[Frameworks] Patrice Kirchhofer

2019-08-22 Thread Pip Chodorov
Very sad to relate the death of French experimental filmmaker Patrice 

I guess his films are not well known outside France but his work is strong and 
beautiful and he was a very important presence in the scene here.

Here is a link to a portrait of him on Arte from 2006:
FrameWorks mailing list

[Frameworks] Remembering Cecile Starr

2018-12-09 Thread Pip Chodorov

Cecile Starr died four years ago today.
I've been thinking about her today and just wanted to re-honor her legacy here.
As a  distributor, programmer, writer, teacher and tireless advocate 
for films that she felt mattered, activities that still need doing, 
her enerrgy and wisdom will always be missed.

- Pip Chodorov
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Contact for Josef Dabernig?

2018-11-05 Thread Pip Chodorov
This address is from ten years ago but you can try it:   Dabernig 

- Pip Chodorov

Hello Frameworkers,

Wondering if anyone might have a good contact for the Austrian 
artist-filmmaker Josef Dabernig. I've tried contacting him through 
his website, to no avail.


G. D. Cohen, Ph.D.



FrameWorks mailing list
FrameWorks mailing list

[Frameworks] Annette Michelson obituary

2018-09-18 Thread Pip Chodorov

Here is a good article on Anne Michelson who passed away.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Help: 16mm looper to rent - East Coast Options!

2018-07-19 Thread Pip Chodorov
We rent loopers at Re:Voir/The Film Gallery in Paris for 40 euros a 
week, can ship anywhere.
They are sturdy and hold up to 10 minutes of film and fit on any Eiki 
projector and can be adapted for others. We also have some RFS 
loopers that hold 40 or 60 minutes.


At 10:36 -0400 19/07/18, Margaret Rorison wrote:

Dear Friends,

A student of mine is looking to show a 16mm film in a Juried show at 
her school in Baltimore, MD.

Can you recommend any professional places that would rent a looper 
for a reasonable price.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Fwd: [Labos] Newly Available: Eastman 7363 Single Perf Super 16

2018-07-19 Thread Pip Chodorov

As of last week they still had plenty.

At 17:24 -0700 19/07/18, Nicole Baker wrote:

Is there any of this left?

FrameWorks mailing list

[Frameworks] Maurice Lemaitre

2018-07-04 Thread Pip Chodorov
Sorry to report here that the French Letterist filmmaker Maurice 
Lemaitre has died.

The funeral will be held in Paris on Monday.
FrameWorks mailing list

[Frameworks] Gaspar Noe on "2001"

2018-06-27 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi all,
Some of you may be interested to read my short interview with Gaspar 
Noe talking about Kubrick's 2001.
This was done as part of a book project celebrating 2001 to be 
released in 2019, edited by Jeremi Szaniawski.

- Pip Chodorov

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] please unsubscribe me

2018-06-06 Thread Pip Chodorov
Subscription and unsubscription commands can be 
found in the headers of all frameworks posts.
Unfotunately, some newer email software does not 
automatically show the headers.

I am copying them below as a reminder.
To unsubscribe, just follow the link!
Thanks for reading,
Pip Chodorov, FrameWorks

List-Unsubscribe: <https://mailman-mail5.webfaction.com/options/frameworks>,
List-Archive: <http://mailman-mail5.webfaction.com/pipermail/frameworks/>
List-Post: <mailto:frameworks@jonasmekasfilms.com>
List-Help: <mailto:frameworks-requ...@jonasmekasfilms.com?subject=help>
List-Subscribe: <https://mailman-mail5.webfaction.com/listinfo/frameworks>,

At 13:13 -0400 6/06/18, Gisèle Gordon wrote:

Thank you for this list, but would like to take myself off now,


FrameWorks mailing list

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Anger films

2018-04-12 Thread Pip Chodorov

At Re:Voir we have Elliott¹s Suicide and Foreplay on DVD.
For the others you can ask Brian Butler. Do you need his address?
-Pip Chodorov

At 14:30 + 12/04/18, Hawkins, Joan C. wrote:

HI Frameworkers‹ I¹m trying to track down some Kenneth Anger films‹
does anyone know if they¹re being distributed‹ 
or do I need to contact Mr. Anger directly?

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Experimental filmmaking contacts in Tokyo/Kyoto

2018-02-21 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi Robert,
There are many filmmakers and quite a few venues.
I will connect you off list.
Best wishes, Pip

At 16:48 -0500 21/02/18, Robert Withers wrote:

Hi folks,
I¹ll be traveling to Tokyo and Kyoto in April 
and would love any suggestions for:

1. Interesting experimental film/video venues to visit
2. Sympatico film/video makers to meet and have a sake or a kofi with . . .

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Jonas Mekas contacts

2018-02-18 Thread Pip Chodorov


At 17:45 +0100 18/02/18, franco base wrote:
Does anyone have contacts for Jonas Mekas? He will come to Italy at 
the begin of March and I'd write him.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Sources for digital "prints" of avant garde classics

2018-02-15 Thread Pip Chodorov

Dear Elena,

Many filmmakers don't want their films shown digitally. A good 
example is Stan Brakhage. It really denatures the intended image. 
Other filmmakers are more tolerant, such as Jonas Mekas. It is a big 

At Re:Voir in Paris we have digital files for our VOD platform and 
DVD/Blu-Ray publishing but these are meant only for home video, and 
though we do get requests for screenings we always encourage 
programmers to screen film prints from the coops. A 16mm projector is 
really quite affordable. But if the programmers insist and if the 
filmmakers agree, we can rent files.

In any case it is important to write in your screening programs and 
to tell the audience that you are showing electronic reproductions. 
Just as if you go to a museum you expect to see original paintings, 
not photocopies, so reproductions would be indicated on the title 
card. It is important to educate your audience and show them films on 

Pip Chodorov

At 12:28 +0100 15/02/18, Elena Duque wrote:
I am trying to put together a couple of programs as a sort of 
introduction to experimental cinema for the audience of a small 
festival in a small town. They don't have the possibility to project 
in 16mm or 35mm (not this year at least), so I need to find digital 
files available to rent and screen. I have been browsing through the 
catalogues of all the cooperatives and distributors I could think 
of, but I am still missing some things I consider important. For 
instance, Stan Brakhage and Marie Menken. Do you know of any source, 
cooperative, distributor or individual, where I can find digital 
"prints" to rent?

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Fiction feature length films about Avant-Garde cinema

2018-02-14 Thread Pip Chodorov

No that was Lost Highway

At 22:36 +0100 14/02/18, David Kidman wrote:

Isn¹t Mulholland Drive a remake of Meshes of the Afternoon?

FrameWorks mailing list

[Frameworks] crystal sync super-8

2018-02-11 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi Jean-Louis,

In December I saw offered on eBay a Nizo that had been modified for 
crystal sync a few years ago by TFG in Easthampton, CT, and I asked 
our resident technical expert in Paris, Christophe Goulard, if I 
should buy it. That modification requires a large box to be plugged 
into the side of the canera when you want it to run exactly at 24. 
Christophe has been fixing and modifying Nizos for years, such as 
adding a button to adjust the ASA for the new film stocks, or 
bypassing the need for the small round batteries for the light meter 
by wiring them to the AA pack. He is also modifying Bolex cameras, 
adding through the lens light meters, or motors; he is planning a way 
to replace the xenon bulbs in Eiki projectors with cool bright 
LEDs... He thought about the crystal sync problem and said, "don't 
buy it - it would be very easy to make that circuit myself."

The actual crystal component is tiny and he has designed a circuit 
that can be printed on a small board less than an inch long that can 
sit inside the camera. The circuit will only work when the camera is 
set to 24FPS. He just has to cut the wire leading out of the speed 
dial at the 24fps position and solder in his circuit. It will be 
powered from the 9V battery pack with a transformer because it only 
needs 3V. It will check the speed two dozen times per frame, rather 
than once a frame as in the TFG modification. It will run at 24 point 
zero zero zero frames per second.

He will offer this modification to your Nizo for 160 euros (unless 
your camera also needs some other revisions).

We hope to offer some crystal sync cameras on our webshop soon. 
Christophe has been busy so we're down now to one S800 for sale but 
he has a series of Nizos that will be ready soon, and then he will 
start on the sync project, using an 801 macro.

Keep in touch if you are interested,

At 8:03 -0500 11/02/18, Jean-Louis Seguin wrote:
Could you please tell me more about your technician and the crystal 
sync circuit that he has devised.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] film scanner

2018-02-11 Thread Pip Chodorov
I got a Wolverine for my filmmaking class in Korea where we shoot and 
hand-develop our films. There is one guy making telecines in Seoul by 
pointing an HD camera into the gate of a projector, but he would give 
us interlaced AVI files. The Wolverine is better. However, the video 
quality is not great, SD with lots of artefacts and macroblocks. The 
bright parts of the image turn yellow. And it only makes 30 fps 
files, so I downloaded a free app called Lossless Frame Rate 
Converter to change them to 24 or 18. I wonder what is the next best 
machine that makes higher quality at not more than twice the price?

But I am excited about using the Wolverine in our class with a 
modified Nizo camera that will shoot exactly 24 frames per second for 
sound sync. Our technician in Paris has made a tiny crystal sync 
circuit that will fit in the camera behind the speed dial that will 
keep the speed accurate to three decimal points.  Then the students 
can shoot super-8 and record digital sound and make super-8 sound 

Pip Chodorov

At 20:16 -0600 10/02/18, Dan Anderson wrote:
This is an old threat, but wanted to mention that in the past year 
or so I've actually used the Wolverine film scanner quite a bit.. So 
felt bad for panning it so bad a year ago.. It's not perfect, but 
cheap and probably better results than the old "off the wall" 

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] EIKI projectors in Bogotà

2018-01-29 Thread Pip Chodorov

You can ask Enrico Mandirola of Kinolab in Bogota.
Good luck!
-Pip Chodorov

At 9:43 +0100 29/01/18, Els van Riel wrote:

Dear Frameworkers,

Has anybody any lead to a place in 
Bogotà/Colombia that rents out EIKI 

Only for one month, March 2018.

Thank you.

All best from Brussels
Els van Riel

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Customs duty for travelling with Bolex camera

2018-01-08 Thread Pip Chodorov

Dear Alisa,
I flew to Tokyo with my Bolex in hand luggage and nobody asked me any 
If there is a problem just explain it's yours and not for sale, and 
at most they would write in your passport to be sure you leave with 

Pip Chodorov

At 0:35 +0900 9/01/18, Alisa Berger wrote:

Hello dear frameworks list,

I am travelling from Germany to Japan with a Bolex and did not have 
the time to make a "Carnet" for the camera. Most of the other 
equipment is in the carnet.
Do you have any experience with the custom house? Was there any 
problems? Did you have to pay a fee? Did they let you travel?

What would you recommend me?
Thankyou in advance for any advice.



FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 16mm questions

2017-12-19 Thread Pip Chodorov

Dear Gyula Nemes,

Never put film in your checked luggage because the Xray machines are 
much stronger for the hold.
You can see those effects in the film Degradation 1 by James 
Schneider (there are stills on his website: 
http://blog.jamesjune.info/films.html). He put his film successively 
through more and more airports.

Hand luggage scanners are not as strong, but the effect is 
cumulative. When I flew from Paris to interview Brakhage in Victoria, 
I changed planes in New York and Vancouver, going through 
hand-luggage xray six times, and there are visible white dot patterns 
in the dark areas of the image. (Maybe the scanners were stronger in 
2003 just after 9/11, or perhaps it's a bit easier to ask for a hand 
check now.)

Using lead bags doesn't help much because when they can't see what's 
inside, they turn up the xray power to get an image.

The workaround we developed at L'Abominable are stickers for your 
film cans that look just like Kodak labels, but show the film to be 
3200ASA. The airport workers know that their scanners will damage 
such sensitive film so they automatically opt for a hand swipe or 
check. You can bring a changing bag with you so that they can open 
the can in the darkness. Try the sticker attached here: 

-Pip Chodorov

Description: Adobe PDF document
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Painting directly to film

2017-12-03 Thread Pip Chodorov
The earliest examples of hand painting 
abstractions on flim were by the futurists Ginna 
and Corra, but those films are lost. Only 
descriptions survive (that they wrote themselves)

At 13:01 +0100 3/12/17, Ingo Petzke wrote:


No direct painting on the film strip by FischingerŠ

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Painting directly to film

2017-12-03 Thread Pip Chodorov
As far as I know, Fischinger never painted on flim, he only filmed 
artwork, or he painted on glass under a camera and clicked frames as 
he painted.


At 13:00 +0100 3/12/17, Ingo Petzke wrote:

What about some Oscar Fischinger?

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Asking for a friend

2017-11-23 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi all,

Of course anything can happen in any domain, whether in a university 
or in a community film lab. No community is immune from people who 
use their position of authority inappropriately. I'm sure Fred is 
right about filmmakers exhibiting inappropriate behavior, and I'm 
sure filmmakers have had disturbing experiences with their subjects 
as Amanda relates. But Chuck's question compares our "industry" with 
entertainmeint, politics and academia, and I think there is a 

Of course when the subject matter of our films brings us into 
dangerous situations or into contact with people who cause 
harassment, yes and I guess that can be an even greater danger in 
documentary filmmaking, especially social documentary. I really 
wasn't thinking about the act of filming a subject, or in the 
relation of power or authority between filmer and filmee, but in the 
"business" side of experimental film. There are no "casting couches."

When I reflect on the panorama of experimental filmmaking there are 
fewer films about human subjects than in narrative or documentary 
filmmaking. So many films are about mountains or emulsion scratches 
or found images or old friends, and many of us work totally alone 
with printing machines or in a darkroom.

On the other hand many films do cross the line into sexual politics 
or sexuality in general, like Flaming Creatures. Not only the 
vulnerability of the filming situation but the potential of 
distribution and exhibition is affected by the subject matter. (In 
some cases film labs even refused to print explicit images).

I didn't mean to disrespect anybody in our community who has had bad 
experiences with bad actors, but to posit that in the narrow scope of 
avant-garde film, one's career as a filmmaker is less likely to be in 
jeapordy due to inappropriate sexual behavior, though other abuses of 
power are much more common.

Interesting debate, but I doubt it's made more interesting now 
because of the proliferation of news stories. It should have always 
been acceptable and rewarding to call out wrongdoing when it happened.

- Pip
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Asking for a friend

2017-11-23 Thread Pip Chodorov

Asking for a friend?  Hilarious subject line.

I think experiemental film's freedom comes from its marginality.
In this business there is no money or power because these films are 
outside the film industry and outside the art market. There is only 
passion, sharing, and working in cooperative communities.

That is not to say that there is no competition or territoriality 
between people or groups, we feel that maybe even stronger than in 
the film industry or the art market. But there is certainly no sense 
of entitlement over others due to one's position. There are no 
bosses, no job interviews, no big opportunities, no moguls... Also 
the nature of these film works are self-expression and thrashing out 
issues of difference and marginality and self-identity so it is a 
very welcoming community in those terms.

Of course there are other kinds of negative energies that can crop up 
in our communitiy besides sexual haassment, other, more 
"experimental" harassments that could be interseting to discuss...

- Pip Chodorov

At 21:06 + 23/11/17, Chuck Kleinhans wrote:
Given the proliferation of items in the news about sexual harassment 
in the film industry, and entertainment, and politics and academe, 
etc. why is this listserv so quiet on these issues?  Nothing to 

Chuck Kleinhans
FrameWorks mailing list

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Jazz Music and Avant-Garde Film

2017-11-10 Thread Pip Chodorov


As a "DVD executive" I can tell you that we 
simply sign contracts with filmmakers in which 
they indemnify us against any copyright claims.

In some cases we have signed contracts for found 
footage films in which we invented the clause 
below (our contract with Martin Arnold is a good 
example). We have never had a problem.

Re:Voir Video understands that the Films are made 
from uncleared, recuperated material, images and 
sounds from previously released feature films. 
Due to the nature of this work, neither Licensor 
nor Re:Voir Video can guarantee that their 
distribution in the form of Home Video Products 
will not incur claims, liens or encumbrances and 
both parties agree to share costs to defend this 
form of work as creative, new and original fair 
use of cultural media fabric.


At 8:52 + 10/11/17, Chuck Kleinhans wrote:

Not to question the  expertise of fellow 
frameworkers about film, but I think we need to 
hear  from intellectual property lawyers and DVD 
executives on this matter.

As I understand it, music rights for films are 
handled by a few Hollywood outfits.  All  about 
rights by artisans and indies are automatically 
refused by the copyright owners (or some absurd 
fee is given suitable for commercial cinema and 

So you have to work through the spendy lawyers 
at these intellectual property shops.  Can a 
starving artist get a break?  probably a matter 
of luck or accident or pityŠ.but I really don't 

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] sprockets

2017-10-26 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hans Richter used the white square in Rythmus 21  (1921-1924).

And Len Lye used sprocket actual holes in Trade Tattoo  (1936). At 
the end of Trade Tattoo a white envelope recedes into the distance 
just like in Rhythmus 21 making reference both to Richter's film and 
to the sprocket holes.

- Pip Chodorov

At 11:31 +0100 26/10/17, graemeh...@irational.org wrote:
I'd like to tap the great collective mind/soul that is frameworks 
and ask what people think are the earliest (not actually looking for 
'firsts' really) examples of perforations and sprocket holes 
deliberately within the frame as image material.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Editing neg?

2017-10-22 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi Esperanza,
I once asked my lab if I could make tape splices. The New York lab 
said sure. The Paris lab said no but they allowed me to make tape 
splices leaving an extra frame on either side of my cut which they 
cut off and replaced with a cement splice. In that way you get to do 
the creative part without having to invest in new equipment and 


At 16:13 +0200 22/10/17, Esperanza Collado wrote:

Thank you, Scott. Your indications couldn't be more clear.

2017-10-22 14:35 GMT+02:00 Scott Dorsey 

Yes, the neg needs to be cut in order.  You can cut it with scenes simply in
order (and cement splice it).  If you do this you will see a line on 
the screen

at each cut.  The better way to do this is to A-B roll, that is to make two
rolls with a checkerboard pattern with scenes alternating with black leader.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Vegetable films?

2017-09-14 Thread Pip Chodorov

Aurélie you made me think of THE ONION FILM by Marguerite Harris.
It is made Mothlight-like by gluing onion skin to 
16mm film and contact printing it.

- Pip

At 10:46 +0200 14/09/17, Aurélie Percevault - Mire wrote:
"A radical film" by Stefano Canapa. A film made 
with black radish exposed on film.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] High resolution enlargements from 16mm prints

2017-08-31 Thread Pip Chodorov

Seth -

Jeff Guess in Paris has made the best stills from films for us in 
Paris (for Light Cone, Re:Voir, Pompidou...).
He uses a slide duplicator like this: 
http://cresimaging.com/2550.html but maybe a different brand.
He used to make us 35mm slides, which we would get drum scanned 
professionally, but now he uses a digital camera and gives us high 
resolution digital stills.
The stills show two frames of 35mm, three frames of 16mm or eight 
frames of super-8. He cut his own cardboard mounts to fit the strips 
in the slide area. He put rewinds around the machine so no need to 
cut strips to make stills.
The light table at the base of the machine flashes at the moment of 
camera exposure so the light, color and contrast are perfect.
Here are some examples of stills he made for me. (I can send you more 
photo-realist examples if you want).


Now that films can be easily scanned in 2K, any video still will work 
as a frame enlargement, so maybe also ask the filmmakers if they have 
done that.

Good luck!
Pip Chodorov

At 19:29 -0700 31/08/17, Seth Mitter wrote:

Dear Frameworks,

I'm working on a project with Canyon Cinema to create a frame 
enlargement setup in-house to create high resolution digital images 
from 16mm prints (both single frames and frame sequences). I'm 
hoping to hear from anyone who has experience or expertise in 
creating a setup that produced excellent digital images for large 
format printing. Capability to focus and resolve grain in 16mm 
prints is critical, as well as producing files equivalent to 4K 
pixel dimensions (or higher).

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Service repair manual for Nizo 4056

2017-08-13 Thread Pip Chodorov
When you open the Nizo you will find the circuit diagram printed 
inside the face plate.

At 15:45 -0400 12/08/17, Re X wrote:
Could anyone do me the favor of shooting me a service repair manual 
for the nizo 4056? I think the issue I am having has to do with 
something on the circuit board. I want to go in and test some 
points, but it would help to have an idea of what I am looking at.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Preservation Insanity / Brakhage & sound

2017-08-07 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi Mark,
This is great reporting and writing, and philosophical musing, thanks!
My one comment: can you not design it white on black? It's hard on 
the eyes to read...

All the best!

At 18:21 -0700 6/08/17, Mark Toscano wrote:

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Can you remove me from this list?

2017-07-30 Thread Pip Chodorov

I can remove you but you can also remove yourself at any time.

The link is in the header of every FrameWorks post:

List-Unsubscribe: <https://mailman-mail5.webfaction.com/options/frameworks>,

-Pip Chodorov

At 9:47 -0600 30/07/17, Laura Conway wrote:

Sent from my iPhone___
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Christopher MacLaine

2017-07-07 Thread Pip Chodorov

Yes we still carry Maclaine's films on DVD.
The booklet is from Brakhage's chapter in FILM AT WIT'S END, which is 
enlightening and funny!


At 17:44 +0200 7/07/17, Esperanza Collado wrote:

Maybe Pip could help. Re:Voir released MacLaine's films on VHS long ago.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Stop Motion Animation

2017-07-03 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi Madeline,
Almost all super-8 cameras have a single frame option.
I can recommend the Nizo cameras because even the cheaper smaller 
models come with an intervalometer that can automatically shoot 5 
frames a second, 1 frame a second, or 1 frame every 5 seconds.
Also our madman genius technician in Paris has adapted the Zigview 
digital viewfinder to the Nizo and the Beaulieu, making for a 
programmable intervalometer that also includes motion capture. Now 
you can set your super-8 camera up facing a foxhole and the camera 
will only start shooting when the fox comes out...

The URLs for more information are below.
-Pip Chodorov


At 8:31 -0400 3/07/17, Maddy Wiryo wrote:
I am looking for a Super 8 camera that has a single frame feature 
for stop motion? Does anyone have suggestions?

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] technical question about frameworks

2017-06-15 Thread Pip Chodorov

Your last post was on Sunday with subject: FILMS TONIGHT June 11 in 
Los Angeles!


At 15:28 -0400 15/06/17, Mark Street wrote:

Hey There:

I just sent something to frameworks... I THINK it went through, but 
I did get this error message back.  Should I resend?

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Experimental film in Toulouse or Montpellier, FRANCE?

2017-06-13 Thread Pip Chodorov
In Toulouse you should find screening opportunities at the 
Cinematheque de Toulouse, or Traverse Video, or Les Abbatoirs, or 
some other local venues. A number of filmmakers live there (I can 
send contact info privately).

This lab has been a work in progress for awhile, but the people and 
the equipment are still there:


In Montpellier there is a smaller scene, but still some filmmakers 
live near there. Martine Rousset lives in Frontignan. The university 
might be a good place for a screening.

-Pip Chodorov

At 16:19 -0700 12/06/17, Caryn Cline wrote:

Dear Frameworkers,

I'm traveling to Toulouse and Montpellier in late September and 
early October.  I'd love to meet up with experimental filmmakers in 
either location or learn about organizations that support 
experimental work.  I am also interested in opportunities in either 
city to show my work.  Thank you for any leads.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] main drive worm stop run in Bell Howell tq3 specialist

2017-05-12 Thread Pip Chodorov

The worm gear is the weak heart of the B&H.
In Paris, a brilliant repair artist has made new worm gears out of 
more resistant material. His worm gears may outlast the projectors.
This man has retired but hopefully you can find a new worm gear for 
your projector.

Pip Chodorov

At 17:37 +0200 12/05/17, franco base wrote:

Hi all,

I have a Bell Howell tq3 specialist.

It works well but suddenly drive worm stop run, so it doesn't run 
and take the film.

Fuse are ok. Any tips to understand if problem is simple to solve?

Thanks a lot


FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] mental problems

2017-03-22 Thread Pip Chodorov

Concerning acid trips, Gaspar Noé asked my advice 
when he was developing his film "Enter the Void." 
We are both huge fans of Kubrick's 2001 as well 
as of abstract psychedlic films such as by Jordan 
Belson and the Whitney brothers. He is also a 
neighbor in Paris.
He asked me what films he should watch to get 
ideas of how to represent a drug trip, and 
because he already saw all the films I suggested, 
his research had consisted in taking various 
quantities of interesting drugs.
I think he succeeded in representing the trip 
visually as abstract patterns filling the screen. 
The film is shown strictly in 1st person POV of 
the main character (we even stare into his eyes 
as he looks in the mirror, while his eyeblinks 
are represented as periodic black flickers), and 
the drug trip clouds that vision.
Incidentally there is a structural similarity 
with 2001 in his film, as the character spends 
the second half of the film in space-limbo, and 
the journey ends with a psychedelic trip through 
a uterus to end in an explosion and a fetus...


At 10:41 -0600 22/03/17, Gene Youngblood wrote:
Friends, I¹m seeking recommendations of feature 
films with scenes that attempt to visualize 
inner states of mind such as breakdowns 
(Vertigo), nightmares (Spellbound), acid trips 
(Easy Rider) or any other kind of hallucination 
(Altered States). Ecstatic or horrific doesn¹t 
matter. Thanks.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Sudden spam

2017-03-20 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi Gene,
Nothing has changed on my end.
Maybe something changed on your email client?
You can set a filter that if the subject contains 
"FrameWorks" the email is directed to a special 

Hope that helps,

At 16:45 -0600 20/03/17, Gene Youngblood wrote:

Hi Pip,
All of a sudden my email program is treating 
Frameworks as spam because it identifies the 
individual user as the sender and  Frameworks as 
the subject. Have you made any changes that 
would account for this? (Maybe you should not 
reply to this but use your personal email 
address to respond).


FrameWorks mailing list

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Eulogy Films

2017-03-18 Thread Pip Chodorov

Jim Hubbard's "Memento Mori" (1995, 17 min)

Peter Friedman's "Silverlake Life: The View from Here" (1993, 99 min)

Friedl Kubelka vom Groller  "Bliss"  (2011, 3 mim)

At 11:43 -0400 18/03/17, Margaret Rorison wrote:
I am curious about film eulogies and would love to know more films 
that have been made to honor someone. For example, Nathaniel 
Dorsky's August and After___
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Svema 16mm

2017-03-09 Thread Pip Chodorov

And Nicolas would give out the formula if you ask micely.

At 9:08 -0500 9/03/17, Scott Dorsey wrote:

The color film is likely not to be processable easily (although it's not
rem-jet backed so if you could make up the chemistry from reagents you
could likely run it.)

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Svema 16mm

2017-03-08 Thread Pip Chodorov
Nicolas Rey shot his three-hour travel feature 
"Les Soviets Plus l'Electricité" on Sviema 
super-8 stock. The film includes a visit to the 
Sviema factory in Kiev where he was able to wrest 
the developing formula from Vladimir Ivanovitch. 
He hand-developed all the rolls back in Paris. 
This was color stock by the way.


At 2:44 + 9/03/17, Morgan Hoyle-Combs wrote:
I was recently shopping on eBay for black and 
white 16mm and I kept seeing reels for a brand 
called Svema. This is the first time I've ever 
heard of this type of film and was wondering if 
anyone had success in shooting with it? Does it 
require different chemicals and different times?___
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] The Flicker

2017-02-27 Thread Pip Chodorov

It's not meant to be McClure loud.  It was just 16mm optical track after all.

At 22:10 -0500 27/02/17, Jonathan Walley wrote:
Thanks Chuck, and thanks also to Pip, Scott, Steve, and Esperanza 
for their insights. I think tomorrow's screening will be do-able. My 
only real frustration at this point is how quite the DVD track is. 
Maybe I've been watching too much Bruce McClure, but I remember The 
Flicker as bring pretty loud. I'm hoping I can give the rather thin 
track some oomph when I patch into the sound system of our 
projection booth.___
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] The Flicker

2017-02-27 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi Jonathan,
I have struck prints recently and I can confirm that there is an 
optical sound neg synched to the optical picture neg. However there 
is no precise correspondence between how the flicker flickers and how 
the audio clicks evolve.
The soundtrack starts with 30s music over the three opening title 
cards including the Warning.

The DVD we published through Re:Voir is in sync and can be used as a reference.
I believe the stereo CD version will be more interesting and more 
intense and I wouldn't worry about the sync. Maybe you can do a test 
by projecting the beginning while playing the CD, and at the point 
where the titles end and the old music stops, check how many seconds 
off you are, and then adjust by that much when you start them for the 


At 12:21 -0500 27/02/17, Jonathan Walley wrote:
I'm showing The Flicker tomorrow in a seminar, and the print arrived 
from Filmmakers' Coop with sound on CD (no optical track), which 
surprised me. When I've rented the film in the past, the print came 
had an optical track; to confirm my memory of this, I looked at 
images of the strip online___
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Lying as a theme

2017-02-21 Thread Pip Chodorov

Philip Hoffman's  "?O, Zoo!"

At 1:49 + 22/02/17, Morgan Hoyle-Combs wrote:


Does anyone know of any film (essay/diary/doc) where lying is a 
theme or the main focus? I wondered if there was anything that ran 
among these lines:

1. The audience is well aware that the narrator/filmmaker is lying to them

2. The audience does not know whether or not the narrator/filmmaker 
lying to them. It's left ambiguous.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] "Husbands" and "Wives"

2017-02-12 Thread Pip Chodorov

No, Peter and Friedl did not make films together.

I understood the question to be about couples who collaborate, not 
simply couples who are both filmmakers.

At 15:59 +0100 12/02/17, Anderwald Grond wrote:

 Peter Kubelka and Friedl Kubelka/now Friedl vom Groeller

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] "Husbands" and "Wives"

2017-02-10 Thread Pip Chodorov

Sorry I forgot
Alexander Alexeieff and Claire Parker
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] "Husbands" and "Wives"

2017-02-10 Thread Pip Chodorov

Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid

Birgit and Wilhelm Hein

Patrick and Michèle Bokanowski

Lucille Ball and Desi Arnas
FrameWorks mailing list

[Frameworks] Werner Nekes

2017-01-24 Thread Pip Chodorov

I have just heard that Werner Nekes passed away.
I don't have confirmation yet but it's in the German press.
Important filmmaker and great collector of optical toys and art and 
pre-cinema devices.

Please do post if anyone has more information!
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 16mm E6 - Wittner vs. Agfa

2017-01-23 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hey Dan,
Wittner repackaged Agfa's stock, so it's exactly the same stuff.
This was originally designed for arial photography, perhaps for 
mapmaking or topography.

Therefore it has a certain look and is especially receptive to green.
I doubt it will look good in the optical printer (you will need a CTB 
filter because it's balanced for daylight). Hand developing is easy 
in E6.


At 11:48 -0600 23/01/17, Dan Anderson wrote:

Hey all,

Wondering if there are any E6 color reversal enthusiasts here that 
have used Wittner Chrome 200D and/or Agfa Aviphot 200D ??

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Kodak new super 8 camera (was Logmar)

2017-01-10 Thread Pip Chodorov

Thanks for that Pablo.
It also seems, from what "Josh" says on the YouTube video, that they 
are planning to raise the price of the film in order to include 
developing, return postage and scanning to the cloud in 5K. What does 
that mean for people who want to continue in the current way of 
hand-developing or using a local lab? I don't believe Kodak will go 
to the trouble of offering a two-tiered pricing system...

At 21:30 + 10/01/17, Pablo Marin wrote:
Also, the Logmar design 
which apparently was bought by Kodak, had a real improvement in the 
shape of a camera pressure plate (one has to pull some feet of film 
out of the cartridge in order to thread it thru the camera), but 
Kodak has discarded that feature 
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn-AwhYOHZE), resulting in a "hi 
tech" digital body with the same flawed registration of a 1965 

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Fischinger and optical tracks

2016-12-26 Thread Pip Chodorov
You can see a glimpse of FIschinger's sound cards 
at the end of this short clip.


At 17:29 + 26/12/16, Beebe, Roger W. wrote:


Thanks for sharing-really interesting.  I 
couldn't make heads or tails of what the text 
accompanying the figures is describing, but it's 
still intriguingŠ


On Dec 25, 2016, at 3:26 PM, Jeff Kreines 

This is pretty wonderful. Go to page 274 to see 
how Oskar Fischinger draws optical soundtracks 
on film.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Elmo 5-blade shutter

2016-12-12 Thread Pip Chodorov
There is a small shop in Seoul run by one man who makes low-level 
video transfers from super-8 and 16, and he has done a lot of 
transfers of the super-8 films we develop with students here.
He has been looking for a five-blade shutter because even in HD his 
16mm transfers have ghost images.
He is not doing pulldown but even in HD he thinks this will make 
clearer video transfers.

Thanks, Pip

At 22:09 -0500 11/12/16, Scott Dorsey wrote:

Okay... just out of curiosity this being the 21st century... why would
anyone need a 5-blade shutter to do 2:3 pulldown today?

FrameWorks mailing list

[Frameworks] Elmo 5-blade shutter

2016-12-11 Thread Pip Chodorov

Does anyone know a source for a 5-blade shutter for an Elmo CL16 projector?
Or does anyone have a normal 2-blade shutter they are not using that 
I can modify?

Thanks in advance,
Pip Chodorov
FrameWorks mailing list

[Frameworks] Remembering Cecile again

2016-12-09 Thread Pip Chodorov

December 9th, 2016
A round of memorial emails went out two years ago, but I have been 
thinking about her today and wanted to remember a tireless advocate 
for our favorite films and filmmakers at a time when nobody cared 
about them.

Cecile Starr died on December 9th, 2014.
- Pip Chodorov
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] film scanner

2016-12-02 Thread Pip Chodorov

At L'Abominable in Paris, Nicolas made a film scanner from a projector.
He made a 16mm version and later a super-8 version.
Here is a link to the description: 

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Experimental farming films

2016-11-14 Thread Pip Chodorov

Do you mean Tractor by the Aleinikov brothers?

At 9:15 -0600 14/11/16, Meg Jamieson wrote:

Also, there is a Russian filmmaker whose name is escaping me right now,
that makes incredible black and white films about farming. Maybe someone
can fill in the name."

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Experimental Christmas films

2016-11-14 Thread Pip Chodorov

Kenneth Anger's FIREWORKS has a burning Christmas tree...

At 12:54 + 14/11/16, Harriet Warman wrote:
I'd like to show one or two Christmas/festive themed works and I'd 
welcome any suggestions you might have for works I should consider. 
They could involve anything we might associate with the 'festive' 
season, even if it's just the presence of snow.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Auto-load projector problem

2016-11-14 Thread Pip Chodorov
And sometimes you cam jog the run lever in spurts until the film 
starts to jump out of the loop former. At that point you can guide 
the end of the film into the gate at the point where it is catching, 
then it should load the rest of the way automatically.

FrameWorks mailing list

[Frameworks] Fwd: [Labos] super8data.com revival

2016-11-02 Thread Pip Chodorov

I am happy to  forward an amazing resource, sent through the film labs list.

From: Friedemann Wachsmuth 
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2016 22:44:46 +0100
To: forum labo 
Subject: [Labos] super8data.com revival

Hey all,

Thanks to the help of an archiving friend, I was 
able to reconstruct more than 10,000 further 
images and pages of the long lost super8data.com 
site. It's still not complete yet, but way more 
complete than my first attempt of recontructing 
it from public archives.

Have fun surfing: http://www.filmkorn.org/super8data/

Feel free to spread the word. If I find time, I will fix some more links.

And No, Mr. Wittner, who bought the domain and 
the database from Carlos, he did not help at 
all. No matter what I offered him ‹ he did not 
share the data and just cares about the traffic 
he gets from the old domain. That¹s such a sad 

Forum mailing list

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 25mm Lens EIKI 16mm projector

2016-10-16 Thread Pip Chodorov

Dear Luis,
At The Film Gallery in Paris we rent this lens, 
let me know if that is an option.

-Pip Chodorov

At 8:57 -0400 16/10/16, luis ? wrote:

Dears colleagues,
I´m looking for a 25mm lens for 16mm Eiki 
Projectors. I have one but I need other like 
this for a double screen project. Someone knows 
where I can find it?

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Experimental films using Astronomy & Satellite imagery - recommendations

2016-09-13 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi Adam,
How about Stan Vanderbeek's SCIENCE FRICTION
Or maybe more up your alley would be Courtney Hoskins GALILEAN 
SATELLITES series https://vimeo.com/7229429


At 10:28 -0700 13/09/16, Adam Hyman wrote:

But I'm looking for recommendations of experimental films that somehow
involve/invoke astronomical imagery, or, perhaps even better, imagery of
earth-orbiting satellites, and views of earth from satellites.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Wild sound in film

2016-08-31 Thread Pip Chodorov

Good idea Francisco - we have this out on DVD too.


At 17:46 -0400 31/08/16, Francisco Torres wrote:

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] chemical disposal with septic system

2016-08-28 Thread Pip Chodorov
There were posts about this on FrameWorks in July 2012, from David 
Kidman, Scott Dorsey and others.
Onions seem to work as fixer but maybe not effective after a long 
period of time.

Do some tests!

At 20:58 -0300 28/08/16, Amanda Christie wrote:

Hey Pip!

Onions as a fixer?  What's this?

(perked ears here)

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] chemical disposal with septic system

2016-08-28 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi Amanda,
How about onions?

At 18:44 -0300 28/08/16, Amanda Christie wrote:

My main question then is for fix and hypo-clear...

Are there any recipes for eco-friendly fix or hypo-clear?... 
although I supposed... the problem may not be so much the chemical 
itself, as the silver but any eco-friendly suggestions would be 
much appreciated!

I can't wait to check out the links already shared!

Amanda Dawn Christie

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Seoul

2016-07-19 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi Andrea,
I teach filmmaking in Seoul and I get my super-8 
film shipped from the US or Europe.

The closest Kodak dealer is in Singapour.
However, Space Cell has some various old super-8 
stocks. Jangwook Lee would be happy to give you 
some. You can reach him by mail at 
As for developing, I always do it by hand in the 
university dark room, but Space Cell is also very 
well equipped with a darkroom and chemicals. If 
you prefer to send it out to a lab, I would 
recommend Richard Tuohy's Nanolab in Australia.

How long will you stay in Seoul? I will be back there in six weeks.
Good luck!
Pip Chodorov

At 3:41 +0100 19/07/16, Andrea Márquez wrote:
I am a filmmaker from Buenos Aires currently 
visiting Seoul and I am looking for a place to 
buy and develop film (Super 8mm). I was also 
wondering if someone knows interesting film 
venues to attend.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] HD telecine?

2016-07-18 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi Moira,
I swear by Metropolis, 115 W 30th in NY.
I have done many transfers for Re:Voir there.
Jack just got a super-8 scanner too.
The prices are only slightly higher for 2K scan than for HD telecine 
and the results are much better.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Change of email address

2016-06-30 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi Nicky,
You can subscribe your new address at one of these two links:

or just send me the addresses you would like to subscribe and unsub.
All the best, Pip

At 13:25 +0100 30/06/16, nicky.ham...@talktalk.net wrote:

How do I have posts sent to my new email address please?

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] History question

2016-06-26 Thread Pip Chodorov
Henri Chomette did some of that in 1925 although 
he used train tunnels - not sure if headlights 
were bright then (see around the two-minute mark 
and around 5:40 of 

There are also some bits in Man Ray's Retour à la raison from 1923.

At 15:42 + 26/06/16, Gutenko, Gregory wrote:
What was the first film to do a time-exposed 
single-frame sequence from a car/driver POV?

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Super-8 refurb camera vendor?

2016-06-08 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hey Kevin,
We are lucky enough to work with Christophe Goulard who refurbishes 
Nizo super-8 cameras.
He fixes them up, even adds new features, sells them through us and 
guarantees them for 90 days.
One of the new features is an ASA dial so you can use the built-in 
light meter whether you are shooting 25 or 500ASA stock. Another is 
for the larger cameras, rewiring the light meter power to the AA 
battery supply so you no longer need the 625PX batteries.

A list of current available cameras is here.
All the best!

At 12:15 -0500 8/06/16, Kevin O wrote:

Hello frameworks!

I'm applying for a grant to equip our mobile studio with enough 
super-8 cameras to run small workshops, like 5-10 total. Can anybody 
recommend a store or individual that sells reliable, fairly basic 
but still manually controllable refurbished super-8s?

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] transferring films to dvd.

2016-06-04 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi Myron,
At Re:Voir we are releasing 10 DVDs a year and 
selling well in some countries, especially if the 
packages are attractive, collectible with smart 
design and with paper books or booklets. Also 
there is a good infrastructure for publishing DVD 
(grants for production, networks for 
distribution, press for promotion).
At the same time we are experimenting with VOD 
and it is off to a good start, but it has not 
overtaken DVD sales yet. We do want to be ready 
with quallity VOD options however, since the 
technology shift from VHS to DVD left us on 
hiatus from 2004-2007 with nothing to sell...
This year we will release more Blu-Ray discs too. 
Our first was a co-edition with Kino of Jonas 
Mekas' Walden and Lost Lost Lost.
Here are some examples of our recent DVD 
releases: Adolpho Arrietta, Boris Lehman, Gunvor 
Nelson, Jurgen Reble, Richard Foreman, Gideon 
Bachmann, Peter Gidal, Peter Emmanuel Goldman, 
Christian Lebrat, Marcel Hanoun, Steve Dwoskin, 
Philippe Garrel...  Of course many have not 
earned back their cost yet, we think it is 
valuable to make them available. You can see our 
catalogue at http://catalogue.re-voir.com

If you have more specific questions about it don't hesitate to ask!
Pip Chodorov

At 13:23 -0700 4/06/16, Myron Ort wrote:
I enjoy dvd collections by Brakhage, Baillie, 
and ohter experimental films. available on this 
format (however ultimately compromisedŠI know).
Is the DVD format still something that 
filmmakers are using to distribute collections 
of their films or is the digital technology 
going somewhere else these days?
I have put some of my own films on DVD, but 
wondering if this is something to continue.

Myron Ort

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Exemplary Sound Design in AG Film

2016-05-17 Thread Pip Chodorov
Mike Snow's "Rameau's Nephew by Diderot (Thanx to Dennis Young) by 
Wilma Schoen" is perhaps the most comprehensive study of the 
relationship between image and recorded sound. It runs 4-1/4 hours 
and took three years to make. We published a large book about the 
film based on interviews witih Mike, with details on each section and 
notes and sketches from the production (Re:Voir)

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] where to buy 16mm cans & Super 8mm reels+cans in NYC?

2016-05-11 Thread Pip Chodorov

MPE on 44th street!

At 18:42 + 11/05/16, ev petrol wrote:

any ideas folks?
cheers moira

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 16mm Film Looper Purchase/Rental suggestions

2016-04-19 Thread Pip Chodorov
In case you need one in Europe, we have a set of loopers for 
10-minute and 45-minute films, as well as projectors, lenses, 
splicers, etc that we rent frequently to galleries and museums.

- Pip Chodorov for The Film Gallery

At 20:51 -0500 19/04/16, Ben Balcom wrote:

Hello hive mind -

Wondering if anyone has suggestions for renting &/or purchasing 
quality 16mm film loopers. A quick google search yields NCS 
products, but beyond that? Recommendations?

FrameWorks mailing list

[Frameworks] Tony Conrad

2016-04-09 Thread Pip Chodorov

I read the article this morning, Hoberman's obit of Tony Conrad.

I knew he was very sick, and would not be getting better, it was 
getting hard for him to walk, and the thought of cataloguing and 
preserving all the films, tapes, costumes, objects and inventions in 
his house was beginning to weigh on his friends.

But now I see his name in the paper, it is final. To remember Tony, 
you can listen to his last performance of the Dream Syndicate:


or watch him talk about his yellow movies:

or read a recent article:

or watch Marie Losier's brilliant film portrait:

All the ways in which Tony made us think or laugh, usually both, will 
live on forever through his work and remembering moments of time 
spent together in public or private.

Re-member Tony!
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Where to get 8mm film?

2016-03-19 Thread Pip Chodorov

We try and keep super-8 in stock in our shop in Paris.

At 22:00 -0400 16/03/16, Alan Sondheim wrote:
Hi - I need to get 8mm film (of any sort) and processing - any 
suggestions greatly appreciated. I usually work in video or screen 
saving to video, but I want to use traditional camerawork for some 

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Camera obscura films

2016-03-19 Thread Pip Chodorov

Paolo Gioli's FILM STENOPEICO was made in 16mm using a pinhole camera.

And Patrick Bokanowski's LA FEMME QUI SE POUDRE is a beautiful film 
made using a camera obscura and reworked glass  (he called his lenses 
subjectifs instead of objectifs)

At 13:18 -0400 19/03/16, Jonathan Walley wrote:
I'm looking for experimental films (including videos) about camera 
obscuras, and/or made using camera obscuras or pinhole cameras. I 
know about Glider by Ernie Gehr and Minyong Jang's The Dark Room, 
although I don't know who distributes these (anyone know?). But any 
other suggestions are welcome.___
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] optically printed film on people swimming laps in a pool

2016-03-12 Thread Pip Chodorov

You mean Water Pulu by Ladislav Galeta?

At 18:26 -0800 12/03/16, vanessa renwick wrote:
I am trying to remember who made this short, beautiful movie that 
was an optically printed film on people swimming laps in a pool.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Big Shadows

2016-02-25 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi Gene,
You'll have to search for this but Gaspard Noe made a music video in 
which he walks through the forest with a handheld camera at night, 
followed by someone carrying a bright light, the result is his own 
shadow walking eerily through the woods. I can't find the title now 
but I think it fits right in.


At 8:24 -0700 25/02/16, Gene Youngblood wrote:
Friends, following the success of my 360-degree query, here's one 
more: films with Expressionist-style large shadows, such as the 
sewer in the Third Man or Noirs like The Big Combo. I need shadows 
of whole human figures as well as hands (as in Nosferatu).

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Index of experimental film and/or video art collections and archives

2016-02-21 Thread Pip Chodorov

Dear Anna,

I can point you to two databases that were 
created for this purpose but are no longer 

There used to be a database at www.24-25.fr but 
this website is no longer active do to an 
irreversible server crash. You can see a snapshot 
of it here: 
It was compiled by a group comprising almost all 
the distribution cooperatives in France and was 
to include also all museum and cinematheques with 
film collections when the project collapsed.

The architecture was based on another database of 
media art archves that is also unfortunately out 
of commission though you can still consult the 
home page: http://www.gama-gateway.eu/

These databases are inactive because they were 
designed to migrate information from each 
organization's online database and funnel all the 
data and metadata into an index that would allow 
you to search for any film or filmmaker and find 
results in every archive. However, unlike a 
search engine for best plane fares that simply 
answers each query with a specialized search, the 
information was compiled regularly on the 
database server which required regular 
maintenance and complex updating because each 
individual database is so different. State 
funding dried up and no one group could manage 
running the index.

As it stands now, each organization has its own 
database but there is no community database.

Almost every country has an archive of 
experimental production, to name just two 
examples the archives of The Balázs Béla Studio 
(BBS) or the Serbian alternative film archive 
http://www.dksg.rs/afc-redakcija.  There are also 
extensive collections in Asia but again you will 
have to consult each collection individually. 
There are many resources available, such as this 
list, but for now still no database of all 

Good luck,
Pip Chodorov

At 11:12 +0100 21/02/16, Anna Briggs wrote:
I am writing to ask where I might possibly find 
an index of experimental film and/or video art 
collections and archives. I am particularly 
looking for archives in non-Western countries, 
to investigate as part of a thesis chapter about 
the experimental paradigm. I have consulted 
lists of films archives compiled by the 
International Federation of Film Archives, the 
Association of Moving Image Archivists and the 
Library of Congress, but I wonder if there is a 
more specialised database.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 360 degrees

2016-02-18 Thread Pip Chodorov
Jackie Raynal's DEUX FOIS (1968) contains exactly this smooth 360 
degree panorama, the camera is in the center of the wide and busy 
Avenida Franco in Barcelona and makes two complete rotations.

This shot also appears in a Chantal Akerman, perhaps News from Home.

I need recommendations of films that contain 360-degree dolly (or 
Steadicam) shots. Like for example circling around people seated at 
a restaurant table, but it can be anything. It seems to me there are 
"famous" ones in the French New Wave, and there must be many others 
before and after that.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] wittner chrome 200d

2016-02-13 Thread Pip Chodorov

Yes, this stock is the same as Aviphot.
Expose as 200 in daylight without the filter.
It depends what camera you are using but you should check the 
exposure with an external meter and set the f-stop manually.

You can also push 1/3 stop when developing.
If you want to shoot indoors in tungstene light you will need a blue filter.

At 13:42 + 13/02/16, Pablo Marin wrote:
Probably asked before but, has anyone shot this film in super 8? Any 
suggestions about filters or exposure (being 200D notched as 250)?

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] bounce message ...?

2016-02-06 Thread Pip Chodorov
Your membership is not disabled, but sometimes people get this if a 
certain number of mails to their address have bounced.

At 21:42 + 6/02/16, ev petrol wrote:

hey folks, just got this - any clues as to what it's about?
cheers moira

Your membership in the mailing list FrameWorks has been disabled due
to excessive bounces The last bounce received from you was dated

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Fuses: projection speed?

2016-02-02 Thread Pip Chodorov

The print in Paris indicates 24fps.

At 16:27 -0500 2/02/16, John Muse wrote:
We can't seem to get a clear and definitive answer on the projection 
speed of Carolee Schneemann's Fuses.  Canyon doesn't know for sure, 
but helpfully provided this:

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] where to buy Bolex H16 RX-4 or 5?

2016-01-20 Thread Pip Chodorov

we have a couple for sale in our shop, restored and guaranteed by 
Christophe Goulard.

-Pip Chodorov, Re:Voir

At 23:03 + 20/01/16, Nicky Tavares wrote:

Dear Frameworkers,

I am looking to purchase two Bolex H16 cameras, RX-4 or RX-5 for a 
college.  Can anyone point me in the direction of a trusted dealer, 
collector or friend?  I am already checking ebay obsessively.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] JK Optical Printer

2016-01-17 Thread Pip Chodorov

There are many JK printers available in the associative lab network.
Where are you located?
Maybe you can find one near you on this map:

At 0:45 -0500 18/01/16, Anna Kipervaser wrote:
Desperately seeking a JK optical printer, and I wonder if anyone has 
one available or leads on where I can find one.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Experimental Films on Farming/ Agriculture

2016-01-14 Thread Pip Chodorov
I wonder how many people know George "Yellow Submarine" Dunning's 
"Damon the Mower"?

But an obvious choice is Jonas Mekas' "Reminiscences on a Journey to 

At 12:50 -0500 14/01/16, Heath Iverson wrote:
Any suggestions on avant-garde/experimental films that deal with any 
aspects of farming/gardening/plant or animal agriculture?

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Texts / Works Bridging Early Cinema, Early Video, Early ___

2016-01-13 Thread Pip Chodorov

I can provide Lemaitre's film if you are interested.
Isou's film ON VENOM AND ETERNITY is an earlier 
iteration, Lemaitre went farther into 
self-recursion (a film about itself).


At 22:47 -0800 13/01/16, Cinema Project wrote:
In regards to "well-deployed spoilers," I might 
look into Maurice LeMaître's "Le film est déjà 
commencé?" from 1952. It was a Lettrist film and 
supposed staged provocation. There's some 
accounts/ info on it in Off-Screen Cinema by 
Kaira M Cabañas.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Texts / Works Bridging Early Cinema, Early Video, Early ___

2016-01-13 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi Fred,
wasn't the first image of a candle burning?
I saw Tony project this, not as a performance but as a final print.

At 23:50 -0500 13/01/16, Fred Camper wrote:
Yes, that's right. Because it was positive film, a succession of 
black and white rectangles appeared inside each other as with each 
new pass the previous result was filmed. I believe it was around 40 
minutes long. It was really interesting; I had never seen anything 
like it before, and have not since.

Fred Camper

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] in the street...

2016-01-10 Thread Pip Chodorov
The film was first shown silent in 1948 but Levitt re-released it 
with Arthur Kleiner's piano score in 1952. She insisted that it be 
shown with this track for the next 57 years until her death in 2009.
Cecile Starr was her friend and film distributor and Cecile always 
showed it with the piano music.

- Pip Chodorov

At 22:40 -0800 9/01/16, Steve Polta wrote:
Regarding Helen Levitt's 1948 film In the Street, the question to 
the group is simply...
Is this added soundtrack considered (by those who know) to be "the 
soundtrack" or is it just some tacked-on track that is better off 
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Shower scenes...

2016-01-01 Thread Pip Chodorov
Yes Moons Pool is primarily about a swimming pool but there is a 
bathtub scene first!

At 9:50 -0700 1/01/16, Gene Youngblood wrote:
Well, if swimming pools qualify then what about Chick Strand's 

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Shower scenes...

2016-01-01 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi John,
I thought for sure you would mention Gunvor Nelson's "Moons Pool"
But now that I mention it, I remember Robert Nelson made a really 
funny bath film using the sound of his feet under water but I can't 
find the title...

- Pip

At 15:58 + 1/01/16, John Sundholm wrote:

Valie export: mann & frau & animal

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Shower scenes...

2016-01-01 Thread Pip Chodorov

"Window Water Baby Moving" seems seminal...

At 15:14 -0500 31/12/15, Daniel Hess wrote:
collect as many shower/bath scenes as possible. How many films with 
a shower/bath scene can you

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 16mm prints turned pink

2015-12-17 Thread Pip Chodorov
Scott, thanks, that's interesting. Do you know what is the best pH 
for wash water?


At 22:17 -0500 17/12/15, Scott Dorsey wrote:

Agfa print stocks with Eastman chemistry go red, Agfa print stocks with
ball and chain dye coupler chemistry are sometimes very stable and sometimes
lose all color completely, depending on the pH of the wash water at the lab.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 16mm prints turned pink

2015-12-17 Thread Pip Chodorov

Yes, mostly print stocks from that period which were cheaply made turn pink.
Negatives also can turn pink and then prints made from them will look green.
The reason is that the blue dyes fade first.
If you need to recover the image, it is possible to scan the prints 
in 2K using an RGB scanner that flashes each frame three times using 
three colored lights, then augment the information from the blue 
layer digitally. Then you can shoot the corrected digital master back 
out to film.

-Pip Chodorov

At 22:00 -0500 17/12/15, Robert Withers wrote:

Hello Frameworkers,
I have some 16mm color release prints from the 1970s that have 
turned pinkish/magenta. Need to check records to see if they're 
reversal or from negative. And to check reversal camera original and 
films from 80s/90s. This is a lot of material to go through.

FrameWorks mailing list

[Frameworks] To Cecile Starr on Dec 9

2015-12-09 Thread Pip Chodorov

Dear FrameWorkers,
hard to believe it was already a year ago today she died.
Cecile Starr was a pioneer and powerhouse and a lovely friend.
Though incredibly passionate about the films she promoted, she always 
spoke in a measured tone.

And she remembered every detail, which made her an invaluable resource as well.
I learned a lot from our talks. And she inspired many of us to carry 
lots of torches.

Just thought to share her sprit with you again today.
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] experimental cinema and the anthropocene

2015-12-07 Thread Pip Chodorov

Bill Morrison's films could be interesting.
I am thinking of Footprints which references the evolution of 
mankind, but he has made several recently about great floods, showing 
how nature makes an impact on human life (The Highwater Trilogy, Who 
by Water).

- Pip Chodorov

At 17:37 +0100 7/12/15, Marco Poloni wrote:

I am writing you to ask if you could indicate me some films that are
connected to the concept of the anthropocene (the geological time when
the activity of the human species started to have a significant impact
on the living system of planet earth).

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] 35 mm & 16 mm transfers

2015-12-07 Thread Pip Chodorov

Do you want a 2K scan, an HD telecine or a simple SD telecine?

At 8:23 -0800 7/12/15, JAMES SANSING wrote:
I need to transfer one 35 mm film and one 16 mm film.I will have 
them put on a hard drive, but I also need them put on to one dvd. 
Anyone have suggestions. I' m in SF Bay Area but will send them 

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Film to digital photo to video on a JK

2015-11-12 Thread Pip Chodorov

Oh sorry, of course the camera has a lens.

At 13:42 +0900 13/11/15, Pip Chodorov wrote:
It runs at 18fps and the camera is a FireWire camera. There is no 
lens or ground glass - the camera is focused on the film surface.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Film to digital photo to video on a JK

2015-11-12 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi Sasha,
Thanks for posting about that.
Nicolas describes here how to make one:
It runs at 18fps and the camera is a FireWire camera. There is no 
lens or ground glass - the camera is focused on the film surface.
It uses a contact on the flywheel to ensure capturing one video frame 
for every film frame.
There are some steps to follow after capturing to create the QT file, 
and if you are working from color negative then there is a whole 
process to create a batch file for photoshop to run each frame 
through black magic and flip the colors. That's all described here: 


At 23:31 -0500 12/11/15, Sasha Janerus wrote:
Don't think I've waded in on this, but forgive the redundancy if I 
have. Nicolas Rey has a setup at L'Abominable folks might be 
interested in, either in part or whole. Instead of a JK he uses a 
consumer projector--I think a variable speed running at something 
like 4 or 6 fps. On the other end is an industrial still camera 
triggered by a light sensor--maybe just an LED--at each light burst. 
Probably some ground glass in between. >From my understanding the 
quality's comparable to a JK setup, since it's grabbing stills of 
each frame, but runs considerably faster. I might have some specs I 
could dredge up but they're probably in French and dated, and I 
imagine interested parties would do best to contact the man directly.

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Happy Be Day Frameworks

2015-11-05 Thread Pip Chodorov

Hi Ken,
Thanks for the feedback!
FrameWorks is only a text-based mailing list so there are no 
hyperlinks. I suppose many people read their email on a web browser 
(for example if you have gmail and you use FireFox to access it). I 
don't - I have a pop account on my re-voir domain and I use Eudora to 
read email, and there is no html support in Eudora, though it is the 
most powerful email client I have found and I have been using it 
since FrameWorks started in 1995.
But you are right that it is very easy to delete all but the 
essential part of the thread to which you are replying. This is 
common etiquette on listservs, especially helpful for those who 
receive the list as a digest.


At 14:34 -0800 5/11/15, Ken Paul Rosenthal wrote:
don't include each and every post that has proceeded it. Simply 
including your standalone reply, comment, etc will make navigating 
the posts so much more enjoyable. The Doculink listserve/community 
respects this 99% of the time and it's so sweet. Furthermore, like 
Doculink, it would be more functional if we could simply click on 
the subject headings and automatically be brought straight to that 
part of the thread. Pip, can that happen? It would help mitigate 
those who chronically include miles of___
FrameWorks mailing list

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