[Trisquel-users] Re : Where can I learn to do my own scripts?

2016-05-15 Thread lcerf
I do not know if that happened because was down for some time or because  
IceCat (with NoScript or a similar add-on?) simply cannot display PDFs  
(Abrowser comes with pdf.js to display PDFs).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where can I learn to do my own scripts?

2016-05-15 Thread mnaus
Excellent! Already I've learned more about commands I thought I knew well.  
Even though I solve the exercises, I see that your solution is always  

Aside from the clear advice you give here all the time, these slides prove  
what an excellent teacher you are. I've been a student in several Computer  
Science courses both undergraduate and graduate, so I know clear explanations  
of programming concepts when I see them!

Thank you Magic Banana!

Re: [Trisquel-users] If you could go back in time and talk to your former "owned" self

2016-05-15 Thread calmstorm
though time travel is utterly impossible, I would probably have stopped using  
windows when vista came out.

to be honest that is when i started to dislike windows...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Browser Tells DuckDuckGo I'm using Trisquel?

2016-05-15 Thread calmstorm
and this is one reason I now use searx, not that duckduckgo is bad, its just  
and I "not the best anymore"

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where can I learn to do my own scripts?

2016-05-15 Thread mnaus
For the other links in this thread I could just right-click on the link and  
choose "save link as" and it saves as a pdf file.  For Magic's links this did  
not work for me.

Instead, click the link. If you use IceCat and have javascript enabled, the  
viewer will display the PDF and you can view or download using the viewer. If  
javascript is not enabled. The viewer loads, but the file is not displayed  
and the viewer's buttons don't work.  However, if you right click on the  
empty player and choose "save as", then you can save it as a pdf.

Will post again after I get a chance to look through these documents--so far  
they look great!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where can I learn to do my own scripts?

2016-05-15 Thread mnaus
the pdf file links aren't working for me.  They download as html files and  
when I open the html files with icecat I get a "server not found" message. 

[Trisquel-users] Re : Where can I learn to do my own scripts?

2016-05-15 Thread lcerf
Between the two, I would put http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ ... and that  
probably is too much already! Reading the reference is no fun.

Be aware that GNU Bash extends a base that any shell implements. To write a  
portable script that can run on any shell (in particular faster shells such  
as dash, which minimally implements the standard).

If you are particularly interested in the text processing command (essential  
if you work with data in text files), you can read my slides:

http://dcc.ufmg.br/~lcerf/slides/mda3.pdf (Simple but powerful  
text-processing commands: less, head, tail, cat, tr, wc, cut, paste, comm,  
join, sort, uniq);

http://dcc.ufmg.br/~lcerf/slides/mda4.pdf (Selecting lines: grep)
http://dcc.ufmg.br/~lcerf/slides/mda5.pdf (sed: only the basics)
http://dcc.ufmg.br/~lcerf/slides/mda6.pdf (awk: far more complete)
http://dcc.ufmg.br/~lcerf/slides/mda7.pdf (A few words about efficiency)

The data for the exercises still are online along with the answers.

[Trisquel-users] Re : If you could go back in time and talk to your former "owned" self

2016-05-15 Thread lcerf
- E-readers, music players any other connected hardware really: get rid of  
those who are too intrusive.

They need not be connected. What would I do in the bus without my Sansa Clip  
Zip running the 100% free RockBox firmware? Recently, e.g., I downloaded the  
videos in https://media.libreplanet.org/videos and converted them to Ogg with  

Real example: unsafe Tor exit nodes.

Just to be clear: running an exit node is not enough to de-anonymize anyone.  
Attacks are usually based on correlating the timing and sizes of the packets  
entering Tor and those exiting it. The more users of Tor the harder it gets.

Re: [Trisquel-users] If you could go back in time and talk to your former "owned" self

2016-05-15 Thread mcz
And living with e-mails on the go is something I'm willing to try, but it's  
not for most people (too much effort and inconvenience).

What I meant by this unclear sentence is this:
ditching the smartphone and relying on a laptop to exclusively communicate  
via e-mail.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Buck up using rsync

2016-05-15 Thread lcerf
Any reason you want to use 'grsync'? Trisquel has an excellent backup utility  
(in "System settings"), which uses duplicity as a backend:

incremental backup (only backup what has not been backup-up yet);
compressed backup (faster and save space);
integrated with the file manager (you revert to any previous version of the  
file/folder in about three clicks);

periodic backup (or a notification if the external drive is not plugged);
the oldest versions of the files are automatically removed if space is  
very easy to use (choose where to backup and then use the graphical utility  
with two buttons: "backup" and "restore");

possible encryption;

Re: [Trisquel-users] If you could go back in time and talk to your former "owned" self

2016-05-15 Thread mcz
I just started reading it. First 2 chapters are a bit boring, but the 3rd one  
is very interesting. I'm definitely gonna be reading more of it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Password Generator instead of a password manager

2016-05-15 Thread jadedml

Oh, that script's pretty similar to a technique I used to use.
I had a folder in ~/Documents/ called Passwords. There, I'd keep plain text  
files for each website. Each text file would have one line-- the line would  
say "Password:" and some random password I made up. I'd then check the sha256  
hash of the fake password file and use the hash as my real password.
If anyone checked the ~/Documents/Passwords folder they'd have thought that  
they actually listed my passwords, even though they didn't. :p

Re: [Trisquel-users] Password Generator instead of a password manager

2016-05-15 Thread onpon4
> For your last point I should point out that people should change their  
passwords regularly anyway.

I disagree. The only time a password should normally changed is if it's  
compromised. Of course, if the password is weak, you may need to change it  
regularly, but weak passwords should just not be used in the first place.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Browser Tells DuckDuckGo I'm using Trisquel?

2016-05-15 Thread onpon4
That tag is an indicator for some sort of revenue sharing, if I'm not  

Re: [Trisquel-users] ZFS now available in Debian. Maybe its time to stop fighting it?

2016-05-15 Thread dguthrie
I think it is bad for them to host the non-free repositories. I can  
understand perhaps for firmware that is barely acceptable, but I do not think  
they can really say Debian is "completely free software", when they just  
don't enable the bad stuff by default.
It doesn't mean we shouldn't use it. I don't have a problem just sticking to  
'main' personally. But I think that it is more accurate to say the Debian  
kernel is " awaiting firmwares" and free software. I am not sure about this.  
I personally feel wary of the project's goals when they host the non-free  
software. I hope they ditch it or at least ditch all the non-free software  
other than firmware, like Fedora.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where can I learn to do my own scripts?

2016-05-15 Thread mnaus
The Linux Documentation Project  Great! Sometimes I forget about this  
excellent resource. Thank you for the reminder! 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Password Generator instead of a password manager

2016-05-15 Thread mnaus

I should mention that you can use this with file names containing spaces:

touch this\ is\ a\ test

creates an empty file called "this is a test"  there are three spaces and  
there are three '\' to escape them.

In the example: he*llo you replace '*' with '\*'

In the above example a ' ' is replaced with '\ '

You can see the shell do this automatically if after you created the file  
"this is a test" you list it with ls using autocompletion with the TAB key:

ls this[TAB]

Assuming you don't have any other files in the directory beginning with  
"this" you will see:

ls this\ is\ a\ test

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where can I learn to do my own scripts?

2016-05-15 Thread greatgnu

I think a good idea would be to study this one first->


Then you learn this one->


Then you are invincible.. in a Spiderman sort of way.. U_u

Re: [Trisquel-users] Password Generator instead of a password manager

2016-05-15 Thread greatgnu

I use **keepassx**.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Password Generator instead of a password manager

2016-05-15 Thread mnaus

Before I answer, I will tell you how I found the information.

other than echo and read and variable names and control structures like 'if',  
there are appear to be two programs used:

sha512sum | base64 -w 0

After reading the man page of both I saw at the end of the man page for  

   The full documentation for sha512sum is maintained as a Texinfo  
   If the info and sha512sum programs are properly installed at your  

   the command

  info coreutils 'sha512sum invocation'

   should give you access to the complete manual.

so I open a terminal and type:
info coreutils 'sha512sum invocation'

From this manual I found the answer.  Here is how you do that:

type ? to find out commands to navigate the manual

After you read about the sha commands you will see that they share the same  
syntax with md5.  So go back (use ? if you don't know how) and read the md5  
section and you will see this:

If FILE contains a
backslash or newline, the line is started with a backslash, and each
problematic character in the file name is escaped with a backslash,
making the output unambiguous even in the presence of arbitrary file

so if I have a file name like he*llo  it would be he\*llo if it was he\llo it  
becomes he\\llo

Re: [Trisquel-users] If you could go back in time and talk to your former "owned" self

2016-05-15 Thread greatgnu

>So what about you? What would you say to your old self on this matter?

I would say to my older self to read the book "Free as In Freedom". That is  
exactly how I decided to go libre, I just wish I've read it 15 years ago.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Browser Tells DuckDuckGo I'm using Trisquel?

2016-05-15 Thread greatgnu
callmeclean, that is not the case here. I tried with Iceweasel (debian) and I  
have javascript disabled.
I remember this "issue" from my Xubuntu days and if I remember correctly it  
had to do with a firefox extension, namely *xul-ext-ubufox*. I may be wrong.  
Probably am wrong.

Re: [Trisquel-users] ZFS now available in Debian. Maybe its time to stop fighting it?

2016-05-15 Thread greatgnu

>Debian comes and contrary to the principles of freedom
to put ZFS in Linux kernel

Debian's kernel is deblobbed and it will remain deblobbed (fully free). They  
put the module in contrib. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Buck up using rsync

2016-05-15 Thread mnaus

   -b, --backup
  With  this  option, preexisting destination files are renamed  
  each file is transferred or deleted.  You can control where   
  backup  file  goes  and what (if any) suffix gets appended  

  the --backup-dir and --suffix options.

  -From the man page for rsync

I think this just renames a copy of each destination file so they don't get  
overwritten by mistake.  If you have ever used Windows and download something  
more than once you get:

file file(1) file(2) file(3)

Or, using emacs it makes backups  with ~ :
file file~

But it is important that you RTFM or STFW  or you may lose your data!  Have  
you used this program before?  Why do you want to use this option?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where can I learn to do my own scripts?

2016-05-15 Thread dguthrie
I learned with this online guide:  
I also bought a book called "bash pocket reference" which has a comprehensive  
list of commands that you can use in your scripts. I am quite bad at writing  
scripts but I hardly ever need to so it is fine. It was fun learning though.

[Trisquel-users] Where can I learn to do my own scripts?

2016-05-15 Thread albertoefg

I recently posted about the password generator by jxself.

And I would like to learn to do those kind of things by myself. Where do you  
recommend me to learn? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Password Generator instead of a password manager

2016-05-15 Thread albertoefg
What change does the script needs in order for it to include  things like  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Password Generator instead of a password manager

2016-05-15 Thread albertoefg
Indeed we should change our passwords regularly and thats why I rather use  
your method.

That way I can keep my passwords with me withoud the need to store them.

Is kinda hard to change a password  because I have 2 computers in my office  
and my laptop so it is a pain in the ass to change a password because i would  
have to save it somewhere, a usb or my owncloud server. And i don't really  
feel comfortable doing any of those.

With your password generator is safer as even if someone would gain access to  
my files there won't be a place where to look at for my passwords. So I can  
change them constantly.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Buck up using rsync

2016-05-15 Thread jbahn

I've tried to read me clever but so far I've failed.

When running grsyng I choose to copy files under certain arguments. One of  
the advanced options is 'Make backup' [1]. Hovering gives the explanation  

If I had an extra external harddrive I might just try, but I'm not sure I  
would be able to tell the difference...

Re: [Trisquel-users] If you could go back in time and talk to your former "owned" self

2016-05-15 Thread vitacell

Thanks you!

[Trisquel-users] If you could go back in time and talk to your former "owned" self

2016-05-15 Thread mcz

I was still thinking on the subject of :
anonymity and
software freedom
(and hardware freedom in some ways).

Here's my conclusion, after a couple of years:

- First, I can't and won't ever go back to a proprietary OS/software in  

Never say never? Well, try me :)
A non-libre OS is rigged, and it's been proven many times (examples:  
It's relatively safe from other users (secure/private if you work for it),  
but not from companies.
It's also rigid, and can force unacceptable limitations on the user (that's  

- It's possible to use non-libre hardware and still be safe, have privacy and  
be anonymous (if Snowden can do it that way, so can anyone).
but AMT and other remote control tools are still unacceptable (even if  
realistically a limited number of people can make use of it, I suppose).

So for most users, even if it's not a "real" threat, it's still not ok.
Yet it's better than having non-libre hardware AND non-libre OS and software.

- Security is rarely an issue, but it can always be improved. Mainly system  
hardening/reducing the attack surface.

An average user don't really need it, though improving it can't hurt.

- Privacy from other users and from companies takes some more work/education,  
even on a vanilla Trisquel and/or Replicant and other libre OS.
Full disk encryption in case your machine is stolen, browser plugins  
(cookies, refferers, profile spoofing, checking requests, https, local  
emulation of files, ad blocking, no javascript...), specially if Javascript  
is on, properly checking software, e-mail encryption,
Proper Tor BB behavior (no video/torrent/connecting to accounts unless  
created anonymously from the Tor network...), installing and using a VPN...  
Definitely not an exhaustive list, but it's a solid base IMHO.

- Anonymity is still achievable on a non-free OS in a limited way (Tor), if  
no other means are available at hand in the moment, but it's obviously  
immensely better on a libre OS.

About the hardware:
	- any hardware will work (minus the wifi problem sometimes. But since  
switching to Trisquel takes some effort anyway, it's a minor obstacle).
	- a Librebootable machine is best (eliminates the remote access threat). It  
is relatively affordable, and powerful enough for the average user.
	- More libre hardware (or maybe 100% free but I'm not sure) like that POWER8  
motherboard and Neo900 are unfortunately luxury items.
	But I'm confident we'll find solutions, as more people become aware of all  
this. And maybe with some luck, someone will leak Intel programs, who knows  

	- E-readers, music players any other connected hardware really: get rid of  
those who are too intrusive. For others, I guess turn the wifi off and hope  
for the best. Or use real paper books.

- About tracking in general: smartphones, anything with a chip in it (public  
transportation card, maybe credit card, whatever), implants under the skin  
for the most idiotic ones...
Well, you can simply make sure to not use them too often if that matters to  
I came to the conclusion that even if it's not acceptable to track people  
down (it doesn't even improve security against crime, as far as I know), I  
feel it's not as important as the rest since 90% of the time (arbitrary  
number obviously), people go from home to work, go buy some stuff, go meet  
other people (friends, family, whoever), and go back home.

The data is useful for target advertising, and this bothers me though.
But if you are a journalist (for example) that needs to go off the grid, then  
we're not talking about most people. And with some logic, there are obvious  
ways, like temporarily getting rid of the tracking sources when needed. Maybe  
there's more to it, but this makes sense to me.

- Other users : after all, it's the weakest link in the communication chain.  
Fortunately, e-mail encryption works.
But multiplying social medias isn't acceptable for most users, so Fecesbook  
and all this garbage will live on for now (even if it will be without me:  
e-mail is enough).
What to answer to those who rightfully say that it's no big deal if companies  
know which music I listen to, which books I read etc. ?
Easy: it's not about the isolated data or metadata, it's about the big  
picture that's made of all that data. Powerful entities having such files in  
their hands is only a disaster waiting to happen, even if you know very  
little about humanity's History.

I think I reviewed it all.

In essence,
as most people can mainly own non-free hardware (since hardware that can be  
used with Libreboot or Replicant is ultimately limited in quantity),

It's realistic to invite them to use free software anyway.
Not using a phone is nearly impossible anymore for most people.
But encrypted e-mails still work on non-libre phone OS.
And living with e-mails on the go is something I'm willing to try, but it's  

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: alternative DE repos truly free?

2016-05-15 Thread patrick . fegerl

Thank you for all your replies!

I think I'll just sum up everything I understand:
The PPAs one can add to one's sources as described in the documentation are  
not controlled by Trisquel or Canonical and therefore are not safe in regard  
to freedom.

If one isn't happy with the default desktop environment it would hence be  
best to setup a netinstall and install one of the DEs available from the  
standard Trisquel repos like XFCE, KDE, LXDE, etc. to save oneself the pain  
of having to uninstall the default DE, which is some kind of GNOME flashback.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Password Generator instead of a password manager

2016-05-15 Thread jason

Point 1 can be addressed by changing the script.

For point 2, while the script always outputs passwords of the same length  
(unless changed) that wouldn't stop someone from remembering "Oh, on this box  
they require the password to only be 8 characters" and so only using the  
first 8 characters of the script's output.

For point number 3 the hash doesn't actually contain the salt or string so  
there is nothing to crack that would conclusively reveal what they are/were.  
Attacks on cryptographic hash functions focus on finding more than one input  
that returns the same hash. MD5 has this problem today for example. SHA2 is  
safe but yes, who knows about the future? But: Even if SHA2 were as  
compromised in the future as MD5 is today, that is not in itself sufficient  
to let someone know what salt was used and begin generating their own  
passwords willy-nilly, even if multiple passwords were known. So they're back  
to guessing. But even in that event a fix is as simple as changing from a  
SHA2 to a SHA3 implementation once that's available (yes, that means changing  
passwords but see the last thing below about your last point.) And so, since  
they're back to guessing, passwords generated with this are subject to the  
same brute force problem that any (even a randomly generated) password would  
be. (At this time, brute forcing all possible possible combinations is easier  
than breaking the cryptographic hash itself.)

For your last point I should point out that people should change their  
passwords regularly anyway.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Browser Tells DuckDuckGo I'm using Trisquel?

2016-05-15 Thread dguthrie
Some people here also recommend Searx (e.g. https://searx.laquadrature.net,  
searx.me). It runs on just free software. It does give different results  
though to Duck Duck Go alone in my experience so I often use both.

You should raise the issue with the developers. I think it is silly too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] ZFS now available in Debian. Maybe its time to stop fighting it?

2016-05-15 Thread jason
While there is a difference in how Canonical and the Debian Project are  
handling this: Canonical, as we all know, has it pre-compiled while the  
Debian Project provides source code that is compiled when someone installs  
the package. This difference doesn't actually matter.

I'll call what the Debian Project is doing the "We'll Let The Users Do It"  

Let's put ZFS aside for a moment and remember some free software history.

Think back to the days of Steve Jobs and Objective C. Another  
GPL-incompatible license was in use and the proposal was the also "We'll Let  
The Users Do It." That wasn't accepted as a way around the requirements to  
put it under a GPL-compatible license back then, and nothing has changed with  
the GPL that makes such an answer to GPL incompatibility acceptable now.

The more important question is whether (and how) the software is intended to  
interface with each other. As I explained in the other thread, the fact that  
you need a bunch of files from the kernel to satisfy the #include directives  
in order to compile it at all, along with the fact that it uses internal  
kernel interfaces and not the system call interface all point to it being a  
part of/a derivative of the kernel and so subject to the GPL's requirements.

Re: [Trisquel-users] i3 Window Manager

2016-05-15 Thread enduzzer

Thanks for the tip. I installed i3wm and it's great fun.

Re: [Trisquel-users] i3 Window Manager

2016-05-15 Thread mcz

Not sure it would help but here are parts of my .i3config:

bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume 0 --  
+10% && killall -SIGUSR1 i3status
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume 0 --  
-10% && killall -SIGUSR1 i3status

bindsym XF86AudioMute exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-mute 0 toggle

I can't really explain anymore how it works (forgot), but I know I tried  
different ways.
What I remember: the SIGUSR part (with killall) helps refreshing the volume  
display faster.

I don't know anymore what is sink. But it works for me.

[Trisquel-users] Browser Tells DuckDuckGo I'm using Trisquel?

2016-05-15 Thread callmeclean
When I search using the default DuckDuckGo search in both Abrowser & GNU  
IceCat, an HTML GET query is sent. This is what is added to the URL:  
"=trisquel". Has anyone else noticed this? I know many search engines do  
things like this to gather statistics on OS usage, but I didn't think  
DuckDuckGo would. And why on earth do these two privacy oriented browsers  
provide this?

You can manually add the HTML DDG search engine and use that to avoid this  
being sent.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Android emulator

2016-05-15 Thread dguthrie
Get the Replicant SDK:  

It includes an emulator.
I do not know why they don't include it. Probably because it is a pain to  
build and changes a lot.

Hope that helps.

[Trisquel-users] Android emulator

2016-05-15 Thread jbahn
On my Replicant device (and I have to admit on my Android tablet as well) I  
often use Aedict, an excellent off line Japanese English dictionary. I was  
told, that I can get to use it on Linux, provided I can run it in and android  

Does anyone know how to do that, and can it be done with FOSS? As far as I  
can see, there is no such thing as an android emulator in the repo.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Buck up using rsync

2016-05-15 Thread mnaus

"...with and without checking the make backup option?"

Are those the exact words used?  Could you post a screenshot?

Looks like there are a lot of answers from here:

Re: [Trisquel-users] ZFS now available in Debian. Maybe its time to stop fighting it?

2016-05-15 Thread dguthrie
I suspect they write the CDDL so they can go after companies profiting from  
GNU/Linux systems with ZFS distributed. They obviously still want this as an  
option because they have not re-licensed it to GPL. So I think Canonical  
could be in for trouble, but regarding Debian I doubt it. Canonical is barely  
profitable but a lawsuit could kill it. It would be sad but I have little  
sympathy. It seems like Debian has a healthy future ahead so I would cry few  

Re: [Trisquel-users] ZFS now available in Debian. Maybe its time to stop fighting it?

2016-05-15 Thread dguthrie
Trisquel does not distribute anything that violates copyrights significantly.  
Things like emulators are a grey area, but court cases have shown that if  
such programs are made through reverse engineering they do not violate  
copyright; you can just play homebrew games or ROM images you ripped from  
disks or cartridges.
ZFS is free software. On its own, where it isn't combined with GPL software  
(kernel) it is fine, but distributing it violates GPL and hence the copyright  
of the kernel. This would not be good to distribute.
It's a grey area. This is about being consistent. If we want to support GPL  
and copyleft, we need to reject violations. I think that copyright law needs  
serious reform but as long  as it still exists we must use copyleft to  
support freedom.
ZFS (or lack thereof) will not makebor break the distribution. Just get over  
it. We don't want to be popular if it means compromising our ideals.
By the way, the FSF is not a bloody church. Just use Ubuntu if you want ZFS  
so much, or a non FSF-affiliated distribution.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Password Generator instead of a password manager

2016-05-15 Thread Khoi Nguyen


On Sun, May 15, 2016 at 03:34:07PM +0200, onp...@riseup.net wrote:
I'm not entirely convinced that a password generator is a better or 
more secure approach. Some considerations to keep in mind:

* There is a limitation to what characters you can use for the "salt", 
at least the way that script does it.

* It doesn't account for different password length limitations and 
special character requirements that some services have. Now, these 
requirements and limitations are stupid, but it's something we have to 
deal with if we wish to use these services.

* It's not random. I don't know of a way to do this, but if someone 
figured out a lot of your passwords and gained access to your script, 
it might theoretically be possible to find patterns and crack your 
"salt" that way. Of course, the possibility of such an attack is 
pretty remote, and this method might be perfectly safe from such an 
attack, but this approach is not very popular, so it hasn't had much 
of a chance to be properly audited for such a vulnerability. I'm not 
saying it's insecure, but we have no reason to believe that it's more 

* This is the most important part, and the main reason I stopped using 
this method: if any of your passwords is compromised and has to be 
changed, like back when various servers were affected by the 
"heartbleed" bug, you have to update all of your passwords to fit your 
new "salt". With a regular password manager, this would only be 
necessary if the password database itself were compromised. What's 
more, with this method, you don't have a list of all the passwords you 
need to change, so you need to continue to remember your old "salt" 
just in case you missed something.

What do you think of pass? It generates a password using pwgen, and 
stores the result in a gpg-encrypted file. You can change the length of 
the passowrds, and specify if you want symbols or not.

It's basically just a script around gpg and git.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Password Generator instead of a password manager

2016-05-15 Thread onpon4
I'm not entirely convinced that a password generator is a better or more  
secure approach. Some considerations to keep in mind:

* There is a limitation to what characters you can use for the "salt", at  
least the way that script does it.

* It doesn't account for different password length limitations and special  
character requirements that some services have. Now, these requirements and  
limitations are stupid, but it's something we have to deal with if we wish to  
use these services.

* It's not random. I don't know of a way to do this, but if someone figured  
out a lot of your passwords and gained access to your script, it might  
theoretically be possible to find patterns and crack your "salt" that way. Of  
course, the possibility of such an attack is pretty remote, and this method  
might be perfectly safe from such an attack, but this approach is not very  
popular, so it hasn't had much of a chance to be properly audited for such a  
vulnerability. I'm not saying it's insecure, but we have no reason to believe  
that it's more secure.

* This is the most important part, and the main reason I stopped using this  
method: if any of your passwords is compromised and has to be changed, like  
back when various servers were affected by the "heartbleed" bug, you have to  
update all of your passwords to fit your new "salt". With a regular password  
manager, this would only be necessary if the password database itself were  
compromised. What's more, with this method, you don't have a list of all the  
passwords you need to change, so you need to continue to remember your old  
"salt" just in case you missed something.

Re: [Trisquel-users] ZFS now available in Debian. Maybe its time to stop fighting it?

2016-05-15 Thread tegskywalker
ZFS, as it is currently shipping in Ubuntu, opens it up to controversy since  
it is an enabled kernel module that Canonical ships with each kernel update.  
There is also another method of getting ZFS by manually installing the  
packages which more people are comfortable with like how Debian is doing it  
by compiling from source and creating a DKMS module.

The Trisquel team's goal is to remove anything ZFS related from the  
repositories, so you don't have the option to install the free software  
without resorting to 3rd party repositories or PPAs. The majority of users  
who want ZFS aren't probably going to use Trisquel (or even be aware of it),  
so its not THAT bad, but the Trisquel team is unwilling to compromise with  
anything related to ZFS due to stigma and fear of agitating the strict  
political atmosphere of the FSF. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Password Generator instead of a password manager

2016-05-15 Thread greatgnu
alberto: that's a bash script. You just paste it in an editor (gedit,  
mousepad etc..) and you save it into a folder. Then you give it executable  
permission with chmod and you run it.


Re: [Trisquel-users] i3 Window Manager

2016-05-15 Thread mnaus
Perfect!  All three of those work on my desktop.  Thank you! The ones with  
pactl that I listed above only work on my laptop.

For mute, this only turned the sound off, but I could not turn it back on!:  
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec amixer -q set Master toggle

Instead for mute this worked for me: bindsym XF86AudioMute exec amixer -q -D  
pulse set Master toggle

Re: [Trisquel-users] Password Generator instead of a password manager

2016-05-15 Thread Khoi Nguyen

Now my problem is, I have no idea how to use it /:

I think I have to copy it to a text editor and save it (no idea wich 
extention) and then run it from a terminal. If someone has the time to 
help me to use it I would be really greatful.


Hope I can help with this one. You can save it with any extension, but 
then you need to change the permissions of the file so that you can 
execute it. I think you can do it with a graphical interface with a 
right click, properties, and if I remember well, there should be a 
permission tab.

Otherwise, in the terminal, type `chmod +x `.

You might want to consider using pass, which is more secure and probably 
is in the password manager. The ArchLinux wiki describes how to use it.


Pass is under GPLV2+.


Re: [Trisquel-users] ZFS now available in Debian. Maybe its time to stop fighting it?

2016-05-15 Thread dguthrie

It's in the "contrib" repository.
So no.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Password Generator instead of a password manager

2016-05-15 Thread enduzzer
Your English is pitch-perfect for the occasion. Everybody makes typos. The  
forum software doesn't allow editing the first post.

Re: [Trisquel-users] ZFS now available in Debian. Maybe its time to stop fighting it?

2016-05-15 Thread blade . vp2020

Robert Browning opens his poem in this text
Just for a handful of silver he left us,
  Just for a riband to stick in his coat—
Found the one gift of which fortune bereft us,
  Lost all the others she lets us devote;
ZFS is file system develop by sun Micro systems
But it is not compatible With the Linux kernel license
Only to bring businesses
Only to bring users
Debian comes and contrary to the principles of freedom
to put ZFS in Linux kernel
Robert Browning Continue
We that had loved him so, followed him, honoured him,
  Lived in his mild and magnificent eye,
Learned his great language, caught his clear accents,
  Made him our pattern to live and to die!
We all love Debian
It was an example to us
I was fighting for him
but everything changed
Robert Browning Continue
Blot out his name, then, record one lost soul more,
  One task more declined, one more footpath untrod,
One more devils'-triumph and sorrow for angels,
  One wrong more to man, one more insult to God!
Life's night begins: let him never come back to us!
yes Debian is sank
it died
it must be forgotten

Re: [Trisquel-users] Replace Wifi card in x200 with one from t61?

2016-05-15 Thread jbahn

Thanks a lot for the efforts.

[Trisquel-users] Buck up using rsync

2016-05-15 Thread jbahn

I use grsync to make copies of e.g. my home folder.

What is the difference - if any - from copying with and without checking the  
make backup option?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Password Generator instead of a password manager

2016-05-15 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
You can use any extension you wish or none. In UNIX-like systems file type is  
decided by magic number instead of filename extension. Here the magic number  
is the hash bang.


Your English is fine, I didn't even notice the mistake until you pointed it  