Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: z3ext

2008-02-13 Thread Max M

Martin Aspeli skrev:

Hi Nikolay,

I'm not entirely sure it's in everyone's interest to have something that 
looks so very much like Plone's out of the box look and feel that is not 
based on Plone at all (as I understand it) - least of all z3ext's, since 
it may get confused with Plone.

I think there are two sides to this argument.

It is confusing that it looks so much like Plone. But on the other hand. 
If it ever came to be that two systems could run in parallel from the 
same zodb, then it would be necessary to make it look like Plone anyway 
for a seamless user experience.

At least they should share html class and id structure to make that 
easy. But something like z3ext would not have to use the same css 
definition out of the box.

I actually think it would be stronger if it did not. Something more 
web2'ish would make it stand out more.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Phone:  +45 66 11 84 94
Mobile: +45 29 93 42 96

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Hivurt new open source CMS 0.1.3pre-alfa released

2007-12-29 Thread Max M

Mikhail Kashkin skrev:

Hi everybody,

Hi Mikhail,

Key Solutions ( and Hivurt team (http:// proud to announce first public release of our Zope3-
based content management system.
Requirements (You need to have before installing Hivurt)

   * Zope 3.3.x (3.4.x untested)
   * PostgreSQL 8.2
   * Python 2.4.4 with psycopg2 and json libs
   * Tested on Mac OS X and Linux (Ubunty and ALTLiniux)

This looks really interresting. Especially as you are already using it 
on customer projects.

I just wonder about the Postgres dependency. Why did you choose to have 
that? I think that one of the beauties of Zope is that you don't need to 
install an rdbms.

I agree that being able to seamlessly use an rdbms is a good feature, 
but I do belive that it should be optional.

I have several development machines for different purposes, and having 
to install Postgres on them is a bit of a bother, as I don't intend to 
use relational storage before I absolutely have to.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Grok or raw Zope?

2007-09-30 Thread Max M

Michael Ang skrev:

Use Plone, best for Intranet.

Certainly not. Plone is a pain in the but for intranets. At least for 
some kinds.

I have made quite a few of them, and plone works against you a lot of 
the time.

Plone has a content based interface, and an intranet needs a task based 

For intranets you often need to do the same littel thing over and over 
again. So the interface needs to be fast and simple. Eample:

If you want to make eg. a time registration module, you need a quick way 
to enter time registration entries. So you really have to create a 
special interface for it. Adding a time registration content type to a 
special folder is really impractical.

Content based model

1. go to intranet
2. find time registration folder
3. add time registration
4. set start time
5. set end time
6. add a comment
7. select project
8. save time registration

task based model

1. go to intranet
2. add comment
3. Enter time used
4. select project
5. save time registration

The last model will make time registration a lot more pleasent for end 

If you chose to go that way, you are fighting the way Plone is thought 
out, and are probably better of with a z3 solution.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Ahh, counters... Best practice?

2007-08-15 Thread Max M

Benji York skrev:
 Jeff Shell wrote:
 We're working on something where we need to allow site visitors to
 rate items. It's the basic star-rating thing. We want to keep a count
 of the number of votes along with the current value.

 At work we've been contemplating an approach for use in some similar
 situations we want to address.

 In broad strokes: keep the updated value in memory, write the value to
 the database periodically (for whatever value of periodically is
 appropriate for the data).

 This should work well when the value changes often and loosing the most
 recent updates to the value isn't catastrophic.

I have used this approach in mxmcounter for zope 2. It keeps a dict in 
memory, by making it a module attribute.

Every n count it then writes the dict to disk. It has worked on my site 
for years with no problems.

Only a single problem has been reported by another user. Apparently a 
zope site crashed while writing the dict, and so left it unreadable.

After restoring the dict on file from backup the site ran fine again.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Phone:  +45 46 93 23 92
Mobile: +45 29 93 42 96
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Blog naming proposals

2007-05-29 Thread Max M

Florian Lindner skrev:

some people might have noticed I am developing a Blog package for Zope3.
Since it slowly becomes functional (an older version is working at I want to release it (under an free and open source licence).

One thing still missing is a good name. A name that quickly comes to my mind 
is zBlog but which is not very fancy.

What ideas have you for Zope3 blog package, what would you choose?

Don't be afraid to make it obvious. Ie make sure to have the word blog 
in it somewhere. Instead of just calling it eg. Lorum, Lorum Blog is 
so much easier to understand and remember.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Phone:  +45 46 93 23 92
Mobile: +45 29 93 42 96

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Losely or rather, less loosely coupled objects.

2006-03-09 Thread Max M
When doing sites in Zope 2 I often have the need to couple/contain two 
or more fixed objects.

When an object needs to have some specific properites and logic, many 
developers choose to subclass an existing object and change that.

Eg. a member folder needs to *allways* have a 'contact_info' object. Eg. 
to keep company policy and to ease skinning.

That would typically lead to a new folderish content type with contact 
info properties. Which I think is a really bad pattern.

Normally in Zope 2 I just give it a fixed id, and then set the 
folder._reserved_names = ('contact_info',) property on the parent folder.

This is like folder.contacts_info = ContactInfo()

But this is a pretty obscure and unknown feature. And site managers 
cannot use it.

I have the suspicion that many cases where people are doing Archetype 
subclasses in Plone they should really use something like that approach 
instead. It would lead to much simpler maintenance in the long run, with 
a looser coupling of objects and less repetition of functionality.

Are there any good patterns for this in Zope 3? It would be really nice 
to have a standard way of doing it.

It would also be nice if those objects did not show up in the navigation 
like folder contents. It confuses the users that they cannot delete it. 
But rather outside the normal navigation. Like in a portlet or as a 
list of actions.

In Plone that is possible by adding a dot to the id like 
'.contact_info', but that is a hack. Also there is no reason to have 
those ugly urls.

Any pointers, or am I the only one thinking along those lines?


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Phone:  +45 66 11 84 94
Mobile: +45 29 93 42 96

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-03 Thread Max M

Jeff Shell wrote:

Yes it does. And I hate it. At Bottlerocket, we're a very small
company. We look at Plone and go alright, how do we make it do less?
how do we turn this thing off, and this thing off, and this thing off,
and this thing off? why is it so slow? and it still doesn't do the
page we need to do. Let's just write our own CMS.

Apparently many people disagree with you.

Google hits:
**27,700,000* for **Plone
***23,600,000* for **Zope**
*14,800,000* for **Zope -Plone**

For small companies that needs a small subset of what Plone can do, 
Plone might be a bit big. But for consultants/developers like me it is 
*far* easier to use Plone, remove some features and add those that are 

A fully finished system, that end users can install and try out, is the 
biggest succes story of Zope. There *must* be a lesson in that somewhere.

That Plone is difficult does not reflect that a big integrated system is 
the wrong way to go! It only indicates that the Zope/CMF/Plone stack is 
too big. Which is exactly why Zope 3 was developed, and I can hardly 
wait until something like Plone is running directly on Zope 3.

Then we will both have a big hunking end user system and a clean 
development model.

I know that something like Plone isn't the best solution for everything. 
Eg creating a task based intranet is impractical. But its still the most 
succesfull approach so far.

Plone has become a very precise communication tool between programmers. 
If your product works in a straight Plone installation, it can be 
modified with known patterns by other developers.

If everything is fragmented we will loose this unification by example 
and setting up big systems will be a lot more difficult.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-02 Thread Max M

Jeff Shell wrote:

I think this keeps Zope 3 as we know it alive, keeps the Zope brand
intact, and offers a future for Zope 2 and similar caliber desires for
a Big App Server while not interfering with the more pure and simple
concepts that makes Zope 3 appealing for developers like me.

I think its an absolutely terrible idea!

The most succesfull Zope 2 product out there is most likely Plone. And 
it has everything and the kitchen sink in it.

Python also has a lot of libraries included, which means that you 
seldomly need 3. party libraries to extend Plone.

I fear that loosely coupled libraries does not make an app server. I can 
just imagine the upgrade hell when one package requires two different 
packages, and another package requires the same two different packages, 
but in different versions.

Canonical releases of compatible package collections is a *must*. 
Splitting it all up in small chunks that are out of sync would be a 

Releases that contains a *huge* compatible collection of packages is the 
most effective way to move forward in an unified way.

Plone products works together because Plone is so well defined. 
Sometimes this feels like a straightjacket. On the othe hand, in plain 
Zope 2 it is practically impossible to reuse other peoples products on 
your own site because the playing field was too loosely defined.

But just like you don't have to learn every Python library to use 
Python, you should not have to know every package in the app server. 
That is not a question of making seperate releases though, it's the age 
old programming problem of structuring code with few interdependencies.

So throw everything into the release. heck even throw Zope 2 in there if 
you have to. But dont force the programmers to use it before they need 
the functionality.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Zope 3 Marketing Competition? (was Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name)

2006-02-07 Thread Max M

Martijn Faassen wrote:

Alternatively, we could use our energy to actually work together on a 
new website instead of competing. There's a zope-web mailing list, 
after all, so go and talk there. This would have my preference.

If you want to fix the Zope 2 website at the same time as branding Zope 
3, I fear it is a monumental task that will never happen.

The Zope 2 website is so big, and has so much content that it should 
have somebody working on it full time if it needs changing.

Perhaps this monumental approach to a zope site is wrong. Microsites 
with well defined boundaries, that a few or a single person could be 
responsible for might be a better approach.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-03 Thread Max M

Martin Aspeli wrote:

On Thu, 02 Feb 2006 21:12:27 -, Stephan Richter  

Having said that, I feel very strongly that built Zope version 3 and  

more or less. And I feel that a name change would betray me and my

Well, Joel didn't suggest a name change, he suggested adding a 
codename to  signify that there was something new and exciting, over 
and beyond Zope 2  and all the stigma attached to it, and spend a bit 
of time letting the  world know that there is a wonderful new 
framework that has a lot going  for it, and you should consider it. I 
don't see how this could possibly  betray anything, and I think the 
Zope community would have a lot to gain  from a little more buzz 
outside its own confines.

You seem to refactor the code all the time, why are you so resitant 
to  refactoring the brand just a little? :-)

Not calling it Zope would be a mistake, but how about adding a qualifier 
to the name. Like microsoft did with Windows NT

eg. Zope DR aka Zope Done Right

The difference between Z2 and Z3 is really so great that it is not just 
an upgrade of the same technology.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Zope3-users mailing list