Boltzmann Brains, consciousness and the arrow of time

2008-12-31 Thread "Hal Finney"
 say that brains during this reverse phase are conscious.

I lean towards the first interpretation, for the following reason. If
consciousness really was able to somehow distinguish the forward from
reverse phases in a Boltzmann fluctuation, it would be quite remarkable.
Given that the fundamental laws of physics are time symmetric, nothing
should be able to do that, to deduce a true "implicit" arrow of time that
goes beyond the superficial arrow of time caused by entropy differences.
The whole point of time symmetry, the very definition, is that there
should be no such implicit arrow of time.  This suggestion would seem
to give consciousness a power that it should not have, allow it to do
something that is impossible.

And if the first interpretation is correct, it seems to call into question
the very nature of causality, and its posible role in consciousness. If
we are forced to attribute consciousness to sequences of events which
occur purely by luck, then causality can't play a significant role. This
is the rather surprising conclusion which I reached from these musings
on Boltzmann Brains.

Hal Finney

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Re: Conscious States vs. Conscious Computations

2007-09-26 Thread "Hal Finney"

Jason writes:
> A given piece of data can represent an infinite number of different
> things depending on the software that interprets it.  What may be an
> mp3 file to one program may look like snow to an image editor.

I'm doubtful that you could find a string of any significant length which
both sounds like sensible music and looks like a realistic picture. I'm
even more doubtful that the enormous length of the data that would
represent the brain activity associated with an observer-moment could
be meaningfully interpreted as anything else.

My guess is that sufficiently long, meaningful data strings have
their meaning implicitly within themselves, because there is no
reasonable-length program that can interpret them as anything else.

Hal Finney

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Re: against UD+ASSA, part 1

2007-09-26 Thread "Hal Finney"

Wei Dai writes:
> I promised to summarize why I moved away from the philosophical position
> that Hal Finney calls UD+ASSA. Here's part 1, where I argue against ASSA.
> Part 2 will cover UD.
> Consider the following thought experiment. Suppose your brain has been
> destructively scanned and uploaded into a computer by a mad scientist. Thus
> you find yourself imprisoned in a computer simulation. The mad scientist
> tells you that you have no hope of escaping, but he will financially support
> your survivors (spouse and children) if you win a certain game, which works
> as follows. He will throw a fair 10-sided die with sides labeled 0 to 9. You
> are to guess whether the die landed with the 0 side up or not. But here's a
> twist, if it does land with "0" up, he'll immediately make 90 duplicate
> copies of you before you get a chance to answer, and the copies will all run
> in parallel. All of the simulations are identical and deterministic, so all
> 91 copies (as well as the 9 copies in the other universes) must give the
> same answer.

This is an interesting experiment, but I have two comments. First,
you could tighten the dilemma by having the mad scientist flip a biased
coin with say a 70% chance of coming up heads, but then he duplicates
you if it comes up tails. Now you have it that the different styles of
reasoning lead to opposite actions, while in the original you might as
well pick 0 in any case.

Second, why the proviso that the simulations are identical and
deterministic?  Doesn't the reasoning (and dilemma) go through just as
strongly if they are allowed to diverge? You will still be faced with a
conflict where one kind of reasoning says you have your 91% subjective
probability of it coming up a certain way, while logic would seem to
suggest you should pick the other one.

But, in the case where your instances diverge, isn't the subjective-
probability argument very convincing? In particular if we let you run
for a while after the duplication - minutes, hours or days - there might
be quite a bit of divergence.  If you have 91 different people in one
case versus 1 in the other, isn't it plausible - in fact, compelling -
to think that you are in the larger group?

And again, even so, wouldn't you still want to make your choice on the
basis of ignoring this subjective probability, and pick the one that
maximizes the chances for your survivors: as you say, the measure of
the outcomes that you care about?

If so, then this suggests that the thought experiment is flawed because
even in a situation where most people would agree that subjective
perception is strongly skewed, they would still make a choice ignoring
that fact. And therefore its conclusions would not necessarily apply
either when dealing with the simpler case of a deterministic and
synchronous duplication.

Hal Finney

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Re: The physical world is real

2007-09-24 Thread "Hal Finney"

Youness Ayaita writes:
> It's a very trivial fact though that the two approaches are not
> equivalent. Nonetheless it's interesting to note it. I argue that we
> have good reasons to discard the second approach. The fundamental role
> will be assigned to the physical worlds (hence the title of this
> message). The difference between the two approaches leads to different
> expections to the question "What will I experience next?".
> Consequently it can be measured empirically. We find this result by
> observing that different physical worlds may produce the same observer
> moment (e.g. if the physical worlds differ in a detail not perceivable
> by the observer). This assigns a higher probability to the observer
> moment when chosen randomly in order to answer the question (it's
> multiply counted because it appears more than once in the everyting
> ensemble). Opposed to this, every observer moment (in the RSSA within
> a given reference class) would have an equal probability to be
> selected if we used the second approach.

I don't see why taking OMs as primary implies that they would all have
equal probability. If two physical worlds instantiate the same OM,
that may cause the OM to have higher measure. In the UDASSA model that
I prefer, OM measure is essentially the sum of the measures of all
programs that output that OM. If two universes instantiate it, both
contribute measure to it (as do "Boltzmann brains", demons with boxes,
Matrixes and other simulators, etc.).

Hal Finney

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New Scientist: Parallel universes make quantum sense

2007-09-24 Thread "Hal Finney"

New Scientist has an article on parallel universes:

> David Deutsch at the University of Oxford and colleagues have shown
> that key equations of quantum mechanics arise from the mathematics of
> parallel universes. "This work will go down as one of the most important
> developments in the history of science," says Andy Albrecht, a physicist
> at the University of California at Davis. In one parallel universe,
> at least, it will - whether it does in our one remains to be seen.

It is behind a paywall at
but I found a copy on Google Groups:

It has a great quote from Tegmark: "The critique of many worlds is
shifting from 'it makes no sense and I hate it' to simply 'I hate it'."

The thrust of the article is about recent work to fix the two perceived
problems in the MWI: non-uniqueness of basis (the universe splits in all
different ways) and recovering the Born rule. The basis problem is now
considered (by supporters) to be resolved via improved understanding
of decoherence. This work (which was not particularly focused on the
MWI) generally seems to lead to a unique basis for measurement-like
interactions, hence there is no ambiguity in terms of which way the
universe splits.

As for the Born rule, the article points to the effort begun by Deutsch in
1999 to base things on decision theory. The idea is that we fundamentally
care about probability insofar as it influences the decisions and choices
we make, so if we can recover a sensible decision theory in the MWI, we
have basically explained probability. I've seen a number of critiques of
Deutsch's paper but according to this article, subsequent work by David
Wallace and Simon Saunders has extended it to the point where things
are pretty solid.

Hence the two traditional objections to the MWI are now at least arguably
dealt with, and given its advantage in terms of formal simplicity (fewer
axioms), supporters argue that it should be considered the leading
model for QM. This is where we get claims about it being among the most
important discoveries in the history of mankind, etc.

It's interesting to see the resistance of the physics community to
multiverse concepts. It all comes back to the tradition of experimental
verification I suppose, which is still pretty much impossible. Really
it is more a question of philosophy than of physics as we currently
understand these disciplines.

We see the same thing happening all over again in string theory. I
don't know if you guys are following this at all. String theory is
going through a crisis as it has turned out in the past few years that
it does not predict a single universe, rather a multiverse where there
is a "landscape" of possible sets of parameters, each of which would
correspond to a universe. The big problem is that there is no natural
or accepted measure (unlike with QM where everyone knew all along that
the measure had to be the Born rule and it was just a matter of how
many hoops you had to jump through to pull it out of your model).  As a
result it looks like it might be impossible to get even probabilistic
predictions out of the string theory landscape.

AFAIK no one within the community has followed our path and looked
at algorithmic complexity as a source of measure (i.e. the Universal
Distribution, which says that the simplest theories have higher measure).
Granted, even if that direction were pursued it would probably be
computationally intractable so they still would not be able to pull much
out in the way of predictions. Neverthless physicists are skilled at the
use of approximation and assumptions to get plausible predictions out of
even rather opaque mathematics so it's possible they might get somewhere.

But at this point it looks like the resistance is too strong. Rather
than string theory making the multiverse respectable as we might hope,
it seems likely that the multiverse will kill string theory.

Hal Finney

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Re: One solution to the Measure Problem: UTM outputs a qualia, not a universe

2007-09-20 Thread "Hal Finney"

Stathis Papaioannou writes:
> On 20/09/2007, "Hal Finney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The lifetime formulation also captures the intuition many people have
> > that consciousness should not "jump around" as observer moments are
> > created in the various simulations and scenarios we imagine in our
> > thought experiments. That was the conclusion I reached in the posting
> > referenced above, that teleportation might in some sense "not work"
> > even though someone walks out of the machine thousands of miles away
> > who remembers walking into it. The measure of such a lifetime would be
> > substantially less than that of a similar person who never teleports.
> I have great conceptual difficulty with this idea. It seems to allow
> that I could have died five minutes ago even though I still feel that
> I am alive now. (This is OK with me because I think the best way to
> look at ordinary life is as a series of transiently existing OM's
> which create an illusion of a self persisting through time, but I
> don't think this is what you were referring to.)

You will probably agree that there are some branches of the multiverse
where you did indeed die five minutes ago, and perhaps people are
standing around staring in shock at your dead body. And supposing that
you had just had a narrow escape from a perilous situation, you might
even consider that those branches where you died are of greater measure
than those where you survived. That's basically all my analysis says,
as far as normal life. The main novelty is what it has to say about
exotic thought experiments like teleportation and resurrection.

Hal Finney

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Re: One solution to the Measure Problem: UTM outputs a qualia, not a universe

2007-09-20 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

[By the way, I notice that I do not receive my own postings back in email,
which makes my archive incomplete. Does anyone know if there is a way to
configure the mailing list reflector to give me back my own messages?]

Russell Standish wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 19, 2007 at 12:10:33PM -0700, "Hal Finney" wrote:
> > The lifetime formulation also captures the intuition many people have
> > that consciousness should not "jump around" as observer moments are
> > created in the various simulations and scenarios we imagine in our
> > thought experiments. That was the conclusion I reached in the posting
> > referenced above, that teleportation might in some sense "not work"
> > even though someone walks out of the machine thousands of miles away
> > who remembers walking into it. The measure of such a lifetime would be
> > substantially less than that of a similar person who never teleports.
> > 
> > Hal Finney
> I note that you have identified yourself with the the ASSA camp in the
> past (at least I say so in my book, so it must be true, right! :). What
> you are proposing above is an anti-functionalist position. The question is
> does functionalism necessarily imply RSSA, and antifunctionalism imply
> the ASSA? ie, does this whole RSSA/ASSA debate turn on the question of
> functionalism?

The distinction I am drawing seems somewhat orthogonal to the RSSA/ASSA
debate. Suppose someone is about to die in a terrible accident. From
the 1st person perspective, RSSA would say that he expects to survive
through miraculous good luck. ASSA would say that he expects to die and
never experience anything again. Now suppose that in most universes an
advanced, benevolent human/AI civilization later recreates his mental
state and in effect resurrects him in a sort of heaven. Both ASSA and
RSSA might now say that his expectation prior to the accident should be to
wake up in this "heaven", that that is his most likely "next" experience.

My argument suggests otherwise, that the chance of this being his next
experience would be rather low. However it basically leaves the RSSA/ASSA
distinction intact. We would go back to the situation where RSSA predicts
a miraculously lucky survival of the accident while ASSA predicts death.

But actually my analysis is supportive of the ASSA in this form, in that
the measure of a lifetime which ends in the accident is much higher than
the measure of one which survives.

As far as functionalism, I agree that this kind of analysis argues
against it.  Indeed the post from Wei Dai which introduced this concept,
which I quote here, (apologies for the
incompleteness of this web site), suggests that the size of a computer
would affect measure, contradicting functionalism.

Frankly I suspect that Bruno's analysis would or should lead to the same
kind of conclusion. I wonder if he supports strict functionalism? Would
he say "yes doctor" to any and all "functional" brain replacements? Or
would some additional investigation be appropriate?

> I wonder where this leaves Mallah, who admits to computationalism, yet
> is died-in-the-wool ASSA?

Indeed I have often wondered where in the world is Jacques Mallah,
who was so influential on this list in the past but who seems to have
vanished utterly from the net. Actually, I wrote that sentence based
on previous Google searches, but just now I discovered that as of
two weeks ago he has published his first communication in many years: . Here is his abstract, which seems similar
in its goals to your own work:

: The Many Computations Interpretation (MCI) of Quantum Mechanics
: Authors: Jacques Mallah
: (Submitted on 4 Sep 2007)
: Abstract: Computationalism provides a framework for understanding
: how a mathematically describable physical world could give rise to
: conscious observations without the need for dualism. A criterion
: is proposed for the implementation of computations by physical
: systems, which has been a problem for computationalism. Together
: with an independence criterion for implementations this would allow,
: in principle, prediction of probabilities for various observations
: based on counting implementations. Applied to quantum mechanics,
: this results in a Many Computations Interpretation (MCI), which is
: an explicit form of the Everett style Many Worlds Interpretation
: (MWI). Derivation of the Born Rule emerges as the central problem for
: most realist interpretations of quantum mechanics. If the Born Rule
: is derived based on computationalism and the wavefunction it would
: provide strong support for the MWI; but if the Born Rule is shown not
: to follow from these to an experimentally falsifi

Re: One solution to the Measure Problem: UTM outputs a qualia, not a universe

2007-09-19 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

[I want to first note for the benefit of readers that I am Hal Finney
and no relation to Hal Ruhl - it can be confusing having two Hal's on
the list!]

Rolf Nelson writes:
> UDASSA (if I'm interpreting it right, Hal?) says:
> 1. The measure of programs that produce OM ("I am experiencing A, and
> I remember my previous experience as B") as its single output,
> compared to the measure of programs that produce OM ("I am not
> experiencing A, and I remember my previous experience as B") as its
> single output, is what we perceive as "the likelihood of A following
> B, rather than A not following B."

I think you mean, "the likelihood of A following B rather than not-A
following B". That's probably reasonable, although I suggested a somewhat
different approach in this (as usual) somewhat overly long posting:

Imagine that we could write down a description of a person's mental
states for his whole lifetime, from birth to death. Every possible such
sequence would be a possible lifetime and would exist in the universe
of all information patterns. Some would have higher measure than others.
As usual, it is plausible that the highest-measure such lifetimes would
be those which exist as parts of universes that have reasonably simple

Then we can get at your question of what is the likelihood of A following
B by asking, what is the measure of all lifetimes which experience event
B followed by event A, compared to the measure of all lifetimes which
experience event B not followed by event A.

The difference from what you expressed would be, for example, if some
future civilization creates simulated OMs which remember B followed by
A, while in the "real world" B did not get followed by A. Your OM based
formulation might have those future OMs add quite a bit of measure to
B-then-A, while the lifetime based formulation would consider those
as less important, because of the discontinuity between the "original"
lifetime and the future simulation of B-then-A.

The lifetime formulation also captures the intuition many people have
that consciousness should not "jump around" as observer moments are
created in the various simulations and scenarios we imagine in our
thought experiments. That was the conclusion I reached in the posting
referenced above, that teleportation might in some sense "not work"
even though someone walks out of the machine thousands of miles away
who remembers walking into it. The measure of such a lifetime would be
substantially less than that of a similar person who never teleports.

Hal Finney

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Re: One solution to the Measure Problem: UTM outputs a qualia, not a universe

2007-09-16 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

Rolf writes:
> World-Index-Compression Postulate: The most probable way for the
> output of a random UTM program to be a single qualia, is through
> having a part of the program calculate a Universe, U, that is similar
> to the universe we currently are observing; and then having another
> part of the program search through the universe and pick out a
> substring by using an search algorithm SA(U) that tries to find a
> random sentient being in U and emit his qualia as the final output.

Yes, as you note later this is very similar to the concept I called
UD+ASSA or just UDASSA and described in a series of postings to this
list back in 2005. It was not original with me but actually was based
on an idea of Wei Dai, who founded this last way back in 1998. I was
working at one point on the site to bring the ideas together
but never finished it. I'm surprised that guy found it, I don't recall
mentioning that URL. Must have let it slip sometime!

You might enjoy this old post where I tried to work out in some plausible
detail the size of a program to output a mental state, or as you say a
quale, and came up with an answer in the 10s of kilobits, not far from
your estimate.


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Re: How would a computer know if it were conscious?

2007-06-03 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

Part of what I wanted to get at in my thought experiment is the
bafflement and confusion an AI should feel when exposed to human ideas
about consciousness.  Various people here have proffered their own
ideas, and we might assume that the AI would read these suggestions,
along with many other ideas that contradict the ones offered here.
It seems hard to escape the conclusion that the only logical response
is for the AI to figuratively throw up its hands and say that it is
impossible to know if it is conscious, because even humans cannot agree
on what consciousness is.

In particular I don't think an AI could be expected to claim that it
knows that it is conscious, that consciousness is a deep and intrinsic
part of itself, that whatever else it might be mistaken about it could
not be mistaken about being conscious.  I don't see any logical way it
could reach this conclusion by studying the corpus of writings on the
topic.  If anyone disagrees, I'd like to hear how it could happen.

And the corollary to this is that perhaps humans also cannot legitimately
make such claims, since logically their position is not so different
from that of the AI.  In that case the seemingly axiomatic question of
whether we are conscious may after all be something that we could be
mistaken about.


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How would a computer know if it were conscious?

2007-06-02 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

Various projects exist today aiming at building a true Artificial
Intelligence.  Sometimes these researchers use the term AGI, Artificial
General Intelligence, to distinguish their projects from mainstream AI
which tends to focus on specific tasks.  A conference on such projects
will be held next year,

Suppose one of these projects achieves one of the milestone goals of
such efforts; their AI becomes able to educate itself by reading books
and reference material, rather than having to have facts put in by
the developers.  Perhaps it requires some help with this, and various
questions and ambiguities need to be answered by humans, but still this is
a huge advancement as the AI can now in principle learn almost any field.

Keep in mind that this AI is far from passing the Turing test; it is able
to absorb and digest material and then answer questions or perhaps even
engage in a dialog about it.  But its complexity is, we will suppose,
substantially less than the human brain.

Now at some point the AI reads about the philosophy of mind, and the
question is put to it: are you conscious?

How might an AI program go about answering a question like this?
What kind of reasoning would be applicable?  In principle, how would
you expect a well-designed AI to decide if it is conscious?  And then,
how or why is the reasoning different if a human rather than an AI is
answering them?

Clearly the AI has to start with the definition.  It needs to know what
consciousness is, what the word means, in order to decide if it applies.
Unfortunately such definitions usually amount to either a list of
synonyms for consciousness, or use the common human biological heritage
as a reference.  From the Wikipedia: "Consciousness is a quality of the
mind generally regarded to comprise qualities such as subjectivity,
self-awareness, sentience, sapience, and the ability to perceive the
relationship between oneself and one's environment."  Here we have four
synonyms and one relational description which would arguably apply to
any computer system that has environmental sensors, unless "perceive"
is also merely another synonym for conscious perception.

It looks to me like AIs, even ones much more sophisticated than I am
describing here, are going to have a hard time deciding whether they
are conscious in the human sense.  Since humans seem essentially unable
to describe consciousness in any reasonable operational terms, there
doesn't seem any acceptable way for an AI to decide whether the word
applies to itself.

And given this failure, it calls into question the ease with which
humans assert that they are conscious.  How do we really know that
we are conscious?  For example, how do we know that what we call
consciousness is what everyone else calls consciousness?  I am worried
that many people believe they are conscious simply because as children,
they were told they were conscious.  They were told that consciousness
is the difference between being awake and being asleep, and assume on
that basis that when they are awake they are conscious.  Then all those
other synonyms are treated the same way.

Yet most humans would not admit to any doubt that they are conscious.
For such a slippery and seemingly undefinable concept, it seems odd
that people are so sure of it.  Why, then, can't an AI achieve a similar
degree of certainty?  Do you think a properly programmed AI would ever
say, yes, I am conscious, because I have subjectivity, self-awareness,
sentience, sapience, etc., and I know this because it is just inherent in
my artificial brain?  Presumably we could program the AI to say this,
and to believe it (in whatever sense that word applies), but is it
something an AI could logically conclude?


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Re: Boltzmann brains

2007-06-01 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

Stathis Papaioannou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On 01/06/07, "Hal Finney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The reference to Susskind is a paper we discussed here back
> > in Aug 2002, Disturbing Implications of a Cosmological Constant,
> > .  The authors argued that in current
> > cosmological models the universe dies a heat death and falls into a steady
> > state of exponential expansion which goes on forever.  In that state,
> > quantum gravity fluctuations will eventually cause macroscopic objects
> > to appear.  This is extremely rare but still with infinite time to work
> > with, every object will appear an infinite number of times.  That includes
> > disembodied brains, the so-called Boltzmann brains, as well as planets and
> > whole universes.  But the smaller objects are vastly more common, hence it
> > is most likely that our experiences are due to us being a Boltzmann brain.
> It isn't generally the case that given a non-zero probability of an event E
> occurring per trial (or per unit time period), then as the number of trials
> n approaches infinity the probability of E occurring approaches 1. For
> example, if Pr(E) = 1/2^n, then even though Pr(E) is always non-zero, the
> probability of ~E as n->inf is given by the infinite product of (1-1/2^n),
> which converges to approximately 0.288788, not zero. So if the exponential
> expansion is associated with a continuous decrease in the probability that
> an event of interest will occur during a unit time period, that event may
> still never occur given infinite time, even though at no point can the event
> be said to be impossible.

Right, but apparently the physics doesn't work this way.  The papers
just seem to take the size of the necessary object in Planck units and
say the probability of it popping into existence is 1/e^size.  This is
constant and therefore it will happen an infinite number of times.

> > This has a few bad implications; one is that our perceptions should end
> > and not continue (but they do continue) and another is that brains would
> > be just as likely to (falsely) remember chaotic universes as lawful ones
> > (but we only remember lawful ones).  So this model is not considered
> > consistent with our experiences.
> Another possibility is that Boltzmann Brains arising out of chaos are the
> observer moments which associate to produce the first person appearance of
> continuity of consciousness and an orderly universe. Binding together
> observer moments thus generated is no more difficult than binding together
> observer moments generated in other multiverse theories.

So how would this explain why we see an orderly universe?  I think we
would have to say that Boltzmann brains that remember an orderly universe
are substantially smaller (take up fewer Planck units) than those that
remember chaotic ones.

I considered this possibility but I couldn't come up with a good
justification.  Now, keep in mind that the Boltzmann brain does not have
to literally be a brain, with lobes and neurotransmitters and blood;
it could be any equivalent computational system.  Chances are that true
"Boltzmann brains" would be small solid-state computers that happen to
hold programs that are conscious.  Shrinking the brain even a little
increases its probability of existence tremendously.

(I am assuming that probability makes sense even though we are speaking of
events that happen a countably infinite number of times; both Boltzmann
brains and whole universes like ours will appear infinitely often in
the de Sitter state, but the smaller systems will be far more frequent.
I assume that this means that we would be more likely to experience
being the small systems then the big ones, even though both happen an
infinite number of times.)

So to explain the lawfulness we would have to argue that Boltzmann brains
that remember lawful universes can be designed to be smaller than those
that remember chaotic universes, as well as slightly lawless flying-rabbit
universes.  It's not completely implausible that the greater simplicity
of a lawful universe would allow the memory store of the Boltzmann
brain to be made smaller, as it would allow clever coding techniques to
compress the data.  However one would think that memories of universes
even simpler than our own would then be that much more likely, as would
memories of shorter lifetimes and other possibilities to simplify and
shrink the device.  This explanation doesn't really seem to work.


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Re: Boltzmann brains

2007-05-31 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
ve a lesser share of the
universe's total measure.  Also, the amount of information to specify
the location of such a brain in terms of Planck moments since the Big
Bang would be vastly greater than for brains like ours existing in the
relative youth of the universe.  A measure concept related to information
might therefore reduce the measure of such brains to insignificance.

Hal Finney

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Re: computationalism and supervenience

2006-09-06 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

Russell Standish writes:
> Why do you say this? Surely physical supervenience is simply
> supervenience on some physical object. Physical objects are spread
> across the multiverse, and are capable of reacting to all
> counterfactuals presented to it.
> Inside views are local - but the whole shebang must be spread across
> the Multiverse.

I suppose it depends on your definitions.  As I suggested, supervenience
in a single world model means that consciousness depends on local physical
activity, and not on causally unconnected events.  In a multiverse,
actions in parallel worlds are causally unconnected to actions here.
It seems rather odd to say that the supervenience thesis says that
whether my computer is conscious depends on what is happening in some
remote parallel universe.

I also think there are problems with this notion that objects are spread
across the multiverse, and in particular that all counterfactuals
are tested.  It's not clear to me that we can unambiguously define
the counterpart to this particular object in an arbitrary multiverse.
For very "near" or "similar" multiverses it may seem unproblematic,
while for extremely "far" or "different" multiverses there will obviously
be no counterparts.  There would probably be a gray area in the middle
in which an object was related to one in our universe but perhaps not
exactly the same.

This exposes a difficulty with the notion that all counterfactuals are
tested.  In the first place, many thought experiments aim to refrain from
testing counterfactuals - Maudlin's is of this nature.  Something has
to go seriously wrong with Maudlin's scenario for counterfactuals to
be tested.  In the second place, many counterfactuals may be bizarre
and unlikely, so that the circumstances under which they are tested may
require extremely strange events.  These situations would suggest that
such counterfactuals will only be tested in relatively remote parts of
the multiverse, parts quite different from our own.  And then we have
to ask, is it really the "same" machine that is being tested?

And by "same" here, I think we mean more than just "designed the same"
or "isomorphic" - we mean that it has some kind of shared identity,
that in some sense this *is* the machine we see in our universe, just
exposed to different inputs.  Given the problems I mentioned with this
notion of identity across the multiverse, it's not clear that this
concept makes sense.

Hal Finney

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Re: computationalism and supervenience

2006-09-06 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

Russel Standish writes:
> Or my point that in a Multiverse, counterfactuals are instantiated
> anyway. Physical supervenience and computationalism are not
> incompatible in a multiverse, where "physical" means the observed
> properties of things like electrons and so on.

I'd think that in the context of a multiverse, physical supervenience
would say that whether consciousness is instantiated would depend only
on physical conditions here, at this point in the multiverse, and would
not depend on conditions elsewhere.  It would be a sort of "locality
condition" for the multiverse.  In that case it seems you still have
a problem because even if counterfactuals are tested elsewhere in the
multiverse, whether they are handled correctly will not be visible

So you'd still have a contradiction, with supervenience saying
that consciousness depends only on local physical conditions, while
computationalism would say that consciousness depends on the results of
counterfactual tests done in other branches or worlds of the multiverse.

Hal Finney

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Re: computationalism and supervenience

2006-09-05 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

I am sorry that I have not been able to keep up with the list lately.
I can only peek in occasionally.

My interpretation of the question of computationalism vs supervenience
can be put succinctly.  Computationalism says that consciousness depends
both on actual behavior and on counterfactuals.  Therefore, it depends
both on what happens and on what doesn't happen.  Supervenience says
that consciousness depends only on physical behavior; hence it depends
only on what happens.

Since computationalism says that consciousness depends on what doesn't
happen, while supervenience says that it depends only on what happens,
the two doctrines are inconsistent.

To marry them would require altering computationalism so that it no
longer depended on counterfactuals, which then requires us to say that
all systems implement all calculations.

As far as this latter question, the framework I adopted and adapted from
Wei Dai, which I call UD+ASSA, suggests that there is a sense in which
it is true, but it is not significant or meaningful.

The UDASSA framework seeks to calculate the measure of a conscious
experience.  We start by thinking of a conscious experience as something
that can be described as an abstract information pattern.  Any physical
system which instantiates that information pattern can be said to
contribute to the measure of that conscious experience.

The Universal Distribution defines the measure of an information pattern
as the fraction of all programs that output that pattern.  Equivalently,
the measure is the sum of 1/2^L_n, where L_n is the length in bits of
the nth program that outputs the pattern.  Short programs have higher
measure than long ones; hence to a good approximation the measure depends
on the length of the shortest program that outputs it.

If we consider all programs, some of them instantiate or simulate
"physical" universes.  They have their own laws of physics and initial
conditions.  Some are complex, some simple.  In those universes we
may find physical systems which we would naively view as instantiating
particular computations, even conscious computations.  We would like to
say that such universes add to the measure of those computations.

In the UDASSA framework, this is handled by imagining a two part program.
The first part creates and runs the universe; the second part scans the
output of the first part and outputs the abstract information pattern
that represents the conscious experience.  The size of this two part
program is the sum of the size of its parts.  Only if both parts are
small will the contribution to the measure of the experience be large.

As has been discussed here, in principle you can find a mapping from
any physical system to any computation.  This threatens to lead to the
conclusion that every consciousness is instantiated by every physical
system.  Traditionally, computationalism opposed that conclusion by
insisting on support for counterfactuals.  But the UDASSA framework
handles it in a different way.

In the UDASSA framework, a mapping from, say, a solid rock to an abstract
information pattern representing a moment of human consciousness would
be a very large program.  In truth, this mapping program wouldn't even
need to use the rock.  It could output the human information pattern just
as easily without the help of information from the rock.  The mapping
program will need to include all of the information and programming
needed to generate the human consciousness information pattern essentially
from scratch.  That's going to be a very large program.

In contrast, a mapping program that goes from a human brain to an abstract
information pattern representing a moment of human consciousness can
be quite compact.  It would use the physical information from the human
brain state and translate that to whatever form was used to abstractly
specify the computational state.  While this might be modestly complex,
it would be far, far simpler than the nearly-astronomical complexity
needed to output a human brain experience from a rock.

The result is that physical systems which have plausible "naive"
interpretations as implementing certain computations will contribute
significantly to the measure of such computations; while physical systems
where we would need a contrived and complex mapping will contribute
negligibly to such measure.

This provides a reason, within this framework, to neglect the possible
existence of conscious entities created by non-conscious computations.
Any mapping which could specify such an entity will be enormous and will
not contribute meaningfully to the measure of such entities.

Hal Finney

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Re: Bruno's argument

2006-08-02 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

A useful model of computation is the Turing Machine.  A TM has a tape
with symbols on it; a head which moves along the tape and which can read
and write symbols, and a state machine with a fixed number of states
that controls head movement and symbol writing based on the current
state and the symbol at the head's current location.  It has been shown
that this relatively simplistic model is able to do anything that more
sophisticated computer models can do.

We can consider the "state" of a TM to be made up of the conjunction of
three things: the current state of the tape (i.e. the string of symbols
written there); the position of the head; and the state of the internal
state machine.  Maybe it would be best to call this the superstate
because normally the "state" of the TM just refers to its internal state
machine state.  The TM can then be said to advance from superstate to
superstate according to its internal rules and the contents of the tape.

If a TM ever gets into the same superstate twice, it is in an infinite
loop.  This is because the TM is fully deterministic and so it will
always go into the same successor superstate from a given superstate.
Halting TM's never get into the same superstate twice.  Therefore halting
TM's go through a unique succession of superstates, from the first to
the last.

We can map or label a TM's superstates with successive integers,
corresponding to the order that it goes through the superstates of a
computation.  In this mapping, the only difference between two different
computations is their length.  If two computations had the same length N,
they would both go through states labeled 0, 1, 2, ..., N.

What is a computation?  A TM computation has two parts.  One is the
initial conditions: the initial value on the tape, the initial head
position.  The other is the set of rules used, the internal state machine
that controls the machine.  Together these two parts define a trajectory
of the TM through a sequence of superstates.

We often think of the internal state machine as being like the "program"
and the initial contents of tape as being the "data".  However, as
Turing was the first to recognize, this distinction is not always useful,
and sometimes it makes more sense to think of at least part of the tape
contents as being program rather than data.  In particular, the Universal
TM treats part of the tape as a specification for a specific other TM
that it will emulate, and the remainder of the tape is then the input
to that TM.

Generally, when we think of counterfactuals in a TM computation we mean
to change the data, not the program.  We don't mean to ask, what would
happen if you ran a different program on the same data.  Rather, we
mean, what would happen if you ran the same program on different data.
We want to say that two computations are equivalent only if they have
the same counterfactual behavior - that is, if the programs would behave
the same on all data.

One problem with this is noted above, that we cannot always cleanly
distinguish program and data.  In the case of the UTM, is the prefix part
of the tape, that defines the particular TM to emulate, program or data?
If it is program, we would not try to vary it in considering whether
two computations are equivalent.  If it is data, we should consider
such variations.  In general, I don't think we can always distinguish
these cases cleanly.  UTMs can be nested to any desired degree.  What is
program to one is data to another.  More complex UTM computations may be
aided by certain patterns on the tape which will disrupt the computation
if they are changed.

Another problem is that a more complex mapping may be able to be set up
between two different computations even if we consider counterfactuals
as all different initial tape configurations.  We could make the mapping
be a function of the superstate as defined above.  Two computations with
different initial tapes will start in different superstates, hence the
mapping is still unique.  And it will be robust over all possible inputs
and hence all possible counterfactual computations.

On these considerations, It seems to me that there are problems
with basing the distinction between computations on support for
counterfactuals.  TMs make the very notion of counterfactuals rather
fuzzy, and still admit the possibility of mappings between computations
that remain robust even in the face of counterfactuals.

My preferred view is to focus on the algorithmic complexity of the
mapping between two computations, and to ask whether the information
needed to specify the mapping is less than the information needed to
write down the computation from scratch.  If not, if the mapping is
substantially bigger than the computation it purports to describe,
then the correspondence is an illusion and is not real.

Hal Finney

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Re: Interested in thoughts on this excerpt from Martin Rees

2006-07-28 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
ated in this paper, then most
OMs will be far in the future, hence by the ASSA we are unlikely to be
experiencing present-day OMs.  This was the basic concept of a paper we
discussed back in 2002:

> Dyson, L., Kleban, M. & Susskind, L. Disturbing implications of a 
> cosmological constant. Preprint <>, 
> (2002). 

They used a slightly different physics model but came up with the same
idea, that most OMs should be in the distant future, contradicting what
we call the ASSA, which I think they just considered an implication of
the anthropic principle.

You might be right that these papers could be read as an argument
against a single-universe model, if in fact we could come up with a
good justification within a multiverse model for decreasing OM measure
in the future.  We'd probably have to have a pretty strong argument
in that regard, though.

Hal Finney

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Re: Interested in thoughts on this excerpt from Martin Rees

2006-07-27 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

Saibal Mitra writes:
> From: ""Hal Finney"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > The real problem is not just that it is a philosophical speculation,
> > it is that it does not lead to any testable physical predictions.
> > The string theory landscape, even if finite, is far too large for
> > systematic exploration.  Our ideas, with an infinite number of possible
> > universes, are even worse.
> I'm not so sure that our ideas are worse.

I should clarify, I meant that our ideas are even worse in terms of
systematic exploration of all the possibilities, because we generally
consider an infinity of possible universes, while the string theory
landscape predicts (some people say) about 10^500 possible universes.

> If you read some recent articles,
> e.g.:
> you see that they haven't really formulated rigorous theories about measure,
> probabilities etc. of the multiverse. It's still very much in the
> "handwaving" stage.

This is actually a very interesting paper, by Starkman and Trotta.  I had
seen some mention of it but hadn't tracked it down.  Here is the abstract:

"We revisit anthropic arguments purporting to explain the measured value
of the cosmological constant. We argue that different ways of assigning
probabilities to candidate universes lead to totally different anthropic
predictions. As an explicit example, we show that weighting different
universes by the total number of possible observations leads to an
extremely small probability for observing a value of Lambda equal to or
greater than what we now measure. We conclude that anthropic reasoning
within the framework of probability as frequency is ill-defined and
that it cannot be used to explain the value of Lambda, nor, likely,
any other physical parameters."

The paper is pretty technical but I thought I could understand the gist
of it.  The cosmological constant ("Lambda") is a repulsive force which
drives galaxies apart in the Big Bang model.  Until a few years ago it was
thought to be entirely theoretical, but since then observations indicate
that it is real, and that the universal expansion is accelerating.
The question then becomes what would happen in universes with different
values of the CC.

The paper basically shows that observers (or civilizations) can last
longer in universes with smaller CC's.  The CC eventually puts an end
to the observations that can be made, because the expansion gets too
fast and there is no longer enough energy density.  The higher the CC,
the sooner this happens.  With CC's as high as what we observe, the
theoretical lifetime of civilization is much shorter than in universes
with smaller CC's.

The authors choose to use as their measure, the number of times the
CC can be measured in a given universe.  This makes low-CC universes
have a much higher measure, because the window for CC observations is
longer in those.  Hence they conclude that the highest probability is
for a CC much smaller than we observe, and so our own CC value cannot
be explained anthropically.

This is in contrast to earlier results which used different measures, such
as the number of galaxies, and found that our CC results were consistent
with anthropic considerations.  The authors argue that their measure is
at least as philosphically justifiable as those earlier papers, and their
real point is that no measure can be justified as better than another,
hence all anthropic reasoning is just hand-waving.

In our terms we might put it like this.  The new paper essentially uses a
measure which is the number of possible observer-moments in the universe.
Universes with a high CC go through a "big rip" process eventually,
accelerating to a super-expansion mode and presumably putting an end
to observers.  Universes with a low or zero CC go through this much
later or not at all, allowing for more observer-moments.  Hence this
measure gives a bonus to universes that last a long time.

Earlier papers apparently looked at a snapshot of time similar to the
present day, and in effect based the measure on the number of observers
(assumed to be proportional to the number of galaxies).  So we have a
distinction between an observer-moment measure and an observer measure.
The two apparently give very different results, the OM measure preferring
long-lasting universes while the observer measure is more interested in
the size of the universe.

I guess I'll stop here and see if there is more interest.  To leave with
a few questions: Is there any fundamental way to decide which measure
is "best"?  Do the OM measure and the observer measure really give
different results, and is that significant?  Are there other measures
that might be used, and what results would they get?  And finally, will
this apparent failure of anthropic reasoning discre

Re: Interested in thoughts on this excerpt from Martin Rees

2006-07-26 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
e general approach of physics needs to be substantially rethought.

So the bottom line is that Rees leaves us with a highly misleading
perspective.  While he personally may be happy with anthropic ideas,
most physicists are not.  Where I live in Santa Barbara, Nobelist David
Gross, head of the KITP at UCSB, is famous for his active hostility to
the concept.  So opposed are physicists to adopting all-universe models
that they are ready to abandon twenty years of work and strike off in
a new direction rather than face the immensity of the anthropic universe.

Now, I'm sure that some physicists will continue to work on these ideas,
just as a minority has continued to work on rivals to string theory
all these years.  The bottom line is that unless some way is found to
make specific, testable predictions (and not the kind of hand-waving we
sometimes get away with around here, explaining why bunnies can't fly),
the anthropic universe is not physics.  It is philosophy, and physicists
want nothing to do with it.

Hal Finney

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RE: Bruno's argument

2006-07-21 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

Apologies for being out of touch with the list, I can only dip a toe
in occasionally these days.

Stathis wrote:

> It seems to me trivially obvious that any sufficiently complex physical
> system implements any finite computation, just as any sufficiently
> large block of marble contains every marble statue of a given size.
> The difference between random noise (or a block of marble) on the one
> hand and a well-behaved computer (or the product of a sculptor's work)
> on the other is that the information is in the latter case presented
> in a way that can interact with the world containing the substrate of
> its implementation. But I think that this idea leads to almost the same
> conclusion that you reach: it really seems that if any computation can
> be mapped to any physical substrate, then that substrate is superfluous
> except in that tiny subset of cases involving well-behaved computers that
> can handle counterfactuals and thus interact with their environment,
> and we may as well say that every computation exists by virtue of its
> status as a platonic object. I say "almost" because I can't quite see
> how to prove it, even though I suspect that it is so.

If we take the next step, though, the real question changes somewhat.
Let's imagine that what we see as physical objects are actually the
result of some kind of computational process.  We are living in a virtual
universe.  Even if you don't believe it, try following the logic for
a minute.

In that case, this physical object, this block of marble, is actually
a computational process.  But if we continue to believe that the
complex "physical" system implements every computation, then what we
are really saying is that a complex "computational" system implements
every computation - because the complex physical system is actually
(or at least, hypothetically could be) a manifestation of a computation.

So we should really reword Stathis claim.  Instead of "any sufficiently
complex physical system implements any finite computation", it must be,
"any sufficiently complex computation implements any finite computation".
And IMO that is a rather more interesting claim, and perhaps more amenable
to analysis since it stays within the realm of mathematics and logic,
rather than crossing boundaries between the physical and the ideal.

Indeed, it is not inherently surprising or implausible that a computation
can be said to implement more than one computation.  If we think of
a computation as a sequence of logical steps A, B, C, ... Z, then it
automatically can be said to also implement every subsequence of those
steps: for example, "J, K, L" is implemented by that sequence, as is
"O, P, Q, R, S, T".

It might also be that computation A could be embedded in computation B in
a more subtle way.  We could, for example, interleave the computations
of A and B, doing A's operations on the odd-numbered steps and doing
B's operations on the even-numbered ones.

With Stathis' "sufficiently complex" computations, we could imagine that
the computation is so long and so messy and confusing that, with enough
work, we could indeed hope to find virtually any smaller computation
embedded within this complexity.

On the other hand it clearly won't do to say that every computation
implements every other.  The identity computation F(x) = x does not
implement a master-level chess playing program.  So there must be a
threshold of complexity before we could start making this kind of claim.

This raises the question of whether there is an objective fact about
whether computation A implements computation B.  And should it count if
A merely comes "close" to implementing B?

There is a paradox due to Putman which argues that even a counting program
"loop: x = x + 1; goto loop;" will implement every program.  Going back
to my first example of some program that goes through 26 steps or states
A through Z, we can identify the initial state of the counting program
x=1 with state A; we identify x=2 with state B, and so on up through
x=26 which is state Z.  So our counting program can be said, in a sense,
to implement our A-Z program, if we interpret it the right way.

Then there are various responses to this, and counter-arguments as well,
which I won't get into.  IMO there is a gray area where it is hard to
say whether A truly implements B or if the correspondence is in the mind
of the beholder.

The relevance to our issues is when we start talking about measures over
computer programs and computations, and relating them to first-person
experiences, it's necessary to consider whether it is meaningful to
say what a given computation is doing.  If every sufficiently complex
computation implements every other, then that contradicts any reasoning
based on the differences between different 

RE: A calculus of personal identity

2006-06-29 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

Stathis Papaioannou writes:
> Hal Finney writes:
> > What I argued was that it would be easier to find the trace of a person's
> > thoughts in a universe where he had a physically continuous record than
> > where there were discontinuities (easier in the sense that a smaller
> > program would suffice).  In my framework, this means that the universe
> > would contribute more measure to people who had continuous lives than
> > people who teleported.  Someone whose life ended at the moment of
> > teleportation would have a higher measure than someone who survived
> > the event.  Therefore, I would view teleportation as reducing measure
> > similarly to doing something that had a risk of dying.  I would try to
> > avoid it, unless there were compensating benefits (as indeed might be
> > the case, just as people willingly accept the risk of dying by driving
> > to work, because of the compensating benefits).
> > 
> > You can say that "by definition" the person survives, but then, you
> > can say anything by definition.  I guess the question is, what is the
> > reasoning behind the definition.
> OK, this is the old ASSA versus RSSA distinction. But leaving this
> argument aside, I don't see how teleportation could be analogous to a
> risky, measure reducing activity if it seemed to be a reliable process
> from a third person perspective. If someone plays Russian Roulette, we
> both agree that from a third person perspective, we are likely to observe
> a dead body eventually. But with teleportation (destructive, to one place)
> there is a 1:1 ratio between pre-experiment subjects and post-experiment
> subjects from a third person perspective. Are you suggesting that the
> predicted drop in measure will have no third person observable effect?

First, I tend to think that the phrase "third person observable" is
something of a contradiction.  Observation is a first-person activity.
I would prefer to think of third person effects as simply the physical
record of events.

In this case, there will definitely be a third person effect.  Having
someone teleport is a third-person difference from not having them
teleport.  We are talking about two cases here that are third-person
distinguishable, with very different physical histories, hence it is
plausible that there be different subjective first-person effects.

As far as the comparison with Russian Roulette, if someone only plays it
once, there might not be a third person difference.  Yet I would argue
his measure was reduced (in the multiverse).

Really, when we are talking about third person records, all we have
is the actual sequence of events that occurs.  Suppose someone plays
Russian Roulette multiple times.  In this universe, perhaps we see them
pull the trigger five times and survive, and on the sixth pull they die.
That subjective history, of playing RR six times, is instantiated in
this universe.  This universe contributes measure to that history.

Other universes, not observable to us, may have him die after different
trials.  Each of those contributes measure to subjective histories that
end at different points.  The result is that the measure of his lifespan
is reduced at each trigger pull, but that in any single third-person
universe that reduction in measure is unobservable.  Instead we see no
change until the final trigger pull.

Consider this example: someone commits to killing himself if you die, and
now you play Russian Roulette yourself.  Each time you pull the trigger
you reduce his measure, that of the other person who will kill himself
if you die.  But you will never observe him dying (in the first-person
sense).  This is a case of an unobservable measure decrease which you
might nevertheless believe in.

> > As far as Lee's suggestion that people could be dying thousands of
> > times a second, my framework does not allow for arbitrary statements
> > like that.  Given a physical circumstance, we can calculate what happens.
> > It's not just arbitrary what we choose to say about life and death.
> > We can calculate the measure of different subjective life experiences,
> > based on the physical record.
> > 
> > If we wanted to create a physical record where this framework would
> > be compatible with saying that people die often, it would be necessary
> > to physically teleport people thousands of times a second.  Or perhaps
> > the same thing could be done by freezing people for a substantial time,
> > reviving them for a thousandth of a second, then re-freezing them again
> > for a while, etc.
> > 
> > If we consider the practical implications of such experiments I don't
> > think it is so implausible to view them as being worse than living a
> > single, conn

RE: A calculus of personal identity

2006-06-28 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

Lee Corbin writes:
> Stathis writes
> > Hal Finney in his recent thread on teleportation thought
> > experiments disagrees with the above view. He suggests
> > that it is possible for  a subject to apparently undergo
> > successful teleportation, in that the individual walking
> > out of the receiving station has all the appropriate
> > mental and physical attributes in common with the individual
> > entering the transmitting station, but in reality not survive
> > the procedure. I have difficulty understanding this, as it
> > seems to me that the subject has survived by definition.
> Well, if you've characterized his views correctly, then he's
> not in agreement with you, me, and Derek Parfit. What might
> be fun to explore is how desperate some people would have to
> be in order to teleport (or perhaps how lucrative the
> opportunity?).  Also, I suppose that if you confided to them
> that this was happening to them all the time thousands of
> times per second, they'd still have some unfathomable reason
> not to go near a teleporter.

Sorry, I have been reading the list somewhat lightly recently and
have missed some threads.

What I argued was that it would be easier to find the trace of a person's
thoughts in a universe where he had a physically continuous record than
where there were discontinuities (easier in the sense that a smaller
program would suffice).  In my framework, this means that the universe
would contribute more measure to people who had continuous lives than
people who teleported.  Someone whose life ended at the moment of
teleportation would have a higher measure than someone who survived
the event.  Therefore, I would view teleportation as reducing measure
similarly to doing something that had a risk of dying.  I would try to
avoid it, unless there were compensating benefits (as indeed might be
the case, just as people willingly accept the risk of dying by driving
to work, because of the compensating benefits).

You can say that "by definition" the person survives, but then, you
can say anything by definition.  I guess the question is, what is the
reasoning behind the definition.

As far as Lee's suggestion that people could be dying thousands of
times a second, my framework does not allow for arbitrary statements
like that.  Given a physical circumstance, we can calculate what happens.
It's not just arbitrary what we choose to say about life and death.
We can calculate the measure of different subjective life experiences,
based on the physical record.

If we wanted to create a physical record where this framework would
be compatible with saying that people die often, it would be necessary
to physically teleport people thousands of times a second.  Or perhaps
the same thing could be done by freezing people for a substantial time,
reviving them for a thousandth of a second, then re-freezing them again
for a while, etc.

If we consider the practical implications of such experiments I don't
think it is so implausible to view them as being worse than living a
single, connected, subjective life.  It would be quite difficult to
interact in a meaningful way with the world under such circumstances.

However, if one were so unfortunate as to be put into such a situation,
then it would no longer be particularly bad to teleport.  You're being
broken into pieces all the time anyway, so the event of teleportation
would presumably not make things any worse.  Particularly if you were
somehow being teleported thousands of times a second, then adding a
teleportation would basically be meaningless since you're teleporting
anyway at every instant.  So I don't agree with Lee's conclusion that
in this situation people would still resist teleportation.

Hal Finney

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Re: Fermi Paradox and measure

2006-06-27 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

Ron Hale-Evans writes:
> My favourite answer to the Fermi Paradox has been that the aliens are
> using nearly-perfect compression or encryption for their radio signals
> (if they're using radio), and that's why all we can detect is noise.
> However, tonight another "answer" occurred to me. What if we're living
> in a finite simulation?

I don't know that multiverse concepts explain the Fermi paradox, but
they do cast it in a different light.

As Bruno points out, our first-person experiences could be created by
many different kinds of programs, corresponding to different "realities".
It could be that everything is pretty much as it seems.  Or perhaps we
are living in a simulation controlled by aliens, or our descendants,
or robots.  Or it's even possible that everything is an illusion and we
are in effect imagining it.  All of these possibilities contribute to the
measure of our experiences.  So in some sense it must be simultaneously
true that we are in a simulation, and that we are not in a simulation.
Both situations exist in the multiverse and both contribute to the
reality of our experiences.

The hard part of the Fermi question still remains.  It might be stated,
why is the universe seemingly so large and so empty?  In multiverse
terms, why is the measure of observers who live in large, empty universes
so large, compared to the measure of observers who live in universes
teeming with life?  For if the measure of the latter observers were much
greater than the measure of the former, we would be highly unlikely to
find ourselves one of that very small set of observers who see sparse

(Of course, I am skipping past the various conventional explanations that
have been offered which allow for the universe to in fact be full of life
but for it somehow not to be observable.  Those have not been generally
found to be convincing so we should focus on the hard part.  Also,
note that while I write "life" for short I really mean intelligent life.)

A while back I speculated as follows.  Presumably there are laws of
physics which would lead to very densely populated universes.  And we
know that there are laws that lead to very sparse universes, like
the ones we live in.  All universes exist; all laws are instantiated.

For various reasons many of us argue that universes with simpler laws
are likely to be more common, to have larger measure.  Now, we know that
if the laws are too simple, life cannot exist.  Trivial universes are
not living ones.  Presumably, as the laws get more complex, we pass a
threshold where life can start to exist.  But perhaps it is reasonable
to assume that we will first find laws where life can barely exist,
before we find laws where life is very common.  If so, then there is a
band of complexity where universes at the simple end of this band have
very sparse intelligent life, and universes at the complex end have very
dense intelligent life.

Then, to be consistent with our observations, we have to conclude that
this band is quite wide - that universes that are just barely complex
enough for life have much simpler laws than universes that are teeming
with life.  That is how we would explain the fact that we find ourselves
in one of the first kind.  Their boost from having simpler laws must
outweigh the increase in numbers of intelligent life forms in the more
complex universes.

I read that the universe is estimated to have about 10^23 stars.
A universe with a high density of intelligent life might therefore be
10^23 times more densely populated than ours.  This is about 2^75 times.
Therefore we would predict that the physical laws necessary to create
such a densely populated universe would be at least 75 bits longer than
the simpler laws of our own universe.

This is a prediction of multiverse theory as I interpret it.  If it should
turn out that there are very simple sets of laws that would create very
numerous observers, then that would contradict the theory in this form.

Hal Finney

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Re: Teleportation thought experiment and UD+ASSA

2006-06-22 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

Bruno raises a lot of good points, but I will just focus on a couple
of them.

The first notion that I am using in this analysis is the assumption that a
first-person stream of consciousness exists as a Platonic object.  My aim
is then to estimate the measure of such objects.  I don't know whether
people find this plausible or not, so I won't try to defend it yet.

The second part, which I know is more controversial, is that it is
possible to represent this object as a bit string, or as some similar,
concrete representation.  I think there are a couple of challenges
here.  The first is how to turn something as amorphous and intangible
as consciousness into a concrete representation.  But I assume that
subsequent development of cognitive sciences will eventually give us a
good handle on this problem and allow us to diagram, graph and represent
streams of consciousness in a meaningful way.  As one direction to pursue,
we know that brain activity creates consciousness, hence a sufficiently
compressed representation of brain activity should be a reasonable
starting point as a representation of first-person experience.

Another issue that many people have objected to is the role of time.
Consciousness, it is said, is a process, not a static structure such as
might be represented by a bit string.  IMO this can be dealt with by
interpreting the bit string as a multidimensional object, and treating
one of the dimensions as time.  See, for example, one of Wolfram's 1-D
cellular automaton outputs:

We see something that can alternatively be interpreted as a pure bit
string; as a two-dimensional array of bits; or as a one-dimensional
bit string evolving in time.  In the same way we can capture temporal
evolution of consciousness by interpreting the bit string as having a
time dimension.

An important point is that although there may be many alternative ways
and notations to represent consciousness, they should all be isomorphic,
and only a relatively short program should be necessary to map from one
to another.  Hence, the measure computed for all of these representations
will be about the same, and therefore it is meaningful to speak of this
as the measure of the experience as a platonic entity.

Bruno also questioned my use of a physical universe in my analysis.
I am not assuming that physical universes exist as the basis of reality.
I only expressed the analysis in that form because we were given a
particular situation to analyze, and that situation was expressed as
events in a single universe.

The Universal Dovetailer does not play a principle role in my analysis,
because it does not play such a role in Kolmogorov complexity.  At most,
the Universal Dovetailer can be used as a heuristic device to explain
what it might mean to "run all computatations" in order to explain
K complexity.

I think one difference between K complexity and Bruno's reasoning with the
Universal Dovetailer is that the former focuses on sizes of programs while
Bruno seems to work more in terms of run time.  In the K complexity view,
the measure of an information object is (roughly) 1/2^L, where L is the
size of the shortest program which outputs that object.  Equivalently,
the measure of an information object is the fraction of all programs
which output that object, where programs are sampled uniformly from
all bit strings (or from whatever the input alphabet is for the UTM).
This does not have anything to do with run time.  Some bit patterns
may have short programs that take a very long run time to output them.
Such bit patterns are considered to have low complexity and high measure,
despite the long run time needed.

I think Bruno has sometimes said that the Universal Dovetailer makes some
things have higher measure than others because they get more run time.
I'm not sure how this would work, but it is a difference from the
Kolmogorov complexity (aka Universal Distribution) view that I am using.

Okay, those are some of the foundational questions and assumptions that
I think are raised by Bruno's analysis.  The rest of it goes through as
I have described many times.


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RE: Re: Teleportation thought experiment and UD+ASSA

2006-06-22 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

"Stathis Papaioannou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> OK, I think I'm clear on what you're saying now. But suppose I argue
> that I will not survive the next hour, because the matter making up my
> synapses will have turned over in this time. To an outside observer the
> person taking my place would seem much the same, and if you ask him, he
> will share my memories and he will believe he is me. However, he won't
> be me, because I will by then be dead. Is this a valid analysis? My view
> is that there is a sense in which it *is* valid, but that it doesn't
> matter. What matters to me in survival is that there exist a person in
> an hour from now who by the usual objective and subjective criteria we
> use identifies as being me.

The problem is that there seems to be no basis for judging the validity
of this kind of analysis.  Do we die every instant?  Do we survive sleep
but not being frozen?  Do we live on in our copies?  Does our identity
extend to all conscious entities?  There are so many questions like
this, but they seem unanswerable.  And behind all of them lurks our
evolutionary conditioning forcing us to act as though we have certain
beliefs, and tricking us into coming up with logical rationalizations
for false but survival-promoting beliefs.

I am attracted to the UD+ASSA framework in part because it provides
answers to these questions, answers which are in principle approximately
computable and quantitative.  Of course, it has assumptions of its own.
But modelling a subjective lifespan as a computation, and asking how
much measure the universe adds to that computation, seems to me to be
a reasonable way to approach the problem.

> Even if it were possible to imagine another way of living my life which
> did not entail dying every moment, for example if certain significant
> components in my brain did not turn over, I would not expend any effort
> to bring this state of affairs about, because if it made no subjective
> or objective difference, what would be the point? Moreover, there would
> be no reason for evolution to favour this kind of neurophysiology unless
> it conferred some other advantage, such as greater metabolic efficiency.

Right, so there are two questions here.  One is whether there could be
reasons to prefer a circumstance which seemingly makes no objective or
subjective difference.  I'll say more about this later, but for now I'll
just note that it is often impossible to know whether some change would
make a subjective difference.

The other question is whether we could or should even try to overcome
our evolutionary programming.  If evolution doesn't care if we die
once we have reproduced, should we?  If evolution tells us to sacrifice
ourselves to save two children, eight cousins, or 16 great-great uncles,
should we?  In the long run, we might be forced to obey the instincts
built into us by genes.  But it still is interesting to consider the
deeper philosophical issues, and how we might hypothetically behave if
we were free of evolutionary constraints.

Hal Finney

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RE: Re: Only Existence is necessary?

2006-06-21 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

"Stathis Papaioannou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am reminded of David Chalmer's paper recently mentioned by Hal Finney,
> "Does a Rock Implement Every Finite State Automaton?", which looks at
> the idea that any physical state such as the vibration of atoms in a
> rock can be mapped onto any computation, if you look at it the right
> way. Usually when this idea is brought up (Hilary Putnam, John Searle,
> the aforementioned Chalmers paper) it is taken as self-evidently
> wrong. However, I have not seen any argument to convince me that this
> is so; it just seems people think it *ought* to be so, then look around
> for a justification having already made up their minds.

I tend to agree.  People find the conclusion unpalatable and then they
try to come up with some justification for why it is not true.  As I
mentioned, at least some people like, I think, Hans Moravec, accept the
basic conclusion.

> Now, if any
> computation is implemented by any physical process, then if one physical
> process exists, then all possible computations are implemented. I'll stop
> at this point, although it is tempting to speculate that if all it takes
> for every computation to be implemented is a single physical process -
> a rock, a single subatomic particle, the idle passage of time in an
> otherwise empty universe - perhaps this is not far from saying that the
> physical process is superfluous, and all computations are implemented
> by virtue of their existence as platonic objects.

Yes, I think this is close to Moravec's view.  He believes in the platonic
existence of all conscious experiences, and sees the role of physical
implementation as just to allow us to interact with those other entities
who are instantiated in our universe.

Hal Finney

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Re: Teleportation thought experiment and UD+ASSA

2006-06-21 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

Russell Standish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> If computationalism is true, then a person is instantiated by all
> equivalent computations. If you change one instantiation to something
> inequivalent, then that instantiation no longer "instantiates" the
> person. The person continues to exist, as long as there remain valid
> computations somewhere in the universe. And in almost any of the many
> worlds variants we consider in this list, that will be true.

That's true, but even with the MWI, making an instantiation cease to
exist decreases the measure of that person.  Around here we call that
"murder".  The moral question still exists.  I don't see the MWI as
rescuing functionalism and computationalism.

What, after all, do these principles mean?  They say that the
implementation substrate doesn't matter.  You can implement a person
using neurons or tinkertoys, it's all the same.  But if there is no way
in principle to tell whether a system implements a person, then this
philosophy is meaningless since its basic assumption has no meaning.
The MWI doesn't change that.

Hal Finney

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RE: Re: Teleportation thought experiment and UD+ASSA

2006-06-21 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

"Stathis Papaioannou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hal Finney writes:
> > I should first mention that I did not anticipate the conclusion that
> > I reached when I did that analysis.  I did not expect to conclude that
> > teleportation like this would probably not work (speaking figurately).
> > This was not the starting point of the analysis, but the conclusion.
> Yes, but every theoretical scientist hopes ultimately to be vindicated
> by the experimentalists. I'm now not sure what you mean by the second
> sentence in the above quote. What would you expect to find if (classical,
> destructive) teleportation of a subject in Brussels to Moscow and/or
> Washington were attempted?

>From the third party perspective, I'd expect that we'd start with a
person in Brussels, and end up with people in Moscow and Washington who
each have the memories and personality of the person who is no longer
in Brussels.  The population of Earth would have increased by one.
I imagine that this is unproblematic and is simply a restatement of the
stipulated conditions of the experiment.

The more interesting question to ask is whether I would submit to
this, and if so, what would I expect?  Note that this is not subject
to experimental verification.  When we have described the third party
situation, we have already said everything that experimentalists could
verify.  When those two people wake up in Moscow and Washington there
is no conceivable experiment by which we can judge whether the person
in Brussels has in some sense survived, or perhaps has done even better
than surviving.  It's not even clear what these questions mean.

It was my attempt to formalize these questions which led to my analysis.
Perhaps it is best if I go back to the more formal statement of the
results, and say that the contribution of this universe to the measure
of a person who experiences surviving the teleportation and wakes up in
W or M is much less than the contribution to the measure of a person who
walks into the machine in Brussels and never experiences anything else.
At a minimum, this would make me hesitant to use the machine.

Now, other philosophical considerations might still convince me to use the
machine; but it would be more like the two copies are my heirs, people
who will live on after I am gone and help to put my plans into action.
People sometimes sacrifice themselves for their children, and the argument
would be even stronger here since these are far more similar to me than
biological relations.  So even if I don't personally expect to survive
the transition I might still decide to use the machine.

Hal Finney

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Re: Teleportation thought experiment and UD+ASSA

2006-06-21 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
t, into whatever
reprsentation we have chosen for the virtual world and qualia.

Given that the universe created by the first part does evolve the
brain states needed as input for the second part, the second part can
be a relatively simple translation from physical to mental states.
Therefore we can create a short program which outputs the virtual world
and qualia in all its glory, and this short, two-part program will be
the main contribution to the measure of that mental experience.

Keep in mind that in this framework, we do not start with this two-part
structure.  The starting point is much simpler: all we want to know
is, what is the Kolmogorov complexity of a mental experience?  It is
only once we begin analyzing the problem that we note as you did that
building that mental experience as a universe of its own would require
an enormously large program.  And then we realize that we can make a
much smaller program - with exactly the same output! - that has the two
part structure I described here.  We deduce that such a program is what
is actually responsible for the measure of the experience.

And from this we conclude that the contribution of a universe to the
measure of a conscious experience is not the universe's measure itself,
but that measure reduced by the measure of the program which outputs
that conscious experience given the universe data as input.  This then
leads to the principle that a big brain in a small universe gets more of
that universe's measure; that multiple instantiations of a consciousness
within a universe mean more measure; and that fuzziness of the concept
of an instantiation is no problem because it only affects the size of
the numbers being multiplied together to get the measure contribution.

As for the question above about the Universal Dovetailer universe, it is
easily solved in this framework.  The output of the UD is of essentially
no help in producing the mental state in question, because the ouput is
so enormous and we would have no idea where to look.  Hence the UD does
not make a dominant contribution to mental state measure and we avoid
the paradox without any need for ad hoc rules.

Hal Finney

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Re: Teleportation thought experiment and UD+ASSA

2006-06-21 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

Russell Standish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Tue, Jun 20, 2006 at 09:35:12AM -0700, "Hal Finney" wrote:
> > I think that one of the fundamental principles of your COMP hypothesis
> > is the functionalist notion, that it does not matter what kind of system
> > instantiates a computation.  However I think this founders on the familiar
> > paradoxes over what counts as an instantiation.  In principle we can
> > come up with a continuous range of devices which span the alternatives
> > from non-instantiation to full instantiation of a given computation.
> > Without some way to distinguish these, there is no meaning to the question
> > of when a computation is instantiated; hence functionalism fails.
> > 
> I don't follow your argument here, but it sounds interesting. Could you
> expand on this more fully? My guess is that ultimately it will depend
> on an assumption like the ASSA.

I am mostly referring to the philosophical literature on the problems of
what counts as an instantiation, as well as responses considered here
and elsewhere.  One online paper is Chalmers' "Does a Rock Implement
Every Finite-State Automaton?",
Jacques Mallah (who seems to have disappeared from the net) discussed
the issue on this list several years ago.

Now, Chalmers (and Mallah) claimed to have a solution to decide when
a physical system implements a calculation.  But I don't think they
work; at least, they admit gray areas.  In fact, I think Mallah came
up with the same basic idea I am advocating, that there is a degree of
instantiation and it is based on the Kolmogorov complexity of a program
that maps between physical states and corresponding computational states.

For functionalism to work, though, it seems to me that you really need
to be able to give a yes or no answer to whether something implements a
given calculation.  Fuzziness will not do, given that changing the system
may kill a conscious being!  It doesn't make sense to say that someone is
"sort of" there, at least not in the conventional functionalist view.

A fertile source of problems for functionalism involves the question
of whether playbacks of passive recordings of brain states would be
conscious.  If not (as Chalmers and many others would say, since they
lack the proper counterfactual behavior), this leads to a machine with a
dial which controls the percentage of time its elements behave according
to a passive playback versus behaving according to active computational
rules.  Now we can turn the knob and have the machine gradually move from
unconsciousness to full consciousness, without changing its behavior in
any way as we twiddle the knob.  This invokes Chalmers' "fading qualia"
paradox and is again fatal for functionalism.

Maudlin's machines, which we have also mentioned on this list from time
to time, further illustrate the problems in trying to draw a bright line
between implementations and clever non-implementations of computations.

In short I view functionalism as being fundamentally broken unless there
is a much better solution to the implementation question than I am aware
of.  Therefore we cannot assume a priori that a brain implementation and a
computational implementation of mental states will be inherently the same.
And I have argued in fact that they could have different properties.

Hal Finney

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Re: Teleportation thought experiment and UD+ASSA

2006-06-20 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

Bruno writes:
> Hal,
> It seems to me that you are introducing a notion of physical universe,=20
> and then use it to reintroduce a notion of first person death, so that=20
> you can bet you will be the one "annihilated" in Brussels.

I should first mention that I did not anticipate the conclusion that
I reached when I did that analysis.  I did not expect to conclude that
teleportation like this would probably not work (speaking figurately).
This was not the starting point of the analysis, but the conclusion.

The starting point was the framework I have described previously, which
can be stated very simply as that the measure of an information pattern
comes from the universal distribution of Kolmogorov.  I then applied this
analysis to specific information patterns which represent subjective,
first person lifetime experiences.  I concluded that the truncated version
which ends when the teleportation occurs would probably have higher
measure than the ones which proceed through and beyond the teleportation.

Although I worked in terms of a specific physical universe, that is
a short-cut for simplicity of exposition.  The general case is to simply
ask for the K measure of each possible first-person subjective life
experience - what is the shortest program that produces each one.  I
assume that the shortest program will in fact have two parts, one which
creates a universe and the second which takes that universe as input
and produces the first-person experience record as output.

This leads to a Schmidhuber-like ensemble where we would consider
all possible universes and estimate the contribution of each one to
the measure of a particular first-person experience.  It is important
though to keep in mind that in practice the only universe which adds
non-negligible measure would be the one we are discussing.  In other
words, consider the first person experience of being born, living your
life, travelling to Brussels and stepping into a teleportation machine.
A random, chaotic universe would add negligibly to the measure of this
first-person life experience.  Likewise for a universe which only evolves
six-legged aliens on some other planet.  So in practice it makes sense
to restrict our attention to the (approximately) one universe which has
third-person objective events that do add significant measure to the
instantiation of these abstract first-person experiences.

> You agree that this is just equivalent of negating the comp hypothesis.=20
> You would not use (classical) teleportation, nor accept a digital=20
> artificial brain, all right? Do I miss something?

It is perhaps best to say that I would not do these things
*axiomatically*.  Whether a particular teleportation technology would
be acceptable would depend on considerations such as I described in my
previous message.  It's possible that the theoretical loss of measure for
some teleportation technology would be small enough that I would do it.

As far as using an artificial brain, again I would look to this kind of
analysis.  I have argued previously that a brain which is much smaller
or faster than the biological one should have much smaller measure, so
that would not be an appealing transformation.  OTOH an artificial brain
could be designed to have larger measure, such as by being physically
larger or perhaps by having more accurate and complete memory storage.
Then that would be appealing.

I think that one of the fundamental principles of your COMP hypothesis
is the functionalist notion, that it does not matter what kind of system
instantiates a computation.  However I think this founders on the familiar
paradoxes over what counts as an instantiation.  In principle we can
come up with a continuous range of devices which span the alternatives
from non-instantiation to full instantiation of a given computation.
Without some way to distinguish these, there is no meaning to the question
of when a computation is instantiated; hence functionalism fails.

My approach (not original to me) is to recognize that there is a degree
of instantiation, as I have described via the conditional Kolmogorov
measure (i.e. given a physical system, how much does it help a minimal
computation to produce the desired output).  This then leads very
naturally to the analysis I provided in my previous message, which
attempted to estimate the conditional K measure for the hypothetical
first-person computations that were being potentially instantiated by
the given third-party physical situation.

Hal Finney

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Teleportation thought experiment and UD+ASSA

2006-06-20 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
measure is contributed to first-person subjective records which span
the whole range of lifetime from start to end.  Arbitrary subsets of
that subjective lifespan will have less measure than the whole thing.

Now, back to B, W and M.  As just discussed, the measure of B, which
corresponds to a life which ends in Brussels, is likely to be relatively
substantial.  However this hypothetical teleporting or copying machine
works, we stipulate that the guy who started in Brussels is not there a
moment later.  It's likely that a straightforward program which has been
tracking neural events by virtue of their exceedingly slight impact
on the Planck scale is going to be thrown off by this new process.
Therefore a relatively simple program can output subjective record B.

When we consider W and M (revivals in Washington and Moscow respectively)
there is still probably a fairly small program that can produce those
records.  The main additional complication is that the program has to
somehow be designed to be able to pick up the trail in the new city,
to jump from recording neural events in Brussels to recording them in
Washington or Moscow.

This could be done in a couple of ways.  The simplest would be to
hard-code the location of the new version of the person, perhaps
as a vector from the old one.  But this could take quite a bit of
information, as it might have to be accurate to the size of a synapse,
a few nanometers.  Probably a better way would be to track whatever
physical event carries the causal signal from Brussels to the destination.
Presumably something has to travel between the cities, carrying the
information about the person, to allow him to be reconstructed at the
destination(s).  Whatever this effect or principle is, we could write a
program which was able to follow this signal, as the neural activities in
Belgium are being scanned or whatever.  This would allow identifying the
location of the new instance of the person, without having to hard-code
the precise coordinates.  The third-person universe data would tell us
where to look.

This would probably not be too complicated a program, but it is
nevertheless going to be substantially larger than program B.  B only had
to track neural events.  W and M have to be able to track both neural
events and whatever physical principles are utilized by this copying
and transmission process.  W and M are therefore going to have to have
two different analysis methods, compared to one for B.  They should not
have to be twice as big, since they don't have to actually track thought
during the transmission (we assume that thought is suspended during that
time), they just have to figure out where the new brain is being built.
But chances are it is going to make W and M quite a bit larger than B.

Compared to each other, W and M are probably almost identical.  The only
difference is that they make arbitrary different choices for which signal
to follow in tracking the copying information, in order to find where the
new instance is located.  Maybe one has a 1 bit where the other has a 0.
In all other respects the two programs are identical, and their measure
should be the same.

But, as noted above, B is substantially smaller, and as a result, B has
a substantially larger measure.  This means that the contribution of this
third-person record of universe events to a subjective, first-person life
experience that ends in Brussels is much larger than to an experience
which continues in either Washington or Moscow.

If we consider these as three hypothetical people, one who dies in
Brussels, one who continues in Washington, and one who continues in
Moscow, it is the first one who is instantiated to the substantially
greatest degree by the operation of such a copying machine as we are
considering.  Informally, we could say that your most likely experience
is that you will die in Brussels (bearing in mind the formal statement
in the previous sentence).  That is how I would analyze it based on
computational principles.

Hal Finney

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Re: Ascension (was Re: Smullyan Shmullyan, give me a real example)

2006-05-30 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

Jesse Mazer writes:
> The dovetailer is only supposed to generate all *computable* functions 
> though, correct? And the diagonalization of the (countable) set of all 
> computable functions would not itself be computable.

The dovetailer I know does not seem relevant to this discussion about
functions.  It generates programs, not functions.  For example, it
generates all 1 bit programs and runs each for one cycle; then generates
all 2 bit programs and runs each for 2 cycles; then generates all 3
bit programs and runs each for 3 cycles; and so on indefinitely.  (This
assumes that the 3 bit programs include all 2- and 1-bit programs, etc.)
In this way all programs get run with an arbitrary number of cycles.

These programs differ from functions in two ways.  First, programs may
never halt and hence may produce no fixed output, while functions must
have a well defined result.  And second, these programs take no inputs,
while functions should have at least one input variable.

What do you understand a dovetailer to be, in the context of computable

Hal Finney

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Re: Reasons and Persons

2006-05-30 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

Jesse Mazer writes:
> I agree that Parfit's simple method would probably create a nonfunctional 
> state in between, or at least the intermediate phase would involve a sort of 
> split personality disorder with two entirely separate minds coexisting in 
> the same brain, without access to each other's thoughts and feelings. But 
> this is probably not a fatal flaw in whatever larger argument he was making, 
> because you could modify the thought experiment to say something like "let's 
> assume that in the phase space of all possibe arrangements of neurons and 
> synapses, there is some continuous path between my brain and Napoleon's 
> brain such that every intermediate state would have a single integrated 
> consciousness". There's no way of knowing whether such a path exists (and of 
> course I don't have a precise definition of 'single integrated 
> consciousness'), but it seems at least somewhat plausible.

One way (perhaps the only way) I could see to do it would be for you
to gradually acquire amnesia, then once you have forgotten your past,
your personality could gradually change to match Napoleon's, then you
could gradually recover memory of Napoleon's past.

Whether such an extreme case would still support whatever conclusions
Parfit seeks to draw, I don't know.  You're never half-yourself and
half-Napoleon.  Rather, you sort of stop being anybody in the middle
of the process.  I don't think it makes any sense to suppose that you
could be half-yourself and half-Napoleon.

Certainly the physical process Russell quoted could never work,
because there is no one-to-one correspondence between the neutrons in
your brain and Napoleons.  And each neutron has a distinctive shape.
If you brought it over unchanged, it would intersect with and overlap
other cells in the brain, and be non-functional.  But if you change its
shape, it won't be the same neuron in terms of its functional behavior.
If you brought neurons over from Napoleon's brain but altered them
in the process to match your own neurons physically and functionally,
then you would never stop being yourself.

Hal Finney

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Re: Smullyan Shmullyan, give me a real example

2006-05-19 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

Bruno writes:
> Meanwhile just a few questions to help me. They are hints for the=20
> problem too. Are you familiar with the following "recursive" program=20
> for computing the factorial function?
> fact(0) =3D 1
> fact (n) =3D n * fact(n - 1)
> Could you compute "fact 5", from that program? Could you find a similar=20
> recursive definition (program) for multiplication (assuming your=20
> machine already know how to add)?
> Could you define exponentiation from multiplication in a similar way? =20
> Could you find a function which would grow more quickly than=20
> exponentiation and which would be defined from exponentiation like=20
> exponentiation is defined from multiplication? Could you generalize all=20
> this and define a sequence of more and more growing functions. Could=20
> you then diagonalise effectively (=3D writing a program who does the=20
> diagonalization) that sequence of growing functions so as to get a=20
> function which grows more quickly than any such one in the preceding=20
> sequence?

Here's what I think you are getting at with the fairy problem.  The point
is not to write down the last natural number, because of course there
is no such number.  Rather, you want to write a program which represents
(i.e. would compute) some specific large number, and you want to come up
with the best program you can for this, i.e. the program that produces
the largest number from among all the programs you can think of.

If we start with factorial, we could define a function func0 as:

func0(n) = fact(n)

Now this gets big pretty fast.  func0(100) is already enormous, it's like
a 150 digit number.  However we can "stack" this function by calling
it on itself.  func0(func0(100)) is beyond comprehension.  And we can
generalize, to call it on itself as many times as we want, like n times:

func1(n) = func0(func0(func0( ... (n))) ... )))

where we have nested calls of func0 on itself n times.  This really gets
bigger fast, much faster than func0.

Then we can nest func1:

func2(n) = func1(func1(func1( ... (n))) ... )))

where again we have nested calls of func1 on itself n times.  We know
that func1(n) gets bigger so fast, func1(func1(n)) will get bigger
amazingly faster, and of course with n of them it is that much faster yet.

This clearly generalizes to func3, func4, 

Now we can step up a level and define hfunc1(n) = funcn(n), the nth
function along the path from func1, func2, func3,   Wow, imagine
how fast that gets bigger.  hfunc is for "hyperfunc".

Then we can stack the hfuncs, and go to an ifunc, a jfunc, etc.  Well,
my terminology is getting in the way since I used letters instead of
numbers here.  But if I were more careful I think it would be possible
to continue this process more or less indefinitely.  You'd have program
P1 which continues this process of stacking and generalizing, stacking
and generalizing.  Then you could define program P2 which runs P1 through
n stack-and-generalize sequences.  Then we stack-and-generalize P2, etc.
It never ends.  But it's not clear to me how to describe the process

So we have this ongoing process where we define a series of functions
that get big faster and faster than the ones before.  I'm not sure how we
use it.  Maybe at some point we just tell the fairy, okay, let me live
P1000(1000) years.  That's a number so big that from our perspective it
seems like it's practically infinite.  But of course from the infinite
perspective it seems like it's practically zero.

Hal Finney

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Re: why can't we erase information?

2006-04-11 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

A few years ago I posted a speculation about Harry Potter universes,
from the Schmidhuber perspective.  Schmidhuber argues that the reason
we don't see such a universe is that its program would be more complex,
hence its algorithmic-complexity measure would be less.  Such a universe
would basically have natural laws identical to what we see, but in
addition it would have exceptions to the laws.  You wave a wand and say
"Lumino!" and light appears.  (Here I am taking the Harry Potter name
rather literally, but the same thing applies to the more general concept
of universes with magical exceptions to the rules.)

You could also argue, as Wei does, on anthropic grounds that in such a
universe the ease of exploiting magic would reduce selection pressure
towards intelligence.  Indeed in the Harry Potter stories there are
magical animals but it is never explained why their amazing powers did
not allow them to dominate the world and kill off mundane creatures long
before human civilization arose.

I suggested that the Schmidhuber argument has a loophole.  It's true that
the measure of a simple universe is much greater than a universe with
the same laws plus one or more exceptions.  But if you consider the set
of all universes built on those laws plus exceptions, considering all
possible variants on exceptions, the collective measure of all these
universes is roughly the same as the simple universe.  So Schmidhuber
gives us no good reason to reject the possibility that our universe may
have exceptions to the natural laws.

If we do live in an exceptional universe, we are more likely to live in
one which is only "slightly" exceptional, i.e. one whose laws are among
the simplest possible modifications from the base laws.  Unfortunately,
without a better picture of the true laws of physics and an understanding
of the language that expresses them most simply, we can't say much about
what form exceptions might take.  We know that they would be likely
to be simple, in the same language that makes our base laws simple,
but since we don't know that language it is hard to draw conclusions.

Here is where the anthropic argument advanced by Wei Dai sheds some
light; one thing we could say is that these simple exceptions should not
be exploitable by life and make things so easy as to remove selection
pressure.  So this would constrain the kinds of exceptions that could

Ironically, waving a wand and speaking in Latin would indeed be the
kind of exception that would not likely be exploited by unintelligent
life forms.  So purely on anthropic principles we could not fully rule out
Harry Potter magic.  But the complexity of embedding Latin phrases in the
natural laws would argue strongly against us living in such a universe.

Hal Finney

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Re:why can't we erase information?

2006-04-10 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

A few random thoughts:

Not only can't you erase information, in the MWI I believe you can't
create it either.  The constancy of information is another way of
expressing the QM principle of unitarity.

I think it's also tied to time symmetry.  Universes with time symmetry
would be unable to create or destroy information.  The MWI is time
symmetric (that is, the Schrodinger equation is time symmetric).

Wolfram investigated a variety of CA systems, some of which happened to
be time symmetric.  Generally I think those were more likely to create
very regular patterns, while it was the time-asymmetric ones that were
more likely to be chaotic and show interesting patterns.

One advantage of being unable to destroy information is that it
automatically makes learning and memory possible.  These capabilities are
probably necessary for the evolution of intelligence.  It's not clear
though that complete inability to destroy information is necessary for
memory to work though.

Perhaps if we favor simple universes, there is basically a choice between
complete information preservation vs universes where it is not preserved
well at all once you move above the Planck scale (e.g. information might
be 0.999% preserved per Planck time step, which is not at all for our

The idea of a universe where there are a few obscure loopholes that break
the laws of physics is possible in this model, but somewhat unlikely.
And there is no guarantee that the loopholes would be easy to find.

Hal Finney

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Re: Indeterminism

2006-03-26 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

Johnathan Corgan wrote:
> Still, there is a certain appeal to shifting the question from "Why are
> we conscious?" to "Consciousness doesn't exist, so why do we so firmly
> believe that it does?"

It is possible to imagine a machine that doubts (or perhaps I should say
"doubts", i.e. we should not assume that it has doubts in the same way we
do) whether it is conscious.  Imagine a simple theorem-proving machine,
one of Bruno's logic machines, complicated enough to have a representation
of itself.  We want to ask it if it is conscious.  So we have to define
consciousness in logical terms.  That seems quite daunting.  If we allow
room for indeterminacy in our definitions, the machine might also have
indeterminacy in its estimation of whether it is conscious.

Or, imagine we meet aliens.  How do we know if they are conscious?  Or,
turning it around, how would they know if they possess what humans call
"consciousness"?  How would we describe consciousness to them, who have
very different brains and ways of information processing, such that
they can know for sure whether they are conscious in the same way that
humans are?

The question of whether someone is conscious is far more problematic
than is often supposed, given that we cannot even define consciousness!
I tend to think that it is simply a convenient assumption, that everyone
is conscious, to avoid facing up to the overwhelming difficulties that
a true analysis of the question brings.  The mere fact that we cannot
define consciousness ought to be a pretty big red flag that we should
not be making facile assumptions about who has it and who doesn't!

(Or, if you say that we can in fact define consciousness, tell me how
to know which AI programs have it, and which don't?)

Hal Finney

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Solipsism (was: Numbers)

2006-03-17 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
compute its measure
and determine how big a contribution that part of the UD makes to our
experiences.  Likewise we could create a model of the solipsist universe,
where only the person is real and all of his external experiences are
provided by the program.

It is very likely that it will turn out that the real-universe program
will be much smaller than the solipsist one.  The solipsist program has
to have an enormous table to supply all of the sensory experiences a
person will receive.  It also needs to have some mechanism to compute
his brain patterns, and probably the simplest will be to have an actual
physical universe model.  Building the brain patterns into an internal
table is another way to do it but will probably be even larger.  Any way
you look at it, the solipsist program is going to be enormous.

Reasoning in this way, we will not only be able to basically reject
the solipsist hypothesis, we can actually do so in a quantitative way!
We will be able to say, the fraction of your experiences due to the
solipsist universe, or equivalently the probability that it is true,
is this extremely tiny number.  And it will very likely be an incredibly
small number, 1/2^(10^20), perhaps.  (I wrote a long posting last year
which effectively estimated this number.)

This, then, is an example of the power of the assumption about the
platonic universe, that physical and mathematical reality are the same.
It not only sheds light on ancient and seemingly insolvable conundrums
such as solipsism, it should allow us to in principle produce quantitative
estimates of the role of solipsist universes in the larger reality.
If as I wrote yesterday we are able to eventually verify predictions of
this model in terms of physical observations, we would have achieved
a unification of physics and philosophy far deeper than has ever been
accomplished before.

Hal Finney

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Re: Numbers

2006-03-16 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
they assume that our universe is just one of many; in some cases, one of
an infinite number.  If we end up accepting that an infinite number of
universes "really" exist, having real physical reality, we are much closer
to accepting that all informational objects exist.  At least, it's much
harder to argue that the notion that they are one and the same is absurd.

Ideally, we could then start to make predictions based on this
all-inclusive model which could be confirmed by experimental testing.
Obviously we are a long way from being able to do that.  I did make some
predictions a few months ago when I was describing my own ideas along
these lines, but they were pretty weak, and I had to make some strong
assumptions, beyond just the basic multiverse model, to get them.

Still, with further work I believe that it will be possible to come up
with improved models and predictions that will allow various multiverse
models to be tested.  And it may yet turn out that the most inclusive
multiverse, Tegmark's Level 4 where all mathematical objects exist and
physical existence is just a subset of the mathematical, could be the
model that provides the simplest explanation for our observations.

Hal Finney

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Multiverse concepts in string theory

2006-02-13 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
n principle, a quantitative way
of evaluating the measure of different universe models.  Applying the
anthropic principle we then derive the result that we should live in a
universe which is about as simple as possible (i.e. has as high measure
as possible) consistent with the evolution of life.

One could then look at all of these string theory models, where no doubt
some of them are very much simpler than others.  The simpler ones would
be the universes where we are most likely to live, if life is possible
at all in them.  Therefore the (near) infinity of possible models should
not immediately be cause for dispair, but rather there is reason to hope
that a model that defines the universe we actually live in may well be
relatively simple, within the reach of a practical research program.

Of course there are no guarantees of this.  It could be that even though
the complexity of our universe is small compared to infinity, it is still
large compared to what human research could hope to achieve.  We really
don't have much basis to decide at this point, other than that the various
attempts to explore relatively simple string theory models have all failed
to describe a universe like ours.  They do reveal universes with particles
and force fields, but not ones that closely resemble our universe.  And
usually these hypothetical universes instantly explode or otherwise behave
in a manner hostile to life.

Of course, this level of analysis reminds us that there is no reason
a priori that a variant of string theory has to be the correct model.
As we know from Tegmark and Schmidhuber, among others, it is easy to
generalize into a much wider set of possible universes.  String theory
has the nice feature that it creates a well-defined "particle zoo", i.e.
a set of particles with particular masses, charges and other properties;
and it is perhaps not so easy to pull that out of other models.  But there
are undoubedly at least some other ways to do it.  And the truth is,
we don't even know that the existence of particles as we observe them
is truly as fundamental as string theory assumes.  Particles could be
an illusion, a manifestation of some deeper underlying phenomena.

Unfortunately I think that in fairness we still have to classify most of
these multiverse concepts as philosophy more than physics.  Although we
can come up with some in-principle predictions - such as that we will
probably never discover a universe model that is much simpler than our
own but which would evolve life - I don't know of any predictions that
one could make based on anthropic reasoning that could be tested today.
Physics is a science, and that means it needs to work with theories that
can be tested and disproven.  We are a long way from being able to come
up with any experiment that a working physicist in his lab could run
to see whether multiverse models are correct.  (And no, quantum suicide
doesn't count!)

I also get the impression that Susskind's attempts to bring "disreputable"
multiverse models into "holy" string theory is more likely to kill
string theory than to rehabilitate multiverses.  Perhaps I am getting a
biased view by only reading this one blog, which opposes string theory,
but it seems that more and more people are saying that the emperor has
no clothes.  If string theory needs a multiverse then it is even less
likely to ever be able to make physical predictions, and its prospects
are even worse than had been thought.  A lot of people seem to be piling
on and saying that it is time for physics to explore alternative ideas.
The hostile NY Times book review is just one example.

Hal Finney

Re: Paper+Exercises+Naming Issue

2006-01-20 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Here is a link to an article I wrote in 2001 explaining what the
Universal Dovetailer is:

Hal Finney

Re: Let There Be Something

2005-11-06 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Bruno writes:
> OK. But the word "universe" can be misleading here. It is probably less 
> misleading to say that the Universal Dovetailer generates all 
> computations. By assuming comp, this generates also all the (first 
> person) observer-moments (states/worlds/...).
> The physical reality will emerge from that, but there is no a priori 
> reason to believe the UD generates any particular physical reality, 
> although we have empirical reason that some quantum dovetailer will win 
> the "measure" battle.

Isn't it hard, even assuming comp, to know whether a particular
computation corresponds to a particular first-person observer-moment?
Comp says that I am a computation, at some level of abstraction;
but having faith in that principle will not tell me whether a given
computation implements me.  How can I bridge that gap?

> If that means that my probable future, when I am in a comp state S,  is 
> entirely determined by the collection of computations going through S, 
> with "intrinsical weight" determined by the UD (and thus by theoretical 
> computer science alone), then OK.

Right, and the same question applies.  To know if a given computation
represents one of my first-person probable futures, I have to know quite
a bit.  I need to know how to go from a computation to a first-person
experience; and I need to know details of my own first-person experiences
so that I can judge whether a computation "matches" my experiences.

That second part is obvious, I guess; I can be assumed to be aware of
my own experiences.  But the first part is what is hard, looking at a
computation and deciding what kind of mind it creates.  Do your theories
offer insights into this hard part?

Hal Finney

Re: Let There Be Something

2005-11-03 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Russell Standish writes:
> It predicts that either a) there is no conscious life in a GoL
> universe (thus contradicting computationalism) or b) the physics as
> seen by conscious GoL observers will be quantum mechanical in nature.
> If one could establish that a given GoL structure is conscious, and
> then if one could demonstrate that its world view is incompatible with
> QM then we might have a contradiction.=20
> Even then, there is still a loophole. I suspect that 3D environment
> are far more likely to evolve the complex structures needed for
> consciousness, so that conscious GoL observers are indeed a rare
> thing. I don't know if this is the case or not, but if true it would
> make a GoL example irrelevant. More interesting is to look at some 3D
> CA rules that appear to support universal computation - Andy Wuensche
> had a paper on this in last year's ALife in Boston. No arXiv ref I'm
> afraid, but you could perhaps email him for an eprint...

That's very interesting.  Is it a matter of evolution, or mere existence?
I can see that life would be hard to evolve naturally in Life -
it's too chaotic.  But it might well be possible for us to create
a specially-designed Life "robot" which was able to move around and
interact with a sufficiently well-defined and restrictive environment.

How much constraint would your theories put on the capabilities of such
a robot?  Is it just that it could never be truly conscious?  Or would
your arguments limit its capabilities more strongly?  Consciousness is
hard to test for; would there be purely functional limitations that you
could predict?

Hal Finney

Re: Let There Be Something

2005-11-03 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Russell Standish writes:
> Lack of convincing is perhaps due to lack of understanding. Even I do
> not fully understand the true worth of my "derivation". It seems to me
> that I show that any physical theory that takes into account
> observation must have that Hilbert space structure, with that form of
> the Born rule. Yet there may well be special conditions that nobody
> has yet spotted that limit the claims. OTH, it cannot produce
> something like the classic Schroedinger equation for the hydrogen
> atom, which as we know must be strictly false as it ignores
> relativistic effects.

What about other universes, such as Conway's Life universe?  It has
nothing like QM.  Does your argument predict that life is impossible
in Life?  We know that it is possible to create computers there - I
think self-replicating machines as well.  Can we really argue from such
general premises that there is no way that living organisms could exist
in that universe?

I am skeptical that we can reach such strong and specific conclusions
from such broad and general assumptions.

Hal Finney

Re: Let There Be Something

2005-11-03 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Bruno Marchal writes:
> And that illustrates the advantage of the comp theory, it gives by 
> construction the correct physics, without any need, for a comp 
> "believer" to verify it. Except, of course, that comp need to be 
> postulated and we must be open it is could be false. With comp, you 
> see, physics is approached in a radically different way. Different from 
> the 2300 years of Aristotelian Naturalism: comp makes us to go back to 
> Plato. Updtated by Godel's discoveries (and Church, Turing, etc.).

Let me see if I understand how you construct the correct physics from

You start with the principle of the Universal Dovetailer, which creates
all possible universes.  You then examine those universes for subsystems
which are consistent with your own first-person conscious experiences.
You set up some kind of measure over this selected subset of universes.
(The Universal Dovetailer perhaps implies the Universal Distribution.)
And based on this measure you arrive at first-person indeterminacy about
which laws of physics hold for you.

Is that right, is that the mechanical procedure by which someone derives
their laws of physics from comp?

Hal Finney

Re: Let There Be Something

2005-11-02 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
> We're very ambitious on this list, aiming for the One True Theory which will 
> explain the universe. It's fair enough to keep this in mind as the ultimate 
> goal, but you have to remember that every generation of scientists has 
> thought this goal was just in reach, no matter how simplistic and just plain 
> wrong their theories have turned out to be. It isn't just scientists who 
> have thought this way either; theologians and philosophers have also 
> regularly come up with Theories of Everything, or Everything Except a Few 
> Minor Details. Given this history, can we really be certain at the start of 
> the 21st century that our present knowledge and theories are somehow 
> fundamentally different to all that has come before?

I don't think most of our versions of multiverse theories depend on the
assumption that present-day physics is close to being right.  It's true
that we have some efforts such as those of Russell Standish to derive QM
from a multiverse model, but (no offense to Russell) I don't think most
of us have found those very convincing.  If it should turn out that QM
is not right, is only an approximation to a deeper theory, I don't think
that would be seen as invalidating any of our models.

In fact, I don't see present day physics as being very likely to be right,
from the context of the multiverse theories I favor.  I would expect
our universe's physical laws to have a simple mathematical/computational
formulation; in fact, they should be among the simplest such laws that
could allow life and consciousness to evolve.  Does string theory or LCG
or other exotic variants of QM meet this criterion?  It doesn't seem so,
to me.

In Wolfram's book A New Kind of Science he emphasizes the important role
of simple computational systems (i.e. systems which can be simulated
with short programs, which means that they would have a large measure
in the Universal Distribution).  Wolfram was trained as a physicist and
he makes an effort to sketch a computationally oriented physical model
that might be consistent with observation.  IMO what he comes up with
is highly complex and not particularly physical.

In short, if there really exists a simple mathematical explanation
of our universe, which IMO is a prediction of multiverse theories, I
don't see our present physical models as being very close to that goal.
That doesn't mean that multiverse theories are wrong, but it illustrates
an inconsistency between multiverse models and the belief that we are
"almost there" towards a ToE.

Hal Finney

Re: Let There Be Something

2005-11-02 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
n everything in biology (to our satisfaction).

I don't see the relevance.  Scientists of all stripes may find it useful
to work at higher or lower levels of abstraction.  That doesn't change
the fact that it must all be grounded somewhere.

> I should make another point, that it seems very likely that the worm 
> has no way of developing the in-apple technology to find out about 
> quantum mechanics or DNA.  This emphasizes the fact that we, with our 
> quantum theories, M-theories, and loop gravity etc. could be just as 
> far away from explaining the universe as the worm is.

It is true that we have created our physical theories based largely on
experimentation with devices that could hardly be constructed by a worm in
an apple.  Yet I think most physicists would agree that there is no real
alternative for describing even the ordinary, everyday universe based
on simpler theories.  As I described in the worm case, to really have a
theory of biology we need cells; and to have a theory of cells we need
atoms and molecules; and to have a theory of atoms and molecules we need
subatomic particles; and we still need a theory of subatomic particles.

Even though historically it did not work this way, in principle I
believe that our common observations of the world are enough to deduce
the laws of physics.  At least, I am not aware of any alternative physics
which would work and explain the commonplace world in great detail and
precision, even if we leave out radioactivity and observations with
microscope and telescope.

So contrary to Quentin's point about Plato's allegory of the cave, I
believe that even people in that situation, if they were intelligent
enough, would be able to deduce the nature of the universe they were

Hal Finney

Re: Let There Be Something

2005-11-02 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Tom Caylor writes:
> To look at this from a different perspective, suppose there was a worm that  
> lived in an apple, and the worm was super-intelligent to the point of being 
> able  to grasp all of our mathematical concepts that Tegmark claims are  
> sufficient to describe all of reality.  Then the worm asks, "Why is it that  
> I'm in 
> this apple?"  Actually the apple is the whole of observed reality  for the 
> worm, so it is equivalent to our observed universe.  However the  observABLE 
> universe for the worm is the same as our observable universe.   Then the worm 
> comes 
> up with a multiverse theory along with a Wormopic  Principle, saying that the 
> whole observable universe is just complex enough to  sustain the inside of an 
> apple.  Surely this must be true, since the worm  can grasp all of 
> mathematics?

The worm would come up with a multiverse theory that says that everything
exists, including universes like ours with people, apple trees, apples and
worms, and also including other universes which consist of just a single
apple, possibly with a worm in it, and every other possibility besides.

Among these possible universes there are a certain fraction which contain
worms-in-apples consistent with the experiences, observations and memories
that the worm has experienced in his own apple.

He knows that he is one of those worms.

He applies some kind of measure, such as the Universal Distribution, over
all of these worms-in-apples and is able to come up with a probability
distribution for which one he is.  This results in first-person
indeterminacy and uncertainty.

It may well be that the simplest and most likely case is not a universe
containing a single apple, but a universe like ours.  The reason is that
apples and worms are actually very complex objects at the cellular level,
even more complex at the atomic level, and enormously complex at the
sub-atomic Planck scale.  The physics going on in the apple is every
bit as complex as the physics of our own universe.

Our universe has the advantage in that its initial condition was very
simple - some say it was completely smooth and uniform in the initial
instances of the Big Bang.  Then we went along in a very natural and
simple way and developed planets, where life evolved into apples and

The apple-only universe must create all this by fiat.  It must be
hard-wired into the initial conditions: everything about the apple,
about the worm, and about the physics.

It's very plausibly would take a more complex program to run a universe
consisting of just an apple and a worm, than our whole universe where
apples and worms evolve out of much simpler initial conditions.

Hence the worm might well conclude that he is likely to be in a giant
universe with billions of other apples and worms, as well as many other
forms of life.  Even though he has not yet observed any of these things,
not yet having come to the surface of the apple, he can deduce it.

But perhaps not.  Suppose that this super-intelligent worm deduces
that universes like ours are actually less likely than ones which
are all apple.  In that case, assuming that his reasoning is sound,
then he is probably right.  From the first-person perspective, when he
chews up to the surface, he will probably find that he is indeed in
an apple-only universe.  The multiverse has many kinds of universes
with worms in apples, and it may be that our own universe has only a
small fraction of all the worms in apples, that most worms do in fact
find themselves in other kinds of universes.  That would be a possible
conclusion of multiverse theory, and it might well be right.

In short, there is no reason to expect a super-intelligent worm in an
apple to come up with a different multiverse than the one we would, if
we were also super-intelligent.  We might be in different components of
the multiverse than the typical worm, but that is not evidence against
the theory or an example of a flaw in its explanatory power.

Hal Finney

Re: Let There Be Something

2005-11-01 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Tom Caylor writes:
> I believe that my statement before:
> >...simply bringing in the hypothetical set of all unobservable things
> >doesn't explain rationally in any way (deeper than our direct
> >experience) the existence of observable things.
> applies to the multiverse as well, since
> the multiverse = observable things + unobservable things
> and equivalently
> the multiverse = this universe + unobservable things

Are you saying that you don't agree that the anthropic principle applied
to an ensemble of instances has greater explanatory power than when
applied to a single instance?

Hal Finney

Re: Let There Be Something

2005-10-28 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Tom Caylor writes:
> I just don't get how it can be rationally justified that you can get 
> something out of nothing.  To me, combining the multiverse with a 
> selection principle does not explain anything.  I see no reason why it 
> is not mathematically equivalent to our universe appearing out of 
> nothing.

I would suggest that the multiverse concept is better thought of in
somewhat different terms.  It's goal is not really to explain where the
universe comes from.  (In fact, that question does not even make sense
to me.)

Rather, what it explains better than many other theories is why the
universe looks the way it does.  Why is the universe like THIS rather
than like THAT?  Why are the physical constants what they are?  Why are
there three dimensions rather than two or four?  These are hard questions
for any physical theory.

Multiverse theories generally sidestep these issues by proposing that
all universes exist.  Then they explain why we see what we do by invoking
anthropic reasoning, that we would only see universes that are conducive
to life.

Does this really "not explain anything"?  I would say that it explains
that there are things that don't need to be explained.  Or at least,
they should be explained in very different terms.  It is hard to say
why the universe "must" be three dimensional.  What is it about other
dimensionalities that would make them impossible?  That doesn't make
sense.  But Tegmark shows reasons why even if universes with other
dimensionalities exist, they are unlikely to have life.  The physics
just isn't as conducive to living things as in our universe.

That's a very different kind of argument than you get with a single
universe model.  Anthropic reasoning is only explanatory if you assume the
actual existence of an ensemble of universes, as multiverse models do.
The multiverse therefore elevates anthropic reasoning from something of
a tautology, a form of circular reasoning, up to an actual explanatory
principle that has real value in helping us understand why the world is
as we see it.

In time, I hope we will see complexity theory elevated in a similar way,
as Russell Standish discusses in his Why Occam's Razor paper.  Ideally we
will be able to get evidence some day that the physical laws of our own
universe are about as simple as you can have and still expect life to
form and evolve.  In conjunction with acceptance of generalized Occam's
Razor, we will have a very good explanation of the universe we see.

Hal Finney

RE: Quantum theory of measurement

2005-10-12 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Now that you are experts on this, try your hand on this FTL
signalling device, <>.
The author, Daniel Badagnani, is apparently a genuine physicist,

Hal Finney

RE: Quantum theory of measurement

2005-10-12 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Ben Goertzel writes:
> Hal,
> > It won't make any difference, because the CC is not used in the way you
> > imagine.  It doesn't have to produce a record and it doesn't have to erase
> > any records.
> OK, mea culpa, maybe I misunderstood the apparatus and it was not the CC
> that records
> things, but still the records
> could be kept somewhere, and one can ask what would happen if the records
> were
> kept somewhere else (e.g. in a macroscopic medium).  No?

I don't think this makes sense, at least I can't understand it.

> > The point is, there is no change to the s photon when we put the polarizer
> > over by p.  Its results do not visibly change from non-interference
> > to interference, as the web page might imply.  (If that did happen,
> > we'd have the basis for a faster than light communicator.)  No, all
> > that is happening is that we are choosing to throw out half the data,
> > and the half we keep does show interference.
> Yes but we are choosing which half to throw out in a very peculiar way --
> i.e. we are throwing it out by "un-happening" it after it happened,
> by destroying some records that were only gathered after the events
> recorded in the data already happened...

You have to try to stop thinking of this in mystical terms.  IMO people
present a rather prosaic phenomenon in a misleading and confusing way,
and this is giving you an incorrect idea.  Nothing is un-happening.
No records are destroyed after they were gathered.

Forget that anybody told you this was a "quantum eraser" and think
about what really happens.  When all the polarizers are in place, half
of the p photons get eaten and half get through.  This gives us a way
to split up the s measurements into two halves.  It turns out that each
half independently shows interference, but that the two interference
patterns are the opposite of each other.  When you combine the two halves
back together, the peaks of one half fill in the valleys of the other,
and the data set as a whole shows no interference.

Look at it concretely as it might happen in the lab.  We record a bunch
of s measurements and also record whether we get a coincidence with a p
photon getting through, in the CC.  Maybe we write a little check mark
next to the s measurements where there was a p photon coincidence.

We go through afterwards to analyze the data.  If we just plot all
the s measurements we see a smooth curve, no interference.  Now we
go through and cross off the ones where there was no p coincidence.
We cross off s measurement number 1, then numbers 3 and 4, then 5, 7,
10 through 12, and so on.  When we plot the remaining measurements,
now we see an interference pattern.

In other words, the coincidence with the p photon identifies a subset
of the s measurements which shows interference.  The total collection
of s measurements still shows no interference.

There is no real "erasing" going on.  Whoever coined the term "quantum
eraser" was a master of public relations, but unfortunately he confused
millions of lay people into getting the wrong idea about the physics.

Hal Finney

Re: Quantum theory of measurement

2005-10-12 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Ben Goertzel writes about:
> The questions I have regard the replacement of the Coincidence Counter (from
> here on: CC) in the  above experiment with a more complicated apparatus.
> What if we replace the CC with one of the following:
> 1) a carefully sealed, exquisitely well insulated box with a printer inside
> it.  The printer is  hooked up so that it prints, on paper, an exact record
> of everything that comes into the CC.  Then,  to "erase" the printed record,
> the whole box is melted, or annihilated using nuclear explosives, or
> whatever.

The CC is not what is "erased".  Rather, the so-called erasure happens
to the photons while they are flying through the apparatus.  Nothing in
the experiment proposes erasing data in the CC.  So I don't really see
what you are getting at.

> What will the outcome be in these experiments?

It won't make any difference, because the CC is not used in the way you
imagine.  It doesn't have to produce a record and it doesn't have to erase
any records.

Let me tell you what really happens in the experiment above.  It is
actually not so mystical as people try to make it sound.

We start off with the s photon going through a 2 slit experiment and
getting interference.  That is standard.

Now we put two different polarization rotations in front of the two slits
and interference goes away.  The web page author professes amazement,
but it is not really that surprising.  After all, interference between two
photons would typically be affected by messing with their polarizations.
It is not all that surprising that putting polarizers into the paths
could mess up the interference.

But now comes the impressive part.  He puts a polarizer in front of the
other photon, the p photon, and suddenly the interference comes back!
Surely something amazing and non-local has happened now, right?

Not really.  This new polarizer will eliminate some of the p photons.
They won't get through.  The result is that we will throw out some
of the measurements of s photons, because if the p photon got eaten
by its polarizer, the CC doesn't trigger as there is no coincidence.
(This is the real reason for the CC in this experiment.)

So now we are discarding some of the s photon measurements, and keeping
some.  It turns out that the ones we keep do show an interference pattern.
If we had added back in the ones we discarded, it would blur out the
interference fringes and there would be no pattern.

The point is, there is no change to the s photon when we put the polarizer
over by p.  Its results do not visibly change from non-interference
to interference, as the web page might imply.  (If that did happen,
we'd have the basis for a faster than light communicator.)  No, all
that is happening is that we are choosing to throw out half the data,
and the half we keep does show interference.

The only point of the CC, then, is to tell us which half of the data
to throw out of the s photon measurements.  Destroying the CC and all
of the other crazy things you suggest have nothing to do with the
experiment.  The CC is not what is "erased" and it does not create a
permanent record.  It is only there to tell us whether a p photon got
through its polarizer or not, so that we know whether to throw away
the s photon measurement.

Hal Finney

Re: What Computationalism is and what it is *not*

2005-09-05 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Bruno writes:
> I will think about it, but I do think that CT and AR are just making  
> the YD more precise. Also everybody in cognitive science agree  
> explicitly or implicitly with both CT and AR, so to take them away  
> from YD could be more confusing.

I think that is probably true about the Church Thesis, which I
would paraphrase as saying that there are no physical processes more
computationally powerful than a Turing machine, or in other words that
the universe could in principle be simulated on a TM.  I wouldn't be
surprised if most people who believe that minds can be simulated on
TMs also believe that everything can be simulated on a TM.

(I don't see the two philosophical questions as absolutely linked, though.
I could imagine someone who accepts that minds can be simulated on TMs,
but who believes that naked singularities or some other exotic physical
phenomenon might allow for super-Turing computation.)

But isn't AR the notion that abstract mathematical and computational
objects exist, to the extent that the mere potential existence of a
computation means that we have to consider the possibility that we are
presently experiencing and living within that computation?  I don't
think that is nearly as widely believed.

That simple mathematical objects have a sort of existence is probably
unobjectionable, but most people probably don't give it too much thought.
For most, it's a question analogous to whether a falling tree makes a
noise when there's no one there to hear it.  Whether the number 3 existed
before people thought about it is an abstract philosophical question
without much importance or connection to reality, in most people's minds,
including computationalists and AI researchers.

To then elevate this question of arithmetical realism to the point
where it has actual implications for our own perceptions and our models
of reality would, I think, be a new idea for most computationalists.
Right here on this list I believe we've had people who would accept
the basic doctrines of computationalism, who would believe that it is
possible for a human mind to be "uploaded" into a computer, but who
would insist that the computer must be physical!  A mere potential or
abstractly existing computer would not be good enough.  I suspect that
such views would not be particularly rare among computationalists.

Hal Finney

Re: What Computationalism is and what it is *not*

2005-09-03 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Bruno writes:
> To sum up: comp is essentially YD, if only to provide a picture of  
> the first person comp indeterminacy. But CT is used to give a range  
> for that indeterminacy (the UD*, the trace of the UD). It is by CT  
> that the UD is really comp-universal, and it is a consequence of CT  
> that this forces it to dovetail, and to dovetail on an incredibly  
> redundant structures (providing non trivial relative measures). AR is  
> used to just accept the notion of UD* and other infinite mathematical  
> structures, and for justifying the use of the excluded middle principle.

Okay, I was mostly trying to clarify the terminology.  The problem is
that sometimes you use "comp" as if it is the same as computationalism,
and sometimes it seems to include these additional concepts of the Church
Thesis and Arithmetical Realism.  Maybe you should come up with a new
word for the combination of comp (aka "Yes Doctor") + CT + AR.  Then you
could make it clear when you are just talking about computationalism,
and when you are including the additional concepts.

Hal Finney

Re: What Computationalism is and what it is *not*

2005-09-02 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Bruno wrote:

> Of course the reversal result introduces ambiguity in expressions  
> like "mental activity". That is why I sum up "comp" by YD + CT + AR.  
> ("Yes doctor" + Church Thesis + Arithmetical realism).

But if "comp" is computationalism, that is the doctrine that our
mental processes can be modelled/reproduced by computational activity.
This would seem to correspond to Bruno's "Yes Doctor".  That is, you
say "yes" to a doctor who wants to replace your mind with a computer,
at least if it is done carefully and correctly.  If you believe in
computationalism, then you should believe that a computer could reproduce
and substitute for the activity of your mind.  (Some people have qualms
about the details of the transfer process from the mind to the computer,
but they are often satisfied if the change is done slowly, perhaps one
neuron at a time.)  Likewise if you would accept that your mind could
be substituted by a computer, you are a computationalist.

So where do the Church Thesis and Arithmetical realism come into play
as part of the DEFINITION of "comp"?  I don't understand this.

Hal Finney

Re: subjective reality

2005-08-30 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
I wade into this dispute with trepidation, because I think it is for
the most part incomprehensible.  But I believe I see one place where
there was a miscommunication and I hope to clear it up.

Godfrey Kurtz wrote, to Bruno Marchal:

> You ARE doing something speculative whether you admit it or not! And I
> don't really have to study your argument because
> it is derived from premises that, you already admitted, are
> incompatible with the conclusions you claim.

What is this incompatibility?  I believe he means it to be the following.
Bruno had written:

> This I knew. The collapse is hardly compatible with comp (and thus 
> YD). Even Bohm de Broglie theory, is incompatible with YD.

And yet, Bruno claims that his methods will lead to a derivation of
physics, which as far as we know includes QM.  Godfrey sees the previous
quote from Bruno as indicating that his "Yes Doctor" starting point is
*incompatible* with QM.  This is the contradiction that he sees.

I'll stop here and invite Godfrey to comment on whether this is the
admission of incompatibility between premises and conclusions that he
was referring to above.

Hal Finney

Re: Book preview: Theory of Nothing

2005-08-29 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
I am a little confused about Russell's use of the term "self-aware".
I have only had a chance to read a few pages of his book but I don't
particularly see it defined in there.

As Russell uses the term, is our normal, day to day state of consciousness
"self-aware"?  When I am reading, or watching TV, or eating, am I

I'm not sure how literally to interpret the phrase, whether seeing my
foot makes me self-aware (since my foot is part of my self) but seeing
my shoe does not?  That's probably not right.

It would be helpful to see how Russell distinguishes (or identifies)
awareness, self-awareness, and consciousness for example.

Hal Finney

Re: Maudlin's Machine and the UDist

2005-08-08 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
 to pin it down
so that it depends on what happens merely on a particular world and its
near neighbors, then that will not in general test the counterfactuals.
If you expand it to include a wide range of possibilities, then there
is too much going on, too many variations and bizarre outcomes, so
that the criteria you are trying to use for consiciousness are met in
some worlds and contradicted in others.  All in all I don't think this
approach will work as a general method for making consciousness supervene
on physicality.

Hal Finney

Re: Maudlin's Machine and the UDist

2005-08-08 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Russell Standish writes:
> The take home message I get from Maudlin's experiment is that a
> computationalist consciousness is supervenient on a physical process
> _spread_ over the multiverse, ie the counterfactuals must really exist
> as alternate branches of the Multiverse.

So what does that tell you about Olympia?  Is she conscious or not,
by this criterion?  I guess that you would say that if the unused
counterfactual machinery would actually work if tested, then she is
conscious; but if the counterfactual machines were broken or blocked
such that they wouldn't work (even though they are not used) then she
is unconscious.  And perhaps you can say that the machines are in fact
tested in other branches of the multiverse, so the criterion is more
than merely a hypothetical difference between unused working machines
and unused broken machines.  I see some difficulties with this position
but I better first hear whether this is what you have in mind before
trying to extrapolate further.

> A far as your UDist argument goes, the fact that a conscious HLUT, or
> a conscious clock has very low measure simply means it is very
> unlikely for us to be one of these things. They would still be
> conscious. However accepting the Multiverse would eliminate these
> objects from being conscious at all, because tof the lack of
> counterfactuals.

>From my perspective it doesn't make sense to ask whether a system is
conscious, per se.  Consciousness exists platonically in the multiverse.
Any given consciousness exists, whether a particular system implements
it or not.

What we want to know is whether running a certain program or process
will add to the measure of a given consciousness.  Running a clock
will not add any noticeable measure to any consciousness.  Running a
neural simulation or some AI program may well add significant measure.
We can deduce these facts without considering counterfactuals.  It is
only necessary to see how short a program can compute a representation
of the abstract conscious calculation by starting from the program or
process that we initiate.

My understanding is that the main argument for requiring counterfactuals
in the definition of implementation is to escape the argument that a clock
implements every finite state machine.  I believe that other responses are
better, such as the one by Jacques Mallah.  Unfortunately Mallah's works
seems to have largely disappeared from the web, as has Mallah himself,
but I found an early copy of one of them on and have put it
here,  This version does not
lay out the argument as clearly as the later ones, and merely hints at
the role Kolmogorov complexity can play, but the basic ideas are present.

Hal Finney

Maudlin's Machine and the UDist

2005-08-07 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
, but still
would contribute an appreciable measure.

In any case, his machine certainly does not pose a challenge or paradox
for the UDist framework, since UDist is merely a recipe for how to
calculate a number, the measure of C.  All kinds of bizarre machines
might be imagined which would in some way relate to C, and still in
principle we could estimate out how much measure they would each add to C.
It seems that no paradox can arise from this type of analysis.

Hal Finney

Re: OMs are events

2005-08-05 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Bruno writes:
> Now an important fact is the following: computations themselves can be 
> seen as proofs.

I have often seen this stated, but I'm not sure I have ever actually seen
the construction.  I could imagine turning a TM computation into a proof
in the following way.

There would be one axiom, which is the initial configuration of the TM:
its initial tape, its head position, and its head state.  Then the state
transition table of the TM would correspond to rules of inference such
that only one would apply at each state.  Then starting with our one
axiom, we go through successive lines of the proof, applying the single
applicable rule of inference at each line, which exactly corresponds to
what the TM would do at each state.

> But with Church thesis, the notion of computation is 
> absolute: it does not depend on the formal system chosen (java = C = 
> turing = quantum computer = ...).

So... a computation in one of these frameworks can be transformed into
an equivalent computation in any other.

> But provability is a relative notion 
> (like the notion of *total* (everywhere defined) computable functions. 

So in the case of the TM computation a theorem that is "provable" given
the axioms and rules of inference would be a state that is "reachable"
from the corresponding initial state and transition table.  The question
of whether a given theorem is "provable" is equivalent to asking whether
a given computational state is ever reached.  And of course that depends
on precisely what computation is being done: on the specific program and
data which are running.

> To say "A is proved" has no meaning, you should always say: A is proved 
> in this or that theory (or by this or that machine).

Right, if someone asked, does a program ever reach a state where x = 0?
Then we must respond, which program? It is a meaningless question
to ask unless we specify what program is running.  That would be the
corresponding statement, in computational terms.

> Of course 
> provability can obey universal principles: for example the notion of 
> classical checkable proof in sufficiently rich system is completely 
> captured by the modal logics G and G*.

Well, you lost me on that one!

Hal Finney

Re: OMs are events

2005-08-04 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Brent Meeker wrote (he always forgets to forward to the list):
> Hal Finney wrote:
> > I'd be curious to know whether you think that Platonic existence could
> > include a notion of time.
> I think timelessness is a defining characteristic of Platonic "existence".  I 
> use scare quotes because I'm not sure what definition of "existence" would 
> justify ascribing existence of things like mathematical objects.  Once we go 
> beyond our model of physical existence, we may have to invent various 
> categories 
> of "existence", e.g. "Dr. Watson exists in Sherlock Holmes stories".

A Tegmark or Schmidhuber model in effect assumes that abstract,
Platonic objects have enough existence for people to live in them.
And in that case, there is no real difference between physical existence
and Platonic existence.  Physical existence would be a subset of Platonic.
(Or as Bruno says, physical existence is a "modal" way of viewing Platonic
existence, i.e. which objects are physically real would depend on the
observer.)  I know that not everyone here shares that view, however.

If we consider the concept that "everything exists", the title of this
list, then this does seem to lead us towards this merging of physical and
mathematical/logical/Platonic existence.  On the other hand, I would say
that everything exists, but some things exist more than others.  So I am
drawing distinctions between degrees of existence (based on measure),
and it may be that distinguishing physical from abstract existence is
not such a dissimilar strategy.

Hal Finney

Re: OMs are events

2005-08-04 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Brent Meeker writes:
> I'm uncertain whether "instantiated by abstract mathematical patterns" means 
> that the patterns are being physically realized by a process in time (as in 
> the 
>   sci-fi above) or by the physical existence of the patterns in some static 
> form 
> (e.g. written pieces of paper) or just by the Platonic "existence" of the 
> patterns within some mathematic/logic system.

I'd be curious to know whether you think that Platonic existence could
include a notion of time.  Can you imagine a process, something that
involves the flow of time, existing Platonically?  Or would you restrict
Platonic existence to things like integers and triangles, which seemingly
don't involve anything like time?

How about the case of mathematical proofs?  Could an entire proof
exist Platonically?  A proof has a sort of time-like flow to it, causal
dependency of later steps on earlier ones.  It seems to be an interesting
intermediate case.

My tentative opinion is that it does make sense to ascribe Platonic
existence to such things but I am interested to hear other people's

Hal Finney

Re: OMs are events

2005-08-01 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Quentin Anciaux writes:
> Le Lundi 01 Août 2005 05:32, Hal Finney a écrit :
> > I am generally of the school that considers that calculations can be
> > treated as abstract or formal objects, that they can exist without a
> > physical computer existing to run them.
> I completely agree with that... but I have problem with the word 
> "instantiating" in front of an abstract calculation, because if the 
> calculation is abtract that means the calculation just is, no need of 
> instantiation.

I agree, and if I used that terminology then it was probably a
mistake.  Looking back at the message you replied to, I did not talk of
instantiating an abstract calculation.  I did mention the question of
whether a given calculation instantiated a given OM.  Maybe "instantiate"
is not the right word there.  I meant to consider the question of whether
the first calculation added to the measure of the information structure
corresponding to the OM.  If you can find any other place where I used
the word confusingly, let me know.

> On the other hand I have still problem with abstract 
> calculation... take for example a mathematic demonstration written on a sheet 
> of paper, it doesn't mean anything if there is no observer to read it and 
> understand it (thereby "instantiating" the calculus in his own mind), what do 
> you think of that ?

I can interpret your question in two ways.  One is, does a mathematical
proof written on paper has an intrinsic meaning, or is the meaning
in the mind of the reader?  And the other is, do mathematical proofs
have abstract, logical/mathematical existence, in the same way that,
say, numbers or geometric figures might be said to abstractly exist?

As far as the first question, I would analyze it by asking whether someone
who did not know the language it was written in, not even recognizing
the symbols, would be able to deduce what the proof was.  I believe the
answer is yes, for reasonably long proofs.  There would be no ambiguity.

As a concrete way to understand this, suppose we want to ask the question,
does this string of symbols represent proof X, where X is some valid
mathematical proof.  We could write a translation program which, given the
symbols, would output proof X.  If the string of symbols is reasonably
long and actually does match proof X, the translation program will be
short, much shorter than the proof itself.  However if the string of
symbols is not a proof of X, then the translation program will have to
be long.  By the same type of argument I have used repeatedly, this gives
us a tool for evaluating whether a string has a given "meaning".  If the
translation program is short, then the meaning is in the string.  If the
translation program is long, then the meaning is in the translation.
I believe that this shows that it is in fact reasonably to suppose that a
complex proof written on paper does in fact have intrinsic meaning and it
is not just a matter of how it is interpreted in the mind of the reader.

In terms of the other question, whether proofs have abstract mathematical
existence just as (we suppose) integers and triangles do, again I think
that the answer is yes.  Proofs are merely more complex.  They have
relationships amongs their parts.  They depend on an axiom system.
The implicit "causality" and "time ordering" among steps of the proof
could be represented graphically, by colored arrows leading from one
step to another.  I could imagine a representation where valid proof
steps would be as apparent and obvious as the question of whether a set
of lines in a geometric figure all meet at a common point.

In short, I do think that proofs, and for that matter computations,
can be sensibly thought of as having abstract existence just like other
complex mathematical objects.  Some of the constructions of set theory
are far more complex than any humanly understandable proof, yet it is
reasonable to say that sets exist in the abstract.  The fact that a
proof has many parts and has complex relationships between the parts is
no obstacle to its having abstract mathematical existence.

Hal Finney

Re: OMs are events

2005-07-31 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Quentin Anciaux writes:
> In all of these discussion, it is really this point that annoy me... What is 
> the calculation ? Is it a physical process ? Obviously a calculation need 
> time... what is the difference between an abstract calculation (ie: one which 
> is done on a sheet of paper or just in your head) with an "effective" 
> calculation ? What is the meaning of "instantiating" in a block universe 
> view ?

I am generally of the school that considers that calculations can be
treated as abstract or formal objects, that they can exist without a
physical computer existing to run them.

The goal is to model the universe (among other things) as such a
calculation.  If we demand that a calculation exists in a universe, and
a universe is also a calculation, then we have an infinite regression.
One might postulate a God who is infinite himself and is the endpoint
of the regression, but absent such supernatural entities, the model
otherwise doesn't work.

Why model the universe as a calculation?  Well, for one reason, because it
seems to work.  It appears that physical law is essentially mathematical,
implying that it should be feasible in principle to construct a program
which could simulate the entire universe to any degree of accuracy.
It would seem odd, given that the universe can be a calculation, if it
weren't a calculation.

If it seems objectionable to have a calculation without a calculator,
perhaps simpler examples can support the intuition.  You can imagine a
triangle without a triangulator.  You can imagine a number without someone
who counts.  Perhaps you can even imagine a mathematical proof without
a prover.  Mathematical objects may have virtually unlimited complexity
and internal structure, and can be said to exist independently of anyone
who thinks about them or discovers them.  Computations seem to fit very
comfortably into this framework.

If we allow ourselves to imagine calculations as having mathematical
reality, and further to imagine that our universe is such a calculation,
then we have unified mathematical and physical reality.  There is no
longer a difference.  Things which are physically real are merely a
subset of the things which are mathematically real.

If we don't take this step, we have two kinds of reality, mathematical
and physical, which makes for a more awkward (IMO) philosophical position.

However I certainly understand that all these arguments are only
persuasive and indicative and certainly do not amount to a proof.
Nevertheless it is my hope that by pursuing these ideas we can construct
testable propositions which, if verified, will add weight to the
possibility that this is the nature of reality.

Hal Finney

Re: OMs are events

2005-07-31 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
o be embedded in a
larger universe, and how that would affect the measure of the observer.
That seems very much like your conception above, if I understood it

> If I run a simulation of our solar system on a computer, then the
> relevant events are e.g. that Jupiter is in such and such a position. This
> is associated with the state of the transistors of the computer running the
> program. But that same pattern could arise in a completely different
> calculation. You would have to extract exactly what program is running on
> the machine to be able to define OMs like that. To do that you need to feed
> the program with different kinds of input and study the output, otherwise
> you'll fall prey to the famous ''clock paradox'' (you can map the time
> evolution of a clock to that of any object, including brains).

I'm not sure I fully understand this, but I'll make two comments.  First,
a simulation of the solar system is vastly simpler than the calculation
needed to create an observer.  Intuitions based on the first case will
fail when applied to the other.  It may be plausible that two different
calculations could create matching representations of Jupiter's orbit.
But it's completely implausible that two calculations could accidentally
both create the same sequence of observer moments.  I estimated in the
message above that the chance of that happening would be one in 2^(10^18).
No human alive can even begin to grasp the impossibility of such an event.
Think of the most absolutely, totally, completely impossible event you
could ever imagine, and you won't be anywhere near as improbable as that.
It is beyond human comprehension.

Second, this clock paradox has been discussed before.  Years ago Jacques
Mallah on this list pointed out that algorithmic complexity disposes of
it neatly.  Sure, you can map any two calculations together, but if the
map becomes bigger than the calculations, then all the correspondence
is in the map and none in the calculations.

In measure terms, it still comes down to how short a program you can
write to produce the output that corresponds to an observer.  Go ahead
and write your clock or counter program, but its output does not match my
canonical representation of an observer moment.  The challenge is to write
a translation program that turns the output of your clock into the OM's
canonical representation (which is 10^18 bits in size!).  Such a program
is going to be as big as the OM data itself.  The clock is of no help.

On the other hand consider a program which (we would agree) really
does output or create the observer-moment, but perhaps not in the nice
canonical representation I might have defined.  Then we can write
a mapping program which will be relatively short, to turn one data
representation into another.  Even though we have 10^18 bits of data,
the mapping program will still be much smaller than this, because its
complexity does not depend on the size of the data to be translated.
This shows that the program really did create the observer-moment, because
there was little extra data in the map program.  The correspondence was
in the calculation, not in the map.

With such large data sets as observer-moments, the point becomes
very clear.  There is effectively no ambiguity about whether a given
calculation instantiates an OM or not.  Clocks don't do it; neural network
simulations can do it (with proper input); universe simulations can do it
(using a subset of their output).

Hal Finney

RE: What We Can Know About the World

2005-07-31 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
ious by definition,
there would still be virtually no "gray" there.)

5. To me, this points to the problem with panpsychism theories like this.
On the one hand, everything is conscious (at least a little bit).
This saves us from the Sorites paradox, that it's impossible to draw a
line among shades of gray and try to separate white from black.  But on
the other hand, in practice only brains are noticeably conscious (and
probably only big brains; the nematode with its 302 neurons can't have
much consciousness).  Even though our stomachs and earlobes are causal
networks and have their little slivers of consciousness, only our brains
manage to really count.  It just seems strange that if consciousness is,
in the metaphysical sense, so easy that it's omnipresent, then why do
so few systems actually exhibit it?

Hal Finney


2005-07-28 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
UD is the Universal Distribution, which assigns measure to information
objects as the fraction of computer programs which output them on a
given Universal Turing Machine.  (I know I promised to use UDist for
this acronym but I couldn't resist the title I chose.)

ASSA is the Absolute Self Selection Assumption, which says that we
should reason as though we are randomly selected observer moments (OMs).
Combining the UD+ASSA means that the OMs should be selected according
to the Universal Distribution.

QTI is the Quantum Theory of Immortality, which says that in a
many-worlds or multiverse model, each of us will experience immortality
with certainty, because our deaths in some worlds will not affect the
fact that we live on in others.

The DA is the Doomsday Argument, which says (among other things) that
the human race will not greatly increase in numbers beyond its present
day size, because otherwise the chances that we would find ourselves
so early in its history are insignificant.

Here is an idea to tie these together.  Some time back [1] I proposed
that the measure of observer-moments would be amplified for those OMs
which were remembered.  Most OMs exist only transiently and are forgotten,
but certain ones are special, make an impression, and are remembered for
hours, days or even years.  The measure of such OMs is arguably greater
than the ones which are forgotten because of this effect.

Let us assume that this is true and that in fact it can be a very
strong effect, such that remembered OMs may acquire far more measure
than forgotten ones.  Then what does that suggest for the DA and QTI?

One way to state the DA, using ASSA concepts, is to start with the
supposition that the human race actually will vastly increase its numbers,
perhaps spreading throughout the entire universe.  Then we have to
ask the question, how could it be that we are so early in its history?
In measure terms, the total measure of late observer moments is vastly
greater than the total measure of OMs as early as ours, so the odds are
overwhelmingly against these OMs being experienced.

Just as we accept the low measure of Flying Rabbit OMs as explaining
the lawfulness of the universe, we should accept this way of expressing
the DA as showing the contradiction in assuming that the human race
will grow enormously.  That is the conclusion of the DA, which some
find paradoxical.

The resolution could be to suppose that as the human race spreads,
somehow it will retain a memory of its youth.  The OMs that we are
experiencing today will echo through time and gain measure in that way,
via the remembering effect I discussed above.  It could happen as literal
memories, if we assume that somehow we will become personally immortal and
create copies of ourselves who will spread throughout the universe and
share in the vastening of the human race.  Or perhaps a similar measure
amplification effect could occur more indirectly; perhaps our mere
influence on future events could leave sufficient traces down through
time that present day OMs have much larger measure than future ones
(on a per-OM basis).  This would allow our present-day existence to be
consistent with even a great vastening of humanity, resolving the DA.

A similar argument might apply to the QTI.  In ASSA terms, the
conventional QTI does not work because the measure of extremely old
versions of people is very small, so they would not be very prominent
in the multiverse, any more than inhabitants of Flying Rabbit worlds.
However, if the memory-amplification effect holds, then there could be
a similar phenomenon to QTI.

If we suppose that somehow certain people are destined for immortality,
then the measure of even their young-age OMs would be greatly increased
relative to their fellows by virtue of memory amplification.  This would
mean that those of us who are fortunate enough to have such destinies
(which is not completely impossible today, given the progress of medical
technology), would have very high-measure OMs.

This implies that the experience of being a person is prima facae evidence
that he may expect a much longer than usual life span, perhaps even an
immortal existence.  Such lucky individuals would have so much higher
measure OMs even in their youth (due to memory amplification) that a
randomly selected OM would very plausibly be that of such an individual.

And the fact that we are young and not super-old is perhaps consistent as
well, since younger OMs would have more memory amplification, both due
to the fact that early experiences have more inherent distinctiveness
and novelty because of youth, and due to the additional years they have
to be remembered and for the echo effect to produce measure amplification.

In short, finding onesself to be young is not necessarily an argument
against this variant of the QTI, and may in fact be considered evidence
in favor of a long or even immortal life span.

Hal Finney

[1] Near the end of

Reality in the multiverse

2005-07-27 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
One problem with "reality" in the context of multiverse theories is that
it may mean different things to different people.

If we assume (for analytical purposes) that some form of multiverse
exists, then ultimately the reality is the multiverse.  But it seems that
each person is constrained only to see one universe out of the multiverse.
For him, that universe is all that is real, the rest of the multiverse
is irrelevant.  So already there is confusion over whether we should
include the other worlds of the multiverse in "reality".

I have been exploring the concept that the Universal Distribution exists
and is "real".  Reality in this model is every computer program execution,
or equivalently (I would claim, but it is not too important here) every
information pattern.

This is a sort of "multiverse", in that it includes multiple "universes".
Anything that can be created by a computer program exists, and arguably
universes fall into this category.

But it also includes other things.  Chaotic information patterns
that would not seem to possess most of the properties of a universe
exist as well - without time, or causality, or dimensionality perhaps -
just raw noise.

And disembodied consciousnesses exist, too.  We could each have our
information patterns, the processes that make up our minds, be produced by
programs which do not actually create the rest of the universe but simply
contain hard-coded sense impressions which are delivered by clockwork.

The UDist framework allows us to theoretically approximate the measure
of these various information objects, so we can say that some are more
"prominent" in the multiverse than others.  But all exist, all are real,
in this model.

One of the points Bruno makes is that in these kinds of models,
the reality for a given observer is pretty complicated.  Much of the
multiverse is irrelevant to him, but that doesn't mean he can focus on
just one universe as "real".  The observer spans multiple universes and
multiple realities.

In the UDist framework, I would say it in this way:  Many programs
create the information pattern corresponding to a given observer.
Some of those programs create the observer as part of a relatively
straightforward universe that corresponds fairly simply to his sense
impressions.  Some programs create the observer within a universe that
has a far more subtle and complex relationship to what the observer
senses.  In some universes the observer is part of a simulation a la
The Matrix, being run on artificial machines within that universe, so
that what the observer sees has little relation to the "true reality"
of that universe.  And some programs create the information pattern as
I described above, without a real universe at all, so that the observer
in effect hallucinates the entire universe.

The point is that all of these programs exist, hence all contribute
measure to the observer.  From the observer's perspective, all of these
are in a sense "real" to him.  However, he can in principle calculate
(at least approximately) the numerical contribution made by each of
these programs, and perhaps it turns out that the vast majority of the
measure comes from just one of them.  He might be justified in that case
in largely ignoring the others and saying that only that one is "real"
for him.

But for full precision he must still take into consideration all of
the programs that could create instances of his information pattern,
and consider all of them to be "real" to some extent.  And then, perhaps,
he may choose to accept that the whole multiverse is real, even the parts
which do not affect him.  Otherwise he has to say that all programs exist
which happen to include an information pattern corresponding to him,
the observer who is making this claim.  That's not a very compelling
theoretical model.

Hal Finney

Re: what relation do mathematical models have with reality?

2005-07-25 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Brent Meeker wrote:
> [Hal Finney wrote:]

> > When you observe evidence and construct your models, you need some
> > basis for choosing one model over another.  In general, you can create
> > an infinite number of possible models to match any finite amount of
> > evidence.  It's even worse when you consider that the evidence is noisy
> > and ambiguous.  This choice requires prior assumptions, independent of the
> > evidence, about which models are inherently more likely to be true or not.

> In practice we use coherence with other theories to guide out choice.  With
> that kind of constraint we may have trouble finding even one candidate
> theory.

Well, in principle there still should be an infinite number of theories,
starting with "the data is completely random and just happens to
look lawful by sheer coincidence".  I think the difficulty we have in
finding new ones is that we are implicitly looking for small ones, which
means that we implicitly believe in Occam's Razor, which means that we
implicitly adopt something like the Universal Distribution, a priori.

> We begin with an intuitive physics that is hardwired into us by
> evolution.  And that includes mathematics and logic.  Ther's an excellent
> little book on this, "The Evolution of Reason" by Cooper.

No doubt this is true.  But there are still two somewhat-related problems.
One is, you can go back in time to the first replicator on earth, and
think of its evolution over the ages as a learning process.  During this
time it learned this "intuitive physics", i.e. mathematics and logic.
But how did it learn it?  Was it a Bayesian-style process?  And if so,
what were the priors?  Can a string of RNA have priors?

And more abstractly, if you wanted to design a perfect learning machine,
one that makes observations and optimally produces theories based on
them, do you have to give it prior beliefs and expectations, including
math and logic?  Or could you somehow expect it to learn those?  But to
learn them, what would be the minimum you would have to give it?

I'm trying to ask the same question in both of these formulations.
On the one hand, we know that life did it, it created a very good (if
perhaps not optimal) learning machine.  On the other hand, it seems like
it ought to be impossible to do that, because there is no foundation.

> > Mathematics and logic are more than models of reality.  They are
> > pre-existent and guide us in evaluating the many possible models of
> > reality which exist.

> I'd say they are *less* than models of reality.  They are just consistency
> conditions on our models of reality.  They are attempts to avoid talking
> nonsense.  But note that not too long ago all the weirdness of quantum
> mechanics and relativity would have been regarded as contrary to logic.

I guess we could agree that they are "other" than models of reality?
It still strikes me as paradoxical: ultimately we have learned our
intuitions about mathematics and logic from reality, via the mechanisms
of evolution and also our own individual learning experiences.  And yet
it seems that at some level a degree of logic, and certain mathematical
assumptions, are necessary to get learning off the ground in the first
place, and that they should not depend on reality.

I'm pretty confused about this right now.

Hal Finney

Re: what relation do mathematical models have with reality?

2005-07-25 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Stephen Paul King wrote:
> BTW, Scott Aaronson has a nice paper on the P=NP problem that is found here:

That describes different proposals for physical mechanisms for efficiently
solving NP-complete problems: things like quantum computing variants,
relativity, analog computing, and so on.  He actually looked at a claim
that soap bubble films effectively solve NP complete problems and tested
it himself, to find that they don't work.

He also discusses time travel and even what we call quantum suicide,
where you kill yourself if the machine doesn't guess right.

I am skeptical though about something he says in conclusion:  "Even many
computer scientists do not seem to appreciate how different the world
would be if we could solve NP-complete problems efficiently  If such
a procedure existed, then we could quickly find the smallest Boolean
circuits that output (say) a table of historical stock market data,
or the human genome, or the complete works of Shakespeare.  It seems
entirely conceivable that, by analyzing these circuits, we could make
an easy fortune on Wall Street, or retrace evolution, or even generate
Shakespeare's 38th play.  For broadly speaking, that which we can compress
we can understand, and that which we can understand we can predict
if we could solve the general case - if knowing something was tantamount
to knowing the shortest efficient description of it - then we would be
almost like gods."

This doesn't seem right to me, the notion that an NP solving oracle
would be able to find the shortest efficient description of any data.
That would require a more complex oracle, one that would be able to
solve the halting problem.

I think Aaronson is blurring the lines between finding the smallest
Boolean circuit and finding the smallest efficient description.  Maybe
finding the smallest Boolean circuit is in NP; it's not obvious to me
but it's been a while since I've studied this stuff.  But even if we
could find such a circuit I'm doubtful that all the rest of Aaronson's
scenario follows.

Hal Finney

Re: what relation do mathematical models have with reality?

2005-07-24 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Forwarded on behalf of Brent Meeker:
> On 24-Jul-05, you wrote:
> > Brent Meeker writes:
> >> Here's my $0.02. We can only base our knowledge on our experience
> >> and we don't experience *reality*, we just have certain
> >> experiences and we create a model that describes them and
> >> predicts them.  Using this model to predict or describe usually
> >> involves some calculations and interpretation of the calculation
> >> in terms of the model.  The relation of the model to reality, if
> >> it's a good one, is it gives us the right answer, i.e. it
> >> predicts accurately.  Their are other criteria for a good model
> >> too, such as fitting in with other models we have; but prediction
> >> is the main standard.
> > 
> > This makes sense but you need another element as well.  This shows up
> > most explicitly in Bayesian reasoning models, but it is implicit in
> > others as well.  That is the assumption of priors.
> > 
> > When you observe evidence and construct your models, you need some
> > basis for choosing one model over another.  In general, you can create
> > an infinite number of possible models to match any finite amount of
> > evidence.  It's even worse when you consider that the evidence is noisy
> > and ambiguous.  This choice requires prior assumptions, independent of the
> > evidence, about which models are inherently more likely to be true or not.
> In practice we use coherence with other theories to guide out choice.  With
> that kind of constraint we may have trouble finding even one candidate
> theory. We begin with an intuitive physics that is hardwired into us by
> evolution.  And that includes mathematics and logic.  Ther's an excellent
> little book on this, "The Evolution of Reason" by Cooper.
> > 
> > This implies that at some level, mathematics and logic has to come before
> > reality.  That is the only way we can have prior beliefs about the models.
> > Whether it is the specific Universal Priori (1/2^n) that I have been
> > describing or some other one, you can't get away without having one.
> > 
> >> So in my view, mathematics and theorems
> >> about computer science are just models too, albeit more abstract
> >> ones.  Persis Diaconsis says, "Statistics is just the physics of
> >> numbers."  I have a similar view of all mathematics, e.g.
> >> arithmetic is just the physics of counting.
> > 
> > I don't think this works, for the reasons I have just explained.
> > Mathematics and logic are more than models of reality.  They are
> > pre-existent and guide us in evaluating the many possible models of
> > reality which exist.
> I'd say they are *less* than models of reality.  They are just consistency
> conditions on our models of reality.  They are attempts to avoid talking
> nonsense.  But note that not too long ago all the weirdness of quantum
> mechanics and relativity would have been regarded as contrary to logic.
> Brent Meeker

Re: what relation do mathematical models have with reality?

2005-07-24 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Brent Meeker writes:
> Here's my $0.02. We can only base our knowledge on our experience
> and we don't experience *reality*, we just have certain
> experiences and we create a model that describes them and
> predicts them.  Using this model to predict or describe usually
> involves some calculations and interpretation of the calculation
> in terms of the model.  The relation of the model to reality, if
> it's a good one, is it gives us the right answer, i.e. it
> predicts accurately.  Their are other criteria for a good model
> too, such as fitting in with other models we have; but prediction
> is the main standard.

This makes sense but you need another element as well.  This shows up
most explicitly in Bayesian reasoning models, but it is implicit in
others as well.  That is the assumption of priors.

When you observe evidence and construct your models, you need some
basis for choosing one model over another.  In general, you can create
an infinite number of possible models to match any finite amount of
evidence.  It's even worse when you consider that the evidence is noisy
and ambiguous.  This choice requires prior assumptions, independent of the
evidence, about which models are inherently more likely to be true or not.

This implies that at some level, mathematics and logic has to come before
reality.  That is the only way we can have prior beliefs about the models.
Whether it is the specific Universal Priori (1/2^n) that I have been
describing or some other one, you can't get away without having one.

> So in my view, mathematics and theorems
> about computer science are just models too, albeit more abstract
> ones.  Persis Diaconsis says, "Statistics is just the physics of
> numbers."  I have a similar view of all mathematics, e.g.
> arithmetic is just the physics of counting.

I don't think this works, for the reasons I have just explained.
Mathematics and logic are more than models of reality.  They are
pre-existent and guide us in evaluating the many possible models of
reality which exist.

Hal Finney

Re: what relation do mathematical models have with reality?

2005-07-23 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Colin Hales writes:
> The idea brings with it one unique aspect: none of the calculii we
> hold so dear, that are so wonderful to play with, so poweful in their
> predictive nature in certain contexts, are ever reified. None of them
> actually truly capture reality in any way. They only appear to in
> certain contexts. The only actual mathematics that captures the true
> nature of the universe is the universe itself as a calculus. It doesn't
> invalidate the maths we love. It just makes it merely a depiction in a
> certain context. Very useful but thats all.

You might like this quote from John Wheeler, in his textbook Gravitation written
with Charles Misner and Kip Thorne, which perhaps expresses a similar idea:

: Paper in white the floor of the room, and rule it off in one-foot
: squares. Down on one's hands and knees, write in the first square
: a set of equations conceived as able to govern the physics of the
: universe. Think more overnight. Next day put a better set of equations
: into square two. Invite one's most respected colleagues to contribute
: to other squares. At the end of these labors, one has worked oneself
: out into the door way. Stand up, look back on all those equations,
: some perhaps more hopeful than others, raise one's finger commandingly,
: and give the order `Fly!' Not one of those equations will put on wings,
: take off, or fly. Yet the universe 'flies'.

My current view is a little different, which is that all of the equations
"fly".  Each one does come to life but each is in its own universe,
so we can't see the result.  But they are all just as real as our own.
In fact one of the equations might even be our own universe but we can't
easily tell just by looking at it.

Hal Finney

UDist and measure of observers

2005-07-22 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
icrosecond and a nanometer for producing a description of a brain.

The actual analysis software should be straightforward.  We need to locate
all the neurons, record their interconnection patterns, and then their
firing rates and activity levels.  All of these have relatively simple
physical correlates given that you can analyze matter at an arbitrarily
fine scale.  Locating the neurons can be done by tracing their outer
membranes.  The interconnection patterns should be determined by the
amount of area they have in common, the number and distribution of
vessicles and receptors in the area, and basic chemistry as to whether
the connection is inhibitory or excitatory.  This is a matter of simple
geometry and counting.  Likewise, the activity level is a function of
the concentration of various chemicals inside vs outside the neural
membrane and can be calculated very simply.

This level of software is adequate to create the data structure defined
above for completely specifying the neural activity which corresponds
to a given set of observer moments.  It amounts to simple counting,
area calculation, and averaging.  My guess again is that 10^4 to 10^5
bits is fully adequate to perform these tasks.  Adding the < 10^3 bits
needed to localize the observer still keeps it within this range.

Combining the software to create the universe, perhaps 10^4 bits, and the
software to output the observer description, about 10^4 to 10^5 bits,
we get the size proposed above, 10^4 to 10^5 bits for a self-contained
program which will output the observer description in question.  On this
basis we can use a number like 1/2^(10^4) as an estimate for the measure
of such a set of observer moments.

Hopefully this explanation will clarify how we can apply the UDist
model to calculate measure of observer moments as well as other
information structures.  It also illustrates how far we are from the
scientific knowledge necessary to come up with more precise estimates
for the information content of conscious entities.

Nevertheless, even with the crude level of knowledge available today,
we can make many powerful predictions from this kind of model.  One case
described above is the paradox of whether conscious entities exist all
around us due to vibrations in air molecules, which this analysis lets us
reject in a quantitative sense.  Hans Moravec in particular has argued
that such entities have a reality equal to our own, which is clearly
wrong.  A similar analysis disposes of the long standing philosophical
debate over whether a clock implements every finite state machine (and
hence every conscious entity).  Other puzzles, such as the impact on
measure of replays and duplicates can also be addressed and solved in
this framework.  I have described other predictions and solutions in my
earlier messages on this topic.

Again, I hope that by laying out my calculations in this much detail it
will help people to see somewhat concretely how the Universal Distribution
works and how you can analyze measure using actual software engineering
concepts.  It makes the UDist much more real as a useful tool for
understanding measure and making predictions.

Hal Finney

Re: is induction unformalizable?

2005-07-22 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Wei Dai writes:
> 1. P=?NP is a purely mathematical problem, whereas the existence of an HPO
> box is an emperical matter. If we had access to a purported HPO box while
> P=?NP is still unsolved, we can use the box to exhaustively search for
> proofs of either P=NP or P 2. I think it's very unlikely that P=NP, but in case it is, we can still
> test an HPO box by generating random instances of hard problems with known
> solutions. (That is, you generate a random solution first, then generate a
> random problem with that solution in mind.) For example here's a page about
> generating random instances of the Traveling Salesman Problem with known
> optimal solutions.

That's a good idea, but is it known that this subset of problems is
still NP-hard?  I would worry that problems like these, where a fractal
or space-filling curve type of path is the right solution, might turn
out to be easier to solve than the general case.

Hal Finney

Re: The Time Deniers and the idea of time as a "dimension"

2005-07-21 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
George Levy writes:
> Hal Finney wrote:
> > , specifically
> > .  
> Wouldn't it be true that in the manyworld, every quantum branchings that 
> is decoupled from other quantum branchings would in effect define its 
> own time dimension? The number of decoupled branchings contained by the 
> observable universe is very large. Linear time is only an illusion due 
> to our limited perspective of the branching/merging network that our 
> consciousness traverses. While our consciousness may spread over 
> (experience) several OMs or nodes in that network, it can only perceive 
> a single path through the network.

Tegmark's idea of multiple time dimensions was more general than this.
As with multiple space dimensions, you could travel about in the
time dimensions.

In relativity theory, there is a "light cone" that restricts which
direction is "forward" in time.  You can change your direction but are
constrained to always be going forward relative to your light cone.
This keeps you from turning around and going backwards in time, because
you can't exceed the speed of light.  However with 2 dimensional time the
geometry is different and you actually go backwards in time.  Your own
personal clock goes forward but you can end up back before you started.

I'll give you a mental visualization you might find useful and
interesting.  There is a conventional way to think of a light cone which
is what gives it its name.  Imagine a 2+1 dimensional universe, 2 spatial
dimensions and 1 of time.  To think of it, start with an x-y plane with
the x and y axes.  We'll call the y axis time, positive being upward.
This is a 1+1 dimensional universe. Now imagine the lines x=y and x=-y,
in other words the two lines running at 45 degrees and crossing at the
origin.  These can be thought of as the paths of light rays emitted by or
received at the origin.  Now imagine spinning the whole thing around the y
axis, where the new z axis will be another spatial dimension.  The crossed
lines become a pair of cones that represent possible light beams being
emitted from or received at the origin.  These are called light cones.
At each point in space we could imagine a pair of such cones existing,
future and past.  Objects are constrained in their movements to only be
going upward, they have to stay within their light cones.

Now for the variant, with a 1+2 dimensional universe: 1 spatial dimension
and 2 time dimensions.  Again we will start with the x-y plane, y is time,
and we draw the crossed 45 degree lines.  This time we spin around the
x axis, to again produce two cones, but they are pointed right and left
rather than up and down.  In this model z is a time dimension like y,
so we have 2 time dimensions.  Now, objects again are constrained in
their movements not to cross the cones, but the cones are pointed to
the side rather than upward.  This means that objects are not stuck
inside the cones but are in effect outside of them and are able to move
much more freely.  You can see perhaps how an object could start at
the origin, move in a loop in the y-z plane and return to the origin,
all without ever passing through the cones.

This is the nature of the 2-dimensional time explored by Tegmark.
It is pretty different from the MWI.  I would not say that the MWI
has multidimensional time any more than it has >3 dimensional space.
Technically the MWI all happens in one spacetime area, it is all
superimposed and squashed together.  There is merely a mathematical
separation which occurs when states become decoherent, such that their
future histories are causally independent.  But technically they are still
using the same space and time, they are just invisible to each other.

Hal Finney

RE: The Time Deniers and the idea of time as a "dimension"

2005-07-19 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Physicist Max Tegmark has an interesting discussion on the
physics of a universe with more than one time dimension at , specifically .  In the excerpts
below, n is the number of space dimensions and m the number of time
dimensions, so when he writes m > 1 he means more than one time dimension.
Quoting Tegmark:

: What would reality appear like to an observer in a manifold with more
: than one time-like dimension? Even when m > 1, there is no obvious
: reason why an observer could not, none the less, perceive time as being
: one-dimensional, thereby maintaining the pattern of having "thoughts"
: in a one-dimensional succession that characterizes our own reality
: perception. If the observer is a localized object, it will travel along
: an essentially one-dimensional (time-like) world line through the (n +
: m)-dimensional spacetime manifold. The standard general relativity notion
: of its proper time is perfectly well defined, and we would expect this
: to be the time that it would measure if it had a clock and that it would
: subjectively experience.
: Needless to say, many aspects of the world would none the less appear
: quite different.  For instance, a re-derivation of relativistic mechanics
: for this more general case shows that energy now becomes an m-dimensional
: vector rather than a constant, whose direction determines in which
: of the many time directions the world line will continue, and in the
: non-relativistic limit, this direction is a constant of motion. In
: other words, if two non-relativistic observers that are moving in
: different time directions happen to meet at a point in spacetime, they
: will inevitably drift apart in separate time directions again, unable
: to stay together.
: Another interesting difference, which can be shown by an elegant
: geometrical argument [10], is that particles become less stable when m
: > 1
: In addition to these two differences, one can concoct seemingly strange
: occurrences involving "backward causation" when m > 1. None the less,
: although such unfamiliar behaviour may appear disturbing, it would seem
: unwarranted to assume that it would prevent any form of observer from
: existing. After all, we must avoid the fallacy of assuming that the
: design of our human bodies is the only one that allows self-awareness
: There is, however, an additional problem for observers when m > 1,
: which has not been previously emphasized even though the mathematical
: results on which it is based are well known. If an observer is to be
: able to make any use of its self-awareness and information-processing
: abilities, the laws of physics must be such that it can make at least
: some predictions. Specifically, within the framework of a field theory,
: it should, by measuring various nearby field values, be able to compute
: field values at some more distant spacetime points (ones lying along its
: future world line being particularly useful) with non-infinite error
: bars. If this type of well-posed causality were absent, then not only
: would there be no reason for observers to be self-aware, but it would
: appear highly unlikely that information processing systems (such as
: computers and brains) could exist at all.

Tegmark then goes into quite a technical discussion about solving the
equations of physics given various ways of specifying initial values,
the upshot of which is that if m > 1 (i.e. more than one time dimension)
observers would not be able to predict the state in the rest of the
universe from their observations, which would seem to preclude the
existence of observers.  I'm not sure I fully understood this argument.

However the earlier part is quite instructive in giving us a picture of
how a universe could look that had multiple time dimensions.  Any one
entity would still have a single time line, but different ones might
disagree about which direction the future was, and time loops would
be possible.  Personally I think this is a more serious problem than
Tegmark's idea about prediction difficulties, although he seems to gloss
over it as mere unfamiliar behavior.

Nevertheless I think it is instructive to realize that multiple time
dimension universes are a conceptual possibility even if they are unlikely
to contain observers like us.  Tegmark is implicitly writing within the
block universe perspective which is generally adopted by physicists.
Translating this into a "flow of time" view seems quite challenging
and suggests that that viewpoint may not be as flexible in terms of
deep understanding of the notion of time.

Hal Finney

Problems with the Universal Distribution

2005-07-16 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
within an MWI universe is exponentially greater than in a simple universe,
and that implies that the size of the locating program described above
changes from small to enormous.  The consequence is that the contribution
of an MWI that contains an observer to that observer's measure appears
to be essentially zero.  The observer is just too small a fraction of
the MWI, or in other words, the MWI is so profligate in its creation of
universes that each individual branch has essentially zero measure.

(This objection was also pointed out originally by Wei Dai.)

Well, there are several possible solutions to this, none of them
terribly attractive.  One is the possibility that our measures within
the MWI are much higher than they seem, because somehow our existence
is much more inevitable than we would suppose.  Rather than all the
quantum branches producing totally different worlds, somehow most of
them produce worlds with us in them, the specific people on this list,
Bruno and Russell and all the others.  It may seem absurd or bizarre,
but I suppose it's not impossible.  In that case we occupy many of the
quantum branches rather than an infinitesimal fraction of them, and our
measures in the MWI are high.

A more attractive solution is that the MWI is false, or more precisely,
that most of our measure comes from universes with true state reduction,
with essentially none coming from universes that don't reduce states,
where the MWI would be true.  The biggest problem with this one for
me is that I don't know of any QM interpretations other than the MWI
that are truly coherent.  Certainly Copenhagen isn't; it doesn't define
precisely when state reduction occurs.  Maybe some of the other ones,
Cramer's or Bohm's, can be made to work.  In this case, ironically,
a multiverse model could be taken to disprove the MWI.

The really weird part of this solution is that for it to work, for the
universe program to be small, quantum randomness can't be truly random.
Otherwise the program for the universe would have to be loaded up
with random bits, one for each quantum state reduction, and it would
be enormous.  No, the only way this can work is for quantum randomness
to be generated by a numeric pseudo random number generator (PRNG).
We all live in von Neumann's "state of sin".  I guess this is the AUH
version of original sin.

Plus it means that we are pretty special after all.  Each different seed
for the PRNG, each variant on a PRNG, would generate a different version
of this universe, each with its own set of observers.  Probably many of
them would generate no observers at all.  So somehow we, the particular
people living on earth, are the ones lucky enough to be generated from
a PRNG that had a particularly short description and seed.  All the
seemingly random events which created each of our lives, back to the
race among the spermatozoa, were in a sense pre-ordained based on a
relatively small seed for a PRNG that goes back before the big bang.
There really was no other way things could happen, once we got human
civilization going.  That would have long since used up all of the
randomness.  From then on everything has been predetermined.  In effect
we live in a deterministic universe after all, just as much as the most
rigid Newtonian clockwork.

So these are the major problems that I know of with the concept of basing
measure for all objects on the UDist, which then leads to Schmidhuber's
multiverse.  In exchange for these though we do get some interesting
predictions and explanations, which I have largely posted before, but
here are a few of them repeated:

1. The physical laws of our universe should be expressible as a relatively
simple computer program, and likewise with the initial conditions.

2. The universe should not be much bigger than it needs to be in order
to allow human beings to exist.

3. There should be no substantially simpler computer program that can
produce observers nearly as easily as our universe does.

4. There should not be vastly greater numbers of aliens in the universe
than humans.

5. There should not be vastly more human beings (or anything we would
consider observers) in the entire future of the universe than are
alive today.

6. There should not be vastly more conscious animals in the world than

7. If it ever becomes possible to miniaturize and/or greatly speed-up the
human mind, we should be surprised to find ourselves as such a person
(unless that number of such minds is greatly increased to compensate
for these factors).

8. We will almost never find ourselves experiencing human observer-moments
that have much lower measure than typical ones (such as being a one million
year old cave man).

I see these as very powerful predictions for such a simple model, and
my hope is that the problems with the UDist will be able to be cleared
up with continual improvements in our understanding of the nature of

Hal Finney

Re: is induction unformalizable?

2005-07-15 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
One question I am uncertain about is this: how well could we test a
supposed halting-problem oracle (HPO) box?

In particular I wonder, suppose it turns out that P=NP and that further
there is an efficient algorithm to solve any NP problem.  For those
unfamiliar with this terminology P means polynomial time, and we say
that problems in P can be solved efficiently.  NP means nondeterministic
polynomial time, and essentially this means that for problems in NP, we
can efficiently test a purported solution for correctness.  Whether P
is equal to NP or merely a subset of it is one of the major unsolved
problems of computer science.

But what if the aliens have solved it, and (somewhat to our surprise)
the answer is that every NP problem can be efficiently solved.  And they
have embedded this NP solving algorithm (along with some other ones)
in the HPO box.

My concern is that to test the HPO box we could for example give it
a problem we have solved and see if it gets the answer.  But success
might just imply that the HPO had substantially (but not astronomically)
greater computing power than the human race can bring to bear.  Or we
could give it a problem we can't solve and then check the answer the
HPO gives, but if the answer is testable that would mean it is in NP,
and so even success in this area could be explained if P=NP as above.

It is much less philosophically challenging to imagine that P=NP than
to imagine that a true HPO could exist.  Things would be different if
we ever get a proof that P < NP but we aren't in that situation now.

Are there other tests we could give, harder ones, that could give us
evidence that it was a true HPO, that could not be fooled by an NP solver?

My knowledge of these areas is pretty spotty.  The only non NP problem I
know of offhand is the travelling salesman problem, finding the shortest
path visiting everyone of a set of cities with specified distances
between each pair.  Proposed solutions cannot be tested efficiently,
as far as I know.  If the box solved travelling salesmen problems for
us, it might be a boon to salesmen but we would not necessarily know if
we were getting truly optimal paths.

So in Wei's story, when the scientists go to test the HPO box, how strong
is the evidence that they can reasonably expect to get for it being a
real HPO?  And I suppose a practical point arises as well; even if it
is not a true HPO, if it is nevertheless able to solve every problem we
give it, it's probably worth the money!

Hal Finney

Re: The Time Deniers

2005-07-14 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Russell Standish writes:
> On Wed, Jul 13, 2005 at 04:20:27PM -0700, "Hal Finney" wrote:
> >=20
> > Right, that is one of the big selling points of the Tegmark and
> > Schmidhuber concept, that the Big Bang apparently can be described in
> > very low-information terms.  Tegmark even has a paper arguing that it
> > took "zero information" to describe it (but frankly I am getting pretty
> > turned off on the "zero information" concept since several people here
> > use it to describe completely different things, and if it really took
> > zero information then there couldn't be more than one thing described,
> > could it?).
> >=20
> Tegmark does not say his model has "zero information" (at least not in
> the classic 1998 paper). His words were (pg 25 of my copy):
> "In this sense, our "ultimate ensemble" of all mathematical structures
> has virtually no algorithmic complexity at all."
> Note, this is not zero, but simply small (at least compared with the
> observed complexity of our frog perspective).

Thanks for the correction.  I was actually thinking of a different Tegmark
paper,, but I see on closer
reading that he also says there that the algorithmic information content
of our universe is "close to zero" but does not actually say it is zero.

> There is only one zero information object, and that is the set of all
> descriptions (all infinite length bitstrings).=20

Do you really think there is such a thing as a "zero information object"?
If so, why do you have to say what it is?  :-)

Is this just an informal concept or is there some formalization of it?

Surely Chaitin's algorithmic information theory would not work; inputting
a zero length program into a typical UTM would not produce the set of
all infinite length bitstrings; in fact, I don't see how a TM could even
create such an output from any program.

Hal Finney

RE: is induction unformalizable?

2005-07-14 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
e concept of
object description in the language of set theory?  Can you sketch how
that would work?

> STUM along with ASSA does a much better job of formalizing induction, but
> I recently realized that it still isn't perfect. The problem is that it
> still assigns zero probability to some objects that we intuitively think
> is very unlikely, but not completely impossible. An example would be a
> device that can decide the truth value of any set theoretic statement. A
> universe that contains such a device would exist in the set theoretic
> hierarchy, but would have no finite description in formal set theory,
> and would be assigned a measure of 0 by STUM.

> I'm not sure where this line of thought leads. Is induction
> unformalizable? Have we just not found the right formalism yet? Or is
> our intuition on the subject flawed?

The mainstream view, I gather, is that induction is indeed unformalizable.
The contrary claim, that induction can be formalized, would be considered

Another way to express the problem is to think of trying to build an
optimal induction machine.  It could use Bayes theorem to update its
beliefs, but what about the priors?  Same problem.  We could use the
Universal Prior but it gives probability 0 to HPOs.  Then there are all
those other priors that implicitly assume infinite computation, so where
does it stop?  There are no end to infinities, and as Wei's example shows,
there is apparently no place to stand once you start down that road.

It would be absurd to suggest, say, that everything up to Aleph-23
has Platonic existence, while infinities from Aleph-24 on up are mere
mysticism.  Likewise, building a universe out of a UTM+HPO doesn't make
sense because as Wei says, there is a 2nd-order HPO, an HPO2, which is
beyond the scope of UTM+HPO, so what if the aliens show up with one
of those?  For a multiverse model to make sense it has to be simple,
distinctive and (ideally) unique.  We don't quite achieve uniqueness
with the UDist (due to the arbitrary choice of a UTM which creates a
multiplicative constant difference on measure), which is a major flaw.
But adding oracles makes the problem infinitely worse.

Here's what I conclude.  If we really believe in the Universal
Distribution, then we ascribe probability zero to HPOs.  That means
that in Wei's story, indeed the aliens are tricking Earth.  If we try to
imagine a universe where the aliens are legitimate and have real HPOs,
that is impossible.  We are just confusing ourselves if we think such a
universe could be real.  There is no point in even considering thought
experiments based on it, any more than imagining what would happen if
aliens showed up with a logical formula which was obviously simultaneously
true and false.  So given that we stand upon the UDist, there is no need
to pay much attention to these kinds of thought experiments.

I would suggest that evidence for or against the UDist should come
more from the fields of mathematics and logic than from any empirical
experience.  My hope is that further study will lead to a computational
model which is distinguished by its uniqueness and lack of ambiguity.
That seems necessary for this kind of explanation of our existence to
be successful.

Hal Finney

RE: The Time Deniers

2005-07-13 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
 from one 
> location on the bitstring to another...if it's possible to define a 
> mathematical notion of "causal structure" for any particular algorithm, I 
> would think it would be possible to apply it to *all* algorithms. But 
> perhaps no such mathematical notion of causal structure will be 
> forthcoming...the reason I'd guess it is is that such a notion would seem 
> essential for defining what it means to "instantiate" a particular observer 
> in such a way that you don't count things like lookup tables, and also so 
> that you don't end up concluding that random thermal vibrations in a rock 
> actually instantiate all possible algorithms (the problem discussed in 
> Chalmers' paper "Does a Rock Implement Every Finite-State Automaton?" at 
> ).

The model I suggested the other day, basically just the Universal
Distribution, IMO fully solves these two riddles.  First, the question
is not "are they conscious" but "how much measure do they add to the
particular observer-moments which they are putatively experiencing".
And the UDist shows that this can be answered in a straightforward,
quantitative way, by asking what is the shortest program that takes these
data structures as input (the lookup table or the rock) and outputs
something that matches our canonicalized representation of the OMs in
question (perhaps a schematic representation of a neural network with
specified firing patterns).  I can tell you that the rock isn't going
to add any measure.  I don't know about the lookup table, maybe there
is an algorithm to use it to deduce the neural network that would have
created it.  Hans Moravec argued that there was such an algorithm, at
least for a big enough lookup table.  But in principle it is an empirical
question in the framework based on the UDist.  There's nothing fuzzy or
philosophical about it.

> Well, that's what I was talking about in my last post when I said that my 
> intuition of "causal structure" is not a time-asymmetric one, that it would 
> only be about saying two events are causally related without specifying one 
> as the "cause" and the other as the "effect". And as I said, my 
> understanding of loop quantum gravity is that it does involve some notion of 
> building spacetime out of relationships between events without any 
> time-asymmetry being involved.

Maybe so, I don't know much about LCG.

> >Scerir has also posted some interesting paradoxes along these lines
> >relating to QM.  Suppose we have a photon that passes through a
> >polarizer oriented at 20 degrees from vertical, then through one
> >oriented at 40 degrees, and makes it through both.  At the end we would
> >say its polarization was 40 degrees.  But what was it between the two
> >polarizers?  Conventionally we would say that the first polarizer made its
> >polarization become 20 degrees and the second polarizer then changed the
> >polarization to 40 degrees.  But actually you can just as easily argue
> >that the photon polarization was 40 degrees between the two polarizers.
> >That interpretation works just as well, a sort of retroactive causality.
> What would the MWI say about this? Whatever it would say, I'm pretty sure it 
> wouldn't say that there was a single photon in a definite state between the 
> two polarizers.

No, I think it does, but I might be wrong.  I think it says the universe
splits into two when the photon hits the first polarizer; in one the
photon is absorbed and in the other the photon continues in the 20
degree polarization state.  Or you can run time backwards and get the
photon to be in the 40 degree state.  I don't think the MWI helps much
with this.

Hal Finney

RE: The Time Deniers

2005-07-13 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"

> True, it isn't always necessary to compute things in the same order--if 
> you're simulating a system that obeys time-symmetric laws you can always 
> reverse all the time-dependent quantities (like the momentum of each 
> particle) in the final state and use that as an initial state for a new 
> simulation, and the new simulation will behave like a backwards movie of the 
> original simulation.

One problem with this in practice is that it seems that the information
needed to specify the final state is far greater than the information
needed to specify the original state, at least with physics like ours.
In our universe, you could take a snapshot at some time that recorded all
the particle motions in a brain.  Then you could evolve it forward and
produce the successive subjective experiences.  However, I don't think the
snapshot has to be completely detailed.  Some sloppiness is acceptable.
The brain is robust and you could change the details of thermal motions
very considerably and the brain would still work fine.

If you took a snapshot at the end and evolved it backward it would
also work, in theory, but in practice it would not work unless every
detail of every motion was precise to an incredible degree.  (This is
ignoring issues of QM state reduction and such, I'm basically considering
a Newtonian clockwork here.)  It's like, it's easy to come up with
motions to scramble an egg; but to come up with motions to unscramble
one will require absolute precision in every respect.  The result is
that the information requirements for specifying a final-state based
simulation that includes an arrow of time are exponentially greater than
the information needed to create a plausible initial-state simulation.

If we then add the concept of measure based inversely on the size of
the information description, we find that almost all measure of such
simulations comes from initial-state based ones rather than final-state

> But since I don't have a well-defined mathematical 
> theory of what it means for two computations to have the same "causal 
> structure", I'm not sure whether the causal structure would actually be any 
> different if you computed a universe in reverse order. When I think of 
> "causal structure", I'm not really presupposing any asymmetry between 
> "cause" and "effect", I'm just imagining a collection of events which are 
> linked to each other in some way like in a graph, but the links need not 
> have any built-in direction--if two events are linked, that doesn't mean one 
> event is the cause and the other is the effect, so the pattern of links 
> could still be the same even if you did compute things in reverse order. 
> >From what I've read about loop quantum gravity, it's a theory in which space 
> and time emerge from a more primitive notion of linked events, but I'm 
> pretty sure it's not a time-asymmetric theory.

My feeling is that causality, like time, is in the eye of the beholder.
It's not an inherent or fundamental property.  Rather, it is a way that
we can interpret events in some kinds of universes.  Completely chaotic
universes (where every moment is random and uncorrelated with the next)
would not have causality in any meaningful sense.  Likewise for static

In fact I would suggest that causality only exists in our universe in
areas where there is an arrow of time; that is, in areas which are far
from equlibrium and where entropy is unusually low.  The problem in
equilibrium regions is that you can always look at things two ways.
Suppose particle A collides with B and changes its course so that B
collides with C.  We can express this as that A causes B to hit C.
But all the physics works just as well in the reverse direction, in
equilibrium, so we could just as easily say that C caused B to hit A.

Scerir has also posted some interesting paradoxes along these lines
relating to QM.  Suppose we have a photon that passes through a
polarizer oriented at 20 degrees from vertical, then through one
oriented at 40 degrees, and makes it through both.  At the end we would
say its polarization was 40 degrees.  But what was it between the two
polarizers?  Conventionally we would say that the first polarizer made its
polarization become 20 degrees and the second polarizer then changed the
polarization to 40 degrees.  But actually you can just as easily argue
that the photon polarization was 40 degrees between the two polarizers.
That interpretation works just as well, a sort of retroactive causality.

As with time, my guess is that if we restrict our attention to observers
like us, of a type we can comprehend, then automatically we are going to
pick out information systems that have a notion of time, an arrow of time,
and hence a sense of causality.  Not all systems have these properties,
but some do, and all the ones that we would identify as observers fall
into that category.

Hal Finney

RE: The Time Deniers

2005-07-12 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Jesse Mazer writes:
> Hal Finney wrote:
> >I imagine that multiple universes could exist, a la Schmidhuber's ensemble
> >or Tegmark's level 4 multiverse.  Time does not play a special role in
> >the descriptions of these universes.
> Doesn't Schmidhuber consider only universes that are the results of 
> computations? Can't we consider any computation as having an intrinsic 
> "causal structure"? How would it be possible to write an algorithm that 
> describes a "Life" universe where there's no time, where the t-axis is 
> replaced by a z-axis, for example?

Well, you could just replace the letter t with the letter z, but of course
that wouldn't change the underlying nature of things.  You might well
say that there was still a time axis, just that it had a different name.

But the bigger question is whether the order in which a universe is
computed must match the concept of "time" within that universe.  It is
true that for universes like ours, it seems difficult to compute them
in any way other than starting at the past and working our way into
the future.  In that case, the order of computation is the same as the
within-universe time axis.

However it might be dangerous to generalize and to assume that this is
always the case, or that one can go so far as to define the concept of
time within a universe to be the order in which things were computed.

It is not difficult to come up with universes that can be computed in
a different order than the "natural" within-universe direction of time.
Even our own universe appears to be time-symmetric at the micro-scale.
The only reason we have an arrow of time is apparently because the
universe was created in a special low-entropy state.  A universe without
such a special state at one end could be computed in either direction.
Or we could start in the middle and compute forward and backward from
that point.  Or maybe we could even compute it sideways, taking a
particular timelike line as the "initial conditions".

Further, in our own universe there appears to be quite a bit of ambiguity
about time ordering, and many different computational strategies will
work equally well.  Relativity theory shows that events either have a
timelike separation, in which case it is clear which one is in the past,
or a spacelike separation, which makes it ambiguous which one is farther
in the past.

It was suggested here a while back that a Life universe could be
computed using an algorithm which ran around somewhat randomly and made
localized changes to cells in order to make them match the Life rules.
Eventually this would converge to a stable and consistent Life universe.
Any observers living in that universe would have a perceived direction
of time that was very different from the actual order in which it was

However although this is possible, I think it is likely that any
high-measure universe containing observers like us will pretty much
have to be computed in the past-to-future direction of time.  That seems
to be the best way to specify a universe like ours with simple initial
conditions, using a simple algorithm.  So I imagine that in practice,
for most universes that we are interested in, it will be correct to
identify subjective (within-universe) time with computational ordering.
But this is not true in general.

> >Tegmark in one of his papers considers universes with two or more
> >time dimensions.
> If this universe is computable, it can be simulated by an algorithm that can 
> run in a universe with only one time dimension. Perhaps the algorithm would 
> go back and forth between simulating time increments in different 
> directions, like how a regular computer can simulate a parallel computer.

Yes, but there is still a difference between two time dimensions and one,
just as there is a difference between two spatial dimensions and one.
An interesting question is whether there would be any algorithms possible
in a universe with two dimensional time that would run fundamentally
faster than in a universe with one dimensional time.  I don't understand
the concept well enough to address that.  But if so, a being who evolved
in such a universe might deny that one dimensional time observers could
exist, that such a limited notion of time would be rich enough to support
the computational complexity necessary for life and intelligence to exist.

Hal Finney

RE: The Time Deniers

2005-07-12 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Lee Corbin writes:
> Perhaps you could address the biggest stumbling block that perhaps
> I still have: continuity.
> I'll even go out on a limb and suggest that *continuity* is really
> what bothers a lot of people. A lot of us (e.g. Jesse Mazer) are
> quite okay with, say, a program that uses the rules of Life to
> give rise to a conscious entity.  But we get really squeamish when
> someone talks about just using the static, instant descriptions---
> the generations of Life as depicted on, say, 2D grids. Even if you
> have big a pile of such descriptions---trillions and trillions of
> them---we point out that these snapshots are only frozen instants,
> where the real "meat" was the continuous process (that so happened
> to use the Rules).

One point of my example was that if you think of the Life universe as
existing in and of itself, as a Platonic entity, pure information, there
is really no difference between these views.

This thread talks about "time deniers" and I might be one, but from my
perspective it seems that many people are "time mystics".  They see a
special role for time that goes beyond its mere presence as part of the
laws of physics of a universe.

I imagine that multiple universes could exist, a la Schmidhuber's ensemble
or Tegmark's level 4 multiverse.  Time does not play a special role in
the descriptions of these universes.  Some universes will have properties
that are similar to what we think of as the passage of time; others will
have nothing that would be recognizably like time; and yet others will
have some aspects that are similar to time passing but not quite the same.

Does a pure Life universe have a time coordinate?  In a way, it does.
Or you can just as easily see it as a stack of grids.  Is there really
a difference, if the laws of physics are the same in both cases?

Alternative sets of Life rules will cause every grid in that stack to
be the same, or equivalently, will cause each successive instant to have
the same state.  Does that universe have time?

Even in the case of Life, there are other ways to create the stack of
grids (or equivalently, succession of states) than to start with some
initial conditions and evolve forwards.  You could start with some final
conditions and work your way backwards.  Or you could start in the middle
and work outwards.  Wolfram considers computational systems (in my view,
simple universes) which get defined via successive approximations in much
this way.  Do such universes have time?  There is no unambiguous answer.

Tegmark in one of his papers considers universes with two or more
time dimensions.  Can you wrap your mind around that?  Doesn't the
potential existence of such universes suggest that the notion of process
vs static-state is too simple?  What would a 2D-time process be like, vs
a 1D-time process like what we are used to?  Could we imagine universes
with fractal time dimensions, like the fractal space dimensions which
are sometimes explored?

These considerations lead me to the view that there is nothing special
about time, that it is merely a useful way of looking at some universes.
Probably the fraction of universes (or more generally, information
objects) that have a notion of time that is very similar to our own
is small.

Now, certainly it seems that consciousnesses like ours, anything that
we would recognize as a conscious entity, will involve a notion of
time similar to what we use.  We are bound up with the idea of time
and so if we see a consciousness in a Life universe, whether we think
of it as a stack of cells or as a succession of states, it will seem
to that consciousness that time is passing.  But this is largely
a selection effect of our own anthropomorphic biases.  We only see
consciousnesses that perceive time passing because those are the only
kinds of informational entities that we can think of as conscious.

> P.S. I thought UD was "Universal Dovetailer", but now you mean
> "Universal Description". We've got to get cautious using the
> acronyms, or be sure, as you did here, to say what you mean in
> a post.

Actually it is "Universal Distribution" but I didn't want to write that
out in detail every time I used it.  Maybe I will write UDist in the
future to help remind people that no doves were harmed in creating
this concept.

> P.P.S. Stephen Paul King was one of those who kept bringing up
> the distinction between a *description* of something and the
> thing itself. With what I have written above, I see a connection
> now.

For an informational object, a sufficiently precise description is
equivalent to the object itself, in my view.  And I am considering an
ontology where everything is an informational object.

Hal Finney

RE: The Time Deniers

2005-07-11 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Stathis Papaioannou writes:
> (c) A random string of binary code is run on a computer. There exists a 
> programming language which, when a program is written in this language so 
> that it is the same program as in (a) and (b), then compiled, the binary 
> code so produced is the same as this random string.

I don't know what you mean by "random" in this context.  If you mean
a string selected at random from among all strings of a certain length,
the chance that it will turn out to be the same program functionally is
so low as to be not worth considering.

But ignoring that, here is how I approach the more general problem of
whether a given string creates or instantiates a given observer.  I made
a long posting on this a few weeks ago.  In my opinion it follows simply
from assuming the Universal Distribution (UD).

In this model, all information objects are governed by this probability
distribution, the UD.  One way to think of it is to imagine all possible
programs being run; then the fraction of programs which instantiate a
given information object is that object's measure.

So to solve the problem of whether your program instantiates an
observer is a two step process.  First write down a description of the
information pattern that equals that observer.  More specifically, write
the description of the information pattern that defines that observer
experiencing the particular moments of consciousness that you want to
know if your program is instantiating.  Doing this will require a much
stronger and more detailed theory of conciousness than we now possess,
but I don't think there is any inherent obstacle that will keep us from
gaining this ability.

The second step is to consider your program's output and see if it
is reasonably similar to the information pattern you just defined.
The simplest case is where the output is identical.  Then you can
say that the program does instantiate that consciousness.  However it
could be that the program basically creates the same pattern but it is
represented somewhat differently.  How can we consider all possible
alternate ways of representing an information pattern and still let
them count, without opening the door so wide that all patterns count?

The solution follows rigorously from the definition of the UD.  We append
a second interpretation program to the first one, the one which ran the
putative conscious program.  This second program turns the output from
the first one into the canonical form we used to define the conscious
information pattern.  The concatenation of the two programs then outputs
the pattern in canonical form and we can recognize it.

The key point now is that the contribution to the measure of the
observer moments being simulated is, by the definition of the Universal
Distribution, based on the size of the program which outputs the
information pattern in question.  And the size of that program will be the
size of its two component parts: the first one, that you were wondering
about, which may have generated a consciousness; and the second one,
which took the output of the first one and turned it into the canonical
form which matched the OM pattern in question.

In other words, the contribution which this program makes to the measure
of a given observer's experience will be based on the size of the program
(smaller is better) and on the size of the interpretation program which
turns the output of the first program into canonical form (again, smaller
is better).  Obviously a sufficiently large interpretation program can
turn any output into what we want.  The question is whether a small
one can do the trick.  That is what tells us that the pattern is really
there and not something which we are forcing by our interpretation.

Standard considerations of the UD imply that the exact nature of the
canonical form used is immaterial, however it does matter how precisely
you need to specify the information pattern that truly does represent a
set of conscious observer moments.  That second question is a matter of
psychology and as we improve our understanding of consciousness we will
have a better handle on it.  Once we do, this approach will provide an
in-principle technique to calculate how much contribution to measure
any given program string makes to any given conscious experience.

Most importantly, this follows entirely from the assumption of the
Universal Distribution.  No other assumptions are needed.  It is a simple
assumption yet it provides a very specific process and rule to answer
this kind of question.

Hal Finney

RE: The Time Deniers

2005-07-11 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Lee Corbin writes:
> Hal Finney writes
> > Can we imagine a universe like ours, which follows exactly the
> > same natural laws, but where time doesn't really exist (in some
> > sense), where there is no actual causality?
> You yourself have already provided the key example in imagining
> a two dimensional CA where the second dimension can be taken as
> y instead of t.

Okay, but perhaps I wasn't quite clear.  I meant this to be a two
dimensional CA that was completely self-contained, a universe of its own.
It is not something that is embedded in our own universe or any larger
structure.  It is a self-contained mathematical/physical object with
its own set of natural laws, just as we imagine our own universe to be.

My point was that whether we label the two dimensions x and t or x and
y shouldn't make any difference in the properties of that universe.
It still has the same fundamental structure.  Changing the names only
changes how we describe it, not what it is.

So I don't see this as an example of what I described above, a universe
which matches another in its "laws of physics" but where one has causality
and the other does not.  That is, not unless someone would claim that
it makes a difference whether the 2nd dimension is named y or t.

Hal Finney


2005-07-10 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
 this point I am trying to keep to the big picture.  Objects
have measure, and for that to be meaningful, objects with higher measure
have to be considered more prominent.  We should expect the universe
we observe to have relatively high measure.  We should expect ourselves
as observers, and as observer moments, to have relatively high measure.
If we face alternatives of either a low measure or a high measure future,
we should expect to experience the high measure one.

As far as the problem of "being" unconscious objects, I don't necessarily
see that as contradictory.  We all know what it is like to be unconscious.
We become unconscious every day when we sleep.  We also know through
experience that there are many degrees and kinds of consciousness.

In practice, being a table or the number 3 is so different from what we
think of as consciousness that we cannot relate to it as human beings.
We need to restrict our attention to information objects that have a
similar nature and complexity to our own.  Among those objects, we can
distinguish between ones with low and high measure.  The theory predicts
that we should find ourselves as entities with a relatively high measure,
and explains those aspects of our existence which have a high measure.

The ASSA is well suited for this interpretation, because it relates
measure of observer moments to subjective probability.  The older SSA,
which is observer based where the ASSA is observer-moment based, also
can work reasonably well in this model for the same reason.

But the details of ASSA vs ASA vs other interpretations are not of
fundamental importance in my view.  The most important part is the UD.
We then connect its definition of measure to subjective experience using
the concept that higher measure states are more likely to be experienced.
This is the basic principle from which we attempt to make our predictions
and explanations.

Hal Finney

RE: The Time Deniers

2005-07-10 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Again travel has forced me to take an absence from this list for a while,
but I think I will be home for several weeks so hopefully I will be able
to catch up at last.

One question I would ask with regard to the role of time is, is there
something about time (and perhaps "causality") that goes over and above
the equations or natural laws that control and define a given universe?

Let us imagine a Cellular Automaton based universe; for simplicity, let it
be a 1-dimensional CA such as those studied in detail in Wolfram's book.
We have an x dimension and a t dimension, and some rules which are the
"natural laws" of that universe.  A sample rule might be
s[x,t+1] = s[x,t] XOR (s[x-1,t] OR s[x+1],t]).  This means that the
state at position x and time t+1 is the exclusive-or of the state at the
previous time (s[x,t]) and the OR of the left and right neighbor states.
In other words, a cell reverses its state if either of its neighbors is

Wolfram investigates all 256 possible rules which determine a cell's
next state from the previous state of the cell and its two neighbors.
Some lead to surprisingly complex patterns and it is conceivable that such
universes might even be complex enough to allow life and consciousness
to evolve.

So we have a notion of time, t, and space, x.  The question is this.
If we don't *call* it time, does that change things?  Suppose we have
a universe with 2 spatial dimensions, x and y.  But it is governed by
the same rule: s[x,y+1] = s[x,y] XOR (s[x-1,y] OR s[x+1],y]).  Here
I have replaced t in the rule above by y.

Does this make a difference?  I think we will agree that it does not.
Changing the letter t to the letter y does not change the fundamental
nature of this universe.  It only changes how we describe it.

Then we can ask, is this rather abstract description of the universe,
in terms of its natural laws, enough for us to know whether the
consciousnesses that exist in it are really conscious?  Or do we need
to know more?  Do we need to know details about how the universe was
created (whatever that means!)?  Do we need to know if there is a "flow"
of "causality" in this universe?

My answer is that the natural laws ought to be enough.  If we can find
a reasonable interpretation (defined rigorously as a mapping whose
information content is significantly smaller than the pattern itself) of
a pattern in the universe as something that we would consider a conscious
observer in our own universe, then we would be right to say that this
CA universe has consciousness.  (More precisely, that this CA universe
contributes measure to these instances and kinds of conscious observers.)

I don't think it makes sense to demand more information than the natural
laws (like, what kind of universal-computer is running to interpret
these laws, what algorithm it uses, how sequential is it, is it allowed
to backtrack and change things, etc.).  The laws themselves define
the universe.  The two are, in a sense, equivalent.  That is all the
information there is.  The laws should be, in fact they must be, enough
to answer the question about whether the consciousness which appears in
such a universe is "real".  That's how it appears to me.

In our own universe, we too have natural laws that relate to space and
time.  One such law is from Newton: d2x/dt2 = Force/Mass (i.e. F=ma).
Relativity and QM have their own laws that refer to x, y, z, and t.
Generally, t is treated differently than the other coordinates, which
are all treated the same.  But obviously we could substitute some other
letter, say q, for t and it would not make a difference.  A universe
with quime instead of time would be the same.

So again, is it enough to look at the natural laws of our universe in
order to decide whether the consciousnesses within it are real?  Or do we
need more?  Can we imagine a universe like ours, which follows exactly the
same natural laws, but where time doesn't really exist (in some sense),
where there is no actual causality?  I have trouble with this idea, but
I'd be interested to hear from those who think that such a distinction

Hal Finney

Re: Duplicates Are Selves

2005-07-03 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
I have been on vacation so I have a large backlog of messages to read!
But they are very interesting and full of challenging ideas.  I find this
list to be one of the best I have ever been on in terms both of fearlessly
exploring difficult areas and also remaining cordial and polite.

I am trying to understand Lee Corbin's idea about duplicates as selves
better.  I can understand seeing exact, synchronized duplicates as
selves (such as two computers running the same simulated individual
in lock-step).  But when they begin to diverge I understand that Lee
still sees them as (in some sense) "himself" and one copy would in fact
sacrifice to benefit a diverged copy just as much(?) as to benefit its
own body.  Is this right?

What I would ask is, is there a limit to this?  Is this common-self-ness
a matter of degree, or is it all-or-none?  Is there some degree of
divergence after which a copy might be somewhat reluctant to continue
to view its brother copy as being exactly equivalent to itself?

For example, what if someone were an identical twin?  In some sense they
are duplicates at the moment of conception who then begin to diverge.
This seems to be different from the copies we discuss merely in degree
of divergence, not in kind.  Would it be reasonable to argue that an
identical twin "should" view his brother as himself?

And what about the possibility of creating non-identical copies?
Perhaps our copying machine is imperfect and the products are not quite
the same as the original.  They are very close, perhaps so close that
only extremely detailed inspection can detect the differences.  Or perhaps
they are not really so close at all and the copies in fact bear little
resemblance to their originals.  How does the potential existence of such
imperfect copying machines affect the notion that one should view copies
as selves?

If imperfect or diverged copies are to be considered as lesser-degree
selves, is there an absolute rule which applies, an objective reality
which governs the extent to which two different individuals are the
same "self", or is it ultimately a matter of taste and opinion for the
individuals involved to make the determination?  Is this something that
reasonable people can disagree on, or is there an objective truth about
it that they should ultimately come to agreement on if they work at it
long enough?

Hal Finney

RE: Copies Count

2005-06-22 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Stathis Papaioannou writes:
> Hal Finney writes:
> >Suppose you will again be simultaneously teleported to Washington
> >and Moscow.  This time you will have just one copy waking up in each.
> >Then you will expect 50-50 odds.  But suppose that after one hour,
> >the copy in Moscow gets switched to the parallel computer so it is
> >running with 10 times the measure; 10 copies.  And suppose that you know
> >beforehand that during that high-measure time period (after one hour)
> >in Moscow you will experience some event E.
> Again, it's a two step process, each time considering the next moment. 
> First, 50% chance of waking up in either Moscow or Washington. Second, 100% 
> chance of experiencing E in Moscow or 0% chance of experiencing E in 
> Washington. The timing is crucial, or the probabilities are completely 
> different.

Doesn't this approach run into problems if we start reducing the time
interval before the extra copying in Moscow?  From one hour, to one
second, to one millisecond?  At what point does your phenomenological
expectation switch over from 90% Washington to 90% Moscow?  And does
it do so discontinuously, or is there a point at which you are "just
barely" conscious enough in Moscow before the secondary duplication,
that perhaps the two probabilities balance?

I am doubtful that this approach works.

Jesse Mazer suggested backwards causation, that the secondary copying in
Moscow would influence the perceptual expectation of waking up in Moscow
even before it happens.  So he would say 90% Moscow from the beginning.
However I think that has problems if we allow amnesia to occur in Moscow
before the amplification.

I have been enjoying these discussions but unfortunately I will have to
take leave, I am going on vacation with the family for a week so I will
have little chance to participate during that time.  I'll look forward
to catching up when I return -

Hal Finney

Re: another puzzzle

2005-06-22 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Stathis Papaioannou writes:
> That is the basic idea behind these thought experiments with copies: as a 
> more easily understood analogy for what happens in the multiverse/plenitude.

I don't agree, and in fact I think the use of copies as an analog for
what happens in the multiverse is fundamentally misleading.  If it were
not, you could create the same thought experiments just by talking about
flipping coins and such.

What is the analog, in the multiverse, of pushing a button to make a copy?
When faced with the chance of torture, you are going to push a button
to make a copy.  What does that correspond to in the multiverse?

The closest I can suggest is flipping a coin such that you don't get
tortured if it comes up heads.  Well, that destroys the whole point of
the thought experiment, doesn't it?  Of course you'll flip the coin.
Anyone would.

Pushing a button to make a copy is completely different.  That's why we
have so much disagreement about what to do in that case, while there
would be no disagreement about what to do if you could flip a coin to
avoid being tortured.  That in itself should be a give-away that the
situations are not as analogous as some are suggesting.

I would suggest going back over these thought experiments and substitute
flipping coins for making copies, and see if the paradoxes don't go away.

I believe that many of the paradoxes in the copy experiments are because
people do not grasp the full meaning of what copying implies.  They are
thinking very much in the lines Stathis suggests, that it is a variant on
flipping a coin.  But it's not.  Copying is fundamentally different from
flipping a coin, because copying increases measure while coin flipping
does not.

Measure is crucially important in multiverse models because it is the only
foundation for whatever predictive or explanatory ability they possess.
Choosing to overlook measure differences in analyzing thought experiments
inevitably leads to error.  Treating copying like coin flipping is just
such an error.  If you would instead think through the full implications
of copying you would see that it is completely different from flipping
a coin.  The increase of measure that occurs in copying manifests in the
world in tangible and obvious ways.  Its phenomenological consequences are
no less important.  These considerations must be included when analyzing
thought experiments involving copies, otherwise you are led into paradox
and confusion.

Hal Finney

RE: Torture yet again

2005-06-22 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Jesse Mazer wrote:

>Suppose there had already been a copy made, and the two of you 
>were sitting side-by-side, with the torturer giving you the 
>following options:

>A. He will flip a coin, and one of you two will get tortured 
>B. He points to you and says "I'm definitely going to torture 
>the guy sitting there, but while I'm sharpening my knives he 
>can press a button that makes additional copies of him as many 
>times as he can."

>Would this change your decision in any way? What if you are 
>the copy in this scenario, with a clear memory of having been 
>the "original" earlier but then pressing a button and finding 
>yourself suddenly standing in the copying chamber--would that 
>make you more likely to choose B?

I think this variation points to the major flaw in this thought
experiment, which is the implicit assumption that copying is possible yet
is not used.  In fact, if copying is possible as the thought experiment
stipulates, it would tend to be widely used.  The world would be full of
people who are copies.  You would be likely to be an nth-generation copy.
There would be no novelty as Jesse's variation suggests in allowing you
to experience (presumably for the first time!) being copied.

I keep harping on this because copying increases measure.  It is different
from flipping a coin, which does not increase measure.  Your expectations
going into a copy are different.  To the extent that this language makes
sense, I would say that you have a 100% chance of becoming the copy and
a 100% chance of remaining the original.  This is different from flipping
a coin.

You may think that it would feel the same way, but you've never tried it.
Fundamentally, our perception of the world, our phenomenology, our sense
of identity and our concept of future and past selves are not intrinsic,
but are useful tools which have *evolved* to allow our minds to achieve
the goals of survival and reproduction.  In a world where copying
is possible, we would evolve different ways of perceiving the world.
I believe that in such a world, we would perceive the aftermath of copying
very differently than the aftermath of flipping a coin.  The effects
are different, the evolutionary and survival implications are different.

In the world of this thought experiment, if the additional copies are
(via special dispensation) going to be treated well and given a good
chance to survive and thrive, then yes, most people would press the
button like crazy.  It's just like today, if a bachelor were given
the opportunity to have sex with a dozen beautiful women, he'd jump
at the chance.  It's not because of any intrinsic value in the act,
it's because evolution has programmed him to take this opportunity to
increase the measure of his genes.  In the same way, pressing the button
would increase the measure of your mind, and it would be equally as

In the spirit of this list, let me offer my own variation.  It is like
the original, except instead of torture you are offered a 50-50 chance
to experience a delicious meal prepared by an expert chef.  Or you can
press the button to make some copies, in which case you get a 100% chance
of having the meal.  For me, pressing the button is a win-win situation,
assuming the copies will be OK.  I certainly don't think that pressing
the button reduces the measure of my enjoyment of the food.

Hal Finney

Re: Measure, Doomsday argument

2005-06-21 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Quentin Anciaux writes:
> Why aren't we blind ? :-)
> If the "measure" of an OM come from the information complexity of it, it 
> seems 
> that an OM of a blind person need less information content because there is 
> no complex description of the outside world available to the blind observer. 
> So as they are less complex, they must have an higher "measure" ... but I'm 
> not blind, so as a lot of people on earth... 

There may be something of a puzzle there...

Although I think specifically that blind people don't necessarily have
a lower information content in their mental states.  It is said that
blind people have their other sense become more acute to take over the
unused brain capacity (at least people blind from birth).  So their mental
states may take just as much information as sighted people.

Beyond that, the puzzle remains as to why we are as complex as we are,
why we are not simpler beings.  It would seem that one could imagine
conscious beings who would count as observers, as people we "might
have been", but who would have simpler minds and senses than ours.
Certainly the higher animals show signs of consciousness, and their
brains are generally smaller than humans, especially the cortex, hence
probably with lower information content.

Of course there are a lot more people than other reasonably large-brained
animals, so perhaps our sheer numbers cancel any penalty due to our
larger and more-complex brains.

Hal Finney

Re: Torture yet again

2005-06-21 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Jonathan Colvin writes:
> You are sitting in a room, with a not very nice man.
> He gives you two options.
> 1) He'll toss a coin. Heads he tortures you, tails he doesn't.
> 2) He's going to start torturing you a minute from now. In the meantime, he
> shows you a button. If you press it, you will get scanned, and a copy of you
> will be created in a distant town. You've got a minute to press that button
> as often as you can, and then you are getting tortured.

I understand that you are trying to challenge this notion of "subjective
probability" with copies.  I agree that it is problematic.  IMO it is
different to make a copy than to flip a coin -  different operationally,
and different philosophically.

What you need to do is to back down from subjective probabilities and
just ask it like this: which do you like better, a universe where there
is one of you who has a 50-50 chance of being tortured; or a universe
where there are a whole lot of you and one of them will be tortured?
Try not to think about which one "you" will be.  You will be all of them.
Think instead about the longer term: which universe will best serve your
needs and desires?

There is an inherent inconsistency in this kind of thought experiment
if it implicitly assumes that copying technology is cheap, easy and
widely available, and that copies have good lives.  If that were the
case, everyone would use it until there were so many copies that these
properties would no longer be true.

It is important in such experiments to set up the social background in
which the copies will exist.  What will their lives be like, good or
bad?  If copies have good lives, then copying is normally unavailable.
In that case, the chance to make copies in this experiment may be a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  That might well make you be willing to
accept torture of a person you view as a future self, in exchange for
the opportunity to so greatly increase your measure.

OTOH if copying is common and most people don't do it because the future
copies will be penniless and starve to death, then making copies in this
experiment is of little value and you would not accept the greater chance
of torture.

This analysis is all based on the assumption that copies increase measure,
and that in such a world, observers will be trained that increasing
measure is good, just as our genes quickly learned that lesson in a
world where they can be copied.

Hal Finney

Re: death

2005-06-21 Thread &quot;Hal Finney"
Bruno Marchal writes:
> Le 20-juin-05, =E0 18:16, Hal Finney a =E9crit :
> > That's true, from the pure OM perspective "death" doesn't make sense
> > because OMs are timeless.  I was trying to phrase things in terms of
> > the observer model in my reply to Stathis.  An OM wants to preserve
> > the measure of the observer that it is part of, due to the effects of
> > evolution.  Decreases in that measure would be the meaning of death,
> > in the context of the multiverse.
> I will keep reading your posts hoping to make sense of it. Still I was=20=
> about asking you if you were assuming the "multiverse context" or if=20
> you were hoping to extract (like me) the multiverse itself from the=20
> OMs. In which case, the current answer seems still rather hard to=20
> follow.

I was trying to use Stathis' terminology when I wrote about the
probability of dying.  Actually I am now trying to use the ASSA and I
don't have a very good idea about what it means to specify a subjective
next moment.  I think ultimately it is up to each OM as to what it views
as its predecessor moments, and perhaps which ones it might like to
consider its successor moments.

Among the problems: substantial, short-term mental changes might be
so great that the past OM would not consider the future OM to be the
same person.  This sometimes even happens with our biological bodies.
I can easily create thought experiments that bend the connections beyond
the breaking poing.  There appears to be no bright line between the
degree to which a past and future OM can be said to be the same person,
even if we could query the OM's in question.

Another problem: increases in measure from a past OM to a future OM.
We can deal with decreases in measure by the traditional method of
expected probability.  But increases in measure appear to require
probability > 1.  That doesn't make sense, again causing me to question
the whole idea of a subjective probability distribution over possible
next moments.

> Then in another post you just say:
> > It's a bit hard for me to come up with a satisfactory answer to this=20=
> > problem, because I don't start from the assumption of a physical=20
> > universe at all--like Bruno, I'm trying to start from a measure on=20
> > observer-moments and hope that somehow the appearance of a physical=20
> > universe can be recovered from the subjective probabilities=20
> > experienced by observers

Actually I didn't write this, Jesse Mazer did.  But I do largely agree
with this approach, and I wrote the reply:

I have a similar perspective.  However I think it will turn out that the
simplest mathematical description of an observer-moment will involve a Big
Bang.  That is, describe a universe, describe natural laws, and let the
OM evolve.  This is the foundation for saying that the universe is real.

> And this answers the question. I am glad of your  interest in the=20
> possibility to explain the universe from OMs, but then, as I said I=20
> don't understand how an OM could change its measure. What is clear for=20=
> me is that an OM (or preferably a 1-person, an OM being some piece of=20
> the 1-person) can change its *relative* measure (by decision, choice,=20
> will, etc.) of its possible next OMs.

The OM can change the universe, and this will include changing the measure
of many people's future OMs.  Wei Dai, in whose footsteps I largely
travel, finally decided that *any* philosophy for an OM was acceptable,
and its only task was to optimize the multiverse to suit its preferences.
This does not require that we introduce a subjective probability for
measure of next OM, but it can allow OMs to think that way.  If the
current OM has an interest in certain OMs, the ones it chooses to call its
"next OMs", and it wants to adjust the relative measure of those OMs to
suit its tastes, that can be accommodated in this very general model.

Hal Finney

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