[FairfieldLife] Re: Are we really all alone?

2014-10-27 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

UFO shoots at missile (CNN) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=273jcsMQu3M
 UFO shoots at missile (CNN) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=273jcsMQu3M This 
is on CNN and shows an objest firing on a missile on a missile test...
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=273jcsMQu3M 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---  wrote :

 We are alone in the universe: Professor Brian Cox says alien life is all but 
impossible as humanity is 'unique' 

 We are alone in the universe: Professor Brian Cox says a... 
 The presenter and scientist blames a series of 'evolutionary bottlenecks' for 
the lack of extraterrestrial life on other planets, despite there being a 

 View on www.dailymail.co.uk 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 I'm kinda with the prof here, but we don't know enough of the variables to be 
able to say it with any certainty. One thing is for sure though: there's no 
intelligent life in the Daily Mail comments section...


[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL, Hating, Turq, Ethics, and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-27 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

The TM-org projects an image as if it's honest, ethical, 
scientific, objective. But in reality it's dishonest, lying, 
cheating, superstitious, un-scientific organisation.

It's very much like some people who project themselves to be 
honest, ethical, impartial, objective, and yet later they 
turn out to be, dishonest, unethical, deceitful, insincere. 
The problem with net interaction is it takes years to find 
that out.

---  wrote :

 my position is to call a spade a spade. What makes you think the people who 
learned their craft from Marshy who was a con artist and liar, who taught them 
that they were and are above the laws of man and considerations of ethical 
behavior because they are the custodians of "supreme knowledge" and are privy 
to a magnificent view of the universe that the rest of us are too coarse and 
ignorant to see would ever change what has been working for them all these 

 You are hanging onto a fantasy that will never be fulfilled. The TMO, its 
leaders, its mid level and low level managers all behave with that energy that 
Marshy taught them works - and none of it has ever done a thing for the people 
of the world, regardless of those who believe the very fact of getting a mantra 
is some big deal.

 To illustrate, I offer you a piece of writing my friend Bill sent me after I 
sent him the Gina Catena audio. I think Bill makes some cogent points, albeit 
from a Christian point of view.

"I have a friend who over the past 10 years or so pulled himself out of a 
marriage to a mentally ill and abusive wife.  It took a lot of counseling for 
him to recognize his situation, but he finally extricated himself and his 
teenage daughter from this situation.  


 One of the things he told me he learned from this experience is that families 
can become “cults”.  When you hear Gina Catina’s story, you realize that the 
TMO provides fertile ground for the most dysfunctional sides of families to 
express themselves and thrive.  The same kind of things can happen in 
Christendom, when a vision of “sanctification” becomes a thing of worship to 
the exclusion of common sense spirituality.
I was thinking today that most of the problems of the TMO came from the attempt 
to move beyond the original intention to simply provide a meditation technique. 

The TMO tried to provide a foundation on which to build community, completely 
ignoring and rejecting the traditional foundation -  organized religion and all 
it stands for.  The social context that Christianity provides is a model of 
spiritual growth through giving selflessly of oneself based on the example of 
Jesus, whereas in the TMO this basic social context is absent.  The TM context 
is based on a selfish pursuit of self development at all costs.  

At the top of the TMO is a man who achieved something by sitting in a cave and 
having people take care of him.  This has it place and its own value, but 
doesn’t translate into a foundation for a social system.  

In spite of all the talk of dynamic activity, it doesn’t translate.  The 
ultimate message is one of disassociation of yourself not only from the 
activities of the world, but also from relationship with each other.  Compound 
that with a belief system where the man at the top is a perfect human being, 
and you have fertile ground for all kinds of dysfunction."


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
   Om, Dear MJ; under a theory that ethics is a leading economic indicator of 
organizational life, could your vitriolic level as to TM, the Maharishi and the 
meditation he promulgated and some of TM's past leadership be malleable if the 
new TM movement has changed its ethical code and behavior? Or, are you locked 
in to your feelings and opinion? Just wondering. I am seeing quite a lot of 
change [movement] in the new TM movement.  Does that kind of healthy change 
dismay your position?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-23 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

---  wrote :

It was intersting to see how Xeno tried to enable Barry, by leaving out of the 
discussion all the interesting stuff Barry believes in - like karma and 
 What happened - I thought you guys all read Sam Harris' book. Go figure.
 Xeno didn't even recognize the dissonance in Barry's preference for Bruce 
Cockburn songs. Everyone knows Cockburn is a born-again Christian. What about 
Barry's claim that a "belief in God is a form of mental illness." 
 How does that work?

Nobody seems to want to talk about Barry's beliefs in reincarnation and 
levitation, for which there is no physical evidence. It looks like everyone is 
very interested in metaphysics, but not very interested in physics or logic. Go 

This could explain how Winthrop and Albert worked on the 
non-weapon part, of an exclusively weapons project, in which 
one of them was denied security clearance.


---  wrote : 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:anartaxius@... wrote :
 I think you hit on something here I never considered. Social interaction. I do 
not think there is any objective measure by which one considers such 
experiences valuable. There are certain things I like, certain things I do not, 
and I go for the ones I like. While I do not know why, those things I like I 
sometimes like to share with others. A piece of music, a movie. Why did you 
post about Bruce Cockburn's music, his book? I am not sure there is any 
reliable objective measure why one likes something other than a general 
propensity to avoid pain and to maintain comfort. Now if you recall Maharishi 
said the mind seeks a greater field of happiness. Because he was hawking TM, he 
skewed the concept to correspond with his metaphysic (the transcendental field, 
the unified field). You do not need a field. Basically I think it comes down to 
you like stuff, and don't like other stuff. The rationalisations come later. If 
there is any objective evidence for that previous sentence it might be split 
brain experiments. When one side of the brain of people with this condition are 
asked to explain why the other side of the body did something, it makes up an 
 Thewhole spiritual trip is a post hoc explanation fabricated to explain why 
something you like, in this case some kind of meditation for example, or the 
experience that is supposed to result from that, should be valuable to someone 
else. Spiritual endeavours are really quite a complex bother, all these things 
that one has to practice or think about, so to get someone to get involved in 
it really requires a real snow job. You have to bury them with advertising 
about how great things will be if they do this. You need an intellectual 
framework to explain why doing such atypical things will benefit. To get 
someone to come around to your ideas about what you like, it may not matter if 
it doesn't really work. You make up this because you are socially wired to a 
certain extent, and a successful social interaction results in feeling good. So 
there really is not much of a reason for saying such experiences as spiritual 
experiences are valuable, you hawk them that way, just as you would a certain 
artist, a good restaurant, a walk on a nice evening. Because social 
interactions are on an individual level, I would say the ego is involved, that 
level of personal identity that thinks it is running the show. The ego provides 
the explanations. From a scientific level, the experiments that indicate the 
brain comes to decisions often as far as 7 or 8 seconds prior to that decision 
comes into conscious awareness. That would mean you are not really in control 
of anything. Life goes on this and that way. Stuff happens, you think you do 
stuff. Hawking TM or hawking Bruce or hawking Hawking resuls in satisfaction. 
Whatever floats your boat.
 Asfor experiences of unboundedness, I really don't think of them that way any 
more. The spiritual trip is the strangest con in the universe. Suppose I put it 
this way: How would you like to be exactly the way you are for as long as you 
are? This is what I am offering you. It will take you about 40 or 50 years, and 
you will have to do all these different things, adopt crazy ideas, do 
exercises, sit quietly, eat special foods, take weird medicines. Want to jump 
in an try this out? In order to get people to do what you like, you have to be 
more devious in your enticements.
 Itall comes down to 'I like this, and I want you to like it too'. Psst, I have 
some secret stuff that other people do not know, and if you let me tell you, 
and you do what I say, you will be able to say every day 'I'm gonna help 
people! Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and, doggonit, people like 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-23 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... 
   Well said Barry - and I agree with every word

---  wrote :

It's NOT that I'm saying that seeking spiritual experiences ISN'T valuable. I'm 
just pointing out that almost no one in history has ever stepped up to the 
plate and made an objective, scientific case for what that value might be. 

It depends on what one wants in life.  Let's say that there 
are basicaly two paths, left path and right path. If the 
left path is a one way trip, the right path is cyclical 
trip. The BG mentions it as sun path and moon path.

Most teachers or seekers just *assume* that these experiences they have or 
claim to have had are valuable, but when called upon to do so, they can't 
really produce any strong arguments for WHY they are valuable, or WHAT that 
supposed value is. I'm suggesting that this oversight is epidemic in the world 
of "spiritual practices," the elephant in the room that no one ever talks 
about. The people promoting these practices just *assume* that these 
experiences they're having or seeking are *worth* having or seeking, and debate 
the supposedly best ways of achieving them. But I don't know of very many who 
have taken that "step back," beyond the assumption, and have tried to make a 
case for WHY they're so intent on achieving these things. What is it that they 
hope to "achieve," and WHY would others want to do so?

Answers such as, "Well, I want to have these experiences because Jim Flanegin 
said that I would be a low-vibe slime until I had them the way he has" do not 
count.  :-)  :-)  :-)

It's the same problem I see with religion in general. The people urging others 
to join their religions don't seem to ever offer any real-world, 
payoff-in-this-lifetime reasons for doing so. They just *assume* that there is 
a payoff, and try to bluff their way through without ever specifying what it 
is. Millions and millions of seekers over the ages, and almost none of them 
have ever come up with a real *value* for all this seeking they're devoting 
their lives to. I'm NOT suggesting that there isn't one, just pointing out that 
no one ever seems to talk about it if there is. 




[FairfieldLife] Re: Correction (Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...)

2014-10-20 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


Here below is the corrected pic.

Holy shit, I think I am getting old and my mind, hands and 
legs are failing me.  Bear with me folks.


---  wrote :


 ---  wrote :

 Curtis, as jr. says, you guys say there is no God. Its not like it is 

From: "curtisdeltablues@... 

M: But I don't say this. I say I see no reason to believe in one. There is a 
huge difference between these statements. I am amazed that I cannot communicate 
this difference effectively because it keeps coming back misstated. 

---  wrote :

I keep trying to explain this to you, Curtis. You cannot convey this simple 
PEA.  :-)

Here, let me demonstrate. I shall make a statement about what I actually 
believe. Then wait to see how long it takes one or both of these idiots to come 
back claiming that I said the exact opposite:

 I do not believe that there is any need 
to either hypothesize the need for a God,
or to believe in the existence of one. 

I do NOT declare that "There is no God,"
because that seems to be obvious.
Even those who claim to believe in one 
can't produce him/her/it.

Now, how long will it take before these two mental midgets transform what I 
said above into me "declaring my absolute belief that there is no God" and thus 
demonstrating that "atheism is my religion?" 

I admire Curtis his patience at dealing with these mental midgets, but I don't 
have that level of patience. I'd rather just point out how idiotic their 
beliefs are, ask them once again to PROVE their beliefs, and then sit back and 
watch. Unlike Curtis, who seems to think that he can actually communicate to 
these two numbnuts, I have no such illusions. Within a couple of days (probably 
less), they'll be back claiming the same things about what I supposedly believe 
that they always do, which is always 180 degrees opposite from what I actually 

You really just CAN'T deal rationally with minds this weak. So I've given up 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-19 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]



 ---  wrote :

 Curtis, as jr. says, you guys say there is no God. Its not like it is 

From: "curtisdeltablues@... 

M: But I don't say this. I say I see no reason to believe in one. There is a 
huge difference between these statements. I am amazed that I cannot communicate 
this difference effectively because it keeps coming back misstated. 

---  wrote :

I keep trying to explain this to you, Curtis. You cannot convey this simple 
PEA.  :-)

Here, let me demonstrate. I shall make a statement about what I actually 
believe. Then wait to see how long it takes one or both of these idiots to come 
back claiming that I said the exact opposite:

 I do not believe that there is any need 
to either hypothesize the need for a God,
or to believe in the existence of one. 

I do NOT declare that "There is no God,"
because that seems to be obvious.
Even those who claim to believe in one 
can't produce him/her/it.

Now, how long will it take before these two mental midgets transform what I 
said above into me "declaring my absolute belief that there is no God" and thus 
demonstrating that "atheism is my religion?" 

I admire Curtis his patience at dealing with these mental midgets, but I don't 
have that level of patience. I'd rather just point out how idiotic their 
beliefs are, ask them once again to PROVE their beliefs, and then sit back and 
watch. Unlike Curtis, who seems to think that he can actually communicate to 
these two numbnuts, I have no such illusions. Within a couple of days (probably 
less), they'll be back claiming the same things about what I supposedly believe 
that they always do, which is always 180 degrees opposite from what I actually 

You really just CAN'T deal rationally with minds this weak. So I've given up 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-19 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]




---  wrote :

 turq, the compassion IS the payoff. This is in response to your sentence: 

That would be more compassionate, after all. It's just that there is so little 
 From: "curtisdeltablues@... 
   Atheists do not have to define what they do not believe in. They take the 
definitions from the believers and find them wanting. Yours included, to the 
degree that you have spelled out what it is. 
---  wrote :

As usual, Curtis, I am in awe of your ability to interface with idiots as if 
they were actually worth the time. I keep getting stuck on the "idiot" part. To 
me, if a person believes in astrology, God, and the Maharishi Effect, that's 
kinda like the Trifecta of Idiocy. You can't actually become much more of a 
loser than that. :-)

M: Well to be fair, there is nothing I have read hear (Nabbie included) that I 
didn't wholeheartedly embrace at one time in my life. I don't think of my past 
self as being an idiot, just a practicer of fallacious reasoning. I was just 
wrong about almost everything I believed. Simply and earnestly wrong.

Kinda humbling really.

I guess you're right about that. I had left the TM movement before they started 
all the "Maharishi Effect" crap, so I didn't have a chance to buy into that, 
but I definitely spent money on astrologers once. I never really had any 
feeling for the existence of a "God," either, but I "played the game" by using 
that terminology when it was called for in TM talks. 

But I definitely did and believed a bunch of things that qualified me as an 
idiot back in the day, so I should try to remember them when dealing with those 
who are still living in those mindstates. 

That would be more compassionate, after all. It's just that there is so little 
PAYOFF in dealing with people who still believe these things. They just go 
round in circles and then come back to the very things they started with. Their 
thinking seems to be as non-rigorous as it is circular. 


[FairfieldLife] The world before Google and internet

2014-10-19 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

The world before Google and internet








[FairfieldLife] Yuval Noah Harari - We fight for illusions

2014-10-14 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari --
A swash-buckling account that begins with the origin of the 
species and ends with post-humans

by  Galen Strawson
  The Guardian, Thursday 11 September 2014 07.30 BST

Human beings (members of the genus Homo) have existed for 
about 2.4m years. Homo sapiens, our own wildly egregious 
species of great apes, has only existed for 6% of that time 
-- about 150,000 years. So a book whose main title is 
Sapiens shouldn't be subtitled "A Brief History of 
Humankind". It's easy to see why Yuval Noah Harari devotes 
95% of his book to us as a species: self-ignorant as we are, 
we still know far more about ourselves than about other 
species of human beings, including several that have become 
extinct since we first walked the Earth. The fact remains 
that the history of sapiens -- Harari's name for us -- is 
only a very small part of the history of humankind.

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
by Yuval Noah Harari

Can its full sweep be conveyed in one fell swoop – 400 
pages? Not really; it's easier to write a brief history of 
time -- all 14bn years -- and Harari also spends many pages 
on our present and possible future rather than our past. But 
the deep lines of the story of sapiens are fairly 
uncontentious, and he sets them out with verve.

For the first half of our existence we potter along 
unremarkably; then we undergo a series of revolutions. 
First, the "cognitive" revolution: about 70,000 years ago, 
we start to behave in far more ingenious ways than before, 
for reasons that are still obscure, and we spread rapidly 
across the planet. About 11,000 years ago we enter on the 
agricultural revolution, converting in increasing numbers 
from foraging (hunting and gathering) to farming. The 
"scientific revolution" begins about 500 years ago. It 
triggers the industrial revolution, about 250 years ago, 
which triggers in turn the information revolution, about 50 
years ago, which triggers the biotechnological revolution, 
which is still wet behind the ears. Harari suspects that the 
biotechnological revolution signals the end of sapiens: we 
will be replaced by bioengineered post-humans, "amortal" 
cyborgs, capable of living forever.

This is one way to lay things out. Harari embeds many other 
momentous events, most notably the development of language: 
we become able to think sharply about abstract matters, 
cooperate in ever larger numbers, and, perhaps most 
crucially, gossip. There is the rise of religion and the 
slow overpowering of polytheisms by more or less toxic 
monotheisms. Then there is the evolution of money and, more 
importantly, credit. There is, connectedly, the spread of 
empires and trade as well as the rise of capitalism.

Harari swashbuckles through these vast and intricate matters 
in a way that is -- at its best -- engaging and informative. 
It's a neat thought that "we did not domesticate wheat. It 
domesticated us." There was, Harari says, "a Faustian 
bargain between humans and grains" in which our species 
"cast off its intimate symbiosis with nature and sprinted 
towards greed and alienation". It was a bad bargain: "the 
agricultural revolution was history's biggest fraud". More 
often than not it brought a worse diet, longer hours of 
work, greater risk of starvation, crowded living conditions, 
greatly increased susceptibility to disease, new forms of 
insecurity and uglier forms of hierarchy. Harari thinks we 
may have been better off in the stone age, and he has 
powerful things to say about the wickedness of factory 
farming, concluding with one of his many superlatives: 
"modern industrial agriculture might well be the greatest 
crime in history".

He accepts the common view that the fundamental structure of 
our emotions and desires hasn't been touched by any of these 
revolutions: "our eating habits, our conflicts and our 
sexuality are all a result of the way our hunter-gatherer 
minds interact with our current post-industrial environment, 
with its mega-cities, airplanes, telephones and computers … 
Today we may be living in high-rise apartments with 
over-stuffed refrigerators, but our DNA still thinks we are 
in the savannah." He gives a familiar illustration – our 
powerful desires for sugar and fat have led to the 
widespread availability of foods that are primary causes of 
unhealthiness and ugliness. The consumption of pornography 
is another good example. It's just like overeating: if the 
minds of pornography addicts could be seen as bodies, they 
would look just like the grossly obese.

At one point Harari claims that "the leading project of the 
scientific revolution" is the Gilgamesh Project (named after 
the hero of the epic who set out to destroy death): "to give 
humankind eternal life" or "amortality". He is sanguine 
about its eventual success. But amortality i

[FairfieldLife] Re: (399652) The Happiest school in San Francisco

2014-10-12 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

All great billionares have said that wealth that came from 
society should go back to society. In that sense the 
economic system should mirror the eco-system.

The point is only capitalism has the capability to actually 
generate wealth. The paradox of communism is that 
disciplined regulated consumpion is neutralized by wasteful 
inefficient production processes.  The paradox of capitalism 
is that efficient production is cancelled out by wasteful 
crass consumerism.

Crass consumerism leads to crass commercialism.

Crass commercialism leads to hyper-exploitation of 
resources, hyper-advertisments.

---  wrote :

 Of course, MMY never advocated "renouncing wealth." 

 In fact, he carefully marketed TM as a technique for householders -people for 
whom wealth was important because they were interested in physical comfort, 
raising kids in a comfortable and safe environment, etc.

 According to theory, the excesses of amassing wealth for its own sake would 
tend to fade with TM practice, being a symptom of a stressed out nervous system 
(even the amassing of wealth for its own sake is arguably a stressful thing, 
making wealth-obession a stress-related illness that TM should help fix 


---  wrote :







[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Questions 9-11

2014-10-12 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---  wrote :

 Yeah, of course you can find MANY who would be part of arranging a false flag 
for 9-11.

What a bunch of blinkered fools we are.  Let's open our scrunched-up eyes a 
crack and admit one thing:  the authorities of the world will do cruelty in any 
form upon anyone no matter the legal framework.

Your local cop IS A MOTHERFUCKING KILLER wishing for his moment to totally ruin 
someone's life.

And if he isn't, then he's an enabler of a fellow cop who is a sociopathand 
that is just AS BAD.  

Case in point:  I know of an 2007 incident in sleepy little-town FAIRFIELD in 
which a cop TORTURED A ROO for over 12 hours in the presence of the other 
officers.  Not a headline.  (Don't ask for details -- can't out a Roo who 
doesn't want more of the same if he's seen bitching about it in public.  No 
charges, let the guy go the next day.)

But see?  This is the heart of darkness within ALL OF US in Kali Yuga.  Even 
our heroes will be found to be  tilted in this age.  

Even the good guys...consider how the TMO did all it could to subvert the 
legal requirements during the murder at MUM.   Those were "saints," right?  
Even inside them was the "I get to do whatever shit I want to" dynamic.  
Consider Ed Beckeley, Dr. Bloomfield, the commodities groups, the TMO money 
laundering and smuggling, etc.  

Young pundits and anybody from TMO, returning to india, each 
person would be given particular quantity (legal) of gold. 
As soon as the plane lands in india, TMO henchmen would be 
waiting there to collect the gold, load the pundits on to 
the waiting van, and off they go.

So much gold was brought in, that they decided to make 
jewellery and sell the gold. The TMO's finances are so murky 
the you would never have the clear idea what happened to all 
the money.

I have been to 17 countries and saw the same shit everywhere.  Give someone a 
gun and they're looking for "game" cuz they're on safari, donchaknow.  

To sum:  how many good Americans would be willing to put a tactical nuke inside 
a 9-11 tower?  Almost any cop, any soldier.   Deal with this fact.  It's the 
truth.  Krishna took sattva with Him 5,000 years ago. There's no Arjuna out 
there wearing a badge of honor and integrity.  



[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Questions 9-11

2014-10-12 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


 ---  mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Image if your local police department reported a murder as "someone shot the 
person.  Case closed"  That's almost what the 9-11 official story is like.
 You would have been well advised not to use "RationalWiki" which skeptics 
don't even like.  Those of us who think there is something more to a case than 
reported don't call ourselves "conspiracy theorists."  That term has come about 
and used by PSYOPS to discredit us since the JFK assassination which I don't 
think Oswald had anything to do with because he had a cheap gun and was seen in 
the lunch room at the book depository when the assassination took place.  He 
was a convenience patsy due to his activities.  If Ruby had not shot him it 
might have come out that he got framed.

 Jeez, everyone knows Elvis shot JFK. It's hardly news.
 Anyone on the right track to solving these crimes who has any visibility such 
as a news reporter often gets offed or suicided.  Some of the "nutty stuff" you 
will find in "conspiracy theorist" are PSYOPS trying to "poison the well" lest 
the truth be known.  Just think if we could prove beyond a doubt that 9-11 was 
indeed an inside job and who the perps were how confidence in our government 
would fall, not that it isn't anyway.  And we have long had little confidence 
in our corporations and banks which these days run like gang operations.

 After reading the articles Barry posted I was going to write something about 
how conspiracy theories are probably created by the government to distract 
everyone from what a crap job they actually do at running the country. Be nice 
to think there was someone in power who could organise a job that big, we can't 
even make a computer system to link up health districts without the ministry 
going bankrupt and abandoning it. 
 The USA is a very dirty place.  It was that way from it's inception because 
some of the wealthy landowners didn't want their workers to have rights and 
some wanted the US to still be beholding to Britain.  Our democracy is an 
illusion and the king makers hate anyone who points that out.  A lot more 
people would have probably taken to the streets during the Occupy Movement but 
they feared losing their jobs.  We live in a country of increasing "have nots", 
people who have lost even their simple pleasures of life because a plan to put 
all but a few in austerity.
 So many detractors here seem to have little knowledge of history and just 
react emotionally.  I guess some folks want to live in a simple world of Santy 
Claus and Easter Bunnies.
 Both of which are inventions, just like the conspiracies.
 What worries is me that you have such a disconnect from the people that run 
the US that you actually think they would murder thousands of their own people 
for reasons best known to themselves. 

 Whoa, Jack! You're half reading me.  I'm not alleging that our politicians 
conspired to pull off 9-11.  It's a shadow government that many people in the 
US believe exists (and probably many folks in the UK believe about your own 
government).  Killing thousands would rile up Americans (and believe me the 
days following they were insanely riled) to support anything the  government 
asked if it involved retaliation.  So Arab terrorists did 9-11 and we go off 
and bomb Afghanistan and Iraq.  Shouldn't we have bombed Saudi Arabia instead?  
Something wrong with that picture?
 BTW, for some reason a lot of people who worked at the WTC were told to stay 
home that day.
 There's a kind of movement like that in the UK about the Islamic terrorist 
that blew up some tube trains a decade ago. The story goes that the government 
knew about it but let it happen because it would be an excuse to rachet up the 
anti-terror laws, which completely coincidentally can also be used to harass 
innocent people whenever the state feels like it.

 The UK subway bombings indeed smell of a false flag.  These types of 
operations have been around for centuries but I guess that history wasn't your 
favorite subject?
 I don't believe it for the simple fact that however cynical politicians get 
it's their own friends and family that might get blown up. You don't seem to 
have that sort of human link, sure the govt in the US has blood on its hands 
but the 9/11 conspiracies are qualitatively different from interfering in the 
politics of left wing countries or suppressing anti-capitalist demonstrations. 
It isn't a quantitative thing at all.

 See my above comment.
 I think it's the conspiracists that react emotionally, something unbelievable 
happens and the dots get joined up irrationally, anything to make it make sense 
that doesn't just mean the world is so dangerous a bunch of religious 
fruitcakes can wal

[FairfieldLife] The inspiration for the internet?

2014-10-11 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

The inspiration for the internet?


 View on cdn3.cubiclebot.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: (399652) The Happiest school in San Francisco

2014-10-11 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]



---  wrote :

 One more note, Mr. Nameless Director of Operations, your assertion on funding 
by the NIH -  "to be funded by the NIH, rigorous assessment is performed by 
highly experienced scientists. If the research was bogus or deeply flawed, the 
research would not be funded or published."

 This is, quite honestly complete bullshit. All one has to do to get funding by 
the NIH is to know how to write a grant proposal. That's it. 

 Here are just a few things the NIH has funded over the years, some of them 
nearly as stupid as funding research on TM.

  The National Institutes of Health paid researchers $400,000 to find out why 
gay men in Argentina engage in risky sexual behavior when they are drunk.

 Researchers at Indiana University's Kinsey Institute, funded by NIH, 
investigated why “young heterosexual adult men have problems using condoms.” 
Price tag? $423,500, according to NIH records. 


 The NIH also once spent $442,000 to study the behavior of male prostitutes in 

 The NIH once spent $800,000 in “stimulus funds” to study the impact of a 
“genital-washing program” on men in South Africa.

 I realize that your much vaunted master Mahesh Prasad lied like a dog all the 
time, so it could be you are lying "as is our tradition" but for your own sake, 
at least make the prevarications somewhat credible. 


 ---  wrote :
   I am the Director of Operations for the school meditation project in San 
Francisco that uses TM, where the students were found to be the happiest in the 
city. I would like to try and correct some misunderstandings that may have 
occurred as a result of certain comments made here recently. 

  1. There is a post that suggest we 'stole' couches from a one of the high 
schools we worked in. 

 This is incorrect. We purchase used couches from outside sources, specifically 
for the Quiet Time program. We own them.
 2. That the windows and doors in the rooms we used at a high school were 
papered over so that no one could see in, and that the school had to remove the 
papering after we left.
 A single door to a small room was partially papered only during training 
sessions to reduce the distraction from other students walking by during 
passing period. This paper was taken down each day, and was not remaining after 
the meditation training staff left the school.
 3. That we had been kicked out of at least 2 schools in SF since Jan of this 
 One school decided to discontinue the Quiet Time program at the end of the 
spring semester due primarily to a vote from faculty regarding time 
constraints. There are many schools throughout CA and nationally requesting the 
program, so we only work with those that are able to fit it into their 
schedule. After providing this to 7,000 students, teachers, parents and 
administrators for the last 7 years, we have had over a 90% program 
satisfaction rating. An extremely small minority of parents, teachers and 
administrators have had issues with the program, usually because of biases or 
 4. That most of the research referenced by the TM organization is "either 
bogus or deeply flawed"
 There are over 100 studies on TM published in reputable, peer reviewed 
scientific journals indicating various positive mental and physical health 
effects. Research has been done at Stanford, Harvard, University of California 
and other reputable institutions. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has 
funded over 24M worth of research into TM and heart health. In order to be 
published in peer reviewed journals or to be funded by the NIH, rigorous 
assessment is performed by highly experienced scientists. If the research was 
bogus or deeply flawed, the research would not be funded or published. 




[FairfieldLife] Beetle Bailey - change theme

2014-10-11 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


 "Speaking of war-related trauma, Beetle Bailey seems to have taken a 

 rather abrupt turn. After 50 years of living in some kind of peacetime 

 paradise, ..."




[FairfieldLife] Peanuts - Snoopy's novel

2014-10-10 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]



 Peanuts - Snoopy's novel
































[FairfieldLife] Re: Are Aliens too Distant for Contact?

2014-10-10 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


Ok, let's deal with YOUR issue here.

You called me "the 12 year old" a couple of days ago. It's 
these kind of snide remarks that neutralise, all the good 
points you make, and turns things here sour.

If you keep your criticisms impersonal, you would certainly 
be the most brilliant poster here. (Judy is guilty of this 
as well).

Your constant harping, about you ignoring certain people is 
a source of irritation. I too ignore quite a lot of people 
here, but I never mention it.

---  wrote :

 OK, let's deal with YOUR issue, jedi_bungalow_bill.  

You posed the question to Steve, but isn't it JUST as applicable to you? Have 
YOU reincarnated as Judy?  

After all, wasn't it her act to try to provoke arguments, and if people didn't 
fall for the provocation, to then harass and stalk them and try to *taunt* them 
into replying to her, so she could eventually get the head-to-head argument she 

Well, I dealt with that by taking away from her what she really wanted -- a 
"captive audience" to yell at so she could try to (in her mind) hurt them. I 
just stopped bothering to read her posts. Based on her recent efforts, it may 
have worked...she sticks to facts and seems to have dropped the "If you don't 
respond by giving me the argument I want I'll say nastier and nastier things 
about you until you do" thang. Good deal, say I, and I wish her well with the 
new approach. 

Well, that's what Steve and Ann and Jim and Dan and Richard have been doing to 
me, too -- trying to run Judy's old routine. I won't pay any attention to them, 
and have in fact stopped reading their posts as well, and as far as I can tell 
from quotes of theirs I see in people's posts I *do* read, they've reacted by 
adopting Judy's old "bunny boiler" tactics:


Why I'm bothering to spell this out is that YOU (jedi_spock, 
bungalow_blue_balls, or whoever you are this week) seem to be trying to run the 
same number. You've got your panties in a twist about me over something, and 
you seem to be trying to taunt me into having an argument with you so that you 
can get the twist out by yelling at me. 

Sorry...not gonna happen. *As* with Bob Price, who *several* people wrote off 
as a waste of time after his first abusive period here, and *as* with Dan 
Friedman, who others (including Judy) realized was a nut case during his first 
drive-by, if you keep up this trying-to-taunt-me-into-arguing-with-you routine 
you'll share the same fate. 

Life is just Too Fuckin' Short to waste it with pissants who are intent on 
turning everything into a battle. Allow me to spell it out for you: YOU ARE 

Now you know. Do with this information what you will...

...oh, and have a nice day.  :-) 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Colloidal silver (Are Aliens too Distant for Contact?)

2014-10-09 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---  wrote :

 turq shows what a great master Maharishi was and is. The purpose of a master 
is to help the students see their delusions. Maharishi has explained that fear 
is the last negative emotion to go. From the Gita: certainly fear is borne of 


 As long as we feel separate from the world, we will feel fear, though maybe on 
a deep level. And then we humans attempt to feel safe. Mainly modern people try 
to feel safe by having figured out life. Even turq does this.

 Women generally try to feel safe by feeling loved; men by being competent. 
It's from our cave days and hardwired into our noggins. Specialness is a subset 
of these. If the tribe chief "loves" us or if we're his right hand man, we'll 
get the best pieces of wooly mammouth. 


 At any moment, even this one, we are all acting from some percentage of 
fullness or safety and some percentage of emptiness or fear.

 Hope this helps you feel safer. Meanwhile, a little colloidal silver every day 


May I know why you are taking that? Did any healer prescribe 
it to you?

   "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]"  
   it makes them feel more self-important and 'special' for believing it. 

 Now, it may come as a complete shock to you, dude, but you appear pretty 
damned self-important, and 'special', most of the time, pronouncing judgment on 
a lot of good people, for no other reason, than to forget your own truly 
pathetic existence. You may think this is a grand game, a pushing of buttons, 
but you are hardly one to point fingers. 

 Sure, Barry, you live in Europe, but THAT IS ALL YOU DO. You might as well 
live in Nebraska, for all it gets you. Anyone can drink beer, watch TV, and 
think up inflammatory shit to write on the Internet. That doesn't make you 
smart, or witty, or wise. 
 Frankly, doing absolutely nothing except stirring the pot here, makes you 
appear as kind of a loser, to normal people. A tragic figure, with not enough 
experience to stand on his own, needing to climb on others' backs, to appear 
taller to himself. One could refer to you as, "a shoe lift of a man". 

 Why don't you get off of here, and actually DO something? Write a book. Take 
the train to another country. Go on a date. Build something. Visit a museum. 
Such a tired old fart, doing nothing in your virtual Nebraska, except pissing 
in other people's pools. If you could only see it, the red would rise in your 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sometimes I think that Maharishi's "greatest accomplishment" should be listed 
as having taken so many at-one-time-fairly-intelligent people and, over time, 
turned them into weak-minded, gullible idiots like jr_esq, Share, srijau, 
Lawson, and others we see from time to time here on FFL. These people will 
believe *anything* if 1) they're told that Maharishi or some other Seller Of 
Woo Woo believed in it, and 2) it makes them feel more self-important and 
'special' for believing it. 

 The stuff they believe doesn't need to be reasonable, it doesn't need to 
follow the laws of physics or chemistry, and it doesn't depend on any kind of 
evidence. In fact, when presented with evidence that proves their belief to be 
nonsense, they believe even more strongly. Truly an accomplishment...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Are Aliens too Distant for Contact?

2014-10-09 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

You know Steve, it took others years to find his true 
character. Bob Price managed to find that out in just a few 
minutes time. Bob's so sharp, Uncle Tantra cannot face him.
Uncle Tantra's criticism is designed to be offensive in a 
sadistic sense.

---  wrote :

 Okay Blue, thanks for the advice.  But "wasting my life"? 

 I think I fall into the Ann camp.  

 I find Barry to have, shall we say, his own fair share of blind spots, which 
of course is not a problem, except that he is so intent on pointing out in 
others, what he feels are their deficiencies.

 Oh, and by the way, I did enjoy Jim's portrayal of Barry's trip to the ice box.

 A good example, I think, of one of those blind spots of Barry's.

 But, I do appreciate the concern.  (-:

---  wrote :

 Relax Steve, have you re-incarnated as Judy here? Some 
change seems to have come over you.

Listen, you just can't bother about him. You will be wasting 
your life that way. Judy wasted hers. Jim wasted his. His 
intention is to provoke you. You keep falling into his trap 
again and again.

I remember you relaxed and logical many years ago. Uncle 
Tantra is incorrigible.

---  wrote :

 I'm sure what you've written below, Barry, is the "usual", but my God, what 
pent up demand there must be when there is not an opening for the "usual". 

 You are just going to town.  A welcome relief, I guess.

Easy Barry, easy.  Enough with the posturing for the "lurking reporters".  We 
get your faux outrage. 

 This issue has importance for you only in the sense that you can do some TM 

 Other than that, I don't think you give a damn.

 Settle back down.


---  wrote :

 --  wrote:
---  wrote :

 Sometimes I think that Maharishi's "greatest accomplishment" should be listed 
as having taken so many at-one-time-fairly-intelligent people and, over time, 
turned them into weak-minded, gullible idiots like jr_esq, Share, srijau, 
Lawson, and others we see from time to time here on FFL. These people will 
believe *anything* if 1) they're told that Maharishi or some other Seller Of 
Woo Woo believed in it, and 2) it makes them feel more self-important and 
'special' for believing it. 

 The stuff they believe doesn't need to be reasonable, it doesn't need to 
follow the laws of physics or chemistry, and it doesn't depend on any kind of 
evidence. In fact, when presented with evidence that proves their belief to be 
nonsense, they believe even more strongly. Truly an accomplishment...


--  wrote:

 Yes indeed, something to be proud of. 

The sad thing is that he (Maharishi) *would* actually be proud of it. He'd 
think of it as the triumph of faith. He'd smile and tell the story of 
Trotakacharya again.  :-) 

 I first came across it when attending a "coherence" day at the local academy 
(where I later lived) we were in the garden on a starry night and looking 
around the night sky and I was pointing out various things of interest like 
which planets were which and how far the nearest galaxy is when this purusha 
guy turned to me and said "And just think it's all consciousness". What's 
troubling is it was said with an intimation that it was an improvement or a 
superior explanation to "just" thinking that the universe is made of energy and 

 It worries me because scientific and religious explanations don't mix very 
well but the quantum crowd think they've found a way of fitting the one into 
the other, or at least blinding people with enough abstract concepts so they 
think the two things belong together.

 It does annoy me too because people, like John, seem genuinely interested in 
physics and the sort of things it explains really well and the amazing 
discoveries and concepts of cosmology. But with this training in vedic beliefs 
he gets from the TMO he doesn't have a way of grading the knowledge for 

Exactly. The *only* measure of "quality" he seems to employ is "If it agrees 
with what I've been told to believe...then it is good, and correct." The most 
disturbing thing about John (jr_esq, not Hagelin, but him, too) is that they no 
longer even *realize* how non-scientific they've become when they spout what 
they now believe is "science." Put either of them in a room with real 
scientists and let them express the things they believe in, and the real 
scientists would have them pegged as crackpots within five minutes. After 20 
minutes, the real scientists would running for the door, so as not to be stuck 
in a room with a crazy person any longer. 

There are only two types of explanation, good ones and bad ones. Consciousness 
in this context seems like a bad one because (like god) it actually explains 
nothing, adds nothing useful and in fact, adds a layer of complexity where it 
isn't needed...

Exactly. Almost without exception, all of their theories about how the universe 
works are more complex than the real scientific explanations. It's like they've 
become proponents of the Anti-Occam's Raz

[FairfieldLife] Re: Are Aliens too Distant for Contact?

2014-10-09 Thread blue_bungalo...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


Relax Steve, have you re-incarnated as Judy here? Some 
change seems to have come over you.

Listen, you just can't bother about him. You will be wasting 
your life that way. Judy wasted hers. Jim wasted his. His 
intention is to provoke you. You keep falling into his trap 
again and again.

I remember you relaxed and logical many years ago. Uncle 
Tantra is incorrigible.

---  wrote :

 I'm sure what you've written below, Barry, is the "usual", but my God, what 
pent up demand there must be when there is not an opening for the "usual". 

 You are just going to town.  A welcome relief, I guess.

Easy Barry, easy.  Enough with the posturing for the "lurking reporters".  We 
get your faux outrage. 

 This issue has importance for you only in the sense that you can do some TM 

 Other than that, I don't think you give a damn.

 Settle back down.


---  wrote :

 --  wrote:
---  wrote :

 Sometimes I think that Maharishi's "greatest accomplishment" should be listed 
as having taken so many at-one-time-fairly-intelligent people and, over time, 
turned them into weak-minded, gullible idiots like jr_esq, Share, srijau, 
Lawson, and others we see from time to time here on FFL. These people will 
believe *anything* if 1) they're told that Maharishi or some other Seller Of 
Woo Woo believed in it, and 2) it makes them feel more self-important and 
'special' for believing it. 

 The stuff they believe doesn't need to be reasonable, it doesn't need to 
follow the laws of physics or chemistry, and it doesn't depend on any kind of 
evidence. In fact, when presented with evidence that proves their belief to be 
nonsense, they believe even more strongly. Truly an accomplishment...


--  wrote:

 Yes indeed, something to be proud of. 

The sad thing is that he (Maharishi) *would* actually be proud of it. He'd 
think of it as the triumph of faith. He'd smile and tell the story of 
Trotakacharya again.  :-) 

 I first came across it when attending a "coherence" day at the local academy 
(where I later lived) we were in the garden on a starry night and looking 
around the night sky and I was pointing out various things of interest like 
which planets were which and how far the nearest galaxy is when this purusha 
guy turned to me and said "And just think it's all consciousness". What's 
troubling is it was said with an intimation that it was an improvement or a 
superior explanation to "just" thinking that the universe is made of energy and 

 It worries me because scientific and religious explanations don't mix very 
well but the quantum crowd think they've found a way of fitting the one into 
the other, or at least blinding people with enough abstract concepts so they 
think the two things belong together.

 It does annoy me too because people, like John, seem genuinely interested in 
physics and the sort of things it explains really well and the amazing 
discoveries and concepts of cosmology. But with this training in vedic beliefs 
he gets from the TMO he doesn't have a way of grading the knowledge for 

Exactly. The *only* measure of "quality" he seems to employ is "If it agrees 
with what I've been told to believe...then it is good, and correct." The most 
disturbing thing about John (jr_esq, not Hagelin, but him, too) is that they no 
longer even *realize* how non-scientific they've become when they spout what 
they now believe is "science." Put either of them in a room with real 
scientists and let them express the things they believe in, and the real 
scientists would have them pegged as crackpots within five minutes. After 20 
minutes, the real scientists would running for the door, so as not to be stuck 
in a room with a crazy person any longer. 

There are only two types of explanation, good ones and bad ones. Consciousness 
in this context seems like a bad one because (like god) it actually explains 
nothing, adds nothing useful and in fact, adds a layer of complexity where it 
isn't needed...

Exactly. Almost without exception, all of their theories about how the universe 
works are more complex than the real scientific explanations. It's like they've 
become proponents of the Anti-Occam's Razor Principle.

...because consciousness is a thing in this theory, a field of pure awareness 
and intelligence. All of these things imply a direction to creation and 
evolution that it doesn't seem to have. And it obviously requires another 
explanation beyond the equations describing quantum behaviour, and it would be 
an explanation along the lines of intelligence processing etc. Bit of a tall 
order for something we can't even measure!

 It's OK for John Hagelin to believe that this is the case but he shouldn't 
start his lectures without a major caveat to the effect that he's trying to fit 
what he knows of physics into an ancient belief system and that no one else 
agrees with him. Apart from the other yagya pedlars on the conference circuit 
In this sens