[FairfieldLife] RE: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread doctordumbass
"If spiritual masters were regulated by the advertising standards authority 
wouldn't they be fined for their false promises of "bliss consciousness"?"

If anything, they should be fined, for, on the one hand, holding out the 
promise of "bliss consciousness", and, on the other, failing to provide a 
technique to establish such a state. Without the technique, it is like a bunch 
of Buddhists running around, talking about "non-attachment", while reflecting, 
"Noggin-attachment", instead. 

There is such hunger in the world for spiritual progress, yet 99.999% of the 
'teachers' on the subject, have no clue. The experience of No Self, is quite a 
misnomer, and only reflects the contrast between the ego's world and the Real 
world. Since those having this experience don't feel like themselves, they call 
the experience in terms of losing their false identity. Very far away from 
established Bliss Consciousness, our birthright.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Blah blah and blah blah of the blah-blah? (was Re: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?)

2014-01-27 Thread doctordumbass
Yo, 7th, 
 Xeno is established in CC, seriously - It makes him appear overly logical, and 
kind of cold and remote. He also thinks he has reached the end of his 
development, the unremitting light of the soul, in CC, but he has a long way to 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 WTF?  Xeno, do you have a burr up your butt?  Chill out a little. You asked if 
someone had an "alternative" for treating your skin condition.  Share made 
friendly suggestion.  What's next, you gonna try to get her cited for 
practicing medicine without a license?  Lighten up dude!

 "It's just a chat room"!

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Share, making a medical recommendation on the basis of what I said is rather 
risky don't you think? I did not mention the condition, just the chemical used 
to treat it, and it is used for a number of purposes. From a medical point of 
view, aloe vera has not been researched enough or well enough to come to any 
medically useful conclusions, though the cosmetic industry seems to have made 
it one of its poster child products.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Xeno, aloe vera gel...

 On Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:19 AM, "anartaxius@..."  wrote:
   Buck, I agree with Turq. Card's posts are in their own little world. Most of 
them are incomprehensible to me, including the request this thread is about. 
Card actually reduced the jargon a bit by putting a portion of his request in a 
slightly less technical form parenthetically, but it still did not help. Who 
else here transliterates Sanskrit or has such a grasp of language? Usually I 
have no way to even begin to respond to one of his posts. Some additional 
explanation plain words would be a big help as to what he is getting at. 

 And Buck, your posts are pretty jargon laden as well, besides being almost 
completely spam. Tell us what you think in your own words. Farmers are not 
noted for being abstract philosophers, they speak plain and simple. Do you post 
all that stuff so you look good to the thought police over there at MUM? On 
occasion you have posted some really interesting things that seem to represent 
what you think and feel that come across as natural, but most of the time, you 
do not do this, you sound more like a Jehovah's Witness proffering pre-canned 
quotes from Watchtower Magazine, so instead of making a worthwhile 
contribution, you are largely ignored. It's OK to quote things, but then tell 
us what you think about that, free of jargon, what it means to you, and perhaps 
how you would explain it to someone who never ever heard of TM or meditation in 
general. You do not learn what you are saying until you can spontaneously say 
it in your own words, and understand it on your own terms. Then, you have to 
learn how to say it to someone who has not gone through that process. It is 
really easy to fail at this.

 I have a slight skin condition, so right now I think I will go an apply a 
layer of (CH2)7(CO2H)2 to the affected area so that the proximal and distal 
surfaces of the application are minimised. Can anyone here recommend an 
alternative to this?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 My point, "Buck," since you seem to have missed it, is that a number of people 
-- especially Fairfielders -- have been living in a Jargon Bubble for so long 
that they no longer realize when they are speaking jargon. They have lost the 
art -- and, I would suggest, even the desire -- to give "intro lectures" and 
communicate with anyone who *doesn't* speak the same jargon they do. 

That's fine, if all you want to do in life is the thing you've adopted as your 
schtick here -- "preach to the already converted." That's fine if you're 
comfortable with being an elitist and don't really want to ever speak to anyone 
who *isn't* already an elitist, and "your kind of elitist." 

It's not so fine if you were ever trying to actually communicate to the 
occasional lurker who might appear here, wanting to learn a little something 
about TM, or even spiritual practice in general. 

But I guess that's not what you're trying to do, right? You'd prefer to keep 
writing jargon-filled stuff that gets zero replies. Anyone who wants to reply 
has to "come up to your level" and stop being so "ignorant." Did I get your 
position on all of this correctly?

How long has it been since you ever *gave* an "intro lecture," "Buck," or even 
wanted to? I know it's difficult to imagine, interacting with the unwashed 
masses of the ignorant and all, all those who just aren't as good as you are. 
I'm just pointing out that pretty much NO ONE responds to your rants as they 
are. Do you think that maybe...just perhaps...the way you're writing them might 
have something to do with that?  

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "TurquoiseB" wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wrote:
> >
> > Om Dear Turq, I am concerned about you. It seems evident you are
> becoming somewhat 

[FairfieldLife] "Non-attachment" vs. "Noggin-attachment"

2014-01-27 Thread doctordumbass
Funny thing how one of the members of this forum recently claimed that the 
state of non-attachment, could be learned, consciously. This means that the 
individual, the ego, takes the responsibility for dissolving itself. Can anyone 
say, "fox guarding the hen house"?? lol

Such a misguided idea, this "noggin-attachment", and a huge waste of time. This 
idea of *developing* "non-attachment", began with the misinterpretation of what 
are known as the limbs of enlightenment. Instead of the teachers recognizing, 
that the limbs grow simultaneously, vs. sequentially, they fucked the whole 
thing up.

These teachers, of incorrect knowledge, teach the limbs as a path, or a series 
of stages, tied to conscious development, by the ego, of its supposed 
It is possibly a fun game, to pretend to be distanced from experience, and 
supposedly non-attached, but it is in the end a huge sacrifice of human life, 
towards mood-making, and false hope.

Non-attachment cannot be learned, or faked, or thought into. It is a natural 
conditioning of the nervous system that accompanies, rather than leads, 
Enlightenment. There is no possibility of being just 90% or 75% or 32% attached 
to experience, the play of the three gunas, and its resulting karma. It is all 
or nothing. Any other attempt shows up as strained behavior, with an implicit 
idea, of how this non-attachment is supposed to *feel*; life on Fantasy Island, 
and nothing more.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Enter the Meissener-like Effect and more Spiritual Progress,

2014-01-27 Thread dhamiltony2k5
"In 1960 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation 
program, predicted that a transition in society toward a more orderly and 
harmonious functioning would occur when a small fraction -on the order of one 
percent- of a population practiced the Transcendental Meditation technique (6), 
and in December 1974 we found that crime rate did decrease in four midwestern 
U.S. Cities in which one percent of the population was practicing the TM 
 -Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program

 Collected Papers,
 Volume I,

 Group meditation .  .increases the degree of Self-realization of each member 
of the group by the law of invisible vibratory exchange of group magnetism..  . 
 Group meditation is a castle that protects the new spiritual aspirants as well 
as the veteran meditators. Meditating together increases the degree of 
Self-realization of each member of the group by the law of invisible vibratory 
exchange of group magnetism. —Paramahansa Yogananda  
 Prophetically writing, Alice A. Bailey with some very technical and useful 
spiritual books (talk about jargon!) on mysticism published in the 1920 and 
30's anticipates the rise of group spiritual affect coming now in the 21st 
Century. This writing was from before the height of Yoganada who had just 
arrived in the West at about that time and who then rose to cultural 
significance by mid-20th Century and then Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in sequence 
arriving in the West in the late 1950's. Both Yogananda and Maharishi taught 
spirituality also employing the spiritual importance of group practices of 
meditation. Maharishi then coming to declare a dawn of an age of enlightenment 
based on the scientific discovery that one percent of a general population 
meditating has a spiritual effect of well-being on the larger population. 
Remarkable. . 
 Alice A. Bailey writing: 
 “. . to be more practical and generally useful. It deals primarily with the 
training of the aspirant so that he can, in his turn, act as a conscious 
creator, and as he works serve the higher ends of Life which enfolds him. Thus 
he aids in the materializing of the plans of God (the Unified Field). The 
training of the aspirant, the indicating to him of possible trends and lines of 
evolution, and the definition of the underlying purpose is all that it is wise 
to impart at the present stage in which the average aspirant finds himself. . 
In the next century, when man's equipment is better developed and when a truer 
meaning of group activity is available, it will be possible to convey more 
information, but the time is not yet.”   
 We come a long ways, baby! 
 “In the next century, when man's equipment is better developed and when a 
truer meaning of group activity is available, it will be possible to convey 
more information, but the time is not yet.” -Alice A. Bailey 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@...  wrote:
> "If spiritual masters were regulated by the advertising standards
authority wouldn't they be fined for their false promises of "bliss
> If anything, they should be fined, for, on the one hand, holding out
the promise of "bliss consciousness", and, on the other, failing to
provide a technique to establish such a state. Without the technique, it
is like a bunch of Buddhists running around, talking about
"non-attachment", while reflecting, "Noggin-attachment", instead.
> There is such hunger in the world for spiritual progress, yet 99.999%
of the 'teachers' on the subject, have no clue.

But *I* do, which is why you should pay attention to *ME* and what *I*
say, rather than these know-nothings. Especially if they represent
2500-year-old Buddhist traditions rather than the
slightly-over-50-year-old "tradition" established by Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi when he made up the technique of Transcendental Meditation out of
whole cloth.

Besides, you should believe *ME*, because I'm so bloody *special*,
having realized the full potential of this slightly-over-50-year-old
"tradition," and thus being more enlightened than you are. *I* am the
one you should pay attention to, because...uh...well...I deserve it. *I*
will tell you the TRUTH about which techniques are effective (even
though I've never been trained in how to teach any of them) and will
tell you *better* than any of these other 99.999% of "teachers" (even
though I've never been one, and wouldn't even know how to *begin* to
teach TM, much less any other form of meditation).

So yeah, that's the ticket. Don't believe what any of these (spit)
Buddhists say. Believe *ME* because...uh...well...because I *want* you
to. The more people like you who focus on me and believe the stuff I
say, even though I've never had any training in anything I say, the
better off you'll be. Because *I* know the TRUTH, and 99.999% of the
spiritual "teachers" in the world don't. Besides, *I* am humble about
how incredibly special and highly evolved *I* am, and (spit) they

Did I capture what you were trying to say adequately, Jimbo?  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Blah blah and blah blah of the blah-blah? (was Re: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?)

2014-01-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@...  wrote:
> Yo, 7th,
>  Xeno is established in CC, seriously - It makes him appear overly
logical, and kind of cold and remote. He also thinks he has reached the
end of his development, the unremitting light of the soul, in CC, but he
has a long way to go.

And *I* don't. That's the only important thing to remember -- how
incredibly special *I* am, and how non-special all these other peons who
are less evolved than *I* am are. He's *only* in CC, and *I*...not to be
immodest or anything...am just so, So, SO much *more* than that. Any
state of consciousness you can name, *I* will have been there done that
long ago, the day after I first heard about it.

Logic? *I* am WAY past logic. That's for losers. And it's only your
faulty perception that *I* am somewhat cold and remote when it comes to
other people *I* look down on; they only believe that because they're so
jealous of how special *I* am.

Poor Xeno, after all, still has a long way to go. And *I* don't. *I*
have arrived at the pinnacle of what it is to be a human being, and
enlightened. That's why I'm so compassionate towards these puny-ass
poseurs who aren't...uh...well...*ME*.

Again, did I manage to synopsize what you were really trying to say,
Jimbo?  :-)

> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steve.sundur@ wrote:
>  WTF?  Xeno, do you have a burr up your butt?  Chill out a little. You
asked if someone had an "alternative" for treating your skin condition. 
Share made friendly suggestion.  What's next, you gonna try to get her
cited for practicing medicine without a license?  Lighten up dude!
>  "It's just a chat room"!
>  ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anartaxius@ wrote:
>  Share, making a medical recommendation on the basis of what I said is
rather risky don't you think? I did not mention the condition, just the
chemical used to treat it, and it is used for a number of purposes. From
a medical point of view, aloe vera has not been researched enough or
well enough to come to any medically useful conclusions, though the
cosmetic industry seems to have made it one of its poster child
>  ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@ wrote:
>  Xeno, aloe vera gel...
>  On Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:19 AM, "anartaxius@" anartaxius@
>Buck, I agree with Turq. Card's posts are in their own little
world. Most of them are incomprehensible to me, including the request
this thread is about. Card actually reduced the jargon a bit by putting
a portion of his request in a slightly less technical form
parenthetically, but it still did not help. Who else here transliterates
Sanskrit or has such a grasp of language? Usually I have no way to even
begin to respond to one of his posts. Some additional explanation plain
words would be a big help as to what he is getting at.
>  And Buck, your posts are pretty jargon laden as well, besides being
almost completely spam. Tell us what you think in your own words.
Farmers are not noted for being abstract philosophers, they speak plain
and simple. Do you post all that stuff so you look good to the thought
police over there at MUM? On occasion you have posted some really
interesting things that seem to represent what you think and feel that
come across as natural, but most of the time, you do not do this, you
sound more like a Jehovah's Witness proffering pre-canned quotes from
Watchtower Magazine, so instead of making a worthwhile contribution, you
are largely ignored. It's OK to quote things, but then tell us what you
think about that, free of jargon, what it means to you, and perhaps how
you would explain it to someone who never ever heard of TM or meditation
in general. You do not learn what you are saying until you can
spontaneously say it in your own words, and understand it on your own
terms. Then, you have to learn how to say it to someone who has not gone
through that process. It is really easy to fail at this.
>  I have a slight skin condition, so right now I think I will go an
apply a layer of (CH2)7(CO2H)2 to the affected area so that the proximal
and distal surfaces of the application are minimised. Can anyone here
recommend an alternative to this?
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@ wrote:
>  My point, "Buck," since you seem to have missed it, is that a number
of people -- especially Fairfielders -- have been living in a Jargon
Bubble for so long that they no longer realize when they are speaking
jargon. They have lost the art -- and, I would suggest, even the desire
-- to give "intro lectures" and communicate with anyone who *doesn't*
speak the same jargon they do.
> That's fine, if all you want to do in life is the thing you've adopted
as your schtick here -- "preach to the already converted." That's fine
if you're comfortable with being an elitist and don't really want to
ever speak to anyone who *isn't* already an elitist, and "your kind of
> It's not so f

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Blah blah and blah blah of the blah-blah? (was Re: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?)

2014-01-27 Thread Share Long
dear Xeno, yes taking risks, living on the edge, etc. And all just from 
participating in the Funny Farm Lounge! BTW, I have about zero contact with the 
cosmetics industry. I get my aloe vera gel in a health food store and have 
found it to be beneficial for a number of skin ailments. It pacifies pitta too, 
just in case that's of any use. I'm glad that you found a product with adequate 
scientific research so that you feel safe using it. 

Another arctic vortex over night. I have various faucets dripping...

On Sunday, January 26, 2014 8:54 PM, "anartax...@yahoo.com" 
Share, making a medical recommendation on the basis of what I said is rather 
risky don't you think? I did not mention the condition, just the chemical used 
to treat it, and it is used for a number of purposes. From a medical point of 
view, aloe vera has not been researched enough or well enough to come to any 
medically useful conclusions, though the cosmetic industry seems to have made 
it one of its poster child products.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

Xeno, aloe vera gel...

On Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:19 AM, "anartaxius@..."  wrote:
Buck, I agree with Turq. Card's posts are in their own little world. Most of 
them are incomprehensible to me, including the request this thread is about. 
Card actually reduced the jargon a bit by putting a portion of his request in a 
slightly less technical form parenthetically, but it still did not help. Who 
else here transliterates Sanskrit or has such a grasp of language? Usually I 
have no way to even begin to respond to one of his posts. Some additional 
explanation plain words would be a big help as to what he is getting at. 

And Buck, your posts are pretty jargon laden as well, besides being almost 
completely spam. Tell us what you think in your own words. Farmers are not 
noted for being abstract philosophers, they speak plain and simple. Do you post 
all that stuff so you look good to the thought police over there at MUM? On 
occasion you have posted some really interesting things that seem to represent 
what you think and feel that come across as natural, but most of the time, you 
do not do this, you sound more like a Jehovah's Witness proffering pre-canned 
quotes from Watchtower Magazine, so instead of making a worthwhile 
contribution, you are largely ignored. It's OK to quote things, but then tell 
us what you think about that, free of jargon, what it means to you, and perhaps 
how you would explain it to someone who never ever heard of TM or meditation in 
general. You do not learn what you are saying until you can spontaneously say 
it in your own words, and understand it on
 your own terms. Then, you have to learn how to say it to someone who has not 
gone through that process. It is really easy to fail at this.

I have a slight skin condition, so right now I think I will go an apply a layer 
of (CH2)7(CO2H)2 to the affected area so that the proximal and distal surfaces 
of the application are minimised. Can anyone here recommend an alternative to 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

My point, "Buck," since you seem to have missed it, is that a number of people 
-- especially Fairfielders -- have been living in a Jargon Bubble for so long 
that they no longer realize when they are speaking jargon. They have lost the 
art -- and, I would suggest, even the desire -- to give "intro lectures" and 
communicate with anyone who *doesn't* speak the same jargon they do. 

That's fine, if all you want to do in life is the thing you've adopted as your 
schtick here -- "preach to the already converted." That's fine if you're 
comfortable with being an elitist and don't really want to ever speak to anyone 
who *isn't* already an elitist, and "your kind of elitist." 

It's not so fine if you
 were ever trying to actually communicate to the occasional lurker who might 
appear here, wanting to learn a little something about TM, or even spiritual 
practice in general. 

But I guess that's not what you're trying to do, right? You'd prefer to keep 
writing jargon-filled stuff that gets zero replies. Anyone who wants to reply 
has to "come up to your level" and stop being so "ignorant." Did I get your 
position on all of this correctly?

How long has it been since you ever *gave* an "intro lecture," "Buck," or even 
wanted to? I know it's difficult to imagine, interacting with the unwashed 
masses of the ignorant and all, all those who just aren't as good as you are. 
I'm just pointing out that pretty much NO ONE responds to your rants as they 
are. Do you think that maybe...just perhaps...the way you're writing them might 
have something to do with that?  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "TurquoiseB"  wrote:
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Om Dear Turq, I am concerned about you.  It seems evident you are
>>> becoming somewhat obsessed and and even hung-up on this particular
>>> thought form arou

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Non-attachment" vs. "Noggin-attachment"

2014-01-27 Thread TurquoiseB
And you should believe what *I* have to say about non-attachment,
because *I* have established such a track record of not being attached
here on Fairfield Life. *I* mean, all those times I lost it and lashed
out, insulting people and calling them names because they didn't buy my
enlightened act...that WASN'T attachment. It only looked that way
because you people are so damned unevolved.

*Mine* is the only view that matters on this subject of non-attachment.
And if any of you challenge this, *I* will argue with you to establish
*my* dominance and how ignorant you are. And that's not attachment.
That's just *me* being compassionate towards all of you low-lives who
just aren't as evolved and as enlightened as *I* am.

Why don't you people just learn to pay attention to what *I* say like
the more evolved people over on BATGAP. *They* understand how special
*I* am, and they believe the things I say Just Because *I* Say Them. Why
don't you? What is WRONG with you?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@...  wrote:
> Funny thing how one of the members of this forum recently claimed that
the state of non-attachment, could be learned, consciously. This means
that the individual, the ego, takes the responsibility for dissolving
itself. Can anyone say, "fox guarding the hen house"?? lol
> Such a misguided idea, this "noggin-attachment", and a huge waste of
time. This idea of *developing* "non-attachment", began with the
misinterpretation of what are known as the limbs of enlightenment.
Instead of the teachers recognizing, that the limbs grow simultaneously,
vs. sequentially, they fucked the whole thing up.
> These teachers, of incorrect knowledge, teach the limbs as a path, or
a series of stages, tied to conscious development, by the ego, of its
supposed non-attachment.
> It is possibly a fun game, to pretend to be distanced from experience,
and supposedly non-attached, but it is in the end a huge sacrifice of
human life, towards mood-making, and false hope.
> Non-attachment cannot be learned, or faked, or thought into. It is a
natural conditioning of the nervous system that accompanies, rather than
leads, Enlightenment. There is no possibility of being just 90% or 75%
or 32% attached to experience, the play of the three gunas, and its
resulting karma. It is all or nothing. Any other attempt shows up as
strained behavior, with an implicit idea, of how this non-attachment is
supposed to *feel*; life on Fantasy Island, and nothing more.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Blah blah and blah blah of the blah-blah? (was Re: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?)

2014-01-27 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... wrote:
> Yo, 7th, 
> Xeno is established in CC, seriously - It makes him appear overly logical, 
> and kind of cold and remote. He also thinks he has reached the end of his 
> development, the unremitting light of the soul, in CC, but he has a long way 
> to go. 

 And *I* don't. That's the only important thing to remember -- how incredibly 
special *I* am, and how non-special all these other peons who are less evolved 
than *I* am are. He's *only* in CC, and *I*...not to be immodest or 
anything...am just so, So, SO much *more* than that. Any state of consciousness 
you can name, *I* will have been there done that long ago, the day after I 
first heard about it. 

Logic? *I* am WAY past logic. That's for losers. And it's only your faulty 
perception that *I* am somewhat cold and remote when it comes to other people 
*I* look down on; they only believe that because they're so jealous of how 
special *I* am. 

Poor Xeno, after all, still has a long way to go. And *I* don't. *I* have 
arrived at the pinnacle of what it is to be a human being, and enlightened. 
That's why I'm so compassionate towards these puny-ass poseurs who 

Again, did I manage to synopsize what you were really trying to say, Jimbo?  :-)

All you managed to do was rehash something you think someone said but didn't 
and in a way that makes you look like a warmonger and troublemaker. Your 
mission is never to make peace or strive to create harmony between others but 
to sow the seeds of argument and misunderstanding. That certainly is the 
pinnacle of ignorance and small ego, Bawwy.
 > ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steve.sundur@ wrote: 
> WTF? Xeno, do you have a burr up your butt? Chill out a little. You asked if 
> someone had an "alternative" for treating your skin condition. Share made 
> friendly suggestion. What's next, you gonna try to get her cited for 
> practicing medicine without a license? Lighten up dude! 
> "It's just a chat room"! 
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anartaxius@ wrote: 
> Share, making a medical recommendation on the basis of what I said is rather 
> risky don't you think? I did not mention the condition, just the chemical 
> used to treat it, and it is used for a number of purposes. From a medical 
> point of view, aloe vera has not been researched enough or well enough to 
> come to any medically useful conclusions, though the cosmetic industry seems 
> to have made it one of its poster child products. 
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@ wrote: 
> Xeno, aloe vera gel... 
> On Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:19 AM, "anartaxius@" anartaxius@ wrote: 
> Buck, I agree with Turq. Card's posts are in their own little world. Most of 
> them are incomprehensible to me, including the request this thread is about. 
> Card actually reduced the jargon a bit by putting a portion of his request in 
> a slightly less technical form parenthetically, but it still did not help. 
> Who else here transliterates Sanskrit or has such a grasp of language? 
> Usually I have no way to even begin to respond to one of his posts. Some 
> additional explanation plain words would be a big help as to what he is 
> getting at. 
> And Buck, your posts are pretty jargon laden as well, besides being almost 
> completely spam. Tell us what you think in your own words. Farmers are not 
> noted for being abstract philosophers, they speak plain and simple. Do you 
> post all that stuff so you look good to the thought police over there at MUM? 
> On occasion you have posted some really interesting things that seem to 
> represent what you think and feel that come across as natural, but most of 
> the time, you do not do this, you sound more like a Jehovah's Witness 
> proffering pre-canned quotes from Watchtower Magazine, so instead of making a 
> worthwhile contribution, you are largely ignored. It's OK to quote things, 
> but then tell us what you think about that, free of jargon, what it means to 
> you, and perhaps how you would explain it to someone who never ever heard of 
> TM or meditation in general. You do not learn what you are saying until you 
> can spontaneously say it in your own words, and understand it on your own 
> terms. Then, you have to learn how to say it to someone who has not gone 
> through that process. It is really easy to fail at this. 
> I have a slight skin condition, so right now I think I will go an apply a 
> layer of (CH2)7(CO2H)2 to the affected area so that the proximal and distal 
> surfaces of the application are minimised. Can anyone here recommend an 
> alternative to this? 
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@ wrote: 
> My point, "Buck," since you seem to have missed it, is that a number of 
> people -- especially Fairfielders -- have been living in a Jargon Bubble for 
> s

[FairfieldLife] Re: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread doctordumbass
I am pointing out that the mistake of thinking that non-attachment, and other 
full-blown symptoms, as I call them, of Enlightenment, cannot be consciously 
learned, and that to pretend to do so, is injurious, and a waste of time. Your 
behavior is a perfect example.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... wrote:
> "If spiritual masters were regulated by the advertising standards authority 
> wouldn't they be fined for their false promises of "bliss consciousness"?" 
> If anything, they should be fined, for, on the one hand, holding out the 
> promise of "bliss consciousness", and, on the other, failing to provide a 
> technique to establish such a state. Without the technique, it is like a 
> bunch of Buddhists running around, talking about "non-attachment", while 
> reflecting, "Noggin-attachment", instead. 
> There is such hunger in the world for spiritual progress, yet 99.999% of the 
> 'teachers' on the subject, have no clue. 

 But *I* do, which is why you should pay attention to *ME* and what *I* say, 
rather than these know-nothings. Especially if they represent 2500-year-old 
Buddhist traditions rather than the slightly-over-50-year-old "tradition" 
established by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi when he made up the technique of 
Transcendental Meditation out of whole cloth. 

Besides, you should believe *ME*, because I'm so bloody *special*, having 
realized the full potential of this slightly-over-50-year-old "tradition," and 
thus being more enlightened than you are. *I* am the one you should pay 
attention to, because...uh...well...I deserve it. *I* will tell you the TRUTH 
about which techniques are effective (even though I've never been trained in 
how to teach any of them) and will tell you *better* than any of these other 
99.999% of "teachers" (even though I've never been one, and wouldn't even know 
how to *begin* to teach TM, much less any other form of meditation). 

So yeah, that's the ticket. Don't believe what any of these (spit) Buddhists 
say. Believe *ME* because...uh...well...because I *want* you to. The more 
people like you who focus on me and believe the stuff I say, even though I've 
never had any training in anything I say, the better off you'll be. Because *I* 
know the TRUTH, and 99.999% of the spiritual "teachers" in the world don't. 
Besides, *I* am humble about how incredibly special and highly evolved *I* am, 
and (spit) they aren't. 

Did I capture what you were trying to say adequately, Jimbo?  :-)

[FairfieldLife] RE: Blah blah and blah blah of the blah-blah? (was Re: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?)

2014-01-27 Thread doctordumbass
How could a 'synopsis' be several times longer than the original statement? Not 
exactly summing things up.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... wrote:
> Yo, 7th, 
> Xeno is established in CC, seriously - It makes him appear overly logical, 
> and kind of cold and remote. He also thinks he has reached the end of his 
> development, the unremitting light of the soul, in CC, but he has a long way 
> to go. 

 And *I* don't. That's the only important thing to remember -- how incredibly 
special *I* am, and how non-special all these other peons who are less evolved 
than *I* am are. He's *only* in CC, and *I*...not to be immodest or 
anything...am just so, So, SO much *more* than that. Any state of consciousness 
you can name, *I* will have been there done that long ago, the day after I 
first heard about it. 

Logic? *I* am WAY past logic. That's for losers. And it's only your faulty 
perception that *I* am somewhat cold and remote when it comes to other people 
*I* look down on; they only believe that because they're so jealous of how 
special *I* am. 

Poor Xeno, after all, still has a long way to go. And *I* don't. *I* have 
arrived at the pinnacle of what it is to be a human being, and enlightened. 
That's why I'm so compassionate towards these puny-ass poseurs who 

Again, did I manage to synopsize what you were really trying to say, Jimbo?  :-)

 > ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steve.sundur@ wrote: 
> WTF? Xeno, do you have a burr up your butt? Chill out a little. You asked if 
> someone had an "alternative" for treating your skin condition. Share made 
> friendly suggestion. What's next, you gonna try to get her cited for 
> practicing medicine without a license? Lighten up dude! 
> "It's just a chat room"! 
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anartaxius@ wrote: 
> Share, making a medical recommendation on the basis of what I said is rather 
> risky don't you think? I did not mention the condition, just the chemical 
> used to treat it, and it is used for a number of purposes. From a medical 
> point of view, aloe vera has not been researched enough or well enough to 
> come to any medically useful conclusions, though the cosmetic industry seems 
> to have made it one of its poster child products. 
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@ wrote: 
> Xeno, aloe vera gel... 
> On Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:19 AM, "anartaxius@" anartaxius@ wrote: 
> Buck, I agree with Turq. Card's posts are in their own little world. Most of 
> them are incomprehensible to me, including the request this thread is about. 
> Card actually reduced the jargon a bit by putting a portion of his request in 
> a slightly less technical form parenthetically, but it still did not help. 
> Who else here transliterates Sanskrit or has such a grasp of language? 
> Usually I have no way to even begin to respond to one of his posts. Some 
> additional explanation plain words would be a big help as to what he is 
> getting at. 
> And Buck, your posts are pretty jargon laden as well, besides being almost 
> completely spam. Tell us what you think in your own words. Farmers are not 
> noted for being abstract philosophers, they speak plain and simple. Do you 
> post all that stuff so you look good to the thought police over there at MUM? 
> On occasion you have posted some really interesting things that seem to 
> represent what you think and feel that come across as natural, but most of 
> the time, you do not do this, you sound more like a Jehovah's Witness 
> proffering pre-canned quotes from Watchtower Magazine, so instead of making a 
> worthwhile contribution, you are largely ignored. It's OK to quote things, 
> but then tell us what you think about that, free of jargon, what it means to 
> you, and perhaps how you would explain it to someone who never ever heard of 
> TM or meditation in general. You do not learn what you are saying until you 
> can spontaneously say it in your own words, and understand it on your own 
> terms. Then, you have to learn how to say it to someone who has not gone 
> through that process. It is really easy to fail at this. 
> I have a slight skin condition, so right now I think I will go an apply a 
> layer of (CH2)7(CO2H)2 to the affected area so that the proximal and distal 
> surfaces of the application are minimised. Can anyone here recommend an 
> alternative to this? 
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@ wrote: 
> My point, "Buck," since you seem to have missed it, is that a number of 
> people -- especially Fairfielders -- have been living in a Jargon Bubble for 
> so long that they no longer realize when they are speaking jargon. They have 
> lost the art -- and, I would suggest, even the desire -- to give "intro 
> lectures" and communicate with anyone who *doesn't* speak the same jargon 
> they do. 

[FairfieldLife] RE: "Non-attachment" vs. "Noggin-attachment"

2014-01-27 Thread nablusoss1008

 You state this very clear Dr.D, wonderful ! But how can those who do not 
develop Being understand what you are talking about when all the religions are 
there with all their authority and power and what not, keep muddeling the minds 
of men telling them more or less the exact opposite ?  
 People WANT to hear that you don't need to spend time on any Sadhana because 
they are lazy. One fellow on FFL even claimed he already was enlightenmened, so 
no need for Sadhana - some Lama guy with a funny hat had told him. It's much 
easier to listen to such a fellow who speaks with authority, even claiming to 
represent thousands of years of wisdom, than some Californian dude :-)

 "The first step demands Satyam (the truth) - that which never changes, Samadi. 
Being in the beginning and Being in the end. This is the state of union, the 
beginning and end of Yoga." - Maharishi 



[FairfieldLife] Re: "Non-attachment" vs. "Noggin-attachment"

2014-01-27 Thread doctordumbass
All you have done is prove my point further. One observation of mine, on 
non-attachment, vs. "noggin-attachment", is that, those who practice 
"noggin-attachment" create a lot of strain within themselves. Simply because, 
as I said, the ego cannot think, or plan, its non-existence. A stupid and 
wasteful idea that has gone on far too long -- as you said, over 2,500 years! 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 And you should believe what *I* have to say about non-attachment, because *I* 
have established such a track record of not being attached here on Fairfield 
Life. *I* mean, all those times I lost it and lashed out, insulting people and 
calling them names because they didn't buy my enlightened act...that WASN'T 
attachment. It only looked that way because you people are so damned unevolved.

*Mine* is the only view that matters on this subject of non-attachment. And if 
any of you challenge this, *I* will argue with you to establish *my* dominance 
and how ignorant you are. And that's not attachment. That's just *me* being 
compassionate towards all of you low-lives who just aren't as evolved and as 
enlightened as *I* am. 

Why don't you people just learn to pay attention to what *I* say like the more 
evolved people over on BATGAP. *They* understand how special *I* am, and they 
believe the things I say Just Because *I* Say Them. Why don't you? What is 
WRONG with you?


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... wrote:
> Funny thing how one of the members of this forum recently claimed that the 
> state of non-attachment, could be learned, consciously. This means that the 
> individual, the ego, takes the responsibility for dissolving itself. Can 
> anyone say, "fox guarding the hen house"?? lol 
> Such a misguided idea, this "noggin-attachment", and a huge waste of time. 
> This idea of *developing* "non-attachment", began with the misinterpretation 
> of what are known as the limbs of enlightenment. Instead of the teachers 
> recognizing, that the limbs grow simultaneously, vs. sequentially, they 
> fucked the whole thing up. 
> These teachers, of incorrect knowledge, teach the limbs as a path, or a 
> series of stages, tied to conscious development, by the ego, of its supposed 
> non-attachment. 
> It is possibly a fun game, to pretend to be distanced from experience, and 
> supposedly non-attached, but it is in the end a huge sacrifice of human life, 
> towards mood-making, and false hope. 
> Non-attachment cannot be learned, or faked, or thought into. It is a natural 
> conditioning of the nervous system that accompanies, rather than leads, 
> Enlightenment. There is no possibility of being just 90% or 75% or 32% 
> attached to experience, the play of the three gunas, and its resulting karma. 
> It is all or nothing. Any other attempt shows up as strained behavior, with 
> an implicit idea, of how this non-attachment is supposed to *feel*; life on 
> Fantasy Island, and nothing more.

[FairfieldLife] RE: "Non-attachment" vs. "Noggin-attachment"

2014-01-27 Thread doctordumbass
Satyam! Yes, this explanation of Maharishi's is beautifully complete. The 
Buddhists are egomaniacs.
Thank you for re-posting this clip.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:


 You state this very clear Dr.D, wonderful ! But how can those who do not 
develop Being understand what you are talking about when all the religions are 
there with all their authority and power and what not, keep muddeling the minds 
of men telling them more or less the exact opposite ?  
 People WANT to hear that you don't need to spend time on any Sadhana because 
they are lazy. One fellow on FFL even claimed he already was enlightenmened, so 
no need for Sadhana - some Lama guy with a funny hat had told him. It's much 
easier to listen to such a fellow who speaks with authority, even claiming to 
represent thousands of years of wisdom, than some Californian dude :-)

 "The first step demands Satyam (the truth) - that which never changes, Samadi. 
Being in the beginning and Being in the end. This is the state of union, the 
beginning and end of Yoga." - Maharishi 



[FairfieldLife] RE: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?

2014-01-27 Thread steve.sundur
Good point Anne.  And not only that, he was able to make his point in one short 
paragraph!  PTL!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 WTF?  Xeno, do you have a burr up your butt?  Chill out a little. You asked if 
someone had an "alternative" for treating your skin condition.  Share made 
friendly suggestion.  What's next, you gonna try to get her cited for 
practicing medicine without a license?  Lighten up dude!

 "It's just a chat room"!

 Who needs the lightening up, little Stevie? Let grandpa Xeno get a little 
riled, it's the most excited I've ever seen him.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Share, making a medical recommendation on the basis of what I said is rather 
risky don't you think? I did not mention the condition, just the chemical used 
to treat it, and it is used for a number of purposes. From a medical point of 
view, aloe vera has not been researched enough or well enough to come to any 
medically useful conclusions, though the cosmetic industry seems to have made 
it one of its poster child products.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Xeno, aloe vera gel...

 On Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:19 AM, "anartaxius@..."  wrote:
   Buck, I agree with Turq. Card's posts are in their own little world. Most of 
them are incomprehensible to me, including the request this thread is about. 
Card actually reduced the jargon a bit by putting a portion of his request in a 
slightly less technical form parenthetically, but it still did not help. Who 
else here transliterates Sanskrit or has such a grasp of language? Usually I 
have no way to even begin to respond to one of his posts. Some additional 
explanation plain words would be a big help as to what he is getting at. 

 And Buck, your posts are pretty jargon laden as well, besides being almost 
completely spam. Tell us what you think in your own words. Farmers are not 
noted for being abstract philosophers, they speak plain and simple. Do you post 
all that stuff so you look good to the thought police over there at MUM? On 
occasion you have posted some really interesting things that seem to represent 
what you think and feel that come across as natural, but most of the time, you 
do not do this, you sound more like a Jehovah's Witness proffering pre-canned 
quotes from Watchtower Magazine, so instead of making a worthwhile 
contribution, you are largely ignored. It's OK to quote things, but then tell 
us what you think about that, free of jargon, what it means to you, and perhaps 
how you would explain it to someone who never ever heard of TM or meditation in 
general. You do not learn what you are saying until you can spontaneously say 
it in your own words, and understand it on your own terms. Then, you have to 
learn how to say it to someone who has not gone through that process. It is 
really easy to fail at this.

 I have a slight skin condition, so right now I think I will go an apply a 
layer of (CH2)7(CO2H)2 to the affected area so that the proximal and distal 
surfaces of the application are minimised. Can anyone here recommend an 
alternative to this?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 My point, "Buck," since you seem to have missed it, is that a number of people 
-- especially Fairfielders -- have been living in a Jargon Bubble for so long 
that they no longer realize when they are speaking jargon. They have lost the 
art -- and, I would suggest, even the desire -- to give "intro lectures" and 
communicate with anyone who *doesn't* speak the same jargon they do. 

That's fine, if all you want to do in life is the thing you've adopted as your 
schtick here -- "preach to the already converted." That's fine if you're 
comfortable with being an elitist and don't really want to ever speak to anyone 
who *isn't* already an elitist, and "your kind of elitist." 

It's not so fine if you were ever trying to actually communicate to the 
occasional lurker who might appear here, wanting to learn a little something 
about TM, or even spiritual practice in general. 

But I guess that's not what you're trying to do, right? You'd prefer to keep 
writing jargon-filled stuff that gets zero replies. Anyone who wants to reply 
has to "come up to your level" and stop being so "ignorant." Did I get your 
position on all of this correctly?

How long has it been since you ever *gave* an "intro lecture," "Buck," or even 
wanted to? I know it's difficult to imagine, interacting with the unwashed 
masses of the ignorant and all, all those who just aren't as good as you are. 
I'm just pointing out that pretty much NO ONE responds to your rants as they 
are. Do you think that maybe...just perhaps...the way you're writing them might 
have something to do with that?  

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "TurquoiseB" wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wrote:
> >
> > Om Dear Turq, I am concerned about you. It seems evident y

[FairfieldLife] Re: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread doctordumbass
correction: I am pointing out that the mistake of thinking that non-attachment, 
and other full-blown symptoms, as I call them, of Enlightenment, can be 
consciously learned, and that to pretend to do so, is injurious, and a waste of 
time. Your behavior is a perfect example.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I am pointing out that the mistake of thinking that non-attachment, and other 
full-blown symptoms, as I call them, of Enlightenment, cannot be consciously 
learned, and that to pretend to do so, is injurious, and a waste of time. Your 
behavior is a perfect example.


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... wrote:
> "If spiritual masters were regulated by the advertising standards authority 
> wouldn't they be fined for their false promises of "bliss consciousness"?" 
> If anything, they should be fined, for, on the one hand, holding out the 
> promise of "bliss consciousness", and, on the other, failing to provide a 
> technique to establish such a state. Without the technique, it is like a 
> bunch of Buddhists running around, talking about "non-attachment", while 
> reflecting, "Noggin-attachment", instead. 
> There is such hunger in the world for spiritual progress, yet 99.999% of the 
> 'teachers' on the subject, have no clue. 

 But *I* do, which is why you should pay attention to *ME* and what *I* say, 
rather than these know-nothings. Especially if they represent 2500-year-old 
Buddhist traditions rather than the slightly-over-50-year-old "tradition" 
established by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi when he made up the technique of 
Transcendental Meditation out of whole cloth. 

Besides, you should believe *ME*, because I'm so bloody *special*, having 
realized the full potential of this slightly-over-50-year-old "tradition," and 
thus being more enlightened than you are. *I* am the one you should pay 
attention to, because...uh...well...I deserve it. *I* will tell you the TRUTH 
about which techniques are effective (even though I've never been trained in 
how to teach any of them) and will tell you *better* than any of these other 
99.999% of "teachers" (even though I've never been one, and wouldn't even know 
how to *begin* to teach TM, much less any other form of meditation). 

So yeah, that's the ticket. Don't believe what any of these (spit) Buddhists 
say. Believe *ME* because...uh...well...because I *want* you to. The more 
people like you who focus on me and believe the stuff I say, even though I've 
never had any training in anything I say, the better off you'll be. Because *I* 
know the TRUTH, and 99.999% of the spiritual "teachers" in the world don't. 
Besides, *I* am humble about how incredibly special and highly evolved *I* am, 
and (spit) they aren't. 

Did I capture what you were trying to say adequately, Jimbo?  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?

2014-01-27 Thread Share Long
thanks, Steve. The thing is, I am rarely offended by anything Xeno says, even 
when he likened me to a Hostess Twinkie and a clam. It has to do with that 
mysterious element of writing called tone. I am almost always soothed by Xeno's 
tone. And I thought it was fun that he provided the chemical signature of the 
medicine he's using. I wish my posts were more to his liking but there we are!

On Monday, January 27, 2014 6:55 AM, "steve.sun...@yahoo.com" 
Good point Anne.  And not only that, he was able to make his point in one short 
paragraph!  PTL!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
>WTF?  Xeno, do you have a burr up your butt?  Chill out a little. You asked if 
>someone had an "alternative" for treating your skin condition.  Share made 
>friendly suggestion.  What's next, you gonna try to get her cited for 
>practicing medicine without a license?  Lighten up dude!
>"It's just a chat room"!
>Who needs the lightening up, little Stevie? Let grandpa Xeno get a little 
>riled, it's the most excited I've ever seen him.
>---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
>>Share, making a medical recommendation on the basis of what I said is rather 
>>risky don't you think? I did not mention the condition, just the chemical 
>>used to treat it, and it is used for a number of purposes. From a medical 
>>point of view, aloe vera has not been researched enough or well enough to 
>>come to any medically useful conclusions, though the cosmetic industry seems 
>>to have made it one of its poster child products.
>>---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
>>>Xeno, aloe vera gel...
>>>On Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:19 AM, "anartaxius@..."  
>>>Buck, I agree with Turq. Card's posts are in their own little world. Most of 
>>>them are incomprehensible to me, including the request this thread is about. 
>>>Card actually reduced the jargon a bit by putting a portion of his request 
>>>in a slightly less technical form parenthetically, but it still did not 
>>>help. Who else here transliterates Sanskrit or has such a grasp of language? 
>>>Usually I have no way to even begin to respond to one of his posts. Some 
>>>additional explanation plain words would be a big help as to what he is 
>>>getting at. 
>>>And Buck, your posts are pretty jargon laden as well, besides being almost 
>>>completely spam. Tell us what you think in your own words. Farmers are not 
>>>noted for being abstract philosophers, they speak plain and simple. Do you 
>>>post all that stuff so you look good to the thought police over there at 
>>>MUM? On occasion you have posted some really interesting things that seem to 
>>>represent what you think and feel that come across as natural, but most of 
>>>the time, you do not do this, you sound more like a Jehovah's Witness 
>>>proffering pre-canned quotes from Watchtower Magazine, so instead of making 
>>>a worthwhile contribution, you are largely ignored. It's OK to quote things, 
>>>but then tell us what you think about that, free of jargon, what it means to 
>>>you, and perhaps how you would explain it to someone who never ever heard of 
>>>TM or meditation in general. You do not learn what you are saying until you 
>>>can spontaneously say it in your own words, and understand it
 on your own terms. Then, you have to learn how to say it to someone who has 
not gone through that process. It is really easy to fail at this.
>>>I have a slight skin condition, so right now I think I will go an apply a 
>>>layer of (CH2)7(CO2H)2 to the affected area so that the proximal and distal 
>>>surfaces of the application are minimised. Can anyone here recommend an 
>>>alternative to this?
>>>---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
>>>My point, "Buck," since you seem to have missed it, is that a number of 
>>>people -- especially Fairfielders -- have been living in a Jargon Bubble for 
>>>so long that they no longer realize when they are speaking jargon. They have 
>>>lost the art -- and, I would suggest, even the desire -- to give "intro 
>>>lectures" and communicate with anyone who *doesn't* speak the same jargon 
>>>they do. 
>>>That's fine, if all you want to do in life is the thing you've adopted as 
>>>your schtick here -- "preach to the already converted." That's fine if 
>>>you're comfortable with being an elitist and don't really want to ever speak 
>>>to anyone who *isn't* already an elitist, and "your kind of elitist." 
>>>It's not so fine if you
 were ever trying to actually communicate to the occasional lurker who might 
appear here, wanting to learn a little something about TM, or even spiritual 
practice in general. 
>>>But I guess that's not what you're trying to do, right? You'd prefer to keep 
>>>writing jargon-filled stuff that gets zero replies. Anyone who wants to 
>>>reply has to "come up to yo

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?

2014-01-27 Thread steve.sundur

 Sure Share, I guess we're all at the point where we might have a senior moment 
now and then.  Maybe that was what was going on with ol Xeno. A little 
crotchety maybe.  (-:

 For the record, I am very fond of Twinkies.  And although I don't care for 
clams, I do think they are cute. (-:


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 thanks, Steve. The thing is, I am rarely offended by anything Xeno says, even 
when he likened me to a Hostess Twinkie and a clam. It has to do with that 
mysterious element of writing called tone. I am almost always soothed by Xeno's 
tone. And I thought it was fun that he provided the chemical signature of the 
medicine he's using. I wish my posts were more to his liking but there we are!

 On Monday, January 27, 2014 6:55 AM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   Good point Anne.  And not only that, he was able to make his point in one 
short paragraph!  PTL!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 WTF?  Xeno, do you have a burr up your butt?  Chill out a little. You asked if 
someone had an "alternative" for treating your skin condition.  Share made 
friendly suggestion.  What's next, you gonna try to get her cited for 
practicing medicine without a license?  Lighten up dude!

 "It's just a chat room"!

 Who needs the lightening up, little Stevie? Let grandpa Xeno get a little 
riled, it's the most excited I've ever seen him.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Share, making a medical recommendation on the basis of what I said is rather 
risky don't you think? I did not mention the condition, just the chemical used 
to treat it, and it is used for a number of purposes. From a medical point of 
view, aloe vera has not been researched enough or well enough to come to any 
medically useful conclusions, though the cosmetic industry seems to have made 
it one of its poster child products.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Xeno, aloe vera gel...

 On Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:19 AM, "anartaxius@..."  wrote:
   Buck, I agree with Turq. Card's posts are in their own little world. Most of 
them are incomprehensible to me, including the request this thread is about. 
Card actually reduced the jargon a bit by putting a portion of his request in a 
slightly less technical form parenthetically, but it still did not help. Who 
else here transliterates Sanskrit or has such a grasp of language? Usually I 
have no way to even begin to respond to one of his posts. Some additional 
explanation plain words would be a big help as to what he is getting at. 

 And Buck, your posts are pretty jargon laden as well, besides being almost 
completely spam. Tell us what you think in your own words. Farmers are not 
noted for being abstract philosophers, they speak plain and simple. Do you post 
all that stuff so you look good to the thought police over there at MUM? On 
occasion you have posted some really interesting things that seem to represent 
what you think and feel that come across as natural, but most of the time, you 
do not do this, you sound more like a Jehovah's Witness proffering pre-canned 
quotes from Watchtower Magazine, so instead of making a worthwhile 
contribution, you are largely ignored. It's OK to quote things, but then tell 
us what you think about that, free of jargon, what it means to you, and perhaps 
how you would explain it to someone who never ever heard of TM or meditation in 
general. You do not learn what you are saying until you can spontaneously say 
it in your own words, and understand it on your own terms. Then, you have to 
learn how to say it to someone who has not gone through that process. It is 
really easy to fail at this.

 I have a slight skin condition, so right now I think I will go an apply a 
layer of (CH2)7(CO2H)2 to the affected area so that the proximal and distal 
surfaces of the application are minimised. Can anyone here recommend an 
alternative to this?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 My point, "Buck," since you seem to have missed it, is that a number of people 
-- especially Fairfielders -- have been living in a Jargon Bubble for so long 
that they no longer realize when they are speaking jargon. They have lost the 
art -- and, I would suggest, even the desire -- to give "intro lectures" and 
communicate with anyone who *doesn't* speak the same jargon they do. 

That's fine, if all you want to do in life is the thing you've adopted as your 
schtick here -- "preach to the already converted." That's fine if you're 
comfortable with being an elitist and don't really want to ever speak to anyone 
who *isn't* already an elitist, and "your kind of elitist." 

It's not so fine if you were ever trying to actually communicate to the 
occasional lurker who might appear here, wanting to learn a little something 
about TM, or even spiritual practice in general. 

But I guess that's not what you're trying to do, right

[FairfieldLife] Re: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@...  wrote:
> correction: I am pointing out that the mistake of thinking that
non-attachment, and other full-blown symptoms, as I call them, of
Enlightenment, can be consciously learned, and that to pretend to do so,
is injurious, and a waste of time. Your behavior is a perfect example.

No problem. You're just not attached to being able to spell.  It's a
little like your non-attachment to being able to count, back when we
still had posting limits. You were, after all, the FFL poster who spent
the most time on the I Have No Self Control bench.  :-)

> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
>  I am pointing out that the mistake of thinking that non-attachment,
and other full-blown symptoms, as I call them, of Enlightenment, cannot
be consciously learned, and that to pretend to do so, is injurious, and
a waste of time. Your behavior is a perfect example.
>  ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@ wrote:
>  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ wrote:
>  >
> > "If spiritual masters were regulated by the advertising standards
authority wouldn't they be fined for their false promises of "bliss
> >
> > If anything, they should be fined, for, on the one hand, holding out
the promise of "bliss consciousness", and, on the other, failing to
provide a technique to establish such a state. Without the technique, it
is like a bunch of Buddhists running around, talking about
"non-attachment", while reflecting, "Noggin-attachment", instead.
> >
> > There is such hunger in the world for spiritual progress, yet
99.999% of the 'teachers' on the subject, have no clue.
>  But *I* do, which is why you should pay attention to *ME* and what
*I* say, rather than these know-nothings. Especially if they represent
2500-year-old Buddhist traditions rather than the
slightly-over-50-year-old "tradition" established by Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi when he made up the technique of Transcendental Meditation out of
whole cloth.
> Besides, you should believe *ME*, because I'm so bloody *special*,
having realized the full potential of this slightly-over-50-year-old
"tradition," and thus being more enlightened than you are. *I* am the
one you should pay attention to, because...uh...well...I deserve it. *I*
will tell you the TRUTH about which techniques are effective (even
though I've never been trained in how to teach any of them) and will
tell you *better* than any of these other 99.999% of "teachers" (even
though I've never been one, and wouldn't even know how to *begin* to
teach TM, much less any other form of meditation).
> So yeah, that's the ticket. Don't believe what any of these (spit)
Buddhists say. Believe *ME* because...uh...well...because I *want* you
to. The more people like you who focus on me and believe the stuff I
say, even though I've never had any training in anything I say, the
better off you'll be. Because *I* know the TRUTH, and 99.999% of the
spiritual "teachers" in the world don't. Besides, *I* am humble about
how incredibly special and highly evolved *I* am, and (spit) they
> Did I capture what you were trying to say adequately, Jimbo?  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] such a bad omen

2014-01-27 Thread Mike Dixon
Saw that the other day! My exact thoughts, bad omen.The Pope releases doves 
from his window and they are attacked by a seagull and a crow.

On Sunday, January 26, 2014 12:40 PM, "sri...@ymail.com"  

seagull  - rahu

crow  - saturn  

Re: [FairfieldLife] such a bad omen

2014-01-27 Thread Mike Dixon
Saw that the other day! My exact thoughts, bad omen.The Pope releases doves 
from his window and they are attacked by a seagull and a crow.

On Sunday, January 26, 2014 12:40 PM, "sri...@ymail.com"  

seagull  - rahu

crow  - saturn  

Re: [FairfieldLife] such a bad omen

2014-01-27 Thread doctordumbass
Can you even *imagine* if the attacking birds had been, an osprey, and a raven 
(osprey = dust bunny, raven = Planet Hollywood)?? I shudder to think. 
Cosmically, we got off easy...


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Saw that the other day! My exact thoughts, bad omen.The Pope releases doves 
from his window and they are attacked by a seagull and a crow.
 On Sunday, January 26, 2014 12:40 PM, "srijau@..."  wrote:

seagull  - rahu

crow  - saturn



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Blah blah and blah blah of the blah-blah? (was Re: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?)

2014-01-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/26/2014 11:19 AM, anartax...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Card's posts are in their own little world.
You are supposed to read the comments already posted BEFORE you post 
your own - we've been talking about stress relief for years on Google 
Groups and Yahoo Groups. It's starting to look like  Turq is just out of 
the spiritual loop and caught up in the secular world. He often uses the 
spiritual jargon - "spiritual" without in the least seeming to 
understand what it is he's commenting on. Go figure.

NSRNatural Stress Relief (meditation technique)


[FairfieldLife] The New Maharishi Effect: 10% Missing Pundits

2014-01-27 Thread Joe

Re: [FairfieldLife] Blah blah and blah blah of the blah-blah? (was Re: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?)

2014-01-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 1/26/2014 11:21 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
*/That is, the people doing this seek to position *themselves* as the 
"experts" or "authorities" and *force* people to ask them questions/*

It's all a matter of positioning and placement. You can place yourself 
as an expert or authority if you know what you are talking about. But, 
if you don't even know any bija mantras for any yoga technique used for 
stress relief, it would probably just be better to keep your pie hole 
shut. You can't force anyone to answer your questions, so maybe you 
should start questioning answers instead of trying to figure out simple 
things without a teacher.

[FairfieldLife] RE: The New Maharishi Effect: 10% Missing Pundits

2014-01-27 Thread doctordumbass
Can't say I blame them - if the story is accurate, 10 to 15 years is a huge 
commitment, especially when young. Remarkable, also, that it is just ten 
percent who chose to leave. We can use all the help we can get around here, so 
I am glad that a lot of them are sticking with it, so far.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About Ayerveda

2014-01-27 Thread doctordumbass
Hi Share, this cracked me up, only because I don't think I've seen this 
description before, of the guys on here:

"...you want comments only from the male loungers?" 


 The picture that formed, was a bunch of louts and touts, with slicked back 
hair, and shiny shirts, slouching all over the furniture, in the lobby of a 
cheezy hotel -- making noise, harassing the guests, and maybe you're 
description is not so far off, after all - lol



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Richard, by *guys* do you mean you want comments only from the male loungers? 
Anyway, I like ayurveda principles a lot. And have gotten good results with 
Chinese herbs. Go figure (-:

 On Monday, January 27, 2014 9:22 AM, Richard Williams  wrote:
 > Terrific song, fabulous musical.
 Thanks for all the information about the song from Guy's and Dolls. Do you 
guys have any comments to make about MMY's Ayerveda?

 On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 12:28 PM, mailto:authfriend@...> wrote:
   Terrific song, fabulous musical. Too bad the movie version wasn't so hot 
(Brando gave it his best shot, but...). At least they kept Stubby Kaye and 
Vivian Blaine from the original cast.

 Every time I hear the word "equipoise" I think of this song from "Guys and 

Part of the lyric is about a horse where the actor sings "He says his great 
grandfather was Equipoise".











Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About Ayerveda

2014-01-27 Thread Share Long
Doc, glad you enjoyed your description so much. From my side it was just an 
abbreviation of Funny Farm Loungers. 

PS I'm still recuperating from your utterance, not sure if it was here or on 
*that other* forum: 
Unity sucks! 

On Monday, January 27, 2014 9:57 AM, "doctordumb...@rocketmail.com" 
Hi Share, this cracked me up, only because I don't think I've seen this 
description before, of the guys on here:

"...you want comments only from the male loungers?" 

The picture that formed, was a bunch of louts and touts, with slicked back 
hair, and shiny shirts, slouching all over the furniture, in the lobby of a 
cheezy hotel -- making noise, harassing the guests, and maybe you're 
description is not so far off, after all - lol

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

Richard, by *guys* do you mean you want comments only from the male loungers? 
Anyway, I like ayurveda principles a lot. And have gotten good results with 
Chinese herbs. Go figure (-:

On Monday, January 27, 2014 9:22 AM, Richard Williams  wrote:
> Terrific song, fabulous musical.
Thanks for all the information about the song from Guy's and Dolls. Do you guys 
have any comments to make about MMY's Ayerveda?

>On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 12:28 PM,  wrote:
>>Terrific song, fabulous musical. Too bad the movie version wasn't so hot 
>>(Brando gave it his best shot, but...). At least they kept Stubby Kaye and 
>>Vivian Blaine from the original cast.
>>Every time I hear the word "equipoise" I think of this song from "Guys and 
>>Part of the lyric is about a horse where the actor sings "He says his great 
>>grandfather was Equipoise".

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About Ayerveda

2014-01-27 Thread Richard Williams
> Terrific song, fabulous musical.
Thanks for all the information about the song from Guy's and Dolls. Do you
guys have any comments to make about MMY's Ayerveda?

On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 12:28 PM,  wrote:

> *Terrific song, fabulous musical. Too bad the movie version wasn't so hot
> (Brando gave it his best shot, but...). At least they kept Stubby Kaye and
> Vivian Blaine from the original cast.*
> Every time I hear the word "equipoise" I think of this song from "Guys and
> Dolls".
> Part of the lyric is about a horse where the actor sings "He says his
> great grandfather was Equipoise".
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6djgavbp7c
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equipoise_%28horse%29

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Blah blah and blah blah of the blah-blah? (was Re: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?)

2014-01-27 Thread Share Long
Richard, I thought Carde was using NSR to stand for Noise to Signal Ratio as he 
was talking about sound value of beej mantras.

On Monday, January 27, 2014 9:46 AM, Richard J. Williams  
On 1/26/2014 11:19 AM, anartax...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Card's posts are in their own little world.
You are supposed to read the comments already posted BEFORE you post 
your own - we've been talking about stress relief for years on Google 
Groups and Yahoo Groups. It's starting to look like  Turq is just out of 
the spiritual loop and caught up in the secular world. He often uses the 
spiritual jargon - "spiritual" without in the least seeming to 
understand what it is he's commenting on. Go figure.

NSRNatural Stress Relief (meditation technique)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Challenge for Buck and The TMO

2014-01-27 Thread Richard Williams
> Let's see the proof in the pudding.
There's already about a billion people over there in India that are praying
every day, so obviously a lack of meditators is not the problem. And anyway
it's not your problem. What you should be concerned about is your own guns
and and your own practice, or lack of it.

By making changes in your individual consciousness you could be lighting up
the whole world. Change in society begins with individual success in
creating peace - it's not a matter of proximity - just sit down a few times
a day and radiate peace to everyone in the world.

Other than that, you should just try to live a life causing nobody any

It's that simple.

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 8:31 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

> Ok Buck, you are convinced that group practice of the TMSP will create
> world peace, so I challenge you and the TMO to prove it.
> Gather all the Purusha and other governors and siddhas willing to give it
> a go, get the biggest group of yogic flyers and throw in as many vedic
> pundits to chant yagyas all day long and send them to the city of Ayodha
> and see if a few weeks of TMSP and Maharishi Brand yagyas will in any way
> ameliorate the situation described in this article. Let's see the proof in
> the pudding. If TMSP and the Marshy Effect is as potent and powerful as you
> and the TMO claim, the hoods, thugs, criminals and arms dealers in Ayodha
> should be running for the hills in a week or two. Let's see it. If that
> happens, I'll recant and become the Lynch Foundation's poster boy.
> The Guns & Godmen Of Ayodhya
> With a large section of the sadhus in Ayodhya involved in serious crimes,
> the holy town is in a terrible mess. Brijesh Singh reports
> February 1992. In the midst of a political storm stirred by the Ram Mandir
> movement, Mahant Lal Das, the then chief priest of the Ram Janmabhoomi
> temple inside the Babri Masjid complex in Ayodhya was murdered. The search
> began for a new mahant, one with a clean reputation and free of any
> criminal charges or political motives. It was after much difficulty that
> Satyendra Das was appointed the new mahant.
> 21 July 2013. In a land dispute, the supporters of two mahants — Bhavnath
> Das, national president of the Samajwadi Party’s Sant Sabha, and Hari
> Shankar Das Pehelwan, a BJP supporter — opened fire at each other. One man
> was killed and a dozen injured.
> These two incidents, separated by two decades, represent the sinister
> reality of Ayodhya. With bloody clashes over land disputes, murder of
> mahants and rape of minors, the “holy city” has turned into a living hell.
> According to RKS Rathore, a former SSP of Ayodhya, many sadhus are involved
> in criminal activities.
> Most of the 7,000 temples and maths in Ayodhya have become centres of
> crime. Over the past few years, more than 250 sadhus have been booked for
> crimes, including murder; some have been killed in police encounters. For
> instance, Mahant Harinarayan Das, who was killed in an encounter near Gonda
> last year, had several criminal charges against him, including murder.
> Mahant Ram Prakash Das was shot dead by the police in 1995.
> According to police sources, more than 200 sadhus have been killed in
> Ayodhya in the past decade. A few days ago, the chief priest of the famous
> Hanuman Garhi temple, Hari Shankar Das, was shot six times by one of his
> disciples. Last year, the then mahant Ramesh Das and a priest alleged that
> some sadhus were planning to murder him. And a few days later, another
> priest of the temple, Gauri Shankar Das, alleged that his guru Ramagya Das’
> killer, Mahant Tribhuvan Das, wanted him dead too.
> The mahants of some temples are accused of illegally taking over the
> property of other temples, murdering their chief priests or expelling them
> by force. Many of Ayodhya’s “saints” are busy accumulating property,
> fighting legal battles and arranging for bodyguards.
> “Tribhuvan Das, Hanuman Garhi temple’s former chief priest, was the first
> to allow criminals into Ayodhya in order to establish his supremacy in the
> area,” says Vairagi Sadhu Ramanand. “Das set up his own math after he was
> expelled from Hanuman Garhi because of his criminal activities.” Adds
> another priest of the Hanuman Garhi temple, Gauri Shankar Das, “Tribhuvan
> is behind the murder of more than 100 sadhus.”
> Arjun Das, the mahant of Ramcharitmanas Bhavan, alleges that all of
> Tribhuvan’s disciples have criminal background. “He made many disciples
> when he was in jail. They came to Ayodhya looking for him after being
> released,” he says. “Tribhuvan’s temple became a haven for criminals from
> Bihar.” Despite being accused in a number of criminal cases, Tribhuvan is
> still thriving in Ayodhya.
> Several mahants of the Hanuman Garhi temple have been targets of violent
> attacks. In 1984, Hari Bhajan Das was shot dead by his own disciples. In
> 1992, Deen Bandhu Das was attacked several times and forced to re

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?

2014-01-27 Thread steve.sundur
You know what Judy, that could well be the case.  But I've got to say, between 
you and Robin, (especially Robin), you've got that little trait down. Appearing 
to make something appear as though it's serious, when it actually irony and 

 You (and Robin) would typically leave both options open depending on which you 
felt could cause the maximum amount of (attempted) humiliation of whomever you 
were sparring with.

 Just sayin...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Or maybe it was Share and yourself having the "senior moments," mistakenly 
thinking Xeno had been seriously asking for "alternatives" to his medication 
rather than making an ironic point about jargon (jargon being the topic of the 
post, in which he was siding with Barry--of course--against the vile 
jargonistas on FFL).

 Xeno was a little nonplussed, I think, to find Share recommending aloe vera 
gel when she didn't know what his skin condition was nor what medication he was 
using for it, especially given that he hadn't intended to actually solicit 
alternative recommendations in the first place. Xeno certainly isn't the only 
person here to find some of Share's posts a bit, um, shall we say, disorienting.

 Sure Share, I guess we're all at the point where we might have a senior moment 
now and then.  Maybe that was what was going on with ol Xeno. A little 
crotchety maybe.  (-:

 For the record, I am very fond of Twinkies.  And although I don't care for 
clams, I do think they are cute. (-:
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 thanks, Steve. The thing is, I am rarely offended by anything Xeno says, even 
when he likened me to a Hostess Twinkie and a clam. It has to do with that 
mysterious element of writing called tone. I am almost always soothed by Xeno's 
tone. And I thought it was fun that he provided the chemical signature of the 
medicine he's using. I wish my posts were more to his liking but there we are!

 On Monday, January 27, 2014 6:55 AM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   Good point Anne.  And not only that, he was able to make his point in one 
short paragraph!  PTL!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 WTF?  Xeno, do you have a burr up your butt?  Chill out a little. You asked if 
someone had an "alternative" for treating your skin condition.  Share made 
friendly suggestion.  What's next, you gonna try to get her cited for 
practicing medicine without a license?  Lighten up dude!

 "It's just a chat room"!

 Who needs the lightening up, little Stevie? Let grandpa Xeno get a little 
riled, it's the most excited I've ever seen him.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Share, making a medical recommendation on the basis of what I said is rather 
risky don't you think? I did not mention the condition, just the chemical used 
to treat it, and it is used for a number of purposes. From a medical point of 
view, aloe vera has not been researched enough or well enough to come to any 
medically useful conclusions, though the cosmetic industry seems to have made 
it one of its poster child products.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Xeno, aloe vera gel...

 On Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:19 AM, "anartaxius@..."  wrote:
   Buck, I agree with Turq. Card's posts are in their own little world. Most of 
them are incomprehensible to me, including the request this thread is about. 
Card actually reduced the jargon a bit by putting a portion of his request in a 
slightly less technical form parenthetically, but it still did not help. Who 
else here transliterates Sanskrit or has such a grasp of language? Usually I 
have no way to even begin to respond to one of his posts. Some additional 
explanation plain words would be a big help as to what he is getting at. 

 And Buck, your posts are pretty jargon laden as well, besides being almost 
completely spam. Tell us what you think in your own words. Farmers are not 
noted for being abstract philosophers, they speak plain and simple. Do you post 
all that stuff so you look good to the thought police over there at MUM? On 
occasion you have posted some really interesting things that seem to represent 
what you think and feel that come across as natural, but most of the time, you 
do not do this, you sound more like a Jehovah's Witness proffering pre-canned 
quotes from Watchtower Magazine, so instead of making a worthwhile 
contribution, you are largely ignored. It's OK to quote things, but then tell 
us what you think about that, free of jargon, what it means to you, and perhaps 
how you would explain it to someone who never ever heard of TM or meditation in 
general. You do not learn what you are saying until you can spontaneously say 
it in your own words, and understand it on your own terms. Then, you have to 
learn how to say it to someone who has not gone through that process. It is 
really easy to fail at this.

 I have a slight

[FairfieldLife] RE: Challenge for Buck and The TMO

2014-01-27 Thread dhamiltony2k5
MJ, Unfortunately the recent Invincible Assembly failed to achieve proper 
numbers to credibly research the effect of advanced meditation at the square 
root of one percent level. The Invincible assembly collapsed and failed before 
the square root hypothesis could be definitively proven statistically in 
repeatable science method. It was close but the data could not be secured.  
  Ultimately the Assembly failed and collapsed because spiritually apathetic 
anti-science people with no vision did not show up to help for some small 
selfish reasons and the administration of the course guidelines in place at the 
time retarded the aggregate number of people who could come to meditate in a 
group.  That is history now and all we are saying here is, let's give peace a 
 The science thus far is quite evident around peace-making  by a practice of 
deploying transcending meditation as a scientific practice. We are waiting for 
public policy to catch up and support this and people like you to re-group of 
good sense. Firm as a Rock, -Buck in the Dome 
Mjackson74 writes:
 Ok Buck, you are convinced that group practice of the TMSP will create world 
peace, so I challenge you and the TMO to prove it. 
 Gather all the Purusha and other governors and siddhas willing to give it a 
go, get the biggest group of yogic flyers and throw in as many vedic pundits to 
chant yagyas all day long and send them to the city of Ayodha and see if a few 
weeks of TMSP and Maharishi Brand yagyas will in any way ameliorate the 
situation described in this article. Let's see the proof in the pudding. If 
TMSP and the Marshy Effect is as potent and powerful as you and the TMO claim, 
the hoods, thugs, criminals and arms dealers in Ayodha should be running for 
the hills in a week or two. Let's see it. If that happens, I'll recant and 
become the Lynch Foundation's poster boy.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About Ayerveda

2014-01-27 Thread Share Long
Richard, by *guys* do you mean you want comments only from the male loungers? 
Anyway, I like ayurveda principles a lot. And have gotten good results with 
Chinese herbs. Go figure (-:

On Monday, January 27, 2014 9:22 AM, Richard Williams  
> Terrific song, fabulous musical.
Thanks for all the information about the song from Guy's and Dolls. Do you guys 
have any comments to make about MMY's Ayerveda?

On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 12:28 PM,  wrote:

>Terrific song, fabulous musical. Too bad the movie version wasn't so hot 
>(Brando gave it his best shot, but...). At least they kept Stubby Kaye and 
>Vivian Blaine from the original cast.
>Every time I hear the word "equipoise" I think of this song from "Guys and 
>Part of the lyric is about a horse where the actor sings "He says his great 
>grandfather was Equipoise".

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?

2014-01-27 Thread Share Long
Steve, not right away, but later I wondered if Xeno was playing off the whole 
jargon topic. I love his dry delivery but often don't get it immediately. 
Probably MY senior moment (-:

On Monday, January 27, 2014 7:24 AM, "steve.sun...@yahoo.com" 

Sure Share, I guess we're all at the point where we might have a senior moment 
now and then.  Maybe that was what was going on with ol Xeno. A little 
crotchety maybe.  (-:

For the record, I am very fond of Twinkies.  And although I don't care for 
clams, I do think they are cute. (-:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

thanks, Steve. The thing is, I am rarely offended by anything Xeno says, even 
when he likened me to a Hostess Twinkie and a clam. It has to do with that 
mysterious element of writing called tone. I am almost always soothed by Xeno's 
tone. And I thought it was fun that he provided the chemical signature of the 
medicine he's using. I wish my posts were more to his liking but there we are!

On Monday, January 27, 2014 6:55 AM, "steve.sundur@..."  
Good point Anne.  And not only that, he was able to make his point in one short 
paragraph!  PTL!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
>>WTF?  Xeno, do you have a burr up your butt?  Chill out a little. You asked 
>>if someone had an "alternative" for treating your skin condition.  Share made 
>>friendly suggestion.  What's next, you gonna try to get her cited for 
>>practicing medicine without a license?  Lighten up dude!
>>"It's just a chat room"!
>>Who needs the lightening up, little Stevie? Let grandpa Xeno get a little 
>>riled, it's the most excited I've ever seen him.
>>---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
>>>Share, making a medical recommendation on the basis of what I said is rather 
>>>risky don't you think? I did not mention the condition, just the chemical 
>>>used to treat it, and it is used for a number of purposes. From a medical 
>>>point of view, aloe vera has not been researched enough or well enough to 
>>>come to any medically useful conclusions, though the cosmetic industry seems 
>>>to have made it one of its poster child products.
>>>---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

Xeno, aloe vera gel...

On Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:19 AM, "anartaxius@..."  
Buck, I agree with Turq. Card's posts are in their own little world. Most 
of them are incomprehensible to me, including the request this thread is 
about. Card actually reduced the jargon a bit by putting a portion of his 
request in a slightly less technical form parenthetically, but it still did 
not help. Who else here transliterates Sanskrit or has such a grasp of 
language? Usually I have no way to even begin to respond to one of his 
posts. Some additional explanation plain words would be a big help as to 
what he is getting at. 

And Buck, your posts are pretty jargon laden as well, besides being almost 
completely spam. Tell us what you think in your own words. Farmers are not 
noted for being abstract philosophers, they speak plain and simple. Do you 
post all that stuff so you look good to the thought police over there at 
MUM? On occasion you have posted some really interesting things that seem 
to represent what you think and feel that come across as natural, but most 
of the time, you do not do this, you sound more like a Jehovah's Witness 
proffering pre-canned quotes from Watchtower Magazine, so instead of making 
a worthwhile contribution, you are largely ignored. It's OK to quote 
things, but then tell us what you think about that, free of jargon, what it 
means to you, and perhaps how you would explain it to someone who never 
ever heard of TM or meditation in general. You do not learn what you are 
saying until you can spontaneously say it in your own words, and understand 
 on your own terms. Then, you have to learn how to say it to someone who has 
not gone through that process. It is really easy to fail at this.

I have a slight skin condition, so right now I think I will go an apply a 
layer of (CH2)7(CO2H)2 to the affected area so that the proximal and distal 
surfaces of the application are minimised. Can anyone here recommend an 
alternative to this?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

My point, "Buck," since you seem to have missed it, is that a number of 
people -- especially Fairfielders -- have been living in a Jargon Bubble 
for so long that they no longer realize when they are speaking jargon. They 
have lost the art -- and, I would suggest, even the desire -- to give 
"intro lectures" and communicate with anyone who *doesn't* speak the same 
jargon they do. 

That's fine, if al

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?

2014-01-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 1/26/2014 1:35 PM, cardemais...@yahoo.com wrote:

BTW, the beej mantra of the muladhara chakra as ROT-1* is MBN...

* Moving each letter one ahead (M = L; B = A; N = M)

Thanks for this information - I was wondering about the bijas 
correspondence after viewing Susan Shumsky's yantra diagram indicating 
in Sanskrit the bija mantra for each chakra. There are apparently no 
informants on this list that can correctly identify their own bija 
mantra in if shown a series of Sanskrit or Hindi flash cards - I mean 
other than the OM symbol.

Apparently I'm the only respondent that knows any Tibetan. Go figure.

'Exploring Chakras'
by Susan Shumsky

[FairfieldLife] Re: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@...  wrote:
> OK, I am glad you enjoyed your nasty tidbit, at my expense, or so you
>  Yeah, I've embarrassed the hell out of myself more times than I can
count. But it sure beats the alternative, as you amply demonstrate.

Just as a question, how can embarrassment happen without attachment? If
you have no self and no image of self to protect or defend, how can you
possibly be embarrassed, no matter what it does?

> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@ wrote:
>  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ wrote:
>  >
> > correction: I am pointing out that the mistake of thinking that
non-attachment, and other full-blown symptoms, as I call them, of
Enlightenment, can be consciously learned, and that to pretend to do so,
is injurious, and a waste of time. Your behavior is a perfect example.
>  No problem. You're just not attached to being able to spell.  It's a
little like your non-attachment to being able to count, back when we
still had posting limits. You were, after all, the FFL poster who spent
the most time on the I Have No Self Control bench.  :-)
>  > ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com
> >
> > I am pointing out that the mistake of thinking that non-attachment,
and other full-blown symptoms, as I call them, of Enlightenment, cannot
be consciously learned, and that to pretend to do so, is injurious, and
a waste of time. Your behavior is a perfect example.
> >
> > ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ wrote:
> > >
> > > "If spiritual masters were regulated by the advertising standards
authority wouldn't they be fined for their false promises of "bliss
> > >
> > > If anything, they should be fined, for, on the one hand, holding
out the promise of "bliss consciousness", and, on the other, failing to
provide a technique to establish such a state. Without the technique, it
is like a bunch of Buddhists running around, talking about
"non-attachment", while reflecting, "Noggin-attachment", instead.
> > >
> > > There is such hunger in the world for spiritual progress, yet
99.999% of the 'teachers' on the subject, have no clue.
> >
> > But *I* do, which is why you should pay attention to *ME* and what
*I* say, rather than these know-nothings. Especially if they represent
2500-year-old Buddhist traditions rather than the
slightly-over-50-year-old "tradition" established by Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi when he made up the technique of Transcendental Meditation out of
whole cloth.
> >
> > Besides, you should believe *ME*, because I'm so bloody *special*,
having realized the full potential of this slightly-over-50-year-old
"tradition," and thus being more enlightened than you are. *I* am the
one you should pay attention to, because...uh...well...I deserve it. *I*
will tell you the TRUTH about which techniques are effective (even
though I've never been trained in how to teach any of them) and will
tell you *better* than any of these other 99.999% of "teachers" (even
though I've never been one, and wouldn't even know how to *begin* to
teach TM, much less any other form of meditation).
> >
> > So yeah, that's the ticket. Don't believe what any of these (spit)
Buddhists say. Believe *ME* because...uh...well...because I *want* you
to. The more people like you who focus on me and believe the stuff I
say, even though I've never had any training in anything I say, the
better off you'll be. Because *I* know the TRUTH, and 99.999% of the
spiritual "teachers" in the world don't. Besides, *I* am humble about
how incredibly special and highly evolved *I* am, and (spit) they
> >
> > Did I capture what you were trying to say adequately, Jimbo? :-)
> >

[FairfieldLife] Challenge for Buck and The TMO

2014-01-27 Thread Michael Jackson
Ok Buck, you are convinced that group practice of the TMSP will create world 
peace, so  I challenge you and the TMO to prove it. 

Gather all the Purusha and other governors and siddhas willing to give it a go, 
get the biggest group of yogic flyers and throw in as many vedic pundits to 
chant yagyas all day long and send them to the city of Ayodha and see if a few 
weeks of TMSP and Maharishi Brand yagyas will in any way ameliorate the 
situation described in this article. Let's see the proof in the pudding. If 
TMSP and the Marshy Effect is as potent and powerful as you and the TMO claim, 
the hoods, thugs, criminals and arms dealers in Ayodha should be running for 
the hills in a week or two. Let's see it. If that happens, I'll recant and 
become the Lynch Foundation's poster boy.

The Guns & Godmen Of Ayodhya
With a large section of the sadhus in Ayodhya involved in serious crimes, the 
holy town is in a terrible mess. Brijesh Singh reports

February 1992. In the midst of a political storm stirred by the Ram Mandir 
movement, Mahant Lal Das, the then chief priest of the Ram Janmabhoomi temple 
inside the Babri Masjid complex in Ayodhya was murdered. The search began for a 
new mahant, one with a clean reputation and free of any criminal charges or 
political motives. It was after much difficulty that Satyendra Das was 
appointed the new mahant.

21 July 2013. In a land dispute, the supporters of two mahants — Bhavnath Das, 
national president of the Samajwadi Party’s Sant Sabha, and Hari Shankar Das 
Pehelwan, a BJP supporter — opened fire at each other. One man was killed and a 
dozen injured.

These two incidents, separated by two decades, represent the sinister reality 
of Ayodhya. With bloody clashes over land disputes, murder of mahants and rape 
of minors, the “holy city” has turned into a living hell. According to RKS 
Rathore, a former SSP of Ayodhya, many sadhus are involved in criminal 

Most of the 7,000 temples and maths in Ayodhya have become centres of crime. 
Over the past few years, more than 250 sadhus have been booked for crimes, 
including murder; some have been killed in police encounters. For instance, 
Mahant Harinarayan Das, who was killed in an encounter near Gonda last year, 
had several criminal charges against him, including murder. Mahant Ram Prakash 
Das was shot dead by the police in 1995.

According to police sources, more than 200 sadhus have been killed in Ayodhya 
in the past decade. A few days ago, the chief priest of the famous Hanuman 
Garhi temple, Hari Shankar Das, was shot six times by one of his disciples. 
Last year, the then mahant Ramesh Das and a priest alleged that some sadhus 
were planning to murder him. And a few days later, another priest of the 
temple, Gauri Shankar Das, alleged that his guru Ramagya Das’ killer, Mahant 
Tribhuvan Das, wanted him dead too.

The mahants of some temples are accused of illegally taking over the property 
of other temples, murdering their chief priests or expelling them by force. 
Many of Ayodhya’s “saints” are busy accumulating property, fighting legal 
battles and arranging for bodyguards.

“Tribhuvan Das, Hanuman Garhi temple’s former chief priest, was the first to 
allow criminals into Ayodhya in order to establish his supremacy in the area,” 
says Vairagi Sadhu Ramanand. “Das set up his own math after he was expelled 
from Hanuman Garhi because of his criminal activities.” Adds another priest of 
the Hanuman Garhi temple, Gauri Shankar Das, “Tribhuvan is behind the murder of 
more than 100 sadhus.”

Arjun Das, the mahant of Ramcharitmanas Bhavan, alleges that all of Tribhuvan’s 
disciples have criminal background. “He made many disciples when he was in 
jail. They came to Ayodhya looking for him after being released,” he says. 
“Tribhuvan’s temple became a haven for criminals from Bihar.” Despite being 
accused in a number of criminal cases, Tribhuvan is still thriving in Ayodhya.

Several mahants of the Hanuman Garhi temple have been targets of violent 
attacks. In 1984, Hari Bhajan Das was shot dead by his own disciples. In 1992, 
Deen Bandhu Das was attacked several times and forced to relinquish his 
position and lead a life of anonymity in Ayodhya.

In 1995, Sadhu Naveen Das and his four accomplices murdered Mahant Ramagya Das 
in the temple premises. In 2005, two Naga sadhus hurled bombs at each other. In 
2010, sadhus Bajrang Das and Harbhajan Das were shot dead by an unknown 
assailant. The next year, Mahant Prahlad Das was shot dead by a gang of sadhus. 
Also known as “goonda baba”, Prahlad Das had a number of charges against him, 
including murder, and the Faizabad district administration had slapped the 
Goondas Act on him.

The head of the Ramjanmabhoomi Nyas, Nritya Gopal Das, is also accused of 
criminal activities. “This man is not a saint, but a land-grabber and a goon,” 
says a mahant on the condition of anonymity. “If he likes a piece of land, you 
have two options: either give him the

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?

2014-01-27 Thread authfriend
Or maybe it was Share and yourself having the "senior moments," mistakenly 
thinking Xeno had been seriously asking for "alternatives" to his medication 
rather than making an ironic point about jargon (jargon being the topic of the 
post, in which he was siding with Barry--of course--against the vile 
jargonistas on FFL).

 Xeno was a little nonplussed, I think, to find Share recommending aloe vera 
gel when she didn't know what his skin condition was nor what medication he was 
using for it, especially given that he hadn't intended to actually solicit 
alternative recommendations in the first place. Xeno certainly isn't the only 
person here to find some of Share's posts a bit, um, shall we say, disorienting.

 Sure Share, I guess we're all at the point where we might have a senior moment 
now and then.  Maybe that was what was going on with ol Xeno. A little 
crotchety maybe.  (-:

 For the record, I am very fond of Twinkies.  And although I don't care for 
clams, I do think they are cute. (-:
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 thanks, Steve. The thing is, I am rarely offended by anything Xeno says, even 
when he likened me to a Hostess Twinkie and a clam. It has to do with that 
mysterious element of writing called tone. I am almost always soothed by Xeno's 
tone. And I thought it was fun that he provided the chemical signature of the 
medicine he's using. I wish my posts were more to his liking but there we are!

 On Monday, January 27, 2014 6:55 AM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   Good point Anne.  And not only that, he was able to make his point in one 
short paragraph!  PTL!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 WTF?  Xeno, do you have a burr up your butt?  Chill out a little. You asked if 
someone had an "alternative" for treating your skin condition.  Share made 
friendly suggestion.  What's next, you gonna try to get her cited for 
practicing medicine without a license?  Lighten up dude!

 "It's just a chat room"!

 Who needs the lightening up, little Stevie? Let grandpa Xeno get a little 
riled, it's the most excited I've ever seen him.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Share, making a medical recommendation on the basis of what I said is rather 
risky don't you think? I did not mention the condition, just the chemical used 
to treat it, and it is used for a number of purposes. From a medical point of 
view, aloe vera has not been researched enough or well enough to come to any 
medically useful conclusions, though the cosmetic industry seems to have made 
it one of its poster child products.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Xeno, aloe vera gel...

 On Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:19 AM, "anartaxius@..."  wrote:
   Buck, I agree with Turq. Card's posts are in their own little world. Most of 
them are incomprehensible to me, including the request this thread is about. 
Card actually reduced the jargon a bit by putting a portion of his request in a 
slightly less technical form parenthetically, but it still did not help. Who 
else here transliterates Sanskrit or has such a grasp of language? Usually I 
have no way to even begin to respond to one of his posts. Some additional 
explanation plain words would be a big help as to what he is getting at. 

 And Buck, your posts are pretty jargon laden as well, besides being almost 
completely spam. Tell us what you think in your own words. Farmers are not 
noted for being abstract philosophers, they speak plain and simple. Do you post 
all that stuff so you look good to the thought police over there at MUM? On 
occasion you have posted some really interesting things that seem to represent 
what you think and feel that come across as natural, but most of the time, you 
do not do this, you sound more like a Jehovah's Witness proffering pre-canned 
quotes from Watchtower Magazine, so instead of making a worthwhile 
contribution, you are largely ignored. It's OK to quote things, but then tell 
us what you think about that, free of jargon, what it means to you, and perhaps 
how you would explain it to someone who never ever heard of TM or meditation in 
general. You do not learn what you are saying until you can spontaneously say 
it in your own words, and understand it on your own terms. Then, you have to 
learn how to say it to someone who has not gone through that process. It is 
really easy to fail at this.

 I have a slight skin condition, so right now I think I will go an apply a 
layer of (CH2)7(CO2H)2 to the affected area so that the proximal and distal 
surfaces of the application are minimised. Can anyone here recommend an 
alternative to this?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 My point, "Buck," since you seem to have missed it, is that a number of people 
-- especially Fairfielders -- have been living in a Jargon Bubble for so long 
that they no longer realize when they are speaking jargon. The

Re: [FairfieldLife] "The outside and the inside meet at the door" (It's NOT Buddhist mood-making :-)

2014-01-27 Thread Richard Williams
It's bigger on the inside.

On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 12:29 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

> Hagelin; Maharishi, what is that door ?
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2-I8FRYHUE
> (It's not Buddhist mood-making :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: The New Maharishi Effect: 10% Missing Pundits

2014-01-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Joe"  wrote:

Now THAT is an article we're not likely to see picked up and reprinted
on Global Good News. :-)

And isn't it fascinating to see the little detail no one here has ever
confirmed before, but that many have suspected. That is, the 10-15 year

Sounds a lot like "indentured servitude," doesn't it? You know, the
practice that was eliminated in the United States back in the early

Re: [FairfieldLife] Blah blah and blah blah of the blah-blah? (was Re: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?)

2014-01-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 1/26/2014 4:41 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
*/I can't help "translating" your question into Far Side-speak the way 
some of us hear it./*

> "Anyone know if blah blah uses exclusively the blah blah
> of the blah blah (blah blah of the blah blah)?"
Translated, this probably means something like: "I read over 200 books 
on the Cathars, but not a single book on the Gnostics." Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The New Maharishi Effect: 10% Missing Pundits

2014-01-27 Thread Michael Jackson
This is the full article from Hi India - more detailed than the al jazerra 
snipett - sordid stuff on the part of the TMO if true:

Vedic Pandits go 'missing' in US, reports Hi India
IANS  Chicago, January 26, 2014 | UPDATED 16:36 IST
In a shocking revelation, as many as 163 Indians, most of them brought to the 
US as teenagers from villages in northern India to be trained into Vedic 
Pandits by two institutions set up by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of transcendental 
meditation fame, appear to have gone missing over the last 12 months.

Of the 1,050 young Indians brought to the Maharishi Vedic City and the 
Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, 163 - some of them just 
19 years old - have gone missing in the last one year, Hi India, a 
Chicago-based weekly newspaper for the Indian community, reported in its latest 

Both the Vedic city and the university are owned by the late Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi's family. According to the report, the management running these places did 
not even care to trace the missing people.

Even the Global Country of World Peace (GCWP), one of the many teaching centres 
set up by the India-born spiritual guru, does not know about the plight or 
flight of these Vedic scholars called 'world peace professionals'.

"They have jumped the fence for immigration purposes or for chasing their 
American Dream," the newspaper quoted the varsity bosses as saying.

The GCWP runs a Vedic Pandit programme claiming to "bring about peace on earth 
where there will be no war".

Under the project to recruit Maharishi Vedic Pandits, publicity literature is 
distributed in Indian villages, mostly in Hindi speaking areas, among people 
living under the poverty line. Children are enrolled with the permission of 
their parents, who are promised that their wards would be given education up to 
12th standard, after which they would be turned into Pandits or masters of the 
art of Hindu religious rites and services.

After some 10 to 15 years, the qualified Pandits are supposed to have a choice 
to either remain with the organisation and make a living, or leave the centre 
and work outside on their own.

Investigations by Hi India have found that the kids of the programme, enrolled 
at the tender age of five years, were rarely provided education beyond fifth 
standard. After investigation by the newspaper, it came to light that these 
Vedic Pandits were brought to the US from India and were kept in makeshift 
trailer homes to be guarded by round-the-clock guards.

When contacted, most officials of the Maharishi's Fairfield complex refused to 
comment. Only one of them suggested that these students might have "run away 
for immigration purposes".

According to one Pandit, before the visa application at the US embassy in 
India, a contract is prepared and signed by the organization and the concerned 
Pandit for rules, regulations and compensation. The Pandits are initially sent 
to the US for two years, and thereafter, either their visa is extended for six 
more months or they are sent back and recalled for two more years.

According to the report, a contract is drafted in English but the copy is 
neither given to Pandits nor is it translated or explained to the fifth-grader 
emigrants who do not even understand English. The contract states that they 
will be given $50 compensation while in the US and another $150 in India. This 
$150 is not given on a monthly basis to the families of the Pandits but, 
rather, is considered as bond money.

"If the Pandit 'behaves well', his so-called compensation for two years is 
given to him or his family on his return from the US. The contract is prepared 
in a way to obtain visa," the report said.

According to the newspaper, if the management of the Vedic City finds out that 
some Pandits are desperate to leave the US, a mock travel plan is chalked out 
and the Pandits are taken in a van to Chicago's O'Hare airport and dropped at 
the entry gate. After asking them to wait till the aircraft arrives while the 
van driver goes around and comes back in a short while.

According to one Pandit who was about to flee, "some of the strong-willed 
Pandits run away from the airport for better prospects and the rest of them are 
picked up by the driver and taken back to the Vedic City".

According to sources in the Indian consulate in Chicago, in a situation where 
an Indian passport holder is considered or presumed gone missing and his 
passport is left behind, it has to be returned immediately to the nearest 
Indian mission which has to also be informed about the circumstances in which 
the Indian citizen went missing.

The Chicago consulate, however, says the GCWP has never returned or deposited 
any passport and neither has it shared any missing person information. 
According the sheriff's department and police department of Fairfield, Iowa, no 
missing person report has ever been filed by the GCWP.

Read more at: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread doctordumbass
OK, I am glad you enjoyed your nasty tidbit, at my expense, or so you think. 

 Yeah, I've embarrassed the hell out of myself more times than I can count. But 
it sure beats the alternative, as you amply demonstrate.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... wrote:
> correction: I am pointing out that the mistake of thinking that 
> non-attachment, and other full-blown symptoms, as I call them, of 
> Enlightenment, can be consciously learned, and that to pretend to do so, is 
> injurious, and a waste of time. Your behavior is a perfect example. 

 No problem. You're just not attached to being able to spell.  It's a little 
like your non-attachment to being able to count, back when we still had posting 
limits. You were, after all, the FFL poster who spent the most time on the I 
Have No Self Control bench.  :-)

 > ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote: 
> I am pointing out that the mistake of thinking that non-attachment, and other 
> full-blown symptoms, as I call them, of Enlightenment, cannot be consciously 
> learned, and that to pretend to do so, is injurious, and a waste of time. 
> Your behavior is a perfect example. 
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@ wrote: 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ wrote: 
> > 
> > "If spiritual masters were regulated by the advertising standards authority 
> > wouldn't they be fined for their false promises of "bliss consciousness"?" 
> > 
> > If anything, they should be fined, for, on the one hand, holding out the 
> > promise of "bliss consciousness", and, on the other, failing to provide a 
> > technique to establish such a state. Without the technique, it is like a 
> > bunch of Buddhists running around, talking about "non-attachment", while 
> > reflecting, "Noggin-attachment", instead. 
> > 
> > There is such hunger in the world for spiritual progress, yet 99.999% of 
> > the 'teachers' on the subject, have no clue. 
> But *I* do, which is why you should pay attention to *ME* and what *I* say, 
> rather than these know-nothings. Especially if they represent 2500-year-old 
> Buddhist traditions rather than the slightly-over-50-year-old "tradition" 
> established by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi when he made up the technique of 
> Transcendental Meditation out of whole cloth. 
> Besides, you should believe *ME*, because I'm so bloody *special*, having 
> realized the full potential of this slightly-over-50-year-old "tradition," 
> and thus being more enlightened than you are. *I* am the one you should pay 
> attention to, because...uh...well...I deserve it. *I* will tell you the TRUTH 
> about which techniques are effective (even though I've never been trained in 
> how to teach any of them) and will tell you *better* than any of these other 
> 99.999% of "teachers" (even though I've never been one, and wouldn't even 
> know how to *begin* to teach TM, much less any other form of meditation). 
> So yeah, that's the ticket. Don't believe what any of these (spit) Buddhists 
> say. Believe *ME* because...uh...well...because I *want* you to. The more 
> people like you who focus on me and believe the stuff I say, even though I've 
> never had any training in anything I say, the better off you'll be. Because 
> *I* know the TRUTH, and 99.999% of the spiritual "teachers" in the world 
> don't. Besides, *I* am humble about how incredibly special and highly evolved 
> *I* am, and (spit) they aren't. 
> Did I capture what you were trying to say adequately, Jimbo? :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?

2014-01-27 Thread authfriend
Well, you know, Little Stevie, if I thought you were actually referring to 
something real, I'd ask you for specific examples. But I know you don't do 
examples when you make accusations.

 So instead I'll just chuckle at your attempt to suggest that evil old Xeno was 
hoping to trick his readers into taking him seriously, rather than simply 
acknowledging that you and Share fucked up (Share because no opportunity for 
her to make a post, relevant or otherwise, is to be passed up, and you because 
Share must AT ALL COSTS be protected from her own helplessness).

 This was one of your more elaborate and imaginative evasions of 
accountability, Little Stevie. And believe me, Share is so appreciative. In any 
case, put an asterisk beside it; you may be able to adapt it for future use.

 You know what Judy, that could well be the case.  But I've got to say, between 
you and Robin, (especially Robin), you've got that little trait down. Appearing 
to make something appear as though it's serious, when it actually irony and 

 You (and Robin) would typically leave both options open depending on which you 
felt could cause the maximum amount of (attempted) humiliation of whomever you 
were sparring with.

 Just sayin...

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Or maybe it was Share and yourself having the "senior moments," mistakenly 
thinking Xeno had been seriously asking for "alternatives" to his medication 
rather than making an ironic point about jargon (jargon being the topic of the 
post, in which he was siding with Barry--of course--against the vile 
jargonistas on FFL).

 Xeno was a little nonplussed, I think, to find Share recommending aloe vera 
gel when she didn't know what his skin condition was nor what medication he was 
using for it, especially given that he hadn't intended to actually solicit 
alternative recommendations in the first place. Xeno certainly isn't the only 
person here to find some of Share's posts a bit, um, shall we say, disorienting.

 Sure Share, I guess we're all at the point where we might have a senior moment 
now and then.  Maybe that was what was going on with ol Xeno. A little 
crotchety maybe.  (-:

 For the record, I am very fond of Twinkies.  And although I don't care for 
clams, I do think they are cute. (-:
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 thanks, Steve. The thing is, I am rarely offended by anything Xeno says, even 
when he likened me to a Hostess Twinkie and a clam. It has to do with that 
mysterious element of writing called tone. I am almost always soothed by Xeno's 
tone. And I thought it was fun that he provided the chemical signature of the 
medicine he's using. I wish my posts were more to his liking but there we are!

 On Monday, January 27, 2014 6:55 AM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   Good point Anne.  And not only that, he was able to make his point in one 
short paragraph!  PTL!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 WTF?  Xeno, do you have a burr up your butt?  Chill out a little. You asked if 
someone had an "alternative" for treating your skin condition.  Share made 
friendly suggestion.  What's next, you gonna try to get her cited for 
practicing medicine without a license?  Lighten up dude!

 "It's just a chat room"!

 Who needs the lightening up, little Stevie? Let grandpa Xeno get a little 
riled, it's the most excited I've ever seen him.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Share, making a medical recommendation on the basis of what I said is rather 
risky don't you think? I did not mention the condition, just the chemical used 
to treat it, and it is used for a number of purposes. From a medical point of 
view, aloe vera has not been researched enough or well enough to come to any 
medically useful conclusions, though the cosmetic industry seems to have made 
it one of its poster child products.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Xeno, aloe vera gel...

 On Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:19 AM, "anartaxius@..."  wrote:
   Buck, I agree with Turq. Card's posts are in their own little world. Most of 
them are incomprehensible to me, including the request this thread is about. 
Card actually reduced the jargon a bit by putting a portion of his request in a 
slightly less technical form parenthetically, but it still did not help. Who 
else here transliterates Sanskrit or has such a grasp of language? Usually I 
have no way to even begin to respond to one of his posts. Some additional 
explanation plain words would be a big help as to what he is getting at. 

 And Buck, your posts are pretty jargon laden as well, besides being almost 
completely spam. Tell us what you think in your own words. Farmers are not 
noted for being abstract philosophers, they speak plain and simple. Do you post 
all that stuff so you look good to the thought police over there at MUM? On 
occasion you have posted som

[FairfieldLife] In Memorium, Mary Iber

2014-01-27 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Memorial notice on the bulletin board in the Dome this morning,
 Mary Iber passed away recently. Memorial service at the Liberal Catholic Church
 in Fairfield, Ia. on Feb 1st, 10:00am
 Coming early with the meditator settlement of Fairfield, Iowa  Mary Iber was 
also of the founding meditator members of the Liberal Catholic Church in 
 !Jai Mary Iber!

Re: [FairfieldLife] such a bad omen

2014-01-27 Thread Mike Dixon
God is trying to tell you something! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M63_62xVo7c

On Monday, January 27, 2014 6:08 AM, Mike Dixon  wrote:
Saw that the other day! My exact thoughts, bad omen.The Pope releases doves 
from his window and they are attacked by a seagull and a crow.

On Sunday, January 26, 2014 12:40 PM, "sri...@ymail.com"  

seagull  - rahu

crow  - saturn   


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Challenge for Buck and The TMO

2014-01-27 Thread Michael Jackson
So prove it. The TMO has billions, and there are supposedly 8,000 flyers in 
Latin America.

Let the TMO fly all 8,000, plus all world peace minded Americans and Canadians 
and Europeans (I'm sure Neal Patterson would love to join in from Canada if the 
TMO would pay his way)

Plus there should be a butt load of flyers and yagya chanters already over in 
India - the numbers should be a snap to achieve - just send 'em to Ayodha and 
see what happens. I am willing to believe IF I see real results.

The Movement has the money and the flyers - come on King Tony and Big Bopper 
Bevan, put your money and your flyers where your mouth is. 

On Mon, 1/27/14, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Challenge for Buck and The TMO
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, January 27, 2014, 4:04 PM
 Unfortunately the recent Invincible Assembly failed to
proper numbers to credibly research the effect of advanced
meditation at the square root of one percent level.  The
assembly collapsed and failed before the square root
could be definitively proven statistically in repeatable
method.  It was close but the data could not be
the Assembly failed and collapsed because spiritually
anti-science people with no vision did not show up to help
 for some small
selfish reasons and the administration of the course
 guidelines in
place at the time retarded the aggregate number of people
 who could come to
meditate in a group.  That is history now and all we
 are saying here is, let's give peace
a chance. 
 The science thus far is quite
 evident around peace-making  by a practice of deploying
 transcending meditation as a scientific
practice. We are waiting for public policy to catch up and
 support this and people
like you to re-group of good
 sense.Firm as a
-Buck in the Dome  

 Mjackson74 writes:
 Ok Buck, you are
 convinced that group practice of the TMSP will create world
 peace, so  I challenge you and the TMO to prove it. 
 Gather all the Purusha and other governors and siddhas
 willing to give it a go, get the biggest group of yogic
 flyers and throw in as many vedic pundits to chant yagyas
 all day long and send them to the city of Ayodha and see if
 a few weeks of TMSP and Maharishi Brand yagyas will in any
 way ameliorate the situation described in this article.
 Let's see the proof in the pudding. If TMSP and the
 Marshy Effect is as potent and powerful as you and the TMO
 claim, the hoods, thugs, criminals and arms dealers in
 Ayodha should be running for the hills in a week or two.
 Let's see it. If that happens, I'll recant and
 become the Lynch Foundation's poster boy.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The New Maharishi Effect: 10% Missing Pundits

2014-01-27 Thread TurquoiseB
I simply cannot wait to see how the TM and TMO apologists here deal with
this, and try to make excuses for it. Items I'd like to see them deal
with are highlighted in red below.

Can you say "We told you so?" We did, many times here on FFL. You didn't

The most fascinating part for me is that because of the "delayed
payment" scam, it is likely that the GCWP has ever paid out a single
penny of the $150 per month payments promised to the parents of these
runaway kids. And never will. That's a scheme that Maharishi himself
would have been proud of thinking up. Maybe he did.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> This is the full article from Hi India - more detailed than the al
jazerra snipett - sordid stuff on the part of the TMO if true:
> Vedic Pandits go 'missing' in US, reports Hi India
> IANS  Chicago, January 26, 2014 | UPDATED 16:36 IST
> In a shocking revelation, as many as 163 Indians, most of them brought
to the US as teenagers from villages in northern India to be trained
into Vedic Pandits by two institutions set up by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
of transcendental meditation fame, appear to have gone missing over the
last 12 months.
> Of the 1,050 young Indians brought to the Maharishi Vedic City and the
Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, 163 - some of
them just 19 years old - have gone missing in the last one year, Hi
India, a Chicago-based weekly newspaper for the Indian community,
reported in its latest issue.
> Both the Vedic city and the university are owned by the late Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi's family. According to the report, the management running
these places did not even care to trace the missing people.
> Even the Global Country of World Peace (GCWP), one of the many
teaching centres set up by the India-born spiritual guru, does not know
about the plight or flight of these Vedic scholars called 'world peace
> "They have jumped the fence for immigration purposes or for chasing
their American Dream," the newspaper quoted the varsity bosses as
> The GCWP runs a Vedic Pandit programme claiming to "bring about peace
on earth where there will be no war".
> Under the project to recruit Maharishi Vedic Pandits, publicity
literature is distributed in Indian villages, mostly in Hindi speaking
areas, among people living under the poverty line. Children are enrolled
with the permission of their parents, who are promised that their wards
would be given education up to 12th standard, after which they would be
turned into Pandits or masters of the art of Hindu religious rites and
> After some 10 to 15 years, the qualified Pandits are supposed to have
a choice to either remain with the organisation and make a living, or
leave the centre and work outside on their own.
> Investigations by Hi India have found that the kids of the programme,
enrolled at the tender age of five years, were rarely provided education
beyond fifth standard. After investigation by the newspaper, it came to
light that these Vedic Pandits were brought to the US from India and
were kept in makeshift trailer homes to be guarded by round-the-clock
> When contacted, most officials of the Maharishi's Fairfield complex
refused to comment. Only one of them suggested that these students might
have "run away for immigration purposes".
> According to one Pandit, before the visa application at the US embassy
in India, a contract is prepared and signed by the organization and the
concerned Pandit for rules, regulations and compensation. The Pandits
are initially sent to the US for two years, and thereafter, either their
visa is extended for six more months or they are sent back and recalled
for two more years.
> According to the report, a contract is drafted in English but the copy
is neither given to Pandits nor is it translated or explained to the
fifth-grader emigrants who do not even understand English. The contract
states that they will be given $50 compensation while in the US and
another $150 in India. This $150 is not given on a monthly basis to the
families of the Pandits but, rather, is considered as bond money.
> "If the Pandit 'behaves well', his so-called compensation for two
years is given to him or his family on his return from the US. The
contract is prepared in a way to obtain visa," the report said.
> According to the newspaper, if the management of the Vedic City finds
out that some Pandits are desperate to leave the US, a mock travel plan
is chalked out and the Pandits are taken in a van to Chicago's O'Hare
airport and dropped at the entry gate. After asking them to wait till
the aircraft arrives while the van driver goes around and comes back in
a short while.
> According to one Pandit who was about to flee, "some of the
strong-willed Pandits run away from the airport for better prospects and
the rest of them are picked up by the driver and taken back to the Vedic
> According to sources in th

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The New Maharishi Effect: 10% Missing Pundits

2014-01-27 Thread Michael Jackson
I agree with what you say.

I understand the attitude of the MUM folks not wanting to look for the missing 
pundits in training - its just like their attitude towards everyone else - if 
you aren't working for us, making money for us or giving us good free PR we 
don't give a crap about you.

The thing I can't figure out is why they recruit the boys to start with. It 
takes some money to feed,m house and transport them to the US - the only money 
I know of are the ongoing solicitations from Hagelin and other TMO big shots to 
give money to bring the pundits over here, and I know they claim it takes a 
couple million to do that. But aside from that, I don't see how it benefits the 
TMO to keep recruiting the boys.

On Mon, 1/27/14, TurquoiseB  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The New Maharishi Effect: 10% Missing Pundits
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, January 27, 2014, 4:47 PM
 I simply cannot wait to see how
 the TM and TMO apologists here deal with this, and try to
 make excuses for it. Items I'd like to see them deal
 with are highlighted in red below.
 Can you say "We told you so?" We did, many times
 here on FFL. You didn't listen.
 The most fascinating part for me is that because of the
 "delayed payment" scam, it is likely that the GCWP
 has ever paid out a single penny of the $150 per
 month payments promised to the parents of these runaway
 kids. And never will. That's a scheme that Maharishi
 himself would have been proud of thinking up. Maybe he did.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson 
 > This is the full article from Hi India - more detailed
 than the al jazerra snipett - sordid stuff on the part of
 the TMO if true:
 > Vedic Pandits go 'missing' in US, reports Hi
 > IANS  Chicago, January 26, 2014 | UPDATED 16:36 IST
 > In a shocking revelation, as many as 163 Indians, most
 of them brought to the US as teenagers from villages in
 northern India to be trained into Vedic Pandits by two
 institutions set up by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of
 transcendental meditation fame, appear to have gone missing
 over the last 12 months.
 > Of the 1,050 young Indians brought to the Maharishi
 Vedic City and the Maharishi University of Management in
 Fairfield, Iowa, 163 - some of them just 19 years old - have
 gone missing in the last one year, Hi India, a Chicago-based
 weekly newspaper for the Indian community, reported in its
 latest issue.
 > Both the Vedic city and the university are owned by the
 late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's family. According to the
 report, the management running
 these places did not even care to trace the missing
 > Even the Global Country of
 World Peace (GCWP), one of the many teaching centres set up
 by the India-born spiritual guru, does not know about the
 plight or flight of these Vedic scholars called 'world
 peace professionals'.
 > "They have jumped the fence for immigration
 purposes or for chasing their American Dream," the
 newspaper quoted the varsity bosses as saying.
 > The GCWP runs a Vedic Pandit programme claiming to
 "bring about peace on earth where there will be no
 > Under the project to recruit Maharishi Vedic Pandits,
 publicity literature is distributed
 in Indian villages, mostly in Hindi speaking areas, among
 people living under the poverty line. Children
 are enrolled with the permission of their parents, who are promised that their 
wards would be
 given education up to 12th standard, after which
 they would be turned into Pandits or masters of the art of
 Hindu religious rites and services.
 > After some 10 to 15
 years, the qualified Pandits are supposed to
 have a choice to either remain with the organisation and
 make a living, or leave the centre and work outside on their
 > Investigations by Hi India
 have found that the kids of the programme, enrolled at the
 tender age of five years, were rarely provided education
 beyond fifth standard. After investigation by the
 newspaper, it came to light that these Vedic Pandits
 were brought to the US from India
 and were kept in makeshift trailer homes to be guarded by
 round-the-clock guards.
 > When contacted, most officials
 of the Maharishi's Fairfield complex refused to
 comment. Only one of them suggested that these
 students might have "run away for immigration
 > According to one Pandit, before the visa application at
 the US embassy in India, a contract
 is prepared and signed by the organization and the concerned
 Pandit for rules, regulations and compensation.
 The Pandits are initially sent to the US for two years, and
 thereafter, either their visa is extended for six more
 months or they are sent back and recalled for two more
 > According to the report, a
 contract is drafted in English but the copy is neither given

[FairfieldLife] Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread Bhairitu
Question of the day: how do you know you exist?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread anartaxius
Brahman Consciousness:

 waking sleeping dreaming waking sleeping dreaming waking sleeping dreaming 
waking sleeping dreaming waking sleeping dreaming waking sleeping dreaming 
waking sleeping dreaming waking sleeping dreaming waking sleeping dreaming 
waking sleeping dreaming waking sleeping dreaming waking sleeping dreaming 
waking sleeping dreaming waking sleeping dreaming waking sleeping dreaming 
waking sleeping dreaming waking sleeping dreaming...
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... wrote:
> "If spiritual masters were regulated by the advertising standards authority 
> wouldn't they be fined for their false promises of "bliss consciousness"?" 
> If anything, they should be fined, for, on the one hand, holding out the 
> promise of "bliss consciousness", and, on the other, failing to provide a 
> technique to establish such a state. Without the technique, it is like a 
> bunch of Buddhists running around, talking about "non-attachment", while 
> reflecting, "Noggin-attachment", instead. 
> There is such hunger in the world for spiritual progress, yet 99.999% of the 
> 'teachers' on the subject, have no clue. 

 But *I* do, which is why you should pay attention to *ME* and what *I* say, 
rather than these know-nothings. Especially if they represent 2500-year-old 
Buddhist traditions rather than the slightly-over-50-year-old "tradition" 
established by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi when he made up the technique of 
Transcendental Meditation out of whole cloth. 

Besides, you should believe *ME*, because I'm so bloody *special*, having 
realized the full potential of this slightly-over-50-year-old "tradition," and 
thus being more enlightened than you are. *I* am the one you should pay 
attention to, because...uh...well...I deserve it. *I* will tell you the TRUTH 
about which techniques are effective (even though I've never been trained in 
how to teach any of them) and will tell you *better* than any of these other 
99.999% of "teachers" (even though I've never been one, and wouldn't even know 
how to *begin* to teach TM, much less any other form of meditation). 

So yeah, that's the ticket. Don't believe what any of these (spit) Buddhists 
say. Believe *ME* because...uh...well...because I *want* you to. The more 
people like you who focus on me and believe the stuff I say, even though I've 
never had any training in anything I say, the better off you'll be. Because *I* 
know the TRUTH, and 99.999% of the spiritual "teachers" in the world don't. 
Besides, *I* am humble about how incredibly special and highly evolved *I* am, 
and (spit) they aren't. 

Did I capture what you were trying to say adequately, Jimbo?  :-)

[FairfieldLife] RE: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread salyavin808

 "Question of the day: how do you know you exist?"


 I typed this.

[FairfieldLife] NSA Propaganda for kids

2014-01-27 Thread Bhairitu
Check out the NSA's "CryptoKids" website.

Unbelievable.  Want your kid working for the NSA?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Venture Capitalist Says "War" on the Rich Is Like Nazi Germany's War on the Jews

2014-01-27 Thread Bhairitu
You should know as well as I the 'tude of Silly Conned Valley folks.  In 
the 1980s most programmers I knew were not political at all. Sometime in 
the 1990s many decided it was time to get "political" and what did they 
pick? Libertarianism!  Barf!

On 01/26/2014 05:56 PM, doctordumb...@rocketmail.com wrote:

I have trouble believing he actually said that - It reads like satire, 
and yet, I know he is serious.

What a Bozo.
Interesting that a multi-Billionaire, who made his money from 
exploiting others, is now unhappy

that we don't all love him. Karma's a bitch.
I don't care if he fills swimming pools with his money, and bathes in 
it - He can have it.
Beyond a reasonably comfortable life, money is such an illusion, such 
an addiction.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

In a letter to the Wall Street Journal, Tom Perkins makes the worst 
historical analogy you will read for a long, long time.

Read More:

What an ass snob.  People like this are asking for it and it will end 
badly for them.  And I will stand by and enjoy the "holocaust" they so 
*richly* deserve.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread Bhairitu

What is the "I"?

On 01/27/2014 09:38 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

"Question of the day: how do you know you exist?"

I typed this.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The New Maharishi Effect: 10% Missing Pundits

2014-01-27 Thread Bhairitu

How ya gonna keep 'em down in Fairfield after they've seen TV?
(Might make a good song)

On 01/27/2014 07:52 AM, Joe wrote:


Re: [FairfieldLife] NSA Propaganda for kids

2014-01-27 Thread Michael Jackson
Yes! So they can be on the side of the winners!!!

You do realize NSA is now going to spy on all your e-mail since you are posting 
stuff that is critical of them. That's why I am giving a pro-NSA answer so they 
will put me on a list of those not to be put against the wall. 

On Mon, 1/27/14, Bhairitu  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] NSA Propaganda for kids
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, January 27, 2014, 5:50 PM
   Check out the NSA's "CryptoKids"
 Unbelievable.  Want your kid working for the NSA?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread doctordumbass
Its a damned good question - I have to have an identity, and a personality, in 
order to function. That doesn't automatically mean that I "own" it, or think of 
it as mine, yet, nonetheless, I am wholly responsible for how I act, and what I 

So my embarrassment comes about, when it does, when I miscalculate something, 
as I sometimes do, since I operate a lot without preconceptions, and hence, in 
uncharted territory. It is more a mechanism for self-correction, a practical 
thing, rather than leaning towards shame, which would occur if I were primarily 
dismayed by my actions, vs. my self-image. 

It is difficult for me to be more precise, so I'll leave it at that.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... wrote:
> OK, I am glad you enjoyed your nasty tidbit, at my expense, or so you think. 
> Yeah, I've embarrassed the hell out of myself more times than I can count. 
> But it sure beats the alternative, as you amply demonstrate. 

 Just as a question, how can embarrassment happen without attachment? If you 
have no self and no image of self to protect or defend, how can you possibly be 
embarrassed, no matter what it does?

 > ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@ wrote: 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ wrote: 
> > 
> > correction: I am pointing out that the mistake of thinking that 
> > non-attachment, and other full-blown symptoms, as I call them, of 
> > Enlightenment, can be consciously learned, and that to pretend to do so, is 
> > injurious, and a waste of time. Your behavior is a perfect example. 
> No problem. You're just not attached to being able to spell. It's a little 
> like your non-attachment to being able to count, back when we still had 
> posting limits. You were, after all, the FFL poster who spent the most time 
> on the I Have No Self Control bench. :-) 
> > ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote: 
> > 
> > I am pointing out that the mistake of thinking that non-attachment, and 
> > other full-blown symptoms, as I call them, of Enlightenment, cannot be 
> > consciously learned, and that to pretend to do so, is injurious, and a 
> > waste of time. Your behavior is a perfect example. 
> > 
> > ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@ wrote: 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ wrote: 
> > > 
> > > "If spiritual masters were regulated by the advertising standards 
> > > authority wouldn't they be fined for their false promises of "bliss 
> > > consciousness"?" 
> > > 
> > > If anything, they should be fined, for, on the one hand, holding out the 
> > > promise of "bliss consciousness", and, on the other, failing to provide a 
> > > technique to establish such a state. Without the technique, it is like a 
> > > bunch of Buddhists running around, talking about "non-attachment", while 
> > > reflecting, "Noggin-attachment", instead. 
> > > 
> > > There is such hunger in the world for spiritual progress, yet 99.999% of 
> > > the 'teachers' on the subject, have no clue. 
> > 
> > But *I* do, which is why you should pay attention to *ME* and what *I* say, 
> > rather than these know-nothings. Especially if they represent 2500-year-old 
> > Buddhist traditions rather than the slightly-over-50-year-old "tradition" 
> > established by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi when he made up the technique of 
> > Transcendental Meditation out of whole cloth. 
> > 
> > Besides, you should believe *ME*, because I'm so bloody *special*, having 
> > realized the full potential of this slightly-over-50-year-old "tradition," 
> > and thus being more enlightened than you are. *I* am the one you should pay 
> > attention to, because...uh...well...I deserve it. *I* will tell you the 
> > TRUTH about which techniques are effective (even though I've never been 
> > trained in how to teach any of them) and will tell you *better* than any of 
> > these other 99.999% of "teachers" (even though I've never been one, and 
> > wouldn't even know how to *begin* to teach TM, much less any other form of 
> > meditation). 
> > 
> > So yeah, that's the ticket. Don't believe what any of these (spit) 
> > Buddhists say. Believe *ME* because...uh...well...because I *want* you to. 
> > The more people like you who focus on me and believe the stuff I say, even 
> > though I've never had any training in anything I say, the better off you'll 
> > be. Because *I* know the TRUTH, and 99.999% of the spiritual "teachers" in 
> > the world don't. Besides, *I* am humble about how incredibly special and 
> > highly evolved *I* am, and (spit) they aren't. 
> > 
> > Did I capture what you were trying to say adequately, Jimbo? :-) 
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The New Maharishi Effect: 10% Missing Pundits

2014-01-27 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Why? Benefit?   Because when you look at the brain wave signatures of chanting 
the veda in sanskrit then the vedic chanting seems is a third technique along 
with TM and the TM-sidhis that demonstrates the global coherence of evident 
spirituality.   So, when it was recently not possible to bring westerners to 
the front to meditate in a large enough group then it was an obvious solution 
to the deficit Dome numbers to augment the group numbers by outsourcing to the 
pundit group. That was paid for and sustained by generous donations of 
high-minded people. It is a very large altruistic project with complex 
logistics and people in it playing out. The intent is good and there are a lot 
of hands involved. It ain't over yet. Aside from all that, this is about modern 
science and cultivating spirituality. Vedic Science. Get over it. -Buck 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I agree with what you say.
 I understand the attitude of the MUM folks not wanting to look for the missing 
pundits in training - its just like their attitude towards everyone else - if 
you aren't working for us, making money for us or giving us good free PR we 
don't give a crap about you.
 The thing I can't figure out is why they recruit the boys to start with. It 
takes some money to feed,m house and transport them to the US - the only money 
I know of are the ongoing solicitations from Hagelin and other TMO big shots to 
give money to bring the pundits over here, and I know they claim it takes a 
couple million to do that. But aside from that, I don't see how it benefits the 
TMO to keep recruiting the boys.
 On Mon, 1/27/14, TurquoiseB mailto:turquoiseb@...> wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The New Maharishi Effect: 10% Missing Pundits
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, January 27, 2014, 4:47 PM


 I simply cannot wait to see how
 the TM and TMO apologists here deal with this, and try to
 make excuses for it. Items I'd like to see them deal
 with are highlighted in red below.
 Can you say "We told you so?" We did, many times
 here on FFL. You didn't listen.
 The most fascinating part for me is that because of the
 "delayed payment" scam, it is likely that the GCWP
 has ever paid out a single penny of the $150 per
 month payments promised to the parents of these runaway
 kids. And never will. That's a scheme that Maharishi
 himself would have been proud of thinking up. Maybe he did.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
Michael Jackson 
 > This is the full article from Hi India - more detailed
 than the al jazerra snipett - sordid stuff on the part of
 the TMO if true:
 > Vedic Pandits go 'missing' in US, reports Hi
 > IANS Chicago, January 26, 2014 | UPDATED 16:36 IST
 > In a shocking revelation, as many as 163 Indians, most
 of them brought to the US as teenagers from villages in
 northern India to be trained into Vedic Pandits by two
 institutions set up by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of
 transcendental meditation fame, appear to have gone missing
 over the last 12 months.
 > Of the 1,050 young Indians brought to the Maharishi
 Vedic City and the Maharishi University of Management in
 Fairfield, Iowa, 163 - some of them just 19 years old - have
 gone missing in the last one year, Hi India, a Chicago-based
 weekly newspaper for the Indian community, reported in its
 latest issue.
 > Both the Vedic city and the university are owned by the
 late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's family. According to the
 report, the management running
 these places did not even care to trace the missing
 > Even the Global Country of
 World Peace (GCWP), one of the many teaching centres set up
 by the India-born spiritual guru, does not know about the
 plight or flight of these Vedic scholars called 'world
 peace professionals'.
 > "They have jumped the fence for immigration
 purposes or for chasing their American Dream," the
 newspaper quoted the varsity bosses as saying.
 > The GCWP runs a Vedic Pandit programme claiming to
 "bring about peace on earth where there will be no
 > Under the project to recruit Maharishi Vedic Pandits,
 publicity literature is distributed
 in Indian villages, mostly in Hindi speaking areas, among
 people living under the poverty line. Children
 are enrolled with the permission of their parents, who are promised that their 
wards would be
 given education up to 12th standard, after which
 they would be turned into Pandits or masters of the art of
 Hindu religious rites and services.
 > After some 10 to 15
 years, the qualified Pandits are supposed to
 have a choice to either remain with the organisation and
 make a living, or leave the centre and work outside on their
 > Investigations by Hi India
 have found that the kids of the programme, enrolled at the
 tender age of fiv

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About Ayerveda

2014-01-27 Thread doctordumbass
Thanks - it was on the other forum. Know thy audience.:-)


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Doc, glad you enjoyed your description so much. From my side it was just an 
abbreviation of Funny Farm Loungers. 

PS I'm still recuperating from your utterance, not sure if it was here or on 
*that other* forum: 
Unity sucks! 

 On Monday, January 27, 2014 9:57 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   Hi Share, this cracked me up, only because I don't think I've seen this 
description before, of the guys on here:

"...you want comments only from the male loungers?" 


 The picture that formed, was a bunch of louts and touts, with slicked back 
hair, and shiny shirts, slouching all over the furniture, in the lobby of a 
cheezy hotel -- making noise, harassing the guests, and maybe you're 
description is not so far off, after all - lol



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Richard, by *guys* do you mean you want comments only from the male loungers? 
Anyway, I like ayurveda principles a lot. And have gotten good results with 
Chinese herbs. Go figure (-:

 On Monday, January 27, 2014 9:22 AM, Richard Williams  wrote:
 > Terrific song, fabulous musical.
 Thanks for all the information about the song from Guy's and Dolls. Do you 
guys have any comments to make about MMY's Ayerveda?

 On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 12:28 PM, mailto:authfriend@...> wrote:
   Terrific song, fabulous musical. Too bad the movie version wasn't so hot 
(Brando gave it his best shot, but...). At least they kept Stubby Kaye and 
Vivian Blaine from the original cast.

 Every time I hear the word "equipoise" I think of this song from "Guys and 

Part of the lyric is about a horse where the actor sings "He says his great 
grandfather was Equipoise".














[FairfieldLife] Re: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Question of the day: how do you know you exist?

My Descartesian answer: I post obvious trollbait, and some people are so
stupid and so attached as to get their hot buttons pushed by it and feel
that they "have" to reply.  :-) :-) :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808  wrote:
>  "Question of the day: how do you know you exist?"
>  I typed this.

Typed what?


Re: [FairfieldLife] NSA Propaganda for kids

2014-01-27 Thread Richard Williams
Forget Google Maps - they know every move you make by monitoring Google
Earth at your street level. If they really need to know what you are up to
they just take over your desktop web cam and/or your mobile phone camera
without you even knowing it. You car has GPS inside it and your IP adress
is known from your most recent posting to a social networking site. You can
run but you cannot hide.

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 12:16 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:

> Yes! So they can be on the side of the winners!!!
> You do realize NSA is now going to spy on all your e-mail since you are
> posting stuff that is critical of them. That's why I am giving a pro-NSA
> answer so they will put me on a list of those not to be put against the
> wall.
> On Mon, 1/27/14, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] NSA Propaganda for kids
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Monday, January 27, 2014, 5:50 PM
> Check out the NSA's "CryptoKids"
> website.
> http://www.nsa.gov/kids/
> Unbelievable. Want your kid working for the NSA?

[FairfieldLife] RE: The New Maharishi Effect: 10% Missing Pundits

2014-01-27 Thread jr_esq
These young boys are like students who enter a Roman Catholic seminary.   Many 
of those students do not finish their studies or if they did, do not become 

Re: [FairfieldLife] NSA Propaganda for kids

2014-01-27 Thread Bhairitu
No, the NSA put out a memo to employees not to read my emails anymore 
after they found employees asleep at their desks trying read them.

Besides they're more concerned about the alleged human trafficking at 
Vedic City.

On 01/27/2014 10:16 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

Yes! So they can be on the side of the winners!!!

You do realize NSA is now going to spy on all your e-mail since you 
are posting stuff that is critical of them. That's why I am giving a 
pro-NSA answer so they will put me on a list of those not to be put 
against the wall.

On Mon, 1/27/14, Bhairitu  wrote:

Subject: [FairfieldLife] NSA Propaganda for kids
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, January 27, 2014, 5:50 PM

Check out the NSA's "CryptoKids"


Unbelievable. Want your kid working for the NSA?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru training text

2014-01-27 Thread TVIV
Thanks for that, Share. That is a good source. I spoke with my friend who said 
that wasn't it though. She said that the (former?) moderator of the list, Tom, 
was in on the conversation about it a while back.

Any other ideas anyone?



Sun Jan 26, 2014 1:49 pm(PST). Posted by: 
"Share Long" sharelong60  
Kundalini Vidya  by Joan Harrigan
http://kundalinicar e.com/

On Sunday, January 26, 2014 2:27 PM, TVIV  wrote:

Hi Everyone,

A friend of mine who was on this list for a few years said that she remembered 
a text being discussed here that was, in essence, a kind of training manual for 
spiritual teachers. From a guru's guru, so to speak. It included examples of 
various ways kundalini could rise (and the different challenges that can come 
depending on the condition of nadis, chakras, etc.) and ways to work with that 
via pranayama and a host of other means. So: not a text on how to raise 
kundalini, but a text on the what to do afterwards for various types of people, 
on into the advanced stages, years after the process is underway.

Thank you!


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About Ayerveda

2014-01-27 Thread Richard Williams
Apparently there are a few guys that understand that diet means anything
you take in, whether mental or physical. To most gals this is probably a
given: you are what you eat and you are what you think. If a person lives
in a food desert the last thing they will be thinking about is being on a
diet of any kind - you just take what you can get.

We know this artist fellow and his wife who live down the street from us.
They are on a special diet but to them it's just a natural way of living.
They went off dairy several years ago and these days they eat only organic
food they buy at Whole Foods or at Central Market. They are eating organic
vegetables and fruits and only whole grains they buy in bulk such as brown
rice, lentils and beans. It sounds real sensible to me. Go figure.

In Indian mythology Lord Dhanvantari was the Physician to the Gods. He was
originally a Sun God, and prominent in the Vedas. Dhanvantari was
identified as the carrier of 'ambrosia' from the primeval ocean and as the
teacher of medicine to mankind. Dhanvantari is the god of health care - the
17th incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

[image: Inline image 2]


Dhanvantari's appearance is celebrated each year on the 13th day
(trayodasi) of the waxing moon a few days before the Divali. Lord
Dhanvantari's teachings are recorded in the Agni Purana 279-289 as well as
through the teachings of his disciple Susrutha. The Bhagavatam states
"smrta-matrarti-nasanah" which translated means "One who remembers the name
of Dhanvantari can be released from all disease."

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 9:34 AM, Share Long  wrote:

> Richard, by *guys* do you mean you want comments only from the male
> loungers? Anyway, I like ayurveda principles a lot. And have gotten good
> results with Chinese herbs. Go figure (-:
>   On Monday, January 27, 2014 9:22 AM, Richard Williams <
> pundits...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  authfriend:
> > Terrific song, fabulous musical.
> >
> Thanks for all the information about the song from Guy's and Dolls. Do you
> guys have any comments to make about MMY's Ayerveda?
> On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 12:28 PM,  wrote:
>  *Terrific song, fabulous musical. Too bad the movie version wasn't so
> hot (Brando gave it his best shot, but...). At least they kept Stubby Kaye
> and Vivian Blaine from the original cast.*
> Every time I hear the word "equipoise" I think of this song from "Guys and
> Dolls".
> Part of the lyric is about a horse where the actor sings "He says his
> great grandfather was Equipoise".
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6djgavbp7c
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equipoise_%28horse%29

[FairfieldLife] Re: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu wrote:
> Question of the day: how do you know you exist?

 My Descartesian answer: I post obvious trollbait, and some people are so 
stupid and so attached as to get their hot buttons pushed by it and feel that 
they "have" to reply.  :-) :-) :-) 

Now here is a man with a real direction in his life. Sit by the computer and 
decide how to post really important and thoughtful things on the internet. 
You're a real "catch"  Bawyy.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Challenge for Buck and The TMO

2014-01-27 Thread dhamiltony2k5
First off, praying is different than activating the unified field in the human 
physiology with transcending meditation. The science says so. Second I'd like 
to see that many, the square root of one percent, meditators in a place 
meditating too. The science is pretty clear that this should be good public 
policy everywhere. Trying to contend that it does not work because it has not 
been done is a silly position to start with. 
 Thirdly, In the meantime RW's advice is quite good. “By making changes in your 
individual consciousness you could be lighting up the whole world.” Yes, 
certainly take quiet time with a transcending meditation where you are. It is 
well recognized by science now that one percent of a population meditating 
changes things for good. The square toot of one percent practicing advanced 
meditation or chanting sanskrit are hypothesis waiting still to be researched 
further. Everything thus far demonstrates that aggregate numbers and proximity 
do matter to peace. Based on that it is time for people to meditate in a nearby 
group. Like the Quakers have long known and done. -Buck in the Dome 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 > Let's see the proof in the pudding.
 There's already about a billion people over there in India that are praying 
every day, so obviously a lack of meditators is not the problem. And anyway 
it's not your problem. What you should be concerned about is your own guns and 
and your own practice, or lack of it. 

 By making changes in your individual consciousness you could be lighting up 
the whole world. Change in society begins with individual success in creating 
peace - it's not a matter of proximity - just sit down a few times a day and 
radiate peace to everyone in the world. 

 Other than that, you should just try to live a life causing nobody any harm. 

 It's that simple.


 On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 8:31 AM, Michael Jackson mailto:mjackson74@...> wrote:
   Ok Buck, you are convinced that group practice of the TMSP will create world 
peace, so I challenge you and the TMO to prove it. 
 Gather all the Purusha and other governors and siddhas willing to give it a 
go, get the biggest group of yogic flyers and throw in as many vedic pundits to 
chant yagyas all day long and send them to the city of Ayodha and see if a few 
weeks of TMSP and Maharishi Brand yagyas will in any way ameliorate the 
situation described in this article. Let's see the proof in the pudding. If 
TMSP and the Marshy Effect is as potent and powerful as you and the TMO claim, 
the hoods, thugs, criminals and arms dealers in Ayodha should be running for 
the hills in a week or two. Let's see it. If that happens, I'll recant and 
become the Lynch Foundation's poster boy.


Re: [FairfieldLife] such a bad omen

2014-01-27 Thread Mike Dixon
Well, the Osprey would have meant that Seattle was going to win. Thank God a 
wild Mustang didn't come into the picture!< Now, seagulls represent Mormons and 
the Ravens, Baltimore football fans.I guess Baltimore is going to draft 
somebody out of Brigham Young who is going to *F*-up the peace within the NFL. 
That is the significance of a seagull and raven attacking the doves. No 
justice, no peace!

On Monday, January 27, 2014 7:39 AM, "doctordumb...@rocketmail.com" 
Can you even *imagine* if the attacking birds had been, an osprey, and a raven 
(osprey = dust bunny, raven = Planet Hollywood)?? I shudder to think. 
Cosmically, we got off easy...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

Saw that the other day! My exact thoughts, bad omen.The Pope releases doves 
from his window and they are attacked by a seagull and a crow.

On Sunday, January 26, 2014 12:40 PM, "srijau@..."  wrote:

seagull  - rahu

crow  - saturn   


[FairfieldLife] Predator Bars

2014-01-27 Thread TurquoiseB
I'm laboring under a tremendous deadline this week. I have to produce
*all* of the Web content for a client for February *before* February. So
I have to finish about three times the number of articles, blogs, and
press releases for them as usual. To turn the pressure into fun, I
decided to try to not only make the deadline -- I *never* miss
deadlines, and haven't in over 35 years as a professional writer and
developer -- but to find some way to turn it into FUN. So I decided to
finish early.

I'm well on my way. Counting the number of pieces I have to write before
Friday, I have to write six 600-to-800-word blurbs for them every day.
Today I wrote nine. A good start, as they say, and as intended, it
turned my day into FUN, rather than a chore. So I went out to celebrate.

And so I find myself sitting here in a new bar for me in Leiden. It's
more upscale than many of the places I usually hang out, downright Dutch
1% to be honest. Probably as a result, it took me less than a minute of
scanning the room after I sat down at my corner table to figure out what
kind of a bar this was. It's a Predator Bar.

Be warned. The following is a cafe story that may not be in the *least*
spiritual, that only Michael may like, and that may have no redeeming

When many of you who saw the Subject line heard the term "Predator Bar,"
you probably had ideas form in your heads about what that term "meant."
Some of you probably thought of the hookup/swinger scene, and envisioned
hordes of predatory guys looking for love or whatever would pass for it
for only one night. The women are their prey. Or, if you're a gal who
frequented such establishments, just looking for nothing more than a
one-night stand yourself, you might have thought of hordes of horny
women looking the proverbial "a hard man is good to find." :-)

But that's not quite what I had in mind when I used the term "Predator
Bar." That term I made up when I was still living in Santa Fe but
commuting several days a week to my consulting gig near Detroit. During
this phase of the gig, I didn't actually live in Detroit but in a way
upscale suburb called Birmingham. Its residents were pretty much auto
executives and their trophy wives. It wasn't exactly my kinda place, but
it was occasionally entertaining.

This particular night, out for a night of entertainment with two of my
co-consultants on the assignment, I allowed them to drag me with them to
a bar there in Birmingham. These guys were far more talented than I was
as programmers, but I rocked at tech writing and training, so I was part
of their team. Anyway, they were both in their thirties, making
screamingly good money, full of hubris and ego and above all
testosterone, and hot to trot. I was in my fifties, making as much money
but with my testosterone levels somewhat brought into balance by the
passage of time. I had gotten over being "horny without an object" some
years back. Nowadays it really took the physical presence of an
attractive (and real) woman to get my yang up and get me thinking about
what it would be like to fuck her. These guys were younger, and more
testosterone-impaired; they would have fucked mud, and even imaginary

So we walk into this bar, and it's just *full* of attractive,
dressed-to-the-nines women. *Seriously* attractive women. They're
hanging out in small herds, but the herds are clearly not so exclusive
that guys feel reluctant to walk up and hit on them. And there is
hittin' on going down all around us. Pretty much every guy in the bar --
including me -- gets hit on several times during the evening.

My coworkers *loved* this place. They just couldn't *wait* to go back.
They kept raving for days about the attractiveness of the women, and how
hot they were. They even spoke about going back there and "looking for a
relationship," not just a one-night stand.

I was flabbergasted. Speechless. It had taken me less than the minute
after we walked in to nail this place as what it was, a Predator Bar.
And the prey were the *guys*, not the gals. It was a no-brainer. Almost
without exception, the guys in this bar were upscale, and made shitloads
of money. Almost without exception, the "hot" women in this bar were
not, and did not. They were there because they were from
some...uh...lesser area of Detroit and they'd heard that rich men hung
out in this bar. So they were there lookin' not for a one-night stand
but for a husband.

And it was not as if this was a lame strategy. From what I heard around
town when in Birmingham, many of its current residents (the trophy
wives) had met their future husbands at this bar.

When I floated this idea of Predator Bar past my younger colleagues a
few days later, they shook their heads and said, "No way." They insisted
that at all times during the evening we had spent there, *they* were the
ones in charge, and that the hot women were coming onto them for no
other reason than that *they* looked pretty hot that night, too.

So I asked them, "How much 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Popular Music Greats

2014-01-27 Thread Richard Williams
Shania Twain - The Queen of Country Pop

[image: Inline image 3]

Honey, I'm Home - Live

Top Of The Pops Special 1999

You're Still The One - Video HD

I Ain't No Quitter - Video HD

"Shania Twain is a Canadian country pop singer-songwriter. Her 1995 album
The Woman in Me brought her fame, and her 1997 album Come On Over became
the best-selling studio album of all time by a female act in any genre and
the best-selling country album of all time, selling over 40 million copies

Read more:


Come On Over

In 1997 it became the best-selling country music album, and the
best-selling studio album by a female act.

[image: Inline image 2]

Greatest Hits

Greatest Hits finished 2005 as the highest selling country album in the
U.S. The album contains 17 hits (18 on the International album) from her
three Diamond albums The Woman in Me, Come on Over and Up!

[image: Inline image 1]


On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 9:36 PM, Richard Williams wrote:

> Crystal Gayle
> [image: Inline image 2]
> Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue - The Midnight Special 1977
> http://youtu.be/wHfInRrRGCI
> Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue HQ
> http://youtu.be/WOyixG_-38M
> "Crystal Gayle became the first female artist in country music history to
> reach Platinum sales with her 1977 album, "We Must Believe in Magic". Also
> famous for her nearly floor-length hair, she was voted one of the 50 most
> beautiful people in the world by People Magazine in 1983."
> Read more:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_Gayle
> Too Many Lovers (Not enough love)
> http://youtu.be/W0EQlXG2q3s
> [image: Inline image 1]
> Crystal Gayle's Greatest Hits (1983)
> http://youtu.be/30b-UKwYCRE
> On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Richard Williams 
> wrote:
>> The B-52's
>> [image: Inline image 2]
>> This is a party and dance band from Athens, Georgia USA - they are fun
>> and odd, but excellent musicians - all glory to the wild 1980's youth. They
>> really rock!
>> Fred Schneider - vocals, percussion, keyboards
>> Kate Pierson - organ, bass, vocals
>> Cindy Wilson - vocals, bongos, tambourine, guitar
>> Keith Strickland - drums, guitars, synthesizers, various instruments
>> Ricky Wilson - guitars
>> Rock Lobster - Video 1978
>> http://youtu.be/n4QSYx4wVQg
>> Love Shack - Video 1989
>>  http://youtu.be/9SOryJvTAGs
>> Good Stuff - Video 1992
>> http://youtu.be/xqfL6_6qEJY
>> Channel Z - Video - From the Cosmic Thing album
>> http://youtu.be/pB4G9WBYMFo
>> Cosmic Thing - Full album 1989
>> http://youtu.be/j-VeUq8j6J8
>> [image: Inline image 1]
>> Cosmic Thing - vinyl 33 1/2 RPM
>> Tour Dates:
>> http://www.ents24.com/uk/tour-dates/the-b-52s
>> The B-52's:
>> "Rooted in new wave and 1960s rock and roll, the group later covered many
>> genres ranging from post-punk to pop rock. The "guy vs. gals" vocals of
>> Schneider, Pierson, and Wilson, sometimes used in call and response style
>> ("Strobe Light," "Private Idaho", and "Good Stuff"), are a trademark.
>> Presenting themselves as a positive, fun, enthusiastic, slightly oddball
>> and goofy party band, the B-52's tell tall tales, glorify wild youth and
>> celebrate sexy romance."
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_B-52
>> On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 6:18 PM, Richard Williams 
>> wrote:
>>> Joe South
>>> [image: Inline image 3]
>>> Rose Garden
>>> http://youtu.be/klHkXsalMDE
>>> Games People Play
>>> http://youtu.be/MAGyENr3_44
>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>> Joe South (February 28, 1940 – September 5, 2012) was an American
>>> singer-songwriter and guitarist. Best known for his songwriting, South won
>>> the Grammy Award for Song of the Year in 1970 for "Games People Play" and
>>> was again nominated for the award in 1972 for "Rose Garden".
>>> Read more:
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_South
>>> On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 10:05 PM, Richard Williams >> > wrote:
 Fleetwood Mac

 Fleetwood Mac is one of the greatest popular music bands of all time.
 We saw this performance of Fleetwood Mac on June 4, 2013 at the American
 Airlines Center in Dallas.

 [image: Inline image 3]

 This is just an AWESOME live performance by Fleetwood Mac - World
 Turning. This is one of the best live versions ever done of this song! We
 play this song from the CD version when we are demonstrating our high-end
 Yamaha stereo system in the barn. This version originally aired on April 8,
 1976 on the The Midnight Special:

 World Turning - Live 1976

 Watch these other classic live performances:

 Go Your

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 1/27/2014 12:58 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:
*/My Descartesian answer: I post obvious trollbait, and some people 
are so stupid and so attached as to get their hot buttons pushed by it 
and feel that they "have" to reply.  :-) :-) :-) /*

So, you just "had" to reply. LoL!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 1/27/2014 1:58 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
*/Now here is a man with a real direction in his life. Sit by the 
computer and decide how to post really important and thoughtful things 
on the internet. You're a real "catch"  Bawyy./*

You caught Barry again, good work Ann!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The New Maharishi Effect: 10% Missing Pundits

2014-01-27 Thread Michael Jackson
And yet the people who run the university don't know where the missing kids are 
nor do they give a rat's ass - and you think these guys are worth supporting? 
What are you going to say to some of the families when the mom's and dad's come 
to FAirfield looking for their missing boys? Are you gonna tell 'em - Gee I 
dunno, but its all for a worthy cause supported by high minded individuals?

On Mon, 1/27/14, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The New Maharishi Effect: 10% Missing Pundits
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, January 27, 2014, 6:21 PM
Why? Benefit?  
 Because when you look at the brain wave signatures of
 chanting the
veda in sanskrit then the vedic chanting seems is a third
along with TM and the TM-sidhis that demonstrates the
coherence of evident
 spirituality.  So, when it was recently
 not possible to
bring westerners to the front to meditate in a large enough
 group then it
was an obvious solution to the deficit Dome numbers to
 augment the
group numbers by outsourcing to the pundit group.  That was
 paid for and
sustained by generous donations of high-minded people.  It
 is a very
large altruistic project with complex logistics and people
 in it playing
out.  The intent is good and there are a lot of hands
 involved.  It
ain't over yet.  Aside from all that, this is about
 modern science
and cultivating spirituality.  Vedic Science.  Get over it.




 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 I agree with what
 you say.
 I understand the attitude of the MUM folks not wanting to
 look for the missing pundits in training - its just like
 their attitude towards everyone else - if you aren't
 working for us, making money for us or giving us good free
 PR we don't give a crap about you.
 The thing I can't figure out is why they recruit the
 boys to start with. It takes some money to feed,m house and
 transport them to the US - the only money I know of are the
 ongoing solicitations from Hagelin and other TMO big shots
 to give money to bring the pundits over here, and I know
 they claim it takes a couple million to do that. But aside
 from that, I don't see how it benefits the TMO to keep
 recruiting the boys.
  On Mon, 1/27/14, TurquoiseB 
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The New Maharishi Effect: 10%
 Missing Pundits
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Monday, January 27, 2014, 4:47 PM
  I simply cannot wait to see how
  the TM and TMO apologists here deal with this, and try to
  make excuses for it. Items I'd like to see them deal
  with are highlighted in red below.
  Can you say "We told you so?" We did, many times
  here on FFL. You didn't listen.
  The most fascinating part for me is that because of the
  "delayed payment" scam, it is likely that the
  has ever paid out a single penny of the $150 per
  month payments promised to the parents of these runaway
  kids. And never will. That's a scheme that Maharishi
  himself would have been proud of thinking up. Maybe he
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 Michael Jackson 
  > This is the full article from Hi India - more
  than the al jazerra snipett - sordid stuff on the part of
  the TMO if true:
  > Vedic Pandits go 'missing' in US, reports Hi
  > IANS  Chicago, January 26, 2014 | UPDATED 16:36 IST
  > In a shocking revelation, as many as 163 Indians,
  of them brought to the US as teenagers from villages in
  northern India to be trained into Vedic Pandits by two
  institutions set up by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of
  transcendental meditation fame, appear to have gone
  over the last 12 months.
  > Of the 1,050 young Indians brought to the Maharishi
  Vedic City and the Maharishi University of Management in
  Fairfield, Iowa, 163 - some of them just 19 years old -
  gone missing in the last one year, Hi India, a
  weekly newspaper for the Indian community, reported in its
  latest issue.
  > Both the Vedic city and the university are owned by
  late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's family. According to the
  report, the management running
  these places did not even care to trace the missing
  > Even the Global Country of
  World Peace (GCWP), one of the many teaching centres set
  by the India-born spiritual guru, does not know about the
  plight or flight of these Vedic scholars called 'world
  peace professionals'.

Re: [FairfieldLife] NSA Propaganda for kids

2014-01-27 Thread Michael Jackson
They probably are more concerned than Bevan and Company

On Mon, 1/27/14, Bhairitu  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] NSA Propaganda for kids
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, January 27, 2014, 7:37 PM
 No, the NSA put
 out a memo to employees
   not to read my emails anymore after they found
 employees asleep at
   their desks trying read them.
   Besides they're more concerned about the alleged
 human trafficking
   at Vedic City.
   On 01/27/2014 10:16 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 Yes! So they can be on the side of the
   You do realize NSA is now going to spy on all
 your e-mail
   since you are posting stuff that is critical
 of them.
   That's why I am giving a pro-NSA answer so
 they will put
   me on a list of those not to be put against
 the wall. 
   On Mon, 1/27/14, Bhairitu 
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] NSA Propaganda for
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Date: Monday, January 27, 2014, 5:50 PM
   Check out the NSA's
   Unbelievable. Want your kid working for the

[FairfieldLife] Minilogue -- a lovely video about creativity and making music

2014-01-27 Thread TurquoiseB
This may appeal more to Bhairitu and Doctordumbass and Card, who as I
understand it all make music. But I think it will also appeal to anyone
interested in the creative process, and what enables creativity to flow.

In the 14-minute video, the two Swedish members of the electronic music
group Minilogue walk you through their creative process and the
environment in which they create it in the woods near Malmo. I think
they do a really good job of it. Enjoy...


[FairfieldLife] Invincible Europe Day!

2014-01-27 Thread cardemaister

 Invitation to join
 Live Rudrabhishek Broadcast from MERU

 1st February 2014

 Creating Unity, Stability and Invincibility 
 in the Nation and in Europe
News and Inspiration  
 Dear Governors, Sidhas and Meditators,
 You are warmly invited to participate in the Invincible Europe Day on 
Saturday, 1st February. Transcendental Meditation Centres throughout Europe 
will be participating in this event which will be held in conjunction with the 
monthly Ambassador Reception, broadcast live from Maharishi European Research 
University (MERU) in Vlodrop, Holland. The schedule and how to connect to the 
event are shown at the end of this announcement.
 People find the Invincible Europe Days/Ambassador Receptions to be very 
nourishing and inspiring occasions. They are becoming increasingly popular in 
countries all around Europe. It is a great opportunity to enjoy a very special 
day together with friends at your local Centre. 
 You will be able to enjoy morning and evening group programme to generate 
extra coherence and harmony in the nation, and also experience the soothing 
recitation of Rudrabhishek (a powerful Maharishi Yagya for peace) performed 
live by the Maharishi Vedic Pandits. By silently listening to the recitations 
of the Maharishi Vedic Pandits, we can experience the waves of pure knowledge, 
unity and peace reverberating within ourselves.
 During the afternoon on these special days you can hear inspiring knowledge 
and news about the Maharishi Vedic Pandit project and the groups of Yogic 
Flyers in Europe and the world – the golden keys Maharishi has given us to 
create Sat Yuga, Heaven on Earth, for the entire world for all generations to 
 Please join us, and contact your local TM Centre for details of your local 
event. If you are unable to come to a TM Centre for this event, you may also 
join us from your home at the website mentioned below, for both the 
Rudrabhishek and the afternoon knowledge meeting.
 All our very best wishes,
 Jai Guru Dev
 Gunter Chassé 
 Deputy Minister of Defence
 Global Country of World Peace

Re: [FairfieldLife] Essential Jazz

2014-01-27 Thread Richard Williams
Charlie Byrd

[image: Inline image 2]

Desafinado with Stan Getz 1962

Desafinado - Long version Stereo

Byrd played finger-style on a classical guitar. One time there was a guy up
on the roof of a building getting ready to jump off and commit suicide. A
passing beatnik saw the guy and called out: "Remember Byrd!" The guy said:
"Bird who?" Go ahead,jump! LoL!

"Byrd was best known for his association with Brazilian music, especially
bossa nova. In 1962, Byrd collaborated with Stan Getz on the album Jazz
Samba, a recording which brought bossa nova into the mainstream of North
American music."

Read more:


"The "Desafinado" single was a Top 20 hit in 1962; however, with it you
hear only about one-third of the complete track. Here's the entire piece,
and in the best quality stereo available. One of the greatest jazz hits
ever." - YouTube review

[image: Inline image 1]

Jazz Samba - Full Verve Album

On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 10:08 AM, Richard Williams wrote:

> Herbie Mann
> [image: Inline image 2]
> Comin' Home Baby - Live at the Village Gate, 1961
> http://youtu.be/jiCV4Xna684
> Wailing Dervishes
> http://youtu.be/M0mcII-mE4g
> [image: Inline image 1]
> Live at the Village Gate:
> Herbie Mann - Flute
> Hagood Hardy - Vibraharp
> Ahmad Abdul-Malik , Ben Tucker - Bass
> Rudy Collins - Drums
> Ray Mantilla - Conga Drums, Percussion
> Chief Bey - African Drum, Percussion
> "Herbie Mann, was an American jazz flautist and important early
> practitioner of world music. Mann emphasized the groove approach in his
> music."
> Read more:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbie_Mann
> On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Richard Williams 
> wrote:
>> Charles Mingus Jr.
>> [image: Inline image 1]
>> Better Get Hit in Yo' Soul - Track One, from the album "Mingus Ah Um" -
>> Vinyl
>> http://www.youtube.com/
>> [image: Inline image 2]
>> Sue's Changes - Live At Montreux, 1975
>> http://youtu.be/jOWNkZrkLfk
>> "Charles Mingus Jr. was a highly influential American jazz double
>> bassist, composer and bandleader. Mingus's compositions retained the hot
>> and soulful feel of hard bop and drew heavily from black gospel music while
>> sometimes drawing on elements of Third Stream, free jazz, and classical
>> music. Yet Mingus avoided categorization, forging his own brand of music
>> that fused tradition with unique and unexplored realms of jazz."
>> Read more:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Mingus
>> On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 7:24 AM, Richard J. Williams <
>> pundits...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  Good point, but I don't get into the personalities of any of these
>>> guys very much. Lots of jazz players were really screwed up on drugs and
>>> some had questionable ethical behavior as well. Most of the time I just
>>> listen to the music and enjoy. For me, it's not about the personalities,
>>> it's all about the music. Thanks for the reply.
>>> On 12/18/2013 9:32 PM, jr_...@yahoo.com wrote:
>>> Richard,
>>>  Stan Gets was a great tenor sax player.  His solos were exquisite and
>>> creative.  But one of his friends called him a "nice bunch of guys",
>>> apparently referring to his unpredictable personality quirks.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Invincible Europe Day!

2014-01-27 Thread Michael Jackson
I reckon they never did this here yagya at MUM, otherwise them missing pundit 
boys would-a been so peaceful they wouldn't-a had enough energy to hop the 

"the soothing recitation of Rudrabhishek (a powerful Maharishi Yagya for peace) 
performed live by the Maharishi Vedic Pandits. By silently listening to the 
recitations of the Maharishi Vedic Pandits, we can experience the waves of pure 
knowledge, unity and peace reverberating within ourselves."

On Mon, 1/27/14, cardemais...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Invincible Europe Day!
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, January 27, 2014, 9:08 PM
 Invitation to 
 Live Rudrabhishek 
 Broadcast from MERU
 1st February 
 Creating Unity, Stability and 
 in the Nation and in 
 News and Inspiration
 Governors, Sidhas and Meditators, 
 are warmly invited to participate in the Invincible
 Europe Day on 
 Saturday, 1st February. Transcendental Meditation
 Centres throughout 
 Europe will be participating in this event which will be
 held in conjunction 
 with the monthly Ambassador Reception, broadcast
 live from Maharishi 
 European Research University (MERU) in Vlodrop, Holland. The
 schedule and how to 
 connect to the event are shown at the end of this
 find the Invincible Europe Days/Ambassador
 Receptions to be very 
 nourishing and inspiring occasions. They are becoming
 increasingly popular in 
 countries all around Europe. It is a great opportunity to
 enjoy a very special 
 day together with friends at your local Centre.  
 will be able to enjoy morning and evening group programme to
 generate extra 
 coherence and harmony in the nation, and also experience the
 soothing recitation 
 of Rudrabhishek (a powerful Maharishi Yagya for peace)
 performed live by the 
 Maharishi Vedic Pandits. By silently listening to the
 recitations of the 
 Maharishi Vedic Pandits, we can experience the waves of pure
 knowledge, unity 
 and peace reverberating within ourselves. 
 the afternoon on these special days you can hear inspiring
 knowledge and news 
 about the Maharishi Vedic Pandit project and the groups of
 Yogic Flyers in 
 Europe and the world – the golden keys Maharishi has given
 us to create Sat 
 Yuga, Heaven on Earth, for the entire world for all
 generations to 
 join us, and contact your local TM Centre for details of
 your local event. If 
 you are unable to come to a TM Centre for this event, you
 may also join us from 
 your home at the website mentioned below, for both the
 Rudrabhishek and the 
 afternoon knowledge meeting.
 our very best wishes, 
 Guru Dev 
 Minister of Defence 
 Country of World Peace

Re: [FairfieldLife] Minilogue -- a lovely video about creativity and making music

2014-01-27 Thread Michael Jackson
that is great, thanks for posting it

On Mon, 1/27/14, TurquoiseB  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Minilogue -- a lovely video about creativity and 
making music
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, January 27, 2014, 8:42 PM
   This may appeal more to
 Bhairitu and Doctordumbass and Card, who as I understand it
 all make music. But I think it will also appeal to anyone
 interested in the creative process, and what enables
 creativity to flow. 
 In the 14-minute video, the two Swedish members of the
 electronic music group Minilogue walk you through their
 creative process and the environment in which they create it
 in the woods near Malmo. I think they do a really good job
 of it. Enjoy...

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?

2014-01-27 Thread steve.sundur


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Well, you know, Little Stevie, if I thought you were actually referring to 
something real, I'd ask you for specific examples. But I know you don't do 
examples when you make accusations.

 This is always your first maneuver Judy, "I want an example", as if we really 
need an example of Robin switching from irony to seriousness, and often 
blurring the line between.  Of course, you perhaps, in singularity, always knew 
when Robin was doing one or the other. Honestly, I thought you two made a cute 

 Did I exaggerate that you would decide which card to play after the fact, when 
sparring with others? Actually, I don't think so.  

 So instead I'll just chuckle at your attempt to suggest that evil old Xeno was 
hoping to trick his readers into taking him seriously, rather than simply 
acknowledging that you and Share fucked up (Share because no opportunity for 
her to make a post, relevant or otherwise, is to be passed up, and you because 
Share must AT ALL COSTS be protected from her own helplessness).

 Like who really cares if we misinterpreted what he meant?  I mean, this may be 
a big issue for you.  It may be cause for you to roll out your "opsie" 
macro, or even possibly your rly, ry  stooopid"  comment.  Glad 
to see we didn't reach that threshold...yet. That's sort of like 
"an apple a day" for you.

 This was one of your more elaborate and imaginative evasions of 
accountability, Little Stevie. And believe me, Share is so appreciative. In any 
case, put an asterisk beside it; you may be able to adapt it for future use.

 Well, I hope the rest of your day, or evening can be spent in other fruitful 





 You know what Judy, that could well be the case.  But I've got to say, between 
you and Robin, (especially Robin), you've got that little trait down. Appearing 
to make something appear as though it's serious, when it actually irony and 

 You (and Robin) would typically leave both options open depending on which you 
felt could cause the maximum amount of (attempted) humiliation of whomever you 
were sparring with.

 Just sayin...

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Or maybe it was Share and yourself having the "senior moments," mistakenly 
thinking Xeno had been seriously asking for "alternatives" to his medication 
rather than making an ironic point about jargon (jargon being the topic of the 
post, in which he was siding with Barry--of course--against the vile 
jargonistas on FFL).

 Xeno was a little nonplussed, I think, to find Share recommending aloe vera 
gel when she didn't know what his skin condition was nor what medication he was 
using for it, especially given that he hadn't intended to actually solicit 
alternative recommendations in the first place. Xeno certainly isn't the only 
person here to find some of Share's posts a bit, um, shall we say, disorienting.

 Sure Share, I guess we're all at the point where we might have a senior moment 
now and then.  Maybe that was what was going on with ol Xeno. A little 
crotchety maybe.  (-:

 For the record, I am very fond of Twinkies.  And although I don't care for 
clams, I do think they are cute. (-:
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 thanks, Steve. The thing is, I am rarely offended by anything Xeno says, even 
when he likened me to a Hostess Twinkie and a clam. It has to do with that 
mysterious element of writing called tone. I am almost always soothed by Xeno's 
tone. And I thought it was fun that he provided the chemical signature of the 
medicine he's using. I wish my posts were more to his liking but there we are!

 On Monday, January 27, 2014 6:55 AM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   Good point Anne.  And not only that, he was able to make his point in one 
short paragraph!  PTL!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 WTF?  Xeno, do you have a burr up your butt?  Chill out a little. You asked if 
someone had an "alternative" for treating your skin condition.  Share made 
friendly suggestion.  What's next, you gonna try to get her cited for 
practicing medicine without a license?  Lighten up dude!

 "It's just a chat room"!

 Who needs the lightening up, little Stevie? Let grandpa Xeno get a little 
riled, it's the most excited I've ever seen him.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Share, making a medical recommendation on the basis of what I said is rather 
risky don't you think? I did not mention the condition, just the chemical used 
to treat it, and it is used for a number of purposes. From a medical point of 
view, aloe vera has not been researched enough or well enough to come to any 
medically useful conclusions, though the cosmetic industry seems to have made 
it one of its poster child products.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Xeno, aloe vera ge

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?

2014-01-27 Thread steve.sundur
You know, who knows, and really, who cares?  So, I fell for it.  Wouldn't be 
the first time.  I got a few fun posts out of it.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Steve, not right away, but later I wondered if Xeno was playing off the whole 
jargon topic. I love his dry delivery but often don't get it immediately. 
Probably MY senior moment (-:

 On Monday, January 27, 2014 7:24 AM, "steve.sundur@..."  

 Sure Share, I guess we're all at the point where we might have a senior moment 
now and then.  Maybe that was what was going on with ol Xeno. A little 
crotchety maybe.  (-:

 For the record, I am very fond of Twinkies.  And although I don't care for 
clams, I do think they are cute. (-:


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 thanks, Steve. The thing is, I am rarely offended by anything Xeno says, even 
when he likened me to a Hostess Twinkie and a clam. It has to do with that 
mysterious element of writing called tone. I am almost always soothed by Xeno's 
tone. And I thought it was fun that he provided the chemical signature of the 
medicine he's using. I wish my posts were more to his liking but there we are!

 On Monday, January 27, 2014 6:55 AM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   Good point Anne.  And not only that, he was able to make his point in one 
short paragraph!  PTL!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 WTF?  Xeno, do you have a burr up your butt?  Chill out a little. You asked if 
someone had an "alternative" for treating your skin condition.  Share made 
friendly suggestion.  What's next, you gonna try to get her cited for 
practicing medicine without a license?  Lighten up dude!

 "It's just a chat room"!

 Who needs the lightening up, little Stevie? Let grandpa Xeno get a little 
riled, it's the most excited I've ever seen him.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Share, making a medical recommendation on the basis of what I said is rather 
risky don't you think? I did not mention the condition, just the chemical used 
to treat it, and it is used for a number of purposes. From a medical point of 
view, aloe vera has not been researched enough or well enough to come to any 
medically useful conclusions, though the cosmetic industry seems to have made 
it one of its poster child products.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Xeno, aloe vera gel...

 On Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:19 AM, "anartaxius@..."  wrote:
   Buck, I agree with Turq. Card's posts are in their own little world. Most of 
them are incomprehensible to me, including the request this thread is about. 
Card actually reduced the jargon a bit by putting a portion of his request in a 
slightly less technical form parenthetically, but it still did not help. Who 
else here transliterates Sanskrit or has such a grasp of language? Usually I 
have no way to even begin to respond to one of his posts. Some additional 
explanation plain words would be a big help as to what he is getting at. 

 And Buck, your posts are pretty jargon laden as well, besides being almost 
completely spam. Tell us what you think in your own words. Farmers are not 
noted for being abstract philosophers, they speak plain and simple. Do you post 
all that stuff so you look good to the thought police over there at MUM? On 
occasion you have posted some really interesting things that seem to represent 
what you think and feel that come across as natural, but most of the time, you 
do not do this, you sound more like a Jehovah's Witness proffering pre-canned 
quotes from Watchtower Magazine, so instead of making a worthwhile 
contribution, you are largely ignored. It's OK to quote things, but then tell 
us what you think about that, free of jargon, what it means to you, and perhaps 
how you would explain it to someone who never ever heard of TM or meditation in 
general. You do not learn what you are saying until you can spontaneously say 
it in your own words, and understand it on your own terms. Then, you have to 
learn how to say it to someone who has not gone through that process. It is 
really easy to fail at this.

 I have a slight skin condition, so right now I think I will go an apply a 
layer of (CH2)7(CO2H)2 to the affected area so that the proximal and distal 
surfaces of the application are minimised. Can anyone here recommend an 
alternative to this?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 My point, "Buck," since you seem to have missed it, is that a number of people 
-- especially Fairfielders -- have been living in a Jargon Bubble for so long 
that they no longer realize when they are speaking jargon. They have lost the 
art -- and, I would suggest, even the desire -- to give "intro lectures" and 
communicate with anyone who *doesn't* speak the same jargon they do. 

That's fine, if all you want to do in life is the thing you've adopted as your 
schtick here -- "preach to the al

[FairfieldLife] "Father" of morbid obesity in the US of A?

2014-01-27 Thread cardemaister

If I got it right, the obesity of Americans costs some 475 bucks a year per 
every US

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Country Chuckles

2014-01-27 Thread Richard Williams
In case you are worried about what is going to become of the younger
generation, it is going to grow up and start worrying about the younger

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 8:13 AM, Richard Williams wrote:

> "Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else."- Will Rogers
> On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 9:27 AM, Richard J. Williams 
> wrote:
>> On 1/7/2014 6:01 PM, Richard Williams wrote:
>> "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a
>> leaky tire." - Will Rogers

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Tue 28-Jan-14 00:15:02 UTC

2014-01-27 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 01/25/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 02/01/14 00:00:00
283 messages as of (UTC) 01/27/14 23:48:33

 33 doctordumbass
 30 TurquoiseB 
 29 Richard Williams 
 25 Share Long 
 22 jr_esq
 18 dhamiltony2k5
 17 steve.sundur
 14 Michael Jackson 
 13 authfriend
 13 Bhairitu 
 12 s3raphita
 10 nablusoss1008 
  8 cardemaister
  8 Richard J. Williams 
  7 anartaxius
  6 salyavin808 
  5 awoelflebater
  4 Mike Dixon 
  3 emptybill
  2 TVIV 
  1 ultrarishi 
  1 srijau
  1 Rick Archer 
  1 Joe 
Posters: 24
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What I Did Today

2014-01-27 Thread Richard Williams
Today we went to this place:

[image: Inline image 1]

They have a good cheese selection:

[image: Inline image 2]

[image: Inline image 3]

On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 10:59 AM,  wrote:

> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
> We went to this place yesterday - they have some boots for sale.
> That's a whole lotta shit stompers in one place. I prefer shopping in
> smaller, boutique-y stores though. I always have people coming into my
> strictly English tack store asking where to buy cowboy boots because
> Victoria doesn't have anywhere that sells them. Next time I'll send them to
> Texas.
> [image: Inline image 1]
> Cavender's Boot City
> [image: Inline image 2]
> Tony Lama, Justin, Lucchese, Laredo
> On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 6:13 PM, Richard Williams  wrote:
> Today, we went to this place:
> [image: Inline image 2]
> On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 1:05 PM, Richard Williams  wrote:
> *> I read through this post, bemused by it, but I didn't notice > until
> I'd gotten almost all the way to the end of it that part > of my mind was
> still saying, "What's a car?"  :-)>*
> You probably don't even need a car over there - in fact, it would be a
> problem. Over, here a car is just another tool for most people. Without
> one, I'd be dead in the water. Some people who are rich probably drive cars
> just for fun and pleasure, like my neighbor, who doesn't drive these cars
> much - there just for shows.
> I inherited the Eldorado from Mom. She bought it new off the show room
> floor and it's been garaged it's whole life. She still had a driver's
> license at age 86, but hadn't driven in about ten years. So, one day I just
> took it - I'm using it for highway driving. I put some new tires on it and
> a new disc brakes.
> You can't get anything these days for a car like that - maybe $1500. The
> AC still works and it has cruise control. Also, it has a kick-ass Delco
> Bose sound system with CD player inside. Sweet!
> [image: Inline image 1]
> On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 11:54 AM, TurquoiseB  wrote:
>   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:
> >
> > noozguru et al, small country, flat land. And no snow or ice on the
> roads and bike paths!
> *Ahem. Only pussies leave their bikes at home when it snows. *
> * 
> **https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMv3OB6XHvQ
> *
> > On Sunday, December 29, 2013 11:11 AM, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
> >
> > Small country, flat land.
> >
> > On 12/29/2013 07:43 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> >
> > >Uh oh. I think I've achieved one of those milestones along the path to
> "You know you're in danger of becoming Dutch when..." consciousness.
> > >
> > >I read through this post, bemused by it, but I
> > didn't notice until I'd gotten almost all the way to
> > the end of it that part of my mind was still saying,
> > "What's a car?"  :-)
> > >
> > >
> http://whowhatwhy.com/2013/04/09/learning-from-the-netherlands-about-bikes/
> > >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The New Maharishi Effect: 10% Missing Pundits

2014-01-27 Thread dhamiltony2k5
The why?  The Pundit program?

 Chanting is the third technique promulgated.

   "Because when you look at the brain wave signatures of chanting the veda in 
sanskrit then the vedic chanting seems is a third technique along with TM and 
the TM-sidhis that demonstrates the global coherence of evident spirituality."

 .. . she remembers when Sanskrit was first introduced in to the Maharishi 
School for learning.  She remembers it back to 1996.  Everyone started with the 
sanskrit alphabet at school assemblies together.  Faculty too.  It was new 
then.  Before that they could take French as a language.  She was saying the 
college bound kids were alarmed at the change.  After some semesters, like when 
she was a senior they would have sanskrit classes where they just chanted the 
vedic literature.  And may be have discussions about the content of the 
literature.  But it was mostly not about conjugation of verbs and such.  It was 
centrally about chanting the sound value [in the physiology] of pronouncing the 

The Pundit program?

 Why? Benefit?   Because when you look at the brain wave signatures of chanting 
the veda in sanskrit then the vedic chanting seems is a third technique along 
with TM and the TM-sidhis that demonstrates the global coherence of evident 
 Pundits in Vedic City?So, when it was recently not possible to bring 
westerners to the front to meditate in a large enough group then it was an 
obvious solution to the deficit Dome numbers to augment the group numbers by 
outsourcing with the pundit group. That was paid for and sustained by generous 
donations of high-minded people.  It is a very large altruistic project with 
complex logistics and people in it playing out. The intent is good and there 
are a lot of hands involved. It ain't over yet. Aside from all that, this is 
about modern science and cultivating spirituality. Vedic Science. Get over it.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I agree with what you say.
 I understand the attitude of the MUM folks not wanting to look for the missing 
pundits in training - its just like their attitude towards everyone else - if 
you aren't working for us, making money for us or giving us good free PR we 
don't give a crap about you.
 The thing I can't figure out is why they recruit the boys to start with. It 
takes some money to feed,m house and transport them to the US - the only money 
I know of are the ongoing solicitations from Hagelin and other TMO big shots to 
give money to bring the pundits over here, and I know they claim it takes a 
couple million to do that. But aside from that, I don't see how it benefits the 
TMO to keep recruiting the boys.
 On Mon, 1/27/14, TurquoiseB mailto:turquoiseb@...> wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The New Maharishi Effect: 10% Missing Pundits
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, January 27, 2014, 4:47 PM


 I simply cannot wait to see how
 the TM and TMO apologists here deal with this, and try to
 make excuses for it. Items I'd like to see them deal
 with are highlighted in red below.
 Can you say "We told you so?" We did, many times
 here on FFL. You didn't listen.
 The most fascinating part for me is that because of the
 "delayed payment" scam, it is likely that the GCWP
 has ever paid out a single penny of the $150 per
 month payments promised to the parents of these runaway
 kids. And never will. That's a scheme that Maharishi
 himself would have been proud of thinking up. Maybe he did.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
Michael Jackson 
 > This is the full article from Hi India - more detailed
 than the al jazerra snipett - sordid stuff on the part of
 the TMO if true:
 > Vedic Pandits go 'missing' in US, reports Hi
 > IANS Chicago, January 26, 2014 | UPDATED 16:36 IST
 > In a shocking revelation, as many as 163 Indians, most
 of them brought to the US as teenagers from villages in
 northern India to be trained into Vedic Pandits by two
 institutions set up by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of
 transcendental meditation fame, appear to have gone missing
 over the last 12 months.
 > Of the 1,050 young Indians brought to the Maharishi
 Vedic City and the Maharishi University of Management in
 Fairfield, Iowa, 163 - some of them just 19 years old - have
 gone missing in the last one year, Hi India, a Chicago-based
 weekly newspaper for the Indian community, reported in its
 latest issue.
 > Both the Vedic city and the university are owned by the
 late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's family. According to the
 report, the management running
 these places did not even care to trace the missing
 > Even the Global Country of
 World Peace (GCWP), one of the many teaching centres set up
 by the India-born spiritual guru, does not know about the
 plight or f

[FairfieldLife] RE: The New Maharishi Effect: 10% Missing Pundits

2014-01-27 Thread merudanda
Dr Girish Varma speaking on the Maharishi Vedic Pandit program in the 
Brahmasthan of India 


 Special video on the training and life of the Maharishi Vedic Pandits.


 Are you one of the many of you who are donating $240 or $120 per month, enough 
to take care of one Pandit for the whole year (or half that amount); Or are you 
one of the some who even committed to 11, 7 or 5 Pandits; or are donating $10 
or $20 per month —? 




[FairfieldLife] RE: The New Maharishi Effect: 10% Missing Pundits

2014-01-27 Thread merudanda

 Girish Chandra Varma owns only 7000 crore worth of property. (7000 crore 
rupees or 1.5 Billion US )

 BTW MMY never wanted him to own for a reason.  Girish Chandra Varma 
manipulated  a stern "NO" by MMY into a "spiritual" "yes"--but that another 
quite uncomfortable  shameful story.

 You may wonder if the Court  which extended judicial remand  already 'till 
January 29 will further extend since complaint of land grab has been filed 
against him and it may seems more to come.

 You may wonder if these news about Vedic pandits are the conspiracy G.V. is 
talking about.

 Here his speech to the press in front of the prison(sorry only in Hindi 
available but you may compare the tone of voice and facial expression with the 
other clips)


 And since you wanted to know who has taken his place



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Dr Girish Varma speaking on the Maharishi Vedic Pandit program in the 
Brahmasthan of India 


 Special video on the training and life of the Maharishi Vedic Pandits.


 Are you one of the many of you who are donating $240 or $120 per month, enough 
to take care of one Pandit for the whole year (or half that amount); Or are you 
one of the some who even committed to 11, 7 or 5 Pandits; or are donating $10 
or $20 per month —? 





[FairfieldLife] RE: Minilogue -- a lovely video about creativity and making music

2014-01-27 Thread doctordumbass
Very cool - Thanks! I run into many of those same challenges, working with 
samples. And sometimes, no matter how badly I want a song to work, it is 
lipstick on a pig. Also run into the situation where several years after a 
composition, I'll listen to it with fresh ears and change my opinion of it, 
radically, one way or another.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 This may appeal more to Bhairitu and Doctordumbass and Card, who as I 
understand it all make music. But I think it will also appeal to anyone 
interested in the creative process, and what enables creativity to flow. 

In the 14-minute video, the two Swedish members of the electronic music group 
Minilogue walk you through their creative process and the environment in which 
they create it in the woods near Malmo. I think they do a really good job of 
it. Enjoy...


[FairfieldLife] RE: Venture Capitalist Says "War" on the Rich Is Like Nazi Germany's War on the Jews

2014-01-27 Thread s3raphita
“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the 
black flag, and begin slitting throats.”  ― H.L. Mencken

[FairfieldLife] RE: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread s3raphita
Re "Question of the day: how do you know you exist?":


 This is elementary. I know I exist. That is only thing of which I am 
*absolutely* certain. What I can't be certain of is that *you* exist. In an act 
of condescension on my part I am prepared to accept that you *probably* do 
exist - at least as phenomena appearing within my consciousness. I am presently 
witnessing messages appearing on my laptop that purport to come from an entity 
called "Bhairitu". But all I can know of "Bhairitu" is a sequence of typed 
sentences on my screen. There is no awareness in "Bhairitu" I can access. All 
the awareness I am ever conscious of is my very own - Seraphita's - awareness. 
And that awareness - that consciousness - is the only sentience I will *ever* 
have direct cognizance of in the universe I inhabit - the universe that is 
centred on me. I can embrace a lover and exchange the most tender, the most 
intimate sentiments, but the bald fact remains that my consciousness is the 
only consciousness I will ever know. To allocate awareness to Bhairitu or to a 
lover is always an act of projection of my own consciousness. I am "trapped" in 
my own universe with "me" as the centre. But is this a solipsistic nightmare? 
No, because Bhairitu's awareness is not a something *behind* his appearance - 
his face - (as everyone assumes) it exists in *front* of his appearance and is 
identical with my own awareness of him - or my lover or anyone else. Because 
"our" awareness is the One Self being aware of itself behind a multitude of 
apparent separate identities.
 This is Advaita-Vedanta 101.

[FairfieldLife] Vedic Pandits go 'missing' in US: report | NDTV.com

2014-01-27 Thread Rick Archer

[FairfieldLife] RE: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread s3raphita
Coming back to Barry's post: "'I've seen a number of people have strong 
experiences of "being enlightenment," and then afterwards "back off" and run 
away from any sadhana (spiritual practice, such as meditation) that would make 
"being enlightenment" "come back." :

 Doesn't that apply to your Rama? I'd never hear of Rama till I encountered FFL 
but the fact that he was heavily into tranquillisers suggests he was suffering 
from acute anxiety. Why so? Because he was unable to integrate his own 
spiritual experiences. (I also see that Rama told his female followers that 
having sex with him would elevate them to a higher plane of consciousness. Are 
there really women that fall for that lame chat-up line?)  

 This broadens out into a wider debate on "Egomaniac Godmen who had experienced 
selflessness". Why were so many of them such irritating self-centred arseholes? 
I don't doubt that some of them - Muktanada and Osho, for example - had genuine 
experiences of loss of ego identity. But I've had such experiences (only 
short-lived) and although I had no way of piecing together my lost identity my 
character habits (my karma?) were still functioning. It did strike me then that 
genuine spiritual transformation would have to uproot those character habits - 
perhaps by spending two years cleaning the latrines in a leper colony. I 
suspect that people like Osho, Chögyam Trungpa, Muktanada and Rama had that 
ego-loss thing and falsely assumed it was the full enlightenment blow-out and 
so never realised what self-centred sods they remained. I mean, take Osho's 
collection of Rolls-Royces: he wanted to have the largest collection in the 
world. How childish is that? Imagine that an authentic first-century manuscript 
was uncovered in the Vatican archives that proved Jesus of Nazareth had ten 
gold-plated chariots and was hoping to add to that collection to out-number the 
total of the Roman Emperor? Christianity would be finished as a world religion 
the very next day. Osho's acolytyes came up with some baloney about his mania 
being a subversive attack on materialism - does anyone still believe that 
self-serving crap? There's something horribly self-centred about the whole 
new-age trip that gives it that superficial, delusional character. The trouble 
is Christianity's emphasis on obedience and humility seems to go too far in the 
opposite direction so we're still looking for a genuine route out of the 
dominant materialist paradigm.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Vedic Pandits go 'missing' in US: report | NDTV.com

2014-01-27 Thread dhamiltony2k5
"Both the Vedic city and the university are owned by the late Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi's family."


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:


[FairfieldLife] RE: The New Maharishi Effect: 10% Missing Pundits

2014-01-27 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Thanks for the link. Finally something rises out of the fourth estate to shed 
some light on TM India. The article in Al Jaseera it seems was some journalism 
probing for substance too. Truth should be able to hold up to that. -Buck 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread s3raphita
Re "In scientific terms, it could be that the electron inside the retina is in 
sync with the electrons in my my brain.  Thus, my mind was able to see the 
pattern.  It could be due to quantum entanglement, which is the best scientific 
term that I can think of.":


 The latest thinking in quantum mechanics is that there is only ONE electron in 
existence! How that can be the case is beyond my simple mind but it tallies 
nicely with what you're saying.

 By the way: when I said that we are at root a one-celled creature that knows 
how to split and grow, I should also have mentioned that what else we are 
expert at is growing a pair of lungs, growing a heart, a nervous system, a 
liver, sexual organs, and what-have-you. We're walking miracles but as that 
know-how is unconscious instead we like to brag about the fact we have an MA 
from Harvard - which is chicken shit compared to our innate abilities. 
Spirtitual practices (and drugs) can bring those innate abilities into 
conscious awareness.
 There's a school of thinking that embraces New Thought, Christian Science and 
similar systems which claims that we only become sick because of faulty 
thinking. I suspect their intuition is spot on. There mistake is to imagine 
that one can think one's way out of illness. You have to access that deepest 
strata of our being to effect changes. ("Knowledge is structured in 
consciousness".) There are plenty of anecdotal stories about those who have 
take psychedelics or practised TM or other spiritual disciplines who have had 
spontaneous remissions of serious maladies. It could well be that they accessed 
those deeper strata which knew instinctively what to do.
 The whole field needs to be investigated by hard-nosed scientists but there 
aren't many prepared to tackle the legal obstacles in the way of serious 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-27 Thread anartaxius
Well, there is existence, at least there seems to be. It is a question of 
whether there is any ownership involved.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Re "Question of the day: how do you know you exist?":


 This is elementary. I know I exist. That is only thing of which I am 
*absolutely* certain. What I can't be certain of is that *you* exist. In an act 
of condescension on my part I am prepared to accept that you *probably* do 
exist - at least as phenomena appearing within my consciousness. I am presently 
witnessing messages appearing on my laptop that purport to come from an entity 
called "Bhairitu". But all I can know of "Bhairitu" is a sequence of typed 
sentences on my screen. There is no awareness in "Bhairitu" I can access. All 
the awareness I am ever conscious of is my very own - Seraphita's - awareness. 
And that awareness - that consciousness - is the only sentience I will *ever* 
have direct cognizance of in the universe I inhabit - the universe that is 
centred on me. I can embrace a lover and exchange the most tender, the most 
intimate sentiments, but the bald fact remains that my consciousness is the 
only consciousness I will ever know. To allocate awareness to Bhairitu or to a 
lover is always an act of projection of my own consciousness. I am "trapped" in 
my own universe with "me" as the centre. But is this a solipsistic nightmare? 
No, because Bhairitu's awareness is not a something *behind* his appearance - 
his face - (as everyone assumes) it exists in *front* of his appearance and is 
identical with my own awareness of him - or my lover or anyone else. Because 
"our" awareness is the One Self being aware of itself behind a multitude of 
apparent separate identities.
 This is Advaita-Vedanta 101.

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