[Ugnet] Thanks for the Memories

2009-11-26 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*In 1962 Obote used Baganda as a ladder to climb to the Presidency.
He then threw away the ladder when he moved against Kabaka Yekka.

K.Y. posed a very interesting question to him:  How are you going to climb
down without the ladder.

Of course Obote, later on crashed.

Obama has forsaken everybody that helped to the top !!

He is going to lose the mid-term Congressional elections.
And he is going to be a one term President.

He will crash like happened to Obote.

Maureen Dowd is spot-on in her analysis !!
Thanks for the Memories
By MAUREEN DOWD  New York Times
Published: November 24, 2009
 The New York Times: Maureen Dowd

At his Cabinet meeting Monday afternoon, President Obama took a moment to
give thanks to his team.

Sipping a glass of water, the president offered special gratitude to the
woman on his right.

“I advised this hard-working Cabinet to get a little bit of rest this week,”
he said, looking at Hillary Clinton, “particularly the people who have been
traveling around the globe day-in and day-out and don’t know what time zone
they’re in.”

The secretary of state, with a china cup and saucer in front of her, smiled.

In the back of the room, back where they were parched, back where no water
or coffee was served for the two-hour meeting, sat Greg Craig, the White
House counsel who was a ghostly presence, given his death by a thousand

Only a year after he had helped Barack Obama get elected by eviscerating his
close friend, Clinton White House colleague and Yale Law School classmate,
Hillary Clinton, Craig was himself eviscerated by the Obama inner circle.

I remember meeting Craig at a book party during the campaign. He upbraided
me for writing critical things about Obama. I didn’t like being chastised,
but I admired his loyalty.

It couldn’t have been easy for Craig, a special counsel in the Clinton White
House who directed the response on impeachment, to break away from the
Clintons and help the insurgent Obama shatter Hillary’s dream of shattering
the Oval glass ceiling.

As Todd Purdum wrote of Craig in The Times in 1998, “At Yale, he surrendered
his $75-a-month apartment in New Haven to Mr. Clinton and his girlfriend,
Hillary Rodham, who were a class behind him, and he remains especially close
to Mrs. Clinton, friends say.”

In a memo he sent to the press during the bitter 2008 Democratic primary,
Craig made the case that Hillary had exaggerated her foreign policy
experience and that she did not pass “the Commander-in-Chief test.”

It was brutally effective, taking apart her claims of involvement, country
by country, and noting: “As far as the record shows, Senator Clinton never
answered the phone either to make a decision on any pressing national
security issue — not at 3 AM or at any other time of day.”

I often wondered if Craig and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, the other former
Clinton official who helped undermine Hillary’s foreign policy record, would
have done so if they had known that after turning on Hillary they would once
more end up working beside her; if they had known that Obama can often be
more interested in wooing opponents than tending to those who put themselves
on the line for him.

There were complaints that Craig was out of the loop, but couldn’t Obama
have walked the single West Wing staircase up to his counsel’s office and
looped him in?

Craig was, after all, simply defending positions that Obama himself took
during the campaign, from closing Gitmo to greater transparency.

The way the Craig matter was handled sent a chill through some Obama
supporters, reminding them of the icy manner in which the Clintons cut loose
Kimba Wood and Lani Guinier. But then, Obama is surrounded by many old
Clinton hands (and a Clinton).

Writing in Politico, Elizabeth Drew called it “the shabbiest episode of his
presidency,” saying that it had caused people who had helped Obama rise to
question whether he would behave in as classy and non-Clintonian a fashion
as they had hoped.

It recalled Obama’s failure to lift a finger to help Caroline Kennedy —
after she had lifted him at a crucial moment — when the loopy Gov. David
Paterson was dragging her through mud and refusing to announce a decision on
the appointment for the New York Senate seat. Paterson was being lobbied by
a vengeful Bill Clinton. Bill was still upset at Caroline for bestowing the
Camelot mantle, which he had tried to claim during his campaigns, on Obama.
Yet no one from the Obama camp tried to counteract Bill and straighten out

Although a handful of donors were invited to the premiere state dinner
Tuesday night — as well as erstwhile allies Craig and Hillary — many donors
and passionate supporters are let down by Obama’s detachment, puzzled at his
failure to make them feel invested when he’s certain to come back to tap
their well soon enough.

It is especially puzzling given 

[Ugnet] Teso vs homosexuals

2009-12-11 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Dear Sir,

The title of your article screams about Idi Amin.

On reading, one finds this is about homosexuals and nothing to do about

This tactic of appealing to base and racist sentiments of the West is a low
point, indicative of the bankruptcy to which Ugandans have descended.

Who killed us in Luwero, in Kitgum?   Who burnt children in Railway wagons?
Is it Idi Amin?
Was the  fight against apartheid to sleep with a white man/woman or for our

You as an Itesot should be more concerned that our people in Teso have been
reduced to starvation, rather than whether one prefers one's sex anal or

American Right wing Televangelism, in tandem with homosexuality are on a
global march.

Let us first make sure a Ugandan kid Iteso or not has food in his belly.

Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Bill Means Targeted

Thursday 10 December 2009

by: Wambi Michael  |  *Inter Press

Kampala - Uganda will be going back to the days of the Idi Amin regime if it
passes a Bill which will arrest or kill people for being gay or lesbian and
for repeatedly engaging in homosexual sex, say rights activists.

Pro-gay activists compare the provisions in the proposed Anti-Homosexuality
Bill to the 1972 order former dictator, president Idi Amin gave expelling
Ugandan born Asians because of their colour.

This is a form of targeted killings similar to Idi Amin. We already have a
law on homosexuality but you see people like David Bahati, instead of
concentrating on more pressing issues in his constituency, he is spending
time to write a forty-page document aimed at gays and lesbians, said
Jacqueline Kasha, a lesbian Ugandan human rights activist.

Rights activists say the Bill, which has stirred local and international
controversy, could in effect exile close to half a million lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) Ugandans who would most likely flee the
country to escape prosecution. There are no official figures of the number
of LGBT people in Uganda because the question on one’s sexual orientation is
not part of the past national census questionnaire.

In simple terms this Bill is saying: ‘Go out of Uganda’. An even if I ran
out of the country definitely I will have to be brought back. It violates
all aspects of a human being and human rights, said Kasha.

She says the clause seeking extraterritorial jurisdiction, once enacted as
it is, would be used by government to have LGBT persons extradited so as to
face prosecution in Uganda.

Practising homosexuality has been illegal in Uganda and is listed in the
penal code, but the proposed Bill has expanded on it.

The proposed Bill, currently being considered by the Ugandan parliament,
suggests a new offence of aggravated homosexuality, which would be
punishable by death.

This part of the Bill states that repeat offenders of homosexuality are
liable to get the death penalty. The death penalty is also applied in a
homosexual relationship if a partner is under 18, or has a disability, or is
HIV-positive. People accused under the aggravated homosexuality clause will
be forced to undergo an HIV test.

The Bill also seeks extra territorial jurisdiction and will apply to any
Ugandan involved in a LGBT relationship outside of the country. The Bill
also seeks to extradite any Ugandan guilty of the offences it lists.

It also requires that Uganda withdraw from any international treaty,
conventions, protocols and declarations that would support homosexuality.

David Bahati the Ndorwa West minister of parliament in Uganda, with support
from some faith-based groups in Uganda, introduced the Anti-Homosexuality
Bill in mid-October. He said it was aimed at, among other things, to protect
traditional family values.

Bahati told IPS that his Bill has received wide support within parliament
and he was confident that it will be enacted, despite the controversy it has
created internationally. He lashed out at human rights activists opposed to
the Bill saying they were using just one clause to campaign against his

There have been attacks from gays and their sympathisers and our (Uganda’s)
donors have put pressure on government. They have used the suggested clause
on aggravated homosexuality, which was an import from already passed act on
defilement, to alarm people that the Bill is about killing gays. This is a
distortion of facts, he said.

Even Uganda’s long-serving president, Yoweri Museveni, lent his support to
the Bill. He claimed European homosexuals were recruiting in Africa. While
addressing youth in Kampala last month, Museveni sent a strong signal that
his government was determined to pass the Bill despite local and
international condemnation, including opposition from many of Uganda’s Aid

I hear European homosexuals are recruiting in Africa. We used to have very
few homosexuals traditionally. They were not persecuted but were not

[Ugnet] Guweddeko does not make sense !!

2009-12-17 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Why Amin regime killers are free under Museveni

Fred Guweddeko

Since President Museveni took power, all the convicted ex-Amin regime
operatives, and those in exile for murder have won freedom under unclear
circumstances. By releasing Mohamed Birikadde, Museveni confirmed his
unconditional pardon to all the ‘criminals’ who murdered Ugandans under the
dreadful Amin regime.

These criminals deserve punishment. Clemency can only be upon apology to the
victims. However, only the relatives of Ankole region victims of Amin regime
criminals were recently invited to a conciliation meeting with President
Museveni and promised compensation. NRM ignores the Amin family/regime
members wishing to apologise and explaining the killings. NRM has instead
pardoned, offered jobs and largesse to the Amin family/regime operatives
associated with crimes and unrepentant about their reign of murder.  The big
question is how and why did NRM/A with well-intentioned leaders like Prof.
Lule and (possibly) Museveni ally/unite with ex-Amin regime criminals.

Before Lule and Museveni united, creating NRM/A, Kenya was the military
patron of the UFF (Buganda rebels). The first batch of Kenya-trained Buganda
guerilla field commanders were commissioned by Moi and Lule in October
1980.  Tragedy befell the Baganda commanders when their reception link in
Kampala, called Senngendo, betrayed them for money. Although this traitor
was immediately after killed by UFF High Command in a broad daylight
shoot-out at Bakuli in Kampala, Kenya withdrew military support to the
Buganda anti-Obote rebellion and terminated the second batch trainees.

Actually, this treachery explains the absence of Baganda field commanders in
the subsequent NRM/A War, which some pro-Buganda on the CBS FM radio usually
blame on alleged Museveni anti-Buganda sectarianism. Lule was heartbroken by
the death of the commanders and opted out of the war, because of Baganda
untrustworthiness.  In this crisis, the Baganda resolved to unite with

Had Baganda not betrayed their field commanders and lost Kenya’s military
support, they would not have allied with Museveni who had ousted Lule in
1979 and is now the obstacle to the aspirations that took Buganda to war.
The union (NRM/A) lacked military patronage but Ghadaffi was already
sponsoring two unpopular rebel groups. One of Ugandan ex-Amin operatives led
by Brig Moses Ali (with a clean record), the other of non-Ugandan ex-Amin
operatives under Brig Farouk Minawa (one of the Amin killers). NRM/A sought
Ghadaffi patronage and the condition was NRM/A to unite with ex-Amin rebel
groups. Problem was that the Moses Ali group was the core of destroying
Buganda in 1966, while the Minawa group had defeated Museveni’s FRONASA
guerillas in 1973-74.

Greatest obstacle to NRM/A uniting with Ghadaffi/Amin was that Lule had past
linkages to imperialist UK and Museveni to Israel. Minawa expressed in a
‘blind interview’ in Mombasa in 2007 that he convinced Ghadaffi to support
NRM/A. Explaining why Museveni couldn’t punish or repatriate ex-Amin
‘criminals’ from Kenya, Minawa revealed some Ghadaffi assistance terms to
NRM/A. Minawa asserted that through Ghadaffi war patronage, NRM/A is
definitely an extension the ‘Amin’ regime. Besides overlooking the murdered
Ugandans, Minawa said the Tripoli Agreement, made Brig Moses Ali (ex-Amin)
the Vice President to Prof Lule upon NRM/A ousting Obote.

The current mingling of ex-Amin regime criminals with NRM corruption
villains reflects Uganda as a true territory of ‘Satan’. What matters
however, is not so much the freedom of Amin criminals but the closeness
between NRM and Amin regime and failure for Uganda to learn from history.
*Mr Guwedekko is a researche*
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[Ugnet] A vote of Thanks

2009-12-17 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Dear Brother Timothy Kalyegira,

It is end of year.

So, please, accept my most fervent thanks, to you and your team at The
Uganda Record.

I would like to put it better but I am failed by words.

If we had about six Ugandans like you, it would be enough critical mass for
the emancipation/liberation of both our people and our country.  We are
lucky to have you.  You are in a class of your own.

There may be more Internet traffic to The Monitor, New Vision etc...,  but
that is out of habit, rather than conscious choice of the best.

Again, May the Spirits of our ancestors always be your protector and guide

Mitayo Potosi.

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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] A vote of Thanks

2009-12-17 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Dear Engineer Kiggundu-Mukasa,

At this time of the year, please accept our thanks and gratitude, not only
for the past twelve months but for the nearly fifteen years of your
dedicated service to fellow Ugandans.

May our ancestors bestow to you Grace and good tidings !!

Also, your management style of never hovering around peoples' faces,
cop-like, is simply the best.

Best wishes to your team at Ugandanet, and also your family.

 Mitayo Potosi
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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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2009-12-17 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*BANNAMASAKA Tuli ku ki?

We have to learn from BANYAKIGEZI !!

They are building Educational Institutions, unlike us, who saw our
government-funded Masaka Technical Institute taken over by the chaps at
Mengo. A classic case of an un-funded mandate!!

Masaka is one of the big Districts in Uganda that does not have a single
University !!

For over a hundred years Masaka has fed Kampala with Matoke.

The coffee boom of the 1950's, servicing/feeding America's war effort in
Korea, saw all the coffee money go to fund OWEN Falls Dam, funding both the
Mengo and the Central Government -- Roads, Makerere University etc... And of
course the whiskey that is consumed daily in Kampala by those good-for
-nothing elite-wanna-be.

We have funded them all. And what do we have to show for it? Poverty and
primitive Infrastructure.

Let us have federo, throw off the Mengo and Central Govt monkey off our

Enough is enough !!

Mitayo Potosi

On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 5:01 PM, Johnson Mujungu

 December, 2009   [image: E-mail 
 article]http://newvision.co.ug/E/9/685/704462 E-mail
 article http://newvision.co.ug/E/9/685/704462   [image: Print 
 article]http://newvision.co.ug/PA/9/685/704462 Print
 article http://newvision.co.ug/PA/9/685/704462   [image: Kabale farmers
 being sensitised about tea growing. ICOB#8200;aims at promoting the
 economic wellbeing of members]

 Kabale farmers being sensitised about tea growing. ICOB aims at promoting
 the economic wellbeing of members
 *By Joshua Kato*

 THE International Community of Banyakigezi (ICOB) will launch a Uganda
 Chapter, during their ICOB convention to be held in Kabale between December
 27 and 29.

 ICOB was formed in 2003 to promote language, culture and socio-economic
 development of the Banyakigezi.

 Athanasius Rutarroh, the ICOB coordinator, says: “Because of varying
 reasons, more than 50% of the Banyakigezi live outside Kigezi region.
 Therefore, once ICOB is formed, it will protect and promote the culture of
 the Banyakigezi and contribute to the economic wellbeing of the region.”

 The districts in Kigezi region include Kabale, Kanungu, Kisoro and
 Rukungiri. At the moment, the organisation has three chapters: the US,
 Canada and UK Chapters.

 “In July 2003, the first ICOB annual convention was held in Toronto,
 Canada,” says Rutaroh. Subsequently, annual conventions have been held in
 London, Toronto, Denver, New York and Las Vegas. Rutaroh says in October
 2009, a meeting was held in Kampala which resolved to form a Uganda Chapter.

 “This convention is special because it will also act as home coming for the
 organisation,” he says.

 Rutaroh says during their annual conventions, they network, fundraise and
 plan for the future of the organisation.

 “The main activity of ICOB has been the Kigezi Education Fund, which has so
 far financed an ICT centre at Rukungiri Technical Institute and a centre for
 excellence in electrical and plumbing at Nyakatare Technical Institute in
 Kanungu district,” he says.

 He explains that more projects are being planned for in Kisoro and Kabale

 Rutaroh says there will be a number of activities at the Kabale convention.
 These include keynote addresses by prominent personalities and discussions
 of a topic ‘Development Challenges and Opportunities of Banyakigezi’.

 Presentations will also come from fields of education, science and
 technology, health, demography, tourism, business and entrepreneurship,
 microfinance and rural development.

 Rutaroh says registration for the convention is going on.



 *I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet **

 Ugandanet mailing list
 % UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

[Ugnet] Fraternal Salutations !!

2009-12-18 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Dear Hon. Jack Sabiti,

Please accept my thanks for the great work you do for our country, there at
It is hard work, I know !!Pass our appreciation to all the FDC comrades.

In the new year, though, maybe we should focus more on policy issues.
There is too much stress on personalities, at times.

People want/need services.  They are less concerned by past friendships
involving m7, Dr Besigye, Hon. Winfred Byanyima, etc...   or any such loose

How come that, always,  it is the Conservative Party's Hon. Ken Lukyamuzi
who calls for a Policy-based united vanguard of the opposition parties?  We
must always remember, Comrade Sabiti, that we are only opposed to
NRM/Museveni's actions and policies. Nothing personal.

Another point is that Africa is waking up to an appreciation of Dr Kwame
Nkrumah. From this past September up to next July Africans everywhere are
celebrating his 100th birthday.

On declaring Sept 21st as Founder's Day, Ghana's President Atta Mills talked
about the the sense of self-worth, National pride and the dignity
bequeathed to us from this Africa's giant.

Indeed he was a trail-blazer of the Africa's liberation struggle, and a true
symbol for Unity, hardwork and perseverance !!

The tragedy is that imperialism is now fronted by scum like Uganda's Yoweri
Museveni in frustrating the AU in our quest for Continental Unity.

We, regardless, must still pass on Nkrumah's dream to the coming

With this perspective, it is jarring when the new blood, like our own Anne
Mugisha, proudly stand on a pedestal to denounce the Osagyefo, like she did
awhile ago!!

I refuse to contemplate that it is even remote representation of FDC.

Thank you for your time, comrade.

Mitayo Potosi,   Toronto.
Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.


2009-12-19 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Masaka has nothing to celebrate.   For, no people ever developed by
exporting their most productive or most educated .

The Filipino have done this for over 100 years. They remain the sickest,
poorest and most backward in East Asia.

Like I said, Masaka has landed in the same fate. Poverty is rampart.
Infrastructure is rotten.

This fate awaits even Uganda.

The bulk of Uganda's Medical specialists, Engineers, Mathematics and Science
Educators are to be found, instead, all over South Africa.

Should the poor and marginal in Masaka or in the wider Uganda celebrate

Brother Timothy Kalyegira has just broken this Museveni and his
slave-masters' lies that we send home over $700 million. It is just a hoax.
It is a cover that re-labels Uganda's exiled personnel as willing
globe-trotters. Meanwhile they loot everything!!

Mitayo Potosi

On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Assumpta Kintu assumpta.ki...@gmail.comwrote:

 *For years Masaka has been producing scholars to occupy the colonial jobs,
 which required a good education.  Masaka people attended schools all over
 the nation and overseas.  The farmers however had always maintained the best
 Farmers Cooperative Union, where the farmers sold their products to feed the
 entire country in schools, hospitals until the current government destroyed
 the Union and all its branches.  I also suspect  chemical pollution from the
 war, which destroyed the land and ability to grow crops and food to feed
 Ugandans all over the country.  What we need is for us the residents of
 Masaka to build our own schools; start our own businesses and create our own
 jobs.  I know we can, but in a peaceful Uganda.  There is hope for Masaka
 yet!  Let us come up with a plan or plans.*
 *Thank you fellow Munnabuddu for caring!*
 *Have a super week!*
 Assumpta Mary Kintu

 On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 5:24 PM, Mitayo Potosi mitayopoto...@gmail.comwrote:

 *BANNAMASAKA Tuli ku ki?

 We have to learn from BANYAKIGEZI !!

 They are building Educational Institutions, unlike us, who saw our
 government-funded Masaka Technical Institute taken over by the chaps at
 Mengo. A classic case of an un-funded mandate!!

 Masaka is one of the big Districts in Uganda that does not have a single
 University !!

 For over a hundred years Masaka has fed Kampala with Matoke.

 The coffee boom of the 1950's, servicing/feeding America's war effort in
 Korea, saw all the coffee money go to fund OWEN Falls Dam, funding both the
 Mengo and the Central Government -- Roads, Makerere University etc... And of
 course the whiskey that is consumed daily in Kampala by those good-for
 -nothing elite-wanna-be.

 We have funded them all. And what do we have to show for it? Poverty and
 primitive Infrastructure.

 Let us have federo, throw off the Mengo and Central Govt monkey off our

 Enough is enough !!

 Mitayo Potosi

 On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 5:01 PM, Johnson Mujungu 
 johnsonmuju...@yahoo.com wrote:

 December, 2009   [image: E-mail 
 article]http://newvision.co.ug/E/9/685/704462 E-mail
 article http://newvision.co.ug/E/9/685/704462   [image: Print 
 article]http://newvision.co.ug/PA/9/685/704462 Print
 article http://newvision.co.ug/PA/9/685/704462[image: Kabale
 farmers being sensitised about tea growing. ICOB#8200;aims at promoting the
 economic wellbeing of members]

 Kabale farmers being sensitised about tea growing. ICOB aims at promoting
 the economic wellbeing of members
  *By Joshua Kato*

 THE International Community of Banyakigezi (ICOB) will launch a Uganda
 Chapter, during their ICOB convention to be held in Kabale between December
 27 and 29.

 ICOB was formed in 2003 to promote language, culture and socio-economic
 development of the Banyakigezi.

 Athanasius Rutarroh, the ICOB coordinator, says: “Because of varying
 reasons, more than 50% of the Banyakigezi live outside Kigezi region.
 Therefore, once ICOB is formed, it will protect and promote the culture of
 the Banyakigezi and contribute to the economic wellbeing of the region.”

 The districts in Kigezi region include Kabale, Kanungu, Kisoro and
 Rukungiri. At the moment, the organisation has three chapters: the US,
 Canada and UK Chapters.

 “In July 2003, the first ICOB annual convention was held in Toronto,
 Canada,” says Rutaroh. Subsequently, annual conventions have been held in
 London, Toronto, Denver, New York and Las Vegas. Rutaroh says in October
 2009, a meeting was held in Kampala which resolved to form a Uganda Chapter.

 “This convention is special because it will also act as home coming for
 the organisation,” he says.

 Rutaroh says during their annual conventions, they network, fundraise and
 plan for the future of the organisation.

 “The main activity of ICOB has been the Kigezi Education Fund, which has
 so far financed an ICT centre at Rukungiri Technical Institute and a centre
 for excellence

[Ugnet] Acholi poisoned

2009-12-19 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Acholi sit on top of vast oil reserves.

Museveni, together with the Tallow Oil Company ( really apartheid's
assassination squad battalion, and British SAS mercenaries),  are poisoning
our people into extinction, to steal the land and oil !!

Why don't we ask Elly Karuhanga about this? *

Kitgum children hit by nodding disease  Friday, 18th December, 2009  [image:
E-mail article] http://www.newvision.co.ug/E/8/13/704670 E-mail
  [image: Print article] http://www.newvision.co.ug/PA/8/13/704670 Print
article http://www.newvision.co.ug/PA/8/13/704670 [image: Olana
explains to Ogwang how her children were attacked by the disease]

Olana explains to Ogwang how her children were attacked by the disease

*By Chris Kiwawulo
OVER 300 children have been found with a strange ‘nodding disease’ in Kitgum
district. The affected children aged between eight and 15 are mainly in
Internally Displaced People’s (IDP) camps in the three sub-counties of
Amida, Akwang and Palabek gem.

A team of 20 medics from the African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET),
Mulago and Butabika hospitals carried out a two-week study of the disease in
the district.

AFENET medical epidemiologist Dr. Monday Busuulwa, said they had taken
samples of blood, urine, cerebral spinal fluids and skin snips from the
affected children for tests.

He could, however, not tell when the tests would be ready.
Among the symptoms the children experience are incessant nodding, mental and
physical problems, lack of appetite and loss of consciousness. “We are only
able to contain the convulsions with the drug carbimazepine. We have no cure
yet because we don’t know its cause,” stated Busuulwa. He however stressed
that the disease was not contagious.

Busuulwa said the disease is suspected to be a result of eating game meat,
food and water contaminated with heavy metal components like lead or river
blindness, but said these were all subject to investigation. He noted that
60% of the children with epilepsy also have a history of head nodding.

Betty Olana, a 31-year-old mother in Alune IDP camp, has five of her 10
children suffering from the disease
She said when the disease first hit her 10-year-old daughter, Sarah Aber in
November 2003, residents and relatives were quick to conclude that it was

“But because I am a staunch Catholic, I rejected their allegation and I
called priests to pray for my daughter,” Olana said, adding that hardly a
month after the attack on her daughter, several other children in the camp
got the disease.

According to Sr. Grace Ogwang, the Kitgum district health visitor, over 40%
of children with the disease have dropped out of school.

She added that residents had reported some deaths resulting from the disease
although they could not be verified. Ogwang further disclosed that the
disease had also been reported in neighbouring Pader district, although the
statistics were not available.

The Nodding disease is a new, little-known disease which emerged in Sudan in
the 1980s. It is a fatal, mentally and physically disabling disease that
only affects young children.

When a child is affected by the disease, his or her growth appears to be
completely and permanently stunted. The growth of the brain is also stunted,
leading to mental retardation.
Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

[Ugnet] Ugandans call the bluff on Yoga's arrogance and conceit.

2010-01-07 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Yoga Adhola’s politics is poisonous to UPC unity*A no nonsense Ugandan, Mr
Komakech, has called the bluff on Yoga Adhola's tribalistic and poisonous
campaign of hate, pathological lies and slander.  Yoga adhola always just
makes up facts as he goes along.  It is all pathetic.

Anyway, who ever expected relief?   hey hey !!  But now this news is good

But Comrade Komakech, the 1980 election was stolen by Obote and the British,
**DP or the Catholic Church was in no position to either steal any election,
or organise war.**

It is Obote who brought the mercenaries of Executive Outcomes ( formerly the
assassin battalion for apartheid South Africa), he also brought in the
British mercenaries of Sandline International.( the so-called British
military training team )

These mercenaries were working for both Obote, and at the same time
supplying weapons to, the guerrillas of Museveni and Cardinal Nsubuga.

This slaughter of Ugandans was a British-Protestant project that had nothing
to do with us Ugandan Catholics.

And the same mercenaries have never left. They just stayed and formed Oil
companies, (Tullow, Heritage Oil and Gas).
They also have stolen our oil-fields   Ask Elly Karuhanga.  He and
Bunyenyezi were recruited even before NRM came to power.


By Morris D. C. Komakech  (email the author javascript:void(0);)
  Posted Friday, January 8 2010 at 00:00

In Summary

In politics, one should know when to throw stones because every politician
is guilty of political sins. The majority of the voters of today know this
fact very well considering their spiteful experiences with state inspired
corruption, terrorism, land grabs, nepotism, poverty, unemployment and the
intolerance of the regime to dissent among others

This is a rebuttal to Yoga Adhola’s piece titled “Otunnu should not lead
UPC” that featured in the Sunday Monitor of January 3. In that article,
Adhola presented disputable facts about the character of UPC presidential
candidate Dr Olara Otunnu in a deeply contemptible manner. He objected the
candidature of Dr Otunnu for the party leadership on many accounts; one,
being that Otunnu committed a historical political sin by participating in
the Okello Lutwa military junta that deposed the democratically elected UPC
government in 1985; the other allegation that fumed with sheer malice is
that Otunnu was the mastermind of the said coup.

What we know is that at the time of the coup, Otunnu was in New York. What
we also know is that Otunnu has confessed on many instances that Dr Obote
remains his mentor. Otunnu also confessed that he consulted many times with
the Obote before joining the military junta and also while at the Nairobi
peace talks. Based on these facts, it would be ludicrous for Otunnu to have
personally masterminded a coup against a man who made him by appointing him
Uganda’s Permanent Representative to United Nations.

First and foremost, I must assert that Adhola and people of his age and
mindset are free to exercise their democratic rights to oppose or support
any candidate vying for any party leadership. However, what baffles one is
the current undertone in Adhola’s harsh judgment and criticism of Otunnu.
Many UPC stalwarts and historicals know exactly what transpired in the UPC
government in the period that preceded the said coup. There are facts that
must be tailored in to that situation so as to provide a fairly
comprehensive appraisal of the situation, notwithstanding the reality that
the 1985 coup is inexcusable. Nonetheless, it is unfair to somehow load the
responsibility of either averting the coup or perpetuating it entirely in
the hands of Otunnu. One wonders what role Adhola played in this coup and
why he was not instrumental enough in averting it and why he does not
explain the role of the Catholic church and DP elements within and outside
the government.

Related Stories

   - Predictions of political activities in
   - Parties must build strong

 I will not embark on the merits and demerits of the coup for that is the
epicentre of diversionary politics. I strongly believe that what UPC and the
opposition groups need right now is new lease of life in the political
equation, and I believe that Otunnu’s decision to offer himself to this
process is one of the best things to have happened in UPC in 24 years.

Fundamentally, we all agree that UPC needs to indulge in self reflection; to
recollect especially on many unanswered questions. Why did the party suffer
coup twice; why has Museveni ruled Uganda for 24 years? What should be done
to bring all the other factions back to the fold while recruiting new

While Adhola has not shied away from advancing vengeful and divisive
politics, he has also promoted tribal hatred and such primitive vices openly
against the 

[Ugnet] Message on Haiti from Cynthia McKinney

2010-01-19 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*January 19-20, 2010 -- Message from Cynthia McKinney on Haiti relief aid*

January 19-20, 2010 -- Message from Cynthia McKinney on Haiti relief aid
From Cynthia McKinney: An Unwelcome Katrina Redux

President Obama's response to the tragedy in Haiti has been robust in
military deployment and puny in what the Haitians need most: food; first
responders and their specialized equipment; doctors and medical facilities
and equipment; and engineers, heavy equipment, and heavy movers. Sadly,
President Obama is dispatching Presidents Bush and Clinton, and thousands of
Marines and U.S. soldiers. By contrast, Cuba has over 400 doctors on the
ground and is sending in more; Cubans, Argentinians, Icelanders,
Nicaraguans, Venezuelans, and many others are already on the ground
working--saving lives and treating the injured. Senegal has offered land to
Haitians willing to relocate to Africa.

The United States, on the day after the tragedy struck, confirmed that an
entire Marine Expeditionary Force was being considered to help restore
order, when the disorder had been caused by an earthquake striking Haiti;
not since 1751, 1770, 1842, 1860, and 1887 had Haiti experienced an
earthquake. But, I remember the bogus reports of chaos and violence the led
to the deployment of military assets, including Blackwater, in New Orleans
in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. One Katrina survivor noted that the
people needed food and shelter and the U.S. government sent men with guns.
Much to my disquiet, it seems, here we go again. From the very beginning,
U.S. assistance to Haiti has looked to me more like an invasion than a
humanitarian relief operation.

On Day Two of the tragedy, a C-130 plane with a military assessment team
landed in Haiti, with the rest of the team expected to land soon thereafter.
The stated purpose of this team was to determine what military resources
were needed.

An Air Force special operations team was also expected to land to provide
air traffic control. Now, the reports are that the U.S. is not allowing
assistance in, shades of Hurricane Katrina, all over again.

On President Obama's orders military aircraft flew over the island, mapping
the destruction. So, the first U.S. contribution to the humanitarian relief
needed in Haiti were reconnaissance drones whose staffing are more
accustomed to looking for hidden weapon sites and surface-to-air missile
batteries than wrecked infrastructure. The scope of the U.S. response soon
became clear: aircraft carrer, Marine transport ship, four C-140 airlifts,
and evacuations to Guantanamo. By the end of Day Two, according to the
Washington Post report, the United States had evacuated to Guantanamo Bay
about eight [8] severely injured patients, in addition to U.S. Embassy
staffers, who had been designated as priorities by the U.S. Ambassador and
his staff.

On Day Three we learned that other U.S. ships, including destroyers, were
moving toward Haiti. Interestingly, the Washington Post reported that the
standing task force that coordinates the U.S. response to mass migration
events from Cuba or Haiti was monitoring events, but had not yet ramped up
its operations. That tidbit was interesting in and of itself, that those two
countries are attended to by a standing task force, but the treatment of
their nationals is vastly different, with Cubans being awarded immediate
acceptance from the U.S. government, and by contrast, internment for Haitian

U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral James Watson IV reassured Americans, Our
focus right now is to prevent that, and we are going to work with the
Defense Department, the State Department, FEMA and all the agencies of the
federal government to minimize the risk of Haitians who want to flee their
country, Watson said. We want to provide them those releif supplies so
they can live in Haiti.

By the end of Day Four, the U.S. reportedly had evacuated over 800 U.S.

For those of us who have been following events in Haiti before the tragic
earthquake, it is worth noting that several items have caused deep concern:

1. the continued exile of Haiti's democratically-elected and well-loved, yet
twice-removed former priest, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide;

2. the unexplained continued occupation of the country by United Nations
troops who have killed innocent Haitians and are hardly there for security
(I've personally seen them on the roads that only lead to Haiti's
sparsely-populated areas teeming with beautiful beaches);

3. U.S. construction of its fifth-largest embassy in the world in
Port-au-Prince, Haiti;

4. mining and port licenses and contracts, including the privatization of
Haiti's deep water ports, because certain off-shore oil and transshipment
arrangements would not be possible inside the U.S. for environmental and
other considerations; and

5. Extensive foreign NGO presence in Haiti that could be rendered
unnecessary if, instead, appropriate U.S. and other government policy
allowed the Haitian people some 

[Ugnet] You must see this !!

2010-01-29 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Some of us blamed poor Kibaki when Obama and his sponsors destroyed Kenya's
economy and orchestrated the killing of wananchi !!And Obama gets a Nobel
Prize for killing us?
 Corruption Behind the 2009 Nobel Peace
*by Thierry Meyssan*/voltairenet.org

While the Nobel Peace Prize award has led to a chorus of praise from the
Atlantic alliance leaders, it has also raised skepticism around the world.
Rather than discuss the reasons that might after the fact justify this
surprising choice, *Thierry Meyssan* exposes the corruption of the Nobel
Committee and the ties between its chairman, Thorbjørn Jagland, and Obama’s
19 October 2009

*Madeleine Albright and Thorbjørn Jagland, during a meeting at NATO
headquarters *

This morning, after listening to the news, my daughter came and told me:
Daddy, you won the Nobel Peace Prize” [1]. This is the touching story that
the United States President told complacent reporters to attest that he had
never wanted this distinction and was most surprised. Without any further
inquiry, newspapers ran front pages on the humility of the most powerful
man in the world.

Indeed, it is hard to say what is the most surprising: the awarding of such
a prestigious distinction to Barack Obama, the grotesque staging that went
with it, or the method used to bribe the jury and divert the prize from its
original purpose.

First, let us recall that, according to the Nobel Committee rules,
nominations are to be submitted by institutions (national parliaments and
political academies) and by qualified persons, mainly judges and former
recipients. In theory, a nomination may be submitted without the candidate
having been notified. However, when the jury makes its decision, it
establishes a direct link with the grantee to ensure that he is informed an
hour before the press conference. This would be the first time in its
history that the Nobel Committee failed to this courtesy. According to the
Committee spokesman, he did not dare to wake the United States President in
the middle of the night. Perhaps did he not know that counselors take turns
at the White House to receive emergency calls and wake the president if
necessary? Moreover, the Nobel Committee had at least informed the
journalist Gerhard Helsok who announced the news a day earlier on the
Norwegian channel TV2.

The lovely scene of the little girl announcing the Nobel Prize to her daddy
does not allay the discomfort caused by this distinction. According to
Alfred Nobel’s will, the prize should be awarded to the person who [during
the previous year] shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity
between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for
the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”

In the founder’s spirit, the purpose was to support militant action and not
to issue a certificate of good intentions to a head of state. The winners
having sometimes flouted international law after receiving the prize, the
Nobel Committee decided four years ago not to reward a particular act, but
only to honor persons having dedicated their lives to peace. Thus, Barack
Obama was the most deserving of all peace activists in 2008 and did not
commit any major infringement of international law in 2009. Without even
mentioning those still held at Guantanamo and Bagram, or Afghans and Iraqis
facing a foreign occupation, what do Hondurans crushed by a military
dictatorship have to say about this, or Pakistanis, whose country has become
the new target of the Empire?

Now to the heart of the matter that White House public relation officials
and Anglo-Saxon media want to hide from the public: the despicable
relationship between Barack Obama and the Nobel Committee.

In 2006, the European Command (i.e. the regional command of U.S. troops
whose authority then covered both Europe and most of Africa) solicited
Barack Obama, a Senator of Kenyan origin, to participate in a secret
inter-agency (CIA-NED-USAID-NSA). The goal was to use his status as a
parliamentarian to conduct a tour of Africa that would allow both to defend
the interests of pharmaceutical companies (against off-patent productions)
and to counter Chinese influence in Kenya and Sudan [2]. We shall only
examine the Kenyan episode here.

*The destabilization of Kenya*

Barack Obama and his family, accompanied by a press officer (Robert Gibbs)
and a political and military advisor (Mark Lippert), arrived in Nairobi on a
special plane chartered by Congress. Their plane was followed by a second
one, chartered by the U.S. Army and carrying a team of specialists in
psychological warfare led by the supposedly retired General J. Scott
Gration. Kenya was then experiencing a booming economy. Since the beginning
of the presidency of Mwai Kibaki, the growth rate had increased 

[Ugnet] You have to see this !!

2010-01-29 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 Some among us blamed poor Kibaki when Obama and his sponsors destroyed
Kenya's economy and orchestrated the killing of wananchi !!And Obama gets a
Nobel Prize for killing us?
  Corruption Behind the 2009 Nobel Peace
*by Thierry Meyssan*/voltairenet.org

While the Nobel Peace Prize award has led to a chorus of praise from the
Atlantic alliance leaders, it has also raised skepticism around the world.
Rather than discuss the reasons that might after the fact justify this
surprising choice, *Thierry Meyssan* exposes the corruption of the Nobel
Committee and the ties between its chairman, Thorbjørn Jagland, and Obama’s
19 October 2009

*Madeleine Albright and Thorbjørn Jagland, during a meeting at NATO
headquarters *

This morning, after listening to the news, my daughter came and told me:
Daddy, you won the Nobel Peace Prize” [1]. This is the touching story that
the United States President told complacent reporters to attest that he had
never wanted this distinction and was most surprised. Without any further
inquiry, newspapers ran front pages on the humility of the most powerful
man in the world.

Indeed, it is hard to say what is the most surprising: the awarding of such
a prestigious distinction to Barack Obama, the grotesque staging that went
with it, or the method used to bribe the jury and divert the prize from its
original purpose.

First, let us recall that, according to the Nobel Committee rules,
nominations are to be submitted by institutions (national parliaments and
political academies) and by qualified persons, mainly judges and former
recipients. In theory, a nomination may be submitted without the candidate
having been notified. However, when the jury makes its decision, it
establishes a direct link with the grantee to ensure that he is informed an
hour before the press conference. This would be the first time in its
history that the Nobel Committee failed to this courtesy. According to the
Committee spokesman, he did not dare to wake the United States President in
the middle of the night. Perhaps did he not know that counselors take turns
at the White House to receive emergency calls and wake the president if
necessary? Moreover, the Nobel Committee had at least informed the
journalist Gerhard Helsok who announced the news a day earlier on the
Norwegian channel TV2.

The lovely scene of the little girl announcing the Nobel Prize to her daddy
does not allay the discomfort caused by this distinction. According to
Alfred Nobel’s will, the prize should be awarded to the person who [during
the previous year] shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity
between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for
the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”

In the founder’s spirit, the purpose was to support militant action and not
to issue a certificate of good intentions to a head of state. The winners
having sometimes flouted international law after receiving the prize, the
Nobel Committee decided four years ago not to reward a particular act, but
only to honor persons having dedicated their lives to peace. Thus, Barack
Obama was the most deserving of all peace activists in 2008 and did not
commit any major infringement of international law in 2009. Without even
mentioning those still held at Guantanamo and Bagram, or Afghans and Iraqis
facing a foreign occupation, what do Hondurans crushed by a military
dictatorship have to say about this, or Pakistanis, whose country has become
the new target of the Empire?

Now to the heart of the matter that White House public relation officials
and Anglo-Saxon media want to hide from the public: the despicable
relationship between Barack Obama and the Nobel Committee.

In 2006, the European Command (i.e. the regional command of U.S. troops
whose authority then covered both Europe and most of Africa) solicited
Barack Obama, a Senator of Kenyan origin, to participate in a secret
inter-agency (CIA-NED-USAID-NSA). The goal was to use his status as a
parliamentarian to conduct a tour of Africa that would allow both to defend
the interests of pharmaceutical companies (against off-patent productions)
and to counter Chinese influence in Kenya and Sudan [2]. We shall only
examine the Kenyan episode here.

*The destabilization of Kenya*

Barack Obama and his family, accompanied by a press officer (Robert Gibbs)
and a political and military advisor (Mark Lippert), arrived in Nairobi on a
special plane chartered by Congress. Their plane was followed by a second
one, chartered by the U.S. Army and carrying a team of specialists in
psychological warfare led by the supposedly retired General J. Scott
Gration. Kenya was then experiencing a booming economy. Since the beginning
of the presidency of Mwai Kibaki, the growth rate had 

[Ugnet] America : A fearsome foursome

2010-02-11 Thread Mitayo Potosi
America: A fearsome foursome

By Edward Luce

Published: February 3 2010 20:09 | Last updated: February 3 2010 20:09

The team seen most often in the Oval Office

David Axelrod, senior adviser A former journalist on the Chicago Tribune who
quit to set up a political advertising firm, Mr Axelrod, 54, is Barack
Obama’s longest-standing mentor, from his days in Chicago politics. Always
at the candidate’s side during the election campaign, he is the chief
defender of the Obama brand. Still a journalist at heart, he describes
himself as having been “posted to Washington”.

Robert Gibbs, communications chief

The most visible face of the White House for his sardonic daily briefings.
Mr Gibbs, 38, is perhaps the least likely member of the circle – he is a
career Democratic press officer from Alabama who quit John Kerry’s 2004
presidential campaign and shortly afterwards went to work for Senator Obama.
A constant presence during the campaign, he is also seen as a keeper of the

Rahm Emanuel, chief of staff

The best story about Mr Emanuel, 50, concerns the dead fish he delivered to
a pollster who displeased him. The least honey-tongued politician in
Washington, he is also one of the most effective. Friends say he is
relentlessly energetic, critics that he has attention deficit disorder. He
has enemies but even detractors concede he may well achieve his aim of
becoming the first Jewish speaker of the House of Representatives.

Valerie Jarrett, senior adviser

An old friend of the Obamas, having hired Michelle to work in Chicago
politics in the early 1990s, Ms Jarrett, 53, is probably the first family’s
most intimate White House confidante. A former businessperson and aide to
Richard Daley, mayor of Chicago, she was briefly considered as a candidate
to fill Mr Obama’s Senate seat. She was part of the circle he consulted
before running for president.

At a crucial stage in the Democratic primaries in late 2007, Barack Obama
rejuvenated his campaign with a barnstorming speech, in which he ended on a
promise of what his victory would produce: “A nation healed. A world
repaired. An America that believes again.”

Just over a year into his tenure, America’s 44th president governs a
bitterly divided nation, a world increasingly hard to manage and an America
that seems more disillusioned than ever with Washington’s ways. What went

Pundits, Democratic lawmakers and opinion pollsters offer a smorgasbord of
reasons – from Mr Obama’s decision to devote his first year in office
to healthcare
reform http://www.ft.com/indepth/us-healthcare-reform, to the president’s
inability to convince voters he can “feel their [economic] pain”, to the
apparent ungovernability of today’s Washington. All may indeed have
contributed to the quandary in which Mr Obama finds himself. But those
around him have a more specific diagnosis – and one that is striking in its
uniformity. The Obama White House is geared for campaigning rather than
governing, they say.

In dozens of interviews with his closest allies and friends in Washington –
most of them given unattributably in order to protect their access to the
Oval Office – each observes that the president draws on the advice of a very
tight circle. The inner core consists of just four people – Rahm Emanuel,
the pugnacious chief of staff; David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett, his senior
advisers; and Robert Gibbs, his communications chief.

Two, Mr Emanuel and Mr Axelrod, have box-like offices within spitting
distance of the Oval Office. The president, who is the first to keep a
BlackBerry, rarely holds a meeting, including on national security, without
some or all of them present.

With the exception of Mr Emanuel, who was a senior Democrat in the House of
Representatives, all were an integral part of Mr Obama’s brilliantly managed
campaign. Apart from Mr Gibbs, who is from Alabama, all are Chicagoans –
like the president. And barring Richard Nixon’s White House, few can think
of an administration that has been so dominated by such a small inner

“It is a very tightly knit group,” says a prominent Obama backer who has
visited the White House more than 40 times in the past year. “This is a kind
of ‘we few’ group ... that achieved the improbable in the most unlikely
election victory anyone can remember and, unsurprisingly, their bond is very

John Podesta, a former chief of staff to Bill Clinton and founder of the
Center for American Progress, the most influential think-tank in Mr Obama’s
Washington, says that while he believes Mr Obama does hear a range of views,
including dissenting advice, problems can arise from the narrow composition
of the group itself.

Among the broader circle that Mr Obama also consults are the self-effacing
Peter Rouse, who was chief of staff to Tom Daschle in his time as Senate
majority leader; Jim Messina, deputy chief of staff; the economics team led
by Lawrence Summers and including Peter Orszag, budget director; Joe Biden,
the vice-president; 

[Ugnet] Winnie Mandela accuses Nelson of letting down South Africa's blacks

2010-03-11 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 Winnie Mandela accuses Nelson of letting down South Africa's blacks Winnie
Mandela has accused her former husband of letting down black people living
in South Africa.

Published: 7:00AM GMT 09 Mar 2010
  [image: Winnie Mandela accuses Nelson of letting down South Africa's
Nelson and Winnie Mandela in happier times soon after his release from
prison Photo: REUTERS

In a strongly-worded attack she claimed that Nelson Mandela had failed to
help the poor, instead becoming a corporate foundation who only ever
appeared in public to raise money for the ANC political party.

Mrs Mandela, 73, also criticised his acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize
with FW de Klerk, the former prime minister who had Mandela jailed,
according to the Daily Mail. She said: This name Mandela is an albatross
around the necks of my family.

You all must realise that Mandela was not the only man who suffered. There
were many others, hundreds who languished in prison and died.

She said her former husband went into prison as a revolutionary, but had

Mandela let us down. He agreed to a bad deal for the blacks. Economically
we are still on the outside. The economy is very much 'white'.

I cannot forgive him for going to receive the Nobel with his jailer de
Klerk. Hand in hand they went. Do you think de Klerk released him from the
goodness of his heart?

He had to. The times dictated it, the world had changed.

The Mandelas were married for 38 years. They divorced in 1996.

Mrs Mandela also hit out at the Truth and Reconciliation Committee - which
she appeared before in 1997 and which implicated her in gross violations of
human rights.

Look at this Truth and Reconciliation charade. He should never have agreed
to it, she said.

What good does the truth do? How does it help anyone to know where and how
their loved ones were killed or buried?

The comments were made in an interview with Nadira Naipaul, the wife of
novelist V S Naipaul.
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[Ugnet] Hail to Obama for the College Loans win

2010-03-27 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 We Won a Robust Public Option . . . on College

Friday 26 March 2010

by: Jeff Cohen, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed

[image: photo]
(Image: Lance Page / t r u t h o u t http://www.flickr.com/photos/truthout;
Adapted: pmarkham http://www.flickr.com/photos/pmarkham/4208826846/,
dbking http://www.flickr.com/photos/bootbearwdc/290148191/)

We won!

When President Barack Obama signs the health care reconciliation bill on
Tuesday, we can crow about a robust public option – en route perhaps to a
more inclusive, cost-effective single-payer system. Soon, private profiteers
(and subsidies to them) will be sidelined, and the government will save
taxpayers billions by providing service directly to Americans in need.

I'm not hallucinating. We should savor this victory.

Unfortunately, it's not a health care victory.

Attached to the health care reconciliation bill is an unrelated college loan
measure that goes in the opposite direction of health care reform. The loan
measure sidelines private profiteers – the banks – and saves taxpayers money
by making the government something of a single-payer which will soon be
directly issuing most college loans in our country.

Direct lending by the government will cut out the middleman and save
taxpayers, according to the Congressional Budget
$61 BILLION OVER 10 YEARS – with $40 billion in savings being redirected to
higher education in the form of more Pell grants, more aid to
minority-serving colleges and more aid to lower-income graduates for paying
off their student debt.

What a concept!

Instead of moving to subsidize a bulky private industry and its waste,
profits and exorbitant executive pay (as the new health bill does by
mandating that millions become new customers of corporate insurers), the
college loan reform reduces bureaucracy, profit and streamlines the

Yes, the right-wing in Congress yelled government

And, yes, corporate lobbyists put
FIERCE FIGHT to stop this common sense approach that ends years of wasteful
subsidies to private banks.

But Democrats in Congress stood up to them – passing a measure in the public
interest that can easily be explained and justified to the public.

It's a far cry from the backroom deal-making Obama and top Democrats engaged
in with lobbyists as health care reform got watered down, as even a weak
public option got jettisoned and as private insurers and big pharma deepened
their control over the system.

I want to be happy at a time like this. I keep hearing everyone from
liberals to mainstream media to right-wingers hailing this health care bill
as a world-historical event. Sort of like the first man walking on the Moon.

To the skeptic in me, it's more like one small step for humankind, one
giant leap for private insurance firms.

But, today, it's great to be able to crow about some good news – college
loans – where Congress put the needs of the public and students and families
above the needs of private interests.

*[image: Creative Commons
This work by Truthout is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States
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[Ugnet] Re: Hail to Obama for the College Loans win--Thank U Ssebo!

2010-04-05 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*My Dear Assumpta,

Obama's win on the Health-Care-Bill gives him a shot to a second term at the

But I dont get carried away!!  After all Obama is just a politician, like
the rest in DC. *

On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 5:49 PM, Assumpta Kintu assumpta.ki...@gmail.comwrote:

 I did not know you read truthout etc and follow issues here that
 tight.  Thank you for sharing.  I hope the new year is treating you
 and your family well.  But then again what can be worse than what our
 people are experiencing at home?  We are very blessed.  Prez Obama knows the
 needs of his fellow Americans and the demands the global world and economy
 have on USA.  I wish these people who don't want to change and be in the
 21st Century would give up their seats and
 let others not afraid of changes of the 21st century take over. Without a
 good education for every USA citizen black white latin asian they cannot
 take jobs and who will take care of them? High school diploma used to take
 people far, not anymore. It has to be more than high school. Give them the
 money and they go to college whether technical or 4 years colleges, they
 will be productive in the nation. Right now USA is braindraining our nations
 of the few educated people we have and underpays them but they are better
 here than home where there are no jobs in Medical area, economic
 development  and even education. Teachers not paid students not fed and
 someone wakes proud to be President of a Nation???  Back to the original,
 Obama was installed by God for a reason and anyone who stands in his way
 will not succeed until God says his work is done.  He will even get second
 term whether they like it or not to clean up the mess.
 Have a super weekend, Ssebo rejoicing over the gift of life!

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Mitayo Potosi mitayopoto...@gmail.com
 Date: Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 12:56 PM
 Subject: Hail to Obama for the College Loans win
 To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.net,

  We Won a Robust Public Option . . . on College 

 Friday 26 March 2010

 by: Jeff Cohen, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed


 [image: photo]
 (Image: Lance Page / t r u t h o u thttp://www.flickr.com/photos/truthout;
 Adapted: pmarkham http://www.flickr.com/photos/pmarkham/4208826846/,
 dbking http://www.flickr.com/photos/bootbearwdc/290148191/)

 We won!

 When President Barack Obama signs the health care reconciliation bill on
 Tuesday, we can crow about a robust public option – en route perhaps to a
 more inclusive, cost-effective single-payer system. Soon, private profiteers
 (and subsidies to them) will be sidelined, and the government will save
 taxpayers billions by providing service directly to Americans in need.

 I'm not hallucinating. We should savor this victory.

 Unfortunately, it's not a health care victory.

 Attached to the health care reconciliation bill is an unrelated college
 loan measure that goes in the opposite direction of health care reform. The
 loan measure sidelines private profiteers – the banks – and saves taxpayers
 money by making the government something of a single-payer which will soon
 be directly issuing most college loans in our country.

 Direct lending by the government will cut out the middleman and save
 taxpayers, according to the Congressional Budget 
 $61 BILLION OVER 10 YEARS – with $40 billion in savings being redirected to
 higher education in the form of more Pell grants, more aid to
 minority-serving colleges and more aid to lower-income graduates for paying
 off their student debt.

 What a concept!

 Instead of moving to subsidize a bulky private industry and its waste,
 profits and exorbitant executive pay (as the new health bill does by
 mandating that millions become new customers of corporate insurers), the
 college loan reform reduces bureaucracy, profit and streamlines the 

 Yes, the right-wing in Congress yelled government 

 And, yes, corporate lobbyists put 
 FIERCE FIGHT to stop this common sense approach that ends years of wasteful
 subsidies to private banks.

 But Democrats in Congress stood up to them – passing a measure in the
 public interest that can easily be explained and justified to the public.

 It's a far cry from the backroom deal-making Obama and top Democrats
 engaged in with lobbyists as health care reform got watered down, as even a
 weak public option got jettisoned and as private insurers and big pharma
 deepened their control over the system.

 I want to be happy at a time like

[Ugnet] Where is The Uganda Record?

2010-04-06 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*In the last four days or so I have not  been able to access The Uganda
Are other readers OK?*
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[Ugnet] Paying teachers better will improve standards

2010-04-08 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Dear Hon Jack Sabiti,

I want to thank you for the struggle you and FDC mounted in your recent

And it goes without saying that you won and NRM cheated you/us.

That is how they have always operated: criminality and thieving, but worst
of all, selling our country for a song to Anglo-Saxon imperialism and the
veterans of apartheid's assassination squad ( the so-called Crow-Bar
battalion ) who joined British SAS to form so-called Tullow Oil Company.

By-elections aside, I cant fail to note, like the headline below, that of
late when Dr Kizza Besigye crisscrosses the country, more and more, he is
suggesting and articulating policy positions.  It is the proper way. For
this send our most heartfelt thanks and best wishes to him and his family.

The overwhelming number of Ugandans, especially the downtrodden wananchi are
going to take note. Ugandans  are bound to embrace parties with clarity on
issues and policy.

We have to keep up the struggle, comrade.

Mitayo Potosi
Paying teachers better will improve standards*

By Augustine Ruzindana  (email the author javascript:void(0);)

Posted Wednesday, April 7 2010 at 00:00

Gen. Kahinda Otafiire recently said paying (primary) teachers Shs400,000 per
month, as FDC proposes, “would mean Shs4.4 trillion in a year”. Teachers are
already earning Shs200,000 and an additional Shs200,000 would add less than
80 billion, which is nothing compared to 50 per cent of the total budget
stolen annually through scams such as Chogm and many others. Remuneration is
intrinsically connected with service delivery. There is no way you will
retain a teacher in class for a whole day, five days a week at Shs200,000.
So standards will continue falling.

Plunder through corruption and other budget leakages such as waste and
mismanagement can be reduced. For example, the budget of State House can be
reduced by 50 per cent without incapacitating a president. This would,
however, mean that there would be no money envelopes, there would be no
scholarships and no payment for medical treatment abroad by the President.
Such expenditures, where necessary, would be handled by the respective line
ministry. There can be savings on public administration by eliminating or
merging offices such as the CAO and RDC into one office, payments for ghosts
and inhumane practices such as “katebe” can also be eliminated and
presidential sinecures (innumerable advisers and assistants) can be
drastically reduced. The government vehicle fleet can be reduced and only
used for official duties.

More importantly, if the public sees evidence of better services rendered,
they will more readily pay taxes. The tax base is very narrow and there is
high evasion of taxes, and rightly so too, since government service delivery
is very poor and not free. For many years, tax collection is frozen around
12/13 per cent of GDP whereas the African average is 18 per cent and Kenya
collects 21-24 per cent of GDP.

Related Stories

   - Government should send UPE money directly to head
   - Increasing teachers’ salary not every region’s
   - Critical review of UPE, USE programmes
   - Namilyango Day: celebrating 108 years of
   - War games today set children up for bad
   - The fight against corruption shouldn’t be

 In addition, unlike the current practice, all other funds received, such as
the $10 million from the sale of the old presidential plane, the
contribution by the international community for the Ugandan troops in
Somalia and the oil signature bonuses ($300, 000 for Block 3A and $200,000
for Block 2 and other future bonuses) would be reflected in the government
budget. By a combination of prudent fiscal and public financial management,
a widening of the tax base and serious control of corruption, waste and
mismanagement, it is possible to improve public service remuneration and
service delivery at the same time. In fact both initiatives are
The Sunday Vision of March 28 carried a headline about an opinion poll
carried out in 12 districts in which 5,000 respondents were interviewed in
12 days from March 3 to 15. This is unbelievable. Such a large sample with
only one question is unusual for opinion polls, even by professional polling
companies. The 2008 Afro Barometer poll took about a month and half for only
about 2,400 respondents with questions about the quality of democracy and
governance, elections and the economy. Even with one question, the Vision
poll could

Re: [Ugnet] Re: Ugandanet Digest, Vol 210, Issue 4

2010-04-13 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 *Thank you compatriot Egesa for highlighting this aspect of Olara Otunnu;
 i.e. that he is out of touch for he has been out of the country for too

 Cognisant of that aspect you also have to acknowledge that living/hustling
 when one is out of ones country and succeeding is another school of hard

 You immediately can see that, say,  DP's Mao's  problem is having no clue
 of the dog eat dog forces in the wider world.

 Robert Musaazi-Namiti's articles in The Uganda Record, about we Africans
 slavishly bowing to the fascistic racist white supremacists whose goal is
 only plunder  stems partly from our lack of exposure of the wider world.

 My take is that of all opposition leaders Dr Kizza-Besigye has the firmest
 touch with wananchi. While his eyes have been opened by the struggle to
 survive in a foreign land (i.e. South Africa) Otunnu beats him on this

 Besigye's camp again is saddled by those who see m7 as a formerly good man
 gone bad.

 My take is that since 1968 Museveni has been the same thug.

 He has never changed. It is just that it took many close to fifteen years,
 including Dr Muniini-Mulera here in Toronto, to see the true Museveni.
 There are even some oppositionists who see nothing wrong with Museveni but
 are just envious of him.

 So we are in a catch-22.

 All the world's vultures, Boers, WASPs, Serbs, Corporate vampires, the
 world's out-laws etc are descending on to Uganda to loot the Oil, gold,

 The peasant-like Norbert Mao, or Ssebana-Kizito would just be rolled over.

 Otunnu is not going to just let himself be run over by such scum.

 You cant take that away from him!!.

 Mitayo Potosi.
 === *
 On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 12:11 AM, EGESA RONALD LEONARD 

 Otunnu is simply out of touch with the common Ugandan.

 My brother who is praising Olara Otunnu, am sorry to say that much as
 Otunnu served in Uganda's government, his knowledge of Uganda is
 slightly better than that of a newly born.

 Otunnu is simply out of touch and at least from my discourse with
 corporate friends, I realise that he has even failed to win over this
 section of society that would automatically fall in his target basing on
 his cv.

 Otunnu is not a politician, he could serve better as a PRO of some
 apolitical organisation. Ofcourse, the Baganda who continue to demonise
 UPC are the self-seeking politicians hiding in Mengo.  Any sane Muganda
 who remembers the questions Miria Obote asked in 2005 following the
 death of Apollo Milton Obote;  She asked what they would do if they were
 Obote and they were confronted by a Kabaka who was even a SOLDIER?? and
 no one has ever answered him.

 Eversince Binaisa came back to Uganda, he has never hidden the fact that
 as Attorney General, he advised Obote to attack Mengo and he(Binaisa)
 went ahead to draft the pigeonhole constitution overnight. With all
 these events, I would therefore find it foolhardy for any Muganda to
 accuse UPC of wrongdoing. Mind you, Obote was the Chief Executive of the
 country then and he could not risk the slightest error of judgement.

 What Obote did is what any CEO does and that is exactly what Museveni has
 continued to do. Museveni as CEO and CIC(Commander in chief) could not
 wait to get clearance from Mengo in order to visit Kasubi! People seem
 not to understand what it means to be President, that is why the
 Government of George Bush wielded so much power that it disregarded the
 UN security council advice and attacked Iraq!

 Olara Otunnu has personal hatred for the person of Museveni and this
 stems from the way Museveni outsmarted the Okellos(of which Olara Otunnu
 was chief negotiator) in the Nairobi Talks of 1985. When they Okellos
 and of course Olara Otunnu came back to Kampala, they announced that
 they 'had de-fanged the snake in Museveni' and they had finally struck
 a DEAL. The shrewd politician in Museveni came to the fore because as he
 engaged them in talks in Nairobi, Saleh and the troops were plotting the
 final assault in Kampala.

 This is the history of the mistrust Olara Otunnu has for Museveni, it is
 understandable, but Olara needs to understand that Politics is not for
 the morally upright, that is why himself while serving as UN ambassador,
 did not hesitate to take on Foreign Affairs Ministerial post in an
 illegitimate and accidental Government of the Okellos!

 My friend Olara Otunnu must also wake up and understand the demographics
 of Uganda today. Many of the voters in 2011 are Museveni kids and
 awakening the ghosts of Luweero will not help. Many of us who are
 orphans and in this generation of the class of 80's have lost Parents
 to HIV/AIDS, accidents, cholera, Ebola and others more than to WAR!
 This message is not resonating well with minds of this class.

 If Otunnu was brilliant, he would have first sat back and understand
 Uganda for 5 years while raising his political profile, and then he
 would seek to join politics

[Ugnet] Church leaders should keep off political talk

2010-04-13 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Re:**   **Church leaders should keep off political talk*

*Comrade Kintu Nyago,

In the heyday of colonial expansion who was not a fascist?.
Already WASPs had wiped out the natives of North America, Australia, Cape
Province in South Africa, New Zealand, etc..  etc...

Hitler's sin was to try to establish colonies in Europe. That's all.
Otherwise who was  more fascist than the arch-racist Winston Churchill who
swore never to shrink the British Empire?

So, It is not enough to blame Hitler for the Holocaust without condemning

And who were the fathers of eugenics?  Was it not Sir Francis Bacon, Marie
Stopes, H G Wells, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, Bernad Shaw, John
Maynard Keynes, Linus Pauling etc...

Hitler copied the sterilisation of defectives pioneered in the USA.  And
he took off from there with his holocaust.

But also it must be noted that it is the English who invented the Holocast
camps in South Africa at the turn of the 20th century after they had
defeated the Boers.  And Boers have never forgiven the English for this.

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenics#cite_note-8 *As to our Catholic
Church I remember the late Arch-Bishop (Munsennyere) Joseph Kiwanuka
addressing us at St Mary's College Kisubi in early 1966.  He indeed was a
man of God; but looking back one sees that he was an extreme right winger.

In no un-certain terms he implored us to always be wary of Communist

But remember also that white priests then at Rubaga had refused to kiss his
ring. (They could not bring themselves to kiss the arch-Bishop's ring on the
fingers of a nigger/kaffir ).

Other whites were having banquets in Kololo amusing themselves with a dog
paraded as Obote.

All the same I consider Arch-Bishop (Munsennyere) Joseph Kiwanuka and Bishop
Miseiri Kawuma to have been the best Church leaders we have ever had.

Father Clement Kiggundu was my Head Teacher there in Masaka.  He was not a
fair man, take it from me. I grew up under his feet.

Calidinali Nsubuga was the worst. He was infecting nuns and other peoples'
wives with AIDS. And British imperialism used him to bring weapons into the
country to kill Ugandans.  Him and Jonan Luwum were arms traffickers.

And Arch-Bishop Dunstan Nsubuga at Namirembe was a disgusting tribalist;
giving Baganda a bad name.

It is very interesting history !!

Mitayo potosi.
Church leaders should keep off political talk  Monday, 12th April,
2010  [image:
E-mail article] http://www.newvision.co.ug/E/8/459/715966 E-mail
  [image: Print article] http://www.newvision.co.ug/PA/8/459/715966 Print
article http://www.newvision.co.ug/PA/8/459/715966

*By Kintu Nyago*

Whenever I attend Sunday mass at Rubaga, I find Archbishop Cyprian Lwanga’s
religious summons most inspiring. Unfortunately, his political lectures at
the pulpit tend to be partisan and divisive. I wonder why this man of God
does not stick to what he knows best — religious summons.

For instance in his controversial Easter Sunday political message, he asked
Buganda to seek independence from Uganda. He said Buganda could do this
through an arrangement similar to the 1929 Lateran Treaties and Concordat
worked out between Italy’s fascist, atheist war criminal Benito Mussolini
and the Catholic Church’s aristocracy. This created the 109 acre Vatican
city state. For this the Vatican legitimised Mussolini’s autocratic hold on
power and proclaimed that he ruled by ‘divine providence’.

However, Dr. Lwanga conveniently, forgot to inform his congregation that the
arrangement between Mussolini and the Vatican compromised the latter, to the
extent that then reigning Popes Pius XI and XII kept quiet amid the gross
human rights abuses deliberately conducted by fascist states, ranging from
Franco’s Spain to Hitler’s Germany. Abuses that included the holocaust and
Operation Baborrossa.

In a secular democracy like Uganda, religious leaders should not use their
pulpits to propagate political messages. Religions follow a dogmatic creed
which stifles free debate. Furthermore, historically, the politicisation of
religion has resulted into political intolerance and tragic consequences.
This was so with the medieval crusaders. Indeed the intolerant creed of
Mackay (Makayi) and Lourdel (Mapera) bred Buganda’s 19th Century religious
wars. This consolidated Uganda’s tragic culture of religious sectarianism,
which President Museveni and the NRM have done so much to eradicate. As is
reflected through the NRM administration’s deliberate attempt to accommodate
the political representation of Catholics, Muslims and Anglicans.

The intrusion of religion into politics in Uganda as in the main society
offered murky results.

The Anglican and Catholic missionaries were the torch bearers of colonial
rule and its so called patronising civilising mission. And their so-called
missionary work offered the ideological justification of Pax Britannica in

They supported

[Ugnet] Abolish Army: Harold Acemah

2010-04-13 Thread Mitayo Potosi
We do not need a national army
 By Harold E. Acemah  (email the author javascript:void(0);)

Posted Tuesday, April 13 2010 at 00:00

On April 11, 1979, the Tanzanian Peoples Defence Forces entered Kampala and
liberated Ugandans from the military dictatorship of Gen. Idi Amin. That
year, most Ugandans believed, and with the benefit of hindsight, wrongly,
that ‘gun rule’ was finally over. We believed that Uganda had hit rock
bottom and we all hoped against hope that things could only get better. Now,
31 years down the road, if there is one thing Ugandans have learnt it is
that, we have learnt nothing, at best very little, from our tragic
post-colonial era.

Uganda’s history since independence in 1962 is written in blood, shed
unnecessarily by both civilian and military regimes. It is a tragedy of
monumental proportions, considering that our national problems are political
in nature and, as such, our problems cannot be resolved by military means.

For instance, the alleged rigging of the 1980 general elections, which was
the rationale for the 1981 - 1985 bush war and the root cause of Amin’s rise
to power, through a military coup d’état in 1971, were political factors.
Political problems must be resolved by political means. Sadly for Uganda,
election rigging no longer makes headline news but has, in fact, become
routine despite the bloody civil war which was fought under the pretext that
the 1980 general elections were rigged by the UPC. To the best of my
knowledge, no empirical evidence has so far been submitted to a Ugandan
court of law to substantiate the allegations made in 1980/81 by the
aggrieved principal party.

Related Stories

   - LETTER TO A KAMPALA FRIEND: Kabaka shed tears for all of

 The notion of an unarmed country is not utopian. Costa Rica in South
America, a continent which has had a turbulent history like Africa,
abolished its national army. Costa Rica went through a painful period when
governments were changed through coups and counter- coups for many decades.
However, in 1948, Costa Rica decided to abolish its regular army. The
decision to demobilise the national army was spearheaded by the President of
the time, Jose Figueras who declared:
“The Regular Army of Costa Rica, worthy successor of the Army of National
Liberation, is handing over the keys of these barracks to the schools so
that they can be converted into a cultural centre.”

The founding junta of the Second Republic declared the national army
officially dissolved, because “we consider the existence of a good police
force sufficient for the security of our nation”. In Costa Rica, 1st
December is celebrated every year with pride as Army Abolition Day. All
African countries, including Uganda, should strive to follow the progressive
and visionary example of Costa Rica and declare their own “Army Abolition
Day.” Such a bold step would release, for economic and social development,
the colossal resources we squander on expensive military hardware.
In most African countries today, expenditure on the military and related
outfits consumes the bulk of national resources. Consequently, the most
important sectors, such as education, health and agriculture are neglected
and deprived of the resources necessary to achieve meaningful economic and
social development. Hunger and malnutrition are a direct result of the
failure to invest adequate resources in agriculture. Furthermore, the
importance and urgency to allocate sufficient resources for the education
sector cannot be over- emphasised. After all, knowledge is power, and
countries such as Singapore, Malaysia and South Korea which were more or
less at the same level of development with some African countries such as
Ghana, Nigeria and Uganda in the early 1960s have made a great leap forward
primarily because of the high priority they accorded to education.

In my opinion, the desire and time to abolish national armies in Africa has
come. It is the patriotic duty and challenge of all peace-loving Africans
and genuine friends of Africa to ensure that Africa is demilitarised by
2025. Costa Rican President Oscar Arias Sanchez stated in 1988: “Our young
people have the right to new heroes, to commanders who silence weapons and
practise dialogue.

“In these 50 years, in which military barracks have been converted into
schools, our symbol has been the teacher who extols intelligence, not the
soldier who oppresses his people.” We can surely do likewise.
In many African countries today, the primary role of the army is not to
defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our countries from
external aggression. As David C. Korten has argued in his book, Getting to
the 21st Century (1990), conventional warfare between nations has become all
but obsolete. In too many countries, the army is the primary enforcer of
injustice. Global de-militarisation should be a high priority on the agenda
for the 1990s.


[Ugnet] What is Mao up to?

2010-04-14 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Mao hails Museveni over achievements in Acholi  Tuesday, 13th April,
2010  [image:
E-mail article] http://www.newvision.co.ug/E/8/13/716136 E-mail
  [image: Print article] http://www.newvision.co.ug/PA/8/13/716136 Print
article http://www.newvision.co.ug/PA/8/13/716136 [image: Museveni
(right) greeting a woman at a rally at Bobi Primary School in Gulu district
on Monday]

Museveni (right) greeting a woman at a rally at Bobi Primary School in Gulu
district on Monday

*By Vision Reporter
GULU district chairman Norbert Mao has praised the Government over
achievements in Acholi.

He said Gulu, which is vying for city status, has experienced vibrant growth
in the hotel, banking, construction, agro-business and industrial sectors.

“There is more trading in and outside the region particularly with border
countries like South Sudan and Congo, which are major trade partners in
produce, livestock and other manufactured products,” Mao noted.

Addressing hundreds of people who turned up at Museveni’s rally at Along
village in Bobi sub-county on Monday, Mao said the district had received
over sh1.5b for the health sector through the Peace Recovery and Development
He noted that the immunisation rate in the district was 99% and more mothers
were delivering at health centres.

The President is on a week-long tour of the region to popularise the
Prosperity-for-All programme aimed at improving household incomes, and
boosting food security through commercialisation of agriculture.

“Gulu is committed to implementing all government programmes. We are happy
that you are not just receiving papers, but have come to see the success and
challenges of your programmes,” said Mao, who stressed he was speaking as
the district chairman and not as DP president.

According to a State House statement, Mao commended Museveni’s leadership
for ensuring peace in the region, saying 90% of the displaced people had
returned home.

“A total of 16 camps closed and 15 camps are being assessed to determine
their readiness for closure. All schools have returned to their original
sites except Jingkumi Primary School, which has no infrastructure and access
has been blocked because of a bridge that was destroyed,” Mao said.

He disclosed that the district plans to transform former camps into town

Mao also said all the sub-counties in the district had benefited from NAADS
programme introduced in 2005.

He added that 32 savings and credit cooperative societies had been
established and 10 of them had received support from the Government.

Addressing hundreds at the rally, the President said: “Chairman Mao gave
good plans and also gave me marks but he did not speak loudly. Most of what
he is planning is my money (Government).”

He said Gulu had received sh4.3b since the NAADS programme was started in
the district and Bobi sub-county had received sh219m.

Museveni toured a farm under NAADS run by Abel Mwaka of Paidwee village in
Bobi sub-county who has 70 improved bee-hives.

He also met Charles Obot and his wife, Veronica, whom he said saved his life
from Amin soldiers in 1978.
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[Ugnet] Bashir; Best African Leader To Manage Oil-wealth. / NY Times

2010-04-16 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Bashir is going to win. Surprisingly he has been the best manager for their
oil wealth.   Nigeria, Angola, Uganda etc should learn how to manage oil
wealth from Sudan's President Bashir.

( Hate-mongers among us, the likes of Vukoni, are going to eat theirs hearts
out ).

 It feels nice for once to have a competent African leader.
Sudan’s Growth Buoys a Leader Reviled Elsewhere
April 14, 201

  - Yahoo! 
  - Permalinkhttp://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/15/world/africa/15sudan.html#


TABGA, Sudan — From the highway, this farming village looks like yet another
poor, mud-walled settlement baking in the stupefying heat.
  Enlarge This 
Jehad Nga for The New York Times

A Sudanese voter in Tabga waited to be registered on Monday before casting
her ballot. People in Tabga enjoy the fruits of Sudan's economic growth.

   - Times Topics: Omar Hassan

  The houses are low-slung and built from dun-colored bricks, and during the
hot hours of the day, the only earthly creatures brave enough to step
outside are fly-covered donkeys.

But inside the homes, children watch satellite TV. They also have
electricity, water, ceiling fans, DVD players and even air-conditioners — a
small miracle here — wedged into the mud walls.

In the span of a generation, which neatly coincides with the 21 years
President Omar Hassan
been in charge, the people of Tabga, like millions of other Sudanese
certain areas, have become living proof of an economic transformation.

According to the International Monetary
gross domestic product has nearly
Mr. Bashir took power. Much of that growth has happened in the past
decade or so since Sudan began exporting oil, propelling the nation’s
“longest and strongest growth episode since independence” in 1956, a
recent World

As Sudan continues voting this week in the first multiparty election in
decades, it is precisely the fruits of this expansion — more schools, more
roads, more hospitals, more opportunity — that explain why so many voters
are eager to re-elect Mr. Bashir, who is suspected of war crimes and is
often perceived as a villain in the West.

“Why would we vote for change?” asked Kamal Yusuf, one of Tabga’s elders,
sitting on a couch in his brother’s spacious mud house, sipping a cool Pepsi
(with ice). “Our lives are so much better than they used to be.”

Plenty of African countries have experienced similar economic growth in
recent decades. But without hesitation, many Sudanese attribute the
modernity, prosperity and change unfolding around them to the hard work of
one man: Mr. Bashir, who has governed with a tight fist since 1989.

The fact that Mr. Bashir, an army general who seized power in a military
coup, has been charged by the International Criminal
crimes against humanity for what prosecutors say was “an essential
role” in the bloodshed in Darfur does not seem to bother many people in
areas that have benefited from the economic boom. Nor do Mr. Bashir’s
frequent xenophobic diatribes or his history of cozying up to terrorists,
including Osama bin

[Ugnet] USA Flunks Maths. Ties with Botswana

2010-04-16 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 Advertise on NYTimes.com http://www.nytimes.whsites.net/mediakit/
America Flunks Maths Tests.
Ties with Botswana.  Hah Hah Hah
U.S. Falls Short in Measure of Future Math Teachers By SAM
April 14, 2010

  - k http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/15/education/15math.html#


America’s future math teachers, on average, earned a C on a new test
comparing their skills with their counterparts in 15 other countries,
significantly outscoring college students in the Philippines and Chile but
placing far below those in educationally advanced nations like Singapore and
  Enlarge This 
Answer: AB=2 cm; AM =square root of 3 cm; BM=1 cm

Testing the Prospective Testers A sample from the test given to future
middle school math teachers.

The researchers who led the math study in this country, to be released in
Washington on Thursday, judged the results acceptable if not encouraging for
America’s future elementary teachers. But they called them disturbing for
American students heading to careers in middle schools, who were outscored
by students in Germany, Poland, the Russian Federation, Singapore,
Switzerland and Taiwan.

On average, 80 percent to 100 percent of the future middle school teachers
from the highest-achieving countries took advanced courses like linear
algebra and calculus, while only 50 percent to 60 percent of their
counterparts in the United States took those courses, the study said.

“The study reveals that America’s middle school mathematics teacher
preparation is not up to the task,” said William H.
the Michigan State
who was its lead author. To improve its competitiveness, Dr.
Schmidt said, the nation should recruit stronger candidates into careers
teaching math and require them to take more advanced courses.

The 52-page report provides the first international comparison of teacher
preparation based on a test given to college students in a significant
number of countries, he said.

In the study, a representative sample of 3,300 future math teachers nearing
the end of their teacher training at 81 colleges and universities in the
United States were given a 90-minute test covering their knowledge of math
concepts as well as their understanding of how to teach the subject.

There were two distinct tests, for those preparing to teach in elementary
schools and for candidates for middle school.

The same tests, developed by an international consortium, were given to
college students in 15 other countries, including advanced nations like
Germany and Norway as well as underdeveloped ones like Botswana.

On the elementary test, students from Singapore, Switzerland and Taiwan
scored far above their counterparts in the United States. Students from
Germany, Norway, the Russian Federation and Thailand, scored about the same
as the Americans, and students from Botswana, Chile, Georgia, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Poland and Spain scored well below, the report said.

On the middle school test, American students outscored students in Botswana,
Chile, Georgia, Malaysia, Norway, Oman, the Philippines and Thailand, the
study found.

The study found considerable variation in the math knowledge attained at
different American colleges, with students at some scoring, on average, at
the level of students in Botswana, the study said.

“There are so many people who bash our teachers’ math knowledge that to be
honest these results are better than what a lot of people might expect,”
said Hank Kepner, professor of mathematics education at the University of
Milwaukee, who is president of the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics. “We show up pretty well here, right in the middle of the pack.”

Gage Kingsbury, a senior research fellow at the Northwest Evaluation
Association, which administers math tests in many states and in 60
countries, called the study ambitious but faulted it because of the limited
number of 

[Ugnet] Uganda explained by our cultural attitudes

2010-04-17 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 Dear Mr Stephen *Twinoburyo,*Re:  Uganda explained by our cultural
a lot for this analysis of why Ugandans behave the way we do.
It is a welcome change from the *crude eugenics about  the inferiority of
Africans,* that 'The Uganda Record' served us here last week.   It is like
'The Uganda Record' went back more than a hundred years ago to fascist Sir
Francis Galton, cousin to Charles Darwin, who pioneered, using social
statistics, this pseudo-science about some races being inherently inferior.It
is jarring that now it is Africans peddling it.Now, you went to South Africa
to discuss Mathematical Finance.  When Mathematical Finance was brought
into the Maths Dept at our local University here some people were
horrified.  Equations for non-linear dynamic systems, formerly confined to
Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, were grafted to Economic systems, lock
stock and barrel, so it seemed.It was frightening !!It raises the suspicion
that Mathematical abstraction was used as a cover to loot Wall Street and
the wealth of the world.
And Barack Obama's regime has kept clear of explaining the real causes of
the Financial/Economic disaster/meltdown.In future issues of 'The Uganda
Record' kindly please consider enlightening us, fellow Ugandans, as to
whether really Economics can be cast in Mathematical form, like Newtonian
Mechanics; and also about the heist that Wall Street inflicted on
you.Mitayo Potosi.Toronto.===
Uganda explained by our cultural attitudes

 * By Stephen Twinoburyo*
While reading the book Outliers by Malcom Gladwell, I came across reference
to a
study of national cultural dimensions that was conducted by Geert Hofstede.
research into these dimensions revealed findings that could explain some of
behaviour of we Ugandans, and why we possibly find ourselves in the
situation we are

The five cultural dimensions identified are: Power Distance Index (PDI),
Individualism, Masculinity, Uncertainty Avoidance and Long-Term Orientation.
highest score in any dimension so far is 118 (China for LTO).

So where does Uganda come in?

Power Distance Index is perhaps the most crucial for Ugandans. It measures
the extent to which a society extols hierarchy. Under PDI, the less powerful
members of society accept that power is distributed unequally and look up to
authority (family, organization, institution) more readily. Both the
followers and the leaders endorse this power difference.

Most Arab countries average around 80 while Austria has a PDI of 11. There
are no available figures for Uganda but a composite value of 64 is given for
East Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia). South Africa is midway
at 49 while USA has a
PDI of 40. Countries with a low PDI have a strong belief in equality for
their citizens and the citizens have the opportunity to rise in society.

Ugandans, either out of colonialism or circumstances, have a strong belief
in hierarchy. When one meets a Ugandan, they will usually ask where one
works or what university degree they possess. Ugandans will address
themselves as Engineer XX, Director XY, Architect XZ, Afande PQ, etc. This
is not the case, for instance, in South Africa. One can socialize with a
somebody for a long time and not know that he/she is a director of a large
company or a top government official.

Needless to say, nobody will ask what one studied unless it's in an
interview. A couple of weeks ago, I attended a workshop at Witswatersrand
University in Johannesburg where different people from the finance industry
were presenting papers on mathematical finance. The programme only showed
their names and I was surprised later to find that half of them were
professors and the rest PHDs, a number of them key players in the
financial sector of the country.

How does this PDI play out politically in Uganda?

In Uganda, political leaders are everything. Many Ugandans look up to the
unquestioningly and he will equally bark down orders, in return. For
instance, nobody in the NRM can question why the chairman's position has
never been contested.

It is a given that only he must occupy it until he decides to give it to
somebody else. The president, at a whim, summons anybody to wherever he is,
and he can do as he pleases with any institution of the state. Why? Because
he has authority and people have given him that space.

To quote the Daily Monitor of Friday, April 02, 2010: President Museveni
has ordered the police to question Dr Kizza Besigye over comments he
allegedly made…. I can assure you this order will be carried out. The
president orders police to question his political opponent. Why doesn't the
president then become a policeman instead? Throughout his time, the
president promises roads 

[Ugnet] Buganda youth apologise to UPC’s Otun nu

2010-04-24 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Re:Buganda youth apologise to UPC’s Otunnu*
*The move by Buganda youth to apologize to Mr Olara Otunnu is, of course,
the right thing to do.

Many of us Baganda are in strong support of this step.

We are happy that our youth have shown the wisdom to break with the talk of
the likes of Betty Olive Namisango Kamya Turyomwe, who stridently, and for
ever, wants to demonize everything UPC.

Hasn't Kamya been listening to Mzee Mayanja Nkangi who gave us a
clarification on the antics of the Mengo Lukiiko in 1966.  Muteesa was
ill-advised into a conflict with the central goverment by the likes of Fred
Mpanga and Owessaza Sebanakitta.

Betty Kamya wants to play UPC victim, forever !! This leads us into a dark
alley of division, weakness and maybe even violence.  I hope she is
not doing this for her selfish ends.

All the political parties belong to us Ugandans.
And there is no permanent ill-will in UPC towards Buganda. So let's work
with Otunnu to turn a new leaf.

I wish I was in Uganda. I would start campaigning for Otunnu in my home
province of Masaka. The man is way ahead the best of the whole lot of the
leaders of the different parties.*
*Thank you  Mr Lutabaguzi Semakula, and all in Nkobazambogo.*
Mitayo Potosi.

Buganda youth apologise to UPC’s Otunnu

By Isaac Khisa  (email the author)

Posted Saturday, April 10 2010 at 00:00
A section of youth from Buganda on Thursady apologised to Uganda Peoples
Congress president Olara Otunnu, over the hostility he faced at the burnt
Kasubi Tombs last month.
Mr Otunnu’s delegation that had gone to visit the burnt tombs was stoned by
rowdy youth who blamed the party for causing the kingdom’s woes in 1966.
“We apologise for that happened at Kasubi during your visit and we fill it
will never happen again,” Mr Lutabaguzi Semakula, member of Baganda
Nkobazambogo, said.
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Re: [Ugnet] Re: Ugandanet Digest, Vol 210, Issue 4

2010-04-24 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Thank you compatriot Egesa for highlighting this aspect of Olara Otunnu;
i.e. that he is out of touch for he has been out of the country for too

Cognisant of that aspect you also have to acknowledge that living/hustling
when one is out of ones country and succeeding is another school of hard

You immediately can see that, say,  DP's Mao's  problem is having no clue of
the dog eat dog forces in the wider world.

Robert Musaazi-Namiti's articles in The Uganda Record, about we Africans
slavishly bowing to the fascistic racist white supremacists whose goal is
only plunder  stems partly from our lack of exposure of the wider world.

My take is that of all opposition leaders Dr Kizza-Besigye has the firmest
touch with wananchi. While his eyes have been opened by the struggle to
survive in a foreign land (i.e. South Africa) Otunnu beats him on this

Besigye's camp again is saddled by those who see m7 as a formerly good man
gone bad.

My take is that since 1968 Museveni has been the same thug.

He has never changed. It is just that it took many close to fifteen years,
including Dr Muniini-Mulera here in Toronto, to see the true Museveni.
There are even some oppositionists who see nothing wrong with Museveni but
are just envious of him.

So we are in a catch-22.

All the world's vultures, Boers, WASPs, Serbs, Corporate vampires, the
world's out-laws etc are descending on to Uganda to loot the Oil, gold,

The peasant-like Norbert Mao, or Ssebana-Kizito would just be rolled over.

Otunnu is not going to just let himself be run over by such scum.

You cant take that away from him!!.

Mitayo Potosi.
=== *
On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 12:11 AM, EGESA RONALD LEONARD eg...@magezi.netwrote:

 Otunnu is simply out of touch with the common Ugandan.

 My brother who is praising Olara Otunnu, am sorry to say that much as
 Otunnu served in Uganda's government, his knowledge of Uganda is
 slightly better than that of a newly born.

 Otunnu is simply out of touch and at least from my discourse with
 corporate friends, I realise that he has even failed to win over this
 section of society that would automatically fall in his target basing on
 his cv.

 Otunnu is not a politician, he could serve better as a PRO of some
 apolitical organisation. Ofcourse, the Baganda who continue to demonise
 UPC are the self-seeking politicians hiding in Mengo.  Any sane Muganda
 who remembers the questions Miria Obote asked in 2005 following the
 death of Apollo Milton Obote;  She asked what they would do if they were
 Obote and they were confronted by a Kabaka who was even a SOLDIER?? and
 no one has ever answered him.

 Eversince Binaisa came back to Uganda, he has never hidden the fact that
 as Attorney General, he advised Obote to attack Mengo and he(Binaisa)
 went ahead to draft the pigeonhole constitution overnight. With all
 these events, I would therefore find it foolhardy for any Muganda to
 accuse UPC of wrongdoing. Mind you, Obote was the Chief Executive of the
 country then and he could not risk the slightest error of judgement.

 What Obote did is what any CEO does and that is exactly what Museveni has
 continued to do. Museveni as CEO and CIC(Commander in chief) could not
 wait to get clearance from Mengo in order to visit Kasubi! People seem
 not to understand what it means to be President, that is why the
 Government of George Bush wielded so much power that it disregarded the
 UN security council advice and attacked Iraq!

 Olara Otunnu has personal hatred for the person of Museveni and this
 stems from the way Museveni outsmarted the Okellos(of which Olara Otunnu
 was chief negotiator) in the Nairobi Talks of 1985. When they Okellos
 and of course Olara Otunnu came back to Kampala, they announced that
 they 'had de-fanged the snake in Museveni' and they had finally struck
 a DEAL. The shrewd politician in Museveni came to the fore because as he
 engaged them in talks in Nairobi, Saleh and the troops were plotting the
 final assault in Kampala.

 This is the history of the mistrust Olara Otunnu has for Museveni, it is
 understandable, but Olara needs to understand that Politics is not for
 the morally upright, that is why himself while serving as UN ambassador,
 did not hesitate to take on Foreign Affairs Ministerial post in an
 illegitimate and accidental Government of the Okellos!

 My friend Olara Otunnu must also wake up and understand the demographics
 of Uganda today. Many of the voters in 2011 are Museveni kids and
 awakening the ghosts of Luweero will not help. Many of us who are
 orphans and in this generation of the class of 80's have lost Parents
 to HIV/AIDS, accidents, cholera, Ebola and others more than to WAR!
 This message is not resonating well with minds of this class.

 If Otunnu was brilliant, he would have first sat back and understand
 Uganda for 5 years while raising his political profile, and then he
 would seek to join politics, but since he has chosen to go full

[Ugnet] He Cuts throat of a child and goes free ??????????

2010-04-26 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Museveni's friend cuts the throat of a child and goes free 

And who introduced child sacrifice into our country, if not  Janet Museveni

Janet Museveni collected (and killed) 120 small boys.
She cut off their heads and penises, which she used as foundation stones for
her mall.

Now it has become a fashion to sacrifice a child to 'get rich'. Can you
imagine these BALOKOLE ?

This is the fantastic NRM that Dr. Muniini never stopped singing about !!!
Government appeals Kajubi acquittal  Sunday, 25th April, 2010  [image:
E-mail article] http://www.newvision.co.ug/E/8/13/717523 E-mail
  [image: Print article] http://www.newvision.co.ug/PA/8/13/717523 Print
article http://www.newvision.co.ug/PA/8/13/717523

*By Steven Candia*

THE Government is to appeal the acquittal of Kampala businessman Godfrey
Kato Kajubi of charges of murdering 12-year-old Joseph Kasirye for ritual
sacrifice in Masaka in 2008.

The head of the Criminal Investigations Department, Edward Ochom, told said
yesterday he had discussed the matter with the Director of Public
Prosecutions (DPP) immediately after the High Court gave its ruling in
Masaka on Friday.

“The DPP is going to appeal,” Ochom said. He wondered, why, despite all the
witnesses and evidence produced before the court, the judge said Kajubi did
not have a case to answer.

“This is not going to be the first time we are appealing. We appealed in the
Ikoba case and you saw the outcome,” Ochom said.

Ikoba Tibagalana, the LC5 chief of Mayuge district, had been acquitted of
charges of murdering his political opponent, but a higher court reversed the
ruling. Tibagalana is now on the run.

In the Masaka murder case, Justice Moses Mukiibi cleared Kajubi and ordered
his immediate release, saying the main witnesses had deliberately lied to
the court and the prosecution had failed to prove a case against the

Mukiibi said the evidence of the principle witnesses, withdoctor Umar
Kateregga and his wife Mariam Nabukeera, was contradictory and, therefore,

“The prosecution evidence is so unreliable that no reasonable tribunal can
safely convict the accused on it. The accused is set free and should be
released from jail unless he is held on other lawful charges,” the judge

Initially Kajubi, Kateregga and Nabukeera had been jointly indicted for the
murder. But the DPP dropped the charge against Kateregga and Nabukeera and
promised to deal with them separately later. They were released from prison
and turned into State witnesses.

A handful of people in the courtroom clapped after Kajubi was acquitted, but
the majority showed disappointment. None of Kasirye’s relatives was present
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[Ugnet] For now, IPC is safer without the Democratic Party

2010-05-13 Thread Mitayo Potosi

For now, IPC is safer without the Democratic Party

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 By Wilberforce Seryazi  (email the author javascript:void(0);)

Posted Thursday, May 13 2010 at 00:00

Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) vice president for eastern region Salamu
Musumba was attacked for having told the Democratic Party (DP) “to go to
hell” if they do not want to join the Inter-Party Cooperation (IPC). Hell,
according to the Oxford Advanced Learning Dictionary, is a word that some
people use when they are annoyed or surprised.

DP portrays itself as powerful, even when this strength is not demonstrable
as it emerged with about one per cent of the total vote in the 2006
elections, with only 10 Members of Parliament, all men from urban Buganda
yet in most constituencies where they won, the FDC president won the
presidential vote.

In a multiparty dispensation, political parties can only compete freely and
fairly in a democratic environment where every player is protected by the
law and the state; which unfortunately does not exist in Uganda. There is
evidence, in courts and parliamentary reports, that the electoral process
has largely been a sham due to vote rigging, intimidation and harassment of
political leaders, bribery and state-inspired violence among others. In this
state of affairs, it becomes practically impossible for any party to carry
out meaningful political activity, as all the entire opposition comes under
attack from the NRM, leaving the only logical option to unite against this
repression and restore a free democratic environment.

The electorate in general feels the need to unite against this repressive
NRM regime. It is these feelings and voices from all over the country that
have resulted into the formation of the IPC. The IPC therefore is a matter
of necessity for this nation and not a matter of convenience for the member
parties. DP’s refusal to sign/join the first IPC protocol, before consulting
its delegates, was understandable. After reading the 16 page IPC protocol,
it would not take me ages to decide whether or not to join because of its
clarity, aims and methodology. Why then would it take DP, with many
brilliant lawyers, over two years to agree on such a simple document?

To Musumba, DP does not seem to realise the need to unite the people of
Uganda against this dictatorial regime; that it does not appreciate that
while the NRM is still in charge, the opposition, including DP, will never
enjoy their much desired right to freely and fairly participate in the
political processes. Hence … “they can go to hell because the IPC has a
running timetable which will not be changed because of DP.”

DP’s delay to join the IPC could be part of the vices that have eaten it up
to the bone marrow over the years: confusion, disorganisation, lack of unity
and cohesion, the fight of big egos and indiscipline, as well as lack of
leadership and general political mediocrity. What if DP becomes hostile to
member parties or walks out of the IPC towards elections? Before it joins
the IPC, it is imperative that DP first gets rid of these vices and
guarantee its commitment to this noble cause.

Being a matter of necessity to this nation, the IPC requires very reliable,
capable, committed, principled leaders; with high level of political
maturity and humility. Ugandans are united by the hardships that the NRM
government has imposed on them and are yearning for a unifying solution to
rally behind so the failure by opposition leaders to unite under the IPC,
will risk isolating their parties from the 

[Ugnet] Re: Morning Dispatch - DailyMonitor ePaper from Pressmart.com

2010-05-17 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Kindly remove my email from this Dispatch.

This Agha-Khan Monitor outfit is inimical to the good of our country.

On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 4:57 PM, Morning Dispatch 
morningdispa...@pressmartmail.com wrote:

[image: Spacer]   Trouble viewing this mail? Read it 
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 Morning Dispatch]  *Here’s your Newspaper fresh from the print
 delivered even before it reaches your doorstep!**FRONT PAGE NEWS *   
 Morning Dispatch]*Top NRM officials face party poll 
 Spacer][image: Morning Dispatch]*Expect new currency notes 
 Spacer][image: Morning Dispatch]*Pothole makes driving on Gaddafi Road
 Spacer][image: Morning Dispatch]*PAC does 
 Spacer][image: Morning Dispatch]*Battle for the 
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[Ugnet] Kindly remove my email from this Dispatch.

2010-05-17 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*To The Monitor Editor,

Please Kindly remove my e-mail from Daily Dispatch.

Any way, in the first place, my consent was never sought.

The Agha-Khan Monitor outfit is inimical to the good of our country.
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[Ugnet] But Museveni is right. Let him leave the circus to the fools

2010-06-22 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Museveni not moved by football’s biggest competition

 By David Mafabi

Posted Wednesday, June 23 2010 at 00:00


Although majority of Ugandans are excited about the World Cup, President
Museveni says he is not excited at all, let alone watch the beautiful game.
The President said he would instead use his time valuably to move around the
country to mobilise and sensitise Ugandans on how to fight poverty at their
homesteads and how to change this country from a peasant economy into a
modern one.

Mr Museveni, who is on a five-day tour of the eastern districts of Butaleja,
Pallisa, Busia, Tororo and Budaka to popularise and promote governments
Prosperity-for-All programme, urged Ugandans to stop taking alcohol,
gambling and watching football to join him in the fight against poverty.

The five-day programme is aimed at improving household incomes and promoting
modernisation of agricultural through the NAADS programme. “Somebody
recently asked me about who had won World Cup,” the President said recently
in Paliisa. “I was amused and I asked him who had qualified or whether the
competition was finished.”

The President also said he was invited to go and watch football in South
Africa and refused because “I know football”. “So I decided to visit my
people to teach them how to fight poverty at households to make Uganda a
better place for us to live in. And you must know how to use your time
valuably,” said President Museveni. He also advised parents to tell their
children not to waste time watching World Cup. “Teach them about National
Agricultural Advisory Services programmes and farming. This will help change
this country not,” he said.
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[Ugnet] Stupidity beyond belief !!

2010-06-22 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Dear Mr Ruzindana,That Uganda has to seek legal recourse against Heritage
Oil and Gas, in Britain, is so astounding that I am speechless.What are we
to assume about Elly Karuhanga, Pierre Kabatsi, Sam Kuteesa and all of them
lawyers around Museveni.These fellows grew up in an independent
away our sovereignty is a most stupid action.Mitayo
prayers: Target was the electorate, not God
By Augustine Ruzindana

Posted Wednesday, June 23 2010 at 00:00

Government and Heritage Dispute: Saturday Vision of June 19 informed us that
“Oil extraction hits snag” because of “tax disagreements” between Heritage
Oil and Gas Company Ltd and the government. The government is insisting that
Heritage has to pay capital gains tax if it sells its rights to another
company. That is as it should be.

But Heritage has refused arguing that it is not subject to the tax and it is
therefore referring the dispute for arbitration in London in accordance with
Article 26 of the Production Sharing Agreement (PSA). This provision equates
the Ugandan state to Heritage company, thus negating the element of the
public interest and sovereignty of Uganda. The Energy Institute to which the
dispute may be referred is not a neutral or impartial entity as it
represents oil companies and oil professionals in Britain, without
representatives of oil producing developing countries.

The current chair of the Institute is a Shell UK high official and he is
responsible for selecting the expert to adjudicate the dispute. The Uganda
government must, therefore, account to the people of Uganda as to why it
agreed to a close that may cost the country $400 million. This is just the
beginning of the heavy “losses” in this sector.

*Mr Ruzindana is the FDC deputy secretary general for policy and research*
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[Ugnet] Ritual murders to get rich ?

2010-06-24 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Janet Museveni is just joking.

Is it not her who opened up the Pandora's box of ritual murder when 120 she
cut off the heads and gonads of 120 children, which body parts she used in
building her shopping mall at the former golf course?

All that have since  murdered these innocent children copied from her.

Now she is saying that the latest ritual murderer of this two-year old child
should face justice.

What kind of justice is that, Janet?

Mitayo Potosi

Kakama’s murderers must be brought to justice, says First Lady
 By Phoebe Mutetsi.  Posted Thursday, June 24 2010 at 00:00

The funeral service of Khan Kakama Karekaho, the one-and half-year-old boy
who was kidnapped and later murdered, was held yesterday at All Saints
The First Lady, Ms Janet Museveni, her daughters and son attended the 10am
service in the fully-packed cathedral.

Ms Museveni, spoke strongly against a Uganda that is degenerating into a
country of inhumanity and insensitivity. “The person who woke that child
from sleep and walked him out of his parents’ home and handed him over to be
killed, is a Ugandan. That person is a woman. It is unexplainable. I do not
care what the reasons were, if there be any, for kidnapping and killing this
child, those people must be brought to justice.”

According to Dr Moses Braruhanga, a pathologist and senior superintendent of
the Uganda Police, preliminary reports show that the child was suffocated
with a polythene – which was still wrapped around his head at the time the
body was discovered in Kisenyi II Zone in Kampala.

*Deep feeling*
The actual cause of death could not be confirmed yet because, according to
Dr. Baryuhanga, the child’s tissue was decomposed. “From the level of
decomposition of the body, we suspect that the child was killed on the day
he was kidnapped. It could have been at night or earlier but we strongly
suspected the child was killed on June 8.”
Kakama’s mother, Ms Naome Karekaho, said despite what forensic pathologists
might say, she felt her son died on Thursday, June 10.

“On Thursday I started to get all sorts of odd feelings within me. And I
felt a huge sense of separation from my son. I felt then that he was dead.
But I did not tell anyone of my feelings. Because I did not want to
demoralise them. I held on and we kept the search as if nothing had

In tear-jerking plea, Ms Karekaho urged the Inspector General of Police,
Maj. Gen. Kale Kayihura, to ask those who killed Kakama what exactly their
motive was. “I would like to see the man who killed my son. I would like to
know why,” she cried.

Gen. Kayihura, who also attended the funeral service, said it was not a case
of child sacrifice. “The body was intact. There wasn’t a body part missing,
as some sections of the media have reported,” he said.

*Police effort*
“For 13 days we worked tirelessly to bring Kakama back home. Safely. We have
the suspected killers in custody.” Gen. Kayihura also said members of the
public ought to take responsibility and police their own communities.

“Godwin Tumusime- the kidnapper and the boy’s suspected killer- was a known
criminal in Bugolobi where he worked. But no one had taken it upon
themselves to report him to the police. We need to start now and become our
brother’s keepers.” Kakama will be buried today at the family home in
Kagunga, Rukungiri at noon.
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[Ugnet] Jerry Okungu is wrong, as always.

2010-07-09 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Re:**  ** The collapse of the EAC had far-reaching effects*
The article by Jerry Okungu is very shallow.

Any serious person purporting to explain the collapse of the East African
Community in the 1970's, must factor in the role of The Diego Garcia Indian
Ocean US Nuclear Armed Submarine Base.

Otherwise it is just loose talk !!

Henry Kissinger broke up the EA Community, to integrate American Naval and
communication facilities at Mombasa with those on Diego Garcia.

Instead Jerry Okungu missed the real story of global Anglo-American
imperialism but instead is still mesmerised by Amin marrying Nyerere.

Jerry Okungu is an old fellow but he never exudes the depth of an adult.
And that is sad  !!

Fellow Ugandans, Yoweri Museveni told us the truth that if we Africans
continue being stupid then we deserve to be enslaved.

Mitayo Potosi

The collapse of the EAC had far-reaching effects  Thursday, 8th July, 2010

   *By Jerry Okungu*
There is something that many East Africans may never know. Thirty-three
years is a long time unless one was there and old enough to know.
As we ushered in the new East African Common Market this week, two important
dates in our history must not go unnoticed.

These dates are found in June and July 1977. On Friday, June 10, 1977, the
East African Community Budget committee met to approve the 1977-1978
estimates. That meeting ended in disarray following a disagreement over the
control of the Community resources.

One of the culprits was Kenya that demanded more say in many organs of the
EAC based on its annual budgetary contributions. What the Budget Committee
did not know was that failure to approve the estimates on that day was the
beginning of the collapse of the entire structure of the EAC. And so it came
to pass that exactly three weeks after the failure to approve the budget, on
Friday July 1, 1977, the EAC was paralysed for lack of an operating budget.
On that day, Kenya shot the first salvo by grounding all operations of the
common services originating from Kenya. These were the Kenya Railways and
Harbours, East African Airways, East African Road Services, East African
Posts and Telecommunications and several common services.

In retaliation, Tanzania and Uganda also grabbed whatever assets that were
in their territories with borders temporarily closed. It was a day of
inconvenience to East Africans and foreign visitors alike. There were no
flight connections from Nairobi to Dar-es-Salaam and Kampala for several
days if not weeks. All international flights were suspended. Short of
stating it, East African States were on high alert because anything like a
declaration of war was possible.

Being a Friday, I went to the Hotel Intercontinental at the then famous Big
Five bar where Captains Steve Rapuoda, Joe Opere, Jim Ouma, Joash Onyango
and several East African Airways staff were gathered.

My brother-in-law, Captain Rapuoda had invited me there for a drink as they
pondered their future now that their employer was no more. At that moment,
many people had varied opinions why the Community had collapsed.

While some blamed the Kenyatta regime for its greed and arrogance for the
comfort of the rest of the partner states, others thought that the EAC had
started going downhill when soldier Idi Amin had toppled the Obote
government way back in 1971. Since then, things had grown from bad to worse
with Amin threatening territorial integrities of Kenya and Uganda from time
to time. Whereas Amin�s government knew no bounds, his insulting epithets to
Mwalimu Nyerere were bound to reach tipping point at some point one way or
the other.

For Amin to have teased Nyerere that he would have married him had he been a
woman was the height of arrogance that he would later pay for very dearly.

His claim that a good chunk of Kenyan territory, running all the way from
Busia to Naivasha belonged to him sent Jomo Kenyatta in a fit of anger. In
fury, Kenyatta called massive rallies all over the country warning Amin that
his �nyokonyoko� would not be tolerated by Kenyans. Amin backed down and
never mentioned Kenyan territory again.

Whereas Tanzanians blamed Kenyans for the breakup of the EAC due to their
man-eat-man mentality, Charles Njonjo retorted that there was nothing that
Kenyans could gain from a man-eat-dog society such as Tanzania. To Njonjo,
Nyerere�s socialist policies had made it impossible to harmonise the
economic policies of East Africa.

Although the atmosphere at the Big Five was that of apprehension especially
among our friends from East African Airways that contemplated their future;
for the majority of us just getting out of college, it was difficult to
fathom the magnitude of what had just happened. Suddenly it dawned on me
that I could no longer just jump into a steamer, a train or a bus and travel
freely to the two East African states as I had done in my childhood.

The collapse of the EAC on that Friday in July had a far-reaching impact for

[Ugnet] Re: Notes on Aristotle, Plato and African misery and suffering

2010-07-16 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Dear Comrade Roy,

I don't think I can thank you enough for your posting, on Plato and
Aristotle, below.

It has really enlightened me.

And I was ignorant of the fact that Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah alerted
us/addressed this issue of these two arch-reactionaries.

I had never appreciated that present day imperialism, slavery, eugenics
etc are just a continuation of what was laid down by Plato and

A Justice that is only for slave masters is indeed a cruel sham.

I knew that the likes of Euclid, Eudoxus etc got their Mathematics from
Egypt, and that Aristotle so totally distorted Eudoxus' Astronomy with his
nonsense of angels dragging 'planets through the sky'.   It is  really

In fact, Aristotelian Mechanics distorted and held back human understanding
of Celestial Mechanics for 2000 years.  Aristotle was a disaster in this
regard. It is Galileo who pulled humanity out of the infantile distortions
of Aristotle.

I have always had the view that Aristotle's only redemption was Aristotelian

Little did I know that it is, both Plato and Aristotle who are the villains
who bequeathed  eugenics, slavery, European arrogance and racism; and a
bizarre so-called democracy - a democracy of slave masters !!

A democracy that is no different from Israel apartheid or the democracy of
Apartheid South Africa or even the settlers' USA/Canada democracy of
exterminating indigenous populations. An extermination that is still going
on today.

Now I see the origins of our pain and tribulations, and of the evil of the
Anglo-Saxon that seems to be part of his genetic make up.

NB. I am convinced that the explosions back home in Uganda were the work of
the CIA. The vests for explosives are similar to those both in Iraq and
Afghanistan.  Made in the USA.   It is to terrorise the whole of Africa into
a stampede; like our cause and that of Anglo-Saxon imperialism are the same.
And of course, to steal our oil reserves.

**Again, thank you Brother Roy.*
Mitayo Potosi

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 5:16 PM, rwalker...@aol.com wrote:

   People must be free if they are to enjoy culture.  Culture should help
 people be free and happy, and it will to the degree that the inputs from
 individuals and groups make to the general cultural milieu, are so oriented.
 Thus in a just society the culture is enhanced by every action of the
 society and the society is the better for it -- and thus the citizens of the
 society are the beneficiaries.  This cannot be in the western world.  This
 is a practical question of the systems in place; and the systems are
 reflection of the dominant ideology, which in turn is the function of
 philosophy and the society's rendering of history, which is influenced
 itself by the philosophy that dominates.

 The Pan-African society we work for is the opposite of all that the western
 world stands for...thus as it grows more insane, more capitalist, we strive
 to grow more prescient as a society and culture and more polished as
 political scientists.  Thereby guaranteeing us our social and individual
 happiness, prosperity and general human development.

 In the western world the two dominant philosophical approaches are rooted
 in the views of Plato and Aristotle.  Plato, who envisioned a eugenics
 driven republic and whom Nkrumah singled out as a reactionary par
 excellence; and Aristotle who was anti-woman and pro-slavery, were on
 opposite ends of the western ancient world's reaction...but both were indeed
 reactionaries.  And so their creeds are likewise.  If you look at every
 aspect and conceptual posture of western society today from imperialism to
 red - lining, the core of their  philosophical origins can be traced back to
 Plato and Aristotle or Plato or Aristotle.

  Aristotle who many cherish because he was more democratic than Plato,
 (remember Greek democracy, just like Roman, and much of European historical
 states was a slave society, so here we see one of the pitfalls of democracy,
 it does not have anything whatsoever to do with equality or guaranteed human
 progress, thus the US society up to the mid-19th century was officially a
 slave democracy, just as Athens and the early Roman Republic.  It was a
 slaveholders' democracy that included a propertied male qualification for
 participation -- so even all of the white males were not allowed to
 participate, even though, as Marx wrote, the Roman proletariat and the Roman
 aristocrats both lived on the suffering of the slave, they certainly did not
 have equal political power in the Roman state. In Greece and Rome women,
 even the Roman and Greek female elites -- had no political clout.  Unlike
 ancient Egypt, where women had political and economic power as well as
 sacred - sacerdotal --  power)

 Nkrumah observed the central failing of Aristotle -- on the issue of

 “…Thus, it was not enough for Aristotle to recognize that there were
 slaves.  He should have criticized the institution

[Ugnet] America endorses Museveni. What should the opposition and civil society do?

2010-08-13 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Comrade Kalyegira,

Fraternal greetings, and a wish that our ancestors continue looking out for
your good health.

And know that we are always most grateful for the stellar work you do for
our country.

If we had three/four Kalyegiras we would be about to seize liberation just
around the corner.

My point today is to point out that between now and the 'election' it is
imperative that we crisscross the country focusing and  articulating policy
options to the masses of our people.

Again and again I have pointed this out to Compatriots Jack Sabiti and
Augustine Ruzindana.

The point is not to demand that Museveni must go. Let that be assumed, and
we point out how, say, Universal Primary/Secondary  Education is going to be
improved.  Not closing m7's dysfunctional schools.
How to put cash in the pockets of Wananchi.
Where m7 is sponsoring three farmers in a gombolola, we should promise
financing to all that wish to start small enterprises.

Some of our MP's, like Nampijja of Lubaga are totally confused and lost in
hoping that there are some good Samaritan whites out there that will bring
health and development to our people.
How come they are still exterminating Canadian natives here today today in
New Brunswick, Manitoba and Alberta.

It is only Ugandans that will develop their country.

Already the British are waging assault on us using socalled soft power in
the Education Sector.   Comrades, soft power is more dangerous that
military assault.
We have to be very alert. We cant allow them to steal the minds of our

The Economy of the Western world, with the exception of Germany,  is
broken.  (USA economy is gone for ever).  They have abandoned both the youth
of colour and the white youth.
It is sad when you look at the fear in the faces of these youths that have
no future.  The ruling elite have thrown them on to a garbage heap.

Instead these Western elite are in a scramble for Africa's resources as
their only salvation from doom.

We have to fight their mercenaries and their running dogs.

The slave master have all their hopes on sellouts like Mandela, Mbeki, Zuma,
Museveni, Kufour etc.

So, before we march to grab our State house from imperialism and their
agents let's use this time to sensitize the people.

Thank you, and all the best,  Comrade.

Mitayo Potosi
=  *
 America endorses Museveni. What should the opposition and civil society do
On the surface of it, the statements by U.S. Assistant Secretary of
State for African Affairs, Johnny Carson on July 27, 2010 --- in which he
went back on his 2005 criticism of President Yoweri Museveni and virtually
declared him the beacon of democracy --- are a major setback for Uganda's

The bomb blasts in Kampala on July 11, 2010 give Museveni a renewed
relevance to the United States in its war on terror.

The usual American blind eye can now be turned to his political repression
at home and the heavy handed way his security forces are dealing with
opposition leaders, party officials and peaceful demonstrations.

However, that is as far as it goes. The United States is rapidly on the
decline. Closing in fast on it is China which is starting to overtake
America in fields that were once creations of and symbols of national pride
and power for the Americans --- the car industry, the Internet,
manufacturing, global trade, currency reserves.

The mistake Ugandans and many down-trodden people in Africa and elsewhere
make is to still view America as the great and sole superpower it once was.

It would be more factually accurate to view the United States today as the
world's second most-powerful nation after China.

What does this mean for the Ugandan political scene?

First, it means that America is in the middle of a serious national crisis.
The economy is still stuck in a recession or has risen just above it. It is
fighting two major wars that it shows no sign of winning now or any time
soon. President Barack Obama's approval ratings are now at 47.3 percent, a
new low for him and the saviour he was supposed to have been to the world
has not happened.

This explains the increasing fickleness of U.S. foreign policy, as they
lurch about for direction and a grip on a situation getting out of their
control. The United States, in a nut shell, no longer knows what to do about
most things. Just to fix a broken seven-inch oil pipeline in the Gulf of
Mexico took them three months.

What Uganda's opposition needs to do is not be overwhelmed by the false
image of a powerful America propping up Museveni, but of a beleagured giant
grasping about for straws and swinging from policy to policy.

The opposition, civil society and the rest of Ugandan society need do only
one thing --- bring the country to a standstill in the months leading up to
and following the 2011 general

[Ugnet] Kamya and Museveni cannot be trusted on federalism

2010-08-19 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Hallo Mr Ssemuwemba,

There is a detailed report/blueprint on federalism that was authored by a
wide range of us Ugandans.
That document was being kept by Mr Fulgensio Lugemwa.

Mr Lugemwa had no authority at all to pass our blueprint to Hon. Betty
We have to ask Mr Lugemwa who gave him the permission.

Mitayo Potosi.
Kamya and Museveni cannot be trusted on federalism
By Abbey K. Semuwemba  (email the author javascript:void(0);)

Posted Thursday, August 19 2010 at 00:00

Politics is a ‘don’t trust me’ ball game and Ms Beti Kamya decided to play
this game by hijacking federalism to further her political career, without
giving consideration to a lot of people that treasure federalism.

If she does succeed, we will be happy. If she fails, she will probably jump
on to something else to further her career. Nobody should deceive you that
there are no people in Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), Democratic Party
(DP), Conservative Party (CP) or Social Democratic Party (SDP) fighting for
federalism in Uganda as federalism is part of all these party’s manifestos.

I don’t know about UPC but I’m sure there are people doing it in other
parties. For instance, Owekitibwa Joyce Sebugwawo has been fighting for
Buganda as far as I can remember and nobody can compare her to Kamya in this
battle. If Kamya was that much interested in fighting particularly for
federalism, why didn’t she join CP which has been doing it since 1980s?

In Mexico, there was a man called Francisco Madero who preached federalism
and every one knew that he believed in it. He continued to preach federalism
even after becoming a president.

Though he was murdered in 1913 before he could achieve his goal of returning
“political personality” to local government, he was not like some people who
preached federalism and Ebyaffe in the bushes of Luweero to further their
political career, and after becoming presidents; everything just went out of
the window. That’s why I personally don’t trust people who hijack serious
causes because they have fallen out with their political parties.

As far as I know, FDC is not against federalism. It was part of their
manifesto in 2006 as it’s going to be in 2011 elections. Who could possibly
be against a broader distribution of power, decision-making capacity, and
economic resources—at present so centralised in the NRM regime?

It’s the NRMO leader, President Museveni, who is against federalism if one
follows what he has been writing or saying about Buganda and federalism in
the media. He said on WBS television last year that he will never grant
federo to Buganda and he is instead pushing for a regional government
branded ‘regional tier’. In any case, can the division of power implicit in
federalism be implemented by an NRMO government that has acquired and kept
its power under shady circumstances involving fraudulent elections in 2001
and 2006?

So Ugandans, trust me when I say that federalism in Uganda is still a long
way particularly if President Museveni and NRMO continue to lead us. You
can’t achieve it when a large number of politicians aren’t into it. There
are signs that Ugandan politicians are not even aware of the need to
consider what the role of federalism will be in the present situation.
Everyone is just on political survival of ‘how do I safeguard my

In Mexico, because the government in power was preaching and believing in
federalism, it invested a lot in educating the population and politicians on
what federalism was all about.

*Mr Semuwemba lives in UK*
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[Ugnet] Zanzibar election shows aggression is needless

2010-08-19 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Brother Mussa,

This is what Ugandans back home say about developments from Zanzibar.
Zanzibar election shows aggression is needless
By Augustine Ruzindana  (email the author javascript:void(0);)

Posted Wednesday, August 18 2010 at 00:00

There are two developments in Tanzania which could offer useful lessons for
the next elections in Uganda. The first development was the Marudhiano
(Reconciliation) in Zanzibar between Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) and Civic
United Front (CUF) which created a conducive environment for electoral
agreements, formalised through a referendum, leading to a coalition
government after the next elections.

The last three elections in Zanzibar were marred by violence, intimidation,
misuse of security agencies and allegations of rigging and divided the two
main islands of Zanzibar into political party territories, Pemba for CUF and
Unguja for CCM. The reconciliation between CCM and CUF therefore brings to
an end this unfortunate era and ushers in a period of tranquility and
fairness in Zanzibar.

The second development is the massacre of the old guard in the just
concluded CCM primaries. In both Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar, senior CCM
leaders have been eliminated. Mzee John Malecela, former prime minister,
former minister, former ambassador to so many countries, MP for Mtera for 35
years, but more importantly, a kingmaker in CCM, lost to a district youth

The loss of Mzee William Shelukindo, MP for decades, was the most
humiliating; Shelukindo: 1700, Yusuph Makamba: 14,612. A total of 90 MPs
were voted out including Joseph Mungai, an MP for decades and six ministers
such as the current chair of the East African Council of Ministers, Dr
Diodorus Kamala and the most senior CCM official in Zanzibar, the Deputy
Secretary General, Saleh Feruzi.

There were irregularities countrywide, such as dishing out money but there
were no reported incidents of the use of guns and other forms of force or
intimidation. These results may result into some of the defeated CCM members
moving to the opposition.

What are the lessons for Uganda? The reconciliation in Zanzibar could show
the NRM that the use of force and intimidation are not necessary tools in
elections. There is no need to regard opposition parties as enemies.

I was recently in a team of eminent East Africans that studied the “kero za
muungano” (problems of the union) between Zanzibar and Tanzania Mainland and
one of the problems we found was a state of tension created by electoral
violence between CCM and CUF in every election. The leaders have decided to
end this situation and there is now a peaceful environment in Zanzibar.

The lesson for the NRM is that they need to accept that the Opposition will
not disappear and therefore the permanent attempt to destroy it should be
abandoned so that meaningful talks on a level playing field can take place.
The ongoing preparations for violence such as the training of armed
vigilantes by the army, disguised as cadres, would become unnecessary and
the opposition protests against unfair electoral processes and institutions
would not be suppressed by use of the police in conjunction with stick
wielding hooligans.

The NRM would then become a normal party delinked from the State so that
RDCs and other government functionaries are not involved in its activities.
Thus an environment for discussions would be created between a legitimate
ruling party and legitimate opposition parties.

The other lesson relates to the conduct of primaries of a ruling party. The
NRM primaries were marred by a multitude of irregularities, but most
ominously the use of fire arms. What came out is that the use arms is not a
monopoly of the State as it should be in a normal country.

This is very dangerous. How will the opposition, in addition to numerous
other hurdles, compete fairly with NRM opponents whose candidature was
procured by use of arms? There must be evidence of a change if there is
going to free and fair elections.

*The writer is the FDC Deputy Secretary for Research and Policy*
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[Ugnet] Re: [AfriMedia] Why Zim must harness nuclear energy

2010-09-15 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Comrade Gibson is referring here to fission reactors.

The sun makes its energy from nuclear fusion. Similarly, the Creator's
banquet in the near future, is in fusion reactors.

And Zimbabwe has some of the biggest reserves of Lithium, a fuel for fusion
Lithium endows Zimbabwe with a stupendous amount of energy. Saudi Arabia's
fossil fuels are a joke compared to the Lithium that Zimbabwe is sitting on.

At the moment it is important that Zimbabwe invests all their efforts and
resources into Science and Maths education.

The future holds a lot of promise.
We salute our brothers and sisters for waging a very glorious struggle. To
us they are a source of immense pride.

Mitayo Potosi
= *

On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Kwanisai Mafa ma...@msu.ac.zw wrote:


 By Gibson Mandishona

 THIS serves as a sequel to my article entitled “Nuclear . . . the
 other option for Zimbabwe”, published in The Herald, February 18 2000.
 The world’s supply of fuel oils is fast running out, leaving coal as
 the only source of energy. Coal is the biggest environment polluter
 and hence not a sustainable source of energy.

 However, since energy is the resource used to exploit all other
 resources, Zimbabwe’s macro-economic development will be underpinned
 by an efficient National Energy Policy and its effective/ rigorous
 There is an imperative need to develop new sources of energy, namely
 solar, mini/micro-hydro, biomass, geothermal, wind and biofuels.
 A lot has already been written about these renewable alternative
 energy sources in the media, suffice it to mention that they are over-
 delayed in their full implementation.

 Zimbabwe has some commendable nuclear energy resources though not yet
 fully explored, which is a vast renewable energy potential.
 The country should exploit its natural raw materials to realise value
 addition and the much-needed economic gains. Nuclear energy is a
 crucial energy strategy which could reduce both the consumption of
 fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions.

 The Government recently liberalised the power sector to attract
 private sector participation in energy generation and distribution,
 including duty-free privileges for some energy imports.

 These liberalisation efforts have yet to yield tangible results. As
 has happened in Zambia, there could be a need to create a vehicle,
 “The Office for Promoting Private Power Investments”, which seeks to
 create an environment conducive to private sector inclusion in energy

 Some hurdles include current low tariffs, domination by the current
 utility Zesa, lack of development/ investment funding and uncertainty
 on guarantees in the energy market.

 Existing low tariffs are sub-economic for independent power companies
 which will participate in a power industry with a guaranteed market.
 Thus, the energy sector should forge strategic reforms, synergies and
 alliances within private sector, universities, research centres and
 natural resources institutions. This would facilitate exploration,
 exploitation, skills development and regulation of the energy sector.

 Zimbabwe has a broad energy resource base: 10 billion tonnes of coal
 reserves, coal-bed methane awaiting exploitation, more than 2 500MW
 additional hydro-power, 2 million tonnes bagasse annually from sugar
 processing, biomass/biofuels (biogas, jatropha, energy crops,
 vegetable/forestry residues) and wind/solar/ mini-hydro.

 The energy potential extent of nuclear, geothermal and natural gas is
 yet to be explored and verified. The totality of these energy
 resources are such that they are more than sufficient to meet
 Zimbabwe’s current and future power needs.
 Environmentalists and global warming policymakers have been confronted
 with the dilemma: Which devil would they live with, global warming or
 nuclear energy?
 Nuclear energy gives us the hope for a large-scale carbon-free energy
 resource. It is currently undergoing a renaissance — driven by its
 vast energy potential to drive economic growth worldwide; and
 mitigation of environmental degradation which could harm national

 Nuclear Energy: Historical Development
 The first nuclear power plants were built in the 1950s. Currently,
 there are 440 nuclear power plants worldwide supplying 16 percent of
 world electricity. About 350 of these are in the OECD supplying 24
 percent of their electricity, with France having the largest share of
 nuclear energy (78 percent).

 Some 30 new nuclear reactors are under construction, mostly in Asia
 and Latin America. On the international scene 56 countries operate 250
 research reactors and 220 nuclear reactors are powering ships and
 Civil nuclear power can boast of 13 000 reactor years of experience
 worldwide. Countries with nuclear weapons capability are eight; 56
 have civil research reactors and those with commercial nuclear

[Ugnet] Citizens turning into customers of Uganda Ltd

2010-10-21 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Compatriot Kalinaki,

Robbing people of citizenship and turning them into just consumers **is now
a world-wide vicious corporate design.

**Nothing except money, matters.

If you have money you can have everything. Power, speech, health, etc..
  You are even above the law and can as well get away with murder.

Without money you starve like a dog and nobody notices.

Turning citizens into mere customers is in full swing here in Canada, and
the US.

In 1964 British imperialism stole the vote from militant pro-independence
fighter, Mokheke, and made compliant Leabua Jonathan the leader of Lesotho,
at independence.

But by 1986 even Leabua was resisting Anglo-Saxon orders about Southern
Africa, and the coup that overthrew him was organized and executed by the
branches in Lesotho of the big International corporations.

Corporations carried out a coup in broad daylight and never even hid it. The
only coups I had ever seen/known were military. It was a fundamental shock
seeing a non-military coup.

Corporate Branch factories stopped all industrial production, ordered all
their workers to climb into company trucks and off to the streets causing
chaos and enabling regime change. All workers received double pay.

Now, some comrades from Southern Africa I now meet here in Toronto are
boiling with anger because South Africa and Botswana have become like
Canada. The meaning here is that SA, Botswana and Mauritius have been
turned, 100%, into corporate states, with only consumers, and the concept of
citizen with rights and duties destroyed.

Your only right you have is to consume and generate profit for some
corporation ; that is if you have the money.

The corporazation of citizen space that you have seen in Uganda (and East
Africa) is just the beginning.

It is good that you are focusing on this evil now.  We have to be alert to
fight this struggle of life and death.

All the best and thanks for your time, compatriot Kalinaki.

Mitayo Potosi

Citizens turning into customers of Uganda Ltd
By Daniel Kalinaki  (email the author)

Posted Thursday, September 23 2010 at 00:00

A few months ago soldiers laid spikes in the road that runs through the
Independence Grounds, also known as Kololo Airstrip, blocking traffic
through the route. The spikes would come and go but a few weeks later, a
big, black gate was erected on one end of the ground. Weeks later giant
black poles were put up, apparently in preparation for fencing off of the

There has been no official communication about what is going on here but
clearly, someone does not want every Nsubuga, Otim and Turinawe driving or
jogging through the grounds like they own them or something.

Slowly but surely, the Independence Grounds are being privatised. I was
reminded of these worrisome developments at Kololo Airstrip by the
perturbing pronouncements by a senior Police officer, the exotically named
Andrew Sorowen, laying down new guidelines requiring people to seek
permission to hold public gatherings.

In fact, since last September, the government has been quietly working on a
new law, the Public Order Management Bill, that seeks to give the Inspector
General of Police power to determine who meets who, where, with whom, and
what they discuss.

You can meet with the boys over beer at Just Kicking and talk about
Arsenal’s recent allergic reaction to trophies but if the discussion shifts
to the “principles, policy, actions or failure of any government, political
party or political organisation” then, the Bill says, you need to get a

And if you choose to have a sober discussion over politics then you need to
ask for a permit at least seven days in advance, send a letter from the
landlord of the venue giving permission, indicate how many people are
expected to turn up, and take responsibility for any harm to life or
property that might occur, whether you and your group are responsible for it
or not!

The government has turned from a guarantor to a grantor of rights. If you
are a cultural leader and want to visit an area in which some of your
critics or rivals live, the Police do not have to protect your rights; they
advise you on whether it is safe to go or not – then deploy twice as many
officers needed to protect you during your visit to stop you if you insist
on going.

Radio stations that preach politically-correct sermons and newspapers that
write prose in praise of those in power are rewarded handsomely while those
that host critical voices are shut down and have their presenters arrested.

We are slowly seeing the disappearance of the public sphere, physically in
the sense of the privatisation of public assets and facilities, and
metaphorically in the closing of space for dissent, dialogue and debate.

The State is slowly being privatised by a few beneficiaries of the regime.
First they carved up the government parastatals (many of which were sold
through fronts to the sellers). Then came the big trade and supply

[Ugnet] [AfriMedia] Urgent, shocking news from Libya

2011-04-29 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Shocking !!


Mitayo Potosi

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Re: [Ugnet] FRIENDS

2011-06-22 Thread Mitayo Potosi

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 11:53 PM, Monsieur Edward Mulindwa mulin...@look.ca

  ** **

 ** **


 ** **

 I am trying to find if this forum is still functioning, do we have a
 membership and is it still posting? Kindly respond if you read this posting.

 ** **

 Edward Mulindwa


 ** **

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[Ugnet] Open Letter to the Chairman of the African Union Commission and African Heads of State

2011-07-21 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Open Letter to the Chairman of the African Union Commission and African
Heads of State*  * http://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=627631?rss*

*In the section of comments on the above I liked this comment.  *i.e

*We Africans have to fight*

I adhere to a faith that has proven itself, beyond any doubt, to be amongst
the most peaceful, if not THE most peaceful, group on earth.  I choose not
to mention what that group is.

But, even within our belief system, it is said, When there is no legal
authority in a given area, or that legal authority has proven itself
incapable of protecting the people, then it becomes incumbent upon the
people to take up arms to defend themselves.

It is AFRICA that has been attacked.  All of these calls for MORE PAPERS, or
continuing to work through the UN, demanding veto power, while at the SAME
time stating,  It is now obvious that the United Nations in its present
political dispensation has become the machinery to give legality to illegal
acts aimed at satisfying the shaded interests of a few super powers,:

There is an African emergency, of the highest order, happening RIGHT NOW.
The African country, Libya, that had set the best example of SHARE AND CARE,
helping its sister countries all over the Continent; leading the way towards
the establishment of an entirely new monetary system, standing up proudly
for all of Africa, IS BEING ATTACKED NOW.

Appeals to the UN are meaningless.  NATO does not care about the UN.  Just
today, Rasmussen said that he is prepared to bomb Libya FOREVER, if need be,
until that AFRICAN country takes it's place ON ITS KNEES, where it BELONGS,
at the feet of the white nations.  That is, in essence, precisely what
Rasmussen said.

This isn't about the UN now.  It's about NATO, because NATO will IGNORE the
UN.  NATO will IGNORE the AU.

The AU has tried, from the very beginning, to end this conflict.  Today,
China and Russia both, separately, are finally stating that the only
solution for this war of aggression is to follow the AU plan.

But do you think NATO is going to listen to China.  NATO said that it is
going to continue bombing INDEFINITELY, until it gets its way--Gaddafi has
stepped down, and the illegal Council of Shame has been installed in Libya
as the ruling government.

*So, AT THIS POINT, there is only ONE thing that the African leaders can do:
TAKE UP ARMS.  That's it.  Religiously, spiritually, politically,
militarily, and any other way you can think of, it is now 100% LEGITIMATE to
create an permanent, and organized army to fight along side Gaddafi for the
purpose of driving the rebels back to Bengazi, where they will surrender.*

Apparently, Mr. Mbuli is laboring under the assumption that we are dealing
with sensible human beings.  We are not.  I hesitate to even state that
Rasmussen is a human being.  Same is the case with Sarkozi, Cameron and
Obama.  How could they be human beings?

We are dealing with murdering criminals.  You can't TALK to a murdering

The time to show African Unity is now, and it must take place on the ground,
with weapons.  Probably no one of significance will read this.  But, if
there is anyone in Africa, especially amongst the youth, who know how to GET
THINGS DONE, and can work a plan for the arming of Africans from all over
the continent to go and physically fight alongside Gaddafi, then I hope you
begin VERY SOON.

Give him an inch and he'll take a mile, is an old expression.  That is
what NATO and the Northern countries will do.  Libya is that INCH.  Once the
get Libya, they are going to take a MILE--many, many MANY miles.

The time for talk has ended.  It's time to fight.  It is time for ALL
African countries to contribute, on the side of Gaddafi, to the war effort,
especially South Africa, which OWES its independence, in part, to the help
that Gaddafi gave to it without question.

If you keep waiting, allowing the North to play its GAMES, where they put
out a FAKE report that, there's a split in NATO, then you're going to find
Libya GONE.

What will give the African Union respect will be when the African union
shocks the world, and fights to restore the Great Arab Libyan Jamahiriya
again as ONE WHOLE country, undivided.

THAT is when they world will listen to the AU, and then the AU would have
EARNED its seat on the UN Security Council.  It is time to fight.
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2011-07-21 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Comrade Roy, the Youth wing of the ANC, under the able leadership of
compatriot Malema is doing a fantastic job.

They also are under tremendous pressure and assault by the forces of
reaction both from within and without SA.

I suggest we phone, email etc... to these young people to help them harden
their resolve, knowing they are not alone in the struggle.

Just a suggestion
On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 9:57 AM, rwalker...@aol.com wrote:

   From Cde. Pheko

  -Original Message-
 From: Dr. Motsoko Pheko drmotsokoph...@drmotsokopheko.com
 To: rwalker...@aol.com
 Sent: Thu, Jul 21, 2011 8:54 am

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[Ugnet] West sulks at Sino-African relations

2011-07-21 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*West sulks at Sino-African relations * [image:
22 July 2011 02:00

As Sino-African relations continue to deepen, the United States and some
European countries have been trying to find some negative factors in
China's Africa policies in recent years.

They have unjustly said China's policies are aimed at plundering Africa's
rich natural resources and are a form of neocolonialism. They have also
poured groundless criticism on China for its normal trade and investment
activities with African countries.

In their uproar, Western countries have shown particular dissatisfaction
with Beijing's assistance to African countries because it has no political
preconditions attached, saying such a practice has weakened Western efforts
to promote good governance and human rights improvement in Africa.
These Western accusations are groundless and inequitable.


   - *Chinese bank to finance ZNCC
   - *Local platinum exports to increase

   - *China offers Africa chance to author own narrative

That China attaches no political preconditions to its economic aid to Africa
is based on its similar historical experiences with African countries. Both
China and African countries suffered heavily from Western colonialism and
thus both value their hard-won sovereignty, independence and dignity.
Their similar experiences have caused China and a majority of African
countries to share the stance that there should be no intervention in other
countries' internal affairs in international relations.

The colonial aggression and oppression endured by China and African
countries has had a profound influence on China's policies toward Africa,
especially its economic assistance to the continent.
It has also deepened China's understanding that, as a provider of economic
assistance to African countries, it should fully respect the recipients' own
development path and refrain from using economic aid as a way to interfere
with the recipient country's internal affairs. China's stance is an
important factor in the decades-long development of Sino-African relations.

Attaching no political preconditions to its assistance is an embodiment of
the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, which uphold respect for
sovereignty and territorial integrity and non-interference in internal
China started offering economic assistance to African countries in the
mid-1950s under the spirit of the Bandung Conference held in Indonesia in
1955. The Chinese government put forward eight principles on aid to foreign
countries in 1964, including the principles of equality, mutual benefit,
and attaching no political preconditions. The eight principles have become
China's basic principles for its foreign assistance, including its
assistance to Africa.

As pointed out in a White Paper issued by the State Information Office in
April, China is still a developing country, its economic foundation is still
not very strong, its development is still unbalanced, and inclusive
development remains an arduous task. So China's foreign assistance falls
into the category of South-South cooperation and belongs to mutual help
among developing countries.

Africa is a continent with a concentration of developing nations. It is also
a key area for China's economic assistance. Africa has always benefited most
from the Chinese government's efforts to exempt foreign countries from some
debts in recent years.

China's trade and investment activities in the African continent have also
been in line with the principles of equality, mutual benefit and common
development. China has no colonial history in Africa and it does not seek
to colonise any country in the future.

As an important part of its foreign assistance, China's aid to African
countries aims to help the recipients improve their self-development
capability. The international community, especially Western countries,
should look at China's 

[Ugnet] Ntate Jon Qwelane, a lifelong fighter for the African

2011-07-21 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Compatriot Qwelane is one of the most credible South Africans. His moral
rectitude is superior to that of Mbeki, Mandela, Tutu, and all imperialism's
running dogs there in South Africa- Azania.
Qwelane case not heard as expected

SA's ambassador to Uganda and former journalist Jon Qwelane's bid to have a
gay hate speech judgment rescinded was not heard as expected on Thursday,
his lawyer said.

 21 July 2011 | Sapa
Not rated yet.

JOHANNESBURG - SA's ambassador to Uganda and former journalist Jon Qwelane's
bid to have a gay hate speech judgment rescinded was not heard as expected
on Thursday, his lawyer said.

The application was not enrolled before the Equality Court and would be
heard in the motion court as per that court's normal roll.

In June Qwelane was found guilty of hate speech over a cartoon and article
published in the Sunday Sun.

The court found the article amounted to hate speech and the cartoon
propagated hatred and harm against homosexuals.

Qwelane was ordered to apologise through the Sunday Sun and pay R100,000 to
the SA Human Rights Commission, which would use the money to promote the
rights of homosexuals.

However, he was not present at the judgment, due to his job abroad. His
lawyers hope to get the judgment rescinded so he can defend himself.

In July 2008, he wrote a column headlined: Call me names, but gay is NOT

The commission launched the proceedings in terms of the Promotion of
Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, asking for an
unconditional apology and symbolic compensation.

Qwelane's attorney Andrew Boerner said the parties agreed the matter be set
down for August 22 to 26.

He said Qwelane, his wife and their son were present at the Johannesburg
Magistrate's Court, which houses the Equality Court, on Thursday.

His current employer, the international relations and co-operation
department, regards it as a personal matter.
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[Ugnet] U.S. Fears of Economic Collapse Prompted NATO War of Aggression

2011-07-25 Thread Mitayo Potosi
U.S. Fears of Economic Collapse Prompted NATO War of Aggression

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[Ugnet] Revolution has started in Israel. Who knew?

2011-07-25 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Revolution has started in Israel. Who knew?*

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[Ugnet] Libya news

2011-07-26 Thread Mitayo Potosi

Message to Libyan Representatives: Stay Strong, and Do Not Bend
Posted: 2011/07/25
From: Mathaba http://www.mathaba.net/ [image: Share on Twitter][image:

A Mathaba Africa News Editorial on Libya and NATO

  HeyU Quality Ads http://www.heyu.net/

*Dennis South and Adam King*

Months ago, when I first saw Brother Leader Colonel Gaddafi speak at Bab El
Aziziyah, I thought that perhaps he had lost his mind.  I had not kept up
with him over the years, as I once had.  After I watched him speak, I said
to myself, Can this *really* be the Gaddafi I once read about?  Rather
than *assume *that he had lost his mind, I began to catch up on my reading.
Within a week, I discovered that, *as usual* (except on a much bigger scale)
all of the media reports that I had seen were *false*.

I then began to understand why Gaddafi was speaking so angrily: He is a
man!  He is a Bedoin!  He is not going to roll over for the northern white
countries, just because they *say* that he must roll over.

I then began to read about the great progress that he had made for Libya:
90% literacy; free college; free housing; free land and seeds; No. 53 on the
United Nations Index of Human Development; equality for Libyan women; a
monthly oil-revenue-sharing stipend for each Libyan of $1000 a month in
their bank accounts; highest standard of living in all of Africa, and on and
on and on.  How surprised I was!

Then I began to read about Gaddafi's deep, deep, deep development projects
in Africa.  I read about how he increased profits by 80% for one country's
coffee industry, making it independent by providing machines that allowed
that country to process its own coffee and coffee products, rather than sell
the raw coffee to Europe, and thus lose a ton of money.  I read about the
rice fields in Mozambique, I think.  I read that every time a rice field is
created, 100,000 more jobs are created for Africans.

I read that Gaddafi saved Africa $500,000,000--half-a-billion dollars a year
that Africa had formerly paid to Europe for satellite service.  I read that
Gaddafi put up the first serious sum of money for the purchase of Africa's
own satellite, and how furious Europe was in losing that $500,000,000 a

I then read about the African Central Bank with Lagos headquarters that
Gaddafi was going to create, as well as an African Investment Bank in Sirte,
and an African Monetary Fund with HQ in Yaounde, all to start business on
1st September 2011.  And that now the U.S. and E.U. have stolen the $32
billion contribution from Libya for the $42 billion start-up fund, for this
African economic project that would free the continent from the World Bank
and the IMF. Along with a total around $200 billion stolen from Libya with
the U.S. and E.U. freezing all Libya's money abroad.

I read that Gaddafi was going to create a new currency called The Afro,
which would be backed by Libyan oil, and that all of these economic ventures
were designed to create a strong and independent Africa.

I then began to read how the northern countries were going bankrupt, and had
become desperate to find ways to save themselves from economic and social
ruin.  It was then that it all became clear to me: *Africa must be subdued,
and that Gaddafi guy had to be killed*.  My surprise was *not* that Gaddafi
was a revolutionary.  I had known that for decades.  But what I had
*not*known was that

*Gaddafi's vision of a united, strong, and independent Africa was not
limited to mere ideological rhetoric and posturing.  Gaddafi had done it.*

His words were being put into effect.  He began *building* the dream of a
United States of Africa, not simply just talking about it using
revolutionary words.

Here is my message to any and all Libyan representatives that are engaged
in, or will be engaged in, negotiations with the United States, France,
England or any NATO country that is beginning to talk about negotiations:
*You cannot, and must not, negotiate your very soul.  *Who is Gaddafi?  He
is the very soul of Libya.  Gaddafi is the war against Italy that lost 1
million Libyans.  Gaddafi is the man that used the wealth of Libya *for the
people*, and brought Libya up to be one of the most powerful countries on
earth (Certainly the U.S. believes that, otherwise it wouldn't be bombing
Libya, obviously deeply afraid of Libya's growing influence).  Gaddafi is
the man who gave you your form of government.  Gaddafi is your soul.

It is difficult for me, sitting here in an air-conditioned office, giving my
advice to you, while you, on the other hand, are faced with the satanic
and barbarous bombardment of your country, daily, by the single most
powerful and most brutal and beastly and heartless military alliance in
world history, NATO.  Nevertheless, despite my feelings in this regard, 

Re: [Ugnet] Lawyers, lawyers everywhere. It is the rule of law, or is it?

2011-07-26 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Dear Mr Sseppuuya,*Re: Lawyers, lawyers everywhere. It is the rule of law,
or is it?*

*It is sad that East Africa, following the colonial masters,  has all those
incompetent lawyers in charge of our destiny.
In our time there used to be streaming in schools. The best students,
generally went into Science subjects and the second rate into Arts.

Look at the likes of Peter Kabatsi, Sam Kuteesa, Elly Karuhanga, VP
Ssekandi, Nuwa Amanya-Mushega, the late Omwony Ojok, Justice Ralph Ochan and
all of those lawyers. None of them studied Maths/Numeracy beyond Senior Two.

**Can you imagine it is these that negotiate contracts about the Oil fields?
Yes fellows who got zero in Maths in S.2 at Budo are now in charge.

Monsanto takes over the seed stock of East Africa after negotiating with
guys who went to law school because they had some good grade in Religious
studies or Shakespearean Literature or something of the sort.

I once had a communication with the Dean of the Law Faculty at Makerere. He
wrote to me that Science or Maths have nothing to do with Law. That
Scientists here go to law school to avoid unemployment !!!*
In the West Law School is some kind of Graduate School (called post-graduate
in Uganda).
Here, after Engineering School  many go to Law School. After an
undergraduate in Molecular and or Cell Biology one goes to Law school. It is
such calibre of scholars that eventually found pharmaceutical and chemical
industries, become the heads of Industry, or join** Government to write the
Law** to protect citizens**, or work on patents**.

Some of our lawyers have never had a class in basic science. Senior two
Biology is just not good enough.

The fraud here in the West is that the leaders in society are mostly clergy
and lawyers.

In China before 1945  Chairman Mao was a librarian. But the others -- Prime
Minister Chu-en-Lai, General Lin Piao etc...  were all engineers.  Their
Cabinets are mostly scientists and engineers.  How do the lawyers -  Obama
and gang, compare with the Chinese in infrastructure building? Take the
three Gorges Dam, Super highways, Bullet trains etc.
America's Amtrak is a sick joke.

What are your views on this issue?

My other beef is that Three-year degrees ought to be phased out in Uganda.
Let us have only four-year degrees.

Mitayo Potosi.
*Re: Lawyers, lawyers everywhere. It is the rule of law, or is it?*

Posted  Tuesday, July 26  2011 at  00:00

 Share This Story

Full disclosure: For my undergraduate studies, I wanted to pursue law,
having determined as a child that I would be a lawyer. I discounted the
rather simplistic yet simple opinion that I had overheard my mother telling
her sister, when I was 8 or 9 years old, that “lawyers are the people who
say a thief did not steal”. When the time came I did apply, but Makerere Law
School did not take me as I did not score the requisite marks at A-Level.

I was therefore left to admire from the sidelines as many schoolmates made
it into Law School. Many are now sound lawyers, magistrates and judges. It
was during university time also that the broader rule of law was restored
when the NRA swept to power, banishing state-inspired terror,
re-establishing courts of law, and the revamping of the Uganda Law Society.
The superstructure was rebuilt. But what is happening within the

One of the small benefits of travelling is the opportunity to see how things
work elsewhere, or how they do not work in your country. A sojourn across
the Malaba border point will instantly reveal that Kenya actually respects
road reserves. They do not build in them the way Ugandans do. There is a
by-law of preserving road reserves, and one suspects that Kenya’s road
reserves by-law is the same as Uganda’s. This is only one of the many
contraventions of law/statute/guideline that Ugandans happily live with. A
few others:

* Traffic laws: One-way streets, traffic lights, shoulders, speed limits,
overtaking, helmets, seatbelts, talking on phone, drink-driving, tinted
windows, motorcycle passenger limits
*Construction: Many by-laws governing building are ignored
* Copyright: TV stations and film halls translate wantonly; publications and
music stations pirate
*Registration of births/deaths: Births should be in 3 months, deaths in 1
*Littering *Firearms *First-come, first-served (not law, but good behaviour)

*Noise: Discos and churches
*Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: Overloading of cows on trucks, chicken on
bicycles and buses
*Registration of places of worship; marrying in a registered place
*Rabies Act: Police have power to seize, detain or destroy stray animals
*Smoking in public places
*Enguli Act

[Ugnet] Mbeki calls for stand against Libya attacks

2011-07-28 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 *Mbeki calls for stand against Libya attacks* 17 July 2011, 7:35:00

Former President Thabo Mbeki has called on South Africans and the rest of
the continent to rise up and demonstrate against the continued attacks on
Libya by North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) forces.

Mbeki says the current bombardment of Libya cannot continue as it is not
contributing to the formation of a democratic or united Libya. He has also
urged the African Union to continue voicing its opposition to the attacks,
saying: We should be seeing demonstrations everywhere in the continent to
say 'hands off Libya'.

But, the former President says such protests are not happening, saying such
silence conveys the wrong impression to those who are carrying out the war
against Libya, a wrong impression that the African continent approves of the
war. Mbeki's hope is that all of Africa can stand up, march and demonstrate
to say no to the aggression against the North African country.

In early morning reports, at least 13 explosions were heard in the Libyan
capital Tripoli, just hours after Muammar Gaddafi made yet another defiant
speech vowing to stay on. Libyan state television said Nato forces bombed
both civilian and military sites in Tripoli early this morning.

Meanwhile, Gaddafi told thousands of supporters in Zawiyah, west of Tripoli,
that he will never leave the land of his ancestors. On Friday, Western and
regional powers made a fresh call on Gaddafi to go after more than four
decades in power.

The war between Gaddafi's troops and rebel forces still seems to be in
stalemate. The rebels say they had 10 men killed and 172 wounded in an
attack on the strategic oil port of Brega yesterday.
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Re: [Ugnet] Lawyers, lawyers everywhere. It is the rule of law, or is it?

2011-07-28 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*I am in Toronto but we still can exchange ideas.

Mitayo Potosi*

On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 10:46 PM, Mitayo Potosi mitayopoto...@gmail.comwrote:

 Dear Mr Sseppuuya,*Re: Lawyers, lawyers everywhere. It is the rule of law,
 or is it?*

 *It is sad that East Africa, following the colonial masters,  has all
 those incompetent lawyers in charge of our destiny.
 In our time there used to be streaming in schools. The best students,
 generally went into Science subjects and the second rate into Arts.

 Look at the likes of Peter Kabatsi, Sam Kuteesa, Elly Karuhanga, VP
 Ssekandi, Nuwa Amanya-Mushega, the late Omwony Ojok, Justice Ralph Ochan and
 all of those lawyers. None of them studied Maths/Numeracy beyond Senior Two.

 **Can you imagine it is these that negotiate contracts about the Oil
 fields? Yes fellows who got zero in Maths in S.2 at Budo are now in

 Monsanto takes over the seed stock of East Africa after negotiating with
 guys who went to law school because they had some good grade in Religious
 studies or Shakespearean Literature or something of the sort.

 I once had a communication with the Dean of the Law Faculty at Makerere. He
 wrote to me that Science or Maths have nothing to do with Law. That
 Scientists here go to law school to avoid unemployment !!!*
 In the West Law School is some kind of Graduate School (called
 post-graduate in Uganda).
 Here, after Engineering School  many go to Law School. After an
 undergraduate in Molecular and or Cell Biology one goes to Law school. It is
 such calibre of scholars that eventually found pharmaceutical and chemical
 industries, become the heads of Industry, or join** Government to write
 the Law** to protect citizens**, or work on patents**.

 Some of our lawyers have never had a class in basic science. Senior two
 Biology is just not good enough.

 The fraud here in the West is that the leaders in society are mostly clergy
 and lawyers.

 In China before 1945  Chairman Mao was a librarian. But the others -- Prime
 Minister Chu-en-Lai, General Lin Piao etc...  were all engineers.  Their
 Cabinets are mostly scientists and engineers.  How do the lawyers -  Obama
 and gang, compare with the Chinese in infrastructure building? Take the
 three Gorges Dam, Super highways, Bullet trains etc.
 America's Amtrak is a sick joke.

 What are your views on this issue?

 My other beef is that Three-year degrees ought to be phased out in Uganda.
 Let us have only four-year degrees.

 Mitayo Potosi.
 *Re: Lawyers, lawyers everywhere. It is the rule of law, or is it?*

 Posted  Tuesday, July 26  2011 at  00:00

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 Full disclosure: For my undergraduate studies, I wanted to pursue law,
 having determined as a child that I would be a lawyer. I discounted the
 rather simplistic yet simple opinion that I had overheard my mother telling
 her sister, when I was 8 or 9 years old, that “lawyers are the people who
 say a thief did not steal”. When the time came I did apply, but Makerere Law
 School did not take me as I did not score the requisite marks at A-Level.

 I was therefore left to admire from the sidelines as many schoolmates made
 it into Law School. Many are now sound lawyers, magistrates and judges. It
 was during university time also that the broader rule of law was restored
 when the NRA swept to power, banishing state-inspired terror,
 re-establishing courts of law, and the revamping of the Uganda Law Society.
 The superstructure was rebuilt. But what is happening within the

 One of the small benefits of travelling is the opportunity to see how
 things work elsewhere, or how they do not work in your country. A sojourn
 across the Malaba border point will instantly reveal that Kenya actually
 respects road reserves. They do not build in them the way Ugandans do. There
 is a by-law of preserving road reserves, and one suspects that Kenya’s road
 reserves by-law is the same as Uganda’s. This is only one of the many
 contraventions of law/statute/guideline that Ugandans happily live with. A
 few others:

 * Traffic laws: One-way streets, traffic lights, shoulders, speed limits,
 overtaking, helmets, seatbelts, talking on phone, drink-driving, tinted
 windows, motorcycle passenger limits
 *Construction: Many by-laws governing building are ignored
 * Copyright: TV stations and film halls translate wantonly; publications
 and music stations pirate
 *Registration of births/deaths: Births should be in 3 months, deaths in 1
 *Littering *Firearms *First-come, first-served (not law, but good
 *Noise: Discos and churches
 *Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: Overloading

[Ugnet] IPCO Secretary-General Commends Libyan People's Adherence to Al-Qaddafi

2011-07-28 Thread Mitayo Potosi
  Asia Libya Africa Europe Democracy http://www.mathaba.net/rss/rss.shtml
IPCO Secretary-General Commends Libyan People's Adherence to Al-Qaddafi
Posted: 2011/07/28
From: Mathaba http://mathaba.net/go? [image: Share on Twitter][image:

International People's Conference Organization: promoting democracy
throughout the world

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  *The Secretary-General of the International People's Conference
Organisation http://www.peoplesconference.org/ (IPCO) has commended the
Libyan people's adherence to their historic revolutionary symbol who handed
them the reigns of power in 1979 after a less than 10 years in government.
The statement reads:
Historical facts show that Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi seized power from a corrupt
King on the eve of 1st September 1969, before proceeding to nationalise the
oil wealth and eject foreign military bases from Libyan soil, under the
leadership of the Revolutionary Command Council, chaired by the Colonel.

In 1977, after publishing The Green
the Libyan revolutionary leader inaugurated and encouraged the formation of
People's Conferences throughout Libya, so that the population as a whole
could participate in democracy and become the government themselves.

This led to the Sebha Declaration of People's Authority on March 2nd, 1977
as the first session of the General People's Congress (National People's
Congress) of Libya, and Colonel Muammar al-Qadhafi became General Secretary
of the GPC for the next 2 years.

In 1979, al-Qadhafi left power and devoted his time and efforts to leading
the Libyan Revolutionary Committees Movement which was to be a proselytizing
movement to put forward the ideas of The Green
Bookhttp://www.greencharter.com/files/gb.htmand encourage mass
participation in the People's Conferences.

Refusing to ally with the Soviet Union or the United States or any other
super power, Libya pursued a vigorous path of non-alignment and played a
leading role in the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and especially in the
formation of the African Union (AU) which came into being on 9.9.99 in Sirte
at an extra-ordinary meeting of Heads of State of the Organisation of
African Unity (OAU).

Two years later the AU was ratified at another meeting of the African Heads
of State, held in South Africa, and the AU became the formal successor to
the OAU and embarked upon a bold plan of African Unity which has borne many
fruits. ]The official AU web site is www.au.int for further information.]

Since then the Libyan symbolic leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi has largely
devoted his time to developing the African continent and combating
corruption, with the incredible achievements of countless billions of
dollars as one of Africa's 5 largest contributors, all of which are clearly
recorded in the public record.

Prior to this, during the 1980's the Libyan leader had devoted his efforts
to supporting many popular movements around the world, through the World
Mathaba organization against Imperialism, Racism, Zionism, Fascism and
Reaction, which has led to many of those who were fighting against those 5
evils coming to power.

Famous among these were Nelson Mandela of South Africa and Lula da Silva of
Brazil, also many other parties, whilst this earned the wrath of those who
were threatened by the collective resistance, notably Israel, the United
States of America, Britain and France. The Europeans too in general were not
supportive of non-white, third world people having access to their own

Consequently in April 1986, NATO launched an aggression against Libya, in
particular with the aim, as ordered by Ronald Reagan and his British
accomplice Margaret Thatcher, of assassinating the Libyan leader and
attacking the headquarters of the World Mathaba. This became known as the
most expensive assassination attempt in history, and it failed miserably.

In the following years, after laying the blame on Libya for various
false-flag terrorist operations, most famous of which was the downing of Pan
Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie in 1988, the NATO leaderships forced through a
sanctions regime against Libya by using their powers on the United Nations
Security Council which they dominate by a power of veto.

Finally a way out was sought for Britain, Israel and the USA because the
Lockerbie issue was about to leak as to the real perpetrators, and the
bluffs had been called, by offering a trial of the Libyan accused. The
results of that trial, and the blatant interference in the course of justice
by both the British and U.S. intelligence agencies, caused international
uproar at the time.

Therefore the original Libya plan, this time put forward by Nelson Mandela

[Ugnet] The Truth About Libya -- Not Shown On Your TV

2011-07-28 Thread Mitayo Potosi
The Truth About Libya -- Not Shown On Your TV

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[Ugnet] Gaddafi is stronger than ever in Libya

2011-07-31 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 Gaddafi is stronger than ever in Libya

The fact Gaddafi has survived the rebellions and Nato bombing undermines the
simplistic view of a hated tyrant clinging on

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   -  [image: Richard Seymour]
  -  Richard Seymour
http://www.guardian.co.uk/profile/richard-seymourfor Lenin's
  Tomb http://leninology.blogspot.com/, part of the Guardian Comment
  - guardian.co.uk http://www.guardian.co.uk/, Friday 29 July 2011
  09.35 BST
  - Article

 [image: Libya demonstration]
Supporters of Muammar Gaddafi participate in a demonstration in Tripoli,
Libya, 28 July 2011. Photograph: Hamza Turkia/XinHua/Xinhua Press/Corbis

The war on Libya has not gone well. Kim Sengupta's report on Wednesday detailed

Fresh diplomatic efforts are under way to try to end Libya's bloody civil
war, with the UN special envoy flying to Tripoli to hold talks after Britain
followed France in accepting that Muammar Gaddafi cannot be bombed into

The change of stance by the two most active countries in the international
coalition is an acceptance of realities on the ground. Despite more than
four months of sustained air strikes by Nato, the rebels have failed to
secure any military advantage. Colonel Gaddafi has survived what observers
perceive as attempts to eliminate him and, despite the defection of a number
of senior commanders, there is no sign that he will be dethroned in a palace

The regime controls around 20% more territory than it did in the immediate
aftermath of the uprising on 17 February.

If the Gaddafi regime is now more in control of Libya than before, then this
completely undermines the simplistic view put about by the supporters of war
– and unfortunately by some elements of the resistance – that the situation
was simply one of a hated tyrant hanging on through mercenary violence. Of
course, he uses whatever resources he has at his disposal, but a) it would
seem that the involvement of imperialism has driven some Libyans back into
the Gaddafi camp, as it's unlikely he would maintain control without some
degree of support, and b) we know that rebellious sectors started to go back
to Gaddafi within mere weeks of the revolt taking off, meaning in part that
his resources of legitimising his regime were not exhausted even before the
US-led intervention. Despite the defections, he has consolidated his regime
in a way that would have seemed improbable in the early weeks of revolt.

It's important to bear in mind what this means. Both Ben Ali and Mubarak had
the support of the US and its major allies – especially Mubarak. They had
considerable resources for repression, and there was financial aid being
channelled to them, talks aimed at offering reforms to the opposition … and
in the end they proved too brittle, too narrowly based, to stay in power.

The state apparatus began to fragment and decompose. The protests kept
spreading, and withstood the bloodshed. Nothing they could offer or threaten
was sufficient. Gaddafi, on the other hand, has hung on in the face of not
only a lack of support from his former imperialist allies, but active
political, diplomatic and military opposition. That he did so to a
considerable extent through sheer military superiority doesn't mean that the
regime hasn't a real social basis.

Perhaps as important has been the weaknesses of the rebellion. I argued that
the chief problem facing the revolt was that it had taken off before any
civil society infrastructure had been built up to sustain the opposition.
This meant that unrepresentative former regime elements were well placed to
step into the fray and take effective control. As a result of the defeats
they faced, those arguing for an alliance with Nato grew stronger and gained
more control. There's no question that if Nato really wanted to, they could
defeat Gaddafi. It would, however, require a level of commitment (serious
ground forces) that they aren't ready to use. I think this is because, far
from this being a pre-planned wave of expansionism by the US, 

[Ugnet] Gaddafi's Angels

2011-07-31 Thread Mitayo Potosi

Libyan housewives train to protect their homes against terrorists. ~ Photo:
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[Ugnet] We support Malema's call for regime change in Botswana.

2011-08-03 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*We support Malema's call for regime change in Botswana.*

The ANC Youth League's national executive committee is to send a team to
Botswana to consolidate local opposition parties, its leader Julius Malema
said on Sunday.
Botswana is in full co-operation with imperialists . . . and the government
is undermining the African agenda, he said at the committee's closing
meeting in Boksburg.
We are not going to sit with neighbours that conduct themselves like that.
Botswana needed a progressive government, and the current opposition was not
consolidated ‘properly' enough to topple it, he said.

The team of NEC members would teach and train campaigners and volunteers of
a possible coalition party that might be formed. The youth league believed
that since former president Thabo Mbeki's departure as chair of the Southern
African Development Community, the African agenda was no longer a priority.

The ANCYL is of the view that there is a vacuum on the ideological and
political leadership of Africa and the sub-regions, and this is reflected by
how the issues of Libya and Cote d'lvoire were mishandled, he said.

The league planned to convene progressive youth formations across Africa
to re-assert the need for the continent's independence and economic
The NEC said it would fight for economic freedom, particularly for the
nationalisation of mines, the expropriation of land without compensation,
and the provision of free quality education. - SAPA.

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[Ugnet] Mbeki: Africa has lost faith in the UN

2011-08-03 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Mbeki: Africa has lost faith in the UN*
NKULULEKO NCANA | 31 July, 2011 02:11
Former President Thabo Mbeki has accused the United Nations of destabilising
peace processes in countries such as the Ivory Coast and Libya.
He said Africans had lost confidence in the world governing body and that
Western control over the UN would lead to the powerful nations installing
leaders they preferred, to run the continent.
Speaking to the Sunday Times, Mbeki called on African leaders to resist
interference by the West.
Mbeki gave his views on:


There is weakened confidence of the Africans in this body. The task of UN
peacekeepers in the Ivory Coast was to maintain peace between the North,
occupied by the rebels and the South by government. The UN was supposed to
make sure that the peace agreement is signed, that the two sides don't clash
and find a political solution. But what did the UN do? It opened the door
for the rebels in the North to march into Abidjan and carry out operations
there side-by-side with the UN forces. These are neutral peace-keepers but
they took sides.
In Libya, the UN delegated its responsibilities to the North Atlantic Treaty
Organisation (Nato) - a military formation of some countries, not a global
body accountable to the UN or us.
We have the UN acting in a manner which is promoting particular agendas.


The Security Council has not argued that the situation in Libya and Ivory
Coast constituted a threat to international peace and security, because they
didn't. Yet they authorise the use of military force.
The UN needs to be restructured in a way that it is representative of the
peoples of the world. In the current situation I doubt if some of the
members on the Security Council with veto powers are interested to effect
structural change which is urgent. They are contemptuous people and are
certainly not in the mood in which they can entertain an African view about
the fundamental restructuring of the UN.


I think we can (stop them) provided that we act and they can see that if
they take this kind of action they are going to meet the resistance of the
entire African continent. That would make them rethink.
But unfortunately our voice is very weak and we have to do something to
strengthen this and speak out about the rights of Africans to decide their


If there was respect for the positions that the African Union had taken to
resolving the issue whereby the Libyans get together and decide their
future, (there) would have been a process towards democratisation.
Unfortunately we saw these major powers deciding to intervene in a way
which has perpetuated the war. In the Ivory Coast, President Laurent Gbagbo
accepted the decision of the AU that he should step down regardless of the
rightness or wrongness of the controversy and allow for President Alassane
Ouattara to take over.
When the AU was due to travel to Abidjan to implement that decision, they
were blocked by the French and the UN to create space for themselves to
carry out military operations together with the rebel forces that were
supporting Ouattara.
This matter was going to be resolved but unnecessary force was used to
produce a particular outcome which has created more problems for the


The problem here is us the member states. The AU Commission complains that
they are unable to do their work properly because the member states are not
making their contributions to provide the necessary funds to enable the AU
to do its work. So you have a situation where the AU wants to carry out an
operation - it has to appeal to the EU for funds. The weakness of the
commission is a reflection of the way that member states have dealt with the

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[Ugnet] We must address the absolute power monster

2011-08-03 Thread Mitayo Potosi
We must address the absolute power monster
Posted  Wednesday, August 3  2011 at  00:00

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Recently, the Netherlands’ Institute For Multiparty Democracy sponsored an
Inter-Party Organisation For Dialogue workshop to discuss the 2011
elections. The opposition dwelt on the need to level the electoral ground
while government insisted all was well!

I agree with the opposition’s lamentations but recollect that all pre-2011
elections in Uganda were manipulated. We must, therefore, examine the
genesis of electoral malpractices in Uganda rather than take them to be the
problem per se!

Uganda’s first elections, held in 1961, were won by the Catholic-dominated
DP but an influential section of society cried foul, causing a repeat in
1962, to the satisfaction of the Anglo-Saxon-Protestant umpires, who I am
sure, would have died before leaving the colony in Catholic hands!

Prior to independence, it had been agreed that in 1964, a referendum would
be held in Bugangaizi and Buyaga, for residents in the two “lost-counties”
to decide whether they wished to remain part of Buganda or go back to
Bunyoro, where they had belonged prior to colonialism.

Since only residents of the two counties were going to vote in the
referendum, Kabaka Mutesa of Buganda, set up residence in Ndaiga, a locality
in Buyaga, the intention of which was to lure loyalists to follow him,
settle there and vote in Buganda’s favour. Luganda songs were composed
urging people to follow the Kabaka to Ndaiga. One such song ran “… tuvuge
tugende, e Ndaiga Omutanda akuze….” Loosely translated, it urged motorists
to follow the Kabaka to Ndaiga.

Buganda lost the vote and Kabaka Mutesa, who was also President of Uganda,
was so understandably irked that he would not perform the President’s
Constitutional obligation to endorse the referendum results.

If, like the colonialists, DP leader Ben Kiwanuka and Buganda’s Kabaka
Mutesa had power to enforce their preferred positions regarding 1961
elections and the 1964 referendum, respectively, Uganda’s history would read
differently today.

The 1962 Constitution provided for five-yearly elections, but President
Obote called off the 1967 polls. His successor, Idi Amin, did not care for
elections so we didn’t hold them in 1971 and 1976. The 1980 elections were
held on the terms of Paulo Muwanga and UNLA, Head of State and the army,

There were no elections in 1986 and 1991 because Museveni, President and
Commander-in-Chief had things to do, first. The 1996 and 2001 elections were
under the Movement system because Museveni thought that was best for Uganda.
We all know about the 2006 and 2011 elections.

The moral in Uganda’s elections’ history is that all elections and referenda
have been manipulated and who held State power has been a common factor in
the manipulations. The logical action plan then should be to deal with that

Electoral malpractices is just one of several consequences, features and
indicators - not the cause - of poor governance. We need to diagonise the
causes, and if Uganda’s history is anything to go by, absolute power has a
lot to do with the questionable electoral process, even during colonialism.
Uganda can smoothen her path to democracy by addressing the

Uganda must objectively examine the entire post-independence governance
system instead of examining piece-meal frustrations such as electoral laws!

*Ms Kamya is the president, Uganda Federal Allaince*
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[Ugnet] Brother Leader 1976

2011-08-06 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Brother Leader (1976) Posted: 2011/08/05
From: Mathaba http://mathaba.net/go? [image: Share on Twitter][image:

The first and only honest BBC report on Muammar Qaddafi, back in 1976

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[Ugnet] Uganda has to learn from Finland as to how the Fins educate their citizens.

2011-09-06 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Uganda has to learn from Finland as to how the Fins educate their citizens.

But the mother  fu**king British bastards have their bloody fingers deep
into Uganda's Education system. Sadly, it is Museveni their running dog that
allowed them in.

It is a nest of spies at the British Council in Kampala, if you did not

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[Ugnet] Libya: How the West Cooked Up the “People’s Uprising”

2011-09-08 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 Posted by Russ Baker,
5:58 pm
September 6, 2011
 [image: comments]4
Original Investigation: The Untold Story in Libya: How the West Cooked Up
the “People’s Uprising”
Posted by Russ Baker,
@ 5:58 pm
Article printed from speakeasy: http://blogs.alternet.org/speakeasy
URL to article:

As I write this, a new day is dawning in Libya. The “people’s revolt”
against yet another tyrant is unquestionably exciting, and the demise
(political and/or otherwise) of Muammar Qaddafi will, of course, be widely
hailed. But barely below the surface something else is going on, and it
concerns not the Libyan “people”, but an elite. In reality, a narrowly-based
Libyan elite is being supplanted by a much older, more enduring one of an
international variety.

The media, as is so often the case, has botched its job. Thus virtually all
of its resources over the past six months have gone into providing us with
an entertainment, a horse race, a battle, with *almost no insight into the
deeper situation..*


It’s true that Qaddafi, like many—perhaps a majority of—rulers in his
region, was a thug and a brute, if at times a comical figure.  But one
doesn’t need to be an apologist for him—nor deny the satisfaction of seeing
the citizenry joyously celebrating his ouster—to demand some honesty about
the motives behind his removal. Especially when it comes to our own
government’s role in funding it, and thus every American’s unwitting
participation in that action.

Let’s start with the official justification for NATO’s launch of its bombing
campaign—for without that campaign, it’s highly improbable the rebels could
ever have toppled Qaddafi. We were told from the beginning that the major
purpose of what was to be *very limited* bombing—indeed, its sole
purpose—was to protect those Libyan civilians rebelling against an
oppressive regime from massive retaliation by Qaddafi. Perhaps because of
NATO’s initial intervention, the feared Qaddafi-sponsored, genocidal
bloodletting never did occur. (At least, not beyond the military actions one
would expect a government to take when facing a civil war:  after all,
remember General Sherman’s “scorched earth” policy in the US Civil War?).
However, protecting civilians apparently didn’t generate sufficient public
support for intervention, so we started to hear about other purported
reasons for it.  Qaddafi was encouraging his soldiers to…commit mass rape!
And giving them Viagra! And condoms!

You can’t make this sort of thing up. And yet that’s just what the NATO crew
did—made it up. The media, always glad to have a “sexy” story, especially a
sick sexy story, even a sick sexy story with no evidence to back it up,
covered this *ad nauseum*, but never bothered to find out if it was true.

We’ve been expressing doubts about these claims, for a number of
reasons—including logic—for some time now. (For more on that, see
.)*  *But it’s tough to counterpoise hot-button issues with rationality. If
you questioned the mass rape story, you were a “rape-enabler.” If you
pointed out that Qaddafi was being bombed for anything other than
humanitarian reasons, you were a “Qaddafi-lover.”

The media was so gullible that the professional disinformation guys went
onto auto-pilot, recycling tired old tropes that nobody ought to be buying
anymore. For example, most news outlets reported recently that Libya had
fired a SCUD missile at the rebels.

You can’t make this sort of thing up. And yet that’s just what the NATO crew
did—made it up. The media, always glad to have a “sexy” story, especially a
sick sexy story, even a sick sexy story with no evidence to back it up,
covered this *ad nauseum*, but never bothered to find out if it was true.

We’ve been expressing doubts about these claims, for a number of
reasons—including logic—for some time now. (For more on that, see
.)*  *But it’s tough to 

[Ugnet] Gaddafi loyalists capture 17 'foreign mercenaries'

2011-09-19 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 Gaddafi loyalists capture 17 'foreign mercenaries'
19-Sep-2011 | Reuters
One month after Gaddafi was driven from power, his loyalists are beating
back the interim council's forces

Fugitive ousted Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's loyalists claim they have
captured 17 'mercenaries'.

The claim by Gaddafi spokesman Moussa Ibrahim could not be verified but
comes at a time when the new authorities are facing stark reversals on the
battlefield and in the political arena. Failed attempts to seize the town of
Bani Walid and Gaddafi's home city of Sirte have sent National Transitional
Council fighters fleeing in disarray.

The NTC, still based in the eastern city of Benghazi, has faced questions
about whether it can unify a country deeply divided on tribal and local
lines. A long-promised attempt to set up a more inclusive interim government
fell apart overnight.

A group was captured in Bani Walid consisting of 17 mercenaries.

They are technical experts and they include consultative officers, Gaddafi
spokesman Ibrahim said Syria-based Arrai television, which has backed the
ousted leader.

Most of them are French, one of them is from an Asian country that has not
been identified, two English people and one Qatari.

The French foreign ministry said it had no information about the report. The
British foreign ministry said it was aware of media reports about the
capture of mercenaries but was not able to substantiate them. Qatari
officials were not immediately available for comment.

NATO, which is staging air strikes on Gaddafi loyalist positions, says it
has no troops on the ground in Libya. However, Western nations have sent
special forces in the past, and media have reported that private security
firms have aided anti-Gaddafi forces in training, targeting and with


The interim government's attempts to seize Bani Walid, 150km southeast of
Tripoli have become a debacle, with forces repeatedly surging into the town
only to be driven out by its pro-Gaddafi defenders.

On Monday, NTC forces were unable to approach the northern gate to attack
the town because of heavy gunfire from Gaddafi loyalists.

Fighters said on Sunday that they had planned for tanks and pickup trucks
with anti-aircraft guns and rocket launchers to lead an attack, but foot
soldiers had instead piled in first, only to be driven out.

There is a lack of organization so far. Infantry men are running in all
directions, said Zakaria Tuham, a senior fighter with a Tripoli-based unit.

Some fighters openly disobeyed orders. In one incident, an officer from Bani
Walid was heckled by troops from Tripoli after he tried to order them to
stop randomly shooting in the air as they celebrated seizing a mortar from
Gaddafi forces.

NTC forces and NATO warplanes also attacked Sirte, Gaddafi's birthplace.
Fighters launched rockets from the city's southern entrance and traded fire
with Gaddafi loyalists holed up in a conference center.

The situation is very dangerous. There are so many snipers and all the
types of weapons you can imagine, said fighter Mohamed Abdullah as rockets
whooshed through the air and black smoke rose above the city.

As in many episodes during Libya's conflict, the front lines at Sirte and
Bani Walid have moved back and forth, with shows of bravado crumbling in the
reality of battle.
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[Ugnet] Uganda education hub ?

2011-09-19 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Carnegie Mellon is starting an Engineering School Campus in Kigali next
May be it will be the best Engineering school on the African Continent.

This is a Zionist effort. They are going to use these African engineers to
dig up the whole of DRC.

Like we have been warned by South Africa's Pik Botha i.e. a new wave of a
vicious colonial retake of Africa is seriously now underway.

From what I read we Africans really have not woken up.
How can South America defend Libya's cause more than we the Africans?
Uganda, EA education hub Monday, September 19  2011 at  00:00

In Summary

With the advent of the EAC, Uganda has to take advantage of the regional
repuation it has built over the years as the Mecca of those seeking an
affordable education as dues elsewhere are often exorbitant.

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East African Legislative Assembly legislator Lydia Wanyoto has called on
education experts in Uganda to broaden the curriculum in view of the
opportunities presented by the East African Cooperation. “We need to meet
the demands of the integration process. Education is our biggest bargain in
the region, we need to sort out the issue of teachers,” she appealed.

The legislator made the call during Ms Olivia Kabale Kwagala, the Iganga
Woman MP’s Victory party in Iganga town over the weekend. Ms Wanyoto said
education is Uganda’s strength in the region and is no longer a domestic
matter so the country should build its education human resource by
supporting the teachers’ learning process.

Ms Wanyoto said Kampala survived as a regional education power house when
the East African Community collapsed in the late 1970s because of the
importance attached to education as a pillar of development.

Luuka Resident District Commissioner, Mr Aggrey Bangu, commended teachers
for sustaining the country’s cherished universal education model and heeding
the government’s call against industrial action. He urged stakeholders to
shift focus on parents who are frustrating education by stopping their
children from attending school or failing to provide them with scholastic
materials and lunch.
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Re: [Ugnet] The US/its allies vs. Africa the World

2011-09-21 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Comrade Roy,

We defeated NATO in Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Angola, Namibia etc.
They took stock of this and shifted to underhanded stealing of the peoples'

In the 1980's a Mr Gavin Rally, then Chairman of South-Africa's
Anglo-American Gold Corporation deployed a propaganda campaign that
purported that these architects of settler colonialism in Africa had changed
and now were in the vanguard against apartheid.

They killed all who saw through the trap; Victor Mxenge, Jeff Masemola
With their success in consolidating their takeover of the ANC they now
embarked on stealing our four hundred years of struggle against slavery,
genocide, pillage and plunder.

About fifteen years ago a worldwide Pan-African conference was organised
in Uganda. The real host and organiser was the Israel MOSSAD. They put
traitors in charge. Uganda's Colonel Otafire, Nigerian Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem
etc.   I am not sure whether even Kwame-Ture attended that mirage of a
Pan-African conference. In any case that is when the formal Pan-African
Movement was stolen. Since then Zionist interests have been wearing the mask
of Pan-Africanism.

The grand heist continues with the so-called Responsibility to Protect.
Even when here, today, in Canada genocide against the Native people is still
in full swing, of course covered up by their platitudes about concern for
the worlds' mothers and infants' health etc.   they show Gobbles for the
amateur he was.

 In order to wood wink humanity and steal the world the mask they decided to
wear is the face of black man Obama. Indeed with him the goal is, once for
all to steal the civil rights struggles, the Latino struggles championed by
Ceaser Chavez, the anti-Vietnam and students' struggles  and all.

What do we learn and take from it all?  One has to note that these forces of
evil are basically weak but only triumph because , many times we are ill
informed and disorganised. We have just seen Obama Cameron Sharkozy  carpet
bomb our compatriots in Libya and our prophet Moummer Gaddafi. And we
continue to stand aside and look. How come that Latin America is more
vehemently opposed to what is going on in Libya than we the Africans?

It is in this regard that I send salutations and thanks to all our gallant
sisters and brothers in Libya and everywhere in the struggle, and to Comrade
Malema and the ANC Youths, to you, Roy, to Sister Cynthia McKinney and all
in the vanguard of our struggles.

Mitayo Potosi

On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 9:41 AM, rwalker...@aol.com wrote:

 I've tried it all. I've tried pan-Africanism. I've tried black
 nationalism. I tried socialism. I tried all the '-isms,' but until I found
 the Lord did it all come together for me in a way that made sense.  Bobby


  As you know Rush is the front man for the zionist led (Steve Cohen
 Democrat representing a district in Tennessee) African Investment and
 Diaspora Act crime. The act that is sanctioned by the AU itself, is intended
 to be the tool for the US military and financial / commercial elements to
 consolidate control over not only Africa but the whole of the African

 As it's promotional  website states the Act would Consult with African
 governments and key stakeholders in the U.S. with respect to matters of
 trade, economic development, and African-African Diaspora
 relations..Note, African governments are allowed to consult on our
 continent...this shows the depth of the capitalist system's absolute racism.

 Thus the role of an uncle tom who can claim to have been active in the
 revolutionary struggle...which in Rush's case is really a stretch as he has
 done very little other than to join SNCC and the IL Black Panther Party,  he
 has  never actually represented or upheld true nationalist principles, nor
 scientific socialism and therefore the claim to Pan-Africanism is
 particularly suspect -- and his participation as the airhead spokes-model
 for neocolonialism and imperialism makes all the sense in the world,

 By the way, in a recent AU Press release the AU announced that  there is a
 big meeting planned for Chicago next year to consolidate this offensive
 against Pan-Africanism.  (This meeting if it comes off in Chicago will be a
 part of a two prong offensive based in Chicago, the other event being the
 combined G8 and NATO meeting scheduled for May, (African Liberation Day
 month and May Day, it also a big month for the Palestinian liberation

 While in Washington, D.C., the Chairperson also met with U.S. Congressman
 Bobby Rush (Democrat), with whom he discussed issues related to the African
 Diaspora, on the run-up to a proposed Diaspora Summit, scheduled to take
 place in Chicago next year.

  If you want to read the whole thing go to (in this press release the AU
 Commission leader Ping

[Ugnet] Let’s face it, with Britain and France, Libya needs no enemies

2011-09-21 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Let’s face it, with Britain and France, Libya needs no enemies( Mwana wa
kitange Ssengooba,  Webale nnyo article eno. At least there is a Ugandan
with some sense. Nze Munno mitayo Potosi)
  Tuesday, September 20  2011 at  00:00

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Pictures are known for speaking thousands of words. This one spoke billions.
To the extreme right was British Prime Minister David Cameron. Proud and
tall, he stood. On his face, it was visible that here was a man full of
condescension. The sort that are common of men who take pleasure in giving
with one little finger and taking with two gargantuan palms and lest we
forget, expecting unreserved gratitude from his beneficiaries.

Ironically in this case, those he addressed are unmistakably benefactors as
we shall soon see when the garbs of pretentious charity fall off and all the
knuckles become bare. Then right at the end on the left of the photo was the
diminutive wide-eyed French President, Monsieur Nicolas Sarkozy. A
notoriously ridiculous man with a reputation of insatiable desires for
controversies and an undisputed propensity to leave in his wake, multitudes
irradiated. So huge is his ego that he would burst if he attempted to fit it
in his small body.

In the centre were two pathetic men. Puppets, to put it mildly. The Chairman
of the National Transitional Council (NTC) of Libya, Mustafa Abdul Jalil,
looked like a rain-soaked chicken that had come in from the cold and was so
grateful to be hosted that it did not give a thought about the risk of being
slaughtered and eaten.
His failure to inspire the sort of confidence that drips from the demeanour
of freshly successful revolutionary leaders, told of the story of what an
ominous future awaits the once great Libyan Republic.

Barely audible, like a man who did not know what to say, stood the Interim
Prime Minister of Libya Mahmoud Jibril. From the look of things, it was like
he had been called to the press conference at the last minute just to make
up the numbers.

That was the standing arrangement at the press conference in Tripoli on
September 15 when Cameron and Sarkozy visited to ‘congratulate’ Libya on
successfully deposing Muammar Gaddafi. You would be forgiven if you thought
the ceremony was in London or Paris. The men at the edges were beaming with
confidence while those in the centre who were being commended, appeared like
they were besieged by a mob awaiting to pounce on them. The salutations
sounded more like mockery for without the Nato air strikes, Gaddafi would
probably still be perched in Tripoli; going on with his grandiose road shows
surrounded by his Amazonian Brigade and pampered by his voluptuous nurses.

Libya is surrounded. And in the crowd around it are two nations Britain and
France that have a disreputable history of imperialism that begins as
charity and ends up in despicable exploitation. On that day Cameron and
Sarkozy had come to install the chiefs through whom they will rule Libya
indirectly. The tomahawk missiles being the trinkets that Libya will have to
exchange cheaply for its oil and gas.

The decision to temporarily cease hostilities after the fall of Tripoli was
of great significance. NTC had the upper hand while Gaddafi’s men were
beating a desperately hasty retreat. That breather gave the Gaddafi
loyalists time to regroup in Bani Walid and Sirte from where they are giving
NTC fighters a reasonable fight. It also gave the Gaddafi loyalists adequate
time to flee into exile with good ‘preparations.’

Reporting in The Independent on September 7, Kim Sengupta claimed that a
convoy of up to 250 four-wheel-drive cruisers and trucks laden with
fighters, dollars and gold, heading across the Libyan border into Niger, had
been allowed by Nato which avoided carrying out air strikes on them. In the
same article, Colonel Roland Lavoie, the chief spokesman at Nato’s Libyan
operations base in Naples, is quoted as saying: “Our mission is to protect
the civilian population of Libya, not to track and target thousands of
fleeing former regime leaders, mercenaries, military commanders and
internally displaced people.”

It will not be surprising if the fugitives, who include Gaddafi’s wanted
sons, regroup across the border and become a nuisance. The threat to the
stability and security of a fragile Libya whose military capabilities
ironically were greatly destroyed by Nato and the NTC as they pursued
Gaddafi, will require a permanent presence of Nato. Libya’s dependence on
Nato will become a matter of life and death.

The masters of the game of colonialism have returned to Libya through the
back door. They are likely to stay much longer and easily take even much
more than their forefathers

[Ugnet] By Cynthia McKinney

2011-09-23 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 Cynthia McKinney
The art of leadership and the fight for justice
What role outrage?
22 September 2011 (the morning after)

 After Georgia was forced by the United States Supreme Court to abandon its
scheme to deny Black people the right to an undiluted vote and
representation, Leroy Johnson became the first Black person elected to the
Georgia State Senate since Reconstruction.  The year was 1962.  During his
tenure, Johnson used his considerable influence inside the body to become
the Senate's Chair of the Judiciary Committee.  From this position, he was
able to bottle-up legislation that was bad for the State of Georgia,
especially its Black residents.  Outside and inside the State Senate, Leroy
Johnson practiced the art of leadership and engaged in the fight for
justice.  He produced solid results for a people who were hungry for
justice.  Who among our elected officials today exercises the art of
leadership in an engaged struggle for justice?  Sadly, the numbers are way
too small. It is more expedient to exchange silence for merely being
there, in the end exercising no leadership at all and becoming a spectator
to power in abandonment of those who need the effective use of power the
most.  The art of the struggle has veritably been abandoned for merely
occupying a seat at the table when the purpose of the struggle for the seat
at the table was to empower the struggle for justice.  The only reason we
send people to occupy that seat is to leverage the power of the community
where power is exercised, on behalf of those who need it the most.

 As I was commiserating over the Troy Davis situation with a former member
of the Georgia Legislature who rose to the highest possible position within
that body for his party, he lamented that for all of his years in the
Legislature, he had not introduced a single death penalty bill.  I quickly
interjected that he was so busy putting out other fires and sticking his
fingers in all the holes of the leaky dikes and schooling his colleagues on
the effective use of the power of their elected positions that he couldn't
do everything.  It will be interesting to see what legislative actions his
former colleagues will initiate in the face of this clear act of barbarism
by my state.

 Occupying these seats at the table is important.  Engaging in the
struggle for justice is important.  And contrary to what many would have us
believe, leadership is important.  That's why so much effort is spent on
co-opting or marginalizing the leaders of conscience that we do have and
preventing authentic representatives of our values to occupy those seats at
the table.

 Therefore, more is required of us.  We must hone the skill of discernment.
 We must not give our vote to just anybody to occupy these positions of
power.  We must not allow posers to represent us.  Posers are those who
wear the jackets of authority, who are put in positions of power by us, but
who do not engage in the artful use of that power on our behalf.  Discerning
who is friend and who is poser has been difficult.  But, is being made more
possible by the arrogance now of those who do not have the interests of the
people at heart.  They seem not to care that their neanderthal is showing.
 But we can look at them and clearly see that they ain't us.  Their actions
are a clue that they do not share our values.

 Unfortunately, posers exist all around us: and in the media, too.  The job
now of people of conscience is to make sure that we don't enable these
posers by our own supportive behavior.  My friend reminded me that Leroy
Johnson, alone in the Georgia State Senate, was more powerful in the 1960s
than are the 55 Black members of the Georgia Legislature now.  We need to
stop and think about that.

 More is less?  What role have we all had to play in such a circumstance?
 Is our leadership more of a reflection of who we are than we have
acknowledged?  What can we do differently in order to get a better result?

 Abu Ghraib has its antecedents right here in the United States.  The
violence sponsored by the United States abroad has its origins inside the
United States.  As the United States and NATO drop bombs on unsubmitting
African people in Libya, the United States kills an innocent Black man in
Georgia.  There is more to come unless we affirmatively take steps to stop
it.  Republican voters cheered at the prospects of more executions at a
recent Presidential debate.  In a recent article,
http://www.defense.gov/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=65344, Africom brags on its
lessons learned from Libya:

  The command had to define what effects it needed, and what specific
targets would contribute to achieving those effects – a precise endeavor,
Ham said. If attacking a communications node, planners must ask themselves
what does that particular node do? How does it connect to other nodes?
What’s the right munition to use? What’s the likelihood of collateral
damage? What’s the right time of day to hit it? What’s the right delivery

[Ugnet] Inkatha leader (83) rules out leaving politics

2011-09-24 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 Inkatha leader (83) rules out leaving politics
Inkatha Freedom Party leader Mangosuthu Buthelezi has sought to allay
supporters’ fears that he will leave politics because of ill health


  IFP president Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi. Photo: Thembinkosi Dwayisa

He said such concerns had been conveyed to him during his five-day hospital

Buthelezi, 83, was admitted to the Empangeni Garden Clinic, north of Durban,
suffering from fatigue.

“I can assure all those who expressed such concern that it takes much more
than a scratch to get Mangosuthu Buthelezi off the battlefield,” he wrote in
his online newsletter on Friday.

He said he was grateful for having been spared serious illnesses in his

“I have always worked to the fullest measure my body and mind have allowed,
and often beyond.”

Buthelezi said he had been admitted to hospital because he had pushed
himself too far.

“I was forced to go to hospital on account of being overworked and extremely
fatigued,” the Inkatha Freedom Party leader said.

“I thank God for it, though, considering that most people do not make it to
my age and many of those who do are not able to work long hours.”

His forced break had given him time to watch national discourse much more
closely, he said.

“I am particularly concerned about the fissures between our different ...
groups that are being forced open by careless statements and reckless

*Buthelezi criticised the African National Congress for rejecting the
Equality Court’s ruling that the singing of “shoot the boer” constituted
hate speech.*

— Buthelezi was born on August 27 1928.
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[Ugnet] The mangled bodies of Libya's children

2011-09-27 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*See  the mangled bodies of Libya/Africa's children in video # 2*


The second video made me cry a lot of tears. Innocent children

Obama blasts these innocent children of Libya  with cluster bombs and
depleted Uranium.

And Onyango-Obbo or Muniini-Mulera are jumping up excited for these crimes
by Obama ( a honorary Mukiga as Muniini would so wish ).

It is so heartless.*
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[Ugnet] Message from Ghana:

2011-09-27 Thread Mitayo Potosi

The people of Ghana are really the only Africans to have stood up in
solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Libya.

For the first time since the 1966 betrayal of Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah I am
very proud of Ghana.*
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2011-10-04 Thread Mitayo Potosi
  * **   *
*   Dr. Motsoko

Why should there be a United States of Africa? Pan Africanists have applied
their minds to this subject for a long time.

In his AFRICA MUST UNITE, Dr Kwame Nkrumah, the first President of Ghana
wrote, ‘’ If we (Africa’s people) are to remain free, if we are to enjoy the
full benefit of Africa’s rich resources we must be united to plan for our
total defence and the full exploitation of our material and human means in
the full interest of all our people. To go it alone will limit our horizons,
curtail our expectations and threaten our liberty.

For his part Mangaliso Robert Sobukwe the first President of the Pan
Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC) speaking in April 1959, said: “We regard
it, as the sacred duty of every African state to strive ceaselessly and
energetically for the creation of a United States of Africa from Cape to
Cairo and Madagascar to Morocco.

The days of small independent states are gone. Today we have, on one hand,
great powerful countries of the world. America and Russia cover huge tracts
of land territorially and number hundreds of millions of population. On the
other hand small weak independent countries of Europe are beginning to
realise that for their own survival, they have to form military and economic
federations hence NATO and the European Economic Market.

For the lasting peace of Africa and the solution of the economic, social and
political problems of the continent, there must be a democratic principle.
This means that foreign domination under whatever disguise must be

Nkrumah and Sobukwe made these unchallengeable political statements over 50
years ago. Today informed institutions and learned people even outside
Africa affirm that the economic power of Africa rests on the formation of a
United States of Africa.
According to the 2006 World Bank data, if Africa were a single country, it
would have had a total gross national income of 978 billion America dollars.
That is over R6 846 billion.

In his book ‘’AFRICA RISING’’ Prof Vijay Mahajan, former dean of the Indian
school of business who holds the prestigious John P Harbin Centennial chair
in business at  University of Texas writes that this figure of R6 846
billion places Africa ahead of India as a total market. He points out that a
United States of Africa would show up as the 10th top economy in the world.

Only the economies of the United States of America, Japan, Germany, Britain,
China, France, Italy, Spain and Canada would top Africa, but a United States
of Africa economy would top that of India which was $906.5 billion in 2006,
that of Brazil which was $892.28 billion, Republic of Korea $856.6 billion,
Russia federation $822.4 billion and Mexico $820.3 billion.

Africa is rich. There is no need for Africa’s people to remain hewers of
wood and drawers of water for the industrialised areas of the world. Indeed
the stock exchange is preoccupied with Africa’s gold, diamonds, uranium,
platinum copper, iron ore etc.

Kwame Nkrumah was right when he said, “Only a united Africa can redeem its
past glory renew and reinforce its strength for the realization of its
destiny. We are today the richest of continents and yet the poorest of
continents. But in unity, our continent could smile in a new era of
prosperity and power.”

There are some African leaders who fear a United States of Africa. Their
fears must be addressed especially the one on sovereignty and economy.The
foundation of the United States of Africa, however, is Pan Africanism. Pan
Africanists, such as Sobukwe, Nkrumah and Lumumba have clearly stated that a
United States of Africa does not mean loss of sovereignty of individual
member states within the union, but rather enhances that sovereignty.

The formation of the United States of Africa must not be too rushed; neither
must it be too delayed. After many years of doubt about the establishment of
the United States of Africa, President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania said
“There is no time to waste. We must either unite now or perish. Political
independence is only a prelude to a new and more involved struggle for the
right to conduct our own economic and social affairs to construct our
aspirations unhampered by crushing and humiliating neo-colonial influence.”

The grim reality is that Africans are one. Africa is one house with 53
rooms. When one of these rooms catches fire, there is no way those in other
rooms my not be injured. Africans are sailing in one ship. If it sails
across the stormy sea of struggle they shall be safe. If it sinks, they will
all perish.

The United States of Africa will strengthen Africa’s people and advance them
faster technologically and make Africa an economic giant, to be reckoned
with in the world. Africa’s people will no longer suffer poverty,
humiliation and imperialist terrorist attacks such as recently happenzed in

[Ugnet] Mayanja: He crisscrossed the Rubicon

2011-10-04 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Mayanja: He crisscrossed the Rubicon

 [image: Abu Mayanja (C) with President Idi Amin at a function.]

Abu Mayanja (C) with President Idi Amin at a function. FILE PHOTO
 By Fred Guweddeko
Posted  Sunday, October 2  2011 at  00:00

In Summary

*Abu Mayanja [1929-2005] is remarkable not only for his role in driving
Uganda to independence, but for making the most memorable statement in
Uganda politics comparable only to the 1986 ‘Not a change of guards, but a
fundamental change’ of President Museveni and the 1972 ‘transferring the
economy to the indigenous people of Uganda’ of Idi Amin. *

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Kampala. Abu Mayanja’s March 3, 1958 statement reads: “… I have crossed the
Rubicon. I set myself firmly against any autocracy whether it be foreign and
imperialist or native and feudal. I stake my future and dedicate my life to
the realisation of democratic principles in my country no matter from which
side the obstacles may emanate. This is a declaration of political faith …”
Unlike, Amin who transferred the economy to Ugandans, Mayanja is comparable
to President Museveni in betraying the greatest political statements in
Uganda history. Mayanja adoption of the political religion of fighting
against all kinds of undemocratic tendencies in Uganda was contradicted
throughout his political career.

*Battling Kapenguria Club*
In March 1952, Mayanja with I. K. Musazi and leaders from proscribed
underground violent ‘Native [Bataka] Movements’ from seven ethnic groups
[tribes] of Uganda established the first political party, the UNC, for a
democratic independence struggle. However, a month later, April 1952,
Mayanja battled the Kampenguria Club, which was supporting the Kenya
democratic struggle, with Mau Mau accusations.

In June-August 1953, Mayanja mobilised UNC nationwide opposition to the
Oliver Lyttleton forced East African Federation plan causing a demand for
immediate independence crisis. Mayanja quickly dropped the struggle,
cooperated with colonialists, received a Cambridge scholarship, and left the
problems that led to the deportation of Mutesa.

On the past and the current British backed East African Federation, Mayanja
switched from militant opposition when it was first announced on June 30,
1953 by the Secretary of State for Colonies to discreet support when it was
again proclaimed by Baroness Lynda Chalker and Lord Howe on November 10,
1996. Mayanja joined Cambridge University in September 1953 on a Colonial
Office scholarship and a member of the British Conservative Party talking
the language of racial partnership based development in the colonies. By
1954, he had switched to the Fabian Wing of the Labour Party and was
spitting fire in the press against British Colonial rule and the deportation
of Mutesa.

The colonial university scholarship was withdrawn but Mayanja continued on a
Buganda Kingdom bursary and was in the 1955 triumphant entourage of Mutesa
return. However, Buganda Kingdom became hostile to the UNC, where Mayanja
was the UK representative, for its closeness to Nkrumah who was dismantling
the Asantahene [King] of Ghana. Mutesa visited London in February 1958 and
avoided Mayanja who reacted by telling the press in London that the UNC plan
was to kick out the British and form a Government that will not include a

Buganda increased persecution of political parties and boycotted the 1958
Legislative Council elections. Mayanja, in UK, accused Buganda Kingdom of
dragging Uganda back to the 18th century, calling on Baganda to resist
reimposition of feudal tyranny with debasement of the human personality and
customary law vagaries.

Buganda withdrew the bursary and Mayanja completed studies with funds from
John Kale in the Afro-Asian Peoples Solidarity Organisation in Cairo.
Mayanja who had opposed Mau Mau in April 1952 changed in December 1958 and
backed replacing the UNC President Musazi with Obote for differing the John
Kale violent plan to boycott the colonial Government and throw the British
out of Uganda using Mau Mau related methods. Upon his return, Mayanja though
a confessed democrat used crude means to regain by grabbing, from Dr
Kununka, the post of UNC Secretary General which he had deserted in August
1953 to benefit from a colonial office [then UNC enemy] scholarship.

Mayanja and Obote strongly defended the 1959-60 UNM colonial government
boycott in the Lego and the courts of law, and made the Governor and the
Attorney General to publicly admit that boycott, even of a government, was
not illegal. However, when Obote exposed John Kale and the boycott communist
links, and created an ideologically independent national political party in
March 1960, Mayanja supported and yet he was still the UNC Secretary
General. From the 

[Ugnet] This is very interesting

2011-10-12 Thread Mitayo Potosi
MPs order ministers to resign over oil

  Posted  Wednesday, October 12  2011 at  00:00

In Summary

Ministers Mbabazi, Kutesa and Onek asked to step aside as MPs vote to
institute an ad hoc committee to investigate claims of mismanagement and
bribery in oil sector.

All ministers who were implicated in corrupt dealings with foreign oil
companies allegedly involving billions of shillings in kickbacks must vacate
their positions in government with immediate effect to pave way for
investigations, MPs resolved late last night.

This bipartisan resolution, which appears unprecedented, brought down the
curtain on to two days of a special House sitting called to discuss the
country’s oil sector. Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi along with Foreign
Affairs Minister Sam Kutesa and former Energy Minister and now minister for
Internal Affairs Hilary Onek have been asked to step aside.

While the original motion had proposed that the government sets up a
judicial commission of inquiry, MP Rosemary Sseninde (NRM) successfully
moved an amendment, saying an ad hoc committee of Parliament instead
investigates the matter. The affected ministers are expected to leave public
office until the committee to be established when Parliament reconvenes on
October 25 has tabled its findings within three months.

Mr Onek, who made desperate appeals to save himself, told Daily Monitor that
he was going to resign today. Mr Kutesa, who told the House in the morning
that he was innocent, did not return in the afternoon and the resolution was
passed in his absence while Mbabazi told Daily Monitor that he is not going
to resign. Mbabazi said: “I have no problem with investigations because I
have nothing to hide but to resign we are going to have chaos if people are
going to resign because someone has made baseless allegations.”

Attorney General Peter Nyombi tried to save the ministers but in vain. Mr
Nyombi told the House that there was no law within which ministers were
being asked to vacate their offices. But Geoffrey Ekanya (FDC, Tororo) said
Article 114 of the Constitution which speaks to parliamentary approval of
ministerial appointments can still be the basis upon which they are asked to
leave office.

*Speaker applauded*
Army representative Gen. Elly Tumwiine said: “Enough is enough on
corruption; there is no smoke without fire. People have different
consciences; there are those who have their ego beyond the national
interest, I don’t see any problem in resigning a job once you’re suspected.
Take the Army (UPDF) whenever our member was accused of corruption they have
to leave their post [until] they were tried and this is the practice the
world over. It’s not wrong to make a mistake but it’s a mistake to repeat a
 Share This Story

  While Mbabazi claimed that Speaker had not given the Executive the
opportunity to mount a defence, Ms Rebecca Kadaga who was praised by members
for showing patriotism and impartiality in the handling of debate, said:
“It’s unfair to claim that I didn’t give you the opportunity when you had
the whole day and this morning you decided to talk about different things.”

Other resolutions included a decision that the confidentiality clauses in
any future oil contracts with foreign companies be struck down and any
future attempts to drag government to foreign courts on matters relating to
Uganda’s oil be proscribed.

In a debate which began at 11am ended at 10:15pm, Parliament also resolved
that a moratorium on executing oil contracts and transactions be placed on
the government until the necessary laws have been passed by Parliament to
give effect to the National Oil and Gas policy. The laws must be tabled in
Parliament within 30 days.

Parliament also resolved that the government withholds consent to a pending
transaction between Tullow Oil, Total and CNOOC before capital gains tax
assessed by URA payable by Tullow are paid in advance and a report to that
effect be made to Parliament. They further decided that the government
should have a 15 per cent stake in all oil transactions, and asked for
accountability for penalty for late payments.

Parliament also agreed that the government produces all agreements it has
executed with all companies in the oil industry including the memorandum of
understanding executed between Uganda Revenue Authority and Tullow Oil in
March 2011.

A review of all Production Sharing Agreements already executed for purposes
of harmonising them with the law and that an account of all revenues so far
received from the oil sector be made to Parliament within seven days was
further agreed. The government was also directed to account for expenditure
made from oil revenues and a moratorium be placed on any further


[Ugnet] Tullow fights back on bribery claims

2011-10-13 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Dear Butagira

Tullow Oil Company?. **Nothing like that exists. Tullow Oil Company** is
just a cover for mercenaries who are former soldiers of apartheid South
Africa and Britain.

Lawyer Elly Karuhanga, a some relative of Janet M7, knows this very well. He
has been with them all the way from the 1980's in South Africa.

The real enemy though are the British Anglo blood suckers.

These Sam Kutesas  Musevenis   Mbabazis etc are just the slavemaster's
running dogs.*

Tullow fights back on bribery claims

Posted  Thursday, October 13  2011 at  19:13

In Summary

Official refusal to disclose the oil pacts stoked speculation which burst in
Parliament this week with allegations money exchanged hands, and lopsided
deals signed, to disadvantage Ugandans on the 2.5 billion barrel oil find.


British oil firm, Tullow, has said it holds no Bank account in Malta and
describes as “outrageous and wholly defamatory” allegations it paid bribe to
Ugandan ministers using its cash deposits in the Mediterranean country.

During a two-day special session of Parliament called on Monday to discuss
transactions in the country’s nascent oil sector, MPs made allegations that
between June 1 and July 16, 2010, Tullow paid out up to $100m (Shs280b) to
“expert” bureaucrats, among them three powerful ministers.

The payments, according to documents tabled by Mr Gerald Karuhanga, the
Youth MP representing Western Uganda, were for the officials’ “professional
services”. Former Tullow country manager, Mr Brian Glover, allegedly wired
the monies from the company’s accounts with Bank of Valetta in Malta.

“Tullow does not have and has never had any bank accounts in Malta and we
can say with complete confidence that these documents [detailing the pay
outs] are forgeries,” the company chief executive officer, Mr Aidan Heavey,
wrote in an October 11 letter to Speaker Rebecca Kadaga.

The dossier allegedly availed by an unnamed whistle-blower shows Foreign
Affairs Minister Sam Kutesa was paid Euros17.5 million (Shs66.5b) in his
account with a Swiss bank while his Internal Affairs counterpart Hillary
Onek, who until May was in-charge of the Energy docket, received about
Euros6 million (Shs22.8b) through a bank in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.
 Share This Story

  Mr Karuhanga, who also named deputy Treasury secretary Keith Muhakanizi
and former Solicitor General Billy Kainemura (now a High Court judge), did
not specify the amount allegedly paid to Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi, who
was at the time the Security Minister.

All deny soliciting or receiving bribe from the British company that
presently is the lead player in Uganda’s oil sector.
At the conclusion of debate on Tuesday, Parliament asked the implicated
ministers to step aside to pave way for an inquest by an ad hoc committee of
the House.
In an email response to this newspaper’s enquiries about specific
allegations made by the MPs, Tullow’s Corporate Affairs Manager in Uganda,
Mr Jimmy Kiberu said they are “dismayed”, but welcome the opportunity to
appear before a commission of inquiry to present their side of the story to
“clear” the company’s name.

He wrote: “We are satisfied that we have acted properly in all our dealings
in Uganda and have agreed to new Production Sharing Agreements (PSAs) that
will greatly benefit the people of Uganda [and] have been keen to ensure
that the oil  gas industry in Uganda begins with all stakeholders being
satisfied that due process is being correctly and transparently followed.”

With Parliament imposing a moratorium on execution of all oil transactions
until related laws to operationalise the National Oil and Gas Policy are in
place, it remained unclear if government would still endorse the ‘farm-down’
between Tullow, Total and China Offshore Oil Company (CNOOC) due for signing
this week.

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[Ugnet] These morons have no business in charge of the education of Ugandans

2011-10-14 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 *These morons have no business in charge of the education of Ugandans*

Education ministry issues new A'level guidelines

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   The Commissioner for Education, John Agaba (L) and the Education Minister
   Jessica Rose Alupo checking the new books donated by Government a year ago.

   KATAKWI, Uganda - The ministry of Education and Sports has issued new
   guidelines to be followed by students wishing to seat for ‘A’ level.
   Beginning next year, no student is allowed to select a combination of
   more than three principal subjects. The commission for Secondary Education,
   John Agaba said doing many subjects is a waste of government resources
   including teachers.

   “Beginning next year there is going to be only three combinations with
   two subsidiaries,” Agaba said.

   He said in addition to General Paper which is a compulsory subsidiary
   subject, students will be required to do Mathematic as subsidiary in case
   they have not taken it as a principal subject or IT if one is doing
   Mathematic as principal subject.

   Agaba said the move is intended to reduce on the pressure inserted on the
   teachers and government resources.

   “And also government is moving towards giving Ugandans relevant skills
   necessary for the development of the country,” said Agaba.

   He was on Friday October 7, 2011 addressing students of various secondary
   schools in Katakwi district during a two day official tour (starting
   Thursday) by Education and Sports minister, Rtd Lt. Jessica Rose Alupo Epel.

   Also Present were; Commissioner Basic Education, Dr. Daniel Nkaada and
   Commisioner for Business, Technical, Vocational Education and Training
   (BTVET), Sarah Namuli.

   With now the new guidelines, many schools contemplating to encourage
   their students to take more than three principal subjects at ‘A’ level in
   order to send more students to public universities will now find it hard.

   Agaba also revealed that in order for one to qualify for Universal Post
   ‘O’ Level Education and Training (UPOLET) Programme scheduled to also begin
   next academic year, he or she has to get at least three credit six (18
   aggragates) in any of the subjects offered in a combination.

   “For a student at ‘O’ level to qualify for UPOLET Programme, he or she
   must get a minimum of three credit six in the subjects in combination,” he
   said adding that, but that does not deny one from getting a distinction.

   He said government will for each of the qualified students pay a tuition
   fee of sh80,000. Currently government is paying USE students sh41,000.

   Meanwhile Alupo said as government they are facing lots of challenges in
   the leadership of most secondary schools and warned that they are taking
   stunning action on them.

   “Headteachers found keeping textbooks donated by government instead of
   giving them to the students will be interdicted,” Alupo said.

   She said government is soon issuing a circular to all school instructing
   headteachers to give students the textbooks to use, adding that the books
   should be handed to the students at the beginning of the term, so they use
   them even at home, and be return when the term ends.

   “In almost all the schools I have visited, instruction books are being
   kept ‘safely’ the boxes and cardboards, which is wrong and they at the end
   say children have failed,” Alupo said.

   She said they don’t want to get the books clean they want them dirty
   because they have been used by the students.

   “Give the students the books, because those are not reference books and
   whoever loses it, should be asked to buy and replace it,” she said.

   Alupo appealed to the students to help government fight ghost schools and
   ghost students by themselves going to school.

   “You should not be part of the ghosts. Help government fight ghosts in
   schools by you, being students going to school,” she said.

   She asked the boys to help girls go to school to study till they finish
   by not defiling them. Alupo also said headteachers or teachers who are
   guests and visitors in their own schools will also be penalized.

   She cited Ngariam Seed SS in Ngariam sub-county where she visited at
   9:30am only to be welcomed by the headboy.

   “I’m not going to allow this kind of things where headteachers are guest
   and teachers are visitors in their schools to continue because if I did I
   will be sacrificing the future of the future leaders,” the minister said.


[Ugnet] How the ANC lost its cause

2011-10-14 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 How the ANC lost its cause
14-Oct-2011 | Kagiso Pooe
AS THE ANC approaches 100 years of existence and, more significantly, 18
years of running the country, one question looms large: Has the post-1994
ANC been delivering on its original mandates?
 [image: Image 

In answering this question let us move away from liberal and politically
correct jargon. Let us rather understand why the ANC was founded and then
explore whether the present ANC has delivered on its original mandate.

In 1911 the great Dr Pixley ka Seme gave one of the reasons for founding the
South African Native National Congress or what is now the African National

He stated that Zulus, Tswanas, Xhosas and Sothos needed to forget all the
past differences among Africans and unite in one national organisation.

This call to unite all African people under one umbrella was so that they
could re-attain their political independence and economic wellbeing.

I use the term re-attain because the British and subsequently Afrikaner
National Party had taught the African majority that they were a nonpeople
without a history or system of governance. This was shown to be utterly
false by leaders such as Sol Plaatje and John Langalibalele Dube.

The ANC was thus created for the Africans to begin to see themselves as
having a shared destiny beyond ethnic ties and to unite for a larger goal -
the return of their land and their humanity.

One leader who encapsulated this early ANC vision was Dr AB Xuma, who
revived a floundering ANC in the 1940s.

Though much maligned he fully understood the ANC's original mandate of 1912,
this much is evident in one of his greatest speeches that can be argued to
stem from his understanding of the mandate of 1912.

He stated: We Africans have all the attributes of great people, but we
don't recognise our own potentialities and we have not yet realised that our
strength and even our salvation and freedom lie in ourselves.

And, now?

The African and black persons socioeconomic narrative is remarkably
different in the year 2011 compared to the period of 1852 (colonialism
beginnings) or 1948 (introduction of apartheid), no one can deny this.

The ANC, by utilising tools like RDP houses, grants, BBBEE has tried to undo
some of the damage caused by colonialism and apartheid. However, when one
judges it in accordance with its original mandate, the ANC is failing. These
failings are shown in the unchanged ownership and access to the land, poor
utilisation of state resources, white domination of business and poor
education system.

The ANC from its inception has been prone to making crucial mistakes when
wanting freedom for the African majority; expecting goodwill from its foes.
It began when Dube and his leadership went to Britain to ask for change,
instead of fighting for it.

This mistake of seeking compromise cost Xuma his presidency; as an Anton
Lembede inspired and led youth league understood correctly how dangerous the
National Party's apartheid policy was going to affect the African majority.
Yet it seems the same youth league leaders that stood alongside Lembede
failed to learn from him and repeated the same mistakes as previous ANC
leaders of old, by taking part and leading Codesa.

This has culminated in what one calls Post-Mandelarisation, where leading
authorities that propped up apartheid, currently live and die better off
than many African, black and white anti-apartheid freedom fighters.

Had the ANC not shirked its responsibility they would have followed the
precedence of the Jewish nation, who ensured that they received economic and
political justice. Instead, 17 years after the 1994 elections, the African
majority now face the indignity of having to bear jibes such as BEE is
reverse racism, we should just get over apartheid and the latest
nonsensical statement we are the born-frees.

By institutionalising and celebrating Codesa as some miracle, the ANC has
cheapened the worth of the African person and lifted off all reasonableness
from those who directly and indirectly supported apartheid.

With the exception of a few policies from the former president Thabo Mbeki's
terms as president and President Jacob Zuma's New Growth Path and the
establishment of the National Planning Commission, the ANC has struggled to
construct and implement a concise and coherent vision for South Africa.

Where the early ANC leaders' vision was the attainment and betterment of the
African majority, the post 1994 ANC seems unable to go beyond the election
realm. Currently the ANC has been lazy or unable to develop a new direction
for South Africa.

   - Pooe works for the Gauteng legislature. He writes in his personal
   -  [image: Image

[Ugnet] Broke government chooses fighter jets/war over teachers

2011-10-20 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Re: Broke government chooses fighter jets/war  over teachers*

*Dear Brother Karoli,

 Again thank you for this analysis about our motherland, Uganda.

Let us look at the regime's buying of instruments of war, ie: The Russian
jet fighters at the core of a yet unexplained new military doctrine.

Let us note that even the Head of Uganda's Central Bank, strange as it may
be, expressed surprise. Can you imagine? Indeed it is sad our people have
not been following events.

Obama has armed Museveni with drones, to fight and take over the oilfields
at Abie in South Sudan. **
The jet fighters in Uganda are for the same mission.**

Forget Obama's nonsense to Congress that he is sending Marines to Central
Africa to hunt down the children armies of Joseph Kony. And a  Kony who like
the rats we see in Libya today, has been a tool of British destabilisation
of our country for the last twenty years. Why? Because they want to
depopulate the Northern region sitting on top of our oilfields.

Who ever knew that Obama can release a man from Guantanamo Bay and proceed
to make him military commander for the Tripoli brigade.  Am I expected to
believe 9/11 after this?
 Folks at home have been crying out about massive sums of unclear State
expenditures, i.e. that m7 has stolen $700 million using renovation of State
House as a cover; and many other heists.

Museveni has not stolen the money.

Billions have been spent in preparation of this war, that is.  And there is
total silence about all of this from the American and British ambassadors in
Uganda. It is their agenda.

If Museveni had stolen money they would be shrieking like hyenas.

As we have seen before, all oilfields in Africa are being grabbed by
mercenary Companies, in Uganda, in Ghana, in South Sudan.   And now in

How can the spoiled illiterate brats from English private schools steal our
They retire from the British and SA apartheid armies and take over Africa?
Mugabe arrested a Mr Mann thus saving the oilfields in Equatorial Guinea.

But guess what. It is Mann and the same illiterate boys in Sandline
International, Executive Outcomes and the mercenary owned Tullow Oil Co that
are emerging as the real monsters behind the Holocaust now going on in

Sudan also was supposed to be under invasion now. ( Didnt you hear Museveni
say that his only problem with Bashir is that he is ruling Sudan like an
Arab, whatever that may mean ).
South Sudanese fighter pilots have already been trained in Virginia USA.
These are the pilots to fly m7s jet fighters. Not Ugandans.

The only stinker in their plans is that President  Bashir of Sudan has said
that he does not want to fight and that the South can secede in peace.
 All the billions that Blackwater stood to gain in this war now is at stake.

Brother Kalori you know all this.
What shocked me is that the characters and their Anglo mercenary companies
that have brought holocousts to Congo, Uganda and Central Africa are now
taking the holocoust over to Libya. The same fellows, name by name!!

Yet if you think the worst among us is Museveni look at so called opposition
leader Dr Besigye, a fool who Xeroxed the British Conservative Party
Manifesto and presented it Ugandans - small govt blah blah - and  now that
Libya is being bombarded with duplated uranium cluster bombs etc... Besigye
ratchets up his walk to work demonstrations in Kampala, an exercise that is
being coordinated with the American embassy in Kampala, partly to divert the
attention of Ugandans from a monumental crime where all the people of Sitre
are being wiped out and exetermination.

Who ever knew that former Secretary of State Maldene Albright was so
interested in our DP party to engineer rabid running-dog Norbert Mao to its
helm. He is a  buffoon that has been tasked to sow division among Ugandans
with his anti Baganda nonsense. Our ethnic diversity is something to
celebrate. Obama too claims that his CIA dad was done in by the tribalism of
Africans, Of course he cant tell the world that his masters knoked off his
dad and Tom Mboya to allow sellout Jomo Kenyatta to serve imperialism un
interupted.  We should never allow these Rothschild's running dogs to use
our ethnicity to manipulate us.

Thank you for your time.

Mitayo Potosi
Re: Broke government chooses fighter jets over teachers

  Posted  Thursday, October 20  2011 at  00:00

Uganda’s defence establishment has been engaged in an interesting side-show
to the current woes facing the political branches of government. Things have
not been going very well in government since the last election. Rising
inflation; of the type that seems to be defying limited tools of monetary
policy employed by the Central Bank partly sparked by pre-election spending
has disrupted Uganda’s macroeconomic stability.

An assertive legislature has begun using the “I” word- impeachment in
respect of the President. Mr Felix Okot Ogong, the Dokolo MP and former
children affairs minister, said

[Ugnet] Why Africa needs own secret societies

2011-10-22 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Why Africa needs own secret societies  [image:
22 October 2011 00:00

*(The Herald Zimbabwe)*

Although Nixon was to narrowly lose the next election in 1960 against John
F. Kennedy, the charismatic Bostonian was another member of the CFR.
Nixon would return in 1968 to defeat fellow CFR member Hubert Humphrey, and
win again in 1972 against George McGovern.

Although not a CFR member in 1972, McGovern saw the light and joined
There were more big names to come. Then a young Harvard scholar, Henry
Kissinger was recommended by two CFR members - Arthur Schlesinger and
McGeorge Bundy - to work at the CFR headquarters during the 1955-56 academic
year, on a CFR project titled, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy.

A brilliant scholar, Kissinger pressed himself so much, using discussion
notes and his own ideas, to write the first CFR publication to become a
national bestseller, titled Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy.
Twelve years later, Kissinger entered government as Nixon's national
security advisor, and the rest, as they say, is history.
The CFR would go on to recruit another future national security advisor, in
the shape of the formidable Zbigniew Brzezinski.

In 1970, the CFR entered a new dispensation when David Rockefeller became
chairman of its board, replacing John J. McCloy.
As head of Chase Manhattan Bank, David Rockefeller had been a CFR member
since 1940, and he brought in Cyrus Vance to assist in the reorganisation of
the secret society. Vance would later become secretary of state under
President Jimmy Carter.

In 1971, Bayless Manning was appointed into the new position of CFR
president, and his new ideas saw the admission, for the first time, of women
into the CFR. For nearly 50 years, the group had been a male reserve.

The public face of the CFR would change also, say Burnett and Games. Its
mission statement was no longer to ‘guide'American public opinion, but to
‘inform' it.
Rockefeller also wanted to reduce the average age of the membership. In the
early 1970s, the average age of the 1,600 members was 58. By 1975, through
active recruitment of younger scholars aged between 21 and 27, the average
age of new members was 47.

*Trilateral Commission*
When Jimmy Carter became president in 1976, according to Burnett and Games,
something intriguing occurred among the puppet-masters. While still a
Democratic candidate, Carter had produced a book, I'll Never Lie to You, in
which he stated:

‘The insiders have had their chance and they have not delivered. And their
time has run out. The time has come for the great majority of Americans ...
to have a president who will turn the government of this country inside
The ‘insiders', says Burnett and Games, was a reference to the CFR.
Carter's advisor, Hamilton Jordan, had this to say before Carter was
elected: ‘If, after the inauguration, you find Cyrus Vance as secretary of
state and Zbigniew Brzezinski as head of national security, then I would say
that we have failed, and I would quit.'
Although both of these men were members of the CFR, evidently Carter did
not view them as ‘insiders' since he appointed them into the exact positions
hat Jordan had specified. Jordan himself failed to follow through on his
threat and did not resign.

Perhaps Carter was confused by the fact that Cyrus Vance and Brzezinski
were members of his own secret society, the Trilateral Commission.
They were ‘insiders' of a different breed, or so it might seem at first
sight. In fact, they were of exactly the same breed as the CFR.
The Trilateral Commission (TC) goes back to July 23-24, 1972, when it was
founded by David Rockefeller at his private estate, even though at the time
he was still chairman of the CFR, and all the other 8 founding members on
the American side were also CFR members.
The aim of the TC was to bring together the three industrial engines of the
world economy at the time: the USA, Europe and Japan.

The TC's own promotional material summarises its aim as: Close Trilateral
cooperation in keeping the peace in managing the world economy, in fostering
economic re-development and alleviating world poverty will improve the
chances of a smooth and peaceful evolution of the global system.
Senator Barry Goldwater, a critic of the TC, interpreted this to mean: What
the Trilaterals truly intend is the creation of a worldwide economic power
superior to the political government of the nation states involved.

As managers and creators of the system, they will 

[Ugnet] The struggle continues

2011-10-22 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*The struggle continues
Winnie beloved mother of Africa
 Julius Malema with Winnie Madikizela-Mandela
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[Ugnet] What Harper and Co. get from the Libyan war

2011-10-26 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Walkom: What Harper and Co. get from the Libyan war
Published On Fri Oct 21 2011[image: Prime Minister Stephen Harper was one of
the first NATO leaders to publicly define the alliance’s goal as regime
change rather than, as advertised, protection of civilians, writes Tom

Prime Minister Stephen Harper was one of the first NATO leaders to publicly
define the* alliance’s goal as regime change rather than, as advertised,
protection of civilians*, writes Tom Walkom.
 [image: Image]http://www.thestar.com/news/columnists/94627--walkom-thomas
 By Thomas Walkomhttp://www.thestar.com/news/columnists/94627--walkom-thomas
Affairs Columnist

For Stephen Harper, the successful end to NATO’s seven-month Libyan
adventure has accomplished *three clear things.*

*First, the death of Moammar Gadhafi has removed an unpredictable dictator
whose whimsies threatened Canadian businesses operating in Libya.* More on
this later.

Second, success in Libya has taken the edge off disaster in Afghanistan.
Canada’s military can now celebrate what appears to be an unalloyed victory.

Just as Ronald Reagan used America’s 1983 comic-opera invasion of the tiny
Caribbean island of Grenada as an antidote to U.S. military failures in
Vietnam, so *Harper inflated the Libyan war* — lauding what he called “the
prominent role played by Canada’s armed forces” and highlighting the fact
that a Canadian general had been put in charge of NATO’s air strikes there.

Third, the war has re-affirmed Canada’s full-fledged support for *NATO as
the world’s self-appointed policeman.*
 Canada balked completely at sending troops to join America in its invasion
of Iraq.

*In Libya, by contrast, Harper has been front and centre. He was one of the
first NATO leaders to publicly define the alliance’s goal as regime change
rather than, as advertised, protection of civilians.*

*He was one of the first to offer planes and a warship to the NATO effort.
Later, he was one of the first to recognize Libya’s rag-tag rebels as the
country’s legitimate government.*

Yet why NATO itself chose to get involved in Libya remains murky.

*Certainly, members of the alliance are not usually concerned about the fate
of civilians* under dictatorial regimes.

Rather, the late Libyan dictator*’s real sin was to fall afoul of the
Western business interests* that were once his best friends.

According to U.S. state department memos later leaked to the media, an
enraged Gadhafi threatened* to seize all Libyan assets of Calgary-based
Suncor Energy Inc.*

*Ultimately, the Libyan leader satisfied himself with a 40 per cent cut to
Suncor’s production quota. He can’t do that any more.*

*Thomas Walkom's column appears Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.*
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[Ugnet] Revulsion, Resistance and Angry Words from Tripoli University – OpEd

2011-10-26 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Wednesday, October 26, 2011*

*Revulsion, Resistance and Angry Words from Tripoli University – OpEd*

* *

*Franklin Lamb*

*Tripoli University*

* *

The people I had hoped most to be able to find on returning to Libya were
eight students from Fatah University (now renamed Tripoli University) who
became my friends during three months in Libya this summer. They had all
been strongly opposed to what NATO was doing to their country (NATO bombs
destroyed some classrooms at the University during final exams in late May)
and I was very keen to sit with them again if possible since the August 23rd
fall of Tripoli when most of them scattered given the uncertainties of what
would happen and we lost contact.

Thanks to Ahmad who was waiting for me we re-united quickly. Some excerpts
and impressions from yesterday’s all night gathering with Ahmad, Amal, Hind,
Suha, Mohammad and Rana:

“I know Sanad al-Ureibi”, Ahmad said disgustedly about the 22 year old who
is claiming he fired two bullets at close range into Muammar Gadhafi on
October 22nd.

Amal, Ahmad’s fiancée interrupted him: “We are very angry but not really
surprised by what Sanad did. He’s a stupid guy and I am sure someone
whispered in his ear that he would become famous and rich if he did NATO’s
dirty job by killing Colonel Gadhafi. NATO did more than 10,000 bombing
attacks “to protect Libyan civilians” but killed thousands of us instead.
For sure NATO and their puppets want as many of our leader’s dead as
possible in order to avoid years of a court trial that would expose NATO’s
many crimes and those of certain western leaders.”

Ahmad: “Sanad told my cousin the day after he assassinated Colonel Gadhafi
that he is promised protection and that the TNC will not arrest him despite
their, for western ears only, announcement of a planned “investigation” of
how Muammar and Mutassim died. Everyone in Libya knows that the
investigation of the assassination of the rebel military commander Abdel
Fattah Younes last July has gone nowhere because the Islamist faction who
committed the Younes murder is close to Jalil.”

Ahmad continued, “Like some of his friends, Sanad did fight for a while with
the rebels and he sometimes changed units because it was fun and now he
plans to form a gang to protect rich Libyans and foreigners as they continue
to arrive here to help, as they claim, to rebuild our destroyed country and
make democracy. Now we all so exhausted from all the needless killing I am
not sure what kind of democracy we will have or even want. American
democracy? It’s very great? Sometimes it seems you have more problems than
we do. At least we have free education, free medical care, and homes and are
not living on the streets without jobs.

Mohammad joined in: “One Israeli-American Company has offered Sanad and
other young men who refuse to give up their guns a job recruiting former
fighters for proper training as Libyan police. There are some Blackwater
(XE) people here are also trying to do business with NATO agents for private
police forces around Libya. Anyone who thinks NATO is going to leave us in
peace is mistaken. More of them arrive every day.”

Hind, who has not wavered since last summer in her opposition to what she
calls “NATO’s team” also voiced strong offense and condemnation of certain
pro-rebel Sheiks who have declared that Gadhafi was not a Muslim. “Everyone
knows he was a devout Muslim. His last Will stated, “I do swear that there
is no other God but Allah and that Mohammad is God’s Prophet, peace be upon
him. I pledge that I will die as Muslim.”

Hind added, “Please tell me who are these TNC Sheiks to say who is are and
who is not a Muslim. In Islam it’s between each of us and Allah and nobody
else’s business. If these Sheiks were better Muslims they would have opposed
what has been done to his body and that of his son and friend in Sirte and
Misrata. It is haram. I am very angry and disgusted.”

Suha complained about “the views of NTC leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil toward
women and that with the already announced repeal of the marriage law, Libyan
women have lost the right to keep the family home if they divorce. It is a
disaster for Libyan women. Under Gadhafi leadership women in Libya had more
rights than in any other country in the Middle East.”

Ahmad explained: “ I am ashamed of what some Muslims are doing. Our religion
does not allow for this mutilation and the freak show the TNC put on in that
refrigerator. I was in Misrata with friends to pay our respects and was
surprised how many others were doing the same as our group and for the same
reasons. When the bodies were first exhibited curious people came and some
said bad insults. But by the next day the atmosphere has completely changed.
People came to honor Colonel Gadhafi for his courage in dying for what he
believed was best for Libya and that was to keep Libya free from
colonialism. I don’t believe the media is accurately reporting this. Our
leader died a hero like Omar 

[Ugnet] Sisulu ‘must explain’ defence resignations

2011-11-05 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*So serious for us Africans!!.
Even Kafka did not dream of this. Read on..

This Sisulu ‘must explain’ defence resignations * [image:
05 November 2011 00:00

Johannesburg. - Defence Minister Lindiwe Sisulu must give a full
explanation of the resignations of two senior defence force officials, the
DA said yesterday.
Party MP David Maynier said the reasons for the resignations of Secretary
of Defence Mpumi Mpofu and Chief of the South African Air Force (SAAF)
General Carlo Gagiano, remain murky.
The resignations create a serious leadership vacuum at a time when the
defence force has begun a defence review to reset its mandate capabilities
and funding, Maynier said.
The minister cannot allow the speculation to continue and must provide a
full and comprehensive explanation.
The resignations have been linked to a string of incidents involving the
transport of Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe.
Last month, a VIP plane chartered by the air force developed technical
problems as it was taking off from Waterkloof Air Force Base in Pretoria to
fly DP Motlanthe to Finland for an official visit.
In 2009, DP Motlanthe's plane had to make an emergency landing while flying
back from Libya.
In September, the plane flying him to the opening of the Rugby World Cup in
New Zealand missed its first landing slot as a precautionary measure.
In another case, two pilots who flew President Jacob Zuma to the United
States were found to have been involved in the failed 2004 coup in
Equatorial Guinea.
Maynier said he would write to Jerome Maake, the chairperson of the joint
standing committee on defence to schedule a meeting with Sisulu.
A department spokesperson confirmed to Sapa yesterday that Mpofu and
Gagiano had resigned with immediate effect.
They have handed (in) their resignation letters, Siphiwe Dlamini said.
I am not privy to the contents of those letters. I know the minister is
considering Gagiano's resignation letter.
According to the Cape Times, Sisulu refused to accept Gagiano's letter, but
the minister lost her patience when Mpofu failed to give satisfactory
answers over the debacle.
Mpofu has been replaced by the chief financial officer, Mziwonke Dlabantu,
who is now the acting secretary of defence.
Beeld newspaper, meanwhile, reported yesterday president Zuma was recently
flown to the United Nations in New York by two mercenaries involved in the
2004 plot to overthrow the regime in Equatorial Guinea. Both served jail
time for the offence.
Sisulu was apparently furious about this, the newspaper reported. Dlamini
said he was unable to confirm the story.
I have heard rumours, but I can't confirm anything, he said. - SAPA.
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[Ugnet] Uganda becomes a Civilised Country

2011-11-12 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Give girls second chance to study
*Thank God, Uganda has become a Civilised Country!!

We thank Minister Kiddu-Makubuya  for starting this policy.

He joins the ranks of the best, i.e.   Prof Abel Rwendeire and Brigadier
Barnabas Kili.

Posted  Saturday, November 12  2011 at  00:00

In Kasese this week, more than 400 school-age girls were registered as
child-mothers (Daily Monitor, November 10). This underscores Uganda’s
dismal record of posting the highest number of school dropouts in East
Africa, with only 25 per cent of 100 pupils who join Primary One completing
Primary Seven (UNESCO Report, 2010).

But positively, as the PLE got underway last week, at least 26 pregnant
girls from several schools in Kamuli District were allowed to take their
exams, as well as three others, who had just delivered! Five boys who had
prematurely become husbands also turned up for the exams! This week, more
than 40 schoolgirls in Maliba S.S. were recorded as young mothers!

We must embrace this unique, radical reformist, and noble-minded move to
allow these young girls pick up the pieces. We must break the cultural
shackles that bind and blight the future of our young girls who get
entangled in adolescent troubles.

We must not waver in our quest for provision of universal education and
promoting gender equality by ensuring our girls learn side-by-side with our
boys. It is delightful to note that 83 per cent of the total number of
children (446,928) who sat for PLE this year are UPE candidates, despite
the questionable standards and completion rate.

Each of these children, especially the girls, in their many unique ways,
will go a long way in making so many impressive contributions to Uganda’s

The multiplier effect of girls’ education on improved livelihoods is
indisputable. It is largely true, as reflected in the mantra of one
renowned African philosopher of education Aggrey Kwegyir of Achimota,
Ghana, whose famous catchwords in education have evolved into the famous
maxim: “If you educate a boy, you educate an individual, but if you educate
a girl, you educate a nation.”
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  The few young mothers and fathers that we have saved to complete primary
education will no doubt help greatly in our pledges to attain the
Millennium Development Goals, among them eradicating extreme poverty and
hunger, reduced child mortality, improved maternal health, and combating
HIV/Aids, malaria and other diseases, and ensuring Environmental
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[Ugnet] China, Africa launch Think Tank Forum

2011-11-14 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*China, Africa launch Think Tank Forum * [image:
  Tuesday, 08 November 2011 00:00

Hangzhou - China and Africa have taken another step to strengthen relations
with the launch of a forum to promote research and exchanges among think
tanks from both places.

Representatives of think tanks, political and business leaders from China
and 27 African countries gathered in the Chinese cities of Hangzhou and
Jinhua at the end of October for the first meeting of the China-Africa
Think Tank Forum (CATTF).

The new forum establishes a mechanism for Chinese and African think tanks
to exchange ideas and conduct cooperative work toward deeper understanding
of China-African relations.
Held under the theme Sino-African Relations in the Second Decade of the
New Century, the meeting reviewed the achievements of the development of
Sino-African relations in the past decade, analysed the existing problems
and challenges facing current Sino-African relations and the outlook for
development and areas of potential innovation in the next decade.

We regard the China-Africa Think Tank Forum as a positive initiative and
believe that it is timely and necessary to convene its 1st meeting at this
time, the participants said in a statement at the end of the meeting.

We also believe it should be a shared platform and regular institution for
dialogue and exchanges between Chinese and African think tanks in the new
Sino-African cooperative relations have experienced rapid development since
2000 and, powered by the core engine of the Forum on China-Africa
Cooperation (FOCAC), the growing ties have become one of the most
significant areas in international relations in the past decade.

We are experiencing an accelerated shift in global power structures, with
the long-established dominance of the West in structures of power, trade
and economy being challenged by the South and East, Essop Pahad, the
former Minister in the Presidency in South Africa under Thabo Mbeki, said
during the launch of the forum.

Chinese Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Zhai Jun hailed the expanding
relations between China and Africa and said CATTF should be the catalyst
for moving the existing ties forward during the second decade of FOCAC.

The think tanks have a role to promote China-Africa relations and together
we will work with African governments to cultivate a win-win situation,
Zhai said.
CATFF will be instrumental in setting up links among Chinese and African
think tanks as well as scholars from other parts of the world with an
interest in Sino-African relations to conduct dialogue, exchanges and
studies on the blossoming ties between China and Africa in a bid to promote
mutual understanding and offer policy recommendations.

The forum has the full support of the FOCAC Follow-up Committee as a
further step to implement the China-Africa Joint Research and Exchange
Programme, one of the eight measures announced by Chinese Premier Wen
Jiabao at the Fourth Ministerial Meeting of FOCAC in Sharm el Sheik, Egypt
in November 2009.

Participants at the launch came from Angola, Botswana, Cameroon, China,
Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea,
Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia,
Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Senegal,
Sierra Leone, Sudan, Zimbabwe and the African Union. - sardc.net
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[Ugnet] PAC South Africa

2011-11-16 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*South African Press Association*

The president of the ANC Youth League and his members are not fighting
their organisation as  many people are made to believe by
imperialist Media’s and their political analysts. Malema was a good
comrade when he was serving the imperialist interest to remove former
president Thabo Mbeki   from power because of his resistance to allow the
British/Americans agenda’s to dictate and interfere to African affairs,
especially on two of their fundamental interest.

(a)  Disallowing their dirty tactics to force regime change in
(b)  The refusal to grant them piece of land in Limpopo to
build their military base as they had
   done in Botswana in order to monitor and guide Africa as
their babies.

*The history of our country is repeating itself,*
When the youth sees no progress on our liberation in the 1940’s, they
regrouped and intervened to reshape our struggle, Anton Mzwakhe Lembede was
elected the president of the Youth League on the  10th of
September1944, in his extracted presidential address, he declares the youth
as the Revolutionary Watchdogs, close quot”

From that time, the youth was responsible for directions of our struggle,
two years after the death of Anton Lembede the youth implemented the
programme they had designed since their launched, the program which was to
guide the struggle, the program which was adopted at the National
Conference of ANC in Bloemfontein in 1949, the program that was later known
as the 1949 program of Action.
Some of the principles that influence the 1949 Program of Action were.
1.  The Land Issue is central of conflict with Settler Invaders.
2.  The indigenous Africans are their own liberators.
3.  The faith of Africans must be decided by themselves.
All those principles were betrayed and compromised in 1955 after foreign
liberals in disguised as the Communist infiltrated the ANC
It was this betrayal that led to a total division within the youth league,
which was supposed to protect the struggle as declare by their first
president, Anton Mzwakhe Lembede in 1944, *In a simple term, Anton Mzwakhe
Lembede was also betrayed in 1955.*
In 1955, a new document was introduced at Klip Town during the conference
of the ANC the document that was to replace the 1949 Program of Action, the
document which was later known as Freedom Charter, with its first principle
which state that South Africa belongs to all who lives in it.
It was this freedom charter that created an opportunity for the formation
of Pan Africanist Congress of Azania, to stand on African values, and
reclaim 1949 Program of Action.

This Freedom Charter brought by white foreign liberals in disguise as
communist, who state that South Africa belongs to all who lives in it, was,
and is a misleading one.

No land of other Nation ever belongs to all who lives in it…not at least in
this planet…China is for the Chinese…German is for the Germens…British is
for Britain…India is for the Indians…Europe is Europeans…So Africa is for

*These 100 years planed celebration party by the ANC does not reflect the
true facts of their foundation, true ANC died in 1955 after 43years. The
ANC that was formed to fight for the repossession of land from the white
dispossessors,  to control the natural resources by the owners of land,  to
govern the country under principle of National Self-Determinations.*

The ANC was declared to be no longer in the ranks of the liberation
movement in 1958 by Africanist youths who stood against the selling of our
country through freedom charter to white foreign settlers
in 1955. Since that time the ANC is led by white liberals, African leaders
are just rubberstamps and spoke’s persons.

Because of their sudden realisation that political power without economic
power is doom, Malema and his youth are trying to intervene and reshape our
struggle once again as was the youth of 1940’s.

 Malema and his supporters are being dealt with only to defend imperialist
and capitalist masters, for them not to lose their natural resources and
wealth through nationalisation type of economic system.
*Jabulane “Ace” Khumalo*

*@ 082 4457 992*

-Original Message-
From: Dr. Motsoko Pheko drmotsokoph...@drmotsokopheko.com
To: rwalker949 rwalker...@aol.com
Sent: Tue, Nov 15, 2011 4:38 am

[Ugnet] Zuma visits American Military Base.

2011-11-18 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Zuma visits American Base.

Having a Ball over Gaddafi's body?

As President Museveni said, If we are stupid to put Africa's fate into the
hands of this rapist then we deserve to be enslaved.
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[Ugnet] Democracy and good governance in Uganda seem to be a travesty

2011-11-18 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Dear Kaheru,

When Ugandans want to protest they just go onto the streets. No police
permit.  Nothing !!
That is unheard of here in Toronto, Canada.

William Pike comes to Uganda and opens a news media company.
In Canada a non citizen cannot own more than 19% of a newspaper, TV, Radio
etc . Never !!

In Uganda some Boer, Malaysian or Anglo-Saxon comes and takes over a Bank.
In Canada a non Citizen ownership of a Bank cannot exceed 14% or about that.

I am afraid Ugandans are still in a slumber and are myopic about their
national interest.

It is doggie doggie world out there. We have to wake up !!

Mitayo Potosi
Democracy and good governance in Uganda seem to be a travesty
 By Crispy Kaheru
  Posted  Friday, November 18  2011 at  00:00

We are very privileged to live in these interesting times when Uganda is
experiencing high political turbulence. Even with the increasingly
narrowing space for alternative voice in the country, Uganda still carries
the title of a ‘good-governed, multiparty democratic country’. As you might
realise, democracy has lately become like an ISO certification of quality
for States. If one wants to market a product called Uganda, they are
compelled to slap a seal of ‘democracy’ to make the country more appealing
to investors, tourists, donors, diplomatic calls, and possibly, hoodwink
its very own citizenry about the quality of governance in the country.

Elections today have become too ritualistic, symbolic, periodic events that
many times usher in premeditated leaders at the top echelon of the state.
While elections must underpin characteristics of competition, surprise, and
anxiety over results, here they have become a simply calculated affair for
authentication of certain leaders. Those who run for elective office are
lately being sieved on the basis of how much money they have rather than
what manifestos they carry. Even with such shortfalls, many countries, not
only Uganda continue to glorify themselves as democratic, citing their
practice of carrying out regular elections.

I would, to some extent, agree with those who say that lately democracy is
regressing into a government of the few, by the few and for the few. Take
an example of the 2011 elections in Uganda; out of 13,954,129 registered
voters, we have a president voted into office by just 5,428,369 people. In
practice it means the five million people decide the destiny of the
estimated 34 million Ugandans. Percentage-wise, this reflects 16 per cent
segment of the entire Ugandan population. Is this the rule of the majority?

When Uganda moved on to multiparty politics in 2005, people-- mainly from
the political parties and civil society organisations-- were excited
thinking the governance jinx had been broken. Little did they know that
this would probably be more of a symbolic gesture than a real manoeuvre. It
has since become increasingly hard to divorce the party in leadership from
the State structures; subsequent direct and indirect laws to curtail the
ability of opposition parties to operate freely have become the order of
the day. Despite the passing of the Political Parties and Organisations
(Amendment) Act, 2010, the government has since failed to operationalise
it. Because this Act has not been operationalised, political parties have
not yet accessed State funding for their operations.

Multiparty politics is not just about a multitude of political parties. In
Uganda, there have been unconfirmed allegations about some of the 38
political parties being purposefully founded by the ‘intelligence’ or the
party in power as a way of duping the public that indeed the country
embraces ‘multiparty democracy’. So, is this the construct of the
dispensation that we eagerly envisaged about six years ago?

The rule of law has lately become a very jelly connotation incapable of
setting standard benchmarks. In Uganda, just like in many other countries,
there are bad laws. Does this mean the citizens must heed to these simply
because they are ‘laws’? For instance, the NGO Registration (Amendment) Act
2006 contains provisions that hinder the operations of NGOs in Uganda; many
of the media laws restrict press freedom and have often led to
self-censorship; the institution of Traditional or Cultural Leaders Act,
2010 makes traditional or cultural leaders personally liable for any civil
wrongs or criminal offences committed by their agents; the proposed Public
Order Management Bill, 2009, seeks to grant the police wide discretionary
powers to regulate the conduct of public meetings and also regulate the
content of the discussion of issues at such meetings; the proposal to scrap
bail for certain categories of offenders, among many other laws.
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[Ugnet] Sangoma 'orders pregnant woman to be cut open'

2011-11-23 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 Sangoma 'orders pregnant woman to be cut open'
23-Nov-2011 | Sapa | 219
They allegedly removed the foetus and her nails, eyes and tongue and drank
her blood after a traditional healer allegedly stabbed her with a spear


WANTED: The traditional healer and a Home Affairs official

   - Woman beats pregnant lady, cuts foetus from
   - Man dies from Sangoma's sex
   - Sex to 'exorcize evil
   - Sangoma sells 'dice to help choose lucky
   - Sangoma's house set
   - 'I saw them cut
   - Sangoma claims Safa owes him
   - Child killers must rot in jail -

 Three people accused of murdering and mutilating a pregnant Mosotho woman
will bring a bail application in the Ficksburg District Court on Thursday,
Free State police said.

Teboho Daniel Ramakatsa, 31, his wife, Mamosebetsi Loraine Modise, 26, and
mother-in-law, Mamahlomola Agnes Hlaudi, 68, were arrested in October in
connection with the murder, Sergeant Mmako Mophiring said on Wednesday.

The body of Anastasia Qothela, 30, from Peka in Lesotho, was discovered
during the maize harvest in August at Karnemel Farm in the Rosendal
district, said Mophiring.

The three accused were allegedly part of a syndicate under investigation
for selling identification books to Lesotho citizens at the Ficksburg

A traditional healer told members of the syndicate that in order to make
the investigation “disappear” it had to find a pregnant woman and remove
the foetus while she was still alive.

When they could not find a pregnant woman in Ficksburg, the group decided
to go to Lesotho, said Mophiring.

They allegedly lured Qothela to South Africa, picked her up near the taxi
rank in Ficksburg and took her to the farm.

They allegedly removed the foetus and her nails, eyes and tongue and drank
her blood after a traditional healer allegedly stabbed her with a spear.

The foetus was not found by the police, said Mophiring.

The traditional healer and a home affairs official, who were wanted in
connection with the murder, were still at large, said Mophiring.
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[Ugnet] Besigye in USA for CIA meeting

2011-11-26 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Why fake that he is sick?  He is in USA for orders from his masters in CIA.

He says he hates m7. But he likes Kagame.  Does that make sense?

It is sad it is only running dogs that are masquerading as leaders in

Besigye breaks silence on ‘ill health’

 [image: Dr Kizza Besigye]

Dr Kizza Besigye
Posted  Sunday, November 27  2011 at  00:00

Dr Kizza Besigye, rumoured over the weekend on social networks to have
passed on in the US, last evening said except for a “troublesome flu”
attack, he is in good health.

Speaking to this newspaper by telephone from his family’s home in New York,
the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party leader urged his supporters to
“relax” and ignore people “anxious to pronounce me dead”.

“How many times am I going to die?” he asked in a guttural voice. “I am
sure there are many people who would wish me dead, or are even working
towards it. I think some of their handlers say, ‘we have done the work and
he is about to die’.”

The three-time presidential challenger to President Museveni, to whom he
was a personal physician during the NRA guerrilla war, however, did not say
who was after his life.

About a month ago, his party officials made allegations both in Parliament
and again at a press conference that top security officials were
coordinating a government plot to snuff out the opposition leader.
Government described the allegation as “ridiculous”.
In the interview, Dr Besigye said his last Sunday’s flight to the US was a
scheduled trip, not an emergency one for medical attention. He said: “If
there was need to see a doctor (in the US), I would. But for now, there is

On Thursday, FDC vice President for Eastern Uganda, Ms Salaam Musumba, lent
credence to the rumours when she said they had, as party leaders, agreed
that Dr Besigye flies to US for thorough medical checkup following “bad
allergic reaction” that “really puts him down.”
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 Related Stories

   - Besigye in United States for medical

  “When I tell people that his biggest problem is flu, they don’t take it
seriously [yet] he has not been improving,” she told Sunday Monitor on
Thursday. Yesterday, Dr Besigye spoke of a “troublesome flu” attack that he
said began before his travel to the UK a fortnight ago, and that the cold
has lasted for weeks.

“I left home with that flu,” he said, “and it was not that it was causing
me a lot of problems.” Both Dr Besigye and wife Winnie Byanyima, who is the
director for Gender at the United Nation’s Development Programme (UNDP),
said they re-united to celebrate the US national Thanksgiving holiday
together. “We have just had a lively thanksgiving day with family and
friends,” Ms Byanyima wrote in an email preceding our telephone
conversation with the husband.

Asked about the purpose of his travel, Dr Besigye, who promised to return
to Uganda in a week’s time, said: “I came to visit my family and I also
have other engagements here.” He offered no specifics.

The opposition politician’s health and safety have been a matter of concern
among his supporters, and the nervousness worsened after police detective,
Gilbert Bwana Arinaitwe, assaulted him during a brutal arrest during the
height of the walk-to-work demonstrations in May.

Dr Besigye was flown for treatment at Nairobi Hospital, half-blind. This is
after Mr Arinaitwe was caught on camera dousing him with liquid pepper,
including directly into his eyes, after the police detective smashed the
windows of Besigye’s Land cruiser with a sledge hammer and pistol butt.

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[Ugnet] Libyan prisoners tortured by rebels in Khoms

2011-12-07 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Libyan prisoners tortured by rebels in Khoms

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[Ugnet] A Progressive Ghanian Brother

2011-12-13 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Bush, Blair are best candidates for ICC, not Gbagbo Says Ghanaian Editor
Posted: 2011/12/09
From: Source http://mathaba.net/go?http://www.dailyguideghana.com/?p=33777
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Ghana's 'Insight' Editor Kwesi Pratt: Incensed about ICC abuses of African

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The Editor of *The Insight* newspaper, Kwesi Pratt Jnr., is fuming over the
appearance of the deposed* Ivorian Leader, Laurent Gbagbo,* at the
International Criminal Court.

He told *Joy News* the principles of justice and fairness demand that ex-US
and British leaders, George Bush and Tony Blair respectively, must be
hauled before the ICC to account for the millions of massacres they
superintended whilst ruling their countries.

Gbagbo is answering charges of crimes against humanity, including murder
and rape, after Ivory Coast's disputed presidential elections, a year ago,
sparked internal conflict.

But Pratt believes the two former (Western) leaders are worse.

Many world leaders, including George Bush and Tony Blair, have done far
worse than African leaders have done. Within the last ten years, George
Bush and Tony Blair and other world leaders have taken actions which have
led to the massacre of hundreds of thousands of people; the rape of people.
Troops of the US actually roasted Somalis alive on fire and so on. There
has been no prosecution.

So if it's important to prosecute leaders around the world for these acts,
then it is important that *every leader who commits such an act* also needs
to be brought to book, Pratt stated.

He, like Ghanaian ex-President John Rawlings, wondered why after 50 years
of African unity, Africans would hand over their leaders to the ICC to
undergo what he referred to as 'humiliation' and to deepen racial prejudice
against the African people.

Why do we think that it is only in The Hague that we can get justice?
Kwesi Pratt asked.

The US does not subject its citizens to any form of prosecution by the ICC
and would rather prosecute its citizen accused of any form of human rights
violation in the home country.

The Insight Newspaper editor said: I am wondering why African leaders
subscribe to the jurisdiction of the ICC. The US for a long time has
refused to subscribe to the jurisdiction of the ICC. So, to some extent,
African leaders are blameable for this situation.

Mr Pratt is also shocked that it is only Gbagbo who is before the ICC, when
it is on record that the 'New Forces' which brought Allasane Quattara into
power (in Côte d'Ivoire) also committed equal or even worse atrocities in
the violence that followed the disputed elections.

How come it is only Gbagbo who is before the ICC? he quizzed.

He believes the prosecution of Gbagbo at ICC could have dire consequences
on the current national reconciliation in Ivory Coast.

*In November Bush and Blair were found
guiltyhttp://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=629438of war crimes by the
Lumpur International War Crimes Tribunalhttp://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=629415
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[Ugnet] Obama is an evil Monster

2011-12-13 Thread Mitayo Potosi
White House Allegedly Behind Bill Allowing Military to Arrest and Detain
American Citizens Indefinitely
   Submitted by mark karlin on Tue, 12/13/2011 - 10:47am.

   - EditorBlog http://blog.buzzflash.com/editorblog


Is President Obama really likely to veto a Senate bill that passed the
Senate that allows for the military to indefinitely detain Americans?

According to Sen. Carl Levin - chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee
- who headed Democratic Party negotiations on the National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, it was the White House that
insisted on the military having the option - instead of police or federal
law enforcement - to detain American citizens considered belligerent to
the security of the nation.

Glenn Greenwald points this out in a
includes a videotape of Senator Levin making the claim about White
House culpability in the phrasing.

extensively explores the White House insistence on the military option
of indefinitely detaining American citizens without involvement of the
judicial system:

According to Senator Carl Levin (D-Michigan), however, Americans should be
a bit more concerned about what the president's actual intentions are.
Levin, who sits on the Armed Services Committee as chairman, has revealed
to Congress that the Obama administration influenced the wording of the act
and shot down text that would have saved American citizens from the
indefinite imprisonment and suspension of habeas corpus.
- Hide quoted text -

Senator Levin told Congress recently that under the original wording of the
National Defense Authorization Act, American citizens were excluded from
the provision that allowed for detention. Once Obama's officials saw the
text though, says Levin, the administration asked us to remove the
language which says that US citizens and lawful residents would not be
subject to this section

John Wood of Change.org writes that President Obama proposed a veto of
Section 1032 of the NDAA, which does not pertain to the detention of
American citizens. Rather, that section deals with the use of the US
military in taking custody of suspected criminals. Section 1031, which
actually deals with the indefinite imprisonment of Americans, remains not
only unopposed by the Obama administration, but the president has made sure
that the law specifically includes Americans, urging Congress to redraft
the legislation with increasingly confusing wording that makes the
legalization detrimental to America.

To those who hold out hope that Obama will veto the bill on the grounds of
protecting the right of habeas corpus for American citizens, as guaranteed
in the Constitution, it seems an unlikely scenario.

Not only did the Defense Authorization Act pass the Senate by a landslide
majority, not only does the bill fund the military - but it also appears
that the White House supports its suppression of civil liberties.

Now, short of some political miracle, the Army will be able to decide which
Americans to arrest in the middle of the night and make disappear.

Sounds a lot like Iraq under Saddam Hussein in terms of authorized powers,
doesn't it?
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[Ugnet] Kenya's Criminal Assault on Famine-Stricken Somalia

2011-12-19 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Kenya's Criminal Assault on Famine-Stricken Somalia
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[Ugnet] Malema 1 Zuma 0

2011-12-19 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 Malema on the list to serve Limpopo's PEC
19-Dec-2011 | Sapa | 76
Suspended ANC Youth League president Julius Malema was among 40 candidates
nominated to serve on the ANC's Limpopo provincial executive committee
(PEC), an official confirmed on Monday.



   - Malema allies win in

 Yes, he [Malema] is on the list, provincial spokesman David Masondo told

Masondo said voting for the 20 additional members would take place on
Monday, before commissions report back on resolutions during a closed

Proceedings had not started by 10.45am. However, Masondo said an official
announcement of the PEC would be made later in the day.

Delegates decided to only nominate and not vote as planned on Sunday
because they were tired. People retired at 9pm, he said.

It is understood that some delegates wanted to attend a free-for-all party
hosted by Malema at Peter Mokaba Stadium.

Thousands of youth flocked to the venue where they were entertained by
prominent house DJs and artists, including Nigeria's Flavour which sent the
crowd into a frenzy.

Malema, who is an ally of ANC provincial chairman Cassel Mathale, spent his
time at a white marquee set up close to the stage.

Earlier this year Malema joked that he did not want a job in government.
Speaking at the University of the Western Cape, Malema said he had no
desire to go into Parliament or become a minister.

He said at the time: If you try and buy [Police Minister] Nathi [Mthethwa]
a coke... or a cold drink now, he will have to check the ministerial

On Sunday Malema addressed delegates, talking about Mathale's victory in
the provincial elective conference and Pretoria's intervention in Polokwane.

Mathale won on Sunday by a margin of 82 votes in the highly contested
election. He faced arts and culture deputy minister Joe Phaahla, and won
with 601 votes. Phaahla received 519 votes.

Voted in as deputy chairman was Dickson Masemola, the secretary is Soviet
Lekganyane, the treasurer is Pinky Kekane and her deputy is Florence
Dzhombere. They are all in Mathale's group.

This was no surprise for Mathale's supporters, who felt the writing was on
the wall all along.

Phaahla's supporters' hopes were shattered, with a majority absent from the
conference on Sunday.

President Jacob Zuma has meanwhile reiterated that government's decision to
place five of the province's departments under administration was not, as
numerous reports had suggested, politically motivated.

The decision came under fire last week over concerns that financial
assistance would allegedly strengthen Zuma's hand in the political
infighting with Mathale.

On Sunday, Zuma said government stepped in merely to help the province.

Limpopo is saying we ran out of money, please help us pay the civil
servants until the next financial year... them not being able to pay their
workers is not political... to respond cannot be described as political,
the SABC reported Zuma as saying.
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[Ugnet] ICC targeting African Presidents -Museveni

2011-12-19 Thread Mitayo Potosi
ICC targeting African Presidents -Museveni

President Museveni (C) talks to South Sudan acting Principal Liaison
Officer Sarah Victor Bol as President Francois Bozize (L) of Central
African Republic looks on at Speke Resort Munyonyo yesterday. Photo by PPU


Why now? His comments come amid rising concern among some African leaders
about the Sudan President

President Museveni has called on African countries to convene a special
session to discuss the relevance of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Mr Museveni said the ICC seems to be targeting only African leaders despite
overwhelming evidence that other leaders in the world are committing

He said Africa supported and participated in the formation of the court but
it is time for African leaders to meet over the actions of the court. “The
issue of ICC is something we want to discuss among ourselves as.

Africans, but the way it is being implemented it seems like it is only
Africans committing crimes. There are people who have committed crimes but
nothing has been done on them,” Mr Museveni said without elaborating on who
the said people are.

He added: “When I was in Arusha, some people suggested that we leave ICC
but I don’t want to comment more.”

Mr Museveni’s comments come amid rising concern among some African
countries about how Sudan’s president Omar Hassan al-Bashir has been
treated by the ICC. Last year, the ICC issued a warrant of arrest for
al-Bashir even though he has continued to travel, especially within Africa
where governments have shunned implementing the ICC directive.
 Share This Story

  A Kenyan court recently though, ruled that their government would arrest
al-Bashir if he visits the country again.

President Museveni was speaking at the closure of the International
Conference on the Great Lakes Region at Speke Resort Munyonyo at which
Sudan was represented by its vice president.

The conference agreed on a time frame to eradicate existing armed groups in
the region in conformity with the ICGLR protocol on non-aggression and
mutual defence. There was also an agreement to increase financial and
technical support for judicial and security sector reform on human rights
and sexual gender-based violence.

Uganda to play training host
“Integrate sexual gender-based violence in the national planning frameworks
and allocate budget lines for prevention and response to sexual
gender-based violence, particularly the ministries of gender, health,
defence, security, interior, local government, justice, education and
youth. To declare zero tolerance on sexual gender based violence (SGBV)
crimes and impunity,” reads part of the declaration signed by the
participating countries.

The conference also agreed to fast-track the contribution to ICGLR special
fund for reconstruction and development so that assistance for victims/
survivors of SGBV is provided in line with article 6 of the ICGLR protocol.

Uganda was chosen to host a regional SGBV training facility, while more
strengthening and funding of the Lusaka-based Levy Mwanawasa Regional
Centre for Democracy, Good Governance, Human Rights and Civic Education to
fulfill its mandate.

The conference also recommended the ICGLR secretariat to strengthen the
inter-linkage between the regional initiatives on natural resources.

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Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} Beti must abandon referendum/Abbey.///

2011-12-21 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Mutebi, and the Kabaka Yekka  oppressors Abu Mayanja, Sulemani Kiggundu,
Njuba etc...   be baleeta ba Besigye.  Eminyira obunyira.*

 And Sir Edward Muteesa's stupidity marches on unchecked!!

 Will Masaka ever manage to free itself from the Mengo-Black-on-Black
 **It is Black-on-Black apartheid, folks!!

 **The original Buganda ends just after Mpigi on Kampala - Masaka Road.

 Tulabye nnyo!!*

 On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Monsieur Edward Mulindwa 
 mulin...@look.ca wrote:


 ** **

 This is a very good writing that w must deserve a time to contemplate
 about for it is very timely indeed. Mwami John Nsubuga has clarified one of
 the issues that defies my knowledge on Uganda politics, you see in
 countries like Canada people depend on political parties but in Uganda
 political parties depend on people.  And that is a very important step for
 Ugandans to jump if they will ever get to democratic path. I am a Liberal
 party and my party leader in the Federal Liberal is called Bob Rae. The
 Liberal party does not survive for Bob Rae is in politics but Bob Rae stays
 in politics for the Liberal party exists. And I have been a member of this
 party for a very long time and we have had so many party leaders that some
 have swept us to power and some have failed to do so, we had Martin that
 paid much of the national debt but we had John Chretien that went after the
 Quebec seperists to a referendum, we have had every one you name it. I
 cannot stand here and tell you that Paul Martin’s shoes are too huge to be
 filled in, Geez we have sparkling brains out of Quebec here that need only
 their hands to drive it, and any time Bob Rae moves out of the way they are
 ready. And the journey of Bob Rae leaving the leadership of the party is
 short as 10 minutes tops to convene a press conference make a written
 statement, a take a couple of questions from reporters and he is whisked
 out for now we need a new press conference from a new kid on the block.
 What do you have planned for the future of the party?

 ** **

 There is no one that is ridiculing Dr Kiiza Besigye, he is simply a very
 poor political leader. And there should never be a problem making that
 statement and publicly. Politics is a very complex matter or we all would
 have been in politics but we do not for we know we cannot deliver. But this
 is a man that has been in power for now what 30 years? And John Nsubuga has
 absolutely nothing in Uganda politics that he can put the name of Dr Kiiza
 Besigye on yet he claims that the man has large shoes to fit. Really? What
 is in the shoes? Dr Kiiza Besigye has been in government and he has been a
 once very powerful politician that wrote some of the very atrocious
 policies in our country. It was Besigye that wrote the policy for UPDF to
 burn down all food storages in the entire Northern Uganda. It was Besigye
 that wrote the policy of UPDF to camp every moving man woman child of the
 entire Northern Uganda. Many of the attacks in the North that Colonel
 Samson Mande and Mugisha Muntu did in Northern and Eastern Uganda of
 massive killing as in example of brigadier 135 Brigade and the burning of
 people in Mukura trains were done on orders written by Dr Kiiza Besigye.
 And yet as much as we can list all those atrocities that were done for the
 first time in our country’s history, these were true examples of how non
 Ugandans these men are, for neither Mande nor Besigye can camp the Rwandese
 let alone kill them as these men did to Ugandans. I repeat myself there is
 no single good policy let alone report you can list on Dr Kiiza Besigye as
 a medical doctor of Museveni, as a national political commissar let alone
 as a doctor in Mbale hospital that you can list done with a name of Besigye
 in the last 30 or so years.

 ** **

 John Nsubuga today is going through tribulations wondering how FDC will
 ever survive after Dr Kiiza Besigye, it is apolitical of inside looking not
 outside looking, so we get a party leader and we stop to build it for now
 it has a Christ leading it. There is no moving forward of political
 structures for what we have that is it, it is Besigye that understands
 Museveni. Really how and what has he done in understanding him? It is not
 only John Nsubuga and FDC, if you read Edward Pojim very carefully, UPC as
 a party has been a dead political party and thank God that ever created
 Olara Otunu, if Otunu gets a heart attack today, the entire UPC party is
 doomed. But wait a minute, let us look at Eddie Kironde a supporter of the
 Movement, he will swear to you that if Yoweri Museveni ever leaves power
 there is no Movement. So this internally self locking on dependence on
 individuals is across the board and we fear change.

 ** **

 Let me end by reminding you the good writing that Nsubuga Smeo has
 written this morning, a very good Police officer leaving the service after
 retiring. He said and I directly quote “But what you have 

[Ugnet] Where is sense here?

2011-12-28 Thread Mitayo Potosi
South Africa seeks AU top seat

Dr. Jean Ping’s term ends this year but the former Gabonese minister is
seeking reelection.

*Monitor Correspondent*


The African Union commission top seat is now open for competition, with
South Africa preparing to unseat Dr Jean Ping. French-speaking Ping has
been chairman of the AU commission since 2008 and his term in office will
end this year.

The Gabonese former foreign minister has, however, turned to a defensive
position to secure one more round, launching a massive campaign last week
to get support for his second term in office despite South Africa’s
preparation to challenge him.

African head of states are set to vote in a secret ballot to the highest
position of the organisation at the end of January 2012 summit in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia. The Gabon government provided an aircraft to support Dr
Ping in his election campaign as he tours 10 African States to seek support
from their heads of state.

*Full support*
Gabon’s AU Ambassador to the African Union Andre William Anguile on Monday
expressed his government’s full support for Mr Ping’s re-election campaign.
“We are sure ECOWAS region and other friendly countries support Dr Ping for
his second term,” he said. “He has demonstrated major achievements during
the last four years and we are confident about his reelection.”
 Share This Story

  But South Africa, one of the heavy champions of the pan African
organisation, nominated its Home Minister and former Foreign Minister
Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma for the chairmanship position.

According to analysts, Dr Ping has a support from most of west, eastern and
central Africa regions while southern Africa and northern Africa have been
pushing for a new AU chairman.

Non-African power, European Union hinted its support for South Africa while
the French backed Jean Ping’s reelection. Jean Ping’s leadership has been
criticised for failing to handle Libya and the Ivory Coast crisis.
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Re: [Ugnet] Where is sense here? What Does the Law Say?

2011-12-29 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Dear Assumpta,

Who are the African leaders who are left not only to defend Africa but

Qatar, Turkey, Oman etc... were consulted on the bombing of Libya. Nobody
bothered talking to the African Union. When The AU sent five African
Presidents to visit Qaddafi NATO refused them to fly.

Can you imagine African leaders being prevented from flying on the African

Then Museveni teased us stupid ones that African leaders will start An
African Army.  Just loose talk.

He said African leaders will get out of the ICC.   I say, what about AU
forming institutions like, an Africa High Court?

Is Museveni sure that he will never be dragged to the Hague - the so called
Guantanamo Bay the Europeans have made for Africans?

No real leaders left my friend Assumpta;  Kagame? Kikwete? Obasanjo, Zuma?

In Uganda crass opportunists like Besigye and Mao also have been lined up
by the CIA National Endowment for Democracy. It would truly be a tragedy
if Uganda's Presidency passed from Museveni to his clone Besigye.


On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 1:16 PM, Assumpta Kintu assumpta.ki...@gmail.comwrote:

 Something does not add up, Mitayo but I do not see any African rulers
 discussing the issue or objecting to the practice. What is going on?
 Is anyone going to do anything? Very strange!

 *Happy New Year 2012 Everyone!*


 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Mitayo Potosi mitayopoto...@gmail.com
 Date: Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 11:00 AM
 Subject: [Ugnet] Where is sense here?
 To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda ugandanet@kym.net

 South Africa seeks AU top seat

 Dr. Jean Ping’s term ends this year but the former Gabonese minister is
 seeking reelection.

  *Monitor Correspondent*


 The African Union commission top seat is now open for competition, with
 South Africa preparing to unseat Dr Jean Ping. French-speaking Ping has
 been chairman of the AU commission since 2008 and his term in office will
 end this year.

 The Gabonese former foreign minister has, however, turned to a defensive
 position to secure one more round, launching a massive campaign last week
 to get support for his second term in office despite South Africa’s
 preparation to challenge him.

 African head of states are set to vote in a secret ballot to the highest
 position of the organisation at the end of January 2012 summit in Addis
 Ababa, Ethiopia. The Gabon government provided an aircraft to support Dr
 Ping in his election campaign as he tours 10 African States to seek support
 from their heads of state.

 *Full support*
 Gabon’s AU Ambassador to the African Union Andre William Anguile on Monday
 expressed his government’s full support for Mr Ping’s re-election campaign.
 “We are sure ECOWAS region and other friendly countries support Dr Ping for
 his second term,” he said. “He has demonstrated major achievements during
 the last four years and we are confident about his reelection.”
   Share This Story

  But South Africa, one of the heavy champions of the pan African
 organisation, nominated its Home Minister and former Foreign Minister
 Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma for the chairmanship position.

 According to analysts, Dr Ping has a support from most of west, eastern
 and central Africa regions while southern Africa and northern Africa have
 been pushing for a new AU chairman.

 Non-African power, European Union hinted its support for South Africa
 while the French backed Jean Ping’s reelection. Jean Ping’s leadership has
 been criticised for failing to handle Libya and the Ivory Coast crisis.

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