[twitter-dev] Re: Loose ends for List and Retweet APIs

2009-12-22 Thread hansamann
Hi Marcel,

I had once suggested this feature:

* add retweet_count to every status representation

My issue was by placing retweeted statuses once into the home
timeline, my app was no longer able to keep track of retweets over
time. I think even having the retweet_count still does not change
that. Isn't the issue here (at least that's how the home time line
works) that a retweet is just placed once into the timeline. So the
first time  a status is retweeted the retweet count would be 1. After
that, and assuming someone is using the user/home timeline the same
status would not be placed twice at the top level... so an app polling
for new tweets adn potentially tracking retweets would never get an
updated retweet count.

Only if you pull the info about that retweet directly you would get
that count. For many of us, this means wasting a request just for
checking the retweet count... we only have 150 per hour.

The only way I hopefully can keep track of retweets, count them, etc.
is by using the streaming API. I am still waiting for an twitter4j
update which hopefully let's me track retweets properly again.

If there is a better way to keep track of retweets of a status over
time, I'd love to hear it.


On Dec 18, 11:09 am, Marcel Molina mar...@twitter.com wrote:
 There are some loose ends that need to be tied up in both the List and
 Retweet APIs to round out the feature set and fix some bugs. I want to crank
 these all out. So here is a little list I've been building. Please add what
 I've left out and you think is missing.

 * add retweet_count to every status representation
 * support paging through the resource that returns all retweets for a given
 * don't require authentication for *most* read only resources

 * on a user representation, show list count, list memberships count and list
 subscriptions count
 * don't require authentication on read only resources
 * expose a list of ids for a list's members and subscribers (this change
 will go hand in hand with a new bulk user lookup resource where you provide
 a list of ids and get back a list of user representations)
 * count parameter for status timelines of a list appears to do nothing

 Many other things I'm sure...

 Marcel Molina
 Twitter Platform Teamhttp://twitter.com/noradio

[twitter-dev] Re: Loose ends for List and Retweet APIs

2009-12-22 Thread hansamann
OK, if there is room for change then I'd hope for a parameter like:


This would mean that whenever one of my friends retweets a status, I'd
still get a new entry into the home/user time line. It would stop me
from having to listen to the streaming methods to get all retweets
over time. Even better, the retweet_count would provide a lot more
sense to me then. I'd assume the retweet_count reflects all global
retweets of a status. This means my app would both be able to track
how many of my friends retweeted a status compared to all global
retweets (of people I am not or not yet following).

It's christmas, me can haz duplicate_retweets=true?


On Dec 18, 3:38 pm, Marcel Molina mar...@twitter.com wrote:
 Or conceivably (though arguably janky) there could be an additional
 parameter you provide for the user timeline that opts you in to having
 retweets appear. e.g. ?include_retweets=true

 On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Cameron Kaiser spec...@floodgap.comwrote:

   It would be good to be able to get retweets in a user's timeline.  If
   that is not possible for backwards compatibility reasons, is it
   possible to have a function such as retweets_by_user which has similar
   semantics to retweets_by_me, except we can specify the user whose
   retweets are being retrieved (requiring appropriate authentication for
   protected users, of course)?

  Or, simply a parameter to ask for them optionally? I don't mind this
  method, but it requires two calls to assemble a user timeline.

   Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems *www.floodgap.com*
  -- The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws. -- Tacitus

 Marcel Molina
 Twitter Platform Teamhttp://twitter.com/noradio

[twitter-dev] Retweeting via the API does not show up in other's Home Timeline

2009-12-11 Thread hansamann
Hi all,

I have switched the retweeting style of my app from using the RT @user
text pattern to the new retweet API. If a logged in user on
groovytweets.org now hits the green retweet buttons, it will fire off
a retweet via the API. Unfortunately, the retweeted messages do not
show up in that user's followers Home Timeline (the people following
that user should get the retweet).

From an API perspective, the request (via Twitter4J) is sent off and
returns normally, no error in sight. The API method used is
http://twitter.com/statuses/retweet and the statusId of the status who
should be retweeted is sent wiht the requuest.

Now if I understand the new home timeline correctly, this *might* not
be an issue, in the following case:
- if another user already had retweeted that status, it might have
shown up in the follower's home time line earlier, meaning when I look
onto the time line it might not be at the top.

Is that understanding correct? I think retweeted statuses who already
had been retweeted and 'received' by that user will not show up at the
top again. Instead, the UI of twitter.com just adds the new retweeting
user to the list of retweeted by for that status. This is of
course potentially down in the stream of tweets, so the user might
never see it (again).

Or there is a bug :-) Either on my side or with twitter.

What do you think?


[twitter-dev] Re: statuses/friends issue?

2009-12-08 Thread hansamann
Thanx, I think the issue exists because I am using the page parameter
(via twitter4j).

@twitter does deprecating also mean it stops working? :-)


On Dec 8, 1:06 pm, Randy randy.posyn...@gmail.com wrote:
 Are you using page parameter? If so, it was recently deprecated, so
 that would explain what you are seeing... the first page over and over
 again. Check the API documentation to see how to use the cursor

 On Dec 6, 8:25 pm, hansamann sven.hai...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Hi all,

  my code is calling api method statuses/friends with an increasing
  paging to get all friends information. Since a couple of hours it
  seems it never reaches a page with no friends or less than n friends
  so my code stops the recursion.

  Anyone similar problems?

[twitter-dev] Re: statuses/friends issue?

2009-12-07 Thread hansamann
I am still seeing this issue. I am pasting some groovy code below, you
can run thus straight in groovyConsole with your own user/pass:

import twitter4j.*
import twitter4j.http.*


@Grab(group='net.homeip.yusuke', module='twitter4j',
def start()
def users = getUsers() //this never returns!
println (Total: ${user.size()} users.)

def getUsers(page = 1)
def twitter = new Twitter('user', 'pass')
def users = twitter.getFriendsStatuses(new Paging(page))
println (getUsers: got ${users.size()} users for page $

if (users.size()  90)
return users + getUsers(page+1)
return users

The output I am getting this this:

oneeverbank-lm:scripts haiges$ groovy twitter_friends_status.groovy
getUsers: got 100 users for page 1...
getUsers: got 100 users for page 2...
getUsers: got 100 users for page 3...
getUsers: got 100 users for page 4...
getUsers: got 100 users for page 5...
getUsers: got 100 users for page 6...
getUsers: got 100 users for page 7...
getUsers: got 100 users for page 8...
getUsers: got 100 users for page 9...
getUsers: got 100 users for page 10...

So the recursion is never stopped as there are always 100 users
returned. I just have about 400 friends using this account, so
somethign seems wrong.

Could someone from Twitter please investigate this? It's a big issue
for my app as I am not able to cache the user information any more.

On Dec 6, 8:25 pm, hansamann sven.hai...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 my code is calling api method statuses/friends with an increasing
 paging to get all friends information. Since a couple of hours it
 seems it never reaches a page with no friends or less than n friends
 so my code stops the recursion.

 Anyone similar problems?

[twitter-dev] statuses/friends issue?

2009-12-06 Thread hansamann
Hi all,

my code is calling api method statuses/friends with an increasing
paging to get all friends information. Since a couple of hours it
seems it never reaches a page with no friends or less than n friends
so my code stops the recursion.

Anyone similar problems?

[twitter-dev] Twitter Retweets in Streaming API?

2009-12-01 Thread hansamann
Hi all,

it is my understanding that retweets should show up in the Twitter
Streaming API and especially the 'filter' Stream which I am using. My
last discussion a few weeks (months) ago with a Twitter Dev confirmed

I am using the Twitter4J API which has support for the new new Retweet
API, still I cannot seem to detect retweets when using the streams.

Can someone confirm that retweets (and with that I mean the new
retweet payload) makes it into the streams?

I'd also like to know what conventions are used for the backwar-
compatible text Twitter is using. I saw that statuses which were
retweeted result in the RT @username text in the Status itself which
is great for backward compatibility. But what happens in case the
original message was too long? Is twitter making an exception to the
140 characters in thsi case or just cutting the message?


[twitter-dev] Re: Retweet streams have been frozen for 2 weeks

2009-12-01 Thread hansamann
Could it be there are some issues with the streaming API and the
retweets there, too? I cannot see retweeted messages in the new xml
format there... just the normal Status payload.


On Nov 29, 6:34 am, John Kalucki jkalu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I forwarded this thread to the engineers who developed theReTweet

 On Nov 29, 12:34 am, Rich rhyl...@gmail.com wrote:

  Yep mine too, the ReTweeted by others stream on my account hasn't been
  updated since 17th November.  The others are OK though

  On Nov 29, 6:53 am, Zac Bowling zbowl...@gmail.com wrote:

   Theretweetstreams have been frozen for 2 weeks. See 

   I thought it was just me, but a coworker is seeing this as well. Don't
   need this for dev but it would be nice to know what is going on.

   The pages take a long time to load and then show that above. I wonder
   if something is failing and just returning some kind of cache maybe?
   Don't know.

   A quick search on twitter shows I'm not 

   Zac Bowling

[twitter-dev] Re: Retweet API launched to 100% of users

2009-11-27 Thread hansamann
I am working with Twitter4J which should have support for the latest
retweet format in the current Snapshot. Somehow I cannot get the
retweetedStatus object, it returns null, so I am wondering if retweets
are also part of the streaming API which I am using. I am using the
filter stream and would like to detect retweeted messages in this

Based on the last information form Twitter this should be possible and
the retweetedStatus info should be part of the filter stream statuses.
Is this still correct?


On Nov 19, 5:16 pm, Marcel Molina mar...@twitter.com wrote:
 Back in August we announced plans to release the Retweet feature along with
 an API to publish and consume retweets. Over the last few months we've been
 gradually opening up the feature to more users as we performance test and
 refine it. You can see some of the original announcement emails around

 Today we've launched the feature to 100% of users. You can now consume
 retweets via the /statuses/home_timeline resource, as well as all the
 specialized retweet timelines. For backwards compatibility reasons we're
 stripping retweets out of the friends_timeline resource as well as the
 user_timeline resource. If you plan on implementing support for consuming
 retweets from timelines, switch all instances of /statuses/friends_timeline
 to /statuses/home_timeline.

 All the relevant retweet documentation can be found 

 To those implementing this feature in your clients, I'd suggest taking some
 UI cues from what we've done on 

 Notice how the retweet by @ablegrape of @wblakegray's tweet is clearly
 differentiated from the surrounding tweets with a distinctive retweet icon
 and the Retweeted by label along the bottom. This is just one way of doing
 it. Use whatever interface you think makes sense. What's important is
 communicating to your users that the tweet they are seeing was shared with
 them by someone they follow so they don't get confused by seeing tweets in
 their timeline from people they aren't following.

 We're just getting started with the retweet feature but we're happy with
 this initial v1 we pushed out. We're really looking forward to seeing how
 everyone works with this new API.

 Marcel Molina
 Twitter Platform Teamhttp://twitter.com/noradio

[twitter-dev] New NEW retweet API and retweet text

2009-10-02 Thread hansamann

Hi all,

looking at this


It seems like retweeted status mesage now may contain more/different
text, right, the retweet (now at the top)  is:

RT @luciuskwok: Ideas are cheap. Implementation is hard. #360iDev

And the original is this:
Ideas are cheap. Implementation is hard. #360iDev


Sorry, but I am now really getting confused. Is this just a bad
example and the text would normally be the same or does the statuses/
retweet method now let you change the text you want to retweet.

If so, still 140 character limit? What is the proposed way to handle
over-size messages.


[twitter-dev] Re: Update on the Retweet API (we collapse retweets, not you we're adding statuses/retweets)

2009-09-25 Thread hansamann


thanx for your comment over at groovyconsole.appspot.com -

In case you do not get updates on comments there, let me ask my main
question again. This would make my (our) lives a lot easier when it
comes to retweet tracking, still it would not require me to use the
streaming API:

If we could pass multiple status ids into the statuses/retweets method in 
which case it returns summaries for each tweets retweets like the count, only 
the screennames that retweeted, etc. I could keep it on one system. It would 
help me a lot. Are you investigating support for this?

Is this under consideration?


On Sep 24, 9:50 am, John Kalucki jkalu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'll update the Wiki to reflect the new reality.

 Retweetswill begin to flow through all /1/statuses/* resources soon
 -- in advance of the full retweet launch. This will give developers
 time to test and deploy features in advance. Also, the retweet volume
 is very low now, so exceptions should be easier to handle.

 -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
 Services, Twitter Inc.

 On Sep 23, 10:15 pm, hansamann sven.hai...@googlemail.com wrote:

  John, I assume the method to use would then be


  It does not mention that it includesretweets, but it will once the
  API is live?


  On Sep 23, 9:38 pm, hansamann sven.hai...@googlemail.com wrote:

   Thanx, I'll give that a try.

   On Sep 23, 8:11 pm, John Kalucki jkalu...@gmail.com wrote:

   Retweetswill be searched by the follow parameter on the filter
resource. The intention is that you get all statuses (including
   retweets) where any user_id field matches your predicate list. So,
tweets, replies and both ends ofretweets.

If GAE cuts you off after 30 seconds, then you shouldn't open
connections to the Streaming API. Gather ye data elsewhere and smuggle
it into GAE by other means.

-John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

On Sep 23, 7:50 pm, hansamann sven.hai...@googlemail.com wrote:

 One reason for example is being on Google App Engine and having a 30
 second limit. I cannot keep the connection open.

 Another reason is I am not interested in everyonesretweets, just the
retweets(and in this case all, not just a sample) of that twitter
 user's friends.

 What do you think?


 On Sep 22, 9:49 pm, John Kalucki jkalu...@gmail.com wrote:

  Retweetaggregators should use the Streaming API /1/statuses/sample
  method to gather a sample ofRetweetsor apply for the fullRetweet
  stream on /1/statuses/retweet.

  The Streaming API may be in Alpha, but the service has been very

  I'm unaware of any technical issues that would block a reasonably
  proficient service developer on a reasonable stack from integrating
  Streaming API results in fairly short order. I'm sure there are
  examples of byzantine stacks upon which this isn't true, but
  workarounds can be found.

  -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
  Services, TwitterInc.

  On Sep 22, 9:27 pm, hansamann sven.hai...@googlemail.com wrote:

   I am still hoping for an answer to the questions in this thread, 
   meanwhile here is another idea the Twitter Team might find

   As it seems many of us want to trackretweets. What we are really
   interested in is the number ofretweetsover time so we can find
   trending topics, in my case within a community (e.g. not for 
   timeline tweets, just for the tweets among my friends). So: why 
   have a method that is capable of returning severalretweetcounts?

   So what if statuses/retweetswould either accept *just a single 
   id* in
   which case the behaviour is as currently described, or *many ids* 
   which case the response is a summary for many statusIds. The 
   should contain the usernames that retweeted the original ids and 
  retweetcounts at least.

   If the API is left as it is,  guess a lot of us will need to get
   whitelisted. Excessively calling status/retweetsfor single tweets
   cannot be the intention of Twitter. Also manyretweetaggregators 
   really be in trouble (unless they use the streaming apis, but 
   again are alpha and some cannot use them for technical reasons) 
   as the
   twitter accounts of their users are not whitelisted and as such
   constraint to 150 API calls.

   Come on, would anyone at least consider that or let us know best
   practices for trackingretweetsafter the api is launched?


   On Sep 18, 4:37 pm, hansamann sven.hai...@googlemail.com wrote:

Excactly, my main point, too.

The problem is I want

[twitter-dev] Requesting shadow role for streaming API

2009-09-25 Thread hansamann

Hi all,

what is the process for requesting the shadow role (up to 50 000
follower ids) for the streaming APIs? Is there a special form someone
can link me to? I'd need the shadow role for the 'groovytweets' user
account, we just passed the magic 400 followers and I want to use the
streaming api.


[twitter-dev] Re: Update on the Retweet API (we collapse retweets, not you we're adding statuses/retweets)

2009-09-23 Thread hansamann

One reason for example is being on Google App Engine and having a 30
second limit. I cannot keep the connection open.

Another reason is I am not interested in everyones retweets, just the
retweets (and in this case all, not just a sample) of that twitter
user's friends.

What do you think?


On Sep 22, 9:49 pm, John Kalucki jkalu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Retweetaggregators should use the Streaming API /1/statuses/sample
 method to gather a sample of Retweets or apply for the fullRetweet
 stream on /1/statuses/retweet.

 The Streaming API may be in Alpha, but the service has been very

 I'm unaware of any technical issues that would block a reasonably
 proficient service developer on a reasonable stack from integrating
 Streaming API results in fairly short order. I'm sure there are
 examples of byzantine stacks upon which this isn't true, but
 workarounds can be found.

 -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
 Services, TwitterInc.

 On Sep 22, 9:27 pm, hansamann sven.hai...@googlemail.com wrote:

  I am still hoping for an answer to the questions in this thread, but
  meanwhile here is another idea the Twitter Team might find

  As it seems many of us want to track retweets. What we are really
  interested in is the number of retweets over time so we can find
  trending topics, in my case within a community (e.g. not for public
  timeline tweets, just for the tweets among my friends). So: why not
  have a method that is capable of returning severalretweetcounts?

  So what if statuses/retweets would either accept *just a single id* in
  which case the behaviour is as currently described, or *many ids* in
  which case the response is a summary for many statusIds. The summary
  should contain the usernames that retweeted the original ids and the
 retweetcounts at least.

  If the API is left as it is,  guess a lot of us will need to get
  whitelisted. Excessively calling status/retweets for single tweets
  cannot be the intention of Twitter. Also manyretweetaggregators will
  really be in trouble (unless they use the streaming apis, but those
  again are alpha and some cannot use them for technical reasons) as the
  twitter accounts of their users are not whitelisted and as such
  constraint to 150 API calls.

  Come on, would anyone at least consider that or let us know best
  practices for tracking retweets after the api is launched?


  On Sep 18, 4:37 pm, hansamann sven.hai...@googlemail.com wrote:

   Excactly, my main point, too.

   The problem is I want to track how tweets 'develop' over time. This
   means I would need to pull the status/retweets every minute or so for
   every tweet I am tracking. There is a 150 api call limit currently...
   without whitelisting I will be doomed.

   I was hoping that the 'retweeted to me' timeline would include a
   'count' field for eachretweet. I could then have checked that
   timeline every minute (and pull the info for the last 50 retweets to
   me let's say). This would just have consumed 1 request each minute for
   example... not 1 request per tweet tracked per minute, which... could
   be a lot.

   Any ideas?

   Otherwise: how can I get the app groovytweets whitelisted?


   On Sep 18, 3:21 pm, Nick Arnett nick.arn...@gmail.com wrote:

On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 1:57 PM, Marcel Molina mar...@twitter.com 

 Asking developers to collapse retweets in timelines is onerous,
 complicated and confusing. We're not going to do it that way. We are
 going to add a resource that gives you all retweets for a given tweet.
 In timelines you will get only the firstretweet. You can then request
 all retweets for that tweet at any time to get up to 100 retweets that
 have been created for it.

Will timelines show if additional retweets exist for each tweet?  
won't we have to make the request for every tweet to find out if there 


[twitter-dev] Re: Update on the Retweet API (we collapse retweets, not you we're adding statuses/retweets)

2009-09-23 Thread hansamann

Is there a way to connect to the streaming api and only get my friends
retweets? Or would I get *everyones* retweets and have to filter
millions of unwanted messages out?

On Sep 22, 9:49 pm, John Kalucki jkalu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Retweetaggregators should use the Streaming API /1/statuses/sample
 method to gather a sample of Retweets or apply for the fullRetweet
 stream on /1/statuses/retweet.

 The Streaming API may be in Alpha, but the service has been very

 I'm unaware of any technical issues that would block a reasonably
 proficient service developer on a reasonable stack from integrating
 Streaming API results in fairly short order. I'm sure there are
 examples of byzantine stacks upon which this isn't true, but
 workarounds can be found.

 -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
 Services, TwitterInc.

 On Sep 22, 9:27 pm, hansamann sven.hai...@googlemail.com wrote:

  I am still hoping for an answer to the questions in this thread, but
  meanwhile here is another idea the Twitter Team might find

  As it seems many of us want to track retweets. What we are really
  interested in is the number of retweets over time so we can find
  trending topics, in my case within a community (e.g. not for public
  timeline tweets, just for the tweets among my friends). So: why not
  have a method that is capable of returning severalretweetcounts?

  So what if statuses/retweets would either accept *just a single id* in
  which case the behaviour is as currently described, or *many ids* in
  which case the response is a summary for many statusIds. The summary
  should contain the usernames that retweeted the original ids and the
 retweetcounts at least.

  If the API is left as it is,  guess a lot of us will need to get
  whitelisted. Excessively calling status/retweets for single tweets
  cannot be the intention of Twitter. Also manyretweetaggregators will
  really be in trouble (unless they use the streaming apis, but those
  again are alpha and some cannot use them for technical reasons) as the
  twitter accounts of their users are not whitelisted and as such
  constraint to 150 API calls.

  Come on, would anyone at least consider that or let us know best
  practices for tracking retweets after the api is launched?


  On Sep 18, 4:37 pm, hansamann sven.hai...@googlemail.com wrote:

   Excactly, my main point, too.

   The problem is I want to track how tweets 'develop' over time. This
   means I would need to pull the status/retweets every minute or so for
   every tweet I am tracking. There is a 150 api call limit currently...
   without whitelisting I will be doomed.

   I was hoping that the 'retweeted to me' timeline would include a
   'count' field for eachretweet. I could then have checked that
   timeline every minute (and pull the info for the last 50 retweets to
   me let's say). This would just have consumed 1 request each minute for
   example... not 1 request per tweet tracked per minute, which... could
   be a lot.

   Any ideas?

   Otherwise: how can I get the app groovytweets whitelisted?


   On Sep 18, 3:21 pm, Nick Arnett nick.arn...@gmail.com wrote:

On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 1:57 PM, Marcel Molina mar...@twitter.com 

 Asking developers to collapse retweets in timelines is onerous,
 complicated and confusing. We're not going to do it that way. We are
 going to add a resource that gives you all retweets for a given tweet.
 In timelines you will get only the firstretweet. You can then request
 all retweets for that tweet at any time to get up to 100 retweets that
 have been created for it.

Will timelines show if additional retweets exist for each tweet?  
won't we have to make the request for every tweet to find out if there 


[twitter-dev] Re: Update on the Retweet API (we collapse retweets, not you we're adding statuses/retweets)

2009-09-23 Thread hansamann

Thanx, I'll give that a try.

On Sep 23, 8:11 pm, John Kalucki jkalu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Retweets will be searched by the follow parameter on the filter
 resource. The intention is that you get all statuses (including
 retweets) where any user_id field matches your predicate list. So,
 tweets, replies and both ends of retweets.

 If GAE cuts you off after 30 seconds, then you shouldn't open
 connections to the Streaming API. Gather ye data elsewhere and smuggle
 it into GAE by other means.

 -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
 Services, Twitter Inc.

 On Sep 23, 7:50 pm, hansamann sven.hai...@googlemail.com wrote:

  One reason for example is being on Google App Engine and having a 30
  second limit. I cannot keep the connection open.

  Another reason is I am not interested in everyones retweets, just the
  retweets (and in this case all, not just a sample) of that twitter
  user's friends.

  What do you think?


  On Sep 22, 9:49 pm, John Kalucki jkalu...@gmail.com wrote:

   Retweetaggregators should use the Streaming API /1/statuses/sample
   method to gather a sample of Retweets or apply for the fullRetweet
   stream on /1/statuses/retweet.

   The Streaming API may be in Alpha, but the service has been very

   I'm unaware of any technical issues that would block a reasonably
   proficient service developer on a reasonable stack from integrating
   Streaming API results in fairly short order. I'm sure there are
   examples of byzantine stacks upon which this isn't true, but
   workarounds can be found.

   -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
   Services, TwitterInc.

   On Sep 22, 9:27 pm, hansamann sven.hai...@googlemail.com wrote:

I am still hoping for an answer to the questions in this thread, but
meanwhile here is another idea the Twitter Team might find

As it seems many of us want to track retweets. What we are really
interested in is the number of retweets over time so we can find
trending topics, in my case within a community (e.g. not for public
timeline tweets, just for the tweets among my friends). So: why not
have a method that is capable of returning severalretweetcounts?

So what if statuses/retweets would either accept *just a single id* in
which case the behaviour is as currently described, or *many ids* in
which case the response is a summary for many statusIds. The summary
should contain the usernames that retweeted the original ids and the
   retweetcounts at least.

If the API is left as it is,  guess a lot of us will need to get
whitelisted. Excessively calling status/retweets for single tweets
cannot be the intention of Twitter. Also manyretweetaggregators will
really be in trouble (unless they use the streaming apis, but those
again are alpha and some cannot use them for technical reasons) as the
twitter accounts of their users are not whitelisted and as such
constraint to 150 API calls.

Come on, would anyone at least consider that or let us know best
practices for tracking retweets after the api is launched?


On Sep 18, 4:37 pm, hansamann sven.hai...@googlemail.com wrote:

 Excactly, my main point, too.

 The problem is I want to track how tweets 'develop' over time. This
 means I would need to pull the status/retweets every minute or so for
 every tweet I am tracking. There is a 150 api call limit currently...
 without whitelisting I will be doomed.

 I was hoping that the 'retweeted to me' timeline would include a
 'count' field for eachretweet. I could then have checked that
 timeline every minute (and pull the info for the last 50 retweets to
 me let's say). This would just have consumed 1 request each minute for
 example... not 1 request per tweet tracked per minute, which... could
 be a lot.

 Any ideas?

 Otherwise: how can I get the app groovytweets whitelisted?


 On Sep 18, 3:21 pm, Nick Arnett nick.arn...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 1:57 PM, Marcel Molina mar...@twitter.com 

   Asking developers to collapse retweets in timelines is onerous,
   complicated and confusing. We're not going to do it that way. We 
   going to add a resource that gives you all retweets for a given 
   In timelines you will get only the firstretweet. You can then 
   all retweets for that tweet at any time to get up to 100 retweets 
   have been created for it.

  Will timelines show if additional retweets exist for each tweet?  
  won't we have to make the request for every tweet to find out if 
  there are


[twitter-dev] Re: Update on the Retweet API (we collapse retweets, not you we're adding statuses/retweets)

2009-09-22 Thread hansamann

I am still hoping for an answer to the questions in this thread, but
meanwhile here is another idea the Twitter Team might find

As it seems many of us want to track retweets. What we are really
interested in is the number of retweets over time so we can find
trending topics, in my case within a community (e.g. not for public
timeline tweets, just for the tweets among my friends). So: why not
have a method that is capable of returning several retweet counts?

So what if statuses/retweets would either accept *just a single id* in
which case the behaviour is as currently described, or *many ids* in
which case the response is a summary for many statusIds. The summary
should contain the usernames that retweeted the original ids and the
retweet counts at least.

If the API is left as it is,  guess a lot of us will need to get
whitelisted. Excessively calling status/retweets for single tweets
cannot be the intention of Twitter. Also many retweet aggregators will
really be in trouble (unless they use the streaming apis, but those
again are alpha and some cannot use them for technical reasons) as the
twitter accounts of their users are not whitelisted and as such
constraint to 150 API calls.

Come on, would anyone at least consider that or let us know best
practices for tracking retweets after the api is launched?


On Sep 18, 4:37 pm, hansamann sven.hai...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Excactly, my main point, too.

 The problem is I want to track how tweets 'develop' over time. This
 means I would need to pull the status/retweets every minute or so for
 every tweet I am tracking. There is a 150 api call limit currently...
 without whitelisting I will be doomed.

 I was hoping that the 'retweeted to me' timeline would include a
 'count' field for eachretweet. I could then have checked that
 timeline every minute (and pull the info for the last 50 retweets to
 me let's say). This would just have consumed 1 request each minute for
 example... not 1 request per tweet tracked per minute, which... could
 be a lot.

 Any ideas?

 Otherwise: how can I get the app groovytweets whitelisted?


 On Sep 18, 3:21 pm, Nick Arnett nick.arn...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 1:57 PM, Marcel Molina mar...@twitter.com wrote:

   Asking developers to collapse retweets in timelines is onerous,
   complicated and confusing. We're not going to do it that way. We are
   going to add a resource that gives you all retweets for a given tweet.
   In timelines you will get only the firstretweet. You can then request
   all retweets for that tweet at any time to get up to 100 retweets that
   have been created for it.

  Will timelines show if additional retweets exist for each tweet?  Otherwise,
  won't we have to make the request for every tweet to find out if there are


[twitter-dev] Re: Update on the Retweet API (we collapse retweets, not you we're adding statuses/retweets)

2009-09-18 Thread hansamann

Excactly, my main point, too.

The problem is I want to track how tweets 'develop' over time. This
means I would need to pull the status/retweets every minute or so for
every tweet I am tracking. There is a 150 api call limit currently...
without whitelisting I will be doomed.

I was hoping that the 'retweeted to me' timeline would include a
'count' field for each retweet. I could then have checked that
timeline every minute (and pull the info for the last 50 retweets to
me let's say). This would just have consumed 1 request each minute for
example... not 1 request per tweet tracked per minute, which... could
be a lot.

Any ideas?

Otherwise: how can I get the app groovytweets whitelisted?


On Sep 18, 3:21 pm, Nick Arnett nick.arn...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 1:57 PM, Marcel Molina mar...@twitter.com wrote:

  Asking developers to collapse retweets in timelines is onerous,
  complicated and confusing. We're not going to do it that way. We are
  going to add a resource that gives you all retweets for a given tweet.
  In timelines you will get only the first retweet. You can then request
  all retweets for that tweet at any time to get up to 100 retweets that
  have been created for it.

 Will timelines show if additional retweets exist for each tweet?  Otherwise,
 won't we have to make the request for every tweet to find out if there are


[twitter-dev] Re: since_retweet_id needed?

2009-09-08 Thread hansamann


On Sep 2, 3:40 pm, hansamann sven.hai...@googlemail.com wrote:
 To track retweets over time and to not waste resources, I believe it
 would be great to get a since_retweet_id parameter for the new retweet
 status methods like

 statuses retweeted_to_me

 If we just have a status_id, you cannot pull for new retweets over
 time I believe. If you use the statusId, once you pulled a status with
 that Id, you should theoretically no longer get any more retweets for
 that status.

 Now having a since_retweet_id makes a lot of sense in this case. You
 can poll for new retweets without having to pull in the last 50 or so
 all the time, which saves resources.

 What do you think?


[twitter-dev] Retweet API and multiple retweets in timeline

2009-09-02 Thread hansamann

Hi all,

this questions might have been asked already, but a quick search in
this mailing list did not lead me to a clear response... so I
apologize if this topic was discussed in detail already.

My question:

- if a tweet is retweeted several timese, e.g. tweet X is retweeted by
my friend A and my friend B, it is likely these retweets are not
taking place the same time.

- my assumption and question is if the 2 retweets in this case show up
as two tweets in the home timeline. What troubles me is how I can
detect that a tweet was retweeted. I intend to save the last pulled
statusId and then just pull tweets from the home_timeline from the
last statusId. I hope to get the 'new retweets' as they happen as new
people are retweeting. If the api will aggregate the retweets under
the stausId of the original message, I will not be updated of new
retweets in this case. On the other side, if a new retweet will add
the original status a second time (possibly with the new total
retweets, e.g. several retweet_details) then I track the retweet

What do you think?


[twitter-dev] Re: New ReTweet API

2009-09-02 Thread hansamann

I'd also like to know this. The examples on the twitter API page all
just show one retweet_details section, this would mean that if
multiple of your friends to retwee the same status, it will be added
multiple times to the home timeline.

this way, there is also no problem wiht tracking retweets of the same
status over time, as you get new statuses into the timeline.


On Aug 14, 11:35 am, Houshang Nayeb shang...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have the following question:

 If one of my tweets is retweeted multiple times, what will be the
 return value of “retweets_of_me.format” ? Will it be one record with
 multiple “retweet_details” sections?

 If yes, will there be a “count” for the number of times it has been
 If no, then what happens?


[twitter-dev] since_retweet_id needed?

2009-09-02 Thread hansamann

To track retweets over time and to not waste resources, I believe it
would be great to get a since_retweet_id parameter for the new retweet
status methods like

statuses retweeted_to_me

If we just have a status_id, you cannot pull for new retweets over
time I believe. If you use the statusId, once you pulled a status with
that Id, you should theoretically no longer get any more retweets for
that status.

Now having a since_retweet_id makes a lot of sense in this case. You
can poll for new retweets without having to pull in the last 50 or so
all the time, which saves resources.

What do you think?


[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Update, 8/10 noon PST

2009-08-10 Thread hansamann

Can someone post a link to some online resources explaining more about
geometric back-offs? Did a search, did not find a whole lot.


On Aug 10, 7:18 pm, jim.renkel james.ren...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yup, when you do back-offs, ya can't do them deterministically, ya
 gotta do them for a random amount, generally uniformly distributed
 between some upper and lower bounds.

 It's the bounds that increase geometrically or exponentially, up to
 some limit, but the each back-off should be random between the bounds.

 If the back-offs are not randomized, its leads to synchronicity, as
 you noted.

 BTW, all standardized back-offs of which I am aware specify randomized

 Jim Renkel

 On Aug 10, 7:54 pm, Michael Chang thenewm...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Dewald Pretorius dpr...@gmail.com wrote:

   On Aug 10, 3:57 pm, Ryan Sarver rsar...@twitter.com wrote:
As such the system has more general strain on it and thus will
produce some more 502/503 errors. If you see them, you should do a
back off instead of just sending a new request.


   What starting value and what common ratio of a geometric back off
   would you recommend?

  One issue with back off (geometric or otherwise) is that if everyone uses
  the same values; it won't work.

  Think about it -- let's say 10 000 users all access the system
  simultaneously and all of them get 502/503 errors. Then let's say they all
  wait five seconds before retrying. Once those five seconds are up; they will
  all simultaneously accesss the site again, and likely again get the same
  502/503 errors. This causes them all to back off again, say, for 25 seconds.
  Then they will all again contact the server again, at the same time, and so
  on and so forth until either they all give up, or until the end of time,
  whichever comes first.

  (Yes, this is a simplified example, but it should get the point across. In
  practice, at least a few users might get through every time, and eventually,
  yes, everyone would get served if they are patient enough. But if everyone
  uses different back-off values, then the traffic becomes somewhat more even,
  and thus the servers can cope with the load more easily.)


  Michael Chang

  I may not be able to open heavily-formatted Word, Powerpoint, or Excel
  documents. Send at your own risk.

[twitter-dev] Re: DDoS Status Update

2009-08-07 Thread hansamann

I saw some examples for those redirects and they seem to send even an
invalid Location header:

Location: /?somekey

It's illegal for the Location header to contain a relative URL:

This causes APIs like twitter4j on Google App Engine to fail. Making
this a absolute URL would work... or would that somehow break the
security measuers taken?

Maybe the Twitter dev team can consider to make the Location URLs
absolute, a lot of us would then at least be able to do some stuff
with Twitter while these attacks take place.


On Aug 7, 12:44 pm, Chad Etzel c...@twitter.com wrote:
 Inline about 302's. I'm trying to get info on your other questions:

 On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Justin Hartonyxra...@gmail.com wrote:
  Does this affect POST as well as GET?  The issue here is the way
  clients handle 30x after POST.  Most clients (now by convention) do
  not respect the RFC (http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-
  sec10.html#sec10.3) and will send a GET after POST always.  Some
  clients will respect the method, but not re-post any data.  We need to
  be sure we are all expecting the right things.

 You are correct that lots of clients now redirect with a GET instead
 of a POST, even curl does this, which is a bummer.

 The best thing to do in that case is to catch the response code
 (without following the redirect automatically) and manually re-attempt
 the POST with the new location.

 We know it's a pain, but that's one way around the POST-GET problem.


[twitter-dev] Re: oauth redirects fail....

2009-08-06 Thread hansamann

I experience the same, hope this is just the Twitter DOS attack
aftermath. My app cannot request a requestToken for example, which
results in a time out on my pages as this is the first thing you do
before you redirect to twitter.

Also, I cannot seem to get the friends timeline, friends and
followers at least not regularly I believe.

Anyone else?


On Aug 6, 5:31 pm, Howard Siegel hsie...@gmail.com wrote:
 If this has only been happening since this morning, then it is likely this
 is just part of the aftermath of the DOS attack on Twitter.

 - h

 On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 15:53, yuf kyl...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have yet to get oAuth callbacks to work properly.  After clicking
  Allow, I end up on a completely blank twittter.com/oauth/authorize
  page.  If I try to look at the source, it asked if should resend.  If
  I do, the source comes back that contains the redirect.  But if I'm
  not looking at the source, the page just hangs for a while, and then
  ends up blank.

  What is up here?  I've tried a variety of callback urls, from
  localhost, to the actual domain I'm using for development.

  Any one experience similar?

[twitter-dev] Re: Why is Biz saying things are back in action?

2009-08-06 Thread hansamann


On Aug 6, 6:25 pm, Jesse Stay jesses...@gmail.com wrote:
 Why is Biz saying things are back in action when apps like mine, and many
 other very large names are still broken from it.  Sending this message to
 users sends a false message to them stating they should expect we should be
 up as well.  At a very minimum, please state the API is still having issues
 so users can know what to expect:



[twitter-dev] OAuth question

2009-07-22 Thread hansamann

Hi all,

I am using twitter OAuth which works just fine, but I am not sure what
exactly this means on the oauth signup page:

Use Twitter for login:Yes, use Twitter for login
Does your application intend to use Twitter for authentication?

What happens if I check this box? Will there be something different or
is this just an internal tracking for Twitter so they know what people
intend to do?


[twitter-dev] Re: OAuth question

2009-07-22 Thread hansamann

thanx, good to know.

I am also wondering about one thing:

- if a user has authorized himself (using the authorize URL, not
authenticate... will try that out later) and does the same process
again, e.g. get's redirected to the authorize URL again, but with a
new request token of course, he is AGAIN asked to sign in. I am not
sure why, twitter could in this case just know that the user is signed
in already. Also looking into the cookies, there is a twitter session

It could be the default is just to show the login screen again...

Or... is this the little difference between the authentication /
authorization call. In this case authorization will always ask the
user to sign in, and grant access to my app, but not keep the signed
in user for the next call (which will not happen many times of course,
most people just authorize once per session or even less).

Instead, the authentication process truely detects a already present
twitter session and will NOT ask the user to sign in even if he should
be signed in already.

Is that correct?


On Jul 21, 11:26 pm, Abraham Williams 4bra...@gmail.com wrote:
 Last I heard it changes nothing currently. There might be some
 features restricted to it in the future like using the faster
 oauth/authenticate method.

 On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 01:03, hansamann sven.hai...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Hi all,

  I am using twitter OAuth which works just fine, but I am not sure what
  exactly this means on the oauth signup page:

  Use Twitter for login:            Yes, use Twitter for login
  Does your application intend to use Twitter for authentication?

  What happens if I check this box? Will there be something different or
  is this just an internal tracking for Twitter so they know what people
  intend to do?


 Abraham Williams | Community Evangelist |http://web608.org
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