Re: [Zope] Frustrated with Python and Frameworks. Zope, Grok, Django, CherryPy

2007-11-27 Thread Roman Susi

Rene B wrote:

I'm frustrated trying to select a python web framework. I’ve researched quite a 
few. CherryPy,Karrigell,Zope 2,3,Grok, Gluon,Django,Mod_Python. I’ve also 

Perhaps can interest you then? Its not very much of framework 
(you actually write everything in Python, even making your own 
architectural decisions,
and template language resembles Python also), but it requires almost no 
learning and dynamic site can be setup in no time. And webpy is not too 
hard as it is very minimalistic,
so enjoy writing Python most of the time instead of working around some 
framework's peculiarities.

Maybe after at least playing with that you will revisit other Python web 
application frameworks already knowing what you want.

Roman Susi

looked at templating languages like Spyce, and Cheetah.
I’m beginning to think there’s nothing  out there  for a newbie python 
programmer like myself.  I’m a Network Admin  that likes programming but 
doesn’t have the time to get really proficient at it.
I selected Python as a language of choice and that’s all I’ve used.  I’ve 
written a  few scripts .
I’m interested in building dynamic web sites but I tell you  it’s impossible to 
select a tool.
I’ve researched all the tools mentioned above.  The most important thing in my 
decision is that I know some Python and want to use it to build the dynamic 
site. I don’t want to learn a new language to do that. ZPT is a new language. 
Its not python.  Not even close.  Out of all the ones I’ve researched I like 
Zope 2 the best.  Not sure why. I want some thing easy.  I like DTML. It’s 
easy. I know why ZPT has it’s advantages but for ease of use it doesn’t come 
close to DTML. Most people like me wont  be building complex web sites and  I’d 
be the only working on it meaning I’ll do the HTML layout and code the dynamic 
portions of it. So I don’t’ need to worry about  an HTML editor getting 
confused with the dynamic languages  mixed in blah blah  blah.

I’m afraid to learn Zope 2 because I have no idea what direction it’s going in. 
Not to mention I don’t particularly like ZPT. I’ve read DTML isn’t going 
anywhere but I don’t imagine I’ll get much support  on it when needed and I’m 
sure people will be telling me to use ZPT cause DTML is dead.  
Funny, I read something while reading news about Grok’s new plugins for any 
template language . They used Genshi as an example and talked about template 
languages and which one is better etc.. The bottom line was "use the one that 
you like".  So I wish people would stop putting down DTML or others over the 
one they prefer and continue to help those regardless of which they choose.
Back to trying to choose. I think Django is too hard.  I like Mod_python with 
PSP. PSP seems to be more python like then anything I’ve seen. Yet Mod_Python 
has terrible docs for people like me and it doesn't seem to popular.
The other frameworks have some good ideas. I like Karrigell but you just don’t 
know how long it will be supported.Gluon is cool but its new.  Zope 3 is out of 
the question. Grok looks to me like  another CherryPy. It may be easier the 
Zope 3 but it’s not easier then Zope 2. Plus I’ve yet to get it installed on my 
windows XP to play. 
I like cheetah as a tool. There docs are not that great and not many examples. 
Plus no auto generated content  like you get in Zope 2.  Yes some magic is 
good. The CRUD is what made Rails over rated to start out with.People like some 
magic. saves time.  Combining Cheetah and Zope sounds interesting to me.
So what do I do. I like Zope 2. I can’t find any books on it released after 
2002. Plone is tooo much.
There aren’t any new products out for Zope 2 and the ones that are there 
haven’t been touched for years.
Zope 2 wiki seems dead.  I was looking the other day for some type of  auto 
CRUD for Zope 2. couldn’t find  anyting. No one seems to be adding anything new 
to Zope 2 which scares me the most.
If I take the time to learn a tool I want to make sure it’s going to be around 
for awhile and have good support and new addons  being added all of the time to 
help me.

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Re: [Zope] Frustrated with Python and Frameworks. Zope, Grok, , Django, CherryPy

2007-11-27 Thread Martijn Jacobs

We could also consider putting them in some kind
 of collective-like SVN repository so that people can
make changes when they need to.

I think this is a great idea as it works with the Plone collective this 
way as well.

Martijn Jacobs
Four Digits, Internet Solutions

a: Willemsplein 15-1 6811 KB Arnhem NL
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | web:
tel: +31 (0)26 44 22 700 | fax: +31 (0)84 22 06 117

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Re: [Zope] Frustrated with Python and Frameworks. Zope, Grok, , Django, CherryPy

2007-11-27 Thread Martijn Jacobs

Hi Martijn and others.

I don't see anything I like better, but have a nagging worry that  
Zope, and especially Zope 2, may become increasingly neglected as  
time goes by.

I have to say +1 on this one. We still use Zope 2 for most of our
projects, as the software is stable, mature and if you know how it
works you can do anyhting with it, and you can do it very fast.

I'm very pleased that some older products (including our own)
from 5 or 6 year ago still work in the latest zope version,
sometimes with some minor adjustments. But the core of Zope 2
has changed a lot, while still being compatible as much as

I think the Zope 2 developers and release manager(s) deserve
a lot of credits and respect for that.

But it's since Five that there is some active development
happening on this platform. (And offcourse not to forget the need
for Plone to have zope3 technologies available).
Cleanup and some refactoring has been done, and some Products are
now part of the core. You an find most of the documentation in
interfaces files right now which is a good thing offcourse, and
you can use zope3 technologies if you like, a much cleaner
way of development then old skool Zope 2 products.

I don't think the problem is activity on the Zope 2 front itself,
but the community website which should convey this message
of a mature Zope 2 platform with the availability of new
technologies. But now it's a dead, outdated website which I think
is sad because it's not reflecting what is actually happening.

This sounds like something that could be potentially interesting
for new new, which is currently in development

So that's why I mention this quote : Martijn, I'm very curious
about the status, plan or purpose of the new

I think if the new site gets rid of all the outdated stuff,
learn from the website (or even use it as a boiler
plate, they really did a great job I think), include some nice
documentation based on tutorials like and,
for example (Phillip has some nice tutorials as well)
it would feel so much better for all the Zope 2 developers who
are still out there, and for the new developers who want to use
it, but now have the feeling that Zope 2 is a dead end.

Martijn Jacobs
Four Digits, Internet Solutions

a: Willemsplein 15-1 6811 KB Arnhem NL
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | web:
tel: +31 (0)26 44 22 700 | fax: +31 (0)84 22 06 117

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[Zope] Re: Frustrated with Python and Frameworks. Zope, Grok, , Django, CherryPy

2007-11-27 Thread Tres Seaver
Hash: SHA1

Aaron Maupin wrote:
> Rene B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm beginning to think there's nothing  out there  for a newbie python 
>> programmer like myself.  I'm a Network Admin  that likes programming but 
>> doesn't have the time to get really proficient at it.
> ...
>> Out of all the ones I've researched I like 
>> Zope 2 the best.  Not sure why. I want some thing easy.  I like DTML. It's 
>> easy. I know why ZPT has it's advantages but for ease of use it doesn't come 
>> close to DTML. Most people like me wont  be building complex web sites and  
>> I'd 
>> be the only working on it meaning I'll do the HTML layout and code the 
>> dynamic 
>> portions of it. So I don't' need to worry about  an HTML editor getting 
>> confused with the dynamic languages  mixed in blah blah  blah.
> Then your search is over.  Just use Zope 2.
> I'm in almost exactly your position.  I learned DTML because at the time 
> the Zope tutorials all taught it first (they probably still do), and 
> since I'm never going to be editing code except by hand, I don't worry 
> about DTML tags getting messed up.  Also, unless something has changed 
> you need to use DTML somewhat for ZSQL methods.  And anything that's 
> tricky to do in DTML/ZPT should probably be in a Python script anyway.
> Frankly, I've created half a dozen Zope sites over the last four years, 
> two of them fairly active medium-sized sites ( and 
> ), and Zope is basically just a fancy-pants container for 
> my Python scripts.  It works beautifully.  I know I'm not using the 
> "full power" of Zope, but as a container for Python scripts and with the 
> power of acquisition - one of my absolute favorite aspects of Zope 2 - 
> it makes development a snap.

This is indeed the "sweet spot" for the Zope2 TTW development model, and
I still use it myself, but with two caveats:

 - I *never* push a site to production using the TTW technologies unless
   I am personally committeed to maintaining it in perpetuity, because
   TTW code is near-impossible to collaborate on.

 - I *never* do more than prototype with TTW code if I plan to
   distribute the code across more sites than the one I built it on,
   because the mechanisms for moving TTW code are hideously hard to
   get right.

the "use Products over TTW" meme on the Zope lists is a direct result of
these two fact.  Being able to use filesystem tools (CVS / SVN, etc.) on
the code is all part of the same meme.  That meme is also why I wrote
tools (FSDumper, CMFSetup/GenericSetup) to make it easier to start with
a TTW prototype and later move the  code (and configuration) to the

- --
Tres Seaver  +1 540-429-0999  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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[Zope] Re: Frustrated with Python and Frameworks. Zope, Grok, Django, CherryPy

2007-11-27 Thread Tres Seaver
Hash: SHA1

Chetan Kumar wrote:
> On 11/27/07, Rene B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Nobody seems to be adding to zope 2" because the gurus have learnt
> some lessons from Zope2 and are hence developing something new from
> scratch (Zope 3).

Most of the recent additions to Zope2 have been made in two areas:

 - Improved extensibility via the Zope Component Architecture, by
   way of Zope3 and Five.

 - Add-on products such as Plone, CMF, Silva, etc.

> The principle remains: Find the best tool for your needs.

Always good advice.

- --
Tres Seaver  +1 540-429-0999  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [Zope] Frustrated with Python and Frameworks. Zope, Grok, Django, CherryPy

2007-11-27 Thread Garry Saddington
On Tuesday 27 November 2007 17:19, Martijn Faassen wrote:

> We need to identify some targets and see what resources we have to
> accomplish them. Of course this shouldn't degenerate into a long
> wishlist discussion, but let's see what kind of steps can be taken.
I came to Zope as a newbie about 4 years ago. I used DTML from the word go 
because I wanted to use databases extensively and therefore ZSQL. Of course, 
when I started to get into difficulty I asked on this list. I got lambasted 
firstly for using DTML and secondly for seemingly wanting answers! I 
therefore became afraid of the list and the response I may get from questions 
so much so that I stopped asking. I learned the hard way - trial and error 
and reading whatever I could find -usually hard to find.
I was therefore pleasantly surprised  when I first asked a question on the 
Postgresql users list. Not only was the response friendly and helpful but 
many responders actually wrote code to solve my problem or to show me how to 
solve it. It is this sort of attitude that we should try to foster on this 
Everyone has to learn sometime - how about helping them with a little more 
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[Zope] Re: Escaping special characters in ZCTextIndex.QueryParser?

2007-11-27 Thread Robert Casties
Dieter Maurer wrote:
> Please stay on the list! Readded...

I was reading reading zope-dev through Gmane's NNTP-gateway so I think
my answer stayed on that list. (I posted a similar question last week on
zope, did you mean that one?)

> Robert Casties wrote at 2007-11-27 09:47 +0100:
>> ...
>> Is the parser for the search query also pluggable? I will have another
>> look at TextIndexNG.
> You should look at "TextIndexNG3".
> There, you can specify lots of things either globally through ZCML,
> in the index during creation and passed as parameter.
> For the query search parser, you have at least the later two
> options.

Thanks, I will try TextIndexNG soon but I need to set up a development
instance first since I'm a little afraid of installing TextIndexNG on
the production system.


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[Zope] Re: Escaping special characters in ZCTextIndex.QueryParser?

2007-11-27 Thread Dieter Maurer
Please stay on the list! Readded...

Robert Casties wrote at 2007-11-27 09:47 +0100:
> ...
>Is the parser for the search query also pluggable? I will have another
>look at TextIndexNG.

You should look at "TextIndexNG3".

There, you can specify lots of things either globally through ZCML,
in the index during creation and passed as parameter.

For the query search parser, you have at least the later two

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Re: [Zope] Frustrated with Python and Frameworks. Zope, Grok, , Django, CherryPy

2007-11-27 Thread Aaron Maupin

Rene B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm beginning to think there's nothing  out there  for a newbie python 
programmer like myself.  I'm a Network Admin  that likes programming but 
doesn't have the time to get really proficient at it.


Out of all the ones I've researched I like 
Zope 2 the best.  Not sure why. I want some thing easy.  I like DTML. It's 
easy. I know why ZPT has it's advantages but for ease of use it doesn't come 
close to DTML. Most people like me wont  be building complex web sites and  I'd 
be the only working on it meaning I'll do the HTML layout and code the dynamic 
portions of it. So I don't' need to worry about  an HTML editor getting 
confused with the dynamic languages  mixed in blah blah  blah.

Then your search is over.  Just use Zope 2.

I'm in almost exactly your position.  I learned DTML because at the time 
the Zope tutorials all taught it first (they probably still do), and 
since I'm never going to be editing code except by hand, I don't worry 
about DTML tags getting messed up.  Also, unless something has changed 
you need to use DTML somewhat for ZSQL methods.  And anything that's 
tricky to do in DTML/ZPT should probably be in a Python script anyway.

Frankly, I've created half a dozen Zope sites over the last four years, 
two of them fairly active medium-sized sites ( and ), and Zope is basically just a fancy-pants container for 
my Python scripts.  It works beautifully.  I know I'm not using the 
"full power" of Zope, but as a container for Python scripts and with the 
power of acquisition - one of my absolute favorite aspects of Zope 2 - 
it makes development a snap.

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Re: [Zope] Frustrated with Python and Frameworks. Zope, Grok, Django, CherryPy

2007-11-27 Thread Martijn Faassen

On Nov 27, 2007 5:14 PM, Gregory Dudek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have used Zope 2 too extensively to give it up. I use it for
> several sites.
> I don't see anything I like better, but have a nagging worry that
> Zope, and especially Zope 2, may become increasingly neglected as
> time goes by.
> I hope I am wrong, but it is definitely something to be concerned about.
> All in all, I'd still recommend Zope 2 and, in fact, hope for all of
> sake of us all that lots of other people continue to make this choice.

I think it would be great if you and several like minded users of Zope
2 could get together and change this.
After all, this is an open source project, and we can actually do
something about this. It's up to us.

We want a more active Zope 2 community. What does that mean? What kind
of community activities
would you like to see? What kind of direction of development would
make you happy?

We need to identify some targets and see what resources we have to
accomplish them. Of course this shouldn't degenerate into a long
wishlist discussion, but let's see what kind of steps can be taken.

I'm in this for two reasons:

* as a developer of Grok, I'm very interested in improving the
beginner scenario for Grok and I hope to learn something from what
people like about classic Zope 2 (which I used for years myself, of

* I'm (since a few weeks) chairman of the Zope Foundation board, and I
think it's an important task for the foundation to support the
community. Now I don't mean a pot of money or something, as we don't
have any, but perhaps there are a few small obstacles we can get rid
of, and a few channels of communication we can open here and there.


> Somebody asked about what things make Zope so appealing and without
> re-listing the whole feature set, the combination of the ZMI and the
> very simple and robust through-the-web stuff, the wide selection of
> both powerful and quick-to-use script and template solutions, and a
> good selection of plugin products are the top features.

Yes, I think those are strong points of Zope 2 and those points are
currently missing in the Zope 3 world, including Grok. One
reason the ZMI is frowned on for development is because many of us has
been burned - we got trapped by the ZMI and weren't
able to use a version control system easily, our favorite editors
easily, and so on. We've thought on and off during early Zope 3
development about ways to bring back the ZMI without these
disadvantages. As Zope 3 development progressed we've not been
able to spend much time on the topic. I wouldn't expect to look at the
Zope 3 community itself to solve this problem by now, as
they're generally not very interested in it. Grok is more interested
in a beginner story, but we still are very filesystem oriented.
I wonder what could be built on top though. It'll have to be done by
interested volunteers, and that's the chicken-and-egg problem:
those who are able to do so are usually comfortable with the
filesystem mode of development and don't need these tools. Do we have
any ideas to get to chickens and/or eggs?

> Cheetah and Zope sounds like an obvious combination.  I am surprised
> it hasn't been done yet and will be shocked it if isn't implemented
> by somebody within another month or two.

It should certainly be doable to write a Grok plugin. :)

> One issue is that Cheetah
> has the non-XML ugliness of DTML without really big advantages in
> terms of functionality (even though it looks clean), and it would
> further fragment the community and set of options.  Splitting a
> community is a really dangerous idea.

Agreed that we shouldn't fragment the community further. It's indeed
dangerous. Let's focus
a bit more about pulling it back together again.


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Re: [Zope] Frustrated with Python and Frameworks. Zope, Grok, Django, CherryPy

2007-11-27 Thread Martijn Faassen

On Nov 27, 2007 4:47 PM, Jaroslav Lukesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Very nice words
> I have near complette mirror of the from 2004 or 2005 if
> someone wants (and rememner that old site and good where are many products
> that you couldnot find at web now). There are many fantastic products which
> I use at near each site. So I will try to put it online.

This sounds like something that could be potentially interesting for
new new, which is currently in development. I've
cc-ed this to Martin Aspeli so he knows about this. Perhaps you could
salvage the most useful older codebases
and we can put them online - since this stuff is open source we have
the liberty to do so. We could also consider putting them in some kind
of collective-like SVN repository so that people can make changes when
they need to.

I think doing this kind of stuff would be a really worthwhile project
to breathe some new life into the classical way of using Zope. It'd
be really nice to see some life in this part of the community.

Meanwhile I hope that the Grok community can somehow learn from this
and bring some of these features back in a new form.


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Re: [Zope] Frustrated with Python and Frameworks. Zope, Grok, Django, CherryPy

2007-11-27 Thread Gregory Dudek
I've been using Zope 2 since 2000 and like it a lot, but I think your  
concerns are
very valid.  I don't fully understand why the Zope 2 (and Zope 3)  
community seems so much less vibrant than it used to be,
but am aware of several well-known possible factors,  in particular  
the Zope2 vs Zope3 schism, the state of the web site, and  
the wide set of competing alternatives.  That said, Zope is very rich  
and, in my opinion, very mature.

I have used Zope 2 too extensively to give it up. I use it for  
several sites.
I don't see anything I like better, but have a nagging worry that  
Zope, and especially Zope 2, may become increasingly neglected as  
time goes by.

I hope I am wrong, but it is definitely something to be concerned about.
All in all, I'd still recommend Zope 2 and, in fact, hope for all of  
sake of us all that lots of other people continue to make this choice.
Note that even COBOL and the Amiga, the most obsolete technologies I  
can think of readily, still have developer communities, so even the  
worst-case scenarios won't imply a sudden Zope termination.

Personally, I find DTML a moderately ugly language, but very  
effective and easy to get in to.  I use it often, but

typically only in limited amounts per page.
When the going gets rough and complicated you
should think about using a Python scripts and resist the temptation  
of getting into hairy DTML tricks.

DTML in Zope is like salt: it is necessary to life,
very tempting and seductive, but can have bad consequences when used  
to excess.

Somebody asked about what things make Zope so appealing and without  
re-listing the whole feature set, the combination of the ZMI and the  
very simple and robust through-the-web stuff, the wide selection of  
both powerful and quick-to-use script and template solutions, and a  
good selection of plugin products are the top features.

Cheetah and Zope sounds like an obvious combination.  I am surprised  
it hasn't been done yet and will be shocked it if isn't implemented  
by somebody within another month or two.  One issue is that Cheetah  
has the non-XML ugliness of DTML without really big advantages in  
terms of functionality (even though it looks clean), and it would  
further fragment the community and set of options.  Splitting a  
community is a really dangerous idea.  Even Zope plus PHP might be a  
safer choice for the resulting sub-community (note I am holding my  
nose as I type this).

I've used Plone a fair bit, but find it too heavy for many simple  
applications, even though it has some really great features.  (Heavy  
in various ways.)  The Plone 2 vs Plone 3 migration just makes it  
more complicated.


On Nov 26, 2007, at 8:18 PM, Rene B wrote:

I'm frustrated trying to select a python web framework. I’ve  
researched quite a
few. CherryPy,Karrigell,Zope 2,3,Grok, Gluon,Django,Mod_Python.  
I’ve also

looked at templating languages like Spyce, and Cheetah

I’m afraid to learn Zope 2 because I have no idea what direction  
it’s going in.
Not to mention I don’t particularly like ZPT. I’ve read DTML isn’t  
anywhere but I don’t imagine I’ll get much support  on it when  
needed and I’m

sure people will be telling me to use ZPT cause DTML is dead.

I like cheetah as a tool. There docs are not that great and not  
many examples.
Plus no auto generated content  like you get in Zope 2.  Yes some  
magic is
good. The CRUD is what made Rails over rated to start out  
with.People like some
magic. saves time.  Combining Cheetah and Zope sounds interesting  
to me.
So what do I do. I like Zope 2. I can’t find any books on it  
released after

2002. Plone is tooo much.

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Re: [Zope] Frustrated with Python and Frameworks. Zope, Grok, Django, CherryPy

2007-11-27 Thread Jaroslav Lukesh

Very nice words

I have near complette mirror of the from 2004 or 2005 if 
someone wants (and rememner that old site and good where are many products 
that you couldnot find at web now). There are many fantastic products which 
I use at near each site. So I will try to put it online.

- Original Message - 
From: "Tom Von Lahndorff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Zope2 + DTML + Python and you're good to go. I know a bunch of
developers/designers, including myself that use this combo all the
time. I currently use it for projects at a Fortune 500 company. The
docs suck but once you get in the groove you can bang out solid,
stable, good looking, standard compliant sites unbelievably fast.
Acquisition can be your best friend and you reuse a lot of your coding
for multiple projects. There are still developers on this list who use
DTML over ZPT, they just dont post much to it because of the ZPT
backlash you get when you do. I've gotten private messages off this
list from people though about DTML so there is support out there. Its
true that most of the products for Zope 2 have been updated in a while
but I can tell you that most will work fine with the latest Zope 2
release and are very customizable. The Zope2 ecosystem is pretty
mature and stable just poorly documented or supported. I do think
you'll probably get the "Zope Zen" quicker than you think and be able
to figure out a lot on your own.

On Nov 26, 2007, at 8:18 PM, Rene B wrote:

I'm frustrated trying to select a python web framework. I’ve  researched 
quite a

few. CherryPy,Karrigell,Zope 2,3,Grok, Gluon,Django,Mod_Python. I’ve  also
looked at templating languages like Spyce, and Cheetah.
I’m beginning to think there’s nothing  out there  for a newbie python
programmer like myself.  I’m a Network Admin  that likes programming  but
doesn’t have the time to get really proficient at it.
I selected Python as a language of choice and that’s all I’ve used.   I’ve
written a  few scripts .
I’m interested in building dynamic web sites but I tell you  it’s 
impossible to

select a tool.
I’ve researched all the tools mentioned above.  The most important  thing 
in my
decision is that I know some Python and want to use it to build the 
site. I don’t want to learn a new language to do that. ZPT is a new 
Its not python.  Not even close.  Out of all the ones I’ve  researched I 

Zope 2 the best.  Not sure why. I want some thing easy.  I like  DTML. It’s
easy. I know why ZPT has it’s advantages but for ease of use it  doesn’t 
close to DTML. Most people like me wont  be building complex web  sites 
and  I’d
be the only working on it meaning I’ll do the HTML layout and code  the 

portions of it. So I don’t’ need to worry about  an HTML editor  getting
confused with the dynamic languages  mixed in blah blah  blah.

I’m afraid to learn Zope 2 because I have no idea what direction  it’s 
going in.

Not to mention I don’t particularly like ZPT. I’ve read DTML isn’t  going
anywhere but I don’t imagine I’ll get much support  on it when  needed and 

sure people will be telling me to use ZPT cause DTML is dead.
Funny, I read something while reading news about Grok’s new plugins  for 
template language . They used Genshi as an example and talked about 
languages and which one is better etc.. The bottom line was "use the  one 
you like".  So I wish people would stop putting down DTML or others  over 
one they prefer and continue to help those regardless of which they 
Back to trying to choose. I think Django is too hard.  I like  Mod_python 
PSP. PSP seems to be more python like then anything I’ve seen. Yet 

has terrible docs for people like me and it doesn't seem to popular.
The other frameworks have some good ideas. I like Karrigell but you  just 
know how long it will be supported.Gluon is cool but its new.  Zope  3 is 
out of
the question. Grok looks to me like  another CherryPy. It may be  easier 
Zope 3 but it’s not easier then Zope 2. Plus I’ve yet to get it  installed 
on my

windows XP to play.
I like cheetah as a tool. There docs are not that great and not many 
Plus no auto generated content  like you get in Zope 2.  Yes some  magic 
good. The CRUD is what made Rails over rated to start out  with.People 
like some

magic. saves time.  Combining Cheetah and Zope sounds interesting to  me.
So what do I do. I like Zope 2. I can’t find any books on it  released 

2002. Plone is tooo much.
There aren’t any new products out for Zope 2 and the ones that are  there
haven’t been touched for years.
Zope 2 wiki seems dead.  I was looking the other day for some type  of 
CRUD for Zope 2. couldn’t find  anyting. No one seems to be adding 
anything new

to Zope 2 which scares me the most.
If I take the time to learn a tool I want to make sure it’s going to  be 
for awhile and have good support and new addons  being added all of  the 

Re: [Zope] Frustrated with Python and Frameworks. Zope, Grok, Django, CherryPy

2007-11-27 Thread Tom Von Lahndorff

Zope2 + DTML + Python and you're good to go. I know a bunch of  
developers/designers, including myself that use this combo all the  
time. I currently use it for projects at a Fortune 500 company. The  
docs suck but once you get in the groove you can bang out solid,  
stable, good looking, standard compliant sites unbelievably fast.  
Acquisition can be your best friend and you reuse a lot of your coding  
for multiple projects. There are still developers on this list who use  
DTML over ZPT, they just dont post much to it because of the ZPT  
backlash you get when you do. I've gotten private messages off this  
list from people though about DTML so there is support out there. Its  
true that most of the products for Zope 2 have been updated in a while  
but I can tell you that most will work fine with the latest Zope 2  
release and are very customizable. The Zope2 ecosystem is pretty  
mature and stable just poorly documented or supported. I do think  
you'll probably get the "Zope Zen" quicker than you think and be able  
to figure out a lot on your own.

On Nov 26, 2007, at 8:18 PM, Rene B wrote:

I'm frustrated trying to select a python web framework. I’ve  
researched quite a
few. CherryPy,Karrigell,Zope 2,3,Grok, Gluon,Django,Mod_Python. I’ve  

looked at templating languages like Spyce, and Cheetah.
I’m beginning to think there’s nothing  out there  for a newbie python
programmer like myself.  I’m a Network Admin  that likes programming  

doesn’t have the time to get really proficient at it.
I selected Python as a language of choice and that’s all I’ve used.   

written a  few scripts .
I’m interested in building dynamic web sites but I tell you  it’s  
impossible to

select a tool.
I’ve researched all the tools mentioned above.  The most important  
thing in my
decision is that I know some Python and want to use it to build the  
site. I don’t want to learn a new language to do that. ZPT is a new  
Its not python.  Not even close.  Out of all the ones I’ve  
researched I like
Zope 2 the best.  Not sure why. I want some thing easy.  I like  
DTML. It’s
easy. I know why ZPT has it’s advantages but for ease of use it  
doesn’t come
close to DTML. Most people like me wont  be building complex web  
sites and  I’d
be the only working on it meaning I’ll do the HTML layout and code  
the dynamic
portions of it. So I don’t’ need to worry about  an HTML editor  

confused with the dynamic languages  mixed in blah blah  blah.

I’m afraid to learn Zope 2 because I have no idea what direction  
it’s going in.
Not to mention I don’t particularly like ZPT. I’ve read DTML isn’t  
anywhere but I don’t imagine I’ll get much support  on it when  
needed and I’m

sure people will be telling me to use ZPT cause DTML is dead.
Funny, I read something while reading news about Grok’s new plugins  
for any
template language . They used Genshi as an example and talked about  
languages and which one is better etc.. The bottom line was "use the  
one that
you like".  So I wish people would stop putting down DTML or others  
over the
one they prefer and continue to help those regardless of which they  
Back to trying to choose. I think Django is too hard.  I like  
Mod_python with
PSP. PSP seems to be more python like then anything I’ve seen. Yet  

has terrible docs for people like me and it doesn't seem to popular.
The other frameworks have some good ideas. I like Karrigell but you  
just don’t
know how long it will be supported.Gluon is cool but its new.  Zope  
3 is out of
the question. Grok looks to me like  another CherryPy. It may be  
easier the
Zope 3 but it’s not easier then Zope 2. Plus I’ve yet to get it  
installed on my

windows XP to play.
I like cheetah as a tool. There docs are not that great and not many  
Plus no auto generated content  like you get in Zope 2.  Yes some  
magic is
good. The CRUD is what made Rails over rated to start out  
with.People like some
magic. saves time.  Combining Cheetah and Zope sounds interesting to  
So what do I do. I like Zope 2. I can’t find any books on it  
released after

2002. Plone is tooo much.
There aren’t any new products out for Zope 2 and the ones that are  

haven’t been touched for years.
Zope 2 wiki seems dead.  I was looking the other day for some type  
of  auto
CRUD for Zope 2. couldn’t find  anyting. No one seems to be adding  
anything new

to Zope 2 which scares me the most.
If I take the time to learn a tool I want to make sure it’s going to  
be around
for awhile and have good support and new addons  being added all of  
the time to

help me.

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Re: [Zope] Frustrated with Python and Frameworks. Zope, Grok, Django, CherryPy

2007-11-27 Thread Chetan Kumar
The gentleman here likes DTML (I hope it is zope-DTML).  Looks like he
is equipped (with his limited time) to whip up something to please his
boss !!! Rest will follow as it did for most of us who learnt on the
way as required. It will be good if he gets things working using what
he has already learnt with worrying about what latest all the rest of
the zope world is working on. It sitll works even if it is Zope2 and
In addition to the question of vibrant community there this learning
curve thing about zope when you are reading postings on the list (old
ones are good enough, for DTML say, if there is nothing on this
morning's digest) and online stuff. There are books these days but as
we see here things are tough for a new-comer.
So, Mr B, please go ahead with what you have been able to learn so far
and there will be much more joy when you learn all the new stuff
people discuss here these days.
Cheers to all.
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Re: [Zope] Frustrated with Python and Frameworks. Zope, Grok, Django, CherryPy

2007-11-27 Thread Martijn Faassen
Hi there,

On Nov 27, 2007 4:14 AM, Chetan Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stick to Zope 2 with DTML if that serves your purpose. It will serve you well.
> I think your problem is solved !!!

I don't think it so simple. He was looking for a vibrant community
that would support his needs. I think
the Zope community isn't as vibrant anymore in his area as it used to
be. I can certainly see that giving rise to
some concern.

When I approach an open source project, I look for the exact same
things: a vibrant community in the area of my
needs. If it's not there, I'll be much less likely to invest a lot of
time in it, even if everything else seems "right". I wouldn't want to
stick to a dead-end myself, and traditional Zope 2 approaches are
looking more and more like a dead end, as the community of
developers that can support this has in many ways moved on. I'm not
saying the situation for Zope 2 is *disastrous*; the technological
base will be around for many years yet, but it's certainly not the
same for beginners as it used to be 5 years ago.


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Re: [Zope] Frustrated with Python and Frameworks. Zope, Grok, Django, CherryPy

2007-11-27 Thread Martijn Faassen

On Nov 27, 2007 2:18 AM, Rene B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm frustrated trying to select a python web framework. I've researched quite 
> a
> few. CherryPy,Karrigell,Zope 2,3,Grok, Gluon,Django,Mod_Python. I've also
> looked at templating languages like Spyce, and Cheetah.

I can see how that would be frustrating; there are indeed many of them
out there and the
Zope situation is currently rather muddled with a lot of choices and
not much clarity which one
to pick...

> I'm beginning to think there's nothing  out there  for a newbie python
> programmer like myself.  I'm a Network Admin  that likes programming but
> doesn't have the time to get really proficient at it.
> I selected Python as a language of choice and that's all I've used.  I've
> written a  few scripts .
> I'm interested in building dynamic web sites but I tell you  it's impossible 
> to
> select a tool.
> I've researched all the tools mentioned above.

There's one important question that might help guide you towards
choosing the right framework for you: what kind of thing do
you typically want your dynamic websites to do? You say below they're
relatively simple websites and there'd
be just you working on them typically. Do you use relational databases a lot?

> The most important thing in my
> decision is that I know some Python and want to use it to build the dynamic
> site. I don't want to learn a new language to do that. ZPT is a new language.
> Its not python.  Not even close.  Out of all the ones I've researched I like
> Zope 2 the best.  Not sure why. I want some thing easy.  I like DTML. It's
> easy.

I'd be very interested in hearing more about this. As someone helping
to build a framework (Grok), it'd be really interesting to
know more about what attracts you to Zope 2. Did you learn DTML
through a tutorial? If so, may I ask which?
I'd like to know what gave you the impression that it was easy and fun
to work with.

> I know why ZPT has it's advantages but for ease of use it doesn't come
> close to DTML. Most people like me wont  be building complex web sites and  
> I'd
> be the only working on it meaning I'll do the HTML layout and code the dynamic
> portions of it. So I don't' need to worry about  an HTML editor getting
> confused with the dynamic languages  mixed in blah blah  blah.

As someone who used DTML quite a lot back in '99 - '01 or so, I'd say
DTML is a new language that isn't that close to
Python either. While I certainly don't despise the language, it was
quite frustrating to use sometimes because it wasn't enough
like Python and trying to make it be that way made it look very complicated.

> I'm afraid to learn Zope 2 because I have no idea what direction it's going 
> in.
> Not to mention I don't particularly like ZPT. I've read DTML isn't going
> anywhere but I don't imagine I'll get much support  on it when needed and I'm
> sure people will be telling me to use ZPT cause DTML is dead.

Yes, that is indeed a risk, I'm afraid.

You touch an important point. Where is Zope 2 going? In general, the
answer tends to be more use of Zope 3 technologies.
That isn't a very satisfactory answer for you though, as Zope 3
technologies are most likely not going to make
your life more easy. Eventually it may mean "more Grok technologies"
too, but that may not be very helpful to you
either, as you already prefer Zope 2 to Grok.

May I ask, is the presence of the ZMI a contributing factor in Zope
2's appeal? The fact that you can go in and
create a DTML method or Python script in your web browser without any
file system setup? Or would this not matter to you
if you could just as easily work with these on the file system?

> Funny, I read something while reading news about Grok's new plugins for any
> template language . They used Genshi as an example and talked about template
> languages and which one is better etc.. The bottom line was "use the one that
> you like".  So I wish people would stop putting down DTML or others over the
> one they prefer and continue to help those regardless of which they choose.

I'm not quite sure whether the bottom line for template languages is
"use the one you like": a common one will
be a benefit for any web framework as it will make it easier to talk
to other developers, exchange code, and so on.
That said, I also believe a web framework should allow the use of
other languages; it needs to evolve after all and people need to
be able to experiment. Zope 2 is a good example, as by now most people
use ZPT while DTML was dominant 7 years ago. Allowing an extra
template language in Zope 2 made that possible.

I think it would be a nice project for someone to make DTML work with
Grok as a template language plugin.

> Back to trying to choose. I think Django is too hard.

That is interesting as well; may I ask why you thought Django was too
hard, compared to Zope 2?

> I like Mod_python with
> PSP. PSP seems to be more python like then anything I've seen. Yet Mod_Python
> has terrible docs for 

Re: [Zope] Frustrated with Python and Frameworks. Zope, Grok, Django, CherryPy

2007-11-27 Thread knitti
On 11/27/07, Rene B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm afraid to learn Zope 2 because I have no idea what direction it's going 
> in.

Oh come on. Anyone 'afraid' to learn something has lost already. Either
you don't want to learn it, or you do want. If you like it, use it.
Making simple
Web applications in Zope 2 actually is so easy, one can't even speak of
a real effort, so don't make it one an just start using it. You'll become more
proficient quickly, and if you still like it, stick with it and try
more complex things.

> There aren't any new products out for Zope 2 and the ones that are there
> haven't been touched for years.

well, they work. At least the ones I use (PluggableUserFolder, GroupUserFolder,
ExtFile, CMF). And CMF _is_ evolving, ExtFile seems maintained and a whole
lot of other Products are, too - just not on, so it's a bit
tricky to find

If you use Zope, and find something you'll need as Product, perhaps you'll
write you own. It's not very hard, just read the code of some other Products.

> Zope 2 wiki seems dead.  I was looking the other day for some type of  auto
> CRUD for Zope 2. couldn't find  anyting.

There are many who don't need any auto CRUD just because they don't need
any database besides ZODB. And in ZODB CRUD==python. And you have
ZSQL Methods to bake your own.

> No one seems to be adding anything new
> to Zope 2 which scares me the most.

I would call this maturity, and I'm happy about it. Or do you mean a lack of
shiny drop-in web 2.0 products you only have to click together to become
excited? Well...

> If I take the time to learn a tool I want to make sure it's going to be around
> for awhile and have good support and new addons  being added all of the time 
> to
> help me.

Zope 2 has been around a long time already, and I *think* it'll be much longer.
Much software which is being added on constantly is crap, because someone
has to maintain the *existing* add-ons and someone has to write the new
add-ons. This is the old question whether a software is "finished" some day
or not (feature creep).

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Re: [Zope] Frustrated with Python and Frameworks. Zope, Grok, Django, CherryPy

2007-11-27 Thread Eric Bréhault

If you do not have time to program, and you want to build dynamic web sites,
maybe you could use Zope2 with Plone, and just use the existing Plone
products. Ok, you think "Plone is tooo much", but it should cover 99% of any
basic dynamic web site features.



On Nov 27, 2007 2:18 AM, Rene B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm frustrated trying to select a python web framework. I've researched
> quite a
> few. CherryPy,Karrigell,Zope 2,3,Grok, Gluon,Django,Mod_Python. I've also
> looked at templating languages like Spyce, and Cheetah.
> I'm beginning to think there's nothing  out there  for a newbie python
> programmer like myself.  I'm a Network Admin  that likes programming but
> doesn't have the time to get really proficient at it.
> I selected Python as a language of choice and that's all I've used.  I've
> written a  few scripts .
> I'm interested in building dynamic web sites but I tell you  it's
> impossible to
> select a tool.
> I've researched all the tools mentioned above.  The most important thing
> in my
> decision is that I know some Python and want to use it to build the
> dynamic
> site. I don't want to learn a new language to do that. ZPT is a new
> language.
> Its not python.  Not even close.  Out of all the ones I've researched I
> like
> Zope 2 the best.  Not sure why. I want some thing easy.  I like DTML. It's
> easy. I know why ZPT has it's advantages but for ease of use it doesn't
> come
> close to DTML. Most people like me wont  be building complex web sites and
>  I'd
> be the only working on it meaning I'll do the HTML layout and code the
> dynamic
> portions of it. So I don't' need to worry about  an HTML editor getting
> confused with the dynamic languages  mixed in blah blah  blah.
> I'm afraid to learn Zope 2 because I have no idea what direction it's
> going in.
> Not to mention I don't particularly like ZPT. I've read DTML isn't going
> anywhere but I don't imagine I'll get much support  on it when needed and
> I'm
> sure people will be telling me to use ZPT cause DTML is dead.
> Funny, I read something while reading news about Grok's new plugins for
> any
> template language . They used Genshi as an example and talked about
> template
> languages and which one is better etc.. The bottom line was "use the one
> that
> you like".  So I wish people would stop putting down DTML or others over
> the
> one they prefer and continue to help those regardless of which they
> choose.
> Back to trying to choose. I think Django is too hard.  I like Mod_python
> with
> PSP. PSP seems to be more python like then anything I've seen. Yet
> Mod_Python
> has terrible docs for people like me and it doesn't seem to popular.
> The other frameworks have some good ideas. I like Karrigell but you just
> don't
> know how long it will be supported.Gluon is cool but its new.  Zope 3 is
> out of
> the question. Grok looks to me like  another CherryPy. It may be easier
> the
> Zope 3 but it's not easier then Zope 2. Plus I've yet to get it installed
> on my
> windows XP to play.
> I like cheetah as a tool. There docs are not that great and not many
> examples.
> Plus no auto generated content  like you get in Zope 2.  Yes some magic is
> good. The CRUD is what made Rails over rated to start out with.People like
> some
> magic. saves time.  Combining Cheetah and Zope sounds interesting to me.
> So what do I do. I like Zope 2. I can't find any books on it released
> after
> 2002. Plone is tooo much.
> There aren't any new products out for Zope 2 and the ones that are there
> haven't been touched for years.
> Zope 2 wiki seems dead.  I was looking the other day for some type of
>  auto
> CRUD for Zope 2. couldn't find  anyting. No one seems to be adding
> anything new
> to Zope 2 which scares me the most.
> If I take the time to learn a tool I want to make sure it's going to be
> around
> for awhile and have good support and new addons  being added all of the
> time to
> help me.
> ___
> Zope maillist  -
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