Re: [OSM-talk-be] warboel huisnummers

2009-05-23 Thread Maarten Deen
filip wolters wrote:
 Weet iemand of er een functie of weetje bestaat om de huisnummers mooi 
 langs de straten te laten lopen?
 En als dit niet bestaat er een voorstel/ticket aangemaakt is?

Er is een proposed feature: het Karlsruhe schema

Dit wordt op veel plaatsen al gebruikt (ik doe het ook zo als ik winkels map).


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] ingeven straten in stukken ???

2009-09-11 Thread Maarten Deen
Kristoff Bonne wrote:

 Eventjes een ander vraagje;

 Ik heb dit niet gevonden op de wiki, maar misschien heb ik niet goed

 Kan iemand me eens uitleggen hoe dat men precies een straat die uit
 meerdere stukken bestaat moet ingeven op online kaart-editor?

 Indien een straat bestaat uit één enkel lang stuk met meerdere segmenten
 na elkaar is er geen probleem; maar hoe lost je de volgende gevallen op?

 - Een T (eigenlijk een zijstraat van een hoofdstraat maar met dezelfde

 - Een onderbroken straat (een stuk straat, een stuk niets en dan terug
 een stuk straat).

 - Een straat met plots een stuk enkel fietsen ertussen. (dus stuk
 residential road, dan footway en dan terug residential road).

Alleen fietsen is een cycleway, geen footway.

 Ik heb al die gevallen opgelost door verschillende ways te maken met
 allemaal dezelfde naam, maar ik weet niet als dat de juiste manier is.

Dat is de juiste manier. Wegen kunnen nog meer opgedeeld worden als er
bijvoorbeeld op een deel een relatie ligt. In de AND data van Nederland zijn
wegen zelfs opgedeeld in aparte stukken tussen elke zijstraat.

 En dan nog één dingetje.
 Waar haal je symbolen voor andere points-of-intrest die niet op de
 online editor staan? (bv. een speelplein).

Niet. De renderer zorgt voor het plaatsen van de juiste symbolen. Wat je in
Potlatch ziet is alleen daar ter vergemakkelijking van het mappen doordat er
standaard de juiste tags ingevuld worden.
Voor POI's die niet in die lijst staan moet je de tags zelf maken.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Mapping and tagging of railways.

2009-11-30 Thread Maarten Deen
On Mon, 30 Nov 2009 12:47:31 +, Karel Adams wrote:
 Further to Gauthier's message relating to Belgian Railways: it seems 
 obvious to me that LINE NUMBERS should be published, not train 
 indicators. Compare to bars/cafés: we should mention the NAME of the 
 place, not what beers are on tap or what food they serve.

In Germany they are also making relations for trainseries (like IC-A,
IC-B, IR-a). Have a look at the Ruhrgebiet. I am neutral on that point.

 And indeed there is some work left to be done about the Belgian railroad

 infrastructure. I once suggested obtaining the geographical data from 
 NMBS themselves (they have it, for their ATLAS project, and I still have

 some relations there) but there was no enthusiasm so I didn't pursue the


Well, you've got my enthusiasm. I understood that there also was a file
with GPS tracks available, but requests for that have always ended in no

I know there are a few lines still unmapped (and are hard to map by hand,
as for instance MW41 allows no GPS reception inside). It would be wonderful
to have GPS tracks from NMBS for these lines.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] abandoned railways

2009-12-03 Thread Maarten Deen
On Thu, 03 Dec 2009 10:11:15 +0100, Luc Van den Troost

 Another 'historical' point is that it is a pitty that OSM doesn't offer
 a kind of 'time-machine'. On one side it would be nice to see the growth
 of OSM that way, on the other side the map we are currently making will
 be historical one day. If - for instance - Doel would be broken down for
 harbour expansion, going back in time then would show how it was before,
 same would be if the 'hedwigepolder' on the other side of the border
 would be flooded again. But again, that is just a side remark and
 another discussion.

+1, I vote for a 'date_start' and 'date_end' tag on all nodes, ways and
relations. And when you want to render an old map, you just get the data
from that timeperiod.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Fietspaden

2010-03-24 Thread Maarten Deen
On Wed, 24 Mar 2010 08:36:21 +0100, Erik Daems
 De link is inderdaad
 redelijk compleet, maar toch vooral op een Engelse + stedelijke
 situatie geschoeid. Bij ons bestaan er veel tussenvormen, maar waar
 trek je dan de grens om een aparte highway=cycleway naast de rijbaan
 te tekenen, en wanneer niet? Daar wil ik duidelijkheid in brengen.

Als het gaat om fietsers automatisch te kunnen routeren met een
routeplanner dan is de grens welke wegen zijn opengesteld voor fietsers en
welke niet?
Nu weet ik dat in België er al gauw een fietspad langs een 4-baans snelweg
ligt, ook die wegen waar je 120 km/h mag, maar de vraag is of routeplanners
die wegen wel of niet als open voor fietsers beschouwen. Dan denk ik
bijvoorbeeld aan wegen als de N73, N75 en N78 (Belgisch Limburg) wat
(deels) vierbaans wegen met gescheiden rijbanen zijn waar 120 km/h
toegestaan is, maar waar wel een fietspad langs ligt.
Ze zijn als primary gemapt, en in Nederland is een primary in principe
open voor fietsers, dus voor een routing engine voor fietsers hoef je er
geen fietspad naast te mappen.
Bij twijfel: de cloudmade routing engine heeft een optie voor fietsers.

 Wanneer je de gegevens alleen maar voor grote afstanden bekijkt, zoals
 voor een wegenkaart voor autobestuurders, dan kan je inderdaad
 volstaan met enkel hoofdwegen te tekenen, met indicatie of er fietspad
 naast ligt of niet. In stedelijk gebied is het echter ook interessant
 om op kleinere schaal te kijken en de info voor voetgangers e.d. erop
 te zetten. Dat impliceert dan weer dat ook gedetailleerde info voor
 fietsers ook niet mag ontbreken, zoals oversteekplaatsen en

Dat is best belangrijk ja. Je kunt discussieren over het nut van het
aangeven van fietspaden langs wegen waar je met de fiets toch wel overheen
mag (zoals hier:, maar als het gebeurt,
dan moet het fietspad wel overal aan het wegennet verbonden worden omdat
een routing engine er anders geen gebruik van zal maken.
En ik heb genoeg voorbeelden gezien waar een fietspad opeens ophoudt. Tja,
over een doodlopende weg wordt je niet gerouteerd als je door wil gaan.

 Ik had hier graag ook de Belgische verkeersborden mee in gestoken die
 bepalen wat fietspad/fietsweg is, en enkele voorbeelden van
 twijfelgevallen. Soms is het inderdaad een 'lane' soms een 'track' en
 soms een 'cycleway'. Helaas lijken ze dikwijls nogal hard op elkaar.
 Daar wil ik duidelijkheid in brengen.

En vooral: foto's ervan toevoegen.

 In Nederland noemen ze een fietsstrook wat wij hier fietspad noemen,
 en een fietspad wat wij hier een fietsweg noemen, deze benamingen zijn
 verankerd in de wegcode en dus in elk land weer verschillend. Daar wil
 ik duidelijkheid in brengen.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] busroutes

2010-08-10 Thread Maarten Deen
On Tue, 10 Aug 2010 10:41:38 +0200, Renaud MICHEL wrote:
 Le mardi 10 août 2010 à 10:22, Tim Francois a écrit :
 +1. Yup, this is what is currently happening in most of the UK - a
 separate relation for the 'up' and 'down' bus routes, so that
 forwards/backwards (which is kinda broken as a concept in this case)
 is not required!
 I'm interested, for now I have created single relation for a bus route in 
 How should I tag the two separate relations?
 The page
 doesn't talk about double relation, but suggests that bus_stop should be put 
 on the way, but the bus stops are not on the road but along it.

Have a look at , for a lot of
relations, there are two routes. Often also tagged with a from and to in
the relation, although I don't know if that really helps in a program.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] busroutes

2010-08-10 Thread Maarten Deen
On Tue, 10 Aug 2010 10:56:28 +0200, Ivo De Broeck wrote:
 What i propose is keeping the existing relation for the normal

There is no normal direction with buses.

 Example stadsbus nr 8 go from Bertem - Leuven - Bierbeek (check the
 relation with the relation checker). Give the same relationnumber to
 all bus-stops for that direction. 

You mean: add the stops to the relation.

  If you are in Leuven you can choose the bus 8 to Bierbeek (relation
 one) OR bus 8 to Bertem (relation 2).

And there comes the part for the from and to tags in the relation
which I thought had no use. You always take line X towards Y. And
having the from and to in the relation will specify Y.

Oh, and
has a more elaborate tagging scheme.


 2010/8/10 Renaud MICHEL 
  Le mardi 10 août 2010 à 10:22, Tim Francois a écrit :
 +1. Yup, this is what is currently happening in most of the UK - a
   separate relation for the 'up' and 'down' bus routes, so that
   forwards/backwards (which is kinda broken as a concept in this
   is not required!
  I'm interested, for now I have created single relation for a bus
 route in
  How should I tag the two separate relations?
  The page [2]
  doesn't talk about double relation, but suggests that bus_stop
 should be put
  on the way, but the bus stops are not on the road but along it.
  Renaud Michel
  Talk-be mailing list [3] [4]

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[OSM-talk-be] De Lijn data in Googl

2010-11-05 Thread Maarten Deen



Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Simpele vragen van simpele mapper

2010-11-22 Thread Maarten Deen
On Mon, 22 Nov 2010 11:03:43 +0100, Chris Browet
 2010/11/22 Luc Van den Troost 
  Eigenlijk leert volgens mij deze discussie een belangrijk ding,
 namelijk dat er aan duidelijke documentatie nood is.
 Karel Adams is toch al een tijdje met OSM bezig. 'basic dingen' zoals
 het knippen van een way zou dan iets moeten zijn dat 'eenvoudig en
 snel' te vinden is, in welke editor dan ook. Dat hij 'niet weet hoe'
 is dan wellicht eerder de fout van een onvoldoende documentatie, dan
 van Karel. 
 Mijn persoonlijke ervaring met how-to-do-things is, dat als je wat
 opzoekt je in de wiki al te vaak terecht komt bij zaken die onder de
 categorie het geslacht der engelen te klasseren zijn en waarover veel
 discussie is, maar dat je de 'basic uitleg' vaak te moeilijk
 Een beknopte en overzichtelijke how-to met betrekking tot de basic
 tools zou zeker een goede zaak zijn. 
 What would you think about a How-do-I newcomers wiki?
  I would be at 2 levels: 
 - Basic OSM
 - Per-editor details

Voor Potlatch is er al zoiets: Ook in
het Nederlands en het Frans beschikbaar.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Mapping of Boundary

2010-12-05 Thread Maarten Deen

Kenny Moens wrote:

  Hello guys,

In the region where I live (Hulshout), some of the borders are recently 
mapped, but they don't follow the exact features which form the border. 
For example, in the area between Ramsel and Westmeerbeek the city border 
follows the Steenkensbeek which I recently mapped based on Bing data, 
if I look at the border itself it has much less points and more-or-less 
follows the stream, but not exactly as it should be.

How is the best way to correct this?

* Splitting the border and adding the tags/relations of the border
  to the stream. Which would mean the line of the stream would both
  represent the border and the stream itself.
* Glueing all points of the border towards the stream, so that they
  form a single line (but are effectively still two separate lines).
* Or something else.

I don't know if Mapnik renders relations, but if it does, than 1 seems a good 
idea. But then you have to take care then when the stream is moved (physically) 
the border does not have to move.

2 is done in most cases.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] trunk crossroads and cyclerouting

2010-12-06 Thread Maarten Deen
On Mon, 6 Dec 2010 12:41:25 +0100, Ben Laenen

 I usually tag these small ways between two lanes of a dual carriage
 road with the same classification of the crossing roads, in this case 
 highway=unclassified. But there's no strict rule on this AFAIK, even
 though we could really use one...

Tag it according to the traffic that runs over it. If the crossing road
is a residential road, tag the part between the two carriageways as
residential. Is it a cycleway, tag it as cycleway.

I think the basic rule can be made as such: if a way crosses another
way, do not change the tagging to match the crossing way.

So the example Klaas gave is IMHO an example of incorrect tagging.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Bingify Belgium

2010-12-23 Thread Maarten Deen

On Thu, 23 Dec 2010 15:25:11 +0100, Paul Cardinaels wrote:

Hello all,

I'm busy to bingify Belgium, my main focus for the time being are my
two home towns:

Hoogstraten (and let's not forget Eimai's big contribution):


I was wondering how many people are doing this kind of work, and
throwing in THE IDEA TO SET SOME COMMON GOALS, to make the work more
enjoyable and less mind-numbing.

I am always interested in railways and have started again on the 
railways in Belgium. Some are way off according to the Bing maps. I 
know Bing is not always on the mark, but I've seen bigger errors than 10 

And sometimes when I'm at it I also trace some roads. Yesterday I did 
some work in Bertrix.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] oude en nieuwe bing?

2011-01-08 Thread Maarten Deen

filip wolters wrote:
Wat me opviel tijdens het bingen, is dat er een andere foto getoond 
wordt naargelang het level waarop je inzoomt.
Een voorbeeld vind je aan de Rostockweg in de Antwerpse haven. Op het 
ene level staan er gebouwen en het andere niet. ( JOSM )

Dat heb ik ook op een plek tussen Venlo en Tegelen in Nederland. Op de laagste 
zoomstand staat de situatie van 2006 erop, op de eennalaagste zoomstand krijg je 
een situatie van voor 2002 te zien.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] outer airport????

2011-02-16 Thread Maarten Deen

On Wed, 16 Feb 2011 15:51:47 +0100, Andre Engels wrote:

2011/2/16 Luc Van den Troost

Volgens OSM ligt hier
outer airport

Edited by xybot at 2010-12-17T21:14:15Z
Edited by bcrosby at 2010-12-17T00:53:45Z

aeroway: aerodrome
name: Outer Airport

Blijkbaar geimporteerd van een externe bron. Iets van 
vliegaktiviteit op die
plaats (in het verleden) vindt ik op het web niet terug. Een 
vliegplein -
zelfs voor modelvliegtuigjes - is er me niet bekend. Op de 
luchtfoto's staan

er in de buurt alleen tractorsporen.

Heb het voorlopig laten staan. Verschijnt op de maps alleen in 

zoomlevels. zoals hier

Weet er iemand meer van?

De externe bron valt te raadplegen: . Volgens de
gegevens is de vliegveldcode EBNO, en is er één start/landingsbaan,
lengte 150 voet (50 meter dus maar, lijkt me erg weinig), breedte 30
voet, ondergrond onbekend. Ik heb nog wat gegoogled (op Outer
Airport + EBNO of Outer Airport + Ninove), maar geen verdere
informatie gevonden.

Als ik Bing Maps bekijk zie ik ook niet veel. Pal zuid ligt wel een 
vierkant iets wat ik niet thuis kan brengen.

Misschien iets uit de 1e wereldoorlog? ;)


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Fixing administrative borders

2011-06-08 Thread Maarten Deen

On Wed, 8 Jun 2011 11:04:56 +0200, Ben Laenen wrote:

Ralf Hermanns wrote:

I think there is conflicting information here: and 

On the Tag:boundary=administrative page (first link) it says
communities/provinces go on level 5 and arrondisments on 6 - while 
on the
subproject page it only list the language communites on level 5 and 
provinces onto 6 (thereby moving arrondisments and towns further 

Don't have much time to reply, so a short one:

Always look at the country specific page to get the answers. The
page is just there for some guiding, but the countries have to make 

own rules. As is the case for Belgium.

country: level 2
regions: level 4
communities: level 5
provinces: level 6
arrondissements: level 7
municipalities: level 8
district/deelgemeentes/sections: level 9

Then why is this information not on the international page? There is 
absolutely no reason to have conflicting information on a wiki.
In this list I am missing single towns. A municipality consists of 
multiple towns. Should it not be: municipality:8, town:9, 
I assume 10 can be used for sububurbs/wijken too? (does Belgium have 
that concept like the Netherlands?)

I've just spent some time yesterday fixing numerous borders in
Wallonia which were tagged incorrectly...

That would probably have been avoided if the international page had 
shown the same information as the national one.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Fixing administrative borders

2011-06-08 Thread Maarten Deen

On Wed, 8 Jun 2011 11:22:28 +0200, Andre Engels wrote:
On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 11:17 AM, Maarten Deen 

Don't have much time to reply, so a short one:

Always look at the country specific page to get the answers. The
page is just there for some guiding, but the countries have to 

own rules. As is the case for Belgium.

country: level 2
regions: level 4
communities: level 5
provinces: level 6
arrondissements: level 7
municipalities: level 8
district/deelgemeentes/sections: level 9

Then why is this information not on the international page? There is
absolutely no reason to have conflicting information on a wiki.
In this list I am missing single towns. A municipality consists of 

towns. Should it not be: municipality:8, town:9,
I assume 10 can be used for sububurbs/wijken too? (does Belgium have 

concept like the Netherlands?)

'Deelgemeente' in Belgium is a different concept than in the
Netherlands. They are former municipalities, which in the 1960s or
1970s have fused into larger municipalities. Thus, a
deelgemeente/district/section is more like a town than like a wijk.

Ok, I've also looked at wikipedia, to me it seems that from low 
admin_level to high it should be:

- Municipality (Gemeente/Commune)
- Deelgemeente/district
- Town
- Suburb (Wijk)

That would then suggest that everything from region down should be 
dropped one admin_level:

country: level 2
regions: level 3
communities: level 4
provinces: level 5
arrondissements: level 6
municipalities: level 7
district/deelgemeentes/sections: level 8
town: level 9
suburb: level 10

Or start using admin_level=11.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] rendle

2012-01-11 Thread Maarten Deen

On 11-1-2012 18:14, Jo wrote:

Deze mail heb ik verstuurd naar rendle:


Eerlijk gezegd vind ik onderstaande mail nogal sarcastisch en 
vingertjeswijzend. Jij doet het fout en dat is jouw schuld is de 
boodschap die ik er in lees.

IMHO schiet dat het doel mijlenver voorbij. Ik heb ook een aantal van 
zulk soort mailtjes ontvangen en ik vond dat totaal niet behulpzaam bij 
mijn beslissing of ik wel of niet met OSM verder zou gaan.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Routing view

2012-05-23 Thread Maarten Deen

On 2012-05-23 11:44, Teddy wrote:


I have fix some routing problems 15km around Charleroi.
I see that OSM Inspector don't expose the problems in real time.

Wath is the refresh time on OSM Inspector ?

Below the map it says Data from ...
Presently it is on 2012-05-22 19:46:02 (UTC) and yesterday I saw it was 
from 2012-05-21 about the same time. So I assume it is updated daily.


2012/5/16 Teddy [8]

I will fix the routing problem for the points around Charleroi.

Kind regards

2012/5/15 Sander Deryckere [7]

Thanks for mentioning this again. It has been a long time since I
last used it.

2012/5/15 Johan C [4]

Hi, is anyone familiar with this


[1] showing several hundred routing problems in Belgium?

Talk-be mailing list [2] [3]

Talk-be mailing list [5] [6]


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Vandalism in Brussels

2012-06-14 Thread Maarten Deen

On 2012-06-14 10:01, Nicolas Pettiaux wrote:

What where these silly edits ?
How many amongst the edits were silly ?

That may be just playing around, but it is also vandalism. He 
certainly needs to be contacted to inform him of his actions.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Missing Maxspeed in Brussels

2012-08-02 Thread Maarten Deen

On 2012-08-02 23:37, eMerzh wrote:

Hello everybody ..

i was playing a bit with the OSM routing machine at ,
one of the best router based on osm.

I discovered that a lot of routing decisions where not optimal and i
found that the lack of maxspeed was often the cause of it.
When a way is tagged as primary it assume that you can do 120 km/h  

smth... if you can only do 50, you can imagine the difference :)

So i've also played with another tool , postgis :p

and i've created a quick and dirty missing maxspeed page for brussels
(Sorry my machine isn't fast enough to import more :-(  ) : (warning it can be heavy to access
... sorry )

If you are bored because you are on vacation and it's raining, why 

helping me correct all of those :)

You can also use the ITO map service. It shows streets with a speed 


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Routing view

2012-09-13 Thread Maarten Deen

On 2012-09-13 12:10, Joren DC wrote:

I fixed almost all problems in the state Antwerp. I only have 4 red
dots left.

 Can somebody take a look at this strange situation:,unconnected_major2,unconnected_major5
 I don't know how to solve it, and what happened to the roads.

It is just as the OSM inspector indicated: the roads were close to 
eachother but not connected.
In addition, De Eendracht had an extra node which made the way overlap 
In JOSM these things are easy to fix: select the two nodes and merge 

It's now fixed. I also fixed the development tags. General use for 
roads that are not there yet is highway=construction and 
construction=living_street (or whatever tag the highway tag is going to 


Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Trunk road?

2014-12-30 Thread Maarten Deen
I drove across the N60e near Peruwelz [1] which has a autoweg (route 
pour automobile) sign. According to the wiki [2] this should be mapped 
as trunk. Currently it is a secondary road.

What is the best option here? Make it trunk or add a motorway=yes tag?



Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Trunk road?

2014-12-30 Thread Maarten Deen

On 2014-12-30 16:33, Ben Laenen wrote:

On Tuesday 30 December 2014 11:09:12 Maarten Deen wrote:

I drove across the N60e near Peruwelz [1] which has a autoweg (route
pour automobile) sign. According to the wiki [2] this should be mapped
as trunk. Currently it is a secondary road.
What is the best option here? Make it trunk or add a motorway=yes tag?

autoweg is in principle tagged as motorroad=yes. The highway=trunk is 
all express roads where pedestrians/cyclists/mopeds aren't allowed, on 

condition that it's not just for a single bridge or tunnel.

So, should the N60e be mapped as trunk? I'm not sure, I don't know that 
it seems a bit small for it to be tagged as a trunk road. But if you 
think it
makes sense, map it as trunk, but the motorroad=yes should nevertheless 

enough for routers.

Small as in short? I agree. It is short and leads from nothing to 
nowhere and especially does not connect two major roads directly. But 
the road itself would suit that tag. It is a wide road and would even 
satisfy german Kraftfahrstrasse regulations. Very un-belgian if I may 
say so, and it certainly looks out of place there.

Even though, I am hesitant to tag it as trunk. I'll add the 
motorroad=yes tag and see how it evolves.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] samenvoegen van stukken weg

2015-01-02 Thread Maarten Deen

On 2015-01-02 12:14, Marc Gemis wrote:

Ik zou er langs deze weg iedereen willen op wijzen dat het gevaarlijk
is om stukken weg samen te voegen tot 1 geheel. Zeker als dit gebeurt
door de oude weg weg te smijten en een nieuwe te tekenen. Het heeft
ook geen enkel nut. In de meeste gevallen zijn de wegen gesplitst voor
een goede reden: andere eigenschappen, deel van een relatie. iD laat
dit niet allemaal zien.

Ik heb de auteur van deze changeset [1] gevraagd om het boeltje te
herstellen, maar hij heeft er nog wel een paar gelijkaardige
wijzigingen gedaan in de buurt van Lier. Misschien zijn er daar
fietsroutes gebroken. In [1] weet ik zeker dat de wandelroutes
verwijderd zijn.

Dit was een paar maanden geleden ook aan de gang in Almere (Nederland). 
Ik snap de beweegredenen ook niet. Een perfecte weg verwijderen om een 
nieuwe te tekenen?
Waarom dan niet direkt samenvoegen, dat is toch veel minder werk? Of is 
dat lastig in iD?


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] samenvoegen van stukken weg

2015-01-02 Thread Maarten Deen

On 2015-01-02 13:54, Glenn Plas wrote:

Hoi Sander,

Hebben we over hetzelfde hier ?  JOSM gaat u wel een dialoog geven hoor
dat de tags verschillen.  De user krijgt de merge window open.  Het is
aan de user om daarin te beslissen.

Je krijgt die dialoog alleen als de tags verschillen. Als een stuk weg 
een bepaalde tag heeft en het andere stuk niet dan krijg je die dialoog 

Dus: maxspeed=30 en maxspeed=50 samenvoegen: dialoog, maxspeed=30 en 
geen maxspeed tag samenvoegen: geen dialoog.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] zones for motorway/in town/outof town?

2009-05-20 Thread Maarten Deen
Peter Childs wrote:

 Speed limits tend to apply to zones not roads anyway, it just happens
 that most people only drive on the road. Oh and you will find Speed

I disagree. How would you define the zone in this example?
The green roads are 50 km/h, the dark blue roads are 30. The 30 is a zone, but
what zone are the 50 roads?

Same problem with the red (80) and pale blue (60) roads.


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[OSM-talk] Google satellite maps updates

2009-05-21 Thread Maarten Deen
I haven't seen this anywhere, but it seems that Google is updating its 
maps with even higher resolution data.
Compare what I previously knew as best resolution:,5.859522spn=0.001566,0.003272t=kz=19

with this:,4.253047spn=0.000781,0.001636t=kz=20

That's pretty impressive (and will get everyone looking at the beaches to see 
some skin).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Turn restrictions

2009-05-26 Thread Maarten Deen
Cartinus wrote:
 On Tuesday 26 May 2009 07:44:54 Maarten Deen wrote:
 I've searched the wiki and I have used the tag myself, but there seems to
 be no documentation for restriction= ?

Thanks, I knew it was somewhere, but the wiki search seems to be seriously
does not bring up any results.

I see now it does work with the Google search, but then what's the point for
wikipedia to have its own search.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How big of an SD card should I get for Openstreetmap work

2009-05-31 Thread Maarten Deen
Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:
 El Sábado, 30 de Mayo de 2009, Paul Houle escribió:
 I just got a Garmin Etrex Vista HCx that I'd like to use for viewing
 Openstreetmaps and for creating tracks I can upload.  I'm about to buy
 an SD card for this:  how big of a card do I need to hold Openstreetmaps?
 AFAIK, the biggest microSD card that you can put into an eTrex is a 2 GB card 
 (the bigger microSD-HC cards won't work). You can have them for less than 
 five bucks nowadays, so go buy one.
 I held onto a 1 GB card since I bought an eTrex - OSM maps for Spain spend 
 less than 50 MB of space; and the rest of the card can hold *months* worth of 
 GPX tracks.

Spain apparently is not mapped very densly. I recently downloaded not even all 
of Germany and got a 370MB file.

But I agree: SD cards cost next to nothing, I would buy the biggest that the 
device can use.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Potlatch and sketching from aerial imagery

2009-06-01 Thread Maarten Deen
Joe Richards wrote:
 I've been enjoying sketching/tracing from Yahoo aerial imagery in Potlatch
 (hey some people knit or do crosswords, I find _this_ relaxing!).  I recently
 discovered that the default 'highway' tag for roads taken from imagery is
 highway=road (_not_ highway=unclassified as would seem logical!)!_Aerial_Imagery#How_to_sketch.3F
 If that is the case, why does Potlatch not offer highway=road as one of its
 presents, under the little car icon?

You're thinking of the wrong unclassified. Unclassified here does not mean 
road in OSM is not classified, or does not have a better designation, it means 
that it is designated as unclassified (that is: not motorway, primary, 
secondary, tertiaty) in the real world.

The OSM equivalent of a road for which the correct designation is not know is 
So Potlatch does it as it should.

See also


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using Garmins nüvi 550 for OSM

2009-06-05 Thread Maarten Deen
Ingo Lantschner wrote:

 anyone here, who has experiences on using Garmins nüvi 550 for
 collecting data and exporting this for use in OSM?

I have a Nüvi 205 and have found the trackpoint placing rather sparse. The
strategy seems to be on chaninging occurences, not every x meters or x
seconds and I haven't found a setting how to influence that.
Maybe the 550 has a setting for that, but if it doesn't than it is not very
It also locks to roads if it is in navigation mode. Lock to road is only off
if you set the vehicle to off-road, but then it does not do any navigation.

But the tracklog is on the internal memory, if I recall correctly it is in the
GPX directory and it is a GPX file. You can open that in JOSM without the need
to convert.

No idea how this all applies to the 550, but maybe it helps.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Wanted feature for API 0.7 ??

2009-06-08 Thread Maarten Deen
Frederik Ramm wrote:

 Peter Dörrie wrote:
  The current renderes wouldn't be able to handle it either and forcing 50+
  applications to change would be unappropriate.

 Why, we're doing that all the time ;-)

 There are many unsolved questions here. For example: What happens if 
 parts of the ancient world transcend your fourth dimension, e.g. a 
 contemporary secondary road uses a few bits of an ancient Roman road. 
 They would surely share the same nodes, wouldn't they? But if someone 
 then deletes the secondary road (which he downloaded without ever 
 knowing that the Roman road also exists because that was shielded from 
 him), he must not delete the nodes because they are still used by other 

No... in the temporal database you don't delete nodes or ways, you set 
the correct used in period ;)

But it opens a large can of worms if you are looking at temporal 
information. All SciFi books can tell you that.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is Xapi working?

2009-06-09 Thread Maarten Deen
80n wrote:

 The server running the xapi service is down at the moment.

Any info on what the problem is and when it's going to be resolved?

And what is the status of the other two XAPI servers?
Bearstech seems to be perpetually testing, and xapi.openstreetmap still serves 
0.5 data and 0.6 service will start shortly (ever since the move to 0.6).

Any help needed?

 Yann, what query were you trying.  Once the server is back up I can take a
 look and see why it would be failing for you.

I've had the telascience server serve me proper 0.6 data, so if there is a data 
issue, it's something that popped up at least after june 1st (that's the last 
time I can confirm getting data).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Overhauled the Garmin page

2009-06-11 Thread Maarten Deen
Andy Allan wrote:
 Good work, long overdue. I would make some suggestions:
 * The model name could have the links from the Detailed
 description, saving width

That's what I thought too. I added the Nüvi details without the extra Detailed 
description but with the links in the model name. But Peter added the column.

I think it is double information.


 * ... and could link to the right part of the page using # in the url
 * Most of the good and bad points will be the same for each eTrex
 unit, and so combining them would be useful
 * Colour-coding good and bad things is useful using template:yes and its 
 * Most importantly, that table needs info in it ASAP otherwise it's
 one of those many good idea but only partly-implemented things which
 are littered around the wiki - i.e. where someone comes up with a plan
 but doesn't follow through on finishing the job :-)
 2009/6/5 Peter Dörrie
 Hi everybody,

 I made an overhaul of the Garmin-Page [1] and moved all the different device
 series to their own subpages. I also introduced a proposal for an overview
 table for individual devices. Please feel free to comment and change



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 talk mailing list

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Re: [OSM-talk] Proposed Amenity Reorganization

2009-06-24 Thread Maarten Deen
David Earl wrote:
 On 24/06/2009 00:43, Frederik Ramm wrote:
 Hi, wrote:
 What do people think?

 I think why bother. Clearly what we have is chaotic, but any system
 you can think of will become chaotic sooner or later with people
 (ab)using it to their heart's content, so what's the big deal.


 If you're not sure what something comes under it's easy enough to look
 it up, and in most cases presets know about it anyway.

 Personally I think these categorizations have no value anyway, and if I
 were designing it from scratch, I'd have just a type for each item and

A reason to do better categorizations would be to ease conversion to mobile
(or online) routeplanners, which already have some sort of categorization in
amenities. If you don't do that in OSM than you need a conversion for that.
Not saying that this is a compelling argument to do categories in OSM, but it
does have a value.

Personally I'm also more inclined to why bother.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Proposed Amenity Reorganization

2009-06-24 Thread Maarten Deen
Pieren wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 12:54 PM, Richard
 Arguing over the presentation on the wiki isn't really the issue. What the
 tags are, and how they're documented, are two separate things. But like Ævar
 says, talk is cheap, and though many of us feel strongly that MediaWiki is a
 rubbish solution (even discounting its performance issues) none of us have
 as yet actually produced any code. Any devs out there looking for a project?

 I'm not talking about the whole wiki, just the Map Features page.
 This page presents all tags at same level of importance, from the
 highway=residential instanciated million times to highway=bus_guideway
 or railway=monorail instanciated ergh.. (don't know.. 3 times ?).
 I don't understand people saying it is not possible with the search
 function. How do they use wikipedia ? they have a single page listing
 all articles listed in alphabetic order ?

The nice part about the map_features page is that there is one overview and
for a lot of tags there is even a nice picture to see what real-world example
fits it.
Moving away from that would mean lots of searching in pages with tags that may
or may not fit your needs, and using the search with the wrong search key will
give you nothing usefull, while browsing through a list will result in finding
the correct key.
Of course this could be fixed by i.e. making a category for each main key type
(highway, waterway, natural, amenity, etc.) and using the category page for
the overview of values associated with the key, but a standard wiki-generated
category page only lists pages and does not have the information which is now
in the table of the map features page.

And what is importance here? Don't confuse abundance of use with
importance. A bus lane is certainly not used as much as a primary road, but
it is not less important.

IMHO the map_features page functions as it should: a list of documented 


 About synonyms, you can also improve the descriptions to include these
 terms or use the REDIRECT feature.
 I also don't like the position why bother, it's chaotic, let them
 continue. I'm sure we can improve this page a bit more than sort the


 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Checking double imports for nodes (was: Re: Thousands of small changesets by Tim Proegler)

2009-06-25 Thread Maarten Deen
Celso González wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 07:00:55PM +0100, Christoph Böhme wrote:
 Thomas Wood schrieb:

  Can we ban it, the stuff its uploading is completely useless.
  (single nodes with only note tags and no other useful metadata)

 All the nodes I have looked at are for german petrol stations. The
 script does not seem to check if the station has already been mapped
 and only setting the note tag is really not much help in sorting this
 out later.

 Importing single nodes its not a bad thing, we made a similar import of
 spanish fuel stations and schools.

 By the way, its difficult to check if there is another fuel station in the
 same zone.

No it's not. Especially for nodes it is trivial. For ways it requires some
more effort.

For nodes: download the relevant nodes in the area that you are going to
upload in (XAPI might be useful here) and check for each node you want to
import if there is a node in the vicinity. Since you have lat-lon of each node
that's a basic SQL query. I am assuming you put everything in a database (with
osmosis for example).
The only thing is that that check is not done online and the exact weeding out
of double nodes should be done by hand, according to the list that the query
generates. But if you do it correctly, the last step of re-downloading the
existing data through checking and uploading the new data will take only


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Error in wiki tag {{Language-Mapper}} for Spanish

2009-07-01 Thread Maarten Deen
Ivan Garcia wrote:
 Hi, I've just realized that the list of languages displayed in the wiki of shows 'Espanol' instead of 'Español' (correct), can you
 guys fix this?



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Second Grand State Of the Map Poetry Competition!!

2009-07-03 Thread Maarten Deen
SteveC wrote:

 On 1 Jul 2009, at 17:48, Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:

 El Miércoles, 1 de Julio de 2009, Mike Collinson escribió:
 Last year we had some great Limerick poems for the Limerick State
 Of the
 Map Conference. This year, the format is the Haiku.

 Maps maps
 maps maps maps maps


 This is a derivative work, clearly, of my efforts last year. I have
 openly licensed this on the OSM wiki as CC-BY-SA 2.0 however, you have
 not provided attribution. I would appreciate this.

In reference to Ivan I would like to do a free interpretation that is not a

Lovely maps, wonderful maps
Lovely maps, wonderful maps
Ma-a-a-aps Ma-a-a-a-ps Ma-a-a-a-ps MA-A-A-A-APS!!!

(You know who it's from)

To put it in Haiku:
Maps, lovely maps
Maps, wonderful maps

Or better:
maps maps maps maps maps
maps maps maps maps maps maps maps
maps maps maps maps maps


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Just a thought

2009-07-20 Thread Maarten Deen
Marc Coevoet wrote:

What _are_ you on about?

 The *-ish  give the maps of their country for free to OSM.

AND donated their data to OSM. And AND is a Dutch company.

 Then the *ish buy a map company.

Well, TomTom has bought Teleatlas. But that is a different dutch than AND.

 The *ish think that the EU governments will be so stupid not to donate
 their maps

Here you lost me.

 The *ish not very welcome in my street ...

Are we back in 1830-1839?

 *ish = dutch
 map company  = TeleAtlas.

 Every shareholder should be against free maps.  Every government will
 show its involvement in the share markets...

Again, you've lost me.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Cheap Recorder

2009-07-24 Thread Maarten Deen
Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:
 El Viernes, 24 de Julio de 2009, Andrew Gregory escribió:
 Having said all that, *would* anyone be interested in a ~USD$200 640x480
 geotagging camera and GPS logger?

 I think I could buy a half-decent smartphone and a bluetooth GPS for *less*
 than that money.

Or a mobile phone with built-in GPS.
The cheapest I can find in the Netherlands is a Nokia N78 with GPS (TI
GPS5300) and 3.1 MP camera for € 200 (that is bare phone price, no
subscription rate). There are loads of phones in the € 200 - € 250 pricerange,
probably all with a camera.
Usually, getting a phone together with a subscription means getting the phone
for little or no money at all.

I have no idea how good the GPS receivers on mobile phones are, but if that is
the pricerange a homebuilt camera/logger has to go for, I'd opt for a mobile
phone instead.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [talk-au] maxheight/height

2009-07-27 Thread Maarten Deen
Roy Wallace wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 2:57 PM, John wrote:
 As of time of writing maxheight is the only valid one and I don't think we
 need or should have 2 tags to indicate the
 same thing in 2 different ways.

 I meant there's two ways of conceptualising the distance below a
 bridge (as an attribute or a restriction). I'm not suggesting we
 need 2 different tags. I'm quite happy to tag it as a restriction,
 if we can agree on how it should be implemented.

 have a node on the way effected, near or under the bridge, rather than
 splitting the way and then tagging that node as maxheight or clearence might
 be the better option that making a new section of way. However maxheight is
 currently only applicable to ways not nodes.
 ... It's not hard or ambiguous, it just means splitting a way under the
 bridge similar to splitting a bridge.

 I would at least suggest that - if maxheight is applied to a node, as
 you suggest - the node should be *shared* by the bridge (way) and the
 way passing under. This makes it clearer that maxheight is

That seems a very bad idea. Nodes are generally used to indicate a physical
path between two ways. Having a node shared between a bridge and the way
underneath may solve one problem but introduces another (having to make a
relation to indicate this physical route is not present).

 specifically referring to the bridge clearance. Also, if someone is
 checking, for example, whether maxheight is specified for a particular
 bridge/way, they don't have to go searching for some random node
 near the bridge.

But why am I interested in a bridge clearance? I am interested in the maximum
height my vehicle can have while traveling down a road. I can argue exactly
like you that I don't want to go searching for some random node near the
road I'm travelling on to see if it is possible to do so.
If you are on the bridge, you are not really interested if the bridge poses a
limit to the way underneath it.

IMHO there are people here trying too hard to model things. maxheight does not
necessarily need to be applied to bridges only. It could also be powercables
or tramlines or low streetlighting or branches or whatever.
maxheight needs to be applied to the road it applies to. Not the structure
that is going over it. If you want to do that (which is not that uncommon,
water maps do it all the time), introduce another key.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [talk-au] maxheight/height

2009-07-27 Thread Maarten Deen
Liz edodd at wrote:
 On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Roy Wallace wrote:
 By the way, you can't place a node under the bridge, unless it is
 indeed shared by the bridge, as all ways have zero width (right?).

 Logically you can as they are on different layers.

That is not going to work. There is always a way with no layer connected to a
way with a layer tag. How would you distinguish between the two? Making an
agreement crossing ways with different layer tag is not good enough. When is
it crossing? When the ways continue on all four sides of the node? In right
angles only? What when two ways are in an acute angle?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [talk-au] maxheight/height

2009-07-28 Thread Maarten Deen
Roy Wallace wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 3:45 PM, Maarten wrote:
 Having a node shared between a bridge and the way
 underneath may solve one problem but introduces another (having to make a
 relation to indicate this physical route is not present).


 maxheight needs to be applied to the road it applies to. Not the structure
 that is going over it. If you want to do that (which is not that uncommon,
 water maps do it all the time), introduce another key.

 Ok. So it seems the question now is, how should maxheight be applied
 to roads passing under bridges? The only reasonable and maintainable
 approach, in my opinion, is to apply it to the section of road that is
 physically under the bridge. Any objections?

IMHO it is not that important if the way with the limit is only just beneath
the bridge, or is somewhat longer or is applied to nodes on either side of a

I recently came across this example where the way with the maxheight is a lot
longer than strictly necessary. For every day uses this does not really pose a


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [talk-au] maxheight/height

2009-07-28 Thread Maarten Deen
Roy Wallace wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Maarten wrote:
 IMHO it is not that important if the way with the limit is only just beneath
 the bridge, or is somewhat longer or is applied to nodes on either side of a

 I recently came across this example where the way with the maxheight is a
 longer than strictly necessary. For every day uses this does not really pose

 So the solution is do whatever you want? Hrmm...

 A couple of potential problems with this: What if someone later adds a
 way that intersects the way with the restriction? The restriction must
 then be removed from the part of the way that is beyond the bridge -
 but this user should not be expected to know that the restriction even

 Also, for longer sections, it becomes less clear that the maxheight
 restriction is in regard to the bridge (versus the law, power lines,
 trees, buildings, or something else). For ways with multiple bridges
 in close proximity, it may become unclear which bridge the restriction
 applies to. etc etc...

 It gets a bit sloppy...

You are right. It is better to stay close around the limiting object.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Old GPS data

2009-07-28 Thread Maarten Deen
Simone Cortesi wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 09:21, Ævar Arnfjörð

 Does OSM invalidates GPS data after some time? Otherwise, roads
 continuously changes and after we will have a big cloud of points that
 don't make any sense.
 No, it doesn't. GPX tracks stay where they are forever and continue
 being served by the GPS API.

 anyway this is something that we might need to consider in the future.

 GPS are becoming more precise. older tracks are, on a general basis,
 less precise than actual ones. and road modifications will become more
 apparent as we progress.

But there is no way to determine if a particular GPS track is outdated. Sure,
you can look at the map and say I don't see a physical road for this track,
but how would you identify GPS points of a track that is invalid? Especialy
for the anonymous tracks?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Old GPS data

2009-07-28 Thread Maarten Deen
John Smith wrote:

 --- On Tue, 28/7/09, Maarten Deen wrote:

 But there is no way to determine if a particular GPS track
 is outdated. Sure,
 you can look at the map and say I don't see a physical
 road for this track,
 but how would you identify GPS points of a track that is
 invalid? Especialy
 for the anonymous tracks?

 date they were added to the system?

That is not indicative. A road could remain unchanged for the last 100 years
or could have been demolished last year. What would be the expiration time of
a track? And would you be prepared to lose correct GPS data to do this?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Broken formatting of Wiki pages

2009-07-28 Thread Maarten Deen
Peter Miller wrote:

 Many of the UK wiki pages with 'place' and 'slippery map' templates
 are badly formatted, but not all.

 This one is badly formatted:-

 and this one as well:-

 But this one is fine:-

I changed the Geohack for OSM part on Template:place a bit. It looks better
on the template page, but it appears the template is cached so it might take a
little time before the pages look better.
It should say More maps on Geohack for OSM in the corrected version.

I suspect the original version had problems with page names that have spaces
in them. For a quick fix I wasn't able to fix it so that it looked how user
Kolossos made it originaly.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Broken formatting of Wiki pages

2009-07-28 Thread Maarten Deen
Maarten Deen wrote:
 Peter Miller wrote:

 Many of the UK wiki pages with 'place' and 'slippery map' templates
 are badly formatted, but not all.

 This one is badly formatted:-

 and this one as well:-

 But this one is fine:-

 I changed the Geohack for OSM part on Template:place a bit. It looks better
 on the template page, but it appears the template is cached so it might take a
 little time before the pages look better.
 It should say More maps on Geohack for OSM in the corrected version.

 I suspect the original version had problems with page names that have spaces
 in them. For a quick fix I wasn't able to fix it so that it looked how user
 Kolossos made it originaly.

Well, first fix did not do the trick (same space problem), but I saw the
solution in the same template: use {{urlencode:{{{name} if the name is to
be used in a URL. It will substitute '+' for space so the wiki does not get
Pages are still cached from where I see them (could be local cache), but see for proof.

And reverted my layout change to Kolossos' original version.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] maxspeed tagging Was: Best-practice-idea traffic_sign

2009-07-30 Thread Maarten Deen
Florian Lohoff wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 08:44:32AM +0200,
 In that one case it's okay.
 * There can only be ONE maxspeed on a road. ever!

 Please add per direction on a road. Still waiting for a good way to tag
 maxspeed per direction. What we call a Geschwindkeitstrichter in German -
 the continues limiting of the maxspeed to a lower value e.g. 100/70/50 up to
 a crossing. This is typically not reflected driving from the crossing where
 only a maxspeed end sign basically is put up.

 I also see ofter a limit in the inner lane in a corner but not on
 the outer lane ... This can currently not really be modelled.

Not only in a corner. In Germany the A3, going down the Elzer Berg (near
Limburg an der Lahn in the eastward direction) has a speedlimit of 40 km/h on
the right lane and 100 km/h (or 120? haven't been there in two years) on the
left two lanes.
Speedlimit is imposed because of the steep gradient down and is meant to limit
the risk of runaway HGV's on the right lane.

So the correct wording is: there can only be one maxspeed per lane per
direction on a road.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] maxspeed tagging Was: Best-practice-idea traffic_sign

2009-07-30 Thread Maarten Deen wrote:
 On Thu, 30 Jul 2009 09:41:07 +0200, Maarten Deen wrote:
 Florian Lohoff wrote:
 Not only in a corner. In Germany the A3, going down the Elzer Berg (near
 Limburg an der Lahn in the eastward direction) has a speedlimit of 40
 the right lane and 100 km/h (or 120? haven't been there in two years) on
 left two lanes.

 That's no issue as it's 2 OSM-ways for the 2 directions of the
 motorway anyway.

It is an issue becasue the speed limit is on different lanes going in the same
I just checked and see that in OSM there is a speedlimit of 100 km/h on the
eastbound lanes. The speedlimit of 40 on the right of the three eastbound
lanes is not tagged.

Local situation is:
Cologne - Limburg
Cologne - Limburg
Cologne - Limburg
Cologne - Limburg (100)

Cologne - Limburg (100)
Cologne - Limburg  (40)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] maxspeed tagging Was: Best-practice-idea traffic_sign

2009-07-30 Thread Maarten Deen
Lennard wrote:

 Exactly, it's a moot point, and I included it mostly to make the point
 that there are so many subtle ways to handle maxspeed, that it would be
 difficult to make an all-encompassing tagging scheme. At some point,
 you'll just have to go with a generalized solution.

The general solution is maxspeed is the highest of the maxspeeds of all
classes of vehicle on that road.
See also the signs we have in continental europe when you enter a country:
there is usually a large sign specifying the maximum speeds on different roads
(within town, outside town, motorway). I have never seen a different sign for
mopeds, HGV's or vehicles with a caravan, it is always the maximum for all


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] maxspeed tagging Was: Best-practice-idea traffic_sign

2009-07-30 Thread Maarten Deen
Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

 And obviously you're also not travelling to Poland, otherwise you
 would have seen this sign:

Nope, I haven't. And if I was driving past it I wouldn't know what was on it.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Finding what country something is in (new website)

2009-07-31 Thread Maarten Deen
OJ W wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 8:16 AM, John wrote:
 I also checked the Australian state borders and they are marked as
 admin_level=4;10 which may interfere with things if the script was only
 looking for a single number, however the boundary is used for local and

 the 4;10 number sounds like a good place to start investigating - is
 that why they're not showing-up on the map of australia?

Does the script also take boundaries in relations into account? I'm a little
puzzled by which
is inside Kosovo with two relations as border,
#1057;#1088;#1073;#1080;#1112;#1072;, admin_level 2, which is seen and
Kosovo, admin_level 3, which is not seen.

Two boundary relations is also the way to map the Australian example.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] French/Dutch caribbean island Saint Martin (Sint Maarten) not correctly positionned

2009-08-05 Thread Maarten Deen
Pieren wrote:

 I'm currently implementing the cadastre support in JOSM for the french
 part of the island Saint-Martin shared with our Dutch friends (it is
 a special projection).
 The island is quite well mapped today, mostly from the hi-res Yahoo
 imagery I guess:
 The problem is that the data, although they match the Yahoo imagery,
 seem to be shifted from about 800 meters in north.
 The French national geographic institut provides files about geodesic
 reference points and one is marked on the main fortress here:
 Here the details of one mark on the ground:
 So, the fortress should be at 18.0707416944 lat and -63.0851921944 lon
 but in OSM it is at (approx.) 18.0705758642 lat and -63.0845414733 lon

I'm not quite clear how you come to that conclusion. While JOSM only displays 4 
digits after the comma (ooh, can we change that to 7 someday?), both 
lie in a wooded area which may very well be the fortress.
And the difference between these two points is 71 metres in total, just 18 
metres N-S difference, not 800.
The Google images are a lot better than the Yahoo ones, and where Google says 
the fort is, is close to the first set of coordinates, and that lines up with 
Yahoo. But in OSM, there is no point to identify the fortress.

Furthermore: I downloaded the GPS data for Sint-Maarten and that lines up very 
nice with the roads of OSM (both in the French as the Dutch part), and the 
line up with the Yahoo imagery.

So I don't really see this mismatch you are seeing.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Spam on TAH-Map

2009-08-06 Thread Maarten Deen
Peter Körner wrote:

 This looks a little like spam to me or at least like bad rendering rules
 for tah.
 Can anyone confirm one of these?

It looks to me like a lot of place=town nodes have been added that might very
well be place=suburb.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] POI [DISTANCE: ]

2009-08-07 Thread Maarten Deen wrote:
 I have a question concerning POI's. How should i handel POI's reporting 
 this information DISTANCE: 518043.59 m, DISTANCE: 517980.06 m etc. 
 etc. (see
 Should I remove this POI's ?

I'd first ask the creator of these points what the use of them is, but my first 
reaction would be to delete them.
It seems that whatever program he used to download his tracks from the GPS, it 
created a POI for every trackpoint containing the information of the distance 

Really of no use in OSM IMHO.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Lots of ways in Congo double

2009-08-10 Thread Maarten Deen
I'm doing some relations on borders in Congo (the Democratic Republic of) and
see that a lot of ways (borders and highways) are double. Two ways exactly on
top of eachother, with their own nodes.
All way id's are in the 37.000.000's and appear to be created by user tmcw in a
few different changesets (I've seen 1759554, 1759602 and 1759110).

I have been deleting some of the ways already, is there still a good solution to
remove the double ways?
Mind you: I can not be certain that all edits are double in those changesets, so
reverting them is probably not going to work. It would need to be some remove
double script on the data itself.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] completely down

2009-08-11 Thread Maarten Deen
Andre Hinrichs wrote:
 Hi List,

 I just discovered, that the whole site seems to be down including

 Hope, that mail is working. I will update the status at wiki to DOWN
 now. Please change if site is available again.

Everything works from here. The map, the api, haven't uploaded any tracks, but
I can see them (last one is sGPX_20090811062939.gpx from 4 minutes ago).
I think it is a glitch on your side.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-13 Thread Maarten Deen
Peter Körner wrote:
 Hello OSM folks
 For the integration of osm into the wikipedia there will be localized 
 maps in all languages that have their own wikipedia. The problem is, 
 that a lot of countries are not translated yet.
 To get an overview over the status and make translating those countries 
 more easy, I created a tool that can be found at
 I'd like to encourage everyone to spend some time making translated maps 
 better. Comments welcome!

What is the opinion for translations that are the same in other languages? For 
instance: Andorra is Andorra in a lot of languages. Do you add a translation 
even though the translation is the same as the original name?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

2009-08-16 Thread Maarten Deen
Peter Körner wrote:
 Hello OSM folks
 For the integration of osm into the wikipedia there will be localized 
 maps in all languages that have their own wikipedia. The problem is, 
 that a lot of countries are not translated yet.
 To get an overview over the status and make translating those countries 
 more easy, I created a tool that can be found at
 I'd like to encourage everyone to spend some time making translated maps 
 better. Comments welcome!

Some translations show up orange. What does that signify?

And a typo: endlish - english


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapping golf courses

2009-09-07 Thread Maarten Deen
Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
  here is an attempt to map a golf course:
  the xml code is here:

Looks nice, but I would like to suggest putting a green background over the 
whole course, and only have light background where there is sand (bunkers).
IMHO it is a bit busy the way it looks now.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Google Maps v.s. OSM routing in Berlin

2009-09-18 Thread Maarten Deen
Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
  Why doesn't OSM ever tell me to take a 270 degree turn into oncoming
  traffic on a 6-lane highway and get onto the motorway_link on the
  other side?,13.266249sspn=0.002567,0.009645ie=UTF8t=hll=52.502622,13.277648spn=0.001283,0.004823z=18,13.27127609253,52.49494458610386,13.267847299575806travel=carstyleId=1

Haha. Nice one. Maybe you can? There is no line in the middle of the road 
preventing crossing the road (see also the car turning a little south). I do 
assume there is a no left turn sign at the side of the road, but from this 
angle, that sign is invisible ;)


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] OSM on German TV

2009-09-19 Thread Maarten Deen
I just saw an item on OSM in (a rerun) of Quarks  Co on the German TV station 
WDR. It was about mapping the inner city of Bonn for wheelchairs. Nice example 
of micromapping, where mappers were even measuring the height of the curbs and 
inclination of streets (both very important for wheelchair users).

The video [1] is available on Quarks  Co's website [2]. All in German, but 
google's translate does a decent job of the website.



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM on German TV

2009-09-20 Thread Maarten Deen
Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
 On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 11:59 AM, wer-ist-roger 
 Am Samstag 19 September 2009 schrieb Maarten Deen:
 I just saw an item on OSM in (a rerun) of Quarks  Co on the German TV
  station WDR. It was about mapping the inner city of Bonn for wheelchairs.
  Nice example of micromapping, where mappers were even measuring the height
  of the curbs and inclination of streets (both very important for
  wheelchair users).

 The video [1] is available on Quarks  Co's website [2]. All in German, but
 google's translate does a decent job of the website.



 Things like this are very good to know. I mean I allway map all kind of steps
 that I see (even though there are only to steps) just to make sure that
 handycaped people know that there comes stair. But I never thought about the
 steapnes or anything simmilar. That is really important and good to know.
 Can someone point to areas in Bonn that have been mapped like this or
 to pages on the wiki where the tagging system they're used is
 documented? I couldn't find it.

I found


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] cloud made routing and turn restrictions

2009-10-08 Thread Maarten Deen
On Thu, 8 Oct 2009 15:18:50 +0300, Ciprian Talaba

 From what I know Cloudmade's routing is not using turn restrinctions
 If you want something like this take a look at YOURS:

I just tried YOURS for some turn restrictions I made (according to the
last edit date on september 20th, YOURS data is from september 23th) and
YOURS does not obey them.

You should only be routed straight on, on both roads.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping islands question

2009-10-28 Thread Maarten Deen
On Tue, 27 Oct 2009 18:47:38 -0400, Joe Pranevich
 I'm trying to fix Hutchinson Island, Florida (
 and the main issue is that the island's coastlines were very wrong.
 off the coast, the coastline at one point crossed over itself as a
 figure-eight, etc.) And I've made these changes and made sure that the
 coasts were connected and running counter-clockwise, but the changes
 appear -- but the streets and other changes that I've made while doing
 have appeared.
 Am I doing something wrong with setting up the islands? Or are
 rendered on a different schedule (not real time) and so I need to wait
 until later in the week to see whether it's fixed or not?

I still see crossing coastlines, especially in this area:

There is one scetchy coastline with way id=22306017 and source=PGS
crossing an island with id=43250051, and a bit more south there is also an
island, id=43250058 which is inside the coastline of id 22306017.

I see that you edited 22306017, which was edited afterwards. Maybe that
messed things up?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Are there any ways with street number ranges in the OSM database?

2008-12-08 Thread Maarten Deen
Dan Putler wrote:

 Exel) some people have been tagging ways. If there are areas with tags
 with house number ranges, we'd like to have some idea of where they are
 located. PAGC is currently shapefile centric (though this will change in
 the longer run), so we would need to convert the ways to shapefile
 format to use them.

Have a look at
and the city of Karlsruhe
for a proposal and actual use of housenumbers.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] POI layer for Tiles at home

2008-12-09 Thread Maarten Deen
 On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:29 PM, Simon Ward simon at wrote:
  or a layer that allows you to select what POIs to display (although a
  long list of POIs might be a little unwieldy).

 This map already exists:

That solution is painfully slow and appears to be very awkward. In
Firefox, it reloads, displays, reloads, displays, etc... and seems
to do that for every single POI it finds. That can never be a
viable solution.

I was looking at the same for one of my other hobbies too and used
the OpenLayers POI example that's in the wiki at
I used that to create a map with all banks and ATMs in the
That works for me in Firefox, but it works less good in IE7 and quite
poorly in IE6. Apparently IE has a problem with the number of POIs
in the map (some 1200). As the list is currently fixed this is also
not a viable solution for the general public.

What you would want to make is a database backend (which can be the
OSM database but can also be a dedicated one) and an OpenLayers
solution that can display POIs on demand.
The selection of POIs can be something like the map at lenz-online
de, or you can make something that is more grouped per type of POI.

That way you do a select on the database with with the boundingbox
of the map and the selection of POIs you like and that returns all
POIs you want, and displays them on the map.
The database query thing is easy, and the displaying thing should
also be possible with OpenLayers. I think the OSM Inspector does something like that.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] 0.6 move and downtime

2009-01-20 Thread Maarten Deen
Tom Hughes wrote:

 To make things a little clearer, we are actually blocking out four days
 for this, from 20th to 23rd March. So don't count on being able to
 upload anything during that period.

 There is only one mapping party listed for that weekend on the wiki, and
 it doesn't have any details yet, which is part of the reason why that
 date was chosen as it will hopefully minimise the disruption caused.

IMHO it's a good idea to post these dates in the event calender. With some


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] usercases for josm outside osm

2009-02-02 Thread Maarten Deen
Kim Hawtin wrote:
 hi maning,

 maning sambale wrote:
 JOSM is an excellent data editing tool (hey I also love potlatch!).
 Many of of its features I would love integrated in some FOSS GIS
 editing toolbox.
 That being said, are there user cases where JOSM is used outside OSM
 as a GIS editing app?  Please share your experiences.

 what i'd really like is a mode where i can edit the GPS trails.
 just top and tailing the junk off the ends where the GPS was started
 and stopped, any time where you are are effectively indoors...
 also splitting large GPS trails into smaller more manageable sections.

Second that. Basically what is now possible with Garmin's Mapsource: see GPX
tracks, edit them, display them on a map. For that there will also need to be
more map-downloading than z12 tiles only.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Hardware Upgrade Fund

2009-02-08 Thread Maarten Deen
Richard Fairhurst wrote:
 Etienne wrote:
 We are going to keep the appeal open for at least a few more days.
 We know there are more donations in the pipeline
 Google Inc
 Google Open Source Programs Office
 2009-02-08 12:33:25
 GBP 5,000.00

With one step 50% over the target.
Apparently the API server has gotten scared that it is going to be replaced. I 
can't get any data from it at all.
Has it gone in hiding in some closet somewhere? ;)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Long Ways and API 0.6

2009-02-08 Thread Maarten Deen
Shaun McDonald wrote:
 On 8 Feb 2009, at 12:44, Ben Laenen wrote:
 On Sunday 08 February 2009, Gary68 wrote:
 in europe there are 202 ways with more than 1950 nodes. complete
 lists can be found here:

 or the europe file directly:

 Does this suggest that there will be a 1950 node limit in the 0.6 API?

 If yes, where's all this documented?
 It will be a 2000 node limit. It is now quickly documented at

Is this a limit posed on ways only or also on relations? Because I got a note 
  a fellow mapper warning me that some relations have more than 2000 members.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Long Ways and API 0.6

2009-02-08 Thread Maarten Deen
Frederik Ramm wrote:
 Ben Laenen wrote:
 OK, as long as there's no limit on the number of relation members, I'm 
 happy :-)
 I'm pretty sure there will be, it is not implemented yet but I believe 
 we said it would be 1.000. Relations with more members become very hard 
 to work with.

So, we're going to have to make relations to group relations? Isn't that a 
bit... daft?
I thought relations were there to make the editors able to work on ways and not 
have to download all ways in the relation. How would a big relation then be 
to work with?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] oneway yes or true

2009-02-27 Thread Maarten Deen
sly (sylvain letuffe) wrote:
 David Earl wrote:
  I can't help feeling the effort that I've noticed some contributors
  are putting into manually changing oneway=yes to oneway=true
  would be better spent doing something more useful.

 Well, JOSM-search-type:way oneway:true
 A nice way to rest my brain.

 Who's to say what the right answer is when there
 is no right answer.

 I pretend to know and say (again) that the right answer is not to have
 duplicate tags for the same meaning.

 But, that's not that much about changing them for changing them I'm fighting
 for, but for that :
 ( don't want to waste time translating, but get help from google translator if
 you want to read my story )

 Eek - people are really doing this?

 I am

Whatever it is going to be: it would be nice if the validator plugin in JOSM
will accept this. Currently it's programmed to accept yes/no as a proper tag
and true/false is flagged as incorrect.
That's why I change these tags to yes/no if I encounter them (with the
If I'm then in an editwar with Sylvain, I hope we can do it face to face with
some wine and cheese ;)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] oneway yes or true

2009-02-27 Thread Maarten Deen
sly (sylvain letuffe) wrote:
 all other values are ignored and treated as yes (why else would you have a

 Ouch ! While using your software, I'll be extreamly carefull on the road ;-)

 Don't want to be droven on an undefined or other or maybe oneway

 Europe counts :
oneway   | count
  yes| 466883
  1  | 104487
  true   | 100204
  no |  35883
  false  |   3519
  -1 |   2683
  undefined  |197
  0  | 24
  unknown| 11
  both   | 11
  other  |  9

Not oneway, not both ways, but... you can go down as well?

  true; 1; true  |  2
  yes; yes; true; yes; yes   |  2

I've encountered some of those too.

I'm all in favour of making lists like this on a regular basis with the
node-id/lat-lon so that people can change it. Not the yes/true debate, but
these obvious errors.

I know we did something similar after the AND import in the Netherlands.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Multilingual map

2009-03-09 Thread Maarten Deen
D Tucny wrote:
 It doesn't get down to streetnames at the moment and there is only one 
 country and 29 cities tagged with Catalan names...
 That said, I'll add it to the list of things to look at changing next 
 time I do an import...

And don't forget name:carnaval. Okay, it is mostly gigglevalue, but a lot of 
towns in the south of the Netherlands will then show a different name.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Introducing OpenStreetBrowser

2009-03-27 Thread Maarten Deen
Stephan Plepelits wrote:
 Hi Folks!

 Some of you might already have noticed the OpenStreetBrowser, as I added
 it to the list of GSoC-Projects, and I've been already writing on a page in
 the OSM-Wiki for the last week.

 I had a little bit too much time in the last months, so I  started to write
 a web-application where you can browse the OSM-content in certain
 categories. This includes an own style with some thematic overlays. I'm
 quite excited about it, there are so many possibilities in the database.
 It's not finished yet, but I think of the current version of a usable beta
 (I just updated browser support, it's even working in IE6, though with some

 So ... don't want to loose to many words, just give it a try:
 In the OSM-Wiki you find additional informations about the project:

I think it's superb. I've been looking for something like this for some time
now and I know it's not easy, so it's just wonderful that someone has found
the time to do it.

Some comments though:
- If you select a category, the items only show up as icons on the map from
zoom 15. Placing markers at lower zoomlevels would also be very welcome.
- some categories are incomplete. Public transport stops only shows train
stations and not bus stops. That's probably because a bus stop is tagged as
- shopping does not find anything in my area, although I have added shops.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Sat Nav idiocy in Todmorden

2009-03-27 Thread Maarten Deen
David Ebling wrote:

 I think a lot of you probably saw this news story:

Yes. And rightly so that someone driving like that is charged.
 I thought people might be interested to see the location on Multimap, which
 has some nice bird's eye photos too.

I guess this is where it all happened:,-2.109332spn=0.000646,0.001577t=kz=19
and that the driver entered the road from the north. How far out does one have
to be to continue on that road, judging from the satellite photos. Especially
if he works as a driver and presumably spends quite some time on the road.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] highway=cyclefootway

2009-03-27 Thread Maarten Deen
Richard Mann wrote:
 Map Features says that highway=cycleway should be used for ways that are
 mainly/exclusively for bicycles. Does that mean that all those cycleways in
 the Netherlands have (implicit) footways alongside, or that there are so few
 pedestrians that the way can be regarded as mainly for bicycles, or that
 they tag them as cycleways even though there are a fair number of

Well, pedestrians are allowed to walk on any road if there is no pavement or
cycleway next to it (exceptions are motorways and the use of a sign barring
pedestrians) and are always allowed to walk on cycleways.
And as we all have a bike, cycling is more common than walking.
It is certainly not that a cycleway usually has a footway next to it. On the
contrary, it usually does not.

As the term bridleway is uncommon in the Netherlands (there are paths
designated as horseback route, but they are not limited to horses and
pedestrians) I would tag such a way as track in the Netherlands.
A track does not ban any specific traffic, that would have to be put in tags.


 On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Someoneelse

 Richard Mann wrote:

  Only the British
  use bridleway. The Dutch have markedly few footways (which probably
  indicates cycleway is being used quite loosely).

 My recollection of both urban and rural bits of the Netherlands is that
 there actually are fewer footways than cycleways - I've had a look at
 the map of a couple of bits that I'm familiar with (Maarssen,
 Scherpenzeel and the German border near Enschede FWIW) and (with a
 couple of exceptions) what's mapped matches pretty much I'd expect to be
 if the same feature were mapped in the UK.

 My experience of the Netherlands, Germany and Scandinavia is that it's
 the UK that's the odd one out in having fewer cycleways than the norm
 for northwestern Europe.

 Obviously this has no bearing on whether a particular route in Oxford
 should be labelled as a bridleway or a cycleway (I've never been there
 and can't comment).  Maybe arrange a meeting in a local pub and have a
 show of hands?

 talk mailing list

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - h==highway

2009-03-30 Thread Maarten Deen
Renaud MICHEL wrote:
 Le lundi 30 mars 2009 à 05:46, PAA a écrit :
 Request for comments on creating the key:h and making it synonymous with

 That's just ridiculous.
 Don't start duplicating tags with the same meaning.

No it's not. It's called convenience.

 And once you start with tag names, you could go on with values and
 replace primary with p, secondary with s and so on.

Then I would like to propose 1 for primary, 2 for secondary, and so on.
trunk roads would be 0 and highways -1. Add .5 for _link.

Can we implement this tomorrow?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - h==highway

2009-03-30 Thread Maarten Deen
Chris Hill wrote:
 Maarten Deen wrote:

 Can we implement this tomorrow?
 When hell freezes over maybe.

I meant day after tomorrow BTW. Maybe that clears it up a bit.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] turn restriction relations: via

2009-03-31 Thread Maarten Deen
Gregory Williams wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:talk-] On Behalf Of Shaun McDonald

 I have seen some people splitting roundabouts so that the bridge can
 be shown properly.

 Also, there's a roundabout that's split into three separate ways in
 Canterbury, because it's actually a different road name for each of
 those ways. I've also seen several examples of roundabouts being split
 to accommodate bridges, particularly at motorway junctions.

Or routes. There is no reason why a roundabout should consist of only one way.
If need be, a relation can be created to include all ways in a roundabout.

Roundabouts in the Netherlands (from the AND import) are generally split in a
different segment on each point where a road joins it.
Random example:
This is a typical example.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Searching a word for tagging a special feature of a track

2009-04-16 Thread Maarten Deen
Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:
 El Viernes, 17 de Abril de 2009, Heiko Jacobs escribió:
 I'm searching a suitable english word for tagging this:

 I think that tracktype=grade3 or tracktype=grade4 will cover this issue. See

The map features page has some photo's to go with it:


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Tag for dry river

2009-04-18 Thread Maarten Deen
Joseph Scanlan wrote:

 We often call it a wash around here (Las Vegas, Nevada (in the 
 southwest US)).  Wikipedia, however, redirected me to arroyo.
 Whatever name we use, it would be quite nice to have a tag for it. 
 Renderers, editors, etc. can handle the localization.
 I'm reluctant to use seasonal to modify another water feature tag.  You 
 may agree after reading the Wikipedia page.

I know it as a wadi, which I think is the Arabic term for it 

In the Netherlands the term wadi is also used for man-made depressions in 
areas of housing estates to store surplus rainwater during and after rainfalls.
See and
(one page down under the line Het water stroomt) for uses of this in the 
IMHO these are also useful to tag.

My proposal is to use something like waterway=wadi for this, and have it 
to ways and areas. I'm also not too fond of a seasonal tag for this. Wadi's 
are quote common features in arid regions.

Suggested rendering is a dotted line or a hatched area. That's how paper maps 
also display them.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] How is the upgrade going

2009-04-19 Thread Maarten Deen
I'm not on IRC, so I've got no idea, but anyone how the upgrade is going so far?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How is the upgrade going

2009-04-20 Thread Maarten Deen
Claudius wrote:
 Am 19.04.2009 18:37, Jonas Krückel (John07):
 Maarten Deen schrieb:
 I'm not on IRC, so I've got no idea, but anyone how the upgrade is going so

 firefishy about 2h ago on twitter:  migrating API 0.6 database - phase 5
 (i started at the wrong number): re-creating consistent current tables.

 No major problems yet.

 Here's the twitter-link:

Thanks for that link. I was searching on the twitter site but I couldn't find
any direct link. I came to believe that you had to register and log in to see
any twitter messages.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-talk-be] IMPORTANT - OSM API upgrade - Upgrade finished

2009-04-22 Thread Maarten Deen
Ben Laenen wrote:

 The server is now back into a usable state, if you want to start mapping

 Little warning though: relations are completely broken with Potlatch.
 Don't do anything with relations in there until it's fixed or you may
 completely destroy existing relations. In fact I think it's safer to
 not use Potlatch at all for now because you even can't see if you might
 break something...

This is all a myth sent out by the anti-potlatch people

On a serious note: I assume most users don't read the mailinglists. If it is
such a large problem, editting with potlatch should be disabled for as long as
this is not fixed.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] GPS logger

2009-04-28 Thread Maarten Deen
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 12:25:29AM +0200, Torsten Mohr wrote:

 can anybody give me a hint on a GPS logger?  I'd just like to track the
 position on SD card.
 It would be great if the battery would last for a week or even longer.

 That should also be much cheaper than e.g. Garmin GPS devices.

BTW: there is a list of GPS devices (loggers, handhelds and others) at, which also includes
information on storage types. Some even have small reviews at the bottom of
the page.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] GPS logger

2009-04-28 Thread Maarten Deen
OJ W wrote:
 The NaviGPS isn't ideal if you're away from a source of power, since
 its internal battery lasts about 1 day, and you can't just put spare
 batteries into it.

 It might be possible to get somewhere with a USB power-pack to
 recharge it overnight (that's what I used for a 1-week trek, which
 meant constantly feeding batteries into the usb-recharging-gadget to
 try and keep the NaviGPS' internal battery charged - not very

There are power-plug type chargers with USB connection. Just look for USB
charger on the internet.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM maps of Denmark for download to Garmin devices

2009-04-29 Thread Maarten Deen
Lambertus wrote:
 Splitter tries to automatically determine the maximum tile size for a
 specific area but the data in that area is giving Splitter false clues.
 This might be caused by e.g. a combination of many POI's but few roads.

Not to diminish your work on that front, but I find the tilelayout on your site 
very strange. Of course it is a work of the splitter, but I would opt for a 
manual layout, guided by an initial automated process.

IMHO the strategy that the Mapsource tiles use is much more logical. Take one 
big tile, if that has too many nodes, split it in half horizontally, if that 
too many nodes split it in half vertically... repeat until you have a 
small amount of nodes.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM maps of Denmark for download to Garmin devices

2009-04-29 Thread Maarten Deen

Lambertus wrote:

Maarten Deen wrote:

Lambertus wrote:

Splitter tries to automatically determine the maximum tile size for a
specific area but the data in that area is giving Splitter false clues.
This might be caused by e.g. a combination of many POI's but few roads.

Not to diminish your work on that front, but I find the tilelayout on your site 
very strange. Of course it is a work of the splitter, but I would opt for a 
manual layout, guided by an initial automated process.

Please forgive me for relying on the automated Splitter layout mechanism 
as I have no intention to manually divide the world into 500 tiles (317 
America + 182 Europe/Asia/Africa/Oceania currently). Optimizing the 
tiles would result in even more, so you'd be talking about e.g 750 tiles.

I'm certainly not complaining about your work. It's the reason why I bought a 
Garmin Nüvi and not a TomTom.

Needless to say: patches welcome ofcourse. The definition files for 
Splitter are:


IMHO the strategy that the Mapsource tiles use is much more logical. Take one 
big tile, if that has too many nodes, split it in half horizontally, if that has 
too many nodes split it in half vertically... repeat until you have a sufficient 
small amount of nodes.

This strategy is afaik exactly what Splitter does.

Then it does it in a strange way. I'm sure you've noticed that the edges of the 
tiles don't line up by just a few 1/100th of a degree in a lot of places. That 
is inconsistent with a strategy of dividing a tile in half if it has too many nodes.
E.g. tiles 63240113 and 63240116. One has a north border of 51.679688, the other 
 51.635742. And then two tiles further east, 63240120 has a north border of 
52.679688 again.

BTW: have you seen that Mapsource draws the maps as overlapping? I've attached a 
screenshot of how Mapsource displays maps 63240105 (yellow), 63240175 (blue, 
continuing to the top) and 63240179 (green).
They all overlap eachother. According to their definitions, they should not 
overlap, but mapsource apparently disagrees.

Any idea why that is?

inline: OSMmapsource.png___
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[OSM-talk] barrier=tool_booth also for automated toll cameras?

2009-05-05 Thread Maarten Deen
Is it ok to use barrier=toll_booth for portals over the road with cameras for 
automated toll collection, like the ones used for LKW Maut (HGV toll) in 
To me, toll_booth indicates a physical barrier, and a portal is no barrier.


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[OSM-talk] Xapi and version attribute

2009-05-06 Thread Maarten Deen
Is it possible that in the Xapi servers, the version attribute is only present 
in nodes that have been changed after the 0.6 transition?
If I download data from Xapi, it is missing in most nodes, except for those 
edited after 2009-04-28 (in my dataset).

I think this is quite an important issue as the 0.6 api will not accept uploads 
without a version.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Languages

2009-05-07 Thread Maarten Deen
Stephan Plepelits wrote:
 On Thu, May 07, 2009 at 11:41:43AM +0200, Pieren wrote:
 On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 11:25 AM, Marc Schütz wrote:

 How do we know if the tag name is German ? Well, because it's a geo
 db and we know where the element is. Make the live of contributors
 easy and let software working hard for us.

 Yes, we know where an element is. But how do we know what is the language
 in that part of the planet? Am I supposed to maintain a separate database
 with this knowledge?

 Which are the countries with german language?
 - Germany (ok, that's easy)
 - Austria (people who don't confuse it with Austrlia should know)
 - Switzerland (but not in all parts)
 - Some villages in Brazil I suppose
 - In Trannsylvania it might have been relevant, but the German population
   decreased in the last century

- Eastern part of Belgium.

But for roadnames, I do not see the point in using a different language than
the one on the sign. If I tell someone to go to the Mountainroad in Vienna,
then they will probably end up in Wien, Austria, but where the *** is that
Mountainroad? It's not to be found on any sign or map.
Better ask a local... Mountainroad? Never heard of it.

For place names I see a use, as different countries have been naming foreign
cities in their own langauge, but for minor features like roads I don't see
the use.
But even so: I would opt to use the local name in the name tag and use name:xx
for names in foreign languages for people to render them as they please.
And I thought that that convention was already used. It is at least for the
Dutch carnaval map (that's a map where most of the cities names are rendered
in the local name as used during carnaval)

That still does not solve completely the problem in dual-language areas like
Brussels, but there both local names are in the name tag (as both local names
are on street signs).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Languages

2009-05-07 Thread Maarten Deen
Tal wrote:
 On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Maarten Deen wrote:

 But for roadnames, I do not see the point in using a different language
 the one on the sign. If I tell someone to go to the Mountainroad in Vienna,
 then they will probably end up in Wien, Austria, but where the *** is that
 Mountainroad? It's not to be found on any sign or map.
 Better ask a local... Mountainroad? Never heard of it.

 Imagine that you plan a business trip to Tel-Aviv and want to print yourself
 a map of the city. Or maybe you'll be spending a week in Cairo. Can you not
 see the benefit in having a map with the street names in a different
 language than the one on the sign?

No, not really. Will I be able to know where I'm going using that map? Will
any name match a name that I will encounter on the street?

Of course, for me as a European it would make some sense to have a map with
European script, in stead of Hebrew, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabian, ... etc. so
that I can pronounce the names, but it would not make sense to have the names
translated to my language because probably nobody will speak my language.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Languages

2009-05-07 Thread Maarten Deen
Ben Laenen wrote:

 So I'd say the problem is pretty easy to solve for street names:

 * Either there's on official language and the street name shouldn't be
 translated at all, even if you want a map in a different language. So
 just take the name tag.

 * Either there are more languages on the street sign, in which case you
 tag with all the name:xx for each language there is on the sign. So
 take the name:xx you want, or if your preferred language isn't there,
 also take the name tag.

And tag all those names in the name tag. Otherwise you will have to pick a
name to display, or alternativly render all tiles with dual (triple?
quadruple?) name overlays.

Basically what I'm in favour of is put whatever is on the sign in the name
tag. In Brussels, both names are on the sign, so both names go in the name


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Languages

2009-05-07 Thread Maarten Deen
Tal wrote:
 On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Ben Laenen wrote:

 On Thursday 07 May 2009, Tal wrote:
  Imagine that you plan a business trip to Tel-Aviv and want to print
  yourself a map of the city. Or maybe you'll be spending a week in
  Cairo. Can you not see the benefit in having a map with the street
  names in a different language than the one on the sign?

 name:xx is only for the names on the street sign (the official names,
 and locals will often know them)

 And suppose I just mapped, as I really did, several streets with no street
 signs at all. These streets have names, they are mentioned in local maps,
 and you can send letters to that street addresses. Are you saying that I
 should not tag these street names just because they do not have a street

I hope you do understand that it's not the street sign as such, but the
official name which is supposed to be in the name tag.
Of course an absence of a street sign does not mean that the street has no
name or should not be tagged with a name.

 Another thing, old streets signs in Tel-Aviv also had Arabic script. Newer
 signs, which gradually replace the old onces, generally do not contain
 Arabic (that probably depend on the area of the city). So one should map a
 street in 3 languages (he,ar,en) now, and when the city replaces the
 corresponding sign, one should go back and delete that name:ar?

Depends on what the official name is. And with other alphabets it is also a
question what name:en should be. Should it be a literal translation to
english, or should it be the local name, but written in European alphabet?
Same goes for Cyrillic alphabet. When I look around, I see roads tagged in
name:en with the russian name, in European script.
I think in these situations name:en should be the local name in European
This is different from what I was saying before, but I think this is a
different situation.

 I understand that name:xx is mainly for what is on the street signs, but
 this is only because the relevant names in all the relevant languages are
 usually on a nearby street sign. When they are not, that rule no longer

name:xx is IMHO not mainly for street signs. At least if you speak of name:xx
for use as a literal translation to other languages (the Bergstraße -
Mountain road example) it has little or no use in street signs, except in
multilingual places where the street signs show multiple languages.
It has more use in place names.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Post SOTM: Mapping Party and Accommodation in Germany

2009-05-08 Thread Maarten Deen
Nick Whitelegg wrote:

 Secondly (and apologies for being off topic) I have a couple of questions
 about accommodation and travel in Germany. In the UK (as you may know)
 there is bed and breakfast accommodation in private houses, typically
 costing £20-40 a night. Is there similar style accommodation in Germany
 and is it bookable via the web?

Pension is the German equivalent to BB. Looking for pension+deutschland
on Google gives a few search sites, but looking for pension+cityname will
also give you pensions in that area.

 Thirdly, is there some sort of equivalent for Inter Rail for over 25s
 which allows you unlimited rail travel in all, or selected countries of,
 Europe for two weeks?

Interrail has been available for 26+ for a few years. A global pass for 10
days (to be used within 22 days) is € 359, 22 days is € 469. is a startpage, but they quote
rather high prices. It may be better to look further, or buy at NS-Hispeed in
Amsterdam when you are there (not entirely certain if that is possible for a


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Re: [OSM-talk] How to manage GPX files?

2009-12-29 Thread Maarten Deen
On Wed, 30 Dec 2009 14:50:04 +1100, Liz wrote:
 On Wed, 30 Dec 2009, Steve Bennett wrote:
  JOSM also seems
 to be very slow when you have a largeish area loaded.
 enlarge your Java VM
 eg java -Xms1536m -Xmx1536m -jar /usr/share/josm/josm.jar

Is it just me or is there a limit to the size of the Java VM you can enter
in Windows XP? I've had on separate occasions had to lower the limit to
something like 1300 because it just wouldn't run.


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