Re: [geo] Geoengineering conflicts: the ETC map

2013-01-10 Thread rongretlarson
Andrew and List (adding Prof Martinez-Alier as cc) Thanks for this new information below.. I have reviewed the EVOLT site and am a bit confused. I can't find the word biochar even once. I don't want any researcher looking at the EVOLT site to think biochar is being discussed by EVOLT, if it

Re: [geo] Those darn wedges

2013-01-13 Thread rongretlarson
Greg and list (adding 4 ccs [authors]) 1. Thanks for bringing this new wedge paper to our attention. A short informal version - comments by the lead author (Davis) - are also at: 2. My man concern on the article is that the concept of wedges providing

Re: [geo] Re: Those darn wedges

2013-01-14 Thread rongretlarson
Len and list: Thanks for continuing the discussion on the Davis etal paper. It would appear that we are in substantial agreement. One place I would disagree with your draft article (cite given below, p4) is where you say: Anaerobic conversion of 'bio-waste' to 'bio-char', and burying it in

Re: [geo] Practical potential of carbon sequestration via wood harvest and storage (WHS) in Climatic Change

2013-01-21 Thread rongretlarson
Professor Zeng: Thanks you for both writing the cited article and attaching it for us all. Makes reading it much easier and quicker, given usual paywalls.. I see merit in WHS, but (as someone concentrating on the biochar alternative) want to ask a few questions especially on the total woody

Re: [geo] The Artificial Intelligence of Geoengineering.

2013-01-22 Thread rongretlarson
Ms. Deschambault (cc geoengineering list) : Your six page communique to this list cited below fails to take sufficiently seriously the present climate situation - about which you make essentially no mention. To equate all of geoengineering to artificial intelligence.and genome mapping doesn't

Re: [geo] Fwd: New report highlights SLCF emissions in the Nordic countries

2013-02-04 Thread rongretlarson
Stephen and list I have known one of the key authors of the recent black carbon (BC) report, U Illinois Prof. Tami Bond for some years. A few weeks ago, I had a chance to hear and talk with her more on the details of that study. You and other cloud experts personally could help a lot in

Re: [geo] A Cheap and Easy Plan to Stop Global Warming By David Rotman

2013-02-10 Thread rongretlarson
Ken (cc List and Simon - with thanks to Simon for bringing this TR news item to our attention) 1. I am a little disappointed that you say A nicely done article. You are usually supportive of separating the term geoengineering into the separate SRM and CDR components. This article never once

Re: [geo] RE: recent papers on marine ecosystem geoengineering

2013-02-11 Thread rongretlarson
Greg (cc list and pboyd): I like your paper. But I wonder if the concept of using ocean biomass for harvest and eventual partial placement of half the carbon in soil (as biochar) was inadvertently or intentionally omitted. I see major advantages of using ocean biomass (macroalgae and

Re: [geo] Brief Summary Marine Geoengineering Techniques

2013-02-18 Thread rongretlarson
Chris and list: 1. Thanks for forwarding your interesting 4-pager on marine engineering. I respond here only from the perspective of biochar. 2. On your p 2, the word biochar appears this way: Depositing crop wastes on the deep seabed – Strand and Benford (2009) have proposed depositing

Re: [geo] Brief Summary Marine Geoengineering Techniques

2013-02-18 Thread rongretlarson
List (cc Ken) 1. This note is to draw attention to a nice April 2011 comparison of different CDR approaches that I had not seen before being sent to it by Chris Vivian.(see below). For about 25 minutes of Ken Caldeira comparing most of the CDR alternatives at an American Meteorological

Re: [geo] Brief Summary Marine Geoengineering Techniques

2013-02-19 Thread rongretlarson
Chris cc list a. Thanks for the answers. Very helpful. Obviously, I didn't get far enough into the citations and so your recommendation on the eight references in the Sequestration section were very helpful. b.. In order to save others time (especially for the biochar community to which I

Re: [geo] Brief Summary Marine Geoengineering Techniques

2013-02-20 Thread rongretlarson
Andrew    see below - Original Message - From: Andrew Lockley To: Cc: Chris Vivian, Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 12:27:46 PM Subject: Re: [geo] Brief Summary

Re: [geo] Strategic incentives for climate geoengineering coalitions to exclude broad participation (new paper)

2013-02-23 Thread rongretlarson
Katherine: Thanks for the very complete response. Almost nothing left to ask. I have excised all below except for a few follow-ups. - Original Message - From: K.Ricke To: Cc:, Ken Caldeira,

Re: [geo] Proposal for NASA to Lead CDR Effort

2013-02-28 Thread rongretlarson
List, cc John, Ken, Josh: 1. Apologies in advance for a too-long note. I think that how best to accelerate RD on CDR is a topic that needs to be continued on this list. It needs to have an international side as well as a US (NASA, NOAA, etc) side. t needs an SRM component as well. But below,

Re: [geo] Re: Manipulating the planet: Is there a role for Negative Emissions Technologies in tackling climate change? - Next Big Thing event - London Monday 25 February

2013-03-01 Thread rongretlarson
Henrik (cc list: ) Thanks for the alert: A direct link to the 79 minute event is: I found by far the most interesting (unfortunately the

Re: [geo] Geoengineering Is a Dangerous Solution to Climate Change (mentions Keith; criticises GE research practices/funding)

2013-03-24 Thread rongretlarson
Ken etal: Below is a follow-up to your note of two days ago. . Most of my comments are in reply to the 24 paragraphs of the following BFW screed (and thanks for that accurate wording) in Andrew's posting - Original Message - From: Ken Caldeira To:

Re: [geo] Is atmospheric carbon dioxide removal a game changer for climate change mitigation? Kriegler et al | Climatic Change

2013-04-12 Thread rongretlarson
Andrew etal: 1. Again, th an ks for your key citation by Kriegler, etal, which (repeating) is: ; 'Is atmospheric carbon dioxide removal a game changer for climate change mitigation? Elmar Kriegler 1 , Ottmar Edenhofer 1 , Lena

Re: [geo] Is atmospheric carbon dioxide removal a game changer for climate change mitigation? Kriegler et al | Climatic Change

2013-04-14 Thread rongretlarson
Professor Socolow, List and several ccs 1. Thanks for the added follow-up to my note of yesterday (which [along with Andrew's starting note] I have excised to save space - since yours is more clear). 2. I googled for FEEM and eventually decided they were the host and not particularly active

Re: [geo] RE: Biochar: Downstream effects

2013-04-20 Thread rongretlarson
Greg and list: I have tried to figure out whether this paper by Jaffe et al is apt to harm or help the introduction of biochar. My perception is that Jaffe and co-authors see a fairly strong connection to biochar, but I am not so sure. There is so little biochar in place that what was being

Re: [geo] RE: Biochar: Downstream effects

2013-04-29 Thread rongretlarson
List: cc Greg, Andr Fred 1. This topic is receiving viral attention in biochar circles. I understand there will be a response soon at the site I have been part of dialogs with several of the Science articles authors, and do not perceive now that great concern

[geo] New climate article, peripherally related to CDR

2013-05-04 Thread rongretlarson
List: 1. I believe this article from last week's Science could be valuable to this list, although there is (close to) zero mention of either side of geoengineering: Irreversible Does Not Mean Unavoidable ; H. Damon Matthews 1 and Susan Solomon 2 Science 26 April 2013 : Vol. 340 no. 6131

Re: [geo] Exploring negative territory Carbon dioxide removal and climate policy initiatives

2013-05-07 Thread rongretlarson
Greg and cc list No, I don't recall this paper (by Professor Meadowcroft) being discussed - only given in a list by Prof. Socolow several weeks ago. I did get something out of this paper, but I still have to reread it. I got stuck on one page - for his Table 1. The problem for me is

Re: [geo] Geoengineering Africa’s Climate Change

2013-05-08 Thread rongretlarson
Stephen: cc list There is at least one CDR approach taking some CDR action now in Africa: Biochar. I just found 262 Africa citations and more than 100 for Africa policy at www,biochar-international .org Unfortunately, I had great difficulty with the search engine until I logged in as a

Re: [geo] If We Could Fix Climate Change With a Flick of a Switch, Will It be More Palatable to Conservatives? | Earth Island Journal

2013-05-08 Thread rongretlarson
Andrew and list (adding Ken C) Thanks for the alert on this new article by Jason Mark. 1. An important event tomorrow (Thursday) evening is hidden at the same Earth Island site - a geoengineering debate between Dr. Ken Caldeira and Dr. Clive Hamilton. There is a $10 charge to attend. It

Re: [geo] SECURITY UPDATE : Chemtrails/conspiracy rally planned for 'Hack the Sky' Caldeira talk.

2013-05-10 Thread rongretlarson
Greg etal Thanks for the report. Three areas of questions 1. The message below yours by Vivian Warkentin only uses the term geoengineering - never SRM and CDR. How well did Hamilton and Caldeira explain the differences and only use the more specific meanings of all three? Same for audience

Re: [geo] Carbon dioxide hits a new high, but geo-engineering won’t help - Steve Sherwood

2013-05-11 Thread rongretlarson
List and 3 ccs : I just came across today this 2 minute video that addresses (demolishes?):the constant recent temperature argument I don't have the background to know if the modifications were done correctly, but there must be many on this list

Re: [geo] Why geoengineering is not ‘global public good’, and why it's ethically misleading to frame it as one

2013-05-11 Thread rongretlarson
Alan cc list and Emily Shucks. I agree with you about the SRM form of geo not being mitigation. But I was hoping that this list might agree that the mitigation term reducing could/should be interpreted broadly enough to include removing. The reason to not do so is what? Ron -

Re: [geo] German Priority Program on CE, kick-off meeting Berlin 3 June

2013-05-24 Thread rongretlarson
Prof. Oschlies etal I have visited your Geomar site and am impressed by that group's work, which has done a lot with nitrogen, marine and biology topics. It is not clear from what I could find there whether the CDR part of geoengineering (or climate engineering) will also be part of this new

Re: [geo] German Priority Program on CE, kick-off meeting Berlin 3 June

2013-05-24 Thread rongretlarson
Andreas: cc list Thanks for the added information. I can support your 3 choices as being logical. Mostly you will be disappointing the cloud whitening and biochar proponents (basing this on my perception of the numbers of active proponents or opponents of the various geoengineering

Re: [geo] Opposition to Geoengineering: There’s No Place Like H.O.M.E. (Opinion Article) | Geoengineering Our Climate?

2013-05-25 Thread rongretlarson
Andrew: Thanks for spotting this message about ETC and HOME. From my readings, they are as big a problem for biochar (and presumably all geo technologies) as exist. Decision X/33, para 8 (w): “Ensure, in line and consistent with decision IX/16 C, on ocean fertilization and

Re: [geo] Opposition to Geoengineering: There’s No Place Like H.O.M.E. (Opinion Article) | Geoengineering Our Climate?

2013-05-25 Thread rongretlarson
Andrew etal: 1. Apologies. Not sure how the last message got out prematurely. Scratch that in favor of this one. Apologies also for this message length, but it is mostly about at least 4 new CBD documents and the important damper that the CBD has placed on geoengineering RD not about ETC and

Re: [geo] Opinion: Dreams we cannot afford, by Russ George — The Daily Climate

2013-05-26 Thread rongretlarson
Fred, list and ccs 1. I support your efforts to put more list emphasis on HANPP. How about HANPPropriation? (Getting at the A twice for emphasis) But I am hoping to hear more about increasing GPP and NPP, so how about HAANPP, with the new added A meaning Augmentation, so we can also have

[geo] Rotman, CDR, and morality

2013-06-01 Thread rongretlarson
List 1. The subject of ethics and morality have been key to this list discussions, especially over the last week. .As I was further researching this list's discussion on this topic, I came on a short message string introduced by Andrew Lockley on April 11. Andrew, as is his welcome style,

Re: [geo] profile of me in San Francisco Chronicle today, discussion geoengineering in a broader context

2013-06-02 Thread rongretlarson
Ken cc List: 1. Thanks for the leads - mostly related to ocean acidification - a prime ethics subject for those on this list mostly interested in CDR . 2. The information you supplied leads one to two short videos from two months ago,at:

Re: [geo] Re: Meanwhile, in CDR news...

2013-06-03 Thread rongretlarson
Greg, list and ccs 1. I am not the best person to respond on this challenge discussion, but I recommend going to this site for latest update: There were 11 finalists for the $25 million prize; three were biochar companies. I believe we are still within the 5 year

Re: [geo] Rotman, CDR, and morality

2013-06-03 Thread rongretlarson
Charles and list: 1. I don't think I misinterpreted the quote. I said below I believe one can't possibly get the ethics of either geoengineering or SRM correct if you believe CDR has this presumed dismal future . I am in perfect agreement with your sentence below: This is what led my

Re: [geo] Nice but unrealistic carbon capture project?

2013-06-06 Thread rongretlarson
Dr. D. and list I am not an expert in this area, but try to follow the subject closely - because it is a hugely important topic for biochar and you should get an answer. You asked below My guess is that many group members here might [think] this is among the least effective geo-engineering

Re: [geo] Nice but unrealistic carbon capture project?

2013-06-06 Thread rongretlarson
Andrew: Agreed on Net^2. It'll be quite a few years before we run out of good locations. I meant to get into the last message that we need to be thinking in billions, not millions, of new trees per year. One per capita would help a lot. Chinese schoolkids are planting I think 5 per year.

Re: [geo] Mitigation and Solar Radiation Management in Climate Change Policies by Vasiliki Manousi , Anastasios Xepapadeas :: SSRN

2013-06-07 Thread rongretlarson
Andrew, Stephen cc list 1. Thanks to Andrew for alerting us to this paper. I think the best I have seen combining Policy, Geoengineering and Economics. At first, it looks exceedingly complex, but after decoding the (new-to-me) nomenclature, not bad. A well written paper. 2. Stephen - I

Re: [geo] [paper] Science of Geoengineering, in Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences

2013-06-07 Thread rongretlarson
Ken, cc list I thought your annual review piece was generally good and for most technologies, probably helpful. But I fail to understand your non-treatment of biochar. You only used the word once - in a Table. I think Annual Reviews lost a good many potential purchasers. There are many

Re: [geo] The War on Nature: Geoengineering and the Climate Crisis - EcoWatch: Cutting Edge Environmental News Service

2013-06-07 Thread rongretlarson
Peter etal Thanks for the interjection - at least partially responding to me. To the best of my knowledge, your proposed method of albedo enhancement (url given below) has not been advanced on this list. I can't find it at AMEG. I called a wind-friend at NREL (where I once worked), who also

[geo] Looking for researcher name and cite

2013-06-14 Thread rongretlarson
List: I recently listened to an informative series of short videos from a UK University center on geoengineering (maybe add the word governance?). Perhaps the first presenter showed a graph saying he (his center?) felt that the world of geoengineering between mitigation and adaptation should

[geo] Augmented Salty Arctic Ice Albedo Idea Revisited

2013-06-26 Thread rongretlarson
Peter, cc List Greg Rau 1. I wonder if you or anyone on the list could comment on an idea that popped in my head today re your interesting salt water Arctic ice thickening SRM approach. The idea following mainly changes the wind energy source over to a biomass-biochar approach. Other

Re: [geo] CRD: not very relevant and a distraction

2013-07-06 Thread rongretlarson
Damon cc Greg etal My concern is not with the text of your several Science pieces, but rather with the term irreversible It seems (below and your earlier papers) you really do believe that human efforts (say starting with 100 Gt C afforestation ala Dr. Hansen) can have a measurable

Re: [geo] My big-quick-secure CO2 cleanup proposal is still alive at the MIT geoengineering competition

2013-07-13 Thread rongretlarson
William : Can you give a URL for the judges report? Ron - Original Message - From: William H. Calvin To: Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 8:10:28 PM Subject: [geo] My big-quick-secure CO2 cleanup proposal is still alive at the

Re: [geo] Global Warming: Geoengineering Trucks and Climate Change Adaptation

2013-07-18 Thread rongretlarson
Stephen: Very sorry to hear of the serious flooding in Freetown. But this list is not the correct one to look to for support. I would suggest that using electricity to turn water to steam would be a good more expensive than a wood-fired system. Some electricity would of course be needed for

Re: [geo] Geoengineering piece on Aspen Public Radio

2013-08-02 Thread rongretlarson
Alan: I agree that the report was balanced, if the criterion is knowledge in 2008 - the earliest date on the LLNL figure. To give ocean fertilization as the only example of CDR is not being very investigative or balanced. I have the same complaint about the CIA study behind the NPR piece,

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