Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

2015-10-20 Thread Ardy Robertson
Thank you so much Amani – it really sounds like you have done your homework!! 
And that’s just it – this happened so fast and took us so off-guard that I 
didn’t have any knowledge of what to do. We took him in on a Sunday night, and 
after putting some “puzzle pieces” together, I think he was getting sick for a 
while and I just did not pick up on it. We had been gone for a couple days, 
then we had company at our house so he was kind of out of sight and I figured 
he just didn’t like the people, when actually he usually loves people. He had 
felt hot a couple of times, but both times he was lying on a window sill with 
the sun shining directly on him. Our regular vet was out so a different animal 
hospital was filling in. They gave him fluids and antibiotics as well as pain 
liquid and sent us home. No blood test.


The next day our regular vet did xrays and found an enlarged lymph node 
somewhere near his tummy I think, so that’s why they did the blood work and 
found the FeLV. They were also the ones that did the FeLV test 5 years prior 
when we found him as a kitten. They changed to an antibiotic 10-day shot for 
what they thought was a bite from another cat that we had taken in (who tests 
negative). That cat was a very aggressive player and really made Tigger nervous 
and stressed out so we don’t have her anymore.


I am going to read about Winstrol and also talk to both of our vet offices 
about it. The reason I am using two vet offices is because our regular one is 
35 miles away and Tigger has needed to go in sometimes 5 times a week so we 
started taking him to one in our city that Tigger didn’t like very much but now 
they have different vets and they seem nicer to him. They have all apologized 
that they really don’t know much about treating FeLV+ cats and also don’t know 
much about any of the medicines used. (I would think they would want to read up 
on it now that they have a patient needing treatment.) At any rate, I think if 
Tigger can make progress, not only will we be thrilled, but it may change the 
outlook for other cats in the future.


Is the Winstrol an immune-booster, or an anti-viral drug? I’m not even sure how 
the Interferon works, or if it does? I asked our vet if Tigger needs another 
blood test because I do not know where his blood counts are, or if it is in his 
bone marrow. I think I now know some additional questions I can be asking.


Thank you so much!

Ardy Robertson

Osseo, Wisconsin




From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Amani 
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))




If you do decide to try the Winstrol, get his blood checked before and then 
after a few weeks on the Winstrol. If this works as well for you as it did for 
me, you will want some solid proof to demonstrate its effect. Hopefully, the 
vet will learn, as mine did since I got weekly blood work when Zander was on 
Interferon, then LTCI and then Winstrol. The blood work spoke for itself. 
Again, I have to say I have not seen anything else work so well to increase 
weight, stamina and appetite than the Winstrol so see if your vets will get it 
for you to try out.






From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Ardy 
Sent: October-20-15 10:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))


Hello – can I chime in here a bit? My cat Tigger is on Interferon (7 days on 
then 7 days off and repeat) for FeLV. I think it might be helping but his 
appetite is poor and I have to syringe feed him. Surprisingly a very large 
syringe seems to work better than the small ones. I go slow to make sure I 
don’t choke him and he might aspirate food into his lungs. For his comfort (and 
mind) I fold a heavy bath towel in half and put it around him the same way they 
do to us when we get our hair cut…then I clip it in back with a large office 
binder-clip. He doesn’t feel like I am restraining him and has actually gotten 
used to it, so less stress which is important for FeLV+ cats. Also I do feed 
the critical care food thinned out a bit but when he got constipated, my vet 
had me give him a couple tablespoons of pure pumpkin (no spices) and it worked 
wonderfully. I know he needs calories of good quality, but I think he also 
needs some carbs and bulk in order to keep regular, so I mix some baby food 
chicken (the #1 kind for little babies) and some rice baby cereal with some 
water. He does not seem to mind it. I also give him some water. He has since 
started eating fairly well, but still not drinking as much as he should. He is 
also on the appetite stimulant you mentioned.


I had not heard about Winstrol before. The vets in my area have always 
euthanized cats at the first mention of FeLV so treating Tigger is a big of a 
learning experien

Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

2015-10-20 Thread Ardy Robertson
Isn’t it exciting when they go back to doing something like grooming, or 
playing a bit! So happy that the fever is down to manageable levels – I’m sure 
he feels so much better! Our Tigger opens cupboard doors, shreds toilet paper 
when the bathroom door is left open etc. I was so happy after he started 
opening doors and biting the toilet tissue again! He is able to get up on our 
bed and safely back down now, so he is claiming his spot in bed again. We love 
him so much. We had found him as a tiny kitten and thought he was starving. He 
tested negative for FeLV at that time and now five years later, after being an 
indoor-only cat and with one other negative cat, he has the virus. The vet said 
he must have had it when we found him and the test was done during a period of 
him shedding the virus. I didn’t know tests have to be repeated in order to be 
sure. We would have kept him anyway, but why test when the test is inaccurate, 
and they also told me the vaccination is not always effective. They told us he 
didn’t need to be vaccinated if he was indoor-only. I just vets would TRY to 
treat FeLV rather than giving up and euthanizing – give them a chance!



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Maya 
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))


Thanks Ardy.  He just was grooming for about a minute, so that was exciting! 
I've been cleaning him off (especially after the feedings) as he makes a lot of 


On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 10:16 PM, Ardy Robertson> > wrote:

Hello Maya,

Just a note on your comment that your cat is not grooming himself. Our Tigger 
had a high fever – 105.8 and possibly higher before that – and was not 
grooming. I feel that the sub-cutaneous fluids helped the fever. They did that 
every day for a while, and I also gave small amounts of water by syringe. I 
used a wet wash cloth and did his grooming for him during that time, and 
believe it or not, I think he enjoyed being wiped down, he just wasn’t able to 
do it for himself. Best wishes with your cat.

Ardy Robertson



From: Felvtalk [ 
 ] On Behalf Of Maya D'Alessio
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 1:08 PM

Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))


Thank you Amani, I really, really appreciate the support. I will agree with you 
that I do see the negative aspect of outlook from vets. With my last cat, I was 
less informed, and agreed with everything the vets were suggesting, including 
euthanization, as I was told she would just die slowly otherwise. Maybe her 
outlook could have been improved with some time and TLC. I feel a bit better 
with your 1 month time line, I was worried about a time line of days. Have your 
cats continued with fevers for that long? I am really concerned about how soon 
we should expect the fever to turn around. I think once his fever gets better 
he has a much better chance of regaining his appetite.


I have been syringe feeding the AD food (I think it's science diet), we are 
trying to get 1 can in to him every day. I know he's not extremely comfortable 
right now, but he has been a bit more active in the last day. He's not grooming 
at all though.


On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 2:03 PM, Amani Oakley> > wrote:

Hi Maya, I will send you a private email with my vet’s name and phone number. 


Regarding the intake of food, you need to support him while he fights this 
thing. I don’t think anyone can give you a hard and fast time frame regarding 
when to stop, but I will do my utmost to give my cats every chance. I usually 
can get sufficient baby food into them via syringe if necessary, for an 
extended period of time usually. I continue as long as I see that it is helping 
to allow him to live to fight another day. With something like leukemia, when 
they crash, you really should expect at least a month of convalescence and 
reduced appetite, while hopefully other things like the Winstrol start to 
increase his blood counts. He needs to keep eating while his blood counts go 
up, and you need to give him the time to recover.


I know that other people have a very different view, and I have learned that 
people really are of two minds on this. I think it is a personal decision, but 
for me, I don’t give up unless I see there is no hope, and I don’t give up well 
after my vets are ready to throw in the towel. Thankfully, my vets know me well 
enough and trust me enough now, to let me work as hard as I can to save my 
cats. They provide support and help and advice, and have been wonderful enough 
to admit when I am successful when they had predicted nothing but failure.




From: Felvtalk [ 

Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

2015-10-20 Thread Amani Oakley

If you do decide to try the Winstrol, get his blood checked before and then 
after a few weeks on the Winstrol. If this works as well for you as it did for 
me, you will want some solid proof to demonstrate its effect. Hopefully, the 
vet will learn, as mine did since I got weekly blood work when Zander was on 
Interferon, then LTCI and then Winstrol. The blood work spoke for itself. 
Again, I have to say I have not seen anything else work so well to increase 
weight, stamina and appetite than the Winstrol so see if your vets will get it 
for you to try out.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Ardy 
Sent: October-20-15 10:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

Hello – can I chime in here a bit? My cat Tigger is on Interferon (7 days on 
then 7 days off and repeat) for FeLV. I think it might be helping but his 
appetite is poor and I have to syringe feed him. Surprisingly a very large 
syringe seems to work better than the small ones. I go slow to make sure I 
don’t choke him and he might aspirate food into his lungs. For his comfort (and 
mind) I fold a heavy bath towel in half and put it around him the same way they 
do to us when we get our hair cut…then I clip it in back with a large office 
binder-clip. He doesn’t feel like I am restraining him and has actually gotten 
used to it, so less stress which is important for FeLV+ cats. Also I do feed 
the critical care food thinned out a bit but when he got constipated, my vet 
had me give him a couple tablespoons of pure pumpkin (no spices) and it worked 
wonderfully. I know he needs calories of good quality, but I think he also 
needs some carbs and bulk in order to keep regular, so I mix some baby food 
chicken (the #1 kind for little babies) and some rice baby cereal with some 
water. He does not seem to mind it. I also give him some water. He has since 
started eating fairly well, but still not drinking as much as he should. He is 
also on the appetite stimulant you mentioned.

I had not heard about Winstrol before. The vets in my area have always 
euthanized cats at the first mention of FeLV so treating Tigger is a big of a 
learning experience for both of the offices that I take him to. I believe 
taking him to both clinics is sort of giving him a second opinion and they are 
both telling me they are learning about treating FeLV from him. Thank you very 
much for allowing me to be a part of this group and learn.
Ardy Robertson

From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Maya 
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

Oh wow, yes I am in Waterloo. Can you send me your vet's information and I will 
pass it along to my vet immediately.

He is mentioning AZT and interferon, but Merlot has a persistent fever and 
won't eat, I am assuming his body is not up to those drugs yet. He's currently 
on doxy, prednisolone and mirtazipine (appetite stimulant), and they gave him 
an antinauseant shot last night (cevinia I think).

Question to the larger group; my cat is uncomfortable (although better than 
yesterday), I have to force feed him and he's on a ton of drugs. How long is 
this feasible? How long should I let it go if we don't see improvement? How do 
you make that call. With my last cat, she deteriorated so rapidly and it was so 
dire that it was a pretty straight forward call.

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Amani Oakley>> wrote:

Seriously, I have to wonder about some vets. What is he offering you that will 
help your cat??

Anyhow, all I can say is I am happy I have a supportive vet. I will send you 
some links to stuff about Winstrol, but it is hard to find since the mind-set 
you have encountered already, is all too common, even when our cats are dying 
and there are few realistic alternatives.

Most of the links I will send to you will not speak to the use of Winstrol 
specifically for FeLV, but speak to things like building up strength and 
improving appetite.

Here is the first - very generic.


P.S. - I also noticed you are not far from me. My vet is in Etobicoke, in the 
outskirts of Toronto. Perhaps your vet should call my vet?

Felvtalk mailing list

Maya D'Alessio
PhD student
B1 377B, x32320
Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
Biology GSA Vice Chair
GSA Director At-Large
University of Waterloo
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

2015-10-20 Thread Maya D'Alessio
Thanks Ardy.  He just was grooming for about a minute, so that was
exciting! I've been cleaning him off (especially after the feedings) as he
makes a lot of mess.

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 10:16 PM, Ardy Robertson 

> Hello Maya,
> Just a note on your comment that your cat is not grooming himself. Our
> Tigger had a high fever – 105.8 and possibly higher before that – and was
> not grooming. I feel that the sub-cutaneous fluids helped the fever. They
> did that every day for a while, and I also gave small amounts of water by
> syringe. I used a wet wash cloth and did his grooming for him during that
> time, and believe it or not, I think he enjoyed being wiped down, he just
> wasn’t able to do it for himself. Best wishes with your cat.
> Ardy Robertson
> *From:* Felvtalk [] *On Behalf
> Of *Maya D'Alessio
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 20, 2015 1:08 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))
> Thank you Amani, I really, really appreciate the support. I will agree
> with you that I do see the negative aspect of outlook from vets. With my
> last cat, I was less informed, and agreed with everything the vets were
> suggesting, including euthanization, as I was told she would just die
> slowly otherwise. Maybe her outlook could have been improved with some time
> and TLC. I feel a bit better with your 1 month time line, I was worried
> about a time line of days. Have your cats continued with fevers for that
> long? I am really concerned about how soon we should expect the fever to
> turn around. I think once his fever gets better he has a much better chance
> of regaining his appetite.
> I have been syringe feeding the AD food (I think it's science diet), we
> are trying to get 1 can in to him every day. I know he's not extremely
> comfortable right now, but he has been a bit more active in the last day.
> He's not grooming at all though.
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 2:03 PM, Amani Oakley 
> wrote:
> Hi Maya, I will send you a private email with my vet’s name and phone
> number.
> Regarding the intake of food, you need to support him while he fights this
> thing. I don’t think anyone can give you a hard and fast time frame
> regarding when to stop, but I will do my utmost to give my cats every
> chance. I usually can get sufficient baby food into them via syringe if
> necessary, for an extended period of time usually. I continue as long as I
> see that it is helping to allow him to live to fight another day. With
> something like leukemia, when they crash, you really should expect at least
> a month of convalescence and reduced appetite, while hopefully other things
> like the Winstrol start to increase his blood counts. He needs to keep
> eating while his blood counts go up, and you need to give him the time to
> recover.
> I know that other people have a very different view, and I have learned
> that people really are of two minds on this. I think it is a personal
> decision, but for me, I don’t give up unless I see there is no hope, and I
> don’t give up well after my vets are ready to throw in the towel.
> Thankfully, my vets know me well enough and trust me enough now, to let me
> work as hard as I can to save my cats. They provide support and help and
> advice, and have been wonderful enough to admit when I am successful when
> they had predicted nothing but failure.
> Amani
> *From:* Felvtalk [] *On Behalf
> Of *Maya D'Alessio
> *Sent:* October-20-15 1:56 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))
> Oh wow, yes I am in Waterloo. Can you send me your vet's information and I
> will pass it along to my vet immediately.
> He is mentioning AZT and interferon, but Merlot has a persistent fever and
> won't eat, I am assuming his body is not up to those drugs yet. He's
> currently on doxy, prednisolone and mirtazipine (appetite stimulant), and
> they gave him an antinauseant shot last night (cevinia I think).
> Question to the larger group; my cat is uncomfortable (although better
> than yesterday), I have to force feed him and he's on a ton of drugs. How
> long is this feasible? How long should I let it go if we don't see
> improvement? How do you make that call. With my last cat, she deteriorated
> so rapidly and it was so dire that it was a pretty straight forward call.
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Amani Oakley 
> wrote:
> Maya,
> Seriously, I have to wonder about some vets. What is he offering you that
> will help your cat??
> Anyhow, all I can say is I am happy I have a supportive vet. I will send
> you some links to stuff about Winstrol, but it is hard to find since the
> mind-set you have encountered already, is all too common, even when our
> cats are dying and there are few realistic alternatives.
> Most of the links I will send 

Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

2015-10-20 Thread Ardy Robertson
Hello Maya,

Just a note on your comment that your cat is not grooming himself. Our Tigger 
had a high fever – 105.8 and possibly higher before that – and was not 
grooming. I feel that the sub-cutaneous fluids helped the fever. They did that 
every day for a while, and I also gave small amounts of water by syringe. I 
used a wet wash cloth and did his grooming for him during that time, and 
believe it or not, I think he enjoyed being wiped down, he just wasn’t able to 
do it for himself. Best wishes with your cat.

Ardy Robertson



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Maya 
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))


Thank you Amani, I really, really appreciate the support. I will agree with you 
that I do see the negative aspect of outlook from vets. With my last cat, I was 
less informed, and agreed with everything the vets were suggesting, including 
euthanization, as I was told she would just die slowly otherwise. Maybe her 
outlook could have been improved with some time and TLC. I feel a bit better 
with your 1 month time line, I was worried about a time line of days. Have your 
cats continued with fevers for that long? I am really concerned about how soon 
we should expect the fever to turn around. I think once his fever gets better 
he has a much better chance of regaining his appetite.


I have been syringe feeding the AD food (I think it's science diet), we are 
trying to get 1 can in to him every day. I know he's not extremely comfortable 
right now, but he has been a bit more active in the last day. He's not grooming 
at all though.


On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 2:03 PM, Amani Oakley> > wrote:

Hi Maya, I will send you a private email with my vet’s name and phone number. 


Regarding the intake of food, you need to support him while he fights this 
thing. I don’t think anyone can give you a hard and fast time frame regarding 
when to stop, but I will do my utmost to give my cats every chance. I usually 
can get sufficient baby food into them via syringe if necessary, for an 
extended period of time usually. I continue as long as I see that it is helping 
to allow him to live to fight another day. With something like leukemia, when 
they crash, you really should expect at least a month of convalescence and 
reduced appetite, while hopefully other things like the Winstrol start to 
increase his blood counts. He needs to keep eating while his blood counts go 
up, and you need to give him the time to recover.


I know that other people have a very different view, and I have learned that 
people really are of two minds on this. I think it is a personal decision, but 
for me, I don’t give up unless I see there is no hope, and I don’t give up well 
after my vets are ready to throw in the towel. Thankfully, my vets know me well 
enough and trust me enough now, to let me work as hard as I can to save my 
cats. They provide support and help and advice, and have been wonderful enough 
to admit when I am successful when they had predicted nothing but failure.




From: Felvtalk [ 
 ] On Behalf Of Maya D'Alessio
Sent: October-20-15 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))


Oh wow, yes I am in Waterloo. Can you send me your vet's information and I will 
pass it along to my vet immediately.


He is mentioning AZT and interferon, but Merlot has a persistent fever and 
won't eat, I am assuming his body is not up to those drugs yet. He's currently 
on doxy, prednisolone and mirtazipine (appetite stimulant), and they gave him 
an antinauseant shot last night (cevinia I think).


Question to the larger group; my cat is uncomfortable (although better than 
yesterday), I have to force feed him and he's on a ton of drugs. How long is 
this feasible? How long should I let it go if we don't see improvement? How do 
you make that call. With my last cat, she deteriorated so rapidly and it was so 
dire that it was a pretty straight forward call.


On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Amani Oakley> > wrote:


Seriously, I have to wonder about some vets. What is he offering you that will 
help your cat??

Anyhow, all I can say is I am happy I have a supportive vet. I will send you 
some links to stuff about Winstrol, but it is hard to find since the mind-set 
you have encountered already, is all too common, even when our cats are dying 
and there are few realistic alternatives.

Most of the links I will send to you will not speak to the use of Winstrol 
specifically for FeLV, but speak to things like building up strength and 
improving appetite.

Here is the first - very generic.

Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

2015-10-20 Thread Ardy Robertson
Hello – can I chime in here a bit? My cat Tigger is on Interferon (7 days on 
then 7 days off and repeat) for FeLV. I think it might be helping but his 
appetite is poor and I have to syringe feed him. Surprisingly a very large 
syringe seems to work better than the small ones. I go slow to make sure I 
don’t choke him and he might aspirate food into his lungs. For his comfort (and 
mind) I fold a heavy bath towel in half and put it around him the same way they 
do to us when we get our hair cut…then I clip it in back with a large office 
binder-clip. He doesn’t feel like I am restraining him and has actually gotten 
used to it, so less stress which is important for FeLV+ cats. Also I do feed 
the critical care food thinned out a bit but when he got constipated, my vet 
had me give him a couple tablespoons of pure pumpkin (no spices) and it worked 
wonderfully. I know he needs calories of good quality, but I think he also 
needs some carbs and bulk in order to keep regular, so I mix some baby food 
chicken (the #1 kind for little babies) and some rice baby cereal with some 
water. He does not seem to mind it. I also give him some water. He has since 
started eating fairly well, but still not drinking as much as he should. He is 
also on the appetite stimulant you mentioned.


I had not heard about Winstrol before. The vets in my area have always 
euthanized cats at the first mention of FeLV so treating Tigger is a big of a 
learning experience for both of the offices that I take him to. I believe 
taking him to both clinics is sort of giving him a second opinion and they are 
both telling me they are learning about treating FeLV from him. Thank you very 
much for allowing me to be a part of this group and learn.

Ardy Robertson



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Maya 
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))


Oh wow, yes I am in Waterloo. Can you send me your vet's information and I will 
pass it along to my vet immediately.


He is mentioning AZT and interferon, but Merlot has a persistent fever and 
won't eat, I am assuming his body is not up to those drugs yet. He's currently 
on doxy, prednisolone and mirtazipine (appetite stimulant), and they gave him 
an antinauseant shot last night (cevinia I think).


Question to the larger group; my cat is uncomfortable (although better than 
yesterday), I have to force feed him and he's on a ton of drugs. How long is 
this feasible? How long should I let it go if we don't see improvement? How do 
you make that call. With my last cat, she deteriorated so rapidly and it was so 
dire that it was a pretty straight forward call.


On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Amani Oakley> > wrote:


Seriously, I have to wonder about some vets. What is he offering you that will 
help your cat??

Anyhow, all I can say is I am happy I have a supportive vet. I will send you 
some links to stuff about Winstrol, but it is hard to find since the mind-set 
you have encountered already, is all too common, even when our cats are dying 
and there are few realistic alternatives.

Most of the links I will send to you will not speak to the use of Winstrol 
specifically for FeLV, but speak to things like building up strength and 
improving appetite.

Here is the first - very generic.


P.S. - I also noticed you are not far from me. My vet is in Etobicoke, in the 
outskirts of Toronto. Perhaps your vet should call my vet?

Felvtalk mailing list



Maya D'Alessio

PhD student

B1 377B, x32320

Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator

Biology GSA Vice Chair

GSA Director At-Large

University of Waterloo

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

2015-10-20 Thread Amani Oakley
I feel for you Maya. If there are issues with anemia, then none of the other 
medications he has Merlin on, will touch the anemia, other than the Winstrol. 
Tell him you will sign a form if he wants you to do that, indicating that you 
take full responsibility for treating with Winstrol, but you want him to get it 
for you. Period. I just wouldn’t put up with that kind of thing, but of course, 
in the middle of a crisis is no time to be looking for a new vet (unless you 
want to travel to Toronto).

The other frustrating thing for me as I watch what you are going through, is 
that I know just how quickly Winstrol starts to make a difference but you are 
losing precious time.

This is precisely the kind of thing I am furious about. These vets don’t tell 
you about something as really simple and inexpensive and effective as Winstrol, 
while they have nothing at all to offer you instead. My Zander went through 2 
blood transfusions – a horrible experience for him and I had to cringe at the 
thought of the “donor cat” from whom they collected the blood. The costs of 
these two transfusions, the oxygen tent, several days in “ICU” in an ER clinic, 
etc., probably set my husband and I back close to $8,000. Winstrol is like $100 
for 200 tablets, which last for more than 3 months and actually reversed the 
anemia instead of the blood transfusions which were just stop gaps that did 
nothing in the end. This is why I was so angry when I told the internal 
medicine specialist about Winstrol a year after Zander’s crisis had begun and 
he had recovered thanks to the Winstrol, and vet replied that he knew about it 
but there were some suggestions it might cause liver problems. Meantime, he had 
told me solemnly that there was nothing more they could do and the outcome was 
unavoidable and the odds that Zander would make it were extremely poor. So one 
wonders why they cared about his liver.

Seriously, if you want to consider going to my vet, to at least get you started 
on the Winstrol, let me know and I will speak with her. She only is at the 
clinic Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays though, and the Winstrol is a special 
order so it also takes a few days to come in from the compounding pharmacy.  
(My vet uses Chiron.)

I don’t know what else to suggest. I know it is really hard if you aren’t that 
kind of person, but put your foot down with this vet. This is a crisis where 
your cat’s situation is critical and there is no time for dicking around.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Maya 
Sent: October-20-15 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

Good news; his temperature is down to a "high normal", bad news; he has an 
anemia murmur. The vet was not hearing me about Winstrol and he seemed in a bad 
mood. I'm hanging on to the decreased fever as a sign of good things. We will 
re-do blood work tomorrow and re-asses in the morning.

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 6:28 PM, Lance>> wrote:
My FeLV+ girl Ember got five-on five-off interferon. I can’t remember if it was 
1ml or .5ml, but it wasn’t a large dose.

I seem to remember a vet at a specialized clinic telling me that we didn’t have 
to stagger it, but my “country vet” had prescribed it that way, and we stuck to 

AZT can cause serious blood abnormalities in cats. I don’t think it’s often 
used in treating FeLV because of that.


On Oct 20, 2015, at 3:49 PM, Maya D'Alessio>> wrote:

You've been plenty helpful, thank you. What I need to figure out how to do, is 
accept the situation and be less emotional about it, no matter which way it 
goes, until the time comes. Right now I'm just so emotional, I keep 
flip-flopping between optimistic and hopeless.

Do you know with the interferon, what dose they are on? When you first started 
did you start immediately with the one week on, one week off, or was there a 
more intense initial period?

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 4:45 PM, Margo>> wrote:

   I remember researching AZT an deciding against it, but I don't recall why.  
My two boys have been on interferon for years (low dose one week on, one week 
off) and I've never seen any adverse effects, but when they're sick, they seem 
to perk up during the "on" weeks. The anti-nausea was likely Cerenia, which is 
being recognized for it's anti-inflammatory properties, as well.

He's improving. No need for any major decisions. That's really not a lot of 
drugs, all things considered :) It was two weeks until Gribs was eating 
normally, and seemed as if he might live. There really is no formula for mosr 
people. I always read "you'll know", but I'm not sure that's true. Sorry I 
can't be more help with that.


-Original Message-
From: Maya D'Alessio
Sent: Oct 20, 2015 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozo

Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

2015-10-20 Thread Maya D'Alessio
Good news; his temperature is down to a "high normal", bad news; he has an
anemia murmur. The vet was not hearing me about Winstrol and he seemed in a
bad mood. I'm hanging on to the decreased fever as a sign of good things.
We will re-do blood work tomorrow and re-asses in the morning.

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 6:28 PM, Lance  wrote:

> My FeLV+ girl Ember got five-on five-off interferon. I can’t remember if
> it was 1ml or .5ml, but it wasn’t a large dose.
> I seem to remember a vet at a specialized clinic telling me that we didn’t
> have to stagger it, but my “country vet” had prescribed it that way, and we
> stuck to it.
> AZT can cause serious blood abnormalities in cats. I don’t think it’s
> often used in treating FeLV because of that.
> Lance
> On Oct 20, 2015, at 3:49 PM, Maya D'Alessio  wrote:
> You've been plenty helpful, thank you. What I need to figure out how to
> do, is accept the situation and be less emotional about it, no matter which
> way it goes, until the time comes. Right now I'm just so emotional, I keep
> flip-flopping between optimistic and hopeless.
> Do you know with the interferon, what dose they are on? When you first
> started did you start immediately with the one week on, one week off, or
> was there a more intense initial period?
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 4:45 PM, Margo 
> wrote:
>>I remember researching AZT an deciding against it, but I don't recall
>> why.  My two boys have been on interferon for years (low dose one week on,
>> one week off) and I've never seen any adverse effects, but when they're
>> sick, they seem to perk up during the "on" weeks. The anti-nausea was
>> likely Cerenia, which is being recognized for it's anti-inflammatory
>> properties, as well.
>> He's improving. No need for any major decisions. That's really not a lot
>> of drugs, all things considered :) It was two weeks until Gribs was eating
>> normally, and seemed as if he might live. There really is no formula for
>> mosr people. I always read "you'll know", but I'm not sure that's true.
>> Sorry I can't be more help with that.
>> Margo
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Maya D'Alessio
>> Sent: Oct 20, 2015 1:56 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))
>> Oh wow, yes I am in Waterloo. Can you send me your vet's information and
>> I will pass it along to my vet immediately.
>> He is mentioning AZT and interferon, but Merlot has a persistent fever
>> and won't eat, I am assuming his body is not up to those drugs yet. He's
>> currently on doxy, prednisolone and mirtazipine (appetite stimulant), and
>> they gave him an antinauseant shot last night (cevinia I think).
>> Question to the larger group; my cat is uncomfortable (although better
>> than yesterday), I have to force feed him and he's on a ton of drugs. How
>> long is this feasible? How long should I let it go if we don't see
>> improvement? How do you make that call. With my last cat, she deteriorated
>> so rapidly and it was so dire that it was a pretty straight forward call.
>> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Amani Oakley 
>> wrote:
>>> Maya,
>>> Seriously, I have to wonder about some vets. What is he offering you
>>> that will help your cat??
>>> Anyhow, all I can say is I am happy I have a supportive vet. I will send
>>> you some links to stuff about Winstrol, but it is hard to find since the
>>> mind-set you have encountered already, is all too common, even when our
>>> cats are dying and there are few realistic alternatives.
>>> Most of the links I will send to you will not speak to the use of
>>> Winstrol specifically for FeLV, but speak to things like building up
>>> strength and improving appetite.
>>> Here is the first - very generic.
>>> Amani
>>> P.S. - I also noticed you are not far from me. My vet is in Etobicoke,
>>> in the outskirts of Toronto. Perhaps your vet should call my vet?
>>> ___
>>> Felvtalk mailing list
>> --
>> Maya D'Alessio
>> PhD student
>> B1 377B, x32320
>> Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
>> Biology GSA Vice Chair
>> GSA Director At-Large
>> University of Waterloo
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> --
> Maya D'Alessio
> PhD student
> B1 377B, x32320
> Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
> Biology GSA Vice Chair
> GSA Director At-Large
> University of Waterloo
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

2015-10-20 Thread Lance
My FeLV+ girl Ember got five-on five-off interferon. I can’t remember if it was 
1ml or .5ml, but it wasn’t a large dose.

I seem to remember a vet at a specialized clinic telling me that we didn’t have 
to stagger it, but my “country vet” had prescribed it that way, and we stuck to 

AZT can cause serious blood abnormalities in cats. I don’t think it’s often 
used in treating FeLV because of that. 


> On Oct 20, 2015, at 3:49 PM, Maya D'Alessio  wrote:
> You've been plenty helpful, thank you. What I need to figure out how to do, 
> is accept the situation and be less emotional about it, no matter which way 
> it goes, until the time comes. Right now I'm just so emotional, I keep 
> flip-flopping between optimistic and hopeless.
> Do you know with the interferon, what dose they are on? When you first 
> started did you start immediately with the one week on, one week off, or was 
> there a more intense initial period?
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 4:45 PM, Margo  > wrote:
>I remember researching AZT an deciding against it, but I don't recall why. 
>  My two boys have been on interferon for years (low dose one week on, one 
> week off) and I've never seen any adverse effects, but when they're sick, 
> they seem to perk up during the "on" weeks. The anti-nausea was likely 
> Cerenia, which is being recognized for it's anti-inflammatory properties, as 
> well.
> He's improving. No need for any major decisions. That's really not a lot of 
> drugs, all things considered :) It was two weeks until Gribs was eating 
> normally, and seemed as if he might live. There really is no formula for mosr 
> people. I always read "you'll know", but I'm not sure that's true. Sorry I 
> can't be more help with that.
> Margo
> -Original Message- 
> From: Maya D'Alessio 
> Sent: Oct 20, 2015 1:56 PM 
> To:  
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R)) 
> Oh wow, yes I am in Waterloo. Can you send me your vet's information and I 
> will pass it along to my vet immediately.
> He is mentioning AZT and interferon, but Merlot has a persistent fever and 
> won't eat, I am assuming his body is not up to those drugs yet. He's 
> currently on doxy, prednisolone and mirtazipine (appetite stimulant), and 
> they gave him an antinauseant shot last night (cevinia I think).
> Question to the larger group; my cat is uncomfortable (although better than 
> yesterday), I have to force feed him and he's on a ton of drugs. How long is 
> this feasible? How long should I let it go if we don't see improvement? How 
> do you make that call. With my last cat, she deteriorated so rapidly and it 
> was so dire that it was a pretty straight forward call.
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Amani Oakley  > wrote:
> Maya,
> Seriously, I have to wonder about some vets. What is he offering you that 
> will help your cat??
> Anyhow, all I can say is I am happy I have a supportive vet. I will send you 
> some links to stuff about Winstrol, but it is hard to find since the mind-set 
> you have encountered already, is all too common, even when our cats are dying 
> and there are few realistic alternatives.
> Most of the links I will send to you will not speak to the use of Winstrol 
> specifically for FeLV, but speak to things like building up strength and 
> improving appetite.
> Here is the first - very generic.
> Amani
> P.S. - I also noticed you are not far from me. My vet is in Etobicoke, in the 
> outskirts of Toronto. Perhaps your vet should call my vet?
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> -- 
> Maya D'Alessio
> PhD student
> B1 377B, x32320
> Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
> Biology GSA Vice Chair
> GSA Director At-Large
> University of Waterloo
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> -- 
> Maya D'Alessio
> PhD student
> B1 377B, x32320
> Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
> Biology GSA Vice Chair
> GSA Director At-Large
> University of Waterloo
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

2015-10-20 Thread Maya D'Alessio
You've been plenty helpful, thank you. What I need to figure out how to do,
is accept the situation and be less emotional about it, no matter which way
it goes, until the time comes. Right now I'm just so emotional, I keep
flip-flopping between optimistic and hopeless.

Do you know with the interferon, what dose they are on? When you first
started did you start immediately with the one week on, one week off, or
was there a more intense initial period?

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 4:45 PM, Margo 

>I remember researching AZT an deciding against it, but I don't recall
> why.  My two boys have been on interferon for years (low dose one week on,
> one week off) and I've never seen any adverse effects, but when they're
> sick, they seem to perk up during the "on" weeks. The anti-nausea was
> likely Cerenia, which is being recognized for it's anti-inflammatory
> properties, as well.
> He's improving. No need for any major decisions. That's really not a lot
> of drugs, all things considered :) It was two weeks until Gribs was eating
> normally, and seemed as if he might live. There really is no formula for
> mosr people. I always read "you'll know", but I'm not sure that's true.
> Sorry I can't be more help with that.
> Margo
> -Original Message-
> From: Maya D'Alessio
> Sent: Oct 20, 2015 1:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))
> Oh wow, yes I am in Waterloo. Can you send me your vet's information and I
> will pass it along to my vet immediately.
> He is mentioning AZT and interferon, but Merlot has a persistent fever and
> won't eat, I am assuming his body is not up to those drugs yet. He's
> currently on doxy, prednisolone and mirtazipine (appetite stimulant), and
> they gave him an antinauseant shot last night (cevinia I think).
> Question to the larger group; my cat is uncomfortable (although better
> than yesterday), I have to force feed him and he's on a ton of drugs. How
> long is this feasible? How long should I let it go if we don't see
> improvement? How do you make that call. With my last cat, she deteriorated
> so rapidly and it was so dire that it was a pretty straight forward call.
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Amani Oakley 
> wrote:
>> Maya,
>> Seriously, I have to wonder about some vets. What is he offering you that
>> will help your cat??
>> Anyhow, all I can say is I am happy I have a supportive vet. I will send
>> you some links to stuff about Winstrol, but it is hard to find since the
>> mind-set you have encountered already, is all too common, even when our
>> cats are dying and there are few realistic alternatives.
>> Most of the links I will send to you will not speak to the use of
>> Winstrol specifically for FeLV, but speak to things like building up
>> strength and improving appetite.
>> Here is the first - very generic.
>> Amani
>> P.S. - I also noticed you are not far from me. My vet is in Etobicoke, in
>> the outskirts of Toronto. Perhaps your vet should call my vet?
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> --
> Maya D'Alessio
> PhD student
> B1 377B, x32320
> Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
> Biology GSA Vice Chair
> GSA Director At-Large
> University of Waterloo
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Maya D'Alessio
PhD student
B1 377B, x32320
Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
Biology GSA Vice Chair
GSA Director At-Large
University of Waterloo
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

2015-10-20 Thread Margo
   I remember researching AZT an deciding against it, but I don't recall why.  My two boys have been on interferon for years (low dose one week on, one week off) and I've never seen any adverse effects, but when they're sick, they seem to perk up during the "on" weeks. The anti-nausea was likely Cerenia, which is being recognized for it's anti-inflammatory properties, as well.He's improving. No need for any major decisions. That's really not a lot of drugs, all things considered :) It was two weeks until Gribs was eating normally, and seemed as if he might live. There really is no formula for mosr people. I always read "you'll know", but I'm not sure that's true. Sorry I can't be more help with that.Margo-Original Message-
From: Maya D'Alessio 
Sent: Oct 20, 2015 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

Oh wow, yes I am in Waterloo. Can you send me your vet's information and I will pass it along to my vet immediately.He is mentioning AZT and interferon, but Merlot has a persistent fever and won't eat, I am assuming his body is not up to those drugs yet. He's currently on doxy, prednisolone and mirtazipine (appetite stimulant), and they gave him an antinauseant shot last night (cevinia I think).Question to the larger group; my cat is uncomfortable (although better than yesterday), I have to force feed him and he's on a ton of drugs. How long is this feasible? How long should I let it go if we don't see improvement? How do you make that call. With my last cat, she deteriorated so rapidly and it was so dire that it was a pretty straight forward call.On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Amani Oakley  wrote:Maya,

Seriously, I have to wonder about some vets. What is he offering you that will help your cat??

Anyhow, all I can say is I am happy I have a supportive vet. I will send you some links to stuff about Winstrol, but it is hard to find since the mind-set you have encountered already, is all too common, even when our cats are dying and there are few realistic alternatives.

Most of the links I will send to you will not speak to the use of Winstrol specifically for FeLV, but speak to things like building up strength and improving appetite.

Here is the first - very generic.


P.S. - I also noticed you are not far from me. My vet is in Etobicoke, in the outskirts of Toronto. Perhaps your vet should call my vet?

Felvtalk mailing list
-- Maya D'AlessioPhD studentB1 377B, x32320Graduate Studies Endowment Fund CoordinatorBiology GSA Vice ChairGSA Director At-LargeUniversity of Waterloo

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

2015-10-20 Thread Amani Oakley
I tried to send another link to an interesting scientific study entitled 
“Winstrol-V (Stanozolol) Therapy and Nitrogen Retention in Dogs” by Olson ME, 
et. al. Unfortunately, for some reason I couldn’t send a link. Therefore, do a 
Google search by plugging in this title.

Though it is a study in dogs, it summarizes the benefits of Winstrol in 
strengthening animals who have suffered from trauma, surgery or chronic 
conditions, and appended to it is the drug manufacturer’s summary of the 
effects of Winstrol and the conditions to use it for.

Some of the quotes from the study are: “In situations such as surgical trauma, 
tissue-building action is desired, but appreciable weight gain is no. the 
increased retention of amino-acid-derived nitrogen without significant weight 
gain that was observed in this study demonstrates that Winstrol-V is an ideal 
therapeutic choice in those situations.” and “This study confirmed the 
tissue-building actions of Winstrol-V, which can benefit dogs with catabolic 
conditions, especially surgical trauma and chronic debilitating disease”.

The drug information sheet includes some of the following quotes:

“Winstrol-V Tablets are classified as ‘anabolic steroids’ because of their 
pronounced stimulatory effects on constructive metabolism. Stanozolol increases 
retention of nitrogen and minerals, reverses tissue-depleting processes, and 
promotes better utilization of dietary protein. Its anabolic effects lead to 
improvement in appetite, increased vigor, and notable gains in weight.” and “In 
a wide variety of tests in animals, Winstrol-V was shown to possess high 
anabolic potency, whereas its androgenic effect was very low. Extensive 
clinical investigations by veterinary practitioners have confirmed its anabolic 
action and therapeutic usefulness in dogs and cats.”

Under “Indications” it states: “Anabolic therapy with Winstrol-V Tablets is 
indicated whenever excessive tissue breakdown or extensive repair processes are 
proceeding. Such processes usually diminish protein reserves in the tissues, 
thus leading to negative nitrogen balance. Winstrol-V is indicated to reverse 
tissue-depleting processes and restore constructive metabolism. Anabolic 
therapy is intended primarily as an adjunct to other specific and supportive 
therapy, including nutrition therapy. Optimal results can be expected only when 
dietary intake is adequate and well balanced. . . .  Winstrol-V Tablets are 
indicated when the therapeutic objective is to improve appetite, promote weight 
gain, and increase strength and vitality. For these reasons, Winstrol-V is 
recommended for anorexia, unthriftiness, weight loss, debility, cachexia, 
inanition and poor hair coat when these accompany disease, trauma, or old age. 
Since certain skin conditions occurring in older dogs (alopecia and some types 
of eczema, for example) are caused by metabolic disorders based on negative 
nitrogen balance, Winstrol-V may help to control such conditions.”


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Maya 
Sent: October-20-15 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

My vet is not supportive of winstrol treatment, does anyone know of any sources 
I could send him to change his mind?
On Oct 20, 2015 11:34 AM, "Amani Oakley">> wrote:
Hi Maya

The fever is secondary to everything else going on. Keep him on the rest of the 
stuff anyway, and just add the Winstrol. My experience is that the fever will 
dissipate with the improvement of his blood counts, etc.


From: Felvtalk 
 On Behalf Of Maya D'Alessio
Sent: October-20-15 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

Does the winstrol work on the fever though?
On Oct 20, 2015 3:21 AM, "Amani Oakley">> wrote:

No matter what the outcome is of the temperature, I would suggest you start him 
on the Winstrol anyway. This is an omen of things to come. The virus is in 
there and causing a problem. It is unlikely to go away on its own. Don’t wait 
until he is doing badly to start the Winstrol.

Again, with Zander, we saw very much the same course. Some abnormal haematology 
results, some lack of appetite, temperature, licking concrete. That was in 
June/July. We took him to the vets, he got some antibiotics and seemed to 
improve. Then in September, a HUGE crash back into serious illness and we 
almost didn’t get him back.

If Merlot’s platelets dropped like that, the virus is affecting his bone 
marrow. Don’t wait until the effects are far-reaching and difficult to reverse. 
Athletes use Winstrol to build up their muscles and stamina and to repair 
damages tissue. My suggestion is that you use it as a supportive measure now 
and head off the very likely futu

[Felvtalk] Winstrol

2015-10-20 Thread Amani Oakley
At an internet site called, it has the following blurb as to when 
Winstrol is used in animals:

 Why Stanozolol Is Used On Pets

 Stanozolol - sold commercially as Winstrol or Winstrol Depot - is a kind of 
anabolic steroid that is most commonly used by humans. However, Stanozolol also 
frequently prescribed to help treat various ailments that a pet or animal may 
have. Veterinarians may prescribe Winstrol-V (as it is known for veterinary 
purposes) to treat a condition or to help a pet recover more quickly and easily 
from surgery or other such situations. As with other forms of the drug, 
Winstrol-V may only be obtained through a prescription.

 Common Uses For Winstrol-V (Stanozolol) In Animals

 In animals, Winstrol-V is most commonly prescribed to help them gain weight 
and have increased appetites. This is usually beneficial to a pet after 
undergoing surgery, being hurt badly, or when recovering from a severe illness. 
The testosterone in Stanozolol can help the animal "bulk up", much as it does 
for human counterparts. At the same time, it can stimulate the animal's hunger, 
making their appetite increase and allowing them to maintain a more healthy 

 The primary type of illness that Winstrol-V is prescribed to treat in pets and 
animals is anemia. It is used for this same purpose in humans as well. Anemia 
is a condition where there are not enough red blood cells in the body, or where 
the blood does not have sufficient quantities of hemoglobin in it. Pets 
suffering from anemia might exhibit exhaustion and fatigue for no obvious 
reason. When exerting themselves, animals with anemia might pant excessively, 
as though they are short of breath.

 When these and other symptoms are persistent enough, a trip to the 
veterinarian's office is usually in order. Many times, the ailing pet will be 
diagnosed with anemia. There are many different treatment options and 
strategies for treating anemia; however, increasing the appetite is one of the 
most significant ways of doing so. As such, Stanozolol in the form of 
Winstrol-V can help tremendously. This is why the drug is often prescribed for 
pets with anemia; however, it cannot be used indefinitely and can only be used 
in the short term to help start a pet or animal off onto the road of health.


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

2015-10-20 Thread Amani Oakley
Here is the excerpt from The Merck Veterinary Manual, in the chapter entitled 
“Drugs Acting on the Blood or Blood-forming Organs”:

Anabolic steroids are compounds structurally related to testosterone that have 
similar protein-anabolic activity but minimal androgenic effects, such as 
masculinization. As part of their anabolic activity, these compounds increase 
the circulating RBC mass and possibly granulocytic mass. Clinical indications 
for use of anabolic steroids include chronic, nonregenerative anemias. Response 
to therapy is variable, and the time to clinical improvement is long, 
frequently ≥3 mo. The proposed mechanisms of action include increased ERP 
production via ERP-stimulating factor, differentiation of stem cells into 
ERP-stimulating factor-sensitive cells (eg, hemocytoblasts), and direct 
stimulation of erythroid-progenitor cells. The effect of anabolic steroids 
requires adequate ERP levels and sufficient cells in the bone marrow. Thus, the 
effectiveness of anabolic steroids in treating anemia may be limited, depending 
on the cause.

Anabolic steroids can be divided into 2 categories depending on the presence or 
absence of an alkyl group at the 17-carbon position. They are available as oral 
and parenteral preparations, including oil-based products intended for slow 
release. The absorption and disposition of anabolic steroids depend on the type 
of preparation and the animal species. Most are eliminated after hepatic 
metabolism. The alkylated products are more effectively absorbed when given PO 
and are more effective stimulants of bone marrow. Alkylated anabolic steroids 
include oxymetholone (dogs and cats: 1–5 mg/kg, PO, every 18–24 hr). 
Nonalkylated anabolic steroids include nandrolone decanoate (dogs: 1–1.5 mg/kg, 
IM/wk; cats: 1 mg/kg, IM/wk; horse: 1 mg/kg, IM, once every 4 wk). Boldenone 
undecylenate is approved for horses at 1.1 mg/kg, IM, every 3 wk. Side effects 
of anabolic steroids include sodium and water retention, virilization, and 
hepatotoxicity. The alkylated products are more hepatotoxic than the 
non-alkylated products, particularly in cats. Cholestatic liver damage develops 
early and can be significant but frequently is reversible.

From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Maya 
Sent: October-20-15 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

My vet is not supportive of winstrol treatment, does anyone know of any sources 
I could send him to change his mind?
On Oct 20, 2015 11:34 AM, "Amani Oakley">> wrote:
Hi Maya

The fever is secondary to everything else going on. Keep him on the rest of the 
stuff anyway, and just add the Winstrol. My experience is that the fever will 
dissipate with the improvement of his blood counts, etc.


From: Felvtalk 
 On Behalf Of Maya D'Alessio
Sent: October-20-15 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

Does the winstrol work on the fever though?
On Oct 20, 2015 3:21 AM, "Amani Oakley">> wrote:

No matter what the outcome is of the temperature, I would suggest you start him 
on the Winstrol anyway. This is an omen of things to come. The virus is in 
there and causing a problem. It is unlikely to go away on its own. Don’t wait 
until he is doing badly to start the Winstrol.

Again, with Zander, we saw very much the same course. Some abnormal haematology 
results, some lack of appetite, temperature, licking concrete. That was in 
June/July. We took him to the vets, he got some antibiotics and seemed to 
improve. Then in September, a HUGE crash back into serious illness and we 
almost didn’t get him back.

If Merlot’s platelets dropped like that, the virus is affecting his bone 
marrow. Don’t wait until the effects are far-reaching and difficult to reverse. 
Athletes use Winstrol to build up their muscles and stamina and to repair 
damages tissue. My suggestion is that you use it as a supportive measure now 
and head off the very likely future crisis, even if it appears that you have 
achieved a bit of a reprieve now.


From: Felvtalk 
 On Behalf Of Maya D'Alessio
Sent: October-19-15 11:19 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

So we can say relatively conclusively at this point that this is the FeLV, as 
his blood cell counts are going down and everything else has been ruled out.

His fever hasn't changed, which is good and bad. Good that it's not worse, bad 
that it's not responding to drugs. We got to take him home tonight and I've 
just got him settled in Phil's office, where I'll be sleeping with him for the 
night. He's definitel

Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

2015-10-20 Thread Amani Oakley
My Google search also pulled up a textbook called “Feline Internal Medicine 
Secrets” by Michael R Lappin. On page 318, in the chapter entitled “Anorexia 
and Weight Loss”, Winstrol is listed as an “Appetite stimulating drug”.

From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Maya 
Sent: October-20-15 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

My vet is not supportive of winstrol treatment, does anyone know of any sources 
I could send him to change his mind?
On Oct 20, 2015 11:34 AM, "Amani Oakley">> wrote:
Hi Maya

The fever is secondary to everything else going on. Keep him on the rest of the 
stuff anyway, and just add the Winstrol. My experience is that the fever will 
dissipate with the improvement of his blood counts, etc.


From: Felvtalk 
 On Behalf Of Maya D'Alessio
Sent: October-20-15 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

Does the winstrol work on the fever though?
On Oct 20, 2015 3:21 AM, "Amani Oakley">> wrote:

No matter what the outcome is of the temperature, I would suggest you start him 
on the Winstrol anyway. This is an omen of things to come. The virus is in 
there and causing a problem. It is unlikely to go away on its own. Don’t wait 
until he is doing badly to start the Winstrol.

Again, with Zander, we saw very much the same course. Some abnormal haematology 
results, some lack of appetite, temperature, licking concrete. That was in 
June/July. We took him to the vets, he got some antibiotics and seemed to 
improve. Then in September, a HUGE crash back into serious illness and we 
almost didn’t get him back.

If Merlot’s platelets dropped like that, the virus is affecting his bone 
marrow. Don’t wait until the effects are far-reaching and difficult to reverse. 
Athletes use Winstrol to build up their muscles and stamina and to repair 
damages tissue. My suggestion is that you use it as a supportive measure now 
and head off the very likely future crisis, even if it appears that you have 
achieved a bit of a reprieve now.


From: Felvtalk 
 On Behalf Of Maya D'Alessio
Sent: October-19-15 11:19 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

So we can say relatively conclusively at this point that this is the FeLV, as 
his blood cell counts are going down and everything else has been ruled out.

His fever hasn't changed, which is good and bad. Good that it's not worse, bad 
that it's not responding to drugs. We got to take him home tonight and I've 
just got him settled in Phil's office, where I'll be sleeping with him for the 
night. He's definitely in better shape than this morning, more perky and like 
himself, but we are still on high alert.

The vet says he has roughly a 40% chance of a good prognosis. She's seen cats 
come back from this with FeLV, and others don't. We are taking him in first 
thing tomorrow to see the vet again and get re-evaluated, and we will make some 
more decisions about drugs at that point. The vet has agreed to try Winstrol 
tomorrow if the fever hasn't come down (he's on two antibiotics right now, an 
anti-nauseant and she upped the prednisolone).

Maya D'Alessio
PhD student
B1 377B, x32320
Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
Biology GSA Vice Chair
GSA Director At-Large
University of Waterloo

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

2015-10-20 Thread Amani Oakley

I don’t think that the fever would last that long, but the appetite depression 
isn’t just about the fever. With Zander, it was a slow climb back, with me 
having to sit with him at least two times a day in a separate room while I 
encouraged him to eat. It took a while before his appetite was robust again. 
Winstrol again is prescribed specifically for that very thing – as an appetite 
stimulant. This is why I am so fixated on this stuff. It helps them feel 
better, it builds up their strength and muscles, it improves their appetites, 
it is used in chronic anemia to increase red cell production . . .  I know I 
sound like one of those infomercials but the stuff is like it’s weight in gold 
to me. And the down side is a chance of liver damage which I have never seen in 
any of my cats, and if your cat is dying from an incurable disease, then what 
is the point of being cautious about his liver anyway??

The food you are giving him is fine. I like the baby food because it is easy 
for them to digest and they tend to like it and it is easy to syringe, but A/D 
is obviously great for all those reasons as well.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Maya 
Sent: October-20-15 2:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

Thank you Amani, I really, really appreciate the support. I will agree with you 
that I do see the negative aspect of outlook from vets. With my last cat, I was 
less informed, and agreed with everything the vets were suggesting, including 
euthanization, as I was told she would just die slowly otherwise. Maybe her 
outlook could have been improved with some time and TLC. I feel a bit better 
with your 1 month time line, I was worried about a time line of days. Have your 
cats continued with fevers for that long? I am really concerned about how soon 
we should expect the fever to turn around. I think once his fever gets better 
he has a much better chance of regaining his appetite.

I have been syringe feeding the AD food (I think it's science diet), we are 
trying to get 1 can in to him every day. I know he's not extremely comfortable 
right now, but he has been a bit more active in the last day. He's not grooming 
at all though.

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 2:03 PM, Amani Oakley>> wrote:
Hi Maya, I will send you a private email with my vet’s name and phone number.

Regarding the intake of food, you need to support him while he fights this 
thing. I don’t think anyone can give you a hard and fast time frame regarding 
when to stop, but I will do my utmost to give my cats every chance. I usually 
can get sufficient baby food into them via syringe if necessary, for an 
extended period of time usually. I continue as long as I see that it is helping 
to allow him to live to fight another day. With something like leukemia, when 
they crash, you really should expect at least a month of convalescence and 
reduced appetite, while hopefully other things like the Winstrol start to 
increase his blood counts. He needs to keep eating while his blood counts go 
up, and you need to give him the time to recover.

I know that other people have a very different view, and I have learned that 
people really are of two minds on this. I think it is a personal decision, but 
for me, I don’t give up unless I see there is no hope, and I don’t give up well 
after my vets are ready to throw in the towel. Thankfully, my vets know me well 
enough and trust me enough now, to let me work as hard as I can to save my 
cats. They provide support and help and advice, and have been wonderful enough 
to admit when I am successful when they had predicted nothing but failure.


From: Felvtalk 
 On Behalf Of Maya D'Alessio
Sent: October-20-15 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

Oh wow, yes I am in Waterloo. Can you send me your vet's information and I will 
pass it along to my vet immediately.

He is mentioning AZT and interferon, but Merlot has a persistent fever and 
won't eat, I am assuming his body is not up to those drugs yet. He's currently 
on doxy, prednisolone and mirtazipine (appetite stimulant), and they gave him 
an antinauseant shot last night (cevinia I think).

Question to the larger group; my cat is uncomfortable (although better than 
yesterday), I have to force feed him and he's on a ton of drugs. How long is 
this feasible? How long should I let it go if we don't see improvement? How do 
you make that call. With my last cat, she deteriorated so rapidly and it was so 
dire that it was a pretty straight forward call.

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Amani Oakley>> wrote:

Seriously, I have to wonder about some vets. What is he offering you that will 
help your cat??

Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

2015-10-20 Thread Maya D'Alessio
Thank you Amani, I really, really appreciate the support. I will agree with
you that I do see the negative aspect of outlook from vets. With my last
cat, I was less informed, and agreed with everything the vets were
suggesting, including euthanization, as I was told she would just die
slowly otherwise. Maybe her outlook could have been improved with some time
and TLC. I feel a bit better with your 1 month time line, I was worried
about a time line of days. Have your cats continued with fevers for that
long? I am really concerned about how soon we should expect the fever to
turn around. I think once his fever gets better he has a much better chance
of regaining his appetite.

I have been syringe feeding the AD food (I think it's science diet), we are
trying to get 1 can in to him every day. I know he's not extremely
comfortable right now, but he has been a bit more active in the last day.
He's not grooming at all though.

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 2:03 PM, Amani Oakley 

> Hi Maya, I will send you a private email with my vet’s name and phone
> number.
> Regarding the intake of food, you need to support him while he fights this
> thing. I don’t think anyone can give you a hard and fast time frame
> regarding when to stop, but I will do my utmost to give my cats every
> chance. I usually can get sufficient baby food into them via syringe if
> necessary, for an extended period of time usually. I continue as long as I
> see that it is helping to allow him to live to fight another day. With
> something like leukemia, when they crash, you really should expect at least
> a month of convalescence and reduced appetite, while hopefully other things
> like the Winstrol start to increase his blood counts. He needs to keep
> eating while his blood counts go up, and you need to give him the time to
> recover.
> I know that other people have a very different view, and I have learned
> that people really are of two minds on this. I think it is a personal
> decision, but for me, I don’t give up unless I see there is no hope, and I
> don’t give up well after my vets are ready to throw in the towel.
> Thankfully, my vets know me well enough and trust me enough now, to let me
> work as hard as I can to save my cats. They provide support and help and
> advice, and have been wonderful enough to admit when I am successful when
> they had predicted nothing but failure.
> Amani
> *From:* Felvtalk [] *On Behalf
> Of *Maya D'Alessio
> *Sent:* October-20-15 1:56 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))
> Oh wow, yes I am in Waterloo. Can you send me your vet's information and I
> will pass it along to my vet immediately.
> He is mentioning AZT and interferon, but Merlot has a persistent fever and
> won't eat, I am assuming his body is not up to those drugs yet. He's
> currently on doxy, prednisolone and mirtazipine (appetite stimulant), and
> they gave him an antinauseant shot last night (cevinia I think).
> Question to the larger group; my cat is uncomfortable (although better
> than yesterday), I have to force feed him and he's on a ton of drugs. How
> long is this feasible? How long should I let it go if we don't see
> improvement? How do you make that call. With my last cat, she deteriorated
> so rapidly and it was so dire that it was a pretty straight forward call.
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Amani Oakley 
> wrote:
> Maya,
> Seriously, I have to wonder about some vets. What is he offering you that
> will help your cat??
> Anyhow, all I can say is I am happy I have a supportive vet. I will send
> you some links to stuff about Winstrol, but it is hard to find since the
> mind-set you have encountered already, is all too common, even when our
> cats are dying and there are few realistic alternatives.
> Most of the links I will send to you will not speak to the use of Winstrol
> specifically for FeLV, but speak to things like building up strength and
> improving appetite.
> Here is the first - very generic.
> Amani
> P.S. - I also noticed you are not far from me. My vet is in Etobicoke, in
> the outskirts of Toronto. Perhaps your vet should call my vet?
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> --
> Maya D'Alessio
> PhD student
> B1 377B, x32320
> Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
> Biology GSA Vice Chair
> GSA Director At-Large
> University of Waterloo
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Maya D'Alessio
PhD student
B1 377B, x32320
Graduate Studies Endowment 

Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol®)

2015-10-20 Thread dlgegg

 Amani Oakley  wrote: 
> Maya,
> Seriously, I have to wonder about some vets. What is he offering you that 
> will help your cat??
> Anyhow, all I can say is I am happy I have a supportive vet. I will send you 
> some links to stuff about Winstrol, but it is hard to find since the mind-set 
> you have encountered already, is all too common, even when our cats are dying 
> and there are few realistic alternatives.
> Most of the links I will send to you will not speak to the use of Winstrol 
> specifically for FeLV, but speak to things like building up strength and 
> improving appetite.
> Here is the first - very generic.
> Amani
> P.S. - I also noticed you are not far from me. My vet is in Etobicoke, in the 
> outskirts of Toronto. Perhaps your vet should call my vet?
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

2015-10-20 Thread dlgegg

 Amani Oakley  wrote: 
> Hi Maya, I will send you a private email with my vet’s name and phone number.
> Regarding the intake of food, you need to support him while he fights this 
> thing. I don’t think anyone can give you a hard and fast time frame regarding 
> when to stop, but I will do my utmost to give my cats every chance. I usually 
> can get sufficient baby food into them via syringe if necessary, for an 
> extended period of time usually. I continue as long as I see that it is 
> helping to allow him to live to fight another day. With something like 
> leukemia, when they crash, you really should expect at least a month of 
> convalescence and reduced appetite, while hopefully other things like the 
> Winstrol start to increase his blood counts. He needs to keep eating while 
> his blood counts go up, and you need to give him the time to recover.
> I know that other people have a very different view, and I have learned that 
> people really are of two minds on this. I think it is a personal decision, 
> but for me, I don’t give up unless I see there is no hope, and I don’t give 
> up well after my vets are ready to throw in the towel. Thankfully, my vets 
> know me well enough and trust me enough now, to let me work as hard as I can 
> to save my cats. They provide support and help and advice, and have been 
> wonderful enough to admit when I am successful when they had predicted 
> nothing but failure.
> Amani
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Maya 
> D'Alessio
> Sent: October-20-15 1:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))
> Oh wow, yes I am in Waterloo. Can you send me your vet's information and I 
> will pass it along to my vet immediately.
> He is mentioning AZT and interferon, but Merlot has a persistent fever and 
> won't eat, I am assuming his body is not up to those drugs yet. He's 
> currently on doxy, prednisolone and mirtazipine (appetite stimulant), and 
> they gave him an antinauseant shot last night (cevinia I think).
> Question to the larger group; my cat is uncomfortable (although better than 
> yesterday), I have to force feed him and he's on a ton of drugs. How long is 
> this feasible? How long should I let it go if we don't see improvement? How 
> do you make that call. With my last cat, she deteriorated so rapidly and it 
> was so dire that it was a pretty straight forward call.
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Amani Oakley 
>>> wrote:
> Maya,
> Seriously, I have to wonder about some vets. What is he offering you that 
> will help your cat??
> Anyhow, all I can say is I am happy I have a supportive vet. I will send you 
> some links to stuff about Winstrol, but it is hard to find since the mind-set 
> you have encountered already, is all too common, even when our cats are dying 
> and there are few realistic alternatives.
> Most of the links I will send to you will not speak to the use of Winstrol 
> specifically for FeLV, but speak to things like building up strength and 
> improving appetite.
> Here is the first - very generic.
> Amani
> P.S. - I also noticed you are not far from me. My vet is in Etobicoke, in the 
> outskirts of Toronto. Perhaps your vet should call my vet?
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> --
> Maya D'Alessio
> PhD student
> B1 377B, x32320
> Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
> Biology GSA Vice Chair
> GSA Director At-Large
> University of Waterloo

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

2015-10-20 Thread Amani Oakley
Hi Maya, I will send you a private email with my vet’s name and phone number.

Regarding the intake of food, you need to support him while he fights this 
thing. I don’t think anyone can give you a hard and fast time frame regarding 
when to stop, but I will do my utmost to give my cats every chance. I usually 
can get sufficient baby food into them via syringe if necessary, for an 
extended period of time usually. I continue as long as I see that it is helping 
to allow him to live to fight another day. With something like leukemia, when 
they crash, you really should expect at least a month of convalescence and 
reduced appetite, while hopefully other things like the Winstrol start to 
increase his blood counts. He needs to keep eating while his blood counts go 
up, and you need to give him the time to recover.

I know that other people have a very different view, and I have learned that 
people really are of two minds on this. I think it is a personal decision, but 
for me, I don’t give up unless I see there is no hope, and I don’t give up well 
after my vets are ready to throw in the towel. Thankfully, my vets know me well 
enough and trust me enough now, to let me work as hard as I can to save my 
cats. They provide support and help and advice, and have been wonderful enough 
to admit when I am successful when they had predicted nothing but failure.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Maya 
Sent: October-20-15 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

Oh wow, yes I am in Waterloo. Can you send me your vet's information and I will 
pass it along to my vet immediately.

He is mentioning AZT and interferon, but Merlot has a persistent fever and 
won't eat, I am assuming his body is not up to those drugs yet. He's currently 
on doxy, prednisolone and mirtazipine (appetite stimulant), and they gave him 
an antinauseant shot last night (cevinia I think).

Question to the larger group; my cat is uncomfortable (although better than 
yesterday), I have to force feed him and he's on a ton of drugs. How long is 
this feasible? How long should I let it go if we don't see improvement? How do 
you make that call. With my last cat, she deteriorated so rapidly and it was so 
dire that it was a pretty straight forward call.

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Amani Oakley>> wrote:

Seriously, I have to wonder about some vets. What is he offering you that will 
help your cat??

Anyhow, all I can say is I am happy I have a supportive vet. I will send you 
some links to stuff about Winstrol, but it is hard to find since the mind-set 
you have encountered already, is all too common, even when our cats are dying 
and there are few realistic alternatives.

Most of the links I will send to you will not speak to the use of Winstrol 
specifically for FeLV, but speak to things like building up strength and 
improving appetite.

Here is the first - very generic.


P.S. - I also noticed you are not far from me. My vet is in Etobicoke, in the 
outskirts of Toronto. Perhaps your vet should call my vet?

Felvtalk mailing list

Maya D'Alessio
PhD student
B1 377B, x32320
Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
Biology GSA Vice Chair
GSA Director At-Large
University of Waterloo
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol(R))

2015-10-20 Thread Maya D'Alessio
Oh wow, yes I am in Waterloo. Can you send me your vet's information and I
will pass it along to my vet immediately.

He is mentioning AZT and interferon, but Merlot has a persistent fever and
won't eat, I am assuming his body is not up to those drugs yet. He's
currently on doxy, prednisolone and mirtazipine (appetite stimulant), and
they gave him an antinauseant shot last night (cevinia I think).

Question to the larger group; my cat is uncomfortable (although better than
yesterday), I have to force feed him and he's on a ton of drugs. How long
is this feasible? How long should I let it go if we don't see improvement?
How do you make that call. With my last cat, she deteriorated so rapidly
and it was so dire that it was a pretty straight forward call.

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Amani Oakley 

> Maya,
> Seriously, I have to wonder about some vets. What is he offering you that
> will help your cat??
> Anyhow, all I can say is I am happy I have a supportive vet. I will send
> you some links to stuff about Winstrol, but it is hard to find since the
> mind-set you have encountered already, is all too common, even when our
> cats are dying and there are few realistic alternatives.
> Most of the links I will send to you will not speak to the use of Winstrol
> specifically for FeLV, but speak to things like building up strength and
> improving appetite.
> Here is the first - very generic.
> Amani
> P.S. - I also noticed you are not far from me. My vet is in Etobicoke, in
> the outskirts of Toronto. Perhaps your vet should call my vet?
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Maya D'Alessio
PhD student
B1 377B, x32320
Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
Biology GSA Vice Chair
GSA Director At-Large
University of Waterloo
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Feline CRF Information Center - Medications

2015-10-20 Thread Amani Oakley
Here is another about the use of Winstrol for Chronic Renal Failure. Note that 
a warning came out about its use and possibly causing liver damage in 2000 (as 
per my earlier posts), but the information on the website, says "We can only 
judge in hindsight through our experience with Avatar who was dosed with 
Winstrol daily for more than two years. In his case, the benefit was obviously 
worth the risk as Winstrol definitely improved his well-being with no evidence 
of liver damage."

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Stanozolol (Winstrol®)

2015-10-20 Thread Amani Oakley

Seriously, I have to wonder about some vets. What is he offering you that will 
help your cat??

Anyhow, all I can say is I am happy I have a supportive vet. I will send you 
some links to stuff about Winstrol, but it is hard to find since the mind-set 
you have encountered already, is all too common, even when our cats are dying 
and there are few realistic alternatives.

Most of the links I will send to you will not speak to the use of Winstrol 
specifically for FeLV, but speak to things like building up strength and 
improving appetite.

Here is the first - very generic.


P.S. - I also noticed you are not far from me. My vet is in Etobicoke, in the 
outskirts of Toronto. Perhaps your vet should call my vet?

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

2015-10-20 Thread Maya D'Alessio
My vet is not supportive of winstrol treatment, does anyone know of any
sources I could send him to change his mind?
On Oct 20, 2015 11:34 AM, "Amani Oakley"  wrote:

> Hi Maya
> The fever is secondary to everything else going on. Keep him on the rest
> of the stuff anyway, and just add the Winstrol. My experience is that the
> fever will dissipate with the improvement of his blood counts, etc.
> Amani
> *From:* Felvtalk [] *On Behalf
> Of *Maya D'Alessio
> *Sent:* October-20-15 8:03 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update
> Does the winstrol work on the fever though?
> On Oct 20, 2015 3:21 AM, "Amani Oakley"  wrote:
> Maya
> No matter what the outcome is of the temperature, I would suggest you
> start him on the Winstrol anyway. This is an omen of things to come. The
> virus is in there and causing a problem. It is unlikely to go away on its
> own. Don’t wait until he is doing badly to start the Winstrol.
> Again, with Zander, we saw very much the same course. Some abnormal
> haematology results, some lack of appetite, temperature, licking concrete.
> That was in June/July. We took him to the vets, he got some antibiotics and
> seemed to improve. Then in September, a HUGE crash back into serious
> illness and we almost didn’t get him back.
> If Merlot’s platelets dropped like that, the virus is affecting his bone
> marrow. Don’t wait until the effects are far-reaching and difficult to
> reverse. Athletes use Winstrol to build up their muscles and stamina and to
> repair damages tissue. My suggestion is that you use it as a supportive
> measure now and head off the very likely future crisis, even if it appears
> that you have achieved a bit of a reprieve now.
> Amani
> *From:* Felvtalk [] *On Behalf
> Of *Maya D'Alessio
> *Sent:* October-19-15 11:19 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [Felvtalk] Merlot status update
> So we can say relatively conclusively at this point that this is the FeLV,
> as his blood cell counts are going down and everything else has been ruled
> out.
> His fever hasn't changed, which is good and bad. Good that it's not worse,
> bad that it's not responding to drugs. We got to take him home tonight and
> I've just got him settled in Phil's office, where I'll be sleeping with him
> for the night. He's definitely in better shape than this morning, more
> perky and like himself, but we are still on high alert.
> The vet says he has roughly a 40% chance of a good prognosis. She's seen
> cats come back from this with FeLV, and others don't. We are taking him in
> first thing tomorrow to see the vet again and get re-evaluated, and we will
> make some more decisions about drugs at that point. The vet has agreed to
> try Winstrol tomorrow if the fever hasn't come down (he's on two
> antibiotics right now, an anti-nauseant and she upped the prednisolone).
> --
> Maya D'Alessio
> PhD student
> B1 377B, x32320
> Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
> Biology GSA Vice Chair
> GSA Director At-Large
> University of Waterloo
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

2015-10-20 Thread Amani Oakley
Hi Maya

The fever is secondary to everything else going on. Keep him on the rest of the 
stuff anyway, and just add the Winstrol. My experience is that the fever will 
dissipate with the improvement of his blood counts, etc.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Maya 
Sent: October-20-15 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

Does the winstrol work on the fever though?
On Oct 20, 2015 3:21 AM, "Amani Oakley">> wrote:

No matter what the outcome is of the temperature, I would suggest you start him 
on the Winstrol anyway. This is an omen of things to come. The virus is in 
there and causing a problem. It is unlikely to go away on its own. Don’t wait 
until he is doing badly to start the Winstrol.

Again, with Zander, we saw very much the same course. Some abnormal haematology 
results, some lack of appetite, temperature, licking concrete. That was in 
June/July. We took him to the vets, he got some antibiotics and seemed to 
improve. Then in September, a HUGE crash back into serious illness and we 
almost didn’t get him back.

If Merlot’s platelets dropped like that, the virus is affecting his bone 
marrow. Don’t wait until the effects are far-reaching and difficult to reverse. 
Athletes use Winstrol to build up their muscles and stamina and to repair 
damages tissue. My suggestion is that you use it as a supportive measure now 
and head off the very likely future crisis, even if it appears that you have 
achieved a bit of a reprieve now.


From: Felvtalk 
 On Behalf Of Maya D'Alessio
Sent: October-19-15 11:19 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

So we can say relatively conclusively at this point that this is the FeLV, as 
his blood cell counts are going down and everything else has been ruled out.

His fever hasn't changed, which is good and bad. Good that it's not worse, bad 
that it's not responding to drugs. We got to take him home tonight and I've 
just got him settled in Phil's office, where I'll be sleeping with him for the 
night. He's definitely in better shape than this morning, more perky and like 
himself, but we are still on high alert.

The vet says he has roughly a 40% chance of a good prognosis. She's seen cats 
come back from this with FeLV, and others don't. We are taking him in first 
thing tomorrow to see the vet again and get re-evaluated, and we will make some 
more decisions about drugs at that point. The vet has agreed to try Winstrol 
tomorrow if the fever hasn't come down (he's on two antibiotics right now, an 
anti-nauseant and she upped the prednisolone).

Maya D'Alessio
PhD student
B1 377B, x32320
Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
Biology GSA Vice Chair
GSA Director At-Large
University of Waterloo

Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

2015-10-20 Thread Maya D'Alessio
Does the winstrol work on the fever though?
On Oct 20, 2015 3:21 AM, "Amani Oakley"  wrote:

> Maya
> No matter what the outcome is of the temperature, I would suggest you
> start him on the Winstrol anyway. This is an omen of things to come. The
> virus is in there and causing a problem. It is unlikely to go away on its
> own. Don’t wait until he is doing badly to start the Winstrol.
> Again, with Zander, we saw very much the same course. Some abnormal
> haematology results, some lack of appetite, temperature, licking concrete.
> That was in June/July. We took him to the vets, he got some antibiotics and
> seemed to improve. Then in September, a HUGE crash back into serious
> illness and we almost didn’t get him back.
> If Merlot’s platelets dropped like that, the virus is affecting his bone
> marrow. Don’t wait until the effects are far-reaching and difficult to
> reverse. Athletes use Winstrol to build up their muscles and stamina and to
> repair damages tissue. My suggestion is that you use it as a supportive
> measure now and head off the very likely future crisis, even if it appears
> that you have achieved a bit of a reprieve now.
> Amani
> *From:* Felvtalk [] *On Behalf
> Of *Maya D'Alessio
> *Sent:* October-19-15 11:19 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [Felvtalk] Merlot status update
> So we can say relatively conclusively at this point that this is the FeLV,
> as his blood cell counts are going down and everything else has been ruled
> out.
> His fever hasn't changed, which is good and bad. Good that it's not worse,
> bad that it's not responding to drugs. We got to take him home tonight and
> I've just got him settled in Phil's office, where I'll be sleeping with him
> for the night. He's definitely in better shape than this morning, more
> perky and like himself, but we are still on high alert.
> The vet says he has roughly a 40% chance of a good prognosis. She's seen
> cats come back from this with FeLV, and others don't. We are taking him in
> first thing tomorrow to see the vet again and get re-evaluated, and we will
> make some more decisions about drugs at that point. The vet has agreed to
> try Winstrol tomorrow if the fever hasn't come down (he's on two
> antibiotics right now, an anti-nauseant and she upped the prednisolone).
> --
> Maya D'Alessio
> PhD student
> B1 377B, x32320
> Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
> Biology GSA Vice Chair
> GSA Director At-Large
> University of Waterloo
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

2015-10-20 Thread Margo
Hi Maya,    Just my experience, but during Gribble's first crash (which brought his diagnosis) his fever went above 107. The only thing that brought it down was Ketoprofen. He got it daily for about a week. Many Vets don't use it for some reason (probably because of concerns about using NSAIDs in cats), but I have always had it available. My Vet had offered Metacam (which _I_ don't use) and she agreed to try the Ketoprofen. Something worked, but I can't swear what. I'm glad he's feeling better, that's always a good thing :)All the best,Margo-Original Message-
From: Maya D'Alessio 
Sent: Oct 19, 2015 11:19 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

So we can say relatively conclusively at this point that this is the FeLV, as his blood cell counts are going down and everything else has been ruled out. His fever hasn't changed, which is good and bad. Good that it's not worse, bad that it's not responding to drugs. We got to take him home tonight and I've just got him settled in Phil's office, where I'll be sleeping with him for the night. He's definitely in better shape than this morning, more perky and like himself, but we are still on high alert.The vet says he has roughly a 40% chance of a good prognosis. She's seen cats come back from this with FeLV, and others don't. We are taking him in first thing tomorrow to see the vet again and get re-evaluated, and we will make some more decisions about drugs at that point. The vet has agreed to try Winstrol tomorrow if the fever hasn't come down (he's on two antibiotics right now, an anti-nauseant and she upped the prednisolone).-- Maya D'AlessioPhD studentB1 377B, x32320Graduate Studies Endowment Fund CoordinatorBiology GSA Vice ChairGSA Director At-LargeUniversity of Waterloo

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

2015-10-20 Thread Amani Oakley

No matter what the outcome is of the temperature, I would suggest you start him 
on the Winstrol anyway. This is an omen of things to come. The virus is in 
there and causing a problem. It is unlikely to go away on its own. Don’t wait 
until he is doing badly to start the Winstrol.

Again, with Zander, we saw very much the same course. Some abnormal haematology 
results, some lack of appetite, temperature, licking concrete. That was in 
June/July. We took him to the vets, he got some antibiotics and seemed to 
improve. Then in September, a HUGE crash back into serious illness and we 
almost didn’t get him back.

If Merlot’s platelets dropped like that, the virus is affecting his bone 
marrow. Don’t wait until the effects are far-reaching and difficult to reverse. 
Athletes use Winstrol to build up their muscles and stamina and to repair 
damages tissue. My suggestion is that you use it as a supportive measure now 
and head off the very likely future crisis, even if it appears that you have 
achieved a bit of a reprieve now.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Maya 
Sent: October-19-15 11:19 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Merlot status update

So we can say relatively conclusively at this point that this is the FeLV, as 
his blood cell counts are going down and everything else has been ruled out.

His fever hasn't changed, which is good and bad. Good that it's not worse, bad 
that it's not responding to drugs. We got to take him home tonight and I've 
just got him settled in Phil's office, where I'll be sleeping with him for the 
night. He's definitely in better shape than this morning, more perky and like 
himself, but we are still on high alert.

The vet says he has roughly a 40% chance of a good prognosis. She's seen cats 
come back from this with FeLV, and others don't. We are taking him in first 
thing tomorrow to see the vet again and get re-evaluated, and we will make some 
more decisions about drugs at that point. The vet has agreed to try Winstrol 
tomorrow if the fever hasn't come down (he's on two antibiotics right now, an 
anti-nauseant and she upped the prednisolone).

Maya D'Alessio
PhD student
B1 377B, x32320
Graduate Studies Endowment Fund Coordinator
Biology GSA Vice Chair
GSA Director At-Large
University of Waterloo
Felvtalk mailing list