Re: [SOGo] Large deployments

2013-12-21 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 11:41:26AM +0100, Albert Shih wrote:
  We kill sogod's that has been running for more than 15 cpuminutes, as
  these are normally stuck in something. I believe your sogod's must 
  be stuck..
 Well I try this, actually only manually, for example I just kill some sogod
 process who eat ~150:00:00 time (since yesterday) and that make sogo crash
 (no more connection on the web-gui, need a service sogod restart). 
 How you manage the kill ? 

We run this cronjob every 5 minute:

#! /bin/sh -
# Kill sogo-processes that's been running too long.

too_long=15 # 00-59 minutes

ps -u sogo -opid,ppid,cputime | grep -v PPID | while read pid ppid time
# Don't kill main daemon.
if test x$ppid != x1
minutes=$(echo $time | cut -d: -f2)
if test $minutes -gt $too_long;
echo Killing $pid
ps -fp $pid
kill -9 $pid


 Can I ask what linux you using ? 



Re: [SOGo] Large deployments

2013-12-21 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 07:35:40AM -0500, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
 On 2013-12-20 5:41 AM, Albert Shih wrote:
 Well I try this, actually only manually, for example I just kill some sogod
 process who eat ~150:00:00 time (since yesterday) and that make sogo crash
 (no more connection on the web-gui, need a service sogod restart).
 That's because you killed the parent process, and not one of its
 child workers. You must never do that.
 There are a couple of things you should look at for under-performing
 sogod child processes:
 1. make sure your IMAP server is fast. Look at Cyrus IMAP Server or
Dovecot with indexes. 

Dovecot in high performance mode, with auth caching:

 You might also want to use imapproxy in
between SOGo and your imap server

For us we saw no benefit in using an imapproxy, rather a tiny
performance decrease:

and then it's definitely not worth the hassle of having yet another
service running.


Re: [SOGo] Large deployments

2013-12-18 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 03:55:22PM +0100, Albert Shih wrote:
  We at the Universität Konstanz in Germany have more than 16000 users.
 Can you describe your infrastructure ? How many server ? (hardware 
 Virtual), what size (Ram, CPU) ? 

We have around 30.000 unique users daily.

The sogo-servers are 5 virtual machines with 4 cpus and 8 GB
memory each. Top output from one of these right now:

top - 16:17:22 up 15 days, 15:54,  1 user,  load average: 0.16, 0.09, 0.03
Tasks: 277 total,   2 running, 275 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu0  :  2.0%us,  0.7%sy,  0.0%ni, 97.0%id,  0.3%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Cpu1  :  1.7%us,  0.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 98.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Cpu2  :  3.7%us,  1.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 94.6%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.7%si,  0.0%st
Cpu3  :  0.3%us,  0.7%sy,  0.0%ni, 98.7%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.3%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   8059428k total,  5849244k used,  2210184k free,   540264k buffers
Swap:  2097144k total,26476k used,  2070668k free,  2298216k cached


 6580 root  20   0  273m 115m 3844 S  0.0  1.5  36:49.53 splunkd

 7997 sogo  20   0  381m  62m 8796 S  0.0  0.8   0:44.65 sogod  

 6438 sogo  20   0  380m  60m 8108 S  0.0  0.8   0:55.09 sogod  

 2730 sogo  20   0  379m  59m 8708 S  0.0  0.8   0:42.99 sogod  

 6035 sogo  20   0  378m  59m 8568 S  0.0  0.8   0:44.89 sogod  

 6459 sogo  20   0  379m  59m 8164 S  0.0  0.8   0:51.07 sogod  

17130 sogo  20   0  378m  59m 8672 S  0.0  0.8   0:46.98 sogod  

13702 sogo  20   0  379m  58m 8600 S  0.0  0.7   0:43.08 sogod  

 6428 sogo  20   0  380m  58m 8356 S  0.0  0.7   0:51.75 sogod  

25734 sogo  20   0  376m  57m 8896 S  0.0  0.7   0:42.47 sogod  

 8076 sogo  20   0  375m  56m 8616 S  0.0  0.7   0:38.01 sogod  

 2725 sogo  20   0  375m  56m 8336 S  2.7  0.7   0:35.36 sogod  

 2690 sogo  20   0  372m  55m 8388 S  0.0  0.7   0:38.71 sogod  

14427 sogo  20   0  374m  55m 8620 S  0.0  0.7   0:36.37 sogod  

 8090 sogo  20   0  374m  55m 8552 S  0.0  0.7   0:36.86 sogod  

23322 sogo  20   0  375m  54m 8244 S  0.0  0.7   0:28.58 sogod  

13543 sogo  20   0  373m  54m 8448 S  0.0  0.7   0:25.63 sogod  

 9580 sogo  20   0  372m  54m 8584 S  0.0  0.7   0:34.44 sogod  

28024 sogo  20   0  372m  53m 8780 S  0.0  0.7   0:33.48 sogod  

 7722 sogo  20   0  374m  53m 8640 S  0.0  0.7   0:35.03 sogod  

 8991 sogo  20   0  373m  52m 8272 S  0.0  0.7   0:23.42 sogod  

 8411 sogo  20   0  369m  50m 8496 S  0.0  0.6   0:34.35 sogod  

 6863 sogo  20   0  369m  50m 8016 S  0.0  0.6   0:32.21 sogod  

Re: [SOGo] Large deployments

2013-12-18 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 05:32:01PM +0100, Martin Rabl wrote:
 Am 18.12.2013 17:24, schrieb Jan-Frode Myklebust:
 On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 04:32:41PM +0100, Martin Rabl wrote:
 Am 18.12.2013 16:28, schrieb Jan-Frode Myklebust:
 Are you using clustered database servers?
 No, just a single active server, plus warm standby.
 That single server holds all data for the 5 virtual machines (= 5
 SOGo servers?) and the instances use them together?

Yes. Single VM, with 16GB memory, 4 virtual cpus and ~30GB database.


Re: [SOGo] SOGo autoconfiguration for iOS and OSX

2013-11-11 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
Never mind, this seems to cover my questions:


[SOGo] (untested) configuration profile for iOS

2013-11-11 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
Here's a simple (untested) CGI-script for publishing a configuration
profile to an iOS device. Put the attached CGI-script in
$WEBROOT/ios/SOGo.mobileconfig and add this to the apache config:

Location /ios
Options +ExecCGI
AddHandler cgi-script .mobileconfig

then open http://website/ios/SOGo.mobileconfig?email@address in the
browser, and hopefully a configuration profile should appear.

A few hostnames needs to be customized, but hopefully this should work :-)


--! /bin/bash -
# Simple CGI-script for creating configuration profile for SOGo
# services on iOS.
# Jan-Frode Myklebust

## Wash input
EMPTY=$(echo -n ${1} | tr -d '[:alnum:]' | tr -d '[:punct:]')
if test -n $EMPTY
echo Content-Type: text/plain
echo Bad characters in input. Aborting.
echo $1
echo $EMPTY
exit 1

REVERSE=$(echo $EMAIL | sed -e 's/@/\./g' | awk -F. '{ for (i=NF; i  0; i--) 
printf . $i }'|sed 's/^.//' )

# No idea if these needs to be different:

# Create signed profile:
#cat  EOF | openssl smime -sign -signer server.crt -inkey server.key 
-certfile cert-chain.crt -outform der -nodetach

# Create unsigned profile:
cat  EOF 
Content-Type: application/x-apple-aspen-config; charset=utf-8
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=SOGo.mobileconfig

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC -//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN;
plist version=1.0
stringAltibox Calendar/string
string${EMAIL} calendar/string
string${EMAIL} calendar/string

stringAltibox Contacts/string

string${EMAIL} contacts/string
string${EMAIL} contacts/string

stringAltibox Mail/string

Re: [SOGo] SOGo autoconfiguration for iOS and OSX

2013-11-10 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Sat, Nov 09, 2013 at 05:43:47PM +0100, Marcel Waldvogel wrote:
 as it is integrated into WordPress without having to write it in PHP,
 it looks pretty ugly and is very site-specific (Perl CGI and JavaScript
 wrapping WordPress). 

I'm not asking you to publish sources, only asking if you could share
a couple of hints for how you do it. I.e.:

 - Do you just generate a simple plist using string substitutions on
   a template, or is there a serverside tool to generate this?

 - The generated .mobileconfig seems signed by some SSL signing
   authority. Could you say something about how this is done?

Any hints would be much appreciated, and will probably save me lots
of time. 

 But you are free to link to it and pass
 „?“ so it is easier for your users. If you want any
 special feature that might also be useful for others, please let me know.

Thanks, but unfortunately this won't work for us. I can't use a random
internet site as configuration tool for all our users. 


Re: [SOGo] Active Sync support in SOGo

2013-09-19 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 05:22:50PM -0400, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
 Since the addition of Active Sync support in SOGo would be a
 server-side implementation, there would be a per-mailbox fee to use
 it. That fee, would have to be paid to Microsoft directly.

Do you have any ballpark estimates for what that fee would be? I'm
worried that such a per-mailbox fee might not scale very well to
ISP scale number of mailboxes. At a minimum it must be based on actual
ActiveSync usage, not total number of accounts.

 Evidently, if we start working on Active Sync support in SOGo, we'll
 definitively drop Funambol support - which is probably even more
 exciting then adding Active Sync support.



Re: [SOGo] ActiveSync question

2013-09-03 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Tue, Sep 03, 2013 at 10:54:52AM +0200, alge wrote:
 I'm not sure if my situation with ActiveSync beeing a show stopper for
 deploying SOGo is generalizable enough, what do other people think of
 it? Did I miss something?

I completely agree (except we didn't let it stop the show). Configuring
mobile clients without ActiveSync is too cumbersome, and my little
exposure to z-push didn't convince me it was production ready..

Is there anything we can do to get Inverse to focus on ActiveSync
support? Does it need funding? Is it a big difficult feature, or ..?


Re: [SOGo] Antispam antivirus

2013-08-23 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 11:49:04PM +0200, Szládovics Péter wrote:
 2013-08-21 23:21 keltezéssel, Jan-Frode Myklebust írta:
 On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 01:23:45PM +0200, Szládovics Péter wrote:
 SOGo is not a mailserver. SOGo just an groupware extension for _any_
 mailserver backend.
 So, the question is not the antivirus and antispam for SOGo. The
 question is antivirus and antispam for mailserver.
 Antispam has a place in SOGo too. I'd like to have an interface for the
 users to select how strict the spam-filter should be by integrating
 with sieve-spamtest/rfc5235.
 Maybe a block sender function, that pushes out a sieve script to the
 server to drop/move-to-Spam messages from a given sender.
 Also it would be nice if the SOGo webinterface had a Spam/not-spam
 button that would move messages to/from the Spam-folder. This could be
 used by to train the filter.
 Block senders?
 How many senders need to block for correct spam filtering.
 One node of one zombie network sends about 100 thousand spam emails
 per day with randomly generated senders. Are you sure, you can
 stopped them with this feature? I don't think so.

Blocking sender is a helpfull feature against other kinds of spam than
zombie networks.. F.ex. real businesses that picked up your email
address during a website registration, and thinks that that's an
invitation to be put on their advertising list.

 My mail host gets about 250-300 clean, real mails per day (total
 incoming mail traffic is about 2000 mails/day - yes, 80-90% of them
 are absolutely spam).

We deliver about 500.000 supposedly clean mails/day to our users
inboxes, after virus/spam/greylisting/etc has done it's thing.

 The SA drops 5-10 mails into the quarantine per day (newsletters,
 advertisements, badly formatted mail contents - really spams, very
 rarely few false positive good mails).

On our scale, managing a single quarantine doesn't really work, so we
rather deliver the suspect messages to the users Spam-folder and give
them an opportunity to check for false positives.

 All of others are back off to senders.

Be careful with that, so you don't get on the backscatter lists..

 The successful fight with spams there is at the gate, not at the mailbox.

At the gate we can do general filtering, but we can't train a general
filter to suit 100K's of users. A spam-filter individually trained (and
customized) by each user can be much more effective. Training can be
done by moving messages to/from Spam-folders, customisations can include
blocking senders, or tuning spam-score.


Re: [SOGo] Antispam antivirus

2013-08-21 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 01:23:45PM +0200, Szládovics Péter wrote:
 SOGo is not a mailserver. SOGo just an groupware extension for _any_
 mailserver backend.
 So, the question is not the antivirus and antispam for SOGo. The
 question is antivirus and antispam for mailserver.

Antispam has a place in SOGo too. I'd like to have an interface for the
users to select how strict the spam-filter should be by integrating
with sieve-spamtest/rfc5235.

Maybe a block sender function, that pushes out a sieve script to the
server to drop/move-to-Spam messages from a given sender.

Also it would be nice if the SOGo webinterface had a Spam/not-spam
button that would move messages to/from the Spam-folder. This could be
used by to train the filter.


Re: [SOGo] Password Encryption for SOGo with Dovecot and Postfix

2013-08-06 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Tue, Aug 06, 2013 at 09:52:46AM +0100, SOGo Noob wrote:
 After reviewing your advice I have begun the process of swapping from MySQL
 auth back over to LDAP auth, and can see that functionality via LDAP seems
 much greater.


 I have a quick question though, does SOGo have any user administration
 methods without falling back to an LDAP management system? For example, our
 clients normally have one user that would like the ability to create new
 mailboxes and distribution groups etc - is there an easy way to accommodate
 such control or do we need to look at another approach for this?

I don't think SOGo has any user administration features. We do our user
administration by internally developed self-care webpages for our
customers. These just add/delete/modify ldap-users by talking directly
with the directory server. (maybe not really directly, but by submitting a
job to a queueing system that then talks with the directory server)

All our mail provisioning is handled trough LDAP. If a new domain gets
added to o=$,o=ISP,o=example,c=com, this will
automatically be used by postfix/dovecot/sogo, and users created there
can immediately receive email and use the webmail.


Re: [SOGo] Puppet

2013-08-06 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Mon, Aug 05, 2013 at 09:29:06PM -0500, Pablo Carranza wrote:
 Has anyone taken a stab at putting together a Puppet module to install
 and/or manage SOGo?
 I'm trying to put one together, from scratch, and it's been a lng and
 tedious process, thus far.

It's probably not directly applicable to other sites, but this is what we
use on out sogo backends:

class sogo {
$packages = [ sogo, sope49-gdl1-postgresql, httpd, sogo-tool ]
package { $packages:
ensure = installed,

$sogodirs = [ /home/sogo, /home/sogo/GNUstep/, 
/home/sogo/GNUstep/Defaults/, /var/log/sogo, /var/spool/sogo ]
file { $sogodirs:
ensure = directory,
owner   = sogo,
group   = sogo,
mode= 755,
file { /var/run/sogo :
ensure = directory,
owner   = sogo,
group   = sogo,
mode= 700,
file { /home/sogo/GNUstep/Defaults/.GNUstepDefaults:
owner   = sogo,
group   = sogo,
mode= 600,
source = [
notify = Service[sogod],

file { /etc/sysconfig/sogo:
owner   = root,
group   = root,
mode= 444,
source = [
notify  = Service[sogod],
# this kills sogod's that's been consuming more than 15m cputime:
file { /usr/local/sbin/
owner   = root,
group   = root,
mode= 555,
source = [
file { /etc/cron.d/sogo-watchdog.cron:
owner   = root,
group   = root,
mode= 444,
source = [
file { /etc/httpd/conf.d/01-SOGo-local.conf:
owner   = root,
group   = root,
mode= 444,
source = [
notify  = Service[httpd],
file { /etc/httpd/conf.d/02-SOGo-shared.conf:
owner   = root,
group   = root,
mode= 444,
source = [
notify  = Service[httpd],
file { /etc/httpd/conf.d/SOGo.conf:
owner   = root,
group   = root,
mode= 444,
source = [
notify  = Service[httpd],
file { /etc/httpd/conf.d/00-apache-server-status.conf:
owner   = root,
group   = root,
mode= 444,
source = [
notify  = Service[httpd],
service { httpd:
ensure = true,
enable = true,
require = [ File[/etc/httpd/conf.d/SOGo.conf], Package[httpd], ],

service { sogod:
ensure = true,
enable = true,
start = /usr/local/sbin/ start,
stop = /usr/local/sbin/ stop,
require = [ File[/home/sogo/GNUstep/Defaults/.GNUstepDefaults], 
Package[sogo], Package[sope49-gdl1-postgresql], 
File['/usr/local/sbin/'], ],

# Script to make sure all sogod's are dead before starting them.. Also 
manages keepalived daemon:
file { /usr/local/sbin/
owner   = root,
group   = root,
mode= 755,
source = [


class sogo::skin inherits sogo {
file { /usr/lib64/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/altibox.js:
owner   = root,
group   = root,
mode= 444,
source = puppet:///modules/sogo/skin/WebServerResources/altibox.js,
require = Package[sogo],
file { /usr/lib64/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/iefixes.css:
owner   = root,
group   = root,
mode= 444,
source = 

Re: [SOGo] Password Encryption for SOGo with Dovecot and Postfix

2013-08-05 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Fri, Aug 02, 2013 at 05:33:15PM +0100, SOGo Noob wrote:
 My plan is this:
 We have a new cleanly installed Ubuntu 12.04 server for mail, and we've
 opted to use MySQL for authentication and for basic storage. We will be
 using Postfix and Dovecot for mail transport and imap/pop respectively. All
 of which seems to make sense so far, and much of this is configured already.
 My issue is with choosing the correct password encryption. We need it to be
 compatible with SOGo, Dovecot and Postfix, and we need mail client support
 for all major platforms.

I'm working for an ISP, running SOGo for webmail, postfix for SMTP and
dovecot for LMTP/POP/IMAP -- for a little under 100
maildomains/1M-accounts. Earlier (before SOGo) we used MySQL for 
user-database, but have moved over to a LDAP (389ds) for holding the 
user-database. And I would strongly advice you to consider doing the

All services are speaking directly to the ldap-servers. When users
needs to authenticate, this is handled trough the ldap bind() operation,
so that none of the services need to know anything about encryption schemes,
and also they don't have access to read the users' hashes.

LDAP/389ds gives you proper multi-master setup, so that you can easily
configure a highly available environment, and also scale out if needed.

 Obviously we need to administer the server too,
 some clean cli commands to generate new passwords would be great. What
 would the list recommend as an adopted password encryption that is simple
 to deploy but at the same time secure?

Lots of options for editing LDAP data.. ldapvi, ldapsearch, ldapmodify, 
apache directory studio and probably several web-based options exists.


Re: [SOGo] Best practice of sogo system / user backup - suggestions?

2013-06-21 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 01:28:00PM +0200, Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator wrote:
 I'd like to ask what is your best practice to backup  restore your sogo
 system and/or user data?
 Should we do a e.g. database dump/backup of the mysql (what we already
 do for other systems) and do a user based sogo-tool backup?

We do both.

Daily backup of the postgres-database, plus daily sogo-tool backups of
all users that has been active the last 24 hours. That should give us
the possibility of doing quick single user restore from the sogo-tool
backup, and also quick full system restore from database backup.


Re: [SOGo] Re: just gone live with sogo, and keep getting 100% cpu usage... :-(

2013-04-04 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
Probably also good to enable some debugging with:

sudo -u sogo defaults write sogod SOGoDebugRequests YES

and see if the sogod.log tell you something..


Re: [SOGo] Re: just gone live with sogo, and keep getting 100% cpu usage... :-(

2013-04-04 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Thu, Apr 04, 2013 at 11:40:43AM +0200, mayak-cq wrote:
 sudo -u sogo defaults write sogod WOWorkersCount 32

Please remember to also increase the number of connections to your
postgres database when changing the number of workers.

postgresql max_connections  3x WOWorkersCount


Re: [SOGo] Re: just gone live with sogo, and keep getting 100% cpu usage... :-(

2013-04-04 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Thu, Apr 04, 2013 at 11:48:46AM +0200, Jan-Frode Myklebust wrote:
 Probably also good to enable some debugging with:
   sudo -u sogo defaults write sogod SOGoDebugRequests YES
 and see if the sogod.log tell you something..

We've often seen problems with sogod processes getting stuck, eating
cpu, so we've implemented a watchdog that kills sogod-processes
that's been using too much cputime.

Every 5 minutes we run the following script:

#! /bin/sh -
# Kill sogo-processes that's been running too long.

too_long=15 # 00-59 minutes

ps -u sogo -opid,ppid,cputime | grep -v PPID | while read pid ppid time
# Don't kill main daemon.
if test x$ppid != x1
minutes=$(echo $time | cut -d: -f2)
if test $minutes -gt $too_long;
echo Killing $pid
ps -fp $pid
kill -9 $pid


This hasn't been triggering often with sogo v2, but we've had situations
earlier where sogod would get stuck on unexpected data from the IMAP
server. F.ex. sogod didn't like dovecot telling it the progress during
IMAP searches and got stuck using 100% cpu whenever that happened.


Re: [SOGo] IMAP Server

2013-01-28 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 9:35 AM, Valentin Bud wrote:

 We use cyrus here with approx. 15000 users.
 Just be sure to use a version 2.4.x one.

 That's impressive :-).

We use dovecot with around 1.000.000 mail accounts :-) Around 10% of
these are accessing their mail trough the sogo webmail interface...

 What OS do you use?

RHEL5 on the 6 mail backend servers.

 LDAP Authentication or other backend?

LDAP bind().

 Do you use replication/murder configuration? Is it stable?

We use a cluster filesystem (IBM GPFS) for the mailboxes, and dovecot
director to spread the load over the backend servers. Because of the
cluster filesystem, we don't care which backend a user hits -- only
that it's fairly sticky.

 Virtual machines or hardware ones?

Hardware, because of need for direct SAN access for cluster filesystem.


Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo 2.0.4

2013-01-28 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 1:15 AM, Francis Lachapelle wrote:
  * renamed default SOGoForceIMAPLoginWithEmail to 
 SOGoForceExternalLoginWithEmail and extended it to SMTP authentication

Oh.. I didn't know SOGo could do SMTP authentication as the logged in
user. We only support SMTP authentication on the submission port
(587/tcp) including TLS upgrade, or on the smtp over ssl port
(465/tcp). Will this work with SOGo ?


Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v1.3.16

2012-06-10 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Fri, Jun 08, 2012 at 08:30:44AM -0400, Francis Lachapelle wrote:

  * new unique names for static resources to avoid browser caching when 
 updating SOGo

How will this work with custom skins and SOGoUIAdditionalJSFiles ? Will it
pick up generation timestamp from filesystem?


Re: [SOGo] Vacation, cronjob and sieve filter

2012-03-08 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
Completely agree that sogo should manage this without cronjob, but
inverse needs to support Cyrus which doesn't implement the sieve
date extention:


Re: [SOGo] Sogo Slow Performance

2012-02-15 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 11:27:19PM +, Khapare Joshi wrote:
  Only guessing, but it sounds to me like a problem with your gnustepdefauls
  bindDN. Is it a working DN/bindPassword combination? Or maybe your ldap
  server running out of connections?
 yes it is working DN/bindPassword. running out of connection (is there a
 limit ? where can I check in LDAP - i have fedora driectory server)

There's a max number of file descriptors setting in the
Configuration-Performance tab in the management console. You probably
need to have a higher ulimit -n in /etc/sysconfig/dirsrv. I don't
quite remember, but think there's an errors file on the ldap-server
that should show if you're running out of connections.

You might also want to make sure that the fields sogo is searching for
in ldap are indexed. I believe sogo will search for all fields mentioned
in SearchFieldNames and bindFields, so these needs to be indexed.


Re: [SOGo] Sogo Slow Performance

2012-02-14 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 10:39:30PM +, Khapare Joshi wrote:
 My sogo server sometime response very very slow. I use improxy but my sogo
 server is rather slow and this performance issue is random. I think
 hardware spec of the server is fine. I added  /etc/sysconfig/sogo
 server memory looks 1G free
 CPU utilization average is arond 3-4 %

Assuming your backends are not the problem, maybe try increasing PREFORK
a lot (and remember to also increase postgresql max_connections to
match). We're currently running with PREFORK=60. It's seldom that that
many processes are needed, but when the server has the resources for it
we would rather use cpu than stall the users requests.

 Rebooted server, restarted sogod daemon. But this is bugging me. Sogo
 should be fast (:) and faster than squriell mail. What can I do to optimize
 the sogo server and what are you guys doing for better performance for sogo
 server, any sogo configuration parameter ? postgres indexing ? apache
 config ?

What IMAP server are you running?


Re: [SOGo] Sogo Slow Performance

2012-02-14 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 10:39:30PM +, Khapare Joshi wrote:
 server, any sogo configuration parameter ? postgres indexing ? 

Is your postgres database busy? We were struggeling with high cpu usage
on our databaseserver recently, and it turned out it was a problem with
the session table growing and growing. We now run a daily deletion of
all rows older than 24 hours:

DELETE from sogo_sessions_folder WHERE extract('epoch' from 
current_timestamp)-c_lastseen  86400;

I believe there's also an index fix for this table in v1.3.12..


Re: [SOGo] Sogo Slow Performance

2012-02-14 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 10:52:08PM +, Khapare Joshi wrote:
   the sogo server and what are you guys doing for better performance for
   server, any sogo configuration parameter ? postgres indexing ? apache
   config ?
  What IMAP server are you running?
 CYRUS IMAP murder

Ok, I'm not familiar with cyrus..


Re: [SOGo] Sogo Slow Performance

2012-02-14 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 11:07:34PM +, Khapare Joshi wrote:
 No, my database not yet too busy. I do not see much high load either.
 however my
 /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf  max connection is set to 100
 and changed the PERFORK to 70

That will fail under load. You need minimum 3 postgres connections per
sogod = 3*70 = 210.

 however, I have tons of  error in /var/log/sogo/sogo
  Could not bind to the LDAP server (389) using the bind DN:
 but again I can access sogo and all. I am not sure about this error. It
 could be thunderbird or iphone are trying to synchronize the event and
 somehow sogo could not bind on that particular synchonization. Do you know
 how to debug this ?

Only guessing, but it sounds to me like a problem with your gnustepdefauls
bindDN. Is it a working DN/bindPassword combination? Or maybe your ldap
server running out of connections?


[SOGo] IMAP-proxy or not with sogo webmail and dovecot backend

2012-02-13 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
We've been collecting some stats to see what kind of benefits
UP/SquirrelMail's IMAP Proxy in for our SOGo webmail users. Dovecot is
running in High-performance mode
with authentication caching

During the weekend two servers (webmail3 and webmail4) has been running
with local imapproxy and two servers without (webmail1 and webmail2). Each
server has served about 1 million http requests, over 3 days. 

server  avg. response time  # requests   0.3704111092386   0.3742271045141   0.3780971043919  imapproxy   0.3785931028653  imapproxy

ONLY requests that took more than 5 seconds to process:

server  avg. response time  # requests   26.048  1125   26.2997 1080   28.5596 808  imapproxy   27.1004 964  imapproxy

ONLY requests that took more than 10 seconds to process:

server  avg. response time  # requests   49.1407 516   53.0139 459   59.7906 333  imapproxy   58.167  384  imapproxy

The responstimes are not very fast, but they do seem to support
the claim that an imapproxy isn't needed for dovecot.


[SOGo] Re: [Dovecot] IMAP-proxy or not with sogo webmail and dovecot backend

2012-02-13 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 11:08:48AM -0800, Mark Moseley wrote:
 Out of curiosity, are you running dovecot locally on those webmail
 servers as well, or is it talking to remote dovecot servers?

The webmail servers are talking with dovecot director servers which in
turn are talking with the backend dovecot servers. Each service running
on different servers.

Webmail-servers - director-servers - backend-servers

 I ask because I'm looking at moving our webmail from an on-box setup to a
 remote pool to support director and was going to look into whether
 running imapproxyd would help there. We don't bother with it in the
 local setup, since dovecot is so fast, but remote (but still on a LAN)
 might be different.

Doesn't seem so to us...

 Though imapproxyd seems to make (wait for it...)
 squirrelmail unhappy (complains about IMAP errors, when sniffing shows
 none), though I've not bothered to debug it yet.



Re: [SOGo] Why not move from Funambol to Z-Push? Many features will be obtained.

2012-01-18 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 02:16:08PM -0500, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
 I would still very much like to open a discussion about this - ie.,
 Funambol (SyncML) backend vs. Z-Push (ActiveSync) backend.

I'm struggeling with seeing why one would push Funambol/SyncML. It
requires 3. party agent on all phones (except nokia), and then one could
just as well use a 3. party caldav/carddav client.

While activesync is supported on all (?) phones, with single config for
mail/contacts/calendar. That's what we want!

 What I mostly fear about Z-Push is that we'll revisit all the device
 synchronization bugs we had over the past few years with
 Funambol/SyncML and we'll have to hack around like we did. This is
 very valuable time and know-how here. Getting the Z-Push connector
 up and running can be done in a snap, but refining it will take some
 time. Also, having the Sword of Damocles on top of my head regarding
 the licensing agreement doesn't make me a happy, happy, joy man.

Is z-push that much different of a threat than the Open^H^H^H^Hchange-
replacement you seem to be doing in v2.0 ? 


Re: [SOGo] Why not move from Funambol to Z-Push? Many features will be obtained.

2012-01-18 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 10:14:38PM +0100, André Schild wrote:
 the licensing agreement doesn't make me a happy, happy, joy man.
 Is z-push that much different of a threat than the Open^H^H^H^Hchange-
 replacement you seem to be doing in v2.0 ?
 OpenChange has nothing to do with ActiveSync.
 OpenChange implements MAPI on the server, so (all) mapi compatible
 can talk to the server
 z-Push implements ActiveSync on the server, so all active sync
 clients can talk to the server

I see it as:

z-push implements microsofts proprietary ActiveSync protocol.
OpenChange implements microsofts proprietary MAPI protocol.

 The current z-push sogo backend uses CalDav/CardDav to access Sogo
 the Funambol client directly accesses the database

Yes, I know. I tested the sogosync-version about a year ago, and it
looked like a very nice solution that could be run as a completely
separate service from the rest of sogo (pure caldav/carddav/imap-client). 

Funambol looked like a very intrusive solution, poking inside the sogo
database directly, having it's own userdatabase (if I remember correctly).
And probably introducing version dependencies between funambol server and
sogo server. I'd much rather push my users towards installing a 3. party
caldav/carddav client, and avoid the need for anything serverside.


Re: [SOGo] Backup only changed users ?

2011-12-23 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 03:10:58PM +0100, André Schild wrote:

 The backup gives you flat files,
 so your backup software can look if these have been modified

Yes, I know, but the problem is that full sogo-tool backups are already
taking about 8 hours, and stressing the backend db for this long
unnessesarily when the users are mostly unchanged...

We need to find a way of speeding the up soonish..


Re: [SOGo] Online translation tool -- Transifx

2011-11-15 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 04:16:08PM -0500, Francis Lachapelle wrote:
 Once registered, request a new team for your language :
 Once authorized, you'll be able to start/continue translating SOGo in your 
 For the initial import, it was necessary to ignore all strings that were 
 identical to the English translation. Therefore, even if your translation was 
 considered completed in version 1.3.9 of SOGo, you may need to add some 
 missing strings (example: if the translation of email in your language is 
 also email, you'll need to add it back).

I've signed up as team lead for no_NO and nb_NO, but none of these show
any existing translations. Everything is listed as 0% done. But when
looking at

there is a Norwegian which is 90% done. This is the version I want to
work on! :-) Am I missing some routine to copy this over to no_NO/nb_NO
or is something wrong with the setup for Norwegian ?


Re: [SOGo] Customize a tad of SOGo

2011-11-12 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 09:32:27AM -0500, Francis Lachapelle wrote:
  I see the post here:
   about how to keep changes between versions but that seems not current any 
  more. Also I am not sure this is what I would want anyways. Any pointers?
 This FAQ entry is still valid.

Valid, but still a bit unclear -- at least to me. It would be good
if it was specified if/that sogod needs to be restarted whenever
wox-templates are changed, and also mention that the entry is just about
modifying wox-templates. Customizing anything below
/usr/lib*/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/ needs to happen there, as
these are not served trough sogod but rather served by apache directly.


IMAP-proxy or not? Was: Re: [SOGo] SOGo+perdition+Dovecot

2011-11-12 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 12:35:26AM +, Ed W wrote:
 Quick question: What does perdition buy you versus not having it?
 The dovecot author suspected that logins were so fast that a persistent
 proxy would likely have little performance advantage - do you measure

Interesting... as I seem to experience slow initial connect (getting the
body of the first message I select after logging in takes seconds) when
using up-imapproxy, but everything seems quick afterwards. If I have
sogod talk to the imap-servers directly (still trough dovecot-director),
everything is quick always. But I've been the only sogo user active when 
testing thism and am worried that this might change once we put heavy
load on it..

I've also noticed there is a NGImap4DisableIMAP4Pooling setting which is
disabled by default, but I haven't found any documentation for it other
than the bugrapport which seems to indicate it should be used if one is
not using an imapproxy:

and the NEWS entry:

- IMAP connection pooling is disabled by default to avoid flooding the 
  servers in multi-process environments (NGImap4DisableIMAP4Pooling now 
  to YES by default)

I don't understand what multi-process environments is referring to here..?

Does anybody have any comments for if imapproxy is needed or not for
dovecot backend, and if one should use IMAP4Pooling in sogo when not
using an imapproxy?


Re: [SOGo] Customize a tad of SOGo

2011-11-12 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 06:57:12PM +0100, Jan-Frode Myklebust wrote:
 modifying wox-templates. Customizing anything below
 /usr/lib*/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/ needs to happen there, as
 these are not served trough sogod but rather served by apache directly.

I just realized that the WebServerResources/ could work the same as
wox-templates in /home/sogo/GNUstep/Library/ with a little mod_rewrite

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^SOGo/WebServerResources.*
RewriteCond /home/sogo/GNUstep/Library%{REQUEST_URI} -f 
RewriteRule ^(.+) /home/sogo/GNUstep/Library/$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^ - [PT]

Untested, and I never get these right without some trial and error, but you
probably get the idea. Based on:


Re: [SOGo] Update to 1.3.9 on Centos5

2011-10-31 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 09:12:22AM -0400, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
 That's probably a sign of having old SOPE packages around after
 proceeding with the SOGo update. Make sure you update all SOPE
 packages to the latest version and restart the SOGo service after.

Yes, looks like you had some packages in the v1.3.9 yum-repo with
version numbers that rpm/yum would interpret as newer than the new ones
for sogo v1.3.9-2. Those who had upgraded to v1.3.9-1 will probably
still be running on wrong sope49-cards  and sope49-gdl1-contentstore
after upgrading to v1.3.9-2.

[janfrode@webmail2 ~]$ rpm -q sope49-cards sope49-gdl1-contentstore
[janfrode@webmail2 ~]$ sudo yum update

 Package Arch  Version

 sope49-cardsx86_642.0_20111018-1.el6.0   sogo 161 k
 sope49-gdl1-contentstorex86_642.0_20111018-1.el6.0   sogo 54 k

Transaction Summary

Upgrade   2 Package(s)

$ rpmdev-vercmp
Epoch1 :
Version1 :1.3.9
Release1 :2.centos6
Epoch2 :
Version2 :2.0_20111018
Release2 :1.el6
:2.0_20111018-1.el6 is newer

The reason this was hitting us is that I sync'ed in your packages
to our local repository, since our servers aren't allowed to talk
openly on the internet, and I hadn't noticed that these needed to
be deleted from the repo..


Re: [SOGo] HELP !!! /etc/init.d/sogod: line 73: /usr/GNUstep/System/Library/Makefiles/ Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type Restarting SOGo: /usr/GNUstep/System/Tools/Admin/sogod: error w

2011-10-28 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
Could you post the output of rpm -qi gnustep-make ?


Re: [SOGo] HELP !!! /etc/init.d/sogod: line 73: /usr/GNUstep/System/Library/Makefiles/ Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type Restarting SOGo: /usr/GNUstep/System/Tools/Admin/sogod: error w

2011-10-28 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 11:05 PM, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:

 That has been fixed. We were building packages on SL Linux but it looks like
 they recently broke binary compatibility with RHEL/CentOS 6. We're
 rebuilding them with CentOS 6.

What about RHEL-6.1-latest ?  Centos seems to be lagging quite a bit
behind RHEL6 these days...


Re: [SOGo] Status on SOGo v2.0.0

2011-10-12 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Fri, Oct 07, 2011 at 11:19:12AM -0400, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
 Also, if anyone would volunteer some help regarding packaging Samba
 4 and OpenChange for RHEL (v5 and v6), 

In RHEL6 both samba4 (4.0.0-23.alpha11) and openchange (0.9)
is available in the rhel-x86_64-server-optional-6 channel. Are these
usable with sogo 2.0?


Re: [SOGo] How to disable spellchecker

2011-03-08 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
I'm wondering what kind of agreement SOGo/inverse has with Is it really a free for all service, or will we get
into trouble if we run SOGo in a large commercial setup?

Is it possible to use the WebSpellChecker: Licensed Version running
on our own servers for spellchecks in sogo ?


Re: [SOGo] Dovecot quota indicator bar

2011-02-21 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 10:26:15PM -0600, Kevin C. Smith wrote:
 I'm guessing SOGo only checks before logon? 

I don't think so. Here's my before-login capabilities:


and after login:


and I do have the quota indicator in sogo. (Dovecot director v2.0.9
proxying to v1.2.16 on the backends.)


Re: [SOGo] Script

2011-02-20 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 02:02:50PM -0500, Wolfgang Sourdeau wrote:
 Overal, I think the idea of a structured file-format is a good one.
 Perhaps the missing step to UNIX-compliance  would be to enable
 the use of a conf file in the /etc/ hierarchy. This would be quite
 easy to do and you just need to ask ;)

Woha, yes, could we please have that! :-)

Also, would it be possible to separate out the templating from $HOME (to
f.ex. /var/www) and make the sogo-user a non-interaktive account. 


Re: [SOGo] Alternate theme proposal

2011-02-13 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 07:12:56PM +0100, Corrado Fiore wrote:


 Any thoughts, suggestions or comments are welcome!

It looks a lot better, thanks! And especially thanks for giving me a
pointer for what we need to look at changing to give it our corporate
look whenever we start that job.

For the mail view I would have also liked if something was done to the
pane between message list and message content. It's taking way to much
space, it's duplicating information that's already shown in the selected
message in the message list, and there's too much blank space on the
right hand size. I think most of the duplicate information should be
removed, and whatever information is left should be squeezed into two
data fields per line.


Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v1.3.5

2011-01-28 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 08:44:34AM -0500, Francis Lachapelle wrote:
  even though my SOGoUserSources doesn't contain givenName:
  but things seems to be working much better.
 The constructed LDAP filter includes the fields from SearchFieldNames, 
 MailFieldNames and CNFieldName. Does givenName is defined as your CN?

Yes, so that's were it's from:




Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v1.3.5

2011-01-27 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 01:30:29PM -0500, Francis Lachapelle wrote:
 === Changes from the previous release ===
  * the new parameter SearchFieldNames allows to specify which LDAP fields to 
 query when filtering contacts

I'm having problems getting this working. I have configured it with:

defaults write sogod SearchFieldNames '(mail, cn)'

and also have:

defaults write sogod SOGoLDAPQueryLimit 100
defaults write sogod SOGoLDAPQueryTimeout 10

On my directory server I see my search as:

[27/Jan/2011:11:30:08 +0100] conn=6164752 op=1 SRCH 
base=o=isp,o=example,c=com scope=2 
 attrs=objectClass givenName mail mail title company o displayName 
modifyTimestamp mozillahomestate mozillahomeurl homeurl st region 
mozillacustom2 custom2 mozillahomecountryname description notes department 
departmentNumber ou orgunit mobile cellphone carphone mozillacustom1 custom1 
mozillanickname xmozillanickname mozillaworkurl workurl 
facsimileTelephoneNumber facsimileTelephoneNumber telephoneNumber 
mozillahomestreet mozillasecondemail xmozillasecondemail mozillacustom4 custom4 
nsAIMid nscpaimscreenname street street postOfficeBox homePhone cn cn givenName 
mozillahomepostalcode mozillahomelocalityname mozillaworkstreet2 
mozillausehtmlmail xmozillausehtmlmail mozillahomestreet2 postalCode zip c c 
pager pagerphone mail sn sn mozillacustom3 custom3 l l birthyear serialNumber 
calfburl proxyaddresses uid

I also tried:

defaults write sogod SOGoSearchFieldNames '(mail, cn)'

but same result. (And yes, sogod and memchached was restarted after
defaults write). So what am I missing ?


Re: [SOGo] Trying to run SOGo on a openSUSE x64

2011-01-06 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Thu, Jan 06, 2011 at 02:45:24PM +0100, Stefan Fuhrberg wrote:
 That fixed the Adaptor Message, rest of the log looks still the same.

  RequestHeader set x-webobjects-server-port 443
  RequestHeader set x-webobjects-server-name sogo
  RequestHeader set x-webobjects-server-url http://sogo;

x-webobjects-server-port should likely be 80 for an http url. 


[SOGo] cache static content

2010-12-29 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
Are there any recommendation for what can and can't be cached in SOGo? 

i.e. the login page takes 27 http requests / 422KB, inbox take 61
requests / 605KB, calendar 49 requests / 609 KB.

A lot of this seems to be javascripts and images living in 
/SOGo.woa/WebServerResources/. Would it be OK to tell the clients they
can cache these for long periodes trough mod_expires ?

Something like:

Location /SOGo.woa/WebServerResources/
ExpiresActive on
ExpiresDefault access plus 1 month

Would this be OK ? If so, any other Locations need the same treathment ?

(1 month is maybe a bit long.. might need to be sync'ed a bit with
maintenance windows/upgrades).


Re: [SOGo] cache static content

2010-12-29 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
It looks to me like this should work fine, all POSTs seems to go to
/SOGo/so or /SOGo/connect, and I see no parameters in any GETs. So I
would suggest adding something like the following to the default
apache config (SOGo.conf):

# Compress text-type content:
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript

# Don't use inode in ETag, in case we're running on a cluster
# where static file inode numbers will be different between the
# nodes
FileETag MTime Size

# Add far future expiry headers to static content. Reduce these
# to much shorter (1 hour?) before you plan on any upgrades to
# SOGo, to be sure clients quickly will pick up new versions of
# any content.
Location /SOGo.woa/WebServerResources/
ExpiresActive on
ExpiresDefault access plus 1 week
Location /SOGo/WebServerResources/
ExpiresActive on
ExpiresDefault access plus 1 week

# Point this at your SOGoFaviconRelativeURL
FilesMatch ^favico\.ico$
ExpiresActive on
ExpiresDefault access plus 1 week


Re: [SOGo] Secured session cookies

2010-12-28 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
Do I understand the code correctly if I read that you're now using the
session key as a one-time-pad to encrypt/decrypt the password, and the
password is never stored un-encrypted anywhere ?


Re: [SOGo] Secured session cookies

2010-12-28 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 02:37:15PM -0500, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:

 The password is still stored unencrypted in memcached for
 SOGoCacheCleanupInterval seconds. This is avoid doing a bind on the
 LDAP server for _each_ request coming in, in order to check the
 validity of the password.

Couldn't this also be the same string as is stored server side for the 
secured session cookie, and xor'ed when checking validity ?


Re: [SOGo] Secured session cookies

2010-12-28 Thread Jan-Frode Myklebust
On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 06:41:37PM -0500, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
 On 10-12-28 4:19 PM, Jan-Frode Myklebust wrote:
 So maybe save a salted hash of the password in memcached for this
 comparison instead ?
 That password needs to be known by SOGo - because it needs to push
 its cleartext version to the IMAP server.

OK, guess I don't understand the details well enough.., it just feels so
bad to store plaintext passwords anywhere. My assumption was that when
SOGo needs the password for IMAP, it could either be generated by via
the secured session cookies or for non-cookie-based authentication it
would be provided in plaintext (basic auth) from the client.

 The password could be hashed using a string shared across all SOGo
 cluster members - that would buy a false sense of security for a
 little while.

I suggested keeping a (salted) hash of the plaintext password used
with basic auth in memcached for avoiding having to validate passwords
by ldap bind every time. Not using a reversible hash function that would
allow sogo to recover the password.

But if my assumtions of all clients sending plaintext password, or
secured session cookie on every request, are not true, then I see that
this woun't work.
