RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)

2007-11-30 Thread jonah kasangwawo
 earlier attempt to just quote excerpts concerning the gold issue 
notwithstanding). In other words, the Congo issue sets the scene of what was to 
happen. But I guess this is too difficult for you to comprehend, hence you 
understood it as the cause of the crisis. 
If the Congo loot set the scene for what was to happened: Dr. Obote ursurping 
all powers from a SITTING PRESIDENT and COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF, then can we 
definitively say the Congo loot was the cause of the crisis?? Kasangwawo 
sometime I wonder. 
What finally happened that you described as:
- Obote illegally usurped all powers vested in the President of Uganda and 
abolished the offices of the President and Vice-President. - Obote illegally 
suspended and later abrogated the Constitution of Uganda which had been 
negotiated and agreed upon by all Ugandans. - Obote surrounded the House of 
Parliament with soldiers and forced the pigeonhole constitution down the 
throats of Ugandans without the MPs ever getting the chance to read it, let 
aside debate it. - Obote consequently violated the federal arrangement, the 
basis on which Uganda had gained independence. - Obote illegally arrested and 
detained five ministers. - Obote authorized the movement of troops in his 
preparation to overthrow the constitution, thereby threatening the safety of 
the country. - Obote even personally harassed Kabaka Mutesa by sealing up State 
House and not allowing the President to remove his personal effects.
were not the cause of the crisis!! These were actions in the crisis - in other 
words, the crisis was already on!! The above actions were only ways and means 
to settle it!! Fool!!
The cause of the crisis was Congo loot, that led to Grace Ibingira calling for 
vote of non-confidence of the Prime Minister as the leader of government, when 
in fact Dr. Obote, as the Prime Minister, was not even in parliament!! 
If as you would like readers to believe, Kabaka was indeed the President and 
Commander-in-Chief, then why on earth would Ibingira proposed that instead a 
vote of Non-confidence be conducted against Dr. Obote? Could it be because Dr. 
Obote had already carried out all the actions you described, quoted above, that 
to you were the cause of the crisis?? Which one came first kasangwawo? Was it 
Ibingira's call for vote of non-confidence or - Obote illegally usurped all 
powers vested in the President of Uganda and abolished the offices of the 
President and Vice-President. - Obote illegally suspended and later abrogated 
the Constitution of Uganda which had been negotiated and agreed upon by all 
Do you see a fool in the mirror now?
  jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ocii, it is quite tedious to try and discuss something with an ignorant person 
who doesn't even acknowledge that fact and simply refuses to learn. You asked 
me the reasons for the crisis and I reiterated them for you, but you are saying 
you don't see them and yet you give no reason yourself. Are you able to read 
what others write up to the end ? In any case, why don't you tell the readers 
what YOU think the causes were ?  The fact is, underlying all his erratic 
behaviour was Obote's pathological lust for power. And don't be fooled that he 
could have been in position to form a government without KY. The fact that he 
was ready to enter this marriage of convenience by pretending that he supported 
KY's cause is just confirmation that he wanted power by any means possible. 
Without his insatiable lust for power, the 1966 crisis would not have taken 
place. Period ! I fail to understand your logic (if there is any at all).  
After usurping all powers, Obote was a whole Commander-in-Chief TWICE and he 
was deposed by his own army TWICE ! Should Ugandans then look at Obote as 
merely a sitting duck kind of Commander-in-Chief, completely useless for 
Uganda ? Should they ?I am not taking you for a fool - you are actually one. 

Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 20:39:33 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: 
Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)To:
Kasangwawo, you just are making me laugh. Back up, back up for a second. You 
are way ahead in your hurry to indict Dr. Obote over the 1966 crisis!! 
Before Dr. Obote woke up that very morning to ursap all powers from a sitting 
President and Commander-in-Chief, what had happened to cause Dr. Obote to do 
so? There must have been reasons to do so; not just thirst for power like you 
would want us to believe. If Dr. Obote wanted power by any means, he would not 
have even agreed to form the government with KY and the Kabaka!
You have just denyed that Congo's gold loot was not the cause of the crisis. 
Okay, if that is what you want readers to believe. But please tell us the cause 
of the crisis. 
What was the cause of the crisis Kasangwawo? Dr. Obote could not have woken up 
that faithful morning in 1966 to ursap all powers from

RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)

2007-11-23 Thread jonah kasangwawo
 from Congo or 
participating in any plans to overthrow the Constitution. As to the suspension 
of Amin, he said that there were still legal hitches to be straightened out 
before Parliament's resolution could be put into effect. Meanwhile, Onama, Amin 
and Nekyon also denied the accusations and demanded an apology from Ochieng 
within two days, which Ochieng rightly ignored. On 15th February the Cabinet 
asked Obote to read a statement to the press announcing its decision to set up 
a judicial commission to investigate Ochieng's allegations. He also called on 
Ochieng to make a statement to the police by 19th February.
Ochieng made the statement to the police but instead of suspension, Obote 
promoted Amin to the post of Commander of Uganda Army with effect from 23rd 
February 1966 and created a new post of Military Advisor to the Cabinet into 
which he moved Brigadier Opolot. (this is nowadays called 'putting someone on 
On 22nd February, Obote out of the blue staged a coup d'etat against his own 
government and usurped all powers with the following statement:
'In the interest of national stability and public security and tranquility, I 
have today, the 22nd day of February 1966, taken over all powers of the 
government of Uganda. (under which article of the constitution ?) I shall 
henceforth be advised by a Council whose members I shall name later. I have 
taken this course of action independently because of my understanding of the 
wishes of the people of this country for peace, order and prosperity. (yeah, 
right !) Five former ministers have today been put under detention pending 
investigations into their activities. I call upon the judges and magistrates, 
civil servants - both Uganda and expatriate members of the security forces and 
the general public to carry on with their normal duties. I take this 
opportunity to assure everybody that the whole situation is under control.'
The five ministers who were arrested during a cabinet meeting and put under 
detention were: Dr. E.S. Lumu - Minister of Health and Chairman of UPC Buganda 
Region; Grace Ibingira - Minister of State and Chairman of UPC Ankole Kingdom; 
M. Ngobi - Minister of Agriculture  Cooperatives; B.K. Kirya - Minister of 
Mineral and Water Resources and Chairman of UPC Bukedi District and G.B. Magezi 
- Minister of Housing and Labour.
Obote's acts were the beginning of unconstitutionalism in Uganda.)))
Mr. Kasangwawo if from the above writing you cannot see that Kabaka Mutesa had 
completely no case agains Dr. Obote's government of that time then I seriously 
Ochieng was apparently a KY. And given the security concern in Buganda,(NOT 
throughout Uganda, that was KY manipulations) KY being suspected, and consider 
further that all these allegagtions and accussations that led to the 1966 
crisis were just about the brain child of (Ochieng?), do you seriously see a 
case against Dr. Obote 1 government? 
I have highlighted part of what I consider either important or outright flaw, 
in making decision on the crisis, in blue.
I seriously don't see any fault by Dr. Obote in making a move against the Unity 
government. It was the Kabaka and his KY, that Ochieng was fronting for, who 
were grossly mistaken and definitely engaged in acts of sedition in attempting 
to assume power by any means.
I could be entirely wrong.
jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

BWambuga, is it then any surprise that this topic of Buganda/Obote keeps coming 
up, when people like you are persisting on distributing misinformation about 
what really happened ? It is not about whether Obote was stupid or dumb. It is 
a well-known fact that he was cunning as a fox and ready to usurp all powers by 
any means. This included pretending to be nice to people he didn't particularly 
like, in order to deceive them about his ultimate intentions. So it is no 
wonder that Buganda and the Kabaka at first believed him. But it didn't take 
long for his true colours to come out. In his book (the correct name is 
Desecration of my kingdom), Kabaka Mutesa II clearly explained the reasons 
why he, in his capacity as President, had requested for foreign troops. The 
request for troops was not to invade Uganda, as you and Obote claim, but on the 
contrary, it was an attempt to save the country from a Prime Minister who was 
bent on overthrowing the constitution by force of arms and wrest all powers to 
himself. Statements had been made by members of parliament that troops were 
secretly being trained to do just that. Army officers who did not share this 
illegal aim were even detained or suspended. On his return to Kampala from his 
hiding place in the North in February 1966, Obote himself admitted that there 
was great alarm due to troop movements, especially in Kampala. Neither Mutesa, 
as the Commander-in-Chief, nor the Brigadier, who was head of the army, had 
authorized these troop movements. Obote had ordered the movements himself.  The 

RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)

2007-11-22 Thread jonah kasangwawo
 Feb. until 12th Feb. All MPs present on both sides of the 
House, except government-backbencher John Kakonge, agreed to the suspension of 
Idi Amin and the police investigations. Nevertheless, Colonel Amin was just 
given two weeks' leave in contradiction to Parliament's wishes. Kakonge 
curiously stated that Obote's absence was suspicious.
On 13th February 1966, nine days after the accusations against him, Obote 
called a press conference and denied ever receiving gold or tusks from Congo or 
participating in any plans to overthrow the Constitution. As to the suspension 
of Amin, he said that there were still legal hitches to be straightened out 
before Parliament's resolution could be put into effect. Meanwhile, Onama, Amin 
and Nekyon also denied the accusations and demanded an apology from Ochieng 
within two days, which Ochieng rightly ignored. On 15th February the Cabinet 
asked Obote to read a statement to the press announcing its decision to set up 
a judicial commission to investigate Ochieng's allegations. He also called on 
Ochieng to make a statement to the police by 19th February.
Ochieng made the statement to the police but instead of suspension, Obote 
promoted Amin to the post of Commander of Uganda Army with effect from 23rd 
February 1966 and created a new post of Military Advisor to the Cabinet into 
which he moved Brigadier Opolot. (this is nowadays called 'putting someone on 
On 22nd February, Obote out of the blue staged a coup d'etat against his own 
government and usurped all powers with the following statement:
'In the interest of national stability and public security and tranquility, I 
have today, the 22nd day of February 1966, taken over all powers of the 
government of Uganda. (under which article of the constitution ?) I shall 
henceforth be advised by a Council whose members I shall name later. I have 
taken this course of action independently because of my understanding of the 
wishes of the people of this country for peace, order and prosperity. (yeah, 
right !) Five former ministers have today been put under detention pending 
investigations into their activities. I call upon the judges and magistrates, 
civil servants - both Uganda and expatriate members of the security forces and 
the general public to carry on with their normal duties. I take this 
opportunity to assure everybody that the whole situation is under control.'
The five ministers who were arrested during a cabinet meeting and put under 
detention were: Dr. E.S. Lumu - Minister of Health and Chairman of UPC Buganda 
Region; Grace Ibingira - Minister of State and Chairman of UPC Ankole Kingdom; 
M. Ngobi - Minister of Agriculture  Cooperatives; B.K. Kirya - Minister of 
Mineral and Water Resources and Chairman of UPC Bukedi District and G.B. Magezi 
- Minister of Housing and Labour.
Obote's acts were the beginning of unconstitutionalism in Uganda.)))
Mr. Kasangwawo if from the above writing you cannot see that Kabaka Mutesa had 
completely no case agains Dr. Obote's government of that time then I seriously 
Ochieng was apparently a KY. And given the security concern in Buganda,(NOT 
throughout Uganda, that was KY manipulations) KY being suspected, and consider 
further that all these allegagtions and accussations that led to the 1966 
crisis were just about the brain child of (Ochieng?), do you seriously see a 
case against Dr. Obote 1 government? 
I have highlighted part of what I consider either important or outright flaw, 
in making decision on the crisis, in blue.
I seriously don't see any fault by Dr. Obote in making a move against the Unity 
government. It was the Kabaka and his KY, that Ochieng was fronting for, who 
were grossly mistaken and definitely engaged in acts of sedition in attempting 
to assume power by any means.
I could be entirely wrong.
jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

BWambuga, is it then any surprise that this topic of Buganda/Obote keeps coming 
up, when people like you are persisting on distributing misinformation about 
what really happened ? It is not about whether Obote was stupid or dumb. It is 
a well-known fact that he was cunning as a fox and ready to usurp all powers by 
any means. This included pretending to be nice to people he didn't particularly 
like, in order to deceive them about his ultimate intentions. So it is no 
wonder that Buganda and the Kabaka at first believed him. But it didn't take 
long for his true colours to come out. In his book (the correct name is 
Desecration of my kingdom), Kabaka Mutesa II clearly explained the reasons 
why he, in his capacity as President, had requested for foreign troops. The 
request for troops was not to invade Uganda, as you and Obote claim, but on the 
contrary, it was an attempt to save the country from a Prime Minister who was 
bent on overthrowing the constitution by force of arms and wrest all powers to 
himself. Statements had been made by members of parliament that troops were

RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)

2007-11-21 Thread jonah kasangwawo

No, no, no way. I thought you restricted yourself to Acholi men ! What I meant 
was that they had read what you wrote about them and they now know you are 
playing them (unless you made sure that they don't read ugandanet).

Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 10:57:52 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: 
Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)To:

No! They don't know each other.
Or what do you mean? 
Are you adding yourself to my list?
You are welcome. jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Good for you, but They don't know each other ?  Well, they do now. 

Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2007 22:09:37 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: 
Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)To:
Extreme feminist? Hey, a woman gotta do what a woman gotta do! 
I have new Acholi boyfriends and they love me totally. They don't know each 
other but they know that I see other people. So...I live in paradise. Life is 
good. man! Life is sweet.
What is new with you?
Nice to see you again. 
Anyojonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Anyo, yes, I think I remember you. Aren't you the 'penetration' lady ? I hope 
you got over your problems with your former Acholi boyfriend. But did you have 
to turn into a extreme feminist just because things didn't work out ? 2003 ? I 
think that's an exaggeration, I haven't been away that long. I've just been 
busy lately trying to secure my mailo land, lest the balaalo get some ideas. 

Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 15:02:41 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: 
Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)To:
Hey Kasangwawo, what's up? I remember you from 2003?
Wow! I have not been reading Ugandanet regulary so it feels like I have not 
read you since 2003..possible. How have you been? I am so happy to read you. 
What's up?
I missed you a lot.
Remember me?
jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ocii, I'm not quite sure I understood your first question. Are you now 
questioning whether Kabaka Mutesa was Commander-in-Chief or not ?  As for your 
other questions, instead of hurrying to make an attempt to rebut what I said, 
maybe you should first follow the link I provided. You might find that a lot of 
what you are asking is redundant. Kasangwawo.

Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 12:37:05 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: 
Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)To:
Something doesn't make sense to me in what you have written. First, if Kabaka 
Mutesa was the commander in chief, then why was Dr. Obote vested with power to 
even make changes in the army but not the Kabaka? Shouldn't that tell you that 
the presidency of the Kabaka was merely ceremonial?
Second, you wrote: In his book (the correct name is Desecration of my 
kingdom), Kabaka Mutesa II clearly explained the reasons why he, in his 
capacity as President, had requested for foreign troops. The request for troops 
was not to invade Uganda, as you and Obote claim, but on the contrary, it was 
an attempt to save the country from a Prime Minister who was bent on 
overthrowing the constitution by force of arms and wrest all powers to himself.
Obviously the Prime Minister could not have engaged in overthrowing the 
constitution WITHOUT any PRIOR REASON/S to do so!! So, my question to you who 
CONSTITUTION, if at all he faught to overthrow it??
I am sure Kabaka Mutesa must have offered REASON/S to such an allegation.
Ociijonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

BWambuga, is it then any surprise that this topic of Buganda/Obote keeps coming 
up, when people like you are persisting on distributing misinformation about 
what really happened ? It is not about whether Obote was stupid or dumb. It is 
a well-known fact that he was cunning as a fox and ready to usurp all powers by 
any means. This included pretending to be nice to people he didn't particularly 
like, in order to deceive them about his ultimate intentions. So it is no 
wonder that Buganda and the Kabaka at first believed him. But it didn't take 
long for his true colours to come out. In his book (the correct name is 
Desecration of my kingdom), Kabaka Mutesa II clearly explained the reasons 
why he, in his capacity as President, had requested for foreign troops. The 
request for troops was not to invade Uganda, as you and Obote claim, but on the 
contrary, it was an attempt to save the country from a Prime Minister who was 
bent on overthrowing the constitution by force of arms and wrest all powers to 
himself. Statements had been made by members of parliament that troops were 
secretly being trained to do just that. Army officers who did not share this 
illegal aim were even detained or suspended. On his return to Kampala from his 
hiding place in the North in February 1966, Obote himself admitted that there 
was great alarm due to troop

RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)

2007-11-20 Thread jonah kasangwawo

Good for you, but They don't know each other ?  Well, they do now. 

Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2007 22:09:37 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: 
Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)To:
Extreme feminist? Hey, a woman gotta do what a woman gotta do! 
I have new Acholi boyfriends and they love me totally. They don't know each 
other but they know that I see other people. So...I live in paradise. Life is 
good. man! Life is sweet.
What is new with you?
Nice to see you again. 
Anyojonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Anyo, yes, I think I remember you. Aren't you the 'penetration' lady ? I hope 
you got over your problems with your former Acholi boyfriend. But did you have 
to turn into a extreme feminist just because things didn't work out ? 2003 ? I 
think that's an exaggeration, I haven't been away that long. I've just been 
busy lately trying to secure my mailo land, lest the balaalo get some ideas. 

Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 15:02:41 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: 
Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)To:
Hey Kasangwawo, what's up? I remember you from 2003?
Wow! I have not been reading Ugandanet regulary so it feels like I have not 
read you since 2003..possible. How have you been? I am so happy to read you. 
What's up?
I missed you a lot.
Remember me?
jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ocii, I'm not quite sure I understood your first question. Are you now 
questioning whether Kabaka Mutesa was Commander-in-Chief or not ?  As for your 
other questions, instead of hurrying to make an attempt to rebut what I said, 
maybe you should first follow the link I provided. You might find that a lot of 
what you are asking is redundant. Kasangwawo.

Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 12:37:05 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: 
Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)To:
Something doesn't make sense to me in what you have written. First, if Kabaka 
Mutesa was the commander in chief, then why was Dr. Obote vested with power to 
even make changes in the army but not the Kabaka? Shouldn't that tell you that 
the presidency of the Kabaka was merely ceremonial?
Second, you wrote: In his book (the correct name is Desecration of my 
kingdom), Kabaka Mutesa II clearly explained the reasons why he, in his 
capacity as President, had requested for foreign troops. The request for troops 
was not to invade Uganda, as you and Obote claim, but on the contrary, it was 
an attempt to save the country from a Prime Minister who was bent on 
overthrowing the constitution by force of arms and wrest all powers to himself.
Obviously the Prime Minister could not have engaged in overthrowing the 
constitution WITHOUT any PRIOR REASON/S to do so!! So, my question to you who 
CONSTITUTION, if at all he faught to overthrow it??
I am sure Kabaka Mutesa must have offered REASON/S to such an allegation.
Ociijonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

BWambuga, is it then any surprise that this topic of Buganda/Obote keeps coming 
up, when people like you are persisting on distributing misinformation about 
what really happened ? It is not about whether Obote was stupid or dumb. It is 
a well-known fact that he was cunning as a fox and ready to usurp all powers by 
any means. This included pretending to be nice to people he didn't particularly 
like, in order to deceive them about his ultimate intentions. So it is no 
wonder that Buganda and the Kabaka at first believed him. But it didn't take 
long for his true colours to come out. In his book (the correct name is 
Desecration of my kingdom), Kabaka Mutesa II clearly explained the reasons 
why he, in his capacity as President, had requested for foreign troops. The 
request for troops was not to invade Uganda, as you and Obote claim, but on the 
contrary, it was an attempt to save the country from a Prime Minister who was 
bent on overthrowing the constitution by force of arms and wrest all powers to 
himself. Statements had been made by members of parliament that troops were 
secretly being trained to do just that. Army officers who did not share this 
illegal aim were even detained or suspended. On his return to Kampala from his 
hiding place in the North in February 1966, Obote himself admitted that there 
was great alarm due to troop movements, especially in Kampala. Neither Mutesa, 
as the Commander-in-Chief, nor the Brigadier, who was head of the army, had 
authorized these troop movements. Obote had ordered the movements himself.  The 
Kabaka states in the book that when he requested for foreign troops, he was 
thinking about something similar to the intervention Obote had initiated 2 
years before this incident. Hopefully you are aware that in 1964 Obote had 
invited British troops to quell a mutiny by Uganda soldiers in Jinja who, 

FW: [Ugnet] Fwd: Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)

2007-11-20 Thread jonah kasangwawo

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: Obote was right to 
attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 14:09:28 +

DMN, still alive and kicking, thanks man. Just took a break from these 
revisionists to attend to more important issues. Kasangwawo.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [Ugnet] Fwd: Obote was right to 
attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 15:50:08 +0300

Where have you been ? You have been off the net for too long ! I was wondering. 
Nice to hear from you again.
- Original Message - 

From: jonah kasangwawo 
To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 7:12 PM
Subject: RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)
BWambuga, is it then any surprise that this topic of Buganda/Obote keeps coming 
up, when people like you are persisting on distributing misinformation about 
what really happened ? It is not about whether Obote was stupid or dumb. It is 
a well-known fact that he was cunning as a fox and ready to usurp all powers by 
any means. This included pretending to be nice to people he didn't particularly 
like, in order to deceive them about his ultimate intentions. So it is no 
wonder that Buganda and the Kabaka at first believed him. But it didn't take 
long for his true colours to come out. In his book (the correct name is 
Desecration of my kingdom), Kabaka Mutesa II clearly explained the reasons 
why he, in his capacity as President, had requested for foreign troops. The 
request for troops was not to invade Uganda, as you and Obote claim, but on the 
contrary, it was an attempt to save the country from a Prime Minister who was 
bent on overthrowing the constitution by force of arms and wrest all powers to 
himself. Statements had been made by members of parliament that troops were 
secretly being trained to do just that. Army officers who did not share this 
illegal aim were even detained or suspended. On his return to Kampala from his 
hiding place in the North in February 1966, Obote himself admitted that there 
was great alarm due to troop movements, especially in Kampala. Neither Mutesa, 
as the Commander-in-Chief, nor the Brigadier, who was head of the army, had 
authorized these troop movements. Obote had ordered the movements himself.  The 
Kabaka states in the book that when he requested for foreign troops, he was 
thinking about something similar to the intervention Obote had initiated 2 
years before this incident. Hopefully you are aware that in 1964 Obote had 
invited British troops to quell a mutiny by Uganda soldiers in Jinja who, 
incidentally, were not attempting to take over the country but rather were just 
demanding for higher pay. This he did without informing the President who was 
Commander-in-Chief of the Uganda Army.  It appears this was his modus operandi. 
In any case, Obote used this incident to sack some soldiers and promote those 
he wanted in control to carry out his illegal manipulations, among them the 
then Major Idi Amin.  If you want to learn more about this go to the following 
link: claim that Obote's regime wired 
money to the Kabaka when he was in exile in London is also a myth, without an 
iota of truth. There is concrete evidence that Obote's government kept on 
protesting about the treatment they thought the British were giving to the 
Kabaka (Obote felt they were still treating him as king by refering to him as 
Kabaka). The British govt. on the other hand was not ready to support the 
Kabaka financially or otherwise, leaving him to rely on support of friends - 
they were even pressurizing him to sell his property back home in Buganda in 
order for him to survive. In short, they viewed him as a burden. In these 
circumstances, the British would not mind anyone giving him support, as long as 
it wasn't them. Therefore, for you to claim that they were concerned about the 
Uganda government wiring him money, is an outright lie. The only proposal 
Obote's government was ready to consider was the remittance of private funds 
(from the sale of Kabaka's property) to England for Sir Edward. Kasangwawo.

Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 11:46:42 -0700From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: [Ugnet] Fwd: Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)B 
Wambuga2 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 11:45:40 -0700 (PDT)From: B Wambuga2 [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]Subject: Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)To: 
“Buganda should forget Dr. Obote, who has long departed to join his creator, 
and move on with what is here to be done if they are to avoid becoming 
irrelevant in the Ugandan context.” 
My friend Abbey Semuwembo,
Your article was great in your attempt to place the blame on Dr. Milton Obote’s 
door steps. I was indeed intrigued by it since one

RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)

2007-11-18 Thread jonah kasangwawo

yes, I think I remember you. Aren't you the 'penetration' lady ? I hope you got 
over your problems with your former Acholi boyfriend. But did you have to turn 
into a extreme feminist just because things didn't work out ?
2003 ? I think that's an exaggeration, I haven't been away that long. I've just 
been busy lately trying to secure my mailo land, lest the balaalo get some 

Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 15:02:41 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: 
Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)To:
Hey Kasangwawo, what's up? I remember you from 2003?
Wow! I have not been reading Ugandanet regulary so it feels like I have not 
read you since 2003..possible. How have you been? I am so happy to read you. 
What's up?
I missed you a lot.
Remember me?
jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ocii, I'm not quite sure I understood your first question. Are you now 
questioning whether Kabaka Mutesa was Commander-in-Chief or not ?  As for your 
other questions, instead of hurrying to make an attempt to rebut what I said, 
maybe you should first follow the link I provided. You might find that a lot of 
what you are asking is redundant. Kasangwawo.

Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 12:37:05 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: 
Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)To:
Something doesn't make sense to me in what you have written. First, if Kabaka 
Mutesa was the commander in chief, then why was Dr. Obote vested with power to 
even make changes in the army but not the Kabaka? Shouldn't that tell you that 
the presidency of the Kabaka was merely ceremonial?
Second, you wrote: In his book (the correct name is Desecration of my 
kingdom), Kabaka Mutesa II clearly explained the reasons why he, in his 
capacity as President, had requested for foreign troops. The request for troops 
was not to invade Uganda, as you and Obote claim, but on the contrary, it was 
an attempt to save the country from a Prime Minister who was bent on 
overthrowing the constitution by force of arms and wrest all powers to himself.
Obviously the Prime Minister could not have engaged in overthrowing the 
constitution WITHOUT any PRIOR REASON/S to do so!! So, my question to you who 
CONSTITUTION, if at all he faught to overthrow it??
I am sure Kabaka Mutesa must have offered REASON/S to such an allegation.
Ociijonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

BWambuga, is it then any surprise that this topic of Buganda/Obote keeps coming 
up, when people like you are persisting on distributing misinformation about 
what really happened ? It is not about whether Obote was stupid or dumb. It is 
a well-known fact that he was cunning as a fox and ready to usurp all powers by 
any means. This included pretending to be nice to people he didn't particularly 
like, in order to deceive them about his ultimate intentions. So it is no 
wonder that Buganda and the Kabaka at first believed him. But it didn't take 
long for his true colours to come out. In his book (the correct name is 
Desecration of my kingdom), Kabaka Mutesa II clearly explained the reasons 
why he, in his capacity as President, had requested for foreign troops. The 
request for troops was not to invade Uganda, as you and Obote claim, but on the 
contrary, it was an attempt to save the country from a Prime Minister who was 
bent on overthrowing the constitution by force of arms and wrest all powers to 
himself. Statements had been made by members of parliament that troops were 
secretly being trained to do just that. Army officers who did not share this 
illegal aim were even detained or suspended. On his return to Kampala from his 
hiding place in the North in February 1966, Obote himself admitted that there 
was great alarm due to troop movements, especially in Kampala. Neither Mutesa, 
as the Commander-in-Chief, nor the Brigadier, who was head of the army, had 
authorized these troop movements. Obote had ordered the movements himself.  The 
Kabaka states in the book that when he requested for foreign troops, he was 
thinking about something similar to the intervention Obote had initiated 2 
years before this incident. Hopefully you are aware that in 1964 Obote had 
invited British troops to quell a mutiny by Uganda soldiers in Jinja who, 
incidentally, were not attempting to take over the country but rather were just 
demanding for higher pay. This he did without informing the President who was 
Commander-in-Chief of the Uganda Army.  It appears this was his modus operandi. 
In any case, Obote used this incident to sack some soldiers and promote those 
he wanted in control to carry out his illegal manipulations, among them the 
then Major Idi Amin.  If you want to learn more about this go to the following 
link: claim that Obote's regime wired 

RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)

2007-11-18 Thread jonah kasangwawo

first of all, I'm not a messenger of anybody. I was just correcting the 
misinformation from Bwambuga about why the Kabaka requested for foreign troops, 
and if you still can't see the reasons, then I'm afraid I can't help you. 
Secondly, you call what I wrote propaganda and yet you can't refute any of the 
facts apart from saying that YOU would know (were you his henchman ?). That 
Obote wanted to overthrow the constitution and wrest all powers is rather 
puerile ? Well, didn't he overthrow the constitution and grab all powers ? 
What's puerile about that ?
It seems to me you want to argue about things you don't know anything about. I 
put it to you that Kabaka Mutesa II was Commander-in-Chief of the Uganda 
Army,(i.e. before Obote grabbed all powers and took over this post as well). I 
never spoke about Chief of Staff, which is a completely different post. You 
better check your facts again. 

Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 15:37:29 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: 
Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)To:
As a messagner of Kabaka Mutesa, and someone who read his book, I thought you 
would be in position to let readers know these reasons, other than attempting 
to spew pure propaganda, that false short of satisfying readers you are trying 
to convince. To claim that Dr. Obote wanted to overthrow the constitution, to 
wrestle all powers to himself is rather puerile. For some of us, we would know 
WHY Dr. Obote was trying to overthrow the constitution and wrestle all powers 
onto himself!
As per the same question, Kasangwawo you understood me very well! Correct I am 
questioning the Chief of Staff status of the Kabaka then, as the President 
of a newly independent Ugandan, of which the Prime Minister, was the most 
powerful! Much like the Canadian Prime Minister is more powerful than the 
Governor General, a position an Haitian born woman is now holding.
Ociijonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ocii, I'm not quite sure I understood your first question. Are you now 
questioning whether Kabaka Mutesa was Commander-in-Chief or not ?  As for your 
other questions, instead of hurrying to make an attempt to rebut what I said, 
maybe you should first follow the link I provided. You might find that a lot of 
what you are asking is redundant. Kasangwawo.

Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 12:37:05 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: 
Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)To:
Something doesn't make sense to me in what you have written. First, if Kabaka 
Mutesa was the commander in chief, then why was Dr. Obote vested with power to 
even make changes in the army but not the Kabaka? Shouldn't that tell you that 
the presidency of the Kabaka was merely ceremonial?
Second, you wrote: In his book (the correct name is Desecration of my 
kingdom), Kabaka Mutesa II clearly explained the reasons why he, in his 
capacity as President, had requested for foreign troops. The request for troops 
was not to invade Uganda, as you and Obote claim, but on the contrary, it was 
an attempt to save the country from a Prime Minister who was bent on 
overthrowing the constitution by force of arms and wrest all powers to himself.
Obviously the Prime Minister could not have engaged in overthrowing the 
constitution WITHOUT any PRIOR REASON/S to do so!! So, my question to you who 
CONSTITUTION, if at all he faught to overthrow it??
I am sure Kabaka Mutesa must have offered REASON/S to such an allegation.
Ociijonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

BWambuga, is it then any surprise that this topic of Buganda/Obote keeps coming 
up, when people like you are persisting on distributing misinformation about 
what really happened ? It is not about whether Obote was stupid or dumb. It is 
a well-known fact that he was cunning as a fox and ready to usurp all powers by 
any means. This included pretending to be nice to people he didn't particularly 
like, in order to deceive them about his ultimate intentions. So it is no 
wonder that Buganda and the Kabaka at first believed him. But it didn't take 
long for his true colours to come out. In his book (the correct name is 
Desecration of my kingdom), Kabaka Mutesa II clearly explained the reasons 
why he, in his capacity as President, had requested for foreign troops. The 
request for troops was not to invade Uganda, as you and Obote claim, but on the 
contrary, it was an attempt to save the country from a Prime Minister who was 
bent on overthrowing the constitution by force of arms and wrest all powers to 
himself. Statements had been made by members of parliament that troops were 
secretly being trained to do just that. Army officers who did not share this 
illegal aim were even detained or suspended. On his return to Kampala from his 
hiding place in the North in February 1966, 

RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)

2007-11-18 Thread jonah kasangwawo

Ocii, first of all, I'm not a messenger of anybody. I was just correcting the 
misinformation from Bwambuga about why the Kabaka requested for foreign troops, 
and if you still can't see the reasons, then I'm afraid I can't help you. 
Secondly, you call what I wrote propaganda and yet you can't refute any of the 
facts apart from saying that YOU would know (were you his henchman ?). That 
Obote wanted to overthrow the constitution and wrest all powers is rather 
puerile ? Well, didn't he overthrow the constitution and grab all powers ? 
What's puerile about that ? It seems to me you want to argue about things you 
don't know anything about. I put it to you that Kabaka Mutesa II was 
Commander-in-Chief of the Uganda Army,(i.e. before Obote grabbed all powers and 
took over this post as well). I never spoke about Chief of Staff, which is a 
completely different post. You better check your facts again.  Kasangwawo.

Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 15:37:29 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: 
Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)To:
As a messagner of Kabaka Mutesa, and someone who read his book, I thought you 
would be in position to let readers know these reasons, other than attempting 
to spew pure propaganda, that false short of satisfying readers you are trying 
to convince. To claim that Dr. Obote wanted to overthrow the constitution, to 
wrestle all powers to himself is rather puerile. For some of us, we would know 
WHY Dr. Obote was trying to overthrow the constitution and wrestle all powers 
onto himself!
As per the same question, Kasangwawo you understood me very well! Correct I am 
questioning the Chief of Staff status of the Kabaka then, as the President 
of a newly independent Ugandan, of which the Prime Minister, was the most 
powerful! Much like the Canadian Prime Minister is more powerful than the 
Governor General, a position an Haitian born woman is now holding.
Ociijonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ocii, I'm not quite sure I understood your first question. Are you now 
questioning whether Kabaka Mutesa was Commander-in-Chief or not ?  As for your 
other questions, instead of hurrying to make an attempt to rebut what I said, 
maybe you should first follow the link I provided. You might find that a lot of 
what you are asking is redundant. Kasangwawo.

Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 12:37:05 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: 
Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)To:
Something doesn't make sense to me in what you have written. First, if Kabaka 
Mutesa was the commander in chief, then why was Dr. Obote vested with power to 
even make changes in the army but not the Kabaka? Shouldn't that tell you that 
the presidency of the Kabaka was merely ceremonial?
Second, you wrote: In his book (the correct name is Desecration of my 
kingdom), Kabaka Mutesa II clearly explained the reasons why he, in his 
capacity as President, had requested for foreign troops. The request for troops 
was not to invade Uganda, as you and Obote claim, but on the contrary, it was 
an attempt to save the country from a Prime Minister who was bent on 
overthrowing the constitution by force of arms and wrest all powers to himself.
Obviously the Prime Minister could not have engaged in overthrowing the 
constitution WITHOUT any PRIOR REASON/S to do so!! So, my question to you who 
CONSTITUTION, if at all he faught to overthrow it??
I am sure Kabaka Mutesa must have offered REASON/S to such an allegation.
Ociijonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

BWambuga, is it then any surprise that this topic of Buganda/Obote keeps coming 
up, when people like you are persisting on distributing misinformation about 
what really happened ? It is not about whether Obote was stupid or dumb. It is 
a well-known fact that he was cunning as a fox and ready to usurp all powers by 
any means. This included pretending to be nice to people he didn't particularly 
like, in order to deceive them about his ultimate intentions. So it is no 
wonder that Buganda and the Kabaka at first believed him. But it didn't take 
long for his true colours to come out. In his book (the correct name is 
Desecration of my kingdom), Kabaka Mutesa II clearly explained the reasons 
why he, in his capacity as President, had requested for foreign troops. The 
request for troops was not to invade Uganda, as you and Obote claim, but on the 
contrary, it was an attempt to save the country from a Prime Minister who was 
bent on overthrowing the constitution by force of arms and wrest all powers to 
himself. Statements had been made by members of parliament that troops were 
secretly being trained to do just that. Army officers who did not share this 
illegal aim were even detained or suspended. On his return to Kampala from his 
hiding place in the North in February 1966, Obote 

RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)

2007-11-18 Thread jonah kasangwawo

first of all, I'm not a messenger of anybody. I was just correcting the 
misinformation from Bwambuga about why the Kabaka requested for foreign troops, 
and if you still can't see the reasons, then I'm afraid I can't help you. 
Secondly, you call what I wrote propaganda and yet you can't refute any of the 
facts apart from saying that YOU would know (were you his henchman ?). That 
Obote wanted to overthrow the constitution and wrest all powers is rather 
puerile ? Well, didn't he overthrow the constitution and grab all powers ? 
What's puerile about that ?
It seems to me you want to argue about things you don't know anything about. I 
put it to you that Kabaka Mutesa II was Commander-in-Chief of the Uganda 
Army,(i.e. before Obote grabbed all powers and took over this post as well). I 
never spoke about Chief of Staff, which is a completely different post. You 
better check your facts again. 

Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 15:37:29 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: 
Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)To:
As a messagner of Kabaka Mutesa, and someone who read his book, I thought you 
would be in position to let readers know these reasons, other than attempting 
to spew pure propaganda, that false short of satisfying readers you are trying 
to convince. To claim that Dr. Obote wanted to overthrow the constitution, to 
wrestle all powers to himself is rather puerile. For some of us, we would know 
WHY Dr. Obote was trying to overthrow the constitution and wrestle all powers 
onto himself!
As per the same question, Kasangwawo you understood me very well! Correct I am 
questioning the Chief of Staff status of the Kabaka then, as the President 
of a newly independent Ugandan, of which the Prime Minister, was the most 
powerful! Much like the Canadian Prime Minister is more powerful than the 
Governor General, a position an Haitian born woman is now holding.
Ociijonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ocii, I'm not quite sure I understood your first question. Are you now 
questioning whether Kabaka Mutesa was Commander-in-Chief or not ?  As for your 
other questions, instead of hurrying to make an attempt to rebut what I said, 
maybe you should first follow the link I provided. You might find that a lot of 
what you are asking is redundant. Kasangwawo.

Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 12:37:05 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: 
Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)To:
Something doesn't make sense to me in what you have written. First, if Kabaka 
Mutesa was the commander in chief, then why was Dr. Obote vested with power to 
even make changes in the army but not the Kabaka? Shouldn't that tell you that 
the presidency of the Kabaka was merely ceremonial?
Second, you wrote: In his book (the correct name is Desecration of my 
kingdom), Kabaka Mutesa II clearly explained the reasons why he, in his 
capacity as President, had requested for foreign troops. The request for troops 
was not to invade Uganda, as you and Obote claim, but on the contrary, it was 
an attempt to save the country from a Prime Minister who was bent on 
overthrowing the constitution by force of arms and wrest all powers to himself.
Obviously the Prime Minister could not have engaged in overthrowing the 
constitution WITHOUT any PRIOR REASON/S to do so!! So, my question to you who 
CONSTITUTION, if at all he faught to overthrow it??
I am sure Kabaka Mutesa must have offered REASON/S to such an allegation.
Ociijonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

BWambuga, is it then any surprise that this topic of Buganda/Obote keeps coming 
up, when people like you are persisting on distributing misinformation about 
what really happened ? It is not about whether Obote was stupid or dumb. It is 
a well-known fact that he was cunning as a fox and ready to usurp all powers by 
any means. This included pretending to be nice to people he didn't particularly 
like, in order to deceive them about his ultimate intentions. So it is no 
wonder that Buganda and the Kabaka at first believed him. But it didn't take 
long for his true colours to come out. In his book (the correct name is 
Desecration of my kingdom), Kabaka Mutesa II clearly explained the reasons 
why he, in his capacity as President, had requested for foreign troops. The 
request for troops was not to invade Uganda, as you and Obote claim, but on the 
contrary, it was an attempt to save the country from a Prime Minister who was 
bent on overthrowing the constitution by force of arms and wrest all powers to 
himself. Statements had been made by members of parliament that troops were 
secretly being trained to do just that. Army officers who did not share this 
illegal aim were even detained or suspended. On his return to Kampala from his 
hiding place in the North in February 1966, 

RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)

2007-11-17 Thread jonah kasangwawo

I'm not quite sure I understood your first question. Are you now questioning 
whether Kabaka Mutesa was Commander-in-Chief or not ? 
As for your other questions, instead of hurrying to make an attempt to rebut 
what I said, maybe you should first follow the link I provided. You might find 
that a lot of what you are asking is redundant.

Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 12:37:05 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [Ugnet] Fwd: 
Obote was right to attack Lubiri (Abbey Semuwemba)To:
Something doesn't make sense to me in what you have written. First, if Kabaka 
Mutesa was the commander in chief, then why was Dr. Obote vested with power to 
even make changes in the army but not the Kabaka? Shouldn't that tell you that 
the presidency of the Kabaka was merely ceremonial?
Second, you wrote: In his book (the correct name is Desecration of my 
kingdom), Kabaka Mutesa II clearly explained the reasons why he, in his 
capacity as President, had requested for foreign troops. The request for troops 
was not to invade Uganda, as you and Obote claim, but on the contrary, it was 
an attempt to save the country from a Prime Minister who was bent on 
overthrowing the constitution by force of arms and wrest all powers to himself.
Obviously the Prime Minister could not have engaged in overthrowing the 
constitution WITHOUT any PRIOR REASON/S to do so!! So, my question to you who 
CONSTITUTION, if at all he faught to overthrow it??
I am sure Kabaka Mutesa must have offered REASON/S to such an allegation.
Ociijonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

BWambuga, is it then any surprise that this topic of Buganda/Obote keeps coming 
up, when people like you are persisting on distributing misinformation about 
what really happened ? It is not about whether Obote was stupid or dumb. It is 
a well-known fact that he was cunning as a fox and ready to usurp all powers by 
any means. This included pretending to be nice to people he didn't particularly 
like, in order to deceive them about his ultimate intentions. So it is no 
wonder that Buganda and the Kabaka at first believed him. But it didn't take 
long for his true colours to come out. In his book (the correct name is 
Desecration of my kingdom), Kabaka Mutesa II clearly explained the reasons 
why he, in his capacity as President, had requested for foreign troops. The 
request for troops was not to invade Uganda, as you and Obote claim, but on the 
contrary, it was an attempt to save the country from a Prime Minister who was 
bent on overthrowing the constitution by force of arms and wrest all powers to 
himself. Statements had been made by members of parliament that troops were 
secretly being trained to do just that. Army officers who did not share this 
illegal aim were even detained or suspended. On his return to Kampala from his 
hiding place in the North in February 1966, Obote himself admitted that there 
was great alarm due to troop movements, especially in Kampala. Neither Mutesa, 
as the Commander-in-Chief, nor the Brigadier, who was head of the army, had 
authorized these troop movements. Obote had ordered the movements himself.  The 
Kabaka states in the book that when he requested for foreign troops, he was 
thinking about something similar to the intervention Obote had initiated 2 
years before this incident. Hopefully you are aware that in 1964 Obote had 
invited British troops to quell a mutiny by Uganda soldiers in Jinja who, 
incidentally, were not attempting to take over the country but rather were just 
demanding for higher pay. This he did without informing the President who was 
Commander-in-Chief of the Uganda Army.  It appears this was his modus operandi. 
In any case, Obote used this incident to sack some soldiers and promote those 
he wanted in control to carry out his illegal manipulations, among them the 
then Major Idi Amin.  If you want to learn more about this go to the following 
link: claim that Obote's regime wired 
money to the Kabaka when he was in exile in London is also a myth, without an 
iota of truth. There is concrete evidence that Obote's government kept on 
protesting about the treatment they thought the British were giving to the 
Kabaka (Obote felt they were still treating him as king by refering to him as 
Kabaka). The British govt. on the other hand was not ready to support the 
Kabaka financially or otherwise, leaving him to rely on support of friends - 
they were even pressurizing him to sell his property back home in Buganda in 
order for him to survive. In short, they viewed him as a burden. In these 
circumstances, the British would not mind anyone giving him support, as long as 
it wasn't them. Therefore, for you to claim that they were concerned about the 
Uganda government wiring him money, is an outright lie. The only proposal 
Obote's government was 


2006-11-16 Thread jonah kasangwawo

I had done just that, but you keep onbringing upmy name in your ramblings.

From: "Edward Mulindwa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" ugandanet@kym.netCC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: POLICE DUTY OR VIOLENCE?Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 17:21:25 -0500


So move on man what are you doing with a hopeless case?


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

----- Original Message - 
From: jonah kasangwawo 
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: POLICE DUTY OR VIOLENCE?


why do you always go around in circles, just like a dog chasing it's own tail ? 
Talking about the officers in the picture, you said that Ssenyange and Kasangwawo would be yelling if, and I quote, "if these Police officers were Northerners !!! ". I consequently asked you how you knew that they were not 'Northerners'. Now that you have realised how absurd your assumptions were, you start talking about my age. What has my age got to do with this ?
Yeah, you"will leave it at that for now". Man, you are a hopeless case.


From: "Edward Mulindwa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" ugandanet@kym.netCC: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Florence Namutebi [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: POLICE DUTY OR VIOLENCE?Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 18:26:42 -0500

I do not know how old you are but I have seen the results of your thinking fully in Rwanda, Somalia, Burundi and DRC. Some times I wonder if you are prepared for what you have strongly planted in Uganda.

And I will leave it at that for now.


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: jonah kasangwawo 
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: POLICE DUTY OR VIOLENCE?

Well, I guess you don't know the officers' ethnic origin, do you ? Why did you raise it in the first place then ?
Nationalist, my foot !

From: "Edward Mulindwa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" ugandanet@kym.netCC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: POLICE DUTY OR VIOLENCE?Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 21:18:44 -0500

You are very right it might even be an Obote's government for all we know.


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: jonah kasangwawo 
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: POLICE DUTY OR VIOLENCE?


you must have a special way of knowing these things. But tell me, how can you tell that the officers are not Northerners ?


From: "Edward Mulindwa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" ugandanet@kym.netCC: [EMAIL PROTECTED],Florence Namutebi [EMAIL PROTECTED], ugandanet@kym.netSubject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: POLICE DUTY OR VIOLENCE?Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 18:20:01 -0500


You know thank God this is not Obote's government, can you imagine how much yelling Ssenyange and Kasangwawo would have lamented if this happened in obote's government, of if these Police officers were Northerners !!! Can you just imagine if this picture was taken during Obote two?

That is what has complicated the danger in our nation, we personalize issues and get so weak to attack any misbehavior, for now these two gentlemen and many others like them can not come up and fight for the rights of these students. And one can wonder how many times this has happened in Uganda with out the camera accessing it. That is why we need to move from such a low tribal politics to a nationalism politics, for then and only then can you condemn any thing when you have a ground to stand on.

Very shame on all of you for your tribal minds made you loose the ball.


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: Peter-Rhaina Gwokto 
To: Uganda-net 
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 8:24 AM


2006-11-15 Thread jonah kasangwawo

why do you always go around in circles, just like a dog chasing it's own tail ? 
Talking about the officers in the picture, you said that Ssenyange and Kasangwawo would be yelling if, and I quote, "if these Police officers were Northerners !!! ". I consequently asked you how you knew that they were not 'Northerners'. Now that you have realised how absurd your assumptions were, you start talking about my age. What has my age got to do with this ?
Yeah, you"will leave it at that for now". Man, you are a hopeless case.


From: "Edward Mulindwa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" ugandanet@kym.netCC: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Florence Namutebi [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: POLICE DUTY OR VIOLENCE?Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 18:26:42 -0500


I do not know how old you are but I have seen the results of your thinking fully in Rwanda, Somalia, Burundi and DRC. Some times I wonder if you are prepared for what you have strongly planted in Uganda.

And I will leave it at that for now.


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: jonah kasangwawo 
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: POLICE DUTY OR VIOLENCE?

Well, I guess you don't know the officers' ethnic origin, do you ? Why did you raise it in the first place then ?
Nationalist, my foot !

From: "Edward Mulindwa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" ugandanet@kym.netCC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: POLICE DUTY OR VIOLENCE?Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 21:18:44 -0500

You are very right it might even be an Obote's government for all we know.


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: jonah kasangwawo 
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: POLICE DUTY OR VIOLENCE?


you must have a special way of knowing these things. But tell me, how can you tell that the officers are not Northerners ?


From: "Edward Mulindwa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" ugandanet@kym.netCC: [EMAIL PROTECTED],Florence Namutebi [EMAIL PROTECTED], ugandanet@kym.netSubject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: POLICE DUTY OR VIOLENCE?Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 18:20:01 -0500


You know thank God this is not Obote's government, can you imagine how much yelling Ssenyange and Kasangwawo would have lamented if this happened in obote's government, of if these Police officers were Northerners !!! Can you just imagine if this picture was taken during Obote two?

That is what has complicated the danger in our nation, we personalize issues and get so weak to attack any misbehavior, for now these two gentlemen and many others like them can not come up and fight for the rights of these students. And one can wonder how many times this has happened in Uganda with out the camera accessing it. That is why we need to move from such a low tribal politics to a nationalism politics, for then and only then can you condemn any thing when you have a ground to stand on.

Very shame on all of you for your tribal minds made you loose the ball.


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: Peter-Rhaina Gwokto 
To: Uganda-net 
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 8:24 AM

In my opinion:
yikesss...!! And these Neanderthals (aka. humans) have the audacity to call us, Animals...!.
Look whateMu7's police is doing to a daughter you, yourself, never caned all her life.

Abayizi b¢e Makerere 45 babasindise Luzira

Abaserikale ba Poliisi nga bakuba abayizi b¢omu ttendekero ly¢abasomesa e Nkozi nabo abeediimye.
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower

___Ugandanet mailing listUgandanet@kym.net UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them i

Re: [Ugnet] UPDF flee war front, 500 arrested in 'Panda Gari' Operation

2006-11-14 Thread jonah kasangwawo

He has no point. He just enjoys mentioning my name.

From:Simon Nume [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To:The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo:The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netSubject:Re: [Ugnet] UPDF flee war front,500 arrested in 'Panda Gari' OperationDate:Tue, 14 Nov 2006 02:21:45 -0800 (PST)


I fail to understand your point. Obote brought Panda Gari and now its being done in Gulu.
The point here is that a killing method once used in Kampala is being used in Gulu twenty years later.

Whose fault is this ? Kansangwawo ??
Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Munange ojjukira omusajja oli Obote omu Northerner eyaleeta Panda Gali e Uganda? Kale kirungi twamuwona munange.



The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: Matek Opoko 
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2006 9:48 PM
Subject: [Ugnet] UPDF flee war front, 500 arrested in 'Panda Gari' Operation 

UPDF flee war front, 500 arrested in 'Panda Gari' Operation 

Aswa Times correspondent in Gulu

UPDF soldiers caught in action fleeing from battle front wit LRA in Northern Uganda.
ABOUT 500 soldiers, UPDF deserters and civilians were arrested in a night ‘Panda Gari’ on Independence Day in Gulu town. The UPDF, police and Local Councils carried out the operation that started at around 3am and ended at 7:30am on Tuesday.
Two SMG guns and several rounds of ammunitions were recovered in the early morning joint operation.
Soldiers and idlers that included drunkards and newspaper vendors were arrested. The northern Regional Army Spokesman, Lt. Chris Magezi, yesterday confirmed that hundreds of UPDF soldiers, deserters and idlers were arrested on Monday in a joint mop up operation.
“The screening is still going on. So far, we have managed to get dozens of UPDF soldiers whom we have detained at our cells. We have handed the civilians to the police,” he said.Magezi said the UPDF deserters would appear before the army court this week on charges of dissertation and Away without official leave (AWOL). 

Gulu District Police Commander, Mr Yasiin Ndimwibo, said only five civilians had be handed to the police by press time. 
The operation followed concerns by Gulu Municipal authorities that there was high crime rate in the town suburbs.
It is not uncommon that hundreds of UPDF soldiers flee the battle front with LRA and take refugee in town and particularly in the slums in civilian dressing and in the night they commit lots of atrocities on the civilians, which the military swiftly blames on LRA rebels. It is this flight from the war front which created the ‘Ghost Soldiers Scandal (GSS) in which UPDF officers made millions of Shillings paying ‘ghost soldiers’. A number of senior military officers whose personal loyalty to President Museveni was questionable have been court martial, while his sycophants have been ‘forgiven’. [ENDS]

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2006-11-14 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Well, I guess you don't know the officers' ethnic origin, do you ? Why did you raise it in the first place then ?
Nationalist, my foot !

From: "Edward Mulindwa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" ugandanet@kym.netCC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: POLICE DUTY OR VIOLENCE?Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 21:18:44 -0500


You are very right it might even be an Obote's government for all we know.


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

----- Original Message - 
From: jonah kasangwawo 
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: POLICE DUTY OR VIOLENCE?


you must have a special way of knowing these things. But tell me, how can you tell that the officers are not Northerners ?


From: "Edward Mulindwa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" ugandanet@kym.netCC: [EMAIL PROTECTED],Florence Namutebi [EMAIL PROTECTED], ugandanet@kym.netSubject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: POLICE DUTY OR VIOLENCE?Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 18:20:01 -0500


You know thank God this is not Obote's government, can you imagine how much yelling Ssenyange and Kasangwawo would have lamented if this happened in obote's government, of if these Police officers were Northerners !!! Can you just imagine if this picture was taken during Obote two?

That is what has complicated the danger in our nation, we personalize issues and get so weak to attack any misbehavior, for now these two gentlemen and many others like them can not come up and fight for the rights of these students. And one can wonder how many times this has happened in Uganda with out the camera accessing it. That is why we need to move from such a low tribal politics to a nationalism politics, for then and only then can you condemn any thing when you have a ground to stand on.

Very shame on all of you for your tribal minds made you loose the ball.


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: Peter-Rhaina Gwokto 
To: Uganda-net 
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 8:24 AM

In my opinion:
yikesss...!! And these Neanderthals (aka. humans) have the audacity to call us, Animals...!.
Look whateMu7's police is doing to a daughter you, yourself, never caned all her life.

Abayizi b¢e Makerere 45 babasindise Luzira

Abaserikale ba Poliisi nga bakuba abayizi b¢omu ttendekero ly¢abasomesa e Nkozi nabo abeediimye.
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower

___Ugandanet mailing listUgandanet@kym.net UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.---
___Ugandanet mailing listUgandanet@kym.net UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.---

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___Ugandanet mailing listUgandanet@kym.net UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.---
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2006-11-13 Thread jonah kasangwawo

I have never stopped you from posting about the war in northern Uganda. On the contrary, I have always encouraged you to stick to your pet subject, the North.


From: "Edward Mulindwa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda",[EMAIL PROTECTED]CC: rwanda [EMAIL PROTECTED],David Musoke [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED],Florence Namutebi [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [Ugnet] UGANDA DIRTY SECRET IN WAR UNVEILED , ('KONY'= UPDF)Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 22:40:55 -0400


There are facts in our nation we just cannot ignore, just on record I was a member on New Vision discussion board few months ago and I posted the same facts that actually UPDF is killing our people and I questioned the presence of Konny in Northern Uganda. New Vision decided to boot me out of the forum and not to email me even the daily paper, for what I stated was a disrespect to the goodnational force of UPDF. Today CIA its self is claiming the same thing, and I wonder what Kezio the New Vision administrator has to say on a CIA report.And if you read carefully I forwarded the same posting to him.

I have taken a great time asking about this un ending war, at times gone even opposite to people who follow North issues like Matek for it just did not add up. Today we have pictures of Konny fighters with Rastas. Give me a dam break, did Museveni's fighters in Luwero have Rastas or Konny is just to smarter than how Museveni was in the bush? Some thing is just out right wrong in Northern Uganda and all Uganda government has to do is to look into our face and tell us the truth of who is killing our people. In time I am going to post a writing on this same war. Look there are those of us who have spent a whole life time on this war, when the Kasangwawo's did not even allow us to post that there is a war in Northern Uganda at all, we have lived all our life time fighting these human right abuses. When we were asked why we even care when we are Baganda. This 
article was written by a non Ugandan , how long are the Kezio Musoke's of today going to hold Northerners at ransom, how many are going to die to make the Kezio's care?

North is suffering today and it is going to become a pain in twenty years if we do not open up and talk about it today based on facts. And I need to know what UPDF is doing that we are not told for starters.


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: Matek Opoko 
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 9:13 PM

Culu Nume:

Yes indeed we have spent decades here on Ugandanet informing our fellow citizens, that those committing heinous crimes against the people of Northern and Eastern Uganda, are none other then the UPDF did people listen... hell no!
Now the fact are coming out!!..even the US Central Intelligence Agency now believes that the enermy is within the UPDF read Mulindwa article!!

MatekSimon Nume [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But recent revelations in Dar-es-Salaam show that the Ugandan leader’s sudden shift in gear in the search for peace in the north would startle, even humble many of his critics, if indeed it is true he had received intelligence reports from the US’ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that indict his top aides for complicity in the war in the north. Sources within the Tanzania Defence Forces told The Sunday Standard recently how Museveni had for two decades been duped by his top military commanders, senior government officials and relatives into chasing a mirage in the form of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) Rebel leader, Joseph Kony.


Mulindwa and Matek

I have spent the last 10 years on this net trying to make this point.
Thank God somebody else is finally seeing the light.

If UPDF = KONY, how long before you get UPDF= KONY= M7.

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

By Ernest Mpinganjira
While on a tour to northern Uganda whose residents, have endured brutal rebel insurgency over 20 years, President Yoweri Museveni complained angrily that the "peace talks were taking too long". 
He even threatened to personally take over the negotiations from his aides. The loud lament and impatience came barely two months after the peace process got under way. In the words of a Ugandan journalist "M-7 wants the crisis in the north over as soon as yesterday".

Ugandan President Yoweri MuseveniSo, why the sudden change of tact and impatience when weeks before the talks began, Museveni had vowed to pursue the rebels right into the Democratic Republic of Congo? He had even sought United Nations’ backing to flush 

RE: [Ugnet] Reacting to Mr. Peter Mulira's revisionist history aboutthe the 1966 Buganda Crises:

2006-11-13 Thread jonah kasangwawo


I don't know which of Mulira's articles you are refering to, but the fact is that one thing simply didn't lead to another. I suggest you read the details about the crisis at:
instead of giving us meaningless snippets, mbu "The King's men demanded that Obote take his UPC government to Akokoro!"


From:Matek Opoko [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To:The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda, [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:[Ugnet] Reacting to Mr. Peter Mulira's revisionist history aboutthe the 1966 Buganda Crises:Date:Tue, 24 Oct 2006 09:07:33 -0700 (PDT)


There is an article in The New Vision News Paper written by one Mr. Peter Mulira
which purportedly intends to explain the reasons as to why the the Buganda Crises of 1966 happen. Our friend Mulira claims that there are four facts which lead to the crises. 

What I find interesting and of intrigue this notion that UPC' leader Dr.A.M Obote (RIP) would simply wake up one morning and decide to send Uganda Army troops to Kabaka's place to dislodge the King!. 

This to me is very simplistic of an explanations especially given the fact that Obote ascended to power as a result of cooperation and mutualPolitical understanding, if you like, between theKabaka'sParty( Kabaka Yeka) and the UPC

Naturally , therefore one would argue the Kabaka and Obote were good friends who worked together to out maneuver the Democratic Party, right?

The question then is: what happened in a very short time of a few months such that this two once very good friends , out of the blue, had a fall out?

To attempt to answer this question in an honest manner, is to begin to understand one of the Uganda's Greatest Political history. 

On the other hand to REFUSE to address the question above and engaged in some revisionist history as our dear peter Mulira is attempting to do, is to refuse to understandUgandan Political Historyperiod.

I believe that when the British colonialist granted Uganda Independence in 1962, they , in their own British wisdom , left a powder keg of an issue, inform of"THE LOST COUNTIES" for the next Government of Uganda to address..rather solve!!

Indeed, If the British were not malicious, which I believe they were, they should have addressed the "Buyaga, Bugagazi lost county " issue first and fore most before even granting Uganda Independence. 

That way Obote would have started with a clean plate.

Nonetheless, I believe it is the issue of the "lost counties"  which lead to the deterioration of friendship between the Kabaka and the UPC government lead by Dr. Obote.

One thing lead to another

At the end, many of King'smen, now harboring bitter hatred for Obote and the UPC precisely because Obote , a shrewedpolitical thinker as he was, simply out maneuvered them politically when it came to the issue of the "lost Counties"

The King's men demanded that Obote take his UPC government to Akokoro!The UPC government reacted accordingly.One thing lead to another. The King ended up in exile.

Now in assigning blame for the 1966 crises, MUST we now blame the UPC and Obote forthe Crises.. as Mr. Peter Mulira wants us to do so in his piece which appeared in the New Vision News Paper?

The answer is NO!

In Retrospect, I believe we all need to MATO OPUT!!!


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2006-11-13 Thread jonah kasangwawo

you must have a special way of knowing these things. But tell me, how can you tell that the officers are not Northerners ?


From: "Edward Mulindwa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" ugandanet@kym.netCC: [EMAIL PROTECTED],Florence Namutebi [EMAIL PROTECTED], ugandanet@kym.netSubject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: POLICE DUTY OR VIOLENCE?Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 18:20:01 -0500


You know thank God this is not Obote's government, can you imagine how much yelling Ssenyange and Kasangwawo would have lamented if this happened in obote's government, of if these Police officers were Northerners !!! Can you just imagine if this picture was taken during Obote two?

That is what has complicated the danger in our nation, we personalize issues and get so weak to attack any misbehavior, for now these two gentlemen and many others like them can not come up and fight for the rights of these students. And one can wonder how many times this has happened in Uganda with out the camera accessing it. That is why we need to move from such a low tribal politics to a nationalism politics, for then and only then can you condemn any thing when you have a ground to stand on.

Very shame on all of you for your tribal minds made you loose the ball.


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: Peter-Rhaina Gwokto 
To: Uganda-net 
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 8:24 AM

In my opinion:
yikesss...!! And these Neanderthals (aka. humans) have the audacity to call us, Animals...!.
Look whateMu7's police is doing to a daughter you, yourself, never caned all her life.

Abayizi b¢e Makerere 45 babasindise Luzira

Abaserikale ba Poliisi nga bakuba abayizi b¢omu ttendekero ly¢abasomesa e Nkozi nabo abeediimye.
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower

___Ugandanet mailing listUgandanet@kym.net UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.---
___Ugandanet mailing listUgandanet@kym.net UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.---
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Re: [Ugandacom] Re: [Ugnet] Budo should have taught me Luganda

2006-08-31 Thread jonah kasangwawo

there, you have the answer. Need I say more ?


From: "Edward Mulindwa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED], ugandanet@kym.netSubject: Re: [Ugandacom] Re: [Ugnet] Budo should have taught me LugandaDate: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 18:56:41 -0400


And you really expect this discussion to pass "bawalana abaganda" and reach that critical thinking? If wehad that ability by now we would have been able to make Ssabasajja financially independent from the movement.

You are way off base to think that way man.


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: Matek Opoko 
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 6:44 PM
Subject: [Ugandacom] Re: [Ugnet] Budo should have taught me Luganda

who is this "some people"? some of us are against this notion that very issue should revolve around Buganda...Buganda this buganda.. that..buganda buganda NO is a selfish kind of mentallity. The Buganda, like many Ugandans MUST engage in a kind of Politics which is nationalistic in outlook! not this Mwana yaa Kintu thing!!! Now Museveni is busy selling off Buganda land to his a Ugandan nationalist I am really really pissed, that Museveni should do such a I a Muganda that I must now get pissed off? the answer is NO. I know for sure that selling off Buganda land , 10, 20 years from now is going to disenffranchise many many poor Buganda Uganda...Moreover once Museveni's Cronies grab the land, It is kind of difficult get the land back and re-redistribute to the the South Africans will tell you ..or Namibians..or the zimbabweans!!!

MKjonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

"Every community has its good and evil."
I agree with you completely. But how come some people here only have bad to say about Baganda/Buganda ? Only bad, bad, bad..! Never anything good.
Just an observation ? Selective observation, I would say.

From:Bwambuga [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To:The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo:The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netSubject:Re: [Ugnet] Budo should have taught me LugandaDate:Sat, 26 Aug 2006 20:56:49 -0700 (PDT)

Why do some of these Baganda think that each time nothing positive is mentioned where Buganda is concerned they thiank Buganda is always being bashed or called names for that matter? I mean is Buganda considered so holy that nothing is negative about them. 
Come on fellas. Buganda is not any different than any other Ugandan communities. Every community has its good and evil. Every people have both sides to this coin. They may not necessarily be thr same people all the time. The Baganda should just get a life and live. Please.

Just and observation.
God Bless,

Simon Nume [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

NO, But it is a chance to show to Baganda bash as usual.

NumeMatek Opoko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

who cares is that even a national issue? 

MKmusamize [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Budo should have taught me Luganda
News about the centenary celebrations at King?s College Budo brought back all the fond memories of Budo the place and Budo the experience. Heartfelt thanks to all the organisers and participants. I wish I were there.
Budo has provided immeasurable opportunities to many young women and men and by all indications will continue to do so. My only regret is that after six years at Budo in the 1960s, I could hardly read, write or speak Luganda but acquired just enough survival Luganda expressions to establish a credit line with ?Congo? for roasted groundnuts, amuse the night watchmen and occasionally get enyongeza from the market women on Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays. 

I was Luganda illiterate because of the school rule that required English to be spoken at all times except Sunday afternoons. By hindsight, that was a bad rule. Just as she provided opportunities for spiritual enrichment and physical development, Budo should have encouraged cultural development by teaching conversational Luganda to non-native speakers.
I suggest that Budo makes it a requirement for incoming students (S1 and S5) to demonstrate fluency in spoken Luganda or take a mandatory one-year course in conversational Luganda.J. C. Okuk Nyankori, Class of 1964 (South Africa House),South Carolina, US

Scheme to destory Buganda: divide up the districts/take away as much as possible from the districts that make up Buganda.

RE: [Ugnet] Re: Who decides what a national issueis?

2006-08-31 Thread jonah kasangwawo


Amen !


From:Simon Nume [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To:The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo:musaja alumbwa [EMAIL PROTECTED],ugandanet ugandanet@kym.netSubject:[Ugnet] Re: Who decides what a "national issue"is?Date:Thu, 31 Aug 2006 00:14:54 -0700 (PDT)


If it is not important to talk about Luganda, WHY are YOU talking about Buganda Land?

The language is Luganda, the people are Baganda, and the land is Buganda.
If one is important for you to discuss, then so must the other two be.

Nume;musaja alumbwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ugandanet has numerous posts that have nothing to with Uganda (e.g. there are many about Rwanda etc) yet these "nationalists" only complain when something positive is posted about Buganda/Baganda/Luganda -which is all part of Uganda!

Matek Opoko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The world and for that matter Uganda does not revolve arround Buganda..You got issue about learning luganda in Budo post it on Bugandanet!!!..not over here in Ugandanet!!

MKjonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ItIS a national issue if the policy is to forbid the use of indigenous languages ('vernacular') in favour of English in all Ugandan schools. Doesn't your party have an education policy ?Kasangwawo

From:Matek Opoko [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To:The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda, [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:Re: [Ugnet] Budo should have taught me LugandaDate:Wed, 23 Aug 2006 10:33:27 -0700 (PDT)

who cares is that even a national issue? 

MKmusamize [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Do you Yahoo!?Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail.

Want to be your own boss? Learn how on Yahoo! Small Business.

___Ugandanet mailing listUgandanet@kym.net UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.---
 Call friends with PC-to-PC calling -- FREE  

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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
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2006-08-30 Thread jonah kasangwawo

my apologies. It was not my intention to cause people headaches. Its just that I caught our friend talking about me behind my back. I guess I'll go back to my New Year's resolutionand ignore him.


From: "David Nyende" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" ugandanet@kym.netSubject: Re: [Ugnet] KASANGWAAWO I TOLD YOU !Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 14:27:58 +0300

Bwana Kasangwawo,

You are making us have headaches which we have for long not had because we blocked Mulindwa's mail from our addresses a long time ago. Now you are making us read rubbish we have since avoided. Why don't you answer him directly without getting us suffer with his nonsense ?


 Original Message - 
From: jonah kasangwawo 
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:10 PM

The usual unfocussed, confused rhetoric.
So, you'll move the 'cultural entity' (whatever that means) to Bamunanika - what then will you do with the Lubiri ? Perhaps the same thing as the committee is proposing ? What then is the hullabaloo about ? What is actually being done in the Lubiri now that is of use to the development of the Kingdom ?
Since you are coming from a point of ignorance, let me educate you on some issues. Firstly, the palace is where the Kabaka decides he will live. Over the centuries, the Kabakas have moved their palaces to different venues in Buganda. The current Kabaka prefers to have his palace at Banda but he could easily decide to move his palace to Nkozi in Masaka. Fortunately, this is not dependent on the orders of a so-called Mulindwa.
Secondly, the fact that the Lubiri isnear Kampala is nothing out of the ordinary. For example, Buckingham Palace is right in the middle of London but this has had no adverse effect, on the contrary, it attracts tourists from all over the world who spend their money there. Your small-minded idea that it is easier for tourists to visit the palace in far-away Bamunanika than at Lubiri, defies all logic. Thirdly, to assume that the geographical distance of an institution from the capital is the deciding factor of whether this institution will be involved in politics or not, is nonsensical, to say the least.
Lastly, to the facts. The Bulange is not in the Lubiri but about a mile away. That the Bulange is being rented is your concoction.What ignorant people like you don't know, is thatin the times before your fallen hero ordered the assault on the Lubiri, parts of it were like a town in itself, with a large number of people involved in diverse commercial activities. So this proposal is not out of the ordinary either. 
Finally, I'm urging you to at last take my advice and stick to your northern 'thing' instead of talking about issues you have no clue about. Only then will you maybe stop embarassing yourself in public.


From: "Edward Mulindwa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED],,"Florence Namutebi" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [Ugnet] KASANGWAAWO I TOLD YOU !Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 21:34:27 -0400


At a point, one has to remind some of these good friends that we have here, a long information journey we have traveled, and it is important for me to remind Kasangwaawo what I posted here that he called a stupid idea. I stated that Mengo has to realize that this is 2006 and not 13000, Mengo has to realize too that being a cultural entity Mengo can not fit in Kampala, I continued as well that what Mengo needs to do is to move our cultural entity out side Kampala and it becomes a true cultural entity. I suggested a redevelopment of Bamunanika. Now that we have established that the current king we have is in bed with The Movement I suggested why not go to Bamunanika and expand that land all Buganda wants and build a 2006 palace that we as Baganda can have for our culture? There are two gains here, Bamunanika is not very far from Kampala so any tourist can 
drive to see the palace, it is in Buganda and accessible from all sides. But most important it would take Mengo out of Uganda Political frying pan, for bottom line a cultural entity can not be a political entity, but this would as well allow Mengo to put all buildings they have in Kampala to a good productive rental Market. Kasangwawo called me an enemy of Buganda.

Well here we are Kasangwawo, Mengo has started to work on renting the properties, they have started with Bulange its self. The idiots have decided to rent the facility with out building a new one. The agenda here is to change part of the Lubiri to a hotel, a Lodge, a Casino you name it, when The Twekobe is in the middle. Thetwarts in this kingdom have failed to understand that the Casino is going to squeeze the Twekobe its self. Where are the Baganda 

Re: [Ugnet] Budo should have taught me Luganda

2006-08-30 Thread jonah kasangwawo

"Every community has its good and evil."
I agree with you completely. But how come some people here only have bad to say about Baganda/Buganda ? Only bad, bad, bad..! Never anything good.
Just an observation ? Selective observation, I would say.

From:Bwambuga [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To:The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo:The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netSubject:Re: [Ugnet] Budo should have taught me LugandaDate:Sat, 26 Aug 2006 20:56:49 -0700 (PDT)

Why do some of these Baganda think that each time nothing positive is mentioned where Buganda is concerned they thiank Buganda is always being bashed or called names for that matter? I mean is Buganda considered so holy that nothing is negative about them. 
Come on fellas. Buganda is not any different than any other Ugandan communities. Every community has its good and evil. Every people have both sides to this coin. They may not necessarily be thr same people all the time. The Baganda should just get a life and live. Please.

Just and observation.
God Bless,

Simon Nume [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

NO, But it is a chance to show to Baganda bash as usual.

NumeMatek Opoko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

who cares is that even a national issue? 

MKmusamize [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Budo should have taught me Luganda
News about the centenary celebrations at King?s College Budo brought back all the fond memories of Budo the place and Budo the experience. Heartfelt thanks to all the organisers and participants. I wish I were there.
Budo has provided immeasurable opportunities to many young women and men and by all indications will continue to do so. My only regret is that after six years at Budo in the 1960s, I could hardly read, write or speak Luganda but acquired just enough survival Luganda expressions to establish a credit line with ?Congo? for roasted groundnuts, amuse the night watchmen and occasionally get enyongeza from the market women on Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays. 

I was Luganda illiterate because of the school rule that required English to be spoken at all times except Sunday afternoons. By hindsight, that was a bad rule. Just as she provided opportunities for spiritual enrichment and physical development, Budo should have encouraged cultural development by teaching conversational Luganda to non-native speakers.
I suggest that Budo makes it a requirement for incoming students (S1 and S5) to demonstrate fluency in spoken Luganda or take a mandatory one-year course in conversational Luganda.J. C. Okuk Nyankori, Class of 1964 (South Africa House),South Carolina, US

Scheme to destory Buganda: divide up the districts/take away as much as possible from the districts that make up Buganda.

Consult people on Kampala extension
I have heard the news about the extension of Kampala city to cover parts of Wakiso and Mukono districts. Districts, although they are subject to some degree of supervision by the central government, are autonomous bodies. 
The district councils and the inhabitants of these districts must be consulted before altering the boundaries of their districts. They may object to incorporating their properties in Kampala city. 
Residents of trading centres such as Kasangati, Nansana, Kireka, Bweyogerere and Mukono for example see no benefit in being incorporated within Kampala city, except being burdened with property taxes. 
Extension of Kampala city boundaries must be by consent of the affected districts; it should not be imposed.P.S Mabuliro,Entebbe. 


Want to be your own boss? Learn how on Yahoo! Small Business. ___Ugandanet mailing listUgandanet@kym.net UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.---

Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1?/min.___Ugandanet mailing listUgandanet@kym.net UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.---

Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.___Ugandanet mailing 

Re: [Ugnet] Budo should have taught me Luganda

2006-08-30 Thread jonah kasangwawo


did you actually read what I wrote ? Where did I talk about Buganda ? Re-read what I said and you'll see that I was talking at a national level. But even if I had talked about Buganda, since when do netters only talk about national issues ?
I still fail to see why you were so enraged by the man's article (by the way, he is not even a Muganda). Maybe an analogy nearer to home might be more understandable to you. Let's say that students in a school in Gulu are not allowed to speak Luo but may only communicate in English. Years later, an old boy who originates from Kigezi reminisces about his time at the Gulu school and complains about having missed a chance to learn Luo due to the language restrictions. What's so wrong with that ? Kasangwawo

From:Matek Opoko [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To:The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda, [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:Re: [Ugnet] Budo should have taught me LugandaDate:Mon, 28 Aug 2006 13:57:02 -0700 (PDT)

The world and for that matter Uganda does not revolve arround Buganda..You got issue about learning luganda in Budo post it on Bugandanet!!!..not over here in Ugandanet!!

MKjonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ItIS a national issue if the policy is to forbid the use of indigenous languages ('vernacular') in favour of English in all Ugandan schools. Doesn't your party have an education policy ?Kasangwawo

From:Matek Opoko [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To:The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda, [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:Re: [Ugnet] Budo should have taught me LugandaDate:Wed, 23 Aug 2006 10:33:27 -0700 (PDT)

who cares is that even a national issue? 

MKmusamize [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Budo should have taught me Luganda
News about the centenary celebrations at King’s College Budo brought back all the fond memories of Budo the place and Budo the experience. Heartfelt thanks to all the organisers and participants. I wish I were there.

Budo has provided immeasurable opportunities to many young women and men and by all indications will continue to do so. My only regret is that after six years at Budo in the 1960s, I could hardly read, write or speak Luganda but acquired just enough survival Luganda expressions to establish a credit line with ‘Congo’ for roasted groundnuts, amuse the night watchmen and occasionally get enyongeza from the market women on Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays. 

I was Luganda illiterate because of the school rule that required English to be spoken at all times except Sunday afternoons. By hindsight, that was a bad rule. Just as she provided opportunities for spiritual enrichment and physical development, Budo should have encouraged cultural development by teaching conversational Luganda to non-native speakers.

I suggest that Budo makes it a requirement for incoming students (S1 and S5) to demonstrate fluency in spoken Luganda or take a mandatory one-year course in conversational Luganda.J. C. Okuk Nyankori, Class of 1964 (South Africa House),South Carolina, US

Scheme to destory Buganda: divide up the districts/take away as much as possible from the districts that make up Buganda.
Consult people on Kampala extension
I have heard the news about the extension of Kampala city to cover parts of Wakiso and Mukono districts. Districts, although they are subject to some degree of supervision by the central government, are autonomous bodies. 

The district councils and the inhabitants of these districts must be consulted before altering the boundaries of their districts. They may object to incorporating their properties in Kampala city. 

Residents of trading centres such as Kasangati, Nansana, Kireka, Bweyogerere and Mukono for example see no benefit in being incorporated within Kampala city, except being burdened with property taxes. 
Extension of Kampala city boundaries must be by consent of the affected districts; it should not be imposed.P.S Mabuliro,Entebbe. 

Want to be your own boss? Learn how on Yahoo! Small Business. ___Ugandanet mailing listUgandanet@kym.net UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.---

Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

___Ugandanet mailing listUgandanet@kym.net UGANDANET is 


2006-08-24 Thread jonah kasangwawo
The usual unfocussed, confused rhetoric.
So, you'll move the 'cultural entity' (whatever that means) to Bamunanika - what then will you do with the Lubiri ? Perhaps the same thing as the committee is proposing ? What then is the hullabaloo about ? What is actually being done in the Lubiri now that is of use to the development of the Kingdom ?
Since you are coming from a point of ignorance, let me educate you on some issues. Firstly, the palace is where the Kabaka decides he will live. Over the centuries, the Kabakas have moved their palaces to different venues in Buganda. The current Kabaka prefers to have his palace at Banda but he could easily decide to move his palace to Nkozi in Masaka. Fortunately, this is not dependent on the orders of a so-called Mulindwa.
Secondly, the fact that the Lubiri isnear Kampala is nothing out of the ordinary. For example, Buckingham Palace is right in the middle of London but this has had no adverse effect, on the contrary, it attracts tourists from all over the world who spend their money there. Your small-minded idea that it is easier for tourists to visit the palace in far-away Bamunanika than at Lubiri, defies all logic. Thirdly, to assume that the geographical distance of an institution from the capital is the deciding factor of whether this institution will be involved in politics or not, is nonsensical, to say the least.
Lastly, to the facts. The Bulange is not in the Lubiri but about a mile away. That the Bulange is being rented is your concoction.What ignorant people like you don't know, is thatin the times before your fallen hero ordered the assault on the Lubiri, parts of it were like a town in itself, with a large number of people involved in diverse commercial activities. So this proposal is not out of the ordinary either. 
Finally, I'm urging you to at last take my advice and stick to your northern 'thing' instead of talking about issues you have no clue about. Only then will you maybe stop embarassing yourself in public.


From: "Edward Mulindwa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED],,"Florence Namutebi" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [Ugnet] KASANGWAAWO I TOLD YOU !Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 21:34:27 -0400


At a point, one has to remind some of these good friends that we have here, a long information journey we have traveled, and it is important for me to remind Kasangwaawo what I posted here that he called a stupid idea. I stated that Mengo has to realize that this is 2006 and not 13000, Mengo has to realize too that being a cultural entity Mengo can not fit in Kampala, I continued as well that what Mengo needs to do is to move our cultural entity out side Kampala and it becomes a true cultural entity. I suggested a redevelopment of Bamunanika. Now that we have established that the current king we have is in bed with The Movement I suggested why not go to Bamunanika and expand that land all Buganda wants and build a 2006 palace that we as Baganda can have for our culture? There are two gains here, Bamunanika is not very far from Kampala so any tourist can 
drive to see the palace, it is in Buganda and accessible from all sides. But most important it would take Mengo out of Uganda Political frying pan, for bottom line a cultural entity can not be a political entity, but this would as well allow Mengo to put all buildings they have in Kampala to a good productive rental Market. Kasangwawo called me an enemy of Buganda.

Well here we are Kasangwawo, Mengo has started to work on renting the properties, they have started with Bulange its self. The idiots have decided to rent the facility with out building a new one. The agenda here is to change part of the Lubiri to a hotel, a Lodge, a Casino you name it, when The Twekobe is in the middle. Thetwarts in this kingdom have failed to understand that the Casino is going to squeeze the Twekobe its self. Where are the Baganda today to protest this King? It is a very sad day to those of us who loved this Kingdom for our cultural purposes.

We live in very strange days indeed !! (Ffe kasita twebaka bull craps)


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
___Ugandanet mailing listUgandanet@kym.net UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.---
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Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM 

Re: [Ugnet] Budo should have taught me Luganda

2006-08-24 Thread jonah kasangwawo

ItIS a national issue if the policy is to forbid the use of indigenous languages ('vernacular') in favour of English in all Ugandan schools. Doesn't your party have an education policy ?Kasangwawo

From:Matek Opoko [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To:The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda, [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:Re: [Ugnet] Budo should have taught me LugandaDate:Wed, 23 Aug 2006 10:33:27 -0700 (PDT)

who cares is that even a national issue? 

MKmusamize [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Budo should have taught me Luganda
News about the centenary celebrations at King’s College Budo brought back all the fond memories of Budo the place and Budo the experience. Heartfelt thanks to all the organisers and participants. I wish I were there.
Budo has provided immeasurable opportunities to many young women and men and by all indications will continue to do so. My only regret is that after six years at Budo in the 1960s, I could hardly read, write or speak Luganda but acquired just enough survival Luganda expressions to establish a credit line with ‘Congo’ for roasted groundnuts, amuse the night watchmen and occasionally get enyongeza from the market women on Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays. 

I was Luganda illiterate because of the school rule that required English to be spoken at all times except Sunday afternoons. By hindsight, that was a bad rule. Just as she provided opportunities for spiritual enrichment and physical development, Budo should have encouraged cultural development by teaching conversational Luganda to non-native speakers.
I suggest that Budo makes it a requirement for incoming students (S1 and S5) to demonstrate fluency in spoken Luganda or take a mandatory one-year course in conversational Luganda.J. C. Okuk Nyankori, Class of 1964 (South Africa House),South Carolina, US

Scheme to destory Buganda: divide up the districts/take away as much as possible from the districts that make up Buganda.
Consult people on Kampala extension
I have heard the news about the extension of Kampala city to cover parts of Wakiso and Mukono districts. Districts, although they are subject to some degree of supervision by the central government, are autonomous bodies. 

The district councils and the inhabitants of these districts must be consulted before altering the boundaries of their districts. They may object to incorporating their properties in Kampala city. 
Residents of trading centres such as Kasangati, Nansana, Kireka, Bweyogerere and Mukono for example see no benefit in being incorporated within Kampala city, except being burdened with property taxes. 
Extension of Kampala city boundaries must be by consent of the affected districts; it should not be imposed.P.S Mabuliro,Entebbe. 

Want to be your own boss? Learn how on Yahoo! Small Business. ___Ugandanet mailing listUgandanet@kym.net UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.---

Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

___Ugandanet mailing listUgandanet@kym.net UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.---
Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! MSN Messenger Download today it's FREE!

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.


2006-08-01 Thread jonah kasangwawo

I shall not be distracted by your diversionary tactics. I am therefore not going to take you on a lecture about the migration of Ugandans, although I easily could. My discontent with you is why you singled out Baganda. That's all. It looks like you are the one who can't answer a straight question.


From: "Edward Mulindwa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.netTo: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" ugandanet@kym.netSubject: Re: [Ugnet] A GLIMP ON THE UGANDA OF 2015Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2006 17:53:50 -0400


One day you will answer a straight question and you of all people know I will be right here.


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

----- Original Message - 
From: jonah kasangwawo 
Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2006 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] A GLIMP ON THE UGANDA OF 2015

Oh, so it is exit of Ugandan youths now ? Why then did youspecifically pick out Baganda in your initial posting ? From: "Edward Mulindwa" 
Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda
To: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda"
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] A GLIMP ON THE UGANDA OF 2015
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 19:56:08 -0400


How is the massive exit of Ugandans youths out of Uganda going to
affect Uganda as a nation in the long run?


The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - From: "jonah kasangwawo"

Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 7:52 AM
Subject: RE: [Ugnet] A GLIMP ON THE UGANDA OF 2015

Now, where did this one come from ? Aren't you the one who was
posing as someone else a while ago ?

Be that as it may:

1. My name is not John
2. You are a Ugandan by nationality - so what ?
3. My writings make you sick - as if I care ! You don't understand
them anyway.
4. So I'm ignorant and a real fool ? Well, it takes one to know
one. If you haven't noticed that Mulindwa's postings always
contain, as a rule, negative comments about Buganda, Baganda or
their Kabaka, then you are either blind or you simply don't
understand English (even if it's as poor as Mulindwa's) or you are
just ignorant and a real fool.

If you want to join him in this nonsense then bring it on !


From: Joicye nansikombi
Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda

To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda

Subject: RE: [Ugnet] A GLIMP ON THE UGANDA OF 2015
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 10:01:18 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Mr. John Kasangwawo:

 I am a Ugandan by Nationality.But What I have read and read
from your writings
 Make me Sick and Feel that you are among people who have really
made Uganda
 a damping place.Secondly you are among the most ignorant that
even if you go toschool for 1000 years you will remain a real
 Sorry for the language but that is the real language you can

jonah kasangwawo wrote:
 I started reading this and was wondering, when is..., when is
he... And
there, in the 2nd paragraph, he did it ! I mean the obligatory
mention of Baganda. Nothing ever changes !

 From: "Edward Mulindwa"
 Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda
 CC: Florence Namutebi ,
 Subject: [Ugnet] A GLIMP ON THE UGANDA OF 2015
 Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 07:42:53 -0400
 For a very long time I have stated that we do not need to worry
about the
 damage this government has done in our country but the long term
 that can not be changed in twenty years. To build a nation it
takes very
 many years and building Uganda has been put on hold for twenty
years. If
 Iddi Amin planted a business mind to all Ugandans than going to
 he has been out of power for twenty seven years, how long will
 societal destruction take to reverse the path of this country?
Again we
 As we speak there is a tendency of every kid in a Uganda school
aiming at
 getting out of Uganda, below I am re posting one of the numerous
emails I
 get from home. Remember these are people who do not even know
me. When
 were going to school was your purpose to get out? Although many
 praising this government but I find it very difficult to find a
 Ugandans of that age prefer to get out and this kid says and I
 "Because my goal is to have employment out side my country it is
 greatest ambition.." End quote. Of course his ambition
is to get
 out for we have kids who are studying but with no jobs being
created. Why
 wouldn't you look for greener pastures? And I get at least f


2006-07-29 Thread jonah kasangwawo

Oh, so it is exit of Ugandan youths now ? Why then did youspecifically pick out Baganda in your initial posting ? From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda <UGANDANET@KYM.NET>
To: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" <UGANDANET@KYM.NET>
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] A GLIMP ON THE UGANDA OF 2015
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 19:56:08 -0400


How is the massive exit of Ugandans youths out of Uganda going to
affect Uganda as a nation in the long run?


The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - From: "jonah kasangwawo"
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 7:52 AM
Subject: RE: [Ugnet] A GLIMP ON THE UGANDA OF 2015

Now, where did this one come from ? Aren't you the one who was
posing as someone else a while ago ?

Be that as it may:

1. My name is not John
2. You are a Ugandan by nationality - so what ?
3. My writings make you sick - as if I care ! You don't understand
them anyway.
4. So I'm ignorant and a real fool ? Well, it takes one to know
one. If you haven't noticed that Mulindwa's postings always
contain, as a rule, negative comments about Buganda, Baganda or
their Kabaka, then you are either blind or you simply don't
understand English (even if it's as poor as Mulindwa's) or you are
just ignorant and a real fool.

If you want to join him in this nonsense then bring it on !


From: Joicye nansikombi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda
To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda
Subject: RE: [Ugnet] A GLIMP ON THE UGANDA OF 2015
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 10:01:18 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Mr. John Kasangwawo:

 I am a Ugandan by Nationality.But What I have read and read
from your writings
 Make me Sick and Feel that you are among people who have really
made Uganda
 a damping place.Secondly you are among the most ignorant that
even if you go toschool for 1000 years you will remain a real
 Sorry for the language but that is the real language you can

jonah kasangwawo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
 I started reading this and was wondering, when is..., when is
he... And
there, in the 2nd paragraph, he did it ! I mean the obligatory
mention of Baganda. Nothing ever changes !

 From: "Edward Mulindwa"
 Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda
 CC: Florence Namutebi ,
 Subject: [Ugnet] A GLIMP ON THE UGANDA OF 2015
 Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 07:42:53 -0400
 For a very long time I have stated that we do not need to worry
about the
 damage this government has done in our country but the long term
 that can not be changed in twenty years. To build a nation it
takes very
 many years and building Uganda has been put on hold for twenty
years. If
 Iddi Amin planted a business mind to all Ugandans than going to
 he has been out of power for twenty seven years, how long will
 societal destruction take to reverse the path of this country?
Again we
 As we speak there is a tendency of every kid in a Uganda school
aiming at
 getting out of Uganda, below I am re posting one of the numerous
emails I
 get from home. Remember these are people who do not even know
me. When
 were going to school was your purpose to get out? Although many
 praising this government but I find it very difficult to find a
 Ugandans of that age prefer to get out and this kid says and I
 "Because my goal is to have employment out side my country it is
 greatest ambition.." End quote. Of course his ambition
is to get
 out for we have kids who are studying but with no jobs being
created. Why
 wouldn't you look for greener pastures? And I get at least five
of these
 week. So the question becomes how many are actually writing and
how many
 are actually leaving? But remember too that as boys at this age
 these letters, girls are getting married by foreigners and
getting out as
 well. So the girls are using their bodies to get out of the
mess. Walk in
 any city out here and be amazed of the numbers of Uganda girls.
We have
 never been bombarded by Uganda girls as we are today, and the
 continue to grow day by day.
 And what is so interesting is that the people like Baganda who
claim to
 have a best government in Uganda, are the ones running the most,
 Northerners who are in the fake war. Then you wonder, if The
Movement has
 given the most powerful positions to Baganda, all these names
are in
 Government as we speak, Professor Nsibambi Apollo, Professor


2006-07-28 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Now, where did this one come from ? Aren't you the one who was posing as 
someone else a while ago ?

Be that as it may:

1. My name is not John
2. You are a Ugandan by nationality - so what ?
3. My writings make you sick - as if I care ! You don't understand them 
4. So I'm ignorant and a real fool ? Well, it takes one to know one. If you 
haven't noticed that Mulindwa's postings always contain, as a rule, negative 
comments about Buganda, Baganda or their Kabaka, then you are either blind 
or you simply don't understand English (even if it's as poor as Mulindwa's) 
or you are just ignorant and a real fool.

If you want to join him in this nonsense then bring it on !


From: Joicye nansikombi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda

To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda
Subject: RE: [Ugnet] A GLIMP ON THE UGANDA OF 2015
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 10:01:18 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Mr. John Kasangwawo:

  I am a Ugandan by Nationality.  But What I have read and read from your 
  Make me Sick and Feel that you are among people who have really made 
  a damping place.  Secondly you are among the most ignorant that even if 
you go to  school for 1000 years you will remain a real Fool.

  Sorry for the language but that is the real language you can understand.

jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I started reading this and was wondering, when is..., when is he... And
there, in the 2nd paragraph, he did it ! I mean the obligatory adverse
mention of Baganda. Nothing ever changes !

From: Edward Mulindwa
Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda

CC: Florence Namutebi ,
Subject: [Ugnet] A GLIMP ON THE UGANDA OF 2015
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 07:42:53 -0400


For a very long time I have stated that we do not need to worry about the
damage this government has done in our country but the long term effect
that can not be changed in twenty years. To build a nation it takes very
many years and building Uganda has been put on hold for twenty years. If
Iddi Amin planted a business mind to all Ugandans than going to school, 

he has been out of power for twenty seven years, how long will this
societal destruction take to reverse the path of this country? Again we
As we speak there is a tendency of every kid in a Uganda school aiming at
getting out of Uganda, below I am re posting one of the numerous emails I
get from home. Remember these are people who do not even know me. When 

were going to school was your purpose to get out? Although many are
praising this government but I find it very difficult to find a reason 

Ugandans of that age prefer to get out and this kid says and I quote
Because my goal is to have employment out side my country it is my
greatest ambition.. End quote. Of course his ambition is to get
out for we have kids who are studying but with no jobs being created. Why
wouldn't you look for greener pastures? And I get at least five of these 

week. So the question becomes how many are actually writing and how many
are actually leaving? But remember too that as boys at this age are 

these letters, girls are getting married by foreigners and getting out as
well. So the girls are using their bodies to get out of the mess. Walk in
any city out here and be amazed of the numbers of Uganda girls. We have
never been bombarded by Uganda girls as we are today, and the numbers
continue to grow day by day.

And what is so interesting is that the people like Baganda who claim to
have a best government in Uganda, are the ones running the most, not
Northerners who are in the fake war. Then you wonder, if The Movement has
given the most powerful positions to Baganda, all these names are in 

Government as we speak, Professor Nsibambi Apollo, Professor Bukenya
Baribasseka, Professor Kiwanuka Ssemakula, Dr. Kibirige Ssebunya, Dr. 

Makubuya, Hon. Ssekandi Edward, The Kingdom too reinstated, and the list
continues on and on. Why are Baganda running out of this country this 

The Uganda of 2015 scares the wits out of me and should you.


No one can find a safe way out for himself if society is sweeping 
destruction. Therefore everyone, in his own interests, must thrust 

vigorously into the intellectual battle. None can stand aside with
unconcern; the interests of everyone hang on the result. -- Ludwig von

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
 Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

Dear Mr. Mulindwa

 Am a Ugandan citizen aged 23 years a pharmacy techncian by proffessional
and an Enrolled comprehensive Nurse student hoping to graduate in 

2007 .I read your articles in Monitor news


2006-07-27 Thread jonah kasangwawo
I started reading this and was wondering, when is..., when is he... And 
there, in the 2nd paragraph, he did it ! I mean the obligatory adverse 
mention of Baganda. Nothing ever changes !

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda

CC: Florence Namutebi [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: [Ugnet] A GLIMP ON THE UGANDA OF 2015
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 07:42:53 -0400


For a very long time I have stated that we do not need to worry about the 
damage this government has done in our country but the long term effect 
that can not be changed in twenty years. To build a nation it takes very 
many years and building Uganda has been put on hold for twenty years. If 
Iddi Amin planted a business mind to all Ugandans than going to school, and 
he has been out of power for twenty seven years, how long will this 
societal destruction take to reverse the path of this country? Again we 
As we speak there is a tendency of every kid in a Uganda school aiming at 
getting out of Uganda, below I am re posting one of the numerous emails I 
get from home. Remember these are people who do not even know me.  When you 
were going to school was your purpose to get out? Although many are 
praising this government but I find it very difficult to find a reason why 
Ugandans of that age prefer to get out and this kid says and I quote 
Because my goal is to have employment out side my country it is my 
greatest ambition.. End quote. Of course his ambition is to get 
out for we have kids who are studying but with no jobs being created. Why 
wouldn't you look for greener pastures? And I get at least five of these a 
week. So the question becomes how many are actually writing and how many 
are actually leaving? But remember too that as boys at this age are writing 
these letters, girls are getting married by foreigners and getting out as 
well. So the girls are using their bodies to get out of the mess. Walk in 
any city out here and be amazed of the numbers of Uganda girls. We have 
never been bombarded by Uganda girls as we are today, and the numbers 
continue to grow day by day.

And what is so interesting is that the people like Baganda who claim to 
have a best government in Uganda, are the ones running the most, not 
Northerners who are in the fake war. Then you wonder, if The Movement has 
given the most powerful positions to Baganda, all these names are in Uganda 
Government as we speak, Professor Nsibambi Apollo, Professor Bukenya 
Baribasseka, Professor Kiwanuka Ssemakula, Dr. Kibirige Ssebunya, Dr. Kiddu 
Makubuya, Hon. Ssekandi Edward, The Kingdom too reinstated, and the list 
continues on and on. Why are Baganda running out of this country this much?

The Uganda of 2015 scares the wits out of me and should you.


No one can find a safe way out for himself if society is sweeping towards 
destruction. Therefore everyone, in his own interests, must thrust himself 
vigorously into the intellectual battle. None can stand aside with 
unconcern; the interests of everyone hang on the result. -- Ludwig von 

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

Dear Mr. Mulindwa

  Am a Ugandan citizen aged 23 years a pharmacy techncian by proffessional 
and an Enrolled comprehensive Nurse student hoping to graduate in November 
2007 .I read your articles in Monitor news papers and they are so 
intreseting and thanks alot for remembering us and you write back i pray 
God to reward you abandantly.
Am  seeking for your  help  Concerning career guidance and advice 
concerning getting employment in your country so that i may start foccusing 
my goals accordingly .Because my goal is to have employment out side my 
country it is my greatest ambition but i do not know how i can go a bout 
this but since we have such peaple like you who are like parents i believed 
i had to seek for advice from them
Any assistance ,help,advice rendered  in whatever way is most welcome and 
most highly appreciated  I also take this opportunity to  request  you if 
you can  get me  a sponsor from there because things  here back  home  is 
complicated regarding  financing myself is  concerned Thank you for your 
concern to our mother country UGANDA Hope to hear from  you BACK



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Re: [Ugnet] Important message for the Baganda in the Diaspora

2006-05-04 Thread jonah kasangwawo


I don't oppose being organized. However, your belief that: elected = 
accountable; appointed = irresponsible, is not necessarily the reality. Take 
a look at who is most corrupt in Uganda today and check whether they were 
elected or appointed.


From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda

To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda

Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Important message for the Baganda in the Diaspora
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 21:20:09 -0400

James Matovu

Let us do things in an organized manner for once in a life time. Before we 
organize our selves as Baganda in Diaspora let Mengo get organized. We need 
an elected Lukiiko in Mengo. All these meetings we will do abroad will end 
up in raising funds to run Buganda and Mengo, and that is good. But do you 
really want to send your money to Mwaami so and so for he was appointed? If 
we were working that way we would not have been able to pay our bills. It 
is even laughable that you are calling on Ugandans in Diaspora to get 
organized before Mengo gets organized. And personally I hate doing things 

This is backwards.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message -
  From: Edriss Kironde
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda
  Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 7:38 AM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Important message for the Baganda in the Diaspora

  May 26 2007, topics and nominations to follow
  Edriss Sentongo Kironde
  Denver Colorado

  On 4/27/06, musamize [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Please direct responses to:
Joseph Matovu
Chairman, Ggwanga Mujje NY/NJ, Inc.
(718) 863-3623


  Apuli 1, 2007

  Bannyabo ne bassebo mbalamusizza nnyo.

  Amannya gange nze Joseph Matovu era nga nze Ssentebe wa Ggwanga 
Mujje New York/New Jersey, Inc.

  Abaganda bangi, naddala abali ebweru wa Buganda, tumaze ebbanga nga 
twogera ku ky'okussaawo olukiiko lw'Abaganda Ttabamiruka tukube empenda 
ez'okuweererezaamu oba okuzimbiramu Nnyaffe Buganda naddala mu biseera bino 
ebya kazigizigi. Wano bannakibiina kya Ggwanga Mujje NY/NJ, Inc. wetujjidde 
ne tweyama okulutuuza mu Ssaza ly'e New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania 
awamu ne Delaware omwaka ogujja (2007).

  Kyokka ng'enteekateeka ssinziggu tezinnatandika, tukusaba owe 
ebirowoozobyo ku bisengekeddwa wano wansi obituweereze nga tonnaggyako 
kompyuta eno gy'oliko. Apuli nga 30, 2006, tusaana okuba ng'ebirowoozo bya 
bonna tumaze okubikunngaanya.


  1. What 2007 date would you prefer to hold the event, given the 
following options:

  IMay 26, 2007?
  II   September 1, 2007?
  III  November 24, 2007?

  2. Provide up to three (3) topics and/or activities that you would 
want to beincluded in the


  3. Nominate up to three (3) persons that you would like to be 
invited as key-note  speaker or

  as guest of  honor.

  4. In your estimation, how many people in your area/city are likely 
to come to this conference?

  If you have any additional suggestions, comments and/or remark you 
want to make, please,

  forward them now or later.


  Joseph Matovu
  Chairman, Ggwanga Mujje NY/NJ, Inc.
  (718) 863-3623

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  % UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

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Re: [Ugnet] 7, 000 bursaries for pro-Museveni districts - It is corruption!

2006-03-24 Thread jonah kasangwawo

Either way the foundation thrives on Ugandan taxes one way or another.

Ocii, who told you that ? Can you substantiate ?

Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda

To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] 7,000 bursaries for pro-Museveni districts - It is 

Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 08:56:31 -0500 (EST)

Are you saying Buganda is an Island in Uganda? Either way the foundation 
thrives on Ugandan taxes one way or another. Tell me how Buganda kingdom is 
generating money. What is their sources of inclome?


Edriss Kironde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Re read the article again, but this time pay special attention to:
BUGANDA princes and princesses under the umbrella body, the Prince 
Kimbuggwe Foundation, have stacked 7, 000 bursaries for children in 
districts which voted highly for President Yoweri Museveni in February 23 

  On 3/21/06, ocii [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   See article following.

  This below is corruption! Ugandans are entitled to bursaries whether or 
not they voted for Mu7. The NRM government can not loot Ugandan tax payers 
money to dish to those districts that voted for Mu7. Ugandan taxes must go 
towards elevating the standard of living of all Ugandans regardless of 
their votes.

  Chanelling tax payers money to support certain districts because the 
districts voted for Mu7 is an outright stealing of resources from those 
districts that did not vote for mu7 to nakedly prop up those districts that 
voted for mu7. This act does not only create even more poverty in the 
districts that did not vote for mu7, but also is criminal.

  If the NRM government want to provide bursaries for districts that voted 
for mu7, they should collected taxes in these districts that voted for mu7 
for specifically, providing bursaries for t he same districts.

  There have been a lot of transfer of wealth from one region to another 
in the country in the last 20 years. Hopefully future investigation will 
tell, and then Ugandans can make inform decision on the penalty.


7, 000 bursaries for pro-Museveni districts IGNATIUS SSUUNA
 KAMPALA   BUGANDA princes and princesses under the umbrella body, the 
Prince Kimbuggwe Foundation, have stacked 7, 000 bursaries for children in 
districts which voted highly for President Yoweri Museveni in February 23 
  Th e head of the group, Prince Edward Kimbugwe, told Journalists in 
Kampala on Monday that the royal clan members were grateful to Ugandans for 
retaining Museveni in power.

  Museveni was re-elected President with 4,109,449 votes.
FDC's Kizza Besigye got 2,592,954 votes, DP's Ssebaana Kizito got 109,538, 
independent Abed Bwanika 5,874.

The only female candidate, Ms Mira Obote (UPC) got 57,071 votes.
  We have to reciprocate our appreciation by offering these bursaries to 
districts that showed Museveni huge support, Kimbugwe said.
  Districts in western and central regions voted Museveni overwhelmingly 
compared to those in eastern and northern Uganda.
  Kimbugwe said the bursaries would first be given to students in central 
Uganda before those upcountry benefit.
  The bursaries cover all categories from nursery to university, he 
said. He said the bursaries would be distributed to the beneficiaries 
throughout the country by th e President's representatives starting April 
this year.
  We encourage all Resident District Commissioners to come to our office 
in Kampala to get the details about the bursaries, Kimbugwe said.
  He said students from Buganda region would be considered although some 
personalities in the kingdom fight his good work of helping the poor.
  The Kimbuggwe Foundation members have had a shaky relationship with the 
Mengo establishment because of the royals's involvement in politics.
  The head of clans (Ssabalangira), Mr C. Kayima recently warned members 
of the royal clan from participating in politics, a directive the Kimbugwe 
Foundation defied.
He said the foundation would also extend bursaries to students in northern 
Uganda although voters in the region supported Besigye.
  The foundation is pleased to announce that the bursaries are now 
available and it is up to the people to grab the chance, he said.

The foundation is h elping over 10,000 students.

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RE: [Ugnet] Uganda Needs Obote

2005-09-08 Thread jonah kasangwawo

There we go again - empty statements and justifications !!!
Just two months ago I posted here details about the background of the 1966 
crisis. Up to now you have not produced any evidence contradicting what I 
posted or pointing out any factual errors. But here you come again with the 
usual 'Kabaka ordered the central government out of Buganda'. If you failed 
to internalize the information first time round, you can re-read the article 

under '1966 crisis'.


Subject: [Ugnet] Uganda Needs Obote
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 21:13:11 -0700 (PDT)

Uganda Needs Obote:

I have observed and heard a lot of arguments from the detractors of Dr. 
Obote and come to the conclusion that the old man is desperately needed to 
straighten things out in Uganda. Do not get me wrong; I am not saying that 
Uganda cannot be ruled without Obote. What I am saying is that the nation 
Uganda needs Dr. Obote to bring a sense of unity that he has fostered 
during his first reign.

Many people have written here on Ugandanet against Dr. Obote. But most of 
these people are his archenemies from whom you cannot expect any fair 
information. None has had the guts to acknowledge the good things Dr. Obote 
has done simply because that would overshadow the entire negative that they 
are attributing to him.

Museveni cannot be compared to Obote as a Uganda leader. There is no part 
of Uganda that has not benefited from the Obote government. Under Museveni, 
Luwero people have been deceived and the whole of Acholi and eastern Uganda 
has been destroyed. Museveni has no pangs whatsoever about the plight of 
these displaced people.

And now coming to twenty years in government, without any opposition 
whatsoever, Museveni and his supporters only know to blame every failure or 
lack of imagination on Obote! The Lubiri incident in which the Kabaka was 
driven out of Uganda is a sentimental issue to Baganda and Uganda in 
general. But it should be noted that the issue was not the conflict between 
the President and the Prime Minister at that time, but the physical treat 
from the Kabaka when he ordered the central government out of Buganda. The 
Kabaka and his government did not clearly explain to Uganda how he wanted 
to rule Uganda. Because of the conflict of interest the Kabaka had, the 
constitution as it was at that time, had to be changed.

There are issues that Obote passionately believes in and will defend as 
anybody else would. Obote does not believe in military solutions. Amin 
would not have overthrown Obote in 1971 if Obote believed in military 
solutions. In the second government, popularly known as Obote II, he was 
forced to leave Uganda against his will. Whether Uganda would have been 
better off if he did not flee, I cannot tell. There was no specific risk on 
Dr. Obote as a person and as the president.

So, because of the simple foregoing reasons, Uganda would benefit greatly 
through the return of Dr. Obote.

Onegi pa Obol

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2005-09-08 Thread jonah kasangwawo


it looks like you are one of those people who spend a good amount of their 
time speculating on many issues. I seem to have seen a remark like 'good 
riddance' somewhere at the beginning of this thread, or was it somebody else 
? If gook has finally seen the UPC for what it is and decided to leave it, 
why don't you let him be instead of sending him off with such unkind words ? 
And since when did Godfrey Akanga become a she ?


From: Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 13:36:58 +0100 (BST)

What we are witnessing on this discussion forum is what typically happens
to a people who spend a good amount of their time speculating on many 
An item was posted here to the effect that Gook left UPC and joined 
him/herself has said nothing about this assertion in any forum where (s)he 
is subscribed

But Alas!,daggers are already being drawn out to congratulate and blame 
him/her for
this alleged move or no move.What does that have to do with politics 
For Starters,any organization,social,political,cultural,academic etc that 
does not have
a constant flux of people into and out of it is not worth associating with 
because surely

that is a closed system,that with time implodes and ceases to exist!
Not long ago,Vukoni et al enmass left the then Weekly topic and founded the 
Newspaper,today Vukoni,Ekolomoit,Ogen Kevin and others are not with the 
Monitor and
I surely believe they are successful,where they are,does it mean because 
this cohort left
Monitor,the paper collapsed? Has what they saw as bad in Monitor then that 
made them leave
been rectified? If not why is Monitor still going on and yet the likes of 
Crusader and other

papers they founded folded up and the Monitor has not?
This is all about the foundations on which some organizations are built and 
so no individual or
group of individuals  will just by the butt of an eyelid shake that 
 So it is with many political parties. Constant flux into and out of it is 
healthy for their survival.
The Late Ronald Wilson Reagan started off as a Democrat and was an active 
member of the
democratic youth brigade but ended up being the most admired Republican 
If they had demonized or stopped to wish him well after leaving the 
Democratic Party,would they have helped him stay President for those 8 
Likewise,leaving any political party in Uganda most often has nothing to do 
with not seeing
something good within that party but rather a strategy that many employ to 
achieve what they
know,from within the present establishment,they would never have half a 
So instead of tearing each other garments of some of this nascent 
allegations and strategies
Ugandans are accomplished at perfecting,we should really be thinking of 
better ways to emancipate our citizenry from the appaling and dehumanizing 
poverty that Mu7 and cohorts have visited upon them in the last 20 years.

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That is true but FDC is still NRM man give me a break.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 4:08 PM

Any political orgnization that hemorrhages members has to ask itself why. 
It can't be the same reason each time someone leaves.

 Original Message 
From: Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, September 06, 2005 7:06 am

Good riddance!

David Nyende [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Gook has seen LIGHT.

David M. Nyende
Johnson  Nyende
Certified Public Accountants
3rd Floor Crusader House
Portal Avenue
P. O. Box 6164, Kampala, Uganda.
Tel. 256-41-235881/3; 256-31-262298/9
Mobile: 256-71-444586
- Original Message -
From: Edward Mulindwa
Cc: gook makanga ; Florence Namutebi ;
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 7:07 AM


Reliable sources are informing The Communication Group that Godfrey Akanga 
Gook, My fellow Luwerorian has deserted UPC to FDC with a high post too.

Yea as the jaw is dropping it is true to the dot.

For the record, the elections going to happen in Uganda is a fracas, I know 
that and you know that, and Gook my best friend knows it. We have allot of 
stress on our population especially those in exile.

But we have even the Kibuuka's who swear on the 

[Ugnet] RE: the 1966 crisis IV

2005-07-10 Thread jonah kasangwawo
 to kick Obote's government off Buganda soil, they remember 
these events that led to the crisis in 1966.

Jonah Kasangwawo

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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

Re: [Ugnet] RE: [FedsNet] Re: the 1966 crisis II

2005-07-06 Thread jonah kasangwawo


I'm not trying to convince anyone what a brilliant historian I am. I'm not 
even sure if you have read the whole thread on this subject, but it would be 
advisable for you to go to my first posting for an explanation of my 
intention instead of relying on guesswork and phantasies.

If you have nothing to say about the content, I'm not expecting you to 
respond. What is not useful to me is someone trying to misrepresent my 
motives and pretending that actual quotes of what happened are my wishes and 
expectations. It is people like you who don't want to face facts about our 
history and learn from them, who are taking Uganda astray by striving to 
come back and continue where you left off.

With hindsight, I had thought of withdrawing my last remark in the previous 
posting, as it is atypical of my way of communication. But I guess it has to 
remain standing.


Subject: Re: [Ugnet] RE: [FedsNet] Re: the 1966 crisis II
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2005 04:48:09 GMT

If all your reasoning and explanation end up in What an asshole ! how do 
you think this is going to convince people to see what a brilliant 
historian you are?
Tell us what you think about the constitution as it affects the current 
people in Uganda and what you will do to protect it and how you will do it. 
Also tell us what you expect from us your listeners so we can respond 
What you claim to be history or facts seem to be your wishes and 
expectations. It does not absolve you from being an ordinary Ugandan 
subject to the constitution. History may be good but now is better. Are you 
trying to relive history? If so, how can your reader or contributors to 
your message become assholes? It is because of such people like you that 
Uganda is going astray! You have the guns and you can not talk development 
but history and everymorning your are borrowing money from overseas to 
prevent Obote from returning to Uganda.

Yours is too much Kasangwawo.

Onegi pa obol

-- jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Onegi pa Obol,

I don't know how you came to the conclusion that my intention is to create
grounds for great upheavals in the country ! All I am attempting to do is
to give you the facts of our History, so we can all learn from it. I am not
encouraging dictators to use the same mean tricks Obote used then, on the
contrary I abhor them. But as the situation stands today, it seems we
haven't learnt from that History.

You may think that Obote is infallible but the fact is that he set the
example for taking over power using the military which was the beginning of
the troubles we are still experiencing today.
If you can't see the glaring similarities - Congo, messing with the
Constitution, etc. - I'm sorry I can't simplify for you farther than that.

What an asshole !


Subject: Re: [Ugnet] RE: [FedsNet] Re: the 1966 crisis II
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 04:41:07 GMT

I must thank all those learned or educated or informed persons who have
lead us to believe that Uganda is about Obote and Mutesa.
Thank you for having a mind that allows other dictators to emerge in 
using the same protocol and procedures. And thank you for creating 

for great upheavals in the country.

Onegi pa Obol

-- jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The President's Secretary responded to Obote's accusations on 4th March
and questioned why the Prime Minister did not specify which foreign
diplomats had been asked to send troops. He reminded the Prime Minister
while on his Northern tour, serious allegations concerning plans to
overthrow the Constitution had been made in Parliament and that on his
return, the Prime Minister himself had acknowledged the great alarm,
especially in Kampala, caused by the movement of troops which Obote 
had authorized earlier without informing the President. Connection was 

between this illegal training of troops and the truck loads of arms and
ammunition impounded by the Kenyan government the year before.

The response further stated that In the circumstances, precautionary
requests had to be made should the situation get out of hand. The safety 

the nation was at stake. The President did not invite foreign troops to
invade this country. The precautionary requests were conditional and did
not precipitate anything. The answer further reminded the Prime Minister
that during the army mutiny in 1964, he had called in British troops
informing the President who was both Head of State and Commander-in-Chief
until Sir Edward demanded to be given the necessary information.

Concerning the dereliction of duty accusations, the Secretary to the
President stated, and I quote:

As to failure to sign the two Acts, section 67 of the Constitution
provides, in part

[Ugnet] RE: the 1966 crisis III

2005-07-06 Thread jonah kasangwawo


Before I was so rudely interrupted, I was telling you about the two letters 
which Sir Edward wrote to the Prime Minister in February/March 1966. I'll 
quote the second letter of 3rd March in full, lest some quarters again view 
it as my 'wishes and expectations':

Your endeavours to introduce a totalitarian regime in this country, in 
complete violation of the Constitution of Uganda, which endeavours 
culminated in your announcement last night, have got no support of the 
people of this country. You must be aware of this yourself.

Your intentions are now clear, they are not motivated by the sense of 
service to one's own country. You would otherwise realise that the happiness 
and prosperity of Uganda are being jeopardized by your unconstitutional 
actions, which you have been pursuing single-handed since the 22nd February, 
1966. The public in this country and abroad that believes in representative 
democracy will never recognize the fact of your usurpation of the powers 
which the Constitution clearly vests in the President whose election is by 
Parliament and by nobody else. I myself cannot be party to your present 
illegal exercise. I would like to add this further point - that your current 
conduct is very harmful to the cause of our brothers in the rest of Africa 
where every wrong step we take out here adds to their already unbearable 
burden. The existing tensions in the whole world today demand that we do our 
utmost best to reduce them instead of adding to them in any manner.

I should be failing in my duty if I left you in the slightest doubt that the 
people of this country would ever accept these, your unconstitutional 

There are far too many warnings elsewhere already for anybody to think that 
our people can ever acquiesce in this insult of their intelligence.

Please read this letter alongside mine of 28th February.

Both letters were received enthusiastically by the public because up to that 
time, they did not exactly know what the President's stand was in the whole 
affair. The local and foreign press were not supportive of the Prime 
Minister's activities. The Time magazine even called it a 'coup of 

Obote now turned really nasty and put the State House off limits for Sir 
Edward, without even having the courtesy to inform him. The President 
complained about this in a letter he wrote to the Prime Minister on 8th 

It has been broght to my notice that in pursuance of your instructions 
State House has been sealed and the staff thereof ordered not to serve me 
anymore, he wrote. He stated that this was very serious as valuable 
property belonging to him was still in State House and that he was not 
informed when when it was being sealed.

Sir Edward seems to have been aware that he could be framed in the process, 
for he continues:

There are two possibilities that can happen after this your unilateral act. 
My personal effects may be misplaced or lost altogether and secondly some 
extraneous matter may be introduced into the House. Both these apects or 
either of them may cause alarming results.

You have taken away all my staff, including the security officers, thereby 
exposing my life to maximum danger.

He ends the letter on a philosophical note:

The future is mercifully closed to most of us, but the past, which is the 
greatest teacher known to man, has shown that desperate measures such as the 
ones we are now being subjected to by yourself, have the quality of a 
boomerang and they invariably lead to limited or general misery. The verdict 
will not wait for posterity as the living have now written their judgement 
regarding your actions.

Instead of replying to Muteesa, Obote issued a statement in the Uganda Argus 
on 11th March stressing that the offices of President and Vice-President had 
been suspended on 24th February and therefore it was necessary to secure 
government property at State House as well as personal effects belonging to 
the 'former' President.

He claimed that Since then, Sir Edward has been free to remove any of his 
personal belongings from State House, and indeed he has already removed some 
of his personal effects. He is still free to send any authorised person to 
remove whatever is remaining.

Obote continued that since the Constituion was suspended, the 'former' 
President could not expect to use State House or any government property. 
Anybody working for him must consider himself a personal employee at Sir 
Edward's expense, he stated, without taking into consideration that most of 
these employees were civil servants whose benefits, such as pensions, were 
in jeopardy because of his actions.

He finished by warning editors of newspapers who still referred to the 
offices of President and Vice-President to stop misleading or misinforming 
the public.

to be contd.

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Re: [Ugnet] RE: [FedsNet] Re: the 1966 crisis II

2005-07-05 Thread jonah kasangwawo

Onegi pa Obol,

I don't know how you came to the conclusion that my intention is to create 
grounds for great upheavals in the country ! All I am attempting to do is 
to give you the facts of our History, so we can all learn from it. I am not 
encouraging dictators to use the same mean tricks Obote used then, on the 
contrary I abhor them. But as the situation stands today, it seems we 
haven't learnt from that History.

You may think that Obote is infallible but the fact is that he set the 
example for taking over power using the military which was the beginning of 
the troubles we are still experiencing today.
If you can't see the glaring similarities - Congo, messing with the 
Constitution, etc. - I'm sorry I can't simplify for you farther than that.

What an asshole !


Subject: Re: [Ugnet] RE: [FedsNet] Re: the 1966 crisis II
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 04:41:07 GMT

I must thank all those learned or educated or informed persons who have 
lead us to believe that Uganda is about Obote and Mutesa.
Thank you for having a mind that allows other dictators to emerge in Uganda 
using the same protocol and procedures. And thank you for creating grounds 
for great upheavals in the country.

Onegi pa Obol

-- jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The President's Secretary responded to Obote's accusations on 4th March 

and questioned why the Prime Minister did not specify which foreign
diplomats had been asked to send troops. He reminded the Prime Minister 

while on his Northern tour, serious allegations concerning plans to
overthrow the Constitution had been made in Parliament and that on his
return, the Prime Minister himself had acknowledged the great alarm,
especially in Kampala, caused by the movement of troops which Obote himself
had authorized earlier without informing the President. Connection was made
between this illegal training of troops and the truck loads of arms and
ammunition impounded by the Kenyan government the year before.

The response further stated that In the circumstances, precautionary
requests had to be made should the situation get out of hand. The safety of
the nation was at stake. The President did not invite foreign troops to
invade this country. The precautionary requests were conditional and did
not precipitate anything. The answer further reminded the Prime Minister
that during the army mutiny in 1964, he had called in British troops 

informing the President who was both Head of State and Commander-in-Chief
until Sir Edward demanded to be given the necessary information.

Concerning the dereliction of duty accusations, the Secretary to the
President stated, and I quote:

As to failure to sign the two Acts, section 67 of the Constitution
provides, in part, that if the President declines to perform an act as
required by the Constitution, the Prime Minister may himself perform that
act. In his capacity as Kabaka of Buganda and President of Uganda, Sir
Edward Mutesa was put in a most invidious position over the question of the
Referendum. The two Counties, the subject of the Referendum, formed part of
the Kingdom of Buganda. The Prime Minister was quite aware of this quandary
himself and he agreed to follow the procedures laid down in section 67 and
signed the Acts. The section envisaged such a situation. It was
constitutional for the President to have declined as he did.

The same was true for the official opening of the session of Parliament. 
Constitution did not provide that the President MUST (emphasis mine) 

the opening of each and every session. It envisaged occasions where the
Vice-President could perform functions should the President be unable to do
so. This was one such occasion. All of this shows that Obote was just 

to find petty reasons for carrying out his unconstitutional acts.

Another problem was that the President had no access to the mass media 
was a monopoly of Obote and his government. So while Obote could reach a 

of people, Sir Edward could only depend on the mercy of the press which was
also not quite free. But on 4th March 1966 the President managed to break
his silence and published two letters he had written to the Prime Minister
on 28th February 1966 and 3rd March 1966. The first one read in part:

This is to inform you that your public statements of 22nd and 24th
February, 1966, have caused me much anxiety especially as you have not
informed me of them as you are required by the Constitution.

He goes on to inform Obote that his taking over of all powers of the
Government of Uganda was contrary to the Constitution, which is the supreme
law of the land and that the suspension of the Constitution was

I'll quote the rest of it in full in order to do full justice to the

I have allowed plenty of time to elapse before writing to you in the hope
that after careful

[Ugnet] RE: [FedsNet] Re: the 1966 crisis II

2005-07-04 Thread jonah kasangwawo


The President's Secretary responded to Obote's accusations on 4th March 1966 
and questioned why the Prime Minister did not specify which foreign 
diplomats had been asked to send troops. He reminded the Prime Minister that 
while on his Northern tour, serious allegations concerning plans to 
overthrow the Constitution had been made in Parliament and that on his 
return, the Prime Minister himself had acknowledged the great alarm, 
especially in Kampala, caused by the movement of troops which Obote himself 
had authorized earlier without informing the President. Connection was made 
between this illegal training of troops and the truck loads of arms and 
ammunition impounded by the Kenyan government the year before.

The response further stated that In the circumstances, precautionary 
requests had to be made should the situation get out of hand. The safety of 
the nation was at stake. The President did not invite foreign troops to 
invade this country. The precautionary requests were conditional and did 
not precipitate anything. The answer further reminded the Prime Minister 
that during the army mutiny in 1964, he had called in British troops without 
informing the President who was both Head of State and Commander-in-Chief 
until Sir Edward demanded to be given the necessary information.

Concerning the dereliction of duty accusations, the Secretary to the 
President stated, and I quote:

As to failure to sign the two Acts, section 67 of the Constitution 
provides, in part, that if the President declines to perform an act as 
required by the Constitution, the Prime Minister may himself perform that 
act. In his capacity as Kabaka of Buganda and President of Uganda, Sir 
Edward Mutesa was put in a most invidious position over the question of the 
Referendum. The two Counties, the subject of the Referendum, formed part of 
the Kingdom of Buganda. The Prime Minister was quite aware of this quandary 
himself and he agreed to follow the procedures laid down in section 67 and 
signed the Acts. The section envisaged such a situation. It was 
constitutional for the President to have declined as he did.

The same was true for the official opening of the session of Parliament. The 
Constitution did not provide that the President MUST (emphasis mine) perform 
the opening of each and every session. It envisaged occasions where the 
Vice-President could perform functions should the President be unable to do 
so. This was one such occasion. All of this shows that Obote was just trying 
to find petty reasons for carrying out his unconstitutional acts.

Another problem was that the President had no access to the mass media which 
was a monopoly of Obote and his government. So while Obote could reach a lot 
of people, Sir Edward could only depend on the mercy of the press which was 
also not quite free. But on 4th March 1966 the President managed to break 
his silence and published two letters he had written to the Prime Minister 
on 28th February 1966 and 3rd March 1966. The first one read in part:

This is to inform you that your public statements of 22nd and 24th 
February, 1966, have caused me much anxiety especially as you have not 
informed me of them as you are required by the Constitution.

He goes on to inform Obote that his taking over of all powers of the 
Government of Uganda was contrary to the Constitution, which is the supreme 
law of the land and that the suspension of the Constitution was 

I'll quote the rest of it in full in order to do full justice to the 

I have allowed plenty of time to elapse before writing to you in the hope 
that after careful thought you would find your way to retracting these 
unconstitutional acts. I had hoped that your advisers would point it out to 
you that the course you were pursuing might cause instability in the 
country, a situation which we are all striving to avoid. Now that the dark 
clouds continue to mount in the very lives of the people of this country, I 
feel I am in duty bound to ask you to stay your hand, and to desist from 
continuing with the procedures against Government personnel, especially 
those who are commissioned to serve me.
Our first duty is to the people of this country. The people decided in their 
great wisdom that the best way to serve them is through the means laid down 
in the Constitution which they themselves made.
Once again, I earnestly appeal to you to adhere strictly to the Constitution 
in order to remove this overhanging uneasiness which cannot be conducive to 
peace, good order and the counrty's prosperity.

It is clear from the above that Sir Edward still thought he could be civil 
in his dealings with Obote.

..more later.

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[Ugnet] Re: the 1966 crisis

2005-07-03 Thread jonah kasangwawo

Mw. Muwanga-Zake / netters,

it is not unusual for people like Ocaya p'Ocure to declare that Mengo wanted 
to kick Obote's government off Buganda soil, without making any attempt to 
mention the events culminating in that act, thereby giving the impression 
that somehow the members of the Lukiiko just woke up one fine morning and 
decided to order Obote out of Buganda without any reason. As I will show 
below, several attempts were made, not only by the Great Lukiiko but also by 
the then President Muteesa II himself, to bring Obote to reason and convince 
him to change his ways and retract his unconstitutional acts - all to no 
avail. It was only after all attempts had failed, that the Lukiiko made it 
clear that the basis on which Buganda had agreed to be part of an 
independent country called Uganda had been violated and told Obote to remove 
his government from Buganda soil.

Having said that, the Lukiiko was the only institution that made any visible 
attempt to stop Obote's illegal acts while others were numb due to his 

Now to the events:

The Uganda government had supported the Congolese Simba rebels led by Gbenye 
(an army whose fighters dressed in monkey skins and cannibalized their 
opponents) during the armed conflict between Tshombe and Gbenye in the early 
60s. At the end of the operations, some Ugandan MPs started raising 
questions as to who authorized the Uganda forces beyond guarding the Uganda 
border. There were also allegations that gold and ivory was brought back and 
shared among certain individuals. The issue was first publicly discussed in 
Parliament when a government backbencher tabled a motion on 12th March 1965 
concerning the security situation in Buganda, the main objective of which 
was to ban Kabaka Yekka (KY) by branding it a party of criminals. During the 
debate, a DP member, Gaspari Oda, sought to amend the motion by adding 
corruption in the civil service and armed forces, which he said was a factor 
in the insecurity not only in Buganda but throughout the country. The 
amendment was finally defeated but not before Daudi Ochieng (KY) and 
Alexander Latim (DP) had introduced a lot of information in support of the 
amendment. Ochieng confirmed that the insecurity was not confined to Buganda 
but was spread throughout the country; that the soldiers patrolling near the 
Congo border in West Nile were becoming lawless; that morale in the armed 
forces was low due to the soldiers' belief that a few senior officers were 
making personal financial gain out of the border incidents.

Ochieng also informed Parliament that Amin, who was then Deputy Commander of 
the Uganda Army, had visited West Nile several times and had been seen 
bringing back parcels to his home in Entebbe which he guarded with utmost 
security. Through a mistake by the post office, whereby Amin's bank 
statement was put into the wrong box, the following information about his 
deposits became available: he had deposited $1500 on 5th February 1965; 
$9000 on 15th Feb; $3000 on 17th Feb; $28250 on 26 Feb and $3250 on 2nd 
March. As Amin had no known private means of income, Ochieng wanted Onama, 
the Minister of Defence, to initiate an investigation into this sudden 
windfall. Incidentally, Onama had told Parliament at the beginning of the 
debate that Amin's bank account stood at $2400.

Before introducing the information to Parliament, Ochieng and Latim had the 
courtesy of informing Onama and the Inspector Gneral of Police about the 
whole situation. When Amin got wind of the reports, he phoned Latim and 
threatened to kill him and Ochieng. He later apologized to both gentlemen 
claiming that he had been upset by the allegations about his bank account. 
Onama, on his part, dismissed the allegations against Amin calling them 
latrine talks. He even suggested that Amin's relatives had given him the 
money, or that Congolese refugees might have given it to him for safe 
keeping. Realizing the futility of his justifications, Onama promised to 
initiate investigations into the matter. The investigations were never 
carried out, since Brigadier Opolot, the Commander of the Uganda Army, was 
prevented from initiating them according to the Military Law.

The matter was left unanswered until Ochieng revived it on 4th February 1966 
after the Penal (Amendment) Bill, section 41, which sought to curb the 
activities of KY, had been passed. His motion sought to suspend Amin pending 
investigations into his account. Ochieng alleged that some members of the 
government, together with Colonel Amin, were planning a coup to overthrow 
the Constitution. During the debate, it was disclosed that Milton Obote, 
Felix Onama and Adoko Nekyon, Minister of Planning and Community 
Development, had received large amounts of money from gold and elephant 
tusks from Congo after Uganda Army's incursions into that country. All the 
ministers present, except Onama (who denied the charges), were of the 
opinion that 

Re: [Ugnet] Mutesa's last days in UK

2005-05-25 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Of course it does. It is only that your brain is too little to make the 

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Mutesa's last days in UK Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 
19:19:51 -0400


This article has actually nothing to do with what I posted.


The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
   Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - From: jonah kasangwawo 

Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 7:33 AM
Subject: [Ugnet] Mutesa's last days in UK


here's the article about Muteesa II's time in exile. I'd rather believe 
this well-researched information than the fables one netter has been 
imposing on the public about his hero remitting funds to the exiled King. 
In fact, as you will see, the opposite was the case.

What would be interesting to know is how much was on the accounts frozen 
by Obote and what happened to the money, as well as the confiscated 


May 24, 2005

Mutesa's last days in UK
By Esther Nakkazi
When he had arrived in London, Mutesa had been accorded VIP protection. 
But upon pressure from Kampala, the British government had the security 
Ugandan journalist Esther Nakkazi recently travelled to the UK and went to 
the National archives with a vie to finding out the truth about the life 
of Sir Edward Mutesa who was overthrown as Kabaka and President of Uganda 
on May 23, 1966. Below, she recounts her findings:

It is a cold Saturday morning at the National Archives, one of the largest 
archival collections in the world with a collection of records dating as 
far back as the 11th century. With the Freedom of Information Act passed 
in November 2000, which came into effect in 2005, one can access any type 
of information held by public bodies upon registration, free of charge.


After logging in, using my ticket number, searching the catalogue which 
contains 9.5 million searchable descriptions of records of central 
governments, courts of law and other UK national bodies, my interest was 
the Foreign Office where you will find all the correspondences between the 
colonial government and the British government.

Under the current legislation in the UK, most public records that were 
held and labelled confidential/secret are open 30 years after they were 
filed by government departments.
For a start my search word was Mutesa, then demarcation of Uganda's 
borders, East African Railway and all had interesting revelations.

With a list of over 40 entries, I settled for Mutesa in exile, since this 
year makes 39 years since he went into exile in London.
According to the files I accessed - mainly letters, correspondences and 
minutes of meetings that took place in London about Uganda - while in 
London, Sir Edward Mutesa was literally starving and perpetually broke, 
unable to pay his rent and living off donations from friends.

He was not even allowed to keep his own money for fear that he would spend 
it on luxuries like beer.
So any donations he got were controlled by his solicitor Mr. Martin Flegg 
who paid his rent and Mutesa's cook.

Although Mutesa was living in a deplorable flat near the Bayswater road 
paying rent of only £25 (about Shs80,000), the rent was increasingly 
becoming unaffordable ten months after getting to London and he was 
progressively becoming a burden to his friends.

Already, his friend Lord Boyd had collected from among Mutesa's friends a 
sum amounting to £1,400 (Shs4.6m) including £100 (Shs330,000) from the 
solicitor-general Sir-Dingle Foot and it was in the custody of his 
solicitor Mr. Flegg.
They had also collected £400 (Shs1.3m) for his travel to England and Lord 
Boyd did not want to ask them for any more money.

Meanwhile his creditors were being kept at bay but he was always on the 
verge of being declared destitute. Senior British politicians found it 
deplorable that a whole president of a commonwealth country would be in 
this state.

But fears of damaging relations between UK and the new regime in Kampala 
kept the government from assisting the fallen king.
Sir Edward Mutesa and one of his followers were admitted to the UK after 
escaping from Uganda following the May 1966 coup in which Mutesa at that 
time Kabaka of Buganda was deposed from his position as constitutional 

Both of them were admitted to the UK as Commonwealth immigrants upon 
undertakings given by Mutesa's British friends- Lord Montagu of Beaulieu 
and Hon. Colin Tennant that they would accept full responsibility for 
their maintenance but with time, they could not sustain the donations as 
the contributions soon ran out.
So his friends decided to seek audience with Minister of State, Mr. George 
Thomas on February 28, 1976.

In the meeting, Lord Boyd told

Re: [Ugnet] Moving story coming: Obote Froze theKabaka'sAccount-Monitor 23/5/2005

2005-05-25 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Ha, ha, he really believed he was genuinely being called a critical thinker 
! Look Mulindwa, I honestly believe you did not read the article in question 
(or is the language causing problems yet again ?), otherwise you would not 
be asking these unnecessary questions. I suggest you read the article 
carefully - the answers to your questions can be found thereof; where he 
lived, how he lived, what he lived from, from whom he got help, et cetera. 
If you find this too difficult, just ask some of your friends to translate 
for you into a language you understand better.

One thing is certain though - Obote treated Muteesa in the most abominable 
way by denying him access even to his private funds in Kampala by freezing 
his account there.


From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Moving story coming: Obote Froze 
theKabaka'sAccount-Monitor 23/5/2005

Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 20:03:13 -0400

What a critical thinker does in a circumstance like this is to tell us how 
Muteesa survived in UK, I wish Kasangwawo can stop the ranting and tell us 
how Magulunyondo survived? Did Baganda send funds to support our King? And 
if not so we could ask our selves why? Because failing to address this 
issue today we will have another King in exile and he still will live in 
poverty for Obote is gone from Uganda's history and I do not see Mutebi in 
Kingdom pass Museveni. I really do not.

But the Kasangwawo's just keep on singing Ssabasajja Waligwa nange wendigwa 
crap. And we pick no lesson at all, that is true Bugandism.


The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
   Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Moving story coming: Obote Froze the 
Kabaka'sAccount-Monitor 23/5/2005

Mw. Mulindwa,
Did I miss your response to this below, or are you still critically 

about it?

Once again, my name is at the bottom of the posting.

jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mw. Musamize,

you will have noticed that this is the usual way Mulindwa acts when he
challenged about his wild allegations, which he normally has no inkling

about. He starts yelling about something else that has completely no
relevance to the issue at hand ! This is a sign of a liar or someone
low intelligence.

He is now like a boxer who continually threatens his opponent with a
but does nothing until the opponent knocks him out cold. Mulindwa, why
you just give up - you are out cold.


From: musamize
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Moving story coming: Obote Froze the Kabaka's
Account-Monitor 23/5/2005
Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 17:00:04 -0700 (PDT)

Mr. Mulindwa:

Do not evade the question. You have stated, in print, and elsewhere
Obote sent money to support Kabaka Muteesa II after he tried and failed
kill him in the Lubiri.

I asked you provide even a scintilla of evidence to or anyother proof
support your wild claims. You pretended not to notice my request.

Now it turns out, that your hero actually did the opposite: he actually

froze Muteesa's account. Moreover this is to appear in a UPC-friendly


The interesting thing would be to learn what Obote did with Muteesa's
and by what authority. Talk about thieves in high places!

Another thing: Why do you have such a hard time with facts and how come
rarely -- if ever -- address questions you are asked directly? e.g.
in my one sentence note do you read any reference to deathrow, etc?

Or are you just fascinated by demolishing strawmen that you erect?

Now, here are some sources of bwino on the Late Muteesa's finances,
were declassified sometime ago by the British government. See if any of

them can, even remotely, lend a picogram of credibility to your wild
on how Obote used to send Muteesa money during the latter's exile:

Financial and other difficulties faced by Sir Edward Mutesa ex-Kabaka
Buganda, 1967 Jan 01-1967 Dec 31, Doc #FCO 31/179

Financial and other difficulties faced by Sir Edward Mutesa ex-Kabaka
Buganda, 1968 Jan 01-1968 Dec 31, Doc #FCO 31/1074

etc, etc

ps: might as well finish doing your homework for you: FCO refers to
Foreign and Commonwealth Office. You could also wait to be rescued by

tomorrow's Monitor.

Edward Mulindwa wrote:

Let us get out of this crap, you want me to post the details I will and
know it. The danger here is that you think I am on the opposite side,
yet I
am only posting facts. Was Obote the best president for Uganda? May be
Was I arrested by Obote's government and ended up in exile to today?
May be
yes. But the point here is to state facts. Facts that we can not

And when

Re: Re: [Ugnet] Mutesa’s last days in UK

2005-05-25 Thread jonah kasangwawo

Mw. Musamize,

thanks, that's exactly him. But this is probably beyond our friend.

Mulindwa, you can't just move on before providing the evidence that Obote 
sent money to Muteesa II while he was in exile as you allege. You have been 
promising for weeks to post it but nothing has been forthcoming. So, where 
is the evidence ?


From: musamize [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Re: [Ugnet] Mutesa’s last days in UK Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 
17:55:31 -0700 (PDT)

Mw. Kasangwawo:

Would this, by any chance, the George Thomas the article refers to?

George Thomas, 1st Viscount TonypandyFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

 Viscount Tonypandy

Thomas George Thomas, 1st Viscount Tonypandy (born Port Talbot, January 29, 
1909; died September 22, 1997) was a British Labour politician.

The second son of a Welsh miner, he was raised by his mother in the village 
of Trealaw in Wales, just across the river from the town of Tonypandy. At 
the time, a good education was seen as the best means of escape from the 
valleys and he was chosen to attend Tonypandy Grammar School. After 
attending University College, Southampton, he worked as a teacher in both 
London and Cardiff.

Elected to parliament in the Attlee landslide of 1945, he held the seats of 
Cardiff Central (1945-50) and Cardiff West (1950-83) until his retirement 
from the Commons in 1983.

He was one of the first on the scene of the Aberfan disaster, which 
occurred while he was a Minister at the Welsh Office. As Secretary of State 
for Wales from 1968 to 1970, he presided over the investiture of the Prince 
of Wales at Caernarvon Castle in 1969.

During Thomas's term of office as Speaker of the House of Commons from 1976 
to 1983, the first broadcasting of Parliamentary proceedings brought him 
unprecedented public attention, but he proved more impartial than party 
colleagues had expected. In 1983 he retired and was created Viscount 
Tonypandy, one of the last creations of a hereditary peerage. Thomas was 
always opposed to Welsh nationalism: one of his final political acts was 
his public opposition to the Blair government's devolution proposals of 

After Tonypandy's death, a former Welsh Labour MP, Leo Abse, created a 
controversy by alleging that Thomas had been homosexual and had been the 
victim of blackmail for this reason. Abse, the MP who introduced the 
private member's bill which decriminalised homosexuality in Britain, 
discussed this incident in his book Tony Blair: The Man Behind the Smile. 
He said that Thomas had paid money to blackmailers to keep his gay 
lifestyle secret. Abse said that he had once lent Thomas £800 to pay off 

Throughout his career he remained a deeply religious man, and was a 
prominent member of the Methodist church. Known by the nickname Tommy 
Twice (from his full name), his Welsh cries of Order! Order! as Speaker 
were familiar to a generation of Britons.

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mwaami Kigundu

The whole article is a lie and I just moved on, I prefer researched 

because George Thomas was not even a mister of state at a time. But what I
posted in Monitor required a response and here we are. So I left that with
the Kasangwawo's who do not research but just read for reading.


The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message -
From: Kiggundu Mukasa
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 8:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Mutesa’s last days in UK

On May 24, 2005, at 2:33 PM, jonah kasangwawo wrote:

 So his friends decided to seek audience with Minister of State, Mr.
 George Thomas on February 28, 1976.
 In the meeting, Lord Boyd told the minister that Sir Edward Mutesa was
 suffering great hardship and lacked financial support.

 The political ping-pong about Muteesa’s welfare dragged on until he died
 destitute and lonely in 1969..

He was living 8 years after he died??

Typical Ugandan Journalism

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Re: [Ugnet] Moving story coming: Mulindwa's answers

2005-05-25 Thread jonah kasangwawo
 is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message -
  From: musamize
  Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 8:44 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Moving story coming: Obote Froze 
theKabaka'sAccount-Monitor 23/5/2005

  Mr. Mulindwa,

  For a self-proclaimed Critical Thinker, you spend a tremendous amout 
of time beating about the bush, all the time wishing and praying that the 
questions will magically evaporate.

  The questions on the table are:

  1. Did Obote send money for Muteesa's upkeep during exile -- as you have 
claimed -- or not?

  2. If so, how much, when, and from whence and with what authority?

  3. And. what in the world did Obote do with the money in Muteesa's 
account in Uganda after he froze the account?

  Unless answer are forthcoming, and since we all know that Obote has 
never put in an honest day's work all the time he has been in exile, I'll 
assume that Obote has been actually eating on Muteesa's money all these 
years, otherwise how has he survived thus far and managed to live so high 
on the hog?

  ps: I do not know is an acceptable answer to each of those questions.

  Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What a critical thinker does in a circumstance like this is to tell us 
Muteesa survived in UK, I wish Kasangwawo can stop the ranting and 
tell us
how Magulunyondo survived? Did Baganda send funds to support our King? 
if not so we could ask our selves why? Because failing to address this 
today we will have another King in exile and he still will live in 
for Obote is gone from Uganda's history and I do not see Mutebi in 

pass Museveni. I really do not.

But the Kasangwawo's just keep on singing Ssabasajja Waligwa nange 

crap. And we pick no lesson at all, that is true Bugandism.


The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Moving story coming: Obote Froze the
Kabaka'sAccount-Monitor 23/5/2005

Mw. Mulindwa,
Did I miss your response to this below, or are you still critically
about it?

Once again, my name is at the bottom of the posting.

 jonah kasangwawo wrote:
 Mw. Musamize,

 you will have noticed that this is the usual way Mulindwa acts when 

 challenged about his wild allegations, which he normally has no 

 about. He starts yelling about something else that has completely no
 relevance to the issue at hand ! This is a sign of a liar or someone
 low intelligence.

 He is now like a boxer who continually threatens his opponent with a
 but does nothing until the opponent kno cks him out cold. Mulindwa, 

 you just give up - you are out cold.


 From: musamize
 Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Moving story coming: Obote Froze the Kabaka's
 Account-Monitor 23/5/2005
 Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 17:00:04 -0700 (PDT)
 Mr. Mulindwa:
 Do not evade the question. You have stated, in print, and elsewhere
 Obote sent money to support Kabaka Muteesa II after he tried and 

 kill him in the Lubiri.
 I asked you provide even a scintilla of evidence to or anyother 

 support your wild claims. You pretended not to notice my request.
 Now it turns out, that your hero actually did the opposite: he 

 froze Muteesa's acco unt. Moreover this is to appear in a 

 The interesting thing would be to learn what Obote did with 

 and by what authority. Talk about thieves in high places!
 Another thing: Why do you have such a hard time with facts and how 

 rarely -- if ever -- address questions you are asked directly? e.g.
 in my one sentence note do you read any reference to deathrow, etc?
 Or are you just fascinated by demolishing strawmen that you erect?
 Now, here are some sources of bwino on the Late Muteesa's finances,
 were declassified sometime ago by the British government. See if 
any of

 them can, even remotely, lend a picogram of credibility to your 

 on how Obote used to send Muteesa money dur ing the latter's exile:
 Financial and other difficulties faced by Sir Edward Mutesa 

 Buganda, 1967 Jan 01-1967 Dec 31, Doc #FCO 31/179
 Financial and other difficulties faced by Sir Edward

[Ugnet] Mutesa’s last days in UK

2005-05-24 Thread jonah kasangwawo


here's the article about Muteesa II's time in exile. I'd rather believe this 
well-researched information than the fables one netter has been imposing on 
the public about his hero remitting funds to the exiled King. In fact, as 
you will see, the opposite was the case.

What would be interesting to know is how much was on the accounts frozen by 
Obote and what happened to the money, as well as the confiscated property.


May 24, 2005

Mutesa’s last days in UK
By Esther Nakkazi
When he had arrived in London, Mutesa had been accorded VIP protection. But 
upon pressure from Kampala, the British government had the security 
Ugandan journalist Esther Nakkazi recently travelled to the UK and went to 
the National archives with a vie to finding out the truth about the life of 
Sir Edward Mutesa who was overthrown as Kabaka and President of Uganda on 
May 23, 1966. Below, she recounts her findings:

It is a cold Saturday morning at the National Archives, one of the largest 
archival collections in the world with a collection of records dating as far 
back as the 11th century. With the Freedom of Information Act passed in 
November 2000, which came into effect in 2005, one can access any type of 
information held by public bodies upon registration, free of charge.


After logging in, using my ticket number, searching the catalogue which 
contains 9.5 million searchable descriptions of records of central 
governments, courts of law and other UK national bodies, my interest was the 
Foreign Office where you will find all the correspondences between the 
colonial government and the British government.

Under the current legislation in the UK, most public records that were held 
and labelled confidential/secret are open 30 years after they were filed by 
government departments.
For a start my search word was Mutesa, then demarcation of Uganda’s borders, 
East African Railway and all had interesting revelations.

With a list of over 40 entries, I settled for Mutesa in exile, since this 
year makes 39 years since he went into exile in London.
According to the files I accessed – mainly letters, correspondences and 
minutes of meetings that took place in London about Uganda – while in 
London, Sir Edward Mutesa was literally starving and perpetually broke, 
unable to pay his rent and living off donations from friends.

He was not even allowed to keep his own money for fear that he would spend 
it on luxuries like beer.
So any donations he got were controlled by his solicitor Mr. Martin Flegg 
who paid his rent and Mutesa’s cook.

Although Mutesa was living in a “deplorable flat” near the Bayswater road 
paying rent of only £25 (about Shs80,000), the rent was increasingly 
becoming unaffordable ten months after getting to London and he was 
progressively becoming a burden to his friends.

Already, his friend Lord Boyd had collected from among Mutesa’s friends a 
sum amounting to £1,400 (Shs4.6m) including £100 (Shs330,000) from the 
solicitor-general Sir-Dingle Foot and it was in the custody of his solicitor 
Mr. Flegg.
They had also collected £400 (Shs1.3m) for his travel to England and Lord 
Boyd did not want to ask them for any more money.

Meanwhile his creditors were being kept at bay but he was always on the 
verge of being declared destitute. Senior British politicians found it 
deplorable that a whole president of a commonwealth country would be in this 

But fears of damaging relations between UK and the new regime in Kampala 
kept the government from assisting the fallen king.
Sir Edward Mutesa and one of his followers were admitted to the UK after 
escaping from Uganda following the May 1966 coup in which Mutesa at that 
time Kabaka of Buganda was deposed from his position as constitutional 

Both of them were admitted to the UK as Commonwealth immigrants upon 
undertakings given by Mutesa’s British friends- Lord Montagu of Beaulieu and 
Hon. Colin Tennant that they would accept full responsibility for their 
maintenance but with time, they could not sustain the donations as the 
contributions soon ran out.
So his friends decided to seek audience with Minister of State, Mr. George 
Thomas on February 28, 1976.

In the meeting, Lord Boyd told the minister that Sir Edward Mutesa was 
suffering great hardship and lacked financial support but felt that there 
was a moral obligation on Her Majesty’s Government to give Mutesa financial 
support even if the treaty relationship that was supposed to effect this was 
“submerged” after independence.

Mr Thomas asked about the possibility of Mutesa earning his own living and 
was informed that employment for him had been searched in the army, at an 
institution dealing with Colonial Records at Oxford University, United 
Nations (UN) but all was fruitless.

Apparently all institutions asked for experience, skill and particular 
academic qualifications, which Mutesa reportedly did not have.

Re: [Ugnet] Moving story coming: Obote Froze the Kabaka's Account-Monitor 23/5/2005

2005-05-24 Thread jonah kasangwawo

Mw. Musamize,

you will have noticed that this is the usual way Mulindwa acts when he is 
challenged about his wild allegations, which he normally has no inkling 
about. He starts yelling about something else that has completely no 
relevance to the issue at hand ! This is a sign of a liar or someone with 
low intelligence.

He is now like a boxer who continually threatens his opponent with a beating 
but does nothing until the opponent knocks him out cold. Mulindwa, why don't 
you just give up - you are out cold.


From: musamize [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Moving story coming: Obote Froze the Kabaka's 
Account-Monitor 23/5/2005

Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 17:00:04 -0700 (PDT)

Mr. Mulindwa:

Do not evade the question. You have stated, in print, and elsewhere that 
Obote sent money to support Kabaka Muteesa II after he tried and failed to 
kill him in the Lubiri.

I asked you provide even a scintilla of evidence to or anyother proof to 
support your wild claims. You pretended not to notice my request.

Now it turns out, that your hero actually did the opposite: he actually 
froze Muteesa's account. Moreover this is to appear in a UPC-friendly 

The interesting thing would be to learn what Obote did with Muteesa's money 
and by what authority. Talk about thieves in high places!

Another thing: Why do you have such a hard time with facts and how come you 
rarely -- if ever -- address questions you are asked directly? e.g. where 
in my one sentence note do you read any reference to deathrow, etc?

Or are you just fascinated by demolishing strawmen that you erect?

Now, here are some sources of bwino on the Late Muteesa's finances, which 
were declassified sometime ago by the British government. See if any of 
them can, even remotely, lend a picogram of credibility to your wild claims 
on how Obote used to send Muteesa money during the latter's exile:

Financial and other difficulties faced by Sir Edward Mutesa ex-Kabaka of 
Buganda, 1967 Jan 01-1967 Dec 31, Doc #FCO 31/179

Financial and other difficulties faced by Sir Edward Mutesa ex-Kabaka of 
Buganda, 1968 Jan 01-1968 Dec 31, Doc #FCO 31/1074

etc, etc

ps: might as well finish doing your homework for you: FCO refers to  
Foreign and Commonwealth Office. You could also wait to be rescued by 
tomorrow's Monitor.

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Let us get out of this crap, you want me to post the details I will and you 
know it. The danger here is that you think I am on the opposite side, yet I 
am only posting facts. Was Obote the best president for Uganda? May be not. 
Was I arrested by Obote's government and ended up in exile to today? May be 
yes. But the point here is to state facts. Facts that we can not change.

And when we are at facts, here is another one I just found out about Obote. 
Apparently Uganda has a standing order on books that all Ugandans sentenced 
to death in Luzira, can never die until a sitting president has signed a 
death warrant. So in Uganda as a state, if you take any body to court for 
any case which results to a death sentence, he is sent to Luzira and waits 
for death. But Commissioner Ssentamu can not kill any prisoner in Luzira 
without a Presidential signature . So a sitting president gets a list of 
names of people on death sentence and he selects who to die and who not to 
according to advisers. And  Luzira as a prison has a list of Death 
sentenced Ugandans who have been killed to today, and which president 
signed their sentence. Including the ones who were killed under a signature 
of president Mutesa 2.

It so just happens, that Obote never signed a death sentence of any Ugandan 
at Luzira. So to put it in perspective, during Obote one and Obote two, no 
single prisoner on death sentence in Luzira was hanged. Again these are 
public records that can be accessible by any body out there.

I wish one Ugandan has the strength to post here how many Ugandans have 
been signed off by Museveni's presidency.

But hoi we cannot be that critical for 'kasita ffe twebaka' man.  It is all 
crap and a bunch of non critical thinkers.

Makes one puke

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message -
From: musamize
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Moving story coming: Obote Froze the Kabaka's Account 
-Monitor 23/5/2005

Mr. Mulindwa:

Is this the same Obote that sent money to Muteesa II during the latter's 
exile in the UK or is the Monitor reporting about someone else?

Omar Kezimbira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Obote froze the Kabaka’s account   - Monitor 23/5/2005By Esther Nakkazi
LONDON — Thirty-nine years ago today, the Kabaka of Buganda and President 
of Uganda, Sir Edward Mutesa was overthrown in a 

Re: [Ugnet] Mutesa’s last days in UK

2005-05-24 Thread jonah kasangwawo

Mw. Kiggundu Mukasa,

that was surely a typo - blame the proof-reader !

Still, after all the effort the lady-journalist made to dig up all that 
information, I find your remark very patronizing.


From: Kiggundu Mukasa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Mutesa’s last days in UK Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 
15:05:12 +0300

On May 24, 2005, at 2:33 PM, jonah kasangwawo wrote:

So his friends decided to seek audience with Minister of State, Mr.  
George Thomas on February 28, 1976.
In the meeting, Lord Boyd told the minister that Sir Edward Mutesa  was 
suffering great hardship and lacked financial support.


The political ping-pong about Muteesa’s welfare dragged on until he  died 
destitute and lonely in 1969..

He was living 8 years after he died??

Typical Ugandan Journalism

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Re: [Ugnet] ] Re: News: Critique of Obote's story

2005-05-19 Thread jonah kasangwawo
what you have failed to understand is the role of History. We need to 
acknowledge our History and learn from it, not just to revise it. Now you 
are calling it MY History, which tells me that you don't accept the factual 
evidence Musamize is providing. You don't even realise that what is 
happening today in Uganda has a bearing on what Obote started all those 
years ago. In actual fact, what you want is just a change of guards, the 
potential result of which could be a replacement of the two million of our 
fellow citizens in Northern camps by two million of our people in 
Southern camps; and the continuation of the Emergency.

You are fond of stressing that the people in the South are saying they can 
now sleep, but you forget that during Obote's times, it was the people of 
Lango and Acholi who were saying: ffe kasita twebaka otulo.

Federalists like myself are saying that enough is enough, what we need is a 
structural change. We have been under a unitary system for almost 40 years 
and at no particular point during that time has there been peace in the 
whole country. It is time for a re-think. I'm pleased MPs from outside 
Buganda are finally beginning to see the light.

From: Matek Opoko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] ] Re: News: Critique of Obote's story...CORRECTION 
Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 06:01:40 -0700 (PDT)

In Western and Southern Uganda, our people are subject to  immense   degree 
of  poverty, the level of which has never been seen in Uganda. Even under 
Amin the people  did not experience this degree of suffering.

Matek Opoko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Jonah:
I am not against you learning your History about Obote., As a matter of 
fact you can learn all your one sided history  about Obote until the cows 
come home.

We have an Emergency right now in  Uganda. Close to two million of our 
fellow citizens are living in squalid condition in the camps of Northern 
and Eastern Uganda. War have been ragging in Northern Uganda  for now 20 

In Western and Southern Uganda, our people are not subject to immense 
degree of  poverty, the level of which has never been seen in Uganda. Even 
under Amin the people  did not experience this degree of suffering.

All this is going on  thanx to Yoweri Museveni's twenty year  rule  which 
he wants to extend to 30 or is it 40 years.

Under the circumstances, many Ugandans really do not have time to think 
about Obote this Obote that Obote Y!!

Good Day lady!!
jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
c'mon man, be real ! Is/was Obote ever for presidential term limits ? 
he himself trying to do the same thing that the incumbent is trying now ? 
he had had his way, Obote would be ruling for life. What you call bull crap
is the history we need to learn from but which you are intent on
suppressing. You UPC people really do tickle me.

From: Matek Opoko
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] RE: [FedsNet] Re: News: Critique of Obote's story
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 16:41:26 -0700 (PDT)


Museveni is busy trying to manipulate the Uganda Constitution so that he
may rule for life!!! and instead of dealing with this fact, you are still
dwelling on Obote and what Obote did or did not do some 35 years ago. You
bull crap fixation with Obote is rather repugnant to say the least!


musamize wrote:

Mr. Kibuka,

Akena Adoko's article is on the web at:

This is the article that was quashed by Mr. Davies Sebukima (a.k.a. Steve
Lino) -- an act rewarded by detention and accusations of sedition. The
Steve Lino letter can be found at

Mr. Abu Mayanja also reacted to the excesses of the 1967Constitution. Mr.
Mayanja, too, was rewarded with detention and similar charges. The Chief
Magistrate, Mr. Siaed, threw the charges, which were also pressed against
Mr. Rajat Neogy as the editor of the Transition magazine, out of court. 
judgmen t was published in Transition.

Less well known is the fact that the 1967 “pigeon-hole” constitution was
Nkurumah's brainchild. Mr. Nkurumah lent Obote a “Senior Parliamentary
Legal Draftsman”, one C.V. Crabbe, who crafted that document. In those 
Uganda was in essence a colony of Ghana. The details are in “KWAME
NKRUMAH’S PRESENCE IN A. M. OBOTE’S UGANDA: A Study in the Convergence of
International and Comparative Politics” by Opuku Agyeman, Transition 48
(1975). I’ll put this bwino on Fedsnet in a separate post.

What befuddles me is why these articles are not at the web site of Kituo
cha Katiba, which is part of the Makerere University’s Faculty of Law, 
advertises itself as “East African Centre for Constitutional 
I’d hate to think that an institution of higher learning is in the habit 
presenting one-sided argument s to its students, and the world

Re: [Ugnet] There are other sufferers in the North

2005-05-19 Thread jonah kasangwawo
where have you been ? How many times did I ask Mulindwa to produce the 
evidence and he failed ? I didn't hear you telling him off for wasting our 
time with these petty allegations while two million of our fellow citizens 
in Northern Uganda are suffering !

From: Matek Opoko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] There are other sufferers in the North
Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 07:24:23 -0700 (PDT)
Instead of denying and dismissing Eddy Mulindwa's assertion that the  UPC 
Government constantly and over a great deal of time  remitted funds to 
Kabaka Edward Mutesa for his maintenance   while the Kabaka was in exile in 
London, a better  intellectual approach to challenge Mulindwa's assertion 
would be  to call upon   Mulindwa to provide  evidence to prove his 

Mulindwa would then  do some digging so to say,  of the public records in 
the Ministry of Foreign affairs in Kampala or Finance, for that 
matter...and  then bingo.. post his findings on this Uganda net  for all to 
see !!!

but no! ..instead you are shooting your mouth dragging in Obote.. I 
hear Obote living in Zambia..Obote this Obote that Obote Yoo!!! 
You people simply cannot can not in simply logical analysis!!!

musamize [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mr. Kipenji:
I always think and identify as a Muganda before anything else - religion, 
politics, gender, education,  inclusive.  So, I do not find it strange, 
neither do I take offence, nor do do I feel slighted if anyone else does 

IMHO, to do otherwise would be putting the cart before the horse.
The hogwash that Let us talk about the 1966 problem with Mengo. Sir Edward 
Muteesa left Uganda for United Kingdom. Obote as the Uganda president 
instructed Bank of Uganda to send money to Sir Edward for upkeep. That is 
why Sir Edward did not end up on a welfare line in United Kingdom. is just 
that: unadultered Grade Z hogwash and sophistry generated by a singularly 
contorted mind.

We all know that Obote was did not endup in a welfare line while in 
Tanzania. So, should we conclude that this was due to General Idi Amin's 
generosity in instructing the Bank of Uganda to send money to Obote for 
upkeep? From which account, and who was paying?

Likewise, we all know that Obote did not endup on welfare  in Zambia after 
being kicked out of power by the Okellos. We also know that Obote has never 
worked a day in his life in Zampia (and, for that matter, in Tanzania). Why 
then don't we sing the praises of Okello, and Museveni for similarly  
instructing the Bank of Uganda to send money for Obote's upkeep courtsey of 
the pizanti, aka common man?

What is good for the goose ...
Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
There are other sufferers in the north
With due respect I found Yoni Okwera-Olok's letter: Let the Government 
prove it does not hate the Acholis very bothering and a true example of 
the problem we have in our nation today.

Mr Okwera must remember to always be a Ugandan before he thinks as an 
Acholi. Many of his facts are not true and we need to throw away passion on 
this issue so that we can see through the web of Okwera's lies. Only then 
can we try to plant nationalism in our nation.

Okwera must remember that Uganda has gone through very hard times during 
the Movement. Ombaci happened in West Nile, Mukura was in eastern Uganda, 
Kibwetere was in western Uganda. Yes, northern Uganda has had the largest 
suffering under the Movement. But northern Uganda is not only a land of 
Acholis, so let us not play a tribal game here. The last time I checked, 
Uganda had a people called Langis. Can Okwera tell us today that Langis are 
not in camps? It is quite wrong for us to get a problem in our nation and 
we tribalise it.

The example Okwera-Olok uses of Obote and Buganda is equally false, for 
Buganda has never enjoyed power in Uganda than under both Obote's 
governments. Yes, Okwera has a right to hate Obote, but he must as well 
recognise that the most powerful ministers in Obote's government were 
actually Baganda. Okwera-Olok must remember the names of powerful Baganda 
like Eriya Babumba, Apolo Kironde, Luyimbazi Zaake, Kalule Ssetaala, Keefa 
Ssempangi, Sam Mugwiisa, Bidandi Ssali. Let us talk about Attorney Generals 
like G. L. Binayiisa or even Nkambo Mugerwa. Governors Bank of Uganda like 
Mubiru, Kikonyogo, Leo Kibirango. All these were very powerful Baganda 
during Obote's government.

Let us talk about the 1966 problem with Mengo. Sir Edward Muteesa left 
Uganda for United Kingdom. Obote as the Uganda president instructed Bank of 
Uganda to send money to Sir Edward for upkeep. That is why Sir Edward did 
not end up on a welfare line in United Kingdom. Baganda did not organise 
any means for maintenance of their exiled King. What is interesting is that 
this money continued flowing into the same account through Amin's era, up 
to today, because the 

Re: [Ugnet] ] Re: News: Critique of Obote's story

2005-05-19 Thread jonah kasangwawo
intellectual or not, the fact is that, what we are presenting here are facts 
about what went on then. In fact, as the subject heading states, this was a 
reaction to Obote's side of the story which a lot of people found was not 
telling the truth. So it is not that I have not read both sides of the 
story. It is only that you were happy as long as we had only Obote's side of 
the story - as soon as evidence (none of it is from Ibingira) is produced to 
the contrary, you start saying its not objective. Talk of objectivity !


From: Matek Opoko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] ] Re: News: Critique of Obote's story
Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 06:24:46 -0700 (PDT)
Intellectuals ( if that is what  you think you are) rigorously DEMANDS  
that one exercise a high degree of Objectivity.

 If you are very subjective in your approach to interpreting  Uganda's 
political  history ( as in Interpreting  the History  through the writings 
of AMO's enemies' like  Ibingrira's) you cease to be an intellectual. You 
become a demagogue .

For us , we have read both sides  of the story, like true intellectuals 
should do; ..from AMO's point of view...and from the Ibingira's  point of 

Lokk, the suffering in Luwero then and now in Northern or Eastern Uganda, 
and future suffering in Uganda ( believe me it is coming)  was/is  caused 
by Museveni and Museveni alone. Museveni is the Common Denominator in All 
this sufferings and future suffering .

jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
what you have failed to understand is the role of History. We need to
acknowledge our History and learn from it, not just to revise it. Now you
are calling it MY History, which tells me that you don't accept the factual
evidence Musamize is providing. You don't even realise that what is
happening today in Uganda has a bearing on what Obote started all those
years ago. In actual fact, what you want is just a change of guards, the
potential result of which could be a replacement of the two million of our
fellow citizens in Northern camps by two million of our people in
Southern camps; and the continuation of the Emergency.
You are fond of stressing that the people in the South are saying they can
now sleep, but you forget that during Obote's times, it was the people of
Lango and Acholi who were saying: ffe kasita twebaka otulo.
Federalists like myself are saying that enough is enough, what we need is a
structural change. We have been under a unitary system for almost 40 years
and at no particular point during that time has there been peace in the
whole country. It is time for a re-think. I'm pleased MPs from outside
Buganda are finally beginning to see the light.
From: Matek Opoko
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] ] Re: News: Critique of Obote's story...CORRECTION
Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 06:01:40 -0700 (PDT)

In Western and Southern Uganda, our people are subject to immense degree
of poverty, the level of which has never been seen in Uganda. Even under
Amin the people did not experience this degree of suffering.

Matek Opoko wrote:Jonah:

I am not against you learning your History about Obote., As a matter of
fact you can learn all your one sided history about Obote until the cows
come home.

We have an Emergency right now in Uganda. Close to two million of our
fellow citizens are living in squalid condition in the camps of Northern
and Eastern Uganda. War have been ragging in Northern Uganda for now 20

In Western and Southern Uganda, our people are not subject to immense
degree of poverty, the level of which has never been seen in Uganda. Even
under Amin the people did not experience this degree of suffering.

All this is going on thanx to Yoweri Museveni's twenty year rule which
he wants to extend to 30 or is it 40 years.

Under the circumstances, many Ugandans really do not have time to think
about Obote this Obote that Obote Y!!

Good Day lady!!

jonah kasangwawo wrote:

c'mon man, be real ! Is/was Obote ever for presidential term limits ?
he himself trying to do the same thing that the incumbent is trying now ?
he had had his way, Obote would be ruling for life. What you call bull 
is the history we need to learn from but which you are intent on
suppressing. You UPC people really do tickle me.


 From: Matek Opoko
 Subject: Re: [Ugnet] RE: [FedsNet] Re: News: Critique of Obote's story
 Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 16:41:26 -0700 (PDT)
 Museveni is busy trying to manipulate the Uganda Constitution so that 
 may rule for life!!! and instead of dealing with this fact, you are 
 dwelling on Obote and what Obote did or did not do some 35 years ago. 
 bull crap fixation with Obote is rather repugnant to say the least!
 musamize wrote:
 Mr. Kibuka,

FW: Re: [FedsNet] Re: [Ugnet] ] Re: News: Critique of Obote's story

2005-05-19 Thread jonah kasangwawo
here's one opinion from a FedsNetter.
From: James Basudde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [FedsNet] Re: [Ugnet] ] Re: News: Critique of Obote's story
Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 06:58:42 -0700 (PDT)
Mr. Kasangwawo,
I think the resistance from people such as Matek is due to their belief 
that, if we had Obote yet again, or people like him, Matek and co. would 
face less competition [if at all] from the other parts of Uganda. .

He knows very well what Obote did to us--it's only the unborn who don't. 
But as long as Obote's massacres reduced our numbers, disrupted our ways, 
thus reducing the feared competition in the process, then all was well. 
It's all about fear turned into hatred, then denial, to soothe the 

jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
what you have failed to understand is the role of History. We need to
acknowledge our History and learn from it, not just to revise it. Now you
are calling it MY History, which tells me that you don't accept the factual
evidence Musamize is providing. You don't even realise that what is
happening today in Uganda has a bearing on what Obote started all those
years ago. In actual fact, what you want is just a change of guards, the
potential result of which could be a replacement of the two million of our
fellow citizens in Northern camps by two million of our people in
Southern camps; and the continuation of the Emergency.
You are fond of stressing that the people in the South are saying they can
now sleep, but you forget that during Obote's times, it was the people of
Lango and Acholi who were saying: ffe kasita twebaka otulo.
Federalists like myself are saying that enough is enough, what we need is a
structural change. We have been under a unitary system for almost 40 years
and at no particular point during that time has there been peace in the
whole country. It is time for a re-think. I'm pleased MPs from outside
Buganda are finally beginning to see the light.
From: Matek Opoko
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] ] Re: News: Critique of Obote's story...CORRECTION
Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 06:01:40 -0700 (PDT)

In Western and Southern Uganda, our people are subject to immense degree
of poverty, the level of which has never been seen in Uganda. Even under
Amin the people did not experience this degree of suffering.

Matek Opoko wrote:Jonah:

I am not against you learning your History about Obote., As a matter of
fact you can learn all your one sided history about Obote until the cows
come home.

We have an Emergency right now in Uganda. Close to two million of our
fellow citizens are living in squalid condition in the camps of Northern
and Eastern Uganda. War have been ragging in Northern Uganda for now 20

In Western and Southern Uganda, our people are not subject to immense
degree of poverty, the level of which has never been seen in Uganda. Even
under Amin the people did not experience this degree of suffering.

All this is going on thanx to Yoweri Museveni's twenty year rule which
he wants to extend to 30 or is it 40 years.

Under the circumstances, many Ugandans really do not have time to think
about Obote this Obote that Obote Y!!

Good Day lady!!

jonah kasangwawo wrote:

c'mon man, be real ! Is/was Obote ever for presidential term limits ?
he himself trying to do the same thing that the incumbent is trying now ?
he had had his way, Obote would be ruling for life. What you call bull 
is the history we need to learn from but which you are intent on
suppressing. You UPC people really do tickle me.


 From: Matek Opoko
 Subject: Re: [Ugnet] RE: [FedsNet] Re: News: Critique of Obote's story
 Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 16:41:26 -0700 (PDT)
 Museveni is busy trying to manipulate the Uganda Constitution so that 
 may rule for life!!! and instead of dealing with this fact, you are 
 dwelling on Obote and what Obote did or did not do some 35 years ago. 
 bull crap fixation with Obote is rather repugnant to say the least!
 musamize wrote:
 Mr. Kibuka,
 Akena Adoko's article is on the web at:
 This is the article that was quashed by Mr. Davies Sebukima (a.k.a. 
 Lino) -- an act rewarded by detention and accusations of sedition. The
 Steve Lino letter can be found at
 Mr. Abu Mayanja also reacted to the excesses of the 1967Constitution. 
 Mayanja, too, was rewarded with detention and similar charges. The 
 Magistrate, Mr. Siaed, threw the charges, which were also pressed 
 Mr. Rajat Neogy as the editor of the Transition magazine, out of court.
 judgmen t was published in Transition.
 Less well known is the fact that the 1967 “pigeon-hole

Re: [Ugnet] RE: [FedsNet] Re: News: Critique of Obote's story

2005-05-17 Thread jonah kasangwawo
c'mon man, be real ! Is/was Obote ever for presidential term limits ? Wasn't 
he himself trying to do the same thing that the incumbent is trying now ? If 
he had had his way, Obote would be ruling for life. What you call bull crap 
is the history we need to learn from but which you are intent on 
suppressing. You UPC people really do tickle me.

From: Matek Opoko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] RE: [FedsNet] Re: News: Critique of Obote's story
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 16:41:26 -0700 (PDT)
Museveni is busy trying to manipulate the Uganda Constitution so that  he 
may rule for life!!! and instead of dealing with this fact, you are still 
dwelling on Obote and what Obote did or did not do some 35 years ago. You 
bull crap fixation with Obote  is rather repugnant to say the least!

musamize [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mr. Kibuka,

Akena Adoko's article is on the web at:

This is the article that was quashed by Mr. Davies Sebukima (a.k.a. Steve 
Lino) -- an act rewarded by detention and accusations of sedition. The 
Steve Lino letter can be found at

Mr. Abu Mayanja also reacted to the excesses of the 1967Constitution. Mr. 
Mayanja, too, was rewarded with detention and similar charges. The Chief 
Magistrate, Mr. Siaed, threw the charges, which were also pressed against 
Mr. Rajat Neogy as the editor of the Transition magazine, out of court. The 
judgment was published in Transition.

Less well known is the fact that the 1967 “pigeon-hole” constitution was 
Nkurumah's brainchild. Mr. Nkurumah lent Obote a “Senior Parliamentary 
Legal Draftsman”, one C.V. Crabbe, who crafted that document. In those days 
Uganda was in essence a colony of Ghana. The details are in “KWAME 
NKRUMAH’S PRESENCE IN A. M. OBOTE’S UGANDA: A Study in the Convergence of 
International and Comparative Politics” by Opuku Agyeman, Transition 48 
(1975).  I’ll put this bwino on Fedsnet in a separate post.

What befuddles me is why these articles are not at the web site of Kituo 
cha Katiba, which is part of the Makerere University’s Faculty of Law, and 
advertises itself as “East African Centre for Constitutional Development”. 
I’d hate to think that an institution of higher learning is in the habit of 
presenting one-sided arguments to its students, and the world, laying 
itself open to charges of attempting to airbrush history.

M. Kibuka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sseruganda Kasangwawo,
Thanks a million times; this to me exerts what I said somewhere else that
there is a thin line that separates this constitution and that of 1995. I
hope that a learned friend will endeavour to illustrate this thin line.
Nonetheless, Akena Adoko responded to the Haji thus, in transition 33:
The Uganda Revolution which took place early last year made it clear that
if Uganda was to remain a democracy then it was absolutely necessary to
reorganize that democracy in such a way that the characteristic benefits
which generally emanate from democratic governments were not interfered
with, and in such a way that certain evils such as hereditary monarchy,
excessive crime, separatist tendencies, and weakness of the Central
Government were eradicated, or, as far as possible, neutralized.
And here come some more:
The critics of the presidential powers tend to overlook two things. First,
that there is also danger in failing to concentrate sufficient powers to
carry out governmental functions in the hands of the executive. I would
personally hate to see, once more, the progress of the country hampered by
struggles for power as nearly happened last year. If advanced countries 
the U.S.A. and Britain have to take precautions against this kind of
situation why not countries like Uganda and other African states whose
governments, because of the backwardness of the countries, have more
extensive functions?

Secondly the critics tend to overlook the fact that the powers vested in
the President are those which enable him to control the business of
government, and not necessarily to execute it himself. So overwhelming is
government business that no single person can do it himself or even consent
to try do so. This is why we have a ca binet and ministers in charge of
various ministries, the Public Service Commission, Uganda Electricity 
and Uganda Development Corporation etc., to help carry out certain
governmental functions. In spite of this fact, that the executive powers 
delegated and distributed, the vesting of such powers in the hands of one
man ensures that somebody, and not an anonymous mass, must be held
responsible by and directly accountable to the people of the country for 
way the government powers are used.

I'm currently looking for means to publish this stuff for the wider public,
so one see for him/her self how confused certain minds are.
Have a good day.

[Ugnet] RE: [FedsNet] Re: News: Critique of Obote's story

2005-05-14 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Mw. Kibuka,
what can I say ? The Hajji dissected the issue with such surgical precision 
that its hard to add on any comments.

I can only stress that with these proposals, the seeds of dictatorship in 
Ugandan politics were sown. Obote gave himself control over everything - the 
executive, the legislature, the judicature, the administration, the armed 
forces, the police, et cetera, et cetera. Here's again the list of some of 
the powers he took upon himself:

- power to nominate up to one third of the National Assembly !
- power to dissolve Parliament at any time and without giving any reason
- power to promulgate ordinances
- power to detain people without trial
- power to declare states of emergency without approval of the National 
Assembly, and during which he could also make regulations overriding laws 
made by Parliament
- power to appoint and dismiss all public officers
- power to interfere with the work of the police, including giving orders to 
the Inspector General of Police
- power to command the armed forces and give them operational directives
- provisions to make it impossible to vote him out of office
- he took it upon himself to destroy hundreds of years of History by 
abolishing kingdoms without asking the people in those kingdoms whether they 
wanted to get rid of their institutions or not
- he disempowered the Court of Appeal
- he destroyed the federal system by instituting a one-size-fits-all system 
of local government with no legislative or executive powers, in other words, 
a coerced unity with no consideration for the diverse particularities of the 
component regions.

When Obote talks about 'one parliament' he means a parliament without a 
single opposition MP.
With all this background in public domain, some people still ask what was 
undemocratic about the 1967 constitution !

With time, I shall provide more bwiino about the atmosphere during Obote's 


Subject: [FedsNet] Re: News: Critique of Obote's story
Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 15:14:12 -
Bwana Kasangwawo,
I have re-read the document and come to the following conclusion:
1. There is a very thin difference indeed between the 1967 and the
1995 Constitions, as power is concntrated in the hands of one person,
the person of the president.
2. Bwana Museveni took off where Bwana Obote stopped, but especially
when it comes to such nonsense as Uganda is backward ...
3. It is probable that FDC takes off (if it manages to take on) where
NRM-O shall stop. This is because all these entities attended the
same political school of thought.
And now, I'm most curious about your comments.
Cheers, M. Kibuka
Federo is the only way forward
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Most certainly, Mw. Kibuka. It looks like a gem. I'll study it
carefully and
 hopefully comment.

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Re: [Ugnet] There are other sufferers in the North

2005-05-14 Thread jonah kasangwawo
I am with you. I get tired of these pseudo-nationalists dictating to us how 
we have to think as Ugandans first before we think as Acholi or Banyankole 
or Baganda, et cetera. Its all very unnatural and I mistrust people who 
start with that line. If they want to think widely then why don't they start 
as Africans or as citizens of the world or whatever.

But even more disturbing is the continued publication by the Monitor of 
baseless allegations from this particular individual while they ignore 
factual 'bwiino' presented by others. What could be the motive ?

BTW, did you see that article about Cornelius Kodet, a Karimojong, who is 
naming his newly-built hotel Edward Muteesa II. The reason he gave for this 
was because Ssekabaka Muteesa II gave all his presidential salary for 
payment of school fees and construction of hospitals in Karamoja. That was 
the sort of man Muteesa II was.

From: musamize [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] There are other sufferers in the North
Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 13:45:54 -0700 (PDT)
Mr. Kipenji:
I always think and identify as a Muganda before anything else - religion, 
politics, gender, education,  inclusive.  So, I do not find it strange, 
neither do I take offence, nor do do I feel slighted if anyone else does 

IMHO, to do otherwise would be putting the cart before the horse.
The hogwash that Let us talk about the 1966 problem with Mengo. Sir Edward 
Muteesa left Uganda for United Kingdom. Obote as the Uganda president 
instructed Bank of Uganda to send money to Sir Edward for upkeep. That is 
why Sir Edward did not end up on a welfare line in United Kingdom. is just 
that: unadultered Grade Z hogwash and sophistry generated by a singularly 
contorted mind.

We all know that Obote was did not endup in a welfare line while in 
Tanzania. So, should we conclude that this was due to General Idi Amin's 
generosity in instructing the Bank of Uganda to send money to Obote for 
upkeep? From which account, and who was paying?

Likewise, we all know that Obote did not endup on welfare  in Zambia after 
being kicked out of power by the Okellos. We also know that Obote has never 
worked a day in his life in Zampia (and, for that matter, in Tanzania). Why 
then don't we sing the praises of Okello, and Museveni for similarly  
instructing the Bank of Uganda to send money for Obote's upkeep courtsey of 
the pizanti, aka common man?

What is good for the goose ...
Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
There are other sufferers in the north
With due respect I found Yoni Okwera-Olok's letter: Let the Government 
prove it does not hate the Acholis very bothering and a true example of 
the problem we have in our nation today.

Mr Okwera must remember to always be a Ugandan before he thinks as an 
Acholi. Many of his facts are not true and we need to throw away passion on 
this issue so that we can see through the web of Okwera's lies. Only then 
can we try to plant nationalism in our nation.

Okwera must remember that Uganda has gone through very hard times during 
the Movement. Ombaci happened in West Nile, Mukura was in eastern Uganda, 
Kibwetere was in western Uganda. Yes, northern Uganda has had the largest 
suffering under the Movement. But northern Uganda is not only a land of 
Acholis, so let us not play a tribal game here. The last time I checked, 
Uganda had a people called Langis. Can Okwera tell us today that Langis are 
not in camps? It is quite wrong for us to get a problem in our nation and 
we tribalise it.

The example Okwera-Olok uses of Obote and Buganda is equally false, for 
Buganda has never enjoyed power in Uganda than under both Obote's 
governments. Yes, Okwera has a right to hate Obote, but he must as well 
recognise that the most powerful ministers in Obote's government were 
actually Baganda. Okwera-Olok must remember the names of powerful Baganda 
like Eriya Babumba, Apolo Kironde, Luyimbazi Zaake, Kalule Ssetaala, Keefa 
Ssempangi, Sam Mugwiisa, Bidandi Ssali. Let us talk about Attorney Generals 
like G. L. Binayiisa or even Nkambo Mugerwa. Governors Bank of Uganda like 
Mubiru, Kikonyogo, Leo Kibirango. All these were very powerful Baganda 
during Obote's government.

Let us talk about the 1966 problem with Mengo. Sir Edward Muteesa left 
Uganda for United Kingdom. Obote as the Uganda president instructed Bank of 
Uganda to send money to Sir Edward for upkeep. That is why Sir Edward did 
not end up on a welfare line in United Kingdom. Baganda did not organise 
any means for maintenance of their exiled King. What is interesting is that 
this money continued flowing into the same account through Amin's era, up 
to today, because the instructions are still on Uganda papers. When Obote 
came back to Uganda, as a President and a minister of finance, he did not 
cancel those instructions.

We must be very careful when we make false public statements to push our 

[Ugnet] Re: [FedsNet] News: Critique of Obote's story

2005-05-07 Thread jonah kasangwawo
lately you seem to be developing a habit of warning readers before they read 
certain articles; first it was Onyango Obbo, now it is Peter Mayiga. G. 
Obiny has also followed suit and is asking who Mayiga was in 1958. This 
reminded me of someone who, on another forum, declared that Kasangwawo was 
not yet born when all this was going on and therefore shouldn't be 
commenting on these issues. This sort of warped thinking would render the 
study of History redundant, since one has to have been there personally in 
order to have the right to comment on developments at a particular point in 

That said, since rook is giving us some 'small background information', I 
thought I might just as well also give a little background information of my 
own, for readers of Obote's series. For the moment, I won't bother you with 
Obote II (1981-85), since testimonies of torture victims during that time 
speak volumes (see 'Obote series: What others say' in The Monitor).

For most of Obote I (1962-71), arbitrary arrests and detention without 
charge were the order of the day. These were carried out under the 
indefinite Emergency Regulations for Buganda which gave the government power 
to hold people without trial or sentence and which were increasingly used by 
Obote whenever he felt that his hold onto power was threatened. A few 
examples will suffice:

- all the staff of 'Sekanyolya', a Luganda newspaper, were arrested in May 
1966 and held without charge or trial;

- Semakula Mulumba was detained in October 1970 because of two articles he 
wrote in 'Munno'. The first article criticized the narrow-mindedness of a 
one-party system and this was seen by Obote as an attack on his one-party 
state aims. The second one extolled the value of tribal traditions which 
Obote viewed as an attack on his policy to dissolve the Buganda Kingdom. So 
much for freedom of press under Obote !

- in October 1970, Obote ordered the arrest of Sheikh Ali Kulumba (later on 
Speaker of Lukiiko) and
Prince Badru Kakungulu (yes, the same one Obote is now claiming to have been 
having lunch with while his troops bombarded Kabaka's palace), both Moslem 
leaders of the well-established Uganda Muslim Community (UMC). Since 1965, 
Obote had been sponsoring another organization, the National Association for 
Advancement of Moslems (NAAM), in order to keep the influential UMC in 
check. I have to point out that NAAM did not have any mosques of their own 
and depended on the pity of some Moslem leaders to do their work. Sheikh 
Kulumba and Prince Kakungulu stood up to NAAM interference in the mosques. 
Things escalated when General Idi Amin (then Chief of Staff and Head of the 
Air Force) started to move away from NAAM and towards UMC. He was accepted 
by the UMC and he started appearing at their ceremonies. Obote viewed this 
as a threat to his government and consequently placed Amin under house 
arrest as well as stripping him of some of his powers. Obote also detained 
Kulumba and Kakungulu without charge or trial;

- other political prisoners detained without charge or trial included Grace 
Ibingira, Amos Sempa, Benedicto Kiwanuka, P.K.Mpungu, George Magezi, Dr. 
Christopher Kaggwa, Dr. Christopher Ndugwa, E. Kamanyi, Haji Abu Mayanja, 
Sir Wilberforce Nadiope, Douglas Kibuka-Musoke who worked for EA Railways, 
I. Senkoma - Kabaka's bodyguard, Henry Lwanga - accused of sedition, Charles 
Serukera - Ssaza Chief, Michael Matovu - Chief, et cetera, et cetera.

- Obote didn't stop there, he even turned on his own party members. Such one 
was a certain George M. Masaba, an active left-wing member of UPC and also 
chairman of the Vietnam Solidarity Committee (a group against American 
involvement in Vietnam). He was detained because he was seen to be 
idealistic and it was feared he might expose the corruption within Obote's 
government. According to the Uganda Argus of 27th November 1970, Masaba was 
released with 35 other political prisoners on 26th November 1970.

- after Obote's overthrow in January 1971, a list of 55 released political 
prisoners who had been detained without trial,was published in the local 
press. This included the 5 former cabinet ministers who had been arrested in 
1966. More were released later.

This is the sort of background information readers need to keep in mind when 
reading the fables in Obote's series. If he was in power now, the 
Rwanyarares and Cecilia Ogwals would be languishing in Luzira for holding 
dissenting views.

Obiny says that he is proud Obote has been around. Well, some of us whose 
relatives and friends were at the receiving end are not amused that he was 
ever around.


rook 1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Geoffrey O,
Peter Mayiga is a young man of about 40 years or even younger. He completed 
his law school in 1986/7. He is also a rapid monarchist.(Its no accident 
that he is a minister there)
I remember having verbal fights with him at law school almost every other 
day and Peter 

[Ugnet] and the bickering goes on

2005-05-05 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Rwanyarare writes to Obote, insists on banning CSC
By F. Ahimbisibwe
FORMER Uganda people’s Congress presidential Policy Commission (PPC) 
chairman Dr. James rwanyarare and 40 other top members have again written to 
exiled former President Dr. Obote demanding that the constitutional Steering 
commission (CSC) be disbanded.

The April 30 letter also demanded that Obote responds to the concerns raised 
or else face opposition from party members.
This could deepen the imminent split in the party if Obote upholds his 
decision. Rwanyarare yesterday confirmed sending the letter.

“We have written to him again and this time we want him to respond to the 
issues which were raised in an earlier communication. We are asking him to 
rescind his decision.

We want him to allow the established party organs to take over the running 
of the party. If he does not do it, some members will have to strongly 
oppose him,” he said.

He said the CSC, chaired by Hajji Badru Wegulo, had failed to discharge the 
duties after almost two months in office. Obote recently reshuffled party 
leadership, relegating Rwanyarare to an advisor.

A source said the letter demands that Obote restores the status quo and 
allow the Central Executive Committee to take over the management of the 

The letter followed an earlier letter Rwanyarare sent on April 8.
Published on: Thursday, 5th May, 2005
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Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT KNOW!

2005-04-29 Thread jonah kasangwawo
And rightly so ! You have failed to produce any evidence and the only 
alternative you had was to give up.

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT KNOW!
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 19:12:03 -0400
That does it I give up.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
  - Original Message -
  From: Simon Nume
  Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 9:23 AM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT 

  Absolute nonsense. Obote sold Muteesa House in London and ate the money.
  And people like Obote cannot waste money on educating their kids. Look 
at his sons !

  Try another one
  Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Simon Nume
No what I want you to state here and now, is very simple. When Muteesa 
fled Uganda did Obote as a current president instruct bank of Uganda to 
maintain Muteesa by sending him money to London, are these Obote's 
instructions still on Uganda books?

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
  - Original Message -
  From: Simon Nume
  Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:07 AM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did 

  You should at least learn to spell correctly the swear words you 

  Interestingly I KNOW ( and probably Kasangwawo) where he got the 
money from to go to private school and Cambridge after both his parents 
were dead.

  Just because YOU dont know is not my problem.
  Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Simon Nume
Where did Mutebi get that money from. Address the issues instead 
of sending firkin snipes. Yes he had the money but what we are discussing 
here is where was it coming from? Did you Simon Nume or Kasangwawo ever 
send money to Mutebi for his studies? How dare you claim how he had the 
money to study in Cambridge but you can not acknowledge the source? That is 
where the failure of Buganda is.

And I swear we will live to death but every single leader will be 
bad to Buganda for we as a tribe are just too fucked up.

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
  - Original Message -
  From: Simon Nume
  Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:50 AM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I 

  Has Mulindwa ever met anyone privately educated in the UK ?
  Someone should tell him that ANYONE who can afford to go to a 
private school and on to Cambridge has to have enough money and connections 
NOT to be a pipe fitter.

  jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I see that you intentionally fail to mention that Kabaka 
Mutebi studied law
at Cambridge and that he wrote for reknowned publications such 
as 'The
economist' !

You don't sound like you've seen the inside of a lecture room, 
so you might
not know this. But students do all sorts of jobs during their 
holidays. For
example Prince William of England has worked on construction 
in S. America
and so has his brother Harry in S. Africa. I don't see you 
calling them

Ssabasajja did not go to UK to become a pipe fitter. I'm 
challenging you to
produce the evidence that he did. So many times you have 
failed to provide
proof after making such wild allegations.

From: Edward Mulindwa
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I 
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 20:47:27 -0400


Ssabasajja is a well qualified pipe fitter, he did the course 
in UK.

Buganda's politics is so silly that it runs under the blanket 
of secrecy
that many of these facts are not mentioned any where, and the 
only preach Obote is bad, and who ever does not agree with 
Buganda stand as
a Rwandese, but facts always remain facts. Mutebi is a pipe 
fitter and I
challenge any one to tell other

Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT KNOW!

2005-04-29 Thread jonah kasangwawo
I acknowledge your repeated effort to support Mulindwa by referring me to 
one of those British News  Magazines, but this is off the point. Mulindwa 
claimed that Ssabasajja went to school in the UK to become a pipe fitter. He 
challenged anyone to tell other wise and threatened that he will post 
where he qualified. Now, I have been challenging him to produce the 
evidence for over a week and nothing is forthcoming. I can only deduce that 
nothing exists.

I'm sure it will not have escaped your watchful eyes that at every 
opportunity he gets, he brings up anything anti-Kabaka or anti-Buganda, even 
when there's no evidence to substantiate his allegations. So it was in this 
case. I even took the trouble to point out to him that Ssabasajja had 
studied law at Cambridge (after attending a private school in Sussex) and 
had written for renowned publications - but Mulindwa didn't want to know. I 
also tried to enlighten him about student life by giving him examples of 
Prince William and Harry, but he wanted to remain ignorant. This only proves 
that he did it in bad faith.

Now you join the fray by making it seem as if I started it all, instead of 
telling your friend to shut it if he can't produce the evidence he promised 
! No sir, I'm not going to swing to the US Library of Congress to do the 
research for him.

From: Matek Opoko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT KNOW!
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 06:17:45 -0700 (PDT)
I can see you are on Em's neck. The fact of the matter is that there is a 
small biographical article about  Ssebasajja Magulu Nyondo the king of 
Buganda in one of those British News  Magazines.  The Writer  of the siad 
article , points out that   Magulu Nyondo was once a pipe fitter.

Now there is nothing wrong with being pipe fitter. In fact, to a certain 
extent ,  show the Humility which Ssebasaga had to go through..and probably 
helps him relate to his subjects.

Anyhow,  swing to the US Library of Congress..and dig the infor for your 

jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
And rightly so ! You have failed to produce any evidence and the only
alternative you had was to give up.
From: Edward Mulindwa
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT 
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 19:12:03 -0400

That does it I give up.

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
 Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

 - Original Message -
 From: Simon Nume
 Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 9:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT

 Absolute nonsense. Obote sold Muteesa House in London and ate the money.
 And people like Obote cannot waste money on educating their kids. Look
at his sons !

 Try another one

 Edward Mulindwa wrote:
 Simon Nume

 No what I want you to state here and now, is very simple. When Muteesa
fled Uganda did Obote as a current president instruct bank of Uganda to
maintain Muteesa by sending him money to London, are these Obote's
instructions still on Uganda books?


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
 With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
 Groupe de communication Mulindwas
 avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

 - Original Message -
 From: Simon Nume
 Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did


 You should at least learn to spell correctly the swear words you

 Interestingly I KNOW ( and probably Kasangwawo) where he got the
money from to go to private school and Cambridge after both his parents
were dead.

 Just because YOU dont know is not my problem.


 Edward Mulindwa wrote:
 Simon Nume

 Where did Mutebi get that money from. Address the issues instead
of sending firkin snipes. Yes he had the money but what we are discussing
here is where was it coming from? Did you Simon Nume or Kasangwawo ever
send money to Mutebi for his studies? How dare you claim how he had the
money to study in Cambridge but you can not acknowledge the source? That 
where the failure of Buganda is.

 And I swear we will live to death but every single leader will be
bad to Buganda for we as a tribe are just too fucked up.

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
 With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
 Groupe de communication Mulindwas
 avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

 - Original Message -
 From: Simon Nume
 Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:50 AM
 Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I


 Has Mulindwa ever met anyone privately educated in the UK

Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT KNOW!

2005-04-28 Thread jonah kasangwawo
For the last time, WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE 
From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT KNOW!
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 21:25:25 -0400
We know that family so do not make a full of your self. It is even 
interesting that in all your innuendos, you have never tried to financially 
support this kingdom you declare to love. We need as Baganda to learn a 
lesson from that, we are disorganized, we are much talkers than doers, and 
we do not recognize people doing good things for us.

Look here I took the time and studied Uganda government under Obote one and 
I hope people out there study it, do you know for example, that Buganda has 
never got as many power full ministers as under Obote one? And as soon as 
Obote left power we were turned into condoms which you use and throw away.

Kasangwawo take the time to read and study Uganda/Buganda relationship 
under Obote, for it will help you from arguing from an ignorant point.

The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
   Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message - From: jonah kasangwawo 
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT KNOW!

I asked you for the evidence. Where is it ? Stop the nonsense and provide 
the evidence.
Kabaka Mutebi's family had money even before Obote learned to wear 


Edward Mulindwa
Tue, 26 Apr 2005 17:26:48 -0700
Simon Nume
Where did Mutebi get that money from. Address the issues instead of 
sending firkin snipes. Yes he had the money but what we are discussing 
here is where was it coming from? Did you Simon Nume or Kasangwawo ever 
send money to Mutebi for his studies? How dare you claim how he had the 
money to study in Cambridge but you can not acknowledge the source? That 
is where
the failure of Buganda is.

And I swear we will live to death but every single leader will be bad to 
Buganda for we as a tribe are just too fucked up.

The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas avec Yoweri Museveni, 
l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

From: Simon Nume [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT 
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 07:50:04 -0700 (PDT)

Has Mulindwa ever met anyone privately educated in the UK ?
Someone should tell him that ANYONE who can afford to go to a private 
school and on to Cambridge has to have enough money and connections NOT 
to be a pipe fitter.

jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I see that you intentionally fail to mention that Kabaka Mutebi studied 
at Cambridge and that he wrote for reknowned publications such as 'The
economist' !

You don't sound like you've seen the inside of a lecture room, so you 
not know this. But students do all sorts of jobs during their holidays. 
example Prince William of England has worked on construction in S. 
and so has his brother Harry in S. Africa. I don't see you calling them

Ssabasajja did not go to UK to become a pipe fitter. I'm challenging you 
produce the evidence that he did. So many times you have failed to 
proof after making such wild allegations.

From: Edward Mulindwa
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 20:47:27 -0400


Ssabasajja is a well qualified pipe fitter, he did the course in UK.

Buganda's politics is so silly that it runs under the blanket of 
that many of these facts are not mentioned any where, and the
only preach Obote is bad, and who ever does not agree with Buganda 
a Rwandese, but facts always remain facts. Mutebi is a pipe fitter and 
challenge any one to tell other wise, and I will post where he 

If I post it I know it is true and verifiable.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
 Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

 - Original Message -
 From: Matek Opoko
 Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 8:19 PM
 Subject: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT 

 revoke that order from the bank of Uganda books. Obote left power the
 time and the family remained taking the money from Uganda government.
 It is
 that same money, why people like Kabaka Mutebi managed to go to school
 in UK
 and become pipe fitters.
 Do You Yahoo!?

Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT KNOW!

2005-04-27 Thread jonah kasangwawo
I asked you for the evidence. Where is it ? Stop the nonsense and provide 
the evidence.
Kabaka Mutebi's family had money even before Obote learned to wear clothes.


Edward Mulindwa
Tue, 26 Apr 2005 17:26:48 -0700
Simon Nume
Where did Mutebi get that money from. Address the issues instead of sending 
firkin snipes. Yes he had the money but what we are discussing here is 
where was it coming from? Did you Simon Nume or Kasangwawo ever send money 
to Mutebi for his studies? How dare you claim how he had the money to 
study in Cambridge but you can not acknowledge the source? That is where 
the failure of Buganda is.

And I swear we will live to death but every single leader will be bad to 
Buganda for we as a tribe are just too fucked up.

The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas avec Yoweri Museveni, 
l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

From: Simon Nume [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT KNOW!
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 07:50:04 -0700 (PDT)
Has Mulindwa ever met anyone privately educated in the UK ?
Someone should tell him that ANYONE who can afford to go to a private 
school and on to Cambridge has to have enough money and connections NOT to 
be a pipe fitter.

jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I see that you intentionally fail to mention that Kabaka Mutebi studied law
at Cambridge and that he wrote for reknowned publications such as 'The
economist' !
You don't sound like you've seen the inside of a lecture room, so you might
not know this. But students do all sorts of jobs during their holidays. For
example Prince William of England has worked on construction in S. America
and so has his brother Harry in S. Africa. I don't see you calling them
Ssabasajja did not go to UK to become a pipe fitter. I'm challenging you to
produce the evidence that he did. So many times you have failed to provide
proof after making such wild allegations.
From: Edward Mulindwa
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT 
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 20:47:27 -0400


Ssabasajja is a well qualified pipe fitter, he did the course in UK.

Buganda's politics is so silly that it runs under the blanket of secrecy
that many of these facts are not mentioned any where, and the 
only preach Obote is bad, and who ever does not agree with Buganda stand 
a Rwandese, but facts always remain facts. Mutebi is a pipe fitter and I
challenge any one to tell other wise, and I will post where he qualified.

If I post it I know it is true and verifiable.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
 Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

 - Original Message -
 From: Matek Opoko
 Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 8:19 PM
 Subject: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT KNOW!

 revoke that order from the bank of Uganda books. Obote left power the
 time and the family remained taking the money from Uganda government.
 It is
 that same money, why people like Kabaka Mutebi managed to go to school
 in UK
 and become pipe fitters.
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Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT KNOW!

2005-04-26 Thread jonah kasangwawo
are you one, I mean, a pipe fitter ?
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT KNOW!
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 15:44:34 GMT
What is wrong with being a pipe fitter?
Please note: message attached
Has Mulindwa ever met anyone privately educated in the UK ?
Someone should tell him that ANYONE who can afford to go to a private 
school and on to Cambridge has to have enough money and connections NOT to 
be a pipe fitter.

jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I see that you intentionally fail to mention that Kabaka Mutebi studied law
at Cambridge and that he wrote for reknowned publications such as 'The
economist' !
You don't sound like you've seen the inside of a lecture room, so you might
not know this. But students do all sorts of jobs during their holidays. For
example Prince William of England has worked on construction in S. America
and so has his brother Harry in S. Africa. I don't see you calling them
Ssabasajja did not go to UK to become a pipe fitter. I'm challenging you to
produce the evidence that he did. So many times you have failed to provide
proof after making such wild allegations.
From: Edward Mulindwa
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT 
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 20:47:27 -0400


Ssabasajja is a well qualified pipe fitter, he did the course in UK.

Buganda's politics is so silly that it runs under the blanket of secrecy
that many of these facts are not mentioned any where, and the 
only preach Obote is bad, and who ever does not agree with Buganda stand 
a Rwandese, but facts always remain facts. Mutebi is a pipe fitter and I
challenge any one to tell other wise, and I will post where he qualified.

If I post it I know it is true and verifiable.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
 Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

 - Original Message -
 From: Matek Opoko
 Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 8:19 PM
 Subject: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT KNOW!

 revoke that order from the bank of Uganda books. Obote left power the
 time and the family remained taking the money from Uganda government.
 It is
 that same money, why people like Kabaka Mutebi managed to go to school
 in UK
 and become pipe fitters.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around


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2005-04-25 Thread jonah kasangwawo
happens if you have money and home sick, drinking becomes a simplest 
solution. If you talk to people in UK today who knew Freddie, he was a 
party animal.

What the Kasangwawo's fail to mention, is a simple fact that ever since 
Mutesa left Uganda, Baganda failed to get organized and to maintain him 
financially. And this is the same problem we have in Buganda today, 
Kasangwawo will lambaste me all his life but he will never come into a 
discussion groups like this one and challenge all of us as Baganda to 
create a fund to maintain our King. We are just not organized. We talk much 
we attack each other but we have no action. Few days ago NRM promised to 
give couple of billion shillings to Mutebi to run Mengo. How much has 
Kasangwawo solicited so far? The best Baganda did was to organize Mutebi's 
visit to Sweden and end up in The States. We who are in Canada booked the 
flights and hotels, the next thing we heard was that the Baganda, not Obote 
but the Baganda in Sweden had fought in them selves, Mutebi left Sweden and 
ran to UK for his safety.  So a critical thinker wonders, what will happen 
to this kingdom if Museveni stops to finance it? Is this Kingdom going to 
survive for Kasangwawo's mudomo spews un-corroborated facts? No bottom line 
it needs money and yesterday.

That is why when I screen through all past facts, as Baganda we have failed 
to maintain that cohesiveness, and to see that our kingdom and its leaders 
are taken care of. Obote went out of his way to see that Muteesa and the 
family are taken care of and he made sure it is on Uganda books. May be 
Ugandans should have taken care of Obote as well when he left power? But no 
Obote has lived all these years on the good will of good Ugandans who know 
what good he did for Uganda as a man. So you wonder, how can Obote get 
Ugandans who can take care of him on their meager incomes, but a Buganda 
King fails to be looked after? And I can swear to you today that if Mutebi 
has to ever go to exile, the only money he will get is the same money Obote 
instructed to be paid by Uganda as a state.

That is why when one states that Obote hates Baganda, you know that some 
people just do not know the man or any thing about him. And the best 
defense they have is that Mulindwa is a UPC member, but may be these are 
facts? UPC member no UPC member  Facts that the Kasangwawo's refuse to 
make public, and if Baganda fill so bad about Obote let them refuse the 
Kingdom to take those monies, let them get organized and refuse out side 
financing? But when you take the only financing donated to you and you call 
the provider a bad man, it tells how inadequate we are. For soon we are 
lambasting Museveni, although he is the sole funder of the kingdom.

Kasangwawo make the facts about Obote and Buganda public for the facts are 
on the paper. Only for the looking.

The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
   Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message - From: jonah kasangwawo 
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 8:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Muteesa II Life  Death in Brief

did you read the whole paragraph or you just read the first four words 
and, as usual, decided you knew it all ? 'Critical thinker' he calls 
himself !

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Muteesa II Life  Death in Brief Date: Tue, 19 Apr 
2005 19:14:34 -0400

That is the same thing I have been saying for ages in these forum but my 
fellow Kasangwaawo decide to feed people with Good lies. It is very sad 
how we decide to just believe what we want to be good and in process 
forget the truth.

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
  - Original Message -
  From: musamize
  Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 4:56 PM
  Subject: [Ugnet] Muteesa II Life  Death in Brief
  Mutesa II
  From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 

  Mutesa II, the first President of Uganda.

  Edward Mutesa II (November 19, 1924 - November 21, 1969) was king of 
the Buganda region and President of Uganda from 1963 to 1966.

  His full name was Sir Edward Frederick William David Walugembe Mutebi 
Luwangula Mutesa but was often nicknamed King Freddie by his supporters. 
As king he was also leader of the Ganda tribe which dominated Buganda.

  Mutesa became king in 1939 upon the death of his father, King Daudi 
Cwa II. At the time Buganda was part of the British protectorate of 
Uganda. He continued his father's practices of reforming the largely 
self-governing kingdom into a constitutional monarchy /A system of 

Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT KNOW!

2005-04-25 Thread jonah kasangwawo
I see that you intentionally fail to mention that Kabaka Mutebi studied law 
at Cambridge and that he wrote for reknowned publications such as 'The 
economist' !

You don't sound like you've seen the inside of a lecture room, so you might 
not know this. But students do all sorts of jobs during their holidays. For 
example Prince William of England has worked on construction in S. America 
and so has his brother Harry in S. Africa. I don't see you calling them 

Ssabasajja did not go to UK to become a pipe fitter. I'm challenging you to 
produce the evidence that he did. So many times you have failed to provide 
proof after making such wild allegations.

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT KNOW!
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 20:47:27 -0400
Ssabasajja is a well qualified pipe fitter, he did the course in UK.
Buganda's politics is so silly that it runs under the blanket of secrecy 
that many of these facts are not mentioned any where, and the Kasangwawo's 
only preach Obote is bad, and who ever does not agree with Buganda stand as 
a Rwandese, but facts always remain facts. Mutebi is a pipe fitter and I 
challenge any one to tell other wise, and I will post where he qualified.

If I post it I know it is true and verifiable.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
  - Original Message -
  From: Matek Opoko
  Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 8:19 PM
  Subject: [Ugnet] Kabaka Mutebi a Pipe fitter!..Now that I did NOT KNOW!

  revoke that order from the bank of Uganda books. Obote left power the
  time and the family remained taking the money from Uganda government.
  It is
  that same money, why people like Kabaka Mutebi managed to go to school
  in UK
  and become pipe fitters.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

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Re: [Ugnet] Muteesa II Life Death in Brief

2005-04-20 Thread jonah kasangwawo
did you read the whole paragraph or you just read the first four words and, 
as usual, decided you knew it all ? 'Critical thinker' he calls himself !

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Muteesa II Life  Death in Brief Date: Tue, 19 Apr 
2005 19:14:34 -0400

That is the same thing I have been saying for ages in these forum but my 
fellow Kasangwaawo decide to feed people with Good lies. It is very sad 
how we decide to just believe what we want to be good and in process forget 
the truth.

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
  - Original Message -
  From: musamize
  Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 4:56 PM
  Subject: [Ugnet] Muteesa II Life  Death in Brief
  Mutesa II
  From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 

  Mutesa II, the first President of Uganda.

  Edward Mutesa II (November 19, 1924 - November 21, 1969) was king of the 
Buganda region and President of Uganda from 1963 to 1966.

  His full name was Sir Edward Frederick William David Walugembe Mutebi 
Luwangula Mutesa but was often nicknamed King Freddie by his supporters. As 
king he was also leader of the Ganda tribe which dominated Buganda.

  Mutesa became king in 1939 upon the death of his father, King Daudi Cwa 
II. At the time Buganda was part of the British protectorate of Uganda. He 
continued his father's practices of reforming the largely self-governing 
kingdom into a constitutional monarchy /A system of government. When 
discussions began among British officials of making Uganda into an 
independent country, King Freddie lobbied them in an attempt to secure 
independence for Buganda as a country sovereign from Uganda. The efforts 
were both ineffective and unpopular, however, and he was briefly deposed 
and exiled.

  Mutesa returned to Uganda and his throne in 1955. In 1962 Uganda became 
independent from Britain with Milton Obote as Prime Minister and Walter 
Fleming Coutts as Governor General. In 1963 Obote abolished Uganda's status 
as a Commonwealth realm and replaced the post of Governor General with a 
figurehead Presidency. A largely rigged election saw Mutesa get elected as 
Uganda's first President, a result Obote had deliberately orchestrated in 
order to appease the Ganda tribe.

  Mutesa was not content to serve as a mere figurehead, however, and 
continued to feud with Obote over the future of Buganda. In 1966 Obote 
suspended the Ugandan constitution and proclaimed himself as the new 
president, exiling Mutesa to Britain. President Obote proceeded to abolish 
all of Uganda's kingdoms, including Buganda.

  Mutesa died of alcohol poisoning in his London flat in 1969. Attributed 
to suicide by the British police, the death has been viewed as a possible 
assassination by those claiming that Mutesa may have been forcibly 
administered large amounts of vodka by agents of the Obote regime. Mutesa 
was interviewed in his flat only a few hours before his death by the 
British journalist John Simpson, who found that he was sober and in good 
spirits. Simpson reported this to the police the following day on hearing 
of Mutesa's death, although this line of enquiry was not pursued.

  Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've already said that it was an assassination by agents of the Obote
That is the crap sold in Uganda, you and I have been abroad for a 
while and
we state matters we can prove. So I am not my grand mother who still 
that Muteesa is still alive and well in UK. Every body who dies in UK 
has a
cause of death, and I state that Muteesa's cause of death is listed ,
officially listed as alcohol poisoning.

Kindly tell us what is officially listed as the death of this 

The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: jonah kasangwawo
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 9:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
 Man, are you illiterate or plain dumb ? I've already said that it 
was an
 assassination by agents of the Obote regime, through poisoning. Is 
 clear to you now ?

 Regarding Lule, I was only trying to point out to you that it would 
 better if you first ask yourself in which university Obote did his
 doctorate before you start questioning Lule's credentials who was an
 academic. But that also seems to be beyond you.

 I'm done with your hopeless allegations on this issue.

From: Edward Mulindwa

Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC

2005-04-15 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Man, are you illiterate or plain dumb ? I've already said that it was an 
assassination by agents of the Obote regime, through poisoning. Is it clear 
to you now ?

Regarding Lule, I was only trying to point out to you that it would be 
better if you first ask yourself in which university Obote did his doctorate 
before you start questioning Lule's credentials who was an academic. But 
that also seems to be beyond you.

I'm done with your hopeless allegations on this issue.
From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 20:11:55 -0400
What did Kabaka Muteesa  die from? This is your chance to make it public. 
Mutesa was a King of Buganda, and a Uganda president at a certain point, 
surely the cause of his death must be stated and publicly. The floor is 

On Lule I will not waste my time for we have asked you many times where he 
did his professorship and you have not answered, that means you do not know 
and you do not care to research..

The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
   Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message - From: jonah kasangwawo 
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC

I'm not going to do your research for you, but I'll tell you this. 
Circumstances of Muteesa II's death clearly point to an assassination by 
agents of the Obote regime. A British journalist, John Simpson, who 
interviewed King Freddie in his flat just a few hours before his death, 
stated that he was sober and in good spirits. This was confirmed by people 
who were around him in his last hours. Simpson actually reported this to 
the police upon hearing of the King's death on the following day. 
Incomprehensibly, this line of inquiry was not pursued by the British 
police who claimed that his death was suicide. You go figure !

But stop telling lies that you have seen the postmortem record because you 

As for Prof Lule, well if we believe that Obote is a Dr why should we not 
believe Lule ? Still, your claims of Lule being an alcoholic are total 
rubbish, because, as I told you before, the man didn't drink alcohol.

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 20:00:09 -0400
Now that you are here what did Mutesa die from?
I challenge any one to look for the report on this man if it does not 
state alcohol poisoning I will personally pay 5000 dollars Canadian. 
Kasangwawo you are spreading the same roamer that we all must believe in, 
and Ugandans being in a zoo buy that crap. Yes the crap that Yusuf  K 
Lule was a professor. Prove me wrong Kasangwawo, tell us what Muteesa 
died from, for you know what? He did not die in Mulago but London the 
records are available, and I have challenged you on this before and you 
just shut up. Tell us today.

The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
   Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message - From: jonah kasangwawo 
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC

There he goes again ! Look, Mulindwa, we've been through this before. 
You have neither seen Muteesa's post-mortem report nor do you have any 
inkling what he died from. Otherwise you wouldn't come out with this 
nonsense. You are just making wild allegations, similar to the ones you 
made about the late Prof. Lule being a drunkard, when the man was a 

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 14:45:13 -0400
Ever since Obote left power, why haven't these questions been asked? 
Did you really wait for his coming back to Uganda to ask these things? 
And why has The Movement  taken 20 years without looking into this 
issue? I saw The Paul Muwanga circus what did it help Uganda as a 
society? May be The Movement is the one to have every thing to hide?

But you see we were told that Obote killed the people in Luwero and we 
accepted it, as we were told that Muteesa was poisoned by a Muganda 
girl who was sent to London by Obote, until when I read Mutesa's 
postmortem report and knew the man died of alcohol poisoning because he 
was a plain drunkard. And no Ugandan ever decided to ask in UK for a 
report on his death because it is some thing we must just believe.

Uganda is truly

Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC

2005-04-15 Thread jonah kasangwawo
 in the elections for us to defeat than Paul Ssemogerere who 
had a lot of experience in politics. Muwanga and Ssemogerere stopped Lule 
in Busoga. Lule never arrived in Buganda.
Everywhere we went, people welcomed us. The people of Uganda knew the 
record of UPC government: in building schools, roads, hospitals, industry 
etc and they could compare it with the record of Idi Amin and the profile 
of the other political parties.
People who say that UPC rigged the 1980 election do not understand the 
dynamics in Uganda at the time. UPC had a good record, and was well 
organised with a good manifesto. Our opponents were not credible, and they 
had no program to talk of. I was not in government.
Although Muwanga, the chairman of the military commission was a UPC, 
Museveni was his number two. How could I who was not number two, number 
three or number four, not even a number in military commission influence 
the military commission?
Voting started on the 9th, so on the 10th about midday Muwanga issued the 
proclamation where he stopped everyone from announcing election results 
except himself. I had in my house Gudir Singh and Shafik Arain.
I asked them to go to Muwanga and ask him to recede that statement and 
apologise to the people. They went to the Nile Mansion and rang me and said 
Muwanga had refused.
So I drove to Nile Mansion, I sat on Muwanga’s bed and I said, “You 
have got to recede this announcement now. The enemies of UPC will exploit 
it to claim it is meant to help us rig the election.
“This proclamation is a danger to UPC and an asset to our opponent.”
I was very unhappy with the announcement.
The announcement was unconstitutional. How could Muwanga in the middle of 
counting the votes, suspend the counting of the votes and dismiss some of 
the electoral commissioners? Muwanga as chairman of the military commission 
was virtually the president.
However, I did have power over him as leader of UPC. I think Muwanga was 
scared by Adoko Nekyon. Nekyon was at DP headquarters receiving electoral 
returns. The first to come in were from Buganda which is geographically 
near Kampala and UPC was been losing badly. Out of 35 seats, DP had won 34, 
and one remained undeclared. That made Muwanga panic. But I had been on 
phone with UPC candidates in the rest of Uganda and I knew UPC had won a 
clear majority.
Nekyon knew DP had lost but just wanted to create confusion.
The DP headquarters were announcing election results even in constituencies 
where voting had barely started, or where UPC had a clear lead. Members of 
the Commonwealth Observer Team did contact DP and warn Ssemogerere against 
such hasty announcements.
If you read their report, they mention that DP was declaring victory in 
constituencies where UPC had won or where voting was not yet finished. The 
report also says that DP admitted to this error. UPC had 22 unopposed 
seats. So there was no fear of a DP victory in my mind at all.
I had promised during the campaigns that if UPC wins, I would form a 
government of national unity. After I was sworn in on December 15, 1980, I 
invited Paul Ssemwogerere to State House Entebbe. He came with a number of 
his supporters. I put my proposal to him for a national unity government 
and he rejected it.
He told me that they were going to the high court to challenge the election 
returns. I had intended to share cabinet portfolios with the DP. I wanted 
Semogerere to name the portfolios they wanted, which I would discuss with 
UPC members. He refused the offer and the talks collapsed.
I did not call Mayanja Nkangi and Museveni because they both failed to win 
a seat in parliament.
UPM won one seat by default. Museveni had said during the campaigns that if 
UPC won the elections, he would go to the bush.
So I told him “You go to the bush, we will follow you there and we will 
stop you there.” Later he went to the bush but I never succeeded to stop 
him in the bush. I regret that very much.
Tomorrow in The Monitor, Obote gives a moving account of his second 
administration, and provides disturbing details about the atrocities in 

-Original Message-
From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 20:11:55 -0400
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
What did Kabaka Muteesa die from? This is your chance to make it public. 
Mutesa was a King of Buganda, and a Uganda president at a certain point, 
surely the cause of his death must be stated and publicly. The floor is 

On Lule I will not waste my time for we have asked you many times where he 
did his professorship and you have not answered, that means you do not know 
and you do not care to research..

The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message - From: jonah kasangwawo 

Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC

2005-04-13 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Your liitle brain is amazed by anything. Does it matter that he hasn't been 
sued for twenty years ? What is important is that he will in the end face 
justice. In fact, just recently four women came forward saying that they 
want to sue him for killing their husbands. Some people are even ready to 
help them prepare their case.

But what about the 1966-71 killings at Nakulabye, Kisubi, Lubiri, etc ? What 
about the panda gari and midnight house searches ? What do you say about 
those ?

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 20:02:14 -0400
And for twenty plus years you idiots never cared to sue HUH, Baganda crap 
some times amazes me for it goes toe to toe with stupidity.

The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
   Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message - From: jonah kasangwawo 
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 7:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC

Its not enough just putting the blame on Obote's ministers. The fact is, 
Obote was the chief executive, so to say. He has to take responsibility 
for the killing of Ugandans that went on under his watch. Unless you are 
saying that he was so incompetent that he was not aware of what his 
ministers were doing or he simply couldn't control them.

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 16:56:47 -0400
And if Obote decides not to come back to Uganda? Then it is okay?  What 
happened to critical thinking? So all ministers in that government who 
are in Uganda and some who are working in NRM all UNLA officers in Uganda 
today does not matter you just need Obote to tell you how he killed 
Ugandans in Luwero? No wonder NRM is starting to set terms of Obote's 
return because they are now knowing how Ugandans love Obote.

And it is amazing that just last night I talked to a Ugandan at length 
regarding this return, and she said these words and I quote No Obote can 
come back for we have tried our best to kill all UPCs so no problem he 
can show up no one cares end quote. Umm well Mukono only has so far 
raised 25 cows, what does that tell you about the man and about what 
Ugandans feel about him?.

Uganda is a ZOO indeed and Museveni is a zoo keeper, guys stay there I 
will stay here.

The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
   Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
Mr. Mulindwa,
It is a pity it took you a lot of trouble to get the real cause of 
death. He was dead and trying to get an answer from him would not have 
very easy.

In this case however, Dr. Obote is alive and can talk for himself, 
he is endowed with an abundant ability to convince even the doubting ones 
me. He can surely get back to Uganda and convince us that it was not him 
President Museveni who was responsible for the killings in NOT ONLY 
Luwero but
other parts of the country as well.

Some of us would have been willing to listen to his side of the story 
even 20
yrs ago. I'm sure, then just like now, he would get a judge and general 
to listen to his side of the story. He just wasn't there to give it. Now 
he is going back to Uganda, why do you want to deny as the opportunity to
listen to his side of the story? It is not just now that we are getting
interested in it. As to why the Movement is interested in it now, may be 
answer can best be got from Mr. Opondo, the movement spokesperson.

Mr. Mulindwa, would rather, that Dr. Obote comes back and no questions 
asked and therefore all off us remain guessing who was responsible for 
all the
deaths during his regime? Some of us would like to set a precedence that 
see even President Museveni held responsible for any wrongs committed 
while he
was in power. We will have to moral authority to demand for that if we 
demand for it from Dr. Obote now.

Nice day.
Quoting Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Ever since Obote left power, why haven't these questions been asked? Did
really wait for his coming back to Uganda to ask these things? And why
The Movement  taken 20 years without looking into this issue? I saw The
Muwanga circus what did it help Uganda as a society? May be The Movement
the one to have every thing to hide?
But you see we were told that Obote killed the people in Luwero and we

Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC

2005-04-13 Thread jonah kasangwawo
I'm not going to do your research for you, but I'll tell you this. 
Circumstances of Muteesa II's death clearly point to an assassination by 
agents of the Obote regime. A British journalist, John Simpson, who 
interviewed King Freddie in his flat just a few hours before his death, 
stated that he was sober and in good spirits. This was confirmed by people 
who were around him in his last hours. Simpson actually reported this to the 
police upon hearing of the King's death on the following day. 
Incomprehensibly, this line of inquiry was not pursued by the British police 
who claimed that his death was suicide. You go figure !

But stop telling lies that you have seen the postmortem record because you 

As for Prof Lule, well if we believe that Obote is a Dr why should we not 
believe Lule ? Still, your claims of Lule being an alcoholic are total 
rubbish, because, as I told you before, the man didn't drink alcohol.

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 20:00:09 -0400
Now that you are here what did Mutesa die from?
I challenge any one to look for the report on this man if it does not state 
alcohol poisoning I will personally pay 5000 dollars Canadian.  Kasangwawo 
you are spreading the same roamer that we all must believe in, and Ugandans 
being in a zoo buy that crap. Yes the crap that Yusuf  K Lule was a 
professor. Prove me wrong Kasangwawo, tell us what Muteesa died from, for 
you know what? He did not die in Mulago but London the records are 
available, and I have challenged you on this before and you just shut up. 
Tell us today.

The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
   Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message - From: jonah kasangwawo 
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC

There he goes again ! Look, Mulindwa, we've been through this before. You 
have neither seen Muteesa's post-mortem report nor do you have any inkling 
what he died from. Otherwise you wouldn't come out with this nonsense. You 
are just making wild allegations, similar to the ones you made about the 
late Prof. Lule being a drunkard, when the man was a teetotaller.

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 14:45:13 -0400
Ever since Obote left power, why haven't these questions been asked? Did 
you really wait for his coming back to Uganda to ask these things? And 
why has The Movement  taken 20 years without looking into this issue? I 
saw The Paul Muwanga circus what did it help Uganda as a society? May be 
The Movement is the one to have every thing to hide?

But you see we were told that Obote killed the people in Luwero and we 
accepted it, as we were told that Muteesa was poisoned by a Muganda girl 
who was sent to London by Obote, until when I read Mutesa's postmortem 
report and knew the man died of alcohol poisoning because he was a plain 
drunkard. And no Ugandan ever decided to ask in UK for a report on his 
death because it is some thing we must just believe.

Uganda is truly a ZOO indeed
The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
   Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
Mr. Onegi,
Since the facts are there, and Dr. Obote is that intelligent and with the
ability to convince, why can't he just get back to Uganda and convince 
courts of law and Ugandans at large, that it was President Museveni and 
not him
who was responsible for all the deaths. Why is he denying Ugandans these 
Anyway for your information Mr. Onegi, I'm one of those who do not know 
who the
killer is, contrary to your assertion below. I stand to benefit, like so 
other Ugandans from the facts as will be given by Dr. Obote when he gets 
to Uganda.

And by the way, no amount of Intimidation by way of telling me that I 
belong to
the bush is going to change fact that I do not know who the killer is. I 
like many others, continue asking.  For it is a fact that people were 
killed in
Luwero and somebody is responsible. It is that person or persons that 
some of
us want to know.  The kind of intimidation you are trying to employ here 
to come in handy in silencing people in 1980s but I don't think it is 

Nice day.
Even you know

Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC

2005-04-11 Thread jonah kasangwawo
There he goes again ! Look, Mulindwa, we've been through this before. You 
have neither seen Muteesa's post-mortem report nor do you have any inkling 
what he died from. Otherwise you wouldn't come out with this nonsense. You 
are just making wild allegations, similar to the ones you made about the 
late Prof. Lule being a drunkard, when the man was a teetotaller.

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 14:45:13 -0400
Ever since Obote left power, why haven't these questions been asked? Did 
you really wait for his coming back to Uganda to ask these things? And why 
has The Movement  taken 20 years without looking into this issue? I saw The 
Paul Muwanga circus what did it help Uganda as a society? May be The 
Movement is the one to have every thing to hide?

But you see we were told that Obote killed the people in Luwero and we 
accepted it, as we were told that Muteesa was poisoned by a Muganda girl 
who was sent to London by Obote, until when I read Mutesa's postmortem 
report and knew the man died of alcohol poisoning because he was a plain 
drunkard. And no Ugandan ever decided to ask in UK for a report on his 
death because it is some thing we must just believe.

Uganda is truly a ZOO indeed
The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
   Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
Mr. Onegi,
Since the facts are there, and Dr. Obote is that intelligent and with the
ability to convince, why can't he just get back to Uganda and convince the
courts of law and Ugandans at large, that it was President Museveni and not 
who was responsible for all the deaths. Why is he denying Ugandans these 
Anyway for your information Mr. Onegi, I'm one of those who do not know who 
killer is, contrary to your assertion below. I stand to benefit, like so 
other Ugandans from the facts as will be given by Dr. Obote when he gets 
to Uganda.

And by the way, no amount of Intimidation by way of telling me that I 
belong to
the bush is going to change fact that I do not know who the killer is. I 
like many others, continue asking.  For it is a fact that people were 
killed in
Luwero and somebody is responsible. It is that person or persons that some 
us want to know.  The kind of intimidation you are trying to employ here 
to come in handy in silencing people in 1980s but I don't think it is 

Nice day.
Even you know who the killer is but will not admit it. Museveni is the
one responsible for all those death in Luwero. Propaganda to the
contrary simply defeats itself because it was Museveni who started an
unpopular war and trying to connect it to Buganda popular wishes and
mistaken hatred for Obote( hatred that Obote is very smart intelligent
and convincing speaker) NRA would commit atrocities at night and in the
morning turn up to commiserate with the hapless citizens.
That is briefly what has been going on.
Now that Obote's plan to come back back has become certain, Museveni and
his supporters are exteremely worried of losing and semblance of
legality in office. They feel like the houseboy who took over the
master's bed room would feel on hearing of the master's return. That is
your problem. I guess you already want to go back to the bush, isn't
that so? That is where your type of people feel comfortable in.
Since, according to UPC,  Obote and his government are not responsible
for the
atrocities in Luwero and other parts of the country during his regime,
doesn't he come back and prove this before a court of law. His coming
back may
be an opportunity for him to tell all Ugandans, other than just the UPC
who already seem to know, who exactly was responsible for the deaths in
and elsewhere in the country.
Quoting Matek Opoko [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC

 THE Uganda People's Congress (UPC) has said information state
 Nsaba Buturo, who was a Luweero district commissioner, knows the
 who massacred residents, reports Hillary Kiirya.

 Speaking on phone, UPC's defacto leader, Hajji Badru Wegulo,
 said, I do not think Buturo believes in what he is saying other
 protecting the buttered side of the bread. He knows the people who
 the grenades and butchered people in Luweero and not Dr. Milton Obote
 he said. Obote is not a killer.

 That was a very unfortunate statement though we expected it from
 government. We know they have sinister plans for the party
 They thought his return was a 

Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC

2005-04-11 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Its not enough just putting the blame on Obote's ministers. The fact is, 
Obote was the chief executive, so to say. He has to take responsibility for 
the killing of Ugandans that went on under his watch. Unless you are saying 
that he was so incompetent that he was not aware of what his ministers were 
doing or he simply couldn't control them.

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 16:56:47 -0400
And if Obote decides not to come back to Uganda? Then it is okay?  What 
happened to critical thinking? So all ministers in that government who are 
in Uganda and some who are working in NRM all UNLA officers in Uganda today 
does not matter you just need Obote to tell you how he killed Ugandans in 
Luwero? No wonder NRM is starting to set terms of Obote's return because 
they are now knowing how Ugandans love Obote.

And it is amazing that just last night I talked to a Ugandan at length 
regarding this return, and she said these words and I quote No Obote can 
come back for we have tried our best to kill all UPCs so no problem he can 
show up no one cares end quote. Umm well Mukono only has so far raised 25 
cows, what does that tell you about the man and about what Ugandans feel 
about him?.

Uganda is a ZOO indeed and Museveni is a zoo keeper, guys stay there I will 
stay here.

The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
   Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
Mr. Mulindwa,
It is a pity it took you a lot of trouble to get the real cause of Kabaka's
death. He was dead and trying to get an answer from him would not have been
very easy.
In this case however, Dr. Obote is alive and can talk for himself, 
he is endowed with an abundant ability to convince even the doubting ones 
me. He can surely get back to Uganda and convince us that it was not him 
President Museveni who was responsible for the killings in NOT ONLY Luwero 
other parts of the country as well.

Some of us would have been willing to listen to his side of the story even 
yrs ago. I'm sure, then just like now, he would get a judge and general 
to listen to his side of the story. He just wasn't there to give it. Now 
he is going back to Uganda, why do you want to deny as the opportunity to
listen to his side of the story? It is not just now that we are getting
interested in it. As to why the Movement is interested in it now, may be 
answer can best be got from Mr. Opondo, the movement spokesperson.

Mr. Mulindwa, would rather, that Dr. Obote comes back and no questions are
asked and therefore all off us remain guessing who was responsible for all 
deaths during his regime? Some of us would like to set a precedence that 
see even President Museveni held responsible for any wrongs committed while 
was in power. We will have to moral authority to demand for that if we 
demand for it from Dr. Obote now.

Nice day.
Quoting Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Ever since Obote left power, why haven't these questions been asked? Did
really wait for his coming back to Uganda to ask these things? And why
The Movement  taken 20 years without looking into this issue? I saw The
Muwanga circus what did it help Uganda as a society? May be The Movement
the one to have every thing to hide?
But you see we were told that Obote killed the people in Luwero and we
accepted it, as we were told that Muteesa was poisoned by a Muganda girl
was sent to London by Obote, until when I read Mutesa's postmortem
and knew the man died of alcohol poisoning because he was a plain
And no Ugandan ever decided to ask in UK for a report on his death
it is some thing we must just believe.
Uganda is truly a ZOO indeed
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
Mr. Onegi,
Since the facts are there, and Dr. Obote is that intelligent and with
ability to convince, why can't he just get back to Uganda and convince
courts of law and Ugandans at large, that it was President Museveni and
who was responsible for all the deaths. Why is he denying Ugandans these
Anyway for your information Mr. Onegi, I'm one of those who do not know
killer is, contrary to your assertion below. I stand to benefit, like so
other Ugandans from the 

Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC

2005-04-11 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Well, if M7 recruited Rwandese who were doing the farming on your land in 
Luweero, your hero in Lusaka had already set a precedent by recruiting them 
into his infamous Gestapo-like General Service Unit in the 60s. Obote not 
only introduced the use of violence into the polity of Uganda, but also 
spionage and torture. We have it from reliable sources that Tutsi girls and 
many Ugandan girls were selected by the Obote regime and 'deployed in 
strategic places to spy on the public'. It was one such girl that was 
despatched to poison Muteesa.

But what about the 1966-71 killings at Nakulabye, Kisubi, Lubiri, etc ? What 
about the panda gari and midnight house searches ? What do you say about 
those ?

Mw. Nume is right, Obote won't be coming back.
From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 07:36:52 -0400
M7 was supported by the Baganda for the joint effort they embarked on to 
relieve themselves of the rather difficult circumstances they were in under 

It just amazes me how a true Ugandan can honestly stand up and look with a 
straight face to claim that  Baganda supported Museveni in Luwero war. Were 
you people actually leaving in Luwero or you were reading these things on 
the net? And that is how we as people who were in Luwero really get pissed 
for Nome you have no idea what you are talking about. But again it is some 
thing we have to agree with as Obote again sent a Uganda girl to London to 
poison Mutesa, a man we all know was alcoholic and collapsed on a firkin 
Museveni refused to recruit even a single Uganda in Luwero, he took all 
Rwandese who were doing the farming in our land and he used them instead of 
Baganda, Luwero was used not for support but for logistics, food being one 
of them and many cassava plantations were taken by force. In the end 
Baganda were recruited and if you showed that you were a good fighter you 
were killed in luwero. We even have an incident where Baganda stole amenvu 
for they had no food, and they were put on a firing squad. How were the 
Kagame's of today created?
And here we are today a true Uganda is preaching how they supported 
Museveni while in bush. No he actually wanted the least from us and yes he 
was right.

With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
  - Original Message -
  From: Simon Nume
  Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 7:06 AM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
  Mr Njoki
  It is not only Luweero Obote should be asked about
  There are the 1966-1971 killings at Nakulabye, Kisubi ,Lubiri etc
  Then there are the infamous killings outside Luwero like Panda Gari 
where young Baganda boys from the age of 12 were picked up from the street  
early morning on the way to school and killed; and the numerous people who 
were killed by his state research goons like M7 all over Buganda.

  He should be asked particulary about the after midnight house searches 
where people used to be dragged out of their homes at night and be killed 
just for being Baganda ( aduyi)

  The  Obote men used to taunt Baganda re-telling stories of how the 
stupid cowardly Baganda
  cry when they break down their doors at night ,  Omuganda agamba twala 
bintu naye leka bulamu .

  M7 was supported by the Baganda for the joint effort they embarked on to 
relieve themselves of the rather difficult circumstances they were in under 

  Now that Baganda support for M7 has gone, and the ki-federo deal with 
Mengo was roundly rejected by the majority of Baganda, M7 is using the last 
card he has, by bringing back  the bogeyman  Obote..

  By bringing back or claiming to bring Obote back, M7 wants to remind the 
Baganda what Obote did to them, so that they stick with him (M7), who will 
continue to kill the northerners as he has done for the last 19 years.

   I am sure that M7 thought that the Baganda will come out shouting as 
soon as he announced the return of Obote. That they did not, bothers M7 no 

  He is not sure what to read out of this.  Have the Baganda forgiven 
Obote ? ( in which case they will still NOT vote for M7) , or is M7 
perceived to be as bad as Obote ? ( in which case they will still NOT 
support M7)

  Fortunately Obote knows the truth and I dont think he will come back 

Mr. Mulindwa,
To begin with, I have a name. If you had bothered to check at the end 
of the
mail, you would have clearly seen my name and address. But for the 
record, I'm
Paul Njoki.

All Ugandans are movementists indeed even after parties like U.P.C. 
ect have registered and recruited members!!

About Hajji Sebirumbi, a man who was sick. He should have thought 
about that 

Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC

2005-04-11 Thread jonah kasangwawo
this sort of questioning is very irksome, because it is devoid of any logic. 
Since Idi Amin lived for over 20 years after his escape, and he was never 
taken to court, can you then comfortably conclude that he had no case to 
answer ? What exactly is your logic, sir ?

Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 19:56:49 GMT
Is there any paricular reason why Obote could not have been tried in a 
court of law up to this time? In case where he is going to be tried, should 
not he be presumed innocent until proven guilty, or has he already been 
tried and already found guilt by some private court you know of? You know 
there is a name for this kind of behavior even there was a case for Obote 
to answer, it is call miscarriage of justice. The case can bedimissed 
outright because of the sensasionalisation in the media.

Mw. Mulindwa,
Ssebirumbi, was charged and convicted with murder. Museveni on the other 
has not been sued by anybody and convicted of murder. If he is ever 
convicted and not killed the same way Ssebirumbi was killed, I will join 
you in
cry out about the injustice.

As to whether killing somebody who has been proven to have killed another 
justified, I personally do not think it is right. But that is what the law
provides as of now. I can join you in advocating for the change of that 

On the other hand, the likes of Ssebirumbi were even lucky that they got
somebody to listen to their side of the story. There are many who were not
allowed that privilege when the Ssebirumbis had the power to do so. They 
simply assumed guilty and killed.

Quoting Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Paul Njoki

 So If Ssebirumbi killed the old and the infirm it justifies society to
 him as well? And the same society yet agrees Museveni to be its leader,
 Museveni we all know has killed more people in Uganda than all previous

 leaders combined including the colonialists?
 And you have no idea how sorry I am to have been born into that zoo, I
 have turned out a better person. You really have no idea how sorry I

  The Mulindwas Communication Group
 With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
 Groupe de communication Mulindwas
 avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 5:26 AM
 Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC

 Mr. Mulindwa,
 To begin with, I have a name. If you had bothered to check at the end of
 mail, you would have clearly seen my name and address. But for the
 Paul Njoki.

 All Ugandans are movementists indeed even after parties like U.P.C.
 ect have registered and recruited members!!

 About Hajji Sebirumbi, a man who was sick. He should have thought about
 the time he commited the crimes for which he was sentenced. I'm sure
 people he was accused and convicted of killing or either the killing
 sick and the old.

 And yes, in Mukono, the likes of Keffa Ssemapngi have defected.

 As for Uganda being a zoo, you are entaitled to your opinion. It is just
 you were also brought up in a zoo!

 Nice day


 Quoting Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  First of all no one defects to movement because all Ugandans are
  Movementists. Isn't that the old school of thoughts? Secondly I have
  here long enough to know the American system of it is okay we will
  to a trial then we will kill him. Third, how has Rwakasiisi's being
  this long changed Uganda for better?
  No wonder you have no name for it all makes sense to you including
  murdering of Haji Musa Ssebirumbi, a man who was clearly very sick
  Again I insist Uganda is a ZOO let us just learn to move on with out
  this kind of reasoning just baffles me.
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
  With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas
  avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 5:35 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Buturo knows Luweero killers, says UPC
  Mw. Mulindwa,
  One thing that we seem to agree on here is that we want Obote like
  who thinks it is not a zoo to get back to Uganda if they so with.
  disagreement is the on whether or not there should be a blanket
  no amnesty to Dr. Obote or anybody else who may have been
  killings in Uganda. No one is about to drag any of them to prison
  hearing. They will have to earn their places 

[Ugnet] just a hiccup !

2005-04-10 Thread jonah kasangwawo
just a hiccup, huh ?
UPC plot to expel Obote
JUST a week after the Zambia-based Uganda People’s Congress leader, Milton 
Obote shook up his party dissolving its top organ, the Presidential Policy 
Commission, a group of those sacked are plotting to oust him soon.
Investigations by Sunday Vision have found that a group of angry UPC leaders 
are secretly meeting in a Kampala suburb and are drawing up strategies to 
throw out Obote in a delegates’ conference or even earlier.
They claim that Obote is worse than Museveni and does not take advice.
According to a source, the rebel faction, which has so far held three 
says the party chief overreacts whenever challenged.
Efforts to get a comment from the new de facto leader in Uganda Haji Badru 
Wegulo, the chairperson of the new UPC Constitutional Steering Committee, 
were fruitless, as he switched off his mobile phone.
“It is a big of group of people who are very unhappy with the way they were 
sacked. They are secretly convincing delegates to join them in throwing out 
Obote during the delegates’ conference that will take place in a few months. 
It is a big group from the former PPC, National Organisation Committee, MPs 
and other organs,” the sources said.
Sunday Vision has learnt that among the plotters are former PPC chairperson, 
James Rwanyarare, Henry Mayega, Patrick Mwondha, Omara Atubo, Ben Wacha, 
Cecilia Ogwal, Afunadula, Patrick Kirunda, Yona Kanyomozi, Patrick Rubaihayo 
and Okullu Epak.
The plotters have also drawn up a memorandum of their grievances, which was 
e-mailed to Obote yesterday morning. It read, “We are outlining our issues 
with his leadership of the party. We are protesting the manner in which he 
sacked us and appointed Movement spies into the party. We are also angry 
that after toiling in the countryside looking for signatures, even in 
hostile territory like Buganda, we never even looked at the registration 
The group is unhappy with Obote’s choice of Kampala lawyer Peter Walubiri as 
the party’s secretary general. They feel party faithfuls have been 
Sources said the plotters are against the idea of Obote returning home 
before the 2006 elections, because most Ugandans are still angry with him 
over the excesses of the UPC in the 1960s and 1980s.
They argue that his return would jeopardise the chances of UPC and the 
opposition coalition in the 2006 polls.
Sources dismissed rumours that the plotters were fronting Rwanyarare to 
replace Obote.
“They want to give the leadership to a younger person like Mayiga, or 
someone as young, especially to sell the party in Buganda,” the sources 

Published on: Sunday, 10th April, 2005
Re: [Ugnet] UPC bickering over certificate !
Matek Opoko
Sun, 03 Apr 2005 07:29:56 -0700
Jonah Kasangwawo!
THESE  ARE JUST HICCUPS.   Believe me  UPC leadership remains solid  focus 
and determine to once again bring Uhuru to  the people of Uganda  after 20 
years of NRM oppression in our country.  Have a good sunday.

From: jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Ugnet] UPC bickering over certificate !
Date: Sun, 03 Apr 2005 12:40:45 +
what's going on ? Is UPC heading for a Ssemogerere-Ssebaggala-type squabble 

From Sunday Monitor
Inside story of UPC shake-up
By Frank Nyakairu
KAMPALA — Uganda Peoples Congress President Milton Obote dismissed Dr James 
Rwanyarare as UPC leader in Uganda for allegedly saying he would defy the 
exiled party chief.

Rwanyarare was removed as chairman of the Presidential Policy Commission 
(PPC), the organ that has been running the party, and made chairman of a 
five-member advisory team.

Dr James Rwanyarare and Congress President Milton Obote
He denies that he wanted to shunt the exiled Obote aside and pave the way 
for himself to become UPC president.
Obote, exiled in Lusaka since 1985, replaced the PPC with the 
Constitutional Steering Committee led by national party chairman Badru 

Rwanyarare is said to have called a PPC meeting on March 21, which also 
involved members of the youth wing. He reportedly told the meeting that he 
and Cecilia Ogwal were going to get the party registration certificate and 
run the affairs of the party and be able to defy Obote, said Mr Peter 
Walubiri, a member of the PPC who, however, did not attend the meeting.
When Obote was told of the meeting, he instructed Walubiri to quickly 
collect the certificate and keep it away from Rwanyarare.

That's a fabrication, said Rwanyarare. I held that meeting to resolve the 
problems of the factions and I didn't at all talk about registration. 
Someone who got the certificate arbitrarily is trying to justify his evil 

Indeed, factionalism, intrigue and backstabbing amongst top party leaders 
are eating up UPC at its Uganda House headquarters on Kampala Road.
The major contending centres

[Ugnet] UPC bickering over certificate !

2005-04-03 Thread jonah kasangwawo
what's going on ? Is UPC heading for a Ssemogerere-Ssebaggala-type squabble 

From Sunday Monitor
Inside story of UPC shake-up
By Frank Nyakairu
KAMPALA — Uganda Peoples Congress President Milton Obote dismissed Dr James 
Rwanyarare as UPC leader in Uganda for allegedly saying he would defy the 
exiled party chief.

Rwanyarare was removed as chairman of the Presidential Policy Commission 
(PPC), the organ that has been running the party, and made chairman of a 
five-member advisory team.

Dr James Rwanyarare and Congress President Milton Obote
He denies that he wanted to shunt the exiled Obote aside and pave the way 
for himself to become UPC president.
Obote, exiled in Lusaka since 1985, replaced the PPC with the Constitutional 
Steering Committee led by national party chairman Badru Wegulo.

Rwanyarare is said to have called a PPC meeting on March 21, which also 
involved members of the youth wing. He reportedly told the meeting that he 
and Cecilia Ogwal were going to get the party registration certificate and 
run the affairs of the party and be able to defy Obote, said Mr Peter 
Walubiri, a member of the PPC who, however, did not attend the meeting.
When Obote was told of the meeting, he instructed Walubiri to quickly 
collect the certificate and keep it away from Rwanyarare.

That's a fabrication, said Rwanyarare. I held that meeting to resolve the 
problems of the factions and I didn't at all talk about registration. 
Someone who got the certificate arbitrarily is trying to justify his evil 

Indeed, factionalism, intrigue and backstabbing amongst top party leaders 
are eating up UPC at its Uganda House headquarters on Kampala Road.
The major contending centres of power have been the PPC led by Rwanrarare 
and the National Organising Committee led by Walubiri. In a move to 
forestall further acrimony, Obote abolished both organs, having written 
earlier warning the two men to stop bickering. Walubiri is now secretary 
general of Wegulo's Steering Committee.

The latest trouble started on March 13 when a section of UPC leaders held a 
secret meeting at the party headquarters on floor 6 at Uganda House.
Some 12 UPC members attended the meeting chaired by Hajji Wegulo and held, 
significantly, on a Sunday when the party headquarters are supposed to be 

PPC chairman Rwanyarare and the majority of his commissioners did not know 
about the meeting. Neither did other officials such as UPC Youth Chairman 
James Otto.

I'm not sure if the PPC chairman knew about it, PPC member Oweyegha 
Afunaduula wrote on March 16 complaining to Obote. I am sure the UPC Youth 
Chairman James Otto was not aware of it.

Rwanyarare called a crisis meeting of several members the next day, Monday, 
March 14, and asked Wegulo to explain the intentions of the secret meeting.

A source inside the meeting described it as stormy and the UPC leaders 
quarrelled openly. The intrigue in the party has Rwanyarare on one side and 
Wegulo, Walubiri and Mr Patrick Aroma, a new UPC member from NRM, on the 

Sources say the March 13 secret meeting fronted Aroma to be UPC youth 
chairman replacing Otto, the reason Otto was not invited. It is not clear 
why Otto should be kicked off the party youth chair.

The meeting was held behind my back but all this was Obote's manipulative 
politics, Rwanyarare said yesterday. He added that the trouble with Obote 
started way back in 1993 when Rwanyarare suggested a delegates conference be 
held to hand over power to younger UPC members.

However, when things boiled over mid last month, most PPC members suspected 
Obote's hand. Afunaduula wrote an impassioned letter asking him to intervene 
in the crisis and explain his preference of Aroma for the youth job over 

Obote claims Aroma has done a wonderful job stopping President Museveni's 
third term project. How did [Aroma] do it? Why then is the project in 
earnest? Afunaduula wrote Obote in the March 16 letter.

Obote's response was quick and indignant describing Afunaduula's letter as 
incongruous and perturbing. He also accused Rwanyarare of talking too 
much about the Annual Delegates Conference.

He said Aroma was chosen by the west to fight the third term project and was 
doing it well. With those sorts of sentiments, it was not surprising that 
Obote ordered Wegulo, Aroma and Walubiri to pick the original party 
certificate on March 22 and keep because he had grown suspicious of 
Rwanyarare's motives.

They refused to give us the certificate when I was one of the applicants 
who signed for it and they did it on Obote's orders, Rwanyarrare said.
As PPC chairman, Rwanyarare should have picked and kept the certificate for 
the party, sources say.

On March 25, Afunaduula wrote another angry letter to Obote likening him to 
Museveni, his archrival. We have not been able to see the certificate of 
registration because you according to your letter to the Chairman PPC 
instructed Walubiri to keep 

RE: [Ugnet] Mr. Kasangwawo, Do you Know if Mulindwa is Running for Katikkiro?

2005-02-24 Thread jonah kasangwawo
I don't think our friend is man enough to run. He will now come up with some 
excuses, mbu the decision to have elected officials at Mengo was made under 
the NRM and not UPC, therefore its not valid. Just you wait and see !

From: musamize [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Ugnet] Mr. Kasangwawo,Do you Know if Mulindwa is Running for 
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 16:47:13 -0800 (PST)

I was going through past email and chanced upon his missive of Jan 25, 
2005, nearly one moon ago.

On re-reading it I came I found some interesting paragraphs (highlted 
below) that got me wondering ...

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] New Vision: King Mutebi!
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 01:28:04 -0500

Fellow Ugandans

I have never in my entire life had such a complicated decision to make as
to whether I should support my own Kingdom in Mengo, but today I have made
the decision and it is no I am neither going to support my Kingdom nor
vote for it. This decision was very complicated to make for I have been
with several problems with the way Mengo runs, but I had learnt to some
how live with it.

I had a problem with the falling of Teefe Bank and I wanted to see the 
official standing of Mengo on this bank, and I failed to get a proper 
standing from Mengo on this issue but I let that go.

Calling the Kabaka's appointed members of Lukiiko Ministers also brought 

hard-ship on me for it puts some connotations on them that they should not
have, but I let that go as well.

The Katikiro came to The States and  he advised all Baganda abroad to meet 
and elect representatives among our selves, out of whom we can get a 
representative to Ssabasajja, and a meeting was held on January 15th, I 
wondered why Katikiro finds it important for us as Baganda to elect our own 
representatives abroad when Mengo, an institution he administratively lead 
does not believe in elections, why can't we as Baganda abroad meet and 
appoint our representatives as Mengo does?

But I still let that go for you know Rome was not built in one day so I 
believed that let us keep on telling the Mengo people our concerns may be 
one day they will move the right direction. I am sorry I was wrong and what 
made me make my decision today is the appointments of ministers made by our 
King on the week end. That pushed me over the edge. And I will explain.

The problem in our nation is neither Uniterism or Federalism nor tribalism, 
our problem is Lack of leadership. We need a government  with leadership 
qualities. It does not matter if you use a Mayumba Kumi, A Movement, UPC, 
DP, Military Government to get it, but what we as Ugandans are crying for 
is a government with leadership in our nation.

When The Movement came to power, it lost my support for it decided to play 
the Patronage card. It made appointments based on Tribes not on ability. 
The movement has the most ministerial positions for it wants to make sure 
every one in Uganda is happy, thus the creation of positions like Minister 
of State, Deputy Minister, and so on. These are people who are appointed 
when they can not do anything for one wonders the difference between each 
of them. But hey they are Ministers that is what counts. That is not a 
government with leadership qualities.

In Ssabasajja's appointments he appointed 3 Ministers of State, what  does 
a Minister of State do and what is the difference between a Minister and a 
Minister of State, who does what and who does not do what? This is a 
classic example of Patronage appointments. Ssabasaja appointed as well Mau 
Kanani to the Lukiiko for he is close to the royal family and designed the 
Kabaka's wedding robe. Is that enough to appoint some one to the  Lukiiko 
in Mengo? Christopher Ntabaazi was appointed as a minister with out 

Ugandans these are appointments The Movement does to make every body happy. 
When the Movement became Politically Bankrupt, (An NRM term) they decided 
to go Broad Based. Mengo has today gone Broad Based for it has appointed 
not only A Munyala but two Asians as well. Broad Based does not go better 
than that. And I say if we have a Minister with out Port Folio today, we 
need a Minister of general duties as well. That is the Mengo we have today, 
a true child of The Movement.

Ugandans these are patronage appointments made by our King who is still 
asking for more powers from the Central Government, he has however started  
by the Patronage trip before he got the powers he is asking for. Mengo does 
not collect our taxes yet, for I bet tomorrow many Ministers  would have 
been appointed and given a new Mercedes Benz with a Driver and escort. That 
is not leadership that is just a continuation of the NRM legacy.

Mengo should have used this time to prove to us as 

Re: [Ugnet] Did I read correct?????

2005-02-24 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Mw. Nume,
your interpretation is correct.
The proposals of our honorables are getting more and more ridiculous. Why 
should we tamper with the constitution just to accomodate a president who 
has already had 4 terms ? We have been told that the reason they want to 
change Article 105 is because the incumbent has been a very good president, 
so we need to give him more terms as a present ! Are we going to change the 
constitution every time we have a new president depending on whether the MPs 
think he has been a good or bad president ? Can you believe this crap !!! 
And I thought a constitution is supposed to be a long-lasting document.

From: Simon Nume [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Did I read correct?
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 03:33:31 -0800 (PST)
Mr Wambuga
It seems that term limits are to lifted to allow the first president who 
will win under multi-parties to rule for life. Should he die or lose a 
subsquent election then term limits would apply to the SECOND leader who 
comes in.

Is this what you read ???
B Wambuga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Netters help here
MPs get new 3rd term proposal
A NEW proposal to amend Article 105 to lift the presidential term limits 
was yesterday floated before the legal and parliamentary affairs committee, 
writes Cyprian Musoke.

The proposal, presented by Mawokota South MP Henry Mutebi Kityo (right), is 
to be examined by the committee, now scrutinising the constitutional 
(Amendment) Bill 2005.
It proposed the exemption (from term limits) of the first elected regime 
after the transition to multi-party politics, but that the limits should be 
retained in the Constitution for the subsequent governments elected 

It was seconded by Freddie Ruhindi, Bright rwamirama and John Byabagambi.
Published on: Thursday, 24th February, 2005
What could this mean?

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Re: [Ugnet] Will this is be the fate of Swahili?

2005-02-24 Thread jonah kasangwawo
What's this ? How did sectarianism come into this ? I sincerely feel you 
should leave discussions like this one alone, they are way beyond your 
I've heard your Luganda is nothing to write home about either !

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Will this is be the fate of Swahili?
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 21:58:14 -0500
You know a debate like this makes one wonder if we even need a middle class 
earner, developed in Uganda. I happen top be one of those pleading for it 
right and center but even if we create a class of middle income earner that 
can buy these books, The problem I Buganda is not maintaining the language 
it is pure sectarianism, and income does not cure it, nor does it cure 

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 9:30 PM
  Subject: RE: [Ugnet] Will this is be the fate of Swahili?
  Bwana Ssemakula,
  I think that bell doesn't toll for English (or Swahili) alone. How many 
speakers of Luganda (and I'm using this phrase deliberately, well aware 
that a significant percentage of Luganda speakers are not Baganda) do you 
know who care enough for the language to buy Luganda books for reading at 
home (i.e. for pleasure and to satisfy their personal -- non-school -- 
quest for knowledge)? Skills in one language translate well into learning a 
second, third, etc language. For example, my appreciation of the finer 
points of English grammar have been immensely useful in my efforts to speak 
and write better Ma'di, Arabic, Kiswahili, and Lugbara.

  We have an across-the-board problem and those of use who care for the 
survival and thriving of African languages could do something far more 
useful and non-partisan about promoting a culture of reading in Uganda. My 
anecdotal conclusion is that our brothers and sisters in Kenya buy more 
books and newspapers (English and local languages included) per capita than 

  And then, generally Ugandans currently have a poor regard for learning 
the standard form of any of the languages that they speak.

  Just my two non-partisan, non-polemic cents.
 Original Message 
Subject: [Ugnet] Will this is be the fate of Swahili?
From: musamize [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, February 22, 2005 7:42 pm
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2005-02-06 Thread jonah kasangwawo
what are you complaining about ? Don't you want your people to be 
represented ? Maybe if you improve your behaviour you might be the one 
chosen to represent them. Ha, ha, ha, ha !

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2005 13:53:38 -0500
This is the very nonsense Mengo started to feed in from the Federalists. 
Like I said where do we cut the line at?

The Kabaka left out Nubians
I thank the Kabaka of Buganda for being broadbased in his ministerial 
appointments, which saw Asians and Somalis being brought into the cabinet.

I would, however, like to express my disatisfaction with his mode of 
appointments. Some groups are still unrepresented in his government. For 
instance, Nubians who have over the years contributed to Buganda's 
development and shed their blood for the kingdom are yet to benefit from 
such appointments.

It's surprising that the Kabaka appointed people from other races and yet 
the Nubians came here first. Why are we left out yet we had one of our own 
in the late Sir Edward Muteesa's government; Mustafa Ramadhan, who still 
lives. Thank you.

Mohsin Musa,
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
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avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
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RE: [Ugnet] VUKONI

2005-01-25 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Mr. Vukoni,
please respond to our friend. Maybe he finally wants to make a confession.
From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Ugnet] VUKONI
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 15:52:58 -0500

I am looking for U
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
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avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
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RE: [Ugnet] Free and fair elections not term limits

2004-12-18 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Such statements from an EU commissioner are not helpful at all.
Its good that he acknowledges that free and fair elections in a multi-party 
setting are important. But he should have also made it clear that the 
current political environment in Uganda is not as yet conducive to such 
elections and therefore the presidential term limits should still stay in 
place as a check. It is no good just comparing the situation in Uganda to 
his native Belgium where free and fair elections are the norm - that is a 
completely different ball game.
The framers of the 1995 constitution (a lot of them NRM people) did not just 
wake up one day and decide to insert presidential term limits for good 
measure. They must have had a reason. To my mind, the reason for this 
decision is still real.

Subject: [Ugnet] Free and fair elections not term limits
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 09:07:28 EST
EU chief raps term limits
POPULAR MANDATE: Michel (right) tours camps in Gulu
By Cyprian Musoke

IT does not matter how long a president stays in power as long as he still
has the popular mandate, a European Union commissioner (EU) has said.

The EU commissioner for development and humanitarian aid, Louis Michel, was
addressing the press at Sheraton hotel Kampala on Thursday night.

Michel, who had earlier met President Yoweri Museveni at State house
Nakasero, said free and fair elections in a multi-party setting were more 

He was responding to questions on whether Museveni had hinted on whether he
would retire when his constitutional term expires.

Michel said popularity of a person, nature of the electorate and the 
of the elections mattered most.

“I was elected for 30 years. I had seven or eight terms. Of course nobody
doesn’t find this abnormal. I am just a popular guy,” he said, in 
reference to
his former position as deputy Premier of Belgium.

“You need a loyal, free and fair election, but it ultimately depends on 
people, the candidate, and fairness of the elections,” he said.

He said they talked about the White paper, democracy, multi-partism and the
Uganda-Rwanda relationship.

Michel said he told Museveni that multipartyism was an active condition for
democracy, ‘to which the President seemed to agree’.

Michel, who had just concluded a visit to northern Uganda, wondered why the
international community had ignored the situation there.

He said Betty Bigombe, the chief mediator in the peace talks, assured him
that there was an opportunity to end the war, and requested for more funds 
the EU.

Michel said the EU alone could not deliver all the assistance needed for 
war. He asked others to join the struggle.

He said the EU would finance road infrastructure to make sure that the 
in the camps returned to their homes to till their land.

Published on: Saturday, 18th December, 2004
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Re: [Ugnet] Nature mandates Pan-Africanism

2004-11-28 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Quite a diplomatic way of not answering my question !
Mr. Walker, you joined ugandanet which is a country specific discussion 
forum and I would have thought that you did so because you were interested 
in issues pertaining to that particular country. If, as you say, you are not 
interested in country specific stuff, what exactly was your motive of 
joining ugandanet ?

Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Nature mandates Pan-Africanism
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004 17:03:17 EST
I generally try to avoid issues that are country specific, other than to
advocate that the people of the particular state should be allowed to find 
optimal democratic structures for their particular history and cultural 
The question of federalism in a given country would have to factor in 
such as the status of kingdoms; in theory the US Constitution allows for a
certain amount of power for example the Kingdom of the indigenous people of
Hawaii, as well as sovereignty for the indigenous people of north America.  
practice, neither set of indigenous people are able to exercise these 
powers; so
even when things are embedded in Constitutional documents, it is not 
a reflection of reality on the ground.

That is one of the reasons why I think that the main thing is for the
population of a given state to get properly organized, create the kind of 
necessary for the greatest democracy where they are...whether in a 
confederation or
federal structure...
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RE: [Ugnet] Nature mandates Pan-Africanism

2004-11-21 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Mr. Walker,
I notice you are for federalism for the whole of Africa as a continent. What 
is your opinion about a federal structure for Uganda ?

Subject: [Ugnet] Nature mandates Pan-Africanism
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:12:05 EST
It seems that nature in the form of locust infestation, droughts, and other
Acts of God is trying to convince us of the necessity of Pan-Africanism.
How in the world can anyone continue to argue that Pan-Africanism,
specifically a Union Government democratically constructed, and controlled 
by the
majority of the people of Africa, and not by the corrupt elite, is not 

Do the swarm of locust recognize borders between Mauritania and Senegal, do
they exempt Egypt because it is a separate jurisdiction?  Do devastating
flood waters distinguish between Mozambique and Zimbabwe?  Is the problem 
droughts exclusively a concern for Ethiopia?  Is the environmental state of 
river systems, the Nile, the Congo, the Niger and so forth the exclusive 
and responsibility of one state in Africa?  Are the oceans and atmosphere 
Africa, the general ecosystem of Africa the exclusive domain of a state or 
of a

Clearly the answer to all of these is no.
Only a federal structure able to mobilize and deploy the continent's
resources and apply them to the areas where they are needed is equipped to 
respond to
such circumstances.  Please give this serious thought...our peoples lives 
at stake.  Those of us who hold citizenship in one (or more) of the African
states are in an especially critical position in this matter.  As I said 
on these matters as our lives depend on it...
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2004-11-09 Thread jonah kasangwawo
I didn't fail to notice Kabonero's implicit comparison of his boss to 
Chairman Mao, who was a real revolutionary. Laughable !

But I agree with you - it was Ofwono. The grammar and syntax were a bit 
better, although the content (or lack of it) was the same. Apart from the 
usual 'bush' talk, the main question was left unanswered: where did the 
money come from ? And if it was to 'facilitate' MPs to explain the so-called 
White Paper to the peasants, why weren't ALL MPs given it, since we're all 
still under the Movement system, but rather it was given to only those who 
pledged to support the ekisanja ?

From: gook makanga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [Ugnet] FROM THE CHAIRMAN
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 08:14:43 +
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I wonder who authored for him this Missive this time, Ofwono Opondo? His missives look more like the one he wrote to that "development partner" of his, the lady from the UK. Remember that letter he wrote about Rwanda? Thaat was M7 original! This one must be Ofwono Opondo!


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RE: [Ugnet] The concept of Federo: A case study - Monitor -October17-23, 2004

2004-11-04 Thread jonah kasangwawo
I was only trying to put right the misinformation that the author was 
spreading around about our history, and this involved our King. I do not 
know exactly what you want from me. Do you expect me to give up my identity 
in order to save myself ? Isn't that a contradiction in terms ? Nowadays 
when you don't mention Gulu or Acholi, people like you assume that one is in 
slumber. No sir ! The Baganda can take care of themselves. I am also aware 
that the Buganda Kingdom is not static. If it was, the issue would have for 
example been whether all these non-Baganda putting up constructions in 
Buganda are on borrowed land or not, due to an old law that forbade 
non-Baganda from buying land in Buganda.

As for who put who in the chair, the saying goes that one hand washes the 
other. It is public knowledge that during the war, without Kabaka's support 
the NRM/A was finding it increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to make 
any headway towards Kampala. Its only that some people tend to forget who 
got them there.

BTW Okello, I don't know how you are able to live with yourself, since the 
country you reside in still pays allegiance to the outdated traditional 
path of 'our Queen' !

From: okello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [Ugnet] The concept of Federo: A case study - Monitor 
-October17-23, 2004
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 11:34:11 -0500 (EST)

Jonah Kasangwawo,
You got some points. But, as long as you stick to the traditional system, 
that only cocoon people and put them to a state of slumber, when in fact 
people should be engaging, with ferocity, in economic and political hassles 
of today's world to have themselves mass awoken, in order to be able to 
fend off the growing threats to their land and livelihood, like the turks 
of the movement government now pushing off baganda from their land, you are 
bound to lose hands down. Politically and economically astute people are 
the ones who can secure, and protect whats theirs by birth for posterity. 
The Kabaka is in no position to save the baganda; only the baganda can save 
themselves. And as long as they, the baganda like you, still continue to 
traverse the outdated traditional path of our King, and look at the world 
around them from the spectacles of the Kabaka and his chiefs, because that 
is fundamental traditional values to hold religiously, then only waking up 
one day and finding
 your/themselves holder/s of these traditions, but merely squatters on the 
land, will make them learn; but, that will be just too late. The NRA/M put 
the Kabaka back in his so called chair for god sakes! What make you think 
the Kabaka can now turn around and tell the NRA/M what it can or can not do 
in Buganda? It is only woken people of Buganda, and Uganda in general who 
can stop these turks from the vision of creating a middle class in Uganda 
out of an ethnic group, in order to re-engineer the political direction of 
the country. Not the Kabaka; not traditions; not even any ineffective 
systems, be it a political party or not, in whatever nuances they may be.

Stick to this ineffective  our King, and you sure are going to learn the 
hard way when Uganda finally becomes too small for you to live in.

Good luck my fellow country man.
jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In The concept of Federo : A case study Kajabago-ka-Rusoke talks about
everything else - colonisation, land, et cetera - except about federo. Even
then, his understanding of mailo land and its origin leaves a lot to be
desired. He thinks that the Kabaka and his chiefs didn't own land until 
Europeans arrived and dished out some as a gift. Nothing can be further 
the truth. Even before the arrival of the colonialists, the Kabaka was
(infact he still is) the largest landowner in what is now known as Uganda,
in that he held in trust most of the land in Buganda. What the 1900
Agreement did was to reorganize the distribution of land in Buganda. The
colonial authority awarded itself 10550 sq. miles (1500 forests, 9000
uncultivated land and 50 for govt. stations); 350 sq. miles went to the
Kabaka; 8000 sq. miles went to one thousand private landowners who had 
great service for Buganda and who were actually already in possession of
these estates (calculated at an average of 8 sq. miles per individual); 320
sq. miles went to Ssaza chiefs and their official estates; the rest went to
Mbogo the moslem chief, Kamuswaga the chief of Kooki, the Kabaka's
relatives, the 3 regents at the time and to missionary societies. 
19600 sq. miles. Therefore, for Kajabago to say that the objective of a
federal structure is for the Kabaka to extract money from individuals for
personal use, is preposterous and an insult to our King.

The land in contention is the afore-mentioned 9000 sq. miles of Buganda 
which was transferred from the colonial authority to the Buganda Land Board
in 1962 and then grabbed by Obote, who

Re: [Ugnet] The concept of Federo: A case study - Monitor-October17-23, 2004

2004-11-04 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Why don't you ask your friend in Lusaka ? Since he grabbed it and moved it 
to Uganda Land Commission, it has never been returned.

What then is your 2004 view of land ? Is it the same as the NRM Land Act of 
1998 ?

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] The concept of Federo: A case study - 
Monitor-October17-23, 2004
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 08:27:13 -0500

Even if you are right about the land, but this is 2004 and not 1300. So a
whole lot of things in Uganda have changed, the only problem is that 
kingdom still think it is leaving in 1300. And that is what many Ugandans
are trying to explain very hard to Mengo.

Secondly can you kindly tell us where that 9000 miles of land is located?
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 8:02 AM
Subject: RE: [Ugnet] The concept of Federo: A case study -
Monitor -October17-23, 2004
 In The concept of Federo : A case study Kajabago-ka-Rusoke talks about
 everything else - colonisation, land, et cetera - except about federo.
 then, his understanding of mailo land and its origin leaves a lot to be
 desired. He thinks that the Kabaka and his chiefs didn't own land until
 Europeans arrived and dished out some as a gift. Nothing can be further
 the truth. Even before the arrival of the colonialists, the Kabaka was
 (infact he still is) the largest landowner in what is now known as 
 in that he held in trust most of the land in Buganda. What the 1900
 Agreement did was to reorganize the distribution of land in Buganda. The
 colonial authority awarded itself 10550 sq. miles (1500 forests, 9000
 uncultivated land and 50 for govt. stations); 350 sq. miles went to the
 Kabaka; 8000 sq. miles went to one thousand private landowners who had
 great service for Buganda and who were actually already in possession of
 these estates (calculated at an average of 8 sq. miles per individual);
 sq. miles went to Ssaza chiefs and their official estates; the rest went
 Mbogo the moslem chief, Kamuswaga the chief of Kooki, the Kabaka's
 relatives, the 3 regents at the time and to missionary societies.
 19600 sq. miles. Therefore, for Kajabago to say that the objective of a
 federal structure is for the Kabaka to extract money from individuals 
 personal use, is preposterous and an insult to our King.

 The land in contention is the afore-mentioned 9000 sq. miles of Buganda
 which was transferred from the colonial authority to the Buganda Land
 in 1962 and then grabbed by Obote, who declared that it belonged to the
 Central Government and moved it to the Uganda Land Commission. What
 is saying is that it should revert to the Buganda Land Board where it
 rightly belongs. On the other hand, this government is saying that they
 don't know where this land is, although Kiwanuka Ssemakula at the same
 is saying that there are people with leases on it. Instead of 
 the King's motive, Mr Kajabago should ask the NRM government to explain 
 the public, exactly who sold leases to these people and where this land
 since it is still in the hands of the Central Government.

 The Baganda already had a sophisticated and well-organized system of 
 tenure and ownership even before the arrival of the Europeans. The
 of Buganda land was held as 'bibanja' under customary tenancy. All the
 bibanja holders had security of tenure and their payment of 'busuulu' to
 landlord tantamounted to proof of ownership. That meant that a kibanja
 could sell, transfer or inherit the said land. The bibanja holders were
 thrown off the land and were quite happy to keep things as they were. In
 case, one had the option to buy the land outright, thereby turning it 
 freehold. Mailo land was therefore not a problem for the Baganda, that 
 until Amin came in with the 1975 Land Decree which took away bibanja
 holders' rights.

 That said, the obsession of this government, especially its leader, with
 Buganda land has not been lost to the keen observer. This government has
 tried to grab Buganda land using all sorts of dubious means and
 justifications. Instead of revoking Amin's decree, the NRM government
 aggravated the problem by legitimizing illegal settlement and unlawful
 occupancy by a minority that had used guns and their positions of
 to occupy the said land. The 1998 Land Act was directed at Buganda land
 was intended to give illegal squatters the right to attain titles and
 registrable interests on this land. Incidentally, the time limit, 12

RE: [Ugnet] The concept of Federo: A case study - Monitor - October17-23, 2004

2004-10-31 Thread jonah kasangwawo
In The concept of Federo : A case study Kajabago-ka-Rusoke talks about 
everything else - colonisation, land, et cetera - except about federo. Even 
then, his understanding of mailo land and its origin leaves a lot to be 
desired. He thinks that the Kabaka and his chiefs didn't own land until some 
Europeans arrived and dished out some as a gift. Nothing can be further from 
the truth. Even before the arrival of the colonialists, the Kabaka was 
(infact he still is) the largest landowner in what is now known as Uganda, 
in that he held in trust most of the land in Buganda. What the 1900 
Agreement did was to reorganize the distribution of land in Buganda. The 
colonial authority awarded itself 10550 sq. miles (1500 forests, 9000 
uncultivated land and 50 for govt. stations); 350 sq. miles went to the 
Kabaka; 8000 sq. miles went to one thousand private landowners who had given 
great service for Buganda and who were actually already in possession of 
these estates (calculated at an average of 8 sq. miles per individual); 320 
sq. miles went to Ssaza chiefs and their official estates; the rest went to 
Mbogo the moslem chief, Kamuswaga the chief of Kooki, the Kabaka's 
relatives, the 3 regents at the time and to missionary societies. Altogether 
19600 sq. miles. Therefore, for Kajabago to say that the objective of a 
federal structure is for the Kabaka to extract money from individuals for 
personal use, is preposterous and an insult to our King.

The land in contention is the afore-mentioned 9000 sq. miles of Buganda land 
which was transferred from the colonial authority to the Buganda Land Board 
in 1962 and then grabbed by Obote, who declared that it belonged to the 
Central Government and moved it to the Uganda Land Commission. What Buganda 
is saying is that it should revert to the Buganda Land Board where it 
rightly belongs. On the other hand, this government is saying that they 
don't know where this land is, although Kiwanuka Ssemakula at the same time 
is saying that there are people with leases on it. Instead of questioning 
the King's motive, Mr Kajabago should ask the NRM government to explain to 
the public, exactly who sold leases to these people and where this land is, 
since it is still in the hands of the Central Government.

The Baganda already had a sophisticated and well-organized system of land 
tenure and ownership even before the arrival of the Europeans. The majority 
of Buganda land was held as 'bibanja' under customary tenancy. All the 
bibanja holders had security of tenure and their payment of 'busuulu' to the 
landlord tantamounted to proof of ownership. That meant that a kibanja owner 
could sell, transfer or inherit the said land. The bibanja holders were not 
thrown off the land and were quite happy to keep things as they were. In any 
case, one had the option to buy the land outright, thereby turning it into 
freehold. Mailo land was therefore not a problem for the Baganda, that is, 
until Amin came in with the 1975 Land Decree which took away bibanja 
holders' rights.

That said, the obsession of this government, especially its leader, with 
Buganda land has not been lost to the keen observer. This government has 
tried to grab Buganda land using all sorts of dubious means and 
justifications. Instead of revoking Amin's decree, the NRM government 
aggravated the problem by legitimizing illegal settlement and unlawful 
occupancy by a minority that had used guns and their positions of influence 
to occupy the said land. The 1998 Land Act was directed at Buganda land and 
was intended to give illegal squatters the right to attain titles and 
registrable interests on this land. Incidentally, the time limit, 12 years, 
which was specified in the Act for legitimizing occupancy was exactly the 
number of years the NRM had been in power. You don't need to be a rocket 
scientist to figure out who profited from this law.

All in all, Kajabago-ka-Rusoke's state of mind is very typical of so-called 
cadres who can't imagine that a person can do something for the good of his 
people and not just for personal gain. His standpoint is very telling of NRM 
ideologues - their driving motive to join politics is to assert themselves 
economically. I strongly doubt that the NRM reflects the social and 
economic will of the majority as he wants to make us believe, rather the 
aim, we are told, is to create a middle class (made up mainly of one ethnic 
group and through embezzlement and robbing of state coffers).  It is not 
Uganda they are thinking about, it is about filling their stomachs.

From: Omar Kezimbira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Ugnet] The concept of Federo: A case study - Monitor - 
October17-23, 2004
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004 13:54:21 -0700 (PDT)

The concept of Federo: A case study
By Kajabago-ka-Rusoke
Oct 17 - 23, 2004
Federo is a concocted term from the word Federal by politicians from 

Re: [Ugnet] Poor shun Uganda's celebration (attn Mulindwa)

2004-10-13 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Mw. Nume,
our friend is unaware that a lot of the Baganda had gone to Butambala 
instead !

From: Simon Nume [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Poor shun Uganda's celebration (attn Mulindwa)
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 02:08:42 -0700 (PDT)
Then why didn't the non Baganda go to support M7 if they are in the 
majority ?

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You still think that Kampala business is carried out by Baganda and only 
Baganda. No wonder man you support Mengo's claim of Kampala. The last time 
I checked, Kampala was full of all Ugandans but again that is me.

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: Simon Nume
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 9:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Poor shun Uganda's celebration (attn Mulindwa)
You were wondering about how many Baganda like the Kabaka.
The real title should have been Baganda Shun Independence celebrations
Matek Opoko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Poor shun Independence Day celebrations
By Agnes Nandutu  Peter Nyanzi
Oct 11, 2004
KAMPALA — As celebrations went on in Kololo to mark the country’s 42nd 
Independence Day anniversary, many Ugandans went on with normal business.

A mini survey by The Monitor in Kampala’s business district showed that 
most shops were open as usual. Most people said they were too poor to 
celebrate the day.

Mr Mesach Migadde, a secondhand shoe vendor in St. Balikuddembe Market, 
said he did not have the luxury to celebrate independence when he had 
nothing to eat.

“Let those in government celebrate,” he said. Mr Andrew Kalule, a 
businessman at Nakivubo Mews, said, “Independence in poverty is useless. A 
nation without money is not independent.”

Mr Abubaker Male, a 53-year-old butcher, said the day did not make much 
difference because “we are still in the hands of the whites in IMF and the 
World Bank”.

“So what kind of independence are you talking about?” he asked. Mr Patrick 
Ssevume, a boda-boda rider, said he did not take Independence Day seriously 
because even the government does not. “In the past, there used to be flags 
everywhere in the city on Independence Day.

“Look around now, what is there in the city to show that today is 
Independence Day?” he asked. Mr Lule Swaib, who sells agricultural 
chemicals, said Ugandans could not be independent when they are not yet 
economically independent.

© 2004 The Monitor Publications

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Re: [Ugnet] Byaama Bya Buganda Vol 1 #3\ Bwambuga Part1\ Mulindwa

2004-10-13 Thread jonah kasangwawo
What a load of ballocks ! Buganda had an elected Lukiiko until your friend 
in Lusaka attacked federalism. So it is not a new phenomenon and this would 
be just a re-establishment.

That said, you actually seem to be confused about what you want. First you 
say that Mengo should have started with getting a mandate from Buganda. An 
elected Lukiiko. And now you want to go back to 1300 and say that we should 
have an unelected Lukiiko because 'it works'. Which one do you want ?
Man, you've been too long out of Uganda.

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Byaama Bya Buganda Vol 1 #3\ Bwambuga Part1\ Mulindwa
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 17:29:59 -0400
Omukulu Ssenyange
Because Buganda Kingdom is a cultural entity, that is how and why it was
created, and it is federalists turning it to a political entity that will
force the election in its lukiiko. A true reverse of its creation right 
1300. Our King is not elected and Lukiiko is not elected. Turn Mengo back 
its true purpose and no one will ask for an election in Mengo for the 
was built and it works. Listen to your self Mr. Ssenyange, Uganda
constitution to give power to Mengo to have an election, how much do you
want to involve Uganda government into our cultural institution? It even
amazes that you truly believe Mengo can make a proposed constitution with
un-elected Lukiiko to create an elected one. But that is what we are 
the most in Mengo, critical thinking.

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: ssenya nyange [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Byaama Bya Buganda Vol 1 #3\ Bwambuga Part1\ Mulindwa


   Read Buganda's draft\ proposed constituion on
 will find out that it will be an elected Lukiiko plus  representative of
 Abataka, Kabaka, women  youth just like Uganda's parliament.

 ELECTED PALIAMENT, MINISTERS ETC. Those are Kabaka's Buganda's \ 
 ministers which are not backed up by law. So, how can you expect an
 election? Who will give a day off to Baganda to elect? Who allowed 
 to make campaign rallies or even gather outside to speak politics? Will
 campaigners speak CULTURE  ONLY? Whoever does not get this in his head
 be eating with Museveni, e.g Mulindwa


 From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Byaama Bya Buganda Vol 1 #3\ Bwambuga Part1
 Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 16:32:42 -0400
 before Mengo went to Museveni, Mengo should have started with getting a
 mandate from Buganda. An elected Lukiiko. I do not know who are my
 represententatives in Mengo. Do you? Second they should have sat with
 regions  then from that meeting a memorandum of understanding should 
 been drafted by all regions then taken to Uganda government.
 And I have explained this to you over and over, but I guess it is too
 philosophical. So the question becomes, Mengo wanted federalism, who do
 want to federate with?
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
 With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas
 avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
 - Original Message -
 From: ssenya nyange [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 4:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Byaama Bya Buganda Vol 1 #3\ Bwambuga Part1
   Mr Bwambuga,
 You should not blame Mengo for the inaction of
   regions. Mengo tries to put up a collective bergain first by pulling
   together all other Ugandan cultural institution but as usual, Mu7
   meet them as one team. He decided to meet them one by one before 
   make a strong team. What transpired everybody knows. If you dont 
   my second forwarded email  part2. For those who dont know Mu7 who 
   termed it traitorship of the decade. This part 2 will l give you 
   the situation which is happening and will continue to happen until 
   J. Ssenyange

   To be realistic, what exactly is new here? I think Buganda is 
   for we have failed to be critical thinkers, has it taken us this
   realize that Museveni can never be trusted? Can Buganda tell me any
   thing that Museveni has ever done to entice any one to trust him?
   2004 late Buganda is remembering to 

Re: [Ugnet] Fwd: Can the President survive the sting and sentimentofMengo?

2004-10-07 Thread jonah kasangwawo
What a daft question ! What you should be asking is: How many Baganda (and I 
mean Baganda) DO NOT like the Kabaka ?

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Fwd: Can the President survive the sting and 
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2004 19:42:38 -0400

How many Baganda like Kabaka?
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
  - Original Message -
  From: Simon Nume
  Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 8:09 AM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Fwd: Can the President survive the sting and 
sentiment ofMengo?

  Where does the Monitor get these fools who write such articles from ?
  In another Monitor article of the same day Ssemakula  Kiwanuka is quoted 
as saying that the elite Baganda are not behind the Kabaka. Now this writer 
tells us that the  rural Baganda are behind M7 not the Kabaka, since he M7 
toured the villages and came to that conclusion.

  Copying from Mutufu; hehehehe
  musamize ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Note: forwarded message attached.

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 ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2004 11:41:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: J Ssemakula
Subject: Can the President survive the sting and sentiment of Mengo?
To: Buganda Discussion , [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Can the President survive the sting and sentiment of Mengo?
INSIDE WHITE PAPER: By Charles Etukuri
Sept 29 - Oct 06, 2004
The Cabinet White Paper recommendation that cultural leaders be 
subjected to Parliamentary control has left many gasping in disbelief - and 
others seething with rage - as it means that for the first time, a 
popularly elected legislature could have powers to unseat one born a king. 
The move specificall y targets Buganda where the Kabakaship is regarded as 
sacred and untouchable.

The Mengo government had actually calculated that by bringing their 
demands for federal status at the time when the 2006 elections were nearing 
would have brought the government to its knees. The mathematics of Mengo 
was the federo demands could be a trade off with the third term project.

Mengo partially succeeded in as far as it was able to bring the 
President to meeting them.and that was all. The threats and arm-twisting 
that characterised the talks suggest there was no genuineness in the talks; 
Mengo pushing with threats and Government content to delay and lengthen the 
talking while promising nothing really substantial.

Mengo remained entirely conservative and fixed, asking for federal 
status, Kampala city and the famous 9000 square miles. Government gave out 
a few concessions like Mengo municipality instead of Kampala, a regional 
tier instead of federal status and two councils instead of one 
Kabaka-appointed Lukiiko.

With this position President Museveni was aided in that it partially 
portrayed him as the genuine party with the talks and because of the 
conservativeness of Mengo he opted to instead to meet his people who speak 
his Ekisanja language the Local council, who in effect entirely endorsed 
his view in amidst of the talks with Mengo.

The failed talks have been followed by this latest bombshell that 
would have the effect of not only trimming the Kabaka's already short 
wings; but could also see him shown the door by what is in Luganda speak, 
the bakopi or peasantry. This is arguably a classic ba rometer of the 
President's confidence: that he has a broader assured support outside 
Buganda and a fair one in Buganda that would be enough to make him win an 

President Museveni has consistently been on the mark as saying that he 
can as well win the elections without Buganda apparently having toured the 
countryside the President is assured there is rural support to back him up. 
The President's support seems to lie in the peasants right from the bush 
days to date. It's on these that his hopes for Ekisanja rest, not the 
elite, ultra-conservatives in Mengo. The federo demands had an effect of 
challenging his peasantry support and bowing down to demands like the 9000 
square miles could in effect never have been acceptable to him.

Within urban Buganda Museveni often fares badly. But in the villages 
he is just a notch lower than a demi-god. Addressing the nation on star FM 
recently, the President said he was aware that Mengo didn't support him 
even in 1996 and 2001 ; but pointed out that he wasn't scared.

Museveni has the political support across Buganda and this political 
support is in the hands of local council officials whom he preferred to 
meet, Resident District Commissioners, among other officials 

[Ugnet] RE: [FedsNet] Mengo Are Liars - Ssemakula

2004-10-04 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Professor Ssemakula Kiwanuka tries to distort reality by presenting the 
'election' of Kabaka as if it is through universal suffrage. This has never 
been the case. The reality is that the Lukiiko normally endorses the wish of 
the previous Kabaka. This unwritten reality has been captured by the 
drafters of the 'Constitution of Buganda under a federal arrangement' (to be 
found at:, which attempts to streamline the succession to 
the Buganda throne.

I don't know which era he specialized in, but as a professor in History, he 
would surely be aware that Daudi Chwa II chose Muteesa II as his heir in his 
will (1935) and Muteesa II did the same when he appointed Mutebi II as his 
heir. Both were accepted by the Lukiiko and Baganda as their Kabaka. The 
only instance when this would not work would be if the heir is not mentally 
capable of taking up his duties as Kabaka. Our history, therefore, shows 
that the so-called 'election' of the Kabaka which the dear professor is 
talking about has never been a reality.

From: Simon Nume [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FedsNet] Mengo Are Liars - Ssemakula
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 02:59:14 -0700 (PDT)
Mengo are liars - Ssemakula
By Agnes Nandutu
Sept 28, 2004
KAMPALA - The President, while denying Mengo several demands during federal 
negotiations, offered the kingdom Shs100 billion.
The State Minister for Luweero Triangle, Prof. Ssemakula Kiwanuka, talked 
about the offer yesterday during a press conference at his office.
He talked about the negotiations and denied reports that he disowned the 
White Paper.

“We say Shs100 billion shall accompany what you have been given and you say 
you don’t want it? it beats my understanding when you refuse such an amount 
of money to the people,” Ssemakula said.
He said the money would help the secondary, tertiary, technical education, 
referral hospitals and cultural projects.

He said he does not see a good reason why Mengo denied Baganda all this 
money from government.
Semakula, who said he is the right person to speak on the negotiations 
because he has been part of the talks since last year, said Mengo has not 
told the country the truth of what transpired in the negotiations with 
“They lie that Museveni dictated. He never did so, they are liars,” he 

He said Mengo and Government agreed on everything apart from the two 
‘Lukikos’ councils.
He said they agreed on leaving the collection of taxes to the central 
government, on regional tier, and on Kampala to remains the country’s 
capital city and outside Buganda control.

He said Mengo wanted to give options for any district to opt out of the 
tier if it was not comfortable and Buganda to have its own 
constitution,ideas Museveni rejected.
He said he thanked the Katikiro for withdrawing the collection of taxes.
“I thanked the Katikiro for removing the burden from our Kabaka because 
Buganda doesn’t want to pay taxes”. he said.

Semakula said it was wrong forMengo people to blame government for not 
giving them 9,000 square miles it wants.That land, he said is not 
government land.It is public land and under the authority of the districts.
He said Mengo and Museveni only disagreed on the two Lukikos. He said the 
White Paper was delayed for two months because of those disagreements.
Semakula said he does not see why Mengo rejected two Lukikos when they 
already exist.

“It is wrong,” he said, “to say that two Lukikos have never existed in 
Buganda when they really do”. .
He said the Katikiro heads the political one and Mbazira chairs the 
cultural one.
“That is why the Kabaka is called the Sebataka because he is the chief of 
the two Lukikos,” he said.

The minister said because the white was delayed and they had not agreed on 
whether to have one or two Lukikos, Museveni suggested that parliament 
decides but Mengo rejected that.
“They rejected and announced ‘fedrom egganyi’ meaning federal has failed. 
They have an agenda. They want to make federal an election issue”. He said.
Semakula also called people who are criticizing the government white paper 
ignorant to say that since kings are not elected then they should not be 

“Go and enlighten them”, he said they are very ignorant, even the MPs like 
Nsambu don’t know that the Kabaka is elected according to ‘Enono’ culture”.
Quoting the Buganda agreement and the 1962 constitution which Semakula said 
the Baganda cherish so much for giving them federal, said the king is 
supposed to be elected by the Buganda ‘Lukiko’ council.

“The Kabaka who is the ruler of Buganda , shall be elected by the majority 
of votes in the Lukiko”. he quoted from article two of the 1962 
“All the ‘balangila’ the descendants of Mutesa 1are eligible to sit on that 
throne. Why do go around saying that the king is not elected?” he asked.

About the White Paper recommendation to unseat the kings, semakula said he 
does not see that 

[Ugnet] RE: [FedsNet] Prof. Nsibambi wants democratic Buganda - Sunday Vision 26/9/2004

2004-09-26 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Dear Editor,
Look who's talking ! In Nsibambi wants democratic Buganda September 26, 
2004, the professor says that Mengo leaders need to be elected so that they 
are financially and politically accountable to the people. Could the good 
professor tell the public exactly who elected him to the post of leader of 
government business and, if this wasn't the case, whether he is therefore 
not accountable to the people but only to the person who appointed him ?
The Movement government seems to want to have its cake and eat it too. Not 
long ago in July 2004 the same prof. warned Mengo not to meddle in politics 
because it was a cultural institution. Now he wants us to elect ! Why all 
this fuss about elections if its just a cultural institution ? Buganda is 
not demanding for a 'special status' but for a framework and structures for 
a genuine federal system to be put in place. Only then can people 
meaningfully elect their regional governments.

Jonah Kasangwawo

From: Omar Kezimbira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FedsNet] Prof. Nsibambi wants democratic Buganda - Sunday Vision 
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 01:03:25 -0700 (PDT)

Nsibambi wants democratic Buganda
BE CALM: Prime Minister Apolo Nsibambi has urged Buganda to follow law
By Vision reporter
PRIME MINISTER Prof. Apolo Nsibambi has said that Buganda must democratise 
to solve its persistent political problems with the government.

He also criticised some people’s desire to restore Buganda’s “historical 
special status”.

Nsibambi, in an 11-page article, said Buganda’s main problem is that its 
political leaders, led by the Katikkiro, are not elected and therefore not 
necessarily financially and politically accountable to the people of 

“To the extent that they are appointed by the Kabaka, they are accountable 
to him. Consequently, these leaders sometimes fail to capture and serve the 
short-term and long-term interests of the silent majority of the people of 
Buganda,” Nsibambi said.

“The suggested cabinet cure to the problem is that the Katikkiro and 
majority of political leaders of Mengo must be directly elected,” Nsibambi, 
who said he was writing in good faith, said.

“Those of us who still believe in a democratic form of federalism feel that 
it cannot be achieved overnight. It is a process. The proposed democratic 
regional tier can be an important facilitator towards realising democratic 
federalism,” said Nsibambi, who was President Yoweri Museveni’s nominee to 
the Constituent Assembly, where he advocated a democratic federal system of 

Published on: Sunday, 26th September, 2004
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Re: ugnet_: BOMBAY TO RUN BUGANDA\ Mulindwa

2004-06-28 Thread jonah kasangwawo
I presume you have evidence that I said 'all elected Baganda MP's who
back third term do not speak for Buganda'. Could you please produce it !
But lets get back to the issue at hand, shall we ? Is there, in your limited 
understanding of the English language, no difference between 'running 
Buganda' and  'pledging to serve Buganda' ?


From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: BOMBAY TO RUN BUGANDA\ Mulindwa
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 19:43:23 -0400
How can you talk for Buganda with authority, all elected Baganda MP's who
back third term you stated they do not speak for Buganda, how can you an
un-elected Ugandan speak for Buganda?
Your statement There is no way Bombay is to run Buganda refers.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 9:19 AM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: BOMBAY TO RUN BUGANDA\ Mulindwa

 either the English language is playing games on you again or you are
 intentionally trying to twist what I said. I have no problem with the
 and Baganda being called Buganda. What I do have a problem with is your
 sentationalist use of subject headings. You might not be aware of the
 nuances of the English words you use, but there is indeed a difference
 between 'running Buganda' and humbly 'pledging to serve Buganda'. There 
 no way Bombay is to run Buganda.
 Educate yourself a littler bit more in the usage of the English language 
 It doesn't hurt.


 From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: ugnet_: BOMBAY TO RUN BUGANDA\ Mulindwa
 Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 16:39:49 -0400
 A very interesting illogical twist indeed,
 When Buganda ministers support third term those are not representatives
 Buganda, when Mr. Singh serves Kabaka and Baganda that is not Buganda, 
 when is Buganda actually represented ever? And where did I ever state
 Mr. Singh serving in Buganda was a crime?
 The days continue to be strange indeed.
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
 With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas
 avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
 - Original Message -
 From: jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 8:58 AM
 Subject: RE: ugnet_: BOMBAY TO RUN BUGANDA\ Mulindwa
   Mw. Ssenyange,
   this is nothing new from our friend, he most probably didn't even 
   whole article. He just read the title and thought he could come up
   of his nonsensical headings.
   Look here, Mr. Myopic-Mulindwa-man, The official, Mr Singh, plegded
   serve the Kabaka and his
   people, not to run Buganda as you are trying to make out. Can you
   example of any other area of Uganda which is as non-sectarian as
   From: ssenya nyange [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: RE: ugnet_: BOMBAY TO RUN BUGANDA\ Mulindwa
   Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 20:06:09 -0400
 You're very st... On one hand you acuse
   of sectarian, segregative, and that its against non Baganda. When
   evidence is shown, you come out with gabbage like your heading
   run Buganda. Why dont you shut up if you have nothing better to 
   J. Ssenyange
   From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: ugnet_: BOMBAY TO RUN BUGANDA
   Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 18:57:39 -0400
   Buganda appoints Asian
   By Robert Mwanje
   June 20, 2004
  KAMPALA - Buganda government officials have commended the
   appointment of an Asian on the Kingdom's welfare and works
   Katikkiro of Buganda, Mr Joseph Ssemwogere, said new people would
   ideas - for development.
  He explained that whoever lives in Buganda is a subject of
   Kabaka and should be ready to serve the Kingdom. We are not
   any more. Anybody who lives in Buganda should participate in its
   development, he said.
  Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi last week appointed Kampala
   division councilor, Mr Singh Parminder Katongole on the welfare
  Katikkiro Semwogerere said the Kabaka would continue to
   non-Baganda who live in the region and are willing to serve. This
   the last to happen, more people may

Re: ugnet_: BOMBAY TO RUN BUGANDA\ Mulindwa

2004-06-25 Thread jonah kasangwawo
either the English language is playing games on you again or you are 
intentionally trying to twist what I said. I have no problem with the Kabaka 
and Baganda being called Buganda. What I do have a problem with is your 
sentationalist use of subject headings. You might not be aware of the 
nuances of the English words you use, but there is indeed a difference 
between 'running Buganda' and humbly 'pledging to serve Buganda'. There is 
no way Bombay is to run Buganda.
Educate yourself a littler bit more in the usage of the English language ! 
It doesn't hurt.

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: BOMBAY TO RUN BUGANDA\ Mulindwa
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 16:39:49 -0400
A very interesting illogical twist indeed,
When Buganda ministers support third term those are not representatives of
Buganda, when Mr. Singh serves Kabaka and Baganda that is not Buganda, so
when is Buganda actually represented ever? And where did I ever state that
Mr. Singh serving in Buganda was a crime?
The days continue to be strange indeed.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 8:58 AM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: BOMBAY TO RUN BUGANDA\ Mulindwa
 Mw. Ssenyange,

 this is nothing new from our friend, he most probably didn't even read 
 whole article. He just read the title and thought he could come up with
 of his nonsensical headings.

 Look here, Mr. Myopic-Mulindwa-man, The official, Mr Singh, plegded to
 serve the Kabaka and his
 people, not to run Buganda as you are trying to make out. Can you give 
 example of any other area of Uganda which is as non-sectarian as Buganda 


 From: ssenya nyange [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: ugnet_: BOMBAY TO RUN BUGANDA\ Mulindwa
 Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 20:06:09 -0400
   You're very st... On one hand you acuse 
 of sectarian, segregative, and that its against non Baganda. When proof
 evidence is shown, you come out with gabbage like your heading Bombay 
 run Buganda. Why dont you shut up if you have nothing better to talk
 J. Ssenyange
 From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: ugnet_: BOMBAY TO RUN BUGANDA
 Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 18:57:39 -0400
 Buganda appoints Asian
 By Robert Mwanje
 June 20, 2004
KAMPALA - Buganda government officials have commended the
 appointment of an Asian on the Kingdom's welfare and works committee.
 Katikkiro of Buganda, Mr Joseph Ssemwogere, said new people would moot
 ideas - for development.
He explained that whoever lives in Buganda is a subject of the
 Kabaka and should be ready to serve the Kingdom. We are not 
 any more. Anybody who lives in Buganda should participate in its
 development, he said.
Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi last week appointed Kampala 
 division councilor, Mr Singh Parminder Katongole on the welfare
Katikkiro Semwogerere said the Kabaka would continue to appoint
 non-Baganda who live in the region and are willing to serve. This is
 the last to happen, more people may be appointed to serve the Kabaka,
 Ssemwogere said.
The official, Mr Singh, plegded to serve the Kabaka and his
 He said that Buganda is strategically located and has more chances to
 develop rapidly.
What Buganda needs is to refocus its strategies depending on 
 resources, there is no reason why Baganda are not rich, he said.
 © 2004 The Monitor Publications
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
 With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas
 avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
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2004-06-25 Thread jonah kasangwawo
you are going to have a lot of difficulties making him understand that 
sentence. Maybe you could break it down for him into a few simple sentences.


From: Ed Kironde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: ugnet_: BEWARE OF BUGANDA
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 00:26:03 -0600
Try to read that statement in English -UPC roots its base in Buganda
conspiracy and syndicalism; it does not mean UPC is owned by Buganda.
If a Ugandan party roots its base in Mao Tsetung’s philosophy, that does
not mean that the party is “owned” by Chinese. Common now
There are known knowns - there are things that we know that we know.
There are known unknowns - that is to say, there are things that we now
know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns ... things we do
not know we don't know. And each year we discover a few more of those
unknown unknowns.  Us Secretary of Defense 2001 -?
Donald Rumsfeld
-Original Message-
Of Edward Mulindwa
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: BEWARE OF BUGANDA
UPC roots its base in Buganda conspiracy and syndicalism
What would have you said if UPC was not a Baganda political party, can
you imagine if UPC was owned by Northerners ?
The days are strange indeed
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 8:30 PM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: BEWARE OF BUGANDA
Humphrey K. Rugambanengwe is subjected to his own opinion and analysis,
whether right or wrong.
One would also tell you that UPC was preparing to be in the opposition
after DP’s “victory”.  This alliance of convenience was only the second
Allegations are that the DP leader, since he was the “victor”, saw it
that it was only fair that anyone who wanted to form an alliance had to
travel to Entebbe and meet with him to negotiate an alliance.
UPC saw a window of opportunity and compromised their mutual fears with
KY.  It was a loose-loose situation with the Kingdom of Buganda. Why?
Had the Kabaka of Buganda traveled to meet the DP leader so as to form a
government, the journey in itself would have undermined his authority.
Failure to do so was not safe either – a “mugwira” or Munnamawange Obote
if you like, instead traveled to meet the Kabaka.  The usual weekend
quarterbacks psyched that “omigwira Botte yasinza Ben ensumika” loosely
interpreted to mean:  where a fellow Muganda failed, a non-Baganda
succeeded (in destroying the Kingdom?)
So the Baganda ushered in Obote, the Baganda ushered in Idi Amin, the
Baganda ushered in the Movement and now Baganda are said to be a pillar
in ushering in the third term, as per Rugambanengwe.
If Baganda have been successful in the past, is this the first time they
are bound fail?
All along, the message to the rest of the country, Buganda has been the
boogieman of the country: BEWARE OF BUGANDA – is the unwritten
foundation onto which UPC stands.
I have mentioned before that like Christianity being founded on the
original sin, UPC roots its base in Buganda conspiracy and syndicalism –
and BTW, that is my own personal opinion – right or right.
There are known knowns - there are things that we know that we know.
There are known unknowns - that is to say, there are things that we now
know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns ... things we do
not know we don't know. And each year we discover a few more of those
unknown unknowns.  Us Secretary of Defense 2001 -?
Donald Rumsfeld
-Original Message-
Of Edward Mulindwa
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 2:52 PM
Subject: ugnet_: BEWARE OF BUGANDA
Beware of Buganda
A close look at our history shows that Buganda is so far largely to
blame for Uganda’s political troubles since independence. Buganda dumped
Ben Kiwanuka (RIP) for Dr Milton Obote through the UPC/ KY Alliance. The
reward they got was a heinous attack on the Kabaka’s Palace.
The above stand-off made them shift their allegiance in favour of Idi
Amin Dada, ironically the champion of the attack on Kabakaship. The
socio-economic and political havoc wreaked by Amin, is well documented.
Buganda treated Obote’s ‘second coming’ with suspicion, making them to
enthusiastically support the 1981/86 resistance in Luwero and other
parts of Buganda. The country is yet to recover from the after effects
of that vicious conflict.
Sadly, Buganda is indefatigably at it again. So far, they are the
unrivalled sponsors of ekisanja, euphemism for life presidency. Perhaps,
Mr. Ian Kyeyune- the Wakiso District Chairman, a 

RE: ugnet_: BOMBAY TO RUN BUGANDA\ Mulindwa

2004-06-24 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Mw. Ssenyange,
this is nothing new from our friend, he most probably didn't even read the 
whole article. He just read the title and thought he could come up with one 
of his nonsensical headings.

Look here, Mr. Myopic-Mulindwa-man, The official, Mr Singh, plegded to 
serve the Kabaka and his
people, not to run Buganda as you are trying to make out. Can you give an 
example of any other area of Uganda which is as non-sectarian as Buganda ?

From: ssenya nyange [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: ugnet_: BOMBAY TO RUN BUGANDA\ Mulindwa
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 20:06:09 -0400

 You're very st... On one hand you acuse Buganda 
of sectarian, segregative, and that its against non Baganda. When proof of 
evidence is shown, you come out with gabbage like your heading Bombay to 
run Buganda. Why dont you shut up if you have nothing better to talk 

J. Ssenyange

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: BOMBAY TO RUN BUGANDA
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 18:57:39 -0400

Buganda appoints Asian
By Robert Mwanje
June 20, 2004
  KAMPALA - Buganda government officials have commended the 
appointment of an Asian on the Kingdom's welfare and works committee. The 
Katikkiro of Buganda, Mr Joseph Ssemwogere, said new people would moot new 
ideas - for development.

  He explained that whoever lives in Buganda is a subject of the 
Kabaka and should be ready to serve the Kingdom. We are not segregative 
any more. Anybody who lives in Buganda should participate in its 
development, he said.

  Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi last week appointed Kampala central 
division councilor, Mr Singh Parminder Katongole on the welfare committee.
  Katikkiro Semwogerere said the Kabaka would continue to appoint 
non-Baganda who live in the region and are willing to serve. This is not 
the last to happen, more people may be appointed to serve the Kabaka, 
Ssemwogere said.

  The official, Mr Singh, plegded to serve the Kabaka and his people. 
He said that Buganda is strategically located and has more chances to 
develop rapidly.

  What Buganda needs is to refocus its strategies depending on its 
resources, there is no reason why Baganda are not rich, he said.

© 2004 The Monitor Publications
The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
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RE: ugnet_: Africa Intelligence... you are ecounrage to join !

2004-06-24 Thread jonah kasangwawo
now that, apart from your login, you have given us your password, can one 
use your details to log on ?


Subject: ugnet_: Africa Intelligence... you are ecounrage to join !
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Re: ugnet_: 17anti third term activists remanded

2004-06-23 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Yes sir, understood. But maybe you should have started by scolding your pal 
who called others

Subject: Re: ugnet_: 17anti third term activists remanded
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 16:26:55 -0400
wow dude...did you say nicomp what? Let analyse issues here and stop name 
calling ..were are not  around an Ajono Mutungi!


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Re: ugnet_: 17anti third term activists remanded

2004-06-20 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Yes sir, understood. But maybe you should have started by scolding your pal 
who called others

Subject: Re: ugnet_: 17anti third term activists remanded
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 16:26:55 -0400
wow dude...did you say nicomp what? Let analyse issues here and stop name 
calling ..were are not  around an Ajono Mutungi!


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RE: ugnet_: Bunyoro LC5 Chiefs Back Sad Term

2004-06-18 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Mw. Nume,
I suppose these must be Baganda masquerading as someone else (according to 
some people's thinking). Everything has to be tribalized, you see.

From: Simon Nume [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Bunyoro LC5 Chiefs Back Sad Term
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 03:16:21 -0700 (PDT)
Bunyoro LC5 chiefs back third term
By Amlan Tumusiime
District chairpersons from Bunyoro region have backed a third term in 
office for President Yoweri Museveni.

The LC5 chiefs, George Nyamyaka (Kibaale), John Nyakoojo Majara (Masindi) 
and George Tinkasiimire Bagonza (Hoima) said this in a joint statement at 
the 10th Bunyoro Empango celebrations held at the Karuziika on Friday.

Majara read out the statement.
It read, “For us the district chairpersons of Bunyoro, we still want 
Museveni to lead us and we are only asking him to reward us for the support 
we have been giving him for many years.”

The leaders asked the Government to give Bunyoro more developmental 
programmes in appreciation of the region’s support to the Movement 

The Third deputy Prime Minister, Henry Kajura, who was the chief guest, 
told Omukama Solomon Iguru that the President loved him a lot “and because 
of that, he has arranged to meet you in Kampala next week.”

Former president Godfrey Binaisa and ministers Baguma Isoke and Benina 
Mukiibi attended.

Published on: Tuesday, 15th June, 2004
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Re: ugnet_: 17anti third term activists remanded

2004-06-18 Thread jonah kasangwawo
I loathe such nincompoops ! Somehow in their wisdom members of this gang 
think they have the monopoly over knowledge and ability to analyse the 
situation in Uganda !

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: 17anti third term activists remanded
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 21:47:04 -0400
Now NRM is autocracy?  I thought that it is me and the mateks the Opokas 
the GRs who are backwards that do not know how Uganda is doing better?
Some how I have a feeling that any of you guys coming here today in 2004 
and you oppose this movement, you how just how stupid you are. And I will 
leave it at that.

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
  - Original Message -
  From: J Ssemakula
  Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 1:20 PM
  Subject: RE: ugnet_: 17anti third term activists remanded
  These political prisoners illustrate the urgent need to unseat the 
Movement government.

  Down with autocracy!


  Original Message Follows
  Subject: ugnet_: 17anti third term activists remanded
  Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 13:11:48 -0400
  17 Anti Third Term Activists Remanded
 Email This Page
  Print This Page
  Visit The Publisher's Site
  The Monitor (Kampala)
  June 10, 2004
  Posted to the web June 10, 2004
  Mwanguhya Charles Mpagi
  Seventeen anti third term activists have been remanded in 
Kalisizo,Masaka. The seventeen are members of a youth pressure group, the 
Popular Resistance Against Life Presidency.
  The acting Regional Police Commander, Mr Eric Naigambi, said the youths 
were arrested in Kyotera town, Masaka on Sunday for holding an illegal 
  They appeared in court in Kalisizo on Monday and were remanded for two 
weeks. The youth league of the National Democrats Forum (NDF), which also 
houses the PRALP at Katonga road in Kampala, issued a statement condemning 
the arrest. The statement was signed by their chairman Mr Titus Ekimanga.
  Relevant Links
  East Africa
  Legal and Judicial Affairs
  Naigambi identified some of those arrested as Mr Zakaria Munakayiba, Mr 
Waswa Kayondo, Mr Ibrahim Kasozi, Mr Ssozi Abdul, Mr Francis Bbale, Mr 
Robert Kavuma and Mr Tabu Mohammed.
  Others are Mr Gonzaga Kalisa, Mr Ssenabulya Katerega, Mr Ssemwanga 
Kasirye, Mr Badru Zimbe, Mr Paul Lusiba, Mr John Ntumwe, Mr Godfrey 
Banadda, Ms Rehema Namatovu and Mr Godfrey Kagimu.
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RE: ugnet_: leaked information?

2004-05-25 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Mw. Ssemakula,
I was also wondering which of the 10 commandments Kony has not broken.
'Good basis for ruling Uganda' indeed !!

From: J Ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: ugnet_: leaked information?
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 00:29:14 +
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I think we are all convinced that Kony would be very effective in ensuring the respect for huma rights -- given what he has done to and for his own people over the past several years...

ps: why is his cause?

Original Message Follows 
Subject: ugnet_: leaked information? 
Date: Sat, 22 May 2004 01:18:04 EDT 

It has been learnt that the Kony movement do have reasons for their struggle. 
The have reasons that any one willing to know can find out. Unfortunately, 
Uganda press have simply refused or been prevented from finding those reasons. 
And they have spoken of the Ten Commandments as if it was something only meant 
for backwards people. let us stop for a moment and see what the Ten 
Commandments talk about. I will put briefly: 

1.Thou shall have no other God but me 
2.Thou shall not take the name of God in vain 
3.Remember to keep the Sabbath 
4.Honor thy father and mother 
5.Thou shall not kill 
6.Thou shall not commit adultery 
7.Thou shall not steal 
8.Thou shall not bear false witness 
9.Thou shall not covet thy neighbors wife 
10.Thou shall not covet they neighbor's goods. 

So, if that is what the LRA really want to use as basis for ruling Uganda 
then I find that they seem to be more interested in steering the country on the 
right track. This a good thing. But really Kony is talking about: 

1 abuse of human rights as it happened in Acholi and elsewhere 
2 discrimination on tribal and other lines 
3 runaway corruption 
4 disrespect for the constitution 
5 militarisation of Uganda politics 
6 destroying the bas of Uganda economy (shifting it to foreign aid based 
7 theft of money from the UCB 

So why do the newspapers refer to the only aims that LRA has is to rule 
Uganda according to the Ten Commandments? Most laws and rules in use are based on 
the Ten Commandments and it is in line with not trying to "reinvent the wheel." 

It is time to talk peace to LRA irrespective of how they intend to rule 
Uganda, Maybe they have already achieve their aims and negotiation will bring us 
out of this morass. 

Ignoring the fact that Kony has a contentious issue to deal with is failure 
of leadership on the part of the M7 government 

Look at carefully 

Menya Kilat 
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