Re: [Gimp-developer] Hue-Saturation tool with gradients

2007-08-19 Thread Liam R E Quin
On Sat, 2007-08-18 at 16:43 +0930, David Gowers wrote:
> On 8/18/07, Liam R E Quin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My own feeling is that it would be better to wait until there is
> > some experience with the post-2.4 GIMP and higher definition
> > colour models before changing any of the colour tools.

> * Different Color models are fairly irrelevant to Hue-Saturation
> adjustment, because HSV is a simple transform of the RGB colorspace --
> it's either going to expect RGB or (the currently not-implemented, and
> of dubious use) HSV color format.

If you're working with CMYK (say) you may want the saturation tool
to tell you if you have over-inked, as PhotoShop can.  Or to
preview with or without undercolour removal.  Or to select which
channels are shown.  I'd say that the implication of adding
support for more colour models is that people will want to do
more, and that the UI will need to enable that (or the programmers
will need to decide not to let people do those things, of course :-) )

> * I think what Guillermo, Danko, and Marius are doing is both good and
> timely. ('now' is always a good time to work on enhancing such
> technically simple tools.)
It turns out that post-2.4 GIMP is closer than I'd feared, and I am
sorry if I sounded negative, I didn't mean to.


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C,
Pictures from old books:

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Hue-Saturation tool with gradients

2007-08-18 Thread David Gowers
On 8/18/07, Liam R E Quin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-08-16 at 14:50 -0300, Guillermo Espertino wrote:
> > If somebody is interested in participating in this process please send
> > me an e-mail so we can coordinate efforts with Danko and Marius
> My own feeling is that it would be better to wait until there is
> some experience with the post-2.4 GIMP and higher definition
> colour models before changing any of the colour tools.

* Different Color models are fairly irrelevant to Hue-Saturation
adjustment, because HSV is a simple transform of the RGB colorspace --
it's either going to expect RGB or (the currently not-implemented, and
of dubious use) HSV color format.

* Higher definition (HDR) could possibly be relevant -- but you would
need to keep in mind that an HSV tool which worked with HDR data would
no longer be an HSV tool (Saturation is a parameter that's dependent
on the blackpoint and whitepoint, which are both undefined in an HDR
image. Value is similarly dependent.)

* Higher precision might be something that UI people need to consider,
for Saturation and Value adjustment. But this just involves bumping up
the maximum values, more or less, so it's a change that can be made
readily at any time.

* I think what Guillermo, Danko, and Marius are doing is both good and
timely. ('now' is always a good time to work on enhancing such
technically simple tools.)
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Hue-Saturation tool with gradients

2007-08-17 Thread Guillermo Espertino
Liam wrote:
> My own feeling is that it would be better to wait until there is
> some experience with the post-2.4 GIMP and higher definition
> colour models before changing any of the colour tools.
Our intention is to describe a usage scenario and brainstorm a possible 
interface for the tool, as well as possible enhancements for that tool. 
Once we have a solid description and mockup we'll back to this list to 
propose the changes to the developers, but not with a simple idea but 
with complete documentation of the case.
Anyway, this work is intended for 2.6, so I think it won't harm anyone 
if we discuss this off-list and try to gather some fresh ideas.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Hue-Saturation tool with gradients

2007-08-17 Thread Liam R E Quin
On Thu, 2007-08-16 at 14:50 -0300, Guillermo Espertino wrote:

> If somebody is interested in participating in this process please send 
> me an e-mail so we can coordinate efforts with Danko and Marius

My own feeling is that it would be better to wait until there is
some experience with the post-2.4 GIMP and higher definition
colour models before changing any of the colour tools.

This doesn't mean I think the suggestions are bad -- or good :-) --
but that it's not quite time yet.


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C,
Pictures from old books:

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Hue-Saturation tool with gradients

2007-08-16 Thread Guillermo Espertino
My previous message replied by Danko was intended to be off-list to 
avoid the noise and personal opinions, but somehow it ended here, so I'd 
like to clarify.
When I say that one must "convince" developers I mean by providing 
strong arguments in favor of the proposed solution/feature.
Not just repeating and harrasing developers with demands.
I wanted to continue this discussion about the refactoring of the 
Hue/Saturation tool off-list to avoid unnecessary details of the 
process, and bring it back to the list  later when the usage description 
and more advanced mockups are ready.
If somebody is interested in participating in this process please send 
me an e-mail so we can coordinate efforts with Danko and Marius

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Hue-Saturation tool with gradients

2007-08-16 Thread Danko Dolch
Hi Sven!

Sven Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, 2007-08-15 at 14:41 -0300, Guillermo Espertino wrote:
>> Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that mockup basically aims to 
>> change the aspect of the dialog without adding any enhancement. The 
>> tool does exactly the same but the dialog looks like Photoshop's one.
>> The only improvement I see is the ability to see the actual influence 
>> of the overlap value on the color gradient, wich is cool, but I don't 
>> know if it's cool enough to change the whole dialog, that already 
>> works fine.
>> Maybe it would be better for future versions to redesign the dialog 
>> adding some real enhancements to the tool, like arbitrary 3-point 
>> gradient selection and/or a curve for tweaking. In that case, the use 
>> of a wheel is better than a linear scale because it matches better 
>> with the well known color wheel scheme.
> I agree with this. We should take our time to look at this tool and how
> it could be improved to become really useful. A first start would be to
> write down some usage scenarios where this tool could be useful.
Ok - I would like to do so - I've tryed to create a user account at the 
GUI wiki but it seems that not all functions are working? I could not 
create an account.

How could I start to help?

>  Then
> perhaps evalulate how well the current implementation and the PS tool
> deal with it.
Could get a PS user to support me with this - I could point how Corel 
Photopaint and Autodesk Combustion are working...

--> Maybe it's not only useful to think about the HSL adjustment dialog 
- there are for sure a lot of other things to look at?

--> It would be so helpful to get an prototyping env. for UI test's for 
example via scripting. I know there are a lot of limitations but what do 
You think is the best way not only to draw images?
I support some coders in the company where I'm working with 
HTML/Java-Script/Ruby and we create really complex interface elements 
for WEB 2.0 apps.
I would like to get some tips, how I as graphics designer with a 
scripting background could prototype and test some interface elements...

Best Regards


> Sven
> ___
> Gimp-developer mailing list
> Gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Hue-Saturation tool with gradients

2007-08-16 Thread Danko Dolch

Hi Guillermo!

>Hi Danko:
>Here is a very very early mockup.
>I have the idea but had no time to translate it to a better mockup.

I know - t's the same for me too... ;-)

>I have to re-arrange some buttons, add others, and think lots of 
things (for example, I'm not sure if >the current widgets allow a wheel 
selector like that)

I suspect they don't but I see our current task not so much in creating 
designs for the current widget set but in showing how a modern and 
powerful dialog should look for future releases.

Unfortunately I'm currently not enough involved in the practical 
interface work. So first I will concentrate on designing next gen. 
controls and discuss them.

This will result in new ideas and can be helpful to further dev. the 

--> But now some feedback to your mockup:

I really like the color weel with the second ring - so you can visualize 
the different In/Out color parameters in one way - to use it we need 
radial sliders - great!

I see the color picker - nice!

And the Curve Tool for the color overlapping - yes...

-> The curve would be opened in a second window right? I have a problem 
with all this cluttered windows. I like a single dialog with all 
available parameters - but this will quickly get komplex.

pro: no cluttered messing with different windows and clicking through 
con: needs lot of display space and makes the dialog too complex for 
most users (even pros ;-)

solution: INTERPLAY[in the beginning the UI design was static - and 
people needed more flexible configuration options - then programs got 
thousands of floating cluttered windows and people had to arrange them 
all the time instead of working with the app. - now we got this nice 
type of free configurable non overlapping UI - like in Blender or 
combustion or a lot of other great programms - this is flexible but 
powerful and in a long term we should think about the pros and cons of 

We make the additional areas like adjustment curve dynamically extending 
the main dialog (open or close with a small arrow button)

>Anyways I'd like to discuss with you some ideas off-list to reach a 
more compelling design.


1. Is still active developed?
2. How we get in touch with Peter, Kamila and Ellen to see on what they 
are currently working.
3. We urgently need a Forum and a Wiki where we can meet the other 
people working on the GIMP UI




Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Hue-Saturation tool with gradients

2007-08-16 Thread Danko Dolch
Hi Guillermo!

Guillermo Espertino wrote:
> Danko Dolch escribió:
>>> Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that mockup basically aims to 
>>> change the aspect of the dialog without adding any enhancement. The 
>>> tool does exactly the same but the dialog looks like Photoshop's one.  
>> Does it? I havn't used PS since a long long time... if it looks like 
>> PS then I have to have a look at PS but I don't expect to find there 
>> highend visualisation functions like in motion picture color grading 
>> tools nor the cool discreet like preset banks... ;-)
> I attach a side by side comparision between your mockup and the 
> Photoshop CS2 Hue/Saturation dialog.
Ah jep - have to clarify that this first mockup was created by mario -> 
see the first post from him ;-)

>> Yes exactly the same except for:
>> - the more visual primary color selection with enhanced visualisation
>> - powerful storage banks for test setups
>> - a drop down preset lib
>> - loading and saveing of settings
>> - added compare tool
>> - sliders with scale marks and middel point mark
>> finally you can say it's exactly the same ;-)
> I wasn't talking about the PS Hue/Saturation tool.
> What I was trying to say is that this mockup looks like the PS dialog 
> but with the same features of the current tool in Gimp.
> **
> I don't see any of those features in that mockup.
> If you're referring to a different one, please let me know and point 
> me the correct URL.
PS Hue saturation tool?

Mario had created the first mockup:

As response I thougt about how I would like use this tool and cerated 
this as an answer to marios first work:

to explain my thought's I put it together to this overview:

>> I only had an hour to made the mockup so I don't found the time to 
>> implement highlight/mid/shadow support or other needful extensions... 
>> you are right this had to be integrated for future mockups -  and 
>> even I have to go step by step - next version will show a lot more 
>> maybe... ;-)
> I'm looking forward to see that. I'm very interested! :)

That's great! Let's create some interesting new UI conceptions!
We should follow Seven's suggestions and crete more usage scenarios first...

>> Until today nobody has integrated this small cool things in a 
>> standard image editing application - not even that small things... 
>> (what sense made it to figure out complex things if even the simple 
>> ones are not realized? ;-)
> If I learned something in the Gimp's developers list is that you have 
> to convince developers of the value of your proposals.
> Most of the times it's a titanic task, but when you make it the 
> results are great.
> Most of the times, also, they don't pay attention to small changes, 
> but when a nice challenge pops up, they seem to be more interested.
> A couple of weeks ago I pointed an issue in the jpeg exporter. The 
> first time I was treated like... ehm... an idiot.
> But after the big discussion, there are some news in that field and 
> the exporter was greatly improved.
> As I told you, it was hard, but it worths.
It's a hard thing to improve things ;-) But we have to do it...
And yes - we have to create some real "challenges" for the coders ;-)

>>> Maybe it would be better for future versions to redesign the dialog 
>>> adding some real enhancements to the tool, like arbitrary 3-point 
>>> gradient selection and/or a curve for tweaking. In that case, the 
>>> use of a wheel is better than a linear scale because it matches 
>>> better with the well known color wheel scheme.
>> You are absolutely right - lets go and start with this - I really 
>> would enjoy to integrate all this things into a mockup and discuss 
>> pros and cons...
> Ok! I love the idea. Let's start to analize the possibilities and 
> brainstorm a couple of mockups so we can send them a complete use 
> scenario and a nice mockup to see if they like the idea of 
> implementing it.
> I'm working on a rough mockup with an idea with the wheel and 
> something else. I'll send you a sample when it is more advanced.
> Keep in touch!
ok - we will do! :-)

> Gez.
> P.s.: Sorry I called you Marius B in the list. I had misread the 
> e-mail heading.
no problem - hey mario let's start to work - we have a lot of things to 
do - and finaly figure out how we could support the GUI group...

Best Regards

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Hue-Saturation tool with gradients

2007-08-15 Thread Danko Dolch
Hi Guillermo!

Guillermo Espertino wrote:
 > Marius B wrote:
 >> Hi,
 >> It seems that nobody is interested in this enhancement, but IMO it`s a
 >> nice feature that is worth discussing.
 >> I would like to hear your opinion about my mockup of this dialog
 >> in bugreport
 >> I know it`s not perfect, but it`s obvious for me, that the current one
 >> needs some redesign.
 > Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that mockup basically aims to 
change the aspect of the dialog without adding any enhancement. The tool 
does exactly the same but the dialog looks like Photoshop's one.
Does it? I havn't used PS since a long long time... if it looks like PS 
then I have to have a look at PS but I don't expect to find there 
highend visualisation functions like in motion picture color grading 
tools nor the cool discreet like preset banks... ;-)

Yes exactly the same except for:

- the more visual primary color selection with enhanced visualisation
- powerful storage banks for test setups
- a drop down preset lib
- loading and saveing of settings
- added compare tool
- sliders with scale marks and middel point mark

finally you can say it's exactly the same ;-)

 > The only improvement I see is the ability to see the actual influence 
of the overlap value on the color gradient, wich is cool, but I don't 
know if it's cool enough to change the whole dialog, that already works 
I only had an hour to made the mockup so I don't found the time to 
implement highlight/mid/shadow support or other needful extensions... 
you are right this had to be integrated for future mockups -  and even I 
have to go step by step - next version will show a lot more maybe... ;-)

Until today nobody has integrated this small cool things in a standard 
image editing application - not even that small things... (what sense 
made it to figure out complex things if even the simple ones are not 
realized? ;-)

 > Maybe it would be better for future versions to redesign the dialog 
adding some real enhancements to the tool, like arbitrary 3-point 
gradient selection and/or a curve for tweaking. In that case, the use of 
a wheel is better than a linear scale because it matches better with the 
well known color wheel scheme.

You are absolutely right - lets go and start with this - I really would 
enjoy to integrate all this things into a mockup and discuss pros and 

 > Gez.
 > p.s.: I support the idea that Campbell Barton suggested a couple of 
days ago. Maybe it would be better to create a new mailing list focused 
on functionality discussion. This would avoid the frequent conflict user 
requests vs. developers priorities and would bring some fresh ideas for 
the project.
 > I don't want to bug any developer with functionality requests if this 
list is only focused on coding, but I'd really like to have a place for 
discussing features and useability issues that are also very important 
for the overall  quality of Gimp.
That would be really great!
I'm a bit modest with posting here because of that...
And where to find the people from the GUI wiki?

Best Regards


Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Hue-Saturation tool with gradients

2007-08-15 Thread Danko Dolch
Hi Sven!

Sven Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, 2007-08-15 at 14:41 -0300, Guillermo Espertino wrote:
>> Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that mockup basically aims to 
>> change the aspect of the dialog without adding any enhancement. The 
>> tool does exactly the same but the dialog looks like Photoshop's one.
>> The only improvement I see is the ability to see the actual influence 
>> of the overlap value on the color gradient, wich is cool, but I don't 
>> know if it's cool enough to change the whole dialog, that already 
>> works fine.
>> Maybe it would be better for future versions to redesign the dialog 
>> adding some real enhancements to the tool, like arbitrary 3-point 
>> gradient selection and/or a curve for tweaking. In that case, the use 
>> of a wheel is better than a linear scale because it matches better 
>> with the well known color wheel scheme.
> I agree with this. We should take our time to look at this tool and how
> it could be improved to become really useful. A first start would be to
> write down some usage scenarios where this tool could be useful.
Ok - I would like to do so - I've tryed to create a user account at the 
GUI wiki but it seems that not all functions are working? I could not 
create an account.

How could I start to help?

>  Then
> perhaps evalulate how well the current implementation and the PS tool
> deal with it.
Could get a PS user to support me with this - I could point how Corel 
Photopaint and Autodesk Combustion are working...

--> Maybe it's not only useful to think about the HSL adjustment dialog 
- there are for sure a lot of other things to look at?

--> It would be so helpful to get an prototyping env. for UI test's for 
example via scripting. I know there are a lot of limitations but what do 
You think is the best way not only to draw images?
I support some coders in the company where I'm working with 
HTML/Java-Script/Ruby and we create really complex interface elements 
for WEB 2.0 apps.
I would like to get some tips, how I as graphics designer with a 
scripting background could prototype and test some interface elements...

Best Regards


> Sven
> ___
> Gimp-developer mailing list
> Gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Hue-Saturation tool with gradients

2007-08-15 Thread Danko Dolch
Hi Guillermo!

Guillermo Espertino wrote:
> Marius B wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It seems that nobody is interested in this enhancement, but IMO it`s a
>> nice feature that is worth discussing.
>> I would like to hear your opinion about my mockup of this dialog
>> in bugreport
>> I know it`s not perfect, but it`s obvious for me, that the current one
>> needs some redesign.
> Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that mockup basically aims to 
> change the aspect of the dialog without adding any enhancement. The 
> tool does exactly the same but the dialog looks like Photoshop's one.
Does it? I havn't used PS since a long long time... if it looks like PS 
then I have to have a look at PS but I don't expect to find there 
highend visualisation functions like in motion picture color grading 
tools nor the cool discreet like preset banks... ;-)

Yes exactly the same except for:

- the more visual primary color selection with enhanced visualisation
- powerful storage banks for test setups
- a drop down preset lib
- loading and saveing of settings
- added compare tool
- sliders with scale marks and middel point mark

finally you can say it's exactly the same ;-)

> The only improvement I see is the ability to see the actual influence 
> of the overlap value on the color gradient, wich is cool, but I don't 
> know if it's cool enough to change the whole dialog, that already 
> works fine.
I only had an hour to made the mockup so I don't found the time to 
implement highlight/mid/shadow support or other needful extensions... 
you are right this had to be integrated for future mockups -  and even I 
have to go step by step - next version will show a lot more maybe... ;-)

Until today nobody has integrated this small cool things in a standard 
image editing application - not even that small things... (what sense 
made it to figure out complex things if even the simple ones are not 
realized? ;-)

> Maybe it would be better for future versions to redesign the dialog 
> adding some real enhancements to the tool, like arbitrary 3-point 
> gradient selection and/or a curve for tweaking. In that case, the use 
> of a wheel is better than a linear scale because it matches better 
> with the well known color wheel scheme.

You are absolutely right - lets go and start with this - I really would 
enjoy to integrate all this things into a mockup and discuss pros and 

> Gez.
> p.s.: I support the idea that Campbell Barton suggested a couple of 
> days ago. Maybe it would be better to create a new mailing list 
> focused on functionality discussion. This would avoid the frequent 
> conflict user requests vs. developers priorities and would bring some 
> fresh ideas for the project.
> I don't want to bug any developer with functionality requests if this 
> list is only focused on coding, but I'd really like to have a place 
> for discussing features and useability issues that are also very 
> important for the overall  quality of Gimp.
That would be really great!
I'm a bit modest with posting here because of that...
And where to find the people from the GUI wiki?

Best Regards

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Hue-Saturation tool with gradients

2007-08-15 Thread Sven Neumann

On Wed, 2007-08-15 at 14:41 -0300, Guillermo Espertino wrote:

> Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that mockup basically aims to change 
> the aspect of the dialog without adding any enhancement. The tool does 
> exactly the same but the dialog looks like Photoshop's one.
> The only improvement I see is the ability to see the actual influence of 
> the overlap value on the color gradient, wich is cool, but I don't know 
> if it's cool enough to change the whole dialog, that already works fine.
> Maybe it would be better for future versions to redesign the dialog 
> adding some real enhancements to the tool, like arbitrary 3-point 
> gradient selection and/or a curve for tweaking. In that case, the use of 
> a wheel is better than a linear scale because it matches better with the 
> well known color wheel scheme.

I agree with this. We should take our time to look at this tool and how
it could be improved to become really useful. A first start would be to
write down some usage scenarios where this tool could be useful. Then
perhaps evalulate how well the current implementation and the PS tool
deal with it.


Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Hue-Saturation tool with gradients

2007-08-15 Thread Guillermo Espertino
Marius B wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems that nobody is interested in this enhancement, but IMO it`s a
> nice feature that is worth discussing.
> I would like to hear your opinion about my mockup of this dialog
> in bugreport
> I know it`s not perfect, but it`s obvious for me, that the current one
> needs some redesign.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that mockup basically aims to change 
the aspect of the dialog without adding any enhancement. The tool does 
exactly the same but the dialog looks like Photoshop's one.
The only improvement I see is the ability to see the actual influence of 
the overlap value on the color gradient, wich is cool, but I don't know 
if it's cool enough to change the whole dialog, that already works fine.
Maybe it would be better for future versions to redesign the dialog 
adding some real enhancements to the tool, like arbitrary 3-point 
gradient selection and/or a curve for tweaking. In that case, the use of 
a wheel is better than a linear scale because it matches better with the 
well known color wheel scheme.


p.s.: I support the idea that Campbell Barton suggested a couple of days 
ago. Maybe it would be better to create a new mailing list focused on 
functionality discussion. This would avoid the frequent conflict user 
requests vs. developers priorities and would bring some fresh ideas for 
the project.
I don't want to bug any developer with functionality requests if this 
list is only focused on coding, but I'd really like to have a place for 
discussing features and useability issues that are also very important 
for the overall  quality of Gimp.

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Hue-Saturation tool with gradients

2007-08-15 Thread Guillermo Espertino
Marius B wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems that nobody is interested in this enhancement, but IMO it`s a
> nice feature that is worth discussing.
> I would like to hear your opinion about my mockup of this dialog
> in bugreport
> I know it`s not perfect, but it`s obvious for me, that the current one
> needs some redesign.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that mockup basically aims to change 
the aspect of the dialog without adding any enhancement. The tool does 
exactly the same but the dialog looks like Photoshop's one.
The only improvement I see is the ability to see the actual influence of 
the overlap value on the color gradient, wich is cool, but I don't know 
if it's cool enough to change the whole dialog, that already works fine.
Maybe it would be better for future versions to redesign the dialog 
adding some real enhancements to the tool, like arbitrary 3-point 
gradient selection and/or a curve for tweaking. In that case, the use of 
a wheel is better than a linear scale because it matches better with the 
well known color wheel scheme.


p.s.: I support the idea that Campbell Barton suggested a couple of days 
ago. Maybe it would be better to create a new mailing list focused on 
functionality discussion. This would avoid the frequent conflict user 
requests vs. developers priorities and would bring some fresh ideas for 
the project.
I don't want to bug any developer with functionality requests if this 
list is only focused on coding, but I'd really like to have a place for 
discussing features and useability issues that are also very important 
for the overall  quality of Gimp.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Hue-Saturation tool with gradients

2007-08-15 Thread Danko Dolch
Hi Marius!

I think there are people interested in this enhancement, but it depends 
on how it is prepared and presented.
Currently all dev. stuff is working hardly on 2.4 release so they are a 
bit busy. ;-)

It's usual to write a C patch and try to get it accepted by the dev. here.
Ok currently I' cant provide a C patch but I'm interested in GIMP dev. - 
what to do?

First I think we have to discuss UI questions with the UI guys at
(hmm - how best to do this?)

Second we have to completely work out the thing to motivate a dev. to 
implement the changes.

I would like to further discuss your enhancement - please contact me via 
private mail so that we can start to work on this... [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--> Some comments to your enhancement post:

01. Yes good idea (but never speak out the evil word pho***o* - dev. are 
a bit sensitive to it ;-)
02. We definitely have to extend the color editing tools because motion 
picture compositing software has far more powerful tools for color 
editing available.
03. a first quick and dirty proof from my side for everyone interested:

Best Regards


Marius B wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems that nobody is interested in this enhancement, but IMO it`s a
> nice feature that is worth discussing.
> I would like to hear your opinion about my mockup of this dialog
> in bugreport
> I know it`s not perfect, but it`s obvious for me, that the current one
> needs some redesign.
>> Yesterday I filled a bugreport 461658 about this, but I was advised,
>> better to discus this matter here. There I have attached the patch and
>> a mockup.
>> Currently, hue-saturation tool dialog has master button surrounded 
>> with 6 color
>> boxes, whitch changes its color while regulating 
>> hue/lightness/saturation
>> values. Unfortunately it makes this dialog unnesasary big and akward 
>> to use.
>> So my enhancement proposal would be to make this dialog look more like
>> photoshop`s, but of course, not identical. In my opinion, those two hsl
>> gradients can show quite alot information, even without looking at 
>> the modified
>> picture itself. Most important, you can see seamless color 
>> transitions, and
>> compare to the original gradient.
>> As a start, I just added those two gradients, without radicaly 
>> changing this
>> meniu.
>> I should mention, that I encountered a problem with current svn 
>> version, that
>> gimp_gradient_get_color_at function now requires gimpcontext, thou it is
>> absolutely unnecessary in this case, so I dont know how to get it, 
>> and for now,
>> I just made it optional in there.
> Looking forward to healthy discussion
> Marius
> ___
> Gimp-developer mailing list
> Gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Hue-Saturation tool with gradients

2007-08-14 Thread Marius B

It seems that nobody is interested in this enhancement, but IMO it`s a
nice feature that is worth discussing.
I would like to hear your opinion about my mockup of this dialog
in bugreport

I know it`s not perfect, but it`s obvious for me, that the current one
needs some redesign.

> Yesterday I filled a bugreport 461658 about this, but I was advised,
> better to discus this matter here. There I have attached the patch and
> a mockup.
> Currently, hue-saturation tool dialog has master button surrounded with 6 
> color
> boxes, whitch changes its color while regulating hue/lightness/saturation
> values. Unfortunately it makes this dialog unnesasary big and akward to use.
> So my enhancement proposal would be to make this dialog look more like
> photoshop`s, but of course, not identical. In my opinion, those two hsl
> gradients can show quite alot information, even without looking at the 
> modified
> picture itself. Most important, you can see seamless color transitions, and
> compare to the original gradient.
> As a start, I just added those two gradients, without radicaly changing this
> meniu.
> I should mention, that I encountered a problem with current svn version, that
> gimp_gradient_get_color_at function now requires gimpcontext, thou it is
> absolutely unnecessary in this case, so I dont know how to get it, and for 
> now,
> I just made it optional in there.

Looking forward to healthy discussion
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Hue-Saturation tool with gradients

2007-07-30 Thread Marius B

Yesterday I filled a bugreport 461658 about this, but I was advised,
better to discus this matter here. There I have attached the patch and
a mockup.

Currently, hue-saturation tool dialog has master button surrounded with 6 color
boxes, whitch changes its color while regulating hue/lightness/saturation
values. Unfortunately it makes this dialog unnesasary big and akward to use.

So my enhancement proposal would be to make this dialog look more like
photoshop`s, but of course, not identical. In my opinion, those two hsl
gradients can show quite alot information, even without looking at the modified
picture itself. Most important, you can see seamless color transitions, and
compare to the original gradient.

As a start, I just added those two gradients, without radicaly changing this

I should mention, that I encountered a problem with current svn version, that
gimp_gradient_get_color_at function now requires gimpcontext, thou it is
absolutely unnecessary in this case, so I dont know how to get it, and for now,
I just made it optional in there.
Gimp-developer mailing list