[Wikimedia Announcements] Wikimedia Nederland report on May and June

2015-07-06 Thread Sandra Rientjes Wikimedia Nederland
The Wikimedia Nederland chapter report on May and June is available on Meta:


It is also included in this message as plain text.


*Survey among the editing community of Dutch language Wikipedia

WMNL commissioned a survey to get insight into how the Wikipedia community
experiences the working atmosphere on NL-Wikipedia, the views of editors on
the low number of women who contribute to Wikipedia, and the recruitment
and retention of new editors. Two years ago WMNL also surveyed the editing
community, but on different topics. From 3 to 16 June, logged-in editors
could take part in the survey via a general notice on NL Wikipedia. In
total 452 editors completed the survey: 322 Dutch, 91 Belgian en 39 other
nationalities. 51 of the respondents were female. (11%). The full results
will be available early July.


WMNL provided scholarships to three volunteers from the Netherlands to
attend the International Hackathon in Lyon. A further three volunteers have
received scholarships to attend Wikimania in Mexico City next month.

Wikimedia Conferentie Nederland

Preparations have started for organizing the 8th annual Wikimedia Nederland
Conference in November, with former WMNL chair Ziko van Dijk taking the

*Erasmus Prize

The awards ceremony for the Erasmus Prize will take place on Wednesday 25
November 2015, at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam. On behalf of the
international community, three representatives will receive the award,
which is presented by the Dutch King Willem Alexander. Other Wikipedians
are welcome to attend the ceremony as a spectator. Together with the Dutch
community, WMNL has compiled the invitation list for this event. During the
week of the award ceremony, a number of other activities will take place,
such as conferences, lectures and Wikimeets. The program for this ‘Erasmus
Week’ is in development and can be found here.


*Project Nature

In May, 250 historical images of birds were added to Wikimedia Commons.
These pictures are from the book de Nederlandsche vogelen donated by our
partner Koninklijke Bibliotheek. The images can be found here. So far 145
have been used to enhance Wikipedia articles.

The project nature working group has been very active: they have made
contact with the volunteer organisation IVN to explore cooperation and are
planning activities with the National Park Utrechtse Heuvelrug. In both
cases, the aim is to inspire the volunteers behind these organisations to
start contributing the Wikipedia. Furthermore, the working group are
preparing an online writing event to commemorate Dutch nature conservation
pioneer J.P.Thijsse.

Wikipedian in Residence Hans Muller started work at Naturalis on May 1. He
is cooperating closely with WMNL's project nature working group.

*Project World War II

The Institute for Sound and Vision released broadcasts by Radio Oranje, the
London based radio station for the occupied Netherlands during the Second
World War. The broadcasts - in Dutch, naturally, can be heard here. Already
22 broadcasts, or just over 12%, have been added to Wikipedia articles.

*Textile project

A group of representatives from Dutch cultural institutions, with support
from WMNL, has initiated a project to improve Wikipedia articles about
textiles, primarily on Dutch Wikipedia. It appears that articles about
basic textile techniques (weaving methods, types of fabrics, materials used
for the production of textiles) still need a lot of improvement. Activities
will include Creation of a structured wishlist and action list of articles
to be written and improved. Guidelines for articles about textiles.
Edit-a-thons with Wikimedians and textile experts from Dutch and Belgian
museums. Image donations, especially of close-up images of textile types
and techniques which are still missing on Wikimedia Commons. If possible:
release of reliable out-of-copyright sources. More information can be found
on the projectpage

*Wiki Loves Monuments

After a one year break in 2014, when WMNL organized the photography contest
Wiki Loves Earth, the Wiki Loves Monuments working group is getting ready
to organise Wiki Loves Monuments once again this year. Even though here was
no contest last year, a lot of work was done to prepare the list of
municipal monuments for this year's event.


The gendergap taskforce has finalized the projectplan for the Dutch
Gendergap project. Our plan has two main goals:increase the number of
articles on women subjects & recruitment of female editors. In June we have
had a very positive follow-up meeting with ATRIA, the institute for gender
history, to discuss possible cooperation in this project.

*Wikipedia and libraries

The Royal Library, WMNL, and several public libraries are discussing a
pilot p

[Wikimedia Announcements] Wikimedia Nederland report on March and April

2015-05-14 Thread Sandra Rientjes Wikimedia Nederland
The Wikimedia Nederland chapter report on March and April is available on


It is also included in this message as plain text.



Seven volunteers took part in a one-day training organized by WMNL on
working with the media. They learned about framing messages, dealing with
tricky questions and practiced being interviewed on camera. We were
particularly happy that two volunteers from our sister chapter Wikimedia
Belgie could join us.


*Education program

The first trainee from ITV - College for translators and interpreters
started work in April. At the request of the Wikipedia-community she will
translate Wikipedia articles from German into Dutch. A second trainee will
start soon, translating articles from the Russian Wikipedia.

*World War II

WMNL partner NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, has
integrated cooperating with and contributing to the Wikimedia projects in
their regular workprogramme for 2015. They are starting on a programme
World War II on Wikipedia, which will aim to release content of monographs
and reference works for the Wikimedia projects, and stimulate its use via
editathons and online activities. A programme start-up meeting was held on
April 24. A second meeting was held on April 29 to locate contents in the
NIOD archives that are suitable for release on Wikimedia projects, and that
are within the scope of World War II. The NIOD expects this program to run
until November 2015 and to include an editathon. The results will be
evaluated at that time, and any follow-up for 2016 will be based on the
evaluation outcome.

*Project Nature

De Vlinderstichting (Butterfly Foundation) released its information on
dragonflies and damsels under a Creative Commons license. It is being used
to improve content on these species on Wikipedia. This proJect is a test
for other content and data donations concerning bigger species groups.

The national museum for natural history Naturalis appointed Hans Muller as
Wikipedian in Residence. He will work for Naturalis for six months,
cooperating closely with the WMNL Project Nature group.


The Netherlands actively participated in the worldwide Art+Feminism
campaign on 7 and 8 March. We held three edit-a-thons (one at Stedelijk
Museum Amsterdam, one at Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht, one at Lloyd Hotel
in Amsterdam). On the Dutch Wikipedia, 53 articles on women were added.
There were also many Wikidata items added in the case of new articles not
previously existing in any other language. On March 8 there was an
editathon at the editorial offices of Dutch feminist magazine Opzij. The
aim there was to write articles about the 1001 historically important women
listed in the Vrouwenlexikon (Lexicon of Women) by Els Kloek.


On 10, 11, + 12 April 145 participants from 32 countries came to The Hague
for GLAMWIKI 2015 conference. The National Library and the National
Archives provided the venue for this event. Aim: to exchange ideas and
experiences, give and get inspiration and send out the message that
cooperation between GLAMs and Wikimedia is important. The atmosphere was
lively and creative: already during the conference new ideas were born.

*Wikipedia in the Museum: Wikipedia-touch screen information for museums

WMNL developed an app that makes it easy for museums to provide extra
information for their visitors. Via a tablet, visitors can access a number
of pre-selected relevant Wikipedia articles - in different languages. The
app is designed to present the Wikipedia articles in an attractive way,
with a lot of attention for images. The app is integrated in a column which
clearly indicated that this information comes from Wikipedia. Two of these
columns are now being tried out in the Catharijne Convent Museum for
religious art and the Textile Museum in Tilburg. The code will of course be
made available for the Wikimedia community, and other interested parties.

*Writing event following content donation Museum Catharijne Convent

March 12 we organised a writing event around the content donation of 2500
images of religious art by the Museum Catharijne Convent.

*Writing events Textile Museum

Hay Kranen gave a workshop on (editing) Wikipedia at the Textile Museum in
Tilburg on 2 April. Around a dozen employees of the museum and other GLAM
institutions located in Tilburg were present. Apart from a general
introduction to the various Wikimedia projects, there was room for actual
editing. The Wikipedia in the Museum app (see above) was tested as well.

*Startup meetings

In April 2015, WMNL has held several meetings to prepare new GLAM projects.

-On 23 April, a meeting was held at the collection department of
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, to discuss possible collaboration projec

[Wikimedia Announcements] Wikimedia Nederland annual report 2014

2015-04-23 Thread Sandra Rientjes Wikimedia Nederland
The Wikimedia Nederland annual report for 2014 is available :

Dutch version
text - illustrated pdf will follow soon)
English version

Sandra Rientjes
Directeur/Executive Director Wikimedia Nederland

tel.(+31) (0)30 3200238
mob. (+31) (0)6  31786379


*Postadres*: * Bezoekadres:*
Postbus 167Mariaplaats 3
3500 AD  Utrecht Utrecht
Please note: all replies sent to this mailing list will be immediately directed 
to Wikimedia-l, the public mailing list of the Wikimedia community. For more 
information about Wikimedia-l:
WikimediaAnnounce-l mailing list

[Wikimedia Announcements] Wikimedia Nederland report January and February

2015-03-17 Thread Sandra Rientjes Wikimedia Nederland
The Wikimedia Nederland chapter report on January and February is available
on meta:


It is also included in this message as plain text.

Sandra Rientjes
Directeur/Executive Director Wikimedia Nederland

tel.(+31) (0)30 3200238
mob. (+31) (0)6  31786379


*Postadres*: * Bezoekadres:*
Postbus 167Mariaplaats 3
3500 AD  Utrecht Utrecht

==Community and Participation==

Erasmus Prize awarded to Wikipedia community

On 15 January (the 14th birthday of Wikipedia) the Erasmus Prize Foundation
announced during a seminar in Amsterdam that Wikipedia will receive the
Erasmus Prize 2015. The prize is awarded annually to a person or
institution that has made an exceptional contribution to culture, society
or social science. Wikipedia was chosen because the Internet encyclopedia
provides worldwide access to knowledge in open and democratic way. The
award goes specifically to the international Wikipedia community, the
volunteers behind Wikipedia. Wikimedia Nederland hopes that this
prestigious award will open doors for new partnerships and encourage more
people to become involved.  We are planning a program of activities
throughout the year.

New Years Reception

Saturday, January 17th the Institute for Vision and Sound  hosted Wikimedia
Nederland's annual New Year's reception. The meeting was attended by more
than 80 members, donors, Wikipedians and other interested parties. The day
was opened by Jan Müller (Managing Director of Vision and Sound). The
guests could explore the Sound and Vision Experience or join a tour of the

 Video on Wikipedia 

After our New Years reception at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and
Vision, we received a number of questions about the use of video on
Wikipedia. We built a small project page on our local chapter Wiki with a
few instructional videos on how to upload and use video. The community
reacted with enthusiasm and created a new help page out of this
projectpage. Some volunteers became more actively involved with trying to
find open video content online to use on Wikipedia.


= Education program - call for translation requests =

The education program has started with a pilot project on translations.
Interns from ITV (a school for interpreters and translators) can translate
selected articles from French, German, Spanish, Italian, English and
Russian to Dutch. These interns will translated articles requested by the
community. In January, a  call for translation requests was posted and got
a very positive response from the community. The first intern will start in
April and will translate articles from German into Dutch.

= World War II =

A number of meetings took place with archives that have collections related
to WWII. We expect to see some media donations over the next few months. We
are also working with our partner NIOD (the national institute for war,
conflict and genocide research) to prepare an editathon on the role of
women during the Second World War.  Work is also continuing on a
Verzetskranten project about the underground press during World War II.
This is a cooperation between NIOD, the National Library and Wikimedia
Nederland. The aim is to improve the number and quality of articles about
illegal newspapers on Wikipedia, and then use these to provide extra
content to the National Library's database holding the digitized version of
the actual newspapers.

= Project Nature =

The Museum for Natural History Naturalis has started the search for a
Wikipedian in Residence. The volunteers involved in project nature are
starting work on processing a content donation by De Vlinderstichting
(Butterfly Foundation). Information on and images of the dragonfly species
of the Netherlands was released under a Creative Commons licence.

= Gendergap =

Preparations have begun for the Gendergap project. Plan is to have a
projectplan written in April. We are exploring possibilities and we are
talking to possible partners for our gendergap project. At the same time,
we are preparing activities for the international Women's day in March.  We
were approached by the feminist magazine Opzij, who want to increase the
number of articles about women on Dutch Wikipedia.  We are cooperating with
them in an editathon at their offices on March 9.  We hope this will be the
start of longer cooperation.

= GLAM-WIKI 2015 =

GLAM-WIKI 2015 is organized by WMNL and will take place in The Hague on
April 10 -12.  The venue will be the National Library and National
Archive.  The programme committee and the WMNL office are busy preparing
this event. A call for proposals was published, the scholarship request
form made available, ticket sales have started.s. The programme committ

[Wikimedia Announcements] WIkimedia Nederland report for November and December

2015-01-27 Thread Sandra Rientjes Wikimedia Nederland
The Wikimedia Nederland report for November and December is available on


It is included as text in this message:

*COMMUNITY: supporting and mobilising volunteers and editors*

   -  Wikimedia Nederland Conference, Utrecht, November 1.

Finding & Connecting was the theme of the annual Wikimedia Conference
Netherlands on Saturday, November 1st, 2014 in Utrecht. The day was opened
by Hans de Zwart (Bits of Freedom) who spoke on freedom and
commercialization of the web. In total 27 speakers gave presentations
during the conference on the themes 'Find', 'Connect', 'Behind the Scenes'
and 'in practice'. A specially designed 'gender gap' lounge area gave more
background about the lack of female contributors within Wikimedia projects.
With over 100 visitors, we consider it a successful conference.

· Wiki-Saturdays

There were four Wiki-Saturdays in November and December. On November 8,
volunteers presented a prototype of Wikiportret 2.0, which will make it
much easier to contribute portraits to Commons. The final product will be
available in February 2015. The last WikiSaturday of the year on December
20 attracted 18 members of the community, two of whom visited the WMNL
offices for the first time.

· Seminar on online communication

WMNL supported a group of community members, many of them moderators, in
organizing a seminar on online communication and the challenges of
communicating with people with a disorder in the autism spectrum. On
December 13, two experts gave presentations for a group of 15 Wikipedians.
This event ended with constructive discussions on options to improve the
working climate on Nl Wikipedia and avoid unnecessary conflicts. In 2015,
WMNL will make available resources for further activities in this area.

*WORK: content, collaboration and activity development*

· GLAM Hackathon, Amsterdam, November 14 - 16.

Thirty developers and programmers came together in Amsterdam to work three
days on new and existing tools. The theme of the meeting was workingwith
data from libraries, archives and museums. Some examples of the impressive
amount of development work during those three days: - A tool that measures
how long a visitor has looked at a picture in Media Viewer. - An interface
for Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata and Wikipedia that can be extended with
your own commands. Also you can easily run queries by using this interface
to different wiki platforms. - A website where you can see the paintings
have already been added to Wikidata. In addition 250 files without content
were sanitized and 30,000 images of paintings added to Wikidata. In the
run-up to the Hackathon we organised a workshop Wikidata for GLAMs.

· Writing event on World War II at NIOD, Amsterdam, November 29.

On Saturday, November 29th the research institute [www.niod.nl NIOD] opened
its doors for Wikipedians. One of NIOD's researchers gave a presentation on
his work and how it related to Wikipedia. Attendees were then able to work
in the NIOD library. They wrote and improved articles, added information to
Wikidata and made a start on improving the information on the illegal
press. There was also a tour of the beautiful building where NIOD is housed.

· Project Nature: content donations and a Wikipedian in Residence

We received two content donations: as a pilot project for our cooperation
with NGOs gathering data on wildlife, we are going to upload the
data-collection on Dutch damsels and dragonflies. This is donated by
Libellennet. TheKoninklijke Bibliotheek (National Library) donated the
illustrations from 'De Nederlandsche Vogelen', a magnificent 18th century
book on Dutch Birds. In 2015, we are going to organize events to ensure
that these content donations are used in Wikipedia and other projects. The
museum for natural history Naturalis has decided to appoint a Wikipedian in
Residence for at least 6 months in 2015.

Wikipedia course for beginners and 'intermediates'. In cooperation with the
Zeeuwse Bibliotheek (library of Zeeland, which operates both as a public
and an academic library) we organised two training courses on editing
Wikipedia in November 11 and 25.


· Staff

Jesse de Vos joined WMNL for three months to work on content donations. He
normally works for our partner Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid. Frank Meijer
joined as a contractor to work on the education programme.


· FDC recommendation

The FDC commented positively on WMNL's plan for 2015 and recommended a
grant of €304.000. Although this is slightly less than we requested, we are
confident that we will be able to implement our plans. We are going to look
for external funding, both in cash and inkind, and be extremely
cost-conscious when planning our activities.

· Donations

The holiday season inspired people to give substantial donations to WMNL.
In total we received €15.000 over No

[Wikimedia Announcements] Wikimedia Nederland report for October

2014-12-02 Thread Sandra Rientjes Wikimedia Nederland
The WMNL report on October is available on meta:


It is also included in this message as plain text.

*COMMUNITY: supporting and mobilising volunteers and editors*

   - Wiki-Saturdays

In October there were two Wikisaturdays, one devoted to last-minute
preparations for the annual Wikimedia Nederland Conference on November 1.

Writing event Naturalis

*WORK: content, collaboration and activity development*

   - Project Nature

The writing event in cooperation with the natural history museum Naturalis
took place on October 5, around the theme of nature in the Netherlands.
Around 11 new and existing editors participated in the editing event. This
event was also the awards ceremony for Wiki Loves Earth NL 2014 (jury
report) where 17 visitors attended.

   - Project World War II

The Worldwar II projectpage on Wikipedia was remodelled and revitalised. It
now includes a list of articles missing and to be improved. We will use it
as a platform for online writing events.

   - Wiki loves libraries

The monthly local training in the public library of Amersfoort were
continued in October by volunteers of WMNL.

   - Wikipedia awareness campaign

WMNL will launch a Wikipedia-awareness campaign in January 2015. Aim of the
campaign is to make the general public more aware of the fact that
Wikipedia is a volunteer project. The campaign will not focus on
fundraising or membership recruitment for WMNL. In October, we choose the
agency that will help us develop and run the campaign. We selected MV, a
two-woman company with a track record in working for non-profits.

   - Wikipedia in the Museum

Thanks to a donation from a private grant making foundation earlier this
year, WMNL could start developing an application that will allow visitors
to a museum to directly access Wikipedia-articles related to the exhibits
they are seeing. At this stage, it is a pilot with one or two museums.


   - GLAMout Global

WMNL organised the global GLAMout in October, the hangout is available on
youtube. The next global GLAMout will be organised by WMSE.


Board meeting

The WMNL Board met on October 8.

Q3 report

We submitted our report on the third quarter of 2014 to WMF.


   - Wikimedia Nederland Conference, Utrecht, November 1.
   - Wikipedia beginners course, Zeeuwse Bibliotheek, Middelburg, November
   - GLAM Hackathon, Amsterdam, November 14 - 16.
   - workshop Wikidata for GLAMs, Amsterdam, November 14.
   - Wikipedia intermediate course, Zeeuwse Bibliotheek, Middelburg,
   November 25.
   - Writing event on World War II at NIOD, Amsterdam, November 29.
   - New Years Reception and Presentation year plan 2015 to partner
   organisations, January 17.
   - GLAMwiki Conference 2015, tbd, April 10-11-12 2015


*These events are relevant to the Netherlands and/or Dutch language
Wikimedia-projects but were not organised by WMNL*:

   - Writing event Nature, Utrecht University, October 4 - organised by
   User:Spinster for the expeditions project
   - Lecture by Hay Kranen, National Archives of the Netherlands, October 5
   - organised by User:Husky
   - Writing event Scientific expeditions, Technical University of Delft,
   October 18 - organised by User:Spinster for the expeditions project

Sandra Rientjes
Directeur/Executive Director Wikimedia Nederland

tel.(+31) (0)30 3200238
mob. (+31) (0)6  31786379


*Postadres*: * Bezoekadres:*
Postbus 167Mariaplaats 3
3500 AD  Utrecht Utrecht
Please note: all replies sent to this mailing list will be immediately directed 
to Wikimedia-l, the public mailing list of the Wikimedia community. For more 
information about Wikimedia-l:
WikimediaAnnounce-l mailing list

[Wikimedia Announcements] Wikimedia Nederland report on July and August

2014-09-17 Thread Sandra Rientjes Wikimedia Nederland
The report on Wikimedia Nederland activities over the summer is now

It is also included  as plain text (no links) below.

*Wikimedia Nederland report over July and August*

*COMMUNITY: supporting and mobilising volunteers and editors*


Even during the summer holidays there were four Wiki-Saturdays. On July 19,
two visiting Wikipedians from the USA and UK respectively found their way
to the office to join Dutch Wikipedians.


On July 7, members of the community organised a Wiknic in Eindhoven. 16
Wikipedians/Wikimedians attended the event that was supported by WMNL

*WikiSunday: International Wikipedians meetup at Bonnefantenmuseum*

15 Wikipedians from The Netherlands and Germany gathered at the Bonnefanten
Museum in Maastricht This WikiSunday was organized by Wikimedia Netherlands
to get users from Wikipedia become acquainted with the museum as the museum
wants to start a collaboration with Wikipedia.

*Wikimedia Conference Nederland*

A group of volunteers, board-members and staff are working hard to prepare
the annual Wikimedia Nederland Conference. It will take place on November
1, in Utrecht.

*WORK: content, collaboration and activity development*

*World War II*

Our partner NIOD (the Netherlands institute for war research) is going to
release material. They hold the wartime archives of many organisations and
groups. These archives come with a description of the history of these
organisations in the war years, which are of encyclopedic value and could
improve the quality of Wikipedia content on the history of World War II. In
addition, they are planning to release some of their publications under
CC-BY-SA, starting with a monograph on the history of the underground
press. On November 29, NIOD will open its offices on a Saturday to give
Wikipedians access to its library and experts for a writing event.

*Project Nature*

We are preparing for a writing event in cooperation with the natural
history museum Naturalis on October 5, around the theme of nature in the
Netherlands. This event is also the awards ceremony for Wiki Loves Earth NL
2014, where prize-winning pictures will be announced and prizes will be
handed out to the winners of the Dutch competition. We are now also
discussing cooperation with the KNNV (the Netherlands society for natural
history). They have a very active and knowledgeable membership who we would
like to interest in contributing to Wikipedia. Naturalis is also
considering a content donation. Sebastiaan ter Burg gave a presentation at
Naturalis about the possibilities, such as content donation strategies and
promotional events after a donation in July.

*Wiktionary: Hebrew en Yiddish words in use in Dutch*

WMNL is cooperating with the Sofeer Foundation to integrate their
dictionary of Hebrew en Yiddish words in use in the Dutch language into
WikiWoordenboek (Nl Wiktionary). Nearly 3000 words have been uploaded by
volunteer Romaine. The task is not yet finished: a list of names will also
be uploaded, probably to Wikipedia. More information can be found on the

Expedition Wikipedia: two content donations and one university course

Spinster, Wikipedian in Residence (WiR) for almost 10 Dutch universities'
heritage collections, completed tee content donations for the Expedition
Wikipedia project:

-More than 200 illustrations of historical travel books were donated to
Wikimedia Commons by Maastricht University Library.

-More than 400 photographs of the 1899-1900 Siboga Expedition were donated
to Wikimedia Commons by the Special Collections of the University of

>From May to early July, a group of 9 students from Maastricht University
have written and improved almost 20 articles about historical travel books
and their authors, on English Wikipedia and in other languages. More
information is available on the course page on English-language Wikipedia.
A similar course is in preparation for September-October at Utrecht

*GLAMwiki Toolset Workshop*

5 GLAMs were trained in using the GLAMwiki Toolset during a workshop on the
28th of July. The workshop started with an introduction by Liam Wyatt, the
GLAMwiki Toolset Coordinator at Europeana. The Amsterdam Museum,
Rijksmuseum, University Museum Utrecht, Netherlands Institute for Sound and
Vision and National Library worked with the toolset. The manual of the GWT
has been improved with the feedback and notes of the participating GLAMs.


This year and in 2015 we are going to run three pilot projects to test out
different ways of cooperating with higher education to improve content of
Wikipedia. In the autumn we want to start cooperating with ITV, a college
training translators and interpreters. ITV wants offer their final year
students the option a Wikipedia internship: they will translate Wikipedia
articles. Many ITV students are 'mature stu

[Wikimedia Announcements] Wikimedia Nederland in June

2014-07-21 Thread Sandra Rientjes Wikimedia Nederland
The report on Wikimedia Nederland activities in June is available:


It is also included as text in this message.

Sandra Rientjes
Directeur/Executive Director Wikimedia Nederland

*COMMUNITY: supporting and mobilising volunteers and editors*

· Wiki-Saturdays.

The WMNL office was open for community members on June 7 and 21. The event
on the 7th was visited by 10 members. The first ideas for the year plan
2015 were collected by the 12 participants on the 21st. (see below)

*WORK: content, collaboration and activity development*

   - Wiki Loves Earth events

In total, the Wiki Loves Earth competition resulted in 1349 images of Dutch
nature, wildlife and landscapes uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. The
Institute for Vision and Sounds donated 500 videos of Dutch birds (see
below under content donations for more info) and launched a competition to
integrate the films in the relevant Wikipedia-articles. We also met with
Naturalis, the museum of natural history, to discuss content donations and
an editathon, and are approaching volunteer organisations working on nature
and wildlife for future cooperation.

· Education Programme

WMNL has commissioned a small consultancy firm to carry out a study into
the feasibility of starting an education programme in the Netherlands. The
consultants did desk research and interviewed relevant stakeholders. In
their report, they conclude that there is definitely potential for an
education programme focussing on higher education (universities and
colleges. They recommended carrying out three pilotprojects, exploring
improving content of articles, translating articles from other language
versions of Wikipedia and improving language and style of articles. More
information can be found on the project page.

· World War Two

Volunteers working on the World War Two project made an inventory of topics
whose content could be expanded and improved. This will serve as a
framework for content donations by the National Institute for War Research
NIOD and the Institute for Vision and Sound. We also decided to approach
local history groups and museums. More information on the project page. And
we are also still looking for more volunteers to work on this activity!

· Wikipedia workshops at libraries

Two workshop were organised: a monthly open workshop in Amersfoort (June
13) and a workshop for 9 employees of the public library in Amsterdam (OBA,
June 24). The workshop in Amersfoort attracted people that specifically
came to the library for the workshop and the director of the archive (the
archive is located in the same building).

· Music Edit-a-thon

On Saturday June 14th an Edit-a-thon was organized at the Netherlands
Institute for Sound and Vision. About 30 people showed up to write about
Dutch music from the first half of the twentieth century. There were 15
first-time editors present. About twenty articles were written (see the
course page for all the contributions of the day). Photos of the day.

· Content donations

*The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision: 500+ videos of birds*

The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision has just finished uploading
over 500 video's of bird filmed in The Netherlands by a professional film
producer. This is a donation made possible by the Foundation for Nature
Footage (Stichting Natuurbeelden) and the Netherlands Institute for Sound
and Vision. The entire collection can be found in the category
commons:Category:Stichting_Natuurbeelden_on_Open_Images Stichting
Natuurbeelden on Open Images.

 *Atlas of Mutual Heritage on Commons: 2.500 old maps, prints and drawings*

2500 images related to the overseas history of The Netherlands have been
uploaded to Wikimedia Commons by Hay Kranen. More information about this
upload can be found on the project page and in Hay's email to the GLAM

· Re-source fashion conference

Sebastiaan ter Burg was a panellist at the Re-source fashion conference in


· Newsletter

The newsletter was published on June 30. 69 people signed up for the WMNL
newsletter, mainly as a result of the Wiki Loves Earth events.

· Linux-group meeting

Board members Ad Huikeshoven and Justus de Bruijn attended the annual
summer meeting of the Netherlands Linux Usersgroup. They presented WMNL and
explored possibilities for synergy and cooperation.


· Free Culture Weekend

Sebastiaan ter Burg attended the Culture Weekend in London (notes).

· Wikimania Scholarships

WMNL provided Wikimania scholarships to 11 members of the Dutch Wikimedia
community. In addition, several staff and boardmembers will also attend the
event in London.


· Board

The WMNL Board met on June 12.

· Annual plan 2015

We started drafting of the annual plan 2015 with a brainstorming meeting on
June 21, whic

[Wikimedia Announcements] Monthly report WIkimedia Nederland: May

2014-06-24 Thread Sandra Rientjes Wikimedia Nederland
Wikimedia Nederland published its report on activities in May:

It is included in this message as plain text.

*COMMUNITY: supporting and mobilising volunteers and editors]*

· *Wiki-Saturdays.*

The WMNL office was open for community members on May 10 and May 24. In
total, 12 people came to the office to discuss (inter alia) the education
programme, projectmonitoring and reporting.

· *Wikidata - DBPedia cooperation*

The working group on Wikidata and DBPedia cooperation met at the WMNL
offices on May 15.

*WORK: content, collaboration and activity development[edit]*

· *Wiki Loves Earth events*

The Wiki Loves Earth kick off took place in De Weerribben-Wieden National
Park on May 3. After a presentation a group of participants went into the
national park by boat with a ranger (from Staatsbosbeheer to take pictures
of this park.

On May 25, a further three Wiki Loves Earth events took place: in Sallandse
Heuvelrug National Park a sound workshop was organized to record sounds of
nature. In Utrechtse Heuvelrug National Park and Drentsche Aa National
Landscape photo workshops were organized.

· *Editathon Women and Art, Amsterdam*

On 17 May, a group of Wikipedians held a new edit-a-thon about women and
art at De Appel art centre in Amsterdam. This event was a follow-up to the
first Dutch Art+Feminism edit-a-thon on February 1 and was also financially
supported by Wikimedia NL. Both events together have, so far, resulted in
more than 50 new or improved articles about women in the arts.

· *Education Programme*

The two consultants engaged to carry out a feasibility study on developing
a WMNL education programme presented their interim results during the
Wiki-Saturday on May 24 . This was followed by a brainstorming session on
aims and ambitions of the programme

· *Maps and Wikipedia meeting, Amsterdam*

Wikipedians in Residence Sandra Fauconnier and Hay Kranen have organized an
expert meeting on old maps and Wikimedia projects on Saturday 24 May in
Amsterdam. More than 20 participants, including curators / collection
managers of map collections, and Dutch Wikipedians listened to the keynote
presentation was by Susanna Ånäs (Wikimedia Finland) on the WikiMaps
project. Further presentations, and a brainstorm session, included
historical map collections from Koninklijke Bibliotheek, old maps on
Wikimedia Commons, and a case study of storytelling via maps: visualizing
the 1934 world trip of Felix Vening Meinesz, a project by TU Delft.

· *Presentation Libraries Zeeland*

Sebastiaan ter Burg gave a presentation about cooperation between external
wiki initiatives and Wikimedia projects at the Zeeuwse Bibliotheek
(libraries in Zeeland) and met with the library of Vlissingen for future

· *World War Two*

Board member Justus de Bruijn and director Sandra Rientjes visited NIOD
(the national institute for war, conflict and genocide studies) to explore
cooperation concerning the the topic of World War Two. NIOD is keen to make
their collections better accessible to the public.

· *Bonnefanten Museum*

We met with the Maastricht Bonnefanten Museum to explore cooperation.


· *Newsletter*

The newsletter was published on May 22. At the moment, 814 people receive
the WMNL newsletter.


· *Zurich Hackathon*

Three members of the community attended the Hackathon in Zurich, supported
through a WMNL scholarship.

· *Wikimania*

We started advertising our scholarships for Wikimania. The aim is to give
scholarships to ten members of the community.


· *Board*

The WMNL Board met on May 8.

Sandra Rientjes
Directeur/Executive Director Wikimedia Nederland

tel.(+31) (0)30 3200238
mob. (+31) (0)6  31786379


*Postadres*: * Bezoekadres:*
Postbus 167Mariaplaats 3
3500 AD  Utrecht Utrecht
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to Wikimedia-l, the public mailing list of the Wikimedia community. For more 
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[Wikimedia Announcements] Monthly report Wikimedia Nederland: April

2014-05-20 Thread Sandra Rientjes Wikimedia Nederland
Wikimedia Nederland published it April report :

It is included in this message as plain text.

 COMMUNITY: supporting and mobilising volunteers and editors

* Small grants programme
WMNL gave a grant of € 200 for the organisation of a writing event on women
and art.

* Wiki-Saturdays
Two Wiki-Saturdays, with 4 resp. 6 participants, were held in April.

 WORK: content, collaboration and activity development
* Wiki Loves Earth.
A group of volunteers, supported by office staff, worked hard to prepare
for the launch of Wiki Loves Earth on May 1. They have a developed a full
programme of events in cooperation with the Netherlands' National Parks,
focussing on uploading images and sounds.

* Museum Naturalis cooperation
WMNL will continue to work on the theme of nature, biodiversity and
landscape after the international Wiki Loves Earth competition has
finished. We met with representatives of Naturalis, the Museum of Natural
History, to discuss cooperation.  Already we have planned a editing event
for October 4/5, but we are also discussing content donations. We want to
link these activities to a concerted action to recruit new editors from
(volunteer) organisations working on natural history.

* Education Programme
The consultants engaged to carry out a feasibility study for cooperation
between WMNL and the education sector have started work.  In April and May
they will carry out interviews with representatives of institutes of higher
education and with members of the international Wikimedia community.  Their
interim results will be presented to and discussed with the community on
May 24.

* GLAMwiki Toolset (mass-upload tool)
The Amsterdam Museum hosted a GLAMwiki Toolset workshop on the 4th of
April. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Museum, University Museum Utrecht, National
Archives of the Netherlands, National Library of the
Netherlands,Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, Wikipedians in
Residence and volunteers participated in this workshop. Every step from
choosing suitable content to uploading it was covered during the workshop.
The lessons learned are being collected in the |GLAMwiki Toolset Manual.

* Wiki Loves Bieb
First preparations were made for the monthly Wikipedia courses that will be
hosted by the library in Amersfoort, starting on June the 13th.

* Wikipedians in Residence
The Wikipedians in Residence had a meeting at the WMNL office on the 28th
of April. Two workshops were organized for employees of Sound and Vision in
which they were encouraged to consider the platforms of Wikimedia when
setting up new projects.

* Wikidata Workshop
The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision hosted a Wikidata workshop
given bij Gerard Meijssen on April 11th. The workshop was focussed on
explaining what Wikidata is, to show how single and batch edits can be done
and to discuss the different possibilities for GLAMs to use Wikidata. Apart
from a variety of participants from the institute itself also the
Rijksmuseum and Wikipedians in Residence were present.  More workshops will
be organised in 2014.

* World War II - warmonuments
April was war monuments month for WMNL.  In cooperation with the Nationaal
Comité 4 en 5 may, we asked members of the public to make and  upload
photos of warmonuments. More than 2,000 images were uploaded via the
campaign template. WMNL will continue to focus on improving and adding to
content concerning World War II. We are exploring cooperation with NIOD,
the National institute for war, genocide and holocaust studies. More news
in the next report.

* Newsletter
: An |issue of the newsletter was sent out.

* WMNL received a generous donation of €12,500 from a private donor.

* Wikimedia Conference Berlin
 Chair Frans Grijzenhout, Board Member International Affairs Ad Huikeskoven
en Executive Director Sandra Rientjes attended the Wikimedia Conference in
Berlin. .

* Program evaluation and design workshop, Berlin
Sebastiaan ter Burg attended the Program Evaluation and Design workshop in
Berlin to learn how to improve the "program manual" that WMNL already has

* Wiki Loves Monuments International.
The final report on Wiki Loves Monuments International was submitted to the
WMF. WMNL acted as fiscal sponsor to the project team, taking care of
payments and accounting.

* Board retreat
The newly elected Board met for two days to discuss division of tasks and
get acquainted.

* New staff member
Jolanda Adelaar joined the WMNL office team to work on finances and office
management. She replaces Tom Kisters who left on May 1st to finalise his
studies with an internship at an international accountancy firm.

* Q1 report submitted
We submitted our |report on activities in the first quarter to WMF.


* May 24: Education Programme -presentation and discussion at the Wikimedia
office in Utrecht
* May 24

[Wikimedia Announcements] Wikimedia Nederland report over March

2014-04-22 Thread Sandra Rientjes Wikimedia Nederland
The Wikimedia Nederland monthly report over March is available on meta:


It is also included as text in this message.

*COMMUNITY: supporting and mobilising volunteers and editors*

· DBpedia - WikiData meeting

Volunteers working on the DBPedia project met with volunteers working on
Wikidata at the WMNL office to discuss cooperation and synergy between the

· Zurich Hackathon

Three volunteers applied for and received scholarships to attend the
Wikimedia Hackathon in Zürich.

*WORK: content, collaboration and activity development*

· Education Programme

WMNL wants to explore the feasibility of developing a successful education
programme in the Netherlands. Following a brainstorming meeting with
interested community members, we issued a call for tender asking proposals
concerning a first exploratory feasibility study. We received 7 responses
and selected a small consultancy with a good track record in the education
field. As a first step, they will interview key stakeholders. A meeting
with the community is planned on May 24. More information, including the
proposal of the 'winning' consultants can be found on the project page on
the WMNL wiki.

· Wiki Loves Earth

WMNL is organising a Wiki Loves Earth competition in the Netherlands as
part of wider drive to improve content and coverage of issues related to
nature, wildlife and biodiversity in the Wikimedia projects. A group of
volunteers is taking the lead in organising a series of activities in May.
This will be done in cooperation with the Dutch National Parks.  A series
of activities are in preparation, including workshops on uploading images
and sounds, writing events and photo-safaris.

· World War II: photos of war monuments

This year, improving and adding to content on the Wikimedia projects
related to World War II is a priority for WMNL. As a first step a group of
volunteers is organising a photo-drive to obtain images of all war
monuments in the Netherlands. WMNL cooperates with the Nationaal Comité 4
en 5 mei (the official organisation in charge of remembrance). The
photo-drive kicked off April 1. (Spoiler: on April 15, already 677 images
had been uploaded.)

· Other

On March 10, Frans Grijzenhout and Wikipedian in Residence Hay Kranen
demonstrated working with Wikipedia for students of the Social science dept
of the University of Amsterdam. The students (bachelor level) take part in
a special honors program. The theme of their course is crowd findings. On
March 20, Ziko van Dijk presented Wikipedia issues at the IPON fair for
educational resources, in the Utrecht Jaarbeurs.


· General Assembly and Board elections

On March 29, there was a WMNL General Assembly, which included Board
Elections. Chair Ziko van Dijk and Treasurer Paul Becherer stepped down,
both after having served on the Board for a good many years. Frans
Grijzenhout, Ad Huikeshoven en Jan Anton Brouwer were re-elected. They were
joined on the Board by newcomers André Engels, Ronn Boef, Marlon Thé and
Justus de Bruijn.

The General Assembly also approved the annual report and the accountsof

· Newsletter

An issue of the newsletter was sent out.


· A private grant making foundation donated €30,000 to WMNL. This
is in support of our planned work with public libraries (with a possible
focus on Dutch literature and writers) and a pilot project to provide
access to relevant Wikipedia articles via image recognition of objects in a
museum collection.


· Board Governance Training Workhop London

On March 1 and 2, WMUK organised a training workshop for Board members of
Wikimedia affiliates. WMNL Board member Frans Grijzenhout took part in the
training. Executive director Sandra Rientjes was involved as a facilitator.


· Reporting

March was a busy month for reporting. The  Annual report and accounts over
2013 were approved by the auditor. Also WMNL submitted its impact report to
the Funds Dissemination Committee.

· Board

The (old) board met on March 13 and discussed i.a. last preparations for
the annual assembly.


· April:  War monuments photo-drive

· May 24: Education Programme -  presentation and discussion at the
Wikimedia office in Utrecht

· May - June: Wiki Loves Earth

Sandra Rientjes
Directeur/Executive Director Wikimedia Nederland

tel.(+31) (0)30 3200238
mob. (+31) (0)6  31786379


*Postadres*: * Bezoekadres:*
Postbus 167Mariaplaats 3
3500 AD  Utrecht Utrecht
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to Wikimedia-l, the public mailing list of 

[Wikimedia Announcements] Wikimedia Nederland monthly report for February

2014-04-01 Thread Sandra Rientjes Wikimedia Nederland
The WMNL monthly report for February is available on Meta:

It is also included as plain text below.

*COMMUNITY: supporting and mobilising volunteers and editors*[

   - ·*Education Extension*.

The Wikipedia Education Extension has been installed on the Dutch language
Wikipedia. This extension facilitates courses ranging from a single day to
several months and gives trainers/teachers insight in the activities of
students of these courses. The extension will be used for GLAM activities
that involve training and might be used for projects with educational

· *European Parliament in the picture*

WMNL supported a member of the community to take part in a drive to make
portrait photographs of Members of the European Parliament. Following the
photo-drive, a project was started to provide articles on all MEP's on the
Dutch language Wikipedia. This resulted in 179 new articles.

· *Female artists on Wikipedia*

A group of Wikipedians organised a writing event on female artists on
February 1; this event was supported by WMNL. The event led to an article
in a national newspaper.

· *Meeting of OTRS group*

The group of volunteers dealing with requests and questions for
NL-Wikipedia OTRS met at the WMNL office to exchange ideas and experiences.
They also gave a refresher course in working with OTRS for some of the
other volunteers present at the office.

*WORK: content, collaboration and activity development*

· *WWII*.

Preparations have begun for the WWII project. Goals of this project are:

1.To motivate people to share their knowledge about WWII by writing
articles or by uploading images.

2.Contact GLAMs for contentdonations and organise activities.

3.Cooperate with other Wikimedia chapters to stimulate exchange of
information between the different language versions of wikipedia.

As a first activity, April will be focussed on motivating people to
contribute images of all the war monuments in the Netherlands. This will
not be a photo competition in view of the sensitive nature of topic. WMNL
is cooperating with the Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei, the organisation in
charge of official remembrance ceremonies.

· *GLAM activities*.

Several GLAM partners were visited to discuss new plans for activities in
2014. Plans are being worked out with Teylers Museum, Amsterdam
Museum, Rijksmuseum, Museum Catharijneconvent, Universiteitsmuseum
Utrecht and Centraal
Museum. The activities discussed are increasingly tuned to the workflow of
GLAMs: a content donation when a new exhibition opens, followed by an
edit-a-thon or Wikipedia course at the GLAM to write articles and put the
donated content to use.

· *Wiki loves Earth.*

WMNL has started work on Wiki Loves Earth: a project to put Dutch nature in
the spotlight on Wikipedia and on Wikimedia Commons with text, images and
sound. The formula for this contest is derived from Wiki Loves Monuments,
which WMNL has organised from 2010 to 2013. Wiki Loves Earth was first
organised by Wikimedia Ukraine. Several countries will participate in 2014.
WMNL is cooperating with the Dutch association of National Parks.

· *Education Program.*

A kick-off meeting for an education program was held on the 1st of February
for community members, staff and board. As a result, WMNL developed and has
put out a call for tender for proposals to investigate the feasibility and
potential of cooperation with educational institutions in the Netherlands.
A decision on which proposal best meets the requirements of WMNL will be
made in March. Several other chapters have set up programs with
universities and other educational institutions.

· *Wikipedians in Residence.*

WMNL initiated a meeting between the managers of the Wikipedians in
Residence on the 19th of February to discuss lessons learned and
cooperation. The 6 Wikipedians in Residence in the Netherlands had a
meeting on the 24th of Februari. The notes of this meeting are public


· *Media*.

A full overview of media coverage can be found

· *Newsletter.*

The WMNL newsletter of February was sent out to the subscribers.


· *meeting of executive directors*

WMNL director Sandra Rientjes attended a meeting of Executive Directors of
Wikimedia Chapters in Berlin on February 3 and 4. Focus of the meeting was
on sharing experiences in programme development, FDC-process, management
and governance.

· *International meetings: Program Evaluation"*

Sebastiaan ter Burg attended the Program Evaluation hangout, it can be
viewed here .


· The board had a skype meeting on February 7.


· Wikidata/dbpedia workshop

· GLAMwiki Toolset workshop at the Amsterdam Mu

[Wikimedia Announcements] WIkimedia Nederland report for January

2014-02-15 Thread Sandra Rientjes Wikimedia Nederland
The report on Wikimedia Nederland activities in January is now available:

It is also included as plain text in this message.

Sandra Rientjes
Directeur/Executive Director Wikimedia Nederland

tel.(+31) (0)30 3200238
mob. (+31) (0)6  31786379


*Postadres*: * Bezoekadres:*
Postbus 167Mariaplaats 3
3500 AD  Utrecht Utrecht

COMMUNITY: supporting and mobilising volunteers and editors


   New years reception.The National Library of the Netherlands and the
   National Archive of the Netherlands hosted the Wikimedia Nederland New
   Years Reception 2014 on the 18th of January. After a word of welcome by the
   organisers a few new projects were presented. Visitors could also
visit the current
the National Archive, get a tour
   through the 
the National Library, follow a short course on editing Wikipedia or
   a guided tour through The Hague. The reception ended with the prize
   ceremony of Wiki takes The
   a local Wiki loves monuments event that was organised on the 22nd of
   September in 2013


   Small grants.

Three requests for financial support of activities benefiting the Wikimedia
projects were received and accepted :

EURO 150 to support an edit-a-thon on art and feminism

EURO 500 to support the development of a tool to improve the presentation of
information generated through Wikidata.

EURO 254,10 for a subscription to a database to improve Wikipedia- articles on

The small grants programme is open to all members of the
Wikimedia-community, regardless of whether or not they are WMNL members.


   Writing contest.

The Wikipedia community organised its annual writing contest and awarded prizes
to four 
the Dutch language Wikipedia for their outstanding quality. WMNL
supported the contest by providing and distributing the prizes.

WORK: content, collaboration and activity development


   Kick-off 550 years Staten Generaal.

The first meeting of the Staten
the predecessor of the Dutch parliament, took place on January 9, 1464. The
project 550 jaar Staten
been launched to mark that this happened 550 years ago. The focus of
the project is to improve information on the history of the Dutch
parliament by writing articles, organising edit-marathons and meetings with
experts. This project is an initiative of Wikipedians, and is supported by
WMNL both financially and logistically


   Content donation University Museum Utrecht.

The University Museum  in
Utrecht launched a new website of their
The museum announced at the launch of the site that they will donate the
content - about 5500 images that are currently available and more images
that will become available in the future - to Wikimedia Commons. The
donation is scheduled for May this year, the GLAMwiki
be used for the donation. The donation will lead to more available
content and higher quality images of pictures that are already on Wikimedia


   Wikipedians in Residence.

There are currently 6 Wikipedians in Residence (WiR) in the Netherlands.
The last to be announced is Maarten
who is already working at the Amsterdam
5 WiR's and WMNL had a meeting to discuss their projects, the notes of this
public (Dutch). WMNL is going to organise a workshop on using the
Europeana GLAM Wiki mass-upload tool for the WiR's and other staff of their
host organisations.


   OpenGLAM Benchmark Survey.

The Open Knowledge Foundation , the Netherlands
Institute for Sound and Vision ,
Europeanaand Wikimedia Nederland are working
together to conduct the Open
Glam Benchmark 
the Netherlands. The goal of this survey is to gain an overview of the
extent to which cultural heritage institutions are adapting to new trends
such as setting up a digital strategy and their willingness

[Wikimedia Announcements] Wikimedia Nederland: report for December 2013

2014-01-07 Thread Sandra Rientjes Wikimedia Nederland
The report on Wikimedia Nederland's activities in December is available:


It is also included as plain text below.

Sandra Rientjes
Directeur/Executive Director Wikimedia Nederland

*Wikimedia Nederland activity report for December 2013*

*COMMUNITY: supporting and mobilising volunteers and editors*

·Sweden-week on NL-Wikipedia

The Dutch Wikipedia community decided to organise a ‘Sweden week’ to
support the Netherlands-Sweden friendship year in 2014. More than 1000
articles about topics related to Sweden were added to Dutch Wikipedia. WMNL
supported this initiative by liaising with WMSE and the Swedish Embassy in
the Netherlands who promoted the activity via their website.

·End-of-year Wiki-Saturday

On December 21 volunteers, boardmembers and staff met at the WMNL office
for the last Wiki-Saturday of the year. In total, 20 people came to Utrecht
for this special festive event.

·Wiki-café Groningen en Den Haag

Wikipedians met in café’s in Den Haag and Groningen to get to know each
other better and talk Wikipedia. In total some 11 Wikipedians attended.
They enjoyed this opportunity to meet fellow Wikipedians and want to repeat
the event.

*WORK: content, collaboration and activity development*

·Kick-off meeting World War II project

A group of volunteers and staff met with representatives of the National
Committee for Remembrance (Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei) to start
preparations for a campaign aimed at improving content concerning war
monuments both on Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia. April 2014 will be war
monument month.

·DISH 2013

Staff member Sebastiaan ter Burg co-hosted Alex Hinojo's chef table about
starting Wiki-related projects for GLAM's at DISH 2013, an international
conference about digital strategies in heritage.

·Presentation Landscape Heritage Utrecht

Staff member Sebastiaan ter Burg gave a presentation about GLAM projects at
the soft launch of UtrechtAltijd, a province wide new landscape heritage
platform. This event was organized by Landscape Heritage Utrecht on the
19th of December.

·Event organisation and evaluation toolkit

WMNL is developing a (beta) version of an event organisation and evaluation
toolkit. The toolkit is designed to support volunteers in setting up events
and to increase the quality and consistency of the evaluations. In January,
it will become available for testing.

·GLAMWiki Toolset

The GLAMWiki Toolset is a tool for uploading large content donations. The
tool has been added (can be used from) the 17th of December. Wikimedia
Nederland was one of the partners of this project.


·Media coverage

An article in national newspaper NRC Handelsblad about the future of
Wikipedia (partly based on the MIT report and interviews with Wikipedian
Lodewijk Gelauff and WMNL executive director Sandra Rientjes) led to two
radio-interviews and and a 10-minute item in a well-watched current affairs
programme on national tv. Although the original article had a quite
negative focus on problems within Wikipedia concerning editor recruitment
and software, the media follow-up was more nuanced and generally
sympathetic to Wikipedia.

(Full list of media coverage)


On December 31, WMNL had 217 members. We started the year with 175 members.
This growth occurred despite a rigorous ‘cleaning’ of the membership list
to remove people whose membership expired in 2012.


The last Newsletter of the year was published. In 2013, the number of
people receiving the newsletter rose from 189 to 360.


·A private grant-making foundation donated € 20,000 to
Wikimedia Nederland to improve coverage on Dutch wildlife and nature via
Wiki Loves Earth.

*ORGANISATION: board, management and support*

·WMNL started the search for candidate Board Members.
Elections will take place in March 2014. More information can be found on
the WMNL website.


The New Years Reception will take place on January 18 in The Hague.

tel. (+31) (0)6  31786379


*Postadres*: * Bezoekadres:*
Postbus 167Mariaplaats 3
3500 AD  Utrecht Utrecht
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to Wikimedia-l, the public mailing list of the Wikimedia community. For more 
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[Wikimedia Announcements] Wikimedia NL in October and November

2013-12-11 Thread Sandra Rientjes Wikimedia Nederland
The report of our activities in October and November is available:

It is also included in this email.

Sandra Rientjes
Directeur/Executive Director Wikimedia Nederland

tel. (+31) (0)6  31786379


*Postadres*: * Bezoekadres:*
Postbus 167Mariaplaats 3
3500 AD  Utrecht Utrecht

*Wikimedia Nederland: report on October and November 2013*

*COMMUNITY: supporting and mobilising volunteers and editors*

-Wikimedia Nederland Conferentie

The annual Wikimedia Nederland Conference on November 2 was attended by 138
people, many of whom had never attended a Wikimedia-event before. The
organisers has put together a varied programme, with presentations on
topics ranging from the way historians use Wikipedia to the latest software
developments. An introductory course on Wikipedia editing was especially

-Editor Training Public Library Amersfoort

WMNL is exploring ways of cooperating with public libraries. We organised
an edit-a-thon with an introductionary training in the public library of
Amersfoort. 12 people attended, 6 of whom had never edited pages before.

-Wikizaterdag 12/10, 26/10 9/11, 23/11

As usual, the Wikimedia Nederland office was open every second and fourth
Saturday of the month.

*WORK: content, collaboration and activity development*

-Editathon The Hague

Although Wiki Loves Monuments officially took place in September, we had a
small editathon aimed at improving articles on the monuments of The Hague
on October 12. The Monument Service of The Hague provided background

-Wikipedians in Residence

Two new Wikipedians in Residence started work in October. Hans Muller and
Arie Sonneveld will work with the group of 12 specialised academic

Sandra Fauconnier has been selected as the Wikipedian in Residence for The
Great Wikipedia Expedition project, a project of foundation for academic
heritage (SAE) and the Tropenmuseum.

-Design Editathon Centraal Museum (28 October)

As part of our ongoing cooperation with the Centraal Museum in Utrecht we
organised an editathon on Design. The 35 participants worked on the
articles on important Dutch designers.

-ECNC photo competition

WMNL supported the international conservation NGO ECNC in organising a
photo competition among its network of partners institutes. As a result 165
images on the relation between humans and nature were uploaded to Commons.
For WMNL this was also a pilot to see if and how initiatives by other
organisations can lead to specific new content.

-Catharijne Convent, Utrecht

A first meeting has taken place with the Museum Catharijne Convent to
discuss joint activities in 2014. This museum focusses on religious art and

-550 years of parliamentary history

A group of WMNL volunteers and WP-editors has started a project aimed at
improving content concerning the history of the Dutch parliamentary system.


-New WMNL Website

The new WMNL website was launched. It provides information about Wikimedia
Nederland’s mission and activities for the general public.

-Media coverage

An interview with three members of the WMNL community (WMNL Board Member
and WIkipedian Paul Becherer, Wikipedian in Residence Hay Kranen and WMNL
Director Sandra Rientjes) appeared in the national newspaper Algemeen
Dagblad on November 9

Sandra Rientjes was interviewed on national radio November 10.


The FDC recommended to allocate WMNL € 304.000 in funds for 2014. This is
94% of the amount originally requested.

*GLOBAL: International collaboration*

-Diversity Conference, Berlin

WMNL staffmember Denise Jansen attended the Diversity Conference in Berlin.

-Wikipedia Seminar, Kulturrad Norway

WMNL staffmember Sebastiaan ter Burg spoke at a Wikipedia seminar in Oslo

-Community meetings in Germany

WMNL president Ziko van Dijk was a guest at the Cologne work shop in
October and, together with another member, at the WikiCon in Karlsruhe in

-Flemish OER conference, Brussels

Ziko van Dijk represented WMNL at the 15th Anniversary Meeting of
KlasCement, a Flemish initiative similar to Wikiwijs, in the Flemish
ministry of education in Brussels (October).

*ORGANISATION: board, management and support*

-The board met in Utrecht on October 10 and via Skype on November 7.

-Boardmember Anke Peereboom resigned from the Board in September due to
workpressure. Boardmember Hans Muller resigned in November to avoid any
suggestion of a possible conflict of interest following his appointment as
Wikipedian in Residence.


-End-of-year festive Wiki Saturday will be on December 21 in the WMNL
office in Utrecht.

-The New Years Reception will take place on January 18, 2014,  in The Hague.

[Wikimedia Announcements] Wikimedia Nederland report for September

2013-10-21 Thread Sandra Rientjes Wikimedia Nederland
The Wikimedia Nederland report for September is available:

It is also included as text in this message.

COMMUNITY: supporting and mobilising volunteers and editors


   Our two-weekly Wiki-Saturdays remain successful: on a Wiki-Saturday the
   WMNL office is open for members of the community as a venue for meetings, a
   quiet place to work on projects or just to have a coffee and a chat with
   fellow Wikimedians. In September, the office was open twice, hosting
   volunteers and board members working on our annual conference, wiki loves
   monuments and the annual work plan 2014.


   Preparations for the Wikimedia Nederland Conference (November 2,
   Utrecht) are in full swing. WMF chair of the Board Jan Bart de Vreede has
   agreed to give the keynote speech. See for conference programme:


   There was a Wikipedia Café in Amsterdam on September 6. Four community
   members attended.

WORK: content, collaboration and activity development


   Wiki Loves Monuments. September is Wiki Loves
Monumentsmonth. There were
photo-safari’s (Wiki Takes) in Groningen, Nijmegen and
   The Hague. One of our volunteers arranged a special tour of Kasteel de Haar
   so that photographs could be taken inside the castle.


   World War II. A group of active community members has decided to focus
   on World War II. We cooperated with the National Committee for the
   Commemoration of World War II earlier this year in a small pilot-project to
   gather photographs of war monuments for Wikimedia Commons. We are looking
   to expand this cooperation.


   Fashion edit-a-thon Antwerpen. The MoMu fashion museum hosted an Europeana
Antwerp. Around 25
a special tour through the museum was given.

   Public Libraries. BiSC Utrecht , the service
   organisation for libraries in the province of Utrecht, and Wikimedia
   Nederland organised a workshop for libraries. The goal of the workshop was
   to generate ideas for cooperation. The workshop was inspired by the
earlier Wiki
   Loves Bieb  project.


   25/9 Creative Commons Conference. Wikimedia Nederland attended the
   celebration of 10 years of Creative Commons in the Netherlands. The future
   of the licenses and their use was being discussed at the event.


   ECNC. Volunteers of Wikimedia Nederland supported the ECNC photo
   competition  by setting up
the upload
   One of the goals for Wikimedia Nederland to support this competition is to
   see if and how we can support initiatives by other organisations that lead
   to more content on commons and/or other Wikimedia projects.


   Tropenmuseum. The
looking for the fourth Dutch Wikipedian in Residence (job
   description in
   for their project about



   WMNL submitted its application for FDC
time of the October 1 deadline. We are requesting € 356,068, a 20%
   increase on the 2013 FDC allocation.

GLOBAL: International collaboration


   Board member international affairs Ziko van Dijk visited the
   Wikipedia-Stammtisch in Bochum (DE)

   Wiki Loves Monuments International: WMNL is acting as fiscal sponsor to
   the Wiki Loves Monuments International team, taking care of accounting and

   Kira Kraemer (WMDE) visited the WMNL offices as part of the Chapters
   Dialogue programme. She interviewed representatives of board, community and

ORGANISATION: board, management and support


   The board met in Utrecht on September 5.


   The Algemene Ledenvergadering (General Assembly) took place on September
   21 (the second in 2013). Main points on the agenda were the Annual Workplan
   and Budget 2014. Both were approved by the members.

Sandra Rientjes
Directeur/Executive Director Wikimedia Nederland

tel. (+31) (0)6  31786379

*Postadres*: * Bezoekadres:*
Postbus 167Mariapl

[Wikimedia Announcements] WMNL in July and August

2013-09-02 Thread Sandra Rientjes Wikimedia Nederland
If you want to find out what WM-Nederland did this summer, go to

The report is also included as plain text in this message

COMMUNITY: supporting and mobilising volunteers and editors

Wikipedia Café.

WMNL revived an old tradition: the Wikipedia Café, an informal pub meeting
of Wikipedians living in a specific area. On July 2 a Wikipedia Café was
held in The Hague, with eleven wikipedians attending. The next one is
scheduled in Amsterdam

WORK: content, collaboration and activity development

Editathon classics

As part of a Summerschool organised by the departments of classical studies
of the Amsterdam Universities, WMNL organised an editathon focussing on
translation of Latin inscriptions of monumental graves. Seven participants
produced Wikipedia articles and added information to Wikisource.

Wikipedians in Residence

The Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB, national library of the Netherlands) and
the Nationaal Archief (NA, national archives of the Netherlands) are aiming
to put the largest and most diverse collection of textual heritage in the
Netherlands at the service of Wikipedia and related Wiki-projects. To
support this ambition, both institutions have attracted the experienced
Wikipedian Hay Kranen as their Wikipedian in Residence. He will act as the
linking pin between the rich (paper and digital) collections of the KB and
NA and the reuse of this content on Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and

12 Dutch scientific libraries have joined forces to hire 2 Wikipedians in
Residence that will support them for a year, starting in October 2013.

A fourth position for a Dutch Wikipedian in Residence is in preparation,
more information about this position will surface soon.

Wiki loves libraries

Preparations have been made to revitalise the project Wiki Loves Libraries.
A first brainstorm with BiSC, the service bureau for libraries in the
province of Utrecht, will take place in September.

Wiki Loves Monuments

Work kicked off in earnest in preparation for Wiki Loves Monuments 2013.
 This year, there will be a special focus on the city The Hague, where we
will organise a photography workshop and an editathon. The team is
supported by Kathinka, an intern at the WMNL office.

WMNL: participation and support

Press and Media

Board Member Hans Muller was interviewed about Wikipedia on the regional
radiostation Radio Gelderland.  Director Sandra Rientjes was interviewed
for BNR newsradio.

Design of new website presented

The design of the new WMNL website was presented.  Official launch will be
in November.

GLOBAL: International collaboration


WCA Council Member Ziko van Dijk took part in the WCA phone conference on
June 25 and contacted the WCA Council chair several times with regard to
the preparation of Wikimania.

Neighboring countries

Ziko van Dijk visited the ''Musketier-Treffen'' in Duisburg, Germany, and
the Wikiversity / education program meeting in Limburg an der Lahn, Germany.

Visit WMNO Board Member

Knut Hjelleset, boardmember of WMNO, used his vacation in the Netherlands
to visit WMNL. He spoke with director Sandra Rientjes and Glam Coordinator
Sebastiaan ter Burg.

Visit WMF staff

Three WMF staffmembers visited the WMNL office in early July. Anasuya
Sengupta, Garfield Byrd and Katy Love met with staff and several board
members (including the chair and the treasurer) to discuss a wide range of
matters concerning programming, finances, community involvement and plans
for the future.  A meeting with the WMNL community was also part of their


Board members Ziko van Dijk and Ad Huikeshoven, volunteer user:Veertje and
Executive Director Sandra Rientjes participated in August in the Hong Kong

ORGANISATION: board, management and support

Board Retreat

The Board went on a two-day retreat (August 25-26) to work on plans for

Annual plan 2014

We are working on our annual plan 2014. On 27 July and 31 August the Board
organised brainstorming sessions to involve the community in drafting this

Sandra Rientjes
Directeur/Executive Director Wikimedia Nederland

tel. (+31) (0)6  31786379

*Postadres*: * Bezoekadres:*
Postbus 167Mariaplaats 3
3500 AD  Utrecht Utrecht
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to Wikimedia-l, the public mailing list of the Wikimedia community. For more 
information about Wikimedia-l:
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[Wikimedia Announcements] Wikimedia Nederland in June

2013-07-10 Thread Sandra Rientjes Wikimedia Nederland
Our report for June is now available.

 It is also included in this message as plain text.

COMMUNITY: supporting and mobilising volunteers and editors


   World War I Editathon

As part of an international initiative focussing on Wikipedia coverage of
the First World War, a small editathon took place in Museum Huis Doorn on
June 29. Only a few people attended, reflecting the limited interest in
World War I in the Netherlands. The event however could be the basis for
stronger cooperation with Museum Huis Doorn in the future.

WORK: content, collaboration and activity development


   Behind the scenes at the National Library and National Archives

On 8 June 2013 the Koninklijke Bibliotheek and Nationaal Archief of the
Netherlands were open for Wikipedians for a tour behind the scenes. More
than 30 people came to learn more about the work and collections of KB and
NA. Experts from both organisations presented examples of outreach using
open data from the public collections, outlined future developments and
invited collaboration with the Wikimedia community. Overall aim is to add
to and improve content on Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects by
making use of the collections of Archives and Library. The presentations
given by staff are online at wmnl:Backstage event KB & NA


   Meetings and potential new partners.

There have been talks with several new potential partners in The
Netherlands which may lead to new cooperation activities in the future.


   the Maritime
interested in edit-a-thons for their exhibitions,

   The New Institute  showed interest in
   donating content,

   Boek.be  contacted WMNL to discuss the possibility
   to reuse Wikipedia content for their data services,

   The Communication and Multimedia Design Department at the the University
   of Applied Science in Utrecht might be interested in partnering for
their Museum

WMNL: participation and supportNew website

First steps were made towards improving the WMNL website, which will focus
especially on providing information about WMNL activities for the wider
public. The revamped website will also have better interactive options and
will make it easier to sign up for events.

RESOURCES: Strong and sustainable financial position


   Funding request granted

WMNL submitted a request for funding to the Fonds 1818 for activities in
the city The Hague within the framework of Wiki Loves Monuments. The
request was granted, enabling WMNL to organise an editathon, a photo-hunt
and other activities focussing on the historical monuments of The Hague.


   Survey among donors

A small survey among people who gave money directly to WMNL showed that
they generally have a positive impression of WMNL and are inclined to give
money again. They would like to be informed more frequently about
developments and activities.

GLOBAL: International collaboration



WCAC Member Ziko van Dijk took part in the WCA phone conference on June 16.

ORGANISATION: board, management and support


   Changes in division of roles within Board

On 6 June the board met in Utrecht. Secretary Paul Becherer became the new
treasurer, and Frans Grijzenhout the new secretary. Ad Huikeshoven, the
former treasurer, took over other tasks such as the Wikipedia-Dag (the
former Wikimedia Conference Nederland).


   Board Manual

More information has been added to the board manual and this process will
continue to document how the Board operates. The aim is to facilitate
transitions when new Board Members are elected.

Sandra Rientjes
Directeur/Executive Director Wikimedia Nederland

tel. (+31) (0)6  31786379

*Postadres*: * Bezoekadres:*
Postbus 167Mariaplaats 3
3500 AD  Utrecht Utrecht
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to Wikimedia-l, the public mailing list of the Wikimedia community. For more 
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[Wikimedia Announcements] Wikimedia Nederland report for May

2013-07-02 Thread Sandra Rientjes Wikimedia Nederland
The Wikimedia Nederland activity report for May is available. (June to
follow shortly) :


It is also included as text in this message.

*COMMUNITY: supporting and mobilising volunteers and editors*

* *· Amsterdam Hackathon

149 participants from 31 countries came to Amsterdam for the Hackathon in
late May. Technologists taught and attended sessions on how to write and
run a bot, use the new Lua templating language, how to move from Toolserver
to the new Wikimedia Labs, design, Wikidata, security, and the basics of
Git and Gerrit. The Amsterdam Hackathon was the best attended event in the
history of the Hackathon so far. Check out the workshops
slides, tutorials, and other reference material. So far, 90 participants
have submitted the post-event survey and results are largely positive, with
(of course) several suggestions for improvements.

*WORK: content, collaboration and activity development*

   - Europeana Fashion Editathon

Centraal Museum Utrecht and The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision,
two partners of the Europeana Fashion project, organised a fashion themed
edit-a-thon in cooperation with Wikimedia Nederland and ModeMuze. The goal
of the edit-a-thon was to improve the information and visibility of fashion
articles on the Dutch Wikipedia The day started with a general introduction
about Wikimedia projects and editing Wikipedia pages. 37 participants (many
of them first time contributors and many of them women) edited, translated
or created 27 pages in total. More information: Project
the edit-a-thon

   - Wikipedian(s) in Residence

The National Archives of The Netherlands (NA) and the National Library of
The Netherlands (KB) started the recruitment process for the first Dutch
Wikipedian in Residence (WiR). The group of Special Scientific Libraries
will start looking for two more WiR's later this year. Currently there is
one more project in preparation for WiR's. The expectation is that there
will be 3 to 4 Dutch WiR's by the end of the year.

   - Wiki loves libraries

The project Wiki loves Libraries has been given a new impulse after an
inactive period. Wiki loves bieb is a project of the Public Library and
Wikimedia Nederland (WMNL) to promote the use of and improve the quality of
articles on Wikipedia. A brainstorm session will be organised in August by
BiSC Utrecht and WMNL to make an inventory of activities in the province
Utrecht for 2014. Possibly these activities will also take place in the
provinces Zeeland, Friesland, Noord-Holland and Zuid-Holland.

*WMNL: participation and support*

   - Brainstorming on participation and communication

On May 4, members, board & staff of Wikimedia Nederland met with
researchers from Motivaction to discuss how the results of the survey
Motivaction carried out  among
the Netherlands Wikimedia community will be translated into action. The
meeting resulted in new ideas on how to increase participation and
communicate the WIkimedia message.

   - Another issue of the
newsletter was

*RESOURCES: Strong and sustainable financial position*

· WMNL submitted a request for funding to organise activities in
the city The Hague, within the framework of Wiki Loves Monuments. We are
awaiting the outcome of our application.

*ORGANISATION: board, management and support*[

· Tom Kisters joined the WMNL office on May 1 as staff member for
finances and office management.

Sandra Rientjes
Directeur/Executive Director Wikimedia Nederland

tel. (+31) (0)6  31786379

*Postadres*: * Bezoekadres:*
Postbus 167Mariaplaats 3
3500 AD  Utrecht Utrecht
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