Re: code-d 0.17.0 + serve-d 0.1.2

2018-04-06 Thread Wulfklaue via Digitalmars-d-announce
Nice job WebFreak001 on the new changes. For the first time in 
years the code-d plugin works out of the box on Windows without 
any issues.

A small tip: associate the .d file extension in the Visual Studio 
Code marketplace with Code-d. Currently Code-D does not show up 
when VSC suggests plugins for the .d file extension.

Re: RedMonk language rankings June 15, 2017

2017-06-26 Thread Wulfklaue via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 26 June 2017 at 09:30:04 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
It is flawed. Clearly, there should be far more Go github 
projects than D.

It is correct. I assume you looked at the first Red Chart. That 
is a very, very old one. The article even mentioned that this.

You need to look down for the newer from 2017 and Go has clearly 
plenty more git projects.

They are comparing the old, newer and newest ( in that order ).

Re: RedMonk language rankings June 15, 2017

2017-06-24 Thread Wulfklaue via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 24 June 2017 at 22:05:44 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
 -- Andrei

It looks like D almost never moved on those rankings.

Re: LDC 1.3.0-beta2

2017-06-12 Thread Wulfklaue via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 12 June 2017 at 17:49:46 UTC, kinke wrote:

Hi everyone,

LDC 1.3.0-beta2, the LLVM-based D compiler, is available for 
This release is based on the 2.073.2 frontend and standard 
library and supports LLVM 3.5-4.0.

It's been a while since beta1, so besides numerous fixes there 
are also new features.

Change log and downloads:


Nice job. Its good to see LLVM support progressing.

Re: Ali's talk C++Now 2017: Competitive Advantage with D on Reddit!

2017-06-09 Thread Wulfklaue via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 8 June 2017 at 22:59:00 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Posting direct HN links in any forum is a sure way to have the 
entry classified as spam (HN uses an algorithm that flags as 
spam many accesses that do not have their own site as 
referrer). -- Andrei

*uch* What a strange system they use. Good to know for the 
future. Delete my posts above with the link, so the link is 
removed. That will solve the issue of people going directly to 
the article.

Re: Ali's talk C++Now 2017: Competitive Advantage with D on Reddit!

2017-06-08 Thread Wulfklaue via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 8 June 2017 at 20:38:33 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
That link doesn't work for me. Besides, I've heard that it's 
better not to click through a link as HN either rates it lower 
or flags it as spam.

Not sure though, I'm just contributing to cargo cult... :)


Removed the old one and add new one with the full youtube link:

Re: Ali's talk C++Now 2017: Competitive Advantage with D on Reddit!

2017-06-08 Thread Wulfklaue via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 8 June 2017 at 20:38:33 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 06/08/2017 01:29 PM, Wulfklaue wrote:
That link doesn't work for me. Besides, I've heard that it's 
better not to click through a link as HN either rates it lower 
or flags it as spam.

Not sure though, I'm just contributing to cargo cult... :)


Strange because its the same link that was used in the reddit 
topic. Its just Belgium Youtube link ( owned by Google in the 
whois, so fairly sure its official :) ).

Re: Ali's talk C++Now 2017: Competitive Advantage with D on Reddit!

2017-06-08 Thread Wulfklaue via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 8 June 2017 at 08:39:58 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Added to Hacker News ...

Re: DCompute is now in the master branch of LDC

2017-05-31 Thread Wulfklaue via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 31 May 2017 at 12:28:47 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
Perhaps there will be scope for renaming if/when this also 
includes graphics when either OpenCL is merged into the Vulkan 
API or Petar Kirov gets Vulkan SPIRV generation going on LLVM, 
but for now the name stays.

People who GPU program are indeed a small group. But you do NOT 
entice other people to try it, when they do not even know a 
language has this feature set. And this comes down to marketing.

Lets post "D has DCompute" or "D has D-GPU"... on Reddit, 
ycombinator and other forum or news site.

What do you think people will more likely click on?

The people who are used to Compute, will still click on the GPU 

The people who are unfamiliar with Compute will still click on 
the GPU link, because its such a familiar term to them.

And so what if people start a big discussion about the name. If 
only 10% of those people come to the D site from a either 
language, its a instant success. Positive or negative marketing 
is a win-win in this case.

And GPU does not mean directly DirectX, OpenGL in people there 
minds. GPU people think about there graphical card because that 
is exactly what the term means.

I have no dog in this discussion but as somebody just learning D 
it seems like a total wasted opportunity.

Reading past topics D on those sites, it seems D has been 
fighting the whole GC stigma for years. D its GC marketing is 
bad. While other languages ( some even with GC like Go ) simply 
sail past, thanks to people pushing its virtues, when in reality 
D its GC actually performs better in specific tests. Marketing... 
From my view D has been mostly sitting on its behind for years, 
hoping for word-to-mouth to do the trick. While other languages 
used there big parents name as a cheap talking point memo ( 
Apple, Google, Mozilla ... ).

And this is exactly why D has such difficulty being accepted 
outside its own community. People being too stubborn to recognize 
a marketing opportunity. My apologies for that comment but its 
true. D does not have the big name recognition and has a even 
"old" stigma these days.

My advice to Walter is to hire a actual marketing person that can 
help focus resources and ideas. Hell, even a name change, a new 
look, ... who knows.

Re: DCompute is now in the master branch of LDC

2017-05-31 Thread Wulfklaue via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 30 May 2017 at 19:23:42 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:

On Tuesday, 30 May 2017 at 18:06:56 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

I fear the conversation will go like this, like it has for me:

 N: DCompute
 W: What's DCompute?
 N: Enables GPU programming with D
 W: Cool!

instead of:

 W: Cool! I can use D to program GPUs!

This was literally what happened to me when I saw the headline.

Same here ...

DCompute may be a established term in that specific community but 
most other people do not pay attention to it. Yet, its a massive 
feature for any programming language, that is frankly being 
obscured by its naming.

While D-GPU may not be the most accurate term, as people may 
assume its about graphical programming, marketing and accuracy 
are not exactly the same. But that can be solved with later 
having D-DirectX, D-OpenGL...

Re: "Programming in D" is up-to-date

2017-05-30 Thread Wulfklaue via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 29 May 2017 at 23:08:55 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
Makes sense and others had suggested that as well. One 
complication would be different cover design for each book. 
(Even if not the general concept, the book cover image is for 
that specific number of pages (with some leeway)).

I remember some old C++ books from the past, where the cover was 
identical beyond the basic book was red, advanced blue. And the 
words basic / advanced.

There was no option of color printing when I considered 
printers (or perhaps it was too expensive to even consider; I 
don't remember). However, if you can live with the pdf version 
of the book, the code samples are in color:

It's the same content and format as the printed book, except it 
is generated from a different CSS file.

Thanks. The Pdf works great on my tablet. Only have some issue 
with the epub ( only see page one and two ) but that can be my 

Re: "Programming in D" is up-to-date

2017-05-29 Thread Wulfklaue via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hi Ali,

The book is great ( got it recently ) but there are some things 
that may make be better.

I found the book a bit unwieldy ( hardcover ) version. With its 
700+ pages, its kind of hard to take anywhere. When i take it to 
work and back home, its like carrying a brick with me :)

Another issue that i noticed is that the current format makes it 
impossible to extend the book. For example, 87 in memory 
management the experimental unsafe memory management is not 
written about.  But if you want to make follow up chapters, it 
requires people to rebuy the

newer book.

Is it maybe not better to split the book into several more 
smaller versions? Making it more easy to carry or extend? Like 
Basic 1, Advanced 2, ...

And a last one: coloring... My vision is not exactly the best and 
i noticed that colored code is much more easy to read in books. 
If there the possibility for a colored ( more expensive ) version 
in the future?

Re: Faster Command Line Tools in D

2017-05-25 Thread Wulfklaue via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 25 May 2017 at 06:22:28 UTC, Jon Degenhardt wrote:
Thanks Walter, I appreciate your comments. And correct, as 
multiple people noted, a speed comparison with other languages 
not at all a goal of the article.

The real intent was to tell a story of how several of D's 
features play together to enable optimizations like this, 
without having to write low-level code or step outside the core 
language features and standard library.

Maybe as a more casual observer the article did feel more like 
Python vs D. I have not yet read the ycombinator comments, just 
from my personal observation after reading the article.

My thinking was:

- Python its PyPy is surprising fast.

- Surprised that D was slower in version 1.

- Kind of surprised again that it took so many versions to figure 
out the best approach.

- Also wondering why one needed std.algorithm splitter, when you 
expect string split to be the fasted. Even the fact that you need 
to import std.array to split a string simply felt  strange.

- So much effort for relative little gain ( after v2 splitter ). 
The time spend on finding a faster solution is in business sense 
not worth it. But not finding a faster way is simply wasting 
performance, just on this simple function.

- Started to wonder if Python its PyPy is so optimized that 
without any effort, your even faster then D. What other D 
idiomatic functions are slow?

I am not criticizing your article Jon, just mentioning how i felt 
when reading it yesterday. It felt like the solution was overly 
complex to find and required too much deep D knowledge. Going to 
read the ycombinator comments now.


Yesterday i was struggling with split but for a whole different 
reason. Take in account that i am new at D.

Needed to split a string. Simple right? Search Google for "split 
string dlang". Get on the page.

After seeing the splitLines and start experimenting with it. Half 
a hour later i realize that the wrong function was used and 
needed to import std.array split function.

Call it a issue with the documentation or my own stupidity. But 
the fact that Split was only listed as a imported function, in 
this mass of text, totally send me on the wrong direction.

As stated above, i expected split to be part of the std.string, 
because i am manipulating a string, not that i needed to import 
std.array what is the end result.

I simply find the documentation confusing with the wall of text. 
When i search for string split, you expect to arrive on the 
string.split page. Not only that, the split example are using 
split as a separate keyword, when i was looking for 

Veteran D programmers are probably going to laughing at me for 
this but one does feel a bit salty after that.