Re: [ubuntu-art] iconography

2012-10-23 Thread David Callé

On 10/24/2012 12:08 AM, dieblazin wrote:

If we have suggestions or even new icons to submit, how do we do that?  some
of the icons dont fit the ubuntu theme and i would like to try to fix that.


the best way to do this would be to open a bug report on the default 
icon theme: (mostly panel 
icons and Ubuntu specific icons) (rest of 
the icon theme)

And propose your change by attaching relevant screenshot and file 
alongside the bug description.



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Sent from the ubuntu-art mailing list archive at

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] I'm writing an essay on icon design - Looking for contacts

2011-05-05 Thread David Callé
On jeu., 2011-05-05 at 17:15 +1000, Kate Tuts+ wrote:
 Hi everyone, 
 I work for Envato. I'm currently writing an essay about icons and I
 want to showcase contemporary designs. I have written about this topic
 in the past, but unfortunately I was Windows and Mac OS centric - I
 would like to fix this. 
 I wasn't sure where to look for information regarding Ubuntu icon
 designers / guidelines. I would really like to find some people who
 worked on icons sets that I can interview for my essay. 
 Any help would be great,

Hi Kate,

I'm not an icon designer, but I can point you to a few of them: 
Matthieu James (Faenza icon theme)
Kenneth Wimer (Default Ubuntu icon themes)
Daniel Fore (Elementary icon theme)
Vishnoo Charan Reddy (Default Ubuntu icon

Some guidelines:

Some of these links may be a bit dated, I'm sure other people on this
list will provide better ones.

Good luck with your essay.

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] LibreOffice Logo Concept

2010-11-24 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 10:58, j_baer wrote:
 Thank you for showing your support with your submission for this important
 community project.

+1 indeed :-)

The input from you guys of Ubuntu Artwork is bringing really valuable
results in the LibO project.

Thanks for all your support, too, John. Your goodwill and ideas were
what got the whole thing moving in the first place.

Thorsten, your creative and organisational proposals are very valuable for LibO.

If you have time, guys, I hope it will be an on-going thing. :-)

Please do persevere, even in the face of any inertia you encounter.

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] LibreOffice Update

2010-11-15 Thread David Nelson
Hi Thorsten, :-)

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 18:04, Thorsten Wilms wrote:
 You use sentences like if you have clear arguments against it, I'll
 drop the subject and OK, I'm ready to listen to all ideas against
 this. :-), but then you don't wait for even a single reply before you
 carry this over to elsewhere.

In fact, I was responding to John's post, since he started this
LibO-related thread, and since the thread I started on the LibreOffice
marketing list relates directly to the communication and interaction
I'd love to ignite between the projects.

 I don't think this is fair to either project (and wherever else you may
 be posting).

Well, I'm sure no-one's mailbox is going to explode! As an
enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux, a supporter of the recently-formed
LibreOffice project, and a lover of FOSS software in general, I'd love
to contribute
towards breaking down the barriers between FOSS projects, and
perhaps to put forward some outsider's ideas, even if people seem to find
them unorthodox and convention-breaking.

It's healthy and interesting to debate ideas constructively with an open mind.
And it's intelligent and pragmatic to recognize and accept the learnings
when all points of view have been properly examined.

 Well, my reply can be found right below your message, following that
 nabble link, now.

Thank you for your time and goodwill in replying. I plan to let this
thread sit a few days, to see what responses it brings, and then
I'll post considered responses to all the ideas and opinions put forward.

 Note that I don't doubt that you have the best intentions.

Thank you for that, Thorsten. :-) And I'm sure you do, too.
I'd like to thank you for having stepped across the wall and
made contact with the guys on the LibO marketing list.
I hope it will be an on-going involvement.

I really invite other people on this list to come and interact
with the TDF/LibO people, too!

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] LibreOffice - An Open Apology

2010-11-15 Thread David Nelson
Hi John, :-)

Thank you for the very kind words. And great thanks, too, for the
support you've offered to TDF and the LibreOffice project. :-)

As regards any apology, well, anyone who puts forward a controversial
idea in an Open Source project had better be thick-skinned, and had
better be ready with good arguments! I know how these things go, so no
worries there. ;-)

Also, in the LibO list thread, Thorsten did examine both sides of the
issue, so I can't fault his constructive discussion, even though I'm
aware that - on balance - he doesn't support the idea I'm advancing.

I'm not sure what the ultimate decision will be regarding a
logo/mascot contest. But I am certain that it was a very positive
thing to have established contact between TDF/LibO and Ubuntu - both
for LibO and as a general initiative between FOSS projects. I'm sure
this is just the start of what will turn out to be a longstanding
communication and collaboration.

So a big thanks to you, John, for having been so receptive, positive
and proactively helpful about it.

Meanwhile, for the moment, seeing the other messages incoming to this
thread, I think we'd better both just duck and run, mate! :-D

See you soon in another thread! ;-)

David Nelson

The light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness shall not overcome it.

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] LibreOffice project: request for contributors and mentoring

2010-11-10 Thread David Nelson
Hi Martin, :-)

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 16:00, Martin Owens wrote:
 Thanks for getting us an email about your needs. Does the TDF have a set
 of requirements and/or briefs to work from and a place to upload

 How wide would you like participation? We could throw this further than
 just this Ubuntu group if you like.

About all we've got right now can be seen at the pages below. We need
to make a lot of progress quickly. But please do feel free to sign up
and post to the marketing mailing list, especially. Then maybe you'd
like to take a look at the pages below and jump right in with an
introduction of yourself (you might care to mention this thread). You
could also have a look at the Nabble archive, beforehand, where you'll
see some good threads to write to.

It would definitely be great if you can spread the word further than
this Ubuntu group. I didn't want to post to too many Ubuntu lists
because I didn't want to be seen as spamming. But the more people we
can reach, the better.

OT: By the way, I'm a full-time Ubuntu user myself. Just wanted to say
a big thanks for a great distro. I love you guys' artwork. :-)

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] LibreOffice project: request for contributors and mentoring

2010-11-10 Thread David Nelson
Hi Thorsten, :-)

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 17:22, Thorsten Wilms wrote:
 give me the impression that a logo (and color scheme) has been selected
 and is on the way of being established!?

The situation is that some initial provisional choices have been made,
with the idea that those choices are up for possible change in the
near future. That notably apples to the color scheme. I think the logo
is still open to influence if interesting alternatives are proposed.
In particular, there is a wide opening for a MASCOT cum LOGO.

I'm pretty sure I'm not contradicting TDF intentions if I say that
*nothing* is set in stone yet, especially as the first LibreOffice
release has not shipped. Let meritocracy and creativity rule would
still be the rule of thumb.

One thing that is certain is that there is going to be a lot of work
upcoming on artwork for the distrib and for branding in the coming
months, and contributors are definitely needed for that.

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] LibreOffice project: request for contributors and mentoring

2010-11-10 Thread David Nelson
Hi Boudhayan, :-)

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 18:51, Boudhayan Gupta wrote:
 The very name LibreOffice suggests that the office suite gives a lot
 more about being free rather than make sure it works. Of course we want
 a free office suite, but it also has to able to be used to type a
 letter, or create a expense report.

My personal experience is that it is a very high-quality product, and
the project is very active. Upcoming 3.3 is likely to be the last
version before big enhancements to the user interface. There's a lot
of exciting work in progress and planned, with lots of opportunity for
creativity and inventiveness... A great time to join the project as a
contributor. ;-)

 But OTOH, I've tried out the 3.3 Betas of LO, and they sure rock.

See what I mean? :-)

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] LibreOffice project: request for contributors and mentoring

2010-11-10 Thread David Nelson
Hi Boudhayan, :-)

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 19:30, Boudhayan Gupta wrote:
 That apart, the big enhancements to the user interface sounds
 exciting, and the way that the project, or rather the foundation, has so
 swiftly done so much make me want to be a part of the TDF community
 ASAP :-)

The user interface is up for major revision. There's a lot of
brain-storming going on right now. It will be great if there are lots
of creative minds contributing to the process. I'm certain that the
results are going to to be really good. Do jump in and join the
effort. :-)

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Contributining in Meaningful Ways - LibreOffice project

2010-11-10 Thread David Nelson
Hi John, :-)

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 20:17, John Baer wrote:
 Here is an opportunity to contribute to a project which has high
 visibility and the work so far is very good.

 My fear is the total effort is greater than this group can handle but we
 can certainly contribute in meaningful ways by creating specific items
 as requested.

 I agreed to pursue this further to discover specifically the items to be

 I also anticipate more requests will arrive soon.

Certainly, involvement from Ubuntu would be a really positive thing
for LibreOffice. If there's anything I can do to facilitate things in
some way, do let me know. But I know you'd get a positive response if
you guys make contact directly. I'll be giving feedback to TDF about
this contact-making later today. They'll certainly be responsive, I'm
sure. :-)

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] LibreOffice project: request for contributors and mentoring

2010-11-10 Thread David Nelson
Hi Vish, :-)

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 23:29, Vishnoo wrote:
 In Gnome, We have traditionally had a lot of problem with theming and
 design of OpenOffice, other folks who would like to hear about and give
 some feedback might be at:
 Gnome Usability and GnomeArt list:

I have bookmarked those and will be making contact there too. Thanks
for the tip. :-)

 [As the mail sounds more of a call to join to the LibreOffice lists and
 to spread the message]

It is. :-)

  Blogs like and
 have more readers than this mailing list.
 [OMG!Ubuntu seems to have more readers of the two]
 Contacting them as well would probably get the message out louder.

Again, thanks for the heads-up, Vishnoo. I'll be taking your advice.

If anyone else has good tips, I'd love to hear them. ;-)

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] LibreOffice project: request for contributors and mentoring

2010-11-09 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

I'm a member of the LibreOffice community. LibreOffice (LibO) is the
office suite project of The Document Foundation (TDF), the
community-driven organization that recently forked from the
Oracle-managed project.

TDF/LibO is currently working on its branding and on its artwork for
the LibreOffice distribution. We are currently very short of GRAPHIC

Notably, right now, we urgently need creative talent to help us design
artwork for our websites. We need to develop a logo, and - hopefully -
a MASCOT along the lines of Linux's Tux, to act as a living
ambassador that achieves lasting recognition of our brand and products
in people's minds.

But we also need talent to work on icon sets and other artwork on an
ongoing basis.

A number of Linux distributions have announced their intention to ship
LibreOffice with their future releases. We know that they frequently
do re-branding work to integrate their chosen office suite in lines
with their project's thinking.

So we are keen to involve you in our project branding and development,
so that we ship releases that better fit your needs.

LibreOffice and The Document Foundation could also benefit from
MENTORING and from close and ongoing involvement from established
Linux projects, especially in these early days when we are developing
our infrastructure and organization.

Like you, we passionately value and believe in Free Open Source
software (FOSS).

We very much ask you to get involved in our project and influence our
development. We seek your comments and advice and contributions. For
this, below you will find a number of links as a starting point:

LibreOffice marketing mailing list:

The Document Foundation general discussions mailing list:

LibreOffice developers mailing list:

TDF steering committee discussions mailing list:

LibreOffice user support mailing list:

Our Nabble gateway for easy mailing list browsing:

The Document Foundation contacts page:

Mail address distributing to all TDF press and media contacts:

LibreOffice dedicated IRC channel: #libreoffice at

TDF dedicated IRC channel: #documentfoundation at

Follow TDF via @docufoundation on Twitter:

Follow TDF via @docufoundation on

Visit the TDF website:

And, of course, if necessary, you can contact me, too, at the address
from which this mail was sent, or via this mailing list.

Thank you for your time reading this message. Thank you, also, for
your own valuable work in bringing the world Open Source software.

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Wallpaers Modificados

2010-08-25 Thread David Hamm
A 3d animated boot screen would be cool. It has been done before so It might
happen again. Thanks for the support, the flower images are pretty. Ubuntu
is always changing, even I don't know what it's going to look like. :D


 Debido a que lo que envié ayer por la noche me hicieron algunas
 correcciones en cuanto al tamaño y que deberían ser sin el logo y sin letras
 he modificado algunos de los Wallpapers, en una carpeta hay unos con letras
 y el logo yo no  le veo la distracción en eso pero bueno ustedes son los que
 deciden. Me gustaría saber que es lo que realmente la comunidad quiere para
 el nuevo Ubuntu ya que veo que hay muchas imágenes las cuales no veo como
 imagen o wallpaper principal del nuevo Ubuntu.

 También estaba pensando que el nuevo Ubuntu 11.04 debería tener una
 animación en 3D de 3 segundos al iniciar en lugar de la pantalla plana que
 aparece cuando carga, bueno eso es lo que he pensado no se la comunidad
 que dirá.

 Cualquier cosa estoy en el correo todo el día


 Es un placer poder apoyar en este proyecto tan grande e importante.

 Giovanny Walteros


 ubuntu-art mailing list

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Wallpapers Ubuntu

2010-08-24 Thread David Hamm
Artwork is chosen from here: should be =1920x1680
greater then or equal to
typically no Ubuntu logo/text because its distracting
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] (no subject)

2010-08-23 Thread David Hamm
If i'm not mistaken the dude created the logo from scratch, no easy feat.

There are some extra resources here
although you have to dig through the Ubuntu logo
file to get them. Here's a simple logo you can drag into your art and

Personally I'd love to see more hand made artwork, vs computer made or
photo's. Hand made artwork always has a natural beauty.
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] 1010 CountdownBanner

2010-08-18 Thread David Hamm
was debating on making a comment section in

but anyway was wondering what thoughts were going around on the banners, I
like q's orlando's and myn of course.
despite my live of brown though I'm curious as to what thorwills would look
like with the brown an as such the border removed. I wouldn't even mention
the days left to let the artwork convey the time to happiness.
was surprised no one was discussing these be there is a long going on and
the dev's do have the final say :p
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] 10.10 Impression GTK Themes

2010-07-04 Thread David Zondlo
Wow, great improvement. Looking (much) better than ever.

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Metacity Button Order Changed

2010-03-05 Thread David Zondlo
While I am super used to buttons-on-right I think I'm the only one who is
digging the change to the left. Google chrome is still messing with me since
its not decorated by metacity. Might have to go back to FF :P

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Need Help with new Lynx wallpaper, also advice.

2010-01-31 Thread David Callé
On 31 January 2010 20:11, Smartboy wrote:

 On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 11:04 AM, Saleel Velankar svela...@gmail.comwrote:

 k it wasn't the intersecting lines, my perspective was off for front
 regular leg...

 Fixed: better? Worse? Can someone tell me how to add things to flick


 ubuntu-art mailing list

 MUCH better, I like it a lot now. :) As for Flickr, I don't know as I don't
 use it, sorry. :(


 ubuntu-art mailing list

I really like this one.

David Callé
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] empathy icon improvements

2010-01-07 Thread David Nel
I could give it a try. I'm new to Ubuntu and would like to contribute.

On 1/7/10, Kenneth Wimer wrote:
 Hi all,

 If you haven't seen this bug yet, check it out:

 Currently, the icons do not match because a) the microphone is only included
 at 48x48 in humanity and b) the webcam is from the gnome theme.

 Ideally, these icons would be simple, one-color icons, similar to the panel
 notifier area icons in humanity. Would anyone be interested in working on

 Creating the icons shouldn't be too hard, as they are only simple shapes and
 would be a good way for a first time experience contributing to ubuntu

 If you are interested, get in touch and I'll be glad to help.


 ubuntu-art mailing list

Sent from my mobile device

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Troy S. on Six Ubuntu Oopsies and Possible Quick Fixes

2010-01-05 Thread David Nel
There is definitely some good points highlighted there. I'm new to Ubuntu
(even Linux for that matter) and the my first adventure in to customizing it
lead me away from the default overpowering font / sizes. I like the idea of
standardizing the window control buttons away from the orbs of OSX and the
windows of..well... Windows. Ha.

Thanks for the insightful link.

David Nel

KolorGuild | Graphic Designer | Illustrator | Web designer

2010/1/5 Thorsten Wilms


 Surely worth a look and consideration:

 Thorsten Wilms

 thorwil's design for free software:

 ubuntu-art mailing list

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] humanity panel icons

2009-11-11 Thread David Callé
2009/11/12 Kenneth Wimer

 On Nov 11, 2009, at 9:47 PM, mac_v wrote:

  On Wed, 2009-11-11 at 15:00 -0500, Saleel Velankar wrote:
  We are currently waiting for the code to allow for separate
  panel icons.
   I suppose this will be useful for breathe as well.
  Also , there is the issue of one too many...
  Which icons do we really want in greyscale...? Do we really
  want all
  icons monochrome...?
  Apps in greyscale, system icons in monochrome. Actually it might be
  nice, to look at modifications people make for the macosx bar,
  this is essentially the same problem.
  IMO , We can rather just keep the system icons monochrome and use
  runtime desaturation of the other icons. That way it would be
  easier and
  no need to do icons for all apps.
  Since how many ever icon we do  , there will always be some app
  which we
  cannot cover

 There are 80 apps in main and universe that put icons in the panel.
 We are looking into defining exactly which icons are used and how
 they need to be treated. My first attempt will be to use imagemagick
 to re-color these icons monochrome (with slight use of color for some

as I'm thrilled to see a lot of Humantiy related icons being uploaded on
gnome-look, I don't think that systematically greying apps icons is a good
way to keep a consistent panel. I like to think my panel as a quiet spot for
minimalist information, not the place where icons are just grey.

 We'll work on creating a design spec, getting it signed off and out
 into the public asap.



 ubuntu-art mailing list

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Default design note

2009-10-05 Thread David Zondlo
No sorry, I was interested at one point but found it too hard of a
community to become a part of without knowing anyone currently working
on it.

Though I would still suggest at least becoming a part of the gnome
team art team at: , or if you know c++ (or w/e
gnome is written in :P sorry for my inexperience) you could join
another part of the gnome team.


ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Default design note

2009-10-05 Thread David Zondlo
^^ Also forgot to throw in this link on how to get involved. Tho, I'm
sure you would have found it anyway googling


ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Default design note

2009-10-04 Thread David Zondlo
While kde 4.3 does look great and performs so much better than
previous versions, it still lacks enough stability (for me at least)
to use on a desktop computer.

Even though ubuntu's default desktop isn't quite as pretty as
leopard's or vista's (or 7's), in my opinion the ability to customize
far surpasses its rivals. Plus 9.10's new wallpapers truly are
breathtaking. Here is my slightly customized desktop:

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Default design note

2009-10-04 Thread David Zondlo
Definitely give 9.10 kubuntu a try. The new kde is a huge step up. I'm
sure within a few releases it will be really great.

 @ SorinN, I think if you really wanted to change the GUI as a whole
you should look into joining the gnome community. I'm sure you have
some great ideas that they might be able to use.


ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Turrican theme

2009-08-24 Thread David Zondlo
Freaking awesome!!! Maybe lighten up the inner shadows inside the max, min,
and close and personally I would remove the gloss from the titlebar. But
thats just me, I 3 minimalistic-ness. I however disagree on the tabs. I
think they currently look very nice, clean, and well fitting. Nevertheless
'tis the best theme I have seen in quite a while :)

Awesome work
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Karmic boot and login - 3rd iteration

2009-08-18 Thread David Zondlo
Great background. Now I think the white selection color should be toned down
or replaced with another color :) Also +1 to the glow tone down. It looks a
little too over done atm. Its like a really pretty girl with a little too
much makeup.
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Karmic boot and login - proposed designs

2009-08-16 Thread David Zondlo
wow please no not the brown! I thought they were getting rid of brown

Lol, way to pull that out of your ass But I can see where your coming
from with the first iteration being gray and such. I do like the brown tho,
much better then the 1st iteration.
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Karmic boot and login - proposed designs

2009-08-15 Thread David Zondlo
is perfect. Right on target here. As for the next image, things I
think should be changed:

-The bottom toolbar in my opinion should stay, I like the look of one
unifited toolbar at the bottom.

-the black in the user selection box should be replaced with a very
very dark brown, just sticking with the theme.

No question about it, Karmic's boot is going to be hella cool ^_^


ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Karmic boot and login - proposed designs

2009-08-14 Thread David Zondlo
O.O You guys listened?!? Oh man, Ubuntu's community is  *

^-^ I honestly think it is much much better! For some reason -
is looking a little rough on the gradients (checked it on 4 different

Now, what I don't like:
-The color of the bottom toolbar contrasts with the color the the
background tool much. They just look like mismatched browns :(

- The very contrasted white selections in
(Select Language and Mat) I like the fact that you guys are using a
solid color, I'm sure that really cuts down on the amount of images
needed! But something about the white looks off to me. Umm, I don't
believe light brown would look much better but mabye a light brown (or
light gray) really close to white, with a some kind of thick border of
darker brown (or darker gray) that is still pretty light :)

Oh, I just noticed the throbber! It looks much, much better!! Even tho
I dislike some things I think it has gotten much better since the last
one, and perhaps Iteration 3 will nail it :D

Anyways, just my $0.1

ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] Boot screen - Going Green

2009-07-23 Thread David Zondlo
After reading that green might be introduced into the Ubuntu color scheme
(or at least ubuntu os) I thought it might be a good idea to introduce the
color in the Boot screen. Zondlo's - Going

What do you guys think about the idea? What do you guys think about the
.png's themselves? Please critique as necessary :)
Thank you
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Boot screen - Going Green

2009-07-23 Thread David Zondlo
I guess with eucalyptus's cloud computing being added and I
just thought that it was being considered, tho I do recall reading something
else that I can't find. Anywho, I thought it might be a good idea to further
stretch the idea of: Finding your Inner Koala throughout ubuntu (like the
bootscreen! :) ).
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mimetypes

2009-06-28 Thread david zondlo
They look great man. Even the tiny icons still come through great.

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] New Boot Experience in Karmic

2009-06-27 Thread david zondlo

 As for boot animation, I recommend something ridiculously simple, eg.
 a logo and a throbber, maybe with a non-black background colour (dark
 grey?) to spruce things up and show off the awesome. Remember that
 we're aiming for a really, really quick boot. That means complex
 animations will not be very visible (and look tacky, anyway). Also
 remember that this is a still one of MANY screens, again heightening
 the silliness of a noisy graphic.

I created and uploaded an animated gif from you reply. Please comment :)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] New Boot Experience in Karmic

2009-06-26 Thread david zondlo
Wow!! This is very awesome. I am extremely excited about karmic's artwork!
Even the plain-text boot in the pics looks great. Just the clean up and font
change makes it look very nice and professional.

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] New Boot Experience in Karmic

2009-06-26 Thread david zondlo
Ahh, no way to change fonts? But still great work, I look forward to seeing
what the booting experience will look like at the final release.
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Hello

2009-06-18 Thread david zondlo
Maybe you have been misinformed on the mac information? Nevertheless,
welcome to the team :)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] being updated - don't touch!

2009-06-16 Thread David Olszeski
I'll help. Just tell me what in need to do.

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 8:35 AM, Thorsten Wilms wrote:

 On Mon, 2009-06-15 at 20:47 +0200, Thorsten Wilms wrote:

  So I'm asking for volunteers with wiki account, willing to take a block
  of links to open them, one by one, not too fast, trying again later if
  the wiki acts up. Please reply, I will then send out a block of links to
  each volunteer. Will be a piece of cake with enough people ;)

 I'm still wowed but the sheer flood of volunteers!

 With the exception of Kenneth, who did offer his help, thanks! :)

 Luckily I finally had the insight to disable loading of images. This way
 I managed to complete the whole task in what could be called reasonable
 time without triggering that surge protection (a feature originally
 conceived in hell, I believe).

 Looks like I got all the deletions right, but please notify me if you
 stumble over something gone missing ;)

 Thorsten Wilms

 thorwil's design for free software:

 ubuntu-art mailing list

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ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Mandating usage of free tools.

2009-04-12 Thread david holland
First off i am not saying it should be free in every sense of the word, that
would be chaos.
Structure is good,and also i don't think anyone feels forced to contribute
artwork to Ubuntu.
We are all here by choice, because we choose Ubuntu out of the hundreds of
Linux distros to apply our individual talents to in an effort to shape the
Ubuntu with the tag line Linux for Human beings is made by people for
Not just people of one race or people of one religion, not just people who
use gimp and not photoshop or photoshop and not gimp.
By decrementing against people who want to use one type of software as, in
essence nothing more than an interface to convert there vision into
something tangible.
It seams to me, would just alienate people who are great artists with great
vision but are set in there ways.
art after all really has nothing to do with what brush you use, and
everything to do with the people making and seeing it.

i digress

and my only real after thought to this is if we keep up this discussion
which seems to be practice a lot of circular logic we will never get
anything done

On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 1:36 AM, Thorsten Wilms wrote:

 On Sat, 2009-04-11 at 22:01 -0700, David Holland wrote:

  Well i guess the question is
  What does ubuntu stand for ?
  Restrections (windows tm)
  Freedom to do what you want, create what you want as long as no one
  gets hert and we vote on everything
  Restricted we tell you what you can and cant do no voting you pay for

 No, that doesn't follow and is so simplistic that it misses any point.

 Thorsten Wilms

 thorwil's design for free software:

 ubuntu-art mailing list

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Mandating usage of free tools.

2009-04-11 Thread David Holland

On Apr 11, 2009, at 8:51 PM, Ryan Prior wrote:

 On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 3:04 PM, Cory K. wrote:
 I believe that *all* submissions for official art or projects under  
 art team be created with free tools.

 This does not go far enough. We should only accept submissions if they
 are created on Ubuntu. More follows:

 No more wallpapers done with Photoshop and the like for instance. All
 submissions done with free formats also. All images would be PNG/SVG.

 We can't have people working on Fedora or SuSe making wallpapers for
 us, either. That really has got to stop.

 There's something flawed about promoting a free OS and creating it's
 look with another. (Win/OSX) My personal philosophy is use the right
 tool for the job and our tools are plenty capable.

 Our OS is plenty capable. The people who are using distros other than
 Ubuntu to contribute to this mailing list really need to get with the
 program: Ubuntu can run GIMP and Inkscape just as well as anybody else

 Might be a bit of zealotry but that's my proposal.

 You are totally on the mark. If we don't restrict artwork submissions
 to the group which has completely transitioned to our system, we
 forego everything this group stands for: making great *Ubuntu*
 artwork, in the spirit of Ubuntu:

 Be respectful. The Ubuntu community and its members treat one another
 with respect. Everyone can make a valuable contribution to Ubuntu. We
 may not always agree, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behaviour
 and poor manners . . . It's important to remember that a community
 where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one.
 We expect members of the Ubuntu community to be respectful when
 dealing with other contributors as well as with people outside the
 Ubuntu project, and with users of Ubuntu.

 Ryan Prior

 ubuntu-art mailing list

Well i guess the question is
What does ubuntu stand for ?



Restrections (windows tm)

Freedom to do what you want, create what you want as long as no one  
gets hert and we vote on everything

Restricted we tell you what you can and cant do no voting you pay for  

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] audio-card

2009-03-26 Thread david zondlo
I believe if you changed the note to an eight note (such as:, it would
look much, much better :D

Great Work!
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] system-search

2009-03-23 Thread David
2009/3/23 spg76

 I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for system-search.
 I'm focusing on the devices right now but I just made this one to replace
 the one that appears when you summon Docky :)
 Seba (AKA spg76)

 ubuntu-art mailing list

 I'm thinking it might be a good idea to flip this and the microphone so
that they're facing the other way. Most icon sets I've seen tend to face the
other way, and the screw in preferences-system-network is also pointing to
the right. Just my two cents.

I like both icons a lot, though. They've got good detail but still scale
down well.

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] community themes

2009-03-21 Thread david zondlo
Impression. Its lightweight and fastest theme i ever found. I can feel the
performance goes up when I use this theme.

I also agree, Impression :)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 45, Issue 29

2009-03-09 Thread David Hamm
- daniel's wallpapers
I love seeing those horns as they remind me of the beautiful intrepid
pictures. However in both the abstract and regular I feel the rabbit over
all seems a little to fat. It should be more lean to represent the jackalope
speed. Maybe slightly darker and more mysterious?
I too would love to see more new themes, removing some of the older ones.
Can't wait for the Koala!!!

On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 5:00 AM, wrote:

 Send ubuntu-art mailing list submissions to

 To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
 or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

 You can reach the person managing the list at

 When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
 than Re: Contents of ubuntu-art digest...

 Today's Topics:

   1.  daniel's wallpapers (daniel planas)
   2. Re:  daniel's wallpapers (Ryan Prior)
   3. Re:  daniel's wallpapers (shadowh511)

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: daniel planas
 Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2009 21:07:14 +0100
 Subject: [ubuntu-art] daniel's wallpapers
 hello, I'm creating a wallpaper for jaunty jackalope. discuss what changes
 need to please

 first version

 new version(more abstract)

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Ryan Prior
 To: Discussion on Ubuntu artwork
 Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2009 17:21:42 -0500
 Subject: Re: [ubuntu-art] daniel's wallpapers
 On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 3:07 PM, daniel planas daniplana...@gmail.comwrote:

 hello, I'm creating a wallpaper for jaunty jackalope. discuss what changes
 need to please

 I like the less abstract version much better. The abstract one hardly
 resembles a jackalope, and the overall image doesn't elicit a wow or
 beautiful like the first one does. I would like to see more exploration of
 the first concept, especially with the way it contrasts dark and bright


 first version

 new version(more abstract)

 ubuntu-art mailing list

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: shadowh511
 To: Discussion on Ubuntu artwork
 Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2009 22:58:19 -0700
 Subject: Re: [ubuntu-art] daniel's wallpapers

 On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Ryan Prior wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 3:07 PM, daniel planas daniplana...@gmail.comwrote:

 hello, I'm creating a wallpaper for jaunty jackalope. discuss what
 changes need to please

 I like the less abstract version much better. The abstract one hardly
 resembles a jackalope, and the overall image doesn't elicit a wow or
 beautiful like the first one does. I would like to see more exploration of
 the first concept, especially with the way it contrasts dark and bright


 first version

 new version(more abstract)

 ubuntu-art mailing list

 ubuntu-art mailing list

 I see no problem in the abstract.  facepalm/facepalm

 We should *SERIOUSLY* make an extra themes package for Jaunty and jaunty+1

 Ubuntu FTW!

 ubuntu-art mailing list

ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] My mistake.

2009-03-09 Thread David Hamm
Eeek! Sorry for that awfully long post, as well as not including the
subject. Shouldn't happen again ;)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Jaunty Highway Background

2009-03-09 Thread david zondlo
Very cool background! I would go with diff colors but great wallpaper :)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Jaunty Wallpaper

2009-03-05 Thread david zondlo
I absolutly love this wallpaper!! I wouldnt change it in any way! (well,
except add a inner shadow, but I do that to evey wallpaper :) )
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Jaunty Wallpaper

2009-03-05 Thread david zondlo
also, I wouldnt mind getting a super sharp 1600x1200 version! xD (my res is
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Fwd: Wallpaper again

2009-03-05 Thread david zondlo
I agree, I belive the jackalope should stay out of this one :)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Jaunty Wallpaper

2009-03-05 Thread david zondlo
And to the darker comment, this is what Im currently using :) (really dont
mean to offend Mads  Rosendahl!!)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Jaunty Wallpaper

2009-03-05 Thread david zondlo
errr wrong link (sorry for posting so much in this thread!!)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] newbie: apply theme without logout

2009-03-02 Thread David Stuart
All I can think of is hitting alt+f2 and running metacity --update

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 12:26 PM, geng wang wrote:


 Sorry in advance if I should have looked around somewhere else before

 This is my first attempt to change a theme - make my own theme. I
 began with directly editing gtkrc file in my Human theme
 dirctory(tooltip color, fg_color, etc.). I'd like to see the changes I
 made and I have no clue how to do it, correctly. What I did was log
 out and relog in. Another way I found that I could do this is to go to
 Appearance and reselect Human, which force the engine to update.

 So I am sure there is better way to do it. So how do I see the changes
 I made on an gtkrc file, instantly or interactively? Is there any
 command, or tools?

 Any lead to some step by step tutorials would be helpful. Short ones
 would be nice!;)

 Thanks again!


 ubuntu-art mailing list

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] theme jaunty By Zgegblog

2009-03-02 Thread david zondlo
I definitely agree, if the logo and text was removed form the wallpaper and
the pic on the lower right was lowered in opacity that would be an
absolutely killer wallpaper!
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Jaunty BG: Laolo (painted)

2009-02-26 Thread david zondlo
 I definitely agree with Joseph. Great painting tho!

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Impression Metacity Updates

2009-02-23 Thread David
On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 7:27 AM, Joseph wrote:

 Hey guys,

 Here is a quick, if amateur start button sketch.
 Also can someone tell me how not to top post whatever that means, since I
 think i got screamed at for that before.

 On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 6:34 AM, Oliver Scholtz scholli...@yahoo.dewrote:

 UbUntU --- second idea attached ;)

 PD: This kind of buttons I haven't see anywhere ... :D Hope it can be
 useful, too ;)

 Sincerly Oliver

 ubuntu-art mailing list

 ubuntu-art mailing list

I believe you posted that in the wrong thread.

More on topic, though: Here's a screenshot of an emerald theme I designed a
while back for my GTK theme. It just uses characters _  and X in the
Analecta font (available in the Ubuntu package ttf-ancient, iirc).

People told me I should redo it using vectors, but I'm not very good with
InkScape. Anyway, it's really just another concept I'm tossing out there. I
don't really know if it can be made to fit with the Ubuntu look, but I
figured it was worth mentioning. If anyone wants the theme to look at or
something here it is...

David Mikucki
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Impression Metacity Updates

2009-02-21 Thread David Stuart
I hate the blue.  I thought the red orange and yellow design was perfect at

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 11:39 AM, Smartboy wrote:

 On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 10:36 AM, John Baer wrote:
  I adjusted the Impression metacity controls to reflect the comments I
  have received and created a wiki page to show the changes.
  IMO the current effort is very functional but I am sure there are other
  good designs which would add value.
  If you have the time and would like to contribute please post your
  effort to the wiki page or this list.
  As always comments are welcome.
  ubuntu-art mailing list

 Sorry to say this, but it looks too much like a Mac, imo. I want
 Ubuntu to look different, not similar to another OS.


 ubuntu-art mailing list

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Miu Theme

2009-02-19 Thread David Stuart
I think this looks like a great candidate. Keep up the good work!

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 8:33 AM, Saleel wrote:

  James Schriver wrote:
  On Thu, 2009-02-19 at 07:28 -0500, Saleel wrote:
  James Schriver wrote:
  On Wed, 2009-02-18 at 17:28 -0600, david zondlo wrote:
  Perhaps, just a dark orange (brown) on the selected text for easier
  One more thing, is on the selected tabs, it doesn't look like the
  gradient from white to the tan color, is even.
  Thanks for the suggestions, Dave.  Here's a recent screenshot with the
  changes.  Let me know if that is more visible/usable?  I changed the
  gradients on the notebook tab and made the active text a bit darker.
  Loads better imo, the metacity theme takes up way too much space of
  smaller screens. I have been forced to use a hacked up
  emerald/different metacity; could you make the metacity thinner?
  BTW: really good theme, great balance between orange and tan. really
  looks modern and polished.
 Yes! I will try this once I get on my laptop, thanks!

 ubuntu-art mailing list

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Miu Theme

2009-02-19 Thread david zondlo
Wow, really killer work!! This is most definitely in my top 3 themes!

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Miu Theme

2009-02-18 Thread david zondlo
Perhaps, just a dark orange (brown) on the selected text for easier
One more thing, is on the selected tabs, it doesn't look like the gradient
from white to the tan color, is even.

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Power option icons

2009-02-18 Thread david zondlo
I think you should really lower the opacity of the whitish gradients on
black metal, looks really strange atm D:
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Power option icons

2009-02-17 Thread david zondlo
wow, all the new icons look substantially better!

is my personal favorite ^-^ I really really like the look of those
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Miu Theme

2009-02-17 Thread david zondlo
This made me go WOW! It just feels so... right, imo. The only thing I
don't like is the color of the selected radio/checkmark/button and
unfocused tab text. It shouldn't be orange,* but perhaps a light gray.*

I completley agree! This theme really does feel like ubuntu done right ^-^

Also the glossy back and forward buttons are absolutely beautiful! Id like
to request
a screenshot of the pointer hovering over the X button on the window :D

Very nice work!
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Power option icons

2009-02-16 Thread david zondlo
Woah!!! Sorry but they look really really off. :(  I think the symbol
(restart, and power) should be smaller, but that would suck for the smaller
icons when the user can't see the restart or power symbol! (also think about
a shadow (or a more vibrent shadow) on the outside of the inner circle
(where the symbols are))
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Power option icons (help wanted)

2009-02-11 Thread david zondlo
what I would do, is inner shadow on the inner circle and gloss layer on the
inner circle :)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Update: Feb 4th 2009

2009-02-06 Thread david zondlo
Wow!  its really looking amazing! This will be the standard for jaunty
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Wormhole Theme]A Light Theme - Wiki and Download (About TitleBar)

2009-01-21 Thread david zondlo
Very cool work :D

I defiantly think that the new one looks better

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Wormhole Theme]A Light Theme - Wiki and Download

2009-01-18 Thread david zondlo
Dont really like the wallpaper, but the theme is looking really, really
good. I think I would lower the general opacity of the stripe at the top of
the title bar. Other then that, its looking pretty professional / amazing :D

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] A Light Theme

2009-01-17 Thread david zondlo
I like it alot, however I would make the window background in the toolbar
rounded instead of the squarish background that it currently is, and also
the window title text, has a shadow that makes the current color of the text
look strange (in the bad way :S ).
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] A Light Theme

2009-01-17 Thread david zondlo
Quick response. I will most definitely use, and recommend this theme if it
ends up coming out well.
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] applications-utilities

2009-01-15 Thread David
The concept behind the swiss army knife isn't trademarked. Just the Swiss
cross sign thing. I've seen lots of off-brand (red) fake swiss army knives.
The logo on the icon is an Ubuntu logo, too As far as I know, everyone
is allowed multi-tools like the swiss army knife. Only Victorinox and

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Smartboy wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 9:42 AM, spg76 wrote:

 I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for applications-utilities.
 Seba (AKA spg76)

 ubuntu-art mailing list

 Nice, but the Swiss army knife is trademarked. You'd have to make it a
 different color at least. :(


 ubuntu-art mailing list

David Mikucki
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] applications-utilities

2009-01-15 Thread David

 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Smartboy smartboyath...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 9:42 AM, spg76 wrote:

 I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for applications-utilities.
 Seba (AKA spg76)

 ubuntu-art mailing list

 Nice, but the Swiss army knife is trademarked. You'd have to make it a
 different color at least. :(


 ubuntu-art mailing list

Oops, sorry for top posting, that message wasn't even supposed to be sent
out. I hit the wrong key combo and the message sent itself.

Here's what I meant to say...

The concept behind the swiss army knife isn't trademarked. Just the Swiss
cross sign thing. I've seen lots of off-brand (red) fake swiss army knives.
The logo on the icon is an Ubuntu logo, too As far as I know, everyone
is allowed multi-tools like the swiss army knife. Only Victorinox and Wenger
are allowed to put the Swiss Army Knife cross symbol thing on them, though.

David Mikucki
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] alpha wallpaper and icon needed

2008-12-30 Thread David Z
Really sorry about double post, it wont happen again.

Entery Submitted:

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] alpha wallpaper and icon needed

2008-12-30 Thread David Z
Oblivians Jaunty Wallpaper v.2 submitted, I think its a bit better. -

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] alpha wallpaper and icon needed

2008-12-29 Thread David Z
Ima also currently working on a wallpaper.

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] New Wave 0.7.0 Release Candidate Preview

2008-12-20 Thread David Z
Its nice, much better.

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] applications-development, system-file-manager and gnome-screenshot

2008-12-16 Thread David Z
You have really outdone yourself on these icons.

The only one I still don't fully agree with would have to be the
applications-office icon. As previously said, the thought that comes
to mind is: ipod, and I think that will the the same thought of many
of ubuntu users. I was thinking, perhaps a man (somthing like: ) with a bright
colored tie.

But the three new icons are absolutely killer. I really like the
inward bevel (or inward shadow, cant tell xD) of the white label above
the handle of the system-file-manager


ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] applications-internet

2008-12-09 Thread David
2008/12/9 spg76 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I uploaded to the wiki icons for applications-internet.

 Seba (AKA spg76)

I really like the idea but the landmasses seem to be further south than
normal and larger
in comparison to the size of the globe. For example, Greenland's location
and size make
me do a double take. I think Thorsten's idea of an 'agnostic' globe might be
easier and
better from a technical and PR point of view.

Again, it's a really good idea and you've made fantastic contributions so
keep it up!

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Yukai theme ( Metacity )

2008-11-29 Thread David Z
hm, I think you should try to darken the orange and change the text
colour to white. Also the text should be boldened

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Breathe - Start-Here image.

2008-10-05 Thread David
2008/10/2 Cory K. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 So we need a start-here image. It's the one used in the Applications

 Here's the example of the one for Oxygen:

 Ours obviously needs to be the Ubuntu logo. SVG:

 So lets see what you crazy kids can com up with. :)

 -Cory K.

This is taken from the Clear_Intrepid submission on the wiki but I think
like this:

would be really good. I don't know any of the technical limitations that
make this unfeasible but the idea of a three-dimensional logo is what I was
getting at.

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Breathe drive-optical

2008-10-04 Thread David

 Hmm. I think the perspective and proportions of the first are much more
 convincing. Would be good to hear other voice here ;)

 Thorsten Wilms

 thorwil's design for free software:

 ubuntu-art mailing list

This is my first post to the list, hope I do it right! ;)

I'd have to agree with Thorsten here, if you could use the front part from
the second version but the perspective of the first version then you'd have
a winner! The perspective of the second version would suit a hard drive icon
more than an optical drive icon.

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Stunning Ubuntu video presentations

2008-09-23 Thread David
On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 10:09 AM, Matthew Nuzum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 2:47 AM, Mads Rosendahl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think Ubuntu could use some stunning video presentations.

 Although the art-team makes beautiful art, we most likely have to team
 up with some animators, perhaps from the Blender forum, to get slick
 animations, a professional look, transitions and so on.

 Hi Mads, the web presence team had a tiny bit of discussion relating
 to this recently. I want to encourage you (or someone who is duly
 motivated) to take the reigns on this and get it done.

 We (the web presence team) would love to have some attractive visual
 content to feature. I will not mislead you, these pieces you pointed
 to are beautiful, high quality works demonstrating the results of many
 many hours of labour. It will be a challenge to do.

 If you want to see it done, I would envision the process being:

  * Decide on the message - it should be something timeless since a: it
 may take more than one release cycle and b: you don't want it to look
 out of date in 6 months.

  * Wireframe/sketch the key frames

  * Recruit talented people to help produce it. (There are talented
 people on this list and I suspect many are waiting and watching for
 the opportunity to use their talents for something meaningful)

  * Produce it. :-)

 I am a firm believer in, see a need and fill it. The points you made
 are good and I think you should go for it.

 Matthew Nuzum
 newz2000 on freenode

 ubuntu-art mailing list

I think Linux has been missing good video editing software for a while
now. It would be really cool if this could be a project to get the
developers involved in creating tools for doing video editing. Or
maybe latching onto software like Blender and adding in all the
features/refining the ones that are already there. Kind of like the
Big Buck Bunny, or Elephant's Dream Project. Where the product is what
drives the developers.

Just a thought, though.


ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Henry wants to chat

2008-09-09 Thread David
On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 9:40 PM, shadowh511 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ubuntu FTW!

 ubuntu-art mailing list

Haha, I think it was an accident, too.

David Mikucki

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Folder Icon challenge.

2008-09-01 Thread David
On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 9:21 PM, Ken Vermette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 12:46 PM, Kenneth Wimer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 I think that for a first try this is pretty good. The highlight gradient
 the bottom could be less saturated at the first stop and perhaps a bit
 subtle - I know that is getting picky but it is one very important part
 we don't want to lose. One very tricky part of making folders is making
 version which work well and look similar to the large versions. My
 has shown that making a small version while making the big version keeps
 things within the bounds of possibility.

 I will try to scrounge up some of the other folder variants we made for
 a couple of years ago and post them to the list.


 ubuntu-art mailing list

 As per a smaller version, a re-make in the older flat style might be more
 visually appropriate.
 Anywho, mark 2. I also threw in some gloss versions in there. I have no idea
 if the thumbnails in the icon are feasable at this point, but nonetheless
 they are there.

 -Ken Vermette

 ubuntu-art mailing list

I like that a lot. If we can flip the folder around so the top lip
thing is in the left, the thumbnails will be much more visible.
Another option would be to put the thumbnail on top and add a drop
shadow... if the transparency thing doesn't work.

David Mikucki

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu Studio Intrepid look is shaping up.

2008-08-23 Thread David
On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 12:57 PM, Zakk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 В 18:36 -0400 на 19.08.2008 (вт), Cory K. написа:

 Ubuntu Studio's Intrepid look is coming along.

 Desktop shot only:

 Not really looking for anything. Just showing interested people.

 Big thanx to Conn for the collaboration so far.

 -Cory K.

 It is coming along very nicely! I like those folder icons. However I'm
 not sure about the title bar's transition into menubar. Is it meant to
 represent some real object? Probably it will look better IMO if the
 transition is a defined line.

 Keep up the good work.


 Anton Kerezov wrote:

 It looks awesome! Great work!

 I agree with Anton about the title bar's transition into the menu bar.
 Also, the gray look a little flat to me.
 Actually, that's probably good to have it look like that stock. I just like
 the gloss look.


 ubuntu-art mailing list

I agree with Zakk, I would either define the line more, or not use so
sharp a gradient (Maybe fade to a darker shade of gray?). Icons,
panels, and widgets are looking great! :)

David Mikucki
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] dark theme probs

2008-08-09 Thread David
On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 3:44 AM, Thorsten Wilms [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 2008-08-08 at 19:03 -0400, Victor wrote:

 If I remember correctly, OS X
 also uses unified menu/titlebar, how do they manage the movement of

 Seems you can drag from the titlebar and any empty space of the menubar.
 I have said before that this should be a requirement for the unified
 look, independent of how Apple does it.

 Thorsten Wilms

 thorwil's design for free software:

 ubuntu-art mailing list

This is a point my dad brought up when he was using Ubuntu (I had
given him a Mac-like theme). He said he wasn't sure where to grab the
window to move it. With alt click being able to move windows so
readily, is this even all that important? Once I showed it to him he
didn't seem to mind the titlebar being part of the window nearly as
much. Frankly I find any operating system that doesn't support
alt+click moving windows (and alt+middleclick resizing) to be
extremely annoying.

With regards to the original point one... do the inactive window
frames have to be transparent? I know they don't in Emerald, but does
Metacity force it? If it doesn't, I think we should just leave it off.
Being able to alt+scroll to change window transparency is far more
useful than transparent window titles. Transparent window decorations
doesn't really add anything to the usefulness of the theme, and unless
done well probably shouldn't be done at all.

Just my two cents.

David Mikucki

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] New Wave Progress

2008-08-08 Thread David
On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 3:03 AM, Anton Kerezov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 В 16:12 -0700 на 07.08.2008 (чт), shadowh511 написа:
 Yay! newwave isn't dead anymore

 Do you, anybody else think that coloured buttons will be nice? Like


 ubuntu-art mailing list

I think that is absolutely brilliant. I love the drop shadow onto the
menu. It separates the menu and the top bar while still adding a feel
of consistency to the whole thing. I like the orange buttons, but
perhaps only on hover (if that's possible)? Though I think either way
is fine. The only problem I see in that screenshot is the
emerald/metacity drop shadow. It might just be a glitch on your
computer, but about one quarter of the way down the drop shadow kinda
cuts off. It might be a driver issue. I think I'm going to switch to
it as my default theme next time I'm on a gnome computer, I think it's
looking great so far.

David Mikucki
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Shiki-Colors

2008-08-07 Thread David
On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 1:11 PM, Vadim Peretokin [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 I don't really like all of the gray. It's possibly the least exciting color
 their is, nevermind that it's already associated with another OS.

 ubuntu-art mailing list

 When you think about it, though... gray is great because there can be a lot
of contrast, yet it can still be completely readable. Plus it goes with
anything. When I do web design I try to add color to everything but what
absolutely must be readable (with exceptions, of course). There will be
colors in the header, the background for the main page, images, etc. When it
comes to the content it's usually non exciting. Black on white, or vice
versa... or even just shades of gray. I think we should try to get our
colors into places that they can be without having to worry about stuff. The
orange and brown could be dealt with primarily in the wallpaper, panels,
emerald/metacity theme, and icons. The GTK part should be as boring as
possible to an extent, so as to make it as readable as possible.

One of the best things about Ubuntu is choice. There have been a lot of
excellet ideas thrown out here like Kith, Kin, this theme, and many more
(sorry for not mentioning them all by name). The default theme though should
be something that is acceptable to everyone. I'd love to see a somewhat
boring(ish) default theme, with themes like Kith, Kin, UbuntuStudio
(whatever they're doing), Blubuntu, etc. in the appearance menu. If we
removed a few screensavers, we could add quite a few themes and wallpaers. I
think this would go a long way toward putting Ubuntu ahead of Mac, because
they don't have a lot of choice in what their OS looks like.

Just my 2 cents. Gmail kinda messed up half way through this, I'm prety sure
I won't be top posting, but if I am I apologize.

David Mikucki
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Shiki-Colors

2008-08-07 Thread David
On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 1:35 PM, Vadim Peretokin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 1:23 PM, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The default theme though should be something that is acceptable to everyone.

 If we go by that, then let's stick with 8.04 human one, as that one is 
 acceptable by everyone quite well do (and it gets originality points!).

 I thought the promised changed were so that it would be something that 
 excited everyone.

 ubuntu-art mailing list

I don't think that sticking with the human thing is necessary. I guess
I'm just saying that we shouldn't get to carried away with the new
theme. Although if Shiki-Colors is stable and works with all programs,
I don't have any problem with it being used. I don't know what I'm
saying, haha. I really do think it is a good idea to have other (more
exciting than the default) GTK themes available in the appearance
manager, or through some sort of download application or web page
(even a simple link in the appearance manager?).

David Mikucki

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Again, top-posting. (*sigh*)

2008-08-04 Thread David
On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 8:00 PM, Dean Landolt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm getting a bit tired of this eternal Top Posting rant.  In the
 future mail, please perceived offenders off-list.


 I know I'm just a lurker who has very little to offer, but frankly, this
 constant complaint is off putting. I totally understand the sentiment, but
 it doesn't help the signal to noise ratio of the list (another regular

 ubuntu-art mailing list

 Well, top posting is quite annoying when you're trying to view the thread
linearly. Imagine if on a forum someone kept finding a way of posting before
the original author way back on page one.

Anyway, in Gmail it's pretty easy to avoid. When you do a replay just page
down to after the person to whom your replying and type your message there.
It's a simple thing to do and it makes everything really easy to read for
everyone. Maybe those who find it most annoying should just put something in
their signature about it?

It's rude to do it, but if someone doesn't know about it they shouldn't be
made to feel like they are an idiot and shouldn't be posting to the list.

David Mikucki
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] More Mockups

2008-07-28 Thread David
On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 7:03 PM, Salane Ashcraft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 5:57 PM, shadowh511 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Jul 28, 2008, at 10:40 AM, Mario Viviani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Il giorno lun, 28/07/2008 alle 15.23 +0200, Duncan Austin ha scritto:
  New batch, I tried to get everyones ideas in here. The only thing I did
  differently from the suggestions was the buttons, the gray background to
  them just made it all feel more solid.
  aaand... The development SVG. One thing about the SVG is that it's -very-
  How about something different for the buttons, since we're being
  Mockup here:
  Quite difficult to make them work, but i think it can be done. In Emerald
  it's easier than in metacity, so maybe someone can try making a working
  candidate for them.. I think they're cool and original, but thinking
  usability i have some doubts...
  ubuntu-art mailing list
  Honestly, why is everyone wanting to use emerald?  It is as stable as
  windows 95!
  ubuntu-art mailing list
 I think Compiz Fusion is the culprit - Beryl was so much more stable
 for me at least.

 Salane Ashcraft

 ubuntu-art mailing list

Have we considered Trying Jasper? (trying not to top post, please let me
know if I'm doing something wrong).

David Mikucki
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Where is userchrome.CSS stored?

2008-07-28 Thread David
On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 7:25 PM, shadowh511 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ubuntu-art mailing list

I think it's... ~/.mozilla/{default}/chrome/*userChrome.css* but (default)
has weird text in front of it.

David Mikucki
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Whats Up with This?

2008-07-03 Thread David
If we go orange again, I think that Kith Intrepid is probably the best one
out there. The only trouble is that it might be a bit loud for some people.
I personally love it, and have been using a setup very close to it on my own
computer. If something like this could be coded in such a way as to allow
the user to change colors at will (effecting the panels, gtk theme, and
emerald theme), I think this could really be the best option. I'd suggest
using Murrine as it seems to be the most customizable (though I'm no
expert), and it will support ARGB for future releases (or this one if it
proves stable).

I think the best thing about this is its originality. There is no other
operating system that looks anything like this, but it's still extremely
usable. My vote probably doesn't count for much, but I'd definitely like to
give this a +1.

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 7:55 AM, Vincent Moulin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi everyone, my first post here :)

 I think this is definitely the kind of colors that would suit the ubuntu

 Have you looked at Kith Intrepid?
 ( )

 It is in the same tones but looks more polished and modern; nothing has
 been done except mockups, but the work on the gtk/metacity(emerald?)
 theme is about to begin in a week or two.


 ubuntu-art mailing list

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] HumanFeistyList

2007-03-15 Thread David Prieto
 As i promised earlier, here is a face selector enable version of current
 gdm theme. Here are the modification i made :
   * Add a userlist.svg background
   * Crop the top of background.png
   * Modify Human.xml
   * Move and reduce logo
   * make field and label horizontally aligned
   * insert selector before password
   * modify .desktop
 Note that my notebook is 16:10, i didn't reach to take a 4:3 screenshot
 for the thumbnail. If one of you can do this, that would be nice. Just
 fire gdmflexiserver --xnest and use the brand new gnome-screenshot
 tools, grabbing a frame, excluding window border.
 Please comment.

Hi Étienne,

Glad your gdm made it to the repos. I have just tried it and it looks
fine. Only two things with it are, 1) the timed login appears slightly
misplaced (the bottom half of it is on the face selector) and 2) the
pictures look VERY big compared to the selector area.

I guess there's no way to have Gnome crop or resize them to sane



ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] metacity theme - two loose pixels

2007-02-20 Thread David Prieto

There are a couple loose gray pixels at the bottom right corner of the
Human window decoration... would it be very hard to get them removed?


Description: PNG image
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Update-notifier icon

2007-02-13 Thread David Prieto
On mar, 2007-02-13 at 22:38 +0100, Lapo Calamandrei wrote:
 What about something like these?

That red arrow looks GREAT!

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Incoming Feisty art

2007-02-12 Thread David Prieto
On lun, 2007-02-12 at 16:43 +0100, Kenneth Wimer wrote:
 On Monday 12 February 2007 13:51:41 you wrote:
  On lun, 2007-02-12 at 13:38 +0100, Kenneth Wimer wrote:
   Hi all,
   I'm working on the are 3 variants that I think address the
   issues that Etienne mentioned.
   What do you think?
  Might not be entirely related, but is there no way for widescreen
  monitors to show the usplash properly instead of stretched out?
 There is a pic for certain resolutions included, but to fit all monitor sizes 
 we would have to include lots of pics which is simply not possible.

Er... I don't know much about monitor sized, but are not most monitors
either 1024x768 or 1280x800, or some other size with the same

I would think that adding those would suffice, but I could be entirely
wrong of course.

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Reversion to Dapper Artwork

2006-10-12 Thread David Prieto

I fully agree with Mark. Why is the new artwork going to be removed anyway?

I'd just like to say (not that I have any sway in these matters) I
strongly disagree with the decision to revert to Dapper artwork for
Edgy. [If I have gotten the wrong impression about this please ignore
the silly rant below]

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] cancel / apply icons

2006-10-11 Thread David Prieto

Hey David!
Sorry for the delay before answering this...been off to Boston the last 
couple of days for the Summit and didn't have much time to look in my inbox.
I'll rather wait for tango-icon-theme upstream to fix this issue, I'll 
ping the maintainer about it tonight.
- Andreas

Please do and let us know, this is a small issue but extremely important for me... I just loved those icons.

Thanks in advance for your attention and sorry for the continuous rant, I really appreciate the art team's work.

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] cancel / apply icons

2006-10-10 Thread David Prieto

Please note that we're asking for their inclusion in Tango, not Human.

Well I for one find that the Tango icons are remarkably non-Humanish. Tango icons feel cartoonish and artificial (I mean this as style metaphors not critisism, Tango is great) and generally blend in rather poorly with Human IMO. 

The old Gnome icons are non-glossy and pixelised so they stand out quite a bit too. The real solution is to create new icons in the Human style (as has been done with the Apply icon if I'm not mistaken).

ubuntu-art mailing list

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