Re: [Trisquel-users] Internet Video Playback

2015-08-26 Thread nicolasmaia
Get the add-on Random Agent Spoofer and switch your useragent to mobile. Lots  
of sites offer HTML5 video for mobile users but not desktop users, for some  
reason. This trick works very often for me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Doom/Doom II on Trisquel

2015-08-26 Thread franparpe

My apologies, I thought it was directed to me because you replied my comment.

Thank you for the response, I was worried for offended somebody.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Appelbaum on hardware on debian

2015-08-26 Thread svhaab
If you have documentation on Appelbaum's wrongdoings, you should write them.  
Appelbaum is hard on others and he must expect the same treatment. I have  
heard him talk about the german party linke in what could be positive terms.  
Linke has members from the ddr sed party. Members who have not distanced  
themselves from the ddr dictatorship. Appelbaum should know better and  
probably does. About what he makes public about computers, several times I  
have seen it verified by other tech people. I have no skills to verify his  
pieces of information.

Appelbaum doing something for purism for money, I have seen no documentation  
for that, I regard unlikely. If he wants to be devious, he probably have lots  
of more well paid options. Like many others, I find his purism involvement  
strange. He should know better.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-26 Thread mcz

Same here.
I'm comparing the current GNOME Flashback
with GNOME shell but with a classic menu added.
The whisker menu could be a good addition indeed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum action needed (and temporary measures taken)

2015-08-26 Thread svhaab
If I put a non trisquel question or link in trisquel users, it is because I  
have no expectation my post will be read if posted in the troll hole. Make a  
subject named non trisquel, free software and hardware related posts. If it  
shows that it will not be active, users again will start posting non trisquel  
questions in trisquel users. About banning I do not know if this is  
technically possible. If two moderators decide to ban or delete an account or  
post, they can do so. A user subject to the ban or deletion should be granted  
a right to complain to a third moderator.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] How did GCHQ do it to the Guardian's copy of Snowden's files?

2015-08-26 Thread nicolasmaia

Do you mean this incident?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Doom/Doom II on Trisquel

2015-08-26 Thread shiretoko

Well, it's more of an axiom than an argument.

[Trisquel-users] How did GCHQ do it to the Guardian's copy of Snowden's files?

2015-08-26 Thread svhaab
An entirely source code consumer computer is what must be provided.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hungarian translation of the webpage

2015-08-26 Thread greatgnu

ata: welcome :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Dual boot Windows with full disk encryption?

2015-08-26 Thread cow
The main thing I want to encrypt is /var/www, so the /home option doesn't do  
me much good. And I use separate drives for media so /home is usually empty.  
I may end up just getting a second SSD and dual booting that way.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Internet Video Playback

2015-08-26 Thread tegskywalker
I have to switch my user agent to iPad for sites that try to force Flash on  
me when going to their site. This serves up a MP4 most of the time, which  
sucks that it isn't WebM. It's better than nothing I guess.

Re: [Trisquel-users] HP LaserJet Printer P1005 Printer not working with Trisquel 6.0

2015-08-26 Thread joseper
Magic Banana has reason. The HP LaserJet P1005 needs a non-free plugin to  
work. I used this printer in the past until I could buy a new HP  
freedom-friendly laser printer: HP LaserJet 400 M401a. Then I threw the HP  
LaserJet P1005 printer to the rubbish. Take care with same HP laser printers  
because they need non-free plugin to work!

These are my printers now:

HP LaserJet 400 M401a
HP Deskjet 1000 J110

Interest links:

Sorry for my english writing: it sucks!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum action needed (and temporary measures taken)

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
Huzzah! Let there be three days of feasting and merriment!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
I was talking about the current (GNOME Flashback) desktop with the same layout,
but a Windows-style 'whisker' menu like in Xfce or Mint instead of the current

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-26 Thread travis

Thanks for stealing my thunder SuperTramp! :P

That desktop is gorgeous!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Doom/Doom II on Trisquel

2015-08-26 Thread franparpe
Why do you want to boycott my project? which thing I've said is offensive?  
I've only said that I like GLOOM. I made a mistake and I wrote least  
instead of last but that is because I don't know English as well as some of  
you. Everything offensive I've said was unintentional and I'm sorry for it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] the Ubuntu Software Center will go to /dev/null

2015-08-26 Thread taknamay

I like the Lubuntu Software Center, it's pretty fast.

Re: [Trisquel-users] the Ubuntu Software Center will go to /dev/null

2015-08-26 Thread taknamay

I think it makes it easier to install from independent sources.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Doom/Doom II on Trisquel

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
That wasn't aimed at you! It was a reply to chaosesque. I have no problem with
you whatsoever.

Why did you think that was a response to you? Did it not appear correctly
threaded? I have no idea, because I post via the mailing list.

Re: [Trisquel-users] the Ubuntu Software Center will go to /dev/null

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
Same thing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Internet Video Playback

2015-08-26 Thread sonhodafloresta
Tom, can you show me how can you see videos from, for instance, Anitube  
animes online?
Because even with these methods i still can't see. This site have flash, so  
so far as i know, there is no workaround that works perfectly nor remotely...

So, not all sites we can do movies, only a few of them.
Best regards

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-26 Thread anthk

Use X with Tmux and a light VM, it will run faster:

mpv as the video player
sxiv . Image viewer
cmus. Music
Icecat + blue firewall.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Internet Video Playback

2015-08-26 Thread tomlukeywood

For that website and many others you can use youtube-dl

you can find info on how to use youtube-dl on this wiki page:
also if you dont like the command line that you can use the graphical version  
youtube-dl-gui of which you can also find info on at the wiki page!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Internet Video Playback

2015-08-26 Thread tomlukeywood

I have never felt more locked down on an OS.
you can install adobe flash or just about anything else
we just have a policy of not recommending non-free software on this forum

and btw i highly recommend against installing adobe flash if you care about  
your freedom and or privacy

also gnash is not the only way of viewing some online videos there are quite  
a few better ways

see this wiki page:

this video explains the method i use for viewing video online using only free  

and if on the rare occasion you cant get video even using that method most of  
the time the program youtube-dl-gui

will work you can find info on it here:

if you have any more problems with this feel free to post a reply!

[Trisquel-users] Dual boot Windows with full disk encryption?

2015-08-26 Thread cow
I need Windows for work and would like to dual boot. I saw this guide which  
is great but it  
doesn't seem to allow for dual booting.

How I usually dual boot is using manual to make a swap, /, and /home  
partition in free space I've created using Windows' disk manager. I know I  
can encrypt /home this way, but is encrypting the entire partition possible?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum action needed (and temporary measures taken)

2015-08-26 Thread david
Hi! To clarify things a bit more, the issue was not spam-related, and it was  
not exactly a matter of someone posting an inappropriate opinion, but more  
like a deeply rude repeated behaviour, including but not limited to personal  
threats and direct insults spread through several threads.

I know that those absent (but not deleted) posts break the continuity of  
legit exchanges, and I'll look into solving that issue. I also hate as much  
as any of you any mod interference in a conversation, which is why we often  
leave some similar issues to just die of old age or be buried at The Troll  
Hole. But sometimes things get just way out of hand to expect a reasonable  
outcome from self-regulation (in which I still believe as a whole).

Those measures weren't intended to be a full solution, I just wanted to put a  
stop to something which I think degrades our community and the experience of  
those involved (and has done so in the past). I'll look deeper into what can  
be done to minimize the side-effects of toxic behaviour in our amazing  
community without disrupting its flow.

Unrelated bit: we do use captchas and other measures to fight spam, they're  
just set up to be as little inconvenient as possible to real people, which  
makes them a bit less effective; but hey, thankfully we've got an amazing  
spam brigade to keep things under control :)

[Trisquel-users] HP LaserJet Printer P1005 Printer not working with Trisquel 6.0

2015-08-26 Thread Tanzeem M.B

I have installed Trisquel GNU/Linux 6.0, but HP LaserJet Printer P1005
Printer is not working.
Though the printer is shown, and when I try to print, the print is shown as
completed, printing does not actually happen on the paper.The printer is
connected as USB. However the print is okay in the dual booted proprietary
OS.Whenever I try to print in Trisquel, it is first shown as submitted as
job 1,2 etc. Please help.

-With Thanks  Regards

Tanzeem M.B
System Administrator
(On deputation from C-DIT)
Kerala State Central Library

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt

Debian :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Appelbaum on hardware on debian

2015-08-26 Thread svhaab

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is this Librem13 fully free this time?

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
 people (men)


[Trisquel-users] My personal setup of Trisquel using Xfce

2015-08-26 Thread vpincini

Hi everyone

this summer I have spent sometime writing a step by step document to install  
Trisquel the way I want it.

I want it to share this just in case it could be useful to someone.

Please note:
01. I use three ppa:
tpl (Advanced Power Manager under GPL 2 license)
systemback (Backup and restore under GPL 3 license)
kodi (Home entratainment under GPL 2 license)
02. I use one video add-on for Kodi named Genesis (under GPL 3 license)
03. I switch off Apparmor
04. This setup was tested only on amd64 architecture

I hope you will find it useful



Media: trisquel-netinst_7.0_architecture.iso

# installation
Check Trisquel Console Environment only

# restart system
sudo reboot

# switch apparmor off
sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor stop
sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor teardown
sudo /usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f apparmor remove

# xfce login manager
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-vesa xserver-xorg-video-intel 
sudo apt-get install xfce4 lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter

# xfce goodies
sudo apt-get install xfce4-goodies xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin

# extra icons
sudo apt-get install gnome-icon-theme-extras

# theme, icons, wallpapers
sudo apt-get install trisquel-gtk-theme trisquel-icon-theme trisquel-wallpapers

# restart system
sudo reboot

# tools
sudo apt-get install galculator grsync gnote usb-creator-gtk

# network tools
sudo apt-get install wicd blueman
sudo apt-get install gvfs-bin gvfs-backends gvfs-fuse

# system tools
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre synaptic bleachbit conky
(Substitute /etc/conky/conky.conf with the one of your choice)
sudo apt-get install menulibre bum software-properties-common update-notifier
sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install gnome-system-tools 

# i/o tools
sudo apt-get install system-config-printer-gnome printer-driver-escpr 

# restart system
sudo reboot

# internet tools
sudo apt-get install midori sylpheed liferea pidgin

# graphics tools
sudo apt-get install ristretto

# audio tools
sudo apt-get install gmusicbrowser

# video tools
sudo apt-get install vlc

# office tools
sudo apt-get install abiword gnumeric glabels

# multimedia layer
sudo apt-get install trisquel-codecs

# privacy
sudo apt-get install tor polipo vidalia
Proceed as follows:
01. stop tor and polipo
[sudo service name stop]
02. disable tor and polipo to start at boot
[use bum]
03. modify /etc/polipo/config to work with tor and respond to
04. modify vidalia settings to start also /usr/bin/polipo and the 9050 sock port
05. set Midori to use as proxy

# applicazioni da aggiungere via ppa

tpl (
  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get install tlp

  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nemh/systemback
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get install systemback

kodi (
  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get install kodi

# install Genesis addon to Kodi

# internet
sudo apt-get install qbittorrent

# multimedia editors
sudo apt-get install gimp openshot audacity

# libdvdcss2
sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/

# multimedia rippers
sudo apt-get install handbrake asunder

# dvd authoring
sudo apt-get install devede imagination

# ebook
sudo apt-get install calibre

# system
sudo apt-get install isomaster

# software development
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk git geany geany-plugins

# home tools
sudo apt-get install homebank sweethome3d

# games
sudo apt-get install dreamchess gnome-sudoku gnome-mastermind billard-gl

# virtualization

# Use Bum to disable all the unecessary service to start at boot
# Set Xfce the way you like it
# Hide from menus apps you don't want to use using Libremenu
# Copy all the relevant dirs (.config .menu .vidalia) from your home to 
# Use systemback to create a live iso of 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
 precisely the same way a classic Windows menu is

To be fair, Trisquel already does a pretty damn good job of getting the Windows
feel. The only thing that could be better is the 'Start' menu itself- but
that's up to the GNOME people to release an Xfce-style 'whisker' menu (aka Mint

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
Hmmm, funny. I used GNOME Shell the whole time I was a Debian user, and loved
it (and I'm not exactly a noob or anything).

1. Call me boring, but I think GNOME 3.14 with Adwaita and Debian Lines is
approaching Apple-level beauty. I barely even customised it. Actually, the lack
of customisation was one of the things I liked about it, because what happens
whenever I'm offered something with more customisation, I spend hours
configuring and reconfiguring it, going through every_single_option (Think
Xfce, the lighter WMs, WindowMaker) and then changing it every few days.
Customisation quickly becomes an obsession (yay OCD!) and I'd rather avoid
that. With a fresh install of 3.14, I can just run through the options, tweak,
and I'm done.

2. Although GNOME Shell gets a lot of flak for its (un)usability, it actually
really suits my workflow, with the overview bound to Super, and minimal
clutter. I currently use Trisquel DE (which I've customised to look like Ubuntu
GNOME 2) and launching a program requires a click on Applications  hunting
through menus  and then finally launching it, whereas in GNOME I would just
hit Super and type the first few letters of the name. I could launch whatever I
wanted entirely hands free.

So I like GNOME 3, for both its sexiness, and workflow. By using GNOME. you're
also attracting people to GNU, because it's so damn pretty. People get
interested, as opposed to the stock 'oh, ugliness' reaction to Xfce, say.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Software Updater proceeds without authentication

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
This constant updating without authentication is more than slightly disturbing.
Have you combed through *all* your Software Updater settings? Is there some
sort of 'hands-free maintenance' mode you've enabled by mistake?

I don't use Software Updater anyway, so I'm practically clueless as to the
problem- can't you just use the terminal? Just make updating manually a habit.

Question- is your account 'Administrator' by any chance? Check in the accounts
thingy in the control panel (I assume you're using the default DE).

 Should I care?

Well, nothing actively bad will probably come of it, but I would feel really
insecure (perhaps irrationally) of my machine doing things behind my back like

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel installation program hanging while removing files

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
Trisquel 7 netinstall?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Doom/Doom II on Trisquel

2015-08-26 Thread taknamay
Personally, given the choice between free and nonfree assets, of course both  
being free software, I prefer to support the free assets.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Doom/Doom II on Trisquel

2015-08-26 Thread calinou
 Personally, I fail to see how preventing commercial redistribution could be  

This says it all:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Doom/Doom II on Trisquel

2015-08-26 Thread taknamay

Never heard of Gloom, I will check it out now!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Software Updater proceeds without authentication

2015-08-26 Thread amenex
Yes, I'm the administrator, but I'm also the only user.  Been that way since  
the beginning, earlier this year ... but the no-authentication business only  
started recently, about the time of my first post on this topic. before that,  
I was always asked to authenticate. Terminal _always_ demand authentication.

Mine is an upside-down organzation: five installations and only one user.  
Just being paranoid about hardware availability.

Over my 56 year career since my undergraduate days my computer needs have  
been generally modest, but the workable systems keep getting yanked out of my  

As an example, my company's 1st PC in 1985 was an IBM PC-XT running DOS, and  
my word-processing S/W was DisplayWrite 3. After a couple of years I happened  
upon a computer store that was demonstrating the new edition of DisplayWrite,  
but it was a completely different S/W with different menus and an unfamiliar  
look  feel. Eventually we got a PC-AT and I had to commission a  
cooperative fellow in the UK to modify DisplayWrite 4 (thankfully working  
more-or-less just like DisplayWrite 3) to run on the PC-AT. Cost about 3X as  
much as just clenching my teeth and learning DisplayWrite 6 (the utterly new  
S/W) but it worked great. Then came Windows 3.11 which set me off by just up  
 calling the mother ship whenever it felt like it. And on  on while all I  
was doing 98% of the time was writing reports. I got tired of all that and  
started to try to use linux around Y2K. Installation was a nightmare of  
conflicting instructions but it was stable. Installing new versions of linux  
was worse and usually cost the company more than a new PC just to keep on  
writing reports. Now we have the polar opposites of Windows and GNU/Linux  
(particularly Trisquel !) ... Windows with its automatic updates which stop  
me dead in my tracks at all the worst times, especially McAfee, which  
eradicated my T-bird Inbox once (which I was able to restore from my linux  
version of T-bird running on another PC). Now you may be able to see why I'm  
worried about Software Updater, even though the automaticity does _not_  
extend to doing so whenever it feels like it, because it still has to wait  
for me to initiate the update process.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-26 Thread jadedml

Seriously, how'd you set up that beautiful desktop?
What's the theme, DE, etc!

[Trisquel-users] Re : Dual boot Windows with full disk encryption?

2015-08-26 Thread lcerf
What about encrypting the sole /home partition? Even the graphical installer  
proposes that option. And it proposes as well to keep your existing operating  
systems (that will be proposed at the bootloader menu). I guess you can  
separately take care of encrypting the data on the NTFS partitions (is  
VeraCrypt free software?).

[Trisquel-users] Re : HP LaserJet Printer P1005 Printer not working with Trisquel 6.0

2015-08-26 Thread lcerf
According to  
this printer requires both a driver plug-in and a firmware download for  
printing support. It is quite probable you will never be able to use it in  

[Trisquel-users] Re : My personal setup of Trisquel using Xfce

2015-08-26 Thread lcerf

What about contributing to the Trisquel documentation? It is a wiki.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-26 Thread tomlukeywood

how did you set that up?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Doom/Doom II on Trisquel

2015-08-26 Thread myself600
Zandronum is not free software because it's based off non-free code. You can  
see these problematic parts (Build, FMOD Ex, MAME, and MUSLib) on the ZDoom  
license page.

As previously mentioned, GLOOME should provide a working replacement. Now if  
only it will be possible to run Brutal Doom with it…

Re: [Trisquel-users] Five nights at freddies for trisquel?

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt

Re: [Trisquel-users] How many men there are on the Trisquel forum?

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
And my lappie is plastic... *bursts into tears*

Re: [Trisquel-users] How many Lesbian bisexuals, homosexuals and transensuals t are on the Trisquel forum?

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
Tee hee :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] How many Lesbian bisexuals, homosexuals and transensuals t are on the Trisquel forum?

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
 But someone forgot to add the other genders

Homosexuality is not a gender. Also, I'm bi.

[Trisquel-users] Hungarian translation of the webpage

2015-08-26 Thread klardiana

Maybe i'm writing this to the wrong place, but i feel the translation manager  
don't reply to me. :(

So, my email:
I want to help this project with translating the webpage to hungarian  
language. Please tell me what pages are most important, i have translated the  
Home, and the Download pages to a text file, please add my language, and give  
me the right to translate.

My username: ata

Thanks: Szöllősi Attila

(i just read english, the translation will be better than this e-mail)

I found, what pages are most important in wiki, but i still can't translate.

Please help me! I want to start translating in summer.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre YouTube?

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
 Has there been any effort to create a YouTube-like service for the FSF?

Isn't good enough? I mean, they don't host that many
videos or things, do they?

Speaking of YouTube replacements in general, there's always

A question- I'm trying to sign up for a Goblin Refuge account, but I cannot
complete the captcha in IceCat, either with or without JS. Help? I'll have to
resort to Abrowser, otherwise.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How many men there are on the Trisquel forum?

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
I don't think Chris saw the original.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mozilla decides to sign all addons / extensions.

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
 complete idiot

Something you have no right to accuse anyone of being.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hungarian translation of the webpage

2015-08-26 Thread legimet . calc

I would suggest going on the irc channel and asking quidam.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Terminal Split Windows

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
Try GNU Screen. It's a terminal multiplexer- with a simple set of keyboard
shortcuts, you can create multiple tabbed terminal instances, name and rename
them, and split and display multiple terminal instances on the screen at once,
horizontally or vertically ad infinitum. I believe it comes preinstalled- if
not, apt-get install screen.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Bug in Evolution 3.10.4?

2015-08-26 Thread j . schraten

I finally solved the problem myself:
For a reason I don't understand, Evolution works fine with STARTTLS on port  
143, but it refuses to work with SSL on 993. To be sure, it wrk with SSL in  
other applications.

So, if anyone has trouble with IMAP in Evolution: try STARTTLS instead of  


Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum action needed (and temporary measures taken)

2015-08-26 Thread j . schraten
Dear all, there seems to be a broad consensual line of argument that nobody  
wants to censor posts but everybody wants to get rid of rude behaviour and  
off-topic discussions. Moving all these contributions to The Troll Hole and  
to replace them (automatically?) with a hint to the community guidelines  
would be appropriate, I think. The guidelines already explain everything that  
has to be explained.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
 with the classic menu

= Trisquel.

Except Trisquel just comes with *only* the classic setup, and default
configuration is different.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-26 Thread greatgnu

It's time for some Elementary Debian or Pantheonian :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-26 Thread mcz

Sure, It would improve the classic feel,
though Trisquel as is does already a good job at that.
But if doable, I don't think it's wasted time.
You know what people say about first impressions.

But the difference with GNOME Shell with a classic menu is that the latter is  
less configurable,

thus much harder to break.
I managed to break my Trisquel bar, for example, though it happened only  
But once is all that's needed to send a negative (but false) message on  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-26 Thread mcz

Actually, the lack
of customisation was one of the things I liked about it, because what happens
whenever I'm offered something with more customisation, I spend hours
configuring and reconfiguring it
Exactly. Even with my minimal config I still spend way too much time on it...

About your workflow and the overview,
you can try Dmenu which is text-only, so it's maybe less beautiful (no icons  

but does the job probably even faster.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-26 Thread taknamay

I see that it is the Mint-X GTK+ theme, I like it a lot.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-26 Thread taknamay

Here is my desktop!

MATE + Mint-X + Numix Circle

Re: [Trisquel-users] My personal setup of Trisquel using Xfce

2015-08-26 Thread vpincini

Hi Magic Banana

to be honest I have considered that option but I think it is not suitable..

I mean.. the target audience was me, not a general trisquel user

For example it installs xserver-xorg-video-intel and  
xserver-xorg-input-synaptics because of my ThinkPad T61

That said.. if you still think that should to be included in the  
documentation just name a section you think it fits in and I will load it



Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-26 Thread franparpe

Is the dock plank?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum action needed (and temporary measures taken)

2015-08-26 Thread dhood
I think I should note that moderation can be done right if its deployed  
carefully and the moderators are in regular contact with community leaders  
such as David.

This forum is often a mess and is unhelpful to new users. The fact that it  
took the really outlandish behavior recently to conjure any kind of response  
is a real problem that will hurt our communities growth especially with  
non-technical users.

Having Moderators that can:
1. Ban accounts like the one that was just problematic, but have some type of  
threshold before the ban sets in would be a solid move.

2. Having the ability to move unrelated posts to their own topic. There are  
several threads that are really useful to start but then get sacked by good  
questions, but are completely unrelated to the thread.

3. Act as an arbitrator between parties to avoid bans in the first place

4. Perhaps be the person designated to update the forum on official Trisquel  
news as it is clear since its been four months since there was a blog post  
and official forum announcements are just as rare that someone should take it  

I get the freedom of speech sentiment of the posters thus far, but someone  
needs to herd the cats because Trisquel is a product that many people (and  
hopeful many more in the future) use for a myriad of reasons and they need to  
be able to access the forum to get the support they need without being  
harassed or led astray. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] ThinkPenguin Penguin Pro 5 question

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
 SSDs are too much faster than an HDD


Re: [Trisquel-users] New Intel graphics will require non-free firmware

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
Just when we thought the world couldn't get any worse...

Re: [Trisquel-users] the Ubuntu Software Center will go to /dev/null

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt

Re: [Trisquel-users] Doom/Doom II on Trisquel

2015-08-26 Thread mcz

Thanks for the link.
About the economic argument (which is the heart of the matter):
If you want to obtain additional protection against large scale exploitation,  
use a Share-Alike license.
This applies doubly to governments and educational or scientific  
institutions: content which is of high cultural
or educational value should be made available under conditions which will  
ensure its widespread use.
It seems that it's really a matter of context. I mean we're not talking about  
free software here,

or content of high cultural or educational value.

As an author (let's stick with the online comics example),
It's clearly unthinkable. It's personal work.
I really don't see how in that specific context it is unethical.
Allowing others to make profit from my work as-is or slightly modified is  
unethical though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hungarian translation of the webpage

2015-08-26 Thread klardiana

Thanks, i'm waiting for a reply.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Appelbaum on hardware on debian

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
 Javascript runs on your computer. Not on the server.

You have an irrational fear of JavaScript. The problem is *proprietary*
JavaScript, not JavaScript itself. There is literally nothing wrong with
running free JavaScript, for the same reasons that there is nothing wrong or
even potentially dangerous with running any kind of free software on your own
computer- there are thousands of eyes on the code. You'll be OK.

If anything, free JavaScript running on your own computer is better than JS
running on the host- because that would be SaaSS.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Doom/Doom II on Trisquel

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
I would boycott your project, and encourage all others to do so, just for the
content of this post alone.

Re: [Trisquel-users] ThinkPenguin Penguin Pro 5 question

2015-08-26 Thread moxalt
For what you're doing, I'd get an i5 or i7 (because why not?), stick with 4 (or
at the most 8) gigs RAM, and wouldn't bother with a dedicated graphics card.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mozilla decides to sign all addons / extensions.

2015-08-26 Thread dhood
What I would like to see is a fork of Firefox that directly incorporates the  
common add-ons added by the community directly into the browser. The idea  
that a browser has to be augmented with Https everywhere, no-script, and  
other freedom relevant add-ons to function the way the community expects is  
the problem. I'd rather have a well thought out browser that offered native  
support than have the ability to install add-ons in the first place. 

[Trisquel-users] Automatic duplex printer, scanner with cheap ink?

2015-08-26 Thread garsmith
I have looked and it seems that a HP printer supported by HPLIP isnt a  
guarantee that it is supported by Trisquel. All Envy and almost all Officejet  
that is in h-node database is supported.

My search is after a automatic duplex printer with scanner, USB and maybe  
RJ45. I dont print so much so my search is for a cheaper that I can refill  

HP Envy 5640 but use the new HP 62 cartridge that is hard to find ink for  

Officejet 5740 has Ethernet that is nice but it has the HP 62 cartridge.
Older Envy 5530, Envy 4500 (Only wifi tested at h-node.) and Officejet 4630  
use HP301 that is easy find ink for. But I'm not interested in the document  
scanner on Officejet 4630.

Do all these printers work with Trisquel?

One other question. Can these printer print print even when one color is  
empty or printer believe is empty?

I do not live in USA so I cant buy from ThinkPenguin.

[Trisquel-users] Re : HP LaserJet Printer P1005 Printer not working with Trisquel 6.0

2015-08-26 Thread lcerf

Here is another great link:

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to split windows nautilus with F3?

2015-08-26 Thread tomlukeywood

so if you want the older versions of nautilus you can get them here:

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to split windows nautilus with F3?

2015-08-26 Thread sonhodafloresta

I will see! Didnt know that i can get/recover my favorite way of working :D
Thanks a lot Jbar and Tom!

And by the way... why the heck they removed one of the best functionality  

Best regards

Re: [Trisquel-users] Dual boot Windows with full disk encryption?

2015-08-26 Thread legimet . calc

It's possible. Just use the manual partitioning option.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Doom/Doom II on Trisquel

2015-08-26 Thread lcerf
Comics are artistic works. You have spectators. Not users. rms would only  
insist on the freedom to non-commercially redistribute the comics. Even CC  
BY-NC-ND satisfies that requirement. That said, I understand the practical  
(rather than ethical) issues the NC clause raises.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Doom/Doom II on Trisquel

2015-08-26 Thread lcerf
I believe you are use the mailing list and reply to messages that were  
deleted from the forum, hence the confusion. See to understand.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to split windows nautilus with F3?

2015-08-26 Thread lcerf
With GNOME Shell (with the default desktop as well?) you can make the window  
take the left (respectively right) hand side of the screen with the shortcut  
Meta-Left (respectively Meta-Right) where Meta is the windows key on most  
keyboard and Left (respectively Right) is the arrow pointing in that  
direction. You can then open another window (with Ctrl+N for instance). If it  
does not take the whole other half of the screen (here it does) then use the  
related shortcut.

Those keyboard work with any window. Not only with those of the file browser.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Internet Video Playback

2015-08-26 Thread sonhodafloresta

Thanks for your reply Tom :)
Let's try then and see it.
Best regards

[Trisquel-users] Re : Automatic duplex printer, scanner with cheap ink?

2015-08-26 Thread lcerf


Re: [Trisquel-users] Automatic duplex printer, scanner with cheap ink?

2015-08-26 Thread chris
Picking a printer that works with Trisquel can be difficult because Trisquel  
does not support current HP models generally speaking. As was mentioned we  
try and stock a few that *will* work today with Trisquel, but they're not  
readily available, and we don't ship the printers outside of the states at  
the moment. It's a bit tricky to do for a variety of reasons not least be  
different regions need different cables, and there may or may not be ink sold  
locally in a given region.

It's not a guarantee as HP does have different variations which some might  
not work or not work out of the box anyway, but I'd suggesting starting with  
HP's documentation here:

What you want to do is click on the particular model printer your looking to  
buy and make sure it has the following:

Minimum HPLIP version which is less than the number for which is included in  
version of Trisquel your using. To do that go check  
Enter HPLIP into the Search packages directory field/box. Then under where  
it says Package hplip look for the version in the description. In Trisquel 7  
(which is belenos)the version is 3.14.3.

Next check that the 'Support level' says full. If it doesn't then you might  
be able to print with the all-in-one, but it won't scan. Or maybe the print  
resolution will be less than the printer is capable of.

Next check the 'Recommended?'. Make sure it says Yes. If you don't get a  
recommended model then you might not get bug fixes and similar in the near  
future, or it might not be supported at all even. HP does not indefinitely  
provide support any more. They maintain the support provided that it  
continues to work, but if it stops working, nobody from HP is going to fix  
it. Outside developers are welcome to submit fixes, but HP makes no  
guarantees to the company fixing these models.

Now this is where the freedom aspect comes into play. There are two sections  
at the bottom. One says Driver plug-in. What this really means is that  
there is or isn't a proprietary component required. Make sure it says none  
here. The other critical thing to check is where it says 'Requires firmware  
download'. If it says Yes then it won't be supported in Trisquel either as  
this is also a proprietary component.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Internet Video Playback

2015-08-26 Thread chuebler . 25
Alright, I'll be able to try it in 4 hours when I put my kid to bed and I'll  
post back. Thanks a ton in advance, Trisquel has been my best Gnu/Linux  
experience yet, I won't give up easily. So from what I gather, correct me if  
I'm wrong, gnash or other freeware just isn't capable of keeping up to all  
the new video format updates recently?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Internet Video Playback

2015-08-26 Thread chris
You shouldn't have to do anything other than install the MPV plug-in and  
restart. Not sure what other plug-ins you have installed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Internet Video Playback

2015-08-26 Thread chris

That may be, but you don't help the situation by pretending to have an iPad.

[Trisquel-users] new menber

2015-08-26 Thread cdwaldrum
hey guys! i am a new menber to the fourm- im about to be getting a we penquin  
and setup trisquel. i been full out linux for a year. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Automatic duplex printer, scanner with cheap ink?

2015-08-26 Thread chris
Yea- I know what you mean. I prefer postscript laser printers too. All the  
ones in the office *do* support it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Internet Video Playback

2015-08-26 Thread chuebler . 25
I've seen a few Richard Stallman videos about free(dom) software and that is  
how I came across Trisquel. I only feel locked down because of my lack of  
experience with the OS not because of the actual features. I greatly respect  
that there are actually people out there using their knowledge to create this  
software and help people like me learn it. Would you recommend keeping gnash  
installed while using these plugins? I'll try all these suggestions right  
away and let you guys know how it goes.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Internet Video Playback

2015-08-26 Thread chris
I pointed out above that the problems your running into are with the hardware  
and/or proprietary components. It's not likely your going to see a fix for  
these- or if you do it won't be any time soon (including likely after you've  
disposed of the PC).

There are a few things you might be able to do in relation to the touchpad  
problem (ie the keyboard behaving in a problematic way when you type). You  
can configure it to automatically disable the touchpad which may solve the  
keyboard problem. What might be going on is your palm is touching the  
touchpad while your typing which is causing problems. You might also be able  
to force the system to recognize the touchpad as a PS2 mouse. You'll lose out  
on multi-touch and scrolling, but it may work better.

Ultimately a new computer is probably your best answer because of the # and  
severity of these issues. With the graphics card you can probably just remove  
it and use the integrated Intel graphics and you may be able to replace the  
wifi card in the computer. If you can't do the wifi card you could probably  
just get an external one. The internal cards are better though IMHO- though I  
like our USB G adapter a lot (despite it being older tech there isn't any  
firmware and it'll work *everywhere* with *everything* including TVs, mini  
boards (ie like ARM), etc. though the 802.11n USB adapters are also the next  
widely supported... but the support doesn't go back as far... ).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Automatic duplex printer, scanner with cheap ink?

2015-08-26 Thread jason

and don't support postscript (or true postscript or something).

Any laser printer that doesn't support PostScript is a piece of junk IMO.  
Stick to those that do.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Internet Video Playback

2015-08-26 Thread lcerf
MPV looks great... but it does not properly work here. I installed the  
youtube-dl package and the plugin and tried to configure it to use  
/usr/bin/totem or /usr/bin/player. In the former case, totem is launched but  
seems to recursively load in the playlist every single file in my home  
folder! In the latter case, MPlayer does not even seem to be launched. A  
conflict with one of my other extensions maybe?

Re: [Trisquel-users] HP LaserJet Printer P1005 Printer not working with Trisquel 6.0

2015-08-26 Thread chris
Just wrote another lengthy, but informative post on picking out an HP printer  
(particularly if your outside the USA). Going to copy here for you below. As  
others stated they're all right about the non-free plug-in issue with this  
printer. This model is not free software friendly at all... there are a  
number of problems with HP printers you should be aware of in your hunt for a  
replacement and I'll try and go over a number of them below. HP is the best  
as far as I'm concerned in regards to documenting and supporting free  
software within the printer realm. And to give you background on me I'm the  
CEO of ThinkPenguin. I've got a bit of experience in this department so the  
info below is *quite* reliable. We've been selling printers within the US for  
years, and every one is thoroughly checked out before being added to our  
catalog. Unfortunately we can't really ship outside the US at the moment  
(well, Canada maybe, not Mexico, Europe, Australia, etc).

... here goes:

Picking a printer that works with Trisquel can be difficult because Trisquel  
does not support current HP models generally speaking. It's one of the  
problems with looking through h-node for a printer. Chances are you won't  
actually be able to find a model that is still readily available on the  
market. There are a very small number of exceptions. As was mentioned we try  
and stock a few that *will* work today with Trisquel, but they're not readily  
available, and we don't ship the printers outside of the states at the  
moment. It's a bit tricky to do for a variety of reasons not least be  
different regions need different cables, and there may or may not be ink sold  
locally in a given region.

It's also not a guarantee that what HP reports will work will actually work  
in Trisquel. For a variety of reasons this is the case. One being non-free  
pieces, but another being there are different variations, which does impact  
support. There are actually more issues I've recently realized as well with  
the way some distributions (and probably Trisquel too) are importing updated  
versions from upstream (or failing to do so I should say- that is to say  
there might be an updated driver for hplip in ubuntu-backports, but that  
doesn't mean that Trisquel 7 has imported the updated version from  
ubuntu-backports, so while a printer may work in Ubuntu 14.04 via  
ubuntu-backports you can't just assume that other distributions based on  
Ubuntu 14.04 will also support the same printers).

If your outside the US I'd suggesting starting with HP's documentation here  
as it does provide the best starting point in terms of locating a Trisquel  
compatible printer (much more so than the h-node database):

What you want to do is click on the particular model printer your looking to  
buy and make sure it has the following:

Minimum HPLIP version which is less than the number for which is included in  
version of Trisquel your using. To do that go check  
Enter HPLIP into the Search packages directory field/box. Then under where  
it says Package hplip look for the version in the description. In Trisquel 7  
(which is belenos)the version is 3.14.3.

Next check that the 'Support level' says full. If it doesn't then you might  
be able to print with the all-in-one, but it won't scan. Or maybe the print  
resolution will be less than the printer is capable of.

Next check the 'Recommended?'. Make sure it says Yes. If you don't get a  
recommended model then you might not get bug fixes and similar in the near  
future, or it might not be supported at all even. HP does not indefinitely  
provide support any more. They maintain the support provided that it  
continues to work, but if it stops working, nobody from HP is going to fix  
it. Outside developers are welcome to submit fixes, but HP makes no  
guarantees to the company fixing these models.

Now this is where the freedom aspect comes into play. There are two sections  
at the bottom. One says Driver plug-in. What this really means is that  
there is or isn't a proprietary component required. Make sure it says none  
here. The other critical thing to check is where it says 'Requires firmware  
download'. If it says Yes then it won't be supported in Trisquel either as  
this is also a proprietary component.

The last thing I need to point out is that while HPLIP is free software it  
will download non-free components for many HP models. As a result it's not  
sufficient to install the latest HPLIP driver from HP. You will only be able  
to determine if a printer is free software friendly (or likely is) by  
checking the information above. The Trisquel version of HPLIP has been  
modified to exclude printers which are dependent on non-free pieces. As a  
result it wouldn't surprise me if there are errors in h-node's database in  
regards to any HP printers listed. Many users that are 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Internet Video Playback

2015-08-26 Thread chris
Try MPV. It's a plug-in that for the browser that uses youtube-dl to display  
the video within the browser without Adobe Flash. It works on near 1000 sites  
minus the few commercial streaming sites (ie Netflix and probably Amazon  
Prime, and Hulu):

Now it is humorous that these sites would demand DRM considering that there  
are lots of sites distributing this same material presumably in violation of  
the copyright owners. However I know of very (actually I can't think of more  
than one person) few people who would respect the major entertainment players  
copyrights which means the entire DRM-effort is utterly pointless.

Now I think you should adjust this to Android 3.0.1 instead of pretending to  
be using an iPad. I'd suggest not contributing to the Apple user statistics.  
This give Apple more leverage and they one of the bigger players at odds with  
our interests. You can fix this in the User Agent Switcher. Go to Tools   
Default User Agent  Edit User Agent and click the New button  New User  
Agent. In the user agent field past the following:

Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 3.0.1; en-us; GT-P7100 Build/HRI83)  
AppleWebkit/534.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/534.13

And for the App code name:


You can enter Android 3 for the description and delete whatever is in the  
other fields (other than the ones above of course)...

It is a valid argument that Android is Google and Android isn't much better,  
but I think in the scheme of things Apple is more of a threat, which is why  
I'd suggest switching. I don't know how this compares to Apple as far as  
sites supporting it, but Android also doesn't support Flash so it should  
probably be just as effective. I know for the BBC news videos the Android  
3.0.1 user agent string above works wonderfully.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Private Browsing Tor Proxy not working anymore in Abrowser

2015-08-26 Thread mtlben

Broken again...  Maybe by the latest abrowser updates?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Automatic duplex printer, scanner with cheap ink?

2015-08-26 Thread jason
Go with a laser printer. Yes, inkjets cost less up front but they always have  
high prices for ink and usually anti-features so as to reject third party ink  
cartridges. Plus, you don't end up with water soluble ink like with an  
inkjet. And even if there isn't a driver specifically for GNU/Linux you can  
always use the generic Postscript driver from CUPS. Any laser printer  
should be capable of understanding PostScript so compatibility is practically  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Internet Video Playback

2015-08-26 Thread chuebler . 25
Well I started with vanilla Ubuntu and it was a very painful learning curve  
just because of driver support and getting raid 0 to work. I was immensely  
proud of myself when I finally got my gpu, wifi, and raid all working then  
out of nowhere it would just lock up. Tried a few other distros, mainly  
Ubuntu derivatives but I understand the importance of our privacy and freedom  
so once I heard Trisquel from Stallman I was sold so to speak. I don't think  
I will quit unless there is another more developed alternative. Although I'm  
dual booting windows for gaming purposes I would like to in the near future  
cut it out entirely. Thanks for the tips, I will let you guys know how things  
go in a few minutes here.

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