[Fedora-xen] Re: Windows guest networking

2017-02-11 Thread W. Michael Petullo
>> Is anyone running a Windows HVM guest with networking? I recently tried
>> to connect a Windows 7 HVM guest to my network using vif-nat. For some
>> reason, the setup does not work. Oddly, Dom0 lists the vif interface
>> associated with the guest as "NO-CARRIER" even though the DomU Windows
>> guest seems to recognize its virtual network interface (RTL8139C+).
>> I have no problem with a similarly configured guest running Linux.
>> I am using:
>> xen-4.7.1-6.fc25.x86_64
>> The guest configuration is:
>> name  = "windows64"
>> memory=  2048
>> vcpus =  1
>> builder   = "hvm"
>> altp2mhvm = 1
>> vif   = [ "script=vif-nat,ip=,gatewaydev=wlp3s0" ]
>> disk  = [ "tap2:tapdisk:aio:/path/to/disk-windows64.img,xvda,w",
>>   "tap2:tapdisk:aio:/path/to/spare-vfat.img,xvdb,w" ]
>> serial= "pty"
>> sdl   = 1

> Does it work if you use the default vif bridge?

It does indeed. I switched to vif-bridge, and everything worked. I am
a little suprised by this, because I thought from the point of view
of Xen both of these configurations were rather similar; I thought the
difference was in the Dom0 network configuration.

The reason I prefer vif-nat is that it makes using my WiFi interface
easier. I have to go through some trouble to bridge vif/Ethernet to WiFi.

I am left with another question: does this mean there is a bug in Xen
or the vif-nat script? If there is a bug, what else could I provide to
help fix it?


xen mailing list -- xen@lists.fedoraproject.org
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[Fedora-xen] Windows guest networking

2017-02-10 Thread W. Michael Petullo
Is anyone running a Windows HVM guest with networking? I recently tried
to connect a Windows 7 HVM guest to my network using vif-nat. For some
reason, the setup does not work. Oddly, Dom0 lists the vif interface
associated with the guest as "NO-CARRIER" even though the DomU Windows
guest seems to recognize its virtual network interface (RTL8139C+).

I have no problem with a similarly configured guest running Linux.

I am using:


The guest configuration is:

name  = "windows64"
memory=  2048
vcpus =  1
builder   = "hvm"
altp2mhvm = 1
vif   = [ "script=vif-nat,ip=,gatewaydev=wlp3s0" ]
disk  = [ "tap2:tapdisk:aio:/path/to/disk-windows64.img,xvda,w",
  "tap2:tapdisk:aio:/path/to/spare-vfat.img,xvdb,w" ]
serial= "pty"
sdl   = 1


xen mailing list -- xen@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to xen-le...@lists.fedoraproject.org

[Fedora-xen] Re: Xen utilities hanging on Fedora 24

2016-05-31 Thread W. Michael Petullo
>> Has anyone else seen things like "xl list" or xentop hang on Fedora 24?
>> # rpm -q kernel xen
>> kernel-4.5.5-300.fc24.x86_64
>> xen-4.6.1-10.fc24.x86_64
>> Running "strace xl list" produces the following, which seems to indicate
>> that the hang occurs when "xl list" writes to /dev/xen/xenbus:
>> access("/dev/xen/xenbus", F_OK) = 0
>> stat("/dev/xen/xenbus", {st_mode=S_IFCHR|0600, st_rdev=makedev(10, 62), 
>> ...}) = 0
>> open("/dev/xen/xenbus", O_RDWR) = 6
>> open("/etc/xen/xl.conf", O_RDONLY)  = 7
> I think this depends on having the right DomU running as I have used xl 
> list with the above settings without problems (though I don't think 
> anything I run depends on xenbus).
> I also wonder what your selinux settings are. I had problems with 
> xen-4.7.0 which uses /dev/xen/privcmd which had 
> system_u:object_r:device_t:s0 permissions rather than 
> system_u:object_r:xen_device_t:s0 (now fixed if you have a recent enough 
> selinux). If you have selinux enabled could you try
> chcon -t xen_device_t /dev/xen/xenbus
> to see if that makes any difference or alternatively setenforce 0.

Indeed, this looks SELinux related, possibly due to bug #1322625 as
Konrad suggested. I will provide more details as I find them at:


Thank you,


xen mailing list

[Fedora-xen] Xen utilities hanging on Fedora 24

2016-05-31 Thread W. Michael Petullo
Has anyone else seen things like "xl list" or xentop hang on Fedora 24?

# rpm -q kernel xen

Running "strace xl list" produces the following, which seems to indicate
that the hang occurs when "xl list" writes to /dev/xen/xenbus:

access("/dev/xen/xenbus", F_OK) = 0
stat("/dev/xen/xenbus", {st_mode=S_IFCHR|0600, st_rdev=makedev(10, 62), ...}) = 0
open("/dev/xen/xenbus", O_RDWR) = 6
open("/etc/xen/xl.conf", O_RDONLY)  = 7
fstat(7, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=33, ...}) = 0
fstat(7, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=33, ...}) = 0
read(7, "vif.default.script = \"vif-ethos\""..., 4096) = 33
close(7)= 0
ioctl(5, _IOC(0, 0x50, 0x00, 0x30), 0x7ffdafc79e90) = 262150
-1, 0) = 0x7fef0d788000
madvise(0x7fef0d788000, 4096, MADV_DONTFORK) = 0
ioctl(5, _IOC(0, 0x50, 0x00, 0x30), 0x7ffdafc79e90) = 0
ioctl(5, _IOC(0, 0x50, 0x00, 0x30), 0x7ffdafc79e90) = 0
ioctl(5, _IOC(0, 0x50, 0x00, 0x30), 0x7ffdafc79e90) = 0
ioctl(5, _IOC(0, 0x50, 0x00, 0x30), 0x7ffdafc79e90) = 0
ioctl(5, _IOC(0, 0x50, 0x00, 0x30), 0x7ffdafc79e90) = 0
ioctl(5, _IOC(0, 0x50, 0x00, 0x30), 0x7ffdafc79e90) = 4096
ioctl(5, _IOC(0, 0x50, 0x00, 0x30), 0x7ffdafc79e90) = 0
-1, 0) = 0x7fef0d76f000
madvise(0x7fef0d76f000, 102400, MADV_DONTFORK) = 0
ioctl(5, _IOC(0, 0x50, 0x00, 0x30), 0x7ffdafc61c70) = 0
madvise(0x7fef0d76f000, 102400, MADV_DOFORK) = 0
munmap(0x7fef0d76f000, 102400)  = 0
-1, 0) = 0x7fef0d786000
madvise(0x7fef0d786000, 8192, MADV_DONTFORK) = 0
ioctl(5, _IOC(0, 0x50, 0x00, 0x30), 0x7ffdafc60c70) = 0
madvise(0x7fef0d786000, 8192, MADV_DOFORK) = 0
munmap(0x7fef0d786000, 8192)= 0
fstat(1, {st_mode=S_IFCHR|0620, st_rdev=makedev(136, 4), ...}) = 0
write(1, "Name"..., 73Name  
  ID   Mem VCPUsState   Time(s)
) = 73
rt_sigaction(SIGPIPE, {SIG_IGN, [], SA_RESTORER, 0x7fef0ca7cc10}, {SIG_DFL, [], 
0}, 8) = 0
write(6, "\2\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\25\0\0\0", 16) = 16
write(6, "/local/domain/0/name\0", 21  # [ HANGS HERE. ]


xen mailing list

[Fedora-xen] Supported file-backed disk formats

2016-05-19 Thread W. Michael Petullo
What file-backed disk formats are supported by Xen using a Fedora Dom0? I
am testing xen-4.6.1-8.fc24.x86_64, and I have not been able to get the
"qcow2" and "vhd" formats to work. "Qcow" version 1 works fine with:

disk = [ "tap2:qcow:/var/lib/xen/images/test-data.xen-qcow,xvdb,w" ]

However, when I try qcow2, the VM detects the disk, but "fdisk /dev/sdb"

fdisk: cannot open /dev/sdb: No such file or directory

When I try vhd, the VM kernel does not even detect the disk.


xen mailing list

[Fedora-xen] Fedora 21 crashes when booted as Dom0

2015-02-06 Thread W. Michael Petullo
Has anyone else seen this:

https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1188573 ?

The current Fedora 21 kernel crashes on my computer when booted in Dom0.

$ uname -a
Linux imp.flyn.org 3.18.3-201.fc21.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Jan 19 15:59:31 UTC 2015 
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


xen mailing list

Re: [Fedora-xen] Xen Test Day next Wednesday (May 22nd 2013)

2013-05-20 Thread W. Michael Petullo
 The second Xen Test Day for the Xen 4.3 release cycle is going to be
 next Wednesday, the 22nd of May!
 We'll have the chance to test Xen 4.3 RC2, that will be out tomorrow.
 For more information see:
  - On Xen Test Days: http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Xen_Test_Days
  - On getting and testing RC2: 
  - Generic test information: http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Testing_Xen
 See you soon on the #xentest channel on freenode!

Will we have a Fedora RPM?


xen mailing list

Re: [Fedora-xen] Updating xen package does not 'refresh' grub.cfg

2013-02-11 Thread W. Michael Petullo
 I've the same exact problem. I had to manually run grub2-mkconfig in
 my all F17 boxes.

 Did you update the kernel at the same time? That looks like what you
 might get with grubby which is run (which doesn't handle xen very
 well, which is why xen-hypervisor runs grub2-mkconfig).

This is also discussed as an aside at:



xen mailing list

Re: [Fedora-xen] Fedora 18 and EFI

2012-12-15 Thread W. Michael Petullo
 I have successfully installed Fedora 18 Beta as Dom0 on one computer,
 and am now trying to do the same on another. I am using all of the
 standard Fedora 18 packages, including xen-4.2.0-6.fc18.x86_64.
 On the second computer, I ended up with an EFI grub2 install.
 I used yum to install xen, and noted that the package installation did
 not update /etc/grub2-efi.cfg.
 I ran grub2-mkconfig by hand, and this added Xen entries to
 /etc/grub2-efi.cfg. However, booting failed: grub2 complained that it
 did not know the multiboot keyword.
 Does anyone have experience getting EFI grub2 to boot Xen/Fedora 18?
 Is my trouble expected?

 Did you try native UEFI boot? So booting the xen.efi binary directly from 
 UEFI ? 
 Also note that F18 kernel doesn't have proper UEFI support for dom0 (yet),
 because it hasn't been upstreamed yet..

I eventually figured out how to install Fedora 18 using the MBR-style

My Fedora 18 install media was a thumbdrive; what I discovered was that
if I did *not* instruct my motherboard firmware's UEFI menu to boot from
this USB device, then it seemed to pick it up as an old-style MBR boot
instead.  From that point on, Anaconda seemed to assume the computer
had a BIOS, not UEFI.

It appears the Fedora 18 install image supports both BIOS/MBR and UEFI,
and the motherboard's firmware picks up the MBR if not explicitly asked
to boot the device as UEFI.

After picking through Anaconda and finding no option (i.e., a way to
install using an MBR boot instead of a UEIF boot), I suspect I could
achieve the same effect by manually creating an msdos partition table
on the target hard drive instead of a GPT partition table.


xen mailing list

[Fedora-xen] Fedora 18 and EFI

2012-12-14 Thread W. Michael Petullo
I have successfully installed Fedora 18 Beta as Dom0 on one computer,
and am now trying to do the same on another. I am using all of the
standard Fedora 18 packages, including xen-4.2.0-6.fc18.x86_64.

On the second computer, I ended up with an EFI grub2 install.

I used yum to install xen, and noted that the package installation did
not update /etc/grub2-efi.cfg.

I ran grub2-mkconfig by hand, and this added Xen entries to
/etc/grub2-efi.cfg. However, booting failed: grub2 complained that it
did not know the multiboot keyword.

Does anyone have experience getting EFI grub2 to boot Xen/Fedora 18?
Is my trouble expected?


xen mailing list

Re: [Fedora-xen] 4.2.0-rc2 available to test

2012-08-17 Thread W. Michael Petullo
 I have done a temporary build of 4.2.0-rc2 for testing which is at
 This also adds the efi hypervisor back in for x86_64.
 Note to other people: fedora kernels still don't have xen dom0 EFI patches 
 mainly because dom0 EFI patches are not yet ported to pvops or merged to 
 upstream Linux.
 So actually testing xen.efi hypervisor on UEFI systems is a bit tricky atm..
 (you need to manually build a kernel based on the suse xenlinux sles11sp2 or 
 opensuse patches).

I have tried the 4.2.0-rc packages on three machines: one with an AMD Athlon X2,
one with an AMD FX 4170 [1], and a MacBook with a Core 2 Duo.

The first machine works fine.

The FX 4170 and MacBook are unable to load Dom0. I see Xen print its
boot messages, but the machines spontaneously reboot before Dom0 prints
any output.

[1] Same machine referenced at 


xen mailing list

Re: [Fedora-xen] 4.2.0-rc2 available to test

2012-08-17 Thread W. Michael Petullo
 I have done a temporary build of 4.2.0-rc2 for testing which is at
 This also adds the efi hypervisor back in for x86_64.

 Note to other people: fedora kernels still don't have xen dom0 EFI 
 patches included,
 mainly because dom0 EFI patches are not yet ported to pvops or merged to 
 upstream Linux.
 So actually testing xen.efi hypervisor on UEFI systems is a bit tricky 
 (you need to manually build a kernel based on the suse xenlinux sles11sp2 
 or opensuse patches).

 I have tried the 4.2.0-rc packages on three machines: one with an AMD 
 Athlon X2,
 one with an AMD FX 4170 [1], and a MacBook with a Core 2 Duo.
 The first machine works fine.
 The FX 4170 and MacBook are unable to load Dom0. I see Xen print its
 boot messages, but the machines spontaneously reboot before Dom0 prints
 any output.

 Is the dom0 different? The 3.5 has an issue where on certain machines it 
 (3.5.3 should have the proper fix).
 Pfff.. Found the issue. If you boot with 'xsave=off' on the hypervisor line 
 it boots.
 It looks to be a Fedora kernel issue thought - when I booted a mainline kernel
 I did not hit this.

Yes. all three machines boot if I use xsave=off.


xen mailing list

Re: [Fedora-xen] Python misbehaves on Xen/Fedora 17/AMD FX-4170 Processor

2012-07-03 Thread W. Michael Petullo
 Has anyone had similar trouble?

 No. But it sounds like the AVX disaster.

 It seems to be.

 I booted bare metal and used yum to install gdb and the debug symbols
 for Python and glibc.
 Then I rebooted in Xen. I found that gdb itself crashed when the debug
 symbols were installed, so I removed them. I ran gdb again and obtained
 a partial backtrace on import random:
 (gdb) ba
 #0  0x771474ec in __ieee754_exp_fma4 () from /lib64/libm.so.6
 #1  0x7009e415 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-dynload/math.so
 #2  0x77b00053 in PyEval_EvalFrameEx () from 
 #3  0x77b00b2f in PyEval_EvalCodeEx () from 
 #4  0x77b00c02 in PyEval_EvalCode () from /lib64/libpython2.7.so.1.0
 #5  0x77b1017d in PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx () from 
 After looking a little closer, it seems that __ieee754_exp_fma4 is
 executing vmovsd %xmm0,-0x20(%rsp).
 I thought booting Xen with xsave=1 might help, but this causes Xen to
 crash on this hardware. As mentioned above, it looks like there has been
 Right. That is b/c of Fedora's incorrect extra patch that neuters xsave.
 work in glibc to properly detect AVX (my understanding is that you have
 to check that both the processor and OS supports it). Is it possible
 that this glibc work missed something?
 Very likely. There was another fix to it that got added in Debian (or Ubuntu)
 that checked for FMA4 on AMD (which had a different CPUID).
 Can you open a Red Hat bugzilla please? And CC me on it: ketuzs...@darnok.org

The issue in glibc has been fixed by Jeff Law. Please see:


Python works fine with this update, pushed today.


xen mailing list

[Fedora-xen] Xl and /dev/null

2011-08-01 Thread W. Michael Petullo
The old xm command allowed for a domain to be configured from and
command line using xm create /dev/null kernel=x ... Xl does not seem
to support this:

$ sudo xl create /dev/null
libxl: error: libxl_utils.c:328:libxl_read_file_contents /dev/null is not a 
plain file: Success
Failed to read config file: /dev/null: Inappropriate ioctl for device

Does anyone know the preferred technique to create a domain without an
existing domain configuration file (i.e., purely from the command line)?


xen mailing list

[Fedora-xen] Xend not always starting on Fedora 15 Beta

2011-05-23 Thread W. Michael Petullo
Has anyone else had trouble starting xend when SELinux is enforcing the
targeted policy on the various test releases of Fedora 15? I just
submitted a bug report at:



xen mailing list

[Fedora-xen] Xen Dom0 feature pushed to Fedora 16

2011-04-05 Thread W. Michael Petullo
The Xen Dom0 feature described at


has been pushed to Fedora 16. I don't think this should come as a
surprise. A lot of people are working hard on the kernel components,
but they did not make the Fedora 15 timeline.


xen mailing list

Re: [Fedora-xen] test 2.6.38 dom0 kernel

2011-04-04 Thread W. Michael Petullo
 I have done an experimental kernel, which is a standard F15 2.6.38 kernel 
 plus the two packages needed to get the xen net backend working. In my 
 testing on an F15 host I could get a guest to boot from a text boot, 
 though X crashed. The build is at 
 http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=2968665 if anyone else 
 wants to test it.

I tested this kernel and was able to boot a DomU kernel with
networking. In many cases I do not use Xen's block driver, so this kernel
is sufficient for a lot on my uses.

Of course, some things did not work. For example, Dom0 X crashes on
my hardware.


xen mailing list

[Fedora-xen] OProfile and Xen

2011-04-04 Thread W. Michael Petullo
Is anyone using OProfile with Xen? I am especially interested in the
passive profiling of Xen DomU domains.

I've attached a Xen patch against the Fedora oprofile package to a
report in Bugzilla, #693596. But, even with this patch I am getting
mixed results.

See also http://www.xen.org/files/summit_3/xenoprof_tutorial.pdf.


xen mailing list

Re: [Fedora-xen] xen 4.1.0-rc8

2011-03-23 Thread W. Michael Petullo
 We got another release candidiate xen-4.1.0-rc8 instead, built at
 The final release has slipped to Friday. I am considering building the
 release candidate as an official rawhide/F15 package so I can be sure to
 get it into F15 in time for the Beta release.

 I have now done offical builds of a slightly tidied up version of the 
 above build for rawhide and Fedora 15 which are available at
 http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=7 . Let me know 
 if there are any problems.

No issues with it yet.


xen mailing list

Re: [Fedora-xen] Another 2.6.38-rc6 dom0 kernel

2011-03-13 Thread W. Michael Petullo
 Here is another kernel (2.6.38-0.rc6.git6.1.xendom0.fc15) at 
 The crash when a domU shuts down seems to be fixed.

I just had a chance to test this, along with the
xen-4.1.0-0.1.rc6.fc14.x86_64 Xen packages.

Two notable things have been fixed by the Xen folks:

xl now plays nicely with the vif-route script (see

xl is less picky about where the -c argument to create goes.

Both of these issues were previously discussed on this list and the
xen-devel list.

I'm still having trouble with power management, as noted at:


Other than that, my first impression of 2.6.38-0.rc6.git6.1.xendom0.fc15
is good. I was able to load a PV OpenWrt guest using the QEMU-based
network backend.


xen mailing list

[Fedora-xen] Odd behavior from OpenSSL benchmark

2011-02-28 Thread W. Michael Petullo
I sent the following to xen-users, but thought I'd ask the Fedora
folks too.

I am running the OpenSSL s_server/s_time benchmark between two DomUs. The
two DomUs are running on separate machines, and they are the only
unprivileged domain running on their machine. Both machines have dual
core AMD processors, with Dom0 limited to one core using dom0_max_vcpus=1.

I am using xen-4.0.1 and Xen kernel-

When I run

openssl s_time -connect

I see:

No CIPHER specified
Collecting connection statistics for 30 seconds

This command makes SSL connections and prints 't' to indicate success.

The t's are printed quickly at first but then they pause. After a pause,
things continue again and repeat. It seems that s_time processes for
approximately one second and then pauses for three seconds.

The same thing happens when I run s_time in Dom0 but s_server in DomU
(on the separate machines).

When I run both s_server and s_time in Dom0 (on the separate machines),
there are no pauses.

Also, when I run s_time in DomU and s_server in Dom0 (on the separate
machines) there are no pauses.

Does anyone have any idea what could be going on?


xen mailing list

Re: [Fedora-xen] 2.6.38-rc4 dom0 kernel

2011-02-11 Thread W. Michael Petullo
 I have a new kernel (2.6.38-0.rc4.git3.1.xendom0.fc15) at 
 http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=2833991 . This uses the 
 Konrad's devel/next-2.6.38 branch (from 
 http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/konrad/xen.git ), as I have been 
 having trouble which Jeremy's xen/next-2.6.38 branch.
 It has the revised xen-netback patches, so doesn't need the hack to 
 /etc/sysconfig/modules/xen.modules that the previous kernel needed to 
 avoid backtraces (indeed the hack stops xen-netback loading with this 
 kernel as the netback_kthread parameter has been dropped).

I just booted 2.6.38-0.rc4.git3.1.xendom0.fc15 on
xen-4.1.0-0.1.rc4.fc14.x86_64. I end up with the xen_netback kernel
module loaded:

$ lsmod | grep net
xen_netback24607  0 [permanent]

I'm not sure if this is what you were refering to by indeed the hack
stops xen-netback loading...

It also seems that my DomU does not have its network facilities set up. I
don't end up with a vifX.Y device on Dom0. This is different behavior
than what was provided by Michael's previous kernel package. With
the previous one, DomU would have network connectivity after booting,
although eventually it would seem to break.


xen mailing list

Re: [Fedora-xen] rc3 kernel and xen

2011-02-02 Thread W. Michael Petullo
On Wed, Feb 02, 2011 at 10:43:18PM +, M A Young wrote:
 I have builds of a new dom0 kernel (2.6.38-0.rc3.git0.1.xendom0.fc15) at
 http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=2755802 and xen 
 (4.1.0-0.1.rc3.fc14) at 

Here is some feedback.

Seems fixed:

Red Hat bug #669484, Xen's network-route and vif-route scripts broken

Rsync crash (sent a photograph of kernel panic, but didn't see
it get to the list)

Still broken:

Xen bug #1733, vif-route does not support IPv6

Power management and halt,


xen mailing list

Re: [Fedora-xen] 2.6.38-rc dom0 kernel and xen 4.1.0-rc2

2011-01-31 Thread W. Michael Petullo
 I have finally got a domU to boot in this sort of situation, having
 found a few bugs in 4.1.0-rc2 on the way when trying to use pygrub
 as a bootloader. Note that you may have to use xl rather than xm
 because they are deprecating xm and xm may not have support for qemu
 block backends.

 Does anyone know where I can find documentatin on domain configuration
 for xl? There does not seem to be a man page and a review of the Xen Wiki
 did not find authoritative documentation. I am trying to figure out how
 to write an xl configuration, i.e., rewrite xmexample1 to work with xl.

 It is supposed to be a direct replacement for xm, the idea being for 
 configuration files for xm to work for xl, though not necessarily the 
 other way around. In practice, you can still find stuff that doesn't yet 

 With the exception that xl doesn't support embedded python code
 in the cfgfiles.

I am able to boot a DomU kernel using
xl with xen-4.1.0-0.1.rc2.fc14.x86_64 and
kernel-2.6.38-0.rc2.git3.2.xendom0.fc15.x86_64. Both block and network
devices work.


xen mailing list

Re: [Fedora-xen] 2.6.38-rc dom0 kernel and xen 4.1.0-rc2

2011-01-29 Thread W. Michael Petullo
 Now, the last issue remaining for me is the backend drivers. My
 understanding is that, in the absence of backends being accepted
 upstream, we can use QEMU-based drivers. This would be acceptable for
 our work. Has anyone been using these with Fedora 15?

 In theory the block driver should work in 4.1.0, though I am not
 sure about the net driver. In practise I have failed so far to get
 the block driver working so far. This post today
 talks about what block driver configurations should work.

 I have written the following domain config (to try to force the QEMU
 block backend):
 kernel   =   '/tmp/openwrt-x86-xen_domu-vmlinuz'
 memory   =32
 # NOTE: Generated with qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 input.img 
 disk = [ 'tap:qcow2:/tmp/openwrt-x86-xen_domu-rootfs-ext2.qcow2,xvda,r', 
 vif  = [ 'bridge=virbr0' ]
 name =   '2.6.38-DomU-Test'
 root =   '/dev/xvda1'
 on_crash =   'destroy'
 When I boot, I get:
 NET: Registered protocol family 17
 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 Ben Greear gree...@candelatech.com
 All bugs added by David S. Miller da...@redhat.com
 Using IPI No-Shortcut mode
 XENBUS: Waiting for devices to initialise: 295s...290s...285s...280s...
 When I try to use:
 disk = [ 'file:/tmp/openwrt-x86-xen_domu-rootfs-ext2.img,xvda,r', ]
 I get:
 [No boot]
 Error: Device 51712 (vbd) could not be connected. Path closed or removed 
 during hotplug add: backend/vbd/13/51712 state: 1

 Just making sure.. you're running Xen 4.1 ?
 The userspace qemu blkback implementation is *only* in Xen 4.1 ..

Yes. I am using Michael's Xen 4.1 package.
 And it should get used automatically if dom0 kernel blkback is not available.

That was my understanding, but I have not yet been able to get this
to work.


xen mailing list

[Fedora-xen] 2.6.38-0.rc2.git3.2.xendom0.fc15 and power management

2011-01-29 Thread W. Michael Petullo
As reported earlier, I have been using 2.6.38-0.rc2.git3.2.xendom0.fc15
with good results. One thing I have come across is that power management
does not seem to work. For example, pm-suspend does not suspend my
system. Instead, the system merely becomes unresponsive. On the other
hand, suspends fine.

2.6.38-0.rc2.git3.2.xendom0.fc15 also does not power down my system when
I run shutdown. The last things that is printed to the console is:

Halting system...
[7962.081194] Power down.

The system halts but does not power down.


xen mailing list

Re: [Fedora-xen] 2.6.38-rc dom0 kernel and xen 4.1.0-rc2

2011-01-27 Thread W. Michael Petullo
 Now, the last issue remaining for me is the backend drivers. My
 understanding is that, in the absence of backends being accepted
 upstream, we can use QEMU-based drivers. This would be acceptable for
 our work. Has anyone been using these with Fedora 15?
 In theory the block driver should work in 4.1.0, though I am not
 sure about the net driver. In practise I have failed so far to get
 the block driver working so far. This post today
 talks about what block driver configurations should work.

I have written the following domain config (to try to force the QEMU
block backend):

kernel   =   '/tmp/openwrt-x86-xen_domu-vmlinuz'
memory   =32
# NOTE: Generated with qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 input.img output.qcow2
disk = [ 'tap:qcow2:/tmp/openwrt-x86-xen_domu-rootfs-ext2.qcow2,xvda,r', ]
vif  = [ 'bridge=virbr0' ]
name =   '2.6.38-DomU-Test'
root =   '/dev/xvda1'
on_crash =   'destroy'

When I boot, I get:

NET: Registered protocol family 17
802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 Ben Greear gree...@candelatech.com
All bugs added by David S. Miller da...@redhat.com
Using IPI No-Shortcut mode
XENBUS: Waiting for devices to initialise: 295s...290s...285s...280s...

When I try to use:

disk = [ 'file:/tmp/openwrt-x86-xen_domu-rootfs-ext2.img,xvda,r', ]

I get:

[No boot]
Error: Device 51712 (vbd) could not be connected. Path closed or removed during 
hotplug add: backend/vbd/13/51712 state: 1


xen mailing list

[Fedora-xen] Network-route and vif-route scripts broken?

2011-01-17 Thread W. Michael Petullo
This is something I raised on the upstream xen-devel mailing list. I
have not yet received any response, so I though I'd try to ask here:

I am using Xen with the included network-route and vif-route scripts. My
system runs Fedora 14 with Michael Young's Dom0 kernel.

When xend starts and network-route executes, I see the following error:

/etc/xen/scripts/network-route: line 28:
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth/proxy_arp: No such file or directory

It seems that the problem is that the vifnum shell variable is not set.

Later, when I start an unprivileged domain, I see:

physdev match: using --physdev-out in the OUTPUT, FORWARD and POSTROUTING
chains for non-bridged traffic is not supported anymore.

Are these messages expected?

I have submitted a report to the Red Hat Bugzilla system:


The report includes two patches that fix this issue for me.


xen mailing list

[Fedora-xen] Re: Final F12 2.6.32.x dom0 kernel and vanilla 2.6.37-rc4

2011-01-02 Thread W. Michael Petullo
 This kernel works as expected with one exception. The exception has been
 a nagging problem, but I have not reported it because 1) we are using
 a research OS in DomU and 2) we are not clear if the problem is in our
 code, Linux or Xen. But, here are the symptoms:

 Occasionally (this seems to correlate to network activity between Dom0
 and DomU), the system becomes unresponsive. I am running the Michael
 Young kernel at runlevel 3 within Dom0 (very little memory used by
 applications). Our OS runs in DomU and is constrained to 128MB of
 memory. When the system is unresponsive, typing a character into a
 Dom0 console take 2-5 seconds to appear on the screen. Likewise, other
 activity is extremely slow. As I mentioned, we have not been able to
 isolate where the problem is. Running, for example, an OpenWrt Linux
 build in DomU does not have this problem.
 I have seen something similar, though I don't know where the fault
 lies either.
 That is somewhat good to hear. I have today solved this problem by running
 xm vcpu-set Domain-0 1. By default, Xen assigned Dom0 all of my cores
 (two). Reducing this to one solves the problem for me. I am working on
 a better write up that I'll send to fedora-xen and possibly the upstream
 Xen mailing list. I have not decided if this is a bug and am having some
 discussions locally that may help me formulate a better inquiry.
 Usually it's better to use dom0_max_vcpus=1 on the grub xen.gz line.

So, is this a known issue. Is it typically best practice to limit Dom0 to
one core? I've seen systems where this is not a problem (dom0_max_vcpus=n
works fine, where n is the number of cores) and others where it is. Why
would this be?


xen mailing list

Re: [Fedora-xen] Final F12 2.6.32.x dom0 kernel and vanilla 2.6.37-rc4

2010-12-02 Thread W. Michael Petullo
 I have built what may be my last Fedora 12 kernel 
 ( as Fedora 12 EOLs today (this is the same 
 Fedora patch level as the official kernel which has 
 just been released). It is available at 
 http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=2637740 and the
 repository http://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/myoung/dom0-kernel/
 and includes a crash on exit fix. I haven't decided whether I am going to 
 build any more 2.6.32.x kernels, I am going to continue building 2.6.37 
 kernels but these aren't ready for full dom0 use yet.

Moving forward and for the purposes of Fedora 15 development, can we get
both patched 2.7.37/38 kernels that support DomU and raw upstream
kernels? Or does xen/next-2.6.27 not have the requisite features yet

This kernel works as expected with one exception. The exception has been
a nagging problem, but I have not reported it because 1) we are using
a research OS in DomU and 2) we are not clear if the problem is in our
code, Linux or Xen. But, here are the symptoms:

Occasionally (this seems to correlate to network activity between Dom0
and DomU), the system becomes unresponsive. I am running the Michael
Young kernel at runlevel 3 within Dom0 (very little memory used by
applications). Our OS runs in DomU and is constrained to 128MB of
memory. When the system is unresponsive, typing a character into a
Dom0 console take 2-5 seconds to appear on the screen. Likewise, other
activity is extremely slow. As I mentioned, we have not been able to
isolate where the problem is. Running, for example, an OpenWrt Linux
build in DomU does not have this problem.

 For those of you that are trying 2.6.37, I have built a vanilla 2.6.37-rc4
 kernel (no additional xen patches) at

This kernel is the first from the 37/38 series that I have tested since
I tested the initial upstream Xen accept. This seems to work within my
expectations with two exceptions:

1. There are some warning related to nouveaufb. When I have time I will
investigate a bit more, but 2.6.32 never really worked right for me with
the nouveau drivers either.

2. On the positive side, it seems that the console back-end driver
works. When I booted a DomU OS I received console messages. This surprised
me. Soon after, Xen was unable to set up the networking for DomU, which
is what I expected.

Dom0 continued to operate fine even though loading an OS in DomU failed.


xen mailing list

[Fedora-xen] Xen Dom0 and Fedora 14

2010-09-01 Thread W. Michael Petullo
I have been investigating the use of Xen with a Fedora 14 (devel)-based
Dom0. Until now, I have always used Michael Young's Dom0 kernels.

The first thing I did was try to build the current Fedora 14 kernel with
Xen Dom0 support. I began porting Michael's RPM specification to the
Fedora 14 specification. What I found was that the Xen pvops work seems
to be targeting 2.6.32 and possibly 2.6.36. As a result, I was unable
to find a straightforward way to create a patch for Am I
missing something here? Is building a kernel difficult
in this way?

Next, I tried to use Michael's latest Fedora 12 kernel on Fedora
14. Of course, Fedora 14 uses some features that are not available
in this kernel. Most notably, I had to provide the kernel with the
init=/sbin/upstart option to avoid the use of systemd.

Once I booted the system, I found that xend would not start because it did
not find what it expected in /sys/bus/pci/devices/\:00\:03.2/config:

  File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/xen/util/pci.py, line 1050, in 
pos = self.find_cap_offset(PCI_CAP_ID_EXP)
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/xen/util/pci.py, line 933, in 
id = ord(os.read(fd, 1))
TypeError: ord() expected a character, but string of length 0 found

I fixed this by editing pci.py and changing:

id = ord(os.read(fd, 1))


id = ord(os.read(fd, 1))
pos = 0

Of course, this might not be a good fix, but it was quick and it allowed
me to continue and experiment. Does anyone know what is going on here?

At this point, I was able to boot a DomU image, although I need to do a
lot more testing. Has anyone else experimented with Fedora 14? What is
your experience? I am especially interested in hearing about Fedora 14
Dom0 kernels.


xen mailing list

Re: [Fedora-xen] kernel- X broken on MacBook

2010-04-03 Thread W. Michael Petullo
 I just tried kernel- from Mike
 Young's repository on my MacBook and found that the video driver does
 not seem to work. Lspci reports:

 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 9400M (rev b1)
 What is the grub.conf entry? Have you passed nomodeset to the kernel module?
 I tried adding nomodeset, but that did not help by itself. I ended up
 doing the following:
 1. Add nomodeset to kernel command line.
 2. Create an xorg.conf that uses the VESA driver (X -configure, edit).
 3. Deactivate dri2 and dri in xorg.conf.
 4. Boot Xen Dom0 kernel into runlevel 3.
 5. rmmod nouveau; init 5.

I was able to simplify this a bit:

1. Add nomodeset to kernel command line.

2. Remove all xorg video drivers except the VESA driver.

3. Add blacklist nouveau to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf.

4. Run dracut --force to rebuild initramfs with new blacklist entry.

This avoids the requirement for a hard-coded xorg.conf. I previously
had trouble keeping the nouveau module from loading. I had forgotten
that it is necessary to rebuild an initramfs to ensure the system does
not load blacklisted modules.


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