[tw] Re: Tiddler-Based-Communication-Protocol

2011-11-15 Thread tiddlygrp

Thanks Poul for your reply.  As you said different use cases for
uuid's and identity would lead to different designs.  I think we
nonetheless should standardize on something and say tiddler standard
version 1 somewhere in a tiddler field.  Then we can upgrade later on

@Tobias  Your last post makes it as if it is a heavy burden to do the
uuid stuff which would be better done on a server.  I don't think so.
It can (should!!) be done client side.  And you propose a quite heavy
process with naming conventions and standards.  I would rather define
a minimum and leave extensions open.

Client side examples which would benefit from a minimal uuid standard
are: there where (are) some tw's who exchange tiddlers through rss
with no server explicitely involved.  The same goes for upgrading a
tw.  How does tw know if a plugin has changed?  Some brittle
convention.  If there was a machine readable date field and uuid a tw
could know that a plugin was newer.  I think in the tw universe it
is important to have the basic uuid capabilities in the client (tw).

@Chris and others
I mentioned Ward's federated wiki quite some times because he has a
concrete specification:


title: Welcome Visitors,
synopsys: The first federated wiki page written and often first
page viewed.,
story: [
id: 7b56f22a4b9ee974,
type: paragraph,
text: Welcome to the federated wiki. This page was
first drafted
 Sunday, June 26th, 2011, at indie-web-camp. You
are welcome
 to copy this page to any server you own and
revise its welcoming
 message as you see fit. You can assume this has
happened many
 times already.
 id: 8d8a6cf94b72e848,
 type: image,
 width: 300px,
 height: 200px,
 caption: Ward's Lighted Electric Bike at [http://
 /cal/viewpp2011.php#24-2144 Pedalpalooza],
 url: /lit-and-loud.jpg
trail: [
journal: [
  {type:   edit,
   id: 15411293042b2735,
   text:   the paragraph now says this}

This looks somewhat similar to the tiddlyweb JSON for a tiddler.  The
main difference is the use of the id's (uuid's) and the journal.  the
journal is what helps do track changes and I would propose to add it
additionally to uuid's.  But I would leave using the journal
optional.  That would mean there is a standard way to track history
and merges, but a client or server is not obliged to use it.

A creator/editor field would be nice also.  However without
authentication/cryptographic signing it probably will be forged
sometime and it will be more of a convention than a reliable
authorship field.

Now also cryptographic signing could be nice for tiddlers and I could
think of a lot of additional possibilities.  Therefore the tiddler
field protocol should be extensible with optional fields which can be
ignored at will through a client or server.

The main problem is as Chris stated:
Okay that makes more sense. I'm not sure how or who to decide the
syntax and semantics.

For that we need some process.

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[tw] Re: where Definition list are formated in the stylesheet ?

2011-11-15 Thread colmjude
Hi Julien23

On Nov 14, 1:16 pm, julien23 jbouc...@capsule-ea.fr wrote:

 I can't find where Definition list are formated in the stylesheet

 ;Title 1
 :Definition of title 1
 ;Title 2
 :Definition of title 2

 Could you please help me ?

Are you referring to HTML definition lists as in dl, dd, dt elements?
If so I think (someone might correct me) their style is defined in the
TW stylesheets so will fallback to the default way each browser styles

Hope that helps,


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[tw] Re: Tackling File Importing in modern browsers

2011-11-15 Thread julien23
Well ... Not as exiting as I thought...

My trial TW was in the same directory as the source TW

But if I put it in another folder it stocks on Opening 

My fault

Looking forward to have a workable solution.


On Nov 10, 10:20 pm, julien23 jbouc...@capsule-ea.fr wrote:
 Hi Jon

 And you 're right !

 I was sticking to a legacy FF 3.6.23 because of this loading issue

 Time for me to catch up FF 7

 You made my day !

 Thanks a lot


 On Nov 10, 5:38 pm, rakugo jdlrob...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi Julien what version of Firefox are you using?

  In my Firefox everything seems to work fine, but I've made a few
  tweaks that could possibly prevent this.


  Note if you see the old user interface for the file importer (ie. no
  restart wizard button), it's likely your Firefox version is not up to


  On Nov 10, 1:28 pm, julien23 jbouc...@capsule-ea.fr wrote:

   Hi Rakugo

   Pleased to see things a step ahead with the import issue

   I've tried to load your
   in my TW

   But I get the error log Error: TypeError: ImportWizard is not a
   function at refresh. You can have a look here :

   Am I doing things wrong ?
   Do I miss dependency or version ?

   My main concern is to get my Package management back :



   On Nov 9, 5:21 pm, rakugo jdlrob...@gmail.com wrote:

I've had a go at rewriting the TiddlyWiki file importer using the
HTML5 file apihttp://www.w3.org/TR/FileAPI/

It works in Firefox but not Chrome but it seems hopeful. It would be
good for others to try it out.

Simply slot this plugin into your shiny new Firefox version which you
cannot import from:http://repository.tiddlyspace.com/#TiddlyFileImportr
and hopefully importing will be possible again...

Let me know how you get on.

See the related issue 

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[tw] Re: Tackling File Importing in modern browsers

2011-11-15 Thread rakugo
I'm a little confused. It sounds like the plugin hasn't been installed
properly on this TiddlyWiki as you should never see the text Opening

Can you confirm the plugin is installed?
When installed the import UI should look like this:

On Nov 15, 9:25 am, julien23 jbouc...@capsule-ea.fr wrote:
 Well ... Not as exiting as I thought...

 My trial TW was in the same directory as the source TW

 But if I put it in another folder it stocks on Opening 

 My fault

 Looking forward to have a workable solution.


 On Nov 10, 10:20 pm, julien23 jbouc...@capsule-ea.fr wrote:

  Hi Jon

  And you 're right !

  I was sticking to a legacy FF 3.6.23 because of this loading issue

  Time for me to catch up FF 7

  You made my day !

  Thanks a lot


  On Nov 10, 5:38 pm, rakugo jdlrob...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi Julien what version of Firefox are you using?

   In my Firefox everything seems to work fine, but I've made a few
   tweaks that could possibly prevent this.


   Note if you see the old user interface for the file importer (ie. no
   restart wizard button), it's likely your Firefox version is not up to


   On Nov 10, 1:28 pm, julien23 jbouc...@capsule-ea.fr wrote:

Hi Rakugo

Pleased to see things a step ahead with the import issue

I've tried to load your
in my TW

But I get the error log Error: TypeError: ImportWizard is not a
function at refresh. You can have a look here :

Am I doing things wrong ?
Do I miss dependency or version ?

My main concern is to get my Package management back :



On Nov 9, 5:21 pm, rakugo jdlrob...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've had a go at rewriting the TiddlyWiki file importer using the
 HTML5 file apihttp://www.w3.org/TR/FileAPI/

 It works in Firefox but not Chrome but it seems hopeful. It would be
 good for others to try it out.

 Simply slot this plugin into your shiny new Firefox version which you
 cannot import 
 and hopefully importing will be possible again...

 Let me know how you get on.

 See the related issue 

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[tw] Re: where Definition list are formated in the stylesheet ?

2011-11-15 Thread Yakov
  I can't find where Definition list are formated in the stylesheet

  ;Title 1
  :Definition of title 1
  ;Title 2
  :Definition of title 2

  Could you please help me ?

As Colm mentioned, this markup generates dl (definition list), dt
(definition term) and dd (definition body) elements, so the
formatting (usually it is called styling) you're referring to is
defined in style sheets in a syntax like the following:

dt { color: black; }
dd { color: grey; }

So you can play with this. Practically you don't need to find the
default definitions of styles (for setting your own) but if you do
need to see them, you can use some DOM inspector like FireBug (in
FireFox and others) or Opera DragonFly in Opera. The styles could be
defined in the shadowed stylesheets, but it seems not to be the case
(there's nothing in those and DragonFly tells me that the styles are
calculated using default browser styling and some styles which dd, dt
and dl inherit from the body element).

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[tw] Re: TiddlyWiki.com vs. TiddlyWiki Community Site

2011-11-15 Thread rakugo
  b) While a pure community site would deliver a lot, I believe, it
 risks not being as prominent or official as would probably be good
 for it while also containing a huge amount of duplicate information
 with respect to tiddlywiki.com, tiddlywiki.org and all the rest of
 it... and of course, risking core contributors (also refering to
 people around Osmosoft) not taking part but leaving it up to the
 enthousiasts to, again, find this too big to succeed of an
 undertaking fail before even having started.

tiddlywiki.org is this no?
I would expect tiddlywiki.com to be a front door with the bare minimum
information. It should tell me how to use TiddlyWiki, it should point
to a community site (tiddlywiki.org), point to documentation of the
tiddlywiki core and point to the code. Not much else is really needed
although a blog might be useful to list known issues.

Tiddlywiki.org should go into more detail. It should clearly signpost
to me how I can get involved, how i can improve the software, how i
can get help and maybe make it easier for users to sign up to the
mailing list.

tiddlywiki.org as it stands has lots of good information but is far
too noisy with no clear sign posts. It mixes developer documentation
with end user documentation - a sorry state of affairs.

The navigation is terrible. There are links to the home tiddler and a
random button (which seems like a gimmick). Instead I'm expected to
search through the timeline or use the search to find the content I
need. I think this is because, although people are keen to look after
the content, someone who cares about this stuff should be keeping an
eye on the presentation.

My two cents would be
* someone needs to own this problem - note this doesn't mean solve the
problem, but it means be the coordinator - ie. the person who brings
up the topics of the documentation doesn't cover X, and doesn't cover
Y I'm happy to help with things like UI and code and getting the
relevant content in there, but I think what would be really useful
(and cool!) is if someone in the group outside Osmosoft, Jeremy and
Eric takes control of this.
*  there should be a public wiki where anyone can contribute
* there should be a deployed wiki to tiddlywiki.org which is composed
of the best bits of the public wiki and picked out by a subset of the
TiddlyWiki community (including the coordinator) to ensure content
doesn't die and is well structured.

PS. http://tiddlywiki-org2.tiddlyspace.com/ is a bit closer to how I
would like tiddlywiki.org to look like - I knocked this up to
hopefully get people thinking and experimenting.

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Re: [tw] Re: Tiddler-Based-Communication-Protocol

2011-11-15 Thread Jeremy Ruston
 @Jeremy:  For me a tiddler uuid has nothing directly to do with a
 tiddler.  At creation time put a uuid in a field in the tiddler is the
 absolute minimum I think tw should do.  A lot other stuff can be done
 server side.  The advantage of creating a uuid at tiddler creation
 time is that then it is uniquely marked.  Then the tiddler might
 move to a server (or not).

I like the way that people explore using TiddlyWiki with different,
pre-existing serversides, such as the current experimentation with
CouchDB, and Zooko's experiments with Taho-LAFS.

My concern is that different serversides may have somewhat different
semantics for their UUIDs, and it would be bad for TiddlyWiki to get
in the way of experimenters by imposing a slightly incompatible way of
using UUIDs.

I know it's not quite the same thing, but a related thing that I would
like to see standardised is the field that identifies the global URI
for the canonical copy of the content of a tiddler. It seems
reasonable for future TiddlyWiki to directly support clean, RESTesque
serversides like TiddlyWeb by using HTTP verbs on that URI.

  My thought is that by putting the uuid in
 tw, all servers should support this standard.  If each server builds
 up its own uuid semantics, than its hard to get federation and sharing
 of tiddlers peer to peer without a server.

I'm not sure that fixing an implementation within TiddlyWiki is the
best way to find the optimum federation architecture. The core of the
tiddler concept is pretty well established now, as Chris says, there's
more than one implementation that we can use as a reference. Let's
record what we've got as the core tiddler standard, and make sure we
leave space for the experiments on federation and sharing.

Part of my resistance is that I'm concerned that the consequences of
enforcing UUID semantics on the client seem complicated. They seem
straightforward enough when thinking in terms of how the
synchronisation works, but I'm less confident when it comes to the
user interface; on the face of it, UUIDs would allow multiple tiddlers
with the same title field to exist. How would it choose the right one
for navigating links? How would users access the others? I'm
disinclined to start grappling with all of that when it's not strictly
a prerequisite for exploring the actual underlying federation and
sharing mechanisms that so many of us are interested in.

Best wishes


Jeremy Ruston

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[tw] Re: Business Thought [was: Important Message from Eric]

2011-11-15 Thread Yakov

 Your table of content is just one example how subforums could be

The problem with forums I expect is that they are
1) difficult to restructure and
2) need extensive and wise moderation


1) from time to time I understand that some chapters should be
shifted, merged, splitted etc. Like recently I understood that in
terms of consistent documentation the user data structures and
macros should be merged and in the future I also expect that
navigation and workflow chapters should be redivided into other
parts since they overlap already quite heavily. In forum, such
restructuring seems to be quite a problem each time.

2) a new or just not very advanced user will not know from time to
time where to post -- for instance, in the user data structure
section or in a workflow one. In this terms there should be some
moderators who will move threads here and there, and do it so that
thread creators won't lose their threads and understand why the thread
is moved, without hard feelings.

Perhaps I'm making things more complicated than they are, but this is
how I see it.

 extracting Google's TW threads and assign them to their fitting subforum.

This sounds incomprehensible. Are you talking about refactoring 55
thousands threads?

 Where I willingly would give a hand could be taking part in placing the 
 threads in their proper subforum.

Well, this is without a doubt a pro for forums..



 The hope, apparently not entirely well-founded, was that starting the
 migration would get the ball rolling and the community at large would
 do the rest. This didn't happen.

So, this was not about the TiddlySpace technology? To me, this sounds
quite strange. When I rewrite some notes/texts I usually do start to
link them with others, understand more things, it provides further
rolling. But when some documentation get moved by different people
from one place to another without any plan of its improvment, well..
it's even not clear what is rolling.

 A small number of people helped to migrate additional content beyond what I 
 Very small number, relative to the number of people reading this group.

 To me that was evidence that the information was not considered relevant by 
 the community.

Consider the following: for beginners it could be rather oh,
something is moving somewhere. I don't understand what's happening, so
let the advanced members of community do the job properly; and for
advanced users.. ok, I'm not sure about others but for me, despite the
fact that I tried to follow the threads about it, it looked like we
have a bit messy documentation; anyway, let's move it to
TiddlySpace (why? I haven't found a good reason) and then I haven't
understood is it possible to contribute and how, but neither I haven't
asked because I couldn't see a reason and a perspective in that move.


Now in conclusion I can suggest that any refactoring of old documents
or creation of new solid text should be at least led by sort of blog
(or forum, but not a forum which will contain final version of
information) where someone will post something like Ok, guys, let's
focus on the styling chapter. [proposal of text structure] [some
materials, links] [some questions to be answered in the docs]. Then
-- some discussion, then -- some writings, then some conclusions and
afterward discussion. Without such orginization (or leading) I can't
see other ways to succeed. And it's not accidental that I mentioned
blog because such a leading thing must have some linear structure
and feeds (RSS/mail/whichever is convenient for community people) so
that everyone interested can follow.

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Re: [tw] Re: Business Thought [was: Important Message from Eric]

2011-11-15 Thread chris . dent

On Tue, 15 Nov 2011, Yakov wrote:

So, this was not about the TiddlySpace technology?

No, in the original thread that discussed the move the goal was to
move to a system that provided two features that tiddlywiki.org on 
mediawiki did not have:

* resistance to spam
* using tiddlywiki for sake of tiddlywiki markup

Chris Dent   http://burningchrome.com/

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[tw] Re: Business Thought [was: Important Message from Eric]

2011-11-15 Thread wolfgang

Well, this google group is already the meeting place for this
community. And will remain if it isn't actively closed by those
responsible for it.

 The problem with forums I expect is that they are
 1) difficult to restructure and
 2) need extensive and wise moderation
 In forum, such restructuring seems to be quite a problem each time

It's an unsurmountable problem here with GoogleGroups - where it
simply is impossible!

Though I do almost know nothing about server-sides, but to set up a
forum, to moderate and shift threads I found easier than adjusting
TWs. It usually just works out of the box :-)  (it's really that easy
as marking the thread with a checkbox and selecting the forum where to

 moderators who will move threads here and there, and do it so that
 thread creators won't lose their threads and understand why the thread
 is moved, without hard feelings.

If a thread is moved because there would be a better fitting category
a note is left by default where it has been moved and for what reason
(for a predefined time). And if a few regular users would serve as
moderators something like moving a wrongly placed thread would have to
be done maybe once a week.

 This sounds incomprehensible. Are you talking about refactoring 55
 thousands threads?

Don't know, but it should be possible to import existing threads into
a subforum and from there to their proper category from time to time.

Its that many posts only, and with a few threads like this one with
already more than 50 posts alone it's much, much less. Also because
the much better custom search of forum software, even non-categorized
it would be still easier to find things. Then just to categorize the
most recent 2 years its only about 1 posts, which maybe amounts
2-3000 threads. Theoretical sorting 3 treads per day only - I alone
could do that in one year easily!

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[tw] Re: Displaying MathML equations in a tiddler

2011-11-15 Thread Milind
Sorry for the delayed response and thanks to everybody for taking time
to post on the thread. I have tried MAthJax but I could not get it to
work offline. I am looking at jsMath but I prefer MathML since it
seems easier to understand and remember and since it is XML based I
think it will be easier to search equations in tiddlers by making your
own text parser and make it cross platform to port equations. I know
all browsers do not support it but Firefox supports it quite well and
I think that is enough for me to stick with it, I am sure if any
browser wants to support equations they will finally adopt MathML.
Firefox displays the above XML file quite nicely given the mathml.xsl
and associated files is properly accessible. But it just doesn't work
inside a tiddler. The reason I am sure is the stylesheet specification
statement which lies outside the html tags. So is there any existing
way to make it work?

On Nov 15, 11:03 am, Yakov yakov.litvin.publi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Jeremy.

  I've tried to summarise this thread into a tiddler about Mathematics:


  I'm sure it could be a lot better, if anyone can offer any help?

 So, what we have..

 As for the possibilities to incorporate formulae, I've probably
 mentioned all of them. Although I haven't digged into the MathML
 possibilities which is not of prime concern as MathML is not that
 extensively supported.

 Now, what else? I can provide some details regarding the installation
 and usage of the plugins (jsMath and MathJax), namely:
 * each plugin needs some fonts for operation, meaning a user needs
 them in either way (here, I describe only jsMath):
 ** install the fonts on a local computer: download from [1] and
 install (in Windows -- unzip, select all, right-click, select
 ** download fonts to make them an attachment: download from [2],
 unpack and put those 7 folders (cmbx10 etc) into a fonts subfolder
 of the jsMath dirrectory (create fonts if it doesn't exist)
 * the first way should be used for personal usage: if one places the
 attachment fonts in a usb-stick with FAT file system, they'll grow
 up to 1Gb and will be moved/copied/.. very slowly (see last 3 posts in
 * the first way should be used for web-pages (unless the author
 expects each user to download and install the fonts from [1]).
 Althoght there's a unicode fallback which means that formulae will be
 represented without attachment, it should look much worse than with
 the fonts.
 * the rest of installation is rather clear (add a plugin to
 TiddlyWiki, put jsMath files in the jsMath folder in the same
 dirrectory as TiddlyWiki, try it; if this doesn't work (due to those
 use-file-system-security-reasons), see the documentation.

 Ah, great! I found that I've made a copy of the TiddlyWikiCE (canada-
 east) repository. Even more there's a link to the feedback form so I
 wrote something to try to contact the author(s); and now I have
 PluginMathJax v1.4.1. I can share it if someone points the most
 appropriate way; however, I'd better listen to the author(s)' answer
 first. As for the installation notes, I haven't detailed ones as I
 ended with usage of jsMath because of some bad representation of
 installed fonts of MathJax the time I tried to use it.


 Mario, I'll try [4] again after some time (now the lack of it is
 really pressing :) ).



 like Mario said, it's interesting to hear if MathML is really needed.


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[tw] Re: Tiddler-Based-Communication-Protocol

2011-11-15 Thread tiddlygrp

some reply to Jeremy inline:

On Nov 15, 7:16 pm, Jeremy Ruston jeremy.rus...@gmail.com wrote:
 I like the way that people explore using TiddlyWiki with different,
 pre-existing serversides, such as the current experimentation with
 CouchDB, and Zooko's experiments with Taho-LAFS.

 My concern is that different serversides may have somewhat different
 semantics for their UUIDs, and it would be bad for TiddlyWiki to get
 in the way of experimenters by imposing a slightly incompatible way of
 using UUIDs.

True, but that is what adaptors are for.  If we define a uuid field
for tw, I imagine it would be a long random looking string.  The exact
format of this string is not so important, as long it is not equal to
some other.  Obviously different server sides will have different
uuid's, and they can keep it in an optional sever field in the tiddler
if required.  So I think this server uuid can be different from the tw
uuid, but it would be nicer (and really preferable) if they were the

 I know it's not quite the same thing, but a related thing that I would
 like to see standardised is the field that identifies the global URI
 for the canonical copy of the content of a tiddler. It seems
 reasonable for future TiddlyWiki to directly support clean, RESTesque
 serversides like TiddlyWeb by using HTTP verbs on that URI.

Yeah, a uri field would be nice.  I would not count on REST like
server sides, I think that would be a grave limitation.  Think of
other server access methods (protocols) like WSDL, XML-RPC, http with
cgi and RSS.  These are not RESTy, but interesting for tw

   My thought is that by putting the uuid in
  tw, all servers should support this standard.  If each server builds
  up its own uuid semantics, than its hard to get federation and sharing
  of tiddlers peer to peer without a server.

 I'm not sure that fixing an implementation within TiddlyWiki is the
 best way to find the optimum federation architecture. The core of the
 tiddler concept is pretty well established now, as Chris says, there's
 more than one implementation that we can use as a reference. Let's
 record what we've got as the core tiddler standard, and make sure we
 leave space for the experiments on federation and sharing.

The thing is if different servers define a different name for the uuid
fields, then sharing and federation is hard.  As long as the format of
the uuid is basically a long string, the format of this uuid is of
minor importance.  In my view federation really starts at the
standalone tw.  You then might put tiddlers on one server.  Then you
might change the tiddler and put it on a different server.  And then
you might email a tw to a friend.  This is some form of federation,
where a server based uuid not really helps, if you want to track the
identity of the tiddlers.

 Part of my resistance is that I'm concerned that the consequences of
 enforcing UUID semantics on the client seem complicated. They seem
 straightforward enough when thinking in terms of how the
 synchronisation works, but I'm less confident when it comes to the
 user interface; on the face of it, UUIDs would allow multiple tiddlers
 with the same title field to exist. How would it choose the right one
 for navigating links? How would users access the others? I'm
 disinclined to start grappling with all of that when it's not strictly
 a prerequisite for exploring the actual underlying federation and
 sharing mechanisms that so many of us are interested in.

For the client tw adding a uuid doesn't matter directly.  It wouldn't
allow for tiddlers with different titles to exist, as it is forbidden
in tw now.  It would be just an extra field.  In fact just introducing
a uuid field needs no user interface.  And the problem of different
tiddlers with the same name doesn't change if they have different
uuid's.  However uuid's could help to distinguish if there were a user
interface.  Have a look at Ward's wiki.  As a user you never see the
uuid, it is just used by the client and server to track changes and
different pages.
The uuid is important to establish a standard a server or another
client can count on.

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[tw] TiddlySpaceMailBox - messages from/to on TiddlySpace

2011-11-15 Thread Måns
Hi TwWebWizards

I made a little TW-app (*not* HTML) for messages  meant for
inclusion... @mailbox.
I depends on the ability to evaluate parameters - so I set
evaluateMacroParameters = full in a systemConfig tiddler


If you haven't changed your MainMenu yet, it will show messages to
this space (tiddlers tagged with @SpaceSiteTitle 14 days old) - and a
wikilink to the MailBox (✉) with all messages sent to your username
(tiddlers tagged with @YourUserName). You can easily track messages
from/to all users on TiddlySpace.
If you have changed your MainMenu allready, you can write this into
any tiddler:
tiddler MainMenuMailBox...

I wanted to have a messageMailBox on TiddlySpace - therefore I made
this simple TW-app. I'm sure someone here can make it much better than
it is now - so please include it and make changes - or send me a
message (@mama) and I'll add you a member to the @mailbox space...

Imho we ought to explore the message systems on TiddlySpace even
further - I think it's a shame if we don't take it into account/use it
more - or develop it even further - especially because the TiddlySpace
message features are so original and different compared to any other
community board ...

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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[tw] Re: TiddlySpaceMailBox - messages from/to on TiddlySpace

2011-11-15 Thread Måns
- taking it a little further:

I'm sure someone here can make it much better than
 it is now - so please include it and make changes - or send me a
 message (@mama) and I'll add you a member to the @mailbox space...

I'm sure someone could create a messageboard very similar to this
google group by:

Creating sliders which show the title of the tiddlers tagged with
Add creator name, date and time corresponding to the first tiddler
created with a specific title.
When you open the slider you will see a list of all other tiddlers
with the same title tagged with @messageboard (more sliders? - //open
all close all - open those with words from a search query?//) of all
other tiddlers with the same title (+ creator name sorted by modified
+ date/time stamp)
Every message has a reply link -
When you click reply to a specific message - your message will
automagically get two tags 1: @messageboard 2: @username of the author
who wrote the message you clicked on...
The @messageboard space can be included into any space (just like
mailbox) however it will not show posts/messages unless they are
tagged with @messageboard...
Limit the list of topics to a number which fits a tiddler and a common
Have a tabs for year -subtabs for month with lists of topics - showing
a number for number of replies.
Use of other tags than @messageboard to classify posts/messages into
Have tabs for categories - subtabs for subcategories

I believe we have all the tools at hand, to make sth which looks and
behaves very much like this google group...
but can be a lot better because we can search across TiddlySpace and
messages posted/tagged on TiddlySpace better than on this google

I do understand/appreciate that many users follows this group as an
email list - and I believe that a space like @messageboard should
aggregate a nice readable rss-feed (no sliders or macros...)
 - Maybe usernames (attached to each post/message) could be converted
into mailto links with emails fetched from a field (optionally)
created in all user space's SiteInfo tiddler - or ...?.

 Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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