Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2015

2015-10-09 Thread Volker Schmidt

essendo uno dei colpevoli del fallimento e mi scuso di non aver dato pù
appoggio, ma sono veramente pieno fino al collo di impegni. Tutti di
volontariato, come si deve per un buon pensionato, m lo stesso impegni.
L'organizzazione di un tale evento è duro e spesso frustrante lavoro. Ho
organizzato parecchi congressi e workshop nella mia vita professionale e
privata e capisco la tua delusione.
Rimango disponibile per un nuovo tentativo nella prima metà del 2016.

Cari saluti


2015-10-09 9:35 GMT+02:00 Michele Mondelli :

> Salve a tutti.
> Mi sembra ormai chiaro che, nel caso si decidesse di andare avanti,
> si andrebbe ad organizzare un evento meno che mediocre; non credo sia
> questo
> l'interesse, né del sottoscritto né tantomeno della comunità.
> Sono d'accordo con gli ultimi punti di vista espressi, come sono stato
> d'accordo con molte proposte venute fuori nelle discussioni o nei due
> hangout organizzativi. L'unico problema è che con il "si dovrebbe",
> "qualcuno potrebbe", "bisognerebbe fare", non si organizza nulla.
> Ovviamente non critico nessuno, sia ben chiaro: ognuno ha il suo lavoro,
> i propri impegni, etc. Prendo solo atto del fatto che, con così poche
> persone
> dal lato organizzativo della barricata, non è possibile mettere su un
> evento
> con la qualità che il progetto OpenStreetMap merita.
> Il giorno 3 ottobre 2015 17:21, Paolo Monegato 
> ha scritto:
>> Il 30/09/2015 15:03, Marcello ha scritto:
>>> Non ho nessuna esperienza per le edizioni passate, finora non c'è stato
>>> molto seguito, quindi forse lo spostamento si rende necessario, ma se non
>>> si capiscono i motivi rischiamo che anche spostando l'evento avremo 8/10
>>> persone al massimo che assicurano la presenza.
>> Secondo me non dovreste fare molto affidamento al numero di persone che
>> si iscrivono sul wiki... guardate le pagine delle edizioni precedenti, non
>> è che ci sia un gran numero di utenti segnati tra i probabili presenti...
>> Io penso che molte persone che contribuiscono assiduamente alla mappa e
>>> potrebbero essere interessate all'evento non frequentano la mailing list o
>>> il wiki, per cui non hanno informazioni su questo evento, ma non so quale
>>> canale potrebbe essere utilizzato per diffondere l'informazione dell'evento
>>> ad una platea più ampia.
>> C'è anche gente che frequenta mailing list e wiki, non si segna tra i
>> probabili presenti ma poi va ad OSMit... Se si guardano le pagine delle
>> ultime edizioni si noterà l'assenza degli habituè, che poi però
>> puntualmente sono andati. E si tratta di gente che legge la mailing list ed
>> è attiva sul wiki.
>> Poi è vero, c'è pure tanta gente che non frequenta la mailing list e
>> probabilmente non conosce nemmeno il wiki. Quando è stato fatto OSMit a
>> Padova ho scritto dozzine di messaggi privati (via ai mapper
>> della zona per pubblicizzare l'evento (e pure le mailing list ed il wiki).
>> Tanti non mi hanno risposto, ma chi mi ha risposto o è venuto a fare un
>> salto, o, non potendo esserci, è comunque entrato in contatto con la
>> comunità locale tramite gli altri canali.
>> Dunque, se posso dare un suggerimento, direi che sarebbe ottimale se
>> qualcuno contattasse quanto meno i mapper senesi. Perché alla fine la
>> differenza nei numeri tra le varie edizioni la fa la comunità locale.
>> ciao
>> Paolo M
>> ps: per la cronaca, se si farà, penso proprio che ci sarò anche
>> quest'anno ad OSMit
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
> --
> *Michele Mondelli*
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2015

2015-10-09 Thread Leonardo Frassetto
Io confermo la mia presenza e il talk ( mi scuso se non mi sono segnato
sulla wiki) però se siamo cosi pochi forse Michele hai ragione...

Il 09/ott/2015 09:37, "Michele Mondelli"  ha scritto:

> Salve a tutti.
> Mi sembra ormai chiaro che, nel caso si decidesse di andare avanti,
> si andrebbe ad organizzare un evento meno che mediocre; non credo sia
> questo
> l'interesse, né del sottoscritto né tantomeno della comunità.
> Sono d'accordo con gli ultimi punti di vista espressi, come sono stato
> d'accordo con molte proposte venute fuori nelle discussioni o nei due
> hangout organizzativi. L'unico problema è che con il "si dovrebbe",
> "qualcuno potrebbe", "bisognerebbe fare", non si organizza nulla.
> Ovviamente non critico nessuno, sia ben chiaro: ognuno ha il suo lavoro,
> i propri impegni, etc. Prendo solo atto del fatto che, con così poche
> persone
> dal lato organizzativo della barricata, non è possibile mettere su un
> evento
> con la qualità che il progetto OpenStreetMap merita.
> Il giorno 3 ottobre 2015 17:21, Paolo Monegato 
> ha scritto:
>> Il 30/09/2015 15:03, Marcello ha scritto:
>>> Non ho nessuna esperienza per le edizioni passate, finora non c'è stato
>>> molto seguito, quindi forse lo spostamento si rende necessario, ma se non
>>> si capiscono i motivi rischiamo che anche spostando l'evento avremo 8/10
>>> persone al massimo che assicurano la presenza.
>> Secondo me non dovreste fare molto affidamento al numero di persone che
>> si iscrivono sul wiki... guardate le pagine delle edizioni precedenti, non
>> è che ci sia un gran numero di utenti segnati tra i probabili presenti...
>> Io penso che molte persone che contribuiscono assiduamente alla mappa e
>>> potrebbero essere interessate all'evento non frequentano la mailing list o
>>> il wiki, per cui non hanno informazioni su questo evento, ma non so quale
>>> canale potrebbe essere utilizzato per diffondere l'informazione dell'evento
>>> ad una platea più ampia.
>> C'è anche gente che frequenta mailing list e wiki, non si segna tra i
>> probabili presenti ma poi va ad OSMit... Se si guardano le pagine delle
>> ultime edizioni si noterà l'assenza degli habituè, che poi però
>> puntualmente sono andati. E si tratta di gente che legge la mailing list ed
>> è attiva sul wiki.
>> Poi è vero, c'è pure tanta gente che non frequenta la mailing list e
>> probabilmente non conosce nemmeno il wiki. Quando è stato fatto OSMit a
>> Padova ho scritto dozzine di messaggi privati (via ai mapper
>> della zona per pubblicizzare l'evento (e pure le mailing list ed il wiki).
>> Tanti non mi hanno risposto, ma chi mi ha risposto o è venuto a fare un
>> salto, o, non potendo esserci, è comunque entrato in contatto con la
>> comunità locale tramite gli altri canali.
>> Dunque, se posso dare un suggerimento, direi che sarebbe ottimale se
>> qualcuno contattasse quanto meno i mapper senesi. Perché alla fine la
>> differenza nei numeri tra le varie edizioni la fa la comunità locale.
>> ciao
>> Paolo M
>> ps: per la cronaca, se si farà, penso proprio che ci sarò anche
>> quest'anno ad OSMit
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
> --
> *Michele Mondelli*
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Problématique de modélisation indoor sur des plans inclinés

2015-10-09 Thread Jérôme Seigneuret
Arff j'ai pas remarqué mais repeat_on n'est que pour des données de type
point... En plus clairemnt le repeat_on et un doublon car tu peut faire
exactement la même chose avec level il me semble. Sur ce point je rejoins

J'ai corrigé et ça fonctionne bien sans le repeat_on

Le 9 octobre 2015 08:50, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :

> Cette priorité de repeat_on=* sur level=* n'est pas documentée sur le
> wiki... On complète ou pas ?
> C'est peut-être un bogue d'OpenLevelUp qui devrait prendre en compte les
> deux (et faire l'union des deux conditions). Mieux vaut demander à l'auteur.
> D'ailleurs repeat_on=* ne me semble pas nécessaire, level=* suffirait pour
> tout (il n'y a pas une infinité de niveaux et c'est sans doute plus clair
> d'énumérer les niveaux que d'utiliser une répétition; level=* étant en plus
> plus général).
> Le 9 octobre 2015 07:55, PanierAvide  a écrit :
>> Le 09/10/2015 01:29, Jérôme Seigneuret a écrit :
>> d'ailleur le repeat_on 
>> =0;1 ne fonctionne pas (voir ascenseur) faut que je prévienne Adrien
>> Pavie
>> Ça ne fonctionne pas car il y a un level et un repeat_on, qui sont deux
>> tags qui apportent la même information. OpenLevelUp regarder d'abord la clé
>> level, et si elle est trouvée ignore le reste. Donc ici soit mettre
>> level=0;1 et retirer repeat_on, soit garder repeat_on et supprimer level ;)
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Basi N.a.t.o.

2015-10-09 Thread Max1234Ita
Scusate, ma se non ricordo male un tempo era "vietato eseguire rilievi di
qualunque tipo, anche a memoria", su aree di utilizzo militare (cartello
visto appeso all parete in una stazione dei Carabinieri)...

E' cambiato qualcosa?
Lo so che da quando ci sono le aerofoto di dominio publico chiunque può
curiosare nelle installazioni di massima sicurezza; intendo dire se è
cambiato qualcosa in senso legale nel nostro Paese...

Cosa direbbe, in proposito, un "Manuale delle Giovani Marmotte per i


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Re: [Talk-it] CTR : database topografico e ortofoto 2013 a 20CM Regione Basilicata

2015-10-09 Thread Francesco Piero Paolicelli
Altra carne al fuoco. Sett prox rilasciano Toponimi:

Ma no civici
Inviato da iPhone

> Il giorno 08/ott/2015, alle ore 14:11, Federico Cortese 
>  ha scritto:
> 2015-10-08 13:48 GMT+02:00 Leonardo Frassetto :
>> Mi scrivi bene la procedura che hai usato? Usi qgis?
> Si tutto con QGIS:
> - plugin "Topology Checker" per verificare le problematiche sulle
> geometrie. In questo modo nell'apposito tab puoi impostare il
> controllo sul layer degli edifici con "must not have invalid
> geometries" e "must not have multi-part geometries". Verrano
> evidenziati i poligoni interessati dai relativi problemi.
> - plugin ftools (dovrebbe essere attivo di default). Dal menu Vector -
> Geometry tools - Multipart to singlepart. In questo modo tutti i
> multipoligoni vengono spezzati nelle singole parti. L'operazione viene
> eseguita automaticamente sull'intero livello. Come dicevo purtroppo i
> fabbricati in questione vengono spezzati in due parti che andrebbero
> quindi riunite.
> Fammi sapere se funziona o ci sono altri problemi.
> Ciao
> Federico
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Liste aller Kirchen in Deutschland

2015-10-09 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 08.10.2015 um 23:51 schrieb Helmut Kauer :
> in der katholischen Kirche wird ein Gebäude zur Kirche durch die Weihe.

ja, aber das betrifft das amenity=place_of_worship, nicht den Gebäudetyp, der 
mit Building ausgedrückt wird

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Problématique de modélisation indoor sur des plans inclinés

2015-10-09 Thread Jérôme Seigneuret
J'ai deux remarques supplémentaires:

La première peux expliquer la nuance entre un repeat_on et un level. Je
prends le cas d'une séparation entre deux niveaux:

|| : entrance=yes

Cas 1 (désolé pour la pente. ça fait un peu toboggan )

.1  __ level=0;1
   \   />level =0;1 <>
\||_ .0

Cas 2:
 __ level=1
|| .1 >   level =0;1 ==
|| .0
\__ level=0

Il manque pour moi une info permettant de dire que c'est une liaison forte
entre niveau et pas deux objets repété dans ce cas:
level=0;1 + level_junction=yes

On a aussi level=0,5 mais dans ce cas l'affichage se fait t'il sur les deux
niveaux ou considère t'on que c'est un niveau à part entière?

La deuxième remarque est sur le symbole d'affichage des portes

@Adrien est-il possible de modifier les figurés pour distinguer:
- les portes d'entrée (intérieur extérieur)
- les portes d'entrées principales et secondaires, livraison, accès
restreint au personnel (déjà fait pour emergency)?

Le 9 octobre 2015 11:16, Jérôme Seigneuret  a
écrit :

> Arff j'ai pas remarqué mais repeat_on n'est que pour des données de type
> point... En plus clairemnt le repeat_on et un doublon car tu peut faire
> exactement la même chose avec level il me semble. Sur ce point je rejoins
> @Philippe
> J'ai corrigé et ça fonctionne bien sans le repeat_on
> Le 9 octobre 2015 08:50, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :
>> Cette priorité de repeat_on=* sur level=* n'est pas documentée sur le
>> wiki... On complète ou pas ?
>> C'est peut-être un bogue d'OpenLevelUp qui devrait prendre en compte les
>> deux (et faire l'union des deux conditions). Mieux vaut demander à l'auteur.
>> D'ailleurs repeat_on=* ne me semble pas nécessaire, level=* suffirait
>> pour tout (il n'y a pas une infinité de niveaux et c'est sans doute plus
>> clair d'énumérer les niveaux que d'utiliser une répétition; level=* étant
>> en plus plus général).
>> Le 9 octobre 2015 07:55, PanierAvide  a écrit :
>>> Le 09/10/2015 01:29, Jérôme Seigneuret a écrit :
>>> d'ailleur le repeat_on
>>> =0;1 ne fonctionne
>>> pas (voir ascenseur) faut que je prévienne Adrien Pavie
>>> Ça ne fonctionne pas car il y a un level et un repeat_on, qui sont deux
>>> tags qui apportent la même information. OpenLevelUp regarder d'abord la clé
>>> level, et si elle est trouvée ignore le reste. Donc ici soit mettre
>>> level=0;1 et retirer repeat_on, soit garder repeat_on et supprimer level ;)
>>> ___
>>> Talk-fr mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Parkplätze Autobahnen ohne u. mit WC

2015-10-09 Thread Rolf Eike Beer

Am , schrieb Albrecht Mehl:

In der Gruppe

habe ich unter dem Betreff 'Autobahnkarte gesucht' am 6.10. um
10:25 folgendes geschrieben:


Bisher vergeblich suche ich im Netz eine Karte, die man wie z.B. Google
Maps ziehen und verändern kann und die auch die Parkplätze mit
zusätzlicher Kennzeichnung von WC's anzeigt. Sowohl Google Maps als
auch OpenStreet Map haben das nicht.

Jein. Das wird vermutlich auf der Standardkarte nicht explizit 
gerendert. Das heißt nicht, dass die Daten nicht da wären. Hier mal ein 
kurzer Kartenausschnitt, auf dem alle Rastplätze und Raststätten mit WCs 
dargestellt werden:

Relevant sind hier also die beiden keys highway=services (Raststätte) 
und highway=rest_area (Rastplatz), jeweils in Kombination mit 
toilets=yes. Nun muss nur noch jemand hingehen und daraus was hübsches 
basteln. ;)



Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-talk] Generating list of interesting places

2015-10-09 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
Is there already some tool that for given area generates list of
interesting places (museums, caves, old trees, famous tourism
attractions, monuments, etc etc) based on OSM data?

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Elbsandstein: natural=peak oder natural=rock

2015-10-09 Thread Tom Pfeifer

Martin Koppenhoefer wrote on 2015-10-09 09:48:

> (Davon abgesehen ist Peak für die Spitzen mE ok)

Ja das war ein positives Ergebnis der Diskussion, auch auf der
Talk-Seite, den peak als immateriellen, höchsten Punkt zu
präzisieren, unabhängig von der Art des physischen Objekts.

natural=rock ist soweit ich mich erinnere ein Synonym für bare_rock und bedrock,

> jeweils als area, evtl meinte der mapper natural=boulder?

Ja, jetzt sollte man reviewen wie sich stone, boulder, rock, bare_rock, bedrock
abgrenzen bzw. ueberlappen, das sollte man vielleicht in die Tagging-Liste 


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Parkplätze Autobahnen ohne u. mit WC

2015-10-09 Thread Albrecht Mehl

In der Gruppe

habe ich unter dem Betreff 'Autobahnkarte gesucht' am 6.10. um
10:25 folgendes geschrieben:


Bisher vergeblich suche ich im Netz eine Karte, die man wie z.B. Google
Maps ziehen und verändern kann und die auch die Parkplätze mit
zusätzlicher Kennzeichnung von WC's anzeigt. Sowohl Google Maps als auch 
OpenStreet Map haben das nicht.

A. Mehl


Die Antworten zeigen, dass es so etwas bisher in Deutschland nicht gibt.
Ich fände es schön, wenn in OSM die Autobahnstrecken entsprechend 
ergänzt würden, einfach an den entsprechenden Stellen die Buchstaben
'P' oder 'P WC'. Bisher war ich bei OSM nur 'Konsument', weiß also nicht 
genau, wie eine solche Ergänzung mit dem geringsten Aufwand erstellt 
werden könnte. Als Laie stelle ich mir z.B. vor

  - Aufruf an die Unterstützer, bei ihren Autofahrten GPS anzu-
werfen und das Ergebnis - ohne bzw. mit - an OSM zu übermitteln
  - Auswertung von GoogleMap - Earth? -
  - Antrag an das Bundesverkehrsministerium, entsprechende Daten
zur Verfügung zu stellen

Wenn man eine Idee hat, sollte man eigentlich nicht einfach nur diese in 
die Welt setzen, sondern selbst anpacken. Mit meinen 77 Jahren und ohne 
Smartphone und schon garnicht mit GPS weiß ich nicht, wie ich helfen sollte.

Natürlich kann so etwas nicht in zwei, drei Tagen verwirklicht werden. 
Deshalb wäre es schön, wenn die Verantwortlichen schrieben, ob sie diese 
Anregung überhaupt aufgreifen wollen.

A. Mehl
Albrecht Mehl   
Veilchenweg 7   |Tel. (06151) 37 39 92
64291 Darmstadt, Germany|sehenswert - ungefähr 'Wir einsam im All'

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-es] Tramos de carreteras

2015-10-09 Thread Victor Zamora
Hola a todos,

Soy alumno de una universidad y estoy trabajando en un simulador de
conducción como parte de mi tfg. Necesitamos simular entornos reales en
carreteras, y para ello decidimos utilizar osm. Me preguntaba si se podrían
exportar las carreteras de las rutas de un lugar de inicio hasta un lugar
meta en algún tipo de coordenadas para la posterior traducción al lenguaje
del simulador.

Muchas gracias.
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Elbsandstein: natural=peak oder natural=rock

2015-10-09 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 09.10.2015 um 10:21 schrieb Tom Pfeifer :
> Ja, jetzt sollte man reviewen wie sich stone, boulder, rock, bare_rock, 
> bedrock
> abgrenzen bzw. ueberlappen, das sollte man vielleicht in die Tagging-Liste 
> tragen.

die ersten beiden sind "Stücke", lose, stone kleiner als boulder, rock ist 
unklar und sollte man daher nicht verwenden, die letzten beiden sind Flächen 
festen, nackten Gesteins

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] offline osm

2015-10-09 Thread Anish Mangal

Please see:
There is a temporary (for the next 1 hrs or so) tileserver here :

I am almost done generating tiles for upto zoom level 16, and can share the
download link once it is done - if required.

Also, in the xsce community there is ongoing discussion on how to enable
local mappers. Please check this out

One possible solution is using umap[1], but I haven't gotten around to
testing it because I have limited bandwidth. It's a django app and looks a
good fit for offline editing needs.

Also, if you can get the bhuvan imagery, please share if possible. Another
idea is using the ASTER data (topography), which would be especially useful
in mountainous terrain.


On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 3:36 PM, GN  wrote:

> Dear map hackers!
> we urgently need an offline mapping to work on school servers that are not
> always connected to the Internet.  We are going to do mapping in more than
> 1000 schools in the coming two years.  For each of the areas where the
> schools are located, we would like to get the satellite maps from
> ISRO/Bhuvan, if possible.
> Please suggest how we can do this? any volunteers who would like to create
> a docker image for this purpose.
> --
> GN
> ___
> Talk-in mailing list
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] talk Digest, Vol 134, Issue 11

2015-10-09 Thread John Eldredge

Since we aren't mind-readers, you need to say what you want help with.

John F. Eldredge --
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot 
drive out hate; only love can do that." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

On October 7, 2015 11:53:10 AM kassy taylor  wrote:


-Original Message-
From: "" 
Sent: ‎10/‎7/‎2015 6:15 AM
To: "" 
Subject: talk Digest, Vol 134, Issue 11

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of talk digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: User WJtW - railway track counts (Michael Reichert)
   2. Re: User WJtW - railway track counts (Richard Mann)
   3. Re: User WJtW - railway track counts (Colin Smale)
   4. Re: User WJtW - railway track counts (Colin Smale)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2015 10:57:49 +0200
From: Michael Reichert 
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


Am 2015-10-07 um 10:24 schrieb Richard Mann:

Putting tracks=1 on multiple parallel tracks is also potentially
misleading. It's a method of tagging that's been superseded by drawing each
line separately.

So I took to adding passenger_lines=N, to avoid a compatability conflict. I
only did N=1 or N>=4, though.

I'd suggest converting the tagging to tracks=1+passenger_lines=2.

You can find the tag detail=track on lots of tracks in South-West
Germany instead of tracks=1.

Best regards


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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2015 10:11:46 +0100
From: Richard Mann 
To: Michael Reichert 
Cc: osm 
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I added track_detail=yes, to achieve much the same end. I haven't looked at
railway tagging for a while, though.
-- next part --
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Message: 3
Date: Wed, 07 Oct 2015 11:19:07 +0200
From: Colin Smale 
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

What is "track_detail=yes"? I can't find it anywhere in the (English)


On 2015-10-07 11:11, Richard Mann wrote:

I added track_detail=yes, to achieve much the same end. I haven't looked at 
railway tagging for a while, though.

talk mailing list

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Message: 4
Date: Wed, 07 Oct 2015 11:20:57 +0200
From: Colin Smale 
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Thanks for contacting DWG, Michael.

It is not limited to tracks=2 by the way - I have seen examples of four
tracks, all with tracks=4...


On 2015-10-07 10:56, Michael Reichert wrote:


Am 2015-10-07 um 10:03 schrieb Colin Smale:

I am not sure it would be vandalism - It is more likely a
misunderstanding of the intention of the tracks=* tag. But it is very
damaging, and potentially hard to revert as this has been going on for
some time and newer edits may have been made. It may need something like

* Get all changesets from WJtW

[Talk-it] Bernalda

2015-10-09 Thread Federico Cortese
Segnalo che oggi nel comune di Bernalda in Basilicata l'utente
formazioneagid ha creato una marea di way sovrapposte e duplicate, con
vari altri errori. Qualcuno ha voglia di contattarlo o correggere?
Purtroppo non riesco proprio a dedicarmici in questi giorni, spero in
un'anima buona :)


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Proposed "Metadata"-Guideline

2015-10-09 Thread Simon Poole

Could we please get back on topic?

Neither the pros and cons of share-alike, nor use cases in which the
data  is not publicly used, nor alternative licensing schemes, nor
mumbo-jumbo from conference sessions is the subject of this discussion.

Please feel free to discuss any of the above in separate threads with
topics that clearly indicate what they are about.


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legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Elbsandstein: natural=peak oder natural=rock

2015-10-09 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 08.10.2015 um 11:29 schrieb Tom Pfeifer :
> Der User hat sich an der CS-Diskussion beteiligt (33834511), und seine 
> Änderungen
> selbst reverted (34491237). Zur weiteren Präzisierung von peak vs. rock siehe
> Talk-Page auf natural=peak.

natural=rock ist soweit ich mich erinnere ein Synonym für bare_rock und 
bedrock, jeweils als area, evtl meinte der mapper natural=boulder? (Davon 
abgesehen ist Peak für die Spitzen mE ok)

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: [contact] [Informations sur l'association] Demande de renseignements

2015-10-09 Thread Nicolas Dumoulin
Le vendredi 9 octobre 2015 08:12:41 Christian Quest a écrit :
> Des auvergnats disponibles et motivés ?
> Si oui, contactez directement M. Henry.

Banco ! :-)
Si d'autres veulent s'y joindre, faites-moi signe.

Nicolas Dumoulin

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: [contact] [Informations sur l'association] Demande de renseignements

2015-10-09 Thread Christian Quest
Des auvergnats disponibles et motivés ?

Si oui, contactez directement M. Henry.

-- Message transféré --
De : 
Date : 7 octobre 2015 14:42
Objet : [contact] [Informations sur l'association] Demande de renseignements
À :

Emmanuel HENRY  ( a envoyé un message en utilisant
le formulaire de contact suivant :

Le samedi 27/02/2016, se tiendra la Journée du Logiciel libre à la
Médiathèque de Moulins Communauté (03). L’année dernière, elle avait
pour thème « Linux-Ubuntu » et nous souhaitons que le thème soit « Open
Street Map » en 2016. Nous prévoyons 2 temps : une discussion libre le
matin (présentation, objectif, éthique, etc d’OSM) et des ateliers
Pour cela, nous cherchons :
•   Un ou plusieurs intervenants pour mener la discussion et qui
disponibles pour les ateliers
•   Des conseils pour nous aider à créer les ateliers

Pourriez-vous s’il vous plaît nous guider un peu dans ce projet ou nous
indiquer des personnes ressources ?

Emmanuel HENRY
Médiateur numérique

8 place Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny
CS 61625 - 03016 MOULINS Cedex
Tél : 04 43 51 00 00 – Fax : 04 43 51 00 01
Courriel :

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2015

2015-10-09 Thread Michele Mondelli
Salve a tutti.

Mi sembra ormai chiaro che, nel caso si decidesse di andare avanti,
si andrebbe ad organizzare un evento meno che mediocre; non credo sia questo
l'interesse, né del sottoscritto né tantomeno della comunità.

Sono d'accordo con gli ultimi punti di vista espressi, come sono stato
d'accordo con molte proposte venute fuori nelle discussioni o nei due
hangout organizzativi. L'unico problema è che con il "si dovrebbe",
"qualcuno potrebbe", "bisognerebbe fare", non si organizza nulla.

Ovviamente non critico nessuno, sia ben chiaro: ognuno ha il suo lavoro,
i propri impegni, etc. Prendo solo atto del fatto che, con così poche
dal lato organizzativo della barricata, non è possibile mettere su un evento
con la qualità che il progetto OpenStreetMap merita.

Il giorno 3 ottobre 2015 17:21, Paolo Monegato 
ha scritto:

> Il 30/09/2015 15:03, Marcello ha scritto:
>> Non ho nessuna esperienza per le edizioni passate, finora non c'è stato
>> molto seguito, quindi forse lo spostamento si rende necessario, ma se non
>> si capiscono i motivi rischiamo che anche spostando l'evento avremo 8/10
>> persone al massimo che assicurano la presenza.
> Secondo me non dovreste fare molto affidamento al numero di persone che si
> iscrivono sul wiki... guardate le pagine delle edizioni precedenti, non è
> che ci sia un gran numero di utenti segnati tra i probabili presenti...
> Io penso che molte persone che contribuiscono assiduamente alla mappa e
>> potrebbero essere interessate all'evento non frequentano la mailing list o
>> il wiki, per cui non hanno informazioni su questo evento, ma non so quale
>> canale potrebbe essere utilizzato per diffondere l'informazione dell'evento
>> ad una platea più ampia.
> C'è anche gente che frequenta mailing list e wiki, non si segna tra i
> probabili presenti ma poi va ad OSMit... Se si guardano le pagine delle
> ultime edizioni si noterà l'assenza degli habituè, che poi però
> puntualmente sono andati. E si tratta di gente che legge la mailing list ed
> è attiva sul wiki.
> Poi è vero, c'è pure tanta gente che non frequenta la mailing list e
> probabilmente non conosce nemmeno il wiki. Quando è stato fatto OSMit a
> Padova ho scritto dozzine di messaggi privati (via ai mapper
> della zona per pubblicizzare l'evento (e pure le mailing list ed il wiki).
> Tanti non mi hanno risposto, ma chi mi ha risposto o è venuto a fare un
> salto, o, non potendo esserci, è comunque entrato in contatto con la
> comunità locale tramite gli altri canali.
> Dunque, se posso dare un suggerimento, direi che sarebbe ottimale se
> qualcuno contattasse quanto meno i mapper senesi. Perché alla fine la
> differenza nei numeri tra le varie edizioni la fa la comunità locale.
> ciao
> Paolo M
> ps: per la cronaca, se si farà, penso proprio che ci sarò anche quest'anno
> ad OSMit
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

*Michele Mondelli*
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Basi N.a.t.o.

2015-10-09 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 08.10.2015 um 13:28 schrieb Alessandro Chiostri :
> Forse che le aree militari NON devono essere ricalcate ?

questo è una domanda che va deciso dal singolo mappatore, potrebbe infatti 
essere vietato di mappare istallazioni militari, soprattutto nel proprio paese, 
e potrebbe anche dipendere da dove viene fatto. Intanto il server sta a Londra, 
e quindi dev'essere per forza rispettata la legge inglese dalla OSMF, mentre 
per loro le altre leggi non contano...

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Deutsche Namen in Rumäniem (mal wieder)

2015-10-09 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 07.10.2015 um 15:40 schrieb Sven Geggus :
> Ich werfe halt ungerne etwas weg was anderen wichtig ist. Nur im name:de Tag
> hat das IMO nichts verloren.

+1, das Ziel sollte schon sein, es so zu verbessern, dass keine Informationen 
verloren gehen, die jetzt da sind

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Basi N.a.t.o.

2015-10-09 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 08.10.2015 um 16:06 schrieb Alessandro Chiostri :
> una campitura trasparente rossa andrebbe meglio ma a strisce è un cazzotto in 
> un occhio.

i sviluppatori sono assolutamente contrario alle trasparenze perché risultano 
in colori non previsti e talvolta non interpretabili 

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Problématique de modélisation indoor sur des plans inclinés

2015-10-09 Thread Philippe Verdy
Cette priorité de repeat_on=* sur level=* n'est pas documentée sur le
wiki... On complète ou pas ?
C'est peut-être un bogue d'OpenLevelUp qui devrait prendre en compte les
deux (et faire l'union des deux conditions). Mieux vaut demander à l'auteur.
D'ailleurs repeat_on=* ne me semble pas nécessaire, level=* suffirait pour
tout (il n'y a pas une infinité de niveaux et c'est sans doute plus clair
d'énumérer les niveaux que d'utiliser une répétition; level=* étant en plus
plus général).

Le 9 octobre 2015 07:55, PanierAvide  a écrit :

> Le 09/10/2015 01:29, Jérôme Seigneuret a écrit :
> d'ailleur le repeat_on =0;1
> ne fonctionne pas (voir ascenseur) faut que je prévienne Adrien Pavie
> Ça ne fonctionne pas car il y a un level et un repeat_on, qui sont deux
> tags qui apportent la même information. OpenLevelUp regarder d'abord la clé
> level, et si elle est trouvée ignore le reste. Donc ici soit mettre
> level=0;1 et retirer repeat_on, soit garder repeat_on et supprimer level ;)
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Proposed "Metadata"-Guideline

2015-10-09 Thread Alex Barth
On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 12:07 PM, Steve Coast  wrote:

> If you want all these rights, you can just pick up the phone and pay HERE
> or TomTom for them, they’d love to hear from you.

What's more interesting than sending people to HERE and TomTom is making
them contributors to OpenStreetMap, no?
legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Proposed "Metadata"-Guideline

2015-10-09 Thread Simon Poole
For those readers that are  not well versed with wikis, I just wanted to
point out that some points have been raised on the discussion page:

I personally would prefer if feedback was given here, but obviously
using the discussion page is completely OK too.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappa osmand italia

2015-10-09 Thread Max1234Ita
Ho avviato ora il download, vedo che ci sono già alcuni utenti in seeding.

Purtroppo non ho maniera di tenere il mio pc acceso 24-7... ma lascerò
questo torrent in seeding, se non altro potrà essere utile quando il mio
computer è attivo. 
Poi chissà, magari riesco ad utilizzare un po' di spazio web o qualche
account su GDrive :)

Domanda: mi chiedo perchè mai, se cerco di allocare più di 720 MB
all'applicazione Java, il programma parte ed esce subito, senza visualizzare
nemmeno un messaggio. Eppure da Task Manager vedo che dei 6 GB di memoria
del mio sistema (Core I7, Win7-64bit) ce ne sono almeno la metà liberi...

C'è qualche esperto in grado di darmi una dritta?


View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Bernalda

2015-10-09 Thread Leonardo
Link? Al massimo se il lavoro è troppo grosso da sistemare si reverta 
tutto e si avvisa l'utente.


Il 09/10/2015 23:22, Federico Cortese ha scritto:

Segnalo che oggi nel comune di Bernalda in Basilicata l'utente
formazioneagid ha creato una marea di way sovrapposte e duplicate, con
vari altri errori. Qualcuno ha voglia di contattarlo o correggere?
Purtroppo non riesco proprio a dedicarmici in questi giorni, spero in
un'anima buona :)


Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Proposed "Metadata"-Guideline

2015-10-09 Thread Steve Coast

> On Oct 9, 2015, at 3:22 PM, Alex Barth  wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 12:07 PM, Steve Coast  > wrote:
> If you want all these rights, you can just pick up the phone and pay HERE or 
> TomTom for them, they’d love to hear from you.
> What's more interesting than sending people to HERE and TomTom is making them 
> contributors to OpenStreetMap, no?

Absolutely, but at what cost?

OSM solved 95% or 99% of our problems. Should we fundamentally change OSM to 
claim the last 1% so someone can make slightly more money or complete an 
academic project? I don’t think that’s a worthwhile tradeoff. I’m super happy 
with the 99% we achieved already.

As a sidenote, we should think about etiquette for how many employees from one 
firm contribute to discussions: It would not be fair for volunteers to be 
spammed by companies & their customers. I propose companies appoint one person 
to round up feedback per organization?


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Map Roulette Idea - GNIS "parks"

2015-10-09 Thread Mike Thompson
Sorry for the delay in responding to the thread I started...

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 4:15 PM, Russell Deffner 

>  I am sure you probably know this, but maybe others on the list do not –
> if you’ve seen/heard of the cartoon “South Park” – it’s actually named
> after one of those geographic features described in that second definition
Great example that many people can probably relate to.  There is also a
"North Park" (on CO 14 West of Cameron Pass).

> ; this one:
> –
> which is my handy work, and no, it’s not ‘complete’ and yes it is a bit
> hard to define; but ask any local and they’ll know the general area that is
> ‘South Park’ the ‘flat part’ surrounded by mountains. I’m actually mapping
> the ‘interior features’ first (such as residential and smaller forested
> areas) before ‘stretching the park polygon over top.’
Nice work, and I am glad that someone is putting these "parks" on the map.
I have always considered these "parks" to have no hard boundary (sort of
like a valley), and so was unsure of how to map them.  I do think that
these "parks", along with valleys and a few other named geographic features
should be in OSM.

> I have the relation tagged with name=South Park and natural=grassland
> because in my opinion that is what is ‘most common’ as far as a ‘defining
> map feature’ besides the relatively – but definitely not consistent –
> elevation. However, now I wonder if creating natural=park or a similar tag
> might be better.
I don't know about "natural=grassland", by definition a "park" is "mostly
open", and that openness could be tundra, marsh or bare rock as well as
grassland. On the other hand I see "natural=park" creating confusion, as
people will start using it for recreation areas.

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 3:54 PM, Greg Troxel  wrote:

> I see these parks (e.g. Estes Park, Colorado) as sort of being
> geographical features like hills and sort of being (not necesssarily
> settlement-based) place names.   So maybe changing them to
> place=locality, and maybe also adding some sort of natural=flats tag.
 This seems to be a good idea until such time as there a better tag. Small
detail, "flats" should probably be "flat" to be consistent with other tags.

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 3:35 PM, Steven Johnson  wrote:

> I would think USGS might even be interested in some sort of collaboration
> to clean up all the GNIS points.
You have a great idea, however, they have an issue with ODbL  Very

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] App para caminhada/corrida

2015-10-09 Thread Arlindo Pereira
Sim, e se for um local popular a camada tem muitas passagens de GPS, então
dá para fazer uma média tranquilo.


2015-10-09 16:14 GMT-03:00 Linhares XT :

> Putz! Essa dica da camada do Strava é sensacional pra quem curte um
> off-road!
> Tem um local de mata que eu não conseguia encontrar a passagem, e na
> camada do Strava tem a trilha de bicicleta! =D
> Valeu, Arlindo!
> 2015-10-09 11:10 GMT-03:00 Arlindo Pereira <
>> O Strava exibe as trilhas feitas pelo usuário com mapas OSM, renderizados
>> pela Mapbox, online e no celular.
>> Apenas no celular, quando se abre uma atividade, a trilha é exibida sobre
>> o mapa nativo do aparelho, entretanto. (No caso do Android, Google Maps, no
>> caso do iOS, mapas da Apple). Isso inclusive gerou uma certa polêmica,
>> quando eles "viraram a chave":
>> Aliás, o Strava tem uma iniciativa bacana com o OSM, permitindo traçar
>> sobre uma camada com as trilhas GPS anonimizadas de seus usuários, veja só:
>> []s
>> Arlindo
>> 2015-10-09 10:33 GMT-03:00 Eduardo Medeiros :
>>> Alguém conhece algum app de log de caminhada/corrida que utilize o OSM?
>>> []s,
>>>   Eduardo AM
>>> ___
>>> Talk-br mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-br mailing list
> ___
> Talk-br mailing list
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] CTR : database topografico e ortofoto 2013 a 20CM Regione Basilicata

2015-10-09 Thread Federico Cortese
2015-10-09 21:20 GMT+02:00 Leonardo :
> Grazie Federico, ora funziona tutto alla perfezione, riesco a convertire a
> WGS84 e a far funzionare lo script!
> Spero questo weekend di riuscire a creare la primissima bozza e a
> pubblicarla per il feedback. Inoltre ho controllato l'allineamento contro la
> PCN2012 e 2006, è eccellente.
> Con questi strati rilasciati, trasformati e fusi assieme a quelli degli
> edifici possiamo iniziare a pensare all'import :)

Perfetto Leonardo!
Che ne dici intanto di iniziare a creare la pagina sulla wiki (forse è
proprio quello a cui riferivi come primissima bozza)?
Te lo chiedo perchè vorrei occuparmi dell'import dei confini comunali,
che penso potrebbe essere la prima operazione già fattibile da subito.
Grazie mille.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts

2015-10-09 Thread Russ Nelson
Colin Smale writes:
 > It is not limited to tracks=2 by the way - I have seen examples of four
 > tracks, all with tracks=4... 

It could be worse: you could see three tracks, all with tracks=4. :-)

--my blog is at
Crynwr supports open source software
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315-600-8815
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | Sheepdog   

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Bernalda

2015-10-09 Thread Federico Cortese
2015-10-10 1:09 GMT+02:00 Leonardo :
> Link? Al massimo se il lavoro è troppo grosso da sistemare si reverta tutto
> e si avvisa l'utente.
Sono una settantina di changeset ma tutti molto piccoli, penso si
possa sistemare ma è da verificare.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: [contact] [Informations sur l'association] Demande de renseignements

2015-10-09 Thread JB
Flute, maintenant que je suis plus si loin que ça, je suis pas 
disponible juste ce week-end-là…

Le 09/10/2015 09:56, Nicolas Dumoulin a écrit :

Le vendredi 9 octobre 2015 08:12:41 Christian Quest a écrit :

Des auvergnats disponibles et motivés ?

Si oui, contactez directement M. Henry.

Banco ! :-)
Si d'autres veulent s'y joindre, faites-moi signe.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.

2015-10-09 Thread Guy Vanvuchelen
Eigenaardig genoeg behandelt Osmand fietsroutes en wandelroutes op een andere 
manier. Fietsroutes vind je in kaartlagen -> KAARTWEERGAVE -> routes.  Als hier 
Fietsroutes tonen aangevinkt is zie je ook de knooppunten. Voor Wandelroutes 
moet je naar kaartlagen -> OVERIGE KAART ATTRIBUTEN -> Wandelroutes tonen  maar 
deze instelling toont geen knooppunten.



Guy Vanvuchelen


Van: Sander Deryckere [] 
Verzonden: vrijdag 9 oktober 2015 17:08
Aan: OpenStreetMap Belgium
Onderwerp: Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.


Als ik me dit probleem correct herinner had het te maken met de eigenaardige 
structuur van de tags op de knooppunten. Normaal is er een vaste tag die 
aanduidt dat er een icoontje moet komen (zoals amenity=restaurant) en een tag 
om aan te duiden welke tekst er bij moet komen (zoals name="De Posthoorn"). Bij 
de wandel- en fietsknooppunten moet bepaald worden a.d.h.v. een enkele key als 
er een icoontje komt, en moet die value ook meteen gebruikt worden als de tekst.


Natuurlijk zijn er hier oplossingen voor, maar als je die oplossingen samen 
gaat prutsen, dan gaat er binnen het jaar iets mee mis. Er zijn immers niet 
veel landen die een dergelijk knooppuntensysteem gebruiken. Een degelijke 
oplossing is moeilijker met de huidige architectuur.




Op 9 oktober 2015 16:28 schreef joost schouppe :

Klopt, Osmand cached alles wat je gezien hebt.
Maar lijkt mij toch de moeite om na te vragen bij de mensen van Osmand waarom 
het niet gewoon werkt als POI 

Op 7-okt.-2015 17:33 schreef "Marc Gemis" :


Ik dacht dat OsmAnd de tiles op je smartphone zet. Dus als je thuis kijkt en 
daarna het veld ingaat, zou het kunnen dat je geen verbinding meer nodig hebt.




2015-10-07 16:30 GMT+02:00 Guy Vanvuchelen :

Hallo Gerard,


Ik had helemaal niets gedownload. Ik veronderstelde dat de wandelknooppunten 
gewoon op de offline-kaart zouden verschijnen, ze zijn immers opgenomen als POI.

Het voorstel van Marc is al een grote hulp al zou het nog aangenamer zijn om 
ter plaatse te kunnen zien of een knooppunt reeds gemapt is, in dit zonder 



Guy Vanvuchelen


Van: Gerard Vanderveken [] 
Verzonden: woensdag 7 oktober 2015 16:20

Aan: OpenStreetMap Belgium
Onderwerp: Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.


Was dat een .map bestand dat je gedownload had voor een offline kaart?
Daar hoort ook een .xml konfiguratie / style bestand bij voor de voetwegen.
Dit moet in dezelfde folder staan en hernoemd worden naar dezelfde naam van de 


Guy Vanvuchelen wrote:

Bedankt Marc, zo kan ik thuis (met wifi) tenminste zien wat al gemapt is.


Guy Vanvuchelen


Van: Marc Gemis [] 
Verzonden: woensdag 7 oktober 2015 13:15
Aan: OpenStreetMap Belgium
Onderwerp: Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.


Geen ervaring mee, je kan eventueel ook de on-line kaart "OpenWandelkaart 
(BE,NL)" activeren.

Bij voorkeur als "kaartbron" en de gewone kaart dan als "Underlay-kaart"


Je moet er dan wel rekening mee houden dat je data-abonnement gebruikt wordt. 






2015-10-07 13:04 GMT+02:00 Guy Vanvuchelen :

Op de vraag van mapper ‘Schakkebroek’ om rwn knooppunten zichtbaar te maken 
kreeg hij volgend antwoord:

*wn_ref already supported as POI. I made some corrections and next nightly 
version will have icons for them. Search POI for "International hiking network 

02.10.2015 16:25, Victor Shcherb пишет:


Ik heb de nightly versie gedownload maar het lukt me niet om knooppunten te 
zien.  Wel kon ik een eigen filter maken Vervoer –> International hiking 
network node maar als ik die activeer vind ik niets. Heeft iemand daar ervaring 


Guy Vanvuchelen


Talk-be mailing list




Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list


Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list


Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Proposed "Metadata"-Guideline

2015-10-09 Thread Mr. Stace D Maples
Hello all, I’m new to this list, but wanted to chime in that I am happy to see 
this thread of discussion, here. I’ve been supporting research and teaching 
with geospatial tools for about 15 years (first, at Yale, now at Stanford) and 
I’d like to chime in from that perspective, since the industry angle is well 
represented in the discussion over the last few years.

The ODbL ShareAlike issue first came to my attention at the DC SotM a couple of 
years ago, which I was attending in support of a proposal I had put forth at 
Yale Medical Library to built a geocoding platform on Open Source software and 
Public Domain data that could be used to geocode research data that contains 
personal health information and is therefore subject to the restriction in 
handling and use imposed by HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and 
Accountability Act . That, I think, was the meeting where the sharealike issue 
really came to a head, and I went home convinced that I would not be successful 
in getting the licensing terms for OSM past an Internal Review Board, who would 
squash ANY development of a project that could introduce conflicts with HIPAA 
restriction on personal health information. Ironic, in fact, that the very 
answer I had come up with to solve the problem of using non-transparent, 
proprietary software and data, invoked even more serious conflicts with the law 
that was the impetus for the project, in the first place.

Now, two years on, I have seen the lack of clarity in the ODbL and the OSM 
guidance on the subject create a chilling effect on the use of OSM data for 
academic research, particularly in the fields of public health and medicine. In 
several instances, researchers who could have benefitted greatly from the use 
of OSM and who could have done great good in the world with it, have declined 
to use it because of the lack of clarity (in the part of ODbL and OSM) in 
defining just what constitutes a derivative database.

In two instances now, one the above cited project, and another project to 
create a mobile application to help doctors in remote areas of Bangladesh track 
and treat cholera outbreaks, I have seen OSM cause IRB problems and eventually 
seen it stripped from the projects. Additionally, I have seen other researchers 
decline to use OSM data due to privacy issues (in the case of a researcher who 
was hesitant to use OSM to geocode data received from confidential informants 
in Damascus, for obvious reasons), as well as the more benign (but no less 
problematic, in academia) issue of publishing embargoes on research. 
Researchers at higher ed institutions are required to publish. Publishing is a 
competitive game, and many researchers are hesitant to invest their time in 
using research data that may or may not require them to share their own 
research out before they have had a chance to publish.

I am of the opinion that the use of the ShareAlike license does little to 
protect OSM from use by people and organizations that are not willing to 
contribute back to OSM, which I suspect is the idea. What I DO see it doing is 
causing a chilling effect on the use of the data for legitimate research 
purposes, which I can’t imagine that the vast majority of OSM contributors 
would be opposed to. So, ideally, OpenStreetMap should actually be open for any 
use, but barring the dropping of sharealike, there certainly needs to be a 
great deal of clarification and specificity in how the clause is applied. 
Certainly, clearly defined examples of use cases and the parameters of the 
application of sharealike, would be helpful. For instance, if research using 
OSM is subject to sharealike, when must the data be released? Immediately, 
eventually, after a 3 year publishing embargo (that’s our default publishing 
embargo on the Stanford Digital Repository for research data)? How do you 
resolve a conflict between HIPAA and ODbL, when personal health information 
CANNOT be released, under any circumstances? Is research using OSM data in 
Public Health and Medicine simply off limits?

Again, I’m happy to see an active discussion of these issues beginning, here, 
and welcome any questions the list members might have about OSM/ODbL license 
implications outside of commercial applications.

One other question, and I’m just curious, not trying to start a flame war. 
Isn’t some of the data in OSM from public domain datasets? If so, what is the 
OSM rationale for placing a more restrictive licensing model on that data?

Best to all, hope to hear from you soon.

In F,L,
Stace Maples
Geospatial Manager
Stanford Geospatial Center
Skype: stacey.maples
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"I have a map of the United States... actual size.
It says, "Scale: 1 mile = 1 mile."
I spent last summer folding it."
-Steven Wright-

[OSM-legal-talk] Proposed "Metadata"-Guideline
Michael Steffen 

Re: [Talk-de] Parkplätze Autobahnen ohne u. mit WC

2015-10-09 Thread Peter Barth

Rolf Eike Beer schrieb:
> Relevant sind hier also die beiden keys highway=services (Raststätte) 
> und highway=rest_area (Rastplatz), jeweils in Kombination mit 
> toilets=yes. Nun muss nur noch jemand hingehen und daraus was hübsches 
> basteln. ;)

oder ohne toilets und das dann für die Einfärbung verwenden. Nicht dass
das jetzt hübsch wäre, aber dann weiß man, wo man noch gucken muss
(blaue Knoten) ob es da echt keine Toiletten gibt ;)


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Basi N.a.t.o.

2015-10-09 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
Questa volta google ha esagerato!

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Basi N.a.t.o.

2015-10-09 Thread Alessandro Chiostri
Volevo prendere un altro esempio ed ho visto che la base di Ramstein è
mappata eccome: piste, strade, edifici !

Il giorno 9 ottobre 2015 11:44, Max1234Ita  ha

> Scusate, ma se non ricordo male un tempo era "vietato eseguire rilievi di
> qualunque tipo, anche a memoria", su aree di utilizzo militare (cartello
> visto appeso all parete in una stazione dei Carabinieri)...
> E' cambiato qualcosa?
> Lo so che da quando ci sono le aerofoto di dominio publico chiunque può
> curiosare nelle installazioni di massima sicurezza; intendo dire se è
> cambiato qualcosa in senso legale nel nostro Paese...
> Cosa direbbe, in proposito, un "Manuale delle Giovani Marmotte per i
> mappatori"?
> Ciao,
> MAx
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Problématique de modélisation indoor sur des plans inclinés

2015-10-09 Thread PanierAvide
De ce que j'ai pu lire sur le wiki, repeat_on consiste à dire qu'un 
objet strictement identique se répète au même endroit sur plusieurs 
niveaux (porte d'ascenseur par exemple), c'est donc assez spécifique. 
Tout le reste est noté en level. Pour l'ascenseur du coup le plus adapté 
est level. De là à supprimer le repeat_on je ne sais pas, on a vraiment 
une notion de répétition qui est différente du level, qui dit qu'un 
objet "s'étale" sur plusieurs étages.
Il n'y a pas en soit de priorité documentée du level sur repeat_on, mais 
quand on code la recherche des niveaux, il faut bien faire un choix ;)
Pour les questions de pente, il n'y a effectivement pas de prise en 
compte "propre" pour l'instant. Le level=0.5 c'est pour les paliers, 
mais qui sont là encore des objets "à plat", un niveau intermédiaire. Le 
level_junction aiderait, mais on ne saurait pas quel côté d'un polygone 
est à tel niveau et pas l'autre. L'idée d'un multipolygone sur lequel 
certaines arêtes possèdent un level=* a été suggérée lors de discussions 
autour des gares. Ça donnerait pour un cas simple :

* 4 chemins formant le contour d'une pente rectangulaire
  * 2 chemins sans level
  * 1 avec level=0
  * 1 avec level=1
* Une relation multipolygone pour rassembler ces 4 chemins, avec 
éventuellement level=0;1 et les informations propre à l'objet 
(indoor=area, name=*, ...)

On pourrait imaginer des cas plus complexes d'espaces en forme de V, 
avec au centre un niveau 0 et sur les côtés un niveau 1 (ou même deux 
niveaux différents), voire même des spirales sur plusieurs étages (voir 
le parc relais Kennedy à Rennes [1]) ou autres formes variées :)

Concernant les entrées intérieures/extérieures/de service... pour 
OpenLevelUp c'est très possible, ce sera fait ;)


Le 09/10/2015 11:53, Jérôme Seigneuret a écrit :

J'ai deux remarques supplémentaires:

La première peux expliquer la nuance entre un repeat_on et un level. 
Je prends le cas d'une séparation entre deux niveaux:

|| : entrance=yes

Cas 1 (désolé pour la pente. ça fait un peu toboggan )

.1  __ level=0;1
   \ / >level =0;1 <> repeat_on=0;1
\||_ .0

Cas 2:
 __ level=1
|| .1 >   level =0;1 == 

|| .0
\__ level=0

Il manque pour moi une info permettant de dire que c'est une liaison 
forte entre niveau et pas deux objets repété dans ce cas:

level=0;1 + level_junction=yes

On a aussi level=0,5 mais dans ce cas l'affichage se fait t'il sur les 
deux niveaux ou considère t'on que c'est un niveau à part entière?

La deuxième remarque est sur le symbole d'affichage des portes

@Adrien est-il possible de modifier les figurés pour distinguer:
- les portes d'entrée (intérieur extérieur)
- les portes d'entrées principales et secondaires, livraison, accès 
restreint au personnel (déjà fait pour emergency)?

Le 9 octobre 2015 11:16, Jérôme Seigneuret > a écrit :

Arff j'ai pas remarqué mais repeat_on n'est que pour des données
de type point... En plus clairemnt le repeat_on et un doublon car
tu peut faire exactement la même chose avec level il me semble.
Sur ce point je rejoins @Philippe

J'ai corrigé et ça fonctionne bien sans le repeat_on

Le 9 octobre 2015 08:50, Philippe Verdy > a écrit :

Cette priorité de repeat_on=* sur level=* n'est pas documentée
sur le wiki... On complète ou pas ?
C'est peut-être un bogue d'OpenLevelUp qui devrait prendre en
compte les deux (et faire l'union des deux conditions). Mieux
vaut demander à l'auteur.
D'ailleurs repeat_on=* ne me semble pas nécessaire, level=*
suffirait pour tout (il n'y a pas une infinité de niveaux et
c'est sans doute plus clair d'énumérer les niveaux que
d'utiliser une répétition; level=* étant en plus plus général).

Le 9 octobre 2015 07:55, PanierAvide > a écrit :

Le 09/10/2015 01:29, Jérôme Seigneuret a écrit :

d'ailleur le repeat_on
=0;1 ne
fonctionne pas (voir ascenseur) faut que je prévienne
Adrien Pavie

Ça ne fonctionne pas car il y a un level et un repeat_on,
qui sont deux tags qui apportent la même information.
OpenLevelUp regarder d'abord la clé level, et si elle est
trouvée ignore le reste. Donc ici soit mettre level=0;1 et
retirer repeat_on, soit garder repeat_on et supprimer level ;)

Talk-fr mailing list 

[Talk-lt] Žemėlapių spalvinimas

2015-10-09 Thread Tomas Straupis
Atsipalaidavimui galima nesunkiai susikurti spalvinimo lapus iš
žemėlapių, ar ne? :-)


Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Basi N.a.t.o.

2015-10-09 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
Quei cartelli son stati rimossi dai boschi del Friuli già negli anni 90.
Qualcuno passa per Aviano a controllare?

Il 09/ott/2015 11:45 "Max1234Ita"  ha scritto:

> Scusate, ma se non ricordo male un tempo era "vietato eseguire rilievi di
> qualunque tipo, anche a memoria", su aree di utilizzo militare (cartello
> visto appeso all parete in una stazione dei Carabinieri)...
> E' cambiato qualcosa?
> Lo so che da quando ci sono le aerofoto di dominio publico chiunque può
> curiosare nelle installazioni di massima sicurezza; intendo dire se è
> cambiato qualcosa in senso legale nel nostro Paese...
> Cosa direbbe, in proposito, un "Manuale delle Giovani Marmotte per i
> mappatori"?
> Ciao,
> MAx
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Weitere Gipfel-Tags / Elbsandstein: ...

2015-10-09 Thread Christian Pietzsch
Also für Gipfel könnte ich mit summit:register leben.
Gerade wurde zur Wikiseite von Climbing climbing:summit:log hinzugefügt. (
In dem Zusammenhang ist mir etwas aufgefallen. Es gab mal einen Vorschlag
zum taggen des Gipfelbuches an sich (toursim=register
) Das könnte
für die Kletterei (und anderer Aktivitäten) durchaus sinnvoll sein. Mit
register=wall_log [oder ähnlich] (Wandbuch, wenn zum Beispiel an Klippen
geklettert wird) und register=summit für Gipfel, oder register:cave
(Höhlenbuch), oder register=via_ferrata (Stiegenbuch). Wären sicher auch
noch andere Varianten möglich.
Ich werd das mal auf der Proposal Seite vorschlagen.

mfg Christian

Am 7. Oktober 2015 um 11:10 schrieb Tom Pfeifer :

> Martin Koppenhoefer wrote on 2015-10-07 08:04:
>> Am 07.10.2015 um 03:59 schrieb Tom Pfeifer:
>>>   summit:register = yes
>>>   damit ist vermutlich die Existenz des Gipfelbuchs gemeint, und nicht
>>> ein
>>>   Register der Gipfel. Etabliert hat sich hier bereits:
>>>   climbing:summit_log = yes
>> laut taginfo gibt es ca. 10x mehr summit:register
> Das mag sein, und kann an der Art der Importe liegen.
> summit:register ist semantisch mehrdeutig, hier aber nur ein
> Nebenschauplatz.
> Und
>>>   difficulty = III
>>> sollte man auch man anpassen auf das heute übliche Schema
>>>   climbing:grade:saxon:min = *
>> difficulty und vor allem das ähnliche piste:difficulty ist allerdings
>> weit verbreiteter.
> > Macht es wirklich Sinn, da eine eigene Skala zu verwenden?
> Ja, da es weltweit etwa 10 verschiedene Skalen gibt, die alle aktiv
> in den entsprechenden Gebieten verwendet werden.
> difficulty ist nicht dokumentiert, hier mischen sich in den Werten
> die römischen Ziffern aus Sachsen mit verbalen Beschreibungen, die
> offenbar aus dem Pistentagging herüberschwappen.
> piste:difficulty ist gut, da es sportartspezifisch ist.
> Das soll aber nicht Teil des Reverts sein, daher spalte ich die Diskussion
> mal ab.
> tom
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
Talk-de mailing list

Wochennotiz Nr. 272 29.9.–5.10.2015

2015-10-09 Thread wnreader

die Wochennotiz Nr. 272 mit allen wichtigen Neuigkeiten aus der OpenStreetMap 
Welt ist da:

Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Spam

2015-10-09 Thread Michael Andersen
Jeg har fået administrator til at fjerne det medlem beskederne kom gennem fra 
listen, så nu skulle der ikke umiddelbart komme flere.

Tirsdag den 6. oktober 2015 09:03:25 skrev Anders Lund:
> Vi mangler vist et spamfilter på denne liste!
> Vh,
> Anders
> ___
> Talk-dk mailing list

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] App para caminhada/corrida

2015-10-09 Thread Arlindo Pereira
O Strava exibe as trilhas feitas pelo usuário com mapas OSM, renderizados
pela Mapbox, online e no celular.

Apenas no celular, quando se abre uma atividade, a trilha é exibida sobre o
mapa nativo do aparelho, entretanto. (No caso do Android, Google Maps, no
caso do iOS, mapas da Apple). Isso inclusive gerou uma certa polêmica,
quando eles "viraram a chave":

Aliás, o Strava tem uma iniciativa bacana com o OSM, permitindo traçar
sobre uma camada com as trilhas GPS anonimizadas de seus usuários, veja só:


2015-10-09 10:33 GMT-03:00 Eduardo Medeiros :

> Alguém conhece algum app de log de caminhada/corrida que utilize o OSM?
> []s,
>   Eduardo AM
> ___
> Talk-br mailing list
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.

2015-10-09 Thread joost schouppe
Klopt, Osmand cached alles wat je gezien hebt.
Maar lijkt mij toch de moeite om na te vragen bij de mensen van Osmand
waarom het niet gewoon werkt als POI
Op 7-okt.-2015 17:33 schreef "Marc Gemis" :

> Ik dacht dat OsmAnd de tiles op je smartphone zet. Dus als je thuis kijkt
> en daarna het veld ingaat, zou het kunnen dat je geen verbinding meer nodig
> hebt.
> 2015-10-07 16:30 GMT+02:00 Guy Vanvuchelen :
>> Hallo Gerard,
>> Ik had helemaal niets gedownload. Ik veronderstelde dat de
>> wandelknooppunten gewoon op de offline-kaart zouden verschijnen, ze zijn
>> immers opgenomen als POI.
>> Het voorstel van Marc is al een grote hulp al zou het nog aangenamer zijn
>> om ter plaatse te kunnen zien of een knooppunt reeds gemapt is, in dit
>> zonder internetverbinding.
>> Guy Vanvuchelen
>> *Van:* Gerard Vanderveken []
>> *Verzonden:* woensdag 7 oktober 2015 16:20
>> *Aan:* OpenStreetMap Belgium
>> *Onderwerp:* Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.
>> Was dat een .map bestand dat je gedownload had voor een offline kaart?
>> Daar hoort ook een .xml konfiguratie / style bestand bij voor de
>> voetwegen.
>> Dit moet in dezelfde folder staan en hernoemd worden naar dezelfde naam
>> van de .map
>> Gerard.
>> Guy Vanvuchelen wrote:
>> Bedankt Marc, zo kan ik thuis (met wifi) tenminste zien wat al gemapt is.
>> Guy Vanvuchelen
>> *Van:* Marc Gemis [ ]
>> *Verzonden:* woensdag 7 oktober 2015 13:15
>> *Aan:* OpenStreetMap Belgium
>> *Onderwerp:* Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.
>> Geen ervaring mee, je kan eventueel ook de on-line kaart "OpenWandelkaart
>> (BE,NL)" activeren.
>> Bij voorkeur als "kaartbron" en de gewone kaart dan als "Underlay-kaart"
>> Je moet er dan wel rekening mee houden dat je data-abonnement gebruikt
>> wordt.
>> mvg
>> m
>> 2015-10-07 13:04 GMT+02:00 Guy Vanvuchelen :
>> Op de vraag van mapper ‘Schakkebroek’ om rwn knooppunten zichtbaar te
>> maken kreeg hij volgend antwoord:
>> *wn_ref already supported as POI. I made some corrections and next
>> nightly version will have icons for them. Search POI for "International
>> hiking network node".
>> 02.10.2015 16:25, Victor Shcherb пишет:
>> Ik heb de nightly versie gedownload maar het lukt me niet om knooppunten
>> te zien.  Wel kon ik een eigen filter maken Vervoer –> International hiking
>> network node maar als ik die activeer vind ik niets. Heeft iemand daar
>> ervaring mee?
>> Guy Vanvuchelen
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
>> --
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [talk-latam] Proyecto Cotopaxi

2015-10-09 Thread Daniel Orellana
Hola Miriam.

También participé en la reunión del lunes. La comunidad de EC se comunica
también por


Daniel Orellana V.

PhD en Geoinformación
Grupo de Investigación en Ciudades Sustentables
Grupo de Investigación en Recursos Hídricos y Ciencias Ambientales
Universidad de Cuenca.

2015-10-08 23:08 GMT-05:00 Gonzales, Miriam - (p) :

> Hola a toda la comunidad mapera de LatAm
> El día de hoy estuve en una junta con The Gov Lab, autoridades de la
> ciudad de Quito y organizaciones especializadas en desastres naturales
> Me gustaría saber si existen por aquí personas de la Comunidad de OSM en
> Ecuador para que podamos participar en las siguientes reuniones y coordinar
> en conjunto los esfuerzos en caso de erupción del volcán CotoPaxi
> Saludos y gracias
> Miriam
> @Mapanauta
> ___
> talk-latam mailing list
talk-latam mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Basi N.a.t.o.

2015-10-09 Thread mircozorzo
Ciao, penso che la cosa sia arcinota ma la riporto ancora ugualmente:
guardate un po' cosa c'è sul sito dell'arma dei Carabinieri.


Ciao, Mirco

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Parkplätze Autobahnen ohne u. mit WC

2015-10-09 Thread Hartmut Holzgraefe

On 09.10.2015 17:59, Peter Barth wrote:

oder ohne toilets und das dann für die Einfärbung verwenden. Nicht dass
das jetzt hübsch wäre, aber dann weiß man, wo man noch gucken muss
(blaue Knoten) ob es da echt keine Toiletten gibt ;)

auf jeden Fall taugt es um falsch getagte Wanderparkplätze und
Piknikplätze zu finden und zu fixed ...


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Basi N.a.t.o.

2015-10-09 Thread Max1234Ita
dieterdreist wrote
> come avevo scritto, lo decide il mappatore, normalmente puoi legalmente
> mappare tutte le aree militari del mondo tranne quelle del tuo paesi /dove
> ti trovi. Poi, se stai copiando da fonti pubblicamente disponibili (nel
> caso del PCN sono fonti pubblici del governo) non dovresti avere grossi
> problemi (ma io non garantisco per niente, ovviamente ). Mi sembra una
> zona grigia dove le leggi dei tempi della guerra fredda non vengono più
> applicate (forse).
> ciao 
> Martin 

Concordo, è una zona *molto* grigia... 
Teoricamente, quindi potremmo "gemellarci" con community OSM di altri Paesi
e mapparci a vicenda le installazioni militari senza timore di essere
tradotti in catene! :-)

Ci vorrebbe il parere di qualche mappatore esperto in Legge (quella
Italiana, soprattutto)...


View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] State of the Art - Dynamic Routing

2015-10-09 Thread Patrick Niklaus
If you want to ingest dynamic data like traffic information into the
routing, the main objective is to reduce pre-processing times so that
the data will not be stale before you can actually serve requests from

There are several ways you can achieve this:
1. Don't do any pre-processing.
 In that case you just use a normal Dijkstra based search.
2. Do pre-processing but don't update it on traffic updates.
For example if you use something ALT-based you can calculate the
heuristic using the average value and still yield good performance.
3. Re-run pre-processing and make it fast enough for your given update cycle.
The primary knobs you can turn there are:
- reduce the size of your dataset
- reduce the quality of the pre-processing

We have been working on supporting 3 in OSRM with CH. We added a
parameter to now contract the graph completely but only partially.
This as dire consequences for query times however, depending on which
quality factor you pick. If you contract the graph only 95% you will
half your pre-processing time and increase the runtime 100x depending
on your dataset size. Features like alternative searches, distance
tables and similar will not work with this approach since it is much
too slow.

You can try partial contraction with `4.8.1` by using the `-k`
parameter like `-k 0.95` will contract the graph only to 95%.

Supporting real time traffic updates while still supporting
continental sized networks is not exactly trivial, even more so if you
support advanced features like turn restrictions. Consider the fact
that just reading/writing such a graph from/to disk might take longer
than your usual update cycle.

We are working on making it easier to support this for smaller
datasets though (like countries). Of course CH is really not suited
that well for this task, but it enables you to use the same platform
and process until CH can be replaced with alternative approaches.


On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 3:03 PM, Matthias Loeks  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would love to see the great OSRM framework supporting more dynamic route
> calculations.
> For instance, it would be great to be able to specify individual vehicle
> profiles/parameters and avoid areas (e.g. road closures) on a per-request
> basis.
> As I understand, this required flexibility is contrary to the approach of
> contraction hierarchies in general and thus very hard to achieve. The
> routing can only be that fast because all dynamic input information is
> pre-computed in the graph during the pre-processing, right?
> However, I noticed that this topic was already discussed from time to time
> on the list [1,2] and on github [3-5]. Plus there are similar CH-based
> projects starting to support dynamic input at least to some extent (e.g.
> GraphHopper Traffic Data Integration [6]). So in the end it *does* seem to
> be possible, at least partly?
> All in all, I'd like to know what is the current state of the art of such
> efforts on the roadmap? What *is* possible and what is definitely not? Is
> there anything in this direction being worked on currently or soon?
> It would be great to hear any thoughts, updates and/or ideas from you on
> this topic.
> Many thanks and all the best,
> Matthias
> --
> [1] -
> [2] -
> [3] -
> [4] -
> [5] .
> [6] -
> ___
> OSRM-talk mailing list

OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] IGN/NGI/NGI/NGI too now using OpenStreetMap

2015-10-09 Thread André Pirard
On 2015-09-06 23:54, Nicolas Pettiaux wrote :
> Dear 
> In March, I have met the directeur général adjoint of IGN during a
> meeting about GIS in Belgium where I represented the OSM.BE team (Ben
> had been invited too and I have coordinated with him) and he let me
> know that he would be willing to share data with us.
> We could prepare to go and meet officially (as the OSM-be
> representatives) IGN to discussi licences, compatibility and mutual help.
> Who is interested ?
The geographic sites conditions usually limit the vision of what is
conceivable to do with their maps to "you can print a map" (waste paper,
what about copying the picture to a smartphone/GSM instead?). But we
have learned after 5 years of "we cannot copy (yet)" that what the SPW
conditions do not say is that "what OSM is doing is not copying". Hence,
it would be *very interesting* indeed to *at least* know the
corresponding opinion of IGN/NGI about what we are doing.  And even more
that they are willing to share data as Minister Henry wad told to have
asked the SPW to do.
And, btw, to ask the Minister if the boundary data is the property of
IGN/NGI or theirs (btw, should I explain that if M. Henry is no longer
the right minister, his successor should be asked after crossing one's
A typical case is this map

that can be obtained from here   (tag
Visualisez) (or otherwise).
What can exactly be done with it, especially the +++ borderlines beside
not printing it?
Compare it with others, help understanding others, correcting others,
... or, if, like the SPW secret, "être copiées et reproduites de manière
excessive" is not what OSM is doing?
I'd like to know that, as a contributor of 5000 km of very precisely
mapped Walloon borders, who would rectify other borders 10, 25, 50 m off
their location, I started with a 250m shift in Banneux.

The IGN/NGI is a most important source of information indeed.
Thanks.  Keep us informed.



> Best regards,
> Nicolas
> Le dim 6 sep 2015 à 21:45, André Pirard  a
> écrit :
>> Hi,
>> In their now official Cartesius project
>> , IGN/NGI/NGI/NGI et al.
>> too are now using OpenStreetMap
>>  (click
>> Basemap).
>> It would have been surprising that NGI did not display the OSM ©
>> notice ;-)
>> Please notice that they reproduce without a frown the OSM mapping of
>> the so-called © NGI boundaries that we "cannot copy yet" (belonging
>> to the various successive governments (French and Belgian mainly)) !
>> Cheers ,
>> André.

Talk-be mailing list

[OSRM-talk] State of the Art - Dynamic Routing

2015-10-09 Thread Matthias Loeks

Hi all,

I would love to see the great OSRM framework supporting more dynamic 
route calculations.
For instance, it would be great to be able to specify individual vehicle 
profiles/parameters and avoid areas (e.g. road closures) on a 
per-request basis.

As I understand, this required flexibility is contrary to the approach 
of contraction hierarchies in general and thus very hard to achieve. The 
routing can only be that fast because all dynamic input information is 
pre-computed in the graph during the pre-processing, right?

However, I noticed that this topic was already discussed from time to 
time on the list [1,2] and on github [3-5]. Plus there are similar 
CH-based projects starting to support dynamic input at least to some 
extent (e.g. GraphHopper Traffic Data Integration [6]). So in the end it 
*does* seem to be possible, at least partly?

All in all, I'd like to know what is the current state of the art of 
such efforts on the roadmap? What *is* possible and what is definitely 
not? Is there anything in this direction being worked on currently or soon?

It would be great to hear any thoughts, updates and/or ideas from you on 
this topic.

Many thanks and all the best,

[1] -
[2] -

[3] -
[4] -
[5] .
[6] -

OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Basi N.a.t.o.

2015-10-09 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 09.10.2015 um 13:55 schrieb Alessandro Chiostri :
> Volevo prendere un altro esempio ed ho visto che la base di Ramstein è 
> mappata eccome: piste, strade, edifici !

come avevo scritto, lo decide il mappatore, normalmente puoi legalmente mappare 
tutte le aree militari del mondo tranne quelle del tuo paesi /dove ti trovi. 
Poi, se stai copiando da fonti pubblicamente disponibili (nel caso del PCN sono 
fonti pubblici del governo) non dovresti avere grossi problemi (ma io non 
garantisco per niente, ovviamente ). Mi sembra una zona grigia dove le leggi 
dei tempi della guerra fredda non vengono più applicate (forse).

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-br] App para caminhada/corrida

2015-10-09 Thread Eduardo Medeiros
Alguém conhece algum app de log de caminhada/corrida que utilize o OSM?

  Eduardo AM
Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-GB] weekly 272

2015-10-09 Thread Manfred A. Reiter
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 272, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
openstreetmap world: Enjoy! weeklyOSM is brought to
you by ...

## Manfred
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Parkplätze Autobahnen ohne u. mit W C

2015-10-09 Thread chris66
Am 09.10.2015 um 20:14 schrieb Holger Jeromin:

> Evtl sind die Toiletten einzeln und nicht als Attribut auf dem
>  Rastplatz getaggt. Das könnte ein pre preprocessing finden.

Ja, ich denke das ist der Normalfall.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] User dataone: "splitting into 2 way to tag restriction "

2015-10-09 Thread Antje
Found another misleading “merging into 1 way to tag restriction”:


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Parkplätze Autobahnen ohne u. mit W C

2015-10-09 Thread Holger Jeromin
Peter Barth  Wrote in message:
> Hi,
> Rolf Eike Beer schrieb:
>> Relevant sind hier also die beiden keys highway=services (Raststätte) 
>> und highway=rest_area (Rastplatz), jeweils in Kombination mit 
>> toilets=yes. Nun muss nur noch jemand hingehen und daraus was hübsches 
>> basteln. ;)
> oder ohne toilets und das dann für die Einfärbung verwenden. Nicht dass
> das jetzt hübsch wäre, aber dann weiß man, wo man noch gucken muss
> (blaue Knoten) ob es da echt keine Toiletten gibt ;)

Dank sehr guter Autobahn Bilder von mapillary sollte man ziemlich
 einfach von Zuhause diese Daten ergänzen können.
Toiletten und wheelchair Toilette ist ja gut auf den Schildern vor
 den Rastplatz erkennbar. 

toilets=no ist ja auch sinnvoll in den Daten zu haben. 
Wäre das ne Idee für map Roulette? 

Evtl sind die Toiletten einzeln und nicht als Attribut auf dem
 Rastplatz getaggt. Das könnte ein pre preprocessing finden.
Rastplätze gibt's ja jetzt auch nicht soo viele. 


Android NewsGroup Reader

Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-talk] weekly 272

2015-10-09 Thread Manfred A. Reiter
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 272, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
openstreetmap world: Enjoy! weeklyOSM is brought to
you by ...

## Manfred
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Parkplätze Autobahnen ohne u. mit W C

2015-10-09 Thread mmd

Am 09.10.2015 um 20:14 schrieb Holger Jeromin:

> Evtl sind die Toiletten einzeln und nicht als Attribut auf dem
>  Rastplatz getaggt. Das könnte ein pre preprocessing finden.
> Rastplätze gibt's ja jetzt auch nicht soo viele. 

dafür könnte ich folgende Query anbieten:


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-it] Osmose e Mapillary

2015-10-09 Thread cesare gerbino
Ciao a tutti,

ho visto in un tweet che dovrebbe essere possibile fare delle query osmose
per tirare fuori anche delle immagini Mapillary . qualcuno ha un

 Grazie mille !!!

Cesare Gerbino

Questo è un account di posta personale di Cesare Gerbino: tutte le opinioni
espresse sono personali e non riflettono necessariamente quelle del mio
datore di lavoro

This is Cesare Gerbino mail account. Text is written by Cesare Gerbino:
 the views expressed  are mine and not necessarily those of my employer.
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-us] Whole-US Garmin Map update - 2015-10-07

2015-10-09 Thread Dave Hansen
These are based off of Lambertus's work here:

If you have questions or comments about these maps, please feel
free to ask.  However, please do not send me private mail.  The
odds are, someone else will have the same questions, and by
asking on the talk-us@ list, others can benefit.


Map to visualize what each file contains:


Why did you do this?

I wrote scripts to joined them myself to lessen the impact
of doing a large join on Lambertus's server.  I've also
cut them in large longitude swaths that should fit conveniently
on removable media.

Can or should I seed the torrents?

Yes!!  If you use the .torrent files, please seed.  That web
server is in the UK, and it helps to have some peers on this
side of the Atlantic.

Why is my map missing small rectangular areas?

There have been some missing tiles from Lambertus's map (the
red rectangles),  I don't see any at the moment, so you may
want to update if you had issues with the last set.

Why can I not copy the large files to my new SD card?

If you buy a new card (especially SDHC), some are FAT16 from
the factory.  I had to reformat it to let me create a >2GB

Does your map cover Mexico/Canada?

Yes!!  I have, for the purposes of this map, annexed Ontario
in to the USA.  Some areas of North America that are close
to the US also just happen to get pulled in to these maps.
This might not happen forever, and if you would like your
non-US area to get included, let me know. 

-- Dave

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Proposed "Metadata"-Guideline

2015-10-09 Thread Steve Coast
I designed a license concept that’s relevant as an alternative way of thinking 
about this:

On a different note: It’s a false dichotomy to compare OSM and Public Domain, 
it’s really about comparing buying a proprietary map (which the OP didn’t 
mention that I saw) and OSM. If you want all these rights, you can just pick up 
the phone and pay HERE or TomTom for them, they’d love to hear from you. From 
that standpoint OSM looks wonderful of course.



> On Oct 9, 2015, at 12:56 PM, Eugene Alvin Villar  wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 11:49 PM, Mr. Stace D Maples  > wrote:
> One other question, and I’m just curious, not trying to start a flame war. 
> Isn’t some of the data in OSM from public domain datasets? If so, what is the 
> OSM rationale for placing a more restrictive licensing model on that data?
> Well, this issue is actually a "religious" war most commonly known as the BSD 
> vs. GPL debate.
> Personally, I take issue with your statement that ODbL is a "more 
> restrictive" license than public domain. It all depends on your definition of 
> "restrictive" vis-a-vis "freedom". Public domain or CC-BY-style licensing 
> (aka BSD style) does provide the immediate user with a lot more rights than a 
> share-alike license like ODbL or CC-BY-SA (aka GPL style). However, those 
> rights are only guaranteed for the immediate user. The immediate user can add 
> his own improvements to it and then make those improvements proprietary—a 
> usage right that's allowed. Unfortunately, other users cannot make use of 
> those improvements.
> On the other hand, a share-alike license aims to be a more sustainable model. 
> It restricts the immediate user on only one aspect: the right to make a 
> share-alike content/data/IP proprietary is explicitly disallowed. This 
> ensures that any improvements are shared back to the community, unlike with 
> the BSD-style licensing.
> For me, share-alike licensing for OSM data is a net positive. This licensing 
> ensures that nobody can take the data, improve it to make it even more 
> valuable and then make it proprietary.
> ___
> legal-talk mailing list

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] App para caminhada/corrida

2015-10-09 Thread Linhares XT
Putz! Essa dica da camada do Strava é sensacional pra quem curte um
Tem um local de mata que eu não conseguia encontrar a passagem, e na camada
do Strava tem a trilha de bicicleta! =D

Valeu, Arlindo!

2015-10-09 11:10 GMT-03:00 Arlindo Pereira :

> O Strava exibe as trilhas feitas pelo usuário com mapas OSM, renderizados
> pela Mapbox, online e no celular.
> Apenas no celular, quando se abre uma atividade, a trilha é exibida sobre
> o mapa nativo do aparelho, entretanto. (No caso do Android, Google Maps, no
> caso do iOS, mapas da Apple). Isso inclusive gerou uma certa polêmica,
> quando eles "viraram a chave":
> Aliás, o Strava tem uma iniciativa bacana com o OSM, permitindo traçar
> sobre uma camada com as trilhas GPS anonimizadas de seus usuários, veja só:
> []s
> Arlindo
> 2015-10-09 10:33 GMT-03:00 Eduardo Medeiros :
>> Alguém conhece algum app de log de caminhada/corrida que utilize o OSM?
>> []s,
>>   Eduardo AM
>> ___
>> Talk-br mailing list
> ___
> Talk-br mailing list
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] CTR : database topografico e ortofoto 2013 a 20CM Regione Basilicata

2015-10-09 Thread Leonardo
Grazie Federico, ora funziona tutto alla perfezione, riesco a convertire 
a WGS84 e a far funzionare lo script!

Spero questo weekend di riuscire a creare la primissima bozza e a 
pubblicarla per il feedback. Inoltre ho controllato l'allineamento 
contro la PCN2012 e 2006, è eccellente.

Prima di parlare di import vorrei che fossero rilasciati anche i 
seguenti layer con gli attributi:

per l'area delle varie scuole, parrocchie, ospedali, ecc...)



Questi dati ci permettono di avere una base solida di dati dei vari 
centri abitati, in maniera simile a quella che sto importando in questo 
periodo della provincia di Padova).

Con questi strati rilasciati, trasformati e fusi assieme a quelli degli 
edifici possiamo iniziare a pensare all'import :)



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] CTR : database topografico e ortofoto 2013 a 20CM Regione Basilicata

2015-10-09 Thread Francesco Piero Paolicelli
intanto qui hanno rilasciato un sacco di altre cose

Il giorno 9 ottobre 2015 21:20, Leonardo  ha

> Grazie Federico, ora funziona tutto alla perfezione, riesco a convertire a
> WGS84 e a far funzionare lo script!
> Spero questo weekend di riuscire a creare la primissima bozza e a
> pubblicarla per il feedback. Inoltre ho controllato l'allineamento contro
> la PCN2012 e 2006, è eccellente.
> Prima di parlare di import vorrei che fossero rilasciati anche i seguenti
> layer con gli attributi:
> per l'area delle varie scuole, parrocchie, ospedali, ecc...)
> Questi dati ci permettono di avere una base solida di dati dei vari centri
> abitati, in maniera simile a quella che sto importando in questo periodo
> della provincia di Padova).
> Con questi strati rilasciati, trasformati e fusi assieme a quelli degli
> edifici possiamo iniziare a pensare all'import :)
> Ciao!
> Leonardo
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Proposed "Metadata"-Guideline

2015-10-09 Thread Tom Lee
Allow me to gently suggest that we try to keep this thread grounded in
concrete concerns. I am always up for some flag-waving about sharealike
versus PD, but I think it would be best housed in a new thread or the talk
list (it's a general enough principle that the larger community deserves to
weigh in if it's to be revisited).

Stace has pointed to specific use cases that I suspect many of us would
like OSM to support--academic research subject to temporary embargo and
scenarios with serious privacy limitations--and to the current lack of
guidance being a stumbling block.

Stace, do you feel the guideline under consideration would address the kind
of roadblocks you've referenced?

On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 3:07 PM, Steve Coast  wrote:

> I designed a license concept that’s relevant as an alternative way of
> thinking about this:
> On a different note: It’s a false dichotomy to compare OSM and Public
> Domain, it’s really about comparing buying a proprietary map (which the OP
> didn’t mention that I saw) and OSM. If you want all these rights, you can
> just pick up the phone and pay HERE or TomTom for them, they’d love to hear
> from you. From that standpoint OSM looks wonderful of course.
> Best
> Steve
> On Oct 9, 2015, at 12:56 PM, Eugene Alvin Villar  wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 11:49 PM, Mr. Stace D Maples <
>> wrote:
>> One other question, and I’m just curious, not trying to start a flame
>> war. Isn’t some of the data in OSM from public domain datasets? If so, what
>> is the OSM rationale for placing a more restrictive licensing model on that
>> data?
> Well, this issue is actually a "religious" war most commonly known as the
> BSD vs. GPL debate.
> Personally, I take issue with your statement that ODbL is a "more
> restrictive" license than public domain. It all depends on your definition
> of "restrictive" vis-a-vis "freedom". Public domain or CC-BY-style
> licensing (aka BSD style) does provide the immediate user with a lot more
> rights than a share-alike license like ODbL or CC-BY-SA (aka GPL style).
> However, those rights are only guaranteed for the immediate user. The
> immediate user can add his own improvements to it and then make those
> improvements proprietary—a usage right that's allowed. Unfortunately, other
> users cannot make use of those improvements.
> On the other hand, a share-alike license aims to be a more sustainable
> model. It restricts the immediate user on only one aspect: the right to
> make a share-alike content/data/IP proprietary is explicitly disallowed.
> This ensures that any improvements are shared back to the community, unlike
> with the BSD-style licensing.
> For me, share-alike licensing for OSM data is a net positive. This
> licensing ensures that nobody can take the data, improve it to make it even
> more valuable and then make it proprietary.
> ___
> legal-talk mailing list
> ___
> legal-talk mailing list
legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.

2015-10-09 Thread Sander Deryckere
Als ik me dit probleem correct herinner had het te maken met de
eigenaardige structuur van de tags op de knooppunten. Normaal is er een
vaste tag die aanduidt dat er een icoontje moet komen (zoals
amenity=restaurant) en een tag om aan te duiden welke tekst er bij moet
komen (zoals name="De Posthoorn"). Bij de wandel- en fietsknooppunten moet
bepaald worden a.d.h.v. een enkele key als er een icoontje komt, en moet
die value ook meteen gebruikt worden als de tekst.

Natuurlijk zijn er hier oplossingen voor, maar als je die oplossingen samen
gaat prutsen, dan gaat er binnen het jaar iets mee mis. Er zijn immers niet
veel landen die een dergelijk knooppuntensysteem gebruiken. Een degelijke
oplossing is moeilijker met de huidige architectuur.


Op 9 oktober 2015 16:28 schreef joost schouppe :

> Klopt, Osmand cached alles wat je gezien hebt.
> Maar lijkt mij toch de moeite om na te vragen bij de mensen van Osmand
> waarom het niet gewoon werkt als POI
> Op 7-okt.-2015 17:33 schreef "Marc Gemis" :
> Ik dacht dat OsmAnd de tiles op je smartphone zet. Dus als je thuis kijkt
>> en daarna het veld ingaat, zou het kunnen dat je geen verbinding meer nodig
>> hebt.
>> 2015-10-07 16:30 GMT+02:00 Guy Vanvuchelen :
>>> Hallo Gerard,
>>> Ik had helemaal niets gedownload. Ik veronderstelde dat de
>>> wandelknooppunten gewoon op de offline-kaart zouden verschijnen, ze zijn
>>> immers opgenomen als POI.
>>> Het voorstel van Marc is al een grote hulp al zou het nog aangenamer
>>> zijn om ter plaatse te kunnen zien of een knooppunt reeds gemapt is, in dit
>>> zonder internetverbinding.
>>> Guy Vanvuchelen
>>> *Van:* Gerard Vanderveken []
>>> *Verzonden:* woensdag 7 oktober 2015 16:20
>>> *Aan:* OpenStreetMap Belgium
>>> *Onderwerp:* Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.
>>> Was dat een .map bestand dat je gedownload had voor een offline kaart?
>>> Daar hoort ook een .xml konfiguratie / style bestand bij voor de
>>> voetwegen.
>>> Dit moet in dezelfde folder staan en hernoemd worden naar dezelfde naam
>>> van de .map
>>> Gerard.
>>> Guy Vanvuchelen wrote:
>>> Bedankt Marc, zo kan ik thuis (met wifi) tenminste zien wat al gemapt is.
>>> Guy Vanvuchelen
>>> *Van:* Marc Gemis [ ]
>>> *Verzonden:* woensdag 7 oktober 2015 13:15
>>> *Aan:* OpenStreetMap Belgium
>>> *Onderwerp:* Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.
>>> Geen ervaring mee, je kan eventueel ook de on-line kaart
>>> "OpenWandelkaart (BE,NL)" activeren.
>>> Bij voorkeur als "kaartbron" en de gewone kaart dan als "Underlay-kaart"
>>> Je moet er dan wel rekening mee houden dat je data-abonnement gebruikt
>>> wordt.
>>> mvg
>>> m
>>> 2015-10-07 13:04 GMT+02:00 Guy Vanvuchelen :
>>> Op de vraag van mapper ‘Schakkebroek’ om rwn knooppunten zichtbaar te
>>> maken kreeg hij volgend antwoord:
>>> *wn_ref already supported as POI. I made some corrections and next
>>> nightly version will have icons for them. Search POI for "International
>>> hiking network node".
>>> 02.10.2015 16:25, Victor Shcherb пишет:
>>> Ik heb de nightly versie gedownload maar het lukt me niet om knooppunten
>>> te zien.  Wel kon ik een eigen filter maken Vervoer –> International hiking
>>> network node maar als ik die activeer vind ik niets. Heeft iemand daar
>>> ervaring mee?
>>> Guy Vanvuchelen
>>> ___
>>> Talk-be mailing list
>>> --
>>> ___
>>> Talk-be mailing list
>>> ___
>>> Talk-be mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list