[twitter-dev] Re: consistency and ecosystem opportunities

2011-03-11 Thread Mike Champion
Thanks for the clarification Ryan. Two questions:

1) Do you have a clear definition of what counts as a Twitter client?
Is it any app/service that posts updates to Twitter, including apps
like twitterfeed and Instapaper? Or is it only those apps that are
primarily clients? I'm certainly familiar with the challenge of
classifying apps ;) but wanted to know who will be covered by the ToS
Section 1.5 and how you think about clients given Twitter's updated

2) In section 1.5.A of the ToS it says:

Your Client must use the Twitter API as the sole source for features
that are substantially similar to functionality offered by Twitter.
Some examples include trending topics, who to follow, and suggested
user lists.

Is the Who to follow functionality available via API from Twitter
for clients that want to offer this? I wasn't aware that it been
released as API but may have missed it on dev.twitter.com.



On Mar 11, 3:47 pm, Eric Mill kproject...@gmail.com wrote:
 More specifically, developers ask us if they should build client apps that
 mimic or reproduce the mainstream Twitter consumer client experience.  The
 answer is no.

 We need to ensure users can interact with Twitter the same way everywhere.

 I'm not sure you can say these things and simultaneously try to say you have
 a welcoming developer environment. All third party Twitter developers, no
 matter what they make, are now walking on eggshells, constantly at risk of
 offending Twitter's ideas of how users should interact with Twitter.

 You may feel you need this consistency, but you don't. You want it, and
 are willing to make tradeoffs to get it. I just hope you realize how big
 those tradeoffs are, and how chilling it is for Twitter to decide that only
 certain kinds of innovation on the Twitter API are welcome.

 -- Eric

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
Change your membership to this group: 

[twitter-dev] Re: Promoted Content: API Changes

2010-08-09 Thread Mike Champion
Hey Matt,

I want to make sure I understand the comment you made about We’re
still working out
the exact value and will keep you informed on developments. Is that
in reference to the rev share for Promoted Tweets?

Dick C was really clear that it was 50/50 split at Chirp (http://
monetization/). That hasn't changed, right?



On Aug 9, 7:10 pm, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky zn...@borasky-
research.net wrote:
 Quoting themattharris thematthar...@twitter.com:

  A Promoted Trend is one a topic which is already trending on Twitter
  but not popular enough to make it onto the Trending Topics list. A
  topic which isn’t popular on Twitter already cannot become a Promoted

 Let's say I've produced a movie - I am a Villager - Diary of a  
 Werewolf. I've promoted that movie lots of places, and people are  
 starting to talk about it on Twitter. How do I know when it makes it  
 into the already trending on Twitter but not popular enough position?

 Does Twitter's sales team call me up and say, We've noticed that 'I  
 am a Villager' is an emerging trend - would you like to buy 'Promoted  
 Tweets' and 'Promoted Trends'? Or does the studio or an agency come  
 to Twitter at the beginning of the campaign and say, We've got a  
 really great movie coming out and want to buy exposure on Twitter. How  
 do we do that?

 I would hope and pray that it's the latter! I would hope it's  
 something like the Old Spice campaign that some of my friends here in  
 Portland helped to build. There *have* to be planning, coordination,  
 partnerships, tools, design, metrics, analytics, key performance  
 indicators, etc. to make this stuff work.

  As developers the benefit to you of displaying the Promoted Products
  is that Twitter will share revenue with you. We’re still working out
  the exact value and will keep you informed on developments.

 Is there a penalty attached to *not* displaying them? Is there a  
 penalty attached to ignoring the whole API? ;-)

  For users the benefit is that they will see time, context and event
  sensitive trends promoted by advertising partners. Only Tweets which
  users engage with will be kept. This means if users don’t interact
  with a Promoted Tweet it will disappear.

 Like all of the other Twitter services, there's what the web  
 application reads and writes and what third-party tools read and write  
 on behalf of users via the API. Is there going to be a distinction in  
 the metrics for resonance of a Promoted Tweet between interactions  
 coming from the web application and interactions coming from other  
 sources? Will the analytics be available to the third-party  
 developers, or do we need to build those into our applications?

 M. Edward (Ed) Boraskyhttp://borasky-research.nethttp://twitter.com/znmeb

 A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems. - Paul Erdos

[twitter-dev] Re: @replies missing

2010-07-04 Thread Mike Champion
I can see at least 1 missing tweet from my mentions list (at 9:20pm
EDT 7/4/2010)

This tweet: http://twitter.com/RodBegbie/status/17703020160


doesn't appear in my mentions (permalink to my mentions via twitter
hurl, but requires login. Is there a better permalink to send?):


The tweet was sent ~20 hours ago, and doesn't appear in the mentions,
even though newer mentions do.


On Jul 4, 4:25 pm, John Kalucki j...@twitter.com wrote:
 The mentions timelines were updating with additional latency, perhaps a few
 minutes, for about a day, but they were updating. They should be updating in
 near real time now.

 -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
 Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.

 On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 1:16 PM, Naveen Ayyagari

     Hoping  we can get post on status.twitter.com about @replies not
  showing up... We have been getting a lot of reports that they are
  missing, and a quick twitter search seems to indicate it is not
  limited to our application.


[twitter-dev] Re: Fred Wilson article on Twitter API

2010-04-07 Thread Mike Champion
Yeah, interesting post form Fred, especially coming a week before

Are there classes of killer apps that should be built but haven't
been? I left a comment on his blog that I would love an app that
somehow aggregated the recommendations from my twitter stream for
things like books, music, movies, etc. I tend to trust social
recommendations often times more than algorithmic ones.

And I certainly expect more and more great apps will be built around
data mining the tweet stream and the streaming API.

What would have to change for there to be 10X the number of (quality)
Twitter apps as there are now? A simpler way to make money? More
success stories? A fund for Twitter app developers? Changes/maturity
in the Twitter platform?

I'd be curious to hear what folks think.


Mike Champion
Engineering Lead

On Apr 7, 12:12 pm, Chad Etzel jazzyc...@gmail.com wrote:
 As dougw pointed out, a timely article:



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[twitter-dev] twitter dev meetup at SXSW on Friday

2010-03-08 Thread Mike Champion
I'll be heading to SXSW later this week and wondering who else will be
going this year?

On Friday afternoon oneforty is going to buy the first few rounds at a
beer o'clock meetup. If you're going to SXSW, or in the Austin area,
it'd be great to meetup. Always more fun to talk about rate limiting,
OAuth and future APIs over drinks.

If you can come, please RSVP so we get a head count:


Details: Friday, March 12 from 4-6pm CST at the Marriott Courtyard in
Austin, TX. It's located at 300 East Fourth Street, Austin, TX 78701
(http://bit.ly/cyI7O3). We'll have a section of the Restaurant 
Patio. The hope is to try to keep it to twitter developers (and not
just fans of twitter).



[twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-02-22 Thread Mike Champion
Hey folks,

I'm Mike Champion, a Ruby/Rails developer outside Boston working at
oneforty.com. I've worked with the Twitter API for a couple years off
 on, working on a friend recommendation site called
whoshouldifollow.com (trying to help the on-ramp problem) and wrote a
Twitter integration for a mobile photo sharing service called
SnapMyLife, and a couple other unpublished/half-finished projects.

One of the things we've been playing with at oneforty is how to
measure which apps are being used in the wild. We monitor the garden
hose (and other sources) to see which apps are posting, but would love
to find better ways to know what (non-posting) apps people are using.
So having a more structured source parameter would go a long way
(which Raffi has been great about). Open to talking with anyone who
has thoughts on this area.

And I'm excited to see the rumors of having an Sign Up API (http://
which would be great for a site like ours.

Finally, I'm interested in figuring out how I can help the Twitter dev
community more. Would be curious if Raffi and other Twitter folks have
a wishlist that they would like to see the community do.

I'll be at Chirp in April and would love to meet other twitter devs,
and any in the Boston area before then.



On Feb 22, 11:23 am, Andrew Badera and...@badera.us wrote:
 I heard the ante's been up'd to a train.


 On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Scott Wilcox sc...@tig.gr wrote:
  I hear to get a link in that space you have to be sleeping with one of the 
  team ;)

  On 22 Feb 2010, at 14:19, twittelator wrote:
  I'd love feature parity with Twitter web - like a flag to home
  timeline that would include RT's. I'd like access to xAUTH like some
  other vendors already have, to have Apple Push Notification Service
  built in to twitter's device delivery options, and while I'm
  fantasizing, a link to our app in the ad-space!


  So. Who are you, what do you do, what have you built, and what feature do
  you most want to see added?

[twitter-dev] Cannot view my OAuth client's details - over capacity messages

2010-02-16 Thread Mike Champion
Over the past several weeks, I have never been able to view the
details of 1 of my OAuth clients, when I go to:


I can view the details of my other apps, but this one has
*consistently* given Over Capacity messages. I went to twitter.com/
help and didn't see any other issues filed, and even though I was
logged in to ZenDesk, didn't see a way to open a support request.

I'm posting here because I'm stumped at how to fix this, and it is for
our company's main app so I'd really like to be get this resolved.

Has anyone seen this? Any clues on what I can do?



[twitter-dev] oneforty e-commerce alpha launch

2010-01-12 Thread Mike Champion
The oneforty team is excited to be launching an alpha version of our
ecommerce platform for Twitter applications this Thursday, Jan 14th.
We wanted to let other Twitter developers know, and offer the
opportunity to have their app highlighted as we roll out this

If you're interested in building a premium version of your app, we'd
like to work with you to make it simple to get discovered and process
sales. We have a getting started guide
(http://oneforty.com/pages/seller_guide) that covers the process, and
documentation on our API (http://oneforty.com/pages/fulfillment) for
app developers.

I'm happy to answer any questions, or find us in on IRC in #oneforty
on freenode.


Mike Champion

[twitter-dev] oneforty e-commerce pilot

2009-12-03 Thread Mike Champion
The oneforty team has been hard at work to build a simple way for
Twitter developers
to sell versions of their apps, and a smooth process for customers to
purchase them. We're interested to talk to any developers who would be
curious to learn more our pilot program.

Developers in the pilot group will have the opportunity to be the
first to kick the tires on our new e-commerce engine and will have
significant input into the initial phase of our e-commerce product
launch. We're looking for partners who have the ability to be actively
involved in the pilot from now until the end of the year and have a
product at or near completion that they wish to sell on a one-time
license key or one-time download basis.

If you’re interested in working with us to sell your Twitter app, just
drop me a note at m...@oneforty.com


Mike Champion
Engineering Lead

[twitter-dev] Re: About the oneforty application directory

2009-09-24 Thread Mike Champion

Thanks Alex. I work at oneforty, and would be really interested to
hear what would be useful for twitter developers. I've written a
couple Twitter-based apps, and found it is hard to have them
discovered, hear back from users, or even see what else is out there
in the space. (And having half of them named Tw-something, doesn't

If you're interested in checking it out, I'll make sure anyone who
signs up via this link gets in quickly:




Mike Champion
Engineering Lead, oneforty

On Sep 24, 3:24 pm, Alex Payne a...@twitter.com wrote:
 Just wanted to pass on a note from the team at oneforty.com, who
 recently launched with over 1300 Twitter applications in their
 directory. Your app might already be on their site. If it's not yet,
 you can register as a developer and add it. Once you register and
 claim your app you can promote it with screenshots, descriptions,
 tags, and reviews.

 If you saw the early alpha version of oneforty, it's much improved -
 real home page, most popular apps ranking and essentials. New item
 pages just launched and look much better than the prototype did.

 Their team working on the ability to sell apps right on the site.
 They're also definitely looking for your feedback. @freerobby,
 @graysky, @macasek, and @pistachio are often in the #twitterapi IRC
 channel. There's more contact info below, too.

 A note from the oneforty team and info on how to register, claim, edit
  add stuff:

 We built oneforty to help the best stuff being built on the Twitter
 API get found and get profitable.
 Come claim your apps, add content and add new projects in the Twitter
 appstore oneforty.com
 To get started:
 Sign in via oauth. (We whitelisted as many dev usernames as we could
 find. If you can't login already use invite code TWAPI and we'll let
 you right in.)
 Register as a developer:http://oneforty.com/me/developer_profile
 Search for and claim your app   (Suggest Item if we don't have it yet!)
 Check out your item's page, make sure it's tagged well, tweet a link to it, 
 Once approved, add details, screenshots, media coverage and more

 In the near future you'll be able to offer things for sale right in
 oneforty. For now we link to your sites and (optionally) let you
 collect donations.

 We want to help you get your app found, rated, reviewed and into the
 hands of the users who need it the most. We also want to get the
 Twitter community to do a better job supporting developers and apps so
 that your innovation can flourish. It's frustrating when great apps go
 defunct because of server costs, etc.

 We're anticipating decent blog and press coverage, so we want your to
 look its best! Please let us know whatever we can do to help you.
 Thank you.

 We'd really love to know what you think and what you want: Uservice
 feedback forum. Any questions at all, develop...@oneforty.com or
 617-645-7767, anytime.

 oneforty Founder Laura (@Pistachio) Fitton will be at events in Fort
 Worth 9/25, Seattle 9/26-27, SF/bay area 9/27-30 and Boston 10/1 and
 would love to meet you (seehttp://bit.ly/tour140for Tweetup  event
 info). She also wrote Twitter for Dummies.

 Check 'em out!

 Alex Payne - Platform Lead, Twitter, Inc.http://twitter.com/al3x

[twitter-dev] Re: Developer Preview: Geolocation API

2009-08-21 Thread Mike Champion

Very cool!

Will Twitter Search be changed to use the new geo-tweet info? Right
now if you search for near=Boston,MA it seems to be mostly (only?)
looking at a user's location field. I'd be curious to know if Twitter
Search will be the best place to determine tweets within a given area
and how Search will behave if my location is set to Boston, but my
tweet georss is in SF, for example.



On Aug 21, 9:59 am, @epc epcoste...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Aug 20, 6:37 pm, Ryan Sarver rsar...@twitter.com wrote:

  Users will need to come to the website to change the setting. If we
  provided an API, a misbehaving application would change the setting
  without the user knowing - hence the read-only attribute.

 Perfect, that’s what I’d expect.  But I throw this out anyway: once
 someone has opted in, would you consider adding an API method to allow
 geo to be turned on/off?  Or would you expect the individual
 applications to allow users to mask their location when posting a
 -ed costello

[twitter-dev] Re: Continuous oAuth Issues

2009-08-08 Thread Mike Champion

I've noticed a similar issue. I was able to login to my OAuth-enabled
app easily with Safari but had to manually clear my cookies in FireFox
before it worked.


On Aug 8, 8:25 am, Derek Gathright drg...@gmail.com wrote:
 Oh, nice.  I was unable to get into my client over the last few days, but
 followed the suggestion of clearing your cookies in Safari and it works fine
 now.  Thanks

 On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 2:15 AM, Rich rhyl...@gmail.com wrote:

  I still can't get mobile safari to oAuth, some people obviously are as
  I can see the number of users occassionally go up in the oAuth clients

  On Aug 8, 4:08 am, Chris Corriveau chris.corriv...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hi Mike what version of FF are you running? I'mable to use 3.5 now,
   but Twitter may have changed something after I was Able to login and
   get my cookie set.


   On Aug 7, 2009, at 6:21 PM, Mike Lewis mikelikes...@gmail.com wrote:


Still doesn't work for me in FF

On Aug 7, 3:15 pm, Genevate chris.corriv...@gmail.com wrote:
Firefox oAuth issue seems to be fixed now. Not sure for how long
but I
can actually login.


On Aug 7, 5:29 pm, Rich rhyl...@gmail.com wrote:

It also doesn't seem to be working properly on Mobile Safari
either on
the iPhone

On Aug 7, 10:12 pm, Ryan Sarver rsar...@twitter.com wrote:


Thanks for letting us know. We will try to dig in on the OAuth
issues and
see if we can come up with any solutions.

Best, Ryan

On a side note, we are seeing more issues withFirefoxand very few
Safari but we are exploring

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 1:40 PM, Brian Knoth b.kn...@gmail.com
Thanks for update Ryan, but I got to tell you, I have not gotten
a single
oAuth request through from our app since early yesterday morning
before the
original attack. It's not intermittent, it's really nothing.
Now, out app is
hosted in EC2, so I'm not sure if that is making a difference
with any IP


On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 4:37 PM, Ryan Sarver
rsar...@twitter.com wrote:

We are noticing a number of people are experiencing issues with
There is nothing inherently broken with OAuth, instead the
issue is tied to
API calls periodically timing out due to the attack. All calls,
unauthenticated calls are experiencing the same problems.

We are working to resolve this and all the other API-related
issues and
will keep you informed as we make progress.

Best, Ryan

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 10:59 AM, AdamHertz
adamdhe...@gmail.com wrote:

Ours recurred this morning, as well.

On Aug 7, 10:49 am, Rich rhyl...@gmail.com wrote:
Mine has re-occured... if you're going to force people to use
from now on, at least get it running again fast!

On Aug 7, 2:22 pm, Brian b.kn...@gmail.com wrote:

Our app is still experiencing oAuth denial issues since the
problem yesterday.  Has anyone heard any update to this
problem? or
there some action that app developers need to take to get
back in


[twitter-dev] Re: DDoS update: Friday 8PM PDT

2009-08-07 Thread Mike Champion

Thanks for the update. Definitely appreciate the honesty despite what
must be a challenging situation, as it helps those of us downstream
make more informed decisions.


On Aug 7, 11:34 pm, Josh Roesslein jroessl...@gmail.com wrote:
 Let's just hope the attackers behind this get bored and move on soon. Great
 work guys
 on battling this onslaught. :)

 On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 10:29 PM, Chris Corriveau

  Thank you Chad appreciate this update. Even though there is no real
  resolution telling us this helps and gives us some stuff to tell our users.
  Good luck and keep the updates coming.


  On Aug 7, 2009, at 11:20 PM, Chad Etzel c...@twitter.com wrote:

  Hello all,

  Here is the state of things as we know them:

  - The DDoS attack is still ongoing, and the intensity has not
  decreased at all. Because of this, interaction with the site and with
  the API will continue to be shaky due to the defenses that have been
  put in place by our Ops team. At this point, removing any of those
  defenses is not an option.

  - Whitelisted IPs that have a restricted rate-limit is a *known
  issue,* and we are still working on restoring increased rate-limiting.

  - OAuth funkiness is a *known issue* which seems to be exacerbated by
  the whole DDoS thing.

  - Automatic blacklisting of valid or innocent IPs is a *known
  issue* and a result of the DDoS defenses. These blacklistings are
  temporary, though the amount of time they stick is variant upon the
  number of requests being made. The best thing to do to avoid this is
  throttle back your requests. We know that this may not be an option
  for everyone, but if you can, it will help.

  - Keep respecting 302's as you get them.

  *There is no ETA on fixing any of this*
  *There is no ETA on fixing any of this*

  I know that sounds harsh and cold, but if you want us to be perfectly
  honest with you, that's the truth. Things will continue to be rocky as
  long as this attack continues. They may get worse, they may get
  better. That should not be read as we don't care about fixing it or
  we're not going to fix it until everything blows over but instead as
  we can't promise when things will be back to normal, but in the
  meantime we are working on fixing is ASAP.

  Ops is going to be working around the clock this weekend.

  We will also be monitoring the situation and giving out new
  information as we have it. Please remain patient with us. As much as
  you want it to be fixed, we want it to be fixed more. Some of my
  personal apps are completely borked as well.  We're all going to have
  to ride this out together. Communications may be slowed over the
  weekend, but please know that we are not ignoring the situation.



[twitter-dev] Re: statuses/replies now include mentions

2009-03-30 Thread Mike Champion

Great, this will be a helpful change.

Any discussion of codifying Retweets in a similar way in the search
API? It seems like they are also a subset of Mentions where 1) starts
with RT 2) includes a @mention 3) rest of the content (fuzzy) matches
a previous tweet by the @mention tweeter.


On Mar 30, 10:28 pm, tweetip twee...@mac.com wrote:
 In changing our code, we've decided:

 Show my replies becomes Show my mentions


 Reply to is not becoming Mention to - it stays Reply to


 having both my replies and my mentions is something users will ask

 hth :)