating your "female side," physically
> and mentally.
> In fetal development, the default is being female. All humans (even in old
> age) tend toward femininity. The main thing that keeps men from diverging
> into the female pattern is testosterone, and testosterone is suppressed by
> an excess of estrogen.
> If you're a grownup, you're already developed, and you're able to fight off
> some of the damaging effects of soy. Babies aren't so fortunate. Research is
> now showing that when you feed your baby soy formula, you're giving him or
> her the equivalent of five birth control pills a day. A baby's endocrine
> system just can't cope with that kind of massive assault, so some damage is
> inevitable. At the extreme, the damage can be fatal.
> Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the
> penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality. That's why most of the medical
> (not socio-spiritual) blame for today's rise in homosexuality must fall upon
> the rise in soy formula and other soy products. (Most babies are bottle-fed
> during some part of their infancy, and one-fourth of them are getting soy
> milk!) Homosexuals often argue that their homosexuality is inborn because "I
> can't remember a time when I wasn't homosexual." No, homosexuality is always
> deviant. But now many of them can truthfully say that they can't remember a
> time when excess estrogen wasn't influencing them.
> Doctors used to hope soy would reduce hot flashes, prevent cancer and heart
> disease, and save millions in the Third World from starvation. That was
> before they knew much about long-term soy use. Now we know it's a classic
> example of a cure that's worse than the disease. For example, if your baby
> gets colic from cow's milk, do you switch him to soy milk? Don't even think
> about it. His phytoestrogen level will jump to 20 times normal. If he is a
> she, brace yourself for watching her reach menarche as young as seven,
> robbing her of years of childhood. If he is a boy, it's far worse: He may
> not reach puberty till much later than normal.
> Research in 2000 showed that a so

[Biofuel] Leaders eat eight course dinners while telling peasants to cut back

2008-07-08 Thread Kirk McLoren


   World leaders dine on eight course dinners while they lecture us about need 
to “conserve food” and “eat less” during food crisis talks…
   Gordon Brown and his fellow world leaders have sparked outrage after it was 
disclosed they enjoyed a six-course lunch followed by an eight-course dinner at 
the G8 summit where the global food crisis tops the agenda. 

  The Prime Minister was served 24 different dishes during his first day at the 
summit – just hours after urging the world to reduce the "unnecessary demand" 
for food and calling on British families to cut back on their wasteful use of 

  Mr Brown and his wife Sarah were among 15 guests at the "blessings of the 
earth and the sea social dinner". 

  The dinner consisted of 18 dishes in eight courses including caviar, smoked 
salmon, Kyoto beef and a "G8 fantasy dessert". 

  The banquet was accompanied by five different wines from around the world 
including champagne, a French Bourgogne and sake. 

  African leaders including the heads of Ethiopia, Tanzania and Senegal who had 
taken part in talks during the day were not invited to the function. 

  The dinner came just hours after a "working lunch" consisting of six courses 
including white asparagus and truffle soup, crab and a supreme of chicken. 

  The lavish dining arrangements – disclosed by the Japanese Government which 
is hosting the summit in Hokkaido – come amid growing concern over rising food 
prices triggered by a shortage of many basic necessities. 

  On the flight to the summit, Mr Brown urged Britons to cut food waste as part 
of a global drive to help avert the food crisis. 

  Opposition politicians and charities condemned the extravagant meals. 

  Dominic Nutt, of Save the Children, said: "It is deeply hypocritical that 
they should be lavishing course after course on world leaders when there is a 
food crisis and millions cannot afford a decent meal to eat. 

  "If the G8 wants to betray the hopes of a generation of children, it is going 
the right way about it. The food crisis is an emergency and the G8 must treat 
it as that." 

  Andrew Mitchell, the shadow International Development Secretary, said: "The 
G8 have made a bad start to their summit, with excessive cost and lavish 

  "Surely it is not unreasonable for each leader to give a guarantee that they 
will stand by their solemn pledges of three years ago at Gleneagles to help the 
world's poor. All of us are watching, waiting and listening." 

  Mr Brown arrived at the G8 summit held on the holiday island of Hokkaido in 
northern Japan on Monday morning. 

  He arrived on a plane chartered from Texas, America, which had to fly empty 
for thousands of miles to pick up the Prime Minister and his entourage. 

  Unlike other countries, Britain does not have an official plane to transport 
the Prime Minister. 
   The lavish dining will embarrass Mr Brown, who has made tackling the global 
food crisis a key priority. 
   On the flight to the summit, the Prime Minister urged British people to cut 
food waste and "reduce unnecessary demand". 
   He said: "We need a global plan to deal with rising food prices that are 
affecting millions of families in Britain. That's why I am proposing that we 
take action to both increase the global supply of food and reduce unnecessary 
   "If we are to get food prices down, we must also do more to deal with 
unnecessary demand, such as by all of us doing more to cut our food waste which 
is costing the average household in Britain around £8 per week." 
   Talks between world leaders at the summit will focus on dealing with soaring 
food and oil prices. 
   There is also hope for a breakthrough on protracted talks to secure a new 
global trade deal. 
   However, the leaders are facing criticism amid allegations that pledges for 
development aid promised for the third world at a previous G8 summit in 
Scotland have been watered down.

-- next part --
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[Biofuel] Fw: Soy is making kids 'gay'

2008-07-07 Thread Kirk McLoren


Soy is making kids 'gay'

Posted: December 12, 2006
1:00 am Eastern

© 2008 

Read all of Rutz's columns on soy for the whole story: 

Soy is making kids 'gay'
The trouble with soy - part 2
The trouble with soy - part 3
The trouble with soy - part 4
The trouble with soy - part 5
The trouble with soy - part 6 

There's a slow poison out there that's severely damaging our children and 
threatening to tear apart our culture. The ironic part is, it's a "health 
food," one of our most popular.

Now, I'm a health-food guy, a fanatic who seldom allows anything into his 
kitchen unless it's organic. I state my bias here just so you'll know I'm not 
anti-health food.

The dangerous food I'm speaking of is soy. Soybean products are feminizing, and 
they're all over the place. You can hardly escape them anymore.

I have nothing against an occasional soy snack. Soy is nutritious and contains 
lots of good things. Unfortunately, when you eat or drink a lot of soy stuff, 
you're also getting substantial quantities of estrogens.

Estrogens are female hormones. If you're a woman, you're flooding your system 
with a substance it can't handle in surplus. If you're a man, you're 
suppressing your masculinity and stimulating your "female side," physically and 

In fetal development, the default is being female. All humans (even in old age) 
tend toward femininity. The main thing that keeps men from diverging into the 
female pattern is testosterone, and testosterone is suppressed by an excess of 

If you're a grownup, you're already developed, and you're able to fight off 
some of the damaging effects of soy. Babies aren't so fortunate. Research is 
now showing that when you feed your baby soy formula, you're giving him or her 
the equivalent of five birth control pills a day. A baby's endocrine system 
just can't cope with that kind of massive assault, so some damage is 
inevitable. At the extreme, the damage can be fatal.

Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, 
sexual confusion and homosexuality. That's why most of the medical (not 
socio-spiritual) blame for today's rise in homosexuality must fall upon the 
rise in soy formula and other soy products. (Most babies are bottle-fed during 
some part of their infancy, and one-fourth of them are getting soy milk!) 
Homosexuals often argue that their homosexuality is inborn because "I can't 
remember a time when I wasn't homosexual." No, homosexuality is always deviant. 
But now many of them can truthfully say that they can't remember a time when 
excess estrogen wasn't influencing them.

Doctors used to hope soy would reduce hot flashes, prevent cancer and heart 
disease, and save millions in the Third World from starvation. That was before 
they knew much about long-term soy use. Now we know it's a classic example of a 
cure that's worse than the disease. For example, if your baby gets colic from 
cow's milk, do you switch him to soy milk? Don't even think about it. His 
phytoestrogen level will jump to 20 times normal. If he is a she, brace 
yourself for watching her reach menarche as young as seven, robbing her of 
years of childhood. If he is a boy, it's far worse: He may not reach puberty 
till much later than normal.

Research in 2000 showed that a soy-based diet at any age can lead to a weak 
thyroid, which commonly produces heart problems and excess fat. Could this 
explain the dramatic increase in obesity today?

Recent research on rats shows testicular atrophy, infertility and uterus 
hypertrophy (enlargement). This helps explain the infertility epidemic and the 
sudden growth in fertility clinics. But alas, by the time a soy-damaged infant 
has grown to adulthood and wants to marry, it's too late to get fixed by a 
fertility clinic.

Worse, there's now scientific evidence that estrogen ingredients in soy 
products may be boosting the rapidly rising incidence of leukemia in children. 
In the latest year we have numbers for, new cases in the U.S. jumped 27 
percent. In one year!

There's also a serious connection between soy and cancer in adults - especially 
breast cancer. That's why the governments of Israel, the UK, France and New 
Zealand are already cracking down hard on soy.

In sad contrast, 60 percent of the refined foods in U.S. supermarkets now 
contain soy. Worse, soy use may double in the next few years because (last I 
heard) the out-of-touch medicrats in the FDA hierarchy are considering allowing 
manufacturers of cereal, energy bars, fake milk, fake yogurt, etc., to claim 
that "soy prevents cancer." It doesn't.

P.S.: Soy sauce is fine. Unlike soy milk, it's perfectly safe because it's 
fermented, which changes its molecular structure. Miso, natto and tempeh are 
also OK, but avoid tofu.

-- next part --
An H

[Biofuel] Quackbusters

2008-07-01 Thread Kirk McLoren





-- next part --
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[Biofuel] The War Prayer : by Mark Twain

2008-07-01 Thread Kirk McLoren


The War Prayer : by Mark Twain
  O Lord our God, help us tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; 
help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot 
dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their 
wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a 
hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with 
unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with their little children 
to wander unfriended in the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger 
and thirst, sports of the sun flames in summer and the icy winds of winter, 
broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring thee for the refuge of the grave 
and denied it--
  For our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, 
protract their bitter pilgrimmage, make heavy their steps, water their way with 
their tears, strain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet!
  We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who 
is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His 
aid with humble and contrite hearts. Amen.

-- next part --
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[Biofuel] Gates and food

2008-06-30 Thread Kirk McLoren
  Published on Wednesday, May 22, 2002 in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer 
  A Better Way to Feed the Hungry 
  by Frances Moore Lappé and Anna Lappé 
   Bill Gates thinks he's got a brilliant idea: fighting malnutrition 
abroad by fortifying food. 
  The scheme, backed with $50 million from the Gates Foundation, in part 
encourages Proctor & Gamble, Philip Morris' Kraft, and other companies to 
develop vitamin and iron-fortified processed foods. It then facilitates their 
entry into Third World markets.
  Gates seems to believe we don't have time to address the complex social and 
political roots of malnutrition. But in opting for this single-focus, top-down, 
technical intervention, Gates can end up hurting the very people he wants to 
  His strategy ignores a crucial reality: Many, if not most, of the hungriest 
people in the world are themselves farmers. They eke out a living by selling 
what they grow, and eating it. Helping foreign food purveyors penetrate their 
markets will only further rob them of livelihood. For example, India's dairy 
cooperatives -- many run by poor women -- would be hard-pressed to withstand 
the onslaught of Kraft's marketing power.
  The Gates approach also hurts the poor if it shifts tastes toward processed 
foods -- typically adding fat, sugar, and salt while removing needed fiber and 
micronutrients. This diet trend already contributes to the spread of diseases 
currently burdening the industrial world. Obesity and diet-related diseases 
including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer are becoming a global crisis. In 
the Third World, grossly insufficient health care budgets are now being 
diverted to treat these conditions, and away from treating deadly infectious 
  Aiding market penetration by global food processing companies also ends up 
making consumers dependent on foreign suppliers for life's essentials. But 
while corporations such as Kraft or Proctor & Gamble might well participate in 
Gates' do-good scheme, ultimately their interests diverge from those of the 
hungry. By law, theirs is assuring the highest return to their shareholders -- 
foreigners -- not the improved well-being of local people, and certainly not 
hungry local people too poor to make their needs felt in the market.
  Even the piece of the Gates scheme focused on fortifying grain (presumably 
locally grown) misses critical lessons learned since the first World Food 
Conference in Rome declared war on global hunger almost three decades ago.
  Then, many still believed that hunger could be solved by simple, 
mass-production approaches. After decades of failed, technologically-driven 
solutions, a new wisdom is emerging.
  We recently traveled on five continents, witnessing a heartening array of 
local initiatives addressing the complex, interwoven roots of needless 
malnutrition. These are not pie-in-the-sky solutions; they are working.
  In 1993 Brazil's fourth largest city, Belo Horizonte, declared food a right 
of citizenship. This single shift of frame -- beyond charitable hand-outs, 
beyond market tyranny -- unleashed dozens of innovations: Making city plots 
available for local, organic farmers as long as they keep prices within the 
reach of the poor; posting where to find the cheapest prices for over 40 food 
staples; enhancing nutrition in school lunches by replacing processed foods 
with local organic food. The city also tries to innoculate newly arrived 
dwellers against global corporate food advertising (probably including that of 
the very companies in the Gates fold) by educating them to the value of 
sticking with the healthy whole foods diets they grew up on in the countryside.
  Across the globe in Kenya, women of the Green Belt Movement, an 
anti-desertification campaign that has planted 20 million trees, are now 
reclaiming diverse, traditional food crops. They are creating organic kitchen 
gardens growing precisely the fruits and vegetables that provide the nutrients 
Gates' fortification scheme seeks to supply.
  A promising international "fair trade" movement now also addresses the 
powerlessness that leaves people malnourished in the first place. Third World 
producers can market fair trade products, such as coffee certified by 
Oakland-based Transfair USA, helping to ensure the livelihood of some of the 
world's poorest people.
  Tens of thousands of such innovative efforts, many citizen driven, continue 
to emerge on every continent. They are succeeding because they address the real 
causes of malnutrition -- concentrated economic and political power that blocks 
people from pursuing their interests and from building vibrant, sustainable 
local economies, accountable to local needs.
  Just imagine what might happen if Bill Gates chose not to fortify corporate 
foods but to use his $50 million to fortify efforts like these, encouraging 
their cross-ferti

Re: [Biofuel] Fw: popcorn video - must see

2008-06-22 Thread Kirk McLoren
  I should have known better

  A link straight from the horses mouth, http://www.cardosystems.com/pop/?.? 
The Bluetooth manufacturers have posted on their web site, the videos were for 
entertainment purposes only.? 

This video frightened so many people, during finals it became a huge topic of 
conversation.? Students everywhere were swearing off cell phones. (at least 
until their?social lives took on more importance then health fears :) )

-Original Message-
From: Kirk McLoren 
To: biofuel 
Sent: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 11:00 am
Subject: [Biofuel] Fw: popcorn video - must see


This is pretty scary.


Don't worry, the experts say all is A-Ok. 

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[Biofuel] Fw: popcorn video - must see

2008-06-21 Thread Kirk McLoren



This is pretty scary.


 Don't worry, the experts say all is A-Ok. 

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[Biofuel] Fwd: Vitamin C About to be Made Illegal in Canada!

2008-06-19 Thread Kirk McLoren
supposed to go into effect next year in the US
  codex alimentarius.
  The pharma corporations get the government to give them and doctors a 


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Re: [Biofuel] Price Of Oil Will Double

2008-06-18 Thread Kirk McLoren
I think the nickel-iron is called an Edison cell.
  Found some use on boats (trawlers etc) as you can abuse the crap out of it. 
On the downside it is bigger than a lead acid of comprable power and I think it 
has fairly high self discharge.
  Also expensive- nickel isnt cheap. But - you can abuse it and it still works.

Dawie Coetzee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Ah, the nickel-iron battery. I've got a fairly comprehensive description of 
it in an old automotive technology textbook, and I've always liked the idea, 
even if that chapter makes no mention of its durability advantages.
Another factor with batteries for static applications is that their size/weight 
requirements are completely different to those for mobile applications. It's 
struck me that any battery can be made more durable if its size and weight were 
slightly more generous than the car-battery norm. It would impart a little bit 
more dimensional stability and a little bit more leeway for warpage, etc.; and 
moreover allow a greater range of practical materials. A wooden crate full of 
glass cells looks like an eminently sustainable battery to me, not only in 
terms of materials but also as regards the viability of making them in a local, 
small-scale way. The crowd at Otherpower make their own alternators out of wood 
and wire, after all.
Thanks, Darryl.
-Dawie Coetzee

- Original Message 
From: Darryl McMahon 
To: sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
Sent: Wednesday, 18 June, 2008 8:23:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Price Of Oil Will Double

Not Chris, but thought I'd chime in anyway, as the rain is providing 
with that rare few spare minutes.

Keith Addison wrote:
> Hello Chris
>>  For a quarter of 250.00 a barrel, current solar technology will 
>> fill the needs of the planet.
> Do you mean PVs? They have their role to play, but making them is 
> dirty, recycling them later is also dirty.

Hopefully, by now, people are figuring out that solar is so much more 
than just photovoltaics (PV).  But then, I've been playing at the 
low-tech end for so long now I tend to forget there are still newbies to 
solar water heating, solar space heating, controlling unwanted solar 
gain, and of course the grandparents of solar energy, sunlight to grow 
plants in the garden and the hydrologic cycle to deliver water to the 
plants (and rainbarrels), rather than the tap.

Of course, if the price of gasoline drops, even a little, then the 
industrialized world and its consumer pawns will go back to sleep.

> What's your plan for dealing with old batteries?

Re-use and recycling.  Of course, we're mucking that up now courtesy of 
cheap oil, multi-national corporations and uneven laws around 
environmental behaviour, but I expect we'll eventually figure out that 
we don't want to ship the old ones half-way round the world to 
remanufacture them.  Lead-acid has a pretty good story with regard to 
recycling, probably because the "scrap" is so valuable.  Last I heard, 
dead lead-acid batteries (golf-cart size) are fetching $12 and more a 
piece at the local boneyard.

Could always be better of course.  I'd like to see more Edison cells, 
then we could go a century or more before trips to the scrap yard.

> Anyway, there just isn't a single, one-size-fits-all "best 
> technology". It'll need all ready-to-use renewable energy 
> technologies, used in combination as the local circumstances require, 
> as well as reduced energy use (currently mostly waste), improved 
> energy efficiency, and decentralisation of supply to the small-scale 
> or farm-scale local-economy level.
> Many places would be better off with a biogas digester, a generator 
> and a car engine, cheap and easily available stuff locals can 
> maintain, plus a few palm-oil trees for transport fuel, and maybe 
> passive solar, compost heat, micro-hydro, wind generators, better 
> woodstoves...

 and bicycles and walkable communities and gardens and ...

Sadly, this week I feel like we're still losing more than we're winning 
- Ontario announcement to further embrace big nuclear.  Apparently I'm 
supposed to be happy that my guerilla clotheslines were finally 
legalized a couple of months ago.  Not hardly.  Guess I'll have to find 
some new ways to subvert the power structure.

- no arguments here>

> We have to do this stuff ourselves, local citizens of the global village.
> Best
> Keith

Darryl McMahon
Save water and your money.  The Water Saver toilet fill diverter.

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[Biofuel] Are You Ready?

2008-06-18 Thread Kirk McLoren



  RBS issues global stock and credit crash alert
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
  Last Updated: 5:42pm BST 18/06/2008

   Have your say  Read comments
  The Royal Bank of Scotland has advised clients to brace for a full-fledged 
crash in global stock and credit markets over the next three months as 
inflation paralyses the major central banks. 

"A very nasty period is soon to be upon us - be prepared," said Bob Janjuah, 
the bank's credit strategist. 

A report by the bank's research team warns that the S&P 500 index of Wall 
Street equities is likely to fall by more than 300 points to around 1050 by 
September as "all the chickens come home to roost" from the excesses of the 
global boom, with contagion spreading across Europe and emerging markets. 
   RBS warning: Be prepared for a 'nasty' period  Such a slide 
on world bourses would amount to one of the worst bear markets over the last 
RBS alert: Quotes from the report   
Fund managers react to RBS alert   
Support for the euro is in doubt   RBS said the iTraxx index of high-grade 
corporate bonds could soar to 130/150 while the "Crossover" index of lower 
grade corporate bonds could reach 650/700 in a renewed bout of panic on the 
debt markets.
  "I do not think I can be much blunter. If you have to be in credit, focus on 
quality, short durations, non-cyclical defensive names.

  "Cash is the key safe haven. This is about not losing your money, and not 
losing your job," said Mr Janjuah, who became a City star after his grim 
warnings last year about the credit crisis proved all too accurate.
  RBS expects Wall Street to rally a little further into early July before 
short-lived momentum from America's fiscal boost begins to fizzle out, and the 
delayed effects of the oil spike inflict their damage.
  "Globalisation was always going to risk putting G7 bankers into a dangerous 
corner at some point. We have got to that point," he said.
  US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank both face a Hobson's choice 
as workers start to lose their jobs in earnest and lenders cut off credit.
  The authorities cannot respond with easy money because oil and food costs 
continue to push headline inflation to levels that are unsettling the markets. 
"The ugly spoiler is that we may need to see much lower global growth in order 
to get lower inflation," he said.
Morgan Stanley warns of catastrophe   
More comment and analysis from the Telegraph   "The Fed is in panic mode. The 
massive credibility chasms down which the Fed and maybe even the ECB will 
plummet when they fail to hike rates in the face of higher inflation will 
combine to give us a big sell-off in risky assets," he said.
  Kit Jukes, RBS's head of debt markets, said Europe would not be immune. 
"Economic weakness is spreading and the latest data on consumer demand and 
confidence are dire. The ECB is hell-bent on raising rates.
  "The political fall-out could be substantial as finance ministers from the 
weaker economies rail at the ECB. Wider spreads between the German Bunds and 
peripheral markets seem assured," he said.
  Ultimately, the bank expects the oil price spike to subside as the more 
powerful force of debt deflation takes hold next year.


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Re: [Biofuel] Price Of Oil Will Double

2008-06-16 Thread Kirk McLoren
Bilderburghers said they wanted $200 oil. When you are struggling 48 hours a 
day trying to feed your kids you wont be watching the scalliwags and robber 
barons. War with Iran will be easy for them especially if the average man 
thinks we might get oil.

Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Price Of Oil Will Double

An ominous warning that the rapid rise in oil prices has only just begun

By Danny Fortson, Business Correspondent

12/06/08 "The Independent" - -- The chief executive of the world's 
largest energy company has issued the most dire warning yet about the 
soaring the price of oil, predicting that it will hit $250 per barrel 
"in the foreseeable future".

The forecast from Alexey Miller, the head of the Kremlin-owned gas 
giant Gazprom, would herald the arrival of £2-per-litre petrol and 
send shockwaves through the economy. His comments were the most stark 
to be expressed by an industry executive and come just days after the 
oil price registered its largest-ever single-day spike, hitting 
$139.12 per barrel last week amid fears that the world's faltering 
supply will be unable to keep up with demand.

Mr Miller's prediction is well beyond even the most heady market 
forecasts, the most extreme of which fall between $150 and $200 per 
barrel, and was explained only by vague references to demand from the 
developing world. It nonetheless stoked an already febrile atmosphere 
of growing public anger across Europe over a soaring fuel cost that 
is wreaking havoc at nearly every level of the economy.

The British Government was urging motorists yesterday not to 
panic-buy petrol in anticipation of a strike on Friday by lorry 
drivers who deliver petrol to forecourts for Royal Dutch Shell, 
assuring motorists that contingency plans would ensure sufficient 

In Spain, the regional government of Catalonia enacted an emergency 
action plan to bring in fresh food and fuel supplies after nearly 
half of its forecourts ran dry and supermarkets shelves were left 
bare. The situation was the result of the second day of an 
"indefinite" nationwide strike staged by lorry drivers in Spain 
seeking their government's help to contain the effects of expensive 
petrol. Scattered protests by drivers and fisherman in France and 
Portugal also continued yesterday.

In a speech to the European Business Congress in Deauville, France, 
Mr Miller offered little prospect of relief. He warned that the world 
was experiencing a fundamental shift in energy prices that will end 
at a "radically new level. We expect that the oil price will approach 
$250 per barrel in the foreseeable future".

Philip Shaw, an economist at Investec Securities, warned that oil at 
that level would exert an extraordinary drag on the economy at a time 
when it is already decelerating at a rapid rate. "The word is ouch," 
he said. "Forecasts are forecasts though, and I think it should be 
treated with some level of scepticism."

The most visible result of $250 oil would be at the petrol pump, 
which is already at a record 116.9 pence per litre for unleaded. 
Because more than half of that price, about 68p, is due to duty and 
taxes, the general rule of thumb is that each $2 increase for oil 
means a 1p increase of petrol at the pump. Oil at $250 a barrel would 
mean an increase of almost 60p in petrol prices, even before VAT.

The price of everything from food to energy would see significant 
price rises. Household electricity and gas bills are particularly 
vulnerable. Power companies have begun warning of a second round of 
major tariff increases for household bills this year that they say 
they will need to push through just to break even.

Mr Miller placed some of the blame on financial speculators for oil's 
price rise - it has more than doubled in the past year - but said 
that the primary reason is simple supply and demand, driven by the 
rapidly expanding countries of the developing world, principally 
China and India.

It is a view shared by the International Energy Agency. In its 
monthly oil report, the developed world's energy watchdog said 
yesterday that the "abnormally high prices [for oil] are largely 
explained by fundamentals". But whether the price of oil will reach 
$250 is uncertain at best. Most expect it to reach a breaking point 
before that figure. The IEA said that the high price would eventually 
"choke off" demand and a balance between supply and demand would 

What is certain is that for Europe, Mr Miller's role will become 
increasingly important as head of the continent's single biggest gas 
supplier. He also warned against "protectionist tendencies" in 
Europe, where worries have grown that the company is being used as a 
blunt negotiating tool of the Kremlin. "The relationship between 
Gazprom and Europeans is one of mutual dependence. We rely as much on 
European consumers as they depend on us," he said.

"In all frankness, I 

[Biofuel] contamination quotes

2008-06-14 Thread Kirk McLoren
vaccine contamination
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[Biofuel] Fwd: [no-forced-vaccination] news--- vaccine study with chimps creates autism

2008-06-14 Thread Kirk McLoren


  look at what just arrived
Infant Primates Given Vaccines On U.S. Children's Immunization 
Schedule Develop Behavioral Symptoms Of Autism  20 May 2008   
A primate model for autism using the U.S. children's immunization schedule was 
unveiled at the International Meeting For Autism Research (IMFAR) this weekend. 
The research underscores the critical need for studies into vaccine safety and 
the immune and mitochondrial dysfunction of autistic children. The National 
Autism Association (NAA) questions why the government hasn't undertaken these 
vital studies and why researchers have had to depend on private money to 
perform this critical science that will surely impact the health of millions of 
children worldwide.

While the authors and organizations associated with this study are withholding 
comment until publication, University of Pittsburgh's Dr. Laura Hewitson, 
Ph.D., described at the IMFAR meeting how vaccinated animals, when compared to 
unvaccinated animals, showed significant neurodevelopmental deficits and 
"significant associations between specific aberrant social and non-social 
behaviors, isotope binding, and vaccine exposure."

Researchers also reported at the scientific meeting that "vaccinated animals 
exhibited progressively severe chronic active inflammation whereas unexposed 
animals did not" and found "many significant differences in the GI tissue gene 
expression profiles between vaccinated and unvaccinated animals." 
Gastrointestinal issues are a common symptom of children with regressive autism.

NAA calls for the NIH to conduct large scale, non-epidemiological studies into 
the biomedical symptoms surrounding young children and all vaccines, including 
those containing the mercury-based preservative thimerosal and other additives 
like aluminum.

This request for further research echoes that of Dr. Bernadine Healy, Former 
NIH Director in a CBS interview earlier this week. "I think public health 
officials have been too quick to dismiss the hypothesis as 'irrational,' 
without sufficient studies of causation... without studying the population that 
got sick," Healy said. "I have not seen major studies that focus on 300 kids 
who got autistic symptoms within a period of a few weeks of the vaccines."

Recently the government's vaccine court conceded the case of Hannah Poling, 
admitting that vaccines triggered her regression into autism by exacerbating 
mitochondrial dysfunction. "The recent Poling case and this new research 
provide further evidence that the CDC has fallen down on their job to protect 
children from harm. The biomedical research to date suggests that parental 
reports of regression following vaccination is not only plausible, but likely 
in certain individuals," said Scott Bono, NAA Chairman. "To date, the CDC has 
conducted no safety testing on the possible harmful effects of simultaneously 
administering multiple vaccines to infants, and has steadfastly refused to 
state a preference for mercury-free vaccines to be given to children and 
pregnant women. It's time for HHS and Congress to step in and take vaccine 
safety away from the CDC."

On June 4th, parents of vaccine-injured children will rally for toxin-free 
immunizations in Washington, DC. For more information visit 

National Autism Association


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[Biofuel] This is an expose of journalism, a 44 min video.

2008-06-14 Thread Kirk McLoren

John Pilger tells it like it really is.


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[Biofuel] Fwd: Visual

2008-06-09 Thread Kirk McLoren

> I almost deleted this without viewingdon't, it's good!
> http://transformationteam.net/video/perceptual_experiment_tc
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Re: [Biofuel] [no-forced-vaccination] A Day of Remembrance: Vaccine Injured March on Capitol Hill

2008-06-07 Thread Kirk McLoren
It is doubly sad when we see the president of the US give vaccine manufacturers 
immunity from lawsuit. They ARE aware of what they do.
  When Bush's father was VP he was censured by Congress for unlawful lobbying 
for a drug company. That company was Eli Lilly 
  Bush served on the board of directors and the largest single stockholder was 
a family by the name of Quayle.
  To see Bush use executive order to provide immunity is an impeachable offense 
at least. He should be imprisoned and Ricoh used to take his ill gotten gain.

Maracuja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
   Better coverage! Seems that the "Freedom to choose" message is penetrating a 
  Maracuja NVIC Vaccine E-Newsletter   June 6 , 
A Day of Remembrance: Vaccine Injured March on Capitol Hill 
  by Barbara Loe Fisher 
  They came by the thousands from all over the America. On June 4, 2008, 
mothers and fathers with vaccine injured autistic children marched down the 
middle of Independence Avenue and rallied at the foot of the nation's Capitol. 
Some parents walked with, held or pushed their children in strollers while 
others, whose children were too severely brain injured to attend, carried signs 
and photos. They had come to witness, in one way or another, what had happened 
to their children after vaccination.

The day broke hot and humid with a threat of torrential rains that would have 
drenched the marchers. But then, the skies cleared and the sun came out in time 
for the determined parents and their children to gather on the grounds of the 
Washington Monument and line up behind Hollywood celebrities Jim Carrey and 
Jenny McCarthy leading the march and the "Green Our Vaccines" rally that would 

Although the primary message of the march was to call on government health 
agencies to "remove toxins" from vaccines and "adjust the vaccine schedule" by 
reducing the numbers of vaccines given to infants simultaneously, NVIC 
supporters carried signs declaring "No forced vaccination. Not in America." As 
NVIC co-founder Kathi Williams and I walked past the long line of families 
waiting to begin the march, we and our now-grown children held up the signs 
featuring the American flag and statue of liberty. All the way down the line, 
the families of vaccine injured children clapped and cheered the message of 
freedom we carried to honor and empower them as we passed.

And while many at the front of the line marching down Independence Avenue 
chanted "Too many, too soon," those of us bringing up the back of the line 
chanted "Hey, hey, Ho, ho - forced vaccines have got to go!" with an African 
American father urging us to shout louder and louder as we approached the 
Department of Health and Human Services. "Let them hear you," he yelled. "Tell 
them what you want."

I looked at my 30-year old son, who became multiply learning disabled after a 
neurological reaction to his fourth DPT shot in 1980 when he was two and a 
half, as he walked beside me resolutely holding up our sign and shouting in a 
deep voice "Forced vaccines have got to go." When he was eight years old, I 
remembered marching in Atlanta in front of the Centers for Disease Control in 
1986 with Kathi and the young mothers of babies who had been brain injured or 
died after DPT vaccination in the 1980's. We were the first generation to march 
in protest against toxic vaccines and one-size-fits-all government vaccine 
policies justified by the utilitarian premise that it is ethical to throw a 
minority of children under the bus in service to others. 

The second generation, whose children were born in the 1990's and developed 
autism after vaccination, held a series of rallies on Capitol Hill sponsored by 
Unlocking Autism beginning in 2000 when Congressman Dan Burton initiated 
congressional hearings on the link between autism and vaccines. In the summer 
of 2005, parents protesting mercury in vaccines marched and rallied on Capitol 
Hill. Today, the third generation knows that vaccine damage is about more than 
mercury. It is also about too much vaccination: 48 doses of 14 vaccines given 
by age six and 69 doses of 16 vaccines federal health officials now say 
children must get by the time they graduate from high school.

At the rally podium, Jim Carey delivered a remarkable address that was also a 
sweet love letter to his partner, Jenny McCarthy. He said "Autism is 
everywhere. It is on every street and in every town" and he asked the CDC "How 
stupid do you think we are?" 

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and physicians such as Jay Gordon, M.D. and professor of 
chemistry Boyd Haley, Ph.D. called for removal of toxins from vaccines. Jenny 
McCarthy, who is the celebrity spokesperson for 
Talk About Curing Autism Now (TACA), held up the government's childhood vaccine 
schedule and said "Parents need to know it is called a recomme

[Biofuel] Excellent Video on healthcare freedom

2008-06-07 Thread Kirk McLoren


(Please forward this message)
  The fear machine is dissing vitamins and supplements on a daily basis now to 
soften up the unknowing public to accept Codex Alimentarius.  The Codex is 
being pushed by multi-national
  drug companies and their hope is that more people will be forced into taking 
toxic drugs to solve their health issues. This is real. Canada's health freedom 
is already under severe attack
  from their version of our FDA. The FDA has, for years, been the junk yard 
bulldog for Big Pharma & the AMA. Clinics using alternative therapies have been 
shut down in daylight
  raids with guns drawn. It is not important that some of these clinics have 
had outstanding success in restoring health. Their "crime" was that they used 
non-toxic, no drug therapies.
  This is the reality that you'll never see reported in mainstream media. And 
now, all those supplements you've taken for years, are "on the table."
We Become Silent - The Last Days Of Health Freedom - 28 min - Apr 6, 2006 
www.welltv.com - www.welltv.com 

  (156 Ratings)  Rate: 
  International award-winning filmmaker Kevin P. Miller of Well TV announced 
the release of a new documentary about the threat to medical free...all » 
International award-winning filmmaker Kevin P. Miller of Well TV announced the 
release of a new documentary about the threat to medical freedom of choice. 'We 
Become Silent: The Last Days of Health Freedom' details the ongoing attempts by 
multinational pharmaceutical interests and giant food companies — in concert 
with the WTO, the WHO and others — to limit the public’s access to herbs, 
vitamins and other therapies. 'We Become Silent’ is narrated by Dame Judi 
Dench, the noted UK actress who has won multiple Golden Globe awards, an Oscar, 
and a Tony for her on-stage work, in addition to dozens of other honors 
throughout her prestigious career.« 

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[Biofuel] Fwd: Re: [solar-ac] Re: Ammonia

2008-06-04 Thread Kirk McLoren
An important heads up re a potentially deadly situation.

Michael Redler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Since we're on the subject, I cut and pasted a message from a friend relating 
to the misuse of anhydrous ammonia (below).

  "Meth cooks are getting the propane tanks from the exchanges at Wal-Mart, 
Kroger, etc. and emptying them of the propane. Then, they are filling them with 
anhydrous ammonia (which they now have a recipe for). After they are finished 
with the tanks, they return them to the store. The tanks are then refilled with 
propane for you and me to buy.

  Anhydrous ammonia is very corrosive and weakens the structure of the tank. It 
can be very dangerous when mixed with propane and hooked up to our grills, etc. 
You should inspect the propane tank for any blue or greenish residue around the 
valve areas. If it is present, refuse to purchase that one."

  Check out the following website for more details. They also have pictures you 
can show.



dennis baecht wrote:   
  I did consider it.  I worked with ammonia in confined spaces for a long time 
in the Navy, it doesn't get more dangerous than that. I have the correct 
personal safety equipment, and emergency equipment, I supplied the local fire 
dept. with a MSDS and discussed it with  them. I don't use it much and if I can 
get another working pair to work as well then I won't use ammonia again.
  Along those lines I'm working with methanol and activated charcoal. Methanol 
has it's own set of dangers but not as bad as ammonia. Plus it is easier to get.
  I don't worry about the feds anymore, one of the local FBI guys was so 
intriged by the whole RE thing he now has solar panels and a wind turbine. He's 
hooked big time.
  I appreciate the respectful way you addressed this.

  -Original Message- 
From: "M. Richmond" 
Sent: Jun 4, 2008 9:11 AM 
Subject: [solar-ac] Re: Ammonia 

Have you considered getting an EPA Universal license? It is relatively 
easy to get. I got mine by sitting in a class for one day then taking 
an exam. Having one qualifies you to work with ammonia. It also helps 
you understand the safety dangers inherent with refrigerants. If you 
are EPA certified the Feds have a hard time saying you are producing 
ammonia for explosives, which we know you are not.
Something to think about.
Good Luck!

> You have had the FBI after you just because of your solar freezer! 


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Re: [Biofuel] on sustainability, European dairy strike

2008-06-03 Thread Kirk McLoren
My feed costs have risen 50% in some cases. Hard to stay in business if costs 
rise and income drops. 

Chip Mefford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Anyone have any first hand experience with this?


Seems in Germany, some dairy farmers have bucked the big guns and are 
dumping their milk, in order to drive up prices. Seems the EU quotas
were mandated to go up, to drive the cost down, so some of the producers
are denying the product in answer.

I don't know how I feel about this, it apparently is
spreading across Europe right now. This news is a few
days old.

Can't hardly argue with the timing, with the 'food shortage crisis'
meeting in Rome right now.

Chip Mefford

Before Enlightenment;
chop wood
carry water
After Enlightenment;
chop wood
carry water
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[Biofuel] Monopoly Men

2008-05-30 Thread Kirk McLoren
  If link doesnt work just go to Google video and enter search terms monopoly 
  I assume many of you already know this but for those of you that dont you 
really need to know this.
  Probably the biggest fraud of the 20th century.
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Re: [Biofuel] Fields of Overkill

2008-05-30 Thread Kirk McLoren
Yes and no. Example of "facts" being spun. The source of ecoli was black water 
added to deficient irrigation sources. Not a problem if crop is prepared or if 
from trees. Spinach on the other hand is salad material sometimes. Same way the 
kids got hepatitis from strawberries - black water.
  Dr feelgod of the agricorp wants you to believe it came from naure and we 
will eliminate nature. The truth that it was a moron at the water board is not 
told. Also avoids lawsuits.

Chip Mefford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Are these folks completely nutz?


Fields of overkill
Western Roundup - May 26, 2008 by Li Miao Lovett
Conservation, farmers scorched by food safety concerns


In California's verdant Salinas Valley, the tangles of trees and shrubs
that once bordered the fields of leafy greens are disappearing.
Chain-link fences now barricade the Salinas River as it flows through
the nation's salad bowl. In early April, a small lake that once
sheltered migratory birds and insects beneficial to farmers had been
reduced to a bulldozed pit; by the end of the month, it had disappeared
completely. Like the vanishing trees and hedgerows, the pond was another
victim of food-safety measures gone awry.

After an E. coli outbreak in 2006 was traced to tainted spinach, the
leafy greens industry and big corporate buyers like McDonald's and
Wal-Mart responded with an array of tough new standards for growing
spinach and lettuce. Packaged produce has been the culprit in the
majority of outbreaks linked to leafy greens; those who fell sick or
died in the 2006 outbreak had eaten bagged spinach from a single
processing plant in California owned by Natural Selection Foods. Still,
native vegetation and waterways that provide habitat for deer, birds and
other wildlife were suddenly seen as health threats by those high up on
the corporate food chain.

Pushed by inspectors and buyers, leafy greens growers on California's
Central Coast are sterilizing their fields, ripping out wildlife habitat
and putting up fences. Often, the farmers' contracts and livelihoods are
at stake. "Growers have been told to cut down trees on family farms that
have been around for 50 years," says Kirk Schmidt, executive director of
Central Coast Water Quality Preservation.

And it's not just farmers and wildlife that are losing out - the
excessive measures are changing farms in ways that could actually make
our food supply less safe. "Buyers are taking advantage of food safety
to get a competitive edge," says Joseph McIntyre, facilitator of the
California Roundtable on Agriculture and the Environment. "They're
putting pressure on growers toward practices that may not have food
safety benefits, as well as (cause) unintended consequences."

The 2006 E. coli outbreak happened just as the federal Food and Drug
Administration was working with the agricultural industry to come up
with new guidelines for growing and handling leafy greens. The tainted
spinach killed three people, sickened over 200 others, and cost spinach
growers more than $70 million. FDA advisories over an eight-day period
effectively shut down the spinach industry and had a long-term impact on
leafy greens sales - and on the way growers manage their farms.

For years, farmers in the Salinas Valley and beyond had worked with
state and federal resource agencies to implement ecologically friendly
practices. But a spring 2007 survey by the Resource Conservation
District of Monterey County showed such practices are changing. Of 181
respondents, who farm a total of 140,000 acres on the Central Coast, 89
percent said that they had adopted at least one measure to keep wildlife
out of their fields.

The survey indicated that the lettuce and spinach growers are facing
tremendous pressure from auditors and buyers. Nearly one-third of leafy
greens growers said auditors encouraged them to remove vegetation, and
almost one-half were urged to remove or trap wildlife. In many cases,
the growers complied. Growers said they lost points on their audits if
deer or frogs were present in the fields, and buyers sometimes rejected
their crops altogether - thousands of dollars' worth in some cases.
(Deer have been known to carry E. coli, although their role in
transmitting disease to humans is insignificant compared to that of cattle.)

One organic produce grower, who prefers to remain anonymous, notes that
the industry term for habitat - "harborage" - implies that wildlife is a
threat to the farm. "The most unscrupulous retailers are essentially
advocating a 'scorched earth' policy for areas near vegetable fields,"
he says.

At the Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF), program
coordinator Sam Earnshaw has been encouraging Central Coast farmers to
plant hedgerows since the late 1990s. Plants like flowering yarrow and
lilacs may appear untidy next to or

Re: [Biofuel] China's All-Seeing Eye

2008-05-30 Thread Kirk McLoren
America is one big black op. Since they control the media in all forms they 
actually control what you think because what you think is determined by the 
"facts" you believe.
  Until you can form your opinions based on data that slips through you are 
their pawn. The trick is recognizing logical proofs. The degree of control and 
fabrication is beyond most peoples wildest dream. 

Chris Burck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  perhaps you under-estimate the expertise and sophistication of
america's surveillance cadre. in any case, it seems clear from the
article that a good share of china's network is hnmegrown. just how
much share american companies are enjoying, i'm sure we'll never know.

On 5/30/08, Chip Mefford wrote:
> Keith Addison wrote:
>> http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2008/05/15/8970/
>> Published on Thursday, May 15, 2008 by Rolling Stone
>> China's All-Seeing Eye
>> With the help of U.S. defense contractors, China is building the
>> prototype for a high-tech police state. It is ready for export.
>> by Naomi Klein
> Interesting read;
> Actually, as I think back, to the pre-google-washing days, I remember
> seeing a short documentary, in the '60 minutes' style of documentary,
> about the work Singapore was doing. At that time, most of us thought of
> surveillance societies in the vein of Orwell and such. Max Headroom was
> on TV, and spoke of a future-now where everything was trackable, and
> tracked, and modelable, and modeled. No secrets. Singapore was actually
> doing it. The documentary showed in depth the level of 'people tracking'
> the 'watchers' had. It was stunning, quite impressive, and for me at
> least, deeply terrifying. In Orwellian total information awareness,
> some level of dissent and anonymity was at least theoretically possible.
> Not so, Singapore.
> While the old truism 'the unthinkable has always been thinkable' holds,
> just being who I am, as old as I am, I was certainly aware that
> dictators-to-be were no doubt drooling over this kind of reach and
> control, that it would never fly in the west.
> Hahahahahahaha
> That's why I find the thought of China working with west to achive
> this kinda counter-intuitive. They have experts right close at hand,
> maybe they could learn to 'act locally' :) We in the west are bound
> to be klutzes at this. over confident and over arrogant. I think the
> approach the folks in Singapore were taking was so staggeringly
> complete, that anyone considering dissecting their populace on
> the pinboard, would do well to seek out the experts.
> --
> Chip Mefford
> Before Enlightenment;
> chop wood
> carry water
> After Enlightenment;
> chop wood
> carry water
> -
> Public Key
> http://www.well.com/user/cpm
> ___
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[Biofuel] nice tutorial

2008-05-30 Thread Kirk McLoren
http://www.micromo.com/n390489/n.html 5 pages
  other stuff
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[Biofuel] magnetic fluid

2008-05-29 Thread Kirk McLoren
  MagnaView Fluid
chemical formula: colloidal suspension 
( liquid )
MagnaView Fluid is a colloidal suspension of microscopic individual magnets, 
about 10 nm in
diameter. When a magnet is placed near a small quantity of MagnaView Fluid, it 
responds immediately; each microscopic particle in the fluid orientating itself 
to the applied magnetic field. A truly amazing material to experiment with (see
our Magnets page for more info). Just fantastic for classroom magnet demos & 
  and other nifty hard to find stuff
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[Biofuel] Fwd: [Longevity] Refined Carbohydrates and the Fast Track to Disease

2008-05-29 Thread Kirk McLoren
Thought this interesting


Refined Carbohydrates and the Fast Track to Disease
Thursday, May 29, 2008 
Byron Richards, CCN


A new study shows just how deadly refined carbohydrates are - even for a 
healthy person. One serving given to a lean and healthy young adult is adequate 
to triple the inflammatory response to the surge in glucose. We have known for 
a long time that the high glycemic/refined carbohydrates (table sugar, white 
bread, etc.) are disease producing when consumed over a period of time. 
However, I don't think anyone knew that a single meal activates the core gene 
signal (NF-KappaB) that drives your body's entire inflammation process - even 
in a healthy normal-weight person. Excess NF-KappaB activation is the central 
theme of all diseases - including cancer and heart disease. 

One hundred years ago Harvey Wiley, M.D. started the FDA so that we could have 
an organic food supply rich in whole grains. Soon he was booted from his 
position by the White House and the food industry who wanted nothing to do with 
healthy food for Americans. These criminals have a century of damage on their 
hands. Before he died he wrote a tell-all book: The History of a Crime Against 
the Food Law. Subtitle: The amazing story of the national food and drugs law 
intended to protect the health of the people perverted to protect the 
adulteration of food and drugs. Our government bought all the copies so hardly 
anyone could read it! 

The profits of the junk food industry and the junk grain industry have crippled 
the health of our citizens. Our government has been force-feeding this trash on 
our children for the past 30 years via the school lunch program and the food 
pyramid guidelines. This program has enabled refined junk food carbohydrates, 
sold at considerable profit by garbage-oriented food companies, to be the 
staple of the diet for a growing child. Heads should roll - now that their 
idiocy has contributed in no small part to an obesity epidemic in our children. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [Biofuel] Gut superbug causing more illnesses, deaths

2008-05-29 Thread Kirk McLoren
Probiotics are very helpful. I always keep a bottle in the fridge.
  Flu seems to result in die offs. I was told many of the flu symptoms are due 
to dieoff of symbiotic organisms in our gut. I drink half a bottle - not the 
couple of tablespoons they say to take. That way I am well in 4 hours. If I 
have a nasty I take grapefruit seed extract and probiotic 12 hours later and 
then again in 12 hours since the grapefruit seed nails everything.

Robin Pentney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  A doctor at the Calgary hospital has had success 
treating C dificile. It turns out that if you 
kill the bug, you kill the patient! C dificile is 
a naturally occuring gut flora (fauna?), along 
with many others. By administering certain 
antibiotics, Doctors have killed off one or more 
of the other bacteria, which were actively 
keeping the C Dificile in check. An equilibrium, 
so to speak. The C dificile is so strong that the 
others can no longer keep it in check and the 
other bugs all die. That is why stool samples are 
completely overgrown by CD
The best part is the successful treatment. He 
collects a weeks worth of stools from a close 
relative, (actually he has the relative collect 
them - its less personal that way) mixes them 
with a little saline solut'n to make it soupy, 
and injects the mixture into the patient's intesines. Annally.
The results are almost immediate. within a few 
hours the sufferers are sitting up, drinking 
fluids asking for normal food and keeping it down!
His comment was that he hoped some other doctors 
would use the cure because he didn't want this 
one thing to take over his practice.
Reading between the lines seems to indicate that 
a lot of doctors are not offering the treatment 
because the find it too distasteful Imagine that.
So they let people die?
C dificile is written in french because it was 
first recognised as a huge problem in a Montreal hospital.

Another reason to not take antibiotics.

At 07:13 AM 5/29/2008, you wrote:
>Might want to lay in a bottle of grapefruit seed 
>extract. I have had good luck with it.
> Kirk
> http://health.yahoo.com/news/ap/deadly_bacteria.html
> By MIKE STOBBE, AP Medical Writer - Wed May 28, 4:03 PM PDT
> ATLANTA - The number of people hospitalized 
> with a dangerous intestinal superbug has been 
> growing by more than 10,000 cases a year, according to a new study.
> The germ, resistant to some antibiotics, has 
> become a regular menace in hospitals and 
> nursing homes. The study found it played a role 
> in nearly 300,000 hospitalizations in 2005, 
> more than double the number in 2000.
> The infection, Clostridium difficile, is 
> found in the colon and can cause diarrhea and a 
> more serious intestinal condition known as 
> colitis. It is spread by spores in feces. But 
> the spores are difficult to kill with most 
> conventional household cleaners or antibacterial soap.
> C-diff, as it's known, has grown resistant to 
> certain antibiotics that work against other 
> colon bacteria. The result: When patients take 
> those antibiotics, competing bacteria die off and C-diff explodes.
> This virulent strain of C-diff was rarely seen before 2000.
> "The nature of this infection is changing. 
> It's more severe," said Dr. L. Clifford 
> McDonald, a Centers for Disease Control and 
> Prevention expert who was not part of the study.
> There are other factors that play into the 
> rise of C-diff cases as well, including a 
> larger of number of patients who are older and 
> sicker. "And there may be some overuse and 
> inappropriate use of antibiotics," said Dr. 
> Marya Zilberberg, a University of Massachusetts 
> researcher and lead author of the study.
> The Zilberberg study was based on a sample of 
> more than 36 million annual discharges from 
> non-governmental U.S. hospitals. That data was 
> used to generate the study's national estimates.
> The research is being published in the June 
> issue of Emerging Infectious Diseases, a CDC publication.
> Using other scientists' estimates, the study 
> concluded that 2.3 percent of the cases in 2004 
> were fatal — about 5,500 deaths. That was 
> nearly double the percentage of C-diff-related 
> cases that ended in death in 2000.
> Many of the people who died had other health 
> problems. The study did not try to determine if 
> Clostridium difficile was the main cause of 
> death in each case, Zilberberg said.
> But earlier research concluded the infection 
> is the underlying cause of thousands of deaths 
> annually, and the problem is getting worse.
> C-diff has become an acute health concern in 
> Canada, where it was blamed for 260 deaths at 
> seven Ontario hospitals recently, and 2,000 deaths in Quebec since 2002.
> The Association for Professionals in 
> Infection Control and Epidemiology is currently 
> working with U.S. hospitals to study prevalence 
> of the infection and what infection control measures seem to work best.
> "This is not a time for alarm, but m

[Biofuel] Gut superbug causing more illnesses, deaths

2008-05-29 Thread Kirk McLoren
Might want to lay in a bottle of grapefruit seed extract. I have had good luck 
with it.
  By MIKE STOBBE, AP Medical Writer - Wed May 28, 4:03 PM PDT
ATLANTA - The number of people hospitalized with a dangerous intestinal 
superbug has been growing by more than 10,000 cases a year, according to a new 
  The germ, resistant to some antibiotics, has become a regular menace in 
hospitals and nursing homes. The study found it played a role in nearly 300,000 
hospitalizations in 2005, more than double the number in 2000.
  The infection, Clostridium difficile, is found in the colon and can cause 
diarrhea and a more serious intestinal condition known as colitis. It is spread 
by spores in feces. But the spores are difficult to kill with most conventional 
household cleaners or antibacterial soap.
  C-diff, as it's known, has grown resistant to certain antibiotics that work 
against other colon bacteria. The result: When patients take those antibiotics, 
competing bacteria die off and C-diff explodes.
  This virulent strain of C-diff was rarely seen before 2000.
  "The nature of this infection is changing. It's more severe," said Dr. L. 
Clifford McDonald, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention expert who was 
not part of the study.
  There are other factors that play into the rise of C-diff cases as well, 
including a larger of number of patients who are older and sicker. "And there 
may be some overuse and inappropriate use of antibiotics," said Dr. Marya 
Zilberberg, a University of Massachusetts researcher and lead author of the 
  The Zilberberg study was based on a sample of more than 36 million annual 
discharges from non-governmental U.S. hospitals. That data was used to generate 
the study's national estimates.
  The research is being published in the June issue of Emerging Infectious 
Diseases, a CDC publication.
  Using other scientists' estimates, the study concluded that 2.3 percent of 
the cases in 2004 were fatal — about 5,500 deaths. That was nearly double the 
percentage of C-diff-related cases that ended in death in 2000.
  Many of the people who died had other health problems. The study did not try 
to determine if Clostridium difficile was the main cause of death in each case, 
Zilberberg said.
  But earlier research concluded the infection is the underlying cause of 
thousands of deaths annually, and the problem is getting worse.
  C-diff has become an acute health concern in Canada, where it was blamed for 
260 deaths at seven Ontario hospitals recently, and 2,000 deaths in Quebec 
since 2002.
  The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology is 
currently working with U.S. hospitals to study prevalence of the infection and 
what infection control measures seem to work best.
  "This is not a time for alarm, but more a time for educating health 
professionals to understand this particular pathogen," said Kathy Warye, chief 
executive of the Washington, D.C.-based association.
  On the Net:
  The CDC publication: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/index.htm

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Re: [Biofuel] Fascists at it again

2008-05-27 Thread Kirk McLoren
  see Roman symbol
Chris Burck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  what are you smoking, kurt? there are lots of fine points and
subtleties when studying history, most especially comparative
political history. it's really best to study, observe, think about,
and discuss these things deliberately, objectively, and with a clear
head. the words islam and fascism just don't go together. period.
simply because you can string a bunch of letters together in a
heretofore unknown sequence does not, for all that they may tug at
your amygdala, mean you are reflecting any kind of reality. at least
not one that matters to ordinary adults (theodore geisel
notwithstanding). fascism is a thoroughly modern phenomenon,
completely inseparable from industrial, capitalist society. to
attempt to understand so-called sharia and wahabi islam one must
explore what hdppened when, and in what context. whem doing so, we
find that so-called "wahabism" began well before the modernization of
the arabian peninsula. it was co-opted in its earliest phase by the
house of saud as a means of consolidating power, and with a quite
clear understanding of the distinction between spiritual and temporal
authority (i.e. the saudi kingdom was not nor is a theocracy). the
more contempory manifestations, such as the islamic brotherhood and
the islamic revolutionaries in iran are reactions, explicitly so, to
centuries-long western political and economic subjugation (contrast
this with the so-called "gay agenda," just one of the many vaporous
internal threats that the american crypto-fascist right so love to
monger). not all things zealous, brutal or intolerant are fascist.
the only possible purpose for coining a term such as islamo-fascist,
is to associate islam with hitler and genocide in the mind of the
target audience. once this association is drawn, well, there's no end
to the possibilities.

On 5/26/08, Kurt Schasker wrote:
> This thread occurred a few weeks ago, but I owe a response, so here goes.
> First off, Mr. Addison suggests my comments reflect the idea that Islam is
> in moral decline. This is not what I meant. In fact, my post has just the
> opposite suggestion: Islam, and Islamofascism, reflect a society that is
> morally rigid. Perhaps the term hypermoral could be used.
> As far as Sharia law is concerned, here is what Wikipedia says: This is
> true (Sharia law) for the application of the death penalty for the crimes of
> adultery and homosexuality, amputations for the crime of theft, and flogging
> for fornication or public intoxication.
> The history of Islam, and Sharia law, is beyond the scope of this response.
> Certainly there is much to be celebrated when considering Islam. In the
> context of modern practices of Sharia law, however, in those nations that
> practice a fundamental form of it, like Saudi Arabia and Iran, I believe
> Islamofascism is the correct term. These two countries maintain religious
> police.
> Women's rights and Sharia law are a particularly troublesome combination.
> Check here:
> http://lifeandhealth.guardian.co.uk/women/story/0,,2278332,00.html (This
> article details the difficulties women face in receiving health care under
> sharia law.) Let's not even talk about female education, and schooling.
> I don't doubt that plenty of scripture exists for the fair treatment of
> women in the Quran, however, as practiced, Sharia law seems at great odds
> with any form of freedom that westerners are accustomed to. > Date: Wed, 7
> May 2008 06:14:49 +0900> To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org> From:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fascists at it again> >
> Hello Kurt> > >I am too lazy to double check myself!> > Lazier than that I
> think, totally fast asleep maybe. You honestly > think (?) Islam is an idea
> that's in a moral decline? LOL!> > >How else could you define a government
> that recognizes, and > >enforces, Sharia Law?> > Wise?> >
> http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article19818.htm> >Islamic Finance,
> by Loretta Napoleoni, 26/04/08 "ICH" -- -- Islamic > >finance has become the
> fastest-growing, most dynamic sector of > >global finance. Every
> Western-style financial product has its > >sharia, i.e. Islamic law,
> compliant instrument: microfinance, > >mortgages, oil and gas exploration,
> bridge building, even > >sponsorship of sporting events. Islamic finance is
> innovative, > >flexible, and potentially very profitable. "Operating in 70 >
>>countries with about $500bn in assets, it is poised to expand >
>>geometrically." With more than one billion Muslims eager to support > >it,
> analysts project that this system will soon manage approximately > >4
> percent of the world economy, equivalent to $1 trillion in assets. > >Such
> figures explain the eagerness of Western banks to tap into > >sharia
> financial services. Citigroup, along with many other Western > >banking
> retailers, have opened Islamic bra

[Biofuel] A Favorite Video

2008-05-27 Thread Kirk McLoren
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[Biofuel] Fwd: The politics of control

2008-05-27 Thread Kirk McLoren
It is known as codex alimentarius. Probably will go into effect here next year.

It is happening in Canada right now. This is merely a preview of what's to come 
in the USA, unless we help our friends up North. We 
cannot afford to say "it can't happen here."  International Big Pharma is the 
driver of this kind on group-think. All of our freedoms are
being stripped away, to protect us or our children, of course.  


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[Biofuel] The Whole Truth about Milk

2008-05-23 Thread Kirk McLoren
  well worth watching
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Re: [Biofuel] Depleted Uranium Shells Used by U.S. Military Worse Than Nuclear Weapons

2008-05-22 Thread Kirk McLoren
doing on the quiet gets my vote. If you live near a reactor you need your own 
detection gear. That also includes people fabbing batteries for space 
(plutonium thermopiles). I guarantee mum is the word as liability is huge.

Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hi Andy

I wonder what happened to the US plans to recycle radioactive nuclear 
wastes into common household appliances like kitchen cutlery and 
babies' prams and so on? The proposals came up a couple of times. Did 
they just drop it or are they going ahead without telling anybody? 
Similar sort of insanity to industry's "reycling" thousands of tons 
of hazwastes - lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury and so on - as fill 
for fertiliser, which US farmers happily spread on their fields to 
grow their food crops. All perfectly legal too.

>The fact that it pollutes the immediate area, its users as well as anyone in
>the area of its firing is not important to the US Government, nor will it
>ever be.

I'm sure you're right about that. :-(



>Here in Florida we have 'gypsum stacks' which are huge piles of ... Gypsum a
>by-product from the processing of phosphate to "fertilizer". It is somewhat
>(very low level) radio-active, and as such cannot be used for road beds,
>construction etc. I'll bet that DU is stronger, and worse for the imbibers.
>And excreted or not, we are seeing high rates of deformities in babies in
>Afghanistan, Iraq, (where the DU is used) and among returning soldiers'
>families as well. 
>DU is a great way to dispose of waste products that normally would not be
>allowed to be disposed of most places in the US. Why not make it into
>munitions (yes, its high density makes it a perfect armor piercing weapon).
>The fact that it pollutes the immediate area, its users as well as anyone in
>the area of its firing is not important to the US Government, nor will it
>ever be.
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
>Chip Mefford
>Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 1:32 PM
>To: sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Depleted Uranium Shells Used by U.S. Military Worse
>Than Nuclear Weapons
>Chip Mefford wrote:
>> Craig Barrett wrote:
>>> H... while DU may be dangerous, this article doesn't help much with
>>> way it's written - poor use of statistics, no references to support its
>>> claims. It's exactly this kind of shoddy work that causes the raising of
>>> the skeptical eyebrow at those who're fighting against things like DU.
>>> is a real pity because I think it hampers what might otherwise be a
>>> good cause.
>> Wholly agreed.
>I kinda want to change my language, but it's already posted, so I'll
>just add my after-thoughts.
>Point, my use of 'non-issue' just doesn't feel right. But it really
>does seem that the who has really played this down.
>Point. I agree with the basic premise of the original article.
>However, this statement "The genetic future of the Iraqi people, for the
>most part, is destroyed. The environment now is completely radioactive."
>I've read before, elsewhere, I can't substantiate it.
>Against the background radiation of other areas in the region, yeah,
>it's up a bit. And it's my feeling/opinion, that a 'bit' is a huge
>amount, but with what passes for 'expertise' in these areas, folks
>seem to think that's okay, when going for health expert citations.
>See the who report I linked earlier.
>yes, I think that service folks are paying a terrible price, and the
>people of the area we all call Irag are paying a staggeringly price
>orders of magnitude above.
>This is all happening whether there is 'consensus' by us or not.
>Uranium is just fine, left in the ground, in it's natural state,
>unrefined, and not touched, the way it should be. Doing anything
>else with it, is just insane. That's my take.
>Proving that, otoh, has proven to be pretty difficult.

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[Biofuel] are you being controlled by corn?

2008-05-22 Thread Kirk McLoren
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[Biofuel] Depleted Uranium Shells Used by U.S. Military Worse Than Nuclear Weapons

2008-05-21 Thread Kirk McLoren


Society: Depleted Uranium Shells Used by U.S. Military Worse Than Nuclear 

(NaturalNews) The use of depleted uranium (DU) munitions by the U.S. military 
may lead to a death toll far higher than that from the nuclear bombs dropped at 
the end of World War II.

DU is a waste product of uranium enrichment, containing approximately one-third 
the radioactive isotopes of naturally occurring uranium. Because of its high 
density, it is used in armor- or tank-piercing ammunition. It has been fired by 
the U.S. and British armed forces in the two Iraq wars and in Afghanistan, as 
well as by NATO forces in Kosovo and the Israeli military in Lebanon and 
Palestine. [Hmm, looks like population culling to me!]

Inhaled or ingested DU particles are highly toxic, and DU has been classified 
as an illegal weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.

The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority has estimated that 50 tons of DU 
dust from the first Gulf War could lead to 500,000 cancer deaths by the year 
2000. To date, a total of 2,000 tons have been generated in the Middle East.

In contrast, approximately 250,000 lives were claimed by the explosions and 
radiation released by the nuclear weapons dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

"More than ten times the amount of radiation released during atmospheric 
testing [of nuclear bombs] has been released from DU weaponry since 1991," said 
Leuren Moret, a U.S. nuclear scientist. "The genetic future of the Iraqi 
people, for the most part, is destroyed. The environment now is completely 

Because DU has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, the Middle East will, for all 
practical purposes, be radioactive forever.

The two U.S. wars in Iraq "have been nuclear wars because they have scattered 
nuclear material across the land, and people, particularly children, are 
condemned to die of malignancy and congenital disease essentially for 
eternity," said anti-nuclear activist Helen Caldicott.

Since the first Gulf War, the rate of birth defects and childhood cancer in 
Iraq has increased by seven times. More than 35 percent (251,000) of U.S. Gulf 
War veterans are dead or on permanent medical disability, compared with only 
400 who were killed during the conflict.

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[Biofuel] Fwd: Autism Vaccine Link: Scientific Backup

2008-05-21 Thread Kirk McLoren

Autism Vaccine Link: Scientific Backup

It has been a mute point for quite some time whether it is vaccines that 
cause the explosion in the number of autistic children in the US an din 
other industrialized countries (16-fold in 10 years, as documented here: 
Now finally, there is proof beyond statistics: researchers at the 
University of Pittsburgh have vaccinated monkeys to see how their neural 
development would change when exposed to the active ingredients or 
preservatives contained in the common vaccines. The result was that their 
chance to develop autistic behavioral patterns was much increased:

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[Biofuel] Fwd: Ebooks for the masses

2008-05-19 Thread Kirk McLoren
check it out
  I have known Duncan for over 10 years.
  Pass it on.


I'm experimenting with "Free" ebooks. If you follow the link below, 
you'll come to my ebook page. The books are free to the person 
downloading them.
Now you do have to give your email to register -- but that's only to be 
sure no one is gaming the system (no junk mail is tied to giving away 
your email here). Also, while you don't have to be truthful in filling 
out the forms, truth pays off since ads are then targeted to your 

Here's my page (with links to the download site): 

Wishing you a great week!


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[Biofuel] ethanol from cellulose

2008-05-16 Thread Kirk McLoren
  fuel bit is near the end
  The termite proofing sounds great.
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[Biofuel] nifty video kinetic sculpture

2008-05-16 Thread Kirk McLoren
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[Biofuel] why calorie reduction extends lifespan

2008-05-16 Thread Kirk McLoren
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[Biofuel] Lehman Bros. Report: Oil Bust in the Cards

2008-05-12 Thread Kirk McLoren
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[Biofuel] ask a bootlegger

2008-05-08 Thread Kirk McLoren
  [ Posted on May 8, 2008]   
  Novice User 

   If they want to make alcohol, they should ask a bootlegger.  
Corn works well but not the way they are trying to do it.  Much more sugar can 
be excracted if they use the whole plant, and harvest before the ears 
complete,but they can't use their giant machines to do this so they only use 
part.  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

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Re: [Biofuel] Fascists at it again

2008-05-05 Thread Kirk McLoren
Good URL Andy. Everyone should look at it.
  Most politicians seem to be a sick breed of cat. Power mad sociopaths. How 
they can be so toxic and not even have a hint of their pathology is beyond me.

Andy Karpay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  For "some reason" Wikipedia definition of fascism has lost its references to
merging corporatism with the state (it's what I don't like about Wikipedia).
However, some common threads can be seen here.

14 Points of fascism: The warning signs

.The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin
of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and
possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power
in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone 
--- Benito Mussolini

The fascist rat bags who think themselves our betters are now promoting
their pharma income. The state is a myth. Mussolini got what all good
fascists deserve. Basically these people will rule you into the ground if
you let them

Chip Mefford wrote:
Was that fascist as in /extreme/ nationalism?
Or is that fascist as in pejorative label applied
to things we don't like, without any real definition
or meaning?

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Re: [Biofuel] Fascists at it again

2008-05-04 Thread Kirk McLoren
The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of 
liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly 
harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this 
question cannot be the individual, but the State alone 
  --- Benito Mussolini
  The fascist rat bags who think themselves our betters are now promoting their 
pharma income. The state is a myth. Mussolini got what all good fascists 
deserve. Basically these people will rule you into the ground if you let them

Chip Mefford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Was that fascist as in /extreme/ nationalism?
Or is that fascist as in pejorative label applied
to things we don't like, without any real definition
or meaning?

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[Biofuel] (no subject)

2008-05-01 Thread Kirk McLoren
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[Biofuel] Dumb as We Wanna Be

2008-04-30 Thread Kirk McLoren


Op-Ed Columnist, NYT

Dumb as We Wanna Be


Published: April 30, 2008

It is great to see that we finally have some national unity on energy 
policy. Unfortunately, the unifying idea is so ridiculous, so unworthy 
of the people aspiring to lead our nation, it takes your breath away. 
Hillary Clinton has decided to line up with John McCain in pushing to 
suspend the federal excise tax on gasoline, 18.4 cents a gallon, for 
this summer's travel season. This is not an energy policy. This is money 
laundering: we borrow money from China and ship it to Saudi Arabia and 
take a little cut for ourselves as it goes through our gas tanks. What a 
way to build our country.

Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times

Thomas L. Friedman

When the summer is over, we will have increased our debt to China, 
increased our transfer of wealth to Saudi Arabia and increased our 
contribution to global warming for our kids to inherit.

No, no, no, we'll just get the money by taxing Big Oil, says Mrs. 
Clinton. Even if you could do that, what a terrible way to spend 
precious tax dollars --- burning it up on the way to the beach rather 
than on innovation?

The McCain-Clinton gas holiday proposal is a perfect example of what 
energy expert Peter Schwartz of Global Business Network describes as the 
true American energy policy today: "Maximize demand, minimize supply and 
buy the rest from the people who hate us the most."

Good for Barack Obama for resisting this shameful pandering.

But here's what's scary: our problem is so much worse than you think. We 
have no energy strategy. If you are going to use tax policy to shape 
energy strategy then you want to raise taxes on the things you want to 
discourage --- gasoline consumption and gas-guzzling cars --- and you 
want to lower taxes on the things you want to encourage --- new, 
renewable energy technologies. We are doing just the opposite.

Are you sitting down?

Few Americans know it, but for almost a year now, Congress has been 
bickering over whether and how to renew the investment tax credit to 
stimulate investment in solar energy and the production tax credit to 
encourage investment in wind energy. The bickering has been so poisonous 
that when Congress passed the 2007 energy bill last December, it failed 
to extend any stimulus for wind and solar energy production. Oil and gas 
kept all their credits, but those for wind and solar have been left to 
expire this December. I am not making this up. At a time when we should 
be throwing everything into clean power innovation, we are squabbling 
over pennies.

These credits are critical because they ensure that if oil prices slip 
back down again --- which often happens --- investments in wind and 
solar would still be profitable. That's how you launch a new energy 
technology and help it achieve scale, so it can compete without subsidies.

The Democrats wanted the wind and solar credits to be paid for by taking 
away tax credits from the oil industry. President Bush said he would 
veto that. Neither side would back down, and Mr. Bush --- showing not 
one iota of leadership --- refused to get all the adults together in a 
room and work out a compromise. Stalemate. Meanwhile, Germany has a 
20-year solar incentive program; Japan 12 years. Ours, at best, run two 

"It's a disaster," says Michael Polsky, founder of Invenergy, one of the 
biggest wind-power developers in America. "Wind is a very 
capital-intensive industry, and financial institutions are not ready to 
take 'Congressional risk.' They say if you don't get the [production tax 
credit] we will not lend you the money to buy more turbines and build 

It is also alarming, says Rhone Resch, the president of the Solar Energy 
Industries Association, that the U.S. has reached a point "where the 
priorities of Congress could become so distorted by politics" that it 
would turn its back on the next great global industry --- clean power 
--- "but that's exactly what is happening." If the wind and solar 
credits expire, said Resch, the impact in just 2009 would be more than 
100,000 jobs either lost or not created in these industries, and $20 
billion worth of investments that won't be made.

While all the presidential candidates were railing about lost 
manufacturing jobs in Ohio, no one noticed that America's premier solar 
company, First Solar, from Toledo, Ohio, was opening its newest factory 
in the former East Germany --- 540 high-paying engineering jobs --- 
because Germany has created a booming solar market and America has not.

In 1997, said Resch, America was the leader in solar energy technology, 
with 40 percent of global solar production. "Last year, we were less 
than 8 percent, and even most of that was manufacturing for overseas 

The McCain-Clinton proposal is a reminder to me that the biggest energy 
crisis we have in our country today is the energy to be serious --- the 
energy to do big things in a s

Re: [Biofuel] New Legislation Calls for Government Ownership of DNA

2008-04-30 Thread Kirk McLoren
no -the author is the source. dont be ridiculous. Just because Unruh collected 
it alters nothing.

Chris Burck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  yes, and at the bottom bob unruh is cited as the source.

On 4/30/08, Kirk McLoren wrote:
> it was written by B Minton
> Chris Burck wrote: hmmm. bob unruh is not what i
> would call the most reliable source.
> for example, could chris dodd, in the cited quote, have been talking
> about, or in the context of the dna non-discrimination act that some
> lawmakers were so urgently trying to pass last week? mind you, a dna
> privacy law would be better. . . .
> On 4/30/08, Kirk McLoren wrote:
> > They are truly truly out of control. Who do they think they are? What a
> > collection of egotistical sociopaths
> > Kirk
> >
> >
> > http://www.naturalnews.com/z023126.html New Legislation Calls for
> > Government Ownership of DNAby Barbara L. Minton (see all articles by this
> > author)
> >
> >
> > (NaturalNews) An article published in the April 4, 2008 issue of World Net
> > Daily outlines a plan that has state and federal governments staking claim
> > to the ownership of every newborn's DNA in perpetuity. This Orwellian like
> > plan is advancing under the radar of most privacy rights activists, as
> well
> > as that of most people. It would turn the U.S. citizenry into an enormous
> > pool of subjects for involuntary scientific experiments, claims one
> > organization alarmed over the issue.
> >
> > "We are considered guinea pigs, as opposed to human beings with rights,"
> > according to Twila Brase, president of the Citizen's Council on Health
> Care,
> > a Minnesota based organization. "The Senate just voted to strip citizens
> of
> > parental rights, privacy rights, patient rights and DNA property rights.
> > They voted to make every citizen a research subject of the state
> government
> > starting at birth," she said. "They voted to let the government create
> > genetic profiles of every citizen without their consent."
> >
> > Brase warned that the ultimate outcome of such DNA databases could spark
> the
> > next wave of demands for eugenics, the science of improving the human race
> > through the control of various inherited traits. The founder of Planned
> > Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, who brought us the message of "choice" about
> > reproductive freedom, was one of the original advocates of eugenics to
> cull
> > from the population people considered unfit.
> >
> > In 1921 Sanger said that eugenics is "the most adequate and thorough
> avenue
> > to the solution of racial, political and social problems". She later
> > lamented "the ever increasing, unceasingly spawning of human beings who
> > never should have been born at all".
> >
> > Minnesota lawmakers recently endorsed a proposal that would exempt
> > stockpiles of DNA information already collected from every newborn from
> any
> > type of consent requirements. If approved, researchers would be able to
> > utilize the DNA of more than 780,000 Minnesota children for whatever
> > research project they have in mind, according to Brase.
> >
> > The DNA of every newborn will be collected at birth and "warehoused in a
> > state genomic biobank, and given away to genetic researchers without
> > parental consent, or in adulthood, without the individual's consent.
> > Already, the health department reports that 42,210 children have been
> > subjected to genetic research without their consent," Brase told World Net
> > Daily.
> >
> > Although Brase works with Minnesota issues, similar laws, rules and
> > regulations are already in use across the country. Lists of the various
> > statutes or regulatory provisions under which the newborns' DNA is
> collected
> > for all 50 states and the District of Columbia, can be found in The
> National
> > Conference of State Legislatures.
> >
> > These programs are the result of "screening" requirements for the
> detection
> > of treatable illnesses. Senator Chris Dodd, D-Conn., wants to turn these
> > programs into a consolidated national effort. "Fortunately, some newborn
> > screening occurs in every state but fewer than half of the states
> including
> > Connecticut actually test for all disorders that are detectable,"
> according
> > to Dodd who sees this legislation as providing resources for states to
> > expand their newborn screening programs.
> >
> > The problem of all this for Brase is that &qu

Re: [Biofuel] New Legislation Calls for Government Ownership of DNA

2008-04-30 Thread Kirk McLoren
it was written by B Minton

Chris Burck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  hmmm. bob unruh is not what i would 
call the most reliable source.
for example, could chris dodd, in the cited quote, have been talking
about, or in the context of the dna non-discrimination act that some
lawmakers were so urgently trying to pass last week? mind you, a dna
privacy law would be better. . . .

On 4/30/08, Kirk McLoren wrote:
> They are truly truly out of control. Who do they think they are? What a
> collection of egotistical sociopaths
> Kirk
> http://www.naturalnews.com/z023126.html New Legislation Calls for
> Government Ownership of DNAby Barbara L. Minton (see all articles by this
> author)
> (NaturalNews) An article published in the April 4, 2008 issue of World Net
> Daily outlines a plan that has state and federal governments staking claim
> to the ownership of every newborn's DNA in perpetuity. This Orwellian like
> plan is advancing under the radar of most privacy rights activists, as well
> as that of most people. It would turn the U.S. citizenry into an enormous
> pool of subjects for involuntary scientific experiments, claims one
> organization alarmed over the issue.
> "We are considered guinea pigs, as opposed to human beings with rights,"
> according to Twila Brase, president of the Citizen's Council on Health Care,
> a Minnesota based organization. "The Senate just voted to strip citizens of
> parental rights, privacy rights, patient rights and DNA property rights.
> They voted to make every citizen a research subject of the state government
> starting at birth," she said. "They voted to let the government create
> genetic profiles of every citizen without their consent."
> Brase warned that the ultimate outcome of such DNA databases could spark the
> next wave of demands for eugenics, the science of improving the human race
> through the control of various inherited traits. The founder of Planned
> Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, who brought us the message of "choice" about
> reproductive freedom, was one of the original advocates of eugenics to cull
> from the population people considered unfit.
> In 1921 Sanger said that eugenics is "the most adequate and thorough avenue
> to the solution of racial, political and social problems". She later
> lamented "the ever increasing, unceasingly spawning of human beings who
> never should have been born at all".
> Minnesota lawmakers recently endorsed a proposal that would exempt
> stockpiles of DNA information already collected from every newborn from any
> type of consent requirements. If approved, researchers would be able to
> utilize the DNA of more than 780,000 Minnesota children for whatever
> research project they have in mind, according to Brase.
> The DNA of every newborn will be collected at birth and "warehoused in a
> state genomic biobank, and given away to genetic researchers without
> parental consent, or in adulthood, without the individual's consent.
> Already, the health department reports that 42,210 children have been
> subjected to genetic research without their consent," Brase told World Net
> Daily.
> Although Brase works with Minnesota issues, similar laws, rules and
> regulations are already in use across the country. Lists of the various
> statutes or regulatory provisions under which the newborns' DNA is collected
> for all 50 states and the District of Columbia, can be found in The National
> Conference of State Legislatures.
> These programs are the result of "screening" requirements for the detection
> of treatable illnesses. Senator Chris Dodd, D-Conn., wants to turn these
> programs into a consolidated national effort. "Fortunately, some newborn
> screening occurs in every state but fewer than half of the states including
> Connecticut actually test for all disorders that are detectable," according
> to Dodd who sees this legislation as providing resources for states to
> expand their newborn screening programs.
> The problem of all this for Brase is that "researchers already are looking
> for genes related to violence, crime, and different behaviors... This isn't
> just about diabetes, asthma and cancer," she said. "It's also about
> behavioral issues. In England they decided they should have doctors looking
> for problem children, and have those children reported, and their DNA taken
> in case they would become criminals."
> A senior police forensics expert believes that genetic samples should be
> studied because identification of potential criminals as young as age 5 may
> be identified, according to a UK published report. "If we have

[Biofuel] Fascists at it again

2008-04-30 Thread Kirk McLoren
  April 27, 2008
   Print this article
  Bills C51& C52 - More Regulations To Protect Us Of Course  Categories
  Control tactics

  Health through Nutrition

  Practical Health

  Take Action

  The Nature of Government

  The House of Commons Standing Committee on Health decided by way of a motion 
on January 29, 2008, to devote a full meeting for the purpose of hearing from 
various stakeholders on the subject of natural health products.
The session will take place on Thursday, May 8, 2008, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., 
on Parliament Hill.  Presenters at the meeting are asked to speak for a maximum 
of five minutes, to be followed by a series of questions from members of the 

Trueman Tuck of The Canadian Coalition for Health Freedom [CCHF] will be there 
along with others to stop these bills. The current status of the bill is 
provided by him below:  

Bill C-51 and 52 are tentatively scheduled for second reading today or 
tomorrow, and as a result of all of our efforts I believe there is a good 
possibility this vote will be delayed until at least Wednesday PM this week.
There are four scenarios that are the 80% plus possibility;
[a] The Bilderbergers and other Globalist? Shadow Rulers? will force the two 
bills through the second reading and into the Standing Committee on Health, 
which I am scheduled to speak to on May 8th 2008 on all of our behalf. This 
means in order to do that all of our supporters within the Conservative party 
will be whipped into submission clearing clarifying the end of Parliamentary, 
Constitutional Rule of British Law Democracy in Canada,
[b] The vote will be delayed for a while in order to try and quell the caucus 
unrest, and may or may note come back in the same form or at all,
[c] The bill will not pass second reading if the Conservatives have a free vote 
and other parties do the same.
[d] The bill will pass second reading even with a Conservative free vote 
because of the other party?s whipped support.
Please renew your members and pledge new monthly funding in order to provide 
our team with the resources to see our efforts though.
I have spoken to our Ottawa friends today and will keep all of you updated day 
by day in this critical week of developments.
Yours for Fundamental Justice,


"Ever wonder who actually makes our laws and regulations such as the NAFTA, the 
Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) and whole host of 
others? Why these suddenly appear from thin air? Certainly the constituents 
don't generally make them! More often than not, there is no public 
consultation, input or pressure. These laws and regulations are mostly done in 
secrecy. Why the secrecy if the public is being represented for some perceived 
benefit? These laws and regulations are primarily made by private interests. 
These then are then the real law makers." 

Extracted from: Corrupt to the Core - Memoirs of a Health Canada Scientist - 
Bill 517: GE Labeling

This is yet another striking, if not blatant, example of how and why our laws 
are made. And should leave no doubt on the adroit use of governments by the 
industry to harvest the masses to their end.   

Remember: "Most of the violence committed by "governments" against innocent, 
non-combatant civilians has been against "their citizens, not external 

"Bills such as C-51 are but thinly disguised  variations on  Nazi Germany's 
1933 Enabling Act which removed Parliamentary decision making and oversight 
from national legislation. Stated in its simplest terms, these bills are 
intended to replace democratic representative government with un-elected, 
closed-door decision making which will bind all citizens. We are witnessing the 
transformation of North American democratic government into oligarchic tyranny. 
Will Canadian citizens wake up in time?.. ..Ken Adachi] "

>From Kenn d'Oudney, The Democracy Defined Campaign April 27, 2008 

Ask your MP why the government is so preoccupied with the generally non toxic 
nutritional health products and therapeutic goods given that: 

  "In the Canadian context, MP Colin Carrie stated on March 9, 2005 in 
parliament that just allergies from peanuts alone result in approximately 5 to 
10 deaths in Canada each year. By comparison, since 1960 not one death in 
Canada has been attributed to a natural health product.

A tablespoon dose of salt or cayenne is far more dangerous than a tablespoon 
dose of say vitamin C or a magnesium supplement! I invite those who don't agree 
to try this on themselves!

Dietary Supplements are the most benign segment of foods and should have never 
been separated to begin with! Bill C420 will restore these to their original 
rightful food category.

It is abundantly clear that nutritional supplements are far far safer than 
foods let alone drugs. Hence, why the urgency and insistence to regulate them? 

In a new book, Death by Modern Medicine, Dr. Carolyn Dean rep

[Biofuel] Unintended GMO Health Risks

2008-04-30 Thread Kirk McLoren


Does Monsanto actually produce anything that is health enhancing rather than 
health degrading? It seems to be the prime example of warped
technology and junk science that's being foisted on us through its political 
payoffs. What actually is Monsanto's mission? 

Spilling the Beans, March 2008   
Subscribe to e-newsletter Spilling the Beans 
  Donations Matched for April
A challenge grant will match donations and memberships to our Institute (up to 
a total of $1500). We welcome your support in our efforts to stop the genetic 
engineering of the food supply. Click here to donate and/or become a member. 
  This month’s Spilling the Beans features a new pamphlet on the health risks 
of GMOs. To view a PDF of our new handout, click here. The unformatted text of 
the pamphlet is reproduced below with references added. It is also available on 
our site, click here. 
  The Institute has copies of the brochure available in bundles of 50, selling 
for just above our cost, click here. For large or custom print runs, please 
  For a more in-depth look at 65 health risks of GM foods, excerpted from 
Jeffrey Smith's comprehensive new book Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health 
Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods, click here.
  Unintended GMO Health Risks [I wonder if the  negative effects to health are 
really unintended and not part of the population
culling program. GMOs certainly fulfill the requirement of killing a lot of 
people in a very stealthy way as do aspartame, rBGH, vaccinations, chemtrails, 
prescription drugs, silver amalgams, etc.]

  Genetically modified foods:
  YES, you are already eating them.
NO, they are not safe to eat.
  Did you know... since 1996 Americans have been eating genetically modified 
(GM) ingredients in most processed foods.
  Did you know... GM plants, such as soybean, corn, cottonseed, and canola have 
had foreign genes forced into their DNA. And the inserted genes come from 
species, such as bacteria and viruses, that have never been in the human food 
  Did you know... genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are not safe. They have 
been linked to thousands of toxic and allergenic reactions, thousands of sick, 
sterile, and dead livestock, and damage to virtually every organ and system 
studied in lab animals.
  Find out what the risks are and start protecting yourself and your family 
  Why isn’t the FDA protecting us?
  In 1992, the Food and Drug Administration claimed that they had no 
information showing that GM foods were substantially different from 
conventionally grown foods and therefore were safe to eat. But internal memos 
made public by a lawsuit reveal that their position was staged by political 
appointees under orders from the White House to promote GMOs. FDA scientists, 
on the other hand, warned that GMOs can create unpredictable, hard-to-detect 
side effects, including allergies, toxins, new diseases, and nutritional 
problems. They urged long term safety studies, but were ignored.[1] The FDA 
does not require any safety evaluations for GMOs. Instead, biotech companies, 
who have been found guilty of hiding toxic effects of their chemical products, 
are now in charge of determining whether their GM foods are safe. (The FDA 
official in charge of creating this policy was Michael Taylor, Monsanto’s 
former attorney and later their vice president.)
  Although these biotech companies participate in a voluntary consultation 
process with the FDA, it is a meaningless exercise. The summaries of the 
superficial research they submit cannot identify most of the health risks of 
  Genetic modification is radically different from natural breeding
  In contrast to the statements of biotech advocates, FDA scientists and others 
affirm that genetic modification is not just an extension of the conventional 
breeding techniques that have been used by farmers for millennia. Genetic 
engineering transfers genes across natural species barriers, using imprecise 
laboratory techniques that bear no resemblance to natural breeding. 
Furthermore, the technology is based on outdated concepts of how genes and 
cells work.[3]
  Widespread, unpredictable changes
  Gene insertion is done either by shooting genes from a “gene gun” into a 
plate of cells or by using bacteria to invade the cell with foreign DNA. The 
altered cell is then cloned into a plant. These processes create massive 
collateral damage, causing mutations in hundreds or thousands of locations 
throughout the plant’s DNA.[4] Natural genes can be deleted or permanently 
turned on or off, and hundreds may change their levels of expression.[5]
  In addition: 
The inserted gene is often rearranged;[6] 
It may transfer from the food into our body’s cells or into the DNA of bacteria 
inside us;[7] and 
The GM protein produced by the gene may have unintended properties or effects. 
  GM foods on the market
  The primary reason

[Biofuel] New Legislation Calls for Government Ownership of DNA

2008-04-30 Thread Kirk McLoren
They are truly truly out of control. Who do they think they are?  What a 
collection of egotistical sociopaths
  http://www.naturalnews.com/z023126.html  New Legislation Calls for Government 
Ownership of DNAby Barbara L. Minton (see all articles by this author)

(NaturalNews) An article published in the April 4, 2008 issue of World Net 
Daily outlines a plan that has state and federal governments staking claim to 
the ownership of every newborn's DNA in perpetuity. This Orwellian like plan is 
advancing under the radar of most privacy rights activists, as well as that of 
most people. It would turn the U.S. citizenry into an enormous pool of subjects 
for involuntary scientific experiments, claims one organization alarmed over 
the issue.

"We are considered guinea pigs, as opposed to human beings with rights," 
according to Twila Brase, president of the Citizen's Council on Health Care, a 
Minnesota based organization. "The Senate just voted to strip citizens of 
parental rights, privacy rights, patient rights and DNA property rights. They 
voted to make every citizen a research subject of the state government starting 
at birth," she said. "They voted to let the government create genetic profiles 
of every citizen without their consent."

Brase warned that the ultimate outcome of such DNA databases could spark the 
next wave of demands for eugenics, the science of improving the human race 
through the control of various inherited traits. The founder of Planned 
Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, who brought us the message of "choice" about 
reproductive freedom, was one of the original advocates of eugenics to cull 
from the population people considered unfit.

In 1921 Sanger said that eugenics is "the most adequate and thorough avenue to 
the solution of racial, political and social problems". She later lamented "the 
ever increasing, unceasingly spawning of human beings who never should have 
been born at all".

Minnesota lawmakers recently endorsed a proposal that would exempt stockpiles 
of DNA information already collected from every newborn from any type of 
consent requirements. If approved, researchers would be able to utilize the DNA 
of more than 780,000 Minnesota children for whatever research project they have 
in mind, according to Brase.

The DNA of every newborn will be collected at birth and "warehoused in a state 
genomic biobank, and given away to genetic researchers without parental 
consent, or in adulthood, without the individual's consent. Already, the health 
department reports that 42,210 children have been subjected to genetic research 
without their consent," Brase told World Net Daily.

Although Brase works with Minnesota issues, similar laws, rules and regulations 
are already in use across the country. Lists of the various statutes or 
regulatory provisions under which the newborns' DNA is collected for all 50 
states and the District of Columbia, can be found in The National Conference of 
State Legislatures.

These programs are the result of "screening" requirements for the detection of 
treatable illnesses. Senator Chris Dodd, D-Conn., wants to turn these programs 
into a consolidated national effort. "Fortunately, some newborn screening 
occurs in every state but fewer than half of the states including Connecticut 
actually test for all disorders that are detectable," according to Dodd who 
sees this legislation as providing resources for states to expand their newborn 
screening programs.

The problem of all this for Brase is that "researchers already are looking for 
genes related to violence, crime, and different behaviors... This isn't just 
about diabetes, asthma and cancer," she said. "It's also about behavioral 
issues. In England they decided they should have doctors looking for problem 
children, and have those children reported, and their DNA taken in case they 
would become criminals."

A senior police forensics expert believes that genetic samples should be 
studied because identification of potential criminals as young as age 5 may be 
identified, according to a UK published report. "If we have a primary means of 
identifying people before they offend, then in the long-term the benefits of 
targeting younger people are extremely large," according to Gary Pugh, director 
of forensics at Scotland Yard. "You could argue the younger the better. 
Criminologists say some people will grow out of crime; others won't. We have to 
find who are possibly going to be the biggest threats to society."

The UK database is already the largest in Europe with 4.5 million genetic 
samples, but activists want it expanded. Costs and logistics make it impossible 
right now to demand everyone provide a DNA sample, Pugh said.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is being suggested for targeted children from 5-12 
in the UK, says the Institute for Public Policy Research. Pugh has suggested 
adding children to this database in primary schools, even if they have not 


Re: [Biofuel] Vaporized gasoline engines workasproventotheworldbyShell Oil Company in 1973

2008-04-29 Thread Kirk McLoren
Talk about grasping at straws.
  The most efficient conversion would be at the highest temperature. It is , 
after all, a HEAT engine. Unfortunately we have no commercial materials that 
can withstand a stoichiometric mix. An engine run with a stoichiometric mix 
first burns the exhaust valves and if it runs long enough devours the pistons 
as well. Hitlers boys researched an engine that ran red hot but never got it 
out of the lab.
  The best practical engine I know of is a Bourke. The Experimental Aircraft 
Association had and perhaps still publishes a paper about it. Had 50:1 
compression for those that understand why.

Mike Pelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Mike Pelly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 11:41 PM
To: 'sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org'
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Vaporized gasoline engines
workasproventotheworldbyShell Oil Company in 1973

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Zeke Yewdall
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 11:50 AM
To: sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Vaporized gasoline engines
workasproventotheworldbyShell Oil Company in 1973

A good ICE engine might turn one third of the input energy to mechanical
energy, one third to heat rejected to the water jacket, and one third to
heat in the exhaust stream.

This is a good point, thanks for helping me make my point. If a significant
portion of the heat going to the exhaust system and the water jacket instead
went to heating up the gasoline in the heat exchanger to a vaporous state,
than we now can see where some of the increased work used to increase the
vehicles fuel mileage is coming from. It's been a while since I studied the
Carnot cycle but am I right in remembering that the closer one can bring the
incoming temperature to that of the outgoing temperature, the more efficient
the cycle becomes? That is basically what happens when your robbing exhaust
heat to heat the gasoline in the heat exchanger/exhaust manifold. The other
thing that happens is that the vaporous gasoline has a much easier time
mixing with the in coming air in the intake manifold. Far better than liquid
gasoline sprayed in at ambient temperatures.

If we use a 100kW
(mechanical) engine (about 130HP), that means that it is also giving out
100kW of heat to the exhaust, and 100kW to the cooling water.
Would that not mean it is now a 300kW?3 times 100?

If it is indeed possible to double the efficiency of the engine by burning
unburned hydrocarbons, then we must assume that we have 100kW of energy in
unburned hydrocarbons leaving the tailpipe as well. If all of that is
burned in the catalytic converter, it would have to dissipate 100kW of heat,
or send it off as an even hotter exhaust stream. In addition to the 100kW
of waste heat sent off in the exhaust stream already. I just question
whether the average cat is capable of dissipating 100kW of heat without
getting seriously hot -- not just the 1500F or so that they run, but 4000F
or such... Think about a regular stove burner which manages to get to
3,000F with just 1500 watts of heat. I don't have the numbers to prove this


On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 12:36 PM, Mike Pelly 
> You don't think cats are hot? Put your finger on one sometime and than 
> let me know what you think. They have shields all over them for a good
> They are very efficient at re-burning the hydrocarbon rich exhaust 
> but why are we not working to improve vehicle fuel effeciency by 
> burning this fuel properly the first time?
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Zeke Yewdall
> Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 10:21 AM
> To: sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Vaporized gasoline engines work
> asproventotheworldbyShell Oil Company in 1973
> > The
> > biggest problem in their logic is that if the catalytic converter
> > really was burning off a large percentage of unburned hydrocarbons
> in > the exhaust, it would have to be dissipating enormous amounts 
> of heat > -- and though they do run hot, they don't dissipate an 
> equal amount > of heat to the rest of the engine. Therefore, there 
> simply is not > that much unburned hydrocarbons to double the gas 
> mileage of a car > simply by increasing the combustion efficiency 
> (either by hydrogen > injection or gasoline vaporization or whatever).
> > I do not have a clue what point you are trying to make. Can you 
> take > another stab at this one?
> I think you've just made my point for me. When I bring it up the 
> first law of thermodynamics as a potential argument for why what you 
> are proposing won't work, you don't understand it. Unless you can 
> show me where I've drawn the energy boundries in my model in the 
> wrong place, I simply don't think it's possible -- if regular 
> automobiles were sending a

Re: [Biofuel] Vaporized gasoline engines work asproventotheworldbyShell Oil Company in 1973

2008-04-28 Thread Kirk McLoren

the book of records efforts that were described to me used:
   accelerate modestly to 30 turn engine off and coast to 10. Unusable 
technique in the real world
Mike Pelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I guess we don't know Zeke and we never will if you have anything to do with
it. Zeke it's 376MPG not 76, not 100mpg, not 200mpg. It's all those numbers
added up. Please show me somewhere where you have seen gas mileage
acheivements close to that number from a conventional car by, body
arodynamics, weight reduction and slow steady speeds. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Zeke Yewdall
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 10:32 AM
To: sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Vaporized gasoline engines work
asproventotheworldbyShell Oil Company in 1973

On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 11:02 AM, Mike Pelly 

> As a mpg stunt, it's quite impressive, but as a scientific 
> experiment, it is unfortuneately not that useful on a quantitative 
> basis for designing more efficient cars.
> Not if you don't want it to be. Do You want it to be Zeke?

Uh... it doesn't really matter whether or not I want it to be the
article did not give numbers for what percent of the efficiency gain came
from the different sources, so we can't really decided what is most
important when designing a superefficient car. For example, if they'd run
the regular opel around with the vaporized gasoline system for a while and
gotten MPG numbers, then lightened it and gotten more MPG numbers, then
changed the drive system and got some more numbers, then did the slow
uniform speed test and got some more numbers... then we could have some idea
of how much each item contributed. Without more detailed tests like that,
we can only conjecture at how much each item contributed. What if the
lightening of it contributed a doubling of economy, and the vaporized gas
system only increased it another 20%? We just don't know...

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Re: [Biofuel] Vaporized gasoline engines work as proventotheworldby Shell Oil Company in 1973

2008-04-28 Thread Kirk McLoren
why would you drive a diesel when it is inferior to your brilliant discovery?

Mike Pelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I drive a diesel. The work I did on vaporized gasoline carburation ended in
1992 when I wrote the paper http://www.ByronWine.com/files/1992%20vapor.pdf
.. If you read that paper than you'll see my recommendation for this
technology is on a 'Prius' type hybrid electric car or a stationary
generator. Read the paper and you'll understand my reasoning for this. I
publish the paper here so others will be inspired to work on this technology
as well and push it further. The timing for now is because of the
collaborating and well documented proof by Shell Oil company with their 1973
project http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/351903_needle20.html that got
376 MPGs and came to the light again recently after 35 years of being tucked
away in some garage.

---Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Zeke Yewdall
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 9:49 AM
To: sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Vaporized gasoline engines work as proventotheworldby
Shell Oil Company in 1973

On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Mike Pelly 

> quit your pompous pontificating.

Can you please send information on the car that you drive, and what you have
done to it to improve the efficiency, and what sort of average mpg you are
getting from it?


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Re: [Biofuel] Vaporized gasoline engines work as proventotheworldby Shell Oil Company in 1973

2008-04-28 Thread Kirk McLoren
Just how many kW Hrs are in a gallon of gas Mike?
  These boys 
  say 37.
  Even at 10 times that - you are going to roll an Opel a mile on a kWHr let 
alone 10 miles?
  I bet you will be touting perpetual motion next.
  This is a serious list mike. Enough of these opium dreams.

Mike Pelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sorry you had a hard time following the links Zeke, mayby your just not
interested in reading what your finding out, for one reaon or another. Here
are the links once again. I did check for you to make sure they worked.
There might have been too many words there for you to read and I apologize
for that but getting educated is sometimes a hard thing to do. 

http://www.ByronWine.com/files/1992%20vapor.pdf includes all the information
one would ever need to design and build a vaporized gasoline fuel system.

The 1959 Opel that got 376 MPGs back in 1973 and reported in the Febuary
20, 2008 'Seattle PI' newspaper is found at this link;

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Zeke Yewdall
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2008 8:57 PM
To: sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Vaporized gasoline engines work as proventotheworldby
Shell Oil Company in 1973

On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 9:43 PM, Mike Pelly 
> come up with a solid
> reason why Shell Oil was able to get 376MPGs (>7 times prius milage) 
> back in 1973.

Were they? When I followed that link, I got a one page pdf which only
seemed to contain the title page and endmost page of a paper... but it
stated that they thought a 50% fuel efficiency improvement was possible --
of which 20% was from engine design changes -- reasonable, but, this is alot
different than 376 mpg.

Also, byronwine.com includes a bunch of stuff about running engines on
water, which seriously hurts their credibility as a purveyor of actual
information, unless someone can explain to me how the second law of
thermodynamics allows extracting energy from water... even the websites on
running your car on water can't get their chemistry right
-- calling the mixture of hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) gas generated by
electrolysis HHO gas, as if they don't realize the difference between ions
and molecules. Not saying that everything on there is bunk just because one
thing is, but it doesn't lend credibility to the site.


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Re: [Biofuel] Vaporized gasoline engines work as proven to theworldby Shell Oil Company in 1973

2008-04-27 Thread Kirk McLoren
I said propane is completely vaporised. You dont get 200 mpg with a propane 
  Stop talking rubbish. 

Mike Pelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Are we talking about the hydrocarbon content on a honda before or
after the catalytic converter? There is a big difference. The cat does a
great job cleaning up the exhaust by re-burning this fuel after it has gone
through engine combustion. This does nothing towards working to push the car
down the road. This is a waste of energy!
Again study propane, Propane turns from a liquid to a gasious state
at 143F degrees Below zero. When it is in a pressurized tank the tank
pressure is 172PSI when ambient air temperature is 100F degrees. 
Gasoline on the other hand does not completely vaporized unless it
is heated to 300F to 400F degrees. Where is the disconnect here for you
Kirk? Shell Oil was able to prove this technology back in 1973. Have you
read my paper or any of the others at wwwByronWine.com or do you just
believe whatever party line (lie) your fed? Do your own research and come
back with some rebuttals with substance please.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Kirk McLoren
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2008 11:26 AM
To: sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Vaporized gasoline engines work as proven to
theworldby Shell Oil Company in 1973

As you said - study propane. Doesnt get more vaporized than that. Running up
to 35 mph and cutting the engine off and coasting to 10 and restarting the
engine doesnt impress me either as NO ONE commutes to work that way. Just
what do you think the unburned hydrocarbon content of for example a honda
engine is? 
Eco-Marathon Team Hits 2,843 mpg 

But - it has little relevance to everyday life.
Carnot had a little bit to say about the reality of fantastic claims. Only
so much energy in a gallon - even in a fuel cell which trumps your
combustion engine.


Mike Pelly wrote:
"Modern engines combust quite well"?, than why the unburned hydrocarbons
out the tailpipe and the need for catalytic converters? And was Shell Oil
only blowing a whole lot of smoke back in 1973 when they were able to
stretch 376 MPGs out of that 1959 Opel? Sorry Kirk but your going to have to
do a better job than that to dispel this one. 
I know we have been getting fed a whole lot of bunk about this by the oil
and auto companies since back 70 years ago when Charles Pogue first made
this advancement famous but these are different times we are living in.
Lets quit the BS'ing and take all measures we have available to address our
Global Climate Change problem. Either attempt to re-enact this experiment
yourself or shut up already and quit doing the bidding for the oil
companies. It's real get over it. Vaporized gasoline mixes much more
completely with air than sprayed liquid gasoline. Heating gasoline
sufficiently turns it to a vapor. If you don't believe this than study
propane carburation. Same thing just a few hundred degrees difference in

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Kirk McLoren
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2008 7:12 AM
To: sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Vaporized gasoline engines work as proven to theworld
by Shell Oil Company in 1973

The level of unburned hydrocarbons in the exhaust tells you beyond a shadow
of a doubt whether more perfect combustion can help. Period- the end. No
amount of claims and mouse milk can alter this fact - which should be
intuitively obvious. Modern engines combust quite well.


John Mullan wrote:
How does one vaporize all the different components in today's gasoline? 
Don't all those additives and stuff complicate the situation?


Mike Pelly wrote:
> We did tests on Vaporized Gasoline carburation on a datsun/nissan 510 
> and the gas milage results were not all that impressive. We were not 
> able to do any kind of test on a track or somewhere where we could 
> drive flat and straight on a carefully measured amount of gas. In our 
> estimate on our most careful test at the time (1992), we ended up 
> getting about 35mpg on a car that normally got about 28.
> When doing this test we had (at times) everything dialed in and were 
> able to maintain the proper temperatures and the "Exhaust smelled 
> exactly like the exhaust from a Propane Powered Vehicle" (this car did 
> not have any cataletic converter on it either.
> Other times while doing this same test, we did not have our 
> temperatures correct and the car was belching copious amounts of black 
> exhaust (unburned
> gasoline) and was running like crap.
> In writing my original paper back in 1992 I recommended this 
> technology would work best in a toyota prius type 'hybrid-electric'
> car (this wa

Re: [Biofuel] Vaporized gasoline engines work as proven to the world by Shell Oil Company in 1973

2008-04-27 Thread Kirk McLoren
Same reason JPL abandoned the hydrogen assist to complete combustion. Some of 
the gas was cracked to make hydrogen to propagate flame when the gasoline was 
too lean to burn by itself. You get lots of crud quickly.

Mike Pelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Most all of the components do vaporized given enough heat. We heated to
about 300F degrees but did find some nasty looking residues still remaining
in the trap afterwards. Always was curious as to what these were. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
John Mullan
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2008 4:30 AM
To: sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Vaporized gasoline engines work as proven to the
world by Shell Oil Company in 1973

How does one vaporize all the different components in today's gasoline? 
Don't all those additives and stuff complicate the situation?


Mike Pelly wrote:
> We did tests on Vaporized Gasoline carburation on a datsun/nissan
> and the gas milage results were not all that impressive. We were not 
> able to do any kind of test on a track or somewhere where we could 
> drive flat and straight on a carefully measured amount of gas. In our 
> estimate on our most careful test at the time (1992), we ended up 
> getting about 35mpg on a car that normally got about 28.
> When doing this test we had (at times) everything dialed in and
> able to maintain the proper temperatures and the "Exhaust smelled 
> exactly like the exhaust from a Propane Powered Vehicle" (this car did 
> not have any cataletic converter on it either.
> Other times while doing this same test, we did not have our 
> temperatures correct and the car was belching copious amounts of black 
> exhaust (unburned
> gasoline) and was running like crap.
> In writing my original paper back in 1992 I recommended this 
> technology would work best in a toyota prius type 'hybrid-electric' 
> car (this was before they even were building the prius) or a 
> stationary gas powered generator. The prius type drive train would 
> work the best because it is easy to maintain an engine RPM range like 
> 2000-2500RPMs somewhere making it easyest to regulate the exhaust heat 
> and fuel pressure/volume and not have the problems we faced with a 
> conventional engine where the RPMs can continually jump from say 
> 500RMP at idle to 4000 for acceleration and back to 1000 for braking or
shifting gears, continually.
> My paper with photos and schematics is written under 'Nom de Plume'
> of, Frieda Mind and can be found at www.ByronWine.com site:
>> http://www.ByronWine.com/files/1992%20vapor.pdf the paper includes 
>> all the
> information one would ever need to design and build a vaporized 
> gasoline system for a prius type hybrid engine drivetrain.
> The affirmation for anyone who still doubts this technology, should

> come from that 1959 Opel that got 376 MPGs back in 1973 and reported 
> in the Febuary 20, 2008 'Seattle PI' newspaper found at this link;
> http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/351903_needle20.html The tests on
> this 59 Opel were sponsored by Shell Oil. Granted the car was gutted 
> of many parts and was only going 30 miles per hour on a track But it did
get 376mpg!
> not 75, 100, or 200mpg. It got 376mpgs! This is 7 times the gas milege 
> of a standard Prius, our current state of the art in drive train
> My hope is that home inventors will "Very Carefully!!!" experiment 
> with this technology and build their own versions, even if only on a 
> stationary generator and share their findings. This will help pull 
> this technology out of the locked file cases the car and oil companies 
> have held it in for too long now and out into the spot lights so we 
> can shame the car and oil companies into utilizing this technology
> We all need to take some concrete steps towards addressing Global 
> Climate Changes. This advancement would be similar to what thousands 
> of biodiesel homebrewers have been able to do over the past 10 years 
> in making biodiesel a product consumers are now very aware of and
demanding to have
> available to them. Nuff said, Sincerely, Mike
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus 
> signature database 3057 (20080426) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> http://www.eset.com
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> http://sustainablelists.org/mailman/listinfo/sustainablelorgbiofuel
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000
> http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to 

Re: [Biofuel] Vaporized gasoline engines work as proven to theworld by Shell Oil Company in 1973

2008-04-27 Thread Kirk McLoren
As you said - study propane. Doesnt get more vaporized than that. Running up to 
35 mph and cutting the engine off and coasting to 10 and restarting the engine 
doesnt impress me either as NO ONE  commutes to work that way. Just what do you 
think the unburned hydrocarbon content of for example a honda engine is? 
  Eco-Marathon Team Hits 2,843 mpg 
  But - it has little relevance to everyday life.
  Carnot had a little bit to say about the reality of fantastic claims. Only so 
much energy in a gallon - even in a fuel cell which trumps your combustion 

Mike Pelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  "Modern engines combust quite well"?, than why the unburned
hydrocarbons out the tailpipe and the need for catalytic converters? And was
Shell Oil only blowing a whole lot of smoke back in 1973 when they were able
to stretch 376 MPGs out of that 1959 Opel? Sorry Kirk but your going to have
to do a better job than that to dispel this one. 
I know we have been getting fed a whole lot of bunk about this by
the oil and auto companies since back 70 years ago when Charles Pogue first
made this advancement famous but these are different times we are living in.
Lets quit the BS'ing and take all measures we have available to address our
Global Climate Change problem. Either attempt to re-enact this experiment
yourself or shut up already and quit doing the bidding for the oil
companies. It's real get over it. Vaporized gasoline mixes much more
completely with air than sprayed liquid gasoline. Heating gasoline
sufficiently turns it to a vapor. If you don't believe this than study
propane carburation. Same thing just a few hundred degrees difference in

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Kirk McLoren
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2008 7:12 AM
To: sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Vaporized gasoline engines work as proven to theworld
by Shell Oil Company in 1973

The level of unburned hydrocarbons in the exhaust tells you beyond a shadow
of a doubt whether more perfect combustion can help. Period- the end. No
amount of claims and mouse milk can alter this fact - which should be
intuitively obvious. Modern engines combust quite well.


John Mullan wrote:
How does one vaporize all the different components in today's gasoline? 
Don't all those additives and stuff complicate the situation?


Mike Pelly wrote:
> We did tests on Vaporized Gasoline carburation on a datsun/nissan 510 
> and the gas milage results were not all that impressive. We were not 
> able to do any kind of test on a track or somewhere where we could 
> drive flat and straight on a carefully measured amount of gas. In our 
> estimate on our most careful test at the time (1992), we ended up 
> getting about 35mpg on a car that normally got about 28.
> When doing this test we had (at times) everything dialed in and were 
> able to maintain the proper temperatures and the "Exhaust smelled 
> exactly like the exhaust from a Propane Powered Vehicle" (this car did 
> not have any cataletic converter on it either.
> Other times while doing this same test, we did not have our 
> temperatures correct and the car was belching copious amounts of black 
> exhaust (unburned
> gasoline) and was running like crap.
> In writing my original paper back in 1992 I recommended this 
> technology would work best in a toyota prius type 'hybrid-electric' 
> car (this was before they even were building the prius) or a 
> stationary gas powered generator. The prius type drive train would 
> work the best because it is easy to maintain an engine RPM range like 
> 2000-2500RPMs somewhere making it easyest to regulate the exhaust heat 
> and fuel pressure/volume and not have the problems we faced with a 
> conventional engine where the RPMs can continually jump from say 
> 500RMP at idle to 4000 for acceleration and back to 1000 for braking or
shifting gears, continually.
> My paper with photos and schematics is written under 'Nom de Plume'
> of, Frieda Mind and can be found at www.ByronWine.com site:
>> http://www.ByronWine.com/files/1992%20vapor.pdf the paper includes 
>> all the
> information one would ever need to design and build a vaporized 
> gasoline system for a prius type hybrid engine drivetrain.
> The affirmation for anyone who still doubts this technology, should 
> come from that 1959 Opel that got 376 MPGs back in 1973 and reported 
> in the Febuary 20, 2008 'Seattle PI' newspaper found at this link; 
> http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/351903_needle20.html The tests on 
> this 59 Opel were sponsored by Shell Oil. Granted the car was gutted 
> of many parts and was only going 30 miles per

Re: [Biofuel] Vaporized gasoline engines work as proven to the world by Shell Oil Company in 1973

2008-04-27 Thread Kirk McLoren
The level of unburned hydrocarbons in the exhaust tells you beyond a shadow of 
a doubt whether more perfect combustion can help. Period- the end. No amount of 
claims and mouse milk can alter this fact - which should be intuitively 
obvious. Modern engines combust quite well.

John Mullan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  How does one vaporize all the different components in today's gasoline? 
Don't all those additives and stuff complicate the situation?


Mike Pelly wrote:
> We did tests on Vaporized Gasoline carburation on a datsun/nissan
> 510 and the gas milage results were not all that impressive. We were not
> able to do any kind of test on a track or somewhere where we could drive
> flat and straight on a carefully measured amount of gas. In our estimate on
> our most careful test at the time (1992), we ended up getting about 35mpg on
> a car that normally got about 28.
> When doing this test we had (at times) everything dialed in and
> were able to maintain the proper temperatures and the "Exhaust smelled
> exactly like the exhaust from a Propane Powered Vehicle" (this car did not
> have any cataletic converter on it either. 
> Other times while doing this same test, we did not have our temperatures
> correct and the car was belching copious amounts of black exhaust (unburned
> gasoline) and was running like crap.
> In writing my original paper back in 1992 I recommended this
> technology would work best in a toyota prius type 'hybrid-electric' car
> (this was before they even were building the prius) or a stationary gas
> powered generator. The prius type drive train would work the best because it
> is easy to maintain an engine RPM range like 2000-2500RPMs somewhere making
> it easyest to regulate the exhaust heat and fuel pressure/volume and not
> have the problems we faced with a conventional engine where the RPMs can
> continually jump from say 500RMP at idle to 4000 for acceleration and back
> to 1000 for braking or shifting gears, continually. 
> My paper with photos and schematics is written under 'Nom de Plume'
> of, Frieda Mind and can be found at www.ByronWine.com site:
>> http://www.ByronWine.com/files/1992%20vapor.pdf the paper includes all the
> information one would ever need to design and build a vaporized gasoline
> system for a prius type hybrid engine drivetrain. 
> The affirmation for anyone who still doubts this technology, should
> come from that 1959 Opel that got 376 MPGs back in 1973 and reported in the
> Febuary 20, 2008 'Seattle PI' newspaper found at this link;
> http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/351903_needle20.html The tests on
> this 59 Opel were sponsored by Shell Oil. Granted the car was gutted of many
> parts and was only going 30 miles per hour on a track But it did get 376mpg!
> not 75, 100, or 200mpg. It got 376mpgs! This is 7 times the gas milege of a
> standard Prius, our current state of the art in drive train configurations. 
> My hope is that home inventors will "Very Carefully!!!" experiment
> with this technology and build their own versions, even if only on a
> stationary generator and share their findings. This will help pull this
> technology out of the locked file cases the car and oil companies have held
> it in for too long now and out into the spot lights so we can shame the car
> and oil companies into utilizing this technology Finally! 
> We all need to take some concrete steps towards addressing Global
> Climate Changes. This advancement would be similar to what thousands of
> biodiesel homebrewers have been able to do over the past 10 years in making
> biodiesel a product consumers are now very aware of and demanding to have
> available to them. Nuff said, Sincerely, Mike
> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
> database 3057 (20080426) __
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> http://www.eset.com
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> http://sustainablelists.org/mailman/listinfo/sustainablelorgbiofuel
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):
> http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

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[Biofuel] Fwd: E Bikes -- Phoenix Racer Hub Drive

2008-04-24 Thread Kirk McLoren

sail4free <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 16:13:46 -0700 
Subject:  E Bikes -- Phoenix Racer Hub Drive

Another thing I like about the Phoenix Racer hub drive (the 48 volt 40 amp 
rear-drive version) is the batteries go inside nylon panniers which sit down 
inside a metal saddle-bag-style basket which sits on both sides of the rear 
rack (there's room for other stuff in the baskets too). This keeps the added 
weight over the rear drive wheel for better traction AND it keeps the center of 
gravity lower for better handling on high speed corners. It also somewhat 
conceals the view of this rather large hub drive motor -- making it less 
obvious that the trike (or bike) has been modified with electric-assist = and 
therefore less "TLC" from the policia. Plus the space ON (or above?) the rear 
rack remains available for other stuff. Our greenbelt doesn't allow "motorized" 
vehicles but I suspect that as long as I'm careful and keep my speed down, I 
can pedal whenever anyone is looking and the 'enforcers' (official and 
otherwise) will be none the wiser.

Quite an endorsement from the above site:
"I think Phoenix makes the most useable, cost-effective light electric vehicle 
"The Phoenix is the most powerful motor available for a bike. The Phoenix Racer 
on a 26" wheel with a fully inflated street tire is about all a 180 lb rider 
can manage on a dry, paved surface."

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[Biofuel] an ice age cometh?

2008-04-24 Thread Kirk McLoren


Sorry to ruin the fun, but an ice age cometh


  Phil Chapman | April 23, 2008 

THE scariest photo I have seen on the internet is www.spaceweather.com, 
where you will find a real-time image of the sun from the Solar and 
Heliospheric Observatory, located in deep space at the equilibrium point 
between solar and terrestrial gravity.
  What is scary about the picture is that there is only one tiny sunspot. 
  Disconcerting as it may be to true believers in global warming, the average 
temperature on Earth has remained steady or slowly declined during the past 
decade, despite the continued increase in the atmospheric concentration of 
carbon dioxide, and now the global temperature is falling precipitously. 
  All four agencies that track Earth's temperature (the Hadley Climate Research 
Unit in Britain, the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, the 
Christy group at the University of Alabama, and Remote Sensing Systems Inc in 
California) report that it cooled by about 0.7C in 2007. This is the fastest 
temperature change in the instrumental record and it puts us back where we were 
in 1930. If the temperature does not soon recover, we will have to conclude 
that global warming is over. 
  There is also plenty of anecdotal evidence that 2007 was exceptionally cold. 
It snowed in Baghdad for the first time in centuries, the winter in China was 
simply terrible and the extent of Antarctic sea ice in the austral winter was 
the greatest on record since James Cook discovered the place in 1770. 
  It is generally not possible to draw conclusions about climatic trends from 
events in a single year, so I would normally dismiss this cold snap as 
transient, pending what happens in the next few years. 
  This is where SOHO comes in. The sunspot number follows a cycle of somewhat 
variable length, averaging 11 years. The most recent minimum was in March last 
year. The new cycle, No.24, was supposed to start soon after that, with a 
gradual build-up in sunspot numbers. 
  It didn't happen. The first sunspot appeared in January this year and lasted 
only two days. A tiny spot appeared last Monday but vanished within 24 hours. 
Another little spot appeared this Monday. Pray that there will be many more, 
and soon. 
  The reason this matters is that there is a close correlation between 
variations in the sunspot cycle and Earth's climate. The previous time a cycle 
was delayed like this was in the Dalton Minimum, an especially cold period that 
lasted several decades from 1790. 
  Northern winters became ferocious: in particular, the rout of Napoleon's 
Grand Army during the retreat from Moscow in 1812 was at least partly due to 
the lack of sunspots. 
  That the rapid temperature decline in 2007 coincided with the failure of 
cycle No.24 to begin on schedule is not proof of a causal connection but it is 
cause for concern. 
  It is time to put aside the global warming dogma, at least to begin 
contingency planning about what to do if we are moving into another little ice 
age, similar to the one that lasted from 1100 to 1850. 
  There is no doubt that the next little ice age would be much worse than the 
previous one and much more harmful than anything warming may do. There are many 
more people now and we have become dependent on a few temperate agricultural 
areas, especially in the US and Canada. Global warming would increase 
agricultural output, but global cooling will decrease it. 
  Millions will starve if we do nothing to prepare for it (such as planning 
changes in agriculture to compensate), and millions more will die from 
cold-related diseases. 
  There is also another possibility, remote but much more serious. The 
Greenland and Antarctic ice cores and other evidence show that for the past 
several million years, severe glaciation has almost always afflicted our 
  The bleak truth is that, under normal conditions, most of North America and 
Europe are buried under about 1.5km of ice. This bitterly frigid climate is 
interrupted occasionally by brief warm interglacials, typically lasting less 
than 10,000 years. 
  The interglacial we have enjoyed throughout recorded human history, called 
the Holocene, began 11,000 years ago, so the ice is overdue. We also know that 
glaciation can occur quickly: the required decline in global temperature is 
about 12C and it can happen in 20 years. 
  The next descent into an ice age is inevitable but may not happen for another 
1000 years. On the other hand, it must be noted that the cooling in 2007 was 
even faster than in typical glacial transitions. If it continued for 20 years, 
the temperature would be 14C cooler in 2027. 
  By then, most of the advanced nations would have ceased to exist, vanishing 
under the ice, and the rest of the world would be faced with a catastrophe 
beyond imagining. 
  Australia may escape total annihilation bu

Re: [Biofuel] We Need To Solve The Oil Crisis--Now

2008-04-24 Thread Kirk McLoren
I am in favor of new laws - only if you recind an old one. There are so many 
laws now the only way you know you are breaking one is if they pinch you.

Brian Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  So then what would be the suggestion? Sometimes laws are necessary 
to help or protect those who can't or won't do it them selves.
If on a national level if lowering the speed limit 10 to 15 mph would 
help decrease our dependance on foreign oil or any oil for that 
matter then it should be addressed regardless of how popular or 
unpopular it is.
Granted there are some laws that are nonsense, but they are necessary 
because without most of them there would be utter chaos.
On Apr 24, 2008, at 1:16 PM, Chip Mefford wrote:

> Brian Schneider wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Just a comment, why don't we in the US do something else that was
>> done in the 70's oil crisis...drop the speed limit back to 55.
> There were a *lot* of problems with this. I'm not going to
> go into it all, in fact, I'm barely going to scratch the
> surface. But essentially, the nationwide 55mph speed limit
> was about as popular as prohibition, and caused many of
> the same problems.
> In interest of full disclosure,
> when ever I hear 'There ought to be a law",
> I duck.
> We have plenty of laws. a few orders of magnitude
> too many I'd say. In fact, I'd point to the
> current state of affairs as my primary exhibit
> in the 'laws don't fix anything' presentation.
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> http://sustainablelists.org/mailman/listinfo/sustainablelorgbiofuel
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 
> messages):
> http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/

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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

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Re: [Biofuel] cure for incurable viral disease

2008-04-23 Thread Kirk McLoren
Hulda Clark is a quack. The frequency stuff is at best a placebo. Beck reversed 
the current so you dont get tattooed. Ions migrate from the negative electrode 
so if you reverse the current they migrate back. Otherwise you will be 
permanently marked.
  This one is sans relay
  If you think it is crap read this:
  In the Fall of 1990, two medical researchers, Drs. William Lyman and Steven 
Kaali, working at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City made an 
important discovery. They found that they could inactivate the HIV virus by 
applying a low voltage direct current electrical potential with an extremely 
small current flow to AIDS infected blood in a test tube. Initially, they 
discovered this in the lab by inserting two platinum electrodes into a glass 
tube filled with HIV-1 (type 1) infected blood.
  They applied a direct current to the electrodes and found that a current flow 
in the range of 50-100 microamperes (uA) produced the most effective results. 
Practically all of the HIV viral particles were adversely affected while normal 
blood cells remained unharmed. The viral particles were not directly destroyed 
by the electric current, but rather the outer protein coating of the virus was 
affected in such a way as to prevent the virus from producing reverse 
transcriptase, a necessary enzyme needed by the virus to invade human cells.
  Reverse transcriptase allows the virus to enter a human T cell line (called 
CEM-SS) and commandeer the DNA reproduction machinery. After using the host 
cell to reproduce itself into thousands of new virii, the swollen host cell 
(now called syncytia or giant cell) will burst and spew the contents into the 
bloodstream or lymph system. This is how the virus spreads, but lacking reverse 
transcriptase, the HIV virus can't invade the host cell and it becomes 
vulnerable to destruction by the body's immune system. (The details of this 
experiment can be read from Kaali's patent application.)
  A brief announcement of this discovery appeared in The Houston Post (Mar 20, 
1991), then in Science News (Mar. 30, 1991 pg. 207) and later in Longevity 
magazine: (Dec.1992 pg. 14). Following their work in the Fall of 1990, Kaali 
and Lyman presented their findings at the First International Symposium on 
Combination Therapies (an AIDS conference) in Washington DC on March 14th, 
1991. Kaali outlined two methods for treating an AIDS patient with this new 
therapy: One method involved removing a small amount of blood, electrifying it 
and then returning it to the patient's body. The second method involved sewing 
a miniature electrifying power supply along with two tiny electrodes directly 
into the lumen of an artery. For long term treatment, the mini electrifying 
unit needed to be removed and relocated to a new artery site after 30-45 days 
since scar tissue and calcification forming around the implant unit would lead 
to artery blockage. Kaali (along with co-inventor Peter
 Schwolsky) filed for a patent on this implantable electrifying device on Nov 
16, 1990 and nine months later was granted patent #5,139,684 on August 18, 1992.
  It's interesting to note two things here:
  1. In order to obtain a patent from the United States Patent Office, Kaali 
and Schwolsky had to prove that the device works as claimed. Lacking solid 
proof, US patents are simply not granted.
  2. Very often it takes years to obtain a patent, yet this patent was granted 
in only nine months; a further indication to me of the strength of their 
demonstrated claims
  It's also interesting to note that other than the 3 publications mentioned 
above and the March '91 AIDS conference, nothing again appeared in print, 
radio, or TV about this important discovery as a potential treatment and cure 
for AIDS from Kaali and company. Most knowledgeable observers feel that Kaali 
and Lyman's discovery was intentionally suppressed following the March '91 AIDS 
conference presentation.
  If AIDS research was on the level and not the sham that it actually is, this 
should have made front page news around the world. (Around 1999, I was 
contacted by a woman with AIDS who had managed to reach Dr. William Lyman over 
the phone. She asked him about his experiments with Kaali regarding blood 
electrification and if she could obtain the treatment through them. Lyman 
denied any knowledge of any AIDS treatment or cure. He said he never heard of 
Dr. Kaali and he had no idea what she was talking about concerning blood 
electrification and then hung up on her. What does that tell about the power of 
the people behind the suppression of this discovery?)

[Biofuel] cure for incurable viral disease

2008-04-23 Thread Kirk McLoren
  Beck video

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[Biofuel] Fwd: [LittleHouses] There Is No Gas Shortage

2008-04-22 Thread Kirk McLoren
Bush is an oilman. What do you expect?

sail4free <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: sail4free <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 13:20:44 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [LittleHouses] There Is No Gas Shortage

It's rare that I would post a complete article -- especially one that is 
arguably OT -- but this one strikes to the heart of what is going on with our 
rapidly escalating fuel prices (with no end in sight). FWIW, we here in Idaho 
(on average) have reduced our demand nearly 10% from one year ago -- no doubt 
as a direct result of high prices. If you read only one article about the WHY 
of gas prices this year, this needs to be that article:
Viewpoint April 1, 2008
There is No Gas Shortage, but Washington, Wall Street, and ethanol and oil and 
gas companies want you to think there is, says automotive expert Ed Wallace:
"They see speculation in the market, I see decline in global inventories. I 
don't think this is a big surprise, that we've had a jump in price when there 
has been a decrease in crude inventories."— Energy Secretary Sam Bodman, 
Bloomberg News, Mar. 5, 2008 
"It should be obvious to you all that the [gasoline] demand is outstripping 
supply, which causes prices to go up." — President George W. Bush, Associated 
Press, Mar. 5, 2008 
One wonders if verifiable facts ever get in the way of this administration's 
statements on issues that are critical to the average American's wellbeing. 
After all, last time I checked, when politicians are elected to public office, 
or appointed, as is Energy Secretary Samuel W. Bodman, they must take an oath 
to the American people before assuming their new positions. How can they forget 
a sacred oath so quickly? Were they daydreaming when they took it, so it never 
meant anything to begin with? Maybe it's just another promise you have to make 
to get into office: When you're securely incumbent you can ignore even solemn 
oaths you took. 
Obviously, the two quotes that led this article came from discussions 
concerning the current high price for oil on the futures market. Bodman appears 
to be protecting the speculators in oil, as opposed to looking after the 
interests of all Americans. President Bush, apparently, has never talked to the 
Energy Dept.'s Energy Information Agency to see whether gasoline demand is 
actually up. More troubling, the writer of that particular Associated Press 
article obviously didn't look up the EIA's numbers to verify the President's 
assertions. They weren't accurate. 
1. There Is No Shortage 
Gasoline reserves on hand are at the highest levels since the early 1990s, 
which is remarkable considering the nation's refineries have been cutting back 
on the production of gasoline because their margins have declined. In fact, 
average gasoline reserves on hand have risen since this past October, while oil 
reserves in this country have gone up virtually every week this year—and only 
fog in the Houston Ship Channel that kept oil tankers from unloading their 
crude one week kept it from being every week. 
In the same Bloomberg article that quotes from Bodman's CNBC appearance on Mar. 
4, he also said that it was thanks to ethanol that the gasoline problem isn't 
even worse. He then added that the fact that making ethanol is forcing up 
prices of other farm commodities, including hog and chicken feed, is "nowhere 
near as important as trying to relieve pressure on [gasoline] supplies." 
Of course, there is no pressure on gasoline supplies in this country as of 
today, but Bodman's statement must have made eyes roll among the executives at 
Pilgrim's Pride PPC; the Pittsburg, (Tex.) poultry producer announced 1,100 
layoffs on Mar. 13, closing one processing plant and 6 of their 13 distribution 
centers because their company's outlay for chicken feed went up $600 million 
last fiscal year and was on track to increase by another $700 million this 
Here's the scorecard, in case you missed it. There's no shortage of gasoline or 
oil in the U.S. today, and we have near-record reserves on hand. Meanwhile the 
Congressional mandate for ethanol has jacked up the price of chicken feed for 
Pilgrim's Pride, which is the U.S.'s largest processor of chickens and 
turkeys—by $1.3 billion. And that's for just one company processing chicken. 
This is what passes for acceptable to our Energy Secretary? 
2. Demand Is DOWN, Yet Prices Are UP 
Just so we can all get on the same page, here are the verifiable facts on oil 
supplies, production, and gasoline demand. 
In January of this year, the U.S. used 4% less petroleum than we did a year 
ago. (Oil demand was down 3.2% in February.) Furthermore, demand has been 
falling slowly since July of last year. Ronald Bailey of Reason Online has 
pointed out that worldwide production of oil has risen 2.5% in 

[Biofuel] You Thought MSG Was Bad?

2008-04-19 Thread Kirk McLoren
anyone who doesnt grow their own food and cook from scratch is suicidal.



You Thought MSG Was Bad? At least they admit that it's in there... well, 
mostly. Have you picked up a can of soup lately and noticed that the sodium 
levels are lower? Seen a label that said, "No MSG"? How about realizing that 
there is less sugar on the label of your favorite ice cream? Believe it or not, 
this is cause for concern.

This article has been especially hard to compose. "Why?", you may ask. There is 
simply not much information to be found on the subject. It has taken weeks of 
internet research to uncover the smidgen of information that has been acquired.

A relatively young company, Senomyx, may be responsible for the sodium and 
sugar levels falling in your favorite grocery store item. How are they doing 
this without affecting the taste? The truth is, they may be putting chemicals 
into your food right now without you even realizing it and without telling you.

And guess what? They don't have to.

Senomyx has contracted with Kraft, Nestle, Coca Cola, Campbell Soup to put a 
chemical in foods that masks bitter flavors by turning off bitter flavor 
receptors on the tongue and enhancing salty and sweet flavors. This would allow 
the companies to tout claims such as "less sugar" or "lower sodium" by reducing 
the actual sugar and/or salt by approximately half, but the foods will retain 
the same level of sweetness or saltiness when they touch the tongue by fooling 
your brain.

All of the companies, although admitting the exclusive contracting rights, 
decline to identify which foods and beverages the chemical additives have been 
or will be added to.

These chemical compounds are not required to be listed separately on food 
labels. On the contrary, they will be lobbed under the umbrella of "artificial 
flavors" which is already found on most food labels.

The foods that seem to be most in jeopardy of an insurrection of these new 
chemicals: soups, juices (fruit and vegetable), ice cream, and sauces.

"We are helping companies clean up their labels," said Kent Snyder, chief 
executive of Senomyx.

Mark Zoller, Senomyx's chief scientist, says that his company has used the 
human genome sequence and identified hundreds of taste receptors. Senomyx's 
chemical compounds enhance those receptors to heighten the taste of salt or 
sugar. Under this premise, they go on to claim that their newly added chemicals 
are completely safe because they will be used in tiny quantities of less than 
one part per million whereas artificial sweeteners are used in 200-500 parts 
per million. This fact alone allows them to forgo the rigorous FDA approval 
process when introducing new food additives into the marketplace. Attaining the 
status of GRAS (generally recognized as safe) from the Flavor and Extract 
Manufacturers Association for their most advanced product that replaces MSG, 
took this fledgling company less than an 18 month time frame by introducing a 
safety study of rats conducted for 3 months.

Executive Director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, Michael 
Jacobson, commended Senomyx's strides to reduce MSG, salt, and sugar but warned 
against introducing a new chemical additive into the food supply without 
strenuous testing. "A three-month study is completely inadequate," he said. 
"What you want is at least a two-year study on several species of animals."

After pouring a total of 30 million dollars into research and development, the 
companies that have invested into Senomyx's products have been secretive, to 
say the least, about their involvement within the company. Some, like Kraft, 
have declined to divulge any specifics regarding their relationship with 
Senomyx but instead stated that Kraft was committed "to reducing the sugar and 
salt levels in many products."

Nestle and Coca Cola declined to comment. I think silence says it all.







  About the authorJennifer McKinley is a wife, mother of five, home-schooler, 
and business owner. She has spent years researching issues dealing with 
holistic and natural medicine and how different chemicals in our homes, foods, 
medications, and environments affect our health and quality of life. Her goal 
is to promote public awareness and knowledge regarding these issues. 


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Re: [Biofuel] Message In A Bottle

2008-04-18 Thread Kirk McLoren
3.5 million tons of plastic ?
  Pyrolytic distillation should yield 300 million gallons. Is that enough to 
attract reclaiming?

Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Message In A Bottle

Written by Amanda Martinez 

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Trash twice the size of the continental United States is collecting 
in the North Pacific, but here's the kicker: most of it is made to 
last forever.

One sunny day 10 years ago, Captain Charles Moore was sailing home 
from a yacht race in Hawaii when he steered his boat off-course in 
search of a little adventure in the North Pacific. Heading north in 
his 50-foot catamaran, Alguita, Moore wanted to graze the lower 
Eastern corner of a rarely sailed region, the North Pacific 
subtropical gyre, before making his way home to Long Beach, 

The most remarkable characteristic of the gyre, a 
10-million-square-foot, clockwise-churning vortex of four converging 
ocean currents, was supposed to be its unique weather pattern. It's a 
high-pressure area, meaning that warm air hovers over it. The air is 
still. There's no wind. Picture an immense oceanic desert. Frustrated 
sailors long ago christened the area "the doldrums" and avoided it, 
as do predatory fish who find no prey within its calm, nutrient-lean 
depths. "It almost looks like an oil slick, or like a mirror. It's 
really beautiful, the phenomena of a very smooth ocean," says 
researcher Dr. Marcus Eriksen.

But as Moore ventured into the gyre, his fascination with weather 
patterns gave way to a different reaction-alarm. In this most remote 
part of the ocean, his expectation of the pristine was met by blight. 
A vast array of trash-bottle caps, plastic bottles, fishing floats, 
wrappers, plastic bags and fragments, many tiny plastic 
fragments-stretched before Moore as far as the eye could see. His 
alarm turned to shock. It took him a week to sail through the gyre, 
the debris surrounding his boat the entire time.

Dr. Marcus Eriksen considers his first encounter with the gyre to 
have occurred on the beach in 2001 while teaching bird biology to 
high school students. This particular beach belonged to Midway Atoll, 
the last island of the Hawaiian Archipelago. "I noticed the hundreds 
of carcasses of Laysan albatrosses," says Eriksen. "Every single one 
had a handful of plastic inside its rib cage." He quickly made the 
connection between the plastic pieces and their stark resemblance in 
ocean waters to the fish, squid and krill that serve as staples of 
the foraging albatross' diet. "I knew there was this floating plastic 
that these birds were consuming," he says. "That got me interested in 
the issue."

Four years later, Eriksen became director of research and education 
for the Algalita Marine Research Foundation (AMRF), the nonprofit 
that Moore founded after discovering the gyre. Together, Moore, whose 
résumé reads like a coming-of-age at sea story-deck hand, stock 
tender, able seaman and now captain-and Eriksen, a Marine who served 
in the first Gulf War, have made several trips back to the gyre to 
research the content and extent of its massive pollution and monitor 
its growth. When not at sea, the two men are working tirelessly to 
educate the public as to its existence and causes.

So Rubber Duckie, You're the One

By now, you may have heard reports of the enormous "trash patch" 
forming in the North Pacific gyre, as major news outlets have a 
two-minute, sound-bite love affair with the gyre's pervasive 
description. "It's twice the size of Texas," they say. "It's an 
incredible, floating, plastic island in the middle of the ocean."

"Twice the size of Texas is inaccurate. I wouldn't use that anymore," 
says Eriksen, who returned on Feb. 28 from AMRF's latest 4,000-mile 
research mission, during which he spent a solid four weeks in the 
gyre, running experiments. "If you want to give folks an idea of the 
extent of pollution in this gyre, I'd say twice the size of the 
continental United States is the best way to put it."

THIN PLASTIC SOUP Plastic and plankton duke it out in a 6:1 ratio in 
this one-mile trawl sample from the North Pacific Gyre.

The "floating plastic island" metaphor, which may very well have been 
the gyre's one-way ticket to urban legend, is also out. The details 
of the truth that stand in its wake, however, are much more 
pernicious. "It's not a plastic patch. There is no island out there," 
explains Eriksen. But if it's still the salient metaphor you're 
after, Eriksen is armed with one. "I'd say endless from Hawaii to 
L.A. is a thin plastic soup. The rope and the netting and the 
monofilament line, all the fishing gear that's out there, there's a 
lot of that, we'll call that the noodles. The vegetables are all the 
big stuff, like the fishing floats and the plastic bottles. We found 
a suitcase floating aroundŠbig chunks of Styrofoam, tons of bottles, 
milk crates, fishing crates. I found 

[Biofuel] Fwd: GM Failures Continue

2008-04-17 Thread Kirk McLoren
The directors and managers of Monsanto should be put in prison for life.
  We all object when a gunman shoots people in a school yet these people will 
kill us all.
  Their assets should also be confiscated and distributed among their victims.


  The Institute of Science in Society  Science Society Sustainability  
http://www.i-sis.org.ukThis article can be found on the I-SIS website at  
  ISIS Press Release 
16/04/08 GM Failures Continue  #The GM industry has 
been ailing at least as far back as   2005, but kept alive by an aggressive 
campaign of   disinformation. GM Watch (www.gmwatch.org) brings you the   
latest GM failures 2007-2008GM cotton debacle in IndiaGM cotton has 
been failing in India and elsewhere for years   [1] (Broken Promises, SiS 22), 
escalating the epidemic of   farmers’ suicides [2] (Stem Farmers’ Suicides with 
Organic   Farming, SiS 32). Unfortunately, the Indian government has   allowed 
the commercial planting to continue with drastic   consequences.BT cotton 
failed in VidarbhaA study on the introduction of Bt cotton in India’s 
cotton-  growing
 belt of Vidarbha revealed that it failed in the   region. Suman Sahai, 
director of Gene Campaign, which   conducted the study, said that despite 
knowing that Bt   cotton would not work in rainfed areas, the state government  
 introduced it. The high input costs of Bt cotton increased   indebtedness, and 
the study showed that 70 per cent of small   farmers lost their landholdings as 
collateral for loans that   they could never repay.The study also showed 
that farmers who adopted Bt cotton had   a net lower income than non-Bt cotton 
farmers. Seed dealers   had promised farmers that they would get 12–15 quintals 
per   acre when the actual yields were 3–5 quintals [3]In February 2007, 
five districts of Vidarbha where Bt cotton   was widely adopted reported nearly 
1 500 farmers committing   suicide in the previous 20 months [4].More 
livestock deaths from grazing Bt cottonWith reports of deaths of livestock 
that had grazed on Bt   cotton in 2006 still fresh [5]
 (Mass Deaths in Sheep Grazing   on Bt Cotton, SiS 30), more deaths and 
illnesses in sheep   and goats were seen in the early months of 2007. Symptoms  
 included bloating of the stomach, black patches on the   intestines, lung 
congestion, green and red mucus flow from   nostrils, reddish urine, sneezing, 
and skin allergies. Women   cotton pickers also reported skin allergies [6], 
another   problem with Bt cotton reported widely in 2006 [7] (More   Illnesses 
Linked to Bt Crops, SiS 30).  Read the rest of this article here  
  This article can be 
found on the I-SIS website at  http://www.i-sis.org.uk/gmFailuresContinue.php   
 If you like this original article from the Institute of  Science in Society, 
and would like to continue receiving  articles of this calibre, please consider 
making a donation  or purchase on our website
   ISIS is an independent, not-for-profit  organisation dedicated to providing 
critical public  information on cutting edge science, and to promoting social  
accountability and ecological sustainability in science.

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[Biofuel] Monsanto - uncut version

2008-04-16 Thread Kirk McLoren
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