Re: How to *properly* create and use a CATALINA_BASE installation

2021-11-16 Thread Mark H. Wood
The Gentoo Linux packaging of Tomcat does a nice job of laying out
separate CATALINA_HOME and one or more CATALINA_BASE trees, if you'd
like something to study.

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Description: PGP signature

Re: javax.servlet vs jakarta.servlet?

2022-01-03 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 03:16:51PM -0500, Michael B Allen wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 10:57 AM Christopher Schultz
>  wrote:
> >
> > You mean like ServletContext.getRealPath?
> Honestly I'm not sure how I feel about getRealPath. On the one hand, I
> don't think it's reasonable to just pretend that applications only
> exist in the vacuum of space. There are many practical reasons why an
> application might want to interact with the filesystem but without
> requiring absolute paths. Just because there might not be a file
> system is a weak excuse to not properly account for one. Being able to
> update a file of properties for example and have the application see
> that the file is updated without reloading the webapp (maybe even if
> the app is packaged as a war) is very useful. On the other hand I
> don't think I would want another 10 classes just to create some kind
> of ancillary webapp storage abstraction.

I would say that servlet code should, in general, assume that nothing
exists outside of the container except that which it is told about.
It should not care where it is.  If it needs to interact with a
filesystem, it should be given paths into that filesystem as context
parameters or environment objects.

If I intended to make changes to an application's configuration
without re-deploying, I would put the configuration elsewhere and
configure the context with a path (or a Path) to it.

You may wish to have a look at

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Description: PGP signature

Re: correct usage of properties to supply database port

2022-03-11 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 09:40:48AM -0700, Rob Sargent wrote:
> About context/context/value:  I have this context.xml. Is the value 
> correctly inside the outer Context?
>        name="jdbc/sgsdb/tbar"
>    url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432:/tbar"
>    driverClassName="org.postgresql.Driver"
>    type="javax.sql.DataSource"
>    factory="org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceFactory"
>    testWhileIdle="false"
>    testOnBorrow="true"
>    testOnReturn="false"
>    validationInterval="3"
>    validationQuery="select 1"
>    timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis="3"
>    maxActive="50"
>    initialSize="3"
>    maxWait="1"
>    removeAbandonedTimeout="3600"
>    removeAbandoned="true"
>    minEvictableIdleTimeMillis="3"
>    minIdle="1"
>    maxIdle="5"
>    logAbandoned="true"
>    username="shoc"
>    password="password"
>    />
>            className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve"
>      prefix="sgs_access"
>      directory="${SGSSRVR_AccessLogDir}"
>      maxDays="7">

I don't think you can nest s that way, and I'm not sure what
it would mean.  I would remove the inner  pair.

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Description: PGP signature

Re: Encryption of Tomcat AJP

2022-05-19 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 07:09:59AM +, Hiran CHAUDHURI wrote:
> From: Mark Thomas 
> Subject: Re: Encryption of Tomcat AJP
> >On 19/05/2022 01:32, Brian Eller wrote:
> >>
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >>  I am working on a Tomcat install embedded inside a vendor 
> >> product that uses Apache to pass traffic to Tomcat.  My cyber security 
> >> group is asking if we can encrypt all connections.  Does the mod_jk 
> >> protocol, AJP can be encrypted?
> >
> >No, AJP does not support encryption.
> >
> >If you want to encrypt traffic between the reverse proxy and the embedded 
> >Tomcat instance I'd recommend using mod_proxy_http and proxy everything over 
> >HTTPS. This requires a little more configuration to get things working.
> >
> >The main thing to keep in mind is to make sure that the Tomcat instance 
> >correctly identifies whether the client connection to the reverse proxy was 
> >over HTTP or HTTPS.
> >
> >Mark
> I totally agree this is an existing and sufficient mechanism already 
> available. And I see it popping up in more and more locations.
> But as you point out there are some caveats that potentially open security 
> risks. On the contrary AJP - maybe because it cannot be configured with 
> encryption - looks simple and straightforward.
> Would it make sense to create a solution with less caveats and up to date 
> security requirements?

If the OP's cyber security group insists, then maybe they would care
to give him their requirements and suggestions for setting up IPSEC.

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mod_JK vs Mod_Proxy

2022-12-06 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Mon, Dec 05, 2022 at 03:37:59PM -0500, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> On 12/5/22 15:03, Cathy Spears wrote:
> > Using Tomcat 8.5 and 9.0 with 32-bit Apache 2.4 and mod_jk. Are there
> > benefits to using mod_proxy instead of mod_jk? Also, is there a
> > planned end of life for mod_jk or will it continue to be supported
> > for now?
> Hopefully this will be helpful:

I read this as a question about mod_proxy_ajp vs. mod_jk.

Happily using mod_proxy_ajp here for some years.  Both work well but I
very much prefer the way mod_proxy_ajp integrates with the proxy
configuration in HTTPD.

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Description: PGP signature

Re: AW: AW: Password in Tomcat 9.x

2023-01-20 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, Jan 19, 2023 at 07:33:04PM +0100, wrote:
> I asked Thomas as well, if he knows if this could be solved with placing the 
> path to the file - in my opinion, this is a easy, safe possiblitiy to 
> allocate any certs. That would be very helpful to have such tomcat.

I think there has been something missing in this discussion.  Several
people have advised removing the password from the credentials file.
This is not just giving up and trading security for practicality.
Storing a cleartext password on the same system with the
password-protected object is equivalent to having no password, because
anyone who can get the protected object can get the password from the
same place.

The only way that encrypting the container can increase security is to
provide the password from outside the system whenever it is needed --
e.g. have an operator type it in.  The purpose of encrypting the
container seems to be to protect it *in transit from one system to
another*, after which a human will decrypt it for use.

So:  it is unlikely that anyone will do more work on the code for no
more benefit.

When I think about it, this is just another layer of the reason that
these credentials containers *can* be encrypted:  such a file contains
all of the materials which are needed to evade security, so there must
be an external source of control to protect the contents:  something
which is not part of the materials and can be kept separate from them,
carried by different means.

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Description: PGP signature

Re: AW: AW: AW: Password in Tomcat 9.x

2023-01-23 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Sat, Jan 21, 2023 at 02:24:46PM +0100, wrote:
> Hello Mark
> Then how do you manage the webserver certitficate in Tomcat? Where do you 
> store the password? I would like to do it of course always without, but the 
> architecture is like that I have.
> Webserver certificate.p12
> Webserver certificate.p12.pwd Password_today  Password 
> tomorrow
> Tomcat/conf/server.xml
> I would like to reference the pwd file in server.xml. You cannot enter the 
> server and get to the directory until you do the sudo to its technical user.
> How can you do this? When you have an automated certificate approach running, 
> renewing certificates which are in the range to renew.
> How to avoid setting ; in a password? This also causes or can cause issues.
> Thank you for your advice. More security is better, but it must be in the 
> position to be handled easy. Every manual change I want to avoid.

I don't store the password.  (Perhaps I should ask:  do you mean the
passphrase for the private key, or the passphrase for the PKCS12

Here I have to create a Certificate Signing Request and send it to the
registrar for signature.  Since I am creating the private key at the
same time, I can have it created without encryption.  Perhaps the
tools that you use have such an option?  I generate the request and
key with:

  openssl req \
  -new \
  -newkey rsa:4096 \
  -nodes \
  -keyout SOMETHING.key \
  -out SOMETHING.req

If I were packing up the certificate(s) and key in a PKCS12, I would
use "openssl pkcs12 -export -nodes ..." (to leave the private key
unencrypted).  But, now that I've been researching it, there may not
*be* a way to specify "no encryption" of the PKCS12 structure itself,
only ways to express a zero-length password.

Of course I pay strict attention to file and directory permissions.

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Description: PGP signature

Re: JNDI match of LDAP hashed passwords fail against cleartext

2020-04-21 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 12:17:54PM -0400, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Hmm. The LDAP stuff I think wasn't me, but I understand it a little
> bit. Brian, is there a standard I can read for this? I'm familiar with
> LDAP servers storing credentials with "{sha}" prefixes but not others.
> Honestly, for an LDAP backend, I'd expect the LDAP server to be
> checking the credentials sent by the client, not to have the client
> fetch the credentials and do its own checking. That's the whole point
> of delegating authentication to the LDAP server.

The point of "client fetches credentials via LDAP to do its own
checking" seems to be *not* to delegate authentication, but to use the
directory as a store of hashed credentials.  The only reason for doing
this that I've been able to come up with is that in this setup there
is no reason why the enterprise user has to be a directory user,
i.e. only a handful of directory administrators and service accounts
can actually authenticate identities *to the directory*, while many
objects have credentials stored in a different attribute that the
directory itself does not use for authentication.  Minimizing access
to a central store of identity and authorization makes sense in some

I get the feeling that the X.500 designers deliberately left specific
applications (like authenticating identities in other products) as an
exercise for the client designer, so as not to foreclose clever uses
they hadn't thought of.  One result is a rather Wild West approach to
using directory services for authentication.  (I see this also in
services dedicated to authentication:  seemingly no two organizations
use CAS in the same way.)

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Description: PGP signature

Session attribute disappears across requests

2020-05-26 Thread Mark H. Wood
Background:  client request starts a long-running procedure which
eventually returns a calculated result.  I want to provide a progress
meter so that the user knows that the request is still running.  The
page where this happens periodically fires an AJAX request to sample
the progress of the procedure which is generating the response to the
original request.  The code which handles the original request adds a
session attribute which references an object that knows how to get the
current value of "progress".  The code which handles the AJAX request
looks up this session attribute to provide its response.  The first
AJAX request fires one second after the original request, confirmed by
examining the application's log.

This all happens in a single instance of Tomcat 8.5.55 using the
StandardManager with all its default settings, i.e. there is no
Manager element in the configuration.  I don't require persistence
across restarts.

Problem:  the attribute is definitely being created by the
original-request handler, because I can see its name in the
enumeration returned by Session.getAttributeNames in that handler
after setting the attribute, and it definitely has a value there.
However, one second later, in the AJAX-request handler the same
Session (yes, I checked the session IDs and they match) does not
contain an attribute with this name, though it contains all of the
other attributes that were enumerated in the original-request handler.

The object referenced by the attribute does not implement Serializable
and it would be difficult to do so.  But it doesn't seem to me that
this is necessary in the circumstances:  not clustered, not using

Where did I go wrong?  I'm considering other ways to coordinate the
two requests, but I'd like to know why this one isn't working.

Possible confounding factor:  this is a Cocoon 2.2 application, and
the HttpSession in both handlers is actually an
org.apache.cocoon.environment.http.HttpSession.  But I'm accessing the
attributes the same way in both handlers -- I actually copy/pasted my
debugging code -- and the session shows my attribute in one but not
subsequently in the other.

Bonus question:  this AJAX activity isn't going to have any effect on
whether the original request times out, is it?  So I probably need a
broader re-think.  (All the traffic is proxied through Apache HTTPD
via AJP.)

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Description: PGP signature

Re: Session attribute disappears across requests

2020-05-26 Thread Mark H. Wood
[Session attribute disappearing between requests]

*sigh* Brown paper bag error:  the original-request handler was
cleaning up the value before it could be read by the progress-request
handler, when the original request *does not* run a long time
(e.g. zero records to summarize).  That's the wrong place to clean it
up anyway.

Sorry for the noise.

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Description: PGP signature

Re: Browser complains of "weak signature algorithm" in cert on a new Tomcat installation. Does anybody here know anything about that sort of thing

2021-01-07 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Wed, Jan 06, 2021 at 03:34:17PM -0800, James H. H. Lampert wrote:
> We just had our first Tomcat 8.5 installation on a customer's AS/400.
> The customer apparently has his own CA (they're a big company), and when 
> I installed SSL in their Tomcat, and tested it with a browser, it 
> complained, something to the general effect of "weak signature algorithm."
> While it's not really my problem (and is only connected to Tomcat by 
> virtue of it happening with a Tomcat server), I'm curious about what's 
> up with it, if anybody here is able and willing to explain it.

The beginning of this page might be helpful:

Simply:  the message is saying that the customer's CA signed this
certificate in a way that's not now believed by the browser's authors
to be sufficiently secure.

I don't know what tools are available in the AS/400 environment, but
here's how I would use OpenSSL on Linux to inspect a certificate:

  $ openssl x509 -noout -text -in 
  Version: 1 (0x0)
  Serial Number:
  Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
  Issuer: C = US, O = "VeriSign, Inc.", OU = VeriSign Trust Network, OU 
= "(c) 1999 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only", CN = VeriSign Class 3 
Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
  Not Before: Oct  1 00:00:00 1999 GMT
  Not After : Jul 16 23:59:59 2036 GMT
  Subject: C = US, O = "VeriSign, Inc.", OU = VeriSign Trust Network, 
OU = "(c) 1999 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only", CN = VeriSign Class 3 
Public Primary Certification Authority - G3

The "Signature Algorithm" is what the message is about.  Here it says
that the certified public key was signed by hashing it with SHA1 and
then encrypting the hash with the CA's RSA private key.

I just remembered that your browser probably has a way to display
details of a certificate, too.

BTW that certificate above was issued in 1999, when SHA1 was
considered sufficient.  Certificates created today should be using a
stronger hash.

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] programming style or mental process ?

2021-04-09 Thread Mark H. Wood
I've appreciated this discussion.  It's caused me to think a bit more
about my use of this pattern.

[regarding tests for null references]
This has got me wondering why there is no operator for such an
irritatingly common need:

  if (my_reference isNull) { ... }

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Description: PGP signature

Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: tomcat timeout

2021-04-16 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 08:25:12PM +, Mohamed Eliyas Abdul Kadar wrote:
> I am generating report for a year, normally this takes 5 mins on weblogic 
> server. We are migrating to tomcat and it does not show any error. In 
> developer tools I see timeout for that request.

I faced a similar issue some time ago, and decided that it was an
application design error.  I introduced a progress meter that polls
periodically until the report generation completes or fails and,
incidentally, gives the user an indication that service of the request
is proceeding and has not simply hung or been dropped.

Other possibilities:

o  The request causes a background thread to generate the report and
   email it when complete.

o  A first request causes the report to be generated in a holding
   area, perhaps sending an email when completed; a second request
   fetches the completed report.

I decided that just lengthening timeouts was a losing strategy,
because these particular reports can be requested over any portion of
a record set that steadily grows in size, and can thus take longer to
generate every month.  Your situation may be different.

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problem posting to Tomcat ssl connector ..

2021-06-01 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Fri, May 28, 2021 at 01:32:47PM -0600, John Dale wrote:
> Page loads fine.
> Other pages load fine.
> SSL handshakes are working until ..
> An Ajax post with a base64 encoded image in the data.
> I debugged up to the request and it's fine.
> I debugged the server and it's not reaching my component.
> Tomcat is killing the connection for some reason.
> Thought it might be maxSavePostSize .. bumped that up in the SSL connector.
> No dice.
> Request post is around 300K.
> What's going on!?

I suppose there's nothing useful in the logs?  Can anyone suggest
adjustments that might log relevant observations?

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Description: PGP signature

Re: Most recent security-related update to 8.5? And setting up access to Manager?

2021-06-21 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 12:42:56PM -0400, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> On 6/19/21 11:31, James H. H. Lampert wrote:
> > Also, while I'm here, can somebody point me to an example of how to code 
> > the Manager's RemoteAddrValve setting to allow access from, say, two or 
> > three arbitrary IP addresses?
> Take a look at the example configuration that ships with the Manager. It 
> already includes 2 specific IPs and one range. It's a regular 
> expression. If you aren't too good with those, find someone who is or 
> give a specific example and someone here can probably help.

If you aren't too good at REs, or you just think that a long chain of
ORed subexpressions, each of which contains far too many escaped dots,
is too horrible to contemplate, you may also want to take a look at
RemoteCIDRValve instead.

I got so tired of those eye-watering IP address REs that I wrote my
own CIDR-based Valve some years ago, but I'm happy to discover that I
can now throw it away and use one that ships with Tomcat.

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Description: PGP signature

Re: Re-Use TCP Source Ports if the Socket is Unique?

2021-06-25 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 12:46:03PM +, Eric Robinson wrote:
> Olaf and Scott --
> Thanks to both of you for your comments. I may have asked my question poorly, 
> since what you both described is the way I understand TCP to work. There is 
> no correlation between an incoming connection to tomcat and its outgoing 
> connection to a database backend, nor would I expect there to be.
> Perhaps a simpler way to ask my question is: when a server has multiple IPs, 
> which one does tomcat use as its source IP when it initiates a three-way 
> handshake with a remote machine?
> For example, suppose my server has IP addresses and, and my 
> tomcat connector looks like this...
>  port="8080"
> protocol="HTTP/1.1"
> address=""
> connectionTimeout="2"
> redirectPort="8443"
>   />
> Tomcat is now listening on IP
> But here's the question. If tomcat needs to initiate a TCP session to a 
> remote machine (acting as a TCP client), will it use or as 
> the source IP of the outbound connection? I'm assuming it will use the same 
> IP that the connector is configured to listen on.

man 7 tcp

A client uses 'connect' and doesn't need to set a local address.  Only
a service needs to declare its own address and port.

The kernel routing database knows which distant hosts should be
reachable via each local address.  'connect' should use this to pick
an address that can reach the distant host, assign an unallocated
port, and send SYN to request a connection.

So the answer to your question is "it depends on the service host's
address and what networks the interfaces for and can

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tomcat producing (near) duplicate Catalina logs

2008-06-16 Thread Mark H. Wood
You are not the only one frustrated by the state of log4j

If you persevere, the Introduction section "Configuration" does sort
of explain things, although as noted it does so mainly from the
programmer's point of view.  The section "Default Initialization"
discusses how the configuration is found.

Digging in a little, there is somewhat more complete configuration
documentation in the Javadoc:

Scroll down (and down and down) through
org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator to the method
doConfigure(String,LoggerRepository) and you will find a bit of
discussion of configuration syntax and semantics.  Apparently, if you
fetch the source kit and unpack it, there are further examples included.

"Read The Fine Manuals" is certainly good advice, but log4j is a poor
example.  It's a shame that the package is in such a poor state,
because it has a number of clever and useful features which are rarely

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Logging for Dummies in Tomcat 5.5/6.0

2008-06-19 Thread Mark H. Wood
This is not distribution-specific.  How to pass property values to the
JRE is perhaps JRE-specific but not distro-specific.

One can (and should) document a product's configuration and use
relative to what the product "knows", and require that the user
understands the details of his own choice of operating environment.

Tomcat, in particular, is told the paths represented by catalina.home
and catalina.base, and uses that to configure its classloaders, which
are used by the chosen logger to locate its default configuration.
The name of the default configuration is specified by the chosen

The JRE running Tomcat is perhaps told the paths represented by other
system properties whose names are specified by the logger.

The only distro-specific thing in any of this is the particular paths
assigned to these properties, and determining those values is the
responsibility of the asker because, as you say, you cannot know them
in advance.  But an answer expressed in terms of the invariants can
be interpreted by the asker and should be sufficient.  And there
*must* be invariants, a contract between dependency and dependent, or
modular software cannot operate.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Logging for Dummies in Tomcat 5.5/6.0

2008-06-19 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 12:41:30AM +0200, André Warnier wrote:
> My idea was, maybe naively, that Tomcat was like any other program, fairly 
> logical, and that things in it happen for a reason.
> Thus that when Tomcat starts, it knows, from some top-level configuration 
> file, where to look for instructions as to what logging system to use, and 
> has an idea about where the configuration for that stuff is.
> And that this knowledge could be communicated to me somehow without 
> breaking some official secrecy vow.
> What really puzzled me however, was that going down the hierarchy of 
> configuration files and directories, I never seemed to find a link between 
> Tomcat and the logging it was doing.

What you are missing is that Tomcat is not the top of the chain of
userspace software here; the Java Runtime Environment is.  The JRE
loads Tomcat and quite a bit of other stuff as well.  That "other
stuff" is available to Tomcat.

A sufficiently new Tomcat version includes Commons Logging (JCL),
which is a generalized interface to logging functions which depends on
some other package to actually do the logging.  Commons Logging has
its own internal rules for figuring out what it is supposed to do, and
it can get information from the JRE to help in that process.  This
information does not pass through Tomcat; Commons Logging asks the JRE
directly for the values of various "system properties", which values
are assigned on the commandline which starts the JRE and directs it to
load Tomcat.

The actual logging package wrapped by Commons Logging (such as JULI or
Log4j) in turn has its own rules to locate its configuration data, and
again some of those rules depend on information that it may be able to
get from the JRE, again without Tomcat's intervention.

So Tomcat, Commons Logging, and e.g. JULI each have their own
configuration and none really knows about any of the others.  The JRE
knits it all together.

So, to understand the behavior of logging in Tomcat, you don't need to
know much at all about Tomcat, but you do need to understand the
actual logger, Commons Logging, and some aspects of the JRE.

What you *may* need to know about Tomcat is how it rearranges class
loading, because if one of these packages is not told where to find
its configuration then some of its built-in rules will search for a
configuration file using the classloader hierarchy.

> I am starting to see the error of my ways.
> What I am, ever so slowly, starting to think I understand (I hope), is that 
> Tomcat /may/ not itself know; that your refusal to tell me may not after 
> all have been motivated by a desire to keep the knowledge into your inner 
> circle of initiates; but that instead, it is some other piece of software 
> that "hooks" into Tomcat to "steal" the things to be logged, and that this 
> other piece of thing is the (only) one that knows it's own configuration.

Close.  The JRE mediates.  Tomcat asks for an instance of JCL and the
JRE creates one, which (while being created) will have groped around
and found a logging package to wrap.  The loggin package instance will
have groped around and found a configuration which tells it how to log
stuff.  Tomcat doesn't know or need to know what JCL is using to emit
log records; JCL knows that.  In turn JCL doesn't know or need to know
what the selected logging package is supposed to do; the logger
knows.  Each component uses the JRE to find the stuff it wants to know.

> And thus that for instance Tomcat itself knows nothing about that file
> /var/lib/tomcat5.5/conf/

Correct.  It's only there rather than somewhere else because a default
search for a properties file will look there, given the classloading
setup established by Tomcat.

> which I discovered long ago on my Linux Debian Etch system, but could not 
> figure out how Tomcat found it or used it.

Tomcat doesn't find or use it.  The logging package does that.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mapping question

2008-06-26 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 05:23:15PM +0200, André Warnier wrote:
> And I presume that mod_jk does pass the information about the virtual host 
> name, right ?

It certainly appears so.  I have a host with a single HTTPD in front
of a single Tomcat which defines three vhosts, and the traffic is
routed properly.

I can't say anything about sharing a single copy of a webapp on three
vhosts, because although two of our three vhosts are running the same
webapp, each has a separate on-disk copy.  We need to keep them that
way, since the services are updated on unrelated schedules.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: logging

2008-07-08 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Tue, Jul 08, 2008 at 10:12:15AM -0400, David Crane wrote:
> I doubt there is a simple solution for redirecting stdout/stderr over
> the network.

Perhaps netcat?

Or if you have security concerns, perhaps scp can be jiggered to do
the job.

However, keep in mind that there should still be a local "log of last
resort" to note the evidence when network logging fails.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Strange startorder of webapps

2008-08-11 Thread Mark H. Wood
In particular, Unix code to walk a directory may return file names in
any order.  You don't often see this behavior because 'ls' typically
sorts its output unless you ask it not to.  OTOH I believe that
Windows keeps its directories sorted and will always produce file
names in lexical order.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: where to place context configuration

2008-08-14 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 01:57:22PM -0500, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
> You may place the  element in either location, but Tomcat
> *may* copy the one from META-INF/context.xml to conf/Catalina/[host]
> so it can access it directly.  Proper undeployment will remove the
> copy.

Is there a page somewhere which documents this?

> If you're doing a brute force replacement of a .war rather than a
> real undeployment, you deserve what you get.

Is there a page somewhere which explains how to distinguish the two cases?

> You have the option of placing the webapp's  element in
> conf/Catalina/[host]/[appName].xml so that you can override the one
> packaged in the .war file - often necessary with prepackaged apps
> that might require special configuration for a particular site.

But then an undeployment (whatever that may be) will destroy my
carefully handcrafted Context, right?  This behavior has been driving
me crazy for years.  I keep /conf/Catalina/[host] full of
foo.xml.saved files so I can quickly recover when Tomcat blows foo.xml
away, seemingly at random.  Half the time, when I copy a new .war in,
the Context is destroyed; the other half, it Just Works.

Currently on Tomcat 6.0.16, but I've had this frustration with 6.0,
5.5, and I believe 5.0.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: HOW TO install/setup 2 instances of tomcat on same server

2008-08-21 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 02:31:41AM +0200, André Warnier wrote:
> Markus Schönhaber wrote:
>> Furthermore, if I understand the OP's statement above correctly, he wants 
>> to be able to restart the development Tomcat without affecting the 
>> production Tomcat. That's not possible with either of those two solutions.
> True. But I was wondering why he said that he needed to restart Tomcat.  
> Considering that he mentioned he knows not much about it, the OP may be 
> unaware that it is not necessary to restart Tomcat, if the reason is just to 
> re-install/re-start a new version of the test application.

Why?  Because, however good Tomcat is, webapp.s are notorious for
leaking (and occasionally gushing) Tomcat's resources as they stop and
start.  Particularly with software under active development, there is
the real possibility that app A will run Tomcat out of some vital
memory pool and precipitate the crash of app B, though B be coded ever
so carefully.

Here our production Tomcats run pretty well.  The development Tomcat
can lock up several times a day, spinning at 100% CPU and unable to
execute a controlled shutdown, as we update a developing app. a mere
dozen times.  I am ever so happy to have not just separate production
and development containers, but separate hosts, to contain the
problems of unfinished software until they can be fixed.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [programmazione] Struts vs JSF (poll?)

2008-08-25 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 03:06:49PM +0200, Luca Cicale wrote:

> keep in mind that JSF is a very powerful framework, but it has also
> some limits.  The biggest one is that to work correctly javascript
> must be enabled on the client browser.  So, as first, take care this
> is a very strict specific.

[drifting further offtopic]
Putting on my end-user hat, I have to say that this can be more
significant than one might think.

I have NoScript installed on all my browsers.  It helps with security,
but I find that really I mostly use it to implement the maxim "avoid
time-wasting morons", like the all-singing all-dancing mortgage
distraction or those infuriating "let a live salesman twist your arm"
popins or the sites whose scripts run at 100% for minutes without
producing anything useful.

So when I hit a new site that wags its finger at me for not providing
Javascript (or worse, Flash) then I have to decide whether I'm
interested enough in that site to spend time granting them permission
to take over MY browser.  Often enough I either leave the scripting
off if I can get what I want without it, or I go down the road to
someone else's nice clean site that Just Works.

So when selecting technology, do consider the balance between
providing useful functionality to the users and just bothering them.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Struts vs JSF (poll?)

2008-08-26 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 01:33:02PM -0400, Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
> I'm in the architect/manager boat myself these days, so I'd be crazy to
> *not* agree :)  I've seen though what happens when you play the "ivory
> tower" game and just come down the hill with the stone tablets that say
> "this is what we're doing".

That not only rubs people the wrong way, but also cheats the decision-
maker of useful input to the decision-making process.

>  Everyone has to have a say IMO... even if
> some of those opinions don't carry as much weight as others (having your
> opinion carry more weight is one of the perks of moving up the ladder
> after all).

Yes, borrow as many brains as you can, and give everyone a chance to
contribute.  THEN make the decision, and be clear that what is decided
is decided.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: SNMP tomcat 5.5!

2008-09-12 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 09:29:14PM +0100, Mark Thomas wrote:
> Shahar Cohen wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Can anybody please tell me how I can monitor by SNMP tomcat sites
> > without querying the admin module which I disabled for security reasons?
> > 
> > 
> > Is there any MIBS that I can use?
> In short, you can't. Tomcat does not provide SNMP, even with the Admin app.

Hep probably means something like this:

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Appeal to Tomcat developers

2008-10-16 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 10:01:30AM +0200, Johnny Kewl wrote:
> The thing that has alway amazed me... we use JMX, we have this complex 
> logging engine, but tomcat is a big powerful web server... is it only me, 
> but how come that cant be presented as a web page you just address 
> /myserver/manager/logs

Because it is waiting for YOU to write it?

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Appeal to Tomcat developers

2008-10-16 Thread Mark H. Wood
There is simple, and then there is SIMPLE.

The typical daemon has ONE LINE for logging configuration:  "log file
goes there".  Some might have one line for the error log and another
for an activity log.  Some might let you say whether to use syslog or
files.  If you supply NO configuration, it will probably do something
totally unsurprising and reasonably useful anyway.

Java app.s, on the other hand, tend to have multiple layers of log
abstractions and may very well have dozens or hundreds of lines, in
(a) separate configuration file(s), just to describe logging.  It's
great for debugging but hell for the poor sysadmin who only wants to
say "put the log file there".

I think that's what is being asked: there should be *one page* that
begins with *everything you need to know* in order to say, "put the
log file there".  Just that.  After that, it's appropriate to point
out that much more subtle arrangements are available, and when you
want more, come back, here are pointers to all the hairy details.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Tomcat 5.5 destroys $TOMCAT_HOME/Catalina/[host]/[app].xml on reload

2007-05-21 Thread Mark H. Wood
I'm trying to maintain a testing environment for several developers
who either upload .war files directly or ship them to me for
installation.  These applications need a context parameter defined as
a path on the server.  Rather than have the developers hassle with
swapping paths between development and shipment, or me hassle with
opening up .war files and tinkering with 'context.xml', I'd like to
keep an $APP_NAME.xml in the host-specific configuration directory and
not touch it.

Unfortunately, every time the '.war' is replaced, Tomcat destroys the
file which defines the parameter.  So at the very least I have to keep
a copy elsewhere and copy it back in.

1.  Is this behavior a bug or a feature?  Why should it do this?

2.  Is there a way to stop it?

Oh, the parameter's value is different for each app. but the name is
the same (and can't be changed) so I can't just pile them into
'server.xml' even if that weren't bad form.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: How-to make default Running status = false

2007-05-23 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Wed, May 23, 2007 at 12:20:53PM -0500, Roger Tismeer wrote:
> I've been perusing the wiki and other avenues for some help in regards
> to being able to not Start any of the webapps that I have loaded when I
> start up Tomcat.  Is this possible?

In server.xml the 'host' element's 'deployOnStartup' attribute looks
like it would do this, if set to 'false'.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to monitor Tomcat Server.

2007-05-24 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, May 24, 2007 at 03:03:12PM +0530, Praveen Kumar wrote:
> It seems this is also one type of  tool. Here  again we have some problem
> ie  we  should  monitor this tool too right  ?
> So  instead installing new  tool to  monitor  tomcat server , is there any
> feature   that apache group provides  to  inform tomcat server status ?

There is an insoluble dilemma here.

If you use a separate process to monitor your server, then that
process must also be monitored.  Eventually you have two processes
watching each other, whatever else they may be doing.

If you do *not* use a separate process, then your server can only
report its state transitions if it is still able to do so.  A crashed
process cannot tell you that it has crashed; the most you can get is
that it will begin failing to tell you that it has *not* crashed.

To get complete coverage can become quite elaborate.  To protect
against hardware failure, you need two machines monitoring each other.
To protect against network or utility power failure, you need two (or
more) machines monitoring each other from different sites.

At some point as this scales up, it may be more sensible to just hire
somebody to watch screens and check things periodically.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Server.xml Sort on Start

2007-05-24 Thread Mark H. Wood
I don't *know*, mind you, but random ordering suggests that the
container starts a thread for each 'host' and the checks are taking
place in those threads.  Thread switching is influenced by lots of
things and would be fairly unpredictable, so a bunch of threads
setting up host objects could complete or fail in any order.

The code knows for sure, and you can inspect it if you wish.  I'm
hoping that someone who has already done so will step forward with,
"Mark's right," or, "he's talking rot, you know, it's really thusandso."
But it makes a certain amount of sense to spin off a thread to manage
each address:port pair and let those threads take care of checking and
setup for their own areas of responsibility.

If my guess is right, then you're kind of stuck with your current
method of debugging the config., but maybe you can automate it.  It
mightn't be too hard to script up something that processes the log and
makes a list of which app.s *did* start.  server.xml is, well, XML, so
there are plenty of good tools that can be used to edit it
programmatically.  For example, move all of the known working 'host'
declarations to the end and start again, perhaps shuffling the
remainder.  You could automatically loop through this until the bad'un
is isolated.

This sort of thing would be a waste of programming time for a handful
of hosts, but if you have scores of them and they are fairly volatile
then automated "Monte Carlo debugging" (if you will) may be a good

Another method would be to disable automatic deployment at startup,
and then drive the manager app. with a script that starts each
app. until one fails or Tomcat freezes.  Less fun, more determinism.

Yet another tactic would be to keep the Tomcat config. files in a
revision control system, or at least to keep backups (possibly with
your editor's help), so that you can readily zero in on the changes
between a recent working config. and the busted one.

If this is an ongoing problem then keeping good records of what went
wrong each time might be useful.  As you spot patterns, you may be
able to develop antibugging techniques and tools to better avoid the
common problems.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: How-to make default Running status = false

2007-05-25 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, May 24, 2007 at 09:01:13PM -0400, Rashmi Rubdi wrote:
> On 5/23/07, Roger Tismeer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >It takes about 4 minutes or so to (re)start Tomcat  granted I have
> >30 webapps loaded, but isn't there a switch somewhere that I can toggle
> >to not auto-start any non-Tomcat webapps?
> I was in a similar situation as you've mentioned above.
> I find that keeping the Context descriptor outside server.xml makes it
> a lot easier to switch between applications.

I'll have to remember that one.  Thanks!

> Say your apps are named app1, app2, app3 etc and if you access them as
> http://localhost:8080/app1  http://localhost:8080/app2
> http://localhost:8080/app3 , then
> you would define the Context for each app under
> Tomcat's /conf/Catalina/localhost/  as app1.xml , app2.xml and app3.xml
> Now if you want Tomcat to only load app1 , you just disable the other
> XML files by renaming them as in app2.xml_disable app3.xml_something

In that case, you have to either ensure that your webapp.s do not
contain META-INF/context.xml or that the Host has deployXML='false'.
Otherwise the webapp itself will supply a Context.

Tomcat will generate a Context on its own in some circumstances which
I've not yet completely worked out from the documentation.  How did
you disable this?

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Server.xml Sort on Start

2007-05-25 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, May 24, 2007 at 07:37:25PM -0700, Kyle B wrote:
> In regards to Mark's statement. I'm not opposed to writing some XML parsing
> tools to play nice with Tomcat. However, I'm still left trying to figure out
> how Tomcat sorts that HashMap it creates for all  elements. I've
> looked for patterns that I just can't find. It's not sorted by element order
> in the server.xml, nor by name attribute, or appBase.

Given the information that hosts are collected in a HashMap: Tomcat
isn't sorting anything, and you can't sort a HashMap*.  Hashing
functions are designed to distribute a large key space over a much
smaller set of "buckets" in constant time.  The more apparently random
the relationship between input and output, the better for this
purpose, in most cases.  The entries in a hashtable are deliberately
DISordered on insertion.  Hashing data is like hashing meat and
potatoes: the result is expected to be finely divided and well mixed.

* You could sort its content into some other data structure, but apparently
  that's not done here.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to customize the context paths for several web application.

2007-06-04 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Mon, Jun 04, 2007 at 06:41:02PM +0800, Guofeng Zhang wrote:
> We have four web applications that deployed on Tomcat 6.0 at the same
> time. Some special customers want to use special context paths to access
> them, so I think the easiest way is to use context.xml to define the
> context paths.
> I do not know how to do it? Can you kindly give me a sample? Thanks
> As I know, the context.xml is placed in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/context.xml.
> This way we can only define one context path.

There are five places where a Context may be defined.  You probably
want either '$CATALINA_HOME/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/pathname.xml'
or (within the app. itself) 'META-INF/context.xml'.  In the former
case you would specify the path by the naming of the file; in the
latter, you would code a 'path' attribute in the Context element.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: New to Apache

2007-10-02 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Mon, Oct 01, 2007 at 06:58:23PM -0400, Mark Thomas wrote:
> Tony Fountain wrote:
> > Mark,
> > 
> > I did not hijack a thread.  I started this one myself.
> No you didn't. You hit reply to an old message deleted the content and
> changed the subject. Please don't do this.

Possibly he's an innocent victim of today's over-helpful MUAs.  If I'd
never seen or been told about the Message-ID:, In-Reply-To:, and
References: headers, I'd think that the above actions had wiped out
all traces of the previous thread, and I would think I'm being
efficient by letting the MUA copy the list address for me instead of
typing it myself.

Authors of gooey MUAs would do well to support listmail better by, for
example, providing a button to "send new message to the list that
reflected this message", or enabling the association of a folder with
an address and providing a button for "send to this folder's
associated address".

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Copying large files around

2007-10-15 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Sat, Oct 13, 2007 at 11:02:59AM -0400, Jim Cox wrote:
> On 10/13/07, Christopher Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > David,
> >
> > David Kerber wrote:
> > > Let me give a bit more detail:  I am working on a utility function in my
> > > webapp that will periodically copy the database file from the db server
> > > to a backup server on the LAN.
> >
> > Uh cron and cp, anyone? You can even use cron to initiate the
> > backup, too, instead of scripting it from your webapp.
> Or in this case scp (or rcp, or sftp, or ftp) ?

Definitely.  While you're at it, just pipe the backup stream through
instead of collecting a huge file on host A and then moving it to host
B.  I have some DBMS backups that run that way.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Copying large files around

2007-10-15 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Sat, Oct 13, 2007 at 12:41:45PM +0200, Johnny Kewl wrote:
> OK... now if you on a LAN... thats cool, but for the internet this is not 
> good enough...
> If you have a look at something like the Opera browser's file transfer it 
> does some cool things, like if you shut down the machine, next time you 
> start up again, it will pick up where you stopped it, it doesnt start with 
> the whole 1 gb file again
> In fact if I built a servlet to do this... I would run the Opera browser 
> download against it and stop and start and see it my servlet is to spec...
> I think the way to do it is to to modify the code in that link for RANDOM 
> file access... ie the client knows its got 800 MB already and only asks for 
> 800MB onwards so how do they do that.
> Look at this link. 
> and look at the byte range header spec. I would build the servlet to 
> that.
> With such large files I think the biggest problem to solve is 
> interruptions ie give the user the ability to close the client and go 
> home... tomorrow it starts where it left off. I think file change 
> headers (almost RSS) type stuff comes into this as well, in case the file 
> is modified before it all downloaded, in which case it MUST start again
> Nice question I'm surprized I cant find code like this on the web 
> already have a good look around it must be there.

Perhaps not the *fastest*, but there *is* code to deal with
transferring files across flaky paths.  You just didn't look far
enough back in history.  UUCP over TCP works well, remembers how far
it got, and will keep trying on a schedule you specify until the job
is done.  I still use it to throw huge files across WAN paths, even
dialup links.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Don't throw the past away. / You might need it some rainy day."

Description: PGP signature

Tomcat 5.5: org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig logs too much

2007-10-15 Thread Mark H. Wood
When Tomcat scans for things to auto-(un)deploy, it has been logging
every check it makes, every ten seconds.  I realized that I have about
10GB of catalina.out that is mostly this chatter.  I'm currently a bit
baffled by the logging changes 5.0 -> 5.5 -> 6.0, so would someone
please help me figure out how to adjust so I don't
miss important stuff, but I don't fill up my storage with:

Oct 15, 2007 4:51:52 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig checkResources
FINE: Checking context[/host-manager] redeploy resource

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: tomcat/java process strangeness

2007-10-19 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 10:11:36AM -0400, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> > Second strange case:
> > When I start tomcat using /opt/tomcat/bin/ start, I get 21
> > processes that running the same command(different PIDs). And my tomcat
> > instance seems to run fine without problem. When I kill one of the
> > process, the rest will go down as well.
> You are seeing each thread as a Linux process. This is perfectly fine
> depending on the kernel version (can't remember which ones do what).
> Linux uses processes to model threads, so it's nothing to worry about.

It's a little more complex than that.

Linux recognizes this overarching abstraction called a Context of
Execution.  Two COEs that have the same virtual address space are what
most people would think of as "threads".  A "process" is the set of
all COEs sharing a given virtual address space.  Apparently the thing
that 'ps' is looking at is actually a table of COEs, not processes.

To make things more fun, different versions of 'ps' work differently.
procps v3 by default coalesces all of a process' threads into a single
line, but 'ps -eLf' will show individual threads.  IIRC procps v2
shows individual threads by default, and I don't recall whether it has
the option of coalescing them.  For still more fun, procps forked
between v2 and v3, so it's possible you are still getting fresh
updates of procps v2.

At one point I had one Tomcat running on Red Hat Linux and another
on Gentoo Linux, and one showed a huge number of Tomcat "processes"
while the other showed only one.  Switching attention between the two
was, uh, interesting.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Best Linux distribution

2007-11-14 Thread Mark H. Wood
Yes, before anyone can tell you which is best, you need to work out
for yourself, and tell us, what makes a distro "best".  Do you want to
just pour it into a machine and have everything done for you?  Do you
chafe at the very notion that someone could know your needs better
than you?  Do you need someone to talk to when things go wrong? to sue
when the answers don't satisfy?  Do you have uncommon hardware to
support?  Will your hardware vendor return your calls if you don't use
his preferred distro? do you care?

I've run Red Hat, Debian, Suse, and Gentoo, and I'll take Gentoo any
day, but I'm a very hands-on, tweak-the-last-cycle-out,
do-it-with-a-text-editor-or-don't-do-it sort of sysadmin.  There are
good reasons to choose any of those, or others, and you have to decide
which reasons are yours.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: User roles

2007-12-14 Thread Mark H. Wood
I wonder if the OP means the shutdown password?  That's in server.xml,
and the only consequence of changing it that I know of is that your
shutdown script needs to be kept in sync. with this or it won't work.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Why use a Web Server over Tomcat?

2008-01-08 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 03:17:38PM +0100, Mikolaj Rydzewski wrote:
> There's no simple answer. Running apache in front of tomcat has advantages:
>* load balancing / failover
>* static content handling (I know, tomcat behaves better and better,
>  but some people want to have apache handle this)
>* easy integration of webapps from remote hosts
>* probably more...

* no need to fiddle with the weird Java-only truststore library files
  when providing certificates
* no need to discover the specific incantation for your system that
  will allow Tomcat to open low-numbered ports (80, 443) and yet run
  as a nonprivileged user (not an issue on Windows, which lacks the
  notion of "privileged" ports)
* easily throw up an informative page ("service will resume by nn:nn")
  when taking services down for maintenance, instead of returning
* many many well-tested specialty modules for Apache HTTPD should you
  need to do something out of the ordinary

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Is Tomcat FIPS compliant

2008-01-14 Thread Mark H. Wood
That probably depends on which FIPS you mean.  There are at least 201
different U.S. Federal Information Processing Standards.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: How can I preserve a directory on Deployment?

2008-01-16 Thread Mark H. Wood
Well, I probably wouldn't put that directory anywhere near
$TOMCAT_HOME; I'd want it somewhere on /var with other volatile and
temporary stuff.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Ordered loading of WAR files

2008-01-23 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Wed, Jan 23, 2008 at 05:01:35PM +0300, Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
> > On windows my issues appears to be that the context.xml from the
> > auth.war is being cached inside tc/conf/Catalina/localhost/...
> "cached" is not the right word. It is how deployment mechanism works
> in tomcat. The presence of .xml in
> tc/conf/Catalina/localhost/ means that you application has been
> successfully deployed.   Removal of the file means that you trigger
> the auto-deployment mechanism for your application.  See
> for details
> (look for "$CATALINA_HOME/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/" there)

Well, I can understand his confusion, as it mirrors my own.  Here is
what it says:

 Context elements may be explicitly defined:

* in the $CATALINA_HOME/conf/context.xml file: the Context element
  information will be loaded by all webapps
* in the
  file: the Context element information will be loaded by all
  webapps of that host
* in individual files (with a ".xml" extension) in the
  $CATALINA_HOME/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/ directory. The name
  of the file (less the .xml) extension will be used as the
  context path. Multi-level context paths may be defined using #,
  e.g. context#path.xml. The default web application may be
  defined by using a file called ROOT.xml.
* if the previous file was not found for this application, in an
  individual file at /META-INF/context.xml inside the application
* inside a Host element in the main conf/server.xml

 In addition to explicitly specified Context elements, there are
 several techniques by which Context elements can be created
 automatically for you.

Note:  "explicitly defined."  This says to me that
$CATALINA_HOME/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/contextname.xml, if it
exists, is configuration data provided by the person deploying the
application.  It doesn't say anything about Tomcat owning these files
and being allowed to create and destroy them at will.

The documentation apparently doesn't reflect the behavior of the
code.  Let me say that I find the documented behavior much more useful
than what we actually get.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: 30 Mb of common jars in each of 5 war files, should i consolidate?

2007-06-08 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, Jun 07, 2007 at 11:19:06AM -0600, Larry Meadors wrote:
[Consolidating 69 different copies of libraries from '.war's into
> It's one of those ideas that looks
> good on paper, but sucks in practice.

Okay, I'll ask:  why?

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Programmatically Determine JVM Version used by Tomcat

2007-06-08 Thread Mark H. Wood
If you fetch 'java.runtime.version' in freestanding code then you'll
get the version of the current default JRE, which might not be what
Tomcat is using.  But if you fetch it in a servlet, then you should
get the version of the JRE that's running Tomcat, no?

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=US-ASCII"

Dummy Web Application

This is a test.

Java Runtime Environment version

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Programmatically Determine JVM Version used by Tomcat

2007-06-08 Thread Mark H. Wood
Well, that was silly.  The Tomcat HTML Manager already provides the JRE
version at the bottom of the page, if you wanted to manually check
it.  To check by script, you could use the plain Manager:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ wget --quiet -O - --user USER --password PASSWORD 
OK - Server info
Tomcat Version: Apache Tomcat/5.5
OS Name: Linux
OS Version: 2.6.18-gentoo-r6
OS Architecture: i386
JVM Version: 1.5.0_11-b03
JVM Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Embed license to tomcat

2007-06-08 Thread Mark H. Wood
As others have noted, this may be doable but it's the wrong approach.
You are trying to solve a legal problem with information technology.
It is very rare for such an approach to accomplish much, other than to
irritate customers who are behaving properly.

MAC address is a particularly poor choice:

o  Many hosts have multiple NICs.  Which MAC address is used?
o  NICs fail and must be replaced.  Now your legitimate customer's
   product accuses him of theft.
o  Customer backs up failing host A and restores on new host B.
   Legally licensed product again refuses to run, because host B has
   different NIC(s).

Having to re-register a product for reasons unrelated to the product
is a negative Customer Experience, and the marketplace will punish
such designs.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Stop deployOnStartup for only one webapp

2007-06-15 Thread Mark H. Wood
Could you give the host another name and set up a separate virtual
host for your standby Sakai instance?  The Host container seems to be
the only one that defines deployOnStartup.  This separation might have
other minor benefits.

What happens when you place the application outside of appBase, create
an explicit Context (PATH.xml) with docBase pointing to it, and flip
the Context file into/out of $CATALINA_HOME/config/Catalina/localhost ?
It shouldn't be too hard to arrange for a startup script to delete
certain Context files before Tomcat starts, and then you can copy one
in later when you want it.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: JavaMail SMTP authentication in JSP

2007-07-13 Thread Mark H. Wood
If you *do* get it working with TLS, I'd appreciate hearing how.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tomcat and JRE redistribution

2007-07-19 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Wed, Jul 18, 2007 at 01:06:04PM -0400, broken connection wrote:
> At the end, the only thing that should matter to TOMCAT or ANT is that they
> should be able to find the classes in the JREso I don't understand, why
> you guys don't recommend this

Because if everybody did it that way, customers' machines would be
littered with dozens of copies of the JRE, each a different version,
and the customers would descend into the Java annex of DLL Hell.  Not
good customer relations.  Remember: you are not the only software
vendor in the universe, and your product is not the only product.

Oh, wait...everybody *does* do it that way. :-{

Wearing my sysadmin. hat:  I would say that it is perfectly okay for
your install package to *use* its own copy of JRE to run its own copy of
Ant to install your product.  It is NOT OKAY to leave these behind
like muddy footprints on the carpet after the work is done.  A proper
installer should:

1.  check the PATH and JAVA_HOME to see if there is already a JRE, and
not install another one if so;

2.  never install Ant;

3.  check CATALINA_HOME to see if there's already a Tomcat installed,
and not install another one if so;

4.  ask the person running it for corrections to all of these paths,
and for permission to install *anything* other than the product

5.  (a bit offtopic) accept all of this information on the commandline
so that it can be scripted.

A good installer never installs anything that the customer has already
provided.  A good installer never behaves as though it thinks it is
smarter than the customer, even if it is.

A polite installer might simply report that it cannot find X, version
M.N is available on the CD for the sysadmin.s convenience, and would
he be pleased to install that, to install an equal or better version
while this installer waits, or to abort the installation of this
product.  To be frank, most days I'd be satisfied if an installer just
told me *exactly* what it wanted and then quit.  That's a lot better
than many installers that have afflicted me over the years.

Yes, it's a lot of work.  The first time.  After that, if you built
your installer well, you only need to tweak it a bit for the next
product.  Your customers will remember that your product told them
what they needed to know, did what you said it would do, and didn't
cause any trouble.  That is so rare that they will think of you first
the next time they need software.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tomcat with 8 GB memory

2007-07-31 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Fri, Jul 27, 2007 at 07:25:26PM -0400, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> The reverse is true. First of all, no home user ever bought an 8-bit
> machine.

Um, ask the owner of an Apple ][ about that.  Likewise my Synertek
SYM-1 used an 8-bit 6502 processor, as did designs by Atari,
Commodore, etc.  Then there were a number of designs built around the
Zilog Z80, by Radio Shack, Sinclair, and others.  Intel's line never
caught on beyond the industrial and hobbyist markets until the 8086,
but there were plenty of others.  CP/M's market was 8-bit machines.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tomcat with 8 GB memory

2007-07-31 Thread Mark H. Wood
I think what we're seeing here is the reason for the oft-heard,
seldom-heeded advice that the only benchmark which means anything is
*your application*.  Once you see how the code you care about
performs, *then* you can bum a few cycles here and there to tune it
up.  Generalities such as "64-bit machines are faster/slower" really
don't say much outside the context of a specific application.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Recovery from OutOfMemoryError?

2007-08-01 Thread Mark H. Wood
Would you (or anyone) care to provide a link to where I can learn more
about swatch?  Everything I've turned up so far points to a wanna-be
replacement for UTC called "internet time" promoted by a watchmaker.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Installing Tomcat on Linux

2007-08-03 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, Aug 02, 2007 at 05:51:27PM -0400, Steve Ochani wrote:
> LOL, I would ask him if he sits there and examines all the code of
> everything that is on his system.

Ya know, I don't do that before I install most stuff, but I *do* tend
to open the source kit and read it when I want the product to do more,
or when I think it's failing, or just when I don't understand why it
does *that* when I say *this*.  In a former position I wound up
reading maybe 70% of the entire operating system over the course of
several years.  It really does happen.  In fact I have some bits of
Tomcat source on my desk right now, and a pile of somebody else's
servlet code as well.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to avoide delete context.xml - 6.0.14

2007-08-03 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Fri, Aug 03, 2007 at 02:05:07PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm using /conf/Catalina/localhost/myapp.xml context configuration.
> My deployment works as ant-copy directly to the /webapps directory.
> After the copy, the previous installed
> /conf/Catalina/localhost/myapp.xml will be deleted by the server
> automatically.
> So I have to provide the file again, and to restart the server ;(
> In 5.0.30 it works so cool...

If you get an answer off-list, please share.  5.5 has the same problem.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Installing Tomcat on Linux

2007-08-03 Thread Mark H. Wood
Well, the security argument depends more on "you *could*" than on "you
*do*".  Somewhere out there is someone crazy enough to comb through
any given source kit looking for evil.  Would any counterfeiter have
the guts to set up his print shop on the sidewalk outside a police
station?  Much of security boils down to convincing the bad guys that
they *could* be caught.

The efficiency argument (you can tune it to your specific setup)
doesn't really apply to Java programs (like Tomcat) because the
(virtual) "hardware" is the same everywhere.  If the build process
isn't configurable, I wouldn't give this one any weight for Java

There's the self-maintenance argument: if you see anomalous behavior,
or want to make modifications, or just want to better understand
what's going on, you can read or modify the source.  If you're not at
least part programmer, though, you probably won't do that.

The other argument is that you know what goes into your system.  For
example, I know that Gnome is a big fat pig because I have one
Slackware system where I've had to spend hours pulling down library
after library after huge library just to get one or two tiny app.s to
compile. :-)  Again, this has little application to Java app.s because
their packaging teams always throw in whatever pile of .jar files is
needed to make them work, no matter how many copies of any library you
may have already.

So, if you're not going to inspect the code yourself, it makes little
difference whether you build Tomcat yourself or let someone else do it
for you.  The one weak argument against is that popularity of source
packages tends to make the risk of corrupting them seem larger, so you
could lie to the bad guys by fetching a source kit that you intend to
blindly install.  I doubt this would sway many sysadmin.s.

As another Gentoo fan, I'd certainly get source and tweak the living
daylights out of the build configuration and compiler switches of any
non-Java app. I wanted.  But I probably wouldn't do the same for a
Java app. unless I had some reason to dig into the source myself.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: RES: RES: Context.xml file

2007-08-17 Thread Mark H. Wood
All the solutions I ever heard of boil down to two approaches:

1)  The secrets are stored in the computer, and protected by filesystem
permissions.  This is what you have now.  Ensure that the
filemode/ACL/whatever is correct to prevent unauthorized access to
the files containing the secrets.  There is no way to improve on
that.  Add as many layers of encryption as you like, but if the
machine can start without assistance then ultimately there must be
a secret stored as cleartext in a file somewhere, and your
security depends on protecting that file.

2)  The secrets are not stored in the computer; when the application
starts, it must notify an operator and wait for him to supply the
secrets, whether by typing in a passphrase, plugging in a
smartcard, or whatever.  The application cannot serve users until
a human has responded.  Your security depends on the
trustworthiness of that human.

The choice is made based on whether you think you are likely to lose
more by someone breaking into the machine's privileged accounts, or by
ignoring customers until a human notices the request for secrets.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tomcat Feature List

2007-08-28 Thread Mark H. Wood
I take it that you found ?  In what way does
it not answer your question?

Your question is rather vague -- the answer depends on what you
consider to be a "feature".  What do you expect to find?

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Need info on IPv6 support for Tomcat in RHEL and SLES distros

2007-08-31 Thread Mark H. Wood
Well.  That depends on what the application does.  An application
which makes no assumptions about the size of an address and does not
inspect or process addresses in any way should not care whether it is
dealing with IPv6.  Things like the RemoteAddrValve should be checked
carefully before depending on them to be unaffected.

(RemoteAddrValve itself shouldn't be a problem, but your patterns
might be, and so might the JVM's treatment of v4 vs. v6 addresses.)

There are also URI manipulation subtleties.

I expect that *most* applications won't care -- the spec. writers seem
to have done a thorough job.  But I wouldn't be surprised to find that
there are applications which will need some fixing for v6.

Have a look at this for starters:

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Context deletion on redeploy

2007-09-12 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Wed, Sep 12, 2007 at 09:38:45AM -0400, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Balázs,
> > 4. Using Tomcat Administrator application the admin changes environment 
> > settings defined in conf/Catalina/localhost/warname.xml (which was 
> > extracted 
> > from the war).
> Why would you make an administrator do this when you can make it part of
> the deployment process?

Why would you make the deployment process so hostile when you could
let the administrator control his own machine?

> > The only way was to put resource links to the war/META-INF/context.xml that 
> > link to GlobalResources.
> This isn't true. You can put "real" resources into META-INF/context.xml.
> Why not just do that?

Perhaps because one is deploying on several different hosts and each
needs different settings?

> > But now I have to deploy the same unmodified war many times to the same 
> > tomcat 
> > so I have to use different settings at each webapp.
> I would highly recommend changing your deployment strategy so that you
> are deploying a /modified/ copy of your WAR file each time -- one that
> has the correct settings for your environment.


I've seen this come up several times (and brought it up myself), and
everyone is dancing around the real issue:  Tomcat seriously violates the
Principle of Least Surprise.  Programs should not muck with their own
configurations on their own initiative.  Sysadmin.s expect the
settings they make to stay set.  If they need to override default
values within a .war, their changes shouldn't be blown away with every

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: is jsvc not used here? Re: slow shutdown with jsvc

2007-09-13 Thread Mark H. Wood
Gentoo Linux comes with its own startup script for Tomcat (using, I
believe, tools from Debian) that fits into the Gentoo startup
structure, so one doesn't need jsvc there.  I suppose that many other
distro.s do likewise, although some may use jsvc "under the covers".

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Xmx and Xms size

2008-01-30 Thread Mark H. Wood
What kind of processors specifically?  In a 32-bit address space,
there's no point in giving Tomcat more than 2GB, because the JVM won't
use it.  If you have 64-bit userspace and a JVM built for it then you
can use more, but remember to leave a bit for OS caches, other
processes, etc.  (Starve the block cache and your disk I/O throughput
will suffer.)

From somewhere I recall a rule of thumb: if the box's primary duty is
to run a single Java app., give that app. up to 75% of physical
memory.  But that's a rule of thumb, and could be made nonsense by
unusual hardware or an unusual app.  Any answer you get here should be
taken as initial conditions for a tuning exercise: start there,
measure performance and resource utilization, theorize, adjust, repeat
until you get the performance you need or are convinced that you can't
without changing something else (application design, bigger/faster
hardware, network optimization, whatever).

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Xmx and Xms size

2008-01-30 Thread Mark H. Wood
Ah, yes, I addressed only -Xmx.  For -Xms, you could try this.  Throw
a typical load at your app. and monitor it until memory use seems to
be fairly stable.  Round that up to a convenient number and use that
for -Xms.  That way, your app. should not have to ask for more until
the load goes above typical, meaning rarely.

-Xmx is useful mainly to keep your app. from starving other critical
memory users, such as disk I/O, and staving off swapping.  Set it
anywhere from a low multiple of -Xms to as much as you don't want to
reserve for system caches and any other app.s you need to run
regularly.  Again, you either know all about your system and can
calculate this already, or you pick any non-ridiculous number and
measure/adjust until you are satisfied.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Using mod_jk with other Java programs

2008-02-19 Thread Mark H. Wood
Implementing AJP just to get proxying may be more than you want to do.

However, to address your question, notice in
that mod_jk doesn't point to programs; it points to host:port pairs.
Whatever is listening to that port on that host will get the requests
that mod_jk siphons off for that worker.  (The URL/worker mapping is
done with jkMount directives in the main config.)

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Apache2 adn/or Tomcat6?

2008-02-22 Thread Mark H. Wood
I must've missed the place in the documentation where it explains how
to get Tomcat to start as root, then drop privileges after opening
listening sockets on low-numbered ports that are only accessible by
root, like Apache HTTPD does.

On most Unix-alikes, you have to choose:

o  tell people to use port 8080 or whatever nonprivileged port you

o  use a packet-mangling firewall rule to remap port 80 to port 8080
   or whatever;

o  place a proxy (such as Apache HTTPD) in front of Tomcat to forward
   port 80 traffic;

o  run Tomcat as root, allowing buggy app.s to make arbitrary changes
   anywhere on your server.

If I ever have time to do something about that, I'll be sure to submit
a patch.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Apache2 adn/or Tomcat6?

2008-02-25 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 12:57:22PM -0800, Alan Chaney wrote:
> Or as I mentioned in a recent email, you can run something like jsvc and 
> set the user to 'tomcat' which allows you to bind to the port and then
> changes the user.

Okay, either I wasn't paying attention the last time I looked at jsvc,
or the documentation has improved quite a bit.  I've tried it before
and it wouldn't do what I wanted.  Time to try again.  Thanks.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Configuring Tomcat for multiple users

2008-02-25 Thread Mark H. Wood
Note that the user web application mechanism only recognizes one
webapp per user.

If you need more than that, you might write up a little gadget (to be
run setuid) which collects and vets enough information to construct a
context descriptor file and then deposits it in
$CATALINA_HOME/config/Catalina/$HOST/$CONTEXTNAME.xml on the user's

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Security and Performance Configuration

2008-02-25 Thread Mark H. Wood
Well, IF you are sure you want to use Apache HTTPD to frontend Tomcat,
there's no reason for Tomcat to run an HTTP connector at all.  Just
use the AJP connector, and only allow it to listen to your frontend
service(s), or firewall it away from the Big Bad Internet.  (Or both.)

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp - encryption benefits?

2008-03-03 Thread Mark H. Wood
A hollow voice whispers, "IPSec".

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: tomcat-users.xml

2008-03-12 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 06:37:03PM +, Mark Thomas wrote:
> Tomcat re-writes the file. Any comments are lost. Real users, groups etc 
> will be kept.

Since the question came up, would someone please tell me *why* Tomcat
does such a strange thing?

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Making the most of 8G of RAM

2008-03-18 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 11:16:49PM +, Stephen Nelson-Smith wrote:
> I plan to test running with a newer JVM shortly.  I have been told by
> the developers that the application needs to run under 1.4.2.

Whatever they mean by that.

If they mean, "needs 1.4.2 or newer", that's quite reasonable and you
are in good shape for an upgrade.

If they mean, "we tested it aeons ago when 1.4.2 was current and don't
know what it will do with a newer JVM" then they should do the testing
again with a contemporary version.

If they mean, "must have 1.4.2 *exactly* or it will croak" then your
developers are insufficiently trained.  Code so haywired that it
depends on the quirks of a single version of anything in its
environment is too fragile for production use.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] RE: Making the most of 8G of RAM

2008-03-18 Thread Mark H. Wood
Don't forget to leave some space for the OS' buffer cache.  If your
app.s do a lot of I/O then they can benefit a great deal from having
the most commonly accessed storage blocks cached all the time.

W.r.t. Tomcat tuning this means you don't try to use up all of
physical memory with Tomcat instances.  Set the heap maxima so that
the total, plus fixed overhead for Tomcat itself and the JVM, leave
enough room for the OS and generous caches.  You'll have to monitor
and retune iteratively to find out how much "generous" should be.  If
you see *any* swapping then you probably ought to reduce the maxima
until it goes away.

Also monitor how much of your heap space is actually used during peak
usage periods.  Giving your app.s a huge slab of memory is a
reasonable first step in exploring performance issues, but you may be
unable to make use of all that memory in your app.s.  In that case you
may want to see if giving some of it back to the OS (see caching
above) would give better overall performance.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Top mail servers

2008-03-28 Thread Mark H. Wood
Another happy multiple Exim user here.  I migrated from Smail, and
also operated an MMDF descendant called PMDF for several years, so
that may explain my preference.

I would suggest investigating several different MUAs and deciding
which one best balances the capability you need with the pain of
configuring it.  Properly setting up an MUA, *any* MUA, is not simple.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Securing Tomcat on FC8

2008-03-28 Thread Mark H. Wood
Aside from packet-mangling the port numbers between the interface(s)
and Tomcat's sockets, there are two other ways to use "privileged"
ports but not run Tomcat with special privilege:

1.  Run behind something like Apache HTTPD, which already does the
privilege separation for you.  This is a heavyweight approach,
probably too heavy if you don't have any other reason to run
HTTPD.  (Reasons would include already having HTTPD for other
purposes, or needing some esoteric module whose function hasn't made
its way into Tomcat yet.)

2.  Commons Daemon, also known as 'jsvc'.  This is what most people
will recommend.  They never say how it works, though, so I
investigated a little, and now I think I'm ready to believe in it.

jsvc is a native program which, after daemonizing itself, will
start up a JVM, have it load a given class, and invoke several
methods of that class.

jsvc will bring up a daemon in two stages.  In the first stage it
runs as the invoker's UID (e.g. root) and calls a method in a
given class to set up privileged stuff like low-numbered ports.
Then it changes to a given UID and calls another method to
actually run the daemon's service.  This is a rather clever way of
leveraging Java's classloading features to achieve the same effect
as familiar privilege-dropping, without forking and with isolation
of the platform-specific code in a single executable.  Anyway,
recent Tomcat exposes the necessary methods to be run by jsvc.

I don't use jsvc yet, but I want to experiment a bit and eventually
submit patches to Gentoo to replace the current complicated rigmarole
in their Tomcat startup script with something simpler built around

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Deleting context xml files

2008-04-02 Thread Mark H. Wood
Oh, yes, I've seen that too.  I've spent so much time fighting this
problem that I now keep both 'ctx.xml' and 'ctx.xml.saved' in each
host directory, and always edit the .saved version and copy it over,
so that I don't lose my work when Tomcat destroys the live context

But I haven't seen it happen recently.  I may have been keeping the
affected '.war's in the appbase directory, and then moved them out.
The fundamental rule seems to be:  don't keep any part of your app. in
Tomcat's own directories, except a context specifier, if you expect
Tomcat not to meddle with it.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tomcat has stopped working

2008-04-07 Thread Mark H. Wood
"iSeriesNavigator" sounds like some application that came with your
IBM i-Series hardware.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Why use SOAP in Java

2008-04-09 Thread Mark H. Wood
I wonder if the real question here is not more like:  what advantage
does one gain in using RPC rather than some other method?  I must
admit that I sometimes ask myself that question.  I must also admit
that this whole thread is too general to be topical on the Tomcat list.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: jsvc creates pid file owned by root

2008-04-10 Thread Mark H. Wood
Do you *really* want that file to be world-writable?  Why not 644?

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Changing the Webapps directory

2008-04-10 Thread Mark H. Wood
Consider also that, depending on your Windows version and perhaps
other factors, your service may have *no network credentials* and be
unable to map drives.  Recent versions (sorry, I have been away from
Windows for a while) added several system accounts specifically for
the use of services that need access to remote resources.  On older
versions you'd need to create or select a domain account, grant it
sufficient rights and privileges on the host, and use that account to
run your service.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problem with datasource connecting to postgresql

2008-04-17 Thread Mark H. Wood
You must be careful to distinguish the two different users involved.

The OS user would determine whether there is a permissions problem
with the JAR containing the PostgreSQL JDBC driver, but be
insignificant in actually connecting to the DBMS.  Ensuring that the
JAR is world-readable should eliminate this as a source of trouble.

The PostgreSQL user (I think it was "testmanager") partially
determines which entry in pg_hba is used to authorize the connection
-- the other determinant is the type of connection (local or network
socket, and (for network socket) the client host address).  The OS
user is not involved in this unless the DBMS is configured to pass
credentials through to e.g. PAM.

You might check the PostgreSQL monitor log for clues.  You may have to
adjust the logging configuration to be sure you get enough information
to be useful.  If you see no connection attempted, it wouldn't appear
to be a problem with the database user.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: tomcat disappearing...

2008-04-24 Thread Mark H. Wood
First guess: the Linux "OOM killer".  When memory gets desperately
tight, the kernel picks a victim process and terminates it to recover
some memory.  Large processes lacking controlling terminals, such as
Tomcat, tend to be the preferred victims.  Check your OS log files to
see if there are signs of severe memory pressure.  You could also
investigate by experiment:  try to provide a lot more swap space and
see if the problem is alleviated.

If this is it, the real cure is more memory.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: httpd SSL -> Tomcat VS. Tomcat SSL standalone?

2008-04-28 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 11:27:09AM -0400, Larry Prikockis wrote:
> I know the latest edition of the O'Reilly Tomcat book by Brittain and 
> Darwin strongly advocates the use of standalone Tomcat as opposed to the 
> traditional httpd->Tomcat approach, but this seems to be somewhat of a 
> paradigm shift for most people.   I'm interested in hearing what the wider 
> community thinks...

"Always do this" vs. "never do this" is a little oversimplified.  Some
sites will have reasons to run HTTPD anyway, for example, so then you
get to choose between using an odd port for Tomcat and front-ending
with HTTPD.  There might be other reasons (like I *loathe* keytool,
for example).

> Specifically, we have a webapp on a Windows 2003 server that utilizes 
> Apache 2.2 SSL as a frontend and mod_proxy_ajp to send requests to Tomcat 
> 5.5.17 (on the same server).  By eliminating the Apache frontend and just 
> using a Tomcat SSL connector directly, we saw performance increases that 
> absolutely dwarfed (400+%) everything else we were achieving by tuning 
> various connection parameters of Apache httpd and Tomcat.

That's certainly worth thinking about.  What exactly do you mean by

o  round-trip time for a single transaction?

o  throughput (pour in transactions as fast as the system will take
   them, for (say) an hour, and measure how many you completed per

o  processor utilization under typical load?

o  something else?

> My questions:
> 1) Any thoughts on why the Apache SSL -> Tomcat combination should be so 
> much slower?

Back-resolving client addresses to names for some reason?  (Check your
logging directives, for example.)

Not enough entropy?  Check your random-number generator setup.  Some
generators will stall until they can gather enough randomness to
provide a good result; others will do the best they can immediately;
some will mix several sources to produce pretty-good results even when
the blocking sources are exhausted.  HTTPD is probably using OpenSSL
facilities plus its own "mixer", and I don't know what your JRE uses.
If your processor provides a source of randomness that you trust, be
sure it's being used, since a number of sources (keyboard and mouse
event timing, for example) are of little use on a server.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Hot deploy deletes my context file...

2008-05-02 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Fri, May 02, 2008 at 05:32:58AM -0700, Michael Burbidge wrote:
> By experimenting from the shell copying files I can see what Tomcat is 
> doing. I think that it deletes associated contexts whenever an application 
> is undeployed by deleting the .war file.

I think you are right.  This drove me crazy for a while.  Eventually I
began keeping the .war files *out* of /webapps and I haven't seen this
problem for a while.  You'll need to add the docBase attribute to the
Context to point to such an "external" webapp.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Best practice? configuration of a web application

2008-05-28 Thread Mark H. Wood
If I wanted to do that, I'd explicitly create the application context
(that is, make a context descriptor file at
$CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/$HOST/$APP/context.html) and enclose a
context-parameter to point to the configuration file.

And I don't think it's at all unreasonable to want to do that.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Does HTTPRequest.getParameter() return encoded or decoded?

2008-06-04 Thread Mark H. Wood
If there's a better place to ask, please direct me.

I'm tracking down a problem with third-party code which looks more and
more like double URI-decoding.  But I can't find anywhere in the
servlet documentation where it says whether getParameter returns
decoded or encoded data.


Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Does HTTPRequest.getParameter() return encoded or decoded?

2008-06-05 Thread Mark H. Wood
Sorry, I didn't fully specify the problem.  I do refer to
URI-(en|de)coding, not to character encoding issues.

So, if I've understood the answers I've seen so far, the value
returned by getParameter() should *not* be subjected to URI-decoding,
because it has already been URI-decoded and doing so again would lead to
trouble with a parameter value which, before URI-encoding, contained a
percent character.

I'm debugging code we got from elsewhere which URI-decodes stuff it
got from getParameter(), and as I am not very familiar with the code
in question and am only a beginner in working with servlet code myself
I want to be very sure there is not a good reason for these calls.  I
think now I'm sure enough to take them out.  Thanks!

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: request for simplistic Tomcat 5.5 log config

2008-06-09 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Fri, Jun 06, 2008 at 12:54:26AM +0200, André Warnier wrote:
> Mark Thomas wrote:
>> André Warnier wrote:
>>> (This is Linux Debian Etch, with Tomcat5.5 out of the box, standard 
>>> apt-get install.)
>> Without knowing if/how 5.5.x has been mangled by the packaging process it 
>> is going to be difficult to help you. The packaging process tends to play 
>> all sorts of games with file locations and default configurations. 
> Yes, it mangles quite a bit.  Tomcat5.5 is split (as files and links) 
> between /etc/tomcat5.5, /var/lib/tomcat5.5, and /usr/share/tomcat5.5.
> I suppose the Debian packagers have their very good and smart reasons for 
> doing this, but it doesn't make searching config files easier.

They do.  On Linux, for example, see the FileSystem Standard or
whatever it's called now.

On a production system, /usr might be mounted read-only, so you can't
keep log files or scratch stuff (like auto-expanded .war files) there.
/usr might not even be physically connected to the box; you might have
racks of machines all mounting a common /usr image from some NFS
server.  /usr is a great place to put stuff which is changed only by
replacing the whole file when the system is not available to end
users, like executables and JARs.

Since each host may require different settings, configuration data
(like server.xml and context descriptor files) go in /etc so they can
be customized per-host.

Stuff that has to be writable should be in /var, which had better be
mounted read-write or nearly every program on the box will break.
/var is the place for state data or scratch storage -- stuff created
at runtime or, if we must, empty structured files built by the
installation process.  Things just copied from the install kit don't
belong here.

If log files are hidden away outside of /var/log, the sysadmin will
mutter something unprintable and either move or symlink them there.
/var/log might be on its own volume, so that applications won't fail
when they go to write scratch files and find that the logs have eaten
up all the available space.  If /var/log fills up, we lose a few data
that have a 1:1 chance of being interesting; if /var fills up, we
lose customers because nothing works for them.

So, that's why some people insist on separating files that have
different lifetime, scope, and access requirements.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

Description: PGP signature

Re: log viewer

2010-01-14 Thread Mark H. Wood
Oh, come on, guys.

The log4j package includes the log viewers "chainsaw" and "lf5".
There are probably others, but these are the only ones I can recall
quickly.  (And I'm not at all experienced with either one yet, sorry.)

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer
Friends don't let friends publish revisable-form documents.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Allocated memory and VMWare

2010-01-15 Thread Mark H. Wood
As others have said, try a VMware forum for more definite answers.  I
use VMware slightly but I'm not anything like an expert.

Meanwhile, one thing to keep in mind is that the guest OS can't tell
when VMware trims the guest's memory.  The guest always sees as much
as it was allocated.  VMware can page some of that memory in and out
if it is overcommitted, but it won't inform the guest because it has
no way to do that.

IF VMware permits one to change a running guest's memory allocation,
then it MIGHT try to signal a memory-hotplug event, but I doubt that
it does this.  It would be dicey to assume that a guest even knows
what hot-pluggable memory is, since such hardware is far from
ubiquitous.  But that wasn't the OP's question.

Anyway you may not like the performance you get if there is swapping
at any level.  People talk about virtual memory as if the ability to
run V>R is what it is for, but really that is a side effect and we do
well to avoid it.  The real benefit is that, at the cost of some
complexity, paging is far less laborious and time-consuming than
shuffling whole address-spaces.  Best to run V=R and just use VM to
enable the best memory packing with the least delay.  Running
overcommitted is really just another way of saying that one is running
underprovisioned, and should be corrected.  I have a moderately
overcommitted VMware Server instance just to my left as I write this,
and it is painfully slow, on a blazing fast Pentium 4.

OTOH, while it is often said that memory is cheap, reality is more
complex.  Memory comes out of the supplies budget while configuration
juggling is paid out of salaries, and these are separate budget lines.
Configuration can be done right now, while procurement takes time --
often a lot of time.  So overcommitting a VMware host might be a
reasonable short-term approach while one is budgeting, pushing papers,
and waiting for one's purchase to arrive.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer
Friends don't let friends publish revisable-form documents.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Securing Tomcat Applications from Reverse Engineering

2010-01-21 Thread Mark H. Wood
Reverse engineering is not a technical problem; it is a legal
problem.  You need a lawyer, not a program.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer
Friends don't let friends publish revisable-form documents.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] Re: Securing Tomcat Applications from Reverse Engineering

2010-01-22 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 03:02:41PM +, Peter Crowther wrote:
> 2010/1/21 Mark H. Wood 
> > Reverse engineering is not a technical problem; it is a legal
> > problem.  You need a lawyer, not a program.
> >
> > Mmm, yes and no.  Burglary is also a legal problem, but I have locks (on /
> around the things I want to keep, of a cost and quality appropriate to my
> expected loss) as well as being able to engage a lawyer if required.

The analogy is imprecise.  If you lease a house to someone, you have
no feasible technical means to control who enters your house -- the
lessee possesses a key and can let in anyone he pleases.  But you could
write a lease which constrains the set of people lessee is permitted
to allow in.  (Dunno why, but you could.)

The house would be useless to lessee without a key.  Similarly a
program, distributed to a user, would be useless unless an
intelligible version can be loaded or derived by the user's equipment.
But if the user's equipment can load or derive an intelligible version
of the program, the program can be reverse-engineered.  That's why
software licenses almost always contain specific language about
reverse engineering.

In both cases the owner has *necessarily* given up technical control
of the property, and can only exert control through legal means.  You
can't stop people abusing property that you hand over to them, but you
may be able to punish them if they do.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer
Friends don't let friends publish revisable-form documents.

Description: PGP signature

Re: JSP Page "hangs"... clues?

2010-02-11 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 12:26:42PM -0800, Jordan Michaels wrote:
> Yeah, it's hanging permanently. We've let it sit there for what... 15 
> mins or so? Which should be plenty since no one is using it right now 
> except us.

Maybe, maybe not.  Did you monitor CPU and memory utilization, I/O
load and I/O wait time on the server during one of these spells?  I've
seen a certain web browser get hold of some badly-written script or
something, spend *minutes* blowing up to a huge size while running
100% of CPU the whole time with the UI completely unresponsive, then
give all that memory back and continue as if nothing had happend.
Maybe you've found a way to do something similar with Tomcat, but it
takes 16 minutes to cycle.

Just waiting until you think it's been long enough is not a very
strong test.  What's it doing while you wait? is a question you need
to consider.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer
Friends don't let friends publish revisable-form documents.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] Tomcat dies suddenly

2010-02-16 Thread Mark H. Wood
Heh, when I was in another building I was issued an ADDS Viewpoint
terminal which would, every so often, begin typing all by itself and
quite at random.  Eventually we determined that my cubicle was
directly underneath an arc welding station in the welding shop one
floor up, and when welding classes were in session the EMI was picked
up by my keyboard.

(Written from one of my xterms.)

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer
Friends don't let friends publish revisable-form documents.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] Batch-processing of emailed log4j log messages

2010-02-24 Thread Mark H. Wood
An alternative approach:  you could pump the messages through a
mailing-list digest builder.  You may get 100 messages in five
minutes, but you only get interrupted once.

Sorry, I've never run a digested list so I don't have a name handy.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer
Friends don't let friends publish revisable-form documents.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Apache Tomcat 5.5.34 Question (UNCLASSIFIED)

2011-09-30 Thread Mark H. Wood
Consider something like:

  $ openssl rand -base64 32

if you want help coming up with reasonably hard-to-guess secrets.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer
Asking whether markets are efficient is like asking whether people are smart.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Denying IPs using the Valve command in context.xml

2011-10-05 Thread Mark H. Wood
Part of the problem with this valve is that regex matching is such a
(IMHO) bizarre choice for IP address matching.  IP addresses have a
structure which is very unlike text, and the customary and expected
matches take a bit of finagling to do in regexes.

I should try writing netmask and CIDR address matchers.

Likewise the hostname valve.  Domain names also are structured, and
people who have just discovered the valve may be expecting quite a
different type of matching than what they get.  I had to read the
documentation very slowly and carefully before I could get the
customary match styles out of my head.

Again, I should try writing a DNS-style globber.  It might be fun.
(But don't hold your breath waiting for it.)

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer
Asking whether markets are efficient is like asking whether people are smart.

Description: PGP signature

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