Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty

2018-04-17 Thread MARILYN BRAKHAGE
Yes, I have no real opinion about this particular case either, because I don't 
know enough about it. Neutrality can be a good choice sometimes, I guess. Or at 
least being initially cautious -- as a person can start to feel like one often 
does these days, when listening to the news, for example, when different 
"realities" are competing with each other, as various purposes are being 
pursued by different players trying to accomplish their own particular ends, 
intentionally sowing confusion in what often seems a rejection altogether of 
any attempt at rational thought! (But insofar as the discussion became more 
general, there are definitely important issues to consider. And I agree, of 
course, that true sexual harassment and real bullying are destructive and 
intolerable.) ... Francisco, I definitely do agree with you, also, that the 
world of academia is absolute anathema to some artists, and they probably do 
need to avoid it altogether. It's definitely not the best environment for 
everyone. (Stan used to imagine himself sometimes as some sort of "spy" in 
alien territory -- in various life circumstances. I guess that worked for him 
to some degree.) 

Marilyn Brakhage 

From: "Fred Camper"  
To: "Experimental Film Discussion List"  
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 9:10:14 AM 
Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty 


I don’t disagree with anything you wrote. Five people agreeing are not always 
right. My post was colored by the fact that I believed the initial story, 
finding it frightening that an instructor would be pressured out of a job for 
showing a film. I don’t know of any films I have seen the showing of which 
should ever be judged as sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is very serious 
and very bad, and the term should not be demeaned by application with speech 
acts not directed at a particular person. 

I taught in the same school as Stan Brakhage for quite a few years. Perhaps he 
could be a little difficult at times, but he is not even remotely like the 
unnamed person I was referencing. I was pleased to sometimes try to smooth out 
small conflict between Stan and the administration. There are intense and 
dramatic personalities; then there is the occasional abuser, and that is the 
person I was referring to, someone who in the course of what should have been 
an objective conversation routinely resorted to frequent personal insults – 
among many other bullying tactics. 

One year I got a grant that allowed us to bring in fifteen different filmmakers 
from the US and abroad. As the list came together, I was warned that this or 
that filmmaker would be very difficult. In every case but one, they were not. 
Kenneth Anger was gentle, even sweet, and did exactly what he had agreed to do. 
A few had special requests, but they were not hard to meet. 

One of the fifteen was difficult. When he met with his student projectionist in 
advance of his public show, the projectionist suggested, from the projector 
deck, that they needed to agree on a signal between them if the filmmaker felt 
a film was out of focus. The filmmaker said something like, "Why don’t I just 
call out, 'Hey, you fuck, focus it. '" The projectionist took exception to 
being referred to as a "fuck," and almost walked out. To me, this is not a 
matter about which reasonable people can disagree; it is bullying. 

That is not to say that I have any idea what the five were referring to. Maybe 
I would agree; maybe not. 

Remember too that I was responding to someone who was taking sides, apparently 
accepting the initial narrative, suggesting that the artist in general is so 
abused that he should teach dishonestly. Maybe in a totalitarian dictatorship? 
We are not there yet, thankfully. 

I don’t know what I would think about the MassArt situation if I had been 
there. It is just that I was embarrassed to be thinking ill of MassArt from 
having heard and accepted one side of the story. Now I am neutral. I always did 
admire Switzerland for not having been in a foreign war since 1515. 
Fred Camper 

On 4/16/2018 3:31 AM, MARILYN BRAKHAGE wrote: 

I don't know all the details of this story (and it doesn't sound as if anyone 
else in this thread does either), but I just wanted to make a few observations 
about the conversation generally: 

"Are the five signatories lying?" you ask. One might also ask, are the five 
signatories engaging in a sort of 'group think'? And/or is it possible that 
both sides of the tale are telling "the truth" from their own perspective and 
chosen emphasis? ... My (admittedly sketchy) understanding is that Saul Levine 
received a student complaint about the content of a film, a student feeling 
"unsafe" perhaps, or "sexually harassed?" (as is increasingly the charge that 
is made, it seems, when someone i

Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty

2018-04-16 Thread Francisco Torres
out what led to his decision
> to leave. The administration says he was not forced to quit, and paints him
> as an ongoing problematic personality who is now "bullying" them. I don't
> know precisely what they mean by that, but he has his story to tell, from
> his point of view, and has every right to tell it. I don't think that
> telling your story of a contentious relationship with others, and even
> naming the people you were in argument with, should necessarily be
> considered "bullying." And in a five versus one argument it is not
> necessarily true that the five must be right and the one must be wrong.
> They have their experience and views and he has his. ... As for the
> longstanding conflicts, no doubt an ability to compromise and to 'get
> along' with people is helpful in any walk of life -- but on the other hand,
> there are some things that people of integrity will not compromise on. They
> may fight for awhile, they may decide to move on, and they may also have an
> argument they'd subsequently like to present to a larger audience. So be
> it. But the idea that artists are likely to be particularly and uniquely
> difficult, self-absorbed people who are impossible to get along with is a
> cliché that I reject. There are, of course, a lot of horribly difficult
> artists. And there are a lot of horribly difficult non-artists. And
> academic institutions are also fairly notorious for their petty,
> territorial squabbling, which has nothing to do with art whatsoever.
> As a raised example of an artist teaching, Stan Brakhage did, yes, show
> his own films as a part of his teaching practice, but he never taught film
> *making*. This is because he considered his method of making films, which
> involved deep dives into the unconscious, not "teachable" in the ordinary
> sense, and potentially dangerous, and probably because he wanted to keep
> his filmmaking practice generally separate from his teaching. ... I don't
> recall Stan "getting into trouble" with the school over the nature of his
> completed films, though I do recall some students complaining, after he
> showed Kenneth Anger's Scorpio Rising, that he was showing them
> "pornography." And on another occasion when a university colleague (not a
> filmmaker or artist of any kind) filled in for Stan during an absence, she
> told *his* Film History class that Stan's idea of film history was only
> about what mattered to him in his own filmmaking (which was totally untrue;
> as many know he was a voracious consumer of films of all sorts, and his
> film history classes were extremely varied and fabulously illuminating).
> But academics often have very narrowly focussed areas of interest also, and
> can be just as competitive and controlling in their personalities as anyone
> else.
> Without going into any further specifics, it is also generally true, I
> think, that people with large, passionate, or dramatic personalities or
> temperaments are very easy to target for blame when tempers flare and
> disagreements become intense. People will find it easy to believe that it
> must have been that person's fault. But there are times when that is not
> the case.  So who knows?
> Fred, you also say that we should take care to make accusations about the
> abridgment of academic freedom only when it has really occurred. True, but
> it might also be worth noting that such abridgments can creep in in
> insidious ways and we need to be vigilant about the effects of any
> dominating agenda of any particular group of people, and the increasingly
> narrowing notions about what is and is not acceptable and open for
> discussion, let alone viewing, in our academic institutions. I think these
> are real, not fanciful dangers.
> Marilyn Brakhage
> --
> *From: *"Fred Camper"  
> *To: *"Experimental Film Discussion List" 
> *Sent: *Saturday, April 14, 2018 1:43:51 PM
> *Subject: *Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty
> So it sounds like you are unquestionably accepting that Levine was forced
> out due to the nature of his filmmaking?
> Are the five signatories of that statement lying?
> Of course it is true that it is in the nature of some kinds of art making
> that the artist will believe that she or he has found *the *truth, *the *path,
> the only correct way of making films or other art. Jessica comments on a
> facet of this, though I think in some other kinds of artists
> authoritarianism is not to be found, or will be successfully hidden. But
> for some of the most original artists, this belief is central to their
> practice. One only has to read the writings of Dz

Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty

2018-04-16 Thread Fred Camper
 -- but on the other hand, there are some things that 
people of integrity will not compromise on. They may fight for awhile, 
they may decide to move on, and they may also have an argument they'd 
subsequently like to present to a larger audience. So be it. But the 
idea that artists are likely to be particularly and uniquely 
difficult, self-absorbed people who are impossible to get along with 
is a cliché that I reject. There are, of course, a lot of horribly 
difficult artists. And there are a lot of horribly difficult 
non-artists. And academic institutions are also fairly notorious for 
their petty, territorial squabbling, which has nothing to do with art 

As a raised example of an artist teaching, Stan Brakhage did, yes, 
show his own films as a part of his teaching practice, but he never 
taught film/making/. This is because he considered his method of 
making films, which involved deep dives into the unconscious, not 
"teachable" in the ordinary sense, and potentially dangerous, and 
probably because he wanted to keep his filmmaking practice generally 
separate from his teaching. ... I don't recall Stan "getting into 
trouble" with the school over the nature of his completed films, 
though I do recall some students complaining, after he showed Kenneth 
Anger's Scorpio Rising, that he was showing them "pornography." And on 
another occasion when a university colleague (not a filmmaker or 
artist of any kind) filled in for Stan during an absence, she told 
/his/ Film History class that Stan's idea of film history was only 
about what mattered to him in his own filmmaking (which was totally 
untrue; as many know he was a voracious consumer of films of all 
sorts, and his film history classes were extremely varied and 
fabulously illuminating). But academics often have very narrowly 
focussed areas of interest also, and can be just as competitive and 
controlling in their personalities as anyone else.

Without going into any further specifics, it is also generally true, I 
think, that people with large, passionate, or dramatic personalities 
or temperaments are very easy to target for blame when tempers flare 
and disagreements become intense. People will find it easy to believe 
that it must have been that person's fault. But there are times when 
that is not the case.  So who knows?

Fred, you also say that we should take care to make accusations about 
the abridgment of academic freedom only when it has really occurred. 
True, but it might also be worth noting that such abridgments can 
creep in in insidious ways and we need to be vigilant about the 
effects of any dominating agenda of any particular group of people, 
and the increasingly narrowing notions about what is and is not 
acceptable and open for discussion, let alone viewing, in our academic 
institutions. I think these are real, not fanciful dangers.

Marilyn Brakhage

*From: *"Fred Camper" 
*To: *"Experimental Film Discussion List" 
*Sent: *Saturday, April 14, 2018 1:43:51 PM
*Subject: *Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty

So it sounds like you are unquestionably accepting that Levine was 
forced out due to the nature of his filmmaking?

Are the five signatories of that statement lying?

Of course it is true that it is in the nature of some kinds of art 
making that the artist will believe that she or he has found /the 
/truth, /the /path, the only correct way of making films or other art. 
Jessica comments on a facet of this, though I think in some other 
kinds of artists authoritarianism is not to be found, or will be 
successfully hidden. But for some of the most original artists, this 
belief is central to their practice. One only has to read the writings 
of Dziga Vertov and Robert Bresson, both filmmakers who felt so 
strongly that their mode of filmmaking was the only true way that they 
used use words or phrases to refer /only /to their own films to the 
exclusion of all others to emphasize the correctness of their choices, 
for examples. One can only speculate as to the nature, if language 
differences could be bridged, of a "faculty meeting" to discuss the 
correct  forms of cinema education with a faculty consisting of 
Eisenstein, Vertov, Epstein, Bresson, Kubelka, Brakhage, Rainer, and, 
oh, say, Roberto Rossellini, Nicholas Ray and John Ford.

But at the same time, Stan Brakhage, Peter Kubelka, Robert Breer, 
Hollis Frampton, George Landow/Owen Land, Ernie Gehr, Larry Jordan, 
Ken Jacobs, Larry Gottheim, and of course others, all taught  
filmmaking for many decades. I name these in particular as filmmaker 
whose work I like, in most cases hugely. All showed their own films as 
part of their teaching practice. Does anyone know of cases in which 
these filmmakers got into trouble with their schools over the nature 
of their completed films,

Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty

2018-04-16 Thread MARILYN BRAKHAGE
nd open for discussion, let alone viewing, in our 
academic institutions. I think these are real, not fanciful dangers. 

Marilyn Brakhage 

From: "Fred Camper"  
To: "Experimental Film Discussion List"  
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2018 1:43:51 PM 
Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty 

So it sounds like you are unquestionably accepting that Levine was forced out 
due to the nature of his filmmaking? 

Are the five signatories of that statement lying? 

Of course it is true that it is in the nature of some kinds of art making that 
the artist will believe that she or he has found the truth, the path, the only 
correct way of making films or other art. Jessica comments on a facet of this, 
though I think in some other kinds of artists authoritarianism is not to be 
found, or will be successfully hidden. But for some of the most original 
artists, this belief is central to their practice. One only has to read the 
writings of Dziga Vertov and Robert Bresson, both filmmakers who felt so 
strongly that their mode of filmmaking was the only true way that they used use 
words or phrases to refer only to their own films to the exclusion of all 
others to emphasize the correctness of their choices, for examples. One can 
only speculate as to the nature, if language differences could be bridged, of a 
"faculty meeting" to discuss the correct forms of cinema education with a 
faculty consisting of Eisenstein, Vertov, Epstein, Bresson, Kubelka, Brakhage, 
Rainer, and, oh, say, Roberto Rossellini, Nicholas Ray and John Ford. 

But at the same time, Stan Brakhage, Peter Kubelka, Robert Breer, Hollis 
Frampton, George Landow/Owen Land, Ernie Gehr, Larry Jordan, Ken Jacobs, Larry 
Gottheim, and of course others, all taught filmmaking for many decades. I name 
these in particular as filmmaker whose work I like, in most cases hugely. All 
showed their own films as part of their teaching practice. Does anyone know of 
cases in which these filmmakers got into trouble with their schools over the 
nature of their completed films, or for their expression of their ideas about 
their art? Some have troubles, but more due to the nature of their 
personalities, is that not right? 

With so many nations sliding into dictatorship, we who are privileged to live 
in relatively free nations should appreciate, and try to preserve, what we 
have, taking care to make accusation about the abridgement of academic freedom 
only when it has really occurred. 

What you are advocating implies an inner split that is probably impossible for 
most of us to put in practice in the long term, but is also fundamentally 
dishonest. Hired to teach one's beliefs, and not directed to conceal them, the 
filmmaker is then to spend a career lying about them? Is that even fair to the 
students, or to the school? Would such a course not make the world a 
fundamentally worse, rather than better, place? Haven't we seen enough lying, 
especially when it is not absolutely necessary? 

Avoiding academia entirely might be a good idea, if one can manage it. I think 
Markopoulos's films only got greater, after he left teaching and the U.S. I 
certainly felt freer in many ways when I could survive as a freelance writer, 
working mostly for a for-profit newspaper, than when I turned to teaching at 
allegedly high-minded not for profit institutions. At the same time, I have 
been relatively free to work my own beliefs about cinema and about art even in 
predesigned courses in which I have to teach certain elements I did not decide 
on (though also do not oppose). And I feel sure that for many, 
alternative-to-teaching jobs might be far worse than teaching. 
Fred Camper 

On 4/14/2018 12:40 PM, Francisco Torres wrote: 

I suggest one course of action to avoid such problems- Total boycott of 
academia. Find other sources of employment if possible. If academia is the only 
alternative in terms of earning an income then withhold your true work from the 
academic audience. Create safe, vanilla works for the administration and the 
student body and another body of work for yourself and your true audience 
(outside academia). Also withhold your true wisdom from your academic work, 
keep it secret. Moreover, feed an official artistic line to your students and 
co-workers. Play it safe. After all, it worked for the alchemists for hundred 
of years. 

2018-04-14 1:34 GMT-04:00 lady snowblood < > : 


I’ve been observing this situation and reflecting on the need for competing 
skills inside one person: 
- adherence to personal vision in the studio 
- the flexibility of ego to collaborate well with colleagues and students in 
the educational environment. 

I’ve seen behavior like this in art teachers the past, although not to this 
degree. And I assigned it as lots of skill in one area (authorship) fewer 
skills in another ... 

It’s hard. I’m reminded that “you can

Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty

2018-04-14 Thread Fred Camper
So it sounds like you are unquestionably accepting that Levine was 
forced out due to the nature of his filmmaking?

Are the five signatories of that statement lying?

Of course it is true that it is in the nature of some kinds of art 
making that the artist will believe that she or he has found /the 
/truth, /the /path, the only correct way of making films or other art. 
Jessica comments on a facet of this, though I think in some other kinds 
of artists authoritarianism is not to be found, or will be successfully 
hidden. But for some of the most original artists, this belief is 
central to their practice. One only has to read the writings of Dziga 
Vertov and Robert Bresson, both filmmakers who felt so strongly that 
their mode of filmmaking was the only true way that they used use words 
or phrases to refer /only /to their own films to the exclusion of all 
others to emphasize the correctness of their choices, for examples. One 
can only speculate as to the nature, if language differences could be 
bridged, of a "faculty meeting" to discuss the correct  forms of cinema 
education with a faculty consisting of Eisenstein, Vertov, Epstein, 
Bresson, Kubelka, Brakhage, Rainer, and, oh, say, Roberto Rossellini, 
Nicholas Ray and John Ford.

But at the same time, Stan Brakhage, Peter Kubelka, Robert Breer, Hollis 
Frampton, George Landow/Owen Land, Ernie Gehr, Larry Jordan, Ken Jacobs, 
Larry Gottheim, and of course others, all taught  filmmaking for many 
decades. I name these in particular as filmmaker whose work I like, in 
most cases hugely. All showed their own films as part of their teaching 
practice. Does anyone know of cases in which these filmmakers got into 
trouble with their schools over the nature of their completed films, or 
for their expression of their ideas about their art? Some have troubles, 
but more due to the nature of their personalities, is that not right?

With so many nations sliding into dictatorship, we who are privileged to 
live in relatively free nations should appreciate, and try to preserve, 
what we have, taking care to make accusation about the abridgement of 
academic freedom only when it has really occurred.

What you are advocating implies an inner split that is probably 
impossible for most of us to put in practice in the long term, but is 
also fundamentally dishonest. Hired to teach one's beliefs, and not 
directed to conceal them, the filmmaker is then to spend a career lying 
about them? Is that even fair to the students, or to the school? Would 
such a course not make the world a fundamentally worse, rather than 
better, place? Haven't we seen enough lying, especially when it is not 
absolutely necessary?

Avoiding academia entirely might be a good idea, if one can manage it. 
I  think Markopoulos's films only got greater, after he left teaching 
and the U.S. I certainly felt freer in many ways when I could survive as 
a freelance writer, working mostly for a for-profit newspaper, than when 
I turned to teaching at allegedly high-minded not for profit 
institutions. At the same time, I have been relatively free to work my 
own beliefs about cinema and about art even in predesigned courses in 
which I have to teach certain elements I did not decide on (though also 
do not oppose). And I feel sure that for many, alternative-to-teaching 
jobs might be far worse than teaching.

Fred Camper

On 4/14/2018 12:40 PM, Francisco Torres wrote:
I suggest one course of action to avoid such problems- Total boycott 
of academia. Find other sources of employment if possible. If academia 
is the only alternative in terms of earning an income then withhold 
your true work from the academic audience. Create safe, vanilla works 
for the administration and the student body and another body of work 
for yourself and your true audience (outside academia). Also withhold 
your true wisdom from your academic work, keep it secret. Moreover, 
feed an official artistic line to your students and co-workers. Play 
it safe. After all, it worked for the alchemists for hundred of years.

2018-04-14 1:34 GMT-04:00 lady snowblood >:

I’ve been observing this situation and reflecting on the need for
competing skills inside one person:
- adherence to personal vision in the studio
- the flexibility of ego to collaborate well with colleagues and
students in the educational environment.

I’ve seen behavior like this in art teachers the past, although
not to this degree. And I assigned it as lots of skill in one area
(authorship) fewer skills in another ...

It’s hard. I’m reminded that “you can’t say authoritarian without
author”. I also re-invest in the notion that I have to keep a good
buffer between my formal creative practice (viciously adhering to
the vision) and the social skills for creating resilient learning
environment (relax, communicate, provoke, nourish, discover
together etc).


Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty

2018-04-14 Thread Francisco Torres
I suggest one course of action to avoid such problems- Total boycott of
academia. Find other sources of employment if possible. If academia is the
only alternative in terms of earning an income then withhold your true work
from the academic audience. Create safe, vanilla works for the
administration and the student body and another body of work for yourself
and your true audience (outside academia). Also withhold your true wisdom
from your academic work, keep it secret. Moreover, feed an official
artistic line to your students and co-workers. Play it safe. After all, it
worked for the alchemists for hundred of years.

2018-04-14 1:34 GMT-04:00 lady snowblood :

> I’ve been observing this situation and reflecting on the need for
> competing skills inside one person:
> - adherence to personal vision in the studio
> - the flexibility of ego to collaborate well with colleagues and students
> in the educational environment.
> I’ve seen behavior like this in art teachers the past, although not to
> this degree. And I assigned it as lots of skill in one area (authorship)
> fewer skills in another ...
> It’s hard. I’m reminded that “you can’t say authoritarian without author”.
> I also re-invest in the notion that I have to keep a good buffer between my
> formal creative practice (viciously adhering to the vision) and the social
> skills for creating resilient learning environment (relax, communicate,
> provoke, nourish, discover together etc).
> Jessica
> * * * * *
> Jessica Fenlon
> artist : poet : experimental :
> flickr  : vimeo
>  : instagram
> On Apr 13, 2018, at 8:13 AM, John Muse  wrote:
> Another turn of the screw:
> controversy-over-resignation-of-filmmaker-saul-levine-74966
> j
> On Apr 12, 2018, at 9:19 AM, Jon Behrens  wrote:
> Thank you Ed
> For sharing this
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 11, 2018, at 8:22 PM, Deana LeBlanc 
> wrote:
> Emotion vs. reason? His live video got us PUMPED and struck a cord- we who
> were watching were cheering, (crying a bit admittedly). Even had musicians
> riding along to its It speaks to something bigger and is effectively
> cathartic- the performance, the storytelling, while also being a testimony
> of information. Two things going on at once, important to distinguish. But
> this also makes sense- the statement from Mass Art Faculty- glad to hear
> from them.
> On Wednesday, April 11, 2018, Ed Halter  wrote:
> Hey Frameworks
> Felt I should share this announcement that was forwarded to me from the
> Massart faculty.
> The faculty and staff of the Film/Video department demand that Professor
> Saul Levine stop his
> lies about recent events at Mass Art and his cyber-bullying against his
> colleagues.
> It is because of Professor Levine’s very public attacks and
> misrepresentations that we feel
> obliged to correct his version of the complaints against him.
> He has bullied his colleagues and created an abusive working environment
> over many years.
> He has derailed and destroyed important discussions about urgent
> departmental and curricular
> issues.
> This is NOT an issue of academic freedom. No one at Mass Art made any
> effort to censor or
> punish Professor Levine for screening his film or any other film he has
> shown over the years.
> No one forced him to retire.The decision to retire is entirely Professor
> Levine’s.
> We recognize Professor Levine as a brilliant artist and programmer and are
> thankful for his
> contributions to the department and to Massart.It is extremely painful to
> see his toxic rant
> against the department, besmearing the College and insulting us by name
> while claiming
> himself as the victim.
> As artists, teachers and mentors, it is our responsibility to stand up
> when we are bullied and to
> treat each other with respect. It is also our duty to foster an open,
> respectful, and collegial
> environment for our students.
> Soon-Mi Yoo, Chair
> Ericka Beckman, Professor
> Gretchen Skogerson, Professor
> Joe Briganti, Studio Manager, Video Area
> Kim Keown, Studio Manager, Film Area
> ___
> FrameWorks mailing list
> ___
> FrameWorks mailing list
> j/PrM
> *
> john muse
> visual media scholar
> haverford college
> he/him/his
> *

Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty

2018-04-13 Thread lady snowblood
I’ve been observing this situation and reflecting on the need for competing 
skills inside one person: 
- adherence to personal vision in the studio
- the flexibility of ego to collaborate well with colleagues and students in 
the educational environment. 

I’ve seen behavior like this in art teachers the past, although not to this 
degree. And I assigned it as lots of skill in one area (authorship) fewer 
skills in another ... 

It’s hard. I’m reminded that “you can’t say authoritarian without author”. I 
also re-invest in the notion that I have to keep a good buffer between my 
formal creative practice (viciously adhering to the vision) and the social 
skills for creating resilient learning environment (relax, communicate, 
provoke, nourish, discover together etc). 


* * * * *

Jessica Fenlon

artist : poet : experimental :

flickr : vimeo : instagram

> On Apr 13, 2018, at 8:13 AM, John Muse  wrote:
> Another turn of the screw:
> j
>> On Apr 12, 2018, at 9:19 AM, Jon Behrens  wrote:
>> Thank you Ed
>> For sharing this
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 11, 2018, at 8:22 PM, Deana LeBlanc  wrote:
>>> Emotion vs. reason? His live video got us PUMPED and struck a cord- we who 
>>> were watching were cheering, (crying a bit admittedly). Even had musicians 
>>> riding along to its It speaks to something bigger and is effectively 
>>> cathartic- the performance, the storytelling, while also being a testimony 
>>> of information. Two things going on at once, important to distinguish. But 
>>> this also makes sense- the statement from Mass Art Faculty- glad to hear 
>>> from them. 
>>> On Wednesday, April 11, 2018, Ed Halter  wrote:
>>> Hey Frameworks
>>> Felt I should share this announcement that was forwarded to me from the 
>>> Massart faculty.
>>> The faculty and staff of the Film/Video department demand that Professor 
>>> Saul Levine stop his
>>> lies about recent events at Mass Art and his cyber-bullying against his 
>>> colleagues.
>>> It is because of Professor Levine’s very public attacks and 
>>> misrepresentations that we feel
>>> obliged to correct his version of the complaints against him.
>>> He has bullied his colleagues and created an abusive working environment 
>>> over many years.
>>> He has derailed and destroyed important discussions about urgent 
>>> departmental and curricular
>>> issues.
>>> This is NOT an issue of academic freedom. No one at Mass Art made any 
>>> effort to censor or
>>> punish Professor Levine for screening his film or any other film he has 
>>> shown over the years.
>>> No one forced him to retire.The decision to retire is entirely Professor 
>>> Levine’s.
>>> We recognize Professor Levine as a brilliant artist and programmer and are 
>>> thankful for his
>>> contributions to the department and to Massart.It is extremely painful to 
>>> see his toxic rant
>>> against the department, besmearing the College and insulting us by name 
>>> while claiming
>>> himself as the victim.
>>> As artists, teachers and mentors, it is our responsibility to stand up when 
>>> we are bullied and to
>>> treat each other with respect. It is also our duty to foster an open, 
>>> respectful, and collegial
>>> environment for our students.
>>> Soon-Mi Yoo, Chair
>>> Ericka Beckman, Professor
>>> Gretchen Skogerson, Professor
>>> Joe Briganti, Studio Manager, Video Area
>>> Kim Keown, Studio Manager, Film Area
>>> ___
>>> FrameWorks mailing list
>> ___
>> FrameWorks mailing list
> j/PrM
> *
> john muse
> visual media scholar
> haverford college
> he/him/his
> *
> ___
> FrameWorks mailing list
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty

2018-04-13 Thread John Muse
Another turn of the screw:


> On Apr 12, 2018, at 9:19 AM, Jon Behrens  wrote:
> Thank you Ed
> For sharing this
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 11, 2018, at 8:22 PM, Deana LeBlanc  wrote:
>> Emotion vs. reason? His live video got us PUMPED and struck a cord- we who 
>> were watching were cheering, (crying a bit admittedly). Even had musicians 
>> riding along to its It speaks to something bigger and is effectively 
>> cathartic- the performance, the storytelling, while also being a testimony 
>> of information. Two things going on at once, important to distinguish. But 
>> this also makes sense- the statement from Mass Art Faculty- glad to hear 
>> from them. 
>> On Wednesday, April 11, 2018, Ed Halter  wrote:
>> Hey Frameworks
>> Felt I should share this announcement that was forwarded to me from the 
>> Massart faculty.
>> The faculty and staff of the Film/Video department demand that Professor 
>> Saul Levine stop his
>> lies about recent events at Mass Art and his cyber-bullying against his 
>> colleagues.
>> It is because of Professor Levine’s very public attacks and 
>> misrepresentations that we feel
>> obliged to correct his version of the complaints against him.
>> He has bullied his colleagues and created an abusive working environment 
>> over many years.
>> He has derailed and destroyed important discussions about urgent 
>> departmental and curricular
>> issues.
>> This is NOT an issue of academic freedom. No one at Mass Art made any effort 
>> to censor or
>> punish Professor Levine for screening his film or any other film he has 
>> shown over the years.
>> No one forced him to retire.The decision to retire is entirely Professor 
>> Levine’s.
>> We recognize Professor Levine as a brilliant artist and programmer and are 
>> thankful for his
>> contributions to the department and to Massart.It is extremely painful to 
>> see his toxic rant
>> against the department, besmearing the College and insulting us by name 
>> while claiming
>> himself as the victim.
>> As artists, teachers and mentors, it is our responsibility to stand up when 
>> we are bullied and to
>> treat each other with respect. It is also our duty to foster an open, 
>> respectful, and collegial
>> environment for our students.
>> Soon-Mi Yoo, Chair
>> Ericka Beckman, Professor
>> Gretchen Skogerson, Professor
>> Joe Briganti, Studio Manager, Video Area
>> Kim Keown, Studio Manager, Film Area
>> ___
>> FrameWorks mailing list
> ___
> FrameWorks mailing list



john muse
visual media scholar
haverford college


FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty

2018-04-12 Thread Jon Behrens
Thank you Ed
For sharing this

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 11, 2018, at 8:22 PM, Deana LeBlanc>> wrote:

Emotion vs. reason? His live video got us PUMPED and struck a cord- we who were 
watching were cheering, (crying a bit admittedly). Even had musicians riding 
along to its It speaks to something bigger and is effectively cathartic- the 
performance, the storytelling, while also being a testimony of information. Two 
things going on at once, important to distinguish. But this also makes sense- 
the statement from Mass Art Faculty- glad to hear from them.

On Wednesday, April 11, 2018, Ed Halter>> wrote:
Hey Frameworks

Felt I should share this announcement that was forwarded to me from the Massart 


The faculty and staff of the Film/Video department demand that Professor Saul 
Levine stop his
lies about recent events at Mass Art and his cyber-bullying against his 

It is because of Professor Levine’s very public attacks and misrepresentations 
that we feel
obliged to correct his version of the complaints against him.

He has bullied his colleagues and created an abusive working environment over 
many years.

He has derailed and destroyed important discussions about urgent departmental 
and curricular

This is NOT an issue of academic freedom. No one at Mass Art made any effort to 
censor or
punish Professor Levine for screening his film or any other film he has shown 
over the years.
No one forced him to retire.The decision to retire is entirely Professor 

We recognize Professor Levine as a brilliant artist and programmer and are 
thankful for his
contributions to the department and to Massart.It is extremely painful to see 
his toxic rant
against the department, besmearing the College and insulting us by name while 
himself as the victim.

As artists, teachers and mentors, it is our responsibility to stand up when we 
are bullied and to
treat each other with respect. It is also our duty to foster an open, 
respectful, and collegial
environment for our students.

Soon-Mi Yoo, Chair
Ericka Beckman, Professor
Gretchen Skogerson, Professor
Joe Briganti, Studio Manager, Video Area
Kim Keown, Studio Manager, Film Area
FrameWorks mailing list
FrameWorks mailing list

[Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty

2018-04-11 Thread Deana LeBlanc
Emotion vs. reason? His live video got us PUMPED and struck a cord- we who
were watching were cheering, (crying a bit admittedly). Even had musicians
riding along to its It speaks to something bigger and is effectively
cathartic- the performance, the storytelling, while also being a testimony
of information. Two things going on at once, important to distinguish. But
this also makes sense- the statement from Mass Art Faculty- glad to hear
from them.

On Wednesday, April 11, 2018, Ed Halter  wrote:

> Hey Frameworks
> Felt I should share this announcement that was forwarded to me from the
> Massart faculty.
> The faculty and staff of the Film/Video department demand that Professor
> Saul Levine stop his
> lies about recent events at Mass Art and his cyber-bullying against his
> colleagues.
> It is because of Professor Levine’s very public attacks and
> misrepresentations that we feel
> obliged to correct his version of the complaints against him.
> He has bullied his colleagues and created an abusive working environment
> over many years.
> He has derailed and destroyed important discussions about urgent
> departmental and curricular
> issues.
> This is NOT an issue of academic freedom. No one at Mass Art made any
> effort to censor or
> punish Professor Levine for screening his film or any other film he has
> shown over the years.
> No one forced him to retire.The decision to retire is entirely Professor
> Levine’s.
> We recognize Professor Levine as a brilliant artist and programmer and are
> thankful for his
> contributions to the department and to Massart.It is extremely painful to
> see his toxic rant
> against the department, besmearing the College and insulting us by name
> while claiming
> himself as the victim.
> As artists, teachers and mentors, it is our responsibility to stand up
> when we are bullied and to
> treat each other with respect. It is also our duty to foster an open,
> respectful, and collegial
> environment for our students.
> Soon-Mi Yoo, Chair
> Ericka Beckman, Professor
> Gretchen Skogerson, Professor
> Joe Briganti, Studio Manager, Video Area
> Kim Keown, Studio Manager, Film Area
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty

2018-04-11 Thread Fred Camper
It is very easy for us to judge others. We can sit alone type almost 
anything we like, and theorize as we please. But how difficult is a 
particular person to deal with? We cannot know without having been 
there. I once taught with someone who was so off the rails, and not in 
very interesting ways, that he was just about impossible to deal with, 
and most agreed. Maybe someone could have dealt with him successfully, 
but most could not.

Gross incompetence is a pretty serious charge. Why is one person right 
and the other five wrong?

If it is true, as those five state, that Saul has completely 
misrepresented what happened (and I am not saying that it is true), then 
he has behaved unprofessionally, and actually, with gross incompetence.

Or, have you not read this whole thread? Did you notice all of Scott 
MacDonald's comments? One of the worst things about this list is people 
running off at the mouth in threads that they have not read all of, and 
thereby making false accusations against others on our very own list, as 
recently happened to me. (When I asked for a correction, the person who 
made the misstatement replied that she was much too busy to get further 
involved.) The extreme disregard of facts in our broken political 
culture sometimes has faint echoes here.

Fred Camper

On 4/11/2018 9:33 PM, Salah Hassanpour wrote:

Isn’t this a tacit admission of that faculty’s gross incompetency as 
far as failing to exhaust appropriate ways to deal with these 
situations before allowing them to escalate to the point where 
compelling what ought to have been an emeritus faculty out of their 
job is deemed the proper course of affairs?

Salah Hassanpour

*From: *Fred Camper <>
*Sent: *April 11, 2018 22:28
*To: *Experimental Film Discussion List 

*Subject: *Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty

Yes. Wow is right. I was the first to express sympathy, and anger that a

film showing to a class could have been an issue. But perhaps that was a

false narrative?

I do not need to take sides here, just note that there are often two

sides, and we should not have jumped to conclusions from one story, even

if from an artist we respect. We know that sometimes, experimental

filmmakers can, um, be difficult. I would like to think that art schools

should accommodate some degree of difficulty from their artists, but

there are also limits.

There was a time decades ago when I was unemployed, broke, and

spiraling downward. A filmmaker who I greatly respect (and I know many

on this list also do) wanted to me apply for an untenured, full-time

position as department chair in the university where he taught. As he

described it, the other members of the film department, all tenured, had

been fighting to the point where they were no longer speaking to each

other. The chair job involved talking about diverse issues with all four

of them and then making decisions. I knew and respected the work of two

of the other three. But the very fact of this situation, and the search

for a chair with this particular job description, boggles the mind, and

I felt a stunning lack of respect for the person they were seeking to

hire, whose continued employment as untentured faculty would depend upon

their votes. I suspected that after a few years of this I would have

been forced to retire to the rubber room -- and might never have emerged.

Most of us have passionate beliefs about aesthetic and related matters.

It takes temperance and skill to argue them from the full depths of our

passions while still letting the people we are arguing with feel

acknowledged and respected. I know that at this I have often failed.

Fred Camper


On 4/11/2018 8:54 PM, Jon Behrens wrote:

> wow


> Sent from my iPhone


>> On Apr 11, 2018, at 4:28 PM, Ed Halter  wrote:


>> Hey Frameworks


>> Felt I should share this announcement that was forwarded to me from 
the Massart faculty.







>> The faculty and staff of the Film/Video department demand that 
Professor Saul Levine stop his

>> lies about recent events at Mass Art and his cyber-bullying against 
his colleagues.


>> It is because of Professor Levine’s very public attacks and 
misrepresentations that we feel

>> obliged to correct his version of the complaints against him.


>> He has bullied his colleagues and created an abusive working 
environment over many years.


>> He has derailed and destroyed important discussions about urgent 
departmental and curricular

>> issues.


>> This is NOT an issue of academic freedom. No one at Mass Art made 
any effort to censor or

>> punish Professor Levine for screening his film or any 

Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty

2018-04-11 Thread Salah Hassanpour
Isn’t this a tacit admission of that faculty’s gross incompetency as far as 
failing to exhaust appropriate ways to deal with these situations before 
allowing them to escalate to the point where compelling what ought to have been 
an emeritus faculty out of their job is deemed the proper course of affairs?

Salah Hassanpour

From: Fred Camper
Sent: April 11, 2018 22:28
To: Experimental Film Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty

Yes. Wow is right. I was the first to express sympathy, and anger that a 
film showing to a class could have been an issue. But perhaps that was a 
false narrative?

I do not need to take sides here, just note that there are often two 
sides, and we should not have jumped to conclusions from one story, even 
if from an artist we respect. We know that sometimes, experimental 
filmmakers can, um, be difficult. I would like to think that art schools 
should accommodate some degree of difficulty from their artists, but 
there are also limits.

There was a time decades ago when I was  unemployed, broke, and 
spiraling downward. A filmmaker who I greatly respect (and I know many 
on this list also do) wanted to me apply for an untenured, full-time 
position as department chair in the university where he taught. As he 
described it, the other members of the film department, all tenured, had 
been fighting to the point where they were no longer speaking to each 
other. The chair job involved talking about diverse issues with all four 
of them and then making decisions. I knew and respected the work of two 
of the other three. But the very fact of this situation, and the search 
for a chair with this particular job description, boggles the mind, and 
I felt a stunning lack of respect for the person they were seeking to 
hire, whose continued employment as untentured faculty would depend upon 
their votes. I suspected that after a few years of this I would have 
been forced to retire to the rubber room -- and might never have emerged.

Most of us have passionate beliefs about aesthetic and related matters. 
It takes temperance and skill to argue them from the full depths of our 
passions while still letting the people we are arguing with feel 
acknowledged and respected. I know that at this I have often failed.

Fred Camper

On 4/11/2018 8:54 PM, Jon Behrens wrote:
> wow
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 11, 2018, at 4:28 PM, Ed Halter  wrote:
>> Hey Frameworks
>> Felt I should share this announcement that was forwarded to me from the 
>> Massart faculty.
>> The faculty and staff of the Film/Video department demand that Professor 
>> Saul Levine stop his
>> lies about recent events at Mass Art and his cyber-bullying against his 
>> colleagues.
>> It is because of Professor Levine’s very public attacks and 
>> misrepresentations that we feel
>> obliged to correct his version of the complaints against him.
>> He has bullied his colleagues and created an abusive working environment 
>> over many years.
>> He has derailed and destroyed important discussions about urgent 
>> departmental and curricular
>> issues.
>> This is NOT an issue of academic freedom. No one at Mass Art made any effort 
>> to censor or
>> punish Professor Levine for screening his film or any other film he has 
>> shown over the years.
>> No one forced him to retire.The decision to retire is entirely Professor 
>> Levine’s.
>> We recognize Professor Levine as a brilliant artist and programmer and are 
>> thankful for his
>> contributions to the department and to Massart.It is extremely painful to 
>> see his toxic rant
>> against the department, besmearing the College and insulting us by name 
>> while claiming
>> himself as the victim.
>> As artists, teachers and mentors, it is our responsibility to stand up when 
>> we are bullied and to
>> treat each other with respect. It is also our duty to foster an open, 
>> respectful, and collegial
>> environment for our students.
>> Soon-Mi Yoo, Chair
>> Ericka Beckman, Professor
>> Gretchen Skogerson, Professor
>> Joe Briganti, Studio Manager, Video Area
>> Kim Keown, Studio Manager, Film Area
>> ___
>> FrameWorks mailing list
> ___
> FrameWorks mailing list

FrameWorks mailing list

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty

2018-04-11 Thread Fred Camper
Yes. Wow is right. I was the first to express sympathy, and anger that a 
film showing to a class could have been an issue. But perhaps that was a 
false narrative?

I do not need to take sides here, just note that there are often two 
sides, and we should not have jumped to conclusions from one story, even 
if from an artist we respect. We know that sometimes, experimental 
filmmakers can, um, be difficult. I would like to think that art schools 
should accommodate some degree of difficulty from their artists, but 
there are also limits.

There was a time decades ago when I was  unemployed, broke, and 
spiraling downward. A filmmaker who I greatly respect (and I know many 
on this list also do) wanted to me apply for an untenured, full-time 
position as department chair in the university where he taught. As he 
described it, the other members of the film department, all tenured, had 
been fighting to the point where they were no longer speaking to each 
other. The chair job involved talking about diverse issues with all four 
of them and then making decisions. I knew and respected the work of two 
of the other three. But the very fact of this situation, and the search 
for a chair with this particular job description, boggles the mind, and 
I felt a stunning lack of respect for the person they were seeking to 
hire, whose continued employment as untentured faculty would depend upon 
their votes. I suspected that after a few years of this I would have 
been forced to retire to the rubber room -- and might never have emerged.

Most of us have passionate beliefs about aesthetic and related matters. 
It takes temperance and skill to argue them from the full depths of our 
passions while still letting the people we are arguing with feel 
acknowledged and respected. I know that at this I have often failed.

Fred Camper

On 4/11/2018 8:54 PM, Jon Behrens wrote:


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 11, 2018, at 4:28 PM, Ed Halter  wrote:

Hey Frameworks

Felt I should share this announcement that was forwarded to me from the Massart 


The faculty and staff of the Film/Video department demand that Professor Saul 
Levine stop his
lies about recent events at Mass Art and his cyber-bullying against his 

It is because of Professor Levine’s very public attacks and misrepresentations 
that we feel
obliged to correct his version of the complaints against him.

He has bullied his colleagues and created an abusive working environment over 
many years.

He has derailed and destroyed important discussions about urgent departmental 
and curricular

This is NOT an issue of academic freedom. No one at Mass Art made any effort to 
censor or
punish Professor Levine for screening his film or any other film he has shown 
over the years.
No one forced him to retire.The decision to retire is entirely Professor 

We recognize Professor Levine as a brilliant artist and programmer and are 
thankful for his
contributions to the department and to Massart.It is extremely painful to see 
his toxic rant
against the department, besmearing the College and insulting us by name while 
himself as the victim.

As artists, teachers and mentors, it is our responsibility to stand up when we 
are bullied and to
treat each other with respect. It is also our duty to foster an open, 
respectful, and collegial
environment for our students.

Soon-Mi Yoo, Chair
Ericka Beckman, Professor
Gretchen Skogerson, Professor
Joe Briganti, Studio Manager, Video Area
Kim Keown, Studio Manager, Film Area
FrameWorks mailing list

FrameWorks mailing list

FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty

2018-04-11 Thread Warren Cockerham
I wonder what the adjunct faculty at MassArt have to say about this

> On Apr 11, 2018, at 9:54 PM, Jon Behrens  wrote:
> wow 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 11, 2018, at 4:28 PM, Ed Halter  wrote:
>> Hey Frameworks
>> Felt I should share this announcement that was forwarded to me from the 
>> Massart faculty.
>> The faculty and staff of the Film/Video department demand that Professor 
>> Saul Levine stop his
>> lies about recent events at Mass Art and his cyber-bullying against his 
>> colleagues.
>> It is because of Professor Levine’s very public attacks and 
>> misrepresentations that we feel
>> obliged to correct his version of the complaints against him.
>> He has bullied his colleagues and created an abusive working environment 
>> over many years.
>> He has derailed and destroyed important discussions about urgent 
>> departmental and curricular
>> issues.
>> This is NOT an issue of academic freedom. No one at Mass Art made any effort 
>> to censor or
>> punish Professor Levine for screening his film or any other film he has 
>> shown over the years.
>> No one forced him to retire.The decision to retire is entirely Professor 
>> Levine’s.
>> We recognize Professor Levine as a brilliant artist and programmer and are 
>> thankful for his
>> contributions to the department and to Massart.It is extremely painful to 
>> see his toxic rant
>> against the department, besmearing the College and insulting us by name 
>> while claiming
>> himself as the victim.
>> As artists, teachers and mentors, it is our responsibility to stand up when 
>> we are bullied and to
>> treat each other with respect. It is also our duty to foster an open, 
>> respectful, and collegial
>> environment for our students.
>> Soon-Mi Yoo, Chair
>> Ericka Beckman, Professor
>> Gretchen Skogerson, Professor
>> Joe Briganti, Studio Manager, Video Area
>> Kim Keown, Studio Manager, Film Area
>> ___
>> FrameWorks mailing list
> ___
> FrameWorks mailing list
FrameWorks mailing list

Re: [Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty

2018-04-11 Thread Jon Behrens

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 11, 2018, at 4:28 PM, Ed Halter  wrote:
> Hey Frameworks
> Felt I should share this announcement that was forwarded to me from the 
> Massart faculty.
> The faculty and staff of the Film/Video department demand that Professor Saul 
> Levine stop his
> lies about recent events at Mass Art and his cyber-bullying against his 
> colleagues.
> It is because of Professor Levine’s very public attacks and 
> misrepresentations that we feel
> obliged to correct his version of the complaints against him.
> He has bullied his colleagues and created an abusive working environment over 
> many years.
> He has derailed and destroyed important discussions about urgent departmental 
> and curricular
> issues.
> This is NOT an issue of academic freedom. No one at Mass Art made any effort 
> to censor or
> punish Professor Levine for screening his film or any other film he has shown 
> over the years.
> No one forced him to retire.The decision to retire is entirely Professor 
> Levine’s.
> We recognize Professor Levine as a brilliant artist and programmer and are 
> thankful for his
> contributions to the department and to Massart.It is extremely painful to see 
> his toxic rant
> against the department, besmearing the College and insulting us by name while 
> claiming
> himself as the victim.
> As artists, teachers and mentors, it is our responsibility to stand up when 
> we are bullied and to
> treat each other with respect. It is also our duty to foster an open, 
> respectful, and collegial
> environment for our students.
> Soon-Mi Yoo, Chair
> Ericka Beckman, Professor
> Gretchen Skogerson, Professor
> Joe Briganti, Studio Manager, Video Area
> Kim Keown, Studio Manager, Film Area
> ___
> FrameWorks mailing list
FrameWorks mailing list

[Frameworks] Forwarded from Massart Faculty

2018-04-11 Thread Ed Halter
Hey Frameworks

Felt I should share this announcement that was forwarded to me from the
Massart faculty.


The faculty and staff of the Film/Video department demand that Professor
Saul Levine stop his
lies about recent events at Mass Art and his cyber-bullying against his

It is because of Professor Levine’s very public attacks and
misrepresentations that we feel
obliged to correct his version of the complaints against him.

He has bullied his colleagues and created an abusive working environment
over many years.

He has derailed and destroyed important discussions about urgent
departmental and curricular

This is NOT an issue of academic freedom. No one at Mass Art made any
effort to censor or
punish Professor Levine for screening his film or any other film he has
shown over the years.
No one forced him to retire.The decision to retire is entirely Professor

We recognize Professor Levine as a brilliant artist and programmer and are
thankful for his
contributions to the department and to Massart.It is extremely painful to
see his toxic rant
against the department, besmearing the College and insulting us by name
while claiming
himself as the victim.

As artists, teachers and mentors, it is our responsibility to stand up when
we are bullied and to
treat each other with respect. It is also our duty to foster an open,
respectful, and collegial
environment for our students.

Soon-Mi Yoo, Chair
Ericka Beckman, Professor
Gretchen Skogerson, Professor
Joe Briganti, Studio Manager, Video Area
Kim Keown, Studio Manager, Film Area
FrameWorks mailing list