[Trisquel-users] Libreboot repo no longer contains Trisquel references

2016-10-16 Thread J.B. Nicholson

legimet.c...@gmail.com wrote:

Look, she deleted all references to Trisquel from the Libreboot repo:

I'm not familiar with the Libreboot codebase; is this change because the 
changes are now sufficiently portable to multiple GNU/Linux distros or is 
this something else?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot Developer Leah Rowe Attack gnu and rms Again

2016-10-16 Thread legimet . calc
I agree. I think the position that GFDL works without invariant sections are  
free, but those with invariant sections are nonfree, is a sane position. I  
think this is also the position taken by Debian.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot Developer Leah Rowe Attack gnu and rms Again

2016-10-16 Thread legimet . calc
Look, she deleted all references to Trisquel from the Libreboot repo:  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread lcerf
Replacing RAM is not hard. But let us first see if it really is defective!  
There is a package for that: "memtest86+". Install it, e.g., with the  
"Synaptic Package Manager" or with the following command (to be executed in a  

$ sudo apt-get install memtest86+

Memtest86+ does not run inside GNU/Linux. It is to be executed from the  
bootloader. Do you have, almost right after switching on your computer, a  
two-entry menu with "Trisquel" and "Advanced options"? If so, memtest86+ must  
be inside "Advanced options". The problem is, GRUB will ask for a user name  
and a password. The user name is "grub" and the password is a number that was  
randomly generated when you installed Trisquel. You can read it at the end of  
what this commands (to be executed in a terminal) outputs:

$ sudo cat /etc/grub.d/01_PASSWORD

If you manage to execute memtest86+ (otherwise please explain in details what  
you did and what is the problem you face), let it run for hours (e.g., for  
one night). If the screen turns red: the RAM is defective. Otherwise, it is  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot Developer Leah Rowe Attack gnu and rms Again

2016-10-16 Thread jason


Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread silentdreamer
about the browser, I'm concerned about being able to block trackers and I  
need to have my security settings, plus have some add-ons, all are for those  
purposes. I like IcaCat for that. It took me months to get it tweaked. I  
wouldn't mind doing that again if I knew what to do ahead of time so it  
doesn't take so long because I didn't have all the info I needed.

I haven't watched videos or listened to music on here yet, though I'd love  
to, if I felt sure I'd be protected, especially from google; I wouldn't  
download their vids for fear there's embedded stuff that would snoop and mine  
my info.

 I know how devious they are, and what happens just by using anything they  
have,like their analytics, for example, which I block as soon as I get there,  
blocked them in the browser,and spydblock, so I stopped enjoying that stuff  
on my Mac, and I won't do it here for peace of mind. I hope they don't bypass  
my settings but I know they prob'ly could. I do my best to avoid them but  
that's nearly impossible, sad to say. I miss watching videos.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread silentdreamer
if I understood this better I'd try it, though I really appreciate the  
advice. Maybe one day I'll have learned enough to do it with confidence. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread silentdreamer
 how do I replace the RAM? The scrambling happened a lot. If this involves  
opening up my machine, I'd have to send it to a repair place. I never  
intended it to be online or be my main computer, but for now I want it to be  
stable enough till I can convert my Mac, or get something that's more  
respecting of our rights.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot Developer Leah Rowe Attack gnu and rms Again

2016-10-16 Thread infinityfallen
As above, I'll cede she has a few valid points. Invariant sections should not  
block changes which are clearly indicated as not being the author's own  
words, and allowing some variation in documentation formats would be nice.

But seriously, "extremism"? The people who changed the world were never  
mainstream thinkers- the "open sources" of various movements have served an  
important role, granted, but it's the people who won't compromise on their  
values who change the world. If you aren't willing to suffer any form of  
hatred or sacrifice for your beliefs, you aren't going to be the one who  
makes them a reality. It's only because Stallman is so stubborn, pedantic,  
and uncompromising that we can even dream of software freedom.

If you don't want to be associated with the kind of uncompromising  
willingness that built GNU (and Libreboot, may I point out) or the kind of  
constant forking that allows free software to remain truly secure and  
trustworthy in a way proprietary software could never approach, that's fine.  
I have no objections, and I honestly wish you the best in your ambitions. But  
please call yourself an open-source advocate, not a free software advocate. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread silentdreamer
Very interesting. I have to read this a few times to be sure I understand it  
as it relates to my situation. I really appreciate the explanations you've  
given. It'll take some time for all this to sink in. This has been a wonderfl  
adventure for me. Thank you again.. :)

[Trisquel-users] Re : Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread lcerf
In my opinion, a user who does not already feel at ease with GNU/Linux (and  
want to learn more) should not install Parabola.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread lcerf
GNOME is not one program. It is a set of programs. GNOME Shell is one of  
them: GNOME's user interface. Trisquel is a set of programs too. Some of them  
are GNOME programs (e.g., the GNOME System Monitor) and some of them are not  
(e.g., LibreOffice).

Individual programs are "packaged" so that they are easily  
installable/removable through a package manager. A program usually needs  
other packages to work: other programs that it executes, libraries (pieces of  
software needed by several programs), fonts, etc. Those are called  
dependencies. If you install, from the package manager, a program that  
depends on other packages, they will be automatically installed as well  
(otherwise the program you want would not work). If you remove, from the  
package manager, a package that is a dependency of some programs, those  
programs will be automatically removed as well (since they would not work  
anymore). In both cases, the package manager first lists the whole list of  
packages it will install/remove and asks for a confirmation.

Sets of programs such as "GNOME" or "Trisquel" also relate to packages  
("gnome" and "trisquel"). They are called "meta-packages" because they do not  
install anything by themselves. They only depend on other packages: all the  
programs in the set (the whole GNOME desktop environment and Trisquel's  
default system), which therefore becomes easily installable at once.

If my last two paragraphs were clear enough, you should now understand that  
removing a program in Trisquel's default install automatically triggers the  
removal of the "trisquel" package. It is no big deal because "trisquel" (or  
"gnome" or "trisquel-recommended" or ...) is a meta-package: by itself, the  
"trisquel" package does not install anything. Removing "trisquel" only means  
you will not have the whole Trisquel's default install anymore. Notice  
however that it also means that, upgrading to Trisquel 8, you will not get  
the new applications added to the default install, i.e., added as  
dependencies of the "trisquel" package.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot Developer Leah Rowe Attack gnu and rms Again

2016-10-16 Thread megver83
What a bunch of crap. I agree with onpon4´s points, and that the rest is  
nonsense. She "endorses" free software, she maintains THE fully-free BIOS  
replacement in the world, and she sends to the hell to the pioneers of the  
free software movement, the ones that we should be thank of. I have better  
things to do other than badmouthing important free software projects.

Many - a lot of - FSF followers are fanatical, to the point of extremism.

What is "extremist"? Having a Libreboot computer with Trisquel or Parabola?  
Leah´s overreacting, but seems that no one cares.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread silentdreamer
hi, thank you for your suggestion. For now I'm not sure what I will do, I may  
try a few different programs to see which one I like, if I can be sure I'm  
not adding to what I have, so I'd have to decide what to remove first.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread megver83
You could try Parabola, its base installation is less than 1GB. Then you can  
install desktop environments, applications, games, etc. But be careful not to  
fulfill you memory again! 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread greatgnu

> what can I do, what can I run that will not use too much resources?

First of all, the most important, is the desktop environment. An old laptop  
with limited resources may run flawlessly with xfce, and barely move with say  
I have used for a long time Xfce, I really recommend it. Some say LXDE is  
faster, but last time I checked, I saw no difference at all. Xfce is IMHO  
much more complete and customizable than LXDE, very easy to customize and to  
make it look modern and shiny.

Then, the applications you run.

The browser is usually the heaviest one, firefox and most of its variants are  
as heavy as it gets. I recommend seamonkey and Links2. Dillo is great too.  
You could try some others (like netsurf, xombrero etc) and see if you like  

Nothing plays as smoothly the videos as "smplayer" does in my experience.

A very lightweight mail client (and great software overall) is claws mail  
(too bad it constantly gave me issues with riseup :/ )

For the musicz: qmmp.

You could even go "half-full cli" and find a cli replacement for many of your  
GUI applications (which is very fascinating and something I have been trying  
to do lately).

Cli applications tend to be inherently more efficient in terms of resources.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread silentdreamer
What I'm trying to see is if Trisquel and GNOME are 2 separate  
programs(Desktops) but when I look at their dependencies they seem to need  
components from each other. Being new to how all this works, perhaps I'm not  
comprehending what a package is. I know it's not a program, so my next  
assumption is, it's a component. The dependencies seem to be componenents,  
which I know can't work alone..

Then I need to understand GNOME and GNOME Shell. If I am correct, GNOME is a  
program that can run alone, but not the shell. I remember what a shell is  
from my PC days.

I'll never be a good tech person but it's so fascinating, so I do my best to  
understand. As long as I'm using this tech stuff I will try to understand it.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot Developer Leah Rowe Attack gnu and rms Again

2016-10-16 Thread onpon4

Funny enough, I actually agree with some points in this one:

1. I agree that the GNU FDL is non-libre when invariant sections are used,  
and I think it should be abandoned in favor of CC BY-SA or possibly the GNU  

2. I agree that the insistence of documentation format hegemony for all  
portions of GNU is silly.

Everything else, though, is nonsense, just as before.

In any case, this belongs in the troll lounge.

Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel's main menu overlaps with panel when an extended monitor is present

2016-10-16 Thread arielgnu
Sorry I meant to say that the work around I'm using is to move the panel to  
the sides or top the screen. Thank you.

[Trisquel-users] Libreboot Developer Leah Rowe Attack gnu and rms Again

2016-10-16 Thread blade . vp2020

Libreboot Developer Leah Rowe Attack gnu and rms Again

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread silentdreamer
I'm gonna look up some stuff on here to se if I can find the info before  
asking more questions. Thanks again for all your help. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] The future of Libre Computing: Crowd Funding Campaign Starts Now

2016-10-16 Thread infinityfallen
Firstly, I'm no expert at this sort of stuff. Take this as a guide, but don't  
quote me.

In terms of making a computer card from the PocketCHIP, I don't think you're  
going to be able to reach EOMA68 compatibility. The devices use an Allwinner  
R8 processor (see http://docs.getchip.com/chip.html). The fact that it didn't  
make the list for the initial EOMA68 card, despite being from the company  
whose processor was eventually chosen, suggests there was an issue. I can't  
tell you for certain what it is (likely something to do with video  
resolution), but the datasheet is linked from the page mentioned above.

As for freedom, the bootloader/initialisation stuff is good. The processor is  
probably decent, although I'm not sure if the R8 can run fully free, but the  
wifi card is concerning. I can't find the specs (they're probably nestled  
somewhere in the GitHub tree), so it's probably proprietary stuff given the  
severe lack of free cards.

If you really want something free, I'd suggest working with the BeagleBone  
Black instead. That's known to run fine without proprietary software. You'd  
have to check that it has the core features to reach EOMA68 compatibility,  
although the processor is more promising (a Texas Instruments one- I believe  
the issue with those was related to customs, not specs).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread silentdreamer
oh ok. I'll look at tht again. this is a good experience for me when I can  
see the different ways of getting the same info. I'm very glad to be  
learning. :D

[Trisquel-users] Re : Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread lcerf
It is the same information than the one 'df -h' provides. I explained it to  
you: https://trisquel.info/forum/need-uninstall-trisquel#comment-104238

[Trisquel-users] Re : Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread lcerf
I use GNOME Shell. My graphical session has been opened for the past 44 hours  
(doing a number of things). According to my "System Monitor", GNOME Shell  
currently uses 186 MB of RAM. A lot for somebody like you that only has 1 GB.

Like I wrote earlier, a scrambled screen never is "normal". Even when running  
out of resource. Either a software bug caused it or some hardware (probably  
the RAM) is failing and should be replaced. Does it often happen?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread silentdreamer
ok, thanks. usually I would run IceCat and one other program. what about the  
scrambled screen? What about GNOME shell?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread silentdreamer
Under File Systems, I put this into a text editor and wrote it out  since I  
can't do screenshot, so I could ask why does it say this:

Device  DirectoryType Total  Free  

/def/sda1   /   ext4   19.5GB14.1 GB   13.1 GB   
5.4GB 29%

/dev/sda6 /home xfs   136.8 GB  136.6 GB   136.6GB  
222.2MB  0%

sorry I can't seem to line these colum up. :(

[Trisquel-users] Re : Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread lcerf
You can run Trisquel... just not Abrowser, Evolution and LibreOffice at the  
same time.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread silentdreamer
OK. I was there a day or 2 ago. I wish you could see this. will  examine it  
carefully. Thank you. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] The future of Libre Computing: Crowd Funding Campaign Starts Now

2016-10-16 Thread svhaab
About pocketchip  
http://docs.getchip.com/pocketchip.html#welcome-to-pocketc-h-i-p data, there  
is this link https://github.com/NextThingCo/PocketCHIP-PCB. Does it provide  
required pieces of information to make a computer card pocketchip?

What about pocketchip source code?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread lcerf
Well, choose "lighter" applications. The first tab of the "GNOME System  
Monitor" (that I presented to you) allows to see how much CPU/memory each  
process uses. You can click on the header that says "Memory" to rank the  
processes by decreasing order of the space they currently occupy in the RAM.  
In this way, you will discover what application eats up most of your memory.  
As long as the total amount does not reach 1 GB, your system is fast.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread silentdreamer
Thank you for explaining. This is a gret experience for me, thanks to all of  
you. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread silentdreamer
Hello SuperTrmp83, thank you for your help, too. I'm very thankful to all of  
you for taking time to explain and guide me. :)

Somedy I would like to get another machine, a Libreboot system. I've seen a  
couple of sites that have them, and I want a libre router or something as  
close to it as poible, I saw something like tht, too.. Till then I'll use  
this machine so I can get help converting my Mac, but it'd be so great to  
have something more respecting of our rights.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread silentdreamer
Thank you so much for taking time to write all this info. All of you have  
been wonderful. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread silentdreamer

somehow I got $ sudo parted -l to work today:

Model: ATA TOSHIBA MK1665GS (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 160GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos

Number  Start   End SizeType  File system Flags
 1  1049kB  20.0GB  20.0GB  primary   ext4boot
 2  20.0GB  160GB   140GB   extended
 5  20.0GB  23.2GB  3191MB  logical   linux-swap(v1)
 6  23.2GB  160GB   137GB   logical   xfs

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread silentdreamer
Wow this is all very interesting. what can I do, what can I run that will not  
use too much resources? 

[Trisquel-users] Re : Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread lcerf
If you want to hibernate a system, you need swap because hibernating is  
dumping the main memory onto the swap (after zipping it). That is why those  
who hibernate their systems are often recommended to choose at least as much  
swap as RAM.

A system that never hibernates had better have a (small) swap partition than  
no swap at all. With no swap, the kernel kills a process as soon as the  
system runs out of RAM. It may happen even if the system has a huge amount of  
RAM, e.g., because of a memory leak triggered in some special conditions. The  
kernel's choice of the process to kill is rather arbitrary and it may not  
kill the faulty process.

With 1 GB of swap (for instance), the user of a desktop system will have time  
to notice that their system has become slow, to save their work, and to  
choose what application(s) to close to free some RAM. For server systems, the  
intervention (after an alert sent by a monitoring system) may take longer and  
such systems had better have more swap.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I installed librecmc on a new router, but the oddest thing happens

2016-10-16 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
If memory serves me well, since LibreCMC is similar to OpenWRT, you can
do so following this guide: .

Particularly, this section if the guide:

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[Trisquel-users] Re : Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread lcerf
A swap partition is not "needed". One can have a swap file instead. And one  
swap partition can be shared between several GNU/Linux distributions: specify  
it in the /etc/fstab file of each distribution.

Misty has 1 GB of RAM and 3 GB of swap. It is far enough swap: the swap being  
on a disk, it is about 100 times slower than RAM (10 times slower if we are  
talking an SSD disk): Misty will be fed up with an unbearably slow system  
before using even 1 GB of swap and she will start closing applications.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm leaving Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
At least if you use Guix (no need to use the entire GuixSD), GNU IceCat
has a beta update to version 45, see:

 and also .

I'm using it now, with GNU LibreJS also.

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Creating Boot USB Using Disks

2016-10-16 Thread greatgnu
I can assure you I used dd for at least 5 different distros and it never  
failed, not once.

"teething troubles" is a very interesting idiom.

Fig. difficulties and problems experienced in the early stages of a project,  
activity, etc.
There have been a lot of teething troubles with the new computer system. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread greatgnu
>  I usually make swap partitions the same size as the amount of RAM on that  

From what I gathered around, the size of the swap partition is very relative.  
On modern computers (say 4 or better yet 8 gb of RAM) swap is hardly needed  
at all and you could even omit it without ever encountering any issue  
whatsoever (unless you edit heavy pics/vids or whatever may drain a modern  
OP has 1 gb of RAM. In this case, the swap partition is **vital** as the  
probability of filling the RAM up is very high. Hence my recommendation is to  
make it double in this case - go for 2 gb of swap, just to be safe.

I have an old laptop, 2 gb ram, 2 gb swap. I am pretty certain I never even  
touched the /swap..
But then again I hate multitasking and I extremely enjoy lightweight  
applications. My average RAM usage is 400/500 mb :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Creating Boot USB Using Disks

2016-10-16 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
My experience tells me that the graphical startup disk creator can cause
the same problems as using the other tools you know (only exception
being, of course, GNU `dd`).

As far as I understand (and please, don't take my words as true, because
I'm still learning what `dd` does): `dd` works because it copies the
**contents** of the input file to output file.

However, if I recall correctly `dd` doesn't make registries in the file
system where the output file is (for example, if you were to use `dd` to
copy a directory to some other place in same file system, you might end
up with a broken output file). This is why we must unmount the USB disk
device (and preferably, format it) before copying a live image to it
(because the file system in this case would be that of the USB disk

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[Trisquel-users] Creating Boot USB Using Disks

2016-10-16 Thread strypey
I have had a lot of teething problems over the years installing GNU/Linux  
from USB, which I've had to do because I was using a PC with no working  
optical drive. I've used UNetbootin quite a bit, and sometimes this worked  
fine, but other times created various problems, such as:
* the installing trying to load files from an optical drive rather than the  
* GRUB being written to the boot USB rather than the target hard drive being  
installed to

* not even getting the installer to launch
* other random fails during installation (infrequent)

Folks in these forums have suggested writing .ISO image directly to the USB  
using DD, which they assure me works for Trisquel images, but I have no idea  
how it goes for other distros.

Recently, I've had some success created boot USBs using the "restore image"  
option in the Disks utility in the Control Panel. I simply select my USB  
drive in the list, select "restore image", and point it at the .ISO I want to  
use for the install. Usually there is a warning that the target drive is  
smaller than the image, so I just click 'Start Restoring...', and it seems to  

Does anyone know if this is functionally the same as using DD from the  
command line, or is it an ugly hack like using UNetBootin, and similarly  
liable to create unexpected problems down the line?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need to Uninstall Trisquel

2016-10-16 Thread strypey
I strongly recommend learning about partitions, as this will make installs  
and reinstalls much less confusing for you. I started learning about them  
when I was trained as a Windows technician but most of what I know now is  

BTW In my other comment, I forgot to mention that you will also need "swap  
partitions". A swap partition is a slice of the hard drive that is reserved  
in case you run out of memory. I usually make Swap partitions the same size  
as the amount of RAM on that computer.

You need a separate swap partition for each OS partition, although you can  
usually shrink your ext4 partitions during install to make space for a Swap  
partition. Sorry if this is all a bit confusing, but stick with it! Most of  
us here have learned what we know by a combination of web searches, making  
illuminating mistakes, and getting advice from people like the friendly and  
helpful folks who frequent this forum.