[FairfieldLife] Re: Let God's will be done...but at someone else's expense...

2007-08-25 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "suziezuzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> What's your opinion about rich people in the movement who have
> inherited their money and like the people you describe, never have
> worked a day in their lives. While it's true that they never have 
> to beg, they still are being given funds from a trust or inheritance
> having been created by another, their parents, etc. I knew people 
> like this at MIU in the 70s and they lived the good life, going on 
> courses whenever they wanted, vacations during the winters to avoid 
> the cold, and generally being able to be in the best TM positions 
> on courses, ie., be with MMY etc. But do you have the same opinion 
> about these people? 

I don't know them, so I can't say. I only met one
super-rich guy during my "TM time," and he was a
neurotic mess, someone whose life I wouldn't trade
for mine for a million bucks. Others may be happy;
I don't know. 

Then again, much of the time my friend seems happy.
I get where he's coming from -- he really feels
that it would be an affront to God to doubt Him
enough to have to work for a living. :-)

To some extent it's the Buddha's "tantrum yoga" 
thing. Buddha sat down under a tree and threw a 
tantrum and declared that he wasn't going to move
until he got enlightened (in some variants of the
story, at least). And it *worked* for him. Go figure.

Maybe Dakota's trip will work, too. To his credit,
he *is* trying to find ways to do some teaching of
these things he's learned on the twice-yearly "visa 
breaks" they have to take so all the students can
leave India and get their visas renewed. And if he
wound up in my area teaching (unlikely), I would
certainly attend and hopefully learn a little some-
thing. But at the same time I don't think I could
recommend his lifestyle to others.

> I think the life you have described for Dakota is pretty sad. 
> MMY was also broke when he started the movement. Lutes will 
> attest to this so how would you characterize the difference 
> here. Is it that MMY worked 22 hours a day on his mission? 
> Maybe it was that focus and energy that eventually attracted 
> the resources he needed. This is probably a better example 
> of what, "Let God's Will Be Done" means.  

Yeah, that's true with Dakota as well. When he is
involved with one of his gurus he works his *butt*
off for them, probably *more* than an eight-hour
work day -- on postering, creating web sites, what-
ever. He's *dedicated*. The only work he doesn't
do is to support himself. 

It's an interesting approach, and we've talked about
it in the past. He doesn't fully "get" my view, and
I clearly don't fully "get" his, but I hope that we
remain friends. I think that the thing is he has 
spent so many incarnations doing this in ashrams
and monasteries -- *giving away* all the credit for
everything he might have done, laying anything good
he might have accomplished at the feet of his guru,
that he's more than a little afraid at this time to
accept that *he* has any value. Forget these latest
courses -- Dakota could have set himself up as a 
spiritual teacher decades ago and had flocks of 
students around him; he's that charismatic. But he
really *can't*, because it would be *him* doing it,
and he really does feel there is something *wrong*
with that.

He has to be "in service to" someone, a student, a 
disciple. He gets uneasy when he is "between teachers"
and he *isn't* in service to someone, someone he can
give all the credit for his good works away to. It's
really an interesting life and an interesting lifestyle.
And I love the dude, even though I don't quite under-
stand him and his motivations. He's as "un-understand-
able" as St. Francis might have been, or Milarepa him-
self -- a true off-the-wall, off-the-map dedicated
seeker, who just can't do anything *else* but seek.

And there may be a value in that, both for the indi-
vidual and the world; I don't pretend to know. I've
just been "thinking out loud" here after receiving
his latest blog update. I wish the man well, and may
even contribute to his well-being myself; I haven't
decided yet. Like I said, I've just been thinking out
loud; thanks for listening.

[FairfieldLife] Any comments?

2007-08-25 Thread cardemaister


[FairfieldLife] Re: yagya and jyotish testimonials

2007-08-25 Thread shukra69
Very appealing website. Do you have any personal experience rather
than posting those of others? Do you have any financial interest in
this group yourself?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "tertonzeno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.expertvedicastrology.com/index.php?pr=Testimonials

Re: [FairfieldLife] Another Disciple pops into enlightenment yesterday

2007-08-25 Thread Peter

--- Kirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> that cas all u lo down mofos be poppin


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RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2007-08-25 Thread Peter

--- Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
> Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 11:52 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad
> and the Ugly
> The reference was to "Dr." petersutphen who claimed
> here on FFL that 
> Mr. Creme is a faggot. The irony escaped you
> obviously.
> Hey Pete,
> Since Nabby doesn’t believe that you really have a
> degree, would you humor
> us and save him the trouble of using quotes around
> “Dr.” by posting your
> credentials?


> No virus found in this outgoing message.
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Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search 
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[FairfieldLife] View sky from Google Earth

2007-08-25 Thread bob_brigante

[FairfieldLife] An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-25 Thread Rick Archer
Someone just sent me this. A background story on this is that I spent the
summer of ’76 in New Jersey with John Gray, Billy Clayton, and two other
guys. Maharishi sent us there to “inspire the local teachers” during the NJ
court case. John and Billy visited Muktananda a lot that summer and invited
him to visit MMY in Seelisberg. Reportedly, MMY was pissed that they did
that on his behalf without consulting him, but when Muktananda and his
entourage showed up, MMY made the best of it. After Muktananda left, MMY met
with the folks in Seelisberg and reportedly asked them some questions that
implied he was concerned that their devotion to him might have been swayed
by their exposure to another saint. I wasn’t there and can’t relate anything
more extensive than that, although I later saw a videotape of MMY’s meeting
with Muktananda.



Subject: Re: NatLaw:Baba Muktananda's talk on Maharishi

For me the nicest part of Muktananda's visit to Maharishi was when
Muktananda had left and Maharishi turned around to us and said somewhat
sheepishly: 'And now we go and meditate!' and laughed. With these simple 6
words he put everything in perspective.

Jai Guru Dev

 - Subject: NatLaw:Baba Muktananda's talk on Maharishi

 Here is a more complete version of Baba
 Muktananda's talk on Maharishi in Australia in
 the late  '70s.

 Jai Guru Dev


 Here's a great one I got a few months ago, it's a
 real 'pat on the back' for all of us, and an
 encouragement to, as Maharishi has often said,
 "just  continue."  I never saw Muktananda in person
 myself, but he did visit Maharishi in Seelisberg
 in the late 70's when the World Government was
 headquartered there.  --Larry


An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda 

In the late 1970's during Muktananda's visit to Australia, a group of
Governors and Sidhas in Melbourne were requested by Maharishi to go and
pay their respect to Muktananda. Maharishi instructed them to take
flowers and garlands and present these to Muktananda and give him
Maharishi's regards.  It was said that the two Masters came from the
same Tradition, the Shankaracharya Tradition of Jyotir Math.

Muktananda showed them great respect as a group and received the
delegation at a private meeting.

A lady present at this meeting remembers with joy and reverence Baba
Muktananda's beautiful words.

During this private meeting, Muktananda told the TM group, " Maharishi
and I are very different".

He continued, "I am here to offer a small group of people (my devotees)
the path of liberation through devotion (the path of Bhakti).  I come
and give my people darshan (shaktipat), I soak up their stress (karma)
and process that stress (karma) for them." 

Muktananda explained that the illness he suffered 
from during his visit to Melbourne and for which he had to be rushed to
hospital, was due to the stress (karma) he takes on from his devotees.
It was a question about this event which gave birth to the following

"Maharishi is here for the world. You may never see Maharishi yourself,
but what Maharishi has given you is a technique to clean your own self.

My disciples have to be physically with me (in my presence). Maharishi
has given you a technique to cleanse and purify yourselves and it is not
just for yourselves, it is a technique to cleanse the whole world
(collective consciousness). 

Your path (TM and TM Sidhis etc) may be somewhat lonely, because you are
doing the work (evolution) yourselves and you are self sufficient. You
are responsible for your own path whereas my followers come to me and I
do the work for them. 

I am full of admiration for anyone on your path. 

It is a path of great responsibility.  What I am doing is personally
taking care of a small group of people, but what Maharishi is doing is
giving the world a path to move to a new level, a higher level.  I have
full admiration for Maharishi and for each of you. 

Some of you may never see your Master but this does not matter because
he has given you the Supreme Gift, which is self sufficiency.  It takes
strength and determination to pursue this path on a daily basis.  But
you have the path of Self Sufficiency and it saves you and others also.
It affects the whole world." 

Muktananda was very insistent on this point, that he was only here for a
small group of people whereas Maharishi was here for the good of

"My path is more nurturing because my devotees have me.  It is easier
because I am here for them. What you have from Maharishi is fully
comprehensive and you need only to do your practice.  I congratulate
each of you for being so courageous, for being responsible for your own
personal growth and that of the world." 

Muktananda emphasised again that he was only here in the world for his
group of devotees but Maharishi was here for the world. 

"Maharishi's path is unique.  You only need to do what he has asked you
to practice.  It is glorious but it is not easy to be self suffi

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shankara on the Two Paths

2007-08-25 Thread tertonzeno
---How about the Blue Pearl?  What does Shankara say about that?

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, billy jim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem here is in characterizing Shankara's views only in 
terms of his commentary on the Brahma Sutras. It is well established 
that the Brahma Sutra-s deal with bridging the variant perspectives 
found in the major Upanishads. Shankara's Brahama Sutra commentary is 
concerned with demonstrating that gnosis (jnana) or Brahma-vidya of 
the unconditional (nirguna) Brahman is both a direct and indirect 
means for vedantic realization. However, if we want to discuss 
Shankara then we need to take a wider perspective which is inclusive 
of his commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads. Taken 
together, these sources deal with action (karma), meditation 
(upasana) and direct knowing (jnana). 
>   And by the way, Shankara's wider view is the source for 
Maharishi's original explanatory model of the three fields of life 
which preceded the formulation of the Science of Creative 
>   Shankara's commentary on the Bhagavad Gita is the oldest among 
the older commentaries still existing today. Shankara was also the 
first to accept the Bhagavad Gita, along with the Brahma Sutras and 
the Upanishads, as one of the three foundations (prashtana traya) of 
Vedanta. His Bhagavad Gita commentary discusses Yoga, as does the 
Gita itself. It has also been noted by some scholars (particularly 
John Arapura) that Shankara does not superimpose upon the 18 chapters 
of the Gita a division into three topical sections dealing with 
karma, bhakti and jnana, respectively. Rather he discusses the two 
resolute observances (nishta-s) 1. jnana-yoga for the knowers 
(sankhyanam) and 2. karma-yoga for the yogin-s.  These "nishta-s" are 
found in Gita 3.3 and are often mis-translated into English 
as "paths". However, according to Shankara, these resolute 
observances (nishta-s) are not two separate paths but rather two 
stages on the single path to brahma-vidya.
>   I have not found anyone here on FFL who has read Adi-Shankara's 
commentary on the Bhagavad Gita, even though Maharishi made a point 
about it in his Gita commentary. Remember Maharishi's line about 
Shankara teaching not just transcendental knowledge but also 
transcendental devotion?
>   What about his commentaries on the principal Upanishads? If you 
had this teaching you would understand what it means that the purusha 
in the heart and the purusha in the sun are one. You would recognize 
that the doorway leading from the purusha in the heart to the purusha 
in the sun was the krsna-tara, the black-star in the right eye. You 
would no longer think that Shankara's teachings were just a bunch of 
abstractions for intellectuals who think too much. 
> So what? Yah, so what. 
>   ivan_galeb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   According to Shankara's commentary on Brahma sutras there 
is no mention 
> of Yoga as such path. Shankara dropped off philosophy of Yoga 
> Both paths have basis in Brahmanic rituals but the later one is 
> characterized by transcending rituals (advaita Vedanta). In both 
> Unity is possible to reach; in first after total pralaya; in second 
> immediately.
> > According to Marshy, the Purusha is totally separate 
> > from the gunas born of nature, prakriti. What is needed 
> > is not a metaphysics, but a PRACTICE, that can be used 
> > to isolate the Purusha from the prakriti: TM is that 
> > effortless technique.
> Purusha (Atman) can be experienced as if isolated, but real nature 
> Purusha (Atman) is Brahman, totality. There is no isolation in 
> state of consciousness. Yoga leads to turya and turyatit 
> Vedanta leads to Unity of Atman and Brahman.
> -
> Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your 
>  Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.

[FairfieldLife] yagya and jyotish testimonials

2007-08-25 Thread tertonzeno

[FairfieldLife] Re: Let God's will be done...but at someone else's expense...

2007-08-25 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> They must have had good karma to both be wealthy and
> be involved in spiritual growth, but I expect many of
> them are so wrapped up in an ego-stroking position in
> the TMO that they will never wise up and awaken to a
> modality that has a chance to actually awaken them.
> I have never, ever met a wealthy person pursuing the
> truly powerful modalities.
> --- suziezuzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What's your opinion about rich people in the
> > movement who have
> > inherited their money and like the people you
> > describe, never have
> > worked a day in their lives. 

They have good karma for money, so they don't have to earn money, 
but they must still earn everything else. Money carries a lot of 
power and I imagine it is easy to get seduced by it, focusing on its 
inherent but limited security.:-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Let God's will be done...but at someone else's expense...

2007-08-25 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "suziezuzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> What's your opinion about rich people in the movement who have
> inherited their money and like the people you describe, never have
> worked a day in their lives. 

Oh gawd, I *hate* people like that!

[FairfieldLife] 'Terroriying Deaths on Bus in Madison,Wisconsin'

2007-08-25 Thread Robert Gimbel
FRI., AUG 24, 2007 - 1:27 PM 
Electrocution: 'I watched them die,' says victim's fiancee 
A woman who watched her fiance, her best friend and her friend's 
daughter get electrocuted at a North Side bus stop Wednesday helped 
save another of the friend's four children.

Jamie McGee, 28, said Thursday that her fiance, Demetrius R. Dobbs, 
22, was killed trying to help their friend and neighbor, Lakisha M. 
Dancy, 28, after lightning caused a power line to fall into several 
inches of standing water at a bus stop.

Dancy's daughter, Maya Reese, 2, also died.

• Three die at bus stop after lightning strikes power line 
• How it happened: Breaker meant to stop flow was not triggered  
"The water was so deep, there was no way you could see the wire," 
McGee said.

According to witnesses and police, people waiting at the bus stop 
near the intersection of Northport Drive and Sherman Avenue dashed 
for the bus during a raging downpour around 4:15 p.m., just as 
lightning struck a nearby utility pole.

McGee said she and Dobbs had been grocery shopping and were on the 
Metro Transit bus, returning to the Kennedy Heights apartments on 
Northport Drive, where Dancy also lived, when they saw Dancy waiting 
for the bus with two of her children.

"She was smiling because she saw me on the bus — every time we saw 
each other, she just smiled and laughed," said McGee, who became 
friends with Dancy when they were in sixth grade in Chicago. Dobbs 
also is originally from Chicago.

"She stepped off the grass into the water and she fell" onto Maya, 
McGee said. "We thought that she tripped."

Dobbs immediately jumped off the bus to help Dancy, who did not have 
a car and had just come from a bank, McGee said.

"When Demetrius stepped off the bus, he was screaming and he was 
shrieking and he fell," McGee said.

"He never made it to her," McGee said. Dancy, she said, "was already 

McGee said Dane County Coroner John Stanley told her, "There was so 
much electricity in the water, they were dead before they hit the 

Dancy's 7-year-old son, Malik Chandler, also went into the water and 
was shocked, but he fell and slid toward the bus, where McGee was 
able to reach him and pull him on board, she said.

McGee said the victim's bodies were burned and smoking.

"I watched them die, and Malik watched his mother and sister die," 
McGee said.

911 tapes

"They're dead!" McGee can be heard shouting in the background. "This 
is my fiance and my best friend!"

The bus driver also attempted a rescue, was shocked and fell back 
into the bus, said Madison police spokesman Mike Hanson. The driver 
then closed the doors so no one else would step out into the water, 
he said.

The driver has asked that his name not be released yet, Metro Transit 
General Manager Chuck Kamp said Thursday.

"Our employee was traumatized," Kamp said. "He has asked that we 
honor that while he's going through his adjustment."

Malik, who is expected to be released from UW Hospital by today, has 
two other siblings, Cierra Chandler, 8, and Osha Dancy, 12, who are 
now with relatives.

Moved to Madison

Both families recently moved to Kennedy Heights on Northport Drive in 
an effort to find better schools and a peaceful neighborhood for 
their children.

McGee said Dancy moved here with her children in October. McGee and 
Dobbs followed in June with McGee's three children, to whom Dobbs had 
taken on the role of father. Dobbs also had a 3-year-old daughter of 
his own, McGee said.

"They loved him so much," McGee said of her children Eric, 7, 
Dezerhea, 8, and Destiny, 6.

McGee described Dobbs, whom she called "Meechie," as someone who 
would do anything to help anybody and who was always looking out for 
her. "He was my protector."

While she was at work, Dobbs would "clean up all day long, even if 
(the house) was already clean," McGee said.

Dobbs also loved to play video games, and had just purchased a new 
game to play with her son when he returned from visiting family in 

"It's a big loss," said Sharron Wright, who lived near Dancy, Dobbs 
and McGee in Chicago.

At age 2, Wright said, little Maya "was just starting to get her 
words out."

Going to miss her

Wright said she'll miss her daily telephone chats with Dancy — known 
by everybody as "Keisha" — whose voice sparkled with casual energy.

"We called each other every morning," Wright said. "Just to talk, 
laughing and stuff."

When they spoke Wednesday morning, Wright said, Dancy said "she'd 
just gotten all of her school stuff together" for the children.

Dancy had planned to visit Wright this weekend before classes begin 
Sept. 4.

Wright said Dancy, who had worked as a tax preparer in Chicago, 
juggled the demands of being a single mother with a cleaning job in 
Madison. To strangers, Dancy was reserved, "but when you get to know 
her, you know she ain't quiet no more."

"I never thought she'd leave like this," Wright said.

Gwen Jones, a 

[FairfieldLife] Shankara on the Two Paths

2007-08-25 Thread billy jim
The problem here is in characterizing Shankara's views only in terms of his 
commentary on the Brahma Sutras. It is well established that the Brahma Sutra-s 
deal with bridging the variant perspectives found in the major Upanishads. 
Shankara's Brahama Sutra commentary is concerned with demonstrating that gnosis 
(jnana) or Brahma-vidya of the unconditional (nirguna) Brahman is both a direct 
and indirect means for vedantic realization. However, if we want to discuss 
Shankara then we need to take a wider perspective which is inclusive of his 
commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads. Taken together, these 
sources deal with action (karma), meditation (upasana) and direct knowing 
  And by the way, Shankara's wider view is the source for Maharishi's original 
explanatory model of the three fields of life which preceded the formulation of 
the Science of Creative Intelligence. 
  Shankara's commentary on the Bhagavad Gita is the oldest among the older 
commentaries still existing today. Shankara was also the first to accept the 
Bhagavad Gita, along with the Brahma Sutras and the Upanishads, as one of the 
three foundations (prashtana traya) of Vedanta. His Bhagavad Gita commentary 
discusses Yoga, as does the Gita itself. It has also been noted by some 
scholars (particularly John Arapura) that Shankara does not superimpose upon 
the 18 chapters of the Gita a division into three topical sections dealing with 
karma, bhakti and jnana, respectively. Rather he discusses the two resolute 
observances (nishta-s) 1. jnana-yoga for the knowers (sankhyanam) and 2. 
karma-yoga for the yogin-s.  These "nishta-s" are found in Gita 3.3 and are 
often mis-translated into English as "paths". However, according to Shankara, 
these resolute observances (nishta-s) are not two separate paths but rather two 
stages on the single path to brahma-vidya.
  I have not found anyone here on FFL who has read Adi-Shankara's commentary on 
the Bhagavad Gita, even though Maharishi made a point about it in his Gita 
commentary. Remember Maharishi's line about Shankara teaching not just 
transcendental knowledge but also transcendental devotion?
  What about his commentaries on the principal Upanishads? If you had this 
teaching you would understand what it means that the purusha in the heart and 
the purusha in the sun are one. You would recognize that the doorway leading 
from the purusha in the heart to the purusha in the sun was the krsna-tara, the 
black-star in the right eye. You would no longer think that Shankara’s 
teachings were just a bunch of abstractions for intellectuals who think too 
So what? Yah, so what. 
  ivan_galeb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  According to Shankara's commentary on Brahma sutras there is no 
of Yoga as such path. Shankara dropped off philosophy of Yoga system.
Both paths have basis in Brahmanic rituals but the later one is 
characterized by transcending rituals (advaita Vedanta). In both paths 
Unity is possible to reach; in first after total pralaya; in second 

> According to Marshy, the Purusha is totally separate 
> from the gunas born of nature, prakriti. What is needed 
> is not a metaphysics, but a PRACTICE, that can be used 
> to isolate the Purusha from the prakriti: TM is that 
> effortless technique.

Purusha (Atman) can be experienced as if isolated, but real nature of 
Purusha (Atman) is Brahman, totality. There is no isolation in Brahman 
state of consciousness. Yoga leads to turya and turyatit (kaivalya), 
Vedanta leads to Unity of Atman and Brahman.


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Let God's will be done...but at someone else's expense...

2007-08-25 Thread gullible fool

They must have had good karma to both be wealthy and
be involved in spiritual growth, but I expect many of
them are so wrapped up in an ego-stroking position in
the TMO that they will never wise up and awaken to a
modality that has a chance to actually awaken them.

I have never, ever met a wealthy person pursuing the
truly powerful modalities.
--- suziezuzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What's your opinion about rich people in the
> movement who have
> inherited their money and like the people you
> describe, never have
> worked a day in their lives. While it's true that
> they never have to
> beg, they still are being given funds from a trust
> or inheritance
> having been created by another, their parents, etc.
> I knew people like
> this at MIU in the 70s and they lived the good life,
> going on courses
> whenever they wanted, vacations during the winters
> to avoid the cold,
> and generally being able to be in the best TM
> positions on courses,
> ie., be with MMY etc. But do you have the same
> opinion about these
> people? I think the life you have described for
> Dakota is pretty sad. 
> MMY was also broke when he started the movement.
> Lutes will attest to
> this so how would you characterize the difference
> here. Is it that MMY
> worked 22 hours a day on his mission? Maybe it was
> that focus and
> energy that eventually attracted the resources he
> needed. This is
> probably a better example of what, "Let God's Will
> Be Done" means.  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine
> wrote:
> >
> > On Aug 25, 2007, at 4:36 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > 
> > > The fact that this "Let thy will be done...put
> my
> > > trust only in God" thing WORKS for these people
> > > is an amazement.
> > 
> > Barry,
> > But does it?  The fact that he has to send out
> periodic requests for $$ 
> > would seem to me that it's not working--not in a
> healthy way, at least. 
> > Look at what Rick says he went through every time
> he walked into a 
> > roomful of people.  Putting yourself in the
> position of relying on the 
> > generosity of friends, many of whom are
> undoubtedly struggling 
> > themselves,  would seem to me to be very
> stressful, and an ultimately 
> > 'unspiritual,' way to go through life.  Leeching
> is leeching, no matter 
> > what the excuse.   And the people who keep sending
> him cash are just 
> > enabling him. I doubt many of them feel very good
> about it.   I'd say 
> > stay away from the whole situation.  If donating
> $$ is what it takes to 
> > be friends with this guy, time to find a new
> friend and let this one 
> > go.
> > 
> > Sal
> >
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Re: [FairfieldLife] LIVE from Abbey Road

2007-08-25 Thread Kirk
 Pass the joint please.

Lav, or Grape? AK, or Trainwreck?

[FairfieldLife] Another Disciple pops into enlightenment yesterday

2007-08-25 Thread Kirk
that cas all u lo down mofos be poppin

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2007-08-25 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin"  
> > >
> > Hey, you two could be in the Circus! Two 60+ year old men 
(or "old 
> > farts"-yuck- as Barry proudly and tamasically refers to 
> > acting like children-- funny, in a sad sort of way...:-)
> I sympathize Jim, and you have my compassion, that "parts" of you 
> tamasic, fartish, grumpy, circus-like, childish and sad.
> When "parts" of me seem to feel other parts of me are frustrated 
> sad, etc, I give that part healing attention and compassion -- with
> encouragement and good cheer that it will soon overcome its 
> and see the love and joy throughout Itself.
You make good sense, though don't you really mean parts of Us? 
That's the way it looks from my perspective.:-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Let God's will be done...but at someone else's expense...

2007-08-25 Thread suziezuzie
What's your opinion about rich people in the movement who have
inherited their money and like the people you describe, never have
worked a day in their lives. While it's true that they never have to
beg, they still are being given funds from a trust or inheritance
having been created by another, their parents, etc. I knew people like
this at MIU in the 70s and they lived the good life, going on courses
whenever they wanted, vacations during the winters to avoid the cold,
and generally being able to be in the best TM positions on courses,
ie., be with MMY etc. But do you have the same opinion about these
people? I think the life you have described for Dakota is pretty sad. 

MMY was also broke when he started the movement. Lutes will attest to
this so how would you characterize the difference here. Is it that MMY
worked 22 hours a day on his mission? Maybe it was that focus and
energy that eventually attracted the resources he needed. This is
probably a better example of what, "Let God's Will Be Done" means.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Aug 25, 2007, at 4:36 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > The fact that this "Let thy will be done...put my
> > trust only in God" thing WORKS for these people
> > is an amazement.
> Barry,
> But does it?  The fact that he has to send out periodic requests for $$ 
> would seem to me that it's not working--not in a healthy way, at least. 
> Look at what Rick says he went through every time he walked into a 
> roomful of people.  Putting yourself in the position of relying on the 
> generosity of friends, many of whom are undoubtedly struggling 
> themselves,  would seem to me to be very stressful, and an ultimately 
> 'unspiritual,' way to go through life.  Leeching is leeching, no matter 
> what the excuse.   And the people who keep sending him cash are just 
> enabling him. I doubt many of them feel very good about it.   I'd say 
> stay away from the whole situation.  If donating $$ is what it takes to 
> be friends with this guy, time to find a new friend and let this one 
> go.
> Sal

[FairfieldLife] 'Present Earth Changes'

2007-08-25 Thread Robert Gimbel
August 25th, 2007
http://www.spiritli te.com/messages. php 
Greetings to each of you! I know this is a bit early - I thought I 
ought to get a follow up newsletter out since the changes that the 
Masters spoke of are coming earlier than the actual event they spoke 
of, the tear in the fabric of creation which begins on Sept 6th and 
maximizes on the 14th or so. They will fill you in below.

What are we experiencing? Holy cow what a ride we are on! I have 
heard from many, many people about changes that we humans are 
experiencing in preface to the actual shift. There is a lot of body 
pain, sharp shooting pains particularly in the head. Not headaches, 
shooting pains. Also the feet, particularly the balls of the feet are 
demonstrating pain, particularly after sleeping or standing after 
sitting for a while. Some people are getting burning in their feet. 
The foot stuff is directly related to the earthquake activity that 
has escalated just as the masters said it would. Hang onto your hats 
because the earthquake activity is about to ramp up. Please don't 
take this with a fearful perspective, just a head's up. Particularly 
if you are in an earthquake zone. Some people are feeling pain in 
their major joints, hips, elbows for the most part. Don't shoot the 
messenger, but these symptoms will most likely get worse before they 
get better.

Other symptoms of the current coming shift are sleepless nights 
(including yours truly!), appetite changes including not being hungry 
at all or being ravenous for several days at a whack. Weigh issues 
are on the rise, but that is mostly fluid retention based upon the 
energy influences. Remember, we are mostly created of water so when 
there are huge changes in the universe, our bodies are going to 
respond. Sometimes that means fluid gain for a while. This too shall 
pass. Another thing that is happening is brain fog. Jut try to think 
of that word you mean to say, or to recall someone's name, even 
though you know it as well as your own. 

The most intense for people have been the emotional ups and downs. 
That is rampant and there have been lots of arguments among people 
who just don't do that, misunderstandings like a mercury retrograde 
on steroids. Be sure to be very clear with what you say or do, then 
follow up even when it is with someone that you trust because pretty 
much everyone is affected with the energies right now.

The truth is that all in all the old paradigms are dying. They no 
longer work. I know that I said that before, but if whatever you are 
doing isn't working, look for new or creative ways to go about them. 
Mostly, please, look inside of you. Go into your hearts and ask the 
real you what you can do differently to avoid misunderstandings or 
taking things personally. Don't depend on anyone else for validation 
of your choices. Ask yourself how you can change old ways so that you 
are free of them. All it takes is making a different choice in a 
moment and lives change forever. Believe me, I know!

The positive side of all of this is that with the new energies are 
coming new and exciting teachings from the ethers. I know that many 
of you are experiencing new types of awakenings that are often 
profound. My advice is to stay out of your heads with this. Don't try 
to understand. Let the information free flow into you. When you need 
it, it will be fully present to you. You will wonder how you knew it!

Look closely to your dreams. There is a lot of night school going on 
right now. The guides are coming and the Masters are roaming the 
dimensions, sharing and caring and leaving us with what we need 
toward total recall of our light beingness. Also in our dreams, many 
of us are processing our day time lives big time. Look for the 
symbolism, don't take your dreams literally. Often your dreams will 
tell you volumes through symbols or things that represent something 
to you. What we can't always face in our waking time, our dreams will 
process with us.

Remember, through it all, that each of us is whole and perfect just 
as we are, no matter how the moment looks, if we are forcing or 
fighting anything we must look at what it is we are really doing., 
Usually it isn't at all about what we are uncomfortable with in the 
moment, but something, some issue, that we are carrying deep within 
us. Generally this is a fear that we just don't want to own, so it 
causes us dysfunction in our lives until we meet it head on and 
dispense with it. It isn't as hard as it sounds and we don't have to 
relive the pain of whatever experience in the past caused it. Just 
let go. Life is too short and there is so much beautiful for us all!

Well, I am thrilled to tell you that I finished "Conversations with 
the Children of Now" last night (Ya!) It comes out in February. I 
interviewed 15 kids for the book about life, death, love, God, 2012 
and many other subjects that we humans always want to know about. The 
children didn't let us down either! I know 

[FairfieldLife] 'Current Earth Changes'

2007-08-25 Thread Robert Gimbel
August 25th, 2007
http://www.spiritli te.com/messages. php 
Greetings to each of you! I know this is a bit early - I thought I 
ought to get a follow up newsletter out since the changes that the 
Masters spoke of are coming earlier than the actual event they spoke 
of, the tear in the fabric of creation which begins on Sept 6th and 
maximizes on the 14th or so. They will fill you in below.

What are we experiencing? Holy cow what a ride we are on! I have 
heard from many, many people about changes that we humans are 
experiencing in preface to the actual shift. There is a lot of body 
pain, sharp shooting pains particularly in the head. Not headaches, 
shooting pains. Also the feet, particularly the balls of the feet are 
demonstrating pain, particularly after sleeping or standing after 
sitting for a while. Some people are getting burning in their feet. 
The foot stuff is directly related to the earthquake activity that 
has escalated just as the masters said it would. Hang onto your hats 
because the earthquake activity is about to ramp up. Please don't 
take this with a fearful perspective, just a head's up. Particularly 
if you are in an earthquake zone. Some people are feeling pain in 
their major joints, hips, elbows for the most part. Don't shoot the 
messenger, but these symptoms will most likely get worse before they 
get better.

Other symptoms of the current coming shift are sleepless nights 
(including yours truly!), appetite changes including not being hungry 
at all or being ravenous for several days at a whack. Weigh issues 
are on the rise, but that is mostly fluid retention based upon the 
energy influences. Remember, we are mostly created of water so when 
there are huge changes in the universe, our bodies are going to 
respond. Sometimes that means fluid gain for a while. This too shall 
pass. Another thing that is happening is brain fog. Jut try to think 
of that word you mean to say, or to recall someone's name, even 
though you know it as well as your own. 

The most intense for people have been the emotional ups and downs. 
That is rampant and there have been lots of arguments among people 
who just don't do that, misunderstandings like a mercury retrograde 
on steroids. Be sure to be very clear with what you say or do, then 
follow up even when it is with someone that you trust because pretty 
much everyone is affected with the energies right now.

The truth is that all in all the old paradigms are dying. They no 
longer work. I know that I said that before, but if whatever you are 
doing isn't working, look for new or creative ways to go about them. 
Mostly, please, look inside of you. Go into your hearts and ask the 
real you what you can do differently to avoid misunderstandings or 
taking things personally. Don't depend on anyone else for validation 
of your choices. Ask yourself how you can change old ways so that you 
are free of them. All it takes is making a different choice in a 
moment and lives change forever. Believe me, I know!

The positive side of all of this is that with the new energies are 
coming new and exciting teachings from the ethers. I know that many 
of you are experiencing new types of awakenings that are often 
profound. My advice is to stay out of your heads with this. Don't try 
to understand. Let the information free flow into you. When you need 
it, it will be fully present to you. You will wonder how you knew it!

Look closely to your dreams. There is a lot of night school going on 
right now. The guides are coming and the Masters are roaming the 
dimensions, sharing and caring and leaving us with what we need 
toward total recall of our light beingness. Also in our dreams, many 
of us are processing our day time lives big time. Look for the 
symbolism, don't take your dreams literally. Often your dreams will 
tell you volumes through symbols or things that represent something 
to you. What we can't always face in our waking time, our dreams will 
process with us.

Remember, through it all, that each of us is whole and perfect just 
as we are, no matter how the moment looks, if we are forcing or 
fighting anything we must look at what it is we are really doing., 
Usually it isn't at all about what we are uncomfortable with in the 
moment, but something, some issue, that we are carrying deep within 
us. Generally this is a fear that we just don't want to own, so it 
causes us dysfunction in our lives until we meet it head on and 
dispense with it. It isn't as hard as it sounds and we don't have to 
relive the pain of whatever experience in the past caused it. Just 
let go. Life is too short and there is so much beautiful for us all!

Well, I am thrilled to tell you that I finished "Conversations with 
the Children of Now" last night (Ya!) It comes out in February. I 
interviewed 15 kids for the book about life, death, love, God, 2012 
and many other subjects that we humans always want to know about. The 
children didn't let us down either! I kno

[FairfieldLife] 'How War Creates Drugs'

2007-08-25 Thread Robert
How War Creates Drugs
One way war creates drugs;
Is by increasing the pain and worthlessness of people.
War causes people to lose their souls: The constant killing, the
to death.
Then  various drugs start to appear in countries where there has been
Currently the WAR(s) in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and various factions
Mexico and
  Leads to mucho drug tafficking of heroin, cocaine, marijuana,
hashish, and methadrine.
While these drugs are produced in poverty stricken and war-torn
  The doping product ends up in the poorer streets of Paris, London, New York, 
and Philly.
  This is how war creates drugs.
  r.g,   madison,wi.

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[FairfieldLife] 'Demonic Assyrians Strike The Heart of North India'

2007-08-25 Thread Robert
New Delhi - At least 32 people were killed and more than 35 injured in a series 
of blasts in Hyderabad, capital of southern Indian Andhra Pradesh state on 
Saturday, officials said. "Preliminary information indicates this is definitely 
terrorist activity," said Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YSR Reddy, who visited 
the blast sites.   
The first blast took place at an open-air auditorium in Lumbini Park at round 
7:45 pm (1415 GMT), an official at the Hyderabad police control room said.   
The auditorium is located near the state secretariat, which houses the offices 
of the state chief minister and other top officials.   
At least 500 people were watching a laser show in the auditorium at the time of 
the blasts, police official RK Rao said.   
The second blast occurred within 10-15 minutes at the Gokul Chat Bhandar, a 
popular eatery in the Kothi area of the city located about eight kilometres 
from Lumbini Park, the police said.   
Andhra Pradesh Home Minister Jana Reddy said about 30 people had been killed - 
26 at the eatery at Kothi and six at Lumbini Park. Unconfirmed reports said the 
toll could be as high as 40.   
Television cameras showed gory scenes at the Lumbini Park auditorium where 
limbs, blood, clothes and shoes were strewn around with remains of blue plastic 
seats. At the Gokul Chat Bhandar, dishes and food were seen scattered around 
amid blood-stained clothes and shoes.   
Hyderabad police commissioner Balwinder Singh said the blasts appeared to have 
been triggered by cell phones attached to bags of explosives in a modus 
operandi similar to that used by terrorists in the Mecca mosque blasts in the 
city in May in which 14 people were killed.   
The banned Harkat-ul Jehad-i-Islami (HUJI), an Islamic militant group, was 
suspected of masterminding the blasts, PTI news agency reported quoting police 
sources. The HUJI is suspected of being behind the Mecca Masjid blasts as well, 
the sources said.   
Many of the dead were young people and women, the police said. Eleven of the 
dead have been identified so far. An inconsolable father of one of the victims 
told NDTV television channel that it was his son's 20th birthday on Sunday.   
The injured had been admitted to several hospitals in the city. The condition 
of 10 to 15 was said to be serious.   
A red alert has been sounded in Hyderabad and people have been asked to stay 
indoors and avoid public places amid rumours of unexploded bombs being found at 
several places.   
"Don't believe rumours. Don't spread rumours," Reddy told people over 
television. "We will do everything to restore calm."   
A bomb with a timer attached had been defused below a pedestrian footbridge in 
the city, PTI news agency reported quoting police sources.   
Security has been tightened across the city and all vehicles entering and 
exiting the city are being checked.   
It is festival season in Andhra Pradesh and an estimated 10,000 weddings are 
scheduled to be held in Hyderabad on Sunday.   
Politicians from across parties condemned the blasts and appealed to people to 
remain calm.   
This is the second major suspected terrorist attack after the Mecca mosque 
blasts in the city in 2007. Hyderabad has a large Muslim population and a 
history of communal violence.   
The most serious terrorist attack by triggering serial bomb blasts in recent 
years was one on Mumbai's busy rail network in July 2006 that killed more than 
200 people. 
Copyright, respective author or news agency

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[FairfieldLife] Ahnuld in the Parking Lot

2007-08-25 Thread Bhairitu
Today I skipped my usual walk at the local waterfront park.  It is a 
beautiful day and it would have been a nice walk but it is a circus and 
the usually quiet location.  Two days ago when I was walking there the 
small lot I usually park in was closed so I just parked in the Marina 
lot next door.  That lot had a sign saying it would be closed the next 
day so I just figured the crew was doing the yearly maintenance, 
repainting parking slots, etc.  But 10 guys?  It's usually 2.

So as I was going on my walk I passed a guy who told me the "governor is 
going to be here" to which I replied "great I'll come down and yell at 
him."   As I was walking away the guy yelled back at me "but the 
governor is a great guy" to which I replied "only in the movies."

Ahnuld is here today to open a new bridge nearby and the park is a where 
it is being commemorated and named after our Congressman George Miller 
who really is a great guy.   So the place is a mess and someone at 
Starbuck's this morning told me they were over by the new bridge and 
there were like thousands of cars waiting to cross.  Good, the new 
bridge which will be north bound lanes will get rid of those Friday 
afternoon backups on 680 as Kalifornians rush out of town to wreck 
creation or more likely these days to lose a lot of money at the Indian 
casinos.  And where do they get money to lose nowadays?  They must be 
gambling on their LOCs.

I don't need to go yell at him though as I'm sure there will be quite a 
throng doing so.  The son-of-a-Nazi struck a $55 million program to help 
mentally ill homeless from the California budget while allowing a $45 
million tax break to yacht owners.  Sort of mixed up priorities, eh?  
Though I'm sure Shemp will probably justify it in his warped trickled 
down mind.  We seem to have the bad terminator running things and need 
the good one to come back in time and fix things.  Either that or put a 
bunch of bun hoppers next to the state capitol.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hello from India

2007-08-25 Thread Bhairitu
t3rinity wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> t3rinity wrote:
>>> Just wanted to send you a hello from here. I am now since about 
> one 
>>> week in Madanapalle, with a small group of people. We have a 
> nice 
>>> time, its not too hot, as Madanapalle is higher, I just bought a 
>>> cycle. We were also one day in Tiruvannamalai, and stayed in one 
> of 
>>> the oldest Ashrams there.
>> I know you've traveled much to India over the years. Do you see 
> much 
>> change to the country over the last ten years, especially with the 
>> economy?  I know they are having a tech boom but like the US that 
>> doesn't get everywhere.  But I did read an article in the local 
> Indian 
>> magazine by some Indians who returned and thought they were going 
> waltz 
>> right in an pick up a nice house in a great neighbor cheap and 
> live like 
>> kings.  But they found that was no longer possible.
> Well, I'm not buying houses or ground here, but I heard that prices 
> in Tiruvannamalai for ground are doubling every year. You can also 
> clearly see that Hotel prices in big cities are rising, its not 
> anymore possible to have a sort of nice place for 200 rupees, so you 
> rather pay up to 800 - 1000, and yet this is still good value. I 
> have just eaten a very good indian meal for Rps 18. Now I get over 
> 50 Rps per 1 Euro. It depends very much on where you are. There is 
> still a big number of people being very poor, or even those people 
> who are on the lower scale of middle class, and for them there is a 
> low cost infra-structure. So, I would say its mixed. Comparatively 
> to other countries its still one of the cheapest countries to live 
> in. If you look at the streets, the cars, the cell-phones, much has 
> changed. 10 years ago there was mainly the ambassador, now it has 
> become rather rare. Tiruvannamalai is also a special example as it 
> is flooded by westerners, ex-poonjaji, ex-osho. Its an elorado of 
> western seekers, satsang culture with different Gurus being there. 
> Best see http://arunachalagrace.blogspot.com
Thanks, it is always good to get a report from a westerner who has been 
to India over the years.  I was there 10 years ago.  About that time 
they were planning to leapfrog to cellular phones over wiring the 
country for telephones and Internet.  Then Bill Gates visited and 
created an uproar as he wanted to wire the country.  That ticked off a 
lot of Indian entrepreneurs who had been working on the cellular 
initiative and Gates was basically told to take a hike.  Good thing as 
many poorer Indians can afford a cell phone but not a computer.  As as 
things would go I would bet their cellular service is ahead of the US 
services (as many are in Asia).

Re: [FairfieldLife] 'John From Cincinnati' Arrested for DUI

2007-08-25 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
> But...but...but...I'm ENLIGHTENED! Doncha
> watch TV??!!!
> One-way streets are so unevolved! Why should
> we who have evolved past that point have to
> pay attention to laws that bind lesser humans? 
> Not us! We're tuned into a *higher* law, the
> laws of nature! This is stupid...it's almost 
> like trying to suggest that WE, as special as 
> we are, should actually follow the rules that
> apply to lesser, unevolved people like your-
> selves! Like posting...uh...speed limits and
> stuff like that. This is so UNFAIR! Why don't
> you understand how SPECIAL we are??!!
> < sound of handcuffs clicking shut >
> JACKSON, Mich. (Aug. 24) - Austin Nichols , the 
> title character in HBO's "John From Cincinnati," 
> was arrested early Friday on suspicion of drunken 
> driving. 
> The 27-year-old actor was stopped by police about 
> 2:40 a.m. after being spotted driving a silver 
> Mercury Mountaineer the wrong way down a one-way 
> street in the city, said Jackson police Lt. John 
> Holda.
> An officer smelled alcohol and, after conducting 
> sobriety tests, took Nichols into custody. A breath 
> test later indicated he had a blood-alcohol content 
> of 0.10 percent, Holda said. 
> The legal limit for drivers in Michigan is 0.08 
> percent. 
> Nichols, who also appeared in "Deadwood," was held 
> at the Jackson County Jail and released about 8:40 
> a.m., said Jackson County sheriff's Lt. Carl 
> Carmoney. He wasn't arraigned and was expected to 
> appear in court at a later date. 
> If convicted of drunken driving, Nichols could face 
> up to 93 days in jail, a $500 fine and community 
> service. 
> A call seeing comment Friday from Nichols' publicist 
> was not immediately returned. 
I wonder if he was in character?  I can just here the exchange now.
"Spread your right arm out then touch your nose."
"No, you spread YOUR right arm out and touch YOUR nose."

[FairfieldLife] Comments from the newly enlightened- what happened

2007-08-25 Thread Ron
Namaste Guru's and Group,

Well, do not have any powerful words at present... all the beautiful 
poetry and mystical language add up to about a ball of doodoo. Once 
This IS, the mind literally has nothing to say! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
ha ha

Can not recall exactly what took place. Was standing somewhere in the 
house... believe in one of the kids rooms doing the "normal routines" 
when a thought came to the mind. Don't know what it was, but suddenly 
there was a simple, quiet *Pop* and then... noTHING! Ha ha ha ha ha 
ha ha ha! Pretty immediately there was Great Laughter! It IS the 
GREAT Cosmic Joke!!! The laughter continued for quite a while... it 
is ALL just too funny! Called Guru-ji within minutes as had to have 
another to laugh in Simplicity with... and really could only laugh... 
not many words would spring forth.

There is noTHING here. There never was! There NEVER, EVER was! 
These fears... these emotions... EMPTY! There is no-ONE who can 
experience them. There is NO experiencer! There is noTHING! It IS 
all so Simple... Empty, but Full... and (as Guru-ji has said) 
extroidinarily ordinary. This IS Freedom, but Freedom for noONE. 
Unlimited, unending Absolute Freedom! 

There are still emotions, but noONE to experience them. There is 
still a body and a mind but they are seen for what they are: just a 
body and a mind! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Thoughts come... but 
hold no power, cause "who" is going to feed them... so they fall 
again. It just IS... Beautiful, Empty but Whole and Completely Free! 

All the fears... all the worries... all the chasing count as a hill of 
beans!!! All of those are TOTALLY unfounded! DO NOT FEAR!!! PLEASE, 

Will write again in the next couple of days as the mind settles a 
bit. Perhaps beautiful language will spring forth... perhaps not. 
But, "who" cares!? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

Keep going!! THIS IS AMAZING!!

OM and Prem,

[FairfieldLife] Another Disciple pops into enlightenment yesterday

2007-08-25 Thread Ron
> Namaste Guru S,

Namaste -

0- yes indeed around 9:15 Sarojini called to say she popped. hahahahahahah 
and then we laughed ongoing for about another 15 minutes at least. 

When it all goes - the Cosmic Joke is known. 

Welcome to the 0 Club of One. 

Maha Shanti OM 
> Whelp... the bottom fell out. Just spoke (or would have to say 
> LAUGHED LIKE IT DIDN'T COUNT) with Guru-G... both thought the laughter 
> should be shared with Guru-S. 
> Are "you" (HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!) online? Guru-Ji didn't have your 
> number available. If so, please shoot this one an email and will call 
> to laugh... not talk! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! 
> From nowhere to NoWHERE as noONE! 
> Sarojini
> P.S. Will send a post to share with group once laughter has subsided 
> a bit... THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR! There is Truly noONE who CAN 
> fear! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

[FairfieldLife] 'Pay Attention to the/Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes...'

2007-08-25 Thread Robert Gimbel
Changes and the Beatles  by: Dan Lubben


Life was pretty routine for this fourteen year old. I was busy 
building a model 
airplane. I'm getting glue everywhere but where it needs to be, but 
having fun all the same. While doing this I was also listening to my 
favorite radio station KIMN. 

There was a new contest going on and everybody was quite excited 
about it. 88 lucky winners were going to attend The Beatles concert 
in St. Louis later that year. The catch was that you had to call in 
and identify a Beatles song when the station had their hourly 

This could be a tough task because you usually didn't recognize the 
song because it was either played super fast, slow, or backwards. The 
contest was already about half way through, and all I could get was a 
busy signal when I called. Then the D.J announced, "Call in and guess 
this song and you'll be a winner". This song was played backwards, 
but I recognized it immediately. I grabbed the phone off the wall, 
and dialed as fast as I could. I figured that by the time I got 
through that I'd hear that all too familiar busy signal. Then to my 
surprise the phone started ringing on the other end, which made me 
think I must have dialed the wrong number. Next thing I heard was the 
D.J saying "can you guess that tune"? I was in shock, I can barely 
remember what the song was, but I blurted out "Do You Want to Know a 
Secret"? "You're a winner" he replied. 

Total shock is what I felt after that. I couldn't win at anything, 
and now I'm going to see The Beatles. My next task was to convince my 
folks that a fourteen year old 
would be safe on a trip like that. The radio station helped out by 
having escorts who would keep us in line, but I wanted my friends to 
join me. We set up what seemed to be a 24 hour a day vigil to get 
them in. But it seems my old friend the busy signal greeted us each 
time we called. Soon the contest was over and I realized I would have 
to go it alone. I still felt that the whole thing had to be a dream, 
that I would wake up and still be building model airplanes. 

Then the official letter came announcing the mandatory meeting for 
the winners. My dad and I showed up at a church that was full of 
excited kids, and nervous parents. The itinerary was discussed, and 
papers signed, and the next thing was waiting for August 21. 

I 'm sure I didn't sleep much the night before, but the time I was 
waiting for had finally arrived. Me, my dad, and my best friends Jim 
and Boyd were off to Stapleton Airport where there was a four engine 
turboprop awaiting the winners. It was still dark and a little cold, 
I said my goodbyes and as I headed toward the plane I heard my dad 
mumble "lucky stiff". Motors weren't needed to get this plane in the 
air. The excitement of everybody on the plane could have put us into 
outer space. I was excited for my own reasons, because not only did I 
get to see The Beatles, but I also got my first plane ride. Sure 
beats building model airplanes. It seemed like we were only in the 
air for 15 minutes, and then we landed. Getting off the plane I 
noticed that it was raining, but nothing could ruin this trip. .The 
smell of the jet fuel and the diesel fuel from the tour bus was 

We rambled onto the tour buses where we were to be treated to the 
sights of St Louis. We were shown the Budweiser Brewery and a few 
other sites, but the one thing that stuck in my mind was the Gateway 
Arch that was finished the year before. The bus finally made it to 
Busch Stadium, which was also built the year before. We made our way 
into the stadium, getting soaked in the process. I stopped to pick up 
a program which I had to stick in my shirt to keep from getting wet. 
We were in our seats soon after and were ready for the show. 

I was taking it all in at this point. I noticed most of the fans were 
dressed in the latest fashion. Girls had their hair in bouffonts with 
miniskirts and knee high go-go boots, guys with their Beatle 
haircuts, bell bottom cord pants with the latest mod paisley shirts, 
and of course the latest hats. 

I was making my fashion statement too, the "Leave it to Beaver" look, 
a striped T- shirt with blue jeans. Didn't matter though this whole 
event was much more than a fashion show. 

All of a sudden the announcer let out with a "Here they are The 
Beatles". My hearing will never be the same. The crowd jumped to 
their feet, girls were screaming at the top of their lungs. The 
Beatles came out of the dugout and worked their way through the 
security guards, waving all the time, till they got to the second 
base stage that was set up for them. Then they played their first 
song. I strained to figure out what it was. Was it "Ticket to Ride", 
or "I Saw Her Standing There"?. I wanted to tell the girl behind me 
to cool it, but it was futile. Even though you couldn't hear the 
music the emotion carried everyone over. Everybody was into the 

The one thing 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hello from India

2007-08-25 Thread Ron
Thank you for  responding Michael- If Mother Meera was there at that time, I 
mention something but obviously no need. 

My own thinking is there is no usual- if anyone asks to see my Guru, I pass it 
on each and 
every time that such a request is there or point one in the direction of direct 
contact via 
email, telephone or whatever else.


FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Tanmay,
> Mother Meera does not usually see people outside Darshan. We have a 
> program in India extended until September 17th. Anyone is welcome, 
> but you should ideally phone before coming. The phone number is on 
> the webpage: http://mothermeeraindia.com Please make any inquiries 
> directly through this number. I have once asked Mother on behalf of 
> another (american) Gurus disciple, and she didn't want to have the 
> meeting. She told me that such meetings are usually only for the 
> disciples. If your Guru is enlightened she will not really have the 
> need to meet anyone. If she still wants, she can come to the regular 
> Darshan. You might think that this is not on the same level, but 
> some have done this, I know of one Guru with quite some following 
> who has come 4 - 5 times. At the 28th of September Mother will be 
> back to Germany, so October will be too late.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ron"  wrote:
> >
> > Before I ask the next question, I simply state there is a 
> transparency in my path, it is 
> > actually required. It is asked, if something is not transparent, 
> then perhaps it should be 
> > looked at to see if this is a useful thing for one to keep in 
> their life.
> > 
> > While transparency is a significant spiritul thing in my path, no 
> coment for how others 
> > choose or their Guru procedes with or without transparency. I will 
> just comment that it is 
> > something to think over maybe as one may realize that something 
> they are trying to hide 
> > from being revealed may in fact be something that is not useful 
> for their own evolution.
> > 
> > This policy is how it is in my path and not meaning to say it must 
> be in all other paths or 
> > your path, what ever path that is, is better or worse.
> > 
> > I am stating something that exists in my path only, no need for 
> asumptions that I think 
> > something about another path where this policy is not in place.
> > 
> > I do however see a profound usefullness in the transparency policy 
> that is in my path.
> > 
> > Ok, now I will be in India with my Guru from mid october through 
> mid december. Maybe 
> > we will be in Rishikesh alot but may travel around as well. If 
> anyone asked me that their 
> > Guru is interested in meeting my Guru, heads would roll if the 
> disciple did not inform my 
> > Guru that such requests are there.
> > 
> > Once again, while this is something in my path, I saw a circus 
> atmosphere in another path 
> > after I accepted an intitial inventation on behalf of my Guru to 
> meet their guru. It may have 
> > been that the disciples took it upon themselves to decide that 
> such a request would not 
> > be forwared to their guru. My Guru's response to this is the 
> operation is skewed that such 
> > a thing would take place. Be that as it  may, I accept what ever 
> comes along.
> > 
> > Should it be that we are in the near  and if Mother Meera is there 
> at the time we are and if 
> > you have contact to Mother Meera, then I am requesting that you 
> let Mother Meera know 
> > that a disciple of my Guru, Swami Ganga-Puri Kaliuttamananda-Giri 
> is interested to set up 
> > a meeting with  Mother Meera.
> > 
> > 
> > Let me know
> > 
> > 
> > Tanmay
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ron"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity  
> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Just wanted to send you a hello from here. I am now since 
> about 
> > > one 
> > > > > week in Madanapalle, with a small group of people. We have a 
> nice 
> > > > > time, its not too hot, as Madanapalle is higher, I just 
> bought a 
> > > > > cycle. We were also one day in Tiruvannamalai, and stayed in 
> one 
> > > of 
> > > > > the oldest Ashrams there.
> > > > >
> > > > 
> > > > Who is the group you are with?
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Tanmay
> > > 
> > > People around Mother Meera
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2007-08-25 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> Hey, you two could be in the Circus! Two 60+ year old men (or "old 
> farts"-yuck- as Barry proudly and tamasically refers to himself...) 
> acting like children-- funny, in a sad sort of way...:-)

I sympathize Jim, and you have my compassion, that "parts" of you seem
tamasic, fartish, grumpy, circus-like, childish and sad.

When "parts" of me seem to feel other parts of me are frustrated and
sad, etc, I give that part healing attention and compassion -- with
encouragement and good cheer that it will soon overcome its delusions
and see the love and joy throughout Itself. 

[FairfieldLife] Siddhananda talking about enlightenment

2007-08-25 Thread Ron

> Namaste,
Om and Namaste,

> *Om that I am...

S 0

> *can't help but to wonder how it fits together, this maya realm. 
> source is the creator of all that is. Source created the ego? The 
> illusions? The mind? The maya realm? Why? Forgive me for asking 
> something that probably can't fully be understood from my current 
> vantage point, but my mind won't stop asking/wondering.

S Maya is most wondrous in the way that it is illusive, 
insubstantial like a dream or mirage - it is empty and forever 
changing - it's nature cannot be known and it is not worth 
enquiring into as maya evaporates upon awakening. The absolute does 
not create anything - it is pure potential and causeless - it 
remains pure and untainted, untouched by ego and the games of the 
world. The ego and the transient realm is of the nature of decay - a 
thing that cannot be the absolute as the absolute is pure and stands 
distinct from the form and mind. The ego evolves from a mistaken 
notion that the little ray of individuality which is attachment to 
body and mind exists as a real entity - it is a false notion that 
stems from selfishness or an attempt to grasp and gain for oneself 
universal knowledge. In this way one's view quickly becomes limited 
and confined within a self perpetuating movement of energy patterns 
(samskaras)which is continually taken to be real. 

Shakti (movement, energy, light, color) is the flowering of the 
absolute, like a play or a dance in motion that has arisen for loves 
sake and no other - the absolute reflects this dance like a still 
pool, but like a reflection it is empty, yet very beautiful when 
seen for what it is. 

> *Next question, if God is us and we are god, all existing as one 
> energy then does that mean we created our physical self?

S The body evolves from karma, unfinished work to be done - but 
truly, it is best to open to the mystery of the universe, to not 
entertain philosophical questions as they only stir the intellect 
and leave it thirsty for more. What is important is to develop 
viveka (discrimination) - what is transient? What is permanent? 

>* Final question, If there is no separation does that mean we will 
> always know our loved ones, be in their presence and they in ours? 
> mean once we are out of the physical body, back to our natural 
> Will we still "know" them?

S One knows their child or loved one as sure as they always have 
and continues in the role of mother, wife etc minus the burden of 
attachment and self-centered preoccupation. My son has not been a 
bit disturbed since enlightenment - still sees mom, still asks for 
money, still on the cell phone and absorbed in his whirl of social 
events - nothing changes. But when he is gone, there is no 
preoccupation with him or worries about him like before - all flows 
and is taken care of as it happens. He continues to be very well 
cared for and happy. 

Life becomes so simple after enlightenment - it is not at all what 
one thinks... it is only being ones natural self - all is so much 
more complex when the shadow of ego is central ---

> *I understand I probably will not comprehend any response fully 
but if 
> Swami-G or Swami Siddhanada could/will shed some light on these 
> things, I would be very grateful.

S I hope what has been written at least calms your fearsand 
though some questions are helpful answered, one must quiet down 
within for the mysteries to emerge on their own.

>* One more thing to mention, There was a link I believe that was 
> suggested to Ekantika to read. "What is self realization?" I 
> you recommended that she read it. I have read this a few times and 
> always cry at some point while reading it.

S This is fine...the heart is opening and now it's call can be 
heard - a pull that has always been there, only covered over. 

I can't be sure why but it 
> feels like I know/see/feel/believe that I am THAT. That somehow I 
> have wondered from home and then completely forgotten where I came 
> from. This moves very deep within and tears well up and overflow. 
> That confuses me even more because I know this one thing does not 
> experience sadness, so I feel apart from that. How did I loose 
> Is this what is suppose to happen to all that exist on this 
> Are we suppose to have forgotten so that we may realize over again 
> what we are? Before coming into this physical body I did know, 
> Then why the experience of forgetting/not seeing? Creator created 
> that, correct? Or did maya create the forgetting? If so, is maya 
> God as well? I can see I am getting nowhere with this. ha ha ha ha!
> I SURRENDER! ha ha ha ha!

S Good glad you can see too much intellect only further clouds the 
vision - so may you let go, surrender, surrender...

> Love, Sajani

Go through consciousness, all else will fall into place.

Great Peace and IS

[FairfieldLife] BBC reporter drills MMY 1969 Audio..fun.

2007-08-25 Thread BillyG.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2007-08-25 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 11:52 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


The reference was to "Dr." petersutphen who claimed here on FFL that 
Mr. Creme is a faggot. The irony escaped you obviously.

Hey Pete,

Since Nabby doesn’t believe that you really have a degree, would you humor
us and save him the trouble of using quotes around “Dr.” by posting your

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2:59 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2007-08-25 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning  
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  
> > > > 
> > > > Perhaps she is lesbian ? Find out will you, please.
> > > 
> > > And being a lesbian is a bad thing?
> > > 
> > > Germans! They all are so bigoted and obsessed with 
> > 
> > 
> > That's right, and most americans think most englishmen are gay. 
> Fascinating. I never knew that. 


The reference was to "Dr." petersutphen who claimed here on FFL that 
Mr. Creme is a faggot. The irony escaped you obviously.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2007-08-25 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning  
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning  
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 

> wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > > Perhaps she is lesbian ? Find out will you, please.
> > > > 
> > > > And being a lesbian is a bad thing?
> > > > 
> > > > Germans! They all are so bigoted and obsessed with 
> > > > homosexuality!
> > > 
> > > That's right, and most americans think most englishmen are 
> > 
> > Fascinating. I never knew that. What other insights can you 
> > give us?
> > 
> > Of the americans obsessed with sex, which segment of American 
> > society is most obsessed -- blacks, jews or hispanics?
> > 
> > Are the British homosexuals mostly jewish? You know, the ones 
> > who run the banks, and world financial order? 
> > 
> > Can you enlighten us on what all the immigrants, mostly from 
> > the middle east, are doing to European and german culture. 
> > And its gene pool?
> > 
> > Do you have any solutions to such problems?
> > 
> > Does Maiaytra tell you these things directly, or is it through 
> > Dr Cream?
> Careful, new. Nablus has just read about a 
> sure-fire way to get back into the good graces
> of the TM movement. All he has to do is claim
> that he's had a vision that you're sapping his
> energy, shoot you, and the TM movement will
> welcome him back with open arms, and all will
> be forgiven.
> I'd watch your back if I were you...
> :-)
Hey, you two could be in the Circus! Two 60+ year old men (or "old 
farts"-yuck- as Barry proudly and tamasically refers to himself...) 
acting like children-- funny, in a sad sort of way...:-)

[FairfieldLife] Reminder Found Money For the Quiet Zone and URGENT need for volunteers

2007-08-25 Thread Rick Archer
From: Bill Blackmore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 10:50 AM
To: "Undisclosed-Recipient:;"@spamarrest.com
Subject: Reminder Found Money For the Quiet Zone and URGENT need for


Dear Train Safety and Quiet Zone Supporters,


There was an article a recent USA Today that states that there are now 339
existing or proposed quiet zones consisting of 2,912 crossings, according to
the the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). FRA officials get calls daily
from communities interested in creating quiet zones. BNSF Railway reports it
has had "a couple hundred inquiries" from 28 states. So you can see we are
not alone and Fairfield is part of this national concern. You can read this
article at HYPERLINK
.usatoday.com/news/nation/2007-08-19-quiet-zones_N.htm or at HYPERLINK


We are about to embark on a final push to raise the rest of the money we
need to fund our quiet zone.  WE NEED HELP!  Right now 2 of us are doing
everything, and although we have a few volunteers, we need a LOT more help
if we are going to get across the finish line.  Please let's don't let this
opportunity slip through our fingers for lack of effort!  Now is the time.
Let me know when and how much you can help.


We are in the home stretch of resolving all the technical and political
issues to get a quiet zone. As these issues get resolved we must be ready
with the funds as there are still a few skeptical council members. So please
send in your contributions.  I encourage everyone to take advantage of the
money available through Microsoft reimbursements whether or not you have
already contributed. 


Everyone can donate $100 to $200 without spending any of their own money!
You are entitled to a cash reimbursement from a class action lawsuit that
has already been settled by the State of Iowa and Microsoft for overpayments
for software.  If have any of the listed programs (Windows, MS Dos, Office,
Excel, Word, Works Suite, Home Essentials) you may request a payment.  If
you fill out a simple form, it will take just 5 minutes. I did it myself and
it is easy. Refunds will be sent starting in December 2007 for each program
listed on every computer.  If you are able to make an immediate cash
contribution in the amount you will receive from Microsoft, that would be
the best for the quiet zone.  However, if you need to wait until you get
your check, please apply according to the instructions below, and then
advise us of the amount as a pledge.  Please also ask your family and
friends to do this too.  It is a small effort for a big reward.  If you work
for a company that has lots of computers, please also ask the owners if they
would apply for this reimbursement and contribute the proceeds to the quiet

Reimbursement Schedule

Product Name


Reimbursement Amount

Windows or MS-DOS









Word, Works, Suite, Home essentials



Total Potential Amount Per Computer




1) The forms are easy request a form at  HYPERLINK
s://iowamicrosoftcase.com/secure/RequestClaimForm.aspx?ClaimType=S   you can
claim up to $200 with no proof of purchase and no product Id numbers. For
claims more than $200 you should review the instructions on the site.


2) If you apply online at HYPERLINK
softcase.com/secure/FileClaimOnline.aspx   You can claim up to $100 with no
proof of purchase and no product IDs, and an additional $100 if you have the
Product ID Numbers (follow the instructions carefully).   


If you have any questions on how to make this claim call 1-877-477-0960. 


Please send us your Microsoft claim amount ASAP by check, or if you need to
assign your check, once you receive it, to A.L.F. Fairfield Train Safety and
Quiet Zone, Box 2302, Fairfield, IA 52556. Thanks for taking advantage of
this opportunity to help fund a quiet zone.  If you are waiting for your
check please make an email pledge so we know what we can count on.  


Thanks for all you help and support. Regards,  Bill Blackmore


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2:59 PM

No virus found in this outgoing message.
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Version: 7.5.484 / Virus Database: 269.12.6/971 - Release Date: 8/24/2007
2:59 PM

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Let God's will be done...but at someone else's expense...

2007-08-25 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 8:48 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Let God's will be done...but at someone else's


This concept has come up for me when listening to Ron
shill for his teacher, and when hearing the pitches for
more money for butt-bouncing and rent-a-pundits. For the
latter, the clear implication is that if you *don't*
contribute, something is badly wrong with you. You're
"withholding funds" from the truly spiritual people whose
vision is clear and know that there is a better use for
your money than what you might have imagined. For the
record, Rick, this feeling has *never* come up for me 
when hearing you speak about Amma, 

The only fundraising I’ve seen in Amma’s organization is that at her events,
a DVD is played at the beginning of each session explaining who she is and
what she does – her various charitable and humanitarian activities. Then,
around the periphery of the hall, there is a bookstore selling various
items, and tables featuring one project or another – her hospitals, schools,
orphanages, tsunami house building, projects to prevent farmer suicide or
stop child prostitution, environmental projects, etc. People are free to
walk up to those tables, learn more, and make a donation, or not. Then once,
on the last evening of Amma’s visit to each city, an envelope is left at
each person’s seat, and at the end of a group puja, someone announces that
you may make a donation if you wish to support Amma’s charitable activities.
In the same breath, the announcer states that no one is under any obligation
to do this.

I’ve never heard anyone ask, “What happens to all the money?” If anything,
they ask, “How does she accomplish so much with so little?” Part of the
answer is that there are thousands of devotees contributing their time to
accomplish these projects, so there is little administrative overhead.

Amma herself sets an example of everyone pulling their weight. She’s pretty
busy doing what only she can do, but the first time I saw her, after she had
sat there all night giving darshan, she started helping us clean up the
hall, pulling up duct tape, rolling up carpets, etc. In India she has often
set an example by cutting vegetables, carrying rocks, etc. In the early days
she would work at these jobs for hours, alongside everyone else. These days,
she just does this for a little while to set an example, so it’s largely
symbolic. She has so much else to attend to, as she is intimately involved
in making the administrative decisions necessary to run all these projects.

In my eyes, Amma is evidently “special,” but I think she’s trying to convey
the message that essentially, everyone is equally special and no one
deserves a free ride.

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Version: 7.5.484 / Virus Database: 269.12.6/971 - Release Date: 8/24/2007
2:59 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2007-08-25 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 
> > > > 
> > > > Perhaps she is lesbian ? Find out will you, please.
> > > 
> > > And being a lesbian is a bad thing?
> > > 
> > > Germans! They all are so bigoted and obsessed with 
> > > homosexuality!
> > 
> > That's right, and most americans think most englishmen are gay. 
> Fascinating. I never knew that. What other insights can you 
> give us?
> Of the americans obsessed with sex, which segment of American 
> society is most obsessed -- blacks, jews or hispanics?
> Are the British homosexuals mostly jewish? You know, the ones 
> who run the banks, and world financial order? 
> Can you enlighten us on what all the immigrants, mostly from 
> the middle east, are doing to European and german culture. 
> And its gene pool?
> Do you have any solutions to such problems?
> Does Maiaytra tell you these things directly, or is it through 
> Dr Cream?

Careful, new. Nablus has just read about a 
sure-fire way to get back into the good graces
of the TM movement. All he has to do is claim
that he's had a vision that you're sapping his
energy, shoot you, and the TM movement will
welcome him back with open arms, and all will
be forgiven.

I'd watch your back if I were you...


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2007-08-25 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > > 
> > > Perhaps she is lesbian ? Find out will you, please.
> > 
> > And being a lesbian is a bad thing?
> > 
> > Germans! They all are so bigoted and obsessed with homosexuality!
> That's right, and most americans think most englishmen are gay. 

Fascinating. I never knew that. What other insights can you give us?

Of the americans obsessed with sex, which segment of American society
is most obsessed -- blacks, jews or hispanics?

Are the British homosexuals mostly jewish? You know, the ones who run
the banks, and world financial order? 

Can you enlighten us on what all the immigrants, mostly from the
middle east, are doing to European and german culture. And its gene pool?

Do you have any solutions to such problems?

Does Maiaytra tell you these things directly, or is it through Dr Cream?

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2007-08-25 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > 
> > Perhaps she is lesbian ? Find out will you, please.
> And being a lesbian is a bad thing?
> Germans! They all are so bigoted and obsessed with homosexuality!

That's right, and most americans think most englishmen are gay. Just 
ask "Dr." petersupthen.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2007-08-25 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> On Behalf Of Duveyoung
> Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 8:59 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
> What happened to Jessime Verrill and what happened to Keith's ex?
> The bullet passed through Jessime's shoulder, and so it wasn't 
fatal. Not
> sure what happened to Barbara legally. Probably some sort of 
confined mental
> health facility. These days she's here in FF, appears to be doing 
well, and
> all is forgiven.

Don't put you guard down now Mr. Rick Archer; follow the lead, dig 
into it ! And please let us know the jucy details ! Doesn't have to 
be correct or true, no need to change strategy now is it ?

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2007-08-25 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Duveyoung
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 8:59 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


What happened to Jessime Verrill and what happened to Keith's ex?

The bullet passed through Jessime’s shoulder, and so it wasn’t fatal. Not
sure what happened to Barbara legally. Probably some sort of confined mental
health facility. These days she’s here in FF, appears to be doing well, and
all is forgiven.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
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Version: 7.5.484 / Virus Database: 269.12.6/971 - Release Date: 8/24/2007
2:59 PM

[FairfieldLife] Peeved

2007-08-25 Thread Duveyoung
I'm peeved.

Today, I opened my home page at Yahoo, and there I find they totally
destroyed my set-up -- bragged that now I would be happier with their
new ways, and to stay tuned for about half of those
changes-not-quite-operative-yet, and that meanwhile, they'd leave
large areas of my page blank until they got around to it, donchaknow.

So now, the greedy bastards have taken up about a third of my page for
an ad space I didn't have to ignore before.  The colors have all
changed, and I have to think hard just to get to the place on the page
where once I used to automatically glance at for the temperature,
whatever.  Now they have different fonts etc.

WHAT THE FUCKING HELL?  Man, I've got a six-month old camera I still
don't know how to work, but these fuckers force me to study their god
damned new display rules -- force me take an hour out of my life to
set my page up "just so" and no one can complain to Yahoo in any way,
shape or form that matters.  The corporate abuse of their customers is
their sin, and I'd like someone at Yahoo to be tossed into a Fargo
Wood Chipper like Steve Buscemi.

This is just more shit, different day.  Last year, for instance, they
figured out that no one could do diddley to them if they (all
television producers -- ALL OF THEM) decided that right in the middle
of any entertainment, they can do "special effects" with sounds and
graphics like July 4th Fireworks to DEMAND YOUR ATTENTION on the
bottom third of my screen to advertise products and upcoming shows.
Right in the middle of whatever drama, comedy riff, kiss, whatever.
Who the fuck at the FTC allows this to continue?  A few years before
that they figured out that they can have a transparent logo always on
the lower corner of the screen. How much longer before the whole
damned screen is covered with semi-transparent logos, ads, etc.?  And
then, there's all the product placements in the actual productions. 
Check out CNN for it's "news" about the most mundane products that
they bend over backwards to present as "news worthy of your attention." 

Google and Yahoo are trying to charge a penny per email.  Fucking scam

What kind of minds are there out there that do these things?  Probably
the same people who allow credit card companies to tempt poor folks
into a $59/year fee for a card that charges 29% APR and heightens the
"actual interest" paid by the person with late fees, cash advance
fees, overdraft fees, etc.  Talk about abuse of the poor!  And don't
get me started on the "cash on your signature" joints on every other
street corner now that rapes the poor for huge interest rates for a
three day loan until payday.  

Then there's the junk bonds, and now the housing bond crisis thingy. 

And when I apply for social security, the cookie jar might be empty.

Nothing like a blast of Kali Yuga in the morning.  Smells like victory
to me -- victory for cold-hearted, vicious, evil marauders of our culture.

Geeze, we could remove all the very smart people from the planet and
we'd all be better off, cuz they sure are using their smarts to harm
anything that gets in their way.

Tax on the internet?
Bomb Iran?
Have a rock star threaten to shoot Barack Obama?

All this and a cup of coffee too.  My morning overfloweths!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2007-08-25 Thread Vaj

On Aug 25, 2007, at 12:57 AM, Peter wrote:

--- Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> On Behalf Of new.morning
> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 7:39 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad
> and the Ugly
> > About 2 or 3 years ago, Ted Wallace introduced me
> to his mother
> > (Keith's first wife), who had just moved to
> Fairfield. I don't know if
> > she's still here.
> She was a rock star. Lead singer for that massively
> influential and
> respected band in the 60's: the Comfortable Chair.
> Is this tongue in cheek? Weren’t they just a TM
> musical group?

Also, didn't Keith's first wife shoot somebody during
program in L.A.? Apparently they were making too much
noise during flying. I'm serious!

That's why I mentioned his first wife, since Edg or someone wanted  
some controversy on Keith Wallace. I assumed many here were aware of it:

[Victim #4], Los Angeles, California: The former wife of Dr. Keith  
Wallace lived in the TM center in Los Angeles. She was under the  
personal guidance of MMY and was permitted to live in the center with  
MMY's personal permission. In a hallucination while practicing the TM- 
Sidhi program she felt an older woman was drawing energy from her  
body preventing her from levitating. She purchased a gun and shot the  
woman during their practice of TM Sidhis.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2007-08-25 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Perhaps she is lesbian ? Find out will you, please.

And being a lesbian is a bad thing?

Germans! They all are so bigoted and obsessed with homosexuality!

(the last statement is a parody of your over generalizations about other 
nationalities and peoples. The first question is a real one)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Let God's will be done...but at someone else's expense...

2007-08-25 Thread Duveyoung
I'm guilty of using other people's money too.  I sought investors in
various business ventures.  I asked folks to "believe" in a future of
a project.  That's pretty spiritual, if you ask me.  I thought that I
had the right to ask them for the dough, cuz I DID believe in the
future -- I was, depending on who looks, a huckster, a seer, a true
believer, entrepreneur, etc.  So, I can't throw a stone at a Purusha
who is selling his "future" to others.

Then too, isn't every stock offering such a deal?  Believe in us,
company, product, etc. -- this is all spiritual/religious to me.  If
you want to hear a religious sermon, attend any company meeting in
Fairfield, hell make that any company anywhere, and I'd bet you get
some sort of prognostications requiring that the workers to mood make
about, outrightly declare true, have faith in, whatever.  

It's all "my mind will lead yours" stuff if you ask me, and ya pays
yer buckazoids and takes yer chances.  Hard to throw a stone at any
Purusha for shucking and jiving, eh?

And what is "Democracy" or "War on Terror?" -- nothing but religious
beliefs in the future that a dogma, concept, army, can deliver.

Every politician is a Purusha type, right?  "I have special vision,
follow me in this darkness."

Every product sold says, "Believe in this future: buy this product and
obtain  (fill in blank with a word for a wonderful
feeling.)  "Oh, Brudders O'Mine, ya can buy happiness in a can."

And most horrid of all, babies are promises we make to the world. "I
will deliver one fully responsible kid."  Just another promise no one
in the entire world can expect to be fulfilled in the ways imagined.

Some futures require less belief than others. If a thug has a gun
barrel poking an inch into my neck in a dark alley, I'm a big time
believer in certain concepts -- even though, hey, I could get blessed
from beyond, and the thug could convert to Hinduism right on the spot
cuz I happen to say my mantra aloud -- whatever.  Anything's possible
anytime.  No future is 100% guaranteed. Not a one.

You can hear the hammer click down on the firing pin, but that bullet
might be a dud.  

There's that true story of that guy who got struck by lightning seven
different times in his lifetime, and he finally killed himself.  I
guess he had a strong belief none of us ever had, eh?

I buy a lottery ticket every now and then.  (Michael Porter in FF told
me that the lottery was a tax on the stupid, but I told him that the
slight thrill I get just when I'm checking the numbers is worth a buck.)

Future schmuture.  I say, take all the priests who promise futures to
be stood up against a wall and blasted with cream pies.  

If everyone agrees, I'll start stockpiling pies for future use.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > I was on Purusha for years and received thousands of dollars 
> > of support from "sponsors," as did most other Purusha guys. 
> > There were times when I and others on Purusha were really 
> > earning our keep, and other times when we probably weren't. 
> > I really grew tired of the "taker" lifestyle. It polluted
> > my psychology and tarnished my friendships. I couldn't walk 
> > into a room of TM people without scanning it for potential 
> > sponsors. Over time, the attitude that the world owed me a 
> > living because I was doing something important became more 
> > and more deeply ingrained. After I left Purusha and got 
> > married, it took a few years to uproot that attitude. 
> I can only imagine. I've been writing a little
> about the narcissism thing here because that's
> one of the 'tudes I'm trying to uproot from 
> myself, after decades of being around Maharishi
> and Rama and picking up the narcissist mindset
> from them. 
> > Doing so was very healthy. 
> I think so.
> > It may be the best thing for Dakota's spiritual progress to 
> > get a job in the real world and stop depending on others. 
> > It may be hard for him to do that now, because he is older 
> > and probably doesn't have marketable skills. So he may be 
> > a dharma bum for the rest of his life. I think you are
> > justified in feeling reluctant to support him. If you do 
> > so, a realistic justification should probably be compassion 
> > for someone who is too flakey to support himself, rather 
> > than a sense that you are supporting some sort of spiritual 
> > warrior. I'd let him go to Thailand to teach English. He'd 
> > be doing seva and getting a taste of self-sufficiency, both 
> > of which might be more spiritually beneficial for him than 
> > hanging out in an ashram.
> I was really musing rather than asking for advice. I'm 
> not really one of his supporters at this point. I would
> have felt better about his path if he *had* gone to
> China to teach English for a while. But the decision to
> stay at the ashram and continue studying rather than do

[FairfieldLife] Re: Let God's will be done...but at someone else's expense...

2007-08-25 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In my musings, I was just extrapolating from the immed-
> iate situation to a more general one -- the pervasive idea
> in spiritual circles that because you're following what
> you feel is a spiritual path, the world owes you a living.
> Or God owes you a living. Bottom line is, someone *owes*
> you for doing what you want to do anyway. 
> It all just makes me think that somewhere along the
> line someone really missed the point. It may well have
> been me, and if so I can live with that. But I'll be
> paying my own way *as* I live with it.

(A riff, a pondering, a view, not a counter argument or disagreement).

Aren't we dependent on others, regardless? (Regardless of the illusion
that one is not). We are dependent upon employers or clients for our
livelihood. We have been dependent on "good luck" to have gotten that
job. We were dependent on others' good recommendations to get the job.
We often were dependent on good fortune to have heard of this opening
or job.  

Could we have gotten the job, had work to do, gotten paid for it at
the level we are compensated if we were the only person in the
universe? If not, then we must be dependent on others for our livelihood. 

But you say, "I" made the effort. Unlike Dakota who makes no effort.
But if one does not own thoughts and actions, or if the is no or only
the residue oo "me", then where is the effort? Or if we are "in the
zone" where is the effort? If we are good at what we do, and do it as
naturally as driving, where is the effort?

Turq will laugh and perhaps ridicule this last point -- which is good
skepticism. But then answer me, "did you create your thought to and
how to get the job? If so, how did you create that thought? I don't
get that concept. To me, thoughts just come. No effort. And did you
create the others in the universe upon which your job an compensation
are based? (And this does not imply anyone or anything did create
these things)"

If we have a good job, secure savings, a home, etc -- in other words,
have "made" it, unlike Dakota, what but good fortune, and dependence
on others allows us to maintain such?

Don't we all have our begging bowls out? "Oh thank you "sir", thank
you for that thought. Oh, thank you ma'm for that business that gave
me the job. Oh thank you guy, for providing all the people that make 
my job possible"

It seems perhaps a bit arrogant to proclaim that we, by our own
effort, created all of that.


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2007-08-25 Thread Duveyoung
What happened to Jessime Verrill and what happened to Keith's ex?

I remember the night this guy set the Karina Hotel on fire to get even
with his girlfriend.  I think that they hustled that guy out of the
country pronto before he could be arrested by the Spanish police. 
Then there's the guy who got into a car accident using a rented car,
and he had to be snuck out fast too.  

Did they do anything to mitigate Keith's ex's felony?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> On Behalf Of Peter
> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 11:58 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
> Also, didn't Keith's first wife shoot somebody during
> program in L.A.? Apparently they were making too much
> noise during flying. I'm serious!
> She shot Jessime Verrill in the courtyard of the Pac Pal facility. Don't
> know why. My wife was there at the time.
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
> Version: 7.5.484 / Virus Database: 269.12.6/971 - Release Date:
> 2:59 PM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Let God's will be done...but at someone else's expense...

2007-08-25 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Aug 25, 2007, at 4:36 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

The fact that this "Let thy will be done...put my
trust only in God" thing WORKS for these people
is an amazement.

But does it?  The fact that he has to send out periodic requests for $$ 
would seem to me that it's not working--not in a healthy way, at least. 
Look at what Rick says he went through every time he walked into a 
roomful of people.  Putting yourself in the position of relying on the 
generosity of friends, many of whom are undoubtedly struggling 
themselves,  would seem to me to be very stressful, and an ultimately 
'unspiritual,' way to go through life.  Leeching is leeching, no matter 
what the excuse.   And the people who keep sending him cash are just 
enabling him. I doubt many of them feel very good about it.   I'd say 
stay away from the whole situation.  If donating $$ is what it takes to 
be friends with this guy, time to find a new friend and let this one 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Let God's will be done...but at someone else's expense...

2007-08-25 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was on Purusha for years and received thousands of dollars 
> of support from "sponsors," as did most other Purusha guys. 
> There were times when I and others on Purusha were really 
> earning our keep, and other times when we probably weren't. 
> I really grew tired of the "taker" lifestyle. It polluted
> my psychology and tarnished my friendships. I couldn't walk 
> into a room of TM people without scanning it for potential 
> sponsors. Over time, the attitude that the world owed me a 
> living because I was doing something important became more 
> and more deeply ingrained. After I left Purusha and got 
> married, it took a few years to uproot that attitude. 

I can only imagine. I've been writing a little
about the narcissism thing here because that's
one of the 'tudes I'm trying to uproot from 
myself, after decades of being around Maharishi
and Rama and picking up the narcissist mindset
from them. 

> Doing so was very healthy. 

I think so.

> It may be the best thing for Dakota's spiritual progress to 
> get a job in the real world and stop depending on others. 
> It may be hard for him to do that now, because he is older 
> and probably doesn't have marketable skills. So he may be 
> a dharma bum for the rest of his life. I think you are
> justified in feeling reluctant to support him. If you do 
> so, a realistic justification should probably be compassion 
> for someone who is too flakey to support himself, rather 
> than a sense that you are supporting some sort of spiritual 
> warrior. I'd let him go to Thailand to teach English. He'd 
> be doing seva and getting a taste of self-sufficiency, both 
> of which might be more spiritually beneficial for him than 
> hanging out in an ashram.

I was really musing rather than asking for advice. I'm 
not really one of his supporters at this point. I would
have felt better about his path if he *had* gone to
China to teach English for a while. But the decision to
stay at the ashram and continue studying rather than do
what he convinced all his supporters he was going to do
originally is really the kicker. 

If Dakota were really in trouble, *of course* I'd be right
there for him. That's just what friends do for friends.
But to enable him to stick around and suck guru energy
just because he wants to doesn't really feel like helping;
it feels like being an "enabler" to someone who's got a
heavy drug habit.

In my musings, I was just extrapolating from the immed-
iate situation to a more general one -- the pervasive idea
in spiritual circles that because you're following what
you feel is a spiritual path, the world owes you a living.
Or God owes you a living. Bottom line is, someone *owes*
you for doing what you want to do anyway. 

This concept has come up for me when listening to Ron
shill for his teacher, and when hearing the pitches for
more money for butt-bouncing and rent-a-pundits. For the
latter, the clear implication is that if you *don't*
contribute, something is badly wrong with you. You're
"withholding funds" from the truly spiritual people whose
vision is clear and know that there is a better use for
your money than what you might have imagined. For the
record, Rick, this feeling has *never* come up for me 
when hearing you speak about Amma, or on the rare occas-
ions when tr3nity talks about Mother Meera. I'm sure 
there is a push to have devotees contribute there, too, 
but it doesn't seem oriented towards "Support *me* because 
I've decided to lead a spiritual life and you haven't."

And when I listen to many people in many different
spiritual traditions talk about enlightenment, and what
life will be like for them *when* they're enlightened,
I often hear a bit of this same concept. It's like 
underneath all the other stuff like "I won't be able
to do anything wrong because I'll be in tune with the
laws of nature" there is this undercurrent of "I won't
have to worry any more because my life will be perfect.
I probably won't even have to work because people will
pay my bills just to hear me expound wisdom to them."

It all just makes me think that somewhere along the
line someone really missed the point. It may well have
been me, and if so I can live with that. But I'll be
paying my own way *as* I live with it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'John From Cincinnati' Arrested for DUI

2007-08-25 Thread new . morning
Why even drive, since there is no place to go?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But...but...but...I'm ENLIGHTENED! Doncha
> watch TV??!!!
> One-way streets are so unevolved! Why should
> we who have evolved past that point have to
> pay attention to laws that bind lesser humans? 
> Not us! We're tuned into a *higher* law, the
> laws of nature! This is stupid...it's almost 
> like trying to suggest that WE, as special as 
> we are, should actually follow the rules that
> apply to lesser, unevolved people like your-
> selves! Like posting...uh...speed limits and
> stuff like that. This is so UNFAIR! Why don't
> you understand how SPECIAL we are??!!
> < sound of handcuffs clicking shut >
> JACKSON, Mich. (Aug. 24) - Austin Nichols , the 
> title character in HBO's "John From Cincinnati," 
> was arrested early Friday on suspicion of drunken 
> driving. 
> The 27-year-old actor was stopped by police about 
> 2:40 a.m. after being spotted driving a silver 
> Mercury Mountaineer the wrong way down a one-way 
> street in the city, said Jackson police Lt. John 
> Holda.
> An officer smelled alcohol and, after conducting 
> sobriety tests, took Nichols into custody. A breath 
> test later indicated he had a blood-alcohol content 
> of 0.10 percent, Holda said. 
> The legal limit for drivers in Michigan is 0.08 
> percent. 
> Nichols, who also appeared in "Deadwood," was held 
> at the Jackson County Jail and released about 8:40 
> a.m., said Jackson County sheriff's Lt. Carl 
> Carmoney. He wasn't arraigned and was expected to 
> appear in court at a later date. 
> If convicted of drunken driving, Nichols could face 
> up to 93 days in jail, a $500 fine and community 
> service. 
> A call seeing comment Friday from Nichols' publicist 
> was not immediately returned.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Let God's will be done...but at someone else's expense...

2007-08-25 Thread Rick Archer
I was on Purusha for years and received thousands of dollars of support from
“sponsors,” as did most other Purusha guys. There were times when I and
others on Purusha were really earning our keep, and other times when we
probably weren’t. I really grew tired of the “taker” lifestyle. It polluted
my psychology and tarnished my friendships. I couldn’t walk into a room of
TM people without scanning it for potential sponsors. Over time, the
attitude that the world owed me a living because I was doing something
important became more and more deeply ingrained. After I left Purusha and
got married, it took a few years to uproot that attitude. Doing so was very
healthy. It may be the best thing for Dakota’s spiritual progress to get a
job in the real world and stop depending on others. It may be hard for him
to do that now, because he is older and probably doesn’t have marketable
skills. So he may be a dharma bum for the rest of his life. I think you are
justified in feeling reluctant to support him. If you do so, a realistic
justification should probably be compassion for someone who is too flakey to
support himself, rather than a sense that you are supporting some sort of
spiritual warrior. I’d let him go to Thailand to teach English. He’d be
doing seva and getting a taste of self-sufficiency, both of which might be
more spiritually beneficial for him than hanging out in an ashram.

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Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.484 / Virus Database: 269.12.6/971 - Release Date: 8/24/2007
2:59 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Upanishads: Two Paths - Sun and Moon

2007-08-25 Thread ivan_galeb
According to Shankara's commentary on Brahma sutras there is no mention 
of Yoga as such path. Shankara dropped off philosophy of Yoga system.
Both paths have basis in Brahmanic rituals but the later one is 
characterized by transcending rituals (advaita Vedanta). In both paths 
Unity is possible to reach; in first after total pralaya; in second 

> According to Marshy, the Purusha is totally separate 
> from the gunas born of nature, prakriti. What is needed 
> is not a metaphysics, but a PRACTICE, that can be used 
> to isolate the Purusha from the prakriti: TM is that 
> effortless technique.

Purusha (Atman) can be experienced as if isolated, but real nature of 
Purusha (Atman) is Brahman, totality. There is no isolation in Brahman 
state of consciousness. Yoga leads to turya and turyatit (kaivalya), 
Vedanta leads to Unity of Atman and Brahman.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2007-08-25 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Peter
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 11:58 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


Also, didn't Keith's first wife shoot somebody during
program in L.A.? Apparently they were making too much
noise during flying. I'm serious!

She shot Jessime Verrill in the courtyard of the Pac Pal facility. Don’t
know why. My wife was there at the time.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.484 / Virus Database: 269.12.6/971 - Release Date: 8/24/2007
2:59 PM

[FairfieldLife] Let God's will be done...but at someone else's expense...

2007-08-25 Thread TurquoiseB
Just musings here, occasioned by receiving an 
update blog from an old friend. As I remember,
some here may know him, because he was a TM
teacher, and then later he got into the Rama
thing, and then after that a succession of 
gurus and teachers. Gurus and teachers are
really his *thing*; it's like he has an abso-
lute inability to go more than a month or two
without one in his life...at least he *hasn't* 
gone more than a month or two without one in 
his life for as long as I've known him.

And I really love the dude. Dakota (not his
real name but the one I used in my Road Trip
Mind stories) is *lovable*. He's just enthus-
iasm incarnate. And the nature of his sadhana
-- and the fact that it *succeeds* -- actually
is kinda inspiring. Dakota gets away with shit
that few of the rest of us get away with.

Like not working for a living. To the best of
my knowledge, Dakota has not had a real job
(working a 9-to-5 job somewhere, or working
outside the healing arts or spiritual world) 
since the early 80s. He says that working in
an office or for other people is too constrict-
ing for him, and gets in the way of his spirit-
ual progress. So he tries the occasional 
"business venture," but mainly he survives
because his friends pay for his life.

And now he's got a girlfriend. Lovely lady...I
used to know her in the Rama trip, when she was
a high-powered database consultant earning $200+
per hour on Wall Street. But now she's into the
whole "Let thy will be done" thing, too, and
hasn't worked for several years herself.

So -- on other people's money -- these two have
been in India for the last year studying at an 
Indian teacher's school there. And they have been
enjoying it and posting glowing reports, in 
between fighting illness and other such Indian
things. And the whole *idea* presented to their
supporters was that after their year of school-
ing they'd take their newly-learned act on the
road and use the knowledge to benefit others,
all of the karmic credit for this going to the
people who've paid for their lives these last
few years.

But now at the end of their studies they find
themselves with less than a hundred bucks in 
their pockets and no plane tickets back to the
US. So they're faced with the prospect of having
to take a minimum one-year contract in Thailand
or China teaching English, in exchange for room 
and board while there and a ticket home. Not
exactly the "world tour" they'd imagined.

But at the last minute God intervenes and they
have been invited to stay another year at the
guru's school, and so the call goes out for more
money to support this. The benefit is to them-
selves, of course, not to the world at large,
but they'll get back to the world and put some 
energy back into the system Real Soon Now.

So here's my quandary. There is simply NO WAY
to argue with the success of Dakota's approach
to life. He hasn't had to work at a real job in
over two decades. God -- in the form of his friends
who have jobs -- pays for his life. Every time he's
down to nothing and sick as a dog in some Indian
ashram, someone comes through with the money to
buy antibiotics so he doesn't die. And they come
through with the money so that he can continue 
his studies and keep learning important new infor-
mation to benefit the world. I have no problem 
with this, and sometimes it inspires me just as
much as it obviously inspires him.

But at other times I just wonder about it all. It
reminds me of the not-wealthy-themselves Purusha 
and Mother Divine people who have others paying
for *their* lives so that they don't have to work,
either. And it reminds me of all the gurus in 
history who have managed things so that they don't
have to work. *Other people* work, and pay for their 
lives, so that they can be all spiritual and all, 
all for the greater benefit of the world, of course.

The fact that this "Let thy will be done...put my
trust only in God" thing WORKS for these people 
is an amazement. The fact that it works at the
expense of other people who do work for a living
doesn't amaze me as much. On the one hand I'd love
to contribute to my friend's sadhana, because his
example is a never-ending inspiration of just what
a person can pull off if he trusts in the universe
to take care of him, and does nothing to take care
of himself. But on the other hand I cannot help 
but notice that all of the glorious world tours
and the teaching to benefit others never seems to
happen, and what *does* happen is more and more 
years of study *preparing* for the glorious world
tours, all on someone else's nickel.

I've written here before about the Cathars, and the
way that they worked things. Their priests -- an
equal number of men and women -- *worked* for a 
living. They had jobs, just as the lay Cathars did.
None of the lay followers were ever expected to
support them or pay for the teachings. The teach-
ings were given for free, with the teacher/priests
contributing their time and energy, paying for 
their own lives wi

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hello from India

2007-08-25 Thread t3rinity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> t3rinity wrote:
> > Just wanted to send you a hello from here. I am now since about 
> > week in Madanapalle, with a small group of people. We have a 
> > time, its not too hot, as Madanapalle is higher, I just bought a 
> > cycle. We were also one day in Tiruvannamalai, and stayed in one 
> > the oldest Ashrams there.
> >
> >
> >   
> I know you've traveled much to India over the years. Do you see 
> change to the country over the last ten years, especially with the 
> economy?  I know they are having a tech boom but like the US that 
> doesn't get everywhere.  But I did read an article in the local 
> magazine by some Indians who returned and thought they were going 
> right in an pick up a nice house in a great neighbor cheap and 
live like 
> kings.  But they found that was no longer possible.
Well, I'm not buying houses or ground here, but I heard that prices 
in Tiruvannamalai for ground are doubling every year. You can also 
clearly see that Hotel prices in big cities are rising, its not 
anymore possible to have a sort of nice place for 200 rupees, so you 
rather pay up to 800 - 1000, and yet this is still good value. I 
have just eaten a very good indian meal for Rps 18. Now I get over 
50 Rps per 1 Euro. It depends very much on where you are. There is 
still a big number of people being very poor, or even those people 
who are on the lower scale of middle class, and for them there is a 
low cost infra-structure. So, I would say its mixed. Comparatively 
to other countries its still one of the cheapest countries to live 
in. If you look at the streets, the cars, the cell-phones, much has 
changed. 10 years ago there was mainly the ambassador, now it has 
become rather rare. Tiruvannamalai is also a special example as it 
is flooded by westerners, ex-poonjaji, ex-osho. Its an elorado of 
western seekers, satsang culture with different Gurus being there. 
Best see http://arunachalagrace.blogspot.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hello from India

2007-08-25 Thread t3rinity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> t3rinity wrote:
> > Just wanted to send you a hello from here. I am now since about 
> > week in Madanapalle, with a small group of people. We have a 
> > time, its not too hot, as Madanapalle is higher, I just bought a 
> > cycle. We were also one day in Tiruvannamalai, and stayed in one 
> > the oldest Ashrams there.
> >
> >
> >   
> I know you've traveled much to India over the years. Do you see 
> change to the country over the last ten years, especially with the 
> economy?  I know they are having a tech boom but like the US that 
> doesn't get everywhere.  But I did read an article in the local 
> magazine by some Indians who returned and thought they were going 
> right in an pick up a nice house in a great neighbor cheap and 
live like 
> kings.  But they found that was no longer possible.
Well, I'm not buying houses or ground here, but I heard that prices 
in Tiruvannamalai for ground are doubling every year. You can also 
clearly see that Hotel prices in big cities are rising, its not 
anymore possible to have a sort of nice place for 200 rupees, so you 
rather pay up to 800 - 1000, and yet this is still good value. I 
have just eaten a very good indian meal for Rps 18. Now I get over 
50 Rps per 1 Euro. It depends very much on where you are. There is 
still a big number of people being very poor, or even those people 
who are on the lower scale of middle class, and for them there is a 
low cost infra-structure. So, I would say its mixed. Comparatively 
to other countries its still one of the cheapest countries to live 
in. If you look at the streets, the cars, the cell-phones, much has 
changed. 10 years ago there was mainly the ambassador, now it has 
become rather rare. Tiruvannamalai is also a special example as it 
is flooded by westerners, ex-poonjaji, ex-osho. Its an elorado of 
western seekers, satsang culture with different Gurus being there. 
Best see http://arunachalagrace.blogspot.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hello from India

2007-08-25 Thread t3rinity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ron"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity  
> > > >
> > > > Just wanted to send you a hello from here. I am now since 
> > one 
> > > > week in Madanapalle, with a small group of people. We have a 
> > > > time, its not too hot, as Madanapalle is higher, I just 
bought a 
> > > > cycle. We were also one day in Tiruvannamalai, and stayed in 
> > of 
> > > > the oldest Ashrams there.
> > > >
> > > 
> > > Who is the group you are with?
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Tanmay
> > 
> > People around Mother Meera
> Is she traveling with you (I mean localized with you)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Hello from India

2007-08-25 Thread t3rinity
Dear Tanmay,

Mother Meera does not usually see people outside Darshan. We have a 
program in India extended until September 17th. Anyone is welcome, 
but you should ideally phone before coming. The phone number is on 
the webpage: http://mothermeeraindia.com Please make any inquiries 
directly through this number. I have once asked Mother on behalf of 
another (american) Gurus disciple, and she didn't want to have the 
meeting. She told me that such meetings are usually only for the 
disciples. If your Guru is enlightened she will not really have the 
need to meet anyone. If she still wants, she can come to the regular 
Darshan. You might think that this is not on the same level, but 
some have done this, I know of one Guru with quite some following 
who has come 4 - 5 times. At the 28th of September Mother will be 
back to Germany, so October will be too late.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Before I ask the next question, I simply state there is a 
transparency in my path, it is 
> actually required. It is asked, if something is not transparent, 
then perhaps it should be 
> looked at to see if this is a useful thing for one to keep in 
their life.
> While transparency is a significant spiritul thing in my path, no 
coment for how others 
> choose or their Guru procedes with or without transparency. I will 
just comment that it is 
> something to think over maybe as one may realize that something 
they are trying to hide 
> from being revealed may in fact be something that is not useful 
for their own evolution.
> This policy is how it is in my path and not meaning to say it must 
be in all other paths or 
> your path, what ever path that is, is better or worse.
> I am stating something that exists in my path only, no need for 
asumptions that I think 
> something about another path where this policy is not in place.
> I do however see a profound usefullness in the transparency policy 
that is in my path.
> Ok, now I will be in India with my Guru from mid october through 
mid december. Maybe 
> we will be in Rishikesh alot but may travel around as well. If 
anyone asked me that their 
> Guru is interested in meeting my Guru, heads would roll if the 
disciple did not inform my 
> Guru that such requests are there.
> Once again, while this is something in my path, I saw a circus 
atmosphere in another path 
> after I accepted an intitial inventation on behalf of my Guru to 
meet their guru. It may have 
> been that the disciples took it upon themselves to decide that 
such a request would not 
> be forwared to their guru. My Guru's response to this is the 
operation is skewed that such 
> a thing would take place. Be that as it  may, I accept what ever 
comes along.
> Should it be that we are in the near  and if Mother Meera is there 
at the time we are and if 
> you have contact to Mother Meera, then I am requesting that you 
let Mother Meera know 
> that a disciple of my Guru, Swami Ganga-Puri Kaliuttamananda-Giri 
is interested to set up 
> a meeting with  Mother Meera.
> Let me know
> Tanmay
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ron"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity  
> > > >
> > > > Just wanted to send you a hello from here. I am now since 
> > one 
> > > > week in Madanapalle, with a small group of people. We have a 
> > > > time, its not too hot, as Madanapalle is higher, I just 
bought a 
> > > > cycle. We were also one day in Tiruvannamalai, and stayed in 
> > of 
> > > > the oldest Ashrams there.
> > > >
> > > 
> > > Who is the group you are with?
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Tanmay
> > 
> > People around Mother Meera
> >

[FairfieldLife] 'John From Cincinnati' Arrested for DUI

2007-08-25 Thread TurquoiseB
But...but...but...I'm ENLIGHTENED! Doncha
watch TV??!!!

One-way streets are so unevolved! Why should
we who have evolved past that point have to
pay attention to laws that bind lesser humans? 
Not us! We're tuned into a *higher* law, the
laws of nature! This is stupid...it's almost 
like trying to suggest that WE, as special as 
we are, should actually follow the rules that
apply to lesser, unevolved people like your-
selves! Like posting...uh...speed limits and
stuff like that. This is so UNFAIR! Why don't
you understand how SPECIAL we are??!!

< sound of handcuffs clicking shut >

JACKSON, Mich. (Aug. 24) - Austin Nichols , the 
title character in HBO's "John From Cincinnati," 
was arrested early Friday on suspicion of drunken 

The 27-year-old actor was stopped by police about 
2:40 a.m. after being spotted driving a silver 
Mercury Mountaineer the wrong way down a one-way 
street in the city, said Jackson police Lt. John 

An officer smelled alcohol and, after conducting 
sobriety tests, took Nichols into custody. A breath 
test later indicated he had a blood-alcohol content 
of 0.10 percent, Holda said. 

The legal limit for drivers in Michigan is 0.08 

Nichols, who also appeared in "Deadwood," was held 
at the Jackson County Jail and released about 8:40 
a.m., said Jackson County sheriff's Lt. Carl 
Carmoney. He wasn't arraigned and was expected to 
appear in court at a later date. 

If convicted of drunken driving, Nichols could face 
up to 93 days in jail, a $500 fine and community 

A call seeing comment Friday from Nichols' publicist 
was not immediately returned. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2007-08-25 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > On Behalf Of new.morning
> > Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 7:39 PM
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM -- The Good, the Bad
> > and the Ugly
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > > About 2 or 3 years ago, Ted Wallace introduced me
> > to his mother
> > > (Keith's first wife), who had just moved to
> > Fairfield. I don't know if
> > > she's still here.
> > 
> > She was a rock star. Lead singer for that massively
> > influential and
> > respected band in the 60's: the Comfortable Chair.
> > 
> > Is this tongue in cheek? Weren't they just a TM
> > musical group?
> Also, didn't Keith's first wife shoot somebody during
> program in L.A.? Apparently they were making too much
> noise during flying. I'm serious!

Perhaps she is lesbian ? Find out will you, please. 

[FairfieldLife] Viral Video Chart

2007-08-25 Thread cardemaister


Finnish video from the 70's second!
I can't understand what's so funny in it.
But the bassist seems to be quite good...