[FairfieldLife] World's most dangerous country?

2010-03-11 Thread peterklutz


[FairfieldLife] Re: New member introduces herself

2009-01-15 Thread peterklutz


[FairfieldLife] Re: New member introduces herself

2009-01-15 Thread peterklutz

Hey "Ron" -

Not sure there is a relationship here, but after Moriah's introducing
herself I cannot find any more posts by her.

Anyway, I read your reply to her introduction and spotted this turd of
ignorance left behind by yourself..

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ron"  wrote:
> --- In swam...@yahoogroups.com, Moriah Kaplan  wrote:
> >

[mercy snip]

> * In Peru I spent some time with some Shamans - the experiences there 
> deepened the awareness of union with nature energytically -
vibrating in 
> the same frequency .pointing to the oness
> G i don't advise the useage of ayahuasca or any types of drugs
within the 
> path. They are unpredicatable and leave many in states of a disconnect 
> which has no balance within it. 

[mercy snip]

You don't really know what you are talking about do you..?

It's actually works completely the opposite way around - and I now
address the entire community reading this reply/post. 

If you're one of these long-term TMers which has this feeling of
having become stuck - that in spite of deep experiences during years
of programming there remain these hidden sleeping elephants, or
whatever, that just wont go away. There may even be physical
impairments. And you may have this even after doing PK treatments and
what else. 

Well, your freedom, final spiritual emanicipation, is only hours away
- if that's what your presence within the confines of the TMO is
really about.

Drop me an email for contact details to the best place to do Ayahuasca
in Peru at this time.




[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Saudi's Obsession with Oil, Black Cubes and Death'

2007-07-17 Thread peterklutz

Well, the answer to that question is really simple, Robert - we don't:
violence is alien to human nature, we're a herbivorous species with a
nervous systems that allows us to reach and hold enlightenment.

What appears to have happened is that another species (one in some
respectes more scientifically intelligent, but which do not have the
human capacity for enlightenment) has taken control over this planet
and tricked the human race into believing violence is part of their
nature and that war is some sort of natural phenomenon.

War, as has been seen for the last few thousands of years, is in my
mind not a natural thing at all - it has consistently been created by
minds so incredible evil that they can only be understood as non-human 

You may try to fit any theories of a shape-shifting reptilians
wherever you can into the above.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Gimbel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > From the Associated Press:
> > Marine: Beating of Iraqis Became Routine
> > 
> > July 15,2007 | CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. -- A Marine corporal 
> testifying 
> > in a court-martial said Marines in his unit began routinely beating 
> > Iraqis after officers ordered them to "crank up the violence level."
> >  
> > Cpl. Saul H. Lopezromo testified Saturday at the murder trial of 
> Cpl. 
> > Trent D. Thomas.
> > 
> > "We were told to crank up the violence level," said Lopezromo, 
> > testifying for the defense.
> > 
>   Yes, sir, war is hell, that's for sure: either side your on...
> In any age, in any time, same lesson is there: war is hell.
> Why do we like to create these hells, as a species...
> That's the question we need to ask.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Saudi's Obsession with Oil, Black Cubes and Death'

2007-07-17 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
> >
> >  
> > In a message dated 7/16/07 10:12:45 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> > do.rflex@ writes:
> > 
> > What od  youn make of the fact that the suicide bombs that go off in
> > > Baghadad  on a daily basis, killing scores of civilians, and 
> offering
> > > an excuse  to keep US forces there are in fact US cruise missiles
> > > lobbied into  down town Bagdad?
> > > 
> > >  ROFLOL!!  ROFL
> > 
> > Bwana apparently thinks killing is  funny.
> > 
> > Actually, I think what you want others to believe is  hysterical.
> FWIW, there may well be a grain (but only a grain) of
> truth to what Peter says, in that one explosion in 2003
> may have been caused by a U.S. air-fired weapon (though
> not a cruise missile) that went astray and landed in a
> market, killing 60 people.
> The link Peter provided has details. The U.S., natch,
> has denied it, but the incident has never been
> thoroughly investigated, and it remains uncertain
> exactly what happened.


Strategic objective: world domination

Operational objective: capture and hold land where to build world
government capital, location (Persian Gulf) of which for
administrative and geopoliticla reasons need to be at the center of
Euroasian landmass - the largest landmass on Earth

Tactical objectives: (1) erect permanent several military bases in the
area to be able to defend the future world government capital; (2)
relocate key corporate headquarters to the world government capital to be


Strategic objective: not quite there

Operational objective: military victory over the Saddam-regime in Iraq
swiftly accomplished. Other Iraqi civilian leaders prepared to
cooperate and resume power in creating a new society. Forces on
standby as new reasons for attacking neighbouring countries are
drummed up.

Tactical objectives: (1) military bases established; (2) corporate
headquarters relocated to the area. Massive construction under way at
southern coastline ot the Gulf

Snag: Given the swift victory there are public expectations of force

Proposal: create a situation of internal chaos and a armed
resistance as excuse to stay and continue the colinsation of the area -

(1) Destroy the legacy institutions most capable of restoring a
peacefully functioning society - i.e. dismantle the Iraqi army

(2) create internal resistance - fund and train local resistance for
internal terror campaigns

(3) open up the borders and pull neighbouring countries into the fray

(4) How to cope with the problem that the public (no doubt after our
decade of bombing) seems disinterested in continuing the blodshed? 

What is needed is to put the match to the powder keg we just created:

a. Conduct false flags ops where our special forces teams attack our
regular forces as well as the newly created Iraqu national police and
blame it on the resistance

b. Send in a few cruise missiles into downtown Baghadad on a busy day

c. Have US troops react and kill indiscriminately in ways that further
strengthen local opposition to our presence


Most of the tactical objectives from last update now resolved.

Issue now opposition at home.

Proposal: spread the chaos to neighboring countries a s a p ...

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Saudi's Obsession with Oil, Black Cubes and Death'

2007-07-16 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Gimbel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  wrote:
> >
> > Ah, so we're now back to blaming the arabs for the Illuminati
> > controlled genocide in Iraq.
> > 
>  Yeah! So why don't the Saudi's take some of their black gold and help
> their arab bros, that are killing each other in Iraq.
> It's arab on arab now...
> I guess that's our fault too?


What od youn make of the fact that the suicide bombs that go off in
Baghadad on a daily basis, killing scores of civilians, and offering
an excuse to keep US forces there are in fact US cruise missiles
lobbied into down town Bagdad?


Or that the "insurrection" against US trained Iraqi police officers
are in fact British SAS soldiers?


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Saudi's Obsession with Oil, Black Cubes and Death'

2007-07-16 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Gimbel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  wrote:
> >
> > Ah, so we're now back to blaming the arabs for the Illuminati
> > controlled genocide in Iraq.
> > 
>  Yeah! So why don't the Saudi's take some of their black gold and help
> their arab bros, that are killing each other in Iraq.
> It's arab on arab now...
> I guess that's our fault too?

Why don't you tkae some your of Illuminati propaganda and shove it up
your scaly ass?

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Distinction Between- Light of God & Lucifer's Sparkle'

2007-07-16 Thread peterklutz

WHat part of the guy never existed don't you get?

You might as well build a statue of MIckey Mouse and worship that.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Gimbel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  wrote:
> >
> > Jesus who?
> > 
> > The fictional character invented by the Illuminati to mind-control the
> > West thru their prison-religion Christian ity?
> > 
> Whatever you wish to think about the one called Jesus of Nazareth;
> His message is one of greatness, any old way you look at it.
> He is the one that was brave enough to take the path he did.
> For a man to become enlightened and then willingly go through the pain
> of death, much like Socrates in Greece, takes pure guts...
> So, whatever you think of Jesus, he was surely a dude!

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Distinction Between- Light of God & Lucifer's Sparkle'

2007-07-15 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ron"  wrote:
> >snip
> >If it is such a small issue about the Guru declaring the disciple
> >enlightened and then 
> >giving charge to that one to be a guru, why did Yogananada do it? why
> >to many Guru's 
> > make this point as being so significant?
> Sat Gurus don't grow on trees, in this day and age you'd think so! MMY
> has never claimed to be a Sat Guru, his honesty is refreshing. Yet, he
> still offers an effective technique for Self Realization, although, at
> some point a Sat guru may step in and help a *sincere* devotee out,
> not till then.
> One must have very good karma to get the personal attention of a Sat
> Guru.there may not even be any on the planet as we speak, at least
> not in the west!!

Again this need for someone else.

Is everyone on this list either brainwashed or an Illuminati agent?

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Saudi's Obsession with Oil, Black Cubes and Death'

2007-07-15 Thread peterklutz
Ah, so we're now back to blaming the arabs for the Illuminati
controlled genocide in Iraq.

What od youn make of the fact that the suicide bombs that go off in
Baghadad on a daily basis, killing scores of civilians, and offering
an excuse to keep US forces there are in fact US cruise missiles
lobbied into down town Bagdad?


Or that the "insurrection" against US trained Iraqi police officers
are in fact British SAS soldiers?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Saudis play big role in Iraqi insurgency  
> BAGHDAD, July 15: While U.S. officials often blame Syria and
Iran for fueling the insurgency in Iraq, the largest number of
militants come from Saudi Arabia, it was reported.
> About 45 percent of all foreign fighters in Iraq are Sunni
extremists from Saudi Arabia, with the remaining majority coming from
Syria, Lebanon and North Africa, The Los Angeles Times reported Sunday.
> Almost half of the 135 foreigners in U.S. detention facilities in
Iraq are from Saudi Arabia, said a senior U.S. military official who
gave the statistics to The Times.
> Saudi fighters are believed to be responsible for more suicide
bombings than any other nationality, the newspaper reported. In the
last six months, suicide bombings have killed or injured nearly 4,000
> At best, Saudi Arabia has been unable to keep its citizens from
fueling the attacks in Iraq, the newspaper reported. At worst, Saudi
officials share complicity in sending Sunni extremists to kill U.S.
soldiers, Iraqi civilians and those in the Shiite-led government in
Baghdad, the Times reported.   --- UPI
> -
> Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who
> Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Distinction Between- Light of God & Lucifer's Sparkle'

2007-07-15 Thread peterklutz
Jesus who?

The fictional character invented by the Illuminati to mind-control the
West thru their prison-religion Christian ity?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Gimbel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG."  wrote:
> > 
> > [snip]
> > 
> > > > .. the only thing you need to do is to remember who you are!
> > > 
> > > .. to suggest a mere mortal could devise a plan to thwart the 
> > > will of almighty God would render God impotent which is not the 
> > > case.
> > 
> > The thwarting involved is based on introducing/enhancing the sense of
> > duality and element of amnesia of who you really are. 
> > 
> > The Illuminati conspiracy to keep humanity enslaved indefinitely does
> > not exclusively involve incarnated entities.  
> > 
> > 
> Jesus said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within", also,  
> "Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all else will be added unto
> This jives perfectly with Maharishi's teaching...
> And it is true, that there are many other entities, which are
> attracted to you, when you are angry, or in a state of despair, and
> other lower vibrational states...
> The people who commit suicide, or blow themselves up: these are people
> possessed with these lower vibrations...
> The weapons industry, the obsession with death, and destruction.
> The mocking of spirituality in the media.
> It is more than a few people controlling everything- we are all
> susceptible to the flu of fear and mind control...
> This so-called Illuminati conspiracy, I believe attempts to simplify
> everything into a neat black and white package, and being obsessed
> with conspiracy theory's is another way to keep you distracted with
> evil...
> So, the best thing to do is to stay in a spiritual clean place
> yourself; stay out of the muck, and mud, so to speak.
> There are ways to release negative energies, from your aura...
> It is all up to your intention.
> "Ask, and ye shall receive"

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is There an Artificial God?

2007-07-15 Thread peterklutz

The Illuminati certainly wants us to believe in one of their Gods.

And perhaps most important about fictitions thing money, with which
the Illuminati keeps individuals and nations under a rapidly
tightening leash: money did not come about by accident - they are a
carefully crafted tool honed over many centuries.

Quiz: Whats does JFK and Abe Lincon have in common?

Just before their respective assassinations they stated their clear
intention to cut the ties of USA with the so-called Federal Reserve
and have the US government start issuing it's own interest-free money.

Today, we have been hypnotizied to believe that having an
"independent" central bank is part and parcel of a "democratic" system.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A gently mind-bending address to Digital Biota 2,
> the Second Annual Conference on Cyberbiology, in
> 1998 by the late Douglas Adams:
> http://www.biota.org/people/douglasadams/
> Excerpts:
> ...Money is a completely fictitious entity, but it's very powerful in 
> our world; we each have wallets, which have got notes in them, but 
> what can those notes do? You can't breed them, you can't stir fry 
> them, you can't live in them, there's absolutely nothing you can do 
> with them that's any use, other than exchange them with each other - 
> and as soon as we exchange them with each other all sots of powerful 
> things happen, because it's a fiction that we've all subscribed 
> toIf we were all to vanish, money would simply vanish too. Money 
> has no meaning outside ourselves, it is something that we have 
> created that has a powerful shaping effect on the world, because it's 
> something we all subscribe to
> ...The society of Bali is...all defined by the church; they have very 
> peculiar calendars and a very peculiar set of customs and rituals, 
> which are precisely defined and, oddly enough, they are fantastically 
> good at being very, very productive with their rice harvest. In the 
> 70s, people came in and noticed that the rice harvest was determined 
> by the temple calendar. It seemed to be totally nonsensical, so they 
> said, 'Get rid of all this, we can help you make your rice harvest 
> much, much more productive than even you're, very successfully, doing 
> at the moment. Use these pesticides, use this calendar, do this, that 
> and the other'. So they started and for two or three years the rice 
> production went up enormously, but the whole predator/prey/pest 
> balance went completely out of kilter. Very shortly, the rice harvest 
> plummeted again and the Balinese said, 'Screw it, we're going back to 
> the temple calendar!' and they reinstated what was there before and 
> it all worked again absolutely perfectly
> ...As we become more and more scientifically literate, it's worth 
> remembering that the fictions with which we previously populated our 
> world may have some function that it's worth trying to understand and 
> preserve the essential components of, rather than throwing out the 
> baby with the bath water; because even though we may not accept the 
> reasons given for them being here in the first place, it may well be 
> that there are good practical reasons for them, or something like 
> them, to be there

[FairfieldLife] Re: God's Longitude_______was/'Imagine~ Tomorrow...

2007-07-15 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There definitely is an inner parallel to awakening. In it's eastern  
> sense, it would refer to the states of consciousness" known as "the  
> arising of mandalas" and "the arising of letters".

More like the arising of the whiff of bullshit..


After an exchange of postings a few months ago it became 
evident that the poster calling him- or herself Vaj is a 
high-ranking Freemason and possibly an Illuminati agent 
active on this list.

For more details cf posting:



[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Distinction Between- Light of God & Lucifer's Sparkle'

2007-07-15 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  wrote:
> > There is no path! There are no laws! The concept of laws and paths are
> > part of the illusion! As is the notion of a state of perfection,
> > ultimate or not, in the relative!
> The trick is to dispel the illusion, not just by denial of its
> existence but by un-entanglement of the jiva/soul with it! Mere denial
> is not enough, the residual samskaras (impressions in the mind) are
> deeply rooted in the subconscious. 
> Awareness of the one 'Reality' (God), at those subtle levels alone,
> dispels the notion of duality/illusion, not till then.

To describe realization as something at the end of a path is
describing it from within a state of illusion in a - per definition -
deluded way.

The reasons for persising with such a description can be several.

It can, for example, be the expression of a sincere seeker dong his or
her best to describe what they see but keeps thinking they have not
yet achieved.

It can also be the description insisted on by someone who seeks to
thwart attempts of immediate, effortless and spontaneous
self-realization by just remembering who they are.
Which is your excuse for putting up roadblocks?


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Distinction Between- Light of God & Lucifer's Sparkle'

2007-07-15 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> > .. the only thing you need to do is to remember who you are!
> .. to suggest a mere mortal could devise a plan to thwart the 
> will of almighty God would render God impotent which is not the 
> case.

The thwarting involved is based on introducing/enhancing the sense of
duality and element of amnesia of who you really are. 

The Illuminati conspiracy to keep humanity enslaved indefinitely does
not exclusively involve incarnated entities.  

>  God can dissolve creation at any time he chooses as creation 
> is nothing but a dream in the mind of God.

If you really believe this, why this statement?

> The path to remembering who you are is the path of Dharma or
> Righteousness, that is to come into alignment with the laws of 
> nature which are carrying all things to ultimate perfection thru 
> evolution. Or, like you said...remember who you are, a spark of the
> almighty.

There is no path! There are no laws! The concept of laws and paths are
part of the illusion! As si the notion of a state of perfection,
ultimate or not, in the relative!

More precisely, the belief in them as requirements for spiritual
evolution is a particular subtype of illusion handtailored by the
Illumanity for controlling audiences who have somehow glimpsed that
there is more to life than meets the eyes and would like to get bail
out of the illusion pronto.  

Given your belief that God can terminate His/Her dream at any moment
why don't you just do that and wake up from your dream - right here
and right now? 

It is who you are! Isn't it? The essence of everything that exists,
ever has existed and ever will exist!

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Bush Regime: Destoyed Center of Gravity in Bagdhad'

2007-07-15 Thread peterklutz

What has been going on in Iraq since 1991 is the depopulation of that
country: indicators of which are i.a. the staggering child mortality.

The Illuminati plan is to base their planned World Government in the
that place. The reason for this is not nostalgia (and I differ from
Icke here), but the same reason that made them chose that location
afdter the great deluge - geopolitics.

Iraq/Iran is at the very center of the Euroasian continent so it's the
(only) logical choice to base a government bent on worl ddominiation.

Here's an advance notice of how this will happen this time: since the
game appears to be up as far a constructing a fictious arab threat to
the world, and the chinese leadership seems to clever to be pulled
into the game, the final trick to be played on mankind may very well
be the threat of an alien invasion.

Yes, keep giggling while you can.

It will happen when the USAF opens the doors to their underground
bases and let their armada of Nazi-stolen antigravity tehcnology
persuade us about this - which will then be the immediate
justification for mircochipping every human on the planet.

The result will be that only complex living organisms which sends out
positive RFID responses to NATO hunt and kill units will be spared
immediate annihilation. 

I.e. anyone refusing to be microchipped will met instant death with
the defense of being an "alien".

I.e. The same everyone-who-is-not-for-us-is-against-us-rationale that
has filled secret prisons around the world with "terrorists".

You can stop this bullshit right now, right today, but refusing to
fund the madness by not paying federal "tax". 

Believe it or not, US courts have confirmed these taxes to be
unconstotutional, i.e. illegal - a nice little fact the government and
IRS have been doing a good job in keeping people from knowing.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The evil unleashed, since this invasion has become mind numbing:
from the prison fiasco, to the Iraq museum fiasco, to the lies, and
false ridiculous theory's of political process, it still goes on...
> Saddam, evil as he was, looks like kindergarten now, compared to the
reality on the ground, after 'Shock & Awe, and so many long years,
lives shattered, souls shaken, unbelievable!
> I think George Bush will be remembered in much the same way as
Napoleon Bonaparte of France, when somehow, someway, he made himself
into some kind of emperor, spreading democracy around the kingdom...
> -
> Don't get soaked.  Take a quick peak at the forecast 
>  with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Distinction Between- Light of God & Lucifer's Sparkle'

2007-07-15 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  wrote:
> >snip
> > The luciferian opening you extol, and which the Illuminati so
> > desperatelly wants humanity to believe in, is by your own confession
> > to fall into amnesia about all levels of existence except the five
> > sense reality.
> > 
> > This amnesia is not the point of start of dynamic will, awareness or
> > self discovery - it's the dead end of all these things and the place
> > where the Illuminati wishes to keep humanity indefinitely: 
> Perhaps, but that would be impossible as the spark of divinity exists
> in us all, waiting for release.
> I think the point of awareness in the five senses is to learn the
> lessons of life thru the experiences of opposites, (i.e. pleasure from
> good-pain from bad) it's a sort of nursery school for infant humanity,
> hopefully we will all graduate, but never stay here indefinitely.

(1) It is certainly impossible in terms of Spirit, but once they GMO
and microchip us - the bodies we now have at our disposal may have
become useless as tools for experiences outside of the five senses.

(2) But there is nothing there to learn :-)

This whole hierchial graduate thinking is an illusion imposed on you
to make you believe you are not worthy of being what you already are.

What you in effect are saying is: O please Lord, keep me in prison a
little bit longer since I do not yet feel worthy of being released. I
don't remember why, but these feeling of guilt and inferiority I
experience must be the result of myself being a relly bad person - if
not in this life than surely in some previous one.

The feelings are illusions invented by the Illuminati and imposed on
you to enslave you and the rest of humanity. 

There is no natural place for them in Life (remorse, inferiority or
the Illuminati) - they are all manufactured things that need of
constant reinforcement not to fall apart by themselves.

And the only thing you need to do is to remember who you are!

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Distinction Between- Light of God & Lucifer's Sparkle'

2007-07-14 Thread peterklutz
Thanks for offering yourself as a prime example of just how deep the
collective mind control has taken the world..

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel 
> wrote:

> ... if it weren't for the luciferian spirits (the
> light givers) man would still be in the garden of Eden, merely passive
> occupants with no dynamic will or 'self' consciousness. Lucifer opened
> early man's 'eyes' to the physical world (and they noticed they were
> naked) starting him on the journey of self discovery. (Max Heindel

Man's natural state is infinite awareness in unbounded consciousness
of all levels of existence.  

The luciferian opening you extol, and which the Illuminati so
desperatelly wants humanity to believe in, is by your own confession
to fall into amnesia about all levels of existence except the five
sense reality.

This amnesia is not the point of start of dynamic will, awareness or
self discovery - it's the dead end of all these things and the place
where the Illuminati wishes to keep humanity indefinitely: imprisoned
by fear of pretty much everything whilst degrading our capacity to see
their imposed illusion by bombarding us with pretty much anything they
can come up with; including financial enslavement, GMO, aspartame,
microchiping, electromagnetic pollution, chemtrails, indoctrination at
"schools", dumbing down by telly and forcing lies 24/7 on peoples thru
media, and what else have you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Pray for evaporation of evil plans...'

2007-07-14 Thread peterklutz
Should you ever grow tired of RC you can always try Bollockism - David
Icke's proposed religion.

There the self-flagellation consists of putting up with public ridicule..

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "qntmpkt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---Thanks, speaking of the Masters of Wisdom, Freemasons, etc; these 
> are false teachers since Roman Catholocism is the one true Church 
> (Cf. MSN cover page).  I'm thinking of becoming a RC TB, along the 
> lines of Mel Gibson.  He may be into Opus Dei.  By becoming a members 
> of this cult, you get to flagellate yourself with a 
> makeshift "flagellum" (not quite as austere as the original Roman 
> invention); made out of some flimsey cord. You strip of your shirt 
> and vigorously flagellate yourself on the back.  Here's the Pope's 
> latest pronouncement:
> Pope: Other denominations not true churches
> Benedict issues statement asserting that Jesus established `only one 
> church'
>  NBC News video 
>   Jews have concerns over Latin mass
> July 10: NBC's Stephanie Gosk reports on Pope Benedict XVI's revival 
> of the traditional Latin mass and the firestorm it is generating.
> Today show
>  Slide show 
>  Making of a pope 
> From boyhood to war to seminary to the Vatican, images trace the 
> career of the 265th pope.  
>  Slide show 
>  Inaugural Mass
> Benedict XVI is installed as pope in a Mass in St. Peter's Square in 
> 2005. Click to view the photographs. 
>   NBC World Blog 
>  NBC News correspondents and producers around the globe share their 
> insight on news events. 
>   Most Popular 
> � Most Viewed  � Top Rated  � Most E-mailed 
>   U.S. troops kill 6 Iraqi police in gunbattle
>   Pope: Other denominations not true churches
>   Miss N.J. reveals blackmail photos
>   Twins separated at birth reunite after 15 years
> Midwest towns sour on war as deaths mount
>   Most viewed on MSNBC.com 
>   Gillispie already working magic on Kentucky
>   Butterflies fast forward evolution to evade death
>   Hospital operators may give bad stroke advice
>   Locked out? Don't fall for latest locksmith scam
>   Poll: 92 percent want 'country of origin' labels
>   Most viewed on MSNBC.com 
>   Pope: Other denominations not true churches
>   Two Ellsworth personnel found dead in their home
>   Former surgeon general says he was muzzled
>   Bum wrap
>   Former tennis star Clijsters weds U.S. basketball player
>   Most viewed on MSNBC.com 
> MSNBC News Services
> Updated: 6:52 a.m. PT July 10, 2007
> LORENZAGO DI CADORE, Italy - Pope Benedict XVI has reasserted the 
> universal primacy of the Roman Catholic Church, approving a document 
> released Tuesday that says Orthodox churches were defective and that 
> other Christian denominations were not true churches.
> Benedict approved a document from his old offices at the Congregation 
> for the Doctrine of the Faith that restates church teaching on 
> relations with other Christians. It was the second time in a week the 
> pope has corrected what he says are erroneous interpretations of the 
> Second Vatican Council, the 1962-65 meetings that modernized the 
> church.
> On Saturday, Benedict revisited another key aspect of Vatican II by 
> reviving the old Latin Mass. Traditional Catholics cheered the move, 
> but more liberal ones called it a step back from Vatican II.
> In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  wrote:
> >
> > Glad you (and your bottom) managed to once again morph into human
> > form. From what I hear this has become more and more difficult for 
> you
> > guys.
> > 
> > As far as concern paranoia etc - you guys just can't let go, can 
> you.
> > 
> > How can you ever hope to become free (let alone human) if you don't
> > first loose this hierachial stuff of Teachers etc?
> > 
> > As far as concern Thomas Jeffersson, seems his hidden basement just
> > might have held the same stuff as Ben Franklins..?
> > 
> > http://www.cp.org/english/online/OnlineFullStory.aspx?
> filename=g032008a&newsitemid=66697032&languageid=1
> > 
> > http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/ten_bodies.htm
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Gimbel" 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Maybe I am paranoid, but I did pick up the stench of 
> Freemasonry in
> > > > your writings.
> &g

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Pray for evaporation of evil plans...'

2007-07-14 Thread peterklutz
Glad you (and your bottom) managed to once again morph into human
form. From what I hear this has become more and more difficult for you

As far as concern paranoia etc - you guys just can't let go, can you.

How can you ever hope to become free (let alone human) if you don't
first loose this hierachial stuff of Teachers etc?

As far as concern Thomas Jeffersson, seems his hidden basement just
might have held the same stuff as Ben Franklins..?



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Gimbel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  wrote:
> >
> > Maybe I am paranoid, but I did pick up the stench of Freemasonry in
> > your writings.
> > 
> > What Teachers of Wisdom?
> > 
> > Why do you insist that love needs Teachers with capital T to spread
> > itself? Or the humans need Ts to learn anything?
> > 
> > Why Light of Pure Consciousness?
> > 
> > What's wrong with just plain Pure Consciousness?
> > 
> > And why the, by the same token, quaint and inappropriate
> > 
> > Normally I would now wait for a reply, but given the new posting limit
> > I'll cut to the chase:
> > 
> > You and your like can take your "Light" bringing (a k a Luciferian),
> > satanic Illuminati and Freemasonic purpose of qualifying (i.e.
> > straight-jacking) and redirecting (i.e.kidnapping) Spirit and shove it
> > up your scaly behind.
> > 
> > 
> Sorry, but my behind is soft, thank you...
> Actually this attitude you suggest is what we should be avoiding.
> This hateful warmongering type of speak, is what gets us bad karma, yes?
> Now, what I meant by Teachers, was a generic word, sorry it elicited
> such fear and paranoia on your part.
> All of us are Teachers, when we are centered.
> This is more of the teaching of 'A Course In Miracles'...
> Not sure if you're familiar with the literature,
> But it suggests that unconditional love, and forgiveness is the way
> out of the small self, the ego, and onto bigger and better things.
> Not free masonry, or any other thing of this material world.
> Though I do admire Thomas Jefferson...
> That is not at all what I was suggesting.
> Over and out...

[FairfieldLife] David Icke Prophecies

2007-07-14 Thread peterklutz

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Pray for evaporation of evil plans...'

2007-07-14 Thread peterklutz
Maybe I am paranoid, but I did pick up the stench of Freemasonry in
your writings.

What Teachers of Wisdom?

Why do you insist that love needs Teachers with capital T to spread
itself? Or the humans need Ts to learn anything?

Why Light of Pure Consciousness?

What's wrong with just plain Pure Consciousness?

And why the, by the same token, quaint and inappropriate "purposefully?"

Normally I would now wait for a reply, but given the new posting limit
I'll cut to the chase:

You and your like can take your "Light" bringing (a k a Luciferian),
satanic Illuminati and Freemasonic purpose of qualifying (i.e.
straight-jacking) and redirecting (i.e.kidnapping) Spirit and shove it
up your scaly behind.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Gimbel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > Hello Robert
> > > 
> > > Whose evil plans?
>  All and everyone of the evil intentions.
>  'Cancel then all.
> Make them null and void.
> Replace the emptiness, fear, trepidation with love, forgiveness,
> compassion.
> In the name of Teachers of Wisdom, love and forgiveness.
> During these next hours and days, my feeling was to dwell on the
> 'Light of Pure Consciousness;
> So as to bring light to the darkness' wherever 'it' may be.
> To reveal any diabolical plot or purpose with evil intent;
> That we may pass through this period of transition,
> peacefully,lovingly, purposefully.
> Amen.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The more carbon dioxide, the better

2007-07-14 Thread peterklutz

One could hope, but to me it appears more probable that these
so-called economic cycles are manufactured for the long-term purpose
of aggregating IOUs (as in ICUs I Control You) - which is what "money"
really is in fewer and fewer hands. 

I.e. it will not be the Illuminati that suffers, but countries and big

If the hypothesis is correct, than the purpose of the upcoming slump
is to allow the Illuminati to succeed where they have currently hit a
wall - further strengthening of control and centralization.

Maybe the Illuminati are running around like headless chicken right
now - desperately trying to think of ways to hit us with?

It's members do appear to believe that if they have not put their
global Iraq based government in place by 2012, it will never happen.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> shempmcgurk wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >   
> >> shempmcgurk wrote:
> >> 
> >>> http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig8/hanson1.html
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>   
> >>>   
> >> So now you're hanging out over on Lew Rockwell's site?  He's not 
> >> 
> > exactly 
> >   
> >> a big fan of the Bushies, you know.
> >> 
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > It's not a question of "now", I've been reading LewRockwell.com for 
> > years.
> >
> > Indeed, Ron Paul has contributed over 350 columns to LewRockwell.com 
> > and I've been reading him for years...probably the only person on FFL 
> > who even knew who he was before he ran for president.
> >   
> Nope, I've been listening to Alex Jones for several years who also had 
> Ron Paul on before he ran for president.  Alex also thinks "Global 
> Warming" is questionable.  But then just because I listen to him
> mean I agree with him on everything.   And as I mentioned before these 
> guys are upset not so much about global warming or climate change but 
> what they view as the New World Order trying to use it as a tool for 
> authoritarian governance.
> I also agree with Ron Paul that we are in for a economic collapse
and it 
> may not be a bad thing as it will probably also take out the corporate 
> power structure which is something they probably aren't counting on.
> get to erase the blackboard and start all over again which is probably 
> the only way out of this mess.

[FairfieldLife] David Icke

2007-07-14 Thread peterklutz

A while ago I got into the guys books and DVDs and now can't rid
myself of the feeling that whatever Icke says, or how is says it, he
comes across as speaking from very real and lucid experiences of
reality - as well as from higher states of consciousness.

If his work leading up to "The Biggest Secret," "Alice in Wonderland"
and "Children of the Matrix" are the expressions of clairvoyance
combined with (quite an incredible) personal courage, his latest book,
"Infinite Love is the only Truth - Everything else is Illusion,"
cannot be anything else than a testimony of CC? 

The way Icke describes reality is so true by comparison is nothing
less than a modern-age rendering of testimonies found in the Upanishad.

As a former BBC TV presenter his act, in my mind, is stronger on stage
 (his audios and DVDS) tham his books.

Most of his stuff can be found at piratebay.org and such sites.



[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Imagine~ Tomorrow/Saturday - Fire the Grid- 6:11 AM CST'

2007-07-14 Thread peterklutz


Is this grid idea a freemasonic / Illuminati attempt to reinforce some
satanist ritual they plan to enact at these times?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Gimbel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel 
> wrote:
> >
> >   July 17, 2007 at 11:11 GMT
> >   document.write(localTime); — 04:11 (4:11 AM) in your time zone — 
> >   
> >  http://www.firethegrid.com/eng/home-fr-eng.htm
> >   
> > On July 17 at 11:11 GMT  document.write(localTime); — 04:11 (4:11
> AM) in your time zone — we will assemble from all corners of our world
> as a collective body of energy to meditate simultaneously for 1 hour
> (60 minutes).
> >   To synchronize ourselves worldwide, each time zone begins the Fire
> the Grid meditation at the GMT equivalent local time (shown in blue).
> > 
> > -
> >   
> >
> >   NEW For those desiring futher reassurance of your LOCAL meditation
> time, please refer to the table below which contains a complete list
> of every time zone worldwide and its relationship to 11:11 GMT.
> > 
> > Region
> >  GMT
> >-/+
> >  Adjusted
> >Local Time
> >  Time Zone
> >  Monday   16 July 2007
> >  International   Date
> >Line West
> >eg: Eniwetok
> >  Kwajalein
> >  -12
> >  11:11pm   (23:11)
> >  Dateline   Standard Time
> >  Tuesday   17 July 2007
> >  Midway Island
> >  Samoa
> >  -11
> >  12:11am   (00:11)
> >  Samoa Standard Time
> >  Hawaii
> >  -10
> >  1:11am   (01:11)
> >  Hawaii   Standard Time
> >  Alaska
> >  -9   *
> >  3:11am   (03:11)
> >  Alaskan   Daylight Time
> >  Pacific Time (PDT)
> >eg: Vancouver
> >Seattle
> >Lewiston
> >Portland
> >Reno
> >Las Vegas
> >San Francisco
> >Los Angeles
> >San Diego
> >  -8   *
> >  4:11am   (04:11)
> >  Pacific   Daylight Time
> >  Arizona
> >  -7
> >  4:11am   (04:11)
> >  US   Mountain Standard Time
> >  Chihuahua
> >  LaPaz
> >  Mazatlan
> >  -7   *
> >  5:11am   (05:11)
> >  Mexico Daylight Time 2
> >  Mountain Time (MDT)
> >eg: Calgary
> >  Billings
> >  Boise
> >  Cheyenne
> >  Rapid City
> >  Salt Lake   City
> >  Denver
> >  Albuquerque
> >  El Paso
> >  -7   *
> >  5:11am   (05:11)
> >  Mountain   Daylight Time
> >  Central America
> >  -6
> >  5:11am   (05:11)
> >  Central America Standard Time
> >  Central Time (CDT)
> >eg. Minneapolis
> >Omaha
> >Des Moines
> >Chicago
> >Dodge City
> >Kansas City
> >Nashville
> >Dallas
> >Houston
> >New Orleans
> >  -6   *
> >  6:11am   (06:11)
> >  Central   Daylight Time
> >  Indiana (West)
> >eg: Evansville
> >  Valparaiso
> >  -6   *
> >  6:11am   (06:11)
> >  Central   Daylight Time
> >  Guadalajara
> >  Mexico City
> >  Monterrey
> >  -6   *
> >  6:11am   (06:11)
> >  Mexico Daylight Time
> >  Saskatchewan
> >  -6
> >  5:11am   (05:11)
> >  Canada Central Standard Time
> >  Bogota
> >  Lima
> >  Quito
> >  -5
> >  6:11am   (06:11)
> >  SA   Pacific Standard Time
> >  Eastern   Time (EDT)
> >eg: Montreal
> >Quebec City
> >Ottawa
> >Toronto
> >Boston
> >New York
> >Detroit
> >Indianapolis
> >Louisville
> >Philadelphia
> >Raleigh
> >Atlanta
> >Tampa
> >Miami
> >  -5   *
> >  7:11am   (07:11)
> >  Eastern   Daylight Time
> >  Atlantic   Time
> >eg: Halifax
> >  -4   *
> >  8:11am   (08:11)
> >  Atlantic   Daylight Time
> >  Caracas
> >  La Paz
> >  -4
> >  7:11am   (07:11)
> >  SA   Western Standard Time
> >  Santiago
> >  -4
> >  7:11am   (07:11)
> >  Pacific   SA Standard Time
> >  Georgetown
> >  -4
> >  7:11am   (07:11)
> >  Guyana   Time
> >  Newfoundland
> >  -3:30   *
> >  8:41am   (08:41)
> >  Newfoundland   Daylight Time
> >  Brasilia
> >  -3
> >  8:11am   (08:11)
> >  Brazil   Standard Time
> >  Buenos   Aires
> >  -3
> >  8:11am   (08:11)
> >  SA   Eastern Standard Time
> >  Greenland
> >  -3   *
> >  9:11am   (09:11)
> >  Greenland   Daylight Time
> >  Mid-Atlantic
> >  -2   *
> >  10:11am   (10:11)
> >  Mid-Atlantic   Daylight Time

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Pray for evaporation of evil plans...'

2007-07-14 Thread peterklutz

Hello Robert

Whose evil plans?

(1) The German Minister for Interior affairs, in his recent proposal
that Germany introduce legislation in support of preventive
assassinations of people they call terrorists?

(2) The GWB bloodline attempt to turn the world into a global fascist
dictatorship by creating problems (Oklahoma and 9/11 were inside jobs)
whose only solution appears to be further enslavement of the human

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Officials Warn of Possible Attacks A combination intelligence
"chatter," a suspicious video, and arrests along the Pakistani border
have led authorities to warn that the threat of terrorist attacks in
Germany is real.
>  August Hanning, alarmed.
>  Germany faced an elevated threat of terrorism on Friday because of
its involvement in Afghanistan, according to officials who say the
risk of an attack here is as high as it has ever been since September
11, 2001. "We are alarmed," the normally mild-mannered August Hanning,
Deputy Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, told
reporters on Thursday evening. Hanning said the level of so-called
"chatter" from intelligence sources reminded him of the weeks just
before September 11. German as well as foreign intelligence agencies
have received hints about plans, groups, and individual extremists who
may be planning an attack in Germany.
>  "We have moved fully into the target range of Islamist terror,"
said Hanning, who used to lead Germany's intelligence service, the BND.
>  One source of concern for the government is a video that surfaced
on the Afghan-Pakistani border on June 9. The video -- which has since
been broadcast on ABC News in the United States -- shows the brother
of a recently killed Taliban commander, Mullah Dadullah, in front of a
group of his hooded followers, who crouch on the ground. What bothers
German authorities about this clip is that four groups of these men --
supposedly suicide bombers -- leave Mansour Dadullah's presence to
mount attacks in four separate countries: Germany, Canada, the United
States, and Great Britain. The supposed reason is revenge for the
NATO-led peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan.
>  Supporting suspicion raised by this video -- which may just be
propaganda -- is US intelligence arising from surveillance of known
German extremists. Based on US information, the German Interior
Ministry believes at least 10 Islamist radicals with roots in Germany
are currently in Pakistani training camps. On June 10, in fact, two
Germans and one Kirghiz man were arrested along the Afghan-Pakistani
border on terrorism charges. Pakistani officials say they were
outfitted with satellite phones and radio devices and were either on
their way to or from a training camp. A German TV broadcaster, N24,
reported that they were planning suicide attacks in Germany. 
>  Border security measures have been tightened as a result of the new
intelligence, according to German officials.
>   With reporting by Matthias Gebauer 
> -
> Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect.  Join Yahoo!'s
user panel and lay it on us.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Founding Fathers were Deists, Skeptics, Free Thinkers...

2007-07-14 Thread peterklutz

The "western democracy" bombing of Iraq has been going on for a decade
and a half by now.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, steven klayman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Congratulations to Joe Seeheusen for picking up the
> ball and helping organize the Ron Paul for President
> campaign in Iowa.
> You know Ron is a good candidate when his fellow
> Republicans, like Rudy Giuliani, hate him even being
> in the debate.  He is the only republican who told the
> truth. We have been bombing Iraq for 10 years. You
> think our meddling in everybody elses affairs has
> caused some animosity? Ya think?

> Shape Yahoo! in your own image.  Join our Network Research Panel
today!   http://surveylink.yahoo.com/gmrs/yahoo_panel_invite.asp?a=7

[FairfieldLife] American Gestapo [was Re: Breaking News]

2007-03-18 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> off_world_beings wrote:
> > ...disgusting potty mouth of TurquoiseB, so don't 
> > be surprised of she is a bit miffed.
> > 
> I think you just made a personal attack against Barry.

Are you the new self-annointed Sheriff in el pueblo de FFL?  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Reward vs. Punishment: a different kind of moderation

2007-03-18 Thread peterklutz

Okey, Rick - I now start to see what is happening here.

Almost all of us are guilty of 'violating' the behavioural code at FFL
(I know I am). 

But truth be told, if you are serious about keeping credibility whilst
restoring civility there is only one thing you need to do: kick
TurkeyB off FFL for a good while. I don't see the FFL described as an
online counseling forum for recovering satanists.

If you find this statement partisan, do consider that I do not ask for
Vaj to go, to name just one - a man who despite his constant barrage
and evil agenda behave very well, certainly better than Peter Klutz.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> On Behalf Of off_world_beings
> Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2007 9:18 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Reward vs. Punishment: a different kind of
> moderation
> I'm sorry Rick, but she clearly does not use the offensive language 
> that Turquoise has used against her, but this point is ignored by 
> the anti-TM people. I personally don't mind biting back at someone 
> that lunges at me, and I do, if they strike first, but it is very 
> clear that she has been civil in her discourse, whereas Turquoise 
> has been quite disgusting and offensive to her. I think you should 
> at least acknowledge that.
> Fair enough. Point taken. I've seen examples of that. But the point
is, both
> have been violating the 1st point in the FFL guidelines: 1) This
group has
> long maintained a thoughtful and considerate tone. Please refrain from
> personal attacks, insults and excessive venting. "Speak the truth
that is
> sweet" is a worthy aspiration. If angry, take some time to gain
> before writing or pushing the send button.
> No one enjoys their squabble. Both are being told to stop it. If
they don't
> they'll be moderated. If the tone around here improves, I'll invite back
> some high caliber members who fled when it deteriorated.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking News

2007-03-18 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > On Behalf Of authfriend
> > Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2007 7:48 PM
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking News
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > > There's a files section on FFL in which anyone can archive
> > > anything. There's also a links section in which you can link
> > > to any post. Maybe Barry is finished with that little exercise.
> > 
> > Which you suggested he archive. If I'd posted a
> > compendium of Barry's attacks, would you have suggested
> > I archive it? I don't think so.
> > 
> > > I'll bet that anyone who read your post (the one I'm
> > > responding to here) thought, Oh God, she just doesn't get it.
> > > We're sick of hearing Judy's opinion of Barry and vice versa.
> > 
> > Just where did I say I planned to post such a compendium,
> > Rick?
> > 
> > And do you also bet anybody who saw Barry's latest
> > compendium--which he actually posted--thought, Oh,
> > God, he just doesn't get it?
> > 
> > See, now you're doing the same thing with me. You're
> > still ragging on Barry, and you're trying to get on
> > my case.
> No, Rick, I'm pointing out examples of your bias
> and lack of attention to what's been going on.
> You were ragging on *me* above.  The "vice versa"
> was tacked on as lip service.
>  Enjoy it while you can. If you do it
> > tomorrow, we'll switch you to moderated status.
> Oh, so now all criticism of Rick is forbidden too.
>  Barry too, if he does what
> > you're doing.
> >

Why does sparaig's decision to leave now seem prophetic..?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Reward vs. Punishment: a different kind of moderation

2007-03-18 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > On Behalf Of authfriend
> > Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2007 7:41 PM
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Reward vs. Punishment: a different 
> kind of
> > moderation
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> >  , "Rick Archer"  
> wrote:
> > 
> > > Isn't there some evolutionary lesson in this
> > > feud with Judy thing that you have yet to fully learn? If
> > > there is, then we'll know you've learned it when you don't
> > > take the bait no matter how tempting.
> > 
> > When ***BARRY*** doesn't take the bait???
> > 
> > Rick, Barry is the *baiter*, not the baitee.
> > 
> > (OK, I'll say it before someone else does:
> > Barry's the master baiter.)
> > 
> > No kidding, Rick, if you haven't figured this
> > out long since, you simply haven't been paying
> > attention, or you're letting your biases blind
> > you to what's been going on.
> > 
> > What an astonishing thing for you to say.
> > 
> > I know you're dying for me to say that he's more to blame than you 
> are, but
> > I actually haven't been paying attention closely enough to say that 
> for
> > sure.
> Yes, that's clearly a big part of the problem here:
> you haven't been paying attention.  And you therefore
> are incapable of being fair.
>  All I can say is that you each nibble the bait the other dangles, and
> > neither of you has proven capable of concluding your little game. 
> Everyone
> > is sick of it. If either of you completely stops and the other 
> continues, it
> > will be obvious which of you is the most seriously afflicted.
> Try requiring Barry to stop and see what happens.

As nice as the concept of UN-like brokered peace is, history shows
that be stopping hostilities a conflict is only frozen down and never

So, how about a two-hour debate brokered by a judge or panel all
participants can aggree on, and the verdict can not be appealed?

If that is too eloborate we could just issue them each a gun for a
duel under the big oak on next full-moon.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking News

2007-03-18 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> On Behalf Of lurkernomore20002000
> Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2007 8:33 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking News
> Will posts with "attack" in the subject be counted
> > toward an individual's total allowed posts for the day?
> > 
> >Rick:
> No. But it would be better to take the approach Barry suggested - if 
> anyone
> > is attacked, ignore the attacker and he/she will go away. If that 
> doesn't
> > work, we can moderate him/her.
> This would solve the whole, entire problem. But these two parties 
> cannot restrain themselves. I don't see it happening.
> So starting tomorrow if either of them mentions the other in an
offensive or
> defensive tone, they'll be switched to moderated status. In other words,
> their posts will require moderator approval before showing up on the

I can't wait to see TurkeyB's attempts to try to navigate around this
obstacle :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Fairfield Life suggestion from a friend

2007-03-18 Thread peterklutz

Apparently the basic problem is not quantity but lack of quality.

So, aside limiting Vaj's barrage of closet-illuminati propaganda
snipets to 3 or 5 a day, how about introducting an upper limit on the
number of words a reply may contain (perhaps not for original
postings), including what is quoted? 

By doing it this way, responders will be forced to be more selective,
concise and to the point, without giving up their perceived right to
respond - in short a remedy may have been found for TurkeyB's
intestinal condition.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> A more important point would be to restrict posters who can't
refrain from
> bad-mouthing each other. This is a harder one to police because it's a
> subjective judgment. I have to work and can't sit here all day
> on the tone of people's posts. Any suggestions?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking News

2007-03-18 Thread peterklutz


 After an exchange of postings it has become evident that
 the poster using the name Vaj is a Freemason, apparently
 of high rank, with (1) little or no understanding of TM
 and other eastern spiritual practices; and who has
 confessed to (2) be on a mission to apparently sow doubt
 about the safety of the practices of i.a. the TM and
 TM-Sidhi programes.

 For more details cf posting:



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "vajradhatu108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wayback71"  wrote:
> >
> > You are right, Judy.  Lawson is very bright, from what I could
gather.  He can always return 
> > if he wants to limit the number of posts as everyone else does.
> It's a shame he could not get ahold of his obsessive posting
tendencies, as he had a nice 
> sense of humor and could be quite insightful at times.
> I really think Lawson could benefit from a style of meditation which
would offer attentional 
> training and attentional stability and balance--although I suspect
he'd be scared to death to 
> try it.

[FairfieldLife] Voltaire 101

2007-03-18 Thread peterklutz

(1) On sparaig:

"He was a great patriot, a humanitarian, a loyal friend; provided, of
course, he really is dead"

(2) On John Ashcroft:

"Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung" 

(3) On George W. Bush:

"An ideal form of government is democracy tempered with assassination"

(4) On David Icke:

"Chance is a word void of sense; nothing can exist without a cause"

(5) On American Imperialistic Justice:

"It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless
they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets"

[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking News

2007-03-18 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > This is an automated email message to let you know that sparaig
> >  unsubscribed from your FairfieldLife group.
> Congratulations, Rick, one down.
> Lawson was perhaps the brightest person on this
> forum.  Too bad he was a TM supporter.

Doing a search on 'sparaig' it seems sparaig's last contribution to
FFL was a reply to willytex:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> sparaig wrote:
> > Imagine if the court jester was limited to
> > 5 barbs a day. His usefulness to the king
> > would end immediately.
> >
> So, it's all about jesting.

Well, yeah...

If I may speculate as to the reason for sparaig's departure: It's not
about opposition or enmity. 

It's about a sense of despair and futility, a feeling of hopeleness
perhaps similar to my own reaction when I read WillyTex's postings: Is
this what humanity has come to - a drawling moronic Texan outlook on
the same uneducated level as that of a certain prezident of the United
States of America..?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quote

2007-03-16 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> > > ...surely there's a defintion of what TM is and what 
> > > a TMer is - it's just common sense, that you'd define 
> > > what it is that you're talking about, so we could agree 
> > > on some basics. That's my point, but nobody seems to be
> > able to say what, exactly, a TMer is supposed to be. 
> > > And who gets to pronounce who is and who isn't a TMer 
> > > anyway?
> > >
> peterklutz wrote: 
> > You have already given a clear definition of what a TMer
> > is. 
> > 
> > Twice.
> >
> Regressus ad absurdam. Saying that a TMer is somone who practices TM
> is circular logic. What, exactly, is TM, Peter? It's a very simple
> question. Why is it so difficult for you to give me a simple answer? I
> can see now why you got kicked off Wiki - you can't even define basics.
> And who gets to pronounce who is and who isn't a TMer anyway?

TM is form of meditation taught by HH MMY, or by teachers trained by him.

TMers come from many walks of life and may even include Texan
IQ-seagull morons needing two hours each each day just to put their
stetsons on the correct way.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Inner Circle Breakout on "Girls"

2007-03-16 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
>  wrote:
> >
> > "And with an even lower level of integrity than
> > John Knapp and his minions."
> > 
> > Off topic, but how can John have minions when I have none?  
> > I try to treat minions really well and I can't keep a single 
> > one.  (am I scaring them away with my "Sex-on-demand rules 
> > for minions" poster?)
> For a manual on the stalking of and subsequent
> care and feeding of minions, check out Christopher
> Moore's latest novel, "You Suck: A Love Story."
> Tommy and Jody are new vampires. They fall asleep
> at sunrise and don't wake up until sunset, so they
> need someone to run errands for them during the
> day. So they find a 19-year-old Goth girl named
> Abby Normal and make her their minion. It's just
> to die for; whole chapters are written in the form
> of Abby writing in her Journal. Very, very funny
> stuff.

Thanks for confirming who you are: a closet-Satanist..

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quote

2007-03-16 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> peterklutz wrote: 
> > The point I made in this thread is that only intellectual 
> > knowledge is worthless, even counterproductive. That's one 
> > reason for Maharishi's greatness - he has actually given 
> > people the experience and tools they need to become 
> > Enlightened. 
> >
> Maybe so, but surely there's a defintion of what TM is and what a TMer
> is - it's just common sense, that you'd define what it is that you're
> talking about, so we could agree on some basics. That's my point, but
> nobody seems to be able to say what, exactly, a TMer is supposed to
> be. And who gets to pronounce who is and who isn't a TMer anyway?

You have already given a clear definition of what a TMer is. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: 9-11 Mastermind also Masterminded these

2007-03-15 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> > >
> > > 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has also confessed to
> > masterminding:
> > > Hurricane Katrina
> > > The Indonesian Tsunami
> > > The Loma Prieta Earthquake
> > > The Riverside Earthquake
> > > 
> > > Who could have imagined that this guy who looks like a derelict  
> off 
> > > skid row could be the greatest criminal mastermind of all time.
> > > 
> > > BTW, here's a great opportunity: Brooklyn Bridge is available 
> for sale.
> > > 
> > > Oh and also I heard he masterminded the trouble Alberto Gonzales 
> is
> > in. :)
> > >
> > 
> > Thank God for the Nazis and Commies - at least there were two 
> credible
> > enemies that kept the wheels of the illuminati-military-industrial
> > complex spinning.
> > 
> > :-)
> >
> I am fascinated in a sickening way with the precision of the Bush 
> propaganda machine. Just when things are getting too warm around the 
> White House regarding allegations of corruption and failure, out 
> pops this revelation, reminding everyone of our external enemies and 
> the spectre of 9-11. Brilliant and evil at the same time.

The next prediction is that in order to be able to bring people
onboard for nuking Iran Bush et al needs another 911 inside the USA.

I wonder what the Illuminati will do this time?

Set off a suitcase nuke in a metropolitan low-income area the WASPs
couldn't care less about?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Inner Circle Breakout on "Girls"

2007-03-15 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> > According to my sources, the Maharishi wasn't even 
> > in a hotel room at TTC - he was flown in on a helicopter 
> > each day to give his talk in the lobby and then he went 
> > back to Meru in Switzerland to be with Ms Pittman.
> > 
> Rick Archer wrote: 
> > During the early, big TTCs, like Mallorca and La Antilla, 
> > Maharishi was in residence pretty much the whole time.
> >
> So, you're thinking that the Maharishi had sex in an unlocked hotel
> room in Mallorca and La Antilla, with hundreds of students around him
> all the time watching his every move, with skin boys and secretaries
> waiting outside the door, with Jerry and Charlie going in and out of
> the room at all hours of the day and night, but nobody ever saw Mahesh
> with his dhoti down. Maybe so, but it sure seems like a stretch to me.
> It must have really been a quickie!
> Man, this guy Mahesh was awesome if he was able to pull that off! I've
> got a whole new respect for the guy. I can't even take a nap under the
> bridge without being taken to task by Judy, and she's a thousand miles
> away. 
> > During the mid-70's in there were smaller TTCs in 
> > Switzerland and France and he visited these by helicopter,
> > sometimes by car, usually near the end.
> >
> So, you're thinking that Mahesh flew in to the smaller TTCs in order
> to get laid in a hotel room, but that he wasn't interested in Ms
> Pittman who was waiting for him back at Meru? And that he was only
> interested in having sex with skinny white girls who were exhausted
> after following him around the hotel for sixteen hours? 
> Maybe so, but what I can't seem to figure out is why the Maharishi
> bashers like John Knapp, Mike Doughney, Don Krieger, and Tom Anderson
> never mentioned these sex escapades in over ten years of posting to
> Usenet.

That's because if their propaganda make allegations people believe
fabricated they loose credibility.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 9-11 Mastermind also Masterminded these

2007-03-15 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has also confessed to
> Hurricane Katrina
> The Indonesian Tsunami
> The Loma Prieta Earthquake
> The Riverside Earthquake
> Who could have imagined that this guy who looks like a derelict  off 
> skid row could be the greatest criminal mastermind of all time.
> BTW, here's a great opportunity: Brooklyn Bridge is available for sale.
> Oh and also I heard he masterminded the trouble Alberto Gonzales is
in. :)

Thank God for the Nazis and Commies - at least there were two credible
enemies that kept the wheels of the illuminati-military-industrial
complex spinning.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Quote

2007-03-15 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > peterklutz wrote:
> > > > > I left, that's what happened. 
> > > > >
> > > sparaig wrote:
> > > > And one or more pro-TMers, including MUM faculty, who are 
> > > > completely embarrassed by your behavior there.
> > > >
> > > Well, I'm embarrased by almost all pro-TMers, as well as anti-TMer
> > > behavior on the Internet. Barry certainly has a good point - you
> > > suck as informers. You may be the exception. 
> > > 
> > > But nobody has ever answered my question about being on the TM
> > > and posting insider information to newsgroups. I don't think
> > > would approve of that, even on Wikipedia. So, that's my point.
> > 
> > See last answer.
> > 
> > > It's absurd to use the term "TMer" - it's meaningless. 
> > 
> > Take 2: A TMer is a person who has learnt and regularly practices TM
> > as taught by His Holiness MMY. Period.
> > 
> > [snip]
> > 
> > > But what is strange is that there are some libelous archives on this
> > > forum concerning the Maharishi's private sex life. I would think
> > > any pro-TMer, if they are really on the program, would object to
> > > 
> > > If any of you TMers had any real convictions, you'd use Usenet
> > > of this proprietary forum. I'd say that almost all of the
> > > here have all been kicked off the program by now. Go figure.
> > >
> > 
> > Are you drunk? 
> > 
> > Maybe you're just a lazy as your drawl is Texan. Before passing
> > judgement on people, get your facts straight re who has said what. 
> > 
> > The fact is that you and I are on the same side when it comes to MMY
> > (unless there are skeletons in your closet I am not aware of).
> > 
> > That is also the reason your pencil-dicked friend Sparaig is so
> > hysterical and keeps returning to Peter Klutz' Wiki-period: for
> > Peter's objecting through editing to the systematic MMY/TMO slandering
> > at Wiki. 
> > 
> > You see, sparaig is an hypocrite who feels form is more important than
> > content. He would rather see the TMO's founder accused of pedophilia
> > than himself fall out of any imaginary grace with the inquisition at
> > Wikipedia.
> > 
> > Sparaig is also a coward since he rather stab TMers in their backs
> > rather than to speak up against the rouge anti-TM disinformers out
> there.
> > 
> > With "friends" like Sparaig - who needs enemies?
> Great stuff today, Peter...at this rate you may 
> have the next issue of THINGS TMers BELIEVE almost 
> to yourself.  :-)

All you have to do to make that happen is to pretend that Peter KLutz
does not represent neither the TMO nor your average TMer.

Since the alternative, to start a blog called THINGS PETERKLUTZ
BELIEVE is not a healthy option for yourself (the only way you will be
able to pay me off after my lawyers are done with you, is to kill
yourself and sell your empty brain to science), maybe you should just
put a sock in your French little faggot mouth and forget about it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Inner Circle Breakout on "Girls"

2007-03-14 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"


> That Tom Anderson, Steve Perino, and John Manning are three of the
> most rabid Maharishi-bashers on the entire planet and none of them
> even accused the Maharishi of having sex with students. If there was
> some proof, I'm sure they would have posted it by now. 
> ... Hell, even Andrew Skolnick didn't even stoop that low.

Oh yes, he did - to sparaig gleeful amusement. Just check out the MMY
article's history at wiki.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Quote

2007-03-14 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> peterklutz wrote:
> > > I left, that's what happened. 
> > >
> sparaig wrote:
> > And one or more pro-TMers, including MUM faculty, who are 
> > completely embarrassed by your behavior there.
> >
> Well, I'm embarrased by almost all pro-TMers, as well as anti-TMer
> behavior on the Internet. Barry certainly has a good point - you guys
> suck as informers. You may be the exception. 
> But nobody has ever answered my question about being on the TM program
> and posting insider information to newsgroups. I don't think Maharishi
> would approve of that, even on Wikipedia. So, that's my point.

See last answer.

> It's absurd to use the term "TMer" - it's meaningless. 

Take 2: A TMer is a person who has learnt and regularly practices TM
as taught by His Holiness MMY. Period.


> But what is strange is that there are some libelous archives on this
> forum concerning the Maharishi's private sex life. I would think that
> any pro-TMer, if they are really on the program, would object to that.
> If any of you TMers had any real convictions, you'd use Usenet instead
> of this proprietary forum. I'd say that almost all of the respondents
> here have all been kicked off the program by now. Go figure.

Are you drunk? 

Maybe you're just a lazy as your drawl is Texan. Before passing
judgement on people, get your facts straight re who has said what. 

The fact is that you and I are on the same side when it comes to MMY
(unless there are skeletons in your closet I am not aware of).

That is also the reason your pencil-dicked friend Sparaig is so
hysterical and keeps returning to Peter Klutz' Wiki-period: for
Peter's objecting through editing to the systematic MMY/TMO slandering
at Wiki. 

You see, sparaig is an hypocrite who feels form is more important than
content. He would rather see the TMO's founder accused of pedophilia
than himself fall out of any imaginary grace with the inquisition at

Sparaig is also a coward since he rather stab TMers in their backs
rather than to speak up against the rouge anti-TM disinformers out there.

With "friends" like Sparaig - who needs enemies?

[FairfieldLife] Re: fairfield after maharishi's death

2007-03-14 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
> Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 2:29 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: fairfield after maharishi's death
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , ffia1120  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , shucktipat  wrote:
> > >
> > > I am wondering what effect the death of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi will 
> > > have on the community in Fairfield. Will a lot of folks move away 
> or 
> > > will it thrive?
> > > 
> > I have lived here 27 years (moved here to attend MIU). Nothing much 
> > will change. There will be some true believers who have a rough time 
> of 
> > it, but the vast majority of us will carry on as usual. Life is good 
> > here.
> >
> Not much will happen until Sidhas and Governors starts to float in the 
> Domes. Could happen anytime. 
> Or not.

It will happen outside the dome before it happens inside it. There's
too much bad air and stress.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quote

2007-03-14 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
> > [snip]
> > > From what I've read on Usenet, Vaj and Barry are probably two of the
> > > most expert authorities on eastern spiritual practices on the entire
> > > planet. 
> > 
> > You're wrong, but that's beside the point.
> > 
> > The point I made in this thread is that only intellectual knowledge is
> > worthless, even counterproductive. That's one reason for Maharishi's
> > greatness - he has actually given people the experience and tools they
> > need to become Enlightened. 
> > 
> > What's worth more than that?
> > 
> > > I may not agree with some of their opinions, but I'll give
> > > credit where credit is due. However, as Lawson recently pointed out,
> > > you really got mixed up on your recent editing of the Wikipedia
> > > on Mahesh Yogi. What happened over there that got you kicked off?
> > 
> > I left, that's what happened. Had I wanted to stay I would still be
> > there (believed I proved this point on two ocassions after leaving).
> > 
> > What happened is that I was ambushed by (1) a bunch of wikipedia
> > admins  that would have put Stalin's prosecutor Andrei Vyshinsky to
> > shame; and (2) a couple of adamant anti-TMers that owned licenses to
> > break wikipedia rules with impunity; and (2)
> >
> And one or more pro-TMers, including MUM faculty, who are completely
embarrassed by 
> your behavior there.

... MUM faculty ... completely embarrased ... ?

I think I just realized where Vaj might have gotten his idea about
TM-Nazis from.

Whatever your problem is, Sparaig. It's not mine.

I represent only myself.

My take on MMY and his teachings should be evident when reading my
postings here.

And please don't label me a "pro-TMer." It's over ten years since I
handed in my resignation.

If that is what you are, a TMO bureacrat, do accept (1) my deepest
respect for accepting the shite work of dealing with the stresses of
the world; and (2) my condolences for yourself being so overshadowed 
by these same stresses that you've lost sight of what's important.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quote

2007-03-14 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
> From what I've read on Usenet, Vaj and Barry are probably two of the
> most expert authorities on eastern spiritual practices on the entire
> planet. 

You're wrong, but that's beside the point.

The point I made in this thread is that only intellectual knowledge is
worthless, even counterproductive. That's one reason for Maharishi's
greatness - he has actually given people the experience and tools they
need to become Enlightened. 

What's worth more than that?

> I may not agree with some of their opinions, but I'll give
> credit where credit is due. However, as Lawson recently pointed out,
> you really got mixed up on your recent editing of the Wikipedia entry
> on Mahesh Yogi. What happened over there that got you kicked off?

I left, that's what happened. Had I wanted to stay I would still be
there (believed I proved this point on two ocassions after leaving).

What happened is that I was ambushed by (1) a bunch of wikipedia
admins  that would have put Stalin's prosecutor Andrei Vyshinsky to
shame; and (2) a couple of adamant anti-TMers that owned licenses to
break wikipedia rules with impunity; and (2) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quote

2007-03-13 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> peterklutz wrote:
> > > ...in Vaj's world, knowledge is something to be denied 
> > > others and preferably used a to beat others with.
> > >
> jim flanegin wrote: 
> > This definitely seems to be a big part of his trip.
> >
> So, it's beat up on Vaj night - giving Barry a little break? By the
> way, what's a "TMer", anyway? You informers seem to enjoy picking on
> other people whose opinions you don't agree with. Go figure.

Hello Willytex,

In my mind a TMer is someone who regularly practices TM as taught by
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Having once been initiated but not
practizing makes you a non-TMer, or perhaps in the minds of some folk,
an ex-TMer.

Then there is the special category of folks who claim to be
meditating, or to be medtitating, or to have been initiated and not
meditating - and who spend time on this list attacking TM. 

I think the real question is: Who are _these_ people?

I'll re-insert this caveat lector.


After an exchange of postings it has become evident that the poster
using the name Vaj is a Freemason, apparently of high rank, with (1)
little or no understanding of TM and other eastern spiritual
practices; and who has confessed to (2) be on a mission to apparently
sow doubt about the safety of the practices of i.a. the TM and
TM-Sidhi programes.

For more details cf posting:



[FairfieldLife] Re: Digital Data

2007-03-13 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In 2006, 161 exabytes (161 billion gigabytes) of digital information 
> were created and copied, continuing an unprecedented period of 
> information growth. This digital universe equals approximately three 
> million times the information in all the books ever written - or the 
> equivalent of 12 stacks of books, each extending more than 93 
> million miles from the earth to the sun. 

And how much of that was generated by FFL?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Peter Pearce - writer profile from the WritersNet published writers and auth

2007-03-13 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > http://www.writers.net/writers/19421
> >
> How odd...
> Of course, one could point out that he is STILL attached to the TMO.
How many other 
> biographies have you ever read where the author wastes his entire
space to attack an 
> organization he left years ago?

Ever heard of a guy called Paul Mason?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Quote

2007-03-13 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mar 13, 2007, at 10:43 AM, Vaj wrote:
> >
> > On Mar 13, 2007, at 10:27 AM, Rick Archer wrote:
> >
> >> Cardemeister or someone. What is the actual quote that goes  
> >> something like "Curving back onto myself, I create again and  
> >> again." Who said it? What scripture is it in? A friend needs it  
> >> for something she is writing.
> >
> >
> > It's from the Bhagavad-gita, in Mahesh's rendering of 9:8:
> >
> > "Curving back on my own nature I create again and again"
> >
> > prakritam svAm avastabhya visrjAmi punah punah
> Incidentally, that only a *fragment* of the entire verse. The entire  
> verse he renders:
> "Curving back on my own nature I create again and again all this  
> multitude of beings helpless under the regime of nature."

So keen on trying to prove himself, this intellectual fake
representing himself as Vaj, responds to his own postings. 


Vaj's MO is also a comment on what is so wrong with this Freemason,
Illuminati; Satanist; wannabe-TMer (pick your choice) compared to
Maharishi's approach to teaching. 

MMY's programs are experienced-based, very well suited to householders
 and open to all.

It should come as no surprise that such an openhearted approach makes
a secterian like Vaj so uncomfortable. After all, in Vaj's world,
knowledge is something to be denied others and preferably used a stick
to beat others with.

So, whereas the Vajs' of this world dusts of books and finds quotes, a
TMer - someone who actually lives the reality Vaj is trying to
understand from masonic rituals and books - might answer Rick's
original questions accordingly:

(1) I said it
(2) The 'book of life'

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Open Letter to Curtis

2007-03-12 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- peterklutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"
> >  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB
> >  wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > [snip]
> > > > 
> > > > > During my lifetime I have had conversations
> > > > > with bums, with whores and pimps, with a
> > murderer
> > > > > (who was a TMer, by the way), with atheists
> > and
> > > > > with total materialists. Not ONE of them was
> > any
> > > > > less "spiritual" than any of the "spiritual"
> > people
> > > > > I've met in over 40 years of spiritual
> > seeking. And
> > > > > to be honest, most of them were nicer people
> > than
> > > > > the people I know who consider themselves
> > spiritual.
> > > > 
> > > > I wonder what the editors on this list will make
> > of this 
> > > > oxymoronic passage? The only TMers that qualify
> > as nice 
> > > > and spiritual are those that have killed other
> > people?
> > > 
> > > Well, he *was* nicer than many TMers I've met.
> > Really 
> > > sweet guy. 


> > > 
> > > True story. Very weird. Don't know quite what to
> > make of it 
> > > to this day. The guy was jolly and outgoing, sorta
> > like Tony
> > > Soprano on TV when he's laughing and joking with
> > his family.
> > > Go figure. I mean, go fucking figure.
> > >
> > 
> > Perhaps our friend Dr Peter can offer an hypothesis?
> > Early life trauma
> > ... memory/personality compartmentalization ... ?
> Who knows. Just a regularly meditating sociopath.

Could be anyone of us.

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Open Letter to Curtis

2007-03-12 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > 
> > [snip]
> > 
> > > During my lifetime I have had conversations
> > > with bums, with whores and pimps, with a murderer
> > > (who was a TMer, by the way), with atheists and
> > > with total materialists. Not ONE of them was any
> > > less "spiritual" than any of the "spiritual" people
> > > I've met in over 40 years of spiritual seeking. And
> > > to be honest, most of them were nicer people than
> > > the people I know who consider themselves spiritual.
> > 
> > I wonder what the editors on this list will make of this 
> > oxymoronic passage? The only TMers that qualify as nice 
> > and spiritual are those that have killed other people?
> Well, he *was* nicer than many TMers I've met. Really 
> sweet guy. 
> It was in Las Vegas. I was dating another TMer who 
> was visiting her parents there, and so I drove out from
> L.A. to spend a little time with her (she didn't live in 
> L.A.). Because I was working for the Regional Office at 
> the time, they asked me to give an advanced lecture at 
> the local TM center, and I did. And I met some wonderful 
> people there, including this big guy who, I was told, 
> hadn't missed a weekly advanced lecture since he'd 
> started TM a couple of years before. 
> And so after the lecture we're all standing around talking
> and drinking punch and eating cookies. Me and the big guy 
> had some wonderful discussions about meditation, about 
> enlightenment, and about reincarnation. And then someone 
> brought up this radio DJ in L.A. who had been giving TM a 
> hard time. This was at the beginning of the "Is TM a religion" 
> court cases, and the DJ was definitely taking the "Yes" 
> position on the air -- often, and as if it were some kind
> of crusade for him. Later that evening, the big guy took me 
> aside from the rest of the group and said to me, "You know, 
> something could *happen* to this DJ if you want."
> I thought he was joking and I laughed it off and said, "No,
> I don't think that'll be necessary," and we went back to
> the other meditators and had a grand old time.
> Later I mentioned it to my ladyfriend and she told me what
> the fellow did for a living there in Las Vegas, and that he 
> hadn't been joking. It turns out that if you grow up in
> Vegas, you pretty much know all the "made" guys in town by
> sight.
> True story. Very weird. Don't know quite what to make of it 
> to this day. The guy was jolly and outgoing, sorta like Tony
> Soprano on TV when he's laughing and joking with his family.
> Go figure. I mean, go fucking figure.

Perhaps our friend Dr Peter can offer an hypothesis? Early life trauma
... memory/personality compartmentalization ... ? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Open Letter to Curtis

2007-03-11 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> During my lifetime I have had conversations
> with bums, with whores and pimps, with a murderer
> (who was a TMer, by the way), with atheists and
> with total materialists. Not ONE of them was any
> less "spiritual" than any of the "spiritual" people
> I've met in over 40 years of spiritual seeking. And
> to be honest, most of them were nicer people than
> the people I know who consider themselves spiritual.

I wonder what the editors on this list will make of this oxymoronic
passage? The only TMers that qualify as nice and spiritual are those
that have killed other people?


> I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's really a
> pleasure to encounter someone like you -- and a few 
> others on this forum -- who actually seem to walk the
> walk of their talk.

So TB is a man who has walked the walk?

Feel free to enlighten this list how this relates to your stated
penchant for human sacrifices, cannibalism, and other Satanistically
inspired rituals you enjoy?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi & The Beatles: The Movie

2007-03-11 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Paul Mason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Maharishi Mahesh Yogi & The Beatles: The Movie 
> http://tmfree.blogspot.com/2007/03/indian-film-director-mira-nair-is-
> to.html

May you enjoy the same success in your endeavour brownnose your way to
write the script for this film as you have had becoming the TMO's
official biographer.


[FairfieldLife] Terrorstorm

2007-03-08 Thread peterklutz


[FairfieldLife] Down to the wire

2007-03-08 Thread peterklutz

Excerpts from: 

Do you feel we must call non-stop for our House Representatives for
impeachment of Bush and Cheney to stop the war they are trying
desperately to start with Iran in the next couple of months?

Alex Jones
Bush and Cheney are puppets, but they still need to be impeached for
the North American Union they are setting up alone. The planned attack
on Iran is meant to be the beginning of the end for the Unites States
- it's a New World Order trap.

Alex, I've been reading the FEMA report regarding fires as a low
probability as cause for dropping WTC 7. What official document claims
WTC 7 collapsed due to fire with a high probability?

Alex Jones
FEMA and NIST have given five different reasons for the fall. One of
them was fires, and they've had to retract all five and now say they
don't know what caused it.

Alex, word is getting out about the NWO, people that I know never
cared about conspiracies are sitting up and starting to listen, even
mainstream America doesn't buy the NWO flim-flam.

Alex Jones
People are waking up because we are getting down to the wire. Folks
know this is serious and that the dollar, the economy, everything is
in trouble. When the massive correction comes, it's important to blame
the perps, and that's the federal reserve shareholders.

Future Superstar
Alex, when is your next documentary/movie set for release?

Alex Jones
August 2007 - working title - "End Game"

Your report on last's night's C2C was compelling. What's the immediate
fallout from the WTC7 collapse story?

Alex Jones
The BBC WTC 7 story is the biggest thing I've seen in the 9/11 truth
movement's history. We now have a second BBC report and a CNN report
saying that building 7 fell before it had collapsed and now the BBC is
involved in a huge cover-up, claiming they have lost all of their
tapes, and they are going after every website under the sun who has
posted the video, and that is waking up more people than the original
story did.

Alex - after what happened last year in Ottawa, will you be visiting
this year's Bilderberger location? Rumors have it that it might be
held in Turkey. The Canadians were rough enough. Would hate to see you
end up in a Turkish Prison!!

Alex Jones
Yeah, I intend to sit Bilderberger out this year. My new film will be
covering them, though.

Alex, I have heard you say that the desired population is about 500
million people. Why is that number important to those in control?

Alex Jones
The elites are a bunch of degenerate control freaks who enjoy
exercising unbridled power. They rationalize their evil activities by
claiming that humanity is a disease and that they are simply culling
the herd. In reality, THEY are a cancer and need to be removed.
Humanity is beautiful, and will touch the stars.

So how do we stem the tide?

Alex Jones
Many hands make light work. By first realizing that by everybody doing
a little something we will win.

Alex ..I am a sucker for someone who tells their story with confidence
..If you were going to criticize your information where would you start?

Alex Jones
I wouldn't criticize my information - because I'm telling the truth
the best I can. An enemy dis-info operative will find small mistakes
I've made (and I've made plenty) and then blow it out of proportion.
But what they usually do is build straw men - claim you say things
that you haven't said.

Hi Alex, I'd like to know what we as individual's can do to spread the
word, and get people to realize what is really happening right before
there eyes.

Alex Jones
I think film is the most powerful tool we have. There are hundreds of
weapons in the arsenal of truth, but emailing your friends and family
the Google video link to Terrorstorm so they can watch it for free is
probably the single most effective thing you can do. Or even better -
get the DVD which is better quality, with the packaging as eye-candy,
and they are more apt to watch it.

BBC Con Artists
Alex, there has been a lot of talk about the long count Mayan Calendar
coming to an end in 2012. Have you come across that date in any of
your Illuminati research? I asked your friend Jim Marrs the same
question and he said "there's something there..."

Alex Jones
I have interviewed top anthropologists (one of whom worked on
Apocalypto) about it and the real translation states that it is simply
the end of an age. A time of great upheaval and change. I don't
normally put stock in the esoteric, but it is interesting that if you
project world events forward - 2011 and 2012 look like they are going
to be wild.

Hi Alex... enjoy your views and appreciate your dedication. Do you
ever feel like your fighting a war that cannot be won? As if, the
other side holds all the cards and they can play whatever they want,
anytime they want.

Alex Jones
My soul wins by doing the right thing. The world would only be

[FairfieldLife] Re: Take the fight to the enemy

2007-03-07 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/The-illuminati-order/
> >
> Er,. yeah...
> Be sure to post many "What Illuminati believe" messages to many
different forums and 
> newsgroups. We're all rooting for you, Unc, er, Peter.

I'll leave that to you, sparaig.

In fact when you're there - why don't you stay?


[password is 'man']

[FairfieldLife] Re: Looking for the Ark of Noah

2007-03-06 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > On Behalf Of peterklutz
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 3:22 PM
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Looking for the Ark of Noahthe
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > Given that it's impossble to innocently and seriously discuss TM
> > related issues on this forum without risking being assaulted by
> > Illuminatis, Freemasons, Satanists, Christian fundamentalists, etc 
> my
> > question is: where do people who (1) regularly practice TM, and (2)
> > are quite happy with it, go to yell at each other?
> > 
> > Most homes in FF, hence the high divorce rate.>>
> and such yelling and divorce as solutions, may be indicative of a low 
> level of violence in the home as a solution .
> OffWorld

You're saying TB is a wifebeater?

[FairfieldLife] Re: THINGS TMers BELIEVE, Volume II

2007-03-06 Thread peterklutz

TB. No sane person spends time compiling things like this. It's beyond
right or wrong - it's pathological.

Get a life. Now.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> THINGS TMers BELIEVE, Volume II (6 February 2007)
> Again, the beliefs of long-term TMers (20 to 35+ years 
> of daily TM practice), in *their own words*, as repre-
> sented by what they said in the posts to which they 
> replied on one Internet forum during the last two and
> a half days (since the posting of Volume I).
> And again, I post the quotes without attribution, 
> because in my opinion the quotes and their authors 
> are pretty much interchangeable in the ways in which
> they represent common TMer mindsets and states of
> attention. I apologize for the lack of context, but 
> the challenge of collecting the quotes while holding 
> down a full-time job was taxing enough. If you are 
> interested in determining the author of any of the 
> quotes, and the context in which he or she wrote the 
> quote, please use Yahoo's 'Advanced Search' feature 
> on the Web version of this forum:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/msearch_adv
> In general, the people being talked about disparagingly
> below are those who have dared to be critical of TM,
> the TM organization, and/or Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on 
> this forum in the past. Other than occasional comments 
> to explain context or who or what is being discussed, 
> none of the words below are mine. And I make no comment 
> on any of these quotes, other than having chosen them 
> for inclusion here. The reader is free to draw his or 
> her own conclusions.
> **
> "S [TM critic} has created a big problem for himself, 
> prematurely taking on the nickname 'V', making him 
> resistant to any suggestion that he has more to learn. 
> It is his problem, and no matter how much he argues 
> with himself on this forum, not likely to resolve 
> itself soon. The stupidity of his small self encases 
> him like barbed wire."
> Same person: "Jewish proverb: 'Listen to your enemy, 
> for God is talking.'"
> Replying to: "...it's well known that any meditation 
> that uses an object will, by it's very nature, require 
> some subtle effort since they all rely on some kind of 
> technique." -- "It's well known, save to those of us who 
> were content to keep to our original practice, rather 
> than seek something 'better.'"
> "V [TM critic] has an agenda or is confused, or both. 
> I do not understand why anyone bothers to answer him."
> "What is sad is that some unestablished souls, newcomers 
> on the Path, could be confused by the negativity [on this 
> forum]. Though I think they judge the Path by experience 
> more than rubbish written on forums like this."
> "99% of what B [TM critic] says in these rants is due to 
> his coffee addiction, and shouldn't be taken seriously. 
> He has over a decade's worth of empty experience in 
> which he has learned to craft an argument on-line 
> (applause for the little boy!). He adds his coffee
> addiction to this and spins many fanciful and empty 
> stories."
> Same person: "'Am I not destroying my enemies when I make 
> friends of them?' -Abraham Lincoln"
> "This fellow [TM critic] has an agenda. To sow dissention, 
> perhaps he is making a buck or two on this. He is not 
> really dangerous to anyone but himself because his 
> motivs are so obvious."
> "From your many misdescriptions of TM, V [TM critic], you
> couldn't have 'abandoned' the original practice because 
> you were never practicing TM to begin with, but rather 
> your misunderstanding of it."
> "That's right. But fellows like 'V' [TM critic] will never 
> get this. People like him will always try to complicate, 
> sow dissention. Their world is simple in the sense of; we 
> know what we have but not what we will get. They hate the 
> whole idea of self-realization. Self realized ? Without 
> the church, without the Government ? No Sir !"
> Regarding a purported quote by Maharishi saying that TM
> was not completely effortless: "Who the hell knows? We 
> can't possibly tell without context. R can't provide a 
> verbatim transcript, and we can't just accept without 
> question his interpretation of a long-ago lecture illus-
> trated by a quote that has no meaning out of context."
> And in a followup, about that same quote: "*Of course* 
> there was a context. He didn't just sit there and suddenly 
> come up with the quote and then start talking about 
> something completely different. 'A lecture about the 
> effortlessness of TM' is nowhere near adequate context to 
> fathom the meaning of the quote. Don't you know what 
> 'context' means?"
> "...former TMers like V [TM critic] disdainfully insist that 
> there's effort involved [in TM] and that TMers are lying 
> about it, while getting a bunch of things about what MMY 
> teaches disastrously, unequi

[FairfieldLife] With love to Peter Klutz' nemesis sparaig

2007-03-06 Thread peterklutz


[FairfieldLife] Re: Looking for the Ark of Noahthe

2007-03-06 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> On Behalf Of peterklutz
> Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 3:22 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Looking for the Ark of Noahthe
> Given that it's impossble to innocently and seriously discuss TM
> related issues on this forum without risking being assaulted by
> Illuminatis, Freemasons, Satanists, Christian fundamentalists, etc my
> question is: where do people who (1) regularly practice TM, and (2)
> are quite happy with it, go to yell at each other?
> Most homes in FF, hence the high divorce rate.


Any electronic locations?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Looking for the Ark of Noahthe

2007-03-06 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nablusos108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Given that it's impossble to innocently and seriously discuss TM
> > related issues on this forum without risking being assaulted by
> > Illuminatis, Freemasons, Satanists, Christian fundamentalists, etc my
> > question is: where do people who (1) regularly practice TM, and (2)
> > are quite happy with it, go to yell at each other?
> > 
> > Vaj, TB, Paul Mason need not bother to asnwer.
> This FFL is the one and only place I have been yelled at. Never seen 
> anything like it. Didn't happen before the alt.med people moved here 
> though. May they all retire to where they came from and belong. (And NO 
> Barry, I did not say Hell)
> I would presume that the fellow who started this place must be rather 
> saddened by how it has turned out.

Is he practicizing TM regularly?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Libby verdict

2007-03-06 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nablusos108"  
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  
> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > authfriend wrote:
> > > > > > Guilty on four of five counts in the CIA leak perjury trial.
> > > > >
> > > > > Good! Now to get the rest of the varmints.
> > > > 
> > > > Not quite so fast...he's going to ask for a new trial
> > > > (not sure on what grounds), and if that's denied,
> > > > file an appeal. It'll be years before he's actually
> > > > in jail, if he ever is (and if Bush doesn't pardon
> > > > him).
> > > 
> > > This Bush fellow; is it possible to get rid of him ? Some sort of 
> > trial 
> > > because of his lying to the american people, or crimes against 
> > humanity 
> > > regarding this illegal war ? Whats it called, impeachment ?
> > 
> > It's called impeachment, and there's been a great
> > deal of talk about it lately, including in some
> > state legislatures, which can trigger an impeachment
> > investigation.
> > 
> > It's very difficult, however, even to bring
> > impeachment charges, let alone convict; with a
> > closely divided Senate, it would be virtually 
> > impossible at this point unless a very significant
> > smoking gun that would make an open-and-shut case
> > were uncovered. So far, we haven't got one.
> > 
> > Various congressional committees have opened
> > investigations into some of his malfeasance, but
> > they take time, and the White House will of course
> > stall for all it's worth rather than give up
> > incriminating documents.
> I should add, for non-USians, that until thk
> congressional elections last November that put
> Democrats in the majority, there wouldn't have
> been even a ghost of a chance unless he'd offed
> his mother in public.

Then guy got away with blowing up some three thousand people on
September 11, 2001. 

Of course he could get away with killing his mother in public. 

It's not that long ago his deputy almost killed someone with a gun.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Libby verdict

2007-03-06 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nablusos108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> > >
> > > authfriend wrote:
> > > > Guilty on four of five counts in the CIA leak perjury trial.
> > >
> > > Good! Now to get the rest of the varmints.
> > 
> > Not quite so fast...he's going to ask for a new trial
> > (not sure on what grounds), and if that's denied,
> > file an appeal. It'll be years before he's actually
> > in jail, if he ever is (and if Bush doesn't pardon
> > him).
> This Bush fellow; is it possible to get rid of him ? Some sort of trial 
> because of his lying to the american people, or crimes against humanity 
> regarding this illegal war ? Whats it called, impeachment ?

What is wanted is not more evidence - but the courage to call things
by their right name.

It's the Emperor's new clothes all over again :-)

[FairfieldLife] Looking for the Ark of Noahthe

2007-03-06 Thread peterklutz

Given that it's impossble to innocently and seriously discuss TM
related issues on this forum without risking being assaulted by
Illuminatis, Freemasons, Satanists, Christian fundamentalists, etc my
question is: where do people who (1) regularly practice TM, and (2)
are quite happy with it, go to yell at each other?

Vaj, TB, Paul Mason need not bother to asnwer. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Leap into Infinity

2007-03-06 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > On Mar 5, 2007, at 7:38 PM, peterklutz wrote:
> > > 
> > > >
> > > > Returning to this wonderful post by Michael Dean Goodman:
> > > >
> > > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/131314
> > > >
> > > > What exactly has been said about the final stages of the 
> process of
> > > > moving from feeling, my-ness, am-ness, is-ness to the Absolute?
> > > 
> > > 
> > > It's a rather poor sketch of samkhya, the basis for the yoga 
> sutras.  
> > > Samkhya is the structure of CC. But it doesn't end there. Where  
> > > samkhya leaves off, the Nyaya-Vaisheshika school picks up. Once 
> these  
> > > are understood, then one could understand how these relate to 
> direct  
> > > experience in terms of the yoga sutra. They are only given in a 
> crude  
> > > sketch form in M's "Vedic Science". In the original, pure way 
> this  
> > > knowledge is given, it is very detailed and should be learned 
> from a  
> > > master of this tradition, not from newsgroups or email lists.
> > > 
> > > Jai Guru Dev
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > Oh, right arm, Vaj.
> >
> Yes Vaj, continue to obscure Reality with lots of intellectualizing 
> and nitpicking...I can't think of much that is less practical than 
> that...however, to each his own.

Vaj isn't intellectualizing - he's just bullshitting. By the evidence
fwd by himself on this list Vaj really doesn't know what TM is about.

Even by rhetorical standards his post is just bs. He is criticizing a
teaching e knows nothing about by sniping at a second hand reference
to a post offering a brief summary of what Maharishi ones said on a tape.

It's just plain silly draped in a thick layer of pompous-ness.

Hey, maybe we should revise MDG's summary to include Pompous-ness in
the scheme? 

I wonder where it would go?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Running over our own Dogma, was Effort

2007-03-06 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >  
> > > > Actually, I merely mentioned the THINGS TMers BELIEVE
> > > > thread on the other forums, and posted a few repre-
> > > > sentative quotes of what long-term TM practitioners
> > > > such as yourself believe, *in your own words*. They
> > > > asked to be copied on future issues.
> > > > 
> > > > None of *my* words will appear in these threads, except
> > > > to note context or who or what is being talked about.
> > > > If anyone comes to any conclusions about TM and its 
> > > > benefits or lack of benefits for long-term practitioners,
> > > > it'll be because of what the long-term TMers themselves
> > > > have to say.
> > >
> > > So that's why FFL is so popular, people like you go
> > > about advertising the 24/7/365 Party here!
> > 
> > Remember a few days back I pointed out that
> > Barry's been trying one trick after another--
> > even though none of them have ever worked--to
> > intimidate his critics into shutting up?  The
> > last one was putting them on a list of 
> > "representative TM practitioners" for the
> > purported benefit of "lurkers."
> > 
> > Then I asked what the next one would be; I knew
> > it wouldn't be long in coming once that one
> > had flopped.  Anyway, this is it.
> On the contrary. PLEASE keep posting here -- as
> often as you like, as agressively as you like, 
> and as nastily as you like. Say anything negative
> that you want about any of the TM critics here or
> about me in particular. Go to town.
> Most of them will be ignored -- by me and by others
> here -- and some of the rest will end up in the 
> THINGS TMers BELIEVE thread, and thus you will fin-
> ally have your chance to be the representative of
> TM and its benefits that you've always longed to be.
> People all over the world will look to your words,
> and Jim's, and those of several others here, and
> they will judge TM based solely *on your own words*.
> I just can't imagine a more karmically fair situation,
> can you? I'm not going to make ANY comments on the
> quotes, other than to gather them together and make
> them available. The words shall stand on their own,
> and you guys really DO believe these things, don't
> you? I don't see what you're griping about.

For a guy that says he is not going to do anything else than quote
others, you own aural environmental impact is quite staggering.

And do feel free to turn of your mike and webcam. 

Moving images of frothing old men with their hair on end manically
hacking away on a keyboard with scary organ music in the background
may scare youngsters.

[FairfieldLife] Leap into Infinity

2007-03-05 Thread peterklutz

Returning to this wonderful post by Michael Dean Goodman:


What exactly has been said about the final stages of the process of
moving from feeling, my-ness, am-ness, is-ness to the Absolute?

I am not talking about meditation, but the TM-program per se: how this
is experienced/handled on a 24-hours basis, included waking and

I recall reading something about the necessity to be extra careful to
establish CC by appropriate activity in this, final,
ejection-from-the-relative phase.

(For you non-TMers out there, the phase discussed above is not when
Neo swallows the red pill, or touches the mirror and his body goes
liquid metal - but the moment he wakes up inside the incubator and the
life-support system ejects him.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Running over our own Dogma, was Effort

2007-03-05 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin"  wrote:
> >
> > yeah, the guy is turning out to be a bit odd. Check out his latest 
> > message to me- he is actually involved in trying to generate support 
> > for this latest fantasy *on several other forums*. I didn't realize 
> > Barry was so into this...
> Actually, I merely mentioned the THINGS TMers BELIEVE
> thread on the other forums, and posted a few repre-
> sentative quotes of what long-term TM practitioners
> such as yourself believe, *in your own words*. They
> asked to be copied on future issues.
> None of *my* words will appear in these threads, except
> to note context or who or what is being talked about.
> If anyone comes to any conclusions about TM and its 
> benefits or lack of benefits for long-term practitioners,
> it'll be because of what the long-term TMers themselves
> have to say.

So that's why FFL is so popular, people like you go about advertising
the 24/7/365 Party here!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Effort required in Buddhist Sadhana.

2007-03-05 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  wrote:
> >
> > For a guy who claims to be not "really interested" your 
> > aural environmental pollution says quite the opposite.
> "Aural?"
> Uh, Peter...is your computer TALKING to you again?
> Mine only displays words on a screen for me to read.
> Do us a favor, Ok? If your computer starts telling
> you to go out and stock up on ammo, could you let 
> us all know?

You didn't know?

Your mike and webcam is on. 

I can see you talk to yourself as you type and, once every thirty
seconds or so, wipe your spit off the screen.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Effort required in Buddhist Sadhana.

2007-03-05 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz" 
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Reading this post by Michael Dean Goodman:
> > > > 
> > > >  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/131314
> > > > 
> > > > ... it seems the assumed starting point is always mind's 
> > > > "thinking" level. 
> > > > 
> > > > Given the inward direction of TM-practice it would seem that 
> > > > clinging to an over-intellectual schematic approach might 
> > > > become a problem as thoughts becomes feelings, feelings 
> > > > settles down into sense of my-ness, then am-ness, and is-ness.
> > > > 
> > > > What detailed commentaries has Maharishi offered on the process 
> > > > below the "thinking" level of the mind.
> > > > 
> > > > Vaj, TB and Paul Mason need not respond.
> > > 
> > > Thanks for "exempting" me, Peter, but I want to 
> > > respond to your question anyway. I have no earthly 
> > > idea what Maharishi might have said about these 
> > > things, and I don't care. For some of us, meditation 
> > > is something we do because it enables us to stop
> > > thinking and just sit quietly in samadhi.
> > 
> > Kill dat Buddha, dude.
> What Buddha? I'm just talking about my everyday
> meditations, and what would and would not strike
> me as interesting enough to discuss about them.
> Not everyone here has the same definition of 
> 'meditation' that you do. Yours seems to involve 
> the *TM* definition, which I think I can sum up 
> best by quoting one TM supporter here who described 
> it yesterday: "Not maintaining transcendental 
> consciousness is not a 'failure' in the TM context, 
> of course. Nor is having thoughts. These are an 
> integral part of TM."
> I have no problem with this description, as long 
> as it is of Transcendental Meditation, as taught 
> by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. But others of us here 
> practice other forms of meditation, and believe 
> that not being able to experience TC (samadhi) 
> or not being able to maintain that experience for 
> long periods of time IS a bit of a 'failure.' In 
> our paradigm for what meditation is, it's all 
> *about* transcending and maintaining transcendence; 
> everything else is merely the stuff that leads up 
> to that. 
> That is not to say that the meditation we practice 
> is "better" than TM, or even more "effective," 
> just that it's DIFFERENT, both in theory and in
> practice. Those who practice a technique in which
> the bottom line is to spend as much of the time 
> of each meditation session as possible in samadhi 
> are probably not going to be terribly interested 
> in discussing the finer details of the periods 
> they spent *not* in samadhi.   
> And there is nothing TO discuss about samadhi.  :-)
> So you and Peter K. can discuss the finer levels 
> of thought and feeling and amness and isness and 
> how your perception of the mantra varies in each 
> of them all you WANT, man. There is no need to 
> specifically exclude me from such discussions, 
> because they don't really interest me very much. 
> What DOES interest me is the sometimes apalling 
> ignorance in long-term TMers of the larger world 
> of meditation practice, and the many different 
> paradigms and descriptions of What Meditation Is 
> that exist in that larger world. My experience is 
> that TMers tend to look *down* on other forms of 
> meditation so much that they don't WANT to learn
> anything about them or hear about them. And they
> *especially* don't want to hear about techniques 
> in which the practitioners spend half to most of 
> their meditation time in samadhi, while they 
> themselves spend much of their time discussing 
> all the different things they go through trying 
> to GET to samadhi. Different strokes for different 
> folks, dude. No Buddhas involved. :-)

For a guy who claims to be not "really interested" your aural
environmental pollution says quite the opposite.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Effort required in Buddhist Sadhana.

2007-03-05 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  wrote:
> >
> > Reading this post by Michael Dean Goodman:
> > 
> >  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/131314
> > 
> > ... it seems the assumed starting point is always mind's 
> > "thinking" level. 
> > 
> > Given the inward direction of TM-practice it would seem that 
> > clinging to an over-intellectual schematic approach might 
> > become a problem as thoughts becomes feelings, feelings 
> > settles down into sense of my-ness, then am-ness, and is-ness.
> > 
> > What detailed commentaries has Maharishi offered on the process 
> > below the "thinking" level of the mind.
> > 
> > Vaj, TB and Paul Mason need not respond.
> Thanks for "exempting" me, Peter, but I want to 
> respond to your question anyway. I have no earthly 
> idea what Maharishi might have said about these 
> things, and I don't care. For some of us, meditation 
> is something we do because it enables us to stop
> thinking and just sit quietly in samadhi. Others 
> seem to use it as something to think even more about.
> Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

For a guy who claims to sit quietly in Samadhi your impact on the
aural environment is quite degrading, especially considered that (1)
your participation is unsolicited; (2) you didn't have anything to say
in response except a big "I don't know" and (therefore?) "I don't care".

[FairfieldLife] Re: Effort required in Buddhist Sadhana.

2007-03-04 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > On Behalf Of sparaig
> > Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 2:02 PM
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Effort required in Buddhist Sadhana.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> >  , "Rick Archer"  
> wrote:
> > >
> > > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > 
> > [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> >  ]
> > > On Behalf Of sparaig
> > > Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 7:46 AM
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  40yahoogroups.com>
> > 
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Effort required in Buddhist Sadhana.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> >  
> > >  , Vaj  
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > This could be #1 in a "Effort in Meditation FAQ".
> > > > 
> > > > On Mar 3, 2007, at 7:54 AM, Peter wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > Intent is subtle effort. Intent is present in TM.
> > > 
> > > Except, one need not have intent to do TM.
> > > 
> > > Maharishi, on my TTC, quoting some Vedic scripture: "Be easy to 
> us with
> > > gentle effort." He gave a whole lecture, or part of one, about 
> how TM did
> > > actually involve "gentle effort."
> > >
> > 
> > Heh. Not always in my experience. Does this mean that I'm doing TM 
> wrong?
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Gentle means gentle. Just the intention to entertain the
> > mantra is a gentle effort, as compared with just sitting
> > there letting random thoughts run amok.
> That dichotomy is a specific situation that sometimes
> occurs: when you realize you've been having thoughts,
> but the mantra does not then come of its own accord.
> For me--and I believe Lawson has said the same thing--
> the realization that one has been having thoughts is
> (or often is) indistinguishable from the mantra.
> As Lawson points out, the checking notes say that when
> one begins to meditate and the mantra arises on its own,
> that is "just the right start" to meditation.
> Sometimes it's necessary to use "gentle effort" to
> jump-start the mantra at the beginning of meditation
> or after a train of thought has subsided.  So in that
> sense you could say TM involves "gentle effort."  To
> suggest that it involves "gentle effort" *throughout*,
> as a rule for how to entertain the mantra, is just wrong.

Reading this post by Michael Dean Goodman:


... it seems the assumed starting point is always mind's "thinking"

Given the inward direction of TM-practice it would seem that clinging
to an over-intellectual schematic approach might become a problem as
thoughts becomes feelings, feelings settles down into sense of
my-ness, then am-ness, and is-ness.

What detailed commentaries has Maharishi offered on the process below
the "thinking" level of the mind.

Vaj, TB and Paul Mason need not respond.

[FairfieldLife] Re: How old IS MMY?

2007-03-03 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> [...]
> > Everyone knows that [...] Guru Devji attained Mahasamadhi
> > at 1:15 pm on Wednesday, 20 May 1953. That would make Mahesh 90 years
> > old this year.
> > 
> > From the Encyclopedia Brittanica:
> > 
> > Little is known of the Maharishi's early life. He studied physics at
> > the University of Allahabad and worked for a time in factories. He
> > later left for the Himalayas, where for 13 years he studied under Guru
> > Dev, the founder of TM. When Guru Dev died in 1952, the Maharishi
> > organized a movement to spread the teachings of TM throughout the
> > world; his first world tour took place in 1959 and brought him to the
> > United States.
> >
> But everyone knows that Gurudev died in 1953, while your Brittanica
quote says he died in 
> 1952. Typo, or Illuminatti conspiracy?

It's your dyslexia (and it's spelled Britannica).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Everybody Knows...

2007-03-03 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" 
> > >  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  
> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > It's interesting, this thread is completely missing on the 
> web  
> > > > > > version of FFL.
> > > > > 
> > > > > There sure isn't any recent thread with "Everybody
> > > > > Knows" in the subject heading.  What's it about?
> > > > 
> > > > He sent a post with a new topic that showed up on FFL's
> > > > email traffic that didn't show up on the FFL website.
> > > > The message body consisted of this:
> > > > 
> > > > Rufus susses Leonard...
> > > > 
> > > > http://snipurl.com/1bw6t-TO4Z8F
> > > > 
> > > > (Probably requires a recent version of QT that appreciates 
> AAC...)
> > > 
> > > Ah, OK.  He sent the same thing out last night
> > > as an email to "undisclosed recipients," including
> > > a second URL that he titled, bizarrely, "MP3
> > > version...Dedicated to Judith and Jack Stein."
> > > 
> > [snip]
> > > Very strange.
> > 
> > Whatever you do, don't play any of these MP3s - they contain
> > subliminal Illuminati brainwashing messages.
> Uh...I doubt it.

I didn't add a smiley, since I don't know any that is half-serious and

[FairfieldLife] Re: How old IS MMY?

2007-03-03 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > --- sparaig  wrote:
> > 
> > > Most sources that I've seen say he just celebrated
> > > his 90th birthday, but Dr. Jay Coplin says 
> > > he was born in 1912 and joined Gurudev when he was
> > > 28, a short time before or after  he 
> > > became Shankaracharya.
> > > http://members.aol.com/drcoplin/
> > > 
> > > 
> > > This actually makes more sense: MMY hung around with
> > > Gurudev for 13 years starting in 
> > > 1940/1941 until his death in 1953, For him to be 90
> > > this year means he was only 23 or 24 
> > > when he joined the monastery which means he had NO
> > > life experiences out of college and yet 
> > > managed to become the secretary to the
> > > Shankaracharya, managing the whole thing, 
> > > according to most accounts, within a few short years
> > > of leaving college.
> > 
> > Say what you want about about MMY, but he isn't some
> > dope. I'm sure he and many other 23-24 year olds are
> > more than capable of running an ashram or any other
> > type of organization.
> > 
> Sure, but there's reports that he worked in a factory for a while,
and that MMY was being 
> groomed for a GS life after school. There's only so much living that
can be crammed into 
> your first year of life after you graduate.

You're acting like you won and argument even though you're flat on
your back with your nose bleeding. 

Exhibit 1: At the age of 24 Alexander The Great was welcomed as a
liberator in Egypt. It happened after he, at 18, became king, united
Greece and in a series of epic battles rid the region of several
hundred years of Persian rule.

Exhibit 2: The brilliant mathematician and political activist Evariste
Galois died at the age of 21, after he had been part of a rebellion,
spent time in prison and laid the foundation to what today in
Mathematics is known as Galois Theory.

Exhibit 3: At the age of 24, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, had completed
the preparatory work leading up to the launch of Goggle.

Exhibit 4: Bill Gates created Microsoft when he was in his early
twenties and struck the deal with IBM that made his life when 25.

Exhibit 5: This 15-year old may already be enlightened.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Everybody Knows...

2007-03-03 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > It's interesting, this thread is completely missing on the web  
> > > > version of FFL.
> > > 
> > > There sure isn't any recent thread with "Everybody
> > > Knows" in the subject heading.  What's it about?
> > 
> > He sent a post with a new topic that showed up on FFL's
> > email traffic that didn't show up on the FFL website.
> > The message body consisted of this:
> > 
> > Rufus susses Leonard...
> > 
> > http://snipurl.com/1bw6t-TO4Z8F
> > 
> > (Probably requires a recent version of QT that appreciates AAC...)
> Ah, OK.  He sent the same thing out last night
> as an email to "undisclosed recipients," including
> a second URL that he titled, bizarrely, "MP3
> version...Dedicated to Judith and Jack Stein."
> Very strange.

Whatever you do, don't play any of these MP3s - they contain
subliminal Illuminati brainwashing messages. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: How old IS MMY?

2007-03-03 Thread peterklutz

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Most sources that I've seen say he just celebrated his 90th
birthday, but Dr. Jay Coplin says 
> he was born in 1912 and joined Gurudev when he was 28, a short time
before or after  he 
> became Shankaracharya. http://members.aol.com/drcoplin/
> This actually makes more sense: MMY hung around with Gurudev for 13
years starting in 
> 1940/1941 until his death in 1953, For him to be 90 this year means
he was only 23 or 24 
> when he joined the monastery which means he had NO life experiences
out of college and yet 
> managed to become the secretary to the Shankaracharya, managing the
whole thing, 
> according to most accounts, within a few short years of leaving college.

You stopped making sense a long time ago, sparaig

Exhibit 1: At the age of 24 Alexander The Great was welcomed as a
liberator in Egypt. It happened after he, at 18, became king, united
Greece and in a series of epic battles rid the region of several
hundred years of Persian rule.

Exhibit 2: The brilliant mathematician and political activist Evariste
Galois died at the age of 21, after he had been part of a rebellion,
spent time in prison and laid the foundation to what today in
Mathematics is known as Galois Theory.

Exhibit 3: At the age of 24, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, had completed
the preparatory work leading up to the launch of Goggle.

Exhibit 4: Bill Gates created  Microsoft when he was in his early
twenties and struck the deal with IBM that made his life when 25.

Exhibit 5: This 15-year old may already be enlightened.

[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL used to be such an intelligent reasonable sort of group....

2007-03-02 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  wrote:
> [...]
> > Before the adrenaline-surge hits your brain this time, and your hands
> > attack your keyboard, do yourself a favor and presuppose that this
> > post is written in earnest and then internalize it.
> >
> It really does go both ways, Peter.

Only if you are an intellectually dishonest person who censor the key
points of your fellow contributors followed by pretending it means
something else than it does.

 ... Peter Klutz ... Signing off


[FairfieldLife] Shit-eaters Inc (Re: FFL used to be such an intelligent ... )

2007-03-02 Thread peterklutz

TB - I did not expect a reply. 

Now that I have one, a tome the size of the Old Testament I don't need
to read.


The length of your reply makes me realize I just perfected my art of
shadba marma, i.e. how to kill an enemy by delivering sounds that goes
to work on certain of his (or hers) esoteric nerve centers - in your
case the muscles controlling your lower abdomen.

You may not have realized it, but you are dying from literal diarrhea.

The only known cure to this condition is to re-digest your shiite,
hoping that there's is left some nourishment in the brown stuff you're
chewing on. 

Doing so shouldnät be a problem - looking at your postings so far, I
give the impression of having actualyl acquired a taste for human

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Replying, but out of sequence:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  wrote:
> >
> > Before the adrenaline-surge hits your brain this time, 
> > and your hands attack your keyboard, do yourself a favor 
> > and presuppose that this post is written in earnest and 
> > then internalize it.
> Peter, in all honesty when I read your post I wasn't
> planning to reply AT ALL until I got to this last part,
> and realized that you desperately WANTED a reply. Then I 
> remembered that you had actually replied to a post of
> mine yesterday without acting like a crazy, and realized
> that I owed you one, so here goes...a reply to the only
> things in your post I can possibly think of a reply to:
> > Reflections:
> > 
> > (1) Like everything else in the non-absolute reality of life, 
> > your argument works both ways - and may just as equally be 
> > applied to you and Vaj. In my view more appropriately so 
> > because you and Vaj usually strike first.
> An interesting point. I cannot speak for Vaj, but
> my suggestion to you is to do a search of my posts
> for the last few months (say since the beginning of
> the year) and repost here the ones in which I directly 
> attack Maharishi, TM, TMers as a group (as opposed to 
> individual TMers I might criticize as nut cases 
> because...uh...they're acting like nut cases), etc.
> It is my perception that many on this forum who 
> keep posting that "all Barry does" is attack these
> things are living in their own minds and in the past.
> That said, I readily admit to "striking first" 
> against *individual* posters here who, in my opinion,
> are acting in a manner that reflects badly not only 
> on TM and that tradition, but on ALL spiritual trad-
> itions. Sometimes I "strike first" by taunting them
> and pushing their buttons, SO THAT they will react by
> going a little crazy and revealing to even more people
> the extent of their craziness. At other times I "strike
> first" by poking fun at these individuals -- laughing
> uproariously at them and inviting others here to join
> in the laughter. I do this SO THAT more people *will*
> laugh at these people, and in the hope that someday a
> few of them might learn to laugh at themselves.
> > What is meant by "strike first?"
> > 
> > "There is a principle in the martial arts, that whoever 
> > strikes first loses. Because to strike at another takes 
> > you off your center, re-your imbalance, and opens you up. 
> With all due respect, it sounds as if you have read 
> more about the martial arts than you have practiced 
> them. Anyone who believes that to strike (or "strike
> first") one has to go off balance just hasn't spent
> much time in a dojo or on the contest mats.
> > The impulse that pushes you to take action, to strike 
> > out at another, takes you down the path of a specific 
> > energy, a specific possibility - and takes you out of 
> > the place of all possibilities. 
> So you're saying that by choosing one possibility (the
> path, for example, of poking fun at someone silly so
> that others will laugh at them...definitely a form of
> attack), one has been "taken out of the place of all
> possibilities?" Well, Ok, I guess, but one could make
> the case that by choosing *any* possibility one has
> *equally* taken oneself out of "the place of all
> possibilities." Only by remaining as inactive as a
> turnip can one choose no specific possibility from the
> pool of "all possibilities."
> > A master warrior knows that as soon as you feel that 
> > desire come up, and then yield to it and let it turn
> > into action, you've already lost."
> > 
> > Found at: 
> > 
> &g

[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL used to be such an intelligent reasonable sort of group....

2007-03-02 Thread peterklutz

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Classic projection. When confronted with one's own
> doubts about one's spiritual practice, teacher, or
> tradition, EXTERNALIZE them and project all the
> anger that one feels towards ones self for feel-
> ing these doubts onto those who are open about
> having them, or worse, onto those who LAUGH at the 
> doubts and at those who feel threatened about 
> having them. 
> And the deeper the doubts that the seeker of this
> type has, the worse they portray the externalized 
> "enemy" to be.


(1) Like everything else in the non-absolute reality of life, your
argument works both ways - and may just as equally be applied to you
and Vaj. In my view more appropriately so because you and Vaj usually
strike first.

What is meant by "strike first?"

"There is a principle in the martial arts, that whoever strikes first
loses. Because to strike at another takes you off your center, re-
your imbalance, and opens you up. The impulse that pushes you
to take action, to strike out at another, takes you down the path of
a specific energy, a specific possibility - and takes you out of the
place of all possibilities. A master warrior knows that as soon as
you feel that desire come up, and then yield to it and let it turn
into action, you've already lost."

Found at: 


(2) The only way to truly externalize this dance between object,
subject and the process of their mutual cognition/interaction (during
which they tint and transform each other, which you may have noticed)
is to step outside their field of interaction - i.e. to transcend.

You may view the rationales for the occasional reactions your constant
whining about MMY and his spiritual techniques results in as:

(A) Nature's way of, in one short burst, re-balancing a flow of
negativity that has built up

(B) The personal views of individuals with good and solid experiences
of *externalizing* the relative and who therefore may have an inkling
of just how great Maharishi's gift to them is, and just how selfless
his actions are as he gave up a life in blissed solitude to spend
fifty+ years walking in the mud of the world in order to help his

Before the adrenaline-surge hits your brain this time, and your hands
attack your keyboard, do yourself a favor and presuppose that this
post is written in earnest and then internalize it.

[FairfieldLife] Vaj self-terminated thru use of hyperbole

2007-03-01 Thread peterklutz

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
 [mercy snip]
> ...  I'm typically not real keen on people who are against universal  
> tolerance and who are anti-Masons, bigots or wild conspiracy  
> theorists. But you do see a lot of that more and more here, whether  
> it's a Neo-Nazi or a TM-Nazi.
Godwin's Law:

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison
involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."


1:  ... overuse of the Hitler/Nazi comparison should be avoided, as it
robs the valid comparisons of their impact.

2: ... once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and
whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically "lost" 

SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law

[FairfieldLife] Two quotes for Masonic America (was Re: Are you with us, or against us?)

2007-03-01 Thread peterklutz

Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes
decide everything.
-- Josef Stalin

The basis of a democratic state is liberty.
-- Aristotle

[FairfieldLife] Vaj self-terminated thru use of hyperbole

2007-03-01 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[mercy snip]

> ...  I'm typically not real keen on people who are against universal  
> tolerance and who are anti-Masons, bigots or wild conspiracy  
> theorists. But you do see a lot of that more and more here, whether  
> it's a Neo-Nazi or a TM-Nazi.

Godwin's Law:

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison
involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."


1:  ... overuse of the Hitler/Nazi comparison should be avoided, as it
robs the valid comparisons of their impact.

2: ... once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and
whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically "lost" 

SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law

[FairfieldLife] On Democracy

2007-03-01 Thread peterklutz

"Afghanistan after democracy: the untold story through photographic
images" is the story of suffering of the Afghan people. This book
exposes the lies of the Bush administration about the post-Taliban
Afghanistan, and the disaster brought upon Afghanistan by the United
States of America and her allies. It exposes democracy as the buzz
word for the neocolonial adventure of the US. The claims of
reconstruction in Afghanistan is nothing but a total fraud.  It
exposes the failure of the US government at all levels in Afghanistan.
Finally, it exposes the genocide committed by the US government
through the use of uranium weapons and the consequences of these
weapons of mass destruction particularly congenital deformities."

SOURCE: http//www.afghanistanafterdemocracy.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL used to be such an intelligent reasonable sort of group....

2007-02-28 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 28, 2007, at 8:21 AM, Paul Mason wrote:
> > Many years ago I heard an expression, 'If I could find an open mind  
> > I'd
> > get some sin and drop it in'.
> > I was horrified, I have never had any use for concepts such as sin or
> > evil. However, over the years I have met the occasional person who
> > seemed to be suffering from mental illness, and on occasion heard such
> > suffering connected with the devil and being evil. I never took such
> > comments seriously. That is until I read the poison penned letters  
> > of a
> > couple of respondents on FFL and I ended the day pondering as to
> > whether I had encountered pure evil.
> > Is it actually possible that they are practising TM? I don't think so.
> Some people DO develop meditational disorders Paul and these do  
> manifest in a variety of ways. They actually are more common in mass  
> meditation methods like TM because there is no individualized methods  
> given to correct problems before or after they arise. These disorders  
> are often exacerbated by situations where people are told to continue  
> meditating rather than applying an antidote or where purification is  
> skipped.
> It is a very sad thing to see. Physical abuse, even broken ones, heal  
> slowly over time. Internal abuse can be even more insidious and be  
> much longer lasting.

Paul puts the ball exactly where Vaj needs in order to make him
believe he will make a home run. 

Advice: change script writer - the way you guys coach each other makes
your propaganda piece boring.

[FairfieldLife] Illuminati campaign re-.launched? (was TM-Terrorists or just sad cases?)

2007-02-28 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Paul Mason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Many years ago I heard an expression;
> 'If I could find an open mind I'd get some sin and drop it in'.
> I was horrified, I have never had any use for concepts such as 'sin' 
> or 'evil'. However, over the years I met several people who seemed to 
> be suffering from mental illness, and heard such mental ill health 
> connected with the devil. I never took such comments seriously. Yet 
> more recently I have heard terrorists being branded 'evil', but still I 
> resisted the term. That is until I read the poison penned letters of a 
> couple of respondents addressed to me at FFL. I ended the day feeling 
> that I had encountered pure evil. It was a feeling not a thought. I 
> could feel the poison, it endured for most of the night. It was clearly 
> not light that they had showered me with!!
> These posters and others of their ilk, who pose as supporters of 
> Maharishi Mahesh Yogi yet post malevolent attacks on others, is it 
> really possible that they actually practice TM? No, I don't think so.

Do you guys get paid by the hour or day to do whatever it is you are

[FairfieldLife] Spine donor needed (Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti ... )

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Paul Mason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Q. Okay, just what does one do if a complete stranger starts launching 
> verbal attacks on you?
> A. One can use it as an opportunity to practice tolerance in the face 
> of intoleration I suppose. FFL seems to be full of such opportunities 
> these days, despite it being against the guidelines of such groups.

A. Accept some sound medical advice. Grow a spine.


[FairfieldLife] Spine donor needed (Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM ... )

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Paul Mason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[gargamount mercy snip]

Anyone with a spare spine we could give to Mr Mason?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Paul Mason" 
>  wrote:
> >
> >  Q. Isn't it true to say that the Maharishi is nothing other than 
> an 
> > opportunistic?
> >  A. Yup
> >  Q. self-promoting 
> >  A. Yup
> >  Q. maverick, 
> >  A. Yup
> >  Q. who wilfully misleads his supporters 
> >  A. Yup
> >  Q. and anyone else who has the time, the inclination and the money 
> > to listen to him?
> >  A. Yup
> >  Q. Some say the TM method is a good one, some say not?
> >  A. Yup
> > Although I believe that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has used deceptive 
> > means to spread the teaching of transcendental meditation, I am 
> > confident that his motives have been well intended. 
> > 
> > Although I have voiced criticism of Maharishi, it should not be 
> > construed that I believe him to have just been in it for the money 
> or 
> > the fame.
> Suggested rewrite:
> "Isn't it true to say that the Maharishi isn't in
> it just for the fame or money, but is nothing other
> than an opportunistic, self-promoting, well-
> intentioned maverick, who with the best of motives 
> wilfully misleads his supporters and anyone else who
> has the time, the inclination and the money to listen
> to him?"

Q: What is the problem with Paul Mason - is it that he is a
closet-hater of all things TMO?

A: Not exactly.

Q: Then what is?

A: The real problem with Paul Mason is that has so far been unable to
work up the spine to come out of the closet with who he is and openly
admit his orientation. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Paul Mason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Quotes from the characters created by playrights are often wrongly 
> attributed to the writer himself/herself. Although the question and 
> answer was intended to be provocative it was not intended serve as a 
> guide to my opinions of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Who do you think you are fooling?

Grow a spine. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz

Yo, Paulie - why don't you pour some gas over yourself and lighten up?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Paul Mason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Although I believe that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has used deceptive means 
> to spread the teaching of transcendental meditation, I am confident 
> that his motives have been well intended. Although I have voiced 
> criticism of Maharishi, it should not be construed that I believe him 
> to have just been in it for the money or the fame.
> This statement should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the man 
> or his teachings. Just that I believe him to have intended well by his 
> actions. I do not regret learning TM nor practicing it for well over 
> three decades.
> As it happens I was originally prompted to write his biography as a 
> showcase for some his wonderfully original thinking, it was only after 
> the first few chapters I came to question some of his methods of 
> spreading his beliefs.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Ducky Morning in France

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > I don't think Barry, myself, and most others feel hate or 
> > are trying to pull meditators off their chosen path. I still 
> > meditate regularly. Our attitude, at least mine, is that people 
> > will be stronger in their spiritual path if they can learn to 
> > look at things honestly without hiding behind unexamined
> > concepts and beliefs. If people don't want to do that, they 
> > shouldn't hang out on FFL. 
[mercy snip 1] 
> And in the meantime, if you don't like others pecking
> at the shell you've erected around yourself to protect
> that self from challenging thought, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.
> There are forums on Yahoo and other places that are 
> DESIGNED for you. Nothing will rock your world or
> cause you to think there. And *I*, for one, will not
> be there to bother you or intrude into your bliss.
[mercy snip 2]

You analogy fails in many respects, most importantly when overlooking
the facts on the ground when with Vaj and his likes. 

You see Vaj is not remotely interested in hacking open anyone's shell.
He wants to infect our discussions with a virus that ensures we will
molt and rot where we are and never break free from Maya.

The big reason he wants to do this is that he doesn't understand the
fundamental truth of TM.

Thus, what should people who do understand this do - remain forever
silent as a sixth-grader in an organized fashion disrupts discussions
or do we allow ourselves the liberty to say: okay, Mr Sixth-grader
(Vaj) - this is how it really is.

Whatever you chose, I think is well within the "charter" of this forum.

[FairfieldLife] The Illuminati Masterplan (Re: 'Cheney Confronts Pakastan's Pres...')

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz

There's simply no way the Cheney, sorry Bush, administration would
want to see Al-Qaeda defeated - or the civil war in former Iraq ended.

The Cheney-team, it's hidden masters, and the US military-industrial
complex need them to keep the war going in order to realize their
final bid at world domination.

The campaign also has a snowball effect, seen as formerly
conflict-reluctant War-on-bullshit allies, which many now have a
bloodied teeth and governments and industries which have had their
appetites vetted with the power-trip and financial upsides of the US
master plan. 

There is a reason MMY immediately after 911 started to warn the world
about G.W. Bush and his cronies.

Hold on.. wait ... Ok, I better leave - I see men in white lab coats
on my verandah. ... Oh my - they're chiming the bell!


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Well, at least Cheney is good for something?  CIA Evidence Used to
Confront Musharraf; Showdown in Pakistan  February 26, 2007 6:13 PM
>   Brian Ross Reports:
>In a highly unusual move, the deputy director of the CIA, Stephen
R. Kappes, was flown to Pakistan to personally present President
Pervez Musharraf today with "compelling" CIA evidence of al Qaeda's
resurgence on Pakistani soil, U.S. officials say.
>   Kappes joined Vice President Dick Cheney for the surprise showdown
meeting in Musharraf's office in Pakistan.
>   The CIA evidence reportedly included satellite photos and
electronic intercepts of al Qaeda leaders operating in Pakistan.
>   "President Musharraf is the kind of man who doesn't move until he
sees the hard facts in front of his face," said Mansoor Ijaz, a
counterterrorism analyst who has dealt with Musharraf.
>   As ABCNews.com reported earlier this month, al Qaeda training
camps have re-emerged in the Waziristan territory of Pakistan near the
border with Afghanistan.
>   "We are now seeing the recreation of al Qaeda central," said ABC
News consultant Richard Clarke, the former White House
counterterrorism chief.
>   U.S. officials say Musharraf has been in denial about the comeback
of al Qaeda on his soil, ignoring evidence presented to him by NATO
commanders in Afghanistan.
>   Musharraf pulled his Army troops out of Waziristan last September
as part of a "peace deal" with tribal leaders.  In an appearance with
President Bush at the White House on Sept. 22, Musharraf vowed he
would not tolerate "al Qaeda activity in our tribal agency or across
the border in Afghanistan."
>   Since, then, al Qaeda and Taliban attacks on U.S. and NATO troops
across the border have more than tripled.
> -
> Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate
> in the Yahoo! Answers Food & Drink Q&A.

[FairfieldLife] Re: remote-controlled pigeons a threat to US?

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "claudiouk"  
> wrote:
> > >
> > > Imagine if this story came from Iran and not China... visions of
> > > suicidal Hizbula pigeons with explosive collars threatening US 
> forces
> > > in Iraq..
> > > 
> > >
> > http://uk.news.yahoo.com/27022007/80-132/bird-brained-china-
> scientists-learn-fly-pigeons.html
> > > 
> > 
> > [snip]
> > 
> > Hey, here's an even scarier scenario: nuclear armed murder dolphins 
> on
> > the lam!
> > 
> > 
> http://observer.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,1577753,00.h
> tml
> Not "nuclear-armed."  They're armed with "toxic darts"
> designed to disable terrorists in wet suits.

They would say that, wouldn't they.

Using trained animals as suicide bombers dates back to at least WWII.

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFO Sightings worldwide.

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nablusos108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> UFO sightings worldwide
> As Benjamin Creme's Master indicates in His article `The gathering of 
> the Forces of Light', it seems that we have now reached a phase in 
> which certain activities are being stepped up in frequency and 
> intensity. As so vividly illustrated in that article, we may now look 
> forward to widespread sightings of spacecraft and other signs ...


Maybe we can, but of what kind of Light-forces?

Beautiful, as the thought of benign visitors from other solar systems
is, a more likely explanation is that the bulk of the World's
unexplained UFO sightings since WWII are the result of a covert
military program run by a country controlled by Baphomet worshipers:


[FairfieldLife] Re: remote-controlled pigeons a threat to US?

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "claudiouk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Imagine if this story came from Iran and not China... visions of
> suicidal Hizbula pigeons with explosive collars threatening US forces
> in Iraq..


Hey, here's an even scarier scenario: nuclear armed murder dolphins on
the lam!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Study Proposal

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Reading through some of the posts to Fairfield Life,
> alt.meditation.transcendental, and TM-Free lately, I
> have revised my opinion of the new "Electricity is
> bad for you" campaign being promoted by Maharishi and
> the TM movement. I'm beginning to think they're onto
> something.
> Give it some thought, any of you researchers out there.

I think the research is already there. 

When I was in the navy (1980s) we were clearly informed to avoid
exposure (i.e. stand to close to) radars on the ships we were on. They
were considered a radiation hazard.

Skip forward twenty years and people are expected to put devices
emitting the same stuff next to their heads.

What is required, it would seem, is not more of time-wasting research
to support our weak spines - but the courage to accept the facts as we
already know them, and do so in the face of well-healed, ruthless and
intellectually dishonest enemies.

Congratulations for working up the courage!

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