[CTRL] OS: Informer on Bush's OUI Charge Is Lying

2000-11-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

"Informer" on Bush's OUI Charge Is Lying

It also gives us live illustration of how George Bush deals with crisis.

By: Mary Mostert
Analyst for Original Sources (www.originalsources)

November 4, 2000

Rush Limbaugh happened to be on the Fox News Hannity and Colmes
show minutes after the 24 year old "operating under the
influence" story about George Bush broke.  Limbaugh tells us:

"A Fox reporter in Portland, Maine, Erin Fehlau, released the
story. Wednesday, Fehlau says she was at the Cumberland County
Courthouse covering a story, when a cop told her that she
overheard a lawyer and a judge talking about Bush's arrest in
1976.  She just happened to overhear that.

"Fehlau said she made calls for two hours, couldn't get any
information because the case was so old.  No computer files
existed, and the paper documents had been archived.  At about
2:30 yesterday afternoon, she caught up with the lawyer, who
offered to provide her a docket number and other information that
he said was at his law office.

"It just happened to be in his law office, this
quarter-century-old docket number."

The lawyer was Tom Connolly, an attorney in Maine who ran for
governor of the state two years ago.  Connolly was interviewed by
Tony Snow on FoxNews yesterday.  He was a delegate at the
Democratic National Convention in August and claims he didn't
know a thing about the OUI incident until Wednesday.  The
exchange between Connolly and Snow went as follows:

Snow: You said the clerk called you up and gave you information
about this?

Connolly: Oh, no, no!  After I called the clerk the Clerk faxed
me the abstract…

Snow: And how did you learn about it?

Connolly: I learned about it in court yesterday about 1:10 after
I after a call from from an attorney who became aware of it

Snow: Is this an attorney who is based primarily in Maine?

Connolly: Yes, sir.

Snow: So it wasn't a judge then?

Connolly: Ah - In Maine the-the system is complicated and so I
will neither confirm or deny my particular source.  That person
is confidential.

Snow: You are not going to say whether it is a certain probate
judge whose name is being bandied around a lot?

Connolly: I certainly wouldn't say that because that's not my
function. My function is that I got the information from the
Clerk's office.  It's truthful information.  The Secretary of
State confirmed and then I provided it out.

Snow: Where do you think your source got the information?

Connolly: From a person who was in court at the day that "W" went
in and pled guilty.

From that we are supposed to believe that Connolly just happened
to hear from a fellow attorney, sort of out of the blue, that
George W.  Bush had a OUI arrest 24 years ago, and he called up
the clerk in the town of Biddeford, who in a matter of 20 minutes
was able to find the 24 year old records and fax them to him, and
no other Democrats knew a thing about it and the person who is
the actual source is an unnamed person who was in court the day
George W.  Bush went in and pled guilty.

And, of course, all Connolly is really interested in is the truth
and, when asked, stoutly said that the Gore campaign had nothing
to do with his actions.

There's a small problem with this scenario.  George W.  Bush
never went into a court.

When the story broke, George W.  Bush stepped in front of press
cameras and said:

Bush: There's a report out tonight that 24 years ago I was
apprerhended in Kennebunkport, Maine, for a DUI. That's an
accurate story.  I'm not proud of that.  I oftentimes said that
years ago I made some mistakes.  I occasionally drank too much
and I did on that night.

I was pulled over.  I admitted to the policeman that I had been
drinking.  I paid a fine.  And I regret that it happened.  But it
did. I've learned my lesson.

As I mentioned, as many of you know that I quit drinking alcohol
in 1986.  And it was the right decision for me to make then.  I
would be glad to answer a few questions.  Question: Why wait
until now?

Bush: Well, it came out now because a TV station in Maine broke
the story.  But I made the decision that, as a dad, I didn't want
my girls doing the kinds of t hings I did and I told them not to
drink and drive.  It was a decision I made.  I have been very up
front with the people of the state of Texas that, you know, that
I had been drinking in the past, that I had made mistakes.  And
the story broke.

Question: Why now?

I think that's an interesting question, why now, four days before
an election?

A reporter asked:

"Could you tell us some more about the night that you spent some
time in jail?  Did you…"

Bush responded: "No, I didn't spend any night in jail there.  I
did not spend time in jail.

Then a reporter asked:

Question: Governor, was there any legal proceeding of any kind?
Or did you just…

Bush: No, - you know, I said I was wrong and I…

Question: In court?

Bush: No, there was no court.  I went to the police station.  I
said "I'm wrong."

So, Connelly tells us 

[CTRL] bushwatch.com: Former officer accuses Bush of doctoring military records

2000-11-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-




Defense Attorney Terms Governor Bush's Reason Not to Serve on
Jury "Laughable," Because "Everybody Understood [Bush] Just
Didn't Want to Answer Questions About Drinking and Drugs"

While His Lawyer Worked to Get the Governor Out of Jury Duty
Inside the Courthouse, Outside, Bush Was Telling the Media That
He Was "Glad to Serve"

AUSTIN, Tex. -- Travis County's lead prosecutor on the 1996 drunk
driving case in which Gov. George W. Bush was called as a
potential juror now believes he was purposely misled by Bush and
his attorney in an effort to avoid service. Ken Oden, a Democrat
who has been the Travis County Attorney for 16 years, charged
Saturday that Bush's failure to answer some of the questions on
his jury questionnaire, coupled with his lawyer's efforts to get
Bush excused because he might someday be called on to pardon the
offender, were part of an effort to deceive prosecutors and
others. [Bush's lawyer, Al Gonzales, was later appointed by him
to the Texas Supreme Court.] Bush 'used his position as governor'
to avoid having to answer potentially embarrassing questions
about his past, Oden told Salon. 'I feel I was directly

"At the time Bush was bounced from the jury pool, it was widely
believed that he was looking to avoid questions about his
hard-drinking past that would surely have come up during jury
selection. The Houston Chronicle reported at the time that Bush's
dismissal by the court was 'a development that allowed him to
avoid potentially embarrassing questions about whether he had
ever climbed behind the wheel after drinking' During the 1996
jury selection process, Oden says, Lastovica, Gonzales, defense
lawyer Wahlberg and Judge Crain met in Crain's chambers at the
request of Gonzales. In chambers, Gonzales presented his pardon
argument. A few minutes later, Lastovica presented the
information to Oden for approval. Gonzales' pitch was a 'legal
argument relating to his [Bush's] position as governor that none
of us had ever heard,' recalled Oden. 'My response was, 'That's
an unusual argument.' In 20 years of prosecuting in a town full
of government officials, I'd never heard that position before.'
'Our position was that as a matter of courtesy to the governor we
would not oppose his request for release from service. At that
point, not knowing that he hadn't answered the questionnaire, or
having other motives, he was released,' he said

"The aggressive stance Bush took to avoid service stands in stark
contrast to the just-folks story that he was feeding the media.
When he first reported for jury duty at the Travis County
Courthouse on Sept. 30, Bush told Wayne Slater of the Dallas
Morning News, 'I'm glad to serve.' Bush added, 'I think it's
important. It's one of the duties of citizenship.' He also told
KVUE-TV in Austin, 'I'm just an average guy showing up for jury
duty.' And in video footage shown by KVUE in 1996 and again on
Friday night, Bush had some additional comments on his feelings
regarding the case. The KVUE reporter asked Bush if he didn't
'really just want to give the guy a pardon and go home?' Bush,
who has presided over a staggering 145 executions as governor,
answered, 'No, I probably want to hang him and go home.' For the
record, Maine abolished the death penalty in 1887, 89 years
before an inebriated Bush was apprehended while driving near
Kennebunkport." --Robert Bryce, 11/5/00



While some voters appear to view the George W. Bush 1976 drunk
driving conviction in Maine as being too far in the past,
"suspicions that the son of the last president might have lied
about the conviction, or used family connections to expunge it
from the record, would jeopardise the credibility of his pledges,
delivered in campaign rallies all over the country, to 'uphold
the honour and integrity of the office' if he wins on Tuesday."
On Friday the Dallas Morning News reported that in 1996 Bush had
lied to a reporter about his 1976 conviction. This morning the
London Sunday Times has published stories by Tom Rhodes and
Matthew Campbell in which Bush is accused of doctoring his
military file to have it correspond with his '99 autobiography.

"A former officer in the Texas National Guard claimed Bush had
doctored his military record. Bill Burkett, a former
lieutenant-colonel, said Bush aides had been "scrubbing the
files" to bury disparities between his record while serving as a
reserve pilot during the Vietnam war and an account of the period
in his official biography Burkett said Bush aides had visited
the National Guard headquarters at Camp Mabry 'on numerous
occasions' to make sure that records available to the public
about his military service would tally with his autobiography's
version of his time as a reserve pilot during the Vietnam war.
Bush has always said he was 

[CTRL] MSNBC: Top Surgeons May Have Falsified More Data

2000-11-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Top surgeons may have falsified more data

Controversy continues over gynecological procedures

By Linda Carroll and Alfred Lubrano

SPECIAL TO MSNBC Nov. 3 - Prominent Stanford University surgeons
already accused of authoring a fraudulent journal article may
have falsified yet another study.

A STANFORD PATIENT who underwent ovarian cancer surgery
by Dr. Camran Nezhat in 1994 said she was "shocked" to learn
recently that a medical journal article written by Nezhat, deputy
chief of gynecology at Stanford Medical Center, and his two
brothers, Ceana and Farr, had, in her opinion, misreported her
case. The Nezhats reported that her surgery was successful and it
was not, said the patient, Harriet Korakas, an ob-gyn from Santa
Cruz, Calif.

   The paper itself is particularly important because it
supports the use of laparoscopy - a technique in which tiny
cameras and instruments are placed through small incisions in a
woman's abdomen - in the treatment of ovarian cancer. This is a
hotly debated topic among cancer specialists, many of whom argue
that a large incision must be made so that doctors can find all
cancerous tissue.

   In an article in a 1996 issue of Surgical Laparoscopy 
Endoscopy, the authors wrote that Camran Nezhat had "completely
staged" Korakas' cancer. This would mean that Nezhat had removed
lymph nodes from several sites in the body, in particular the
side of the pelvis near the tumor.

   Korakas, who had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer before
the Nezhat surgery, said in an interview that Camran Nezhat
removed few nodes and none from the area adjacent to the tumor.
It is standard for cancer specialists staging ovarian cancer to
remove 15 to 20 lymph nodes to determine whether the cancer has
spread beyond the ovaries, experts told MSNBC.

Timeline of events

 . June 15: Court documents show that Camran and Farr Nezhat may
have lied in a journal article describing a controversial new
surgery for endometriosis touted for worldwide use. Full story.

 . June 28: An examination of long-supressed Georgia medical
board records shows that the Nezhats failed to acknowledge
complications and inaccurately report data in the
endometriosis-surgery journal article. Full story.

 . Aug. 28: Farr Nezhat acknowledges presenting incorrect data in
the endometriosis-surgery journal article. Full story.

 . Nov. 3: The Nezhats are accused of falsifying yet another
journal article, this one on ovarian cancer. Full story.

Most important are the nodes near the tumor. "You've got to get
some nodes from the pelvis on the side where the tumor was," said
Dr. Stephen C. Rubin, professor and chief of the division of
gynecologic oncology at the University of Pennsylvania. "Getting
nodes from the other side of the pelvis doesn't compensate."

   Reached for comment, Nezhat attorney David Walbert said
that Korakas received quality care and that the journal article
was accurate.

   "I am familiar with the circumstances of the complaint and
know that it is entirely without merit," Walbert said. "The
patient got proper treatment. This information has been reviewed
by real experts and they were not troubled by the quality of care
or anything written about it."

   Walbert declined to name the experts or to provide details
of their findings.

   One of Korakas' current physicians, Dr. Nick Spirtos,
former deputy chief of gynecology at the Stanford Medical Center
and a gynecologic cancer specialist, confirmed Korakas'
accusations, saying he subsequently operated on Korakas and
discovered that Nezhat had missed numerous lymph nodes, including
six near the site of the tumor.

   Dr. Morris Wortman reviewed Korakas' pathology reports
from both the Nezhat surgery and the later Spirtos surgery at the
behest of MSNBC.

   "When you put both pathology reports together I would say
there is very little room for second-guessing," said Wortman, a
clinical associate professor of gynecology and obstetrics at the
University of Rochester and director of the Center for Menstrual
Disorders and Reproductive Choice, both in Rochester, N.Y. "She
was inadequately staged in the first surgery and it's unfortunate
because a real disservice was done to her."

   Beyond that, Wortman said, the inaccurate reporting of
Korakas' surgery paints a misleading picture of laparoscopic

   "To sell laparoscopic surgery as potentially useful in
cancer-staging procedures and then to not accomplish the staging
also does a disservice to the medical community," he said.

Wortman went on to criticize what he termed a
"fraudulent" journal article. "This is further misrepresentation
of scientific findings by the Nezhats," Wortman said. "It speaks
to a pattern of behavior by the Nezhats that very much needs to
be investigated."

   Spirtos had notified Stanford colleagues of his findings
in 1994 in an internal memo obtained by MSNBC. He accused the
Nezhats of providing 

Re: [CTRL] Jailed American doubts she'll get fair trial -Berenson/Peru

2000-11-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/05/2000 12:36:09 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 But she does not have high hopes. "I cannot imagine that I can get a fair
 trial here," she told the Post in the interview published Saturday. "I am
 innocent of all the charges against me, earlier and current."

 She wore thick eyeglasses because her vision has eroded after years in tiny,
 dark cells. She wrung her hands constantly, perhaps trying to hide the
 swollen red blotches she acquired through exposure during two years in
 Yanamayo, a freezing Andean prison with thin air and no heating. 

I guess she has the same opinion of Peru that I have.  Anyplace with Fujimori
as its leader has to be a garbage dump.  The man is a creep.  Ruining the
heath of Berenson is the kind of thing he likes to do.  If he could just get
some revolutionary group to take over the prison, he could probably eliminate
Berenson the way he usually gets rid of people who are a problem to him.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Barak makes impassioned plea to Arafat to end violence

2000-11-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/05/2000 12:50:53 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) -- Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak made an
 impassioned plea to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat on Saturday to return
 to the negotiating table and stop the Palestinian-Israeli bloodshed for the
 sake of peace.

 "I call on Yasser Arafat: Don't let the radicals lead you along the path of
 pain and suffering for both peoples. You are able to stop the deterioration
 and bloodshed," Barak said to the applause of more than 50,000 Israelis at a
 peace rally commemorating the fifth anniversary of the assassination of
 Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin 

How sweet.  I can hear the message now.  "Please stop fighting us back.  We
need a respite to reload.  And besides, we want to sound peace loving."

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Biological and Social Decline of Modern Society

2000-11-05 Thread Light Network

-Caveat Lector-

For your information and consideration:




We are ruled by Cosmic, Planetary and man made laws.

Very few people are aware of the Cosmic and Planetary laws.

Within modern society there is a general confusion about bodily needs, how
and what we should eat to stay happy and healthy. Modern nutritional science
tries to explain human needs through the process of analyzing without
considering the Planetary laws to which we are all submitted. Medical schools
train professionals to treat diseases instead of studying their causes.
Governmental health departments, the World Health Organization and other
official health departments generally get their information and are
influenced by the multinational food processing industries. The information
that comes to us is in the end all ruled by economic interests.

Family members who seek information about what to eat, to stay healthy and
protect their children get their information from special trained
nutritionists who have no knowledge of existing Planetary laws. At the same
time, due to the ever increasing rate of degenerative diseases, many people
turn their attention to alternative medicine and health related information,
and advise without knowledge or understanding of Planetary laws. People keep
going around in vicious circles receiving opposing information.

Something seems to be wrong within modern society. If we take into
consideration the number of people with all kind of diseases in the USA

The following figures gave back in 1985 a statistical profile of the
biological and social decline of modern society, as represented by the United
States. They are derived from reports of the American Heart Association, the
American Cancer Society, and other national medical and public health
organizations. The US population is about 225 million.
The example outlined below represents many of the industrialized countries in
the world.

The following figures are from the USA population which is about 225 million.

* Cardiovascular Disease;

Heart attacks, stroke, and other circulatory disorders are the primary cause
of death, taking 1 in every 2 lives. Each year about 1.5 million Americans
have a heart attack, and 550.000 of them will die. Surgically, 1.6 million
circulatory operations and procedures are performed each year in the USA.,
including 159.000 bypass grafts, 177.000 pacemakers, and 414,000 cardiac
catherizations. Thirty seven million people have high blood pressure.

* Cancer;

The second leading cause of death in modern society, cancer claims 444,000
Americans each year. At the turn of the century, the cancer rate was about 1
in 25 persons. By 1950 it had risen to about 1 in 8, and today it will affect
about 1 in every 3 Americans. Breast cancer will develop in 1 of every 11
women. About 1.5 million biopsies are performed each year.

* Osteoporosis;

About 25 percent of all women over 60 will break a bone, due primarily to the
degenerative thinning of the bones, which make them more susceptible to
fracture. Older men are also affected.

* Arthritis;

Fifty million Americans (about 1 in 4 are affected by arthritis. This
includes 7.3 million crippling cases, mostly rheumatoid arthritis.
Osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease, affects 97 percent of all
people over 60. About 250,000 children also suffer from some form of this

* Mental illness;

At any given time, 29 million Americans-nearly 1 in 5 adults-suffer
psychiatric disorders ranging from mildly disabling anxiety to severe
schizophrenia. About 5 million of these people seek medical treatment every 6

* Alzheimer disease;

This degenerative disease of the brain cells affects as estimated 1 million
persons, usually between the ages of 40 and 70. There is no current medical

* Diabetes;

Eleven million Americans currently have diabetes, about 1 in 20.

* Birth defects;

About thirteen million Americans have birth defects.

* Epilepsy;

About two million Americans have epilepsy, about 1 in 100.

* Parkinson's disease;

About 1.5 million Americans have disorder, about 1 in 150.

* Multiple Sclerosis;

About half a million Americans have this disorder, about 1 in 450.

* Reproductive disorders;

One out of every 5 American couples is infertile. Forty percent of women have
fibroid tumors. Annually there are about 4.2 million operations on female
genital organs, including about 700,000 hysterectomies, so that at least half
of the women over 60 have had their wombs or ovaries removed.

* Surgery;

In 1981, 25.6 million medical operations were performed, a 62 percent
increase over the previous decade.


1) Loss of Principal Food:

Whole cereal grains, the traditional Staff of 

[CTRL] Fwd: [news] History on the Ballot

2000-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan

consortiumnews.com - http://www.consortiumnews.com

The Nov. 7 election could decide whether Americans will gain more access
to secrets about the Cold War or whether the recent flow of documents
about human rights crimes will be choked off.

If elected, Texas Gov. George W. Bush would be in position to restrict
release of classified documents that could implicate his father in a
variety of Cold War scandals. One of those scandals involves an active
investigation into a 1976 double homicide in Washington while the elder
George Bush was CIA director.

Already, the CIA has succeeded in delaying release of a batch of documents
that could have shed light on that case. Because of foot-dragging at what
is now called the George Bush Center for Intelligence, those documents are
not scheduled for release until Nov. 13, a week after the election.

For what's at stake on Nov. 7 for a truthful accounting of American
history, go to Consortiumnews.com at http://www.consortiumnews.com

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Re: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest

2000-11-05 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Bob Stokes" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Clinton is not responsible for the economy, Greenspan is the one person
 most responsible for the economy.  This "booming economy" is booming for
 those wealthy enough to be in the top 10% or so on the economic scale, those
 of us less fortunate are actually loosing buying power.  The reason the GNP
 is growing is because the rich are getting richer, not because poorer folks
 are making a better living as the clinton bunch would like you to think,
 finding facts about that is very easy ...

Specifically the fact that since 1993, a large population of skilled workers have been 
'downsized', and are
now forced to work temporary and/or part-time jobs -- and usually more than one job 
just to make ends meet --
that provide little or no benefits like medical insurance or paid sick leave.  But 
because they are employed,
the administration uses this to claim we have a booming economy with low unemployment.

What they aren't reporting is the huge increase in under-employment.  It is a smoke 
and mirrors trick.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Unpublished music of Bavarian Illuminati - MIDI files

2000-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:650962"Unpublished music
of Bavarian Illuminati - MIDI files/A
Subject: Unpublished music of Bavarian Illuminati - MIDI files
Date: Sat, Nov 4, 2000 6:50 AM
Message-id: 8u17o1$d95$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unpublished MIDI files at www.italianopera.it

Verter is an opera, yet unknown and not catalogued, written by the
enlighted Mason (Massone illuminato) Johann Simon Mayr, code name
Aristotile, in the year 1794.
It deals with the first Werther discovered in 1994 by musicologists Luca
Bianchini and Anna Trombetta, and the first opera of Gaetano Donizetti's
teacher, Mayr, who, according to the two scholars, derived his theme
from Die Zauberflöte, the opera of another Mason (Massone illuminato),
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

The libretto is based upon the first italian translation of The Sorrows
of the Young Werther written by Mason (Massone illuminato) Johann
Wolfgang Goethe, code name Abaris, printed in 1782 by the publisher of
the Enlightened Mason, "Areopagita" and "Superiore del Distretto del
Nord Italia" Thomas Maria Freiherr De Bassus, code name Hannibal.

Mayr's Verter is the first masonic interpretation of Mozart's Die
Zauberflote, in fact, it is a political manifesto of the Masons of

In addition, Verter is a new key to reading the novel Werther of Goethe
and the Magic Flute of Mozart, as discussed by Bianchini and Trombetta
in their book entitled Goethe, Mozart e Mayr, fratelli Massoni
Illuminati (Goethe, Mozart and Mayr, Brothers of the Enlightened
Masonic Order) published by Archè of Milan and Paris.


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Before you buy.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Week Ending: 6 Cheshvan 5761/4 November 2000

2000-11-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tzemach News Service - http://www.tzemach.org/fyi

A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of

Week Ending: 6 Cheshvan 5761/4 November 2000

Please feel free to forward to a friend or colleague
If you like this newsletter, click below to Recommend-It(r) to a friend

"For the day of the L-rd draws near on all the nations. As you have done,
it will be done to you. Your dealings will return on your own head."
(Obadiah 1.15)



THE TERROR CONTINUES ...: In addition to the daily bombings, shootings,
riots and rock throwings, there were a number of out-right terrorist
attacks this week.

Two people were killed and ten injured in a car bombing attack near the
Mahane Yehuda Market in Jerusalem on Thursday. The two who were killed
were: Chanan Levy, 33, and Ayelet-HaShachar Levy, 28. They were not
related; however, Ayelet-HaShachar Levy was the daughter of National
Religious Party head Rabbi Yitzchak Levy. The Islamic Jihad movement took
responsibility for the attack.

Maryk Gavrielov, whose body was found near Ramallah, was brutally murdered
in the same type of mob-lynching as were the two soldiers three weeks ago.
HAKOL MEHASHETACH NEWS AGENCY reported that three Tanzim [Fatah] agents
forcibly removed Gavrielov from the Ramallah restaurant in which he was
dining. They took him to an area outside the Ramallah Post Office, where a
Palestinian mob tortured him and shot him with dozens of bullets. The
lights in the area were turned off and photographers were banished.
Gavrielov's corpse was mutilated, then burnt. At a press conference, the
Deputy Commander of the Judea-Samaria Police District said that the victim
was tortured before he was killed, and that all signs point to a
particularly brutal lynching carried out for nationalist reasons.

Yet another mutilated body - tied up and with multiple stabbing wounds -
was found Monday in the Beit Jala-Gilo area, and was transferred to Israel
by the Palestinian Authority. The body had Arabic slogans carved into the
victims back. He was later identified as Amos Machluf, 30, who was last
seen on Friday night when he left his home in the southern Jerusalem
neighborhood of Gilo to take out the garbage.

One Israeli was murdered, and another is in very serious condition, after
they were shot in the head Monday by a Palestinian terrorist. Esh-Kodesh
Gilmor, 25, of Mevo Modiin, died of his wounds, while Itai Suissa, 22, of
Jerusalem, is in very serious condition. The terrorist attack occurred as
the two, wearing bulletproof vests, were serving as guards at a National
Insurance Institute building in east Jerusalem.

SECURITY TIGHTENED AROUND SHAS LEADER: Both the police and the General
Security Service have intensified security around Shas spiritual leader
Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef. Police even canceled some of the rabbi's slated
appearances due to the death threats issued Friday by Hamas terrorist
leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. The reason for the death threats: the Shas
decision to provide the Barak government with a parliamentary safety net
for the next few weeks.



Deadline is January 1, 2001

We at Tzemach News Service believe that these are the "last days"
predicted millennia ago by the Hebrew prophets. Therefore, a conference is
being convened by the Tzemach Institute and Fellowship Church to explore
ways of promoting cooperation in the redemption process between leaders of
the faith community of Israel and Christian Zionists in America. Those
Israeli and Christian leaders participating in this conference are
prepared to discuss, in frank terms, real areas of cooperation that have
been tested and proven fruitful over the past several years. We invite you
to come and join us with others in this endeavor. We are sure that you
will return home truly blessed and with a fresh vision for godly
righteousness burning within you.

Conference presentations include:

* The redemptive process as seen from an Israeli perspective and a
Christian perspective.
* The importance of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in the redemption
* International response to the redemption process.
* Spiritual warfare in the midst of the nations.

Conference participants include Gershon Salomon, leader of the Temple
Mount and Land of 

[CTRL] A New Theory on the Iatrogenic Origin of AIDs

2000-11-05 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Lloyd Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: A New Theory on the Iatrogenic Origin of AIDs
Date: Friday, November 03, 2000 7:50 PM


A New Theory on the Iatrogenic Origin of AIDs

by Leonard G Horowitz, DMD; Walter Kyle, JD; and Alan R Cantwell, Jr., MD

We propose a new theory regarding the origin of human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV-1). The simian immunodeficiency virus from the chimpanzee (SIVcpz) is
generally considered the closest nonhuman primate virus related to HIV-1. We
believe this virus, or a closely related simian virus, most likely
contaminated the experimental hepatitis B vaccines that were administered to
gay men in New York City and to blacks in Central Africa during the 1970s.
The introduction of a monkey virus into the human species via contaminated
vaccine programs could have given rise to a new and unprecedented human
immunodeficiency disease, now commonly known as AIDS.

Robert Gallo, the foremost authority on AIDS, has theorized that HIV-1
evolved from a virus in African green monkeys that “jumped species” to
infect the black African population. Based on our extensive review of the
scientific literature, we conclude that HIV-1 most likely evolved and jumped
species due to iatrogenic (i.e. man-made) causes.

In the late 1970s the simultaneous emergence of the earliest cases of AIDS
in Central Africa and in New York City closely followed a period of major
scientific advances in molecular recombinant biology and retrovirology. By
the early 1970s, researchers had already isolated RNA-dependent DNA
polymerase. Synthetic RNA and cat leukemia retrovirus templates were added
to human type-C viruses associated with lymphatic cancer. Experimental
infection with these genetically engineered hybrid viruses were reported to
cause leukemia, lymphoma and sarcoma.

By the mid 1970s the role of T-lymphocytes in immunosuppression was
clarified. Specific enzymes and other biochemical processes needed to induce
immune system collapse were also identified. In 1971, Fujioka and Gallo
designed experiments in which tumor specific cell tRNA was added directly to
“normal” human white blood cells. To achieve this, simian monkey virus 40
(SV-40) and mouse parotid tumor (polyoma) virus were routinely employed to
deliver foreign cancer-causing tRNA into these “normal” human white blood
cells. In other experiments the DNA in SV-40 was commonly replaced with RNA
from various animals, including RNA associated with cat leukemia and chicken
sarcoma. Gallo and other researchers commonly modified monkey viruses
enabling these viruses to induce AIDS-like immunosuppression, cancer, and
wasting and death in primates and lower animals.

It is widely believed that HIV-2 (which purportedly preceded the evolution
of HIV-1) and HIV-1 both share a common viral ancestor, the so-called simian
immunodeficiency virus from the African green monkey (SIVagm). In addition,
SIVmac, a macaque monkey virus laboratory contaminant, has also been found
to be identical to HIV-2. Because HIV-2 has never been found in macaques in
the wild, humans who

are now infected with HIV-2 were most likely infected via contaminated

Narayan et al. have produced an experimental AIDS-like illness in monkeys by
using a hybrid of HIV-1 which contains a core of the monkey virus and an
outer coat of the human AIDS virus. Primate cancer virus researchers used a
similar process (albeit in reverse) to develop AIDS-like viruses that could
infect human cells. Recent research suggests that some HIV-positive
individuals may maintain the envelope of the AIDS virus in their cells as a
“normal” gene. A gene like this could have recombined with one or more
vaccine-induced simian virus particles to produce an iatrogenic monkey/human
hybrid virus like HIV-2. Or it could have evolved further into HIV-1.

The experimental hepatitis B vaccines and polio vaccines have been
implicated by some investigators as possible sources of HIV virus
contamination and intercontinental transmission. Although one report
exonerated the experimental hepatitis B vaccine used in gay men in 1980 in
Denver and San Francisco, no analysis was performed on possibly contaminated
hepatitis B vaccines that were administered in New York City and in Africa,
as early as 1972.

Between 1972 and 1974, hepatitis B vaccine producers, under contract with
the U.S. Army and the National Cancer Institute (where Gallo worked), used
chimpanzees to grow hepatitis B virus that could not be grown in human or
monkey cell cultures. This MS-2 strain of the hepatitis B virus was
subsequently used to develop four subtypes of experimental hepatitis B
vaccine that were used in different parts of the world. Some 

[CTRL] Cheney Says Clinton-Gore Era Is Almost Over

2000-11-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Cheney Says Clinton-Gore Era Is Almost Over

By David Lawsky

EAU CLAIRE, Wis. (Reuters) - Declaring the Clinton-Gore era ''almost
over,'' Republican running mate Dick Cheney on Saturday accused
Democratic rival Al Gore's campaign of resorting to desperate tactics
to win Tuesday's election.

``Now in the closing days of the campaign, we've got all kinds of
stuff flying back and forth. We're seeing the operation get desperate
now,'' Cheney told an enthusiastic crowd of about 600 at a rally in
an aircraft hangar.

Without referring to revelations about Republican rival George W.
Bush's drunken driving arrest record which surfaced on Thursday and
shook the campaign, Cheney appealed to voters to ignore the
``negative stuff'' emerging in the final days before the election.

``What we have to do these last few days is ignore a lot of the
negative stuff coming from the other side, because that's the only
way they know to campaign sometimes, and stay focused on what this
campaign's all about,'' Cheney said.

Gore's campaign has denied it was responsible for revealing Bush's
drunken driving arrest and the vice president steered clear of
commenting on the controversy on Saturday.

Cheney said the era of President Clinton and Gore would end on
Tuesday and hit on a series of familiar themes, telling the rally
they could look forward to tax cuts under a Bush administration,
including an end to the inheritance tax.

``We've watched now for eight long years with respect to things like
Medicare and Social Security, tax policy, education, and for eight
long years there's been no progress on those items as a result of the
Clinton-Gore administration,'' he said.

Cheney, a former defense secretary in the administration of former
President George Bush -- the presidential candidate's father --
raised the issue again of military readiness, criticizing Gore for
refusing to debate the issue.

``He's decided not to tell the truth'' about the situation, Cheney
said of Gore's comments on the military.

While Bush's campaign has insisted the military is unprepared,
Democrats charge that such statements undermine morale in the armed

In a debate between Bush and Gore Oct. 17, the vice president pledged
to keep the military ``the strongest in the entire history of the
world,'' acknowledging ``we need to continue improving readiness.''
Both candidates have said they will work to increase military

On Friday, Cheney defended Texas Gov. George W. Bush for his
``forthright'' handling of a drunken driving conviction in 1976,
which also raised questions about the running mate's own convictions
for drunken driving.

News of Cheney's arrest record first emerged 11 years ago when Cheney
was undergoing confirmation as defense secretary. Cheney and his
campaign continued to decline comment on the incidents Saturday.

Press secretary Juleanna Glover Weiss told reporters she did not know
whether anyone was injured because of Cheney's drunken driving. And
she said she still did not know in which state the convictions

Cheney himself met with no traveling or local reporters to answer
questions on the topic. ``We're getting enough coverage because (the
campaign) is the top of the news now,'' said Weiss, explaining why he
was no longer giving local interviews.

She said, however, that Cheney appeared on Saturday on a national
radio show about economics, to answer questions about Republican
economic policy.

After the appearance in Eau Claire, Cheney was flying across state to
Wisconsin and on to Las Cruces, New Mexico before ending the day in
San Diego in California.

Cheney began the day in Dearborn, Michigan, at a rally with Bush,
where he told a crowd that Bush would ``restore honor and integrity
to your White House'' and accused Democrats of ''last-minute

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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[CTRL] Conspiracy Journal

2000-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:650757"Conspiracy Journal
Subject: Conspiracy Journal
From: Commander X A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Date: Fri, Nov 3, 2000 11:01 AM

* Conspiracy Journal *

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Also: A HREF="http://www.webufo.net"http://www.webufo.net/A
To subscribe: email to the following address:
You will receive a verification email, please follow its directions.

Who can it be knocking at my door? Make no sound, tip-toe across the
floor! If he hears, he'll
knock all day! I'll be trapped, and here I'll have to stay! (With
apologies to Men-At-Work)

Who can it be now? We don't know, but we bet there here to read your
latest copy of the worlds
most interesting conspiracy-oriented email newsletter: The Conspiracy

This week we finish up C.A. Honey's guest article "Miscellaneous
Commentary" - For those
interested in the mysterious chemtrails, we have a report of Barium
being detected in association
with the chemtrails.  And Uri Geller is taking on Pokemon for defamation
of character! All these
stories and more in this weeks exciting issue of Conspiracy Journal.

And Now, On With The Show!
Chupacabra Skull Subjected Scientific Scrutiny  From Scott Corrales

** The animal was hunted by a peasant who preserved its  skull as a
trophy. The skull
subsequently fell into the hands of researchers **

(Terra) - Scientists of the Universidad Austral de Chile are dumbfounded
by an enigmatic animal
skull, since they are at a loss to ascertain to what animal or species
it belongs. The animal was
apparently last January in the Arique Sector of Antihue (Tenth Region)
by a farmer who had
reported the strange deaths of a large number of birds, particularly
geese. Last May, the same
farmer reported that he had killed a strange creature.

The hunter preserved the only the head as a trophy and cast the rest of
the body into a river. He
later reported that since that day, he hears the sound of distant
howling in the evening. It is his
belief that [the source of the howling] is the lonely female that
accompanied the animal and
continues prowling the region in search of her mate.

The skull was ultimately delivered to Universidad Austral. However,
after four months of intense
research, in which DNA samples were connected, it now turns out that the
skull has left scientists
dumbfounded, as they have been unable to determine the exact nature of
the beast in question.

The discovery of this species has been qualified as "very interesting"
by the scientific community
itself, because "we are dealing with a medium-sized animal which would
have gone unnoticed by
science for approximately one century."

Translation (c) 2000. Scott Corrales/Institute of Hispanic Ufology.
Special Thanks to Gloria R.

Giant UFO Abducts two People in Northern Chile - From Scott Corrales

On Thursday, October 19, 2000, at 7 p.m., teacher Joan Rojas Moffett was
chatting with some
colleagues in a second-floor classroom at the Escola San Francisco
(school) in Chiu-Chiu, village
in northern Chile about 40 kilometers (25 miles) from Calama, when he
saw a bright light in the
dark sky.

"It appeared in the northeast, split in two and then lost itself in the
south," Rojas said, "I thought,
What the hell!? but didn't comment on it to anyone until later in the
evening when everyone saw
the object and heard the noise."  That was the beginning.

Three hours later, at 10 p.m., 35 adults, members of the local branch of
the General Center of
Parents and Attorneys were holding a meeting at the school. Twenty
children were playing in the
schoolyard, waiting for the meeting to end. They heard a weird sound,
and then the UFO

Students Rene Calpa Carranza and Walter Anza Vilca stated that the
object, which was
predominantly white in color with blue,  red and yellow flashing lights,
hovered above the
schoolyard. A number of the children also recalled 'a burning odor.

As the UFO hovered overhead, a panel slid open on the underside of the
craft, and a dazzling light
beam stabbed downward, bathing two people in its unearthly glow.

Struck by the beam were Sra. Fresia Vega, the school custodian, and
student Valentina Rojas
Espinoza, age 8. The pair instantly vanished.

According to Monica Espinoza Fernandez, "The children were outdoors and
were the witnesses,
although not in the same way as Fresia and Valentina, and they (the
other children) called for the
meeting to end and the parents to come outside and see for themselves
what was taking place.
However, at this precise moment, we 

Re: [CTRL] Could Israel Have Bombed The USS Cole???

2000-11-05 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Find me a couple of "arabs" who would believe anything the mossad says,
 and I'll give this matter more consideration.

 Consider that the Mossad has agents who can pass for Arab and can lie with
 a straight face.

One would think any secret agent worth their salt would be able to portray themselves 
as something they are
not, and that is true no matter what the agency they work for.  The whole idea is to 
be able to successfully
infiltrate an enemy group...


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2000-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.skolnicksreport.com/rockpres.html"Sherman
Skolnick's Report/A

by Sherman H. Skolnick 10/31/00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There has been a long-time scheme to put in a Rockefeller as "President", or

1. Laying the ground-work for the orchestrated Watergate Affair, in the late
1960s, the Rockefellers pushed through the 25th Amendment, to cure the gap in
the U.S. Constitution as to how if a President is dead in office [or
assassinated], or unfit to continue to serve, how the Vice President takes
over and becomes President and automatically removes the unfit President.

2. I was the first to go public with part of the scheme. Elected Vice
President Spiro Agnew was removed by a bribery scandal known before he was
elected on the Nixon/Agnew ticket, 1972. At the time one of the only ways I
could be heard was at college lectures where I spelled out the scheme six
months before it happened. "I did not read that today in the New York Times,
Mr. Skolnick. Where the hell did you get those details?" Naive college
students would shout at me during the question and answer period. By October,
1973, Agnew was forced to resign and President Nixon appointed under the
newly-minted 25th Amendment, as the new Vice President, WITHOUT AN ELECTION,
Gerald Ford. Ford previously sat on the Warren Commission fraudulently
stating a "lone assassin" murdered President Kennedy. [Nixon had been part of
the Dallas plot.]

3. When Nixon was forced to resign in 1974, former Warren Commission member,
Gerald Ford, without an election became President. Ford, in turn, WITHOUT AN
ELECTION, under the Rockefeller-instigated 25th Amendment, appointed Nelson
Rockefeller as Vice President. Who remembers Nelson Rockefeller's testimony,
upon being ratified by the U.S.Senate? Rockefeller stated that the key
members of his family, including himself, had PAID NO INCOME TAXES IN THE
PREVIOUS ELEVEN YEARS. The oil-soaked, richest family in the world, does not
and did not support the realm, the infrastructure of America, with the
payment of taxes. You see why this land is so heavily in debt. [When
candidates for election appear on my Television show I ask them, if elected,
would they tax the ultra-rich who now, by corruption and malign influence,
PAY NO TAXES. I never get a straight answer.]

4. In 1975, there were three genuine plots to assassinate President Gerald
Ford. A BATF undercover agent, supplied with a large caliber gun by them,
came within a hair of blowing away Ford. That was would-be assassin Sarah
Jane Moore missing her target because a disabled vet hit her elbow as she was
seeking to public execute Ford. My sole publicity device, other than college
speeches, at the time, was a recorded phone message. As best I could, with a
series of phone lines, I tried to give out the details of the three plots.
Without a legal formality, the U.S. Secret Service put false busy signals
onto those lines, to block my supposed First Amendment Free Speech rights.
When I threatened, in my wheelchair, to picket the phone company
headquarters, a kind phone company bureaucrat explained to me, "Mr. Skolnick,
we only follow orders of the Secret Service. They, not us, are blocking your
phone recorded message." So, Nelson Rockefeller came within a would-be
assassin's bullet of being President WITHOUT AN ELECTION. I attempted as best
I could to spell out the other two genuine 1975 plots against President Ford.

5. For at least five years now on the web, on the radio, wherever I was
allowed to be heard, I have spelled out various plots to assassinate Vice
President Albert Gore, Jr., install John D. Rockefeller 4th as Vice
President, and then shove out Clinton, so Rockefeller, under the 25th
Amendment instigated by his family, could be President, or King, WITHOUT AN
ELECTION. Are the sheep of America so dumbed down that they would VOTE a
Rockefeller in as President, considering that family's infamous history? Just
before the year 2000 presidential election, the Rockefeller-sponsored- PBS,
ran a two-part series, more or less praising the Rockefeller Family, or
explaining away their long-time crimes against the American people. Such as
the plot to run two commercial aircraft into Air Force Two with Gore onboard
in July, 1999.

To be cute, John D. Rockefeller 4th, great grandson of oldman John D.
Rockefeller, founder of the infamous Standard Oil Trust, calls himself "Jay".
I dare point out that all documents have been destroyed showing William
ROCKEFELLER Clinton as the illegitimate great grandson of the criminal
patriarch of the Rockefeller fortune. It is a simple reason why Clinton,
despite his treason and crimes, has not been prosecuted and jailed. Jay's
wife, Sharon Percy Rockefeller, has been a kingpin in so-called "public"
radio, which I call National Petroleum Radio. She reportedly 


2000-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.skolnicksreport.com/opencoke.html"Sherman
Skolnick's Report/A
Home Page

 Sherman H. Skolnick




by Sherman H. Skolnick

1. In 1989, The Coca-Cola Company failed and neglected to renew their
copyright of their "contour bottle" with the U.S. Copyright Office.

2. At about the same time, Robert E. Kolody, an innovative designer, was
working on storyboards and designs as to Coca-Cola. He at the time did not
know that The Coca-Cola Company and/or their subsidiaries had not renewed
their copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office.

3. Kolody submitted his storyboards and designs to The Coca-Cola Company and
by and through their marketing adjunct, Simon Marketing.

4. In 1994, Kolody obtained the U.S. Copyright on the "contour bottle".

5. THEREAFTER, The Coca-Cola Company committed perjury and fraud upon the
U.S. Copyright Office by also obtaining the fraudulent copyright, as a
cover-up of their failure to renew. [See attached letter from Copyright
Office warning Coca-Cola.]

6. In 1997, Kolody started a federal suit against Simon Marketing and The
Coca-Cola Company, in the U.S. District Court in Chicago, No. 97 C 190.

7. The Coca-Cola Company committed apparent securities fraud by not informing
of this situation to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Stockholders of The Coca-Cola Company, a publicly traded firm, should have
been informed.

8. In July, 2000, Kolody's ownership of the Coca-Cola copyright of the
"contour bottle" was placed on auction with eBay and the reserve was not met.
Posted with it were documents of the U.S. Copyright Office. A top official of
The Coca-Cola Company, Ben Deutsch[[EMAIL PROTECTED]], communicated with
Kolody but did not protest or object to Kolody auctioning the Coca-Cola
copyright, nor did any other official of Coca-Cola.

9. On May 18, 2000, in the presence of Kolody and his principal attorney, Dan
Ivy, I as a TV Show moderator and producer and electronic journalist,
interviewed Kolody's local counsel, Daniel v. Hanley. A excerpt from the
federal court record follows

"Skolnick Does Coca-Cola and their attorneys know the legal strategy of
Robert Kolody and his attorney Dan Ivy here?

Hanley Yes.

Skolnick Really? How could they know?

Hanley My sister is the media buyer for Coca-Cola." [Declaration of Skolnick,
filed 8/9/2000.]

Thereafter, I found out that his sister, Mary Hanley, has been listed as
Associate Media Director, of the advertising agency, DDB Chicago, Inc. [Her
direct number(312) 552-6368. FAX (312) 552-2394. Internet address
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ] I repeated the substance of that interview in my
sworn court testimony on August 22, 2000, in the presence, among others, of
Daniel V. Hanley.

10. Apparently contrary to U.S. Anti-Trust laws, DDB represents both The
Coca-Cola Company and their purported competitor, Pepsico.

11. During a federal court hearing on August 22, 2000, the alleged atorney
for Simon Marketing, Jacqueline A. Criswell, of the firm Tressler,
Soderstrom, Maloney  Priess, claimed she did not know of Cyrk, Inc., the
firm that took over Simon Marketing. [As shown by Official Court transcript.]

12. In Chicago, U.S. District Judge Blanche M. Manning [(312) 435-7608. FAX
(312) 435-7578], sought to hush up this matter by committing a series of
judicial perjuries in her Court. As shown by the Court records, the Judge
committed several frauds upon her own Court, including blocking discovery. To
deal with this, the Judge sat as a Judge in her own case, forbidden by
Anglo-Saxon fundamental Law.

13. The foregoing matters are adequately proven in the federal district court
record in No. 97 C 190, with voluminous documents.

14. By reasonable estimates, Coca-Cola bottlers and/or distributors, from
1989 to date, have been over-charged and falsely charged by The Coca-Cola
Company and their subsidiaries, approximately 108 BILLION Dollars.


15. By what legal right, does The Coca-Cola Company and/or their
subsidiaries, since their copyright to the "contour bottle" expired in 1989,
continue to charge and collect license fees, royalties, and other fees from
those who are bottlers and/or distributors of Coca-Cola, as a percentage of
the cost for their secret syrup which includes marketing, advertising, and
packaging charges?

16. How have U.S. and foreign bottlers and/or distributors been damaged by
The Coca-Cola Company failing and neglecting to inform them of the foregoing

17. How have consumers and Coca-Cola stockholders been damaged?


18. Most of the foregoing has already been on my popular public access Cable
TV Program "Broadsides", cablecast within Chicago, such as on July 31, 2000.
[Since 1991,the program is on in Chicago every Monday evening, 9 p.m.,
Channel 21 Cable TV and reaches 


2000-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.skolnicksreport.com/eprovs.html"Sherman
Skolnick's Report/A

by Sherman H. Skolnick

This is a story almost too sensitive to be posted. What do you really know
about F.E.M.A., Federal Emergency Management Agency?

Our research and investigation group learned a lot about FEMA as a result of
an unpublicized federal lawsuit we brought against them in January, 1991. In
fact, it was filed on the same day that President George Herbert Walker Bush
ordered the bombing of his former long-time secret business partner in
Baghdad, Saddam Hussein. We put together upwards of a thousand pages of the
secret background of FEMA. Some of the appendix to the lawsuit was in
compressed, reduced form so as to prevent it from being so bulky. Among other
things, it pointed out the unconstitutional nature of FEMA. That is, some of
the Federal Judges in the U.S. are also secretly officials of FEMA. Wearing
two hats like that is on its face, unconstitutional. Various presidents,
however, have entered little known dictatorial fiats into the Federal
Register, or not recorded at all, mandating that in a so-called "emergency",
it is forbidden for federal judges to take jurisdiction of any challenge in
court to the fascist-like orders of FEMA, suspending habeas corpus, property
ownership, right to travel from place to place, and more.

We identified one of the U.S. District Judges in Chicago as being a secret
official also of FEMA. A crony of his in the court seized upon our lawsuit,
and without legal formality ordered our lawsuit "dismissed" and removed from
the courthouse. No lawful citation of authority was given. And we had no
legal recourse. Of course, we had no opportunity for "open court" hearing or
proceedings of any kind. The corrupt bench and bar promote the idea that we
as the American people proceed on the law and the facts. In important cases,
it is a complete phantasy as I as a court reformer have discovered in more
than 40 years of experiences.

The one good thing that came out of it we added to our inside sources, even
in FEMA, persons who secretly admire our work and assist us with details as
best they can. Over the years, I as the head of our group, Citizen's
Committee to Clean Up the Courts, have been jailed---not for committing
crimes---but for "contempt of court", for absolutely refusing to divulge
sources of our data. The fact that the "authorities" hauled me away in my
wheelchair, as if I were a violent bank robber, repeatedly outraged the
public and after a while each time I was released.

Key honchos in finance and banking, in international business, and domestic
and foreign espionage agencies, have studied the Year 2000 Presidential
Election. They have determined that there may be what appears to be an
"Emergency" as an outgrowth of the Election. As a consequence they have sent
what purport to be "U.S. Government" officials to deal with the situation.
These "officials" purport to have authority ABOVE the Presidency, above the
Congress, above the Courts, AND ABOVE THE CONSTITUTION. [Do not heckle me
with naive protests that such is "unconstitutional", as if I do not already
understand that.]

What they have ordered

1. If a question remains as to the "Electoral College" vote, as provided
under the U.S. Constitution 12th Amendment, then they have ORDERED under pain
of extreme action, that the "Electors" who are to meet after the Election,
and cast THEIR ballots for the one THEY as "Electors"believe should be
President; that the "Electors" are to instead pick a different person as
President. A person not on the ballot, but of private wealth and therefore,
supposedly immune from bribery and corrupt deed. The one that would allegedly
fit such a description would be U.S. Senator John D. Rockefeller 4th (D.,
W.Va.), who calls himself "Jay" like he is just one of the common Americans.
I for one do not accept that "Jay" is above being "bought" because he already
is so rich.

2. The "oil-soaked monopoly press" is under these same fascist-like orders to
hint of an emergency but give no details as if they are oblivious to what is
going on. It has been more than three decades since I outraged the
press-fakers by beginning to identify FBI and CIA "assets" in key places at
local and network media outlets. [My public access weekly Cable TV Program
from time to time continues identifying the FBI and CIA "assets" within the
monopoly press. As a result, the press if they admit I exist at all, have
rotten things to say about our work over 43 years time.]

3. These sinister super-government operatives have contacted key "Electoral
College" Electors. Informing them what they are ORDERED to do---supposedly
for the survival of the nation and the central government---upon the failure
to carry out "ORDERS", what violence will be inflicted upon them as Electors.
Few in the 

[CTRL] Led by the nose

2000-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Comment:…/A
Led by the nose

When law officers saw my report, they dropped this secrets trial. But they
should never have begun it

Special report: freedom of information

Duncan Campbell
Thursday November 2, 2000

The collapse of the planned Official Secrets Act trial of former Lieutentant-
Colonel Nigel Wylde should have been foreseen within days of the
ill-thought-out dawn raids on him and former Sunday Times chief reporter Tony
Geraghty two years ago.

Geraghty's book, The Irish War, contained extracts from classified army
documents such as the 1997 Military Surveillance Strategy Northern Ireland.
In the sections the army did not like, The Irish War mentioned their Caister/
Crucible computers, which contain intelligence data on most people living in
Northern Ireland; the Vengeful computer, which tracks vehicle movements
around the province; and the Glutton TV camera system, which scans and
automatically reads number plates of vehicles at locations as far apart as
Derry, Dover and Gretna Green.

But the MoD knew that the passages quoted from army documents would have
given no aid to terrorists. Within three weeks, top Ministry of Defence civil
servants concluded that the information disclosed was more of an emba
rrassment than a serious operational compromise. It presented no threat to

The raids were inspired by fears that Geraghty possessed copies of the
documents he had cited in his book. These did contain more secrets of Ulster
spying. But after a squad of MoD police had turned over his country cottage
for an entire day, they knew he didn't have any documents. Instead, they
found notes of mere conversations, in which Wylde had given him limited

At this point, sanity should have prevailed. It didn't. The Labour government
allowed the MoD police to push them into sanctioning the first Official
Secrets Act charges against a journalist and a source since the last Labour
government did so, 22 years earlier. Then, it was I and two others who faced
trial for two months at the Old Bailey in the so-called ABC case (we were
acquitted or discharged on all counts).

The attorney general eventually withdrew his approval for the Geraghty
prosecution. But until the plug was pulled yesterday, Nigel Wylde was still
facing a long trial. Well into six figures of public money has been wasted in
dealing with lurid MoD allegations that what Wylde told Geraghty put both
innocent civilians and soldiers' lives directly at risk.

The trial judge, Mr Justice Moses, had spotted the likely flaws in the MoD
case. At a preliminary hearing in August, he suggested: "It is going to be
like the ABC trial, is it not? Actually if you bother to look you can find
all this anyway." The prosecution looked mystified. The defendant had to tell
them what the ABC case was.

The issue that turned the tide in the ABC case was the government's farcical
attempt to rename a key army witness "Colonel B". Next week, the Wylde
prosecution was due to apply for an order to turn two key army witnesses
against Wylde into "Major A" and "Major B".

They had also proposed to apply for evidence from them and the defence's
expert witnesses to be heard in camera . I was one of those two defence
experts. Last week, I submitted a 75-page report and 700 pages of exhibits,
explaining why there was nothing in The Irish War that the Provisional IRA
did not know or had not worked out for itself, 20 years ago. In a letter
yesterday, prosecutors explained that the decision to drop the case was made
after reading that report. The Vengeful computer was discussed in the London
magazine Time Out as long ago as 1980. The next year, the IRA captured its
operational instructions. It obtained an up-to-date set in January 1998.
Details about Crucible had been revealed in a 1992 book, Big Boys Rules. Its
author, BBC reporter Mark Urban, cleared his book with the MoD.

Many people in the army, the MoD and the intelligence services knew all about
these compromises and previous disclosures. Yet nobody told the attorney
general, until prosecutors took him my report on Tuesday. Why not?

After the ABC case, an eager young barrister wrote a monograph for the
National Union of Journalists about the mistakes of the government, and the
stupidity of the Official Secrets Act. His name was Tony Blair. As a newly
elected MP four years later, he called on me at home, seeking copies of
classified papers we had been leaked from the Bank of England.

Not long after, I was bearded by Arthur Davidson QC, the solicitor general at
the time of the ABC case. He apologised, saying: "It was the worst mistake of
my career." The government, he said, had been led by the nose by the security

One consequence of the abandoned case is that, as a court 

[CTRL] OEN 11/6/00

2000-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin

US Political Economy

Political Show Time on Wall Street

by Alan Abelson

Finally, it's over.

No, we don't mean the bear market. Heck, that's hardly just begun.

And we're not talking about the World Series. That's ancient news.

Nor are we referring to the unbearable suspense as to whether Oprah would
deign to renew her contract with Viacom (she did).

The "it" that's finally over is, of course, the contest to decide who runs
the country for the next four years. Oh, sure, it's not quite over -- there's
still the little business of tallying the votes.

But that's a mere technicality. Barring some stunning last-minute revelation,
such as that one of the two leading presidential candidates actually has an
IQ greater than his age (and they're both comparatively young), for all
intents and purposes, the 2000 election is history.

You won't get much argument from us if you're inclined to say "good
riddance." How can anyone work up much excitement over the choice between a
guy who claims to be fluent in two languages, neither of which happens to be
English, and a guy who has the charm of a crocodile and the smile to go with

Still, whatever its failings, this election has not been without a redeeming
circumstance here, an illuminating turn there. Jon Corzine, for example, the
refugee from Goldman Sachs in dire need of employment, has spent $50 million
in hopes of becoming the junior senator from New Jersey. Whether he succeeds
or not, we'll soon find out. Either way, since the dough is all his, Mr.
Corzine deserves a heap of credit for demonstrating how to redistribute the
wealth by taxing not the electorate's income, property or consumption, but
its credulousness, which seems inexhaustible.

In New York, meanwhile, the Senate race has come down to whether Mrs. Clinton
was responsible for the terrorist bombing of the USS Cole or whether Mr.
Lazio is responsible for global warming. Our own hunch is that the real
culprit is Rudy Giuliani, who's responsible for the fact that the next
senator for New York will be either Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Lazio.

In Missouri, the incumbent senator, John Ashcroft, is in the fight of his
life against a dead man, the former governor, Mel Carnahan, who died in a
plane crash three weeks before the election. The late Mr. Carnahan remains on
the ballot and, at this writing, held a lead over Mr. Ashcroft, however
statistically insignificant. If Mr. Carnahan wins, he will be the only
deceased person ever elected to the U.S. Senate, although admittedly it's
often tough to tell.

Several souls from beyond the great divide, incidentally, have achieved that
status in the House. Which proves how much more welcoming and -- to slip into
current politically correct usage -- inclusive that body is than the Senate.

For the departed to run for any office is, as intimated, a singular
occurrence. By contrast, there's a long and honorable tradition of their
voting in elections. We're grateful to the estimable Jack Sheehan, a former
governor of the Fed and current chairman of GlobalLift Technologies, for
passing on the relevant story of the Philadelphia politico who said that when
he died, he wanted to be buried in Chicago because he was eager to stay
active in politics.

Just about last but not least among the enlivening disclosures bared during
the profoundly soporific campaign was that George Bush had been guilty of
DUI, or driving under the influence of alcohol, when he was a mere stripling
of 30. At the very least, that put to rest all the complaints about Mr. Bush
being a man of no convictions.

The Democrats were leery of making too much of the episode lest the shocking
truth be made public that when he was 30, Mr. Gore was convicted of DUIS, or
driving under the influence of sanctimoniousness. And despite entry into all
manner of 12-step programs, Mr. Gore has never been able to kick the habit.

While pundits chorused that the election was too close to call -- indeed, a
number suggested that it would be the first split decision since 1888, with
Bush taking the popular vote and Gore getting the nod from the Electoral
College -- Wall Street decisively signaled Bush as the winner. And it did so
not through the dubious device of polls, but by putting its money where its
sentiments lay.

For example, investors quietly accumulated tobacco stocks on the assumption
that, as President, Mr. Bush will see, as he vowed to do, that the big
federal lawsuit against the cigarette companies is dropped. And, as our good
friend Larry Feinberg, the oracle of Oracle Partners, a top-notch hedge fund
that specializes in pharmaceutical and biotech stocks, reminds us, the drug
sector has been gathering strength in obvious anticipation of a Bush victory,
since it would remove the specter of price controls.

Our own favorite indicator of how the market has been 

[CTRL] Survival of the thickest

2000-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here: A

rrqpg=/et/00/11/5/wpres405.html"Survival of the thickest/A
Survival of the thickest

By Mark Steyn

Hopes for Gore fade as tactics backfire

GEORGE Dubya isn't the only candidate whose wild and reck-less youth was
exhumed this week. On Wednesday's edition of her talk show, the rapper Queen
Latifah asked her guest, Al Gore, about his "college drinking" days and
invited him to give us a "peek at your wild side".

Well, said Al, with what passes for a roguish twinkle, he used to have a
motorcycle back in college, and one day he and three others got on it and
rode off on a double date. At some point, the crazy, uninhibited biker boy
noticed the police behind him. "There was a blue light and I can't say for
sure that they were coming after us," he said, "but just on the chance that
they were, we cut through an alley."

Hmm. On the face of it, this would seem to be far more serious than Dubya
being pulled over for driving too slowly a mile away from his parents' home
in Kennebunkport on Labour Day 1976. In this instance, Al was flying through
the crowded streets of Boston on an overloaded motorbike with three
passengers hanging on before ducking into an alley to shake off the cops.
Surely this irresponsible behaviour raises serious questions about Al Gore's
fitness to be president.

But everyone I've spoken to just laughs. Most don't believe that Al tried to
lose the pigs, or cut through the alley, or had four people on the bike. A
quarter refused to believe that he had ever owned a motorbike. Only one guy -
my friend Bob - was prepared to sign on to every aspect of Al's unusually
vivid anecdote.

Conversely, Dubya's conviction for OUI (Operating Under the Influence), which
is indisputably true, elicited an emphatic shrug from my highly unscientific
sample. The Bush supporters figured that it was a last-minute dirty trick by
the Democrats. The Gore supporters indignantly denied this, but about half of
them figured that their man was going to get stiffed with the blame anyway.
Three Democrats advanced the theory that Bush had leaked the drink-driving
conviction to make the Gore guys look bad. Carol said: "This is typical of
the stuff they pull. It's that 'I'm so human' thing he does again. Like
looking stupid."

For a dope and a drunk, Bush has proved an amazingly resilient candidate,
and, if (as seems likely) he survives this latest onslaught to triumph on
Tuesday, his handling of this "November surprise" will help illustrate why.
He did not wag his finger and say: "I did not have alcoholic relations with
that beer, Mr Budweiser." He did not explicitly deny the allegations until
the gal in the passenger seat gave a dress with a vomit stain on it to the
FBI crime lab.

Back in '76 in Kennebunkport, he didn't do what the bratty sons from the big
house do in small towns all over this continent: get dad to lean on the
police chief. That's the way the Kennedys handle things. But Dubya paid his
fine, had his licence in Maine suspended, and 24 years later the boys on the
bus had a hard job keeping the story going through the initial press
conference. Did he spend the night in jail? No. Was there an accident? No.
How many beers did he have? Several. "Several" would be more than two?

Never underestimate the capacity of the US media to bore any story into the
ground. Another three minutes and they'd have been down to asking: Draft or
bottled? Budweiser or Sam Adams? Or some filthy Canadian swill like Molson?

That could cost him with American brewery workers concentrated in the key
swing state of Wisconsin, whose electoral votes could prove critical in a
close election. As the old song says, What Made Milwaukee Famous Made a Loser
Out of Me. Instead, Bush looks set to vindicate the first rule of
presidential politics: the guy who's higher on Labour Day always wins. The
only difference is that this time round it's the guy who's higher on Labour
Day 1976.

Democrats' gleeful briefings at the end of this week provide an insight into
their problems: they point out that, in September 1976, while George Dubya
was boozing it up, Al Gore was running in his first congressional campaign in
Tennessee. They seem to think that this is a plus for their man, rather than
merely reinforcing the impression that, as Dubya says, Gore is "of, by and
for Washington".

The founders of the republic, having thrown off a permanent governing class
in the form of the Royal house, foresaw a nation of citizen legislators - men
who left their farms and log cabins, journeyed to the capital, tried their
hand at government, and then returned to their crops and livestock.

It's certainly arguable that Dubya is not quite what they had in mind - a guy
who has spent most of his life sprawled across the floor of his log 

Re: [CTRL] Michael Moore's Letter To Bush

2000-11-05 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-

" this man (Bush) does not deserve to be placed in the highest
and most respected office in the land! "

" I don't want to hear one word comparing this drunk driving conviction
to Clinton's (or Gore's) transgressions."

Well, you are going to hear a word about it.
Truth is that Clinton has lowered the standards of morality and conduct
to the point that there are now no minimum standards for a U.S. President.
Forcible Rape?  No problem.

Perjury committed in official Federal legal proceedings?No problem.

Transferring Top Secret nuclear weapons technology to foreign countries
and hiding this from Congress and the American People?No problem.

Repeated violations of U.S. Election Laws on fundraising?   No problem.

Making secret deals with Russia for the illegal transfer of
nuclear weapons technology to a terrorist state (Iran)?   No problem.

This is not an argument in favor of G. W. Bush.
But your position that he is "too bad to be President"  is absurd.
We have had far worse living in the White house for the past 8 years.

Bill Clinton's "Legacy" is that there are no more "minimum standards"
for the Office of President.

 Regards to All

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest

2000-11-05 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

But then that's Ok cause we keep getting these Fast Food
Restaurants on every street corner for job security.

Same scenario in New England.  I've been wondering
whether the reason unemployment stats are so good is, besides
them cooking them for political and public consumption, that
this younger workforce is on welfare, disability and/or sheltered
work programs.  It would be easy to take them out of the workforce
calculation, or into it, as needed and whenever needed.  Like those
trust fund IOU's.

Well, I can tell you how they are now handling it in Connecticut.  It used to be that 
if you were collecting
unemployment, but worked at a job (even part time) that paid you more than your weekly 
unemployment allotment,
you were still kept on the books, still had to report your status weekly.  In 
otherwords, the Unemployment
Commission wasn't paying you anything because you had earned more than the Commission 
allowed, but you were
still on the books as 'unemployed'.  This took into consideration the fact that many 
people take temporary or
part-time work just to get their foot in a door of a company, in hopes that perhaps 
they will eventually be
hired on as full-time employees; or just that often-times one can get a part-time job 
that pays more than what
unemployement gives out.

Now, if you report earnings over your weekly allotment for four weeks in a row, you 
are now automatically
removed from the books.  So people who are getting by with a part-time job that just 
happens to pay them a
little over what unemployment was paying are now reported as 'employed'...and hence, 
we now are presented with
a rosy picture of 'full employment', ignoring the fact that many of the people who are 
reported as being
employed are working part-time, sometimes multiple part-time jobs just to make ends 
meet.  Or they are working
as temps.  Both types of 'employment' pay a fraction of what full-time, permanent 
positions would pay, and
offer little, if any, benefits.  But it is an economic boom for the big companies, who 
don't have to pay the
salaries and cost of benefits to maintain a full-time workforce of employees.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Could Israel Have Bombed The USS Cole???

2000-11-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

There is a Church that years ago I was told to contact and read their
material re assassination of JFK and master bible plan...today I
watchd this man on TV, the former agent for the Church now deceased, and
he believes it is Iran behind the entire mess the Holy Land is in now,
which would make sense..the Egyptians are turning against us, after
we have given them billions of dollars - Saudi Arabia with their
billions - and we put in defense systems for them with our money?   But
then all that oil money goes to the royal family and not the people -
that land in their land and everything above and below it belongs to the
people when it comes to natural resources

Cui Bono?   Barak aka Brug, Sharon, Arafat - they are all three
conspirators - but if this Arab League unites against the Israelies it
is goodbye Israel but that, according to this man toay, is part of God's

Like hell.it is the Zionist plan..talk of peace but arm up with
nuclear weapons preparing for war?

So I like the idea of getting our oil from Russia and China who could
use a little help and if the war mongers in the Holy Land are serious
abut their religion, they will not mind losing the profits from the oil.

Welcome to the solar age and goodbye to the black stuff from the ground
- we can always use corn oil and soy bean oil - which is one thing
Hitler wanted to do for his German scientists had that on drawing board
prior to WWII.
And remember, in the Revelatin we have another 1000 Reich planned but
the Askkenazis would head it up this time, if they would get their way -
for the reunite Europe as Hitler did only different methods...still
using the money to make their points.

Fighting for 2,000 years?   Let them go to war and get it over with but
please don't hurt the corn, the oil, an the wine (see revelatioans).

Even David Kore(sh) knew what was up..
Even Heavens Gate knew of the planned genocide.and the murders in
Uganda - and planned suicides over the world, for this is the Millenium.

And this guy today could not understand why he Egyptians now were
beginning to hate us?
Remember the Egyptian Plane Thothmosis IIMosis means Moses.how
many people died there and we charge it was a Suicide Pilot   While
Zionists were attempting to now lay claim of the pyramids in front of
which Sadat was gunned down?

I prefre the Cathedral of Notre Dam to the Pyramids when it comes to
majesty.or the Vatican, under which St. Peter is buried.the
Vatican has the history of the death of all the Saints and
Apostles.it was Stephen who was stoned to death was it not
..some things never change.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Gettysburg Address 2000

2000-11-05 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

Subject: Gettysburg Address 2000
Date: Thursday, November 02, 2000 1:32 PM

To unsubscribe send "leave chuckmuth" in body of message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or hit 
reply with "remove" in subject or go to http://www.incor.com/l10003/newsletter.htm to 

Chuck Muth's "Gettysburg Address 2000"
(With all due respect and apologies to Honest Abe)

November 2, 2000

Four score and seven years ago (that would be 1913 for those of you who went
to public school) our forefathers' misguided descendants brought forth on
this continent via the 16th Amendment to the Constitution, a new income tax
system, conceived in stupidity, and dedicated to the proposition that all
men and women are created equal when it comes to getting screwed by the
federal government and the IRS ... except for the "richest 1 percent," of

Now we are engaged in a great war, testing whether that tax system, or any
tax system so complicated and so burdensome, can long endure.  We meet this
election on a great battlefield of that war - the ballot box.  We dedicate a
portion of this election to those candidates who risked their political
careers that tax relief and tax reform might live.  It is altogether fitting
and proper that we should do this.

But in a larger sense, we can not dedicate - we can not consecrate - we can
not hallow - this election.  The brave men and women, living and dead, who
struggled for an end to the marriage penalty and the death tax  - who have
fought for a flat tax or national sales tax - have consecrated it far above
our poor power to itemize deductions or claim the Investment Tax Credit.

The world will little note, nor long remember what Al Gore has said about
targeted tax relief for the "right people," but it will never forget that he
was the tie-breaking vote for the largest tax increase in the history of the

It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work
of across-the-board tax cuts and tax simplification which they who fought in
the halls of Congress have thus far so nobly advanced.  It is rather for us
to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us - that from all
those vetoed tax cuts by Bill Clinton we take increased devotion to that
cause for which many Republicans gave the last full measure of devotion -
that we here highly resolve that these dead tax cut bills shall not have
died in vain - that this nation, under God (uh-oh, here comes the ACLU!) and
a newly-elected President George W. Bush, shall have a new birth of freedom
- and that this income tax system of the bureaucrat, by the bureaucrat, for
the bureaucrat, shall perish from the earth, with a stake driven through its
heart so that it shall never rise to prey upon and terrorize the American
taxpayer again (with all due credit to Steve Forbes).

Chuck Muth
GOP News  Views

(I dedicate this to my brother Greg, a real Civil War enthusiast who turned
thirty-freakin'-eight today.  Happy Birthday, bro.  This Boh's for you.)

[ Abraham Lincoln's original Gettysburg Address was delivered on November
19, 1863 ]

Published by:
C-Four Communications
Chuck Muth, Editor
3549 N. University, Suite 300
Provo, UT  84604
Phone:  (702) 454-0350
Fax:  (702) 454-7798

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest

2000-11-05 Thread gandalf

-Caveat Lector-

What I what to know what is the big deal that Bush had
a DUI 24 years ago.

To me that is ancient history and has no bearing on
how he is acting today.  He could not be any worse
then Clinton and Gore.

So let us stay with the issues at hand.

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Re: [CTRL] Survival of the thickest

2000-11-05 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Kris Milligan reports in part:

"That's also his (sic. Bush) approach to governing. On a radio show on Friday, one 
said: "Okay, he hasn't had a drink in 14 years, but being president's a very
stressful job and he's got this timebomb ticking away inside him. What if he
starts drinking again?"

Hello List:

The conventional wisdom of the "stressful Presidency" is a total myth.
The only "stress" of being President is perhaps the annoyance of trying to get
re elected.

The only stress Clinton suffered was a result of getting sued for sexual harrassment
for activities BEFORE he was elected President and of course being caught getting
BJ's under the Presidential desk.

Other then that, Billy Bob Clinton has spent most of his "extremely demanding"
Presidential time either: (1) playing golf; or (2) attending Dem fund raisers; or
(3) hanging out with Hollywood Airheads.


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Re: [CTRL] Survival of the thickest

2000-11-05 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 11/5/00 3:35:37 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The conventional wisdom of the "stressful Presidency" is a total myth.
The only "stress" of being President is perhaps the annoyance of trying to get
re elected.

Hmmm...you know this from experience?? Say, is THIS Jimmy Carter??? You're too lucid actually to be Reagan!


Re: [CTRL] Bush Finally Admits DUI Arrest

2000-11-05 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-

This has many of the current items on Bush and DUI is
a very small part.  This page will be updated again
later today.

gandalf wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 What I what to know what is the big deal that Bush had
 a DUI 24 years ago.

 To me that is ancient history and has no bearing on
 how he is acting today.  He could not be any worse
 then Clinton and Gore.

 So let us stay with the issues at hand.

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson brbr

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

ICQ 14484977

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Survival of the thickest

2000-11-05 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-

So Gore gives on incident but Bush went through
Yale on what seems to have been a long drunk, with
poor grades, and all they mention is the incident
where he is caught by police.  So, if he does this
in the White House (succumbs to pressure) it is
all right as long as he does not end up in court.
Bush was apparently a slush worse than Carter's
brother Billy.  Will Bush be one again?
Or will Bush rely on drugs this time?
Will he be the first US president on legal
drugs for ADD or ADHD?

Kris Millegan wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-


 Click Here: A

 rrqpg=/et/00/11/5/wpres405.html"Survival of the thickest/A
 Survival of the thickest

 By Mark Steyn

 Hopes for Gore fade as tactics backfire

 GEORGE Dubya isn't the only candidate whose wild and reck-less youth was
 exhumed this week. On Wednesday's edition of her talk show, the rapper Queen
 Latifah asked her guest, Al Gore, about his "college drinking" days and
 invited him to give us a "peek at your wild side".

 Well, said Al, with what passes for a roguish twinkle, he used to have a
 motorcycle back in college, and one day he and three others got on it and
 rode off on a double date. At some point, the crazy, uninhibited biker boy
 noticed the police behind him. "There was a blue light and I can't say for
 sure that they were coming after us," he said, "but just on the chance that
 they were, we cut through an alley."

 Hmm. On the face of it, this would seem to be far more serious than Dubya
 being pulled over for driving too slowly a mile away from his parents' home
 in Kennebunkport on Labour Day 1976. In this instance, Al was flying through
 the crowded streets of Boston on an overloaded motorbike with three
 passengers hanging on before ducking into an alley to shake off the cops.
 Surely this irresponsible behaviour raises serious questions about Al Gore's
 fitness to be president.

 But everyone I've spoken to just laughs. Most don't believe that Al tried to
 lose the pigs, or cut through the alley, or had four people on the bike. A
 quarter refused to believe that he had ever owned a motorbike. Only one guy -
 my friend Bob - was prepared to sign on to every aspect of Al's unusually
 vivid anecdote.

 Conversely, Dubya's conviction for OUI (Operating Under the Influence), which
 is indisputably true, elicited an emphatic shrug from my highly unscientific
 sample. The Bush supporters figured that it was a last-minute dirty trick by
 the Democrats. The Gore supporters indignantly denied this, but about half of
 them figured that their man was going to get stiffed with the blame anyway.
 Three Democrats advanced the theory that Bush had leaked the drink-driving
 conviction to make the Gore guys look bad. Carol said: "This is typical of
 the stuff they pull. It's that 'I'm so human' thing he does again. Like
 looking stupid."

 For a dope and a drunk, Bush has proved an amazingly resilient candidate,
 and, if (as seems likely) he survives this latest onslaught to triumph on
 Tuesday, his handling of this "November surprise" will help illustrate why.
 He did not wag his finger and say: "I did not have alcoholic relations with
 that beer, Mr Budweiser." He did not explicitly deny the allegations until
 the gal in the passenger seat gave a dress with a vomit stain on it to the
 FBI crime lab.

 Back in '76 in Kennebunkport, he didn't do what the bratty sons from the big
 house do in small towns all over this continent: get dad to lean on the
 police chief. That's the way the Kennedys handle things. But Dubya paid his
 fine, had his licence in Maine suspended, and 24 years later the boys on the
 bus had a hard job keeping the story going through the initial press
 conference. Did he spend the night in jail? No. Was there an accident? No.
 How many beers did he have? Several. "Several" would be more than two?

 Never underestimate the capacity of the US media to bore any story into the
 ground. Another three minutes and they'd have been down to asking: Draft or
 bottled? Budweiser or Sam Adams? Or some filthy Canadian swill like Molson?

 That could cost him with American brewery workers concentrated in the key
 swing state of Wisconsin, whose electoral votes could prove critical in a
 close election. As the old song says, What Made Milwaukee Famous Made a Loser
 Out of Me. Instead, Bush looks set to vindicate the first rule of
 presidential politics: the guy who's higher on Labour Day always wins. The
 only difference is that this time round it's the guy who's higher on Labour
 Day 1976.

 Democrats' gleeful briefings at the end of this week provide an insight into
 their problems: they point out that, in September 1976, while George Dubya
 was boozing it up, Al Gore was running in his first congressional campaign in
 Tennessee. They seem 

[CTRL] Bush and the Nazis

2000-11-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

The Dutch Connection:
How a famous American family made its fortune from the

Copyright September 27, 2000 by Attorney John Loftus

For the Bush family, it is a lingering nightmare. For
their Nazi clients, the Dutch connection was the
mother of all money laundering schemes. From 1945
until 1949, one of the lengthiest and, it now appears,
most futile interrogations of a Nazi war crimes
suspect began in the American Zone of Occupied
Germany. Multibillionaire steel magnate Fritz
Thyssen?the man whose steel combine was the cold heart
of the Nazi war machine?talked and talked and talked
to a joint US-UK interrogation team. For four long
years, successive teams of inquisitors tried to break
Thyssen?s simple claim to possess neither foreign bank
accounts nor interests in foreign corporations, no
assets that might lead to the missing billions in
assets of the Third Reich. The inquisitors failed

Why? Because what the wily Thyssen deposed was, in a
sense, true. What the Allied investigators never
understood was that they were not asking Thyssen the
right question. Thyssen did not need any foreign bank
accounts because his family secretly owned an entire
chain of banks. He did not have to transfer his Nazi
assets at the end of World War II, all he had to do
was transfer the ownership documents ? stocks, bonds,
deeds and trusts--from his bank in Berlin through his
bank in Holland to his American friends in New York
City: Prescott Bush and Herbert Walker. Thyssen?s
partners in crime were the father and father-in-law of
a future President of the United States.

The allied investigators underestimated Thyssen?s
reach, his connections, his motives, and his means.
The web of financial entities Thyssen helped create in
the 1920?s remained a mystery for the rest of the
twentieth century, an almost perfectly hidden
underground sewer pipeline for moving dirty money,
money that bankrolled the post-war fortunes not only
of the Thyssen industrial empire...but the Bush family
as well. It was a secret Fritz Thyssen would take to
his grave.

It was a secret that would lead former US intelligence
agent William Gowen, now pushing 80, to the very
doorstep of the Dutch royal family. The Gowens are no
strangers to controversy or nobility. His father was
one of President Roosevelt's diplomatic emissaries to
Pope Pius XII, leading a futile attempt to persuade
the Vatican to denounce Hitler?s treatment of Jews. It
was his son, William Gowen, who served in Rome after
World War II as a Nazi hunter and investigator with
the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps. It was Agent
Gowen who first discovered the secret Vatican Ratline
for smuggling Nazis in 1949. It was also the same
William Gowen who began to uncover the secret Dutch
pipeline for smuggling Nazi money in 1999.

A half-century earlier, Fritz Thyssen was telling the
allied investigators that he had no interest in
foreign companies, that Hitler had turned on him and
seized most of his property. His remaining assets were
mostly in the Russian Occupied Zone of Germany (which
he knew were a write-off anyway). His distant (and
disliked) relatives in neutral nations like Holland
were the actual owners of a substantial percentage of
the remaining German industrial base. As innocent
victims of the Third Reich, they were lobbying the
allied occupation governments in Germany, demanding
restitution of the property that had been seized from
them by the Nazis.

Under the rules of the Allied occupation of Germany,
all property owned by citizens of a neutral nation
which had been seized by the Nazis had to be returned
to the neutral citizens upon proper presentation of
documents showing proof of ownership. Suddenly, all
sorts of neutral parties, particularly in Holland,
were claiming ownership of various pieces of the
Thyssen empire. In his cell, Fritz Thyssen just smiled
and waited to be released from prison while members of
the Dutch royal family and the Dutch intelligence
service reassembled his pre-war holdings for him.

The British and American interrogators may have
gravely underestimated Thyssen but they nonetheless
knew they were being lied to. Their suspicions focused
on one Dutch Bank in particular, the Bank voor Handel
en Scheepvaart, in Rotterdam. This bank did a lot of
business with the Thyssens over the years. In 1923, as
a favor to him, the Rotterdam bank loaned the money to
build the very first Nazi party headquarters in
Munich. But somehow the allied investigations kept
going nowhere, the intelligence leads all seemed to
dry up.

If the investigators realized that the US intelligence
chief in postwar Germany, Allen Dulles, was also the
Rotterdam bank?s lawyer, they might have asked some
very interesting questions. They did not know that
Thyssen was Dulles? client as well. Nor did they ever
realize that it was Allen Dulles?s other client, Baron
Kurt Von Schroeder who was the Nazi trustee for the
Thyssen companies which now claimed to be owned by the

Re: [CTRL] Could Israel Have Bombed The USS Cole???

2000-11-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 There is a Church that years ago I was told to contact and read their
 material re assassination of JFK and master bible plan...today I
 watchd this man on TV, the former agent for the Church now deceased, and
 he believes it is Iran behind the entire mess the Holy Land is in now,
 which would make sense..the Egyptians are turning against us, after
 we have given them billions of dollars - Saudi Arabia with their
 billions - and we put in defense systems for them with our money?   But
 then all that oil money goes to the royal family and not the people -
 that land in their land and everything above and below it belongs to the
 people when it comes to natural resources

 Cui Bono?   Barak aka Brug, Sharon, Arafat - they are all three
 conspirators - but if this Arab League unites against the Israelies it
 is goodbye Israel but that, according to this man toay, is part of God's

 Like hell.it is the Zionist plan..talk of peace but arm up with
 nuclear weapons preparing for war?

 So I like the idea of getting our oil from Russia and China who could
 use a little help and if the war mongers in the Holy Land are serious
 abut their religion, they will not mind losing the profits from the oil.

Hey Einstein. How is it that the Council on Foreign Relations hasn't
snpped up a brilliant analyst like you? Don't they know what they're

 Welcome to the solar age and goodbye to the black stuff from the ground
 - we can always use corn oil and soy bean oil - which is one thing
 Hitler wanted to do for his German scientists had that on drawing board
 prior to WWII.
 And remember, in the Revelatin we have another 1000 Reich planned but
 the Askkenazis would head it up this time, if they would get their way -
 for the reunite Europe as Hitler did only different methods...still
 using the money to make their points.

 Fighting for 2,000 years?   Let them go to war and get it over with but
 please don't hurt the corn, the oil, an the wine (see revelatioans).

 Even David Kore(sh) knew what was up..
 Even Heavens Gate knew of the planned genocide.and the murders in
 Uganda - and planned suicides over the world, for this is the Millenium.

 And this guy today could not understand why he Egyptians now were
 beginning to hate us?
 Remember the Egyptian Plane Thothmosis IIMosis means Moses.how
 many people died there and we charge it was a Suicide Pilot   While
 Zionists were attempting to now lay claim of the pyramids in front of
 which Sadat was gunned down?

 I prefre the Cathedral of Notre Dam to the Pyramids when it comes to
 majesty.or the Vatican, under which St. Peter is buried.the
 Vatican has the history of the death of all the Saints and
 Apostles.it was Stephen who was stoned to death was it not
 ..some things never change.

 A. Saba

None Dare Call It Stupidity

 Dare To Call It Conspiracy


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[CTRL] Fox: Bush Campaign Poll Shows California Tied

2000-11-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Sunday November 5, 2000; 10:59 AM ET

Fox News: Bush Campaign Poll Shows California Tied

Polls conducted late last week by the Bush campaign show the
Texas governor is more than just competitive in the electoral
vote goldmine of California -- he's tied with Vice President Al
Gore, who once considered the state a lock.

Fox News Channel's Carl Cameron reported Sunday morning:

 "Bush has been supremely confident in the last few days. The
campaign actually stopped its internal tracking polling last
Thursday in the belief that the race had been cast and that
nothing would change in the final few days.

 "At that time they were tied in the huge state of California,
with the most electoral college votes; up five here in Florida,
where Bush will be campaigning for the next day and a half; and
behind in Pennsylvania but trending up in his direction.

"Last night Bush actually campaigned in New Jersey -- a Gore
stronghold and a Democratic leaning state -- a surprise to many
Republicans that the GOP presidential candidate would go there.

 "But many think it's a sign of his confidence and that he's
trying to help Republican candidates in Congress who he thinks
he'll be working with.

 "The Bush campaign doesn't think the DWI story hurt them at all.
Bush is so confident that he thinks he may actually be making
calls to a would-be transition team in a new adminsitration early
in the day on Tuesday."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] Washington Post's Pundits' Predictions

2000-11-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Washington Post's Pundits' Predictions


Electoral Votes

David Bositis Analyst, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
Bush  Gore
258   280

William Kristol Editor, the Weekly Standard
Bush  Gore

X Celinda Lake Democratic pollster, Lake Snell Perry  Assoc.
Bush  Gore

Michael Lewis-Beck University of Iowa political science professor
co-creator of a tested forecasting model
Bush  Gore
140 398

Mary Matalin co-host, CNN's "Crossfire"
Bush  Gore
359 179

X Christopher Matthews host, MSNBC's "Hardball With Chris Matthews"
Bush  Gore
267 271

Peggy Noonan columnist/author
Bush  Gore
411 127

X William Saletan political reporter, Slate magazine
Bush  Gore
254 284

Tony Snow host, Fox's "News Roundtable"
Bush  Gore
343 195

X Ben Stein host, "Win Ben Stein's Money"
Bush  Gore
280 258

X Amy Walter political reporter, the Cook Report
Bush  Gore
283 255

Armstrong Williams host, Talk America Radio's "The Right Side With
Armstrong Williams"
Bush  Gore
284 254

X Herndon High School students in AP government classes
Bush  Gore
288 250

Montgomery Blair High School 10th-grade communication arts class
Bush  Gore
297 241

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] Watch Out For This Fella On Tuesday!

2000-11-05 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

-Caveat Lector-


What for this fella come Election day:

/snip/ABC's George Stephanopoulos asserted Bush's excuse that he
didn't want his daughter to know "doesn't quite pass the smell test." Diane
Sawyer contended Bush may be covering up more embarrassing stuff/snip/

What will he say when Bush wins? How will the media spin it?

There's more at


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Could Israel Have Bombed The USS Cole???

2000-11-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

OkayJoshus - None Dare Call it Stupidity?   So you are stupid.
As for CFR I have known 4 people to be in this group and have known one
Skull and Bones - liked the Skull and Bones, but not the CFR bunch for
these were Presidents in Waiting - fortunately, in Ohio, two of them got

The one Governor was called Pinko - will not use last name as he is
alive - and he threated to destroy John Glenn - and my old boss - told
them both same thing - "you son of a bitch, I will destroy you and I
will bury you".oh well, this man's name was John F. Gilligan and my
boss told that bastard that he would be around long after that "redhead"
was gone...but John Glenn exposed this Govenor and what he said and
I had the great fortune to chair his dinner on a Friday evening and the
following Monday he announced for the Senate and he won...he also
thanked us for having rib eye steak because usually, it was chicken pot

I am a Glenn type Democrat but I voted for Bush...Jerry Wurf was one
of first Union men in CFR an at the time I did not realize who this ass
washe walked with a limp and used it to full advantage by my other
boss, a former body guard to John L. Lewis, his name was Stanley
Petrosky, said Jerry Wurf was communist and here in Foreign Affairs
publication in early 70 period, there he was admitted with Leonard
Woodcock of UAW to CFR also -both we inthat is how labor was sold
out but Jimmy Hoffa did not sell out - the Jewish mob either murdered
Jimmy or this one Doctor tried for murder who bought my boss' boat he
called the Great Esape, spirited Hoffa to Canada after plastic
surgery.oh these doctors were something else, Jewish Mafia with
little Jewish Hit Man and Meyer Lansky used to visit the farmhe had
a few horses there.then Flynt got it..moving into unwanted

Einstein - one Stein - what does that name mean, like Ira Einhorn - one
horn?   He murdered his girlfriend and stuffed her body in an attic- and
strange, he professed to be friend of Shah of Iran, and even Col
Beardon of Huntsville, ALA knew this man - Einstein - I will tell you
this you stupid idiot - it would be a cold day in hell before you could
ever match my IQ and I have story from newspaper to prove it - and so
did my two sisters - we all three rated in genius rangehow about you
and do you ever come up with anything original?

So the last time I spoke to John Glenn we alked for 45 minutes - of
course he had called foro my bossie and got me?   He, was a real man
and somehow he always remember Gillian.

The other CFR governor was Dick Celeste and he paroled the Jewish Mafia
Hit Man Ralph DeLeo who murdered the black doctor along with thee other
two jewish doctors who esaped justice because the hiti man "just blew
the guy away" when they only wanted to castrage himnow they had all
thise neo nazi literature stashed away and I wonder, who would have
goten the blame if someone had not panicked?

So Joshua I also worked with MI6 for 12 years who recognized my talents
and research ability - and she was an astrologer, witch, best seller
author, mentioned in Kitty Kellys book on Nancy Reagan and always kept a
boa constrictor in her state rooms, hotels, and home, to ward off evil
demons, like you.

So  Dare To Call Joshua Stupid..you are stupid Joshua

Now you all be good now, you hear?How many Skull and Bones have you
known - my brother in law had a great great grandfather in, but in those
days they were all honorable men - today it is just a fraternity - like
Phi Beta Kappa, or Brotherhood of the Bell - once a secret society now
they admit anybody but someone with low IQ like yours...used to be
Phi Beta Kappa was secret society - and they were born on the 4th of
July, 1776.

There are no secrets Joshua except this Gideon and his 300 Bible Club -
the Assassins - they murdered JFK, sabotaged the Apollo as von Braun
would get credit for going to moon , they murdered RFK and little JFK
Jr...and George Wallace was a threat.

The year was 1960 and the 40 years in the wilderness ends with Joe
Lieberman as President in 2001 or 2002?   JFK was Irish Hibernian -
Lyndon Johnson low degree mason but he realized too late what murder
inc. was.

You see J Edgar Hoover did not take on the Mafia, this Jewish Mafia,
because he knew they would destroy the image of the FBI for they had the
propaganda tools and money to so do.so he took on the communists -
Meyer Lansky was a Russian Jew and Mafia killerGideon and the 300
are the Family and pay for bullets while the Mafia contract killers
deliver them.

So Joshua - call all the names you want for it does not bother
me..maybe someday I send you copies of the letters I get off list -
now you all be good now, you hear and Remember the USS Liberty and USS
Cole and think about the Egyptian Thothmosis II also.for None Dare
Call this Murder


A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


[CTRL] To understand America

2000-11-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

John Taylor Gatto Speech to the Vermont Homeschooling Conference

(Note: John Gatto is the former New York State Teacher of the
Year who renounced the public school system in his landmark book

He is constantly in demand as a public speaker. As a bit of
background, the industrial titans of the 1890's began to think
that not only could the production line be engineered, but
people's lives could be engineered as well, in order to work like
homogeneous robots with the machines. People like Rockefeller and
Carnegie gave huge sums to prominent academics to see if this
could be realized through the educational system. They found that
to a considerable extent this could be done, and it is still
being done. This is the story that John Gatto has to tell.-DB)

What I intend to talk to you about this afternoon is what I
understand you are aware of -- the positive goals and values that
you seek as homeschoolers. But I want to talk about the specifics
of what you're fleeing, because what you're fleeing is alive and
well in the green state of Vermont. Perhaps Vermont is one of a
half-a-dozen states that the U.S. Dept. of Education uses as
testing grounds. I believe they picked Vermont because they
understand that you people are so reasonable that you're always
willing to negotiate, anyway I have some information to bring to
you on a different outlook on what the intention of schools is,
the title of this talk is: A SHORT ANGRY HISTORY OF AMERICAN
FORCED SCHOOLING Between 1967 and 1974 teacher training in the US
was covertly revamped through the coordinated efforts of a small
number of private foundations, certain universities, global
corporations and several other interests working through the U.S.
Dept. of Education and through key state education departments,
one of which is the state of Vermont. Three critical documents in
this transformation are Benjamin Bloom's multivolume TAXONOMY OF

That was the first. The second was a many-state project begun in
1967 called DESIGNING EDUCATION FOR THE FUTURE, and it was set
forth in an enormous manual of nearly 1000 pages and finally the
over 1000 pages. These were inserted into every state education
department. in the country and moneys were inserted there to pay
faculty salaries a certain range of bribes for the school
districts that would pioneer the use of these things.

Let me start with the DESIGNING EDUCATION FOR THE FUTURE papers.
They were the collusion with the Federal Education Dept. and the
presumably independent state agencies. They redefined education
after the 19th century Germanic fashion as a means (quoting now
from the document) "as a means to achieve important economic and
social goals for the national character" -- and I would hasten to
add that none of those goals included the maximum development of
your son or daughter. State agencies would henceforth "act as
Federal enforcers insuring compliance of local schools with
Federal directives". The document proclaimed that ( I'm quoting
again), "each state education department must be an agent of
change", proclaimed further "change must be institutionalized". I
doubt if an account of this appeared in any newspaper in the
state of Vermont or for that matter any newspaper in the country
(U.S.). Education departments. were, I am quoting a third time,
"to lose their identity as well as their authority in order to
form a partnership with the Federal Government".

teaching reforms to be forced on the country, unwillingly of
course, after 1967. It also sets out, in clear language, the
outlook and intent of its invisible creators. Nothing less than
quoting again "the impersonal manipulation through schooling of a
future America in which few will be able to maintain control over
their own opinions", an America in which ( quoting again) "each
individual receives at birth, a multipurpose identification
number which enables employers and other controllers to keep
track of their [underlings]", underlings is my interpretation,
everything else came out of the document, "and to expose them to
the directors subliminal influence of the state education
department and the federal department acted through those
whenever necessary".

Readers learned in 1967, of course you and I were not among those
readers, that chemical experimentation on minors would be normal
procedure in the post 1967 world. That is a pointed foreshadowing
of the massive Ritalin interventions which would accompany the
student body of the future. Teachers were expected to function as
government change agents and their trainers, ( this the first
time reading this document that I realized that the expression
"teacher trainer", like animal trainer, is an odd locution). The
teacher trainers were notified that behavioral science would
henceforth replace academic curriculum in schools.

Re: [CTRL] Watch Out For This Fella On Tuesday!

2000-11-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

well how did the decent law abiding citizens in American feel when their
children was exposed to the news coverage on TV and in newspapers of
their president engaged in sodomy?

Nice people - how do you protect your kids from garbage like this - two
males going through male menopause - one engaged in acts of sodomy and
the other prancing around in tight trousers like  a ballet dancer like
turkey stuffed for Thanksgiving?

Really - to be exposed to such uncouth activities you can survive, but
small children shsould be protected from these predators - now you see
why they push the perverts into the boy scouts - bring them all down to
their low standards.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] AP: Search for new way to say irradiation

2000-11-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

WEEKLY FARM: Search for new way to say irradiation

The Associated Press
11/4/00 12:07 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Do consumers have a beef with having their
meat irradiated? Lawmakers think so, and they blame it on
irradiation, the word.

They have told the Food and Drug Administration to consider
allowing alternative terms for irradiation, such as "cold
pasteurization," that meatpackers can use on labels. A spending
bill that President Clinton recently signed into law directs the
agency to come up with the wording by early 2002.

The use of the word irradiation "clearly stirs some anxiety in
some consumers," said Brian Folkerts, vice president of
government affairs for the National Food Processors Association.
"It's construed by some consumers as a warning."

The Agriculture Department in February approved the use of
irradiation to kill E. coli O157:H7 and other harmful bacteria in
ground beef and other meat. Even before that approval, industry
officials worried that consumers would balk at the term

Food is irradiated when it is exposed briefly to electrons, gamma
rays or X-rays. The process does not raise the temperature of the
food, hence the term "cold pasteurization."

A leading advocate of alternative labeling is Democratic Sen. Tom
Harkin of Iowa, whose state has a facility that treats ground
beef with electron-beam radiation.

The FDA requires labeling of irradiated products to indicate that
they have been treated with irradiation. They also must bear a
special symbol, known as the radura, which consists of green
petals in a broken circle.

At the direction of Congress, the agency proposed early last year
to consider alternative language for the labels. The FDA has yet
to act.

The FDA is reviewing public comments as it considers the idea of
different language on food labels.

Consumer advocacy groups oppose any changes.

"It's hard to continue to be supportive of irradiation when there
is this continuing effort to hide it from the public," said Carol
Tucker Foreman, director of the Consumer Federation of America's
Food Policy Institute. "It undermines public confidence in a new

Industry officials say they want to make irradiated food sound
less frightening to consumers.

"The use of the term irradiation can be misleading," said
Christine Bruhn, director of the Center for Consumer Research at
the University of California-Davis. "They think perhaps it's

Bruhn recently received a grant from the Agriculture Department
to devise programs to promote irradiation.

She suggests that labels read something like this: "Treated with
cold pasteurization (irradiation) for improved safety."

Research by both the food industry and consumer advocacy groups
has shown that shoppers want the term to appear on treated
products. The studies have differed as to whether consumers
prefer additional wording used in conjunction with what the FDA
now allows.

The vast majority of products now irradiated are spices, herbs
and seasonings. Some irradiated fruits, vegetables and poultry
also are available, along with treated ground beef, in Florida
and the Midwest, according to a recent report by the General
Accounting Office.

The major buyers of irradiated products are health care and food
service establishments that want to minimize the threat of
foodborne illness.

On the Net: Food and Drug Administration: http://www.fda.gov

National Food Processors Association: http://www.nfpa-food.org

Consumer Federation of America: http://www.consumerfed.org

Copyright 2000 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-11-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Colombian paramilitary group using abduction for political gain

The Associated Press
11/4/00 3:40 PM

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) -- Following in the tradition of Colombia's
drug cartels and leftist guerrillas, the nation's rightist
paramilitary militias are now using kidnapping as an effective
political tool.

The United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, or AUC, appears to be
having some success using seven captive lawmakers as bargaining
chips to gain a voice in peace talks between the government and
leftist rebels and prevent a proposed rebel prisoner swap,
officials say.

"There is no doubt that the AUC has increased its political
leverage," said Daniel Garcia-Pena, a former government peace

Adding to the pressure, suspected paramilitary gunmen killed at
least 16 unarmed townspeople in northwestern Antioquia state on
Friday, accusing them of being guerrilla sympathizers, Antioquia
police commander Guillermo Aranda said Saturday.

The AUC's notorious leader, Carlos Castano, announced Wednesday
that he was holding the lawmakers, who were abducted two weeks
ago, and demanded a place at the negotiating table. He also
criticized President Andres Pastrana for not taking a tougher
negotiating stance against the guerrillas.

Pastrana has refused to include Castano in the talks with the
leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, the
country's largest guerrilla group. Many in Colombia oppose the
AUC's inclusion, charging that the group has committed widespread
massacres and assassinations.

A growing number of Colombians, however, believe the
landowner-backed paramilitaries must eventually be recognized.

"They are an armed group who are fighting the rebels and are part
of this conflict who cannot be ignored," Attorney General Jaime
Bernal said.

In an editorial this week, Bogota's El Espectador newspaper said
it was time to "stop making false moral distinctions" and to
involve all of Colombia's armed factions in the peace process.

And while insisting it would not be intimidated by the
paramilitary leader, even the government appears to be bending in
his direction.

A day after Castano said he was holding the seven lawmakers, the
government indicated it would consider sending an official to
meet with him providing he agrees to free the captives. It would
be the first known government meeting with Castano.

The government also appears to be backing off a proposed prisoner
exchange with the guerrillas -- the deal Castano said prompted
him to kidnap the lawmakers, all of whom were proponents of the

Many feared the deal -- trading 450 jailed rebels for more than
500 police and soldiers held by the guerrillas -- would
strengthen the rebels and spark even more abductions in a nation
already plagued by nearly 3,000 kidnappings a year.

Until Castano grabbed the lawmakers, it appeared the two sides
were closing in on a deal. On Friday, however, Interior Minister
Humberto de la Calle said the government wanted a broader accord
-- along the lines advocated by Castano -- in which the
guerrillas would have to also free 1,500 civilians they are

Castano has pledged not to harm the lawmakers, who include six
federal legislators and a state assemblyman.

Garcia-Pena likened Castano's attempt to kidnap for political
profit to strategies Colombia's drug gangs and guerrillas use as
a tool to intimidate their opponents.

"Unfortunately this isn't the first time the kidnapping of
prominent figures has been used to gain political leverage," said
Garcia-Pena. "And it certainly will encourage others to do the
same in the future."

Copyright 2000 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] AP: Police open fire on angry crowds in Egyptian election violence

2000-11-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Police open fire on angry crowds in Egyptian election violence

The Associated Press
11/4/00 5:17 PM

DAKAHLA, Egypt (AP) -- Police fired live ammunition and tear gas
Saturday in clashes with voters in three northern villages and,
elsewhere, fistfights between supporters of rival candidates in
the parliamentary elections turned to gunfire. As night fell,
four people were dead and more than 60 people were injured.

In Dakahla, 125 miles northeast of Cairo, the capital, police
tried to disperse voters angry that security forces had prevented
them from casting ballots.

An 18-year-old man, Hani Noaman al-Sabbouhi, died after being
shot three times in the head, according to hospital officials in
nearby Mansoura. At least 24 other people were treated there for
gunshot wounds or tear gas inhalation.

Egypt's largest Islamic group, the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood,
enjoys strong support in Dakahla, and residents in some such
areas have complained throughout the three-stage elections that
security forces are limiting who votes.

Clashes with police are common in Egyptian legislative elections,
which are marred by allegations of widespread vote-rigging. In
earlier polling during the current elections, police opened fire
on a crowd of pro-opposition voters, killing one and wounding a
dozen. Thirty-four people were killed in the 1995 elections.

President Hosni Mubarak's National Democratic Party controlled 97
percent of the seats in the outgoing parliament and is expected
to dominate the new one. Voting Saturday was for run-off contests
in the second stage of balloting and covered parts of the Nile
Delta, Sinai Peninsula and southern Egypt.

Word of trouble came from the Nile Delta.

"We just want our rights. Where's the freedom they are talking
about?" asked Mohammed Shabaan, who said he wasn't allowed to

In the village of Idyar, 50 miles north of Cairo, police clashed
with supporters of the ruling NDP candidate -- a far less common
occurrence. The reason for the clash, involving gunfire and tear
gas, wasn't clear.

Mohammed el-Sayyed Abu Abiyah and Mohammed el-Sayyed Hallah died
shortly after arriving at a hospital in Tanta, 13 miles to the
east, hospital officials said. Their ages weren't available.
Twenty people were wounded in Idyar, they said.

In Atmida, 30 miles southwest of Dakahla, villagers said Sayyed
Mohammed Imran, 45, was killed during clashes between police and
supporters of Muslim Brotherhood-backed candidate Shafiq el-Deeb.
Police said Imran died of heart attack.

Elsewhere in the area, at least 24 people were injured in
election-day violence. Villagers burned a police car in
el-Gamaliyah, 20 miles southeast of Dakahla, where fighting
between supporters of rival candidates injured four people,
police said.

Fistfights turned to gunfights between candidates' supporters in
Kafr el-Zaiyat, 60 miles northwest of Cairo. At least 20 people
were injured, police said.

The clashes in Dakahla stretched throughout the afternoon, with
villagers erecting barricades of hay bales on the bloodstained
dirt roads that they set fire to in attempts to prevent the
security forces from advancing.

People crowded around one man who stood, his head bleeding, in a
village street. Residents said police had cordoned off areas and
an ambulance driver outside the village said he was not allowed
to enter. Some of the injured were taken out in private cars
through back routes. Later, ambulances were allowed into the

Many frightened residents stayed in their homes, only peering out
for a look, to curse security forces and to let in those in the
streets needing a place to hide.

"People are oppressed and humiliated, what can they do?" yelled a
woman, leaning out on her balcony. "May God punish them,"
answered another, referring to authorities.

The violence erupted when the villagers were denied access to a
polling station to cast their votes. Security forces had blocked
the roads to the station.

An independent candidate backed by the outlawed Muslim
Brotherhood enjoys strong support in the village.

Police fired tear gas again later when villagers demonstrated,
chanting Brotherhood slogans and the name of the
Brotherhood-backed candidate, Mohammed al-Falahgy.

Abdel-Aziz Salman, a representative of al-Falahgy, said he was
barred from entering the polling station and quoted an officer as
telling him: "No one will vote today. There is no law today."

Copyright 2000 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] Fwd: Israelis Shoot Boys In Cold Blood

2000-11-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

Nader is right - cut off all funds to Israel as for what do we pay?
Guns and Israelie Torture Camps for children?   Looks like some war
criminals will eventually be tried on this one at long last.


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The BBC's Edward Stourton
"They tortured men, young boys and women"
 real 56k
 Friday, 3 November, 2000, 18:04 GMT

Israel accused

Israel Accused is a BBC Correspondent programme, and will be shown at
1850 GMT on Saturday 4th November on BBC Two.

Khiam prison was a detention and interrogation centre during the years
of the Israeli occupation in Southern Lebanon. From 1985 until the
Israeli withdrawal this May, thousands of Lebanese were held in Khiam
without trial. Most of them were brutally tortured - some of them died.

Israel has always sought to escape responsibility for what was done in
Khiam; Israel Accused asks where the blame for what Amnesty
International calls war crimes really lies.

To help secure its hold on Southern Lebanon, Israel armed and financed a
local Lebanese militia, the South Lebanon Army or SLA. In theory the SLA
was there to protect the interests of the Lebanese community - in
practice it did Israel's work by proxy. The SLA provided Khiam's guards
and interrogators.
Children tortured

Ali two weeks before he was taken to Khiam
Ali Kashmar was fourteen when arrested and detained in 1988. Although he
had voiced anti-Israeli opinions in school (his own father was killed
fighting the Israeli invasion ten years earlier) there is no evidence to
suggest that he was guilty of any crime.

Ali was tortured for eleven days and says he started making up stories
to please his interrogators. Ali Kashmar was kept in Khiam for ten
years. He grew up from a boy to a man within the prison walls - without
even a mirror to use as his appearance changed, and spent time in
solitary confinement.

Ali Kashmar grew up from a boy to a man within the prison walls

Edward Stourton
Ali was eventually released after a decade as part of a hostage exchange
- fifty five Khiam prisoners and the bodies of 44 Lebanese were traded
for the remains of three Israeli soliders in 1998. Terribly damaged by
his years in Khiam, he is still fighting severe psychological
difficulties - and there is nowhere in Lebanon that provides treatment
for this kind of trauma.
Ryadh Kalakesh was 17 when he was detained in Khiam. He comes from a
family that was deeply involved with the Islamic group Hezbollah - one
of his brothers was a suicide bomber - and he was picked up by Israeli
troops on a sweep through his village in 1986.
electric shocks were administered through wires attached to the finger
tips or the genitals...

Ryadh Kalakesh
Ryadh was tortured for eleven months, and gives a graphic account of
what it was like; the use of electric shocks administered through wires
attached to the finger tips or the genitals, the beatings, the dousings
with hot then cold water, and what was known as "the pole", where
prisoners - often after being striped naked - were handcuffed and
suspended for hours at a time.

Ryadh's brother Adel was detained in Khiam too; when Adel refused to
tell the interrogators what they wanted to hear they hauled in his wife
Mona and tortured her so that he could hear her screams. Mona suffered
electric shocks - through wires attached to her nipples - spent three
months in solitary confinement and lost her baby while she was in the
Khiam prison today

There is a compelling body of evidence about Israel's involvement in
Khiam. Former detainees all say that in the early days of Khiam's time
as a detention centre Israeli interrogators worked alongside their SLA
counterparts, and their evidence is corroborated by that of those guards
who worked in the prison.

In 1988 the Israel seems to have decided on a change of policy in Khiam,
and the Israeli presence in the gaol became less obvious. But in a court
case brought by Isreali human rights lawyers, the Defence Ministry has
admitted paying all the staff at the gaol, training the interrogators
and guards, and providing assistance with lie detector tests.

Israel denied war crimes in Khiam
Tanious Nafra, a gaurd in Khiam 1985-1987
In May, when Israel withdrew from Lebanon, many of Khiam's guards and
interrogators fled across the border among the six thousand members of
the SLA and their families who took refuge in Israel, living under
Israeli government protection at the expense of the Israeli taxpayer.

No one from the Israeli government was willing to agree to an interview.
When pressed to admit Israeli responsibility for the gaol, a man who
commanded Israeli forces during the late 1980s finally concedes,

Broadcast in the midst of one of the gravest Middle East crises of the
past decade, Israel Accused is a timely reminder 

[CTRL] Cigarettes Distributed For Gore Vote

2000-11-05 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-


Cigarettes Distributed For Gore Vote
Homeless Voters Given Ride, Cigarettes
MILWAUKEE, Updated 7:00 p.m. CST November 5, 2000--
Campaign volunteers for the Democratic Presidential campaign
were discovered distributing cigarettes to homeless voters after the
volunteers had recruited the homeless specifically for their vote

  Gore Campaigners Distribute Cigarettes

WISN 12 News caught workers for Vice President Al Gore's
campaign giving packs of cigarettes to homeless voters that they
had transported to cast absentee ballots.


"We've been pretty busy, going to the shelters," campaign
volunteer Connie Milstein said. Milstein volunteers for the Gore
campaign in New York and came to Milwaukee to help get out the
"They had a couple vans, and said they'd give us a ride. So I took a
ride," George Scharf said. Scharf is a homeless voter who said he
had planned to vote for Gore anyway, and that voters weren't told
about the free cigarettes till after they were at the polls.
"They didn't mention that until we got down there anyway," he said.

However, a Milwaukee Rescue Mission employee told WISN 12
News that he had to ask democratic campaign volunteers to leave
the property after he caught them trying to bribe potential voters
with packs of cigarettes.
Although, one voter said that he did not feel like he was bribed for
his vote.
"They just came and asked us to go and vote," Bob Socha said.
Socha also said that he enjoys voting and was already planning to
vote for Gore.
A representative from the Milwaukee County Bush campaign said
that the tactics of the Gore campaigners raises a few questions.
"Even aside from the law itself, I just think most people on a gut
check level would say that's wrong," Rep. Scott Walker (R - 14th
District) said. "One has to question if they were going to be voting
anyway, one has to question why would the campaign, the Gore
campaign, be giving anything out, other than a ride to vote. "
After viewing WISN 12's video tape, a local representative of the
Gore campaign issued a response to the democratic campaigners
who distributed the cigarettes.
"This kind of activity described by Channel 12 is not the kind of
help we ask for and it's the kind of help we flat-out reject. These
volunteers were from out of state, acting on their own and this was
not part of any official Democratic 'get out the vote' activity in
Wisconsin. They have left the state and we will not invite them to
return," wrote Susan Lagana, a spokeswoman for the Democratic
Coordinated Campaign.
WISN 12's Jason DeRusha will have new information on how one
area Republican is pursuing Saturday's actions by the Democratic
volunteers on 12 News At 10:00.
Copyright 2000 by TheMilwaukeeChannel.com. All rights reserved.


Americans who value freedom had better be more
concerned about the gun control crowd than the
criminals.  The criminals want your money.  The
Neo-Totalitarians want your Freedom.
--Charlie Reese

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fox: Bush Campaign Poll Shows California Tied

2000-11-05 Thread JOHN PORTER

-Caveat Lector-


Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [CTRL] Fox: Bush Campaign Poll Shows California Tied
Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2000 15:54:31 -0700

-Caveat Lector-

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Sunday November 5, 2000; 10:59 AM ET

Fox News: Bush Campaign Poll Shows California Tied

Polls conducted late last week by the Bush campaign show the
Texas governor is more than just competitive in the electoral
vote goldmine of California -- he's tied with Vice President Al
Gore, who once considered the state a lock.

Fox News Channel's Carl Cameron reported Sunday morning:

  "Bush has been supremely confident in the last few days. The
campaign actually stopped its internal tracking polling last
Thursday in the belief that the race had been cast and that
nothing would change in the final few days.

  "At that time they were tied in the huge state of California,
with the most electoral college votes; up five here in Florida,
where Bush will be campaigning for the next day and a half; and
behind in Pennsylvania but trending up in his direction.

"Last night Bush actually campaigned in New Jersey -- a Gore
stronghold and a Democratic leaning state -- a surprise to many
Republicans that the GOP presidential candidate would go there.

  "But many think it's a sign of his confidence and that he's
trying to help Republican candidates in Congress who he thinks
he'll be working with.

  "The Bush campaign doesn't think the DWI story hurt them at all.
Bush is so confident that he thinks he may actually be making
calls to a would-be transition team in a new adminsitration early
in the day on Tuesday."

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] US report urges Arafat to use torture for peace

2000-11-05 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-


US report urges Arafat to use torture for peace
An influential think-tank advises Palestinian Authority to ruthlessly
repress militant elements without regard for basic human rights
By Robert Fisk in Gaza
6 November 2000
Palestinian leaders have been shocked to read an American think-
tank report which urges them to act "ruthlessly" against opponents
of the Oslo agreement – even if this involves "excessive force",
trials without due process of law and "interrogation methods that
border on psychological and/or physical torture."
A draft copy of the report by the influential Centre for Strategic and
International Studies (CSIS), which has close links with the United
States government, has been published on the internet and
circulated among dozens of members of the Palestinian Authority
in Gaza, including Yasser Arafat's most senior intelligence
The report says that even if peace follows the "Second Intifada",
"both sides [Palestinian and Israeli] will be forced to conduct
aggressive [sic] security operations for years to come" which "can
have a high price tag in terms of human rights." By way of
comparison, it adds that British security forces in Northern Ireland
"balanced" what it calls "effective security" with human rights –
even though "the British used excessive force, abused human
rights, and used extreme interrogation methods and torture."
Amnesty International and other human rights groups have
frequently condemned the use of arbitrary false arrest, detention
and torture by Arafat's "muhabarrat" security apparatus, pointing
out that CIA operatives appear to have been complicit in these
abuses.  Far from denouncing these practices, however, the draft
CSIS report appears to encourage their use, stating that "such
measures also tend to work".
The document is dated 18 October and bears the name of Anthony
H Cordesman – a former national security assistant to failed
Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain – who is
now holder of the Arleigh A Burke Chair in Strategy at the CSIS,
named after the former Chief of US Naval Operations. His
document is heavily referenced to CIA, State Department and
Israeli sources and, according to Palestinian officials here, has
been circulated within the US and Israeli governments.
Entitled "Peace and War:  Israel versus the Palestinians", it
recounts the turbulent history of Israeli-Palestinian relations since
the 1993 Oslo agreement although its bias is obvious from the
frequent use of "terrorist" to describe violent Arab groups and the
almost ubiquitous use of "extremist" in reference to their violent
Israeli opposite numbers.
It excuses the use of Israeli live bullets against stone-throwers,
adding that CS gas and rubber bullets are often "not effective in
stopping large groups" and that "troops cannot let mobs armed
with stones and Molotov cocktails close on their positions, or rely
on the riot control gear used in civil disobedience."
In a section headed "The Need for Palestinian Authority
Ruthlessness and Efficiency", it states "there will be no future
peace, or stable peace process, if the Palestinian security forces
do not act ruthlessly and effectively. They must react very quickly
and decisively in dealing with terrorism and violence if they are to
preserve the momentum of Israeli withdrawal, the expansion of
Palestinian control, and the peace process. They must halt civil
violence even if this sometimes means using excessive force by
the standards of Western police forces. They must be able to halt
terrorist and paramilitary action by Hamas and Islamic Jihad even if
this means interrogations, detentions and trials that are too rapid
and lack due process. If they do not, the net cost to both peace
and the human rights of most Palestinians will be devastating."
The report says that permission must be obtained for any
publication of the contents, but copies have now been circulated
throughout the Palestinian Authority, including the offices of
Mohamed Dahalan and Jibril Rajoub, respectively heads of Arafat's
"Preventative Security" in Gaza and Ramallah. Both Dahalan and
Rajoub were sent to Langley, Virginia, for what was called "human
rights training" by US government intelligence services.
Although it condemns "Israeli terrorism" – a phrase used only once
and in reference to Jewish settlers' groups – the document
concludes with chilling advice to both Palestinians and Israelis.
"Every counter-terrorist force that has ever succeeded has had to
act decisively and sometimes violently," it says.
"Effective counter-terrorism relies on interrogation methods that
border on psychological and/or physical torture, arrests and
detentions that are 'arbitrary' by the standards of civil law, break-ins
and intelligence operations that violate the normal rights of privacy,
levels of violence in making arrests that are unacceptable in civil
cases, and 


2000-11-05 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

To: "Dave Kuehne" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, November 04, 2000 12:12 PM


 In 1995 in violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act, Al Gore
 kept secret from Congress Russia’s nuclear technology deal
 with terrorist nation Iran. In a classified letter recently made
 public, former Russian Prime Minister Chernomyrdin told Gore
 that information about this deal “was not to be conveyed to third
 parties, including the U.S. Congress.” As principal architect of
 U.S. policy towards Russia during most of the 1990s, Gore
 established very close relations with Chernomyrdin, who was
 considered by many to be corrupt and a stooge of the Russian
 Mafia. “Gore may have committed treason by endangering U.S.
 national security,” says CIC’s Scott Lauf. The Senate Foreign
 Relations Committee is scheduled to hold hearings on the
 matter. CIC supporters are urged to contact Sen. Jesse Helms
 (R-NC) at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and Senate Majority
 Leader Trent Lott (R-MS) at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
 demand that a full-scale inquiry is conducted before the
 congressional recess.

Contact your Congress Critters:

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not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html

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[CTRL] REU: Zogby: Bush Lead Down to a Point (fwd)

2000-11-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Sunday November 5 6:32 PM ET

Bush Lead Down to a Point in Reuters/MSNBC Poll

By Alan Elsner, Political Correspondent

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican George W. Bush's lead over
Democrat Al Gore fell to a single percentage point in Sunday's
Reuters/MSNBC national tracking poll, and six key battleground
states remained too close to call.

The national survey of around 1,200 voters likely to take part in
Tuesday's election, conducted Friday through Sunday by pollster
John Zogby, found the Texas governor with 47 percent and the vice
president with 46 percent.

With a statistical margin of error of plus or minus three
percentage points, the race is too close to call with the
election two days away.

Green Party nominee Ralph Nader polled 5 percent; Reform Party
candidate Pat Buchanan stayed at 1 percent and Libertarian Party
candidate Harry Browne also polled 1 percent.

``Nader continues to be the difference in this popular vote horse
race. Twenty-eight percent of Nader voters, however, still say
that they are very or somewhat likely to change their minds,''
said Zogby.

``On the other hand, only 10 percent of Gore supporters and 7
percent of Bush supporters still say they can change,'' he said.

With the national poll this close, attention swings to a few
battleground states where the election will be decided. Separate
Reuters/MSNBC tracking polls of around 600 likely voters in nine
key states showed an equally muddled picture.

Gore seemed securely ahead in Michigan and Illinois. Bush
appeared to have Ohio sewn up. But Florida, Missouri, Washington,
Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Tennessee all remained within the
margin of error of plus or minus four points.

In total, 153 votes in the Electoral College are up for grabs in
those nine states. At the moment according to these polls, Gore
would win 99 and Bush would take 54 of those votes.

In Florida, possibly the single most crucial state, Gore
increased his slim lead to three points from one. He also added a
point in Washington. But Bush bounded four points ahead in
Tennessee and added a point in Wisconsin. There was no
discernible pattern in these poll movements that would give
evidence of a national wave for either candidate.

These are the complete state-by-state results for Sunday,
including the net change over the past 24 hours:

Bush Gore Nader Electoral Votes Net Change Florida 46 49 4 25
Gore +2 Illinois 40 53 6 22 Gore +4 Michigan 43 50 5 18 Bush +2
Missouri 49 45 4 11 Bush +2 Ohio 52 43 3 21 Gore +1 P'sylvania 45
47 6 23 unchanged Tennessee 50 46 3 11 Bush +4 Washington 44 48 7
11 Gore +1 Wisconsin 47 45 7 11 Bush +1

A total of 270 electoral votes are needed to be elected
president. Most analysts believe both candidates have definitely
secured about 200, leaving some 138 to be fought over that will
decide the election.

Also Close In House Struggle

In the equally tight race for the House of Representatives,
voters in the national poll preferred the Democrats by two
points. The Democrats need a net gain of seven seats to regain
control from the Republicans.

Several tight Senate races also showed movement in the past 24

-- In New York, Democratic first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton held
a three-point lead over Republican Rick Lazio, 48 percent to 45

-- In Missouri, the late Gov. Mel Carnahan, whose wife says she
would serve in his place if he won, held a slight lead over
Republican Sen. John Ashcroft 47-45 percent. Carnahan was killed
in a plane crash on Oct. 16 but his name remains on the ballot.

-- In Florida, Democrat Bill Nelson's lead over Republican Bill
McCollum has suddenly shrunk to a single point, 44-43 percent.
Nelson had held a seemingly secure lead but it has melted away in
the past two days.

-- In Washington state, Democrat Maria Cantwell has sprung into a
seven-point lead over Republican Sen. Slade Gorton, 50-43
percent. Gorton had previously led the race.

-- In Michigan, Democrat Debbie Stabenow was a little ahead of
Republican Sen. Spencer Abraham, 47-45 percent.

Democrats need to pick up five seats to regain the majority in
the Senate.

In the national presidential poll, Bush was gaining the support
of 88 percent of Republicans but Gore was backed by only 79
percent of Democrats. The vice president could even the race if
more of his own party came home.

Men backed Bush by 19 points; women preferred Gore by a 12-point
margin as the electorate continued to show a substantial gender

Reuters and MSNBC will release a new poll at 6:30 p.m. EST (2330
GMT) on Monday and a final poll at 7 a.m (1200 GMT) on Election

Copyright © 2000 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

[CTRL] Prosperity for All

2000-11-05 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

 Gore's theme ... unfortunately, "All" may be just "Al" with a lingering "L" ...


Al's Most Vicious Lie
Alan Reynolds
Monday, Nov. 6, 2000

Of all his distortions and exaggerations, Al Gore's assault on George W. Bush's plan
for Social Security is the worst.
Scaring Seniors

Gore charges that "Bush has promised a trillion dollars out of the Social Security
trust fund for young, working adults to invest and save on their own. But he's
promised seniors that their Social Security benefits will not be cut, and he's
promised the same trillion dollars to them. . . . The trillion dollars that has been
promised to the young people has also been promised to older people. And you cannot
keep both promises."

Totally false.

First, the Bush plan would not give young people a trillion dollars, or even one
dollar. It would merely give them a choice to invest part of their own Social
Security taxes in an IRA, or to just leave it all wasting away in Social Security.

Those who elected to pay 15 percent less into Social Security would end up
collecting about 15 percent less in benefits from Social Security. That reduction of
benefits is largely automatic, since benefits are based on taxes paid over 35 years.

This reduced reliance on tax-financed benefits would take a big load off of Social
Security 35-40 years from now, when a huge number of retired Baby Boomers will
otherwise become an impossible burden on a relatively small number of younger

That is, partial privatization could reduce Social Security's huge $2.4 trillion
surplus over the next 10 years - but it will certainly shrink Social Security's
expenses by several trillions over the long run. And it is in the long run that the
system's financial problems are expected to occur.

He Knows It's a Lie

Listen carefully, and you'll hear Gore qualify his claim, as in the third debate:
"If you're in your mid 40s, under the governor's plan, Social Security will be
bankrupt by the time you retire."

In fact, Social Security will have far more income than is needed to pay benefits
for at least 25 to 35 years, and the Bush option barely dents those near-term
surpluses in exchange for tremendous long-term savings.

Gore's hysterical claim that Social Security will be bankrupt in 20 years (when
those who are now 45 turn 65) inadvertently revealed that the Bush plan poses no
risk at all to anyone older than 45.

But the program still faces that crisis in a few decades, when its accumulated
surpluses run out. Rather than cut other government spending to keep up payments to
seniors, will Washington choose to cut benefits or raise Social Security taxes?
(This might be done surreptitiously - as when Clinton and Gore hiked the tax on
Social Security benefits in 1993.)

That's the real risk faced by those under 45. Such reductions in after-tax benefits
could easily wipe out the meager 1.9 percent return that younger workers are
theoretically supposed to receive on their payroll taxes.

Workers under 45 are understandably skeptical about their odds of even getting back
as much in benefits as they pay in taxes. Younger workers tend to be appropriately
enthusiastic about the opportunity of selecting from a bigger retirement menu under
the Bush plan.

The "Lock- box" Hoax

Gore pretends unspent Social Security taxes can somehow be squirreled away in a
"lockbox," but that too is a hoax. Surpluses can only be used to buy back Treasury

Gore tries to make a big deal out of the interest expense saved by allegedly
redeeming privately held bonds at an earlier date than Bush, but Gore's own rosy
estimates show an interest saving of only $6 billion a year. That is chump change
compared with Social Security's promised benefits that are expected to exceed
revenues by nearly $20 trillion over the long haul, in the absence of something like
the Bush reform.

Gore's infamous penchant for class warfare and antibusiness rhetoric has been a
minor annoyance compared with his new passion for pitting young against old. Either
he is inexcusably misinformed about Social Security, or he hopes to misinform enough
voters for enough time to squeak past the election before being unmasked.

"You can fool some of the people some of the time," has become the fundamental theme
of a shameless campaign. Gore propaganda about Social Security insults older voters
by assuming they are easy to fool.

Alan Reynolds is Director of Economic Research at the Hudson Institute.
Copyright 2000 NYP Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved.

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[CTRL] WP: FBI Quietly Tracks Mystery of Debate Tape

2000-11-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

FBI Quietly Tracks Mystery of Debate Tape

Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, November 6, 2000; Page A13

The mystery of how confidential debate preparation materials made
their way from Texas Gov. George W. Bush's inner circle to Vice
President Gore's debate coach is not going to be officially
solved anytime soon.

After an initial round of interviews and evidence-gathering by
the FBI, the investigation in recent weeks has been much less
visible. Members of the Gore and Bush camps said they are
frustrated but resigned to the lack of resolution before the
public goes to the polls.

Attorney General Janet Reno, asked last week whether the
investigation has been routed onto a slow track until the
election is over, declined to comment. She said only that it is
still pending and all appropriate steps are being taken.

-Law enforcement officials said the only way the debate tape
probe would -have been completed before the presidential
election would be if someone -confessed. Moving forward with
anything less would disrupt the election, -they said.

The focus of the investigation has been on Bush's Austin media
firm, Maverick Media, and a Maverick employee who was captured on
post office surveillance tape Sept. 11 mailing an Express Mail
package. An Express Mail package containing briefing materials
and a videotape of Bush practicing for his televised debates
against Gore was mailed at precisely that time from the same
Austin post office. It was delivered two days later to Gore's
then-debate coach, former congressman Thomas Downey, who
contacted the FBI when he realized the package contained
materials leaked from the Bush operation.

"My suspicion is we're not going to find out anything for
months," said Rusty Hardin, a lawyer representing Maverick Media
owner Mark McKinnon. He said he has had several conversations
with Justice Department prosecutors about the case.
"Investigators are still talking to witnesses," he said. "I think
they are waiting to schedule grand jury appearances until after
the election." Hardin and other lawyers involved in the case
agreed it would be improper for investigators to move just before
an election. "Any responsible public integrity prosecutor would
do it the way they are doing it," Hardin said.

FBI Director Louis J. Freeh assured the Bush campaign that the
incident would be fully investigated. The Justice Department,
meanwhile, has been weighing whether the alleged action involved
a federal crime such as mail fraud or theft, and as a preliminary
matter has decided the actions constitute possible criminal acts.

The Maverick Media employee taped at the Austin post office,
Juanita Yvette Lozano, is on paid leave until the investigation
is over, according to Hardin. Neither Lozano nor her lawyer were
available to discuss the investigation, but she has maintained
her innocence since the beginning.

An official in the Bush camp said the campaign has been informed
that an FBI analysis of hair found on the tape was not a DNA
match with Lozano.

One of the mysteries is whether a campaign briefing book that
belonged to McKinnon was the one copied. Stuart Stevens, a Bush
media consultant who works with McKinnon, said that in September,
McKinnon's debate briefing book was found on the street outside
Bush campaign headquarters by a passerby who returned it. Stevens
said McKinnon put the book down on the sidewalk to help Stevens
load some equipment into his car. The two then drove off to
Bush's ranch, inadvertently leaving the book behind. The debate
practice tape was made at the ranch the following day, he said.

Stevens said the campaign and Maverick Media officials continue
to believe in Lozano's innocence, despite the post office
evidence. He said various media consultants, some of them
Democrats, used the editing facility in the -building with
Maverick Media. One of them could have copied the tape and
-briefing book, he speculated, then put it in an outgoing
mailbox, which -Lozano then unknowingly took to the post office
with other items.

Some campaign officials are frustrated the FBI has not
interviewed people with Democratic ties who had access to the
building where Maverick Media is located.

Meanwhile, the Dallas Morning News reported new details last week
in the 1986 incident in which Bush's chief campaign strategist,
Karl Rove, was suspected of bugging his own office and blaming a
rival campaign. The Dallas paper, citing documents released under
the state's open records law, said the FBI suspected the firm
Rove hired to sweep his office might have surreptitiously planted
the bug to impress its employer.

Staff writers David Vise and Lois Romano contributed to this
report. © 2000 The Washington Post Company

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To 

[CTRL] Bush - The Company They Keep

2000-11-05 Thread ThePiedPiper

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dei nazisti, Hermann Josef Abs (1901-1994), DB, IG Farben, IOR
11, 1999
company they keep
company they keep
Germany lost the Second World War is not in doubt. That Germans suffered
as a result is obvious. Some suffered more than others. The rich suffered
least. Few were surprised. That is the way of suffering, war or peace.
The Poles, the French, the Belgians, the Dutch, the Serbs, et. al., and
especially the Russians certainly suffered while they were losing. Then
the tide turned. This is the way of war. Tides turn. Winning now is no
guarantee against losing later. Somebody always loses eventually. Civilians
start losing on day one.
Wehrmacht lost the war. The Luftwaffe lost the war. The civilians lost
the war. The Nazis, however, did not lose the war. The Nazis got away.
It is true that a tiny minority of individual Nazis lost the war. Goebbels,
Goering, Kaltenbrunner, and the man claiming to be Hess lost the war. Perhaps
it is even true that Hitler and Himmler lost the war as well, though forensic
evidence to the effect is notably scant.
Nazi Party and the S.S., as organizations, got away intact. They got away
with the money, the Reichsbank treasury, $15,000,000,000 in 1945 money.
This included the tooth gold. Guinness calls it the world's largest unsolved
robbery. Then there was all the stolen art, pieces of which, to this day,
occasionally surface. The Nazis did very well in the war, from a business
viewpoint. War is a business. It is fought for material gain. The Nazis
gained materially, and lived to spend it – thus, they won the war.
They did not win as much as they wanted to win, but who does? They did
win a great deal. What they lost was territory. What they gained was treasure,
new friends, and experience.
treasure included a couple of U-boats full of bearer bonds, numbered stock
shares and patent certificates.
" ...
the hard core of Nazi wealth in Latin America. In 1944 a great treasure
had been sent secretly across the Atlantic, the famous 'Bormann treasure.'
Toward the end of 1943, Bormann gave orders for Aktion Feuerland –
"Operation Land of Fire" – to begin. This operation involved the
transport from Germany to Argentina of several tons of gold, some securities,
shares, and works of art ...
Several U-boats arrived in Argentine waters after the capitulation of Germany.
They were the carriers of bundles of documents, industrial patents, and
securities. On July 10, 1945, the U-530 surfaced at the mouth of the River
Platte and entered the port of La Plata. The following month, on August
17, the U-977 also arrived at La Plata. In accordance with international
conventions, both U-boats were interned by Argentina and later handed over
to the United States authorities."
The Avengers, by Michael Bar-Zohar, Hawthorn Books, 1967, p 101
the surprise of few, they were found to be empty of treasure.
more U-boats, according to reliable sources, appeared off an uninhabited
stretch of the coast of Patagonia between July 23, and 29, 1945."
Ibid., p. 101
occupied Germany one could neither vote with these shares nor could one
collect interest, dividends, nor royalties. When (West) Germany again "took
its place among the nations of the World" in 1955, the Bundestag immediately
changed all this. The holders of these once worthless scraps of paper suddenly,
once again, possessed incredibly wealth.
the case of I.G. Farben:
M. Nichol, of the Chicago Daily News Foreign Service, writing in 1947,
trial of I.G. Farben's leading officials for war crimes is like Topsy.
It just 'growed.' It is still growing.
of the more starry-eyed in Nuernberg and throughout the world would like
to see it as a crusade against "monopoly" and "big business." Others, including
Farben's 24 crotchety and dyspeptic executives in the dock, believe it
is purely persecution... .
No trial at all was planned in the beginning... .
Investigating teams were interested in German finances, as such, in the
possible sources of reparations for Nazi damages to other countries, and
in tracing as much as possible of the loot that the Germans had concealed

[CTRL] Bush - The Omega File

2000-11-05 Thread ThePiedPiper


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The OMEGA File


For more information on how the "economic miracle"
was accomplished after the war by the Germans, you can read such books
as "Martin Bormann, Nazi in Exile" by Paul Manning
[ "...Bormann became the guiding force in the 'economic miracle' that led
to the rebirth of German industry and finance in the thirty-five years
following political and military defeat. In the waning months of World
War II, as the Third Reich was tottering and finally crumbling in defeat,
Bormann set up 750 CORPORATIONS scattered among those nations that had
remained neutral. Those corporations received the fleeing wealth of Germany
and became the power base that enabled Germany to climb back to economic
and political strength." From flyleaf ]. This book expands on the meeting
in Strasbourg on August 10, 1944, mentioned in Michael Bar-Zohar's book
"The Avengers."

In 1986, while researching these subjects, we received
161 pages under a Freedom of Information search concerning what happened
to the German treasury at the end of WW II. Many of these documents had
been SECRET until declassification to fulfill our request. One document
was No. 19,489, November 27, 1944, Subject: Transmitting Intelligence Report
No. EW-Pa 198 [?, barely readable] by G-2 Economic Section, the Secretary
of State, from Lt. Col. John W. Easton, Economic Warfare Division.

The cover letter stated "I have the honor to enclose
Intelligence Report No. EW-Pa 198 by G-2 Economic Section, SHAEF ["Supreme
Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces"], dated November 7, 1944, describing
the plans of German industrialists for the post-war resurrection of Germany.
Among the topics dealt with in this report are: patents, financial reserves,
exportation of capital, and the strategic placing of technical personnel."
It is obvious that Manning quoted from these documents in his book
on Bormann.

In describing the meeting of August 10,1944, in Stasbourg,
some sentences in the documents stand out: "German industrialists must,
it was said, through their exports increase the strength of Germany. They
must also prepare themselves TO FINANCE THE NAZI PARTY which would
be forced to GO UNDERGROUND as Maquis [in Gebirgverteidigungsstellengehen].
>From now on the government would allocate large sums to industrialists
so that each could establish a secure post-war foundation in foreign countries.
Existing financial reserves in foreign countries must be placed at the
disposal of the Party so that a strong German Empire can be created AFTER
the defeat. It is also immediately required that the large factories in
Germany create small technical offices or research bureaus which would
be absolutely independent and have no known connection with the factory.
These bureaus will receive plans and drawings of 'new weapons' as well
as documents which they need to continue their research and which must
not be allowed to fall into the hands of the enemy" [author emphasis].

The last sentences in this document are, "After the
defeat of Germany the Nazi Party recognizes that certain of its
best known leaders will be condemned as war criminals. However, in cooperation
with the industrialists it is arranging to place its less conspicuous but
most important members in positions with various German factories as technical
experts or members of its research and designing offices."

Some of the documents were concerning "Looted Gold"
[1945-1948]. (Note: A massive shipment of gold which disappeared from an
Allied train which was dynamited in a rail tunnel, was later used to finance
such Thule Society backed projects as the Montauk or Phoenix Experiments,
as a means to counter the Navy's own Philadelphia or Rainbow experiments.
The CIA itself delivered over into the hands of the Thulist 'Nazis' much
of the Philadelphia experiment's research and technology. - Branton) Accession
Number 56-75-101, Agency Container Number 169, File Number BIS/2/00." These
documents concern Germany's 'looted' gold being transferred to the 'Bank
for International Settlements' in Switzerland. One important paragraph
(#9) says: "It is clear both from correspondence and from testimony that
the management of the 

Re: [CTRL] Bush - The Company They Keep

2000-11-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Remember Mel Fischer?   The treasure hunter looking for gold off Key
West.he had two ships, one sank - only his son and daughter-in-law
slept over that night for they were to make the big haul the next day.
My friend had been given a piece of gold from this treasure - dated 1711
only thing, the ship was alleged to have gone down,  in the 1600 period.

So little Angela Fischer, a deep sea diver and pro, died in the bottom
of the ship with Mel's son.but the show went ongold is gold.

Later the US Navy department accidently of course, levied a missle at
the 2nd ship - sounds like something straight out of Luke doesn't
ittwo ships, they were partners, ready to make big haul - think date
was July 21 - a good day to bring up lots of gold some of it even
counted out for you in the bible.

So later on, and of course nobody cared bout this - it was discovered
that some of the gold Mel had sold, was dental gold?   My how
unusual...I had already guessed that and also when I had an art
exhibit scheduled for the Columbus Art Museum which I cancelled because
of their devious dealings by the Curator - I learned that every now and
then a piece of Nazi loot turned up - but Department of Interior refuses
to let loose of official list of missing treasures, for the communists
took ahold of a lot of this stuff and so did American GIs.and
Madeline Albright and her family and Herr Kissinger seemingly got away
with a lot of booty as well.

So all this gold - where could it be?   To the victor belongs the
spoils.General Patton returned the greatest treasure of all to the
Hungarian Museum (Carter as I recall returned the Royal Crown to
Hungary).Patton returned the Spear of Longinus which Hitler had held
once and saw the future ..the spear that pierced the side of Christ
- once used by Phineas in the bible and carried by Charlemagne (who is
an ancestor of mine of which I am very proud) and then this spear with
its magic power was almost captured by the
Nazis.oh today we are supposed to be friends with Russia and hate
Werner von  Braun who got us to the moon first.

Psychics such as Jean Dixon, a phoney psychic and propagandist
prophesied over and over first all the Kennedy brothers would be killed
and that Russian Would Beat Us To the Moon...well hired guns and
crazed killers got the Kennedys and almost killed even Teddy and
eventually got even little John John who was the greatest threat Bill
Clinton ever had.

I charge Clinton with being the next thing to a spy..a combined Nazi
and Communist - maybe an Ashkenazi Zionist for his actions speak louder
than his words.who really creataed Hitler who came out of
Austria yet nobody bothers to remember the Austrian Hungarian Curse of
the royals..nor notices the return of the King to Yugoslavia.

Ignore the fact that Hitler wanted to restore the Monarch to the throne
of Germany and even ignores the claim of Dixon that she descended from
the Kaiser Wilhelm.her gypsy face was a dead giveaway of her
allegiance, and it was not to this country - and her crystal ball did
not predict the future for I believe that she was one who followed the
path of the rose - one of the top initiated Rosicrucian type members who
reached a high degree of initiation where they were told of certain
events of the future - such as "the Catholic Church will fall", that the
anti Christ was born February 5, 1962 (only kid born that day who might
fit the bill was the son of King Hussein by the English woman who today
sits on throne)..and this ugly woman - our astronauts for a laugh
took her astrological predictions to the moon with them, along with a
heaven forbid a Gideon Bible - my whole Theory virtually went to the
moon - way out, man.

So those at the top know what the Gideon Calendar is = keyed to murder
and sabotage of Apollo and even murder of little Princess of Wales, let
alone Martin Luther King.and this code is not that stupid number
code this Washington Post idiot made workthis code was taken
away from the men at Spandau - by the Russian guard who said "it was
coded"..they sure were well trained so this code is only secret to
the public not to othe Oh So Secret Mossad, KGB, and our CIA - it is a
masonic code and they, the masons, come in man colors - chameleons, all.

So Piper.what about that dental gold Mel Fischer sold alleged to
have come from sunken treasure?When his second ship was downed
nearly by Navy Department, well all my MI6 friend said after vowing
revenge, was " won't that guy ever learn"..

To the victor belongs the spoilsand GI Joe - well I know of this
woman who has a broach that came from the collection of Marie Antoinette
she had "bought at a flea market".

Never been to a flea market, but as the old curator said, well once in
awhile a piece pops up now and then.

Only Patton seemed to recognize the real treasure returned to the
Hungarian Museum - for it 

Re: [CTRL] Unidentified object could hit Earth in 2030

2000-11-05 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

(NOTE: There is an update to this story at the URL below.  ...Cliff)


--- End of forwarded message ---

}}} ANOMALOUS RADIO {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Talk (33k+)

}}} RADIO ANOMALY {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Jazz (Cable, DSL)

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] RadTimes # 92

2000-11-05 Thread radman
security number you obtained for your children. Why, I bet the State could
be convinced to offer you a tax credit if you comply! Maybe your insurance
rates would drop, too!

No more lost children! What a glorious Utopia! No longer need you worry
about exercising your parental authority and responsibility. Just as the
State has relieved you of the bothersome necessity of obtaining child care,
choosing your child's education, worrying whether or not to vaccinate them
against obscure diseases, purchasing their health care, evaluating their
toys for safety, deciding whether to buckle up your children or place them
in car seats, so, too, will your beneficent guardian angels ensure that you
can let your kids run wild.

Nor will you be able (or allowed?) to resist the siren call of this GPS
linked little companion. At present, the authorities can only track your
position via your cell phone. (For your own good, of course. How else do you
expect the good folks manning the 911 phones to find you? What? You didn't
ask to "benefit" from this loss of your anonymity. No problem! No need for
thanks, either.) In addition to the implant linking you into this global
web, it will soon be able to monitor your vital signs. Skyrocketing blood
pressure? Heart attack? Gasping for breath? Help is quick at hand.

You will also no longer be pestered by the hassle of passwords or swipe
cards or even fingerprints or retinal scanners. Your micro-buddy can handle
all those mundane requirements of life for you.

Throw in complete tracking of your purchases, jobs, medical history, emails,
phone calls, and travels and there won't be anything about you that those
who "feel your pain" won't know. You will stand before them revealed in all
your naked glory - either literally or figuratively - any time they so
desire. With knowledge comes power. With power comes control. With control

Well, the politicos and their minions don't want you to take that final
mental step. Doing that would reveal that the Emperor has no clothes.
Realize that fact - that their "compassion" and their "caring" and their
"concerns" for "justice" are nonexistent - and you will laugh.

So, let's all open our eyes and take a good hard look at those who hope to
leave us naked and helpless before them. While we still can, let's strip
them of the drug (power) they lust after most, and laugh good and loud and
long at their naked ambition.

Linked stories:

Would Clinton ban release of the Pentagon Papers?

The whistle-blower who helped end the Vietnam War  discusses the
greatest threat ever to free speech and a free press. By Daniel Ellsberg

ACLU joints fight over 'vote-buying' Internet site
The American Civil Liberties Union has joined the defense of
Vote-auction.com, a Web site that seeks to link people selling
their votes with eager buyers. (11/2/00)

  The Medium Is the Voting Booth
  About 200 members of the U.S. military will be able to cast their
votes on Tuesday over the Internet in a closely watched pilot program.

  Kurzweil: Rooting for the Machine
  Inventor and author Raymond Kurzweil, a persistent thorn in Bill Joy's
side, tells a nanotech conference that by the end of the century,
machines will be far smarter than any human. And he wishes it were
sooner than that.

Ethiopia's Haile Selassie reburied
Ethiopia's late Emperor Haile Selassie has been reburied in an
elaborate ceremony 25 years after his death. Ethiopia's royal
family-in-exile and dozens of Rastafarians who believe Selassie
to be God joined thousands of ordinary Ethiopians in honouring him.

"Anarchy doesn't mean out of control. It means out of 'their' control."
-Jim Dodge
"Communications without intelligence is noise;
intelligence without communications is irrelevant."
-Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
"It is not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society."
-J. Krishnamurti
To subscribe/un

[CTRL] Fwd: Tongue in Cheek -Al Gore

2000-11-05 Thread Bob Stokes

-Caveat Lector-

I've received this three times in the last couple of days.  Anyone get a
similar one about Bushski?

A "Tongue in Cheek" Speech by our Vice President

Good afternoon.  I'm Al Gore, and I'd like to tell you
about myself.  I know a lot about hardship, because I
came into this world as a poor black child in a tiny
town in the backwoods of Tennessee.  I was born in a
log cabin that I built with my own hands.  I taught
myself to read by candlelight and helped support my 16
brothers and sisters by working summers as a deck hand
on a Mississippi River steamboat.

My mother taught me the value of education, so every
day; I would walk 5 miles to a one room schoolhouse.
I was a mischievous, fun loving scamp, thought I never
dreamed that one day, my youthful escapades would
serve as the inspiration for "Huckleberry Finn."

Back then, black folks in the South were second-class
citizens.  One day, a traveling minister came through
town, and I asked him if anyone was ever going to do
something to guarantee civil rights for all Americans.
  Well, I guess I made an impression.  You see, the
minister's name was Martin Luther King, Jr.

My father was a United States Senator. He once perched
me on his knee and said, "Son, if you work hard and
listen to your mama, someday you can live in a hotel
in Washington, DC, and go to an exclusive prep
school."  But life of privilege was not for me.  After
getting my high school diploma, I took a job in a hot,
dirty textile mill.  I was so appalled at the
treatment of the workers there that I organized a
union.  Later, that experience inspired a movie -
which is why, to this day, my close friends at the
AFL-CIO call me "Norma Rae." When word got out what an
18 year old factory worker had done, Harvard called
and offered me a scholarship.

I captained the hockey team to four consecutive
national championships, but I also played football and
was good enough to win the Heisman Trophy. During my
college years, I lived in a housing project and
moonlighted playing lead guitar for a little rock
band.  You may have heard of it:  the Rolling Stones.

But there was a war going on, and I felt I had to
serve my country.  So I enlisted in the U. S. Army and
went to Vietnam.  I was deeply opposed to the war, but
I did my duty as a soldier and came back home with the
Medal of Honor and the Croix de Guerre. When I got
back, I took a long journey across this great land of
ours. I've crossed the deserts bare, man, I've
breathed the mountain air, man, I've traveled, I've
done my share, man, I've been everywhere.

And the people I met at truck stops and campgrounds
and homeless shelters on that journey all said the
same thing: "Al, we need you in Washington." I knew
they were right, but first I had to take care of some
other business---building the World Trade Center,
founding the Audubon Society, doing the clinical
research that proved smoking caused cancer, and coming
up with the recipe for Mrs. Field's chocolate chip

Finally, I deferred to the demands of the people of
Tennessee and allowed them to elect me to the House of
Representatives and the Senate, where I established
the US Strategic Oil Reserve.

And then one winter day nearly nine years ago, for no
particular reason, I answered the call of the people
once again and took the oath of office as Vice
President of the United States. Since then, I've been
part of the most successful administration in American
history. And, in my spare time, I invented the

Many times Bill Clinton has been pondering some grave
decision and has asked me what to do.  And when I
would give him my thoughts, he would invariable say,
"Of course.  That's brilliant.  Why didn't I think of
that?"  During the darkest days of the impeachment
battle, the president told me he only wished he had
listened when I told him to stay away form that
dark-haired intern.

So after I decided to run for president, I sat down
with him and asked if he had any suggestions about how
to conduct my campaign.  And Bill Clinton gave me a
few simple words of advice  ---  words I'll never

He looked me in the eye and he said, "Al, just tell
the truth, it's always worked for me."

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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