Windows Misery

2003-11-19 Thread miscdas

PS Tell a Mac oldie - what exactly **are** resources in a Windows context,
and why should one run out? After all, Windows has had some kind of virtual 
storage since it emerged from the slime, AFAIK. What other resources are we
talking about? 

I think this should help you understand Windows Resources and offer some 
ideas for tracking down the problem on ME. 

This is a simplifeied explanation. (I don't think you really care to have 
details on GDI, Kernel, and User and the associated memory details that 
relate to the Resources discussion.) 

What are Windows Resources? 

Think in general about the term resource.
From Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary--Resource- a source of supply or 
support: an available means 

So, what do we have in Windows that are available means or a source of 

Think objects that the OS uses. Probably all of the following, and more, 
are System Resources:
windows, icons, open files (including files that you saved, INI files, DLLs, 
etc. etc.) 

The Windows OS keeps track of resources by assigning a unique identification 
number as they are invoked (opened, loaded, whatever). It so happens that 
there are only a finite number of resource identifiers available--this is 
the main source of the problem with running out of resources; you probably 
are actually running out of identifiers. The resources are loaded into 
memory. So, as you try to use more and more resources, you will hit either a 
limit on the number of identifiers, or the limit on available memory that is 
needed to load resources. Now a days, virtual memory on disk USUALLY, but 
not always, prevents running out of RAM from being the limitation. 

When the use of a resource is completed, the memory it is using SHOULD be 
marked as free (released). Unfortunately, many programs do a poor job of 
releasing memory when finished with resources, so available resources go 
down. Sometimes a program gets in some type of a loop that requires loading 
some resource each pass through the loop, rapidly gobbling resource 
identifiers until they run out, usually resulting in either a system freeze 
or crash. This is where third-party programs often help by polling all of 
the RAM and releasing any that does not have an application using it 

Windows also does some smart manuevers; some apps call for some Windows 
components to be loaded when the app loads. When the app closes, it trys to 
release the resources it used, but Windows expects that the Windows 
components that were loaded by the app will be needed again, so it DOES NOT 
release them! 

I don't know if ME has the Resource Meter, but if yes, it can help identify 
where the resources are being allocated. I think with  ME that you can run 
msconfig and get a list of running processes (that are using resources!) and 
the processes that auto start. 

the meter shows the following three:
GDI Resources- relate to graphics related things like pictures and icons
System Resources- relate to open disk files
User Resources- relate to created windows 

Check the resources immediately after boot up, then again as the REV app is 
launched and run. If the resources are 50% right after boot up WAY too many 
things are getting auto loaded at boot up. If the resources take a big hit 
either immediately after launching the REV app or while it runs, then there 
is some routine in the app that either is eating up resources as it runs, or 
simply requires more resources than are available. 

Some other things that eat resources are eye candy like animated cursors 
and icons, and sound effects attached to objects. 

Happy hunting 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Web host recommendations?

2003-09-22 Thread miscdas
On Sunday, Sep 21, 2003,

Web host recommendations?
check out;
They offer some amazing option with just the free service, including 
enabling e-commerce (using your PayPal account). If the free services aren't 
sufficient for you, check the Premium Services. $42 per year buys a lot! 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Drawing with Text

2003-09-20 Thread miscdas
Malte Brill writes: 

Hi Thomas, 

you can try placing a field over your JPEG, set its opaque to false and then
export a snapshot. 

From the dictionary:
export snapshot from rect 0,0,200,200 to file Nav.jpg as JPEG 

Hope this helps, 


But of course, if you started with high resolution JPEGs, remember your 
snapshot will be much lower resolution, equivalent to typically 96 dpi 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Bug submissions, Feature requests and Voting

2003-09-20 Thread miscdas
Jan Schenkel writes:

... especially if there is a work-around (which reminds me
that it would be good if there were a central place
for these ; and I don't mean the list archives) 

Jan Schenkel.

An archive is a good idea. It would be very convenient to have on the bug 
report a link directly to a work-around for that bug from  a work-around 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Pros and cons of where to store image data

2003-09-20 Thread miscdas
Barry Levine writes:
How would you 
show a movie without a Player object? And once QT loads, why use anything 
else? (Of course, it is possible that I've misinterpreted the docs yet 

Win XP pro, MC 2.5 

From the Message box: 

play videoClip pathAndFilename 

For example, 

play videoClip C:\mananim.avi
This ran the (MC supplied) AVI in the Home stack, then closed it when 

Similarly, with nothing but a button in a stack, putting the same script in 
a MouseUp handler in the button in the stack plays the clip (I think it is 
centered) in the stack and closes the clip when it finishes. 

Works the same way whether in the IDE or  a built standalone. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Using strong language on the lists

2003-08-21 Thread miscdas
Ken Norris writes:
Cusswords are like pondscum floating around on the very surface of the
brain...quick and easy to get to, but nasty and infectious.
Duh! That's exactly the point of them! 


Ken N.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Stacks in Motion

2003-08-21 Thread miscdas
Mathewson writes: 

Dear RunRev Afficionados, 

  I had a slightly daft idea for a children's game using
moving substacks..  however there seem to be one or 2

  I have put 'BOUNCER' at the top of my list of files on my
website and would be grateful for any feedback. 

  Love, Richmond 


Windows XP pro 

I unzipped Bounce and see bouncer.rev.bin
So what do I do with a BIN file?? 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Using strong language on the lists

2003-08-21 Thread miscdas
Ken Norris writes: 


Subject: Re: Using strong language on the lists 

Ken Norris writes:
Cusswords are like pondscum floating around on the very surface of the
brain...quick and easy to get to, but nasty and infectious.
Duh! That's exactly the point of them!
So you think that makes it OK? It's about people doing or saying things
regardless of the harm it might do to others, just because it's convenient
or they think it's cute or funny. 

That's the end of it for me. 

Best regards,
Ken N.
I clearly did not say that makes it OK--I have no comment on that issue.
As for convenient, cute, or funny, I think you've missed the mark. It 
appeared to me that Richmond was having an emotional outburst, and 
right-or-wrong, our society more readily tolerates an emotional faux paus 
thatn conveient, cute, or funny. 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Determining if a player is showing an image or movie.

2003-08-18 Thread miscdas
Monte Goulding writes: 

Hi All 

I'm wondering if there is a way to work out if a player is currently shoing
an image or movie file 


Monte Goulding
B.App.Sc. (Hons.)

It isn't exactly clear what you want. Assuming you actually want to know if 
the movie is playing, use the movie() function 

Returns a list of the curently playing videoClip objects, or none if  no 
movies are playing. 


use-revolution mailing list

[OT]Re: Richmond's big surprise....

2003-08-18 Thread miscdas
Bill Vlahos writes:

This is one of the rudest posts I've seen in a long time.
Bill Vlahos 

On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 01:49  AM, Mathewson wrote: 

So I come back from my holiday (yes, it was lovely, thanks)
and find the following... 

RR 2.1 has no FREE 10-LINES of CODE possibility 


Why not just SHIT all over us poor bastards/ 

Richmond Mathewson

Did it top my best? 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution speed sucks?

2003-08-15 Thread miscdas
Richard Gaskin writes: 

Alex Rice wrote: 

On Saturday, August 9, 2003, at 07:06  PM, Scott Rossi wrote: 

The subject line bugs me. People do get protective of their favorite
programming tools you know :-)
A small request: let's not start a no bashing the tool movement.
Fine by me, however if someone posts this tool sucks and is slow, and
doesn't post any algorithm or benchmarks or any other objective means
to discuss it, then in my book it's just flame-bait. 

I don't want to be policed either.
Agreed.  Self-restraint through simple professionalism should be sufficient.
Ah, yes S H O U L D...  One of the great words in the language that so 
rarely reflects reality. So please, let's get real.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc 

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Losing track of time

2003-08-14 Thread miscdas
Howard Bornstein writes: 

have you tried using a player object instead of an audioclip?
I prefer the audio clip because I can embed it within the App. The Player 
object requires an external file (correct me if I'm wrong). 

Do you think the audioclip could be causing the timer to pause while it's 
So, try commenting-out the audioclip and run your routine. If the timer is 
OK, it is probably the audioclip interfering. If the timer is not OK, look 
elswhere for the time bandit. 



Howard Bornstein
use-revolution mailing list

re: Copying a group

2003-08-03 Thread miscdas
Jacqueline Landman Gay wrote: 

Before I bugzilla this, I want to know if others think it really is a 
bug, or if it should be considered normal behavior. I can't decide.

I have a group that consists of several fields. The group has 
backgroundBehavior set to true. Each card has different text in the 
fields of the group. The current card of the stack is, say, three.

In another stack, I issue the command: 

   copy group myGroup of stack Main to this cd 

I expect to see the contents of card three when the group is copied. 
Instead I see the contents of card one. The work-around is to go to the 
Main stack, copy the group, go back to the second stack, and paste. Then 
I do get the contents of card three.

The results of the copy command kind of make sense, since I didn't 
specify what card I wanted, and so I got the first card by default. 
However, the command:

   copy group myGroup of cd 3 of stack Main to this cd

doesn't work either, I still get the contents of card one.

Is it a bug or is it normal?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |

By the way, you will also get only the first card copied when you set the 
group backgroundBehavior to false. 

Also, you get the same result if you try this from card 3 of stack myMain 

copy group myGroup to  card 1 of stack myStack2 

and also 

copy group myGroup of card 3 to  card 1 of stack myStack2 

And a really fun rsult comes from: 

first find the ID of the group on card 3 of stack myMain (in my example 
the group ID is 1022) 

Then try this from stack myStack2 

copy group ID 1022 of stack myMain to this card 

On Win XP Pro, rev2.0.1, I indeed got group myGroup copied to the card (at 
least according to its name), BUT ALL OF THE FIELDS ARE E-M-P-T-Y! So, you 
can't even do a work-around by using the group ID. 

I suspect that when trying to refer to a group by name that is on many 
cards, either the lowest ID of the group or the ID of the first instance of 
the group is retrieved. 

So it appears that using copy-and-paste via the clipboard invokes a 
different routine. 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Corrupted stack

2003-08-02 Thread miscdas


I tryed to open a Revolution Stack with BBEdit Lite. Then, when I want to 
open this stack with Revolution, I have the message : this is a corrupted 
stack file. 

Is there a possibility to repair corrupted stack file ? 

Thank you. 



You OF COURSE made a copy of the stack file, then tried to open teh copy 
with BBEdit lite, R-I-G-H-T ? So, just delete the corrupted one and use the 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: A call for calm and a tip of the hat to the Rev team..thanks!

2003-08-02 Thread miscdas
Stephen Quinn Barncard writes:

I'd like to come to Rev's defense here and remind some of our more 
impatient new users that this is still the 'early days' of the Revolution 
company. There are only a handful of very overworked folks doing a very 
wonderful thing- giving us a tool that is not only VERY innovative and 
useful, but one that is constantly being updated and improved. 
Yes. And like many companies before them, their small size and lack of 
experience results in easily biting off more than they can chew.
Perhaps the documentation is not as complete as you would like, but just 
try and envision some megalith such as Microsloth or Adobe building a 
product like this (they wouldn't even try - and if they did, it would cost 
a lot more).
I can tell you as an experienced technical writer (specializing in software 
user guides) that it is very common for companies to view documentation as a 
necessary evil. An app that took 2-3 years to develop and sells for $1000 a 
pop is expected to be documented in a few weeks for the cost of one unit (or 
less!). So, it is really pointless to look over your shoulder an compare to 
what everyone else has done--do what you KNOW is the right thing to do 
(especially listen to the end users). 

Those kind of companies may make slick manuals, but they don't offer 
products that are updated and improved nearly as often as what you see 
here. And those companies have HUNDREDS of employees. And try to get bug 
fixes from Adobe. Ha!
I've worked in companies large and small, as well as a couple that went for 
small to medium. Believe me, corporate philosophy, ethics, and treatment of 
both customers and employees undergo startling changes, usually not 
complimentary changes. 

CAN YOU IMAGINE what it takes to write an app that generates code for all 
the platforms?? It's never been done satisfactorily before... until now. 
Perhaps someday one of the team will write the story...when they have 
Doesn't Java do a satisfactory job of it? 

Also remember that this application allows more access to more things on 
your computer than the applications those companies allow you to get 
access to. With that power, there are certainly more things to go wrong. 
Multiply that by the number of platforms... you get the idea..
Doesn't Java do a satisfactory job of it?
Can you cite some examples, please? 

Rev is an app that makes it a lot easier to write code, but you still 
gotta work for it - programming is still something done by folks that are 
a little more than just usersso some thinking and reasoning is 

So I'd advise patience, my friend. You've got a great support group right 
here - something we didn't have for Hypercard in 1987. Before you start 
spewing, ask a couple of questions first
Or just lower your expectations--low expectations = few disappointments. 


   We have also updated the distribution builder fix, to account
 You provide ZERO documentation on what we're supposed to do with these
things. Revlibrary just starts up and begins displaying errors. I 
 you're supposed to launch them and they will auto install code 

As often happens in the real world, the engineer expects the user to be 
able to do what is needed without instructions, because, it's obvious. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: .rev file association issues

2003-07-26 Thread miscdas
Gary Rathbone writes: 


Thanks for this, unfortunately after step 7 nothing changes. I can select
Revolution, but Rev is not added to any list or options. I can follow this
process for other file types eg .html and it works great. 

Meanwhile .rev is now associated with wordpad, which is proving quite



On WIN XP pro, in less than 10 steps: 

1. In the directory list, right click the stack name
  the context menu is displayed.
2. On the context menu, select open with
  the sub-menu is displayed
3. on the sub-menu, click choose program
  the Open with dialog is displayed
4. on the Open with dialog, click the Browse button
  a scondary Open With... dialog is displayed
5. Browse through the directory to find the Revolution.exe file and select
it. (Probably c:\Program Files\Revolution x.x.x\Revoluton.exe )
6. click Open
  the Open with dialog is dispalyed with Revolution blah-blah selected
the list of applications.
7. select always use the selected program to open this kind of file
8. click OK
  the dialog closes and your stack is launched 

Now .rev will be associated with Revoluton. 


Are you sure you've done it correctly? I just checked Rev2.0.1 on Win 2000 
Pro. Revolution did NOT appear in the list of files at step 3. (This appears 
to be a registration problem at installaion--well-behaved Win apps are 
supposed to register when they install, as well as add an entry for the 
file-type association.) 

I continued with the rest of the procedure and the behavior was as described 
in my prior post; i.e. Revolution engine for win 32 appeared automatically 
in the list and was selected. At step 8, the Rev file that I had originally 
selected was launched as expected. .rev is now associated with 
revolution.exe, enabling launching of rev stacks by double-clicking. 

So, this works for me on both Win XP pro and Win 2000 pro with Rev 2.0.1 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: .rev file association issues

2003-07-25 Thread miscdas
Gary Rathbone writes: 

This in an annoying distraction which I'm sure will have an easy answer. 

When I save a rev stack I use (the suggested) .rev extension. 

However I also use WinRAR which according to uses the .rev
extension (with a few other packages) as its own. This means WinRAR 'own' my
Rev stacks, when I double click it tries to open WinRAR. 

Using XP I can usually change this file association. However a right click
on the stack and a click on the Change... button doesn't allow me to
select revolution; its not listed.
On WIN XP pro, in less than 10 steps: 

1. In the directory list, right click the stack name
 the context menu is displayed.
2. On the context menu, select open with
 the sub-menu is displayed
3. on the sub-menu, click choose program
 the Open with dialog is displayed
4. on the Open with dialog, click the Browse button
 a scondary Open With... dialog is displayed
5. Browse through the directory to find the Revolution.exe file and select 
it. (Probably c:\Program Files\Revolution x.x.x\Revoluton.exe )
6. click Open
 the Open with dialog is dispalyed with Revolution blah-blah selected in 
the list of applications.
7. select always use the selected program to open this kind of file
8. click OK
 the dialog closes and your stack is launched 

Now .rev will be associated with Revoluton. 


My first question is How to I associate .rev to revolution? 

As there is only a fixed number of three letter file extensions. How does a
developer, considering cross platform data files for their owns stacks,
provide or register/'own' a unique or non conflicting filetype.  

Thanks in advance, 

Gary Rathbone 

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to make an Unclickable Check Box

2003-07-23 Thread miscdas
Dan Shafer writes: 

On Tuesday, July 22, 2003, at 06:41 AM, Jan Schenkel suggested to 

Turn off the autoHilite of the checkbox, and leave the
script of the checkbox empty. Now it won't be hilited
unless you set its hilite from a script. 

Pardon the intrusion, but it may be worth noting that an unclickable 
checkbox is a violation of Apple's Human Interface Guidelines and of 
general UI design rules about user expectations. I'd respectfully suggest 
some other way of indicating the user's connected state than a checkbox he 
can't click on or change. I guarantee you'll have frustrated and confused 

A text label whose contents changes from CONNECTED to NOT CONNECTED would 
be as easy to design and code and be much more meaningful in the bargain. 

Just MHO.

How about importing a red and a green graphic that look like LEDs? Green for 
connected, red for not. (Or, if you don't want anything fancy, just use the 
drawing tools and make a red and green circle right in Rev.)Hide and show as 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev killing the Mac platform?

2003-07-22 Thread miscdas
Richard Gaskin writes: 

Alex Rice wrote: 

Personally I would rather pay an extra $75 than to move over to Windows
for my main development platform.
If you move your email to Windows as well you'll pay far more than $75
dealing with viruses. ;) 

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
Wow Richard, that is s definitive sounding almost urban legend-like 
statement! However, as a Windows user for all but the first year it came 
out, I have not spent dollar one in either avoiding viruses or by problems 
caused by viruses on any of my Windows systems! 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev killing the Mac platform?

2003-07-22 Thread miscdas
Mark Brownell writes: 

On Tuesday, July 22, 2003, at 02:00  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Wow Richard, that is s definitive sounding almost urban legend-like 
statement! However, as a Windows user for all but the first year it came 
out, I have not spent dollar one in either avoiding viruses or by 
problems caused by viruses on any of my Windows systems!

Either your time is worthless or it is worth your time getting a free 
solution by removing offending executables on your hard drives after 
looking them up on anti-virus web sites on your own. I just can't believe 
you have never received a computer virus on a win32 machine. I can 
understand fixing it yourself. I would like to know if the Guinness Book 
of Records should be contacted about this? This has to be a record... 


As too often occurs, you've added much more to my post than was actually in 
it. Look again: nowhere does it say that I have never had a virus on my hard 
drive; I have. I simply said that I have not made cash outlays to avoid 
them, to elimnate them, or fix any damage. I also did not say some kind of 
cost was not incurred; cost is often measured as time. Some small amount 
of time is invested. I use free virus scanners on a regular basis. I have 
backups of important files. 

My reply was a succinct, direct reponse to a likewise succinct, direct 
comment. When formulating a reply, I read nothing into the comment, nor 
attempted some type of exegesis. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: pi approximation day [OT]

2003-07-21 Thread miscdas
Dar Scott writes: 

Tuesday is pi approximation day (aka pi appreciation day).  I think that 
is because some folks write July 22 as 22/7. 

In honor of this day, I plan to order 14 pizzas to enjoy with friends.  
For some pizzas I plan to arrange the pieces on a rectangular cookie sheet 
in an alternating pattern to form an rectangle about 7 by 22.  I will 
then badger friends into saying Oooh and Ah before letting them eat. 

Illustrating this with a stack (in my losing struggle to make this 
on-topic) seemed too much work.  However, those who want to ponder pi on 
Tuesday might type this into the message box: 

put pi  LF  22/7 

Appreciate wonders both large and very small. 

Dar Scott

I've always liked 355/113 (Thank you Leo Brodie, Starting Forth) 

Indiana State legislation: Indiana House Bill #246 of 1897 would've set 
pi=3.2, but the bill was killed in the state Senate 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Shuffle

2003-07-19 Thread miscdas
curry writes:

  (And actually, if you really wanted to be perfect, you might improve  
 it by multiplying the number of lines or items by a desired amount for  
 your random number parameter, so you have less chance of two lines   
having the same random number and (I assume) remaining in the order   
they originally were in the list.) 

But then, you no longer have a randomized list... You now have a non-random 
function based on random. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev 2.02/New pricing

2003-07-18 Thread miscdas
Geoff Canyon writes: 

On Thursday, July 17, 2003, at 12:10  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Excuse me?  The Starter Kit was already THE option for hobbyists!
So, in the single OS versions, do we get a slimmed-down engine optimized 
for that OS? If we can develop only for one OS, why carry all the unused 
(and unusable) baggage for the others?
Also, I can accept readily all the bugs in a Free version, but they're 
very hard to swallow in a paid version. (And please, don't tell me what a 
comparatively small bug count Rev has; it's really irrelevant.)
The Starter Kit was great for anyone who had the open-mindedness to look 
beyond the popular conception of what can be done in ten lines of code and 
the perseverance to work within the actual confines of that limit. 

Considering this subject relates to hobbyists, you offer a great supporting 
argument for keeping the 10-line limit in tact. 

Ten lines of code is a very fuzzy limitation, because you can't know ahead 
of time how clever you'll be at building within that limit, and you can't 
even have a marginally accurate conception until you've used Revolution 

Again, exactly the kind of challenging nut a hobbyist enjoys cracking.
I believe you will find the hobbyists contributing solutions to problems 
that would otherwise go un- or under-answered because real developers 
simply can't justify the time investment. 

The limitations on Express, on the other hand, are conceptually clean and 
simple; anyone can grasp what they're getting without any experience of 
Revolution at all.
Ah, but now we switch the subject from hobbyist to the general anyone. I 
couldn't agree more in that case. I know several designers that want to do 
multimedia apps, and state emphatically that they are not programmers (and 
don't want to be). Express would be good for them to make an evaluation.

Geoff Canyon

use-revolution mailing list

Re: RTFText, HTMLText, and Formatted Content in RR

2003-07-18 Thread miscdas
Wolfgang M. Bereuter writes:
On Friday, Jul 18, 2003, at 03:25 Europe/Vienna, Dan Shafer wrote:

RTFText supports a tiny subset of the RTF file format. The docs list the 
formatting controls in RTF that are supported by RR. Out of something 
like 1300 control words in the RTF spec, RR supports approximately 30. 
The support is so thin that even a fairly simple book chapter -- which 
includes things like bulleted lists, code samples, and four-level 
headings, renders quite poorly and unusably.
Yes, it's a shame for those that want to develop text-centric apps.  MC/Rev 
look to the developers to help prioritize where to put their $$ for 
new/improved features. So, don't expect text handling improvements to 
develop very quickly. 

I have the same rtf problem since the beginning. Write and format in one 
tool and transfer all that without loosing the formating to other tools. 
Thats very important for writing or working with a lot of text, 
translations and so on. I have struggled a lot for the rtf feature in 
Now we have it at least!!!
I know its not perfect, but again we have it...;)
The biggest problem is -as always- M$.
I must correct you here. The problem is not MS per say, but rather the RTF 
specification; it is closer to a guideline than to a specification that 
explicitly states what is and is not allowed.  MS simply includes more 
features in their interpretation of the RTF specs than most other 
companies do. There are some good things that come out of it, such as text 
with full justification. The bad part is, VERY few programs know how to 
display fully justified text. So, the choice is to give it up, or use HTML. 
(Although, if my memomry serves me correctly, Rev choked on imported fully 
justified HTML as well.) 

But there is ( I dont know) no 
other way to deal with formated text between OSes.
No? What happened to HTML? 

What I do is: I write in Mellel OSX only). It does good rtf import also, 
but I have not imported Word rtf files until now. I write in it
I select the text copy it to the clipboard
set the rev textfield to rtf and paste it to the rev textfield.
That works fine. Yes you have to do a bit of fine tuning with tabulators, 
but not the whole slave formatting job again and again. Nearly 95% of the 
formatting is correct here... (Dont know what happens if the text is very 
big, I paste only small parts to the rev textfields up to 3 pages)
Maybe there is a way for XML I dont know how this works...
The future could be pdf import..? 

Hope that helps 

Wolfgang M. Bereuter 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev 2.02/New pricing

2003-07-18 Thread miscdas
Wolfgang M. Bereuter writes: 

hi miscdas
On Friday, Jul 18, 2003, at 13:30 Europe/Vienna, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Ah, but now we switch the subject from hobbyist to the general anyone. 
I couldn't agree more in that case. I know several designers that want 
to do multimedia apps, and state emphatically that they are not 
programmers (and don't want to be). Express would be good for them to 
make an evaluation.
Thats the point...
I think that potential is very underestimated here... 

MM developer dont want to become Hardcore Coder. And I think its not a 
good idea to treat them as poor programmers... Imho its better to try to 
bring them to rev...
Wolfgang, let me add that I belong to other MM authoring lists, and the 
biggest single complaint by the designers is that they DONT want to write 
code, scripts whatever; they want drag-and-drop or click-and-place objects, 
and then script helpers that list commands and functions that a selected 
object supports along with an example of the syntax in HUMAN UNDERSTANDABLE 
(as opposed to programmer understable) terms. Rev certainly doesn't have 
that, and from John's post (subject: Me the potenital buyer), 
documentation that is geared to programmers and leaves out others is a huge 
barrier to overcome, resulting in many giving up early in the game. This is 
complaint number 2 by the newbies. 

If this new more complicated license/pricing system which is the right way 
to do that...? 

The new licensing does nothing to rectify the documentation needed to 
address the  non-programmer newbie that really COULD eventially be a paying 
customer if only there were coherent, concise newbie-friendly docs and 
tutorials. Sarah was kind enough to list some of the available mish-mash of 
dcoumentaion and help--
Metacard has a good tutorial: at ...
After that, since there aren't any Rev books out there yet, I recommend a 
HyperCard book... ('OUCH!' says Newbie, 'What am I doing reading about 
Hyper whatever--isn't this Revolution??') 

Also any demo stacks can be loaded straight into Revolution although they 
can have some problems if they use menus... ('Demo problems?', laments 
Newbie, 'I haven't even started to evaluate Revoluton and you're telling me 
I am going to have problems with Demos?? OUCH again!') 

I'm not sure that all these are still in print, but they can usually be 
found. ('Oh boy, moans Newbie, 'now I have to go searching for the books, 

...I assume you have done the tutorials that come with Revolution and if 
you have Rev 2.0, you will see the new Cookbook section which has quite a 
lot of example scripts. There are also numerous stacks available at the User 
Contributions section of the RunRev website and other places - all of which 
can be taken apart, examined, changed, tested etc so you can work out what 
is going on.  ('Well', despairs Newbie, 'I wish I knew something about how 
to take apart and examine scripts. But since I have barely even started, 
and can't find a good book for beginners, and have to go from site-to-site 
to find examples, and couldn't find any instructions about taking apart 
scripts in the dictionary, (maybe it's there, but I can't find it) I guess 
this Revolution thing just isn't for me. I must be really stupid--or maybe 
you programmers are all geniuses!')
And so departs another frustrated Newbie, once hopeful of authoring some 
cool apps, now fallen back into the trenches of despair. 

Wolfgang M. Bereuter 

Learn easy with trainingsmaps©
INTERNETTRAINER Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Edelhofg. 17/11, A-1180 Wien, Austria

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev 2.02/New pricing

2003-07-17 Thread miscdas
Geoff Canyon writes: 

Responses below: 

On Thursday, July 17, 2003, at 12:10  AM, curry wrote: 

I thought that everyone had agreed (about ten thousand times) that the 
great thing about Revolution and MetaCard is you develop on all 
platforms. We all know that developing on one platform for another 
without being able to make changes on both can be the pits.
Certainly true, but people have also been clamoring for a lower cost 
option for hobbyists. Now one is available.
Excuse me?  The Starter Kit was already THE option for hobbyists! 

So, in the single OS versions, do we get a slimmed-down engine optimized for 
that OS? If we can develop only for one OS, why carry all the unused (and 
unusable) baggage for the others? 

Also, I can accept readily all the bugs in a Free version, but they're very 
hard to swallow in a paid version. (And please, don't tell me what a 
comparatively small bug count Rev has; it's really irrelevant.) 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Game Available for Test

2003-07-06 Thread miscdas
Jim Hurley writes: 

Message: 4
Subject: Re: Game Available for Test
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 2003 11:39:30 -0500

Jim Hurley writes:
 Unfortunately this works only on the Mac. I need to line up rows of
letters and numbers and that requires a uniformly spaced 
I didn't see one that works on my PC. It looks like Georgia is the only
 monospaced font but it is illegible at 24 point size. 

Did you try Courier New font? I beleive that it is installed with the OS.
Geogia must be some third-party font so probably won't be found on many
systems. So unless it is embedded in your app, it won't work anyway. 




Thanks. I overlooked Courier. It doesn't work quite as well as Monaco but 
it is certainly readable. So the following should work on both the PC and 
the Mac. In the message box run: 

 go url; 


P.S. How would you embed a font into a stack? 

Courier looks fine on WIN XP pro, MC 2.4.3 

Couldn't you use tabbed fields to get the proper alignment with any font? 

I don't think MC or Rev allow embedding fonts. You could do a work around by 
doing a screen capture of each numeral in the font you like. You need to be 
careful about the size and alignment of each captured image. Then use the 
images in place of numerals. 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: copying tab delimited text to excel

2003-06-29 Thread miscdas
Alex Rice writes: 

On Saturday, June 28, 2003, at 12:28  PM, dan johnson wrote: 


Which Windows? Which Rev? 

Win XPpro, Rev 1.1.1, Excel 2000 9.0 

I created a field and populated it with a few lines made up of strings 
by tabs. While in Browse mode, I placed the cursor into the field. Then I
pressed ctrl+a to select the entire field contents, then preseeded ctrl+c 
copy the selection to the clipboard. Next I switched to Excel, selected a 
and pressed ctrl+v to copy the clipboard. As expected, the contents were 
as tab delimted data. That is, each tab resulted in the following  string 
to be
placed into the next column. When the end of a line was reached, the next 
started on the following line. 

Does that help you sort out your problem?
Dan, I've narrowed it down to what seems like a bug. 

Now it appears that it's not a Mac/Windows difference, it's a standalone 
vs. IDE difference. The problem is that in the standalone, Command-C or 
Control-C deselects the text and nothing goes onto the clipboard. 

Rev 2.0.1, Windows 2000 and OS X 10.2.6 

- Create a field (focusable, visible, don't wrap, lock text, auto-hilight 
text, fixed line height)
- Put some tabstops and tab delimited text into the fld
  (Now you can select text and copy it, pasting the tab delimited data 
into excel)
- Build a standalone of the same stack
  (Now you can select text but the copy fails and you cannot copy-paste 
the tab delimited data into excel) 

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc. 

It doesn't work quite like that for me in Win XPpro. I also checked it in MC 
2.4.3 and Rev 1.1.1.  The only behavior that I might call a bug is due to 
the MC engine not allowing ctrl+a in a field. Otherwise, I get what is 
expected. Maybe either OS X or Rev 2.0.1 are the source of the ctrl+c 
problem that you see. It does seem strange that I see ctrl+a not working in 
the stand alone, but you see ctrl+c behaving oddly. 

I created a stand alone from the above stack (both in Rev and MC). In the 
stand alone, ctrl+a doesn't do anything. In order to select some text in the 
field, I had to use the mouse. Once the selection is made, ctrl+c then 
ctrl+v in Excel worked exactly as expected. 

Dan J. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: 2.0 Documentation

2003-06-01 Thread miscdas
Danny Grizzle writes: 

What is the best way for a newbie to get started with Revolution 2.0? 

I don't have a Hypercard background. 

Where are the docs? 

Danny Grizzle 

my 2 cents: 

Go through the supplied tutorials AND the examples, then try to build a 
something SMALL yourself--Rome wasn't built in a day. Be willing to invest 
some time in getting used to the XTalk syntax. If you don't get a routine to 
work as expected, do some experimenting as well as checking the dictionary 
and supplied documentation. Like any large reference work, the documentation 
has strong and weak areas, so you won't always find there an answer to your 
problem. If all else fails, post to the mailing list. There are always 
helpful people around. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Develloping a registrationsystem

2003-06-01 Thread miscdas
Alejandro Tejada writes: 

Malte Brill wrote: 

I´ve been working on a small registration concept
recently. I´ve got a stack that generarates a 
registration code of 8 characters taken
from name and a codeword e.g. email adress.
Hi Malte, 

I'm interested too in some code that permits a stack
to runs only in the machine in which it was installed. 

Those machine are running Windows XP.
I've read about getting the hard disk serial number
in the Developers Tips from Ken Ray's website. 

My guess is that a combination of the serial of
the hard disk and the ID number of the Ethernet card
could be a good combination. But, I don't know how to
get the id of the ethernet card.

Thanks in advance. 


Mr Tejada, 

I suggest your reconsider the Ethernet card ID as a permanent part of a 
system. In more than one company in which I've worked, it was very common to 
swap-out Ethernet cards for a variety of reasons. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Books on RunRev

2003-06-01 Thread miscdas
Judy Perry writes: 

But adopted by some for that very tie-in reason. 

It would be a shame to for this sort of rationale to result in turning
Hypercard into the old, fuddy-duddy grandfather we're ashamed of
ocknowledging in public... 



On Fri, 30 May 2003, J. Landman Gay wrote: 

On 5/30/03 11:19 AM, Danny Grizzle wrote: 

 I would be careful about tying Revolution too closely to HyperCard.

 HyperCard is Apple-centric, and a failed product. Revolution needs to stand
 on its own merit; the HyperCard tie-in will only serve to have it dismissed
 out of hand by Windows/Linux/Unix users. 

And by some Mac users as well. 

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Like most things one tries to sell, packaging is used to appeal to target 
markets. So, who is the market? Win/'Nix users? Mac users? All of the above? 
Keeping the target in mind during writing, and especially during the 
marketing phase, will tend to temper the HyperCard tie-in appropriately. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Books on RunRev

2003-05-31 Thread miscdas
Stephen Barncard writes:

Better be prepared with a response: 

Revolution is not HyperCard.
People are smart enough to figure that out. 

Danny Grizzle
Really?? Judging from some of the posts on this list, you are too generous 
with your assessment of intelligence. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: first field to get keyboard focus?

2003-05-30 Thread miscdas
Sarah writes:
I don't know the reason for this although it might be that Rev stores the 
focus so that the same field is selected when you go to a new card.
The workaround is to have a preOpenCard handler that specifically sets the 
focus to the correct field.
e.g. focus on field 1 


Mr. Rice, 

Remember also that  focus on field 1displays the cursor at the same 
position at which it was previously. To positon the cursor at the 
beginning/end of the field and have focus, use in the preOpencard handler  
select before/after field 1 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: little slideshow stack

2003-05-27 Thread miscdas
Klaus Major writes:
i just translated a little stack of mine (from german to english, but i 
also left the german info,
of course :-) that you can download here:
It is a simple slideshow, that will display all images in one folder
with just one card and 2 buttons and a transition effect...

Klaus Major
OK folks. You probaly discovered the URL was wrong. A little quick sleuthing 
uncovered this is the correct url: 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Convert to seconds, why??

2003-05-27 Thread miscdas
François Cuneo writes: 



I have a field that show a timer.
Each clic on the little Arrow, the user obtains 30 seconds more. 

So the field shows 
I click and after I should obtain
I click and after I should obtain

I have written this script in the littlearrow 

on scrollbarLineDec 

  set the twelveHourTime to false 

  put cd fld règletemps into tampon
  convert tampon from long time to seconds 

  put tampon-1053993600 into tampon
  put tampon +29 into tampon
  convert tampon from seconds to long time
  put tampon into cd fld règletemps

  wait 6 ticks
end scrollbarLineDec 

If I don't put 
put tampon-1053993600 into tampon
  put tampon +29 into tampon 

But only 
Put tampon +30 into tampon 

All is wrong. 


Thank you! 



François Cuneo
Mr. Cuneo, 

This script works OK for me in a normal button: 

put field TimerDisplay into tTimeToDisplay
convert tTimeToDisplay from long time to seconds
add 30 to tTimeToDisplay
convert tTimeToDisplay from seconds to long time
put  tTimeToDisplay into field TimerDisplay 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Convert to seconds, why??

2003-05-27 Thread miscdas
Ken Ray writes:
One issue is that you can't use convert x from y to z but
instead use convert x to z, that is, convert tampon to seconds
instead of convert tampon from long time to seconds. 
Ken Ray
Mr. Ray,
This is unequivocably an incorrect statement about convert syntax.
Clearly, you have consulted neither the Transcript dictionary nor the 
MetaTalk Reference for convert. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Setting icons in windows build

2003-04-05 Thread miscdas
rom1 writes: 

I found that it was quite hard with Iconographer to make an icon complying
with the needs of Revolution. But i found a way to achieve that : Resource
Tuner at (for Win of course)

perhaps you meant 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution 2.0 Beta Now Available - And Special Offer

2003-04-05 Thread miscdas
Andre Rombauts writes:
I have been explained - I guess RunRev guys  girls will confirm- that the
Key you have will work with version 2. I tried it. It worked. I have a
Teacher single user licence. It was bought in October 2002. They will unlock
any new version until October 2003. If the final 2.0 version comes in July.
OK. If it comes in November (or a Service Release) it will not unblock the
new version...
I must admit the licence program is quite complicated... 



Mr. Rombauts, 

Granted that the license program seems complicated. But why are you worrying 
now (it is only April) about October and beyond? A lot of water will pass 
over the dam between now and then. If October nears and you are running into 
the above stated problems, take action. I suspect your time could be better 
spent now working with the tools that you have rather than worrying about a 
rather far-off potential unlock code problem (that I suspect would amount to 
a trivial issue, should it materialize). 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Color My Word--Open Color Palette

2003-04-02 Thread miscdas
   Two: If the selected text has a mixture of styles -- for instance, if 
three words are selected, and precisely one of the three words is boldfaced 
-- the results may not be what you wanted. 
Mixed styles is documented in the MetaTalk ref:
If you get the textStyle of a chunk that contains multiple styles, the 
string mixed is returned. 

So, add a routine for mixed that parses the chunk to a lower level 
(perhaps down to character level) and saves the style info, applies the 
user's new style selection, then determines which, if any, of the saved 
style info should be reapplied. 

Maybe the user's new selection could just be added to the style list for 
each saved item? 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Autofile snapshots

2003-03-24 Thread miscdas
Ken Norris writes:
What I want to do: 

I will have a number of different screens available for the same buttons,
i.e., create a different look and feel for each. The need for doing this has
to do with varying visual deficits of potential users, and is therefore more
important than mere Preference'. 

I have a background group image which has 'pictures' of buttons in it. The
actual buttons are exactly aligned (I call it 'registered') to each of the
appropriate areas of the picture. A bunch of the buttons have different
functions which mean they must hold icon images separately in these cases,
so I decided I may as well make separate icons out of _all_ the buttons. 

The end-use is to eliminate the large background group image it came from,
and replace it by batch-importing the small mages into a standalone to use
as icons at runtime, meaning they don't get saved by the standalone, but are
called up at runtime by the Preferences, which can be changed at any time. 

All that means making separate images out of each little 'button picture' of
the large image. There will be about 80 of them. 

Ken N. 

Mr. Norris, 

Just how large is the large background group image? If it really isn't 
so large, consider leaving it in your stack and generating on-the-fly, via 
import snapshot, from it the images needed for the buttons. 

Whether you generate on-the-fly or do the separate images, the following 
might help you to determine the rectangle to use for generating the image 
with import snapshot. If you originally set up the buttons on the background 
image using a) a regular grid spacing and b) buttons of the same size, then 
after you determine the rectangle of the first button you can easily add the 
appropriate offset to determine the rectangle for all other button images. 
If you must go through them manually, then create a field and put this in 
the stack script of the stack with the background image from which you need 
to import snapshots:
on mouseDown
 put the clickLoc  return after field ImageRects
end mouseDown 

Now you can get the rect for each button immage you need by clicking the 
upper left corner of the area on the background image followed by clicking 
the lower right corner. When you do import snapshot using these rect data 
and see your selection is off a few pixels, you have the data to tweak. 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Math question: How to compute the area of polygons

2003-03-19 Thread miscdas
Malte Brill writes:
I´m still experimenting with collision detection. I would like to try the

-Create a Polygon with n-sides around my sprites. Compute the area of each
-Store it in a custom property to make checking faster.
-Check: intersect(SpriteX,SpriteY)
-True: Compute the area of the union of polyX,polyY
-Smaller than both areas summed - Objects collided. 

If I had a neat algorithm for that job, I think it could be quite fast. 

If you are dealing only with regular polygons, see the following:


Herr Brill, 

It appears you have decided to go a more difficult route of using irregular 
polygons. I suspect this is because you want to draw an irregular polygon to 
enclose your Sprite. Check this link; you may decide to use regular polygons 
(By the way, think of a circle as a regular polygon with an infinite number 
of sides with the length of a side infinitely small.) 

Now that you mentioned Sprites and collision detection, did you look at the 
intersect function? It seems to me that you could simply test the inersect 
of each of the sprites with each other. If for some reason the sprintes are 
not objects that the intersect can be determined, then drawing your polygon 
around the sprites and then testing the intersect for each polygon will get 
you collision detection. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Math question: How to compute the area of polygons

2003-03-19 Thread miscdas
Malte Brill writes:
Thanks again for the link Mr. Miscdas. 

Mr Miscdas wrote: 

Now that you mentioned Sprites and collision detection, did you look at the
intersect function? 
If I don´t do something essential wrong this won´t work. The intersect
function seems only to check the bounding rectangle of an object.(I check at start 
using the intersect function for the
rough part of the collision detection.)
You are correct; I had fogotten that the graphic objects actually have a 
bounding rectangle rather than being bounded by the displayed line. 

Perhaps I should follow the tips that were suggested on this list a few
month earlier checking the image- and maskdata of the objects and look if
their values are bigger than a certain threshhold.
Yes, this would probably be a better solution for you in the long run. 

Thank you, 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Math question: How to compute the area of polygons

2003-03-18 Thread miscdas
Message: 6
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 10:06:57 +0100
Subject: Math question: How to compute the area of polygons
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Malte Brill)

Hi List, 

this one goes out to the math experts.
How does one compute the area ( I hope it is the correct Term for
flaecheninhalt in german) of a polygon with n sides.
Any help will be greatly apprecheated! 



Herr Brill, 

If you are dealing only with regular polygons, see the following: 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Can't add file extension in Windows

2003-03-17 Thread miscdas
Howard Bornstein writes:
Apparently, under XP, even if you explicitly add .jpg to the filename 
in the save dialog, it deletes it from the file. 

I'm a Mac guy so I'm not up on Windows extensions, but does XP remove (at 
least from the user's view) file extensions, even though it knows 
internally what the file type is? 

Windoze management, in their infinite Wisdom regarding what users SHOULD see 
by default , decided that showing file extensions is a bad idea in general. 
Therefore, the default mode is for extensions (at least for known file 
types) to be turned off. The extensions are NOT DELETED; they are simply 
not displayed. Also, the default display setting for the file information 
for System and Hidden files is to not be displayed. So, be aware that if you 
think you are hiding a file by setting its attribute to hidden, you don't 
hide it from everyone. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Stopping a buttons actions

2003-02-28 Thread miscdas
Ken Ray writes: 

Ctrl-. for Windows? I would have thought that it would have been the Escape
key... very few Windows users (if any) would think to use that key
combination. Scott, any chance of mapping Escape to the Cmd-. equivalent for
Windows in the future? 

Ken Ray

With Win XP Pro, MC 2.4.3, my abort sequence is Ctrlc
ESC has no effect
Ctrl- has no effect 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Stopping a buttons actions

2003-02-28 Thread miscdas

Ken Ray writes: 

Ctrl-. for Windows? I would have thought that it would have been the
key... very few Windows users (if any) would think to use that key
combination. Scott, any chance of mapping Escape to the Cmd-. equivalent
Windows in the future? 

Ken Ray

With Win XP Pro, MC 2.4.3, my abort sequence is Ctrlc
ESC has no effect
Ctrl- has no effect

I believe that is Ctrl(period) instead of Ctrl(dash). Ctrl(period) is the
normal cancel sequence on MacOS systems. 

Roger Eller
Mr. Eller, 

Thanks for the info. Perhaps Ctrl-. is the syntax in the Mac world for 
showing 2 keys pressed simultaneously? If yes, I didn't recognize this 
because the Windows standard syntax for pressing 2 key simultaneous is the 
plus symbol. e.g. pressing the control key and c key simultaneously is 
Ctrl(period) does indeed work the same as Ctrlc. As a Windoze user, I would 
never have thought to try such a combination. 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: auto size of a group

2003-02-21 Thread miscdas
Ivers, Doug E writes: 

It seems like there should be an option for groups that says, my size is the minimum rectangle that contains my visible members (as opposed to a fixed size).  The current behavior is counter-intuitive for me, but I've adapted to it.  It would be nice to have the option. 

-- D

Mr. Ivers, 

Could you please elaborate on this lack of auto size feature for groups in 
Rev? In MC 2.4.3 on WIN XP pro, my groups automatically resize when I change 
the visible property of controls in the group. For example, if I have three 
fields in a group stacked vertically, and each field is of a different 
width, then when I set the visible of the highest field to false, the height 
of my group automatically drops to enclose the remaining two visible fields 
(plus, of course, a few pixels around that defines the group area). 
Similarly, if I set the visible of the widest field to false, then the width 
of group automatically reduces to a width sufficient to display the widest 
visible field. Likewise, when I set the visible of these fields back to 
true, the group auto resizes to a larger size and displays all of the 
visible controls. 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: safe shell command

2003-02-21 Thread miscdas
Richard K. Herz writes: 

On Friday, February 21, 2003 9:51 AM, Alex Rice wrote: 

On Thursday, February 20, 2003, at 11:18  PM, Richard K. Herz wrote: 

 My understanding is that you need to get the path to the directory
 where your exe is, e.g., from parsing get the long name of this
 stack, and then have the shell cd to that directory before running
 the exe.  This is what the script I sent does.  The path to the
 directory the exe is in gMyappPath originally. 

I'm probably missing something, but I don't think that is necessary.
shell() runs from the defaultFolder, and the only time the
defaultFolder is not equal to the path of the main stack, is when you
running in development platform, and in that case you can just fix up
the defaultFolder property. So you don't need to cd to a path to
execute a shell command, unless the command is actually located in an
entirely different directory.
Testing now with MC on Win XP, it does look like the cmd.exe shell's default
directory is the same as Rev/MC (engine's location or by setting the
directory).  For example, start Rev/MC and from the msg box, answer
shell(dir) lists the contents of the directory where the Rev/MC engine is
located and answer shell(dir ..\) lists the directory above.  So you're
right, you don't have to shell cd with the complete path to the exe to
start the exe as I did in my original script, just start it with a
relative name, e.g., get shell(start \appfolder\app.exe) for an exe in
folder appfolder below the current Rev/MC default directory.  If I'm
understanding you right, a shell cd with the full pathname has problems of
potential path differences between Rev/MC and Windows. 

Rich Herz

I suspect the reason you are able to shell out is due to the PATH 
environment variable. For those not familiar with DOS, if you type PATH at 
the DOS prompt, a string is displayed that is the search path for 
commands. Usually, but DEFINITELY not always, it includes 
Note that this is the default directory for cmd.exe in WIN XP. Therefore, 
simply invoking the SHELL command from MC results in the PATH search 
locating and launching cmd.exe 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: auto size of a group

2003-02-21 Thread miscdas
Ivers, Doug E writes:
I do Mac OS X.  I haven't done much regarding the visible prop, but when I manually resize (by dragging one of the 8 handles) a control that is in a group to beyond the group rect, the portion of the control outside the group rect is not visible and the group doesn't resize automatically. 

-- D
This also seems odd to me. With MC On WIN XP, I edit controls in a group by 
clicking the group, then from the Group Properties selecting Edit. Then use 
the handles to drag a control to a new size. Exit editing via the menu 
selection Edit\Stop editing BG. My Group auto resizes to match the resized 
control. In fact, using a  stack of width 256, I dragged a control beyond 
the stack edge, then exited group edit mode. I checked the width of the 
group and it was indeed larger (394) than the stack width (256). So, even 
when the control size exceeded the size of the stack, the group still auto 
sized to accomodate the new size of the control. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: launch

2003-02-14 Thread miscdas

Hi all, I am looking for a command that launches a file with the associated application set by Windows.  Using the Launch command wants the application name along with the file name, and using revGoUrl launches it in the web browser along with the helper app.  I simply want to mimic a double click on a file name and let the op system associate the app with the extension. 

Thanks again. 

This works on WIN XP PRO, MC 2.4.3
You supply the full path and file name, and if the file type associations 
are set, the associated app is launced and the file opens. 

In this example, Notepad launches and opens the specified text file, then my 
bowser (IE) is launched and the HTML doc is opened. 

on mouseUp
  get shell (start C:\ZinioInstall.txt)
  get shell (start C:\TheCompleteRegularExpressionGuide.htm)
end mouseUp 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Storing images

2003-02-10 Thread miscdas
Jim Hurley writes:

I have a small addendum to the Storing Images discussion.  

This is  a variation on that method which is just a little simpler (it 
doesn't require a closeCard handler) and produces a nice border around the image by simultaneously resizing the  button. 

Nice touch! 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Setting graphic style to Line

2003-02-07 Thread miscdas
Jan Schenkel writes: 

--- Jim Witte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   These observations refer to both 1.1.1 and 2.0 I
think (I haven't 
done rigorous testing).  When I try to set the style
of a graphic 
object to line (eg. set style of the selectedObject
to line') I get an 
error (Expression: missing factor). 

   But if I create one line, then set the style of
another object to the 
style of the first line, it disappears.  The object
is still listed in 
the application overview (at least in 20a), but it
won't show on the 
screen (If I set the style to something other than a
line, it shows up; 
then if I select line again, it disappears. 

I tried the script mentioned before on the list: 

set the style of the defaultgraphic to line
create graphic linetohost
set the points of graphic linetohost to MyVertList
choose browse tool 

but got a  missing '('  error on the 'set the
style..' line. 


Hi Jim, 

Try the following :
  set the style of graphic Foobar to line 

As 'line' is a reserved word in Transcript, it's
better to surround it with quotes to avoid any
misinterpretation by the compiler. 

In this case, the compiler thinks you want to set the
style of the graphic to the _content_ of line XXX of a
variable or another container, and reports an error as
itthinks you forgot the rest of the reference. 

Hope this helped, 

Jan Schenkel.
The disappearing graphic when style is set to line appears to be a feature 
built into the MC engine. On MC 2.4.3, Win XP pro, I tried setting the style 
to line of a variety of graphic objects and indeed some of them disappear. 
They display if the style property is set to another value, such as regular. 
The same behavior occurs if a graphic object line is drawn, and then the 

set the style of myGraphic to the style of thelineGraphic 

So, you'll have to evaluate this usage on an object-by-object basis to 
determine if you can use it for your particular app. 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rotating Images without enlarging the image space

2003-02-06 Thread miscdas
Howard Bornstein writes: 

Are you saying that in 2.0, the angle property will also apply to images? 
In the 1.1.1 docs it says set the angle of a _graphic_ to angledegrees 

Use the angle property to create an arc shape or to rotate a regular 

Nothing about images (or has this always been there undocumented)? 

Howard Bornstein
As I recall, the MC Help entry for Angle mentions objects in general. An 
image is an object, therefore... 

In any case, it does indeed work for setting the display angle of images 
with MC 2.4.3 on WinXP pro. Note it is for integer values for degrees only. 
If you want an animation, it will be very slow rotation for large images. I 
noted for looping in 1 degree steps that it took about 1 second per step for 
my specific  test image. 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Random generator exercise

2003-02-04 Thread miscdas
Here is yet another approach to the exercise. 

A SINGLE random number is generated, from which a numeric or an alpha 
character is generated. 

There is a .5 probability of generating a numeric, and .5 probablity of 
generating an alpha. 

Within the alpha, there is a .5 probablity of being lower case, and .5 
probablity of being upper case. 

on mouseUp
put empty into field “displayField”
ask (How many characters to generate ? (1-9))
put it into charCount
 repeat charCount times
  put random(520) into myRandom
  if myRandom  261 then  ##numeric
put (myRandom - 1) div 26  after field “displayField”
if myRandom  391 then
  put 45 into offsetASCII  ##lowercase
  put -13 into offsetASCII  ##uppercase
end if
   put (myRandom – 1) div 5 + offsetASCII into finalValue
   put numToChar(finalValue) after field “displayField”
  end if
end repeat
end mouseUp 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Furby.rev (a virtual Furby toy)

2003-02-04 Thread miscdas
Rick Harrison writes: 

on 2/4/2003 10:30 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at


I'm sure William would love to hear some words of encouragement from you
guys (off list at [EMAIL PROTECTED]).


It's cute, but there is no way to quit the application
under OS 9.2.2 

You might want to tell William to try adding some sounds
to spice it up. 

Have fun! 

Rick Harrison 

Mr. Harrison, 

Perhaps you missed this address from above? [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I'm sure young William would appreciate your direct response, rather than 
passing it through his father. Likewise, why make dad the middleman? 

By the way, under Win XP pro, MetaCard, I can exit no problem using the 
window's native close button. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Storing images

2003-02-04 Thread miscdas
J. Landman Gay writes: 

There is no duplication of the image graphic when you do this; Rev just 
inserts a temporary copy of the image into RAM just as addcolor does when 
it draws the image to screen. 

Is a copy of the image placed into RAM, or is there just a pointer created 
that points to the RAM address of a single copy of the image? 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Furby.rev (a virtual Furby toy)

2003-02-04 Thread miscdas
Rick Harrison writes:

I hope I've answered all of your questions to your satisfaction! 

Mr. Harrison

Yes, you answered to my satisfaction the single question that I posed. Your 
additional commentary was useful as well. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Furby.rev (a virtual Furby toy)

2003-02-04 Thread miscdas

Rick Harrison writes:

It's cute, but there is no way to quit the application
under OS 9.2.2 

You could have accomplished your goal of informing the list with the above 

Then you could have also sent a private message to William with your 
suggestion below, even leaving out any negative comments. If you are 
familiar with sandwich a negative between two poitives, I'm sure you could 
have given him the bad news in a totally positive light.  Perhaps you have 
forgotten what it was like to be eleven? Any kind of recognition from the 
adult world for an accomplishment does wonders for a child's psyche. 

You might want to tell William to try adding some sounds
to spice it up. 
use-revolution mailing list

Re: pre-beta

2003-02-03 Thread miscdas
Judy Perry writes:

Are we all setting up the company for failure or something? 

We?  They made the marketing announcements and promotions. 

First we have our favorite resident troll... 

Such compliments. I hope I can meet your expectations. 

we all whine about how buggy/incomplete the pre-beta is.

It seems you've missed the point. 

What, does v.1 not work?  Think that Maromedia does any better? (HOW long
did Mac users have to wait for an OSX/MX version?!).

Why compare? Why not let Revolution stand on its own merits and track 
record? You're really just saying The Rev team and Revolution are no better 
than Macromedia and their products. 

And, no, I have not been temporarily possessed...  No need to call out the exorcists.

More likely permanantly possessed. 



On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, Bernard Devlin wrote: 

I have been starting to have the same suspicion myself.  It does seem a bit
strange to have announced 2.0 (along with screenshots) in November. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Minor Demo Update/Notice

2003-02-01 Thread miscdas
Howard Bornstein writes: 

Just enter the following line in your message box: 

 go stack url;

Hmm. Did that and got this message: 

stack is corrupted, check for ~ backup file 

Mr. Bornstein, 

Worked fine for me.
Mr. Hurley, 

This is a very nice offerring. Could you modify the Close button so it is 
more easily found? It is very small and the same color as the player. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: public beta?

2003-01-29 Thread miscdas
Curry writes:

About the anti-miscdas subthread, 
Besides, to me it seems that even if we perceive something is off track, 
we don't have to worry to much about addressing it as long as everyone 
else in the group is able to perceive pretty much what we do, and here 
that should be the case as far as this topic is concerned.

And therein lies the problem! 


use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: public beta?

2003-01-28 Thread miscdas
[snip]Toma Tasovac writes: 

I know that it is not politically correct to whine about the delay of
2.0 on this list, since complaints are usually bombarded with the wise
and ethically superior they're working so hard, give them a break and
we want a good product, we're ready to wait... kind of answers 

I would still like to get a response from the Revolution team:? 

All best, 

So Toma, if you want a response from the revolution team, why are you 
addressing the mail list? Revolution has other more pertinent means of 
connecting to them than this list. 

Use your head... 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: public beta?

2003-01-28 Thread miscdas
[snip}Toma Tasovac writes: 

On Tuesday, January 28, 2003, at 01:58  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

So Toma, if you want a response from the revolution team, why are you 
addressing the mail list? Revolution has other more pertinent means of 
connecting to them than this list.

why am i addressing the mail list?  because the revolution team used the 
list on several occasions to provide information regarding Rev 2; and 
because i think the answer would be of interest to many people on the 

Use your head...

hmmm... does my appalling lack of intelligence offend you?  if it does, 
i'm very sorry.  we can't all be brilliant, you know. 

I must repeat-- USE YOUR HEAD! Intelligence level is of little relevance.
I suspect the RR team uses the list to post announcements as courtesy to the 
subscribers and perhaps because as you said, the answer would be of 
interest to many people on the list.
They could just as easily post all the product announcements to the website. 

If there is post-worthy news from the RR team, don't you think they would 
post it? (Or am I presumptuous to include think when addressing you?) 

Why don't you go do your thing, let them do their thing, and when you or 
they have something post-worthy, post it! Until then, some clear air please. 

use-revolution mailing list

public beta?

2003-01-28 Thread miscdas
[SNIP]Heather writes: 

A small slippage. Soon, soon. No really. I'm not saying anymore, because

dates always get me into trouble. 

The best to you too, and please, be patient, once more, just a little



(Listening in on one side of phone chat...)
What? Oh yeah, yeah, uh-huh. Sure. That's what I heard... 

No. Well, I heard it somewhere before. You know- the V word. Sure you do! 

Repeat that please...
OK OK I got it. Let me write that down. 

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. 

No, not too busy. Just sitting around sniffling and whining about not seeing 
the Revolution 2.0 yet. Yeah, you're right. If I spent half the time coding 
as I do asking about updates, I'd have all of my jobs finished already. 

Nice talking to you. Yeah, I'm sure I can find a place to use that quote. 



use-revolution mailing list

public beta?

2003-01-28 Thread miscdas
[SNIP]Heather writes: 

A small slippage. Soon, soon. No really. I'm not saying anymore, because

dates always get me into trouble. 

The best to you too, and please, be patient, once more, just a little



(Listening in on one side of phone chat...)
What? Oh yeah, yeah, uh-huh. Sure. That's what I heard... 

No. Well, I heard it somewhere before. You know- the V word. Sure you do! 

Repeat that please...
OK OK I got it. Let me write that down. 

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. 

No, not too busy. Just sitting around sniffling and whining about not seeing 
the Revolution 2.0 yet. Yeah, you're right. If I spent half the time coding 
as I do asking about updates, I'd have all of my jobs finished already. 

Nice talking to you. Yeah, I'm sure I can find a place to use that quote. 



use-revolution mailing list

Re: public beta?

2003-01-28 Thread miscdas
[snip]Alex Rice writes: 

Folks! this is just noise. If you killfile (filter) someone don't gloat 
about it and announce it on the list. Just do it, and be done with it. 

Alex Rice, Software Developer

Mr. Rice,
Aha!  There is, indeed, a bright spot of vocal sanity left on the list! 
Kudos for your perception. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Passing Lists

2003-01-15 Thread miscdas

Richard Gaskin writes: 

Rob Cozens wrote: 

Simple stack: one field of text, Text, and one button Set Style. 

on mouseUp
ask What style?
put it into theStyle
set the textStyle of char 20 to 40 of field Text to theStyle
end mouseUp 

All is well so long as the style is a single item (eg: plain,
italic, box, etc.), BUT try bold,condense or any combination of
multiple styles and nothing happens.  If I run the script in the
debugger, I get Margin is not an integer. 

Who wants to be Sherlock of the Day? 

PS: I tried bold,condense and bold,condense with the same result.

It may be that condense is not a supported Transcript text style (although
the error message itself should be considered a bug -- what do margins
have to do with text styles?). 

I had thought only plain, bold, italic, underline, and strikeout were

WIN XP, MetaCard 2.4.3 

Using your script, in the Ask dialog I tried all of the following with the 
listed result:
bold   bold was set
italic  italic was set
condense  error generated Object: not a text style
condensed  no apparent effect
expanded  no apparent effect
expand  error generated Object: not a text style
bold,condense  error generated Object: not a text style
bold,condensed  bold was set
bold,expanded  bold was set
bold,expand   error generated Object: not a text style 

So, it appears that condensed and expanded are valid, but have no effect 
(at least with the font I selected), and can be combined with other text 
styles in a single statement. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: NEW Image Thumbnail Preview Control...

2003-01-13 Thread miscdas

Chipp Walters writes:

Here's a handy thumbnail preview control (and documentation)


thanks for the contribution; it has potential. Here are some things that 
need improvement, if you have the time and inclination. 

On WINXP, when I used Set Loc and moved the view area up into the text area, 
the text is on top of the image. Can you make the image on top? 

Can you make the file details display area at the bottom of the screen 
resizable? When I change the viewer location, I want to change the size of 
the details box so I can see more without scrolling. 

Using the scroll bar to navigate through the pics wasn't so great. With the 
slider, it was too esy to run past the next pic. With the buttons, it takes 
many clicks to get to the next pic. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Random but unique

2003-01-12 Thread miscdas

Here is the technique that I used in another app. It goes through the list 
only one time, swapping a randomly chosen value from your list with the  
last element of the list, where the last element is decremented in each 

I decided to make a swap on EVERY pass, rather than checking to see if a 
swap is required, because until the very last pass the probablity of needing 
to swap is always greater than 50:50. 

For a list L comprising n elements. 

Begin loop at i=n and decrement i by 1.
Generate integer random number R in the range 1 through i.
Set Temp = L(i)
Set L(i) = L(R)
Set L(R) = Temp
Next i 

So, on the first pass, the value of last element is swapped with the value 
of the randomly generated element. On the final pass, the value of element 2 
is swapped with the value of element 1. Because a swap is made with the 
element L(i), you never have to worry about a duplicate value. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Random but unique

2003-01-12 Thread miscdas
Dar Scott writes: 

On the final pass, the value of element 2 is swapped with the value of 
element 1.

This scrambling idea is a good idea and is especially applicable to 
situations where the swap can be done in constant time as in scrambling 
characters.  I think the random n of n can be generalized to random n of 

I don't think the above quoted statement is exactly right, though.  It 
looks to me that on the final pass element 1 is swapped with element 1.  
On the penultimate pass, element 2 is swapped with either element 1 or 
element 2.  Of course, the penultimate can be made the final as the final doesn't do anything.  This comment is intended only as clarification; the method looks great to me. 

Allowing R to be i (causing a trivial swap) is crucial and is part of the merit of the method. 

Dar Scott

My error regarding the final pass description. You are correct about the 
final and penultimate swaps as you described. Although the final swap is
a trivial swap of element 1 with itself, I left it to avoid another line of 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Random but unique, more info

2003-01-12 Thread miscdas
Dar Scott writes: 

On Sunday, January 12, 2003, at 03:52 PM, Sarah wrote: 

sort lines of vChooseFrom by random(1)  -- or some suitably big 
number return line 1 to vNumToChoose of vChooseFrom

That's not fair!  That's using your superior knowledge of Revolution commands!

Dar Scott


In MetaCard, no superior knowledge of commands required: 

search for: sort
sort command 


To randomize the order of the lines of a field:
sort field numbers by random(1000) 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT--List etiquette and general helpful hints

2003-01-10 Thread miscdas
Jim Hurley writes: 

Bernard Devlin wrote: 
I suspect discussions of cheese and other comestibles may be unlikely to 
much offence. 


... I am consoled by the thought that the early bird may get the worm, but 
it is the second mouse who gets the cheese.

Jim Hurley 

Jim Hurley

To what fine things dost thou pay homage? 

Nought but one, friend--goodly fromage. 

--Dr. Dave's It's Nearly Philosophy--
use-revolution mailing list


2003-01-09 Thread miscdas
David Vaughan writes:

On Wednesday, Jan 8, 2003, at 21:51 Australia/Sydney, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


. Just one example: create a document in Word and use full paragraph 
justification. Save the file as RTF. Now launch your favorite RTF editor 
(other than Word), open the RTF file created in Word, and lunch is on me 
if your full justified paragraphs are still full justified.

Miscdas, in which city is the booking please, or will you come to Oz for 
lunch :-) ?


Tel Aviv.(OK, so I can also make it Netanya or Rehovot, but NO WAY 
Jerusalem.) I stated only luch; transportation is on you... 



use-revolution mailing list


2003-01-08 Thread miscdas
Wolfgang M. Bereuter writes: 

On Montag, Jänner 6, 2003, at 04:48  Uhr, Ron wrote: 

I've been using the HTML prop to read/write text files and save formatted
texts. Now, with 2.0 ability to handle RTF text I want to asking about 
the plus/minuses of using RTF over HTML. My purpose is to save formatted text to regular text files that can be read by other apps (be it a browser or text editor), as well as my own rev app. 

Which would you go with?


Hello Ron,
try exchange documents with regular (Win) Users. 

If you do sharing documents if you are working on one document like for 
translation or for any textoriented and multimedia production with 
different tools, you will see very fast the difference about handling rtf 
and html. In this case a strong standard is very important. Html is 
*not* that standard. Rtf is it much more. Thats why I think that rtf support is so important in rev.  

Pls have a look at the rev archive, there is a thread about html rtf text 
formating with rev.
(f.e. Rev supports html 2.0. It does not support 4.0 or CSS...)
But the rtf-format is supported from nearly any 20$ shareware wich is able to handele text... 

hope that helps 

Wolfgang M. Bereuter 

If you or your users are going to be using MS Word as the RTF editor, 
BEWARE! Although there is indeed and RTF standard, it is a sufficiently 
open standard that compatibility issues creep in. MS Word includes RTF 
formatting beyond what is found in your $20 shareware editors that can 
cause problems. Just one example: create a document in Word and use full 
paragraph justification. Save the file as RTF. Now launch your favorite RTF 
editor (other than Word), open the RTF file created in Word, and lunch is on 
me if your full justified paragraphs are still full justified. Many of the 
regular users, such as secretarys, that were mentioned need full 
justification for the bosses manuscripts. As I recall from some earlier 
tests, MC/RR doesn't support full justification. 

I think that even MS WordPad substitues some other formatting for full 

For a second exercise, save that original doc as an HTML file and view it in 
your favorite browser. Surprise!  The full justification is still there, 
just as in the starting MS Word document. Now continue by launching your 
favorite HTML editor, open that HTML doc created in Word, and it's about 
70:30 that the full justification is gone. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution 2.0 To Be Previewed At Macworld

2003-01-08 Thread miscdas
Alex Rice writes:

Runtime Revolution today announced a special preview of Revolution 

What's the scoop on this? Does it just mean a recent build is on someone's laptop ready for demoing at Macworld? :-) 

Alex Rice, Software Developer

Repeat after me:
If it's not on my desk
if it's not on the shelf,
is it for real?
--Yeah, right.. so's an Elf! 

V-A-P-O-R  W-A-R-E 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution 2.0 To Be Previewed At Macworld

2003-01-08 Thread miscdas
Jan Schenkel writes: 

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Alex Rice writes:

 Runtime Revolution today announced a special
preview of Revolution 2.0 
 What's the scoop on this? Does it just mean a recent build is on someone's laptop ready for demoing at Macworld? :-) 
 Alex Rice, Software Developer 

Repeat after me:
If it's not on my desk
if it's not on the shelf,
is it for real?
 --Yeah, right.. so's an Elf!  

V-A-P-O-R  W-A-R-E  



Don't you ever have any projects that take more time
than anticipated to finish ?

Yes, and for my boss (or client), all they see is vapor. 

Haved you never made any promises that you were really working hard on to keep, but unfortunately slipped up sometimes or had to postpone because more urgent things got in the way?

Yes, but even when the boss (or client) is the originator of the more 
urgent thing, he stills wants concrete results, not vapor. 

I'd be very much surprised. 

Jan Schenkel.

Good intentions, promises, and resetting of priorities are still not 
concrete products, just vapor. So, thank you for your round-about support. 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution 2.0 To Be Previewed At Macworld

2003-01-08 Thread miscdas
Klaus Major writes: 

Hi miscdas, 

Alex Rice writes:

Runtime Revolution today announced a special preview of Revolution 
2.0 What's the scoop on this? Does it just mean a recent build is on someone's laptop ready for demoing at Macworld? :-) Alex Rice, Software Developer

Repeat after me:
If it's not on my desk
if it's not on the shelf,
is it for real?
--Yeah, right.. so's an Elf!
V-A-P-O-R  W-A-R-E


Date: Fr, 27. Dez 2002
Just a few words on your priorities in life. I noted a number of posts 
dated Dec. 25. For those raised in the Judeo-Christian culture, this 
typically marks a time of gathering of friends and family for, let us 
say, bonding of some sort. Take time to reflect on what you were doing during this holiday time, and examine your priorities in life. Perhaps family doesn't bring the excitment of XTalk programming, or perhaps you are addicted to programming. Being social creatures with purported higher-order thought processes, turn some of that thinking power towards your socialization circle and see if it meshes well with the group's needs.
The New Year is just around the corner. The time is ripe for formulating  realistic resolutions.
Happy Holidays

The road to enlightenment may at times seem the darkest path. Make 
neither the journey nor the goal superior; only the balance of each in 
its own measure can bring fulfillment.

although i know that you are a valuable and helpful member of this list i cannot but ask you:

Thank you for your opinion. I'm sure others will be hard-pressed to find the 
value or the help. 

How do these 2 posts fit together ?

Why do they need to fit?? Do you have some need to have everything fit into 
some nice neat and tidy predictable little package? 

Escpecially the last sentence is remarkable in my opinion...

Remarkable? In what way? 

Think ! 


Klaus Major


P.S. I'm known to make statements in which I have no belief whatsoever. Many 
people are more than delighted to assume some personal attachment. For 
example, I received what was to me a very amusing reply to the post at the 
beginning of this post, in which the writer ASSUMED I am Christian, and 
perhaps should, as they say, practice what I preach. The funniest thing is, 
I'm NOT Christian, so the whole post was a scream. 
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution 2.0 To Be Previewed At Macworld

2003-01-08 Thread miscdas
Jan Schenkel writes:

However, the term 'vaporware' points to malevolent misleading of the market. And I don't think it's the case here at all.

I don't agree with your view of the connotation of vaporware. While many 
neutral words have taken on a negative bias (e.g criticize), I don't think 
vaporware is one of them. (But your willingness to put it into a negative 
perspective helps build a case. But then maybe you also are a user of very 
unique as well?) As was said, good intentions and honesty were probably at 
work, not any malevolence or intent to mislead. Vaporware is nothing more 
than a no-show product, for whatever the reason. MS is (im)famous for it, 
and Apple certainly has its share. 

Jan Schenkel.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution 2.0 To Be Previewed At Macworld

2003-01-08 Thread miscdas
Klaus Major writes:

Hi miscdas, 

in this case i recommend to use some kind of satire/irony-tags, so folks like me won't be annoyed by posts of this kind, which do not belong to a list like this if they are meant seriously. 

And so i would not have thought that your not too polite speech about vaporware would be opposite to your christian-ness. 

As you see, this is just an avoidable misunderstanding ;-) 

Maybe you also forgot the satire/irony-tags in that namely post, too ?

Klaus Major

Hi Klaus, 

In general, people take things (and themselves) much too seriously. These 
are the very people that need a jolt now-and-then as a reminder to change 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: invisible buttons - non-clickable??????

2002-12-31 Thread miscdas

Klaus Major writes:

Hi Nicholas, 

Ok, I make a button visible and it works fine. If it is invisible,
however, it does not work. Is that really the intended functionality?

Yes :-) 

How do you exspect your customers to click,
when not knowing where to click ?

Is the concept of an invisible HotSpot so foreign? It's beauty is in the 
fact that it is indeed not visible to the user, yet an action can be 
triggered by a variety of events (e.g. mouseover, mouseclick, mousedouble 
click, collision). Can be very useful when used in layers with other 


Klaus Major

use-revolution mailing list

OT:Life's Priorities

2002-12-27 Thread miscdas

Just a few words on your priorities in life. I noted a number of posts dated 
Dec. 25. For those raised in the Judeo-Christian culture, this typically 
marks a time of gathering of friends and family for, let us say, bonding 
of some sort. Take time to reflect on what you were doing during this 
holiday time, and examine your priorities in life. Perhaps family doesn't 
bring the excitment of XTalk programming, or perhaps you are addicted to 
programming. Being social creatures with purported higher-order thought 
processes, turn some of that thinking power towards your socialization 
circle and see if it meshes well with the group's needs. 

The New Year is just around the corner. The time is ripe for formulating 
realistic resolutions. 

Happy Holidays 


The road to enlightenment may at times seem the darkest path. Make neither 
the journey nor the goal superior; only the balance of each in its own 
measure can bring fulfillment.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Another 2.0 Question

2002-12-14 Thread miscdas
Bill Lynn writes: 

I fail to see the point of all of these posts to the list. Why doesn't
someone just go to the source then post the reply rather than continuing all
the speculative drivel?

Another option would be to keep the discussion free and open and skip past
those posts you consider drivel. 

Cheers... Bill Lynn
Simtech Publications

And how, pray tell, might one determine if a post is of interest and skip 
past when the subject line is Re: Another 2.0 Question? That subject is 
so broad that unless one examines the body of the post, how is it possible? 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Another 2.0 Question

2002-12-12 Thread miscdas
Monte Goulding writes: 

Just a stab in the dark but I'd say they are waiting for the engine to be
complete. Raney's on Beta 1 so they probably have a few more weeks yet. 

So how did they think that it was going to ship in November. 

Well I'd say that the expected date for the engine was about then but a 2
month discussion about the Drag and Drop API on the xTalks list slowed
everything down. But it could have been anything. With 2.0 the RunRev team
is attempting to close the gap between MC builds and Rev builds. That means
there is two development timelines that need to converge. Two lots of
testing. A hell of a lot of work to deliver a stable product. If we see it
before Jan then it will be a miracle! 

It will be a great product and well worth the wait. 



I fail to see the point of all of these posts to the list. Why doesn't 
someone just go to the source then post the reply rather than continuing all 
the speculative drivel? 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Groups

2002-12-12 Thread miscdas
Richard Gaskin writes: 

I think I may have discovered the source of this cognitive dissonance:  the
ed -- perhaps the original poster was reading that as selectGroupControls
rather than selectGroupedControls. 

Damnable gerunds 

Gerund?  Where? Gerunds are nouns that always end in -ing. And no, reading 
is not a gerund. I believe it is the present participle completing the past 



use-revolution mailing list

Re: It's a list! It's an array! No, it's...

2002-12-07 Thread miscdas
Dar Scott writes:

I'm working on a way to pack some values together and take them apart.  

Seems to me you just found your name and function names. 

The object is a package.
The functions are pack and unpack.
To string them together or unstring, tie and untie. 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Arrays vs Lists

2002-12-05 Thread miscdas
Mike McManus writes: 

As for Dar's question about a list. IME, a list is an ordered delimited 
groups of words or phrases. The delimiter is usually, but not always a 
comma. I suspect that is not correct when you consider programming in 
general. But having spent a lot of time in Hypercard. That is what I 
consider one.  You can delimit with anything, just be sure it doesn't pop 
up in you list items. 

Why restrict your definition to an ORDERED group of things? Granted that 
intuitively, ordering renders the list more useful. But should it be a 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Background

2002-11-28 Thread miscdas
David Vaughan writes:

True, miscdas, but the list exists in part to help people discover the 
documentation as well as the product, or the use-list would hardly need to 
exist at all. A pointer to using the documentation (as you have done here) 
as well as to the answer helps people get up and running faster. 


My point, apparently not readily seen, is that new users could probably 
benefit enormously from simply spending some time going through the 
tutorials and actually DOING them to gain a familiarity with basic features. 
Then, if difficulties arise with an application, make use of the mailing 
list or private contacts. I see on this list (as well as on other forums to 
which I belong) that many new users ask basic questions that are well 
documented either in the documentation that was supplied with the app 
(tutorials, example stacks, code snippets, etc.), or in the discussion 
archives. A very little personal effort to discover a solution not only 
benefits the person, but keeps the mailing list less cluttered. 

I don't see that it is at all difficult to discover the documentation. It 
is again a very basic exercise to navigate to the folder where the app was 
installed and look around at the supplied files, as well as to simply 
click help, press F1, etc. while the app is running. 

The list does and can exist without ever touching these basic areas, except 
in the instances where the documentation is poorly written (or even in 
error), or to reveal new-found properties or uses for some basic documented 

A little thought on the subject reveals this can be seen as matter of 
courtesy to others. 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Background

2002-11-26 Thread miscdas
Or, try using the built-in help; in this case the Application Tutorial. 
Step 10 describes groups and backgrounds and walks you through creating 

I don't come from any type of XTalk background.  I rarely need to venture 
outside of the information provided in the MC download to answer these types 
of rather basic questions. I'm certain better use could be made of the 
supplied resources. 


Gary Rathbone writes:

Take a look at 

Although its Metacard based the principal is the same. Lesson 6 deals
with Groups and Backgrounds.  

Or take a look at
Which is aimed mainly at developers coming from HyperCard - thanks to
Sarah Reichelt. 


Gary Rathbone BSc MBCS
Chartered Information Systems Practitioner 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Adrian
Sent: 24 November 2002 12:45
Subject: Background 

I must have missed something but how does one put buttons and fields in
the background so that they appear on every card. I am coming from
HyperCard where it was very easy. Adrian
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Off Topic Group Quiz

2002-11-21 Thread miscdas
Rob Cozens writes:

Anyone else want to play?

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

Isn't this whole thread a big waste of valuable bandwidth? 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: iCalendar/vCalendar (OT: joke)

2002-11-02 Thread miscdas
So what standards body issued the U for voltage?  And, is U still expressed 
in volts? 


Sjoerd Op 't Land writes: 

erik hansen wrote/ schreef: 

V is for volt
U is for ?



A is for ampere
I is for current 

R is for resistance
‡ is for ohms 

Regards, / Groeten,

use-revolution mailing list

Re: get specialFolderpath(26)

2002-10-15 Thread miscdas

I'm running MetaCard 2.4.3, Win98 

  put specialFolderPath(26) 

Correctly returned the path to my Applications Data folder. 

   put specialFolderPath(26) 


  folder not found 

sims writes: 

 Can anyone tell me if the function: 
  get specialFolderpath(26) -- user's Application Data folder 
 works on all versions of Windows?  I can use it here with my Mac
 running VirtualPC Windows 98 but have no PC to test with otherwise... 
 Does it work with 95 - 98 - etc.? Is there a problem using it with NT as
 suggested by Dave Cragg below? 
 The values for the Applications Data folders are: 
 get specialFolderPath(35) -- common Application Data folder
 get specialFolderpath(26) -- user's Application Data folder
use-revolution mailing list

Re: get specialFolderpath(26)

2002-10-15 Thread miscdas


 I'm running MetaCard 2.4.3, Win98, IE5 
  put specialFolderPath(26)  
 Correctly returned the path to my Applications Data folder.  
   put specialFolderPath(26) 

Oops! this should be 35, not 26 

  folder not found  
 sims writes:  
 Can anyone tell me if the function:  
  get specialFolderpath(26) -- user's Application Data folder  
 works on all versions of Windows?  I can use it here with my Mac
 running VirtualPC Windows 98 but have no PC to test with otherwise...  
 Does it work with 95 - 98 - etc.? Is there a problem using it with NT as
 suggested by Dave Cragg below?  
 The values for the Applications Data folders are:  
 get specialFolderPath(35) -- common Application Data folder
 get specialFolderpath(26) -- user's Application Data folder
 use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: get specialFolderpath(26)

2002-10-15 Thread miscdas

Yep, got it: 

c:\windows\system\shlwapi.dll   16\08\99 

I rechecked  put specialFolderPath(35)
and verified  folder not found 


Ken Ray writes: 

 Really? According to my source, specialFolderPath(35) should be supported as
 a result of IE 5's installation; it was reported by Microsoft to be part of
 the the 'shlwapi.dll' installed w/IE5. Can you check and see if you have
 that DLL? 
 Ken Ray
 Sons of Thunder Software
 Web Site:
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT Re: REALbasic vs. Revolution

2002-10-12 Thread miscdas
I AGREE! Please continue to add your thought-provoking commentary. To make a 
good stew, the pot must be stirred from time-to-time. 



Richard Gaskin writes: 

Troy Rollins wrote: 

This is my last post on the topic. Maybe at all here.

Troy, I'll get on bended knee if necessary, but your posts have been among
the most thought-provoking here yet.  I can honestly say I've spent more
time thinking about words you've laid down here than 90% of the email I read
(you even got me poking around in iShell for hours one night -- fscinating

I'm back to good ol' Rev nerd talk here myself, and I think a lot of folks
share your sentiment.  Please stay, and stay vocal.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT Re: REALbasic vs. Revolution

2002-10-12 Thread miscdas
Please, please continue with a business paradigm that includes do things
right, rather than quick. As a Windoze user, I am sick of the buggy 
bloatware offered by MS. I NEVER install version 1.x of any MS products; the 
patches and bug fixes that have to be installed are a testament to the 
great ball of string being so huge and tangled that we're forever locked 
in a never-ending cycle of fixes and patches. 



Scott Raney writes: 

Our natural inclination when adding engine features is to do things
right, rather than quick.  This means it might take longer to make
some things available, the eventual product is of better quality and
easier to use than what you get with some other products...

use-revolution mailing list

Re: The Transcendental GUI (was a thread from REALbasic vs. Revolution)

2002-10-12 Thread miscdas

So no keyboard driven options?  I am a touch typist, and have little love 
for the mouse. I find it particularly annoying that much of the Web REQUIRES 
mouse actions. I make use of keyboard shortcuts (when available) in all my 
apps. I wish all of them had easy keyboard navigation as well as keyboard 
menu shortcuts. 

Rob Cozens writes:
3.  My application has a limited market (wineries) 

What I have done is to reduce a very complicated activity into a series of point and click actions that can be completed without typing on the 
keyboard.  Looking at competitors' products, I don't think the 
functionality can be replicated in a standard menu-driven application 
without suffering significant setbacks in ease of learning, navigation, 
and use.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Wouldn't a forum be a far better idea?

2002-10-10 Thread miscdas

I vote with Jerry for a forum. When I first started to go through the 
mailing list archives, it was a real nuisance to not have topics with the 
threads beneath them. 

The mailing list isn't such a good format for newbies, but its limitations 
go almost unnoticed by the regulars. Isn't a large part of the 
Revolution/MetaCard goal to attract and keep newbies? If yes, then more 
emphasis should be placed there. 

I belong to or lurk several MM authoring forums. I've seen several designs 
that are very good. There is no reason why a good one (with good design, UI, 
etc.) couldn't be implemented for the Revolution community. This is, 
afterall the 21st century people... 

Jerry Thomas writes: 

 Dear Mailing List Participants, 
 I have been using the runrev mailing list for a few weeks now and OK I'm a 
 newbie to revolution. 
 But, because I am a developer who uses several different software packages 
 I belong to several different use groups and I'm not a newbie to 
 multimedia or support. 
 I believe(with much experience behind it)that the user mailing list is a 
 very poor way to assist users and that FORUMS are by far the better idea.  
 Yes, I know, most Rev users are so used to this system that change may be 
 resisted but the long term best interests of everybody would be served by 
 the changeover to a forum method. 
 First topics are defined by the header and replies go directly underneath 
 that header so when a user responds to a given thread it can easily be 
 understood. With the mailing list, unless you republish the question the 
 reply just hangs there in space with no context. With the forum method the 
 next replier can reply to the reply and to the general topic and be well 
 There is so much repeated,republished text in the mailing list method that 
 just wastes time and space but without which the list would be 
 Second forums provide continuity, with a search function you can quickly 
 determine whether someone asked your same question months or even years 
 ago with out searching archives. 
 Third, forums can provide a way to separate topics so that one doesn't 
 have to read many,many  posts that are unrelated or irelevant to your 
 project or topic. 
 Everytime I go to read the Runrev mailing list I come away needing eye 
 drops and aspirin for my head. 
 The interesting thing is that you already have a forum but have relegated 
 it to newbies.  The truth is that newbies can't teach newbies very well. 
 The best thing for learning is a mix of a pool of experienced users who 
 are willing to help and newbies willing to learn. 
 I think both your experienced users and your newbies (if you intend for 
 the company and community to grow) would be far better off moving over to 
 the existing forum and the company Runtime Revolution would be better off 
 if it had easier to understand support. 
 Check out a high quality forum for Multimedia Builder at (web boards from the menu on the home page)  Like Run 
 rev this is a real COMMUNITY of users.  The forum method means that you 
 can follow the conversations and learn from topics and threads that can go 
 back months and even in one case years. 
 Right now as it stands you have a very difficult to understand mailing 
 list and a sorely treated, almost competely unused forum. 
 Thanks for listening.  I'm just trying to help you build a better company 
 and user community. 
 What do people think about moving this user group over into the existing 
 forum?   Any Comments or suggestions? 
 Thanks again 
 MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: 
 use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: rename problem

2002-09-23 Thread miscdas

Gareth Jones writes: 

 Hello, everyone. 
 There may be a very simple solution to this one, but I can't see it. 
 I'm writing a stack to rename music files in a folder. The rest of the 
 script is working as expected, but the rename command is failing to 
 rename. No warnings or error messages. 
 There are three variables that would seem to be important to the command: 
 CurrentSong (e.g. The Hare's Dream.mp3)
 NewName (e.g. Watersons - Unknown Album - The Hare's Dream.mp3)
 defaultFolder= (e.g. /Vishnu/Test Music/Watersons/Unknown Album) 
 The three variables contain what I expect them to. 
 The rename command looks like this: 
 rename file CurrentSong to NewName 
 Yet no renaming takes place. Any thoughts? I'm using Mac OS X, if that's 
 any help. 

I'm using WIN98, MetaCard 2.4.3 build 3
This works for me (removed file from your script): 

rename CurrentSong to NewName 

I also noted in the Help stack the following:
MacOS and Win32 systems do not support moving files or directories to other 

Maybe MetaCard was updated and the Help stack wasn't? 

I tried moving a file to another directory and it worked fine.
  rename C:\file1.txt to C:\A1\file1.txt 

I renamed a folder and this also worked fine.
   rename C:\A1 to C:\B1 

In addition, I moved a folder to another directory without a problem.
  rename C:\A1 to C:\B1\A1 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: matrixMultiply

2002-09-22 Thread miscdas

You are correct, Jan. Also, the Help stack entry for Arrays states this 
requirement very clearly. 


Jan Schenkel writes: 

 Hi Brad, 
 If I remember correctly from my Linear Algebra
 classes, in order to multiply two arrays, their
 dimensions have to be such that the first dimension of
 the second array equals the second dimension of the
 first array, so they should be of the sort:
   Array1 [m x n]  and  Array2 [n x p]
 which means that, in this case, as it's not a square
 array, it can't multiply it with itself.
 Try again wih a square array. 
 Hope this helped, 
 Jan Schenkel. 
 As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish
 at the same time.  (De Rochefoucald) 
 --- Brad Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm also having some difficulty with this function.
 Here is the error 
 message I receive when I try to use it on a
 numerically keyed array containing only integer
 Message execution error:
 Error description: matrixMultiply: can't multiply
 these arrays 
 Here is the text I'm putting into my function 
 1 0 1 1
 1 1 0 0
 1 0 3 0 
 Here is the function I'm using (it's purpose is just
 to explore how 
 to put data into a matrix, do matrix multiplication,
 and display the 
 function testMatrix inputText
put the number of lines in inputText into
put the number of words in line 1 of inputText
 into columnLength
repeat with c = 1 to columnLength
  repeat with r = 1 to rowLength
put the value of (word c of line r of
 inputText) into outputArray[r,c]
  end repeat
end repeat
put matrixMultiply(outputArray,outputArray) into
 productArray -- 
 here is where I get the error 
--display the contents of productArray in field
put empty into field array2
repeat with c = 1 to columnLength
  repeat with r = 1 to rowLength
put productArray[r,c]  space into word c of
 line r of field array2
  end repeat
end repeat
return productArray
 end testMatrix 
 use-revolution mailing list
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database in Revolution

2002-09-18 Thread miscdas

Dear Richard Gaskin,

 This is a simple array type data base. The row is income $650 to 
 20,000 in $50 increments The column is number of children is one child 
 through six children.  Each intersection (like  $2,250  and three 
 children)  is  a discrete number.  All totaled  there are 2,400 
 intersections. My best guess is that this comes in well under 1 mb.  
 But you know databases better than I do.  What is available in 
 Revolution to handle this minor database?  My concern is that I have 
 never worked with programing interfaces with databases.  My specialty 
 is video and graphics. 

 So with respect to this area I am a newbie. 

 Thanks for your help.

I'm going to make a few assumptions, because you didn't supply many details. 

1. The user will be inputting a $$value.
2. The user will be inputting an offspring value.
3. A table will supply a second $$outputvalue based on input1 and input2.
(Perhaps the table finds the amount of tax the user must pay based on income 
and number of offspring.)
4. The user does not need to view the table.
5. It is clear that the first column (1 offspring)can be easily calculated, 
because you already listed the start value, end value, and increment. 
Therefore, it is almost trivial to produce the $$outputvalue for each cell 
(intersection) of this column.
6. I suspect a similar relationship exists for each successive column, and 
that a simple factor needs to be changed based on the column number. 

If the user needs to view the table, you can use the same math to fill an 
array rather than manually inputting the data. Then, if the table needs to 
be revised, it's a simple matter of adjusting the math. 

If you supply start, end, and increment values for a few more columns, it 
will be possible to determine the formula to use to find the value at any 
cell in the table. 

use-revolution mailing list

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