[change] Open position at Creative Commons: Project Coordinator for Science and Data

2012-04-25 Thread Yosem Companys
Blog post - http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/32434

Full description - http://creativecommons.org/opportunities#scienceanddata

Creative Commons is seeking a Project Coordinator for Science and Data! The
Project Coordinator will organize, coordinate and manage projects related
to data policy and governance and perform research and analysis on data
governance topics across relevant sectors — particularly for science — and
communicate results and recommendations from the project via writing and
related outreach.

We are looking for someone who is experienced in policy analysis,
development and processes, in addition to Open Source Software, Open
Access/Open Data and other Open content projects. A science and/or legal
background with international experience is highly desirable — especially
as the position will be representing Creative Commons at global events in
the Open Data and Open Science communities! See the job posting and apply
at our opportunities
Position is open until filled.

Thank you,

Timothy Vollmer
phone = +016086982403 | skype = timothyvollmer | tw = @tvol
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2012-04-30 Thread Yosem Companys
*International Conference on
Schumpeter and Polymer Research
*3–5 June 2012
Harvard Kennedy School
Cambridge, MA

Co-organized by the
Science, Technology, and Globalization Project, Harvard Kennedy School
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School
Agricultural Innovation in Africa Project, Harvard Kennedy School
Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government, Harvard Kennedy School

Chaired by:
Professor Calestous Juma
Harvard Kennedy School

The aim of the "International Conference on Innovation and Development"
(3-5 June, 2012) is to take stock of the relevance of the work of Austrian
economist Joseph Schumpeter for developing countries. The conference
coincides with the centenary of the publication of Schumpeter's seminal
work, *The Theory of Economic Development* (1911). The conference will be
held in conjunction with the annual Innovation for Economic

Although Schumpeter's work was clearly framed to address the unfolding
nature of economic systems, policymakers and development thinkers in
developing countries are only starting to be exposed to his seminal
thinking. Many of these countries now embrace the idea of innovation in
economic development without recognizing that they are furthering the
legacy of Schumpeter.

For example, a 2005 report entitled *Innovation: Applying Knowledge in
an important role in guiding discussions on the implementation of the
United Nations Millennium Development Goals. But few leaders in developing
countries associated the ideas in the report with work on Schumpeter. The
ideas in the report have been widely adopted among developing countries and
prepared the ground for a commemorative study on Schumpeter's legacy.

*Schumpeter’s intellectual legacy*
Schumpeter left a rich intellectual legacy of relevance to emerging
economies and globalization in general. He is associated with at least four
major ideas (in writings between 1911 and 1942). First, he highlighted the
critical role that innovation (broadly defined plays in economic
transformation), especially through the dynamic process of “creative
destruction”. Secondly, argued that technological innovation as an integral
part of the capitalist enterprise and not changes in resource endowment was
possibly the most powerful driver of economic transformation. Thirdly, he
postulated that expectation of monopoly power was a greater source of
productivity than the mere act of being in a competitive market. Finally,
he stressed the importance of history and outlined the institutional forces
that influence the pace and direction of economic transformation. In a
posthumous paper published in 2005 entitled, *Development*, Schumpeter
provided the clearest articulation of the theory behind his evolutionary
thinking.  He stressed the role of indeterminacy, novelty and discontinuous

The aim of this conference is to convene a commemorative series of
activities on the intellectual legacy of Schumpeter with specific reference
to developing countries. Specific objectives of the initiative are to:

(a) outline the essential features of Schumpeter's ideas of relevance to
development policy and practice;
(b) elaborate the elements into a new study that lays out the policy
implications of Schumpeter's legacy for development policy and practice;
(c) explore the role of innovation in emerging engineering fields,
specifically polymer research, in addressing development challenges such as
agriculture, health, water, shelter and environmental management;
(d) disseminate the results among development policymakers, scholars, and
practitioners; and
(e) identify new research directions on innovation and development.

The conference will also provide opportunities to authors to present
findings in their recent books that build on Schumpeter’s ideas.
change mailing list

[change] Gates Program Officer - Sanitation Innovation Market Readiness

2012-05-02 Thread Yosem Companys
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has posted a job opening for a Program
Officer in sanitation innovation market readiness in the Water, Sanitation
and Hygiene team of the Global Development Program.

** **

The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WSH) initiative focuses its efforts on
supporting effective, sustainable and scalable ways to assist the 2.5
billion people who lack access to adequate sanitation. The WSH team
launched its new strategy in July 2011 under the banner “Let’s Reinvent the
Toilet” and is developing an ambitious research and development program to
turn this vision into a reality.

The science and technology initiative within the WSH strategy invests in
the development of new technologies and innovative business models. The
initiative has made a series of initial investments to support radical
technological innovation aimed at step-changes in the sustainability and
profitability of sanitation. Our future investments to reinvent the toilet
aim to expand and build on these with the objective of making safe and
affordable toilets available to many millions of low income consumers and
making neighborhoods and cities cleaner and safer. The focus will
increasingly support market readiness for uptake of innovation and early
stage development and prototyping.

** **

The new Program Officer will support the WSH team in making the reinvented
toilet a reality.

** **

The job description is at this link: Gates Program Officer in
change mailing list

[change] RTI & Tech conference @ Stanford University

2012-12-04 Thread Yosem Companys
> The Right to information and transparency in the digital age: Policy,
> tools and practices
> Workshop organized by Liberation Technology Program at Stanford
> University, United States, 11.-12. March, 2013
> Call for Papers
> Access to information has become one of the most promising tools to combat
> corruption, increase people’s participation in (self) governance and thus,
> to strengthen democracy.  Since the 1960s there has been a steady progress
> in the number of countries that have legislated access to information laws,
> and over eighty countries have such laws today.  There have also been
> several social developments and innovations which embrace access to
> information, such as open constitution reform process in Iceland, open
> innovation challenges by the United States government, participatory
> budgeting processes in Germany, Finland and Canada and social audits in
> India, just to mention few. As a parallel development, the open data
> movement is evolving in several countries, pushed forward by both civil
> society and governments, and incentivized by the global Open Government
> Partnership network. These practices are supported by open innovation and
> open design strategies, which the public sector is increasingly adopting.
> These open and participatory practices give tools for citizens to monitor
> governments, to hold them accountable, and to practice agency in the public
> sphere. The right to information and transparency movements can be
> considerably strengthened by creative use of information technologies – but
> realizing this potential requires us to revisit the design of RTI policies,
> tools and practices to update them to serve citizens in the digital age. In
> re-evaluating the tools for accountability, we should be mindful that
> increased use of accountability technologies suggests re-articulations of
> the power structures in modern societies, including new forms of social
> control, new spaces for public deliberation and new conceptualizations of
> participation in democracy. 
> The workshop will convene both practitioners and academics to discuss
> their work in the area and to examine the theoretical and practical
> implications of these phenomena. We seek to bring together people engaged
> in law, policy, social movements, administration, technology, design and
> the use of technology for accessing information.  We propose to go well
> beyond the issue of accessing information by looking at the use of
> technology to record, store, process and disseminate public information,
> and to create interactive spaces in the public sphere so that the full
> potential of ICT for transparency can be realized.
> We welcome submissions focusing on intersection of technology, the right
> to information and participatory practices, which enhance transparency,
> including, but are not limited to, the following areas:
> 1. Technology for transparency
> **-**What are the design improvements and practices to improve
> digital tools that are used to record, store, process and disseminate
> information to empower right to information activists? How can, for
> instance, open design practices enhance transparency, access to information
> and participatory practices?
> **- **How do social movements use technology, and can technology be
> empowering for the poor and the marginalized or will/is it be a tool for
> the privileged?
> **-   **What are the emerging power structures in digital democracy, and
> what is the role of technology in mediating and distributing power?
> **2.  **Open data, open knowledge and open access
> **- **What is the role of open data ecosystem in the right to information
> movement? What are the tools, practices and policies to encourage the use
> of open data?
> **- **How do open knowledge, open access and open science practices serve
> transparency in society?
> **3. **Open innovation and transparency 
> - How does open innovation support transparency in governance, and
> strengthen right to information?
> 4. Legal and policy considerations in the use of technology for right to
> information: 
> **-   **What are the current limitations of right to information laws
> established based in the pre-digital age, and what kinds of legal changes
> are desirable in the digital age? 
> **-   **What are the legal challenges to accessing information in digital
> format?
> **-   **What are the laws that prepare the context in which the right to
> information is exercised, and how should they change in the digital age?
> For example, how should public records laws and the system of recording and
> managing public information adapt to play a supportive role, and what are
> the best practices in public record management systems that will enable the
> effective use of technology by RTI activists?  
> **-   **What are the challenges involved in using 

[change] Summer Associate, Jacaranda Health

2013-02-28 Thread Yosem Companys
from: Nick Pearson 

Jacaranda Health is a social enterprise setting up a chain of
maternity clinics and hospitals in East Africa. We're integrating
clinical, business, and technology innovations to make high-quality
care affordable for low-income women.  We have a growing dynamic team,
our first hospital up and running, and a lot of enthusiasm from the
maternal health community about the impact this can make. We're
recruiting a few talented summer associates to help us with important
strategic projects this summer. One of our objectives might be of
interest to some of your club members: we're hoping to pilot a few
exciting technology innovations that will improve quality of care and
help women seek care -- including clinical decision support for
nurses, SMS interactions with patients, medical records, and mobile
payment and savings. Most of the candidates for the business and
public health projects will be graduate students, but for the
technology project we would definitely consider working with talented
undergrads or recent graduates. Feel free to circulate the position,
or share my email address if there are any questions.


Nick Pearson
Jacaranda Health
+254 (0) 716 534 294
US mobile: 206-799-2681
change mailing list

[change] mHealth projects in Malawi?

2013-03-08 Thread Yosem Companys
From: "imaniche...@gmail.com" 

Good morning! My name is Imani Cheers and I'm a multimedia producer
with the PBS NewsHour and a 2013 New Media fellow with the
International Reporting Project. I'm currently beginning a 10 country
tour examining mHealth projects impacting women and girls and my
Malawi contact (FrontlineSMS and St. Gabriel's hospital) fell through.
I'll be in Lilongwe March 21-24. If anyone knows of any projects or
contacts on the groung in Malawi, I would greatly appreciate the
information. Thanks for the support!


Imani M. Cheers, Ph.D.
PBS NewsHour Extra Director
MacNeil/Lehrer Productions
Arlington, VA
change mailing list

[change] World Bank's Dialogue on Citizen Engagement & ICT4D

2013-03-14 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Tiago Peixoto 

Running until the end of this month, the World Bank has launched an online 
conversation on citizen engagement. Shedding light on the question of when, 
why and how participation works is precisely the objective of this 
initiative. The outcomes of this open dialogue are expected to 1) inform 
how the Bank approaches the issue of citizen engagement, and 2) support the 
development of an evaluation framework for Bank projects on ICT mediated 
citizen engagement. Join the conversation!

change mailing list

[change] Using Technology to Create Value

2013-03-21 Thread Yosem Companys
From: End Poverty in South Asia 

 Using Technology to Create Value

[image: SAR Technology]*Join an Online Discussion with Sri Lankan youth
entrepreneurs on Friday, 22nd March at 3-5pm on the **World Bank's Sri
Lanka Facebook page * *and
learn from their experiences in the online field.*

The Internet is now an indispensible part of our lives for most of us.
Whether it be checking email or Facebook or looking up something on Google
or Wikipedia, we just can’t live without it (or at least, we feel that
way!). However, it’s the way in which the Internet, by converging
audio-visual, telecom, and computer networks into what we now call Information
and Communications Technology (ICT),
made it easier for anyone with an idea or a dream to go out there and use
these tools to create solutions, services, and products and create value,
that makes it so powerful and empowering.

Click here https://blogs.worldbank.org/endpovertyinsouthasia/node/817 to
view full story.
change mailing list

[change] Orange African Social Venture Prize 2013

2013-06-21 Thread Yosem Companys
Orange African Social Venture Prize promotes social innovations in support
of development that use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).**

** **


change mailing list

[change] Stanford Liberationtech / ICT4D Book Announcement

2014-12-02 Thread Yosem Companys
Author: Vivek Srinivasan
Title: Delivering Public Services Effectively: Tamil Nadu & Beyond.
Published by: Oxford University Press (2014)

There is a wide diversity in the provision of public services in
India. In some states one can go miles without seeing a functional
school or public health centre, where roads are poorly maintained, and
electricity has not yet been introduced, while in other places
governments tend to function remarkably well in extending basic public
services to all. Tamil Nadu is one of those few states with an
impressive commitment to services. This book examines the dynamics
that led to Tamil Nadu's commitment. The author argues that incessant
public action in the southern Indian state underlies that commitment.
People tend to act when services are not available or functional and
thus create pressure on the government to deliver.

change mailing list

[change] Thiel Fellowship

2016-02-26 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Amrit Kandel 

I'm looking for a Software Engineering student that would be interested in
submitting an application to The Thiel Fellowship. The applicant must be 22
years or under.

I will help with every step of the application.

To learn more about The Thiel Fellowship, please visit

change mailing list

[change] Post-Doc Position at Stanford WTO

2016-03-05 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Pamela Hinds 

Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Center for Work, Technology, and
Department of Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University
The Center for Work, Technology and Organizations seeks a full-time
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with Ph.D. training in Organizational
Behavior, Organizational Theory, Management, or related disciplines. A
successful candidate will have conducted research, broadly, on topics
related to work, especially modern-day work.  A strong theoretical
foundation and evidence of the ability to publish in top management
journals are preferred.  The fellow will be expected to be an active
participant in Center lab meetings and colloquia and to mentor Ph.D.
students. There are no formal research or teaching requirements.

§  The purpose of the post-doctoral fellowship is to contribute to the WTO
intellectual environment as well as provide a context in which the fellow
can advance their own research agenda
§  Funded 100% for 2-3 years
§  Active participation in the WTO and Stanford academic communities
§  Salary is commensurate with experience and background, and includes the
full Stanford University benefit package
§  Fellowship is open Fall 2016, applications accepted now until post is

The fellow will be supervised by Pamela Hinds, Professor of Management
Science & Engineering and Director of the Center for Work, Technology, and
Organizations.  To apply, please send a CV, a cover letter outlining the
candidate’s interests, and the names and contact information of 3
references. Please send materials via email to Melissa Valentine (
m...@stanford.edu) or Pamela Hinds (phi...@stanford.edu) with WTO Post Doc
in the message line with the noted items attached.

Pamela Hinds
Department of Management Science & Engineering
Stanford University

Huang Engineering Center, #207
change mailing list

[change] smartphone usage in africa

2016-08-16 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Arjuna Sathiaseelan 

  was wondering if there are any data/papers on the smartphone usage in
africa - penetration & types of smartphones that are prevalent across the
continent? thanks in advance

Arjuna Sathiaseelan
Personal: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~as2330/
N4D Lab: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~as2330/n4d
change mailing list

[change] World Bank’s ICT team, focused on digital development

2016-08-19 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Bertram Boie 

We are currently having a need for a short-term consultancy (STC)
support here in the World Bank’s ICT team, focused on digital

Kind regards,



Bertram Boie
Economist, Office of the Senior Director
Transport & ICT
T +1 202 45 84633
E bb...@worldbank.org
A 1818 H Street, NW, MC 6-104, Washington DC 20433, USA

change mailing list

[change] New Ph.D. Program in Technology Management and Organization Studies at UC Santa Barbara

2016-11-11 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Paul Leonardi 

The University of California, Santa Barbara is pleased to announce the
launch of a new Ph.D. DEGREE in Technology Management. Applications are due
January 15, 2017 for matriculation in Fall 2017.

This new program is administered by UCSB’s Technology Management Program
(located in UCSB’s top-ranked College of Engineering),
whose internationally-renowned faculty include:

Steve Barley

Gary Hansen

Paul Leonardi

Kyle Lewis

John Mohr

Dave Seibold

Ambuj Singh

Bob York

*Why Pursue a Ph.D. in Technology Management?*

Scholars who study technology, innovation, and organizing are in great
demand across many fields including business, information studies,
communication, sociology and engineering. Yet most disciplinary-based
programs, be they in the social sciences or in engineering schools, do not
train Ph.D. students with the right mix of skills to understand both the
organizational and technological aspects of work. The Ph.D. Program in
Technology Management fills this void.

*Is a Ph.D. in Technology Management the right fit for you?*

We seek students who want to become exceptional scholars and who will go on
to research and teach at top universities across the country and around the
world.  You would fit our program well if you are interested in
technology-related work regardless of whether you have a background in the
social sciences, physical sciences, management or engineering.  Our program
integrates organizational studies with technology and innovation studies in
an interdisciplinary environment that transcends the distinctions between
disciplines.  If you come from a technology or scientific background we
will teach you about the importance of organizations and social systems.
If you have a social science or management background you will learn to
understand the role of technology and innovation in shaping organizational

*Where can our Ph.D. take you?*

The job market for interdisciplinary Ph.Ds. with training in technology and
organizations is expected to be strong over the next decade. We anticipate
that most graduates will pursue academic positions in Business Schools
(where the study of technology innovation and entrepreneurship is
growing), Schools of Communication (where the study of organization and
technology is increasing swiftly), in Schools of Information (which are
being rapidly founded across the country), and in Schools of Engineering
(that are increasingly interested in the social aspects of technical work).
Unlike the demand for Ph.D. tenure track faculty in many other disciplines,
the number of tenure track openings in these schools exceeds the number of
Ph.Ds. awarded each year, and that gap is increasing.

*Why UCSB?  *

UCSB is world renowned for its interdisciplinary culture, which encourages
collaboration across disciplinary boundaries and exciting new
interdisciplinary fields and programs. Our *faculty*
 is world renowned for its commitment
to interdisciplinarity; we have backgrounds that range from engineering and
management to the social sciences.  Our Ph.D. students are encouraged
to explore courses and to make links to faculty in the social sciences,
environmental science, and other engineering departments.

The Technology Management Program is housed in the *College of
Engineering, *which ranked as number one in the world among public
universities for engineering research. The National Research Council ranks
all of UCSB's College of Engineering research programs among the top five
for their disciplines.

*Learn more about this new Ph.D. Program here*: https://tmp.ucsb.edu/phd

For more information about the Ph.D. Program, please contact Paul Leonardi (
leona...@tmp.ucsb.edu) or Kyle Lewis (kle...@tmp.ucsb.edu)

Thank you for forwarding this announcement to prospective students.


Paul Leonardi

Duca Family Professor of Technology Management

Investment Group of Santa Barbara Founding Director, Master of Technology
Management (MTM) Program

University of California, Santa Barbara



change mailing list

[change] E-Voting

2016-11-14 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Zacharia Gichiriri 

Are there any countries that have implemented a form of mobile voting?
Is there any research on the potential, challenges and applicability
of mobile voting?
Considering the explosive growth of mobile phones across Africa, would
the use of mobile phones for elections (citizens voting through mobile
phones) improve election outcomes and transparency?

change mailing list

[change] Ethnographic perspectives on human centered design for social change?

2016-12-15 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Misha Quill 

I'm wondering if any of you could point me towards ethnographic analyses or
cases studies (articles. books, grey lit) of development or humanitarian
projects that use(d) design principles?

I'm planning to teach an undergraduate-level course in environmental
anthropology and want introduce some design principles/ processes.

Ideally I'd like to include readings that point towards the benefits of
this kind of approach, as well as some that reflect practical or
theoretical problems (or failures).

Thank you!


*Misha Quill, Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Sociology &
AnthropologyCornell CollegeMount Vernon, IA 52314*
change mailing list

Re: [change] [iSchool #10327] FW: [liberationtech-jobs] Paid summer internship (up to $15k) with new social good tech company

2016-12-19 Thread Yosem Companys
I'd ask Patrick directly...
On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 12:29 PM, Cameron Seib < icare...@uw.edu 

  Hi Melody,

  Thanks for passing this along.

  Do you know if Patrick and Jenny are operating under a specific company
  name? And do you know where this internship would take place? I'll need
  those bits of info to get this posted on iCareers.

  Let me know if you have any questions.

  On Fri Dec 16 18:56:04 2016, melcl...@uw.edu (mailto:melcl...@uw.edu)

From: liberationtech-jobs [mailto: 
    On Behalf Of Yosem Companys
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2016 1:45 PM
To: Liberationtech Jobs < liberationtech-j...@lists.stanford.edu 
Subject: Re: [liberationtech-jobs] Paid summer internship (up to $15k)
with new social good tech company

This email is from Patrick Schmitt, who was the Head of Innovation at

On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 1:33 PM, Yosem Companys < compa...@tmp.ucsb.edu 

  Do you want your (paid) summer internship to help raise $1 trillion
  for the world’s highest-impact nonprofits?

  We are looking for 1-2 engineers to join us this summer to build a
  new philanthropy platform focused on helping people leave
  significant portions of their estates to top charities.

  This is a paid internship, with compensation up to $15,000 for the
  full summer.

  The current team is Jenny Xia -- a founding member of Paribus
  (successfully exited to Capital One), former impact investor at
  Bain Capital, and frisbee fanatic -- and Patrick Schmitt, the
  former Head of Innovation at Change.org, ran email fundraising for
  Obama, and a Scrabble aficionado.

  The ideal new team member will be mission-aligned, with front-end
  and back-end experience (HTML/ Bootstrap, CSS, AngularJS, Python/
  Django). If interested, please send your resume and a brief note
  about why you are interested to Patrick at p...@stanford.edu 
  Deadline for applications is December 21st.

  Come change the world with us!

  - Patrick & Jenny

  change mailing list
  change@change.washington.edu (mailto:change@change.washington.edu)

change mailing list

[change] Security Without Borders

2017-01-21 Thread Yosem Companys
Some hackers and security professionals have gotten together to create
Security Without Borders (SWB), a collective that provides technical
assistance to civil society and activists that are dedicated to the
international, non-violent struggle to protect fundamental human

Here is their manifesto:

Here is their website: https://www.securitywithoutborders.org/

Here is where it was born, at 33C3: "Hacking The World - The Struggle
For Security For All."

They have also started a public mailing list at
change mailing list

Re: [change] [iSchool #10327] FW: [liberationtech-jobs] Paid summer internship (up to $15k) with new social good tech company

2017-01-24 Thread Yosem Companys
I don't know, Akshay. I would ask Patrick directly at p...@stanford.edu 
On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Akshay Chalana < icare...@uw.edu 

  Hello Mr. Companys,

  Do you happen to know if this position ended up being filled? I’m well past
  the deadline, but if hasn’t been yet, I’m very interested. Thanks!


  From: < change-boun...@change.washington.edu 
  on behalf of Yosem Companys < icare...@uw.edu (mailto:icare...@uw.edu)>
  Reply-To: < icare...@uw.edu (mailto:icare...@uw.edu)>
  Date: Monday, December 19, 2016 at 1:29 PM
  To: < melcl...@uw.edu (mailto:melcl...@uw.edu)>
  Cc: < change@change.washington.edu (mailto:change@change.washington.edu)>
  Subject: Re: [change] [iSchool #10327] FW: [liberationtech-jobs] Paid
  summer internship (up to

  5k) with new social good tech company

  I'd ask Patrick directly...

  On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 12:29 PM, Cameron Seib < icare...@uw.edu 

  Hi Melody,

  Thanks for passing this along.

  Do you know if Patrick and Jenny are operating under a specific company
  name? And do you know where this internship would take place? I'll need
  those bits of info to get this posted on iCareers.

  Let me know if you have any questions.


  On Fri Dec 16 18:56:04 2016, melcl...@uw.edu (mailto:melcl...@uw.edu)

From: liberationtech-jobs [mailto: 
On Behalf Of Yosem Companys
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2016 1:45 PM
To: Liberationtech Jobs < liberationtech-j...@lists.stanford.edu 
Subject: Re: [liberationtech-jobs] Paid summer internship (up to $15k)
with new social good tech company

This email is from Patrick Schmitt, who was the Head of Innovation at

On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 1:33 PM, Yosem Companys < compa...@tmp.ucsb.edu 

  Do you want your (paid) summer internship to help raise $1 trillion
  for the world’s highest-impact nonprofits?

  We are looking for 1-2 engineers to join us this summer to build a
  new philanthropy platform focused on helping people leave
  significant portions of their estates to top charities.

  This is a paid internship, with compensation up to $15,000 for the
  full summer.

  The current team is Jenny Xia -- a founding member of Paribus
  (successfully exited to Capital One), former impact investor at
  Bain Capital, and frisbee fanatic -- and Patrick Schmitt, the
  former Head of Innovation at Change.org, ran email fundraising for
  Obama, and a Scrabble aficionado.

  The ideal new team member will be mission-aligned, with front-end
  and back-end experience (HTML/ Bootstrap, CSS, AngularJS, Python/
  Django). If interested, please send your resume and a brief note
  about why you are interested to Patrick at p...@stanford.edu 
  Deadline for applications is December 21st.

  Come change the world with us!

  - Patrick & Jenny

  change mailing list
  change@change.washington.edu (mailto:change@change.washington.edu)

  ___ change mailing list
  change@change.washington.edu (mailto:change@change.washington.edu)
  http://changemm.cs.washington.edu/mailman/lis tinfo/change

  change mailing list
  change@change.washington.edu (mailto:change@change.washington.edu)

change mailing list

[change] Mercy Corps Innovation & Digital Coordinator in Nairobi

2017-01-25 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Christopher Maclay 

We're looking for an Innovation and Digital Coordinator in Nairobi. Please
see posting here: http://reliefweb.int/job/1870559/innovation-and-

Mercy Corps is a leading global relief and development agency saving and
improving lives in the world’s toughest places. We are powered by the
belief that a better world is possible. Across the more than 40 countries
in which we operate, we are working to address root causes of poverty head
on, and helping those caught in crisis not only meet their immediate needs,
but build a brighter future. In taking on these challenges, Mercy Corps
does not act alone nor are we satisfied with business as usual. In our
work, we strive to innovate for greater impact – often through increased
take-up of technology and investment in market-driven models. In our work,
we see technology as an enabler to improve scale, access, efficiency,
engagement, and effectiveness in our global work.
Mercy Corps is looking for committed and dynamic individual to take up the
following position.


Youth Empowered for Success (YES!) is a partnership with the Coca-Cola
Africa Foundation (TCCAF) and Harambee which seeks to enhance employment
for 25,000 young people in six African countries by 2018, and 500,000 by
2022. Mercy Corps is the lead implementer in Kenya, Uganda, Liberia,
Nigeria, and Tunisia. The program has three work streams:
- Core YES! Model: Localizing the YES! model in 6 countries to improve the
employment and entrepreneurship of 18,000 youth;
- Innovation and Digital: Driving innovation in youth employment in Africa
through the identification, incubation and scaling of breakthrough business
solutions for youth employment;
- Thought leadership: Research and learning on youth economic empowerment
in Africa, building an evidence base enabling partnerships to scale to
reach 500,000.

YES!’s Innovation and Digital work stream was approved in December 2016,
which seeks to identify, incubate and scale breakthrough solutions for
youth employment in YES! target countries. Through the Innovation and
Digital Coordinator, the program seeks to support two types of initiatives:
1) Core investments, which support the development and scaling of products
and services in the Human Resource, training or job match sector, whose
businesses are directly geared towards facilitating and enhancing
employment and employability; and
2) Ancillary investments, which develop of new methods sales or business
which have the ability to enhance youth employment and/or create jobs.
The YES! Program will support these initiatives through project-based
financing, technical support, convening, and connection to youth within the


*Strategy Development*
 Lead the development of YES! Digital and Innovation Strategy, including
pipeline development, contracting, technical support and more.
 Revise strategy in line with emerging opportunities, including new
funding and fundraising opportunities.
 Work with Results, Learning and Research Coordinator to establish methods
for measuring and evaluating investment impact.

*Pipeline Development*
 Develop a pipeline of potential partnerships, covering a breadth of
organizations including job matching, training and more.
 Maintain strong connections with the regional start-up scene, maintaining
responsiveness to opportunities.
 Work creatively with target partners to ideate and co-develop concepts
for new products and services.
 Conduct Due Diligence, vet, and prepare documentation on longlisted and
shortlisted partnerships.
 Take a collaborative and supportive approach when working with private
sector partners.

*Contracting and Partner Administration*
 Work with Mercy Corps legal teams to develop suitable contracting
mechanism and contracts for YES! Innovation and Digital partners.
 Function as focal point for contracting and partner management.

*Partner Support*
 Provide technical support to YES! Innovation and Digital partners,
including on market research, product development, and human-centered
 Convene different actors and stakeholders for collaborations, where
 As required, bring in external expertise to support partners.

*Research & Thought Leadership*
 Work with the Results, Learning and Research Coordinator to ensure
effective learning from YES! Innovation and Digital partnerships.
 Participate in, and generate insights, for Thought Leadership events on
innovation and business solutions to youth employment.

 Conduct himself/herself both professionally and personally in such a
manner as to bring credit to Mercy Corps and to not jeopardize its
humanitarian mission.
 Other duties as assigned.

*Organizational Learning:*
As part of Mercy Corps’ agency-wide Organizational Learning Initiative, all
team members are responsible for sp

[change] If Muslims are blocked by the U.S., should we respond?

2017-01-27 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Dave Burstein 

I raise the question of whether we should respond to the proposed U.S. ban
on nationals of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen.

Scott Aaronson reports one of his MIT students will probably have to leave
if he can't get his visa removed. We all know how many Iranians are
world-class technologists, including in computer science and electrical

I hope many from outside the United States speak up. The issues around
Trump make it hard to be objective here.

Should we take a stand?

If so, should it be symbolic or substantive?

Symbolic actions could include:

   - A resolution
   - Establishing remote hubs for our meetings in Iran and one of the
   Arabic speaking countries. ISOC has funded remote hubs.
   - Outreach in Farsi and Arabic to show that whatever actions the
   government takes, the IETF welcomes participation. This could be as simple
   as Jari Arkko writing a letter to the editor of the leading newspapers with
   an invitation for all to join our work.

Some might also think that we should move the July 2018 meeting from San
Francisco to a location accessible to more of our members, perhaps to
Mexico or Canada.

As we discuss this, I urge everyone to avoid distracting comments about
U.S. politics. We're not going to change many minds here pro or con the new
U.S. President.

Instead, let's keep the discussion here to how we should respond to a major
nation refusing visas to so many of our members.

Dave Burstein

Editor, Fast Net News, 5GW News, Net Policy News and DSL Prime
Author with Jennie Bourne  DSL (Wiley) and Web Video: Making It Great,
Getting It Noticed (Peachpit)
change mailing list

[change] Internet Connection officially Severed in Anglophone Cameroon Pleaase help

2017-01-28 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Nyangkwe Agien Aaron 

Dear All

It has been roughly a month that the people of the anglophone regions
(formerly Southern Cameroons) of Cameroon have had internet cut off. The
minister of Post and Telecommunication states that it was for security
reasons. MTN the operator that supplys internet in the zone stated that
they were under contractual obligations to cut internet from the area. The
situation is causing some economic and human rights havoc

One should recall that the entire anglophone region is currently on a
school strike action and ghost towns untill the government ascribes to the
demand of a two states federation, reinstate the anglosaxone system of
education that has been sytematically destroyed and diluted into the french
system (Cameroun is a bilingual country) and its justice sytem.

It was vey common to find a francophone teacher lecturing anglophone
students physics in pidgin or you find francophone Magistrates handing
litigations in anglophone territory in french. When lawyer organized a
peaceful march against this, they were severely beaten wounded and their
robes torn. Students of the University of Buea were tortured and some raped.

Leaders of the Consortium of Anglophone Civil societies organizations that
handled negociations with  government to look into the issues ahve been
arrested and are currently court-marshalled on counts of terrorism etc.
More to that a Supreme Court Attorney General (Paul Ayah Abine) was
arrested including an appeal Court Magistrate wre currently under detention
for voicing their concern over the situation in Anglophone Cameroon

I cannot make a call from my phone either

What can you do to help us in such a horrible situation?

Aaron Agien NYANGKWE
Journalist-Outcome Mapper
P.O.Box 5213
Tel. 237 673 42 71 27
change mailing list

[change] Off Topic: Academics Against Immigration Executive Order

2017-01-29 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Mariya Ivancheva 

Dear colleagues,

This petition might be of interest to those of you who are currently watching
with horror the recent developments in the USA.

Please DO NOT REPLY to my email, but follow the instructions below:


Academics Against Immigration Executive Order
To add your name, please send an email to [NoToImmigrationEO AT gmail
DOT com] notoimmigratio...@gmail.com  from your academic email.

The subject of your email must be one line: name, (award, if applicable) title,
affiliation: e.g. John Doe, Nobel Laureate (Physics 1999), Professor,
Harvard University


change mailing list

[change] Liberationtech List Reminder

2017-01-31 Thread Yosem Companys
We are Stanford Liberatiiontech.

Our home page is here: http://cddrl.fsi.stanford.edu/libtech.

To sign up to our 4K-strong mailing list, click here:

We have also curated a list of Liberationtech content at

If you prefer to read our list as a newspaper, you could always check our
Paper.li account: http://paper.li/Liberationtech#/

Our Liberationtech blog has been dead for a while, but we are working on
reviving it. If you are interested in helping out, please let us know.

We also have a series of listservs on topics related to Liberationtech. The
most important lists are the following:

   - Events:
   - Jobs: https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech-jobs
   - CfP: https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech-cfp

For the aforementioned lists, we try to compile a list of all events, job
opportunities, and call for papers related to Liberationtech from all over
the world.

It's not a comprehensive list, so your assistance would be helpful. If you
hear of a job, event, or cfp that would be of benefit to Liberationtech
subscribers, please let us know.

Finally, we want to take Liberationtech to the next level. What that means,
we don't know. But the world has changed a lot since we started back in
2008: Censorship is on the rise. Internet freedom is on the decline. And we
have become much more of a community of hackers and cybersecurity
professionals who seek to protect vulnerable communities around the world.

So if you have ideas of projects you would like to see us take on, please
let us know. We want the Liberationtech community to drive the process. Any
idea is welcome. Dream big or small. Just let us know how you think we can
best help.

(One of the moderators)
change mailing list

Re: [change] [liberationtech] Liberationtech List Reminder

2017-02-01 Thread Yosem Companys
Thanks, Bram. Noted.

In the spirit of democracy, we are going to compile all the feedback we
get, tabulate it, and send it to the list once it's done. Then, we will
start working on some of the projects and hopefully subscribers will
volunteer whatever they can to make them happen.

On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 7:17 AM, Bram Wets  wrote:

> Hi Yosem and all,
> Thanks for the invitation to share some ideas for Liberationtech.
> Idea 1:
> An idea list where the Liberationtech community can post ideas for
> projects, upvote (and downvote) them, put your name with an idea to
> contribute.
> This would facilitate your call for ideas/projects ;-)
> I actually like the format of software bugtracking. It maybe can be used
> for such an idea list. Or a github-like structure with pullrequests...
> Idea 2:
> An overview of tips, good practices, tools and apps for secure
> communication and digital privacy. And the organisations and platforms that
> work on this topic.
> Yes, there is a lot out there and some organizations already have done
> terrific work. So the focus has to be on the overview, not on doing all
> there work over again.
> Additionally we can add good practices in how to reach people and teach
> them those privacy tools.
> Best regards,
> Bram Wets
> Bram Wets
> co-founder
> www.privacytraining.org
> Unencrypted e-mail can be read by anyone! Talk to me in private using
> encryption. Here's my PGP public key: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/
> lookup?op=get&search=0x919C9EBCA0430B96
> Yosem Companys  schreef op 1 februari 2017
> 06:00:57 CET:
>> We are Stanford Liberatiiontech.
>> Our home page is here: http://cddrl.fsi.stanford.edu/libtech.
>> To sign up to our 4K-strong mailing list, click here: https://mailman.
>> stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech.
>> We have also curated a list of Liberationtech content at
>> https://twitter.com/Liberationtech.
>> If you prefer to read our list as a newspaper, you could always check our
>> Paper.li account: http://paper.li/Liberationtech#/
>> Our Liberationtech blog has been dead for a while, but we are working on
>> reviving it. If you are interested in helping out, please let us know.
>> We also have a series of listservs on topics related to Liberationtech.
>> The most important lists are the following:
>>- Events: https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/
>>- Jobs: https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/
>>- CfP: https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/
>> For the aforementioned lists, we try to compile a list of all events, job
>> opportunities, and call for papers related to Liberationtech from all over
>> the world.
>> It's not a comprehensive list, so your assistance would be helpful. If
>> you hear of a job, event, or cfp that would be of benefit to Liberationtech
>> subscribers, please let us know.
>> Finally, we want to take Liberationtech to the next level. What that
>> means, we don't know. But the world has changed a lot since we started back
>> in 2008: Censorship is on the rise. Internet freedom is on the decline. And
>> we have become much more of a community of hackers and cybersecurity
>> professionals who seek to protect vulnerable communities around the world.
>> So if you have ideas of projects you would like to see us take on, please
>> let us know. We want the Liberationtech community to drive the process. Any
>> idea is welcome. Dream big or small. Just let us know how you think we can
>> best help.
>> Thanks,
>> Yosem
>> (One of the moderators)
change mailing list

[change] Help the people of Syria get the antidote to chemical attacks

2017-04-06 Thread Yosem Companys
This is probably not the best list for this, but does anyone know of
any organizations working to raise money to stockpile Pralidoxime and
Atropine for use as an antidote in Syria? -- YC


“Pralidoxime is the antidote for Sarin,” says Tennari — referring to
the deadly nerve gas considered a weapon of mass destruction that was
used in Syria. The hospital was only able to secure a limited number
of doses of Pralidoxime due to both its high cost and the difficulty
of obtaining it. Instead they bought thousands of milligrams of the
much cheaper Atropine, which can be used to counter moderate cases of
Sarin poisoning.

Those stocks helped save lives on Tuesday. The 22 patients his
hospital received on Tuesday showed clear signs of a nerve
agent—difficulty breathing, weak muscles and constricted pupils. But
more importantly, he says, he gave Pralidoxime to the five most severe
cases and “they responded almost immediately to the antidote.”


change mailing list

[change] Opensource SAT/ACT Prep Project for Students by Students

2017-08-12 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Raul Aguilera 

Dear Yosem,

My name is Raul Aguilera, and I am with a non-profit organization called
Education for Purpose (edufp.org) based out of Omaha, Nebraska. I saw your
name on LinkedIn and thought I would share about our organization.

Education for Purpose through the College Prep Program seeks to develop
best practices for taking the ACT and SAT and share them online, free of
charge, for use by high school students across and beyond the US. This
includes videos explaining how to solve ACT/SAT practice problems. The
target audience for CollegePrep material will be students from lower
socioeconomic backgrounds who can benefit immensely in the college
application process from even small improvements in their ACT/SAT scores.

Here is the link to our YouTube channel:


Here is the link  (https://goo.gl/UNT0H3) to sign up.

Let me know your thoughts! We are actively recruiting contributors to
assist with video content. We would immensely appreciate if you would
forward this to the Stanford distribution list.

I thank you for taking the time to read my message.

All the best,

Raul Aguilera

SAT/ACT Prep Program Leader
E: raul.aguil...@edufp.org | C:402.281.2692 <(402)%20281-2692>
change mailing list

[change] Solarizing water pumps in Puerto Rico

2017-10-08 Thread Yosem Companys
Hi All,

A quick question: A Facebook friend Danay Paravisini (cc'ed) wants to know
whether it is possible to solarize water pumps in Puerto Rico?

Most survivors of hurricane Maria are now drinking and using non-potable
water because there is no electricity to pump potable water.

Could electric pumps be turned into solar pumps?

change mailing list

[change] Mesh networking gig in Guyana

2017-12-21 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Stephen Whitmore 

I work with Digital Democracy[1], a non-profit doing offline
peer-to-peer mapping for environmental monitoring in parts of South

Dd is looking for someone who is interested in traveling to the
savannahs of southern Guyana and set up long-distance wifi connections
for indigenous communities. They're looking for volunteers for a trip in
February/March. You can find the details here:


Dd can potentially pay flights and costs as well.

If you're interested, ping Gregor McLennan .

~ noffle

 [1] https://digital-democracy.org
change mailing list

[change] A potential new Liberationtech tool...

2018-01-26 Thread Yosem Companys
Google Is Testing a New App That Would Let Anyone Publish a Local News Story


JAN 26, 201812:36 AM

Google is testing a new tool for people to report and publish local
news stories, called Bulletin.

A website first spotted online Thursday describes Bulletin as “an app
for contributing hyperlocal stories about your community, for your
community, right from your phone.” It’s designed to make it
“effortless” to tell “the stories that aren’t being told” via your
smartphone. It’s not just for techie early adopters: “If you are
comfortable taking photos or sending messages, you can create a
Bulletin story!”, the site says.

The app is in a “limited pilot” in just two cities: Nashville and Oakland.

Google confirmed the project Friday morning. “This is very much in the
testing phase and aimed at hyperlocal stories and events for people to
share, and for local media to take advantage of,” spokeswoman Maggie
Shiels told me. “People everywhere want to know what is going on in
their own backyard at a very local level, ranging from local bookstore
readings to high school sporting events to information about local
street closures.”

Sami Cone, an author and blogger, reported via Twitter that she had
been invited to Google’s announcement of the new tool in Nashville on
Thursday. (Hat tip: Stefan Constantinescu*.) She published a blog post
and a smartphone video of the launch event on YouTube.

The announcement appears to have flown entirely under the radar of the
national media and tech press—perhaps illustrating a point that Google
hoped to make. Both Oakland and Nashville have burgeoning tech
industries and are Google Fiber cities. But they also have high
poverty rates and lie beyond the klieg lights of the big media hubs.

A Google spokesman at the Nashville launch event, whom Google
identified to me as product manager James Morehead, described Bulletin
in the video as a progressive web app—a website that looks and
functions like an app. “Creating a website, creating a blog is a
pretty high bar for a lot of people,” he said. So a team of designers
at Google asked the following, he said:

What if it was effortless to capture these stories publicly from our
smartphones? What if it was possible to publish them instantly to the
web without having to do any setup? And what if it was accessible to
anyone in our community. So, not just the people we know—there are
excellent tools for connecting content to people we know. But
connecting content to people we know and to people we don’t know but
who share a particular interest. That’s what we’re trying to do with

It sounds like a super-lightweight content management system, aimed at
amateur journalists or anyone else who wants to live-blog a news event
or report a news story in a way that has a chance to reach a broad
audience. Examples from the presentation included “extraordinary
volunteers,” “high school sports,” “weather events,” “civic meetings,”
and “social justice,” among others. An app screenshot on the Google
Bulletin site shows a post with the headline, “Winter storm floods
river, wipes out Nelson Road.”

Morehead said the company will work with local news organizations to
help them find and potentially publish some of those stories, giving
credit to their authors. The author controls the content and can take
it down anytime they want.

It’s hard to say without more information how useful this will prove.
But it’s part of a trend of the big tech platforms beginning to look
at how they can help to repair the news economy that they disrupted.
Facebook this week began testing in Olympia, Washington, a local news
and events page that highlights stories from local media.

There’s been a lot of hype over the years about how tools such as
Twitter and Facebook mean that anyone can be a journalist. But
Google’s tool could make that more of a reality than a myth. It’s true
that social media posts can go viral, but that’s usually when they
have national or global appeal of some sort. Google appears to be
looking for a way to help people publicize worthwhile stories of more
modest, local interest, which has not been one of social media’s
strong suits. There are also, of course, some risks involved in
promoting amateur news reporting. The potential for misinformation is
probably higher when the reporters lack professional credentials or a
news organization to verify and stand behind their work. It’s unclear
what kind of editing, if any, will be a part of the undertaking.

It’s easy to see the need for such a tool, however. For people without
a large following, even a newsworthy tweet or YouTube video can fall
flat. Just look at Sami Cone, who as far as I can tell had the world
exclusive on the launch of Google Bulletin. At the time that I wrote
this, her tweets about it had garnered just one like; her YouTube
video, 11 views.

*Update, Jan. 26, 2018, at 12:10 p.m.: This post was updated to add
confirmation and comment from Google.

*Correction, Jan. 26

[change] ‘Kind’ technology?

2018-02-04 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Harnidh Kaur 

I don’t think most of you know this, but I work in the development space
and we’re always trying to find cool ways to make tech make the world
better. I’ve been trying to read up more about the same. So, here.

Is ‘kind technology’ a thing? Where people are trying to change gears of
existing/incumbent technology to specifically serve vulnerable populations?

Any existing ideas/something you’re working on/things you think SHOULD find
a kind tech iteration. Gimme!

Harnidh Kaur
Lady Shri Ram College for Women '15
St. Xavier's College, Mumbai '17

change mailing list

[change] JOB: Consult for DARPA

2018-02-04 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Alex Wong 

Some consulting firms are looking for highly-qualified folks for a
government client, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (yeah, the
Internet and Robotic Grand Challenge people), to assist in crafting and
evaluating programs to fund cutting-edge innovation, research, and
development. Certain technical expertise areas are highly desirable, but
required skills will be broad-based.

Photonics/Optical Physics


Mathematics 2 
Human-Machine Studies 

Please feel free to reach out - I'd be happy to talk about my experiences

Alex Wong
change mailing list

[change] Nigerian seeks treatment for Typhoid and Malaria Co-Infection...

2018-03-11 Thread Yosem Companys
Anybody on the list have any contacts in international public health who
might be able to help Abraham (cc'ed) get access to medication?

change mailing list

Re: [change] Nigerian seeks treatment for Typhoid and Malaria Co-Infection...

2018-03-11 Thread Yosem Companys
Note: I don't know Abraham well. I only know him from being a prospective
applicant to the Master of Technology Management at the University of
California, Santa Barbara. So please help secure medicine for him, not
money, should he ask.


On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 10:48 AM, Yosem Companys 

> Anybody on the list have any contacts in international public health who
> might be able to help Abraham (cc'ed) get access to medication?
> Thanks,
> Yosem
change mailing list

[change] Help Puerto Rico use tech for social good

2018-04-09 Thread Yosem Companys
Dear friends and colleagues,

   - How should the Puerto Rican government use technology to improve
   quality of life and socioeconomic development, especially in the poorest
   and most vulnerable communities?

I would appreciate your emailing me as soon as possible one-sentence
proposed actions in the format of "Do X with Y to achieve Z." Feel free to
share links to any case studies or articles that may show their successful
implementation elsewhere.

Your proposed actions could apply to any societal sector including and not
limited to:

   - Accountability;
   - Affordable access to Internet, Web, mobile, or mesh, among others;
   - Agriculture;
   - Disaster relief;
   - Economic growth and development;
   - Education and training, whether primary, secondary, higher education,
   vocational, or online;
   - Entrepreneurship;
   - Environment;
   - Food;
   - Health;
   - Housing that's affordable but can resist storms;
   - Jobs;
   - Manufacturing;
   - Open data;
   - Open governance;
   - Pharma/Biotech;
   - Privacy;
   - Public safety;
   - Security, physical or cyber;
   - Transportation; and,
   - Water.

Please share with your closest 1-million friends, post on all your social
media accounts, or email to all your other lists.

I truly appreciate your help.

change mailing list

[change] USAID's Development Informatics Team wants a Senior ICT Advisor

2018-06-08 Thread Yosem Companys
*From:* Rebecca Saxton-Fox 

USAID's Center for Digital Development is hiring! The Development
Informatics team is looking for a Senior ICT4D Advisor. You can find the
job posting here



We would be grateful if you could circulate to networks who would be
interested in this position!



*Rebecca Saxton-Fox*
Policy Advisor, Development Informatics Team

U.S. Global Development Lab

U.S. Agency for International Development
M.1-52A RRB, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20004

P. 202-712-0412 | M. 508-314-8757 | rsaxton...@usaid.gov | USAID.gov |
change mailing list

[change] Stanford Liberationtech Needs Your Help

2018-06-14 Thread Yosem Companys
Hi All,

The Program on Liberation Technologies at Stanford University (LT)
 has been going strong since circa
2006. Since then, LT has helped thousands design, use, and research
technologies that foster the public good.

Recently, the decision was made to spin off LT as an independent entity.
I'm one of the people tasked with doing so. Here are LT's major needs:

   - Recruit people to develop a new website, logo, and graphics.
   - Identify a legal jurisdiction with strong security and privacy laws
   and regulations and a server provider with a stellar reputation at
   protecting user security and privacy to host the site.
   - Determine whether to maintain LT's mailing lists on Mailman
    or to
   transition them to a content management system (e.g., Discourse.org).
   - Assess the best legal structure for LT (e.g., digital cooperative).

Any ideas? Thanks for your help and advice.


P.S. I'm sending this email on behalf LT's co-founders and not Stanford
change mailing list

[change] Let's reunite the kids forcibly torn from their migrant parents

2018-06-20 Thread Yosem Companys
Note that I'm doing this in a personal capacity and NOT representing or
speaking for Stanford in any way.

This is just to kickoff a conversation...

Suzanne has obtained a domain name to host a database to keep track of all
of the kids who have been forcibly removed from their parents. We need to
track down 10K+ children at 100 shelters in 14 states:

As Suzanne suggests, we need to figure out how not to enable stalkers or
deporting authorities while simultaneously helping the children find their
parents, and vice versa. Suzanne suggests something along the lines
of anonymous lost child posting: If tip gets added, connect to legal
services to screen and verify. She also suggests connecting searching
parents with legal services and with people who have tips but not involving
law enforcement.

Christina suggests finding some good coders to scrape names off news
articles. There are a lot of names already there.

Organizations that could help:

   - *Southwest key*. Christina says that Southwest key has a database of
   all of the kids but won't provide the info. Does anyone have a good contact
   - *IRAP*. Lina suggests contacting IRAP: https://refugeerights.org/.
   Anybody have a contact there?
   - *ACLU*. Catherine suggests talking to the ACLU. I know we had several
   ACLU people on Liberationtech but from the tech angle. I don't know whether
   they're still on the list?
   - *RAICES*. Candace suggests we talk to RAICES. Anybody have a contact

I reckon that a massive crowdsourcing effort will be needed. Some crisis
mapping might be useful.

A question for everyone on Liberationtech and related lists: How does this
effort get off the ground quickly?

change mailing list

Re: [change] Let's reunite the kids forcibly torn from their migrant parents

2018-06-20 Thread Yosem Companys
P.S. Suzanne just informed me that the domain is Helpfind.us...

On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 1:10 PM, Yosem Companys  wrote:

> Note that I'm doing this in a personal capacity and NOT representing or
> speaking for Stanford in any way.
> This is just to kickoff a conversation...
> Suzanne has obtained a domain name to host a database to keep track of all
> of the kids who have been forcibly removed from their parents. We need to
> track down 10K+ children at 100 shelters in 14 states: http://www.
> businessinsider.com/children-in-custody-trump-administration-immigration-
> zero-tolerance-policy-2018-5.
> As Suzanne suggests, we need to figure out how not to enable stalkers or
> deporting authorities while simultaneously helping the children find their
> parents, and vice versa. Suzanne suggests something along the lines
> of anonymous lost child posting: If tip gets added, connect to legal
> services to screen and verify. She also suggests connecting searching
> parents with legal services and with people who have tips but not involving
> law enforcement.
> Christina suggests finding some good coders to scrape names off news
> articles. There are a lot of names already there.
> Organizations that could help:
>- *Southwest key*. Christina says that Southwest key has a database of
>all of the kids but won't provide the info. Does anyone have a good contact
>- *IRAP*. Lina suggests contacting IRAP: https://refugeerights.org/.
>Anybody have a contact there?
>- *ACLU*. Catherine suggests talking to the ACLU. I know we had
>several ACLU people on Liberationtech but from the tech angle. I don't know
>whether they're still on the list?
>- *RAICES*. Candace suggests we talk to RAICES. Anybody have a contact
> I reckon that a massive crowdsourcing effort will be needed. Some crisis
> mapping might be useful.
> A question for everyone on Liberationtech and related lists: How does this
> effort get off the ground quickly?
> Thanks,
> Yosem
change mailing list

[change] What's the best way for users to edit erroneous GIS data?

2018-10-24 Thread Yosem Companys
Hi All,

I have a technical question that I was hoping one of you could answer.

I'm working with an organization that has a Drupal website and is doing GIS

The users have usernames and passwords on Drupal. They will use a data
uptake tool to upload GIS data. Should the users make a mistake, however,
we'd like to give them the option of editing or updating their data. We're
trying to figure out how to do that while protecting user privacy.

One possibility is to use some form of authentication. I recommended using
the IETF's OAuth. Because we have a Drupal website, however, one of our
developers recommended using HybridAuth

Or, in case of a mistake, would it be easier for the user to upload the
data again and have the new entry replace the old one?

Any best practices in this area?

change mailing list

[change] Tech & Social Good: Could You Share Syllabi & Readings?

2018-10-31 Thread Yosem Companys
Hi All,

Does anyone know whether there's a collection of all syllabi and readings
on technology and social good (or public good or social change)? If such a
collection doesn't exist, could you help me create one?

The readings can be from any discipline, seminal or not, and academic
or not. I'd like to get cross-cultural readings, so we have representation
of diverse perspectives from around the world.

For the Stanford Program for Liberation Technology, I once made a list of
all the topics on social good that I found on Twitter that intersected with
technology. These included the following:

   - Accountability, Corruption, Openness, and Transparency (e.g., Open
   Data, Freedom of Information - FOI)
   - Activism, Protests, and Movements (e.g., Occupy, Anonymous, Hacktivism)
   - Agriculture, Farming, and Food Security (e.g., eAgri, Fishing,
   Mariculture, Aquaponics, Aquaculture)
   - Censorship, Repression, and Freedom (e.g., Freedom of Expression -
   FoE, Free Speech, NetFreedom, Right to Information - RTI)
   - Construction, Housing, and Real Estate (e.g., Smart Homes, Internet of
   - Democracy, Politics, Elections, and Voting (e.g., Netroots, Tea Party,
   - Development (e.g., Information and Communication Technologies for
   Development - ICT4D, Tech for Development - Tech4Dev, Global Development -
   - Economics (e.g., Participatory Economy, Peer-to-Peer Economy, Commons)
   - Education (e.g., Information and Communication Technologies for
   Education - ICT4E, Open Education, eLearning, MOOCs)
   - Energy and Power (e.g., Microgrids)
   - Entrepreneurship (e.g., Social Entrepreneurship - socent, Social
   - Environment (e.g., Brownfields, Landfills, Superfund Sites, Climate
   Change, and Land, Water, and Air Preservation)
   - Finance (e.g., Microfinance, FinTech, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies)
   - Governance (e.g., eGovernance - eGov, Open Governance - OpenGov,
   Governance 2.0 - gov20)
   - Health (e.g., eHealth, mHealth, Telemedicine)
   - Human rights
   - Manufacturing (e.g., Additive Technologies, 3D Printing,
   Do-It-Yourself - DIY, Robotics)
   - Media (e.g., Journalism, Social Media)
   - Organizing and Organizations (e.g., Nonprofits, Community-Based
   Organizations, Cooperatives, Labor Unions)
   - Physical Spaces and Locations (e.g., Libraries, Coworking Spaces,
   Makerspaces, Hackerspaces, Fab Labs, Tool Sharing Libraries, Smart Cities,
   - Policy and Law (e.g., Policy Innovations, Legal Innovations)
   - Privacy (e.g., Rules, Regulations, Laws, Frameworks)
   - Resilience During Conflicts, Natural Disasters, and Other Crises
   (e.g., Crisis Mapping; Robotics)
   - Security, Physical or Cyber
   - Social Science (e.g., Impact of Technology on Society)
   - Transportation and Supply Chain on Land, Water, and Air (e.g.,
   Hyperloop, Autonomous Vehicles, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Drones, Smart
   - Volunteering (e.g., Crowdsourcing, Participatory Mapping)
   - Water Security (e.g., Watersheds, Water Purification)

The list above isn't meant to be exhaustive, so please feel free to suggest
other forms of grouping topics or let me know if I missed an important
topic or hashtag.

I truly appreciate your help and advice, and I look forward to hearing from
you soon.

change mailing list

[change] JOB: Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR), Public Platforms, Omidyar Network India

2018-11-16 Thread Yosem Companys

Omidyar Network India is seeking a passionate, entrepreneurial individual
who can pioneer a ‘public platforms’ approach in India to solve hard
ecosystem level problems in areas such as education & skills, agriculture,
livelihoods, financial inclusion, etc. This is an urgent need that Omidyar
Network India must fill in the next week or so. If interested, please
contact Varad Pande at varadpa...@gmail.com.
change mailing list

[change] JOB: USAID DIV STIP Officer; Deadline: Dec 13

2018-12-10 Thread Yosem Companys
Jeff Brown recently re-joined Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) at
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) as Division

USAID DIV supports piloting and rigorous testing of innovations in
development and helps transition the most successful innovations to scale.

For example, DIV supported a rigorous evaluation by James Habyarimana and
Billy Jack of Georgetown University which found dramatic reductions in
accident rates from placing stickers in minibuses in Kenya encouraging
passengers to speak up if the driver was driving unsafely. DIV then
supported a national scale up, and the innovation is now improving safety
for millions of Kenyans and being rigorously tested to see if there are
similar effects in other countries.

Jeff and Michael are looking for someone to join  DIV leadership team in
the exciting and senior role of Science, Technology, Innovation, and
Partnership (STIP) Officer. The details are at

The job posting was just made but apparently is scheduled to close in 3
days on December 13!

A few items to note:

   - Unfortunately, the position is only open to US citizens.
   - The U.S. federal government's human resources policy requires filling
   out a questionnaire. Please make sure to answer the questions in a detailed
   fashion as CVs and resumes may not explicitly cover areas such as
   "teamwork." If the applicant isn't familiar with the process of applying
   for government jobs through such forms, you might want to research it or
   reach out to someone who is familiar with the process.
   - Unfortunately, Jeff and Michael aren't in a position to provide
   further info beyond what's on the website until the prospective applicant
   applies and makes it further in the process (e.g., interview panel).

Please feel free to apply and/or circulate the opportunity widely.
change mailing list

[change] Our People-Centered Digital Future | Right now via webcast!

2018-12-10 Thread Yosem Companys
Today is the "Our People-Centered Digital Future" sponsored by Constellation
Research .

By March 2019, 50% of the world will be connected to the Internet, an
inflection point that marks an important moment for examining the
“unfinished work” of the Internet and discussing the community norms, human
rights and social contracts required in this exponential digital era.

The event recognizes both the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights

the event also recognizes the 50th anniversary of the "Mother of All Demos

The event is well underway. Internet co-inventor Vint Cerf and Web inventor
Sir Tim Berners-Lee have already delivered their introductory remarks. If
you missed their talks, don't worry. You can click on the Livestream
timeline below to view them.

There are many more events to come today into the late evening. This is a
simulcast of the YouTube feed at https://youtu.be/S87r9Bn058s> (which does
buffer occasionally), but with added AI captions and speaker names.

Below are the Livestream links:

   - https://livestream.com/internetsociety/ourdigitalfuture/
   - https://livestream.com/internetsociety/DigitalCooperation
   - https://livestream.com/internetsociety/coppaat20
   - https://livestream.com/internetsociety/CITIDFS-ICO
   - https://livestream.com/internetsociety/ConnectedNE
   - https://livestream.com/internetsociety2/js-nyc-nov18
   - https://livestream.com/internetsociety/swissigf18
   - https://livestream.com/internetsociety/iotsecurity2018-4
   - https://livestream.com/internetsociety/ukigf18
   - https://livestream.com/internetsociety/routingsecurity/
   - http://www.mnn.org/live/2-lifestyle-channel
   - https://livestream.com/internetsociety/diversity/
   - https://livestream.com/internetsociety/VisionsIG

For more, please see:

   - Event: https://www.constellationr.com/events/PCDF
   - Agenda: https://www.constellationr.com/events/PCDF/agenda/2018-12-10
   - Livestream: https://livestream.com/internetsociety/
   - SLI.DO: http://sli.do/ourdigitalfuture
   - #OurDigitalFuture: http://bit.ly/ourdigitalfuture
   - #StandUp4HumanRights: http://bit.ly/2PgVDOQ
   - Permalink: https://isoc.live/10734/

*** This email is brought to you via the Program on Liberation Technology
at Stanford University at
https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech and Joly
MacFie at j...@punkcast.com *
change mailing list

[change] Who could provide Internet connectivity for community-based groups in Puerto Rico?

2018-12-27 Thread Yosem Companys
Hey All,

First of all, I hope you're all doing well and having a wonderful holiday
season. I wish you all a Happy New Year.

We are helping a number of community-based groups in Puerto Rico (PR) apply
for U.S. federal funding for post-Maria recovery and reconstruction.

Part of the application for a specific grant opportunity on which I'm
helping requires that the groups have Internet access prior to application.

Do any of you know of any organizations that offer Internet connectivity to
disadvantaged, marginalized, and/or vulnerable populations who might be
interested in helping out?

Please feel free to share my message widely.


P.S. Please note that Puerto Rico is part of the U.S. so all rules and
regulations governing Internet connectivity stateside apply to PR as well.
change mailing list

[change] Course: Artificial Intelligence for International Development

2019-01-11 Thread Yosem Companys
*** Please note that Liberation Technology doesn't benefit financially in
any way from your taking this course. Just sharing because it looks
interesting and because Tech Change has long been a friend of our program
and offers excellent courses for those working in tech for development.

Tech Change 301: Artificial Intelligence for International Development
4 weeks

This four-week online certificate course will cover the basics of
artificial intelligence from natural language processing and object
differentiation, to comparative facial recognition and more. It will draw
from a variety of case studies, particularly in financial services,
education, and healthcare. It will attempt to cut through hype, evaluate
real-world value and build basic skills on the topic.
Course Description

In the coming years, artificial intelligence (AI), the capability of
machines to imitate intelligent human behavior, is poised to transform many
industries from transportation to healthcare to finance. But what about
international development? How will this revolution impact public health,
agricultural extension work, humanitarian disaster response, educational
delivery, and more? Does AI have potential to improve the way aid is
carried out? Or are we a long way from having meaningful support and
engagement from chatbots, robots, smart sensors, and the like?

This new TechChange course will offer an overview of the general artificial
intelligence field, including the more current studies of machine learning
and deep learning, and how these new technologies will impact the field of
international development. The course aims to prepare students to
understand, navigate, and work with the intelligent machines that are
already becoming ubiquitous in society, and learn to critically evaluate
different types of AI-related technologies, such as by looking at built-in
bias, ethical and moral considerations, and privacy and security. By doing
so, students will be able to cut through hype, evaluate real-world value,
and build a basic technical understanding of AI. The course will draw from
a variety of international development case studies, particularly in
healthcare, agriculture, and education, to look specifically at
opportunities within the international development landscape, both now and
in the future.

Course Overview

   - Week 1: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence
   - Week 2: Current State of Artificial Intelligence
   - Week 3: Considerations for Artificial Intelligence
   - Week 4: Future of Artificial Intelligence

Course Objectives

At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to:

   - Have a basic understanding of the how artificial intelligence
   technologies work, including machine learning and deep learning algorithms
   - Critically analyze both the opportunities and the pitfalls that emerge
   when working with artificial intelligence technology to improve
   international development outcomes
   - Connect relevant development theories to the technological strategies
   and tools discussed in the course
   - Design dynamic and effective strategies for using artificial
   intelligence tools and platforms to improve international development
   - Become more confident in evaluating the use of artificial intelligence
   technologies to address international development issues

Course Methodology

   - This course is delivered entirely online over a period of four weeks.
   - This course features several live interactive expert presentations
   each week with leading practitioners, software developers, and academics.
   - Every live event is recorded and archived for you to watch later.
   - This course also features a unique hands-on learning environment with
   animated videos, technology demos, practical activities, networking events,
   office hours, participant presentations, immersive simulations, and more.
   - TechChange recommends budgeting a minimum commitment of 5-7 hours per
   week and scheduling time for the course around your existing obligations.
   - Participants will have access to all course content for at least 4
   months after course completion so the material can be completed and
   revisited later.


   - $395 if application and payment is submitted by February 1st, 2019
   - $445 if application and payment is submitted by March 1st, 2019
   - $495 if application and payment is submitted by course start date

Group discount rates available. For more details, please contact us at
social [at] techchange.org. If you are not happy with your course
experience for any reason, TechChange is happy to discuss refunds.

change mailing list

[change] Would you happen to know of any refugees or migrants who have experienced cybersecurity issues?

2019-02-08 Thread Yosem Companys
Hey All,

Would you happen to know of any refugee or migrant individuals (or groups)
who have experienced cyber-security violations (e.g., stolen identities,
hacked social media accounts)?

A prominent cyber-security company wants to know because it has identified
incidents from the threat side but would like to show the human impact.

It goes without saying that the company will protect the identities of
those who decide to come forward.

change mailing list

[change] Data Fellowes Programme at Centre for Humm Data

2019-02-22 Thread Yosem Companys
The positions are now open to applicants. Read about the 2019 Data Fellows
Programme below and apply today. You can also learn more about the 2018
Class of Fellows.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
(OCHA) has a Centre for Humanitarian Data in The Hague, the Netherlands to
help increase the use and impact of data in the humanitarian sector. The
vision is to create a future where all people involved in a humanitarian
emergency have access to the data they need, when and how they need it, to
make responsible and informed decisions.

The Centre focuses on four areas: data services, data policy, data
literacy, and network engagement. The Centre’s data services work includes
direct management of the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) platform and the
Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL) data standard. The data literacy work
focuses on improving the data skills of technical and non-technical
humanitarians. For data policy, the Centre creates guidelines for the
responsible use of data by OCHA staff and partners. Finally, the Centre
works to further build and engage an active community in support of its
mission and objectives through a number of events and communication

Data Fellows Programme
The Centre will soon host its second class of Fellows in The Hague in June
and July 2019. Through this programme, Fellows will come together to design
and deliver targeted projects that contribute to the overall goals of the
Centre. The 2019 Fellows will focus on four areas where the Centre is
seeking new perspectives, insights and partnerships including: Business
Strategy, Data Science (education data), Predictive Analytics, and
Statistics (disability data). The Fellowship programme is residential, with
Fellows living and working in The Hague under the direction of the
Coordinator for the Data Fellows Programme.

Support for the second class of Fellows is being provided as part of the
OCHA partnership with, inter alia, Education Above All Foundation that
works to improve access to quality education for vulnerable and
marginalized people in the developing world.

Business Strategy: The Centre receives support from a variety of
partnerships through direct funding, partner secondments, and in-kind
contributions. We would like to explore the feasibility of a variety of
sustainable business models for how the Centre operates. In order to adopt
a new model, the Centre would need to understand the potential market for
the solution and clarify the value proposition to partners. The right
candidate for this role has the skills and abilities that together comprise
the appropriate level of expertise to develop new business models and to
think strategically about the challenges the humanitarian sector faces in
using data and whether and how the Centre can address those challenges.

Data Science (education): There are a number of initiatives in the
humanitarian sector focused on improving access to and the quality of
education in conflict environments. The Centre has partnered with the
Education Above All Foundation to improve access to data on education in
emergencies. This data will help to highlight how attacks against education
during times of conflict and insecurity deprive children of their right to
education. The Centre requires a Data Science Fellow to work with the HDX
team and its with partners on data about education in emergencies, both in
terms of the data being utilized and the potential application of
analytical models.

Predictive Analytics: One area of emerging interest in the humanitarian
sector is predictive analytics: asking “what will happen” in a particular
humanitarian context and using machine learning and the application of
statistical modeling to arrive at an answer. The Centre initiated its work
in Predictive Analytics through the 2018 Data Fellows Programme, and has
continued to invest in this area through sustained research into the
development of models related to different aspects of humanitarian
response. The right candidate has the skills and abilities that together
comprise the right levels of expertise to develop and assess predictive
models and think strategically about how to use data to create value and
insight for humanitarian response.

Statistics (disability): Globally, an estimated one billion people have a
disability, of which 800 million live in developing countries. In any
crisis-affected community, persons with disabilities continue to be among
the most marginalized: an estimated 9.7 million are forcibly displaced
because of persecution, conflict, and human rights violations. Data that
accurately describes the demographics of persons with disabilities is
currently very scarce, especially in humanitarian contexts. The right
candidate has the skills and abilities that together comprise the necessary
levels of statistical expertise to develop methodologies and analytical
frameworks to turn data into action and to think strategically abo

[change] International Digital Divide Conference 22-24 May 2019, Washington, DC USA

2019-02-26 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Jeremy Schulz 



22-24 May 2019

Washington, DC USA


Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide (PPDD) is the only academic
professional organization in the world focused solely on the digital divide
and on connecting research to policymaking and practice to strategize
actions and catalyze solutions to this pressing societal concern.  The
academic research, policymaker, and practitioner community represented by
PPDD stands ready to advance the agenda on broadband and the digital
divide, to address the many challenges and opportunities presented by the
digital world, and to further evidence-based policymaking and practice so
that all citizens can participate fully in the digital, networked age.

The interdisciplinary Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide 2019
International Conference brings together researchers, policymakers, and
practitioners for an extended, in-depth dialogue about key issues that
inform information and communication technologies and the digital divide
around the world. The Conference works to identify new areas of necessary,
productive focus, foster greater understanding, advance research, and
enlighten policy and practice going forward. An optional 21 May afternoon
Field Trip to digital inclusion program sites offers the opportunity to
learn firsthand about innovative initiatives to bridge the digital divide
in Washington, DC.

PPDD 2019 is particularly significant as it marks the 25th anniversary of
the recognition of the digital divide through social scientific research.
And, within PPDD 2019, we plan to have the largest worldwide gathering of
disability digital divide experts ever.

As a major outcome of PPDD 2019, in addition to the PPDD 2019 Proceedings
and E-Book, we plan to produce an edited volume of the top papers as well
as special issues of our Publishing Partners’ journals on specific themes
within the digital divide area.

If you would like to present and discuss your work during PPDD 2019 and
have it included in the online PPDD 2019 International Conference
Proceedings and/or if you would like to provide a Position Paper for
inclusion in the PPDD 2019 E-Book, please see the Call for Participation
section below.

If you would like to just attend PPDD 2019 to explore the issues and grow
your knowledge and network of connections, please know that you are very
welcome and valued in the PPDD Conference Community.

Please join PPDD and an unprecedented broad multi-disciplinary coalition of
co-sponsoring organizations from academic, policymaking, and practitioner
communities to share your insights and expertise. Together, we will enrich
the dialogue, connect research, policy and practice, and advance the agenda
on the digital divide.

Please contact conference [at] ppdd [dot] org with any questions.


If you would like to 1) present and discuss your work during PPDD 2019 and
have it included in the online PPDD 2019 International Conference
Proceedings, and/or if you would like to 2) provide a Position Paper for
inclusion in the PPDD 2019 E-Book, we look forward with enthusiasm to your
contribution and ask that you please follow the instructions provided at
http://www.ppdd.org/conferences/ppdd2019/cfp/ to submit your work.  .
Submissions are welcome from researchers, policymakers, and practitioners
at all stages of their careers, from any theoretical and methodological
approach, and across multiple disciplines.

1) Deadline to Submit Your Presentation Title and Short Summary for
Consideration for Presentation: 18 March 2019 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Time

Notification of Acceptance: 25 March 2019

If you have visa or other time-sensitive concerns, please submit your work
as quickly as possible and email conference [at] ppdd [dot] org to request
an expedited review so you can receive notification shortly after

Before we can address the digital divide, we must first understand the
nature of life in the digital age, the many challenges and opportunities it
presents, and the interplay of influence between technological and social
change. Then, in turn, we can fully understand digital inequality; its
place alongside other long-standing, persistent issues of social equity,
social justice, and media justice; and what it means to be disconnected
from the most important technological advancement in communication in a
generation and the myriad possibilities it facilitates. Thus, PPDD 2019
invites work that informs issues related to information and communication
technologies (ICTs) and the digital divide broadly defined, including but
not limited to:

- gaps in access and connectivity

- digital inclusion

- digital exclusion

- digital (dis)engagement

- challenges and opportunities

- soc

[change] Please help me find an edutech CEO...

2019-05-11 Thread Yosem Companys
Hi All,

I'm helping to build a hybrid edutech social venture in Puerto Rico that
will train the local population along with the brightest minds from the
U.S. and the world in Puerto Rico at a beachfront property with hotel
accommodations. We have the backing of some of the world's most
renowned tech investors and companies. This is part of our effort to aid in
the reconstruction of Puerto Rico post-Hurricane Maria.

We're looking for a CEO to build the educational program and develop the
venture. The CEO candidate must have the following:

   - Must be available to live in and willing to move to Silicon Valley;
   - Must be available and willing to travel regularly to Puerto Rico;
   - Must have experience building and managing educational programs;
   - Must have a PhD; and,
   - Must have experience building partnerships and working with people
   from diverse cultures.

It would also be nice but not absolutely necessary for the CEO to have the

   - A PhD in a STEM field, especially in CS or EE, preferably with a focus
   on artificial intelligence and robotics; and,
   - Expertise in finance.

Please send any qualified candidates you may know my way and feel free to
forward this message to your one-million closest friends and networks!

Thanks so much, as always.

Take care,
change mailing list

[change] Tensorflow Roadshow Will Go to Africa (Nairobi, Lagos, & JHB)

2019-09-16 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Jade Abbott 

The Tensorflow team are having a roadshow and are visiting Nairobi, Lagos
and Johannesburg in October

"The TensorFlow team will be presenting a series of highly technical talks
which will inlcude the TensorFlow 2.0 best practices, TF Lite, TF.js,
TensorFlow Extended, Model Optimization and much more. Come meet the
TensorFlow team, hear what's new, and help us continue to build our
developer community!"

Sounds like they're going to be fantastic events.

More details at the following links:

TensorFlow Roadshow Nairobi

TensorFlow Roadshow Lagos

TensorFlow Roadshow Johannesburg

change mailing list

[change] African Industrial Internet Programme now open for admission

2019-09-16 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Shivanand Guness 

The application for the African Industrial Internet Programme(AIIP) is open
for our 2020 cohort. The AIIP is a 12-months data science programme for
engineers and software developers. If you are interested click here
 to apply. For additional information check our
webpage .

Shivanand Guness
change mailing list

[change] Alliance4AI startup overview

2019-09-17 Thread Yosem Companys
Alliance4AI highlights their latest analysis and summary of the African AI
start-up space.


(h/t Ulrich Paquet )
change mailing list

[change] From Hurricane to Earthquake: Puerto Rico Needs Your Help // Help Puerto Rico by Supporting RISE

2020-01-07 Thread Yosem Companys
From: Marla Perez Lugo 

Dear friends:

I hope this email finds you well.  In light of the recent seismic activity
in PR, we write this message in an attempt to activate a community of
interest within the RISE Network to participate in strategic activities of
service to the people of PR.  As you know, the RISE Network is supposed to
work as a mesonet of universities serving as radars of local and regional
vulnerabilities to leave “no blind spots”.  We have an opportunity to act
in a preemptive manner:

1. Identifying relevant expertise that can have an impact at this time of
high uncertainty in the island;

2. Engage universities that have been doing work in PR post Maria to gather
information and knowledge about vulnerabilities found on the ground, either
in terms of physical infrastructure and/or social organization, etc.;

3. Put together a rapid response team that can make itself available to
local colleagues, managers, communities, etc, to collaborate in activities
such as public service announcements, press conferences, consulting, or
other activities that local stakeholders see appropriate.

I feel we have a lot to offer in this time of uncertainty. This is what the
RISE Network is meant to do. We are on our way to Washington DC to
participate in the NCSE Annual Conference.  If you would like to be a part
of this effort, please contact us as soon as possible. We will connect you
with a group of local experts which is already designing educational,
capacity building and public outreach efforts.

Take care and see you soon
Marla and Cecilio

On Sat, Dec 7, 2019 at 6:25 PM Cecilio Ortiz García 

> Good evening colleagues. I hope you all are well. Right now the
> centrifugal forces of our multiple institutional commitments suck us back
> in to finish the semester. The grading, putting  out reports and
> visualizing what the Spring of 2020 brings, overtake our agendas. While we
> do not have a class load (thanks to Penn State) we are working hard to turn
> all the data generated by RISE 2019 into a usable report. As such, we will
> be convening several debrief sessions and analysis activities in the next
> few weeks. I want to take a minute of your time to thank each and everyone
> of you from the bottom of our hearts for the countless hours of
> conversation, debate, arguments, proposals, presentations, meetings, etc.
> all of you have so elegantly afforded us. After all the travels and visits
> made to our friends in this email list, we are thankful that those
> collaborative efforts have now been validated by the kind of successful
> activity we all enjoyed at RISE 2019.  I am forever in debt to President
> Rodriguez and the outstanding Albany team and for Michelle and Valerie at
> NCSE who’s unyielding level of commitment convinced us to take this leap of
> faith along with our family. In fact, by virtue of the tremendous
> investment in RISE 2019, President Rodriguez should have the honor of
> passing the ceremonial “baton” to the next President that steps up to
> continue the journey on the path he has so gallantly helped set RISE on.
> Today I do not want to talk about money. No funding euphemisms, business
> models, fiscal schemes or financial arrangements.
> I want to talk to you, our RISE close circle of friends and colleagues
> that have either suggested hosting a workshop/observatory activity or
> stepped up to support the sustainability of our fellowship. I would like to
> have a conversation about concrete steps that with all of you we need to
> take to successfully accelerate the obvious momentum the conference has
> generated generated.
> I call your attention to several opportunities:
> 1) Our colleagues Dr. Daniel Soto (Sonoma State) and Cheri Chastain
> (Sustainability Officer, UC-Chico) have made a call for the RISE Network to
> design a workshop activity around socio-demographics pressures associated
> to wildfires (Daniel and Cheri please correct me if I am missing the
> correct issue definition) to occur this Spring 2020 in California before
> the next wildfire season. This particular issue is a particularly wicked
> one, connecting fire, water, energy, housing, migration, across
> jurisdictions, social stakeholder groups and communities. We could
> accompany our colleagues to make a call to the UC system and offer the RISE
> Network’s collaboration. Certainly exploring wildfires as socio-ecological
> hazards, have a lot to offer in the co production of new knowledge about
> community resilience.
> 2) Professor Jacob Mans is spearheading an effort to bring the RISE
> Network to collaborate around the serious issue of homelessness in
> Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metro Area. Issues of energy security and justice,
> housing, migration, public health, etc. convergence to make the
> homelessness issue a nation wide threat to the health and wellbeing of our
> communities. Similar the the wildfires, homelessness is a boundary object
> with direct impact on community resilience.