[Zope-dev] Product version number redundancy with version.txt and setup.py

2008-07-07 Thread Tim Hicks


Am I right in thinking that there is a duplication of information in 
having an eggified product's version number stored in setup.py and 

Both seem to be necessary - the first for use with pypi and the second 
so that Zope knows what version of a product it has.  The former seems 
more like it should be the preferred single place for this information. 
 Does anyone have any ideas about how we might update Zope to read 
version information from setup.py instead?

The initializeProduct function at 
seems to be the relevant place.  However, I'm not sure if that code has 
access to the full eggy package at that stage.  My guess is that the 
relevant object (productp?) might already have been adjusted for 
backward compatibility reasons at that stage.

Any ideas?

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[Zope-dev] Resolution of issue #2333 before next maintenance release(s)?

2007-06-25 Thread Tim Hicks

Apparently a maintenance release for 2.10 is imminent.  Would it be
possible for someone to review the report for issue #2333 @:


The fix provided there comes with a test.  If it's deemed suitable,
could someone with commit privileges apply the patches before the
release is cut?  If not, could they tell me what I need to do to have it


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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: Resolution of issue #2333 before next maintenance release(s)?

2007-06-25 Thread Tim Hicks
Tres Seaver wrote:
 Tres Seaver wrote:
 Tim Hicks wrote:
 Apparently a maintenance release for 2.10 is imminent.  Would it be
 possible for someone to review the report for issue #2333 @:
 The fix provided there comes with a test.  If it's deemed suitable,
 could someone with commit privileges apply the patches before the
 release is cut?  If not, could they tell me what I need to do to have it
 I am in the process of landing the test and fix on the Five 1.3, 1.4,
 and 1.5 branches and the Five trunk.
 Question for Andreas / Stefan:  would it be alright if I blow away the
 release tags for Five 1.3.9 / 1.5.4 pseudo-releases?  No tarballs /
 release announcements were made, AFAIK, and the only clients are the
 svn:externals links in the Zope2 tree.
 OTherwise, I need to create new releases, and change the Zope2 links.
 For the record, I chose the second path after thinking it over a bit.

Thanks for seeing to this!

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Re: [Zope-dev] local namespace optimizations?

2006-07-05 Thread Tim Hicks

Florent Guillaume wrote:

Is anyone opposed to me removing the stupid:
_getattr = getattr
_none = None
marker = _marker
local namespace optimizations that are found in unrestrictedTraverse?

I find these things rather confusing when looking at zope core code, and 
always wondered why they were there.  In what sense are they optimisations?

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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: Wishlist Item

2006-03-26 Thread Tim Hicks

Tino Wildenhain wrote:

Maybe its just me but I personally dont like direct filesystem
access in the core - if someone wants it, (s)he can pick from
the 3rd party products - maybe there can be a list of recommended
(active maintained) products? Direct access products should also
carry some easily understandable warnings.

I can understand that point of view for products that allow writing to 
the filesystem, but, conceptually, what's the difference between 
read-only filesystem access and a standard filesystem product?

None, I think, but then I may have misunderstood the purpose of 
FileSystemSite, and friends.

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Re: [Zope-dev] Make objectValues return a generator?

2005-08-04 Thread Tim Hicks
Petri Savolainen wrote:
 Am I right in assuming that calls to objectValues etc. still return a
 real sequence of objects loaded in memory from ZODB? How about making
 object* calls return a generator instead? Has this been discussed
 somewhere already? I tried a bit of googling  list-searching but could
 not find much anything on this.

Funny you should ask, I played with something similar the other day.  I
wanted superValues-like functionality for CMF portal_types.  Take a look
for some rather inelegant looking code the implements this as an iterator.

It's a bit different from what you're after as the gain isn't in the
contentValues call (which is the equivalent of your objectValues), but
rather in the fact that only the smallest number of those calls that are
needed is made.

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[Zope] blacklisting referers and/or specific hosts

2005-07-03 Thread Tim Hicks

I have a zope site up and running which has recently had a *lots* of hits
from a client (or clients) that show referers pointing at various
gambling, meds, and loan sites.  Requests only come in for the main page,
not for the associated images, css, etc that should go with it.

The consequence is that my server is working harder to service a client
that isn't interested in what it has to say, and my Z2.log is now far less
useful to me as all these bogus requests drown out most of the useful

So, I'm wondering if there's a way to blacklist those clients that I don't
like based on host/ip and/or on referer.

If I hook into the traversal process in the same way as the virtual host
monster objects do, could I check the request against my blacklist and
then do a REQUEST.close()?  Would that still appear in my logs?  Does that
even make sense?  Is there a HTTP response code that I could return to
these clients that would stop them being interested in my server?

Any ideas much appreciated.

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[Zope-dev] 2.8.0b1 issues with plone 2.0.5

2005-04-24 Thread Tim Hicks
Apologies if this is already known about...

I just installed 2.8.0b1 (using python 2.3.5), fired it up, then tried to
add a 'plone site' (2.0.5).  The plone site actually did get added, but
here's what I got as well:

2005-04-24 12:57:32 ERROR Zope.ZCatalog Recataloging object at
/test/test/index_html failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/tim/zope/2.8.0b1/lib/python/Products/ZCatalog/ZCatalog.py,
line 298, in refreshCatalog
self.catalog_object(obj, p, pghandler=pghandler)
TypeError: catalog_object() got an unexpected keyword argument 'pghandler'
2005-04-24 12:57:34 ERROR Zope.SiteErrorLog
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/tim/zope/2.8.0b1/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line
113, in publish
request, bind=1)
  File /home/tim/zope/2.8.0b1/lib/python/ZPublisher/mapply.py, line 88,
in mapply
if debug is not None: return debug(object,args,context)
  File /home/tim/zope/2.8.0b1/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 40,
in call_object
result=apply(object,args) # Type scr to step into published object.
  File /home/tim/zope/2.7.4b2/Products/CMFCore/PortalContent.py, line
116, in __call__
return view()
  File /home/tim/zope/2.8.0b1/lib/python/Shared/DC/Scripts/Bindings.py,
line 311, in __call__
return self._bindAndExec(args, kw, None)
  File /home/tim/zope/2.8.0b1/lib/python/Shared/DC/Scripts/Bindings.py,
line 348, in _bindAndExec
return self._exec(bound_data, args, kw)
  File /home/tim/zope/2.7.4b2/Products/CMFCore/FSPageTemplate.py, line
191, in _exec
result = self.pt_render(extra_context=bound_names)
  File /home/tim/zope/2.7.4b2/Products/CMFCore/FSPageTemplate.py, line
124, in pt_render
result = FSPageTemplate.inheritedAttribute('pt_render')(
line 96, in pt_render
c = self.pt_getContext()
TypeError: unbound method pt_getContext() must be called with
ZopePageTemplate instance as first argument (got nothing instead)

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Re: [Zope-dev] 2.8.0b1 issues with plone 2.0.5

2005-04-24 Thread Tim Hicks
Tim Hicks said:

   File /home/tim/zope/2.8.0b1/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 40,
 in call_object
 result=apply(object,args) # Type scr to step into published object.
   File /home/tim/zope/2.7.4b2/Products/CMFCore/PortalContent.py, line
 116, in __call__
 return view()

Eek, just noticed that for some reason I seem to have some 2.7.4b2 mixed
up in here.  Not sure how/why that would happen.  I have one copy of all
my products and then symlink to them for each of my zope instances.  Could
it be the cause of my problem?

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[Zope] Security on email.Message.Message

2005-04-12 Thread Tim Hicks

I'm trying to import and use the email.Message.Message class in a zope
'Script (Python)'.

I have the following security assertions in my product code::

  from AccessControl import allow_module, allow_class
  from AccessControl import ModuleSecurityInfo

  from email.Message import Message

As a result, I can successfully import like::

  from email.Message import Message

I can even create an instance and call most methods on it::

  m = Message()
  m.set_payload('read that')

However, when I try to use the mapping interface, I get an error.  For
example, the following::

  m['from'] = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'

produces a traceback like::

  Traceback (innermost last):
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 101, in publish
Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 39, in call_object
Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 306, in __call__
Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 343, in _bindAndExec
Module Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript, line 323, in _exec
Module None, line 6, in AAA
 - PythonScript at /test/AAA
 - Line 6
Module RestrictedPython.Guards, line 96, in handler
  TypeError: object does not support item or slice assignment

Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?


ps Not subscribed here, so please do cc me with replies.
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Re: [Zope] Security on email.Message.Message

2005-04-12 Thread Tim Hicks
Andreas Jung said:

 Module RestrictedPython.Guards, line 96, in handler
   TypeError: object does not support item or slice assignment

 Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?

 Move your code into an external method which is less painful than dealing
 with module security issues. As an alternative: look at

Thanks Andreas.

I suppose I could move the code to a product (which I would prefer over an
external method), but it seems a little heavy-weight for my requirements.

In fact, generally, I think I would like to be able to use
email.Message.Message instances in TTW code, so if anyone does know what's
going wrong here, I'd be most pleased to hear.


ps Is it me or is the traceback I'm seeing not particularly helpful?  I
mean, I know that these objects *do* support the dictionary interface!
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Re: [Zope] Security on email.Message.Message

2005-04-12 Thread Tim Hicks
Andreas Jung said:

 Module RestrictedPython.Guards, line 96, in handler
   TypeError: object does not support item or slice assignment

 Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?

Digging further...

I made the TypeError a little more revealing on line 96 of
RestrictedPython/Guards.py so it now shows the 'secattr' (method) being
accessed, and its args::

def handler(self, *args):
f = getattr(self.ob, secattr)
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError, '%s | %s | %s' % (error_msg, secattr,

The value of 'secattr' is apparently '__guarded_setitem__' in my case. 
So, it seems that the email.Message.Message class does not have a
__guarded_setitem__ on it.  This is unsurprising.  I assume that it is
supposed to get added during zope initialisation somewhere, right?  Can
anybody point out where?

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Re: [Zope] Security on email.Message.Message

2005-04-12 Thread Tim Hicks
Tim Hicks said:
 Andreas Jung said:

 Module RestrictedPython.Guards, line 96, in handler
   TypeError: object does not support item or slice assignment

 Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?

 Digging further...

 I made the TypeError a little more revealing on line 96 of
 RestrictedPython/Guards.py so it now shows the 'secattr' (method) being
 accessed, and its args::

 def handler(self, *args):
 f = getattr(self.ob, secattr)
 except AttributeError:
 raise TypeError, '%s | %s | %s' % (error_msg, secattr,

 The value of 'secattr' is apparently '__guarded_setitem__' in my case.
 So, it seems that the email.Message.Message class does not have a
 __guarded_setitem__ on it.  This is unsurprising.  I assume that it is
 supposed to get added during zope initialisation somewhere, right?  Can
 anybody point out where?

Well, I've fixed this with an awful hack.  My security assertions now look

  from AccessControl import allow_module, allow_class
  from AccessControl import ModuleSecurityInfo

  def _secure_mapping(klass):
  XXX Awful hack!!
  klass.__guarded_getitem__ = klass.__getitem__
  klass.__guarded_setitem__ = klass.__setitem__
  klass.__guarded_delitem__ = klass.__delitem__

  from email.Message import Message

That gets me to where I want (for now).  I'd still love the 'correct'
answer though.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: CookieCrumbler and User-Logging

2005-02-08 Thread Tim Hicks
Tres Seaver said:

 I am attaching the patch which Casey Duncan worked up to log the
 cookie-based user somewhat more cleanly.

Hi Tres,

I'm just wondering what the status of this patch is.  I mean, is it now
part of any (forthcoming) release of cookiecrumbler or CMF?  Does it have
any downsides?

Would you install it on a production server?

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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: CookieCrumbler and User-Logging

2005-02-08 Thread Tim Hicks
Tres Seaver said:

 | Does it have any downsides?

 I can't recall whether the patch includes a knob to turn off the logging
 behavior.  If not, I would want to add one before checking it in.

It does have that knob.

 | Would you install it on a production server?

 We have done so for some hosted customers who wanted the capability to
 track their users.

Well, on the strength of that, I've installed it too, and it seems to work


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[Zope-dev] 2.7 and 2.8 roadmap

2004-12-17 Thread Tim Hicks

just wondering what the plans are for zope 2.7 and 2.8.  Specifically:

1) When is the recent release of 2.7.4b2 expected to be followed up with a
'final' (or indeed another beta) release?

2) I have seen mutterings about a 2.7.5 release, but I'm not sure why this
should be necessary as I thought all 'dot releases' were only supposed to
provide bug-fixes.  Seeing as we're still on beta for 2.7.4, shouldn't any
outstanding fixes go into that?

3) Are there plans for another 2.8 (alpha or beta) release in the near
future?  Is there a timeline for this?  Are ZC or anyone else hanging out
for this?  Personally, I'm pretty keen to be able to persist new style
classes (for use with the email.Message.Message class).  The wiki at
http://dev.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/Zope2.8/FrontPage seems a
little out of date.

Just interested.


Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] 2.7 and 2.8 roadmap

2004-12-17 Thread Tim Hicks
Andreas Jung said:

 1) When is the recent release of 2.7.4b2 expected to be followed up with
 'final' (or indeed another beta) release?

 2.7.4 final is scheduled for early January.

Ok, thanks.

 2) I have seen mutterings about a 2.7.5 release, but I'm not sure why
 should be necessary as I thought all 'dot releases' were only supposed
 provide bug-fixes.  Seeing as we're still on beta for 2.7.4, shouldn't
 outstanding fixes go into that?

 Have you seen anything other than bugfixes  in dot releases? Except some
 improvements all releases were bugfix releases only. No major new
 were introduced. And new  2.7.X release will be made as long as
 bugs are fixed but not *every* outstanding will be fixed.

That's fair enough.  Thanks for the clarification.

 3) Are there plans for another 2.8 (alpha or beta) release in the near
 future?  Is there a timeline for this?  Are ZC or anyone else hanging
 for this?  Personally, I'm pretty keen to be able to persist new style
 classes (for use with the email.Message.Message class).  The wiki at
 http://dev.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/Zope2.8/FrontPage seems a
 little out of date.

 There are some outstanding issues that must be fixed before the next alpha
 (ZClasses, garbage collection). I don't know when Jim can work on this
 (there are only some people  with the detail knowledge to fix these
 issues). Since
 I can not enforce people to work on particular issues, a2 will released
 when the
 outstanding issues are solved.

I understand.

FWIW, the two things I'd like are a stable 2.7 release in the short term
to setup a new site on, and a stable 2.8 release to develop a new product
on.  Sounds like Santa (aka Andreas) will be bringing the former ;-).  I
think in the back of my mind, I was hoping that more people waiting on 2.8
to get their features into zope might speed things up on the latter -
hence my wondering about the motivations for a 2.7.5 (which you have now
cleared up).

That said, I'm in no position to do anything other than inquire (in a most
friendly and appreciative manner) about 2.8 as I'm certainly not on of the
people with the 'detailed knowledge' to fix zclasses and garbage


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Re: [Zope-dev] connecting server code to the ZODB

2004-11-14 Thread Tim Hicks
Replying to myself in case anyone is interested in the answer to my

Tim Hicks said:

 Nope, I don't have a reference to a persistent object.  I'm looking at the
 code in smtpserver.SMTPServer and trying to figure out what I need to
 adjust.  As far as I can tell, the only point in that code at which a
 'link' to zope/zodb objects is made is in the following call in

 handle(self.server.module, request, response)

 My immediate problem is that I don't understand how the result of this
 call gets dealt with.  It just seems to get discarded in the smtpserver
 code.  If this is the way to interact with the publisher, how do I get
 hold of the return value?

 I'm assuming that by adjusting the REQUEST['PATH_INFO'] value before
 calling handle(), I can affect which ZODB object/method gets called, but I
 want to know the result of this call.

The REQUEST['PATH_INFO'] part is correct: that is how you determine which
method gets traversed to and called.  I discovered that you get hold of
the return value from this method by passing a callback method into the
response constructor.  This gives you access to whatever arguments you
arrange to have the callback called with *plus* the response object, which
you can use to have a look at status codes etc.


Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] connecting server code to the ZODB

2004-11-10 Thread Tim Hicks
Paul Winkler said:

 Ok, so I could simply drop the Zope.startup() line and things would be
 fine (and quick), right?

 I haven't tried it, but I think doing Zope.app() will try to
 acquire a lock on the database and it is already locked by
 the running Zope (or ZEO). So I don't think you can do that.

Ok, I think I follow that.

  I think you should use the existing publisher machinery.
  Given an SMTPRequest instance foo, you should be able to
  do foo.traverse(path, response) and get back an object.
  This monster method is defined in ZPublisher/BaseRequest.py

 What does using foo.traverse() buy me over simply accessing the ZODB
 objects 'by hand', as in root = Zope.app()?

 Well, for one thing it might actually work ;-)

Good point :-).  The only thing is that I'm not sure that I actually am
able to call foo.traverse() before it gets passed into handle() (see
below) because I don't think that it will be populated with 'PARENTS'
before it's been 'sent to zope'.

 Note, I'm not sure what your code looks like - if you already
 have a reference to any persistent object (as long as it's
 Traversable which basically anything of interest to you would be),
 you can get the root by doing root = someObject.getPhysicalRoot().

Nope, I don't have a reference to a persistent object.  I'm looking at the
code in smtpserver.SMTPServer and trying to figure out what I need to
adjust.  As far as I can tell, the only point in that code at which a
'link' to zope/zodb objects is made is in the following call in

handle(self.server.module, request, response)

My immediate problem is that I don't understand how the result of this
call gets dealt with.  It just seems to get discarded in the smtpserver
code.  If this is the way to interact with the publisher, how do I get
hold of the return value?

I'm assuming that by adjusting the REQUEST['PATH_INFO'] value before
calling handle(), I can affect which ZODB object/method gets called, but I
want to know the result of this call.

Any ideas?

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] connecting server code to the ZODB

2004-11-08 Thread Tim Hicks
Paul Winkler said:

  What I really want to be able to do from the server code is something
  root = magic_that_gets_me_zodb_root()

 That magic is basically (from memory):

   import Zope
   root = Zope.app()

 But note that starting up a zope is slow, so you don't want to do that
 very often.

 Well, in this case zope is already running.

Ok, so I could simply drop the Zope.startup() line and things would be
fine (and quick), right?

 I think you should use the existing publisher machinery.
 Given an SMTPRequest instance foo, you should be able to
 do foo.traverse(path, response) and get back an object.
 This monster method is defined in ZPublisher/BaseRequest.py

What does using foo.traverse() buy me over simply accessing the ZODB
objects 'by hand', as in root = Zope.app()?  It seems I get security by
using foo.traverse() - although I'm not sure whether that is really
necessary for my purposes.  Would it also deal with any ZODB transaction
stuff for me that I would otherwise have to sort out -
get_transaction().commit().  If I'm just reading ZODB objects (not
writing), does the transaction stuff even matter?


Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] connecting server code to the ZODB

2004-10-28 Thread Tim Hicks

I'm trying to figure out how to adjust Nikolay Kim's smtpserver code
http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/collective/smtpserver/ so that
objects within the ZODB can affect the way that messages are received
(i.e. veto messages based on certain criteria in the first instance).

My problem is that I don't quite know how to get hold of the ZODB objects.
 As far as I can tell, Nikolay's
smtpserver.SMTPServer.SMTPChannel.process_message method uses
ZServer.PubCore.handle to make the connection, but I don't really
understand how this all works.

What I really want to be able to do from the server code is something like::

root = magic_that_gets_me_zodb_root()
account_manager = root['Control_Panel']['AccountManager']

I want calls like that to checkAccepts(msg) to be made a several points in
the SMTP session - say after each of the SMTP commands RCPT, MAIL, DATA,
etc.  I only mention that in case there are implications for some
transaction jiggery-pokery (although I don't expect any of the
checkAccepts() type calls to need to write to the ZODB).

Any pointers much appreciated.

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Bug in ExternalMethods?

2002-12-19 Thread Tim Hicks
I think I've found a bug in ExternalMethod, but I don't know if it's
already been fixed or not.

Basically, the call signature of ExternalMethods seems to get mixed up
sometimes.  I'm running Zope 2.5.1 on Linux.

Here's a small demonstration of the bug:

def test(self, a_string, an_int, a_named_arg=1):
bug provoking?
template =  a_string = %s; type(a_string) - %s\n
an_int = %s; type(an_int) - %s\n
a_named_arg = %s; type(a_named_arg) - %s
return template % (a_string, type(a_string), an_int, type(an_int),
a_named_arg, type(a_named_arg))

--Script (Python)--
return container.test('tim', 10, a_named_arg=(1,1))
return container.test('tim', 10, (1,1))

You can see the dodgy behaviour by switching between the two test() calls
in the Script (Python).


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Re: [Zope-dev] bug in mapply.py?

2002-11-05 Thread Tim Hicks
Thanks for the reply Steve,

Steve Alexander said:

 I must admit to not understanding why this should only break over
 xmlrpc and not directly from Zope.  The problem appears to be that my
 method is defined something like:

 def method(self, *args, **kw)

 mapply doesn't put things into **kw arguments of methods.

Yeah, that's what I understood to be the case.  However, coming in over
xmlrpc, I don't have any keyword arguments - I say that because that's
explicitly what I'm doing, but I'm not sure xmlrpc handles keyword args
anyway.  The **kw is just there for easier use when the method is called
directly from zope.

 I wanted this once for a product in Zope 3, looked deeply into mapply,
 and talked to Jim Fulton about it.

 IIRC, Jim said that mapply shouldn't put things into **kw arguments
 because it isn't at all explicit, and would end up implicitly putting in
  a whole bunch of things that you generally wouldn't want in a lot of

 Can you make up a simple python module to demonstrate your case, just
 using a method, and mapply?

I guess I could try, but I'm not convinced this is my problem at the moment.

 It may be that there's a way to achieve what you want, while still
 keeping things reasonably explicit.

From what I can tell, the problem seems to be at line 58 (mapply.py):


Given a call signature like:

def method(self, *args, **kw)

c.co_argcount == 1
c.co_varnames == ('self', 'args', 'kw')

Now, 'names' (the variable) becomes only 'self' (the string) on line 58. 
In this way, mapply.py seems to ignore the fact that I want my method to
accept an arbitrary number of arguments (line 69).

I don't know if there's a good reason for this, or whether I'm doing
things wrong.  I also don't know why this only crops up over xmlrpc, as I
presume mapply.py is used (in some way) from within zope as well.

Any ideas?


Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Zope 2.6 planning - call for contributors!

2002-03-05 Thread Tim Hicks

See below

 This isn't exciting by any means unless you're one of the people who
 package Zope up for distribution, or maybe you're one of the people who
 manage lots of little Zopes on one system; but I'd like to revive the
 grand unified Zope installation and control proposal that has been
 floated by many people (including me) in one form or another for some
 time.  Wikiwise, this would wrap up
 http://dev.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Proposals/ZopeStartupProvisions and
 at least.

 To summarize, this would involve

 - an expanded build program with an installation scheme that would allow
 multiple versions of Zope to be present on the same system

 - making that installation 'secure by default'

 - a registry of Zope installations and one of instances and their
 configuration settings

 - a 'zopectl' program or similar that would be able to start and stop

 - a 'zopeinstance' program or similar that would become the
 _recommended_ way of setting up Zope, by creating an INSTANCE_HOME

 It would be nice if

 - the same framework could apply to Zope 3, maybe taking care of that
 piece ahead of time

 I'm more than willing to head this up, though I question how long we
 have before 2.6 to do so.


I read 'InstallationAndConfiguration' page, and it made me wonder exactly
how that aspect would work.
Assuming some sort of distutils based setup [1], would something like the
following be the desired approach? [2]

#Installs zope in it's current simplest configuration.  Equivalent of
python wo_pcgi.py
$ python setup.py

#Equivalent of w_pcgi.py
$ python setup.py pcgi

#Creates SOFTWARE_HOME or ZOPE_HOME (I'm not sure if there's a difference,
or which one I would mean)
#I guess it would just do this in the current directory
$ python setup.py zope_home

#Creates an INSTANCE_HOME by prompting the user for a path (if not already
given) to install to
#Add's instance to some sort of registry [3]
$ python setup.py instance [/path/to/instance]

I don't really know what else to think about.  I haven't ever used ZEO, so I
don't have the first clue about that side of things.

So, as you may be able to tell, I'm a little hazy on many (most?) aspects of
this install/configure idea, but I'm quite keen on it.  I've tried to post
something that is at least mildly useful more in the hope that it may keep
the proposal rolling rather than as a 'me too' or '+1' (as Paul E already
told us off for ;-) ).  I guess, at the end of the day, I can't really get
around the fact it's a 'me too' without any coding commitment [4].

Do you have any concrete ideas for this?



[1] I've never used distutils before
[2] Feel more than free to knock down and tear up anything I've said here
[3] Would this 'registry' be some sort of flat text file, or perhaps a zodb
store, or...?
[4] Apart from the fact that I've never written anything other than web-code
(so my python probably isn't up to it), I can't commit time at the moment
due to my degree having to take priority :-(.  If there were any simply
odd-jobs, testing, something I couldn't ballsup, I'd like to help if I can.

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Script to do various 'manage_' operations

2001-01-27 Thread Tim Hicks

I have been trying to get hold of a script that can automatically convert
various dtml methods to custom zclass instances.  I found a script on the
zope mailing list (see bottom)

I put my file (see below) in the Extensions directory and added an external
method from within zope.  This all appeared to go fine.  To execute the
script, I made a method that simply had dtml-call conscript() and then
standard_h_h etc.  The problem is, nothing seems to happen.  I can view the
method that was supposed to run the script, but the call doesn't seem to
work.  Within the filesystem, there is no file called tempo (as a kind of
log of what's been done), and the methods with extension .shtml certainly do
not get changed to dtml documents.

Has anyone done this before?  Can you shed any light on what I'm doing

Much obliged.



import re

def convert_dtml(self):
 """Convert DTML Methods and DTML Documents from old syntax to
new syntax.
Warning: recursive!
This assumes that DTML Method and DTML Document haven't been
 print 'convert_dtml: id=%s' % self.title_and_id()
 if hasattr(self, 'meta_type') and \
   (self.meta_type == 'DTML Method' or \
self.meta_type == 'DTML Document'):

 # should this be "isPrincipiaFolderish"?
 if hasattr(self, 'isAnObjectManager') and self.isAnObjectManager:
 for v in self.objectValues():

_convert_regex =

def convert(dtml_item):
 print 'converting...'
 title = dtml_item.title
# like document_src, but doesn't require RESPONSE
 data = dtml_item.PrincipiaSearchSource()
 print 'data'
 print data
 newdata = _convert_regex.sub('\g1dtml-\g2', data)
 print 'newdata'
 print newdata
 print 'end'
 dtml_item.manage_edit(newdata, title)

And here is how I adjusted it for my purposes:

import re

get_shtml = re.compile('\w+\.shtml')
f = open("tempo", "w+")

def convert_dtml(self):
 """Convert DTML Methods and DTML Documents from old syntax to
new syntax.
Warning: recursive!
This assumes that DTML Method and DTML Document haven't been
 if hasattr(self, 'meta_type') and \

 # should this be "isPrincipiaFolderish"?
 if hasattr(self, 'isAnObjectManager') and self.isAnObjectManager:
 for v in self.objectValues():

def convert(dtml_item):
 id = dtml_item.id+'2'
 title = dtml_item.title
 # like document_src, but doesn't require RESPONSE
 f.write(id /n)
 data = dtml_item.PrincipiaSearchSource()
 PARENTS[0].manage_addDTMLDocument(id, title)
 id.manage_edit(data, title)

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Re: [Zope] document_src not doing what I thought it did

2001-01-13 Thread Tim Hicks

- Original Message -
From: Dieter Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope] document_src not doing what I thought it did

 Tim Hicks writes:
   I have a dtml-documentish zclass and have created a custom edit method
   it so that I can do an automatic reindex when each instance is edited.
   created this custom form by simply copying the source html that is
   for the standard edit form, and then replacing the static parts of what
   copied with various dtml-var  inserts (see below).  This seemed to go
   according to plan until I realised that something strange is happening
   I try to view this edit form for an instance of the zclass.  In most
   everything seems normal, but when I try to edit an instance that has a
   property set to 'private', my 'privacy' method kicks in and redirects
   away from the edit form to my standard 'Restricted Page'.  The
   is written into the text of the instance I am trying to edit, so I
   that by using dtml-var document_src, the actual source would get
placed in
   the text area without being processed.  This is what appears to happen
   the instance does not have the 'private' property.  I guess therefore,
   question is, am I using document_src correctly?
 Is is possible that your edit form is called
 in the context of you ZInstance?

I'm not sure I completely understand the terminology you use, but I guess it
sounds right that the edit form method is called 'on' (in my terminology
;-) ) the Zclass instance.  It is in that way that the dtml-var
id/title/get_size/etc retrieve the attributes of the instance and not the
method itself... is that correct? Is that what you mean?

 Then, it might be able that *it* interpretes the "private"
 and redirects before "document_src" is executed at all.

Each Zclass instance has dtml-call privacydtml-if "available* ==
1"dtml-call RESPONSE.redirect(restricted)dtml-elseblah/dtml-if . (*
set by the privacy method).  Thanks for your help with that btw :-).
However, the edit form method does not have this code in it.  As far as I
can gather, the only time the method gets to 'see' the code shown above is
when it inserts dtml-var document_src.

What am I missing?



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] reindex when a zclass is edited

2001-01-13 Thread Tim Hicks

- Original Message -
From: Aleksander Salwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Zope] reindex when a zclass is edited

 On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, Tim Hicks wrote:

  from a builtin edit form as my template.  One thing doesn't work now
  and that's making the textarea wider/narrow/etc.  Obviously, this is
  I have static values put in for the dimensions of the text area, but I'm
  sure how to alter this to make it work... any pointers?

 I use this code for that purpose:

 dtml-if "REQUEST.has_key('dtpref_cols')"
  dtml-if "REQUEST.has_key('dtpref_rows')"
   dtml-var "manage_edit(data,title,SUBMIT,dtpref_cols,REQUEST=REQUEST)"
  dtml-if "REQUEST.has_key('dtpref_rows')"
   dtml-var "manage_edit(data,title,SUBMIT,REQUEST=REQUEST)"
 dtml-call "reindex_object()"
 dtml-call "RESPONSE.redirect(manage_edycjaTresciForm.absolute_url())"

Thanks very much for the help Aleksander, but when I drop your code into my
method, it doesn't work (it doesn't break either). I simply copied and
pasted your code, then edited the final redirect at the bottom.  Here is the
submission part of my edit form (if it makes any difference).

TD align=left
 TD align=left

I had a look on the ZQR, and found the section on manage_edit, but I still
don't really understand how the dtpref_cols/rows works.  Any insight?



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Re: [Zope] reindex when a zclass is edited

2001-01-11 Thread Tim Hicks

- Original Message -
From: Ivan Cornell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope] reindex when a zclass is edited

 Tim Hicks wrote:

   I can't for the
  life of me figure out or find anywhere that can tell me how to make the
  instance get reindexed when it is edited.  I'm assuming that it is
  to the process for reindexing when the properties are changed, but I'm
  not sure of the details. If it's not too much trouble, could someone
give me
  detailed instructions (or a link) on how to do this. I'd really

 In your method which is called by your edit form, insert a dtml-call
 "this().reindex_object()" after updating the properties.

 Eg, in my manage_edit method I have

 dtml-call "propertysheets.Base.manage_editProperties(REQUEST)"
 dtml-call "propertysheets.Facility.manage_editProperties(REQUEST)"
 dtml-call "this().reindex_object()"

 Regards, Ivan

Much obliged Ivan, I have managed to do it now.  I ended up creating
my_editForm and my_edit methods within the zclass and then using the source
from a builtin edit form as my template.  One thing doesn't work now though,
and that's making the textarea wider/narrow/etc.  Obviously, this is because
I have static values put in for the dimensions of the text area, but I'm not
sure how to alter this to make it work... any pointers?
my_edit looks like this btw,

dtml-call "manage_edit(data, REQUEST.title)"
dtml-call reindex_object
dtml-call "RESPONSE.redirect(absolute_url()+'/my_editForm')"

Does this seem appropriate?



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] document_src not doing what I thought it did

2001-01-11 Thread Tim Hicks

I have a dtml-documentish zclass and have created a custom edit method for
it so that I can do an automatic reindex when each instance is edited.  I
created this custom form by simply copying the source html that is generated
for the standard edit form, and then replacing the static parts of what I
copied with various dtml-var  inserts (see below).  This seemed to go
according to plan until I realised that something strange is happening when
I try to view this edit form for an instance of the zclass.  In most cases,
everything seems normal, but when I try to edit an instance that has a
property set to 'private', my 'privacy' method kicks in and redirects me
away from the edit form to my standard 'Restricted Page'.  The redirection
is written into the text of the instance I am trying to edit, so I expected
that by using dtml-var document_src, the actual source would get placed in
the text area without being processed.  This is what appears to happen when
the instance does not have the 'private' property.  I guess therefore, my
question is, am I using document_src correctly?

thanks very much


ps Sorry to be such a regular poster of problems

  INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="title" SIZE="40" VALUE="dtml-var title"
 th align="left" valign="top"
 td align="left" valign="top"
dtml-var get_size bytes
 th align="left" valign="top"
emLast modified/em
 td align="left" valign="top"
dtml-var bobobase_modification_time
 TEXTAREA NAME="data:text" WRAP="Off" COLS="115" ROWS="25"dtml-var
 TD align=left
 TD align=left

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] inserting half a dtml tag into a zclass

2001-01-10 Thread Tim Hicks

- Original Message -
From: Dieter Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Zope] inserting half a dtml tag into a zclass

 Tim Hicks writes:
   This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
   Content-Type: text/plain;
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 You are here long enough: you should know, we do not like MIME

My apologies. You're right, I do know better... my mistake.  Also, apologies
for the delayed reply, I've been away.

   ... isolating privacy checks ...
   dtml-var privacy
   dtml-var standard_html_header
   dtml-var standard_html_footer

 I know about 2 possible approaches:

  I. let your "privacy" method return a value (using "dtml-return")
 and check it above:

 dtml-if privacy

I've gone for a 'method' based on this first idea of yours.  Here is what
appears in each zclass instance.

dtml-call privacy
dtml-if "available == 1"
dtml-call "RESPONSE.redirect(restricted+'/restricted.html')"
dtml-var standard_html_header

dtml-var standard_html_footer

And here is the privacy method.

dtml-call "REQUEST.set('available', 0)"
dtml-if "propertyLabel(availability) == 'private'"
dtml-call "REQUEST.set('available', 1)"

dtml-call "REQUEST.set('dom', _.string.split(REQUEST.REMOTE_ADDR, '.'))"
dtml-if "dom[0] == '192'"
dtml-if "dom[1] == '168'"
dtml-call "REQUEST.set('available', 0)"

dtml-in PARENTS
dtml-let PARENT="_.getitem('sequence-item')"
dtml-if "PARENT.hasProperty('dehs_site_root_folder')"dtml-call
"REQUEST.set('restricted', PARENT.absolute_url())"/dtml-if

It's not perfect (that would be when there is nothing for the user to break
in each instance), but it's better than it was and also allows me to edit
only one privacy method to change the access rights.

  II. I think (this implies, I am not sure), that ZPublisher
  translates exceptions into HTTP response codes.
  This would mean, you could try:

In your "privacy" method:
   dtml-call "RESPONSE.redirect(...)"
   dtml-raise type="Redirect"/dtml-raise

in your other objects:

   dtml-call privacy

You've lost me a bit there.  Where am I actually checking to see if the user
has access rights?



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] reindex when a zclass is edited

2001-01-10 Thread Tim Hicks

I know this has been asked numerous times before (once by me!), and I'm
sorry to cover the same ground again, but I've spent all afternoon searching
through the list archives to no avail. I have a zclass that is catalogaware
(selected first and all that).  When I add an instance, it gets cataloged
and all is fine.  I followed the how to
(http://www.zope.org/Members/AlexR/CatalogAware) and successfully made my
instance get reindexed when the properties are changed, but I can't for the
life of me figure out or find anywhere that can tell me how to make the
instance get reindexed when it is edited.  I'm assuming that it is similar
to the process for reindexing when the properties are changed, but I'm just
not sure of the details. If it's not too much trouble, could someone give me
detailed instructions (or a link) on how to do this. I'd really appreciate



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] inserting half a dtml tag into a zclass

2000-12-27 Thread Tim Hicks

OK, I'm sorry for the wierd title, but I can't 
really describe what I want to say very easily in one line.

Basically, my problem is this;

- I have a zclass called DEHS with catalog_aware 
and dtml_document as base classes.
- DEHS instances have a selectable property of 
- I want to be able to make it so that if the 
property is set to 'private', then only people on a particular network may 
access it. So, here is what I have done (and it works),

dtml-call "REQUEST.set('available', 
0)"dtml-if "propertyLabel(availability) == 
'private'"dtml-call "REQUEST.set('available', 

dtml-call "REQUEST.set('dom', 
_.string.split(REQUEST.REMOTE_ADDR, '.'))"dtml-if "dom[0] == 
'192'"dtml-if "dom[1] == '168'"dtml-call 

dtml-if "available == 1"dtml-in 

dtml-var standard_html_header


So, what's the problem I hear you ask. Well, 
I don't really want all this code to be visible (or breakable) in every DEHS 
instance. What I would really like to do is have this,

dtml-var privacy

dtml-var standard_html_header

dtml-var standard_html_footer


where, dtml-var privacy is just all of the 
code that I have above s_h_h.However, zope will not let me do this because 
I end up with a dtml-if thatis missingits closing tag, and 
one that does not have an opening tag. I realise that I there are products 
already designed with the sort of functionality I am after built in, but I will 
not have much influence on the products that will be available on the server 
that this site will end up on... which is why I'm doing it in this 

Any input is much appreciated.



[Zope] dtml-in over the output from my method

2000-11-06 Thread Tim Hicks

I am trying to create a zope product in python but 
have got stuck with using the dtml-in tag to iterate over a method (or is it a 
function? I get a little mixed up) of my class. Here is the method,

lr = open(self.user_dir+'/msg_list', 
spl = 
for msg_line in 
num_from_sub = 
num_from_sub = spl.split(msg_line, 
self.msgnum = 
self.msgfrom = 'This is from 
self.msgsub = 'My special subject'
return self.msgnum, self.msgfrom, self.msgsub

And here isan extract from the dtml file that 
is supposed to display the output,

However, this does not produce the desired effect. 
I don't know if it is obvious from what I've written, but basically, the three 
variables (self.msgnum, self.msgfrom and self.msgsub) are supposed to be 
inserted into the appropriate place in the table, and then the 'for' statement 
re-executed (producing different values for the variables) with the subsequent 
values being inserted into the next line of the table etc... until there are no 
more lines to be read from lr. I'm not sure if that is clear or not, sorry. 
Obviously, this does not work as the dtml-in simply iterates over each of the 
returned variables (instead of over the for statement). I can't seem to make it 
do what I want. Does anyone have any ideas? Much obliged if you do.



[Zope] testing a product, then it disappears after restart

2000-11-06 Thread Tim Hicks

I am trying to create a zope product and it 
basically works in python, so I thought I would start trying to 'zopify' it. I 
created a directory in the zope Products directory called zIMAP and placed my 
code in there, along with a __init__.py file to initialise the product. Here is 
what it looks like,

 import zIMAP

initialize(context): """Initialize 
the zIMAP 
= (zIMAP.manage_addzIMAPForm,zIMAP.manage_addzIMAP),icon = 
The main bit of my product code is in a file called 
zIMAP.py. When I restarted zope, my zIMAP product appeared in the product 
management list (broken, as I'd expected). I looked at the debug info that zope 
provides for broken products and made some changes to the code... followed by 
restarting zope. I then got a different error from the broken product info 
screen. However, when I made changes to the code and restarted zope this time, 
it was as ifI had done nothing. The same error was there (despite that 
particular line of code being different, and in fact at a different line). I 
could not make zope recognise my changes no matter how many times I restarted 
zope. So I tried deleting the product from the product management screen. It did 
indeed go away, but now it won't come back! When I delete any other working 
product, it simply reappears next time I restart zope. What has gone wrong with 
my product? How can I make zope recognise it again?

I have included the top of my zIMAP.py file as well 
in case it is required.

I'd really appreciate any help.


top of zIMAP.py

import imaplib, re, string, sys, os, 
DocumentTemplateimport Globalsfrom Globals import Persistent, 
Acquisitionimport AccessControlimport OFS

class zimap 

"""zIMAP - Zope Product for displaying IMAP 
mailbox contents."""

index_html = 
DocumentTemplate.HTMLFile("zIMAP1.dtml")manage_addzIMAPForm = 
Globals.HTMLFile('add_zIMAP', globals())

meta_type = 'zIMAP (webmail)'

def __init__(self, 
host):self.host = hostself.product_root = 

class email:

def connect(self, user, 
passw):self.user = userself.passw = 
 self.M = 
self.passw)self.user_dir = 


Re: [Zope] dtml-in over the output from my method

2000-11-06 Thread Tim Hicks

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 9:48 PM
Subject: RE: [Zope] dtml-in over the output from my method


 def list_messages(self):
 class msg:
 def __init__(self, msgnum, msgfrom, msgsub):
 self.msgnum  = msgnum
 self.msgfrom = msgfrom
 self.msgsub  = msgsub
 msgList = []
 lr = open(self.user_dir+'/msg_list', 'r')
 spl = re.compile('\s\|\s')
 for msg_line in lr.readline():
 num_from_sub = []
 num_from_sub = spl.split(msg_line, 2)
 # Oh no ... this wont cut it!
 #self.msgnum = num_from_sub[0]
 #self.msgfrom = 'This is from UNKNOWN'
 #self.msgsub = 'My special subject'
 #return self.msgnum, self.msgfrom, self.msgsub
 # Do it like this:
 msgList.append(msg(num_from_sub[0],'This is from UNKNOWN',
'My special subject'))
  return msgList

Brilliant, it works a treat. Thanks very much.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Simple dtml-unless problem

2000-09-13 Thread Tim Hicks

- Original Message -
From: "Oleg Broytmann" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope] Simple dtml-unless problem

 On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, Tim Hicks wrote:
  dtml-unless "id == 'index_html'"

Sometimes id is string, sometimes it is a function.

 dtml-unless "_['id'] == 'index_html'"

Thanks very much guys.  _['id'] fixed it.

  Oleg Broytmannhttp://phd.pp.ru/
Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Simple dtml-unless problem

2000-09-13 Thread Tim Hicks

I have the following code in my standard_html_header

dtml-unless "id == 'index_html'"
img src="dtml-var path/images/transparent.gif" width=400 height=12
H1 align="center"dtml-var title/h1

The problem is, it displays the img and h1 stuff even when the
page that the standard_html_header is being dropped into is
index_html.  I'm pretty sure I'm missing something really silly here,
but if anyone could point it out, I'd really appreciate it.



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Zclass not reindexing (it is CatalogAware)

2000-09-07 Thread Tim Hicks

I have created a Zclass, the the _ZClass_for_CatalogAware base class
as the first added base class (second in the list of base classes).
My zcatalog (named Catalog) is set to 'Find objects of type:
"myClass_metatype"' and therefore, when I add a new instance of my
class, it is automatically added to the catalog.  By that, I mean that
once I have added the instance, I can go the the 'Cataloged Objects'
view and see it listed there. However, if I try a search using the raw
(TextIndex) search outlined in one of the tutorials, the search fails
to find words that I *know* are in the zclass that I just added, and
that I thought had been cataloged.  Clicking on 'Update Catalog' in
the 'Cataloged Objects' view and then researching means that the
search succeeds in finding the word in the new instance.

The question is, do I need to add the equivalent of what is written in
'How-To: Creating a CatalogAware ZClass' for reindexing zclass
properties, but for reindexing the actual text?  How could I do this?

extract from 'How-To: Creating a CatalogAware ZClass'

dtml-call reindex_object

/extract from 'How-To: Creating a CatalogAware ZClass'

Help much appreciated,


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Re: ZClass Bug (was: Re: [Zope] How to access id and title of document calling standard_html_header)

2000-09-07 Thread Tim Hicks

- Original Message -
From: "Dieter Maurer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: ZClass Bug (was: Re: [Zope] How to access id and title of
document calling standard_html_header)

 Hi Tim

   NameError: theatre_class
   It would seem that string is still raising its head.  Any
 I do not think so.
 You get a name error: Zope does not know your "theatre_class" at
 this point.

 It seems more likely, that DC changed to way ZClasses are located
 inside the constructor.

 Take the generated ZClass constructor and simply add
 the "...REQUEST.set..." before the "createInObjectManager".

OK, I'm so sorry about this, you've been an absolute legend so far,
and I really don't want to push my luck, but each time you solve
something, I find something else that has broken.

This is what my theatre_class_add method looks like (well, an excerpt

dtml-call "REQUEST.set('__name__', REQUEST['id'])"
dtml-with "theatre_class.createInObjectManager(REQUEST['id'],


 dtml-call "manage_edit('dtml-var
standard_html_header\n\ndtml-var standard_html_footer', '')"


When I try to create a new instance of the zclass in the original
'site' folder (or any of its parent folders except for the root), I
get this error. I do not receive an error and everything works fine
when I create the instance in a new folder on a different 'branch' to
the original.

Traceback (innermost last):
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 222,
in publish_module
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 187,
in publish
(Object: testing)
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\Zope\__init__.py, line 221, in
(Object: RoleManager)
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 171,
in publish
(Object: testing)
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\ZPublisher\mapply.py, line 160,
in mapply
(Object: theatre_class_add)
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 112,
in call_object
(Object: theatre_class_add)
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\OFS\DTMLMethod.py, line 172, in
(Object: theatre_class_add)
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_String.py,
line 528, in __call__
(Object: theatre_class_add)
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_With.py,
line 133, in render
(Object: theatre_class.createInObjectManager(REQUEST['id'],
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_Util.py,
line 337, in eval
(Object: theatre_class.createInObjectManager(REQUEST['id'],
  File lt;stringgt;, line 0, in ?
NameError: theatre_class

When I try to copy and paste a zclass from this original 'site' folder
(or any of its parent folders except for the root), I get this error.
I do not receive an error and everything works fine when I copy and
paste an instance in a new folder on a different 'branch' to the

"One or more items referred to in the clipboard data was not found.
The item may have been moved or deleted after you copied it."

When I try to rename a class that is in the original 'site' folder (or
any of its parent folders except for the root), I get this error. I do
not receive an error and everything works fine when I rename an
instance in a new folder on a different 'branch' to the original.

Traceback (innermost last):
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 222,
in publish_module
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 187,
in publish
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\Zope\__init__.py, line 221, in
(Object: Traversable)
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 171,
in publish
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\ZPublisher\mapply.py, line 160,
in mapply
(Object: manage_renameObjects)
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 112,
in call_object
(Object: manage_renameObjects)
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\OFS\CopySupport.py, line 273, in
(Object: Traversable)
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\OFS\CopySupport.py, line 285, in
(Object: Traversable)
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\OFS\ObjectManager.py, line 236,
in _getOb
(Object: Traversable)
AttributeError: (see above)

Like I say, you've been fantastic in helping me.  Thanks to you, I now
have a solution whereby I know I can redo all of the class instances I
have created, and be sure that the error won't reappear.  However, I'm
sure from what you have said so far, there is a way around this that
doesn't invo

Re: [Zope] Zclass not reindexing (it is CatalogAware)

2000-09-07 Thread Tim Hicks

- Original Message -
From: "R. David Murray" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 10:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope] Zclass not reindexing (it is CatalogAware)

 On Thu, 7 Sep 2000, Tim Hicks wrote:
  The question is, do I need to add the equivalent of what is
written in
  'How-To: Creating a CatalogAware ZClass' for reindexing zclass
  properties, but for reindexing the actual text?  How could I do

 When is the text created?  After it is, you have to call

So each time there is a change made to the text, I must call
reindex_object, is that correct?  If so, how do I make it so that each
time I hit the 'Change' button at the bottom of the text box,
dtml-call "reindex_object()" is executed?



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Re: ZClass Bug (was: Re: [Zope] How to access id and title of document calling standard_html_header)

2000-09-06 Thread Tim Hicks

- Original Message -
From: "Dieter Maurer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 9:44 PM
Subject: ZClass Bug (was: Re: [Zope] How to access id and title of
document calling standard_html_header)


 The analysis provides a workaround for you.
 In your ZClass constructor, add
 dtml-call "REQUEST.set('__name__',REQUEST['id'])"
 before the



I tried using the code that you suggested above, but I get the
following error from Zope 2.2.1

snipped traceback

File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_With.py, line
133, in render
(Object: theatre_class.createInObjectManager(REQUEST['id'],
  File C:\PROGRA~1\Zope221\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_Util.py,
line 337, in eval
(Object: theatre_class.createInObjectManager(REQUEST['id'],
  File lt;stringgt;, line 0, in ?
NameError: theatre_class

It would seem that string is still raising its head.  Any ideas?


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Re: ZClass Bug (was: Re: [Zope] How to access id and title of document calling standard_html_header)

2000-09-05 Thread Tim Hicks

- Original Message -
From: "Dieter Maurer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 9:44 PM
Subject: ZClass Bug (was: Re: [Zope] How to access id and title of
document calling standard_html_header)

 Tim Hicks writes:
   OK, I think that I am perhaps misusing zclasses then.  Here is
what I
 No you did not.

That's a relief.

   I have a Folder that was created by using the 'Add new item' menu
   within Zope.  This folder is called 'Site'.
   I have a Zclass called 'theatre_class' that has "Base classes
   _ZClass_for_CatalogAware, _ZClass_for_DTMLDocument"
   Within the Folder 'Site', I have standard_html_header dtml-method
   However, if I try to put dtml-var id into the
   I get nothing...

 I analysed your problem (in Zope 2.1.6).
 It is *NOT* a problem of "standard_html_header".
 Instead, it is a ZCLass problem.


 The id of a ZInstance created as
 you described it returns "string". The browser shows this
 as "empty" because it is a tag it does not understand and
 therefore ignores.
 You see it, though, when you look at the HTML source.

Yup, I'm with you on that.

 The reason for this strange id lies in a mismatch between
 your ZClass, more precisely its __init__ method, and
 the content of REQUEST:
For some reason, your ZClass uses
"DocumentTemplate.DT_String.__init__" as constructor.
"DocumentTemplate.DT_String" defines a "id" function
and lets it return the value of the "__init__" parameter
"__name__". The default for "__name__" is, you guess it,

You are losing me a bit with the "__init__",
"DocumentTemplate.DT_String" and "__name__" (I'm afraid my Python is
limited, to say the least!).  I do see the results of string being
the default value though ;-).

"ZClass.createInObjectManager" constructs the ZInstance.
If the instance has a 'id', it takes this id and
ignores the 'id' passed as parameter.

Thus, you get a ZInstance with this strange id.

I think I'm with you there.

 I am convinced, this is a ZClass bug.
 I think, that the bug results from the fact, that
 the constructor for a ZCLass deriving from DTML Document
 used "__name__" as "id" replacement.

 The analysis provides a workaround for you.
 In your ZClass constructor, add
 dtml-call "REQUEST.set('__name__',REQUEST['id'])"
 before the

Great.  I presume that this will only work for all *new* instances of
this class however!  I don't suppose you know of a way of remaking all
44 instances of this Zclass I have using this adjusted constructor? I
have tried (see below), but I think I come up against the same
'string' problem that I'm actually trying to counteract!

dtml-in Catalog

dtml-call "REQUEST.set('sequence-item',REQUEST['id'])"
dtml-with "theatre_class.createInObjectManager(REQUEST['id'],


 dtml-call "manage_edit(REQUEST)"



Anyway, I guess this is a different problem again really isn't it?  I
think for now, it will be easier to use my less elegant workaround of
giving the zclass another property called 'counter_id' * that is the
same as the actual id.  I know that this works, and it won't take as
long as remaking all the instances again... I don't have the strength
for that I don't think.

I'll definitely file away your fix for future reference though.
Thanks very much.

 Now, after I did some work for you, I have some tasks for you:

   * check, whether the bug is in Zope 2.2.1, too

Yes, it does.  I have now found this to occur in 2.1.6, 2.2.0 and

   * if this turns out to be the case, file a bug report into
 the collector.

Right, I have done that, hopefully satisfactorily!  Hope you don't
mind, I used 'extensive' quotes from your reply... no point in using
my words to confuse the issue!
Thanks very much Dieter, you've been a MASSIVE help.



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] How to access id and title of document calling standard_html_header

2000-09-02 Thread Tim Hicks

For those of you who saw my posts from a couple of days ago (Dieter
Maurer and Geir Bfkholt), this is the question that I think I should
have been asking in the first place.

I have a standard_html_header that is inserted into Zclasses.  These
Zclasses have properties including meta_author, meta_description etc
(I don't think it is important what they are, just that they are
properties that standard_html_header does not have).  In the
standard_html_header, I use code such as dtml-var meta_author and
dtml-var meta_description.  This works fine and the properties of
the *zclass* are inserted.  However, if I put dtml-var id into the
standard_html_header, I get the id of standard_html_header, *not* of
the zclass.  How do I tell zope to which item I am refering (bearing
in mind, I don't know the name of the zclass ie it is variable)?



ps. As a workaround, I have simply given my zclasses an alternative
property (counter_id) that I make the same as the real id, but this
seems to be a clumsy way of doing it.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] How to access id and title of document calling standard_html_header

2000-09-02 Thread Tim Hicks

For those of you who saw my posts from a couple of days ago (Dieter
Maurer and Geir Bfkholt), this is the question that I think I should
have been asking in the first place.

I have a standard_html_header that is inserted into Zclasses.  These
Zclasses have properties including meta_author, meta_description etc
(I don't think it is important what they are, just that they are
properties that standard_html_header does not have).  In the
standard_html_header, I use code such as dtml-var meta_author and
dtml-var meta_description.  This works fine and the properties of
the *zclass* are inserted.  However, if I put dtml-var id into the
standard_html_header, I get the id of standard_html_header, *not* of
the zclass.  How do I tell zope to which item I am refering (bearing
in mind, I don't know the name of the zclass ie it is variable)?



ps. As a workaround, I have simply given my zclasses an alternative
property (counter_id) that I make the same as the real id, but this
seems to be a clumsy way of doing it.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] How to access id and title of document calling standard_html_header

2000-09-02 Thread Tim Hicks

- Original Message -
From: "Kapil Thangavelu" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2000 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope] How to access id and title of document calling

 Tim Hicks wrote:
  For those of you who saw my posts from a couple of days ago
  Maurer and Geir Bfkholt), this is the question that I think I
  have been asking in the first place.
  I have a standard_html_header that is inserted into Zclasses.
  Zclasses have properties including meta_author, meta_description
  (I don't think it is important what they are, just that they are
  properties that standard_html_header does not have).  In the
  standard_html_header, I use code such as dtml-var meta_author
  dtml-var meta_description.  This works fine and the properties
  the *zclass* are inserted.  However, if I put dtml-var id into
  standard_html_header, I get the id of standard_html_header, *not*
  the zclass.  How do I tell zope to which item I am refering
  in mind, I don't know the name of the zclass ie it is variable)?

 Make your standard_html_header a DTML Method not a Document. Methods
 operate on their containers. Documents operate on themselves. The
 Document is acquiring the ZClass properties after looking through
 own. The Method looks for the properties of its containers.


It is a method already!  Any ideas.  If it makes any difference, I'm
running Zope 2.2.0 (although I really don't think this is important).


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] dtml-with and PARENTS[0]

2000-08-31 Thread Tim Hicks

OK, I have a standard_html_header for my site that uses the following

dtml-with "PARENTS[0]"
 titledtml-var head_title/title

 META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="dtml-var meta_keywords"

 META NAME="description" CONTENT="dtml-var meta_description"

META NAME="author" CONTENT="dtml-var meta_author"

META NAME="copyright" CONTENT="dtml-var meta_copyright"

dtml-var head_javascript

snipped rest of document

dtml-var id


In this way, the properties of the ZClass (into which the
standard_html_header is placed) are used for the for the meta
author/copyright/keywords/description/javascript.  All of those that I
just mentioned work perfectly well, with the correct property being
inserted, however, dtml-var id results in the id of the parent
folder of standard_html_header being inserted, instead of the id of
the zclass.  Could anyone point out how I can get hold of the zclass

thanks very much


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] dtml-with and PARENTS[0]

2000-08-31 Thread Tim Hicks

- Original Message -
From: "Geir Bfkholt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope] dtml-with and PARENTS[0]

 on Thursday, August 31, 2000 Tim Hicks wrote :
 TH OK, I have a standard_html_header for my site that uses the
 THwith the correct property being
 TH inserted, however, dtml-var id results in the id of the parent
 TH folder of standard_html_header being inserted, instead of the id
 TH the zclass.  Could anyone point out how I can get hold of the
 TH id?

 first of all :
 make sure your standard_html_header is a method, not a

Yup, definitely a method.  Out of interest, if it were a document, why
would all of the dtml-var's work except id?


 Geir Bækholt

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Re: Re[2]: [Zope] dtml-with and PARENTS[0]

2000-08-31 Thread Tim Hicks

- Original Message -
From: "Geir Bfkholt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 2:56 PM
Subject: Re[2]: [Zope] dtml-with and PARENTS[0]

 on Thursday, August 31, 2000 Tim Hicks wrote :

 TH Yup, definitely a method.  Out of interest, if it were a
document, why
 TH would all of the dtml-var's work except id?

 acquisition, i guess.. satandard_html_header would not
 usually have those properties itself..

 if it was a document, and had those other properties, the
 ones from the header would be used..

 Seems rather strange that id from standard_html_header is
 used if it is a method.. puzzling..

 cannot think of a reason..

DOH!  There was me thinking that I had to use PARENTS[0] in order to
get hold of the zclas that had standard_html_header inserted into
it... when I don't!  Taken out all the PARENTS[0]'s and it is behaving
like it should do.  Now it's working, I think I actually understand
how it works as well!

Sorry about that, I think I made things more complicated than they


 Geir Bækholt

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Nested dtml???

2000-08-29 Thread Tim Hicks

- Original Message -
From: "Dieter Maurer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 11:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope] Nested dtml???

 Tim Hicks writes:
   I am trying to work my way up through folders, checking whether
   folder has a property named 'site_root_folder'.  Logically (in
   head anyway), what I have written below is what I want to do, but
   not sure that I'm really writing this the write way.  I vaguely
   remember reading that I can't nest dtml-if tags within dtml-in
 There is no problem whatsoever to use "dtml-if" inside "dtml-in".

   dtml-let level=0
   dtml-in level
   dtml-if "PARENTS[level].hasProperty('site_root_folder')"
   dtml-var "PARENTS[level].absolute_url()"
   dtml-else level="level+1"
 "dtml-in" works with sequences.

 In your example, however, you give it an integer ("level").
 It will not be happy with this.

 You may try:

 dtml-in PARENTS
   dtml-let PARENT="_.getitem('sequence-item')"
 dtml-if "PARENT.hasProperty

Excellent.  Here is what I have managed to make work.

dtml-in PARENTS
dtml-let PARENT="_.getitem('sequence-item')"
dtml-if "PARENT.hasProperty('site_root_folder')"dtml-var

I really appreciate it.  And thanks for the reply on my other
(related) post.  Don't think I'll mess with ZopeFind for now; I don't
always have access to Zope 2.2.x, but more usually 2.1.6.

Thanks again.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Nested dtml???

2000-08-29 Thread Tim Hicks

- Original Message -
From: "Curtis Maloney" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 12:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Zope] Nested dtml???

 On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, Tim Hicks wrote:
  I am trying to work my way up through folders, checking whether
  folder has a property named 'site_root_folder'.  Logically (in
  head anyway), what I have written below is what I want to do, but
  not sure that I'm really writing this the write way.  I vaguely
  remember reading that I can't nest dtml-if tags within dtml-in
  I'd really appreciate any help on this
  dtml-let level=0
  dtml-in level
  dtml-if "PARENTS[level].hasProperty('site_root_folder')"
  dtml-var "PARENTS[level].absolute_url()"
  dtml-else level="level+1"
 Hmm.. it may be slower, but I would normally use a recursive
function in this

 DTML Method  findRoot

 dtml-if "PARENTS[rootLevel].hasProperty('site_root_folder')"
   dtml-return PARENTS[rootLevel].absolute_url()"
   dtml-return "findRoot(_.None, _, rootLevel=rootLevel+1)"

 Use as:

 dtml-var "findRoot(_.None, _, rootLevel=0)"

Thanks for the ideas, but I have managed to do what I wanted to do
using the code below (with help from Dieter Maurer).

dtml-in PARENTS
dtml-let PARENT="_.getitem('sequence-item')"
dtml-if "PARENT.hasProperty('site_root_folder')"dtml-var


 If you don't mind my asking, why do you need to hunt down this
folder?  Is
 there no way Acquisition could be used to simplify your life?

I have made a couple of 'sites' that need to be portable so that they
can be placed on any server, with their 'root' directory having any
name without needing to edit anything. Therefore, in every link/URL
within the site, I do something like the following,

href="dtml-var path/link/to/whatever.html"

The path method is what contains the code that I have shown above.  In
this way, all the links work no matter what server they are placed on
(zope of course!).  I don't think I could have just used relative
links as my standard_html_header/footer contains links/images.  With
relative links, when the header/footer was placed into a document that
was not in the site's root folder, they were broken.

Does that make any sense?  Have I gone about it a bit backwards?

Anyway, you did ask :-)


 Have a better one,

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] Nested dtml???

2000-08-28 Thread Tim Hicks

I am trying to work my way up through folders, checking whether each
folder has a property named 'site_root_folder'.  Logically (in *my*
head anyway), what I have written below is what I want to do, but I'm
not sure that I'm really writing this the write way.  I vaguely
remember reading that I can't nest dtml-if tags within dtml-in tags.

I'd really appreciate any help on this


dtml-let level=0
dtml-in level
dtml-if "PARENTS[level].hasProperty('site_root_folder')"
dtml-var "PARENTS[level].absolute_url()"
dtml-else level="level+1"


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] How to get URL of folder (name unknown) with a certain property?

2000-08-27 Thread Tim Hicks

I am trying to figure out how to get hold of the URL (using
absolute_url I presume) of a folder with a property called
"sehs_root_folder" set to "yes".  I do not know what the name of this
folder is, so I am finding it difficult to use the hasattr function,
and I don't have any way of knowing where abouts in the document tree
the folder is (except that it must be a 'parent' folder of the one
that contains the dtml-method that I am running the code from).

Does that make any sense?  I'm finding it difficult to even express my
question, so searching the mailing list archives is proving fruitless.

I'd appreciate any pointers


ps.  The reason I'm trying to do this is to make my site more
portable.  I would like to be able to change servers and/or folder
names on my server without damaging all the links and addresses to
images/files on the site.  As such, everywhere that I have any sort of
link/address on the site, I currently use the following:

dtml-var path/address/to/whatever/

dtml-var path is a method that resides in the 'root' folder of the
site, and in it, I put the current appropriate path for the site.
However, I would like to make this method automatically figure out the
appropriate path.  Therefore, I gave the 'root folder' a property
called "sehs_root_folder" that I hope to search for.  If you have a
more efficient way of solving my problem, please let me know.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] dtml-if errors in sql method

2000-07-18 Thread Tim Hicks

dtml-if "which_table == 'Plays'"

FROM dtml-var which_table
WHERE "Play title" like dtml-sqlvar
"'%'+_.string.strip(form_string)+'%'" type=string;

Can anybody explain to me what is going on with my zsql method?  Zope
gives me the following error when I try and change my method to what
is above.

Invalid attribute name, "which_table", for tag dtml-if "which_table
== 'Plays'", on line 16 of string

I've scoured the mailing list, but I'm still mightily confused.
which_table is one of the arguments for the the sql method and Plays
is a string that I want to compare it with.  which_table comes from a
form elsewhere.  I'm sure it's something really simple, and I'm sure
it's been discussed here before (at length?), but ATM, I don't even
know what I'm looking for!

Thanks for the help


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] dtml-if errors in sql method

2000-07-18 Thread Tim Hicks

- Original Message -
From: "Gregory Haley" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 7:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope] dtml-if errors in sql method


 Are you searching for the exact word "Plays", or is there a
 variable called Plays against which you are trying to match
 a value?  If it's the latter, having the single quotes is
 teling it to search for the literal.  If you are setting the
 value of plays in a higher call, eg. dtml-call
 "REQUEST.set('Plays', Play_titles)", your if expression
 would need to be "which_table == Plays".

 Hope this is helpful, as it is a mistake I am always making!


 Gregory Haley

Thanks for that... I am trying to compare which_table to the exact
string Plays.  Plays is not a variable/argument/integer//whatever,
I am just trying to see if the string that is returned from one of the
fields of my form (which_table) is equal to the string Plays.



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] dtml-if errors in sql method

2000-07-18 Thread Tim Hicks

- Original Message -
From: "Dieter Maurer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 9:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope] dtml-if errors in sql method

 Tim Hicks writes:
   dtml-if "which_table == 'Plays'"
   FROM dtml-var which_table
   WHERE "Play title" like dtml-sqlvar
   "'%'+_.string.strip(form_string)+'%'" type=string;
   Can anybody explain to me what is going on with my zsql method?
   gives me the following error when I try and change my method to
   is above.
   Invalid attribute name, "which_table", for tag dtml-if
   == 'Plays'", on line 16 of string
 The error message looks strange.
 It seems that the parser does not see the "...", because
 actually is not an attribute at all.

 Did you declare "which_table" as argument of the Z SQL method.
 This will probably not remove your current problem but
 may later come up.


Yes, which_table and form_string are both declared as arguments in the
zsql method.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
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