[wanita-muslimah] Azyumardi: Suara Islam Cenderung Pilih JK-Wiranto

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik noni marlini


20/06/2009 - 17:32

Umroh Politik Boediono ‘Ganggu’ SBY


Ana Shofiana Syatiri


INILAH.COM, Jakarta – Banyak kalangan meyakini umroh
'politik' Boediono yang diajukan Presiden PKS Tifatul Sembiring hanya untuk
memoles citra. Karenanya, ajakan ibadah ke tanah suci tersebut bisa berbalik
menjadi bumerang dan mengganggu pencitraan SBY. 


Penilaian bahwa ajakan umroh Tifatul lebih berbau politis
terus ditepis. Namun makin deras bantahan makin kencang pula tudingan bahwa
kegiatan umroh itu tak ubahnya seperti sebuah upaya pencitraaan.


Makna ajakan Pak Tifatul (umroh) jelas untuk merangkul
umat Islam. Ini sebagai stempel kalau Pak Boediono merupakan wakil dari umat
Islam, kata pengamat komunikasi politik Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH)
Tjipta Lesmana.


Ajakan tersebut dinilai dalam rangka merangkul rakyat yang
selama ini meragukan ke-Islaman Boediono. Selain itu juga berguna untuk
meng-conter isu-isu yang selama ini ditujukan kepada Boediono. Jika benar
begitu, hal tersebut amat disayangkan Ketua MUI Amidhan. Sebab umroh bagian
dari ibadah, bukan politik.


Ibadah itu kan tergantung dari niatnya, kalau niatnya
untuk memoles citra Boediono dalam suasana Pilpres ini berarti itu dalam tanda
kutip bisa diartikan umrah politik. Boleh dikatakan juga politisasi
agama, ujar Amidhan.


Namun di sisi lain, ajakan PKS juga menunjukkan keseriusan
partai tersebut untuk memenangkan pasangan SBY-Boediono pada Pilpres 8 Juli
mendatang. Sebab PKS terlihat ingin sekali agar cawapresnya itu jadi kental
dengan suasana Islaminya. 

Apalagi saat ini ada kebimbangan dari arus bawah PKS yang
lebih tertarik dengan pasangan Jusuf Kalla-Wiranto, karena pesona jilbab yang
dikenakan Mufidah Kalla dan Rugaiya Wiranto.


Jika benar umroh Boediono untuk poles citra, akan lebih
bagus lagi PKS mengajak serta istri Budiono, Herawati, untuk umroh. Untuk
menjawab keraguan masyarakat atas agama yang dianutnya, ya sekalian harusnya
PKS ajak istri Boediono umroh juga, cetus Amidhan.


Kendati tujuannya untuk memoles citra, namun diingatkan
hasilnya malah bisa kebalikan. Bukan citra Boediono yang terangkat, malah pamor
SBY ikut tenggelam. Ini bisa jadi bumerang bagi SBY, kata Direktur
Eksekutif Reform Institute Yudi Latif.


Akan lebih baik jika niat umroh atau naik haji itu muncul
dari pribadi Boediono, bukan dari ajakan Tifatul. Apalagi dari sisi kekayaan
bisa dibilang mampu pergi umroh maupun berhaji.

Misalnya, dalam laporan LHKPN KPK, harta kekayaan Boediono
tercatat mencapai Rp 20 miliar. Namun hingga usia menginjak 66 tahun pada 23
Februari lalu, Boediono belum juga terpanggil untuk menunaikan rukun Islam
kelima tersebut.

Jika diajak Tifatul, kesan didorong-dorong untuk berangkat
umroh maupun haji demi mengangkat citra keislaman Boediono lebih ketara untuk
menjawab citra Islami yang dimiliki JK-Wiranto. “Saat ini tokoh yang identik
dengan ke-Islamannya adalah JK-Wiranto karena keduannya memiliki istri yang
mengenakan jilbab, ujar Yudi.


Namun bagi Partai Demokrat, ajakan tersebut dinilai positif,
apalagi jika Boediono bersedia. Waktu untuk umroh pun di masa tenang, sehingga
tidak mengganggu jadwal kampanye Pilpres. Dari pada menunggu di rumah,
lebih baik pergi beribadah sambil berdoa agar menang, ujar tim kampanye
SBY-Boediono, Max Sopacua.

Max tidak takut jika Boediono umroh, citra SBY malah akan
drop. Sebab mereka enggan mencampurkan antara urusan agama dan politik.
Bumerang dari mana? Apakah orang tidak boleh beribadah? ketus Max.


Menerima atau tidaknya Boediono akan ajakan umroh Tifatul,
hal tersebut tidak terlalu signifikan untuk pencitraan mantan Gubernur BI itu.
Pemahaman seseorang akan agama tidak bisa dilakukan dengan proses instan.
Ke-Islaman Boediono tidak bisa diukur dari apakah karena dia pergi haji atau
umroh. Pada akhirnya, masyarakat juga yang menilai. [E1]



Azyumardi: Suara Islam Cenderung Pilih JK-Wiranto

Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009 14:30 WIB | Peristiwa | Politik/Hankam |
Dibaca 360 kali


Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Pengamat politik Azyumardi Azra
memperkirakan, 80 persen suara Islam akan cenderung memilih pasangan Jusuf
Kalla-Wiranto karena pimpinan organisasi Massa (Ormas) Islam mengarahkan
pengikutnya kepada pasangan ini.


Sejauh yang saya lihat, pimpinan Ormas Islam seperti
Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) dan Muhammadiyahsecara implisit dan eksplisit sudah
mengarahkan warganya pada Jusuf Kalla, kata Guru Besar Sejarah
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah itu, Sabtu.


Azyumardi memprediksi, suara Islam akan utuh masuk ke JK-Win
karena pada Pemilu 2009 hanya Jusuf Kalla yang merepresentasikan figur Islam
dan memiliki kedekatan dengan Ormas Islam.


Berbeda dengan Pemilu 2004, suara Islam terpecah-pecah
karena banyaknya figur Islam yang bertarung yakni Hasyim Muzadi (NU),
Salahuddin Wahid (NU), Hamzah Haz (NU), Amien Rais (Muhammadiyah), dan Jusuf
Kalla (NU), sementara pada Pemilu 2009, hanya JK yang mewakili figur
Islam, katanya.


Menurut dia, ada tiga faktor yang 

[wanita-muslimah] 'Suicide blast' hits Tehran shrine

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

Saturday, June 20, 2009 
17:09 Mecca time, 14:09 GMT

  'Suicide blast' hits Tehran shrine 
  At least one person has been killed after a suspected suicide bomber 
reportedly blew himself up near the shrine of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the 
leader of Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution.

  Two other people were wounded in the explosion in Tehran, the Iranian 
capital, local news agencies reported on Saturday.

  A terrorist detonated his explosive vest in the Imam Khomeini shrine ... 
[causing] damage in one section of it, Hossein Sajedinia, Iran's deputy police 
chief for operations, told the Mehr news agency.

  Al Jazeera's Teymoor Nabili, who recently returned from covering the 
Iranian presidential election, said that many people would believe the 
explosion was a government conspiracy.

  The official media is widely distrusted ... so irrespective of who 
really carried out that bombing, I am sure that the protesters on the street 
will feel that the government has simply engineered something to blame them for 
something else, he said.

  'Forced confrontation'

  But he said that it was possible that the People's Mujahidin of Iran, a 
group which calls for the overthrow of the Islamic republic, could have carried 
out the attack.

  They have dwindled in number and they have certainly dwindled as far as 
credibility is concerned, but you can't write off the fact they may still have 
some capability, he said.

  Mehrdad Khonsari, a former Iranian diplomat, told Al Jazeera: We have to 
wait and see who instigated that blast ... but the whole point is the regime 
has forced a situation whereby there is a confrontation.
  They have tried to intimidate the protesters from not coming and not 
embarking on the course which they have. That has apparently failed. So the 
question is, how much more can this situation escalate?
  If this blast has led to the death of a number of people, this will 
infuriate the masses and it will propel them to want to engage. This is how 
revolutions happen.

  The explosion took place as police fired tear gas and water cannon at 
thousands of protesters gathered in Tehran to protest over the disputed 
re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president.

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[wanita-muslimah] Ribuan Buruh Tolak Peraturan UMP Jabar

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

Ribuan Buruh Tolak Peraturan UMP Jabar
Rabu, 17 Juni 2009 13:55 WIB | Peristiwa | Naker | Dibaca 361 kali

(ANTARA/ Ujang Zaelani)

Bandung (ANTARA News) - Ribuan buruh, Rabu, berunjukrasa di depan gedung 
Pemprov Jawa Barat menentang rancangan peraturan gubernur mengenai Upah Minimum 
Provinsi (UMP) dan Upah Minimun Kabupaten/Kota (UMK).

Ribuan pekerja yang tergabung dalam Federasi Serikat Pekerja Metal Indonesia 
(FSPMI) itu datang ke Jalan Diponegoro Bandung, meminta rencana penerbitan 
peraturan mengenai UMP dan UMK itu dibatalkan.

Kami sangat menolak rancangan undang-undang (peraturan gubernur) mengenai 
penetapan UMP/UMK, kata perwakilan FSPMI dari Bekasi, Cahyadi Kurnia.

Beberapa orang perwakilan dari buruh akhirnya diterima oleh Asisten Daerah 3 
Bidang Kesra Provinsi Jabar, Peri Suparman, di kantor Provinsi.

Sementara di luar gedung, pendemo yang berusaha masuk, saling dorong dengan 
polisi di depan gerbang. 

Tidak lama setelah itu, Peri Suparman menemui pendemo dan menjelaskan mengenai 
hasil pembicaraan dengan perwakilan buruh.

Menurut Peri, peraturan mengenai UMP dan UMK masih berupa rancangan dan apabila 
beberapa pihak tidak setuju masih memungkinkan untuk dibatalkan.

Hari ini akan membatalkan surat tersebut, kata Peri lantang dan disambut 
tepuk tangan riuh ribuan pendemo.

Pengunjuk rasa yang tergabung dalam FPSMI datang dari beberapa daerah di Jabar, 
seperti Karawang, Bekasi, Cirebon, Bandung, dan lainnya.

Mereka menggunakan sekitar 1.500 motor dan empat bus kota.

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[wanita-muslimah] Iran warns opposition against staging street rally

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny


  Supporters of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi have 
planned a massive rally in Tehran later on Saturday. 
Iran warns opposition against staging street rally 
Published: June 20, 2009, 13:25

Tehran: Iran's opposition leader received another stern warning on 
Saturday not to encourage his supporters to take to the streets a day after the 
country's top leader sought to end the deepening election crisis by effectively 
declaring President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the winner. 

Supporters of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi have planned a 
massive rally in Tehran later on Saturday, but it was unclear if he would 
attend and how large the rally would be after Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali 
Khamenei ordered opposition leaders on Friday to end street protests or be held 
responsible for any bloodshed and chaos to come. 

Iran's Interior Ministry reiterated the warning to Mousavi on 
Saturday, saying he would be held responsible for the consequences of any 
illegal gatherings. The ministry also accused the 67-year-old former prime 
minister of supporting protests that have lead to the disruption of security 
and public order, State Security Council secretary, Abbas Mohtaj, said in a 
statement on the ministry's website. 

The warnings place Mousavi at a pivotal moment. He can either back 
down or risk a crushing response from police and the forces at Khamenei's 
disposal - the powerful Revolutionary Guard and their volunteer citizen 
militia, the basij. 

There also are questions about Mousavi's ability to control his own 
followers, many who are waiting for a clear response to Khamenei's edict on 
Friday before Saturday's planned rally.

Mousavi, who accuses the government of widespread voter fraud in 
the June 12 election, and the two other candidates who ran against Ahmadinejad 
were to meet with Iran's Guardian Council on Saturday. The council, an 
unelected body of 12 clerics and Islamic law experts close to Khamenei, 
investigates voter fraud claims. 

The council has said it was prepared to conduct a limited recount 
of ballots at sites where candidates claim irregularities. It not clear, 
however, if they have initiated any investigations. 

It also was unclear if the planned rally on Saturday would take 
place, and if so, how many people would attend. Hundreds of thousands of 
Mousavi supporters have flooded Tehran streets during several massive marches 
earlier this week that recall the scale of protests during the 1979 Islamic 

In a first sign of possible resistance to Khamenei's orders came 
shortly after nightfall in Tehran Friday. Cries of Death to the dictator! and 
Allahu akbar - God is great - rang from rooftops in what's become a nightly 
ritual of opposition unity. 

Since the June 12 election, Mousavi has become the figurehead for a 
broad collection of demonstrators - from the most liberal-leaning reformists to 
religious conservatives. Some could be prepared to take their protests to the 
limit, but many others have no interest in an all-out mutiny against the 
country's Islamic system. 

Khamenei was blunt Friday about what a wider fight would bring - 
warning those who want to ignore the law or break the law will face the 

Police clashed with protesters in running battles around Tehran 
immediately after the election and the basij militia had a reported role in 
attacks at the university. Gunfire from a basij compound in Tehran also left at 
least seven people dead on Monday. 

But the full force of the police and Revolutionary Guard has 
remained in check. And this was Khamenei's implicit message since the Guard and 
the vast volunteer militia force it controls is under direct command of the 
ruling clerics 

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[wanita-muslimah] Road to death

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

Saturday 20 June 2009 (26 Jumada al-Thani 1430)

  Road to death
  Saad A. Al-Ghamdi | Okaz

  If you want to travel on any of our roads, don't forget to write your 
last will and testament. This is because death may be waiting for you. You 
might find death in those companies carrying out maintenance and construction 
who leave their equipment and construction debris strewn across roads. Often, 
drivers are surprised to see these traps and wake up in hospitals or even die.

  This negligence does not cost the construction company anything because 
it does not pay compensation and does not pay any fines because such laws do 
not exist. You find death at road entrances and exits with no signs and no 
clear instructions regarding which oncoming autos have the right of way. You 
see cars driving everywhere with each driver thinking he has a priority over 
others. Also, you are sometimes surprised by a speed bump.

  Other highways running between cities lack fences on both sides to block 
either cars or animals from crossing in front of cars. So drivers should expect 
a surprise to happen at any time, as if the road was designed to sharpen the 
ability of drivers to predict what is going to happen.

  You also see cars driven by drivers who are occupied with unfinished 
business on mobile phones, reading newspapers or are busy chatting with other 
passengers. This could lead to death. We might be one of the first countries 
when it comes to road accidents compared with our per capita population. 

  We should trace the roots of this problem. Is it the roads or the 
drivers? Or is it the absence of clear supervision from authorities? 
Authorities should work hard to reduce the number of accidents and deaths.

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[wanita-muslimah] Iran's new adversary

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

18 - 24 June 2009
Issue No. 952
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Iran's new adversary

In Tehran, Mustafa El-Labbad watches as the regime faces what could be its most 
dangerous foe yet, calls for change that originate not from outside but are 
being raised on Iranian streets 

Iranians have now turned their attention to the Guardian Council, the body 
charged with conducting a probe into the complaints of vote rigging filed by 
presidential candidates Mir-Hussein Mousavi and Mohsen Rezai. A spokesman for 
the council, which is constitutionally responsible for ascertaining the probity 
of presidential elections, announced that the council has no intention to 
nullify Friday's results but will allow partial recount in constituencies where 
irregularities are alleged to have taken place.

It was not just the candidates and their supporters who pressed for a probe. 
Speaker of parliament Ali Larijani, too, demanded proof, conferring upon the 
Mousavi cause a useful stamp of moral and legal approval. Larijani, a prominent 
opponent of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, also censured Minister of Interior Sadeq 
Mahsouli, holding him responsible for the violent clashes in Tehran and 
ordering an investigation into the death of 12 students and other civilians in 
the clashes. In the hope of averting further violence the opposition moved its 
demonstrations Monday evening from Vali Asr Square, where Ahmadinejad's 
supporters were rallying, to Vank Square. Eye witnesses report that the two 
demonstrations passed without incident. 

As though determined to demonstrate his grip on the situation, President 
Ahmadinejad travelled to Russia to participate in the Shanghai Cooperation 
Organisation. Meanwhile, in Tehran, a huge rally of Ahmadinejad supporters 
assembled in a venue that had been scheduled to host a pro-Mousavi 
demonstration. The reformist candidate urged his supporters not to go ahead 
with their demonstration there in order to avoid clashes, but Ahmadinejad's 
message was clear: he was warning the Mousavi camp that they would pay a high 
price for questioning the election results. 

Touring the Bakhtari tribal areas near Isfahan, Al-Ahram Weekly found solid 
support for Ahmadinejad. Most of those interviewed admired the incumbent for 
fighting corruption. 

There have been unconfirmed reports of the arrest of two prominent reformists, 
Said Hajarian and Mohamed Ali Abtahi. The former had been a senior official in 
Iranian intelligence, the latter a director of the president's office under 
Mohamed Khatami. If the report, cited in the Pakistani English language News 
International newspaper, is true, the opposition will be deprived of two 
powerful supporters known for their organisational skills. 

The Weekly learned from a media source close to the Ahmadinejad camp that 
fighting corruption, and purging the institutions of the state, top the 
Iranian president's agenda for his new term. The remark hints at a showdown 
with Hashemi Rafsanjani, whom Ahmadinejad accused of corruption during a 
televised campaign debate on the eve of the polls. His aim is to unify 
Rafsanjani's political and ideological opponents behind him, further polarising 
the climate in Iran. According to the same source, the elections were fair and 
accurately reflected the popular will, adding that the president's team 
believes that the huge pro-Ahmadinejad turnout and their refusal to give in to 
the opposition will eventually sap opposition demonstrations. 

The opposition is determined not to give their adversaries any legal pretext 
for clampdowns and detentions. They have kept their demonstrations as peaceful 
as possible, while simultaneously pressing for the intervention of the 
constitutional and legal authorities in the hope of gradually gaining an edge 
over the Ahmadinejad camp. Earlier this week, Mousavi wrote to the Supreme 
Guide urging him to order a revote on the grounds of clear irregularities. He 
repeated his request to the Guardian Council, asking it to investigate specific 
irregularities and recount the votes in certain districts. The council has 
agreed to recount disputed votes in the election. But it hasn't agreed to annul 
the results.

Observers detect a new thrust in opposition tactics, involving pro-Mousavi 
spokesman abroad. Speaking from Paris, Iranian filmmaker Mohsen Makhbalbaf 
announced that Mousavi's supporters would continue demonstrating and appealed 
to a religious authority to issue a fatwa declaring Ahmadinejad's presidency 

The Mousavi camp has faced problems in mobilising supporters. SMS messaging has 
been blocked, as has Mousavi's website. Supporters, as a result, have had to 
resort to more traditional forms of communication, not always successfully. In 
one demonstration several days ago protesters chanted Tomorrow at 5:00 in Vali 

[wanita-muslimah] Leader: All four candidates belong to Islamic system

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

June 20, 2009 
Leader: All four candidates belong to Islamic system
Tehran Times Political Desk

TEHRAN - Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei 
has said all four presidential candidates belong to the Islamic system and thus 
all pursue their complaints through legal channels. 

He made the remarks in his sermons delivered at Friday prayers in Tehran. 

The Leader stated that the presidential election's 'unprecedented' turnout of 
almost 85 percent hit the enemy like a 'political earthquake' and became a 
cause for a 'real celebration' for the friends of the country. 

Ayatollah Khamenei said the high turnout in the election, in which about 40 
million Iranians cast ballots, was a great manifestation of the people's 
solidarity with the Islamic establishment. 

He went on to say that the June 12 presidential election showed that the 
Iranian nation has a 'common sense of responsibility' to determine the destiny 
of the country. 

All those who took part in the election proved their 'political consciousness 
and commitment' to the Islamic establishment to the entire world, he added. 

The Islamic Republic of Iran will by no means betray the votes of the nation, 
he asserted. 

However, Ayatollah Khamenei maintained that the Guardian Council, the body 
tasked with overseeing the election, would look into the complaints of the 
candidates who are unhappy about the election results. 

The Leader stated that the establishment would never give in to illegal demands 
and urged all presidential candidates to pursue their complaints through legal 
channels. He also called on the people to halt the illegal street 
demonstrations over the election results. 

Following the announcement of the outcome of the election, supporters of the 
defeated candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi -- who has rejected the election results 
-- took to the streets of Tehran and other cities in daily rallies. 

It must be determined at the ballot box what the people want and what they 
don't want, not in the streets, he said. 

The Leader also urged all presidential candidates to be vigilant in the face of 
enemy plots to sow the seeds of discord in the nation. 

Ayatollah Khamenei stated that the enemies are trying to undermine the people's 
trust in the establishment. 

The Leader also warned about foreign media outlets' efforts to destabilize the 
country and blamed Britain in particular. 

On June 12, President Ahmadinejad was reelected president with almost 25 
million votes, which was over 60 percent of the vote. 

His three challengers were Mir-Hossein Mousavi, Mahdi Karroubi, and Mohsen 

The Leader said the time is over for rivalry and stated that everyone should 
unite and line up behind the president-elect. 

He stated that the election was fair and ruled out any allegations of fraud in 
the presidential election, insisting that the Islamic system does not cheat 

Iran's laws do not allow vote rigging, especially at the level of 11 million, 
he said, referring to Ahmadinejad's victory margin. 

If the difference was 100,000 or 500,000 or 1 million, well, one may say fraud 
could have happened. But how can one rig 11 million votes? Ayatollah Khamenei 

The Leader said the only way to resolve the complaints is through legal 
channels, adding, I will not surrender to illegal precedents. 

If the legal framework is broken today, no election will be trusted in the 
future, he added. 

Ayatollah Khamenei also stated that all groupings should refrain from going to 

If the political elites violate the law, unintentionally or on purpose, they 
are responsible for the bloodshed, aggression, and chaos. 

In a reference to the presidential debates, in which the incumbent president 
accused the families of Expediency Council Chairman Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani 
and former parliament speaker Ali-Akbar Nateq-Nouri of financial corruption, 
the Leader said, Concerning relatives of these individuals or others, whoever 
has any case to raise, he should just pursue those cases through legal 
channels. Without proving anything, nothing should be mentioned. As long as an 
accusation is not proven, there is no difference between individuals and nobody 
should then be accused

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[wanita-muslimah] 'Many dead' in Iraq truck bombing

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

Page last updated at 14:37 GMT, Saturday, 20 June 2009 15:37 UK

  'Many dead' in Iraq truck bombing 
People gather near the crater left by a suicide bombing in the 
northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk

Enlarge Image
  At least 30 people have been killed by a suicide truck bomb in the 
northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk, Iraqi police say. 

  About 150 others were injured in the blast, which happened near a Shia 
mosque, officials said. 

  At least a dozen nearby mud-brick homes were flattened by the explosion, 
and the mosque also was badly damaged. 

  The latest attack comes days before US forces are due to withdraw from 
towns and cities in Iraq, leading to concerns that violence could escalate. 

  Hours beforehand, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki had promised the 
withdrawal would go ahead as promised, calling it a great victory. 

  Don't lose heart if a breach of security occurs here or there, he said. 

  The attack happened as worshippers were leaving the packed Al-Rasoul 
mosque, run by the minority Turkmen community, after midday prayers. 

  The force of the blast left a deep crater in the ground.

  Victims were ferried to Kirkuk's main Azadi Hospital, where there were 
chaotic scenes as bloodied casualties, including children, were rushed into 

  Kirkuk, about 250km (155 miles) from Baghdad, was the scene of two 
suicide bombings last month, in which 14 people were killed. 

  The city is the centre of northern Iraq's oil industry, and home to a 
volatile mix of Kurds, Arabs, Christians and members of the Turkmen community. 

  The US plans to withdraw its troops from Iraqi cities and major towns by 
30 June, and is due to end combat operations across Iraq by September 2010, 
leaving Iraqi security forces to cope alone. 

  There are concerns that insurgents may try to take advantage of the 
withdrawal, although the country's leaders say Iraqi forces are capable of 
handling internal security without US support

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[wanita-muslimah] Musicians thrive again in Baghdad

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny
Click ini


Iraq's sectarian violence has prevented most musicians, particularly women, 
from performing in public. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Download Gratis eBook2 Pilihan

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik syamsuri149
eBook berikut ini dilengkapi teks arab, bacaan teks latin dan terjemahan 
Indonesia. Disarikan dari kitab-kitab kumpulan doa yaitu Mafâtihul Jinân dan 
Mujarrbat Imâmiyah. 

1.  Amalan Praktis dan doa2 Pilihan
2.  Keutamaan dan Rahasia Ayat Kursi
3.  Keutamaan malam Jum'at dan hari Jum'at, Amalan malam Jum'at dan hari 
4.  Adab2 Berdoa dan Syarat2 Diijabahnya Doa
5.  Doa Jawsyan Kabir (1000 Asma Allah) merupakan prisai kehidupan. Doa ini 
diajarkan oleh Malaikat Jibril kepada Rasulullah saw pada saat genting dalam 
suatu peperangan.
6.  Doa Kumail, doa yang diajarkan oleh Imam Ali bin Abi Thalib (sa) kepada 
Kumail bin Ziyad. Doa yang narasinya sangat indah, menyejukkan hati dan dapat 
mendatangkan kemudahan rizki.
7.  Doa Sayfush Shaghir. Doa yang rangkaian huruf2nya memiliki keajaiban 
untuk membentengi diri dari niat jahat musuh dan orang-orang yang zalim.
8.  Dan doa-doa lainnya

Bagi yang berminat eBook tersebut, silahkan download gratis di halaman Produk 
Islami/eBook Islami, di:

Syamsuri Rifai

[wanita-muslimah] Police crack down on Iran protests

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

Saturday, June 20, 2009 
22:37 Mecca time, 19:37 GMT 

 Police crack down on Iran protests 
Planned demonstration in Tehran is met with tear gas, water cannon 
and batons.  
 QA: Tweeting from Tehran  
 Video: Iran election divides clergy  
 Video: Iran blamed for Iraq chaos  
 Khamenei's speech 'a threat'  
 Iran's Ayatollah under threat?  
 Video: Iran's power struggle  
 Video: Iran's 'citizen journalists'  

  Police crack down on Iran protests 
  Protesters fought back with stones and set fires 
  in the streets of the capital, Tehran [AFP] 

  Riot police in Iran have used tear gas, water cannon and batons to 
disperse about 3,000 people attempting to protest over the disputed 
presidential election of Mahmoud Ahmdinejad, the president.

  Witnesses said that dozens of people were hospitalised after being beaten 
by police and pro-government militia in the capital, Tehran, on Saturday.

  Lots of guards on motorbikes closed in on us and beat us brutally, one 
protester said.

  As we were running away the Basiji [militia] were waiting in side alleys 
with batons, but people opened their doors to us trapped in alleys.

  Supporters of Mir Hossein Mousavi, a defeated reformist candidate, had 
planned to stage a rally in the city's Revolutionary Square, but arrived to 
find their way blocked by police. 

  A witness told Al Jazeera that police were turning people away.
  The roads were pretty much blocked by the militia, they were out with 
retractable metal batons. It looked like they were very frantically trying to 
keep people from the area, he said.

  Protests 'quelled'

  Amateur video of Saturday's protests, which could not be independently 
verified, showed dozens of Iranians running down a street after police fired 
tear gas. 

  Other footage showed protesters trying to give first aid to a badly 
injured woman in the street.

In depth 

 Video: Iran supreme leader in 'power struggle'
 Video: Iran's 'citizen journalists'
 Video: Iran steps up net censorship
 Video: Iranians go online to evade curbs
 Video: The struggle for power
 Video: Rival protests continue in Iran
 Video: Iranians rally in Europe

 Iran's Ayatollah under threat?
 Mousavi sees election hopes dashed
 Iran writer on poll result
 Mousavi's letter to the people
 Iran poll result 'harms US hopes'
 West concerned by Iran fraud claims
 What next for Iran?
 The Iranian political system
 Riz Khan: Iran's disputed election
 Inside Story: Iran election recount
 Inside Story: Iran's political future

 Your media: submit your clips of the protests to Al Jazeera 
  The protesters apparently threw stones at the police and set fires in the 

  Al Jazeera's Alireza Ronaghi, reporting from Tehran, said that the 
protests had largely been quelled by Saturday evening.

  The presence of security forces were very high, they definitely wanted 
to take back the streets of Tehran ... right now I don't expect that many 
protesters are concentrated anywhere in Tehran, he said.

  He said that state television had quoted the head of Iran's police force 
as thanking the Iranian people for not taking to the streets and taking the 
police warnings seriously.

  As the clashes took place, a suspected suicide bomber blew himself up 
outside the shrine of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the Islamic 
revolution in 1979, injuring at least two people, local news agencies reported. 

  As night fell, the protesters kept up their show of defiance shouting 
Allahu Akbar (God is greatest) from the rooftops, a deliberate echo of a move 
made during the Islamic revolution in 1979.

  Barack Obama, the US president, condemned the violence and urged Tehran 
to allow Mousavi's supporters to stage peaceful protests.

  The Iranian government must understand that the world is watching, he 

  We mourn each and every innocent life that is lost. We call on the 
Iranian government to stop all violent and unjust actions against its own 

  'Ready for martydom'

  In a statement posted on the website of his Kalemeh newspaper, Mousavi 
repeated his demand for the elections results to be annulled and hit out at a 
speech by Ayatollah Khameini, Iran's supreme leader.

  If this huge volume of cheating and changing the votes ... which has 
hurt people's trust, is presented as the very 

[wanita-muslimah] Buy the rumor and sell it as a fact

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny


Saturday 20 June 2009 (26 Jumada al-Thani 1430) 

  Buy the rumor and sell it as a fact 
  Tariq Al-Maeena | talmae...@aol.com

  There's an old proverb that says, What you don't see with your eyes, 
don't witness with your mouth. But how many of us can resist the temptation to 
believe rumors?

  Rumors are defined as pieces of unverified information and of uncertain 
origin. In the not so distant past, our mouths were the main conduits for such 
untruths and our audience was limited to those within our earshot. But as 
technology gradually took over most of our daily functions, the mobile phone 
with messaging services today is the predominant source for the dissemination 
of such unverified information.

  Rumors range from the funny to the outlandish, and occasionally to the 
downright malicious. And the effortlessness with which they gather storm today 
is alarming, especially if they border on spiteful intent. 

  Take the case of an SMS that made the rounds recently, not just in Saudi 
Arabia, but in the region as well. While I had deleted the message as soon as I 
had read it and cannot reprint the exact wording, the contents went along the 
following lines:

  A McDonald's employee has been discovered as having been afflicted with 
the H1N1 (swine flu) virus, and patrons are well advised to stay clear of all 
McDonald's outlets. It implied that McDonald's was concealing such information 
from the general public. The message also stated the name of the worker.

  This name was later found out to be the name of a street in Cairo, on 
which several fast food outlets carried out their trade, raising doubts about 
the origin of this particular SMS. The intent of the message was obviously to 
frighten people and hurt McDonald's.

  I would hazard a guess that some people who received the message 
restrained themselves or their family members from eating out at McDonald's or 
other fast food outlets. I say this with confidence as that particular message 
made its way through various e-mails with varying degrees of alert and caution. 

  Swine flu is very much in the news these days, and one has to welcome the 
transparency exercised by our Ministry of Health in reporting and dealing with 
this latest outbreak. Newspapers daily carry items relating to new cases 
discovered in the Kingdom, and report on plans from the health officials on how 
to meet this pandemic head on.

  Had one of the staff at the McDonald's been indeed a carrier of such a 
virus, it would have certainly been reported by the ministry and immediately 
made public. And yet many found it easier to believe the message. Is it human 
nature to believe just about everything we are told, without taking any effort 
to verify such claims? 

  Now I know the folks running the McDonald's enterprise in the western 
region, and I know for a fact that many of their family members patronize the 
various outlets. They follow extremely ethical business practices and I believe 
them when they rubbish such rumors. And no, I'm not getting a free meal, 
up-sized and all, by making such statements either! 

  Preying on human naiveté and fears, such nasty and unverified messages 
invariably hurt honest establishments. Back in the 19th century, the 
distinguished English novelist Maria Louise Ramé wrote, a cruel story runs on 
wheels, and every hand oils the wheels as they run.

  And so folks, the next time you receive an SMS stating that Britney 
Spears has converted to Islam, or the shampoo you are using will cause you 
cancer, or the meat patties in a hamburger are not halal, contact the 
individual or establishment in question for verification or use Snopes.Com.

  Or else, press delete on your mobile phone and move on.

  The Holy Qur'an says: O you who have believed, if there comes to you a 
disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of 
ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful. (Al-Hujurat: 6)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Asean And Rapid Global Change

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

  Friday, 19 June 2009 

  Asean And Rapid Global Change  
  Written by Terry Lacey 
  The Southeast Asian alliance needs to grow up 

  As Jusuf Wanandi pointed out recently in Indonesian media, Asia is 
getting more motivated and better structured so it should be able to follow on 
from the October 2008 Western economic crisis and reinforce the role of the 
G20, effectively helping to replace the G8 rich man's club of Western nations.

  But constraints must be resolved, or the region could miss the bus to 
more rapid recovery, by going too slowly on global and regional economic change.

  First, if Asean is to be the engine of Asian economic integration, then 
it needs more push and speed. Second, Myanmar is holding Asean back, a 
permanent spanner in the works. Neither Asean nor the EU or US can afford this 
any more. Third, despite the growing weight of G20 economies, Western nations 
still pack a disproportionate political punch in international economic 

  Several Asian countries are looking to recover from recession (Singapore, 
Thailand, Japan) while China, India and Indonesia maintained positive growth in 
2009, at 8, 6 and 4.4 percent respectively.

  In Indonesia Stock Exchange capitalization rose by 31 percent from 
January to May, the bond market is bouncing along and Indonesia has the highest 
figures for several years on consumer confidence. 

  Confirming the wealth of the Indonesian super-rich, sales of Ferrari 
California luxury cars costing up to US$500,000 each rose from 16 in 2007, to 
30 in 2008, to 40 by June of 2009. And Indonesia is amazingly cutting 
unemployment now, holding it at below 8.3 percent, with further falls expected 
in 2009.

  The main Asian regional and structural reactions to the global crisis are 
on the right lines, but the advantages come with implementation and 

  First, to improve coordination of moves towards economic integration in 
East Asia, including free trade, trade financing and currency swaps, more steps 
to reduce dependency on the US dollar and on common currency possibilities.

  Second, to strengthen strategic links between East Asia and the Pacific 
Rim (via APEC -the Asia Pacific Economic forum) and to make progress with the 
EU (via ASEM - the Asia-Europe Meeting, but moving onto the much-delayed trade 

  Third, to coordinate joint pressure to strengthen the influence of the 
Asean, Asian and G20 states in the restructuring of global economic 
institutions, notably the World Bank group (WB), the International Monetary 
Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organization (WTO).

  However Jusuf Wanandi also acknowledged that given the size of the crisis 
and the urgency, it really took a lot of time for Asean+3 to get its act 
together on trade financing and to support the Chiang Mai Initiative.

  Five of the G20 powers are in Asia (China, Japan, Indonesia, South Korea 
and Australia). The 10 nation Asean group already regularly meets as Asean + 3 
- along with China, South Korea and Japan. This group is moving towards an 
interconnected set of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs).

  We are now on the way to Asean + 3 + 3 including Australia, New Zealand 
and India, as conceived by the Comprehensive Economic Partnership in East Asia 
(CEPEA), moving towards an Asean + 6 FTA, according to Mun-Heng Toh, writing 
May 15 in the East Asia Forum. 

  But Indonesia, with its strong consumer economy, state enterprises and 
state-backed measures can protect its domestic economic interests and still 
make progress on FTAs.

  Asean should not fall into the trap of the Caribbean Community or other 
trade groupings in Latin America or Africa of doing too little too late and 
then wondering about lack of progress.

  Exceptions, derogations and delays on specific measures are the staff of 
life of trade agreements. FTAs do not have to mean you throw out the baby with 
the bath water.

  The Asean problem was summed by up Kavi Chongkittavorn in the New Nation 
of Bangkok, that Asean`s old members want the new Asean, while Asean`s new 
members still want the old one.

  More rapid success by hard progress the new way, or failure by slow 
consensus the old way. That's the choice now.

  Terry Lacey is a development economist who writes from Jakarta on 
modernization in the Muslim world, investment and trade relations with the EU 
and Islamic banking.  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Bom di Makam Khomeini Tewaskan Dua Orang

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

Bom di Makam Khomeini Tewaskan Dua Orang

Minggu, 21 Juni 2009 00:53 WIB 
Teheran (ANTARA News) - Dua orang tewas dalam pemboman bunuh diri Sabtu di 
makam pemimpin revolusi Iran, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, televisi negara 

Press TV, siaran  berbahasa-Inggris milik pemerintah Iran, mengatakan delapan 
orang juga terluka dalam pemboman itu, yang mungkin untuk meningkatkan 
kemarahan di antara masyarakat Iran yang memuja-muja pendiri Republik Islam 

Press TV kemudian mengatakan penyerangnya juga tewas, tanpa mengatakan apakah 
mereka menganggap pembom tersebut di antara kedua orang yang tewas itu.

Kantor berita setengah-resmi Fars mengatakan pemboman itu terjadi di sayap 
utara makam. Laporannya telah dikonfirmasikan oleh seorang pejabat senior 

Di tempat lainnya di Teheran, polisi anti-kerusuhan Iran telah menggunakan gas 
air mata untuk membubarkan demonstran yang memprotes terhadap pemilihan 
presiden yang diperselisihkan, seorang saksi mengatakan pada Reuters.

Press TV mengatakan polisi juga telah menggunakan meriam air terhadap 
demonstran di lapangan Enghelab di Teheran.(*)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] TAJUK: Gizi Buruk Menuntut Keseriusan Pemerintah

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Ini yang dibilang NKRI HARGA MATI. Rakyat miskin  kalau sakit  atau 
kekurangan gizi  seperti teken kontrak kematian karena tidak mendapat 
pertolongan selayaknya dari yang disebut negara.


  Jum'at, 19 Juni 2009 


TAJUK: Gizi Buruk Menuntut Keseriusan Pemerintah 

  PENDERITA gizi buruk, Sukria, terpaksa dibawa pulang dari Rumah Sakit 
Umum Abdul Moeloek (RSUAM) sebelum masa pengobatannya tuntas, Rabu (18-6). 
Padahal, bocah berusia 9 tahun itu masih koma dan dokter tak mengizinkan 
keluarga membawanya pulang. Tapi, tak ada kekuatan yang bisa menghalangi orang 
tua Sukria.

  Sukria telah dirawat selama 21 hari di RSUAM. Menilik kompleksitas 
penyakitnya--selain gizi buruk bocah itu juga menderita meningitis 
tuberkolosis--dokter memperkirakan perlu perawatan 1--2 bulan. Tapi, orang tua 
Sukria beralasan memperpanjang perawatan buah hatinya berarti kesulitan ekonomi 
bakal kian mengimpit. Ia tak mampu lagi membayar rumah sakit, transportasi, dan 
akomodasi selama di Bandar Lampung.

  Kita tidak tahu kondisi Sukria di rumahnya. Bisa jadi ada keajabiban. 
Tetapi, di rumah sakit yang tersedia dokter, peralatan medis, dan obat-obatan 
saja Sukria tak lekas membaik.

  Sukria hanya salah satu kisah sedih dari sekian banyak penderita gizi 
buruk di Provinsi Lampung. Sebelumnya seorang balita dari Panjang, Maulana, 
bahkan harus dijemput maut karena persoalan serupa.

  Di provinsi berpenduduk 7,3 juta ini sedikitnya terdapat 68 penderita 
serupa yang tercatat di Dinas Kesehatan Lampung. Data ini tentu belum valid 
belaka. Pertama, karena belum seluruh kabupaten/kota menyerahkan data terakhir. 
Kedua, boleh jadi lebih banyak penderita serupa yang tidak tercatat secara 

  Gizi buruk adalah PR besar bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat Lampung. Sebab, 
dari tahun ke tahun kisah sedih ini selalu terulang dan belum ada tanda-tanda 
penurunan yang siginifikan. Padahal, provinsi ini tengah gencar melakukan 
perang terhadap kemiskinan.

  Yang lebih ironis, gizi buruk muncul di tengah penghargaan dalam bidang 
ketahanan pangan yang diraih enam kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Lampung. Enam 
kabupaten/kota itu adalah Bandar Lampung, Lampung Timur, Lampung Barat, Metro, 
Tanggamus, dan Way Kanan. Mereka mendapat anugerah Program Peningkatan Produksi 
Beras Nasional (P2BN) yang diberikan langsung Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono 
8 Juni silam.

  Apa artinya itu semua? Benarkah penghargaan itu mencerminkan realitas 
yang sesungguhnya? Adakah itu itu hanya angka-angka di atas kertas? Jika benar, 
berarti ada distribusi pangan yang tidak merata. Ternyata prestasi itu tidak 
berdampak bagi masyarakat luas.

  Selain itu, dalam berbagai kesempatan kita mendengar pemerintah amat 
perpihak kepada rakyat dengan memberi rupa-rupa bantuan kepada si miskin. 
Tetapi, apa artinya itu semuanya?

  Sementara itu, dalam menghadapi gizi buruk Presiden telah pula 
menginstruksikan antara lain mengaktifkan lagi posyandu, pemeriksaan ibu hamil 
minimal empat kali selama kehamilan, dan berikan imunisasi lengkap. Selian itu, 
balita juga mesti ditimbang sebulan sekali, basmi jentik nyamuk dengan 3 M, 
jaga lingkungan tetap bersih, dan ikuti program Kelurga Berencana. Berjalankah 
ini semua?

  Dari sisi regulasi juga tak kurang jelasnya. Sesuai SK Menteri Kesehatan 
Nomor 1209/1998, setiap kasus gizi buruk diberlakukan sebagai dan masuk dalam 
kategori kejadian luar biasa (KLB). Sebagai KLB, pemerintah harus melakukan 
berbagai langkah yang luar biasa pula, bukan dengan cara-cara biasa.

  Dengan tubuh yang sehat saja tidak ada jaminan provinsi ini mempunyai 
sumber daya manusia yang tangguh; yang bisa menyumbangkan pikiran-pikiran 
terbaiknya bagi pembangunan Lampung. Apa jadinya dengan gizi buruk? Dengan 
penyakit ini kita bepotensi kehilangan satu generasi! Sekali lagi gizi buruk 
persoalan amat serius yang tidak boleh disikapi dengan biasa-biasa saja. Ini 
adalah PR besar bagi pemerintah Provinsi Lampung. Gubernur, para bupati/wali 
kota, camat, para dokter, dan masyarakat harus satu langkah menghadapi gizi 
buruk ini. Bukti komitmen itu akan kita lihat tahun depan: gizi buruk tak 
terjadi lagi!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Penderita Gangguan Jiwa Susah Mendapatkan Obat

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

Penderita Gangguan Jiwa Susah Mendapatkan Obat
* Di RSJ Banda Aceh Banyak, di Kabupaten/Kota Langka
20 June 2009, 11:22 Utama Administrator 

BANDA ACEH - Masih banyaknya penderita gangguan jiwa yang dipasung di Aceh, 
terutama di daerah-daerah terpencil, membuat Dr Andrew Mohanraj, Psikiater dari 
Aceh Psychosocial Rehabilitation Programme (APRP) prihatin, apalagi kalau 
penyebabnya karena masyarakat sukar menemukan obat yang bisa mereka berikan 
untuk anggota keluarga yang menderita gangguan jiwa (psychosocial disorder). 
Menurut Andrew Mohanraj, ada dua jenis obat dengan harga terjangkau yang bisa 
mengobati gejala halusinasi pada penderita gangguan jiwa. Obat antipsikotik 
yang sangat biasa digunakan di negara-negara berkembang adalah Haloperidol dan 
Chloropromazine untuk menekan gejala halusinasi penderita. Dua obat ini telah 
keluar sejak lima puluh tahun lalu, katanya usai menyampaikan materi pada 
workshop yang mengangkat topik Kualitas Hidup Penderita Gangguan Jiwa, di Oasis 
Hotel, Banda Aceh, Jumat (19/6).

Ia mengaku prihatin melihat kenyataan bahwa masih ada juga tempat-tempat di 
dunia seperti di Aceh, obat seperti ini tidak bisa dengan mudah ditemukan. 
Padahal obat ini dijual bebas dengan harga relatif murah dan bisa diperoleh 
dengan resep generik. Penderita gangguan jiwa harus tekun minum obat, disertai 
dukungan keluarga untuk memastikan penderita minum obat, ujarnya. Selain 
karena kelangkaan obat, sebagian besar keluarga memasung penderita karena tidak 
memahami apa yang seharusnya dilakukan untuk penderita, sekaligus melindungi 
penderita. Mereka tidak mengetahui kalau ada obat yang bisa diberikan untuk 
mengurangi bahkan menghilangkan gejala (symptom), seperti halusinasi yang kerap 
menyerang penderita, katanya.

Andrew juga menyatakan tidak setuju jika peneliti dari luar mengaitkan 
pemasungan penderita gangguan jiwa di Aceh dengan pelanggaran hak asasi 
manusia. Dari berbagai penelitian yang saya lakukan di lapangan, saya temukan 
fakta bahwa anggota keluarga memasung penderita gangguan jiwa, lebih karena 
mereka menyayangi dan ingin melindungi penderita dari hal-hal yang tidak 
diinginkan. Mereka khawatir penderita menyakiti orang lain, lalu mendapat 
balasan dari masyarakat dengan kembali menyakiti si penderita, baik secara 
fisik atau cemoohan, katanya. 

Akui sukar
Komentar senada juga disampaikan dr Syahrial SpKj, seorang dari 30 peserta 
workshop. Menurutnya, di daerah-daerah tingkat dua dan di puskesmas-puskesmas, 
obat-obat generasi terbaru untuk penderita gangguan jiwa sangat sukar 
ditemukan. Kalau di Rumah Sakit Jiwa di Banda Aceh sangat cukup dan lengkap 
dengan jenis obat generasi terbaru. Hanya saja di kabupaten/kota masih sukar 
ditemukan. Hal ini menyebabkan kesenjangan tindakan pengobatan pasien yang 
sudah ditangani di RSJ Banda Aceh, saat pulang ke daerahnya, ungkap dia.

Ia sangat mengharapkan ada inisiatif dari pemerintah kabupaten/kota 
mengusahakan di daerahnya masing-masing tersedia obat-obat untuk penderita 
gangguan jiwa. Minimal jika tidak ada di puskesmas-puskesmas, cukup di RSU 
kabupaten/kota saja sudah sangat memadai. Kalau ada obat generasi terbaru 
seperti misperidone dan clozapin itu sudah sangat bagus, tandasnya. Syahrial 
menilai, kalau obat sudah ada di daerah, pasien dan keluarga tidak perlu 
membuang uang untuk biaya perjalanan yang banyak untuk berkali-kali datang ke 
Banda Aceh hanya untuk mengambil obat. Jika obat tersebut tersedia di daerah 
maka akses penderita untuk mendapatkan obat akan menjadi lebih mudah, 

Karena ekonomi
Sebelumnya, dr Kris, seorang spesialis jiwa di RSJ Banda Aceh, sebagaimana 
pernah disiarkan koran ini mengungkapkan, jumlah pasien yang telah sembuh 
sebenarnya sudah banyak dan mereka sudah keluar dari RSJ Banda Aceh. Tapi 
karena keluarganya miskin dan kurang melanjutkan pembinaan kepada pasien yang 
baru sembuh, maka pasien yang telah sembuh itu masuk kembali ke rumah sakit.

Menurut Kris, pasien gangguan jiwa yang masuk ke RSJ Banda Aceh, pada umumnya 
disebabkan dua faktor, yaitu keturunan dan tekanan ekonomi. Pasien yang masuk 
rata-rata dari keluarga miskin. Karena itu, setelah mereka sembuh dari gangguan 
jiwanya, karena keluarganya miskin, ia kurang mendapat perhatian ekonomi, maka 
tak jarang yang masuk lagi. Sedangkan Direktur RSJ Banda Aceh, Drs H Saifuddin 
AR SPMH MKes mengatakan, jumlah pasien RSJ Banda Aceh hingga posisi Mei 2009, 
mencapai 315 orang. Jumlah ini memang telah melampaui kapasitas ruang yaitu 220 
orang. Menurutnya, saat ini ada sekitar 120 pasien penderita gangguan jiwa yang 
dipasung di berbagai kawasan Aceh.(ami) 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Mufti Saudi Menyatakan, KDRT Seburuk-buruk Kejahatan

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Flora Pamungkas GMail
Mufti Saudi Menyatakan, KDRT Seburuk-buruk Kejahatan 


Sunday, 21 June 2009 07:24


Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) adalah kejahatan dan dosa besar, ujar
Syeikh Abdul Aziz Al Syeikh



Hidayatullah.com-Seperti dikutip harian Al-Madinah Jumat (196) Mufti Besar
Kerajaan Arab Saudi Syeikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah Al Syeikh mengatakan,
Islam mengajarkan membangun keluarga dengan sikap mawaddah wa rahmah.  


Keluarga adalah batu bata pertama dalam membangun keluarga dan masyarakat.
Di situlah kehidupan mengalir dan dirancang sesuai dengan kehendak Allah.
Islam mengajarkan dalam berkeluarga dengan membangun sikap mawaddah, rahmah,
dan mahabbah, kata ulama besar Arab Saudi itu sambil menyitir Al-Quran
surah Arrum ayat 21.


KDRT hanya akan dilakukan mereka yang kuat kepada yang lemah dalam rumah
tangga. Keluarga adalah amanat Allah yang harus dipelihara.


Karena itu KDRT adalah kekejian terbesar dan dosa terbesar karena akan
menimbulkan kesengsaraan dan bencana rumah tangga.


Syeikh juga meminta agar KDRT tak dijadikan dalih agama. KDRT adalah
perbuatan aniaya kepada hamba Allah dan menginjak hak-hak serta kemuliaan
mereka, ujarnya.


Karena itu Al Syeikh mengharap pelaku KDRT untuk segera bertobat dan
meninggalkan kebiasaan buruknya. [ihj/www.hidayatullah.com]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Mufti Saudi Menyatakan, KDRT Seburuk-buruk Kejahatan

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto
normatifnya sudah... 

tinggal fiqhnya, 
kalo ada yang melakukan apa tindakan negara?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Flora Pamungkas GMail 
  To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2009 9:11 AM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Mufti Saudi Menyatakan, KDRT Seburuk-buruk 

  Mufti Saudi Menyatakan, KDRT Seburuk-buruk Kejahatan 

  Sunday, 21 June 2009 07:24 

  Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) adalah kejahatan dan dosa besar, ujar
  Syeikh Abdul Aziz Al Syeikh

  Hidayatullah.com-Seperti dikutip harian Al-Madinah Jumat (196) Mufti Besar
  Kerajaan Arab Saudi Syeikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah Al Syeikh mengatakan,
  Islam mengajarkan membangun keluarga dengan sikap mawaddah wa rahmah. 

  Keluarga adalah batu bata pertama dalam membangun keluarga dan masyarakat.
  Di situlah kehidupan mengalir dan dirancang sesuai dengan kehendak Allah.
  Islam mengajarkan dalam berkeluarga dengan membangun sikap mawaddah, rahmah,
  dan mahabbah, kata ulama besar Arab Saudi itu sambil menyitir Al-Quran
  surah Arrum ayat 21.

  KDRT hanya akan dilakukan mereka yang kuat kepada yang lemah dalam rumah
  tangga. Keluarga adalah amanat Allah yang harus dipelihara.

  Karena itu KDRT adalah kekejian terbesar dan dosa terbesar karena akan
  menimbulkan kesengsaraan dan bencana rumah tangga.

  Syeikh juga meminta agar KDRT tak dijadikan dalih agama. KDRT adalah
  perbuatan aniaya kepada hamba Allah dan menginjak hak-hak serta kemuliaan
  mereka, ujarnya.

  Karena itu Al Syeikh mengharap pelaku KDRT untuk segera bertobat dan
  meninggalkan kebiasaan buruknya. [ihj/www.hidayatullah.com]

  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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[wanita-muslimah] Fw: [tobacco control] SURVIVOR TESTIMONY

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik kmj...@indosat.net.id

Original Message
From: fuadbara...@yahoo.com
Date: 21/06/2009 0:04 
To: anti tembakauantitemba...@yahoogroups.com, tobacco control
Subj: [tobacco control] SURVIVOR TESTIMONY

Minggu, 2009 Maret 22


Bulan November 2005 adalah bulan kelabu dimana aku divonis dokter 
terkena kanker paru-paru dan harus dilakukan pengangkatan sebagian paru 
kanan atasku yang ada kankernya. Kejadiannya setelah Hari Raya Idul 
Fitri 2005 aku merasakan badanku yang kurang sehat dan cenderung setiap 
hari berat badanku turun 1/4 kg sementara aku makan seperti biasa.

Dari situlah aku memeriksakan diri ke laboratorium untuk melakukan 
general cek up, karena sejak berhenti sebagai atlit nasional, aku belum 
pernah cek up lagi. Dan hasil dari cek up itulah ketahuan kalau di paru 
sebelah kanan atasku ada tumor sebesar 6 (enam) sentimeter. Sebelumnya 
aku sudah ada perasaan kalau terkena kanker paru karena aku adalah 
perokok berat (satu hari rata-rata bisa sampai 60 batang rokok). Saat 
itu aku menerima dengan tegar karena aku merasa penyakit tersebut 
akibat dari kebiasaanku merokok sejak remaja.

Ironis memang, sementara aku adalah seorang mantan pemain bahkan 
kapten tim nasional di cabang softball era tahun 1980-1990, yang 
seharusnya hidup tanpa tembakau/rokok. Padahal sudah gak bosan-bosannya 
lingkungan di sekitarku menganjurkan aku untuk berhenti merokok tetapi 
aku menjawab dengan sombong bahwa aku kan atlit, jadi ada alasan untuk 
merokok tapi sehat. Memang saat itu tidak terlihat akibat dari rokok 
yang katanya bila seseorang itu merokok maka dia tidak akan kuat untuk 
berlari jauh, atau dengan kata lain perokok napasnya jadi pendek. Itu 
tidak terjadi pada diriku. Dan memang aku buktikan di setiap latihan 
atau dalam pelatnas (pemusatan latihan nasional) kondisi badanku oke-
oke aja, jadi buat aku merokok tidak ada pengaruhnya sama sekali.

Anakku Albert Alvin Sompie, aku (Berthie Sompie), istriku Yayuk, dan 
anakku Talita Tamara Sompie. Kebetulan dokter yang memeriksaku setelah 
ada hasil dari foto rontgen adalah kakakku sendiri yang dokter 
spesialis paru (Dr. Menaldy Rasmin SpP(K) ). Setelah melalui 
pemeriksaan yang lebih mendetail yaitu dilakukan broncoscopy dan 
biopsy, tidak ada jalan lain kecuali dilakukan operasi pengangkatan 
paru kanan bagian atas yang telah terkena kanker.

Saat itulah aku mulai takut karena terus terang selama hidup aku belum 
pernah yang namanya sakit berkepanjangan apalagi operasi dan harus 
diopname. Aku mulai menghindar setiap kali kakakku menanyakan kapan 
siap dioperasi. Aku hanya menjawab besok, besok, dan besok, yang 
sebenarnya sih aku amat sangat ketakutan untuk operasi. Malahan aku 
sempat lari ke pengobatan alternatif. Ternyata tidak membuahkan hasil 
yang aku harapkan.

Aku lalu datang ke tempat praktek kakakku dan menanyakan akibatnya 
bila aku gak mau operasi (sewaktu aku ke pengobatan alternatif kakakku 
gak tau). Kakakku bilang kalau aku gak dioperasi akan terjadi 
pembengkakan di tubuh bagian kanan, mulai dari tangan kanan terus ke 
dada kanan. Nah kalau sudah terjadi pembengkakan maka tidak bisa 
dilakukan operasi, yang ada hanya bila sakit akan diberi obat anti 
sakit, bila sesak napas akan diberi obat sesak napas, dengan kata lain 
aku tinggal menghitung hari untuk mati. Di situlah aku makin ketakutan, 
menyerah serta pasrah untuk dioperasi.

Operasi mulai disiapkan dan dijadwalkan karena operasi paru adalah 
operasi besar yang perlu persiapan yang mendetail, mulai dari periksa 
jantung, paru, gigi, tekanan darah, dan lain-lain yang memerlukan waktu 
beberapa hari. Di sini aku masih menawar pada kakakku, bahwa aku mau 
dioperasi tapi pemeriksaan persiapan operasi aku lakukan sambil jalan, 
jadi aku gak mau opname sejak pemeriksaan persiapan operasi dilakukan. 
Sebenarnya begini ini gak boleh, tapi karena fasilitas dari kakakku aku 
diijinkan melakukan pemeriksaan pra operasi tidak dengan nginap di 
rumah sakit.

Aku dijadwalkan dioperasi di RS Persahabatan, Rawamangun, Jakarta. 
Kebetulan lagi istriku kerja di RS Persahabatan sebagai dokter, dan 
memang RS Persahabatan adalah rumah sakit untuk paru-paru. Hampir semua 
pakar paru-paru ada di RS Persahabatan.

Aku baru masuk rumah sakit dua hari menjelang operasi yaitu tanggal 24 
Desember 2005, dan operasi dilakukan tanggal 27 Desember 2005 jam 08.00 
pagi. Operasi diperkirakan memakan waktu sekitar 5 (lima) jam. Saat itu 
aku merasakan takut yang amat sangat sehingga istriku diijinkan ikut 
masuk didalam kamar operasi untuk memberi semangat.

Aku baru sadar setelah operasi kira-kira jam 07.00 malam. Yang pertama 
aku lihat adalah istriku, anak-anakku, saudara-saudaraku, juga kakakku 
yang termasuk dalam tim dokter biarpun dia gak ikut menangani langsung. 
Kenapa semua orang-orang terdekatku bisa masuk kedalam ICU, karena 
dapat fasilitas dari direktur RS Persahabatan, sebab kakak dan istriku 
adalah dokter 

[wanita-muslimah] Ethiopia troops 'return to Somalia'

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

Saturday, June 20, 2009 
18:39 Mecca time, 15:39 GMT 

  Ethiopia troops 'return to Somalia' 
  Ethiopian troops previously entered Somalia in 2006 to drive 
out the Islamic Courts Union  [File: EPA]  
  Ethiopian troops have reportedly crossed into neighbouring Somalia after 
it made a plea for foreign troops to help it battle opposition fighters seeking 
to overthrow the government.

  Somalia's parliamentary speaker made the request on Saturday after 
several days of heavy fighting in the north of the capital, Mogadishu.

  The government is weakened by the rebel forces. We ask neighbouring 
countries - including Kenya, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Yemen - to send troops to 
Somalia within 24 hours, Sheikh Aden Mohamed Nur, the Somali parliamentary 
speaker, said.

  Ethiopian troops last entered Somalia in late 2006 to support the 
then-government and drive out Islamic Courts Union fighters led by Sharif 
Ahmed, the current president.

  Ahmed later joined the government after signing a UN-brokered peace deal 
and is now battling former allies from the al-Shabab and Hizbul-Islam groups, 
which have vowed to topple his government.

  Border security

  Al Jazeera's Mohammed Adow, reporting from Nairobi in Kenya, said that it 
remained to be seen what action Ethiopian forces would take.

  Ethiopia has got a big stake in what is going on in Somalia because it 
believes that its security would be threatened if the Islamist militias, such 
as al-Shabab, take over Somalia, he said.

In depth 

 Profile: Sharif Ahmed
 Timeline: Somalia
 Inside Story: What next for Somalia
 Video: Foreign fighters 'invade' Somalia
 Riz Khan: Somalia - From bad to worse
 Restoring Somalia
 A long road to stability
 Al-Shabab: Somali fighters undeterred
 Somalia at a crossroads
 Somaliland: Africa's isolated state

  But I doubt it is sending its forces into Somalia, unless it gets its 
actions sanctioned by the United Nations, which would take weeks, if not months.

  Ethiopia's return to Somalia might be about securing its borders rather 
than heading to Mogadishu. 

  Nur said that he had been forced to call for help after the opposition 
fighters had been bolstered by hundreds of foreigners. 

  We have a state of emergency in this country today because foreign 
fighters from all over the world are fighting the government, he said.

  Nur also said that an al-Qaeda operative from Pakistan was directing the 
fighting and was based in the Sanna neighbourhood of Mogadishu, close to the 
presidential palace.

  He did not provide any evidence for his claims.

  The United States has previously said that the al-Shabab movement, which 
has vowed to topple the government, is supported by al-Qaeda.

  Mohamed Sheikh Nor, a journalist in Mogadishu, told Al Jazeera that there 
was likely to be heavy fighting if the Ethiopian troops reached the central and 
southern areas controlled by the armed opposition groups.

  There will be confrontations and clashes, he said.

  Some of the politicians in the government say, however, that the 
Ethiopian troops can help set up the institutions of the government.

  Al-Shabab and Hizbul-Islam launched an offensive against government 
forces on May 7 and more than 300 civilians are believed to have been killed in 
the resulting fighting.

  Heavy fighting

  There were reports of heavy fighting on Saturday in Hamarweh, another 
suburb near the presidential palace, after clashes in the northern Karan 
district overnight.

  I saw heavily armed Islamist fighters advancing onto Hamarweh area. They 
are firing mortar shells and government forces are retaliating, Warsameh 
Ahmed, a Mogadishu resident, told the AFP news agency.

Kenya had been saying that it will attack the mujahidin of 
al-Shabab for the last four months. If it tries to, we will attack Kenya and 
destroy the tall buildings of Nairobi

Sheikh Hasan Yacqub,
al-Shabab spokesman

  It seems they are close to taking control of the area.

  Three high-profile government officials - the security minister, an MP 
and a senior police officer - have been killed in recent days.

  More than 4,300 Ugandan and Burundian soldiers are already deployed in 
Somalia as part of an African Union (AU) force and are charged with protecting 
strategic sites such as the presidency, the port and the airport.
  But the troops are not allowed to fight alongside government forces and 
are authorised only to retaliate if they come under direct attack.

  Kenya said on Friday that it would not sit by and allow the 

[wanita-muslimah] Change in Iran?

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

Sunday, June 21, 2009

VIEW: Change in Iran? -Dilip Hiro

 Even if Mousavi did succeed Ahmadinejad, there would be no change in Tehran's 
stance on the nuclear issue. What would be different would be the style - more 
measured and nuanced, with diplomatic niceties, shorn of the anti-Israeli, 
anti-West bluster characteristic of Ahmadinejad

For the first time since the founding of the Islamic Republic, following the 
Shah's overthrow by massive street demonstrations, the power of the state is 
being challenged. A broad-based coalition of reformist and pragmatic 
conservative Islamic elements has risen peacefully against the contested 
re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the hard line clerics, Revolutionary 
Guard commanders and intelligence officials around him.

The unseemly haste with which a landslide victory was attributed to Ahmadinejad 
has led to a protest unparalleled since the 1979 anti-Shah revolution. The poll 
was viewed as a referendum not only on the curtailment of social and cultural 
freedoms of Iranians, and the mismanagement of the economy, but also 
Ahmadinejad's unnecessarily provocative statements on Iran's relations with the 
West and Israel, as well as the nuclear issue. So, the outcome of the current 
crisis will reverberate beyond Iran's border.

Shaken by the protest, the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamanei asked the 
12-member Guardian Council to investigate the challengers' complaints. The 
Council is the ultimate authority for validating the poll. Its decision could 
go down in history as a crucial turning point for the Islamic Republic and the 

In many ways this election has been different. Traditionally, the Iranian 
regime loosens its iron grip over dissenters and oppositionists during the 
presidential election campaign, and rules regarding watching satellite TV are 
relaxed in a bid to encourage voters to participate in the poll.

The three 90-minute TV debates between the incumbent President Mahmoud 
Ahmadinejad and each one of his three challengers provided an unprecedented 
opportunity for the opposition leaders to criticise the government before an 
estimated audience of 50 million. These no-holds barred debates proved 
thrilling. This was particularly true of the one between Ahmadinejad and 
Mousavi, who was Iran's prime minister during the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War. At one 
point Mousavi derided Ahmadinejad's foreign policy as one founded on 
adventurism, illusionism, exhibitionism, extremism and superficiality.

Also unique to this election, young supporters of Mousavi used text messages as 
never before to shore up votes for him. Enthusiastic backing by Mohammed 
Khatami, the elder statesman of the reformist camp, bolstered Mousavi's 
standing too, and led to massive pre-election rallies.

At 84%, voter participation was the second highest after the record 88% in 1997 
when seven out of ten voters backed Khatami as president.

As a rule, a high turn-out means that more of the upper-middle and upper class 
Iranians - often secular - bothered to go to the polling stations. In general, 
as a largely alienated group in a theocratic system, they find voting 
pointless. The second highest voter turn-out in the eleventh presidential poll 
on June 12 indicated a surge of support for reformist Mousavi against 

It was not just the professional pollsters who predicted victory for Mousavi - 
albeit based on samples limited to ten largest cities - but also a private 
polling of 5,000 Iranians conducted nationwide for Khamanei. Its result, leaked 
to the Sunday Times of London, showed 58% backing Mousavi.

Little wonder that the official result of 62.6% for the incumbent and nearly 
34% for Mousavi - collated and announced within two hours of the polling ending 
at midnight without the presence of the candidates' monitors - came as a shock 
to most people in Iran and abroad.

Since then, among the varying statistics that have appeared on the opposition 
websites, one, attributed to an informed source in the Interior Ministry, 
gives Mousavi 57.2% of the vote, Ahmadinejad 28%, and the remaining two 
contestants together nearly 15%, versus the 3% accorded to them by the official 

At home, the silent marches of hundreds of thousands of supporters of Mousavi 
in Tehran and other cities on June 15 and 16 showed the widespread distrust of 
the poll results.

Responding to the protest by all three opposition candidates, Khamanei 
instructed the Guardian Council on June 15 to consider precisely their 
complaints. Describing the announced result as provisional, the council's 
spokesman said that it would rule within the next 10 days. While conceding a 
possible change in the final tally after a recount, he ruled out a wholesale 
re-run of the election. Therefore the street protests are continuing with a 
plan to pray in mosques on Friday for those martyred in the official 

[wanita-muslimah] Iranian opposition to rally despite ban, as world looks on

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

Sunday, June 21, 2009 08:24

  Iranian opposition to rally despite ban, as world looks on

  TEHRAN - Iran's opposition vowed to defy on Saturday an order by the 
supreme leader to halt street protests over last weeks election as US President 
Barack Obama said the world was watching.

  An aide to defeated presidential candidate Mehdi Karroubi told AFP the 
rally will be held in Tehran at 4:00 pm (1130 GMT).

  The rally comes as Karroubi and the two other defeated candidates, former 
premier Mir Hossein Mousavi and ex-Revolutionary Guards' chief Mohsen Rezai, 
meet officials to discuss alleged electoral violations.

  After supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Friday banned marches and 
warned that candidates would be held responsible for any violence, Tehran 
authorities denied permission for the march, organised by Karroubis campaign 
and a reformist group, Combattant Clerics Assembly.

  Late on Friday, witnesses reported that many members of the hardline 
Basij militia had deployed in Tehran streets, for the first time in full 
uniform and helmets, carrying clubs and some of them Kalashnikov rifles. 
However, they had withdrawn from their positions on Saturday morning.

  In demanding an end to protests, Khamenei warned that otherwise there 
could be further bloodshed beyond the seven deaths reported by state radio. 
Amnesty International said on Friday it had information of up to 10 deaths.

  Beyond Khamenei's general warning, Mousavi was singled out by the head of 
Iran's security council on Saturday for a specific one.

  Your national duty tells you to refrain from provoking illegal 
gatherings, Abbas Mohtaj, who is also deputy interior minister, said in a 
letter to him. Should you provoke and call for these illegal rallies you will 
be responsible for the consequences, he said.

  Iran's capital has been rocked by daily demonstrations since the disputed 
re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on June 12 drew claims from 
leading rival and former premier Mousavi of massive vote fraud.

  Siding with Ahmadinejad in his first public appearance since the vote, 
Khamenei ruled out major fraud in the poll. The people have chosen whom they 
wanted, Khamenei said in a prayer sermon on Friday, referring to Ahmadinejad.

  I see some people more suitable for serving the country than others but 
the people made their choice, he said to cheers from tens of thousands of 
faithful, who included Ahmadinejad.

  World is watching
  Afterwards, Obama warned Iran that the world is watching its actions. 
I'm very concerned based on some of the tenor and tone of the statements that 
have been made that the government of Iran recognise that the world is 
watching, Obama said on US television on Friday.

  And how they approach and deal with people who are, through peaceful 
means, trying to be heard will, I think, send a pretty clear signal to the 
international community about what Iran is and is not.

  Obama also attempted to debunk claims by some in the Iranian leadership 
that demonstrators were acting at the behest of the United States, which has 
had a history of antagonism with Iran since the 1979 Islamic revolution.

  Senior US officials earlier stressed that Washington was making strenuous 
efforts to avoid being drawn into the crisis in a way that could be used by the 
government against the demonstrators.

  The more the United States looks like they are going to interfere, the 
more it is going to be detrimental, said one official on condition of 
anonymity. This is not about us.

  Despite assurances by top officials that Washington would not inject 
itself into the crisis, both houses of the US Congress voted to condemn 
violence against demonstrators by the Iranian government.

  A House of Representatives resolution, adopted by a vote of 405-1, 
expressed its support for all Iranian citizens who embrace the values of 
freedom, human rights, civil liberties and rule of law.

  Mousavi, Karroubi and Rezai invited
  Karroubi has become the second losing candidate to demand a new election, 
in a letter to the electoral watchdog the Guardians' Council.

  Mousavi has repeatedly demanded a re-run of the poll, denouncing the 
election as a shameful fraud.

  But Khamenei said there could be no doubting Ahmadinejad's re-election to 
a second four-year term, despite the 646 alleged poll violations registered by 
the three defeated candidates with the Guardians' Council. The legal 
mechanisms in our country do not allow cheating. How can one cheat with a 
margin of 11 million votes?

  Mousavi, Karroubi and Rezai have been invited to set out their grievances 
before the Guardians' Council election watchdog on Saturday, with a response 
expected on Sunday.

  In addition to the United States, other world powers 

[wanita-muslimah] Report: At least 19 killed in Iran protests

2009-06-20 Terurut Topik sunny

Last update - 08:20 21/06/2009 

  Report: At least 19 killed in Iran protests  
  By Haaretz Service and News Agencies  
  Tags: Israel News, Ahmadinejad  

  At least 19 people were killed in Iran on Saturday, CNN quoted a Tehran 
hospital source as saying, as thousands of protesters marched on waiting 
security forces that fought back with baton charges, tear gas and water 

  CNN also cited unconfirmed reports as putting the death toll as 150 on 
the seventh day of post-election protests, which took place in defiance of the 
Islamic Republic's highest authority. 

  Witnesses said 2,000 to 3,000 were on the streets, fewer than the 
hundreds of thousands earlier in the week, but a clear challenge to Supreme 
Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who used his sermon Friday to endorse disputed 
election results that gave hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a landslide 


  Many of the protesters, wearing black, chanted Death to the dictator! 
and Death to dictatorship! near Revolution Square in downtown Tehran, setting 
off fierce clashes with police. 

  Iran's state television, meanwhile, reported Sunday that the Islamic 
Republic has arrested members of an exiled opposition group it accused of 
terrorist activities including setting buses on fire and destroying public 

  The report, which did not directly mention the election or the unrest, 
said the arrested members of the Mujahideen Khalq Organisation had entered Iran 
after receiving training in neighbouring Iraq. It said they were guided by the 
group's operation room in Britain. 

  Leaders of this group had encouraged members to carry out terrorist 
activities such as setting buses and gas stations on fire and attacking Basijis 
[Islamic militiamen] and destroying public property, state television said. 

  It did not say how many people were arrested or when. 

  Report: Suicide bomber attacks Khomeini shrine 

  In a separate incident, a state-run television channel reported that a 
suicide bombing at the shrine of the Islamic Revolution leader Ayatollah 
Ruhollah Khomeini killed at least two people and wounded eight. The report 
could be not independently evaluated due to government restrictions on 

  Also Saturday, Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi declared he 
is ready for martyrdom, according to aides, as he called on his supporters to 
continue protesting despite warnings by Khamenei that violations of the law 
will result in bloodshed. 

  On his Web site, Mousavi also called for a national strike if he is 
arrested. In a letter to Iran's Guardian Council, which is investigating 
voting-fraud allegations in the June 12 presidential election, he said some 
ballot boxes had been sealed before voting began. 

  He also said thousands of his representatives had been expelled from 
polling stations and some mobile polling stations had boxes filled with fake 

  The council, Iran's highest legislative body, said Saturday it was ready 
to recount a random 10 percent of the votes cast in the June 12 poll to meet 
the complaints of Mousavi and two other candidates who lost to Ahmadinejad. 

  Related articles: 

  a.. ANALYSIS / Mousavi testing how far he can take Iran protests 

  a.. Zvi Bar'el / Which Iran would Israel bomb? 

  a.. Obama urges Iran to halt violence against 

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