[FairfieldLife] For Nobody, was For Rick and Alex and Ann and Barry

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

On 9/4/2014 9:30 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Richard, imo in a society filled with corrupt leaders, the term
ex-con is meaningless. Heck, a family member was in jail for
writing bad checks! They probably couldn't get a decent paying job
and were starving to death!

The point, Share, is that, mere "over-posting" or "flooding" the forum 
on Yahoo Groups is NOT a crime, or "terrorism"

On 9/4/2014 1:36 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

No, just a pathetic pain the ass, it's been pointed out so stop doing it.

One persona's trash is another persona's treasure. You are inspiring me 
to post ten more, but if you can just /wait a little while/, I will do 
more yesterday to keep you entertained. Please /be a little patient./



The best policy in this case would probably be a simple apology and a 
retraction from the party posting the false allegations.

How about one from you for deliberately pissing everyone off?

Yes, I am sorry you got pissed off. Now, do you feel better or do you 
just dislike my face?



That would suffice for me I think, but it's difficult to get any 
justice around here now that Judy is no longer participating as a 
checks and balance force. Almost the entire group of respondents has 
been turned against me, for no apparent reason. Go figure.

It sure baffles me.

There is no moral compass for most materialists. How could there be and 
on what grounds would they moralize?



It is also very troubling to realize that a few informants, who shall 
not be named, are calling for outright censorship and a limit to our 
freedom of expression and our right of free speech, AFTER posting 
slanderous and defaming messages /with my real name in the header./ 
And, then the miscreants announce they are creating silly folders and 
filters so they don't have to read my rebuttals and protestations.

That's the real issue - that the moderators are tone deaf and asleep 
at the wheel, apparently. Or, they just don't care, which is worse in 
my opinion.

We said it first.

Said what? You are supposed to read the Guidelines BEFORE you post your 
degrading comments.



*Yahoo Groups Guidelines:*

/"Don't violate the law. Members of Yahoo! communities are not above 
the law, so don't post anything that violates the laws of your 
country, state, province, or city. //

//Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups. Also 
not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or ranting. If 
you wouldn't say it in public or with a group of friends, don't post 



To flood the forum like a huge dump truck is clearly
malicious intent.

I think he's gone totally nuts.

I call for '200 posts per month' limit. That should be easy
for any moderator to manage.


On 9/3/2014 10:58 AM, Bhairitu noozguru@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


Nah, just boot him.  Like you say it's obvious he's being malicious. 
Most other group moderators would have booted him long ago.  He has 
the disposition of an ex-con.  Maybe he is one.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Salya, was For Ann, was For Rick

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 9/4/2014 7:18 PM, steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Good stuff Richard.  I'd enjoy hearing a reply from Sal, or even Curtis.

Where is Vaj wen we need him?

As much as I like Barry, and I do, I think this is above his pay grade 
and probably mine too.

Me too, but he seems to not understand the transcendental view, if he 
ever did. Otherwise, we wouldn't see so many inconsistencies in his 
writing. The materialist doctrine in a nutshell is: /"Eat, drink, and be 
merry, for tomorrow may never come; we all die and there is no coming 
back; so have fun while the sun shines./"


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 wrote :

Sal, I guess Share will have to take you to task cuz you just
NUKED this Marshy sycophant! Well done, and well said.

On 9/4/2014 6:59 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Well, I don't mind what he's into. Just that he expects me to be
into it or he'll throw a tantrum.

Non sequitur. I have not thrown any tantrums. And, it has already
been established that you are "into" Transcendental Meditation. If
so, what is it exactly, that you are attempting to transcend? All
we expect of you is to provide us with the rationale for your
materialistic beliefs. Most of us here on FFL are
transcendentalists which is why we are here - all the Upanishadic
thinkers were transcendentalists and have rejected the materialist
point of view.

My position, and the position of all transcendentalists, is that
we *infer* that /consciousness is the ultimate reality/ and we
accept that *inference* is a valid means of knowledge. Thoughts
and ideas, not being material objects, cannot be perceived; they
can only be *inferred*.

Mere perception is often found to be untrue. We perceive the earth
as being flat but it is almost round. We perceive the earth as
static but it is moving around the sun. We perceive the disc of
the sun and think it is small, yet it is much larger that the earth.

We *infer* that consciousness is the ultimate reality and not
caused by a combination of material properties. We *infer* the
validity of consciousness because we ARE conscious and we are
self-conscious. To refuse the validity of *inference* is to refuse
to think or discuss. All thoughts, all discussions, all doctrines,
all affirmations, and all denials, all proofs and disproofs are
made possible by *inference.*

If consciousness means /self-consciousness/ then it cannot be
identified by logic with the human body. Animals also possess a
physical body, but not /rational consciousness./ If consciousness
is a property of the body, it must be perceived like other
material properties. But consciousness is neither seen, smelt or
tasted nor touched nor heard. Consciousness is private and cannot
be shared by others - /it is the very constructed character of

The point is that naive materialist think they perceive material
objects /as they are and as they seem/, yet knowledge tell us that
this not always the case. We could be in error. An error is
something that should not be. There may be no validity in using
only perception to discover ultimate truths. A materialist accepts
perception as the ultimate knowledge, but often our perception is
just wrong. If perception is your /only means of valid knowledge/
and you reject *inference*, that is a thoughtless
self-contradiction. We are all conscious that we exist - nobody
doubts their own existence. That would be sheer madness or lunacy.

The materialist cannot support his views without giving reasons
which /presuppose/ the validity of *inference*. Severe and
contemptuous criticism has been heaped against the materialistic
doctrine by all schools of Indian philosophy and logic for
thousands of years, and with much justification. Vedantists,
Jainas and Buddhists all reject materialism; AND they also reject
notions of God and an individual soul-monad, yet they realize that
/consciousness is their very reason for being. /

Your materialistic belief, as I understand it, is self-refuted and
sheer nonsense and no system of philosophy or metaphysics at all,
according to my philosophy professor. That is my position and I
agree with Sam Harris.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Salya, was For Ann, was For Rick

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 9/4/2014 7:23 PM, steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

You know Richard, I follow your line of reasoning better than 
salyavin, but it's a nice exchange nonetheless.

When anyone attempts to negate the /transcendental consciousness/ AND a 
person rejects */inference/* as a valid source of knowledge, they have 
nothing, not even the physical material world of the senses, (which may 
be consistently in error) - they stand self-contradictory. How can you 
deny your self - /you are your self/ and only humans are self conscious.


what a breath of fresh air

Thanks. We we have more time maybe we could review the four /valid means 
of knowledge./ It all depends on what you mean by /"knowledge"/ and what 
you men by /"belief"/.  Knowledge means having reasons, or justification 
for believing something is true. For epistomologists, /"believing"/ just 
means that you think something is true. So, belief is a factor of knowledge.

Another factor of knowledge is truth. We can only know what is true - we 
cannot know what is false. So, how is it that people wind up with false 

Something is true when we have lots of good reasons to believe that it's 
true - we have a strong justification for our beliefs. Usually we get 
justification through our senses - /seeing is believing/ - and so we 
*/infer/* that certain events and conditions are true /based on our 
personal experience/. Also, we can believe something is true based on 
/the verbal testimony of others, /which is also a valid means of knowledge.

So, who would you believe?

/A very large group of people standing on thecorner, who all said 
that they saw a 'big blue bus' just go by./


/Another, very small group of people, standing on the same street 
corner,who all said that 'no big blue bus' came by./


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 wrote :

Sal, I guess Share will have to take you to task cuz you just
NUKED this Marshy sycophant! Well done, and well said.

On 9/4/2014 6:59 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Well, I don't mind what he's into. Just that he expects me to
be into it or he'll throw a tantrum.

Non sequitur. I have not thrown any tantrums. And, it has
already been established that you are "into" Transcendental
Meditation. If so, what is it exactly, that you are attempting
to transcend? All we expect of you is to provide us with the
rationale for your materialistic beliefs. Most of us here on
FFL are transcendentalists which is why we are here - all the
Upanishadic thinkers were transcendentalists and have rejected
the materialist point of view.

My position, and the position of all transcendentalists, is
that we *infer* that /consciousness is the ultimate reality/
and we accept that *inference* is a valid means of knowledge.
Thoughts and ideas, not being material objects, cannot be
perceived; they can only be *inferred*. 


Inference may be a valid way of gaining knowledge but only if
the information you have is adequate to provide a detailed
enough model of what it is you are claiming the inference
explains. But I dispute that you can gain enough knowledge
about either the world or how consciousness works - let alone
that there is some primary fundamental connection between the
two - simply by sitting in meditation to make any such
existential claims. Let's not forget that I've been there as
far as experiences go. I saw wondrous things but did the
mystical explanation add up?


I've often mentioned it was my prior knowledge of physics that
stopped me becoming a true believer, the tape they show on the
second day of checking makes the claim but doesn't explain it.
Nobody ever explains it. Because it isn't an accepted part of
physics. It's a possibility sure, but why bother with it when
it doesn't add anything to our explanation and in fact, makes
it more complex when it should - at that level - be becoming
simpler. that's the state of play. I've typed that a million
times now Willy, if you spent less time sulking and spamming
you might have tried to explain your POV.


You can /assume/ that your inner experience relates in some
explanatory way to the outside world but that is the mistake,
I think, that transcendentalists make. We simply don't know
enough about consciousness to be able to say how it works yet
but we know a lot about physics, I can't remember the last
time I read the mystic viewpoint in a serious ph

[FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Not even close, but everyone will pay more for our produce, soon. Take a drive 
down the Central Valley, and you won't notice a big difference from a few years 
ago, but it makes great news.  
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 California is doomed...




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yep, I remember when people went around saying the US has 5-7% of the global 
population, but uses 25% of the resources. Chickens home to roost. California 
is starting to get serious about desalination, with a plant opening next year 
in San Diego area, and down in LA, spray-painting the lawn green, is a booming 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Personally, I'm much more enthusiastic about the current Sustainable Living 
program and the people it attracts than any aspect of the university in 
previous decades.

[FairfieldLife] The Ultimate Reality is Pure Consciousness

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
We do not really know exactly when Shankara and Guadapada lived and died 
- it's mostly speculation. There isn't even any historical proof that 
Shankara founded four monasteries in the first place. All we have is 
some manuscripts that were preserved and an oral tradition. We do know 
that Shankara quoted Chandrakiriti, the famous Buddhist logician.

The distinctions between Advaita and Vajrayana are just too subtle for 
most causal readers. That's about all I can say at this point. Perhaps 
if you get time you can explain it in more detail. Apparently both 
Gaudpada and Shankara were cryoto-Buddhists: Nirvana is Brahman, /the 
pure non-dual consciousness./ There may be some finer details to 
consider, but this is the main gist of the doctrine.

The only doctrine to discuss would be the nature of /maya/ as propounded 
by the Adi Shankara. There is just no reason I can determine that would 
justify a presupposition that Brahman is the ultimate reality, since it 
isn't an a priori notion, but everyone can experience the nature of 
/Pure Consciousness,/ call it what you will.

There is just nothing in the Vedic literature that would suggest the 
doctrine of non-dualism previous to Gaudapada. Madhva, Ramanuja, 
Vallabha, Nimbarka and Chaitanya all agree on this - all were dualists 
or quasi dualists. All of the Upanishads were composed after the 
historical Buddha's passing. And all of the Upanishadic thinkers were 
transcendentalists.  Apparently Gaudapda adopted the Buddhist doctrines 
that /ultimate reality is pure consciousness/ and that the nature of the 
world is the four-cornered negation. Gaudapada adapted both doctrines 
into a philosophy of the Mandukaya Upanisad Karika, which was further 
developed by Shankara. The Vajrayana similarities are unmistakable, 
according to Raju and Sharma.


Excerpt from /mANDUkya kArikA IV by gauDapAda:/

"Duality is only an appearance; non-duality is
the real truth. The object exists as an object
for the knowing subject; but it does not exist
outside of consciousness because the distinction
of subject and object is within consciousness."

Excerpt from /vijnApti matratA siddhi by vasAabAndhu: /

"Reality is Pure Consciousness; external objects
do not exist outside thought. Reality can be
directly realized by transcending the
subject-object duality." - vimshAtika-Vrtti on kArikA

Work cited:

Raju 1992, Raju, P.T., /The Philosophical Traditions of India/, Motilal 
Banarsidass, p. 177.

Sharma, Chandrahar, /A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy/, Rider, p. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Fri 05-Sep-14 00:15:05 UTC

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 9/4/2014 11:29 PM, fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

yes, and a broken one, too.

You sound JELLOS, Jim. Go figure.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Is this a record?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 08/30/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 09/06/14 00:00:00
888 messages as of (UTC) 09/05/14 00:11:27

285 'Richard J. Williams' punditster
68 steve.sundur
52 Share Long sharelong60
49 salyavin808
48 danfriedman2002
47 awoelflebater
44 Michael Jackson mjackson74
42 nablusoss1008
42 fleetwood_macncheese
42 Bhairitu noozguru
30 jr_esq
19 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
14 s3raphita
11 j_alexander_stanley
10 emilymaenot
10 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
9 dmevans365
8 jedi_spock
6 emptybill
6 cardemaister
6 Dick Mays dickmays
5 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius
5 Duveyoung
4 wayback71
4 feste37
4 'Rick Archer' rick
3 anartaxius
2 punditster
2 msilver1951
2 LEnglish5
1 wgm4u
1 uns_tressor
1 turquoiseb
1 srijau
1 raunchydog
1 leopardglam
1 email4you mikemail4you
1 Richard Williams punditster
1 FairfieldLife
Posters: 39
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com

[FairfieldLife] Don't Fall Apart

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Fri 05-Sep-14 00:15:05 UTC

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 9/4/2014 8:45 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Is this a record?

Compared to your fluff? No.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 08/30/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 09/06/14 00:00:00
888 messages as of (UTC) 09/05/14 00:11:27

285 'Richard J. Williams' punditster
68 steve.sundur
52 Share Long sharelong60
49 salyavin808
48 danfriedman2002
47 awoelflebater
44 Michael Jackson mjackson74
42 nablusoss1008
42 fleetwood_macncheese
42 Bhairitu noozguru
30 jr_esq
19 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
14 s3raphita
11 j_alexander_stanley
10 emilymaenot
10 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
9 dmevans365
8 jedi_spock
6 emptybill
6 cardemaister
6 Dick Mays dickmays
5 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius
5 Duveyoung
4 wayback71
4 feste37
4 'Rick Archer' rick
3 anartaxius
2 punditster
2 msilver1951
2 LEnglish5
1 wgm4u
1 uns_tressor
1 turquoiseb
1 srijau
1 raunchydog
1 leopardglam
1 email4you mikemail4you
1 Richard Williams punditster
1 FairfieldLife
Posters: 39
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com

[FairfieldLife] On the Road Again

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Fri 05-Sep-14 00:15:05 UTC

2014-09-04 Thread fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
yes, and a broken one, too. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Is this a record?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 08/30/14 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 09/06/14 00:00:00
 888 messages as of (UTC) 09/05/14 00:11:27
 285 'Richard J. Williams' punditster
 68 steve.sundur
 52 Share Long sharelong60
 49 salyavin808 
 48 danfriedman2002 
 47 awoelflebater
 44 Michael Jackson mjackson74
 42 nablusoss1008 
 42 fleetwood_macncheese
 42 Bhairitu noozguru
 30 jr_esq
 19 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
 14 s3raphita
 11 j_alexander_stanley
 10 emilymaenot
 10 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 9 dmevans365
 8 jedi_spock
 6 emptybill
 6 cardemaister
 6 Dick Mays dickmays
 5 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius
 5 Duveyoung 
 4 wayback71
 4 feste37 
 4 'Rick Archer' rick
 3 anartaxius
 2 punditster
 2 msilver1951
 2 LEnglish5
 1 wgm4u 
 1 uns_tressor
 1 turquoiseb
 1 srijau
 1 raunchydog
 1 leopardglam
 1 email4you mikemail4you
 1 Richard Williams punditster
 1 FairfieldLife
 Posters: 39
 Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
 Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
 US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
 Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
 US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
 Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
 For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com

[FairfieldLife] Love Is Not All [1 Attachment]

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
It is not meat nor drink: /"Love cannot fill the thickened lung with 
breath."/ - Edna St. Vincent Milay


[FairfieldLife] Re: Selections From the Usenet Archives

2014-09-04 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 9/4/2014 1:47 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 Well Tricky, let me tell you something. You failed. Dismally. Your posts read 
like they were written by an autistic savant who failed the Turing test. >
 This is very impressive - you must be a speed reader. Apparently you just read 
all 150 of my selections from the Usenet archives out of over 8,000 posted 
messages IN JUST 2 HOURS. This is incredible! So, I bow to you. You know, that 
Sal guy is pretty smart. He can write well and his brain seems to be firing on 
most of its cylinders at least some of the time. And he seems pretty cool in a 
bunch of ways. But! Sometimes I think he gets sidetracked by the need to 
disagree for the sake of disagreeing and once he decides someone is dismissable 
then you might just be relegated to his version of the fluff bin. He once 
described my posts as equivalent to adolescent shrieking on FB. I always 
figured he was above FB so how he knows such a thing is beyond me. In addition, 
the biggest mystery is why he finds bawee tolerable. That fact alone makes me 
question everything about him including his 'scientific' mind. 
 Selections from the Usenet Archives:
 http://www.rwilliams.us/archives.htm http://www.rwilliams.us/archives.htm

[FairfieldLife] Specialization Is For Insects ! [1 Attachment]

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
"A human being should be able to change a diaper...conn a ship...design 
a building...write a sonnet...balance accounts...build a wall...pitch 
manure...program a computer, and cook a tasty meal!"

Specialization is for insects!


[FairfieldLife] A Short History of TMer Newsgroups, Part 1

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Years ago, when the internet was just getting started (1994) I was 
surfing around and ran across Usenet - discussion groups. At first I 
subscribed to a site that discussed ISKCON, because I had been a 
participant in one of their temples for about a year (3716 Watseka Ave 
in L.A.) and I was taken with their devotion and depth of knowledge. 
Some members had started a news group discussion on the internet and I 
started to read and lurk there for a few weeks. I was very impressed 
with some of the topics discussed and the responses.

Then I discovered alt.meditation.transcendental (now Google Groups) and 
so I decided to join. What a disappointment! It was like a bar room 
brawl - Judy was there and Barry and Lon P. Stacks (RIP) and they were 
thrashing it out with that "Asshole Nick" (Andrew Skolnick) the science 
journalist. Judy did her best to defend her position but for appearances 
the whole group was just an exercise in futility - it was, and still is, 
a "cess-pool" of misinformation.

So, I decided to post some of my own messages, not so much to prove 
anything, but just to improve the look and feel. Anyone surfing there 
would have thought TMers were all buffoons and gimcracks, for all 
appearances. So, I started writing up some nifty essays with fancy 
subject lines, not so much to get attention but to make the place look 
like a forum with useful and insightful analysis.

So, for years I posted my essays to AMT to try and make the forum look 
good. I must have posted 8,000 essay from 1999 - 2003. I didn't get a 
response from Judy for close to fours years to any of my cogent 
postings. And, only two from Barry. Maybe they were JELLOS - I don't 
know. Then, they started spewing and posting political propaganda, in 
what I thought was an attempt to make the site look like a pile of crap 
and they tried to make the place look like a dung heap. One day I 
disputed Judy's claim that George W. Bush was a "liar" and so I posted a 
retort. That's about when it hit the fan!

Ever since then she has hated my guts - nothing to do with TM or the 
mechanics of consciousness - just hateful slander and personal attacks, 
all directed at me. So, I either had to shut up or leave. But look, I've 
got an ego about as big as Mt. Rushmore so I don't back down without a 
fight - never have and never will. I am a military brat from Texas and I 
know everything about everything and I'm living at the center of the 

So, at some point several of us left the Google Groups and came over to 
Yahoo Groups. Now it looks like this place going to shit too - there's 
no moderation, nobody gives a crap, and nobody will stand up for the 
Maharishi. They aren't even proud of their past. All they want to do is 
post fluff and drivel - you can read it here every day. It's sometime 
just pathetic what some people will post to the internet. Myself included.

//Selections from the Usenet Archives:/

[FairfieldLife] Transcendental vs Naive Realism

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
In a previous post, (Naive Realism) this fellow proposed that: 
/"Meditators are transcendentalists, whereas naive realists are 
materialists." /

That report was a reflective account of an un-reflective view. For, 
strictly speaking, the moment a naive realist reflects upon his view he 
is no longer completely naive. According to my professor, A.J. Bahm, the 
naive realist is something of a strawman set up by epistemologists to 
represent us in our un-reflective moments. This straw man may not be 
quite like any of us, or you, because most of us have reflected somewhat 
on the transcendental view as opposed to the materialistic view. Yet, we 
can recognize that it represents a view we transcendentalists hold much 
of the time.

In order to remind the good reader of all the salient points covered in 
that cogent post by this fellow, it would be perhaps beneficial to 
review here, to wit, those salient points:

There are six statements which summarize the doctrine of a 

1. Objects do NOT exist independently of their being known. They cannot
   endure or continue to exist without being experienced by anyone.
   Knowing objects creates them.
2. Objects derive their existence or nature from the knower.
3.   Objects, including their qualities, are affected merely by being
   known. Knowledge of objects changes their nature.
4. Objects are not as they are and are not as they seem. Or, as we
   sometimes say, appearances are not realities. What seems obviously
   so is sometimes not so.
5. Objects are not known directly; that is, there is something between
   them and our knowledge of them. We do not experience them exactly as
   they are because they are distorted by the intervening senses.
6. Objects are not public; that is, they can not be known by more than
   one person. exactly alike. Several people can see the same object
   and see it differently.

Are we agreed so far?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Salya

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]


Well, I don't mind what he's into. Just that he expects me to be
into it or he'll throw a tantrum.

Non sequitur. I have not thrown any tantrums. And, it has already
been established that you are "into" Transcendental Meditation. If
so, what is it exactly, that you are attempting to transcend? All
we expect of you is to provide us with the rationale for your
materialistic beliefs. Most of us here on FFL are
transcendentalists which is why we are here - all the Upanishadic
thinkers were transcendentalists and have rejected the materialist
point of view.

My position, and the position of all transcendentalists, is that
we *infer* that /consciousness is the ultimate reality/ and we
accept that *inference* is a valid means of knowledge. Thoughts
and ideas, not being material objects, cannot be perceived; they
can only be *inferred*. 


Inference may be a valid way of gaining knowledge but only if the
information you have is adequate to provide a detailed enough
model of what it is you are claiming the inference explains. But I
dispute that you can gain enough knowledge about either the world
or how consciousness works - let alone that there is some primary
fundamental connection between the two - simply by sitting in
meditation to make any such existential claims. Let's not forget
that I've been there as far as experiences go. I saw wondrous
things but did the mystical explanation add up?

There must be a reason you're practicing the transcendental meditation. 
If not to transcend, then for what purpose would you be wanting to 
transcend? Transcend what? In fact, in order to know the answer to 
consciousness, you must transcend the physical world of material 
objects. You will NEVER understand the mechanics of consciousness until 
you have transcended all notions of dualistic thinking.



I've often mentioned it was my prior knowledge of physics that
stopped me becoming a true believer, the tape they show on the
second day of checking makes the claim but doesn't explain it.
Nobody ever explains it. Because it isn't an accepted part of
physics. It's a possibility sure, but why bother with it when it
doesn't add anything to our explanation and in fact, makes it more
complex when it should - at that level - be becoming simpler.
that's the state of play. I've typed that a million times now
Willy, if you spent less time sulking and spamming you might have
tried to explain your POV.


You can /assume/ that your inner experience relates in some
explanatory way to the outside world but that is the mistake, I
think, that transcendentalists make. We simply don't know enough
about consciousness to be able to say how it works yet but we know
a lot about physics, I can't remember the last time I read the
mystic viewpoint in a serious physics book. Actually I can't
remember the first time.

The key to understanding the nature of consciousness is to be able to 
transcend the world of sensory perception. That's why they call it 
"transcendental." All the Upanishadic thinkers were transcendentalists.



We know our brains form a 3-D model in our heads, we can measure
thoughts happening, even see what they are! 

The eye cannot see itself. The eye cannot see in the darkness. Thoughts 
don't appear in the material body and are not properties of the physical 
brain. If thoughts could be measured we could also see them. But we 
cannot. If conciousness was a property of the material body you point 
them out just like you point out and describe the properties of the 
physical body.


We know there is a threshold of activity needed for consciousness
and we know how to switch it off. All the evidence seems to be
heading towards the fact that consciousness is somehow a process
of the brain. Sam Harris can think what he likes but I can't fit
together the two strands of knowledge we have here. One is tested
and open to refinement, the other is an assumption based on the
idea that inner experience is the ultimate model of the universe?

So, I guess you'd have to hold a B.A. degree in philosophy and a Ph.D. 
degree in cognitive neuroscience in order to understand how to fit 
together the strands of knowledge we consciously experience. According 
to Harris, it is possible to make our sense of "self" vanish and thereby 
uncover a new state of personal well-being through meditation.



Mere perception is often found to be untrue. We perceive the earth
as being flat but it is almost round. We perceive the earth as
static but it is moving around the sun. We perceive the disc of
the sun and think it is small, yet it is much larger that the earth.


That's odd, I was just about to use the same analogy to
demonstrate the mistake of relying on inference wh

[FairfieldLife] Selections From the Usenet Archives

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 9/4/2014 1:47 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
Well Tricky, let me tell you something. You failed. Dismally. Your 
posts read like they were written by an autistic savant who failed the 
Turing test.

This is very impressive - you must be a speed reader. Apparently you 
just read all 150 of my selections from the Usenet archives out of over 
8,000 posted messages IN JUST 2 HOURS. This is incredible! So, I bow to you.

Selections from the Usenet Archives:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Like I said, I really didn't read any of this.  It's pretty much standard BBP 
(Barry Boiler Plate). 

 But here's what I see as the story behind the story.

 I'm not really sure what Xeno wrote here either, (but mercifully it has 
paragraph breaks), but it's as though Barry's been waiting in the wings for 
something, anything he could post to.

 I hope he felt better afterwards.

 Steve, you are an interesting fellow. Some of your posts are just so 'on the 
money' -  this being one example. You can rest now. It has been a good day's 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: "Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]"
   Parroting is one of the ways we learn, but the object of education is to 
make the mind more flexible, to learn how to learn. One of the things I found 
objectionable about MIU was an emphasis, at least from some instructors, on 
saying things the way Maharishi said them. I came into understanding this 
consciousness thing by way of Zen, Sufism, and a few other things, and 
Maharishi's explanations eventually added another layer of jargon. 

 The point is to get through the jargon — you have to use some jargon in this 
business — and find a way to express yourself that truly represents what you 
experience. If you have no experience, you only have the jargon. 

But many people can *fake* experience just by repeating the jargon faithfully. 
That, after all, is what every TM teacher in history was doing when they were 
talking about enlightenment. I think we can safely say that not one of them 
actually *was* enlightened, especially way back in the 70s and 80s and 90s, but 
they had been trained to repeat Maharishi's dogma *about* enlightenment so 
faithfully that many TM newbs became convinced that they actually were 
enlightened. Many low-vibe initiators actually took advantage of this, and when 
some starry-eyed newb came up to them saying, "Oh, you've been meditating for 
five years...you *must* be enlightened..." they would look sheepish and say, 
"We're not supposed to talk about our state of consciousness." Another piece of 
dogma they'd learned to parrot from Maharishi, but in this case one that 
conveyed the impression that yes, they *were* enlightened. In other words, this 
was an example of dogma and jargon used for the purpose  of LYING. 

As it turned out for me, no system of description really nails what happens in 
experience or adequately covers what one knows. 

I'd go further. No description or set of jargon/dogma ever created in human 
history to describe the process of enlightenment was ever accurate, or of use. 
It was just something for ignorant people to hold onto so that they could 
pretend to themselves that they "understood" something that can never be 

After a time, the pile of jargon, which one does retain, becomes a resource 
which one can combine and recombine at will, and the wider the selection one 
has, from as many sources as one has, the more closely you can match those 
terms to your experience. 

Even so, the map will never either *be* the territory or match the territory.  


 I recall many instances from my time in the movement when people would jump on 
me because I did not use movement jargon verbatim or used terms and concepts 
from other traditions. Also I was approaching the age of 30 when I learned TM, 
so a lot of that pliability of manipulation you find in younger minds was 
already in retreat. Kids coming up through the Maharishi School etc., are going 
to have a problem in later life. 

And many of them certainly did. 


 I went through public schools, had rejected spirituality as having any 
relevance by the time I was in high school, and when the spiritual side of life 
came into my awareness by a totally non-verbal experience when I was in my late 
twenties, I had absolutely no way understanding what it was about, just an 
intuitive feel that I should pursue it. Now I find some of Maharishi's 
terminology useful, but my experiences did not unfold in the linear way his 
descriptions seem to imply. 

I find *none* of his terminology accurate or useful, *except* when chatting 
with people here. I use Maharishi's bullshit here because people speak it like 
a common language. If I used terms I'm more comfortable with, most people 
wouldn't understand what I was talking about. So I can refer to BS like "seven 
states of consciousness" to communicate with some TMer who still believes there 
are only seven, while at the same time knowing that the reality is closer to 
the Buddhist "10,000 states of mind." I sometimes think Maharishi settled for 7 
because he intuitively understood that most of the people he was dealing with 
were not smart enough to count higher than that.  :-)

And I discovered that most of things Maharishi associated with TM, like world 
peace, happiness, health, etc., were really mostly irrelevant in the pursui

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Like I said, I really didn't read any of this.  It's pretty much standard BBP 
(Barry Boiler Plate). 

 But here's what I see as the story behind the story.

 I'm not really sure what Xeno wrote here either, (but mercifully it has 
paragraph breaks), but it's as though Barry's been waiting in the wings for 
something, anything he could post to.

 I hope he felt better afterwards.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: "Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]"
   Parroting is one of the ways we learn, but the object of education is to 
make the mind more flexible, to learn how to learn. One of the things I found 
objectionable about MIU was an emphasis, at least from some instructors, on 
saying things the way Maharishi said them. I came into understanding this 
consciousness thing by way of Zen, Sufism, and a few other things, and 
Maharishi's explanations eventually added another layer of jargon. 

 The point is to get through the jargon — you have to use some jargon in this 
business — and find a way to express yourself that truly represents what you 
experience. If you have no experience, you only have the jargon. 

But many people can *fake* experience just by repeating the jargon faithfully. 
That, after all, is what every TM teacher in history was doing when they were 
talking about enlightenment. I think we can safely say that not one of them 
actually *was* enlightened, especially way back in the 70s and 80s and 90s, but 
they had been trained to repeat Maharishi's dogma *about* enlightenment so 
faithfully that many TM newbs became convinced that they actually were 
enlightened. Many low-vibe initiators actually took advantage of this, and when 
some starry-eyed newb came up to them saying, "Oh, you've been meditating for 
five years...you *must* be enlightened..." they would look sheepish and say, 
"We're not supposed to talk about our state of consciousness." Another piece of 
dogma they'd learned to parrot from Maharishi, but in this case one that 
conveyed the impression that yes, they *were* enlightened. In other words, this 
was an example of dogma and jargon used for the purpose  of LYING. 

As it turned out for me, no system of description really nails what happens in 
experience or adequately covers what one knows. 

I'd go further. No description or set of jargon/dogma ever created in human 
history to describe the process of enlightenment was ever accurate, or of use. 
It was just something for ignorant people to hold onto so that they could 
pretend to themselves that they "understood" something that can never be 

After a time, the pile of jargon, which one does retain, becomes a resource 
which one can combine and recombine at will, and the wider the selection one 
has, from as many sources as one has, the more closely you can match those 
terms to your experience. 

Even so, the map will never either *be* the territory or match the territory.  


 I recall many instances from my time in the movement when people would jump on 
me because I did not use movement jargon verbatim or used terms and concepts 
from other traditions. Also I was approaching the age of 30 when I learned TM, 
so a lot of that pliability of manipulation you find in younger minds was 
already in retreat. Kids coming up through the Maharishi School etc., are going 
to have a problem in later life. 

And many of them certainly did. 


 I went through public schools, had rejected spirituality as having any 
relevance by the time I was in high school, and when the spiritual side of life 
came into my awareness by a totally non-verbal experience when I was in my late 
twenties, I had absolutely no way understanding what it was about, just an 
intuitive feel that I should pursue it. Now I find some of Maharishi's 
terminology useful, but my experiences did not unfold in the linear way his 
descriptions seem to imply. 

I find *none* of his terminology accurate or useful, *except* when chatting 
with people here. I use Maharishi's bullshit here because people speak it like 
a common language. If I used terms I'm more comfortable with, most people 
wouldn't understand what I was talking about. So I can refer to BS like "seven 
states of consciousness" to communicate with some TMer who still believes there 
are only seven, while at the same time knowing that the reality is closer to 
the Buddhist "10,000 states of mind." I sometimes think Maharishi settled for 7 
because he intuitively understood that most of the people he was dealing with 
were not smart enough to count higher than that.  :-)

And I discovered that most of things Maharishi associated with TM, like world 
peace, happiness, health, etc., were really mostly irrelevant in the pursuit of 
enlightenment because they only appeal to the ego-infested state of experience.

But that's both who he was selling to, and what he was selling. He never really 
sold or intended to sell anything to get one past 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Fri 05-Sep-14 00:15:05 UTC

2014-09-04 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Is this a record?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 08/30/14 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 09/06/14 00:00:00
 888 messages as of (UTC) 09/05/14 00:11:27
 285 'Richard J. Williams' punditster
 68 steve.sundur
 52 Share Long sharelong60
 49 salyavin808 
 48 danfriedman2002 
 47 awoelflebater
 44 Michael Jackson mjackson74
 42 nablusoss1008 
 42 fleetwood_macncheese
 42 Bhairitu noozguru
 30 jr_esq
 19 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
 14 s3raphita
 11 j_alexander_stanley
 10 emilymaenot
 10 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 9 dmevans365
 8 jedi_spock
 6 emptybill
 6 cardemaister
 6 Dick Mays dickmays
 5 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius
 5 Duveyoung 
 4 wayback71
 4 feste37 
 4 'Rick Archer' rick
 3 anartaxius
 2 punditster
 2 msilver1951
 2 LEnglish5
 1 wgm4u 
 1 uns_tressor
 1 turquoiseb
 1 srijau
 1 raunchydog
 1 leopardglam
 1 email4you mikemail4you
 1 Richard Williams punditster
 1 FairfieldLife
 Posters: 39
 Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
 Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
 US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
 Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
 US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
 Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
 For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I don't have a point and what in the world is wrong with you? I am not blaming 
anyone - you have a burr under your saddle for no reason. I was merely relating 


 Now that is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time - I have the burr 
under my saddle. And excuse me, but I thought maybe you had a reason for 
"relating experiences" other than to simply relate experiences. Usually it 
points to some negative aspect of the TM Movement, sorry if I was wrong.

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, September 4, 2014 5:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Dunno what it was like in 1981, but I went to MIU in '85 under a lot of 
illusions that had been fostered by a siddha I knew in SC that had graduated 
from MIU a few years before. 


 He talked like it was an ashram that was also a modern university, spoke 
glowingly of the forest academies and led me to believe that everyone was on 
the program, no drugs, no fooling around, everyone was wholeheartedly a TM'er. 


 What I saw and experienced was very different. People were running around 
jumping into bed with each other at the drop of a hat. MSAE students were 
smoking pot as were some of the MIU staff and students. The Palestinian kids 
whose wealthy fathers had sent them to MIU from Sweden or Switzerland were out 
of control partying and chasing women - some of them had off campus apartments 
(which was against the rules for undergrads). I had a mighty education on the 
real MIU mighty quick. 

So, who and what are you blaming here? You're damned if your a TB and a bliss 
ninny believing all that MMY has told you and in addition you're a cultist and, 
apparently, brainwashed if you tow the line and act like a good TM'er studying 
and meditating. But you're also damned if you jump into bed with members of the 
opposite sex, smoke dope and generally act like a regular college student. 
Either way, how is MIU to blame for how people act when they're free agents and 
attending the school? What exactly is your point MJ?


 When George brought his wife to MIU for a Christmas time residence course and 
WPA I asked him why he had told me the place was a meditators nirvana where 
everyone pulled together for whatever Marshy told us was the greater good.

 He said "Well if you focus on those things, yeah. I was telling you how I 
approached MIU when I was here. I was here to get a degree and to round."









Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I don't have a point and what in the world is wrong with you? I am not blaming 
anyone - you have a burr under your saddle for no reason. I was merely relating 

 From: "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, September 4, 2014 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Dunno what it was like in 1981, but I went to MIU in '85 under a lot of 
illusions that had been fostered by a siddha I knew in SC that had graduated 
from MIU a few years before. 

He talked like it was an ashram that was also a modern university, spoke 
glowingly of the forest academies and led me to believe that everyone was on 
the program, no drugs, no fooling around, everyone was wholeheartedly a TM'er. 

What I saw and experienced was very different. People were running around 
jumping into bed with each other at the drop of a hat. MSAE students were 
smoking pot as were some of the MIU staff and students. The Palestinian kids 
whose wealthy fathers had sent them to MIU from Sweden or Switzerland were out 
of control partying and chasing women - some of them had off campus apartments 
(which was against the rules for undergrads). I had a mighty education on the 
real MIU mighty quick. 

So, who and what are you blaming here? You're damned if your a TB and a bliss 
ninny believing all that MMY has told you and in addition you're a cultist and, 
apparently, brainwashed if you tow the line and act like a good TM'er studying 
and meditating. But you're also damned if you jump into bed with members of the 
opposite sex, smoke dope and generally act like a regular college student. 
Either way, how is MIU to blame for how people act when they're free agents and 
attending the school? What exactly is your point MJ?

When George brought his wife to MIU for a Christmas time residence course and 
WPA I asked him why he had told me the place was a meditators nirvana where 
everyone pulled together for whatever Marshy told us was the greater good.

He said "Well if you focus on those things, yeah. I was telling you how I 
approached MIU when I was here. I was here to get a degree and to round."

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Salya, was For Ann, was For Rick

2014-09-04 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
You know Richard, I follow your line of reasoning better than salyavin, but 
it's a nice exchange nonetheless.   

 what a breath of fresh air

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:mjackson74@... wrote :
 Sal, I guess Share will have to take you to task cuz you just NUKED this 
Marshy sycophant! Well done, and well said. 

 On 9/4/2014 6:59 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
 Well, I don't mind what he's into. Just that he expects me to be into it or 
he'll throw a tantrum.

 Non sequitur. I have not thrown any tantrums. And, it has already been 
established that you are "into" Transcendental Meditation. If so, what is it 
exactly, that you are attempting to transcend? All we expect of you is to 
provide us with the rationale for your materialistic beliefs. Most of us here 
on FFL are transcendentalists which is why we are here - all the Upanishadic 
thinkers were transcendentalists and have rejected the materialist point of 
 My position, and the position of all transcendentalists, is that we infer that 
consciousness is the ultimate reality and we accept that inference is a valid 
means of knowledge. Thoughts and ideas, not being material objects, cannot be 
perceived; they can only be inferred.  > Inference may be a valid way of 
gaining knowledge but only if the information you have is adequate to provide a 
detailed enough model of what it is you are claiming the inference explains. 
But I dispute that you can gain enough knowledge about either the world or how 
consciousness works - let alone that there is some primary fundamental 
connection between the two - simply by sitting in meditation to make any such 
existential claims. Let's not forget that I've been there as far as experiences 
go. I saw wondrous things but did the mystical explanation add up? > I've often 
mentioned it was my prior knowledge of physics that stopped me becoming a true 
believer, the tape they show on the second day of checking makes the claim but 
doesn't explain it. Nobody ever explains it. Because it isn't an accepted part 
of physics. It's a possibility sure, but why bother with it when it doesn't add 
anything to our explanation and in fact, makes it more complex when it should - 
at that level - be becoming simpler. that's the state of play. I've typed that 
a million times now Willy, if you spent less time sulking and spamming you 
might have tried to explain your POV. > You can assume that your inner 
experience relates in some explanatory way to the outside world but that is the 
mistake, I think, that transcendentalists make. We simply don't know enough 
about consciousness to be able to say how it works yet but we know a lot about 
physics, I can't remember the last time I read the mystic viewpoint in a 
serious physics book. Actually I can't remember the first time.  > We know our 
brains form a 3-D model in our heads, we can measure thoughts happening, even 
see what they are! We know there is a threshold of activity needed for 
consciousness and we know how to switch it off. All the evidence seems to be 
heading towards the fact that consciousness is somehow a process of the brain. 
Sam Harris can think what he likes but I can't fit together the two strands of 
knowledge we have here. One is tested and open to refinement, the other is an 
assumption based on the idea that inner experience is the ultimate model of the 
universe? > Mere perception is often found to be untrue. We perceive the earth 
as being flat but it is almost round. We perceive the earth as static but it is 
moving around the sun. We perceive the disc of the sun and think it is small, 
yet it is much larger that the earth. 
 > That's odd, I was just about to use the same analogy to demonstrate the 
 > mistake of relying on inference when you don't have enough information for 
 > an informed opinion. You can't gain enough information by just standing on 
 > this planet to work out what shape it is. Which is why people used to think 
 > that it was flat. > You can deduce what shape it is with experiments though. 
 > Even measure it accurately with a couple of poles if you're smart enough. 
 > But sit there and infer? No.  >
 We infer that consciousness is the ultimate reality and not caused by a 
combination of material properties. We infer the validity of consciousness 
because we ARE conscious and we are self-conscious. To refuse the validity of 
inference is to refuse to think or discuss. All thoughts, all discussions, all 
doctrines, all affirmations, and all denials, all proofs and disproofs are made 
possible by inference.
 If consciousness means self-consciousness then it cannot be identified by 
logic with the human body. Animals also possess a physical body, but not 
rational consciousness.  If consciousness is a property of the body, it must be 
perceived like

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Salya, was For Ann, was For Rick

2014-09-04 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Good stuff Richard.  I'd enjoy hearing a reply from Sal, or even Curtis. 

 As much as I like Barry, and I do, I think this is above his pay grade and 
probably mine too.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:mjackson74@... wrote :

 Sal, I guess Share will have to take you to task cuz you just NUKED this 
Marshy sycophant! Well done, and well said. 

 On 9/4/2014 6:59 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
 Well, I don't mind what he's into. Just that he expects me to be into it or 
he'll throw a tantrum.

 Non sequitur. I have not thrown any tantrums. And, it has already been 
established that you are "into" Transcendental Meditation. If so, what is it 
exactly, that you are attempting to transcend? All we expect of you is to 
provide us with the rationale for your materialistic beliefs. Most of us here 
on FFL are transcendentalists which is why we are here - all the Upanishadic 
thinkers were transcendentalists and have rejected the materialist point of 
 My position, and the position of all transcendentalists, is that we infer that 
consciousness is the ultimate reality and we accept that inference is a valid 
means of knowledge. Thoughts and ideas, not being material objects, cannot be 
perceived; they can only be inferred. 
 Mere perception is often found to be untrue. We perceive the earth as being 
flat but it is almost round. We perceive the earth as static but it is moving 
around the sun. We perceive the disc of the sun and think it is small, yet it 
is much larger that the earth. 
 We infer that consciousness is the ultimate reality and not caused by a 
combination of material properties. We infer the validity of consciousness 
because we ARE conscious and we are self-conscious. To refuse the validity of 
inference is to refuse to think or discuss. All thoughts, all discussions, all 
doctrines, all affirmations, and all denials, all proofs and disproofs are made 
possible by inference.
 If consciousness means self-consciousness then it cannot be identified by 
logic with the human body. Animals also possess a physical body, but not 
rational consciousness.  If consciousness is a property of the body, it must be 
perceived like other material properties. But consciousness is neither seen, 
smelt or tasted nor touched nor heard. Consciousness is private and cannot be 
shared by others - it is the very constructed character of knowing.
 The point is that naive materialist think they perceive material objects as 
they are and as they seem, yet knowledge tell us that this not always the case. 
We could be in error. An error is something that should not be. There may be no 
validity in using only perception to discover ultimate truths. A materialist 
accepts perception as the ultimate knowledge, but often our perception is just 
wrong. If perception is your only means of valid knowledge and you reject 
inference, that is a thoughtless self-contradiction. We are all conscious that 
we exist - nobody doubts their own existence. That would be sheer madness or 
 The materialist cannot support his views without giving reasons which 
presuppose the validity of inference. Severe and contemptuous criticism has 
been heaped against the materialistic doctrine by all schools of Indian 
philosophy and logic for thousands of years, and with much justification. 
Vedantists, Jainas and Buddhists all reject materialism; AND they also reject 
notions of God and an individual soul-monad, yet they realize that 
consciousness is their very reason for being. 
 Your materialistic belief, as I understand it, is self-refuted and sheer 
nonsense and no system of philosophy or metaphysics at all, according to my 
philosophy professor. That is my position and I agree with Sam Harris.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 05-Sep-14 00:15:05 UTC

2014-09-04 Thread FFL PostCount ffl.postco...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 08/30/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 09/06/14 00:00:00
888 messages as of (UTC) 09/05/14 00:11:27

285 'Richard J. Williams' punditster
 68 steve.sundur
 52 Share Long sharelong60
 49 salyavin808 
 48 danfriedman2002 
 47 awoelflebater
 44 Michael Jackson mjackson74
 42 nablusoss1008 
 42 fleetwood_macncheese
 42 Bhairitu noozguru
 30 jr_esq
 19 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
 14 s3raphita
 11 j_alexander_stanley
 10 emilymaenot
 10 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  9 dmevans365
  8 jedi_spock
  6 emptybill
  6 cardemaister
  6 Dick Mays dickmays
  5 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius
  5 Duveyoung 
  4 wayback71
  4 feste37 
  4 'Rick Archer' rick
  3 anartaxius
  2 punditster
  2 msilver1951
  2 LEnglish5
  1 wgm4u 
  1 uns_tressor
  1 turquoiseb
  1 srijau
  1 raunchydog
  1 leopardglam
  1 email4you mikemail4you
  1 Richard Williams punditster
  1 FairfieldLife
Posters: 39
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Ann, was For Rick

2014-09-04 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
kudos to Barry for that funny video.  I really enjoyed it.  Poor guy though, he 
got it pretty hard.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I'll also add that I found the video on YouTube by searching for 'Copoeira 

 Funny Capoeira Knockout - Video http://youtu.be/7157QMW9abM 
 Funny Capoeira Knockout - Video http://youtu.be/7157QMW9abM Funny Capoeira 
Knockout - Video

 View on youtu.be http://youtu.be/7157QMW9abM 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Played fine on my ipad in Mercury browser, which is not logged into FB.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
mailto:turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 I wish I could find a non-Facebook version of this video to post. With this 
one, you probably can't see it unless you have a FB account. Too bad, if that's 
true. It's a perfect re-enactment of the Willytex-Salyavin championship fight 
below. Willytex postures, but Sal delivers the goods.   :-)  :-)  :-)

 Trung Nghĩa | Facebook 

 Trung Nghĩa | Facebook 
https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=817135784963858&fref=nf Capoeira  !

 View on www.facebook.com 
 Preview by Yahoo



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
of course. sort of common sense. 

 but don't take away from Barry's mansize boner.  He works hard for those.

 And getting an endorsement from Dr. Pete, even if it was sort of skewed?

 As Mastercard says, "priceless"

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 They use buzzphrases because they don't know what to say and so fall back on 
those.  They're also on camera so feel they have to say something.  I recall 
putting experiences into your own words sometimes got one weird looks back 
then.  But then it's an abstract experience and difficult to put into words 
(because words tend to fall short).
 The higher ups were, of course, doing "marketing".  Note that Maharishi sorta 
improvises on the segment with him.  Also striking was for how "century of the 
self" the responses were.  It's all about the "individual" hence in step with 
"me" meme of the time.
 On 09/04/2014 05:30 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Dr. Pete, who commented on this video on Facebook today (where I saw it, 
because he's a FB Friend of mine), seems to agree more with my characterization 
of these people as brainwashed than he agrees with yours. Sure, they were 
young, idealistic, and inspired. They were *also* brainwashed, repeating the 
exact phrases they'd been taught to repeat verbatim, all without having ever 
seen -- or even *asked for* -- any evidence that they were true. 
 I'm gonna stick with "brainwashed" and "cultists." One of the reasons I like 
Dr. Pete is that he has no problem describing his own time with TM the same way 
and admitting that he was part of a cult. But then he's a shrink...in 
retrospect probably the only way he *can* justify having been so stupid as to 
believe the things we believed back then is to point out the systematic, 
decades-long indoctrination that led to us believing them. Since what he wrote 
is in public view on FB, I guess I can pass along one of his other comments 
that I found perceptive:
 "I helped produce several videos for various MIU functions in the 1980's and 
it was always a problem to get people to talk about their experiences in their 
own words rather than in TM jargon. It was the worst with people 'higher-up' in 
the movement. I interviewed one person, who is in this video too, who kept on 
saying that he experienced the 'home of all the laws of nature' when he 
meditated. I asked him, off-camera, if he actually had this experience or if 
this was a concept he had from MMY. He couldn't distinguish between the two 
which was rather shocking."
 Another former FFLer who is actually seen in the video describes it in the 
comments thusly: "How embarrassing. Now I see why TM lost its popularity and 
the university changed its name." 

 From: feste37  mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, September 4, 2014 1:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981
   No, not brainwashed. Young, idealistic, enthusiastic, inspired. I was there 
in 1981, and it was a good place to be. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they parrot 
buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. The shock is 
that 34 years later people still think like this and talk like this, some of 
them here on this very forum. 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Thanks for being "a little sad" for me, Turq. I'm honored to have a place in 
your emotions, if only a small one. 

I said I was pleased to have been associated with it. I didn't say that my 
views hadn't changed since those long-off days. 

 Ahhh!! CD for the turq.  CD Alert, CD Alert!!

 But it was all very valuable at the time. It was part of a long journey, and I 
always honor the inns in which I have stayed for a while. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: feste37 
   You're cherry-picking the comments. Have another look and you'll see many 
positive ones. There was nothing sinister or cult-like in the fact that the 
University provided an intellectual framework in which students could have some 
understanding of their experiences. It was helpful. It was useful. It was, dare 
I say it, enlightening. I'm pleased to have been associated with it. 


 I'm happy for you. 


 But at the same time I'm a little sad that all these years on you've developed 
so little discrimination that you're happy to remain a cultist. 


 Most of my friends from the TM days figured out what Maharishi was about and 
how he had suckered all of us into his cult back in the mid-70s, before this 
video was even made. We can *understand* believing this kind of idiotic cult 
stuff, because we were there and we believed it, too. We were idiots. 


What we *can't* understand is how someone could possibly *still* believe it, 
all these decades later, and choose to *remain* idiots. That's somewhat scary. 
There is simply no way we can identify with anyone that weak-willed and 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Dr. Pete, who commented on this video on Facebook today (where I saw it, 
because he's a FB Friend of mine), seems to agree more with my characterization 
of these people as brainwashed than he agrees with yours. Sure, they were 
young, idealistic, and inspired. They were *also* brainwashed, repeating the 
exact phrases they'd been taught to repeat verbatim, all without having ever 
seen -- or even *asked for* -- any evidence that they were true. 

I'm gonna stick with "brainwashed" and "cultists." One of the reasons I like 
Dr. Pete is that he has no problem describing his own time with TM the same way 
and admitting that he was part of a cult. But then he's a shrink...in 
retrospect probably the only way he *can* justify having been so stupid as to 
believe the things we believed back then is to point out the systematic, 
decades-long indoctrination that led to us believing them. Since what he wrote 
is in public view on FB, I guess I can pass along one of his other comments 
that I found perceptive:

"I helped produce several videos for various MIU functions in the 1980's and it 
was always a problem to get people to talk about their experiences in their own 
words rather than in TM jargon. It was the worst with people 'higher-up' in the 
movement. I interviewed one person, who is in this video too, who kept on 
saying that he experienced the 'home of all the laws of nature' when he 
meditated. I asked him, off-camera, if he actually had this experience or if 
this was a concept he had from MMY. He couldn't distinguish between the two 
which was rather shocking."

Another former FFLer who is actually seen in the video describes it in the 
comments thusly: "How embarrassing. Now I see why TM lost its popularity and 
the university changed its name." 


 From: feste37 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, September 4, 2014 1:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981
   No, not brainwashed. Young, idealistic, enthusiastic, inspired. I was there 
in 1981, and it was a good place to be. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they parrot 
buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. The shock is 
that 34 years later people still think like this and talk like this, some of 
them here on this very forum. 








Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: King Tony Don't Wanna Lose Da Money

2014-09-04 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
He's Bck!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 This shows what a head in the sander you are. Here we have an organization 
that claims to be able to alter the trends of time, create world peace and 
transform human lives and they are suing one another? But I know its more 
comfortable for you to ignore that man behind the curtain.


 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, September 4, 2014 10:47 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: King Tony Don't Wanna Lose Da Money
   That is some boooring shit, dude. Perhaps next you could post a link to a 
site about Fun With Boolean Algorithms, or The History Of Socks. 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There is no joy in Mudville:

 Cult News101 cults and related topics.: Maharishi Vedic University Ltd. v. 
Maharishi Foundation Limi... 
 1. Maharishi Foundation Limited, name of Applicant, denotes an association 
with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (#Maharishi#), who, over the course of more than 50 
years, established numerous global and national organizations relating to 
manifold aspects of life, including techniques of per...

 View on www.cultnews101.com
 Preview by Yahoo




Re: [FairfieldLife] For Share, was "Desperado", was Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 9/4/2014 9:44 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Richard, turq says he doesn't read our posts. But then he says we 
can't do math and we talk as we did decades ago. How does he know this 
if he doesn't read our posts?!

According to Judy, Barry is a "serial liar." I guess that just about 
says it all. If there are no objections, we will just have to let it stand.

So, in fact he does seem to read our posts - how could he not when they 
are embedded in the messages posted by the other informants he likes? 
Unless maybe he closes his eyes while he uses the down arrow on his 
keyboard when he reads his email. Anything is possible I guess. It does 
seem very important to him what everybody says about him though. Go figure.

Not that it matters, but if you post a comment on every single message 
that is posted here on FFL /he has got to read at least one of our 
messages./ So, even without changing my email address to get around his 
filters, he will be reading my messages /until hell freezes over/, or at 
least until /they pry the mouse out of my cold dead hands. /LoL!


On Thursday, September 4, 2014 9:34 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]"  

On 9/4/2014 6:16 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Fleetwood, perfect choice! Just the fact that he had to dig back 33 
years shows how desperate he is. imo.

Nice. But Barry probably won't see your post, if his filters are 
working. According to Barry, he doesn't read your messages - which is 
funny, because the link he sent has your name in it. Maybe Barry 
doesn't know ho to edit a hyper text link although he calims to be a 
computer professional. According to Judy, Barry is a "liar." Maybe she 
was correct in her assessment.

Barry probably won't see Jim's postings about the Eagle song either - 
Barry claims to not read any of Jim's messages. But, Barry is kind of 
like a moth attracted to a flame - he just can't seem to resist 
reading about what us TMers are up to everyday, and going back 34 
years. He probably reads every single post on FFL and then dreams 
about how to reply.

It's a cry for help, obviously. Some people just feel better when they 
have someone to talk to, even if they are TMers. Go figure.


On Thursday, September 4, 2014 3:55 AM, 
"fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

*"Desperado" (The Eagles)*

Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
You been out ridin' fences for so long now
Oh, you're a hard one
I know that you got your reasons
These things that are pleasin' you
Can hurt you somehow

Don't you draw the queen of diamonds, boy
She'll beat you if she's able
You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet

Now it seems to me, some fine things
Have been laid upon your table
But you only want the ones that you can't get

Desperado, oh, you ain't gettin' no younger
Your pain and your hunger, they're drivin' you home
And freedom, oh freedom well, that's just some people talkin'
Your prison is walking through this world all alone

Don't your feet get cold in the winter time?
The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine
It's hard to tell the night time from the day
You're losin' all your highs and lows
Ain't it funny how the feeling goes away?

Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
Come down from your fences, open the gate
It may be rainin', but there's a rainbow above you
You better let somebody love you, before it's too late

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 wrote :

The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they 
parrot buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality 
whatsoever. The shock is that 34 years later people still think like 
this and talk like this, some of them here on this very forum.


Re: [FairfieldLife] MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Don't you realize Richard, he needs to make sure they are still brainwashed.  
That's why he remains a top poster for this forum.  God forbid he would check 
in a find out they are not as brainwashed as he thinks. So it is a personal 
mission.  "I must be sure the participants here, or at least many of them, are 
still brainwashed. This is important to me. This is important to me. This is 
important to me. This is..."

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 You said you didn't read messages from the "incredibly brainwashed" people on 
this forum. How are those Yahoo Mail filters working out for you?
 On 9/4/2014 1:54 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they parrot 
buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. The shock is 
that 34 years later people still think like this and talk like this, some of 
them here on this very forum. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Ann, was For Rick

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 9/4/2014 10:30 AM, Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I don't have a Facebook account (don't want nor need one, have my own 
websites), and it played find on my Android phone using the Chrome 
browser. It does really nail the Willy Wanker's hysterics.

But, did you enjoy?

On 09/04/2014 12:16 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
I wish I could find a non-Facebook version of this video to post. 
With this one, you probably can't see it unless you have a FB 
account. Too bad, if that's true. It's a perfect re-enactment of the 
Willytex-Salyavin championship fight below. Willytex postures, but 
Sal delivers the goods.   :-)  :-)  :-)

Trung Nghĩa | Facebook 


Trung Nghĩa | Facebook 

Capoeira  !

View on www.facebook.com 

Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Of course.  And if you were asked to give a testimonial about the university, 
you might be inclined to parrot the company line. 

 but those nuances are certainly lost on those who are positively obsessed with 
Transcendental Meditation, and are, ever so happy they have moved past it, and 
yet, seem to need to let everyone know, just how far they have moved past it, 
every day, many times a day, for the past twenty years.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 No, not brainwashed. Young, idealistic, enthusiastic, inspired. I was there in 
1981, and it was a good place to be. 

 I was there from 1975-1981 and it was not only a good place to be but THE 
place to be. Great memories, good times, deep friendships. If anyone thinks we 
were a bunch of bliss ninnies then you weren't in the art department - we had 
some of the wildest, craziest individuals in the history of MIU in that major. 
Teddy Burghoff, Chester Overlock, Jody Porter, Claudia Chadwick and many others 
who kept that school hoppin' and on its creative toes. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they parrot 
buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. The shock is 
that 34 years later people still think like this and talk like this, some of 
them here on this very forum. 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Philip K rolls over in his grave

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
What!? You're commenting on a movie you haven't seen yet? Where is Judy 
when we need her?

On 9/4/2014 10:47 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
I've had it for some time but have never been able to get past the 
first few minutes and watch it. It's been "in production" for a 
really, really, really long time (I first started hearing about it 
over five years ago), and that often means a movie that has been made 
but is so terrible they can't get anyone to actually release it. 
That's what this one sounds like to me.

*From:* "Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" 
*Sent:* Thursday, September 4, 2014 5:42 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Philip K rolls over in his grave

Don't waste your time or money on "Radio Free Albemuth". If curious
just wait for it to show up on Netflix in a month or two and see if you
last more than 10 minutes. Despite the cast it is pretty bad and
amateurish. Neither Shea Whigham nor Scott Wilson ("The Walking Dead")
could save the thing. I should have paid more attention to the 22%
Tomatoes rating.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Off the iCloud

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 9/4/2014 6:27 PM, s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

How is this for a strong password?


Not bad, huh? I came across a suggestion for generating tough 
passwords. Take a poem you like. From the opening sentence use the 
initial letters for each word. The resulting gibberish is safe from 
brute-force methods.

If you change all "i"s or "l"s to "1"s and all "e"s to 3s (or 
some-such rule) you'll include numbers. And if you use the poem's line 
breaks to suggest obvious upper-case letters you have an 
easy-to-recall and safe password.

My example (not my real password obviously!) is extracted from . . .

My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky

Sounds like a good idea - I like it! According to Ms Longoria, it wasn't 
a password crack, she let a gal at the Genius Bar at the San Antonio 
Mall take her phone back to the stockroom repair bench for a few 
minutes. Go figure.

NEVER hand your iPhone over to the gal at the Genius Bar!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Maybe it's time to review password protocols. The three most popular 
passwords are:

  * password
  * sex
  * god

Not particularly in that order. System administrators love "god' for 
their password - it gives them a sense of power. The important thing 
is to have different strong passwords for each internet account.

'You’re Reacting to Celebgate Wrong'


SAN ANTONIO — Apple store employees in San Antonio contacted Eva
Longoria by using her personal account information and broke into
her email, the actress said Tuesday...

'Eva Longoria: Apple store employee in San Antonio broke into my
email, called me'
San Antonio Express-News:

On 9/2/2014 10:24 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

It looks like it's over for Apple. Steve Jobs is probably
turning over in his grave. Tim Cook should probably resign. This
is going to cost Apple billions - they may never recover their
reputation. Lesson: Get off the iCloud.

"Brute force, also known as 'brute force cracking', is a
trial-and-error method used to get plain-text passwords from
encrypted data."

Read more:

Daily Mail:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Maybe one day, you will see what the comment below, says about you.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 Glad I got out and look forward to MUM losing its accreditation as it should, 
being sold off for parts by Girish and Buck finally having to admit the Marshy 
Effect is made up bullshit. 


 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
 Sent: Thursday, September 4, 2014 9:16 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981
   From: feste37 
   You're cherry-picking the comments. Have another look and you'll see many 
positive ones. There was nothing sinister or cult-like in the fact that the 
University provided an intellectual framework in which students could have some 
understanding of their experiences. It was helpful. It was useful. It was, dare 
I say it, enlightening. I'm pleased to have been associated with it. 


 I'm happy for you. 


 But at the same time I'm a little sad that all these years on you've developed 
so little discrimination that you're happy to remain a cultist. 


 Most of my friends from the TM days figured out what Maharishi was about and 
how he had suckered all of us into his cult back in the mid-70s, before this 
video was even made. We can *understand* believing this kind of idiotic cult 
stuff, because we were there and we believed it, too. We were idiots. 


What we *can't* understand is how someone could possibly *still* believe it, 
all these decades later, and choose to *remain* idiots. That's somewhat scary. 
There is simply no way we can identify with anyone that weak-willed and 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Dr. Pete, who commented on this video on Facebook today (where I saw it, 
because he's a FB Friend of mine), seems to agree more with my characterization 
of these people as brainwashed than he agrees with yours. Sure, they were 
young, idealistic, and inspired. They were *also* brainwashed, repeating the 
exact phrases they'd been taught to repeat verbatim, all without having ever 
seen -- or even *asked for* -- any evidence that they were true. 

I'm gonna stick with "brainwashed" and "cultists." One of the reasons I like 
Dr. Pete is that he has no problem describing his own time with TM the same way 
and admitting that he was part of a cult. But then he's a shrink...in 
retrospect probably the only way he *can* justify having been so stupid as to 
believe the things we believed back then is to point out the systematic, 
decades-long indoctrination that led to us believing them. Since what he wrote 
is in public view on FB, I guess I can pass along one of his other comments 
that I found perceptive:

"I helped produce several videos for various MIU functions in the 1980's and it 
was always a problem to get people to talk about their experiences in their own 
words rather than in TM jargon. It was the worst with people 'higher-up' in the 
movement. I interviewed one person, who is in this video too, who kept on 
saying that he experienced the 'home of all the laws of nature' when he 
meditated. I asked him, off-camera, if he actually had this experience or if 
this was a concept he had from MMY. He couldn't distinguish between the two 
which was rather shocking."

Another former FFLer who is actually seen in the video describes it in the 
comments thusly: "How embarrassing. Now I see why TM lost its popularity and 
the university changed its name." 


 From: feste37 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, September 4, 2014 1:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981
   No, not brainwashed. Young, idealistic, enthusiastic, inspired. I was there 
in 1981, and it was a good place to be. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they parrot 
buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. The shock is 
that 34 years later people still think like this and talk like this, some of 
them here on this very forum. 










[FairfieldLife] Re: "Desperado" was Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Tis true.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Why rub more salt into a wounded Turq - everyone knows Seinfeld used to be his 
hero until he learned the comedian has been doing TM regulary for 40 years !

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I got bored after the first tiny bit, realizing that none of its true, none of 
it.  It's Barry imagination choosing to revise the whole TM experience to fit 
into his failed foray. 

 And look at him, going on and on about stuff, on this site that means nothing 
to him.

 Jesus Barry, wake up dude.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: "Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]"
   Parroting is one of the ways we learn, but the object of education is to 
make the mind more flexible, to learn how to learn. One of the things I found 
objectionable about MIU was an emphasis, at least from some instructors, on 
saying things the way Maharishi said them. I came into understanding this 
consciousness thing by way of Zen, Sufism, and a few other things, and 
Maharishi's explanations eventually added another layer of jargon. 

 The point is to get through the jargon — you have to use some jargon in this 
business — and find a way to express yourself that truly represents what you 
experience. If you have no experience, you only have the jargon. 

But many people can *fake* experience just by repeating the jargon faithfully. 
That, after all, is what every TM teacher in history was doing when they were 
talking about enlightenment. I think we can safely say that not one of them 
actually *was* enlightened, especially way back in the 70s and 80s and 90s, but 
they had been trained to repeat Maharishi's dogma *about* enlightenment so 
faithfully that many TM newbs became convinced that they actually were 
enlightened. Many low-vibe initiators actually took advantage of this, and when 
some starry-eyed newb came up to them saying, "Oh, you've been meditating for 
five years...you *must* be enlightened..." they would look sheepish and say, 
"We're not supposed to talk about our state of consciousness." Another piece of 
dogma they'd learned to parrot from Maharishi, but in this case one that 
conveyed the impression that yes, they *were* enlightened. In other words, this 
was an example of dogma and jargon used for the purpose  of LYING. 

As it turned out for me, no system of description really nails what happens in 
experience or adequately covers what one knows. 

I'd go further. No description or set of jargon/dogma ever created in human 
history to describe the process of enlightenment was ever accurate, or of use. 
It was just something for ignorant people to hold onto so that they could 
pretend to themselves that they "understood" something that can never be 

After a time, the pile of jargon, which one does retain, becomes a resource 
which one can combine and recombine at will, and the wider the selection one 
has, from as many sources as one has, the more closely you can match those 
terms to your experience. 

Even so, the map will never either *be* the territory or match the territory.  


 I recall many instances from my time in the movement when people would jump on 
me because I did not use movement jargon verbatim or used terms and concepts 
from other traditions. Also I was approaching the age of 30 when I learned TM, 
so a lot of that pliability of manipulation you find in younger minds was 
already in retreat. Kids coming up through the Maharishi School etc., are going 
to have a problem in later life. 

And many of them certainly did. 


 I went through public schools, had rejected spirituality as having any 
relevance by the time I was in high school, and when the spiritual side of life 
came into my awareness by a totally non-verbal experience when I was in my late 
twenties, I had absolutely no way understanding what it was about, just an 
intuitive feel that I should pursue it. Now I find some of Maharishi's 
terminology useful, but my experiences did not unfold in the linear way his 
descriptions seem to imply. 

I find *none* of his terminology accurate or useful, *except* when chatting 
with people here. I use Maharishi's bullshit here because people speak it like 
a common language. If I used terms I'm more comfortable with, most people 
wouldn't understand what I was talking about. So I can refer to BS like "seven 
states of consciousness" to communicate with some TMer who still believes there 
are only seven, while at the same time knowing that the reality is closer to 
the Buddhist "10,000 states of mind." I sometimes think Maharishi settled for 7 
because he intuitively understood that most of the people he was dealing with 
were not smart enough to count higher than that.  :-)

And I discovered that most of things Maharishi associated with TM, like world 
peace, happiness, health, etc., were really mostly irrelevant in the pursuit of 
enlightenment because they only appeal to the ego-infested state of experience.

But that's both who he was selling to, and what he was selling. He never really 
sold or intended to sell anything to get one past the ego. TM and all of his 
techniques -- plus most of his pandering to people telling th

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Off the iCloud

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 9/4/2014 4:50 PM, cardemais...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Get off of my cloud:

Get off of my cloud,, The Rolling Stones 


Get off of my cloud,, The Rolling Stones 

Another great song I hope you enjoy Lyrics: I live in an apartment on 
the ninety-ninth floor of my block And I sit at home looking out the 
window Imagining ...

View on www.youtube.com 

Preview by Yahoo

[FairfieldLife] Re: Get Off the iCloud

2014-09-04 Thread s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
How is this for a strong password?


 Not bad, huh? I came across a suggestion for generating tough passwords. Take 
a poem you like. From the opening sentence use the initial letters for each 
word. The resulting gibberish is safe from brute-force methods.

 If you change all "i"s or "l"s to "1"s and all "e"s to "3"s (or some-such 
rule) you'll include numbers. And if you use the poem's line breaks to suggest 
obvious upper-case letters you have an easy-to-recall and safe password.

 My example (not my real password obviously!) is extracted from . . . 

 My heart leaps up when I behold  A rainbow in the sky



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Maybe it's time to review password protocols. The three most popular passwords 
 password sex god 
 Not particularly in that order. System administrators love "god' for their 
password - it gives them a sense of power. The important thing is to have 
different strong passwords for each internet account.
 'You’re Reacting to Celebgate Wrong'
 SAN ANTONIO — Apple store employees in San Antonio contacted Eva Longoria by 
using her personal account information and broke into her email, the actress 
said Tuesday...
 'Eva Longoria: Apple store employee in San Antonio broke into my email, called 
 San Antonio Express-News:
 On 9/2/2014 10:24 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

 It looks like it's over for Apple. Steve Jobs is probably turning over in his 
grave. Tim Cook should probably resign. This is going to cost Apple billions - 
they may never recover their reputation. Lesson: Get off the iCloud.
 "Brute force, also known as 'brute force cracking', is a trial-and-error 
method used to get plain-text passwords from encrypted data."
 Read more: 
 Daily Mail:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Poor Barry, 

 Does he always have to wear his anger on his sleeve like this?

 Where's Edg when we need him.

 I dare say Edg talked some reason into Michael.  Really some soul saving 

 Barry's drunk some other kind of kool-aid.

 It ain't pretty, but he'll hear none of it.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: feste37 
   You're cherry-picking the comments. Have another look and you'll see many 
positive ones. There was nothing sinister or cult-like in the fact that the 
University provided an intellectual framework in which students could have some 
understanding of their experiences. It was helpful. It was useful. It was, dare 
I say it, enlightening. I'm pleased to have been associated with it. 


 I'm happy for you. 


 But at the same time I'm a little sad that all these years on you've developed 
so little discrimination that you're happy to remain a cultist. 


 Most of my friends from the TM days figured out what Maharishi was about and 
how he had suckered all of us into his cult back in the mid-70s, before this 
video was even made. We can *understand* believing this kind of idiotic cult 
stuff, because we were there and we believed it, too. We were idiots. 


What we *can't* understand is how someone could possibly *still* believe it, 
all these decades later, and choose to *remain* idiots. That's somewhat scary. 
There is simply no way we can identify with anyone that weak-willed and 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Dr. Pete, who commented on this video on Facebook today (where I saw it, 
because he's a FB Friend of mine), seems to agree more with my characterization 
of these people as brainwashed than he agrees with yours. Sure, they were 
young, idealistic, and inspired. They were *also* brainwashed, repeating the 
exact phrases they'd been taught to repeat verbatim, all without having ever 
seen -- or even *asked for* -- any evidence that they were true. 

I'm gonna stick with "brainwashed" and "cultists." One of the reasons I like 
Dr. Pete is that he has no problem describing his own time with TM the same way 
and admitting that he was part of a cult. But then he's a shrink...in 
retrospect probably the only way he *can* justify having been so stupid as to 
believe the things we believed back then is to point out the systematic, 
decades-long indoctrination that led to us believing them. Since what he wrote 
is in public view on FB, I guess I can pass along one of his other comments 
that I found perceptive:

"I helped produce several videos for various MIU functions in the 1980's and it 
was always a problem to get people to talk about their experiences in their own 
words rather than in TM jargon. It was the worst with people 'higher-up' in the 
movement. I interviewed one person, who is in this video too, who kept on 
saying that he experienced the 'home of all the laws of nature' when he 
meditated. I asked him, off-camera, if he actually had this experience or if 
this was a concept he had from MMY. He couldn't distinguish between the two 
which was rather shocking."

Another former FFLer who is actually seen in the video describes it in the 
comments thusly: "How embarrassing. Now I see why TM lost its popularity and 
the university changed its name." 


 From: feste37 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, September 4, 2014 1:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981
   No, not brainwashed. Young, idealistic, enthusiastic, inspired. I was there 
in 1981, and it was a good place to be. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they parrot 
buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. The shock is 
that 34 years later people still think like this and talk like this, some of 
them here on this very forum. 








[FairfieldLife] Re: Get Off the iCloud

2014-09-04 Thread s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
How is this for a strong password?


 Not bad, huh? I came across a suggestion for generating tough passwords. Take 
a poem you like. From the opening sentence use the initial letters for each 
word. The resulting gibberish is safe from brute-force methods.

 If you change all "i"s or "l"s to "1"s and all "e"s to 3s (or some-such rule) 
you'll include numbers. And if you use the poem's line breaks to suggest 
obvious upper-case letters you have an easy-to-recall and safe password.

 My example (not my real password obviously!) is extracted from . . . 

 My heart leaps up when I behold  A rainbow in the sky



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Maybe it's time to review password protocols. The three most popular passwords 
 password sex god 
 Not particularly in that order. System administrators love "god' for their 
password - it gives them a sense of power. The important thing is to have 
different strong passwords for each internet account.
 'You’re Reacting to Celebgate Wrong'
 SAN ANTONIO — Apple store employees in San Antonio contacted Eva Longoria by 
using her personal account information and broke into her email, the actress 
said Tuesday...
 'Eva Longoria: Apple store employee in San Antonio broke into my email, called 
 San Antonio Express-News:
 On 9/2/2014 10:24 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

 It looks like it's over for Apple. Steve Jobs is probably turning over in his 
grave. Tim Cook should probably resign. This is going to cost Apple billions - 
they may never recover their reputation. Lesson: Get off the iCloud.
 "Brute force, also known as 'brute force cracking', is a trial-and-error 
method used to get plain-text passwords from encrypted data."
 Read more: 
 Daily Mail:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
How old was MIU at that time? Maybe eight years at most.  How long had students 
been there?  Maybe three years at most.  Shove it in Barry.  Shove that 
narrative in hard, cuz it don't look like it's gonna go in comfort like. 

 I can't wait for this afternoons installment of "How TM is a cult, and How I'm 
so Awesome"  Playing in a chat room near you!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
 ...in retrospect probably the only way he *can* justify having been so stupid 
as to believe the things we believed back then is to point out the systematic, 
decades-long indoctrination that led to us believing them. 



 Since what he wrote is in public view on FB, I guess I can pass along one of 
his other comments that I found perceptive:

"I helped produce several videos for various MIU functions in the 1980's and it 
was always a problem to get people to talk about their experiences in their own 
words rather than in TM jargon. It was the worst with people 'higher-up' in the 
movement. I interviewed one person, who is in this video too, who kept on 
saying that he experienced the 'home of all the laws of nature' when he 
meditated. I asked him, off-camera, if he actually had this experience or if 
this was a concept he had from MMY. He couldn't distinguish between the two 
which was rather shocking."

Another former FFLer who is actually seen in the video describes it in the 
comments thusly: "How embarrassing. Now I see why TM lost its popularity and 
the university changed its name." 


 From: feste37 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, September 4, 2014 1:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981
   No, not brainwashed. Young, idealistic, enthusiastic, inspired. I was there 
in 1981, and it was a good place to be. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they parrot 
buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. The shock is 
that 34 years later people still think like this and talk like this, some of 
them here on this very forum. 







Re: [FairfieldLife] Ukraine at War With Russia, was Pentagon at war with 124 nations

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 9/4/2014 12:30 PM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
Maybe Obama is investing in Military industrial complex stocks while 
they are low.

/"That the most numerous victims of terrorism – "our" terrorism – are 

It's just amazing how fast time flies!

This Guardian report, dated Tuesday 13 May 2014, is now old, old news. 
But, like the moving finger having writ, times moves inexorably on. Now, 
just a few months later, the the ISIS terrorists are poised to storm the 
gates of Europe and if successful, they won't stop there. Wait! They are 
not at the gates - /they are already inside the gates/ and on your very 
doorstep and in your streets. You can't even tell an ISIS radical from a 
Neo-nazi or a Commie. Is there a difference? They all look alike to me 
and it's not just their rag-head or their skin-head.

So, it's not news that there are Neo-Nazis in Germany anymore than it's 
news there are Communists in Russia. It is a fact that there are now 
radical fundamentalist Muslims in every country on the planet. So, what 
does it all mean?

You have to pick your battles, Mike, but is one war more righteous than 
another? How long does a battle or a war last anyway? Are there ever any 
real winners? There was a 100-year war in Netherlands at one time.

But, the next really big one will last only a few days and nobody will 
be the winner. And why? Because nobody will be left on the planet to 
celebrate, except maybe a few cock roaches. They seem to be able to 
survive almost every planetary catastrophe. You can call the roaches 
anything you want to, but by then it won't really matter. If you call a 
bug a cockroach when there's nobody left alive, will anyone hear you?

According to Isaiah, someday /the lion will lie down and eat straw with 
the bullock/. /And, a little child will lead them./ But, it may not be 
on this planet.

Isaiah 11 6-7

On Thursday, September 4, 2014 9:44 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]"  

"British dilemma over Russian president's actions in Ukraine likened 
to conduct of Neville Chamberlain in 1930s Munich..."

'David Cameron warns of 'appeasing Putin as we did Hitler'

On 9/4/2014 9:12 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
Why do we tolerate the threat of another world war in our name? Why 
do we allow lies that justify this risk? The scale of our 
indoctrination, wrote Harold Pinter 
is a "brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis", as 
if the truth "never happened even while it was happening".
In Ukraine, the US is dragging us towards war with Russia 


In Ukraine, the US is dragging us towards war with Russi... 

John Pilger: Washington's role in Ukraine, and its backing for the 
regime's neo-Nazis, has huge implications for the rest of the world

View on www.theguardian.com 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Wait, Barry, really?  You're going to stick with "brainwashed" and "cultist". 

 Shocked, shocked is what I am.

 I mean, this is what you live for.

 Hey, listen, since your not reading this, I don't mind sharing this thought I 
had earlier today.

 You're the guy who sat day after day, week after week, maybe month after 
month, as a single man, at the bar of the most prestigious, (if that's the 
right word), high glass brothel in Amsterdam and never tried the wares?!

 You are stronger man than me, Mr. Barry Wright.

 I would have sucumbed at least once or twice, and bragged about it!

 Not bragging that I never did!

 Go figger.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Dr. Pete, who commented on this video on Facebook today (where I saw it, 
because he's a FB Friend of mine), seems to agree more with my characterization 
of these people as brainwashed than he agrees with yours. Sure, they were 
young, idealistic, and inspired. They were *also* brainwashed, repeating the 
exact phrases they'd been taught to repeat verbatim, all without having ever 
seen -- or even *asked for* -- any evidence that they were true. 

I'm gonna stick with "brainwashed" and "cultists." One of the reasons I like 
Dr. Pete is that he has no problem describing his own time with TM the same way 
and admitting that he was part of a cult. But then he's a shrink...in 
retrospect probably the only way he *can* justify having been so stupid as to 
believe the things we believed back then is to point out the systematic, 
decades-long indoctrination that led to us believing them. Since what he wrote 
is in public view on FB, I guess I can pass along one of his other comments 
that I found perceptive:

"I helped produce several videos for various MIU functions in the 1980's and it 
was always a problem to get people to talk about their experiences in their own 
words rather than in TM jargon. It was the worst with people 'higher-up' in the 
movement. I interviewed one person, who is in this video too, who kept on 
saying that he experienced the 'home of all the laws of nature' when he 
meditated. I asked him, off-camera, if he actually had this experience or if 
this was a concept he had from MMY. He couldn't distinguish between the two 
which was rather shocking."

Another former FFLer who is actually seen in the video describes it in the 
comments thusly: "How embarrassing. Now I see why TM lost its popularity and 
the university changed its name." 


 From: feste37 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, September 4, 2014 1:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981
   No, not brainwashed. Young, idealistic, enthusiastic, inspired. I was there 
in 1981, and it was a good place to be. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they parrot 
buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. The shock is 
that 34 years later people still think like this and talk like this, some of 
them here on this very forum. 







[FairfieldLife] For MJ

2014-09-04 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


[FairfieldLife] Re: Get Off the iCloud

2014-09-04 Thread cardemais...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Get off of my cloud:

Get off of my cloud,, The Rolling Stones 
 Get off of my cloud,, The Rolling Stones 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgWUi-ozMAU Another great song I hope you enjoy 
Lyrics: I live in an apartment on the ninety-ninth floor of my block And I sit 
at home looking out the window Imagining ...
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgWUi-ozMAU 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread danfriedman2002

Your whole, very repetitive case, is that you used to be an idiot [Agreed so 
far], but that you are no longer an idiot, because you are now anti-whatever 
you were.

That makes no sense to a normal person.

But you won't be able to see that.

Your Helper,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Get Off the iCloud

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Maybe it's time to review password protocols. The three most popular 
passwords are:

 * password
 * sex
 * god

Not particularly in that order. System administrators love "god' for 
their password - it gives them a sense of power. The important thing is 
to have different strong passwords for each internet account.

'You're Reacting to Celebgate Wrong'

SAN ANTONIO --- Apple store employees in San Antonio contacted Eva 
Longoria by using her personal account information and broke into her 
email, the actress said Tuesday...

'Eva Longoria: Apple store employee in San Antonio broke into my 
email, called me'

San Antonio Express-News:

On 9/2/2014 10:24 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
It looks like it's over for Apple. Steve Jobs is probably turning 
over in his grave. Tim Cook should probably resign. This is going to 
cost Apple billions - they may never recover their reputation. 
Lesson: Get off the iCloud.

"Brute force, also known as 'brute force cracking', is a 
trial-and-error method used to get plain-text passwords from 
encrypted data."

Read more:

Daily Mail:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Dunno what it was like in 1981, but I went to MIU in '85 under a lot of 
illusions that had been fostered by a siddha I knew in SC that had graduated 
from MIU a few years before. 


 He talked like it was an ashram that was also a modern university, spoke 
glowingly of the forest academies and led me to believe that everyone was on 
the program, no drugs, no fooling around, everyone was wholeheartedly a TM'er. 


 What I saw and experienced was very different. People were running around 
jumping into bed with each other at the drop of a hat. MSAE students were 
smoking pot as were some of the MIU staff and students. The Palestinian kids 
whose wealthy fathers had sent them to MIU from Sweden or Switzerland were out 
of control partying and chasing women - some of them had off campus apartments 
(which was against the rules for undergrads). I had a mighty education on the 
real MIU mighty quick. 

So, who and what are you blaming here? You're damned if your a TB and a bliss 
ninny believing all that MMY has told you and in addition you're a cultist and, 
apparently, brainwashed if you tow the line and act like a good TM'er studying 
and meditating. But you're also damned if you jump into bed with members of the 
opposite sex, smoke dope and generally act like a regular college student. 
Either way, how is MIU to blame for how people act when they're free agents and 
attending the school? What exactly is your point MJ?


 When George brought his wife to MIU for a Christmas time residence course and 
WPA I asked him why he had told me the place was a meditators nirvana where 
everyone pulled together for whatever Marshy told us was the greater good.

 He said "Well if you focus on those things, yeah. I was telling you how I 
approached MIU when I was here. I was here to get a degree and to round."






Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Rick and Alex, was WTF - For Rick

2014-09-04 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]

On 09/04/2014 11:36 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

On 9/4/2014 9:30 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Richard, imo in a society filled with corrupt leaders, the term
ex-con is meaningless. Heck, a family member was in jail for
writing bad checks! They probably couldn't get a decent paying job
and were starving to death!

The point, Share, is that, mere "over-posting" or "flooding" the forum 
on Yahoo Groups is NOT a crime, or "terrorism"

No, just a pathetic pain the ass, it's been pointed out so stop doing it.

Try "rude". Willy's being very rude.


The best policy in this case would probably be a simple apology and a 
retraction from the party posting the false allegations.

How about one from you for deliberately pissing everyone off?

And at that I only said he has the *disposition* of an "ex-con" not that 
he is one.  His use of words like "snitch" suggest that.

He sure snows Share though.

[FairfieldLife] Lunch Today, and, Experience or Knowledge? [1 Attachment]

2014-09-04 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Normally I do not talk about my day, but I got an invite for lunch today, and 
leaving New York State, ended up sitting on a log and eating a bag lunch in the 
State of Connecticut by a lake. I like being near urban areas, but really don't 
like to live in them even though I have spent time in large cities, and smaller 
towns, including New York City, Washington D.C., San Francisco, and that 
strange place called Fairfield, Iowa. Currently I live in relative proximity to 
Brewster, New York but not directly in town, and except in Winter when the 
trees are bare, seldom can see neighbours' homes, so there is a feeling of 
isolation even though there are people nearby. I doubt I could be as 
urban-centric as, say, Barry seems to be. However a European city like Leiden 
is quite different, so I imagine, based on images associated with Google maps, 
compared to those here in the United States, and perhaps more tolerable and 
quaint. I think I might like a small English
 town. I tend to like areas with hills or mountains, though none such mountains 
are where I am now, but I have hills at least.

Attached is the view I had for lunch. No one around except the person who 
invited me; access by a less frequently used trail.

Some time ago there was a discussion about the nature of Vedanta. Vedanta 
claims that enlightenment is knowledge, not experience, only that experiences, 
such as that one gets with meditation etc., eventually contribute to the 
knowledge that is called 'enlightenment'. This was disputed by 
fleetwood_macandcheese who claimed 'enlightenment' is a persistent experience 
24/7, which is the view of yoga whose aim is the experience of samadhi. But you 
can experience samadhi a lot, even persistently, and be unenlightened. I think 
of it as something more like riding a bicycle (or even a motorcycle). There are 
certain experiences one has when learning to ride a bike, but then at some 
point there comes the glorious moment when you 'know' you are not going to 
fall, and that knowledge stays with you, but you do not use it or even think 
about it all the time. You do not always have the experience of riding a bike 
even when you know how to ride one. And the experiences
 you had learning to ride the bike, they are gone, gone, gone.

Now Barry has said on occasion that 'enlightenment' is a state of attention, 
and there are other states of attention, of which 'enlightenment' is only one. 
I am not sure I agree with this, but then I am not sure just what Barry 
construes this to be. I suspect this view is influenced by his time with Lenz 
who seemed to have given his students the opportunity for various diverse 
experiences involving the use of deliberate attention. However if 
'enlightenment' is a state of knowledge rather than experience, it certainly 
comes to attention when you think about it, and not at other times; in other 
words, the perspective with which you interpret the world only exists when you 
think about it, so it is a function of memory, acquired knowledge, and current 
experience, and in fact, only when you are conceptualising experience using 
this specific kind of 'enlightenment' terminology. Otherwise there is just 
experience and it does not matter if it is 'enlightened' or
 not because in the absence of interpretation, experience is not one quality or 
another, it is just happening. Therefore one can conclude that the experience 
of the 'enlightened' and the 'unenlightened' are the same, and just have, from 
time to time, different conceptual overlays provided by the mind.

As the picture attached shows, I had a certain experience for lunch today. But 
now that experience is gone. It is a memory, overlaid with interpretation. I am 
watching a computer screen now, in Yahoo Mail. But is there really an 'I' that 
is watching that screen? And when you look at the picture by the lake, do you 
'see' the 'I' that is seeing it? Do you see the 'I' in the scene; do you see a 
self or a Self? What does it look like? 

[FairfieldLife] The invention of telepathy. Sort of....

2014-09-04 Thread salyavin808
Direct brain-to-brain communication demonstrated in human subjects 

 Direct brain-to-brain communication demonstrat... 
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/09/140903105646.htm In a 
first-of-its-kind study, an international team of neuroscientists and robotics 
engineers has demonstrated the viability of direct brain-to-brain communication 
 View on www.sciencedaily.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Rick and Alex, was WTF - For Rick

2014-09-04 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 9/4/2014 9:30 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Richard, imo in a society filled with corrupt leaders, the term ex-con is 
meaningless. Heck, a family member was in jail for writing bad checks! They 
probably couldn't get a decent paying job and were starving to death!

 The point, Share, is that, mere "over-posting" or "flooding" the forum on 
Yahoo Groups is NOT a crime, or "terrorism"
 No, just a pathetic pain the ass, it's been pointed out so stop doing it.

 The best policy in this case would probably be a simple apology and a 
retraction from the party posting the false allegations. 
 How about one from you for deliberately pissing everyone off?

 That would suffice for me I think, but it's difficult to get any justice 
around here now that Judy is no longer participating as a checks and balance 
force. Almost the entire group of respondents has been turned against me, for 
no apparent reason. Go figure.
 It sure baffles me.
 It is also very troubling to realize that a few informants, who shall not be 
named, are calling for outright censorship and a limit to our freedom of 
expression and our right of free speech, AFTER posting slanderous and defaming 
messages with my real name in the header. And, then the miscreants announce 
they are creating silly folders and filters so they don't have to read my 
rebuttals and protestations. 
 That's the real issue - that the moderators are tone deaf and asleep at the 
wheel, apparently. Or, they just don't care, which is worse in my opinion.
 We said it first.
 Yahoo Groups Guidelines:
 "Don't violate the law. Members of Yahoo! communities are not above the law, 
so don't post anything that violates the laws of your country, state, province, 
or city. 
 Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups. Also not welcome 
are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or ranting. If you wouldn't say it 
in public or with a group of friends, don't post it."


 To flood the forum like a huge dump truck is clearly 
 malicious intent.
 I think he's gone totally nuts.
 I call for '200 posts per month' limit. That should be easy 
 for any moderator to manage.

 On 9/3/2014 10:58 AM, Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
 Nah, just boot him.  Like you say it's obvious he's being malicious.  Most 
other group moderators would have booted him long ago.  He has the disposition 
of an ex-con.  Maybe he is one.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Dunno what it was like in 1981, but I went to MIU in '85 under a lot of 
illusions that had been fostered by a siddha I knew in SC that had graduated 
from MIU a few years before. 

He talked like it was an ashram that was also a modern university, spoke 
glowingly of the forest academies and led me to believe that everyone was on 
the program, no drugs, no fooling around, everyone was wholeheartedly a TM'er. 

What I saw and experienced was very different. People were running around 
jumping into bed with each other at the drop of a hat. MSAE students were 
smoking pot as were some of the MIU staff and students. The Palestinian kids 
whose wealthy fathers had sent them to MIU from Sweden or Switzerland were out 
of control partying and chasing women - some of them had off campus apartments 
(which was against the rules for undergrads). I had a mighty education on the 
real MIU mighty quick. 

When George brought his wife to MIU for a Christmas time residence course and 
WPA I asked him why he had told me the place was a meditators nirvana where 
everyone pulled together for whatever Marshy told us was the greater good.

He said "Well if you focus on those things, yeah. I was telling you how I 
approached MIU when I was here. I was here to get a degree and to round."

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Thursday, September 4, 2014 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

I thought the Space Brothers were gonna come clean up all the pollution with 
their superior knowledge and technology?

 From: nablusoss1008 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, September 4, 2014 12:02 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

Groundwater disappear dueto lack of rain since aluminium has been sprayed above 
California since the 70's. Aluminum found in groundwater due to "chemtrails" 
have now reached dangerously high values and will in time cause a cancer 
epidemic, courtesy of the American government.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

California is doomed...


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Yep, I remember when people went around saying the US has 5-7% of the global 
population, but uses 25% of the resources. Chickens home to roost. California 
is starting to get serious about desalination, with a plant opening next year 
in San Diego area, and down in LA, spray-painting the lawn green, is a booming 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Personally, I'm much more enthusiastic about the current Sustainable Living 
program and the people it attracts than any aspect of the university in 
previous decades.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Well, you know, travelling in Outer Space for so long leaves you a bit spaced. 
So as a technologically advanced civilisation, by the time you get to the hick 
planet called Earth, the best you can think of with all that superior 
intelligence, knowledge, and technology, is to flatten some plant stalks in 
wheat fields. If you want to get the attention of the Earthlings you have to do 
what was done in a number of motion pictures or stories on the subject: show 
up, like in The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), or attack, as in The War of 
the Worlds (H.G. Wells, 1897), which would get everyone's attention pretty 
quickly. Fuzzy lights in the sky taken with shaky cameras, and low-tech crop 
circles just can't cut it these days, except with the meme-infected, low-IQ 

By the way, aluminium, atomic number 13 is one of the most abundant of the 
lighter elements forged in the interior of (usually) exploding stars, and is a 
very common element in the Earth's crust, about 8%, which is a lot; it is the 
most abundant metal in the ground around us, so finding this element in the 
soil, in water, in dust in the air is extremely likely. It is not necessary to 
propose deliberate dumping of the metal into the atmosphere, we can hardly 
compete with nature on this except with the use of deodorants, which use 
aluminium-chlorine compounds.

ATSDR - ToxFAQs™: Aluminum

ATSDR - ToxFAQs™: Aluminum
Everyone is exposed to low levels of aluminum from food, air, and water. 
Exposure to high levels of aluminum may result in respiratory problems. 
View on www.atsdr.cdc.gov Preview by Yahoo  

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Thursday, September 4, 2014 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

I thought the Space Brothers were gonna come clean up all the pollution with 
their superior knowledge and technology?

 From: nablusoss1008 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, September 4, 2014 12:02 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

Groundwater disappear dueto lack of rain since aluminium has been sprayed above 
California since the 70's. Aluminum found in groundwater due to "chemtrails" 
have now reached dangerously high values and will in time cause a cancer 
epidemic, courtesy of the American government.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

California is doomed...



[FairfieldLife] Re: For Salya, was For Ann, was For Rick

2014-09-04 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:mjackson74@... wrote :
 Sal, I guess Share will have to take you to task cuz you just NUKED this 
Marshy sycophant! Well done, and well said. 

 On 9/4/2014 6:59 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
 Well, I don't mind what he's into. Just that he expects me to be into it or 
he'll throw a tantrum.

 Non sequitur. I have not thrown any tantrums. And, it has already been 
established that you are "into" Transcendental Meditation. If so, what is it 
exactly, that you are attempting to transcend? All we expect of you is to 
provide us with the rationale for your materialistic beliefs. Most of us here 
on FFL are transcendentalists which is why we are here - all the Upanishadic 
thinkers were transcendentalists and have rejected the materialist point of 
 My position, and the position of all transcendentalists, is that we infer that 
consciousness is the ultimate reality and we accept that inference is a valid 
means of knowledge. Thoughts and ideas, not being material objects, cannot be 
perceived; they can only be inferred.  > Inference may be a valid way of 
gaining knowledge but only if the information you have is adequate to provide a 
detailed enough model of what it is you are claiming the inference explains. 
But I dispute that you can gain enough knowledge about either the world or how 
consciousness works - let alone that there is some primary fundamental 
connection between the two - simply by sitting in meditation to make any such 
existential claims. Let's not forget that I've been there as far as experiences 
go. I saw wondrous things but did the mystical explanation add up? > I've often 
mentioned it was my prior knowledge of physics that stopped me becoming a true 
believer, the tape they show on the second day of checking makes the claim but 
doesn't explain it. Nobody ever explains it. Because it isn't an accepted part 
of physics. It's a possibility sure, but why bother with it when it doesn't add 
anything to our explanation and in fact, makes it more complex when it should - 
at that level - be becoming simpler. that's the state of play. I've typed that 
a million times now Willy, if you spent less time sulking and spamming you 
might have tried to explain your POV. > You can assume that your inner 
experience relates in some explanatory way to the outside world but that is the 
mistake, I think, that transcendentalists make. We simply don't know enough 
about consciousness to be able to say how it works yet but we know a lot about 
physics, I can't remember the last time I read the mystic viewpoint in a 
serious physics book. Actually I can't remember the first time.  > We know our 
brains form a 3-D model in our heads, we can measure thoughts happening, even 
see what they are! We know there is a threshold of activity needed for 
consciousness and we know how to switch it off. All the evidence seems to be 
heading towards the fact that consciousness is somehow a process of the brain. 
Sam Harris can think what he likes but I can't fit together the two strands of 
knowledge we have here. One is tested and open to refinement, the other is an 
assumption based on the idea that inner experience is the ultimate model of the 
universe? > Mere perception is often found to be untrue. We perceive the earth 
as being flat but it is almost round. We perceive the earth as static but it is 
moving around the sun. We perceive the disc of the sun and think it is small, 
yet it is much larger that the earth. 
 > That's odd, I was just about to use the same analogy to demonstrate the 
 > mistake of relying on inference when you don't have enough information for 
 > an informed opinion. You can't gain enough information by just standing on 
 > this planet to work out what shape it is. Which is why people used to think 
 > that it was flat. > You can deduce what shape it is with experiments though. 
 > Even measure it accurately with a couple of poles if you're smart enough. 
 > But sit there and infer? No.  >
 We infer that consciousness is the ultimate reality and not caused by a 
combination of material properties. We infer the validity of consciousness 
because we ARE conscious and we are self-conscious. To refuse the validity of 
inference is to refuse to think or discuss. All thoughts, all discussions, all 
doctrines, all affirmations, and all denials, all proofs and disproofs are made 
possible by inference.
 If consciousness means self-consciousness then it cannot be identified by 
logic with the human body. Animals also possess a physical body, but not 
rational consciousness.  If consciousness is a property of the body, it must be 
perceived like other material properties. But consciousness is neither seen, 
smelt or tasted nor touched nor heard. Consciousness is private and cannot be 
shared by others - it is the very constructed chara

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Rick and Alex, was WTF - For Rick

2014-09-04 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Richard, I agree with you that you're at least due a retraction. I was 
attempting, albeit in an awkward way, to say that I don't automatically think 
less of a person because they've been in jail. 

On Thursday, September 4, 2014 12:16 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

On 9/4/2014 9:30 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>Richard, imo in a society filled with corrupt leaders, the term ex-con is 
>meaningless. Heck, a family member was in jail for writing bad checks! They 
>probably couldn't get a decent paying job and were starving to death!
The point, Share, is that, mere "over-posting" or "flooding" the
forum on Yahoo Groups is NOT a crime, or "terrorism", nor an excuse
to infer someone is a "pedophile" or "ex-con". In fact, false
allegations of that nature are in themselves a crime on almost all
social media, regardless of our forum leadership. In fact, false
allegations of this nature could result in the moderator himself
being charged with a crime for hosting a hate site and could result
in getting the entire forum shut down by Yahoo. 

The best policy in this case would probably be a simple apology and
a retraction from the party posting the false allegations. That
would suffice for me I think, but it's difficult to get any justice
around here now that Judy is no longer participating as a checks and
balance force. Almost the entire group of respondents has been
turned against me, for no apparent reason. Go figure.

It is also very troubling to realize that a few informants, who
shall not be named, are calling for outright censorship and a limit
to our freedom of expression and our right of free speech, AFTER
posting slanderous and defaming messages with my real name in the header. 
And, then the miscreants announce they are creating silly folders and filters 
so they don't have to read my rebuttals and protestations. 

That's the real issue - that the moderators are tone deaf and asleep
at the wheel, apparently. Or, they just don't care, which is worse
in my opinion.

Yahoo Groups Guidelines:

"Don't violate the law. Members of Yahoo! communities are not above the law, so 
don't post anything that violates the laws of your country, state, province, or 

Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups. Also not welcome 
are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or ranting. If you wouldn't say it 
in public or with a group of friends, don't post it."


>>>To flood the forum like a huge dump truck is clearly 
>>>malicious intent.
>>>I think he's gone
totally nuts.
>>>I call for '200 posts
per month' limit. That
should be easy 
>>>for any moderator to

>On 9/3/2014 10:58 AM, Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>>Nah, just boot him.  Like you say it's obvious he's being malicious.  Most 
>>other group moderators would have booted him long ago.  He has the 
>>disposition of an ex-con.  Maybe he is one.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ukraine at War With Russia, was Pentagon at war with 124 nations

2014-09-04 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Maybe Obama is investing in Military industrial complex stocks while they are 

On Thursday, September 4, 2014 9:44 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

"British dilemma over Russian president's actions in Ukraine likened to conduct 
of Neville Chamberlain in 1930s Munich..."

'David Cameron warns of 'appeasing Putin as we did Hitler'

On 9/4/2014 9:12 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
>Why do we tolerate the threat of another world war in our name? Why do we 
>allow lies that justify this risk? The scale of our indoctrination, wrote 
>Harold Pinter, is a "brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of 
>hypnosis", as if the truth "never happened even while it was happening". 
>In Ukraine, the US is dragging us towards war with Russia 
>   In Ukraine, the US is dragging us towards war with Russi...  
>John Pilger: Washington's role in Ukraine, and its backing for the regime's 
>neo-Nazis, has huge implications for the rest of the world
>View on www.theguardian.com  Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
 Oh, thought the title said MIU porno video. Never mind. 

On Thursday, September 4, 2014 9:40 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]"  wrote:


>From: feste37 mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com
>You're cherry-picking the comments. Have another look and you'll see many 
>positive ones. There was nothing sinister or cult-like in the fact that the 
>University provided an intellectual framework in which students could have 
>some understanding of their experiences. It was helpful. It was useful. It 
>was, dare I say it, enlightening. I'm pleased to have been associated with it. 
On 9/4/2014 8:16 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>I'm happy for you. 
>But at the same time I'm a little sad that all these years on you've developed 
>so little discrimination that you're happy to remain a cultist. 
"An ad hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument 
is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the 
person presenting the claim or argument."


>Most of my friends from the TM days figured out what Maharishi was about and 
>how he had suckered all of us into his cult back in the mid-70s, before this 
>video was even made. We can *understand* believing this kind of idiotic cult 
>stuff, because we were there and we believed it, too. We were idiots.  
Ad hominem is the second to last resort of someone who is losing a
debate and is unable to respond with legitimacy. The last resort,
most difficult for the ego, is to consider that he might be wrong.

> What we *can't* understand is how someone could possibly *still* believe it, 
> all these decades later, and choose to *remain* idiots. That's somewhat 
> scary. There is simply no way we can identify with anyone that weak-willed 
> and weak-minded. 
Character assassination is a deliberate and sustained process that aims to 
destroy the credibility and reputation of a person, institution, social group, 
or nation. Agents of character assassinations employ a mix of open and covert 
methods to achieve their goals, such as raising false accusations, planting and 
fostering rumors, and manipulating information.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
>Dr. Pete, who commented on this video on Facebook today (where I saw it, 
>because he's a FB Friend of mine), seems to agree more with my 
>characterization of these people as brainwashed than he agrees with yours. 
>Sure, they were young, idealistic, and inspired. They were *also* brainwashed, 
>repeating the exact phrases they'd been taught to repeat verbatim, all without 
>having ever seen -- or even *asked for* -- any evidence that they were true. 
>I'm gonna stick
  with "brainwashed"
  and "cultists."
  One of the reasons
  I like Dr. Pete is
  that he has no
  problem describing
  his own time with
  TM the same way
  and admitting that
  he was part of a
  cult. But then
  he's a shrink...in
  probably the only
  way he *can*
  justify having
  been so stupid as
  to believe the
  things we believed
  back then is to
  point out the
  that led to us
  believing them.
  Since what he
  wrote is in public
  view on FB, I

[FairfieldLife] Cult Scare Hoax, was King Tony Don't Wanna Lose Da Money

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

Cult Scare Hoax FAQ


The Internet is constantly being flooded with spam about "cults" and 
so-called "sects". However, interspersed among real information and 
reports are cult scare hoaxes. While these hoaxes do not affect 
intelligent readers, they are still time consuming and difficult to 
ignore. At FFL regular respondents find that they are spending much more 
time de-bunking misinformation about their cult, than investigating real 
movement incidents and activities, much to their dismay. What most 
people want when they come to this forum is factual information, not 
hearsay, insinuations of a personal nature, and/or ignorant assumptions 
about other TMers.

This FAQ Advisory addresses the most recent warnings that have appeared 
on FFL and other newsgroups concerning brainwashing and cult conversion 
tactics and mind-control, which are topics being circulated throughout 
the internet today. Informants should address the history behind cult 
scare hoaxes, how to identify a cult scare hoax, and what to do if you 
think a message is or is not a cult scare hoax. Informants and flamers 
are requested to not spread unconfirmed scare rumors about cults and sects.

Readers, if you receive an unwanted spam concerning accusations that 
your religion, sect, local church, temple, or synagogue or civic group 
is a dangerous cult, don't pass this rumor on to your friends, pass it 
to your computer wastebasket.

Responding to scurrilous and titillating tales of miscreant nay-saying 
that attempts to mislead by pernicious slander simply tends to validate 
the prurient interests of the spammers themselves, and actually drives 
new members to seek out really dangerous groups that are actually based 
on this disinformation.

Do not be mislead by impostors attempting to convince you that your 
spiritual path is a cult or dangerous group being led astray by forces 
of evil! Do not attempt to confirm or deny that your own personal path 
to spiritual liberation or knowledge is right or wrong. And, do not fall 
into joining OR condemning any so-called dangerous cult or sect. 
Invariably, these informants can be shown to be harboring a hidden 
agenda of their own, usually to convert you to their own schismatic 
splinter sect or religion.

End of Advisory

On 9/4/2014 9:33 AM, Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

There is no joy in Mudville:


[FairfieldLife] For Rick and Alex, was WTF - For Rick

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 9/4/2014 9:30 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Richard, imo in a society filled with corrupt leaders, the term ex-con 
is meaningless. Heck, a family member was in jail for writing bad 
checks! They probably couldn't get a decent paying job and were 
starving to death!

The point, Share, is that, mere "over-posting" or "flooding" the forum 
on Yahoo Groups is NOT a crime, or "terrorism", nor an excuse to infer 
someone is a "pedophile" or "ex-con". In fact, false allegations of that 
nature are in themselves a crime on almost all social media, regardless 
of our forum leadership. In fact, false allegations of this nature could 
result in the moderator himself being charged with a crime for hosting a 
hate site and could result in getting the entire forum shut down by Yahoo.

The best policy in this case would probably be a simple apology and a 
retraction from the party posting the false allegations. That would 
suffice for me I think, but it's difficult to get any justice around 
here now that Judy is no longer participating as a checks and balance 
force. Almost the entire group of respondents has been turned against 
me, for no apparent reason. Go figure.

It is also very troubling to realize that a few informants, who shall 
not be named, are calling for outright censorship and a limit to our 
freedom of expression and our right of free speech, AFTER posting 
slanderous and defaming messages /with my real name in the header./ And, 
then the miscreants announce they are creating silly folders and filters 
so they don't have to read my rebuttals and protestations.

That's the real issue - that the moderators are tone deaf and asleep at 
the wheel, apparently. Or, they just don't care, which is worse in my 

*Yahoo Groups Guidelines:*

/"Don't violate the law. Members of Yahoo! communities are not above the 
law, so don't post anything that violates the laws of your country, 
state, province, or city. //

//Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups. Also not 
welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or ranting. If you 
wouldn't say it in public or with a group of friends, don't post it.//"/


To flood the forum like a huge dump truck is clearly
malicious intent.

I think he's gone totally nuts.

I call for '200 posts per month' limit. That should be easy
for any moderator to manage.


On 9/3/2014 10:58 AM, Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:


Nah, just boot him.  Like you say it's obvious he's being malicious. 
Most other group moderators would have booted him long ago.  He has 
the disposition of an ex-con.  Maybe he is one.

[FairfieldLife] Ukraine at War With Russia, was Pentagon at war with 124 nations

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
"British dilemma over Russian president's actions in Ukraine likened to 
conduct of Neville Chamberlain in 1930s Munich..."

'David Cameron warns of 'appeasing Putin as we did Hitler'

On 9/4/2014 9:12 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

Why do we tolerate the threat of another world war in our name? Why 
do we allow lies that justify this risk? The scale of our 
indoctrination, wrote Harold Pinter 
is a "brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis", as if 
the truth "never happened even while it was happening".

In Ukraine, the US is dragging us towards war with Russia 


In Ukraine, the US is dragging us towards war with Russi... 

John Pilger: Washington's role in Ukraine, and its backing for the 
regime's neo-Nazis, has huge implications for the rest of the world

View on www.theguardian.com 

Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

*From:* feste37 

You're cherry-picking the comments. Have another look and you'll see 
many positive ones. There was nothing sinister or cult-like in the 
fact that the University provided an intellectual framework in which 
students could have some understanding of their experiences. It was 
helpful. It was useful. It was, dare I say it, enlightening. I'm 
pleased to have been associated with it.

On 9/4/2014 8:16 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 

I'm happy for you.

But at the same time I'm a little sad that all these years on you've 
developed so little discrimination that you're happy to remain a cultist.

/"An ad hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or 
argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the 
author of or the person presenting the claim or argument."/


Most of my friends from the TM days figured out what Maharishi was 
about and how he had suckered all of us into his cult back in the 
mid-70s, before this video was even made. We can *understand* 
believing this kind of idiotic cult stuff, because we were there and 
we believed it, too. We were idiots.

Ad hominem is the second to last resort of someone who is losing a 
debate and is unable to respond with legitimacy. The last resort, most 
difficult for the ego, is to consider that he might be wrong.


What we *can't* understand is how someone could possibly *still* 
believe it, all these decades later, and choose to *remain* idiots. 
That's somewhat scary. There is simply no way we can identify with 
anyone that weak-willed and weak-minded.

/Character assassination/ is a deliberate and sustained process that 
aims to destroy the credibility and reputation of a person, institution, 
social group, or nation. Agents of character assassinations employ a mix 
of open and covert methods to achieve their goals, such as /raising 
false accusations, planting and fostering rumors, and manipulating 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Dr. Pete, who commented on this video on Facebook today (where I saw 
it, because he's a FB Friend of mine), seems to agree more with my 
characterization of these people as brainwashed than he agrees with 
yours. Sure, they were young, idealistic, and inspired. They were 
*also* brainwashed, repeating the exact phrases they'd been taught to 
repeat verbatim, all without having ever seen -- or even *asked for* 
-- any evidence that they were true.

I'm gonna stick with "brainwashed" and "cultists." One of the reasons 
I like Dr. Pete is that he has no problem describing his own time with 
TM the same way and admitting that he was part of a cult. But then 
he's a shrink...in retrospect probably the only way he *can* justify 
having been so stupid as to believe the things we believed back then 
is to point out the systematic, decades-long indoctrination that led 
to us believing them. Since what he wrote is in public view on FB, I 
guess I can pass along one of his other comments that I found perceptive:

"I helped produce several videos for various MIU functions in the 
1980's and it was always a problem to get people to talk about their 
experiences in their own words rather than in TM jargon. It was the 
worst with people 'higher-up' in the movement. I interviewed one 
person, who is in this video too, who kept on saying that he 
experienced the 'home of all the laws of nature' when he meditated. I 
asked him, off-camera, if he actually had this experience or if this 
was a concept he had from MMY. He couldn't distinguish between the two 
which was rather shocking."

Another former FFLer who is actually seen in the video describes it in 
the comments thusly: "How embarrassing. Now I see why TM lost its 
popularity and the university changed its name."

*From:* feste37 
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Thursday, September 4, 2014 1:43 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

No, not brainwashed. Young, idealistic, enthusiastic, inspired. I was 
there in 1981, and it was a good place to be.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they 
parrot buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. 
The shock is that 34 years later people still think like this and talk 
like this, some of them here on this very forum.


[FairfieldLife] For Barry, was MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Just speaking for myself, I always found Dr. Pete to have one foot in 
the door and one foot outside, although I do like him. He couldn't seem 
to make up his mind about the nature of pure consciousness. He also 
failed to express himself very well at times. Sort of like Barry does 
most of the time. Pete didn't seem to be very knowledgeable about the 
various states of consciousness and the mechanics of consciousness. It 
was difficult to pin him down on anything and work out the 
contradictions. We had several conversations and he would almost always  
seem to fall back on the /ad hominems/. Judy called him on this on one 

Readers should realize that Dr. Pete is an educator, not an M.D., and he 
has no business prescribing medicine on a public forum, to anyone, 
especially when posting to social media, /before the class at school is 
even dismissed!/

On 9/4/2014 7:30 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
Dr. Pete, who commented on this video on Facebook today (where I saw 
it, because he's a FB Friend of mine), seems to agree more with my 
characterization of these people as brainwashed than he agrees with 
yours. Sure, they were young, idealistic, and inspired. They were 
*also* brainwashed, repeating the exact phrases they'd been taught to 
repeat verbatim, all without having ever seen -- or even *asked for* 
-- any evidence that they were true.

I'm gonna stick with "brainwashed" and "cultists."

An ad hominem is the second to last resort of someone who is losing a 
debate and is unable to respond with legitimacy. The last resort, most 
difficult for the ego, is to consider that he might be wrong.

One of the reasons I like Dr. Pete is that he has no problem 
describing his own time with TM the same way and admitting that he was 
part of a cult. But then he's a shrink...in retrospect probably the 
only way he *can* justify having been so stupid as to believe the 
things we believed back then is to point out the systematic, 
decades-long indoctrination that led to us believing them. Since what 
he wrote is in public view on FB, I guess I can pass along one of his 
other comments that I found perceptive:

"I helped produce several videos for various MIU functions in the 
1980's and it was always a problem to get people to talk about their 
experiences in their own words rather than in TM jargon. It was the 
worst with people 'higher-up' in the movement. I interviewed one 
person, who is in this video too, who kept on saying that he 
experienced the 'home of all the laws of nature' when he meditated. I 
asked him, off-camera, if he actually had this experience or if this 
was a concept he had from MMY. He couldn't distinguish between the two 
which was rather shocking."

Another former FFLer who is actually seen in the video describes it in 
the comments thusly: "How embarrassing. Now I see why TM lost its 
popularity and the university changed its name."

*From:* feste37 
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Thursday, September 4, 2014 1:43 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

No, not brainwashed. Young, idealistic, enthusiastic, inspired. I was 
there in 1981, and it was a good place to be.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they 
parrot buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. 
The shock is that 34 years later people still think like this and talk 
like this, some of them here on this very forum.


[FairfieldLife] For Salya, was For Ann, was For Rick

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Sal, I guess Share will have to take you to task cuz you just NUKED 
this Marshy sycophant! Well done, and well said.

On 9/4/2014 6:59 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
Well, I don't mind what he's into. Just that he expects me to be into 
it or he'll throw a tantrum.

Non sequitur. I have not thrown any tantrums. And, it has already been 
established that you are "into" Transcendental Meditation. If so, what 
is it exactly, that you are attempting to transcend? All we expect of 
you is to provide us with the rationale for your materialistic beliefs. 
Most of us here on FFL are transcendentalists which is why we are here - 
all the Upanishadic thinkers were transcendentalists and have rejected 
the materialist point of view.

My position, and the position of all transcendentalists, is that we 
*infer* that /consciousness is the ultimate reality/ and we accept that 
*inference* is a valid means of knowledge. Thoughts and ideas, not being 
material objects, cannot be perceived; they can only be *inferred*.

Mere perception is often found to be untrue. We perceive the earth as 
being flat but it is almost round. We perceive the earth as static but 
it is moving around the sun. We perceive the disc of the sun and think 
it is small, yet it is much larger that the earth.

We *infer* that consciousness is the ultimate reality and not caused by 
a combination of material properties. We *infer* the validity of 
consciousness because we ARE conscious and we are self-conscious. To 
refuse the validity of *inference* is to refuse to think or discuss. All 
thoughts, all discussions, all doctrines, all affirmations, and all 
denials, all proofs and disproofs are made possible by *inference.*

If consciousness means /self-consciousness/ then it cannot be identified 
by logic with the human body. Animals also possess a physical body, but 
not /rational consciousness./  If consciousness is a property of the 
body, it must be perceived like other material properties. But 
consciousness is neither seen, smelt or tasted nor touched nor heard. 
Consciousness is private and cannot be shared by others - /it is the 
very constructed character of knowing./

The point is that naive materialist think they perceive material objects 
/as they are and as they seem/, yet knowledge tell us that this not 
always the case. We could be in error. An error is something that should 
not be. There may be no validity in using only perception to discover 
ultimate truths. A materialist accepts perception as the ultimate 
knowledge, but often our perception is just wrong. If perception is your 
/only means of valid knowledge/ and you reject *inference*, that is a 
thoughtless self-contradiction. We are all conscious that we exist - 
nobody doubts their own existence. That would be sheer madness or lunacy.

The materialist cannot support his views without giving reasons which 
/presuppose/ the validity of *inference*. Severe and contemptuous 
criticism has been heaped against the materialistic doctrine by all 
schools of Indian philosophy and logic for thousands of years, and with 
much justification. Vedantists, Jainas and Buddhists all reject 
materialism; AND they also reject notions of God and an individual 
soul-monad, yet they realize that /consciousness is their very reason 
for being. /

Your materialistic belief, as I understand it, is self-refuted and sheer 
nonsense and no system of philosophy or metaphysics at all, according to 
my philosophy professor. That is my position and I agree with Sam Harris.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Philip K rolls over in his grave

2014-09-04 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
It had the feel of a 1990s "direct to video" movie and was VERY FLAT.  I 
just read the comments over on IMDB.  The film was "released" (or shown 
at festivals in 2010. They couldn't find a buyer to pushed it to VOD 
this year.  This is the director's first film (and probably his last).  
He actually gets in a spat with an IMDB member in the comments.  At that 
it has a 6.2 rating on IMDB.  Go figger.

On 09/04/2014 08:47 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
I've had it for some time but have never been able to get past the 
first few minutes and watch it. It's been "in production" for a 
really, really, really long time (I first started hearing about it 
over five years ago), and that often means a movie that has been made 
but is so terrible they can't get anyone to actually release it. 
That's what this one sounds like to me.

*From:* "Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" 
*Sent:* Thursday, September 4, 2014 5:42 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Philip K rolls over in his grave

Don't waste your time or money on "Radio Free Albemuth". If curious
just wait for it to show up on Netflix in a month or two and see if you
last more than 10 minutes. Despite the cast it is pretty bad and
amateurish. Neither Shea Whigham nor Scott Wilson ("The Walking Dead")
could save the thing. I should have paid more attention to the 22%
Tomatoes rating.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I thought the Space Brothers were gonna come clean up all the pollution with 
their superior knowledge and technology?

 From: nablusoss1008 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, September 4, 2014 12:02 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

Groundwater disappear dueto lack of rain since aluminium has been sprayed above 
California since the 70's. Aluminum found in groundwater due to "chemtrails" 
have now reached dangerously high values and will in time cause a cancer 
epidemic, courtesy of the American government.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

California is doomed...


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Yep, I remember when people went around saying the US has 5-7% of the global 
population, but uses 25% of the resources. Chickens home to roost. California 
is starting to get serious about desalination, with a plant opening next year 
in San Diego area, and down in LA, spray-painting the lawn green, is a booming 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Personally, I'm much more enthusiastic about the current Sustainable Living 
program and the people it attracts than any aspect of the university in 
previous decades.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread nablusoss1008
Groundwater disappear dueto lack of rain since aluminium has been sprayed above 
California since the 70's. Aluminum found in groundwater due to "chemtrails" 
have now reached dangerously high values and will in time cause a cancer 
epidemic, courtesy of the American government.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 California is doomed...




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yep, I remember when people went around saying the US has 5-7% of the global 
population, but uses 25% of the resources. Chickens home to roost. California 
is starting to get serious about desalination, with a plant opening next year 
in San Diego area, and down in LA, spray-painting the lawn green, is a booming 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Personally, I'm much more enthusiastic about the current Sustainable Living 
program and the people it attracts than any aspect of the university in 
previous decades.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Philip K rolls over in his grave

2014-09-04 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I've had it for some time but have never been able to get past the first few 
minutes and watch it. It's been "in production" for a really, really, really 
long time (I first started hearing about it over five years ago), and that 
often means a movie that has been made but is so terrible they can't get anyone 
to actually release it. That's what this one sounds like to me.

 From: "Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]" 

To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Thursday, September 4, 2014 5:42 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Philip K rolls over in his grave

Don't waste your time or money on "Radio Free Albemuth".  If curious 
just wait for it to show up on Netflix in a month or two and see if you 
last more than 10 minutes.  Despite the cast it is pretty bad and 
amateurish.  Neither Shea Whigham nor Scott Wilson ("The Walking Dead") 
could save the thing.  I should have paid more attention to the 22% 
Tomatoes rating.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
Not one mention of what other consequence the drilling may have: more 
earthquakes.  When you take the water out of the ground there is space 
and something needs to fill so it collapses in.  Kaboom!

OTOH, as bad as science is at predicting weather we could just as likely 
have a run of monsoons beginning this fall.

Or maybe our drought is the result of a "weather war."

On 09/04/2014 08:06 AM, j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

California is doomed...


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  
wrote :

Yep, I remember when people went around saying the US has 5-7% of the 
global population, but uses 25% of the resources. Chickens home to 
roost. California is starting to get serious about desalination, with 
a plant opening next year in San Diego area, and down in LA, 
spray-painting the lawn green, is a booming business.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Personally, I'm much more enthusiastic about the current Sustainable 
Living program and the people it attracts than any aspect of the 
university in previous decades.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Ann, was For Rick

2014-09-04 Thread j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 I'll also add that I found the video on YouTube by searching for 'Copoeira 

 Funny Capoeira Knockout - Video http://youtu.be/7157QMW9abM 
 Funny Capoeira Knockout - Video http://youtu.be/7157QMW9abM Funny Capoeira 
Knockout - Video
 View on youtu.be http://youtu.be/7157QMW9abM 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Played fine on my ipad in Mercury browser, which is not logged into FB.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
mailto:turquoi...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 I wish I could find a non-Facebook version of this video to post. With this 
one, you probably can't see it unless you have a FB account. Too bad, if that's 
true. It's a perfect re-enactment of the Willytex-Salyavin championship fight 
below. Willytex postures, but Sal delivers the goods.   :-)  :-)  :-)

 Trung Nghĩa | Facebook 

 Trung Nghĩa | Facebook 
https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=817135784963858&fref=nf Capoeira  !

 View on www.facebook.com 
 Preview by Yahoo



[FairfieldLife] Philip K rolls over in his grave

2014-09-04 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
Don't waste your time or money on "Radio Free Albemuth".  If curious 
just wait for it to show up on Netflix in a month or two and see if you 
last more than 10 minutes.  Despite the cast it is pretty bad and 
amateurish.  Neither Shea Whigham nor Scott Wilson ("The Walking Dead") 
could save the thing.  I should have paid more attention to the 22% 
Tomatoes rating.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Ann, I see Teddy Burghoff around town and if Claudia is the dance professor, 
she's here too. Big weekend coming up: Art Walk and annual gem and mineral 
show. Time for a new geode!


 No, Claudia is not in town. Teddy and I are in touch, he seems to be the same 
old shit disturber as always - thank God.

 On Thursday, September 4, 2014 9:00 AM, "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 No, not brainwashed. Young, idealistic, enthusiastic, inspired. I was there in 
1981, and it was a good place to be. 

 I was there from 1975-1981 and it was not only a good place to be but THE 
place to be. Great memories, good times, deep friendships. If anyone thinks we 
were a bunch of bliss ninnies then you weren't in the art department - we had 
some of the wildest, craziest individuals in the history of MIU in that major. 
Teddy Burghoff, Chester Overlock, Jody Porter, Claudia Chadwick and many others 
who kept that school hoppin' and on its creative toes. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they parrot 
buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. The shock is 
that 34 years later people still think like this and talk like this, some of 
them here on this very forum. 







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
They use buzzphrases because they don't know what to say and so fall 
back on those.  They're also on camera so feel they have to say 
something.  I recall putting experiences into your own words sometimes 
got one weird looks back then.  But then it's an abstract experience and 
difficult to put into words (because words tend to fall short).

The higher ups were, of course, doing "marketing".  Note that Maharishi 
sorta improvises on the segment with him.  Also striking was for how 
"century of the self" the responses were.  It's all about the 
"individual" hence in step with "me" meme of the time.

On 09/04/2014 05:30 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Dr. Pete, who commented on this video on Facebook today (where I saw 
it, because he's a FB Friend of mine), seems to agree more with my 
characterization of these people as brainwashed than he agrees with 
yours. Sure, they were young, idealistic, and inspired. They were 
*also* brainwashed, repeating the exact phrases they'd been taught to 
repeat verbatim, all without having ever seen -- or even *asked for* 
-- any evidence that they were true.

I'm gonna stick with "brainwashed" and "cultists." One of the reasons 
I like Dr. Pete is that he has no problem describing his own time with 
TM the same way and admitting that he was part of a cult. But then 
he's a shrink...in retrospect probably the only way he *can* justify 
having been so stupid as to believe the things we believed back then 
is to point out the systematic, decades-long indoctrination that led 
to us believing them. Since what he wrote is in public view on FB, I 
guess I can pass along one of his other comments that I found perceptive:

"I helped produce several videos for various MIU functions in the 
1980's and it was always a problem to get people to talk about their 
experiences in their own words rather than in TM jargon. It was the 
worst with people 'higher-up' in the movement. I interviewed one 
person, who is in this video too, who kept on saying that he 
experienced the 'home of all the laws of nature' when he meditated. I 
asked him, off-camera, if he actually had this experience or if this 
was a concept he had from MMY. He couldn't distinguish between the two 
which was rather shocking."

Another former FFLer who is actually seen in the video describes it in 
the comments thusly: "How embarrassing. Now I see why TM lost its 
popularity and the university changed its name."

*From:* feste37 
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Thursday, September 4, 2014 1:43 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

No, not brainwashed. Young, idealistic, enthusiastic, inspired. I was 
there in 1981, and it was a good place to be.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they 
parrot buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. 
The shock is that 34 years later people still think like this and talk 
like this, some of them here on this very forum.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Dr. Pete, who commented on this video on Facebook today (where I saw it, 
because he's a FB Friend of mine), seems to agree more with my characterization 
of these people as brainwashed than he agrees with yours. Sure, they were 
young, idealistic, and inspired. They were *also* brainwashed, repeating the 
exact phrases they'd been taught to repeat verbatim, all without having ever 
seen -- or even *asked for* -- any evidence that they were true. 

I'm gonna stick with "brainwashed" and "cultists." One of the reasons I like 
Dr. Pete is that he has no problem describing his own time with TM the same way 
and admitting that he was part of a cult. But then he's a shrink...in 
retrospect probably the only way he *can* justify having been so stupid as to 
believe the things we believed back then is to point out the systematic, 
decades-long indoctrination that led to us believing them. Since what he wrote 
is in public view on FB, I guess I can pass along one of his other comments 
that I found perceptive:

"I helped produce several videos for various MIU functions in the 1980's and it 
was always a problem to get people to talk about their experiences in their own 
words rather than in TM jargon. It was the worst with people 'higher-up' in the 
movement. I interviewed one person, who is in this video too, who kept on 
saying that he experienced the 'home of all the laws of nature' when he 
meditated. I asked him, off-camera, if he actually had this experience or if 
this was a concept he had from MMY. He couldn't distinguish between the two 
which was rather shocking."

Another former FFLer who is actually seen in the video describes it in the 
comments thusly: "How embarrassing. Now I see why TM lost its popularity and 
the university changed its name." 


 Most things are embarrassing when you look back at yourself 25 or 35 years 
ago. I mean, just the hairstyles and fashion alone is enough to make anyone 
wince. Now couple that with our youth and our idealism and combine that with 
something we were involved in and it is usually cringe-worthy. But not because 
it was the wrong thing at the wrong time necessarily but because over time we 
tend to view our old selves as uninformed, naive and rather silly. Lighten up, 
bawee. It was a different time and a different place but it was part of who we 
were in our youth. I've left it behind for the most part and the parts I have 
brought forward still enrich me.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Ann, was For Rick

2014-09-04 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
I don't have a Facebook account (don't want nor need one, have my own 
websites), and it played find on my Android phone using the Chrome 
browser.  It does really nail the Willy Wanker's hysterics.

On 09/04/2014 12:16 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
I wish I could find a non-Facebook version of this video to post. With 
this one, you probably can't see it unless you have a FB account. Too 
bad, if that's true. It's a perfect re-enactment of the 
Willytex-Salyavin championship fight below. Willytex postures, but Sal 
delivers the goods. :-)  :-)  :-)

Trung Nghĩa | Facebook 


Trung Nghĩa | Facebook 

Capoeira  !

View on www.facebook.com 

Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Fleetwood, thrilled to hear about the desalination plant in San Diego. I was 
gonna ask when that guy posted about the car running on salt water. About time!

On Thursday, September 4, 2014 9:12 AM, "fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Yep, I remember when people went around saying the US has 5-7% of the global 
population, but uses 25% of the resources. Chickens home to roost. California 
is starting to get serious about desalination, with a plant opening next year 
in San Diego area, and down in LA, spray-painting the lawn green, is a booming 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Personally, I'm much more enthusiastic about the current Sustainable Living 
program and the people it attracts than any aspect of the university in 
previous decades.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Yeah, there's not much point in paying attention to Turq's well-established 

At MIU in the early to mid-1980s, we had some truly remarkable students. Very, 
very smart people; it was a pleasure to have them in the classroom. I still 
remember some of the discussions we had in class. Absolutely brilliant. Some 
very smart faculty too. The place was alive. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

What's remarkable is how much he has invested in this. 

I mean he's either telling us how, "over it" he is, or it's the subject matter 
of most everything he posts.

I guess he then goes into the kitchen to make some popcorn and get a drink to 
watch a TV episode or a movie feeling confident about himself because he thinks 
he just pushed some buttons.

Hey, a routine, is a routine.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

No, not brainwashed. Young, idealistic, enthusiastic, inspired. I was there in 
1981, and it was a good place to be. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they parrot 
buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. The shock is 
that 34 years later people still think like this and talk like this, some of 
them here on this very forum. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: For Ann, was For Rick

2014-09-04 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 On 9/3/2014 10:59 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
 Actually Richard, you are not in my top four of odious posters here so I can 
live with you no matter how many times you feel it necessary to post here. I 
don't get why you do it nor do I have the time or inclination to avalanche this 
place like you do, but so be it... >
 That's a relief.
 Seriously, you have been so nice to me since Judy disappeared that I feel that 
I owe you an explanation.
 First, a confession. My posts really are for the lurkers. My personal goal in 
this is to post something, anything, that makes the forum look good to 
outsiders if they should wander in here for whatever reason. 

 On 9/4/2014 1:47 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
 Well Tricky, let me tell you something. You failed. Dismally. Your posts read 
like they were written by an autistic savant who failed the Turing test. In 
fact, you are one of the people that seriously made me wonder whether I had 
backed a losing horse in the first place. 

 Do you have an anti-social problem? Why is it so difficult for you to carry on 
a decent conversation? If I wanted to exchange fluff or drivel with you I would 
have put "For Salyavin808" in the subject line. Look me straight in the eye and 
see if I give a shit what you materialists do with your spare time. Have a nice 
 Non secateurs. It doesn't follow that you can have a nice day when fluff isn't 
a type of materialism. 



[FairfieldLife] Re: King Tony Don't Wanna Lose Da Money

2014-09-04 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Rolls eyes, again 

 What money?

 The Maharishi Foundation, USA books are open via IRS Form 990.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There is no joy in Mudville:

 Cult News101 cults and related topics.: Maharishi Vedic University Ltd. v. 
Maharishi Foundation Limi... 
 1. Maharishi Foundation Limited, name of Applicant, denotes an association 
with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (#Maharishi#), who, over the course of more than 50 
years, established numerous global and national organizations relating to 
manifold aspects of life, including techniques of per...

 View on www.cultnews101.com 
 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] Re: Pundit Killed

2014-09-04 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Oh come ON, Michael, really? 

 14. Why no action or at least a courtesy visit was made to the fenced 
enclosure of Vedic Pandits at Fairfield, Iowa after the Vedic Pandits revolted 
against the atrocities of the management and was quelled with brutality by 
local the police and the Sheriff? 

 You take THIS trash article seriously?

 The guy left the airport in search of US employment and ended up being abused 
by local Indian-Americans.  The guy ran away from the AIRPORT, not the pandit 

 Is there any way to put a guy on "ignore" when you read yahoo.com stuff 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 CHICAGO (IL) — Nobody knows. Nobody cares. Well, Hi India was right when it 
published an article on the sorry plight of Vedic Pandits in its January 24, 
2014 edition.


 Ajit Panday, aged around 23 years, has been shot dead by an unknown suspect at 
Big Brother 2 Food Mart on 878 Norwood Road, Southeast Atlanta, Georgia.


 Ajit was gunned down late in the night on August 24 as he approached the main 
gate to close for the day around 10 p.m.. He was found dead, with multiple 
gunshots, near the front door by the owner of the store – Poltu Roy. Though 
Poltu Roy said store closed at 10 pm, the video recording of murder shows the 
time as 11.28 pm.


 Ajit, a native of India, was brought to the US by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
University at Fairfield , Iowa, more than two years ago. Ajit had left O’Hare 
airport in March to flee and wander into the strange world to find his living.

 Full Story here:

http://hiindialive.com/missing-pandit-brutally-killed/ Share This Tags By Hi 
India Team CHICAGO (IL) — Nobody knows. Nobody cares. Well, Hi India was right 
when it published an article on the sorry plight of Vedic P...

 View on hiindialive.com http://hiindialive.com/missing-pandit-brutally-killed/
 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
California is doomed...




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yep, I remember when people went around saying the US has 5-7% of the global 
population, but uses 25% of the resources. Chickens home to roost. California 
is starting to get serious about desalination, with a plant opening next year 
in San Diego area, and down in LA, spray-painting the lawn green, is a booming 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Personally, I'm much more enthusiastic about the current Sustainable Living 
program and the people it attracts than any aspect of the university in 
previous decades.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 9/4/2014 6:58 AM, steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

What's remarkable is how much he has invested in this.

I mean he's either telling us how, "over it" he is, or it's the 
subject matter of most everything he posts.

I guess he then goes into the kitchen to make some popcorn and get a 
drink to watch a TV episode or a movie feeling confident about himself 
because he thinks he just pushed some buttons.

Hey, a routine, is a routine.

It's beginning to look like Barry Wright will NEVER get over his 
investment. What's even more remarkable is that he refuses to see a 
cult-exit counselor for his obsession, which seems to have /shocked him 
to his core/. Maybe meeting the Maharishi all those years ago was the 
single most important event in his life - /until//he discovered Google 
Groups, Yahoo Groups and Facebook./

INTRODUCTORY LECTURE, /because he sucked at it and so he got kicked out 
of the TMO./


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

No, not brainwashed. Young, idealistic, enthusiastic, inspired. I was 
there in 1981, and it was a good place to be.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they 
parrot buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. 
The shock is that 34 years later people still think like this and talk 
like this, some of them here on this very forum.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: King Tony Don't Wanna Lose Da Money

2014-09-04 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
This shows what a head in the sander you are. Here we have an organization that 
claims to be able to alter the trends of time, create world peace and transform 
human lives and they are suing one another? But I know its more comfortable for 
you to ignore that man behind the curtain.

 From: "fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, September 4, 2014 10:47 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: King Tony Don't Wanna Lose Da Money

That is some boooring shit, dude. Perhaps next you could post a link to a site 
about Fun With Boolean Algorithms, or The History Of Socks. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

There is no joy in Mudville:

Cult News101 cults and related topics.: Maharishi Vedic University Ltd. v. 
Maharishi Foundation Limi...
1. Maharishi Foundation Limited, name of Applicant, denotes an association with 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (#Maharishi#), who, over the course of more than 50 
years, established numerous global and national organizations relating to 
manifold aspects of life, including techniques of per...  
View on www.cultnews101.com Preview by Yahoo  

[FairfieldLife] It's All About Richard, was For Ann, was For Rick

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 9/4/2014 6:50 AM, Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

How do you like the Mercury browser?

How do you like re-posting my message three times so everyone can read 
it again? Thanks.


Richard J. Williams wrote:

Years ago, when the internet was just getting started (1994) I
was surfing around and ran across Usenet - discussion groups.
At first I subscribed to a site that discussed ISKCON, because
I had been a participant in one of their temples for about a
year (3716 Watseka Ave in L.A.) and I was taken with their
devotion and depth of knowledge. Some members had started a
news group discussion on the internet and I started to read
and lurk there for a few weeks. I was very impressed with some
of the topics discussed and the responses.

Then I discovered alt.meditation.transcendental (now
Google Groups) and so I decided to join. What a
disappointment! It was like a bar room brawl - Judy was
there and Barry and Lon P. Stacks (RIP) and they were
thrashing it out with that "Asshole Nick" (Andrew
Skolnick) the science journalist. Judy did her best to
defend her position but for appearances the whole group
was just an exercise in futility - it was, and still is, a
"cess-pool" of misinformation.

So, I decided to post some of my own messages, not so much
to prove anything, but just to improve the look and feel.
Anyone surfing there would have thought TMers were all
buffoons and gimcracks, for all appearances. So, I started
writing up some nifty essays with fancy subject lines, not
so much to get attention but to make the place look like a
forum with useful and insightful analysis.

So, for years I posted my essays to AMT to try and make
the forum look good. I must have posted 8,000 essay from
1999 - 2003. I didn't get a response from Judy for close
to fours years to any of my cogent postings. And, only two
from Barry. Maybe they were JELLOS - I don't know. Then,
they started spewing and posting political propaganda, in
what I thought was an attempt to make the site look like a
pile of crap and they tried to make the place look like a
dung heap. One day I disputed Judy's claim that George W.
Bush was a "liar" and so I posted a retort. That's about
when it hit the fan!

Ever since then she has hated my guts - nothing to do with
TM or the mechanics of consciousness - just hateful
slander and personal attacks, all directed at me. So, I
either had to shut up or leave. But look, I've got an ego
about as big as Mt. Rushmore so I don't back down without
a fight - never have and never will. I am a military brat
from Texas and I know everything about everything and I'm
living at the center of the universe.

So, at some point several of us left the Google Groups and
came over to Yahoo Groups. Now it looks like this place
going to shit too - there's no moderation, nobody gives a
crap, and nobody will stand up for the Maharishi. They
aren't even proud of their past. All they want to do is
post fluff and drivel - you can read it here every day.
It's sometime just pathetic what some people will post to
the internet.

So, now I've got a 26 inch screen, a screaming quad-core
CPU and I can key in test at 100 wpm - that's what I do
for a living -make money. It's easy for me to whip out a
short post and hit Send. The real challenge is to write
cogent, on-topic essays that anyone would want to read.
But, let's face it - there's hardly anybody out there
interested in TM, TMers or anything to do with discussing
the mechanics of consciousness. All some people want to do
is wreck the place and sound off. That's cool too.

I don't take any of this seriously anymore - I'm here for
the entertainment. I've already written a book while they
were posting one-liners that end on one line and all begin
with RE: But, it's true that I sometimes get caught up in
the conversation. Some people really do feel better when
they have someone to talk to. It's not personal. It's just
like a video game. Some people like World of Warcraft. To
each his own. It keeps me at home and out of trouble. I'm
on Facebook too.

So, I don't have a real formulated viewpoint or a goal -
/I believe in life; what it does to you

[FairfieldLife] Pundit Killed

2014-09-04 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
By Hi India Team
CHICAGO (IL) — Nobody knows. Nobody cares. Well, Hi India was right when
 it published an article on the sorry plight of Vedic Pandits in its 
January 24, 2014 edition.

Ajit Panday, aged around 23 years, has been shot dead by an unknown 
suspect at Big Brother 2 Food Mart on 878 Norwood Road, Southeast 
Atlanta, Georgia.

Ajit was gunned down late in the night on August 24 as he approached the main 
gate to close for the day around 10 p.m.. He was found dead, with 
multiple gunshots, near the front door by the owner of the store – Poltu Roy. 
Though Poltu Roy said store closed at 10 pm, the video recording of murder 
shows the time as 11.28 pm.

Ajit, a native of India, was brought to the US by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
University at Fairfield , Iowa, more than two years ago. Ajit had left 
O’Hare airport in March to flee and wander into the strange world to 
find his living.

Full Story here:

Share This Tags By Hi India Team CHICAGO (IL) — Nobody knows. Nobody cares. 
Well, Hi India was right when it published an article on the sorry plight of 
Vedic P...  
View on hiindialive.com Preview by Yahoo  

[FairfieldLife] Re: King Tony Don't Wanna Lose Da Money

2014-09-04 Thread fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
That is some boooring shit, dude. Perhaps next you could post a link to a site 
about Fun With Boolean Algorithms, or The History Of Socks. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There is no joy in Mudville:

 Cult News101 cults and related topics.: Maharishi Vedic University Ltd. v. 
Maharishi Foundation Limi... 
 1. Maharishi Foundation Limited, name of Applicant, denotes an association 
with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (#Maharishi#), who, over the course of more than 50 
years, established numerous global and national organizations relating to 
manifold aspects of life, including techniques of per...

 View on www.cultnews101.com 
 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] For Share, was "Desperado", was Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Richard, turq says he doesn't read our posts. But then he says we can't do math 
and we talk as we did decades ago. How does he know this if he doesn't read our 

On Thursday, September 4, 2014 9:34 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

On 9/4/2014 6:16 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>Fleetwood, perfect choice! Just the fact that he had to dig back 33 years 
>shows how desperate he is. imo.
Nice. But Barry probably won't see your post, if his filters are
working. According to Barry, he doesn't read your messages - which
is funny, because the link he sent has your name in it. Maybe Barry
doesn't know ho to edit a hyper text link although he calims to be a
computer professional. According to Judy, Barry is a "liar." Maybe
she was correct in her assessment.

Barry probably won't see Jim's postings about the Eagle song either
- Barry claims to not read any of Jim's messages. But, Barry is kind
of like a moth attracted to a flame - he just can't seem to resist
reading about what us TMers are up to everyday, and going back 34
years. He probably reads every single post on FFL and then dreams
about how to reply. 

It's a cry for help, obviously. Some people just feel better when
they have someone to talk to, even if they are TMers. Go figure.

>On Thursday, September 4, 2014 3:55 AM, "fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com 
>[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:
>"Desperado" (The Eagles)
>Desperado, why don't you come to your senses? 
>You been out ridin' fences for so long now 
>Oh, you're a hard one 
>I know that you got your reasons 
>These things that are pleasin' you 
>Can hurt you somehow 
>Don't you draw the queen of diamonds, boy  
>She'll beat you if she's able  
>You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet 
>Now it seems to me, some fine things  
>Have been laid upon your table  
>But you only want the ones that you can't get 
>Desperado, oh, you ain't gettin' no younger  
>Your pain and your hunger, they're drivin' you home  
>And freedom, oh freedom well, that's just some people talkin'  
>Your prison is walking through this world all alone 
>Don't your feet get cold in the winter time?  
>The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine  
>It's hard to tell the night time from the day  
>You're losin' all your highs and lows  
>Ain't it funny how the feeling goes away? 
>Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?  
>Come down from your fences, open the gate  
>It may be rainin', but there's a rainbow above you  
>You better let somebody love you, before it's too late
>---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
>The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they parrot 
>buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. The shock is 
>that 34 years later people still think like this and talk like this, some of 
>them here on this very forum. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 9/4/2014 6:48 AM, steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Ain't it just like you, to continually check in to make sure its still 
a cult, in your mind.

Spending your time like another informant was wont to do, by perusing 
the internet to see what tidbits you can come up with.

A score, a score!!  "Hey everybody, look what I found from 1981!. 
 See, it's a cult.  Just what I've been saying on a daily basis for 20 
years.  A cult I tell ya!"

"Thank god, I'm way past this TM thing. Not like you losers"

What's in store for this afternoon?

Really, you can't make this stuff up.

You have to realize, Steve, that Barry is way ahead of us over here. 
When you are just getting up to meditate, he has already been up 
scouring the web for what, eight hours, and eating lunch. Barry claims 
to not read our messages and he spent hours setting up his filters in 
Yahoo Mail, but he just can't seem to resist /sending us mail/. It looks 
like a clear case of /cognitive dissonance./

Go figure.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they 
parrot buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. 
The shock is that 34 years later people still think like this and talk 
like this, some of them here on this very forum.


Re: [FairfieldLife] "Desperado" was Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
No, I guess not. frowny face.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Fleetwood, I guess the virtual hug from Dr. Pete didn't fill the bill!


 On Thursday, September 4, 2014 9:25 AM, "fleetwood_macncheese@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

   someone just needs a hug.:-)


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Fleetwood, perfect choice! Just the fact that he had to dig back 33 years 
shows how desperate he is. imo.

 On Thursday, September 4, 2014 3:55 AM, "fleetwood_macncheese@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

   "Desperado" (The Eagles)

 Desperado, why don't you come to your senses? 
 You been out ridin' fences for so long now 
 Oh, you're a hard one 
 I know that you got your reasons 
 These things that are pleasin' you 
 Can hurt you somehow 

 Don't you draw the queen of diamonds, boy 
 She'll beat you if she's able 
 You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet 

 Now it seems to me, some fine things 
 Have been laid upon your table 
 But you only want the ones that you can't get 

 Desperado, oh, you ain't gettin' no younger 
 Your pain and your hunger, they're drivin' you home 
 And freedom, oh freedom well, that's just some people talkin' 
 Your prison is walking through this world all alone 

 Don't your feet get cold in the winter time? 
 The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine 
 It's hard to tell the night time from the day 
 You're losin' all your highs and lows 
 Ain't it funny how the feeling goes away? 

 Desperado, why don't you come to your senses? 
 Come down from your fences, open the gate 
 It may be rainin', but there's a rainbow above you 
 You better let somebody love you, before it's too late



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they parrot 
buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. The shock is 
that 34 years later people still think like this and talk like this, some of 
them here on this very forum. 








Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 9/4/2014 6:43 AM, feste37 wrote:

No, not brainwashed. Young, idealistic, enthusiastic, inspired. I was 
there in 1981, and it was a good place to be.


For the record, Barry was not there - he got kicked out of the TMO back 
in 1976. Now Barry is on Facebook social media. Go figure.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they 
parrot buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. 
The shock is that 34 years later people still think like this and talk 
like this, some of them here on this very forum.


[FairfieldLife] King Tony Don't Wanna Lose Da Money

2014-09-04 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
There is no joy in Mudville:

Cult News101 cults and related topics.: Maharishi Vedic University Ltd. v. 
Maharishi Foundation Limi...
1. Maharishi Foundation Limited, name of Applicant, denotes an association with 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (#Maharishi#), who, over the course of more than 50 
years, established numerous global and national organizations relating to 
manifold aspects of life, including techniques of per...  
View on www.cultnews101.com Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] "Desperado" was Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Fleetwood, I guess the virtual hug from Dr. Pete didn't fill the bill!

On Thursday, September 4, 2014 9:25 AM, "fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

someone just needs a hug.:-)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Fleetwood, perfect choice! Just the fact that he had to dig back 33 years shows 
how desperate he is. imo.

On Thursday, September 4, 2014 3:55 AM, "fleetwood_macncheese@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

"Desperado" (The Eagles)

Desperado, why don't you come to your senses? 
You been out ridin' fences for so long now 
Oh, you're a hard one 
I know that you got your reasons 
These things that are pleasin' you 
Can hurt you somehow 

Don't you draw the queen of diamonds, boy 
She'll beat you if she's able 
You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet 

Now it seems to me, some fine things 
Have been laid upon your table 
But you only want the ones that you
can't get 

Desperado, oh, you ain't gettin' no younger 
Your pain and your hunger, they're drivin' you home 
And freedom, oh freedom well, that's just some people talkin' 
Your prison is walking through this world all

Don't your feet get cold in the winter time? 
The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine 
It's hard to tell the night time from the day 
You're losin' all your highs and lows 
Ain't it funny how the feeling goes away? 

Desperado, why don't you come to your senses? 
Come down from your fences, open the gate 
It may be rainin', but there's a rainbow above you 
You better let somebody love you, before it's too late

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they parrot
buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. The shock is 
that 34 years later people still think like this and talk like this, some of 
them here on this very forum. 


[FairfieldLife] For Share, was "Desperado", was Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 9/4/2014 6:16 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Fleetwood, perfect choice! Just the fact that he had to dig back 33 
years shows how desperate he is. imo.

Nice. But Barry probably won't see your post, if his filters are 
working. According to Barry, he doesn't read your messages - which is 
funny, because the link he sent has your name in it. Maybe Barry doesn't 
know ho to edit a hyper text link although he calims to be a computer 
professional. According to Judy, Barry is a "liar." Maybe she was 
correct in her assessment.

Barry probably won't see Jim's postings about the Eagle song either - 
Barry claims to not read any of Jim's messages. But, Barry is kind of 
like a moth attracted to a flame - he just can't seem to resist reading 
about what us TMers are up to everyday, and going back 34 years. He 
probably reads every single post on FFL and then dreams about how to reply.

It's a cry for help, obviously. Some people just feel better when they 
have someone to talk to, even if they are TMers. Go figure.


On Thursday, September 4, 2014 3:55 AM, 
"fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

*"Desperado" (The Eagles)*

Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
You been out ridin' fences for so long now
Oh, you're a hard one
I know that you got your reasons
These things that are pleasin' you
Can hurt you somehow

Don't you draw the queen of diamonds, boy
She'll beat you if she's able
You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet

Now it seems to me, some fine things
Have been laid upon your table
But you only want the ones that you can't get

Desperado, oh, you ain't gettin' no younger
Your pain and your hunger, they're drivin' you home
And freedom, oh freedom well, that's just some people talkin'
Your prison is walking through this world all alone

Don't your feet get cold in the winter time?
The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine
It's hard to tell the night time from the day
You're losin' all your highs and lows
Ain't it funny how the feeling goes away?

Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
Come down from your fences, open the gate
It may be rainin', but there's a rainbow above you
You better let somebody love you, before it's too late

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they 
parrot buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. 
The shock is that 34 years later people still think like this and talk 
like this, some of them here on this very forum.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WTF - For Rick

2014-09-04 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Richard, imo in a society filled with corrupt leaders, the term ex-con is 
meaningless. Heck, a family member was in jail for writing bad checks! They 
probably couldn't get a decent paying job and were starving to death!

On Wednesday, September 3, 2014 5:47 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]"  wrote:


>>To flood the forum like a huge dump truck is clearly 
>>malicious intent.
>>I think he's gone totally nuts.
>>I call for '200 posts per month' limit. That should
be easy 
>>for any moderator to manage.

On 9/3/2014 10:58 AM, Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>Nah, just boot him.  Like you say it's obvious he's being malicious.  Most 
>other group moderators would have booted him long ago.  He has the disposition 
>of an ex-con.  Maybe he is one.
If we had a moderator, he would boot you for calling me an
  "ex-con", without any evidence and for no apparent reason. Or,
  would have booted you when you first inferred that I was a "perv
  viewing child porno" on the internet. Or Edg, when he called me a
  "pedophile priest." Now that's being malicious!

Apparently Rick doesn't even read any of these messages, unlike
  you and the other Barry obviously do. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Barry will be found, ten years from now, slightly drooling, a dazed look on his 
face, constantly mumbling something. When a concerned person bends close, to 
hear his words, they are startled to hear him, droning incessantly, in a low 
voice, "...don't...fuck...with...yogis..."

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Ain't it just like you, to continually check in to make sure its still a cult, 
in your mind. 

 Spending your time like another informant was wont to do, by perusing the 
internet to see what tidbits you can come up with.

 A score, a score!!  "Hey everybody, look what I found from 1981!.  See, it's a 
cult.  Just what I've been saying on a daily basis for 20 years.  A cult I tell 

 "Thank god, I'm way past this TM thing. Not like you losers"

 What's in store for this afternoon?

 Really, you can't make this stuff up.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they parrot 
buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. The shock is 
that 34 years later people still think like this and talk like this, some of 
them here on this very forum. 





[FairfieldLife] For Alex, was For Ann, was For Rick

2014-09-04 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 9/4/2014 6:04 AM, j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Played fine on my ipad in Mercury browser, which is not logged into FB.

Thanks for not "snipping", so everyone can read my post again, Alex. 
Apparently some of the informants don't realize they are supposed read 
the messages here BEFORE they post their own comments. Do you have any 
comments to make? Sometimes informants get tired of reading fluff and 
drivel. Go figure.

Richard J. Williams wrote:

Years ago, when the internet was just getting started
(1994) I was surfing around and ran across Usenet -
discussion groups. At first I subscribed to a site that
discussed ISKCON, because I had been a participant in one
of their temples for about a year (3716 Watseka Ave in
L.A.) and I was taken with their devotion and depth of
knowledge. Some members had started a news group
discussion on the internet and I started to read and lurk
there for a few weeks. I was very impressed with some of
the topics discussed and the responses.

Then I discovered alt.meditation.transcendental (now
Google Groups) and so I decided to join. What a
disappointment! It was like a bar room brawl - Judy was
there and Barry and Lon P. Stacks (RIP) and they were
thrashing it out with that "Asshole Nick" (Andrew
Skolnick) the science journalist. Judy did her best to
defend her position but for appearances the whole group
was just an exercise in futility - it was, and still is, a
"cess-pool" of misinformation.

So, I decided to post some of my own messages, not so much
to prove anything, but just to improve the look and feel.
Anyone surfing there would have thought TMers were all
buffoons and gimcracks, for all appearances. So, I started
writing up some nifty essays with fancy subject lines, not
so much to get attention but to make the place look like a
forum with useful and insightful analysis.

So, for years I posted my essays to AMT to try and make
the forum look good. I must have posted 8,000 essay from
1999 - 2003. I didn't get a response from Judy for close
to fours years to any of my cogent postings. And, only two
from Barry. Maybe they were JELLOS - I don't know. Then,
they started spewing and posting political propaganda, in
what I thought was an attempt to make the site look like a
pile of crap and they tried to make the place look like a
dung heap. One day I disputed Judy's claim that George W.
Bush was a "liar" and so I posted a retort. That's about
when it hit the fan!

Ever since then she has hated my guts - nothing to do with
TM or the mechanics of consciousness - just hateful
slander and personal attacks, all directed at me. So, I
either had to shut up or leave. But look, I've got an ego
about as big as Mt. Rushmore so I don't back down without
a fight - never have and never will. I am a military brat
from Texas and I know everything about everything and I'm
living at the center of the universe.

So, at some point several of us left the Google Groups and
came over to Yahoo Groups. Now it looks like this place
going to shit too - there's no moderation, nobody gives a
crap, and nobody will stand up for the Maharishi. They
aren't even proud of their past. All they want to do is
post fluff and drivel - you can read it here every day.
It's sometime just pathetic what some people will post to
the internet.

So, now I've got a 26 inch screen, a screaming quad-core
CPU and I can key in test at 100 wpm - that's what I do
for a living -make money. It's easy for me to whip out a
short post and hit Send. The real challenge is to write
cogent, on-topic essays that anyone would want to read.
But, let's face it - there's hardly anybody out there
interested in TM, TMers or anything to do with discussing
the mechanics of consciousness. All some people want to do
is wreck the place and sound off. That's cool too.

I don't take any of this seriously anymore - I'm here for
the entertainment. I've already written a book while they
were posting one-liners that end on one line and all begin
with RE: But, it's true that I sometimes get caught up in
the conversation. Some people really do feel better when
they have someone to talk to. It's not personal. It's just

Re: [FairfieldLife] "Desperado" was Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
someone just needs a hug.:-)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Fleetwood, perfect choice! Just the fact that he had to dig back 33 years 
shows how desperate he is. imo.

 On Thursday, September 4, 2014 3:55 AM, "fleetwood_macncheese@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

   "Desperado" (The Eagles)

 Desperado, why don't you come to your senses? 
 You been out ridin' fences for so long now 
 Oh, you're a hard one 
 I know that you got your reasons 
 These things that are pleasin' you 
 Can hurt you somehow 

 Don't you draw the queen of diamonds, boy 
 She'll beat you if she's able 
 You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet 

 Now it seems to me, some fine things 
 Have been laid upon your table 
 But you only want the ones that you can't get 

 Desperado, oh, you ain't gettin' no younger 
 Your pain and your hunger, they're drivin' you home 
 And freedom, oh freedom well, that's just some people talkin' 
 Your prison is walking through this world all alone 

 Don't your feet get cold in the winter time? 
 The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine 
 It's hard to tell the night time from the day 
 You're losin' all your highs and lows 
 Ain't it funny how the feeling goes away? 

 Desperado, why don't you come to your senses? 
 Come down from your fences, open the gate 
 It may be rainin', but there's a rainbow above you 
 You better let somebody love you, before it's too late



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they parrot 
buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. The shock is 
that 34 years later people still think like this and talk like this, some of 
them here on this very forum. 







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Ann, I see Teddy Burghoff around town and if Claudia is the dance professor, 
she's here too. Big weekend coming up: Art Walk and annual gem and mineral 
show. Time for a new geode!

On Thursday, September 4, 2014 9:00 AM, "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

No, not brainwashed. Young, idealistic, enthusiastic, inspired. I was there in 
1981, and it was a good place to be. 

Iwas there from 1975-1981 and it was not only a good place to be but THE place 
to be. Great memories, good times, deep friendships. If anyone thinks we were a 
bunch of bliss ninnies then you weren't in the art department - we had some of 
the wildest, craziest individuals in the history of MIU in that major. Teddy 
Burghoff, Chester Overlock, Jody Porter, Claudia Chadwick and many others who 
kept that school hoppin' and on its creative toes. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they parrot 
buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. The shock is 
that 34 years later people still think like this and talk like this, some of 
them here on this very forum. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: MIU Promo Video 1981

2014-09-04 Thread fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 What's remarkable is how much he has invested in this.  

 I mean he's either telling us how, "over it" he is, or it's the subject matter 
of most everything he posts.


 I guess he then goes into the kitchen to make some popcorn and get a drink to 
watch a TV episode or a movie feeling confident about himself because he thinks 
he just pushed some buttons.

 If the TV show or movie is edgy, "groovy", or casts him in a favorable light, 
he lets us all know. If not, scarf thrown on, laptop in tow, he heads out, 
retraces his steps to the cafe, doing his best to appear "unattached", while 
he, once again, sits at the same table, stares out the same window, orders a 
beer or three, opens his laptop, and escapes, once more, into a virtual world, 
where he, and he alone is master. ahhh...

 Hey, a routine, is a routine.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 No, not brainwashed. Young, idealistic, enthusiastic, inspired. I was there in 
1981, and it was a good place to be. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The shock is not how incredibly brainwashed these people are as they parrot 
buzzphrases and display absolutely no individuality whatsoever. The shock is 
that 34 years later people still think like this and talk like this, some of 
them here on this very forum. 





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