[Felvtalk] Fleas and Ticks

2009-04-25 Thread Sheila208
I have an outbreak of fleas on my eight felv+ cats brought home by my  two 
dogs who like to run away every chance they get. I need to worm all my  
kitties .Can someone recommend worm med's that I can buy without a 
 I can't afford to take all of them to a vet at one time. I also have to 
buy flea  med's I'm thinking Frontline. I've never had much of a problem with 
parasites  until this spring. Please help. 
 Sheila in SC

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[Felvtalk] Stray

2009-04-16 Thread Sheila208
Hello all . I haven't posted in a while but have been reading  everyday. 
All of my positives are healthy and happy, but on April fools day I  had a 
stray cat come to my front door . I brought her in fed her and  two hours later 
she gave birth to three beautiful healthy  kittens. When I was petting the 
momma this morning I rubbed her  stomach and it feels like she has no milk 
in her breast. The kittens are fat  little butterballs and are not crying 
from hunger. Is this normal or should I be  concerned. My vet is closed on 
Thursday and the next vet is fifty miles away.  I'm not sure what to do. I 
want to be a nervous nelly if the babies are  just drinking the milk as 
fast as she makes it.   
Sheila in SC
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Felvtalk mailing list

Fleas - Gary

2008-02-21 Thread Sheila208
A while back we were talking about flea medicine and Gary said  that we could 
order it cheaper from Australia. I'm having a big problem  keeping my cats 
flea free. I have 21 cats and its getting expensive buying the  med's from my 
vet. Would someone please e-mail me the Australian e-mail address  so I can 
order some Frontline or Advantage.
   Thanks, Sheila in SC

**Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.  

Re: for Lynne - good stories

2008-02-14 Thread Sheila208
Please do.  Sheila 

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2008-02-13 Thread Sheila208
Hello everyone I haven't posted in a while ,but I have  been reading everyday 
so I can keep up with what is happening .  I  just have to say that when I 
was a child I had a neighbor who had a calico  girl who lived to be 30 years 
old. She was blind and deaf but till the day she  died everyday she would 
him out to check the mail box on the curb . She  was a celebrity around here 
and people would bring there children to see her.  Her owner died two weeks 
after she past. He was 86 years old. I believe he died  of a broken heart.
   I have to tell the new members (the older ones know my story)  that I had 
one boy felv+ who lived  18 yrs and one girl felv+ 17  years. I've been very 
lucky to have several live to there teens, But I've  also lost many young ones 
to this terrible illness. 
   Recently I took my 15 year old boy Dooley to a new  vet for some dental 
work . He had been diagnosed with felv when he was  3 years old. Well Dooley is 
now testing negative . Sometime over the years he  threw off the virus. I was 
shocked and so happy . I was afraid to tell anyone  until now I thought maybe 
something was wrong with the test.  So I asked  another vet friend of mine to 
test him again and was told he is negative.
   Never give up hope , enjoy everyday you have with your babies.  They may 
out live you.
Sheila in SC

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Re: CLS for Jet

2007-06-14 Thread Sheila208
Tad and Marie, I'm so sorry for your loss. She was so blessed to have you for 
her parents. 

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Re: OT: Regarding a freak accident to my hubby..it is long...sorry!

2007-06-14 Thread Sheila208
Terrie ,I'm praying for a full and speedy recovery for your husband. Stay 
strong for him and your babies. I know it is hard to understand why these 
happen. Sometimes it seems we have more than our share of the pain.  Sheila 

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Re: Charity (Crossed The Bridge)

2007-06-09 Thread Sheila208
Dear Patty, as always you are in my prayers, but more so tonight. Sweet 
Charity loves you and is grateful for the love you brought into her life. I 
the pain you are feeling, I recently lost dear Charlie Brown and sweet little 
Oscar. I hope they meet Charity at the bridge and exchange stories of their 
humans and I hope that someday we all meet there too.
Thinking of you, Sheila

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Re: Pictures of Abandoned Kittens

2007-06-01 Thread Sheila208
So beautiful. I love the gray with white nose and sox.  Sheila

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Charlie Brown and little Sister Oscar to CLS

2007-05-16 Thread Sheila208
Please add Charlie to CLS list he passed Sunday night and today we had to pts 
his little sister Oscar (she chose that name). She has been small and 
delicate all her life. She stopped eating Sunday and was in a lot of pain from 
failure. I think she really wanted to go with Charlie. They were both felv+. 
Charlie was 15 and Oscar was 12 years old. My heart is breaking, I miss them 
so much. It seems that in my house they leave in two's. I know they are 
together and know longer sick so I will try to remember only the good days. 
Give your 
babies extra love tonight.  Sheila

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Re: Charlie Brown - Long

2007-05-13 Thread Sheila208
I'm sorry I forgot to say I took Charlie to the nearest vet thirty miles from 
home (I'm very rural) Friday morning. The Doc only did blood test and told me 
its the felv and that we should pts. Charlie doesn't want to go that way. I 
called around to other doctors offices all are closed for weekend. The nearest 
emergency vet is over a hundred miles from here and I just don't think he 
could take the drive. Tomorrow I will try to find another vet closer to us. 
for your thoughts and prayers.  Sheila

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Charlie Brown - Long

2007-05-13 Thread Sheila208
My Charlie Brown is leaving me. This wonderful old man has been with me for 
fifteen years. I've never had a sweeter or smarter cat in my life. He was 
diagnosed with felv four years ago. The doctor said he was very sick and he 
wouldn't make it another week and wanted to put him down, He wouldn't even give 
antibiotics to try and help his respiratory infection. I brought him home gave 
him amoxi drops I had from another kitties uri bout, food and water and round 
the clock love and care. He started to improve right away and had been healthy 
and happy for four more years. Two days ago I woke to find him unable to walk. 
I thought he wouldn't make it through the morning, but he is still here. I 
know in my heart that he does not want to be put down in a doctors office he is 
fighting so hard to stay, as sick as he is he still tries to crawl to food 
plate. He doesn't want me to syringe feed him, he wants me to hold him over his 
plate so he can eat own his own. He is the toughest little guy I have ever 
known and I am so grateful for the last four years we have had together. Please 
pray for us both.  Sheila

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Re: help wanted! (no, not the paying kind) Patty

2007-04-24 Thread Sheila208
Dear Patty, I am so sorry for the pain that you have to endure. You mean so 
much to all of us here and you have helped us so much. It breaks my heart to 
know that someone so willing to care for these babies is hurting . I will pray 
for you everyday for your full recovery . You have come so far and there is 
still so much you can do for our babies. Please don't get discouraged. Healing 
a long slow progress. I just wanted to remind you that you are a hero.  
Thinking of you .Sheila 


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Re: Please add Simms to the Candlelighting Ceremony on Monday

2007-04-22 Thread Sheila208
In a message dated 4/22/2007 12:36:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 


Dear Anne, my heart goes out to you.  Simms looks and sounds like my big boy 
Sugar. I don't know what I will do when I lose him (felv+). I pray that you 
will find comfort knowing he was happy and loved dearly. His sweet soul will 
always be near you and you will see him again.  God bless, Sheila

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

Re: Need to place Chief ASAP

2007-03-17 Thread Sheila208
My heart goes out to you. I know what it's like to have to protect and 
care for a geriatric cat and how hard it is to make the decision to part with 
any animal that you have loved and cared for. You have to do what you think is 
best and know that majority of the kind people in this group supports you.

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Re: Lucy and Michelle

2007-02-14 Thread Sheila208
My heart breaks for Michelle and I pray that her grief will ease with time. 
Lucy was so lucky to have someone love her so much. We love and miss Michelle , 
but understand that she needs time to heal. She will be in my prayers daily.  

Re: Bart

2007-02-07 Thread Sheila208
Thank you Patty for loving Bart and doing what was right for him. I know he 
is grateful to you for caring. He is your angel now .  Sheila

Re: OT: Bart & Charty are now safe!!!! W/ me!!!

2007-02-04 Thread Sheila208
Patty, Bart & Charity are blessed to have you & so are we. You are such an 
inspiration. Please keep us up on there progress. I'm so happy they are out of 
the cold.   Sheila

Re: OT: Bart & Charty are now safe!!!! W/ me!!!

2007-02-04 Thread Sheila208
Patty, You are so amazing and strong.

Re: My Dearest Michelle

2007-02-04 Thread Sheila208
Thank you Nina for saying the right thing again. I guess I kind of panicked 
when Michelle said she was leaving the list. She has always been so kind and 
helpful . You are right if she needs time away from us to focus on Lucy . We 
will still be here for her if she needs us. I pray that she will find comfort 
soon.   Sheila


2007-02-04 Thread Sheila208
Michelle, Please don't leave this list. You have helped me and so many others 
with our fur babies. We need your calm loving caring answers that you have 
always been ready to give. I for one have the same feeling that if one of my 
babies is eating and still showing a desire to go on I will do everything in my 
power to help them live. I know that a lot of people believe in euthanasia and 
I have had to do it but only once and it was horrible. I know a lot of people 
choose to help there babies leave ,but I truly believe that you will know when 
the time is right. I know that you are desperate to do what is right for Lucy 
. My heart breaks for you and Gray. I will continue to pray for you . Sheila

Re: Please pray for Lucy

2007-01-29 Thread Sheila208
Hi Michelle, I have been praying for you and Lucy. I will continue to along 
as it takes. I would love for you to send a picture of Lucy.  Sheila

Re: OT - Help, aggressive cat

2006-12-30 Thread Sheila208
Phaewryn, what about children's benadryl it's liquid and you can give it with 
a dropper. I could maybe get it in my cats that way,but I wouldn't know what 
amount to give.  Sheila

Re: Tiny passed

2006-12-25 Thread Sheila208
Dear Sally , I know how hard it is to lost one so suddenly. At least it 
wasn't a long lingering passing .God bless you and Tiny. You will be in my 
So many babies leaving and the Holidays makes it even harder.

Re: Bandy is an angel now

2006-12-25 Thread Sheila208
I'm so sorry Kerry.I was hoping with all my heart that he would make it. He 
is at peace now and happy. You will be in my prayers.

Re: Please add Jimi Too Cool to the CLS

2006-12-19 Thread Sheila208
Anne , my heart is breaking for you. I can hear the love for Jimmy in every 
word you write. He will be waiting for you when your time comes , but I know 
the pain you feel now. The poem was wonderful .I will save it because it speaks 
for all of us. I pray your grief will ease soon.   Sheila

Re: anyone having trouble with the list?

2006-12-19 Thread Sheila208
Michelle, I got a letter saying the same thing.  Sheila

Re: please add my Lizzie to CLS and prayer list

2006-12-19 Thread Sheila208
Dear Hideyo,I am so sorry for your loss. You have been through so much and 
you are still strong .I admire you more than you could know. Want it be a happy 
time when we see all our babies again ? I have a gentle little Lizzie too she 
is blind and felv and I love her dearly. I know her time to leave is not far 
off and I can't bear the thought. God bless you.

Re: Patty's addy for cards and letters/Attn: Belinda(list)& all that sent cards

2006-12-03 Thread Sheila208
Hi Patty, It's so good to hear from you .We have been very worried and a 
little afraid to ask about your condition. I can't handle bad news very well 
now . 
It seems as if we have so many losses , but hearing from you makes my day. 
I'm so sorry that Cornelius left you .I lost my dog Ginger 17 the same way one 
minute fine next minute dead at my feet of heart attack. I will pray that Puma 
will be alright. Thank your roomie for us for taking good care of you and your 
fur babies.You are so brave and strong I truly believe that you will soon 
start to see great improvements with your health. You will be in my Prayers.  
Love, Sheila

Re: Pics of Smookie and the rescued dog

2006-11-18 Thread Sheila208
I would love to.

Re: A story of a little miracle Dharma - Dharma has become an angeltonight..

2006-11-04 Thread Sheila208

Now I'm really crying. I can see Simba holding his sister and wanting her playing and happy. I will pray for him to understand that she is happy, healthy and waiting for him to be with her and Naomi when his time to leave comes. I just hope it will be years from now.   Sheila

Re: A story of a little miracle Dharma - Dharma has become an angel tonight..

2006-11-04 Thread Sheila208

Hideyo,I have been out of town a few days with my husband who is in the hospital. He went in the day after we loss Ginger. I was very sorry to hear about little Dharma. I'm sitting here crying so hard after reading your story. I'm almost afraid to go to my computer these days. So many babies leaving ,so many tears. You are so brave and so strong I just don't know how you cope with all the heartache. If I didn't believe that we will see them again I would have to give up and get out of the rescue effort. It's just to hard some days .I will pray for you and little Dharma.  Sheila

Re: Dukee has went to the Bridge... :(

2006-10-31 Thread Sheila208

Thank you for taking such good care of Dukee. With all the prayers sent up for him I am sure there was a great number of fur babies and human pet lovers waiting to welcome him with open arms. I pray your heart will heal soon. Sheila

O/T Ginger

2006-10-31 Thread Sheila208

At 5:20 yesterday I lost my sweet girl Ginger .She had been with us for 15 years. Someone dumped her in my yard as a baby and she has been my protector ever since. Some people would call her a brown mixed mutt but to me she was a princess. She had a sudden heart attack lying at my feet at the dinner table. It all happened very quick I don't think she suffered. I know this site is for our kitties but I wanted my friends to know and to pray for our hearts to heal.   Thank you. Sheila  
PS, can you add her to the CLS ?

Re: OT: Need help with rescued dog; to Nina or anyone else with experience re...

2006-10-29 Thread Sheila208

  Wendy, God bless you and your husband. I want to cry every time I hear of someone taking pity on these poor babies.
  I was taking my husband to the hospital last week on the Interstate and about mid way of a 20 mile desolate stretch we saw something in the medium ( we thought was a tire recap) as we were passing We saw it was a black dog that someone had dumped .There were no houses or stores within miles. I took my husband to the VA hospital for an appointment we couldn't reschedule - took at least an hour - before we could get back to the place where we saw the dog. He was not there we looked for him both sides of the Interstate for 2 hrs. I just pray that some kind hearted person saw him and stopped in time to save him. I have not had a day go by that I don't regret not stopping and getting that baby when we first saw him. His little face still haunts me.
 So thank you for doing what I wish I had done. By the way I had a pit bull 12 years I raised from a baby . He was the sweetest loving dog I have ever owned. Never bit anyone and never seemed to have a bad day. He died of heart disease in my husbands arms. I hope you will all be happy together.    Gratefully, Sheila

Re: ot: We Are Seven

2006-10-28 Thread Sheila208

I love that peom.It touches something in all who has lost a loved one.   Sheila

Re: Losing Dukee...... :(

2006-10-27 Thread Sheila208

I'm so sorry Terrie ,I know your heart is breaking. I am crying with you. I pray that you will find comfort.  Sheila

Re: more on Lucy

2006-10-25 Thread Sheila208

Michelle what is cat fence?   Sheila

Re: Some good news since Luna

2006-10-21 Thread Sheila208

Kris , It says a lot about you as a teacher and a person that your students care enough to do this for you. God bless them and you.   Sheila

Re: problems with list?

2006-10-19 Thread Sheila208

Me too.

Re: My Little Luna

2006-10-15 Thread Sheila208

I am so sorry for your loss. Luna is happy now at the bridge. I'll pray that you find comfort till you can be together again.    Sheila

Re: Please add Spencer to the CLS -- Nina

2006-10-12 Thread Sheila208

My heart breaks for you. We all have gone through losing that very special one, but you still have those beautiful memories. Thank you so much for sharing Spencer with us.  Sheila


2006-10-12 Thread Sheila208

Spencer is a very special boy and I know he will come back to you after a time of rest. I'll be praying for you. Sheila

Hideyo and Sherry

2006-10-12 Thread Sheila208

I am so sorry your babies had to leave you. You'll both be in my prayers. Sheila

Re: OT: Crackers wins the Oct 2006 Cute Kitty Contest!

2006-10-02 Thread Sheila208

Congratulations Crackers ! You really are a cutie. Sheila

Re: Prayers for my Dharma -- Please!!!

2006-09-28 Thread Sheila208

I'll be praying for Dharma and for you to stay strong.   Sheila


2006-09-28 Thread Sheila208

Thanks everyone for the kind wishes and prayers to light Petes way to the bridge.  I am still in shock over losing him. He has always been my strong sturdy boy and it seems as if he became weak over night and in a few days he was gone. His best friend Charlie Brown is grieving so and his brother Dooley is not acting like himself. I'm so afraid of losing another so soon. To top it all the little sick Kitty that was abandoned has disappeared and I fear the worst for him. I tried to trap him but he was to smart or to sick for the food bait.
 Pete was diagnosed with felv when he was 5 years. He probably was positive before but was never checked. He was so sweet and healthy until the last days. I'll miss him very much.
 Sheila in SC

Pete To Bridge

2006-09-27 Thread Sheila208

Please add my sweetboy Pete to CLS. He left me last night at 10 pm .He was 15 years old  Felv+.   Sheila

Sick kitty

2006-09-24 Thread Sheila208

My neighbors have moved away leaving behind an orange tabby .He is 15 years old .I want to take him in but he is very sick .He has a brown discharge  from his eyes and mouth, It's so bad that the fur on his chest and legs are brown. I have never seen any thing like it .I don't know if he will let me catch him and I can't bring him in contact with my cats until I can get him to a doctor. Please someone tell me what it might be. It's killing me seeing him like this .I know he must be suffering.  Sheila

Fwd: FW: Pet Rules

2006-09-19 Thread Sheila208

--- Begin Message ---

A bit bastardized but meant to lighten spirits. Warm wishes to all
of the wonderful Guardians out there.



To be posted VERY LOW on the refrigerator door - nose height.

Dear Dogs and Cats,

The dishes with the paw prints are yours and contain your
food. The other
dishes are mine and contain my food. Please note, placing a
paw print in the 
middle of my plate of food does not stake a claim for it
becoming your food and
dish, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the

The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a
Beating me to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me
doesn't help because
I fall faster than you can run.

I cannot buy anything bigger than a king sized bed. I am very
sorry about
this. Do not think I will continue sleeping on the couch to
ensure your
comfort. Dogs and cats can actually curl up in a ball when
they sleep. It is
necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other stretched out
to the fullest
extent possible. I also know that sticking tails straight out
and having
hanging out the other end to maximize space is nothing but

For the last time, there is not a secret exit from the
bathroom. If by some
miracle I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it
is not necessary
to claw, whine, meow, try to turn the knob or get your paw
under the edge
and try to pull the door open. I must exit through the same
door I entered.
Also, I have been using the bathroom for years --canine or
feline attendance is
not mandatory.

The proper order is kiss me, then go smell the other dog or
cat's butt. I
cannot stress this enough!

To pacify you, my dear pets, I have posted the following
message on our
front do or:

To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit & Like to Complain About
Our Pets

1. They live here. You don't.
2. If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the
    (That's why they call it "fur"niture.)
3. I like my pets a lot better than I like most
4. To you, it's an animal. To me, he/she is an adopted
son/daughter who is
   short, hairy, walks on all fours and doesn't speak clearly.

Remember: dogs and cats are better than kids because they:

1. Eat less
2. Don't ask for money all the time 
3 Are easier to train
4. Usually come when called
5. Never drive your car
6. Don't hang out with drug-using friends
7. Don't smoke or drink
8. Don't worry about having to buy the latest fashions
9. Don't wear your clothes
10. Don't need a gazillion dollars for college, and


LOVE US UNCONDITIONALLY!  (Can we offer any less?)


How to make Kitty Cakes

__ __

Take one kitty, roll and play until lightly pampered, then
add the following

1 cup patience 1 cup understanding 1 pinch
correction 1 cup hard
2 cups praise and 1 1/2 cups fun... Blend well.

Heat with the warmth of your heart until raised or until
kitty has doubled
in size.
Mix with owner until consistency is such that guardian and
kitty are one.  


--- End Message ---

Re: $$$ or Kitty Talk

2006-09-18 Thread Sheila208

Max is Marvelous. That was so funny and I really needed a good laugh.


2006-09-08 Thread Sheila208

Can anyone tell me how Patty is doing? I pray that she is on the road to recovery. 

Re: Pics of my boys

2006-09-01 Thread Sheila208

Precious Babies

Re: OT: Need feedback please (soapbox)

2006-08-31 Thread Sheila208

Phaewryn, I agree with you completely. I really liked Belinda's first draft. I think the shock is just what people need to open there eyes and see the horrible cruelty that there careless indifference causes for these poor babies. Why sugar coat it .We all want to turn our heads when faced with bad things but if we do nothing will change.
Sheila in SC

Re: Bella

2006-07-25 Thread Sheila208

So sorry about little Bella. I have a Bella and she is the sweetest baby ever. We will pray that she makes it quickly to the bridge. 

Re: prayers for Lamby please

2006-07-25 Thread Sheila208

I will pray for Lamby too. How wonderful it must be to have a Lamb.

Re: need prayers for my little Naomi

2006-07-25 Thread Sheila208

I will pray for sweet Naomi.

Re: Apologies

2006-07-25 Thread Sheila208

Dear Patty ,I also have had a few medical problems lately though nothing like you have had , so I know something about what you are going through and my heart goes out to you. Please stay strong and focus on just getting better. We would miss you so much if something happened to you. Stay on your antidepressants meds eat even if you don't want to,and rest. We will be here for you anytime you need to talk. Never apologize for needing your friends .
I will pray for you everyday.    
Love, Sheila in SC.

Re: I'm New....kitten tested positive for FELV

2006-07-19 Thread Sheila208

I have been on this list for a few years and I can tell you that you have come to the right place for expert answers about felv. Young kitten can throw off the virus and test negative. If she is healthy now I wouldn't even consider euthanasia. Many of us here have Cats who live long and healthy lives. I have had several who have lived to there teens and some who die young ,but it is always worth it to give them a chance. I don't separate my positives from negatives,but some of us do . I'm not as knowledgeable as some of our members all I can tell you is to love her and feed her good quality food keep her away from other sick kitties. You'll soon be hearing from others about supplements that will keep her immune system strong. Listen to what they have to say .There are many here who I trust more than my vet,because I have had vets tell me to put to sleep several cats before that have gone on to live long happy lives. My Charlie Brown is 14 years old felv positive and healthy as can be. My vet wanted to put him to sleep years go and I said no and I am so glad I did. Welcome to the group.  
Sheila in SC

Re: Testing saliva for FeLV (was 'interesting')

2006-06-21 Thread Sheila208

Belinda,I agree with you completely .I'm a believer too.

Re: OT: My Sign from Bailey

2006-05-12 Thread Sheila208

In a message dated 5/12/2006 10:31:34 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Bailey was (is) beautiful. What a wonderful sign.

Re: Way Off Subject of Cats....sorry!

2006-05-10 Thread Sheila208

Belinda is right.My husband spent 23 years in the Army and he tells me that the thing to do is contact his Commanding Officer and explain everything to him. She can get legal representation from the military and believe me they want go easy on him. He may certainly be having emotional issues from his time in Iraq . My husband did three years in Vietnam and he still has problems dealing with reality.  Sheila

Re: Bailey has gone home

2006-05-06 Thread Sheila208

I'm so sorry .All the babies are special and we cry for them all when they have to leave us ,but Bailey touched a place in my heart I feel like I have lost one of my own. You'll be in my prayers.  

Re: I'm back for a while again

2006-04-15 Thread Sheila208

Hi Jenn, so glad you are back. I hope you and babies are well. We really missed you and all your good advice.  Sheila

Re: OT: New journey-laying tile!!!

2006-04-03 Thread Sheila208
Tonya I'd love to see the pictures. I'm thinking about doing my whole house. I like diy projects so I think I will try the tiling my self. I will start with a small bathroom first to get the hang of it. 



2006-04-03 Thread Sheila208
 I have a cat named Meow and one named Him. My vet thinks I have run out of names. The truth is I let them pick there own names. I tested everything I could come up with and these are the ones the would answer to. I all so have a Miss Kitty (very girlie) and a Doc (grumpy little boy) who thinks he must take care of everyone.

Re: Pics of my Fiv boys Rafferty and CousCous

2006-03-29 Thread Sheila208
Just Beautiful all Maizee Grace, Rafferty & Couscous.

Re: OT: help-removing carpet due to kitty urine

2006-03-28 Thread Sheila208
 I have asked the people at lowes about hard would. They said that real wood would buckle if you get it wet. If you find out anything different please let me know. I would love to have wood floors, but I would think that the kitties might use them for scratching and I have to mop with soap and bleach everyday. Sheila

Re: OT: help-removing carpet due to kitty urine

2006-03-28 Thread Sheila208
Wendy, I replaced the carpet in my hallway and living room two years ago with very expensive wood laminate and I have been miserable ever since. It looks great when you first put it down, but you can't let the kitties pee on it or mop it with soap and water. If the kitties do have an accident you have to get it up (immediately) with a damp mop. If they make a mess during the night or when you are away from home and can't get to it right away you are gonna have big problems. I had to mop mine with soap and bleach to feel like it was clean and sanitary and now I have a big mess the seams have buckled and the laminate is peeling a part. I hate to admit it but your hubby is right. I have done a lot of research and it looks like tile is the best solution for us pet lovers.  Sheila

Re: to everyone

2006-03-14 Thread Sheila208
So glad you're doing OK. We missed you. I thought you might be taking a much needed break. Take care of yourself.  Sheila

Re: Angel Stinky

2006-03-14 Thread Sheila208
I'm so sorry about Stinky. We all have our regrets, but you did what you thought was right. I'm sure Stinky understands and loves you for trying.   Sheila

Re: To Michelle, Sheila, Kerry, Susan, Becca, Marissa & Dawn

2006-03-10 Thread Sheila208
Thank you Wendy. I still dream about Rudy a lot. I think she is trying to tell me that she will be back. I just don't feel that she has gone forever. I'm keeping my eyes and my heart open. You are very nice for remembering us. Take care of yourself and your babies.  


Re: Angel Buster

2006-03-07 Thread Sheila208
I'm so sorry about sweet Buster. We all know this grief. You will be in my prayers and someday you will see Buster again.   Sheila

Re: I lost my Jake

2006-03-04 Thread Sheila208
Marissa,I am sitting here crying like a baby after seeing Jake Ryan's beautiful pictures. He looks so much like My Rudy except she had a white nose. I know the pain you are going through 5 months is just not enough time. I wish you could have had 13 years like I did with my Rudy. You will be in my prayers.   Sheila

Re: CLS kids for Belinda

2006-03-04 Thread Sheila208
 Rudy  2003 -  February 15 , 2006

Thanks Belinda for doing this it means so much to have our babies remembered in a special way. I hope everything is good for you and your babies now.   


Re: Ginger is gone

2006-02-22 Thread Sheila208
Michelle I am crying with you as I read. I am so sorry for your loss. I do know just how you feel. Your Ginger sounds so much like my Rudy and like you I was so busy taking care of other little ones with UTI's and bad teeth. I just didn't see the signs and I feel so guilty about that, but Rudy was always so happy I just never expected her to leave me. I will pray that You and Gray will find peace knowing that she is happy and healthy and you will see her again. For now I bet she is having a ball playing with Simon at the bridge. 

Re: And now the good news

2006-02-20 Thread Sheila208
I'm so happy for you and Marie. I bet Buffy is too. 

Re: For Sheila

2006-02-20 Thread Sheila208
Thank you Wendy, Rudy was one of the great blessings in my life. I miss her so much. I don't think her spirit has left yet. I keep catching glimpses of her out of the corners of my eyes and tonight after I fed my other babies I felt her brush against my leg. She would never eat with the other kitties. I would take her in my bathroom and sit with her while she dined and groomed herself. So tonight I sat in the bathroom and talked to her. I told her I would be okay and I wanted her to be happy. I think she needs to know I'll be all right and I will in time.   Sheila

Re: CLS for Buffy

2006-02-20 Thread Sheila208
Tad and Marie, I'm so sorry for all the lost you have suffered. You're very special people to take all these sweet babies and give them so much love. You have given them a family and a home for there short time on earth and I'm sure you will be with them again someday. Sheila

Re: Please pray for Ginger!

2006-02-19 Thread Sheila208
    You and Ginger will be in my prayers. I know how hard the waiting is, but hopefully she will be feeling better tomorrow.  Sheila

Missing Rudy

2006-02-16 Thread Sheila208
Thank you all for the kind words of condolence. This group means so much to me. You're always here when I need to talk about my babies. I'm mostly a lurker but I assure you I say a prayer for all the babies who are fighting this terrible disease and for everyone who loses a baby. I've been lucky to have several felv furbabies to live into there teens with this sickness. I have also lost some who were only a few weeks to months old. They all break your heart. Thank you again. Sheila

Rudy - Gone

2006-02-15 Thread Sheila208
  My baby Rudy passed today at 4: PM. My husband and I stayed with her all day she slept between us, so I know she was where she wanted to be. She passed so peacefully looking in my eyes. I have lost a lot of kitties in my life but never one to go so quickly and easily. A few short breaths, no cries and she was gone. 
  Rudy came into my home 13 years ago and she has been the boss ever since. I was at my front door one cold night calling my other kitties home and this pretty little girl that I had never seen before ran in my door straight to my wash room jumped on my hot water heater and stayed there for 3 days. I loved her from the first minute I saw her. I knew she was special and meant just for me. No sharing this one with my hubby. My other kitties were jealous but soon learned she was here to stay.
   Rudy was what I called my bold protector. She was not afraid of any cat or dog. If she heard me scolding another cat she would run in and slap the kitty. My 3 large dogs were also afraid of her. If one would come running at me to fast she would jump in front of me to protect me and quickly turn them around. She could be in another room and if I stubbed my toe and cried out she would come flying in to see if someone was messing with her Mama. 
   She was diagnosed with felv when she was spayed. I guess she was less than one year old. She was always healthy except she lost all her teeth but one early on so her tongue was always falling out her mouth. She was hard to please with food would only eat fancy feast and not much of that. Would beg for milk and throw it right up if I gave in and gave it to her.
    I still have know good answers as to why kidney failure. The Vet says it happens in older cats. She was not anemic, but she was running a low temp. I saw know signs of sickness till Sunday morning when she started to stumble when she stood up.
  Sorry to go on so long but I needed to say how much I'll miss her sleeping in my arms, loving me completely and unselfishly. Sheila

Rudy - Angry

2006-02-14 Thread Sheila208
I'm so angry with my vet. I took Rudy to another vet today because I thought it just did not feel right. My regular vet didn't do blood work. He knows she has felv so I thought that would be the first thing he would do. The second vet says her Kidneys have stopped functioning she has a low body temp and that the first doc didn't even clean her ears like he said he did.  She was given fluids and more medicine, but the out look is not good. I will syringe feed her and take her back to the new vet in two days. I pray that it will turn around and maybe be just a kidney infection. Rudy is 13 years old and has always been a finicky eater. The doc says the staggering is weakness from not eating or drinking. Please keep us in your prayers.  Sheila                       


2006-02-14 Thread Sheila208
Please pray for my Rudy. She is felv+ but has always been healthy till Sunday morning she woke up and started to her water bowl I noticed she was staggering. I took her to the vet and he put her on baytril . He thinks she has an inner ear infection. She is getting worse she want eat or drink. She cries for me to hold her. I'm so afraid of losing her. I have lost many others that I loved, but Rudy is my soul mate. She is not responding to the antibiotics. I don't know what to do for her.   Sheila

Re: Tonya- depression-bridge list addition

2005-12-15 Thread Sheila208
Tonya,I feel exactly the same way. Ever since seeing Larry King my depression has been overwhelming. Maybe I have been wearing blinders but I knew absolutely nothing about this situation and I wish I still knew nothing about it. I know that makes me a coward but I can't help it. I can't even watch the animal shows where the lions run the poor helpless prey down and kill them for food. I can't get the look of fear on the poor babies faces out of my mind. The cruelty in this world is unbelievable. I still can't sleep for the depression. If I could wake up and it would be spring, maybe that would help. All I can do now is write letters, sign petitions and try to get my friends to do the same.  Sheila in SC trying to cope. God bless you for your kindness.

Re: "Fake Fur" from garments made in China

2005-12-13 Thread Sheila208
  I just left Walmart and they have all these fur pillows there that are made in China. They look and feel like real cat fur. Is this possible could Walmart be caring articles made from cat and dog fur? I saw the Larry King show about this terrible problem and I haven't been able to sleep since. What can we do to help these poor babies?  

Sheila in SC

Wendy and Tad

2005-11-10 Thread Sheila208
I'm so sorry you had to lose your babies. You will be in my prayers.

Sheila in SC

Re: Need all your prayers - please!!

2005-11-07 Thread Sheila208
Hideyo,you will be in my prayers every night. I don't know what I would do if someone tried to take my fur balls. I do believe it would kill me. I  hate to think of the anguish you must be going through. We all will keep positive thoughts and with Gods help everything will turn out fine.  

Sheila in SC

Re: My Beautiful Mandy

2005-10-27 Thread Sheila208
Dear Julie, I am so sorry for your loss. We all know the pain you are experiencing right now, it seems as if your heart truly has broken. I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better, but only time will do that. I lost my little Mandy last December to felv and some days it seems as if it was only yesterday. You'll be in my prayers. 
Sheila in SC

Re: [FeLVPositiveCats] questions

2005-10-07 Thread Sheila208
I don't know if anyone has told you yet, but there is another list that is a lot busier than this you might want to join. www.felineleukemia.org

Re: playing at the bridge

2005-09-24 Thread Sheila208
Oh my not another baby. I'm so sorry, it sounds like he was just not ready for this world. So much sorrow. You are a wonderful person for loving these sweet babies while they are here. Sheila

Re: Paulie is gone

2005-09-24 Thread Sheila208
Julie, dear Paulie is happy and healthy now at the bridge and I hope he is with Gracie. Bless you. Sheila

Re: Gracie is at peace now

2005-09-24 Thread Sheila208
Thank You Nina, for sharing that with us. Gracie has touched my heart as if she was mine. I cry with you. Sheila

Re: Question about Euthanasia and my Grace

2005-09-22 Thread Sheila208
Nina, my heart breaks for you. I have been through the same situation recently with my Bubba and I know watching them leave is harder than actually losing them. I felt so guilty when he died for having feelings of relief when it was over. Seeing our babies suffer from this terrible disease is horrendous. I truly felt Bubba wanted to leave own his own so I did what I could to make him comfortable and waited. I think if he is as stubborn as Bubba he will want to do it in his own time. My prayers are with you.  Sheila

Re: Another one - Bridge

2005-09-08 Thread Sheila208
Terri, I'm sorry you are going through so much loss. I have lost three in six months and I know it must be horrible to lose three so close together. I hope Marietta will be the last for a long time.  Sheila

Re: Geroge's passing

2005-09-08 Thread Sheila208
George is a very lucky boy to have you as Mom. I know it hurts now, but soon it will be better. You gave him just what he needed LOVE . So have no regrets. I'm so he doesn't.


Re: Sad News

2005-09-06 Thread Sheila208
Oh Julie what a terrible time you are having. How do you cope with so many heartaches at one time? I know that what ever you decide to do, it will be the best for Mandy,Paulie and Cosmo. God bless you.  Sheila

To the Group

2005-09-06 Thread Sheila208
  I Want to agree with everyone that Belinda is an Angel. So is James and everyone who works so hard that we can have a place to come together to help our special babies. I also want to thank everybody for there condolences concerning Bubba.It means so much that you care. Tad and Marie, I'm so sorry for your loss. You are a tower of strength to keep going through these losses and still be able to open your heart to other Felv and special needs kitties. I don't know if I have that strength. With each loss I feel like giving up.
  I have been having trouble with mail so if I have missed so one please forgive me and know that I pray for our group and there families everyday.  Sheila

Re: Recent Losses

2005-09-06 Thread Sheila208
Cherie , I'm not getting all my mail either and I get multiple copies of some. Sheila


2005-09-05 Thread Sheila208
Please add my Bubba to the CLS .He passed Friday. He was sixteen years old and Felv +.

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