Re: [Neo4j] There's already an HA cluster managed by this ZooKeeper cluster

2011-12-05 Thread Chris Gioran

Two questions, two requests:

1) Does this happen only on one machine or any member of the cluster?
Is it reproducible at will?
1) Could you please provide the messages.log for the other two machines as well?
2) Can you please tell me the result of this scenario:
- Create the cluster from scratch
- Restart one cluster member
  - It will fail as you have described
- Wipe that member's database, start it
  - It will successfully join the cluster, as you have described.
- What happens if you restart it again?

thank you,

On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 2:26 PM, anirudha wrote:
 Link for the messages.log file :

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Re: [Neo4j] Problem Starting the Server from Java

2011-11-27 Thread Chris Gioran
Ok, a shot in the dark here.

There seems to be a bug related with this error message, see

Does the code you use to startup the Neo4j server work nicely outside
of GF? If yes, then please try the workaround in the link above and
also see

which might be of use for forcing the neo4j provided jersey version to be used.

If startup fails outside of GF as well then please provide the new
stacktrace so we can have a closer look.

Hope that helps.


On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 8:18 PM, wrote:

 I start the Server (latest stable ha-version) in a EJB-Application via a
 Singleton Bean with Glassfish 3.1.

 I do exactly what is described here:

 when i try to access i get a 503 error (see stacktrace

 any ideas what i can do to get it work ?



 Problem accessing /. Reason:

    java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup failed 
 for 'com/sun/jersey/config/CDIExtension' in 
  java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=com.sun.enterprise.naming} [Root exception is 
 javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: CDIExtension not found]

 Caused by:

 javax.servlet.UnavailableException: java.lang.RuntimeException: 
 javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup failed for 
 'com/sun/jersey/config/CDIExtension' in 
  java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=com.sun.enterprise.naming} [Root exception is 
 javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: CDIExtension not found]
        at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Context.startContext(
        at org.mortbay.jetty.Server.doStart(
        at org.neo4j.server.web.Jetty6WebServer.start(
        at org.neo4j.server.Bootstrapper.start(
        at org.neo4j.server.Bootstrapper.start(
        at com.callooh.recommender.db.Database.start(
        at com.callooh.recommender.db.ConfigDB.init(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

Re: [Neo4j] Neo4j Data Capacities

2011-11-24 Thread Chris Gioran
Yes, this is true, with a few notes:

ID reuse complicates things a bit, meaning that if you delete nodes
and relationships some ids will remain unused until you restart the
database. Unclean shutdowns also may require scanning of the store
files to determine unused records - the
Config.REBUILD_IDGENERATORS_FAST parameter. So, the 35 bit address
space is an upper limit. Normally this number of lost records is
minuscule and easily recoverable so not a big deal.

The 36 bit address space for properties is a low limit - the id reuse
issue is practically non-existent for properties and since 1.5 there
is no 1-1 correspondence between property id and property entry (the
smallest ratio is 1:4). It all depends on the type of property - if it
classifies as a short string or short array and how big

So you could have a db with around 34 billion nodes with one OUTGOING
relationship per node (so up to two per node, one INCOMING and one
OUTGOING, since every relationship connects two nodes) and at least 68
billion properties, with a max of 68*4=272 billion properties.

That's a lot of stuff! For reference, the smallest of those files will
be the node store with a size of (9 bytes/record * 2^35 records)/(2^30
bytes/gigabyte)  = 288 gigabytes. So you will start hitting machine
restrictions before you run out of id space.


On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 2:55 PM, bm3780 wrote:
 I've read that Neo4j has data capacity limitations
 (  I
 would like to confirm my understandings that the node, properties, and
 relationships limitations are for each type (e.g. AND condition), not an
 either/or  (e.g. OR condition).

 Neo4j can hold:
   * ~34 billions nodes, AND
   * ~34 billion relationships, AND
   * ~68 billion properties

 So I could theoretically have a single graph with 34 billion nodes, where
 each node had two properties and a single relationship.

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Re: [Neo4j] Sampling a Neo4j instance?

2011-11-16 Thread Chris Gioran
No, GraphDatabaseService wisely hides those things away. I would
suggest using instanceof and casting to EmbeddedGraphDatabase.


2011/11/16 Anders Lindström

 Chris, thanks again for your replies.
 I realize now that I don't have the 'getConfig' method -- I'm writing a 
 server plugin and I only get the GraphDatabaseService interface passed to my 
 method, not a EmbeddedGraphDatabase. Is there an equivalent way of getting 
 the highest node index through the interface?

 Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 12:01:31 +0200
 Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Sampling a Neo4j instance?

 Answers inline.

 2011/11/9 Anders Lindström
  Thanks to the both of you. I am very grateful that you took your time to 
  put this into code -- how's that for community!
  I presume this way of getting 'highId' is constant in time? It looks 
  rather messy though -- is it really the most straightforward way to do it?

 This is the safest way to do it, that takes into consideration crashes
 and HA cluster membership.

 Another way to do it is

 long highId = db.getConfig().getIdGeneratorFactory().get( IdType.NODE

 which can return the same value with the first, if some conditions are
 met. It is shorter and cast-free but i'd still use the first way.

 getHighId() is a constant time operation for both ways described - it
 is just a field access, with an additional long comparison for the
 first case.

  I am thinking about how efficient this will be. As I understand it, the 
  sampling misses come from deleted nodes that once was there. But if I 
  remember correctly, Neo4j tries to reuse these unused node indices when 
  new nodes are added. But is an unused node index _guaranteed_ to be used 
  given that there is one, or could inserting another node result in 
  increasing 'highId' even though some indices below it are not used?

 During the lifetime of a Neo4j instance there is no id reuse for Nodes
 and Relationships - deleted ids are saved however and will be reused
 the next time Neo4j starts. This means that if during run A you
 deleted nodes 3 and 5, the first two nodes returned by createNode() on
 the next run will have ids 3 and 5 - so highId will not change.
 Additionally, during run A, after deleting nodes 3 and 5, no new nodes
 would have the id 3 or 5. A crash (or improper shutdown) of the
 database will break this however, since the ids-to-recycle will
 probably not make it to disk.

 So, in short, it is guaranteed that ids *won't* be reused in the same
 run but not guaranteed to be reused between runs.

  My conclusion is that the sampling misses will increase with index usage 
  sparseness and that we will have a high rate of sampling misses when we 
  had many deletes and few insertions recently. Would you agree?

 Yes, that is true, especially given the cost of the wasted I/O and
 of handling the exception. However, this cost can go down
 significantly if you keep a hash set for the ids of nodes you have
 deleted and check that before asking for the node by id, instead of
 catching an exception. Persisting that between runs would move you
 away from encapsulated Neo4j constructs and would also be more

  Thanks again.
  Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2011 19:30:36 +0200
  Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Sampling a Neo4j instance?
  Backing Jim's algorithm with some code:
      public static void main( String[] args )
          long SAMPLE_SIZE = 1;
          EmbeddedGraphDatabase db = new EmbeddedGraphDatabase(
                  path/to/db/ );
          // Determine the highest possible id for the node store
          long highId = ( (NeoStoreXaDataSource)
                  Config.DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE_NAME )
          System.out.println( highId +  is the highest id );
          long i = 0;
          long nextId;
          // Do the sampling
          Random random = new Random();
          while ( i  SAMPLE_SIZE )
              nextId = Math.abs( random.nextLong() ) % highId;
                  db.getNodeById( nextId );
                  System.out.println( id  + nextId +  is there );
              catch ( NotFoundException e )
                  // NotFoundException is thrown when the node asked is not 
  in use
                  System.out.println( id  + nextId +  not in use );
  Like already mentioned, this will be slow. Random jumps around the
  graph are not something caches can keep up with - unless your whole db
  fits in memory. But accessing random pieces of an on-disk file cannot
  be done much faster.

Re: [Neo4j] Sampling a Neo4j instance?

2011-11-10 Thread Chris Gioran
Answers inline.

2011/11/9 Anders Lindström

 Thanks to the both of you. I am very grateful that you took your time to put 
 this into code -- how's that for community!
 I presume this way of getting 'highId' is constant in time? It looks rather 
 messy though -- is it really the most straightforward way to do it?

This is the safest way to do it, that takes into consideration crashes
and HA cluster membership.

Another way to do it is

long highId = db.getConfig().getIdGeneratorFactory().get( IdType.NODE

which can return the same value with the first, if some conditions are
met. It is shorter and cast-free but i'd still use the first way.

getHighId() is a constant time operation for both ways described - it
is just a field access, with an additional long comparison for the
first case.

 I am thinking about how efficient this will be. As I understand it, the 
 sampling misses come from deleted nodes that once was there. But if I 
 remember correctly, Neo4j tries to reuse these unused node indices when new 
 nodes are added. But is an unused node index _guaranteed_ to be used given 
 that there is one, or could inserting another node result in increasing 
 'highId' even though some indices below it are not used?

During the lifetime of a Neo4j instance there is no id reuse for Nodes
and Relationships - deleted ids are saved however and will be reused
the next time Neo4j starts. This means that if during run A you
deleted nodes 3 and 5, the first two nodes returned by createNode() on
the next run will have ids 3 and 5 - so highId will not change.
Additionally, during run A, after deleting nodes 3 and 5, no new nodes
would have the id 3 or 5. A crash (or improper shutdown) of the
database will break this however, since the ids-to-recycle will
probably not make it to disk.

So, in short, it is guaranteed that ids *won't* be reused in the same
run but not guaranteed to be reused between runs.

 My conclusion is that the sampling misses will increase with index usage 
 sparseness and that we will have a high rate of sampling misses when we had 
 many deletes and few insertions recently. Would you agree?

Yes, that is true, especially given the cost of the wasted I/O and
of handling the exception. However, this cost can go down
significantly if you keep a hash set for the ids of nodes you have
deleted and check that before asking for the node by id, instead of
catching an exception. Persisting that between runs would move you
away from encapsulated Neo4j constructs and would also be more

 Thanks again.

 Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2011 19:30:36 +0200
 Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Sampling a Neo4j instance?


 Backing Jim's algorithm with some code:

     public static void main( String[] args )
         long SAMPLE_SIZE = 1;
         EmbeddedGraphDatabase db = new EmbeddedGraphDatabase(
                 path/to/db/ );
         // Determine the highest possible id for the node store
         long highId = ( (NeoStoreXaDataSource)
                 Config.DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE_NAME )
         System.out.println( highId +  is the highest id );
         long i = 0;
         long nextId;

         // Do the sampling
         Random random = new Random();
         while ( i  SAMPLE_SIZE )
             nextId = Math.abs( random.nextLong() ) % highId;
                 db.getNodeById( nextId );
                 System.out.println( id  + nextId +  is there );
             catch ( NotFoundException e )
                 // NotFoundException is thrown when the node asked is not in 
                 System.out.println( id  + nextId +  not in use );

 Like already mentioned, this will be slow. Random jumps around the
 graph are not something caches can keep up with - unless your whole db
 fits in memory. But accessing random pieces of an on-disk file cannot
 be done much faster.


 On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 6:08 PM, Jim Webber wrote:
  Hi Anders,
  When you do getAllNodes, you're getting back an iterable so as you point 
  out the sample isn't random (unless it was written randomly to disk). If 
  you're prepared to take a scattergun approach and tolerate being 
  disk-bound, then you can ask for getNodeById using a made-up ID and deal 
  with the times when your ID's don't resolve.
  It'll be slow (since the chances of having the nodes in cache are low) but 
  as random as your random ID generator.
  Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] Sampling a Neo4j instance?

2011-11-09 Thread Chris Gioran

Backing Jim's algorithm with some code:

public static void main( String[] args )
long SAMPLE_SIZE = 1;
EmbeddedGraphDatabase db = new EmbeddedGraphDatabase(
path/to/db/ );
// Determine the highest possible id for the node store
long highId = ( (NeoStoreXaDataSource)
System.out.println( highId +  is the highest id );
long i = 0;
long nextId;

// Do the sampling
Random random = new Random();
while ( i  SAMPLE_SIZE )
nextId = Math.abs( random.nextLong() ) % highId;
db.getNodeById( nextId );
System.out.println( id  + nextId +  is there );
catch ( NotFoundException e )
// NotFoundException is thrown when the node asked is not in use
System.out.println( id  + nextId +  not in use );

Like already mentioned, this will be slow. Random jumps around the
graph are not something caches can keep up with - unless your whole db
fits in memory. But accessing random pieces of an on-disk file cannot
be done much faster.


On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 6:08 PM, Jim Webber wrote:
 Hi Anders,

 When you do getAllNodes, you're getting back an iterable so as you point out 
 the sample isn't random (unless it was written randomly to disk). If you're 
 prepared to take a scattergun approach and tolerate being disk-bound, then 
 you can ask for getNodeById using a made-up ID and deal with the times when 
 your ID's don't resolve.

 It'll be slow (since the chances of having the nodes in cache are low) but as 
 random as your random ID generator.

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Re: [Neo4j] 1.5.M02 - JVM BootStrapper Issues

2011-11-05 Thread Chris Gioran
This issue was unintentionally introduced along with some changes
needed for better control and output from the windows wrapper. It was
a regression that has now been fixed. I would suggest either

- waiting for the next release, or

- if you are feeling adventurous, download a snapshot windows build
(, extract
bin/windows-service-wrapper-3-SNAPSHOT.jar, rename that to
windows-service-wrapper-2.jar and replace the existing jar under bin/
in your current installation - the important thing is for the new jar
to have the same filename as the old one. That should fix all issues
that you have.

As a side note, i would really appreciate if you confirmed that your
configuration runs with a SNAPSHOT build.


On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 8:33 AM, Peter Neubauer wrote:
 this is probably linked to the same issue,


 /peter neubauer

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 On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Romiko Derbynew wrote:
 Hi Guys,

 I have downloaded the latest Community edition and notice these three custom 
 lines of code causing the Neo4J server not to start up:

 With the previous version, they worked fine. They live at the bottom of the 

 Error I get is.
        at java.lang.ProcessImpl.init(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
        at org.neo4j.wrapper.ServerProcess.init(
        at org.neo4j.wrapper.NeoServiceWrapper.main(

 Is this expected, since I am sure the JVM should support adding these 
 additional parameters?

 I want these in here, so I can always ensure it is 64bit, server mode with a 
 stack size of 2048k

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Re: [Neo4j] indexquery 12times faster than cypher -- neostore-upgrade-question

2011-10-12 Thread Chris Gioran

it is hard to make predictions on how long it will take to migrate a
store to 1.5. What the migration time actually depends on is node and
relationship population, number of properties and number of dynamic
records in use. This correlates to file size but one cannot determine
the time based on just that, since not in use records still take up
space but do not contribute to the migration time. Also indices are
not touched, so they have nothing to do with upgrade time.

Based on our runs, a store of the size you mention should take in the
order of 1-2 hours to upgrade, depending of course on OS, filesystem,
hardware etc.

As far as the safety of your data goes: It is highly recommended to do
a backup of your data in a safe location before starting the upgrade
process and after shutting down cleanly the neo4j database. However,
we have taken all the measures we could to make sure that the process
is as safe as possible and we also keep a copy of the existing
database files under database_dir/upgrade_backup just to be extra
cautious. In the unlikely case anything goes south, you can always fix
the problem, restore the old database and try the upgrade again.

hope that helps,

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 9:30 AM, wrote:

 Hi, this is great, I was still holding my breath and at first didnt even
 notice, then I got the snapshot and changed classpaths in my project to
 use 1.5.m, when I noticed the following error

 org.neo4j.graphdb.TransactionFailureException: Could not create data
 source [nioneodb], see nested exception for cause of error
 Caused by:
 To enable automatic upgrade, please set allow_store_upgrade in
 configuration properties
        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native 
        at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
        ... 24 more

 which tells me to allow the neo-store to be updated. That spooked me so
 much that I didnt yet try it in earnest, focusing instead on rewriting
 my app to work without thread-interrupts because that was apparently
 messing with lucene, and trying to find the reason why the
 worker-threads' transactions always keep deadlocking... as much as I
 desired that cypher-feature with the RelationshipIndexLookup, there are
 work-arounds, but I'll get around to testing it sometime soon.

 Before I do upgrade the store,

   39 MB  neostore.nodestore.db
  412 MB  neostore.propertystore.db
 4315 MB  neostore.propertystore.db.arrays
 1857 MB  neostore.propertystore.db.strings
 1090 MB  neostore.relationshipstore.db
 plus 1.6GB of indices,

 any idea how long such a neostore-upgrade might take from 1.4.1. to that
 1.5.snapshot? like seconds, minutes, hours, or worse?

 Am 02.10.2011 19:25, schrieb Andres Taylor:
 And now it's ready.

 If you are using SNAPSHOT, please update your dependencies, and check it

 Thanks again for providing feedback. It's much more fun coding when I know
 someone is using it.


 On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:37 AM, Andres Taylor  wrote:


 This is something that has been planned since the very 

Re: [Neo4j] Trying to use Neo4J with Atomikos transaction manager, issues with Lucene index

2011-10-09 Thread Chris Gioran
This appears to be a different issue, having to do with the
implementation of Atomikos. From some preliminary testing it seems
that during commit the transaction returned by Atomikos'
TransactionManager#getTransaction() is null, which makes commiting of
the property COW maps to fail, making impossible to see the changes in
the properties of the node. The native Neo4j TransactionManager
returns the Transaction object and so the LockReleaser#commitCows()
call works correctly. I will get back to you on this.


On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 9:12 AM, Thibaut Colar wrote:
 OK, I've modified the unit test and it shows something strange now ...
 assuming I'm not just too tired and messed up again :)

 So the previous  test, corrected, passes fine, but now after the first
 transaction is commited, i start a second one where i do the same exact
 check (node by prop)


 Now in this second transaction the test fails 

 org.neo4j.graphdb.NotFoundException: testProp property not found for
    at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.Primitive.getProperty(
    at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.NodeProxy.getProperty(

 I assume that should work no, am I doing something wrong ?

 Thanks again.

 On 10/8/11 10:34 PM, Thibaut Colar wrote:

 You are right, was just using that in this (poor) unit test I made
 quickly late last week, it's not used in the real code.

 So the unit test does work and does not have the issue I have in the
 real and much more complex code.

 I guess I'll try to bring more of it in this unit test until i break it

 One of the thing we use, is the neo4j events mechanism(to sync data to
 another system), so i wonder if maybe using that in the context of
 transactions might cause the issue, or maybe some other sort of
 threading issue(what it looked like when i was debugging).

 Anyway will try to see if i can give you a failing test and/or better
 info tomorrow or Monday.


 On 10/8/11 1:51 PM, Mattias Persson wrote:

 The implicit key is _id_ but that's an implementation detail and
 be used to assert correctness of the index in unit tests.

 2011/10/8 Thibaut

 Actually you are right, seems like id is the only one that fails ... i
 really thought that was implicitly created, could it be possible than
 somehow it should be but doesn't when using the transaction manager ?

 On 10/8/11 11:41 AM, Thibaut Colar wrote:

 Right, id is an implicit field ... works when not in transaction.
 If i remove that test, then I fail on the later index.get.

 As far as deleting the db, it's not in my test, but i removed the
 in y real code and manually before running the test.

 On 10/8/11 11:10 AM, Rick Bullotta wrote:

 If I remember correctly, neo has an implicit field on each index, and

 the name is either id or _id.

 On Oct 8, 2011, at 1:58 PM, Chris Gioran     wrote:

 Hi Thibaut,

 I noticed the following snippet in your test case code:

           long id = node.getId();
           node.setProperty(testProp, test);
           index.add(node, testProp, test);

           Assert.assertEquals(node.getProperty(testProp), test);

           // Lookup By id

           // Now via Index
           Node found = index.get(id, id).getSingle();
           Assert.assertEquals(found.getId(), id);

 which leads to the first test failure with a null result returned.
 Here you are indexing a node with key testProp and value test but
 you go on to ask it from the index with key id and value its id.
 Since you haven't added that key/value pair in the index, rightfully
 you don't get any results - the test fails in my setup even with the
 native Neo4j transaction manager.

 I changed that to ask the node from the index with the proper
 key/value pair and the test passes - the same thing happens a bit
 further down where you ask the index for a node with a key/value of
 testProp/prop (instead of testProp/test). Moreover, it passes
 with both the native Transaction Manager and the Atomikos

 Also, you are not deleting the db for the test - this means that
 you add to the index nodes with the same key/value the test will pass
 only on the first run as getSingle() on the index hits will find the
 previously added nodes and it will fail.

 Could you try that out and see if it solves your issues?

 I am glad that this functionality is being used in production -
 provide any feedback on any problems and what you think of this


Re: [Neo4j] Trying to use Neo4J with Atomikos transaction manager, issues with Lucene index

2011-10-08 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi Thibaut,

I noticed the following snippet in your test case code:

long id = node.getId();
node.setProperty(testProp, test);
index.add(node, testProp, test);

Assert.assertEquals(node.getProperty(testProp), test);

// Lookup By id

// Now via Index
Node found = index.get(id, id).getSingle();
Assert.assertEquals(found.getId(), id);

which leads to the first test failure with a null result returned.
Here you are indexing a node with key testProp and value test but
you go on to ask it from the index with key id and value its id.
Since you haven't added that key/value pair in the index, rightfully
you don't get any results - the test fails in my setup even with the
native Neo4j transaction manager.

I changed that to ask the node from the index with the proper
key/value pair and the test passes - the same thing happens a bit
further down where you ask the index for a node with a key/value of
testProp/prop (instead of testProp/test). Moreover, it passes
with both the native Transaction Manager and the Atomikos

Also, you are not deleting the db for the test - this means that since
you add to the index nodes with the same key/value the test will pass
only on the first run as getSingle() on the index hits will find the
previously added nodes and it will fail.

Could you try that out and see if it solves your issues?

I am glad that this functionality is being used in production - please
provide any feedback on any problems and what you think of this

hope that helps,

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 7:50 PM, tcolar wrote:
 I've been trying to make this work for a few days but while it mostly works,
 the Lucene index just won't.

 We have a fairly complex setup including neo4j, mysql, mongo and JMS ad
 trying to do transactions accross all that with Atomikos.

 Since that is quite complex, I've made a smaller unit test just using
 Atomikos and Neo4j to demonstrate the issue:

 The main test is here:

 and results:

 I used
 to get me going.

 And my code for that part is here:

 I'm thinking that's probably where I'm doing something wrong maybe ?

 I'm probably not doing something right but i can't seem to find what's going
 on with Lucene.

 The test works if not using Atomikos but just plain Neo4j Transactions.

 Anybody as an idea what is wrong?


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Re: [Neo4j] Neo4j Internals

2011-10-06 Thread Chris Gioran
On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Alexandre de Assis Bento Lima wrote:
 Thank you, Chris!
 BTY, do you intend to update your blog with the new information?

It seems harder to do for the older posts - it comes easier to just
write up changes as they are worked on and integrated.
This means by the way that the upcoming property stuff will probably
get their own writeup. Stay tuned.

Also, keep in mind that as Neo4j evolves, all team members write up
interesting stuff they work on. Look at for a
list of posts covering various aspects of Neo4j, including, but not
limited to, some very interesting walk-throughs of kernel parts.

have fun,


 On Thu, 6 Oct 2011 11:02:18 +0300, Chris Gioran wrote
 Hi Alexandre,

 first off, the overall structure of the database has not changed in
 any drastic way. This means that most of the code paths are the same,
 maybe with some classes/methods renamed, so with a bit of patience you
 can follow through the new code.

 The most dramatic changes have been in the store files layout. Bits
 have had their semantics changed to support a bigger id space and,
 moreover, 1.5 will bring a complete rewrite of the PropertyStore.
 However the code is again localized, so you should be able to find
 your way around pretty quick - in-code comments should be helpful

 If you have any trouble walking through the code I am sure you will
 find this list very helpful.

 thank you,

 On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 6:50 PM, Alexandre de Assis Bento Lima wrote:
  I couldn't find any information about Neo4j storage system and other 
  internal details on
  its website. Searching the web, I found:
  which gives many details and seems to be very good material. My question 
  is: as the
  articles were published on October, 2010, are they still up-to-date? Neo4j 
  1.5 has the
  same implementation?
  Thanks a lot and special thanks to Chris Gioran, who wrote the articles.
  Neo4j mailing list
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 Alexandre A. B. Lima.
 COPPE / Computer Science
 Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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Re: [Neo4j] InvalidRecordException: Record[1983624] not in useRecord[1983624] not in use

2011-09-28 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi Rene,

According to git log, 1,4.M04 was tagged 10/06/2011, while the fix for
a bug in the BatchInserterImpl that caused corrupted stores which gave
the message you are seeing is

which has a date of 04/07/2011.

This makes 1.4.M06 the earliest release to use that does not have this
issue or, even better, go for 1.4.1 which is the latest stable
release. Since you are comfortable using milestones, 1.5.M01 might be
of interest to you. has the links that you need.

hope that helped,

2011/9/28 René Pickhardt
 Neo1.4.M04 community edition no self build.

 2011/9/28 Mattias Persson

 Which version of neo4j did you use to import your data, was it a
 downloadable package, from maven or building yourself from a branch?

 2011/9/28 René Pickhardt

  hey everyone
  I got a strange error message that a record is not in use if I call
  hasRelationship() function even though I checked against null before! My
  real purpose was to start the traverser but it exited with the same error
  message. That is why I put the n.hasRelationship which also would not
  I imported a graph with 50 mio. nodes and about the same size of
  relationships. (though I am about to import more relationships later on)
  put 2 mio. nodes in a lucence index called article.
  the counting variable t has the value 2385 (so the first 2385 calls work
  fine) if I skip this node the same problem accoures again at t = 3239.
  maybe it is usefull to say that I inserted the graph using the batch
  IndexHitsNode res = article.get(key, values[0]);
  if (res!=null){
  Node n = res.getSingle();
   if (n!=null){
  if (n.hasRelationship(DynamicRelationshipType.withName( UPDATE ),
  UPDATE ) );
  not in useRecord[1983624] not in use
   at IndexEvaluation.GenerateStreams(
  at IndexEvaluation.init(
   at EntryPoint.main(
  mobile: +49 (0)176 6433 2481
  Skype: +49 (0)6131 / 4958926
  Skype: rene.pickhardt
  Neo4j mailing list

 Mattias Persson, []
 Hacker, Neo Technology
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Re: [Neo4j] Garbage Collection not in wrapper config

2011-09-18 Thread Chris Gioran

if i understand you correctly, you are looking at the documentation
for snapshot (currently 1.5) but looking at the configuration file
from the 1st milestone of 1.4 (1.4.M01).

From what git history shows, these lines was added on May 30, 2011,
which places them in the distribution around 1.4M04.

Anyway, i just downloaded a community snapshot (1.5-SNAPSHOT) from and conf/neo4j-wrapper.conf has the expected contents, lines

Is there something that i am missing here?

Note that adding manually this line in the configuration in versions
before 1.4M04 should work as expected.


On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 8:16 AM, Romiko Derbynew wrote:
 Hi Guys,

 I notice the docs 
 ( mention 
 that this line of config exists commented out.

 However, I cannot find it in the neo4j-wrapper.conf (1.4.M01 (2011-04-28)

 Is the docs out of date, or should this be added back, I see it as a very 
 useful tool to leave commented out, as I can use this with gcviewer?


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Re: [Neo4j] Neo4j low-level data storage

2011-09-14 Thread Chris Gioran

shameless plug explanation=my blog
You can find a decent explanation for pre-1.4 storage layout here:

It has not been updated however to explain extended addressing for 4B+
entities in a db (which do not change the layout, just the semantics
of some bits). Nevertheless, the basic structures (fixed size records,
doubly linked list etc) are still there.

For the way I/O is performed (and minimized/improved upon) you can
look at the way memory mapping is used here:

And of course, there is object caching explained here:

/ shameless plug

The organization in general is greatly favored by SSDs which are more
friendly to linked lists on disk. However, there is no optimization in
place yet targeting a specific storage technology - as in most
applications, the better the I/O performance, the better Neo4j does.

I'd be happy to help dive into more specific questions as they come to you.


On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 8:09 PM, danielb wrote:
 Hello everybody,

 I have some questions regarding data storage in neo4j. How does neo4j store
 the data on the physical level? Are elements which have a close relationship
 in the graph stored in an adjacent way on disk? Any special binary format?
 How do you treat SSDs compared to common harddisks? What are your measures
 to improve I/O? Is there a technical documention which describes this?


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Re: [Neo4j] Size on disk, and number of properties

2011-09-08 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi Assem

The logical log file is where all changes to be performed to the store
are written out before they are actually applied - also referred to as
the Write Ahead Log. The file that hosts this is bound to a specific
size above which a rotation happens: a new file is created to host the
WAL, all pending transactions are moved over, the store files are
flushed and the old file marked as unused.
Setting the configuration option keep_logical_logs to false
deletes the old log files instead of keeping them around when that
size limit is hit and a rotation is triggered.

Hope that clear things up.


On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 8:58 PM, Aseem Kishore wrote:
 Thanks Johan!

 Configuring Neo4j with keep_logical_logs=false the logs will
 automatically be deleted upon rotation.

 What does upon rotation mean here?


 On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 5:56 AM, Johan Svensson jo...@neotechnology.comwrote:

 Removing the log files ending with .vversion number at runtime is
 perfectly safe to do but will turn off the ability to do incremental
 backups. You can however still perform live full backups.

 Configuring Neo4j with keep_logical_logs=false the logs will
 automatically be deleted upon rotation.


 On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 1:49 AM, Aseem Kishore
  Thanks for the insights Johan!
  Regarding the existing disk space then, by far the bulk of it is from the
  logs. Is there a way to prune or garbage collect them? Is simply deleting
  the files safe? Should the db be off if I do that? Etc.
  Thanks much!
  On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 2:47 AM, Johan Svensson
  Hi Aseem,
  This is actually expected behavior when performing file copy of
  running db and starting up with default configuration. If you remove
  the files ending with .id in the db directory on the local snapshot
  and start up setting rebuild_idgenerators_fast=false you should see
  the accurate amount of nodes, relationships and properties.
  Regarding the amount of properties not matching this could be due to a
  non clean shutdown on the production system. We are planing on
  improving this in the near future by allowing for more aggressive
  reuse of ids for properties. This will specifically improve things for
  workloads that perform a lot of property updates.
  On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 10:05 AM, Aseem Kishore
   Hey guys,
   We do offline backups of our db on a semi-regular basis (every few
   where we (1) stop the running db, (2) copy its data directory and (3)
   restart the db.
   A few times early on, we did running backups -- but not the proper
   way -- where we simply copied the data directory while the db was
   running. (We did this during times where we were confident no requests
   hitting the db.)
   We noticed that every time we did the running backup, the number of
   properties the web admin reported -- and the space on disk of the db
   would jump up quite a bit. We stopped doing that recently.
   But even now, both these numbers have gotten quite a bit higher than
   expect to, and strangely, they seem to differ highly between the
   and the copies.
   What could be causing all of this?
   Here are our current numbers:
   - 2,338 nodes
   - 4,473 rels
   - 114,231 props (higher than we would expect it to be, but not by an
   of magnitude)
   - *1.39 GB!* -- this is way unexpected, particularly since our db
   be in the ~10 KB ballpark, and we certainly haven't experienced hockey
   growth yet ;) The logical log only takes up 57 KB (0%) btw.
   *Local snapshot*
   - 2,338 nodes
   - 4,473 rels
   - *2,607,892 props!!!* -- ???
   - *1.37 GB!* -- equally surprisingly high, but also interesting that
   less than the production db's size. 0 KB logical logs.
   I looked around the wiki and searched this mailing list but didn't
   clues here. But as requested on another thread, here's the output of
   total 1474520
   -rw-r--r--   1 aseemk  staff    11B Aug 30 00:46 active_tx_log
   drwxr-xr-x  52 aseemk  staff   1.7K Aug 30 00:46 index/
   -rw-r--r--   1 aseemk  staff   343B Aug 30 00:46 index.db
   -rw-r--r--   1 aseemk  staff   854K Aug 30 00:46 messages.log
   -rw-r--r--   1 aseemk  staff    36B Aug 30 00:46 neostore
   -rw-r--r--   1 aseemk  staff     9B Aug 30 00:46
   -rw-r--r--   1 aseemk  staff    26K Aug 30 00:46 neostore.nodestore.db
   -rw-r--r--   1 aseemk  staff     9B Aug 30 00:46
   -rw-r--r--   1 aseemk  staff    62M Aug 30 00:46
   -rw-r--r--   1 aseemk  staff   133B Aug 30 00:46
   -rw-r--r--   1 aseemk  staff     9B Aug 30 00:46

Re: [Neo4j] Online-backup error

2011-08-31 Thread Chris Gioran

though the command syntax seems ok, i find it strange that you try to
backup from the webadmin port (7474). Have you actually changed the
configuration to enable backup from port 7474? If not, and provided
you have not explicitly set the backup port to something different,
try as

bin/neo4j-backup -full -from single:// -to

since the client defaults to 6362, which is where the backup server
listens to by default.

If, for some reason, you need to change the backup port, change in
conf/ the line




and the command to

bin/neo4j-backup -full -from single:// -to

and you should be fine.

hope that helps,

On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 3:43 PM, sometime wrote:
 I use
 bin/neo4j-backup -full -from single:// -to

 output from console:
 Performing full backup from 'single://'
 Couldn't connect to 'single://', Channel has been closed

 any idea?

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Re: [Neo4j] bug in neo4j-community-1.4.1-unix.tar.gz neo4j script ?

2011-08-29 Thread Chris Gioran
The only circumstances under which i can reproduce a *similar* failure
involve a linux client, specifically an Ubuntu 11.04 installation. In
more detail:

I have a neo4j shell server running remotely (on a windows machine,
fwiw). Then, from a recently unpacked installation of neo4j (1.4.1) i

bin/neo4j-shell -host

I manage to connect (meaning i get back a prompt) but for every
entered command i get (in this case for pwd)

neo4j-sh (0)$ pwd
Connection refused to host:; nested exception is: Connection refused: connect

This is tracked back to an entry in /etc/hosts file:   my_host_name

After removing that line everything works.

If after trying the above you still face problems, would you mind
sharing some more details about your setup?

- Client/server details (at least OS versions, , java -version), the
more the merrier.
- Network topology
- A sample console session with the error


On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 7:19 PM, Francesco Ruffino wrote:
 Thank you Chris!

 I'm playing with the neo4j-shell.
 I'm using the one I have found in the tar.gz

 I have tried to run this command:
 [myclient]$ ./neo4j-community-1.4.1/bin/neo4j-shell -host myserver -port 1337

 but nothing happens: the shell remains hanging...

 I have checked on the server-side
 [myserver] netstat -an | grep 1337

 I can see the port in LISTEN and then in ESTABLISHED:
 tcp        0      0 :::1337                     :::*
 tcp        0      0 :::
  but nothing happens on the client side...

 If I use the neo4j-shell directly on the server it works perfectly.

 what is wrong?

 thank you,

 2011/8/26 Chris Gioran

 this is a known issue. Please follow the documentation and run from
 the installation root (/home/ec2-user/neo4j-community-1.4.1/ in your
 example) as

 bin/neo4j command


 On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 1:41 PM, Francesco Ruffino 
 [ec2-user@xxx bin]$ pwd

 [ec2-user@ bin]$ sudo ./neo4j start
 Starting Neo4j Server...Error: missing Neo4j Library, expected at

 doesn't resolve correctly the $NEO4J_HOME variable
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Re: [Neo4j] setProperty Exception

2011-08-25 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi John,

maybe you are trying to add a property that has a value of String[]
with at least one of the array members being null?. That would cause
the first exception. The second exception is most probably because you
try to success() and finish() your transaction even after the

For the first issue, always make sure that you are not adding null
values, not even as members of an array.
For the second issue, make sure that you have a try/catch block around
your transactional code that does tx.success() only when everything is
in place, with the catch block doing the tx.failure(). At the finally
block, just do tx.finish() - that should do it.

In code:

Transaction tx = db.beginTx();
try {
  // do tx stuff here
catch (Exception e) {
finally {

Hope the above help. If your code does not conform to my assumptions
please share some more details.


On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 5:43 AM, John Howard wrote:
 I am using embedded 1.4.1

 I get these 2 strange exceptions almost simultaneously when try to create a
 new property.

 at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.NodeImpl.addProperty(
 at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.Primitive.setProperty(
 at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.NodeProxy.setProperty(
 at graph.createProperty(

 and then
 org.neo4j.graphdb.TransactionFailureException: Unable to commit transaction
 at org.neo4j.kernel.TopLevelTransaction.finish(
 Caused by: javax.transaction.RollbackException: Failed to commit,
 transaction rolledback
 at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.TxManager.commit(
 at org.neo4j.kernel.TopLevelTransaction.finish(
 ... 40 more


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Re: [Neo4j] Neo4j Rest Server memory configuration

2011-08-22 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi there,

see inline for my take to answering your questions. If someone has
more info please share and/or correct.

On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 10:39 AM, mike_t wrote:
 I installed neo4j as a service on linux. Then I configured in the
 neo4j-community-1.4.1/conf/neo4j-wrapper.conf file following init and max

 # Initial Java Heap Size (in MB)

 # Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)

 The top output shows following:
 17408 neo4j  18   0 1188m 155m  11m S    0  5.1   2:12.76 java

 Should neo4j not reserverd 512m memory? What did I wrong?

Asking for any amount of memory does not mean that the memory pages
are actually allocated - they are reserved. The JVM marks a range of
addresses as reserved and the OS obliges, but through the way virtual
memory works, the RAM is not actually used. This means that the JVM
thinks that it has 512M but the OS knows better. The upside of not
needing to do re-sizing calculations on heap growth is still there -
when the JVM decides to write to a reserved page that is not still
allocated, a page fault will be raised, the kernel will intervene etc,
as per usual.

 How can I discover If neo4j is running in java server mode? Result of java
 -version is:
 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 19.0-b09, mixed mode).

Interesting question. It seems there is no vendor independent way -
the client vs server thing is vendor dependent to begin with. The
closest thing that seems to work is parsing the VM name string,
reachable via

System.getProperty( )

which on my machine returns

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM

with java -version printing

java version 1.6.0_24
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_24-b07)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 19.1-b02, mixed mode)

The same is reported of course via jconsole. Interestingly, i could
not start a client JVM. The JRE's help text talks about a -server
option only and that the default is server. No -client, although the
JVM starts with it in the command line. I guess this has to do with
all my machines being 64-bit multicore.

Hope the above helped.


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Re: [Neo4j] Neo4j startup script syntax errors

2011-08-16 Thread Chris Gioran

yes, the lsof utility must be present (an assumption that holds for
most modern distributions). If you have a workaround for Solaris,
please share.

Could please specify which version of neo4j gives you this error?


On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 8:42 PM, Vyoma wrote:
 Hi Andreas,

 I think that worked:

 diff utils utils.bak
        if [[ ${line} =~ ^([^#\s][^=]+)=(.+)$ ]]; then
       if [[ ${line} =~ ^([^#\s][^=]+)=(.+)$ ]]; then
          if [[ ${key} =~ ^(.*)_([0-9]+)$ ]]; then
         if [[ ${key} =~ ^(.*)_([0-9]+)$ ]]; then

 It is not giving me those syntax errors now.

 It does give me an command not found error now:

 ./bin/neo4j start
 id: illegal option -- u
 Usage: id [-ap] [user]
 Starting Neo4j Server...WARNING: not changing user
  process [8975]... waiting for server to be ready../bin/neo4j: line 172:
 lsof: command not found
 grep: can't open -B1
 ../bin/neo4j: line 172: lsof: command not found
 grep: can't open -B1
 Neo4j Server may have failed to start, please check the logs.

 But this must be due to lsof not being available. I think I need to get
 that installed.


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Re: [Neo4j] cant use index after commit

2011-08-07 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi Ahmed,

if you are still having trouble, could you please provide a bare bones
test case that reliably reproduces the problem?


On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 6:56 PM, ahmed.elsharkasy wrote:
 Are you sure no other reason?

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Re: [Neo4j] neo4j.bat - java path

2011-07-29 Thread Chris Gioran

that is a valid complaint. The main idea was to use the java
executable that is on the Path - however that can be still the case
and allow for custom executable locations with just one string
Consider this added into the backlog.


On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 2:04 PM, Romiko Derbynew wrote:
 Hi Guys,

 Is it possible to update the neo4j.bat file for future releases to have a 
 global variable for java 

 Currently it is located in two places in the file neo4j.bat. We using  Neo4j 
 in the cloud and currently we have to do string replacements at two locations:

 e.g. - these are my configs that work on dev fabric as I do not rely on 
 environment paths since java and neo4j are boot strapped from blob storage 
 and the db is on a cloud drive.
 set mainclass=-DserverMainClass=org.neo4j.server.Bootstrapper
 set binPath=java -DworkingDir...

 set mainclass=-DserverMainClass=org.neo4j.server.Bootstrapper
 java -DworkingDir=%~dp0..

 Perhaps it would be easier to have one location to store this value, to make 
 it easier to use absolute paths for java. We use absolute paths due to Azure 


 And then
 set mainclass=-DserverMainClass=org.neo4j.server.Bootstrapper
 set binPath=$Java_Path -DworkingDir...

 set mainclass=-DserverMainClass=org.neo4j.server.Bootstrapper
 $Java_Path  -DworkingDir=%~dp0..

 We use auto configuration in the cloud, so we always customize the configs on 
 the fly when vm's spin up. Easier way to search and replace strings would be 
 much appreciated. This will make it much easier for us to customize the 
 config on the fly by just replacing $Java_Path.

 e.g. after boot strap in the cloud.
 set mainclass=-DserverMainClass=org.neo4j.server.Bootstrapper
  -DworkingDir=%~dps0.. -DconfigFile=conf\neo4j-wrapper.conf %classpath% 
 %mainclass% -jar %~dps0windows-service-wrapper-1.jar %serviceName%
 set mainclass=-DserverMainClass=org.neo4j.server.Bootstrapper
  -DworkingDir=%~dp0.. -DconfigFile=conf\neo4j-wrapper.conf %classpath% 
 %mainclass% -jar %~dp0windows-service-wrapper-1.jar

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Re: [Neo4j] strange problem while getting a node property

2011-07-28 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi Jean-Sébastien,

could you please tell us:

0. Are you sure that Node#0 is the one reporting that it has the
property key package?
1. How is the graph created? Specifically, how are the properties
added? The package property is being reported as existing, so it has
to get there somehow.
2. What version of Neo4j are you using?
3. Are the operations you described part of the same or different
transactions? The same instance of the database?

It would be very helpful if you provided a small piece of code that
reproduces what you see.


On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 2:18 PM, Jean-Sébastien Stoffen wrote:
 I've this strange problem when I try to collect data from the graph with
 the Java API in Groovy :

 db.allNodes.each {node -
     node.getRelationships().each {rel -
     println (${node} ${cpt})
     println node.getPropertyKeys()

 The iteration on each node is right working.
 The iteration to count the relationships on each node is working too.

 The call node.getPropertyKeys() gives me the list of the properties like
 this :
 [nbrel, version, maintainer, section, architecture, package, priority,
 dataset, installedSize]


 If a call node.getProperty(package)
 I receive this error :
 Caught: org.neo4j.graphdb.NotFoundException: package property not found
 for NodeImpl#0

 And, If I set the value just before, for test like this :
 node.setProperty(package, test)
 println node.getProperty(package)

 I get the value.

 So I can't get property which was not set by the node.setProperty method.
 The initial data are copied into the graph with a perl script using the
 Neo4j REST interface.

 Maybe I do something wrong,
 I'm a newbie in both Neo4j and Groovy

 Jean-Sébastien Stoffen
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Re: [Neo4j] auto indexes in REST in 1.4?

2011-07-28 Thread Chris Gioran
In the upper left part where you can select edition and platform, the
Select Release drop down list has a Current stable version (1.4)
option. Select that instead of the default Current Milestone version
option and you should be fine.


On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 5:32 PM, dhsieh wrote:
 Where is the GA version download link? I can't find it in

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Re: [Neo4j] Deletion From Neo4j

2011-07-26 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi Ahmad,

Deleting a Node (or a Relationship or a Property for that matter) does
not actually remove the corresponding record - it marks it as unused.
Also the store is *never* compacted. The id of the deleted nodes are
stored in the corresponding .id file so that they can be reused later
on (after a restart). This of course means that deleting a Node does
not reduce space usage but actually increases it by writing on disk
its id.

RelationshipTypes are not deleted, ever, neither explicitly or when
you delete all Relationships that have that type.

A way to remedy this is to copy over your database when you are done
with your manipulations - do your additions/deletions in a scratch
db and then create a new database instance and copy over your graph -
this way no holes will be created and the store will be compacted,
effectively defragmenting your database. The downside of this is that
your ids will be not the same any more - if, for example, you deleted
node with id 3 in the initial db, then you will have a node with that
id in the defragged database.


On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 12:53 PM, Ahmad Bakr wrote:
 Hi All,

 I have a question please and may you want to help me to figure it out, i
 inserted about 240 nodes, 717 properties and 418 relationships with 5
 relationship types. the disk space usage was 77.3 MB (including all
 components of Neo4j), the problem is i have to keep a specific disk space
 for Neo4j thus i need to delete some nodes, the strange thing is when i
 deleted the exisiting nodes and their relationships and properties, the disk
 space usage is increased to 77.4 MB and this is weird, although the admin
 interface of Neo4j shows that all nodes and relationship were deleted
 however the relationship types still 5  :)

 Any help ?

 Thanks :)

 Ahmad Bakr

 Software Engineer
 eSpace Technologies

 Mob: (+2) 010-410-2280
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Re: [Neo4j] Neo4j with Tomcat...need a transaction manager

2011-07-18 Thread Chris Gioran
Hey Jaf,

On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 4:23 AM, etc3 wrote:

 If I use the default trx manager in neo4j, what connection pool driver
 should be used in Tomcat?

The internal implementation of Neo4j's transaction manager is not
currently exposed for use by 3rd party resources. This means that,
while capable of coordinating a 2PC you cannot use it to do so as a
standalone TM like JOTM. The work we have done is actually the reverse
of that - it substitutes Neo4's TM for an externally provided one,
since both our transactional resources (neo store and lucene indexes)
are XA compatible.

For you this means that you have to use an external TM (like Atomikos
and JBossTM that you mentioned - we have also tested SpringSource's
implementation and JOTM and found all four of them to work) to
coordinate your XA datasources. Doing so for Tomcat however is
something we have not tried yet - the blog posts Michael mentioned
should cover a lot of ground nevertheless, the only thing not covered
is integration with the container, the rest should work.

I will try and replicate your scenario locally and see what trouble
may rise but I am really interested to see how it went for you.

Hope that helped a bit,


 -Original Message-
 From: [] On
 Behalf Of Michael Hunger
 Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 9:05 PM
 To: Neo4j user discussions
 Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Neo4j with Tomcat...need a transaction manager

 Yes they were added.

 The XA-TX-Manager is configurable in Neo4j (defaults to our own but if you
 have an external one like JOTM or Atomikos) then you can configure those to
 be used.

 Example implementation for JOTM:

 Implementation in neo4j is here:



 Am 16.07.2011 um 02:43 schrieb etc3:

 Thanks, Micheal.

 The blog post from Chris was from last year; were those changes for
 JOTM ever added to neo4j?

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Michael Hunger
 Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 8:00 PM
 To: Neo4j user discussions
 Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Neo4j with Tomcat...need a transaction manager

 Springsource also provides/is working on their own tomcat based XA TM.
 Perhaps you'd like to check that out.

 Otherwise there is only JOTM left.

 Neo4j can integrate with those TM.
 See also these blog posts by our team member Chris Gioran:

 Internally it uses also 2PC with the nioneo store and lucene.



 Am 16.07.2011 um 01:37 schrieb etc3:

 We plan on using neo4j as the database for our website, which will
 run on Tomcat. Also, we'll be using ActiveMQ for sending messages
 within neo4j transactions, so that leaves the question of what to use
 for the transaction manager. Atomikos, JBossTM comes to mind, are we
 anything obvious?
 Does neo4j provide anything out-of-box for transactions management?



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Re: [Neo4j] Auto-index fulltext?

2011-07-18 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi Aseem,

On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Aseem Kishore wrote:
 Is the 1.4 auto-index only exact? Or can it be configured to be a
 fulltext index?

Yes, currently the auto-indexes are only exact, there is no
straightforward way to configure them explicitly. This is a known
shortcoming and will be remedied pretty soon.
Another addition that is coming, by the way, is the visibility of
changes of the auto index within the transaction, instead of waiting
for commit time as is now.

 (Btw, it would be awesome if we could have two auto-indexes: one exact, one
 full-text. It would be great in general if all indexing could be auto. Not
 sure when you would ever want/need manual indexing.)

Well, a lot of use cases call for manual indexing, when for example it
is conditional or the use of multiple indexes is required. If,
however, auto indexing covers all your needs then by all means, do
just that.


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Re: [Neo4j] Auto-indexing feature request: transform

2011-07-18 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi Aseem,

This is a use case that auto indexing may not be the best fit. The
purpose of auto indexing is taking care of the common use case in the
simplest possible manner, which is a property added is a property
indexed. Indexing a property with a different value that is present on
the primitive (that is what I understood from your description,
correct if wrong) is a case that is best suited for custom indexing
operations. Additionally, it is a desirable quality to have an index
which follows the contents of the actual database with guaranteed
consistency. I would be interested to know if there are others that do
similar transformations and in what manner - maybe there is room for
providing a customizing API.


On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 9:48 AM, Aseem Kishore wrote:
 We transform some of our properties currently before (manually) indexing
 them. Simple examples are lowercase (fulltext indexes supports a
 lowercase config that defaults to true, but exact ones don't, I was
 disappointed to find), but more complex ones are e.g. stripping special

 It would be great if the auto-indexer could support this notion of
 transforming property values (and queries) through user-defined function,
 just like traversal accepts a user-defined filter function.

 (And, fwiw, we're users of the REST API, so ideally this functionality would
 be exposed over REST too.)

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Re: [Neo4j] Auto-index fulltext?

2011-07-18 Thread Chris Gioran
No, that is not what i meant. The main idea is to provide the means to
configure at least some aspects of the auto index instead of relying
on the default settings only. There will still be one auto index for
each primitive category.
However, one feature under consideration is to actually allow an
arbitrary number of auto indexes, each of which will allow for
individual configuration. So, when that comes along you will have what
you described (and more, actually).


On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Aseem Kishore wrote:
 Awesome to hear, Chris, thanks. Just to clarify/confirm then: in the future,
 we will be able to have *both* an exact auto-index and a fulltext auto-index


 On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 3:18 AM, Chris Gioran wrote:

 Hi Aseem,

 On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Aseem Kishore
  Is the 1.4 auto-index only exact? Or can it be configured to be a
  fulltext index?

 Yes, currently the auto-indexes are only exact, there is no
 straightforward way to configure them explicitly. This is a known
 shortcoming and will be remedied pretty soon.
 Another addition that is coming, by the way, is the visibility of
 changes of the auto index within the transaction, instead of waiting
 for commit time as is now.

  (Btw, it would be awesome if we could have two auto-indexes: one exact,
  full-text. It would be great in general if all indexing could be auto.
  sure when you would ever want/need manual indexing.)

 Well, a lot of use cases call for manual indexing, when for example it
 is conditional or the use of multiple indexes is required. If,
 however, auto indexing covers all your needs then by all means, do
 just that.


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Re: [Neo4j] Auto-index fulltext?

2011-07-18 Thread Chris Gioran
On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 1:50 PM, Aseem Kishore wrote:
 Okay, we look forward to the multiple auto-indexes feature then!

 There will still be one auto index for
 each primitive category.

 Can you explain what a primitive category is then

I apologize for the confusion. Primitives (or primitive categories) in
Neo4j are Nodes and Relationships.
Named so because their in-kernel classes, NodeImpl and
RelationshipImpl extend org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.Primitive


 On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 6:15 AM, Chris Gioran wrote:

 No, that is not what i meant. The main idea is to provide the means to
 configure at least some aspects of the auto index instead of relying
 on the default settings only. There will still be one auto index for
 each primitive category.
 However, one feature under consideration is to actually allow an
 arbitrary number of auto indexes, each of which will allow for
 individual configuration. So, when that comes along you will have what
 you described (and more, actually).


 On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Aseem Kishore
  Awesome to hear, Chris, thanks. Just to clarify/confirm then: in the
  we will be able to have *both* an exact auto-index and a fulltext
  On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 3:18 AM, Chris Gioran wrote:
  Hi Aseem,
  On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Aseem Kishore
   Is the 1.4 auto-index only exact? Or can it be configured to be a
   fulltext index?
  Yes, currently the auto-indexes are only exact, there is no
  straightforward way to configure them explicitly. This is a known
  shortcoming and will be remedied pretty soon.
  Another addition that is coming, by the way, is the visibility of
  changes of the auto index within the transaction, instead of waiting
  for commit time as is now.
   (Btw, it would be awesome if we could have two auto-indexes: one
   full-text. It would be great in general if all indexing could be auto.
   sure when you would ever want/need manual indexing.)
  Well, a lot of use cases call for manual indexing, when for example it
  is conditional or the use of multiple indexes is required. If,
  however, auto indexing covers all your needs then by all means, do
  just that.
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Re: [Neo4j] missing required jta.jar for debian?

2011-07-12 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi Eddy,

what you are missing is the JTA specification jar. You can find a copy here:

Neo4j uses maven to manage its dependencies so that such necessary
libraries are located and downloaded automatically. This has the
additional advantage that if you have a dependency management system
as well all this will be automatically taken care for you.

To get back to your questions, no, JavaEE is nowhere near needed for
running neo4j. For the kernel you will need, apart from JTA above,

as well and you should be good to go. For the tests, junit is also needed.
I don't know of a way to have these dependencies managed from the
package managers that come with linux distros, so either a dependency
manager or manual downloads are your options here.

In general, the pom.xml in every project has a listing of all the
dependencies you will need.


On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Eddy Respondek wrote:
 I'm currently getting the following error message in Debian Lenny when
 trying to run a class file.

 Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

 As far as I can tell Debian is missing a jta.jar file which is apparently
 apart Java EE 6 but this isn't one of Debian packages.

 Do I need to manually install Java EE 6 or can I get JTA.jar somewhere

 More info
 javac -cp /usr/share/java/neo4j-kernel.jar:/usr/share/java/jta.jar
 java -cp /tmp:/usr/share/java/neo4j-kernel.jar:/usr/share/java/jta.jar

 java version 1.6.0_22
 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_22-b04)
 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.1-b03, mixed mode)
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Re: [Neo4j] Unique Constaint on Index

2011-07-07 Thread Chris Gioran

the ability to acquire locks cluster-wide exists, albeit in an ad hoc
fashion. Grabbing a write lock on the node you want to ensure is
uniquely indexed will ensure that the operations are serialized across
all cluster members.
The most simple way to get that lock currently is the (somewhat
hackish but entirely correct) removal of a non-existing property.


On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 5:53 PM, etc3 wrote:
 How do I ensure another request is not performing the same operation on
 another node in the cluster?

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On
 Behalf Of Marko Rodriguez
 Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2011 10:35 AM
 To: Neo4j user discussions
 Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Unique Constaint on Index


 We are testing Neo4J and need to support unique emails across all
 users. Is this possible with the current API?

 You can add such a constraint when updating the indices:

 if(index.get('email', address).hasNext()) {
  throw new RuntimeException(There are two nodes that share the same email
 address.); } else {
  index.put('email', address, node);

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Re: [Neo4j] Announcing the latest milestone (1.4.M05)

2011-06-29 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi Aseem,

there is currently no ability to configure the auto indexer from the
REST API. It is definite that this functionality will be added but it
is unclear at this time when this will happen. We would be happy as
well though if this was included in 1.4 GA.


On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 8:46 AM, Aseem Kishore wrote:
 Awesome stuff!

 One question: is there any ability yet to use (i.e. configure) auto-indexing
 from the REST API? If not, will that be a part of 1.4 final?


 On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 7:03 AM, Andres Taylor wrote:

 Hello graphistas,

 Today we’re releasing the fifth and final milestone in our 1.4 “Kiruna
 family. We’ve expanded our feature set to include Auto Indexing and paged
 traversers for the REST API, the Cypher query language has seen some major
 improvements and as always, we’ve squeezed more performance out of our
 database engine.

 Auto indexing
 In this milestone we have included an improved version of the auto indexing
 functionality that was announced shortly after 1.4.M04 and has been
 available in development snapshots since then. You’ll now find new
 configuration options for separately enabling auto indexing for node and
 relationship properties and for defining which properties will be indexed.
 For example, if you want to auto-index all node properties called “name”
 all relationship properties called “since” the proper configuration is:

 MapString, String config = new HashMapString, String();
 config.put(Config.NODE_AUTO_INDEXING, “true”);
 config.put(Config.NODE_KEYS_INDEXABLE, “name”);
 config.put(Config.RELATIONSHIP_AUTO_INDEXING, “true”);
 config.put(Config.RELATIONSHIP_KEYS_INDEXABLE, “since”);

 Passing the above to the GraphDatabaseService constructor will enable auto
 indexing for matching nodes and relationships, and on every commit the auto
 index will be updated automatically. For more details, check out the
 javadocs and the examples in the manual available at:

 Paged REST Traversers
 After including batch operations in the previous milestone, now we also
 provide the option to page results of traversals via a special URI
 in Node representations and that is similar to the existing Traverser REST
 API. You can define the page size and lease time, having this way finer
 control the retrieval of traverser results from the client (and also help
 improve performance on the server).

 Cypher improvements
 The newly introduced Cypher query language is growing more sophisticated
 in this milestone we’ve added aggregates, ordering and limits. This allows
 for more expressive queries, making the following a valid statement against
 the cineasts database:

 START user=(User,login,'micha')
 MATCH (user)-[:FRIEND]-(friend)-[r,:RATED]-(movie)
 RETURN movie.title, AVG(r.stars), COUNT(*)
       ORDER BY AVG(r.stars) DESC, COUNT(*) DESC limit 7

 To see Cypher in action, check out the
 our own Michael Hunger.

 Almost there
 Of course that is not all. As always, we have bug fixes, performance
 improvements and usability enhancements, the most prevalent of which is the
 removal of YAJSW as the wrapper and service installer, which should bring
 joy to the mac users among us.

 With the GA release to follow shortly, we’d like you to download, try out
 and provide us with your valuable feedback on these new features so that we
 can deliver the best possible 1.4 to you, our community. For more details
 and links go to the release announcement

 Andrés Taylor
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Re: [Neo4j] Parallelism

2011-06-17 Thread Chris Gioran

Keep in mind that Neo4j is a fully ACID database. As such, it is safe
to use in the same manner as any other ACID database, since it makes
use of locking over primitives, deadlock detection, isolation between
transactions etc. Having said that:

Yes, the API Neo4j exposes is suitable for manipulation by
concurrently running threads.
Each thread will run in its own transaction - the XA standard that
Neo4j implements enforces a 1-1 correspondence between transaction
context and thread.
Yes, the API is thread safe. Of course, objects that maintain state,
such as Iterators, are still not safe to publish outside the thread.

The advantage of having multiple threads is dependent on your use case.
If you have lots of I/O blocking operations, read-only threads that
work with the memory resident set will progress faster.
Or if you have multiple cores to dedicate, it probably makes sense to
have one thread per such.
Or simply if you want the transaction isolation offered by working in
discreet threads such as when serving client requests.
Or whatever other scenario you might have where multiple threads make sense.

For example, building a web site over Neo4j is a good use case for
having multiple threads, one per request. Creating a bulk data import
tool on the other hand is not a good case to apply parallelism - since
it will be constantly writing to disk, a single thread is fast enough,
adding more does not increase throughput.

The reasoning behind multithreaded access to Neo4j is pretty much the
same as for any other use case. Whatever you choose however is well


On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Norbert Tausch wrote:

 is it possible to traverse on a Neo4J graph DB using the Java API in
 parallel threads? Is this possible within one transaction or does every
 thread has to use its own transaction? Is the API thread-safe concerning
 read-only access?
 Is there any advantage of concerning parallelism when using Neo4j as an
 embedded DB?

 Best regards

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Re: [Neo4j] Neo4J server - java

2011-06-17 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi Antriani,

no, besides the two ways you mention, such functionality is not
currently available, with a question mark over the HA way, depending
on your use case.

I assume what you need is to program against a remotely running
instance of Neo4j through the same Java API, kind of like what is
feasible through JDBC drivers for relational stores.
The brand new Cypher query language is a step in this direction,
providing a way to serialize 'job descriptions that can lead to a
binary protocol and finally a driver that will provide what you ask

However, the REST API is currently the proper way to talk to a Neo4j
server, recently improved by batch functionality.

Does your use case have a particular reason for which the REST
interface is not sufficient?


On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 7:00 PM, Antriani Stylianou wrote:

 A startup question here!
 Can I connect from java to a neo4j server running the database without
 using the REST API or the Remote Server.?

 Something like :

 GraphDatabaseService graphDb = new EmbeddedGraphDatabase(localhost:7474/);


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Re: [Neo4j] Neo4J server - java

2011-06-17 Thread Chris Gioran
Of course, on the other hand, if the access method per se is the
problem, then Michael Hunger has this to offer:

which is a wrapper that exposes the REST server endpoint as a
GraphDatabaseService. Everything works through REST so performance
remains the same but you use Java APIs.


On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 7:56 PM, Chris Gioran wrote:
 Glad to help!

 The main overhead associated with the REST interface is the request
 processing. The new batch request functionality available as of the
 latest milestone can reduce significantly that cost, so if performance
 against a remote instance is your main goal and you are not hesitant
 about using milestones, i urge you to try it out wherever you can - it
 will give you a significant boost and we always welcome feedback.


 On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 7:36 PM, Antriani Stylianou wrote:
 That answered my question!
 I was just aiming for performance and thought that java api would be
 better than REST.


 On 6/17/11 6:34 PM, Chris Gioran wrote:
 Hi Antriani,

 no, besides the two ways you mention, such functionality is not
 currently available, with a question mark over the HA way, depending
 on your use case.

 I assume what you need is to program against a remotely running
 instance of Neo4j through the same Java API, kind of like what is
 feasible through JDBC drivers for relational stores.
 The brand new Cypher query language is a step in this direction,
 providing a way to serialize 'job descriptions that can lead to a
 binary protocol and finally a driver that will provide what you ask

 However, the REST API is currently the proper way to talk to a Neo4j
 server, recently improved by batch functionality.

 Does your use case have a particular reason for which the REST
 interface is not sufficient?


 On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 7:00 PM, Antriani Stylianou  wrote:

 A startup question here!
 Can I connect from java to a neo4j server running the database without
 using the REST API or the Remote Server.?

 Something like :

 GraphDatabaseService graphDb = new 


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[Neo4j] Auto Indexing for Neo4j

2011-06-14 Thread Chris Gioran
Good news everyone,

A request that's often come up on the mailing list is a mechanism for
automatically indexing properties of nodes and relationships.

As of today's SNAPSHOT, auto-indexing is part of Neo4j which means nodes
and relationships can now be indexed based on convention, requiring
far less effort and code from the developer's point of view.

Getting hold of an automatic index is straightforward:

AutoIndexerNode nodeAutoIndexer = graphDb.index().getNodeAutoIndexer();
AutoIndexNode nodeAutoIndex = nodeAutoIndexer.getAutoIndex();

Once you've got an instance of AutoIndex, you can use it as a read-only

The AutoIndexer interface also supports runtime changes and
enabling/disabling the auto indexing functionality.

To support the new features, there are new Config
options you can pass to the startup configuration map in
EmbeddedGraphDatabase, the most important of which are:

Config.NODE_AUTO_INDEXING (defaults to false)
Config.RELATIONSHIP_AUTO_INDEXING (defaults to false)

If set to true (independently of each other) these properties will
enable auto indexing functionality and at the successful finish() of
each transaction, all newly added properties on the primitives for which
auto indexing is enabled will be added to a special AutoIndex (and
deleted or changed properties will be updated accordingly too).

There are options for fine grained control to determine
properties are indexed, default behaviors and so forth. For example, by
default all properties are indexed. If you want only properties name and
age for Nodes and since and until for Relationships
to be auto indexed, simply set the initial configuration as follows:

Config.NODE_KEYS_INDEXABLE = name, age;

For the semantics of the auto-indexing operations, constraints and more
detailed examples, see the documentation available  at

We're pretty excited about this feature since we think it'll make your lives
as developers much more productive in a range of use-cases. If you're
comfortable with using SNAPSHOT versions of Neo4j, please try it out
and let us know what you think - we'd really value your feedback.

If you're happier with using packaged milestones then this feature
will be available from 1.4 M05 in a couple of weeks from now.
Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] Error(s) found in manifest configuration when trying to import community/pom.xml

2011-06-12 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi there,

the problem is the maven version you are using - Neo4j does not work
well with mvn 3. The exact same steps are successful with my setup
which is the same but for maven 2.2.1
I suggest you downgrade your maven install or create an environment
for Neo4j that uses mvn 2, until we become maven 3 compatible.


On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 4:55 AM, Super Wang wrote:
 Hi folks,

 I found some warnings and errors when trying to import neo4j maven project
 to my eclipse, here's my steps:

 1. Clone git:// to
 local E:\git\
 2. Go to eclipse and using Import - Exist Maven Projects and point
 to E:\git\\pom.xml
 3. Let it import.
 4. After done, I got two projects with Error(s) found in manifest
 configuration errors: neo4j-server and neo4j-sunshine, below is same part
 of  the eclipse console log

 11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [WARN]
 11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [WARN] Some problems were encountered while building
 the effective model for org.neo4j:neo4j-sunshine:jar:1.4-SNAPSHOT
 11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [WARN] 'parent.relativePath' points at instead of org.neo4j:parent-central, please
 verify your project structure @ line 3, column 11
 11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [WARN]
 11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [WARN] It is highly recommended to fix these problems
 because they threaten the stability of your build.
 11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [WARN]
 11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [WARN] For this reason, future Maven versions might no
 longer support building such malformed projects.
 11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [WARN]
 11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [INFO] Checking licenses...
 11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered
 11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory
 11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory
 11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [INFO] Copying 0 resource to META-INF
 11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [INFO] Checking for multiple versions of scala
 11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [INFO] includes = [**/*.scala,**/*.java,]
 11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [INFO] excludes = []
 11-6-12 上午09时29分17秒: [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
 11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
 11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: [INFO] Checking for multiple versions of scala
 11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: [INFO] includes = [**/*.scala,**/*.java,]
 11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: [INFO] excludes = []
 11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
 11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: [ERROR] Error in manifest for
 org.neo4j:neo4j-sunshine:jar:1.4-SNAPSHOT : The default package '.' is not
 permitted by the Import-Package syntax.
  This can be caused by compile errors in Eclipse because Eclipse creates
 valid class files regardless of compile errors.
 The following package(s) import from the default package
 11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: [ERROR] Error(s) found in manifest configuration
 11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: Build errors for neo4j-sunshine;
 org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute
 goal org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:2.1.0:manifest (bundle-manifest)
 on project neo4j-sunshine: Error(s) found in manifest configuration
 11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: [ERROR] Error in manifest for
 org.neo4j:neo4j-sunshine:jar:1.4-SNAPSHOT : The default package '.' is not
 permitted by the Import-Package syntax.
  This can be caused by compile errors in Eclipse because Eclipse creates
 valid class files regardless of compile errors.
 The following package(s) import from the default package
 11-6-12 上午09时29分18秒: [ERROR] Error(s) found in manifest configuration

 Any idea about this?

 BTW, I'm using eclipse 3.6.2 with maven 3.0.3.
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Re: [Neo4j] Speeding up initial import of graph

2011-06-09 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi Daniel,

I am working currently on a tool for importing big data sets into Neo4j graphs.
The main problem in such operations is that the usual index
implementations are just too
slow for retrieving the mapping from keys to created node ids, so a
custom solution is
needed, that is dependent to a varying degree on the distribution of
values of the input set.

While your dataset is smaller than the data sizes i deal with, i would
like to use it as a test case. If you could
provide somehow the actual data or something that emulates them, I
would be grateful.

If you want to see my approach, it is available here

The core algorithm is an XJoin style two-level-hashing scheme with
adaptable eviction strategies but it is not production ready yet,
mainly from an API perspective.

You can contact me directly for any details regarding this issue.


On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 12:59 PM, Daniel Hepper wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm struggling with importing a graph with about 10m nodes and 20m
 relationships, with nodes having 0 to 10 relationships. Creating the
 nodes takes about 10 minutes, but creating the relationships is slower
 by several orders of magnitude. I'm using a 2.4 GHz i7 MacBookPro with
 4GB RAM and conventional HDD.

 The graph is stored as adjacency list in a text file where each line
 has this form:

 (Node Foo has relations to Bar and Baz)

 My current approach is to iterate over the whole file twice. In the
 first run, I create a node with the property name for the first
 entry in the line (Foo in this case) and add it to an index.
 In the second run, I get the start node and the end nodes from the
 index by name and create the relationships.

 My code can be found here:

 With my approach, the best I can achieve is 100 created relationships
 per second.
 I experimented with mapped memory settings, but without much effect.
 Is this the speed I can expect?
 Any advice on how to speed up this process?

 Best regards,
 Daniel Hepper
 Neo4j mailing list

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] Problems binding to a specific ip

2011-06-09 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi Max,

there are two distinct problems here

One is that there is no IP access control that can be configured
through Neo4j. Setting the
listen URIs to a specific address in the configuration does not bind
the server there exclusively. This
behavior has to be imposed with external means, such as a firewall.

The other is a benign bug that has to do with logging the listen
address - currently it uses always the methods to find the hostname, ignoring the
configuration and leading to the
behavior you describe, since the JVM does not prefer the localhost
interface. This will be of course
addressed in subsequent SNAPSHOTs and milestone releases but it will
remain the default behavior.

Hope that clarifies things.


On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 2:59 PM, Maximilian Schulz wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 after weeks of experimentation, we finally migrated one of our apps features
 to neo4j. But now that we are about to deploy the app to our staging server,
 we discovered a small problem with the server configuration. We have checked
 the manual at and followed
 the suggested configuration, but we are not getting the expected results.

 What we are trying to achieve is to bind the server to localhost, so it is
 no longer accessible from outside. We restricted access to IPv4 in the
 wrapper config and set the webadmin data and manage uri to
 http://localhost:7474. But when starting the server it still binds to the

 Here is the output of the start process. Check the last line, where it
 states that the server is started on http://OUR_DOMAIN:7474/

 6/8/11 1:44:46 PM org.neo4j.server.database.Database INFO: Using database at
 6/8/11 1:44:47 PM org.neo4j.server.modules.DiscoveryModule INFO: Mounted
 discovery module at [/]
 6/8/11 1:44:47 PM org.neo4j.server.modules.RESTApiModule INFO: Mounted REST
 API at [http://localhost:7474/db/data/]
 6/8/11 1:44:47 PM org.neo4j.server.modules.ManagementApiModule INFO: Mounted
 management API at [http://localhost:7474/db/manage/]
 6/8/11 1:44:47 PM org.neo4j.server.modules.WebAdminModule INFO: Mounted
 webadmin at [/webadmin]
 6/8/11 1:44:47 PM org.neo4j.server.NeoServerWithEmbeddedWebServer INFO:
 Starting Neo Server on port [7474]
 6/8/11 1:44:47 PM org.neo4j.server.web.Jetty6WebServer INFO: Mounting static
 content at [/webadmin] from [webadmin-html]
 6/8/11 1:44:48 PM org.neo4j.server.NeoServerWithEmbeddedWebServer INFO:
 Server started on [http://OUR_DOMAIN:7474/]

 I am pretty sure that I have missed something, but I cannot figure out what.
 Any help is greatly appreciated!

 Neo4j mailing list

Neo4j mailing list

[Neo4j] Neo4j 1.4 M01 - headed to Kiruna Stol

2011-04-29 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi fellow graphistas.

Keeping up with our schedule, two weeks after our 1.3 GA release we
present to you the first milestone towards Neo4j 1.4 “Kiruna Stol”.

This iteration does not introduce any major features. Instead it takes
care of some annoyances in the existing codebase, incorporating your
feedback to iron out issues with ops and user interaction. So if you
are comfortable with 1.3, you should be right at home with this
milestone, only happier!

This release also paves the way for the cool new features we are
considering for Kiruna Stol. Many improvements are in our sights,
including paging and streaming of REST results, investigation of a
query language, revisiting the API and introduce self referencing
relationships and more. This won’t stop usability and performance
improvements from coming though.

So, go ahead and download our latest release and read more about it at

and keep those suggestions coming.
Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] Regarding Sub grouping In Graph DB

2011-04-25 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi Pooja,

what would qualify as a subcategory in your use case?

The most straightforward thing I can come up with is a property in
each node named category or something similar, that has an
enumerated value (not a Java Enumeration but something treated as
such) that would place the node in its category. This is one of many
ways to go ahead, depending on what degrees of separation you want,
flexibility etc.
Could you elaborate a little on what you are trying to do?


On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 9:27 PM, pooja naik wrote:
 Hi all,

 I am using ne04j for a IP network resource graph in my project.
 I would like to know whether there is a way to divide the graphical network 
 into sub categories in neo4j?

 Any help or pointers is appreciated.

 Neo4j mailing list

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] Node safe in a Set

2011-03-15 Thread Chris Gioran
On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Massimo Lusetti wrote:
 It's safe to use Node in a SetNode... I don't see it implements
 equals() nor hashCode()

Of course it does! Node is the interface implemented by NodeProxy -
the objects you get back and use as Nodes. NodeProxy implement
equals() and hashCode() based on the id of the Node. Using them in a
CollectionNode is safe.


Neo4j mailing list

[Neo4j] Announcing Neo4j 1.3 “Abisko Lampa” M04

2011-03-11 Thread Chris Gioran
Greeting fellow graphistas,

Keeping up with the release schedule, today we present the fourth
milestone towards the 1.3 “Abisko Lampa” version of Neo4j. The most
important feature of this release is of course the expansion of the
storage layer to allow for even more entities, but also includes
improvements on the testing methodology used for Windows builds and
the REST interface for Indexing operations. As always, extended
details are available in the announcement post, reachable at

There you can read a comprehensive description of the new features,
however a special mention must be made to the new store format.

This milestone of Neo4j brings with it an updated store version that
allows for an 8x increase in the possible number of Nodes and
Relationships and 16x increase for the number of Properties. All this
happens without increasing the size of the database so you can go
right ahead and upgrade, certain in the knowledge that everything will
be done in place. A few words of caution are in order, though.

An upgrade will not happen unless you explicitly request it - just
pass in the configuration parameter “allow_store_upgrade” as “true” -
otherwise an exception will be thrown that advises you to do just that
and your store will be left untouched. There are some additional
requirements for the upgrade to succeed, such as less than 65536
RelationshipTypes stored, but if you do not satisfy those the upgrade
procedure will inform you of what the exact problem is and leave your
store untouched.
Finally, note that after a successful upgrade your database will be
unreadable by previous versions. So keep in mind that while safe, this
is a one way procedure.
You can find more details on the subject at

We invite you to try out these new features and provide us with your
ever valuable feedback.

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] IllegalStoreVersionException - Store version is older than expected...

2011-03-09 Thread Chris Gioran
On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 5:26 PM, José Devezas wrote:

 I'm using Blueprints 0.5 to read a Neo4j graph. I've just come back to the
 project today, maven updated to the latest JARs and now I get this error.
 I've tried searching for documentation on how to set this option, but I
 couldn't find it yet. How do I upgrade the NeoStore to the latest version?

 Caused by:
 Store version [NeoStore v0.9.6] is older than expected, but could be
 upgraded automatically if 'allow_store_upgrade' configuration parameter was
 set to 'true'.

The changes, as Peter notes, are because of the upgrade of the store
format to accommodate
an even larger number of entities in a Neo4j database. This of course
requires an upgrade

To start the latest SNAPSHOT in upgrade mode, you should pass in the
configuration parameter
allow_store_upgrade as true, as the exception hints. A sample way
to do this is

MapString, String properties = new HashMapString, String();
properties.put(Config.ALLOW_STORE_UPGRADE, true);

new EmbeddedGraphDatabase(db, properties);

After upgrading the store (meaning successful startup with the above
or equivalent code)
then you *cannot* go back to previous versions - including 1.3M03.
More details on this
procedure are at

Note however that your store will be touched only if you satisfy all
the requirements the
documentation outlines AND you explicitly ask for an upgrade, making
the procedure safe
for your data. Reversely, to use Neo4j version 1.3 you MUST upgrade to
the new format.

Neo4j mailing list

[Neo4j] Neo4j, Spring Framework and 2PC

2011-02-28 Thread Chris Gioran
Hello graphistas of the world,

trying to create a more seamless coupling between Neo4j and Spring
Framework, we have now built a solution for getting these two to work
with an external transaction manager. This work is based on some
groundwork for pluggable TMs in the Neo4j kernel and is a step in the
direction of bringing support for graph operations from a managed
environment in conjunction with other XA compliant data sources, the
most prominent example being JDBC connections. So, start enjoying the
magic through this blog post:

For the impatient, the code is available at

As always, feedback and suggestions are welcome and greatly appreciated.

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] Fatty Stack Trace to Lift your Spirits

2010-12-22 Thread Chris Gioran
On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 6:11 PM, Marko Rodriguez wrote:

 So I bumped Blueprints 0 .4-SNAPSHOT to use 1.2M06 and during the test suite 
 evaluation, I was getting fatty stack traces being thrown all up in my face 
 left, right, and yes, center.

As long as they are not coming from below, there is no reason for
alarm. However...

 My random thought on the matter---Luca and I have been having *potentially* 
 similar problems with OrientDB and shutting down, opening, and deleting the 
 DB really fast. Don't  know if this is the same issue now showing up in 
 Neo4j? The TestSuite will, in general, create a graph (directory), use it, 
 close it, open it, delete the directory, create a  new graph (directory), 
 etc. Is the OS not having happy good time? Why happy good time with 1.2M05?

I slapped up a loop doing pretty much that - create a db, store+index
a few things, close, [open, read, close] (in a loop), delete, do over,
for around 50 iterations. Using straight up (no tinkerpop stack)
vanilla 1.2M06 on Ubuntu 10.10. No problems so far. I will leave it to
run for a while, to teach my HDD some manners and I will check it
again later. That lock file left behind, however, smells like
crash/improper shutdown (or overlapping instances?). That really fast
open/shutdown cycle you speak of, how do you do it, shell script or
from main()? Does the problem appear in every cycle or intermittently?

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] How to delete a node when it's already deleted ?

2010-12-07 Thread Chris Gioran
On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Andreas Ronge wrote:
 An Node#isDeleted() method would also be fine.

The way I see it, there are two concerns here.
The first is focused at the lower levels, where the
WriteTransaction/LockReleaser discover an illegal operation - deletion
of an already deleted primitive. This is a hard error and at their
level it should throw an exception and of course set the tx to
rollback only. This is mainly an engineering decision.
The second is the user level where either the same logic should apply
or a check should be made first to make sure things don't go downhill.
Obviously the current approach is the former.
Having just a isDeleted() method is kind of awkward because it would
litter the code with if statements and things would be even worse with
(checked) exceptions. Maybe stealing a bit off the id would be a
better solution and have the NodeImpl/NodeProxy objects do the check
internally. BTW, I think that from a user perspective with the current
kernel such a wrapper object (with a boolean field possibly) would be
the best approach, minimizing the bookkeeping in business logic

What I find more interesting to discuss are the semantics of
operations on primitives. At the moment there is no standard to adhere
to and in that respect there is a decision to be made. What I mean is:
what is the proper thing to do, conceptually, when doing basic
primitive manipulations. Since there is an effort to standardize a
graph traversal algebra, a similar thing should be done on a data
definition level, with rationalization and detailed description of
what is the Right Thing (TM) to do when, for instance, one deletes a
Node from a graph, regardless of implementation. Obviously my thinking
is influenced from the relational model, where there are hard
constraints on different things - primary keys are an obvious example
here. In that case, the proper thing to do was to make it propagate a
hard error all the way up and all implementations do exactly that. In
this way, behavior is standardized for all common operations. Should
graph databases, beginning with Neo, undergo a similar process? Such
an effort would give definite answers to most such problems, for
example the forced/cascading deletion issue mentioned before.

On the other hand, maybe I am overthinking this.

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] Cats and Dogs, living together

2010-12-02 Thread Chris Gioran
 Would anybody be willing to share experiences with trying to introduce Neo4j 
 into a system with another relational (or other NoSQL) database?

Let me contribute my 2 cents here.

I have developed a rough demo that shows what my thoughts are for
integration of Neo4j instances in a managed environment. Using this
JCA 1.6 compliant connector module I have successfully

- Injected a ConnectionFactory (akin to a DataSource from JDBC) that
returns NeoConnections (similar to javax.sql.Connection).
- Performed operations on it (node creations/property settings) in
tandem with operations on a mySQL instance. That is, in the same EJB
method, with a container managed transaction. Both resources were
enlisted in the top level tx and were successfully committed or
rolledback (when I violated constraints in either db, for instance),
in proper 2PC manner.

So far, based on my experience working with JDBC, the feeling is the
same, as far as usability goes. The GraphDatabaseService interface is
not yet completely available.

The code is available at the repository:

The transaction manager to use (based on previous work):

The connector module:

The modified kernel (nothing major, just exposed retrieval of
XAResources and enforced the new txm)

The idea is that you build/install all three above, add the jta kernel
and the txm service in your ear's libraries and the connector module
as an ear connector module (in application.xml). Create a pool and
bind it to the JNDI and retrieve it from there in your EJB/Servlet.

DISCLAIMER: The above code is a toy and completely temporary. I have
not verified its operation in any significant way, I do not even know
if (in fact I doubt that) the pooling mechanism works properly. Do not
use it in any way that might be remotely important.

The connector will work only in glassfish. Other app servers (JonAS
and Geronimo for certain) require additional descriptor files apart
from ra.xml If you want to deploy in another container, please consult
its manual on the proper procedure.

I will now go and write a post explaining in more detail how to build,
install and use the above. If, in the meantime, someone feels
adventurous and decides to look at the code, feedback is always
welcome. The important thing for me is not the correctness of the code
- there is not much there anyway. What I am interested in is its
dynamics and the possible interactions in an app server.

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] Cats and Dogs, living together

2010-12-02 Thread Chris Gioran
 I will now go and write a post explaining in more detail how to build,
 install and use the above.

And it is available at

be gentle.

thank you for your time,
Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] JTA support for Neo

2010-11-22 Thread Chris Gioran
On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Johan Svensson wrote:
 This looks great, very good work!

 I would like to get this merged into trunk after we releases 1.2 (not
 after this iteration but after the next one).

 The changes looks minimal to me and hopefully there are no problems
 going forward with the current design. Looking forward to the guide so
 me and others can try this out.

 Would it be possible to continue investigate this and see how these
 changes would work in a Spring environment? The goal would be to run
 on an external TM, in Spring (using annotated transactions) and have
 both Neo4j and MySQL (or some other resource) participate in the same


Currently I am working on a branch of the recovery robustness suite
that runs the jta kernel with a jotm instance. Works like a charm,
after some more successful cycles I will commit it at my laboratory
space, probably within the hour. This will contain a completely setup
environment for running an example and the guide comes next.

If this test is considered enough, I could delay integrating my
JDI-based test suite and continue work on the JCA module. Personally,
I feel confident with the robustness suite, so if there are no
objections until I am done with the guide, I will begin with the

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] JTA support for Neo

2010-11-22 Thread Chris Gioran
Ok, I have written a small post describing how this thing comes
together. It is available at

I hope it is clear enough. Questions asked here will end up as
corrections to this.
However, let me point out that here:

is a branched project that contains everything that is needed to run
the JOTM enabled Neo, provided you have installed the jta kernel and
the jotm service implementation. All configuration and dependencies
are taken care of (the JOTM configuration is in the resources/
directory and the JVM parameters in the run-one script).

Thank you for your time.

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] JTA support for Neo

2010-11-20 Thread Chris Gioran
 IMHO you should start a branch
 in the SVN so others can look at the code.

So, at

you can find the kernel component with my changes incorporated. The
classes added are


that are the hooks for providing custom transaction managers.
The first is an extension of javax.transaction.TransactionManager
adding support for
startup and shutdown, an operation present in all tx managers but not
part of their API. This
provides the ability to plugin custom implementations in the TxModule.
The second is a convenience class that is extended by tx managers that
are to be provided as a service.

Also, changes are present in


for using this new way of doing things,


for them to fit in this and


to bind them.

This fork is (or should be) completely compatible with the official
kernel, so it can be used as a drop in replacement. Any deviation is a
bug and if reported it will be fixed.

The second project is at

and is a sample implementation of a tx manager service for JOTM. To
use this, build it, add the resulting jar to your classpath and, if
you are using the new jta fork of the kernel, you can pass a
configuration parameter of tx_manager_impl=jotm to your
EmbeddedGraphDatabase and presto!, if all is well you will be using a
JOTM TxManager to do your thing.
Of course, the jotm libraries must be also in your classpath, version 2.1.9

If this way of doing things is met with approval, I will write a
complete guide to using the above, implementation and design details
and as a result a how to for adding more external tx managers.

There is more to come.

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] JTA support for Neo

2010-11-19 Thread Chris Gioran
 This sounds like some major progress!

Meh. It was some work for me, mainly making the vm crash at will and getting
JOTM to enlist/recover the resource managers. Things worked out of the box from
the side of neo.

 IMHO you should start a branch
 in the SVN so others can look at the code.

That would be the ideal way, yes. Would you set up a laboratory space for me?

 Having the compatibility
 tests is great - there are other breaking test that Mattias and Johan
 are using to purposely break recovery on both the normal server and HA
 setups. They are run on a number of amazon instances and it would be
 great if your tests could be integrated and run there, too, so we can
 find failing recovery scenarios.

I assume you are referring to qa/recovery-robustness. I haven't studied its
mechanics yet but I could put it there, I suppose. From a cursory look
I understood that it runs from a script so my tests could fit there.

 any suggestions on making the use of external TX managers easier or
 document the setup process somewhere?

For my part I could post an article on my blag(TM) on how I have setup JOTM
as a Neo service and how to enable it. I would prefer to do that however after
the code has been seen from eyeballs other than mine and actually certified not
to be a big, fat, slobbering mess. This way the API will be
standardized and people
will have something concrete to read about.

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] JTA support for Neo

2010-11-18 Thread Chris Gioran
 If you can get the above test case working using other TMs together
 with Neo4j would be great!

OK, it took some time, since I messed with some things for the first time.
I have created the following:
- I have added two classes in the kernel module that provide support
for registration
of TransactionManager implementations as services. Like the lucene
indexer, if the jar
is in the classpath it will be picked up and made available. The configuration
passed to the GraphDatabase must define the name of the TxManager to
use, defaulting
of course to the native one. These changes required some modifications
in TxManager, ReadOnlyTxManager,
TxModule, EmbeddedGraphDbImpl and Config.
- A sample implementation of the above for providing a JOTM instance as a
- A test platform that, through JDI crashes the system at specific points,
up to a resolution of line of code. This way at any point in the transaction
the system can be brought down in flames. This aspect is still a
little awkward to
integrate since a new JVM process must be started and terminated. At the time
being I use it as a standalone test (launched at the console).

Using the above, after crashing a neo instance that uses a lucene
XaResource and (of course)
a Neo XaResource at any point during commit or rollback, using JOTM
2.1.9, restating the system brings it in
a consistent state, committing all pending resources or rolling back,
whatever is needed.
There are many test cases still to be implemented to
make sure that the setup is production ready but what I have tested so
far passes. This includes
of course the stock tests for the kernel component, ensuring (to
whatever possible extent) that my
changes do not mess up with normal operations.

 - Find the least intrusive way of making neo fit in the picture, in
 terms of configuration/code changes etc, approve and commit those.

See above.

What I would like as feedback is ways the community would integrate
these capabilities in their
environment. This way I can provide integration methods that will make
the procedure less risky
and more transparent, as well as develop test cases that do not at the
moment occur to me.

As this feature requires changes in the neo kernel, I am still
searching for the best way to make
the code available. I will inform you when that changes, hopefully soon.
Also, if there is interest, I could write an article on how this is implemented.

What I will test next is how this thing plays with JDBC, seeing as
this would be a common case. Also,
I have read up on JCA and there is some preliminary code to produce a
.rar archive that will provide neo
functionality within a container, although this still very premature.

Thank you for your time,

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] JTA support for Neo

2010-11-10 Thread Chris Gioran
OK, I have a question.

The XA/Open spec in paragraph 2.3 states that the TM can discard its
knowledge of the current global tx after the RMs have committed or
rolled back. Neo takes advantage of this fact in several places, where
during the completion of the current tx either way (commit or
rollback) it asks the TM for the current tx to retrieve related
resources. In fact, the TxManager class that is provided with Neo as a
top level TM forgets (i.e. unmaps the tx from the thread) *after*
calling afterCompletion() hooks, so everything works fine out of the
box. JOTM on the other hand is not consistent (and, eventually, spec
compliant), at least this is what is seems to me. Let me explain.

JOTM (its Current class, that is the TM implementation) has a commit()
method that first asks RMs to commit() and then dissociates the global
tx from the thread. But on rollback, first it dissociates the tx from
the thread and then, from a method local copy it asks the RMs to
rollback(). This leaves any RM to get a null reference when asking the
JOTM TM for the current tx, which leads to failures in the process. If
the rollback() code in Current is changed to first ask the RMs to
rollback() and then forget the global tx, everything works as it

My point is that, from a first view, this is a bug in JOTM, not in
Neo. Does anyone have any experience with this? Am I interpreting this
wrong or should it be taken upstream?

Neo4j mailing list

[Neo4j] JTA support for Neo

2010-11-09 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi people,

I have started work on providing support for integrating Neo in a JTA
environment. This is the first time I have done something like this so
some feedback would be welcome.

My setup is this: I have an ApacheDS instance running to provide an
LDAP service to store objects. I have tweaked (very slightly) a
standalone JOTM instance to provide its TransactionManager via JNDI to
the directory (I prefer that over RMI). I then start an
EmbeddedGraphDatabase and replace the native neo TxManager with the
JOTM provided implementation as I retrieve it from the directory, both
in the PersistenceModule and the TxModule. From there, instead of
asking the graphDb to beginTx() I ask the JOTM TransactionManager to
begin(). I perform some Node creations and they are persisted on
commit(). Also, via a debugger, I can see that the XAResources of Neo
are indeed enlisted on the remove Transaction.

I know that this is very premature and for the time being the changes
are very rough but I think I have a proof of concept. Comments? Does
anyone have any experience in a similar setting? Next steps?

This has a very high coolness factor, btw :)

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] JTA support for Neo

2010-11-09 Thread Chris Gioran
 Awesome! I think the next step would be to start testing things when
 neo4j needs to recover, rollback etc, I think this is where the
 problems arise :)

 Also, any chance of making a maven project out of it and having the
 project as a test component somewhere in the Svn repo, so it can be
 run as part of the QA process for releases etc?

OK, so the plan I have in my mind is this:

- Do runs to see what problems exist when rolling back/starting in
recovery mode with the only resource being neo.
- See how the whole thing works when another XA compatible resource is
thrown in the mix, probably a RDBMS, checking that 2PC works.
- Find the least intrusive way of making neo fit in the picture, in
terms of configuration/code changes etc, approve and commit those.
- Write test cases and a maven project so that it can be integrated in
the release cycle to be checked for correct functionality.
- After that probably I would like to fill in the gaps so that from an
app server I can do a container managed tx over a jdbc connection and
a neo connection. After all, this is the ultimate purpose of this

I will fill you in as I go through each of the above. Thanks for your time.

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] An attempt at documenting the internals and architecture of Neo

2010-11-04 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi people,

the last part of my series:

Neo4j Internals: Transactions (Part 3) as a complete run and a conclusion

is available here:

I try, by following a very small example, to demonstrate the
interactions that lead to a transactional operation and at the same
time show how the various parts I have described previously work
together to store a node.

I think I am done writing on Neo internals for some time, I now know
enough to start meddling with the code. I hope you found my work
useful and that you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. If there
are any questions or subjects that you feel are underexposed or wrong,
or if you would like to discuss something, this mailing list or the
#neo4j channel on freenode is where I encourage you to do it, so that
others can benefit as well.

Thank you for your time.

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] An attempt at documenting the internals and architecture of Neo

2010-11-02 Thread Chris Gioran
The second-to-last post in the core series:

Neo4j Internals: Interlude - Xa roundup and consistency

available here:

A needed coverage of some classes that are a core part of the Neo
mechanism. It should have been posted before I started the tx
discussion but I had not understood their details yet. Anyway, this is
kind of boring text, dealing mostly with engineering details and
hardly with any algorithms, discussing mainly the Xa related classes.
The second part is the LockReleaser and how it achieves a consistent
view of Primitives within a tx. I hope you will enjoy it and find it

The next post is under construction and delivers what this series was
supposed to: A walkthrough from db boot-up to shutdown.

As always, all comments welcome.

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] Delete a RelationshipType

2010-10-31 Thread Chris Gioran
 I am curious, are there any 'developer tricks' for influencing when old
 slots are reused? For example, instead of adding the new relationships
 immediately after deleting old ones, but keeping a cache of 'relationships
 to add' and adding them a little later. Will that increase the chance of old
 slots being reused?

My understanding is this:
An id for every record and, correspondingly, a number of bytes in the
file, are reserved the moment that, during a tx, a new entity is
created. Conversely, the id of an entity is freed upon successful
commit() of the tx that deleted it, although the space is still
occupied but marked as free and available to be returned at the next
request for a new entity. Note that all these operations have entity
type scope, meaning that a freed Node does not in any way influence
Relationship operations.
The above lead to a strategy of performing and committing any deletes
first and then, in a new tx, create all that is needed. If, during the
same tx, a delete is made and then a create, the deleted id is not

 I think this is relevant to cases where the developer wants to keep the
 database reasonably compact but does large amounts of deletion and creation.

I think there was a similar discussion here some time ago and I seem
to recall that the proposed solution for compacting a db after a long
streak of deletes/inserts was to recreate the db in a new location.

Hope that helps somewhat.

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] Delete a RelationshipType

2010-10-31 Thread Chris Gioran
 My understanding is this:

And it is wrong. Consider the following snippet:

GraphDatabaseService graphDb = new EmbeddedGraphDatabase(var/base);

Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx();

Node firstNode = graphDb.createNode();
Node secondNode = graphDb.createNode();
Node thirdNode = graphDb.createNode();

tx = graphDb.beginTx();
Node fourthNode = graphDb.createNode();

If the id pool was reused after a successful commit() (success() in
the above code) as I described then, on a new db, this should print

but instead it prints

The id 2 is reused upon restart of the db.
That will teach me to speak without checking first. What I did wrong
is left as an exercise for tomorrow.

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] Indirection

2010-10-30 Thread Chris Gioran
On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 12:51 PM, Andres Taylor wrote:

 I'm trying to grokk the code. In a couple of places, there are indirections
 that I don't understand. Like EmbeddedGraphDatabase, which is, as far as I
 can see, mostly a thin wrapper around EmbeddedGraphDatabaseImpl. Why is


I second that. It isn't like there is a factory in
EmbeddedGraphDatabase that will provide different implementations of
something based on the Config (besides, the read-only vs the full r/w
db issue is handled differently). The EmbeddedGraphDatabaseImpl field
is hardwired there. I can only assume this was supposed to (or will?)
augment the GraphDatabaseService interface with operations other that
the EmbeddedGraphDatabaseImpl ones, given that the latter does not
implement that.

I also have difficulty grasping the EventConsumers concept. They are
created in the XaConnection only to be stored in the
NioNeoDbPersistenceSource.NioNeoDbResourceConnection and then used to
forward calls about primitives. Why is that level of abstraction
necessary? I think it would be cleaner and without loss of
extensibility for the ResourceConnection to forward directly to the
XaConnection. But I admit there are many things happening there, I may
be missing something.

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] An attempt at documenting the internals and architecture of Neo

2010-10-27 Thread Chris Gioran
Another post in the same series

Neo4j Internals: Transactions (Part 2) - XaResources, Transactions and

available at

As the posts go by, I tend to have an intuitive feel about the code,
so I may presume some things as obvious while they are not. Please,
inform me of such shortcomings along with any errors you find. Also,
if you have any comments on the wording, the format or the content, it
would be a great help.

Thank you for your time.

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] An attempt at documenting the internals and architecture of Neo

2010-10-20 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi people,

here is the next part of my series on Neo internals

Neo4j Internals: Transactions (Part 1) - Write Ahead Log and Deadlock Detection

available at

Since the tx handling code is much more complex than the previously
described components, I have omitted many details, trying to show only
how the basic things are done. Even so, it was proved that there are
many things to write about, so I had to break down the tx description
to many parts. In this first one, the write ahead log and the deadlock
detection mechanisms are described, somewhat coarsely.

As always, any mistakes you find, please take some time to point them
out so I can have them fixed.

Thank you for your time and your positive comments.

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] An attempt at documenting the internals and architecture of Neo

2010-10-19 Thread Chris Gioran
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 11:57 PM, Peter Neubauer wrote:
 great reading your blogs on this! Did you get on with the transaction
 piece yet? In case you need info, don't hesitate to ask here on the
 list, there are a number of folks that have disected the area before

 Also, when it comes to Neo4j working with other TX managers in a JTA
 environment like JOTM and Atomikos, I hope we will be able at least to
 start with failing tests in these environments in the next iteration
 and beginning with that, start working around the issues that JTA is
 leaving for non-relational stores like Neo4j. There might be some
 details that you are interested in when digging there :)


 /peter neubauer

Peter, thanks for your input.
The transaction handling code is the aspect of a db that I am least
familiar with from an implementation standpoint, so it took a bit more
time than I had planned. I have come through, however, wiser and ready
to write about it in what will in all probability be more than one
post. Soon :)

As for JTA support, it is one of the reasons I started my
documentation efforts and I would like to see neo working in a JTA/JTS

But first I have to write about XALogicalLog and its friends. Stay tuned.

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] EmbeddedGraphDatabase shutdown leaves a Timer thread running

2010-10-13 Thread Chris Gioran
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 4:11 PM, Adam Lehenbauer wrote:
 I think I have the Getting Started example working, but after it creates the
 nodes and shuts down, my JVM won't exit because there is a non-daemon Timer
 thread running.

 I have an example class with a main() that is copied near-verbatim from except for the db path
 and a few extra System.outs.

 Everything seems to work normally, but after shutting down
 the EmbeddedGraphDatabase the JVM will not exit. A jstack shows a running
 java.util.TimerThread, which I assume is started by the database.

 Its stack is:

 Timer-0 prio=10 tid=0x7f59c0056800 nid=0xa29 in Object.wait()
   java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (on object monitor)
  at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
 - waiting on 0x7f5a1ed37270 (a java.util.TaskQueue)
  at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
 - locked 0x7f5a1ed37270 (a java.util.TaskQueue)

 I'm using the neo4j maven dependency: org.neo4j.neo4j, version=1.2.M01,
 type=pom. When I changed this to neo4j-kernel, version=1.0 the JVM exited as
 expected (no code change on my end).

 Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?


Hi there,

Could you run it with a configuration setting of cache_type=soft
and inform on the result?
Also, describe a bit your environment (CPU, OS, JVM)

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] [SPAM] Re: EmbeddedGraphDatabase shutdown leaves a Timer thread running

2010-10-13 Thread Chris Gioran
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 5:34 PM, Rick Bullotta wrote:
 Probably the recently added phone home functionality (UDC).  Just a guess,

in that case removing the dependency as per

should make it work. My setup is the same bar a _21 JVM and 2 cores.
All my tests terminate normally.
Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] An attempt at documenting the internals and architecture of Neo

2010-10-10 Thread Chris Gioran
Hi list,

I have another couple of posts on the same series.

The first can be read at

and it is an exposition of my understanding of the format of the files
that neo keeps its data in. It is a fairly big post that deals with
small details, so should anyone read it do not be surprised if it
proves to be reality incompatible. Corrections will be incorporated

The second is about the next level in the persistence subsystem of neo
and is here:

I try to explain how the buckets of bits are translated to entities in
the domain of neo, how the memory mapping works and I dwell for a bit
over the light vs heavy issue.

Note that both posts where written in one stretch each after I
finished going through the code. I expect that at some points I may
have left out details that are not so clear for someone going through
the implementation for the first time. If you note something like that
(or any other errors, of course) please comment so that I can remedy

Hopefully within the week I will have a piece about the transaction
handling and how that interfaces with the store and the NodeManager.
But to get there I have some reading to do.

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] An attempt at documenting the internals and architecture of Neo

2010-10-07 Thread Chris Gioran
On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 2:59 PM, Andres Taylor wrote:
 Hi Chris,

 Absolutely awesome stuff you have written. As a new hire in Neo
 Technologies, I'm reading your blog posts with great interest. I like how
 you take code and make a story out of it - it's much easier to understand
 the code after reading your posts on it. Thank you!

I am happy to know that it proved useful to someone. Thank you.

 I have two wishes that would make your posts even more awesomer (for me at

 1. I'd love it if you could point to the code. In this post, you write about
 getNodeById() - why not make the method name a link to the class file in

Fair enough. I had decided against it because I don't like to litter
the text with links and,
given the expectation that there would be many references, I feared it
would be distracting.
Moreover, if someone is reading my posts I assumed she has already
downloaded the
code and set it up in her IDE. However, I think I should add links to
at least some of the
referenced code, to save some trouble and link back to the project website.

 2. I think that it would be interesting to have a post about how backups are
 done. Personally, I have always been interested in how you make a backup of
 a live database without using huge locks. But maybe that's just me... :)

Nice idea. Added in the TODO list.

 You are doing a great job Chris. If you have any questions, ask away here on
 the list.

Appreciate it.


Neo4j mailing list