[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19589] New tech upkeep style

2014-01-28 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Follow-up Comment #14, bug #19589 (project freeciv):

The new finding now as bug #21549


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19589] New tech upkeep style

2014-01-28 Thread David Fernandez
Follow-up Comment #13, bug #19589 (project freeciv):

Testing S2_5 (rev 24279) with Tech upkeep = Cities, it sometimes appear the
error message:
>Trying to put -29 into 16 bits

being -29 (in this example) the bulbs produced per turn after taking the tech
upkeep into account.

The game continues normally, but I'm not sure if this error may affect the ai.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19589] New tech upkeep style

2014-01-21 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Update of bug #19589 (project freeciv):

  Status:  Ready For Test => Fixed  
 Assigned to:None => cazfi  
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19589] New tech upkeep style

2014-01-21 Thread David Fernandez
Follow-up Comment #10, bug #19589 (project freeciv):

I have tested the patch over S2_5 and it seems to work as expected.
I noticed only one minor problem: when a new city is built or destroyed, the
tech upkeep value showed in the research window is not updated until the end
of turn.

Thank you very much for this patch, I hope it can be include in v2.5. I'll
keep testing the best way to add this new upkeep style to cv2civ3 ruleset.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19589] New tech upkeep style

2014-01-18 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Follow-up Comment #9, bug #19589 (project freeciv):

While upkeep was multiplied by (1 + number of cities) to give some upkeep even
for those with no cities, free upkeep was given from cities only, meaning
extra upkeep to pay for for the cities, a lot when number of cities is low (
extra upkeep / number of cities high ). Attached version adds that same "+ 1"
to free upkeep multiplier (actually: makes whole multiplier to apply to
(upkeep - free)) 

(file #19783, file #19784)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: TechUpkeepPerCity-2.patch  Size:15 KB
File name: TechUpkeepPerCity-S2_5-2.patch Size:14 KB


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19589] New tech upkeep style

2014-01-15 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Update of bug #19589 (project freeciv):

  Status: In Progress => Ready For Test 


Follow-up Comment #8:

Untested patches to implement new tech upkeep style "Cities" with formula:
 / tech_upkeep_divider * ( 1 + number_of_cities)
- (number_of_cities * Tech_Upkeep_Free)

tech_upkeep_style specenum introduced and used for this. A lot of places were
checking if style is *exactly* 1 (now called "Basic") when they were supposed
to check if tech upkeep is enabled at all (not a bug in stable branches, as 1
is the only style where it's enabled)

doc/README.effects updated for how Tech_Upkeep_Free effect works for each tech
upkeep style.

Comments in rulesets were wrong in that the formula presented there *added*
Free_Tech_Upkeep to upkeep instead of subtracting. That should be corrected in
stable branches too, but I'll do that in separate ticket for keeping stable
branches out of "Planned Release" list of this "New tech upkeep style" ticket.

(file #19755, file #19756)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: TechUpkeepPerCity.patchSize:15 KB
File name: TechUpkeepPerCity-S2_5.patch   Size:14 KB


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19589] New tech upkeep style

2014-01-15 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Follow-up Comment #7, bug #19589 (project freeciv):

> My suggested formula is:

>> tech_upkeep =  / tech_upkeep_divider * ( 1 +
number_of_cities / Tech_Upkeep_Free) 

Number of cities divided by what's supposed to be number of free bulbs in each

For keeping meaning of Tech_Upkeep_Free one should have:

 / tech_upkeep_divider * ( 1 + number_of_cities)
- (number_of_cities * Tech_Upkeep_Free)


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19589] New tech upkeep style

2014-01-06 Thread David Fernandez
Follow-up Comment #6, bug #19589 (project freeciv):

...The bulb production of a city would be used first to tech the known
technologies to their citizens (tech upkeep), and only the surplus will be
used to learn new technologies based on those techs (research).

In the current system, every city, no matter how primitive, can start
contributing to advanced projects like nuclear power. I see it more realistic
that a city without libraries/universities (or low trade) may be useless to
create new knowledge when the civilization is advanced (high tech upkeep). 

About the loss of a technology. As I see it, if your education system
(scientists, libraries, universities... ) is not good enough to educate
technicians/scientist that knows how to use this technology, then you can not
use it, even if the information is not totally lost. I think this is what use
to happen in real history.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19589] New tech upkeep style

2014-01-06 Thread David Fernandez
Follow-up Comment #5, bug #19589 (project freeciv):

I do not see it unrealistic if you think of tech upkeep as the bulbs needed to
keep the same technology level in every of your cities.

When you discover a primitive tribe, you automatically are allowed to build
your best units and buildings in that new primitive city, even when this city
does not produce any bulb nor has any library/university to keep this
As I see it, the more cities in your empire, the harder should be to keep the
same knowledge in all of them.

With my suggested tech style, if the tech upkeep is 5, it means that you waste
an average of 5 bulbs per city.
If you conquer a primitive city that produces 2 bulbs, then the rest of cities
must use part of their science resources (3 bulbs) to allow this new city to
take advantage of all the techs of your civilization.

I admit the main reason is the balance (I actully think the current tech
upkeep system is useless as a game rule), but I also think that my suggestion
would make the management of science resources a bit more realistic.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19589] New tech upkeep style

2014-01-05 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Follow-up Comment #4, bug #19589 (project freeciv):

I see gmae balance reasons for this, but it still seem blatantly wrong
(realism is not very high priority, but mainly we're allowed to simplify
reality, not to add weird kludge rules). Why would my capitol's University
library lose the information they have simply because explorer happens to
discover primitive tribe on a remote island? Unlike concrete buildings, you
don't need *more* information when your nation grows (unless you have a policy
that there is just one copy of every document, and those documents are evenly
distributed to your nation so that if the remote tribe loses their records,
library of congress cannot help)


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19589] New tech upkeep style

2013-10-29 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Update of bug #19589 (project freeciv):

Category:rulesets => general
  Status:None => In Progress
 Planned Release: => 2.5.0, 2.6.0   


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19589] New tech upkeep style

2013-10-29 Thread David Fernandez
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #19589 (project freeciv):

This new tech upkeep style would be very useful for the ruleset civ2civ3 that
will be included with v2.5.
Cazfi, if you are around, do you think it would be possible to include this
new style in future versions, please?


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19589] New tech upkeep style

2012-08-14 Thread David Fernandez
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #19589 (project freeciv):

I attach a patch to add this feature.

Old formula was
>tech_upkeep =  / tech_upkeep_divider -

My suggested formula is:
>tech_upkeep =  / tech_upkeep_divider * ( 1 +
number_of_cities / Tech_Upkeep_Free)

Here, the effect Tech_Upkeep_Free delimits the increment in the number of
cities that causes an increment in the upkeep cost.
If Tech_Upkeep_Free >= 1, then the upkeep cost is multiplied by the number of
cities (divided by Tech_Upkeep_Free).
If Tech_Upkeep_Free <= 0, then we force the same behavior than the old

If some coder is interested to introduce this change, we are going to need to
update the description of the effect Tech_Upkeep_Free, and the hardest part:
to modify every file game.ruleset to include the new formula for
Also to adapt the rulesets currently using it: experimental and civ2civ3 (I
can do that).

(file #16394)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: NewTechUpkeep.diff Size:1 KB


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19589] New tech upkeep style

2012-08-13 Thread David Fernandez
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #19589 (project freeciv):

I'm trying to implement this idea, it simply needs one extra line at the end
of tech_upkeep_calc() to multiply by number of cities owned by the player.
Could some coder please tell where can I get this value?

  tech_bulb_sum *= get_player_bonus(pplayer, EFT_TECH_COST_FACTOR);
  tech_bulb_sum *= (double)game.info.sciencebox / 100.0;
  tech_bulb_sum /= game.info.tech_upkeep_divider;
  tech_bulb_sum -= get_player_bonus(pplayer, EFT_TECH_UPKEEP_FREE);

  /*tech_bulb_sum *= ¿¿number of cities owned by player??*/

Syntron, if you are around, please tell what do you think?


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19589] New tech upkeep style

2012-03-27 Thread David Fernandez

 Summary: New tech upkeep style
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: bardo
Submitted on: mié 28 mar 2012 06:18:07 GMT
Category: rulesets
Severity: 1 - Wish
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: None
 Planned Release: 



After some time testing this optional rule, I have not found any way to use it
in a satisfactory way. However, I think it could become a very useful rule if
the total tech upkeep were multiplied by the number of cities of the player.

The current tech upkeep is a fixed value. For example, you can set it so the
player pays 100 science bulb per turn when he has researched all the available
technologies. The problem with such fixed values is that it is negligible for
advanced players that use to produce thousands of bulbs at that time, while
the same value could break the science production of weaker players, mainly
the AI in single player games.

I suggest to add a new "tech_upkeep_style" where the total upkeep (currently
calculated as:  / tech_upkeep_divider + tech_upkeep_free)
is multiplied at the end by the number of cities of the player.
This way, the tech upkeep would affect players in the same scale than the
building upkeep. For example, if an advanced civilization (tech upkeep = 10
per city) conquers a barbarian city (no buildings, and low science production
= 5), then the new city will need no building upkeep, but the tech upkeep
makes this city worthless until you have built some science improvements and
the science production of the city can be greater than the tech upkeep of your

Such rule would allow:
1- If a player conquers a lot of cities without building science improvements,
these new cities would cost more science than they produce, and the total tech
upkeep could cause a technological collapse (lost of some techs until the
global upkeep is fit again).
This collapse can be easely avoided by waiting to develop the new cities
before you conquer new ones.
The tech upkeep would represent the max rate at which you can "romanize" other
2- The effect would not be dependant on the size of the map or the number of
players, because it is not a fixed upkeep, but a value per city.
3- The effect would affect more to the most advanced players with the most
cities, while weaker players with few cities are hardly affected.
4- This rule could be used to keep players from selling the science buildings
(libraries, etc) when they are close to finish the tech tree, because those
buildings would be needed to upkeep the current technology, specially if you
plan to conquer many poor cities in a short time.
If tech upkeep does not depend on number of cites, an advanced civilization
can easely pay it with 10% of the trade, even without libraries/universities,
while weaker civilization could not pay it.

Thanks for reading :)


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