Re: Standard builtins' prototypes and toString

2014-06-18 Thread Brendan Eich
Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote: The spec. current says throw for this Symbol.prototype case. The (reasonable) opposing view is that toString should never throw. Other than the protoype-is-not-an-instance it all about unlikely edge cases where toString methods are applied to the wrong kind of

Re: Standard builtins' prototypes and toString

2014-06-18 Thread Brendan Eich
Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote: [ object ???] [object WTF] :-P /be ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: @@new

2014-06-17 Thread Brendan Eich
So far, I prefer your proposal to draft ES6 by a lot -- especially since I missed the hideous Number special-casing spread around in the draft! Jason Orendorff wrote: Is `C === C[@@new]`? Good question. I think calling `C(...args)` should be the same as calling `new C(...args)`. How best

Re: @@new

2014-06-17 Thread Brendan Eich
Domenic Denicola wrote: From: es-discuss [] On Behalf Of Brendan Eich See Allen's latest followup on this -- is it a static error to have both constructor and the static []() method? IMO it shouldn't be, because it'd be weird to get an error

Re: @@new

2014-06-17 Thread Brendan Eich
Boris Zbarsky wrote: If we _can_ have a world in which web platform objects don't exist in constructed-but-not-initialized states, I personally would much prefer that +¶ /be ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: @@new

2014-06-17 Thread Brendan Eich
Kevin Smith wrote: Sorry for my previous gut reaction. This looks like a good proposal, but it makes a break with the evolutionary design of ES classes. How so? @@create or @@new, either way something in ES6 is new that was not in classes-desugared-to-functions. Furthermore, when we were

Re: .entries() vs. the web

2014-06-16 Thread Brendan Eich
Would .items fare better, I wonder. /be Oliver Hunt wrote: It turns out there are a number of sites (such as that are property detecting .entries on objects, and that means that they're breaking when Array.prototype.entries is provided. We're

Re: My ECMAScript 7 wishlist

2014-06-15 Thread Brendan Eich
Andrea Giammarchi wrote: In such case the only concern would be why `Object.prototype` is considered but not inherited properties too. Because NoSuchProperty is meant to be inserted just before Object.prototype, avoiding that loop. What's more, the loop is unnecessary: var NoSuchProperty =

Re: Null iterable in for-of?

2014-06-12 Thread Brendan Eich
Jeff Walden wrote: On 06/12/2014 03:05 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote: I believe this behavior for for-in was added in ES5. My recollection was that Doug Crockford pushed for it. I don't recall if it was because it matched web reality or simply because he thought it was a good idea. It was

Re: Value types versus .valueOf

2014-06-10 Thread Brendan Eich
Alex Vincent wrote: var x = new SmallDecimal(2); var y = new SmallDecimal(3); [x y, x y, x == y, x = y, x = y, x != y] valueOf doesn't work for SmallDecimal(2) == SmallDecimal(2), though. You have to hash-cons, which kils performance. String relational order is wrong for numeric types, to

Re: A reprieve for ES6 comprehensions

2014-06-07 Thread Brendan Eich
Tab Atkins Jr. wrote: On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 1:57 PM, Andy wrote: 1: Essential differences == Array comprehensions are eager. Generator comprehensions are lazy. Array comprehensions desugar into a do expression à la ES7. Generator comprehensions desugar into

Re: My ECMAScript 7 wishlist

2014-06-06 Thread Brendan Eich
Nicholas C. Zakas wrote: It can be done with Proxy, but that kind of sucks because I always need to go through the extra step of creating the Proxy for each object and passing around the Proxy instead. To me, this is similar to setting a property to be readonly in strict mode, except its

Re: My ECMAScript 7 wishlist

2014-06-06 Thread Brendan Eich
Just FTR, I'll put a ratioanlized ES7 proposal on the agenda for the July TC39 meeting, as per Thanks to Nicholas for the suggestion! /be Brendan Eich wrote: Nicholas C. Zakas wrote: It can be done with Proxy, but that kind of sucks

Re: for-loops and declaration-like init expressions

2014-06-05 Thread Brendan Eich
Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote: Over and beyond the breaking change WRT function, I bet a tasty donut that we cannot make this breaking change, so why should we fool around with anything similar for class? /be ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: My ECMAScript 7 wishlist

2014-06-05 Thread Brendan Eich
Rick Waldron wrote: * `Object.preventUndeclaredGet()` - change an object's behavior to throw an error if you try to read from a property that doesn't exist (instead of returning `undefine`). This can be achieved with Proxy right, or is that too cumbersome? js var NoSuchProperty

Re: My ECMAScript 7 wishlist

2014-06-05 Thread Brendan Eich
LOL - as if O.p has getters! Thanks, this is more general in case of insanity. /be On Jun 5, 2014, at 6:09 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote: On Jun 5, 2014, at 5:52 PM, Brendan Eich wrote: Rick Waldron wrote: * `Object.preventUndeclaredGet

Re: A bit confused by B.3.2 - Web Legacy Compatibility for Block-Level Function Declarations

2014-06-04 Thread Brendan Eich
Andreas Rossberg wrote: On 4 June 2014 00:12, John wrote: No I intentionally used let. This is not legacy code (I shouldn't have use the word existing) but new sloppy mode code that would like the code to be block scoped. Why would you want to write new

Re: Safari 8 ES6-ish implementation.

2014-06-04 Thread Brendan Eich
Just FYI, Kangax's table now includes echo-js which is doing great! /be Oliver Hunt wrote: All these bugs can be filed at (which is a much better place than a mailing list), anyway: On Jun 4, 2014, at 1:08 PM,

Re: Using destructuring for function arguments

2014-06-01 Thread Brendan Eich
Dmitry Soshnikov wrote: On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 1:41 PM, Brendan Eich wrote: Matthew Robb wrote: Seems like any identifiers in the arguments should always be defined in scope before ever considering what

Re: Using destructuring for function arguments

2014-05-31 Thread Brendan Eich
Nicholas C. Zakas wrote: ``` function setCookie(name, value, { secure, path, domain, expires } = {}) { console.log(secure); // ... } ``` Unfortunately, that resulted in a syntax error in Firefox. Could you please file a bug against SpiderMonkey? Thanks, /be

Re: Using destructuring for function arguments

2014-05-31 Thread Brendan Eich
Matthew Robb wrote: Seems like any identifiers in the arguments should always be defined in scope before ever considering what they will be assigned. Right, and they are in scope no matter what. Seems to me that an implementation bug (can't have parameter default value for destructuring

Re: RFE: Allow newline when returning an anonymous object

2014-05-28 Thread Brendan Eich
Oliver Hunt wrote: What you're asking for is grammatically ambiguous in a way that would potentially break existing content, and (generally) leads to really interesting parsing behaviour. As Doug Crockford has argued, this is why KR style is better in JS: always put the { at the end of the

Re: RFE: Allow newline when returning an anonymous object

2014-05-28 Thread Brendan Eich
Oliver Hunt wrote: That's an unfortunate side-effect. I think that developers should be able to pick their own code styles. After all, most of these choices are subjective. Anyway, thanks for the head's up. They can choose their own style, just not their own syntax. Right, and syntax can

Re: Syntactic sugar for using a function as if it were a method of its first argument

2014-05-27 Thread Brendan Eich
Jasper St. Pierre wrote: I'm not sure I like it. Given how other languages use the :: operator, I'd expect Foo::bar to do some sort of static property lookup for a name called bar on Foo, not bind the local variable Foo to the local variable bar. That's not what the proposed bind operator

Re: The Existential Operator

2014-05-22 Thread Brendan Eich
C. Scott Ananian wrote: I've written a lot of coffeescript code and the existential operator is indeed one of the joys of the language. I like David's You mean Claude's? /be attempt to bring rigor and compositionality to it. ___ es-discuss

Re: The Existential Operator

2014-05-22 Thread Brendan Eich
Claude Pache wrote: Le 23 mai 2014 à 03:04, Brendan a écrit : C. Scott Ananian wrote: I've written a lot of coffeescript code and the existential operator is indeed one of the joys of the language. I like David's You mean Claude's? /be I must confess to have

Re: The Existential Operator

2014-05-20 Thread Brendan Eich
for reader convenience: Existential Operator (strawman discussion) (Presented by Brendan Eich, Mozilla) Significant desire include a null and undefined check in syntax/operator form (a la coffeescipt) | o = {} r = o?.p.q.r r = o?.p?.q.r | Mixed discussion about the needs

Re: Error Instances Stack Property

2014-05-20 Thread Brendan Eich
Garrett Smith wrote: Should Error Instance have a standard `stack` property? Seems to be a very common feature nowadays. Why isn't it being specified in EcmaScript 6? Thanks, Lots of searchable

Re: Bytecode

2014-05-19 Thread Brendan Eich
I take a more expansive view, because of evolution. JS and languages that currently target it, and also languages that might in the future target it, are co-evolving. They influence one another. JS is growing SIMD and other lower-level APIs (perhaps even ARB_compute_shader in a future WebGL

Re: Bytecode

2014-05-14 Thread Brendan Eich
Axel Rauschmayer wrote: What is the best “bytecode isn’t everything” article that exists? The “the web needs bytecode” meme comes up incredibly often, I’d like to have something good to point to, as an answer. This one looks good:

Re: Native base64 utility methods

2014-05-09 Thread Brendan Eich
Mathias Bynens wrote: (but it requires `ArrayBuffer` / `Uint8Array`). In ES6, so no problem proposing Text{En,De}coder for ES7. /be ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: Perhaps @@unscopable shouldn't be a Set...

2014-04-30 Thread Brendan Eich
Including Tom because proxies and MOP. /be Erik Arvidsson wrote: This was never resolved and the spec is incomplete here On Wed Sep 25 2013 at 6:17:32 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote: So here is another concern, about the scheme we agreed

Re: ES6 draft Rev24 now available

2014-04-30 Thread Brendan Eich
Want to mention while this thread is still live. /be Kevin Smith wrote: The actual transpiler is at I really need to add some documentation, but you can play with

Re: Iterators, generators, finally, and scarce resources (Was: April 10 2014 Meeting Notes)

2014-04-29 Thread Brendan Eich
Domenic Denicola wrote: Dave and Andy's responses have me pinging back and forth as to which side I'm on. Are you off the fence yet? I can't tell :-P. But inconvenience is easily solved via MOAR SUGAR: ```js for (var line using files) { if (line == '-- mark --') { break; } } ```

Re: Iterators, generators, finally, and scarce resources (Was: April 10 2014 Meeting Notes)

2014-04-29 Thread Brendan Eich
Brendan Eich wrote: Indeed with rapid release, penalizing convenience and waiting for ecosystem effects can make overcomplicated, convenient inconvenient , and just bad total designs out of piecewise steps that you might like because they avoid committing to convenience :-P

Re: April 10 2014 Meeting Notes

2014-04-27 Thread Brendan Eich
Mark S. Miller wrote: BTW, return() should be idempotent. Is it? Since .return takes an argument whose value is observable, I think not. Hmmm. This is interestingly similar to multiple calls to resolve. Yes, and note that Python's generator.close (no return value parameter, recall it

Re: April 10 2014 Meeting Notes

2014-04-26 Thread Brendan Eich
Kevin Smith wrote: In this case we have try-finally statements as an existing feature. The semantics of this feature is a bounded execution scope with a cleanup action on completion. This feature is widely used and has always been internally consistent and reliable, expect

Re: April 10 2014 Meeting Notes

2014-04-26 Thread Brendan Eich
Mark S. Miller wrote: Regarding the points: #1 yes, we cannot provide one that's reliable, so let's not claim that it is reliable. Indeed it is not safe, even excluding yield, to assume finallys run in browser contexts, unless you can prove termination of trys (which is hard, right?

Re: April 10 2014 Meeting Notes

2014-04-24 Thread Brendan Eich
Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote: If (and it's still an open question) it make sense semantically to call return on for-of initiated generators on unwind, then that is what we should do. That's not the proposal, though, is it? Isn't the maybe-call of return for any iterator, whether a generator

Re: April 10 2014 Meeting Notes

2014-04-24 Thread Brendan Eich
Jason Orendorff wrote: OnThu, Apr 24, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote: [...]What we did take seriously was the concern about not running generator finally blocks when a for-of initiated generator has an early exit. We don't need to redefine @@iterator

Re: April 10 2014 Meeting Notes

2014-04-24 Thread Brendan Eich
Sorry for the confusion -- my such a change was about changing @@iterator itself, e.g. not defining it on a generator, or trying somehow to guarantee freshness. I agree, return automation makes sense for any delimited form that implicitly calls @@iterator. There still may be an open issue,

Re: package keyword reserved?

2014-04-11 Thread Brendan Eich
Jonathan Bond-Caron wrote: What’s the history of the unused keyword “package”, is it from Java? In 1995, I reserved all the Java (JDK1.0 era) reserved identifiers. ES1 kept them, but ES5 cut way back, yet kept 'package' among others as reserved in strict code. No one had a championed

Re: package keyword reserved?

2014-04-11 Thread Brendan Eich
Jonathan Bond-Caron wrote: Is it safe to use the 'package' keyword then, no proposals for using it? You mean for some other language compiled to JS to use 'package'? If so, then no: it's unsafe, explicitly so. The 'package' identifier is a strict future reserved word. Steer clear, the TC39

Re: Initializer expression on for-in syntax subject

2014-04-09 Thread Brendan Eich
Huzzah! /be Mike Taylor wrote: On 3/25/14, 13:23, Mike Taylor wrote: On 3/14/14, 15:53, Brendan Eich wrote: I say we should evangelize this site. I've filed to track this. For those not following the bug, a fix for this has been

Re: typed objects and value types

2014-04-08 Thread Brendan Eich
int64 and uint64 are integral parts of value objects, first proofs of concept even. Sorry I fell behind on the SpiderMonkey bug, I'm hoping others will take it over (cc'ed; and for V8) and revive it. It has obvious use-cases in Node.js and anything that tiles the OS syscall surface. /be

Re: [[Set]] and inherited readonly data properties

2014-03-27 Thread Brendan Eich
Andrea Giammarchi wrote: on Android 2.3.6 (or lower) you can [try this page]( which will show an alert like ``` Sorry for the initial false alarm, at least I am sure few didn't know about the getters and setters bug in actually quite recent

Re: [[Set]] and inherited readonly data properties

2014-03-26 Thread Brendan Eich
Mark S. Miller wrote: This mistake is my single biggest regret from the ES5 days. We had a chance to get this right when it would have been rather painless and we blew it. Indeed, as JSC and (therefore, at the time it was copying semantics) V8 did implement a fix to the override mistake.

Re: Iterator current/prev value

2014-03-23 Thread Brendan Eich
Marcus Stade wrote: This is assuming that the `current` or `prev` property is indeed implemented by the engine and not user land, as that indeed both carries implementation cost and the risk out running out of sync. Is there any way other than generator functions to implement iterators? Are

Re: Object.entries(), Object.values()

2014-03-19 Thread Brendan Eich
C. Scott Ananian wrote: propose these for ES6/ES7? David's reply covers the main stuff, but on this question, let's be clear: ES6 is wrapped up and being edited and implemented. ES7 is fair game. Engines can implement both, so there's no reason to worry that you won't see Object.values or

Re: Source maps (was: Multiline Strings)

2014-03-16 Thread Brendan Eich
K. Gadd wrote: The accuracy of this aside, history shows that most of my users are not satisfied by 'just debug the JS, it's fairly readable'. Maybe emscripten, gwt, etc. users are more fluent in JS and don't mind debugging it, but based on what I've seen, maybe not... I do think it's important

Re: ES6 iteration over object values

2014-03-15 Thread Brendan Eich
Jason Orendorff wrote: I'd like to see an Object.entries method, and Object.values for completeness. Same visibility rules as Object.keys. for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(myObj)) { // do something with k and v } +1, or +2 counting static methods :-). /be

Re: Generalizable Function Modifier Syntax

2014-03-15 Thread Brendan Eich
Kevin Smith wrote: async function af() {} { async af() { } } This lines up with what Luke Hoban presented at the last TC39 meeting. So far, so good (but not a done deal by any means, of course). The main bone of contention is the use of ! in promises future-proposed syntax. The

Re: Initializer expression on for-in syntax subject

2014-03-14 Thread Brendan Eich
Andreas Rossberg wrote: On 14 March 2014 00:59, Oliver wrote: JSC has been trying to kill off the initialiser expression in the for(in) statement, but we've encountered a bunch of reasonably significant content that breaks with it disallowed (a particularly prominent

Re: Initializer expression on for-in syntax subject

2014-03-14 Thread Brendan Eich
Brendan Eich wrote: for (var i = 0 in BTW, ur-JS in Netscape would not parse this. The optional initializer fell out of grammar over-reuse in ES1, possibly also works-in-JScript lobbying (my memory fades but that is where it came from

Re: Initializer expression on for-in syntax subject

2014-03-14 Thread Brendan Eich
Geoffrey Garen wrote: I suggested to Oliver that we accept Identifier = Expression in Expression” as valid syntax, but drop = Expression” from the parse tree after the fact. Note that the issue here is only legacy that uses 'var' before Identifier. So you can't be sure of no compat break,

Re: Initializer expression on for-in syntax subject

2014-03-14 Thread Brendan Eich
Peter van der Zee wrote: Which browsers currently don't accept this construct? I wasn't even aware that JSC didn't support it at some point. Did anyone say JSC lacked support? I think KJS followed ES3, and this was in the ES1 grammar, so I doubt it was never supported. Minifiers might

Re: Typed properties beside Typed Objects

2014-03-11 Thread Brendan Eich
Andrea Giammarchi wrote: **Backward Compatible** Having an implicit default to `Any` means that this `type` descriptor property could be simply ignored or implemented as _always Any_ in ES5 or ES6 compatible engines but a simple library that wraps `Object.create`, Still not making sense.

Re: Enriched Descriptors, maybe ES7 ?

2014-03-09 Thread Brendan Eich
Andrea Giammarchi wrote: I'd love to know more about Tom experiments on this! With his polyfill on the original proxy implementation, now that I think about it. but originally

Re: Enriched Descriptors, maybe ES7 ?

2014-03-09 Thread Brendan Eich
Andrea Giammarchi wrote: Although my idea is more about types You are starting on the wrong foot there. Types mean something in CS. Best if you start with use-cases instead of abusing the term. What code do you want to write, and how exactly would it operate? /be

Re: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(O) ? // plural

2014-03-07 Thread Brendan Eich
Tom Van Cutsem wrote: Given that most of the functions that use [[OwnPropertyKeys]] need to either construct an array anyway, or want reliable results, I wonder whether we shouldn't just change [[OwnPropertyKeys]] to include the checks and return an array instead of an iterable. That way we

Re: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(O) ? // plural

2014-03-06 Thread Brendan Eich
André Bargull March 6, 2014 at 1:21 PM I would rephrase into this: if you need a getOwnPropertyNames trap, you might need for consistency a getOwnPropertySymbols independently from getOwnPropertyDescriptors since these methods are already available. While it

Re: Array.prototype.contains

2014-03-06 Thread Brendan Eich
Boris Zbarsky wrote: 1) document.styleSheetSets. 2) Microdata API. 3) Various places in indexeddb. 4) The DataTransfer API. 5) Some sort of offline resource list API that's not part of any standard I can find. #1 is not implemented by anyone but Gecko, and the spec is claiming it's a

Re: Functions as blocks

2014-03-05 Thread Brendan Eich
Brian Terlson wrote: I haven't collected much data on this so I'm not sure what the prevalence is, Can you try to find some sightings in the wild? /be ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: Functions as blocks

2014-03-05 Thread Brendan Eich
John Barton wrote: As you say all browsers seem to allow it. Browsers made the mistake and we should not go back now and blame developers on smaller sites because they use this kind of code. Make it a syntax error in modules and save yourself a lot of headaches. We could do this for sure,

Re: Functions as blocks

2014-03-05 Thread Brendan Eich
On Mar 5, 2014, at 6:53 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote: On Mar 5, 2014, at 6:23 PM, Brendan Eich wrote: John Barton wrote: As you say all browsers seem to allow it. Browsers made the mistake and we should not go back now and blame developers on smaller sites because

Re: Loader and Module as globals?

2014-03-04 Thread Brendan Eich
John Barton wrote: Well we have to make a choice. If we use Loader.prototype.Module, then we'll get System.Module by way of System being instanceof Loader. I don't see any reply to this message, but Loader and Module go in Reflect, last I heard. What you were worrying about does not make

Re: ES6 Tasks and TaskQueues

2014-03-04 Thread Brendan Eich
Tom Van Cutsem wrote: By contrast, terms such as task are used much more broadly (e.g. tasks scheduled on a thread pool). Yes, and a Task (e.g., in Rust; akin to goroutine in Go or Process in Erlang) can be suspended voluntarily. The use of task goes way back (multi-tasking). I think we

Re: Array.of

2014-03-03 Thread Brendan Eich
Thanks for the pointer! I like Claude's use-case and recall Allen citing it too. So, two reasons: 1. Higher-order functional programming wants a function, not literal syntax. 2. Subclassing Array works too, thanks to ES6's class-side inheritance. /be Rick Waldron

Re: ES6 Tasks and TaskQueues

2014-03-03 Thread Brendan Eich
Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote: Now its just a word that we are assigning our own meaning to, so we can use turn if we want. But is that equivalence of turn and task really what you're used to, and something whose meaning is intuitive enough? On naming, we can use Turn instead of Task if enough

Re: Array.from and sparse arrays

2014-02-21 Thread Brendan Eich
Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote: 1. Array.from already produces sparse arrays from array-likes: Array.from({ 0: 1, 2: 2, length: 3 }); // [1,,2] So why it doesn't from sparse arrays? Perhaps, this is an inconsistency that should be corrected by changing the spec. to produce [1,2,undefined] in the

Re: What does is not present mean in spec algorithms?

2014-02-21 Thread Brendan Eich
No informative deed goes unpunished, especially (as in this case) if it has contradictory normative implications! This was the lesson of ECMA-357 (E4X), with its overdone informative prose which often contradicted the normative prose. /be Sent from my iPad On Feb 21, 2014, at 3:29 PM, Allen

Re: .next('yo') in newborn generators

2014-02-19 Thread Brendan Eich
Bradley Meck wrote: Digging up old threads, but is there a way to test for newborn generators? No. To my knowledge they are the only iterable that does not allow a value to be passed in at a specific time. What do you mean by does not allow? /be

Re: Fwd: .next('yo') in newborn generators

2014-02-19 Thread Brendan Eich
Bradley Meck wrote: If I am reading the spec right (and I may not be), only the generator should fail? The first call to gen().next(value) must have value be undefined, and the others do not check. I thought we agreed at the January 28 meeting to get rid of this error, but I can't find it

Re: Return value of spec setters?

2014-02-18 Thread Brendan Eich
David Bruant wrote: In practice, the returned value of setting is the value on the rhs of the =. var o = {set b(v){return 12;}} // this return statement is useless console.log(o.a = 13); // 13 console.log(o.b = 14); // 14 It might be useful to return a different value on setting.

Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-02-18 Thread Brendan Eich
Domenic Denicola wrote: Well, but you could just move the internal slot initialization into the constructor itself (as Scott has done in his es6-shim promises). Unlike e.g. `Array`, the objects returned by `Promise[@@create]` are not exotic objects; they are simply normal objects with some

Re: Changing behavior of Array#copyWithin when used on array-like with negative length

2014-02-18 Thread Brendan Eich
Claude Pache wrote: But I think that clarity can be improved by avoiding to obscure the intent by computation details. For my personal polyfill, I have found useful to abstract out the following steps, used (with slight variations) thrice in `Array.prototype.copyWithin` and twice in

Re: Changing behavior of Array#copyWithin when used on array-like with negative length

2014-02-17 Thread Brendan Eich
C. Scott Ananian wrote: But as you point out, I don't think there's any actual behavior change, since everything washes out to `0` at the end. It's just a matter of writing a clearer more consistent spec. Yet in that light you still have a point, I think. Allen? /be

Re: `String.prototype.symbolAt()` (improved `String.prototype.charAt()`)

2014-02-17 Thread Brendan Eich
Andreas Rossberg wrote: On 15 February 2014 20:47, Brendan wrote: Using -Speak as a stem conjures Orwell. Not good. Ah, relax. Gilad Bracha even named his own language Newspeak. Yeah, but no ECMA -- the double-whammy. Self-mockery is good. I pay my dues (see

Re: `String.prototype.symbolAt()` (improved `String.prototype.charAt()`)

2014-02-17 Thread Brendan Eich
C. Scott Ananian wrote: Are recordings available? starting at 1:50 Youtube has more. /be ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: `String.prototype.symbolAt()` (improved `String.prototype.charAt()`)

2014-02-15 Thread Brendan Eich
Aside: ECMASpeak is neither accurate (we don't work for Ecma, it's JS not ES :-P), nor euphonious. But here's a pointer: C. Scott Ananian wrote: new string object. new string primitive, because string object (especially with new in front) suggests new String('hi'). /be

Re: eval of let, etc. Was: Re: restrictions on let declarations

2014-02-14 Thread Brendan Eich
Mark S. Miller wrote: I actually prefer #3. Given only knowledge of ES5 and of the rest of ES6, I find it least surprising. vars hoist out of blocks. In non-strict code, functions leak out of blocks in ways that are hard to explain. I can understand non-strict direct eval as being block-like,

Re: eval of let, etc. Was: Re: restrictions on let declarations

2014-02-14 Thread Brendan Eich
Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote: the various forms of eval are already micro-mode, so I'm not sure if those points are very relevant. No, the various forms of eval do not have non-local effects of the kind your #2 did! /be ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: eval of let, etc. Was: Re: restrictions on let declarations

2014-02-14 Thread Brendan Eich
Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote: On Feb 14, 2014, at 11:38 AM, Jeremy Martin wrote: On further reflection, #3 does feel like trying to rewrite the past. For better or worse, non-strict mode allows declarations to persist past the eval(). And while strict mode provides a license-to-kill on

Re: Loops, Let, Closures

2014-02-12 Thread Brendan Eich
Andy Wingo wrote: On Wed 12 Feb 2014 15:22, Thaddee writes: The following ES6 code's behaviour puzzled a few developers I know. The results indicated below each snippet are run through SpiderMonkey's implementation. SpiderMonkey's implementation of for-let is

Re: Loops, Let, Closures

2014-02-12 Thread Brendan Eich
Andy Wingo wrote: On Wed 12 Feb 2014 15:55, Brendan writes: Andy Wingo wrote: On Wed 12 Feb 2014 15:22, Thaddee writes: The following ES6 code's behaviour puzzled a few developers I know. The results indicated below each

Re: Another switch

2014-02-11 Thread Brendan Eich
Definitely good to see new languages being designed and implemented. JS is not going to break compatibility on the old fall-through behavior of switch, inherited from Java from C++ from C. All the C-like languages copy this flaw, because to do otherwise with the same keyword would be worse

Re: shorthand notation for attribute creation?

2014-02-09 Thread Brendan Eich
Good memory. This is all at in the meeting notes, but I can't google for ||= to save my life, even in Verbatim mode. Anyone? Of course the original proposal is still in strawman stage on the wiki: /be Domenic

Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-02-07 Thread Brendan Eich
Kevin Smith wrote: If I may interject some opinions on process... Sure, it's es-discuss. Plus, you've earned your spurs. I'm not sure how this fits in with the new post-ES6 process, but from this one outsider's point of view: - A formal set of design goals should be completed and agreed

Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-02-07 Thread Brendan Eich
David Bruant wrote: Le 07/02/2014 22:05, Brendan Eich a écrit : Kevin Smith wrote: - A *working* implementation should be created and solutions to real-world use cases should be programmed using the design before any spec language is authored. Spec-language is a poor medium

Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-02-05 Thread Brendan Eich
Quildreen Motta wrote: but as with other parts of JavaScript, the simpler, orthogonal primitives are not available for users to derive more complex functionality from easily. So true. JS is like a mini-toolkit of three-tool Swiss Army Knife (functions) with constructor and closure tools as

Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-02-05 Thread Brendan Eich
Domenic Denicola wrote: The amount of heat Kevin has piled on to promises-unwrapping, repeatedly, has been puzzling and unwarranted, but I have chosen mostly to set it aside, as the words of someone who did not care to understand the whole history and design constraints involved in writing

Re: async decision making (was Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve)

2014-02-05 Thread Brendan Eich
Edward O'Connor wrote: Perhaps TC39 should consider adopting a similar policy. Policy, schmolicy :-P. (Presumably clocks with deadlines are required; consensus could break afterwards, in spite of the formal rules.) Let's let our hair down a bit and get real here. We did not declare

Re: async decision making (was Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve)

2014-02-05 Thread Brendan Eich
Alex Russell wrote: I'd rather we keep separate and conflict-prone APIs in separate objects, though. I'd rather we acknowledge that Promises are a library de-facto quasi-standard we are trying to codify, not green-field work where we can start over or do both. Excited to hear

Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-02-05 Thread Brendan Eich
Tab Atkins Jr. wrote: Note, though, that you can still have consensus*and* strong objections. Design-by-committee is still a failure mode to be avoided. Excellent point. Argues against do both. Can't ditch .then/resolve given library code interop constraint. That forces the conclusion from

Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-02-05 Thread Brendan Eich
Tab Atkins Jr. wrote: (Fixing it does involve magic, or subclassing, but those are things that can be done internally, rather than exposed to authors as terrible API.) Could you say a bit more? Do you mean APIs that defensively hand-box so the user doesn't have to, with async map and its

Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-02-05 Thread Brendan Eich
Tab Atkins Jr. wrote: The APIs for Caches and dealing with responses are designed so that they work nicely together, acting the same way whether you pass a Response or a PromiseResponse. So you can often respond to requests with a simple e.respondWith(cache.get('foo')) and it Just Works®.

Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-02-04 Thread Brendan Eich
Tab Atkins Jr. wrote: On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 10:55 AM, Rick wrote: Per Resolution ( - Promise.cast is renamed to Promise.resolve (remove old Promise.resolve)

Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-02-04 Thread Brendan Eich wrote: #3 is the only point I concede as being even possibly concrete Then you get a *plonk*, or at least a demeric, for ignoring the very concrete problem #2: combinators such as .all do not use .chain, they use .then. Also for ignoring #1 -- it doesn't matter that

Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-02-04 Thread Brendan Eich
Brendan Eich February 4, 2014 at 7:46 PM Then you get a *plonk*, or at least a demeric, demerit', of course. But I'm talking to a fake address. That's pretty bad, it makes me want to ignore you (*plonk* in USENET terms). Do better quickly, or else that's

Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-02-04 Thread Brendan Eich
Mark Roberts wrote: Wanting something value-ish, featureless, monadic, is a good goal for a differently named abstraction built on value objects. Promises are not that abstraction. Do the work to show the win, under a new name (Future?). I believe the win has already been

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