[CTRL] Fw: MRC Alert Special: 'Fewer U.S. Dead = Less TV Coverage of Iraq'

2008-03-01 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

MRC Alert Special: 'Fewer U.S. Dead = Less TV Coverage of Iraq'--2/28/2008-- 
Media Research Center
- Original Message - 
From: Media Research Center 
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 13:54
Subject: MRC Alert Special: 'Fewer U.S. Dead = Less TV Coverage of Iraq'





***Media Research Center CyberAlert Special***
1:55pm EST, Thursday February 28, 2008

Media Reality Check study: "Fewer U.S. Dead = Less TV Coverage of 
Iraq; Networks Minimize Good News From Iraq, Don't Press Democrats on 
'Wrong-Headed' Predictions"

Below is the text of a Media Reality Check, posted earlier today, 
recounting the results of a study conducted by Rich Noyes, the MRC's 
Research Director.

For the HTML version online, with a chart, go to:

For the PDF version, a formatted one-pager ready for printing, 
also with the chart:

Now the text of the February 28 Media Reality Check study:

Fewer U.S. Dead = Less TV Coverage of Iraq
Networks Minimize Good News From Iraq, Don't Press Democrats on 
"Wrong-Headed" Predictions

One year ago, liberal journalists depicted the surge of U.S. troops 
to Iraq as a certain failure. "A lot of people are going to go to bed 
tonight terrified," MSNBC's Chris Matthews opined just minutes after 
President Bush announced the policy on January 10, 2007. Other 
journalists were only slightly more subtle. "Many experts warn, it's 
too little, too late," NBC's Jim Miklaszewski argued on the January 
8, 2007 Nightly News. The next morning on NBC's Today, the network's 
graphic describing Iraq was "Lost Cause?"

At the same time, leading Democrats left themselves no wiggle room as 
they, too, denounced the surge. Senator Barack Obama called it "wrong-
headed" and countered with a proposal to pull nearly all U.S. troops 
out of Iraq by March 2008. Senator Hillary Clinton came back from a 
quick trip to Iraq to declare: "I am opposed to this escalation," 
while another Democratic candidate, Senator Joe Biden, blasted the 
troop surge as "a tragic mistake."

One year later, the President's surge strategy is well on its way to 
succeeding. The Iraqi parliament has passed several laws meeting 
required political reconciliation benchmarks. Attacks in Baghdad have 
fallen up to 80 percent in the past twelve months, Reuters reported 
February 16. Deaths among Iraqi military forces and civilians have 
dropped by more than two-thirds, from more than 2,000 per month in 
early 2007 to fewer than 600 per month since November.

And U.S. military deaths have also declined, falling from 126 in May 
2007 to 40 in January 2008 and just 29 so far in February, with two 
days left in the month. Yet this good news seems to have diminished 
the media elite's interest in broadcasting any news from Iraq. 

MRC intern Lyndsi Thomas helped tabulate all ABC, CBS and NBC evening 
news stories about Iraq since the beginning of 2007, just as the 
surge strategy was being implemented. After heavy coverage of the 
shift to a new Iraq policy in January and February 2007, the TV 
coverage began to closely track the rising and falling death rates 
for U.S. soldiers in Iraq. When the number of U.S. fatalities jumped 
in May, TV coverage jumped, too. When U.S. casualties began to 
steadily decline, TV coverage of Iraq dramatically decreased. 

[For more on how the broadcast networks are tuning out the Iraq war, 
see the February 4 CyberAlert: 

While the amount of coverage has shriveled, the tone remains more 
negative than positive. So far this month, the three evening 
newscasts have aired just 41 items on Iraq, most (23) just brief 
items read by the anchor. A mere seven stories were field reports 
from Iraq. Only ABC's World News (February 13) noted the passage of 
key legislation by the Iraqi parliament, followed by a unique story 
the next evening on the success of the surge. The CBS Evening News 
and NBC Nightly News offered no such stories in February, but NBC did 
find time to report a visit to Iraq by actress Angelina Jolie.

Back in December, NBC's Tim Russert conceded that the media were less 
interested in covering a successful U.S. mission in Iraq, telling 
anchor Brian Williams that "with the surge in Iraq and the level of 
American deaths declining, it is off the front pages." 

This is not neutral news judgment, but a great favor to anti-surge 
Democrats, since TV's lack of interest in Iraq spares them the chore 
of defending their now-discredited opposition to the surge. Does 
anyone think the media would have let John McCain off the hook had 
the surge failed as spectacularly as it has succeede

[CTRL] Fw: MRC Alert Special: "Fidel Castro's Media Flatterers"

2008-02-23 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

MRC Alert Special: "Fidel Castro's Media Flatterers"--2/19/2008-- Media 
Research Center
- Original Message - 
From: Media Research Center 
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 12:56
Subject: MRC Alert Special: "Fidel Castro's Media Flatterers"





***Media Research Center CyberAlert Special***
12:55pm EST, Tuesday February 19, 2007

Special Report: "Fidel Castro's Media Flatterers"

In the wake of news today that an ailing Fidel Castro will resign 
after nearly five decades as Cuba's communist dictator, the MRC has 
moved to our home page a Special Report with many examples of the 
media's promotional coverage over the years.

In his 49 years as dictator, Fidel Castro never allowed free 
elections and dealt brutally with Cubans who dared oppose him -- 
execution, imprisonment or exile. Yet liberals in the U.S. media 
remained enchanted with Castro and his communist revolution, treating 
the dictator more as a charming celebrity than an oppressive tyrant. 
The Media Research Center has compiled some of the choicest examples 
of the liberal media's infatuation with Castro from the last 20 
years, many accompanied by video and audio clips.

For "Fidel's Flatterers: The U.S. Media's Decades of Cheering 
Castro's Communism," compiled last year by the MRC's Rich Noyes, go 

The sub-headings you'll find:

# Field Trips to Fidel's Island "Paradise"

# CNN's Havana Bureau: "Megaphone for a Dictator"
# Elian Gonzalez, Back to the "Peaceable" Paradise
# Touting Fidel and Cuba's Communist Revolution

- Brent Baker 


Check Out the MRC's Blog

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Media Bias," provides examples of bias 24/7. With your participation 
NewsBusters will continue to be THE blog site for tracking and correcting 
liberal media bias. Come post your comments and get fresh proof of media 
misdeeds at: http://www.newsbusters.org


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The Earth Pollutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-02-10 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I have another question! Did you know that the
earth (otherwise known as GAIA to the Watermelon Environmental Groups or
WEGs) also pollutes! Yes! There are Volcanoes during which one major
eruption puts more toxic gases, ozone destroying gases (even though it is
impossible to destroy the ozone layer), greenhouse gases than us puny
humans can ever put in the atmosphere even if we tried! There are active
volcanoes which continuously puts these gases into the atmosphere. There
vents of toxic chemicals in the Pacific ocean which continuously pump
these toxic chemicals into the ocean and I'm sure there must be more than
set of these vents in any active volcanic area,this has been happening for
only god (the biblical one ) knows again much more than us puny
humans can pump into the ocean. There is old faithful geyser in
Yellowstone national park again toxic sulfuric compounds continuously
pumped out of the earth or GAIA  into the human biosphere.And there are
known areas of the world where crude oil seeps into the ocean. Is this
pollution? If not why is it pollution when a oil tanker crashes and lets
loose its cargo of a naturally occurring substance?
  Here is what you WEGs can do! Can you beseech GAIA ( I know you don't
pray because that would imply you believe in the real GOD) to STOP
POLLUTING the human biosphere? Or if you think that this will work, why
not expend your energies and figure out ways to stop volcanoes from
polluting? Maybe you figure out a way to pipe these toxic chemicals from
these hot vents, refine them and maybe make some money?? What did I say
make money??? Heaven forgive me! That goes against you WEGs basic
philosophy of Marxism/Leninism doesn't it? Well at any rate, wouldn't be
fair to leave the puny polluting effects of people until you get your GOD

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [ctrl] BREAKING: Hillary Refuses to Release Tax Return and Her TREASONOUS Gift from the Emir

2008-02-09 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Tom Heneghan 
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2008 12:15
Subject: [ctrl] BREAKING: Hillary Refuses to Release Tax Return and Her 
TREASONOUS Gift from the Emir

. . . 




by Tom Heneghan


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ctrl is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic 
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are sordid 
matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-directions and 
outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and minor 
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, ctrl gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always 
suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. ctrl gives no credence to 
Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

There are two list running, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and CTRL@listserv.aol.com, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] has unlimited posting and is more for discussion. 
CTRL@listserv.aol.com is more for informational exchange and has limited 
posting abilities. 

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [Quiche!] Perfecting Rush on Global Warming Hoax!

2008-02-09 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Lloyd Miller 
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2008 11:27
Subject: [Quiche!] Perfecting Rush on Global Warming Hoax!

Can we all agree that Rush Limbaugh is one of the most heard public voices 
against the global warming hoax?  Yes, few others take on the global warming 
propaganda so directly.  He explains well why such extremes of environmentalism 
amount to covert socialism.

However, Rush fails to ask and explain "who benefits" from the extent to which 
the global warming myth pevents "wide open" drilling for oil which could break 
the sky high price and encourages ineffective conservation and alternative fuel 
efforts.  He fails to ask and answer this question because the OPEC, the 
SAUDIS, the Russians, and BIG OIL are the main beneficiaries of the global 
warming myth.  The less exploration for oil, the higher the price!  Rush's 
"knee jerk" pro-business attitudes fails to recognize that BIG OIL benefits 
from drilling restrictions in Anwar, the Gulf of Mexico, Offshore California, 
and Offshore East Coast.  Excessive restrictions and royalties on Federal Land 
don't help either!

Sure, when an area is opened for drilling by a government, BIG OIL goes in with 
both feet to get its share, but, secretly, wouldn't they rather keep the area 
off limits for drilling and bask in the high profits associated with tight 
supplies caused by restricted drilling?  

Doesn't BIG OIL, the Saudis, and other OPEC elements quietly support the global 
warming myth and other extreme environmentalist causes that restrict 
exploitation of natural resources?  Yes, we see BIG OIL sponsorship of "nature" 
propaganda documentaries all the time. . .  they know what they are doing.  Al 
Gore has been paid big bucks by the Saudis for speeches.  Carter gets big bucks 
from the Saudis. . .  Somehow Bush was "turned" on the issue. . .   the list 
goes on. . .

Restricting the energy available to humanity is a genocidal excercise of 
monopoly power.

Lloyd Miller, Research Director, A-albionic Research
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] OPEC SHUNS Calls to increase oil production

2008-02-02 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Check this article out 
Yet another reason to develop OUR OIL in 
WASTELAND FOR WHAT? The 1,500 tourists per year? Is Increased dependence on 
See anwr videos on my energy page at:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] "Green groups" against oil development in Canada

2008-01-28 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

So called "environmental groups" against oil development in the west more 
supporting evidence that these groups are paid agents of O P E C

check this article out:

 groups against oil sands developments... a good competitor to opec

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [ParanoidTimes] Volcanoes Believed To Be Cause of Glacier Melt; Not Global Warming

2008-01-26 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 02:37
Subject: [ParanoidTimes] Volcanoes Believed To Be Cause of Glacier Melt; Not 
Global Warming

  January 21, 2008 EARTH CHANGES MEDIA

  with Mitch Battros

Volcanoes Believed To Be Cause of Glacier Melt; 

Not Global Warming

  by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media

  New research of a previously unknown underwater 
volcano first discovered in 2004 off the coast of Antarctica has just been 
released. The presence of a volcano was first suggested in sonar studies during 
the January 2004 research expedition. The new study just released says: "This 
is the first time we have seen a volcano beneath the ice sheet punch a hole 
through the ice sheet."

  The finding helps explain mariners' historical 
reports of discolored water in the area. Material from underwater volcanoes is 
known to cause discoloration in water over them. 

  Published this Sunday (Jan. 2008) in the journal 
Nature Geoscience, researchers Hugh Corr and David Vaughan of the British 
Antarctic Survey, report the identification of a layer of volcanic ash and 
glass shards frozen within an ice sheet in western Antarctica. Vaughan states: 
"This is the first time we have seen a volcano beneath the ice sheet punch a 
hole through the ice sheet."

  The eruption occurred close to the massive Pine 
Island Glacier, an area where movement of glacial ice towards the sea has been 
accelerating alarmingly in recent decades. Co-researcher Hugh Corr states: "We 
believe this was the biggest eruption in Antarctica during the last 10,000 
years. It blew a substantial hole in the icesheet and generated a plume of ash 
and gas that rose around 12 kms (eight miles) into the air."

  Volcanic heat could still be melting ice to water 
and contributing to thinning and speeding up of the Pine Island glacier, which 
passes nearby. Vaughan suggests the heat from volcanoes is the cause of glacier 
melt. This report adds another damaging blow to the Al Gore regime.

  NEW: There are now signs of fresh volcanic 



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  This Weeks ECM's Survey Poll

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  Preparing For Coming Earth Changes

  I have begun to note it is not just the 
"external" (earth changes) which is shifting, but humans as well. Remember: we 
too have magnetic fields which surround each of us. I think it is not 
unrealistic to conjecture what is happening "externally" is also happening 
"internally". I believe current science will acknowledge this notion, showing 
the Sun's "charged particles" and its influence on Earth's magnetic field is 
the impetus of change. In-like, this same causal effect occurs with human 
magnetic fields ushering in a change or "transition". Perhaps this is what our 
Mayan elders are trying to tell us--- 

  We are coming into "cycle 24" which was predicted 
"live" on ECM Radio Hour by NASA stating cycle 24 will be up to 50 percent 
stronger than "Cycle 23" in which we witnessed the largest solar flare ever 

[CTRL] Environmental wackos === paid agentrs of OPEC ==== hindering US energy policy

2008-01-21 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

check out this article

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [JBirch] First the SPP/NA; now THIS!

2008-01-19 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Marv Graham 
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 08:26
Subject: [JBirch] First the SPP/NA; now THIS!

Six U.S. senators and 49 House members are advisers for a group working
toward a Transatlantic Common Market between the U.S. and the European
Union by 2015.

The Transatlantic Policy Network -- a non-governmental organization
headquartered in Washington and Brussels -- is advised by the
bi-partisan congressional TPN policy group, chaired by Sen. Robert
Bennett, R-Utah.

The plan -- currently being implemented by the Bush administration with
the formation of the Transatlantic Economic Council in April 2007 --
appears to be following a plan written in 1939 by a world-government
advocate who sought to create a Transatlantic Union as an international
governing body.

An economist from the World Bank has argued in print that the formation
of the Transatlantic Common Market is designed to follow the blueprint
of Jean Monnet, a key intellectual architect of the European Union,
recognizing that economic integration must inevitably lead to political

As WND previously reported, a key step in advancing this goal was the
creation of the Transatlantic Economic Council by the U.S. and the EU
through an agreement signed by President Bush, German Chancellor Angela
Merkel -- the current president of the European Council -- and European
Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso at a White House summit meeting
last April.

Writing in the Fall 2007 issue of the Streit Council journal "Freedom
and Union," Rep. Jim Costa, D-Calif., a member of the TPN advisory
group, affirmed the target date of 2015 for the creation of a
Transatlantic Common Market.

Costa said the Transatlantic Economic Council is tasked with creating
the Transatlantic Common Market regulatory infrastructure. The
infrastructure would not require congressional approval, like a new
free-trade agreement would.

Writing in the same issue of the Streit Council publication, Bennett
also confirmed that what has become known as the "Merkel initiative"
would allow the Transatlantic Economic Council to integrate and
harmonize administrative rules and regulations between the U.S. and the
EU "in a very quiet way," without introducing a new free trade agreement
to Congress.

Read it all at

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Democrats cost you in 2007

2008-01-11 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Democrats cost you in 2007
- Original Message - 
From: NRSC Alert 
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 17:57
Subject: Democrats cost you in 2007

  To view this e-mail as a Web page, go here.

  Today, the National Republican Senatorial Committee launched a new Web ad 
and petition highlighting the Democrat's failures in 2007.

Gas prices. Health care. Education. Social Security. Illegal 
immigration. Instead of doing something about these important issues, the new 
Democrat Senate has resorted to politics-as-usual in Washington, DC.

Democrats voted to provide for the largest tax hike in American 
history, slashed $3 billion in border security funding from a bill, and even 
made children's health care dependent on finding 22 million new smokers.

And that's not even the half of it. Time and again, the do-nothing 
Democrat Congress has failed us in 2007. Americans deserve better.

We cannot allow 2008 to be yet another year of Democrats failing the 
American people. We must take action now.

Add your name to the many Americans who are ready for new leadership in 
the halls of Congress.

Tell the Democrats: it's time to stop the political games and start 
getting to work for the American people.

  Watch the video and sign the petition:

  NRSC Website | Contribute to the NRSC

Paid for by the National Republican Senatorial Committee and not 
authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

  425 2nd Street NE | Washington, DC 20002 | Phone: (202) 675-6000
  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Privacy Policy | Unsubscribe

  Contributions to the National Republican Senatorial Committee are not 
  as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [JBirch] And still more on the global warming SCAM

2007-12-31 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Marv Graham 
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2007 08:34
Subject: [JBirch] And still more on the global warming SCAM

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sun Dec 30 02:02:20 2007
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 01:55:25 -0500
From: mb-nh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ALLYX] Arctic Warming,

Arctic Warming, Antarctic Cooling? -=- by Dennis Avery -=- Issue 97 - December 
12, 2007

The global warming alarmists are at it again, shrieking about "ice melt at the 

"The relentless grip of the Arctic Ocean that defied man for centuries is 
melting away," warned Doug Struck in the Washington Post. "The sea ice reaches 
only half as far as it did 50 years ago. In the summer of 2006, it shrank to a 
record low. This summer, the ice pulled back even more, by an area nearly the 
size of Alaska."

NASA's James Hansen keeps claiming that CO2 is "pushing the climate past its 
tipping point."

British banks are sending "volunteers" to the Arctic to see for themselves the 
loss of sea ice, and to view the "endangered" polar bears?whose numbers have 
tripled in recent years.

Ho hum. Just another day at the scare factory.

Point one: We've known for 20 years about the earth's moderate, natural 
1,500-year climate cycle, which we discovered in the Greenland and Antarctic 
ice cores.

The ice shows seven previous global warmings in the past 12,000 years. Two of 
these?8,000 years ago and 5,000 years ago?were, for many centuries, 
substantially warmer than today The Greenland and Antarctic ice caps didn't 

Point two: This can't be global warming.

1) The Arctic was also warm in the 1920s; the Russians say it happens every 70 
years or so.
2) The Antarctic Ice is now at a modern high.

The Antarctic has been cooling since the 1960s, according to Peter Doran's 2002 
paper in Nature. Thanks to warming's additional snowfall, the East Antarctic 
ice cap is currently gaining about 45 billion tons of ice per year.

Neels Reeh of the University of Denmark says that another 1 degree C of warming 
would melt enough Greenland ice to raise sea levels perhaps half an inch per 
year?but added ice in the Antarctic would lower sea level almost that much. The 
net increase has been six inches per century, and it isn't expected to change.

Why not? Cliff Ollier, well-known geoscientist from the University of Western 
Australia, writes to say that Hansen is just a climate modeler who doesn't 
understand either ice caps or their melting. He thinks the whole ice cap 
melting thing is a figment of the climate modelers' computerized imaginations, 
conjured up to ensure that we're properly frightened of global warming.

Otherwise, the grant money might dry up


If the media only reported facts, who would be frightened about sea levels 
rising at the current rate of six inches per century? Who'd be frightened by 
the earth warming just two-tenths of a degree C over the past 70- years?

Ice caps don't melt from the surface down, they melt only at the edges. Once 
the edges are melted, further ice loss depends on the uphill weight of the ice 
built up over previous centuries. The ice flows?reluctantly because it's so 
cold?on the warmer ice at its base, with the upper, brittle ice carried 
downhill by its own weight. When a chunk of ice reaches the edge of the cap it 
falls off?and the AP writes a news story. That's neither melting nor collapse.

The Greenland ice cap is 2?3 kilometers deep and much of its ice lies inside a 
basin that won't slide off. Its undisturbed ice dates back at least 105,000 
years. The temperatures over the ice are well below freezing, at about -30 
degrees C in the north, and -20 degrees C in the south.

The Antarctic ice cores date back more than 760,000 years, in the coldest place 
on earth. The lowest recorded temperature was -89 C at Vostok in 1983. The 
highest Vostok temperature taken was -19 C in 1992?still far below freezing.

By the way, even the southernmost polar bear population is doing fine in the 
Davis Strait, with higher numbers and some of the largest bears yet seen.

Dennis Avery was a senior policy analyst for the U.S. State Department, where 
he won the national intelligence medal of achievement.

He is the co-author, with atmosphericphysicist FredSinger, of the book, 
Unstoppable Global Warming ?Every 1500 Years, available from Rowman & 

Readers may write him at:

The Center for Global Food Issues ( http://www.cgfi.org/ www.cgfi.org)
Post Office Box 202,
Churchville, VA 24421.

(c) 2007 American Conservative Union Foundation 1007 Cameron Street,
Alexandria, VA 22314 Tel: 703.836.8602

Arctic Warming, Antarctic Cooling? $$ for Mr. Gore & Associates

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[CTRL] Fw: [JBirch] KGB funded Clinton's trip to Russia.

2007-12-29 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Don Schwarz 
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 07:29
Subject: [JBirch] KGB funded Clinton's trip to Russia.

In 1969, after after traveling to the USA from England,
the Army Reserves, poor redneck cracker Bill Clinton
travels back to England to protest the Democrat war
in Vietnam, travels to Norway to protest again, travels
back to England, travels to Finland then travels to
Moscow, stays at the most expensive Hotel in all of communism
as run by the KGB, travels to Czechoslovakia, then travels
back to England.

All on $275 he gets for attending Oxford.

I guess we can all agree that Clinton was a pawn of the KGB.

..and still is.

If the KGB didn't give him this money, where did he get it from?


"While Bill Clinton has never explained who paid for his trip to Moscow, he was 
accompanied by a friend and fellow Oxford student, Czech Jan Kopold. They were 
to attend a meeting of the War Moratorium Committee to be held January 2, 1970. 
Upon arrival, Clinton did not check into a youth hostel, but rather stayed at 
the Hotel National, the most exclusive and expensive one in Moscow of that time 
-- a ritzy place usually reserved for foreign ambassadors and high-level 
Communist Party apparatchiks. 

In today's terms, that trip would probably cost several thousand dollars. 
Clinton only had his tiny $275 Rhodes stipend to live on and never held a job. 
Thus, it is easy to believe that this tab and the arrangements could only have 
handled by the KGB, which during that epoch limited no expenses in its attempts 
to recruit promising American students in Europe."

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[CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] 400 scientists challenge claims by Al Gore and the UN about man-made global warming

2007-12-24 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Ole Gerstrøm 
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2007 15:08
Subject: [CTRL] 400 scientists challenge claims by Al Gore and the UN about 
man-made global warming

-Caveat Lector- 


Article published Dec 21, 2007

Scientists doubt climate change

December 21, 2007 

By S.A. Miller - More than 400 scientists challenge claims by former Vice 
President Al Gore and the United Nations about the threat of man-made global 
warming, a new Senate minority report says. 

The scientists - many of whom are current or former members of the U.N. 
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that shares the 2007 Nobel 
Peace Prize with Mr. Gore for publicizing a climate crisis - cast doubt on the 
"scientific consensus" that man-made global warming imperils the planet. 

"I find the Doomsday picture Al Gore is painting - a six-meter sea level rise, 
15 times the IPCC number - entirely without merit," said Dutch atmospheric 
scientist Hendrik Tennekes, one of the researchers quoted in the report by 
Republican staff of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. 

"I protest vigorously the idea that the climate reacts like a home heating 
system to a changed setting of the thermostat: just turn the dial, and the 
desired temperature will soon be reached," Mr. Tennekes said in the report. 

Sen. James M. Inhofe of Oklahoma, ranking Republican on the Environment and 
Public Works Committee, said the report debunks Mr. Gore's claim that the 
"debate is over." 

"The endless claims of a 'consensus' about man-made global warming grow 
less-and-less credible every day," he said. 

After a quick review of the report, Gore spokeswoman Kalee Kreider said 25 or 
30 of the scientists may have received funding from Exxon Mobil Corp. 

Exxon Mobil spokesman Gantt H. Walton dismissed the accusation, saying the 
company is concerned about climate-change issues and does not pay scientists to 
bash global-warming theories. 

"Recycling of that kind of discredited conspiracy theory is nothing more than a 
distraction from the real challenge facing society and the energy industry," he 
said. "And that challenge is how are we going to provide the energy needed to 
support economic and social development while reducing greenhouse-gas 

The Republican report comes on the heels of Saturday's United Nations climate 
conference in Bali, Indonesia, where conferees adopted a plan to negotiate a 
new pact to create verifiable measurements to fight global warming in two 

In the Senate report, environmental scientist David W. Schnare of the U.S. 
Environmental Protection Agency said he was skeptical because "conclusions 
about the cause of the apparent warming stand on the shoulders of incredibly 
uncertain data and models. ... As a policy matter, one has to be less willing 
to take extreme actions when data are highly uncertain." 

The hundreds of others in the report - climatologists, oceanographers, 
geologists, glaciologists, physicists and paleoclimatologists - voice varying 
degrees of criticism of the popular global-warming theory. Their testimony 
challenges the idea that the climate-change debate is "settled" and runs 
counter to the claim that the number of skeptical scientists is dwindling. 

The report's authors expect some of the scientists will recant their remarks 
under intense pressure from the public and from within professional circles to 
conform to the global-warming theory, a committee staffer said. 

Several scientists in the report said many colleagues share their skepticism 
about man-made climate change but don't speak out publicly for fear of 
retribution, according to the report. 

"Many of my colleagues with whom I spoke share these views and report on their 
inability to publish their skepticism in the scientific or public media," 
atmospheric scientist Nathan Paldor, professor of Dynamical Meteorology and 
Physical Oceanography at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, said in the 

The IPCC has about 2,500 members. 


The following are comments from some of the more than 400 scientists in a 
Republican report on global warming: 

."Even if the concentration of 'greenhouse gases' double, man would not 
perceive the temperature impact." 

Oleg Sorochtin of the Institute of Oceanology at the Russian Academy of 

."I find the Doomsday picture Al Gore is painting - a six-meter sea level rise, 
15 times the [U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] number - entirely 
without merit. ... I protest vigorously the idea that the climate reacts like a 
home heating system to a changed setting of the thermostat: just turn the dial, 
and the desired temperature will soon be reached." 

Atmospheric scientist Hendrik Tenneke

[CTRL] Fw: Man Made Global warming A UN fraud.

2007-12-23 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 09:49
Subject: Man Made Global warming A UN fraud.

World's Top Scientists 'Manmade Warming' Is A Dangerous Lie 


  Man made global warming is a dangerous con. 

  The fact that TV news programs repeatedly show ­ steam-cooling- 
water-recovery-collection-towers ­ deceptively to represent CO2 emissions 
should be sufficient evidence for even the most dumbed- down individual to see 
that somebody is desperate to con somebody. 

  Today's big question is: are our "leaders" being conned, or are they part of 
the con? 

  "One of the penalties for not taking an interest in politics is that you end 
up being governed by your inferiors". --Plato 400BC 

  The National Post Canada 
  Don't fight, adapt 
  We should give up futile attempts to combat climate change 

  Sonny Tumbelaka/AFP/Getty Images 
  UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the UN climate conference in Bali. 

  Open Letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations 
  Dec. 13, 2007 

  His Excellency Ban Ki-Moon 
  Secretary-General, United Nations 
  New York, N.Y. 

  Dear Mr. Secretary-General, 

  Re: UN climate conference taking the World in entirely the wrong direction 

  It is not possible to stop climate change, a natural phenomenon that has 
affected humanity through the ages. Geological, archaeological, oral and 
written histories all attest to the dramatic challenges posed to past societies 
from unanticipated changes in temperature, precipitation, winds and other 
climatic variables. We therefore need to equip nations to become resilient to 
the full range of these natural phenomena by promoting economic growth and 
wealth generation. 

  The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has 
issued increasingly alarming conclusions about the climatic influences of 
human-produced carbon dioxide (CO2), a non-polluting gas that is essential to 
plant photosynthesis. While we understand the evidence that has led them to 
view CO2 emissions as harmful, the IPCC's conclusions are quite inadequate as 
justification for implementing policies that will markedly diminish future 
prosperity. In particular, it is not established that it is possible to 
significantly alter global climate through cuts in human greenhouse gas 
emissions. On top of which, because attempts to cut emissions will slow 
development, the current UN approach of CO2 reduction is likely to increase 
human suffering from future climate change rather than to decrease it. 

  The IPCC Summaries for Policy Makers are the most widely read IPCC reports 
amongst politicians and non-scientists and are the basis for most climate 
change policy formulation. Yet these Summaries are prepared by a relatively 
small core writing team with the final drafts approved line-by-line by 
government representatives. The great majority of IPCC contributors and 
reviewers, and the tens of thousands of other scientists who are qualified to 
comment on these matters, are not involved in the preparation of these 
documents. The summaries therefore cannot properly be represented as a 
consensus view among experts. 

  Contrary to the impression left by the IPCC Summary reports: 

  z Recent observations of phenomena such as glacial retreats, sea- level rise 
and the migration of temperature-sensitive species are not evidence for 
abnormal climate change, for none of these changes has been shown to lie 
outside the bounds of known natural variability. 

  z The average rate of warming of 0.1 to 0. 2 degrees Celsius per decade 
recorded by satellites during the late 20th century falls within known natural 
rates of warming and cooling over the last 10,000 years. 

  z Leading scientists, including some senior IPCC representatives, acknowledge 
that today's computer models cannot predict climate. Consistent with this, and 
despite computer projections of temperature rises, there has been no net global 
warming since 1998. That the current temperature plateau follows a late 
20th-century period of warming is consistent with the continuation today of 
natural multi-decadal or millennial climate cycling. 

  In stark contrast to the often repeated assertion that the science of climate 
change is "settled," significant new peer-reviewed research has cast even more 
doubt on the hypothesis of dangerous human-caused global warming. But because 
IPCC working groups were generally instructed (see 
http://ipcc-wg1.ucar.edu/wg1/docs/ wg1_timetable_2006-08-14.pdf) to consider 
work published only through May, 2005, these important findings are not 
included in their reports; i.e., the IPCC assessment reports are already 
materially outdated. 

  The UN climate conference in Bali has been planned to take the world

[CTRL] COngress has restricted access to domestic oil supplies

2007-12-12 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Check out this article

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[CTRL] Fw: [JBirch] Communists----death toll

2007-12-01 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: John Perna 
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2007 05:48
Subject: Re: [JBirch] Communistsdeath toll


>From the Guiness book of world records: Mass Killings

Mass Killings
   China: Mao's reign of terror, 1949-65   20 million plus [2,4,5]
   USSR: Stalin's terror, 1936-53  20 million plus [1,2,5]


  do you guys have a total death toll for people that communists have killed 
since 1917.

  I'm arguing with a stupid college professor over this LOL

  I figure 20 million in Soviet Union

  30 million per year in china (7500 executions per day---this is just the ones 
we know about)

  some of these executions can be seen on youtube

  who knows how many people were killed in Cuba and other communist countries.

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[CTRL] Go Brazil go

2007-11-26 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Check out this news story

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[CTRL] Fw: What's Hillary Hiding?

2007-11-19 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Robert M. (Mike) Duncan 
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 15:42
Subject: What's Hillary Hiding?

What's Hillary Hiding?

Dear William, 

In 2004, Hillary claimed that all of the records at the Clinton 
Library would be opened. She said on CNN's Larry King Live, "That's one of the 
things the library really stands for. It physically stands for openness with 
all the glass and the light. But he wants it to be a place where people come 
and really study. And everything's going to be available." 

Nearly three years after the opening of the Clinton Presidential 
Library and the ensuing Freedom of Information Act Requests, less than half of 
one percent of the library's documents are open for review. 

ABC News reported on November 6, 2007 that another Arkansas library 
containing documents related to Clinton won't be available until after the 2008 

On the campaign trail, Clinton consistently speaks to her level of 
experience; yet, she will not allow details of that experience to be reviewed 
by the public. The American people deserve to know what information is being 
guarded in these libraries. 

After signing our petition, you'll be able to print out your very 
own Clinton library card. Our goal is to have thousands of people sign this 
petition before December 31, 2007, in hopes that this will inspire Hillary to 
agree to share the library documents as her New Year's resolution. 

Please help us push this issue forward by signing our petition at 
www.clintonlibrarycard.com and be sure to forward the link to your friends.

Best wishes,

Robert M. "Mike" Duncan
Chairman, Republican National Committe

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[CTRL] Fw: Right wing tee shirts

2007-11-06 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2007 08:27
Subject: Right wing tee shirts

Bill, Earl, 

  I found this on a conservative Tee shirt site. 

See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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[CTRL] Why should a christian vote for Hillary Clinton (Radical Left wing MArxist-lenniist candidate for US President?

2007-10-27 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Why should any Christian vote for Hillary Clinton?
1.) She is pro abortion
2.) Pro gay rights
3.) Pro Homosexual Marriage
4.) Surrender in the face of Islamo fascist terrorism
5.) Pro socialist/Radical left wing Marxist Agenda at home.

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[CTRL] Fw: [JBirch] More on the Global Warning HOAX

2007-10-27 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Marv Graham 
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2007 08:29
Subject: [JBirch] More on the Global Warning HOAX

Al Gore and others have inundated the airwaves and schools with
inaccurate information on the dangers of global warming.

This 8 minute video from ABC news is an excellent reality check in
regard to the global warming debate and Al Gore's film, "An Inconvenient

Click here to watch it now or visit:

Please take momemnt to watch this video and pass it along to others in
order to help counter the false messages being spread by liberals and
the media.

Thank you again for all that you do for the conservative movement!


J. William Lauderback

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[CTRL] Fw: Hillary Hypocrisy

2007-10-21 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Robert M. (Mike) Duncan 
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 13:36
Subject: Hillary Hypocrisy

Dear William,

If you needed further proof that Hillary Clinton will do anything 
to win, a Capitol Hill newspaper is now reporting that she eavesdropped on 
Bill's political opponents during his time as Governor of Arkansas. 

What is most remarkable about this is that Hillary has spent this 
year fighting Republican efforts to give our intelligence services the ability 
to monitor terrorist calls coming into or out of the United States.  In other 
words, the Clinton attack machine is apparently fine with listening in on phone 
calls if it bolsters her political ambitions -- but Hillary doesn't want to 
give America's intelligence agencies the ability to conduct surveillance on 
terrorists plotting to attack our nation. 

William, we cannot allow Hillary's hypocrisy to stand.  Please make 
a secure online contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50 or $25 to the RNC today 
to help us spread the word about Hillary's double standard. 

This isn't the first time we've seen Hillary practice such craven 
political opportunism.  She's flip-flopped on virtually every issue having to 
do with the War on Terror.  For example, after claiming that she would 'of 
course' provide funding for our troops, she turned around and voted against 
legislation providing them the resources they need to execute their mission in 
the most safe and effective way possible. She more than once said that she 
believed it would be a mistake to set a date certain for withdrawing our troops 
from Iraq, but then voted to establish a timetable for surrender from this 
vital front in the War on Terror. 

America has already seen this program and they decided to change 
the channel.  We cannot afford four more years of the Clintons! 

Your secure online contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50 or $25 
will help lay the foundation for electing a new Republican President and 
Congress and stopping the Clinton's drive for power.  Thank you. 

Best Wishes,

Robert M. "Mike" Duncan
Chairman, Republican National Committee

P.S. William, we know Hillary Clinton will do, say, and spend 
whatever it takes to get her and Bill back in the White House.  The RNC needs 
your help to get this message out past the liberal media filter and directly to 
the voters.  Please make a secure online contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, 
$50 or $25 to help us with this important effort.  Thank you.

To Forward This Email To Your Friends And Family,
Please Click Here 


Contributions or gifts to the Republican National Committee
are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income 
tax purposes.

  Republican National Committee | 310 First Street, SE | Washington, D.C. 
  p: 202.863.8500 | f: 202.863.8820 | e: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Paid for by the Republican National Committee.
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  Copyright 2007 Republican National Committee

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Hillary Clinton's(Thr radical left wing MArxist Lenninist candidate fro President of the USA) position on drilling in ANWR

2007-10-20 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Senator Hillary Clinton ( New York ) - Although not a native New Yorker, Ms. 
Clinton has taken on the toughness of one on the ANWR issue. "The answer to our 
energy challenge does not lie under the plains of the Arctic Refuge, but in the 
minds that are ingenious in America ." Clinton goes on, "I continue to oppose 
drilling in the Arctic Refuge because it would damage a pristine wilderness but 
do almost nothing to decrease our oil dependence or reduce energy costs. 
Instead, we need to pursue a sustainable energy policy that cuts our oil 
dependence by developing new fuels and more efficient vehicles, like the 
'plug-in' hybrids that promise dramatic increases in fuel economy." Senator 
Clinton has rallied with the likes of Sen. John Kerry and Sen. Maria Cantwell 
on directly blocking ANWR legislation. Senator Clinton is vociferously against 
exploration for oil and gas pretty much nationwide. Instead falling back to the 
familiar cry for renewable resources, higher CAFE standards and bio-fuels. If 
we were to rank the presidential candidates on ANWR Clinton would be close to 
the bottom of the pile. The League of Conservation Voters gives Clinton an 
outstanding score of 90 on the green-o-meter, making her one of Alaska 's 
biggest resource development foes. Senator Clinton proposes a Strategic Energy 
Fund stating, " by taking money away from the oil companies, by giving them the 
choice to invest in renewable energy or pay into the fund. We would take away 
their tax subsidies as well, and we would use this fund to create a 
clean-energy industry and millions of jobs in America ." On other energy 
alternatives, Clinton is big on wind, solar, and bio-fuels, but negative on 
coal and nuclear. It is interesting to know Clinton has traveled to and worked 
in Alaska although temporarily, and considers it a wonderful accomplishment in 
her life. For more on Clinton and energy see: 

New York produces roughly 300,000 barrels of oil per year and 19 million cf of 
natural gas a year. This is a mere drop in the national bucket yet New York is 
a big producer of refined petroleum products and is the largest supplier in the 
Northeast (and the largest supply hub in America ). The Empire State is almost 
entirely reliant on imports of oil and gas to do so. New York , along with its 
NE neighbors, is heavily dependent on fuel oil for heating homes and is a 
subscriber of the Northeast Heating Oil Reserve, a smaller version of the 
Strategic Petroleum Reserve. NY is one of the largest hydroelectric producers 
in the eastern US, but produces almost no solar or wind power. New York uses 
four nuclear reactors which supply most of its electricity. New Yorkers have 
one of the lowest energy consumption per capita levels (due to high number of 
apartment dwellers and high use of mass transit), and yet the state is one of 
the largest consumers of energy due to its refining and manufacturing industry. 
Boutique fuels are mandated in the Big Apple and other urban centers. 

For more info on New York 's energy use see: 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [Quiche!] 25 inconvenient truths for Al Gore.

2007-10-19 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Neo Mulder 
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 23:38
Subject: [Quiche!] 25 inconvenient truths for Al Gore.

25 inconvenient truths for Al Gore.

By Iain Murray

Fri Oct 12, 2007 19:29


Gorey Truths

25 inconvenient truths for Al Gore.

By Iain Murray

With An Inconvenient Truth, the companion book to former Vice President Al 
Gore's global-warming movie, currently number nine in Amazon sales rank, this 
is a good time to point out that the book, which is a largely pictorial 
representation of the movie's graphical presentation, exaggerates the evidence 
surrounding global warming. Ironically, the former Vice President leaves out 
many truths that are inconvenient for his argument. Here are just 25 of them.

1. Carbon Dioxide's Effect on Temperature. The relationship between global 
temperature and carbon dioxide (CO2), on which the entire scare is founded, is 
not linear. Every molecule of CO2 added to the atmosphere contributes less to 
warming than the previous one. The book's graph on p. 66-67 is seriously 
misleading. Moreover, even the historical levels of CO2 shown on the graph are 
disputed. Evidence from plant fossil-remains suggest that there was as much CO2 
in the atmosphere about 11,000 years ago as there is today.

2. Kilimanjaro. The snows of Kilimanjaro are melting not because of global 
warming but because of a local climate shift that began 100 years ago. The 
authors of a report in the International Journal of Climatology "develop a new 
concept for investigating the retreat of Kilimanjaro's glaciers, based on the 
physical understanding of glacier-climate interactions." They note that, "The 
concept considers the peculiarities of the mountain and implies that 
climatological processes other than air temperature control the ice recession 
in a direct manner. A drastic drop in atmospheric moisture at the end of the 
19th century and the ensuing drier climatic conditions are likely forcing 
glacier retreat on Kilimanjaro."

3. Glaciers. Glaciers around the world have been receding at around the same 
pace for over 100 years. Research published by the National Academy of Sciences 
last week indicates that the Peruvian glacier on p. 53-53 probably disappeared 
a few thousand years ago.

4. The Medieval Warm Period. Al Gore says that the "hockey stick" graph that 
shows temperatures remarkably steady for the last 1,000 years has been 
validated, and ridicules the concept of a "medieval warm period." That's not 
the case. Last year, a team of leading paleoclimatologists said, "When matching 
existing temperature reconstructions.

the timeseries display a reasonably coherent picture of major climatic episodes:

 'Medieval Warm Period,' 'Little Ice Age' and 'Recent Warming.'" They go on to 
conclude, "So what would it mean, if the reconstructions indicate a larger.

or smaller.temperature amplitude? We suggest that the former situation, i.e. 
enhanced variability during pre-industrial times, would result in a 
redistribution of weight towards the role of natural factors in forcing 
temperature changes, thereby relatively devaluing the impact of anthropogenic 
emissions and affecting future temperature predictions."

5. The Hottest Year. Satellite temperature measurements say that 2005 wasn't 
the hottest year on record - 1998 was - and that temperatures have been stable 
since 2001 (p.73). Here's the satellite graph:


6. Heat Waves. The summer heat wave that struck Europe in 2003 was caused by an 
atmospheric pressure anomaly; it had nothing to do with global warming. As the 
United Nations Environment Program reported in September 2003, "This extreme 
wheather [sic] was caused by an anti-cyclone firmly anchored over the western 
European land mass holding back the rain-bearing depressions that usually enter 
the continent from the Atlantic ocean. This situation was exceptional in the 
extended length of time (over 20 days) during which it conveyed very hot dry 
air up from south of the Mediterranean."



The Global Warming Hoax

Even Roger Revelle, one of the fathers of Global Warming 
theory and the man much touted by Al Gore in his 
mockumentary, came to, well, not disavow his ...



Al Gore - FOR a One World Church and UN Dictatorship

Gore, in Palo Alto, spreads thanks for Nobel Peace Prize win
Nuevo Mundo, CA - 3 hours ago

By Mary Anne Ostrom and Mark Gomez Former US Vice-president 
Al Gore, center addresses to media during a press conference 
on Friday morning in Palo Alto ...

Al Gore Interview With Dianne Sawyer

10 min - May 22, 2007 - (100 ratings) 

Iraq, and how the media frames these debates and the problems
with our democracy and the news 

[CTRL] Fw: [ctrl] NASA's Backtrack on Warmest Yr Is Being Ignored, Critic Says

2007-10-19 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: S.T.Ill Freeman 
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 00:39
Subject: [ctrl] NASA's Backtrack on Warmest Yr Is Being Ignored, Critic Says

NASA's Backtrack on Warmest Year Is Being Ignored, Critic Says

By Randy Hall

CNSNews.com Staff Writer/Editor
August 16, 2007

(CNSNews.com) - NASA scientists this month corrected an error that resulted in 
1934 replacing 1998 as the warmest year on record in the U.S., thus challenging 
some key global warming arguments, but the correction is being ignored, a 
conservative climate expert charged Wednesday.

Yet at the same time, announcements that support global warming are considered 
"front-page news," said H. Sterling Burnett, a senior fellow at the 
conservative National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).

For his part, James Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space 
Studies, has called the correction is "statistically insignificant."

Burnett challenged that assertion, saying the correction made it clear that 
NASA's conclusion -- that the majority of the 10 hottest years have occurred 
since 1990 -- is false.

"Time after time, Hansen and other global warming alarmists present their data 
as 'the facts,' and [say that] 'you can't argue with data,' " he said. "Well, 
it turns out their data is just wrong. And when it's wrong, they want to say 
it's not important."

The controversy began on Aug. 4, when blogger Steve McIntyre of the 
ClimateAudit.org website, sent an email to NASA asserting that the data 
collected by the agency after 1999 was not being adjusted to allow for the 
times of day when readings were taken or the locations of the monitoring 

According to 
a blog posting by NASA climate modeler Gavin Schmidt, agency analysts then 
"looked into it and found that this coincided with the switch between two 
sources of U.S. temperature data." 

"There had been a faulty assumption that these two sources matched," Schmidt 
said. "The obvious fix was to make an adjustment based on a period of overlap 
so that these offsets disappear."

Schmidt said the data analysis was then adjusted 
accordingly, and a note of thanks emailed to McIntyre.

"The net effect of the change was to reduce mean U.S. anomalies by about 0.15 
degrees Celsius for the years 2000-2006," which resulted in a "very minor 
knock" on information from earlier years, Schmidt added.

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Burnett, however, called the miscalculation "a serious math error" and noted 
that according to NASA's newly published data: 
  a.. The hottest year on record is 1934, not 1998;

  b.. The third hottest year on record was 1921, not 2006;

  c.. Three of the five hottest years on record occurred before 1940; and

  d.. Six of the top 10 hottest years occurred prior to 90 percent of the 
growth in greenhouse gas emissions during the last century. 

'Ignore the man behind the curtain'

The NCPA analyst also charged that because the change does not fit the 
mainstream media's view of global warming as an immediate and ongoing crisis, 
the incident was being ignored by television news networks and newspapers 
across the country.

Cybercast News Service conducted a Nexis search for news articles over the past 
month containing the words "NASA," "1998" and "1934." As of Tuesday, Aug. 14, 
only eight newspapers had discussed the correction, along with United Press 
International (UPI) and the Fox News Channel.

On Wednesday, however, a dozen major news outlets -- ranging from the Chicago 
Sun-Times and Tribune to the Los Angeles Times and CNN -- finally ran stories 
on the change, most emphasizing the resulting controversy that had erupted 
across the conservative blogosphere.

In the Washington Post, Hansen said that the critics were "making a mountain of 
a molehill. The change does nothing to our understanding of how the global 
climate is changing and is being used by critics to muddy the debate."

"Hansen said that NASA generally does not release or discuss national weather 
statistics because it is more concerned with global patterns," the Post 
reported. "The agency that pays more attention to American temperature trends 
is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which has said that 
most of the warmest years in the past century have been in the past 12 years."

"Hansen said the revised data do nothing to change that overall trend," the 
newspaper added.

Burnett was highly critical of the Washington Post's coverage of the story.

"The Post gave James Hansen -- the one who made th

[CTRL] Fw: [ctrl] BREAKING: Hillary Tied to Obstruction of Justice in Chinese Fundraiser Hsu Case

2007-10-17 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Tom Heneghan 
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 00:28
Subject: [ctrl] BREAKING: Hillary Tied to Obstruction of Justice in Chinese 
Fundraiser Hsu Case

. . .



As We Continue to Identify the Enemies
of the American Revolution in the 21st Century
and Annihilate Them

October 13, 2007


By Tom Heneghan



Now for tonight's intelligence briefing. 

It can be reported that the NSA espionage against the American People involves 
the Bush Administration's use of the U.S. phone company Verizon.

Millions of innocent Americans have been targeted by an NSA phone dragnet that 
uses the code words "Bush" and "Clinton" that trigger the monitoring of one's 


Reference: The Bush Administration's wireless wiretapping was actually ordered 
by Bush and Cheney on 9/11 2001 against Bush's own State Department.

This espionage started as the Bush Administration became paranoid that U.S. 
State Department officials had intercepted the American-Turkish Council's 
cables showing that U.S. government officials knew in advance about 9/11, i.e. 
the attack on New York City.

Item: U.S. State Department officials also received a pre-9/11 warning from 
French Intelligence.  French Intelligence had intercepted a Mossad cable from 
the UAE (United Arab Emirates) in Dubai titled "The Time is Now, the Match is 

And it gets worse!

Current NSA operative, Colonel Dana Wilcox (US Office of Naval Intelligence) 
has been identified and fingered as a key 9/11 player who operated as Dick 
Cheney's 9/11 trigger man in using the September 11th Red-Blue US/Canadian War 
Games as the disguise to mask the 9/11 black ops attack on New York.


Wilcox is actually a former Nazi who was allowed by Cheney to infiltrate the 
U.S. Military.

Wilcox was also linked to the Ptech software system, which took down the U.S. 
defense shield on 9/11.


Note: The ex-Nazi Wilcox also received a kidney transplant five years ago, 
which saved his life, when seven other U.S. Military personnel were ahead of 
Wilcox for a replacement organ.

And now it gets even worse!

Wilcox, a Republican, also operates as a major NSA-Mossad consultant to 
unelectable CLOSET lesbian Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton.  Wilcox collects 
espionage for the unelectable LESBIAN-IN-THE-CLOSET and has supplied her with 
black ops toys, which allows Rodenhurst Clinton to monitor her political 

Now it really gets worse!


The Nazi Wilcox was also part of the "True Colors" Bush-Clinton team that 
carried out the assassination of John F. Kennedy Jr.  JFK Jr. was about to 
publish the details of the Bush-Clinton assassination teams in his George 

JFK Jr. was also considering challenging then First Lady Hillary Rodenhurst 
Clinton in the democratic primary New York Senate race.

Item: Former President Kennedy's speechwriter, Ted Sorenson, has recently been 
quoted as saying that the two Clintons are basically "white trash".

Ted Sorensen
JFK Special Counsel and Speechwriter

Sorenson says that the Clintons dishonored the White House, and that Hillary 
Clinton will take the Democratic Party down to their worse defeat since 1984.

Reference: The Mondale-Ferraro fiasco.

Hillary and indicted RED Chinese asset Norman Hsu

Sorenson, along with other major Democratic Party officials, including 
Democratic National Chairman, Howard Dean, are now aware that the unelectable 
CLOSET lesbian Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton has been directly linked to 
OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE involving Hillary's attempt to protect and tip off her 
RED CHINESE fundraiser, Norman Hsu.

The FBI just recently raided Hsu's house and discovered personal notes 
involving unelectable Hillary discussing covering up and manipulating the 
Justice Department investigation of Hsu.


P.S. The Internal Revenue Service is now looking into the use of DUAL Irish AND 
U.S. citizenship by Bill and Hillary Clinton.  This involves the use of the 
MOSSAD-linked Allied Bank of Ireland as a parking lot for laundered CHINESE 
narcotics funds tied to illegal campaign money from none other than fundraiser 
Norman Hsu.

How dare you, you conspiratorial tyrants and kings and notable queens!

The Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate

This TREASONOUS filth continues at this hour to threaten the family of dul

[CTRL] Fw: To One & All:- [Fwd: Losing the War on America]

2007-10-15 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Sid Karp @ VZY 
To: Sid Karp at VZ 
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 18:11
Subject: To One & All:- [Fwd: Losing the War on America]

To One & All
This e-mail was sent by: Newsmax.com, 4152 West Blue Heron Blvd, Ste 1114, 
Riviera Beach, FL, 33404 USA.
Support all Jewish War Veterans and the Jews In Green
Remember the Inquistion and the Holocaust! Remember the Intifada and 9/11 too! 


Dear Newsmax Reader: 

Please find below a special message from our sponsor, Vietnam 
Veterans Legacy Foundation. They have some important information to share with 

Thank you. 


   Losing the War

  Washington -

  For the last few weeks, the "War on America" has gone badly. 

a.. MoveOn, the New York Times, and Senators who accused 
Gen. Petraeus of being a traitor and a liar have been exposed and repudiated; 
b.. The media's attempted flim-flam to portray Iran's 
Terrorist Dictator as a "Statesman," tripped on Columbia University's red 

c.. The brave combat Marines whom Congressman Murtha and 
the press eagerly charged with "cold-blooded murders" in Iraq are being found 
innocent, acquitted one by one. 

  The "War" is not going well ... the "War On America," that 

  Those who claim they "Support the Troops" are finally being 
unmasked, shown for being the cowards they are. But, it won't be long before 
they regroup, begin their own "Surge" in this decades-long "War On America." We 
won't stand by quietly when they do; nor, should you. 

  My fellow POWs and I have long known the contempt the extreme 
Left has for our military. We felt the crush of rifle butts in our faces, 
beatings and unspeakable torture in the Hanoi Hilton Prison when we refused to 
kowtow to American traitors who traveled to these countries for propaganda 
"photo-ops" with our Communist jailors.

  The so-called "anti-war movement," lead by the likes of Lt. 
John Kerry and his mentor, Sen. Ted Kennedy, also said they "supported the 
troops". What they didn't say is whose "troops."

  We knew the answer then, we were witnesses and victims. It's 
the same today. They "support" America's enemies, any Communist Regime, 
Dictator or Terrorists that vow to kill and maim American soldiers and innocent 

  American soldiers in Vietnam were falsely accused of being a 
"barbarian horde," "rapists," "murderers," "drug addicts" and "baby killers."

  Today, their sons, daughters and grandchildren serving in 
uniform stand accused of being "terrorists," "Nazis," "cold-blooded murderers," 
people who wantonly conduct "air raids on villages" bombing and killing 

  Every one of those spurious accusations were spewed from the 
Halls of Congress, most often by the same men and women who voted to send 
America's youth to war, only to denounce, vilify and abandon them later, when 
the opportunity for personal, political advantage presented itself.

  When I and my fellow veterans - POWs, Soldiers, Airmen, 
Marines and Navy Swift Boat combat veterans alike - attempted to warn America 
about one of the most notorious turncoats from the Vietnam era, we were 
initially ignored by the mainstream media.

  When the press and TV networks could no longer cover-up for 
John Kerry's very public treasonous conduct, we were accused of being "serial 
liars," shouted down by Leftist political campaign operatives disguised as 
"journalists." All the while the networks kept the film evidence of Lt. Kerry's 
betrayal under lock and key, where it remains hidden from the American public 
even today.

  The recent treatment accorded Gen. Petraeus by the same 
radicals in Congress and the media was strikingly similar to our experiences in 
2004. Before he uttered a single word, this highly decorated combat veteran, a 
man of great honor who has risked his life many times in the defense of our 
country, stood accused, disparaged and berated by a pack of power-hungry 
shirkers and slackers unworthy to polish his combat medals. Contribute

  Veterans who attempted to expose Sen. Kerry in 2004 were 
treated no better. But, Kerry and his band of Leftist comrades had something 
special in store for me and my fellow POWs and their wives. We were sued 
repeatedly for three long years, forced to spend $1 million just to defend 
ourselves in several frivolous lawsuits.

  What did we do to cause such a prolonged, vindictive assault? 
We told the truth no Mainstream Media news operation wanted the American public 
to know, then or now.

  Dozens of my fellow POWs and their wives participated in 

[CTRL] Fw: [JBirch] Fw: Judge: Gore Made 9 Errors in 'Inconvenient Truth'

2007-10-14 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: bruce powell 
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2007 18:09
Subject: [JBirch] Fw: Judge: Gore Made 9 Errors in 'Inconvenient Truth'

Judge: Gore Made 9 Errors in 'Inconvenient Truth'



A British judge this week slammed Al Gore's documentary "An
Inconvenient Truth" and said it contains egregious errors and bias. 

Judge Michael Burton of London's High Court said the film had
no less than "nine scientific errors" and that the film should be
accompanied by a disclosure that says the film makes "alarmist"
and "exaggerated" claims. 

The New York Post featured a diagram laying out Burton's
explanation of Gore's nine errors. It follows below.. 

Editor's Note: Get Newsmax's special report that first blew the
lid off of Al Gore's 'Convenient Lie' — Go Here Now.

 1  Sea levels will rise by up to 20 feet "in the near future." 
 Only after a millennia. 
 2  Pacific atolls have been evacuated.  No evidence. 
 3  Gulf Stream will shut down.  Very unlikely. 
 4  Graphs showing rise in temperature and carbon dioxide are 
"an exact fit."  Graphs "do not establish what Gore asserts." 
 5  Global warming caused Hurricane Katrina.  Insufficient 
 6  Global warning dried up Lake Chad.  Scientists say 'NO' 
 7  Global warming is bleaching coral reefs.  Not clear what 
caused bleaching. 
 8  Polar bears drowned when they couldn't find ice.  They died 
from a storm. 
 9  Global warming melted snow on Mount Kilimanjaro.  Scientist 
say 'NO' 

Editor's Note: Get Newsmax's special report that first blew the
lid off of Al Gore's 'Convenient Lie' — Go Here Now.

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[CTRL] Fw: [JBirch] Some Background on This Al Gore Guy

2007-10-14 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: bruce powell 
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 19:41
Subject: [JBirch] Some Background on This Al Gore Guy

Some Background on This Al Gore Guy
reason coverage over the years of this year's Nobel Peace Prize winner

October 12, 2007

Some reason stories over the years about Al Gore, who has been awarded this 
year's Nobel Peace Prize and has generally (though not always) been roundly 
booed in our print and web pages: 
  Free Speech for People Who Think Like Me: Al Gore, besserwisser chicken 
hypnotist (June 12, 2007)

  Al Gore: Power Hungry (February 26, 2007)

  An Inconvenient Truth: Gore as climate exaggerator (June 16, 2006)

  Whose Media Is Gored?: Where Al Gore's TV channel went wrong (August 9, 2005)

  Ironic Processing (November 2000)

  Albert Agonistes: What Gore's winning storyline tells us about politicians 
(June 2000)

  Source Code: Al Gore says he invented the Internet. What does he mean? (May 

  That's Fog Coming From Al Gore's Smoke-Free Guns: When Politicians Claim to 
Speak With Conviction, Voters Should Be Especially Wary. (August 1996)

Much more here.

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  As intellectuals surrender, the military thinks on. Michael Young (10/11) 
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  How long before she becomes a libertarian? Steve Chapman (10/11) 
  a.. No Nuss No Fuss
  David Weigel (10/12 4:45pm) 
  b.. Skittles of Death
  Radley Balko (10/12 4:23pm) 
  c.. Nuclear Power: Celebrating 50 Years of Catastrophic Failure
  Katherine Mangu-Ward (10/12 4:17pm) 
  d.. Register Today for Reason in DC, October 26 & 27!
  (10/12 4:11pm) 
  e.. New at Reason
  (10/12 4:02pm) 
  f.. Dutch Tighten Drug Laws Because of Stupid Tourists
  Michael C. Moynihan (10/12 3:10pm) 
  g.. The Atheist and the Apostate
  Michael C. Moynihan (10/12 2:56pm) 
  h.. Mr. Conservative 2.0
  David Weigel (10/12 2:32pm) 
  i.. Math Is Tough, and So Is Media Literacy
  Kerry Howley (10/12 2:15pm) 

- Original Message 
From: Chad W. McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Chad W. McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 5:55:03 PM
Subject: [JBirch] Ron Paul-Latter Day Prophet?

  That comment was made in this video

  http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=FG2PUZoukfA



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[CTRL] Fw: [JBirch] Questions for Democrats

2007-10-14 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: bruce powell 
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2007 16:35
Subject: [JBirch] Questions for Democrats

- Forwarded Message 
From: crackerjaxon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Questions for Democrats

1. If you are against the war in Iraq, why do none of your candidates
stand for an immediate withdrawal of our forces?  Hillary Clinton, the
most likely candidate, will keep our forces there until at least 2013.
Is this what you want?

2.  If you are against the War on Drugs, why aren't you crossing party
lines to vote for the only candidate who will stop it?

3. If you believe in a woman's right to choose, why are you afraid to
let the states decide this issue for themselves?  Could it be that you
know that Roe v. Wade was a usurpation of states' rights by the
Supreme Court?

4.  Don't you want your own school boards running your local schools? 

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"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." 
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[CTRL] Fw: Hillary Clinton's Spend-O-Meter

2007-10-12 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Robert M. (Mike) Duncan 
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 13:48
Subject: Hillary Clinton's Spend-O-Meter

   Dear William,

  This morning, Hillary Clinton told the Boston Globe, 
"I have a million ideas. The country can't afford them all."  

  It was a rare moment of truth.  It seems like Hillary 
Clinton is coming out with new plans to expand government and spend your taxes 
almost every single day now.  In fact, she's come up with so many 
big-government schemes over the last two weeks alone that it's becoming hard to 
keep track of them all.  That's why the RNC is launching the Hillary Clinton 
Spend-O-Meter: an easy way to keep up with just how much new government 
spending Hillary has proposed on the campaign trail.

  Every time Hillary proposes a new program, the 
Spend-o-meter will go up.  It's already taking into account: $440 billion for 
her plan to have the government take over your health care; $100 billion for 
her taxpayer-funded retirement scheme; $6 billion for government-funded 
transportation; and much more.  In fact, today, on the Spend-o-meter's very 
first day, it is already reading $724 billion.  And it's still a year before 
Election Day.  Can she hit $1 trillion before Thanksgiving?  Will she make it 
to the $2 trillion mark before the party conventions next summer?  Visit 
Clintonspendometer.com to see how much of your hard-earned money Hillary 
Clinton is promising to spend, as she says, "on behalf of the common good."

  Want to stay updated with the latest on Hillary 
Clinton's out-of-control spending? Click here and join the RNC's Fiscal 
Conservative Team. 


  Robert M. "Mike" Duncan 
  Chairman, Republican National Committee

  Republican National Committee | 310 First Street, SE | 
Washington, D.C. 20003
  p: 202.863.8500 | f: 202.863.8820 | e: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Paid for by the Republican National Committee.
310 First Street, SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's 


Copyright 2007 Republican National Committee

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fw: Celebrate Constitution Day 2007

2007-09-15 Thread Bill Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: "National Constitution Center" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 19:03
Subject: Celebrate Constitution Day 2007

Celebrate Constitution Day 2007 at the National Constitution Center

This weekend, the National Constitution Center celebrates Constitution 
Day--the birthday of our government--with tours, food, distinguished 
speakers, and FREE admission on Monday, September 17th.

On Sept. 17, 1787, the U.S. Constitution was signed by thirty-nine brave 
men who changed the course of history. Now Constitution Day is a time for 
us to continue their legacy and develop habits of citizenship in a new 
generation of Americans.

Weekend Events:

Constitution Birthday Party!

Join the National Constitution Center for a birthday 
celebration--including cake!  Venture into Amendment Alley as you explore 
the 27 Amendments that make our Constitution what it is today.

Calligraphy Lessons from the Philadelphia Calligrapher's Society (Saturday 


Learn how to write in the same type of print the Signers' used to write 
the Constitution with the Philadelphia Calligraphers' Society.

Debut of Signers' Hall iPod Tours

The first tour of its kind at the Center, "Meet the Signers" introduces 
visitors to the 42 men portrayed in life-sized, bronze statues in the most 
popular room of the museum, Signers' Hall.

Constitution Day Events - Monday, September 17th

 FREE Admission for all visitors! Monday ONLY. 

Members-Only Tour & FREE "Meet the Signers" iPod Tours
9:30 a.m.
Call 215.409.6767 for details

Explore the National Constitution Center on an exclusive, members only 
tour of the exhibits & building.  Explore the Constitution as an insider, 
and get an exclusive perspective on this ground breaking document.  PLUS, 
enjoy the new Signer's Hall iPod tour at no charge. Free, for members 

"America Reads the Constitution":  Birthday Cake & Performance
12:00 Noon

Bring your lunch and join us for FREE birthday cake and an entertaing new 
twist on a Constitution Center tradition. The Center's annual public 
reading of the Constitution will feature a recitation FROM MEMORY of the 
entire U.S. Constitution and all 27 Amendments by T.S. Grant, a former 
Baltimore city schoolteacher. FREE & open to the public.

Meet Elizabeth Eckford of the Little Rock Nine
2:00 p.m.

In 1957 a group of African-American students risked their lives to 
integrate Little Rock Central High School. One of the most well-known 
images to emerge from the crisis is that of 15 year-old Elizabeth Eckford, 
walking alone in front of the school after becoming separated from her 
group.  She faced down death threats, physical assault, and angry white 
mobs.  In doing so, she inspired the world with their bravery and 
encouraged countless others to be active participants in affecting change. 
Hear Ms. Eckford's story on Constitution Day--FREE & open to the public.


National Constitution Center
Independence Mall
525 Arch St.
Philadelphia, PA 19123

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[CTRL] Fw: C.R.E.S.T. Liberal Media - Dem's GOOD, Repub BADDDDD!

2007-08-30 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Don Schwarz 
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 15:29
Subject: C.R.E.S.T. Liberal Media - Dem's GOOD, Repub BAD!

It has been reported, that the liberal News media
does "smack down" reports on Republicans
but when it comes to Democrats, they only report
GOOD stories and more of them.

If you don't listen to talk radio or are on the Internet,
you would never know about HILLARY and many
other Democrats getting bad money from fugitive Norman Hsu
of California.

Bill Clinton deserts the Army Reserve after enlisting
on August 7, 1969 and gets elected President even
with a Dishonorable Discharge, and Norman Hsu rips
off people for millions in California and now is the
"moneyman" for Hillary and the Liberal media does
not report on Clinton's desertion nor Hsu's felonies!

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fw: C.R.E.S.T. Liberal Media - Dem's GOOD, Repub BADDDDD!

2007-08-30 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Don Schwarz 
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 15:29
Subject: C.R.E.S.T. Liberal Media - Dem's GOOD, Repub BAD!

It has been reported, that the liberal News media
does "smack down" reports on Republicans
but when it comes to Democrats, they only report
GOOD stories and more of them.

If you don't listen to talk radio or are on the Internet,
you would never know about HILLARY and many
other Democrats getting bad money from fugitive Norman Hsu
of California.

Bill Clinton deserts the Army Reserve after enlisting
on August 7, 1969 and gets elected President even
with a Dishonorable Discharge, and Norman Hsu rips
off people for millions in California and now is the
"moneyman" for Hillary and the Liberal media does
not report on Clinton's desertion nor Hsu's felonies!

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Back in print after 140 yrs -- the ACLU's worst nightmare...

2007-08-30 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Human Events 
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 14:12
Subject: Back in print after 140 yrs -- the ACLU's worst nightmare...

  Below please find a special message from one of our advertisers. >From 
time to time, we receive opportunities we believe you as a valued customer may 
want to know about. Please note that the following message does not necessarily 
reflect the editorial positions of Human Events. 
 Powerful NEW Resource from American Vision:   
   "The Book the ACLU Does Not Want You to Read! I Promise. I saw it 
-Gary DeMar, President of American Vision 

BACK IN PRINT after 140 Years...

The Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the 
United States
(with FREE searchable/printable CD-ROM) 

By Benjamin F. Morris 

I was debating an ACLU attorney at Christmas on an NPR station. I 
pulled out a Xerox copy of The Christian Life and Character of the Civil 
Institutions of the United States and said to her: "Until you answer this book, 
the ACLU can't make a case against America's Christian founding." She was 
shocked when she saw it. She asked where I had gotten it. The only thing that 
gave her relief was the fact that the book was not in print. But now it is.

Be afraid ACLU. Be very afraid. Morris packs The Christian Life and 
Character with page after page of original source material making the case that 
America was founded as a Christian nation. The evidence is unanswerable and 
irrefutable. This 1000-page book will astound you and send enemies of 
Christianity into shock. Keep in mind that it was published in 1864 and has 
been out of print for more than a century. It has been newly typeset using a 
very readable font and added subheads. A new Foreword written by my long-time 
friend Dr. Archie Jones describes the background of the book and provides a 
brief biography of the author. (Hardback, 1060 pages)

The only place you can get The Christian Life and Character of the 
Civil Institutions of the United States is from American Vision.

  FREE CD-ROM BONUS: Receive a searchable/printable CD-ROM of 
the book with your order! It's great for cutting and pasting into articles and 
research papers. 

Retail: $49.95 * Special: ONLY $39.95 with FREE CD-ROM!
ORDER ONLINE or CALL 1.800.628.9460

  © 2007 American Vision 
  P.O. Box 220 | Powder Springs, GA | 30127 
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2007-08-19 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Calvin Steinberger 
To: Undisclosed Recipients 
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 20:55

Thanks Jack.  I consider this to be "proof positive" of the evil intentions of 
our Zionist controllers!  


- Original Message - 
From: Jack Lancaster 
To: American Indian News ; CCL News ; J and D Consultants ; Sir David-Andrew ; 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; The Exposé ; Sorcha Faal ; Jeff Fisher ; Fresno Bee ; Ezra 
Fulson ; Gianni D Hayes ; Human Rights Watch Press ; Idaho Observer ; Jack 
Aiken Lancaster11 ; Jack Bauer ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Alex James ; James 
Montgomery ; Raymond Karczewski ; Jack Lancaster ; jesse lee ; Liberty Guard ; 
Merced Sun Star ; Lewis Mohr ; Onion Newspaper ; Oregonian ; Anthony James 
Parissi Jr. ; Paul Bruce Lancaster Blues Singer ; Truth Radio ; Roger Rancourt 
; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; ricniemela ; Harsha Sankar ; Nadia Sindi ; Cal 
Steinberger ; Telegraph UK ; theloonusa ; World View ; White Mtn Apache ; Ruth 
D. Bundy or Ralph Charles Whitley Sr. ; John Wilson ; WindyWanda ; Jud Witham 
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 6:35 PM


  "The Hal Turner Show" has received images of the new unit of currency they 
are planning. It is called "the Amero" which will replace the "Dollar" and the 
"peso" in all three countries once they are merged out of existence!

  They are even coining "Ameros" in Collectable precious metals like Silver as 
the "Proof" coin shown below!!

  More details are pending. One thing is absolutely clear: The governments of 
the USA, Canada & Mexico are engaged in a conspiracy to merge the three 
countries without the knowledge or consent of "The People."

  In furtherance of this conspiracy, the government of the United States is 
intentionally spending the nation into absolute, unrecoverable Bankruptcy with 
the intention that the monetary system collapses.

  When the U.S. currency collapses, it will take with it, both the Canadian 
dollar and Mexican Peso because both countries are so heavily invested in the 
U.S. dollar through trade with the US.

  During such a collapse, when hundreds of millions of average citizens face 
absolute destitution because their currencies have been wiped out, these 
Conspirators will turn to 'The People" of each nation and say "your only hope 
is to merge all three countries and make a new start."

  The thinking is that the populations will rush to embrace the merger and 
forget all about our individual history, rights and systems. In one fell swoop, 
the Conspirators will clobber us into absolute despotism and we will be 
helpless to do anything because our money will have become worthless!

  While you're gasping for air at this, did you happen to notice the DATES on 
these coins? 2007

  Gee whiz, this plan seems awfully far along. I guess this means the collapse 
will be this year? Maybe that's why the housing market was allowed to "tank?" 
Maybe that's why the Stock Markets are dropping hundreds of points per day 
lately? Maybe this is why oil has increased in price. . . . because the oil 
nations already know they're going to take a bath on the currency change when 
they have to exchange "Dollars" they're already holding which will be worth 
only "pennies" on the "Amero?"

  Are you starting to grasp why so many things are going wrong lately? Does a 
lot of it start to make sense when put in the context of wiping out currencies 
in the name of globalization? 
  This is betrayal folks! Betrayal by our highest elected officials! 
Deliberate, intentional despicable deceit!

  This is EVIL treachery on such a massive scale that the only proper response 
may be to simply KILL everyone involved.

  Additional details are starting to come out and more information will be 
posted as it becomes available!!! Check back often. 

 If you're wanting to know some of the hows and whys this Country is 
experiencing, I STRONGLY recommend checking this out: 

  Remember this statement:
 "When the government fears the people, you have liberty. When the people 
fear the government [or the IRS, for that matter], you have Tyranny."
  (Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence of the United 

 The less people know about what is really going on, the easier it is to 
wield power and authority. 
  (Prince of Wales Charles)

[CTRL] Fw: [JBirch] Wichita Church Targeted by IRS

2007-08-17 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: GrayGhost 
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 01:23
Subject: [JBirch] Wichita Church Targeted by IRS

Give thanks to LB Johnson for this ILLEGAL legislation!


Posted: 2:55 PM Aug 16, 2007
Last Updated: 2:55 PM Aug 16, 2007
Reporter: Associated Press

The pastor of a conservative Christian church says it is being investigated
by the Internal Revenue Service over its political involvement.

Mark Holick is pastor of Spirit One Christian Center in Wichita. He says the
church will continue to speak out regardless of what the IRS does.

He says the church is being investigated because it speaks out against
abortion. He calls it a violation of their First Amendment rights.

The IRS in a letter to the church said it was concerned about signs on the
church building criticizing politicians, as well as e-mails, and Web site
postings involving political activity.

Under federal tax law churches can discuss politics, but if they endorse
candidates or parties they can lose their tax-exempt status.

The IRS now wants to audit the church's finances.

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Visit The New American at www.thenewamerican.com for accurate information.
NEW information portal for the John Birch Society: 

"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." 
Edmund Burke 1729-1797

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [JBirch] New NAU Pamphlet Now Available

2007-08-11 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Chad W. McBride 
To: undisclosed-recipients 
Cc: Chad W. McBride 
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 18:36
Subject: [JBirch] New NAU Pamphlet Now Available

  I pledge allegiance to the North American Union?

  What? Absolutely not! And we need your help in spreading the 
message: Stop the NAU! We have assembled a professional pamphlet that lists the 
road signs that reveal we're on a journey to living under the NAU. You'll see 
exactly why the current administration is not securing our borders, what North 
American leaders have said about the NAU, and what impact the NAU will have on 
you and your family.

  This pamphlet is long on graphics and short on text and will 
most certainly grab the attention of any freedom-loving American. A 
corresponding web page offers plenty of background information on the NAU and 
the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), as well as an action list 
citizens can follow to help stop the NAU.

  Help us continue to create the groundswell of support we are 
currently seeing from Americans from all walks of life. Buy in bulk and pass as 
many out as you can.

Quantity   1 - 99 100 - 499 500 - 999 1000+ 
Price $0.25 $0.22 $0.20 $0.17 
  Thank you!

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[CTRL] Fw: Petition to stop the North American Union

2007-08-11 Thread Bill Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: "Grassfire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 10:35
Subject: Petition to stop the North American Union

+ +
This is your "link" email message. Please forward this
message to your friends and urge them to sign this petition.
-- Grassfire.org

Momentum is building in our government to create the "framework"
for a North American Union that would undermine our nation's
sovereignty and open our borders.

I just signed an important citizen petition opposing these latest
efforts. Please go here to sign:



William Bacon

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: C.R.E.S.T. Hillary Clinton's Presidency: An Outline

2007-08-08 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: hillaryandgore 
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 17:11
Subject: C.R.E.S.T. Hillary Clinton's Presidency: An Outline

Hillary Clinton's Presidency: An Outline

The power elite is losing its social base very fast. So they trying to
create a successor to George Bush presidency. The "Power Elite" is used
as "democrat" and "Republican" have become meaningless terms. The
outlines of a Hillary Clinton's presidency would look like the

* Peronism as the official ideology (A combination of fascist
slogans such patriotism, nationalism, Americanism with socialist slogans
such as Corporations are evil and increased taxes on Corporations to
help the "poor")
* Domestic Terrorism as the main focus to assault ordinary citizens
and enahnce the police role
* Selling the US infrastructure to foriegn investors
* Housing Market Crash to re-organize the Middle Class
* Stock Market Crash to re-organize the economic and power structure
of the Corporations in the US economy
* Limiting and eliminating Civil Liberties
* Assault on the Second Amendment (The Right to bear arms for
* More people in jails and Increased use of prison slave labor in
* Mr. Obama and his social base the african-american community will
be used to assault the whites such as the blue collar workers
* Increased power for corporation's "Human Resource departments"
that is equivalent of "Police Department for Corporations"
* Capitulate to the "European Union" economic demands on trade and
compensate the loss with assaults on the American People. In other words
American people will be turned to cheap labor working for Europeans.
* Low dollar value against Euro.
* Police as the main base of power
* See here for background information

In summary Hillary Clinton's presidency is a general assault on the
civil society both on corporations and ordinary people. This will be a
more calculated assault with ideological and political preparations.
This assault should be contrasted to their previous assault on Civil
society under the previous Clinton administration which failed due to
the lack of an oraganized strategy.

The main focus of a Hillary Clinton's administration is the assault on
Corporations as the last base of indpendent power in civil society. It
will use slogans such as "US government is run by corporations" to
distract attention from the power elite's role in the US government. To
undermine the independent power of Corporations, outsourcing is
introduced on a massive scale in order to control the Corporation's
workforce. This way the leadership of Corporations are isolated from its
workforce and Corporations are turned into a empty facade in which the
government will actually be running the corporations and making all
major decisions.

The outcome of this strategy is the gradual emergence of US as a second
Mexico. Americans who were under illusions about the nature of power
elite, will gradually understand and recognize that they are living in a
different country and the good old US is only a memory from the past.

This is in contrast to Bush Administration focus on foriegn enemies and
avoiding domestic conflicts. Under Hillary Clinton's presidency the
American People will look back and consider Bush presidency as the last
time when people could still recognize US as their country

Bush administration is a Bonapartist state. But its main power base was
military. Hillary Clinton's administration will be also a Bonapartist
state although it will be a decaying Bonapartist state. It will shift
its power base to the police. Hillary Clinton's presidency will end with
the US emerging as a "second Mexico" or will end with a Revolution.

A Bonapartist state is a state where the elite has lost its social base
and is using military or the police or the state bureaucracy or a
combination of these forces to rule.

The only exception to this historical trend is if the state bureacracy
intervenes and changes the direction. Predicting such possibility, the
power elite has started its propoganda campaign against bureacracy and
calling the bureacracy for "Profit Mongers".

In a newly published book by Mr. "Tim Weiner: The Legacy of Ashes",which
supposed to be " a definitive history of the CIA" he accuses Mr. Kofer
Black, a CIA elite in counter-terrorism for "profit mongering" because
he was outsourced to Blackwater Corp. CIA has replied that Mr. Kofer
Black was forced out of CIA and he did not leave voluntarily.

We will hear more of these labels soon from the power elite. Labels such
as "War Monger", "Peace Monger", "Corporation Monger",
"White-supramacist Monger" etc.

Hillary Clinton Presidency: An Outline

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[CTRL] Fw: C.R.E.S.T. Variability of the sun's irradiance, Global Warming

2007-08-05 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Stan Norred 
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 01:32
Subject: C.R.E.S.T. Variability of the sun's irradiance, Global Warming

More evidence that the global warming hysteria is based on a political
agenda not the facts.

Variability of the sun's irradiance, Global Warming

Water Experts Find Earth's Warming, Rainfall Linked to Sun

By Dennis T. Avery, Hudson Institute
Tuesday, July 24, 2007 
A team of water experts says the pattern of droughts and floods in South
Africa shows our global warming was triggered by the variability of the
sun's irradiance rather than by human-emitted CO2. They say variations in
South African rainfall patterns are keyed to periodic reversals of the sun's
magnetic field-and to the constantly changing distance between the sun and
the earth as both move through space. 
In South Africa, alternate 11-year sunspot cycles produce opposite rainfall
results. One complete "double sun cycle" occurs every 20.8 years: the
"first" cycle brings a big flood, followed by a small drought; the next
brings a big drought, followed by a small flood. 
Lead author Will Alexander used the double sunspot cycle to publicly predict
the end of major South African droughts in both 1995 and 2006. He notes that
South African droughts have often been broken at 11-year intervals by severe
floods associated with sunspot maxima-as in 1822, 1841, 1863, 1874 and 1885.
The research summary appears in the June 2007 issue of the Journal of the
South African Institution of Civil Engineering. 
The South Africans' conclusion is reinforced by Dr. Robert Baker of
Australia, who told a recent meeting of the International Geographical Union
that he has found the same 21-year cycle in Australian drought and rainfall.
Baker says "the sun is like a musical instrument, vibrating in complex
patterns," with all of the planets moving in similar relationships. 
H. N. Bhalme and D. A. Mooley published similar conclusions about India's
floods and droughts in the Journal of Applied Meteorology, September, 1981,
based on an Indian flood index compiled from 1891 to 1979. They reported
that "a highly significant 22-year cycle in the flood area index was nearly
in phase with the 22-year double sunspot cycle." Bhalme and Mooley also
noted that the western U.S. has a similar relationship with the double
sunspot cycle and severe flooding. 
Clearly, what these water experts are all describing is a global climate
connection with the sun. 
The number of sunspots on the sun, and their intensity, varies in a cycle
averaging 11 years. The distance between the sun and the earth keeps
changing slightly and predictably because 1) they move on slightly varying
paths through space; and 2) both bodies accelerate and decelerate constantly
depending on the combined gravitational forces of the other big planets. 
These factors apparently produce the moderate 1,500-year climate cycle on
earth, which was discovered in the Greenland ice cores in 1980s and has
since also been found globally in seabed and lake sediments, fossil pollen,
tree rings and peat bogs. 
Earth's recent global warming occurred too early-before 1940-to be blamed on
human CO2 emissions. The net global warming since 1940 is only 0.2 degrees
C, with none at all since 1998.
There's little correlation between the earth's recent temperatures and CO2
levels, but a strong correlation between the sunspot index and subsequent
changes in our sea-surface temperatures. 
The 1,500-year climate cycle shifts temperatures about 2 degrees C above and
then 2 degrees C below the long-term average at the latitude of Washington
and Paris, with greater temperature changes near the poles. Temperatures
change little near the equator, but rainfall patterns can change greatly;
for example, 5,000 years ago the Sahara was wet enough for grazing and
hunting, while Kenya was very dry. 
The UN climate change panel has declared the solar variations "too small" to
produce the climate warming of the past 30 years. However, a recent Danish
experiment showed that the solar variations may be amplified fourfold
because they create significant changes in the earth's cloud cover. More
clouds cool the earth by deflecting more of the sun's heat back into outer
The evidence for a sun/climate connection keeps pouring in, while all we
hear from the Kyoto crowd is "The computer models agree with each other." 

DENNIS T. AVERY was a senior policy analyst for the U.S. State Department,
where he won the National Intelligence Medal of Achievement. He is the
co-author, with atmospheric physicist Fred Singer, of the book Unstoppable
Global Warming-Every 1500 Years, available from Rowman & Littlefield.
Readers may write him at the Center for Global Food Issues (www.cgfi.org)
Post Office Box 202, Churchville, 


2007-07-31 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Don Crowell 
To: !000 
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 1980 18:47

PARDON ME, BUT .  .  .  

  Dr. Steven Yates reports on the upcoming Summit Meeting of elites to erase 
borders of USA, Mexico and Canada.

   Go to www.jbs.org see report entitled,  "Public Forum Attempting to Monitor 
Upcoming SPP Summit To Be Turned Away."  

   Why are supporters of American borders and sovereignty to be turned away by 
Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the US Army?

   How is this possible?  Why would Congress allow US military to shut down 
dissent and to help erase our borders?

   Why not ask your congressmen for some answers?

Don Crowell  Please forward this to your list.   
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: MRC Alert Special: Bozell Columns on Michael Moore and CNN's Slanted Debate

2007-07-25 Thread Bill Bacon
oore? Can anyone forget 
his gauzy video of Saddam Hussein's Iraq before the invasion, with 
pastoral pictures of children with kites?

In fact, on one point in Gupta's report, CNN did retract a claim and 
apologize. Gupta said Moore's film claimed Cubans pay $25 per person 
a year for health care, when Moore said $251. But CNN's response also 
pointed out that Moore is playing apples and oranges with the 
numbers, plucking the Cuba number from a BBC report and then 
selecting his American cost-per-person number from our Department of 
Health and Human Services. The HHS number for 2006 is not a fact, but 
a projection, CNN pointed out: "Actual numbers for the years 2006 and 
2007 are not yet available, which is why CNN could not use them."

Even people who don't believe that CNN is always Exhibit A for 
fairness and accuracy can easily find CNN to be a superior fact-
finder to Michael Moore. So why does Moore, sloppily disorganized and 
so often factually untruthful, register such credibility with the 
press? Because his work provokes all the "right" people and shoots at 
all the "right" targets. If they really cared about the facts and 
people who handle them, they'd take away Moore's six-foot-high soap 
box. Gupta's report was a small step in the right direction.

 END Reprint of first of two columns

# Bozell's July 24 column, "CNN's Slanted Slice of America"

Every four years, journalists present themselves as objective 
questioners in presidential debates only to be roundly, and 
correctly, denounced by conservatives for being anything but. When, 
oh when, we ask, will America be able to enjoy a candidate forum free 
from liberal reporters inserting their slanted worldviews into the 
discussion? When, oh when, we ask ourselves, will they get out of the way?

It looks like we should be very careful what we ask for.

On Monday night, CNN did this -- or at least said it was doing this. 
The network teamed up with the video site YouTube to host a debate of 
the Democratic contenders and pretenders in South Carolina. This time 
the primary questioners were amateur video-makers who submitted their 
questions to YouTube, competing for CNN air time like a political 
version of "American Idol." CNN puffed itself up as "groundbreaking" 
for this effort, suggesting it was offering "real questions from real people."

The questioners CNN presented may have given the debate a different 
flavor, but what the consumer was really left with was the aftertaste 
of too much soda bubbles and syrup. It was a dumbed-down debate, with 
center stage dedicated to bouts of silliness, shameless attention-
seeking, and emotionally manipulative questions.

Rather than an objective discussion about gay "rights" there was the 
question from two lesbians wondering why they couldn't get married. 
Rather than a factual question about Iraq there was the angry plea 
from the grieving father of a fallen soldier that we withdraw before 
he lost another son. This kind of "moderation" might be enjoyable to 
watch as an alternative to the norm -- like watching the heart-
wrenching or embarrassing tryouts of "Idol" wannabes -- but it wasn't 
exactly the high-faluting rebirth of Athens.

These interviewers wanted to be taken seriously, but many were just 
buffoons who made fools of the network that likes to bill itself as 
"the most trusted name in news." CNN selected hammy Tennessee 
hillbillies looking like "Hee Haw" rejects and a cartoon snowman 
speaking in a falsetto voice about global warming as presidential 
candidate questioners, along with several lame musical interludes 
where the inquirers displayed their questions on crudely written cue cards.

Is this really the state of affairs in our democratic experiment, 
circa 2007? If so, God help us all.

There was a more serious concern for the public watching this CNN 
spectacle. Every time "objective" networks claim to seek the voice of 
the American people, they seem to think that 75 or 80 percent of 
Americans are squarely on the political left of the spectrum, people 
who think Dennis Kucinich-think is in the mainstream. Questions from 
the left dominated the CNN proceedings, lamenting the Democrats' 
slowness on Iraq withdrawal, honoring "gay marriage," and scrapping 
everything George W. Bush ever proposed.

Some questions consisted of tired, and thoroughly false liberal 
attack lines that would warm a Democrat's heart, as in asking how 
race and class skewed the response to Hurricane Katrina, with the 
insulting assumption that President Bush said "Oh, it's just black 
people. Take your time responding." Predictably, this insulting 
question drew an equally truth-challenged response from Sen. Chris 
Dodd: "The American president had almost no response

[CTRL] Fw: The environmntal groups cat's paws for OPEC?

2007-07-21 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Bill Bacon 
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 19:25
Subject: The environmntal groups cat's paws for OPEC?

YES! "Environmentalists" please tell us (with a logical argument if you can) 
why you are NOT being paid off by OPEC to keep us dependent on opecIt makes 
economic sense for them to do so. Have you noticed? OPEC is trying to 
manipulate supply so that $60/bbl will be their base price it wasn't that 
long ago when the prospect of $60/bbl was an OUTRAGE.and the 
"Environmentalists" have been there Johnny on the spot to tell us why we can't 
access our resources to compete with OPEC.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [ctrl] Film That Pops Gore's Bubble

2007-07-14 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Alamaine, IVe 
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 12:07
Subject: [ctrl] Film That Pops Gore's Bubble

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought 
without accepting it." Aristotle
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
This editorial appears in the March 23, 2007 issue of Executive 
Intelligence Review. 
See the Film That Pops Gore's Bubble

In the name of "saving the planet," an international fascist movement has 
been created with the intention of reducing the world's population on a 
scale greater than Hitler dared dream of. Environmentalism is just a new 
name for the policy of Malthusianism or eugenics, long promoted by the 
Anglo-Dutch finanical system. The purpose of the fraud known as global 
warming is to justify the slashing of living standards in the developed 
world, and to condemn billions in the developing sector to a sub-human 
life, without access to even so elementary a benefit of modern life as 

Al Gore emerged in the 1980s as a leading spokesman for this fascist 
movement. In the image of the Fabian-controlled British Labour Party, the 
U.S. Democratic Party was then well on its way to becoming the mass-based 
vehicle for a fascist policy, with its embrace of the anti-science, anti-
industry cult called environmentalism. Today, as much as 30% of the 
Democratic Party's active membership, mostly drawn from the white-collar 
strata of the Baby-Boomer generation, can be rallied, like storm troopers 
to the modern version of a Horst Wessel song, whenever such code words as 
"global warming," "endangered species," or "nuclear energy" are uttered. 
With backing from Gore, and the British-founded Intergovernmental Panel 
on Climate Change (IPCC), that movement has begun to take on a 
McCarthyite quality, fraudulently claiming that no competent scientific 
opposition to the global warming fraud remains, while tarring those who 
do oppose it with comparison to Holocaust deniers.

Can we save the Democratic Party, and the rest of the nation, from the 
irrational, and often violent, temper tantrums of these New Age fascists?

A made-for-television documentary, aired March 8 on Britain's Channel 4, 
can prove to be one powerful remedy. Titled The Great Global Warming 
Swindle, the documentary is available here from the producers, Wag TV, in 
DVD format. A version can be found on the Internet (e.g., at youtube), 
where the documentary is already becoming an underground classic.

The lie that no reputable scientist opposes the global warming myth is 
overturned within about the first five minutes of viewing: The film 
features more than a dozen experts, in climatology, oceanography, 
meteorology, and biogeography from such institutions as NASA, the 
International Arctic Research Center, the Pasteur Institute, and MIT.

In the remaining 70 minutes, you will become engrossed in a penetrating 
and intellectually stimulating overturning of the entire CO2 hypothesis. 
Carbon dioxide, whether man-made, or from the far more abundant natural 
sources, such as volcanoes and ocean absorption, does not determine 
climate. You will learn, instead, that it is the output of the Sun, 
varying over both short-term and long-term cycles, which drives climate 
on the Earth. You will also see a presentation by one of the Danish 
scientists who just established the exciting connection between cosmic 
rays and climate, recently featured in our coverage.

A surprise ending makes the clear case that environmentalism is genocide. 
In a visit to an African clinic, just a few miles outside the plush 
meeting halls of the UN's Nairobi conference on climate change, we see 
the real meaning of the solar power myth. In a building with only a solar 
panel to supply its electricity, health workers must decide whether to 
turn on the lights, or the tiny refrigerator used to store vaccines and 

The documentary's closing words come from ecologist Dr. Patrick Moore, a 
co-founder of Greenpeace, who left that movement in disgust: "The 
environmental movement has evolved into the strongest force there is for 
preventing development in the developing countries I think it's 
legitimate for me to call them 'anti-human.' "

Can our friends in the Democratic Party learn that simple lesson? If not, 
their episodic tiltings toward a Roosevelt economic recovery program, 
remain empty gestures. Social Security, health care, jobs-all of the 
pressing issues related to the general welfare-cannot be addressed 
without a thorough and total rejection of the anti-science, anti-
industrial prejudices of environmental fascism. Without nuclear 
energy-now!-without an unleashing of science around the principle of the 
isotope economy, without a commitment to world economic development 
centered on Lyndon LaRouche's conception of Eurasian development 
projects, you are leaving to the ne

[CTRL] Fw: MRC Alert Special: Gala and DisHonors Awards on C-SPAN2 Today

2007-07-08 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

MRC Alert Special: Gala and DisHonors Awards on C-SPAN2 Today--7/4/2007-- Media 
Research Center
- Original Message - 
From: Media Research Center 
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 06:44
Subject: MRC Alert Special: Gala and DisHonors Awards on C-SPAN2 Today





***Media Research Center CyberAlert Special***
  6:45am EDT, Wednesday July 4, 2007

Reminder: C-SPAN2 Today Will Air the MRC's 20th Anniversary Gala with 
'DisHonors Awards' and 'Media Excellence Award' Presented to Rush Limbaugh

(A couple of noteworthy items posted Tuesday night on the MRC's 
NewsBusters blog:
# "Olbermann Calls on Bush and Cheney to Resign, Congress to 
Impeach" Go to: http://newsbusters.org/node/13909

# "Panic Over Possible Pardon, ABC Compares Libby Case to Plight 
of Cocaine Dealer" See: http://newsbusters.org/node/13907)

Back to the MRC on C-SPAN2: On Wednesday, July 4 at 3:21pm EDT 
(2:21pm CDT, 1:21pm MDT, 12:21pm PDT), C-SPAN2 is scheduled to carry 
the MRC's March 29 "2007 DisHonors Awards: Roasting the Most 
Outrageously Biased Liberal Reporters of 2006" -- the showcase of the 
MRC's 20th Anniversary Gala -- which was followed by Rush Limbaugh 
accepting the MRC's first annual "William F. Buckley Award for Media 

For a rundown of the evening's winners and a lot of pictures, as 
well as Real and Windows Media clips, see text below or go to:  

The C-SPAN schedule page for Wednesday lists the exact start time 
at 3:21pm EDT, but it may be updated. Check it for any time change: 

C-SPAN2 is also scheduled to re-run the MRC's gala at about 
3:20am EDT on Wednesday night/Thursday morning. Schedule page for 

The program will run for two hours and 54 minutes.

A rundown of what you'll see:

Cal Thomas, Neal Boortz, Herman Cain, Mary Matalin, Michael Steele, 
G. Gordon Liddy, Pat Sajak, Ward Connerly and "Osama bin Laden" 
highlighted the presentations and acceptances of the MRC's "2007 
DisHonors Awards: Roasting the Most Outrageously Biased Liberal 
Reporters of 2006" -- the showcase of the MRC's 20th Anniversary Gala 
-- presented on Thursday night, March 29, before an audience of more 
than 1,000 packed into the Independence Ballroom of the Grand Hyatt 
hotel in Washington, D.C.

Following the presentation of the DisHonors Awards videos in five 
categories, a look at some "funny clips" from 2006, a highlight reel 
of past galas and the audience picking the "Quote of the Year," the 
evening was topped off with Rush Limbaugh accepting the MRC's first 
annual "William F. Buckley Award for Media Excellence."

DisHonors Awards winners were selected by a distinguished panel of 13 
leading media observers, including Limbaugh, Tony Blankley, Ann 
Coulter, Steve Forbes, Mark Levin, Robert Novak, Walter E. Williams 
and Thomas S. Winter, who served as judges.

Cal Thomas, a syndicated columnist and panelist on FNC's Fox News 
Watch, served as Master of Ceremonies and explained how illness 
prevented scheduled presenters Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter from 
attending. Syndicated radio talk show host Neal Boortz presented the 
first two awards, followed by business leader Herman Cain who set up 
the funny clips and presented the third award. Mary Matalin, a former 
adviser to President Bush and Vice President Cheney, handled the 
fourth and fifth awards.

In place of the journalist who won each award, a conservative 
accepted it in jest. Those standing in for the winners: Former 
Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele, radio talk show host G. 
Gordon Liddy, game show host Pat Sajak and Ward Connerly, President 
of the American Civil Rights Institute. Plus, "Osama bin Laden" 
accepted an award via video from a cave in Pakistan.

The evening began with welcoming remarks from Cal Thomas, an 
invocation by Father John Hopkins and the Pledge of Allegiance led by 
Rear Admiral James J. Carey (Retired). Between the fifth award and 
the "Quote of the Year" competition, Cain and Dick Eckburg, the 
Chairman of the MRC Board Trustees, honored MRC President L. Brent 
Bozell with a Steven Penley painting of Bozell and conservative 
opinion leaders integral in the MRC's 20-year history.

If you miss it on C-SPAN2, it's all online at: 

- Brent Baker 


Check Out the MRC's Blog

The MRC's blog site, NewsBusters, "Exposing and Combating Liberal 
Media Bias," pro

[CTRL] where's the outrage?

2007-07-07 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Al Gore's son gets busted for:
1.) Driving over 100mph to attempt to get away from the cops
2.) Cops find numerous types of drugs including Al Gore III high on pot

3.) Where oh where is the HYSTERICAL COVERAGE of this event? 
4.) What do you think the coverage of a similar event involving the child of a 
oh lets say Mit Rommey or Mike Huckabee would be?  Can we say 24 hr hysterical 
coverage (like Mark Foley)  Can we say additional support for liberal left 
wing bias of the media is showingyet again?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [ctrl] Gore's Globaloney+Rothschild Global Warming Handbook Accompanies Hyped 7/7 Live Earth Concert

2007-07-06 Thread Bill Bacon
ith Mexico, the attempt to 
legalize illegal aliens from that foreign state, their secretive efforts in the 
unconstitutional design and implementation of a "North American Union," and the 
unlawful imprisonment of US Border Patrol personnel for doing their jobs and 
protecting our borders. 

  MSM propaganda is, therefore, unnecessary to sway or convince even 
the highest elements of "American" government to embrace the NWO; "our 
government" is already heavily committed to this end and on board. But the 
American people have spoken out against the criminal Bush regime in the 
November 2006 midterm elections; they have spoken out against Bush, "Madman" 
McCain and Ted Kennedy's Senate Amnesty Bill. And then there's the 9/11 truth 
movements, and the impeachment organizations, and the anti-war groups. Imagine 
if these could all be brought together under one opposition party. And if you 
cannot imagine it, then be assured that the globalists can. And their attempt 
to get the American people on board via MSM propaganda is also hitting a rock. 
Their latest propaganda initiative is, of course, the "Global Warming" hoax. 

  Panic and terror are the means to implement the New World Order. 
Terror can be induced in a society by the governmental hogwash and nonsense of 
uncovered and government-prevented terrorist plots. Thank God for our wondrous 
government that continues to save lives and rescues US from dangerous 
terrorists. But as the criminal Bush regime's successful inside job of 9/11 
demonstrates, the only real terrorist acts are committed by the elements of 
one's own government. The government orchestrated terrorist hoaxes of the "JFK 
Airport Plot" and the "Fort Dix Plots" are just examples of the situation 
comedies perpetrated by our government to scare US into submission, trash our 
Constitution, and cling to Big Brother/Big Mother government. Plots such as 
these are commonplace, and usually perpetrated by incompetents that can more 
accurately be described as zany clowns and anti-social loose cannons. And such 
plots occurred just as frequently before 9/11 as they did after that 
government-orchestrated event.

  "Global Warming" is yet another outrageous hoax being perpetrated by 
the globalists to create panic and terror among the populations of nations in 
order to justify unjust laws and consequences legitimized by the legislative 
and executive actions of uninformed, ignorant and bribe-taking politicians. And 
even if global warming was a truly scientific phenomenon, it would never 
succumb or be rectified by human action. Simply comparing the human condition 
to its effect on the entire planet is to launch an anti-God irreverence and 
human arrogance that can only be described as hideously astonishing.

  Three quarters of our planet is ocean. We, the human species, inhabit 
only a quarter of the globe on land. Considering uninhabitable portions of the 
land mass, such as jungles and the massive deserts, we are basically an 
invisible film on the land surfaces of the planet. Comparing astronomical 
sizes, Earth is roughly the size of a copper BB next to the comparable size of 
a basketball that is our Sun. What effect can invisible scum occupying much 
less than one quarter the size of a BB have upon our solar system? Even if 
madman Cheney launches World War III by attacking Iran with nuclear weapons, 
that will produce virtually the same no-effect on either Earth or our solar 
system. Humanity might be wiped out, but it will have little effect upon our 

  The problem with the global warming theory is that it sees Man's 
involvement not only as a factor, but as a major factor. That's pure nonsense! 
Even without any modicum of scientific critique, this loony theory should be 
dismissed as a hoax just on the basis of ordinary common sense. It is a 
"theory" engineered and manufactured to denigrate American industrial might in 
order to set US back to a Third World Status. It should be classified within 
that same genre of misguided political ventures of Third World anti-Americanism 
as GATT, NAFTA, CAFTA and the North American Union.

  On the other hand, the theory of "climate change" is indeed viable, 
not only because it is easily provable, but because it is also relatively easy 
to understand. Its key identifier is indeed the operative word "change." In 
places where it was once very hot, it is now becoming very cold. Where once 
there was an abundance of water and rain, there now exists unusual aridity and 
little or no rain. My own observations here in New Jersey are easily arrived 
at: for the last several days, the temperature in both the early mornings and 
evenings were at about 50 degrees. This morning, the temperature at 6:00 a.m

[CTRL] Fw: JunkScience: Climate Activitsts' Credibility Gap

2007-06-21 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Steven Milloy 
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 16:26
Subject: JunkScience: Climate Activitsts' Credibility Gap

  JunkScience.com June 21, 2007 
  New from JunkScience.com: 

  Climate Activists' Credibility Gap 
  By Steven Milloy
  June 21, 2007, FoxNews.com

  Organic yogurt king and Stonyfield Farm CEO Gary Hirshberg 
may have thought that he avoided the buzzsaw this week by ducking a TV 
appearance with me. Guess I'll just have to go on without him...

  Read the full column... 
  Support JunkScience.com! 

  Donate to help JunkScience.com stay online! 

  Get great books and gear!

  Click here to donate by credit card... 
Visit JunkScience.com daily! 
Steven Milloy, Publisher  

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  JunkScience.com | 12309 Briarbush Lane | Potomac | MD | 20854 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Who's Pulling the Strings? Behind Venezuela's "Student Rebellion"

2007-06-10 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Probably a rebelion against the tryanny of Hugo Chavez Dictator

> -Caveat Lector-
> Begin forwarded message:
>> That the "student leaders" are tied to the opposition is far from
>> controversial: for example, spokesperson Yon Goicochea is a member
>> of Primero Justicia and the aptly-named Stalin González belonged
>> until recently to the strangest of opposition organizations,
>> Bandera Roja. BR is a nominally Marxist-Leninist group which made
>> the unlikely transition from a respectable guerrilla organization
>> to the attack dogs of the far right, claiming to use the opposition
>> as a vehicle to topple the fake communism of Chávez and institute a
>> true dictatorship of the proletariat. But González recently
>> revealed the extent of his opportunism by joining Rosales and Un
>> Nuevo Tiempo.
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "Vigilius Haufniensis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: June 9, 2007 8:55:32 PM PDT
>> Subject: [cia-drugs] Who's Pulling the Strings? Behind Venezuela's
>> "Student Rebellion"
>> http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2007/06/360793.shtml
>> Who's Pulling the Strings? Behind Venezuela's "Student Rebellion"
>> author: By GEORGE CICCARIELLO-MAHER (reposted by anon)
>> In response to the Venezuelan governments non-renewal of RCTV's
>> broadcasting license, a concession which expired on May 27th at
>> midnight, a new student movement emerged that has since grabbed
>> headlines domestically and internationally. Thousands took to the
>> streets, some marching peacefully and some squaring off against the
>> police with rocks and bullets, all in the name of "freedom of
>> expression." But it's worth asking: who are "the students," and
>> what do they represent? In recent days, it has become clear that
>> these student mobilizations have been, in fact, largely directed
>> and supported by sectors of the opposition, all in an effort to
>> provoke, in Chávez's own words, a "soft coup" against the
>> revolutionary government. The opposition's strategy vis-à-vis this
>> student movement has consisted of two fundamental elements, both of
>> which could only be executed mediatically. But now, after being
>> revealed and discredited, that strategy is rapidly disintegrating.
>> Step One: Don't Be Seen
>> Firstly, opposition parties made a clear decision to stay out of
>> the spotlight, emphasizing the "independent" and "spontaneous"
>> nature of the student protests. Beyond anything else, this gesture
>> proves the degree to which the opposition has been discredited,
>> garnering a reverse Midas touch through years of poor
>> decisionmaking and supporting coups. From the beginning, the
>> government was arguing that opposition politicians were behind the
>> student mobilizations, and so when government-run channel 8 covered
>> one of the early student demonstrations in Plaza Brion in Chacaito,
>> the headline read "opposition demonstration disguised as a student
>> demonstration."
>> This claim was perhaps justified by the appearance at the
>> demonstration of Leopoldo López, mayor of opposition stronghold
>> Chacao, formerly of far-right party Primero Justicia, which he more
>> recently abandoned in favor of Manuel Rosales' nominally social
>> democratic Un Nuevo Tiempo. Opposition news channel Globovisión
>> countered with the thoroughly unconvincing claim that López, 36
>> years old and an established politician, was a "youth leader."
>> López himself wouldn't help the situation when at a press
>> conference he "accidentally" called for the students to employ "non-
>> peaceful" tactics (he later claimed that he had meant to call for
>> "non-violent" forms of protest).
>> That the "student leaders" are tied to the opposition is far from
>> controversial: for example, spokesperson Yon Goicochea is a member
>> of Primero Justicia and the aptly-named Stalin González belonged
>> until recently to the strangest of opposition organizations,
>> Bandera Roja. BR is a nominally Marxist-Leninist group which made
>> the unlikely transition from a respectable guerrilla organization
>> to the attack dogs of the far right, claiming to use the opposition
>> as a vehicle to topple the fake communism of Chávez and institute a
>> true dictatorship of the proletariat. But González recently
>> revealed the extent of his opportunism by joining Rosales and Un
>> Nuevo Tiempo.
>> But the contours of the opposition's hands-off strategy wouldn't be
>> fully clear until the revelation of a taped phone conversation in
>> which Un Nuevo Tiempo leader Alfonso Marquina spoke of the need to
>> remain in the background, but to pull the strings regardless:
>> "Let's mobilize all the kids We have a strategy as an organization
>> Let's mobilize all the kids, because you know [UCV student leader]
>> Stalin [González] is our vice president here in Caracas Let's
>> mobilize the kids from the Catholic [University] We've decided

[CTRL] Fw: MRC Alert: NBC to Devote 75 Hours to Al Gore's 'Climate in Crisis' Concerts

2007-06-09 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

NBC to Devote 75 Hours to Al Gore's 'Climate in Crisis' Concerts --6/6/2007-- 
Media Research Center
- Original Message - 
From: Media Research Center 
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 11:36
Subject: MRC Alert: NBC to Devote 75 Hours to Al Gore's 'Climate in Crisis' 


  A usually-daily report, edited by Brent H. Baker, CyberAlert 
is distributed by the Media Research Center, the leader since 1987 in 
documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias.

The 2,422nd CyberAlert. Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996
11:35am EDT, Wednesday June 6, 2007 (Vol. Twelve; No. 95)

  1. NBC to Devote 75 Hours to Al Gore's 'Climate in Crisis' Concerts 
  In what will surely be one of the largest ever, if not the largest, 
in-kind contributions to a presidential campaign if Al Gore decides to run, NBC 
Universal announced late last week that its networks will devote an incredible 
75 hours of time on Saturday, July 7 to showing Gore's "Live Earth: The 
Concerts for a Climate in Crisis." In addition to the entirety of NBC's prime 
time that night hosted by Ann Curry of NBC News, CNBC will carry seven hours of 
coverage from 7pm to 2am EDT; Bravo will show the concerts around the world for 
18 hours starting at 8am EDT; and both the Sundance channel and the Universal 
HD channel will showcase the concerts for 22 hours each beginning at 4am EDT. 
Rounding out the 75 hours, mun2 will run a two-hour show at 5pm EDT and 
Telemundo will air a one-hour special at 7pm EDT. And that's not counting how 
NBC's press release touted that "MSNBC will broadcast special coverage of this 
global concert event throughout the day with live reports from the concerts in 
New York and London." 

  2. Couric Repeats Iran-Contra Mantra She Used Three Months Ago 
  Lewis 'Scooter' Libby's sentencing occurred on Tuesday and Katie Couric 
led the CBS Evening News the same way she did when Libby was convicted three 
months ago: With a comparison to the Iran-Contra scandal and how he's the 
highest-ranking official convicted of a felony in 20 years. But his conviction 
was news three months ago, not now. Back on March 6, Couric teased: "Guilty: 
Scooter Libby is convicted in the CIA leak case, the highest ranking White 
House official found guilty of a felony since the Iran-Contra scandal." She 
opened by pointing out how "Libby is the highest ranking White House official 
convicted of a felony in two decades." Fast forward to June 5 and Couric 
teased: "Tonight, the hammer comes down on Scooter Libby. He was once Vice 
President Cheney's right-hand man, now he's going to prison. The 
highest-ranking White House official in nearly twenty years convicted of a 
felony." She began the newscast: "Hello everyone. Not since the Iran-Contra 
scandal nearly two decades ago has such a high-ranking White House official 
been convicted of a felony..." 

  3. NBC Showcases Obama Blaming Bush for Black Despair Back to 1991 
  Touting it as "some unusually direct talk today from Democratic candidate 
Barack Obama on the issue of race, something he rarely focuses on in his 
speeches," NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams on Tuesday decided to 
showcase a clip of Obama delivering a standard liberal critique of President 
Bush for not spending enough federal money on social programs. Williams relayed 
how "Obama said the Bush administration has done little to address what he 
called 'a quiet riot' of discontent and despair among blacks in this country, 
one that erupted in L.A. 15 years ago and has been building again since the 
administration's response to Hurricane Katrina."

  4. Letterman's 'Top Ten Excuses of the Tuberculosis Traveler' 
  Letterman's "Top Ten Excuses of the Tuberculosis Traveler." 


  NBC to Devote 75 Hours to Al Gore's 'Climate 
  in Crisis' Concerts 

   In what will surely be one of the largest ever, if not the largest, 
in-kind contributions to a presidential campaign if Al Gore decides to run, NBC 
Universal announced late last week that its networks will devote an incredible 
75 hours of time on Saturday, July 7 to showing Gore's "Live Earth: The 
Concerts for a Climate in Crisis." 

   In addition to the entirety of NBC's prime time that night hosted by 
Ann Curry of NBC News, CNBC will carry seven hours of coverage from 7pm to 2am 
EDT; Bravo will show the concerts around the world for 18 hours starting at 8am 
EDT; and both the Sundance channel and the Universal HD channel will showcase 
the concerts for 22 hours each beginning at 4am EDT. Rounding out the 75 hours, 
mun2 will run a two-hour show at 5pm EDT and Telemundo will ai

[CTRL] Global warming scam exposed

2007-06-09 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Global Warming Scam exposed by a NASA Scientist:

Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media writes, "A series of recent studies 
indicate a significant shift in the study of Sun's role with global warming. 
Dr. Arik Posner, NASA solar physicist tells of the dangerous role charged 
particles emitted from the Sun play on humans and Earth itself. A new strongly 
delivered NASA message highlighting the debts of the current global warming 
scam was issued by the head of NASA himself. Here is an excerpt of this 
gripping slap-in-the-face to the global warming zealots.

And by NASA Adminstrator 

"First of all, I don't think it's within the power of human beings to assure 
that the climate does not change, as millions of years of history have shown, 
and second of all, I guess I would ask which human beings - where and when - 
are to be accorded the privilege of deciding that this particular climate that 
we have right here today, right now is the best climate for all other human 
beings." Full Article: 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OPEC not afraid of Bio-fuels

2007-06-09 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Here's an article http://www.petroleumworld.com/story07061107.htm Showing that 
ETHANOL is no threat to OPEC. Why not consider something would really provide 
competition to OPEC like http://www.anr.org Drilling in ANWR - The Arctic 
National Wasteland Reserve reserving WASTELAND for WHAT?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: View this video and sign the petition to ban the use of this horrible CHEMICAL

2007-06-02 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [ctrl] I Was On the Global Warming Gravy Train

2007-05-31 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Neo Mulder 
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 13:27
Subject: [ctrl] I Was On the Global Warming Gravy Train

I Was On the Global Warming Gravy Train 

David Evans 

Tuesday May 28, 2007 


[A version of tihs article was previously blogged on Mises.org here, and 
inspired a spirited debate. The author reworked the piece for the Mises.org 
front page. The blog item remains the same.] 

I devoted six years to carbon accounting, building models for the Australian 
government to estimate carbon emissions from land use change and forestry. When 
I started that job in 1999 the evidence that carbon emissions caused global 
warming seemed pretty conclusive, but since then new evidence has weakened that 
case. I am now skeptical. 

In the late 1990s, this was the evidence suggesting that carbon emissions 
caused global warming:
  1.. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, proved in a laboratory a century ago.
  2.. Global warming has been occurring for a century and concentrations of 
atmospheric carbon have been rising for a century. Correlation is not 
causation, but in a rough sense it looked like a fit.
  3.. Ice core data, starting with the first cores from Vostok in 1985, allowed 
us to measure temperature and atmospheric carbon going back hundreds of 
thousands of years, through several dramatic global warming and cooling events. 
To the temporal resolution then available (data points more than a thousand 
years apart), atmospheric carbon and temperature moved in lockstep: they rose 
and fell together. Talk about a smoking gun!
  4.. There were no other credible causes of global warming.

This evidence was not conclusive, but why wait until we are absolutely certain 
when we apparently need to act now? So the idea that carbon emissions were 
causing global warming passed from the scientific community into the political 
realm. Research increased, bureaucracies were formed, international committees 
met, and eventually the Kyoto protocol was signed in 1997 to curb carbon 

  "Correlation is not causation, but in a rough sense it looked like a 
The political realm in turn fed money back into the scientific community. By 
the late 1990s, lots of jobs depended on the idea that carbon emissions caused 
global warming. Many of them were bureaucratic, but there were a lot of science 
jobs created too. 

I was on that gravy train, making a high wage in a science job that would not 
have existed if we didn't believe carbon emissions caused global warming. And 
so were lots of people around me; there were international conferences full of 
such people. We had political support, the ear of government, big budgets. We 
felt fairly important and useful (I did anyway). It was great. We were working 
to save the planet!

Click to join catapultthepropaganda 


Click to join openmindopencodenews 


But starting in about 2000, the last three of the four pieces of evidence above 
fell away. Using the same point numbers as above: 
  2.. Better data shows that from 1940 to 1975 the earth cooled while 
atmospheric carbon increased. That 35 year non-correlation might eventually be 
explained by global dimming, only discovered in about 2003. 
  3.. The temporal resolution of the ice core data improved. By 2004 we knew 
that in past warming events, the temperature increases generally started about 
800 years before the rises in atmospheric carbon. Causality does not run in the 
direction I had assumed in 1999 â?" it runs the opposite way! 

It took several hundred years of warming for the oceans to give off more of 
their carbon. This proves that there is a cause of global warming other than 
atmospheric carbon. And while it is possible that rising atmospheric carbon in 
these past warmings then went on to cause more warming ("amplification" of the 
initial warming), the ice core data neither proves nor disproves this 
  4.. There is now a credible alternative suspect. In October 2006 Henrik 
Svensmark showed experimentally that cosmic rays cause cloud formation. Clouds 
have a net cooling effect, but for the last three decades there have been fewer 
clouds than normal because the sun's magnetic field, which shields us from 
cosmic rays, has been stronger than usual. So the earth heated up. It's too 
early to judge what fraction of global warming is caused by cosmic rays. 

There is now no observational evidence that global warming is caused by carbon 
emissions. You would think that in over 20 years of intense investigation we 
would have found something. For example, greenhouse warming due to carbon 
emissions should warm the upper atmosphere faster t

[CTRL] Fw: JunkScience: Hot Air Melts Global Warming Theory

2007-05-25 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Steven Milloy 
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 16:52
Subject: JunkScience: Hot Air Melts Global Warming Theory

  JunkScience.com May 24, 2007 
  New from JunkScience.com 


  Hot Air Melts Global Warming Theory 
  By Steven Milloy
  May 24, 2007 FoxNews.com

  Global warming alarmists may want to expedite their efforts 
to hamstring the global economy with greenhouse gas regulation. A new study 
touted as showing that we're not sufficiently panicky about manmade carbon 
dioxide emissions actually supports the exact opposite conclusion...

  Read the Junkman's full column... 
  Support JunkScience.com! 

  We need your help to stay online!

  A $25 donation gets you a classis JunkScience.com book. A $35 
donation gets you a cool new JunkScience.com T-shirt. More great support 
options available.

  Click to donate by credit card... 
  Mine Your Own Business! 

  Mine Your Own Business is a new documentary that looks at the 
dark side of environmentalism. It talks to some of the world's poorest people 
about how Western environmentalists are campaigning to keep them in poverty 
because they think that their way of life is quaint. It is the first 
documentary to ask hard questions of the environmental movement.

   You are invited to attend one of these screenings:

  * * *

  Wednesday, May 30, at 12 p.m.
  House Natural Resources Committee
  1324 Longworth (HOB)
  Capitol Hill

  Lunch served

  * * *

  Wednesday May 30, at 6 p.m.
  The Heritage Foundation
  214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
  Washington, D.C. 20002

  Q & A and reception to follow

  * * *

  Thursday, May 31, at 5 p.m.
  Cato Institute
  Center for Global Liberty & Prosperity
  1000 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
  Washington, D.C. 20001

  RSVP:  http://www.cato.org/event.php?eventid=3772

Steven Milloy, Publisher  

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Yet another ereason to develop oil i nthe UNited states

2007-05-23 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Check this article out 
http://www.forbes.com/markets/feeds/afx/2007/05/23/afx3752223.html OPEC will 
not increase oil production despite events in Nigeria,
Check My Energy page out at http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html  for other 
options and this web site http://www.anwr.org  For the vast UNTAPPED oil field 
in ALASKA A UNITED STATES STATE unaffected by violence in places like NIGERIA  
and there is no Hurricane threat in Alaska like there is in the gulf of Mexico 
check this article out 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [ctrl] Quiz on global warming you may like!!!!!!

2007-05-14 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 06:33
Subject: [ctrl] Quiz on global warming you may like!!

  Think you know a lot about global warming?  Check this out:


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[CTRL] I want the Federal Terade Commission to invstigate.....

2007-05-13 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I want the Federal Trade Commission to investigate the so called "Environmental 
Groups" for restraint of trade in the energy market. In the years since the 
original Arab oil embargo of 1973-1974, with the one outstanding exception of 
the current Alaska oil pipeline and pumping of the current purdhoe bay oil 
field in ALASKA, the so called "Environmental Movement" has done a very 
effective job of preventing (i.e. restraint of trade)exploration,development of 
additional oil in Alaska, the outer continental shelf, nuclear power plants, 
additional oil refinery capacity, oil shale, large increase in the use of coal, 
additional power lines which has directly lead to the outrageous price we now 
pay at the pump.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fw: JunkScience: Climate-Controlled Classrooms?

2007-05-11 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Steven Milloy 
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 16:18
Subject: JunkScience: Climate-Controlled Classrooms?

  JunkScience.com Press Release 
  New from JunkScience.com:


  Climate-Controlled Classrooms? 
  By Steven Milloy
  May 10, 2007, Foxnews.com

  Should schools teach the global warming controversy by 
showing students only Al Gore's alarmist movie? Roger Williams University just 
learned the answer to that question the hard way...

  Read the full column... 
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[CTRL] Fw: MRC Alert Special: MSNBC's Liberal Agenda at Both Debates

2007-05-11 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

MRC Alert Special: MSNBC's Liberal Agenda at Both Debates--5/7/2007-- Media 
Research Center
- Original Message - 
From: Media Research Center 
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 15:23
Subject: MRC Alert Special: MSNBC's Liberal Agenda at Both Debates





***Media Research Center CyberAlert Special***
3:20pm EDT, Monday May 7, 2007

Media Reality Check. "The Two Debates: MSNBC's Liberal Agenda; 
MSNBC's Matthews Emphasizes Liberal Questions at GOP Debate: Is Bill 
Clinton Good for America?"

Below is the text of a Media Reality Check, by the MRC's Rich 
Noyes, which was faxed and posted this afternoon.

For the PDF version of the Media Reality Check which matches the 
hard copy: 

The HTML version: 

Now, the text of the May 7 Media Reality Check:

The Two Debates: MSNBC's Liberal Agenda
MSNBC's Matthews Emphasizes Liberal Questions at GOP Debate:
Is Bill Clinton Good for America?

On Friday's Today show, MSNBC's Chris Matthews defended his ludicrous 
decision to ask the GOP candidates if it would "be good for America 
to have Bill Clinton back living in the White House?" Matthews 
explained the sociological insight: "They all sort of guffawed. Well, 
that's a particularly Republican response. If I offered that same 
question up to Democrats...they would be cheering like mad."

So Matthews proved that the ten Republican debaters are not Democrats 
-- was there any doubt? The weird Clinton question was symptomatic of 
how MSNBC and debate co-sponsor ThePolitico.com spent valuable time 
asking the GOP candidates questions that reflected the agenda of far-
left bloggers, not the concerns of GOP primary voters. A week 
earlier, while moderator Brian Williams did pose a few right-leaning 
questions to the Democratic field, most of that debate reflected 
issues that rate high with Democratic voters. In other words, both 
debates were dominated by liberal agenda questions.

# The Democratic Debate: Brian Williams started off with a 
conservative-oriented question to Hillary Clinton about Harry Reid's 
statement that the Iraq war is lost: "A letter to today's USA Today 
calls his comments 'treasonous,' and says if General Patton were 
alive today, Patton would 'wipe his boots' with Senator Reid. Do you 
agree with the position of your leader in the Senate?" But by the 
time Williams reached Dennis Kucinich, his Iraq questions were 
skewing left: "Do you think one can be against the war and still fund 

On universal health care, Williams asked the candidates to explain 
how they would pay for it, not challenging them on the need for such 
a huge new government expansion. On gun control, Williams tried to 
embarrass New Mexico's Bill Richardson as too far right: "You are 
currently, if our research is correct, the NRA's favorite 
presidential candidate of either partyDid anything about the 
massacre at Virginia Tech make you re-think any part of your position 
on guns?"

Most questions posed from e-mails were ideologically neutral, such as 
"What is the most significant political or professional mistake you 
have made in the past four years?" While Mrs. Clinton was hit with a 
question from the right -- "Would you defy the majority of American 
citizens and offer a form of amnesty for illegal aliens?" -- John 
Edwards enjoyed this liberal-oriented question: "Concerning the 
astronomical windfall of major oil companies again in the first 
quarter, why is gas still on the rise?" 

# The GOP Debate: Matthews posed some important questions from the 
right, asking each candidate "to mention a tax you'd like to cut," 
and whether "the day that Roe v. Wade is repealed [would] be a good 
day for America?" But much of the debate was spent posing hostile 
questions from the left. Matthews at one point asked Jim Gilmore 
about the Left's favorite whipping boy: "Is Karl Rove your friend? Do 
you want to keep him in the White House if you get elected 
President?" He challenged Romney about "Roman Catholic bishops who 
would deny communion to elected officials who support abortion 
rightsDo you see that as interference in public life?"

Many of the e-mailed questions used liberal catch-phrases: "Will you 
work to protect women's rights, as in fair wages and reproductive 
choice?" And several e-mailers hoped to catch candidates in moments 
of ignorance, asking Rudy Giuliani to explain the difference b

[CTRL] Fw: Surprise! theso called " environmental movenment" is against drilling for oil....in the united states....

2007-05-06 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Bill Bacon 
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2007 16:57
Subject: Surprise! theso called " environmental movenment" is against drilling 
for oilin the united states

Well what do you know the environmental groups are against this project!(LINK 
 what a surprise! Can anybody point to a oil drilling project under United 
States control the so called "Environmental groups" Support I think these 
so called "Environmental Groups" have a secret agenda to keep us dependent 
on OPEC! Who financially and politically BENEFITS from these groups efforts to 
keep us DEPENDENT on OPEC! What do you think?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: No Wonder They're Afraid of Brit Hume

2007-05-06 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Ann Coulter 
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 09:58
Subject: No Wonder They're Afraid of Brit Hume

   May 3, 2007

No Wonder They're Afraid of Brit Hume
By Ann Coulter 
Legal Affairs Correspondent, Human Events
I just woke up from watching the Democrats' debate last 
Thursday, and I am rested and ready to report!
Someone needs to tell the Democrats to stop talking 
about their families. I know they're trying to demonstrate their "family 
values," but using actual, live human beings to illustrate the freakish ideas 
of the Democratic base just makes normal people uncomfortable. Continued...

Read the rest of Ann's article here

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Greens are trying to block thius oil drilling.....

2007-04-29 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Check this article out 
http://observer.guardian.co.uk/business/story/0,,2067654,00.html this is ten 
miles out in Buford sea and the so called "environmental groups 
are fighting this! Who do you think is financing these groups? Who benefits 
from keeping this oil in the ground? Why it's OPEC Do You think that it's 
possible that 
O P E C is financing the so called "Environmental Groups" to keep the United 
States  and everybody else dependent on OPEC?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fw: Nuts in the Crosshairs

2007-04-28 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Ann Coulter 
To: William A Bacon 
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 17:37
Subject: Nuts in the Crosshairs

   April 25, 2007

Nuts in the Crosshairs
By Ann Coulter 
Legal Affairs Correspondent, Human Events
For cranky right-wingers who think politicians don't 
listen to them, this week I give you elected Democrats running like scared 
schoolgirls from the media's demand that they enact new gun control laws in 
response to the Virginia Tech shooting.

Instead, Democrats are promoting a mental health 
exception to the right to bear arms. We've banned mass murder and that hasn't 
seemed to work. So now we're going to ban mass murderers. Yes, that will do the 
trick!  Continued...

Read the rest of Ann's article here

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: MRC Alert: Olbermann Revels in 'Racist' Limbaugh Getting Yanked Like Imus

2007-04-21 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Olbermann Revels in 'Racist' Limbaugh Getting Yanked Like Imus --4/13/2007-- 
Media Research Center
- Original Message - 
From: Media Research Center 
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2007 10:19
Subject: MRC Alert: Olbermann Revels in 'Racist' Limbaugh Getting Yanked Like 


  A usually-daily report, edited by Brent H. Baker, CyberAlert 
is distributed by the Media Research Center, the leader since 1987 in 
documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias.

The 2,389th CyberAlert. Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996
10:20am EDT, Friday April 13, 2007 (Vol. Twelve; No. 62)

  1. Olbermann Revels in 'Racist' Limbaugh Getting Yanked Like Imus 
  Keith Olbermann opened his Wednesday MSNBC show by displaying video of 
Rush Limbaugh on screen as he smeared conservative talk radio as "racist," 
asking, "Why have none from the racist right been protested, boycotted or 
fired?" He then delighted Thursday night when guest Sam Seder, of the far-left 
Air America Radio, predicted "the next time Limbaugh slips up, which I think is 
inevitable, I think you're going to see this sort of same type of reaction." A 
pleased Olbermann exclaimed: "It's the best thing I've heard in a couple of 
days. From your lips to God's ears!" Olbermann had asked Seder: "How does Rush 
Limbaugh or Michael Savage get away with worse than what Don Imus said?" With 
"SELECTIVE OUTRAGE: Imus Was Not Alone" on screen, Olbermann teased Wednesday's 
Countdown by wondering: "Where's the other outrage? Rush Limbaugh calls Barack 
Obama 'Halfrican-American'..." 

  2. Moran: Duke Lacrosse Team Had It Easier Than Rutgers B-ball Team 
  Leave it to a liberal journalist to bring racial tension and class 
warfare into a story about three men exonerated of rape allegations after a 
year of prosecutorial misconduct. ABC's Terry Moran, tri-anchor on Nightline, 
found the outpouring of sympathy for the exonerated Duke lacrosse players a bit 
much because, in a nutshell, they're white guys from wealthy families who 
attended a private university. In fact, in an April 12 "Pushback" blog post at 
ABCNews.com, "DON'T FEEL TOO SORRY FOR THE DUKIES," he suggested that in a way, 
they were victimized less than the Rutgers women's basketball team by Imus. "As 
students of Duke University or other elite institutions, these young men will 
get on with their privileged lives. There is a very large cushion under them," 
Moran contended. "They are very differently situated in life from, say, the 
young women of the Rutgers University women's basketball team."

  3. NYT Story on Duke Exoneration Skips Paper's Pro-Prosecution Slant 
  The New York Times on Thursday put on its front page the exoneration of 
the Duke University lacrosse team but, as FNC's Brit Hume pointed out in his 
"Grapevine" segment that night, "nowhere did it mention the Times' own 
exclusive from last August in which the paper said, quote: 'While there are big 
weaknesses in prosecutor Nifong's case, there is also a body of evidence to 
support his decision to take the matter to a jury. In several important areas, 
the full files, reviewed by the New York Times, contain evidence stronger than 
that highlighted by the defense.'" Indeed, the MRC's TimesWatch site noted how 
"The Times leads with the exoneration of the Duke lacrosse players -- after a 
year's worth of misleading coverage." Clay Waters explained how the new story 
makes "quite a contrast" from the "5,600-word front-page story on the case on 
August 25, 2006, 'Files From Duke Rape Give Details But No Answers,' which was 
so slanted it was fricasseed by law writer Stuart Taylor Jr. in Slate, under 
the headline 'The New York Times is still victimizing innocent Dukies.'" 


  Olbermann Revels in 'Racist' Limbaugh 
  Getting Yanked Like Imus 

   Keith Olbermann opened his Wednesday MSNBC show by displaying video 
of Rush Limbaugh on screen as he smeared conservative talk radio as "racist," 
asking, "Why have none from the racist right been protested, boycotted or 
fired?" He then delighted Thursday night when guest Sam Seder, of the far-left 
Air America Radio, predicted "the next time Limbaugh slips up, which I think is 
inevitable, I think you're going to see this sort of same type of reaction." A 
pleased Olbermann exclaimed: "It's the best thing I've heard in a couple of 
days. From your lips to God's ears!" Olbermann had asked Seder: "How does Rush 
Limbaugh or Michael Savage get away with worse than what Don Imus said?" 

   With "SELECTIVE OUTRAGE: Imus Was Not Alone" on screen, Olbermann 
teased Wednesday's Countdown by wondering: "Where's the ot

[CTRL] A Liberal's Answer to Alleged "Global Warming"

2007-04-07 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

 A liberals' answer to "global warming":

1) No additional drilling for oil.
2) No new, or expanded refinery capacity.
3) No nuclear power plants.
4) No windmills, at least anywhere near a powerful liberal's home. READ: Ted 
5) Throttle Western, Capitalist economies with overly burdensome regulations 
while turning a blind eye to third world countries and dictatorships.

Meanwhile, the SUN, the REAL reason for a slight increase in the earth's 
temperature over the last 100 years (less than 1 degree centigrade) keeps 
emitting more radiation. (read: HEAT)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Supreme Court decides for global warming

2007-04-03 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Supreme Court decides for global warming
- Original Message - 
From: JunkScience.com 
To: List Member 
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 13:44
Subject: Supreme Court decides for global warming

  Supreme Court decides for global warming 

April 2, 2007  
   JunkScience.com Fans,

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fw: C.R.E.S.T. On U.S. Soil - Enough Oil for 200 Years

2007-03-30 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Deborah Reid 
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2007 21:14
Subject: C.R.E.S.T. On U.S. Soil - Enough Oil for 200 Years


"Crude oil is the real `currency' of the world," said
Lindsey Williams at a gathering of the Midwest Concerned Citizens group
in Kansas City on July 22. But Americans will never hear about huge oil
and gas reserves in the United States, which, if ever tapped, would
bring today's fuel prices at least as low as $1.50 per gallon and
make America more energy independent.
As a Baptist missionary in the 1970s, Williams said he rubbed elbows
with members of the world's power elite who boasted of detailed
30-year and 50-year plans to control the flow of oil and information. 
To read the rest of this interesting article click on link and scroll
down a little:

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[CTRL] Fw: Coulter, Schlussel, Adamo

2007-03-26 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Untitled Document
- Original Message - 
From: Ward, Tom 
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007 10:43
Subject: FW: Coulter, Schlussel, Adamo

-Original Message-
From: tom scerbo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007 6:35 AM
Subject: Coulter, Schlussel, Adamo

  March 8, 2007

  Today in History 

  1999 - Oklahoma City bombing: The Supreme Court of the United States 
upholds the murder convictions of Timothy McVeigh.

  American Compass - 5 Conservative Books for $1! 

  Shooting Elephants In A Barrel

  By: Ann Coulter

  Lewis Libby has now been found guilty of perjury and obstruction of 
justice for lies that had absolutely no legal consequence.

  It was not a crime to reveal Valerie Plame's name because she was not a 
covert agent. If it had been a crime, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald 
could have wrapped up his investigation with an indictment of the State 
Department's Richard Armitage on the first day of his investigation since it 
was Armitage who revealed her name, and Fitzgerald knew it.

  With no crime to investigate, Fitzgerald pursued a pointless 
investigation into nothing, getting a lot of White House officials to make 
statements under oath and hoping some of their recollections would end up 
conflicting with other witness recollections, so he could charge some 
Republican with "perjury" and enjoy the fawning media attention.

  As a result, Libby is now a convicted felon for having a faulty memory of 
the person who first told him that Joe Wilson was a delusional boob who lied 
about his wife sending him to Niger.

  This makes it official: It's illegal to be Republican.

  Continue reading "Shooting Elephants In A Barrel"

  Comment on this column

  The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy's Dossier on Hillary Clinton

  Bush Daughter Joins the PC Crowd; Compares Herself to Anne Frank (As If)

  By Debbie Schlussel

  Congratulations, Jenna Bush. You, too, have joined the PC crowd. Wow, 
your parents really taught you well.

  Presidential twin daughter Jenna Bush is publishing a new book she wants 
your young kids to read, and--surprise!--its heroine is a teen single mother 
with AIDS. So much for your kids having a childhood.

  The partying, drinking Bush twin thinks your kids need to "put a face on 
statistics" of AIDS in Latin America. And take action. Gee someone's been 
listening to too much Bono hypocrisy. And forgot about America.

  And Bush has the audacity to tell USA Today that she envisions her 
teen-single-mother-with-AIDS book as having the same influence as Anne Frank's 
The Diary of Anne Frank. She compares her book and its topic to two books on 
the Holocaust, including Frank's. She even named her 
single-teen-mother-with-AIDS heroine Ana, a Latino version of Anne.

  Memo to Jenna: Get a clue. Anne Frank and most of her family were rounded 
up and murdered--NOT because they slept around as teenagers and had unprotected 
sex, but because they were born Jews. Period. To compare Frank's murder in a 
concentration camp to a teenager who has sex, gets pregnant, and gets AIDS is a 
little absurd. As evidenced by her diary, her teen years were spent in a 
cramped attic hiding from Nazis. Sorry, Jenna Airhead, the AIDS and poverty in 
Latin America is hardly the same as the Holocaust, which was mass genocide.

  Continue reading "Bush Daughter Joins the PC Crowd; Compares Herself to 
Anne Frank (As If)" 

  Comment on this column 

  2008 Presidential Politics And RINO Pipedreams

  By: Christopher G. Adamo

  It was a weekend of shameless pandering. In Selma Alabama, the 
forty-second anniversary of the famous voting rights march was commemorated in 
a most ignoble manner. Pandering shamelessly, Democrat presidential hopefuls 
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton attempted to relate to largely black church 
congregations by speaking with what they obviously hoped would be interpreted 
as convincing southern drawls.

  In the end, they came off sounding like second-rate impersonations of 
Foghorn Leghorn and Aunt Jemima respectively. Such transparent posturing proves 
that the speakers regard their audiences as ignorant and backward chattel, who 
are easily impressed by a little effort at forced "down home" talk.

  Fortunately for Clinton and Obama, their latest antics, while generating 
a good deal of dismay and disgust among their political opposition, are not 
likely to exact any political cost from the liberal base. Liberalism is what it 
is, and few if any among the "faithful" are really surprised by it.

  Those on the left know full well that their presumed leaders are not 
genuine, nor are they ever expected to be. Rather, they need merely to toe the 
party line and, when in a position to do so, dole out pork barrel "goodies" to 
their favor

[CTRL] Fw: Gore's Global Warming Religion

2007-03-21 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Ann Coulter 
To: William A Bacon 
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 18:54
Subject: Gore's Global Warming Religion

   March 21, 2007

By Ann Coulter 
Legal Affairs Correspondent, Human Events
No matter how much liberals try to dress up their nutty 
superstitions about global warming as "science," which only six-fingered 
lunatics could doubt, scratch a global warming "scientist" and you get a 
religious fanatic. 

These days, new religions are barely up and running 
before they seize upon the worst aspects of the God-based religions. 

Read the rest of Ann's article here

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unnecessary stress is NOT healthy...

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[CTRL] Fw: [ctrl] Scientists: Gore Goes Too Far in 'An Inconvenient Truth'

2007-03-21 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Sharon Gheen 
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 00:21
Subject: [ctrl] Scientists: Gore Goes Too Far in 'An Inconvenient Truth'

Scientists: Gore Goes Too Far in 'An Inconvenient Truth'
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
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Feb. 25: Former Vice President Al Gore, left, and Davis Guggenheim, director, 
hold the Oscar for best documentary feature for 'An Inconvenient Truth.'

Several experts on climate change, including both proponents and skeptics of 
the man-made global warming theory, question former Vice President Al Gore's 
assertions in his Academy Award-winning documentary film "An Inconvenient 

"I don't want to pick on Al Gore," said Don J. Easterbrook, a geologist at 
Western Washington University, told an annual meeting of the Geological Society 
of America, according to a report in The New York Times. "But there are a lot 
of inaccuracies in the statements we are seeing, and we have to temper that 
with real data."

In the slideshow presentation that is the central part of "An Inconvenient 
Truth," Gore lays out what most researchers consider to be the worst-case 
scenario for global warming, with total melting of polar ice caps, a sea-level 
rise of 20 feet and catastrophic flooding and droughts.

. Click here for the full article in the New York Times (free registration 

"He's a very polarizing figure in the science community," Roger A. Pielke Jr., 
an environmental scientist at the Center for Science and Technology Policy 
Research at the University of Colorado, told the Times. "Very quickly, these 
discussions turn from the issue to the person, and become a referendum on Mr. 

Current scientific consensus holds that human industrial activity has sharply 
increased the amounts of carbon dioxide and other "greenhouse gases" in the 
atmosphere, and that average temperatures worldwide will rise for at least the 
next century ­ but at a much more gradual rate than that depicted in "An 
Inconvenient Truth."

"Climate change is a real and serious problem," said Bjorn Lomborg, a Danish 
political scientist and statistician whose book "The Skeptical 
Environmentalist" challenges many of the catastrophic assertions made by 
proponents of the global-warming theory. "The cacophony of screaming does not 

a.. Scientists Debate Sun's Role in Global Warming 
b.. Germans Annoyed by EU Commissioner's Call for Autobahn Speed Limits 
c.. Global Warming Report to Warn of Drought 
d.. Study: Aerosol Ban Slowed Down Global Warming 
e.. Al Gore's Inconvenient Electric Bill 

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[CTRL] Global Warming replaces 9/11 as jsutification to do ANYTHING

2007-03-17 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Check this link out about Al "Global Warming" Gore and "Global Warming" 

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[CTRL] Fw: Must-See Global Warming TV

2007-03-16 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Must-See Global Warming TV
- Original Message - 
From: JunkScience.com 
To: List Member 
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 20:00
Subject: Must-See Global Warming TV

  Must-See Global Warming TV 

March 16, 2007  
   JunkScience.com Fans,

  New from JunkScience.com:

  Must-See Global Warming TV

  By Steven Milloy
  March 16, 2007, FoxNews.com

  As Al Gore’s movie “An Inconvenient Truth” becomes mandatory 
viewing for many U.S. school children and nears becoming the “official truth” 
about global warming, it comes as most welcome news that an absolutely gripping 
film rebuttal has made its international debut, much to the chagrin of true 
believers in man-made climate change...

  Read the full column...

  Support JunkScience.com...

  We need your help to keep fighting junk science.

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[CTRL] Fw: Coulter: Let Them Eat Tofu!

2007-03-07 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Untitled Document
- Original Message - 
From: Ward, Tom 
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 08:52
Subject: FW: Coulter: Let Them Eat Tofu!

-Original Message-
From: tom scerbo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 6:34 AM
Subject: Coulter: Let Them Eat Tofu!

  March 1, 2007

  Today in History 

  2002 - U.S. invasion of Afghanistan: Operation Anaconda begins in eastern 

  American Compass - 5 Conservative Books for $1! 

  Let Them Eat Tofu!

  By: Ann Coulter

  Even right-wingers who know that "global warming" is a crock do not seem 
to grasp what the tree-huggers are demanding. Liberals want mass starvation and 
human devastation.

  Forget the lunacy of people claiming to tell us the precise temperature 
of planet Earth in 1918 based on tree rings. Or the fact that in the '70s 
liberals were issuing similarly dire warnings about "global cooling."

  Simply consider what noted climatologists Al Gore and Melissa Etheridge 
are demanding that we do to combat their nutty conjectures about "global 
warming." They want us to starve the productive sector of fossil fuel and allow 
the world's factories to grind to a halt. This means an end to material growth 
and a cataclysmic reduction in wealth.

  There are more reputable scientists defending astrology than defending 
"global warming," but liberals simply announce that the debate has been 
resolved in their favor and demand that we shut down all production.

  They think they can live in a world of only Malibu and East Hampton - 
with no Trentons or Detroits. It does not occur to them that someone has to 
manufacture the tiles and steel and glass and solar panels that go into those 
"eco-friendly" mansions, and someone has to truck it all to their beachfront 
properties, and someone else has to transport all the workers there to build 
it. (And then someone has to drive the fleets of trucks delivering the 
pachysandra and bottled water every day.)

  Continue reading "Let Them Eat Tofu!"

  Comment on this column 

  Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies: Issue by Issue Responses to the 
Most Common Claims of the Left from A to Z

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[CTRL] Fw: Hillary's College Thesis Revealed

2007-03-04 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: NewsMax.com 
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 10:35
Subject: Hillary's College Thesis Revealed

  Click here to view this email as a web page 


  Insider Report from NewsMax.com 

  Headlines (Scroll down for complete stories):
  1. Hillary's College Thesis Finally Revealed
  2. Candidates Mine for Cash in California
  3. President Bush's Home 'Model of Environmental Rectitude'
  4. Republicans Like Gingrich for President
  5. Condi: Obama Is 'Extraordinary'
  6. We Heard: Ann Coulter, Al Gore, Michael Savage, More . . . 

  1. Hillary's College Thesis Finally Revealed 

  Hillary Clinton may have a little-known Achilles' heel as she runs for 
president in 2008 - a thesis she wrote as a 21-year-old senior at Wellesley 
College in 1969.

  The research paper examined the work of radical community organizer Saul 
Alinsky, whom she called "a man of exceptional charm."

  One indication of the Clintons' sensitivity about the thesis is that they 
had it locked away from public view for the eight years of Bill Clinton's 

  The Clintons asked Wellesley in 1993 to hide Hillary's senior thesis, and 
Wellesley's president approved a rule that made any senior thesis of a graduate 
available in the women-only college's archives for anyone to read - except for 
those written by either a president or first lady, MSNBC reporter Bill Dedman 

  Conservative commentator Barbara Olson, who died in the 9/11 terrorist 
attacks, charged in a book about Hillary that the thesis was kept from public 
view because Hillary "did not want the American people to know the extent to 
which she internalized the beliefs and methods of Saul Alinsky."

  Alinsky founded a group in the Chicago area that trained leftist 
organizers around the country, and his Industrial Areas Foundation Training 
Institute numbered among its students labor organizer Cesar Chavez. In 
researching her thesis, Clinton met face to face with Alinsky, who died in 1972.

  "Although some Clinton biographers have been quick to label Alinsky a 
communist, he maintained that he never joined the Communist Party," Dedman 

  Hillary's thesis became available to researchers after the Clintons left 
the White House. But it can be viewed only by those who actually visit the 
Wellesley archive in Wellesley, Mass., 12 miles west of Boston, and readers can 
copy only a few pages.

  A stolen copy was offered for sale on eBay in 2001, but it was withdrawn 
when Clinton's staff cited copyright law, according to Dedman.

  The title of Hillary's thesis, "There Is Only the Fight," is taken from a 
line of poetry written by T.S. Eliot: "There is only the fight to recover what 
has been lost and found and lost again and again."

  In the paper, Clinton wrote: "Much of what Alinsky professes does not 
sound 'radical.' She also opined: "If the ideals Alinsky espouses were 
actualized, the result would be social revolution."

  She closed the thesis by stating that she placed Alinsky in "the pantheon 
of social action," Dedman writes, "next to Martin Luther King, the 
poet-humanist Walt Whitman, and Eugene Debs, the labor leader now best 
remembered as the five-times Socialist Party candidate for president."

  Republican political consultant Chris Lacivita, who co-produced the 
"Swift Boat" ads in 2004 that questioned presidential candidate John Kerry's 
Vietnam service, told MSNBC that nothing from a candidate's past is off-limits 
for negative advertising.

  "What someone did or said 35 years ago is certainly fair game, especially 
if you're running for president of the United States," he said, adding that he 
plans to read the thesis "very soon." 

  Editor's Note: 

a.. Hillary Laughed When She Saw These (Probably). 
b.. More: NY Times Best-Seller First Unmasked Hillary's Plans. 

  2. Candidates Mine for Campaign Gash in California 

  Californians contributed at least $502 million to federal campaigns in 
the past four years, nearly 25 percent more than runner-up New York and about 
13 percent of all federal campaign funds raised nationally.

  "It is the place you go to get political money," said Sheila Krumholz, 
director of the Center for Responsive Politics in Washington.

  And candidates are indeed going, the Los Angeles Times reports. In the 
last few weeks, Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton, Barack 
Obama, Christopher Dodd and Joseph Biden have visited the state, as have 
Republicans John McCain and Rudolph Giuliani. Mitt Romney has scheduled a March 


[CTRL] Fw: Climate Change's Carnival Atmosphere

2007-03-03 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Climate Change's Carnival Atmosphere
- Original Message - 
From: JunkScience.com 
To: List Member 
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 20:15
Subject: Climate Change's Carnival Atmosphere

  Climate Change's Carnival Atmosphere 

February 2, 2007  
   JunkScience.com Fans,

  New from JunkScience.com:

  Climate Change's Carnival Atmosphere

  By Steven Milloy
  February 2, 2007, FoxNews.com

  Climate Change's Carnival Atmosphere
  Thursday , February 01, 2007

  By Steven Milloy

  The global warming carnival hits its full stride this week in 
preparation for the release of the long-awaited and much-hyped United Nations 
report on global warming. It’s unfortunate for the climateers that this week’s 
climate science doesn’t live up to all the hoopla...

  Read the full column...

  Support JunkScience.com!

  A $25 or more donation gets you a copy of the Junkman's book 
"Silencing Science" -- which once hit #66 on Amazon.com.

  A $35 or more donation gets you a great looking 
JunkScience.com T-shirt!

  To donate by PayPal, visit JunkScience.com and click on the 
PayPal link.

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 Web site: http://www.JunkScience.com 



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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fw: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming

2007-02-25 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Human Events 
To: William A Bacon 
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2007 10:08
Subject: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming

  Global Warming: why it is the Left's last best chance to gain 
a stranglehold on our political system and economy... 
  and how we can fight back!  
  The Politically Incorrect Guide to 
  Global Warming and Environmentalism 
  by Christopher Horner

  Exclusive hardcover edition -- not available in stores!

  Dear William A,

  For decades, environmentalism has been the Left's best excuse 
for increasing government control over our actions in ways both large and 

  It's for Mother Earth! It's for the children! It's for the 

  Fortunately, the doomsday-scenario environmental scares 
they've trumped up haven't produced the sinister prize they want most of all: 
total control of American politics, economic activity, and even individual 

  That is, until now...

  Right under our noses, the Left has cooked up a new 
all-powerful weapon that threatens to strangle our country and our liberty. 
Their allies in the media call it global warming.

  Now greenhouse gasbags in Washington can argue that auto 
emissions in Ohio threaten people in Paris, and that only global government can 
tackle such problems. 

  National sovereignty? Democracy? Forget about it!

  Global warming has brought the Left ever-closer to global 
government, statism, and the eradication of individual rights.

  That's why now is the time to stand up to the 
environmentalist industry once and for all and insist: human beings are not the 

  And no book does it better than The Politically Incorrect 
Guide to Global Warming -- which could be the most important thing you read all 

  In his brand-new book, Christopher C. Horner tears the cover 
off the Left's manipulation of environmental issues for political purposes -- 
and lays out incontrovertible evidence to prove that catastrophic man-made 
global warming is just more Chicken-Little hysteria, not actual science. 

  He explains why, although Al Gore and UN globalists endlessly 
bleat that "global warming" is an unprecedented global crisis, they really 
think of it as a dream come true. It's the ideal scare campaign for those who 
are doing all they can to secure strict control over society, business, and the 
minutest details of individual life. 

  For, as Horner explains, if global warming really were as bad 
as the Leftist doomsayers insist it is, then no policy imaginable could "solve" 
it. According to the logic of the greens' own numbers, no matter how much we 
sacrifice there would still be more to do. That makes global warming the 
bottomless well of excuses for the relentless growth of Big Government.

  But now it's time to fight back...

  In breezy, light-hearted and always entertaining fashion, The 
Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming gives you the ammunition you need 
to repel the Left's attempted hijacking of our freedoms.

  No, the sky is not falling, despite the Green Left's best 

a.. Proof: media hype and deceptive Al Gore slideshows 
notwithstanding, greenhouse gas concentrations do not determine temperatures 

b.. More proof: The hole in the ozone layer -- the 1980s 
manmade environmental crisis -- was caused by the Antarctic atmosphere being 
too cold 

c.. The mainstream media's routinely sloppy, inaccurate 
reporting about evidence of global warming and other environmental matters 

d.. How environmentalists throughout modern history have 
instilled fear over one looming "crisis" or another with the aim of increasing 
government control over things big and small 

e.. Why the environmental alarmists do whatever they can to 
avoid actual debate 

f.. The environmentalist movement: not a grassroots 
phenomenon driven by scruffy idealists but an elite-driven movement that lards 
the coffers of pressure campaigns with wealth -- commonly inherited, often 
corporate, and far too-frequently looted from the taxpayer 

g.. Recent studies that have shown that the environment is 
actually flourishing -- and how the greens have turned even these into evidence 
of our imminent doom 

h.. "To feed a starving child is to exacerbate the world 
population problem": the environmentalists' openly anti-human agenda 

i.. How real p

[CTRL] Fw: MRC Appearance Alert: MRC's Graham on FNC's O'Reilly Factor Tonight

2007-01-29 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

MRC Appearance Alert: MRC's Graham on FNC's O'Reilly Factor 
Tonight--1/29/2007-- Media Research Center
- Original Message - 
From: Media Research Center 
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 16:21
Subject: MRC Appearance Alert: MRC's Graham on FNC's O'Reilly Factor Tonight





 ***Media Research Center Appearance Alert***
  4:25pm EST, Monday January 29, 2007

MRC's Graham on FNC's O'Reilly Factor Tonight 
Tim Graham, Director of Media Analysis for the Media Research 
Center, will be a guest tonight on the Fox News Channel's The 
O'Reilly Factor. Topic: Liberal bias on NBC News programs, plus the 
controversy over CNBC's Maria Bartiromo's ties to CitiCorp.

The O'Reilly Factor runs twice nightly. By time zone:
EST: 8 and 11pm
CST: 7 and 10pm
MST: 6 and 9pm
PST: 5 and 8pm

Afterward, we'll put up video of the segment on our blog where 
you can also comment on Tim's points. Check: http://newsbusters.org/


- Brent Baker 


Check Out the MRC's Blog

The MRC's blog site, NewsBusters, "Exposing and Combating Liberal 
Media Bias," provides examples of bias 24/7. With your participation 
NewsBusters will continue to be THE blog site for tracking and correcting 
liberal media bias. Come post your comments and get fresh proof of media 
misdeeds at: http://www.newsbusters.org


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: MRC Alert: Networks Distort Terrorist Surveillance Into 'Domestic Spying'

2007-01-19 Thread Bill Bacon
's program. See the November 13 CyberAlert: 

   And the November 15 CyberAlert: www.mrc.org 

  ABC's 'Boston Legal' Takes Cheap Shots 
  at GOP and Dick Cheney 

   Tuesday's Boston Legal prime time drama on ABC was packed full of 
political jabs at congressional Republicans and Vice President Cheney. 
Buffoonish conservative lawyer "Denny Crane" (played by William Shatner) was 
placed on the "No Fly List" and when liberal lawyer "Alan Shore" (played by 
James Spader) asked if Crane had called for help, he responded: "Well, I can't 
get anybody. I called Tom DeLay, his number's disconnected. Foley has got his 
hands full, Frist said, "Don't take it personally." I called Clarence Thomas; 
his office said he was indisposed." Shore then asked, "Have you tried going 
right to the top?" Crane replied: "Cheney?" Shore also linked being "red, white 
and blue" with not reading newspapers and got in a slap at Cheney in a quip 
about avoiding "the rich friend who will take you to his quail ranch and let 
you shoot him." 

   [This item is adopted from a posting by the MRC's Michelle Humphrey, 
which was posted Wednesday afternoon on the MRC's blog, NewsBusters.org: 
newsbusters.org ] 

   In the January 16 episode, Shore described Crane to a Homeland 
Security official: "Mr. Murch...there is nobody more red, white and blue than 
this man here. He's for the death penalty. He's pro-life. He doesn't read 
newspapers. He's exercised every loophole to avoid paying taxes. He's even 
donated to the Jack Abramoff ball." 

   During his closing argument, Shore discussed the cost of changing 
the technology of Homeland Security: "This can't be undoable. Expensive, maybe, 
but judging from recent spending patterns, we've got billions to throw around. 
Halliburton alone has profited over $10 billion from the war. Maybe we could 
get them to kick in. Why is it our government leaders only tap into the private 
sector for campaign contributions or to pass out contracts to cronies?" 

   Finally, to wrap the episode Crane asked Shore: "Name a change that 
relates to this issue -- government technology." Shore recommended: "I made 
that suggestion in court. Hire the geniuses, not the guy who's got the best 
lobbyist or the rich friend who will take you to his quail ranch and let you 
shoot him." 

   This was hardly Boston Legal's first foray into liberal 
pontificating. The March 21, 2006 CyberAlert item, "ABC's Boston Legal Airs 
Anti-Bush Tirade that Raises McCarthy Era," recounted: 
   The episode featured a plot line with over-the-top lawyer "Alan 
Shore," played by James Spader, delivering a five-minute-long closing argument, 
in defense of a woman who wouldn't pay income taxes, railing against the war on 
terrorism. Earlier, explaining to Shore her reasoning, the woman, "Melissa 
Hughes," cited how her grandfather, who fought in World War I, would be 
"embarrassed" by "what's happening today." 
   She listed "us torturing people, spying on our own people, squashing 
everybody's civil liberties. My grandfather would weep." To which Shore got in 
an obvious slap at FNC: "You need to change the channel. The awful things you 
speak of never happen on the 'fair and balanced' newscasts." In his closing, 
Shore cited a litany of misdeeds, including: "When the weapons of mass 
destruction thing turned out not to be true, I expected the American people to 
rise upAnd, now it's been discovered the executive branch has been 
conducting massive, illegal, domestic surveillance on its own citizens -- you 
and me. And I at least consoled myself that finally, FINALLY, the American 
people will have had enough. Evidently, we haven't." 
   Shore soon compared the current climate to that of the McCarthy era, 
recalling what he read in a book by Adlai Stevenson: "Too often, sinister 
threats to the bill of rights, to freedom of the mind, 'are concealed under the 
patriotic cloak of anti-communism.' Today, it's the cloak of anti-terrorism." 

   For more, including a video clip, go to: www.mrc.org 

  -- Brent Baker


Check Out the MRC's Blog

The MRC's blog site, NewsBusters, "Exposing and Combating Liberal 
Media Bias," provides examples of bias 24/7. With your participation 
NewsBusters will continue to be THE blog site for tracking and correcting 
liberal media bias. Come post your comments and get fresh proof of media 
misdeeds at: http

[CTRL] Fw: Eco-intimidation Bypasses Scientific Debate

2007-01-15 Thread Bill Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Eco-intimidation Bypasses Scientific Debate
- Original Message - 
From: JunkScience.com 
To: List Member 
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 19:53
Subject: Eco-intimidation Bypasses Scientific Debate

  Eco-intimidation Bypasses Scientific Debate 

January 12, 2006  
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Christian Tots for Bush

2006-10-11 Thread Bill KALIVAS
-Caveat Lector-

Christian Tots for Bush
by David Rosinger

Last year, documentary filmmakers Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady gave us The
Boys of Baraka, a moving account of a program that took 12- and 13-year-old
"at risk" black males out of Baltimore's public schools and enrolled them in
an academy in rural Kenya with rigorous disciplinary and academic
standards - and no TV. (The school was mostly funded by private donations,
with about one-eighth per pupil cost coming from the tax coffers.) So
effective was this African boot camp, that after only one year the boys
returned to Baltimore as men: strong-minded, self-confident and smart enough
to get into the city's most demanding secondary schools.

Ewing and Grady's current film, Jesus Camp, examines the effect of another
unusual school on children. This time the kids are white, middle class and
from stable homes. And the academy in this case is a vacation bible school,
Kids on Fire, located, ironically, in Devil's Lake, ND.

In contrast to the Baltimore inner city youths who did not take quickly to
the Spartan regimen of the Baraka School in Africa, the kids entering the
campus at Devil's Lake can scarcely contain their enthusiasm. All are from
Protestant denominations, all have been "saved" (spiritually born again),
many are home-schooled, and some have already begun proselytizing. The first
gathering in the camp's assembly hall features an abundance of singing,
hand-clapping and cheerful slogans. The kids clearly are enjoying
themselves; they could be at an amusement park or a rock concert.

One of them, Rachael from Missouri, at the age of nine already has definite
ideas about church ritual: "I love being in the presence of God. . . God
likes to go to places where people are singing and jumping up and down."
When the camera follows her family's outing to a bowling alley, we see
Rachael handing out tracts to strangers and explaining, "God is tellng me
that He wants you to have Him in your life."

Another kid, Levi, 12, says he was saved at the age of five. He has preached
at his family's church and dreams of becoming a "mega-church" pastor.

A third camper, Tory, 10, is an aspiring dancer who loves "Christian heavy
metal music" and scorns Britney Spears because of her emphasis on "the

The only discord that the filmmakers can find happens one night when a
counselor cautions some of the boys against telling scary stories: "Jesus
would want you to think positive thoughts."

The camp's founder, Becky Fischer, as a Pentecostal minister, puts great
emphasis on outward signs of spiritual experience. At one camp gathering she
announces, "Now we are going to speak in tongues," which prompts some in the
congregation to begin uttering either gibberish (as skeptics would hold), or
(as the faithful would have it) a language inspired by the Holy Spirit that
the speaker himself does not understand.

Coaching others to join in, Becky says, "If you don't open your mouth, the
Holy Spirit cannot enter you," and soon the assembly hall is buzzing.
Whether one interprets this as follow-the-leader, crowd hysteria, or
evidence of a gift from God, the scene is genuinely moving. The children
shake with emotion, tears gush forth, some kids collapse on the floor.

None of this would be terribly controversial outside theological circles if
not for the political element in the Kids on Fire curriculum. While Becky
flatly denies pursuing any political agenda, she also says, "I want to see
children as ready to lay down their lives for Christianity as they are for
Islam," and refers to her charges as the "Army of God." In one of her
sermons she issues a call to action: "This means war!" Indeed, at times her
summer camp looks less like a religious school than the training ground for
a children's militia.

Take, for example, the ceremony where boys with grim, camouflage-painted
faces and girls in black ninja outfits twirl quarterstaffs to the
accompaniment of bombastic music.

There is also the pledging of the Christian Flag:

I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag
and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands.
One brotherhood, uniting all mankind
in service and love.

(Whether pledging the Christian Flag carries the same spiritual weight as a
prayer is not explained.)

Then comes the rite of the smashing of the cups. A table in front of the
pulpit is filled with white coffee mugs, each one bearing the
grease-penciled word, "government." The kids are then invited to come
forward, pick up a hammer and smash one of the mugs.

Breaking the cups, one of the counselors tells them, "releases the hold that
the Devil has on us."

We gather this mug-smashing is not directed at the present administration in
Washington, for in the next scene a life-sized photo cut-out of Dubya is
placed onstage and the children are invited to bless him and "lay the Spirit
over him." The kids shuffle reverently towards the Decider's cardboard
facsimile and, one by one, kneel, extend a hand of blessing, an

[CTRL] No Depression: Terrell Owens and Jock Culture

2006-10-02 Thread Bill KALIVAS
-Caveat Lector-

Folks - this appeared in Friday's LA Times Op Ed page.

Dave Z


No Depression: Terrell Owens and Jock Culture

By Dave Zirin

 WE MAY never know whether controversial Dallas Cowboy
All-Pro Terrell Owens' emergency room adventure was a
result of attempted suicide or mismanaged meds. But
the subsequent damage control has spoken volumes about
the way top professional athletes have become little
more than corporations with muscle tone, with images
to be protected at all costs, their mental health a
distant concern. 

Attempting suicide is the ultimate cry for help. Yet
in the world of jock culture, vulnerability equals
weakness. Our superheroes aren't supposed to be
lonely, depressed or absent hope. The mere hint that
Owens might wrestle with suicidal tendencies damages
the brand of Owens Inc. It's like finding out that
your PC has a virus, or that there's E. coli at your
favorite fast-food place. 

And, like at a corporation, public outcry about the
event became a PR crisis to manage. It was Owens'
flack, Kim Etheredge, who called 911, told police the
star wide receiver was "depressed" and tried to pry
two of the pain pills out of his mouth. Then she began

Less than 24 hours later, Etheredge was on camera
soldiering for Owens Inc., saying a leaked police
report was a fabrication and that "Terrell has 25
million reasons to be alive." 

I'm still stunned by the ugliness of that statement.
Twenty-five million is how many dollars Owens will be
paid over the life of his three-year contract with the
Cowboys. For Etheredge, Owens' life must be worth no
more than his pay scale. Presumably, if cut from the
team, his "reasons to be alive" would dwindle to

Owens followed Etheredge at the news conference by
stating explicitly, and with a sideways smirk, "I am
not depressed." In the stunted, backward world of jock
culture, it is better to be seen as a
dosage-miscalculating carnival distraction than
someone burdened with the shame of depression.

As the self-described "recovering sportswriter" Robert
Lipsyte wrote recently on tomsdispatch.com, "Athletes
have been taught to appear invulnerable, to repress
emotion, to never, ever let 'em see you sweat, much
less show panic or pain. This is why for so many pro
athletes, with their shallow marriages, false
friendships and dysfunctional family relationships,
the only places where true emotion can freely emerge
are the locker room and the playing field. There, they
can finally hug and cry. For many, these are the only
times they feel truly alive, and one can understand
how they might be tempted to do anything to stay in
the arena, including drugs."

The stats back this up. As many as 80% of marriages
involving male professional athletes end in divorce.
Out-of-wedlock births are seen as so epidemic that
rookies are given seminars on how to avoid being
"trapped." Players feel paranoid, preyed upon and
under the gun. Literally. Carrying a weapon is now so
common that firearms guidelines are part of the NBA's
collective bargaining agreement. 

For the athlete, this is a nation of enemies. The
mantra becomes: separate, insulate and isolate. Gated
communities and anabolic masses of bodyguards seal
them off from all nonsexual human contact. But little
is done to help players deal with the pressures that
create this siege mentality. The message seems to be
that pot, paternity suits and pistols are preferable
to Prozac.

Long gone are the days when Willie Mays played
stickball with neighborhood kids. Back then, being an
athlete wasn't automatically a ticket to another

And this ticket is being dangled earlier every year.
As a fourth-grade teacher in Washington public
schools, I saw what happened to the talented kids
recruited to play in after-school leagues. They
sported fancy uniforms, new shoes and other bells and
whistles their parents couldn't possibly have

For the majority of kids, however, we didn't even have
P.E., a budget casualty in the age of standardized
tests. The message was clear: Some are special; others
are not even worthy of dodgeball. 

But even the "special ones" became stunted by the
experience. Most don't make it, and many who do see
their dreams turn into nightmares. And as we've seen
with T.O, nightmares are a luxury the corporation
cannot abide.

[Dave Zirin is the author of "'What's My Name Fool?':
Sports and Resistance in the United States" (Haymarket
Books) You can receive his column Edge of Sports,
every week by e-mailing
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact him at

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[CTRL] FW: 9/11 denial is over

2006-09-30 Thread Bill KALIVAS
-Caveat Lector-

http://www.belowgroundsurface.org ::
9/11 Denial is Over


an excellent compilation
of resources for inquiring minds seeking to understand what actually may
have happened on September 11, 2001.  A link to the full version of
the thought-provoking "9-11 Mysteries" as well as many other
videodocumentaries, all in one convenient place . . . for now.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] ANALYSIS -- As the neocons, the corporate news media, and the international banking class push the world towards more military showdowns -- re are some important crosswinds blowing around t

2006-09-22 Thread Bill Z
-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,


I live in Thailand but not in Bangkok. I have been receiving comments of concern
from friends in the West because of the misleading media coverage so I thought
I would write to the list to show what I wrote to friends and family.


A day in the Thailand coup


The coup started last night, so
together with a few phone calls to Bangkok

into the early hours of the
morning I was checking computer forums. Very

quickly Thai tv had been
withdrawn, and soon after that the satellite BBC and CNN were withdrawn. Waking
this morning I caught up with the forums,

BBC and CNN were still off.


Then I went out of the door to
brace the stress, strain and tension of Thailand's national Martial Law
following the Coup d'eTrat. I had a Thai

lesson so as was usual I went
to Pu's rahn-aa-haan for Kaao-tiang - lunch. Then I had my Thai lesson where we
discussed everyday vocabulary such as

rot tang (tank) and ratabrahaan


Following the lesson I came
across violence - I went for a massage where longstanding shoulder injuries
were being successfully treated.


Then I went to the bus station
to cancel my ticket to Bangkok

tomorrow, and drifted home to
check the latest on the net.


Where I live the police
presence was less as the schools were closed and so

there were no traffic police. And
that was it, that was the coup in small=town Thailand - and I couldn't see any
of the dyslexic pigeons either. (This was a reference to a joke I had circulated
– Newspaper warning – Thousands of dyslexic pigeons seen in Thai
airspace looking for the coup.)


I do hope that the intentions
of the coup as are expressed, and that a new

election and prime minister
will end the strain of the heedless arrogance

of the recent corruption with
its divisive politics.


Your analysis is spot on from
this end. It frightens me what the west might do as western media are stirring
up. However things do seem very tight amongst the coup makers – CDRM so
hopefully they will withstand western manipulations. I lament the annoying
westerners flooding the forums with their bleetings about temporary censorship.
This man, Thaksin, controlled the media and as with every good elected dictator
he used that control to feather his nest. Between my anger I am amused to see
the Traditional of Thailand called communists.


Hope you are keeping well,


All the Best


Bill Z





Sep. 20, 2006 -- ANALYSIS -- As the neocons, the
corporate news  

media, and the international banking class push the
world towards  

more military showdowns in Iran,
Venezuela, Cuba and
wherever else  

they can provoke a crisis, along with their ultimate
goal -- a "Clash  

of Civilizations" -- there are some important crosswinds

around the world that may stop them dead in their


First, the pro-democracy military coup in Thailand should
be examined  

outside the spin and puffery emanating from the
editorial and  

production desks in New York
and Washington, DC.


Yesterday, while Thai Prime Minister Thaksin
Shinawatra, a Rupert  

Murdoch- and Silvio Berlusconi-like corporate media

telecommunications baron, was preparing to rub
shoulders with his  

fellow "coalition of the willing" war
criminal George W. Bush at the  

UN General Assembly summit in New York, he was deposed in a pro- 

democracy and bloodless military coup at home.
Although the neocon  

media tried to paint the coup as having some nefarious

(pointing out that the coup leader, Army Commander
Gen. Sondhi  

Boonyaratkalin, is a Muslim), the coup's aim was to
wrench Thailand's 

government away from the corruption, nepotism, and

constitutional government of Thaksin, his family, and
his cronies. As  

far as the backing for the coup, it is well known that
Gen. Sondhi  

maintains a close relationship with the King -- and
the King is the  

supreme Buddhist leader of the nation. So much for the
neocons trying  

to link the coup to Al Qaeda and their other bogeymen
like Jemaah  

Islamiya, the group's Southeast Asian branch. But the
neocon media  

are now painting the coup as a "dangerous"
precedent -- because the  

generals did not accede to the "civil
society" efforts to depose  

Thaksin. That is, of course, Council on Foreign Relations/global 

governance claptrap that often emanates from the

limousine liberals -- the same bunch who have decided
to support  

Arnold Schwarzenegger's re-election in California.


As with all deposed dictators, Thaksin was forced to
retreat into  

exile in gilded splendor, in his case in a suite at
the Grand Hyatt  

Hotel in Manhattan and
then to fashionable quarters in London.

Thai military, which was supported in their move by
the Thai  

opposition, placed Thailand's Deputy Prime Minister
and Defense  

Minister under arrest. Thaila

Re: [CTRL] where is the media coverage of DECLINING gas prices?

2006-08-30 Thread Bill KALIVAS
-Caveat Lector-

Can you say "Elections in November"?

-Original Message-

-Caveat Lector-

Now that gas prices have started a modest decline for the last two weeks
so,where is the media coverage of declining gas prices? Where are the
media talking heads standing by gas staion price boards marveling at the
declining gas prices? And why aren't they giving the Bush Adminstration
CREDIT for declining gas prices? Could this be even more evidence of a
BIASED "News Media"?

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
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Visit my energy page at  http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html
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 My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
screeds are unwelcomed. Substanceb

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2006-07-30 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Hoffman Wire
Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History
Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
by Michael A. Hofman II | Sunday, July 30, 2006
Today we awaken to the dreadful news, according to the Associated Press,
that the Israelis bombed several homes in the southern Lebanon village
of Qana early Sunday, "killing at least 56 people, most of them
children, in the deadliest attack in 19 days"
Even Jack Straw, the former British Foreign Secretary, said of the
Israeli attacks: "These are not surgical strikes, but have instead
caused death and misery among innocent civilians."
This is the second Israeli mass murder at Qana. In 1996, Israelis
murdered nearly 100 Arab civilian refugees at a United Nations camp in
The Israeli holocaust against Lebanon continues, while the world does
nothing. Ever more Arab women and children in Lebanon are murdered with
impunity. They are less than human in the eyes of the West.
Nothing like this would ever be permitted if it were Judaic children who
were dying. In such a case, the words, "The Holocaust is happening
again, the world must not stand by silent!" would reverberate from every
pulpit, radio, TV and newspaper front page in America. But since it is
the children of Lebanon who are being killed, "sub-human Amalekites"
according to the secret teaching of the Orthodox rabbis, the US
obstructs a ceasefire, with help from American journalists, editors,
clergymen and the US Congress.
This is a shame, and a disgrace. It proves that the perpetual, pious
human rights tears shed over the "Nazi Holocaust against the Jews" in
schools, churches and national museums and memorials day-in-and-day out,
have nothing to do with ensuring that it "never happens again" to "any
other people."
Rather, "The Holocaust" is a cynical power-politics hammer used to build
special privileges and a sense of sacred awe and racial superiority for
Judaics, which in turn renders them forever immune from war crimes
prosecutions, or any interdiction of the holocausts which they
perpetrate against Palestine and Lebanon.
If "The Holocaust" was a true human rights lobby for all mankind, then
Elie Wiesel, Deborah Lipstadt and Steven Spielberg would be using their
clout and prestige to demand an immediate end to Israeli mass murder in
Instead, Wiesel is on record supporting Israeli bombing in Lebanon,
while the vast majority of the Israeli people, including the "Holocaust
Survivors" among them, also endorse it.
"Holocaust" propaganda has dulled the moral sense of the West. The
"Holocaust" is little more than an arm of Zionist psychological warfare
for the maintenance of Judaic superiority, racial and ethical,
throughout the earth, not for saving the lives of other marginalized
In fact, it seems to have given the Israelis a hubris as supra-human
ethicists with a license to kill civilians without moral qualms or the
least fear of war crime prosecution.
No doubt the movie Spielberg will make about what is happening in
Lebanon, will show Israeli commanders and troops agonizing about their
bombings. But in reality there are no such reservations, just exultation
and the arrogance of stone-cold killers swaggering in the knowledge that
their murder spree is backed by US super-power money and might. (The
Israelis are not so brave when they have to confront Hezbollah
militiamen on the ground, man-to-man, rather than from 30,000 feet up in
the cockpit of a jet-bomber).
The racial and moral superiority engendered for the Israelis by "Nazi
Holocaust" propaganda is was why the massacre at Qana in 1996 was
forgotten; allowing it to happen all over again in 2006.
"Never again"? Ha!
"Never Again" does not apply when it comes to Israeli extermination of
the people of Lebanon, according to an exact Zionist timetable that
brooks no "ceasefire." The Israelis will cease fire when every Lebanese
woman and child they intend to slaughter is properly dead and buried,
and not before. And the "Nazi Holocaust"-saturated human rights
campaigners will sit on their hands, exactly as they have been trained
to do by Spielberg and Wiesel, and a parade of professors and preachers.
Tears, guilt, classroom curricula, movies and museums are reserved for
the victims of the Nazis. Cluster bombs, napalm, missiles and cannon
shells are reserved for helpless Arab mothers and their children, with
applause from Hillary, Elie and four hundred members of the House of
This, in part, is why I am a "Holocaust" revisionist. As grating
sanctimony, "The Holocaust" exceeds the Pharisees in bloated hypocrisy,
and as a prop for Israeli mass murder, it is a bloodthirsty alibi for
arrogant Judaic supremacy and merciless mass murder.
Copyright (c) 2006 RevisionistHistory.org



2006-07-26 Thread Bill KALIVAS
-Caveat Lector-



Nancy Levant 
July 25, 2006 


The separation of church and state
- gone with the stroke of a pen. As of March 7, 2006, our nation’s leader
signed another Executive Order, which tied the Department of Homeland Security
to our leader’s “faith-based” churches. Okay, all you
non-profit churches out there – you now serve the federal
government’s primary spying agency. That is now your primary function.
You are now and officially an organized den of thieves. 


I would feel sorry for the
pastors, ministers, priests, and rabbis except for the fact that I just
can’t and won’t. How stupid and positively corrupt can you possibly
be to take money in exchange for manipulating your flocks of idiot sheep to the
national slaughter? And will you also spy on your flocks and provide reports to
your new master? 


In exchange for money, have you
agreed to pacify and organize your flocks in the event of a national emergency?
You certainly have, for you have been ordered to do so. And have you been
ordered to offer your buildings, your resources, and your labor forces called
congregations to serve your newly declared administrator? 


I try to come up with words to
describe how I feel about this Executive Order and the churches that have
“partnered” themselves to this system. The words don’t come
minus the fact that the church has completely and irreversibly fallen to the
lowest and darkest common denominator, which is the total betrayal of the souls
of the faithful. I would pray for your forgiveness, but I don’t want to. 


Nor do I want to write about this
sickening topic. But, I appeal to Christian people to 1) ask your church
leaders if they are “faith-based” funded, and 2) to leave those
churches and start home-based churches with your friends and family members. Do
not support Executive Ordered, Department of Homeland Security churches with
your presence or your money. You are being manipulated and reported upon
– guaranteed. 


You are being told what to do when
more “crisis” hits the nation, and will hit the nation, as all is
now planned down to our “weather emergencies,” which are providing
the training and relocation exercises for the real crisis to come – the
one that permanently collapses Constitutional America. 


The church needs to regroup and
gather in homes, where faith is restored, private, and truth is real. Forget
the church leadership. They are padding their pockets and socially
re-engineering your mind with think tank religion and crisis management, and
they’re getting paid to do so – much like the public schools and
mass media. 


Raise your churches in your homes.
All you need is a Bible – one will do. Save yourselves and your souls and
leave your new and improved church buildings, fancy organs, fundraisers, and
colorful windows behind. 


As in all Communist countries, the
church will survive underground, so to speak, and with genuine prayer. And
serve your Constitutional America. Don’t give up on freedom – even
as it dissolves before your eyes. Be courageous in truth and gather together in


Again and again, I strongly
recommend that you contact A.C.E. – Americans for Constitutional
Enforcement – at [EMAIL PROTECTED] - and request their
Information Packet. Work to preserve your unalienable rights. There is no other
choice but to fall – much like the American church. And please remember
that faith-based churches are now governmental agencies – just like
public schools, mass media, and mass communications – nothing more and
nothing less. 

A.C.E. will help you, your family, and your neighbors to learn the truth about
today’s America.
What you don’t know is allowing for the total destruction of your rights
and your individual freedom. What you don’t know is rapidly, rapidly
destroying your country. Your continued ignorance is why we are falling. Please
contact A.C.E. right now. May God bless the American people.

© 2006 Nancy Levant - All Rights Reserved

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are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale


Nancy Levant is a life-long writer, a believer of God,
country, Constitutional and individual rights. She resides in rural Southwestern Ohio. She has worked professionally with
children since 1974 and is an ardent supporter of home schooling. 

Nancy Levant has done radio and television interviews, has
been a guest speaker in many venues including college campuses, schools, Indian
reservations, human service organizations, and has been the president of a
youth sports organization.

Ms. Levant just completed her new book "The Cultural
Devastation of American Women: The Strange and Frightening Decline of the
American Female." to be released May 2006. Equally, she
is a writer for freedom and land rights issues and opposes the United Nation's
Agenda 21 implementation in America.




[CTRL] The Shame of Being an American

2006-07-22 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

July 22, 2006 

The Shame of Being an American 

by Paul Craig Roberts

Gentle reader, do you know that Israel is engaged in ethnic cleansing in southern Lebanon? Israel has ordered all the villagers to clear out. Israel then destroys their homes and murders the fleeing villagers. That way there is no one to come back and nothing to which to return, making it easier for Israel to grab the territory, just as Israel has been stealing Palestine from the Palestinians. 
Do you know that one-third of the Lebanese civilians murdered by Israel's attacks on civilian residential districts are children? That is the report from Jan Egeland, the emergency relief coordinator for the UN. He says it is impossible for help to reach the wounded and those buried in rubble, because Israeli air strikes have blown up all the bridges and roads. Considering how often (almost always) Israel misses Hezbollah targets and hits civilian ones, one might think that Israeli fire is being guided by US satellites and US military GPS. Don't be surprised at US complicity. Why would the puppet be any less evil than the puppet master?
Of course, you don't know these things, because the US print and TV media do not report them.
Because Bush is so proud of himself, you do know that he has blocked every effort to stop the Israeli slaughter of Lebanese civilians. Bush has told the UN "NO." Bush has told the European Union "NO." Bush has told the pro-American Lebanese prime minister "NO." Twice. Bush is very proud of his firmness. He is enjoying Israel's rampage and wishes he could do the same thing in Iraq.
Does it make you a Proud American that "your" president gave Israel the green light to drop bombs on convoys of villagers fleeing from Israeli shelling, on residential neighborhoods in the capital of Beirut and throughout Lebanon, on hospitals, on power plants, on food production and storage, on ports, on civilian airports, on bridges, on roads, on every piece of infrastructure on which civilized life depends? Are you a Proud American? Or are you an Israeli puppet?
On July 20, "your" House of Representatives voted 410-8 in favor of Israel's massive war crimes in Lebanon. Not content with making every American complicit in war crimes, "your" House of Representatives, according to the Associated Press, also "condemns enemies of the Jewish state." 
Who are the "enemies of the Jewish state"?
They are the Palestinians whose land has been stolen by the Jewish state, whose homes and olive groves have been destroyed by the Jewish state, whose children have been shot down in the streets by the Jewish state, whose women have been abused by the Jewish state. They are Palestinians who have been walled off into ghettos, who cannot reach their farm lands or medical care or schools, who cannot drive on roads through Palestine that have been constructed for Israelis only. They are Palestinians whose ancient towns have been invaded by militant Zionist "settlers" under the protection of the Israeli army who beat and persecute the Palestinians and drive them out of their towns. They are Palestinians who cannot allow their children outside their homes because they will be murdered by Israeli "settlers."
The Palestinians who confront Israeli evil are called "terrorists." When Bush forced free elections on Palestine, the people voted for Hamas. Hamas is the organization that has stood up to Israel. This means, of course, that Hamas is evil, anti-Semitic, un-American and terrorist. The US and Israel responded by cutting off all funds to the new government. Democracy is permitted only if it produces the results Bush and Israel want.
Israelis never practice terror. Only those who are in Israel's way are terrorists.
Another enemy of the Jewish state is Hezbollah. Hezbollah is a militia of Shi'ite Muslims created in 1982 when Israel first invaded Lebanon. During this invasion the great moral Jewish state arranged for the murder of refugees in refugee camps. The result of Israel's atrocities was Hezbollah, which fought the Israeli Army, defeated it, and drove it out of Lebanon. Today Hezbollah not only defends southern Lebanon but also provides social services such as orphanages and medical care. 
To cut to the chase, the enemies of the Jewish state are any Muslim country not ruled by an American puppet friendly to Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the oil emirates have sided with Israel against their own kind, because they are dependent either on American money or on American protection from their own people. Sooner or later these totally corrupt governments that do not represent the people they rule will be overthrown. It is only a matter of time.
Indeed Bush and Israel may be hastening the process in their frantic effort to overthrow the governments of Syria and Iran. Both governments have more popular support than Bush has, but the White House Moron doesn't know this. The Moron thi


2006-07-22 Thread Bill KALIVAS
-Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] No, this is not "our war"

2006-07-20 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

No, this is not 'our war'

Posted: July 20, 20068:36 p.m. Eastern
© 2006  
My country has been "torn to shreds," said Fouad Siniora, the prime minister of Lebanon, as the death toll among his people passed 300 civilian dead, 1,000 wounded, with half a million homeless. 
Israel must pay for the "barbaric destruction," said Siniora. 
To the contrary, says columnist Lawrence Kudlow, "Israel is doing the Lord's work." 
On American TV, former Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu says the ruination of Lebanon is Hezbollah's doing. But is it Hezbollah that is using U.S.-built F-16s, with precision-guided bombs and 155-mm artillery pieces to wreak death and devastation on Lebanon? 
No, Israel is doing this, with the blessing and without a peep of protest from President Bush. And we wonder why they hate us. 

"Today, we are all Israelis!" brayed Ken Mehlman of the Republican National Committee to a gathering of Christians United for Israel. 
One wonders if these Christians care about what is happening to our Christian brethren in Lebanon and Gaza, who have had all power cut off by Israeli airstrikes, an outlawed form of collective punishment, that has left them with no sanitation, rotting food, impure water and days without light or electricity in the horrible heat of July. 
When summer power outrages occur in America, it means a rising rate of death among our sick and elderly, and women and infants. One can only imagine what a hell it must be today in Gaza City and Beirut. 
But all this carnage and destruction has only piqued the blood lust of the hairy-chested warriors at the Weekly Standard. In a signed editorial, "It's Our War," William Kristol calls for America to play her rightful role in this war by "countering this act of aggression by Iran with a military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities. Why wait?" 
"Why wait?" Well, one reason is that the United States has not been attacked. A second is a small thing called the Constitution. Where does George W. Bush get the authority to launch a war on Iran? When did Congress declare war or authorize a war on Iran? 
Answer: It never did. But these neoconservatives care no more about the Constitution than they cared about the truth when they lied into war in Iraq. 
"Why wait?" How about thinking of the fate of those 25,000 Americans in Lebanon if we launch an unprovoked war on Iran. How many would wind up dead or hostages of Hezbollah if Iran gave the order to retaliate for the slaughter of their citizens by U.S. bombs? What would happen to the 130,000 U.S. troops in Iraq, if Shiites and Iranian "volunteers" joined forces to exact revenge on our soldiers? 
What about America? Richard Armitage, who did four tours in Nam and knows a bit about war, says that, in its ability to attack Western targets, al-Qaida is the B Team, Hezbollah the A Team. If Bush bombs Iran, what prevents Hezbollah from launching retaliatory attacks inside the United States? 
None of this is written in defense of Hamas, Hezbollah or Iran. 
But none of them has attacked our country, nor has Syria, whom Bush I made an ally in the Gulf War and to whom the most decorated soldier in Israeli history, Ehud Barak, offered 99 percent of the Golan Heights. If Nixon, Bush I and Clinton could deal with Hafez al-Assad, a tougher customer than son Bashar, what is the matter with George W. Bush? 
The last superpower is impotent in this war because we have allowed Israel to dictate to whom we may and may not talk. Thus, Bush winds up cussing in frustration in St. Petersburg that somebody should tell the Syrians to stop it. Why not pick up the phone, Mr. President? 
What is Kristol's moral and legal ground for a war on Iran? It is the "Iranian act of aggression" against Israel and that Iran is on the road to nuclear weapons – and we can't have that. 
But there is no evidence Iran has any tighter control over Hezbollah than we have over Israel, whose response to the capture of two soldiers had all the spontaneity of the Schlieffen Plan. And, again, Hezbollah attacked Israel, not us. And there is no solid proof Iran is in violation of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which it has signed, but Israel refuses to sign. 
If Iran's nuclear program justifies war, why cannot the neocons make that case in the constitutional way, instead of prodding Bush to launch a Pearl Harbor attack? Do they fear they have no credibility left after pushing Bush into this bloody quagmire in Iraq that has cost almost 2,600 dead and 18,000 wounded Americans? 
No, Kenny boy, we are not "all Israelis." Some of us still think of ourselves as Americans, first, last and always 
And, no, Mr. Kristol, this is not "our war." It's your war. 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   Thes

[CTRL] Nanny-Government Queefs At It Again

2006-07-18 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Apparently all the murderers and rapists are under control.
This flat-out sucks.
Whatever happened to live and let live? MYOB?
This government inserts itself into every facet of our lives.
This is acceptable? Hell no!!
Sports-Betting Operation Shuts Web SiteJul 19 12:00 AM US/Eastern Email this story 

By DAVID KOENIGAssociated Press Writer
An offshore sports-betting operation targeted by U.S. prosecutors shut down its Web site Tuesday night, a day after a federal judge ordered the company to stop letting Americans place wagers. 
BetOnSports PLC said it was temporarily stopping all transactions while it reviewed the situation. 
Earlier on Tuesday, the site had appeared to be operating normally, offering bets on Major League baseball and season-opening college football games. 
The company's founder, Gary Stephen Kaplan, the biggest target in the indictment, was somewhere in Costa Rica. He had nothing to say about the case, according to a spokesman. 
Trading of the company's shares was suspended in London on Tuesday. They fell as much as 24 percent Monday following news that the company's chief executive, David Carruthers, had been arrested and closed down 17 percent at 122.50 pence ($2.24). 
In the fiscal year ended Feb. 5, BetOnSports reported a 65 percent gain in operating profit on continuing operations to $20.1 million. The company said it handled $1.77 billion worth of bets for the year, up 25 percent. 
On Monday, federal officials unsealed a 22-count indictment that charges 11 people and four companies with conspiracy, racketeering and wire fraud in taking sports bets from U.S. residents. Authorities said BetOnSports falsely claimed that Internet and phone wagering on sporting events was legal and licensed. 
Five of the 11 individuals were arrested, including Carruthers, who remained in custody in Fort Worth pending a detention hearing on Friday. Carruthers was arrested Sunday at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport as he waited for a connecting flight to Costa Rica. 
The Justice Department is seeking the forfeiture of $4.5 billion, plus several cars, recreational vehicles and computers from the defendants. Prosecutors convinced a federal judge in St. Louis to order BetOnSports to stop accepting bets placed from within the United States. 
BetOnSports hesitated for a full day before shutting down, however. A company spokesman, Kevin Smith, had said attorneys were deciding what to do next. 
Americans accounted for virtually all of the company's business until recently, when it began aggressively courting bettors in Asia. 
Even if BetOnSports shuts down permanently, there are plenty of sites to take its place. Costa Rica has become a haven for Caribbean online sports books and casinos in the past decade because of its light approach to regulation, experts said. 
"There are probably at least 140 sports books operating down there," said Sue Schneider, president of a suburban St. Louis firm that tracks the industry. 
Some online sports books might stop taking bets from U.S. residents, but only if the United States is a small part of their business, Schneider predicted. 
The indictment is likely to have even less effect on online casinos _ those that take bets on poker or other games, but not on sporting events. 
In the past decade, federal officials have prosecuted many operators of online sports books with U.S. ownership or operations because federal law prohibits using phone wires to place those bets, said Anthony N. Cabot, a Las Vegas lawyer who has represented traditional and online casinos. 
In a celebrated case from 2000, prosecutors won a conviction against Jay Cohen, a U.S. citizen who ran an operation in Antigua that took sports bets from Americans over the Internet. He was sentenced to 21 months in prison. 
But the wire law doesn't cover other types of casino betting, a federal appeals court in New Orleans ruled. That has left some doubt about whether prosecutors can shut down poker and other casino games that target American players, Cabot said. 
And unless the operators set foot in the United States _ as Carruthers and Cohen did _ it's difficult to extradite them, Cabot said. 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need 

[CTRL] Pancho Villa's New Tactics

2006-06-20 Thread Bill KALIVAS
-Caveat Lector-


  (Conspiracy Nation, 06/18/06) -- "Ha
  ha ha, Pancho," seems to say U.S. General "Black Jack"
  Pershing to Pancho Villa. "We'll renew the fun on a later
  occasion." (image: left)
  March 9, 1916, Villa had led his Mexican troops north and attacked a
  detachment of the U.S. Cavalry near Columbus,
   New Mexico. It was an invasion!
  Pershing and U.S.
  troops thereafter hunted Villa and his force.
  But as
  the photo at the left seems to show, apparently there was some sort of later
  What is
  now called "Israel"
  once did not exist as such. Then, in the late 1800s, Zionist immigrants began
  arriving in Palestine.
  "Don't mind us, we are only immigrants," was implied.

when it was too late, the Palestinians realized the "mere immigrants"
were a Trojan Horse. Next thing they knew, gone was their land! (http://www.shout.net/~bigred/StartOfIsrael.html)

Taking a
tip from the Israeli tactic, descendants of the Pancho Villa army disguised
themselves as immigrants and began infiltrating the United States. They bided their
time, waiting for their numbers to grow.

Glad to
welcome the invading army was the Catholic Church, whose primary allegiance is
to the Vatican.
"We must welcome the stranger," piously intoned the priests.
("We must welcome millions of new Catholics into America,"
they privately agreed among themselves.)

March 2004, a new book by Samuel Huntington appeared. Reportedly, Huntington argued that
the huge influx of Mexican and Latino immigrants in the past 10-or-so years is
unprecedented. The vastness of their numbers, he proposed, has caused the
normal immigrant-assimilation process to break down. 

by Huntington
is a Reconquista aspect of the
phenomena. Because Mexico
lost portions of her territory following the Mexican-American War (1846-1848),
there is a feeling among Latino immigrants in the American Southwest that they
are reclaiming their "turf." (http://www.shout.net/~bigred/Huntington.htm)

to Huntington
was furious. For example, Lyndon LaRouche and his group called Huntington's views "an anti-Hispanic
barrage" and called Huntington himself "disgusting." This, in
spite of Huntington's
relative prestige as author of a previous book, Clash Of Civilizations.

LaRouche, a perennial Chicken Little, besides appears to be a secret Vatican agent. As such, he would obey Rome and serve the Catholic invasion.

One of
the LaRouchies, Gretchen Small, wrote that Huntington's
book prepares "the ground for new wars, this time throughout the Americas, and within the United States
itself." (qtd. in http://www.shout.net/~bigred/Huntington.htm)

On April
28 of this year, Rayelan Allan eerily corroborated Ms. Small's forecast. At her
Rumor Mill News web site, Ms.
AMERICAN WORKERS," offered a framework for the situation. (http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=88148)

spoke with an informed Source last night," she writes, "who told me
what is really behind the Mexican demonstrations. The corporations will use
their hired guns... aka hired Armies... to fight Americans. Once Americans are
on the run... the corporations can exploit their Mexican workers any way they

"movement to take back the South Western United States is exactly the same
manuever that the NWO [New World Order] used to break up Yugoslavia."

Yugoslavia had
been a testing ground for what was to happen to the United States. It would be the old
"Divide and Conquer." But enough Americans saw through the plan that
a "Plan B" had to be implemented, if Ms. Allan is correct. "When
the NWO discovered that Americans are innately loyal to America, no
matter how much they criticize and condemn her, they realized that they had to
put plan B into play. Plan B is a revolution/war that will be instigated by the
ALA - Atzlan
Liberation Army," warns Ms. Allan.

"Pancho Villa Reborn" Army has been in training throughout the 1990s
in the Mexican state of Chiapas.
They are supposedly under the leadership of some "Sub-Commandante
Marcos," who American dupes have romanticized.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Misguided Theology Makes Bad Foreign Policy

2006-06-20 Thread Bill KALIVAS
-Caveat Lector-

  June 16, 2006 
  Misguided Theology Makes Bad Foreign Policy 
  Doug Bandow
  Iraq is an unalloyed disaster. War with Iran would be even worse. Lebanon's Cedar Revolution has empowered
  groups hostile to America.
  Where is the new democratic dawn in the Mideast
  that the administration promised?
  It certainly isn't represented in the
  Israeli-Palestinian "peace process." The West Bank is still
  occupied and Gaza
  is nearing civil war. Whether peace is possible if the two peoples separate
  is unknowable. The only worse option is for Israel to maintain a system of
  militarized apartheid-like rule over millions of Palestinians.
  Yet some of President George W. Bush's
  domestic supporters oppose the slightest Israeli concession to the
  Palestinians. Before the 2004 election, Gary Bauer, one-time presidential
  candidate and head of American Values, lectured
  the president: "The land
   of Israel was
  originally owned by God. Since He was the owner, only He could give it away.
  And He gave it to the Jewish people."
  Actually, God still owns the land of Israel.
  And that of America,
  for that matter. But that isn't a reason to oppose the Bush administration's
  peace plan.
  Washington's fulsome embrace of Israel
  has long generated controversy – consider the fevered reaction to the
  famous (or infamous, depending on your viewpoint) paper
  by John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago and Stephen Walt of Harvard
  on domestic support for Israel.
  One can argue whether or not there is an "Israel Lobby," but there
  obviously are lobbies for Israel.
  That's unexceptional: interest groups have long attempted to influence
  American foreign policy. Eastern European ethnic groups pushed for NATO
  expansion, African-Americans lobbied to invade Haiti,
  ethnic Albanians pushed Washington to attack
  (Sadly, such groups rarely seek peace; most often they want Washington to back their side in war.)
  What makes support for Israel unique
  is the fact that part of it, at least, rests on theology. But not primarily
  Judaism. Even the vast majority of American Jews who support Israel do so
  more on cultural and ethnic than on religious grounds. It is some American
  Christians who are attempting to turn the U.S. government into a de facto
  arm of the church.
  Most of those who hold such views are
  evangelicals. Neither Catholics nor mainline Protestants have so heavily
  rested their spiritual faith on the machinations of a secular state
  identified with another religion, whose residents largely see themselves in
  ethnic rather than religious terms. Non-evangelicals are far more likely to
  perceive the harm to Americans and injustice to others resulting from turning
  Mideast policy into an aberrant variant of
  Christian theology.
  Developing an intelligent solution to the
  conflict between Israel
  and the Palestinians is insanely difficult. Moreover, sympathy toward Israel is
  understandable: there is no excuse for suicide bombings that slaughter and
  But Washington
  needs to develop a Mideast policy that advances America's
  national interests by reducing the likelihood of war involving the U.S. and
  attacks on Americans – basically staying out. Yet a number of Israel
  advocates appear to see their support as an outgrowth of their Christian faith.
  For instance, former Christian Coalition head and candidate for Georgia lieutenant governor Ralph Reed wrote,
  "[T]here is an undeniable and powerful spiritual connection between Israel and
  the Christian faith. It is where Jesus was born and where he conducted his
  ministry." True, but so what? This has nothing to do with the
  formulation of foreign policy for the secular nation of America,
  which represents non-Christians as well as Christians.
  Columnist Maggie Gallagher writes, "[M]y
  support is based on an inchoate sense that if put into words would be
  something like this: As Christians, we just cannot sit by and let Islamic
  nations exterminate the Jewish people." Not that the Arab nations have
  that capability, but never mind. Should Christians care less about the
  killing of Christians by Muslims in Kosovo, Indonesia, and Nigeria? Or the killing of
  Christians and Muslims by Hindus in India?
  Another contention is that the U.S. should back whatever the Israeli
  government wants to do because God gave Israel to the Jews. As Bauer
  explains, "The Bible is pretty clear that the land is what is called
  covenant land, that God made a covenant with the Jews that that would be
  their land forever."
  Bill Wilson of Koenig
  International News argued that Bush's "peace efforts and personal
  commitments on the surface sound good but they are biblically wrong."
  After all, the president's position means the "

[CTRL] Kudos to Congress From Israel

2006-05-27 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

May 27, 2006 

Kudos to Congress From Israel 

by Gordon Prather

Ehud Olmert – who assumed the office of prime minister of Israel earlier this month – has already met with President Bush at the White House and addressed a joint session of Congress.
Now, you may remember that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, newly elected president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations shortly after he was elected last year.
Will Olmert also address the General Assembly?
Probably not. You see, the General Assembly has been passing about a dozen resolutions every year since 1976 – most of them critical of Israel – dealing with the seemingly irresolvable crisis created by the creation of Israel. 
Israel just ignores them.
Why doesn't the UN Security Council do something about that? Well, it would, but the United States vetoes every attempt.
Many Jews – Olmert among them – and some Christians view the establishment of Israel to be fulfillment of the Biblical passage "I will appoint a place for my people, Israel, and I plant them in their land, and they will dwell in their own place and be disturbed no more." 
"We have succeeded in building a Jewish democratic homeland. We have succeeded in creating an oasis of hope and opportunity in a troubled region. 
"But there has not been one year, one week, even one day of peace in our tortured land.
"Since the birth of the state of Israel and until this very moment, we have been continually at war and amidst confrontation. The confrontation has become even more violent, the enemy turned even more inhumane due to the scourge of suicide terrorism."
And who is this enemy who has recently become even more inhumane?
Basically, it's the Palestinian quasi-government elected by Palestinians displaced almost 60 years ago by the establishment of the Jewish state. That government has just been taken over by Hamas, a Palestinian political party, which – according to Olmert – is "an organization committed to vehement anti-Semitism, the glorification of terror, and the total destruction of Israel."
Olmert commended Congress for "initiating the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act, which sends a firm, clear message that the United States of America will not tolerate terrorism in any form."
Mission accomplished, right?
Not quite. You see, there's Iran, which Olmert claims is Hamas' chief sponsor. And Iran "stands on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons. With these weapons, the security of the entire world is put in jeopardy."
Entire world in jeopardy?
Get real, Olmert! 
According to anyone who has had hands-on experience in uranium enrichment, it will take the Iranians at least five years – and an eternity if they remain a signatory to the Treaty on Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons – to develop the capability to produce, and then to actually produce, the weapons-grade enriched-uranium required to make simple, gun-type nuclear weapons. 
Furthermore, on the basis of South Africa's experience, in order to get an expected yield of 17-20 kilotons, the Iranian gun-type nukes would weigh at least a thousand pounds apiece.
So what did Ahmadinejad have to say last September to the General Assembly?
Well, he began [.pdf] by noting that 
"With the passing of the era of agnostic philosophies, today humanity is once again joined in celebrating monotheism and belief in the Creator as the originator of existence. This is the common thread which binds us all. Faith will prove to be the solution to many of today's problems."
Ahmadinejad is obviously "committed to vehement anti-Semitism, the glorification of terror, and the total destruction of Israel."
And what about Iran's plans to put the entire world in jeopardy? Well, among other things; 

"The Islamic Republic of Iran reiterates its previously and repeatedly declared position that, in accordance with our religious principles, pursuit of nuclear weapons is prohibited." 
"The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that it is necessary to revitalize the NPT and create the above-mentioned ad-hoc committee so that it can combat nuclear weapons and abolish the apartheid in peaceful nuclear technology." 
"Therefore, as a further confidence-building measure – and in order to provide the greatest degree of transparency – the Islamic Republic of Iran is prepared to engage in serious partnership with private and public sectors of other countries in the implementation of uranium enrichment program in Iran." 
Well, surely they're going to withdraw from the NPT. Aren't they?
"In keeping with Iran's inalienable right to have access to a nuclear fuel cycle, continued interaction and technical and legal cooperation with the IAEA will be the centerpiece of our nuclear policy." 

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[CTRL] Enough Is Enough - People have had it up to HERE with THE LOBBY!!!

2006-05-27 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

May 26, 2006 

Enough Is Enough People have had it up to here with The Lobby 

by Justin Raimondo

Perhaps Rep. Betty McCollum (D-Minn.) didn't quite realize what she was getting into when she voted against the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006, so-called, which would cut off all aid to the Palestinians, impose economic sanctions, and make it impossible for any entity, public or private, to operate in Palestine. Or maybe she's just brave. 
A liberal Democrat, Rep.McCollum had always been a strong supporter of Israel, but on the issue of how to deal with the democratically elected Hamas government of the Palestinian Authority, she had real differences with what Stephen Walt and John J. Mearsheimer call "the Lobby," in their pathbreaking and provocative study of "The Israel Lobby," published by Harvard University. In that work, the two professors have this to say about the power of the Lobby over the U.S. Congress:
"The bottom line is that AIPAC, a de facto agent for a foreign government, has a stranglehold on Congress, with the result that U.S. policy towards Israel is not debated there, even though that policy has important consequences for the entire world. In other words, one of the three main branches of the government is firmly committed to supporting Israel. As one former Democratic senator, Ernest Hollings, noted on leaving office, 'you can't have an Israeli policy other than what AIPAC gives you around here.'"
What AIPAC had been giving out was that the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006 was a litmus test – either you voted for it, or, as a local AIPAC representative, Amy Rotenberg, put it to Bill Harper, Rep. McCollum's chief of staff:
"On behalf of [myself] the Jewish community, AIPAC, and the voters of the Fourth District, Congresswoman McCollum's support for terrorists will not be tolerated."
Rep. McCollum's response to this smear has been exemplary – and indicative of a growing backlash against the Lobby. Her letter to AIPAC takes them out to the woodshed and gives them such a thrashing that the sound of it is reverberating throughout Washington. Averring that "During my nineteen years serving in elected office, including the past five years as a Member of Congress, never has my name and reputation been maligned or smeared as it was last week by a representative of AIPAC," McCollum goes on to say in a letter to AIPAC President Howard Kohr that "until I receive a formal, written apology from your organization I must inform you that AIPAC representatives are not welcome in my offices or for meetings with my staff."
That Rep. McCollum would take such a stance, shows, I think, that the power of the Lobby is waning. With an espionage investigation and upcoming trial of its chief Washington lobbyist at hand, the Walt-Mearsheimer controversy, and indications of a growing chasm between Washington and Tel Aviv over the latter's arms sales to China and covert activities in the U.S., the power of the Lobby is being openly challenged as never before. What Walt and Mearsheimer describe as the distortion of American foreign policy in favor of a foreign power – Israel – has now become a major topic of debate. And how that debate has been conducted shows that the future does not bode well for the Lobby…
The response to the Walt-Mearsheimer study, for example, underscores the very point made by the authors: that the motive and purpose of the Lobby is to squelch any debate about U.S. policy in the Middle East, especially as it concerns Israel, and to smear anyone who questions the centrality of the "special relationship" to that policy as an "anti-Semite." The viciousness and volume of the attacks on Walt and Mearsheimer amply illustrate the contention of the authors: but it is the brazenness of the smears, and their complete lack of any relationship to reality, that is particularly striking. The more moderate of these compared it to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion; Christopher Hitchens pronounced the Walt-Mearsheimer thesis "smelly," while the New York Sun ran a front page story reporting the "news" that David Duke agreed with it. 
On the other hand, the two really memorable responses – because they stand out for their measured reasonableness in a controversy not given to thoughtfulness – came from Tony Judt, in the New York Times, and Michael Massing, in the New York Review of Books (which also reprints the McCollum letter). The contrast with the critics of the Mearsheimer-Walt thesis could not be more telling. Not that Judt and Massing are uncritical. Massing, in particular, takes issue with much of what Walt and Mearsheimer have to say – particularly about the historical record of Israel's founding, and the moral questions involved. Yet he goes on to make a quite

[CTRL] 3rd Intifada Coming - Thanks To Bush

2006-05-27 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

3rd intifada coming – thanks to Bush

Patrick J. Buchanan
Posted: May 26, 20061:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006 Creators Syndicate Inc. 
When there is no solution, there is no problem, observed James Burnham, the former Trotskyite turned Cold War geostrategist. 
Burnham's insight came again to mind as President Bush ended his meeting with Ehud Olmert by announcing that the Israeli prime minister had brought with him some "bold ideas" for peace. 
And what bold ideas might that be? 
Olmert wants Bush to remain steadfast in refusing to talk to the Hamas-dominated Palestinian Authority. He wants U.S. support for Israel's wall that is fencing in large slices of the West Bank and all of Jerusalem, forever denying the Palestinians a viable state. He wants U.S. recognition of Israeli-drawn lines as the final borders of Israel. And he wants America to remove the "existential threat" of Iran. 
In the six months before he proceeds unilaterally with this Sharon-Olmert plan, he will be happy to talk with Mahmoud Abbas, the isolated Palestinian president he has called "powerless." 
What is the Bush plan to advance our interests in the Middle East? There is none. For five years, the Bush policy has been to sign off on whatever Sharon put in front of him. And now that Bush is weak, he is not going to pick a fight he cannot win and, in candor, he does not want. 
For Bush has signed on to the Sharon agenda. And if he had a policy that clashed with the Sharon-Olmert plan, political realities would prevent his pursuing it. 
Consider: Suppose Bush declared that Ehud Olmert's proposed withdrawals from the West Bank were insufficient, that an official Palestinian presence in East Jerusalem was imperative, and that the United States needed to aid the Palestinians whom Israel is starving out and to talk in back channels to Hamas, even as we talked to Libya's Col. Gadhafi to convince him to give up terrorism and his weapons of mass destruction. 

Bush's and America's stock might rise worldwide. But here in the United States, it would be another story altogether. 
We would hear the cry of "Munich!" from neoconservatives, echoed by evangelical Christians and the religious right. "Bibi" Netanyahu would be a fixture on Fox News, which would be asking hourly if Bush had taken leave of his senses. 
Republican congressmen would be force-bused to the next AIPAC convention to repudiate the Bush policy. Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Harry Reid, seeing an opening to win back Jewish votes lost to Bush, would introduce a resolution putting Congress behind Olmert, against Bush. 
Then, as his father did on the loan guarantees for Israel that he briefly held up in 1991, Bush would capitulate. 
Thus Israel will pursue the Sharon-Olmert plan to completion. There will be withdrawals from isolated settlements and outposts, but no negotiations with a Palestinian Authority to agree on permanent borders and two states. 
The West Bank wall will soon encompass all of the suburbs of Jerusalem for miles around. Palestine will be divided into three parts: Gaza and two enclaves on the West Bank. There will be no Palestinian official presence in Jerusalem. No viable nation. 
Meanwhile, America will be called upon for new sums of money to subsidize the Sharon-Olmert plan, even as we are prodded to do our duty and emasculate Iran. 
As Olmert is the pilot setting the course, and Bush has signed on as crew to his "bold ideas," our destination is easy to foresee. 
The United States alone will recognize Israel's new borders, and her annexations of the West Bank and Arab East Jerusalem as Israel's exclusive capital. Israel will ask for and the United States will accede to Israel's request that we commit ourselves militarily to defend Israel's new frontiers. No Arab government will recognize the new borders. America's Arab friends will be further estranged. 
Every demagogue bidding for power in the Islamic world will, like Iran's Ahmadinejad, play the Palestinian card. 
The suffering of the Palestinian people under the U.S.-Israeli sanctions regime will further radicalize them into hating us as they do Israel. The struggle between Hamas and Fatah over diminishing aid and resources will intensify, degenerating into civil war. Iran will move into the vacuum. Eventually, with aid cut off and no hope of negotiations, Hamas will revert to terror and the third intifada will begin. 
Western Europe, its Muslim populations growing in numbers and militancy, will neither recognize Israel's borders nor endorse U.S. policy. Europe is not going to side with 5 million Israelis, whom they believe to be in the wrong, against 300 million Arabs, who will be 500 million at mid-century. 
Rightly, Americans say we will not let Israel be destroyed. But why must we acquiesce in Israel's annexations of Arab land? Why must we remain silent to her deprivations of the Palestinians? 
These questions will puzzle the historian

[CTRL] FW: [shamireaders] Iran Must Halt Production of Long Letters

2006-05-17 Thread Bill KALIVAS
Title: Bush: Iran Must Halt Production of Long Letters
-Caveat Lector-

Days after receiving an 18-page
letter from Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President George W. Bush
called the lengthy missive "an act of war" and demanded that Iran
halt its production of long letters at once. 

Bush Demands That Iran Halt Production of Long

May 13, 2006
By Andy Borowitz (and others)

Days after receiving an 18-page letter from Iranian president Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad, President George W. Bush called the lengthy missive "an act
of war" and demanded that Iran
halt its production of long letters at once. 

At the White House, aides said that writing a letter of such length to
President Bush, who is known for his extreme distaste for reading, was the most
provocative act Mr. Ahmadinejad could have possibly committed. They said they
were waiting for Israel
to tell them how to respond. 

"Everyone knows that the last book the president read was 'My Pet Goat,'"
one aide said. "Expecting him to read an 18-page letter is really asking
for it, and that Iranian dude must have known that." 

According to those close to Mr. Bush, the president was infuriated upon receipt
of the 18-page letter and asked aides if it was some kind of joke. 

The president then demanded that the letter be boiled down to a one- or
two-page format, or possibly adapted to a DVD version, just as he had ordered
for news reports on Hurricane Katrina. 

In Tehran, President Ahmadinejad said he was
"taken aback" by Mr. Bush's refusal to read an 18-page letter, but
said that all his future communications to the U.S. president would be in short,
easy-to-read instant-messaging format. 

In his first IM to President Bush, released to the press today, President
Ahmadinejad writes, "Am building nukes. R U angry? LOL." 

Elsewhere, Air Force Gen. Michael V. Hayden
vowed today that as director of the CIA he would push the agency to find more
and better sources of false intelligence and would be flying to Tel Aviv at




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2006-05-16 Thread Bill KALIVAS
-Caveat Lector-



By Lynn Stuter

May 2, 2006


News last week brought the startling, if not
shocking, announcement that the American government has been providing the
Mexican government with the location of citizen groups and citizen volunteers
acting as extra eyes and ears to the American Border Patrol. The shock to many
is that the American government would do such a thing, putting the lives of
innocent Americans in jeopardy. 

Then came the no less shocking news that Mexican
consulate officials were provided office space in the Tucson offices of the U.S. Border Patrol in
February, 2006, and are being allowed to dictate Border Patrol agent’s
activities. At least one agent resigned in protest. 

And, of course, as is usual when the government
gets caught engaging in unethical (or treasonous) activities, its standard
operating procedure (SOP) is to deny, deny, deny. However, information that has
only been given to the government by the citizen groups helping patrol the
border, and citizen groups acting in other parts of the United States to curb
illegal alien activity, has ended up in the hands of the Mexican government and
found its way to a Mexican
government website. This is information that goes far beyond the
requirements of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963, requiring
that government detained foreign nationals be given access to their consulate.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to deduce that it was the United States
government who supplied the Mexican government with that information. 

Let’s be clear here. We are not talking about
immigration — people obtaining the required documents and entering the United States legally; we are talking about
illegal aliens, foreign nationals entering the United States at other than legal
border checkpoints and without the required identification or documents. And
let’s be very clear on what this represents. Twelve to 20 million illegal
aliens residing within the borders of the United States constitutes an
illegal invasion. When the majority of those illegal aliens come from one
country, said illegal invasion becomes an act of aggression; in fact, an act of
war. That country is Mexico.

Article III, § 3, Constitution, United States of America:
“Treason, proof and punishment.
Treason against the United
  States, shall consist only in levying war
against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No
person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses
to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. 

The congress shall have power to declare the
punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of
blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.” 

In providing a foreign nation (Mexico) information deleterious to the health
and safety of American citizens, those responsible have committed an act of
treason in “adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort”
when the enemy is levying war against America. 

Who is ultimately responsible for this act of

Twice in the last month, Americans have been
witness to the orchestrated demonstrations of illegal aliens in major American
cities. On May 1, 2006, the intent was to show Americans how much economic
damage the illegal aliens, the foreign aggressors, could do in our country by
not showing up for work. Sympathetic employers and businesses closed their
doors that day in a show of support for these illegal invaders. 

But the effort fell flat as the economic impact
wasn’t even a blip on the radar screen of American commerce. The effect
was however, a more than adequate demonstration to the American people of the
sheer numbers of illegal aliens being allowed to live without fear of
deportation in the United States
while they take jobs from the people of the United States who need them. In
turn, the money being made by these illegal invaders is being sent out of the United States to Mexico while American taxpayers
foot the medical and welfare bills of the illegal aliens, and while the
companies employing the illegal aliens pocket the profit from not paying taxes
or benefits, paying lower wages but maintaining comparable market price. 

And while these illegal invaders blocked streets,
caused congestion, and cost American taxpayers the overtime and extra police
needed to monitor their illegal activities, not one illegal was deported as
required by law. And with the exception of possibly the Honorable
Representative Ron Paul (Texas) and the
Honorable Representative Tom Tancredo (Colorado),
not one United States Senator or Representative had the gumption to stand up
and demand these illegal invaders be rounded up and deported. 

Some explanation of why this did not occur can be
found in an article
written by Melissa Sattly on August 19, 2001 and published in the Brownsville Herald. In the article a
Mexican citizen a

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