Re: [Talk-cl] Normas para etiquetado de caminos en OSM

2016-10-03 Per discussione Juan Pablo Tolosa Sanzana

Gracias Cristián por tu aporte, muy acertado lo que escribiste.

Es una pregunta que dejé planteada hace unos días atrás, sobre cuál es 
el objetivo de la etiqueta highway=* y es ahí donde debería enfocarse 
realmente la discusión.

De lo que puede leerse la wiki esta etiqueta debe revelar la importancia 
relativa de una carretera dentro del país, donde entran varios factores 
en juego, no sólo el tipo de superficie de ésta. La propuesta de 
ayudarse por la clasificación de Vialidad es más bien una consecuencia 
de lo que dice la wiki y no por su condición de oficial. En los 
recientes años la Dirección de Vialidad ha hecho un gran trabajo para 
adaptarse a la realidad actual y en general se acopla muy bien con el 
objetivo planteado por la wiki. No así hasta hace algunos años atrás 
cuando todavía utilizaba una clasificación que databa de los años 70 
(que es la que se ve en casi todos los mapas).

En principio la idea es aprovechar esta clasificación que nos ayude a 
tener mejores datos acorde a los lineamentos de OSM. Luego de 
implementarse se pueden analizar los casos de forma individual y 
utilizar el conocimiento local para determinar si existe otro valor para 
highway=* que cumpla mejor con el objetivo propuesto.

Debería tomarse en cuenta cómo trabajan los enrutadores y motor gráfico 
de las aplicaciones que utilicen los datos de OSM para lograr el 
objetivo. Por poner un ejemplo, la aplicación OsmAnd ofrece un 
renderizado para las etiquetas highway=*, surface=* y smoothness=* de 
forma simultánea (a elección del usuario); entonces, las características 
físicas no debiesen ser tan determinantes al momento de categorizar en 
relación a otros factores. Otro ejemplo que demuestra esto último es el 
etiquetado de los caminos forestales. En la región del Biobío hay muchos 
y suelen ser de mejor calidad que algunos caminos públicos de categoría 
más baja. Sin embargo, por regla general éstos se etiquetan con 
highway=track (sería interesante añadirlo a la propuesta) y el aspecto 
físico se especifica con tracktype=*. Pues estos caminos sólo sirven 
para desplazarse dentro de un predio forestal y no ameritan ser 
clasificados con una categoría superior como highway=unclassified, pese 
a que algunos sean amplios y de buena calidad.


El 03/10/16 a las 17:04, Cristián Serpell escribió:
He leído las distintas opiniones y creo entender un problema de fondo 
en las distintas posturas y que como dicen impide llegar a un acuerdo 

Primero, quiero aclarar que en ningún caso intento poner en duda el 
trabajo de vialidad (o Vialidad, como lo prefieran). El trabajo de 
esta institución puede ser increíblemente bueno, con respecto a sus 
objetivos. El problema de fondo creo yo es justamente ese. ¿Cuál es el 
objetivo de los datos de OSM y quién es la autoridad de los datos? 
Todo nuestro mapeo debe estar orientado a satisfacer el objetivo que 
se proponga en OSM. Si los datos de Vialidad nos sirven como fuente 
para mejorar nuestros datos en relación al objetivo de OSM, 
bienvenidos sean. Mientras más y mejores datos, mejor. Sin embargo, si 
hay una clasificación de Vialidad que no cumple con el objetivo para 
el que se tiene OSM, está bien también que se pueda modificar y 
categorizar según corresponda.

Desde mi punto de vista, hay que ver qué es lo que se busca en 
representar en OSM y luego representarlo. La categorización de 
Vialidad debe ser siempre una fuente, y no una autoridad. De hecho, en 
un caso ideal, los datos de OSM deberían ser siempre mejores que los 
de Vialidad, y ojalá ellos puedan usar nuestros datos como fuente para 
sus trabajos (¡¡ojo con la referencia circular en la fuente de 
datos!!). En el futuro, la institución Vialidad que hoy funciona 
impecable, perfectamente puede tomar decisiones de clasificación por 
temas políticos o técnicos que no se corresponden con la 
categorización que tengamos definida en OSM.

Sólo para aclarar, no tengo temores de que carreteras sean 
clasificadas hacia "arriba" o hacia "abajo", sino simplemente poner en 
la discusión que la decisión de cómo clasificar una carretera debería 
ser totalmente independiente a las definiciones de otras 
instituciones. Para mi OSM debe ser fiel a la realidad y a las 
necesidades de usuarios (personas e instituciones), llegando a ser el 
mejor proveedor de datos que exista, con la mayor cantidad de fuentes 
posibles que no se basen en los mismos datos de OSM. Y a eso me 
refiero con que los datos deben ser consistentes internacionalmente, y 
no sólo a nivel local país, ya que en cada país hay instituciones 
diferentes, es mejor no depender de éstas.

Mi aporte,

Talk-cl mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Tur. trasa zobrazovaná tam, kde není ani v datech

2016-10-03 Per discussione Marián Kyral
Divné, divné. Trasy se už obnovily (změny co jsem dělal v sobotu tam už 
jsou), v datech na téhle ulici žádné relace nejsou, ale stejně se tam 
zobrazuje modrá a žlutá.

můžeš se na to prosím kouknout?


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Marián Kyral 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 30. 9. 2016 11:47:24
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Tur. trasa zobrazovaná tam, kde není ani v 

No může to být nějaká chyba, která už je opravena. Ovšem vrsta "Turistické 
trasy ČR" se obnovuje jen každých pár dní, takže to tam ještě visí. Je 
docela pravděpodobné, že to zase brzo samo zmizí.

Bohužel přidání cesty do relace nijak nemění historii té cesty, jen relace, 
takže pokud to mezitím zase někdo smazal, tak už to asi není jednoduše 
dohledatelné. Leda si stáhnout změny za posledních pár dní a pohledat v 


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: majka 
Datum: 30. 9. 2016 10:46:18
Předmět: [Talk-cz] Tur. trasa zobrazovaná tam, kde není ani v 


Mohl byste se prosím někdo podívat na to, proč se mi ukazuje na https://
( tur. trasa
(resp. dvě, modrá a žlutá) tam, kde žádná není a v datech jí nevidím, a ani 
nevidím nějakou nedávnou změnu?

Jedná se o ulici Na Babě, kterou na rozdíl od zobrazení "Turistické trasy 
EU" zobrazují "Turistické trasy ČR" modrožlutě.

Bohužel se mi to nedaří najít ani v historii změn - nabíhá tam spousta 
balastu okolo.



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Talk-cz mailing list;___
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] prehled tras ve Wiki

2016-10-03 Per discussione Marián Kyral
Tak v tom případě buď podle barev, nebo třeba podle oblastí, případně čísel 
- 0-100, 101 - 201...


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Petr Holub 
Komu: 'OpenStreetMap Czech Republic' 
Datum: 4. 10. 2016 6:47:47
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] prehled tras ve Wiki

"> Tohle je nekolik let stary "problem" s omezenim mnozstvi templatena 
> je nutno tu stranku rozdelit.
> > co takhle to rozdělit na podstránky? Třeba dle typu? Hiking/Ski/Cyklo/

A jak - protoze tohle se v podstate tyka jen tras hiking. Cyklo uz vydelene
jsou, ski a horse bude asi jen minorita.


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Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] prehled tras ve Wiki

2016-10-03 Per discussione Petr Holub
> Tohle je nekolik let stary "problem" s omezenim mnozstvi templatena strance.
> je nutno tu stranku rozdelit.
> > co takhle to rozdělit na podstránky? Třeba dle typu? Hiking/Ski/Cyklo/Horse?

A jak - protoze tohle se v podstate tyka jen tras hiking. Cyklo uz vydelene
jsou, ski a horse bude asi jen minorita.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cl] Normas para etiquetado de caminos en OSM

2016-10-03 Per discussione Andrés Pino Herrera
Estoy de acuerdo en gran parte con Cristián. Es evidente que los objetivos
de Vialidad (la repartición del Estado, por eso con mayúscula) no tienen
por qué ser los mismos de OSM. Por ello viene lo que tiene que ver con el
objetivo específico de la etiqueta highway=*, que ya se dijo que es sólo
clasificar los caminos según lo que dice la Wiki. Debo insistir, eso sí,
que de partida la propuesta es interpretación de las categorías oficiales,
y las consideraciones que ya tiene, más las eventuales excepciones que se
podrían agregar, refuerzan que se trata de una adecuación de estos datos
 Por esto creo que desde el comienzo la categorización que hace la
Dirección de Vialidad es considerada como "fuente" y no como "autoridad"
para generar esta propuesta.

Qué bueno que se diga también que tiene que haber una cierta consistencia a
nivel internacional. En particular ese es uno de los motivos para proponer
etiquetar los caminos Nacionales con highway=trunk, lo que es una práctica
más extendida de lo que yo creía, junto con considerar una jerarquización
para las etiquetas highway=* y no características físicas, a pesar de que
al principio se me dijo que no había porqué tomar en cuenta lo que se
hiciera en otros lados.

Sobre que los criterios de Vialidad pueden variar, sí, es cierto, pero como
ya se ha dicho, la propuesta no es una adopción "a ciegas" de la
categorización oficial. En lo personal creo que lo vigente en este momento
es lo adecuado para basarse en ello y adoptar una categorización en OSM
(con modificaciones y consideraciones especiales). No lo era la
categorización anterior, que databa de los años 60, y que era mucho más
subjetiva e irregular que la actual. Es importante también que otras
modificaciones pudieran surgir de esta discusión.

Lo que nunca debe perderse de vista es, justamente, que OSM debe ser fiel a
la realidad, pero parece que lo difícil es ver cómo hacerlo. Se dijo antes
que no debía mapearse para el render, lo que es lógico porque ello puede
incurrir en malinterpretar etiquetas y alejarse de la realidad. Pero no veo
qué tan alejado de la realidad puede estar establecer una jerarquización
basada en la función territorial de los caminos, y con una cierta consistencia
interna entre sus directrices (una vez más, la categorización oficial es
sólo la base).

Tengo que insistir en que si nos vamos a preocupar de que un motor de
enrutamiento me va a generar una ruta que no es la "lógica", eso también es
como mapear "para el render". Para ello pongo un ejemplo concreto: para ir
desde la plaza de Yungay a la plaza de Monte Águila el camino "lógico" y
más usado es tomar la ruta Q-97-N hasta Cabrero, seguir por parte de la
Ruta 146 y luego tomar la ruta Q-60-O para entrar a Monte Águila, todos
pavimentados, con estándar muy bueno y con un límite de velocidad de 100
km/h hasta Cabrero, pero los dos enrutadores disponibles en la página de
OSM ([1], [2]) me hacen tomar el camino interior que pasa por la localidad
de Charrúa, en parte no pavimentado, tomando para ello 46 y 40 minutos
(dependiendo de cuál se utiliza). En cambio, si muevo el destino a la
Estación de Monte Águila, a tres cuadras de la plaza, sí siguen la ruta
descrita antes ([3], [4]), calculando un tiempo de viaje de 46 y 39 minutos
en el mismo orden. Esto demuestra que poco importa el valor de la etiqueta
highway=* del camino (y tal vez ni siquiera el de surface=*), ya que prima
el tiempo de viaje. Además ninguno de los caminos interiores tiene
etiquetadas las velocidades máximas ([5], [6], [7]) por lo que el motor
solo los asume (se puede ver moviendo origen y destino a un tramo de estos
caminos, que en promedio se considera 45-50 km/h). Se puede también jugar
moviendo el destino para un punto en que hayan varias alternativas, y se
comprueba que el cambio de una ruta por otra se produce en el punto en que
el tiempo de viaje es igual. De todas formas falta comprobar el efecto de
etiquetar con maxspeed=* las rutas, ya que los cambios no son considerados
automáticamente. Ahora, desconozco si hay otros motores que trabajen de
otra forma, ya que se puso como ejemplo un viaje de Casablanca a Melipilla
más atrás. Se da en ese caso que las dos alternativas comparadas son muy
similares en cuanto al tiempo de viaje que los enrutadores calculan.

En resumen, no creo que las opciones que para un caso dado entregue un
motor de enrutamiento sean un elemento tan relevante a considerar para
generar una clasificación. Casi me colgaron por decir que es "problema del
enrutador" el que las opciones que éste entregue no sean las óptimas, pero
también va en cada uno si le entrega completamente la tarea de navegación a
un algoritmo al momento de efectuar un desplazamiento. Si es por eso,
entonces para qué tenemos una página que renderiza un mapa con los datos de



Re: [OSM-talk-be] OpenStreetMap meeting in Bruxelles on Octobre, 18

2016-10-03 Per discussione Marc Gemis
On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 9:54 PM, Bessières, Marc
> a meetup for an OSM meeting in BXL on October, 18
> Everybody is welcome! Spread the word!

good initiative,

we should start adding our meetus to as well


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Local guidance for finding places (Insarro, Ethiopia..)

2016-10-03 Per discussione Warin

On 04-Oct-16 10:23 AM, Ben Discoe wrote:

There is a popular local restaurant which says on its website, "Many
ingredients and spices are brought directly from the town of Enssaro
in Ethiopia"

Curious, I looked for this town in OpenStreetMap.  Nothing exists with
that spelling,

Ask at the restaurant?  Do take an OSM map.

Not found on ... so it might be part of a larger city? 
Or a new/old name.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Local guidance for finding places (Insarro, Ethiopia..)

2016-10-03 Per discussione Ben Discoe
There is a popular local restaurant which says on its website, "Many
ingredients and spices are brought directly from the town of Enssaro
in Ethiopia"

Curious, I looked for this town in OpenStreetMap.  Nothing exists with
that spelling, but a similar spelling "Insarro" gives a single node
( which is apparently
just a "GeoDatabase" import (presumably GNS/GeoNames), which causes
OSM (and Google etc.) to believe there is a "locality" there.

However, there is no town there, nor even any settlements nearby.
There is a village "Lemi" to the south, and other small villages to
the north.

This raises the general question, how to find local knowledge?

The wiki page (
contains mostly dead links and points to a deserted mailing list for
Ethiopia; perhaps there is a more general East Africa, or Africa
specific OSM list or forum which actually has people?  Anyone that
would know if a town of that name actually exists, and where it might


talk mailing list

[Talk-cz] Historie OSM u nás

2016-10-03 Per discussione Marián Kyral

chystám si přednášky na letošní LinuxDays (už tento víkend :-O ). Jednu
jsem chytře nazval "OpenStreetMap včera, dnes a zítra". Historickou část
jsem rozdělil na OSM obecně a OSM CZ. Milníky pro OSM jsem bez problémů
vybral z wiki:

Ovšem česká obdoba na wiki jaksi chybí. Pokusil jsem se tedy z různých
zdrojů (seznam importů, seznam dokončených importů, přednášek na
Geoinformatics a Open(Linux)Alt) dát dohromady podobný seznam
historických milníků. Výsledek je na

Vzhledem k tomu, že OSM edituji teprve třetím rokem, prosím všechny o
kontrolu správnosti, opravy a doplnění dalších zásadních událostí.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cl] Normas para etiquetado de caminos en OSM

2016-10-03 Per discussione Cristián Serpell
Lo malo de mi planteamiento es que habla de los objetivos pero no hay
ninguna propuesta concreta...
Talk-cl mailing list

Re: [Talk-cl] Normas para etiquetado de caminos en OSM

2016-10-03 Per discussione ignacio abé
He leído todas las propuestas, y concuerdo mucho con el último
planteamiento expuesto por Cristián Serpell.



El 3 de octubre de 2016, 17:04, Cristián Serpell

> He leído las distintas opiniones y creo entender un problema de fondo en
> las distintas posturas y que como dicen impide llegar a un acuerdo fácil.
> Primero, quiero aclarar que en ningún caso intento poner en duda el
> trabajo de vialidad (o Vialidad, como lo prefieran). El trabajo de esta
> institución puede ser increíblemente bueno, con respecto a sus
> objetivos. El problema de fondo creo yo es justamente ese. ¿Cuál es el
> objetivo de los datos de OSM y quién es la autoridad de los datos? Todo
> nuestro mapeo debe estar orientado a satisfacer el objetivo que se proponga
> en OSM. Si los datos de Vialidad nos sirven como fuente para mejorar
> nuestros datos en relación al objetivo de OSM, bienvenidos sean. Mientras
> más y mejores datos, mejor. Sin embargo, si hay una clasificación de
> Vialidad que no cumple con el objetivo para el que se tiene OSM, está bien
> también que se pueda modificar y categorizar según corresponda.
> Desde mi punto de vista, hay que ver qué es lo que se busca en representar
> en OSM y luego representarlo. La categorización de Vialidad debe ser
> siempre una fuente, y no una autoridad. De hecho, en un caso ideal, los
> datos de OSM deberían ser siempre mejores que los de Vialidad, y ojalá
> ellos puedan usar nuestros datos como fuente para sus trabajos (¡¡ojo con
> la referencia circular en la fuente de datos!!). En el futuro, la
> institución Vialidad que hoy funciona impecable, perfectamente puede tomar
> decisiones de clasificación por temas políticos o técnicos que no se
> corresponden con la categorización que tengamos definida en OSM.
> Sólo para aclarar, no tengo temores de que carreteras sean clasificadas
> hacia "arriba" o hacia "abajo", sino simplemente poner en la discusión que
> la decisión de cómo clasificar una carretera debería ser totalmente
> independiente a las definiciones de otras instituciones. Para mi OSM debe
> ser fiel a la realidad y a las necesidades de usuarios (personas e
> instituciones), llegando a ser el mejor proveedor de datos que exista, con
> la mayor cantidad de fuentes posibles que no se basen en los mismos datos
> de OSM. Y a eso me refiero con que los datos deben ser consistentes
> internacionalmente, y no sólo a nivel local país, ya que en cada país hay
> instituciones diferentes, es mejor no depender de éstas.
> Mi aporte,
> Cristián
> ___
> Talk-cl mailing list
Talk-cl mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] OpenStreetMap meeting in Bruxelles on Octobre, 18

2016-10-03 Per discussione Bessières , Marc

I've just created a meetup for an OSM meeting in BXL on October, 18 

Everybody is welcome! Spread the word! 



Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Meine letzten Edits

2016-10-03 Per discussione mipost1
Vielen Dank,

>Soweit rauszoomen, bis du die ganze Welt oder aber zumindest den Ausschnitt 

funktioniert. So einfach, das wär mir nie eingefallen 

Beste Grüße

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] No FHRS data on a food establishment

2016-10-03 Per discussione David Woolley

On 03/10/16 15:50, SK53 wrote:

I've just added details for a pub where I stopped for a drink on
Saturday. It obviously had about half of it's floor area given over to a
dining room. It doesn't appear in the FHRS data.

It would still need to register as a food business even if it was only a 
pub, I would have thought.

My impression, locally, is that councils just don't have the money to 
actively find unregistered food businesses, and a large number of food 
businesses fail to register.

Not quite the same thing, but I was looking at a planning application 
for a specialist supermarket recently and the inspector had noted that 
the site had planning permission as  cafe, but appeared to be a 
(disused) bar (different letter category).  I happen to know it was a 
shisha bar (sui generis).  That suggested to me that the council had 
completely lost track of the real nature of the local businesses.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Čísla železničních stanic

2016-10-03 Per discussione Michal Pustějovský
referenční čísla je třeba rozlišovat, pro UIC se používá uic_ref, pro číslo dle 
SŽDC railway:ref. Oboje může být přímo na bodech railway=station/halt. Píšu z 
mobilu, jinak bys sem dal i odkazy.


3. října 2016 14:53:06 CEST, jzvc  napsal:
>Dne 3.10.2016 v 14:07 Jethro napsal(a):
>> Zdar,
>> diky za info, mam k tomu
>> 1) A co brani to ted importovat jako ref, aby se to dalo pouzivat, a
>> postupne to premigrovat na relace, az budou data (nastupiste, body
>> zastaveni, ...)
>> 2) Kde se vzalo to XML, co pises? Je to nekde verejne dostupne pod
>> spravnou licenci, aby se z toho dalo cerpat?
>1) nejsem si uplne jistej tim, ze v tomhle pripade je ref zrovna vhodny
>2) to xml je odkazovany z toho schematu - respektive jeho zdroj.
>Starsi verze je ke stazeni tuhle
>> MSF
>> Jethro
>> 2016-10-03 11:09 GMT+02:00 jzvc :
>>> Dne 3.10.2016 v 0:29 Jethro napsal(a):

 v souvislosti s prací na jízdních řádech vlaků
 ( se mi podařilo spárovat
 všechny vlakové stanice s osobní dopravou s identifikátory v těchto
 řádech používanými. Vzhledem k tomu, že se tyto identifikátory
 používají i na jiných stránkách souvisejících se železnicí, myslím,
 je to ten správný identifikátor k napsání do ref. S tím se pojí
 několik věcí:

 1) identifikátor v JŘ se dělí na kód železnice (u nás 54),
 číslo (různé) a kód obvodu (obvykle 0). Jaký formát by měl ref mít?
 2) Jde o import? Pokud ano, byl by mi někdo ochoten pomoci s
 3) Jak nejlépe import provést? Umím si vygenerovat dvojice
 (osm_id,ref), jak je předhodit nějakému editoru, abych to mohl

 Případné další komentáře vítány.
>>> Cus,
>>> zeleznicni stanice maji mezinarodni identifikaci.
>>> A tuhle
>>> Mas popis schematu
>>> uic_ref UIC reference   The International Union of Railways
>>> reference by which the stop is known.
>>> A jen tak importovat to nemuzes, protoze bys nejdriv musel (coz by
>>> treba tak jako tak) previst vse na tohle schema => vytvorit
>>> relace. A to je pochopitelne spousta prace ;D.
>>> Jinak format to je cislo, ale tech dat, ktera by se mozna dala
>vlozit je
>>> vic. Pro predstavu (location code je to IDcko, pred nej je treba
>jeste dat
>>> ten kod zeme - 54, je to pak jeste vlastne zopaknuty v
>>> PassengerLocationSeatReservationCode, ale to nemusi byt vsude).
>>>  57076
>>>  2
>>>  CZ
>>>  00
>>>  CZ010
>>>  54972
>>>  true
>>>  1.435
>>>  PRAHA
>>> HL.N.
>>>  true
>>>  true
>>>  true
>>>  PRAHA HL.N.
>>>  true
>>>  true

 OT: Program který píši převádí formát Kango do GTFS, bude uvolněn
 open-source někdy v průběhu podzimu.

 Talk-cz mailing list

>>> ___
>>> Talk-cz mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-cz mailing list
>Talk-cz mailing list

Odesláno z mého telefonu s Androidem pomocí pošty K-9 Mail. Omluvte prosím moji 

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[OSM-co] #MapatónXLaGuajira

2016-10-03 Per discussione
Estimada comunidad:

gracias a la suerte el Huracán Matthew tuvo un impacto de Tormenta Tropical
en las costas de la península de La Guajira, se reportan daños en
edificaciones, inundaciones y un deceso.

Sigamos apoyando a La Guajira, tenemos proyectos de agua y dos (2) en
Manaure, la zona más afectada por la desnutrición y morbilidad infantil:;

Muchas gracias a los contribuyentes!

Humberto Yances
Talk-co mailing list

Re: [OSM-co] Embeber mapa de OSM en página web

2016-10-03 Per discussione leonel parra
Hola Oscar Buenos Dias: otra opcion similar a la que sugiere Yesid es
Openlayers[1], Es un poco mas grande pero tambien ofrece muchas mas
opciones, tanto leaflet como openlayers son librerias javascript. Una
opcion no libre pero con posibilidades si u pagina es de acceso gratuito es

Leonel Parra


El 3 de octubre de 2016, 11:12,

> Hola comunidad,
> nos llega este mensaje al blog de OSM Colombia, quien por favor puede dar
> una orientación a Óscar?
> Saludos,
> Humberto Yances
> name oscar email phone 8892055 message Solicitud de
> apoyo para implementar un mapa de open street map en mi pagina. Donde puedo
> utilizar la API, e insertar un mapa. Gracias
> ___
> Talk-co mailing list
Talk-co mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Sammendrag af Talk-dk, Vol 88, Udgave 3

2016-10-03 Per discussione Thorbjørn Nielsen

Thorbjørn Nielsen (Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Effektivisering ... og også 

> Den 3. okt. 2016 kl. 18.06 skrev Julian Hollingbery <>:
> Skriv du bare "Geodætisk Institut" på,  Søren - det ved man da hvad er ;-)
> wrote:
> Send meddelelser der skal distribueres til Talk-dk til:
> Gå ind på:
> for at til- eller framelde dig listen via World Wide Web
> Alternativt kan du sende en e-mail til
> med ordet 'help' i emnefeltet eller som indhold.
> Du kan kontakte den (de) ansvarlige person(er) for listen på
> Når du svarer på e-mail til listen, bedes du venligst ændre
> emnefeltet sådan at det er lidt mere beskrivende end bare "Re:
> Indhold af Talk-dk sammendrag..."
> Dagens emner:
>   1. Re: Det er nu muligt at hente 40 cm højdemodel via WMS i
>  JOSM - både terræn og overflade modellerne (Soren Johannessen)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2016 17:09:30 +0200
> From: Soren Johannessen <>
> To: OpenStreetMap Denmark <>
> Subject: Re: [Talk-dk] Det er nu muligt at hente 40 cm højdemodel via
>WMS i JOSM - både terræn og overflade modellerne
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Har nu ændret lag til navnene ingen kan huske hvad står for "SDFE Overflade
> Skyggekort (40 cm)" og " SDFE Skyggekort (40 cm)" i JOSM menuen
> Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Effektivisering = SDFE  - som overhovedet
> intet fortæller om at det har noget med geodata/kort at gøre
> /Søren
> 2016-10-03 12:58 GMT+02:00 Kurt Forbech Toft <>:
>> Hej Søren
>> Hvorfor kalder du disse data noget med ”Geodatastyrelsen”, når nu denne
>> styrelse absolut intet har med disse data at gøre ?
>> /Kurt
>> *Fra:* Soren Johannessen []
>> *Sendt:* 3. oktober 2016 12:53
>> *Til:* OpenStreetMap Denmark
>> *Emne:* [Talk-dk] Det er nu muligt at hente 40 cm højdemodel via WMS i
>> JOSM - både terræn og overflade modellerne
>> Hej alle sammen
>> Da Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Effektivisering nu tilbyder 40 cm
>> højdemodeller via WMS - Så har jeg erstattet 1,6X1,6 meter højdemodel
>> (terræn) laget i JOSM til 40 cm terræn laget
>> I JOSM menuen - hedder "Geodatastyrelsen Skyggekort (40 cm)"
>> ​
>> Terrænlaget viser overfladen af Danmarks terræn (se billedet nedenfor af
>> Færgelunden, ved Jægerspris)
>> ​
>> Terrænlaget er brugbart til at opdage stier i skove fx.
>> Det andet laget er overflade dvs sige det viser fx bygninger,  træer,
>> buske, mure, hække osv højde korrekturer  i landskabet (dog ikke
>> el-ledninger som er fjernet)  i 40X40 cm - Det lag har jeg kaldt
>> "Geodatastyrelsen Overflade Skyggekort (40 cm)" - se billedet nedenfor som
>> eksempel.
>> Jeg håber at disse lag kan bruges til at få flere stier ind fra
>> skovområder hvor man ikke på det sædvanlige luftfoto kan se (eller meget
>> svært ved) disse.
>> Med venlig hilsen
>> Søren Johannessen
>> ​
>> ___
>> Talk-dk mailing list
> -- næste del --
> En HTML-vedhæftning blev fjernet...
> URL: 
> <>
> -- næste del --
> En vedhæftet fil der ikke var tekst, er blevet fjernet...
> Navn: image002.jpg
> Type: image/jpeg
> Størrelse: 37756 bytes
> Beskrivelse: ikke tilgngelig
> URL: 
> <http://lists.openstr

[OSM-co] Embeber mapa de OSM en página web

2016-10-03 Per discussione
Hola comunidad,

nos llega este mensaje al blog de OSM Colombia, quien por favor puede dar
una orientación a Óscar?


Humberto Yances

name oscar email phone 8892055 message Solicitud de
apoyo para implementar un mapa de open street map en mi pagina. Donde puedo
utilizar la API, e insertar un mapa. Gracias
Talk-co mailing list

Re: [OSM-co] Embeber mapa de OSM en página web

2016-10-03 Per discussione Yesid Carrillo Vega
Hola Oscar. Puedes usar leaflet alojado en un servidor externo para que
pongas tu mapa en cualquier página. Aquí un ejemplo:

*Yesid Carrillo*
Talk-co mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Sammendrag af Talk-dk, Vol 88, Udgave 3

2016-10-03 Per discussione Julian Hollingbery
Skriv du bare "Geodætisk Institut" på,  Søren - det ved man da hvad er ;-) wrote:

Send meddelelser der skal distribueres til Talk-dk til:

Gå ind på:
for at til- eller framelde dig listen via World Wide Web

Alternativt kan du sende en e-mail til
med ordet 'help' i emnefeltet eller som indhold.

Du kan kontakte den (de) ansvarlige person(er) for listen på

Når du svarer på e-mail til listen, bedes du venligst ændre
emnefeltet sådan at det er lidt mere beskrivende end bare "Re:
Indhold af Talk-dk sammendrag..."

Dagens emner:

   1. Re: Det er nu muligt at hente 40 cm højdemodel via WMS i
  JOSM - både terræn og overflade modellerne (Soren Johannessen)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2016 17:09:30 +0200
From: Soren Johannessen <>
To: OpenStreetMap Denmark <>
Subject: Re: [Talk-dk] Det er nu muligt at hente 40 cm højdemodel via
WMS i JOSM - både terræn og overflade modellerne
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Har nu ændret lag til navnene ingen kan huske hvad står for "SDFE Overflade
Skyggekort (40 cm)" og " SDFE Skyggekort (40 cm)" i JOSM menuen

Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Effektivisering = SDFE  - som overhovedet
intet fortæller om at det har noget med geodata/kort at gøre


2016-10-03 12:58 GMT+02:00 Kurt Forbech Toft <>:

> Hej Søren
> Hvorfor kalder du disse data noget med ”Geodatastyrelsen”, når nu denne
> styrelse absolut intet har med disse data at gøre ?
> /Kurt
> *Fra:* Soren Johannessen []
> *Sendt:* 3. oktober 2016 12:53
> *Til:* OpenStreetMap Denmark
> *Emne:* [Talk-dk] Det er nu muligt at hente 40 cm højdemodel via WMS i
> JOSM - både terræn og overflade modellerne
> Hej alle sammen
> Da Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Effektivisering nu tilbyder 40 cm
> højdemodeller via WMS - Så har jeg erstattet 1,6X1,6 meter højdemodel
> (terræn) laget i JOSM til 40 cm terræn laget
> I JOSM menuen - hedder "Geodatastyrelsen Skyggekort (40 cm)"
> ​
> Terrænlaget viser overfladen af Danmarks terræn (se billedet nedenfor af
> Færgelunden, ved Jægerspris)
> ​
> Terrænlaget er brugbart til at opdage stier i skove fx.
> Det andet laget er overflade dvs sige det viser fx bygninger,  træer,
> buske, mure, hække osv højde korrekturer  i landskabet (dog ikke
> el-ledninger som er fjernet)  i 40X40 cm - Det lag har jeg kaldt
> "Geodatastyrelsen Overflade Skyggekort (40 cm)" - se billedet nedenfor som
> eksempel.
> Jeg håber at disse lag kan bruges til at få flere stier ind fra
> skovområder hvor man ikke på det sædvanlige luftfoto kan se (eller meget
> svært ved) disse.
> Med venlig hilsen
> Søren Johannessen
> ​
> ___
> Talk-dk mailing list
-- næste del --
En HTML-vedhæftning blev fjernet...
-- næste del --
En vedhæftet fil der ikke var tekst, er blevet fjernet...
Navn: image002.jpg
Type: image/jpeg
Størrelse: 37756 bytes
Beskrivelse: ikke tilgngelig
-- næste del --
En vedhæftet fil der ikke var tekst, er blevet fjernet...
Navn: image001.jpg
Type: image/jpeg
Størrelse: 30875 bytes
Beskrivelse: ikke tilgngelig
-- næste del --
En vedhæftet fil der ikke var tekst, er blevet fjernet...
Navn: image003.jpg
Type: image/jpeg
Størrelse: 59545 bytes
Beskrivelse: ikke tilgngelig


Subject: Bundtekst

Talk-dk mailing list


Slut på Sammendrag af Talk-dk, Vol 88, Udgave 3

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Meine letzten Edits

2016-10-03 Per discussione Peter Wendorff

Hallo Michael,
overpass-Turbo nimmt (nach meinem letzten Stand) den sichtbaren 
Kartenausschnitt automatisch als Bounding-Box an.
Wenn du da also nur einen Ausschnitt anzeigst, in dem es keine 
entsprechenden Änderungen gibt, kommt von overpass-turbo nichts zurück.

Soweit rauszoomen, bis du die ganze Welt oder aber zumindest den 
Ausschnitt siehst, in dem du bearbeitet haben kannst, sollte helfen.


Am 03.10.2016 um 17:31 schrieb


ich bekomme von Rückmeldungen "Diese Karte ist leer (received empty 
dataset)", nachdem ich eine der beiden Abfragen (s.u.)dorthin kopiere und 
"Ausführen" klicke.

Wo ist mein Fehler?


Abfrage gmbo / Gisbert:

// Datum ggf. anpassen
// Ausgabe
.newnodes out meta;

Abfrage Heinz-Jürgen - Tag weglassen:

// Datum ggf. anpassen
// Ausgabe
.newnodes out meta;

Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] OSM na konferenci OpenAlt? | 5.-6. listopadu | Brno

2016-10-03 Per discussione Ladislav Nesnera
Mirku, díky! A do podmínek bych dal - "vyšlápnuté pohorky a rozcestník
sebou" :-D

Čerstvá zpráva - Missing Maps na Altu budou! Před chvílí jsme si na to s
Janem Höhmem kývli. Rámec bude klasický tj. přednáška uvádějící do
projektu (při troše štěstí též o konkrétní práci v terénu) + praktický
workshop 2-3 hodiny. Předpokládám, že budou potřeba dobré duše, které
pomohou účastníkům se zorientovat (alespoň takto se to osvědčilo v
Senioři píší Wikipedii). Tak o tom, prosím, začněte lehce uvažovat.
Určitě se s tím v průběhu října ozvu.


On 03/10/16 08:59, Miroslav Suchy wrote:
> Dne 2.10.2016 v 20:05 Ladislav Nesnera napsal(a):
>> Zkrátka, je-li trochu chuť a síla, prostor je. Uzávěrku máme 3.10., ale pár 
>> dnů ještě dolaďujeme, tak se tím nenechte
>> zbytečně odradit. Stačí vyplnit formulář 
>> ..;?)
> Tak jsem poslal workshop o turistických trasách.
> Mirek
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Meine letzten Edits

2016-10-03 Per discussione mipost1

ich bekomme von Rückmeldungen "Diese Karte ist leer 
(received empty dataset)", nachdem ich eine der beiden Abfragen (s.u.)dorthin 
kopiere und "Ausführen" klicke.

Wo ist mein Fehler?


Abfrage gmbo / Gisbert:
> [timeout:80];
> // Datum ggf. anpassen
> node
> [tourism=caravan_site](newer:"2015-05-01T07:00:00Z")(user:gmbo)
>   ({{bbox}})->.newnodes;
> // Ausgabe
> .newnodes out meta;

Abfrage Heinz-Jürgen - Tag weglassen:
> [timeout:100];
> // Datum ggf. anpassen
> node
> // Ausgabe
> .newnodes out meta;

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-GB] No FHRS data on a food establishment

2016-10-03 Per discussione SK53
I've just added details for a pub where I stopped for a drink on Saturday.
It obviously had about half of it's floor area given over to a dining room.
It doesn't appear in the FHRS data.

Reasons why might be:

   - The local council only updates the main database relatively
   infrequently (possibly annually)
   - They are dilatory in covering all establishments
   - The establishment has changed ownership & a new inspection hasnt taken

I suspect in this case it is the third option.

I have extracted FHRS data from time to time since around October 2013. In
this case there are older records for this pub.

I'd just like to bring this to people's attention, because the old records
can help. (It's one reason why we keep former business names on shops etc
in Nottingham: it greatly assists reconciling with other data sources). It
would be nice if we could incorporate older records in the QA tool in some

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] down?

2016-10-03 Per discussione SK53
Shaun MacDonald at ITO; not on IRC atm

On 3 October 2016 at 14:34, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) <> wrote:

> Is it just me, or is currently
> not working? It's been unresponsive for me for at least the last
> couple of days. Does anyone know who runs this instance and how to get
> in touch with them?
> Robert.
> --
> Robert Whittaker
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] down?

2016-10-03 Per discussione Shaun McDonald
Hi Robert,

I'd seen the alert that it was down at the weekend, however wasn't in a 
position at the time to get to a computer and fix it.

I've now rebooted the machine and it's back. Thanks for the reminder to look 
into it.


> On 3 Oct 2016, at 14:34, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) 
>  wrote:
> Is it just me, or is currently
> not working? It's been unresponsive for me for at least the last
> couple of days. Does anyone know who runs this instance and how to get
> in touch with them?
> Robert.
> -- 
> Robert Whittaker
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-es] Reunión virtual martes 4-10-16 a 22:00h en

2016-10-03 Per discussione Miguel Sevilla-Callejo

Os recuerdo que hemos quedado virtualmente mañana martes día 4 a las 22:00
para seguir debatiendo los temas en torno a la reactivación de la
asociación OSM España y dinamización de la comunidad.

El lugar para llevar a cabo la reunión es la sala de creada para
tal efecto [0] , que es de acceso rápido y abierto y que quedará guardada
para futuros.

Para ello propongo seguir un orden del día (que tenéis algo más detallado
en un pad público [1]) que:

- revise/apruebe el acta de la anterior reunión [2]

- trate sobre los tres grandes puntos que establecimos para dinamizar la
comunidad (ver hilo sobre el tema en la lista [3])

- incidir en el tema de la mensajería instantánea para intentar dar orden a
las diferentes alternativas que se ha generado en las últimas semanas [4]

- y, si da tiempo, retomar los puntos más específicos de la reactivación de
la asociación [5]

Como en la última reunión, Santiago Crespo se ha ofrecido muy amablemente a
moderar la misma. Gracias Santiago.

La idea es no estar más de hora y media ocupados por lo que intentaremos
ser rápidos y concisos y si acaso, podemos posponer lo que se tercie para
la siguiente reunión (el primer martes de noviembre: el día 1!).

Estáis todos invitados, no solo a oír/leer, también a participar!

Nos vemos/leemos mañana en la noche

Un saludo


[1] orden del día de la reunión:
y siguientes...


*Miguel Sevilla-Callejo*Doctor en Geografía
Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-GB] down?

2016-10-03 Per discussione Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
Is it just me, or is currently
not working? It's been unresponsive for me for at least the last
couple of days. Does anyone know who runs this instance and how to get
in touch with them?


Robert Whittaker

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] nahrávání rozcestníků přes

2016-10-03 Per discussione Michal Grézl
2016-09-29 7:31 GMT+02:00 Zdeněk Pražák :
> aha, to mne nenapadlo, že již může existovat fotka se stejným názvem.
> přsto nešlo by to nějak při nahrávání vyřešit - např. že by se porovnaly
> souřadnice a pokud by nebyly stejné tak by se při nahrání přidal nějaký
> rozlišovač do názvu.
> Děkuji za odpověď
> Pražák

Nazev je a zustane hlavnim identifikatorem, je to nejjednodussi system
na zamezeni duplicit.
Prejmenovani pri nahravani by samozrejme udelat slo.

Kdyby to chtel nekdo uspisit, tak mi nadyzajnute tady tenhle formular
noveho nahravani:)

Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] 週刊OSM323号の紹介

2016-10-03 Per discussione tomoya muramoto





Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly project - taginfo tracker

2016-10-03 Per discussione SK53
I'd really strongly disagree here. Getting address data into OSM is
important; the shop/amenity stuff is the sugar which coats that pill. In 5
years time (see my figures) many of the fhrs:id will have disappeared from
the website.


On 3 October 2016 at 13:13, Dave F  wrote:

> For me, fhrs:id is obviously needed. ATM I'm only adding 'website' as an
> additional tag. From that an end user can ascertain info such as an
> establishments address & the services it provides. Adding full addresses is
> something I might get around to doing later id there not anything more
> exciting to map.
> If it's decided to do all fhrs:id tag, maybe show details of the databases
> subsets such as restaurants,cafes; pubs,bars; supermarkets. etc.
> Dave F.
> On 02/10/2016 15:38, Rob Nickerson wrote:
> Hi all,
> Which tags would you like me to set up a tag-info script for? We can then
> track these throughout the quarter.
> *Rob*
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing 
> listTalk-GB@openstreetmap.org
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] prehled tras ve Wiki

2016-10-03 Per discussione Michal Grézl
Tohle je nekolik let stary "problem" s omezenim mnozstvi templatena strance.

je nutno tu stranku rozdelit.

2016-10-03 9:22 GMT+02:00 Marián Kyral :
> Ahoj,
> co takhle to rozdělit na podstránky? Třeba dle typu? Hiking/Ski/Cyklo/Horse?
> Marián
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Petr Holub 
> Komu: 'OpenStreetMap Czech Republic' 
> Datum: 3. 10. 2016 9:18:39
> Předmět: [Talk-cz] prehled tras ve Wiki
> Hoj,
> narazil jsem na problem s OSM Wiki: chtel jsem zaktualizovat prehled
> tras:
> ale zda se, ze uz narazime na nejake velikostni omezeni stranek. Zkousel
> jsem to tam nahrat pred prazdninami i ted a vysledkem je bud chyba serveru
> 5xx nebo prazdna odpoved. Firefox i Chrome identicky. Ten seznam tras ma
>>500kB v soucasnosti.
> Otazka: co s tim dal? Budeme to chtit udrzovat a nekdo se na to zkusi
> podivat, nebo to oznacime jako deprecated? Je asi dost na pytel mit
> stranku, ktera uz neni aktualizovatelna...
> Diky,
> Petr
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Čísla železničních stanic

2016-10-03 Per discussione jzvc

Dne 3.10.2016 v 14:07 Jethro napsal(a):

diky za info, mam k tomu
1) A co brani to ted importovat jako ref, aby se to dalo pouzivat, a
postupne to premigrovat na relace, az budou data (nastupiste, body
zastaveni, ...)
2) Kde se vzalo to XML, co pises? Je to nekde verejne dostupne pod
spravnou licenci, aby se z toho dalo cerpat?

1) nejsem si uplne jistej tim, ze v tomhle pripade je ref zrovna vhodny pole
2) to xml je odkazovany z toho schematu - respektive jeho zdroj.

Starsi verze je ke stazeni tuhle 


2016-10-03 11:09 GMT+02:00 jzvc :

Dne 3.10.2016 v 0:29 Jethro napsal(a):

v souvislosti s prací na jízdních řádech vlaků
( se mi podařilo spárovat skoro
všechny vlakové stanice s osobní dopravou s identifikátory v těchto
řádech používanými. Vzhledem k tomu, že se tyto identifikátory
používají i na jiných stránkách souvisejících se železnicí, myslím, že
je to ten správný identifikátor k napsání do ref. S tím se pojí
několik věcí:

1) identifikátor v JŘ se dělí na kód železnice (u nás 54), evidenční
číslo (různé) a kód obvodu (obvykle 0). Jaký formát by měl ref mít?
2) Jde o import? Pokud ano, byl by mi někdo ochoten pomoci s formální
3) Jak nejlépe import provést? Umím si vygenerovat dvojice
(osm_id,ref), jak je předhodit nějakému editoru, abych to mohl dávkově

Případné další komentáře vítány.


zeleznicni stanice maji mezinarodni identifikaci.

A tuhle

Mas popis schematu

uic_ref UIC reference   The International Union of Railways (UIC)
reference by which the stop is known.

A jen tak importovat to nemuzes, protoze bys nejdriv musel (coz by bylo
treba tak jako tak) previst vse na tohle schema => vytvorit prislusny
relace. A to je pochopitelne spousta prace ;D.

Jinak format to je cislo, ale tech dat, ktera by se mozna dala vlozit je
vic. Pro predstavu (location code je to IDcko, pred nej je treba jeste dat
ten kod zeme - 54, je to pak jeste vlastne zopaknuty v
PassengerLocationSeatReservationCode, ale to nemusi byt vsude).





OT: Program který píši převádí formát Kango do GTFS, bude uvolněn jako
open-source někdy v průběhu podzimu.

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cat] Aplicació per utilitzar els mapes 1:25000 de l'ICGC amb el mòbil off-line

2016-10-03 Per discussione pitort
Joguina nova: L'institut cartogràfic ha desenvolupat una app per iOS i Android 
que permet utilitzar els mapes 1:25.000 al mòbil sense connexió de dades, 
emmagatzemat a la SD. L'acabo de trobar i encara no l'he provat ...

Talk-cat mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Autumn Quarterly Project

2016-10-03 Per discussione SK53
For some time I have personally been extending the not:name tag to record
these type of errors/mismatches.

Usually I do something like not:external_source:tag_name, thus original
not:names would become something like not:oslocation:name=XXX.

These are a) useful for other mappers (primary use case); and b)
potentially useful for original data providers. However, as the data is in
OSM there are licence issues; and the original providers are one step away
in many cases (FHRS data is created by councils).

So far the only feedback mechanism I have found works is direct messages to
the original data providers. Mainly I send corrections for street names to
the OS. I rarely try & correct FHRS data except on a particular occasion
when too much personal data was being shown on the website for private
addresses where details of addresses should not be published. As I've said
before, there's a high degree of variability in how different councils
manage FHRS data, but one gets a reasonable idea after adding data in one


On 3 October 2016 at 11:43, Lester Caine  wrote:

> On 03/10/16 11:17, Jez Nicholson wrote:
> > I was about to say that the data has a good chance of fairly high
> > accuracy because it is generated from an active processthen I found
> > my first typo
> > :) "Longhill Hight
> > School". We can of course perform a service by reporting typos back.
> There are a substantial number of mistakes in the schools data. In these
> cases the OSM data is more accurate, but it would be nice if there was a
> consistent way of notifying these errors back to the original source.
> --
> Lester Caine - G8HFL
> -
> Contact -
> L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
> EnquirySolve -
> Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
> Rainbow Digital Media -
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Talk-gb-westmidlands Digest, Vol 96, Issue 1

2016-10-03 Per discussione Andrew Mackenzie
Hi all
Is the meeting at The Bull in Price Street?

> On 3 Oct 2016, at 13:00, wrote:
> Send Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Talk-gb-westmidlands digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. October meeting on Wednesday (Rob Nickerson)
>   2. Re: October meeting on Wednesday (Ian Caldwell)
>   3. Re: October meeting on Wednesday (Brian Prangle)
>   4. Re: October meeting on Wednesday (Andy Robinson)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2016 15:36:49 +0100
> From: Rob Nickerson 
> To: talk-gb-westmidlands 
> Subject: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] October meeting on Wednesday
> Message-ID:

Re: [Talk-GB] Changeover for Quarterly Projects

2016-10-03 Per discussione Dave F

On 30/09/2016 16:45, Brian Prangle wrote:
3. There are over 19,000 place=farm tags, almost all of them (>18,000) 
nodes. Mostly they seem to indicate farms but sometimes they get used 
too enthusiastically for any group of buildings.

This is a misuse of this tag. place=farm *is* for a collection of houses 
that have assimilated the name of an adjacent farm. "a place named by a 
name of a farm". Having said that, I'm unsure this actually occurs that 
often, if at all.

It was discussed a couple of weeks ago:
"Users tagging Farmyard as place=farm (Was Summer quarterly project)"
The description "Individually named farm (but not isolated)." Is 
confusing & led to poor mapping.

To indicate a farmyard (which is what the vast majority are actually 
mapping) landuse=farmyard should be used.

Dave F.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly project - taginfo tracker

2016-10-03 Per discussione Dave F
For me, fhrs:id is obviously needed. ATM I'm only adding 'website' as an 
additional tag. From that an end user can ascertain info such as an 
establishments address & the services it provides. Adding full addresses 
is something I might get around to doing later id there not anything 
more exciting to map.

If it's decided to do all fhrs:id tag, maybe show details of the 
databases subsets such as restaurants,cafes; pubs,bars; supermarkets. etc.

Dave F.

On 02/10/2016 15:38, Rob Nickerson wrote:

Hi all,

Which tags would you like me to set up a tag-info script for? We can 
then track these throughout the quarter.


Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Čísla železničních stanic

2016-10-03 Per discussione Jethro
diky za info, mam k tomu
1) A co brani to ted importovat jako ref, aby se to dalo pouzivat, a
postupne to premigrovat na relace, az budou data (nastupiste, body
zastaveni, ...)
2) Kde se vzalo to XML, co pises? Je to nekde verejne dostupne pod
spravnou licenci, aby se z toho dalo cerpat?


2016-10-03 11:09 GMT+02:00 jzvc :
> Dne 3.10.2016 v 0:29 Jethro napsal(a):
>> Zdar,
>> v souvislosti s prací na jízdních řádech vlaků
>> ( se mi podařilo spárovat skoro
>> všechny vlakové stanice s osobní dopravou s identifikátory v těchto
>> řádech používanými. Vzhledem k tomu, že se tyto identifikátory
>> používají i na jiných stránkách souvisejících se železnicí, myslím, že
>> je to ten správný identifikátor k napsání do ref. S tím se pojí
>> několik věcí:
>> 1) identifikátor v JŘ se dělí na kód železnice (u nás 54), evidenční
>> číslo (různé) a kód obvodu (obvykle 0). Jaký formát by měl ref mít?
>> 2) Jde o import? Pokud ano, byl by mi někdo ochoten pomoci s formální
>> částí?
>> 3) Jak nejlépe import provést? Umím si vygenerovat dvojice
>> (osm_id,ref), jak je předhodit nějakému editoru, abych to mohl dávkově
>> nahrát?
>> Případné další komentáře vítány.
> Cus,
> zeleznicni stanice maji mezinarodni identifikaci.
> A tuhle
> Mas popis schematu
> uic_ref UIC reference   The International Union of Railways (UIC)
> reference by which the stop is known.
> A jen tak importovat to nemuzes, protoze bys nejdriv musel (coz by bylo
> treba tak jako tak) previst vse na tohle schema => vytvorit prislusny
> relace. A to je pochopitelne spousta prace ;D.
> Jinak format to je cislo, ale tech dat, ktera by se mozna dala vlozit je
> vic. Pro predstavu (location code je to IDcko, pred nej je treba jeste dat
> ten kod zeme - 54, je to pak jeste vlastne zopaknuty v
> PassengerLocationSeatReservationCode, ale to nemusi byt vsude).
> 0054
> 57076
> 2
> CZ
> 00
>   1993-08-01
>   2012-06-30
> CZ010
> 0054
> 54972
> true
>   2007-12-09
> 1.435
> HL.N.
> true
> true
> true
> 5457076
> true
> true
>> OT: Program který píši převádí formát Kango do GTFS, bude uvolněn jako
>> open-source někdy v průběhu podzimu.
>> MSF
>> Jethro
>> ___
>> Talk-cz mailing list
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [wikimedia-it] via romea germanica

2016-10-03 Per discussione Mauro Costantini
Truthful - means that you cannot contribute something you have invented.
Legal - means that you don't copy copyrighted data without permission.
Verifiable - means that others can go there and see for themselves if
your data is correct.
Relevant - means that you have to use tags that make clear to others
how to re-use the data

Vero: nel momento in cui ci sono associazioni (più d'una in europa,
secondo il sito citato) che ha come scopo la promozione di tale
percorso, il percorso è vero, nel senso che esiste nel mondo reale,
non è una cosa di fantasia. (le cose di fantasia sono queste: utente non più
attivo, non svegliamo il can che dorme, please). Il fatto che esistano
o meno cartelli stradali è un'informazione sicuramente utile, da
mappare, se esistono aiutano nella mappatura, ma non possono essere
l'unico dato su cui basarsi.
Legale: nel momento il cui loro sono i legittimi possessori di alcuni
dati li possono regalare ad osm.
Verificabile: chiunque con le stesse conoscenze potrebbe mappare allo
stesso modo.
Pertinente: ok, sappiamo usare i tag giusti.

Comunque ripeto, il 99% del lavoro è quello "fuori discussione" che
sta nel punto 1.

Giusto per far un parallelo con un altro strumento open e noto a molti
qui dentro: wikipedia.
Non mi sembra ci siano dubbi di enciclopedicità in
Abbiamo un dato (che è essenzialmente un dato geografico) in
wikipedia, vorreste forse far mancare il collegamento ad OSM solo
perché qualche ente pubblico non ha soldi per stampare cartellini? Ci
sono siti internet
, cartografie, opuscoli,  tutti truthful.

Il 3 ottobre 2016 13:12, Martin Koppenhoefer 
ha scritto:
> 2016-10-03 13:03 GMT+02:00 Mauro Costantini :
>> È un percorso nuovo? start_date=*
>> È inventata da qualcuno? operator=Associazione via romea germanica
>> Ha un sito dove reperire ulteriori info? website=*
>> Ha una pagina wikipedia? Spero di sì, wikipedia=it:*
> si, queste cose si possono tutti inserire, però: se parliamo di una route
> che non ha nessun riscontro nella realtà, non la inseriamo in OSM. E' una
> delle regole fondamentali. Il "percorso" non sarebbe un "fatto" ma un opera
> d'ingenio/creativo. E come una lista dei miei "preferiti percorsi in bici
> nel Lazio". "Inventato" non è "operator", sarebbe "author" oppure
> "copyright_holder" o simile, mentre "operator" è chi mantiene una cosa.
> Ciao,
> Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-cz] Vrstevnice planety

2016-10-03 Per discussione Ha Noj

rád bych si v JOSM zapnul pruhlednou vrtsvu TMS/WMS vrstevnic s pokrytím
celého světa, aby se mi lépe mapovalo v HOT mapping.

Zatím používám TMS jenže tam je s vrstevnicemi i reliéf a
tudíž TMS není průhledná.

Nějaký tip?

Díky hanoj
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [wikimedia-it] via romea germanica

2016-10-03 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-10-03 13:03 GMT+02:00 Mauro Costantini :

> È un percorso nuovo? start_date=*
> È inventata da qualcuno? operator=Associazione via romea germanica
> Ha un sito dove reperire ulteriori info? website=*
> Ha una pagina wikipedia? Spero di sì, wikipedia=it:*

si, queste cose si possono tutti inserire, però: se parliamo di una route
che non ha nessun riscontro nella realtà, non la inseriamo in OSM. E' una
delle regole fondamentali. Il "percorso" non sarebbe un "fatto" ma un opera
d'ingenio/creativo. E come una lista dei miei "preferiti percorsi in bici
nel Lazio". "Inventato" non è "operator", sarebbe "author" oppure
"copyright_holder" o simile, mentre "operator" è chi mantiene una cosa.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [wikimedia-it] via romea germanica

2016-10-03 Per discussione Mauro Costantini
Vado controcorrente.
Sono informazioni utili (per far crescere, nel senso di migliorare
passo dopo passo osm, e nel senso di attrarrre nuovi utenti) e abbiamo
tutti gli strumenti per inserirla, non necessariamente devono esserci
signposts on the ground.
È un percorso nuovo? start_date=*
È inventata da qualcuno? operator=Associazione via romea germanica
Ha un sito dove reperire ulteriori info? website=*
Ha una pagina wikipedia? Spero di sì, wikipedia=it:*

Il sito è fatto bene, per ogni area si trovano numerosi percorsi di
lunghezza "umana", in tutto sono 94 tratti.
Occorre procedere per fasi:
1a. Per ciascun tratto controllare le ways (tipo di way,
accessibilità, connessione per routing, ...). Questa è la più parte
più importante, quella che porterà via la maggior parte del tempo,
quella che non ha "nulla" a che fare con il percorso in oggetto: è
puro e semplice miglioramento di osm, è semplicemente quello che
dovremmo fare sempre. È palese che le immagini satellitari aiutano, ma
non sono (e non devono essere!) l'unico modo per farlo.
1b. È un'associazione, per raggiungere il loro scopo (inserire il
percorso su osm) dovranno dotarsi di alcuni soci/simpatizzanti che
conoscano bene il territorio (perché ci vivono / l'hanno percorso di
recente / ...). Troveranno mappatori in zona disposti ad insegnar loro
l'uso di josm. Se non ne trovano li aiuto io via skype.
2. Per ciascun tratto, al termine della fase precedente, creare la
relativa relation (type, route, network, ref, ...)
3. Alla fine creare la super-relation con 94 elementi.

Il 3 ottobre 2016 10:53, Martin Koppenhoefer 
ha scritto:
> 2016-10-02 23:56 GMT+02:00 Cascafico Giovanni :
>> Io, in mancanza di segnali, non inserirei. Se all'estero fosse già
>> segnalata, farei un abbozzo di relazione, nell'attesa di un riscontro sui
>> luoghi.
> +1
> non credo che si tratti di una vera "strada storica", è molto probabilmente
> una route (nuova / nel dettaglio inventata ora) che più o meno si orienta ad
> un percorso storico (di quale prende soprattutto il nome).
> Ciao,
> Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Autumn Quarterly Project

2016-10-03 Per discussione Lester Caine
On 03/10/16 11:17, Jez Nicholson wrote:
> I was about to say that the data has a good chance of fairly high
> accuracy because it is generated from an active processthen I found
> my first typo
> :) "Longhill Hight
> School". We can of course perform a service by reporting typos back.

There are a substantial number of mistakes in the schools data. In these
cases the OSM data is more accurate, but it would be nice if there was a
consistent way of notifying these errors back to the original source.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] October meeting on Wednesday

2016-10-03 Per discussione Andy Robinson
Fingers crossed I’ll be there





From: Rob Nickerson [] 
Sent: 02 October 2016 15:37
To: talk-gb-westmidlands
Subject: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] October meeting on Wednesday


Hi all,


Don't forget that we are meeting on Wednesday back in Birmingham for the 
winter. Who's joining me?




Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] ancora su civici e POI

2016-10-03 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-10-03 12:11 GMT+02:00 Mauro Costantini :

> Io farei così:
> ...
> [node0] //facente parte del bulding e connesso alla viabilità pedonale
> entrance=*
> [/node0]

allora ti perdi la posizione del civico - oppure come fai a capire il
civico di questo ingresso?

> Fissato "level=0" la base
> dell'edificio, non è detto che l'ingresso principale si trovi alla
> stessa altezza; è ben possibile avere un oggetto con "level=1" (il
> piano sopra alla base, rispetto alla via su cui è stato costruito
> l'edificio) e "addr:floor=0" (rispetto ad un'altra via, ingresso
> principale della gente).

"level=0" in questo caso (edificio in terreno inclinato) non è
necessariamente la "base". Tipicamente si sceglie come piano terra il piano
che sta all'altezza della strada con quale ci arrivi. Se ci sono più
ingressi (uno sotto, uno sopra, magari anche con 2 strade, una sotto, una
sopra), allora diventa più o meno casuale quale piano scegli come
pianterreno (nella realtà).

In OSM penso che usiamo la numerazione che viene usata nella realtà (per il
piano terra al meno). Lo stesso vale per addr:floor, no?

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Autumn Quarterly Project

2016-10-03 Per discussione Jez Nicholson
I was about to say that the data has a good chance of fairly high accuracy
because it is generated from an active processthen I found my first
typo :) "Longhill Hight
School". We can of course perform a service by reporting typos back.

On Mon, 3 Oct 2016 at 10:40 Christian Ledermann <> wrote:

> On 3 October 2016 at 10:07, Brian Prangle  wrote:
> > Hi John
> >
> > The need for two sources of information is a only personal preference of
> > SK53. You can choose to follow it or not.
> >
> > Certainly we'd like to increase postcode and address data and this can be
> > entered from the fhsr data.
> > It's likely to be accurate 95% of the time.
> > Personally I think we can live with this.
> +1 You will never ever get 100% accurate data, no matter what source.
> >Hence my suggestion we semi- or
> > completely automate it (not currently the most popular of approaches)
> >
> > As always ground surveys win the argument but we currently lack the
> scale of
> > mappers on the ground.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Brian
> >
> > On 2 October 2016 at 22:38, John Aldridge  wrote:
> >>
> >> On 02-Oct-16 17:30, SK53 wrote:
> >>>
> >>> My personal rules on this have always been two independent sources of
> >>> information OR a survey...
> >>
> >>
> >>> FHRS data should contain full address details most of the time, so
> there
> >>> should be no need to add anything from the website other than the
> url...
> >>
> >>
> >> By url do you mean the fhrs:id tag?
> >>
> >>
> >> I'm confused, then, by the assertions on the web page for this project
> >>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> that
> >>
> >> (a) this process might be completely automated [how does that square
> with
> >> requiring two sources of information], and
> >>
> >> (b) that one of the goals is to accelerate our completion of UK postcode
> >> data [I'd assumed that implied we needed at least to add addr:postcode
> too,
> >> with or without further checks]
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Cheers,
> >> John
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Talk-GB mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-GB mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Best Regards,
> Christian Ledermann
> Newark-on-Trent - UK
> Mobile : +44 7474997517
> <*)))>{
> If you save the living environment, the biodiversity that we have left,
> you will also automatically save the physical environment, too. But If
> you only save the physical environment, you will ultimately lose both.
> 1) Don’t drive species to extinction
> 2) Don’t destroy a habitat that species rely on.
> 3) Don’t change the climate in ways that will result in the above.
> }<(((*>
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] ancora su civici e POI

2016-10-03 Per discussione Mauro Costantini
Il 2 ottobre 2016 23:59, Fra Mauro  ha scritto:

>>> Come fate invece se avete più POI allo stesso civico?
>>> Ad esempio un palazzo di uffici con un'unica entrata a cui corrispondono
>>> uno studio medico, una società finanziaria e una assicurazione, tutti al
>>> civico di Via Accademia 4?
>> l'unica soluzione che mi viene in mente è l'indoor mapping ma deve esserci
>> sicuramente un altro metodo per una mappatura più elementare
> Non avevo in mente un contesto che si presta all'indoor mapping.
> Da queste parti a volte uno studio medico è al primo piano di un palazzo di
> appartamenti.
> In questo caso il civico "Via Accademia 4" NON è l'indirizzo dello studio
> medico; è l'indirizzo in cui c'è ANCHE lo studio medico.
> è chiaro che non voglio mappare l'interno del palazzo (e probabilmente non
> posso...).
> è anche chiaro che vorrei fornire quest'informazione, così chi usa la mappa
> non si aspetta uno studio medico a livello strada.
> è anche chiaro che magari al secondo piano ho uno studio di avvocati

Io farei così:

building=* //office oppure apartments, deciditi.

[node0] //facente parte del bulding e connesso alla viabilità pedonale

addr:street=Via accademia

addr:street=Via accademia

Ovviamente rimando al wiki per la descrizione di chiavi e valori.
"addr:floor" e "level" non sono la stessa cosa!
Può capitare che qualcosa si trovi ad un livello (dalla base
dell'edificio) che non corrisponde a come vengono contati i piani. Per
un esempio pensa a zone densamente abitate in forte pendenza (Genova,
Perugia, Trieste, ...) e un edificio piuttosto grande tra due strade
che abbiano un certo dislivello tra loro. Fissato "level=0" la base
dell'edificio, non è detto che l'ingresso principale si trovi alla
stessa altezza; è ben possibile avere un oggetto con "level=1" (il
piano sopra alla base, rispetto alla via su cui è stato costruito
l'edificio) e "addr:floor=0" (rispetto ad un'altra via, ingresso
principale della gente).


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] ancora su civici e POI

2016-10-03 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-10-03 11:41 GMT+02:00 Federico Cortese :

> Vedo che siete in linea sul mappare a "spanne" il perimetro
> dell'attività e capisco che idealmente sarebbe il metodo più
> funzionale, ma io non mi sento di tracciare un poligono così
> arbitrario, perchè privo di una fonte geometrica certa (a meno di non
> avere la piantina del locale).

la fonte geometrica certa è il perimetro dell'edificio. Il resto te lo
inventi, oppure se non te lo senti, ci metti un nodo.

> Per non parlare poi della situazione indicata da Mauro, dove usare
> poligoni diventa improponibile per attività sovrapposte su più piani,

non è un problema, al meno che non parliamo di edificio molto grandi (alti)
e molto frammentati (rari, ma ci saranno anche questi, però nel contesto
nostro pocchissimi).
L'importante è indicare il piano insieme all'indirizzo, il tag è "level"
(non layer).

> con civico al piano terra, che quindi non potrebbe essere comunque
> collegato ai poligoni degli altri piani.

è molto semplice, non richiede relazioni (e non sono auspicabile per una
cosa così comune). Esempio:


level=2 (secondo piano)

Generalmente non è detto che il contorno di un POI abbia un nodo in comune
con un ingresso o civico. Comunque, "addr:housenumber" non è solo un
civico, è anche un indirizzo di un poi.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] ancora su civici e POI

2016-10-03 Per discussione Federico Cortese
2016-10-02 8:11 GMT+02:00 Aury88 :
> io fino ad ora ho mappato come area i locale (in manier spannometrica se non
> conosco le dimensioni...nel caso aggiungo un tag fixme=*), mettendo i tag
> addr:* perchè  il locale ha ufficialmente un indirizzo associato.

2016-10-03 10:50 GMT+02:00 Martin Koppenhoefer :
> non devi "mappare l'interno", è sufficiente mappare il contorno (stimato), è
> quasi sempre possibile se sei entrato una volta nel negozio.

Vedo che siete in linea sul mappare a "spanne" il perimetro
dell'attività e capisco che idealmente sarebbe il metodo più
funzionale, ma io non mi sento di tracciare un poligono così
arbitrario, perchè privo di una fonte geometrica certa (a meno di non
avere la piantina del locale).
Per non parlare poi della situazione indicata da Mauro, dove usare
poligoni diventa improponibile per attività sovrapposte su più piani,
con civico al piano terra, che quindi non potrebbe essere comunque
collegato ai poligoni degli altri piani.
Condivido quindi in pieno le perplessità di Mauro espresse molto
chiaramente quando dice:

2016-10-02 23:59 GMT+02:00 Fra Mauro :
> Non avevo in mente un contesto che si presta all'indoor mapping.
> Da queste parti a volte uno studio medico è al primo piano di un palazzo di
> appartamenti.
> In questo caso il civico "Via Accademia 4" NON è l'indirizzo dello studio
> medico; è l'indirizzo in cui c'è ANCHE lo studio medico.
> è chiaro che non voglio mappare l'interno del palazzo (e probabilmente non
> posso...).
> è anche chiaro che vorrei fornire quest'informazione, così chi usa la mappa
> non si aspetta uno studio medico a livello strada.
> è anche chiaro che magari al secondo piano ho uno studio di avvocati
> Ho più POI allo stesso civico. Posso forse definire una relazione?

Purtroppo che io sappia non ci sono relazioni apposite, ma forse
sarebbe il modo migliore per risolvere la cosa.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Autumn Quarterly Project

2016-10-03 Per discussione Christian Ledermann
On 3 October 2016 at 10:07, Brian Prangle  wrote:
> Hi John
> The need for two sources of information is a only personal preference of
> SK53. You can choose to follow it or not.
> Certainly we'd like to increase postcode and address data and this can be
> entered from the fhsr data.

> It's likely to be accurate 95% of the time.
> Personally I think we can live with this.

+1 You will never ever get 100% accurate data, no matter what source.

>Hence my suggestion we semi- or
> completely automate it (not currently the most popular of approaches)
> As always ground surveys win the argument but we currently lack the scale of
> mappers on the ground.
> Regards
> Brian
> On 2 October 2016 at 22:38, John Aldridge  wrote:
>> On 02-Oct-16 17:30, SK53 wrote:
>>> My personal rules on this have always been two independent sources of
>>> information OR a survey...
>>> FHRS data should contain full address details most of the time, so there
>>> should be no need to add anything from the website other than the url...
>> By url do you mean the fhrs:id tag?
>> I'm confused, then, by the assertions on the web page for this project
>> that
>> (a) this process might be completely automated [how does that square with
>> requiring two sources of information], and
>> (b) that one of the goals is to accelerate our completion of UK postcode
>> data [I'd assumed that implied we needed at least to add addr:postcode too,
>> with or without further checks]
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> John
>> ___
>> Talk-GB mailing list
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Best Regards,

Christian Ledermann

Newark-on-Trent - UK
Mobile : +44 7474997517


If you save the living environment, the biodiversity that we have left,
you will also automatically save the physical environment, too. But If
you only save the physical environment, you will ultimately lose both.

1) Don’t drive species to extinction

2) Don’t destroy a habitat that species rely on.

3) Don’t change the climate in ways that will result in the above.


Talk-GB mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] Aankondiging mini-seminar RD en Open Source Software

2016-10-03 Per discussione Frank Steggink


Wellicht is dit voor een aantal van jullie ook interessant, ondanks dat 
je niet op de OSGeo-mailinglijst zit. De aanleiding is een recente 
discussie (zie [1]) over de juiste RD-parameters.

Op donderdag 20 oktober a.s. organiseert het mini-seminar "RD 
en Open Source Software". Het doel is tweeledig: allereerst om de 
bezoeker kennis bij te brengen over coördinatenstelsels in het algemeen 
en het Rijksdriehoeksstelsel in het bijzonder. Het tweede doel is om 
coördinatenstelsels op een juiste manier toe te passen binnen software, 
waarbij de focus natuurlijk ligt op open source software.

Het voorlopige programma is als volgt:
* vanaf 16:00 uur: verzamelen / koffie
* 16:30: start
* 16:30 - 18:00: 1e deel
  * Erik Meerburg, GeoAcademie: introductie coördinatenstelsels en 
  * Jan Hartmann, Universiteit van Amsterdam / Thomas Vermaut, Fryske 
Akademy georeferentie historische kaarten (incl. triangulaties 1810 en 
1930, alsmede transformatie naar WGS84)
  * Lennard Huisman, Kadaster: relatie RD, ETRS89 en WGS84, 
moeilijkheden, overstap naar ETRS89

* 18:00 - 19:00: pauze
* 19:00 - 20:00: 2e deel
  * Edward Mac Gillavry, Webmapper: gebruik Proj.4 met OSGeo-software
  * Discussie
* 20:00: afsluiting

Het mini-seminar zal worden gehouden in de bovenzaal van Café Dudok, 
Larenseweg 1A te Hilversum (zie [2]). Tijdens de pauze is het mogelijk 
om gebruik te maken van een warme maaltijd. De kosten hiervan bedragen 
€10,- (dagmenu). Geef bij je aanmelding aan of je hiervan gebruik maakt 
of niet. Geef s.v.p. ook aan of je gebruik wilt maken van een 
vegetarische maaltijd.

Aanmelden kan door je op te geven op MeetUp (zie [3]) of door een mail 
te sturen naar Frank Steggink. Laat in je aanmelding weten of je mee 
wilt eten of niet. Geef jezelf uiterlijk zo. 16 oktober op als je mee 
wilt eten. Wie mee wil eten wordt verzocht gepast geld mee te nemen of 
€10,- over te maken op rekening NL72 INGB 0006276370 t.n.v. Stichting o.v.v. "RD-eten".

Mocht iemand ervaring hebben met het opnemen van presentaties en 
gemakkelijk over de juiste apparatuur kan beschikken, laat het ons 
s.v.p. weten.

Mede namens het,

Frank Steggink




Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] UK OSM Community Interest Company (UK local chapter)

2016-10-03 Per discussione Brian Prangle
A week has gone by and the legal opinion on our AoA has attracted two
comments, both from proposed interim directors, so I'm proposing to
consolidate these and communicate with the lawyers for an early resolution.
I don't think the issue warrants a conference call judging by the level of

On 29 September 2016 at 00:34, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) <> wrote:

> On 26 September 2016 at 11:35, Brian Prangle  wrote:
> > Now that SotM has finished we should have time to concentrate on the pro
> > bono legal review of our Articles of Association. I'll give it a week for
> > folk to fnd time to look at this. If there's a deal of contention on any
> > issue then we'll have  a concall to resolve it, if not then I'll proceed
> to
> > send off the documents and fee to register us at Companies House.
> I'd already had a look through and made some notes, and I think I've
> got broadly similar points to Rob's.
> * The change in 8.1 appears to be broadening the Director's powers
> significantly. (I thought we'd agreed that they should have all powers
> in the end anyway, but perhaps I'm mistaken. Is the change there from
> before the lawyers got the document perhaps?)
> * The conflicts of interest stuff in 20.x seems to have been watered
> down a bit. While it's true that old 20.2.1 and 20.2.2 can be
> over-ridden by the directors anyway, I think it's probably better to
> retain them on a matter of principle. Old 20.1 and 20.2.3 seem to have
> been genuinely lost, and I think they're sensible provisions that we
> should maintain.
> * The dropping of old 23.4 and the wording of new 23.3 appears to
> allow non-members to be Directors, which is presumably not what we
> want. Although new 25.1.7 could restrict to Ordinary and Associate
> members. (Although can you cease to be something you've never been in
> the first place?) It would be better to be clear in 23.3 if Directors
> have to be ordinary members.
> * It's not clear to me why the 9-year maximum term has been dropped
> from old 24.4. If this isn't for legal reasons, it should probably be
> reinstated.
> * New clause 24.3 is very confusing, and I'm not completely sure what
> its effect is supposed to be. A literal reading, seems to say that any
> director who retires and isn't re-elected, and isn't forced to stay on
> to keep up the number under 24.4, and isn't defeated in a re-election
> attempt, may (if they wish) stay on another year(ish) until the
> following AGM. This seems odd to have... At the very least this clause
> needs clarifying.
> * The changes between old 23.3, 23.5 and new 23.3 have changed the STV
> voting for a set number of directors into a simple resolution in
> favour or against each individual standing. I don't think this is what
> we want. In our discussions we wanted to have the number of Directors
> fixed in advance of the meeting, and then elect the best people to
> fill the vacant positions.
> * Original clauses 28/29 -- We decided we wanted to exclude
> non-natural persons from being company members, so I think that needs
> to be put back unless there's a legal problem with doing so. While I
> can see the logic in simplifying things by combining clauses on
> "Ordinary Members" and "Associate Members", I think they actually may
> make things more complicated and harder to untangle, particularly if
> we ever want to change anything for one class of membership and not
> the other at any point in the future. I also think the lawyers have
> erred in their changes, as I couldn't see anything to clarify that
> only Ordinary Members are members of the company for the purposes of
> the Companies' Act. (The clauses mention a "members' register", but
> the definition of "Ordinary Member" implies that "members" include
> both sets.)
> * New 37 has changed the meaning of old 39.1 completely. If directors
> have to be members anyway, then new 37 is a bit pointless, though I
> could see the logic in having it just in case things change. Unless
> there are legal reasons not to, having something about allowing other
> people to attend and speak would be good I think -- even if that's the
> default position anyway.
> Best wishes,
> Robert.
> --
> Robert Whittaker
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Čísla železničních stanic

2016-10-03 Per discussione jzvc

Dne 3.10.2016 v 0:29 Jethro napsal(a):

v souvislosti s prací na jízdních řádech vlaků
( se mi podařilo spárovat skoro
všechny vlakové stanice s osobní dopravou s identifikátory v těchto
řádech používanými. Vzhledem k tomu, že se tyto identifikátory
používají i na jiných stránkách souvisejících se železnicí, myslím, že
je to ten správný identifikátor k napsání do ref. S tím se pojí
několik věcí:

1) identifikátor v JŘ se dělí na kód železnice (u nás 54), evidenční
číslo (různé) a kód obvodu (obvykle 0). Jaký formát by měl ref mít?
2) Jde o import? Pokud ano, byl by mi někdo ochoten pomoci s formální částí?
3) Jak nejlépe import provést? Umím si vygenerovat dvojice
(osm_id,ref), jak je předhodit nějakému editoru, abych to mohl dávkově

Případné další komentáře vítány.


zeleznicni stanice maji mezinarodni identifikaci.

A tuhle

Mas popis schematu

uic_ref 	UIC reference 	The International Union of Railways (UIC) 
reference by which the stop is known.

A jen tak importovat to nemuzes, protoze bys nejdriv musel (coz by bylo 
treba tak jako tak) previst vse na tohle schema => vytvorit prislusny 
relace. A to je pochopitelne spousta prace ;D.

Jinak format to je cislo, ale tech dat, ktera by se mozna dala vlozit je 
vic. Pro predstavu (location code je to IDcko, pred nej je treba jeste 
dat ten kod zeme - 54, je to pak jeste vlastne zopaknuty v 
PassengerLocationSeatReservationCode, ale to nemusi byt vsude).










OT: Program který píši převádí formát Kango do GTFS, bude uvolněn jako
open-source někdy v průběhu podzimu.

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Upper Booth camp site, Pennine Way near Edale

2016-10-03 Per discussione Lester Caine
On 03/10/16 09:23, Nick Whitelegg wrote:
> highway=footway or path should really mean "it's just a physical path",
> we shouldn't really be assuming things about access. Then add explicit
> access tags if we know it's permissive (or designation=public_footpath
> if it's known to be a RoW).

I'm with you on that Nick ...

Farm tracks around here are very useful reference points on the ground
so should be visible on a map as well but unless there are signs up
restricting access it is often difficult to know. One well surfaced road
has now 'grown' a 'private - no access' sign, but one would not remove
it from the map, only add the restriction. The ramblers are probably the
best for pushing the boundaries on just what are RoW and border line
cases ;) But even on the ground, access rights are often not obvious.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Autumn Quarterly Project

2016-10-03 Per discussione Brian Prangle
Hi John

The need for two sources of information is a only personal preference of
SK53. You can choose to follow it or not.

Certainly we'd like to increase postcode and address data and this can be
entered from the fhsr data. It's likely to be accurate 95% of the time.
Personally I think we can live with this. Hence my suggestion we semi- or
completely automate it (not currently the most popular of approaches)

As always ground surveys win the argument but we currently lack the scale
of mappers on the ground.



On 2 October 2016 at 22:38, John Aldridge  wrote:

> On 02-Oct-16 17:30, SK53 wrote:
>> My personal rules on this have always been two independent sources of
>> information OR a survey...
> FHRS data should contain full address details most of the time, so there
>> should be no need to add anything from the website other than the url...
> By url do you mean the fhrs:id tag?
> I'm confused, then, by the assertions on the web page for this project
>> _Hygiene_Ratings
> that
> (a) this process might be completely automated [how does that square with
> requiring two sources of information], and
> (b) that one of the goals is to accelerate our completion of UK postcode
> data [I'd assumed that implied we needed at least to add addr:postcode too,
> with or without further checks]
> --
> Cheers,
> John
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly project - taginfo tracker

2016-10-03 Per discussione Brian Prangle
I think all these measurements are a great idea but in the first instance
for the taginfo script I think fhrs:id is sufficient. At least we'll know
that is a direct response to our QP. Postcode data I think is a little more
tricky than  a raw count of objects tagged with addr=postcode.  For
longterm purposes it would be great to get a count of unique, correctly
formatted postcodes, perhaps heatmapped onto Robert Whitakker's postcode
map template

On 2 October 2016 at 17:38, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) <> wrote:

> On 2 October 2016 at 15:38, Rob Nickerson 
> wrote:
> > Which tags would you like me to set up a tag-info script for? We can then
> > track these throughout the quarter.
> Off the top of my head, I'd have thought it would be good to know
> about number of instances of fhrs:id=* and addr:postcode=*, and
> numbers of eating type places (perhaps just one count for all
> amenity=cafe|restaurant|fast_food|pub|bar). Maybe also the
> number/proportion of such places that have a name tag. Possibly you
> could do other measures postcode progress, such as number of unique
> correctly-formatted postcodes in addr:postcode tags and/or number of
> postcode sectors ("AB12 X..") with at least one addr:postcode tagged.
> Robert.
> --
> Robert Whittaker
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [wikimedia-it] via romea germanica

2016-10-03 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-10-02 23:56 GMT+02:00 Cascafico Giovanni :

> Io, in mancanza di segnali, non inserirei. Se all'estero fosse già
> segnalata, farei un abbozzo di relazione, nell'attesa di un riscontro sui
> luoghi.

non credo che si tratti di una vera "strada storica", è molto probabilmente
una route (nuova / nel dettaglio inventata ora) che più o meno si orienta
ad un percorso storico (di quale prende soprattutto il nome).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] via romea germanica

2016-10-03 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Il 01/10/2016 18:22, Simone Cortesi ha scritto:
> Ciao,
> mi scrivono i gestori di dicendomi che rendono
> disponibili tutti i loro dati e immagini con licenze CC e sarebbero
> molto contenti di vederli pubblicati su commons e openstreetmap.

Boh! non so, guarando il sito, e vedendo qualche video nella gallery
multimediale, c'è qualche documentazione cartacea (libro/guida), però
ovvio non tali da considerare elementi cartografici, inoltre si vedono
incontri meeting a riguardo, che ovviamente neanche questi sono elementi

A questo punto credo sia il caso di invitarli a crearsi, magari su Umap,
la tracciatura del percorso per loro uso sul sito.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] ancora su civici e POI

2016-10-03 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-10-02 23:59 GMT+02:00 Fra Mauro :

> L'unico modo in cui vedo ipotizzabile dare una idea della dimensione
> fisica è dire quali sono i civici occupati.

ma non ti da alcuna indicazione, talvolta siti enormi hanno un solo civico,
altre volte ci sono nuovi civici ogni 2 metri.

Nel mio contesto la mappatura interna dei locali è improponibile.

non devi "mappare l'interno", è sufficiente mappare il contorno (stimato),
è quasi sempre possibile se sei entrato una volta nel negozio.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Upper Booth camp site, Pennine Way near Edale

2016-10-03 Per discussione Nick Whitelegg

>So I would say that highway=path was equivalent to highway=path;
>foot=yes; bicycle=yes; horse=yes; motor_vehicle=no (spellings may be
>wrong). highway=footway would imply yes to just foot.  Renderers and
>routers will, I think follow this policy.

I would also have to say no to this - we need some way of mapping paths where 
it's not known if there is permissive access or not; I frequently come across 
such paths. highway=footway with no other tags is a good, clear way of implying 

highway=footway or path should really mean "it's just a physical path", we 
shouldn't really be assuming things about access. Then add explicit access tags 
if we know it's permissive (or designation=public_footpath if it's known to be 
a RoW).

From: David Woolley 
Sent: 02 October 2016 14:21:17
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Upper Booth camp site, Pennine Way near Edale

On 02/10/16 13:06, Nick Whitelegg wrote:
> Indeed - unless they have foot=yes, foot=permissive, access=permissive
> (etc) or designation=public_footpath, we are in no way telling them that
> they are public access.

Whether or not there is a formal statement of this anywhere an
unspecified access is normally understood to be access=yes for the
normal users of an element type in the country.

So I would say that highway=path was equivalent to highway=path;
foot=yes; bicycle=yes; horse=yes; motor_vehicle=no (spellings may be
wrong). highway=footway would imply yes to just foot.  Renderers and
routers will, I think follow this policy.

> It is completely unreasonable for landowners to have a go at us just for
> showing a path on the map. Just because it's on the map, it doesn't
> implicitly mean it's public.

I would say if it is mapped as footway or path and doesn't have an
explicit access, it does implicitly allow foot use by the general
public.  I think the landowner could reasonably expect an explicit
access tag with restricted rights.  That is best done by giving access=
for the most permissive and cancelling other rights using detailed
categories, even though there is an element of mapping for the renderer
in that.

This needs resolving fairly quickly, otherwise the landowner will take
matters into their own hands, register to edit, and fix the problem in a
way that suits them, which will probably not involve the subtleties of
coding, but simply a deletion of all the paths he thinks the public
should not use.

Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Autumn Quarterly Project

2016-10-03 Per discussione Jez Nicholson
Neil - the gregrs tool is open source so we can raise issues and
enhancement requestsbut cannot expect gregrs alone to do all the
coding. Other people with python knowledge can assist in making changes. I
personally would love to do so. Probably best to do this in small steps at
the beginning as adding extra coders is a culture change.

John - the matching tool above requires fhrs:id and addr:postcode + we
agreed to not put transient data from the fhrs dataset into OSM, e.g. the
star rating. This can be added to 'Suggested process & tags' as soon as we
are happy.

On Sun, 2 Oct 2016 at 22:39 John Aldridge  wrote:

> On 02-Oct-16 17:30, SK53 wrote:
> > My personal rules on this have always been two independent sources of
> > information OR a survey...
> > FHRS data should contain full address details most of the time, so there
> > should be no need to add anything from the website other than the url...
> By url do you mean the fhrs:id tag?
> I'm confused, then, by the assertions on the web page for this project
> >
> that
> (a) this process might be completely automated [how does that square
> with requiring two sources of information], and
> (b) that one of the goals is to accelerate our completion of UK postcode
> data [I'd assumed that implied we needed at least to add addr:postcode
> too, with or without further checks]
> --
> Cheers,
> John
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [wikimedia-it] via romea germanica

2016-10-03 Per discussione Maurizio Napolitano
> File gpx n on ne vedo, vedo solo file KMZ, è lo stesso dal punto di
> vista della licenza?

La licenza non ha nulla a che vedere con il formato
Certo, il formato KML/KMZ non è proprio il migliore per veicolare i dati in
quanto, anche se formalmente riconosciuto come standard internazionale,
viene mal usato.
Mi spiego meglio:
gli attributi di una geometria possono essere modellati in una struttura
dati, ma questo viene difficilmente fatto.
Solitamente gli attributi finiscono in un campo dal nome "description" che
- nel migliore dei casi - formatta in una tabella html
Questo uso fa si che il kml sia molto simile ad un PDF: ottimo per essere
visualizzato, pessimo per essere processato
Il kmz è il kml compresso in formato zip e spesso archivia anche jpg

> --
> Simone Girardelli
> _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
> |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [wikimedia-it] via romea germanica

2016-10-03 Per discussione Andrea Musuruane
2016-10-02 23:56 GMT+02:00 Cascafico Giovanni :
> Io, in mancanza di segnali, non inserirei. Se all'estero fosse già
> segnalata, farei un abbozzo di relazione, nell'attesa di un riscontro sui
> luoghi.




Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] prehled tras ve Wiki

2016-10-03 Per discussione Marián Kyral
co takhle to rozdělit na podstránky? Třeba dle typu? Hiking/Ski/Cyklo/Horse?


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Petr Holub 
Komu: 'OpenStreetMap Czech Republic' 
Datum: 3. 10. 2016 9:18:39
Předmět: [Talk-cz] prehled tras ve Wiki


narazil jsem na problem s OSM Wiki: chtel jsem zaktualizovat prehled
ale zda se, ze uz narazime na nejake velikostni omezeni stranek. Zkousel
jsem to tam nahrat pred prazdninami i ted a vysledkem je bud chyba serveru
5xx nebo prazdna odpoved. Firefox i Chrome identicky. Ten seznam tras ma
>500kB v soucasnosti.

Otazka: co s tim dal? Budeme to chtit udrzovat a nekdo se na to zkusi
podivat, nebo to oznacime jako deprecated? Je asi dost na pytel mit
stranku, ktera uz neni aktualizovatelna...


Talk-cz mailing list;___
Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cz] prehled tras ve Wiki

2016-10-03 Per discussione Petr Holub

narazil jsem na problem s OSM Wiki: chtel jsem zaktualizovat prehled
ale zda se, ze uz narazime na nejake velikostni omezeni stranek. Zkousel
jsem to tam nahrat pred prazdninami i ted a vysledkem je bud chyba serveru
5xx nebo prazdna odpoved. Firefox i Chrome identicky. Ten seznam tras ma
>500kB v soucasnosti.

Otazka: co s tim dal? Budeme to chtit udrzovat a nekdo se na to zkusi
podivat, nebo to oznacime jako deprecated? Je asi dost na pytel mit
stranku, ktera uz neni aktualizovatelna...


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] OSM na konferenci OpenAlt? | 5.-6. listopadu | Brno

2016-10-03 Per discussione Miroslav Suchy
Dne 2.10.2016 v 20:05 Ladislav Nesnera napsal(a):
> Zkrátka, je-li trochu chuť a síla, prostor je. Uzávěrku máme 3.10., ale pár 
> dnů ještě dolaďujeme, tak se tím nenechte
> zbytečně odradit. Stačí vyplnit formulář 
> ..;?)

Tak jsem poslal workshop o turistických trasách.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Chybějící vlakové zastávky

2016-10-03 Per discussione Michal Grézl
2016-10-03 0:40 GMT+02:00 Jethro :
> Zdar,
> v souvislosti s prací na jízdních řádech (viz minulý mail) jsem
> zjistil, že v OSM chybí / jsou špatně zmapovány některé vlakové
> zastávky. Jedná se o následující:
> Červenka zastávka

a uz je to postavene? naposledy co sem jel kolem vlakem tak tam stali
opreni o lopaty:)

> Litoměřice dolní nádraží
> Vraný / Vrbičany - v OSM je Vraný, jinde Vrbičany, jak se jmenuje teď?
> Martiněves u Libochovic
> Velké Hamry zast.
> Železnice
> Nová Huť
> Přísečná
> Mohl by je někdo s místní znalostí prosím zmapovat?
> Jethro

Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] Lot Talk-ht, Vol 73, Parution 2

2016-10-03 Per discussione Evens Michel
Tankou: kay, kay-jacmel, oubyen pati grandans
On Oct 3, 2016 1:06 AM, "Evens Michel"  wrote:

> Mwen ta renmen konnen si tout pati sa yo pat katografye  sèlman enligne
> san ke pat gen katograf anplas
> On Oct 2, 2016 7:08 AM,  wrote:
>> Envoyez vos messages pour la liste Talk-ht à
>> Pour vous (dés)abonner par le web, consultez
>> ou, par email, envoyez un message avec 'help' dans le corps ou dans le
>> sujet à
>> Vous pouvez contacter l'administrateur de la liste à l'adresse
>> Si vous répondez, n'oubliez pas de changer l'objet du message afin
>> qu'il soit plus spécifique que "Re: Contenu du digest de Talk-ht..."
>> Thèmes du jour :
>>1. Hurricane Matthew Task 2195 (Kunce, Dale)
>>2. Re: [activation hotosm] Hurricane Matthew Task 2195 (FredM)
>> --
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2016 04:29:46 +
>> From: "Kunce, Dale" 
>> To: "" 
>> Cc: "" 
>> Subject: [Talk-ht] Hurricane Matthew Task 2195
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> I just looked at the 8pm update from NHC and Matthew just tacked east and
>> is likely to make a direct hit of Haiti.
>> I've looked over map in the area and the roads are fairly good but
>> buildings and other landmarks are not well mapped. I think at this time its
>> worth putting out a preemptive mapping tasks for the South (Sud) admin area
>> that is most likely to get hit in roughly 48 hours or so. Given the
>> potential for life threatening rainfall and floods.
>> I went ahead and published tasks
>> The American Red Cross is likely to respond to any significant event in
>> Haiti or Jamaica. At this point we are only preparing and have not made a
>> decision to deploy any staff or resources.
>> Je viens de regarder à la mise à jour de 20 heures de NHC et Matthew est
>> simplement cloué et est susceptible de faire un coup direct d'Haïti.
>> Je l'ai regardé sur la carte dans la région et les routes sont assez
>> bons, mais les bâtiments et autres monuments ne sont pas bien
>> cartographiés. Je pense à ce moment sa peine de mettre sur une des tâches
>> de cartographie de préemption pour le Sud (Sud) zone d'administration qui
>> est le plus susceptible d'être touché dans environ 48 heures ou plus.
>> Compte tenu du potentiel pour la vie des précipitations et des inondations
>> menaçant.
>> Je suis allé de l'avant et publié tâches
>> t/2195/
>> La Croix-Rouge américaine est susceptible de répondre à tout événement
>> important en Haïti ou de la Jamaïque. À ce stade, nous ne préparons et n'a
>> pas pris la décision de déployer de personnel ou de ressources.
>> —
>> Dale Kunce | Global Lead ICT & Analytics  | International Services |
>> American Red Cross | Cell 510.842.7523 | Skype dkunce​
>> --
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2016 12:50:39 +0200
>> From: FredM 
>> To:, ""
>> Subject: Re: [Talk-ht] [activation hotosm] Hurricane Matthew Task 2195
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>> Dear all,
>> Strange I cannot open your link;
>> Sending back again
>> In haiti right now, in stand by as OSM contributor + 1 uav ebee + 2
>> phantom 3 (3 batteries).
>> Ready to activate international charter as I have done it for sandy.
>> All the best FredM
>> On 02/10/2016 06:29, Kunce, Dale wrote:
>> >
>> > I just looked at the 8pm update from NHC and Matthew just tacked east
>> > and is likely to make a direct hit of Haiti.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I've looked over map in the area and the roads are fairly good but
>> > buildings and other landmarks are not well mapped. I think at this
>> > time its worth putting out a preemptive mapping tasks for the South
>> > (Sud) admin area that is most likely to get hit in roughly 48 hours or
>> > so. Given the potential for life threatening rainfall and floods.
>> >
>> > I went ahead and published tasks
>> >
>> > The American Red Cross is likely to respond to any