Re: [SailfishDevel] LED Flash functionality on a real Jolla

2014-01-23 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Mohammed thanks. I will try that later (am at work at the moment). I will also need to look into the resource policy engine, as that is new to me. Harbour entry is becoming less and less of a concern for me. My app does too many things that are not considered kosher under the current H

[SailfishDevel] LED Flash functionality on a real Jolla

2014-01-22 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi All As many will know from previous threads, I am well on the way to porting an app for paraglider pilots. A subsidiary yet still important feature {1} that I added to the Harmattan version is an emergency flash, using the phone's LED. Now that I have got the app's main functionality p

[SailfishDevel] App splashscreens on Sailfish

2014-01-21 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi all Does sailfish support application splash screens? Is so how? This indicates that Sailfish does not - at least when starting with mapplauncherd. My semi-ported app is taking a little too long to start, and while I have a clear medium term g

Re: [SailfishDevel] Project Kits lost on Target Refresh

2014-01-21 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Juha Thanks. The kits are easily added again, and this is no problem if only one or two projects are open. But I often have 5 or more open ... Another irritating strange behaviour in QtCreator, again with several projects open, Is that If I have one project selected to build and run,

[SailfishDevel] PKGCONFIG entry in project .pro file

2014-01-21 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi All When / why is a PKGCONFIG entry required in a Sailfish .pro file? Is there a better way of specifying the same (e.g. via a .yaml entry)? As an example, I am playing around with GStreamer. If I have the following entry n my .pro file then the project builds and deploys ok. PKGCONFIG +

[SailfishDevel] Project Kits lost on Target Refresh

2014-01-20 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi All If I do a QtCreator / SailfishOS/ Targets / Manage Targets / / Manage / Sync, with project(s) open in QtCreator, then I lose the kits of the open project(s), and have to re-add these. Chris ___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] GPS initially shows old location

2014-01-20 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Aaron Thanks, I will give that a whorl and report back. I guess something like if the timestamp is older than say 10 minutes they should not be trusted (either not shown, or marked in some way). Chris Zitat von "Aaron McCarthy" : Hi, On Fri, 17 Jan 2014 17:09:37 christopher.l...@thurw

Re: [SailfishDevel] Fwd: Re: QGeoSatelliteInfoSource in Sailfish

2014-01-19 Thread christopher . lamb
Salut Damien I am not sure If I have understood your question, but I think you are asking about differences in direction from the QtSensors Compass and the the QtPositioning PostionSource elements. 1) The Compass Azimuth shows the direction the top of the device is pointing to (so it wil

Re: [SailfishDevel] Detecting if running in emulator/debug mode in QML

2014-01-18 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Antoine Your point is valid, in the old days of the N9 Simulator I was able to write code to detect the simulator vs real device. But should it be necessary? Why should we need to detect a difference between an Emulator / Simulator, and a real device? Probably because of weaknesses in

Re: [SailfishDevel] GPS initially shows old location

2014-01-17 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Juha and Marcel Thanks for your valuable hints. I should have said that I am using PositionSource from QMl. So unless I have missed something (always possible) I don't get the timestamp. The longitudeValid and lattitudeValid are the next things I will test. In the future it might be poss

[SailfishDevel] GPS initially shows old location

2014-01-17 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi all Is it possible that the Jolla GPS / GPS Software stack initially shows the last location acquired? This is the behaviour I am observing. At the moment I am sitting in an office building, which has poor GPS reception, yet my app immediately shows GPS Coordinates. By peaking I can s

[SailfishDevel] PageStack: rePushing a page / popping with parameters

2014-01-17 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi all This morning I found that if a page element is repeatedly pushed to the PageStack, repeated instances of the page are created on the PageStack, as shown by the breadcrumb indicators on the top of the page(s). So why try and repush a page? What I really wanted to do was to pop back

Re: [SailfishDevel] Sharing a common OfflineStorage DB between multiple Sailfish apps.

2014-01-17 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Thomas Thank you for your answer. Zitat von "Thomas Perl" : If we can fix the offline storage path to be correct everytime, we’ll probably introduce these changes into libsailfishapp, so that application developers don’t have to worry about manually setting this all the time (an

[SailfishDevel] Fwd: Sharing a common OfflineStorage DB between multiple Sailfish apps.

2014-01-16 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi all This morning on the train on the way to work I tried the following to change the location of the offlineStorage DB: The c++ main function of the demo app CreateDBQt5 now looks like this: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QScopedPointer app(SailfishApp::application(argc, argv));

[SailfishDevel] Sharing a common OfflineStorage DB between multiple Sailfish apps.

2014-01-15 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi all Is it possible to steer where a QML application stores its OfflineStorage Database? I have a family of applications that share a common OfflineStorage Database. This works well on Harmattan, and on the early Sailfish Alphas without me having had to do anything special at all. In

[SailfishDevel] spurious system update notification????

2014-01-13 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi all Maybe I am going mad ... Or perhaps not. About 30 mins ago, on my Jolla I got a System update notification banner. Settings / System Settings / About Product confirmed that an update was available, and there was a little Sailfishy icon on the lock screen. As I was running a batte

Re: [SailfishDevel] MobileNetwork / MobileData automatically on after reboot - what the heck?

2014-01-13 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi kaa could you explain more exactly how you are expecting Assisted GPS to work? It sounds like you are expecting it to show changes in position before a GPS fix has been acquired. My understanding is that A-GPS is intended to get a useable fix faster. If you know roughly where you are, i

Re: [SailfishDevel] MobileNetwork / MobileData automatically on after reboot - what the heck?

2014-01-13 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Simon In what order did you turn mobile date off, and activate the GPS app? If the mobile data was really off, and not accessed or reactivated by the GPS then it potentially could take much longer to get a fix. Where mobile-data is permitted, then the GPS can use the A (assisted) part o

Re: [SailfishDevel] Device deployment problems (SSH connection dies)

2014-01-13 Thread christopher . lamb
hi Jaako As you have the problem with both Wifi and USB, it does sound like something to do with the device. But for what it is worth, have you tried a different USB port? Yesterday evening I was doing quite a bit of development with both my Jolla and my N9 in developer mode connected via

Re: [SailfishDevel] QGeoSatelliteInfoSource in Sailfish

2014-01-13 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Aaron Zitat von "Aaron McCarthy" : Hi, Just a missing BuildRequires in the rpm spec file for Qt Location. Sometimes it is the simplest things ... Chris ___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] GPS not turned off if app exits without stopping the GPS

2014-01-13 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Aaron Thanks for you rapid answer. I am on my way to work, I will play around with this further when I get back home this evening (Swiss Time). So far, on both the N9 and Jolla I used the presence of the GPS icon as an indication that it was running / not running. Once I have run the t

[SailfishDevel] GPS not turned off if app exits without stopping the GPS

2014-01-12 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi I will call this a behaviour for the moment. Yesterday I noticed that if an app that uses the GPS exits without stopping the GPS, then the GPS remains running on the Jolla. I compared this to my Nokia N9. On that device if an app using the GPS exits (e.g. the user closes it), then the

Re: [SailfishDevel] QGeoSatelliteInfoSource in Sailfish

2014-01-12 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Aaron Zitat von "Aaron McCarthy" : Hi, Unfortunately, due to a build configuration issue, the satellite interface is not available in the current released version. The issue has already been fixed and will be released with a future update. Thanks for the confirmation that this is not yet

Re: [SailfishDevel] qml PositionSource element gives error: QMetaMethod::invoke: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'QGeoPositionInfo'

2014-01-12 Thread christopher . lamb
HI Aaron Thanks for this. I am glad to hear a fix is underway. I was about to play around with solution like the one you suggest until others in this mailing list provided me with demo code that indicates that despite the error, the PositionSource element seems to work! If so, is this ac

Re: [SailfishDevel] Fwd: Re: QGeoSatelliteInfoSource in Sailfish

2014-01-12 Thread christopher . lamb
Salut Damien Marcel used the Compass element from QtSensors for azimuth. Chris Zitat von Hello, À Sun Jan 12 2014 17:17:11 GMT+0100 (CET), Marcel a écrit : The QML position source is working here, and you can see the compass access, too Do you have the direction attrib

Re: [SailfishDevel] qml PositionSource element gives error: QMetaMethod::invoke: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'QGeoPositionInfo'

2014-01-12 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Bob Thanks for the confirmation that things work for you. I too now suspect that it is a ghost problem. The trouble is, as soon as I saw the error I just assumed that it was a real problem and did not even bother to try and display Position info. To mix metaphors it led me up the garden

Re: [SailfishDevel] qml PositionSource element gives error: QMetaMethod::invoke: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'QGeoPositionInfo'

2014-01-12 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi All The plot thickens! Marcel very kindly posted his code using PositionSource in QML. So I loaded up Marcel's app, and it worked! Then I scanned the application output, and found: QMetaMethod::invoke: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'QGeo

Re: [SailfishDevel] QGeoSatelliteInfoSource in Sailfish

2014-01-12 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Marcel Thanks for posting your code. In the meantime I have dug out and posted the SatInfoSource demo I played around with at Christmas - at the time on the Emulator (my Jolla only arrived on the 30th Dec).

Re: [SailfishDevel] qml PositionSource element gives error: QMetaMethod::invoke: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'QGeoPositionInfo'

2014-01-12 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi All In an attempt to track down the source of this problem, and possibly even solve it, I have created a throwaway demo posted to Github under: The demo is basically a standard Sailfish new project, with

Re: [SailfishDevel] QGeoSatelliteInfoSource in Sailfish

2014-01-12 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Marcel. The fast response is pure self interest - I am fighting with GPS code myself right now! Are you using SatelliteinfoSource from C++ or QML? on Harmattan I wrote my own C++ plugin to expose SatsInuse and SatsInView to QML as this was not available in QML for Qt Mobility 1.2 Loca

Re: [SailfishDevel] QGeoSatelliteInfoSource in Sailfish

2014-01-12 Thread christopher . lamb
Hoi Marcel Good to see a fellow Sailfish GPS hacker at work. I am fighting with PositionSource (in QML), but have not got as far as SatelliteInfoSource on a real device - but I hope to soon, as the app I am porting has a C++ plugin to expose SatelliteInfoSource to QML. You don't state what

Re: [SailfishDevel] QAccelerometer availability ?

2014-01-12 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Franck This blog post should go somewhere towards helping you. What is your target? The Emulator or a real device? Either way, ssh into it, then run the following commands to see what is already install

Re: [SailfishDevel] qml PositionSource element gives error: QMetaMethod::invoke: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'QGeoPositionInfo'

2014-01-11 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Alejandro My understanding is that although the version is quotes as 5.1, it is actually a "not quite finished" 5.2 In the target there is a 5.2.0 subdirectory: /Users/christopherlamb/SailfishOS/mersdk/targets/SailfishOS-armv7hl/usr/include/qt5/QtPositioning/5.2.0 import QtPositioning 5

[SailfishDevel] Application output looks different for Real device and Emulator

2014-01-11 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi all Just something curious I noticed while trying to solve another problem: When running the same demo app on the Emulator, and then on the real Jolla, the application output looks different (aside from the different errors). On the Emulator: [D] QQmlDebuggingEnabler::QQmlDebuggingEnabl

[SailfishDevel] qml PositionSource element gives error: QMetaMethod::invoke: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'QGeoPositionInfo'

2014-01-11 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi all I have added a QML PositionSource element to the FirstPage of the default HelloSailors new project, and call the start() method from Component.onCompleted (see code snippet below mail). When running on the Emulator I get no error: When running on a real Jolla I get the following err

Re: [SailfishDevel] No inbox? -> SMS

2014-01-10 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi David Please update the user guide! I suspect there is lots of other hidden functionality that many of us have yet to uncover because we have not discovered / tried the magic move to find it. And the more of these things are covered in the guide, the higher the chance that we will try

Re: [SailfishDevel] Out of curiosity: why are you developing for SailfishOS?

2014-01-10 Thread christopher . lamb
Because I had an N9 and started developing Apps for that and "got into" Qt and realised that Qt enabled multiplatform development (Harmatan, Sailfish, BB10, Android, Ubuntu et al) and because it allowed me to hone my unix skills . . . and because it is not an iphone! Grüsse Chris Zitat

Re: [SailfishDevel] No inbox? -> SMS

2014-01-10 Thread christopher . lamb
Kalle Thanks, That does actually work for me, but it is a bit fiddly - or crowded as you put it. A prod generally selects a block of text, the ends of the selection can then be individually moved to meet and make a cursor, which can then be moved to the required location. So this does w

Re: [SailfishDevel] No inbox? -> SMS

2014-01-10 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi All As I have had the flu for the past few days, I have been working from home, and thus receiving and sending quiet a few SMSes with work colleagues. On the whole I found the SMS app useable, even if it could benefit from some tweaking. I found the "prod to reply" fairly obvious, IMHO

Re: [SailfishDevel] Jolla Phone crashes with no mobile network available

2014-01-09 Thread christopher . lamb
I half suspected that ... but you use a very different avatar over there... Zitat von "Martin Grimme" : Hi Chris, 2014/1/9, : There is a comment indicating cell-tower as a cause in: Yes, I know,

Re: [SailfishDevel] Jolla Phone crashes with no mobile network available

2014-01-09 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Martin There is a comment indicating cell-tower as a cause in: Grüsse Chris Zitat von Hi, those who experience their Jolla crashing out of the blue, can you please elaborate, to see if we're

Re: [SailfishDevel] Jolla Phone crashes with no mobile network available

2014-01-09 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi CDW What is your development host OS? For what is worth, I am running OSX - which does not (yet) support Developer-mode-over-USB-out-of-the-box-from-Jolla, but which can (easily) be got working using the horndis driver from Using that driver I can rip ou

Re: [SailfishDevel] Qt Creator Yaml file editor loses new entries

2014-01-08 Thread christopher . lamb
seconded: So far I have not seen the benefit of a dedicated editor: It does not make it any easier for the novice to understand what the entries are for, so why this dedicated Editor? mfg Chris Zitat von "Luciano Montanaro" : But anyway, it changes it in a way that fails the validator

Re: [SailfishDevel] Harbour: Rejections clarify

2014-01-06 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Reto Zitat von "Reto Zingg" : gst-plugins-good and qt5-qtmultimedia-plugin-mediaservice-gstmediaplayer are on device by default. Apps should not require this packages. Please remove it from your requires section. If I understand this correctly we are not supposed to have explicit

[SailfishDevel] Deploy as RPM Package vs Deploy By Building As RPM Package

2014-01-06 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi All In QtCreator for the Sailfish i486-x86 Target I have two options "Deploy as Binaries" and "Deploy as RPM Package" For the Sailfish Arm target there is a third option "Deploy by Building an RPM Package" What is the difference between "Deploy as RPM Package" and "Deploy By Building A

[SailfishDevel] Syncing of QT Module releases between Qt Project and Sailfish SDK

2014-01-06 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi All I am interested, what is the process for syncing Qt Module releases as delivered with the Sailfish SDK with the equivalent Qt Modules from Qt Project? Or put another way: if a bug-fix is made to something in Qt Project, how / when does this hit Sailfish? As an example this bug-re

Re: [SailfishDevel] Qt Creator Yaml file editor loses new entries

2014-01-05 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Sven I am not sure. The vanishing happens as soon as I hit command S (to save the changes). Chris Zitat von "Putze Sven" : Hi, IMHO the .yaml file is (partly) rewritten if something changes in your .pro file, could this be your problem here? BR. Sven On 29.12.2013, at 17:48, chris

Re: [SailfishDevel] SailfishOS SDK in /opt

2014-01-04 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Marcin Did you get any further on this? Zitat von "Marcin M." : I repeat, on this installation I've never had any SDK install. The remains have been wiped with the system reinstall. What's strange, the virtual machine exists. See the attached file -- Marcin As the files for the SDK vm

Re: [SailfishDevel] SmoothedAnimation and Segmentation Fault

2014-01-04 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Kimmo If you suspect that this is a general Qt bug (as opposed to Sailfish specific), then the best place is the Qt Project Bug Tracker: Do a search first to check if there is already a similar issue. Cheers Chris Zitat von "Kimm

Re: [SailfishDevel] How many Swiss army knives does it take to remove the sim from a Jolla?

2014-01-01 Thread christopher . lamb
good for you. Possibly the tolerances on your phone are different, or the sim less thick. After several attempts (and with increasing use of force) mine does become easier to remove without tools, but the first time around it stuck like glue. Zitat von Kondou : Am 01.01.2014 22:40, schr

[SailfishDevel] How many Swiss army knives does it take to remove the sim from a Jolla?

2014-01-01 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi all The answer is 2. And it's not a joke 8-) Having got enough of my Jolla going to consider trying to use it as my main phone, I removed my primary SIM from my N9, and tried to take out the cheapo pre-paid SIM that I had in the Jolla for the first few day. Then the trouble started. Th

Re: [SailfishDevel] How to activate GPS on device

2014-01-01 Thread christopher . lamb
Salut Damien Not noise par bleu, far from it! What if someone starts your app first, before the map app? What is the mystery license? If that is a requirement to use GPS, then maybe your app will also need to be able to handle the license acceptance process. For what exactly is the licens

Re: [SailfishDevel] SailfishOS SDK in /opt

2014-01-01 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Marcin That is black and white confirmation that the SDK VM is not installed. You mentioned an earlier alpha. My (educated?) guess is that a remnant of that was still around when you installed the latest SDK. Maybe you should a complete (yes complete) deinstall, then reinstall. My experi

Re: [SailfishDevel] SailfishOS SDK in /opt

2014-01-01 Thread christopher . lamb
marcin What do the following commands give you (in a terminal)' vboxmanage list vms vboxmanage list runningvms The first should show installed VMS, the second those currently running. You may also have the Virtualbox-qt gui installed somewhere giving similar info. Grüsse Chrsi Zitat vo

Re: [SailfishDevel] Cannot activate Developer mode: SOLVED!!!!

2014-01-01 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi all Firstly, a very very happy new year to all members of this list. I have a glass of wine next to me as I write this, and I raise it to all of you. I have just successfully updated to, and been able to install my first app from the Harbour (Artem's Wikipedia)!!! The clue w

Re: [SailfishDevel] SailfishOS SDK in /opt

2014-01-01 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Marcin The project templates have changed quite a bit since then, and I am fairly sure I have seen the same behaviour. Try a new default project. If that works, then you can copy across your c++ / qml files from your alpha project into the new default project. Chris Zitat von "Marcin

Re: [SailfishDevel] SailfishOS SDK in /opt

2014-01-01 Thread christopher . lamb
Marcin Do you have a project open? The Emulator and SDK launch buttons remain grey until you do Chris Zitat von "Mikael Hermansson" : That should work, I have it in opt and have no problem. Looks more like you have an issue with you project file? check the compile output/message screen i

Re: [SailfishDevel] Cannot activate Developer mode

2013-12-31 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi David and co. Some progress, though I don't understand how. This evening I was about to reset my jolla, as advised by al13n, when I noticed that the very top screen was Developer Tools, and that miracle of miracles these had successfully installed, and showed the WLAN and USB ip numbers

[SailfishDevel] Cannot activate Developer mode

2013-12-30 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi David Zitat von "David Greaves" : Having 2 Chris-es in the thread is a touch confusing but I think you have dev mode working. It confuses me as well, and I am one of the Chrises - hence this new thread! 1) Dev mode: Unfortunately I don't have dev mode working. It just spins a while try

Re: [SailfishDevel] Fwd: Re: Impossible to SSH since update: SSH via Wifi

2013-12-30 Thread christopher . lamb
Last update for tonight .. I have just found this tutorial My attempts to enable Developer mode don't get as far as Timo's. So it looks like it is failing, but I don't get any o

[SailfishDevel] Fwd: Re: Impossible to SSH since update: SSH via Wifi

2013-12-30 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Chris Checking for updates has now given an answer. I am, and it now says "Up to date". Yet according to this mailing list, it should be Do I need to enable developer updates on the developer mode settings? If so it does not seem to accept my jolla account. Chris -

Re: [SailfishDevel] Impossible to SSH since update: SSH via Wifi

2013-12-30 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Chris Very mixed so far. Successes: 1) Contacts synced from N9 like a dream once I remembered where the N9 hides the Sync function. (thanks Tone) 2) Jolla account accepted 3) Connect to Home WIFI / Internet Failures / Don't knows 4) System updates: It just spins and spins forever looking

Re: [SailfishDevel] Impossible to SSH since update: SSH via Wifi

2013-12-30 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Vincent Thanks for the hint, but I should have said my main development host is OSX. As Wikipedia quaintly puts it "se of ifconfig to modify network settings in Mac OS X is discouraged". I am also sure I saw somewhere that USB connection to a Jolla from OSX does not work yet. Grüsse

Re: [SailfishDevel] Impossible to SSH since update: SSH via Wifi

2013-12-30 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi David et al. Can you clarify the exact setup you use for ssh via wifi. My assumption is: a) Jolla phone connected to wifi-router via wifi. b) Development host connected to same network, either also via wifi or via ethernet cable. i.e. not a peer-to-peer connection between the phone and de

Re: [SailfishDevel] QtLocation/Positioning Simulator plugin on Emulator

2013-12-29 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Bob A nmeaSource would help with PositionSource ( I have one of those as well), but won't help with a SatelliteSource. PositionSource gives me location information (the GPS coordinates, altitude etc). SatelliteSource gives me information about the number of Satellites in view and in

[SailfishDevel] Qt Creator Yaml file editor loses new entries

2013-12-29 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi All If add a new dependency to the a projects .yaml file via the QtCreator yaml file editor, then immediately hit "cmd S" to save the changes, then more often than not the new entry vanishes, and i have to repeat the process. So far I have not established exactly what pattern of circum

[SailfishDevel] QtLocation/Positioning Simulator plugin on Emulator

2013-12-29 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi All In a thread I started yesterday titled "Boosted process (pid=721) was terminated due to signal 11" I reported that my app was crashing on calling startUpdates on a (missing) satelliteSource. Further investigations indicate that this is because on the emulator there is no valid QGeo

Re: [SailfishDevel] PkCon on Emulator: Empty Reply from Server

2013-12-29 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Andrey Thanks I had been meaning to set the language to English - I am quite happy with German, but for posting errors English is the Lingua Franca ..8-) Pinging from my development host gets me: ping: cannot resolve Unknown

[SailfishDevel] PkCon on Emulator: Empty Reply from Server

2013-12-29 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi All Ever so often, when I try to install a package to the Emulator via PkCon I get the following error: Schwerwiegender Fehler: Fehler beim Herunterladen (curl) für '': Fehlerkode: Unrecognized

Re: [SailfishDevel] Boosted process (pid=721) was terminated due to signal 11: SOLVED

2013-12-29 Thread christopher . lamb
Ciao Luciano I have cracked it! I should have read the QtCreator Debug output more closely. Using a constructor based on yours, I get: [D] SatInfoSource::SatInfoSource:18 - No satellite info source available as the demo starts up. The problem occurs when myGeoSatelliteInfoSource->startUpd

Re: [SailfishDevel] Boosted process (pid=721) was terminated due to signal 11

2013-12-29 Thread christopher . lamb
Ciao Luciano Thanks for the ideas. I agree this is most likely down to a missing "real gps" on the emulator. If that is the case then it would be fantastic if the emulator shipped with a GPS emulator (like the one on the Nokia simulator). My constructor now looks like this: SatInfoSource:

Re: [SailfishDevel] Boosted process (pid=721) was terminated due to signal 11

2013-12-29 Thread christopher . lamb
Curiouser and curiouser. Today the app still exits on GPS Startup, but the Signal 11 error is not being reported, even though this was repeatedly the case last night. In the meantime I have created a throwaway demo SatInfoSourceDemo illustrating the problem. (Basically the standard Sailfish

[SailfishDevel] Boosted process (pid=721) was terminated due to signal 11

2013-12-28 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi All My application quits unexpectedly during startup, apparently due to "signal 11". This seems to be caused by turning the GPS on, as the error occurs immediately after the app does that. I experience this on the Emulator, so it maybe down to the Emulator not having a real GPS. (my

Re: [SailfishDevel] Project tries to use spec file from another project

2013-12-28 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi I have been able to isolate this behaviour a bit more. It seems to happen if, having changed things in the library project abstractui, the current active file displayed in the QtCreator Editor pane belongs to abstracuti (e.g. the the qml file I just changed), even though the project I a

[SailfishDevel] Project tries to use spec file from another project

2013-12-28 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi I have now had the following strange behaviour a few times in QtCreator. I have 2 projects open in QtCreator. The first, "abstractui", is a library on which the second "landed25_QT5" depends. Most of my development is in "landed25_QT5", but ever so often I need to make a change to "abs

Re: [SailfishDevel] Fwd: Re: Re: How to get contacts and sms through Qt(C++)

2013-12-25 Thread christopher . lamb
Andrey That solution would be perfect for me, I would have no problem with supplying the code. The sources for the Harmattan version are out there on Github already, and the Sailfish sources soon will be. In theory it might even be possible to separate the SMS bit of my app, including the

Re: [SailfishDevel] Hardware API

2013-12-25 Thread christopher . lamb
Nisse I expect it should be possible to control the led flash via QtCamera, but in earlier threads people have indicated that this is not (yet) working. Chris Zitat von "Nisse Karlsson" : Hello, I've looked around a bit but can't find any API to the hardware, or any API for that matter.

Re: [SailfishDevel] Fwd: Re: Re: How to get contacts and sms through Qt(C++)

2013-12-25 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Bernd Thanks for your interest. I understand that there is a strong need to prevent apps that send SMSes without the user's consent (a security issue), or to premium SMS numbers, thereby defrauding the user. But we should not throw out the baby with the bathwater. There will be apps w

Re: [SailfishDevel] How SB2 works ... was Re: QtContacts available

2013-12-24 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi David Thanks, lots of detail to chew on. I will work some of it into my blog on installing packages, and very probably some the rest into a new post on SB2 itself. Chris p.s: a Happy Christmas to you, and all members of this list Zitat von "David Greaves" : Warning - lots of detail

Re: [SailfishDevel] Fwd: Re: Re: How to get contacts and sms through Qt(C++)

2013-12-24 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Bernd Thanks, I am aware of that, but I think it is an inelegant solution, acceptable ad interim as a workaround, but not longterm. I have not yet seen the SMS app on a real device, but the one on my Nokia N9 has a tiny send button. My app is designed for emergency use, must be easy to

Re: [SailfishDevel] emulator closes due to 0% battery

2013-12-23 Thread christopher . lamb
Carlos I think I saw in a previous thread that the Emulator takes the host's battery status. As both my laptop and the Emulator are currently showing 54%, this is probably true. Chris Zitat von "Carlos J Mazieri" : Hello guys, I just installed Sailfish SDK, my laptop does not have bat

Re: [SailfishDevel] QtContacts available

2013-12-23 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Marko Thanks, that has deepened my understanding, and confirms what I had guessed / inferred. I will update my blog later with a simplified version of your explanation. Chris Zitat von "Marko Koschak" : Hi Matze On So, 2013-12-22 at 21:50 +0100, wrote: Th

Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type

2013-12-22 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Sylvain I've just got it working! I added qt5-plugin-geoservices-nokia to the "PkgBR" and "Requires" sections of the Yaml file, et voila, Belle Paris sur L'emulatuer Have fun Chris Zitat von "Sylvain B." : Hello, I come back here because I am definitely not able to display

Re: [SailfishDevel] QtContacts available

2013-12-22 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Matze It is confusing at first, but once you "get it", it is easy! I cover that in the chapter "Installing By Hand to the SDK Build Engine via the Control Center" in: You are right there are 2 VMS, t

Re: [SailfishDevel] How to get contacts and sms through Qt(C++) : Contacts

2013-12-22 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Maxinjun Now to answer the Contacts part of your question. So far I have only briefly played with Contacts on Sailfish / Qt5, and I was interested in accessing contacts from QML rather than C++. I was mainly interested to see if a bug that I had found in Qt Mobility Contacts (Qt4.8) was

Re: [SailfishDevel] Mainloop problem

2013-12-22 Thread christopher . lamb
Zitat von "Mikko Leppänen" : Hi, Use smart pointers on app, view and udp, and remove those delete statements. -Mikko As discussed in this recent thread Chris ___ SailfishOS.or

Re: [SailfishDevel] Fwd: Re: Re: How to get contacts and sms through Qt(C++)

2013-12-22 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Jonni Thanks, I mentioned that at earlier in this thread. However I think that the harbour rule is too strict. I think there is a legitimate case for apps that clearly state that their purpose is to send SMSes, and have their own send button --> i.e. SMSes are only sent with explicit pe

Re: [SailfishDevel] QtContacts available

2013-12-22 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Matthias Here are a few more hints You connected to the SDK with a key, but to the Emulator without. A key can be used for both for passwordless access. //Connect to SDK ssh -p -i ~/SailfishOS/vmshare/ssh/private_keys/engine/mersdk mersdk@localhost ssh -p -i ~/SailfishOS/vms

[SailfishDevel] Fwd: Re: Re: How to get contacts and sms through Qt(C++)

2013-12-22 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Max No problem, your english is excellent. What is your mother language? I am visiting family for Christmas at the moment, so I will keep this first mail short. I will try and post again this evening. So first, SMS: In my app I only need to send smses, and I do it using the Telepathy li

Re: [SailfishDevel] How to get contacts and sms through Qt(C++)

2013-12-22 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi myinjun If you search through the archives of this mailing list, especially for posts with my name you will find some stuff on Sailfish and SMS. I was able to get SMS working (as far as that is possible) on the Emulator using the Telepathy libraries. Note however that currently that wi

Re: [SailfishDevel] QtContacts available

2013-12-21 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Matthias As the error says, QtContacts is not installed. Try this article on tips on how to install to the SDK and Emulator It focuses on Location and Positioning, but is the methods used are relevant f

Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type

2013-12-20 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Thomas Thanks for pointing me to that. So it a change by design, part of the migration to PackageKit that I hint at my post. Chris Zitat von "Thomas Tanghus" : "Note that the zypper package manager is only available in the build engine virtual machine and in the Scratchbox 2 environm

Re: [SailfishDevel] python development

2013-12-19 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Sven I have just done some digging into the history of Java and Qt, and was surprised to find that Qt is longer in the tooth than I had thought. Interestingly both Qt and Java emerged at roughly the same time. Trolltech [1] starting to write Qt in 1991. The earliest date I can find for

Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type

2013-12-19 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Sylvain Thanks of the tip on zypper not being installed (on the Emulator). That seems to be a feature of the latest SDK release, I am 99% sure that on earlier releases zypper was on the Emulator by default. I wonder if this omission from the Emulator is by design or by mistake. In the me

Re: [SailfishDevel] python development

2013-12-19 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi David You are pointing your finger at the wrong place. The blame (if any), belongs to Qt and not Jolla. Jolla made the sensible decision not to reinvent the wheel. Instead they chose to leverage Qt, which is a strong contender as the de-facto multi-platform development toolkit, and one

Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type

2013-12-19 Thread christopher . lamb
Janne Zitat von "Janne Kokko" : More instructions in this very useful blog post I found: Thanks for the kind words. I am glad that article helped. I wrote some of it up a mountain in South Africa sitting

Re: [SailfishDevel] Status of Pre-order phones

2013-12-19 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Chris As Finland is an EU member and the UK is (however unwilling) still also an EU member (but not Schengen) they are both part of the Customs union, and you will pay no duty on goods from Finland or any other EU member. Switzerland is the other way round. It is part of Schengen so we

Re: [SailfishDevel] Status of Pre-order phones

2013-12-19 Thread christopher . lamb
Ciao Andrea That was new to me, but I have now entered my details. It looks like Switzerland and Norway have received no deliveries at all yet. And when it is finally sent, then there will be the additional delay of the Swiss Customs ... Patience is required. Chris Zitat von "a.gra...@gm

Re: [SailfishDevel] Status of Pre-order phones

2013-12-19 Thread christopher . lamb
Hi Jukka I saw that, but given that in Finland the Christmas holidays start on the 24th Dec, the window to achieve that target is shrinking rapidly ... Chris Zitat von "Jukka Eklund" : Yes, see: "After solving some technical logist

Re: [SailfishDevel] Is there any way to report a bug?

2013-12-19 Thread christopher . lamb
Mikko Thank you. I did not spot that because it was hidden at the bottom of a press release with a completely different title .. Chris Zitat von "Mikko Rapeli" : On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 01:43:05PM +0100, wrote: Do you have a link? Googling finds nothing for th

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