Re: Camilla Please add to the CLS :(

2007-04-18 Thread Marylyn
Camilla sends you so much love and to the lady you speak of.  She knows how 
hard your job is and loves you even more for caring about a little lost girl 
such as herself.

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
  - Original Message - 
  From: Sherry DeHaan 
  To: Felvtalk 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 9:15 PM
  Subject: Camilla Please add to the CLS :(

  Through tears once again I write to you.Camilla was a sweet tortie with an 
awesome personality.She will be missed by many.The lady I volunteer with on 
Thursdays totally loved her,every time when we were ready to leave for the 
night she would tell Camilla"Now you be here next week ok" I hurt for her loss 
and mine,not to mention Dr. Jens. THank you all for being here for me.Nobody 
understands more than ALL of you.This has been a horrible month with losing 

  Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
  Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos. 

Re: sigh. don't forget to keep checking for recall news.

2007-04-18 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
The 3 Orange Boyz will try anything!  Muffins are a great favorite  
and since they are not supposed to like sweet things I assume it's  
the texture.  And doughnut holes!  Although, I have to say, I don't  
think those scientists know everything. Maybe some kitties DO enjoy  
sweet things!  Also, my cat Jack used to gaze at himself in the  
mirror--it was just so neat!  And one evening I was snacking on  
prunes and that's when I discovered that Billi Bi my tuxedo boy runs  
off with the plastic lid.  He looks so funny going down the hall with  
that big yellow lid in his mouth!  The first time he walked around  
with it he misjudged it's width and bumped into the doorframe!

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On Apr 18, 2007, at 1:55 PM, Belinda wrote:

   That seems to be true for the most part because those I've had  
since kittenhood have had a greater variety in their diet,  
including human food and Joey being one will eat just about  
anything, he is not picky at all.  My others I got as strays with  
unknown past histories, some will eat a variety and some will not,  
they will eat one or two things and that is it!!

i was just fascinated by the part about cats, as a species,  
imprinting on "food" and "non-food" when very young. makes so  
much sense in terms of those who will kill for human food while  
others couldn't care less, and how difficult it is to change their  
diets. i'm hoping that one of the books will go into that  
aspect more fully..


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Stamp went tp the bridge

2007-04-18 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

I understand.  It takes so much out of you without you realizing it.
Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On Apr 18, 2007, at 8:16 AM, Gussies mom wrote:

Thank you everyone. I think I have had enough of FeLV for awhile.  
There is a new FeLV long haired  orange and white kitten at the  
shelter and I know they want to me to take it, but I don't want to  
expose him to FIP. I think I could have handled the FeLV in Stamp,  
but the FIP on top of it, no.
It's funny how such a small bundle of black fur can have such  
personality and such make such an imprint on your heart.

I'll check back in once in awhile, but I think I need a break for now.

Take care,

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos.

Camilla Please add to the CLS :(

2007-04-18 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Through tears once again I write to you.Camilla was a sweet tortie with an 
awesome personality.She will be missed by many.The lady I volunteer with on 
Thursdays totally loved her,every time when we were ready to leave for the 
night she would tell Camilla"Now you be here next week ok" I hurt for her loss 
and mine,not to mention Dr. Jens. THank you all for being here for me.Nobody 
understands more than ALL of you.This has been a horrible month with losing 

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

Re: sigh. don't forget to keep checking for recall news.

2007-04-18 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On Apr 18, 2007, at 12:37 AM, Belinda wrote:

I will post some of the recipes when I get the book.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Cassandra and Brunello Please add to the ClS :(

2007-04-18 Thread catatonya
I'm so sorry Sherry.

Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Both Cassandra and Brunello send you total love for caring about 
them.  Please Google for the Bridge poem for volunteers.  It is totally true.
   If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
- Original Message - 
  From: Sherry DeHaan 
  To: Felvtalk 
  Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2007 2:15 PM
  Subject: Cassandra and Brunello Please add to the ClS :(

  Ok now that I have stopped crying for the moment,let me ask that these sweet 
angels be added to the list.
  Cassandra beautiful sleek black girl left us yesterday,she is now with her 
beautiful sister Carissa.
  Brunello had a very rough life before Jen took this wonderful rough looking 
but very handsome boy with the loudest motor into Sids.I fell in love with him 
the second that I saw him.This was a shocker,I was just there Thursday and he 
was fine.Yesterday morning when one of the volunteers came in,she found him 
gasping for breath.It was found that he had a large mass on his trachea.
  This volunteering is the hardest yet most rewarding thing that I have done in 
my life.I am soo glad that I have all of you to talk to.

  Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos. 

Re: update on Cassidy

2007-04-18 Thread Del H. Daniels
A back foot could mean clots moving.  I don't know that happening to the 
front.  Two of my kids with cardiomyapathy threw clots and the back feet 
went ..,. sometimes they could walk fine, other times only on the knuckles, 
it can  be a  variety.  You ma;y already be familiar with this, and if so, 
I'm sorry.  It was not fun for my kids.

- Original Message - 
From: "Melissa Lind" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 5:15 PM
Subject: RE: update on Cassidy

Diane, Del,

Yes, I'm in a tight spot. I can't keep him either way (if he ends up
positive or negative), but if they isolate him for a while and he turns up
negative, then as Wendy pointed out, they'd most likely find him a good
home. If he's positive, then it sounds like he's in a better home than 

me. Poor guy is sleeping on the cat tree right now having no clue that I'm
anguishing about his fate...

I don't really understand the time wait between the Elisa and the IFA. I 
told that I had to have the Elisa's positive confirmed with an IFA 

and then re-test in 90 days with another IFA. BF will re-test I've been
told. What I basically understood from others is that the Elisa isn't 

as reliable, so don't go by it anyway. But I do agree that another IFA is
definitely needed to confirm his status.

Such a dilemma, I'm not sure what I'll decide. I suppose the IFA results
will tell me more. Maybe I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill. What's
$400 dollars or whatever the trip will take compared to the happy life he
could lead there? Maybe I could try and sweet talk my husband 

that thought, I'd better go do the dishes! :)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rosenfeldt, 

Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:14 PM
Subject: RE: update on Cassidy

Wendy, I'm glad you posted this.  I was afraid I had missed or forgotten
some detail about the situation that made it absolutely vital that
Cassidy actually go to BF NOW.  I agree with you, if this is such a rush
and a hardship, Melissa would be better off waiting for some firm
results on the IFA -- preferably one taken a few months from now -- than
trying to hustle together some arrangements to get Cassidy to BF in less
than 2 weeks.  Trying to move him now will take a toll on finances,
marriage and emotions, and there would be an even greater toll if, after
all this, Cassidy turned out to have shed the virus and it would all
have been for nothing.  No matter how wonderful BF is, by the nature of
the cats they take in, there will, sadly, always be "turnover."  If
Cassidy is truly positive, I am sure there will be a place for him down
the line.  I can't imagine that BF would be insensitive to the many
difficulties Melissa is going through at the moment.

Melissa, I know these decisions don't come easily, and ultimately you're
the one who has to make them, but please don't let yourself be rushed
into all this angst and expense without sitting down and thinking it
through again.

Diane R.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: update on Cassidy

Hey Melissa,

I called BF to talk to Joanie, the girl who is
normally at BF's Casa de Calmar, but today is her day
off, and the girl I spoke with didn't know if she
would be back tomorrow or Friday.  So I'm going to
call and speak with Joanie again tomorrow and/or
Friday and see what she thinks about this situation.
So if you can hold tight for a day or two, we will
probably have a better answer to this problem.  I wish
they were more flexible!  If it were me, I'd probably
wait and not go anyway, because of the costs
associated and the fact that she might test negative.
And I am betting come July 1 if she's still postitive,
they'll be able to take her still and maybe by then
you can get help with transport.  This is all so
rushed.  And when I feel rushed, usually things don't
feel right, you know?

I wonder if your vet is aware there is a problem with
his staff?  You might let him know you are frustrated
and thinking of going elsewhere because of all the
mix-ups and that you aren't feeling secure with the
service you are receiving which you take very
seriously because you love your animals so much.
Maybe he doesn't even know there are that many issues,
and if he doesn't know, he can't fix it.  I would be
angry too if I were you.  I do expect people in a
business setting to get their job right as they are
being paid to do so.  I'm certainly not perfect at
work, but I do a pretty decent job.  If it were me
dealing with people and their animals' health, I would
take it very seriously.


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can
change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~
Margaret Meade ~~~


Re: foot problem, FeLV?

2007-04-18 Thread wendy
I've never heard of any feet/paw problems associated
with FeLV.  How does the vet know the injury wasn't a
bite of some sort, and that's why he's testing
positive now?  If he did get it from a recent bite,
and he's an adult, then he probably has a pretty good
chance of throwing this virus.


--- Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, I'm writing about Cassidy again. I was looking
> into posting for adoption
> on other special needs websites, and I found one cat
> whose description fit
> Cassidy's, sort of. The other cat had the same
> problem of walking on the
> knuckles of one foot and wearing away the fur there.
> My vet said that with
> Cassidy, it was nerve damage to the spine somewhere
> around the pelvic area,
> but that he couldn't rule out the fact that it could
> be FeLV related. Since
> Cassidy has been living in my office, on carpet, he
> has not walked on the
> knuckles of that paw. He only does that when he gets
> to running around, and
> this room is so small, not much room to run. His
> foot is now looking very
> nice-not swollen or red, just pink from the missing
> fur. 
> I guess what I want to know is this: do you think
> this is a symptom of FeLV?
> I'm still waiting on his IFA test (another blood
> sample must be taken, if
> you've read my other post), and I was hoping beyond
> hope that his IFA would
> be negative. I thought that since he had no symptoms
> whatsoever he might
> have a chance that the Elisa was wrong. He's very
> healthy. Good stools. Good
> appetite. Doesn't sleep more than most. Just
> all-over a regular cat. But,
> maybe this foot thing indicates his FeLV. I hope
> not. Even if his IFA comes
> back positive, I was hoping that since he has no
> symptoms now, that he'd
> have more time to live happily.
> Melissa

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

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RE: update on Cassidy

2007-04-18 Thread Melissa Lind
Diane, Del,

Yes, I'm in a tight spot. I can't keep him either way (if he ends up
positive or negative), but if they isolate him for a while and he turns up
negative, then as Wendy pointed out, they'd most likely find him a good
home. If he's positive, then it sounds like he's in a better home than with
me. Poor guy is sleeping on the cat tree right now having no clue that I'm
anguishing about his fate...

I don't really understand the time wait between the Elisa and the IFA. I was
told that I had to have the Elisa's positive confirmed with an IFA positive,
and then re-test in 90 days with another IFA. BF will re-test I've been
told. What I basically understood from others is that the Elisa isn't really
as reliable, so don't go by it anyway. But I do agree that another IFA is
definitely needed to confirm his status.

Such a dilemma, I'm not sure what I'll decide. I suppose the IFA results
will tell me more. Maybe I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill. What's
$400 dollars or whatever the trip will take compared to the happy life he
could lead there? Maybe I could try and sweet talk my husband somehow...with
that thought, I'd better go do the dishes! :)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rosenfeldt, Diane
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:14 PM
Subject: RE: update on Cassidy

Wendy, I'm glad you posted this.  I was afraid I had missed or forgotten
some detail about the situation that made it absolutely vital that
Cassidy actually go to BF NOW.  I agree with you, if this is such a rush
and a hardship, Melissa would be better off waiting for some firm
results on the IFA -- preferably one taken a few months from now -- than
trying to hustle together some arrangements to get Cassidy to BF in less
than 2 weeks.  Trying to move him now will take a toll on finances,
marriage and emotions, and there would be an even greater toll if, after
all this, Cassidy turned out to have shed the virus and it would all
have been for nothing.  No matter how wonderful BF is, by the nature of
the cats they take in, there will, sadly, always be "turnover."  If
Cassidy is truly positive, I am sure there will be a place for him down
the line.  I can't imagine that BF would be insensitive to the many
difficulties Melissa is going through at the moment. 

Melissa, I know these decisions don't come easily, and ultimately you're
the one who has to make them, but please don't let yourself be rushed
into all this angst and expense without sitting down and thinking it
through again.

Diane R.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: update on Cassidy

Hey Melissa,

I called BF to talk to Joanie, the girl who is
normally at BF's Casa de Calmar, but today is her day
off, and the girl I spoke with didn't know if she
would be back tomorrow or Friday.  So I'm going to
call and speak with Joanie again tomorrow and/or
Friday and see what she thinks about this situation. 
So if you can hold tight for a day or two, we will
probably have a better answer to this problem.  I wish
they were more flexible!  If it were me, I'd probably
wait and not go anyway, because of the costs
associated and the fact that she might test negative. 
And I am betting come July 1 if she's still postitive,
they'll be able to take her still and maybe by then
you can get help with transport.  This is all so
rushed.  And when I feel rushed, usually things don't
feel right, you know?  

I wonder if your vet is aware there is a problem with
his staff?  You might let him know you are frustrated
and thinking of going elsewhere because of all the
mix-ups and that you aren't feeling secure with the
service you are receiving which you take very
seriously because you love your animals so much. 
Maybe he doesn't even know there are that many issues,
and if he doesn't know, he can't fix it.  I would be
angry too if I were you.  I do expect people in a
business setting to get their job right as they are
being paid to do so.  I'm certainly not perfect at
work, but I do a pretty decent job.  If it were me
dealing with people and their animals' health, I would
take it very seriously.  


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can
change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~
Margaret Meade ~~~

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RE: update on Cassidy

2007-04-18 Thread Melissa Lind
Great advice! As for the post about Ashley, she's not as sickly now, but her
one eye does run a little. I'll ask my vet for something tomorrow when I go
there. Thanks! Melissa



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Del H. Daniels
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: update on Cassidy


Hotels may not allow for cats ... you choose a motel with an outdoor
entrance away from the main office and they will not know you have a kitty.
Play music.  I use an open wire dog crate large enough to litter box and
place to lay while in the motel, some of those motels have hidey holes where
it is difficult to get a hiding cat out, like behind the head of the bed!



- Original Message - 

From: Melissa   Lind 


Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:10 PM

Subject: RE: update on Cassidy


Thanks Del, I think each case is individual. I don't foresee any unusual
problems with transporting Cassidy since he's in excellent health other than
the difficulty that transporting any cat can have. My only problem is
financial. I can handle the transporting as incredible of an experience as
it might turn out to be! :-) Melissa 


PS. Do hotels allow for cats? I know many do for dogs, but I'm not sure
about cats. He's very vocal, so keeping him a secret could be difficult!



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Del H. Daniels
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: update on Cassidy


Re transporting FeLV+ cats, I have and I would never hesitate to transport
any cat.  It's difficult to find people to transport cats, period!  



- Original Message - 

From: TenHouseCats   


Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 11:44 AM

Subject: Re: update on Cassidy

great info and resources on what is involved in setting up a transport; if
you scroll down on the page, you'll find a link to some lists that work with

however, as a cat transporter, i'll tell you that most will not accept a cat
with FeLV

please contact me offlist at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the name of the
city you're in, and the nearest couple of airports, and i'll see if i can
find out if we can arrange anything with our special-needs transporter. 


On 4/18/07, Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Hi Beth, 


No I'm not part of any rescue list. At the beginning of this month three
rescues found me, and I couldn't turn them away. I wasn't out looking for
cats, it just happened. It was a wonderful thing since I was kind of feeling
lost as to my purpose in life, and I've found my calling; however, starting
my own rescue/shelter will take some time and planning. I'm working on
getting a better job. I teach on-line courses for high school kids for
college credit. The pay is horrendous-I figured out that's it's less that
minimum wage per hour that I work! I like the teaching, somewhat, but for
the amount of time I put into it.


If you know of any rescue transport resources, please let me know! I'd hate
to take money from people for gas, but if worse comes to worst, I could
probably swallow my pride and do it. I'd have to pay you back, of course.
Right now I'm working on paying off the vet bill. My husband makes a good
amount of money, but he doesn't part with it easily for cat stuff. He thinks
I should be on my own with this. We're not rich by any means-we live
paycheck to paycheck pretty much-but I think even though he's kind hearted,
if I turned on the waterworks for this, he'd still not be willing to give
for the trip. I'll see what I can do between now and May 1st. I'll keep
looking for transport funding on websites, etc.


Thanks for your help-I know you probably have a lot of other things on your
mind right now with the loss of poor Stamp. 





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gussies mom
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: update on Cassidy


Are you part of any rescue lists? There are rescue transport lists with
networks all over. There is even an air transport for animals. I'll see if I
can find some info for you.


If not, I'd be more than willing to send you a little money to help with



Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well Cassidy has to go to Best Friends soon after May 1st. They can't wait
until July 1st for me to get a second IFA, but they said they'd keep him
apart from the other FeLV cats if there was any doubt as to his status. But,
I wonder what they consider doubt. I'd hate to expose him and he turns up
negative in the future.


And then there's the problem of funding the trip. I don't know how to come
up with just the gas money before May 1st! Do you 

Re: foot problem, FeLV?

2007-04-18 Thread Del H. Daniels
Don't know about the foot problem.  Front paw or back paw?

What is the time frame between his positive ELISA and the IFA.  I think his IFA 
could be negative and he still be positive if the time is less that 90 days 
between them.  You are in a real spot, aren't you.  If you wait that time out 
Cassidy may lose his BF placement.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Melissa Lind 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 9:41 AM
  Subject: foot problem, FeLV?

  Hi, I'm writing about Cassidy again. I was looking into posting for adoption 
on other special needs websites, and I found one cat whose description fit 
Cassidy's, sort of. The other cat had the same problem of walking on the 
knuckles of one foot and wearing away the fur there. My vet said that with 
Cassidy, it was nerve damage to the spine somewhere around the pelvic area, but 
that he couldn't rule out the fact that it could be FeLV related. Since Cassidy 
has been living in my office, on carpet, he has not walked on the knuckles of 
that paw. He only does that when he gets to running around, and this room is so 
small, not much room to run. His foot is now looking very nice-not swollen or 
red, just pink from the missing fur. 

  I guess what I want to know is this: do you think this is a symptom of FeLV? 
I'm still waiting on his IFA test (another blood sample must be taken, if 
you've read my other post), and I was hoping beyond hope that his IFA would be 
negative. I thought that since he had no symptoms whatsoever he might have a 
chance that the Elisa was wrong. He's very healthy. Good stools. Good appetite. 
Doesn't sleep more than most. Just all-over a regular cat. But, maybe this foot 
thing indicates his FeLV. I hope not. Even if his IFA comes back positive, I 
was hoping that since he has no symptoms now, that he'd have more time to live 


Re: update on Cassidy

2007-04-18 Thread Del H. Daniels
Hotels may not allow for cats ... you choose a motel with an outdoor entrance 
away from the main office and they will not know you have a kitty.  Play music. 
 I use an open wire dog crate large enough to litter box and place to lay while 
in the motel, some of those motels have hidey holes where it is difficult to 
get a hiding cat out, like behind the head of the bed!

  - Original Message - 
  From: Melissa Lind 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:10 PM
  Subject: RE: update on Cassidy

  Thanks Del, I think each case is individual. I don't foresee any unusual 
problems with transporting Cassidy since he's in excellent health other than 
the difficulty that transporting any cat can have. My only problem is 
financial. I can handle the transporting as incredible of an experience as it 
might turn out to be! J Melissa 

  PS. Do hotels allow for cats? I know many do for dogs, but I'm not sure about 
cats. He's very vocal, so keeping him a secret could be difficult!


  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Del H. Daniels
  Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:02 PM
  Subject: Re: update on Cassidy

  Re transporting FeLV+ cats, I have and I would never hesitate to transport 
any cat.  It's difficult to find people to transport cats, period!  


- Original Message - 

From: TenHouseCats 


Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 11:44 AM

Subject: Re: update on Cassidy

great info and resources on what is involved in setting up a transport; if 
you scroll down on the page, you'll find a link to some lists that work with 

however, as a cat transporter, i'll tell you that most will not accept a 
cat with FeLV

please contact me offlist at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the name of the city 
you're in, and the nearest couple of airports, and i'll see if i can find out 
if we can arrange anything with our special-needs transporter. 


On 4/18/07, Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Hi Beth, 

No I'm not part of any rescue list. At the beginning of this month three 
rescues found me, and I couldn't turn them away. I wasn't out looking for cats, 
it just happened. It was a wonderful thing since I was kind of feeling lost as 
to my purpose in life, and I've found my calling; however, starting my own 
rescue/shelter will take some time and planning. I'm working on getting a 
better job. I teach on-line courses for high school kids for college credit. 
The pay is horrendous-I figured out that's it's less that minimum wage per hour 
that I work! I like the teaching, somewhat, but for the amount of time I put 
into it.

If you know of any rescue transport resources, please let me know! I'd hate 
to take money from people for gas, but if worse comes to worst, I could 
probably swallow my pride and do it. I'd have to pay you back, of course. Right 
now I'm working on paying off the vet bill. My husband makes a good amount of 
money, but he doesn't part with it easily for cat stuff. He thinks I should be 
on my own with this. We're not rich by any means-we live paycheck to paycheck 
pretty much-but I think even though he's kind hearted, if I turned on the 
waterworks for this, he'd still not be willing to give for the trip. I'll see 
what I can do between now and May 1st. I'll keep looking for transport funding 
on websites, etc.

Thanks for your help-I know you probably have a lot of other things on your 
mind right now with the loss of poor Stamp. 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gussies mom
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: update on Cassidy

Are you part of any rescue lists? There are rescue transport lists with 
networks all over. There is even an air transport for animals. I'll see if I 
can find some info for you.

If not, I'd be more than willing to send you a little money to help with 


Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Well Cassidy has to go to Best Friends soon after May 1st. They can't 
wait until July 1st for me to get a second IFA, but they said they'd keep him 
apart from the other FeLV cats if there was any doubt as to his status. But, I 
wonder what they consider doubt. I'd hate to expose him and he turns up 
negative in the future.

  And then there's the problem of funding the trip. I don't know how to 
come up with just the gas money before May 1st! Do you guys know of any place 
to turn to for help in a hurry? I figure it will cost me at least $240 for gas 
round trip. Plus, according to Map Quest, th

Re: Cassidy

2007-04-18 Thread Del H. Daniels
Ok, found some other posts on Cassidy, HE, sorry I referred to HIM as a female. 
 And you are in Nebraska, I'm no help there.

Re Ashley and URIs, if she is an adult: the best is L-Lysine, 500 mg twice a 
day.  Buy the capsules or loose powder, usually a health food store.  You can 
mix in a bit of water then into the canned food if she eats that.  If not, mix 
with water, maybe 2 cc, then syringe it.  If she is a kitten 2 months or older 
use only half that amount
If she is not on any other medication, and had runny nose/eyes, congestion, an 
anti-histamine works. again for an adult.  If she is a kitten you have to ask 
your vet who doesn't sound so hot.  I use Chlorpheniramine (generic for 
Clotrimitron), not the 12 hour formula.  Give 2 mg (1/2 tablet, every 12 hours 
for an adult cat.

I also give my URIs Interferon (1 cc)(prescription) during the outbreak.  It 
also lowers the virus in the system as does Lysine so if you can use both, it's 
a double whammy against the virus.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Melissa Lind 
  Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 11:45 AM
  Subject: Re: Cassidy and Ashley are home!


  Yes, yes, they spayed, vaccinated, the works. I'm sorry if this was not the 
thing to do; I'm not very knowledgeable yet. As someone pointed out on an 
earlier post-we're all learning. I guess I have a lot of learning to do-more 
than most. I appreciate the advice. I asked my vet today if I should give her 
anything-he said no as long as the discharge is clear. Poor baby, she just sits 
on her nest in front of the heater. But, she has moved around a lot more since 
yesterday. Now when I go to visit her, she comes down to eat and talk a little. 
Let me know if you have any advice for us. I'm going to look into Lysine. 
Problem around here is that there are not a lot of resources for sick kitties. 
No one cares.


OT: Best Friends forums/rescue thread

2007-04-18 Thread wendy
Hey guys,

BF online forums seem interesting.  I'm going to try
to look into them in the next few days.  They have a
rescue thread that I thought some of you might be
interested in.  Here's the link to the forums:{712CACF9-E72E-4EA8-8F43-217D33827BD3}


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

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RE: update on Cassidy

2007-04-18 Thread wendy

I know you will love it if you end up going.  And if
you stay at the BF property, it's not as expensive as
if you stay in Kanab; the cabins are $70.  It's really
beautiful there, in a canyon-like way.  Probably very
different from Nebraska.  If I were close, I would
definitely help with transport, but I'm pretty far
away.  There is a kitty at BF that I absolutely love. 
Her name is Toshie.  The lady I spoke with today said
she's doing great.  Shredding paper towel reams as!  I so wish I could adopt her (ie. that
she was negative).  I'd go pick her up right now.  I
guess either way, you were going to be adopting
Cassidy out, right?  So if she does turn negative and
is at BF, she will be adopted.  They adopt out 75% of
their adoptable animals.  The ones who are unadoptable
are mainly dogs that have behavior issues.  


--- Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Good observation Wendy. I had wondered the same.
> I think they're full now from what I've been told.
> The lady who is helping
> me said the only way to get an FeLV+ in is usually
> when another passes on :(
> She said that they are very seldom adopted out. I
> hope that this vacancy is
> being adopted out and that's why I have to wait
> until May 1st.
> I'm very excited to visit the place after the
> descriptions you've given!
> Melissa
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of wendy
> Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: update on Cassidy
> The only thing I can think of as to how Melissa got
> Cassidy in is because she does not run a rescue.  I
> bet those with rescues do not get first dibs,
> because
> they are rescues, and once BF takes one from a
> shelter, they know there will be others because they
> are dealing with a shelter.  If this is the case,
> it's
> probably not something written down because that
> would
> be discrimination.  But it could be a possibility. 
> I
> didn't realize it was so difficult to get an animal
> into BF.  I didn't think it was, because they were
> not
> at full capacity in Casa de Calmar when I was there
> visiting.  There are three rooms there, and none of
> them were maxed out.
> :)
> Wendy
> "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
> committed citizens can change
> the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever
> has!" ~~~ Margaret
> Meade ~~~
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around 

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

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RE: update on Cassidy

2007-04-18 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
Wendy, I'm glad you posted this.  I was afraid I had missed or forgotten
some detail about the situation that made it absolutely vital that
Cassidy actually go to BF NOW.  I agree with you, if this is such a rush
and a hardship, Melissa would be better off waiting for some firm
results on the IFA -- preferably one taken a few months from now -- than
trying to hustle together some arrangements to get Cassidy to BF in less
than 2 weeks.  Trying to move him now will take a toll on finances,
marriage and emotions, and there would be an even greater toll if, after
all this, Cassidy turned out to have shed the virus and it would all
have been for nothing.  No matter how wonderful BF is, by the nature of
the cats they take in, there will, sadly, always be "turnover."  If
Cassidy is truly positive, I am sure there will be a place for him down
the line.  I can't imagine that BF would be insensitive to the many
difficulties Melissa is going through at the moment. 

Melissa, I know these decisions don't come easily, and ultimately you're
the one who has to make them, but please don't let yourself be rushed
into all this angst and expense without sitting down and thinking it
through again.

Diane R.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: update on Cassidy

Hey Melissa,

I called BF to talk to Joanie, the girl who is
normally at BF's Casa de Calmar, but today is her day
off, and the girl I spoke with didn't know if she
would be back tomorrow or Friday.  So I'm going to
call and speak with Joanie again tomorrow and/or
Friday and see what she thinks about this situation. 
So if you can hold tight for a day or two, we will
probably have a better answer to this problem.  I wish
they were more flexible!  If it were me, I'd probably
wait and not go anyway, because of the costs
associated and the fact that she might test negative. 
And I am betting come July 1 if she's still postitive,
they'll be able to take her still and maybe by then
you can get help with transport.  This is all so
rushed.  And when I feel rushed, usually things don't
feel right, you know?  

I wonder if your vet is aware there is a problem with
his staff?  You might let him know you are frustrated
and thinking of going elsewhere because of all the
mix-ups and that you aren't feeling secure with the
service you are receiving which you take very
seriously because you love your animals so much. 
Maybe he doesn't even know there are that many issues,
and if he doesn't know, he can't fix it.  I would be
angry too if I were you.  I do expect people in a
business setting to get their job right as they are
being paid to do so.  I'm certainly not perfect at
work, but I do a pretty decent job.  If it were me
dealing with people and their animals' health, I would
take it very seriously.  


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can
change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~
Margaret Meade ~~~

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RE: update on Cassidy

2007-04-18 Thread Melissa Lind
Good observation Wendy. I had wondered the same.

I think they're full now from what I've been told. The lady who is helping
me said the only way to get an FeLV+ in is usually when another passes on :(

She said that they are very seldom adopted out. I hope that this vacancy is
being adopted out and that's why I have to wait until May 1st.

I'm very excited to visit the place after the descriptions you've given!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: update on Cassidy

The only thing I can think of as to how Melissa got
Cassidy in is because she does not run a rescue.  I
bet those with rescues do not get first dibs, because
they are rescues, and once BF takes one from a
shelter, they know there will be others because they
are dealing with a shelter.  If this is the case, it's
probably not something written down because that would
be discrimination.  But it could be a possibility.  I
didn't realize it was so difficult to get an animal
into BF.  I didn't think it was, because they were not
at full capacity in Casa de Calmar when I was there
visiting.  There are three rooms there, and none of
them were maxed out.


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret
Meade ~~~

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RE: update on Cassidy

2007-04-18 Thread Melissa Lind
Thanks Del, I think each case is individual. I don't foresee any unusual
problems with transporting Cassidy since he's in excellent health other than
the difficulty that transporting any cat can have. My only problem is
financial. I can handle the transporting as incredible of an experience as
it might turn out to be! :-) Melissa 


PS. Do hotels allow for cats? I know many do for dogs, but I'm not sure
about cats. He's very vocal, so keeping him a secret could be difficult!



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Del H. Daniels
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: update on Cassidy


Re transporting FeLV+ cats, I have and I would never hesitate to transport
any cat.  It's difficult to find people to transport cats, period!  



- Original Message - 

From: TenHouseCats   


Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 11:44 AM

Subject: Re: update on Cassidy

great info and resources on what is involved in setting up a transport; if
you scroll down on the page, you'll find a link to some lists that work with

however, as a cat transporter, i'll tell you that most will not accept a cat
with FeLV

please contact me offlist at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the name of the
city you're in, and the nearest couple of airports, and i'll see if i can
find out if we can arrange anything with our special-needs transporter. 


On 4/18/07, Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Hi Beth, 


No I'm not part of any rescue list. At the beginning of this month three
rescues found me, and I couldn't turn them away. I wasn't out looking for
cats, it just happened. It was a wonderful thing since I was kind of feeling
lost as to my purpose in life, and I've found my calling; however, starting
my own rescue/shelter will take some time and planning. I'm working on
getting a better job. I teach on-line courses for high school kids for
college credit. The pay is horrendous-I figured out that's it's less that
minimum wage per hour that I work! I like the teaching, somewhat, but for
the amount of time I put into it.


If you know of any rescue transport resources, please let me know! I'd hate
to take money from people for gas, but if worse comes to worst, I could
probably swallow my pride and do it. I'd have to pay you back, of course.
Right now I'm working on paying off the vet bill. My husband makes a good
amount of money, but he doesn't part with it easily for cat stuff. He thinks
I should be on my own with this. We're not rich by any means-we live
paycheck to paycheck pretty much-but I think even though he's kind hearted,
if I turned on the waterworks for this, he'd still not be willing to give
for the trip. I'll see what I can do between now and May 1st. I'll keep
looking for transport funding on websites, etc.


Thanks for your help-I know you probably have a lot of other things on your
mind right now with the loss of poor Stamp. 





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gussies mom
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: update on Cassidy


Are you part of any rescue lists? There are rescue transport lists with
networks all over. There is even an air transport for animals. I'll see if I
can find some info for you.


If not, I'd be more than willing to send you a little money to help with



Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well Cassidy has to go to Best Friends soon after May 1st. They can't wait
until July 1st for me to get a second IFA, but they said they'd keep him
apart from the other FeLV cats if there was any doubt as to his status. But,
I wonder what they consider doubt. I'd hate to expose him and he turns up
negative in the future.


And then there's the problem of funding the trip. I don't know how to come
up with just the gas money before May 1st! Do you guys know of any place to
turn to for help in a hurry? I figure it will cost me at least $240 for gas
round trip. Plus, according to Map Quest, the drive is a little over 18
hours! That'll mean lodging along the way and at the destination. Then
lodging on the way home unless I can get someone to take turns
driving/sleeping. I know! Maybe I'll just hitch a ride with a trucker!
They're used to long days like that! (Just kidding of course). 


Then there's the fact that I still don't have his first IFA test results
(just the Elisa). I'm so frustrated by my vet's office! I like my vet quite
a bit, but some of the helpers are a bunch of, pardon me, morons! I'm sure I
couldn't do they're jobs, but I know I could keep things straight. They told
me today that the lab work for Cassidy's IFA got lost in the mail, at the
lab, somewhere. My guess is they forgot to send it, and now they need
another sample. Who knows, but now we're really push

Re: update on Cassidy

2007-04-18 Thread wendy
The only thing I can think of as to how Melissa got
Cassidy in is because she does not run a rescue.  I
bet those with rescues do not get first dibs, because
they are rescues, and once BF takes one from a
shelter, they know there will be others because they
are dealing with a shelter.  If this is the case, it's
probably not something written down because that would
be discrimination.  But it could be a possibility.  I
didn't realize it was so difficult to get an animal
into BF.  I didn't think it was, because they were not
at full capacity in Casa de Calmar when I was there
visiting.  There are three rooms there, and none of
them were maxed out.


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: update on Cassidy

2007-04-18 Thread Del H. Daniels
Re transporting FeLV+ cats, I have and I would never hesitate to transport any 
cat.  It's difficult to find people to transport cats, period!  

  - Original Message - 
  From: TenHouseCats 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 11:44 AM
  Subject: Re: update on Cassidy

  great info and resources on what is involved in setting up a transport; if 
you scroll down on the page, you'll find a link to some lists that work with 

  however, as a cat transporter, i'll tell you that most will not accept a cat 
with FeLV

  please contact me offlist at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the name of the city 
you're in, and the nearest couple of airports, and i'll see if i can find out 
if we can arrange anything with our special-needs transporter. 


  On 4/18/07, Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Beth, 

No I'm not part of any rescue list. At the beginning of this month three 
rescues found me, and I couldn't turn them away. I wasn't out looking for cats, 
it just happened. It was a wonderful thing since I was kind of feeling lost as 
to my purpose in life, and I've found my calling; however, starting my own 
rescue/shelter will take some time and planning. I'm working on getting a 
better job. I teach on-line courses for high school kids for college credit. 
The pay is horrendous—I figured out that's it's less that minimum wage per hour 
that I work! I like the teaching, somewhat, but for the amount of time I put 
into it…

If you know of any rescue transport resources, please let me know! I'd hate 
to take money from people for gas, but if worse comes to worst, I could 
probably swallow my pride and do it. I'd have to pay you back, of course. Right 
now I'm working on paying off the vet bill. My husband makes a good amount of 
money, but he doesn't part with it easily for cat stuff. He thinks I should be 
on my own with this. We're not rich by any means—we live paycheck to paycheck 
pretty much—but I think even though he's kind hearted, if I turned on the 
waterworks for this, he'd still not be willing to give for the trip. I'll see 
what I can do between now and May 1st. I'll keep looking for transport funding 
on websites, etc.

Thanks for your help—I know you probably have a lot of other things on your 
mind right now with the loss of poor Stamp. 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gussies mom
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: update on Cassidy

Are you part of any rescue lists? There are rescue transport lists with 
networks all over. There is even an air transport for animals. I'll see if I 
can find some info for you.

If not, I'd be more than willing to send you a little money to help with 


Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Well Cassidy has to go to Best Friends soon after May 1st. They can't 
wait until July 1st for me to get a second IFA, but they said they'd keep him 
apart from the other FeLV cats if there was any doubt as to his status. But, I 
wonder what they consider doubt. I'd hate to expose him and he turns up 
negative in the future.

  And then there's the problem of funding the trip. I don't know how to 
come up with just the gas money before May 1st! Do you guys know of any place 
to turn to for help in a hurry? I figure it will cost me at least $240 for gas 
round trip. Plus, according to Map Quest, the drive is a little over 18 hours! 
That'll mean lodging along the way and at the destination. Then lodging on the 
way home unless I can get someone to take turns driving/sleeping. I know! Maybe 
I'll just hitch a ride with a trucker! They're used to long days like that! 
(Just kidding of course). 

  Then there's the fact that I still don't have his first IFA test results 
(just the Elisa). I'm so frustrated by my vet's office! I like my vet quite a 
bit, but some of the helpers are a bunch of, pardon me, morons! I'm sure I 
couldn't do they're jobs, but I know I could keep things straight. They told me 
today that the lab work for Cassidy's IFA got lost in the mail, at the lab, 
somewhere. My guess is they forgot to send it, and now they need another 
sample. Who knows, but now we're really pushing the deadline for his trip to 
Utah. They want him to come in on Monday since they won't send to the lab until 
next week anyway. I think that if they won't put a rush on it (like tomorrow), 
then I'll just have to find a vet who will. 

  Furthermore, I called this morning about my two rescues in the garage. 
One has the squirts, but I can't figure out which one. I can never catch them 
in the act! I wanted to know what I should do, and I also called to get 
Bandit's Prozac refilled. Okay, the receptionist takes d

Important: 5 more foods will test soon; brands not currently under recall; concerns wheat, rice, soy and corn possibly

2007-04-18 Thread wendy
See attached link.  If you feed any wheat, rice, corn,
or soy in your products, you should read this info. 
It's alarming...


Note: forwarded message attached.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around --- Begin Message ---
Will this horror never end :(


Local veterinarians who've tracked kidney ailments nationwide have
tentatively identified five more foods, not at this point under any recall,
that they plan to have tested as soon as possible.

The Veterinary Information Network, used by about 16,000 of the estimated
35,000 U.S. veterinarians, *noticed the five foods kept recurring in
vet-described disease reports*, said Paul Pion, the Davis vet who co-founded
the service. Pion said it would be premature to name the foods.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

--- End Message ---

Re: update on Cassidy

2007-04-18 Thread Kelley Saveika

On 4/18/07, wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Melissa,

I called BF to talk to Joanie, the girl who is
normally at BF's Casa de Calmar, but today is her day
off, and the girl I spoke with didn't know if she
would be back tomorrow or Friday.  So I'm going to
call and speak with Joanie again tomorrow and/or
Friday and see what she thinks about this situation.
So if you can hold tight for a day or two, we will
probably have a better answer to this problem.  I wish
they were more flexible!  If it were me, I'd probably
wait and not go anyway, because of the costs
associated and the fact that she might test negative.
And I am betting come July 1 if she's still postitive,
they'll be able to take her still and maybe by then
you can get help with transport.  This is all so
rushed.  And when I feel rushed, usually things don't
feel right, you know?

Honestly, Wendy, if it were me I would jump on it.  I'm frankly amazed
she was able to get a cat into BF.  I know lots of people who have
tried for very long periods of time to get cats into BF and were not
able to do so.  It can take months or years or never.  I still don't
know how she did it.

I know that I was told that the FELV sanctuary Sherry volunteers at
has a 40 cat waiting list and only takes cats from Michigan.  I'm
still worried about what I am going to do when I get a cat that tests
positive, and I can assure you that if at any time BF would take a cat
I needed to rehome, I would beg, borrow and steal if necessary to get
that cat there.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Re: update on Cassidy

2007-04-18 Thread wendy
Hey Melissa,

I called BF to talk to Joanie, the girl who is
normally at BF's Casa de Calmar, but today is her day
off, and the girl I spoke with didn't know if she
would be back tomorrow or Friday.  So I'm going to
call and speak with Joanie again tomorrow and/or
Friday and see what she thinks about this situation. 
So if you can hold tight for a day or two, we will
probably have a better answer to this problem.  I wish
they were more flexible!  If it were me, I'd probably
wait and not go anyway, because of the costs
associated and the fact that she might test negative. 
And I am betting come July 1 if she's still postitive,
they'll be able to take her still and maybe by then
you can get help with transport.  This is all so
rushed.  And when I feel rushed, usually things don't
feel right, you know?  

I wonder if your vet is aware there is a problem with
his staff?  You might let him know you are frustrated
and thinking of going elsewhere because of all the
mix-ups and that you aren't feeling secure with the
service you are receiving which you take very
seriously because you love your animals so much. 
Maybe he doesn't even know there are that many issues,
and if he doesn't know, he can't fix it.  I would be
angry too if I were you.  I do expect people in a
business setting to get their job right as they are
being paid to do so.  I'm certainly not perfect at
work, but I do a pretty decent job.  If it were me
dealing with people and their animals' health, I would
take it very seriously.  


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: sigh. don't forget to keep checking for recall news.

2007-04-18 Thread Belinda
   That seems to be true for the most part because those I've had since 
kittenhood have had a greater variety in their diet, including human 
food and Joey being one will eat just about anything, he is not picky at 
all.  My others I got as strays with unknown past histories, some will 
eat a variety and some will not, they will eat one or two things and 
that is it!!

i was just fascinated by the part about cats, as a species, imprinting 
on "food" and "non-food" when very young. makes so much sense in 
terms of those who will kill for human food while others couldn't care 
less, and how difficult it is to change their diets. i'm hoping 
that one of the books will go into that aspect more fully..


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: sigh. don't forget to keep checking for recall news.

2007-04-18 Thread TenHouseCats

i was just fascinated by the part about cats, as a species, imprinting on
"food" and "non-food" when very young. makes so much sense in terms of
those who will kill for human food while others couldn't care less, and how
difficult it is to change their diets. i'm hoping that one of the books
will go into that aspect more fully..

On 4/18/07, Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No actually I usually do one or the other, will have to give that a


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Youngest age a combo test is accurate

2007-04-18 Thread TenHouseCats

i've never seen definite research on ages for FeLV accuracy--and i know that
susan has the stats re: snap test accuracy to begin with.

as for FIV, the way the test works, mom's antibodies will make kittens test
positive until they wear off--for all intense porpoises (as someone once
mis-typed), there is no such thing as a positive kitten.. some really
high 90%ile of kittens who test positive before the age of 6 or 7 months
will test negative later on. since it's not easy to know just WHEN mom's
antibodies will wear off, i don't trust a positive FIV test in a young'un
til at least nine months. i wish i knew the science better, but the test for
FeLV does NOT work the same way, so if a kitten tests positive for FeLV,
it's based on its own body chemistry, not mom's.

On 4/18/07, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi guys,

What is the youngest age a combo test is accurate, or at least close
to accurate?  I have a lot of kittens to test and I don't want to get
them tested too soon.



Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: update on Cassidy

2007-04-18 Thread TenHouseCats

great info and resources on what is involved in setting up a transport; if
you scroll down on the page, you'll find a link to some lists that work with

however, as a cat transporter, i'll tell you that most will not accept a cat
with FeLV

please contact me offlist at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the name of the
city you're in, and the nearest couple of airports, and i'll see if i can
find out if we can arrange anything with our special-needs transporter.


On 4/18/07, Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hi Beth,

No I'm not part of any rescue list. At the beginning of this month three
rescues found me, and I couldn't turn them away. I wasn't out looking for
cats, it just happened. It was a wonderful thing since I was kind of feeling
lost as to my purpose in life, and I've found my calling; however, starting
my own rescue/shelter will take some time and planning. I'm working on
getting a better job. I teach on-line courses for high school kids for
college credit. The pay is horrendous—I figured out that's it's less that
minimum wage per hour that I work! I like the teaching, somewhat, but for
the amount of time I put into it…

If you know of any rescue transport resources, please let me know! I'd
hate to take money from people for gas, but if worse comes to worst, I could
probably swallow my pride and do it. I'd have to pay you back, of course.
Right now I'm working on paying off the vet bill. My husband makes a good
amount of money, but he doesn't part with it easily for cat stuff. He thinks
I should be on my own with this. We're not rich by any means—we live
paycheck to paycheck pretty much—but I think even though he's kind hearted,
if I turned on the waterworks for this, he'd still not be willing to give
for the trip. I'll see what I can do between now and May 1st. I'll keep
looking for transport funding on websites, etc.

Thanks for your help—I know you probably have a lot of other things on
your mind right now with the loss of poor Stamp.



*From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Gussies mom
*Sent:* Wednesday, April 18, 2007 8:06 AM
*Subject:* Re: update on Cassidy

Are you part of any rescue lists? There are rescue transport lists with
networks all over. There is even an air transport for animals. I'll see if I
can find some info for you.

If not, I'd be more than willing to send you a little money to help with


*Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

 Well Cassidy has to go to Best Friends soon after May 1st. They can't
wait until July 1st for me to get a second IFA, but they said they'd keep
him apart from the other FeLV cats if there was any doubt as to his status.
But, I wonder what they consider doubt. I'd hate to expose him and he turns
up negative in the future.

And then there's the problem of funding the trip. I don't know how to come
up with just the gas money before May 1st! Do you guys know of any place
to turn to for help in a hurry? I figure it will cost me at least $240 for
gas round trip. Plus, according to Map Quest, the drive is a little over 18
hours! That'll mean lodging along the way and at the destination. Then
lodging on the way home unless I can get someone to take turns
driving/sleeping. I know! Maybe I'll just hitch a ride with a trucker!
They're used to long days like that! (Just kidding of course).

Then there's the fact that I still don't have his first IFA test results
(just the Elisa). I'm so frustrated by my vet's office! I like my vet quite
a bit, but some of the helpers are a bunch of, pardon me, morons! I'm sure I
couldn't do they're jobs, but I know I could keep things straight. They told
me today that the lab work for Cassidy's IFA got lost in the mail, at the
lab, somewhere. My guess is they forgot to send it, and now they need
another sample. Who knows, but now we're really pushing the deadline for his
trip to Utah. They want him to come in on Monday since they won't send to
the lab until next week anyway. I think that if they won't put a rush on it
(like tomorrow), then I'll just have to find a vet who will.

Furthermore, I called this morning about my two rescues in the garage. One
has the squirts, but I can't figure out which one. I can never catch them in
the act! I wanted to know what I should do, and I also called to get
Bandit's Prozac refilled. Okay, the receptionist takes down the info, and
says they'll call back.

So, I finally get a call back late in the afternoon (I had called early in
the morning). The message they left was something about Bandit needing blood
drawn again (but Cassidy's the one who actually needs it), and the rest of
the message said that the food I wanted would be there in the morning.
What?!?! I didn't ask for food; Cassidy needs the blood work; what about the
diarrhea?; what about the Prozac? G! Sorry I'm ranting, but seriou

kitties in need of a good home

2007-04-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello, please help me spread the word.  I have 5 cats available for adoption.  
They just recently showed up in my yard, they were most likely dumped.  I can 
not take in any more cats at this time because I have 1 and she is leukemia 
positive, she is enough.  I need to find homes for these cats ASAP!  Since my 
cat was found they same way, some or all of these may be leukemia positive.  I 
will list info each cat.  If anyone is interested in giving them a home of 
fostering please let me know.  If someone is serious about adopting them it is 
an $80.00 fee that covers spay/neutuer, feline aids and leukemia test, leukemia 
vaccination, rabies vaccination, and 1st boosters (distemper, etc). Please 
email me privately at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you can help.
1, very loving, loves to be pet, adult male, short hair ornage tabby, very big 
(not fat at all but big boned, his head is bigger than any main coon or bobcat 
mix I have ever seen)
2, sweet, ornage tabby short hair, adult female
3. short hair black, very wild and skittish, good barn cat or someone who has 
time to work with 
4. long hair black, very wild and skittish, good barn cat or needs special work
5. young (older kitten), short hair grey and brown tabby, sweet

foot problem, FeLV?

2007-04-18 Thread Melissa Lind
Hi, I'm writing about Cassidy again. I was looking into posting for adoption
on other special needs websites, and I found one cat whose description fit
Cassidy's, sort of. The other cat had the same problem of walking on the
knuckles of one foot and wearing away the fur there. My vet said that with
Cassidy, it was nerve damage to the spine somewhere around the pelvic area,
but that he couldn't rule out the fact that it could be FeLV related. Since
Cassidy has been living in my office, on carpet, he has not walked on the
knuckles of that paw. He only does that when he gets to running around, and
this room is so small, not much room to run. His foot is now looking very
nice-not swollen or red, just pink from the missing fur. 


I guess what I want to know is this: do you think this is a symptom of FeLV?
I'm still waiting on his IFA test (another blood sample must be taken, if
you've read my other post), and I was hoping beyond hope that his IFA would
be negative. I thought that since he had no symptoms whatsoever he might
have a chance that the Elisa was wrong. He's very healthy. Good stools. Good
appetite. Doesn't sleep more than most. Just all-over a regular cat. But,
maybe this foot thing indicates his FeLV. I hope not. Even if his IFA comes
back positive, I was hoping that since he has no symptoms now, that he'd
have more time to live happily.



Re: update on Cassidy

2007-04-18 Thread Kelley Saveika

Yes, income is essential as rescue is very expensive.

I actually have no FELV cats at this time, and probably will not
unless I just get some in, at which point I'd probably transfer them
to Best Friends, if I were lucky enough to be able to get space - it
is VERY HARD to get a cat into BF.  I have too many immune suppressed
cats (my heart disease cat, and Joey who is on massive doses of
steroids for his anemia, and etc.) for me to feel comfortable with
mixing, and I have nowhere to permanently isolate cats.  My ISO rooms
are generally taken up with incoming cats, or moms w/kittens.

I have no husband nor boyfriend, so I have cats in *every* room in my
house.  I have stopped intake for the moment as I just cannot
physically take in any more, not to mention I have a lot who are on
daily meds (Missy, Joey, Shimmer, Toodles, the kittens w/diarrhea).

You could actually do a foster based network and not have any cats in
your house at all.  Or if you had enough money you could rent a

I wanted to do an all breed cat rescue, so I do all kinds.  There are
rescues for most sorts of purebred cats here already, but I sure
understand why people do breed-only rescue as otherwise there are such
overwhelming numbers.

Anyway, feel free to ask questions, though it might be better to do so
off list as we are getting OT for FELV:)

On 4/18/07, Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks Kelly! I'm hoping to get a steady income first--I'm trying to get
into the freelance copywriting and/or copyediting market. This way I can
work from home like I already do. Plus I live in the middle of no where, so
job opportunities for my degree are slim to none. AND I can't get a job as a
secretary/receptionist and the like because now I have too much school.
That's how it goes I guess! $60,000 in student loans and I make like $400 a

I have so much to learn about starting a rescue, but I don't know if I'll be
able to start one until we move out of town. Our house is so small that I
just can't figure out how to arrange for a shelter and still allow my
husband to use his garage! He's upset already that I've got two cats in
there and one in my office!

I will definitely keep you in mind as a good source for information since
you've just started and the experience is fresh in your mind!

Do you have FeLV cats only or just all kinds?

I just love that everyone is so supportive on this site.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kelley Saveika
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: update on Cassidy

Hi Melissa,

I recently started a rescue.  It is exhausting, expensive, and super
rewarding.  I studied about it for 6 months before I did it and still
make more than my share of mistakes.  If you want help, resources,
advice, etc I will be happy to share.


On 4/18/07, Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Beth,
> No I'm not part of any rescue list. At the beginning of this month three
> rescues found me, and I couldn't turn them away. I wasn't out looking for
> cats, it just happened. It was a wonderful thing since I was kind of
> lost as to my purpose in life, and I've found my calling; however,
> my own rescue/shelter will take some time and planning. I'm working on
> getting a better job. I teach on-line courses for high school kids for
> college credit. The pay is horrendous-I figured out that's it's less that
> minimum wage per hour that I work! I like the teaching, somewhat, but for
> the amount of time I put into it.
> If you know of any rescue transport resources, please let me know! I'd
> to take money from people for gas, but if worse comes to worst, I could
> probably swallow my pride and do it. I'd have to pay you back, of course.
> Right now I'm working on paying off the vet bill. My husband makes a good
> amount of money, but he doesn't part with it easily for cat stuff. He
> I should be on my own with this. We're not rich by any means-we live
> paycheck to paycheck pretty much-but I think even though he's kind
> if I turned on the waterworks for this, he'd still not be willing to give
> for the trip. I'll see what I can do between now and May 1st. I'll keep
> looking for transport funding on websites, etc.
> Thanks for your help-I know you probably have a lot of other things on
> mind right now with the loss of poor Stamp.
> Melissa
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Gussies mom
> Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 8:06 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: update on Cassidy
> Are you part of any rescue lists? There are rescue transport lists with
> networks all over. There is even an air transport for animals. I'll see if
> can find some info for you.
> If not, I'd be more than willing to send

RE: update on Cassidy

2007-04-18 Thread Melissa Lind
Thanks Kelly! I'm hoping to get a steady income first--I'm trying to get
into the freelance copywriting and/or copyediting market. This way I can
work from home like I already do. Plus I live in the middle of no where, so
job opportunities for my degree are slim to none. AND I can't get a job as a
secretary/receptionist and the like because now I have too much school.
That's how it goes I guess! $60,000 in student loans and I make like $400 a

I have so much to learn about starting a rescue, but I don't know if I'll be
able to start one until we move out of town. Our house is so small that I
just can't figure out how to arrange for a shelter and still allow my
husband to use his garage! He's upset already that I've got two cats in
there and one in my office! 

I will definitely keep you in mind as a good source for information since
you've just started and the experience is fresh in your mind!

Do you have FeLV cats only or just all kinds?

I just love that everyone is so supportive on this site.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kelley Saveika
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: update on Cassidy

Hi Melissa,

I recently started a rescue.  It is exhausting, expensive, and super
rewarding.  I studied about it for 6 months before I did it and still
make more than my share of mistakes.  If you want help, resources,
advice, etc I will be happy to share.


On 4/18/07, Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Beth,
> No I'm not part of any rescue list. At the beginning of this month three
> rescues found me, and I couldn't turn them away. I wasn't out looking for
> cats, it just happened. It was a wonderful thing since I was kind of
> lost as to my purpose in life, and I've found my calling; however,
> my own rescue/shelter will take some time and planning. I'm working on
> getting a better job. I teach on-line courses for high school kids for
> college credit. The pay is horrendous-I figured out that's it's less that
> minimum wage per hour that I work! I like the teaching, somewhat, but for
> the amount of time I put into it.
> If you know of any rescue transport resources, please let me know! I'd
> to take money from people for gas, but if worse comes to worst, I could
> probably swallow my pride and do it. I'd have to pay you back, of course.
> Right now I'm working on paying off the vet bill. My husband makes a good
> amount of money, but he doesn't part with it easily for cat stuff. He
> I should be on my own with this. We're not rich by any means-we live
> paycheck to paycheck pretty much-but I think even though he's kind
> if I turned on the waterworks for this, he'd still not be willing to give
> for the trip. I'll see what I can do between now and May 1st. I'll keep
> looking for transport funding on websites, etc.
> Thanks for your help-I know you probably have a lot of other things on
> mind right now with the loss of poor Stamp.
> Melissa
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Gussies mom
> Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 8:06 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: update on Cassidy
> Are you part of any rescue lists? There are rescue transport lists with
> networks all over. There is even an air transport for animals. I'll see if
> can find some info for you.
> If not, I'd be more than willing to send you a little money to help with
> gas.
> Beth
> Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well Cassidy has to go to Best Friends soon after May 1st. They can't wait
> until July 1st for me to get a second IFA, but they said they'd keep him
> apart from the other FeLV cats if there was any doubt as to his status.
> I wonder what they consider doubt. I'd hate to expose him and he turns up
> negative in the future.
> And then there's the problem of funding the trip. I don't know how to come
> up with just the gas money before May 1st! Do you guys know of any place
> turn to for help in a hurry? I figure it will cost me at least $240 for
> round trip. Plus, according to Map Quest, the drive is a little over 18
> hours! That'll mean lodging along the way and at the destination. Then
> lodging on the way home unless I can get someone to take turns
> driving/sleeping. I know! Maybe I'll just hitch a ride with a trucker!
> They're used to long days like that! (Just kidding of course).
> Then there's the fact that I still don't have his first IFA test results
> (just the Elisa). I'm so frustrated by my vet's office! I like my vet
> a bit, but some of the helpers are a bunch of, pardon me, morons! I'm sure
> couldn't do they're jobs, but I know I could keep things straight. They
> me today that the lab work for Cassidy's IFA got lost 

Re: update on Cassidy

2007-04-18 Thread Kelley Saveika

Hi Melissa,

I recently started a rescue.  It is exhausting, expensive, and super
rewarding.  I studied about it for 6 months before I did it and still
make more than my share of mistakes.  If you want help, resources,
advice, etc I will be happy to share.


On 4/18/07, Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Beth,

No I'm not part of any rescue list. At the beginning of this month three
rescues found me, and I couldn't turn them away. I wasn't out looking for
cats, it just happened. It was a wonderful thing since I was kind of feeling
lost as to my purpose in life, and I've found my calling; however, starting
my own rescue/shelter will take some time and planning. I'm working on
getting a better job. I teach on-line courses for high school kids for
college credit. The pay is horrendous—I figured out that's it's less that
minimum wage per hour that I work! I like the teaching, somewhat, but for
the amount of time I put into it…

If you know of any rescue transport resources, please let me know! I'd hate
to take money from people for gas, but if worse comes to worst, I could
probably swallow my pride and do it. I'd have to pay you back, of course.
Right now I'm working on paying off the vet bill. My husband makes a good
amount of money, but he doesn't part with it easily for cat stuff. He thinks
I should be on my own with this. We're not rich by any means—we live
paycheck to paycheck pretty much—but I think even though he's kind hearted,
if I turned on the waterworks for this, he'd still not be willing to give
for the trip. I'll see what I can do between now and May 1st. I'll keep
looking for transport funding on websites, etc.

Thanks for your help—I know you probably have a lot of other things on your
mind right now with the loss of poor Stamp.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Gussies mom
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: update on Cassidy

Are you part of any rescue lists? There are rescue transport lists with
networks all over. There is even an air transport for animals. I'll see if I
can find some info for you.

If not, I'd be more than willing to send you a little money to help with


Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well Cassidy has to go to Best Friends soon after May 1st. They can't wait
until July 1st for me to get a second IFA, but they said they'd keep him
apart from the other FeLV cats if there was any doubt as to his status. But,
I wonder what they consider doubt. I'd hate to expose him and he turns up
negative in the future.

And then there's the problem of funding the trip. I don't know how to come
up with just the gas money before May 1st! Do you guys know of any place to
turn to for help in a hurry? I figure it will cost me at least $240 for gas
round trip. Plus, according to Map Quest, the drive is a little over 18
hours! That'll mean lodging along the way and at the destination. Then
lodging on the way home unless I can get someone to take turns
driving/sleeping. I know! Maybe I'll just hitch a ride with a trucker!
They're used to long days like that! (Just kidding of course).

Then there's the fact that I still don't have his first IFA test results
(just the Elisa). I'm so frustrated by my vet's office! I like my vet quite
a bit, but some of the helpers are a bunch of, pardon me, morons! I'm sure I
couldn't do they're jobs, but I know I could keep things straight. They told
me today that the lab work for Cassidy's IFA got lost in the mail, at the
lab, somewhere. My guess is they forgot to send it, and now they need
another sample. Who knows, but now we're really pushing the deadline for his
trip to Utah. They want him to come in on Monday since they won't send to
the lab until next week anyway. I think that if they won't put a rush on it
(like tomorrow), then I'll just have to find a vet who will.

Furthermore, I called this morning about my two rescues in the garage. One
has the squirts, but I can't figure out which one. I can never catch them in
the act! I wanted to know what I should do, and I also called to get
Bandit's Prozac refilled. Okay, the receptionist takes down the info, and
says they'll call back.

So, I finally get a call back late in the afternoon (I had called early in
the morning). The message they left was something about Bandit needing blood
drawn again (but Cassidy's the one who actually needs it), and the rest of
the message said that the food I wanted would be there in the morning.
What?!?! I didn't ask for food; Cassidy needs the blood work; what about the
diarrhea?; what about the Prozac? G! Sorry I'm ranting, but seriously!
So, I called back and politely explained the real situation. Sometimes one
of the workers there (or several) just seem like complete space-cadets! I
know we all have off days, but they seem to more than most. If I didn't like
my vet so much…wel

RE: update on Cassidy

2007-04-18 Thread Melissa Lind
Hi Beth, 


No I'm not part of any rescue list. At the beginning of this month three
rescues found me, and I couldn't turn them away. I wasn't out looking for
cats, it just happened. It was a wonderful thing since I was kind of feeling
lost as to my purpose in life, and I've found my calling; however, starting
my own rescue/shelter will take some time and planning. I'm working on
getting a better job. I teach on-line courses for high school kids for
college credit. The pay is horrendous-I figured out that's it's less that
minimum wage per hour that I work! I like the teaching, somewhat, but for
the amount of time I put into it.


If you know of any rescue transport resources, please let me know! I'd hate
to take money from people for gas, but if worse comes to worst, I could
probably swallow my pride and do it. I'd have to pay you back, of course.
Right now I'm working on paying off the vet bill. My husband makes a good
amount of money, but he doesn't part with it easily for cat stuff. He thinks
I should be on my own with this. We're not rich by any means-we live
paycheck to paycheck pretty much-but I think even though he's kind hearted,
if I turned on the waterworks for this, he'd still not be willing to give
for the trip. I'll see what I can do between now and May 1st. I'll keep
looking for transport funding on websites, etc.


Thanks for your help-I know you probably have a lot of other things on your
mind right now with the loss of poor Stamp. 





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gussies mom
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: update on Cassidy


Are you part of any rescue lists? There are rescue transport lists with
networks all over. There is even an air transport for animals. I'll see if I
can find some info for you.


If not, I'd be more than willing to send you a little money to help with



Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well Cassidy has to go to Best Friends soon after May 1st. They can't wait
until July 1st for me to get a second IFA, but they said they'd keep him
apart from the other FeLV cats if there was any doubt as to his status. But,
I wonder what they consider doubt. I'd hate to expose him and he turns up
negative in the future.


And then there's the problem of funding the trip. I don't know how to come
up with just the gas money before May 1st! Do you guys know of any place to
turn to for help in a hurry? I figure it will cost me at least $240 for gas
round trip. Plus, according to Map Quest, the drive is a little over 18
hours! That'll mean lodging along the way and at the destination. Then
lodging on the way home unless I can get someone to take turns
driving/sleeping. I know! Maybe I'll just hitch a ride with a trucker!
They're used to long days like that! (Just kidding of course). 


Then there's the fact that I still don't have his first IFA test results
(just the Elisa). I'm so frustrated by my vet's office! I like my vet quite
a bit, but some of the helpers are a bunch of, pardon me, morons! I'm sure I
couldn't do they're jobs, but I know I could keep things straight. They told
me today that the lab work for Cassidy's IFA got lost in the mail, at the
lab, somewhere. My guess is they forgot to send it, and now they need
another sample. Who knows, but now we're really pushing the deadline for his
trip to Utah. They want him to come in on Monday since they won't send to
the lab until next week anyway. I think that if they won't put a rush on it
(like tomorrow), then I'll just have to find a vet who will. 


Furthermore, I called this morning about my two rescues in the garage. One
has the squirts, but I can't figure out which one. I can never catch them in
the act! I wanted to know what I should do, and I also called to get
Bandit's Prozac refilled. Okay, the receptionist takes down the info, and
says they'll call back. 


So, I finally get a call back late in the afternoon (I had called early in
the morning). The message they left was something about Bandit needing blood
drawn again (but Cassidy's the one who actually needs it), and the rest of
the message said that the food I wanted would be there in the morning.
What?!?! I didn't ask for food; Cassidy needs the blood work; what about the
diarrhea?; what about the Prozac? G! Sorry I'm ranting, but seriously!
So, I called back and politely explained the real situation. Sometimes one
of the workers there (or several) just seem like complete space-cadets! I
know we all have off days, but they seem to more than most. If I didn't like
my vet so much.well, I suppose there are other likeable vets around.I just
hate to travel too far since the car ride is usually traumatizing enough.


Thanks for listening to me complain. I needed to vent. I know many of you
are going through much worse situations and are dealing with a lot of
sadness, so I'm sorry if my complaints seem trivial!


I'm stil

Youngest age a combo test is accurate

2007-04-18 Thread Kelley Saveika

Hi guys,

What is the youngest age a combo test is accurate, or at least close
to accurate?  I have a lot of kittens to test and I don't want to get
them tested too soon.



Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

RE: Stamp went tp the bridge

2007-04-18 Thread Gussies mom
Thank you everyone. I think I have had enough of FeLV for awhile. There is a 
new FeLV long haired  orange and white kitten at the shelter and I know they 
want to me to take it, but I don't want to expose him to FIP. I think I could 
have handled the FeLV in Stamp, but the FIP on top of it, no.
  It's funny how such a small bundle of black fur can have such personality and 
such make such an imprint on your heart.
  I'll check back in once in awhile, but I think I need a break for now.
  Take care,

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

Re: update on Cassidy

2007-04-18 Thread Gussies mom
Are you part of any rescue lists? There are rescue transport lists with 
networks all over. There is even an air transport for animals. I'll see if I 
can find some info for you.
  If not, I'd be more than willing to send you a little money to help with gas.

Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well Cassidy has to go to Best Friends soon after May 1st. They 
can’t wait until July 1st for me to get a second IFA, but they said they’d keep 
him apart from the other FeLV cats if there was any doubt as to his status. 
But, I wonder what they consider doubt. I’d hate to expose him and he turns up 
negative in the future.
  And then there’s the problem of funding the trip. I don’t know how to come up 
with just the gas money before May 1st! Do you guys know of any place to turn 
to for help in a hurry? I figure it will cost me at least $240 for gas round 
trip. Plus, according to Map Quest, the drive is a little over 18 hours! 
That’ll mean lodging along the way and at the destination. Then lodging on the 
way home unless I can get someone to take turns driving/sleeping. I know! Maybe 
I’ll just hitch a ride with a trucker! They’re used to long days like that! 
(Just kidding of course). 
  Then there’s the fact that I still don’t have his first IFA test results 
(just the Elisa). I’m so frustrated by my vet’s office! I like my vet quite a 
bit, but some of the helpers are a bunch of, pardon me, morons! I’m sure I 
couldn’t do they’re jobs, but I know I could keep things straight. They told me 
today that the lab work for Cassidy’s IFA got lost in the mail, at the lab, 
somewhere. My guess is they forgot to send it, and now they need another 
sample. Who knows, but now we’re really pushing the deadline for his trip to 
Utah. They want him to come in on Monday since they won’t send to the lab until 
next week anyway. I think that if they won’t put a rush on it (like tomorrow), 
then I’ll just have to find a vet who will. 
  Furthermore, I called this morning about my two rescues in the garage. One 
has the squirts, but I can’t figure out which one. I can never catch them in 
the act! I wanted to know what I should do, and I also called to get Bandit’s 
Prozac refilled. Okay, the receptionist takes down the info, and says they’ll 
call back. 
  So, I finally get a call back late in the afternoon (I had called early in 
the morning). The message they left was something about Bandit needing blood 
drawn again (but Cassidy’s the one who actually needs it), and the rest of the 
message said that the food I wanted would be there in the morning. What?!?! I 
didn’t ask for food; Cassidy needs the blood work; what about the diarrhea?; 
what about the Prozac? G! Sorry I’m ranting, but seriously! So, I called 
back and politely explained the real situation. Sometimes one of the workers 
there (or several) just seem like complete space-cadets! I know we all have off 
days, but they seem to more than most. If I didn’t like my vet so much…well, I 
suppose there are other likeable vets around…I just hate to travel too far 
since the car ride is usually traumatizing enough.
  Thanks for listening to me complain. I needed to vent. I know many of you are 
going through much worse situations and are dealing with a lot of sadness, so 
I’m sorry if my complaints seem trivial!
  I’m still not sure what I’ll do with Cassidy. I’m just hoping his IFA comes 
back negative, but I know that’s not going to happen. But, he’s so healthy now, 
I just hope he has a wonderfully, long life. 

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Re: Stamp went to the bridge

2007-04-18 Thread Beth Noren

I am so sorry for your loss of Stamp.  I had to pts Ally last summer due to
FIP, it is a rotten disease.
Peace to you and yours,
Beth N.

On 4/17/07, Gussies mom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I had Stamp PTS this morning. He was getting very uncomfortable from the
FIP, was jaundiced, losing weight, and anemic.


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