[FairfieldLife] Misuse of the 'Aum' Mantra - a talk by His Divinity Swami Brahmananda Saraswati

2013-10-24 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
Misuse of the 'Aum' Mantra
(Aumkara Ka Japa)

Transcript of a talk by His Divinity Swami Brahmananda Saraswati,
Jagadguru, Shankaracharya Jytoir Math

[From Shri Shankaracharya Upadesh Amrita, kaNa 73 of 108, 
translated by Paul Mason]

Many people have not done the work of consulting the shastras [vedic 
scriptures] in order to determine what is authorized and what is not, 
they look here and there and from this they understand what they should 
do to engage in worship.  Some people set great measure by the mag-
nificence of the japa [repetition] of 'aum'.  In Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavan 
[Lord Krishna] certainly said that I am the pranava [the primal mantra - 
aum].  But if the purpose is to attain Bhagavan's special form, then why 
not use the method of grasping the lion as well, since he is also that too?
Bhagavan Shri Krishna Chandra said that: mrganam ca mrgendro 'ham 
[Bhagavad Gita, chapter 10, verse 30], Amongst beasts I am the lion.

What actually happens to those who proclaim the greatness of using only 
aumkara ka japa, our experience up until recently we are informing, listen: 
two, four, ten, twenty times constantly repeating 'aum' then no particular 
effect there will be.  But if two, four-thousand unceasing repetitions then 
in a short time [the connection with] the worldly surrounding will become 
weak.  Arsenic is a destroyer, but taking a little then the effects will not be 
very rapid.  If some excessive dose is taken then it actually kills.  Those 
who use the method alone of aumkara ka japa, taking it to be the special 
form, find that their worldly discipline certainly weakens; working and re-
gular meals go into decline; wife and son etc. become unhealthy and also 

Five, six years ago, we had gone to Lucknow for the occasion of Laksha 
Chandi Yagya.  On that occasion one old woman came to us and two, 
four people came along also.  These people did say that Mataji was a 
great devotee, all day long she would remain in prayer and worship, but 
only very recently her two sons who were in the prime of life had died.

To this we asked; Were you practicing aumkara ka japa?

She answered to Maharaj: The very same is our portion, all day long I 
did do ['aum'] japa.

We said that: Well done that for your samsara (worldly life) you have 
dropped ['aum'] japa; at this moment do not renounce [the world].  

However, by adherence to the practice, something very excellent she will 
destroy; right here is the effect of aumkara ka japa.

This then is done somewhere without love and if love's work is being 
done then the meaning and the object of love will be be annihilated by 
the influence of aumkara ka japa.

For this [reason] grihastham [householders] are not authorized to do aum-
kara ka japa alone. Shastra with a view to grant good fortune do not give 
authority.  If there was any benefit to be derived by grihastham by using 
aumkara japa there would be no reason for the shastra to prohibit.

Mantras [sometimes] contain a mixture [of sounds including] 'aum' that are 
given for auspicious purposes.  Another thing is this: that women are pro-
hibited from practicing japa with a aumkara-yukta mantra (a mantra con-
joined with 'aum').  Wherever at the beginning there is the purusha [male] 
mantra 'aum', then instead women should apply the sound 'shri'.

Bhagavan Shankara [Lord Shiva] giving instruction to Parvati on japa ex-
plained that for women aumkara-sahita mantra ka japa ['aum'-connected 
mantra] can be like poison and for happiness they should only do japa 
without aumkara.  Due consideration should be given that Shankar-ji gave 
this information to his own wife.  If aumkara is beneficial for a woman to 
do, why would he [Lord Shiva himself] instruct his own wife against the 

Jai Guru Dev


Dr. Michael Dean Goodman

• Ph.D. counselor • Relationship coach (The Relationship Doctor) 
• Spiritual teacher (raja yoga, meditation, tantra, Self-inquiry satsangs, ayur 
veda, kirtan performer) • International workshop leader • Speaker • Author
• Performing musician • Photographer
• Director: The Relationship Institute
• Director: PARA - The Center for Realization
• Co-Director: PremYoga Center
• Director: Drums for Life (music therapy)
West Palm Beach  Boca Raton, FL - and - Fairfield, IA
561-350-3930 • tan...@cheerful.com • Facebook

[FairfieldLife] Misuse of 'Om' As a Mantra for Householders - by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2013-10-24 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 should feel 
peace and happiness in life.  If you are not feeling peace and happi-
ness you should be wise enough to doubt the correctness of your 
devotion, you should be wise enough to think that your method of de-
votion is wrong, that the mantras that you are repeating do not suit you.

The mantras that suit the sanyasis can never suit the householders.  
Hundreds of God-loving  God-fearing families have been ruined due 
to the destructive effects of sanyasa mantra 'om'.  'Om' destroys de-
sires and also destroys the objects of desires and therefore it produces 
calmness of mind and renunciation and detachment from material life 
only to sanyasis when they repeat 'om'; to them it brings the experience 
of peace of mind and from this experience they generally recommend 
the chanting of 'om' to their followers.  

But when a householder repeats 'om', he experiences that as long as 
he is repeating 'om' he feels peace of mind, but when he comes out to 
indulge in business or household work, he finds that the air is against 
his desire and schemes.  The silencing effect on the mind and destruc-
tive effects in material life, both are experienced side by side.

Some people say that we should ignore material life in regard to the 
devotional practices and mantras.  But this is a fool's ideology.  Can you 
possibly ignore the considerations of material life, when the mantras do 
affect it?

Select a path which will make you happier in your material life also.  Do 
not live in a fool's paradise.  Do not think that your sufferings end miseries 
of today will work as reservations in the galleries of heaven for tomorrow.  
Be peaceful and happy in the present and try to make this state perma-
nent.  This is the path of deliverance in life, jivan-mukti [liberation while 
living], the most exalted state in human existence, the state of abiding 
peace and eternal bliss.

And this you are entitled to have through correct and suitable sadhana 
[spiritual practice].  And because the mantras play an important role in 
the field of sadhana, you must be very very careful in the selection of the 
mantra.  The theory of mantras is the theory of sound.  It is most scien-
tific and natural.  

Ladies should never repeat any mantra beginning with 'om'.  The pro-
nunciation of 'om' is like fire to the ladies.  This is the practical 
of many devoted ladies who repeated 'om namah Shivaya' ['om' is the 
name of Shiva] or 'om namo Narayanaya' ['om' is the name of Narayana - 
a form of Vishnu] or 'om namo bhagavate Vasudevaya' ['om' is the name 
of Lord Vasudeva - a form of Krishna] or any such mantra beginning with 

It cannot be God's wish that you should suffer in your devotion to him.  
Do not cling to the unhelpful mantras.  The moment you find you have 
got into the wrong train, it is wise to get down from it as soon as possible.  
It is foolish to stick on to the wrong train and go wherever it takes you.

I hold that the devotees of the almighty God should not suffer at all.  
That is the fundamental condition of the path to eternal bliss.  I hold that 
bliss or happiness should increase at every step till we get into the realm 
of eternal happiness.  I hold that the devotees of the God should enjoy 
peace and happiness at every stage, because He is the fountainhead of 
all peace and happiness.  It cannot be that our march toward the light 
should at any stage increase the darkness before us.  The march 
toward the anant anandam must give the experience of increase of 
anandam [bliss] at every step and in every walk of life.

The devotee of the Almighty cannot suffer.  If he is found to suffer, he 
cannot be said to be a devotee of God.  It pains me when I find people 
suffering in the name of God and devotion.  I offer an open invitation to 
such aspirants and seekers of God.  I invite them to come out of their 
miserable devotion, and step into the peaceful, blissful chambers of 
sadhana, blessed and illumined by the divine radiance of Shri Guru 
Deva.  I invite them to put an end to their sufferings  peacelessness 
and crown their day-to-day life with success, peace, and joy.  Do not 
waste time and life.  Life is to enjoy.  So come on to the field of all joy.  
The gates of all glories of life are open for you.  Make hay when the 
sun shines.  Avail the opportunity in hand and enjoy life to the fullest.

Jai Guru Dev


Dr. Michael Dean Goodman
• Ph.D. counselor • Relationship coach (The Relationship Doctor) 
• Spiritual teacher (raja yoga, meditation, tantra, Self-inquiry satsangs, 
ayur veda, kirtan performer) • International workshop leader • Speaker 
• Author • Performing musician • Photographer
• Director: The Relationship Institute
• Director: PARA - The Center for Realization
• Co-Director: PremYoga Center
• Director: Drums for Life (music therapy)
West Palm Beach  Boca Raton, FL - and - Fairfield, IA
561-350-3930 • tan...@cheerful.com • Facebook

[FairfieldLife] Stages of Samadhi in Patanjali's Maharishi's Teaching (was The Spiritual Who Radiate Help)

2012-04-01 Thread Dr. Michael Dean Goodman

[FairfieldLife] Stages of Samadhi in Patanjali's Maharishi's Teaching

2012-04-01 Thread Dr. Michael Dean Goodman
Sorry - this came through very garbled the first time.
Here's a resend with the formatting fixed, I hope. 
I deleted the first one.

  Garland Ph.D, the Quantum Energy Doc gs66214@ wrote:

  I remember an audio tape by MMY discussing different levels of
  samadhi in the yoga sutras, but now cannot remember any of
  those details, but it was one of the more interesting things I have
  ever heard MMY speak of. It concerned chapter 1 or 2 of the
  yoga sutras, not the chapter on sanyama. I do not recall if he
  discussed which value of samadhi was associated with sanyama.

  cardemaister replied:
  Date: Sat Mar 31, 2012

  FWIW, there are (at least?) four levels of depth(?) of saMprajñaata-
  samaadhi, according to Patañjali:
  1. vitarka
  2. vicaara
  3. aananda
  4. asmitaa

Here is a transcript of that talk that Garland refers to, followed by my
commentary mixing Maharishi's talk with appropriate quotes from
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.

Stages of Samadhi

Transcribed from a talk by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Audio #7, Hochgurgelin, 1962

...Let me conclude it by telling you, you have seen nirvikalpa
samadhi, that samadhi which is eternal.

Another type of samadhi which is not eternal, which is imper-
manent with breaks - two names we have put down: ananda-
nugat and asmitanugat. 
Ananda - that glow; and asmita - that pure consciousness.

Two types of samadhi: one is nirvikalpa - that is eternal, that
never breaks; and the other is savikalpa.  Savikalpa and nir-
vikalpa.  Savikalpa  means - that which breaks; sometimes it
comes, sometimes it breaks.  Nirvikalpa - never to break,

Savikalpa samadhi is of four types:


What is vitarkanugat?  When the mantra begins to be slow and
becomes slower and slower, this is vitarkanugat samadhi, first
state of samadhi.

Second, vicharanugat is that where the mantra ceases to be a
specific thought - it becomes only a rhythm. That is the second
state of samadhi.

And when that hum - humming sound - is also gone and you are
left in that glow, that is anandanugat, the third (type of samadhi)

And when that glow is also gone and you are left in a state which
the speech can not describe, that is just am-ness, is-ness, exis-
tence pure (the 4th state).

In this meditation you have experienced all these four types of
savikalpa samadhi, and you have begun to grow by degrees in
the nirvikalpa samadhi...

...I will describe to you two types of experience:  one is pure
consciousness and the other is bliss consciousness.

The experience of bliss consciousness is anandanugat 

And that pure consciousness is said to be asmitanugat samadhi.
Asmit means 'am', pure consciousness. Asmit and ananda.

Anandanugat samadhi, that bliss consciousness, the feeling of
that glow and just happiness.

Asmitanugat, that is samadhi that got into asmita state, state of

And when this asmitanugat samadhi becomes uninterrupted, it is
not broken up by any state of consciousness, whether wakeful,
dreaming, or deep sleep.  When the nature of the mind is pure
consciousness all the time during all experiences of wakeful state
and dreaming state and deep sleep state, then that samadhi is
called nirvikalpa samadhi. That is cosmic consciousness.

The word 'nirvikalpa' means 'uninterrupted, continuous, unbreak-
able, eternal, ever lasting'.  It is called jivan mukti, life eternal,
divine life...

Jai Guru Dev

Stages of Samadhi

Maharishi's lecture summarized in outline form
With commentary from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
Edited by Dr. Michael Dean Goodman

(In each case, the first translation is from The Yoga Sutras of
Patanjali, translated by Alistair Shearer.  The second translation
is from Maharishi Patanjali Yoga Sutra, translated by Thomas
Egenes, Ph.D.)

I. Nirvikalpa samadhi (eternal, nir vikalpa no breaks, uninter-
   rupted, continuous)

When the asmita becomes uninterrupted - not broken by any
experiences of waking, dreaming, or deep sleep states of con-
sciousness - when the nature of the mind is pure consciousness
all the time.
Cosmic consciousness.  Jivan mukti (liberated jiva, eternal
divine life)

II. Savikalpa samadhi (not eternal - sa vikalpa with breaks; it
comes and goes)

Patanjali's Yoga Sutras:
1:17 - calls it samprajnata samadhi (settled state accom-
panied by mental activity) - Shearer
1:17 - calls it samprajnata samadhi (samadhi with an object
of attention) - Egenes

Four stages of savikalpa samadhi:

1st stage - Vitarka (analytical thinking, logical reasoning level)

When the mantra begins to be slow and becomes slower  slower.

Patanjali's Yoga Sutras:
1:17 - first on the gross level - Shearer
1:17 - gross mental activity - Egenes

1:42 - The 1st stage of samadhi is when the object of
attention is gross, and its name and other thoughts are
mingled together in the mind

[FairfieldLife] Why do triplets (in music) feel so good? [Was: It aint spiritual but....]

2007-11-11 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 hugheshugo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Cool! I wonder, why do triplets usually feel so good?

In the hand-drumming world (drum circles) it's held that:

1. 2's and their multiples (4's, 8's, etc.) represent masculine, yang

2. 3's (triplets) and their multiples (6's, etc.) represent feminine,
yin energy.

A local Grammy-nominated professional drummer, who teaches at drum
circles, makes this point strongly.  I don't know what his 'sources'
are, but he is quite knowledgable about the rhythms of many world

So, in a world where the pendulum has swung way too far toward masculine
energy, where feminine, goddess, Shakti energy is so needed, so desired,
so balancing and nourishing - it would make sense that (at least to some
people) triplets would feel really good.



Dr. Michael Dean Goodman
Publisher, SE Florida Drum Circle Newsletter

PARA - The Center for Realization, Director
The Relationship Institute, Director
West Palm Beach and Boca Raton, Florida
561-350-3930 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dedicated to removing the constrictions to the full flow of life -
whether they be physical, mental/emotional, or spiritual - and to
the unfoldment of peace, freedom, awareness, love, and ecstasy

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Free initial consultation to discuss your needs and goals

[FairfieldLife] The Creation Hymn - Rig Veda 10:129:1-7 [was: Question for Cardemeister]

2007-10-31 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 is it?

Whose choice?  Who controlled the mind?  The question was interesting.



Michael Dean Goodman, Ph.D.
The PremYoga Center, Co-Director
PARA - The Center for Realization, Director
The Relationship Institute, Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dedicated to removing the constrictions to the full flow of life -
whether they be physical, mental/emotional, or spiritual - and to
the unfoldment of peace, freedom, awareness, love, and ecstasy

Spiritual guide (ashtanga yoga/meditation, tantra, vedanta, ayur veda)
Counselor * Life Coach * Speaker/Educator * Author
Private Sessions * Classes * Workshops  Retreats * Satsangs (Self-inquiry)
Clients and programs throughout the United States, Europe, and India
Working in person or by phone
Free initial consultation to discuss your needs and goals

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 Rick Archer wrote:

 It seems that no matter how clearly someone relates an experience,
 you misunderstand it.  Michael just related the time Muktananda
 visited MMY, and at one point in the evening, sat next to MMY on
 his couch and hugged him.  Hundreds of people were there and it was
 videotaped. I saw the tape myself. Re-read what Michael wrote –
 several times – and maybe it'll become clearer.

Richard, Rick is correct in what he says here to you.  I am clear with
my words, and said exactly what I meant to say in my telling of the
story of the meeting of Maharishi and Swami Muktananda.  Your extrapo-
lation of my words, bending them into something very different, is in-
deed strange!  Please CAREFULLY re-read what I wrote.

Richard, I've never said anything remotely like what you've repeated-
ly attributed to me.  I've let it pass for days, thinking that you'd
drop it, but you continue to repeat your bizarre interpretation of my
story, and to plaster my name along with it - so you've inspired this
note.  I'll correct your errors below.

 Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] replied:

 But according to Mr. Goodman, he never once,
 despite having spent years in the upper echelons
 of the TMO, and countless hours in the presence
 of the Marshy, never once saw anyone wrap the
 Marshy in a hug, sit down next to him, or snuggle
 up against the Marshy, but you and the others are
 convinced that the Marshy took to bed countless
 female students over a number of years for the
 purpose of sexual gratification.

 Rick Archer wrote:

 It's clear from Michael's account that Muktananda hugged him as a
 fellow yogi.

Richard, Rick is mostly correct - although I'd say he hugged him as a
'force of nature', as a 'cosmic polarity', rather than simply as 'an-
other yogi'.  The main point is that I didn't even remotely hint at any
kind of mundane, individual sexual energy in that scene.  Cosmic 'sex-
ual energy' - yes, in the sense of the cosmic duality of silence and
activity, Shiva and Shakti, yin and yang, fullness moves, emptiness

 Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] replied:

 So, who are you going to believe, Rick - Michael Dean
 Goodman and dozens of others, who spent years with
 the Marshy, in his room or outside his door, who all
 said they never saw Marshy hug anyone, or one or two
 disgruntled back-sliders who said they saw Marshy
 hug many female students?
 In your case, you obviously believe the few disgruntled.

I've never claimed to have ...spent years with the Marshy, in his room
or outside his door.  Richard, you just MADE THAT UP!!!

I was too busy working at my job on International Staff, or on my assign-
ments on projects out in the world, or diving deep within on courses.  I
have no direct perceptual knowledge of what Maharishi did in his room -
one way or the other.  [I am not supporting what Rick claims to have
been told - just saying that I wasn't in a position to personally know.
Very few people were.]

I never said that I never once saw anyone wrap the Marshy in a hug, sit
down next to him, or snuggle up against the Marshy in the vastly expand-
ed way that you've chosen to interpret it.  My meaning was clear: in lec-
ture halls or group meetings, in the places where I and most people saw
Maharishi, whether live or on videotape, in those thousands of hours that
most of us could witness Maharishi's behavior, I don't remember ever see-
ing anyone sit down next to Maharishi, or touch him, or hug him.  Again,
I wasn't privy to what Maharishi did in private, and I made no comment

I call Maharishi by the name he uses to speak of himself.  This is com-
mon courtesy.  To change someone's name (to shorten it, make it 'cutesy',
or whatever - as in 'The Marshy') is usually the mark of strongly-gripped
individual ego - either to show off, or to appear more intimate than we
actually are, or to put someone down, or to express anger in a childish
way.  Maharishi is my Master; for me, he delivered; I'm delighted with
where he's guided me.  I don't want my name and words to be associated
with strange, disrespectful versions of his name, like you've invented.

It would be like my calling you (Richard Williams) 'the Rich/hard [boy
who] Wills yams', or 'Willytex', or any such nonsense, over and over,
just to show off how clever my individual intellect is at word-play or
at disrespecting you.  I could demean you in that way to score a few
ego points - but what a waste of human intellect and heart!

In conclusion, please stop twisting my words - and using my name -
to make some point that is important to you.  And please stop as-
sociating me with your disrespectful word games.  I resent being
used!  At least without consent.  ;)



Michael Dean Goodman, Ph.D.
The PremYoga Center, Co-Director
PARA - The Center for Realization, Director
The Relationship Institute, Director

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-27 Thread Michael Dean Goodman

And the contrast was very clear - Swami Muktananda manifesting
his power through activity (forceful speech, moving his disciples
about, group chanting, animated gestures) and Maharishi manifest-
ing his power through silence and non-movement.  Almost like the
polarity of Goddess Shakti and Lord Shiva, the two great polar
opposite fields of life.

The polarity of this silence and activity was intense.  Obviously,
something had to give.  And, at a certain moment late in the even-
ing, right in the middle of saying something to or about Maharishi,
Swami Muktananda abruptly stopped talking, quickly got up, sat down
right next to Maharishi on his couch, and hugged him in a big bear-
hug.  Everyone, the followers of both Masters, were shocked and
amazed, and the room became VERY agitated!  Suddenly, people were
up out of their seats, moving about, taking pictures of the two
Masters, talking, etc.  The silence, the chanting, etc. were obvi-
ously over.  To the best of my knowledge, no guest had ever sat down
next to Maharishi on his couch, nor snuggled up against him, nor
wrapped him in a hug!

Maharishi didn't seem upset, and didn't look any more uncomfortable
than you'd be if you'd been deep in silence and somebody bounced
down onto the couch next to you and grabbed you.  Maharishi didn't
appear to try and pull away or get up.  The two of them exchanged a
few private words in the midst of this chaos, then both arose and
exited the meeting hall together, leaving the room in turmoil.

Some of Muktananda's followers, in their enthusiasm, and stirred up
by the excited energy of what had just happened, not aware of the
normal etiquette, rushed for the door to follow their Master, liter-
ally climbing over chairs.  The men from my course waited a few min-
utes for the chaos to settle down and the exits to clear, and then
we eventually got back on our bus and rode an hour back to our quiet
hotel on the other side of the lake where we spent our days deep in

The consensus among us was that we'd just seem something cosmic and
powerful.  Some incredible tension (not of a negative nature) had
been generated, and eventually burst into that final action by Swami

When Maharishi came to visit with us the next day on our course, we
asked him about what we'd seen.  We said that it had looked like
the meeting of an immovable object with an irresistible force, or
something like that.  Maharishi confirmed that.  He said that it
was a matter of which one of them was going to move to the other,
and that we had seen activity magnetized to pounce on silence.

He implied that silence was always the most irresistible, and with
a twinkle in his eye he said that Swami Muktananda had ultimately
succumbed to that irresistibility.  There was the implication that
something deep, something invincible, had been revealed to us in
that exchange between these two great souls, something about the
power of silent Being, and that's what he had invited us there to

Never having seen Maharishi touched, especially so enthusiastical-
ly and explosively, we asked him something naive like Wasn't it
strange to have someone touching you like that - how do you main-
tain your purity?  [In retrospect our question was kind of silly,
and reflective of our own spiritual misunderstanding, since Maha-
rishi was not reclusive or disconnected from the world - quite the
opposite, he was so dynamically involved in the world of activity
in those days - much more than most of us ever will be.]  Maharishi
replied: I just stayed on my Self, which seemed to answer more
than we had asked.



Michael Dean Goodman, Ph.D.
The PremYoga Center, Co-Director
PARA - The Center for Realization, Director
The Relationship Institute, Director
International Governor, World Government of the Age of Enlightenment
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dedicated to removing the constrictions to the full flow of life -
whether they be physical, mental/emotional, or spiritual - and to
the unfoldment of peace, freedom, awareness, love, and ecstasy

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[FairfieldLife] Maharishi on Brahman [was: So Judy..what's Samadhi like?]

2007-07-08 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 not labelable.  Only
koans do it justice, by turning off 'HAL' - the conceptualizer, the
labeler, the individual intellect.  Tat padam darshitam yena - by which
the sign of That has been revealed.  We can only deal here in signs, in

I've found it valuable to read that famous Brahman koan/quote of Maha-
rishi's over and over, until any temptation to defy one of its state-
ments in conceptualizing Brahman is transcended.

[Oh, I'm sure someone will post some sentence where I apparently broke
my own rule.  ;)   What can we do in with relative language?!]

Maharishi's words from SCI #8 (everyone's all-time favorite SCI tape):

When existence becomes conscious, then intelligence becomes intelligent...
on its way to playing the role of creative intelligence.

When existence (sat, Absolute) becomes conscious (chit) or able to curve
back on its Self - then intelliGENCE (a flat quality inherent in fullness)
becomes intelliGENT (an awakened quality ready to act - like a flame that
does not flicker in a windless place)...on its way to playing the role
of ('playing a role' = hint of maya) creative intelligence (and the whole
apparent creation springs forth).  [Only to finally have the bliss of wak-
ing back up, coming out of the field of delusion, of curving back onto its
Self, of coming back home (ananda).]

Ask yourself, when existence becomes conscious, where was Brahman then?
Was Brahman not around?  Does Brahman depend on the emergence of the
conscious quality of existence?  Does Brahman come and go?  Or is Brah-
man there regardless of whether existence is conscious or not?  If so,
then Brahman is totally unrelated to the manifestation of consciousness.
 From Maharishi's quote, Brahman is not dependent on either the presence
of, the absence of, or the relationship of, the Absolute and the relative.

So The Knower is neither Absolute Pure Consciousness, nor Absolute Pure
Unconsciousness, nor the continuum of both, nor the absence of both.  The
Knower is The Knower - not dependent on any activity or lack thereof, any
quality or lack thereof.

These concepts to try and understand or grasp Brahman, although soothing
and perhaps even useful to the intellect, eventually must be let go of.

If it has any essential nature, then it would have to include becoming
aware of its Self, AND ALSO not becoming aware of itself.  If it's
Wholeness, Totality, it has to contain both sides of anything.  That's
the problem - as soon as you start to describe Brahman with any quality,
you have to include that quality's opposite.  The attempt to define or
label or understand Brahman subtly implies that you can stand back from
it and know it (as a kind of object of your perception or awareness).
Then You (the labeler or definer of Brahman, the one who understands
Brahman) must be the REAL Brahman, and that which you're explaining is
a false Brahman, a conception of Brahman.

Only Brahman can understand Brahman - and then it's not talking.  ;)
[Of course, to apply my own rule, if Brahman can understand Brahman,
then Brahman also contains the ability to completely NOT understand
Brahman.  If it has full awareness, then it must also have full dull-
ness.  Maya is born.  So as soon as you try to attach any quality to
Brahman, the whole mess emerges!]

First it knows its deludedness, its hiding value. (W/D/S)
Then it knows its Self in its silent, infinite, never-changing, Absolute
quality (CC).
Then it knows its Self in its active, manifest, unbounded, ever-changing,
relative quality (GC).
Now it has known the full range of its Mind.
Then it integrates the two extremes of its Self into one samhita, one
unified Self (with its silent and active aspects interpenetrating each
other), with boundaries seen in terms of the boundless. (UC)
Finally it knows its Self as not Absolute, not relative, not both of
them together, not neither of them - as The Knower.  (Brahman)

For Wholeness to be wholeness, for Totality to be totality, it must
contain all possibilities: Absolute, relative, both, neither, more
than the sum of the parts, less than the sum of the parts, conscious-
ness, unconsciousness, pure awareness, pure dullness, knowingness,
non-knowingness, body, no body, existence, non-existence, fullness,
emptiness...  But, in knowing its Self, if it knows any of these
qualities of its Self, rather than its Self as Wholeness, then that
quality springs forth, along with its opposite, and Wholeness is on
the move, Wholeness turns into Unity, etc.



Michael Dean Goodman, Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dedicated to removing the constrictions to the full flow of life -
whether they be physical, mental/emotional, or spiritual - and to
the unfoldment of peace, freedom, awareness, love, and ecstasy

Spiritual guide (ashtanga yoga/meditation, tantra, vedanta, ayur veda)
Counselor * Life Coach * Speaker

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Brahman

2007-07-08 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
  Michael Dean Goodman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Then came his famous quote about Brahman - these were his exact words:
 Like the Absolute IS, Brahman is NOT.
  Brahman is not the Absolute.
  Brahman is not the relative.
  Brahman is not both of them together.
  Brahman is not neither of them.
  Brahman is The Knower.

  authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  MMY really quoted Nagarjuna's Four Negations?

I don't know; in that talk he did not mention Nagarjuna that I remember.
He could have been quoting him.
He could have been quoting his own teacher.
He could have been speaking from his own simple, direct experience.
I have no way of knowing.

I think the really key thing here is NOT the four negations themselves,
but what Maharishi put before and after them, to put them in context,
to reveal through his commentary the core meaning, to compassionately
give us some hints that help us solve the riddle.

  Good for him. When and where was this, Michael?

Somewhere in Switzerland or France, between 1972 and 1978.
I'd have to spend many hours looking through a big stack of old course 
notebooks to be more precise.  But the words were so profound that they
were etched into my memory, and over the past few years I went back and
checked them in my notes to make sure I haven't transmuted them over time.

  The phrase I find most useful in stopping myself from trying to
  conceptualize Brahman is that it is One without a second.

Yes, It is one without a second AND it is all the seconds conceivable!
There just is no expression that does it justice.
The expressions are just the intellect trying to get a handle on It.
It's a fun pastime, isn't it? - As long as we don't take it too seriously.



Michael Dean Goodman, Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dedicated to removing the constrictions to the full flow of life -
whether they be physical, mental/emotional, or spiritual - and to
the unfoldment of peace, freedom, awareness, love, and ecstasy

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi on Brahman

2007-07-08 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
  Michael Dean Goodman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Maharishi observes that:
  The 1st mandala of Rig Veda is about Wholeness, Brahman.
  The 10th mandala is about Purusha, the Absolute.
  They are distinct.  They are not the same.  If they were, they wouldn't
  need their own mandalas.
  (The other 8 mandalas are about the 8-fold nature of Prakriti, the rel-
  ative - ego, intellect, mind, 5 senses.)

  BillyG answered:

  Beautiful point, one not often understood...here's the analogy to
  explaining the difference between Brahman, Purusha and Prakriti.

  Let's say Brahman represents a white light from the Sun, and Prakriti
  a *blue* crystal ball set in that light. Once the white light of the
  Sun (Brahman) enters the blue crystal ball it becomes a luminescent
  blue color, that is the Purusha, circumscribed by the limitations of
  the crystal ball, but still essentially unchanged Brahman.

  That is the difference between Brahman the unqualified Absolute.
  Purusha, immanent (all-pervading) *in* Creation as the Personal God
  Consciousness. And Prakriti or Mother Nature, hence the saying, the
  only begotten of the Father.

  Brahman is the Father. (UC)
  Prakriti is the Mother.
  Purusha is the Son or the only begotten of the Father. (GC  CC)

  Father, Son and Holy Spirit...now imagine the blue crystal ball to
  be our Solar System, get the idea?

Thank you for your beautiful, and thought-provoking, vision.
I have two questions about it:


You said:

  Brahman is the Father. (UC)
  Prakriti is the Mother.
  Purusha is the Son or the only begotten of the Father. (GC  CC)

What happened to Prakriti, the Mother?  She doesn't get investigated
in any state of consciousness?  Her realm, her importance, is so in-
significant?  [It's not nice to make Mother angry.]

2. GOD

The Status of God
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Meditation Guides Course
Bad Mergentheim, Germany, December 1964

This world was as it was, it is as it is, and it will be, under the in-
fluence of that Almighty who is the presiding deity of the Absolute and
relative - both fields of life.  He is God.  He is someone who is mys-
terious, something other than the Absolute and other than the relative,
yet commanding the Absolute and the relative.  Pervading the relative is
the existence of God, the power of God, God Himself.  He stands somewhere
between the manifest state and the unmanifest state, presiding over both.

How does Maharishi's use of these terms correspond to your use?



Michael Dean Goodman, Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dedicated to removing the constrictions to the full flow of life -
whether they be physical, mental/emotional, or spiritual - and to
the unfoldment of peace, freedom, awareness, love, and ecstasy

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[FairfieldLife] The 3 Fields of Life - His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 21 June 2007

2007-06-25 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 received it.  Enjoy the glory of
Guru Dev and bless the world.

 Jai Guru Dev


  * Guru Purnima: the full moon in July/August, which is dedicated to the full-
ness of Total Knowledge, the fullness of the Guru.

** Guru Dev, His Divinity Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, Shankaracharya of Jyo-
tir Math, Himalayas, Maharishi's Master.




Michael Dean Goodman, Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dedicated to removing the constrictions to the full flow of life -
whether they be physical, mental/emotional, or spiritual - and to
the unfoldment of peace, freedom, awareness, love, and ecstasy

Spiritual guide (ashtanga yoga/meditation, tantra, vedanta, ayur veda)
Counselor * Life Coach * Speaker/Educator * Author
Private Sessions * Classes * Workshops  Retreats * Satsangs (Self-inquiry)
Clients and programs throughout the United States, Europe, and India
Working in person or by phone
Free initial consultation to discuss your needs and goals

[FairfieldLife] On the Origins of Valentine's Day

2007-02-14 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 the Middle Ages, the tradition involved men and women exchanging
cards which contained love dedications or even marriage proposals, each
highly decorative, hand-made, and personally designed.  The sender then,
as now, was told to never sign the card, as it was considered to bring
bad luck.  This idea of a secret admirer has long charmed lovers.

By the 1780's, specially printed cards for Valentine's Day were just be-
coming common.  They were a big hit in Germany where they were called
Freundschaft-karten, or friendship cards.

Love divination games were very popular during the Victorian period for
young lovers.  There are many divination rituals and games.  One of the
most popular involved the potential lover writing the name of their fa-
vorite persons on pieces of paper and sealing each in clay and dropping
the pieces of clay into a bowl of water.  The first clay to rise to the
surface, when opened, revealed the name of their future sweetheart or
Valentine.  Sending a gift to then person was the next step towards
revelation and happiness in love.

Many different flowers are also associated with this day, as tokens of
love or romance.  In Europe it was believed that the saffron-colored
crocus had the power to attract the attention of a lover - especially
if worn in the buttonhole.

It was also believed that, in order to have dreams of her future hus-
band on Valentine's night, a girl should place fresh bay leaves under
her pillow.

In America and England it was traditionally believed that a young girl
is able to tell what sort of man she will marry by the first bird she
sees on Valentine's Day.  Each bird has an association with a profes-
sion or type of character but yellow birds in general are thought to be
extremely lucky if seen in flight or perched nearby on this day.  The
following mystical birds are traditionally identified with St. Valen-
tine's Day:

   BlackbirdA clergyman, spiritual
   Robin Redbreast  A sailor, nautical man
   Goldfinch (or any yellow bird)   A rich man
   Sparrow  A farmer, man of agricultural, man
of the country
   Bluebird A happy man
   CrossbillAn argumentative man
   Dove A good man
   Woodpecker   No husband!

It is said that if a young girl sees a hen and a cockerel together at the
same time on this day, it indicates that she will marry the next year. The
number of animals seen at the same time will indicate how many months will
pass before this happens.



Michael Dean Goodman, Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 (messages received 24 hours a day) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Spiritual guide (ashtanga yoga/meditation, tantra, vedanta, ayur veda...)
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Clients and programs throughout the United States, Europe, and India
Working in person or by phone
Free initial consultation to discuss your needs and goals

[FairfieldLife] Thinking, Feeling, Myness, Amness, Isness (was: TM-Sidhis practice)

2007-02-13 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 Posted by: authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[big snip of layers of previous conversation on this topic]

 Could be.  At any rate, I just remembered it's I-ness,
 Am-ness, and Is-ness.  No me-ness!
 You may well be right that Being follows Is-ness.

Please refer to:

Weekly Meeting Audio Tapes
Volume 1, Tape 3, Side 1
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Thinking, Feeling, Myness, Amness, Isness
22 minutes

I just made the following notes while re-listening to the tape;
the words are Maharishi's exact words [unless they are in brackets
like this].  These are notes - not a word-for-word transcript.

Maharishi: ...Again I'm reminded of some vedic hymns, which describe
that the (it's a very beautiful thing) describes...all this teaching
we verify on the basis of our everyday life.  It's so simple, and yet
so beautiful and elevating, because it's the Truth of existence.

Each is based on the previous level.
[previous = further down the page]:

All that the senses perceive are based on the senses.

Senses are based on the mind.

Mind, thinking
a. 1st level of conscious mind

Emotions, feeling, heart (hridi)
a. 2nd level of conscious mind (more refined, less active)

Mine (e.g. my body, my house), individual existence, myness, my security
a. 3rd level of conscious mind (even more refined, even less active)

Amritam (immortality), Amness
Individual existence
Individuality, continuity of I
a. Even more refined, even less active
b. Closer to 'me' - cause it's my own
e. My life
f. Immortality, immortal level of life

Brahmani, Brahman, Isness
Universal existence
The universe IS
The Absolute, universality, ultimate reality, transcendental reality,
the totality
a. Most silent
b. Beyond 'me'
c. My Self is that Isness - is an experience in unity
d. That alone is - omnipresent
When that 'I' has cognized that 'I am that isness', 'amness is that
isness', the ultimate reality becomes the living reality of day-to-day
e. On the basis of universal existence, all life in the cosmos
f. Also immortality, immortal level of life
Unboundedness, infinity
At this level, all the levels of the mind have been comprehended by
the conscious mind.
All these different levels exist within the conscious mind, but all
must open to the obvious level of the conscious mind.



Michael Dean Goodman, Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 (messages received 24 hours a day) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Spiritual guide (ashtanga yoga/meditation, tantra, vedanta, ayur veda...)
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Satsang * Workshops  Retreats * Classes * Private Educational Sessions
Clients and programs throughout the United States, Europe, and India
Working in person or by phone
Free initial consultation to discuss your needs and goals

[FairfieldLife] TM Teaching in Florida [was: TMorg Accounting Controls]

2007-02-08 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
, and Miami-Dade), population about 3+ million, [the same area
served by Mike] have taught around 50 over the past year according to
their figures.  I believe that this is fairly accurate because:

(a) I've seen the attendance and response at some of their intros,

(b) I've seen the number of new meditators regularly showing up at the
 weekly Sunday night group program and pot-luck social that I some-
 times attend (which averages about 20 people a week);

(c) The local teachers have reported to me (1) when they've had courses
 and (2) how many have started in each course, (in response to pri-
 vate inquiries I've made to them), so the numbers are not some vague

Putting their numbers together with these other methods of verification
leads me to believe that the number (50 in the past year) is accurate.

Plus just in the past six months they've had about 25 sidhas and gover-
nors take a weekend residence (sidhi refresher course with TM-sidhis
teachers), about 6 meditators take the TM-sidhis course (with the final
block in Fairfield), about 20 local siddhas travel to Fairfield for var-
ious lengths of time to be part of the Invincible America program, and
one local adult meditator move in September to Fairfield to attend MUM
to finish her bachelor's degree and stay for a graduate degree in ayur
vedic medicine.  Two of my counseling clients were recently initiated,
and another half dozen of my clients, students, and friends are ready
to learn.  These are all middle-class working people and the course fee
didn't phase them.  A few took advantage of the Citibank financing op-
tion: no payments for 9 months, then around 5-6% interest with monthly
payment.  (Everything I've reported in this paragraph I've personally
witnessed or verified.)

In that same time period I've heard of absolutely no activity from Mike.

So it seems that the local TM teachers are teaching around 8 times the
number of people that Mike does, plus they are offering regular, sub-
stantial follow-up activities (educational, social) which Mike doesn't.

My conclusion, based on living right here where all this is happening:
Mike Scozzari and his local meditation activities are a fantasy.
Please stop spreading misinformation about him and let him be.



Michael Dean Goodman, Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 (messages received 24 hours a day) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Spiritual guide (ashtanga yoga/meditation, tantra, vedanta, ayur veda...)
Counselor * Author * Speaker/Educator
Satsang * Workshops  Retreats * Classes * Private Educational Sessions
Clients and programs throughout the United States, Europe, and India
Working in person or by phone
Free initial consultation to discuss your needs and goals

[FairfieldLife] Re: VOOMM Memo

2006-12-20 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 or condemning the TM organization's turning
you down for the IA program.  I'm not judging or analyzing or commenting
on their actions.  We have very little (probably no) control over the
actions of others - although we CAN often predict them.

What we DO have control over is our own actions.
Don't get me wrong; I don't begrudge you any of your activities, nor
judge you to be wrong in doing them.  I, myself, explore and teach a
lot of stuff.  But don't tell me that you were not able to anticipate
the reception you got from the TM organization!  I take full responsi-
bility for my explorations and their potential consequences.  Just read
the list of your own activities above and take responsibility for the
choices you've made - both in the activities you participate in and
teach, and in the ways you promote yourself - and for the predictable
reception that you got, and stop whining and pretending to be a victim.

2. You say I'm going to pursue the dome on other levels.

That's a good idea, but probably not the way you meant it (e.g. letters,
legal action about religious prejudice, etc.)

If you can get past your bruised ego, and your desire for revenge or
power - you might consider the following:

What was your original motive in applying to be in the dome?
Wasn't it to contribute to world peace?

Then how can the TM organization have any power over your ability to
still do that?
They don't!

We know that there are various TM meditation groups around Fairfield;
in fact, some people do their program out in Vedic City, miles away
from the domes, and they are still considered part of the big program.
So the super-radiance effect obviously extends far out past the walls
of the domes.  So why not physically put yourself near the domes -
like in a rental room or apartment or house, or even in your parked car
on a public street - and do your program at the same time as everyone
in the domes?  Or join that publicly-accessible program hall set up in
by David Hawthorne in some office building in town, not very far from
the domes, and contribute to the world peace effort there.

Lou, it feels like you are giving away your power - and then getting
angry at them - the people you gave it to!

Take back your power, let go of your hurt feelings, and take action
to fulfill your original desire.  It's not too late.



Michael Dean Goodman, Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 (messages received 24 hours a day) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Spiritual guide (ashtanga yoga/meditation, tantra, vedanta, ayur veda...)
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Clients and programs throughout the United States, Europe, and India
Working in person or by phone
Free initial consultation to discuss your needs and goals

[FairfieldLife] Rtam bhara pragya

2006-09-17 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
  Someone asked:

  What is the TM/MMY-approved sanskrit word for intellect?

In response, choices were offered: buddhi and pragya.

Buddhi = intellect

Pragya = sprouting (pra) of knowledge (gya - as in 'gyan')

Rtam bhara pragya = that most subtle level where knowledge sprouts (1st
appears) in only its radiant state of truth, where name and form are not
yet separate, where knowledge is immediate and pure (not yet separated
from the source), where intellect has hardly become individuated, where
there is no gap between desiring to know something and knowing it, where
the knowledge is, as if, inherent in the question or desire itself.

Dr. Pete asked about how that rtam is experienced:

It can be experienced in at least two ways:

1. When a specific desire for knowledge arises and is instantly and com-
pletely fulfilled - no gap, no waiting, no partial answer, no lack.
Complete identity of question/desire and answer/fulfillment.

2. As a more general experience of omniscience, of being omniscient, of
sitting in that place where all knowledge is available, as you need
it (even if no specific question/desire is arising at that moment).

Maharishi Patanjali lists this second one as one of the final siddhis
in the Yoga Sutras - the siddhi of omniscience and omnipotence (III-50).

But first a little preface, before Patanjali takes the stage:

Maharishi once told us an interesting thing.  He said (paraphrased):

It's not difficult to be established in the Self, sitting in some cave
in the Himalayas.  It's all silence there, nothing challenges the Self.
But the real test of how well-established the Self is - is if it is
maintained while you're sitting in a dirty taxi, stuck in a traffic
jam in Manhattan, behind a fume-belching bus.  Self-realization, he
said, has to be tested, tempered, in the world of activity.  Only
then will the fear of losing it be dissolved.  We have to see that
nothing in the relative - no negativity, no emotion, no thought, no
activity, no 'impurity', no pleasure, no pain - can challenge it.

That's one motive for the expansion that leads Self-realization to ma-
ture in God-realization (C.C. to G.C.) - to test the stability of the
silent Self, to see if there's anything, any experience, that can bring
it down.  And the ultimate test is to experience the biggest possible
experience, the experience of God/Goddess.  Can the gripping power of
that ultimate experience - that vastness, that divinity, that bliss,
that intensity of activity, that fullness of power (omnipotence), that
fullness of knowledge (omniscience) - challenge the Self?

For an example of an overshadowing knowledge experience:
Picture in the Gita, when Arjuna asks Lord Krishna to show Arjuna His
true nature, His real form.  Krishna opens His mouth and reveals to
Arjuna the vision of the whole creation - infinite universes, every
relative value from the darkest to the lightest, life/death, creation/
destruction...  Imagine having that experience and not being oversha-
dowed.  To Arjuna, at that stage of his journey to full realization
at the hands of Lord Krishna, it WAS overwhelming, and Arjuna begged
Krishna to revert to his pleasant human form.

Now think of that verse in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (III-50), toward the
end of all the siddhis, where he lays out the siddhi for omniscience
and omnipotence, the ultimate siddhi (because if you have all know-
ledge and all power you could do any other imaginable siddhi!).  The
experience of sitting in that place of omniscience and omnipotence is
the experience of being God.  You can DO anything or KNOW anything -
instantly, effortlessly, at the slightest impulse of thought/desire.
It is very tempting, very difficult to let go of, to come out of!

Yet the next verse (III-51) says: By renunciation of that (omniscience
and omnipotence) even, comes kaivalya (unity, peace)  Imagine vol- 
untarilly giving up all power and all knowledge, of not being gripped
by those, of not yielding to temptation even when offered to be God/God-
dess.  The Self, even when tempted by the ultimate in the world of boun-
daries, stands firm in its dedication to remaining Self-referral.

So the Self has to come out, play in the relative, establish it's stabi-
lity in the face of anything in the relative, in order to take the final
steps.  The tender Self eventually has to become the bold Self.  And rtam
bhara pragya is a test of that boldness.


Michael Dean Goodman, Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 (messages received 24 hours a day) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Spiritual guide (ashtanga yoga/meditation, tantra, vedanta, ayur veda...)
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Clients and programs throughout the United States, Europe, and India
Working in person or by phone
Free initial consultation to discuss

[FairfieldLife] Re: Intellect

2006-09-17 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
-less, without distinction.

2. Since wholeness is whole, it contains everything.
Therefore, the sense of I (ahamkar/ego) is there. [#1]

3. Instantaneously there must necessarily arise the opposite, the sense
of not-I.  You can't have one half of a pair of opposites without
the other - they co-exist.
If I is there, not-I is also there.
That primal pair of opposites, that continuum from I to not-I,
is the intellect (buddhi). [#2]

4. The movement of awareness back and forth, from I to not-I and
vice-versa, is the mind (manas). [#3]

5. The pathways along which that movement take place are the 5 senses -
hearing, touch, sight, taste, smell. [#4,5,6,7,8]

6. And then comes the whole creation (if anything ever was created
Maharishi said with a wink).

Maharishi said that if you pay close attention to the mechanics of how
you wake up from sleep to waking state, you will see this process un-
fold, step by step.  And that is true - layer by layer these build upon
each other, very quickly, as you transition from sleep to waking.

The great mistake of the intellect was to believe in itself, to be-
lieve that I and not-I are real, to believe that there is a relative
subject in here (I) and relative objects out there (not-I), and that
this subject I is NOT an object like all those others out there, is
not just another wave on the ocean of the Self.

And the further mistake of the intellect was to believe that it could,
by standing in that illusion, and by using processes built on that il-
lusion, bring us back home to the Truth, to Wholeness.  And it convinces
us to trust it, to put it in charge of our evolution.

So the mistake of the intellect was to believe that I am real, to
turn away from the Self, to turn and face outward, to disconnect
from the Self, to ignore the Self, to ignore Reality.  That's why it's
called ignorance.

Let's switch gears and talk on a deeper, truer level:

Language is a funny thing.

When we talk about the intellect aren't we assuming that we're talking
about the intellect of an individual?  Aren't we assuming that there are
lots of separate people, with lots of separate individual intellects?
And aren't we then asking if MY intellect will eventually come round
and correct the mistakes that it's made?  So that I can get enlight-

Then we're talking about an intellect that's not real, because the indi-
vidual ego/ahamkar that owns that intellect is not real.  And a non-
real intellect, an illusion, can not cognize the Real, the Truth.

Then we're talking about an intellect that would have to commit suicide,
that would have to come to the conclusion that it's not real, to correct
the mistakes that it's made.  Because the main mistake has been the belief
in its own reality as an independent entity.

As long as we are believing that I have an intellect, then we are be-
lieving that I am, and then we are believing in I.  But the cosmic
joke is that there's no real I that gets enlightened.  Instead, it's
the very notion of the reality of I that gets dropped; That is en-
lightenment - letting go of the illusion that I am individual, when
attention/awareness stops being absorbed in the 8-fold nature of Prak-
riti (individual localized ego, intellect, mind, senses) and shifts its
focus to the transcendental, Absolute, Self.

So who gets enlightened if I don't?
The Self stops pretending to be individual, bound, localized.
The Self wakes up to its Self.
And in that unbounded Self, the Self discovers it's own unbounded struc-
ture of cosmic ego, cosmic intellect, cosmic mind, cosmic senses.
By virtue of the Self being conscious, it is Cosmic Intellect, the One

So it turns out that there's actually ONLY ONE real intellect, the in-
tellect of The Knower.  There are no real individual intellects.




Michael Dean Goodman, Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 (messages received 24 hours a day) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[FairfieldLife] Secularized vs. vedic terminology [was: Is opening the third eye (Ajna)...]

2006-09-04 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
  Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  Yup, he [Maharishi] secularized a lot of the stuff.
  For instance, creative intelligence for Shakti.

  sparaig replied:

  I don't think he uses creative intelligence as a translation of
  Shakti. I think it's more a translation of Brahma.

 t3rinity further responded:
 I agree with Bhairitu: It [creative intelligence] is Shakti. 
  Think of this SCI lecture, where he [Maharishi] speaks about: when
  Awareness becomes aware of itself, then intelligence becomes creative.
  Here intelligence is Shiva and creativity is Shakti.  Brahma is
  more like an executive function, but he can only create because he has

For the sake of accuracy, the words used in SCI #8 actually are:

When existence becomes conscious, then intelligence becomes intelligent,
  on the way to assuming its role as creative intelligence.

So if intelligence is Shiva and creativity [creative intelligence]
is Shakti -

Let's fill in the whole sequence...there seem to be five steps or
layers or aspects:

When (1) existence becomes (2) conscious, then (3) intelligence be-
  comes (4) intelligent, on the way to assuming its role as (5) creative

(1) What is existence before it becomes conscious?
(2) What is existence once it's become conscious?
(3) What is intelligence before it becomes intelligent? [you said Shiva]
(4) What is intelligence once it's become intelligent?
(5) What is creative intelligence? [you said Shakti]



Michael Dean Goodman, Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 (messages received 24 hours a day) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[FairfieldLife] Judy says: Drop the hypocritical smile (was Re: 7750 people learned TM...)

2006-08-07 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Michael Dean Goodman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Vaj I say to you, with a big smile on my face:

[huge snip]

 Ya know, Michael, you really could stand to drop the
 big smile thing when you know you're about to tear
 somebody (albeit deservedly) into little shreds, at
 least unless you make it clear it isn't a *friendly*
 smile but one of anticipation, i.e., that you're
 looking forward to the tearing process.
 Otherwise it makes you look very unpleasantly
 hypocritical, which rather tends to detract from the
 effectiveness of your tirade.


There is a principle in the martial arts, that whoever strikes first
loses.  Because to strike at another takes you off your center, re-
your imbalance, and opens you up.  The impulse that pushes you
to take action, to strike out at another, takes you down the path of
a specific energy, a specific possibility - and takes you out of the
place of all possibilities.  A master warrior knows that as soon as
you feel that desire come up, and then yield to it and let it turn
into action, you've already lost.

I DID have a big smile on my face when I wrote that line to Vaj.  I
wasn't being hypocritical in the slightest.  Nor was the smile either
friendly or one of anticipation...of looking forward to the tearing
process.  Those are your words, reflecting the options that you con-
ceive of having in that situation.  Your choice of words reflects a lot
about your inner state.  But I wasn't feeling either of those.  I was
feeling very centered, and enjoying the cosmic inevitability of it all.

Vaj chose, foolishly, to play his game with me.  He's never done that
before.  In all these years, he's never directly responded to any post
of mine, never really commented on one, except obliquely.  But yesterday
he did, for the first time, directly engage me.  And so, like a samurai
sword master feels when some challenger steps out of their own center
and takes a few impotent swipes at him with their sword, and the samurai
master witnesses the inevitability of his own oncoming response, the fo-
cused slash of his own sword reflecting the karma of the foolish attacker
right back at him, and the master smiles at both his own centeredness,
and his opponent's blatant uncenteredness, and at the cosmic humor of the
laws of nature involved - in that way I smiled as I found myself starting
to reply to Vaj.  Try to understand that kind of smile.

My smile was actually none of your business, Judy (I don't mean that rude-
ly - just literally).  It was between Vaj and myself.  Vaj gets a rush out
of knocking people off their center, out of making people feel not-OK,
out of intimidating people.  He knew what my words with a big smile on
my face really meant.  They meant, to him, that he was not successful,
that I didn't feel off-center, or not-OK, or intimidated.  They meant,
to him, that he was not successful, and that I was not going to engage
him from that weakened position that he likes to put people in.  My
smile meant, to him, that I accepted his challenge, and since he stepped
off center to challenge me first, since he yielded to his own deep needs
and constrictions, he was going to get whooped.

And Judy, I don't remember asking you for coaching on my writing style.
I already have a wonderful editor, and use him extensively.

I know that you feel an irresistible compulsion to point out and cor-
rect situations that appear, to you, to be dishonest or hypocritical -
but what you perceived here was simply a mis-perception by you, a mis-
take.  There was NO dishonesty or hypocrisy.  Now that you know that,
I'd suggest two actions would be in order:

a. An apology to me - for shooting from the hip before you actually
inquired into and understood what was really going on.

b. A vow from you to direct your anti-dishonesty compulsion elsewhere.
Don't start with me!  You've only done that one time, years ago,
and got smashed.  Remember, she who attacks first is guaranteed
to lose.

Sincere questions are welcome; commentary on the substantive content of
my posts is welcome; non-consensual attempts to bring me into alignment
with your conception of honesty and non-hypocrisy are NOT welcome.  Be
forewarned - I have no patience for that.



Michael Dean Goodman, Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Number of people learning TM

2006-08-06 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Michael Dean Goodman had written:

 I don't know much about the whole USA, but here where I live in southeast
Florida, the two recertified teacher couples who teach in the three 
 local counties (Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade), population about
3+ million, have taught around 30 over the past year.  I know because 
 of seeing the attendance and response at some of their intros, because
 of the new meditators regularly showing up at the weekly Sunday night
 group program and pot-luck social that I sometimes attend, and because
 of the teachers' reports of when they've had courses and how many have
 started in response to private conversations I have with them.  Although
 it would be theoretically possible that they are conning me and making
 these numbers up, from both the direct evidence I've personally seen,
 and from my interaction with these teachers and sense of their integrity
 when talking privately with me - I believe my numbers to be accurate.

  shempmcgurk replied:

 So they told you specifically that between the two of them they 
 initiated around 30 during the past 12 months?  
  Or are those YOUR figures?

The former.

And it's among the four of them if you read what I wrote.  They are
two couples = four people, all active in teaching.
 If they're your figures, why don't you just ask them how many they 

They aren't.  I have.

How could you be confused about this point after reading what I wrote?

To me, the paragraph I wrote above makes it very clear that they told
me this number (30), and then I verified the number using various
methods.  For example, when I said: Although it would be theoretically
possible that they are conning me and making these numbers up... - what
sense would that make if they hadn't told me these numbers (30) and
I'd just made up these numbers myself?  Then that sentence would be non-
sensical, as would the whole explanation of how I'd verified their num-
bers.  The only reasonable reading of that sentence (and others - in
fact the whole post!) is that they told me the number 30, and I veri-
fied it from various observations.

Perhaps you're confused about my meaning because it's not a meaning
that you like, that you agree with, that you want to hear?

But in case I wasn't clear enough, I'll re-write that paragraph quoted
above to be super-explicit, and remove ANY possibility of ambiguity.
Try this new version:

 I don't know much about the whole USA, but here where I live in southeast
 Florida, the two recertified teacher couples [four people] who teach in
 the three local counties (Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade), popula-
 tion about 3+ million, have taught around 30 over the past year according
 to their figures.  I believe that this is fairly accurate because:
  (a) I've seen the attendance and response at some of their intros,
  (b) I've seen the number of new meditators regularly showing up at the
  weekly Sunday night group program and pot-luck social that I some-
  times attend,
  (c) The local teachers have reported to me (1) when they've had courses
  and (2) how many have started in each course,
(in response to private inquiries I've made to them).
 Putting their numbers together with these other methods of verification
 leads me to believe that the number (30 in the past year) is accurate.

 Although it would be theoretically possible that they are conning me and
 making up these numbers (~30 initiations in the last year), from both the
 direct evidence I've personally seen, and from my interaction with these
 teachers and my sense of their integrity when talking privately with me -
 I believe their numbers to be accurate.

 In the original post, Michael Dean Goodman said:

I still don't believe that it's important how many people are starting
TM, or that it makes any difference in terms of Maharishi's assignment
to make a shift in the trends of the world...

 shempmcgurk replied:

 You DON'T believe it's important how many people are starting TM?

 And you don't believe it makes any difference in terms of trends in 
 the world?

Were my words above unclear?  ;)

 Too bad.  I do.

Good for you - you have an opinion.
But based on what?
What's your explanation for why focussing on initiating more people
would be a better use of resources than converting more of the al-
ready-initiated into sidhas, or convincing more of the already-sidhas
to do program together, or convincing more of the already-doing-pro-
gram-together-locally that they should join big groups (like MUM), or
gathering and training groups of pundits, or even backing off of all
of this, turning the burners down, and not purifying the Earth fas-
ter than it can handle without it boiling over.

  Too bad.  I do.

Pretty terse.  No explanation.  No reasoning.  No evidence.
No exchange of ideas.  Just your proclamation.

For an explanation of my point of view, please see message #90043,
TM Course Fees and the Real Goals

[FairfieldLife] Number of people learning TM (was: Victory Beef or War?)

2006-08-05 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Thankfully the recerts (why do I think of Blade Runner and other 
 science-fiction every time I hear the term recerts?) won't have to 
 worry to much about it because no one is beating down their doors to 
 get to TM.
 Gee, I wonder how many initiations have been done in the USA since 
 the recert course...20?  30?  Hmm.

I don't know much about the whole USA, but here where I live in southeast
Florida, the two recertified teacher couples who teach in the three local
counties (Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade), population about 3+ mil-
lion, have taught around 30 over the past year.  I know because of seeing
the attendance and response at some of their intros, because of the new
meditators regularly showing up at the weekly Sunday night group program
and pot-luck social that I sometimes attend, and because of the teachers'
reports of when they've had courses and how many have started in response
to private conversations I have with them.  Although it would be theoreti-
cally possible that they are conning me and making these numbers up, from
both the direct evidence I've personally seen, and from my interaction with
these teachers and sense of their integrity when talking privately with me -
I believe my numbers to be accurate.

Plus they've had about 25 sidhas and governors take a weekend residence
course as a sidhi refresher course with TM-sidhis teachers, about 4 medi-
tators take the TM-sidhis course (with the final block in Fairfield), and
one local adult meditator moved last week to Fairfield to attend MUM to
finish her bachelor's degree and stay for graduate degrees in ayur vedic
medicine.  Two of my clients are being initiated this month - both are
middle-class working people and the course fee didn't phase them.  At
least one took advantage of the Citibank financing option: no payments
for 9 months, then around 5-6% interest with monthly payment. Everything
I've reported in this paragraph I've personally witnessed or verified.

I don't have any reason to believe that my local area is all that differ-
ent from many other areas with recertified teachers around the country.
The local teachers here, although very nice, are not masterful promoters
or organizers or speakers - so I would guess that their response is aver-
age - similar to the response in other places around the country.

So if we've had around 30 initiations this past year, you do the math
for the USA.  How many places in the U.S. have recertified teachers -

I still don't believe that it's important how many people are starting
TM, or that it makes any difference in terms of Maharishi's assignment
to make a shift in the trends of the world - but I saw apparently inna-
curate information being posted and thought I'd report what I know.



Michael Dean Goodman, Ph.D., D.D., Director
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Tantric Sexual Practices (was Urdhva-retas?)

2006-05-26 Thread Michael Dean Goodman

  Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[In response to my answer to his question about upward-directed sexual energy]

 Impressive, Michael. 

Thank you, Rick. I'll pass your appreciative energy along to those who taught

 No response immediately comes to mind other than thanks for taking the time 
  to write it.

You seemed sincere in your question, and I had some understanding and exper-
ience that directly related, so I was happy to be of some service.

 You should write a book or several.

I am - several.

 You could make mucho dinero 

I am.

 and have a lot of fun.

I am!

Life is good.

Congratulations on the impending 100,000 post breakthrough. I've been
along for the ride from the beginning. Isn't there some tradition that
after 100,000 repetitions of certain mantras (or posts), something quite
wonderful happens? ;)



Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 (24 hours) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Tantric Sexual Practices (was Urdhva-retas?)

2006-05-26 Thread Michael Dean Goodman

 Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Do you know the reason why tantriks would be interested in developing 
 such control?
 - Bhairitu

Control! - We don't need no stinkin' control!

Seriously, Bhairitu, where did you get the sense of 'control' in what
I wrote? It wasn't about control, it was about flow, expansion. It
was about relaxing from the state of orgasmic constriction and control
that most all of us imbibed unconsciously from our upbringing - family,
religious, societal, collective unconscious...

And if the reason for overcoming our constrictive orgasmic conditioning
and letting this flow develop - to see how big, how divine, how unbound-
ed we are, to experience the ecstasy of embodied God-consciousness - was
not clear from my essay, I doubt that anything more I say would make it
any clearer. Please re-read what I originally wrote, this time from the
perspective of REMOVING the old constrictions and control that we're
conditioned to experience as arousal develops, as life force flows. Look
for descriptions of the development of richer intimacy, more unity with
the cosmic flow of life, expansion till we reclaim our status as God/God-
dess. See if it makes more sense the second time around.



Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 (24 hours) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[FairfieldLife] The Lie That You Are Separate From Truth (Gangaji)

2006-05-14 Thread Michael Dean Goodman

Dear Fairfield Lifers,

For those who have long been on the path, who have long been meditating,
who have long been transcending, who have perhaps even become attached
or at least acclimated to being on the path...it is often valuable to
hear messages like the following:

The Lie That You Are Separate From Truth
Excerpt from her book: The Diamond In Your Pocket
by Gangaji

At some point in a blessed life there arises the desire for truth.
Not just my truth, but real truth, final truth, eternal truth...
But, when we see that all our sophisticated techniques are useless
in fulfilling true spiritual desire, we tend to regress to simple

We may even yell a prayer: Help me, take me, show me. This prayer
is close, but even this doesn't usually work, because we are so ab-
sorbed in our yelling that we neglect to see that what we are yelling
for is already here.

The yelling doesn't work, so we try something else. This is called
the cycle of reincarnation. It is a daily cycle, a monthly cycle, a
yearly cycle, a whole lifetime of cycling in and out, in and out, and
failing, failing, failing.

Yes, there are beautiful glimpses of truth along the way, moments of
joy, union, understanding, and wisdom. But the moment these exper-
iences end, we begin yelling again, or searching again, or trying again.

Many people misunderstand what it means to call off the search. It
does not mean to give up the desire for truth. It means to stop search-
ing for truth, and to stop relying on the mind to orchestrate how truth
will be revealed. It means to give up the arrogant belief that you will 
somehow locate truth and bring it to yourself.

This belief is based on the lie that you are separate from truth.

When this lie is believed very strongly, it creates further experiences
of the lie, until finally you recognize that all the yelling, all the
searching, all the figuring out, the gathering of more and more exper-
iences, just leave you with attention on the search rather than on what-



Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 (24 hours) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[FairfieldLife] The Holographic Universe, by Michael Talbot

2006-04-22 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 a ritual dance, was able to make an entire
grove of trees instantly vanish into thin air. Watson relates that as he
and another astonished onlooker continued to watch the woman, she caused
the trees to reappear, then click off again and on again several times in

Although current scientific understanding is incapable of explaining such
events, experiences like this become more tenable if hard reality is only
a holographic projection.

Perhaps we agree on what is there or not there because what we call
consensus reality is formulated and ratified at the level of the human
unconscious at which all minds are infinitely interconnected.

If this is true, it is the most profound implication of the holographic
paradigm of all, for it means that experiences such as Watson's are not
commonplace only because we have not programmed our minds with the beliefs
that would make them so. In a holographic universe there are no limits to
the extent to which we can alter the fabric of reality.

What we perceive as reality is only a canvas waiting for us to draw upon it
any picture we want. Anything is possible, from bending spoons with the
power of the mind to the phantasmagoric events experienced by Castaneda
during his encounters with the Yaqui brujo don Juan, for magic is our
birthright, no more or less miraculous than our ability to compute the
reality we want when we are in our dreams.

Indeed, even our most fundamental notions about reality become suspect, for
in a holographic universe, as Pribram has pointed out, even random events
would have to be seen as based on holographic principles and therefore
determined. Synchronicities or meaningful coincidences suddenly makes
sense, and everything in reality would have to be seen as a metaphor, for
even the most haphazard events would express some underlying symmetry.

Whether Bohm and Pribram's holographic paradigm becomes accepted in science
or dies an ignoble death remains to be seen, but it is safe to say that it
has already had an influence on the thinking of many scientists. And even
if it is found that the holographic model does not provide the best
explanation for the instantaneous communications that seem to be passing
back and forth between subatomic particles, at the very least, as noted by
Basil Hiley, a physicist at Birbeck College in London, Aspect's findings
indicate that we must be prepared to consider radically new views of



Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 (24 hours) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[FairfieldLife] Ancient Flying Machines - Vimanas

2006-04-22 Thread Michael Dean Goodman

Dear Fairfield Lifers,

Here's another eye-opening essay - some wild assertions and mind-boggling
possibilities about how different the past may have been than the history
that we've been taught - possibilities about flying machines, space travel,
nuclear weapons (and beyond)... Food for thought. Might help with let-
ting go of the paradigm of history that we've imbibed and our whole culture
is immersed in.



Ancient Flying Machines - Vimanas
Contributed by John Burrows
Slightly edited by Michael Dean Goodman

The vedic tradition of India tell us that we are now in the fourth age [yuga] 
of mankind - part of a never-ending cycle of flavors of time lasting about 4.3 
million years per cycle. The vedas call these four ages: The Golden Age [sat 
yuga - lasting 1.7 million years, where the average length of life is 100,000 
years], The Silver Age [treta yuga - lasting 1.3 million years, where the 
average length of life is 10,000 years], The Bronze Age [dvapara yuga - 
lasting 864,000 years, where the average length of life is 1000 years], and 
The Iron Age [kali yuga - lasting 432,000 years, where the average length of 
life is roughly 100 years].

The Vimanas

The Ramayana, part of the Itihasas of the vedic tradition, describes a vimana 
as a double-deck, circular (cylindrical) aircraft with portholes and a dome. 
It flew with the speed of the wind and gave forth a melodious sound (a humming 
noise?). Ancient Indian texts on vimanas are so numerous it would take several 
books to relate what they have to say. The ancient Indians themselves wrote 
entire flight manuals on the control of various types of vimanas, of which 
there were basically four: the shakuna vimana, the sundara vimana, the rukma 
vimana and the tripura vimana.

* The secret of constructing aeroplanes, which will not break, which cannot be
 cut, will not catch fire, and cannot be destroyed.
* The secret of making planes motionless.
* The secret of making planes invisible.
* The secret of hearing conversations and other sounds in enemy planes.
* The secret of receiving photographs of the interior of enemy planes.
* The secret of ascertaining the direction of enemy planes approach.
* The secret of making persons in enemy planes lose consciousness.
* The secret of destroying enemy planes.

Sanskrit texts are filled with references to gods who fought battles in the 
sky using vimanas equipped with weapons as deadly as any we can deploy in 
these more enlightened times. For example, there is a passage in the Ramayana 
which reads: The puspaka car that resembles the Sun and belongs to my brother 
was brought by the powerful Ravana; that aerial and excellent car going 
everywhere at will that car resembling a bright cloud in the sky.

.. and the King [Rama] got in, and the excellent car at the command of the 
Raghira, rose up into the higher atmosphere.

In the Mahabharata, another aspect of the Itihasas, an ancient vedic text of 
enormous length, we learn that an individual named Asura Maya had a vimana 
measuring twelve cubits in circumference, with four strong wheels. The text is 
a veritable gold mine of information relating to conflicts between gods who 
settled their differences apparently using weapons as lethal as the ones 
[nuclear] that we are capable of deploying.

Apart from 'blazing missiles', the text records the use of other deadly 
weapons. 'Indra's Dart' operated via a circular 'reflector'. When switched on, 
it produced a 'shaft of light' which, when focused on any target, immediately 
'consumed it with its power'.

In one particular exchange, the hero, Krishna, is pursuing his enemy, Salva, 
in the sky, when Salva's vimana, the Saubha, is made invisible in some way. 
Undeterred, Krishna immediately fires off a special weapon: I quickly laid on 
an arrow, which killed by seeking out sound.

Many other terrible weapons are described, quite matter of factly, in the 
Mahabharata, but the most fearsome of all is the one used against the Vrishis.

The Narrative Records

Gurkha flying in his swift and powerful vimana hurled against the three 
cities of the Vrishis and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the 
power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant 
as ten thousands suns, rose in all its splendor. It was the unknown weapon, 
the Iron Thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes the 
entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas.

It is important to note, that these kinds of records are not isolated. They 
can be cross-correlated with similar reports in other ancient civilizations. 
The after-effects of this Iron Thunderbolt have an ominously recognizable 
ring. Apparently, those killed by it were so burnt that their corpses were 
unidentifiable. The survivors fared little better, as it caused their hair and 
nails to fall out.

Perhaps the most disturbing and challenging information about these allegedly 
mythical vimanas in the ancient records

[FairfieldLife] The story behind the photo of Swami Muktananda hugging Maharishi

2006-04-10 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 seem something cosmic and
powerful.  Some incredible tension (not of a negative nature) had
been generated, and eventually burst into that final action by Swami

When Maharishi came to visit with us the next day on our course, we
asked him about what we'd seen.  We said that it had looked like
the meeting of an immovable object with an irresistible force, or
something like that.  Maharishi confirmed that.  He said that it
was a matter of which one of them was going to move to the other,
and that we had seen activity magnetized to pounce on silence.

He implied that silence was always the most irresistible, and with
a twinkle in his eye he said that Swami Muktananda had ultimately
succumbed to that irresistibility.  There was the implication that
something deep, something invincible, had been revealed to us in
that exchange between these two great souls, something about the
power of silent Being, and that's what he had invited us there to

Never having seen Maharishi touched, especially so enthusiastical-
ly and explosively, we asked him something naive like Wasn't it
strange to have someone touching you like that - how do you main-
tain your purity?  Maharishi replied: I just stayed on my Self,
which seemed to answer more than we had asked.



Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
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[FairfieldLife] Posting Stats for Fairfield Life (was: A Spiritual Master)

2006-03-27 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
  shempmcgurk wrote:

  Well, he [Maharishi] must have had quite an impact on you be-
  cause you spend half your days dialoging on a forum devoted to
  his teachings and people's experiences with it and his movement...

  Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] replied:

  Actually it seems this is a list for ex-TMers in recovery...an
  ex-TM 12-step group...it just happens those still burning a can-
  dle for TM and the TM$P are the loudest and most obsessive post-

  jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] replied:

  Yourself included?

Here are some interesting statistics about posting on this list
[culled from the last 200 posts to the list].
Interpret them as you will.

1. Fairfield Life has 1103 subscribers.
Be aware that NOT all those people actually read this list every
day.  Some stopped long ago, and either changed their subscription
to web only and never stop by the website anymore, or they keep
getting the digest version and delete it, yet they still show up on
the membership rolls; there are a fair number of these - I bump in-
to them regularly.  Others get and quickly skim the digest version,
and only read on if something grabs them.  While others read us
in detail occasionally, and also skip us for varying periods of

2. 28 posters (out of 1103 members) made 100% of the last 200 posts.
So 2.5% of our list members made 100% of the list posts.
97.5% of our members are lurking, to some extent or another.

3. Of those 28 active posters, 17 made 4 or less posts.
These 17 posters made 33 posts out of the last 200.

4. Of those 28 active posters, 11 made 6 or more posts.
These 11 posters made 167 posts out of the last 200.
These 11 posters comprise 1% of the list's members, and create
84% of the list's posts.

5. So, basically, these 11 posters are carrying on various conversa-
tions here, and entertaining (or boring or being ignored by) the
other 99% of the list.

Here are our 11 most active posters (for the last 200 posts):

Rank   Name # of posts
 1shempmcgurk  39
 2 spareig  34
 3 authfriend   19
 4 mdixon   13
 5 Rick Archer  12
 5 TurquoiseB   12
 7 Vaj  11
 8 Sally Sunshine7
 8 Nelson7
 8 Robert Gimbel 7
11 Lurkernomore  6

[Of course, this is by number of posts - someone (other than me)
could count words, lines, etc. - as a couple of you are so good at
;) - and out-OCD me.  Probably I might even sneak onto the list if
you catch the right sampling of posts with one of my whoppers in
it.  But this is as much fun as I have time for tonight.]

So look at the list of our most prolific posters, and then
judge for yourself whether they are TBs, TNBs, pro-TM, anti-TM,
pro-Maharishi, anti-Maharishi, mixed, neutral, confused, realized,
unrealized, too serious, too sarcastic, too positive, too negative,
too fat, too thin, burning a candle, burning a bush, etc. as you
wish.  See if your labels provide evidence to support your view of
the nature of this list (or even the nature of the world).



Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Trademark Lawsuit Mike Scozzari

2006-03-20 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
, let the court know you
  have settled the matter, and the case will be removed from the court's
  calendar. If you have hired a lawyer, he or she should do this.

Hope this helps clarify these legal points.  I'm not a lawyer, but I
play one on TV.  :)



Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO Trademark Lawsuit Mike Scozzari

2006-03-19 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've heard third hand that the legal action against Mike has been
 refered to arbitration. I'm going to try and call Mike this week.

Tonight I dropped by the local group TM program (25 people attended)
here in southeast Florida and asked about this case.  A local spokes- 
person for the TM Movement told me the following:

After the preliminary hearing - where a court date was set, the lawyer 
for the TM Movement suggested mediation.
The lawyer for Mike Scozzari agreed.
Mediation is where both sides meet with a trained mediator and attempt 
to come to a mutually agreeable solution.
Mediation is NOT arbitration - it is not a hearing before a arbitrator 
who can make a binding decision like a judge would.  Mediation is not 
binding - both parties have to agree to a solution, put it in writing,
sign it, and then keep the agreement they reach.

The spokesperson for the TM Movement said that they were willing to 
try and settle the dispute in a mutually respectful manner.

If that doesn't work, then a court date has already been set for the 
case to go to trial in Broward County, Florida, in April.



Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 (24 hours) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[FairfieldLife] Love Chooses You (was Re: Illusion of individuality; labels; true bhakti; the story of Guru Dev and his cave

2006-03-18 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Michael Dean Goodman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Michael, it took me awhile to get around to reading this. Thanks 
 again for a brilliantly written piece. 

Dear Jim,

You are very welcome!  It's a honor to be of service.

  You express yourself in words so well, as to give voice to my own heart.
  A couple of observations I've had, related to what you wrote:
 After my own awakening almost one year ago, I have found it comical, 
 fascinating and humbling to realize the supports of my previous 
 house of cards were downright incorrect. As you stated, I too have a 
 strong relative intellect, but as I find increasingly, there are 
 many folks with a stronger one, such as yourself. As this belief in 
 my supposedly insurmountable relative intellect was a central tenet 
 of my identity previously, to admit to this [not being 'number one'] 
 then would've been crushing to my illusory individuality. Now I 
 recognize it as a simple case of giving credit where credit is due 
 (while laughing delightedly and often at my former assumptions).

Beautifully put!  You also have a way with words.
 The other thing that struck me in your writing was the depth of your 
 relationship with Maharishi.  Though I agree with all that you have 
 written regarding true bhakti, and your relationship with Maharishi, 
 I was faced with a conundrum for many years, in that I truly wanted 
 such a relationship with Maharishi, not necessarily in physical 
 proximity, but on the level of Being. And it just wouldn't materialize.
 Instead I always felt drawn, and still do, to Guru Dev, and His 
 incarnation as Shiva.

What we THINK we're looking for, and the form in which It chooses to
appear to us, are frequently not the same.  And we don't get to decide.
It reminds me of that Kathy Mattea waltz with its haunting hook:
You can't choose who you love, love chooses you.

Love Chooses You
Sung by Kathy Mattea

Love comes unbidden, can't be forbidden,
It takes you and shakes you right down to your shoes;
It knows heartache and trial, but accepts no denial;
You can't choose who you love, love chooses you.

In the wink of an eye, love looses an arrow;
We control it no more than the flight of the sparrow,
The swell of the tide, or the light of the moon;
You can't choose who you love, love chooses you.

Tell me now if I'm wrong;
Are you feelin' the same?
Are your feet on the ground?
Are you callin' my name?
Do you lie awake nights?
Please say you do,
'Cause you can't choose who you love,
Love chooses you?

Love cuts like a torch to a heart behind steel,
And though you may hide it, love knows how you feel;
And though you may trespass on the laws of the land,
Your heart has to follow, when love takes your hand.

And it seems we're two people, within the same circle;
It's drawn tighter and tighter till you're all that I see;
I'm full and I'm empty, and you're pouring through me,
Like a warm rain fallin' through the leaves on a tree.

Tell me now if I'm wrong;
Are you feelin' the same?
Are your feet on the ground?
Are you callin' my name?
Do you lie awake nights?
Please say you do,
'Cause you can't choose who you love,
Love chooses you;
No you can't choose who you love,
Love chooses you.

The important thing is to have that open channel appear to you, in
whatever form it does.  Whatever you're drawn to, as long as it's an
OPEN doorway to That, he/she/it will do just fine, be it Maharishi,
Guru Dev, or many, many others (famous or obscure).

For me, although Maharishi served as my doorway to That, and to Lord
Shiva and Goddess Shakti, once That is re-embraced, It is recognized
to be there in everything and everyone.  You just notice that some
reflect very little of It, some reflect more, and some reflect It very
fully.  Some pretend not to be It; and some relax and admit that
they are It.  Some desperately deny It; some surrender and reveal It.
But It is inexorable and wins out in the end.  As it says in the old
SCI course about The Qualities of Creative Intelligence: It's al-
ways over you; you're never over It.  Sooner or later, be it today,
next month, next decade, or next lifetime...individuality is going to
own up to the truth that I am That.  No matter how thick the fog,
how well-defended the hiding, it does end eventually.

It's just a big game of peek-a-boo, with everyone choosing to
hide or reveal varying degrees of That, depending upon where they are
on the path of That curving back on its Self and coming back home.

 This manifested completely before my 
 awakening. And yet has quickly grown to fruition since, and I 
 believe spurred the re-establishment of myself in my Self very 
 rapidly. It also raises some interesting questions about the nature 
 of surrender.

Would you be willing to reveal what those questions are?
 Because the feeling is as real and uncompromising as if I live with 
 Guru Dev; a distinct vibration

[FairfieldLife] Story of young Guru Dev and the caves

2006-03-12 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
After I posted the story about young Guru Dev and the caves (there
is no empty cave here), someone wrote to this list to say that the
story is NOT about Guru Dev (because they remember hearing some TM
teacher tell it differently back in the 70s - about 30 years ago).

I strongly disagree.

I was there when Maharishi told the story in the 70s, on Guru Purnimah,
on a course, and it was definitely a story about Guru Dev as a young
boy in his Master's ashram (Swami Krishanand Saraswati, in Uttar Kashi).
It was one of those rare, intimate revelations by Maharishi about some
facet of his Master's life, and touched my heart deeply.

I've had other people write to me off-list and confirm my remembrance,
including a couple of folks who claim some expertise in researching the
history of Guru Dev.

If you want to check it out further, you could find the story told in
Rameshwar Tiwari's Hindi biography of Guru Dev (translated into English),
or find the videotape (Guru Purnimah, early 70s, Humboldt?), perhaps in
the MUM Library, if you're into researching it further.



Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
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[FairfieldLife] Self-doubt and cynicism vs. profound trust - the role of surrender as the foundation for questioning

2006-03-11 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
to receive these two different kinds of questions (inquiries) is
energetically obvious to most of us.  Sincere questions, without
hidden emotional agendas or motives, evoke an open flow of knowledge,
evoke more unity and deepening, and don't leave a strange aftertaste.

The nature of a person's speech (and writing), especially their style
of spiritual inquiry and discussion (as on this list), is very reveal-
ing about the condition of their heart and mind.  They reveal so clear-
ly whether they are swimming in the sea of doubt and cynicism and ego-
defense, or whether they've found the life-preserver of surrender and
simplicity and concern for others.



Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
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[FairfieldLife] Sama-dhi

2006-03-11 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 --- In , cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  MDG often mentions sama-dhi meaning something
  like 'even intellect'. Has anybody else heard
  that translation? Is it Maharishi's?

I've heard Maharishi use that translation on at least a couple of
occasions (live and on tape).  He would say:

   Sama = evenness (as in sama-veda)
   Dhi  = intellect

Samadhi = that state of intellect that is finally settled, resolute
intellect, established in its ground state, freed from the normal
pairs of opposites...

If I ever run across my notes from those talks that remind me of more
details, I'll share those with you.



Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 (24 hours) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[FairfieldLife] Illusion of individuality; labels; true bhakti; the story of Guru Dev and his cave

2006-03-10 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 someone an unthinking, deluded bhakti, see
if you aren't an over-thinking believer in individuality, afraid to
let down your guard, to open up your heart.  These labels only re-
veal your own doubts and cynicisms.

In my next post I'll address self-doubt and cynicism, and the role
of profound trust and surrender, not as the negation of intellectual
inquiry, but as the true foundations for alert and meaningful ques-



Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
561-350-3930 (24 hours) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[FairfieldLife] Transcript of a Talk by Tat Wale Baba in Rishikesh

2006-03-08 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 a matter of taking our awareness to That
and then the criterion for That will be that we will begin to display all
love and harmony in the field of all our action and experience. That will
be the criterion. When the love increases, that becomes the balance to
measure that we are nearing That. Otherwise, the thing is already there,
only we have to incorporate it in our lives. We have to exhibit more of
love, more of happiness. Expression of That is necessary, otherwise the
state of That is already there. And, we will begin to express more of it
when we become more aware of it.

Student: Can we meditate with you?

(Tat Wale Baba closed his eyes and we all meditated for about twenty
minutes. Then, the opportunity to ask more questions resumed.)

Student: What do you see for the future of the world?

TWB: We have to create future. Future does not have to create us. And,
if we do good things and meditate and experience that Self and be omni-
present, future is going to be good. If we do not, we are going to cre-
ate a bad future. We have to create the future. The future is in our

Student: Will there be world peace?

The world is within you. And, if you are at peace within, if your aware-
ness is established in your Self your world is in peace. And, if you are
wavering and peaceless and you are not in tune with your own eternal
state of Being then the world is in peacelessness. If you want to create
peace on the cosmic level then you must take refuge in God. And, if you
want peace within yourself, realize the Self and your world will be in
peace and you will see that the whole world is in peace. The world is as
you are, and the world will be as you will be.

Student: Are there any shortcuts to purification of karma?

TWB: The shortest cut to the purification of karma is surrender to God, 
devotion to God, realization of the Self. And, when you realize the Self
all your mind and senses will be purified. And, when your senses are
purified all your actions will be good. They will be life-supporting.
They behave with you as your friends. And, if the mind is not establish-
ed in the Self, in the glory of God, then your own senses will become
your enemy. And then, all your karma will pounce upon you as your enemy.
It is the fixity of the mind in the Self that makes your senses your
friend, and non-fixity of the mind in the Self makes your senses your
enemy. Senses-enemy means karma, because the karma is performed by the
senses. So the karma will be good if the mind is established in the Self
and karma will not be good if the mind is not established in the Self.

Practice. Increase your practice to arrive at that goal.

Student: Is it a liability to be a householder and do this practice?

TWB: Householder's way of life is not bad. But, not being able to live
up to the standards of this life-style we make a hell out of ourselves
in a householder's way of life.

Student: Is it possible to work in the world when we have gained the
highest state of pure supreme knowledge?

TWB: There are two ways of life, householder and recluse. Those who are
in the householder's way of life, they by habit are engaged in activity,
even having gained that state of supreme knowledge. And, those who are
recluse by nature, they don't have anything to do with the activity of
life. So, they continue to live that way. But, both live that state of
supreme knowledge.

Student: Is it possible that one who lives a householder's way of life
can then desire to switch and live the life of a recluse? Or, would this
cause a conflict?

TWB: The ideal condition would be not to enter into the household. If
you want to become a sanyasi (renunciate), or, if you have entered the
householder's life, then share the responsibility that you have taken
with the wife and children, and then complete that responsibility. Get
your children educated and be done with the whole thing. Then, it would
be good to waver off from there. Otherwise, don't enter it, and that will
be the more ideal. Having taken the responsibility it won't be good to
shut that responsibility.

Jai Guru Dev

Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida
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[FairfieldLife] TM Course Fees and The Real Goals of the Movement

2006-03-06 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
Dear Fairfield Lifers,

In response to the recent discussions on this list about the TM course
fee [Why does T/M cost so much to join? A little help?], I'll re-post
my controversial essay from a few years ago.  I first posted it on this
list, and then to my amazement it got forwarded/networked all over the
world - to meditators' e-mail lists, to other TM-related discussion
groups - and even translated into many languages.  It generated more 
encouraging and appreciative e-mail responses to me than any other essay
I've written.

So here's another go-round (slightly edited to bring it up-to-date).
I hope that this essay is of some use to you.  It is offered in a spi-
rit of love and compassion and humility to the tradition.  Respectful
comments or questions from readers are very welcome via e-mail, either
privately or on this list.




TM Course Fees and The Real Goals of the Movement
By Michael Dean Goodman

The issue of the higher ($2500) TM course fee has stirred up a lot
of controversy over the years.  Something that someone wrote about
that finally prodded me into action and I wrote the following re-
sponse.  I hope it gives you some food for thought:

When I started TM in 1970, as an adult I paid $75 to learn (and by
a few years later it was $125).  It is estimated that prices for
many things have almost doubled every decade.  In 1970, gasoline
cost .29/gallon; today it costs 2.39/gallon - 824% of the original
cost.  In 1970, a new mid-sized Ford with a big engine cost $2500;
today it costs almost $20,000, 800% of the original cost.

Applying that same percentage factor, my $75 TM would cost $618
today, simply based on adjustment for inflation.  Actually, today
TM costs $2500, about 4 times that $618 inflation-adjusted figure.

Like [deleted] wrote, I feel that I would have paid a huge amount
had I known how effectively the TM program would have brought me
back home to my goal.  Please be careful in your assumptions here:
I'm not talking based on some true belief or some faith in what
the future might bring; I'm talking based on my own simple direct
personal experience over these years.  The time/money/energy that
I invested in the TM program was far and away the best investment
I've ever made.  It's made this life worthwhile.  I appreciate that
some of you don't feel that way - some feel disappointed, tricked,
abused, misled - and I'm sincerely and deeply sorry that you've
found yourself on a different road.

Even knowing as little as I did before I started, I came up with $75 -
which is equivalent to $618 today.  Today the TM movement is charging
4 times that, or $2500.  Back then, when I learned, would I have come
up with 4 times the $75 that I paid (or $300)?

After really letting myself get back into the feelings that I had
back then, I say yes - I would have.  Certainly, because of the
greater amount of money involved, I would have slowed down, thought
more deeply about my decision, weighed it as more than the cheap
lark that I saw it as, but as drawn as I was to have that inner
stability and peace that I saw in the TM lecturer, I would have paid
the $300.

That $300 was 3.75% of an average year's income in 1970 - a little
under 2-weeks' wages.  It was also 13% of the cost of a new car back
then.  In my life since then, a lot of income and a lot of cars have
come and gone - and a lot of money has been foolishly spent on things
that have disappeared or were a mistake to begin with - but what the
TM program delivered me to, the Self, goes on forever.  In fact, think-
ing back over those days when I was initiated and my behaviors and
attitude toward TM back then, I feel that I would actually have taken
the whole thing a lot more seriously - especially the 3-days of in-
struction after initiation, and the regular practice of TM thereafter -
if I hadn't thought that it was such a cheap bargain at $75.

Today, based on what TM brought me, $2500 is a steal.  But I am realis-
tic, and I understand through direct personal experiences with friends
and counseling clients over these past years that many people don't see
that value at first, and that $2500 is a very significant, often daunt-
ing, obstacle in some peoples' minds.  It is daunting for me to tell
people $2500, especially when I assume that they're not serious spir-
itual seekers - but merely looking for some relative benefit (like re-
ducing their stress level or improving their relationship or making
school easier) - and therefore might not see the deeper value that I
now see in hindsight.

So why does TM cost 4 times more today than it did back in 1970 (af-
ter adjusting for inflation)?  And, as a corollary: is Maharishi, as
some people assert, either a bumbling idiot about practical financial
matters, or just overly greedy - or is he a brilliant seer of the fu-
ture?  Let's investigate.

I've thought back over many things I've heard from Maharishi over

[FairfieldLife] Personal Internet Data and the Legal System

2006-02-04 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 with a map generated by Microsoft's MSN service — marked
with the location where a body could be found.

The F.B.I. subpoenaed Microsoft for records of anyone who had searched for
maps of that area in the days before the letter was sent. Microsoft
discovered that only one user had searched for precisely that area and
provided the user's Internet Protocol address. That address, in turn was
provided by a unit of WorldCom, which identified the user as Maury Troy
Travis, a 36-year-old waiter. (Mr. Travis was arrested and hanged himself in
jail without ever admitting guilt.)

While requests for search data have been few, computer experts expect them
to increase.

It is rare that those links will be a slam-dunk that will make a case,
said John Curran, a former cybercrime investigator for the F.B.I. But when
you are putting together a larger case, you are trying to connect the dots,
and it is the little things that actually help.


Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida * 561-350-3930 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Program on Sunday

2006-02-03 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
Since this list occasionally has discussed TM activities and teach-
ers and controversies in South Florida (Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm
Beach Counties), I thought this recent e-mail from some of the local
recertified TM Teachers might be of interest in getting a feel for
the flavor of their ongoing local activities, and, of course, stir
up some of the famous flavor of commentary that we've become so
well known and loved for.  ;)

  Report from: Dr. Richard and Debbie Thompson (TM Program Coor-
  dinators, South FL):
 Last week's visit by the vedic experts (Mr. and Mrs. Rao) was a 
  tremendous success!  Twenty-nine people took the TM-Sidhi Refresher
  Course, five people took the multi-session MVVT [Maharishi Vedic
 Vibration Therapy] consultations, six people had TM-Sidhi or TM Ad-
  vanced Technique consultations, two people received TM Advanced
  Techniques, and about 30 attended the evening advanced lecture by
  Dr. and Mrs. Rao.

  Also, several people have indicated interest in a local WPA/Res-
  idence Course and a CIC [TM-sidhis course]. Please let us know of
  your interest so we can add you to the list and finalize plans for
  courses in March.
 Our regular schedule of Sunday evening Superadiance and potluck 
  resumes this weekend with program at our home in Margate. As usual,
  lift-off will be at 6:00. We look forward to seeing you, especially
  those we've yet to meet!
 Jai Guru Dev
 Richard  Debbie



Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
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[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT! Re: Annoying someone via the internet is now a federal crime

2006-01-31 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
); they feel safe; they feel big; they feel in control.

But really, look at what it took to control THEM, to set them in mo-
tion, to turn on their predictable response patterns.  Look at what
it took to get them to perform like trained monkeys!  Look at what
it took to elicit so many e-mails from them, so much attacking of
me, so much of their time and attention spent on such silliness.  It
took just a few paragraphs of typing by me in that original post.
So who's in control of whom here?  It's amusing.  ;)

Of course, I know this will be good enough to stimulate at least a
dozen more entertaining posts by the resident court jesters.  You
go, dudes!

To the poster who claimed that my interpretation of the danger to
individual posters or this group, based on this new Federal law, was
wildly misstated and paranoid, and who claimed that I was ignorantly
suggesting some departure from due process:

Yahoo is not required to wait for due process through the courts in
order to take action against members or groups.  Yahoo can establish
their own policies (Terms of Service), their own process for evaluat-
ing complaints, and their own consequences for violations (or even
perceived violations) of those Terms of Service.  They can unsub-
scribe a Yahoo member, or demolish a Yahoo group, for reasons that
fall far short of violating any laws; they can also act on evidence
(complaints, etc.) that would never meet legal standards.  They are
a private company, not the official legal system.

Since Yahoo's Terms of Service (that we agreed to in return for the
free services that they provide) prohibit illegal activities, they
could decide to apply this new Federal law strictly.  Time will tell.
Of course, Yahoo could decide to ban a Yahoo member, or disband a
Yahoo group, on much flimsier evidence than the official legal system
requires.  Belief to the contrary is naive and silly.  Anyone who fol-
lows the controversies about seemingly arbitrary actions by Yahoo re-
alizes this.  People are banned, and groups mysteriously disappear,
every week in the universe of Yahoo.  No due process, no facing your
accusers, rarely an appeal...sometimes just electrons moving in the
dead of night.

And to the poster who asked if I was implying that I planned to make
use of this new law (to harm FF Life?).

The answer is: no.
It often amazes me how people read things through the filter of their
own issues.  Where would you get even a hint of that from anything I
actually wrote, or from my history here since the very beginning of
this list years ago?  If I don't like someone's energy here, I just
simply don't read their stuff (delete key or filter-direct-to-trash),
or if I read it I control myself and don't reply.  And if I didn't like
the general tone of the whole group, I could just simply stop reading
the digests for a while, or unsubscribe.  (All of these are skills
that, if more widely practiced by some here, would make life more
charming for many.)  But if I did that (unsubscribed), how could I
keep my finger (attention) on the pulse of the good and the evil here,
and pass it all along to Santa Clause or whoever is making a list?  ;)

And notice that I DO sign my real name here - always have, always will.
I can understand anonymity from Movement folks who fear repercussions
from participating here, but you folks who joust and attack and bully
and rant, hiding behind anonymity here - in my opinion you are simply
cowards.  Prove me wrong.  Reveal yourselves.  Take responsibility for
your words.  Step out of the shadows into the light.



Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida * 561-350-3930 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[FairfieldLife] Annoying someone via the internet is now a federal crime

2006-01-28 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
Dear Fairfield Lifers,

For the well-being and continuity of our group, I post the
following information, from today's New York Times news reports:

Annoying someone via the internet is now a federal crime.

Last Thursday, President Bush signed into law a prohibition on post-
ing annoying web messages or sending annoying e-mail messages with-
out disclosing your true identity.

In other words, it's OK to flame someone on a mailing list or in a
blog as long as you do it under your real name.

This prohibition is included in the Violence Against Women and De-
partment of Justice Reauthorization Act. Criminal penalties include
stiff fines and two years in prison.

Buried deep in the new law is Sec. 113, a subsection called Prevent-
ing Cyberstalking. It rewrites existing telephone harassment law to
prohibit anyone from using the Internet without disclosing his iden-
tity and with intent to annoy.

Here's the relevant language:

Whoever...utilizes any device or software that can be used to ori-
ginate telecommunications or other types of communications that are
transmitted, in whole or in part, by the internet... without disclos-
ing his identity and with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass
any person...who receives the communications...shall be fined under
Title 18 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

My commentary:

Since the law uses the vague word annoy, along with the stronger lan-
guage (threaten, harass, abuse), the result for a discussion group
such as ours may be:

1. You CAN discuss someone's ideas anonymously.

2. BUT you must reveal your true identity if you push the argument
very far, if you are perceived as arguing, to where the other
person could get annoyed with you - whether for your perceived
resistance, your differing point of view, etc.

3. And you must certainly reveal your true identity if you move
from debating his content (his ideas) to making any disparaging
or even merely uninvited comments about the person himself - in-
cluding comments about his motives, state of mind, character,
believability, qualifications, etc. - any of which could easily
be predicted to be annoying to someone expecting polite discus-
sion of his ideas only, and some of which may move beyond annoy-
ing and into the realm of threatening or harassing.

The bottom line: by virtue of this new Federal law, we must each either
stop posting anything that could be reasonably expected to be annoying
to another, or continue posting these things but do it under our true
names (rather than anonymously).  And the standard is low; it doesn't
take much to annoy someone.  Probably a great majority of the posts
on our group would be considered annoying to someone that they were
directed toward.

The solution is simple: stop posting anonymously unless you put on kid

Since I always post using my real name, this really doesn't affect
me, but there are many anonymous or pseudo-named posters on this
list, and often the posts get very contentious and many people's
feelings get annoyed and beyond.  ;)

Since Yahoo is committed to preventing illegal behavior in its groups,
according to a number of sections of Yahoo's Terms of Service (that
we agreed to when joining up), Yahoo would have to discipline any in-
dividual poster (or group) that doesn't abide by this new Federal law -
anyone who posts potentially annoying posts anonymously or using a
screen name or pseudo-name.  Yahoo would have to remove from its service
an individual who was reported to them as persisting in violating the
law.  And a group like ours, if its leadership didn't self-police the
group by requiring posters who could possibly be perceived as annoying
anyone to post under their true names, would run the risk of being
deleted by Yahoo without warning, should Yahoo get some complaints.
 From our past history, we can almost certainly count on Yahoo getting
complaints arising from our disgruntled or offended members using this
new Federal law.

Although I, and many freedom-of-speech advocates, think the language
of this law is way too vague and over-reaching - it IS the current
Federal law - and Yahoo pledges to uphold the law.

Hope this info is of service.



Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida * 561-350-3930 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Watering down advaita

2006-01-10 Thread Michael Dean Goodman

 Reviewing the Tasteless
 The Book Of One, The Spiritual Path of Advaita by Dennis Waite,  
 Published by O Books, 46 West Street, Alresford, Hants, SO24 9AU, UK,  
 288 pages, paper back, £9.99 or $17.95.
 There can be no doubt that Dennis Waite's 'The Book Of One' is a  
 worthy introduction to the Ancient Teaching of Advaita... 

[big snip]

Dear Vaj,

This is a beautifully written and powerful piece.  It reflects some
thoughts that I've had in response to some of the neo-Advaita teachers
that I've been exposed to.  Thank you for posting it.

Who wrote it?



Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida * 561-350-3930 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[FairfieldLife] Ramana Maharshi's 4 Technologies of Evolution (was: The New Advaitins)

2006-01-03 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 with the relative to identifying with the Absolute Self, the moment
 of stepping out of time.  It is inevitable; it is the result of all
 those years of meditation and clearing the path.  The only question
 for many meditators is:
 When will I stop and look and see that I've scaled the peak, that I'm
 at the summit?
 When will I stop pretending to be small, when actually I'm vast?

So from Ramana it's clear that Self-inquiry is NOT another path, another
long-term spiritual practice; it is not a substitute for meditation.  It
is the natural culmination or graduation at the end of all paths, all
effective practices.

There are various ways that people can get to the point where that flash
of Self-inquiry is useful.  Some people meditate and clear the path.
Some people are born very close to the summit.  By whatever means some-
one has established the Self, Self-inquiry will give them that realiza-
tion that they've reached the goal, that stroke of understanding to match
their experience, to bring completion/wholeness to their experience.  It
is a misunderstanding to try and turn it into another path, another tech-
nique.  That is not it's place.

So, from Ramana's perspective, there is no magical way to avoid climbing
the mountain and to jump straight to the top.  Over time - whether in this
lifetime, or over the longer haul - each seeker has made his/her way up
through Ramana's four levels.  And I'd wager that Ramana would warn neo-
advaitists who turn Self-inquiry into a longer-term spiritual practice
that they are misleading people.  Because only to the extent that the
mind has been expanded to it's full conscious capacity, that is the ex-
tent to which Self-inquiry may be useful.

So, if a seeker tries Self-inquiry, and it seems useless to you, or con-
fusing to you, or like a mere intellectual process to you...then let it
go.  Go on meditating - establish more purification, more expansion of
the conscious capacity of the mind.  Then try Self-inquiry again.

But if you've already been meditating (level 2) for a while, try Self-
inquiry (level 3) and have a remarkable aha.  There you are.  You are
That.  It's already happened.

Aha, ha, ha, ha, ha..



Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) Florida * 561-350-3930 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Counseling * Workshops * Educational Sessions * Presentations * Satsang
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[FairfieldLife] Prana and Being [was: From SBAL?]

2005-12-31 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
  cardemaister wrote:
 Don't have an English copy of SBAL. Read
 it sometime in the late 70's. Seem to recall
 in it was a sentence something like:
 Prana [praaNa*] is the tendency of Being to
 *) praaNa from the root pra (on, forth) + an 
 (to breathe)

From: The Science of Being and Art of Living
By His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
International SRM Publications, 1963, revised 1966
Part One: The Science of Being
Chapter One, Prana and Being, page 40-41

Prana is the expression of manifesting Being.  Is is the tendency
of the unmanifested to manifest.  It can be said to be the impulse
of abstract, absolute Being.  Being is the absolute existence of
unmanifested nature.  Its tendency to vibrate and become manifest
is referred to as prana.  Being vibrates, prana vibrates, and crea-
tion begins to be manifested.  Assuming a subjective nature, Being
becomes mind; assuming an objective nature, It becomes matter.  Re-
maining innocent, It serves as a link between subject and object
and, creating a subject-object relationship, the divine Being starts
Its play in the great variety of multiple creation.

Thus we find that prana is the power of Being which is latent in
its unmanifested state and which comes into play in the process of 
manifestation when Being assumes the role of subjective and objec-
tive creation.

The question may then arise: What makes prana assume subjective and
objective qualities?

The cosmic intelligence or creative power, which is the very nature
of Being, generates prana from itself, from within the absolute Be-
ing.  Prana comes forth from the fountain-head of unmanifested Being, 
absolute Being assuming the role of prana.  This is how the very na-
ture of Being begins the processes of creation and evolution.

What is responsible for this?

The very nature of Being is responsible.  It is as if the Absolute
wants to become creative and relative.

One may ask: Why?

Because of its own nature; or perhaps for the fun of variety!

Expansion of happiness is the purpose of creation.

Being, the state of eternal unity, without undergoing any change in 
Itself, assumes the role of the multiplicity of creation, the diver-
sity of Being.  The Absolute assuming the role of relativity, or un-
ity appearing as multiplicity, is nothing but the very nature of ab- 
solute Being appearing in different manifestations.  This is why,
while the Absolute is eternal in Its never-changing status, the re-
lative diversity of creation is eternal in its ever-changing nature.

This resolves the enigma of creation.

The unity of unmanifested, absolute Being is also the diversity and
variety of manifested creation in all its relative phases of exis-
tence.  The Absolute and relative together present the whole truth
of life.  One hundred per cent of the Absolute and one hundred per
cent of relative existence combine to form one hundred per cent of
life in creation.

It should be borne in mind that manifested creation and unmanifest-
ed Being, although appearing to be different, in reality are one
and the same.

The reality of duality is unity.  Even while they are different in
their characteristics, absolute Being and relative creation together
form one reality.  The whole process of what we understand as crea-
tion and evolution is simply the state of Being in prana, and the
change belongs the the very nature of Being.  Creativity lies in the
nature of absolute Being, creation is Its role, and evolution is ex-
pansion of Its beingness.  Being remains Being, and from this follows 

Prana is of the nature of Being; it is the motive force of creation
and the basic force of the mind.




Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
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[FairfieldLife] Re: TMO threatens South Florida teacher and magazine

2005-12-12 Thread Michael Dean Goodman

If he tried to argue that he had some kind of contractual arrangement allow-
ing him the use of the TM name/logo/etc., and the Movement was arbitrarily
reneging, he'd first have to show that he himself had not materially violat-
ed the contract.  His lack of offering the full range of TM support programs,
his decision to negate the official fee structure, and his lack of contact
with the Movement administrative structure, would likely undermine that

And even if he could make some contractual claim, he'd have a hard time
showing that the Movement's withdrawal of their permission is causing him
any material harm - such as harming his livelihood, costing him money, etc.
(a) It's not depriving him of any significant income (since he admits that
he teaches very part-time, and initiates so rarely),
(b) It's not leaving him hanging with any significant financial obligations
(he has no lease on any center, no recent investment in teaching supplies
or equipment, and holds his few TM events in his own apartment).

The holder of a trademark/service mark/etc. can arbitrarily withdraw per- 
mission to use these (as long as their doing so doesn't violate any con- 
tract/agreement, nor cause any financial or other damage).  His original
agreement that he signed on becoming a TM teacher, and possibly at sub-
sequent courses, would hardly support his cause, being so strongly weight-
ed in favor of the Movement.

Again, from my business background, his belief that the magazine (Natural
Awakenings) should and will continue to accept his ads until a court de-
cides the issue seems naive and delusional.  If I was advertising Apple
computers, using their Apple logo, in a local newspaper - and if Apple's
legal department wrote the paper to say I didn't have permission to use
their name and logo - does he really think that the paper would remain neu-
tral and continue accepting my ads?  Of course not - they'd want to avoid
a trademark-infringement lawsuit by Apple, and they'd demand I get a letter
of approval from Apple's legal department before they'd run my ads again.
In fact, this very thing has been going on with Apple - and even big guys
like e-Bay have bowed to Apple's demands about how their name and trademarks
can be used, and have pulled certain ads off their system.  Mike needs a
reality check.

In my opinion, what he teaches, how much he charges for it, who he hangs out
with in doing so - these are all his business.  These things are between him,
his conscience, the cosmic karma computer, and Maharishi.  Each of us has to
face that decision on a very private, personal level.

What isn't his business is what he calls what he teaches (name, logo, pic- 
tures, etc.).  There are laws about that.  We all know that there are teach-
ers out there who've broken away from the Movement and teach as they please; 
few get hassled by the Movement to this extent.  Mike made a choice to make
a very strong public statement about his teaching activities - through his
ads and website - to maintain a fantasy of being an old-time TM Center. Com-
mon sense says that if he'd do what he's been doing - but just stop the pub-
lic ads - he'd probably not be noticed and not have any legal trouble.  But
then he'd have to let go of his fantasy that south Florida belongs to him,
that he's still an active TM teacher, and that his phantom TM intro lectures
(and the ads that point to them) are a worthwhile investment of his time and
money.  It's his choice.  But his ego got stuck, time has left him behind,
and he's just reaping what he's sowed.

I hope this gives FFLife readers some perspective on the local situation
here in south Florida.  It's caused much more heat on the FFLife list than
it has here locally!  Locally, other than his ads, Mike's TM activities
are so limited that they have very little effect and get no attention.
The few times that my schedule has allowed me to go to a TM event hosted
by the new teachers, I've never heard Mike mentioned.



Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
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[FairfieldLife] Re: A Selection from FFL Greatest Hits: you may be more enlightened than you think..

2005-11-21 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I was looking at archived files and found this one pretty quickly.
I decided to post it again for everyone's enjoyment. It can be 
found in the Files/FFLIndex.html section, or as message 4002, from 
Michael Dean Goodman. I have copied a [lengthy] excerpt from that 
message. Normally I wouldn't copy something so long, but this 
writing is extraordinary in its simplicity and clarity:

  authfriend/Judy Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks, Jim.  Michael's explanations are indeed extraordinary.

Dear Jim and Judy,

Thank you - you are both very gracious in your appreciation.
It's an honor to be of service.  When someone expresses a sincere
need, and I find myself motivated to write this kind of essay,
I'm often surprised at what emerges out of the silence, and I'm
often clarified and strengthened in my own understanding by the
process.  Even years later, with this resurrected post, it still
has that effect on me.

  Judy continues:
 I wish he were around.  

Judy, I AM around - on this list and many others.  But mostly I just
silently observe.  I only post when I feel that I have something val-
uable to say - something that will be of service in the realm of un-
derstanding or experience, something that will help people remember
who they are.  Those opportunities don't seem to arise here so much
anymore.  :(

[In case my earlier posts may be of some value to either of you,
there is an index of my more useful ones in message #43379 in the archives.]

 This piece *almost* convinces me that I'm Self-realized,

Now Judy, you can predict what I'm going to say!
I'm NOT trying to convince you.
I AM encouraging you to notice that shift of perspective where the
Reality becomes Self-evident.
If I convinced you, I would just shift your beliefs, the attitude
or filters of your intellect (and a fine intellect it is!).  That
wouldn't catalyze awakening.

What I want to do is two things:

   1. To shift your awareness itself, to direct your awareness back
  upon its Self, so that the simple, direct experience (if it
  can be called an experience) is an aha, an awakening!

   2. To present an understanding that is an alternative to the
  ignorant understanding that we've all been immersed in
  through our culture/family/school/religion/etc. - to present
  an understanding that compliments/supports that aha experience.

 but I'd really like to ask him about being overshadowed by the
  relative, which is my sole basis for saying I'm not Self-realized.

Judy, have I ever failed to come out to answer your questions?  ;)

  If my experience is that I'm overshadowed, how would Michael interpret
  that in terms of what he says in this piece?

What I need here is a more detailed understanding of what you mean
by being overshadowed by the relative:

   a. What overshadows you?  Everything, specific things...?

   b. Who/what gets overshadowed?

   c. How do you know you are overshadowed?  What are the symptoms?

   d. Who notices that you are sometimes overshadowed and sometimes

If you would look into these questions, and answer them based on your
simple, direct experience (not theoretical understanding), then I
predict I could be of service to you.



Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton (Palm Beach County) FL * 641-919-3700 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Clients and programs throughout the United States, Europe, and India
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[FairfieldLife] ME and me and The Knower [Was: Proclaiming ones enlightenment]

2005-10-13 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
Then just be aware who's noticing that?
Who is perceiving 'empty and void' or 'oceanic and full'
There you are, again!



PARA - The Center for Realization
The Relationship Institute
Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton FL * 641-919-3700 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fairfield IA, Chicago IL, Washington DC, Baltimore MD, San Francisco CA

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[FairfieldLife] Devotion: The Glory of Being Near Guru Dev

2005-03-29 Thread Michael Dean Goodman

Devotion: The Glory of Being Near Guru Dev

Author Unknown
(Probably transcribed from a talk by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi)

...the priceless transcendental nectar in which saints and seekers lose them-
selves and forget everything during their deep meditations in silent barren
places - when that same nectar, that very same experience is had in nearness
to the lotus feet of Guru Dev, in an unmoving and stable manner, with the eyes
open and in a completely wakeful state, the incomparably blissful transcen-
dental torrent floods the inside and outside, and the mind is drowned in ec-

Certainly this state in the nearness to the lotus feet of Guru Dev is much
more desirable and enjoyable that the state where we forgot everything in sa-
madhi.  In that state at the lotus feet of Guru Dev, wave upon wave of the
bliss of samadhi rises in myriads of forms and channels in complete wakeful-
ness.  That is the experience of jivan mukti, by the grace of the lotus feet
of Guru Dev.  The experience of the unshakable bliss of samadhi, when we are
completely awake, is the jivan mukti, drowned in which the great Mahatmas be-
come Brahman.

At this time in this silence, in the nearness to Guru Dev, that is the expe-
rience.  There is an inexpressible happiness, a feeling of huge elation, the
heart is overwhelmed by ecstatic feeling like the heaving of an ocean of love,
an ocean of bliss, as if the blissfulness of pure consciousness is rising in
powerful torrents to surface from somewhere deep inside; and outside, Guru
Dev's wordless, enchanting, inviting, nectar- like love is an infinitely large

Torrential waves are rising from this limitless ocean on the outside, and
diving deep inside and having struck the deepest depths, are rising outwards
again and again, and then falling at the lotus feet of Guru Dev in voiceless
ripples softly heaving and vibrating in ecstasy.  The hand and feet and ears
and all the senses, together with the heart and mind and intellect, are
bursting with the fullness of that ecstatic feeling.

Every tiny atom of the body is enveloped in that unbounded transcendental
bliss of Brahmananda, and is melting into that experience as if into an indi-
visible, everlasting union with pure radiant love, untouched by time, space,
or any other constraint.  The limitless ocean of the heart bursts forth in
wave upon torrential wave of invincibility and freedom.

That unchanging, eternally stable, and timeless bliss, which is beyond the
senses and transcendental in every way, is being experienced at the surface
value of life at one single time simultaneously by all the senses, by every
part of the physical body, and by the entire heart, mind, and intellect - all
this by the grace and love of Guru Dev.  The whole of life, the gross physical
body, the subtle body, the transcendental inner phase of life, is throbbing
and heaving with ecstatic feeling that is only bliss, just ecstasy and the
nearness of Guru Dev.

Outside on the terrace, it is as if the gentle ripples of the lake are nudging
the sides and sleeping vegetation to awaken them to enjoy the tender moon-
light.  And there, on the terrace, the divine illumination of the lotus feet
of Guru Dev is giving the power of life to the brilliant, inexpressible,
transcendental sun of pure consciousness, to allow its waves to shake the
heart of the ignorant disciple, to bring enlightenment and jivan mukti.  The
disciple is awakening from sleep.  He is rising up.  His ignorance and doubts
are being erased.  The fog facing him is lifting and the long journey is being
quickly completed; the goal is becoming visible; it is right in front.
Reaching it is all that is left.  The other shore barely appears, and Guru
Dev, the captain of the boat, throws a chain around the docking post to hasten
his disciple's arrival.

Great good fortune is needed to be able to experience the unbounded grace of
Guru Dev and to continue to drink of that infinite ocean of bliss...

The point being brought out here is the blissfulness experienced in nearness
to the true Master.  The point to notice is how the Guru, by giving his dis-
ciples and other seekers the experience of the different and varied aspects of
Brahman strengthens every disciple's progress on the path of evolution and
carries him to the pinnacle of perfection.  The thing is the same, pure con-
sciousness, but the Guru gives the disciple experiences of it in such a vari-
ety of ways that remove every shadow of doubt that could become an obstacle to
the disciple's progress.

This is the glory of being near Guru Dev.

Jai Guru Dev


PARA - The Center for Realization
The Relationship Institute
Michael Dean Goodman Ph.D., D.D., Director
Boca Raton FL * 641-919-3700 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fairfield IA, Chicago IL, Washington DC, Baltimore MD, San Francisco CA

Counseling * Workshops * Individual Education * Group Presentations * Satsang

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