Re: [Wicket-user] [tutorial] Wicket + Spring integration - revisited

2006-10-05 Thread Leszek Gawron
igor.vaynberg wrote:
 this is nice.
 what i do like about it
 * you can inject anything anywhere
 what i dont like is
 * post constructor injection like youve mentioned - delegate or not it still
 sucks, a different pointcut is needed
yes .. that's ugly. I have posted a question on spring forum - have no 
answer yet (will also try on aspectj lists)

 * you have to keep your variables transient - very easy mistake to make,
 otherwise big boo boo might happen if the dependency is serializable and you
 wont know until much later
Why would you want your services serializable?

 * you have to inject everything - ie i cant take an instance of injected
 service and pass it to some other component to use
Do you really need to pass the service if you could just inject it also 
into target?

 * i dont like @Configure on the entire object, i like per-field annotations
 on the fields
that is probably the matter of taste. @Configurable gives you 2 work modes:

- the ability to autowire all setters by type or name:

- injection configuration from a prototype
public class MyModel {
 private FooService fooService;

 //setter here

and in applicationContext :
bean class=com.mycompany.MyModel scope=prototype
!-- do any injection types you like --

In the second mode you can mix different injection types so it doesn't 
really matter the annotation is defined at class level.

I do not know if it is possible to configure AOP with field level 

 * you have to have access to the java runtime args to install the weaver
not really. You can weave your classes 3 different ways:

- LTW - Load-Time Weaving, the classes are weaved as they are loaded at 
runtime. This is the only one that requires java agent configuration on 
command line

- aspectj compiler - compile your classes with special compiler. As the 
compiler extends standard JDT compiler you can use it on any classes 
(not only those to be weaved). For those using maven there is a special 
plugin utilising aspectj compiler.

- aspectj weaver - even if you have no access to java source you can 
weave .class files or whole jars that you compiled with standard compiler.

 what is needed to fix this
 * a different aspect that wraps the bean in the wicket-proxy just like we do
 now - that should give you the ultimate freedom, 
agreed, I will investigate the problem further

but then what worries me is
 if tomcat will let you cluster objects loaded through aspectj classloader.
I do not think this will be a problem when offline weaving is used. The 
class is loaded just as an ordinary class. Needs testing though.

Leszek Gawron

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[Wicket-user] Menu bar implementation

2006-10-05 Thread Stefan Lindner
I have uploaded a first initial implementation of a menu bar to

Please not the following items

1. Only one menu bar per page

2. Currently 3 types of links supported

3. Example code in MenuBarPanel's javadoc

Ejoy it and tell me about your experience


Stefan Lindner


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Re: [Wicket-user] ajax refresh on date picker

2006-10-05 Thread Pierre-Yves Saumont
I changed the value to 10. It does not change anything. I don't know if 
it can be usefull, but I added the line:


before line 120. When loading the Ajax response that contains the 
datepicker, this alert is displayed 10 times with values 0 to 9.


Matej Knopp a écrit :
 That's not really the problem. The javascript _is_ included only once. 
 Problem is the performance improvement I did, calling the run method 
 from call stack instead of scheduling it on window.setTimeout(). The 
 latter is very slow, because it redraws browser window.
 Anyway, it should no longer cause problem. Please make sure you've 
 cleaned browsers cache. If this is the case, please try to change the 
 number in wicket-ajax.js on line 120 (if (this.depth  50 || 
 try to set it to lower number, like 10 to see if it helps. Perhaps I'm 
 still overestimating the stack size? It's strange because I've tested 
 the code on large ajax updates and it worked well.
 igor.vaynberg wrote:
 is it possible to change calendar.js and include an include_only_once logic?


 Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
 Hello Matej,

 I eventually found the updated file. (I was looking for the calendar.js 
 file, and not for wicket-ajax.js). It doesn't change anything. I still 
 have a too much recursion error at line 1796 of calendar.js


 Matej Knopp a ?crit :
 I assume there's something wrong with your svn setup. The revision of 
 wicket-ajax.js in svn is 7534, it's 3 days old*checkout*/wicket/branches/wicket-1.x/wicket/src/java/wicket/ajax/wicket-ajax.js?revision=7534

 Maybe it would help to do a clean checkout of entire project.


 Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
 Hi Matej,

 I can't find anything newer than revision 7520 (udpate of the french 
 files) in branche 1.x and  revision 7519 in trunk.

 Where did you put the updated files?



 Matej Knopp a ?crit :

 it should be fixed in SVN, but I can't really test it. I've simulated 
 updating of many elements so that I could reproduce the stack 
 overflow, but I don't know if that is your case.

 please try the current version and let me know.


 Matej Knopp wrote:
 Sorry for this, I've underestimated the stack size of browsers. 
 Expect it to be fixed withing couple of hours.


 Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
 Hi Samyem,

 Could you send me your script, so that I can see if it solves the 
 problem for me?



 samyem a ?crit :
 I could trace my problem to a recent change in wicket-ajax.js. In
 defination of processNext, it used to be that the run was called on
 timeout like window.setTimeout(run, 1);. Now this is only called for
 isKHTML, and there is a direct call to run() otherwise. This for 
 some reason
 gave the recursion error for me. When I reverted this line and use 
 timeout version, the recursion error disappeared. I am not sure 
 about the
 big picture of what's going on, but that gave me a dirty fix for

 - Samyem

 samyem wrote:
 Same here. I am getting too much recursion in places I didn't 
 have problem
 earlier as well. Looking at the generated source, it is clear 
 that the
 java script gets included more than once, not just once in the 

 - Samyem

 Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
 I am afraid there is still a problem. I tested the fix in the 
 quickstart I had made and it worked fine. However, in my 
 application, selecting a date in the datepicker cause a 
 Javascript error. FF reports this error

 Erreur : too much recursion
 Fichier source : 

 Ligne : 1796

 Date.prototype.__msh_oldSetFullYear = Date.prototype.setFullYear;
 Date.prototype.setFullYear = function(y) {
var d = new Date(this);  line 
if (d.getMonth() != this.getMonth())

 In IE6, the error message is not enough stack space. The same 
 line number is reported, but the next line is highlighted:

 Date.prototype.__msh_oldSetFullYear = Date.prototype.setFullYear;
 Date.prototype.setFullYear = function(y) {
var d = new Date(this);
d.__msh_oldSetFullYear(y);  line
if (d.getMonth() != this.getMonth())

 If I reload the page, the error disapears.


 Matej Knopp a ?crit :
 Thanks for fixed files, I've already commited those.


 Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
 Now it seems to work fine provided the locale switching is 
 made through reloading the page and not through Ajax. (I 
 enclosed the modified french scripts, in utf8 and iso.)

 If switching is made through Ajax, it works much better than 
 it did before. If the datepicker is visible when switching, 
 switching works fine. If the datepicker is 

[Wicket-user] Fwd: modal window link from inside a repeater (ListView)

2006-10-05 Thread Scott Swank
I'll try this again and see whether the mail list is feeling friendlier this morning than it was Saturday.-- Forwarded message --From: Scott Swank
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Sep 30, 2006 3:02 PMSubject: modal window link from inside a repeater (ListView)To: 
wicket-user@lists.sourceforge.netHello again.I am trying to open a modal window from within a repeater. In the example application Library, my goal is equivalent to opening BookDetails in a ModalWindow instead of going to a separate page.

All of the below works perfectly if I place the html anchor outside of the html table and if I add() the AjaxLink outside of the ListView. I have a simple panel:wicket:panel div wicket:id=editItemPopup/div
  table tr thProduct/th thSku/th thPrice/th th wicket:id=day17/1/th /tr
 tr wicket:id=items td wicket:id=productThe Hotel/td td wicket:id=skuKing/td td wicket:id=price$100/td
 td a wicket:id=openEditItem href=""> span wicket:id=available20/span /a /td /tr
 /table/wicket:panelpublic class ProductPanel extends Panel { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3546659646601591561L; private Availability availability;
 public ProductPanel(String id) {  super(id);  final ModalWindow editItemWindow = new ModalWindow(editItemPopup);  editItemWindow.setTitle(Add/Edit Item);
  editItemWindow.setContent(new EditItemPanel(editItemWindow.getContentId()));  add(editItemWindow);  add(new Label(day1, 10/1));  ListWarehouseItem whsItems = WarehouseService
.getAvailability(ProductType.HOTEL);  availability = new Availability(whsItems);  ListView itemView = new ListView(items, availability.getSkuAvailabilities()) {
   private static final long serialVersionUID = 7672521500786369826L;   @Override   protected void populateItem(ListItem listItem) {SkuAvailability skuAvailability = (SkuAvailability) listItem
  .getModelObject();Sku sku = skuAvailability.getSku();listItem.add(new Label(product, sku.getProductName()));listItem.add
(new Label(sku, 
sku.getName()));listItem.add(new Label(price, String.valueOf(skuAvailability  .getWarehouseItem().getPrice(;Date d = availability.getEventDates

().first();WarehouseItem wItem = skuAvailability.getWarehouseItem(d);add(new AjaxLink(openEditItem) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
 public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {; }});int qty = 0;if (wItem != null)
 qty = wItem.getQuantityAvailable();listItem.add(new Label(available, String.valueOf(qty)));   }  };  add(itemView); }
}Unfortunately, when I add the AjaxLink within the ListView I get the following exception. I'm likely missing something rather simple, but thus far it's eluding me. Thank you for your time.

WicketMessage: Error attaching this container for rendering: [MarkupContainer [Component id = items, page =, path = 0:navTabs:panel:productTabs:panel:items.ProductPanel$1, isVisible = true, isVersioned = false]]
Root cause:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: A child with id 'openEditItem' already exists:[MarkupContainer [Component id = items, page =, path = 0:navTabs:panel:productTabs:panel:
items.ProductPanel$1, isVisible = true, isVersioned = false]] at wicket.MarkupContainer.add( at$1.populateItem( at 
wicket.markup.html.list.ListView.internalOnAttach( at wicket.Component.internalAttach( at wicket.MarkupContainer.internalAttach( at 
wicket.MarkupContainer.internalAttach( at wicket.MarkupContainer.internalAttach( at wicket.MarkupContainer.internalAttach(
 at wicket.MarkupContainer.internalAttach( at wicket.MarkupContainer.internalAttach( at wicket.Page.renderPage( at
( at wicket.request.compound.DefaultResponseStrategy.respond( at wicket.request.compound.AbstractCompoundRequestCycleProcessor.respond
( at wicket.RequestCycle.doProcessEventsAndRespond( at wicket.RequestCycle.processEventsAndRespond( at 
wicket.RequestCycle.step( at wicket.RequestCycle.steps( at wicket.RequestCycle.request( at wicket.protocol.http.WicketServlet.doGet
( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle
( at 

Re: [Wicket-user] Problem with RepeatingView in trunk

2006-10-05 Thread Johan Compagner
what you do is illegal it shouldnt also work in 1.2what you should do is:
RepeatingView r=new RepeatingView();WebMarkupContainer item=new WebMarkupContainer(r, r.newChildId());new Label(item, Label(item, create,...johan
On 9/27/06, Alberto Bueno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi,In Wicket 1.2 I had this code:RepeatingView r = new RepeatingView(form);r.add(new Label(view,view));r.add(new Label(create,create));
add(r);Now in trunk I have:RepeatingView r = new RepeatingView(form, toolbar);new Label(r, view,view);new Label(r, create,create);
but this code doesn't run now. If I change the ids of the labels bynumbers like:RepeatingView r = new RepeatingView(form, toolbar);new Label(r, 1,view);
new Label(r, 2,create);then it works. But my problem is that I have predefined components withtheir specific ids and I cannotchange these ids.Why doesn't it run as previous version? Are there another solution to
use another kind of ids?Thanks-Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of ITJoin's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your
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Re: [Wicket-user] [tutorial] Wicket + Spring integration - revisited

2006-10-05 Thread Eelco Hillenius
Yeah. I'm using a similar patter for non-Wicket cases too. I actually
prefer this to wiring using XML.


On 10/3/06, Joni Freeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, it works. I use it in many places.


 On Tue, 2006-10-03 at 16:28 +0200, Matej Knopp wrote:
  But it should. I don't see reason why this wouldn't work? If I recall
  correctly it worked for me.
  Leszek Gawron wrote:
   Eelco Hillenius wrote:
   I just wanted to share another way of injecting spring services into
   wicket code. This one uses AOP.
   - o - Why another approach? - o -
   Using wicket-spring along with wicket-spring-annot works nicely for
   components (althought you have to remember not initializing it
   but does not work for other parts of application - models. Just ask
   self how many times you have put a spring service into wicket page
   to pass it to model constructed:
   Thanks for the contribution. It's always good to know multiple ways
   of doing this. However, in this case I was wondering whether you
   tried this?
   public class SomeModel extends SomeOtherModel {
  @SpringBean MyService service;
  public SomeModel() {
   yep .. didn't work. Only Components get the dependencies injected.
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[Wicket-user] modal window link from inside a repeater (ListView)

2006-10-05 Thread Scott Swank
Hello again.I am trying to open a modal window from within a repeater. In the example application Library, my goal is equivalent to opening BookDetails in a ModalWindow instead of going to a separate page.
All of the below works perfectly if I place the html anchor outside of the html table and if I add() the AjaxLink outside of the ListView. I have a simple panel:wicket:panel div wicket:id=editItemPopup/div
  table tr thProduct/th thSku/th thPrice/th th wicket:id=day17/1/th /tr
 tr wicket:id=items td wicket:id=productThe Hotel/td td wicket:id=skuKing/td td wicket:id=price$100/td
 td a wicket:id=openEditItem href=""> span wicket:id=available20/span /a /td /tr
 /table/wicket:panelpublic class ProductPanel extends Panel { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3546659646601591561L; private Availability availability;
 public ProductPanel(String id) {  super(id);  final ModalWindow editItemWindow = new ModalWindow(editItemPopup);  editItemWindow.setTitle(Add/Edit Item);
  editItemWindow.setContent(new EditItemPanel(editItemWindow.getContentId()));  add(editItemWindow);  add(new Label(day1, 10/1));  ListWarehouseItem whsItems = WarehouseService
.getAvailability(ProductType.HOTEL);  availability = new Availability(whsItems);  ListView itemView = new ListView(items, availability.getSkuAvailabilities()) {
   private static final long serialVersionUID = 7672521500786369826L;   @Override   protected void populateItem(ListItem listItem) {SkuAvailability skuAvailability = (SkuAvailability) listItem
  .getModelObject();Sku sku = skuAvailability.getSku();listItem.add(new Label(product, sku.getProductName()));listItem.add(new Label(sku, 
sku.getName()));listItem.add(new Label(price, String.valueOf(skuAvailability  .getWarehouseItem().getPrice(;Date d = availability.getEventDates
().first();WarehouseItem wItem = skuAvailability.getWarehouseItem(d);add(new AjaxLink(openEditItem) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
 public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {; }});int qty = 0;if (wItem != null)
 qty = wItem.getQuantityAvailable();listItem.add(new Label(available, String.valueOf(qty)));   }  };  add(itemView); }
}Unfortunately, when I add the AjaxLink within the ListView I get the following exception. I'm likely missing something rather simple, but thus far it's eluding me. Thank you for your time.
WicketMessage: Error attaching this container for rendering: [MarkupContainer [Component id = items, page =, path = 0:navTabs:panel:productTabs:panel:items.ProductPanel$1, isVisible = true, isVersioned = false]]
Root cause:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: A child with id 'openEditItem' already exists:[MarkupContainer [Component id = items, page =, path = 0:navTabs:panel:productTabs:panel:
items.ProductPanel$1, isVisible = true, isVersioned = false]] at wicket.MarkupContainer.add( at$1.populateItem( at wicket.markup.html.list.ListView.internalOnAttach
( at wicket.Component.internalAttach( at wicket.MarkupContainer.internalAttach( at wicket.MarkupContainer.internalAttach(
:354) at wicket.MarkupContainer.internalAttach( at wicket.MarkupContainer.internalAttach( at wicket.MarkupContainer.internalAttach(
:354) at wicket.MarkupContainer.internalAttach( at wicket.Page.renderPage( at
:226) at wicket.request.compound.DefaultResponseStrategy.respond( at wicket.request.compound.AbstractCompoundRequestCycleProcessor.respond(
:66) at wicket.RequestCycle.doProcessEventsAndRespond( at wicket.RequestCycle.processEventsAndRespond( at wicket.RequestCycle.step(
 at wicket.RequestCycle.steps( at wicket.RequestCycle.request( at wicket.protocol.http.WicketServlet.doGet( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service
( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle( at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.WebApplicationHandler.dispatch
( at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle( at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle( at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.WebApplicationContext.handle

Re: [Wicket-user] Redeploy error with JBoss and Tomcat

2006-10-05 Thread Johan Compagner
You change the signature somehow of the Session metadata field.So it can't restore the state that tomcat did save to disk.This is something that can't be helped much if you really alter structures/classes.It will then be much harder to just restore the session that where stored on disk when tomcat shutsdown.
So this is only a problem when upgrading a webapplication that is changed it shouldn't be a problem after that.johanOn 10/2/06, Henk Laracker


After i have impleme
nted my own
 Websession I
 get the following error when 
I redeploy the war file

ERROR [ManagerBase] Exception loading sessions from persistent storage

: cannot assign instance of [Lwicket.MetaDataEntry; to field wicket.Session.metaData of type [Lwicket.MetaDataEntry
; in instance of nl.planon.web.session.PnWebSession

 I doing wrong?

Henk Laracker
Lead Architect

Planon B.V.

Wijchenseweg 8
6537 TL Nijmegen
P.O. Box 38074
6503 AB Nijmegen
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0) 24 641 3135
F: +31 (0) 24 642 2942

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Re: [Wicket-user] [tutorial] Wicket + Spring integration - revisited

2006-10-05 Thread Johan Compagner
 - o - Gotchas - o -Every programming solutions got one. This one also. With current
@Configurable implementation services get injected AFTER the injectee iscreated (after all constructors got invoked). That means this won't work: public class LeaguePage extends BaseSquasherPage { private LeagueService leagueService;
 public LeaguePage( PageParameters parameters ) throws StringValueConversionException { Long leagueId = parameters.getLong( id ); // nasty NPE here!
 League league = leagueService.loadLeague( leagueId ); add( new Label( leagueName, league.getName() ) ); } }Why is that?did you look what the did change in the byte codes?
At what point do they really do the injection?johan
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Re: [Wicket-user] new initiative for a user guide

2006-10-05 Thread Stefan Kanev
I'm a big fan of JPA myself, but a JPA application is not easy to distribute since the akward policy Sun has for their enterprise jars. Thus I cannot create an application that is as easily runned localy as mvn jetty:run - I'm having the same problem with the commercial projects I'm doing and with a small JPA test fixtures API I've been trying to put up and I'm pretty much sick of it. I think it is a better idea to use hibernate (if use any persistence at all) than to sacrifice the easiness of the sample application portability.

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Re: [Wicket-user] Ajax submit of ListView

2006-10-05 Thread Frank Bille
Hey ChuckOn 10/2/06, ChuckDeal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have the Ajax submit for the radio buttons working, but my problem is withstoring the value in the associated date field.When you say this what do you mean by working? You are using the AjaxFormSubmitBehavior, right?
When I use the tradionalonSelectionChanged event, this date does get persisted.I know that I need
to do the legwork in the Ajax case to persist the date field's value, but Ican't figure out how to get the values from the ajax request or maybe Ican't figure out how to post the values with the request.
You actually doesn't have to do any legwork to get ajax to persist the values from the input fields. As long as they are correctly associated with the models then it should work just fine. Without having seen your code I have a feeling that it is because your don't use AjaxFormSubmitBehavior on your radiobox' corretly, since the onSelectedChanged works.
If you still have problems please show us some code which describes your problem.Frank
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Re: [Wicket-user] NullPointerException in ListView

2006-10-05 Thread Johan Compagner
do you have any code sample to share?johanOn 10/3/06, kevinr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm receiving a null pointer exception within the ListView component. TheListView is trying to render null ListItems. From what I can see,populateItem isn't even being called. I can't tell if this is a bug, or if
I'm doing something wrong. I'm using ListViews in other sections of my codeand I do not see anything different as far as how I am utilizing them. I'musing version 1.2.1. If anyone has seen this issue before, please let me
know. Any help is appeciated.Thanks in advance.He's a partial of the stack trace:WicketMessage: Exception in rendering component: [MarkupContainer [Componentid = panel, page =
, path =2:panel.OperatorAdmin$OperatorEditPanel, isVisible = true, isVersioned =true]]Root cause:java.lang.NullPointerException atwicket.markup.html.list.ListView.renderItem( atwicket.markup.html.list.ListView.onRender
( atwicket.Component.render( this message in context:
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Re: [Wicket-user] CheckGroupSelector with CheckBox

2006-10-05 Thread Johan Compagner
can't you override:protected boolean wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications() {  return false; }of CheckGroup?johanOn 9/27/06, 
Decebal Suiu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Can I use CheckGroupSelector with CheckBox (insteadCheck) ?Because I want to be notified when a selection waschanged (CheckBox.onSelectionChanged)?Thanks,Decebal__
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Re: [Wicket-user] [tutorial] Wicket + Spring integration - revisited

2006-10-05 Thread Frank Bille
Hey LeszekLooks good. If you have time for it couldn't you turn this into a wiki? In that way it's easier for users to find this.
FrankOn 10/3/06, Leszek Gawron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello,I just wanted to share another way of injecting spring services intowicket code. This one uses AOP.- o - Why another approach? - o -Using wicket-spring along with wicket-spring-annot works nicely for
components (althought you have to remember not initializing it yourself)but does not work for other parts of application - models. Just ask yourself how many times you have put a spring service into wicket page only
to pass it to model constructed: public class RankingPanel extends Panel { @SpringBean private LeagueService leagueService; public RankingPanel( String id, IModel leagueModel ) {
 super( id ); add( new ListView( ranking, new RankingModel( leagueService, leagueModel ) ) { @Override protected void populateItem( ListItem listItem ) {
 PlayerRank rank = (PlayerRank) listItem.getModelObject(); listItem.add( new Label( position, String.valueOf( rank.getPosition() ) ) ); listItem.add
( new Label( player, rank.getPlayer().getFullName() ) ); } } ); } }If you could have your model injected with appropriate service thiswould probably be:
 public class RankingPanel extends Panel { public RankingPanel( String id, IModel leagueModel ) { super( id ); add( new ListView( ranking, new RankingModel( leagueModel ) ) {
 @Override protected void populateItem( ListItem listItem ) { PlayerRank rank = (PlayerRank) listItem.getModelObject(); listItem.add( new Label( position, 
String.valueOf( rank.getPosition() ) ) ); listItem.add( new Label( player, rank.getPlayer().getFullName() ) ); } } ); } }
- o - What you'll need - o -- your current fancy project- one fresh spring (at least 2.0 M1). I have used 2.0-rc2.- one ripe aspectj (
) especially aspectjrt and aspectjweaver. I have used 1.5.2.- java 1.5 (there are probably some ways to do it with 1.4 - didn'tbother to try)- o - Implementation - o -Spring 2.0
 M1 introduced @Configurable annotation [1]. We can use it toinject spring beans into ANY object (not only created by spring but alsosimply instantiated with new MyObject() ).Let's create a simple spring context:
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? beans xmlns= xmlns:xsi= xmlns:aop=
 xmlns:tx= xsi:schemaLocation= bean class=org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.RequiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
/ aop:spring-configured/ bean id=leagueService class=com.mobilebox.squasher.service.impl.LeagueServiceImpl autowire=byName/
 /beansWe have a single service declared here. What's more important isaop:spring-configured/ which simply saying turns on Spring AspectJmachinery. Please refer to [1] for additional info.
Now let's build a wicket model: @Configurable(autowire = Autowire.BY_NAME, dependencyCheck = true) public class RankingModel extends LoadableDetachableModel { protected transient LeagueService leagueService;
 public void setLeagueService( LeagueService leagueService ) { this.leagueService = leagueService; } public RankingModel( IModel master ) { 
this.master = master; } @SuppressWarnings(unchecked) @Override protected Object load() { return new LinkedList( leagueService.getRanking( 
leagueService.loadRound( (Long) master.getObject( null ) ) ) ); } }Nothing shocking. Just remember to annotate your class with@Configurable and make your reference to LeagueService transient.
You need to put an additional file on the classpath to make it all work.The location should be META-INF/aop.xml. Mine states: aspectj weaver options=-showWeaveInfo -XmessageHandlerClass:
org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJWeaverMessageHandler include within=com.mobilebox.squasher..*/ /weaver aspects include within=
org.springframework.beans.factory.aspectj.AnnotationBeanConfigurerAspect/ /aspects /aspectjYou can drop aspectj/weaver/@options. This is only for debuggingpurposes. Remember to change 
aspectj/weaver/include/@within attribute tomatch the package (and subpackages) you want weaved.That's all for coding. Let's run it.- o - Running - o -Put aspectjrt.jar on classpath. Create you JVM with additional option
(adjust aspectjweaver location): java -javaagent:lib/aspectjweaver.jar com.mobilebox.squasher.launcher.JettyRunnerIf you run your container from withing Eclipse IDE put'-javaagent:lib/aspectjweaver.jar' in 'VM arguments' editbox.
That's all. AspectJ will weave your RankingModel class on load andinject leagueService reference. 

[Wicket-user] Refreshing problem with ajax component

2006-10-05 Thread Marc-Andre Houle
It seem's that I have a problem in my application similar to those one :
My problem look like this : I open a page and load an Ajax Tree. I click on one item, I hit F5, I click on the same item, and I do another F5 and boom. The exemple doesn't seem's to have this problem.This is the error : 
Root cause:java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot remove [MarkupContainer [Component id = 0, page = No Page, path = 0.Loop$LoopItem]] from null parent! at wicket.Component.remove
( at wicket.version.undo.Add.undo( at wicket.version.undo.ChangeList.undo( at wicket.version.undo.UndoPageVersionManager.undo(
:217) at wicket.version.undo.UndoPageVersionManager.getVersion( at wicket.Page.getVersion( at wicket.PageMap.get( at wicket.Session.getPage
( at wicket.request.compound.DefaultRequestTargetResolverStrategy.resolveRenderedPage( at wicket.request.compound.DefaultRequestTargetResolverStrategy.resolve
( at wicket.request.compound.AbstractCompoundRequestCycleProcessor.resolve( at wicket.RequestCycle.step(
:948) at wicket.RequestCycle.steps( at wicket.RequestCycle.request( at wicket.protocol.http.WicketServlet.doGet( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service
( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter
( at com.interfacing.epc.util.hibernate.HibernateSessionFilter.doFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
:202) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( at org.jboss.web.tomcat.filters.ReplyHeaderFilter.doFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter
( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
:213) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke( at at
( at at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke( at 
org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service
( at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process( at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.processConnection(
:744) at at at

I would like to know if the bug have been adressed. In the first link, the person say something like disactivating page versionning. So to make a test, I have tried make this in applicationgetPageSettings ().setMaxPageVersions (0);
And then, redone the test. My problem with this is that it does not crash, but it take me to the Page expired page..So here are the real question : 1-Is it really a valid solution to disable page versionning? What are the implication. I have checked and I haven't found any documentation on page versionning.
2 - Am I disabling page versionning in the correct way?3 - Is this a bug of my application?Thanks in advance.Marc
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Re: [Wicket-user] License for CMS (components)

2006-10-05 Thread Johan Compagner
can they really do that?I think you can make a close source project on top of it. But shouldn't the wicket part, that is written by all of us, still be open? johan
On 9/26/06, Martijn Dashorst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It is true that a company can take the source code and make it closedand sell it with a new label when using Apache license. Personally Idon't mind and there are a lot of people that don't mind either.The problem with taking the ASL product, rebrand it and market it is
that the product will always be behind what the free version provides,as long as the community is active and participating.I don't consider GPL or LGPL to be evil, they are just not my cup of tea.Martijn
On 9/26/06, Che Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Martijn, Well said - I did not think about that. And agreed, you might very well
 run into that problem. I admit that I have not had a thorough look at the Apache license but only 'read over it' and found it to be too 'open' for my liking: if you use an Apache-d software, you can keep the whole source secret, you can
 have it all open source, whatever. :) On the other hand, is it not true that Apache 2 is compatible with GPL? *mental note: read Apache and Apache 2 again* // Che
  -Original Message-  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf  Of Martijn Dashorst  Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 2:32 PM  To:
  Subject: Re: [Wicket-user] License for CMS (components)   I'm very biased against LGPL. The letter of the license is not  applicable for Java use, and LGPL is strongly at odds with Apache
  license. If at some time we would like to adopt such components when  we arrive at Apache, then this will prohibit reusing any code from  this project.   I'm in favor of Apache 2, since that is what most Wicket projects are
  based on. I would use a license that is at least compatible with  Apache.   Martijn   On 9/26/06, Che Schneider 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Hi, My vote goes to LGPL: not as restrictive as GPL but  preserves the gist   of it. :)  
   // Che  -Original Message-From: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On BehalfOf Ted Roeloffzen
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 2:13 PMTo: wicket-userSubject: [Wicket-user] License for CMS (components)   Hello all,
   We are going to create a Wicket CMS and/or CMS Components,but we are not sure under which license to do this. Whichlicense would you prefer? BSD, Apache, (L)GPL or another one?
   greets,   Ted__DISCLAIMER: This e-mail message is intended for the
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Re: [Wicket-user] [tutorial] Wicket + Spring integration - revisited

2006-10-05 Thread James McLaughlin
Strange. Virtually all my models do this and it works perfectly. I think you are missing the id parameter in your SpringBean declaration. Maybe that is killing you.jimOn 10/3/06, 

Leszek Gawron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Joni Freeman wrote: Yes, it works. I use it in many places. JoniI have just checked: public class GlobalNewsListModel extends LoadableDetachableModel { @SpringBean private NewsService newsService;
 public NewsService getNewsService() { return newsService; } @SuppressWarnings(unchecked) @Override protected Object load() {
 return new LinkedList( getNewsService().getGlobalNews(Session.get().getLocale().getLanguage(), 10 ) ); } }

throws NPE. Not much space for eror, is it? The only thing I can thinkof is that you are using nested classes or anonymous classes (which youshould not do for models - so I've read).--Leszek Gawron
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-- // Jim McLaughlin // Director, Software Engineering// Stonewater Control Systems
// (o) 847.864.1060 x107// (c) 773.416.0994

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[Wicket-user] Empty Dynamic Images

2006-10-05 Thread Matthew Bourgeois

I am new to wicket and have enjoyed it alot so far. I am specifically interested in
using Wicket with dynamic images. I have tried to use the Wicket 1.2.2
examples as a guide on how to do this. When I run
the Wicket 1.2.2 examples on my own machine both of the dynamic images in
the image example page show up as empty images. I have tried to use dynamic images in my own tests outside of the 1.2.2 examples and have had the same result. Here is a quick
example piece of code that I feel should work but have had no success with. Are there any gothcas about working with dynamic
package com.testimage;import wicket.markup.html.WebPage;import wicket.markup.html.image.resource.RenderedDynamicImageResource;import wicket.markup.html.image.Image;import java.awt.Graphics2D;
public class TestImagePage extends WebPage {  public TestImagePage() {add( new Image("cross", new RenderedDynamicImageResource(100, 100){ protected boolean render(Graphics2D graphics)
 { graphics.drawLine( 0, 0, 20, 20 ); graphics.drawLine( 0, 20, 20, 0 ); return true; }}));
   }}TestImagePage.html!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"  ""  html  xmlns=""  xmlns:wicket=""  xml:lang="en"  lang="en"  head titleTest Dynamic Image/title
 /head body  img wicket:id="cross"/ /body /htmlStay connected with the news, people, places and online services that matter to you on  Try it!
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Re: [Wicket-user] maven2 for phonebook with Shades

2006-10-05 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 10/2/06, Geoff hendrey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
OK, yes I needed to have maven 2.Couple things though.1) the src path is wrong in pom.xml (I will change that)how do you figure?sources are in src/java and src/conf and this is in 
pom.xml sourceDirectorysrc/java/sourceDirectory testSourceDirectorysrc/test/testSourceDirectorylooks right to me
2) I I'd like to restructure the pom so that WEB-INF/lib *is* the repo for this, this is not how maven is intended to be used. 
 It's a nice idea that maven has, that all the jars get downloaded, but when you find yourself on a transatlantic flight, you really just wish the darn repo was local maven already has a local repo - think of it as a local cache of the remote repo. any time you need a dependency maven first checks if its already in the local repo, and if its not it downloads it into the local repo.
usually this repo is in ~/.m2/repository - check that(plus it never works anyway, and even when it does you still are manually instructed to download certain jars, like the jta jar, by hand).
that is because sun is stupid - the license on jta.jar and friends does not allow redistribution so they cannot be put into a remote repo. what you do is drop them into your local repo and then everything works for any project.
-IgorSo, unless I hear opposition, I am going to make the changes I proposed, as well as adding the source files for shades, and adding the shades jar to the local rep for the project.
enjoi,geoff-Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of ITJoin's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your
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Re: [Wicket-user] repose of question

2006-10-05 Thread Igor Vaynberg
phonebook is built using maven2-IgorOn 10/2/06, Geoff hendrey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi,Couple questions around adding Shades to the phonebookexample.Are downloaders supposed to build the phonebook using Maven?
I just threw together an Ant build script after I downloaded thephonebook example, but I just noticed under META-INF there is a mavendirectory. Maybe I need to upgrade to maven 2, but Maven doesn't seemto do anything if I go into the same directory as 
pom.xml and domaven. Anyway, just let me know what the right approach is, so that Ican integrate Shades in a consistent way.Thanks a bunch,geoff-
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[Wicket-user] Fwd: edit in place label

2006-10-05 Thread Ryan Sonnek
trying again. looks like the first email was blocked.-- Forwarded message --From: Ryan Sonnek 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Oct 2, 2006 10:44 AMSubject: edit in place labelTo: wicket-user@lists.sourceforge.netI'm trying to build out a new wicket component on top of the scriptaculous edit in place label. The piece that's confusing me is how to submit this html form that was constructed outside of wicket. The in place editor takes a url parameter to post the data to. does anyone have a recommendation on how to handle the posted values? does it have to be a form, or is there some other way to process the values?
has anyone already done this? i'd be willing to contribute it to wicket-stuff if i can get all the kinks worked out. Thanks.

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Re: [Wicket-user] Creating Panels inside of Loop (Wicket 2)

2006-10-05 Thread Johan Compagner
the LoopItem is the parent of the panelnew MenuPanel(item, menu, menu.getModel(), menu.getMenuItems());On 9/29/06, Stefan Lindner 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I have a Panel that looks like this (html)
hr /ul id=nav wicket:id=menus !--Place menus here-- span wicket:id=menuPlace menus here/span/ul
hr /Now I want to generate Panels for wicket id menu like thisnew Loop(this, menus, menus.size()) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override
 protected void populateItem(LoopItem item) {final int index = item.getIteration();final Menu menu = MenuBarPanel.this.menus.get(index);new MenuPanel(?, menu, menu.getModel
(), menu.getMenuItems());I can't use the item for ? because it's not a markupContainer. So, what is the correct MarkupContainer for the panels?Stefan Lindner-
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[Wicket-user] edit in place label

2006-10-05 Thread Ryan Sonnek
I'm trying to build out a new wicket component on top of the scriptaculous edit in place label. The piece that's confusing me is how to submit this html form that was constructed outside of wicket. The in place editor takes a url parameter to post the data to. does anyone have a recommendation on how to handle the posted values? does it have to be a form, or is there some other way to process the values? anyone already done this? i'd be willing to contribute it to wicket-stuff if i can get all the kinks worked out. Thanks.
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Re: [Wicket-user] Help with wicket-bench preview path

2006-10-05 Thread Juergen Donnerstag


On 10/1/06, Guy Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 Sorry if this list isn't the right place for a question about the
 Eclipse-plugin called Wicket  Bench, but the site didn't have any
 mailing lists, forums or even a FAQ.   I'm trying to use wicket-bench on
 an existing project I have.  We have embedded Tomcat as part of our
 server application.  Our project SVN directory looks like so:

- holds our application code (in packages)
- holds the Wicket .java and .html files (in packages)
- holds stylesheets, images, and WEB-INF including web.xml

 In Eclipse, both the src directories above are in the Java Build Path as
 source folders.  The tomcat directory is not on the classpath at all,
 but is used as the Tomcat root when we start it in embedded mode.

 I tried to configure the Wicket-Bench properties:
   - Mark as Wicket project (checked)
   - Conext root: tomcat/webapps/ROOT/
   - Style sheets: images/style.css   (this path is relative to context root)
 When I open a Wicket webpage Java file, I get the following error:
  Can't preview file. Check your wicket:preview paths. Reason:

 Any ideas? What is the expected directory layout?  Wicket-bench looks
 neat so I'd like to get it working for my project.


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Re: [Wicket-user] Ajax submit of ListView

2006-10-05 Thread Igor Vaynberg
see how formcomponentupdatingbehavior works for ideas-IgorOn 10/2/06, ChuckDeal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have been reading a bunch of old posts about using AJAX with radio groupand list view, etc, but I haven't found my exact scenario.
What I would like to have is a List of statuses (radio button) with anassociated date (text field) for each status.I want to use Ajax because myusers don't like the page flash...I have the Ajax submit for the radio buttons working, but my problem is with
storing the value in the associated date field.When I use the tradionalonSelectionChanged event, this date does get persisted.I know that I needto do the legwork in the Ajax case to persist the date field's value, but I
can't figure out how to get the values from the ajax request or maybe Ican't figure out how to post the values with the request.Does anyone have some experience with this?Chuck--View this message in context: from the Wicket - User mailing list archive at Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of ITJoin's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your
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Re: [Wicket-user] WYSIWYG developing

2006-10-05 Thread Johan Compagner
i haven't looked at it (design time api) yet. But what would be generated?The properties like location and size are CSS. But adding for example validators should generate java code.johan
On 9/30/06, p.jasson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would like to integrate wicket framework with Sun Java Studio Creator which has support for 
Design-time API. 
My goals are:
- adding components to page visualy
- configuring components through properties editor
- to allow working with events

What do you thing about it? Is it possible?

View this message in context: WYSIWYG developing
Sent from the Wicket - User mailing list archive at

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Re: [Wicket-user] Phonebook Shades integration

2006-10-05 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 10/3/06, Geoff hendrey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Igor,If you download the 1.2 phonebook,it contains no src directory. It is simply a war file, and the src files are inside WEB-INF/classes.
Browsing the repo, I see the src dir now. So my guess is that downloaders of the WAR aren't really meant to use the maven pom which is in the WAR.if you download a war then you dont need to build it do you :)
that is just for people who want to drop it in. we dont have a source
distro, so yeah you have to check it out from svn.
Allright, thanks for answering my questions. Basically I am just going to add the 3 Shades java files and one XML file (for Spring bean) to the src dir. I will add a shades jar to the lib, and change the HSQLDB version to the current version of HSQLDB. How does that sound?
sounds good. i wish you didnt have to add shades to lib and use maven instead, but i guess that is not a huge deal.-Igor
-geoff-Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of ITJoin's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your
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[Wicket-user] is there a forum based on wicket and open source

2006-10-05 Thread deafwolf

I hope to get a copy of code to study wicket,
if there is a forum based on wicket and open source,
please give me the url or tell me the name.

Thank you very much.


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Re: [Wicket-user] Menu bar (first version)

2006-10-05 Thread Johan Compagner
you could add this in the Wicket-Stuff sourceforge project if you want?johanOn 9/29/06, Stefan Lindner 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I completed a first test version for a menu bar. It is based upon an
article on A List Apart ( current implementation has a few restrictions1. Only one menu bar per page
2. No submenus for menu items3. Css code is needed to have the menus work with IE4. _javascript_ is needes vor FireFox5. No other browsers testet yet.6. Test-Implementation only supports IPageLink as link type for menu
items. This can be easily be expanded. But for Discussion of Interfacedesign it's enough.7. No javadoc yet, only a simple example provided.Where can I put he code?Stefan Linder-
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Re: [Wicket-user] new initiative for a user guide

2006-10-05 Thread Iman Rahmatizadeh
hmmm, is it going to be some sort of a reference doc for wicket, or just a user guide to writing a sample app ? On 10/2/06, Eelco Hillenius 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:yeah, maybe it doesn't need that. Pet store is kind of a best practices project, so I figured it might get in there. Databinder as an alternative would be cool with me too.
EelcoOn Oct 1, 2006, at 11:44 PM, Philip A. Chapman wrote:
 Guys,  I love spring and use it with all my wicket apps. However, should it be a part of the main body of the manual? I wouldn't want anyone to get the idea that wicket requires spring in any way. Perhaps it would go into an Advanced or Using wicket with other frameworks section that could also include the use of Hibernate, Shades, JasperReports and whatever else.
  At the very least, we should make it plain in the manual that spring is not required for the use of wicket, but that it's being used in the example app and in the manual for reasons X,Y, and Z.  Thanks,
  On Sun, 2006-10-01 at 22:15 +0200, Eelco Hillenius wrote:  Folks,

Stefan Kanev just volunteered to start writing on a new user guide.  
He asked me to give him an idea for a TOC, so here's mine. I'm  
sending this to the list in case people would like to help/ have  
ideas/ ...

TOC user guide, Building Wicket Pet Store

1. What Is Wicket
	* Explains Wicket's strong points, philosophy, etc
2. The basics
 * Basic concepts, tells about Application, session, components,  
markup, pages and models
3. Introducing WicketPetstore
	* Describe what we'll be building, including a short look at the  
domain model
	* Setup project  database
	* Setup Spring
	* Setup the skeleton; HTML stubs and non-interactive pages
4. Browsing the store
	* Implement the browsing part: list views, labels and an  
introduction to models (Use compound property model here)
		- Uses services wired using Spring
	* Use resources to display images (with thumbnail resources)
5. Tracking the client
	* Set up a custom session
	* Implement shopping basket tracking, including a panel that  
displays the current items in the basket
6. Working with forms
	* Implement forms for adding items to the basket
	* Implement validation
	* Implement check out functionality

Good luck Stefan, and keep us informed!


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[Wicket-user] Is there a forum implement by wicket and open source?

2006-10-05 Thread deafwolf

I've read the code of woogle(,
I found that there're two markup in the WoogleBasePage.html,
one is wicket:child, the other is wicket:extend,
so I think that there're many feature not show in wicket's example.

I wish to read some code of a project that implement by wicket,
I think this is the fastest way to study wicket.
I think forum is better than other project, not very big, but enough complex.

Could you tell me if any project is up to the mustard.
I hava search with sourceforge and google, but can't get one.

Thank you very much.


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Re: [Wicket-user] getObjectAsString always null in 1.2.2

2006-10-05 Thread Frank Bille
Yes please try to share some code with shows where the problem exatly is.FrankOn 10/2/06, kurt heston 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Am I being too vague here to get an answer?Do I need to post my code?
kurt heston wrote: All I did was switch from wicket-1.2-rc3.jar to wicket-1.2.2.jar and my SignIn page, adapted fromJuergen's code, stopped working.The fields are always an empty string.
 What did I miss in the release notes? - Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT Join
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Re: [Wicket-user] WYSIWYG developing

2006-10-05 Thread Igor Vaynberg
there have been a couple of threads about this and some work done for netbeans integration, search our mailing list archives. but what you are talking about imho is not really possible (at least not as well as jsf which was designed with this particular purpose in mind) because wicket components are not beans, and wicket's IModel databinding is too flexible to be configued visually. maybe if there is some specific way you always construct your pages and keep state (like always using page properties) it might be possible but it would really limit the framework's potential.
just my two cents-IgorOn 9/30/06, p.jasson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would like to integrate wicket framework with Sun Java Studio Creator which has support for 
Design-time API. 
My goals are:
- adding components to page visualy
- configuring components through properties editor
- to allow working with events

What do you thing about it? Is it possible?

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Re: [Wicket-user] Redeploy error with JBoss and Tomcat

2006-10-05 Thread Juergen Donnerstag
Your websession seems to add a MetaData entry which is not serializable.


On 10/2/06, Henk Laracker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 After i have implemented my own Websession I get the following error when I
 redeploy the war file

 ERROR [ManagerBase] Exception loading sessions from persistent storage

 java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot assign instance of
 [Lwicket.MetaDataEntry; to field wicket.Session.metaData of type
 [Lwicket.MetaDataEntry; in instance of

 What I'am I doing wrong?

 Henk Laracker
 Lead Architect

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[Wicket-user] Empty Dynamic images

2006-10-05 Thread Matt Bourgeois
I am new to wicket but have enjoyed it alot so far. I am interested in using Wicket with dynamic images. I have tried to use the Wicket 1.2.2 examples as a guide on how to use dynamic image resources. When I run the Wicket 
1.2.2 examples on my own machine both the dynamic images on the image example page show up as empty images. Here is a quick example piece of code. Are there any gothcas about working with dynamic images?
package com.testimage;import wicket.markup.html.WebPage;import wicket.markup.html.image.resource.RenderedDynamicImageResource;import wicket.markup.html.image.Image;import java.awt.Graphics2D;
public class TestImagePage extends WebPage {  public TestImagePage() {add( new Image(cross, new RenderedDynamicImageResource(100, 100){ protected boolean render(Graphics2D graphics)
 { graphics.drawLine( 0, 0, 20, 20 ); graphics.drawLine( 0, 20, 20, 0 ); return true; }}));
   }}TestImagePage.html!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN  html  xmlns=  xmlns:wicket=  xml:lang=en  lang=en  head titleTest Dynamic Image/title
 /head body  img wicket:id=cross/ /body /html 

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Re: [Wicket-user] getObjectAsString always null in 1.2.2

2006-10-05 Thread Igor Vaynberg
yes you are too vague, and another problem is that this list has been down because of for a while.-IgorOn 10/2/06, 
kurt heston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Am I being too vague here to get an answer?Do I need to post my code?kurt heston wrote: All I did was switch from wicket-1.2-rc3.jar to wicket-1.2.2.jar and my SignIn page, adapted fromJuergen's code, stopped working.The fields
 are always an empty string. What did I miss in the release notes? - Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT
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Re: [Wicket-user] progress indicator

2006-10-05 Thread Eelco Hillenius
And when do you want to block exactly? When a certain Ajax action is
executed, which may take some time to complete? And you would do some
Ajax polling to track the progress?

The easiest way in that case would be to re-render the form with the
form components disabled, and when the polling concludes that
processing is done, re-render the form again with the form components
enabled again. You could add two methods on your form: disable/
enable. Something like:

   public void disable() {
   visitChildren(FormComponent.class, new IVisitor(){

   public Object component(Component component)
   return IVisitor.CONTINUE_TRAVERSAL;

Whenever you build this form, you should check the job's state too, so
that if you have a background job running, your form has the proper
mode wherever you come from. And if there is a job running, make sure
you have that ajax polling thing going until the job is finished.

Just something from the top of my head, hope it helps,


 We have a form where we would like to disable the complete form onsubmit so
 that the user cant change any of his selected values and we would like to
 display a progress meter(it does not have to show the actual progress just a
 gif like the AJAX examples). I have been thinking of the AJAX examples but I
 guess that since we somehow would like to stall the browser it's not really
 a good solution, we would have to add all for components again just disabled
 and then on the end of the ajax call add them all again enabled?

 Whats your 2 centavos on this?
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Re: [Wicket-user] [tutorial] Wicket + Spring integration - revisited

2006-10-05 Thread Leszek Gawron

igor.vaynberg wrote:
 this is nice.

 what i do like about it
 * you can inject anything anywhere

 what i dont like is
 * post constructor injection like youve mentioned - delegate or not 
  it still sucks, a different pointcut is needed
yes .. that's ugly. I have posted a question on spring forum - have no
answer yet (will also try on aspectj lists)

 * you have to keep your variables transient - very easy mistake to make,
 otherwise big boo boo might happen if the dependency is serializable 
  and you wont know until much later
Why would you want your services serializable?

 * you have to inject everything - ie i cant take an instance of injected
 service and pass it to some other component to use
Do you really need to pass the service if you could just inject it also
into target?

 * i dont like @Configure on the entire object, i like per-field 
  annotations on the fields
that is probably the matter of taste. @Configurable gives you 2 work modes:

- the ability to autowire all setters by type or name:

- injection configuration from a prototype
public class MyModel {
 private FooService fooService;

 //setter here

and in applicationContext :
bean class=com.mycompany.MyModel scope=prototype
!-- do any injection types you like --

In the second mode you can mix different injection types so it doesn't
really matter the annotation is defined at class level.

I do not know if it is possible to configure AOP with field level

 * you have to have access to the java runtime args to install the weaver
not really. You can weave your classes 3 different ways:

- LTW - Load-Time Weaving, the classes are weaved as they are loaded at
runtime. This is the only one that requires java agent configuration on
command line

- aspectj compiler - compile your classes with special compiler. As the
compiler extends standard JDT compiler you can use it on any classes
(not only those to be weaved). For those using maven there is a special
plugin utilising aspectj compiler.

- aspectj weaver - even if you have no access to java source you can
weave .class files or whole jars that you compiled with standard compiler.

 what is needed to fix this
 * a different aspect that wraps the bean in the wicket-proxy just 
  like we do now - that should give you the ultimate freedom,
agreed, I will investigate the problem further

  but then what worries me is
 if tomcat will let you cluster objects loaded through aspectj 
I do not think this will be a problem when offline weaving is used. The
class is loaded just as an ordinary class. Needs testing though.

Leszek Gawron

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[Wicket-user] Wicket vs .net/ a friendly pat on wicket core developers shoulders

2006-10-05 Thread Nino Wael


Ive been using wicket for some 7 months or so
now. As a consultant Ive seen some different stuff. And in the last job
I had, we used ASP .net(1.1) . And I must say that wicket feels a lot
like an upgrade in conceptuality and userfriendlyness. Its a lot simpler
to create your own components and I feel that development goes very smooth when
comparing against .net.

If I were to go back to something that did not have
the conceptuality as wickets has towards models, it would be a step back in

-cheers Nino

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Re: [Wicket-user] updating feedback panel from onSubmit method of AjaxSubmitLink

2006-10-05 Thread Igor Vaynberg
final FeedbackPanel fp=new FeedbackPanel(.);fp.setOutputMarkupId(true);new AjaxSubmitLink(..) { onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget t) { t.add(fp); }}-IgorOn 10/2/06, 
Jaime De La Jara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In the phonebook app there is an EditContactPage that subclass BasePage that has a feedback panel. To the EditContactPage I added an AjaxSubmitLink that adds an address to a contact, I need to validate the address info in the onSubmit method so if it's invalid display a message in the feedbackpanel (which is outside the form that contains the submitting link). How could I do it?
		Get your email and more, right on the  new 

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Re: [Wicket-user] NullPointerException in ListView

2006-10-05 Thread Eelco Hillenius
Looks to me like you have nulls in your list. ListView isn't lenient  
enough to handle such lists, so you should purge the list; get rid of  
the nulls.


On Oct 3, 2006, at 5:36 PM, kevinr wrote:

 I'm receiving a null pointer exception within the ListView  
 component. The
 ListView is trying to render null ListItems. From what I can see,
 populateItem isn't even being called. I can't tell if this is a  
 bug, or if
 I'm doing something wrong. I'm using ListViews in other sections of  
 my code
 and I do not see anything different as far as how I am utilizing  
 them. I'm
 using version 1.2.1. If anyone has seen this issue before, please  
 let me
 know. Any help is appeciated.

 Thanks in advance.

 He's a partial of the stack trace:
 WicketMessage: Exception in rendering component: [MarkupContainer  
 id = panel, page =,  
 path =
 2:panel.OperatorAdmin$OperatorEditPanel, isVisible = true,  
 isVersioned =
 true]]Root cause:java.lang.NullPointerException at
 wicket.markup.html.list.ListView.renderItem( at
 wicket.markup.html.list.ListView.onRender( at

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 Sent from the Wicket - User mailing list archive at

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Re: [Wicket-user] updating feedback panel from onSubmit method of AjaxSubmitLink

2006-10-05 Thread Eelco Hillenius

 In the phonebook app there is an EditContactPage that subclass  
 BasePage that has a feedback panel. To the EditContactPage I added  
 an AjaxSubmitLink that adds an address to a contact, I need to  
 validate the address info in the onSubmit method so if it's invalid  
 display a message in the feedbackpanel (which is outside the form  
 that contains the submitting link). How could I do it?

Just set the message on your component, or work with a validator like  
always, and get the feedback panel to be rendered. Now the problem is  
that feedback panel doesn't get rendered if there are no messages, so  
it can't be found in the client for replacement. If you wrap the  
feedbackpanel in a span or diff, and schedule that for re-rendering,  
it should work fine.


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Re: [Wicket-user] Ajax submit of ListView

2006-10-05 Thread Eelco Hillenius
Embed those components in a form, and work with AjaxSubmitButton/  
AjaxSubmitLink. The onSelectionChange event really only makes sense  
when you don't use ajax. In this case, it's much better to process  
your form as a whole, but with ajax.


On Oct 2, 2006, at 6:08 PM, ChuckDeal wrote:

 I have been reading a bunch of old posts about using AJAX with  
 radio group
 and list view, etc, but I haven't found my exact scenario.

 What I would like to have is a List of statuses (radio button) with an
 associated date (text field) for each status.  I want to use Ajax  
 because my
 users don't like the page flash...

 I have the Ajax submit for the radio buttons working, but my  
 problem is with
 storing the value in the associated date field.  When I use the  
 onSelectionChanged event, this date does get persisted.  I know  
 that I need
 to do the legwork in the Ajax case to persist the date field's  
 value, but I
 can't figure out how to get the values from the ajax request or  
 maybe I
 can't figure out how to post the values with the request.

 Does anyone have some experience with this?

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Re: [Wicket-user] new initiative for a user guide

2006-10-05 Thread Stefan Kanev
Does the same go for Hibernate? Maybe create an in-memory domain model, that doesn't persist in any kind and use it instead? This would simplify the sample application and put the focus to Wicket instead. It might be especially useful to people, who are not familiar with Spring and Hibernate.

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[Wicket-user] embedding a wicket page in a third party page

2006-10-05 Thread Dipu


I there any way to embed/include a wicketpage 
in a third party jsp site ( with out using iframe)and do a 
form submit fromthere.
In other words is there any way todo a post 
from a third party site to a wicket form.

Kind regards

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[Wicket-user] Give a dynamic generated image a pretty name

2006-10-05 Thread Frank Bille
Hey allI have an Image with a custom RenderedDynamicImageResource on it. This works fine, but my problem is that *sometimes* (haven't yet been able to determine the exact cause) FireFox displays the wrong image (displays one of the other loaded images on that page). The situation occours only if I have multiple Images of my custom ImageResource next to each other on the same page. And currently I have only been able to reproduce it if the images is on a panel which is loaded using AJAX. 
My guess is that FireFox for some reason can't handle the long image names, which is generated when using dynamic ImageResouces' in Images. If that really is the case a easy solution could be to shorten the image names. A nice way to do this was to do some kind of mount on them or be able to rename it. The problem is that I can't really mount the resources up front in the Application, because they are dynamic resources. Or can I?
Does anyone have an idea or some hints to how to fix this?Frank
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[Wicket-user] Portlet Problem? Page Panel Form DataPicker

2006-10-05 Thread Manuel Barzi
Dear Sirs, Janne,

I have a PortletPage with the following composition:

PortletPage  Panel  Form  DataPicker

When testing this View in standalone mode (Wicket WebApp - WebPage),
it works. But when testing it as a portlet in LifeRay Portal, I get
the following error:

WicketMessage: Unable to find the markup for the component. That may
be due to transparent containers or components implementing
IComponentResolver: [MarkupContainer [Component id =
_DatePickernullHeader1, page =
es.tsystems.nt.web.view.consulta.ConsultaDadesPage, path =
isVisible = true, isVersioned = false]]Root
cause:wicket.WicketRuntimeException: Unable to find the markup for the
component. That may be due to transparent containers or components
implementing IComponentResolver: [MarkupContainer [Component id =
_DatePickernullHeader1, page =
es.tsystems.nt.web.view.consulta.ConsultaDadesPage, path =
isVisible = true, isVersioned = false]] at
wicket.MarkupFragmentFinder.find( at
wicket.Component.renderComponent( at
at wicket.MarkupContainer.visitChildren(
   at wicket.MarkupContainer.visitChildren(
at wicket.RequestCycle.doProcessEventsAndRespond(
at wicket.RequestCycle.processEventsAndRespond(
at wicket.RequestCycle.step( at
wicket.RequestCycle.steps( at
wicket.RequestCycle.request( at
at com.liferay.portal.servlet.PortletServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
... blah, blah, blah...

I have revised both View implementation versions: WebPage 
PortletPage, and everything is correctly applied. They are both almost
the same, except to the markup, that in PortletPage is just the
original HTML BODY inner code (excluding BODY) and there are no wicket
references outside BODY.

So, what can be happening here?

Thank you.



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Re: [Wicket-user] wicket-phonebook maven question

2006-10-05 Thread Juergen Donnerstag
Yes, it is maven2


On 10/1/06, Geoff hendrey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Couple questions around adding Shades to the phonebook example.  Are 
 downloaders supposed to build the phonebook using Maven? I just threw 
 together an Ant build script after I downloaded the phonebook example, but I 
 just noticed under META-INF there is a maven directory. Maybe I need to 
 upgrade to maven 2, but Maven doesn't seem to do anything if I go into the 
 same directory as pom.xml and do maven. Anyway, just let me know what the 
 right approach is, so that I can integrate Shades in a consistent way.

 Thanks a bunch,

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Re: [Wicket-user] Portlet Problem? Page Panel Form DataPicker

2006-10-05 Thread Manuel Barzi
Watching the markup generated by the WebPage version, I find that
Wicket does automatically inserts the following scripts to the Page,
in order to provide html-side support for the DatePicker:

... blah ...
link href=/nt/caoc.css type=text/css rel=stylesheet

script type=text/javascript wicket:id=calendarMain
script type=text/javascript wicket:id=calendarSetup
script type=text/javascript wicket:id=calendarLanguage
rel=stylesheet type=text/css wicket:id=calendarStyle/
script type=text/javascript !--/*--![CDATA[/*!--*/
if ('') {

I guess that including this script directives not in the HEAD element,
but in the BODY element would help, as in the PortletPage version of
this View I have no HEAD element, but  BODY inner code.

How do I specify Wicket where to provide this SCRIPT directives
without worrying about the HEAD element, so to adapt the View to the
PortletPage version?



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[Wicket-user] resend Wicket vs .net/ a friendly pat on wicket core developers shoulders

2006-10-05 Thread Nino Wael


Ive been using wicket for some 7 months or so
now. As a consultant Ive seen some different stuff. And in the last job
I had, we used ASP .net(1.1) . And I must say that wicket feels a lot
like an upgrade in conceptuality and userfriendlyness. Its a lot simpler
to create your own components and I feel that development goes very smooth when
comparing against .net.

If I were to go back to something that did not have
the conceptuality as wickets has towards models, it would be a step back in

-cheers Nino

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Re: [Wicket-user] Portlet Problem? Page Panel Form DataPicker

2006-10-05 Thread Janne Hietamäki

Yes, this problem has something to do with datepicker doing header  
contributions, I'll try to reproduce..


On Oct 4, 2006, at 1:12 PM, Manuel Barzi wrote:

 Watching the markup generated by the WebPage version, I find that
 Wicket does automatically inserts the following scripts to the Page,
 in order to provide html-side support for the DatePicker:

 ... blah ...
 link href=/nt/caoc.css type=text/css rel=stylesheet

   script type=text/javascript wicket:id=calendarMain
   script type=text/javascript wicket:id=calendarSetup
   script type=text/javascript wicket:id=calendarLanguage
   link href=/nt/ntapplication/resources/ 
 rel=stylesheet type=text/css wicket:id=calendarStyle/
   script type=text/javascript !--/*--![CDATA[/*!--*/
 if ('') {

 I guess that including this script directives not in the HEAD element,
 but in the BODY element would help, as in the PortletPage version of
 this View I have no HEAD element, but  BODY inner code.

 How do I specify Wicket where to provide this SCRIPT directives
 without worrying about the HEAD element, so to adapt the View to the
 PortletPage version?



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Re: [Wicket-user] wicket-phonebook maven question

2006-10-05 Thread Gwyn Evans
Yes, it's a Maven (Maven2) app, so you should really use that, or at
least make sure that it works even if you want to add an Ant

It should build via mvn package and run stand-alone via mvn
jetty:run or mvn jetty:run-war but yes, you need Maven2 (which is
a lot better than Maven1, IMHO).


On 01/10/06, Geoff hendrey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Couple questions around adding Shades to the phonebook example.  Are 
 downloaders supposed to build the phonebook using Maven? I just threw 
 together an Ant build script after I downloaded the phonebook example, but I 
 just noticed under META-INF there is a maven directory. Maybe I need to 
 upgrade to maven 2, but Maven doesn't seem to do anything if I go into the 
 same directory as pom.xml and do maven. Anyway, just let me know what the 
 right approach is, so that I can integrate Shades in a consistent way.

 Thanks a bunch,

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[Wicket-user] Portlet Problem? Page TabbedPanel Panel[4]

2006-10-05 Thread Manuel Barzi
Dear Janne,

I have detected another issue, and I am not quite sure if it has to be
with Wicket or LifeRay, as I see no exceptions, but I can see a little
detail. I tell you:

I have the following View composition:

Page  TabbedPanel  Panel[4]

When testing this View in standalone WebPage impl it works perfect,
but when testing it as a PortletPage in LifeRay (3.6.1 - requirement),
suddenly the View changes to a standard LifeRay View (I guess),
outputing the following message:

Portlet Expired
The portlet you requested has expired.

Return to home

This happens when I click on one of the 4 tabs I have in the View
(TabbedPane links), and some other links I don't remember right now.

Then, clicking to the Return to home link (above) it goes back to my
Portlet Application Main Page. So, the portlet hasn't really
desappeared, it just lost the View when clicked on whatever of the
tabbedPane links (tabbedPane).

Comparing the tab-links between both implementations I can see the following:

WebPage impl  tabbedPane link =

PortletPage impl  tabbedPane link =

If we check the Wicket portion of both links all this fragment
:2:TabsConsulta:tabs:0:link:6: has desappeared in the PortletPage
impl. May be this is because LifeRay Portal does supresses that
fragment by some reason when parsing and filtering the outputs
generated by my Portlet Application. But I understand that this
fragment is unconditional necessary for the Wicket FW to work properly
when tabbing... careless we are in a Portlet or not...

I tried inserting that fragment at the URL of the Portlet in LifeRay,
but didnt work, as ids may change... I guess.

So, at the end, the TabbedPane links are not working properly in my
PortletPage impl.
Have any idea to solve it?

I can remove the tabbedPane out the PortletPage, and multiply to 4
Views (simulating tabs), but this is not quite smart and does not face
the problem directly.

Thank you.



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[Wicket-user] AjaxSubmitButton don't working with button

2006-10-05 Thread Stefan Kanev
I found out that AjaxSubmitButton is not working with button html
tags. I didn't see a reason why not to allow that, so I tried to
create a patch, but I failed miserably. Can anyone please look into
it, or at least give me a hint what I'm doing wrong with my patch. I'm
trying to put this chunk of code:

protected void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag)
final String tagName = tag.getName().toLowerCase();

if (!(tagName.equals(input) || tagName.equals(button)))
Component  + getId() +  must be 
applied to a tag of type  +
'input' or 'button', 
not  + tag.toUserDebugString());

final String type = tag.getAttributes().getString(type);
if (!button.equals(type)  !image.equals(type)  
Component  + getId() +  must be 
applied to a tag with 'type'
+  attribute matching 
'submit', 'button' or 'image', not ' + type
+ ');


It fails when I try to use the following markup:

button wicket:id=contactButtonSave type=submitwicket:message[Save]/wicket:message/button

And the exception:

14:59:29.243 ERROR! [SocketListener0-1]
wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.respond( 24
Error while responding to an AJAX request:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] markupIdToComponent
[{createFormContainer=[MarkupContainer [Component id =
createFormContainer, page =
com.agent25.rebirth.web.pages.ManageContacts, path =
2:createFormContainer.WebMarkupContainer, isVisible = true,
isVersioned = false]]}], prependJavascript [[]], appendJavascript [[]]
wicket.markup.MarkupException: Expected close tag for button
type=submit wicket:id=contactButtonSave onclick=var
null, function() { }, function() { });;; return false;
[markup = 
index = 107, current = 'wicket:message'
(line 68, column 62)]
at wicket.Component.renderClosingComponentTag(
at wicket.Component.renderComponent(
at wicket.markup.html.WebComponent.onRender(
at wicket.Component.render(
at wicket.MarkupContainer.renderNext(
at wicket.MarkupContainer.onComponentTagBody(
at wicket.markup.html.form.Form.onComponentTagBody(
at wicket.Component.renderComponent(
at wicket.MarkupContainer.onRender(

I would be grateful if someone can hint me on it. I understand what
the exception means, but I don't get why it is thrown, since button
has a close tag. Thanks in advance.

- Stefan

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[Wicket-user] Development mode?

2006-10-05 Thread Erik van Oosten

How do I find out in which mode Wicket is running (development/production)?


Erik van Oosten

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[Wicket-user] wicket.response.StringResponse not serializable (Wicket 2)

2006-10-05 Thread Jan Vermeulen
I changed the sessionStore of my application (using Wicket 2) to be 
'wicket.protocol.http.HttpSessionStore' i.s.o. 
'wicket.protocol.http.SecondLevelCacheSessionStore'  (because I use 
methods in the AccessStackPageMap that are not supported in the pageMap 
of SecondLevelCacheSessionStore).

When saving my first page in the HTTPSession, HttpSessionStore tries to 
serialize it and throws the following exception:

Caused by: wicket.response.StringResponse
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
... 26 more

Is this a bug in Wicket ? Should StringResponse implement Serializable ?

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[Wicket-user] Floating header on datatable

2006-10-05 Thread Renaut, Jonathan E CTR DISA GIG-CS
Title: Floating header on datatable

I would like to add a floating header to a datatable. That is, if there are too many rows in the table to be seen on the screen at a time, and the user scrolls down, the header should scroll, too, so the header is always visible and still retains its functionality.

I know I can set the page size to something smaller, but this is a specific customer requirement, so I don't get a say.

Does such a thing exist? If not, any suggestions on how to implement?

Thanks very much


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[Wicket-user] AJAX Edit In Place Label

2006-10-05 Thread Ryan Sonnek
Title: AJAX Edit In Place Label

I'm having issues with the mailing list, so I hope this makes it through...

I've just finished a first version of an Ajax Edit In Place Label.  This implementation uses scriptaculous and is similar to something found on flickr.  I've added it to the wicket-stuff project if anyone is interested in taking a look. 

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Re: [Wicket-user] mailing list problems

2006-10-05 Thread Korbinian Bachl

does the mailinglist again have problems ???

i havent received a single mail for over 24 hours now or is the list



 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag 
 von Eelco Hillenius
 Gesendet: Sonntag, 1. Oktober 2006 22:10
 Betreff: [Wicket-user] mailing list problems
 I'm afraid we're having lots of troubles again with the 
 sourceforge lists. None of my messages seems to have come 
 through the last few days, and neither did Igor's, and 
 probably many more didn't make it.  
 Seems to be the gmail addresses having the most troubles, 
 hence I'm trying this from my mac address.
 Sorry for the inconvenience.
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 share your opinions on IT  business topics through brief 
 surveys -- and earn cash
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Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-10-05 Thread Leszek Gawron
igor.vaynberg wrote:
 if you want to use straight jdbc that should be easy. what you need is a
 connection pool - there is one in apache commons.
 you store the connection pool reference in your Application subclass.
 whether you create it there or pull it out of jndi is up to you.
 then you subclass requestcycle and do something like this - if you want a
 transaction-per-request which is a common pattern for webapps
 class JdbcRequestCycle extends WebRequestCycle {
   private Connection connection;
   public Connection getConnection() {
   if (connection==null) {
// configure connection
   return connection;
public void onEndRequest() {
  if (connection!=null) {
 // TODO return the connection to the pool here
you should probably connection.close() here

public void onRuntimeException() {
   if (connection!=null) {
and connection.rollback() here...

// TODO return the connection to the pool here
and close()


Leszek Gawron

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Re: [Wicket-user] Phonebook Shades integration

2006-10-05 Thread Gwyn

 Browsing the repo, I see the src dir now. So my guess is that downloaders
of the WAR aren't really meant to use 
 the maven pom which is in the WAR.

No, it was automatically added by maven, I think, but there was no
particular reason to have the source under classes/ other than it was all I
had time for at the time.

 I will add a shades jar to the lib, 

I hope you mean add the shades dependency to the pom.xml, then do mvn
package to build the WAR file

 and change the HSQLDB version to the current version of HSQLDB. 


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[Wicket-user] SelfUpdating until a certain condition holds true.

2006-10-05 Thread Martin Funk

my webapp asynchronously kicks of a a process that takes some (1-2
minutes) time till a result is provided. After the kickoff and before
the result is available I'd like the Page to reload itself untill the
result is there, stopping the reload.

So far I tried two approaches.
First I worked with the pages meta tag. I controlled it's attributes
using AttributeModifier.
something like:

meta wicket:id=refresh id=refresh content= /

final Label refresh = new Label(refresh);
final AttributeModifier http_equiv = new AttributeModifier(
http-equiv, true, new Model(refresh)) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

public boolean isEnabled() {
return !isRequestTokenDone();
final AttributeModifier content = new AttributeModifier(content,
true, new PropertyModel(this, content)) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

public boolean isEnabled() {
return !isRequestTokenDone();

This was ok, except that the performance was bad. The whole page is
reloaded, even on localhost this took 2 seconds. Too much.

On the second aproach I added a AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior to the
panel I wanted to reload.
myPanel panel = new MyPanel(myPanel);
panel.add(new AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior(Duration.seconds(10)));

Performance is grat now, but I don't see a way for disabeling the
UpdateBehaviour, once the result is available.

Any ideas?


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[Wicket-user] Second feedbackPanel (Wicket 2)

2006-10-05 Thread Stefan Lindner
How can I put a second FeedbackPanel in a Form and feed this second
FeedbackPanel with custom feedback messages?
I can't overwrite getCurrentMessages, it is final.

Stefan Lindner

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Re: [Wicket-user] stop AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior programmatically ?

2006-10-05 Thread samyem

Has this been implemented yet? What's the current status?

Ingram Chen wrote:
 Thanks! Igor,  I have created a RFE for this item.
 If you have time to release some code snips, it is great helpful !
 On 8/12/06, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 no it is not possible. i actually needed the same functionality recently
 and so i noticed this shortcoming as well. please file an rfe for 1.3 and
 i will add it in...right now i cant because it will break the api.

 in the meantime what i did was write an ajax poller that is similar to
 timer behaviors but allows me to stop it, its only a few lines of
 will check if i can release it monday if you would like. its not exactly
 what you want but it might be a good starting point.


 respond(target) { if (continuepolling()) { target.addjavascript(

 On 8/11/06, Ingram Chen  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

Is there any way to stop AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior
 I am writting a small chat app and require to stop self updating to
 server load when
 user is idle. I check AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior but both updateInterval
 and response(target) are final...

 Is it possible to do ?

 Thanks in advance.

 Ingram Chen
 Institue of BioMedical Sciences Academia Sinica Taiwan

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 Wicket-user mailing list

 Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
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 Wicket-user mailing list

 Ingram Chen
 Institue of BioMedical Sciences Academia Sinica Taiwan
 Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
 Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job
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Re: [Wicket-user] Pro Wicket book review

2006-10-05 Thread karthik Guru
Hi All,Quoting from the review - 
 The AJAX examples cover the basics (which are quite good in Wicket) but a lot is left to be discovered.
Can you give me some pointers, especially those who have read this section, as to what all should have gone into this section - I shall try covering those in my blog. I already have some topics in mind. Actually , it would be really helpful it if you can send me feedback on things that you w'd have liked to see in the book.
On 10/3/06, Erik van Oosten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi,For those interested in the book 'Pro Wicket', I just posted a review.
Regards, Erik.--Erik van Oosten
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--  -- karthik -- 

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[Wicket-user] Second feedbackPanel (Wicket 2)

2006-10-05 Thread Stefan Lindner

How can I put a second FeedbackPanel in a Form and feed this second
FeedbackPanel with custom feedback messages?
I can't overwrite getCurrentMessages, it is final.

Stefan Lindner
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[Wicket-user] How to find Wicket mode (Production/Development )?

2006-10-05 Thread Erik van Oosten
[re-post due to mail-list problems.]


How do I find out in which mode Wicket is running (development/production)?


Erik van Oosten

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[Wicket-user] lists.sourceforge

2006-10-05 Thread Stefan Lindner

What happens to Messages goint to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Are
they crossposted to nabble and vice versa? I saw nearly now mailing list
activity in the last days, not a single message on Oct. 4.

Stefan Lindner
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Re: [Wicket-user] Second feedbackPanel (Wicket 2)

2006-10-05 Thread Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro

Hi Stefan,

Preciselly yesterday I posted a couple of messages regarding the feedback
messages panel (in Wicket 2.0). My problem is not that I want a second panel
but that I want to have my own type of panels (showing more information than
it is provided now). One of the problems I found is  the one you mention:
that the method FeedbackMessages getFeedbackMessages() of Page and Session
classes are final. I already asked to make them non final. But that is not
the only problem I found for getting what  I want working:  the methods on
FormComponent and Component that actualy report back the errors only allow
to create an error with a String as message and I need to pass more
information... So the way it is done now I'll have to override any single
form component. I proposed some kind of extension mechanism,  beside making
the methods non final, so I can plug-in my own machinary there but  so far I
haven't got to much attention to the issue from the core developer (except
from the one Igor paid to it!). He (Igor) didn't particularly liked my
solution so probably they will come up with a better way to do it.


Stefan Lindner wrote:
 How can I put a second FeedbackPanel in a Form and feed this second
 FeedbackPanel with custom feedback messages?
 I can't overwrite getCurrentMessages, it is final.
 Stefan Lindner

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[Wicket-user] Indicator at DropDownChoice

2006-10-05 Thread Konstantinos Lazouras
Hi,I use two linked DropDownChoice components, just like the linked select boxes example. When the first choice is made, I go back to db to get the choices for the second select, but this takes a few seconds. I 'm trying to put an indicator next to the second select box while this happens, but it doesn't work. I do the following:I make a new DropDownChoice class like this: public final class IndicatorDropDownChoice extends DropDownChoice implements wicket.ajax.IAjaxIndicatorAware {  private final WicketAjaxIndicatorAppender indicatorAppender = new WicketAjaxIndicatorAppender();  public
 IndicatorDropDownChoice(String id, PropertyModel model, IModel iModel, ChoiceRenderer cr){   super(id, model, iModel, cr);   add(indicatorAppender);  }  public java.lang.String getAjaxIndicatorMarkupId(){   return indicatorAppender.getMarkupId();  }  protected boolean wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications() {   return true;  } } Inside the form, I make the selects like this: //
 countries List countryList = packModel.loadCountries(); final DropDownChoice countrySelection = new DropDownChoice("countrySelection", new PropertyModel(packModel,"countrySelection"), countryList, new CountryChoiceRenderer()); countrySelection.setOutputMarkupId(true); add(countrySelection); // cities // reload the choices on display IModel cityChoices = new AbstractReadOnlyModel() {  public Object getObject(Component component) {   return packModel.loadCities();  } }; final DropDownChoice citySelection = new IndicatorDropDownChoice("citySelection", new
 PropertyModel(packModel,"citySelection"), cityChoices, new CityChoiceRenderer()); citySelection.setOutputMarkupId(true); add(citySelection); // OnChange Ajax actions for countries countrySelection.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange") {  protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {   target.addComponent(countrySelection);   citySelection.modelChanging();   target.addComponent(citySelection);   citySelection.modelChanged();  }
 }); // OnChange Ajax actions for cities citySelection.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange") {  protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {//   target.addComponent(citySelection);  } });When I select a country, the 2nd select populates with options but the indicator image next to it doesn't show up while this happens ("Choose one" option is still the selectedat the end, which is ok). If I select a city, the image next to the 2nd box appears, stays for about 15 seconds and then hides (I expected it to appear for less than a second, as long as the change lasts).If I uncommend the line "target.addComponent(citySelection);", then the same happens butthe indicator never goes away. Furthermore, when I select
 another city, a second indicator image appears next to the first (which also stays forever) and so on.The html code of the page is (with the above line uncommended): tr td class="label"Country /td td  select name="countrySelection"  id="packForm_countrySelection"  option selected="selected" value=""Choose One/option  option value="0"Cambodia/option  option value="1"Greece/option
  option value="2"Italy/option  option value="3"Maldives/option  option value="4"Singapore/option  option value="5"Thailand/option  /select /td /tr tr td class="label"City/td td  select name="citySelection" id="packForm_citySelection"   option selected="selected" value=""Choose One/option  /select  span style="display:none;" class="wicket-ajax-indicator" id="packForm_citySelection--ajax-indicator"  img src=""/  /span /td /trCity and Country are objects and the renderers just return their names. I use wicket-1.2.2.Can you point me to a solution? What am I doing wrong?Thanx,Kostas-
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[Wicket-user] Wicket validation

2006-10-05 Thread Gennadiy . Vasilevskiy

Hello All,
I have a following question: I know how we can assign validators to the
form components and how we can have the validation defined on the form
level. But here is a problem: I have a component that is a simple panel.
This component is reused all over the place. It needs to have some
validation logic that needs a few form components that this panel has.
Where should I put this logic? I can not put it on the formComponent level
since it is not per form component but rather per combination of form
components. Putting it on the FormLevel will make it harder to reuse the
component on its own.

ANy suggestions?

Thank you

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Re: [Wicket-user] ajax refresh on date picker

2006-10-05 Thread Matej Knopp
This is very unfortunate. I'm not able to reproduce the stack overflow 
problem even with huge ajax responses.

Can you plese replace the processNext method with this:

processNext: function() {
if (this.current  this.functions.length) {
var f = this.functions[this.current];
var run = function() {

window.setTimeout(run, 1);

so that we can be sure that this is the problem.


Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
 I changed the value to 10. It does not change anything. I don't know if 
 it can be usefull, but I added the line:
 before line 120. When loading the Ajax response that contains the 
 datepicker, this alert is displayed 10 times with values 0 to 9.
 Matej Knopp a écrit :
 That's not really the problem. The javascript _is_ included only once. 
 Problem is the performance improvement I did, calling the run method 
 from call stack instead of scheduling it on window.setTimeout(). The 
 latter is very slow, because it redraws browser window.

 Anyway, it should no longer cause problem. Please make sure you've 
 cleaned browsers cache. If this is the case, please try to change the 
 number in wicket-ajax.js on line 120 (if (this.depth  50 || 

 try to set it to lower number, like 10 to see if it helps. Perhaps I'm 
 still overestimating the stack size? It's strange because I've tested 
 the code on large ajax updates and it worked well.


 igor.vaynberg wrote:
 is it possible to change calendar.js and include an include_only_once logic?


 Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
 Hello Matej,

 I eventually found the updated file. (I was looking for the calendar.js 
 file, and not for wicket-ajax.js). It doesn't change anything. I still 
 have a too much recursion error at line 1796 of calendar.js


 Matej Knopp a ?crit :
 I assume there's something wrong with your svn setup. The revision of 
 wicket-ajax.js in svn is 7534, it's 3 days old*checkout*/wicket/branches/wicket-1.x/wicket/src/java/wicket/ajax/wicket-ajax.js?revision=7534

 Maybe it would help to do a clean checkout of entire project.


 Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
 Hi Matej,

 I can't find anything newer than revision 7520 (udpate of the french 
 files) in branche 1.x and  revision 7519 in trunk.

 Where did you put the updated files?



 Matej Knopp a ?crit :

 it should be fixed in SVN, but I can't really test it. I've simulated 
 updating of many elements so that I could reproduce the stack 
 overflow, but I don't know if that is your case.

 please try the current version and let me know.


 Matej Knopp wrote:
 Sorry for this, I've underestimated the stack size of browsers. 
 Expect it to be fixed withing couple of hours.


 Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
 Hi Samyem,

 Could you send me your script, so that I can see if it solves the 
 problem for me?



 samyem a ?crit :
 I could trace my problem to a recent change in wicket-ajax.js. In
 defination of processNext, it used to be that the run was called on
 timeout like window.setTimeout(run, 1);. Now this is only called for
 isKHTML, and there is a direct call to run() otherwise. This for 
 some reason
 gave the recursion error for me. When I reverted this line and use 
 timeout version, the recursion error disappeared. I am not sure 
 about the
 big picture of what's going on, but that gave me a dirty fix for

 - Samyem

 samyem wrote:
 Same here. I am getting too much recursion in places I didn't 
 have problem
 earlier as well. Looking at the generated source, it is clear 
 that the
 java script gets included more than once, not just once in the 

 - Samyem

 Pierre-Yves Saumont wrote:
 I am afraid there is still a problem. I tested the fix in the 
 quickstart I had made and it worked fine. However, in my 
 application, selecting a date in the datepicker cause a 
 Javascript error. FF reports this error

 Erreur : too much recursion
 Fichier source : 

 Ligne : 1796

 Date.prototype.__msh_oldSetFullYear = Date.prototype.setFullYear;
 Date.prototype.setFullYear = function(y) {
var d = new Date(this);  line 
if (d.getMonth() != this.getMonth())

 In IE6, the error message is not enough stack space. The same 
 line number is reported, but the next line is highlighted:

 Date.prototype.__msh_oldSetFullYear = Date.prototype.setFullYear;

Re: [Wicket-user] Fwd: modal window link from inside a repeater (ListView)

2006-10-05 Thread Erik van Oosten
Should it not be:
listItem.add(new AjaxLink(openEditItem) {
instead of
add(new AjaxLink(openEditItem) {

A lot of e-mail does not come through somehow. BTW, not only gmail has 

Have fun,

Erik van Oosten

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Re: [Wicket-user] NullPointerException in ListView

2006-10-05 Thread kevinr

Thanks for your reply. Actually I figured out what was wrong but hadn't yet
written a followup response.
The ListView was part of a panel that was getting attached to the page
during the ConfigureResponse method. I had thought the configure response
method would be a good entry point to swap panels in a very simple wizard
page. I've now figured this and adopted something more similar to what is
shown on the wiki.

Johan Compagner wrote:
 do you have any code sample to share?
 On 10/3/06, kevinr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm receiving a null pointer exception within the ListView component. The
 ListView is trying to render null ListItems. From what I can see,
 populateItem isn't even being called. I can't tell if this is a bug, or
 I'm doing something wrong. I'm using ListViews in other sections of my
 and I do not see anything different as far as how I am utilizing them.
 using version 1.2.1. If anyone has seen this issue before, please let me
 know. Any help is appeciated.

 Thanks in advance.

 He's a partial of the stack trace:
 WicketMessage: Exception in rendering component: [MarkupContainer
 id = panel, page =, path =
 2:panel.OperatorAdmin$OperatorEditPanel, isVisible = true, isVersioned =
 true]]Root cause:java.lang.NullPointerException at
 wicket.markup.html.list.ListView.renderItem( at
 wicket.markup.html.list.ListView.onRender( at

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Wicket - User mailing list archive at

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Re: [Wicket-user] new initiative for a user guide

2006-10-05 Thread Stefan Kanev
I'm thinking with starting from a user guide to a sample app and then continuing with a reference guide. I would like to start simple, and if I see I can handle it, I'll start writing a reference manual
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Re: [Wicket-user] License for CMS (components)

2006-10-05 Thread Upayavira
Johan Compagner wrote:
 can they really do that?
 I think you can make a close source project on top of it.
 But shouldn't the wicket part, that is written by all of us, still be open?

Someone can take ASL licensed code, and make a closed source project 
from it. They cannot use the Wicket name, but they can say based upon 

They can't stop the Wicket code from being distributed, though. And they 
presumably can't stop the Wicket committers from being those who know 
the code the best.


 On 9/26/06, *Martijn Dashorst* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It is true that a company can take the source code and make it closed
 and sell it with a new label when using Apache license. Personally I
 don't mind and there are a lot of people that don't mind either.
 The problem with taking the ASL product, rebrand it and market it is
 that the product will always be behind what the free version provides,
 as long as the community is active and participating.
 I don't consider GPL or LGPL to be evil, they are just not my cup of
 On 9/26/06, Che Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Martijn,
   Well said - I did not think about that. And agreed, you might
 very well
   run into that problem.
   I admit that I have not had a thorough look at the Apache license but
   only 'read over it' and found it to be too 'open' for my liking:
 if you
   use an Apache-d software, you can keep the whole source secret,
 you can
   have it all open source, whatever. :)
   On the other hand, is it not true that Apache 2 is compatible
 with GPL?
   *mental note: read Apache and Apache 2 again*
   // Che
-Original Message-
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf
Of Martijn Dashorst
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Wicket-user] License for CMS (components)
I'm very biased against LGPL. The letter of the license is not
applicable for Java use, and LGPL is strongly at odds with Apache
license. If at some time we would like to adopt such components
we arrive at Apache, then this will prohibit reusing any code from
this project.
I'm in favor of Apache 2, since that is what most Wicket
 projects are
based on. I would use a license that is at least compatible with
On 9/26/06, Che Schneider  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My vote goes to LGPL: not as restrictive as GPL but
preserves the gist
 of it. :)

 // Che

  -Original Message-
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf
  Of Ted Roeloffzen
  Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 2:13 PM
  To: wicket-user
  Subject: [Wicket-user] License for CMS (components)
  Hello all,
  We are going to create a Wicket CMS and/or CMS Components,
  but we are not sure under which license to do this. Which
  license would you prefer? BSD, Apache, (L)GPL or another one?
  DISCLAIMER: This e-mail message is intended for the
  addressee(s) or authorized recipient only. If you are not the
  addressee, or an authorized recipient, you are specifically
  advised that any use, distribution, publication, copying or
  repetition of this information is prohibited. If you have
  received this information in error, please notify us
  immediately (+31 (0)20 50 25 800) and destroy this
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  addressee, or an authorized recipient, you are specifically
  advised that any use, distribution, publication, copying or
  repetition of this information is prohibited. If you have
  received this information in error, please notify us
  immediately (+31 (0)20 50 25 800) and destroy this message.
 DISCLAIMER: This e-mail message is intended for the
addressee(s) or authorized recipient only. If you are not the
addressee, or an authorized recipient, you are 

Re: [Wicket-user] Is there a forum implement by wicket and open source?

2006-10-05 Thread Philip A. Chapman


I am not aware of a forum built in wicket. There is always the wicket examples, and the wicket wiki, . Feel free to peruse bugeater's code at (svn checkout required). I can answer any questions that you may have about that code.


On Tue, 2006-10-03 at 16:42 +0800, deafwolf wrote:


I've read the code of woogle(,
I found that there're two markup in the WoogleBasePage.html,
one is wicket:child, the other is wicket:extend,
so I think that there're many feature not show in wicket's example.

I wish to read some code of a project that implement by wicket,
I think this is the fastest way to study wicket.
I think forum is better than other project, not very big, but enough complex.

Could you tell me if any project is up to the mustard.
I hava search with sourceforge and google, but can't get one.

Thank you very much.


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Philip A. Chapman

Desktop and Web Application Development:
Java, .NET, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL
Linux, Windows 2000, Windows XP

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Re: [Wicket-user] new initiative for a user guide

2006-10-05 Thread Korbinian Bachl


can you tell me more about what isnt 

Im quite new to JPA, but the interesting things is that 
everything i tried worked like a charm... 


  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von 
  Stefan KanevGesendet: Montag, 2. Oktober 2006 
  18:18An: wicket-user@lists.sourceforge.netBetreff: Re: 
  [Wicket-user] new initiative for a user guide
  I'm a big fan of JPA myself, but a JPA application is not easy to 
  distribute since the akward policy Sun has for their "enterprise" jars. Thus I 
  cannot create an application that is as easily runned localy as "mvn 
  jetty:run" - I'm having the same problem with the commercial projects I'm 
  doing and with a small JPA test fixtures API I've been trying to put up and 
  I'm pretty much sick of it. I think it is a better idea to use hibernate (if 
  use any persistence at all) than to sacrifice the easiness of the sample 
  application portability. 
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Re: [Wicket-user] [tutorial] Wicket + Spring integration - revisited

2006-10-05 Thread Leszek Gawron
Frank Bille wrote:
 Hey Leszek
 Looks good. If you have time for it couldn't you turn this into a wiki? 
 In that way it's easier for users to find this.
No problem. Since my last post I have found the proper (I hope) pointcut 
definition that allows services to be injected before initialization.

Leszek Gawron

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[Wicket-user] Floating header on datatable

2006-10-05 Thread Renaut, Jonathan E CTR DISA GIG-CS
Title: Floating header on datatable

This email seems to have been eaten while the mailing list was down yesterday. If you receive this twice, I apologize.

I would like to add a floating header to a datatable. That is, if there are too many rows in the table to be seen on the screen at a time, and the user scrolls down, the header should scroll, too, so the header is always visible and still retains its functionality.

I know I can set the page size to something smaller, but this is a specific customer requirement, so I don't get a say.

Does such a thing exist? If not, any suggestions on how to implement?

Thanks very much


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Re: [Wicket-user] License for CMS (components)

2006-10-05 Thread Philip A. Chapman


It would still remain open. Think of the closed-source version as a branch of the open-source software that is maintained by that un-named company. Of course, they'd have to deal with the headache of keeping their own branch updated with the latest patches and such (or just go their own route and now worry about the original OS software's changes). If I where such a company, I think I'd rather try to build a business model around the OS software than trying to constantly keep my own branch of an OS project up to date with changes.

On Tue, 2006-10-03 at 23:12 +0200, Johan Compagner wrote:

can they really do that?

I think you can make a close source project on top of it. 
But shouldn't the wicket part, that is written by all of us, still be open? 


On 9/26/06, Martijn Dashorst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It is true that a company can take the source code and make it closed
and sell it with a new label when using Apache license. Personally I
don't mind and there are a lot of people that don't mind either.

The problem with taking the ASL product, rebrand it and market it is 
that the product will always be behind what the free version provides,
as long as the community is active and participating.

I don't consider GPL or LGPL to be evil, they are just not my cup of tea.


On 9/26/06, Che Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Martijn,

 Well said - I did not think about that. And agreed, you might very well 
 run into that problem.
 I admit that I have not had a thorough look at the Apache license but
 only 'read over it' and found it to be too 'open' for my liking: if you
 use an Apache-d software, you can keep the whole source secret, you can 
 have it all open source, whatever. :)

 On the other hand, is it not true that Apache 2 is compatible with GPL?
 *mental note: read Apache and Apache 2 again*

 // Che

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf
  Of Martijn Dashorst
  Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 2:32 PM
  Subject: Re: [Wicket-user] License for CMS (components)
  I'm very biased against LGPL. The letter of the license is not
  applicable for Java use, and LGPL is strongly at odds with Apache 
  license. If at some time we would like to adopt such components when
  we arrive at Apache, then this will prohibit reusing any code from
  this project.
  I'm in favor of Apache 2, since that is what most Wicket projects are 
  based on. I would use a license that is at least compatible with
  On 9/26/06, Che Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   My vote goes to LGPL: not as restrictive as GPL but
  preserves the gist
   of it. :)
   // Che
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf
Of Ted Roeloffzen 
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 2:13 PM
To: wicket-user
Subject: [Wicket-user] License for CMS (components)
Hello all, 
We are going to create a Wicket CMS and/or CMS Components,
but we are not sure under which license to do this. Which
license would you prefer? BSD, Apache, (L)GPL or another one? 
DISCLAIMER: This e-mail message is intended for the 
addressee(s) or authorized recipient only. If you are not the
addressee, or an authorized recipient, you are specifically
advised that any use, distribution, publication, copying or 
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received this information in error, please notify us
immediately (+31 (0)20 50 25 800) and destroy this 

Re: [Wicket-user] AjaxSubmitButton don't working with button

2006-10-05 Thread Stefan Kanev
Sorry, was very sleepy - a stupid mistake. I will send my bugfix
within few hours.

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Re: [Wicket-user] Is there a forum implement by wicket and open source?

2006-10-05 Thread Juergen Donnerstag
wicket-example is usually a very good start for people who which to
study the source code to learn how Wicket works.


On 10/3/06, deafwolf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've read the code of woogle(,
 I found that there're two markup in the WoogleBasePage.html,
 one is wicket:child, the other is wicket:extend,
 so I think that there're many feature not show in wicket's example.

 I wish to read some code of a project that implement by wicket,
 I think this is the fastest way to study wicket.
 I think forum is better than other project, not very big, but enough complex.

 Could you tell me if any project is up to the mustard.
 I hava search with sourceforge and google, but can't get one.

 Thank you very much.


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Re: [Wicket-user] Development mode?

2006-10-05 Thread Juergen Donnerstag
if (DEVELOPMENT.equalsIgnoreCase(configurationType))
{ are in DEVELOPMENT mode);


else if (DEPLOYMENT.equalsIgnoreCase(configurationType))


There is no flag telling you in which mode you are. If you want a flag
subclass Application.configure() store the configurationType
parameter in a variable.


On 10/4/06, Erik van Oosten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How do I find out in which mode Wicket is running (development/production)?


 Erik van Oosten

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[Wicket-user] Database localized resources

2006-10-05 Thread Yozhik

Hi, All!

Does anybody know the proper way to make localized string resources, that
would be stored in database? 

I've tried to implement the IPropertiesFactory to make it load strings from
DB, but the IProperties.get() method must return value of
wicket.resource.Properties class. And the Constructor of
wicket.resource.Properties class is not public, so I simply could'n
construct it in my implementation. 

Wicket v.1.2.1.
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Re: [Wicket-user] License for CMS (components)

2006-10-05 Thread Ted Roeloffzen
We want to keep it open source, but there are so many different licenses to choose from.TedOn 10/3/06, Johan Compagner 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:can they really do that?I think you can make a close source project on top of it. 
But shouldn't the wicket part, that is written by all of us, still be open? johan
On 9/26/06, Martijn Dashorst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It is true that a company can take the source code and make it closedand sell it with a new label when using Apache license. Personally Idon't mind and there are a lot of people that don't mind either.The problem with taking the ASL product, rebrand it and market it is
that the product will always be behind what the free version provides,as long as the community is active and participating.I don't consider GPL or LGPL to be evil, they are just not my cup of tea.
On 9/26/06, Che Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Martijn,
 Well said - I did not think about that. And agreed, you might very well
 run into that problem. I admit that I have not had a thorough look at the Apache license but only 'read over it' and found it to be too 'open' for my liking: if you use an Apache-d software, you can keep the whole source secret, you can
 have it all open source, whatever. :) On the other hand, is it not true that Apache 2 is compatible with GPL? *mental note: read Apache and Apache 2 again* // Che

  -Original Message-  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf  Of Martijn Dashorst  Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 2:32 PM  To:
  Subject: Re: [Wicket-user] License for CMS (components)   I'm very biased against LGPL. The letter of the license is not  applicable for Java use, and LGPL is strongly at odds with Apache
  license. If at some time we would like to adopt such components when  we arrive at Apache, then this will prohibit reusing any code from  this project.   I'm in favor of Apache 2, since that is what most Wicket projects are
  based on. I would use a license that is at least compatible with  Apache.   Martijn   On 9/26/06, Che Schneider 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Hi, My vote goes to LGPL: not as restrictive as GPL but  preserves the gist   of it. :)  
   // Che  -Original Message-From: 

] On BehalfOf Ted Roeloffzen
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 2:13 PMTo: wicket-userSubject: [Wicket-user] License for CMS (components)   Hello all,
   We are going to create a Wicket CMS and/or CMS Components,but we are not sure under which license to do this. Whichlicense would you prefer? BSD, Apache, (L)GPL or another one?
   greets,   Ted__DISCLAIMER: This e-mail message is intended for the
addressee(s) or authorized recipient only. If you are not theaddressee, or an authorized recipient, you are specificallyadvised that any use, distribution, publication, copying or
repetition of this information is prohibited. If you havereceived this information in error, please notify usimmediately (+31 (0)20 50 25 800) and destroy this
message.__DISCLAIMER: This e-mail message is intended for theaddressee(s) or authorized recipient only. If you are not the
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Re: [Wicket-user] How to find Wicket mode (Production/Development )?

2006-10-05 Thread Korbinian Bachl
Hi Eelco,

you watch the first 2 lines in the server log 
or you can get the config value in the app class...


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag 
 von Erik van Oosten
 Gesendet: Donnerstag, 5. Oktober 2006 08:41
 An: Wicket-user list
 Betreff: [Wicket-user] How to find Wicket mode 
 (Production/Development )?
 [re-post due to mail-list problems.]
 How do I find out in which mode Wicket is running 
 Erik van Oosten
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Re: [Wicket-user] Wicket validation

2006-10-05 Thread Alessandro Lombardi
Hi all, this is my first post on this list...

Coming to your question, afaiu, you need cross validation over 
underlying model (in OO sense, not only wicket sense); and this model is 
probably reused as well as the panel.
The first thing that i note is that you should move your logic over the 
dom, giving this responsability to the object that aggregates form data.
But i think that this is a more general issue...not concerning only wicket.
If you validate a given input field, and this field has relation with 
other fields of the model, your validation will be stateful and not 
stateless, if you get what i mean.



Hello All,
I have a following question: I know how we can assign validators to the
form components and how we can have the validation defined on the form
level. But here is a problem: I have a component that is a simple panel.
This component is reused all over the place. It needs to have some
validation logic that needs a few form components that this panel has.
Where should I put this logic? I can not put it on the formComponent level
since it is not per form component but rather per combination of form
components. Putting it on the FormLevel will make it harder to reuse the
component on its own.

ANy suggestions?

Thank you

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Alessandro Lombardi
skype: alex.lombardi

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Re: [Wicket-user] new initiative for a user guide

2006-10-05 Thread Stefan Kanev
Maybe I didn't express myself cleary, sorry. JPA is very cool and all,
but it requires jars that you have to download from Sun, because they
aren't distributed freely (thus This is a major problem
with Maven, since this is what Maven does - gets the publicly
available jars for you, so the only thing you have to do to build and
run a project is mvn package or mvn jetty:run.

Now, I don't say JPA is evil because of that. I'm currently working on
a project that is heavy-JPA and I too feel that it is one of the
coolest three-letter acronyms in Java. But it would hinder the
redistributabily and availability of the demo application - you'll
have to download the jars yourself and manually install it in Maven's
repository (and that sucks bit time). So for this reason, I prefer to
avoid it - it is hadly central for the project itself, and that is why
I even prefer to use a mocked-up model and not a big framework that
does some persisting.

On the other hand, it is important to show how Wicket works with
domain models, not just how it handles web page rendering and request
processing. I've went through three pases on how domain interaction
should be split around my components and models in the aforemented
project and each of them could have been avoided if I had a good
seperation between the two concepts before that. So for this reason,
it would be cool to have Spring and Hibernate, since they influence
building a web app a lot. So I'm not really sure which way to go.

And let me add something for my previous email, since it's too vague -
it would be a How to build a pet store with wicket guide. I think it
is good to start with something small and that will produce something
useful even if left unfinished (at least a demo application and maybe
a guide how to do it). But I also want to write a reference manual and
I actually started with this idea. One thing I'm lack is a Table of
Contents, though, since I have no idea of how to categorize everything
in Wicket. If anyone has an idea and feels that it is worth it, please
do send your thoughs - I will eventually start writing a reference
manual too.

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Re: [Wicket-user] [tutorial] Wicket + Spring integration - revisited

2006-10-05 Thread igor.vaynberg

 * you have to keep your variables transient - very easy mistake to make,
 otherwise big boo boo might happen if the dependency is serializable and
 wont know until much later
Why would you want your services serializable?

because some services you are not in control of, they come from other
libraries, and they might implement Serializable. so if you inject this and
forget to mark the var as transient you are heading for a world of pain.

 * you have to inject everything - ie i cant take an instance of injected
 service and pass it to some other component to use
Do you really need to pass the service if you could just inject it also 
into target?

yes. i might want to perform some service resolution somewhere else, and
then give the component the one it needs to use - think plugins. declarative
injection works great, but by far not for all usecases.

 * i dont like @Configure on the entire object, i like per-field
 on the fields
that is probably the matter of taste. @Configurable gives you 2 work modes:

- the ability to autowire all setters by type or name:

- injection configuration from a prototype
public class MyModel {
 private FooService fooService;

 //setter here

and in applicationContext :
bean class=com.mycompany.MyModel scope=prototype
!-- do any injection types you like --

yeah, the second one: injection by prototype is horrid. can you imagine
configuring tiny components in application context - thats a lot of xml.

the reason i like fields is because i can mix in match. i have a lot of
situations where some components are injected and some are not, so for me
injecting the entire class wont work.

 * you have to have access to the java runtime args to install the weaver
not really. You can weave your classes 3 different ways:

- LTW - Load-Time Weaving, the classes are weaved as they are loaded at 
runtime. This is the only one that requires java agent configuration on 
command line

- aspectj compiler - compile your classes with special compiler. As the 
compiler extends standard JDT compiler you can use it on any classes 
(not only those to be weaved). For those using maven there is a special 
plugin utilising aspectj compiler.

im not a big fan of postcompilation steps even if they are transparent in
the ide. but at the end this might be the nicest way to go. with a maven
plugin it shouldnt be too bad i suppose.

- aspectj weaver - even if you have no access to java source you can 
weave .class files or whole jars that you compiled with standard compiler.

this wont work, the aspectj class loader has to be above the
webapplication's classloader otherwise all hell will break lose once you try
to store one of these objects in session. 

 what is needed to fix this
 * a different aspect that wraps the bean in the wicket-proxy just like we
 now - that should give you the ultimate freedom, 
agreed, I will investigate the problem further


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Re: [Wicket-user] Menu bar implementation

2006-10-05 Thread Igor Vaynberg
awesome, keep it up.-IgorOn 10/3/06, Stefan Lindner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have uploaded a first initial implementation of a menu bar to not the following items
1. Only one menu bar per page2. Currently 3 types of links supported3. Example code in MenuBarPanel's javadocEjoy it and tell me about your experienceStefan Lindner
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Re: [Wicket-user] Empty Dynamic Images

2006-10-05 Thread Igor Vaynberg
make sure your servlet mapping ends with /* as in /myapp/*-IgorOn 10/3/06, Matthew Bourgeois [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am new to wicket and have enjoyed it alot so far. I am specifically interested in
using Wicket with dynamic images. I have tried to use the Wicket 1.2.2
examples as a guide on how to do this. When I run
the Wicket 1.2.2 examples on my own machine both of the dynamic images in
the image example page show up as empty images. I have tried to use dynamic images in my own tests outside of the 1.2.2 examples and have had the same result. Here is a quick
example piece of code that I feel should work but have had no success with. Are there any gothcas about working with dynamic
package com.testimage;import wicket.markup.html.WebPage;import wicket.markup.html.image.resource.RenderedDynamicImageResource;import wicket.markup.html.image.Image;import java.awt.Graphics2D;

public class TestImagePage extends WebPage {  public TestImagePage() {add( new Image(cross, new RenderedDynamicImageResource(100, 100){ protected boolean render(Graphics2D graphics)
 { graphics.drawLine( 0, 0, 20, 20 ); graphics.drawLine( 0, 20, 20, 0 ); return true; }}));
   }}TestImagePage.html!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN  html  xmlns=  xmlns:wicket=  xml:lang=en  lang=en 
 head titleTest Dynamic Image/title
 /head body  img wicket:id=cross/ /body /htmlStay connected with the news, people, places and online services that matter to you on  
Try it!

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Re: [Wicket-user] Fwd: modal window link from inside a repeater (ListView)

2006-10-05 Thread Scott Swank
Ugh. Yes, that's it. Now I feel ever so clever.Thank you.On 10/5/06, Erik van Oosten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:Should it not be:listItem.add(new AjaxLink(openEditItem) {
instead ofadd(new AjaxLink(openEditItem) {?A lot of e-mail does not come through somehow. BTW, not only gmail hasproblems.Have fun, Erik.--Erik van Oosten Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT
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Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.-- George Orwell, 1984
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Re: [Wicket-user] Wicket vs .net/ a friendly pat on wicket core developers shoulders

2006-10-05 Thread Igor Vaynberg
much appreciated by all of us im surethanks-IgorOn 10/4/06, Nino Wael [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I've been using wicket for some 7 months or so
now. As a consultant I've seen some different stuff. And in the last job
I had, we used ASP .net(1.1) . And I must say that wicket feels a lot
like an upgrade in conceptuality and userfriendlyness. It's a lot simpler
to create your own components and I feel that development goes very smooth when
comparing against .net.

If I were to go back to something that did not have
the conceptuality as wickets has towards models, it would be a step back in

-cheers Nino

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Re: [Wicket-user] new initiative for a user guide

2006-10-05 Thread Justin Lee
Hash: RIPEMD160

Stefan Kanev wrote:
 Maybe I didn't express myself cleary, sorry. JPA is very cool and all,
 but it requires jars that you have to download from Sun, because they
 aren't distributed freely (thus This is a major problem

It's not perfect, but check

- --
Justin Lee
AIM : evan chooly
Skype : evanchooly
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.1 (Cygwin)


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Re: [Wicket-user] Floating header on datatable

2006-10-05 Thread Igor Vaynberg
dont know if ti exists, to implement i guess you can always override the markup of the datatable and the headers toolbar and add whatever you need to make it float.-IgorOn 10/4/06, 
Renaut, Jonathan E CTR DISA GIG-CS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would like to add a floating header to a datatable. That is, if there are too many rows in the table to be seen on the screen at a time, and the user scrolls down, the header should scroll, too, so the header is always visible and still retains its functionality.

I know I can set the page size to something smaller, but this is a specific customer requirement, so I don't get a say.

Does such a thing exist? If not, any suggestions on how to implement?

Thanks very much


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Re: [Wicket-user] stop AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior programmatically ?

2006-10-05 Thread Igor Vaynberg
it wont be implemented until 1.3 because we cant break the api in 1.2i attached some code the the rfe tracker, so if you need it now go ahead and use that.-IgorOn 10/4/06, 
samyem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Has this been implemented yet? What's the current status?Ingram Chen wrote: Thanks! Igor,I have created a RFE for this item. If you have time to release some code snips, it is great helpful !
 On 8/12/06, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: no it is not possible. i actually needed the same functionality recently
 and so i noticed this shortcoming as well. please file an rfe for 1.3 and i will add it in...right now i cant because it will break the api. in the meantime what i did was write an ajax poller that is similar to
 the timer behaviors but allows me to stop it, its only a few lines of code...i will check if i can release it monday if you would like. its not exactly what you want but it might be a good starting point.
 -Igor respond(target) { if (continuepolling()) { target.addjavascript( On 8/11/06, Ingram Chen  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi all,Is there any way to stop AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior programmatically ? I am writting a small chat app and require to stop self updating to
 reduce server load when user is idle. I check AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior but both updateInterval and response(target) are final... Is it possible to do ?
 Thanks in advance. -- Ingram Chen Java [EMAIL PROTECTED] Institue of BioMedical Sciences Academia Sinica Taiwan blog: - Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
 Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easier Download IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache Geronimo ___ Wicket-user mailing list
 - Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security? Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job
 easier Download IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache Geronimo ___ Wicket-user mailing list
 -- Ingram Chen Java [EMAIL PROTECTED] Institue of BioMedical Sciences Academia Sinica Taiwan blog:
 - Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security? Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job
 easier Download IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache Geronimo
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Re: [Wicket-user] Wicket validation

2006-10-05 Thread Igor Vaynberg
there have been other threads about this, please search the archives. what it comes down to is thislet you panel implement some interface that has a validate methodsubclass the form, override form.process() and change it to
process() { super.process(); visitChildren( visitor that looks for that interface and calls validate() on it ); }-IgorOn 10/5/06, 
Hello All,I have a following question: I know how we can assign validators to theform components and how we can have the validation defined on the formlevel. But here is a problem: I have a component that is a simple panel.
This component is reused all over the place. It needs to have somevalidation logic that needs a few form components that this panel has.Where should I put this logic? I can not put it on the formComponent level
since it is not per form component but rather per combination of formcomponents. Putting it on the FormLevel will make it harder to reuse thecomponent on its own.ANy suggestions?Thank you
Gennadiy-Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of ITJoin's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your
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Re: [Wicket-user] mailing list problems

2006-10-05 Thread Gwyn Evans
Yes - Anyone sending from a GMail account has been seeing bounces for
a while now, and it's also been extra quiet for a little bit now, but
there's just been what looks like a flood of backlogged messages
through, so let's see if I can now send to it (from GMail)...


On 04/10/06, Korbinian Bachl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 does the mailinglist again have problems ???

 i havent received a single mail for over 24 hours now or is the list



  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag
  von Eelco Hillenius
  Gesendet: Sonntag, 1. Oktober 2006 22:10
  Betreff: [Wicket-user] mailing list problems
  I'm afraid we're having lots of troubles again with the
  sourceforge lists. None of my messages seems to have come
  through the last few days, and neither did Igor's, and
  probably many more didn't make it.
  Seems to be the gmail addresses having the most troubles,
  hence I'm trying this from my mac address.
  Sorry for the inconvenience.
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  share your opinions on IT  business topics through brief
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Re: [Wicket-user] Second feedbackPanel (Wicket 2)

2006-10-05 Thread Igor Vaynberg
how do you want to tell the messages to go to that feedbackpanel?feedbackpanel takes a filter that you can use to filter which messages it will displayfor example impl see ComponentFeedbackPanel-Igor
On 10/4/06, Stefan Lindner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How can I put a second FeedbackPanel in a Form and feed this secondFeedbackPanel with custom feedback messages?I can't overwrite getCurrentMessages, it is final.Stefan Lindner-
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