Re: [tryton] inline edit of a one2many field

2018-07-20 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2018-07-20 17:00 GMT+02:00 Luciano Rossi :

> Hi everybody,
> I need to add records inside of a one2many field, but as inline edit on a
> list view. The idea is similiar when adding *tags* on a website. [0]

Unfortunately not. The closer you can achieve is using "multiselection"
widget as the stock_lot module does:

Or you could hack something by using a many2one field + a many2many one and
using the m2o's on_change method to fill in the m2m and cleaning the m2o.

> [0]
> Is there any way to achive it?
> Thanks,
> --
> Luciano Rossi -
> - Cooperativa de Software Libre
> La Pampa 4395 CABA C1430BXU +54 11 5254-7755
> Visitá -
> --
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Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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Re: [tryton] Unload

2018-07-09 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2018-07-06 10:16 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier :

> Hi,
> The site has served 66GB for June. But mainly to only 3
> hosts:
> * 25.86 GB

NaN-tic responsible for this one and we're going to use the bitbucket
mirror soon.

> * 24.04 GB
> * cli-??? 13.26 GB
> Those 3 hosts consume more than 90% of the bandwidth of the site.
> I suspect those are testing machines that clone (from scratch)
> repositories on each builds.
> I would like to request to the owner of those hosts, a fare use of our
> resources. For that there are many options:
> * Use a local mirror of the Tryton repositories (like
> does with hgwebcachingproxy [1])
> * Use mirrors instead of [2]
> * Use PyPI packages if you do not build on development branch
> Rem: I disclosed those two first host names because I pretty sure the
> two first are servers and last one I hide some part because it looks
> like a dynamic customer IP.
> [1]
> [2]
> Thanks to cooperate,
> --
> Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
> Email/Jabber:
> Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
> Website:
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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Re: [tryton-es] Sobre modulo email notification vs electronic mail

2018-06-24 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2018-06-22 20:49 GMT+02:00 Oscar Alvarez :

> Buenas
> Me gustaria saber la opinion de los desarrolladores de España si el
> reciente modulo oficial email_notificiation puede sustituir el modulo
> electronic_mail (y relacionados) que tienen en Bitbucket, esto porque si es
> asi empezar a probarlo email_notification e ir migrando mis desarrollos al
> oficial?

La verdad es que yo no he analizado todavía el módulo, aunque lo suyo sería
utilizar el módulo de core. Y si es necesario extenderlo.

Pero lo suyo será que lo analices tu mismo para ver si cubre tus

Y ya nos comentarás como lo vés ;-)

> Agradezco su opinion
> -- Best regards / Atentamente, Oscar Andrés Alvarez M. CEO, Presik SAS
> Cel. 301 245 7967 < Empresas Inteligentes >

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

III Jornadas Tryton Barcelona:

[tryton-es] Publicado el programa de las III Jornadas Tryton Barcelona

2018-06-12 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
Hola a todos,
sólo recordaros que faltan menos de dos semanas para las III Jornadas
Tryton Barcelona y que ya hemos publicado el programa provisional en

Todavía quedan algunos slots de tiempo por concretar, así que si queréis
proponer alguna charla todavía estáis a tiempo. Si queréis comentar algun
tema pero creeis que no tenéis material para 20 minutos podemos habilitar
tiempo para charlas relámpago de 5 minutos.

¡Un saludo!

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

III Jornadas Tryton Barcelona:

[tryton-es] III Jornadas Tryton Barcelona: Llamada a la participación

2018-05-08 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
com sabéis y seguro que ya tenéis en vuestras agendas los próximos 25
y 26 de Junio celebraremos unas nuevas Jornadas Tryton Barcelona.

Así que queríamos invitaros a participar con alguna charla que
estiméis que pueda ser de interés. La charla no debería durar más de
20 minutos. Importante ceñir-se al tiempo para no poner en apuros al
responsable de mantener los timings.

Igual que en ediciones anteriores el lunes lo estará orientado a
usuarios finales y el 26 a desarrolladores así que las charlas pueden
ir enfocadas a cualquiera de ambos públicos.

Si necesitáis ideas para las charlas, los temás habituales para
usuarios finales son casos de éxito, desarrollos específicos o

Para desarrolladores son habituales temas de rendimiento, testing,
nuevas APIs, integraciones, etc.

Venga! Animaros, seguro que tenéis mucho que aportar!

Por favor, mandar un correo a con vuestras propuestas.

Cerraremos el programa de las jornadas el día 25 de Mayo.

¡Un saludo!

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] III Jornadas Tryton Barcelona

2018-05-08 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2018-04-20 11:49 GMT+02:00 Sergi Almacellas Abellana <>:
> El 19/04/18 a les 16:42, Oscar Alvarez ha escrit:
>> On 16/04/18 04:18, Sergi Almacellas Abellana wrote:
>>> El 15/04/18 a les 16:52, Oscar Alvarez ha escrit:
>>>> On 13/04/18 02:44, Albert Cervera i Areny wrote:
>>>>> Hola,
>>>>> sólo quería comunicaros que tenemos reservado nuevamente el Movistar
>>>>> Centre (hasta hace poco llamado Mobile World Centre) los próximos días
>>>>> 25 y 26 de Junio para unas nuevas Jornadas Tryton Barcelona.
>>>>> De momento, sólo reservar fech
>>>> Buenas comunidad
>>> Hola Oscar,
>>>> Desde Presik (Colombia) nos encantaría participar con alguna charla para
>>>> dar a conocer y exponer el funcionamiento de algunos de los modulos que
>>>> hemos desarrollado y os cuales queremos compartir con ustedes:
>>>>* Gestión Personal (Nómina - Roles de pago)
>>>>* Gestión Hotelera
>>>>* Gestion de Mantenimiento
>>>>* Cliente Tryton TPV (POS) desarrollado en Qt5
>>>> Adicionalmente tenemos un pequeño desarrollo funcional de integración de
>>>> Tryton Flask con React <> para desarrollo de Web
>>>> Apps.
>>> ¿Vais a venir a España para las jornadas o queréis hacer la presentación
>>> por video conferencia?
>> Hola Sergi y comunidad
>> La idea o al menos lo que me gustaria es ir para tambien tener la
>> oportunidad de compartir experencias con ustedes, pero el presupuesto
>> creo que no nos da para cubrir todo el viaje, pero quizas exista una o
>> algunas empresa de España o un cliente de ustedes interesada en
>> patrocinar la conferencia por algun modulo que iriamos  a exponer, el
>> modulo de hoteles por ejemplo tiene mucho potencial y los hoteles pagan
>> un alto valor por este tipo de software, se que no es facil pero bueno
>> dicen que tocar no es entrar ;)
> Entonces quizá valdria la pena que hicieras algún tipo de exposición
> vendiendo tu producto para los que no sabemos de que se trata.
> Igual podemos valorar también la opción de grabar la presentación en
> video y lo passamos allí para los asistentes (recuerdo que alguna vez
> hicimos algo parecido).

A mi me parece bien esta posibilidad. Siempre será más fiable que una
comunicación de videoconferencia en tiempo real :)

> Un saludo,
> --
> Sergi Almacellas Abellana
> Twitter: @pokoli_srk

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Re: Nueva versión del plan contable

2018-04-13 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2018-04-13 12:23 GMT+02:00 Sergi Almacellas Abellana <>:

> El 29/03/18 a les 18:04, Sergi Almacellas Abellana ha escrit:
> > Se ha mantenido la misma
> > estructura de cuentas pero se simplificado la estructura de impuestos
> > incluyendo solo los que se utilizan mas habitualmente.
> En la última versión se ha simplificado también la estructura de cuentas
> eliminando cuentas de tipo vista que no eran necesarias ya que solo
> tenían un hijo. También se ha simplificado las cuentas de impuestos como
> se comento en [1]

No tengo muy clara esta última modificación que comentas de eliminar las
cuentas vista que sólo tienen un hijo.

Por un lado veo que por ejemplo en la cuenta con ID "pgc_6690_pyme" se ha
cambiado el código a "669". Entiendo que lo que quieres en realidad es
llamarle "pgc_669_pyme"?

Por otro lado el módulo account_es "original" estaba pensado sobretodo para
ser utilizado con el account_code_digits para dejar todas las cuentas
no-vista a un número fijo de dígitos.

Entiendo que esto se hace raro a otros países pero diría que es
imprescindible para poder ofrecer la contabilidad en España.

¿Tienes alguna idea de como abordar esta cuestión sin utilizar estas
cuentas vista que se suprimen en este commit?

> Para que os hagáis una idea, hemos pasado de 1700 cuentas a 900, cosa
> que hace que instalar y actualizar el módulo sea mas rápido.
> Lo tenéis también actualizado en el repositorio de bitbucket[2].
> Saludos,
> [1]!topic/tryton-es/vbaZVEh39h8
> [2]
> --
> Sergi Almacellas Abellana
> Twitter: @pokoli_srk

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

[tryton-es] III Jornadas Tryton Barcelona

2018-04-13 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
sólo quería comunicaros que tenemos reservado nuevamente el Movistar Centre
(hasta hace poco llamado Mobile World Centre) los próximos días 25 y 26 de
Junio para unas nuevas Jornadas Tryton Barcelona.

De momento, sólo reservar fechas, próximamente más información.

¡Un saludo!

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Descuentos pronto pago en facturación

2018-02-24 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2018-02-20 13:11 GMT+01:00 Sergio Morillo <>:

> Buenos días,
> ¿existe algún módulo que permita definir descuentos por Pronto Pago en las
> facturas?

Hecha un vistazo a este módulo:

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton] time of attendance | recording/tracking | vacation (not taken/planned) | illness | training

2018-01-30 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2018-01-26 14:19 GMT+01:00 'Richard Martin' via tryton <>:

> Hallo,
> we are looking for a module to keep track of attendances, vacacion,
> illnesses, ...
> Does anyone have or know about a solution and likes to share?

You may be interested in:

> A great weekend for all,
> Richard Martin
> --
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Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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Re: [tryton] Tryton Docker instructions

2017-11-29 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2017-11-29 9:56 GMT+01:00 Maxime Richez <>:
> Hi,
> Yesterday, i made tryton docker installation following instructions on the 
> docker page:
> I noticed that created volumes at the first instruction are never used 
> because other instructions never use them...
> To use the "postgres" volume, the instruction "Start a PostgreSQL instance" 
> should be:
> sudo docker run --name tryton-postgres -v postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data 
> -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -e POSTGRES_DB=tryton -d postgres
> Don't know if it's really needed to create a tryton volume, as the only 
> volume that could be exposed in tryton docker is "/var/lib/trytond/db". Maybe 
> if we plan to use an sqlite database? Else it seems useless...
> I would like also sharing a nice tool to easily manage your docker 
> environment:

Looks very nice. It would be great if portainer included a template
for starting a tryton container.

> --
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Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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Re: [tryton-es] Re: Programa y registro de las II Jornadas Tryton en Barcelona

2017-10-16 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
Lamentablemente no. Este año no habrá streaming.

Sí contamos poder grabar las charlas y colgarlas posteriormente.

2017-10-16 10:17 GMT+02:00 Gonzalo González Domínguez <>:

> Se va a emitir en directo como el año pasado? Es para ir avisando en el
> curro que vamos a estar dispersos ;)
> El miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2017, 12:31:20 (UTC+2), Albert Cervera i
> Areny escribió:
>> Hola a todos,
>> sólo quería anunciaros que ya tenemos el programa de la jornada dedicada
>> a usuarios de las II Jornadas Tryton Barcelona que celebraremos los
>> próximos días 23 y 24 de octubre.
>> En el siguiente enlace encontraréis el programa previsto. Desde ahí mismo
>> también podéis registraros. Recordad que el registro es gratuito y algo os
>> daremos para comer a media mañana, así que no os lo perdáis!
>> barcelona-2017-37873792533

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

[tryton-es] Programa y registro de las II Jornadas Tryton en Barcelona

2017-10-11 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
Hola a todos,
sólo quería anunciaros que ya tenemos el programa de la jornada dedicada a
usuarios de las II Jornadas Tryton Barcelona que celebraremos los próximos
días 23 y 24 de octubre.

En el siguiente enlace encontraréis el programa previsto. Desde ahí mismo
también podéis registraros. Recordad que el registro es gratuito y algo os
daremos para comer a media mañana, así que no os lo perdáis!

Re: [tryton] Re: openerp2tryton : painfully long in migrate_account_balance

2017-10-06 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2017-09-20 19:25 GMT+02:00 Richard PALO :

> Thought I would mention that I'm seeing roughly a 2,5x speedup using
> pgbouncer
> over vanilla postgresql socket connections (via tryton.conf) where pg and
> proteus are running on the same iron.

I'm surprised you're see this speedup using pgbouncer on the same machine.
Pgbouncer is just a connection pooler and Tryton already has a connection
pooler itself, so it would be great if you could investigate it further.
Some things that come to mind:

- Tryton is not handling correctly the pool of connections and thus
creating a new connection more frequently than it should
- You used TCP/IP sockets when you worked with PostgreSQL but use UNIX
sockets now that you talk to pgbouncer (so the difference would come from
the type of socket, not pgbouncer itself)
- You changed other parameters in Postgres (or Tryton). For example, you
should usually change the following default postgresql.conf parameters:

  - Increase work_mem -> This is the amount of memory to be used per
connection so you may put one or two hundred megabytes
  - Increase shared_buffers -> Depending on database size, but you may want
1GB, for example (if you've got enough memory, of course)
  - Consider using synchronous_commit = off. -> If you use it in production
I recommend you try to understand its implications (we use it in our
  - If you run the migration process on a non-production machine you can
use "fsync =off". This can have a huge impact on performance but do NOT use
it in production EVER. But I recommend it for development environments if
you know that no database you use is critical. It will also have a huge
impact when restoring databases.

> Pulling complete moves/lines by period by fiscalyear I'm averaging ~100
> seconds
> per period (roughly 30 minutes per fiscalyear with a rough average of
> 21-22K lines/year)

Don't have numbers to compare, so it's just intuition, but it does not
sound specially fast.

> cheers,
> --
> Richard PALO
> --
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[tryton-ca] Jornades Tryton a Barcelona - 23 i 24 d'octubre

2017-09-14 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
Hola a tots,
disculpeu el "cross-posting" els que també sou a la llista tryton-es,
però crec que és interessant que us reenviï el correu que hem fet
arribar a la llista en castellà:

Hola a todos,
después del éxito del año pasado, estamos organizando otro evento en
español en el Mobile World Centre de Telefónica en Barcelona [1] los
próximos días 23 y 24 de octubre.

Este correo es para hacer una llamada a la participación de dichas
jornadas. Como el año pasado, la intención es dedicar el día 23 a
continido orientado a usuarios finales y el día 24 a contenido para
desarrollo, así que cualquier tema será bienvenido.

Por favor, no dudéis en participar con vuestra charla en las jornadas.
Algunas ideas de temas interesantes:

- Una implementación exitosa
- Modelos de negocio alrededor de Tryton
- Nuevos módulos y verticales
- Explicar como funcionan módulos core (no todo tienen que ser las
últimas novedades!!)
- Aspectos técnicos concretos (ORM, reporting, etc)
- Rendimiento y tunning
- Workshops
- etc

Podéis mandar vuestras propuestas de charlas o cualquier otra duda a

Sé que el tiempo es un poco justo (queda poco más de un mes) pero
¡seguro que será muy provechoso!


[tryton-es] Jornadas Tryton en Barcelona - 23 y 24 de octubre

2017-09-14 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
Hola a todos,
después del éxito del año pasado, estamos organizando otro evento en
español en el Mobile World Centre de Telefónica en Barcelona [1] los
próximos días 23 y 24 de octubre.

Este correo es para hacer una llamada a la participación de dichas
jornadas. Como el año pasado, la intención es dedicar el día 23 a
continido orientado a usuarios finales y el día 24 a contenido para
desarrollo, así que cualquier tema será bienvenido.

Por favor, no dudéis en participar con vuestra charla en las jornadas.
Algunas ideas de temas interesantes:

- Una implementación exitosa
- Modelos de negocio alrededor de Tryton
- Nuevos módulos y verticales
- Explicar como funcionan módulos core (no todo tienen que ser las
últimas novedades!!)
- Aspectos técnicos concretos (ORM, reporting, etc)
- Rendimiento y tunning
- Workshops
- etc

Podéis mandar vuestras propuestas de charlas o cualquier otra duda a

Sé que el tiempo es un poco justo (queda poco más de un mes) pero
¡seguro que será muy provechoso!


Re: [tryton] VAT listing

2017-08-08 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2017-08-07 15:47 GMT+02:00 Sergi Almacellas Abellana :
> El 07/08/17 a les 15:19, Cédric Krier ha escrit:
>> On 2017-08-07 14:40, Sergi Almacellas Abellana wrote:
>>> El 07/08/17 a les 13:25, Cédric Krier ha escrit:

 On 2017-08-07 13:16, Sergi Almacellas Abellana wrote:
> El 07/08/17 a les 12:40, Cédric Krier ha escrit:
>> On 2017-08-07 12:14, Sergi Almacellas Abellana wrote:
>>> El 07/08/17 a les 12:00, Cédric Krier ha escrit:

 I do not understand. Could you give concrete example (not linked to
 module implementation).
>>> The tax mapping it's used for two things:
>>> 1. Proposing a default operation key to the user depending on the
>>> taxes
>>> selected on the invoice.
>>> 2. Restricting the available operation keys. In Spain there are some
>>> keys that are only available for "in" invoices and others for "out"
>>> invoices. As each tax has the "sale" or "purchase" kind, we define
>>> the
>>> available keys on it. All the taxes that are not related to
>>> intracomunitary operations have an empty keys, so no operation key
>>> can
>>> be selected for this invoices.
>> But why do you need more than 1 key per tax?
> No, only one.
>> How do you select the key? Based on which criteria?
> We select the default key, based on which is most commonly used, but
> the
> user can customize the key as it may be a different one.

 Please be more specific. I do not understand how this key is selected.

>>> It depends on the kind of operation. Here are the available keys:
>> Yes they look very similar to the Belgian ones which are link to the tax
>> in a one2one relation. So I do not understand why one tax could have
>> many optional keys.
> Probably we are missing some taxes, and that's why we allow to change it
> latter.

Ideally there should be a tax and this would improve some things.
However we aleady have +1000 taxes defined, so we need other changes
before we can use taxes only.

> But a direct relation with the tax makes sense for me.
> --
> Sergi Almacellas Abellana
> Twitter: @pokoli_srk
> --
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Re: [tryton-dev] Problems using one2many and many2many fields

2017-05-03 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2017-05-03 4:23 GMT+02:00 Carlos Ibrahim Arias <>:
> Hi! I'm having problems using a one2many field on another model different
> from the class it was created on. I tried to use a many2many field so that I
> can view the related fields but cant make it work
> This is the first class...
> class Z_MedicalHistory(ModelSQL, ModelView):
> 'Patient Medical History'
> __name__ = 'gnuhealth.z_medical_history'
> medical_history_date = fields.DateTime('Date and Time', required=True)
> healthprof = fields.Many2One(
> 'gnuhealth.healthprofessional', 'Health Prof',
> select=True, required=True, help='Health Professional')
> patient = fields.Many2One(
> 'gnuhealth.patient', 'Patient',
> select=True, required=True, help='Patient Name')
> comments = fields.Text('Comments', required=True)
> @staticmethod
> def default_medical_history_date():
> return
> @staticmethod
> def default_healthprof():
> pool = Pool()
> HealthProfessional = pool.get('gnuhealth.healthprofessional')
> return HealthProfessional.get_health_professional()
> @staticmethod
> def default_patient():
> pool = Pool()
> Patient = pool.get('gnuhealth.patient')
> return
> I added the following lines to the class PatientData (gnuhealth.patient) so
> that they are related
> z_medical_history = fields.One2Many(
> 'gnuhealth.z_medical_history',
> 'Z_MedicalHistory', 'Patient Medical History', help='Enter the
> Patient Medical History'
> ' for the patient.')

AFAIS the One2Many definition should be:

 z_medical_history = fields.One2Many(
 'patient', 'Patient Medical History', help='Enter the Patient
Medical History'
 ' for the patient.')

Note the second parameter must be the name of the Many2One field of
the related model.

> The problem is that there is another class call PatientEvaluation where I
> need to hace access and view Z_MedicalHistory using the patient field of
> PatientEvaluation. Tried the following but it's not working:
> z_medical_history = fields.Many2Many('gnuhealth.z_medical_history',
> 'patient', None, 'Historial Medico del Paciente',
> domain=[('patient', '=', Eval('patient'))],
> depends=['patient'])

If you need to access the information of z_medial_history from another
model either you link it directly or you create a Function field. I
guess the latter is what you're looking for. So you need something
like this:

 z_medical_history =
 None, None, 'Historial Medico del Paciente'), 'get_z_medial_history')

> I guess I'm not doing it right. :(
> Thanks it advanced!
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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Re: [tryton] 'To Location' of Internal shipment for consumed inventory?

2017-04-25 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2017-04-22 10:08 GMT+02:00 Khurram Shahzad <>:
> Dear All,
> We want to issue various items from our warehouse to our Pathology Lab.
> These items will be consumed while performing laboratory tests for patients.
> We are planning to use 'Internal Shipment' module for issuing stock items.
> What should be the type of location which should be used as 'To Location'
> for this internal shipment?
> Currently, locations of only two types can appear in 'To Location':
> 1. Storage
> 2. Lost and Found
> Both of these location types seem unsuitable for such internal shipment. I
> think a location of type 'Customer' will fit in this scenario. Our finance
> department will finally record the cost of these items as expense of
> Pathology department.

If I understand correctly you just want those products to be
"consumed" so maybe you can use productions. Another possibility may
be to create single stock moves or create a specific document for

> --
> Regards,
> Khurram.
> --
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Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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Re: [tryton] Back-order limitation

2017-03-31 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
On Mar 28, 2017 11:13, "Mathias Behrle"  wrote:

* Cédric Krier: " [tryton] Back-order limitation" (Tue, 28 Mar 2017 10:54:10

> Hi,
> I have a requirement to not create back-orders for a sale if the
> quantity shipped is closed enough of the ordered quantity.
> For example, if the customer ordered 10Kg and the company ships only
> 9.9Kg, no back-order should be created because it is below 10%.
> I'm wondering if you have already encounter such requirements and if
> there were no other kind of rules?
> I'm thinking about proposing a standard module for this if it is a
> common enough practice.

Another requirement (use case) is to not create backorders at all (i.e. the
missing quantity is handled by the customer with the next purchase.

I've found cases where the behavior should depend on the party.


Mathias Behrle
Gilgenmatten 10 A
D-79114 Freiburg

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Re: [tryton] Re: Is there an audit trail module?

2017-02-24 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
On Feb 24, 2017 23:47, "'Artem Braga' via tryton" 


Just wanted to ask if there is some new functionality regarding audit trail
in Tryton? Or as it was discussed in the beginning of this thread, model's
history is the bets solution for audit trail so far?

We use history in combination with these modules:

Thank you

пятница, 21 марта 2014 г., 19:51:38 UTC+2 пользователь Fabyc написал:

> Hi.
> Is there an audit trail module for tracking every user operation on all
> the objects of the system?
> Thanks
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Re: [tryton] Module for domain and mail management

2017-02-22 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2017-02-22 9:28 GMT+01:00 Juan Ramon Alfaro Martinez <>:
> Hello.
> We have several shared hosting servers and we want to manage client domains
> and mail from tryton erp.
> I think it is not dificult to implement but before begin working  on it I
> want to know if there is any similar module available,
> I don't want to reinvent the wheel.

You may be interested in these:

> Thanks in advice
> --
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Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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Re: [tryton-es] Cambiar Fecha de vencimiento de un Efecto, correspondiente a un asiento confirmado

2016-12-30 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-12-30 11:18 GMT+01:00  <>:
> El viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2016, 9:37:44 (UTC+1), Albert Cervera i Areny
> escribió:
>> 2016-12-29 17:28 GMT+01:00 MónicaAlv <>:
>> > Buenas tardes,
>> >
>> > espero puedan ayudarme con esta consulta.
>> >
>> > 1. He creado un extracto bancario a través del fichero N43 de mi entidad
>> > bancaria
>> > 2. Una de las lineas, la he contabilizado a través de una "Transacción"
>> > a
>> > nombre de un Tercero y de la cuenta Clientes
>> > 3. Cuando voy a "Efectos a pagar/cobrar" encuentro el efecto. Puedo
>> > cambiarle el tipo de pago correctamente. Pero cuando quiero cambiarle la
>> > fecha de vencimiento, me sale el mensaje "No puede modificar apuntes del
>> > asiento "X" porque ya está confirmado".
>> >
>> > ¿Saben como podría proceder?
>> No sé si es el caso pero normalmente esto ocurre porqué se trata de
>> una devolución de un recibo y esto significa que antes, en otra línea
>> de extracto, recibiste primero el pago y lo conciliaste con la
>> factura. Si es así, lo que te recomiendo es que en lugar de tratar
>> este nuevo apunte como un efecto lo que hagas es:
>> - Dejar la contabilización de líneas de extracto tal y como las tienes
>> (es decir, la devolución la dejas en las transacciones como tienes
>> ahora)
>> - Romper la conciliación entre la factura y su pago
>> - Conciliar el pago con el nuevo apunte de devolución
>> Con esto lo que consigues es mantener como pendiente el apunte
>> contable de la factura original. No sé si me habré explicado
>> correctamente...
> Perfectamente Albert. Y así lo hacemos con las devoluciones.
> Este caso es una devolución, pero no se trata de los efectos de la factura,
> su pago anterior y la devolución (que procedemos tal y como indicas), si no
> que se trata de la linea del extracto correspondiente a la comisión bancaria
> por devolución del recibo bancario. Esta linea la hemos contabilizado con
> una transacción a nombre del cliente, en la cuenta clientes (4300), y en
> mismo diario que el resto de los efectos. El efecto correspondiente que se
> ha generado en la cuenta de clientes es el que no nos permite modificar su
> fecha de vencimiento. Hemos cambiado a tipo de pago a Trasnferencia sin
> problemas, pero no podemos ponerle fecha de vencimiento. Cuando editamos el
> asiento del efecto y lo intentamos pasar a borrador obtenemos como indicaba
> Mónica ("La línea de conciliación bancaria con importe "-27.15" en la línea
> del extracto bancario "  COBRO DE EFECTOS DEVUELTOS " no puede ser
> eliminada")

Sí. Actualmente no es posible cambiar una fecha de vencimiento
procedente de una línea de extracto. Mi recomendación en estos casos
sería crear una factura para cobrar al cliente este importe. Si no
queréis factura, ahora mismo deberíais crear un asiento contable
manual del estilo:

1.- Haber: 27.15, Cuenta: 430x, Tercero: X
2-- Debe: 27.15, Cuenta: 430x, Tercero: X, Vencimiento: NUEVO
VENCIMIENTO, Tipo de pago: Transferencia

La línea 1.- la deberíais conciliar con la generada a partir de la
línia de extracto bancario que no podéis modificar.

> Gracias
>> >
>> > Muchas gracias
>> > Laureano
>> --
>> Albert Cervera i Areny
>> Tel. 93 553 18 03

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Cambiar Fecha de vencimiento de un Efecto, correspondiente a un asiento confirmado

2016-12-30 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-12-29 17:28 GMT+01:00 MónicaAlv <>:
> Buenas tardes,
> espero puedan ayudarme con esta consulta.
> 1. He creado un extracto bancario a través del fichero N43 de mi entidad
> bancaria
> 2. Una de las lineas, la he contabilizado a través de una "Transacción" a
> nombre de un Tercero y de la cuenta Clientes
> 3. Cuando voy a "Efectos a pagar/cobrar" encuentro el efecto. Puedo
> cambiarle el tipo de pago correctamente. Pero cuando quiero cambiarle la
> fecha de vencimiento, me sale el mensaje "No puede modificar apuntes del
> asiento "X" porque ya está confirmado".
> ¿Saben como podría proceder?

No sé si es el caso pero normalmente esto ocurre porqué se trata de
una devolución de un recibo y esto significa que antes, en otra línea
de extracto, recibiste primero el pago y lo conciliaste con la
factura. Si es así, lo que te recomiendo es que en lugar de tratar
este nuevo apunte como un efecto lo que hagas es:

- Dejar la contabilización de líneas de extracto tal y como las tienes
(es decir, la devolución la dejas en las transacciones como tienes
- Romper la conciliación entre la factura y su pago
- Conciliar el pago con el nuevo apunte de devolución

Con esto lo que consigues es mantener como pendiente el apunte
contable de la factura original. No sé si me habré explicado

> Muchas gracias
> Laureano

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-dev] Stateless Trytond

2016-11-17 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-11-15 17:05 GMT+01:00 Cédric Krier <>:
> On 2016-11-15 07:02, Mikhail Savushkin wrote:
>> Metrics are:
>> """
>> DBs in Pool  RSS, kBytes Added to memory, kBytes
>> 0 65,020 -
>> 1 86,576 +21,500
>> 2105,520 +19,000
>> 3114,520 + 9,000
>> 4123,708 + 9,000
>> 5132,444 + 9,000
>> """
>> And regarding the efficiency - thats why we wanna use "maps", possibly 
>> stored in some Redis.
>> Btw, we would be totally happy to just store the entire Pool in Redis and 
>> fetch it from Redis per request, but as far as I get, serializing Pool is 
>> practically impossible.
>> As long as we're talking about millions of DBs, this straightforward
>> approach wont work.
> On a standard Tryton setup, you should have about 500 classes and I
> think the standard RPC call will use at least 20 classes. I do not think
> you will have a huge gain by limiting the number of classes you setup in
> the pool. Indeed I think you should focus on speeding the init of the
> Pool for a database (and implement a garbage collection of unused DB).
> Also you could try to dispatch request for the same DB to a subsets of
> server.
> By the way, did you test with this changeset:
> Here are some places where I think there could be improvements:
> - Cache the result of create_graph. This is build using only static
>   data.
> - Cache the module_list to avoid querying the database, needs to be
>   cleared when a new module is activated (on update)
> - Improve the __setup__ methods:
> - find better than deepcopy:

I'm not sure of what I'll say, but AFAIU deepcopy is used to support
several databases (with different modules). Would it be possible to
pass a "--single-database" parameter to trytond, so it would just
support a single database but it would also avoid deepcopying? Or is
there much more work than that?

> - idem for ModelView
> - Improve the __post_setup__ methods:
> - _defaults could maybe be removed
> - idem for _fields (or maybe filled on the first uses)
> PS: Please do not top-post on this mailing list, see
> --
> Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
> Email/Jabber:
> Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
> Website:
> --
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Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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Re: [tryton] Still room for presentation at TUB2016

2016-10-17 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
Hello Hendrik,
would you want and be ready for trying that talk?

On Oct 6, 2016 5:30 PM, "'Hendrik Brandes' via tryton" <> wrote:

> Hello,
> sadly, we cannot meet at Barcelona. Nevertheless, we want to share our
> experiences.
> Can you imagine, that we will meet via online-conferencing system? E.g.
> WebEx, GoToMeeting?
> Best regards,
> Hendrik
> Am Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2016 12:30:06 UTC+2 schrieb Cédric Krier:
>> On 2016-10-05 10:32, Cédric Krier wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Just to remind you that there are still room for presentation at
>> > TUB2016.
>> > For the business track, we still are looking for your experiences with
>> > Tryton, your business success stories etc.
>> > For the technical track, we are looking for presentation about your
>> > developments, developer tips etc.
>> >
>> > Unconference are made by the participants, if you want it to be great
>> > you should consider participate by doing a presentation.
>> Forget to give the link to submit your talk:
>> --
>> Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
>> Email/Jabber:
>> Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
>> Website:
> --
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[tryton-dev] Method Not Allowed on commit

2016-10-02 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
I wanted to commit review29531002 but I'm getting an error when trying
to commit locally. I'm using latest hgreview version.

Any pointers to what could be the cause of the issue:

committing files:
committing manifest
committing changelog
committed changeset 1780:3e7fc0b4e492
Your browser has been opened to visit:

If your browser is on a different machine then exit and re-run with the command-line parameter


(process:30871): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion
'sys_page_size == 0' failed
abort: HTTP Error 405: Method Not Allowed

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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Re: [tryton] Tryton Workshop for TUB Sprints

2016-09-27 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-09-27 9:34 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier <>:
> On 2016-09-27 09:31, Sergi Almacellas Abellana wrote:
>> El 26/09/16 a les 18:49, Cédric Krier ha escrit:
>> > Why not. Indeed since I reworked the schedule topic on
>> > only the 2 first days are displayed so there is no
>> > annoyance to put all sprint topic in lanyrd.
>> I don't understand why we need to hide the sprints topics.
>> IMHO as the sprint location is also shown in the page it will be great to
>> show the sprint topics on the page.
> Because I think it concerns only a few part of the participants.

Sergi's idea is that the workshop could attract people interested in
learning to develop on Tryton. If we hide it, there's no way we will
attract them.

IMO there's possibly no need to put all the codesprint topics on the
site but we could mention that the codesprint is target to developers
and that an introduction workshop will be held the on wednesday

> --
> Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
> Email/Jabber:
> Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
> Website:
> --
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[tryton] Final location for TUB Codesprint

2016-09-15 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
Eventually we can announce where the Codesprint will be held for
upcoming Tryton Unconference event [1].

We will move to Infinitum Factory:

- Infinitum Factory Images:
- Map:

It is located in Sabadell (~25km from Barcelona) but as I already
explained it is very well communicated with Barcelona so it is at
about ~45 minutes from Barcelona's Plaça Catalunya (see the train
route in [2]). There are also direct busses till late night.

Regarding hotels you can of course use the same one in Barcelona and
just travel each of the 3 days. You can take a 10 trips - 2 area
ticket that will bring you from Barcelona to Sabadell (and viceversa).
Remember you need a *2 area ticket*.

If you'd rather search for another location in Sabadell, there are
several options including (I do not provide the links but a quick
search at Google or Google Maps will show you the right results):

- Hostal Ric: which is at just at couple of minutes from Infinitum Factory
- Hotel Catalonia Sabadell: 18 minutes walking according to Google
Maps, so it's probably 16 minutes or so.
- Gran Hotel Verdi: 26 minutes walking according to Google Maps
- Hotel Urpí: 22 minutes walking according to Google Maps

I've got good references for Hotel Urpí but none for the others. The
advantage of the Urpí Hotel is that it is near the center and thus
you'll find more places to eat at night, including a bar/restaurant in
the same hotel which closes very late at night and opens very early.
So it is ideal for *real* Codesprinters ;-)

I want to apologise for having announced the location so late.
Hopefully it will have been worth the wait - you will judge. The first
good news is that it will have no cost to the foundation so all the
money collected will be spent in other Foundation needs (maybe for
cofee? ;-).

Please, do not hesitate to ask any questions.

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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Re: [tryton] [TUB2016] Call for speakers

2016-09-02 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-09-01 9:37 GMT+02:00 Maxime Richez <>:

> Any idea about the code sprint place ? Will it be far from Barcelona ?
> Need to book 2 differents hotels ?

Unfortunately we don't have a confirmation for the codesprint location. Yet
you should not worry very much.

The locations we're managing are either at Barcelona City or Sabadell which
is quite near and very well communicated (two different rail lines and
several bus lines) and quite near Barcelona.

The location will for sure be at between 25 and 45 minutes with public
transport from Plaça Catalunya [1] where the first two days will take place.

That said, if you have the possibility to delay a few days contracting the
hotel for the last days of the unconference or you use a reservation system
which allows free cancellation, you may prefer to move to an hotel nearer
the second location.

The reason for the delay has been the fact that MWC could offer only the
location for the first two days (and they do it for free!) and the
codesprint event needed another location. Given the type of event, the fact
that we expect fewer people, the holidays in-between and relatively high
prices made us want to search for more appropriate/cheaper locations.

We may be able to get another location for free which would be ideal, in
terms of network infrastructure, room space and services, and we're working
to reach an agreement as soon as possibe. I'm confident we'll be able to
agree with them and you'll love both locations. They're both awesome.


> Any suggestions about friendly hotel and anything we should know about
> Barcelona and Tub ?

Living at only 30km from Barcelona I cannot recommend an Hotel in
particular (I go home to sleep :D) but my guess is that in general almost
any Hotel should be quite ok. Maybe people that came to previous TUB can
make some recommendations.

Regarding the TUB I think you should take into account that we expect your
participation and we want to encourage everyone to make their presentation.
That can be a success story, some development you've done or simply
starting a round table to discuss in which things we're not doing well

Bring your laptop, and have fun!

> --
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Albert Cervera i Areny
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Re: [tryton] Reminder: Tryton Unconference Barcelona 2016

2016-09-02 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-09-01 9:19 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier <>:
> On 2016-08-31 16:38, Cédric Krier wrote:
>> The event is made by and for the community. So it will be great only if
>> you participate actively. So do not forget to add your talks at
> Someone added a session by without speaker:
> Is it a forget or is it a request? If it is a request, I think it is
> better to ask on the ML.

My mistake. Fixing it..

> --
> Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
> Email/Jabber:
> Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
> Website:
> --
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[tryton] TUB 2016 Dates

2016-07-21 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny

Eventually, we can confirm that the next Tryton Unconference in Barcelona
will be held on October 17th till 21st.

The first two days (Monday and Tuesday) will have a conference format and
the days following will be a codesprint.

The (un)conference days will be at the Mobile World Centre [1], an
excellent place where we recently held the Spanish conference and offered
by the Mobile World Capital and Movistar.

The codesprint will possibly be held in another place yet to be determined
and it may not be in Barcelona City.

With this information you can hopefully reserve the travel tickets. If you
need to book a place to sleep before we confirm the codesprint location,
contact me for updated information.

The first two nights can, for sure, be reserved in any hotel/hostel/room
near MWC. It is in the very center in Barcelona, at Plaça Catalunya, so you
should have no problems to find a good location. It's plenty of places, so
I don't think it is necessary we provide a list of possible locations.

Any other information you need, just contact me.

See you soon!


Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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Re: [tryton-es] Módulo Contact

2016-07-12 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-07-06 12:52 GMT+02:00 Manuel Bailen <>:

> El miércoles, 6 de julio de 2016, 10:47:08 (UTC+2), Albert Cervera i Areny
> escribió:
>> 2016-07-05 11:11 GMT+02:00 Manuel Bailen <>:
>>> Hola a todos,
>>> estoy utilizando el módulo Contract 3.8 de Nantic y he observado un
>>> comportamiento en mi opinión un poco extraño a la hora de generar los
>>> consumos.
>>> Para que me genere el consumo del último periodo mensual de un contrato
>>> cuyo último día de vigencia real es  p.e. el 31/07, tengo que introducir
>>> como fecha de finalización el 03/08, ya que si utilizo una fecha inferior
>>> no genera ningún consumo.
>>> No sé si es el comportamiento esperado.
>> No lo es.
>>> Entiendo que la fecha de finalización debería corresponder al último día
>>> de vigencia del contrato o al primero donde se deja de prestar el servicio
>>> en mi ejemplo el 01/08.
>> Debería ser el último en el que se presta el servicio.
>> Puedes indicarnos los valores que pones en los siguientes campos:
>> A nivel de contrato:
>> - Fecha Inicio periodo
> 01/04/2016
>> - Fecha primera factura
> 10/04/2016

Por qué le pones "Fecha primera factura" a día 10? Quieres que siempre se
genere la factura el día 10 de cada mes?

>> A nivel de línea:
>> - Fecha inicial
> 01/04/2016
>> - Fecha final
> 31/07/2016 no genera consumo
> 01/08/2016 no genera consumo
> 02/08/2016 no genera consumo
> 03/08/2016 SI genera consumo

Claramente algo no está bien en el módulo. Después de la última
refactorización todavía no lo tenemos en producción en ninguna instalación
y tenemos pendiente crear una serie de escenarios para probar distinta

Puedes estar pendiente de los cambios en el módulo porqué probablemente se
resolverá en las próximas semanas.

> Muchas gracias
>>> Muchas gracias de antemano
>> --
>> Albert Cervera i Areny
>> Tel. 93 553 18 03

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Módulo Contact

2016-07-06 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-07-05 11:11 GMT+02:00 Manuel Bailen <>:

> Hola a todos,
> estoy utilizando el módulo Contract 3.8 de Nantic y he observado un
> comportamiento en mi opinión un poco extraño a la hora de generar los
> consumos.
> Para que me genere el consumo del último periodo mensual de un contrato
> cuyo último día de vigencia real es  p.e. el 31/07, tengo que introducir
> como fecha de finalización el 03/08, ya que si utilizo una fecha inferior
> no genera ningún consumo.
> No sé si es el comportamiento esperado.

No lo es.

> Entiendo que la fecha de finalización debería corresponder al último día
> de vigencia del contrato o al primero donde se deja de prestar el servicio
> en mi ejemplo el 01/08.

Debería ser el último en el que se presta el servicio.

Puedes indicarnos los valores que pones en los siguientes campos:

A nivel de contrato:

- Fecha Inicio periodo
- Fecha primera factura

A nivel de línea:

- Fecha inicial
- Fecha final

> Muchas gracias de antemano

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton] How to update accounting moves that have been posted?

2016-06-29 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-06-28 17:16 GMT+02:00 Armand Mpassy-Nzoumba <>:

> Dear all,
> How can I update an accounting move that have been posted? The related
> journal has been correctly configured. This means that the box:
> Allow cancelling moves has been checked.

With that flag set you should be able to set the move back to draft state
and then update it.

> Kind regards,
> Armand
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Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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Re: [tryton-es] product_kit

2016-06-06 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-06-02 0:23 GMT+02:00 Luis Deiana <>:

> El miércoles, 1 de junio de 2016, 13:24:00 (UTC-3), raimonesteve escribió:
>> 2016-06-01 17:25 GMT+02:00 Luis Deiana <>:
>> > Hola, estuve haciendo algunas pruebas con el modulo product_kit y a mi
>> > entender no funciona la opcion "Kit Fixed List Price" ya que esté o no
>> > tildado al hacer una venta me da el "precio de lista" del producto kit
>> y no
>> > hace el calculo de sumar los precios de los productos componentes (como
>> > segun entiendo deveria hacerlo). Alguna sugerencia ?
>> Saludos
> Hola raimonesteve, gracias x la respuesta, pero no entiendo ;)
> Tampoco pude hacer que me descargue del stock los productos que componen
> en kit al hacer el albaran de salida del kit:(

 los productos terminan siendo líneas de venta normales y
corrientes así que si los productos son de tipo goods, se van a pasar a los
albaranes y por tanto se van a descontar del stock.

> Saludos.

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] product_kit

2016-06-06 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-06-01 17:25 GMT+02:00 Luis Deiana <>:

> Hola, estuve haciendo algunas pruebas con el modulo product_kit y a mi
> entender no funciona la opcion "Kit Fixed List Price" ya que esté o no
> tildado al hacer una venta me da el "precio de lista" del producto kit y no
> hace el calculo de sumar los precios de los productos componentes (como
> segun entiendo deveria hacerlo). Alguna sugerencia ?

Si no recuerdo mal, en ningún caso debería ponerte la suma de los productos
en el producto Kit. En un caso debería ponerte el precio del kit y dejar
los otros productos con importe a cero y en el otro debería ponert el
precio de cada uno de los componentes en sus respectivas líneas de la venta.

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

[tryton-dev] Renaming rec_name label?

2016-06-03 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
In many models in Tryton there's the field "name" with the
corresponding "Name" label. Yet all models have the "rec_name" field
with the "Name" label.

This is an issue for example in the import/export dialogs where the
user has no way to know which of those fields she's actually

I propose to change the label for "rec_name" though I don't have a
strong opinion on what should it be.

Here are some ideas that came to my mind:

- Summary
- Record Summary
- Record Name
- Record Title
- Record Alias


Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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Re: [tryton] Neso retirement

2016-06-03 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-06-02 23:39 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier <>:
> Hi,
> I would like to propose to stop publishing neso.
> Some reasons are:
> - It always fails to run on each major release (ex: see issue5529)
>   because nobody test it.
> - I think it is almost not used because nobody complains about it
>   not working on 4.0
> - It became a kind of horrible hack because it monkey patch tryton
>   and it needs to bundle all the module dependencies in py2exe.
> - It doesn't work for MacOS X for a long period.
> - It kind of blocks isue5384.
> - We do not have an easy way to migrate from neso to a standard
>   PostgreSQL setup.
> Also historically, we made neso as a simple way to demonstrate Tryton.
> At this time we did not have a demo server. But now, this mission is not
> really achieved because of all the problems it has.
> Now, we have many alternatives to demonstrate (ex:, the
> free hosting like, etc.) and it is even easier thanks to sao.
> So what do you think?

I agree on removing it too. Given that many others suggested docker, I
think we could work on having an official docker image [1] and a
docker-compose YAML for use the docker image with the official
PostgreSQL docker image [2].

Apart from a Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml, we (at NaN-tic) have a
Vagrantfile for creating a development environment (using our own
tools) which also installs PostgreSQL and required debian packages in
a VirtualBox VM, in case somebody is interested in creating something
that that could be published on


> --
> Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
> Email/Jabber:
> Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
> Website:
> --
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Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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Re: [tryton] XML-RPC and bcrypt

2016-05-22 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-05-22 8:31 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier <>:
> On 2016-05-22 00:29, Albert Cervera i Areny wrote:
>> > PS: I'm wondering if we should allow to configure which hashing method
>> > to use for specific user.
>> I think that would be a little bit too much. But maybe it would be
>> worth making it configurable on trytond.conf because currently it only
>> depends on the availability of the bcrypt package. If it's there, it
>> is used.
> But it is based on the principal to use the best available by default.
> bcrypt is better than sha1 because of this CPU constraint.
> But maybe, it could be configurable and if there is no configuration, we
> use the best.


> --
> Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
> Email/Jabber:
> Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
> Website:
> --
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Re: [tryton] XML-RPC and bcrypt

2016-05-21 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-05-21 0:46 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier <>:
> Hi,
> I would like to share some experiences I just get with XML-RPC.
> Indeed, I was checking the XML-RPC from proteus on
> (port 80). And I found that it was really slower than the
> (port 8069).
> At first, I thouth it was a reverse-proxy issue, but both server runs
> under similar configuration.
> Then I thought it was an issue like [1] and that Nagle should be
> disabled also on Linux. But it did not change any thing.
> Finally, I timeout each method used and I found that it was the login
> check. Demo 4.0 is using bcrypt for the password and 3.8 sha1.
> And so the password in 4.0 is quite slow because of the design of bcrypt
> and this check is done on each request.
> As it is not so obvious, I think it is good to share it.

Sure. Thanks for sharing.

> So if you want to use XML-RPC with Basic authentication, you should be
> careful about the encryption used for the password.
> PS: I'm wondering if we should allow to configure which hashing method
> to use for specific user.

I think that would be a little bit too much. But maybe it would be
worth making it configurable on trytond.conf because currently it only
depends on the availability of the bcrypt package. If it's there, it
is used.

> [1]
> --
> Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
> Email/Jabber:
> Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
> Website:
> --
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[tryton] Video streaming of Jornadas Tryton 2016

2016-05-13 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
It's still ten days until 23th when the Jornadas Tryton 2016 will be
held in Barcelona yet we already have almost 70 people subscribed to
the event.

We've been giving some updates on the Spanish mailing list yet I think
that we have some great news and some on this mailing list will care,
specially given that many people may have a decent Spanish knowledge
but may be not in the Spanish mailing list.

The thing is that Glowbl is going to stream the whole event for us for
free. One of their guys is coming from France specially for the event,
so we're very greatful for their support.

We're holding the event on MWC [3] and they were kind enough to let us
use the auditorium once we reached the 50 people limit of the standard
conference rooms. We will even have free beers sponsored by Estrella

All in all, it looks like it willl be a great event, and if you've got
a little bit of Spanish skills and are not near Barcelona we hope you
will join us via streaming.

PS: It will be possible to make questions through Glowbl streaming
platform so the speaker will be able to answer them!

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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Re: [tryton-es] Re: ¿Y si NO estás a tiempo de asistir a las I Jornadas Tryton en Barcelona?

2016-05-05 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-05-04 19:32 GMT+02:00 Lucas Riccombene <>:
> Que buenos temas van a presentar  :)
> Me encantaria ir pero por cuestiones de Dinero.
> Consulta transmiten en vivo por internet?

No en vivo pero intentaremos publicar vídeos a posteriori.

> Saludos
> El miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016, 13:17:47 (UTC-3), Albert Cervera i Areny
> escribió:
>> Ya quedan pocas plazas para las I Jornadas Tryton en Barcelona [1] así
>> que no me digas que no te lo advertí ;-)
>> En serio, queda un mes para el evento que celebraremos por primer año
>> en el Mobile World Centre de Barcelona [2] y no sabemos si habrá sitio
>> para todos. Ya tubimos que pedir ampliar al máximo el número de plazas
>> pero está por ver que sea suficiente.
>> Así que no dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy y apúntate ahora
>> mismo aquí:
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> --
>> Albert Cervera i Areny
>> Tel. 93 553 18 03

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] modulo contract nantic

2016-05-04 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-04-29 11:30 GMT+02:00 Sergi Andreu <>:
> Buenos días
> he probado instalar el modulo contract de nantic , de unas cuantas maneras,
> bajo debian 7.
> y ubuntu 14 , en entorno virtual , versión 3.4 y 3.8. ,solo los módulos
> básicos que pide contract
> pero siempre me da este error
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/trytond/protocols/", line 150, in _marshaled_dispatch
> response['result'] = dispatch_method(method, params)
>   File "/trytond/protocols/", line 179, in _dispatch
> res = dispatch(*args)
>   File "/trytond/protocols/", line 161, in dispatch
> result = rpc.result(meth(*c_args, **c_kwargs))
>   File "/trytond/model/", line 237, in fields_view_get
> tree = etree.fromstring(result['arch'], parser)
>   File "lxml.etree.pyx", line 3032, in lxml.etree.fromstring
> (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:68106)
>   File "parser.pxi", line 1784, in lxml.etree._parseMemoryDocument
> (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:102444)
> ValueError: can only parse strings
> llevo días de búsquedas y pruebas pero no consigo dar con la tecla.

Entiendo que debería mostrarte en qué vista en concreto se produce
este error. Tenemos el módulo en producción tanto en la 3.4 como en la
3.8, así que no sé que podría ser.

> hay que aplicar los trytond-patches project ?

Creo que no debería ser necesario para este módulo en concreto.

> alguna pista ?

Hay que bucar cuál es la vista en concreto que está intentando cargar.
Parece que no encuentra el fichero .xml esperado en el directorio
view/ del módulo.

> gracias y un saludo

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

[tryton-es] ¿Y si NO estás a tiempo de asistir a las I Jornadas Tryton en Barcelona?

2016-05-04 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
Ya quedan pocas plazas para las I Jornadas Tryton en Barcelona [1] así
que no me digas que no te lo advertí ;-)

En serio, queda un mes para el evento que celebraremos por primer año
en el Mobile World Centre de Barcelona [2] y no sabemos si habrá sitio
para todos. Ya tubimos que pedir ampliar al máximo el número de plazas
pero está por ver que sea suficiente.

Así que no dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy y apúntate ahora
mismo aquí:


Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

[tryton-es] Programa provisional de las Jornadas y otras novedades

2016-05-04 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
Hola de nuevo,
me alegra anunciaros que este fin de semana se terminaron todas las
localidades para las jornadas. ¡Sí, a falta de tres semanas!

Y me alegra especialmente porqué después del estrés inicial la gente
del MWC nos han ofrecido mover las charlas al auditorio. Así que
volvemos a tener localidades disponibles, ¡ahora cabremos hasta 180

Por si esto fuera poco, Estrella Damm invita a todos los asistentes a
la tomar una cerveza a partir de las 17:00 tanto el lunes 23, como el
martes 24. Lo sé, esto va a duplicar las inscripciones ;-)

Finalmente, comentaros que hemos publicado el programa provisional de
las jornadas. Como siempre, podéis consultar la información en
eventbrite [2].


Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton] Tryton - Documentation

2016-04-01 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-04-01 20:15 GMT+02:00 Axel Braun <>:
> Hi,
> Am Donnerstag, 31. März 2016, 11:27:36 schrieb Albert Cervera i Areny:
>> > Seems this german discussion is two years old. Any update since ?
> I think Mathias continues to work on this.
>> > @Albert : can you tell us what prevents your initial proposal to
>> > expand more widely ?
>> Contributions... and a version in English.
>> As we already stated we do not have the resources for creating the
>> documentation in English and then translating it into Spanish (and we
>> need the latter at least), so we went ahead and wrote it in Spanish.
> Yes, this is difficult in any case, if you are not a native speaker (ES->EN,
> DE->EN). As written, the tags in the german approach are already in english,
> whereas the spanish version has spanish tags:
> .. inheritref:: party/party:section:crear-un-tercero
> .. inheritref:: party/party:paragraph:identificadores
> .. inheritref:: party/party:section:terceros-multicompania
> .. inheritref:: party/party:section:informes
> Another difference that i could see that Mathias' approach is closer to the
> menu structure, additional to the functional descriptions. That makes live for
> newbies easier.
> Dont get me wrong Albert, I dont want to 'rate down' the work of you and your
> team! Purpose was just to point out that there is some other work that wants
> to be finished, Differences are normal and a way to learn from each other

Indeed. Our idea is not to follow the menu structure but the
processes. Hence the difference.

> Have a good evening
> Axel
> --
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Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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Re: [tryton] Tryton - Documentation

2016-03-31 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-03-31 10:56 GMT+02:00 Dominique Chabord <>:
> Hello,
> Seems this german discussion is two years old. Any update since ?
> @Albert : can you tell us what prevents your initial proposal to
> expand more widely ?

Contributions... and a version in English.

As we already stated we do not have the resources for creating the
documentation in English and then translating it into Spanish (and we
need the latter at least), so we went ahead and wrote it in Spanish.

> Are there still issues that need a general
> agreement ?

Not really, unless somebody wants to propose some changes :) The docs
of core modules are in a separate repository so we don't need the doc
to be integrated in core.

> A point which is unclear to me is translationsystem. Can you tell us
> what the best translation strategy would be in your idea ?

There are several things to consider:

- Images: As they're rendered dynamically, the language is the one you
configure in the database so it already supports any language.
- Menu entries and other texts: Same as above. It's taken from the database.
- The text/documentation itself: The idea is to have a directory per
language, so it'd be in the line of wikipedia or Tryton's web page,
where each language has its documents. Yet, Sphinx has a translation
system so if there was a real effort to write the docs in english
first, we could use Sphinx tools so we have a source language and the
rest are real translations instead of separate documents.

The key, and I have a hard time thinking it's really going to happen
soon is that somebody steps up and writes the original documentation
in English.

> Regards
> 2016-03-31 9:30 GMT+02:00 Albert Cervera i Areny <>:
>> 2016-03-31 0:18 GMT+02:00 Raimon Esteve <>:
>>> Hie
>>> 2016-03-30 22:02 GMT+02:00 Axel Braun <>:
>>>> Dear Community,
>>>> I would like to point you to a discussion on the german mailing list:
>>>> It deals with the creation of holistic User- and Admin documentation for
>>>> Tryton. Target language is currently german, but it is build up in a way 
>>>> that
>>>> it can be translated to other languages (e.g. the reftags are in English).
>>>> The documentation was created by our Debain -Maintainer and long-term 
>>>> Tryton-
>>>> supporter Mathias Behrle as a crowd-funding approach: One part will be 
>>>> funded
>>>> by customers, one part by Mathias, and some amount (3000€) needs to come 
>>>> from
>>>> the community.
>>>> The german community is currently committed to 1950€. I would like to bring
>>>> this to your attention in order to fund the missing amount.
>>>> I feel this may be interesting as a translation basis for langages 
>>>> different
>>>> from Spanish or English.
>>>> For a proof-reading in german see
>>> Last Tryton Unconference in Belgium and Catalonia (Barcelona), Nan's
>>> guys present a trytond-doc project.
>> And with Zikzakmedia's help we have pretty good coverage, specially
>> for base modules, accounting, sales and purchases.
>>> It's easy:
>>> 1- Use Sphinx and inherit doc. Depend modules you installed, you could
>>> generate a custom documentation.
>>> 2- Fields, menus and views (screens) from your trytond
>>> server-database. In case next version change a label field, name
>>> menu,... is not necessary to change in your documentation.
>>> Some references:
>>> trydoc on pypi:
>>> Spanish DOC source:
>>> Spanish User DOC:
>>> Regards,
>>> Raimon
>>> --
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>>> "tryton" group.
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>> --
>> Albert Cervera i Areny
>> Tel. 93 553 18 03
>> --
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>> "tryton" group.
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> --
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Albert Cervera i Areny
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Re: [tryton] Tryton - Documentation

2016-03-31 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-03-31 0:18 GMT+02:00 Raimon Esteve <>:
> Hie
> 2016-03-30 22:02 GMT+02:00 Axel Braun <>:
>> Dear Community,
>> I would like to point you to a discussion on the german mailing list:
>> It deals with the creation of holistic User- and Admin documentation for
>> Tryton. Target language is currently german, but it is build up in a way that
>> it can be translated to other languages (e.g. the reftags are in English).
>> The documentation was created by our Debain -Maintainer and long-term Tryton-
>> supporter Mathias Behrle as a crowd-funding approach: One part will be funded
>> by customers, one part by Mathias, and some amount (3000€) needs to come from
>> the community.
>> The german community is currently committed to 1950€. I would like to bring
>> this to your attention in order to fund the missing amount.
>> I feel this may be interesting as a translation basis for langages different
>> from Spanish or English.
>> For a proof-reading in german see
> Last Tryton Unconference in Belgium and Catalonia (Barcelona), Nan's
> guys present a trytond-doc project.

And with Zikzakmedia's help we have pretty good coverage, specially
for base modules, accounting, sales and purchases.

> It's easy:
> 1- Use Sphinx and inherit doc. Depend modules you installed, you could
> generate a custom documentation.
> 2- Fields, menus and views (screens) from your trytond
> server-database. In case next version change a label field, name
> menu,... is not necessary to change in your documentation.
> Some references:
> trydoc on pypi:
> Spanish DOC source:
> Spanish User DOC:
> Regards,
> Raimon
> --
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Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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"tryton" group.
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[tryton] Tryton Unconference 2016 - Call for location

2016-03-24 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
Hello everyone,
just a quick note to make everyone aware of the call for locations for this
year's unconference announced here:

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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Re: [tryton-dev] ssh server updated

2016-03-23 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-11-10 12:31 GMT+01:00 Cédric Krier <>:
> Hi,
> The OpenSSH server has been updated to 7.1p1 which drops the support of
> DSA keys. So if you have registered such key on roundup, you should
> update to a new supported for example RSA with a size of 2048.

Do you need to update the key manually or is there some cron script
that will sync it eventually.

> ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
> Thanks,
> --
> Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
> Email/Jabber:
> Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
> Website:

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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[tryton-es] Jornadas Estatales Tryton en Barcelona

2016-02-10 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
Hola a todos,
tengo el placer de comunicaros que los próximos días 23 y 24 de mayo
celebraremos en Barcelona las primeras Jornadas Tryton de la comunidad

Ya de entrada las jornadas cuentan con la colaboración de 5 empresas:

- DataLife [1]
- NaN-tic [2]
- Onneo [3]
- Thymbra [4]
- Zikzakmedia [5]

pero realmente esperamos que os apuntéis muchos más! Podéis enviarme
un correo en privado los que querráis.

Además tenemos la suerte de contar con la colaboración del Mobile
World Centre [6], que nos acojeará en un lugar excelente en el centro
de Barcelona. Y lógicamente con una excelente conectividad.

En breve enviaremos el enlace para empezar a inscribiros pero de
momento podéis empezar a reservaros las fechas. Como véis, lo hemos
organizado a principios de semana para los que queráis podáis
aprovechar el fin de semana anterior para visitar la ciudad.

En próximas comunicaciones también explicaremos cómo podéis hacer
vuestras propuestas de charlas.

¡Un saludo!


PD: Mobile World Centre es una iniciativa público-privada creada por
Mobile World Capital Barcelona (MWCB) y Telefónica con el objetivo de
acercar a la ciudadanía el mundo de la telefonía móvil y de Internet.
Es un espacio para descubrir cómo la transformación mobile está
revolucionando las vías de comunicación, nuestro día a día o el
entorno social y empresarial. El Centre es un espacio abierto a los
ciudadanos que acoge una exposición permanente y ofrece una agenda de
actividades vinculadas a la actualidad y a proyectos centrados en la
transformación social, cultural, tecnológica y económica de la
movilidad. Mobile World Centre es también un punto de información y
difusión del resto de iniciativas de MWCB.

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

[tryton-dev] Adding a filter attribute to Many2One and Many2Many fields

2016-01-24 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
I'd like to know your opinion about adding $subject possibility:

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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Re: [tryton] Application error: error while try to login

2016-01-12 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2016-01-12 0:34 GMT+01:00  <>:
> Hello,
> I installed tryton and trytond from pip like suggest tryton documentation,
> create postgresql user and database and create trytond.conf file. Also I
> initialize database how is suggested in documentation.
> Here my trytond.conf file here
> My user is admin and the password is admin, too. I crypt the password and
> add to trytond.conf file like suggested in the documentation.
> But when I tried to login the gtk client is getting the following errors:

Remove the known_hosts file in ~/.config/tryton//known_hosts

You can also just remove the entry corresponding to the server you're
trying to connect to (localhost:8000).

> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/home/myuser/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tryton/gui/window/",
> line 599, in run
> if not common.test_server_version(host, port):
>   File
> "/home/myuser/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tryton/common/",
> line 231, in test_server_version
> version = rpc.server_version(host, port)
>   File "/home/myuser/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tryton/", line
> 67, in server_version
> result = connection.common.server.version(None, None)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1233, in __call__
> return self.__send(self.__name, args)
>   File "/home/myuser/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tryton/",
> line 283, in __request
> verbose=self.__verbose
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1273, in request
> return self.single_request(host, handler, request_body, verbose)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1303, in single_request
> response = h.getresponse(buffering=True)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1073, in getresponse
> response.begin()
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 415, in begin
> version, status, reason = self._read_status()
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 379, in _read_status
> raise BadStatusLine(line)
> BadStatusLine: ''
> --
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Albert Cervera i Areny
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Re: [tryton] RFC: Invoice sequences

2015-12-29 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-12-26 15:10 GMT+01:00 Cédric Krier <>:
> On 2015-12-25 22:26, Jordi Esteve (Zikzakmedia) wrote:
>> El 24/12/15 a les 15:06, Cédric Krier ha escrit:
>> >Hi,
>> >
>> >Following the previous discussions about the invoice sequence and the
>> >fiscal year, I have started a feature request to improve the situation
>> >and manage more cases.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Please comment if the proposal could be in conflict with your local
>> >usage.
>> The new proposal (a check when setting the number on an invoice to ensure
>> that the invoice date not before any invoice dates numbered with the same
>> sequence) fits well the Spanish law and practice.
>> In fact, the Spanish team maintains a module [1] that implements this idea
>> with some restrictions because the sequence is not yet stored in invoices.
> I see you also have a check for invoice_date == accounting_date for out
> invoices. I'm wondering if we should also include this constraint in the
> base.

I think this makes sense. It'd be very strange that the law allowed
those dates to be different.

However, as Jordi said, the reason we added this constraint was not
this one. In Spain you cannot create invoice number 0001 on 03/01/2016
and invoice number 0002 on a date < 03/01/2015, which is exactly your

I always thought that was a very strict (special) Spanish requirement
so it would be nice to know if other countries have the same

> --
> Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
> Email/Jabber:
> Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
> Website:
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "tryton" group.
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Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"tryton" group.
To view this discussion on the web visit

Re: [tryton] Has NaN-tic gone out of business? Also Openlabs?

2015-12-11 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-12-09 10:41 GMT+01:00 Dominique Chabord <>:
> Thank you Guillem,
> when your team of excellence goes off-line, we miss you.
> Going through your site, it seems that pages about erp features are
> not filled. Is it only for me ?

They are not (yet) translated into English.

> Best regards
> 2015-12-08 13:51 GMT+01:00 Guillem Barba Domingo <>:
>> We are active, there was a problem with our website that it's resolved.
>> 2015-12-08 12:10 GMT+01:00 Dominique Chabord <>:
>>> I don't know about Nan-tic.
>>> regarding Sharoon's team, you'll find them at
>>> 2015-12-08 11:25 GMT+01:00 Ossi Viljakainen <>:
>>> >
>>> > Hi,
>>> >
>>> > Is NaN-tic gone out of business or otherwise disappeared? Their website
>>> > is gone, and they don't answer emails.
>>> >
>>> > Also, has Openlabs gone? I noticed their website is
>>> > gone,
>>> > as is their main website
>>> >
>>> > What's the news here?
>>> >
>>> > -Ossi
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>> > Groups
>>> > "tryton" group.
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>>> >
>>> >
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>> "tryton" group.
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>> --
>> Guillem Barba
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "tryton" group.
>> To view this discussion on the web visit
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "tryton" group.
> To view this discussion on the web visit 

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"tryton" group.
To view this discussion on the web visit

Re: [tryton-es] Traducción español (España) y català de v3.8 de tryton

2015-10-30 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-10-28 22:01 GMT+01:00 Jordi Esteve <>:
> Hola,
> Acabo de finalizar la traducción español (España) y català de v3.8 de tryton
> en Eran sólo unos 1000 términos nuevos en cada idioma.

Gracias, Jordi.

> Si queréis podéis echarle una ojeada y hacer alguna sugerencia.

He repasado los "OK" que en Catalán teníamos como "D'acord" en algunos
casos y "Accepta" en otros. Lo he dejado todo como "D'acord".

> --
> Jordi Esteve
> Consultor Zikzakmedia SL
> Mòbil 679 170 693
> Zikzakmedia SL
> St. Jaume, 9, baixos, 2a
> 08720 Vilafranca del Penedès
> Tel 93 890 2108

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton] About removing invoice/credit note type

2015-10-21 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-10-20 21:53 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier <>:
> On 2015-10-20 21:17, Jordi Esteve wrote:
>> El 20/10/15 a les 19:24, Cédric Krier ha escrit:
>> >On 2015-10-20 19:07, Albert Cervera i Areny wrote:
>> >>2015-10-20 18:38 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier <>:
>> >>>Hi,
>> >>>
>> >>>I was discussing about issue5016 [1] which is indeed a continuation of
>> >>>issue4410 [2] and I came with the idea that we should remove the
>> >>>invoice/credit_note type on the Invoice object.
>> >>>Such types are really a big constraint that prevent us to generate mixed
>> >>>documents (half invoice and half credit note).
>> >>>
>> >>>So the idea will be to migrate the credit note to negate the quantity
>> >>>and keep in type only 'in' / 'out' (aka 'supplier' / 'customer').
>> >>>
>> >>>The only difficulty will be for the sequence. Until now, we have the
>> >>>possibility to use different sequences for invoice and credit note. I
>> >>>think the way to manage such change will be to warn early enough users
>> >>>that such configuration will no more be possible in the future and so
>> >>>people should configure the next fiscalyear by using unique sequence for
>> >>>both types in prevision of the future migration.
>> >>We need both sequences in Spain as it is a legal requirement [1].
>> >Could you point to which page?
>> Page 23:
>> Número y, en su caso, serie. La numeración de las facturas dentro de cada
>> serie debe ser correlativa
>> Es obligatoria, en todo caso, la expedición en series específicas de las
>> facturas siguientes:
>> - Las rectificativas.
>> As Albert has said, credit notes could be removed and replaced by different
>> invoice sequences, like account_invoice_multisequence module [1] does.
> This doesn't say that invoice and credit note must have a different
> sequence.

It does. When it says that they need to be with specific sequences, it
means that they must be different from standard invoices. "Facturas
rectificativas" is the equivalent to credit notes.

> But of course, customization of the invoice numbering will still be
> possible. But they will have also to merge the two types.
>> >>Yet,
>> >>it should not be all that difficult to choose the sequence depending
>> >>on the sign of the invoice.
>> >I think if you have really this constraint, this means that you can not
>> >mix positive and negative lines on the same document otherwise it is not
>> >consistent.
>> It depends, Spanish legal requirements for credit notes are strict (page
>> 38); summarizing credit notes in Spain must come from previous invoices. But
>> you can have negative amounts in sales/purchases and generate a single
>> invoice with mixed positive/negative amounts.
> So I don't see that it is a requirement to have separated sequences
> for each kind.

Indeed, in page 171 of the same document (and some other notes
elsewhere in the same document) it states that it is not possible to
have negative amounts in normal invoices if they are to invoice
returning goods. Those should always be in a "Factura rectificativa"
and should state the invoice of the goods that were delivered in the
first place.

It is my understanding that it would be possible to use a negative
amount on a line if that does not mean the returning of a good (for
example, when you have a deposit and you substract that amount on the
invoice which evantually is positive).

> --
> Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
> Email/Jabber:
> Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
> Website:

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton] About removing invoice/credit note type

2015-10-20 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-10-20 18:38 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier <>:
> Hi,
> I was discussing about issue5016 [1] which is indeed a continuation of
> issue4410 [2] and I came with the idea that we should remove the
> invoice/credit_note type on the Invoice object.
> Such types are really a big constraint that prevent us to generate mixed
> documents (half invoice and half credit note).
> So the idea will be to migrate the credit note to negate the quantity
> and keep in type only 'in' / 'out' (aka 'supplier' / 'customer').
> The only difficulty will be for the sequence. Until now, we have the
> possibility to use different sequences for invoice and credit note. I
> think the way to manage such change will be to warn early enough users
> that such configuration will no more be possible in the future and so
> people should configure the next fiscalyear by using unique sequence for
> both types in prevision of the future migration.

We need both sequences in Spain as it is a legal requirement [1]. Yet,
it should not be all that difficult to choose the sequence depending
on the sign of the invoice.

> So what do you think?

It has some advantages and simplifies things. Specially makes
supporting the negative quantities/amounts from sales much simpler.


> [1]
> [2]
> --
> Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
> Email/Jabber:
> Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
> Website:

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton] Module "Sale credit limit": Credit amount of party is showing price excluded taxes when selling

2015-10-06 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-10-07 0:53 GMT+02:00 Fabyc <>:
> Making a sale for example $300.00 (excluded taxes) and $336.00
> (included taxes), when it is processed the sell, the credit amount in
> party shows the value $300.00. Only when I post the invoice, the
> credit amount in party shows $336.00.
> It should not be a value of $336.00 (included taxes) when the sale is
> processed like when invoice is posted?
> Is the current behavior correct?

I think it depends on what ones expects.

If we're strict the customer may at most owe you the money without
taxes because you will not pay them until the invoice is created. So
actually the risk you're assuming is the one without taxes included.

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Consulta campo readonly

2015-08-31 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-08-28 21:29 GMT+02:00 Alejandro Brunacci <>:
> Hola a todos, mi nombre es Alejandro y estoy adentrándome en el desarrollo
> de módulos de Tryton.
> Si bien vengo a los tumbos, voy avanzando gracias a
> foros/documentación/etc... pero bueno, yendo al punto para no dar vueltas...
> Me encuentro en este momento con un problema que no se como resolver y
> busque en google pero no se si es que no se expresarle mi pregunta a google
> o que, así que la pongo acá a ver si ustedes pueden ayudarme.
> Tengo un campo readonly que calcula la edad de una persona al ingresar la
> fecha de nacimiento, pero cuando guardo la persona, no guarda el campo de
> edad:
> la versión de tryton es 3.4.3 y este es el código:
> class Member(ModelView,ModelSQL):
> "Members"
> __name__ = "members.members"
> Name = fields.Char('Name', required=True)
> Birthday = fields.Date('Birthday')
> Age=fields.Integer('Age',readonly=True)
> Identification = fields.Integer('Identification',required=True)
> Party = fields.Many2One('','Party',required=True)
> @fields.depends('Birthday')
> def on_change_with_Age(self):
> if self.Birthday:
> factual =
> self.Age =  factual.year - self.Birthday.year
> return self.Age
> return None

El problema es que el campo Birthday es de solo lectura y tryton no
envía desde el cliente al servidor los campos de solo lectura. Podrías
almacenar dicho campo en en la función create/write, pero aún así,
mejor utilitzar campos Function puesto que el año que viene no tendrás
ninguna edad correcta en la base de datos...

> Si necesitan de algo mas para aclarar ideas avísenme que se los facilito.
> desde ya, muchas gracias.

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Facturar con suplidos

2015-08-27 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-08-27 14:06 GMT+02:00 Antonio Roncero

 tengo que facturar a un cliente con suplidos, es decir, tengo que facturarle
 un servicio que he pagado en su nombre por el total con impuestos y que esa
 linea no tenga impuestos. El problema es que por lo visto esa linea debe ir
 a la cuenta 554x pero cuando creo la linea solo me permite seleccionar
 cuentas 7xxx
 ¿como podria hacerlo?

Configurando dicha cuenta como de tipu Ingresos.

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-contrib] Management Transport module

2015-08-18 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-08-18 10:54 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier
 On 2015-08-18 10:22, Albert Cervera i Areny wrote:
 We're on the design stage of a set of modules for managing carrier
 companies, based on previous experience with OpenERP.

 Some features it will include:

 - Define the collection of goods from customers (where it's not yet
 100% clear what you're going to pickup)
 - Documenting customer shipments and packages

 Is not carrier shipping cats in bag?

I don't get it.

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton] Payable amount from invoice not showing in parties' list

2015-08-07 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-08-06 2:14 GMT+02:00
 Hello. I created three different supplier invoices and I don't see their
 payable amount in the Parties form. The amounts do show up in the Chart of

 One of the invoices has only one product, another one has services and
 unregistered products (I just wrote a description, price, etc.), and the
 last one has a service. All the invoices have a payment term of 2 weeks and
 4 days. In all cases, the invoice date was set to 21/06/2015 (more than one
 month ago). All of them have a Posted status. In the invoice form, you can
 choose the Payments tab, and see that there is an amount to be paid.

 I am using the Colombian chart of accounts. I do see amounts if I create a
 new database with a minimal chart of accounts.

 However, there is no such amount in the list of Parties. What could be
 wrong? I don't think that it has to do with the Colombian chart of accounts,
 could it be?

Could. Ensure the account has the Party Required field set.

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Barra de progreso

2015-08-03 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-08-03 11:39 GMT+02:00 Àngel Fernández
 Hola a todos,

 Hay alguna manera de mostrar en el cliente una progressbar mientras se
 realiza una acción larga en el servidor?

 Como ejemplo, quiero realizar una importación que puede durar unos 30
 segundos y está dentro de un Wizard. El caso es que puedo aproximar cuanto
 va a tardar, ya que sé cuantos registros hay que importar y por cual voy,
 así que puedo generar un porcentaje.
 Pero no encuentro la manera de que el cliente muestre visualmente este
 progreso para que el usuario tenga una idea aproximada de cuanto puede

No hay una forma sencilla de hacerlo.

Y la compleja tampoc permite hacer lo que tu quieres exactamente
porqué el cliente siempre bloquea así que mejor advertir al usuario
del tiempo aproximado antes de hacer el cálculo y a esperar...

 Muchas gracias!

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] IVA Soportado bienes de inversion

2015-07-15 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-07-15 12:52 GMT+02:00 Sergi Almacellas Abellana
 El 15/07/15 a les 12:19, Jordi Esteve ha escrit:

 On 15/07/15 12:13, Miriam Aymerich wrote:

 Una duda: hay alguna forma  de parametrizar que TRYTON detecte que
 cuando contabilizas una factura de compra en las cuentas 2xxx de
 activo en vez de las cuentas 6xxx de gasto , le añada el IVA soportado
 de inversión en vez de IVA soportado de bienes corrienes, o es manual
 en cada factura?

 Que yo sepa actualmente es manual.

 Debes utilizar un producto y configurar el impuesto correspondiente en el
 También puedes configurar la cuenta 2xxx en el producto y así te lo cogerá
 todo correctamente.

 Si no quieres utilizar el producto, puedes configurar el impuesto en la
 cuenta contable y te lo cogerá al seleccionar la cuenta (solo si no usas
 producto, sino cogerá la del producto) en la línea de factura. Si la cuenta
 te la ha creado el plan contable, debes duplicar-la para que no te
 sobrescriba la información al actualizar el plan contable.

 No lo recuerdo exactamente, pero la segunda opción puede que también te
 calcule las líneas de impuestos al introducir un apunte contable para esa
 cuenta contable. Habría que probar-lo.

Así es. Por eso yo pienso que es más prudente utilizar el producto.

 Sergi Almacellas Abellana
 Twitter: @pokoli_srk

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-dev] Taking picture from Camera

2015-07-13 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-07-14 0:46 GMT+02:00 Vincent Bastos

 Even more, if a tablet or phone is used it is already possible to take
 a picture simply using the file selection widget already used in
 attachments, for example.


 Only with the web client right?


Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-dev] Taking picture from Camera

2015-07-13 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-07-13 13:39 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier
 On 2015-07-09 09:33, Marc Murray wrote:
 On Thu, 2015-07-09 at 16:20 +0530, Prakhar Bansal wrote:
  Hello Tryton Community members,
  Greetings !!
  In tryton, there is a binary field where we can upload files. In
  several cases, we use the same to upload the pictures. Usually these
  pictures are taken from the file system where client is running.
  Is there any way where we can make use of client system's web camera
  to take the photo and upload it directly onto the server.
  Else, the other way will be take the pic from web camera, store on the
  system, and then upload, which is a long process. If the frequency of
  the photos coming onto the system is high, then it will become
  cumbersome for the user to upload it by this way.
  Any guidance will be helpful.
  Thanks in advance.

 This sounds like a candidate for a Tryton client plugin.

 I'm no expert on the Tryton client. However, having looked at the
 crypto[1] and translation[2] client plugins, I think there are a few
 options you can explore towards a solution.

 The simplest thing I can think of is a client plugin that fetches the
 latest photo from a folder and applies it to the field. You could then
 configure the photo-taking app to save the photos in a sequence in a
 specific folder. It could even be a temp folder since you won't need the
 photo after the model has been saved.

 Going further, you could make a plugin that invokes the appropriate
 libraries, processes and GTK windows to show the camera output and take
 the photo.

 I agree that a plugin is clearly the way to go.
 You will have to select the right tool to communicate with the camera, I
 know there are Gstreamer, V4L2 etc. But probably the harder will be to
 find python bindings (or to write one). You will also need to search for
 non-UNIX interface. Maybe such application could be a good example:

 On the other side, for sao, it will be much simplier as HTML defines the
 media capture:

Even more, if a tablet or phone is used it is already possible to take
a picture simply using the file selection widget already used in
attachments, for example.

 Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
 Tel: +32 472 54 46 59

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-dev] Post invoice batch

2015-07-13 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-07-13 14:54 GMT+02:00 Frédéric Langevin

 I'm currently working on a batch to post a lot of out invoices (around 50
 000). My batch calls the post method on account.invoice model.
 I'm using celery tryton in order to create tasks and to parallelize it.

 My concern is that the post method doesn't work in multi process due to
 invoice and move number allocation. All processes share the same sequence
 and processes are requesting sequences at the same time.

 What could be the solution to post invoices in multiprocess?

Some random ideas:

One simple alternative if you're allowed to have several sequences it
would be to split invoices in numbering groups (for example using
account_invoice_multisequence module).

Another option would be to refactor the post process as it currently
does several unnecessary writes. That does not solve the
parallelization problem but may help in performance.

For parallelization you could also refactor the post process so that
the account move is created, the state changed, etc and just set the
number with a single (non-parallel) process. Hey, that's what they
call map-reduce, buzzlovers ;-) Simply overriding the set_number()
function to make it do nothing, would do the trick. And then, run a
wizard or process for all those posted invoices.

 Thanks for your answers


Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-dev] Colors of fields

2015-07-08 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-07-07 23:32 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier
 On 2015-07-07 22:35, Albert Cervera i Areny wrote:
 2015-07-06 23:36 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier
  On 2015-07-04 08:58, Cédric Krier wrote:
  For now, we put a blue color on entries when they are required (and
  switch to red when validated as empty).
  I think it is a bad practice for 2 reasons:
  - the colors are not custumizable and so they could not work on some
  - it is doesn't help the accessibility [1] as this information is
only based on color.
  So I was thinking instead about adding a * on the labels of the
  required fields. This still stay quite visual (but not too much) and
  readable for accessibility.
  Indeed the '*' solution is not so beautiful.
  So I worked on an other proposal:
  - make label bold for required field

 I think that making the label bold does not solve the problem when a
 field has no label.

 Of course, adding * has the same problem.

 Indeed for me, this is purly accessory. I added only because I know many
 of you will cry thinking it is a lost. But in reality, it is realy not
 needed to have such information. User must encode all the value he
 knows, then if when he tries to perform an action that requires some
 missing information, he will be warned (and the focus will be put at the
 right place) and he will try to find a solution to fill the missing

 Also why required should be a special case compared to other validation
 like domain, SQL constraint etc. For me, Tryton should have the strictly
 minimal constraint and thus those constraint should be so obvious that
 they don't need to be shown.

Indeed, it is also true that we do not have such visual information
when making a field required when changing the state of the document,
for example. Such as the party is required in opportunities only when
state is Opportunity but not when it is a Lead.

So yes, it is already inconsistent to have that information for some cases only.

 I don't see a better solution than changing the background color. To
 circumvent the problem with themes or accessibility maybe we could
 make the color configurable as a client side option.

 Options are always the poorest answer.

 That would not be
 ideal, but would improve current situation a little bit while not
 suffering from the mentioned problems.

 Except the application will become more complex, you will have to
 explain what is the meaning of this option which will not be so easy.
 Plus it will create a new vector of issues.

 Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
 Tel: +32 472 54 46 59

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-dev] Colors of fields

2015-07-07 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-07-06 23:36 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier
 On 2015-07-04 08:58, Cédric Krier wrote:

 For now, we put a blue color on entries when they are required (and
 switch to red when validated as empty).
 I think it is a bad practice for 2 reasons:

 - the colors are not custumizable and so they could not work on some

 - it is doesn't help the accessibility [1] as this information is
   only based on color.

 So I was thinking instead about adding a * on the labels of the
 required fields. This still stay quite visual (but not too much) and
 readable for accessibility.

 Indeed the '*' solution is not so beautiful.

 So I worked on an other proposal:

 - make label bold for required field

I think that making the label bold does not solve the problem when a
field has no label.

Of course, adding * has the same problem.

I don't see a better solution than changing the background color. To
circumvent the problem with themes or accessibility maybe we could
make the color configurable as a client side option. That would not be
ideal, but would improve current situation a little bit while not
suffering from the mentioned problems.

 - have a better 'invalid form' message that describe the problem

 So here is a screenshot of such invalid form with missing required field
 and wrong value because of domain.
 I think it is really an improvement because now we explain to the user
 what is wrong and experienced user can still anticipate required fields.

 Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
 Tel: +32 472 54 46 59

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-dev] Colors of fields

2015-07-06 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-07-06 23:36 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier
 On 2015-07-04 08:58, Cédric Krier wrote:

 For now, we put a blue color on entries when they are required (and
 switch to red when validated as empty).
 I think it is a bad practice for 2 reasons:

 - the colors are not custumizable and so they could not work on some

 - it is doesn't help the accessibility [1] as this information is
   only based on color.

 So I was thinking instead about adding a * on the labels of the
 required fields. This still stay quite visual (but not too much) and
 readable for accessibility.

 Indeed the '*' solution is not so beautiful.

 So I worked on an other proposal:

 - make label bold for required field
 - have a better 'invalid form' message that describe the problem

 So here is a screenshot of such invalid form with missing required field
 and wrong value because of domain.
 I think it is really an improvement because now we explain to the user
 what is wrong and experienced user can still anticipate required fields.

I agree it is a very good improvement.

 Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
 Tel: +32 472 54 46 59

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Propuesta para el fields.Binary

2015-06-30 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-06-29 9:20 GMT+02:00 Antonio Roncero

 El lunes, 29 de junio de 2015, 7:21:32 (UTC+1), Jesús Martín Jiménez

 Hola Antonio,

 El 27 de junio de 2015, 10:56, Antonio Roncero

 El viernes, 26 de junio de 2015, 14:42:55 (UTC+1), Jesús Martín Jiménez

 Hola Antonio,

 El 26 de junio de 2015, 15:33, Antonio Roncero


 estoy trabajando con campos tipo binary en los modelos y no se si podrá
 hacer lo siguiente (y si no podria ser una propuesta):

 Decirle de alguna manera al tipo Binary, con un campo en la firma o
 algo asi, que el binario se almacene o en la base de datos (por defecto) o
 en el sistema de archivos para, si nos interesase, no almacenarlo siempre 
 la base de datos y no tratarlo como un ir.attachment.

 Los ficheros que se guardan en el modelo ir.attachment no se guardan en
 la base de datos sino en el sistema de ficheros. Por lo tanto, si quieres
 guardar algún fichero desde tryton y que éste no te lo guarde en la base de
 datos, creo que es una buena opción hacerlo mediante un campo M2O que 
 a ir.attachment y allí guardarlo.

 Por eso comentaba, al existir un campo Binary, que no necesita relación,
 sino que es parte del modelo en si, seria interesante que tuviera la opcion
 de guardarlo en el sistema de archivos.

 Para hacer eso yo definiría un mínimo de tres campos:
 1.- Un campo booleano para indicar si quieres guardar el fichero en la
 base de datos o en el sistema de ficheros.
 2.- El campo binario para guardar el fichero en la base de datos en el
 caso de que el anterior campo así lo estableciese. Este campo no sería
 visible desde las vistas.
 3.- Un campo binario dentro de un campo funcional que, dependiendo del
 campo booleano, guardase el fichero en el sistema de ficheros o en la base
 de datos (el campo anterior). Para ello tendría que definir las funciones
 getter y setter.

 Por lo tanto entiendo que lo que quieres hacer, ya se puede hacer con lo
 que hay. No se si eso responde a tu pregunta.

 Hola, tengo claro que ya se puede hacer (pero por esa regla de tres sobra
 fields.Integer, big integer porque a partir del float lo podria tener...),
 pero me parecia una opción interesante por poder decidir el almacenamiento
 en la propia definicion de un tipo existente y que tiene repercusiones de
 espacio y rendimiento. Simplemente me parecia una posible mejora del tipo

Sólo aclarar que no debería afectar al rendimiento del ERP [1]. Sólo
en los dumps/restores de la base de datos.



 ¿Se puede hacer? o lo veis interesante... o ¿hay alguna alternativa?




 Jesús Martín

 Zikzakmedia SL
 C/ de Sant Jaume, 9, baixos, 2ª
 08720 Vilafranca del Penedès
 ☏ 93 890 21 08


 Jesús Martín

 Zikzakmedia SL
 C/ de Sant Jaume, 9, baixos, 2ª
 08720 Vilafranca del Penedès
 ☏ 93 890 21 08

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] modelo con webservice

2015-06-30 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-06-30 13:28 GMT+02:00 Antonio Roncero

 Me gustaria saber como puedo hacer en tryton, si se puede, un modelo que no
 almacene los datos en la base de datos, sino que los cargue via webservice.
 ¿seria sobreescribiendo los metodos read (para obtenerlos) y write (para

En principio puedes hacerlo de dos formas distintas:

- Sobrescribiendo, por lo menos: search, read y fields_get (no sé si
me olvido de algún otro)
- Utilizar los FDW directamente en Postgres [1] [2]


Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Re: Error en modulo gestión documental

2015-06-28 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-06-27 11:59 GMT+02:00
 Ahora me aparece este error al actualizar el servidor trytond

 elvince@elvince:~$ sudo trytond -c /etc/tryton/trytond.conf
 [sudo] password for elvince:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/local/bin/trytond, line 5, in module
 pkg_resources.run_script('trytond==3.2.6', 'trytond')
   File /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/, line 528, in
 self.require(requires)[0].run_script(script_name, ns)
   File /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/, line 1394, in
 execfile(script_filename, namespace, namespace)
 line 113, in module
 line 30, in __init__
 line 123, in update_etc
 for (name, value) in parser.items('options'):
   File /usr/lib/python2.7/, line 642, in items
 raise NoSectionError(section)
 ConfigParser.NoSectionError: No section: 'options'

 A que se puede deber?

Versiones distintas de trytond y el fichero de configuración.

 El lunes, 22 de junio de 2015, 0:29:52 (UTC+2),


 desde hace unas semanas estoy intentando instalar el modulo de gestión
 documental de presik. Al guardar el archivo de configuración me aparece el
 siguiente error: Missing path to DMS on config file!. Alguien ha instalado
 este modulo y me puede orientar en la resolución de este error y en su

 gracias de antemano.

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'

2015-06-28 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-06-29 0:46 GMT+02:00 Luis Martinez
 Al ejecutar la definición de traducciones desde: Administración -
 Localización - Definir traducciones, me arroja el siguiente error:

 Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /trytond/protocols/, line 150, in _marshaled_dispatch
 response['result'] = dispatch_method(method, params)
   File /trytond/protocols/, line 179, in _dispatch
 res = dispatch(*args)
   File /trytond/protocols/, line 161, in dispatch
 result = rpc.result(meth(*c_args, **c_kwargs))
   File /trytond/wizard/, line 249, in execute
 return wizard._execute(state_name)
   File /trytond/wizard/, line 280, in _execute
 result = self._execute(transition())
   File /trytond/ir/, line 1206, in transition_set_
   File /trytond/ir/, line 1155, in set_view
 xml2 = view2.arch.strip()
 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'

 Alguien se ha topado con este mensaje de error y como lo solucionaron?

Parece que una vista de alguno de los módulos no tiene definición XML
(campo 'arch' es 'None').

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Mostrar imagen en un formulario

2015-06-26 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-06-25 22:42 GMT+02:00 Antonio Roncero
 Hola, estoy jugueteando a ver si aprendo a programar en tryton y estoy
 intentando crear un modelo que tiene una imagen.

 image = fields.Binary('Image')

 Ahora me gustaria que en la vista formulario se viera esa imagen. He visto
 que existe la etiqueta image en las vista formulario, pero según pone la
 documentacion la imagen debe estar en tryton/share/pixmaps/ por lo que no se
 puede asociar a la imagen del modelo, que entiendo se guarda en el filestore
 que se defina en el archivo de conf.

 ¿Como podria hacer esto?

field name=data widget=image readonly=1/


Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton] values of Many2One field

2015-06-26 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-06-25 18:20 GMT+02:00

 Am Donnerstag, 25. Juni 2015 08:16:42 UTC+2 schrieb Jesús Martín Jiménez:


 2015-06-24 23:56 GMT+02:00


 is it possible to get the values of the records of a Many2One field?
 I tried to iterate but this didn't work (TypeError: 'Many2One' object is
 not iterable)

 This is because M2O field is a single record and in order to iterate you
 need a collection of fields. With O2M or M2M would work.


 Jesús Martín

 Zikzakmedia SL
 C/ de Sant Jaume, 9, baixos, 2ª
 08720 Vilafranca del Penedès
 ☏ 93 890 21 08

 I get the same Error with a One2Many field:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /trytond/protocols/, line 162, in _marshaled_dispatch
 response['result'] = dispatch_method(method, params)
   File /trytond/protocols/, line 191, in _dispatch
 res = dispatch(*args)
   File /trytond/protocols/, line 158, in dispatch
 result = rpc.result(meth(*c_args, **c_kwargs))
   File /trytond/model/, line 620, in wrapper
 return func(cls, *args, **kwargs)
   File /trytond/modules/hshn/, line 156, in dislike_btn
 for r in
 TypeError: 'One2Many' object is not iterable

It must be an object, not a cls in order to be able to browse it.

If you paste the code we could help you.

BTW, you should use . in order to get the value of a Many2One field,
instead of trying to iterate over it.

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton] check create_uid of a One2Many field

2015-06-26 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-06-25 21:28 GMT+02:00

 I want to check a One2Many field if the creator of the dataset is the actual
 logged in user. I try with domain like the following, but this don't work.
 All user can see all datasets. How can i solve the Problem?

 a = fields.One2Many('own.class','b','a',domain=[
  ('create_uid', '=', Transaction().user)])

def __setup__(cls):
super(Hshn, cls).__setup__()

'btn1': {
#'readonly': Eval('like_state') != 'like',
'readonly': Eval('a',[0])

I don't understand the constraint. Why do you need that?

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton] check create_uid of a One2Many field

2015-06-26 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-06-26 10:25 GMT+02:00

 Am Freitag, 26. Juni 2015 08:32:10 UTC+2 schrieb Albert Cervera Areny:

 2015-06-25 21:28 GMT+02:00
  I want to check a One2Many field if the creator of the dataset is the
  logged in user. I try with domain like the following, but this don't
  All user can see all datasets. How can i solve the Problem?
  a = fields.One2Many('own.class','b','a',domain=[
   ('create_uid', '=', Transaction().user)])
 def __setup__(cls):
 super(Hshn, cls).__setup__()
 'btn1': {
 #'readonly': Eval('like_state') != 'like',
 'readonly': Eval('a',[0])

 I don't understand the constraint. Why do you need that?

 Albert Cervera i Areny
 Tel. 93 553 18 03

 in a tree view in each row is a button.
 This button should be only enable if the logged in user didn't have clicked
 this button anytime before.
 The class 'own.class' saves which row was clicked. (with the one2Many
 field). The construction of the one2Many field works,
 but what is missing is the that i can't read out if the create_uid of the
 class 'own.class' and the current logged in user are the same and make the
 Butten only readonly in this case.
 Thats what i treied with the domain.

You're trying to add a Python expression in PYSON, which is not Python...

The following should work:

('create_uid', '=', Eval('_user'))

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

[tryton-dev] Confirm date on sales and purchases

2015-06-22 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
Currently sales (and purchases) have a single date field which in case
of a sale will usually show the date the user used as the quotation

Many times it is important to keep that date when the sale is
confirmed yet it is also important to know the date at which the sale
was confirmed.

I'm thinking on adding a confirmation date on sales and in my opinion
it makes sense to add that to core sale module.

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Otra duda con el modulo de contratos (zikzak)

2015-06-12 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-06-11 10:56 GMT+02:00 Antonio Roncero

 El miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015, 11:37:29 (UTC+1), Jordi Esteve
 (Zikzakmedia) escribió:

 On 09/06/15 23:23, Albert Cervera i Areny wrote:
  2015-06-09 21:24 GMT+02:00 Antonio Roncero
  Gracias, voy a probar las dos opciones, a ver cual me viene mejor. Yo
  iba a intentar modificar el comportamiento del modulo (aunque aun estoy
  Como comentario, que no critica, es una pena ver tanto esfuerzo
  Me imagino que es algo mas que comentado y no se si tiene solucion,
  seria interesante encontrarla (no se si es parte de los objetivos de la
  No es esfuerzo duplicado, simplemente que para tener un diseño
  adecuado hace falta darle bastantes vueltas a las cosas. Zikzak hizo
  una primera versión, nosotros intentamos utilitzarla (lo utilizábamos
  nostros mismos hasta hace bien poco), hasta que nos encontramos con
  las limitaciones que tu has visto y tubimos que replantearlo de nuevo.
  Más que dos opciones que compiten simplemente creo que una es la
  evolución de la otra.

 Cierto, aunque seguramente el contract de zikzakmedia tb evolucione de
 forma independiente a como lo hace el de nantic. Tendrás que tomar una
 decisión, tb la de hacer un tercer fork si lo consideras oportuno.

 Estoy probando los dos y os comento mi opinion:

 El concepto de servicio en el de ZikZak está mejor planteado como idea, al
 poder poner varios productos por servicio, pero creo que es un error que las
 cantidades se definan aquí y no en el contrato en sí. Los servicios en el
 NaN para mi sobran al ser simplemente un enlace 1 a 1 a un producto. Se
 podria ahorrar ese paso

 En cambio el concepto de contrato de NaN me gusta mas a poder personalizar
 cada contrato y no creando servicios diferentes segun la cantidad como se
 hace en el de ZikZak.

 Creo que hubiera sido ideal el modulo de NaN pudiendo añadir varios
 productos por servicio.

El servicio lo creamos para añadirle recurrencia, aunque finalmente el
concepto de recurrencia del servicio quedó fuera del módulo

La idea es que puedo facturar trimestralmente un servicio prestado
mensualmente (o semanalmente!) o prestar un servicio al año y
facturarlo mensualmente.

 Bueno todo esto hablando desde la teoria porque en el modulo de NaN no puedo
 crear servicios al ser el campo interval_type obligatorio y no aparecer en
 el formulario :)

 IntegrityError: el valor null para la columna «interval_type» viola la
 restricción not null

 Como comentar Albert, el contract de Nantic añade nuevas funcionalidades
 muy interesantes como la asociación de activos y partes de trabajo. Pero
 a nosotros no nos gusta la simplificación que han hecho con
 contract.service dejándolo con sólo un único producto y sin cantidad.
 Preferimos nuestro enfoque de que un servicio puede contener varios
 productos con cantidades por defecto o calculadas de forma periódica.
 Dicho de otro modo el servicio es como una plantilla de contratos, y
 pudiendo tener varios productos con sus cantidades por defecto es más
 flexible. Y estos dos puntos que comenta Albert tb están en el contract
 de zikzakmedia (el primero está en el horno):

  - Facturar por períodos naturales o no (por ejemplo del 16 al 15 del
  mes siguiente o bien siempre del 1 al 31 y proratear si se empieza el
  día 16).
  - Añadir desfase entre el período facturado y la fecha de factura. Por
  ejemplo, puedes decidir si facturas el trimestre el día 1 de enero, el
  20 de febrero o cuando quieras...

 Jordi Esteve
 Consultor Zikzakmedia SL
 Mòbil 679 170 693

 Zikzakmedia SL
 St. Jaume, 9, baixos, 2a
 08720 Vilafranca del Penedès
 Tel 93 890 2108

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-dev] Need more feedback on windows

2015-06-09 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-06-08 9:01 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier
 On 01 Jun 10:03, Cédric Krier wrote:

 We need more feedback on this

 So guys, no body can confirm this issue on non-virtual windows setup?

Sorry but I also use it in a virtualized environment...

 Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
 Tel: +32 472 54 46 59

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Otra duda con el modulo de contratos (zikzak)

2015-06-09 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-06-08 10:28 GMT+02:00 Antonio Roncero

 estoy probando el modulo de contratos (contract y contract_invoice) de
 zikzak y me surge la siguiente duda.

 He generado un servicio mantenimiento que tiene un producto asociado
 mantenimiento de equipo informatico. En cantidad he puesto 1 unidad.
 Ahora quiero generar dos contratos con este servicio para el cliente A y el
 B. ¿Como puedo hacer para modificar la cantidad del producto en cada
 contrato?, es decir, quiero que para el cliente A sean 5 equipos y para el B

Otra posibilidad es utilitzar los módulos contract de NaN·tic.

Los hicimos porque nos encontrábamos con la misma limitación [1].

También permiten:

- Facturar por períodos naturales o no (por ejemplo del 16 al 15 del
mes siguiente o bien siempre del 1 al 31 y proratear si se empieza el
día 16).
- Añadir desfase entre el período facturado y la fecha de factura. Por
ejemplo, puedes decidir si facturas el trimestre el día 1 de enero, el
20 de febrero o cuando quieras...
- Asociarlo con activos (por ejemplo, para facturar alquileres de
immuebles, mantenimientos de impresoras, etc)
- Generar albaranes de trabajo automático a apartir del período de
prestación del servicio. Por ejemplo, tengo que hacer el mantenimiento
una vez al trimestre y me genera el albaran de trabajo, aunque lo
facturo mensualmente...


Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Otra duda con el modulo de contratos (zikzak)

2015-06-09 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-06-09 21:24 GMT+02:00 Antonio Roncero
 Gracias, voy a probar las dos opciones, a ver cual me viene mejor. Yo mismo
 iba a intentar modificar el comportamiento del modulo (aunque aun estoy muy

 Como comentario, que no critica, es una pena ver tanto esfuerzo duplicado.
 Me imagino que es algo mas que comentado y no se si tiene solucion, pero
 seria interesante encontrarla (no se si es parte de los objetivos de la

No es esfuerzo duplicado, simplemente que para tener un diseño
adecuado hace falta darle bastantes vueltas a las cosas. Zikzak hizo
una primera versión, nosotros intentamos utilitzarla (lo utilizábamos
nostros mismos hasta hace bien poco), hasta que nos encontramos con
las limitaciones que tu has visto y tubimos que replantearlo de nuevo.

Más que dos opciones que compiten simplemente creo que una es la
evolución de la otra.

 El martes, 9 de junio de 2015, 17:05:24 (UTC+1), Albert Cervera i Areny

 2015-06-08 10:28 GMT+02:00 Antonio Roncero
  estoy probando el modulo de contratos (contract y contract_invoice) de
  zikzak y me surge la siguiente duda.
  He generado un servicio mantenimiento que tiene un producto asociado
  mantenimiento de equipo informatico. En cantidad he puesto 1 unidad.
  Ahora quiero generar dos contratos con este servicio para el cliente A y
  B. ¿Como puedo hacer para modificar la cantidad del producto en cada
  contrato?, es decir, quiero que para el cliente A sean 5 equipos y para
  el B

 Otra posibilidad es utilitzar los módulos contract de NaN·tic.

 Los hicimos porque nos encontrábamos con la misma limitación [1].

 También permiten:

 - Facturar por períodos naturales o no (por ejemplo del 16 al 15 del
 mes siguiente o bien siempre del 1 al 31 y proratear si se empieza el
 día 16).
 - Añadir desfase entre el período facturado y la fecha de factura. Por
 ejemplo, puedes decidir si facturas el trimestre el día 1 de enero, el
 20 de febrero o cuando quieras...
 - Asociarlo con activos (por ejemplo, para facturar alquileres de
 immuebles, mantenimientos de impresoras, etc)
 - Generar albaranes de trabajo automático a apartir del período de
 prestación del servicio. Por ejemplo, tengo que hacer el mantenimiento
 una vez al trimestre y me genera el albaran de trabajo, aunque lo
 facturo mensualmente...


 Albert Cervera i Areny
 Tel. 93 553 18 03

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Documentacion sobre disparadores

2015-06-09 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-06-09 21:42 GMT+02:00 Antonio Roncero

 me gustaría saber donde puedo encontrar documentación sobre disparadores o
 que alguien me aclare como se crean. La idea que tengo es que se mande un
 email cuando se cree un registro nuevo con cierta condicion (unidades de
 venta  1000)

 He seleccionado el modelo sale.line y he marcardo Al crear.  En condicion
 he puesto self.quantity 1000. Numero de límite 0.
 ¿Qué debería poner en accion del modelo y funcion de la accion?

Puedes encontrar documentación sobre el uso de disparadores para
enviar correos electrónicos aquí (creo que ya responde tu pregunta,
sólo hay que crear el disparador desde la propia plantilla de correo):

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-dev] Slow queries when searching m2m fields in big databases

2015-06-04 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-06-04 19:11 GMT+02:00 Jordi Esteve
 I'm analysing postgres performance in a big database (aprox. 1-2 million or
 records of account.invoice.line and stock.move) and I have figured out that
 slow queries are executed to get data related to m2m fields (I suppose the
 same happens for o2m fields). I think the problem is how the search_domain
 is build in these cases. For example, the m2m field invoice_lines in
 stock.move model is asked with a domain like that:

 [('stock_move', 'in', [1826865, 1826864]), ('', '!=', None),
 ('', '=', 1)]

 The second condition ('', '!=', None) is added by the get()
 of the many2many field.
 The third condition ('', '=', 1) is added by a company

 This domain is converted to the following SQL, and if account_invoice_line
 table has 1 million records it is very slow (10-20 seconds) to execute and
 consumes a lot of postgres resources because the subqueries returns
 thousands (nearly million) of records:

 SELECT AS id, a.stock_move AS stock_move,
 a.invoice_line AS invoice_line, ...
   FROM account_invoice_line-stock_move AS a
   LEFT JOIN account_invoice_line AS b ON ( = a.invoice_line)
   WHERE ((a.stock_move IN (1826865, 1826864))
 AND (a.invoice_line IN (SELECT AS id FROM
 account_invoice_line AS c WHERE ((( IS NOT NULL))
 AND ( IN (SELECT AS id FROM account_invoice_line AS
 d WHERE = 1))) AND true)))
   ORDER BY b.description ASC;

 I don't know if it will be room to improve how a domain is converted to an
 SQL expression. For example, based in the previous example, one like this
 that applies the related conditions directly to the JOIN table instead of
 the original table with subqueries.

 SELECT AS id, a.stock_move AS stock_move,
 a.invoice_line AS invoice_line, ...
   FROM account_invoice_line-stock_move AS a
   LEFT JOIN account_invoice_line AS b ON ( = a.invoice_line)
   WHERE ((a.stock_move IN (1826865, 1826864))
 AND (( = 1) AND true))
   ORDER BY b.description ASC;

This query is not equivalent to the generated one, you'd have to make
something like

LEFT JOIN (select .)

and not use the b.* in the main where clause, otherwise the LEFT
nature of the join is lost.

Anyway, I don't know how hard it would be to make tryton generate a
better query but if the generated query is very slow it may be because
postgres requires a lot of temporary memory and PostgreSQL is not
properly tuned. You could try increasing work_mem which is usually
extremely low by default.

Also we've experience very poor performance with this kind of queries
with older versions of PostgreSQL = 9.0 I guess. Newer versions
managed that pretty well.

 Jordi Esteve
 Consultor Zikzakmedia SL
 Mòbil 679 170 693

 Zikzakmedia SL
 St. Jaume, 9, baixos, 2a
 08720 Vilafranca del Penedès
 Tel 93 890 2108

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton] what is the proper way of filling the (empty) list of vat countries from a custom module?

2015-06-04 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-06-04 17:17 GMT+02:00 Mariano Ramon
 I can see that that list is hardcoded in the file and starts empty.
 and is a list defined outside any class, how do I get to that scope from a
 module to overwrite it?
 or better yet is there any better way to modify that list than directly in
 the code?
 why starts empty?

It's not empty. You just need to have the vatnumber [1] library installed.


Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton] how to add a company logo to reports with company_logo Module

2015-06-04 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-06-04 16:11 GMT+02:00

 i am trying to add a company logo to the Reports for example in invoices.
 I am using the spanish Module company_logo and add the image to the company
 settings in register 'Report' where you can also set the header and footer.
 but on the reports the picture will not be displayed.
 Does anybody use this Module or is there a other way to add logos in

We use this module but we use it together with the jasper_reports [1]
engine. With it, it is relatively easy to use such image in headers.
Can't tell how to do that with relatorio.


Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton] Stock move. Try Assing and lock table - NOWAIT + multiple users

2015-06-04 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-06-03 12:40 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier
 On 03 Jun 12:12, Albert Cervera i Areny wrote:
 2015-06-03 11:21 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier
  On 02 Jun 11:46, Cédric Krier wrote:
  On 02 Jun 11:06, Albert Cervera i Areny wrote:
   2015-05-29 15:39 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier
On 29 May 14:40, Albert Cervera i Areny wrote:
Also note that tryton locks the whole table even when two users are
not competing for the same product.
I created a review [1] some time ago to fix that although it
eventually was commited something much simpler, you can dig in the
reviews, where per product advisory locks were used.
Because it doesn't work. It will require a lot of extrat code to be
managed correctly: lock at creation, on both side of the write, on
delete etc.
   I've been revisiting this issue, I don't understand why a lock is
   necessary outside assign_try.
   Let me put an scenario:
   There's 1 unit of product A on warehouse X.
   There are two concurrent transactions:
   a) does assign_try to try to ship the product to a customer
   b) moves the product from warehouse X to warehouse Z without
   assign_try (that may include a write, create, or delete, doesn't
   really matter for the case)
   So let's see what happens with and without those locks.
   If we just have the lock on assign_try there can be two possibilities:
   1.- a) is executed *after* b) so as the product has been moved from X
   to Z and there are 0 units of product A in X, assign_try fails and
   stock can not be picked
   2.- a) is executed *before* b) so we deliver the goods to the customer
   *and* also make the move from X to Z which means that the stock of
   product A is no -1 on warehouse X
   We probably don't want the second scenario so we would add the
   suggested lock on write/create/delete.
   BUT what happens if those transactions are NOT concurrent and we DO
   have the lock?
   Take the second possibility where a) is executed *before* b). What
   happens is that we end up having -1 units of product A on warehouse X
   What I see is that as long as you want to ensure that the reservation
   process works as expected *all* stock moves must go through
   *assign_try* because it is this workflow that ensures the expected
   behaviour, not the lock mechanism.
   So I don't see any reason why we should add the lock anywhere else
   apart from assign_try.
   What am I missing?
  Maybe but there are no proof that finer grain locking system is better
  or faster than a big one. For sure, finer grain is more complex and
  could have dead locks.
  Also your analysis takes in consideration only the Tryton's modules. But
  we could imagine a valid case where you don't use assignation to make
  move. Like I tried to explain before you could build different workflow
  for picking which could write directly done move and there is no
  reason to not allow both working at the same time.

 But in that case the alternative workflow would have to take care of
 locking anyway. So that doesn't make one option better than the other.

 With current implementation it would have to do:


 but if an alternative locking mechanism we could provide a function to
 be used by those alternatives to use:


 I don't agree. There are no reason such code that create a done move
 to call lock. It doesn't need to prevent anything from happening. It
 will be a design mistake.
 Indeed we already have such code in the stock module, it is the

I see your point.

 Even more, it could be considered to add such API even without
 changing the default locking mecanism.

 As you said, probably Raimon's scenario may not benefit from my
 proposed locking mechanism but as there are several needs and
 scenarios, maybe it would be interesting to have a common API to try
 to improve compatibility between several alternatives.

 Also, maybe it would improve Raimon's situation if instead of raising
 a backtrace a proper message such as Currently other users are making
 lots of stock moves. Please, try again later. was shown. That
 probably would need to be handled at trytond and stock module
 level, by providing a new kind of exception which did the retries and
 only after those retries it was risen.

 I don't agree we will be just hidding the problem. Also why asking the
 user to try later when trytond can do it with the retry configuration.
 Also the problem is not the exception (it is just the revealing), the
 problem is the long transaction.

There is always the possibility that the given retry configuration is
not enough in an exceptional case.

So for me it is better to send an error message that can be understood
instead of a backtrace.

The exact message could be completely different, I just meant to avoid
the backtrace.

  More over

Re: [tryton] Stock move. Try Assing and lock table - NOWAIT + multiple users

2015-06-03 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-06-03 11:21 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier
 On 02 Jun 11:46, Cédric Krier wrote:
 On 02 Jun 11:06, Albert Cervera i Areny wrote:
  2015-05-29 15:39 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier
   On 29 May 14:40, Albert Cervera i Areny wrote:
   Also note that tryton locks the whole table even when two users are
   not competing for the same product.
   I created a review [1] some time ago to fix that although it
   eventually was commited something much simpler, you can dig in the
   reviews, where per product advisory locks were used.
   Because it doesn't work. It will require a lot of extrat code to be
   managed correctly: lock at creation, on both side of the write, on
   delete etc.
  I've been revisiting this issue, I don't understand why a lock is
  necessary outside assign_try.
  Let me put an scenario:
  There's 1 unit of product A on warehouse X.
  There are two concurrent transactions:
  a) does assign_try to try to ship the product to a customer
  b) moves the product from warehouse X to warehouse Z without
  assign_try (that may include a write, create, or delete, doesn't
  really matter for the case)
  So let's see what happens with and without those locks.
  If we just have the lock on assign_try there can be two possibilities:
  1.- a) is executed *after* b) so as the product has been moved from X
  to Z and there are 0 units of product A in X, assign_try fails and
  stock can not be picked
  2.- a) is executed *before* b) so we deliver the goods to the customer
  *and* also make the move from X to Z which means that the stock of
  product A is no -1 on warehouse X
  We probably don't want the second scenario so we would add the
  suggested lock on write/create/delete.
  BUT what happens if those transactions are NOT concurrent and we DO
  have the lock?
  Take the second possibility where a) is executed *before* b). What
  happens is that we end up having -1 units of product A on warehouse X
  What I see is that as long as you want to ensure that the reservation
  process works as expected *all* stock moves must go through
  *assign_try* because it is this workflow that ensures the expected
  behaviour, not the lock mechanism.
  So I don't see any reason why we should add the lock anywhere else
  apart from assign_try.
  What am I missing?

 Maybe but there are no proof that finer grain locking system is better
 or faster than a big one. For sure, finer grain is more complex and
 could have dead locks.

 Also your analysis takes in consideration only the Tryton's modules. But
 we could imagine a valid case where you don't use assignation to make
 move. Like I tried to explain before you could build different workflow
 for picking which could write directly done move and there is no
 reason to not allow both working at the same time.

But in that case the alternative workflow would have to take care of
locking anyway. So that doesn't make one option better than the other.

With current implementation it would have to do:


but if an alternative locking mechanism we could provide a function to
be used by those alternatives to use:


Even more, it could be considered to add such API even without
changing the default locking mecanism.

As you said, probably Raimon's scenario may not benefit from my
proposed locking mechanism but as there are several needs and
scenarios, maybe it would be interesting to have a common API to try
to improve compatibility between several alternatives.

Also, maybe it would improve Raimon's situation if instead of raising
a backtrace a proper message such as Currently other users are making
lots of stock moves. Please, try again later. was shown. That
probably would need to be handled at trytond and stock module
level, by providing a new kind of exception which did the retries and
only after those retries it was risen.

 More over it will not solve the initial issue as
 assigning 300 shipments in one transaction will probably activate the
 locks on all products.
 Anyway, I will not go further here as far as the pointed performance
 enhancements are not solved.

 Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
 Tel: +32 472 54 46 59

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Canviar la clase de las cuentas de activo a Gastos

2015-06-03 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-06-02 18:20 GMT+02:00 Jordi Esteve
 On 01/06/15 22:59, Albert Cervera i Areny wrote:

 2015-06-01 20:16 GMT+02:00 Jordi Esteve


 Actualmente no es posible añadir una cuenta contable de
 (las que empiezan con 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 y 25) en líneas de factura de
 proveedor o en la cuenta de activo de los productos de tipo activo, ya
 su clase es Otro en lugar de Gastos.

 20, 21 y 22, OK
 23 parece que sí

 Si, yo diría que 21 (Inmovilizaciones materiales) y 23 (Inmovilizaciones
 materiales en curso) son muy parecidas, son productos inmovilizados que se
 pueden comprar y seguramente su factura de compra tenga impuestos añadidos.

 24 y 25, lo dudo más. ¿Estás seguro que deberían ser incluídas estas?

 También son compras, pero referidas a Inversiones financieras. Seguramente
 las inversiones financieras no tengan impuestos y por tanto no se
 introduzcan directamente como un asiento contable en lugar de una factura de
 proveedor. En este caso no hacer falta que sean cuentas de clase Gastos.

 Podemos no hacer el cambio en la 24 y 25, y si una empresa lo necesita que
 se cambie ella misma la clase de estas cuentas.

Honestamente desconozco el uso de dichas cuentas. Si tu ves que a
pesar de no llevar impuestos es razonable introducirlas en una línea
de factura de compra no estoy en contra, más bien al contrario.

 Jordi Esteve
 Consultor Zikzakmedia SL
 Mòbil 679 170 693

 Zikzakmedia SL
 St. Jaume, 9, baixos, 2a
 08720 Vilafranca del Penedès
 Tel 93 890 2108

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton] Stock move. Try Assing and lock table - NOWAIT + multiple users

2015-06-02 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-05-29 15:39 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier
 On 29 May 14:40, Albert Cervera i Areny wrote:
 2015-05-29 13:14 GMT+02:00 Raimon Esteve
  when assign stock move, try_assign lock table (1). In Backend
  PostgresSQL, the lock is NOWAIT (2).
  When two or more users try to assign shipments at same time, second
  user get a nice error.
  Traceback is:
File /, line 1292, in assign_try
  for m in s.inventory_moves]):
File /, line 754, in assign_try
File /trytond/backend/postgresql/, line 359, in lock
  self.cursor.execute('LOCK %s IN EXCLUSIVE MODE NOWAIT' % table)
  OperationalError: could not obtain lock on relation stock_move
  Why lock() method in PSQL backend add NOWAIT option? Why not waiting
  next user request when unluck table and continue try_assin? the
  About NOWAIT: If NOWAIT is specified, LOCK TABLE does not wait to
  acquire the desired lock

 Also note that tryton locks the whole table even when two users are
 not competing for the same product.

 I created a review [1] some time ago to fix that although it
 eventually was commited something much simpler, you can dig in the
 reviews, where per product advisory locks were used.

 Because it doesn't work. It will require a lot of extrat code to be
 managed correctly: lock at creation, on both side of the write, on
 delete etc.

I've been revisiting this issue, I don't understand why a lock is
necessary outside assign_try.

Let me put an scenario:

There's 1 unit of product A on warehouse X.

There are two concurrent transactions:

a) does assign_try to try to ship the product to a customer
b) moves the product from warehouse X to warehouse Z without
assign_try (that may include a write, create, or delete, doesn't
really matter for the case)

So let's see what happens with and without those locks.

If we just have the lock on assign_try there can be two possibilities:

1.- a) is executed *after* b) so as the product has been moved from X
to Z and there are 0 units of product A in X, assign_try fails and
stock can not be picked
2.- a) is executed *before* b) so we deliver the goods to the customer
*and* also make the move from X to Z which means that the stock of
product A is no -1 on warehouse X

We probably don't want the second scenario so we would add the
suggested lock on write/create/delete.

BUT what happens if those transactions are NOT concurrent and we DO
have the lock?

Take the second possibility where a) is executed *before* b). What
happens is that we end up having -1 units of product A on warehouse X

What I see is that as long as you want to ensure that the reservation
process works as expected *all* stock moves must go through
*assign_try* because it is this workflow that ensures the expected
behaviour, not the lock mechanism.

So I don't see any reason why we should add the lock anywhere else
apart from assign_try.

What am I missing?

 I think sooner or later some solution that is more fine grained than
 the current table lock will be required.

 I don't think so if we can keep transaction execution fast enough, it is
 just a matter of keeping the queue of waiting transaction small enough.
 More over, companies that will have a such huge amount of products and
 shipments to process at the same time will require to have a custom
 workflow that doesn't contain assignation process but just picking on
 the fly.

 Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
 Tel: +32 472 54 46 59

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton] Stock move. Try Assing and lock table - NOWAIT + multiple users

2015-05-30 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-05-30 10:04 GMT+02:00 Cédric Krier
 On 30 May 09:30, Christophe (net) wrote:
 In the all process, I see no actual needs to make assignation if you
 have a good warehouse argonisation (which is required with such
 Assignation is there to tell the user where to pick the product, you can
 skip this by knowing in advance where to pick them. (and also avoid user

 I do not agree with this last statement, especially if you have a large
 warehouse, you must specified where is the products to be prepared. In
 addition, the order picker may come from temporary agency, they do not know
 the warehouse. Finally, inventory turnover may require that the location is
 provided to the preparer.

 It is a tradeoff that each companies must do.
 You can have fixed place for each product.

 Or another solution for such problem is to make a proposal to the user
 where to pick the product (without assignation) but as soon as he pick a
 product it must register it in the system and if the product is no more
 there, the user must ask for a new location.

Yet you need assignation.

Otherwise two concurrent workers working on different shipments would
be asked to go to the same location when one may pick up the last
units. That's why assignation is important on many cases.

Assignation reserves that unit for one of the shipments so it's pretty
sure the unit will be there when the worker arrives.

 This is a little bit how amazon warehouse works, the picker receive on
 his screen the place of the next product to pick (because they have no
 predefined places).

 Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
 Tel: +32 472 54 46 59

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton] Stock move. Try Assing and lock table - NOWAIT + multiple users

2015-05-29 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-05-29 13:14 GMT+02:00 Raimon Esteve

 when assign stock move, try_assign lock table (1). In Backend
 PostgresSQL, the lock is NOWAIT (2).

 When two or more users try to assign shipments at same time, second
 user get a nice error.

 Traceback is:

   File /, line 1292, in assign_try
 for m in s.inventory_moves]):
   File /, line 754, in assign_try
   File /trytond/backend/postgresql/, line 359, in lock
 self.cursor.execute('LOCK %s IN EXCLUSIVE MODE NOWAIT' % table)
 OperationalError: could not obtain lock on relation stock_move

 Why lock() method in PSQL backend add NOWAIT option? Why not waiting
 next user request when unluck table and continue try_assin? the

 About NOWAIT: If NOWAIT is specified, LOCK TABLE does not wait to
 acquire the desired lock

Also note that tryton locks the whole table even when two users are
not competing for the same product.

I created a review [1] some time ago to fix that although it
eventually was commited something much simpler, you can dig in the
reviews, where per product advisory locks were used.

I think sooner or later some solution that is more fine grained than
the current table lock will be required.


 is a scenario related to [tryton] Large Scale Deployments, A
 Discussion (3) when have multiples users working at same time with
 trytond balancer = a lot user writing stock.move table.



Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Error al imprimir Venta con JasperReports

2015-05-27 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-05-25 22:54 GMT+02:00 Luis Martinez
 Instalé el módulo de sale_jreports con sus dependencias en Tryton 3.4 y al
 momento de querer imprimir el reporte de Venta me arroja el siguiente error:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /trytond/protocols/, line 150, in _marshaled_dispatch
 response['result'] = dispatch_method(method, params)
   File /trytond/protocols/, line 179, in _dispatch
 res = dispatch(*args)
   File /trytond/protocols/, line 161, in dispatch
 result = rpc.result(meth(*c_args, **c_kwargs))
   File /trytond/modules/jasper_reports/, line 232, in execute
 outputFile, parameters)
   File /trytond/modules/jasper_reports/JasperReports/, line
 89, in execute
   File /trytond/modules/jasper_reports/JasperReports/, line
 74, in start
 process = subprocess.Popen(command, env=env, cwd=cwd)
   File /, line 710, in __init__
 errread, errwrite)
   File /, line 1327, in _execute_child
 raise child_exception
 OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

 No sé si tengo que configuar algo adicionalmente en el tryton.conf y de ser
 así que  líneas tengo que agregar?

 Gracias de antemano por sus comentarios

Probablemente no tienes java instalado en el servidor.

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Balance de Situación modelo abreviado

2015-05-21 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-05-21 17:13 GMT+02:00 Miriam Aymerich


 En el Balance de Situación en la modalidad de Abreviado, falta incluir la
 cuenta 473 en el Activo circulante ( otros deudores/administración publica).

 Cómo se puede añadir? lo he intentado desde el mismo Balance pero no me
 deja guardar cambios por afectar al Plan contable. Ahora mismo me
 descuadra el balance por esta cantidad.

Sólo hay que duplicar la plantilla y listo.

 Otra pregunta: existe algún informe asociado para sacar en pdf el informe
 con un formato bonito?

No por el momento. Aunque puedes exportar todos los datos a Excel y dejarlo
precioso ;-P

 Gracias por vuetra ayuda!

 Sistemes i Xarxes Inf. Calidae, S.L.
 tel +34 938654433 fax +34 938651973
 C/ Font i Boet, 10
 08140 - Caldes de Montbui

 Aquest correu és confidencial, llegiu-ne l' advertiment legal
 Este correo es confidencial, lea la advertencia legal
 This is a confidential email, please read the legal disclaimer

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Duda con el modulo de contratos

2015-05-15 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-05-15 17:06 GMT+02:00 Jordi Esteve
 On 15/05/15 09:20, Raimon Esteve wrote:

 2015-05-14 21:20 GMT+02:00 Antonio Roncero

 Hola de nuevo,

 el modulo de contratos vale para hacer contratos con proveedores y poder
 crear las facturas de los mismos?

 El módulo desarrolado por  Zikzakmedia crea lineas de factura según
 contrato/servicio (el contract invoice si no recuerdo mal el nombre) .
 Por tanto, puedes después con el standalone o otros módulos agrupar
 estas lineas con facturas cliente o proveedor.

 2 correcciones a lo que dice Raimon:

 El módulo contract (y contract_formular y contract_invoice) han sido
 desarrollados por Zikzakmedia y Nantic, Nantic ha hecho muchas mejoras y tb
 mantenien una rama propia.

Corrijo al corrector ;p

El módulo contract que tenemos en NaN·tic ya incluye la facturación
(no hay un contract_invoice de NaN·tic) y es una reimplementación
desde cero de la funcionalidad de contract + contract_invoice.

Con el diseño original de los módulos contract nos encontramos algunos
problemas y decidimos empezar de nuevo...

En bitbucket podéis encontrar otros módulos como asset_contract que
amlían la funcionalidad para realizar facturación recurrente de
activos (alquileres, mantenimiento de equipos, etc), y otras
virguerías que os dejarán boquiabiertos :DDD

 El módulo contract sólo genera líneas de factura de cliente, no de
 proveedor. Luego se pueden incluir en facturas de cliente, bien con el botón
 + (depende del módulo account_invoice_standalone), bien desde las propias
 líneas con un asistente que te permite definir la fecha y la descripción de
 las facturas (si instalas contract_invoice).

 Jordi Esteve
 Consultor Zikzakmedia SL
 Mòbil 679 170 693

 Zikzakmedia SL
 St. Jaume, 9, baixos, 2a
 08720 Vilafranca del Penedès
 Tel 93 890 2108

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Duda con el modulo de contratos

2015-05-14 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-05-14 21:20 GMT+02:00 Antonio Roncero
 Hola de nuevo,

 el modulo de contratos vale para hacer contratos con proveedores y poder
 crear las facturas de los mismos?

Qué módulo de contratos?

 y otra duda, puede interactuar con el de contabilidad analitica para tener
 previsiones de tesoreria?


Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

Re: [tryton-es] Pagar directamente con asiento contable

2015-05-14 Thread Albert Cervera i Areny
2015-05-14 13:13 GMT+02:00 Antonio Roncero

 tengo una factura que ha pagado unos de los socios por lo que me gustaria
 hacer el pago manualmente a traves de un asiento contable (para no crear un
 diario de pagos por cada socio para una situacion puntual). He creado bien
 el asiento de la cuenta 4100 a la 5510 seleccionando como origen la Factura.
 El asiento está confirmado pero la factura no me aperece como pagada. ¿Cómo
 podría hacerlo?

Debes conciliar los apuntes de la 4100 entre ellos:

- O bien a través del menú Contabilidad  Procesos  Conciliar cuentas
- O bien seleccionando los dos apuntes individualmente (utilitzando el
módulo account_statement_of_account o creando una entrada de menú que
te habra todos los apuntes contables)

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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