[twitter-dev] Re: Can we update geo_enabled field in account profile via API ?

2009-09-29 Thread jim.renkel

I have suggested previously that the capability of an application to
geo-code a users tweets and the capability of an application to opt-in
to geo-coding for a user be made OAuthorizable.

The application would request these capabilities when registering. If
twitter didn't trust the application, it wouldn't grant them.

If an application were granted those capabilities when registering,
then when a user signed in with OAuth for that application they would
be allowed to either authorize the application to use them or not.
Thus, the user interface would be made more complicated only for
applications that needed it.

I think this proposal is a reasonable compromise between twitter's and
users' concerns and developers desires.


Jim Renkel

On Sep 29, 1:47 am, Abraham Williams 4bra...@gmail.com wrote:
 My understanding is Twitter wants the opt-in to be explicitly done by the
 user. If it is changeable through the API apps could enable it without the
 consent of the user.

 On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 13:03, CodeWarden paul0...@gmail.com wrote:


  Really looking forward to the ability to include lat/long with
  tweets.  However, since all of my users are on mobile devices, it
  would be most useful if they could change the geo_enabled flag via the
  API.   Before you enable this capability could you allow the update
  profile method to also update the geo_enabled flag?


 Abraham Williams | Community Evangelist |http://web608.org
 Hacker |http://abrah.am|http://twitter.com/abraham
 Project |http://fireeagle.labs.poseurtech.com
 This email is: [ ] blogable [x] ask first [ ] private.
 Sent from Madison, WI, United States

[twitter-dev] Question about longevity of geo-coded tweets

2009-09-29 Thread jim.renkel

I just noticed this in the API wiki, under the statuses/update method:

Currently, all geolocated information will be removed after seven

Two questions:

1. What exactly will be removed: the geocoding attached to the tweet?
Or the whole tweet?

2. Why? I.e., why remove the geocoding or the whole tweet? I can think
of many use cases where it is important for the geocoding to remain as
long as the tweet remains. For example, I take a great vacation
picture, upload it to Twitpic, then tweet about it, including where I
took it. The location where I took the picture remains the same
forever. Why delete the geocoding information from the tweet, or the
whole tweet. This will just cause folk to put the geocoding
information in the text of the tweet, taking up valuable space and
reducing the value of geocoding tweets, and cause developers (Like me,
admittedly) to develop applications that put the geocoding in the text
of the tweet. With applications like that available, twitter users are
less likely to go to the botther of opting-in to twitter geocoding of
their tweets.

Comments expected and welcome.

Jim Renkel

[twitter-dev] Re: Question about longevity of geo-coded tweets

2009-09-29 Thread jim.renkel

As an alternative to a hard coded 7 days for the interval to the
removal of geocoding information from a tweet, I suggest that an
optional expires parameter be added to the statuses/update method.
The value of this parameter would give the number of days between the
tweet creation and when the geocoding would be removed from the tweet.

The default value of the parameter, i.e., the value used if the
parameter is not present in a statuses/update request, would be 7, in
conformance with current policy.

An explicit value of 0 would indicate that the geocoding information
is never to be removed (But see below.).

You may also want to consider a new method that removes the geocoding
information from an existing tweet, even if the interval was specified
as 0. Obviously, irreversible, like deleting a tweet, and could only
be done by the creator of the tweet, like the statuses/destroy method.

Comments expected and welcome.

Jim Renkel

On Sep 29, 12:42 pm, Raffi Krikorian ra...@twitter.com wrote:
  I just noticed this in the API wiki, under the statuses/update method:

     Currently, all geolocated information will be removed after seven

  Two questions:

  1. What exactly will be removed: the geocoding attached to the tweet?
  Or the whole tweet?

 the geocoding attached to the tweet.

  2. Why? I.e., why remove the geocoding or the whole tweet? I can think
  of many use cases where it is important for the geocoding to remain as
  long as the tweet remains. For example, I take a great vacation
  picture, upload it to Twitpic, then tweet about it, including where I
  took it. The location where I took the picture remains the same
  forever. Why delete the geocoding information from the tweet, or the
  whole tweet. This will just cause folk to put the geocoding
  information in the text of the tweet, taking up valuable space and
  reducing the value of geocoding tweets, and cause developers (Like me,
  admittedly) to develop applications that put the geocoding in the text
  of the tweet. With applications like that available, twitter users are
  less likely to go to the botther of opting-in to twitter geocoding of
  their tweets.

 this is being done for privacy issues, and in the future data will be  
 kept for longer once more sophisticated privacy controls are put into  

 Raffi Krikorian
 Twitter Platform Team
 ra...@twitter.com | @raffi

[twitter-dev] 3200 users limit gone for cursorized statuses/friends and statuses/followers methods?

2009-09-29 Thread jim.renkel

Also, apparently the 3200 users limit is no longer in effect for these

I was able to successfully request and receive the 32nd 100 user block
of @aplusk's followers! Kinda slow, took 168 seconds to retrieve 33
blocks of 100 users (slightly greater than 5 seconds per block; BTW,
no retries were involved), but it did return a result that as near as
I can tell, not being aplusK (Not that he ever looks at his followers
anyhow :-) ), was correct.

For grins, I tried to retrieve the 41st block, and gave up after ~45
minutes. So apparently, as previously noted in some discussion of
caching somewhere in this group, it slows down considerably the deeper
ya go into the list.

(TIC: tongue in cheek): On the other hand, all those that have been
whining about not being able to get screen names with the social graph
methods now have a solution, albeit a slow one! And ya don't just get
the screen names, ya get almost everything twitter knows about the
user, including their current status! What more could you want! :-)

Jim Renkel

On Sep 29, 12:40 pm, jim.renkel james.ren...@gmail.com wrote:
 In working with the new cursorized statuses/friends and statuses/
 followers methods, I noticed that in the block of users returned by
 these methods that contain the last of the users following or followed
 by the requesting user, the next_cursor value is 0.

 Is this a reliable, guaranteed indicator of the last block of users,
 that there's no point in going further 'cause there ain't no further?

 If so, will the value always be exactly 0 (although without the
 quotes in the responses, i.e., is a string comparison for 0 safe, or
 could it be 000, say, in which case a conversion to numeric and a
 numeric comparison for 0 would be necessary. I would certainly like it
 to be the former!

 Either way, string or numeric, if this is a reliable indicator of the
 last block of users, the documentation should be updated to reflect

 Thanks in advance.

 Jim Renkel

[twitter-dev] questions on statuses/friends, statuses/followers, and blocks/blocking method

2009-09-18 Thread jim.renkel

The blocks/blocking method appears to be similar to the statuses/
friends and statuses/followers methods, but I believe the
documentation is incomplete for all three.

According to the API spec, each call to statuses/friends and statuses/
followers returns a page of up to 100 users (and their most recent
statuses). Pages will contain less than 100 statuses if either a
suspended user is (not) present in the page, or the page is the last
page. A maximum of 3200 users / statuses can be retrieved. Thus the
maximum value of the page parameter would appear to be 32.

However, as suspended users are elided from the returned information,
if the user has 3200 friends / followers or more, is it then possible
that it would take more than 32 pages to get the 3200? If so, how does
one easily and reliably determine that a page is the last page? Do you
just keep asking for the next page until, e.g., you get a page with 0
users and then you've gone one too far? Or is the 3200 maximum reduced
by the number of suspended users?

Again according to the API spec, each call to blocks/blocking returns
up to 20 users (and their most recent statuses), and the method
supports a page parameter.

Are suspended users elided from the returned information, as with the
statuses/friends and statuses/followers methods? Is there a maximum of
3200 users / statuses? Is the maximum value of the page parameter then
160? And again, how can one easily and reliably determine that a page
is the last page?

BTW, with a page size of 20 and a maximum of 3200, a user with a lot
of blocked users may easily exceed the rate limit of 150 requests per
hour, even with only one attempt to get all the blocked users. Is it
possible to get the maximum page size increased to 200, both for
consistency and to avoid a possible rate limit?

I may be wrong, but I think it's unlikely a user would have 3200
blocked users, at least with the current usage of blocking. But I need
the answers to these questions so I can effectively program the use of
these methods.

I hope I can get definitive answers from twitter on this (And maybe an
update to the documentation?), but any insight from anyone on this
will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Jim Renkel

[twitter-dev] Kudos to Matthias Kaeppler for signpost Open Authentication Java library

2009-09-13 Thread jim.renkel

My website (http://twxlate.com) now supports Open Authentication with
twitter, and it was way easier than I expected, thanks to the signpost
library from Matthias Kaeppler.

It took me longer to convert the code I already had for Basic
Authentication to Apache Http Components 4.x than it did to
subsequently add Open Authentication support.

The signpost library is well documented, and works as documented. I
enthusiastically endorse it and recommend it to anyone that is looking
for a Open Authentication Java library.

Again, kudos to Matthias.

And, a very, very big thanks!

I suppose that now that the web-site could create tweets with their
source listed as twxlate rather than API, I'll have to actually
support creating tweets and DMs. :-)


[twitter-dev] Re: if you will be using the Geolocation API ...

2009-09-09 Thread jim.renkel


I fully understand the concern about privacy. To that end, here's
something you may want to consider:

Have application / web-site over-rides of the geo-code enable be
another option on OAuth. This way a user can control the creation of
geo-coding in their tweets on a finer grain basis.

The profile and OAuth enables would be ANDed: the user has to both
grant permission in their profile and via OAuth to allow a client to
create tweets with geo-coding for them.

If this is done, it may then be reasonable to have the profile default
be enabled rather than disabled, with the OAuth default being
disabled. The user would have explicitly check a box or something
during their OAuth dialogue to grant the client permission.

Just a thought. Comments welcome.

Jim Renkel

On Sep 1, 6:08 pm, Raffi Krikorian ra...@twitter.com wrote:
 hey jim.

  1. the user.location is a completely separate entity (for now)  
  that maybe sometime in the future it may be used, e.g., to provide a
  default geo-coded location for a tweet. I would suggest that if the
  user's profile location if ever geo-coded, that geo-code should be  
  to the user objects returned by API calls, at least the users/show
  method. Users will want to know what may be, e.g., added to their  
  without having to generate a test tweet to find out.

  2. Having the user's profile location geo-coded and returned in API
  calls would be very useful now. Yeh, twitter client web-sites /
  applications can do it for themselves (Mine certainly will if twitter
  doesn't do it.), but may come up with different / inconsistent  
  And, trust me, it ain't as easy to get good results as it might first
  appear. To maximize use and consistency, it would be great if twitter
  did the geo-coding and supplied it to everyone.

 these are both great ideas.  right now, the geolocation API is really  
 focused on tweet-level information -- but we're actively thinking  
 about what's next.

  3. Will twitter client web-sites / applications be able to turn the
  geo-location feature on for their users, or do the users have to go to
  twitter.com with a browser to do this? My concern here is that
  twitter.com only supports two languages (English and Japanese) for its
  UI, where my site (http://twxlate.com) supports these and over 40  
  Unless the user is fluent in English or Japanese, they won't be able  
  turn it on. I've already run into similar problems as I'm rolling out
  test versions of OAuth support.

 unfortunately not.  as we're pretty sensitive to our user's privacy,  
 for now, a user will have to go to twitter.com with a browser to turn  
 on the setting (remember, by default it is off).  if you have any  
 suggestions on how to make this user interaction better in the future,  
 i would be eager to hear them!

  As I've written some pretty spiffy geo-coding applications for other
  purposes, I plan on doing some pretty spiffy geo-coding stuff with
  twxlate.com. But it needs to be usable, or users won't use it and / or
  may be annoyed by it. I would hate for that to happen to what promises
  to be a really neat feature.

 cool!  well - i hope what we're doing is usable!  if not, just keep  
 blasting me about it.  threads like these on the mailing list are  

 Raffi Krikorian
 Twitter Platform Team
 ra...@twitter.com | @raffi

[twitter-dev] Re: New ReTweet API

2009-09-03 Thread jim.renkel

I asked this, and similar but more detailed questions, in my Aug 18,
7:35 pm post to this thread:


but, unfortunately, have not yet received an answer, at least none
that I can find.

Could someone from twitter (Marcel Molina?) please address these

I think they are pretty important. I need to know the answers to be
able to design support for retweets in my site (http://twxlate.com). I
would hope I wouldn't have to resort to experimentation once this
feature is deployed at twitter.com to get answers to what I think are
pretty fundamental questions.

Thanks in advance,

Jim Renkel

On Aug 14, 1:35 pm, Houshang Nayeb shang...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have the following question:

 If one of my tweets is retweeted multiple times, what will be the
 return value of “retweets_of_me.format” ? Will it be one record with
 multiple “retweet_details” sections?

 If yes, will there be a “count” for the number of times it has been
 If no, then what happens?


[twitter-dev] Re: Stop playing around with Source parameters

2009-08-26 Thread jim.renkel

Hmm, using some command line test programs I've developed, I'm still
getting 'rel=nofollow'. For example:

Public timeline
20 statusses
Status 0: from HandsomeSmokes, 35229362,  Mula Smokes , Brooklyn
(en) Wass Poppin Yall..I Go By Handsome Smokes..Im Living Life From A
Whole Different Angle..If Needed Hit Me Up Aim - Smokes90z
ID 3560548081 created 1 second ago in reply to 3557116376 by 25442179
(Ms_KEN_NSL) with a href=http://sidekick.com/;
(en)  a href='prf?u=Ms_KEN_NSL'@Ms_KEN_NSL/a  BuT Th3 OtH3r OnE
iiS ThAt Th3y ZeAdAsS ThiiNk Th3y PoPPiiN WiiTh OuT Us BoYs SaYiiN
ShiiT TeW Em
0 URLs


Status 12: from petrah, 14461792, Petra Hubbeling, Amsterdam
(nl) Oprichter van Boeddhisness, netwerker op gebied van boeddhisme,
marketing, communicatie, sales en recruitment. Bestuurslid
Boeddhistische Unie Nederland
(en) Founder of Boeddhisness, networker in terms of Buddhism,
marketing, communications, sales and recruitment. Netherlands Board
Buddhist Union
ID 3560613438 created 2 seconds ago in reply to 3560539429 by 15481144
(LieveLiesje) with a href=http://www.tweetdeck.com/;
(nl)  a href='prf?u=LieveLiesje'@LieveLiesje/a  Jeemig. wat
ongezellig en ik maar denken dat  a href='prf?
u=tonvanderhoeve'@tonvanderhoeve/a  zo romantisch was, heeft hij ze
niet eens bij zich?
(en) a href='prf?u=LieveLiesje'@LieveLiesje/a Jeemig . some
unsociable  a href='prf?u=tonvanderhoeve'@tonvanderhoeve/a and
I think it was so romantic, he does not agree with them?
0 URLs


Jim Renkel

On Aug 26, 11:09 am, John Adams j...@twitter.com wrote:
 This was patched yesterday afternoon.


 On Aug 25, 2009, at 11:38 PM, Costa Rica wrote:

  Hello Twitter,
  Any official word on this apparent vulnerability around the Source
  parameter and cross site scripting?

  On Aug 22, 9:46 am, Chad Etzel jazzyc...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi All,

  We did not intend for the nofollow string to be included in API
  results. It is on our list to fix. In the meantime you will need to
  parse around it.


  On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Costa  
  Ricaticoconid...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thanks to all for your suggestions on how to parse, remove nofollows
  or extract the URL, but that's not the bottomline of my message.  
  are some source parameters that are posting automated crap  
  and since I run a trending engine I continuously exclude these  
  Yes I can parse and str replace and even base myself only on the  
  but the 2 side effects are that my processing time increase (a  
  string compare vs a regex) - which becomes significant as I increase
  the volume I intend to process, and that the URL's themselves can
  easily change to workaround these filters.
  I will keep my simple compare - the sites are not that many and the
  processing toll of regex'ing this does not merit it - but I would
  appreciate some word from Twitter when the source parameter is being
  changed, or else some sourceid that is stable.

  On Aug 21, 10:17 pm, TCI ticoconid...@gmail.com wrote:
  Recently you added nofollow's, and now you moved the nofollow after
  the href. Some of us filter these out and you changing them is only
  making it more complicated. Please make up your mind and stop  

  a href=http://fun140.com/;Fun140/a

  a rel=nofollow href=http://fun140.com/;Fun140/a

  a href=http://fun140.com/; rel=nofollowFun140/a

[twitter-dev] Re: Pass credentials to browser

2009-08-26 Thread jim.renkel

Fortunately, when I tried that it didn't work.


On Aug 26, 11:29 am, JDG ghil...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yeah there is, albeit not a very nice one: You can dohttp://user:p...@site/

 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 09:24, Josh Roesslein jroessl...@gmail.com wrote:
  How is that scrapping? He is just launching IE and pointing the browser at
  a twitter web page for viewing.
  As long as he does not parse that page for data and just uses it to display
  that's not scrapping.
  Now I don't think there is a legit way of passing login credentials, that
  the user will have to do
  on there own.

  On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 8:15 AM, Stuart stut...@gmail.com wrote:

  2009/8/26 balu reghu baluk...@gmail.com:

   Hi all,
   Can i pass my credentials to browser.I am working on a twitter
   On a click i am trying to show the twitter site. If i have the
   credentials with me.Can i make the user view his tweets without login

   this is my code

   on a click
   users?q= + tbsearch.Text);

   In this case the browser will show a popup .asking for user name and
   password.Is there any way to pass the credentials?

  That is not an API call so what you're doing is scraping the Twitter
  site. They don't like you doing that and it will likely get your IP
  blocked if you keep doing it.




 Internets. Serious business.

[twitter-dev] Re: Developer Preview: Geolocation API

2009-08-22 Thread jim.renkel

Is there any possibility of a test site, with these API response
changes, being made available before the changes are introduced to the
real site?

This would allow us to test our sites and applications against the
test site and fix any bugs and bombs before users would otherwise
experience them when the changes go live on the real site.

My code is written very defensively and is generally OK with things
like this, but the only real way to know for sure is to test it. This
kind of testing is better done in a controlled environment than in the
real live environment.

It is not necessary that the test site accept geolocation updates,
only that it return status elements with geo sub-elements, user
elements with geo_enabled sub-elements, etc. The test site could
even have a very small user database, it wouldn't need the entire live
twitter database. Not would it need to support API requests that are
POSTs, only GETs.

Even if the test site is only available as little as 1 or 2 days
before the real site goes live, given reasonable advance notice (1
week?) as to when the test site will be available, this could greatly
smooth out the introduction of this really cool feature for all of us:
twitter, twitter partners, and twitter users.

Anything that could be done here would be greatly appreciated by me,
and I believe the whole twitter development community.

Comments expected and welcome.

Jim Renkel

On Aug 21, 11:25 pm, Raffi Krikorian ra...@twitter.com wrote:
 Hi Damon.

 Yup - we've started updating the docs.

 Generally, there will always be a geo in the status (it may just  
 be empty, however, if there is no geolocated information attached),  
 and there will always be a geo_enabled on every user which is a  
 boolean representing whether the user has enabledgeolocationon his  
 or her account.

 On Aug 21, 2009, at 6:46 PM, Damon Clinkscales sca...@pobox.com wrote:

  On Aug 20, 3:46 pm, Ryan Sarver rsar...@twitter.com wrote:
  We wanted to give you all a heads up on a cool new feature that is  
  soon -Geolocation.
  We have also updated the wiki to reflect what theAPIwill look  
  like when it
  launches, so check it out and let us know if you have any  


  Very cool stuff. Looking forward to it.

  I'm assuming that you'll update the wiki (andAPIwhen it launches)
  such that
  everywhere a status element is returned, it will contain a geo


[twitter-dev] Re: I can't use OAuth and I want to apply source(from[myApp]) [And more!!!]

2009-08-22 Thread jim.renkel

I have a similar, perhaps broader, issue and a suggestion for a

My problem is that my site, http://twxlate.com, supports 40+ languages
for its user interface, not just the two supported by twitter.com. By
that I mean that the user interface is available in 40+ languages, not
just that it can handle information obtained from twitter that could
be in any one of the 40+ languages.

The site currently supports Basic Authentication, with the prompts in
one of the 40+ languages of the user's choosing. It works quite
nicely, thank you, for user's that are comfortable in giving the site
their user id and passwords.

When I add support for OAuth, which I am doing, I can present the link
to twitter's OAuth page in that language of the user's choosing. But
the OAuth page itself is only available in two languages. This could
result in a roadblock to users that are not fluent in either of those
two languages using my site. Especially when twitter turns off Basic
Authentication sometime in the (hopefully distant :-) ) future.

My suggestion for a fix to this (and other related problems) is to add
a method to the API that requires only Basic Authentication and that
returns the same information as the OAuth callback (i.e., consumer
secret) just as if the authenticated user had gone to the OAuth page
and approved the application to access twitter on its behalf.

My rational for this is as follows: if the user was comfortable, for
whatever reason, with giving the information necessary to authenticate
them (i.e, user id and password) to my site and twitter accepts it on
a request by request basis with Basic Authentication now, why should
they not continue to accept it in the future? If twitter wants to do
away with Basic Authentication on a request by request basis and
require OAuth preauthorization for API requests, why should they not
accept a Basic Authorization bridge into OAuth for users that are
comfortable, for whatever reason, with giving the necessary
information to the application that will access twitter on their

BTW, this solution would also solve the much discussed problems of
client applications, especially mobile device applications, that have
difficulty getting back and forth to the twitter OAuth page because
of, e.g., limited device functionality.

Comment welcome and definitely expected on this one! :-)

Jim Renkel

P.S.: How do users that aren't fluent in English or Japanese get
twitter accounts in the first place? I'll leave a proposal for that to
another day, another post.

On Aug 22, 12:40 am, bang bang...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm the builder of Twitese (http://twitese.appspot.com/), a chinese
 web client for Twitter. I know that if a new web appwantto show from
 [myApp], the only way is touseOAuth, but in china that's infeasible,
 because twitter has been block in china, chinese people can not access
 twitter.com touseOAuth. So Ican'tuseOAuth. The only way to login
 isuseHTTP Basic, as the result, statuses post from Twitese just show
 from web. So Iwanttoapplyasourcefor my Twitese, is that

[twitter-dev] Re: help retrieving tweets from other users!

2009-08-20 Thread jim.renkel

Yes, the *per request* limit is 200, but using the page parameter you
can retrieve up to the last 3200 status updates. See
for more information.

I've implemented and tested this in my site (http://twxlate.com), and
it seems to work as advertised.

Hope this helps,


On Aug 20, 9:49 am, raashid bhatt raashidbh...@gmail.com wrote:
 no u didnt  understood me .. i know per request the limit is 200 but
 what about the next 200 tweets how can i get those ( of the other

 On Aug 20, 7:06 am, Duane Roelands duane.roela...@gmail.com wrote:

  My understanding is that 200 is the limit for retrieving status
  updates via the REST API.

  On Aug 20, 4:38 am, raashid bhatt raashidbh...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi all i am developing a Desktop client of twitter for self use its
   actually my first time working on twitter API

   i want  get tweets from other user for that i use user_timeline REST

   but for that i can only view latest 200 tweets for that particular
   user and page parameter don't works with user_id combinations

   so please suggest me how can i  tackle this problem


[twitter-dev] Re: help retrieving tweets from other users!

2009-08-20 Thread jim.renkel


Multiple parameters in the same request are separated by 's, not
another ?. :-)

Try these, they seem to work for me:





On Aug 20, 1:13 pm, raashid bhatt raashidbh...@gmail.com wrote:
 here getting page three from my account which ain't protected dosent
 work it asks for password and username



 On Aug 20, 9:29 am, jim.renkel james.ren...@gmail.com wrote:

  Yes, the *per request* limit is 200, but using the page parameter you
  can retrieve up to the last 3200 status updates. 
  for more information.

  I've implemented and tested this in my site (http://twxlate.com), and
  it seems to work as advertised.

  Hope this helps,


  On Aug 20, 9:49 am, raashid bhatt raashidbh...@gmail.com wrote:

   no u didnt  understood me .. i know per request the limit is 200 but
   what about the next 200 tweets how can i get those ( of the other

   On Aug 20, 7:06 am, Duane Roelands duane.roela...@gmail.com wrote:

My understanding is that 200 is the limit for retrieving status
updates via the REST API.

On Aug 20, 4:38 am, raashid bhatt raashidbh...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all i am developing a Desktop client of twitter for self use its
 actually my first time working on twitter API

 i want  get tweets from other user for that i use user_timeline REST

 but for that i can only view latest 200 tweets for that particular
 user and page parameter don't works with user_id combinations

 so please suggest me how can i  tackle this problem


[twitter-dev] Re: Developer Preview: Geolocation API

2009-08-20 Thread jim.renkel

Um, I don't see any way for a user to turn the geo_enabled attribute
on and off. Oversight, I hope?


On Aug 20, 4:18 pm, Joel Strellner j...@twitturly.com wrote:
 Hi Ryan,

 Will this data be available in the streaming API too?


 On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 2:11 PM, @epc epcoste...@gmail.com wrote:

  Will twitter validate the coordinates (ie, what will the API do when I
  pass lat=777long=-666)?

  If the coordinates are invalid, will the status get posted or will the
  entire request get rejected with a 4xx code?

  If a user has not enabled geolocating (geo_enabledfalse/
  geo_enabled), what happens if I pass in coordinates for that user?
  Silently ignored?

  Geo data will be attached to individual tweets and not users, right?
  This will have no effect on the location field in a user profile?
  -ed costello

[twitter-dev] Re: Early developer preview: Retweeting API

2009-08-19 Thread jim.renkel

Another question occurred to me as I think about this more and start
designing the code that I will use with my site (http://twxlate.com).

The statuses/retweeted_by_me method complements the statuses/
user_timeline method: user_timeline Returns the 20 most recent
statuses posted from the authenticating user.; retweeted_by_me
Returns the 20 most recent retweets posted by the authenticating
user.. However, with the user_time method, It's also possible to
request another user's timeline via the id parameter.. The
retweeted_by_me method does not have this option, and I think it
should. Can this be added?

I think maybe the statuses/retweets_of_me method should also have an
optional id parameter, but I could be wrong about this.

The statuses/retweeted_to_me method also does not have an optional id
parameter, but the absence here is, I think, correct.

Comments expected and welcome.


On Aug 18, 7:35 pm, jim.renkel james.ren...@gmail.com wrote:
 Marcel: thank you for the quick response to my questions.

 Not surprisingly, your answers have raised a couple of more
 questions. :-)

 1. What happens if I give aretweetid number to the status/show
 method? An error? The retweeted status message is returned along with
 information about all of its retweets? I'm really hoping for the
 second option here, and, if that is not the case currently,  I would
 encourage twitter to make that enhancement. It seems to me to be
 natural to want information on one specificretweet, just as one can
 get specific information on one specific status update.

 For the next 2 questions, assume A is following B and C, that B has
 retweeted a status update say two days ago, and C has retweeted the
 same status update yesterday.

 2. In the response to a statuses/home_timeline request for user A,
 will the retweeted status update and all its retweeting information be
 duplicated at the two appropriate places in the timeline, once for B
 and once for C? Or will one or the other be elided?

 3. If the answer to 2, above, is the retweeted status update is
 duplicated, does the retweeting information reflect the state of the
 twitterverse as it exists at the time the request is made or the state
 at the time theretweetwas created? Specifically, will the retweeting
 information for B'sretweetshow that C has also retweeted it, even
 though C hadn't yet retweeted it when B did?

 4. Assume count=20 is specified on the statuses/home_timeline request.
 Does the retweeted status update and all of its retweets count as just
 1 of the 20 status updates in the response (i.e., the response could
 have more than 20 elements, potentially way more, but all of the
 retweets of a status update would appear in one page of the
 response)? Or does eachretweetcount as 1 of the 20 (i.e., the
 response will have only 20 elements, but the retweets of a single
 status update could be spread across many, potentially very many,
 pages)? I think it would have to be the former, as Clients may [only]
 request up to 3,200 statuses via the page and count parameters for
 timeline RESTAPImethods. (Quoted from theAPIdocumentation under
 6) There are pagination limits.), and if it were the latter ya
 couldn't even return all theretweetinformation for a status update
 that was retweeted more than 3200 times (Which DOES happen.).

 5. statuses/home_timeline is like statuses/friends_timeline but
 with retweets. There is no method that is like statuses/
 user_timeline but with retweets. It can be synthesized by merging the
 results of statuses/user_timeline and statuses/retweeted_by_me method
 requests, but only for the authenticating user: the statuses/
 retweeted_by_me method does not take id and user_id parameters as the
 statuses/user_timeline method does. I think there's something missing
 here: if I can see any users status updates, why can't I see their

 6. There are no methods like statuses/mentions and favorites but
 including retweets (Or do those methods' results now include
 retweets?). I see no way at all of synthesizing these. I think these
 need to be provided for completeness.

 7. Similarly, I'm guessing that statuses/friends and statuses/
 followers responses don't include retweets (But if a user's last
 update was aretweet, what do they report? The last update that wasn't
 aretweet?). Again, I don't see a way of synthesizing these, and I
 think methods that do include retweets need to be provided for

 The reason for wanting the completeness is to avoid user confusion.
 Users will get used to seeing retweets, when they exist, when the home
 timeline is displayed, and assume that if none are displayed, none
 exist. I fear that they will then make that same assumption when
 mentions, favorites, friends, and followers are displayed: no retweets
 displayed, ergo no retweets exist. That may or may not be correct.

 'Nough for now.

 Comments expected and welcome.

 Answers demanded! -)

 Jim Renkel

 On Aug 17, 1:56 pm, Marcel Molina

[twitter-dev] Re: Early developer preview: Retweeting API

2009-08-18 Thread jim.renkel

Marcel: thank you for the quick response to my questions.

Not surprisingly, your answers have raised a couple of more
questions. :-)

1. What happens if I give a retweet id number to the status/show
method? An error? The retweeted status message is returned along with
information about all of its retweets? I'm really hoping for the
second option here, and, if that is not the case currently,  I would
encourage twitter to make that enhancement. It seems to me to be
natural to want information on one specific retweet, just as one can
get specific information on one specific status update.

For the next 2 questions, assume A is following B and C, that B has
retweeted a status update say two days ago, and C has retweeted the
same status update yesterday.

2. In the response to a statuses/home_timeline request for user A,
will the retweeted status update and all its retweeting information be
duplicated at the two appropriate places in the timeline, once for B
and once for C? Or will one or the other be elided?

3. If the answer to 2, above, is the retweeted status update is
duplicated, does the retweeting information reflect the state of the
twitterverse as it exists at the time the request is made or the state
at the time the retweet was created? Specifically, will the retweeting
information for B's retweet show that C has also retweeted it, even
though C hadn't yet retweeted it when B did?

4. Assume count=20 is specified on the statuses/home_timeline request.
Does the retweeted status update and all of its retweets count as just
1 of the 20 status updates in the response (i.e., the response could
have more than 20 elements, potentially way more, but all of the
retweets of a status update would appear in one page of the
response)? Or does each retweet count as 1 of the 20 (i.e., the
response will have only 20 elements, but the retweets of a single
status update could be spread across many, potentially very many,
pages)? I think it would have to be the former, as Clients may [only]
request up to 3,200 statuses via the page and count parameters for
timeline REST API methods. (Quoted from the API documentation under
6) There are pagination limits.), and if it were the latter ya
couldn't even return all the retweet information for a status update
that was retweeted more than 3200 times (Which DOES happen.).

5. statuses/home_timeline is like statuses/friends_timeline but
with retweets. There is no method that is like statuses/
user_timeline but with retweets. It can be synthesized by merging the
results of statuses/user_timeline and statuses/retweeted_by_me method
requests, but only for the authenticating user: the statuses/
retweeted_by_me method does not take id and user_id parameters as the
statuses/user_timeline method does. I think there's something missing
here: if I can see any users status updates, why can't I see their

6. There are no methods like statuses/mentions and favorites but
including retweets (Or do those methods' results now include
retweets?). I see no way at all of synthesizing these. I think these
need to be provided for completeness.

7. Similarly, I'm guessing that statuses/friends and statuses/
followers responses don't include retweets (But if a user's last
update was a retweet, what do they report? The last update that wasn't
a retweet?). Again, I don't see a way of synthesizing these, and I
think methods that do include retweets need to be provided for

The reason for wanting the completeness is to avoid user confusion.
Users will get used to seeing retweets, when they exist, when the home
timeline is displayed, and assume that if none are displayed, none
exist. I fear that they will then make that same assumption when
mentions, favorites, friends, and followers are displayed: no retweets
displayed, ergo no retweets exist. That may or may not be correct.

'Nough for now.

Comments expected and welcome.

Answers demanded! -)

Jim Renkel

On Aug 17, 1:56 pm, Marcel Molina mar...@twitter.com wrote:
 Thanks for your questions. Responses inline...

 On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 10:31 AM, jim.renkeljames.ren...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have both practical and philosophical concerns and questions with
  this proposal. Since I'm a little late in commenting on this, some of
  these have already been raised. Where I know that is the case, I'll
  keep it short, but include it to show my support (or not) of the

  This post contains practical issues. A companion post will contain
  philosophical issues.

  1. When aretweetis created it is assigned an ID number, just like a
  status update. Are retweets and status updates numbered from the same
  sequence of numbers, or separate ones? I mainly ask out of curiosity,
  but there are some implications as shown below.

 Tweets and retweets are currently numbered from the same sequence of numbers.

  2. Is there a limit on the number of times a status update can be
  retweeted? Again, curiosity, but with implications.


[twitter-dev] Re: Early developer preview: Retweeting API

2009-08-17 Thread jim.renkel

I have both practical and philosophical concerns and questions with
this proposal. Since I'm a little late in commenting on this, some of
these have already been raised. Where I know that is the case, I'll
keep it short, but include it to show my support (or not) of the

This post contains practical issues. A companion post will contain
philosophical issues.

1. When a retweet is created it is assigned an ID number, just like a
status update. Are retweets and status updates numbered from the same
sequence of numbers, or separate ones? I mainly ask out of curiosity,
but there are some implications as shown below.

2. Is there a limit on the number of times a status update can be
retweeted? Again, curiosity, but with implications.

3. In the UI, if a status update is shown that has been retweeted, are
all retweeters of the update listed, or, e.g., just ones that I
follow? If all retweeters are listed, what if the status update was
retweeted, say, 1,000 times? 10,000 times? If just retweeters that I
follow are listed, can I somehow see a list of all the retweeters?

4. The response to the status/retweet method provides details about
the retweet that was created. Does it also include details on previous
retweets of the status update?

5. In the response to the statuses/home_timeline, statuses/
retweeted_by_me, statuses/retweeted_to_me, and statuses/retweets_of_me
methods, how are multiple retweets of the same status update encoded?
I far as I could see, none of the examples addressed this. Is the
status update repeated once per retweet? Or are multiple retweets
listed under one instance of the status update that was retweeted? In
the latter case, the response would presumably look like:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
... [details of 1st retweet]
... [details of 2nd retweet]
I could be wrong, but I don't think this is valid XML. I think ya need
to have another level of grouping, as in:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
... [details of 1st retweet]
... [details of 2nd retweet]

6. Each XML retweet_details section takes around 100-200 characters
to encode. If a response that includes retweet_details only returns
retweets for those I follow, if I have 20 retweeted status updates
each with, say, 20 retweets, that's 20*20*100=4 plus characters
required for the response. Even if the response only includes 1
retweeted status update, but it has been retweeted 10,000 times (Not
unheard of! And IMHO it's more likely to happen once this is deployed
and folk start writing retweebots), that's 1*1*100=100 plus
characters. I think there's a problem here that needs to be addressed.

7. If retweets and status updates are numbered from the same sequence
of IDs, then presumably statuses/destroy can be used to delete a
retweet. If retweets and status updates have separate ID sequences,
then I don't see any way to delete a retweet. I think the ability to
delete a retweet is essential! BTW, I don't see any delete capability
in the proposed UI.

8. If a protected user retweets a status update of a non-protected
user, will the protected user always / sometimes / never be listed as
a retweeter of the public user's status update?

9. Conversely, if a non-protected user retweets a status update of a
protected user, will the protected status update always / sometimes /
never be included in the various timelines of the non-protected user?

'Nough for now. I'll probably have more as I think this through more.

Comments expected and welcome.

Jim Renkel

On Aug 13, 3:52 pm, Marcel Molina mar...@twitter.com wrote:
 Retweetinghas become one of the cultural conventions of the Twitter
 experience. It's yet another example of Twitter's users discovering
 innovative ways to use the service. We dig it. So soon it's going to
 become a natively supported feature on twitter.com. It's looking like
 we're only weeks away from being ready to launch it on our end. We
 wanted to show the community of platform developers theAPIwe've
 cooked up forretweetingso those who want to support it in their
 applications would have enough time to have it ready by launch day. We
 were planning on exposing a way for developers to create a 

[twitter-dev] Re: Early developer preview: Retweeting API

2009-08-17 Thread jim.renkel

This post, containing philosophical issues with the proposed retweet
API, is the promised companion to my post containing practical issues.

I realize this retweeting API and UI are probably a fait a complis
(sp?), modulo addressing practical concerns that I and others have
raised, but I'll throw out my two cents worth anyhow.

In summary, I don't like this proposal very much. As someone else has
pointed out, I think it's akin to driving a tack with a sledge hammer.
I see very little wrong / missing with the current retweeting
conventions, and I think the twitter community would be better served
by addressing these problems / shortcomings that creating something
new out of whole cloth.

My biggest dislike is that there is no capability to add to the
retweet, only exactly duplicate what has already been said. Others
have said more eloquently than I could the value of being able to add
to a retweet, and I fully support pretty much everything that has been
said here.

Ya there's a problem with the length of some retweets that have been
added to, but the solutions already in place seem to be satisfactory.
Was this the real problem that twitter was trying to solve that lead
to this API?

There is value in knowing that a status update is a retweet, but that
could have been much more easily done by adding a new parameter to the
status/create method than creating a whole new method, and reporting
it's value whenever the status update is reported. AND, it could have
been done with 100% backward compatibility, at least as I understand
backward compatibility. The implications of requiring changes to
existing applications are enormous.

Ya there are currently several conventions for indicating a retweet:
RT; [unicode recycle symble]; etc. Again, a new parameter to the
status/create method solves the problem quite simply and elegantly.
AND reduces the problem with the length of retweets.

There is value in knowing who has retweeted a tweet, but there is more
value in knowing who has responded to a status update in any way. That
could have been provided as a status/responses method that I and
others have proposed many times, and would result in more value than
just being able to find out who has retweeted a status update.

I predict, as others have, that retweebots will proliferate and
vastly expand and complicate the spam and issues of dealing with it
that are already present.

Applications and sites that already have a retweet capability will
have to change the name of their capability, leading to user
confusion, AND implement this new retweeting scheme, leading to even
more user confusion. If there were simply a new parameter to the
status/create method, I think existing applications and sites would
jump all over it, with very little user confusion.

When I get there, I know that my site, http://twxlate.com, will
definitely implement the existing retweeting conventions (I will have
to come up with some other name for it.) and will probably, but not
certainly, implement the new API if it is really introduced
essentially as it is now. At least I'll be able to do that with less
confusion than if I had already implemented the existing retweeting

Again, 'nough for now, but, again, I'll probably come up with more as
I think about this more.

As always, comments expected and welcome.

Jim renkel

On Aug 13, 3:52 pm, Marcel Molina mar...@twitter.com wrote:
 Retweetinghas become one of the cultural conventions of the Twitter
 experience. It's yet another example of Twitter's users discovering
 innovative ways to use the service. We dig it. So soon it's going to
 become a natively supported feature on twitter.com. It's looking like
 we're only weeks away from being ready to launch it on our end. We
 wanted to show the community of platform developers theAPIwe've
 cooked up forretweetingso those who want to support it in their
 applications would have enough time to have it ready by launch day. We
 were planning on exposing a way for developers to create a retweet,
 recognize retweets in your timeline and display them distinctively
 amongst other tweets. We've also got APIs for several retweet
 timelines: retweets you've created, retweets the users you're
 following have created, and your tweets that have been retweeted by

 - Creating Retweets

 TheAPIdocumentation for creating retweets can be found here:


 Reminder: Making requests to /statuses/retweet won't work yet as the
 feature has not launched.

 - Consuming Retweets in the Timeline

 1) Retweets in the new home timeline

 We don't want to break existing apps that don't addretweetingsupport
 or create a confusing experience for that app's users. So the
 /statuses/friends_timelineAPIresource will remain unchanged--i.e.
 retweets will *not* appear in it.

 For those who *do* want to support retweets, we are adding a new (more
 aptly named) /statuses/home_timeline resource. 

[twitter-dev] Re: Early developer preview: Retweeting API

2009-08-17 Thread jim.renkel


Good catch on deleting a retweeted tweet! It was on my list of issues,
by I forgot to include it in my post.

Hopefully, the twitter folk will respond to this as fast as they added
retweet_id so ya can delete retweets! :-)


On Aug 17, 1:33 pm, Brian Smith br...@briansmith.org wrote:
 jim.renkel wrote:
  7. If retweets and status updates are numbered from the same sequence
  of IDs, then presumably statuses/destroy can be used to delete a
  retweet. If retweets and status updates have separate ID sequences,
  then I don't see any way to delete a retweet. I think the ability to
  delete a retweet is essential! BTW, I don't see any delete capability
  in the proposed UI.

 It is important to be able to un-retweet. I would also like to know how it
 is done.

  8. If a protected user retweets a status update of a non-protected
  user, will the protected user always / sometimes / never be listed as
  a retweeter of the public user's status update?

  9. Conversely, if a non-protected user retweets a status update of a
  protected user, will the protected status update always / sometimes /
  never be included in the various timelines of the non-protected user?

 Protected users' activities should never be disclosed to people outside
 their list of approved followers. The privacy advantage of the current RT
 @foo convention is that the reader never knows if @foo actually said what
 was retweeted unless @foo approved him as a follower.

 Here's another sticky issue, related to that: What happens when a user posts
 a tweet, and then a bunch of people retweet it, and then the user deletes
 the tweet? The original poster doesn't want to be associated with the
 message anymore and would rather that message not exist. But, the
 re-tweeters expect to have an archive of everything they retweeted.


[twitter-dev] Re: FW: Twitter is Suing me!!!

2009-08-13 Thread jim.renkel

IANAL, but I don't think all is doom and gloom, or at least not as
doomy and goomy as previous posts to this thread (Including one of
mine, if it is not read as tongue-in-cheek, as intended) portray.

Yes, if you have a trademark, you have to aggressively defend it or
risk losing it. No, completely barring others from using it is not the
only way to aggressively defend it. You can license it, subject to
some terms and conditions, and aggressively police the licensing

I know this because in a previous life I made modems. These modems
included many significant innovations, which were protected by

Now, modems are like dancing: it takes two to twango (GDI! I've got o
stop doing that! :-) ). And even though the company for which I worked
had at one time an ~85% market share of dial-up modems, there was
still that pesky ~15% from competitors that wanted to interoperate
with ours. To do that, they had to include our innovations, and the
companies that built them, our competitors, had to license the

Each innovation had a catchy, trade-marked brand name, and along with
licensing the innovations the other companies would license the brand
name for use in their labeling, promotion, and advertising. In fact,
the licensing terms and conditions *REQUIRED* them to do so, or risk
having the license terminated.

All fine and dandy, so far.

But it addition to the other modem manufacturers, ISPs that purchased
these modems, either from us or others, wanted to advertise that they
provided service that included these innovations. Unlike licensing the
technology, purchasing a product containing the technology did *NOT*
grant you license to use the technology's trademarked brand name in
your labeling, promotions, and advertising: they had to separately
license the trademarked brand name.

Now licensing is never free, it always involves compensation. (Why?
Don't ask me, IANAL) But the compensation is not necessarily monetary,
it may be a requirement to actually use the brand name to promote your
service, thereby promoting the technology. I.e., if you actually run
advertising (For your service) that includes the brand name upon which
your service is built, then you have promoted the brand name and
thereby compensated us for licensing the brand name to you; if you
don't advertise, then you haven't compensated us, and we pull the
license. All of this, of course, subject to terms and conditions
contained in the license agreement.

I know this is how it worked because periodically my engineering team
would gets updates from the legal department on new licensees (I.e.,
people we could and should talk to) and terminated licensees (I.e.,
people we couldn't and shouldn't talk to). I know for a fact that in
some cases licenses to use the trademarked brand names were terminated
because their service and/or advertising violated the terms and
conditions of the license (Most such cases involved providing or
promoting illegal activities; for example, child pornography).

How is all of this relevant to the case at hand?

Twitter could (And I sincerely hope they do.) license the use of their
trademarks to us, developers of products that interoperate with their
services, subject to terms and conditions, with the only compensation
being that ya have to actually use the trademarks to promote your
product and thereby their service. If ya actually use the trademarks
(And abide by the terms and conditions) your license stays in effect;
ya don't use the trademarks (Or you violate the terms and condition)
your license is terminated.

Again, IANAL, but I don't see any reason that the licensing of the
trademarks could not include their use in product and domain names.

And maybe the licensing process is as simple as signing up for an
OAuth consumer key, agreeing to the trademark licensing terms and
conditions as part of the OAuth sign-up.

Naw! That wouldn't work, it's too easy! :-)

Comments expected and welcome,

Jim Renkel

On Aug 13, 2:19 pm, JDG ghil...@gmail.com wrote:
 did you really expect them to allow something that clearly violated their
 TOS to use the Twitter name? There are plenty of apps out there that add
 Real Value(TM) to Twitter's community.

 On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 13:05, Dale Merritt mogul...@gmail.com wrote:
  You're right, they could decide to grant you the right to use it.  Good
  luck with that. Keep building up that brand then and cross your fingers.
  Sounds like a sound assumption.

  On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Nick Arnett nick.arn...@gmail.comwrote:

   On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 9:20 AM, Dale Merritt mogul...@gmail.comwrote:

  Don't waste your time.  If you have Twitter in your domain name, you
  could be put out of business if you don't cease and desist. I've seen it
  first hand.  They bury you in a law suit, wrong or right is not the point.
  These companies have a huge lawyer group and bat you around for fun.

  This doesn't take into account the fact that Twitter is certainly 

[twitter-dev] Re: Rate Limiting Question

2009-08-13 Thread jim.renkel

Just to make things crystal clear, it should be stated that the 20k
rate limits apply only to GET requests to the so-called REST-API.
Other request types (I.e., POST) and / or other APIs (I.e., search,
streaming) have other rate limits.

Jim Renkel

On Aug 13, 3:58 pm, Chad Etzel c...@twitter.com wrote:
 Hi There,

 What you all have been confirming is correct. The intended behavior is
 20k per IP unauthenticated, and 20k per IP *per user* authenticated.
 This is not a bug.


 On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Abraham Williams4bra...@gmail.com wrote:
  I've been reading I have confirmed emails from 5 different threads for the
  last 2 weeks. Can we hold off until Chad gets back to us with an official
  answer. :)


  2009/8/13 Dewald Pretorius dpr...@gmail.com


  I just ran a test, and I can also confirm what you have found.

  Unauthenticated calls decrease per IP 20,000
  Authenticated calls decrease per-IP per-user 20,000


  On Aug 13, 4:27 pm, CaMason stasisme...@googlemail.com wrote:
   The behaviour at the moment is definitely as-described above:

   Unauthenticated calls decrease IP 20,000
   Authenticated calls decrease per-user 20,000

   My app only uses authenticated calls during normal use, and the IP-
   based limit isn't decreasing at-all

   20,000 per-user is pretty silly - With 1000 users, I would be allowed
   to make 5,555 calls per second.

   A max of say 500 authenticated calls per-user would be more sensible,
   and would allow apps with many users to scale  :)


  Abraham Williams | Community Evangelist |http://web608.org
  Hacker |http://abrah.am|http://twitter.com/abraham
  Project |http://fireeagle.labs.poseurtech.com
  This email is: [ ] blogable [x] ask first [ ] private.

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Update, 8/10 noon PST

2009-08-11 Thread jim.renkel

Geometric backoffs are more generally know as exponential backoffs. If
ya google that, ya get a couple of useful and interesting things:


Hope this helps.


On Aug 11, 12:01 am, hansamann sven.hai...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Can someone post a link to some online resources explaining more 
 aboutgeometricback-offs? Did a search, did not find a whole lot.


 On Aug 10, 7:18 pm, jim.renkel james.ren...@gmail.com wrote:

  Yup, when you doback-offs, ya can't do them deterministically, ya
  gotta do them for a random amount, generally uniformly distributed
  between some upper and lower bounds.

  It's the bounds that increase geometrically or exponentially, up to
  some limit, but the each back-off should be random between the bounds.

  If theback-offsare not randomized, its leads to synchronicity, as
  you noted.

  BTW, all standardizedback-offsof which I am aware specify randomized

  Jim Renkel

  On Aug 10, 7:54 pm, Michael Chang thenewm...@gmail.com wrote:

   On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Dewald Pretorius dpr...@gmail.com 

On Aug 10, 3:57 pm, Ryan Sarver rsar...@twitter.com wrote:
 As such the system has more general strain on it and thus will
 produce some more 502/503 errors. If you see them, you should do a
 back off instead of just sending a new request.


What starting value and what common ratio of ageometricback off
would you recommend?

   One issue with back off (geometricor otherwise) is that if everyone uses
   the same values; it won't work.

   Think about it -- let's say 10 000 users all access the system
   simultaneously and all of them get 502/503 errors. Then let's say they all
   wait five seconds before retrying. Once those five seconds are up; they 
   all simultaneously accesss the site again, and likely again get the same
   502/503 errors. This causes them all to back off again, say, for 25 
   Then they will all again contact the server again, at the same time, and 
   on and so forth until either they all give up, or until the end of time,
   whichever comes first.

   (Yes, this is a simplified example, but it should get the point across. In
   practice, at least a few users might get through every time, and 
   yes, everyone would get served if they are patient enough. But if everyone
   uses different back-off values, then the traffic becomes somewhat more 
   and thus the servers can cope with the load more easily.)


   Michael Chang

   I may not be able to open heavily-formatted Word, Powerpoint, or Excel
   documents. Send at your own risk.

[twitter-dev] Re: RateLimit Calculation

2009-08-11 Thread jim.renkel

As I've pointed out in other posts to this group, and I will be the
first to acknowledge that there are conflicting opinions and facts on
this, it is my understanding and experience that for GET requests that
require authorization the rate limit is per user per IP address:
-If *EITHER* the user or the IP address or both are white-listed,
then the rate limit is 20k requests per hour for that user using that
IP address.
-   If *NEITHER* the user nor the IP address is white-listed, the the
rate limit is 150 requests per hour, again for that user using that IP

So, again as I understand it, either of your scenarios should work OK,
and in neither case should you be black-holed.

In scenario 1, you would have 10k users * 20k requests per hour for an
aggregate rate limit of 200kk (i.e., 200 million) requests per hour.
Even if you corner the market on twitter API usage, I can't imagine
generating that many requests per hour! :-)

In scenario 2, you would have 10k users * 150 requests per hour for an
aggregate rate limit of a mere 1.5kk (i.e, 1.5 million) requests per
hour. You probably can't corner the market with that limited capacity.
Oh well, I guess you'll have to find another business model! :-)

BTW, IMHO, I believe that what the twitter API spec is calling
authenticated requests should be called authorized requests.
Authentication is a prelude and prerequisite to authorization, and in
delivering the requested service the API is authorizing you to receive
the service for the authenticated user. If the API were just
authenticating the user, it would return a simple, binary Yes, the
user has been authenticated to our satisfaction or No, the user has
not been authenticated to our satisfaction answer to a request for

Comments expected and welcome.

Jim Renkel

On Aug 11, 6:51 pm, shiplu shiplu@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 6:41 AM, Julio Biasonjulio.bia...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 7:01 AM, shiplushiplu@gmail.com wrote:
  Oops! Basic Mistake!
  But what about I am talking about GET requests.

  If you're doing a GET 3 times every hour, then it would be better not
  use a whitelisted IP. This way, the rate limit will count to each
  user, not the IP (considering that you're authenticating those users.)

 But there is a chance my IP will be blacklisted, isn't it?
 Also If I just cache every request, It will never hit the rate limit.

 A K M Mokaddimhttp://talk.cmyweb.nethttp://twitter.com/shiplu
 Stop Top Posting !!
 বাংলিশ লেখার চাইতে বাংলা লেখা অনেক ভাল
 Sent from Dhaka, Bangladesh

[twitter-dev] Re: FW: Twitter is Suing me!!!

2009-08-11 Thread jim.renkel

I guess I should have pointed out that my tongue was firmly planted in
my check when I wrote my previous post. My bad! :-(

Dean: I don't mean to make light of your particular situation.
Sometimes I just can't not point out absurdities, which the logic I
presented clearly is.

What I was trying to do, perhaps not too well, is point out that the
API TOS may need to be revised to say that developers may use
twitter's trademarks, but only in approved ways.

BTW, twitter is trademarking tweet as well as twitter. You have
been warned! :-)


On Aug 11, 10:50 pm, jim.renkel james.ren...@gmail.com wrote:
 An interesting implication is buried in all of this.

 FACT:http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Terms-of-Servicestates: Please give
 us a nod in your app, perhaps by including one of these stylish
 Powered by Twitter badges, which I read as If ya use the API you
 must acknowledge twitter.

 FACT: The letter from twitter's lawyers states: stop all use of ...
 the TWITTER mark, which I read as Ya can't use the word twitter in
 your application or on your website.

 IMPLICATION: No one can use the API !!!

 I guess we should all pack up and move on.


 On Aug 11, 10:13 pm, Larry Wright larrywri...@gmail.com wrote:

  As others have pointed out, this isn't a lawsuit. That aside, Twitter  
  announced some time ago that they were not comfortable with people  
  using their name as part of the name of their product 
  , so it seems odd that you would be surprised by this.

  Regardless, you'll get little sympathy from me. Your application  
  encourages many of the behaviors most twitter users find annoying. The  
  Twitter ecosystem is frankly better off without it.

  Larry Wrighthttp://larrywright.me

  On Aug 11, 2009, at 9:48 PM, Dean Collins wrote:

   Any other developer being sued by Twitter today?

   If so give me a call – feel free to tweet outwww.MyTwitterButler.com/I
   ’m_Being_Sued to anyone you want – looking forward to the press  
   having a field day with this.

   Dean Collins
   +1-212-203-4357   New York
   +61-2-9016-5642   (Sydney in-dial).
   +44-20-3129-6001 (London in-dial).

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Update, 8/10 noon PST

2009-08-10 Thread jim.renkel

Yup, when you do back-offs, ya can't do them deterministically, ya
gotta do them for a random amount, generally uniformly distributed
between some upper and lower bounds.

It's the bounds that increase geometrically or exponentially, up to
some limit, but the each back-off should be random between the bounds.

If the back-offs are not randomized, its leads to synchronicity, as
you noted.

BTW, all standardized back-offs of which I am aware specify randomized

Jim Renkel

On Aug 10, 7:54 pm, Michael Chang thenewm...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Dewald Pretorius dpr...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Aug 10, 3:57 pm, Ryan Sarver rsar...@twitter.com wrote:
   As such the system has more general strain on it and thus will
   produce some more 502/503 errors. If you see them, you should do a
   back off instead of just sending a new request.


  What starting value and what common ratio of a geometric back off
  would you recommend?

 One issue with back off (geometric or otherwise) is that if everyone uses
 the same values; it won't work.

 Think about it -- let's say 10 000 users all access the system
 simultaneously and all of them get 502/503 errors. Then let's say they all
 wait five seconds before retrying. Once those five seconds are up; they will
 all simultaneously accesss the site again, and likely again get the same
 502/503 errors. This causes them all to back off again, say, for 25 seconds.
 Then they will all again contact the server again, at the same time, and so
 on and so forth until either they all give up, or until the end of time,
 whichever comes first.

 (Yes, this is a simplified example, but it should get the point across. In
 practice, at least a few users might get through every time, and eventually,
 yes, everyone would get served if they are patient enough. But if everyone
 uses different back-off values, then the traffic becomes somewhat more even,
 and thus the servers can cope with the load more easily.)


 Michael Chang

 I may not be able to open heavily-formatted Word, Powerpoint, or Excel
 documents. Send at your own risk.

[twitter-dev] Re: Rate limit question (again/followup) 20k user or ip?

2009-08-10 Thread jim.renkel

Hmmm! We seem to have conflicting evidence here!

I just (again) verified that twxlate.com is getting 20k requests per
hour per user.

How long ago was it that Alex and other API team members made the
recommendation that you mentioned? Is it possible that twitter changed
policy since then?

Either way, I agree that we now need a very clear affirmation from
twitter as to the policy.

I sure hope I don't have to eat my words! :-)


On Aug 10, 9:08 pm, Dewald Pretorius dpr...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Aug 10, 11:02 pm, jim.renkel james.ren...@gmail.com wrote:

  My logic is now: Ifratelimiting is not peruser, then all users of
  anIPaddress will share one pool of20krequests per hour. If a site
  has a 1,000 users at one time, then eachuserwill get an average of
  20 requests per hour. This is clearly not enough to do much useful.


 That is why Alex and other API team members have recommended in the
 past that you get and use additional white-listedIPaddresses, when
 20,000 requests per hour perIPaddress is not sufficient to service

 At TweetLater I employ several white-listedIPaddresses to cover the
 needs of my users.


[twitter-dev] Re: Updating the APIs authentication limiting policy

2009-07-23 Thread jim.renkel


Thanks for the comment and suggestion.

The problem with implementing this locally at associated web sites
rather than centrally at twitter is that:
- each site would have to implement it separately; and
- users would have to sign up and create a private ID at each site
they use.

That results in much confusion and duplication of effort both for web
site developers and users. It would be be much less confusing and
require much less total effort if it were done centrally.

That said and given twitter's priorities and available resources, I
don't expect them to implement this scheme or anything like it.

And, at this time, we don't even know if this is a real issue or just
a red-herring. I raised it because I saw it as a theoretical problem
with the proposal, not because anyone that I know has experienced this

Does anybody see this as a real or potential problem, or should we
just let the issue fade away?

Comments expected and welcome.


On Jul 22, 3:28 pm, owkaye owk...@gmail.com wrote:
  One solution to this problem is to add to each twitter
  account another private ID.


 Wouldn't it make more sense to implement this private id
 thing on your own server?

 My thought here is that your service should maintain its own
 database of users, and issue a unique private id for each
 of these users.

 Then when the visitor tries to login, your code can check to
 see if the private id the visitor has entered is in your own
 database.  If so the person is allowed to login, and if not
 they get an error.

 Would this work to solve the problem of am I missing
 something here?


[twitter-dev] Re: Updating the APIs authentication limiting policy

2009-07-22 Thread jim.renkel

My concern with this proposal is that it opens up denials of service,
not to twitter.com, but to associated sites such as twitpic, or my
site twxlate, among others

For example, Lance Armstrong is a heavy user of twitpic. It is very
easy for anyone to find Lance's twitter ID (@lancearmstrong), view his
status updates, and see that he is a frequent user of twitpic. Now,
someone that is unhappy with Lance, say one of George Hincapie's
ardent fans that really believes that Lance was a significant
contributor to George not winning the maillot jeune  last Sunday,
could go to twitpic, fail to login as Lance the requisite number of
times, and deny Lance access to twitpic.

Not only celebrities would or could be subject to such denials of
service. I notice that @dougw occasionally uses twitpic! :-)

One solution to this problem is to add to each twitter account another
private ID. By default this private ID would be equal to the
existing (public) ID (If not equal to the account's public ID, it
would have to be unique among all twitter IDs, both public and

The public ID would be used just as the existing twitter ID is now:
others would use it to follow, mention, DM, etc., the user.

But the user MUST use their private ID for authenticated requests
through the API, and CAN also use it for non-authenticated requests.
In either case, twitter would treat a request from a private ID as if
it came from the corresponding public ID.

Blocking the public ID because of excessive authentication failures
would NOT block the associated private ID unless they were equal.
Changing your public ID would also change your private ID if the two
were the same before the change, i.e., they would remain the same
after the change.

It may seem onerous to require all users to also have a private ID,
but since it defaults to be the same as their public ID, only those
concerned about their service being denied would change it and
subsequently use it instead of their public ID to access associated
sites such as twitpic or twxlate.

In fact, I think this change, though potentially large on the twitter
side, could be implemented without any changes to users or associated
sites, with one small, obscure exception: now, if I attempt to create
a new twitter account or change the ID of an existing account, and
find that the ID I want is in use, I can view that account; if this
were implemented and I attempted to use a private ID that was not the
same as its associated public ID, I could not view the account using
the denied ID.

Comments expected and welcome.

Jim Renkel

On Jul 21, 6:00 pm, Doug Williams d...@twitter.com wrote:
 Devs --A change shipped last week that limited the number of times a user
 could access the account/verify_credentials method [1] in a given hour. This
 change proved hasty and short-sighted as pointed out by the subsequent
 discussion [2]. We apologize to any developer that was adversely
 affected. Given the problems, we want to fix this in a
 public and transparent manner.
 Like most web services, we limit the number of attempts users can make to
 login to
 their accounts on Twitter.com to prevent brute force dictionary
 attacks. This same security is not extended to the platform
 and leaves accounts vulnerable to the same method of attack through the API.

 The change we shipped to limit user accounts to 15 calls an hour to the
 account/verify_credentials method [1] was intended to mitigate this risk. It
 was thought to limit the number of tests a potential attack could run in the
 hour, even in a distributed fashion. However, we only protected a single
 resource which still leaves all other authenticated methods exposed as a
 vector of attack (limited only by the API rate limit).

 Our thinking is now that we will limit the total number of unsuccessful
 attempts to access authenticated resources to 15 an hour per user per IP
 address. If a single IP address makes 15 attempts to access a protected
 resource unsuccessfully for a given user (as indicated by an HTTP 401), then
 the user will be locked out of authenticated resources from that IP address
 for 1 hour.

 This scheme has all of the positive effects that we need, however we want to
 make sure that we have thought through all of the potential problems on the
 developer's side before we proceed with this change. Please contribute to
 the subsequent discussion if you have an opinion or concern. Once we come to
 an agreement, we will update with details and a timeline for shipping this



[twitter-dev] Re: Purposed method: friendships/show

2009-06-10 Thread jim.renkel

In thinking this through a little more and how this would fit into my
applications, I have another suggestion to propose.

Currently, if an application requests the followers of user B, on
behalf of user A (i.e., the request is authenticated with user A's
credentials), it gets back the list of B's followers, their latest
status update, plus (partial) indications of the relationship between
each of B's followers and user A. The application can use that
information to enable user A sending DMs to the follower if that
follower of B is also following A, to enable user A to request to
follow the follower of B if they are not already doing so, or remove
the follow if they are, etc., etc., etc.

If that relationship information is not included in the response to
the request for the followers of B, but must be requested separately,
as is being proposed, the real problem that I see is that, as
proposed, if I get back 50 followers of B in the response to the
request for B's followers, I now have to make 50 relationship requests
to get the same information that was included before, albeit
inaccurately. This has big implications for latency, server overhead,
rate limits, etc., etc., etc.

What I propose is that a request for relationship information can
include a list of targets, and the response would include the
relationship information for each target in the list vis-a-vis the
source user.

Of course, now ya run into complications concerning the validity of
target users: I would hope that ya would not reject the whole request
just because one or more target users were invalid, but that ya would
selectively indicate the invalidity, and return the requested
information for valid targets.

I don't know what the impact of adopting this proposal would be on the
API server side, but the impact of NOT adopting this suggestion is
potentially huge on both the client and server.

And, on a different tangent, is there any impact in this on the
favorited indication that appears as part of a status update's
information in some API responses? Will we be expected to have to make
separate API requests to get that information?

Again, comments expected, welcome, and appreciated.

Jim Renkel

On Jun 9, 7:51 pm, Chad Etzel jazzyc...@gmail.com wrote:
 If adding the other states (pending, blocked, etc) then I would agree
 with the redundancy by having all attributes present in both
 source and target objects.  These relationships are not
 necessarily symmetric, so it makes sense to have them in each object
 since they would not necessarily be redundant.


 On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 8:22 PM, Marcel Molina mar...@twitter.com wrote:
  Good point about pending requests for protected accounts and the opportunity
  to get parity.
  My inclination is rather than overloading following and followed_by that we
  potentially introduce a 'pending' attribute that is either true or empty.
  Similarly we could add a 'blocked'/'blocked_by'.
  These additional attributes sway me toward going with the
  representation that (redundantly) specifies the values of each attribute with the source and target sections as encoding this information in 'source_has_a_pending_request_for_target' and 'target_has_a_pending_request_for_source', etc start to get somewhat unwieldy.

  On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 4:29 PM, jim.renkel james.ren...@gmail.com wrote:

  It seems from the examples, but not explicitly stated anywhere, that
  the values of the following and followed_by items are booleans,
  implying that a user either is or is not following another user.

  While at first blush that seems true, I think in reality the situation
  is a little more complicated, especially if you consider protected

  I would propose that these items be enumerations, with the following
  values and meanings:
  - yes: user A, say, is following user B;
  - no: user A is not following user B, has not requested the
  relationship, and is not blocked from doing so;
  - pending: user A has requested to follow (protected) user B, but B
  has not yet accepted, rejected, or blocked the request; and
  - blocked: user A requested to follow (protected) user B, but B
  blocked the request.

  What I'm looking for here is parity, if you will, between the data and
  facilities that are available to the twitter.com web site and to API
  users. This is one place where there was not parity, and we have the
  opportunity to now get it.

  Comments expected, welcome, and appreciated.

  Jim Renkel

  On Jun 9, 1:13 pm, Damon Clinkscales sca...@pobox.com wrote:
   If you're going to redefine the way that follow information is
   returned, I believe that it should include the effect of protected
   accounts on both sides of the follow equation.


   On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Marcel Molinamar...@twitter.com
Thanks for the suggestion Chad.
What do others think of
{relationship: {
 source: {
   id: 123

[twitter-dev] Re: Purposed method: friendships/show

2009-06-09 Thread jim.renkel

It seems from the examples, but not explicitly stated anywhere, that
the values of the following and followed_by items are booleans,
implying that a user either is or is not following another user.

While at first blush that seems true, I think in reality the situation
is a little more complicated, especially if you consider protected

I would propose that these items be enumerations, with the following
values and meanings:
- yes: user A, say, is following user B;
- no: user A is not following user B, has not requested the
relationship, and is not blocked from doing so;
- pending: user A has requested to follow (protected) user B, but B
has not yet accepted, rejected, or blocked the request; and
- blocked: user A requested to follow (protected) user B, but B
blocked the request.

What I'm looking for here is parity, if you will, between the data and
facilities that are available to the twitter.com web site and to API
users. This is one place where there was not parity, and we have the
opportunity to now get it.

Comments expected, welcome, and appreciated.

Jim Renkel

On Jun 9, 1:13 pm, Damon Clinkscales sca...@pobox.com wrote:
 If you're going to redefine the way that follow information is
 returned, I believe that it should include the effect of protected
 accounts on both sides of the follow equation.


 On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Marcel Molinamar...@twitter.com wrote:
  Thanks for the suggestion Chad.
  What do others think of
  {relationship: {
   source: {
     id: 123,
     screen_name: bob,
     notifications: false },

   target: {
     id: 456,
     screen_name: jack,
     notifications: null },

   source_follows_target: true,
   source_followed_by_target: false

  {relationship: {

  source: {

  id: 123,

  screen_name: bob,

  following: true,

  followed_by: false,

  notifications_enabled: false },

  target: {

  id: 456,

  screen_name: jack,

  following: false,

  followed_by: true,

  notifications_enabled: null }



[twitter-dev] Re: Reserved usernames

2009-03-17 Thread jim.renkel


I think the problem you're trying to solve here is: given a URL of the
form http://twitter.com/xxx, is xxx a valid twitter username? (At
least that's a problem that I'm trying to solve for an application I'm

A static list of such xxx's, although interesting, can't be developed
given the current naming convention for pages in the twitter web site,
because the xxx's that aren't valid usernames are all pages in the
website. As the website expands, as it has recently, the list will

So, what to do?

I have two suggestions, neither of which I really like, but that's
often the case when ya have to consider backward compatibility in
crafting solutions:

1) Add a method to the API that returns a list of xxx's that are not
valid user names but are twitter website pages; an application would
call this whenever it needed the list. Better than having a static
list in applications, which would require redistribution of the
applications whenever the list changes, but I worry about the list
being kept accurate (Unfortunately, I have had bad experiences with
these kinds of lists.).

2) Twitter changes the structure of their site so that URLs for valid
users are something like http://twitter.com/user/xxx, with the
guarantee that a URL of that form would never be used for anything but
a valid user. (I don't see twitter making a change like this, but I
could be wrong. And there are backward compatibility problems with
URLs that are already archived or cached someplace.)

Comments expected and welcome.

Jim Renkel

On Mar 15, 8:36 am, richardhenry richardhe...@me.com wrote:
 Could anyone help me complete a list ofreservedTwitter usernames?
 I'm talking about the usernames that cannot be registered because
 they're used in Twitter URLs.


 Is this everything, or have I missed anything?


Re: Opinions wanted: a more RESTful way to update your status

2008-10-14 Thread jim.renkel

I too like Joel's idea.

Jim Renkel

On Oct 14, 2:58 pm, Vinuth Madinur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 +1 to what Joel said.

 On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 12:37 AM, jstrellner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Personally I've always liked URI's that can be broken into name/value
  pairs.  In this case, I would like to see:


  What it is basically saying is:
   - Version: 1.0
   - Status for Bob in XML

  If we are POSTing to it, you know (progamatically) that we are trying
  to update that user (and that we should be authenticated as that
  user).  If we are GETing it, you know that we want to see all of that
  users status updates (and authenticated as one of their friends if
  they are protected).

  Basically, I guess I am proposing the merging of statuses and
  user_timeline into just status.

  If you get rid of the generic URLs, then you can easily make sure that
  they are posting to the right account.  If they are currently
  authenticated as sally, but they are trying to post to
 http://api.twitter.com/v/1.0/status/bob.xml, you know that something
  is wrong since they should be posting 


  On Oct 13, 5:11 pm, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm sitting down with @mzsanford this week to spec out what we're
  calling the API Service internally, the next version of the Twitter
  API.  We're going to have a number of questions that we want your
  feedback on, and this is the first.

  Currently, the URL to which you POST to update a user's status is this:


  This breaks RESTful conventions and is generally a bit ugly.  We're
  considering one of the following, either:


  ... or:


  The difference is all in RESTful semantics.  In the first case, you're
  POSTing a new status to the universal collection of statuses.  In the
  second case, you're POSTing a new status to user bob's collection of

  Which do you all prefer and why?  Alternatives welcome.

  Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.http://twitter.com/al3x

Re: Problem with replying to messages

2008-10-14 Thread jim.renkel

OK, the replies and this new post are now visible some 15 minutes
later. I guess I just wasn't patient enough. :-)


Jim Renkel

On Oct 14, 7:09 pm, Ed Finkler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Posts from new users are moderated. Spam is just too bad on Google
 Groups now (I've seen it on several others I am on or maintain).

 Ed Finklerhttp://funkatron.com
 AIM: funka7ron
 ICQ: 3922133
 Skype: funka7ron

 On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 8:05 PM, jim.renkel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've tried replying to several messages in the twitter API discussion
  threads, get a reply that the post was successful, but the message
  doesn't show up.

  I've done this many other times in other Google groups with no
  problem. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong here? Anybody else
  seeing this?

  Thanks in advance,

  Jim Renkel

Re: Request for testing data from Twitter (Request / suggestion for offical WADL and WSDL)

2008-10-10 Thread jim.renkel


Thank you for the pointer to and the effort put into creating the WADL
and WSDL.

I'm new to the group, and to Twitter for that matter, but I'm somewhat
surprised that there aren't an official WADL and WSDL for the service.
Or any other complete specification that I can find. Am I missing

I would strongly suggest that official WADL and WSDL be developed and

Comments appreciated in advance.

Jim Renkel

On Sep 29, 1:01 pm, Lukas Jungmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Alex,

 On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 7:36 PM, Alex Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This is a great idea, and something I've been planning on doing since
  the API became my full-time job several weeks ago.  Thanks for the
  suggetion, DeWitt!

 in case you'll (or anyone else) find WADL for the API and/orXMLschemafor API 
 responses useful for the community, you can find them

 I'm not saying it's perfect but can be a good start...


  On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 12:07 PM, DeWitt Clinton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Alex, and all,

  I was upgrading the java-twitter and python-twitter libraries recently,
  partly in anticipation of the upcoming changes to the JSON format, and I
  realized something that might be of great benefit to the community of
  Twitter api library authors.

  Part of my testing strategy is to collect real-world results and run them
  through each library as a way of smoke testing each call.  To date, I've
  been collecting sample data myself by running queries using my own test

  However, if would be even better if Twitter published a collection of
  canonical test datasets corresponding to the various API calls.  That way
  every library author could use the same sample data to test against, and we
  could be sure that our code matched the Twitter API's expectations.

  For example, what if Twitter maintained a public read-only SVN repository
  that contained sample data files like the following:



  [{user:{followers_count:66, ...



  ?xmlversion=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  feedxml:lang=en-US xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom;

    titleTwitter public timeline/title
    link href=http://twitter.com/public_timeline; type=text/html

    subtitleTwitter updates from everyone!/subtitle


  GET testuser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline.xml

  ?xmlversion=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  statuses type=array
  created_atSun Sep 28 17:09:33 + 2008/created_at
  textAs of midnight last night, I've been getting a 3G signal on my
  T-Mobile device in San Francisco, CA./text

  And so on and so forth for each permutation of the various API calls and
  formats.  They should be versioned (perhaps using SVN tags) so we can test
  against past and upcoming API changes as well.  This is especially valuable
  for non-idempotent state-changing POST calls (which are the majority), 
  it is difficult to maintain a stable set of test data between versions.

  Yes, it would be a little bit of work on the Twitter side, but it could
  likely be automated.  Moreover, this would have the advantage of being
  official data for us to test against, which like a pretty reasonable 
  if the community is going to continue to maintain and develop libraries 
  are expect to work as the Twitter API is updated and potentially introduces
  non-backward compatible changes.

  What do you think?



  Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.